thousands of plastic eggs, to
baking in a shower cap, to setting a place for
"Kate's future husband" at the dinner table, to denying she knows anything about this week's
upcoming custody hearing, to
blocking a loyal fan and paying cruise customer from Twitter, Kate's Easter was a sometimes hysterical more often creepy glimpse into her descent into madness.
And the paparazzi arrived just in time to capture it all.
FYI, until further notice, Realitytvkids.com now has a policy of blurring the children's faces in photos.
1132 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1132 Newer› Newest»Admin: Thanks for the new post and for blotting the kids' faces out. We have last year's hunt, Friday's hunt, Sunday's hunt...wow, those kids sure have fun!
To me the "Easter outfits' Kate laid out ceremonially don't look all that different from the other dresses the girls wore...
BTW was it warm enough in PA for sleeveless dresses and sandals? It sue wasn't here in the northeast.
(I mean in terms of one set being dressier than the other necessitating a need to change...because those are last year's!) Different footwear too.
The boys and the girls look as if they are dressed for two different climates! If the girls were comfortable, the boys had to be too warm.
Tried posting on the last thread but it wouldn't go through.
I think Kate's plan was to make the boys go in to change giving the (favored) girls extra time to find more eggs.
She is getting more loathesome by the hour now, whereas before it was only daily.
Bringing this over from the previous thread because I really hope Gypsi thinks this thing through. (Maybe someone on Twitter has alerted her to the comments here?)
Comment from previous post:
Gypsi would be smart to cancel the Kruise now before it costs her even more to go.
She will feel twice as abused if she goes and realizes that she has paid to be treated like dirt in person.
Gypsi has now seen the REAL Kate in action. That's what she'll get on the Kruise, too, if it ever happens.
Sometimes you have to lose a little money to save yourself from losing a LOT.
I really feel for Gypsi. I think she had absolutely no idea who Kate was, and really fell for the "mom of 8" act due to her own good heart.
She knows better now, and I hope she acts on the knowledge, instead of putting herself out there for more disrespect and hostility.
I'm still not convinced it was the paps who took the pictures...I still think Kate herself is selling the photos to make $$$.
I wonder how much Kate makes off the pap photos how much of a cut does she get.?
Even with the cuffs rolled up, those shirts are ridiculously huge for those boys. I know boys don't care about fashion like girls do, but I can't help wondering if it bugs them to wear their clothes that big.
Also, I don't know how the fence line runs, but it appears some of those pictures are taken close to the boundary of the property?? Why put eggs all the way out there?? To get the money shot or something? Sad.
In the small amount of text that goes with the INF pix, "INF photogs" (plural) are specifically mentioned. We know that Chris Watts took the Friday shopping photos. I guess it's possible that Kate hired someone for Sunday and sold the pix herself, rather than setting it up with Chris and splitting the money.
The fact that she does not appear in any of the Easter Sunday photos suggests to me that she deliberately stayed in the house so she can have "plausible deniability" and claim she didn't realize paps were shooting her kids (which of course would be ridiculous). On the other hand, if she herself hired a photog to record this special event, then why wouldn't she be photographed "making memories" with her "thriving" family during their Easter Sunday egg hunt? You know, SuperMom who packed and hid 1,200 eggs for her kids is NOWHERE IN THE FRAME? Doesn't this strike anyone else as bizarre? I think it's entirely possible that she did hire a photog and sold these pix herself.
Whatever the truth may be, I hope Jon will be all over this in court. She should not be able to get away with this crap. It's reprehensible from every angle.
Could it be any more obvious that the "icky" boys are second class citizens? Good Lord, she can afford to spend some of the money those kids made to buy the boys clothes that fit.
*shaking my head*
The future husband thing is really awful. Anyone think it might be Kate's way of giving us a hint at what's to come?
As far as Jon (and Ellen) I'm disgusted with their serial monogamy. She's already living with a new guy, and Jon is off meeting the new gf's family.
Kate is a wretched excuse for a mother, and Jon is not scoring much higher.
*sad for those children*
Gift of grab said... 10
In the small amount of text that goes with the INF pix, "INF photogs" (plural) are specifically mentioned. We know that Chris Watts took the Friday shopping photos. I guess it's possible that Kate hired someone for Sunday and sold the pix herself, rather than setting it up with Chris and splitting the money.
The fact that she does not appear in any of the Easter Sunday photos suggests to me that she deliberately stayed in the house so she can have "plausible deniability" and claim she didn't realize paps were shooting her kids (which of course would be ridiculous). On the other hand, if she herself hired a photog to record this special event, then why wouldn't she be photographed "making memories" with her "thriving" family during their Easter Sunday egg hunt? You know, SuperMom who packed and hid 1,200 eggs for her kids is NOWHERE IN THE FRAME? Doesn't this strike anyone else as bizarre? I think it's entirely possible that she did hire a photog and sold these pix herself.
Whatever the truth may be, I hope Jon will be all over this in court. She should not be able to get away with this crap. It's reprehensible from every angle.
Is she dumb enough to say she didn't know how the paps got the photos.
And she was in the house while grown men where inside her gate taking photos of the 8.
She's even dumber than I thought.
Thank you to everyone for your kind words on Friday.
My sister is pretty quiet and somber today. In a way it was more normal when she was showing a lot of emotion.
Can Jon control his children being exposed on the Internet by their mother?
It is up for debate as to whether Kate calls them as she heads out the door to Target, but these photographers were obviously invited on to her property! She is clearly using the Internet as her new platform to market her children.
I know her argument before she spews it will be, "the kids are used to it", or, "Cara didn't want her picture taken, so I told them not to shoot her" I think Jon should have their privacy protected while they are on their own property, they are minor children!
As for Kate, I see her hungover this morning,(after her Big Box Of Wine Easter Sunday) saying, "Go eat all the chocolate you want, mommy needs to rest right now"
Pity Party said...bringing over from previous thread.
OT, but, FL legislature just passed Caylee's law, which makes lying to police in the case of a missing child punishable for up to 20 years in prison. Casey would have gotten 20 years if it had been in effect when she was found guilty of lying to police. I think it is a positive step in the right direction and I hope it goes nationwide. Close to the heart here. In the case of Haylee (?) Cummings those two would be in jail for 45 years tacking that on to the 25 years they got them on for drug trafficking. Many children will be served well by this law.
Also it looks like there might be an arrest in the Trayvon Martin case.
CNN stays on all the time in my house - just about.
Once a Viewer said... 1
BTW was it warm enough in PA for sleeveless dresses and sandals? It sue wasn't here in the northeast.
Kate is notorious for never dressing the kids appropriately for weather conditions. But then again, she never dresses herself appropriately for the climate either so I guess we really can't expect her to cloth the children in the correc clothing for the temperature or weather conditions. Remember when she would go to NYC in Feb. and wear a short dress, no stockings, no coat etc...Or how many times has she been seen in PA in January wearing open toed shoes? She is clueless.
Those newly planted trees sure didn't keep the pap photos from being taken, now did they?
We're on to you, Kate.
So, did she invite them on the property? There is a picture of a one of someone taking a photo right beside one of the boys. Were we not supposed to see that one?
___Gift of grab said... 10
The fact that she does not appear in any of the Easter Sunday photos suggests to me that she deliberately stayed in the house so she can have "plausible deniability" and claim she didn't realize paps were shooting her kids (which of course would be ridiculous). On the other hand, if she herself hired a photog to record this special event, then why wouldn't she be photographed "making memories" with her "thriving" family during their Easter Sunday egg hunt? You know, SuperMom who packed and hid 1,200 eggs for her kids is NOWHERE IN THE FRAME? Doesn't this strike anyone else as bizarre? I think it's entirely possible that she did hire a photog and sold these pix herself.
Whatever the truth may be, I hope Jon will be all over this in court. She should not be able to get away with this crap. It's reprehensible from every angle.
Someone else mentioned that maybe Kate took those pics herself. That could be why she's not in any of the pics. I wouldn't put it past her. Those kids are only dollar signs for her, not her children.
Or how many times has she been seen in PA in January wearing open toed shoes?
Last Friday, I really wanted to wear sandals but it was just too damn chilly. I wore flat ballet shoes. I had to, it was just too cold to expose feet! So, needless to say, I don't get not being comfortable.
I think the girls look so pretty on Easter, but the boys clothing is once again too big. I know it's not that big of a deal, but Kate obviously takes pride in the girls.
It's very obvious that Kate had a photographer on the property to take photos and then she sold them. With 23 acres, it could have been totally private.
As a mom, I would be embarrassed to send my son to school/church/play in clothes that are too long, to big, too baggy. And they always are dressed like that. I find this really sad. And even sadder s the idea that her Easter egg hunt was staged for photographers. Is there nothing sacred about any holiday for her?
Her placecard husband joke is also pathetic, no matter who was responsible for it. But it did make me consider a Kate/Steve union (the horror). In terms of the children, since I see Steve to be as self-absorbed, cold and selfsh as Kate, what a horrific stepdad/role model he would be in their lives.
