Update: After 10 days of being MIA, Stahl texted his wife Friday night to say that he is okay and plans to go into rehab.
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Stahl on the set with Mel Gibson in 1993
The gifted former child actor Stahl was just 13 years old when he turned in a extraordinary debute performance as Chuck, a boy who is desperate to get into boarding school and is tutored by a disfigured neighbor played by Mel Gibson. Stahl turned to drugs in his teen years and beyond, and recently lost custody of his young daughter. When fellow teen heart-throb Brad Renfro died of a heroin overdose in 2008, Stahl had this to say about child stardom:
"It warps your ability to find a certain identity. You are in a strange limbo. You are working in an adult world but being very young, you are not a part of it. You can't be included in it really. Then you go home and because you're with your friends not all that often, you're not fully a part of that, either. There are certain superficial elements of the business. Kind of putting on a good face even though you might be in pain."
Here's praying and hoping Stahl shows up safe and sound soon.
224 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»I guess the only thing I have to say about this awful news (gosh I loved that movie!) is how many more tragedies have to happen to chid stars before people realize that there are some things seriously wrong about how this industry is raising its young actors?
Admin: amen to that!
That's right! But I have not given up yet!
Also this: 'It warps your ability to find a certain identity' makes me think of how the children were cast as "characters" on the show and even on Twitter. Mady the difficult one and on twitter the starlet, Collin the stubborn one, Hannah and the underwears she'll never live down, the boys icky the girls lovely.
They have been so typecast by Kate, TLC and the fans for so many years I cannot even imagine how confused their growing up years are going to be as they have to figure out for themselves who they are.
I hope he's just off somewhere trying to 'find himself' and getting his head straight. Sad story, I don't know what to say either. I really hate reading about all these young celebrities dying, missing, taking overdoses.
If he's just off finding himself or whatever, which I sincerely hope is the case too, he owes his family, his daughter and everyone who worried about him--family, friends, and fans alike, one big apology. And I hope he gets lots and lots of therapy.
ou can't be included in it really. Then you go home and because you're with your friends not all that often, you're not fully a part of that, either.
Oh wanted to comment on THIS one too. This is what we were SAYING about pulling the kids out of school for filming. May sound good on paper, a fun trip to Florida or Australia, but all that time away amounts to time away from school and friends and potentially feeling not part of the group either. It's important time, every bit of it.
In hindsight filming stopped for these kids when they were very young, so they have that going for them. Hopefully the rest of their childhoods will be very mundane and normal, they need that desperately.
Nick please come home soon.
I often wonder when the Gosselin kids grow up they'll be asked "didn't you used be somebody"? I look at these child actors and think how scewed their view of life must be. It takes strong parenting, good handlers etc. to succeed but even so, there are no guarantees these kids will ever find a healthy, well-balanced life.
The Gosselin children did not search out the camera because of their ability to act, to show their talent. These kids woke up one day with cameras in their faces with their mother (and father) saying, "just act normal". There is nothing normal about what these kids have experienced. Worse still, I think Kate keeps them believing they will get their television life back, as if it is the only life of value.
Separately, each one of these children have an identity that has been blurred and packaged for television. They have a mother who continues to mention the number 8 as her personal moniker, her brand. That alone will harm these kids. They have a mother who continues to chase fame, who leaves them at a drop of a hat to find it. What must they think as children, do they wonder about their value each time their mother runs out the door?
Yes, life is not going to be easy for the Gosselin 8.
Just a word of advice for anger issues.
Probably not a good idea to tell a potential employer he's being nosy and hanging up on him. Word gets around fast.
Try the polite approach. Usually works.
We can only hope Kate doesn't put them in front of the camera for her own gain again. Knowing her she's looking for anything that will keep her relevant. And even though the filming may have stopped those kids will always be looked upon by their peers as "the Gosselins" (Dionnes) no matter where they go. I just hope Jon has instilled some of his "mediocrity" into their thinking. Kate sure as hell won't. I think she's trained them to view themselves as special in the same way she sees herself. Boy the more you think of it the scarier it gets.
Maggie 494 on last thread said: Erin Saxton is based out of South Dakota. And Kate is running in San Deigo. Both just happen to be SD.
I stand corrected LOL! But that just makes KG seem so Z list. Initially I thought it was to get her coverage for a marathon but if her new publicist is based in South Dakota that doesn't seem to indicate a positive trend for her. It is a lovely state but not exactly a media hot spot like LA/NYC.
Yes, I can see the Gosselin children having a difficult time interacting with other children. These G tups do not participate in sports or after school activities. Kate keeps them a prisoner in their home after school. The twins may stand a chance at life, especially Cara; but, Mady will always want attention that she lost when her father left.
God forgive Kate Gosselin for not getting a real job making a living and giving these children their lives back instead of spending their money on herself as she tries to get back on TV and tries to get her children back on TV.
I'm sure the tups perception of reality is more messed up than we will ever know. AFter all, they spent almost 7 yrs in front of cameras and those were the formative years. Very sad.
We do not hear or read of a good example of child actors or as Kate would say "they go about their daily lives and the cameras are ignored by the children" but the children only interact with each other, not with society. Even now, Kate is more concerned with looking younger than her children.
She should sell that Mansion and all that land, put the money into a smaller home, give the children to Jon and he and his family can raise those kids and try to help them understand what real living is all about and it is not about working day and night, flying all around the world and not understanding why you go for a vacation to Bald Eagle and run down to the ocean but you cannot get into the ocean. How do you explain that to children? No sand, no ocean, no playing in the ocean, the sand bothers their mother.
Her manic personality will be the ruination of her and the children if she does not get psychiatric help and learn to be a normal person again with out all the perks of swag bags, flying first class, riding in Limo'..........look their mother got use to it pretty fast, now she is dying to get back into that lifestyle she so wants to be a part of again. Only she doesn't realize she has no talent. Kate, go to work. Help your children. Get off of your high horse, have a yard sale and move in a home you can afford on a nurse' salary.Amen
Carried over from last thread -- NJGal -- I'm a bit confused here. I was specifically agreeing with your post, and disagreeing with the other anonymous about pay and choosing a career. Most of us didn't go into our careers for the money. We went into them wanting to make a difference, wanting to make a positive contribution to society, and because we had the concern and caring and skill set to do that. The main reason I got out of teaching, though, was ultimately, the pay. As I said, I made more money working parttime as a waitress. It got to the point where I couldn't handle all the hours I was putting in just to pay the rent and buy food.
Admin -- I disagree with your statement in the first post. It's up to the parents to raise the child actors, not the industry. I think the reason so many of the kids are in trouble ois because their parents aren't raising them. They are abdicating their responsibility -- out of greed, ignorance, laziness or whatever reason -- to the industry, instead of doing the job themselves. There are a lot of kids who come out of child stardom with major problems, but there are also a lot who don't. The unifying thread of the ones who come out whole, productive, decent human beings is their parents. The ones who had parents who raised them, taught them values, ethics and responsibilities, but also allowed them time to just be kids, are the ones who made it. IMO, many of the kids who are/were in trouble in one way or another, would have ended up the same way even if they had been anonymous kids living in Podunk. We just hear more about it because they are famous.
You would think that someone would have seen him by now.
I truly hope that he's alive.
Their childhoods will be mundane all right. The only 2 who get to go anywhere are the twins, and that's to Target. One would think a couple of the tups would get to go once in a while, but they are a set and can't be broken up. It's all 6 or nothing, so it's nothing.
Back to the previous thread, Steve holding the clip of hair does not look photo shopped. AND GUESS WHO'S holding a CAMERA? Steve is a pap!!!! Proof positive.
Wow. With the exception of a very few child stars whose parents were very nurturing and put some wise boundaries on their children, these childhood star stories do not seem to end well at all. My heart really goes out to these kids.
About DWTS, I find it extremely offensive that Kate says her kids are fans of the show. I do not know ONE Christian parent who would let their children watch it. The dances are extremely sensual in nature and not meant for little eyes.
In fact, I have a number of friends who have given up watching the show for that very reason - it's not appropriate for someone trying to walk the walk. Fortunately, I've never been addicted to that show, but I've had to make similar choices about other shows myself.
I guess that's one of the things that just grinds me about Kate. She plays the Christian card, but does not walk the walk with her style of dress and some of the other choices she makes.
She is a perfect example of why we (me included) need to be a lot more sincere in our efforts to live the way Christ wants us to. If we did, there would be a whole lot less Christian bashing going on.
No one is perfect, but people in the public eye who claim to be Christians should either try to follow in Christ's footsteps or stop saying they belong to Him.
It's not just her dress. It's her attitude, her parenting, her ugly, nasty, rude, narcissistic, immature behavior, and her complete lack of charity and compassion for other people, too. She has NONE of the fruit of the spirit, which God says will be evident when we walk with Him (For the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, and self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22).
Love him or hate him, Tim Tebow decided that no matter what he is going to live his faith in everything that he does. Everyone who meets him says that he is the real deal, and as a result,he has respect and fame (the latter being the less important to him). For such a young guy, he displays so much wisdom, grace, and courage. We could all learn something from him.
The JJ at the bottom of the photo of "Steve the Pap Smear" stands for Jibberjabbers. That person has a blog and had a lot of posts about Kate. They are a whiz at photoshop! However, no where in her post does it say that particular photo is photoshopped. Here is the link:
Oh wanted to comment on THIS one too. This is what we were SAYING about pulling the kids out of school for filming. May sound good on paper, a fun trip to Florida or Australia, but all that time away amounts to time away from school and friends and potentially feeling not part of the group either. It's important time, every bit of it.
It's so important to be part of your cohort as a kid growing up!
DH's family moved back to the States when he was entering his sophomore year in High School. He was always the "new kid" because the bonds had already formed.
(he turned out ok--he became a bit of a band geek and found good friend in and outside of that, but it just was a bit harder)
IMO, many of the kids who are/were in trouble in one way or another, would have ended up the same way even if they had been anonymous kids living in Podunk. We just hear more about it because they are famous.
I know people say this a lot and it could be true but I don't think it is. The reason is because in interview after interview with troubled kids who are now adults, they always identify the same things that affected their behavior.
1. being around the adult world and adult things
2. not having a normal school and friends
3. being famous and treated like a celeb
4. having their money taken by their parents or having to support their family
None of these things are likely to happen elsewhere. It is being in the industry that brought these things on. Obviously some kids end up in trouble who never were on T.V. a day in their life. But I think it's naive and ignores some real identifiable problems in the business to brush it off and think all kids who end up in trouble who are actors would have ended up in trouble anyway.
I do agree that parents are the deciding factor, unfortunately the industry has to be regulated to protect from bad parents because it's just been proven too many times we cannot trust parents.
Auntie Anne (9) and Angie (11) -
Excellent posts. I am sick of this no talent still using her kids to try to stay relevant, let alone in her warped mind that the tups can not do normal activities (movies, activites etc..)due to "panic," as she put it.