OMG. Kate just tweeted that she didn't even know they were taking pics! She's so narcissistic she truly thinks people will believe ANYTHING she says.
@TrippenIn I didnt even know they were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun! 4 minutes ago
I guess the guy taking photos in the kids' faces was invisible? Those photos were not taken with a telephoto lens. No way.
Photographers close enough to touch the kids...photographers on the drive way watching the kids wave to incoming visitors -- and Kate had no idea their pictures were being taken. All I can say is that she needs MORE security and another body guard. Something is just so wrong. Wrong.
You mean Mady didn't run into the house and tell her mom there was a pap out there? Never mind the trees! Kate's really pulling it out of her butt now.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 R
@TrippenIn I didnt even know they were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun!
This is the BIGGEST WHOPPER EVER! How could she NOT know? And if she actually didn't know, can you imagine a more irresponsible parent? Paps are on her property, snapping her kids, and she DOESN'T know? Why wouldn't she be SUING INF right now?
She is totally NOT credible. Surely even her fans can see that.
I think someone mentioned they thought the girl in the white dress maybe was the daughter of the Asian photog. That girl is Mady. Notice she has an ankle bracelet on, just like the photo taken at Target. Kate is allowing her 10 year old to wear makeup. I wonder if the photog was there to specifically shoot Mady and some of the kids? No Cara. Good.
I don't think Chris Watts took those photos. I think it was either Kate or Steve and any close-up shots will be from the Asian guy. Kate and Steve are not good photographers, so if something appears and is very good, we know it was the Asian guy.
She is beyond disgusting allowing this.
OK. She claims that she did not know pictures were being taken. We must then assume that she was not taking the "memory" photos. Where was she? Oh my, the kids are having so much fun finding the million eggs that she stuffed and hid all by herself. She wasn't outside to watch them scampering about. Where was she?
If Kate and Steve were not outside taking the photos, then they were inside "making memories".
The kids would not be waving at a pap taking pictures at them. Remember J hid his face from them. It seems to me that they knew that someone was taking pictures of them. It was more then likely that their mom told them to smile and wave.
Not A Sheeple, I dont understand the need to be in a relationship all the time. I do have friends who are that way. I think Jon is one of these people. He is in need of constant companionship. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the kids dont interact with them until the relationship is serious. I do consider a 2 year relationship to be serious. Its the kind that often ends in marriage. I think that Jon and Ellens relationship ended when it reached a plateau. They were at different stages in their lives. Its hard to keep a relationship going under those circumstances. They ended it before things got ugly. I do have to give them credit for being adults and seeing that the relationship was at an end.
How much does INF/ROL pay for pics like that these days? Does anyone know? I can't imagine that it's much since the show has been over for six months. In fact, if I were a tabloid, I'd make Kate pay me.
Kind of off topic, but I've found a site that is way better than that CC that Kart loves so much. Here's some info about it.
Fatwallet.com started off as a place where discount junkies could share coupons and deals...today, the site is a place for shoppers to compare, share and find thousands of the latest deals, coupons and retailer discount offers.
Best part about the site is once you create a free member account, you earn cash back rewards on everyday purchases and then get paid by check or paypal.
The site also offers shopping tips, scam alerts and personal investment advice.
She "didn't know" pics were being taken w/ a photog IN HER YARD in one of the boy's face. What a LIAR.
Maybe she needs to review the pics before spewing her usual mouthful of lies.
If Kate and Steve were "doing it" as much as most bloggers and tweeters think they are, Kate would have no time to tweet let alone drive kids to school, cook a meal or make it out to Target.
I only see the twitters that are posted above. What comment was sent to Kate prior to her comment that she didn't know they were taking pics? Who is "they"?
She is a loon if she did not know there was an Asian man in her backyard close enough to touch one of the boys. She would have kids who were NEVER educated re: stranger danger.
Oh Jon, please be watching and reading here. You have all the info you need to convince a judge that something is really wrong at the compound.
Sheep Herder, check out http://grocerysmarts.com/ . They do coupon/advertisement match-ups. They even tell you which products are free with coupons. Its a very basic site, but it has valuable information on it. You dont have to create an account to use it.
Kate can't admit to anything can she.?
Someone needs to ask her-"Okay if you didn't know then where were you" or-"If you didn't know how did the pap get into your gate".?
But of course none of her sheep will ask her that why would they.?
Since they believe every single word that comes from her lying mouth.
She had at least two photographers taking pictures of her children (In their own backyard) and she did not know about it. Close up pictures ... now posted on the internet. And, then she goes on to discuss pie crusts.
I can't wrap myself around this kind of maternal insanity.
WOW!! Just WOW!! Kids are in two different outfits and Kate did not know there were photographers ON the property taking pix? There is a guy with a camera not 4 feet away from one of the boys...Mady done up with makeup?...If Kate does not know there are strangers on the property it's a recipe for disaster?...where is Steve the trusted bodyguard?...oh right!! its Kate that needs protecting...Jon are you paying attention?
Is there a reason some don't go the twitter site? It's not like you're giving it hits.
If your read there you won't be confused about what Kate was tweeting about.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller
So what is she saying? That it was one of her "friends" who sold these photos to INF? Really, Kate? You are as transparent as glass. If someone who was authorized to take pix sold these to INF, then you should sue them. Because they obviously aren't your "friends."
Now she has explained that she had multiple friends taking pictures. OK. So, one of her "friends" was willing to sell those photographs to an internet site. Still want to talk about pie crusts, Kate? Really?
Thanks Andrea! I will check it out.
Gift of Grab, 60...thanks. We interpret her absurd explanations the same way. She is so short-sighted that she does not follow the logic/illogic of her comments to the next obvious conclusion.
Kate just makes her life as she goes along doesn't she? No, I didn't know anyone was taking pictures...oh, wait the friends we had over were taking them. She really is close to a total breakdown I believe.
Isn't that the whole point of BASKETS - to put the eggs in the baskets?
I used to give my kids the baskets, hide the eggs and that's what they would use to collect the eggs. I don't know...seems strange to me to collect the eggs in a plastic bag.
Everything that witch does is strange. She's just...strange!
Gift of grab said... 60
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller
So first she didn't know they were taking pic.?
Now and their are friends who took the pics.?
What's next the pcis just magically ended up on INF daily.?
God she is so stupid to stupid to come up with one lie and stick to it.
Okay so the kids have bags of plastic eggs. How do we know they were all stuffed with something? Perhaps she did stuff some but not all. Those poor kids would have had to spend the majority of their day looking for 1200 eggs. I hate myself for always questioning everything she says and does. If she would stop lying and exaggerating maybe I wouldn't.
Cut me a break. "Friends" took photos and OMG, they wind on on INF? Not buying it.
So essentially her friend sold photos of her kids?
Nice dig at Jon, btw.
Controller? What the heck? Okay, it's official, Kate's gone completely off her rocker.
She controls her kids, she controls Jon with custody. I'm starting feel like she thinks she can control everything.
Guess what? The tighter she tries to control things around her the more it's going to spin out of control. Her kids will rebel believe me. This whole Easter of hers was just weird in more ways than one.
A couple of other things that I need to mention. One is that someone mentioned about how perfect her pie crusts were fluted and instead of admitting that they were the pie plates that were fluted she acted like she did it and thanked the person for noticing. and another thing is she is saying she didn't know that her kids were being photographed. I'm sorry but what kind of mother that is so worried about her own well being and safety doesn't notice this happening!!!! So much for her privacy trees. The latest CC blog. No way did she write that. There are too much info on there that can actually be helpful. She hasn't written one thing so far that isn't all about her. Plus she would have written all about her fabulous Easter hunt and guest and blah blah blah. So no I don't believe that was written by her. Maybe CC is trying to do some damage control of their own.
Now she is insinuating that basically since Jon is not around their have been no pap pictures? That woman never ceases to amaze me. She always has a way of running the bus over Jon.
Let's see if she replies to this one (from one of her biggest fans at the IW blog):
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Want 2kill stupid rumor that's been around since pap bikini pic @ Aussie Hotel - That Steve was photog/pap
What do you expect her to do, ADMIT IT? Really, why bother to post a question like this?
Sandi said... 54 WOW!! Just WOW!!
Can I second your WOWs and add in a few of my own? Are we witnessing the complete disintegration of whatever is remaining of Kate's mental health? Confusing anyone? Do I understand that she said: "I didnt even know they were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun!"
And then added to the first lie a few minutes later by saying: "all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller"
Even the sheeple couldn't possibly ignore these whoppers, could they? So in the first lie, she's basically saying that strangers were inside her yard taking pictures of her kids and she was unaware? In the second lie, she says "friends" were taking spring pictures for her? (How'd they end up on the internet?). Psycho kitty.
Tucker's Mom said... 67
Cut me a break. "Friends" took photos and OMG, they wind on on INF? Not buying it.