This indicates to me that: 1) She knows she has nothing to offer without her kids; 2)Will not allow them to live "normal" lives without mention, or do normal activities with friends/family/herself, because SHE is too lazy, cheap and paranoid; 3) She is not transitioning well to being a "former" reality star and believes she has every right to use her kids to keep afloat, without any consideration of giving THEM what THEY need because it always is and always will be all about Kate. The kids are STILL an afterthought. And always will be.
Her narcissism has no boundaries and in viewing her past and present behavior, prognosis for kids is not good. In my opinion.
If Jon jumps ship, and allows the kids to be filmed in the future, the future becomes even more bleak. These kids have more than earned a right to privacy and normal childhood experiences, but I feel like Kate has warped their sense of reality to the point that she has them believing that they can not do "normal" things, which is total nonsense.
SG said... 17
The JJ at the bottom of the photo of "Steve the Pap Smear" stands for Jibberjabbers. That person has a blog and had a lot of posts about Kate. They are a whiz at photoshop! However, no where in her post does it say that particular photo is photoshopped. Here is the link:
SG, thanks for the JJ mention. I knew those initials were for someone who does a lot of photo shopping but couldn't remember her name. That's what made me think photo shopped to begin with. I see someone asked if the photo was shopped but there was to answer.
My favorite one of hers was Kate lying on her stomach in a bikini on a pile of rocks sunning with a bunch of walruses.
I just find it odd that there's a picture of Steve with both a camera AND clip on extensions in one picture. What a perfect pic. Where did it come from to begin with -- the original source?
Guess the skeptic in me wants to know. I'm not convinced it's real.
Just one more thing about the Steve/extension picture then I'm done. Why would "JJ" be on the photo if it weren't made by her? Did she copy and paste originals (from paps, etc.) into her articles and add her initials? Why would someone do that if it wasn't their creation?
Have a good day all.
Sleepless in Seattle..88
Carried over from the previous post. Students in Quebec have been protesting for the past several months over a raise in tuition fees. The protests are becoming increasingly violent so the Quebec government has brought in new laws to control the size of these groups and where they can gather. Much like the 'Occupy' movement though, many other issues are growing out of these student protests with no end in sight.
Interestingly, I haven't heard anything on the news about "Black Tuesday" yet on our national news channel (CBC), but heard it here at Realitytvkids.com!
How do you explain that to children? No sand, no ocean, no playing in the ocean, the sand bothers their mother.
They did play in the sand and in the ocean. It was filmed...shots of them on the beach, Jon taking them into the water (with Kate screaming for him to hold their hands)...in fact, two episodes (or more?) of them at the beach and playing in the sand.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 13
You would think that someone would have seen him by now.
I watched a clip of a news story. A photo was passed around to some on skid row, and there were a few people who did recognize him and said that he was there, pointing to the places where he was seen. I don't know how credible the witnesses were, but they said that it's a place he often hangs out, and they knew who he was.
Nauseous from reading Kate's drippy, self-promoting tweets.
I very much doubt that Kelly Ripa "loves" her...she's best friends with Anderson Cooper.
Mandy thank you for such an elegantly voiced opinion regarding Kate & Christianity. I remember when she dressed up in a sexy devil costume for Halloween and being shocked that she would do something like that. Long gone are the days of Jon & Kate innocently wearing their "Isaiah 41" tee-shirts. It wouldn't matter so much if they hadn't built up their image in the church like they did.
Administrator - In your comment #1 you hit the nail on the head, ".....there are some things seriously wrong about how this industry is raising its young actors".
The way I see it, parents have turned their children over to "the industry" to be raised.
Reader lady@12 - I know you were agreeing with my post and now I'm confused. I originally answered the first anon (who, of course was not me) that made the statement about social workers. My comment (@32 I think) was back to her and I posted as anon due to a computer glitch and maybe looked like I was talking to myself?
I just hope Nick is okay where ever he may be at also I hope that his child is doing okay as well.
No problem!
OMG the walrus one is my favorite too! I die every time I see it!
@Kateplusmy8 Every morning I wake up and look for tweets about your kids. They always make me smile. I love how you call them your army!
Isn't that the first thing all of us do every morning when we wake up? Look for tweets about the eight, count 'em, EIGHT Gosselins? We can't smile if Kate doesn't mention them.
I guess the Saturday morning sports tradition has gone by the way of other traditions. She says she's home doing Saturday things. Either she's at the games and she's not telling the truth about being home with EIGHT kids, or she just didn't bother to go to support the team. Once and done was enough.
@Kateplusmy8 Every morning I wake up and look for tweets about your kids. They always make me smile. I love how you call them your army!
I have done a great deal of legal work down at a legal aid center on Skid Row.
You do NOT want to be down there. Ever. Just ever.
Well, we know what job Kate wants, lol. Move over, Kelly! lololol
Kate would love love love that hosting chair. And the funny thing about it, is she probably thinks she is qualified.
I quit watching that show years ago when KathieLee was on it. All she did was blather on about her kids and Frank.
And women who ACT STUPID have no respect from me. I can't stand it.
What tv shows do you all watch? I don't watch a lot, when I am flipping channels I usually stop on Restaurant Impossible, Chopped, Top Chef. The only show that I know when it's on and try to watch is RHONJ, just to watch the insanity. (last weeks' tirade by Teresa ranks her narcissism above Kate, imo). It's embarrassing to watch grown women, mothers at that, act like that. Dang.
I used to really like SVU, watched it for years. It was my favorite for a long time, but when they changed the day (or time maybe?) I quit watching, just never could remember what day it was on.
oopsie, forgot.
Haven't heard a mention on her Menu Mondays the last two weeks..
And has her website shut down? (I don't visit there) There was some speculation it would, due to her new email address.
Nick is alive.
From People.com:
Rose Stahl, who on Monday reported her husband missing to the LAPD, says Nick sent an "unemotional and unapologetic e-mail" at about 10 p.m. on Friday, saying he's okay, that he was entering a 30-day rehab program that night, and that he planned to make some arrangements to get his clothes.
Oh thank God he's okay and getting help. I feared the worst.
Aggiemom, ha, I watch ALL the same shows you watch, plus Celebrity Apprentice.
Getting ready to watch The Next Food Network Star, which I missed last Sunday because it was on at the same time as CA.
Also love old reruns of Home Improvement, Everybody Loves Raymond, and I Love Lucy.
Aggiemom, I'm with you on those TV shows; Chopped is my favorite. I watch most of the competition shows on Food Network except the baking ones (Sweet Genius, Cupcakes). I'm just not into the desert shows.
I catch RHONJ sometimes on reruns and I cringe at Teresa's behavior. Like Kate, she feels she is justified in how horrible she acts and blames everyone else for the tensions and problems. Of course regarding all of the Real Housewives shows, none of them are the real deal. The vast majority of real housewives do not live those extravagant lifestyles.
I'm am always amazed that people are willing to make complete asses of themselves for the television cameras, then deny they did those things even though it's on tape.
NJGal -- Now I'm REALLY confused, LOL. Bottom line, I agree with you (and not the other anonymous) that salary isn't the prime consideration when choosing a career. If it were, no one would be doing the essential jobs like teaching, social work, and a myriad of other "service" professions.
Admin -- I don't believe ALL child actors who get into trouble would have if they were anonymous kids from Podunk, but I do believe that many would. Of course, the influence and opportunity is greater for kids in the industry, but those who have real parents have something substantial to bolster them. Some may temporarily go off the rails (that's a teenage problem, not just an industry problem), but the ones with supportive and smart parents usually straighten out.
I am repeating myself, but I just love that this blog can have civil discussions without devolving into insults and name calling. More of the "fans" should read here to learn how to disagree without resorting to obscenities and libel.
I just read a post on GWOP that said that Jon is having all money from his book go into a trust for the kids and Kate won't be able to touch it. She won't have any access to it. And because it will be in the kid's names it won't count as income for him so Kate can't come after him for more child support. IF this is true then Jon has found a way to stick it to Kate and help the kids in one fell swoop. I say YAY!!!! for him. That is,if this is true.
readerlady said...
There are a lot of kids who come out of child stardom with major problems, but there are also a lot who don't. The unifying thread of the ones who come out whole, productive, decent human beings is their parents
I agree with you, readerlady. I think that the reason we see so many child stars struggling with addiction is because their parents pursued fame and fortune for their children. These parents are not focused on their primary responsibilities of providing guidance, unconditional love and healthy boundaries. The 'stage mom/dad' is not a myth--they have been there since before the Kardashians, Tiger Woods, the Simpsons, the Olsens, et al and ad nauseum. I have a 9 year old girl in my neighborhood that loves theater and has been in many childrens' and adult plays. She has been in television shows and had other offers, but her parents are extremely discriminating about what roles she takes. She is an only child, and, having parents that are classically trained musicians and very academic, she is very comfortable with adults. But, she is still a goofy kid when it comes right down to it, and her parents wouldn't have it any other way.
The Gosselin children differ from child stars in several ways:
1) they are not playing roles--they are playing themselves, 2) their home was a television production set, 3) they do have peers on the set with them--their siblings, 4) their reality show lays out their family dysfunction and the individual identities of each of the children--they will not have to be spending years trying to reconstruct their childhood for their therapist. 5) There is no set teacher or advocate--because, that is the role of the parents.
We will never know what their alternate universe would have been like. If, like some of the other multiples families, they had simply done a season or two, or, had yearly specials, Kate probably could have crafted a career for herself. Her constant attempts to reinvent herself and her greedy, desperate attempts to return to the spotlight, and the over-exposure of her truly nasty personality is is what did her in. Highly unlikely that she will ever overcome the negative perception of the public. Not many people, myself included, could survive the fish-eye lens that she turned on herself, her very loving, but unwilling husband and her poor children.
One thing that no one ever told me, is that the babies that I imagined and eventually had, would be adults for many more years. I hope that the G8 will stay close and, despite her divisive and sick parenting, support each other. I fear that the most likely result of her parenting will forever divide them into the winners (girls) and losers (icky boys).
NT said... 38
I just read a post on GWOP that said that Jon is having all money from his book go into a trust for the kids and Kate won't be able to touch it. She won't have any access to it. And because it will be in the kid's names it won't count as income for him so Kate can't come after him for more child support. IF this is true then Jon has found a way to stick it to Kate and help the kids in one fell swoop. I say YAY!!!! for him. That is,if this is true.
Even if Jon puts the proceeds of the book into a trust, he would still have e to declare the income that is paid to him. I don't think that he can bypass the personal income. Trusts can file tax returns, but trusts can't write books. The income reported for trusts are usually interest and dividends--contributions are made by individuals from their personal assets. I can't imagine a publisher having a contract to pay a trust. Therefore, any income he earns from writing a book should be added to his income basis for calculating child support. Other than that, Kate is no more entitled to Jon's assets. I would think that, if she has legal custody (I think I read this here), putting it in a trust with the kids' names might make it more likely she can access it, not less.
This is my opinion, based on my personal experience. Hiding income for the purposes of avoiding child support is not allowable. The trust protects the money from creditors if Jon declares bankruptcy and it makes probating a will easier--but, I doubt that it allows bypassing personal income.
Isn't there any way that Jon could make the trust so Kate could not touch it?
I agree, Mandy #16. I'll go a bit further and say that I believe Kate used all those Christian phrases as long as people were falling for it. Then, you could see the change with the long, bleached blonde straw-like hair, nude colored bikini, fake boobs, hooker styled heels, divorce, male travel companion, "mine all mine" property, etc. I believe all these changes caused the rift with her own family. They may support her, but she obviously doesn't want a real association with them. It's all about Kate. The kids gave her the attention she dreamed of. She just hasn't come out of her delusional state to realize she has nothing to offer show-biz. She has nothing to offer and lacks empathy. Hours and hours of her horrible behavior, filmed for all eternity, taught all of us how the "real" Kate operates. It's not pretty. It's selfish and self-serving.
What I see, especially with younger kids who are in the business watching Biography and such I hear a lot, "Acting was just something that I wanted to do and my parents were supportive."
Then later on I've listened and sometimes I hear how they felt pressured growing up as kids in the same business that these kids say they wanted to be an actor.
There are those kids who have good supportive, decent parents yes but what I don't get about some of these kids is they say they wanted it then later sometimes regret it because that life you have very little privacy.
Thing with a kid coming to you and saying they want to be an actor, fine, but tomorrow they could want to be a doctor or whatever. Why do so many parents just drop everything, pack up and move their kid to LA all for some dream of being an actor? Kids look and see other kids on television because it's cool what they don't see is how much work it is, how different it is, it can be isolating and intrusive.
I don't think just because your kid thinks it's cool you should automatically drop everything and support them on something like that. Kids change their minds almost every day about what they feel like doing and I don't see reason to push your kid into it.
You can't have, "I want to be an actor, but I felt like a monkey while doing it." I just don't see how you can say you feel like having both. Maybe I'm wrong but I think if your kid says they want to be an actor put them in theater for several years at school or locally and don't give them that expectation that they'll automatically be the next Angelina Jolie or whoever.
More inclined to think if your kid takes it seriously they'll let themselves develop over the years then go back to it. If they did and if parents took that responsibility more seriously maybe we wouldn't have people like Lindsay Lohan or Eden Wood. It's no wonder these kids grow up thinking they deserve it because mommy or daddy said they were talented. You might be but not everyone will stay devoted to that dream of fame.
These kids are entitled because nobody says no to someone famous. Maybe if more people said no to their famous kid there would be less issues and drama that surrounds them. Not going to happen anything time soon though, I doubt it.
I would think that, if she has legal custody (I think I read this here), putting it in a trust with the kids' names might make it more likely she can access it, not less.
Kate has primary custody, not sole custody. I don't know how his book will do. If it's a book about general parenting, I hardly see how he can be thought to have any new or creative ideas to share in that regard. The book would be a real snooze,imo.
If he has to declare it as income, Kate will be on that that stink on s***.
However, he could create a trust for the kids, and Kate would have to legal access or say-so. It would be like my ex creating a fund for my kids..just because I have primary custody, I wouldn't have access to it, that doesn't even make sense.
It will be interesting to see what happens. I hardly think a book by Jon will generate much interest. For 99.99% of the population, he's been out of the public eye for a yr.
Also love old reruns of Home Improvement, Everybody Loves Raymond, and I Love Lucy.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 39
Aggiemom, I'm with you on those TV shows; Chopped is my favorite. I watch most of the competition shows on Food Network except the baking ones (Sweet Genius, Cupcakes). I'm just not into the desert shows.
I LOVE everybody loves raymond, that show is hilarious! I guess my favorite ep is the one where Amy's mom outs herself as a smoker. HILARIOUS.
I can watch cupcake wars if tied to a chair, but don't like sweet genious...that guy is too cold.
Over the Christmas break, my kids and I ordered the entire series of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. We've been watching it non-stop since, that was a great show.
I just ordered the first two seasons of Dallas, but I am afraid it will be too 'campy'.
I am looking forward to the new Dallas show premiering this summer.
The nice thing about trusts is you can create them to prevent greedy child exploiters like Kate from accessing them. Jon can set up a trust all day long with conditions Kate Gosselin may NOT touch it and sufficiently protect whatever he wants for the kids and there's nothing Kate can do. Whether the trust will be considered as part of his income is another story, usually it is. Still doesn't mean she can dip into it. Just means it's considered when setting his child support figure.
As told to me, Jon DOES in fact have a trust for the kids which he fought Kate to set up. At least some of their money is protected. The fact that Kate even fought about it speaks to her greed. There is no reason to be against protecting their money unless your motive is to control and access it yourself. It actually sounds like a credible tale to me that Jon would add the proceeds from his book to the existing trust.
In all the stories I've done on child stars for this blog there is one thing common factor I have noticed among successful former actors: their parents KEPT THEIR DAY JOBS. It seems to me that one of the fastest ways to mess a child up is to parentify them with the responsibility of supporting the family. I think we've completely underestimated how psychologically damaging it is to give a child that role.
And sadly, that's exactly what happened to the Gosselin kids. The parents did not keep their day jobs and relied on them to support the family.
Did I miss if Jon's book is actually finished and awaiting publication? I thought it was on his life views, not just parenting? sorry if I missed posts; was out most of today.
You know, talking about stage parents and how the kids are pushed reminded me, to a much lesser extent of course, of a family that used to attend my church. I won't even use first names when I write this. They had 2 daughters, one of them the age of my daughter (teenage at the time) and the other 2 years younger.
These parents always talked about their kids' talent with acting and singing. I knew the older one could sing very well. The parents had these kids in extra curricular activities all week long: band, choir, acting. Then there were the individual singing and acting lessons.
I remember the mom getting frustrated with the amount of homework that the older child was getting in high school because she was having a hard time keeping up with it as well as all of the after school activities. I suggested that maybe they might reconsider the after school activities and concentrate on the school work. The other activities could be down-sized a bit and then focused on during the summer. Boy, was she mad!
Although I was only giving alternative ideas after she asked me, she definitely did not like my opinion. Unfortunately, she didn't have much to do with me after that.
I don't know why, but I always thought that maybe she pushed her kids into all the activities they had. The girls were stressed and she was stressed, but she wouldn't budge on her views as to what was important to her girls.
We always put limits on the amount of activities our daughter could get into at one time we didn't want her to feel stressed or burn out. We wanted her to have enough time for school, 1 or 2 other activities, and still have time to just be a kid and go out with friends.
I think that's what the majority of stage parents forget; there needs to be balance and the kids need time to just be kids.
Funny how things change, went to twitter and even with all the K-news this week the haters (don't they call themselves truthers? ) are chatting, exchanging recipes and talking about their herb gardens and sharing pics. An occasional obligatory KT remark when a fan pops up. Now they just shoo them away. But I learned there are signed copies of I Want to Know on E-Bay for $49.95, marked down to $42, said 10 available and either 4 or 6 sold.
I wrote down one of the recipes to use - a beautiful grilled pesto chicken salad. Now I just need to find out what pesto is, you would think I would know as much as I watch Food Network.
Raised on cornbread with all the trimmings....how telling.
I think the saddest story of all is the one of Gary Coleman. He was sick during filming, rejecting a kidney. And you know, he could have made a fortune for himself had he utilized the "whachu talkin bout" that made him so famous but he refused, choosing instead to work as a security guard and such.
The Gary Coleman story is sad. At least he successfully sued his parents and got 1.3 million out of the deal. Hi Kate.
But I learned there are signed copies of I Want to Know on E-Bay for $49.95, marked down to $42, said 10 available and either 4 or 6 sold.
I checked out the books on Ebay, there are 4 available.
The 6 were sold for various prices, in the ranges of 39.99 to 49.99. Sale dates are 5 in 2010 and 1 in 2011.
Not exactly flying off the shelf, lol.
The remaining 4 are on sale for 42.49.
As told to me, Jon DOES in fact have a trust for the kids which he fought Kate to set up. At least some of their money is protected. The fact that Kate even fought about it speaks to her greed. There is no reason to be against protecting their money unless your motive is to control and access it yourself. It actually sounds like a credible tale to me that Jon would add the proceeds from his book to the existing trust.
Kate's a real tool, isn't she.
what a horrible excuse for a mother. I bet if he hadn't set up the trust, that money would be G-O-N-E.
If those kids have anything to go to college on, it will be do to Jon's doing, not Kate's.
Pity, pesto is a recipe with basil, garlic, olive oil, and some kind of nuts. Geesh, I watch Food Network all the time, but still can't get all of the recipes right. Thank goodness you can access it all on line!
Aggie from what I've heard I don't think we know the half of how much this woman has made it her life's work to piss away every last little cent these kids ever earned.
I would be shocked if these kids don't sue the pants off her someday. Shocked. They're bright kids and they're going to figure this out.
I wouldn't be shocked if the kids sought legal recourse when they come of age.
What I think will happen, is when all the kids are grown and making their own livings, Kate will be in dire financial straits, and demand that they support her..I think she'll play the "I gave you life, blah blah speech'.
Kate will never support herself.
Those poor kids will never be free of her financially. They have supported her since in utero. Weird.
Wait - the haters/truthers are chit chatting on Kate's twitter? Now that's funny.
Kate tweeted...
@JasonHueman aww thanks! :) whoever did my hair, did a splendidly fantastically wonderful job (here's lookin' atcha, @JasonHueman)! XO about an hour ago
and someone responded with this...
@kateplusmy8 @JasonHueman You mean you didn't even ask the person's name, let alone chat with him/her? You have me shaking my head daily.
I couldn't imagine that Kate would not have been introduced to someone who did her hair, and then I realized that she was making a joke here because she said "here's lookin' atcha, @JasonHueman" This was directed at him.
Jason did her hair. I guess he's the one who always is responsible for sticking her head in the deep fryer.
If he can't protect the book money by giving it directly to a trust for the kids, can't he fund their state 529 educational trusts?
That would keep the money out of greedy grifter kart's hands.....
I cannot believe any judge would fault him for giving his money to their educational trusts. That shouldn't count against him child-support wise, should it?
Although I did hear something somewhere about him going to court to get "a trust" or something set up that kart couldn't touch. I remember hearing she was fighting him on it, but he won what he wanted to do. I just can't remember what I heard or where I heard it... some help I am, huh? LOL
Wait. Are you saying Kate went off for a fry job in NYC....AGAIN???? Good lord does she WANT her hair to fall out?
But I learned there are signed copies of I Want to Know on E-Bay for $49.95, marked down to $42, said 10 available and either 4 or 6 sold.
There's one on eBay with a starting price of .99, with no takers, and the description...
"It is illustrated throughout the book and includes a photo album at the end along with a a few recipes from Kate's new cookbook."
The cookbook that ended up being dumped by the publisher? THAT cookbook? :)
My friend shared with me a bit about narcissism from the book Nice Girls Finish Fat:
"Often parents who regularly blame their children (and each other) for being selfish are themselves narcissists. To avoid seeing this trait in themselves, they instead shift the blame on to you. The truth is that very self-involved parents sometimes produce children who are totally other-oriented because they're scared of being accused of selfishness. . ."