So essentially her friend sold photos of her kids?
Nice dig at Jon, btw.
I agree. Why would she allow her "friends" (of whom we know she has none!) to bring cameras and sell them to INF when no one is supposed to make money off her kids, except for Kate, of course.
She lies so darn much and for what reason.??
Why all the lies what is the point I just don't see why she lies all the time.
I am sure Kate was inside putting the finishing touches on her lavish spread. lol
Let's see...place setting for Kate's fture husband....
Can the announcement of an engagement be far away....
A summer wedding followed by a cruise paid for by her adoring sheeple...with the number kept low enough for her to whip through her appearances in no time at all. Of course there will be some reason why the twins decided they didn't want to go.
The paps dont have to be on the property to get pics. They have those cameras with the telephoto lenses. I seriously doubt anyone invited to spend Easter day there sold their pics.
If she is the controller, then she is responsible for the INF pics. Period.
Si is kate admitting she sold the pics to INF? If she said her friends took them how did INF get them? Any sheep calling her out for selling her kids Easter?
Her 'sole owner and controller' comment regarding the paps was an direct slam at Jon again.
She's so pathetic and predictable.
Flip-flops kHate? Really? For tromping around in rugged terrain,,,,,in chilly April? Local weathermen & flip-flop supporters need not respond.
Those poor boys look like my students from low socio-economic families who have to wear out-sized castoffs from their cousins cuz Mom blew the welfare check at the casino.
Is Mady wearing makeup? So she will look glam on INF? err,,,in photos that friends take with huge cameras and give to kHate?
And, by the way, who has HUGE cameras these days.
Where is Cara? Running for her dear life over to Uncle Kevin's I pray.
Gathering plastic eggs from Target into a plastic bag from Target? Now that the TLC cameras are no longer rolling, the Gosselin Easter Egg Hunt looks like nothing more than a neighborhood clean-up day.
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller 41 minutes ago
She's so pathetic.
First she didn't know pics were even being taken, but after reading here, she comes up w/ this whopper.
Her non-existent friends didn't just come equipped with cameras, but with HUGE cameras to take pics of the kids.
Okay, Kate, which lie are we supposed to go with? You're in sole control...you tell us which of your lies to believe.
INF indicates the pictures were "posted" by them, so it was not a pap that tooks those pictures. It was someone who took them and submitted to INF for publication. Kate is so far gone that truth is nowhere to be found what is left of her mental capacity.
Looking to make extra cash? Send INF Daily your celebrity pictures, tips, and sightings to infdaily@gmail.com. We’ll publish the best material on our website and we can syndicate your images to magazines and newspapers all over the world through INF Photo. You can make top money, so don’t delay. Time is of the essence – send us your snaps as soon as you shoot ‘em.
If the friends took the photos and gave them to Kate, then didn't she just indirectly admit to being the one who sold them to INF?
Flip-flops kHate? Really? For tromping around in rugged terrain,,,,,in chilly April? Local weathermen & flip-flop supporters need not respond.
It was actually quite nice and sunny and mild yesterday. Kids have been wearing flip-flops on warm days throughout March. What did surprise me, though, was the picture of Kate with white shorts on in the kitchen, and the girls out shopping with shorts and no jackets on a windy day when it struggled to get into the high 50s. It definitely was not weather for shorts.
Did Kate say how INF got the photos?
Another staged event to exploit the children for cash.
"Sole owner and controller" (?????) Well, controller, yes, but I thought the children were the 'owners'.
BM, we dont know who owns the property. Kate could be the official property owner. Or, it could be in a trust for the kids. If its in trust then Kate would be allowed to live there because she is their main guardian. I hope its in trust for the kids. They deserve to have something for all of their hard work.
It's unbelievable the BS that spews forth from Kate's pie hole. She either knew full well those pics were going to be published, or she better get new "friends".
Paula said... 45
Kate just makes her life as she goes along doesn't she? No, I didn't know anyone was taking pictures...oh, wait the friends we had over were taking them. She really is close to a total breakdown I believe.
I have to agree with you Paula.
Come and git cher popcorn!!
BTW, you guys sure have been busy bloggers! I am caught up, but mostly by skimming.
Paula said... 45
Kate just makes her life as she goes along doesn't she?
Sure, when you live in delusion-land in your own head, you CAN just make it up as you go along. And it doesn't even have to make sense! That's the beauty of it.
@SuzeW718 @tallisf @kateplusmy8 Thats what I was thinking! It was very windy here in Central PA!
BF still thinks that she (BF) lives in Central PA. Hershey is NOT in Central PA! It's southeastern PA. Someone needs to tell her to google a map. If she lived in State College or vicinity, then she would be in Central Pa.
Paula said... 45
Kate just makes her life as she goes along doesn't she?
Yes. She lives for the moment. No planning ahead, no looking back and recognizing her mistakes.
I think there's another Kate Doesn't Rate (#34, that wasn't me), so I'm going to be Kate's Going Down.
If you follow her tweets, she wants people to believe that:
1. She didn't even know paparazzi were taking pics that landed on INF. This is the same woman who has done nothing but act put upon and terrorized by paparazzi (LOL) for YEARS and she claims first that she didn't even know! La dee da!
2. Then, she claims there were ONLY friends there taking pictures, NOT paps. I guess she realized how bad it sounded to be completely unaware of paps taking pictures of her kids on or near her property.
But the pics are on INF. **Someone** sold the pics to INF. That's a fact.
If Kate's version is to be believed, then one of her friends sold pictures of the kids to INF for money.
Wouldn't that make her extremely angry? Remember, NO ONE gets to make money off those kids except HER.
The other possibilities are:
1. She took those pictures and sold them to INF (with some help figuring out how to do that--remember, she can't get through an airport on her own).
2. She called a pap to take them and got her share of the cut. She instructed the kids to wave at the photog.
ANY of these three possibilities (the friend doing it without her knowledge or permission, her doing it, or her doing it in collusion with a pap) are DISTURBING AS HELL.
We thought we saw desperate before, but we're really seeing it now. Her act (oh my, tee hee, I didn't even know!) is so ludicrous it's pathetic. I doubt even her fans believe this line of BS. Someone who is as mega-controlling as her having no idea someone took pics and then sold them to INF for a profit? No way.
She was totally behind all of it.
And that placecard last night was just to get people talking. It didn't even make any sense. It was yet another good example of her increasing desperation. She wants attention so badly it's eating her alive.
Speaking of, can I please strongly recommend no one go to the CC blog to read her tips for couponing online? They are nothing but "get email alerts!" and other tips from 2004. Again, not helpful. And please for the love of God, don't comment on that blog entry. I'm begging you. I want CC to see just how UNINTERESTING she is.
PatK said... 70
It's unbelievable the BS that spews forth from Kate's pie hole. She either knew full well those pics were going to be published, or she better get new "friends".
There are no friends. This is simply Kate calling INF and Radar to makes a few bucks off her kids. Nothing new here- her kids will always be for sale as long as Kate has anything to do with it. And she is obviously more desperate now than ever. Pretending to hate the very paps she is now calling- pathetic. Hell, she even told the kids to smile and wave. Anything for a buck for Kate.
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller 57 minutes ago
Gobsmacking amazing how the lies just roll off her tongue. Hmm, no paps on her property and yet just somehow the pics are on the 'net. More crazy language - she is the sole 'controller' - WTF?
Glad she had enough leftover egg casserole to feed 8 kids this am - a Tblsp here, a bunny ear there, yum.
Wondering why you only posted the pic of the boys in their vests and long pants?...other photos show the boys in shorts and red, green and grey t shirts...the girls also have different hair styles in different shots...those boys certainly are quick change artists...
What I love is that one minute she acts caught off guard...like really? I didn't even know they were there. But then minutes later, she very confidently declares that they have absolutely NOT been there since SHE became SOLE owner and controller of the property.
A normal person might just stop and think wait a minute...I might be tripping myself up here. Let me see if I can finesse this. But not Kate. She just confidently plows right back in it again.
And Kate's fake friends had BIG cameras. What a liar she is. She called someone to take close up shots of her kids and sold them to Radar and INF. Admit it Kate, you are hitting rock bottom. Her lies are simply exhausting. I guess admitting you are selling your kids out is shameful, as it should be.
Wow, wow, wow, just wow. She is cold busted.
First of all, it is a well known fact that Kate has no friends. For sake of argument, let's say she has a couple. WHY would those people want to spend Easter with Kate instead of their own families? It doesn't add up and it just didn't happen.
Here's how I think it went down. Kate called Chris to photograph she and the twins shopping trip to Target so a little Easter egg hunt buzz could be created. IMO, part of the deal included she and Skeeve taking pictures of the kids on Sunday to be sold to INF. INF makes it very clear (and not by accident IMO) that their photogs took the pictures of the Friday Target shopping. They then make NO claims about where the egg hunt pictures came from. Usually, when you click on the properties of a Kate picture on INF, copyright Chris Watts is in the properties. The egg hunt pics say nothing. The properties say the pics were created on 4/9 which makes me think the pics were uploaded to INF early this morning. On Preesi, Preesi hints that she knows something but is staying mum.