"Narcissism is a personality trait in which people have so little sense of self and rightness of being that they go in the other direction and come off as boastful and grandiose. Narcissists easily get emotionally injured and insulted, must always be right, tend to blame and be highly critical of others, and let themselves off the hook when they should take responsibility. They put so much energy into warding off threats to self from others and feeling okay about themselves that they have little left over for anyone else. Put another way, they are so busy taking care of self that there's no room for anybody else unless it boosts their feelings about themselves. Narcissistic parents often produce nice girls (and boys)."
Love my Grandson's - I love all the lingo on the Food Network but don't know one from the other. I think I am going to make an effort to learn one each week or so. I love recipes and food pics. Any way, just watched Restaurant Impossible and teared up, of course, as always.
Admin and Ex-nurse,
Both attorneys correct? If Jon uses the book money directly for kids trusts/educational trusts/state 529 funds, would that income count against him as income subject to child support?
Seems to me that he wouldn't be trying to avoid paying child support, he would be giving the money directly to the trust/s and only the kids would have access after high school for further education.
That move doesn't seem to be an avoidance move all. In fact, he would be contributing directly TO their education after high school.
How would that be avoiding child support. He'd still be paying what he normally would pay, right?
And this is interesting:
"People who are self-centered and self-absorbed, generally a function of narcissism, talk a lot about themselves and redirect conversation back to their problems and their accomplishments. You know the old joke: Well, enough about me. What do you think of me? Of course, they don't see their self-absorption and would vehemently deny it if the whole world got together and voted them Narcissist of the Year. So the good news is that if you think you're self-centered and selfish, you probably aren't!"
Both attorneys correct? If Jon uses the book money directly for kids trusts/educational trusts/state 529 funds, would that income count against him as income subject to child support?
Yes, it doesn't matter where you stash money away, what matters is you have money coming in. You can't very easily protect your money from counting as income to determine child support. It's against public policy.
The only thing putting it in a 529 or other trust is that it prevents Kate from accessing it directly. Kate can always go back to court and request an increase in Jon's child support if he suddenly starts making more money. It's sort of splitting hairs, but she can't REALLY access money Jon stashes away, but she can try to make Jon pay more if he comes into some money and stashes it for the kids. So he could stash money away for the kids but might end up having to pay out more money from his own stash as a result. If that makes sense.
All that said it's a good argument to the judge IF Kate even tries to increase his support that he's putting all the money in trust for the kids anyway and therefore his support shouldn't be increased. A judge doesn't have to follow the child support formula, it allows room for individual circumstances like in that example. Most judges aren't out to punish you when you do something like that, they'd rather encourage it.
I think she is referring her hair in the profile pic. That was the day PB must have thought she looked stunning (and she did look nice) but he shot her frame by frame as she exited the limo at Today, flashing her million dollar smile. She only lights up like that for him. If it had been a Pap, it would have been scary frown face. EEEK!
Kate, I am so sick of your VAPID tweets. (Yes, I realize you will have to look the word up.)
You are a MORON.
That move doesn't seem to be an avoidance move all. In fact, he would be contributing directly TO their education after high school.
It's not. Your income is your income and it doesn't matter where you stash it after you get paid. He could stash it under his bed, in a trust, in stocks or in a savings account and it is all still income.
What it DOES do is stop Kate from accessing it directly. If Jon just wrote his kids a check Kate could just take it as the parent. BUT, if he puts money in trust for the kids, Kate legally cannot get her greedy little hands on a cent. It's much safer to put money for kids in a trust in almost all circumstances.
It sure sounds like he's trying to help them out, IF he is putting book money in trust for them.
He has to know how much she has for them and show she's spending it. I always thought the "eleven bank accounts" were for the 8 kids, the house, kart and kart.
She pisses away everything they make. At some point there will be no "kids money" anymore.
Just like she thought the state should help them when the kids were babies, she thinks apparently that the money made off the kids backs is hers to spend on them now, ergo the pricey private school, the 'safe mansion for the kids', etc - things they don't "need" but what she wants for their status.
I get that she has absolutely no sense of saving for the future. And that is so sad.
She also has no sense of responsibility as a parent for raising them, providing for them, BY GETTING A JOB.
Lazy ass fried hair moron.
Yikes, I'm getting all lathered up here, I better step back. I try to stop posting when she raises my blood pressure, LOL, or when I start getting too snarky.
Admin, thanks for explaining the child support/book money to trust issue.
The only thing putting it in a 529 or other trust is that it prevents Kate from accessing it directly.
As the custodian and guardian, though, can't she access it? From the PA 529:
"You can access the funds in your account at any time for any reason.
A withdrawal used to move your funds to another 529 is called a “Transfer” (if to the PA 529 Investment Plan) or “Rollover” (if to any other 529 plans). A withdrawal for any reason (other than paying for qualified expenses) is called a “Non-qualified Withdrawal.”
The Beneficiary is the person for whom the Account Owner is saving. Anyone, including the Account Owner, can be a Beneficiary. Only one Beneficiary may be designated per account, but an individual may be the designated Beneficiary of more than one account. Either the Account Owner or the Beneficiary needs to be a Pennsylvania resident at the time the account is opened."
It says it can be accessed at any time. If she's the guardian or custodian of the minor children, can't she get into that account?
Oh, Pity Party, I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago I would watch the Food Network channel and wonder what is pesto? EVOO? Rue(?)?
So often I had to look up the definitions on line to find out what they were talking about,LOL.
Now it makes more sense to me and I've gotten some wonderful reciptes from the shows. You learn as you go and it all turns out good. Boy, I hope that's proper English!
@ Mandy said... 16 ... thank you Mandy for your post up there, all of your points are so well stated. I very much like what you said about DWTS and caution being used for children when having that show on in your home.
I remember when my son was a teen/preteen, I was mortified at the stuff on TV that made his eyes buldge out of his head. Especially the commercials! He is 26 now and TV has gotten only worse since then. The sex, the boobs, the crotches, the simulated sex, and some of these cheapy networks (CW etc) all of their shows are about teenagers having sex. I would like to say it didnt hurt my son any, but we did the best we could and he still had a very rough few years which will be with him the rest of his life. Being a teen now in our sex and money/money and sex culture is very difficult.
I am enjoying the discussion about the Gosselin children's money, and may I add that I think Kate will deliberatly shut out the kids that call her on her shit. She will drive a wedge between the kids that "know how to help her" and the ones who do not. She will dismiss most of them from her life and no, she wont be lonely. She plain old wont care. Just my hunch is all.
Hey, what is everyone doing for Memorial Day? I bring this up for a totally selfish reason; my daughter just called and she's coming out next weekend with my grandkids!! My son in law has to work on Saturday and has a side job on Sunday (he's a mechanic specializing in the car computers), so she's coming out with the boys and will leave early Monday morning so they can have a cook out together at home.
I've already called our family and one of my daughter's closest friends and invited them for the barbecue. I'm just so excited and had to share!
One Country Over I think you're right actually she might be able to get at their 529's, BUT since it can only be used for education that's not going to help her much.
A trust though she couldn't if she weren't named.
Sunni: thanks for the advice. This was around Xmas: the guy was really nosey, I also got a few shots at him, and asked him the same questions back, that's when he got a little nasty, I said to him what does this got to do with the job? He would not answer me, so I told him politely, that this job was not for me, that's when he got really nasty and I hung up the phone. Hey, I don't need that crap or work for someone like that either, no one should. But I will heed your advice for future ones.
Has anyone notice: Kate must be looking at some quote site and picks all the anti-hate quotes. Kate must spend hours looking for them, they are annoying. Too bad Kate does not practice what the quotes say or her sheeple.
BUT since it can only be used for education that's not going to help her much.
That's the problem. It can be used for anything...
"Can I access my account for purposes other than paying for higher education
(non-qualified withdrawals)?
Yes. You can access the funds in your account at any time for any reason."
County I thought the person who puts money IN is allowed to access it, though not the interest. For instance if Jon deposits 500 dollars and then wants the 500 back he can withdraw it. This is true of a lot of accounts, Roth's, etc. But I'm not sure that your ex could access money YOU put into a 529 even if it's for your mutual children, unless it's for their expenses. It is certainly a question to ask a financial adviser. Are you changing your name or are you brand new?
I agree with everyone else here that I hope Jon puts the money in a trust and Kate can't touch it. If it's all true, can you imagine how she will really get in her digs at Jon for doing this? If she threw him under the bus before, it will be nothing compared to how she will talk about him after this.
Kate's idiotic fans send her all those insipid inspirational "flatitudes" as the "haters' call them. Kate merely retweets them. She's too lazy to go looking herself.
Is't there a trust, in which A lawyer handles it for the kids and Kate can't touch it?
The quotes thing has always struck me as very juvenile. Just another manifestation of Kate's emotional stunted personality.
The last time I cut out a quote and tacked it to my wall I was, eh, about.....fifteen years old.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 78
Hey, what is everyone doing for Memorial Day? I bring this up for a totally selfish reason; my daughter just called and she's coming out next weekend with my grandkids!! My son in law has to work on Saturday and has a side job on Sunday (he's a mechanic specializing in the car computers), so she's coming out with the boys and will leave early Monday morning so they can have a cook out together at home.
OOOOOOO! I am so excited for you and I dont even really know you!!! LOL! I hope you have a great red white and blue weekend, maybe lay some flowers at a memorial etc. How great to have a crowd to kick off the summer!
I would like updates, if you please, on the food you are planning. I LOVE having a crowd over for a cookout, an evening fire, and a few bottles of wine AFTER the kids are settled. Get some music going out there...
But I digress, hehe. I am always eager to hear of others' crowd pleasing dishes that dont keep you shackled in the kitchen and away from the squeals and laughing and fun! Anything you can share would be appreciated by me.
I guess, Kate is getting ready to jump ship soon and be on her way to NYC. After all The Today show is early, and we know Kate will have her Deanna, and Jason there or is Kate already in NYC?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 87
The quotes thing has always struck me as very juvenile. Just another manifestation of Kate's emotional stunted personality.
The last time I cut out a quote and tacked it to my wall I was, eh, about.....fifteen years old.
Yep, I dont even like the calendars that do that with a drippy saying, taken out of context, every day, week, month whatever. I finally had to block my own dear cousin from my FB because she was clogging it up with a fussy quote every hour on the hour alll dayyyy longggg. In Kate's case, she posts these things like a teenager trying to get the attention of the boy she broke up with, the girls in math class who ignore her, and the nasty cliches are meant for her parents who grounded her last weekend. I wonder if we are the only ones who have ever told her how pathologically childish she is...
However I must confess to posting something in my office, a piece of paper with a circle in the middle of it with instructions to "Bang Head Here". Does that count against me? My boss came along when I was on vacation and splattered red nail polish on my sign (like fake blood) and penned in "This is what happens to Boss when Dwindle goes on vacation". I love that woman. LOL!
I hate those quotes. When you're feeling crappy they don't help and when you're feeling good you don't care!
Very juvenile indeed. But Kate's fans have learned what she likes -- vapid, meaningless sentimentality.
Admin said,
County I thought the person who puts money IN is allowed to access it, though not the interest. For instance if Jon deposits 500 dollars and then wants the 500 back he can withdraw it.
This would mean, then, that anyone who contributed donations to the original TAP (529) account set up for the kids when they were born could withdraw their money?
anger issues kate said... 86
Is't there a trust, in which A lawyer handles it for the kids and Kate can't touch it?
anyone can be appointed trustee.
The Beneficiary is the person for whom the Account Owner is saving. Anyone, including the Account Owner, can be a Beneficiary. Only one Beneficiary may be designated per account, but an individual may be the designated Beneficiary of more than one account. Either the Account Owner or the Beneficiary needs to be a Pennsylvania resident at the time the account is opened."
It says it can be accessed at any time. If she's the guardian or custodian of the minor children, can't she get into that account?
I would say no. Surely to heavens PA set up this account to have some very strict rules governing this account. Kate does NOT have full legal custody of the kids. I'd like to see their divorce decree, I bet it is a doozy!
As far as the trust the kids now have, it would be interesting to see who is trustee. If the parents wanted to be above reproach, it should be overseen by an atty and/or a bank trustee dept.
lol, it'd be funny if the none of the kid's money is at her disposal...now since Jon's massive child support is over, Kate would have to start scarfing up the majority of their expenses..and if that's the case, she can finally say she is the primary supporter of the kids, lolololol.
Dwindle, thanks so much for your good wishes!
I'm grilling out italian sausage, chicken legs, and hot dogs. I'm also making cole slaw and a big bowl of pasta salad (my son-in-law's favorite). Then I'll give some to my daughter to take home for SIL. I also make devilled eggs because, believe it or not, my grandkids love them! I know, it surprises me, too.
We'll end the meal with watermelon and toasted marshmallows (and whatever else my grandsons want because I rarely tell them no!).
You know, this reminds me of a funny story when my older grandson was about 3 years old. We did chicken legs and hot dogs on the grill, and when we were ready to eat, I asked him what he wanted. He told me he didn't want the "dirty chicken or the dirty hot dogs". I said they weren't dirty and he said yes they were because they had "black stripes" on them. We all laughed and I explained the grill marks, but it didn't matter. I had to pop some hot dogs in the microwave for him because he refused to eat the "dirty" ones! LOL!!
Why won't she give her twatters the name of her hair products? She has no problem yapping about the names of other products hoping to get work out of it. I guess she covets her beautiful hair and the attention it is getting her. Funny. She ALWAYS answers twats when someone is kissing her ass. It's always the usual, "thanks, xo,xo, awwww, you are so kind, that is the best thing I've heard all day"....
Kate, please get help for your narcissism.
@Rachel_Samuels1 love first tweets and follows! Welcome! Block the bullies on here and then come have fun with us! Great friends here! XO
Is she saying to block herself? She bullied Tanner! Is she saying to block CJ? Is she saying to block the other six or so sheeple bullies? Is she totally unaware just how much of a bully these sheeple are? I find it hard to believe that anyone, even Kate, is so naive.
I have one quote stuck on my computer, it says
I don't get why Kate can request more child support as Jon makes more money since she has more $ than him and she CHOOSES to live a lifestyle she cannot maintain. If she wants that cheaply furnished money pit, she can pay for if. The kids don't need it. Not do they need the private school and a nanny. If Kate insists on living this way, she can pay for it with money she earns herself, just like the rest of us.
Dwindle, in my last post I forgot to address your comment about laying flowers at a memorial. I don't do that; instead I have been a financial supporter of paralized veterans and Viet Nam vets (of which I had 2 uncles who served in VN). I always indicate that I am donating in their honor.
Another story: my favorite uncle served 2 years in Viet Nam and came home with alot of problems, both emotional and physical. He passed away 2 years ago. As the funeral procession was driving down a main street, another vet missing his legs and wearing the Army fatigues, rolled on a cart to the middle of the street and saluted my uncle's hearse as it drove by; I cried my eyes out and I've never forgotten that unselfish act of respect that that unknown veteran showed my beloved uncle. In honor of all of our veterans, I contribute what I can to their charities.
May our good Lord remember and bless all of them always and forever.
Why won't she give her twatters the name of her hair products? She has no problem yapping about the names of other products hoping to get work out of it. I guess she covets her beautiful hair and the attention it is getting her. Funny. She ALWAYS answers twats when someone is kissing her ass. It's always the usual, "thanks, xo,xo, awwww, you are so kind, that is the best thing I've heard all day"....
Kate, please get help for your narcissism.
O.M.G. Telling her twatters to watch the Today Show on Monday to see her smiling face smells of "I have a great announcement to make". What an egomaniac. Who the hell talks like that. Humility is not her forte.
@Kateplusmy8 Did you really cancel your cruise?! What will you do this summer?
No, she didn't cancel the cruise. The agency announced the cancellation because they are going undercover. They didn't want anyone else to sign up, so this is a hush-hush Kate event. Cabins for this top secret get-away may be ordered through:
Geez, what a dumb question...
Katie Cry-duh said... 99
I don't get why Kate can request more child support as Jon makes more money since she has more $ than him and she CHOOSES to live a lifestyle she cannot maintain. If she wants that cheaply furnished money pit, she can pay for if. The kids don't need it. Not do they need the private school and a nanny. If Kate insists on living this way, she can pay for it with money she earns herself, just like the rest of us.
I’ve wondered about this myself, Cry-duh. I understand (but don’t necessarily agree with) the whole “in the lifestyle s/he’s become accustomed to” BS in high-profile divorces. BUT, Jon was not providing the lavish lifestyle to Kate and the kids – TLC was. So, why should Jon have to keep Kate and the kids living a lifestyle that is outside of their means?? Jon works a normal job and Kate is unemployed. They should be scaling back to reality, instead of trying to maintain such a frivolous existence. Unless Kate has squirreled away a whole lot of money, I really don’t understand how they’re still living so high on the hog anyway. Still, Jon shouldn’t have to pay more than his fair share for the kids – and for a reasonable lifestyle – not one of private schools, nannies, pool boys, and booby guards. That “unreality” of a lifestyle was provided by a blood-sucking network, not by Jon. Perhaps Kate should consider suing TLC for “reality-mony”?
I've been wondering about this for a while and it seems as good as any time to ask -- are you thinking of broadening the scope of this blog beyond just reality TV kids? There have been a fair few stories on child actors (Mara Wilson, Fred Savage, Nick Stahl, etc) and their stories are often specific to acting. Reality TV kids don't usually have to audition, for example, so the dehumanizing aspects of auditions that Mara talked about aren't really relevant for them. Likewise the way she talked about film acting being boring and repetitive. Actually, one of her main complaints seemed to be the lack of creative freedom that came with needing to endlessly (50 times or more) replay a single scene. Although making reality TV might be tedious and boring, no one goes into it for artistic expression the way an actor might go into acting so that's not really relevant either.
Aspects of their struggles with fame are relevant, of course, so I understand why you highlight those stories. The interaction with fans and such will be similar for both reality and actor kids.
Anyway, I guess I just wondered if you were thinking of evolving this site into something more than just about reality TV kids, since child acting in general seems to be something you're interested in covering? Are you thinking of campaigning against children participating in the entertainment industry, period?
Admin, there is another interesting(in my opinion) story regarding two little actors. I don't know how many people know this story but I find it very telling:
Remember the Full House twins? Nicky and Alex Katsopolis? They were played by twins Dylan and Blake Toumy-Wilhoit since they were about two years old.Three years later, the show ended and the boys were only 5.Their mother refused to cast them in any other shows, instead she said she was going to let them decide if they wanted to pursue a career in acting when they were old enough.Well, what do you know,it's been no less than 17 years since then and the boys decided they didn't want that kind of life.They decided to use the money they had made on Full House to go to college.
Should we still believe Kate who says she's given her children the choice and they said yes to filming? Should we believe any young actor's parents when they tell us it was their children's choice?
Here's the story here, personally I believe it deserves its own post, but it's up to you admin.
Tweetle, and anyone else interested in that photo of Steve with a camera and hair extensions,
It was photoshopped. The original is a Kate Moss' hair extension. Here is the original:
I think she won't give the name of her hair products because they are probably VERY expensive. She's always cheap,cheap,cheap when it comes to the kids,but spares no expense when it comes to anything for her. She's just the opposite of most mothers in the world.
Boyson and SG Thanks for following up on the Steve/extension photo. Much appreciated. I really didn't know where to start to hunt down the original.
Kate tweeted the name of hair products she uses last night:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@JillyShoe1987 @gypsi001 I use organix version of Moroccan brand.. I get it at ulta&target started carrying it.Has same oil in it& less $
11 hr
She probably uses a lot more salon high-end products. But her hair must be in such bad shape!! Time for new mom-friendly style, Kate, short, cute, easy to maintain without fancy products.Like the one she had after the tummy tuck.
Katie Cry-duh said... 99
I don't get why Kate can request more child support as Jon makes more money since she has more $ than him and she CHOOSES to live a lifestyle she cannot maintain. If she wants that cheaply furnished money pit, she can pay for if. The kids don't need it. Not do they need the private school and a nanny. If Kate insists on living this way, she can pay for it with money she earns herself, just like the rest of us. \-----------
Unfortunately, that's how child support works. It's all done with formulas.
Jon has said in the past he wants the kids to continue with their current school.
Even though Kate loves her home, I hardly doubt Jon would want his kids to have to move.
Jon's a good parent; he will do right by his kids.
Unfortunately, Kate isn't. She can use that tax free money for whatever she chooses. If it was me, I'd sock that money away for college, orthodontic work, future automobiles, etc.
Kate needs her hair done and another closet full of shoes.
When those kids grow up, they will have questions for Kate, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Ha! A 140-character tweet, worth 2,000+ words.
@kateplusmy8 Will the 'real' K8 please stand up LOL http://pic.twitter.com/zMv1NgYe
Description of tomorrow's Today episose from TVGuide.com. Is Kate going to ruffle Donald's hair again?
"Kate Gosselin; Donald Trump and the winner of "Celebrity Apprentice." Also: decor for kids' rooms; messy mistakes; style pointers for summer events; cooking tips."
LoveMyGrandsons said... 100
Dwindle, in my last post I forgot to address your comment about laying flowers at a memorial. I don't do that; instead I have been a financial supporter of paralized veterans and Viet Nam vets (of which I had 2 uncles who served in VN). I always indicate that I am donating in their honor...
Admin, please indulge me for a moment while I talk about my experience w/Vietnam Vets.
I am a Vietnam era vet (female). I did not serve in Vietnam but know first hand many men who did. Did you know that there are 8 names of female Vietnam Viets on The Wall? I didn't, until I starting doing some research.