To cover her flat ass because this STINKS to high heaven, Kate makes a thinly veiled slam at Jon by saying there has not been a pap on her property since she's been the sole owner and proprietor of the property. It makes my blood boil. As usual, Kate's deflecting, deflecting, deflecting. Bitch. I would bet the farm that she sold pictures of her kids to INF because she just can't stand having to raise these kids without making a buck off them. When questioned about the origin of ths pics she has to say "no, no, no, me good- Jon bad, Jon bad, remember?" Again, epic fail on Kate's part. She thinks she is so slick and clever to claim paps she didn't even notice took these pics. If paps took these pics why isn't she in ANY of them????????
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller about an hour ago
LIE # 2,356,715
The little boy with the really large clothes on isn't a Gosselin. He must be a friend they invited. Either way he's not a tup.
Weren't the TLC employees "friends and family"? More of Kate's exploitation of her kids with a lie. Imagine that!
Liar, liar, pants on fire is what I say about this Gosselin mess. Of course Kate knew about the pictures being taken. Just because she is delusional and believes she can fool the public doesn't mean we are falling for her tall tales. About the "over the top" numbers of filled plastic eggs, it's another attempt to make herself look like "parent of the year." It's not working. She spews this junk out of her mouth so easily that it has become second nature.
Wayward said:
I would bet the farm that she sold pictures of her kids to INF because she just can't stand having to raise these kids without making a buck off them. When questioned about the origin of ths pics she has to say "no, no, no, me good- Jon bad, Jon bad, remember?" Again, epic fail on Kate's part. She thinks she is so slick and clever to claim paps she didn't even notice took these pics. If paps took these pics why isn't she in ANY of them????????
And I say:
And may I just add:
Hater hate (nice name, by the way): every boy in every one of those pictures is a tup. Even when you can't see a face, you can see he's wearing the same shorts as his brothers, same sandals, and you can match the t-shirts from the shots where they are facing the camera.
Good try, though. (snort)
There were no friends there.
So far we have only seen photos. Wait until videos surface. I would imagine she will collect more $$ for videos than pictures.
I hope Jon is on top of all this. It looks like the reality show is continuing without his consent.
We should have know Kate was planning this. That's why she didn't tweet any kid or egg hunt pics. Tabloids aren't paying for pics that people have already seen on her twitter feed.
WHY would those people want to spend Easter with Kate instead of their own families? It doesn't add up and it just didn't happen.
I with you on that one. I really wonder why anyone would want pics of the kids for themselves. The pics were taken for Kate and she sold them.
If we are to believe there were no paps and we can see perfectly well that the photos were taken on the property, then whoever tookt hem sold them or Kate sold them.
So cold busted.
I hope Jon can put an end to this BS.
Damn, good point, hoosiergirl. Of course.
The only time we were ever with non-family members on Easter was at church or at church egg hunts or community egg hunts, like at a city park.
Other than that, Easter was for family. I didn't know anyone who randomly had other kids over.
wayward said....
To cover her flat ass because this STINKS to high heaven, Kate makes a thinly veiled slam at Jon by saying there has not been a pap on her property since she's been the sole owner and proprietor of the property. It makes my blood boil.
It makes my blood boil too. In fact, it ticks me off more than all the lying about the photos. I don't think it's even a veiled slam...but is a slap right upside his head.
She's being caught in a lie but does that rattle her? No...she even manages to fit in a nice big slam to the the father of her children. Not only to deflect but whenever it's even remotely implied that she might be to blame for something....it's all HIS fault.
I don't ever remember Jon allowing paps ONTO their property (only remember him allowing fans up by the fence) but even if he did, what the hell does that have to do with the photos taken THIS past Sunday?
LOL maybe the pap are the friends that she was referring to.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
...it's all over!The last of r guests hav gone, house is still in partial disarray,all r well fed,very well candied (includingmommy!)& happy
They are Children,NOT commodities.
"all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller"
Kate has friends?...
So let me get this straight-
According to Kate, her "friends" took photos of her kids, and then gave them to her?
I thought in an earlier tweet that Kate was not aware that her kids were being photograghed- now she claims that her "friends" took photos and gave them to her?
There are three possibilities here:
either Kate sold the photos to INF, or
one of her "friends" sold the photos to INF, or
a pap was allowed onto the Gosselin property,
to take the photos.
I'm waiting for Kate or her sheeple to blame the Easter bunny for selling the photos to INF.
The camera was cleverly concealed in its bow tie.
O.k., how did INF get these photos?
hoosiergirl said... 89
We should have know Kate was planning this. That's why she didn't tweet any kid or egg hunt pics. Tabloids aren't paying for pics that people have already seen on her twitter feed.
That IS an excellent point.
I was even wondering myself why she'd only shown a bin of plastic eggs next to some unidentified sneakers.
Yeah....that explains it.
I have a sneaking suspicion Kate is grooming Mady for some kind of reality pageant show she'd like to pitch at another producer. She knows she can't find a job on her own steam and as far as talent goes she doesn't have any of her own so she's relying on her kids once again to do the job FOR her. That witch doesn't have maternal bone in her body. Sole owner and controller? Nope, Kate is a soulless controller. Period.
@TrippenIn I didnt even know they were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun!
"Oh my! I don't even lie well! Pics in the tabloids should make me mad! But since I'm not mad, I must be behind them! Yay! I was hoping no one would tweet them to me and make me explain! Oh my! ('Oh my!' does sound like what I should say if I'm REALLY surprised, doesn't it??) Oh my! The kids has SO much fun! Yay! Love, K8 xo"
AuntieAnn said... 98
I have a sneaking suspicion Kate is grooming Mady for some kind of reality pageant show she'd like to pitch at another producer. She knows she can't find a job on her own steam and as far as talent goes she doesn't have any of her own so she's relying on her kids once again to do the job FOR her. That witch doesn't have maternal bone in her body. Sole owner and controller? Nope, Kate is a soulless controller. Period.
I agree with you, AuntieAnn. Kate is eyeing Mady with thoughts as to how to "sell" her to some reality show. "Grooming" is a very good word.
Auntie Ann~
How about "soul" owner and controller....the souls of her children.
I must say...if that was Mady in the white dress in those photos....she's really becoming quite a beautiful young lady.
If Kate worked as hard as she does about lying maybe she would have an actual job by now. She says she works hard, which I believe...well, sort of. I believe she works really hard at trying to keep track of her lies, trying to pretend she and her kids are still semi-reality famous and still trying to be just as every bit as mean as he can towards others who don't agree with her. That's got be hard work in the end.
Her being exhausted, well, having drama, trauma and or other fiasco in your life for an extended period of time that you created, sure, I'll bet it's exhausting.
I still think she she put as much effort as she does into trying to make herself look good into looking for a job she wouldn't need to be crying poor and or otherwise.
Cindy's last cruise tweet was on April 7. Is this house of cards about to tumble, too?
I thought your comment above re Kate's "descent into madness" was a little extreme when I first read it, Admin. But after the tweets about the pics, I think you nailed it.
since I've been sole owner and controller"
She said it all right there. SHE SOLD THE PICS TO IFN. Remember, NO ONE MAKES MONEY BUT US. I wonder how many other pics. she sold to tabs.
It said an "ING photographer was on hand" or something in the article...
I know now why Kate is all ways tired and exhausted.
All the time exploiting and using your kids for your own gain is tiresome.
Mady is quite attractive in that photo although make-up if applied properly can make the hind end of a horse look good. (and NO sheeple, don't get your little woolies in a bunch, I'm not referring to Mady, her mother maybe, NOT Mady)
I wonder how long Kate's been painting them up and readying them, treating them like they're exhibits at a 4H fair. As someone else said, we see right through you Kate.
dee3 - "soul" owner and controller is much more appropriate and in her own words, too. lol.
Her comment re "sole owner and controller" might be a slam to TLC also. Didn't we think their attorney's name was on the mortgage until she re-financed awhile ago. While they were filming, they could have retained some kind of control (and contribution) toward the home.
Still does not explain how private pictures of her children popped up on INF.
One other insulting thought....if she helped stage the photo, why didn't she do a better job of it. Get some cute baskets instead of store bags, for instance. That egg hunt is not a celebrity-style event. Kate needs to read Tori Spelling's new book.
Gift of grab said... 103
Cindy's last cruise tweet was on April 7. Is this house of cards about to tumble, too?
I thought your comment above re Kate's "descent into madness" was a little extreme when I first read it, Admin. But after the tweets about the pics, I think you nailed it.
Maybe she got canned for revealing a potential traveler's name on twitter?
This could be such a lose lose for Kate if the court, or rather Jon's lawyer plays it right. 1-She had pics. taken and sold to tabs. 2-She didn't sell the pics and she is not telling the truth of paps on property, which puts her kids in danger because she was not there to protect them. She can't claim "not knowing" and still say she protects them. She can't claim she is not filming them for money, because INF has the pics. She sure hung herself this time. Hope Jon knows to play this right.
Maybe she got canned for revealing a potential traveler's name on twitter?
Maybe she was away for the Easter holiday? I wouldn't count on her being out just yet...
Hey guys?
I noticed the number of people Kate is following is down by one. I took a look at the list and Cindy Cardella is missing.
She will never ever stop exploiting the 8 unless someone makes her.
This whole photo fiasco is turning out to be the ultimate tangled web. Kate never should have said anything at all about them. No comment, not even addressed the photos on INF. The more you try to concoct a story, the more trouble you find yourself in. This has been her problem all along. She just can't zip it, and she can't dig herself out of the holes that she manages to make for herself. She just doesn't THINK!
So there it is. Kate's "friends" (or Kate) sold the pix to INF. Straight from the horse-mouth.
@TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Kate, the one pic shows the photog right by Joel. Obviously you knew they were there...or that's kinda scary.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXXX @TrippenIn lol. Those were friends taking pics... Not pap!
She sold pix of her kids to a tab. Jon? Is this enough to get her rights terminated?
Dmasy said... 108
"Her comment re "sole owner and controller" might be a slam to TLC also. Didn't we think their attorney's name was on the mortgage until she re-financed awhile ago. While they were filming, they could have retained some kind of control (and contribution) toward the home."
I think I took it to be aimed at Jon because of the implication that ever since SHE became the sole owner, no paps had been allowed on the property...as opposed to someone else who DID allow paps on the property when they shared ownership. Technically, she could have meant TLC or the attorneys....but the implication would be that THEY allowed paps on the property?
I immediately took it to be Jon because it always seemed to bug her that he allowed people to come up to the fence and even signed autographs for them....and it sounded like she was getting back at him for that.
"One other insulting thought....if she helped stage the photo, why didn't she do a better job of it. Get some cute baskets instead of store bags, for instance. That egg hunt is not a celebrity-style event. Kate needs to read Tori Spelling's new book."
That's the beauty that is Kate. She can't decide if she's looking for admiration as the clever, crafty mom or for sympathy as the single, financially-strapped mom.
The picture of their Easter baskets was kinda comical. I was rather taken aback at the variety...for no rhyme or reason...of the various shapes and sizes of the non-matched baskets. Looked like a motley collection of baskets for a role-model mom.
And that little spread she took a photo of recently...with the shrimp ring. I mean really, it was laughable.
I'm not even sure she knows who she's supposed to be anymore.
Had that been Jon if he had the pap at his house and he said what Kate said.
Kate would be blasting his and so would her twitter followers.
We would never hear the end of it if the situation was reversed.
Kate's Going Down said... 112
Hey guys?
I noticed the number of people Kate is following is down by one. I took a look at the list and Cindy Cardella is missing.
Whoa!! (or woah?...j/k)
Perhaps someone got fired?
Just catching up and saw this on the previous thread. I don’t follow twitter except for what’s above. If Kate really said something to this effect, it is beyond insensitive, it’s APPALING.
The Whole Damn World said... 117
Hey Kate,
Please don't compare running from the Nazis to running from paparazzi. It's not just illogical, it's also insensitive.
The Whole Damn World
Yep, I've checked on my ipad, phone and on the computer just to make sure and she's no longer following Cindy.
I even took a scroll through the nearly 2000 people Cindy is following to see if SHE is still following Kate and she is. But Kate is no longer following her. And I KNOW she was following her, she was fairly high up on the list (it's shown in chronological order by when you followed them and Kate doesn't follow many people, so Cindy was still three or four from the top).
ANYONE she re-tweets, she follows, she's too lazy to do otherwise. And Cindy is gone.
That can't be accidental, just like her blocking gypsi (twice) wasn't accidental.
dee3, I think someone hijacked Kate's Going Down (it happened to her earlier today). Kate NEVER followed Cindy. The people she follows has been at 29 for quite a while now.
Kate's Going Down is me and has always been me. She used to follow Cindy Cardella. She follows everyone she re-tweets. I just looked at her follow list the other day and Cindy was there.
If I'm mistaken, I do apologize, but I'm very certain she was following Cindy. Why would she not be?
So Kate is sticking to this story that "friends" took all those pictures.
So where's her outrage that a FRIEND apparently SOLD the pictures of her kids on Easter to INF????
She's not even smart enough to fake some outrage! Good God. She can't even be bothered to lie right.
(I'm dropping the Cindy thing. Maybe I was mistaken. But this is me and has always been me. I was posting as Kate Doesn't Rate, but I see someone else took that name so I changed to this.)
Ooops,she did it again and I caught her in a lie. I checked the exif data on those INF photos and they are copyrighted Chris Watts, even the ones with the children waving. If you want to see for yourself download Opanda Exif Viewer, save the picture to your computer then open in Opanda. It shows they were edited with Photoshop CS and are copyrighted to Chris. They were submitted @ 9:34 this morning.
Dee3, 116....I think you are right. She does not know which way to play her game, so she just confuses us. She can't package herself as a crafty, cute or clever mom. She has no sense of style. Cute is beyond her imagination or reach. Under the care of TLC, there was some match-matchy visual success. Now, nothing. Her children look just like the neighbor's kids. (That is good for them.) There is absolutely nothing wrong with being every-one-else-on-the-block, but she is trying to sell us something and there is nothing to buy!
@Kateplusmy8 Obvious pics fr INF r taken fr side property...Chris has the tools2get those shots. Kate would nevr hav dealins w/snarky INF!!
Okay, everyone, stop guessing! Kate's PR person has spoken.
Hmmm, noticed it shows 8:55 a.m. on INF, but Opanda shows 4/9/2101 9:34:43 a.m. as date/time? Don't know why that is. If you doubt me about Chris Watts (sheeple) I encourage you to download Opanda (it's free) to see for yourself. And no it is not a virus. If, however, you want to follow the rest of the sheep over the edge of the cliff I cannot stop you.
Like I said be4 if your going to be a liar at least be a good one and stick to one lie.
Now Kate will "find out" Chris Watts took the pictures and cue her fake outrage in 3, 2, 1...
God, she's so predictable.
If the Easter pictures were taken by Chris, he would have been given credit for the pictures. He was not.
One thing's for sure: if you believe her story, she looks like a blooming idiot for not even questioning where those INF pics came from.
If you believe she took them or was in cahoots with the pap, she looks like an awful parent, still clinging desperately onto the idea that she can sell her kids' privacy for a quick buck.
GROSS either way.
What's next -- thank you. Another clue.
Really, Kate should be upset either way. If a pap took the pictures, the kids have neither privacy or safety. If a trusted friend sold the pictures, the kids have neither privacy or safety. This is an occasion where we would understand if Kate was in a drama storm. She does not seem to care.
I just get lost trying to understand the world the way she does.
So let's say there are 2 batches of photos Milo. One's by Chris and ones by friends with huge cameras.
Still...how did the friend photos end up on INF?
How did no one spot Chris. I thought kate has security. Does security only help kate and not the kids?
In attempting to, yet again, throw Jon under the bus by intimating that the paps are not around when she is "in control", she outed herself as the one who sold the pictures to INF. Karma, she's a coming, and she don't play, Katie Irene.
I thought Kate had those HUGE trees planted JUST for privacy from the paps?
I thought the paps bothered her SO MUCH and yet in the first tweet today about it, in which the link to INF is sent to her, she acts like "oh, ha! I didn't even know they were there!"
Please, like anyone is really supposed to believe that she DIDN'T KNOW? And again, the trees. They were planted specifically to block the view.
If she didn't tell so many lies, she wouldn't get caught in them so much.
My guess is that Kate will start backtracking very soon. It's bad to be the one to sell your kids photos to a gossip site. I will bet that she will soon admit that perhaps the paps were around and taking pictures.
Ziggy on twitter had this to say:
Could be she sent Jon the pics and Jon sold them? His style. INF is Jon's baby.
WOW. So now she was just a KIND person who sent all these pics to her ex husband who then SOLD them to INF?
Except now most of the sheep have moved on to explaining the pics as pap pics by pointing out none of the kids are looking at the camera, so they didn't know their picture was being taken. So that contradicts Ziggy's theory about Jon, doesn't it?
And who is to say those are all the pictures? They could have just put the ones up in which the kids aren't looking at the camera. Big deal. Who is to say there aren't others in which they are looking at the camera. They also aren't looking at Asian guy in that one pic, either.
The sheeple refuse to see the blatant contradictions in what Kate says and are tying themselves in illogical knots just to explain things. It's funny to watch, really.
Correction to be exact:
Date Time 2012-04-09 09:34:43
New CC post
I'll c&p it so no one will have to give them a hit:
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Boy, she sure makes her kids sound greedy...more, more ,more!! And 'laying' around...no grammar check. Nope, I did not learn anything new. I have on-line coupons already, thanks K8.