A couple of years ago I went to a Vietnam Veterans Marine reunion for a unit (won't give name of unit) where my cousin was honored by his fellow Marines. My cousin was killed in Vietnam at 19 years old in 1968. The reunion was an incredible experience much like Alice through the Looking Glass. For you see it wasn't just my cousin being honored, by my representing the family of a fallen Marine I also stood for all the other families of other buddies who didn't make it home. Every Marine I came in contact with asked if there was anything I needed. They wanted to do something for me because they couldn't do anything more for their buddy. I made it a point to not ask for anything.
I was in awe of these Marines. These men survived but none were truly healed. I will point out that these are not the Vets you see on a street corner with a cardboard sign. This unit of Marines were all successful in their lives. In fact one Marine is a famous business man who I really wanted to meet. But it was pointed out me that he prefers to be just another Marine not someone famous. I respected his privacy and never asked for an introduction. In my heart I know I made the right decision.
It has been two years since this reunion. I continue to learn about the Vietnam War and its aftermath. This is how I show my respect for the Viet Veteran. I educate myself through reading, watching documentaries, attending lectures.
Memorial day I will be re-reading Matterhorn by Kark Marlantes. A book recommended by the Marines I met and required reading in a college class. As one Marine told me "this is the way it was."
LoveMyGrandsons - good for you! I hope you have a wonderful time. I look forward to the day when I welcome grandkids, but (hopefully) that's at least 8 to 10 years down the road.
I really highly doubt someone who has thousands of dollars in hair styling would then use a 6 dollar shampoo.
This off-topic but I saw Mrs. Malaprop's name and have to share.
My elderly mother doesn't own a computer but tries her best to keep up with the times. She attended a wedding yesterday and phoned me this morning to report that the couple being wed met on "e-bay" and the romance blossomed from there. The bride and groom are both in their thirties and the bride is pregnant. Mom, with a tone of righteous indignation, said, "Honestly, you'd think they would have at least used a 'condo' at their age."
I didn't know how to correct her.
I was in Shanghai last week and apparently even the Chinese know about Kate - this site was blocked! Haha.
I must be really lucky with my hair. I don't drench it with oil or use expensive products. Heck, I don't even condition unless I am shaving my legs, which is only a few times a week. It makes my hair take longer to dry when I do. My hair is shiny and healthy, but it's not chemically fried either.
Happy Sunday, everyone!
Amy2, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I, too, do a lot of reading about the VN war and I just finished watching a documentary about it on the National Geographic channel. It was emotional and some of the pictures brought tears to my eyes. We as a country need to do what we can for all of the good men and women who so faithfully served America.
Mrs. Malaprop, thanks for your good wishes as well. Grandkids are such a blessing. I even have a T-shirt that says "If I knew how much fun grandkids were, I would have had them first!". LOL!
PJ... the "Asains" probably saw the Kate Plus 8 episode of Kart putting on that hat in NY's Chinatown-- and turning her nose up at the Dim Sum lunch options, and promptly BLOCKED her!
Glad Preesi is shutting down... although I sure love their candor over there!
AuntiAnn - hee hee. All couples who meet on e-bay should be careful and use a condo! That's just common sense! :D How did you keep from giggling?
PJ - This week a local morning radio show discussed the new trend in the US of women not shaving their legs and underarms. I know there are countries where women don't shave. I just don't think I could go natural! Eeek!
I hope that's just a coincidence that Kate will be on The Today Show along with Trump and the CA winner.
re: Her organic hair oil. Are oils considered organic or not organic?
Mrs. Malaprop, I don't get that trend either. In Seattle, you do see quite a few go au naturel, but it's not my thing for sure. The Chinese seem to be hair free - believe me, I was looking! They are beautiful people. One experience that left me with my mouth hanging open was how they reacted to my black friend. It was clear that many of them had never seen a black person. That is how closed off this society is. Sad. Maybe in Beijing it is different because the Olympics were there, but in Shanghai, people would stop in their tracks and point and stare at my friend.
Maybe the Chinese blocked this site because it isn't written with Asian letters. Snerk
You know, of all the mixed race couples I've known, and there's been a lot, each individual took great interest in their partner's culture. My creole friend speaks fluent Italian and lives in Venice with her husband. My Heinz 57 friend makes Seder for her husband and kids. Et cetera. How Kate remains so ignorant regarding all things Asian astounds me. Saying ah-so and dressing Mady in a kimono when Jon made KOREAN food..,just wow.
"Honestly, you'd think they would have at least used a 'condo' at their age."
They probably did. That's where she got pregnant!
Funny story, Auntie!
PatK@124 - I think that it's only a concidence that Kate is on tomorrows show. CA ends tonight which is why The Donald and the winner (I'm team Clay) wil ne on the show. The cast is never announced one at a time. There's been talk that the next one will be an all stars CA bringing back the best of the worst (or some such nonsense). I believe that as someone previously said Kate was called as a filler because someone cancelled. She may have something to announce (1/2 marathon, book in the works, etc.) but shed never be able to announce ahead of time that she'll be on either DWTS or CA. The casts are closely guarded secrets until the network is ready to announce and that's normally shortly before the show is ready to air. In CA's case the show has normally already been filmed before they announce. Maybe she will hit up The Donald for a slot.
I really highly doubt someone who has thousands of dollars in hair styling would then use a 6 dollar shampoo.
It's possible that when TLC was paying for her over-priced NYC hair appointments that the salon gave her those expensive hair products for free to take along home, or at least at a huge discount. Wasn't there a photo of her exiting the salon carrying a bag of products? Since she's on her own, she could be roughing it with generic brands.
Mrs. Malaprop said... 122
AuntiAnn - hee hee. All couples who meet on e-bay should be careful and use a condo! That's just common sense! :D How did you keep from giggling?
I do grin widely on this side of the phone where she can't see me and I guess I'm just used to it. She's always been that way. She calls Ibuprofen "effervess" and no one can tell her any different. I have no idea where she gets these things. lol.
Kristine said... 122
Glad Preesi is shutting down... although I sure love their candor over there!
It's like Preesi said, these blogs give Kate her narcissistic supply. She loves having her name out there even if it's to denigrate her. I think she would be totally pissed off if Preesi had changed the title to My Case Against Narcissists or if this was 15 Minutes Narcissist Style. It would drive her nuts.
The one thing Kate refuses to address is her narcissism. She'll defend everything else but that. I've never heard her utter that word.
Mrs. Malaprop said... 123
AuntiAnn - hee hee. All couples who meet on e-bay should be careful and use a condo...
Moose Mania said... 128
"Honestly, you'd think they would have at least used a 'condo' at their age."
They probably did. That's where she got pregnant!
That is SO funny, from AuntieAnn's mom to Moose Mania's remark!!!
PJ - This week a local morning radio show discussed the new trend in the US of women not shaving their legs and underarms. I know there are countries where women don't shave. I just don't think I could go natural...
I saw that in Europe when I was there- it's all what you're used to. I thought though the trend was for women and men sometimes to was EVERYTHING these days....I'm a legs, armpits, bikini line gal. One thing I dislike about summer, the 'upkeep!' I haven't really seen any 'natural' ladies around this area, not that I've been looking! Nothing wrong with being hairy- again, it takes getting used to in our culture.
Moose Mania said... 128
They probably did. That's where she got pregnant!
hehe. Apparently that condo had a leaky faucet.
I just had a terrific phone call with my grandsons and told them to make sure Mommy packs their swim trunks because I bought them a pool.
It was a Wal-Mart special and the perfect size for a 4 and 5 year old to splash around and cool off in. It's 10' by 6' and 2' deep. Of course the hubs said they don't need a pool at our house, and of course I disagreed with him. LOL.
I really am sorry to have so many posts about my grandsons, but I am so excited to know they're coming and I anxiously await their arrival on Friday!
My daughter asked me if she could get together with some of her friends on Saturday and would I watch the boys. Would I watch the boys?!? I asked her if she had been drinking because she should know the answer to that one! LOL!
And that's the only place you will see Kate's smiling face is if she is being flattered, talked about or fawned over on television because after all this is her career.
I still haven't figured out how talking about your kids or your divorce is a career choice.
I once read a biography of Natalie Wood. She, too, supported her family much of the time. I believe her parents got some kind of jobs on the various movie lots, but they enjoyed the money Natalie made, too. I agree, Admin, that parents must keep their day jobs and not depend on their children to support them. There were laws put into place to protect children for a good reason. All of that big money changes peoples' value systems. Unless we were duped from the start by Jon and Kate, it became obvious as the show went on that their values changed and not in a positive way. I truly wish Kate was not going to be on the Today Show again. I just wonder why, oh why does anyone keep promoting such a no-talent, greedy grifter as Kate. She is just unlikeable in every way. I know we are labeled as "haters", but I prefer to call us "realists."
She's on twitter silence so I'm guessing she's in NY and taking advantage of every freebie she can. Of course she's with Steve,I'm sure. Wonder who has the kids?
I'm really surprised that people are against Jon's child support going up if his income goes up. There are no winners and losers here, and the kids are the biggest losers of all. Would people feel better if Jon didn't pay ay child support at all, because, that's what it sounds like. If nothing else, the kids are in a close and supportive environment at school, where they can learn the social skills and values that are so lacking in the Gosselin household. Keeping them in private school is the right thing to do, and even Jon has agreed with this.
Clearly, there was way more money being thrown at the G's than we can imagine, with most of their personal expenses being paid by TLC. Jon's $22,000 child support was based on what he was being paid to NOT appear on the show, so, it is probable that Kate was making multiples of this for actually appearing, and continued to draw a salary until the end of the TLC contract. Since Pennsylvania child support can't exceed 40% of take home, his salary must have been $450,000+ per year.
Since Jon was successfully sued to bar him from media appearances, it is likely that they had a non-compete clause in his contract. This is common practice in entertainment--for example, Pierce Brosnan was unable to appear in 007 movies until his contract for Remington Steele lapsed (not comparing Kate to him--just an example). Kate's appearance on DWTS was clearly sanctioned, because it was supposed to enhance her image. ABC may even have had to pay TLC for the privilege of having her on.
Since her contract just lapsed, its possible that she was barred from entering into any contracts in entertainment. There may have been an options clause, which would have allowed TLC to renew her contract. So, it is possible, that she couldn't even begin actively negotiating any media appearances until March.
Predicting a very quiet Twitter day as she decamps early for NYC, anxiously awaiting her Today show hair/makeup chair and her 2 minutes of air time. Countdown to the "ums".
I looked for that 'Asian' episode on youtube. Good lord, that woman is dumb. The streets smelled because of the oceanish things, the dim sum was all wrapply dumplingy stuff, the signs were in Asian letters, and on and on, ad nauseum. Combine those stupid things with her attire and the way she treated those kids and it's just ridiculous! How does she have even one fan?
Damn you auto correct and fat fingers! Shed=she'd and wil ne=will be
On a more somber note as we head toward Memorial Day, one of my son's oldest/closest friends just lost a leg within the past month to an IED explosion. Please keep all of our wounded warriors in your thoughts and prayers.
NJGal51, yes, I was thinking that maybe her people got her on with Trump for the exposure factor. You know, hoping that he will keep her in mind for his show at some point.