So tired of Kate's lies. Of course she SOLD the Easter pictures.
Isn't it curious how there were no pictures of Cara? Well of course no pictures of Cara because Cara told Kate "no way - don't take and sell my picture".
And isn't it curious how there are no pictures of the "two little friends" that Kate said were visiting and joining in on the Easter egg hunt?
Either she lied about them visiting (we all know how much she lies).
Or their parents said "No way - don't take and sell MY kids pictures. EDIT out my children because I want to PROTECT MY kids PRIVACY even if you don't protect yours!"
Just very curious how Cara and the "little friends" are missing in all the pictures?
And of course there are no pictures of Kate and "Body Guard" Steve. She did not approve to have Steve or the hired pap to take pictures of her and Steve. Nor did she approve to SELL them to INF.
Just another "episode" of Kate's pathetic life that she SOLD to the media to make money because she refuses to get a real job to support the kids.
Paula said... 130
If the Easter pictures were taken by Chris, he would have been given credit for the pictures. He was not.
Don't know why he was not credited. All I know is that Opanda's EXIF data shows the photos as copyright Chris Watts. Had he not taken them they could not be copyrighted to him, they would be another photographer's intellectual property.
How nice.. Mommy protects herself and Steve but sells out the kids. It's sickening to think she allowed her kids Easter to be a photo op for INF yet doesn't have the balls to admit it.
Didn't the daily photos stop when PB put up the privacy trees where they could no longer be photographed in front of the house? A pap would have to go off road onto someone else's property like the guy did who got the shots of KT "striping" L's legs as my mother would say. I guess he is the one who made so much money he hired a helicopter.
Well, her fans are insisting that these are pap pix, and OF COURSE Kate had nothing to do with them. If that's true, where is Kate's outrage? She freaks if a pap gets her at Target. But while she's at home on Easter Sunday, and her children are outdoors frolicking, and she's nowhere in sight, she doesn't say ANYTHING about how disgusted she is on Twitter after 20+ photos of her kids show up online?
Here's brilliant milo's take on it--is she really suggesting that NO ONE (kids or "friends" with HUGE cameras) noticed the paps? Cause we know what the kids do when they spot paps, they hide their faces, run off, CERTAINLY they would say something to MOMMY.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 What can Kate do? They did not ask HER permission! Pap takes pics&then sells them unknown2her! Nothin she can do
8m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@XXXXXX The trees that were planted protect front view&play area N front of garage! No pics there...these seem2b open spaces at side!
45m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Obvious pics fr INF r taken fr side property...Chris has the tools2get those shots. Kate would nevr hav dealins w/snarky INF!!
48m Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 So we hav pic of kids wavin&some assume their wavin2paps? LOL How abt kids wavin2friends? We know how kids feel abt paps!
It is disheartening to see just exactly how delusional so many of these people are.
Oh and no way KT wrote that blog, they must have given her a break today, because it is way too coherent and too focused on CC to be her mindless drivel.
If Kate did write that article for Coupon Cabin, then she is finally getting what her job should BE -- and, it only took 6 months to catch on.
She does not know which way to play her game, so she just confuses us. She can't package herself as a crafty, cute or clever mom. She has no sense of style. Cute is beyond her imagination or reach. Under the care of TLC, there was some match-matchy visual success. Now, nothing. Her children look just like the neighbor's kids. (That is good for them.) There is absolutely nothing wrong with being every-one-else-on-the-block, but she is trying to sell us something and there is nothing to buy!
That's exactly what I meant. You worded it better and you hit the nail right on the head. It's never really been about if she was classy or not...it was about what she was trying to sell. She wouldn't have gotten nearly as much personal criticism if she'd not been trying to sell what she's not.
I'd almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't so unlikeable. She doesn't seem to have a clue, at this point, what it is she's supposed to be selling....or even trying to sell. She really fell on her face once TLC exited the picture.
Kate's Going Down~
I've never been a twitter member and am rather perplexed at how it works...with all the symbols and blocking and following stuff. Does it have a section where you can see who the person follows? And if you "follow" them, what does that mean (what does that get for you)?
And if you stop following someone that you did follow is that the equivalent of "unfriending" someone or erasing someone from your cellphone? Is it some sort of a diss? (I'm almost 60 and have never belonged to any of the social media sites).
Kate's Going Down said... 135
I thought Kate had those HUGE trees planted JUST for privacy from the paps?
I thought the paps bothered her SO MUCH and yet in the first tweet today about it, in which the link to INF is sent to her, she acts like "oh, ha! I didn't even know they were there!"
Excellent observation, I forgot about the trees. I could be wrong, but I thought the trees made it impossible for any clear shots from the road to be taken, even with telephoto. They were put in in July of 2010. Wasn't it a few months later in November that pictures showed up on INF of the kids running around in Indian and pilgrim outfits? Those looked like they were taken from inside the Konpound as well.
Kate repeatedly saying friends were taking photos, I think she's trying to insist the asian man seen taking pictures is a friend and insinuate that the photos that ended up on INF were pap shots.
I just think she thought she'd brush this off as pap shots and no one would think anything of it. When in reality, how many other pap pics of celebrity kid egg hunts held at their private homes ended up in the rags today?? None that I saw, if there were please let me know. Kate's kids ended up on INF because $he worked a deal for $$, IMO. But to be fair, I'll go out on a really, really improbable limb... say these were pap shots that Kate had nothing to do with. As Admin said, there would have been NO SHOTS to be had if Kate hadn't detailed every cotton pickin' freakin' minute of her weekend plans. Hear me loudly sheeple: Kate cannot cry woe is me, paps showed up at our egg hunt, I can't believe it!! if she hadn't practically begged them to come by being so irresponsible with detailing every minute of her children's lives. Not just about this but everyday, she makes she and the kids whereabouts known at all times, like she's begging paps to come take pics. No matter how you slice it, she's at fault. She has the power and the ability to give her children a private life. She chooses not to because she needs them to remain in the limelight herself.
njay said....
She said it all right there. SHE SOLD THE PICS TO IFN. Remember, NO ONE MAKES MONEY BUT US. I wonder how many other pics. she sold to tabs.
Maybe she has been sending pictures all along. If so, INF hasn't been buying very many--have they? Remember her abrupt tweet when she found our that a picture of her at the comedy club was circulating? Maybe she frequently submits pictures--that would explain why she doesn't tweet them.
Her response to the tweeter that told her there were paparazzi pix on inf was just plain weird--unless she was the source. Ok Kate, the controller--you choose: 1) Criminally negligent and exploitive mother, or, 2) Drunk or high. Either way, not so great.
Can't wait for Milo to weigh in on this.
In light of what some of the sheeple seem to be speculating, I'm curious. What legal rights do paps have to take and sell photographs of children/minors if said children/minors are on their own private property? And what legal rights do their parents have to prevent this?
If a celebrity steps outside of her own house, on her own property, with a toddler in a stroller, for example, can paps use a telephoto lens to photograph that child and sell it to the tabloids...and the parents have no ability to prevent it?
Just for argument's sake...if this Chris Watts pap was taking photos of the children egg-hunting in their own yard but was hidden so that nobody knew it, could he sell them to INF and Kate would have to allow it?
I bet Chris Watts was one of the two friends who were invited to the Easter Egg Hunt.
I was hoping to get the photographic data (EXIF) that would show what lens was used in order to prove it was not a telephoto, but that particular metadata was wiped out when it was edited in Photoshop CS. I'm assuming at the time he edited the photos in Photoshop he copyrighted them so that other gossip sites would not be able to use them without his permission or payment. When I say edit I mean sharpen, correct color, possibly crop, etc. You can take a photo from a good distance with a telephoto lens, crop it to bring it in closer, but you are going to lose a lot of sharpness and detail that can't be recovered. The picture will become pixelated and look blurry. I don't think these were shot with a telephoto lens from outside the property.
Oops--I see Milo DID weigh-in. Classic. And so predictable.
Guess I skimmed a little too much!
I'm sad that now these pictures will be sold all over the internet and probably in print.
I bet Chris Watts was one of the two friends who were invited to the Easter Egg Hunt.
How could that be? Didn't Kate tweet recently that she'd love to turn the tables on him? :)
The orphanage has over 20 acres on which to hide those eggs. Kate chose to hide them where the kids could be photographed period. Either she is complicit with her friends with huge cameras or she called Chris. No way can she bitch about these photos because if she wanted the Easter egg hunt to be private, that was easily within reach for her and the ragamuffins.
-why wasn't she watching her own kids during the Easter egg hunt? Isn't that the fun part?
-why didn't the Asian dude tell Kate about the photographer taking HIS picture along with the kids?
-why doesn't she call the cops on Chris watts as he's hanging over her fence photographing her kids or banging on her car?
-and haha, no one gives a toot about her little teaser about the future ex-husband
Oh but thanks Kate for giving Jon plenty of ammunition to prove your astounding INCOMPETENCE in caring for your own children. The court date could get interesting. I think Jon has a strong case for forcing Kate to close down her twitter account.
If she doesn't go on the cruise, you won't see any announcement of it. She'll just never mention it again, like Twist of Kate (LOL).
I think these are facts: Chris Watts has a photography job. He gets paid for candid photos of people of interest. The more interesting the photo, the more money he would receive.
If Chris has the ability to hide somewhere and get private pictures of Gosselins at play, I have a suggestion for him. Hide in this super secret location and wait for Steve and Kate to frolic in the backyard. That would be your money shot. An Easter egg hunt is just loose change.
Prove that Steve is living there -- full or part time. Use that magic lens to capture a really invasive picture for INF.
It is disheartening to see just exactly how delusional so many of these people are.
Not only delusional, but your garden variety stupid.
I wonder -- if Kate would, for example, be found guilty of a crime such as retail theft, would these sheeple (Milo) still defend her, saying that she didn't know that 50 video games were in her tote bag and that they just slipped off the display?
Those are pap shots. Chris clearly got credit for them as listed above. Why would Kat's 'guests with huge cameras' go on the outside of the fence to take the pictures? I said earlier today and Katie Cry-duh says just above, the real question is why she hid the eggs so close to the fence? And yes, why isn't she out there with them?
Has an unhealthy obsession with Kate it really creepy.
Kate better watch out and hope Milo never finds out where she lives.
I didn't think the CC blog was too good...Old Navy for example send you tons of coupons in you sign up for their e-mail.I think it sounds like Kate maybe wrote it...or someone trying to sounds like her...but why?
"No way can she bitch about these photos because if she wanted the Easter egg hunt to be private, that was easily within reach for her..."
OK, to be completely fair here, Kate didn't start out bitching about these photos. She started out by acting surprised....as if she had no idea there had been any pap there or any photos taken by them. I guess at that moment she decided to pretend to be modest. But then suddenly, she did an about face and insisted that NO paps had been on her property since she'd become the sole owner and controller AND that it had been the friends she'd invited who had taken photos and given them to HER. Which, uh-oh, pointed to her as the one who sold them to INF. Either that...or one of the friends sold them....OR, there WAS a pap taking photos.
Which is what cracks me up about her....she can't even seem to get a fix on what type of mother she's supposed to be or even what it is, exactly, that she's supposed to get immediately defensive about (except when it comes to Jon...she jumps at any opportunity to nail him).
In retrospect....why didn't she just say, right off the bat (in response to the tweet starting the whole mess)...something like, "oh yeah, must have been those paps again, darn them". That would have been the end of it. Now she's gotten herself backed into a corner....on twitter....yet again. This twitter thing doesn't seem to be going so well for her.
Tess an Dsmay can you email me? Nothing important. :) thx!
Good one, Dmasy. But that's the thing. Kate has a DEAL with Chris Watts. Preesi's site outlines it pretty clearly. I think the deal is, she can complain about him all she likes, but she alerts him to his photo opps and splits the fees. Or maybe her "share" of the paycheck is his nondisclosure of compromising photos that he might have taken.
The fact is, once again, it is just not believable that this pap hangs around rural PA waiting for Kate to go into Target or pump some gas. She is NOT that newsworthy, nor has she been since the divorce. The only reason we see her so often in INF or Radar is because she TELLS him when it's time to take the pix. Said pix are often unflattering enough that it doesn't look like a collaboration (the easier to keep it on the downlow), but there is no other logical explanation.
She is the lyingest liar I've ever seen. Her continued attempts to keep a spotlight on herself are depraved and pathetic.
"If Chris has the ability to hide somewhere and get private pictures of Gosselins at play, I have a suggestion for him. Hide in this super secret location and wait for Steve and Kate to frolic in the backyard. That would be your money shot. An Easter egg hunt is just loose change."
Hahaha! That's really funny, Dmasy.
And PJ's momma~
Good point about the photos from outside the fence. I hadn't even paid attention to that.
Let me get this straight. The woman has over 20 acres of land to use for hiding easter eggs. She chooses to hide them near the property line instead of away from public areas.
Then she sends her 8-count-em-8 kids out to hunt for the eggs, unsupervised, and NEVER NOTICES that there are people with cameras, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE, taking pictures of her children.
On all counts she's an irresponsible moron.
Gift of Grab, thanks. I don't go to the Preesi site. I didn't know about a deal.
Sorry if I have posted too much today. Last week was a busy one and I really neglected the inside of my home. Today, I am tackling all things domestic. Everytime I pass the lap top, I hit the refresh button and find out one more thing about Kate that activates my typing fingers!
I am enjoying everyone's comments.
OK, let's reason this through. If we are to believe that Chris got these shots from outside the property, then we are to believe that he was running along the fence line, front, side and back with his big, heavy telephoto lens. A really good long range telephoto lens is extremely heavy and cumbersome so you can't just jaunt around with it easily, snapping photos as you go and climbing a tree would be extremely difficult with a large telephoto. Maybe he's the one who should be running a marathon. BTW, Kate, it's the lens that would be big (if it's a telephoto) not the camera itself. I believe that Chris tooks those photos from within the compound.
Here's another odd thing. I checked the EXIF on the Target shopping photos and they are copyrighted to INF - not Chris Watts. That would lead me to believe that Chris is independent - selling his photos to whoever buys them. The Target ones were exclusive to INF, maybe?
I think this boils down to a case of Kate (yet again) getting defensive and impulsively lying...even when she doesn't have to.
It is well-known that Angelina Jolie has a deal with the paps that she will provide them with a certain number of photo ops of she and her children and that aside from those, they will leave her alone. No big drama. No defensiveness.
But Angelina knows who she is. She knows the paps want photos and she wants control over what gets photographed...so she negotiated with them...end of story.
But Kate doesn't seem to know who the hell she is or is supposed to be. Is she the private and protective mom? Or is she the mom of the next Disney star? Is she McMansion mom or is she hard-up mom because hubby's support payments barely cover lunches for her kids?
If you don't know who you're supposed to be....don't even know what your mission statement is supposed to be....and then can't control your impulsiveness and defensiveness to boot....you get caught with your pants down like this.
Dee, exactly why it never upset me the paps were on the property back in the day. They were relentless at that point there all day long every day and for all we know Jon said hey if I let you over and take photos for five minutes will you then leave us in peace the rest of the day? Any pap would jump at such a thing and that is what many harassed celebs have done successfully from Brad Pitt to William and Harry.
What's Next, there could have been more than one pap there. Kate blasts her plans all over her twitter feed all the time. It's not really rocket science for them to show up for an egg hunt, and one with 1200 eggs for 10 kids would take some time to finish. Maybe that's why they're not all credit to Chris or whatever. At least two of the photos clearly show the fence on the other side of the photographer.
Dee3 said...
But Kate doesn't seem to know who the hell she is or is supposed to be. Is she the private and protective mom? Or is she the mom of the next Disney star? Is she McMansion mom or is she hard-up mom because hubby's support payments barely cover lunches for her kids?
If you don't know who you're supposed to be....don't even know what your mission statement is supposed to be....and then can't control your impulsiveness and defensiveness to boot....you get caught with your pants down like this.
Dee-you are spot on! I, for one, would be happy if she'd just pick who/what she wants to be and stick with it!
I'll bet that's exactly what Jon DID do...because generally, he makes sense. But what did he get for it? Slammed by her today....implying that HE let them on the property and put them in danger...and thank goodness SHE's the sole owner now and can protect them.
She just makes a big mess of everything. You were absolutely right....and twitter IS turning out to be her downfall. It's the worst kind of venue for a person like her. She's just running amok over there, digging herself in deeper.
And do you think she'd pay attention how others like AJ or William and Harry handle this? Of course not...she's a narcissist and she knows better than everyone else.
And you all were right....that IS Kate herself doing all the twittering. Nobody else could make such a colossal disaster out of everything.
Thumbs up, Admin, on the blurring of the children's faces in the photos here. I'm thrilled to realize I can't for sure identify a single child. Just the way it should be.
Oh and the helicopter blurb, he made so much money he hired a helicopter. I don't know what it is in rural PA but where I live it is at the most $100 an hour for sightseeing, which is what that would be and for the equivalent of approximately one hour. It is rather commercial and quite competitive so no it doesn't take tons of money.
KT makes it sound as though her only complaint is that they are making money, and if she was making money, it would be okay.
Why exactly is Kate the 'sole owner' of the house?
If it is the kids' house ( in their names?) why was Jon taken off the deed as one of their parents? Why would he agree to that? -I might have read this but I forget the details)
"KT makes it sound as though her only complaint is that they are making money, and if she was making money, it would be okay."
See....that's the problem. Back when the show was hot, it was clear that Kate felt this way. But now? I'm not sure what the hell it is. She went from that...to griping about the paps harassing her and the children....to sorta segueing into a whole protecting the children mode with Jon being the bad guy who let the paps on the property.