It will be interesting to see whether she's there to promote anything (besides her fake boobs and short dress).
For some reason, I'm only seeing comments moderated up through 11:21 A.M., so I'm not sure if this was already posted:
Nick Stahl, Missing 'Terminator 3' Actor, Checks Into Rehab
Wishing him peace & a quick return to health, in all definitions of that word.
Preesi's site is still up! She's shutting down Monster Dearest's blog. Everything else is still up. Regular & guest posters are posting on other topics. Kreider's ship has sunk. She's bragging about haters keeping her relevant. Actually, her stupid ass antics keep her relevant. No one's calling or offering her jobs. She's instigating bullsh*t by antagonizing the haters. Don't bite. Change the subject.
I'm really surprised that people are against Jon's child support going up if his income goes up.
I'm not against a fair child support order for parents at all. But Pennsylvania has practically no way to regulate how child support is being spent. With this woman's history of mismanaging money and her own statements about not being able to afford things like movies and gymnastics, I don't trust for one second her ability to wisely spend or save any extra money Jon gives her.
It's a much better idea to let JON control his extra money, be it putting it in a trust, or spending it himself on the kids when they are on visits, paying the tuition directly himself, etc.
Oh, and I also believe it's not the 19th century anymore and Kate should get off her lazy butt and get a JOB. They're her kids too to support.
I'll miss Preesi for things like this: "Deadbeat Mom." Because that's exactly what Kate is, bingo.
PJs Momma- where did you find the Chinatown (NYC) epi? I couldn't locate it last time I wanted to check it out? YouTube?
I just had a terrific phone call with my grandsons and told them to make sure Mommy packs their swim trunks because I bought them a pool.
It was a Wal-Mart special and the perfect size for a 4 and 5 year old to splash around and cool off in. It's 10' by 6' and 2' deep. Of course the hubs said they don't need a pool at our house, and of course I disagreed with him. LOL.
Remember Kate's blog post, if you have a pool, do not forget to SWIM IN IT.
Seriously though that's really sweet. Enjoy!
NJGal51, I'm so sorry for your son's close friend. I will keep him and all of our armed forces in prayer for their safety and wellbeing.
Ex Nurse, I don't think the issue is with Jon's child support going up as much as it is an issue with how Kate spends it. In all due honesty, they did not need that big house and all of those acres in 2008, and they need it even less now. It is just an unnecessary drain on limited financial resources, especially since Kate refuses to get a job to help support her children.
If my hubby and I got divorced when my daughter was young, would it have been right for me to refuse to work and keep expecting him to pay more? I don't think so.
While Kate is still taking her trips to NY to get her hair done, flying to LV for a birthday weekend, and flying to other places for marathons, I do not think Jon should have to pay more while she contributes absolutely NOTHING. She only spends on herself and for a nanny while she is away. Useless woman and mother, and she is not entitled to nor deserves more child support.
Lovemy grandsons exactly.
If Mom has one idea about what makes a good childhood (trips, stuff, stuff and more stuff, and Dad has another idea (like, not just STUFF), why should Dad have to pay an arm and a leg to fund Mom's unrealistic ideas about what her children "deserve."
Jon should pay what is reasonable, not just based on what Kate thinks is how you should raise kids.
Once a viewer, the Chinatown portions are at the end of Part 2 and beginning of Part 3.
I am very, very blessed to say that my husband's colleagues gave us two beautiful tea sets and two lovely porcelain canisters of tea in Shanghai! That's what happens when you have friends, haha. The dim sum was to die for too.
PS: Note if you watch those horrible clips that she keeps talking about hot and miserable and hungry SHE is. Never does she ask how the kids are doing, nor does she even look back when she's clomping along in front of them. When the hired help goes away like the camera crew did, she is going to have a rude awakening, when she has to watch those kids on her own.
@Kateplusmy8Tune in to @todayshow tomorrow morning - I'll be giving updates on my family and sharing my money saving tips from @CouponCabin!
Admin, thanks for reminding me of Kate's money saving tips for the summer! I forgot all about them. I hope I remember to lay in the pool to stay cool so I can save money by turning off the air conditioner.
PJ (126) - When we traveled to China to adopt our daughter the very blond lady in our travel group got a LOT of attention. I hope your friend wasn't freaked out by that.
You're so right about Chinese people not being very hairy. I'm sure there are some who are. My daughter recently asked me when she'll start shaving her legs. She's 10, and I don't see that happening in the near future. The only thing that bugs her is the "peach fuzz" on her upper lip. It's not terribly obvious, but since her hair is so dark it's more visible. Some kids at school feel the need to tell her she has a moustache. So when she's a little older we'll look into laser hair removal.
Lala (136) - I like that. We're not haters, we're realists. Perfect!
NJGal (141)- So sorry to hear about your son's friend. I'd love to send him a card if there's a secure way to do that.
Who knows? Matt Laurer has been known to put people on the spot...especially women (could be because of his own personal life). he did make Christy Brinkley cry and asked some really uncomfortable questions. since Kate slams Jon all the time, maybe Matt (as a dad) will put Khate on the defensive and put her on the spot as well and ask some tough questions she will not like. One can only hope!
ITA, Auntie Anne. I just had that thought last night. We've never heard Kate utter the word... Na-na-Narcissist! (I shudder to think of how she might spell it.) Would we be Blocked on Twitter, if we repeatedly sent her NPD-NPD-NPD... tweets? "15 Minutes Narcissist Style" sounds divine-- decadent even. I'm in, and I actually quit posting on any Gosselin site, the same day Kate Plus 8 was cancelled.
As for the Today Show tomorrow? More Coupon Cabin crap, a few 'Bad Daddy' tosses under the BBB... and maybe she'll finally utter the word NARCISSISM!
(Formerly- Monster Mommy)
(Post Script: Admin #147)... Kate Gosselin is swimming in something, and it ain't just her POOL!
But Pennsylvania has practically no way to regulate how child support is being spent.
Exactly right. It's not a matter of "practically," but rather none at all. There is no child support accountability law in PA. She can take that money and spend it on hair, tanning, weekends away or whatever she wants to spend it on and she does not have to show anyone in the court system where it went. There is no summer camp for those kids, no gym lessons, no movies in a theater because of her history of spending it on herself. What's fair is fair. Why should he have to contribute more money just because she thinks they should not give up the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed? She wants to keep that lifestyle, fine, then let her get a job to support it.
So Kate will talk about the kids and Coupon Cabin on The Today Show? Not herself? Let's wait and see about that!
One thing I dislike about summer, the 'upkeep!' I haven't really seen any 'natural' ladies around this area, not that I've been looking! Nothing wrong with being hairy- again, it takes getting used to in our culture.
So are you saying that in Paris, when it gets long under the armpit, they French braid it?
Anyone thing Kate went into NYC yesterday? She's gotta be rested, don't cha know..
Yep, the queen of child exploitation is going to teach the mediocre masses how to save money using 1.00 paper towel coupons! We can all be unemployed, travel the country, and buy THREE cars in one year by saving 20% at Target. Yep, she's a genius!
Can you imagine what Trump thinks of Kate? lololol. what a joke.
Marie 135 said.
I still haven't figured out how talking about your kids or your divorce is a career choice.
lol, that made me laugh! Kate isn't any different than other reality stars. Being in the same company as the Kardashians,and any of the housewives, is NOTHING to be proud of.
You know, when I see all of these huge homes being built in our area (no such thing as small starter homes anymore), and our economy, I can't help but feel that often some people did this to themselves.
I have a friend and her and her husband bought a 5 bedroom, 3 bath house a few years ago. They have 3 children, a living room, family room (what's the difference?), and a full rec room in the basement. Unfortunately he lost his job and now they are really struggling trying to hang onto the house. The problem is they had a very nice smaller 3 bedroom house prior to buying the monstrosity, and it was more than half paid off.
When I was a kid growing up, we had a 3 bedroom house. My parents had one room, my 2 sisters (10 and 12 years younger than me) shared the second room, and my grandma had the smallest bedroom. My brothers and my uncle (the VN vet who recently died) shared the finished rec room; my brothers on a full size sleeper sofa and my uncle on a fold away bed. We had only 1 bathroom as well.
However, this was very typical of the families in our neighborhood. Several children and extended families living under one roof and I didn't know anyone who had more than one bathroom. The point is we all survived.
When my daughter was a teenager, she complained sometimes about the 3 of us having to share one bathroom in the mornings. I told her about how 9 of us shared one bathroom when I was growing up and we did it.
Nowadays, it seems like bigger is better and everyone wants that, whether they can truly afford it or not. I know this is not the case with everyone, bvut I do know many people who spent beyond their means and now they are hurting because of it.
I thank God every day for our small little ranch house. It fits our needs perfectly.
One thing I dislike about summer, the 'upkeep!' I haven't really seen any 'natural' ladies around this area, not that I've been looking! Nothing wrong with being hairy- again, it takes getting used to in our culture.
It's warm here year round and I love the weather, but I do feel like I spend 25% of my life shaving, plucking, and waxing lol.
You know, when I see all of these huge homes being built in our area (no such thing as small starter homes anymore), and our economy, I can't help but feel that often some people did this to themselves.
Some people absolutely did this to themselves. We've become a bailout society with no accountability.
I'm not talking about people who were mislead or misinformed or had a strong of bad luck or otherwise ended up in a bad financial situation. But I'm sorry there are people who KNOWINGLY got in over their heads and didn't think about what they would do if anything ever didn't go exactly to plan. Kate is really the perfect example of this. Lived life like the show would last until they were 18 years old, had absolutely no plan if anything ever went wrong, and now wants Jon, or anyone willing to give a freebie, to pay her way and get her through. Screw that. It's not right to the people who DO work hard to shield themselves from something like this--they have to bail these people out.
Again I don't include people who were responsible and did the best they could to stay above water and ended up in a bad situation anyway--of course we all know this does happen in this economy.
Improbable Dream said... 152
@Kateplusmy8Tune in to @todayshow tomorrow morning - I'll be giving updates on my family and sharing my money saving tips from @CouponCabin!
Second that! And I'm quite sure no hard balls will be lobbed since this is clearly some kind of advertising quid pro quo. In other words, she is not there because she's newsworthy. And sure, let's talk about your kids, or probably just the girls, anything really private and embarrassing you want to toss out there Katie, here's your chance. No way am I watching this crapfest.
The Kontent Farmer is actually promoting herself? Did she hire the new PR person?
She really need only read here. It's not hard Kate.
Step one, if you are going to be on T.V. TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. Like, ahead of time! So they can tune in and stuff.
NJ Gal: Please add my best wishes to your friend's son too. He is one of a valiant crew of amazing people. So sorry about the accident.
PJ's Momma: Thanks ! I remember that epi was pretty amazing vis a vis Kate's behavior & dress. Wonder why I couldn't find it? I also can't fine Farm to Table, but I'm ok with that, lol.
Mouse: Idk, I suppose they trim it, but those were pretty hairy pits on elegant stylish young women!