Let's suppose she decided to be intelligent and do it the way A. Jolie does it. No photos of the kids except during specific photo ops set up by her.
But here comes the identity crisis again. If she set up a photo op (and was open about it)....does she dress them ALL in nice clothing that fits and give them all nice baskets to carry so they don't look "mediocre"? Or does she have ill-fitting clothes for the boys and give them plastic bags to collect their eggs in...because she's a single mom and needs a job in the entertainment industry?
Decisions, decisions.
It can be very difficult if you can't choose an identity and stick with it.
Kate has not yet said that these photos in INF were from paps. All she has said about the pictures (and she is well aware a bunch turned up in INF, the link was tweeted to her when this first came up) was that
(1) "I didnt even know they [she doesn't identify "they"] were there taking pics! Oh my! Kids had so much fun!"
(2) "all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller" and
(3) [when someone asked who was in the guy in one of the pix with the camera] "lol. Those were friends taking pics... Not pap!"
I know What's Next found the Chris Watts ID on the egg-hunt photos. But I am still not convinced that there was a pap. Given Kate's apparent lack of distress about this "unauthorized" photographing of her family holiday, I am sure she has been cut in on the pap's proceeds OR the photos that appeared on INF were taken by her "friends" (with her blessing) and she still gets her cut.
Whether these are pap shots or not, it is still beyond understanding why Her Highness is in none of them, nor are any of her "guests" (besides the one guy with the camera). Where was she while all of this "fun" was going on?
Dee3, I think you said it better. Exactly. I probably wouldn't like any persona she chose, but at least I would be less confused about who I don't like! I appreciated your mission statement reference.
The thing is...the kids were waving to the camera person..so they SAW him. If it was a friend..then kate sold pics...if it was Chris..the kids saw him hence kate is full of krap about not knowing paps were taking pics. Either way she is lying about something Milo
Gift of Gab, I believe that Kate is playing word games. I believe that for the purposes of these photos Chris Watts is now her friend. I believe they struck a deal in which she invited him over to take photos, that she allowed him access onto her property and gave him permission to take all the photos he wanted with the agreement that he split the proceeds from the sale of the photos with her. By her changing his status from pap to friend it would make her statements true.
Chef said..."Kate better watch out and hope Milo never finds out where she lives."
Are you kidding? Milo knows exactly where she lives and I bet she has the fastest route mapped out on Google maps and has the trip timed perfectly, right down to the last minute. She's probably even figured out the code to the gate.
I thought that Brownie was the sheeple whose nose was the farthest up Kate's butt. Milo has it beat by an entire leg's length. It's so far up she's looking out Kate's eyes, which is why she sees everything exactly as Kate sees it.
Yes, thanks Administrator. What appeared briefly is now gone -- all for the better. Thanks.
OK, let's say the pap took them surreptitiously and Kate had no idea he took them (and sold them to INF)....all she had to say was darn, the paps must have gotten some photos. End of story.
But Kate does this a lot. She gets defensive when she doesn't even need to. Why? What is she hiding?
If the paps have been using telephoto lenses and capturing unauthorized photos you don't want every Easter, have the egg hunt inside where they can't get them! Don't complain about paps harassing you and your children and then hide the eggs near the fence.
If the Asian guy took them...then he must have been the one who sold them to INF, right? Why did she not seem upset about that possibility? No, she got defensive and stated that NO paps have been on her property since she now controls it by herself.
It is Kate herself, in her responses, who supplies all this fodder for suspicion. All she had to say was that it was a photo-op. Or that darn, those paps must have sneaked some photos. Why all the defensiveness and deflection?
What's Next? I think you're dead right.
kate can lie and make up conflicting stories all she wants. Why/ Because her sheep never ever question the discrepancies and instead make excuses for her to clean it up. Since she has never been held accountable for it she feels no need to spend time making sure her lies are believable. Her sheep are amazingly dense when you think about it. The whole reason i ever googled kate in the 1st place was because her stories didn't match up. Stevie Wonder can see that. It takes a really special type of fan to be so blind and naive.
Very funny stuff on Kate's Twitter just now. The lady whose last name was "outed" by Cindy tweeted both Kate and Cindy to thank them for "saving her from the Voyage of the Damned." She's just booked a trip to Europe.
I don't know why I can't see what you are talking about, the kids aren't even looking at the camera. I doesn't look like they even know its there.
dee3 said... 185
OK, let's say the pap took them surreptitiously and Kate had no idea he took them (and sold them to INF)....all she had to say was darn, the paps must have gotten some photos. End of story.
But Kate does this a lot. She gets defensive when she doesn't even need to. Why? What is she hiding?
If the paps have been using telephoto lenses and capturing unauthorized photos you don't want every Easter, have the egg hunt inside where they can't get them! Don't complain about paps harassing you and your children and then hide the eggs near the fence.
If the Asian guy took them...then he must have been the one who sold them to INF, right? Why did she not seem upset about that possibility? No, she got defensive and stated that NO paps have been on her property since she now controls it by herself.
It is Kate herself, in her responses, who supplies all this fodder for suspicion. All she had to say was that it was a photo-op. Or that darn, those paps must have sneaked some photos. Why all the defensiveness and deflection?
April 9, 2012 4:15 PM
i don't believe kate got mad...i think she is used to her privacy being invaded and does what she can to stop it and is resigned to the fact that some of the pix they take will get through.
i also think that none of the pix the asian took were on inf. i think the pap got a pix of the asian guy...period.
i'm sure there are lots of fences on kate's property and i'd be willing to bet that kate never hid eggs at the fence by the road at all.
BTW, there is an interesting blog regarding the wording a person uses and discerning truth from lies. The current article on Lindsey Lohan and her statement denying failing a drug test reminds me of Kate's response to various things such as affair, boob job, etc.
Admin, good for you for blurring faces! I was out and about this weekend watching cute kids I actually know IRL, doing cute things including Easter egg hunt. Pictures of strangers kids doing seasonal things - kinda boring. Twits tweeting -also BORING.
It is good the kids are not on TV. I always thought the premise of the show was boring as could be, cannot understand why there are fans still obsessed with Ms Kreider and her crew.
Tonight, non-boring TV will be on! Dancin with them there stars! I am hoping most sincerely that Maks, William Levy, or maks bro, or someone else cute will take off their shirt!!
Are you Team Sherri or Team Gladys? Team William or Team Jaleel? Half pint or Urkel?
Tony Dovolani, Blessed Patron Saint of dance teachers, did a solo last week. You can bet Tony will be back tonight or tomorrow, doing something for the show. Gee, maybe Tony willtake off HIS shirt!!!
People are tired of Kate lying about everything. She can't keep a story straight to save her life.
Is milo on Kate's payroll? If she's not, she should be. She's a lot more helpful than Julie Carson May. I wonder, though, why Kate doesn't find it presumptuous of milo to answer these questions for her.
@Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 I hadn't heard that. That was one thing I did admire at the beginning because they did attend church.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Close
@XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 Dad has them every other wkend...so Kate can't control that. But takes them whenever she can! Took them Sunday.
@Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 I hadn't heard that. That was one thing I did admire at the beginning because they did attend church.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack Close
@XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 XXXXXX...don't listen 2such garbage...Kate has tweeted numerous times ...she takes them every Sun. she has them!
"Numerous times"? I can think of maybe four. Kate rarely mentions church and NEVER if it hasn't been brought up by someone on Twitter.
Gift of Grab - ok, maybe twitter is not boring all the time! I love how the lovely woman who escaped the ” Voyage of the Dammed” is now going to Europe. Hope she has a great time!
@Kateplusmy8 just saw photos of kids looking for eggs geez Kate Mady looks like you!!
On what planet?
Gift of Grab -- thanks for the update on the traveler avoiding the Kate Cruise. Good for her. Glad she has another plan and a sense of humor!
Just retruned home a few hours ago with my grandkids and was surprised by all of the pictures and the posts. I agree with the many people upthread that she has over 20 acres and she could have hidden the eggs in the "backyard", away from the property line, and no paps would have been able to take pictures.
However, I do believe that Kate is involved with these pictures. There are lots of more legit and famous celebrities with children, yet we do not see their family egg hunts plastered all over INF. As many have said on this thread and previous ones, she is not that big of a deal, nor are her children anymore, that paps would be stalking unless they were alerted by Kate and she was getting something for it as well. Possibly not financially, but just the exposure/news items that she so craves.
On another note, I hope everyone had a very blessed holiday with their families. Time for me to put to little boys in the tub!
Yes who cares about your fellow man gettin scammed lied to, mislead as long as you are not the victim. Yeah, not a moral way to live life but sure gives some insight into a sheeple's values or lack of them.
@MiloandJack all friends present had huge cameras to take pics and give to me! NO paps on my prop since I've been sole owner and controller
Is this yet another slam at Jon -- meaning that when he was there he befriended and allowed paps on the property?
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