Mrs. Malaprop, my friend was wishing she was 'only' blonde! Seriously, people would stop in their tracks right in front of us and stare and point and talk to each other, sometimes laughing. She took it in stride - what can you do?
We just went to a fundraiser for Half the Sky, which helps special needs children there who will never be adopted. Do you know them? They are wonderful! Our friends just hosted their first fundraiser and raised $60,000 and all without a 'celebrity' speaker!
I'm surprised the Chinese are so hairless as they do live in a brutally cold climate in winter. I am Russian back ground and am very hairy. I did the laser thing on the upper lip - it didn't really work. I had a different type on my bikini area many years ago and it worked but it hurt like HELL, it felt and sounded like a sewing machine was looking for melanin to zap! Seems they use a lesser laser on the face or something. Can't your daughter bleach? It's cheap and easy and painless. Every couple of weeks and she's good to go. You can buy the kits in any drugstore.
I am just trying to stay awake, going between here and my e-mail, I need a snooze.
Regarding shaving, that is one of the good things that came out of menopause, I hardly ever have to shave. The hair has almost stopped growing so I only have to shave once every 5 or 6 weeks. However, I would go back to shaving every other day if I could get rid of these #/%$@&% hotflashes!!
Mrs. Malaprop, from personal experience, I'm sure your daughter is self-conscious about the hair on her upper lip. Although I am a blond, I had a lot of hair on my upper lip. There is a great over the counter product you can get at most pharmacies. It's called Hair Be Gone. It's similar to waxing, but cheaper, easier, and to me, less painful.
It's a sticky plastic sheet that you cut to size. Put it on the upper lip for 8 seconds and then pull up from the bottom. Then you just have to apply a little baby oil to the area. This lasted me about 4-5 weeks and it was so easy to do as well as inexpensive.
Okay, another funny story. When I first tried this product years ago, I didn't read the box carefully so I didn't know I needed baby oil. After I used the sticky paper and my upper lip was red and sticky, I finally reread the instructions. With no baby oil, I had to use Wesson! In a pinch, it did the trick and took away the stickiness and redness. My husband teased me about that for weeks!
Oh my gosh, I better wake up early to watch The Today Show tomorrow!!! I don't want to miss those money-savings tips from that thrift expert, Kate Gosselin!!!! I know those will change my life!
And as a bonus, I can hear updates about her kids?? That's awesome! I bet those kids have been on so many amazing travel adventures since Kate's last interview!!!
People DO do this to themselves and it IS a bailout society with no accountability! Every community probably has those mega-starter homes now. I work at a food bank and we often help people financially too. So this woman comes in for the first time straight from the salon in PEDICURE FLIP FLOPS and a new design on her acrylic fingernails and wants help with her mortgage because her hours are spotty. The fact that she can't see why that would look bad to anyone at all just boggles my mind! That is at LEAST $30 you could apply to your mortgage or power bill right there......... And then she didn't even want food (which we tried to explain would help stretch her other resources further). No, she just wanted her mortgage paid.
Does anyone watch The Big C? The main character's brother is a hoot and he was talking about a former girlfriend, a lady from Ghana I think, and he said he didn't want her to trim anything. He said, "It was like she was smuggling Diana Ross down there!" I nearly died laughing!
Oh no, RIP Robin Gibb. Seems like a lot of people in the news are dying recently.
I really liked the Bee Gees and brother Andy. Very talented and dedicated group of brothers.
Barry the eldest is the only remaining one.
PJ's momma - I watch The Big C. LOVE IT!
So, Kate is going to give updates on her kids; there's a surprise (you know because she NEVER talks about them).
And she's going to give money-saving tips, too? Oh, please, just gag me now.
Improbable Dream said... 152
@Kateplusmy8Tune in to @todayshow tomorrow morning - I'll be giving updates on my family and sharing my money saving tips from @CouponCabin!
EXACTLY. Zzzzzzzz.
Kate just bores the crap out of me.
She really has nothing interesting to say, anyway.
Maybe she'll impress her fans with a crotch shot...
Hey, you guys that live in the Chicago viewing area: we might luck out on monday, with all the stuff of protests of NATO, the today show might get:PRE-EMPTED, and we won't get to hear Kates useless money saving tips or her mug either. Here's hoping!
Tune in to @todayshow tomorrow morning - I'll be giving updates on my family and sharing my money saving tips from @CouponCabin!
She is going to read from one of her blogs, probably the one where she wrote, "Swim in your pool if you have one." If she reads, she might get through the interview with a minimum amount of ummmm's. Of course the backstage crew will be doubling over in laughter...
@ LoveMyGrandsons said... 169 LOLOL!!! I just love your story! "Wesson: It's not just for chicken anymore."
Sorry, this really made me laugh and nod in agreement, coming here makes me feel a bit less odd when you dear people 'fess up these things that apparently most of do! Thank you for sharing this!
Took a look at the Big Apple epi, thanks to PJ's Momma- I had forgotten what a spectacle Kate made of herself- the side boob/cleavage, running, shrieking,c/o fatigue/melt down, ignorant remarks, ignoring the kids' concerns ( no one wanted to sit with her for Dim Sum!) Was she on drugs or what? She was almost manic. I wonder if she acts like that in her 'real life?'
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 176
EXACTLY. Zzzzzzzz.
Kate just bores the crap out of me.
She really has nothing interesting to say, anyway.
Maybe she'll impress her fans with a crotch shot...
Yep! And she'll be dressed like she is a arrogant divorcee diva going screwzing at an '80's disco, not an early morning "busy single thrifty single mom of OMG8!!!"
Does anyone else see the irony in Kate taking yet another glam-it-up trip to NYC with hair and makeup and nails in order to go on a show and wax about how she saves money???
No, just me?
Loves my grandsons, I agree with you about how many people got themselves into this housing mess. Folks got greedy all along the way, including bankers, real estate agents, developers. The more expensive the home you sell, as an agent and broker, the more money you make.
Twenty years ago, dh and I built this house. We picked an area with lower property costs, in an area without a fancy HOA and associated dues. I was working part time then, when we decided we wanted an extra, I picked up extra hours at work and we added that to our down payment or paid for theitem up front. We were told by or real estate agent and the bank that we could quality for twice the mortgage we were seeking, but we did not want to take on larger mortgage payments. So - we built a new house, were able to put twenty percent down and avoid the dreaded PMI (mortgage insurance required for less than 20 percent down), and paid off mortgage in full in 15 years. We saved money, and then this year were able to buy a beach house in the outer banks. Its for rent at reasonable rates because it is across the street from the beach, 700 feet to be exact. We are not lucky, we planned and saved and lived within a budget.
plus we paid in full two 529 plans for our dds. Younger one will be going to a state college rated by us news and world report as a best educational value, and her four years tuition is paid All we have to pay is room and board, which is a chunk of change, but manageable with savings she has in another account.
The most important life skill you can teach your kids is how to manage money, how to make a budget and stick to it. That and how to do their own laundry.
I also watched the NYC episode with her kids. What stood out for me was the way she treated Jamie. Jamie took Kate's shit the whole time. Yuk. What a turn off. Funny I didn't notice it when the episode first aired. It is apparent to me the RV episode was the straw that broke the camel's back for that friendship. I was thinking how difficult it would be for Jamie to have a friend that thought she was Angelia Jolie because she got a reality show from TLC. Yep. That would be a difficult friend to have. I don't believe they are still thick as thieves.
AuntieAnn said... 119
This off-topic but I saw Mrs. Malaprop's name and have to share.
My elderly mother doesn't own a computer but tries her best to keep up with the times. She attended a wedding yesterday and phoned me this morning to report that the couple being wed met on "e-bay" and the romance blossomed from there. The bride and groom are both in their thirties and the bride is pregnant. Mom, with a tone of righteous indignation, said, "Honestly, you'd think they would have at least used a 'condo' at their age."
I have an older friend who thinks the entire internet plus any computer is all called Facebook. But the thought of your dear one saying "they met on ebay..." is just really sort of adorable!
Did you hear the one, hehe, about the hip grandma who texted her teenage grandson and said "Grandpa just passed away peacefully. LOL." She thought it meant Lots of Love.
PJ - Yes! I'm familiar with Half the Sky. I love all the work they do for those children.
I thought about bleaching for my daughter, but I'm afraid turning the hair blond will look strange on her complexion. A friend of mine has a daughter adopted from Vietnam and they had her eyebrows waxed. But it left her with white patches where the wax pulled the hair out. It was like the wax pulled off a layer of her skin.
LoveMyGrandsons - I hope my hair stops growing when I hit menopause. That would be awesome! I don't want the hot flashes. Thanks for the tip about Hair Be Gone. I'll be sure to have baby oil on hand. ha ha
To clear the taste of sick from your mouth after all of Khate's twittered rainbow farts here is a great site www.despair.com
JoyInVirginia, yes we qualified for a much higher loan than we took 20 years ago, but we also didn't want a higher mortgage. Also, I knew with my hubs being a hard working trucker and working late hours, the majority of the housecleaning would fall to me. I HATE cleaning so the smaller the house, the easier it is for me!
Dwindle, I'm glad I made you laugh out loud. At times, I feel like I'm the only one these crazy things happen to, but I know that's not true.
Now, no one take offense to this, but the hubs always tells me I'm polish, I'm a blond, so it's natural for me to a "ditz". LOL.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 182
Does anyone else see the irony in Kate taking yet another glam-it-up trip to NYC with hair and makeup and nails in order to go on a show and wax about how she saves money???
No, just me?
Kate is flapping her hand at this and saying "I do it all for my kids" because somehow that makes some kind of twisted sick sense to her. Spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars to slut it up in NY in order to whine about her child support and how to clip a toilet paper coupon, yep, it all makes sense to her. It's her CAREER which she MUST HAVE for her kids!
I have also noticed that she has never said she wants a career in acting, a career in broadcast journalism, a career as an interviewer of current personalities. What she has said is "I need to be on teevee".
And she thinks because she says it, someone is supposed to feel worried and sorry for her 8 count em 8 kids and hand her what she wants.
Someone here once said that she thinks working means having cameras and a production crew follow you around and pay for everything you want plus some and doing everything possible to keep your tantrums to a minimum. THAT is the 'career' she wants back.
My curses on all those folks who did just that for the past 9 years with that woman, from teevee shows to the miracle paper towels that got prayed for. What a monster they all fed.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 182
Does anyone else see the irony in Kate taking yet another glam-it-up trip to NYC with hair and makeup and nails in order to go on a show and wax about how she saves money???
No, just me?
Uh-huh. But Kate's expenses don't count.
Now, do as Kate says, not as she does.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 162
ITA. One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing these huge houses go up with a yard the size of a broom closet. If you're going to have a house that big, you need the land to go around it, imo. Bear in mind, I live in Silicon Valley, the land of overly big houses.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about how we live our lives now as opposed to when I was a kid. I think it's so easy to fall into a trap of living the way Madison Avenue tells us we should. I'm not saying we should ditch our computers, iPhones, cell phones, microwaves, HE washer/dryers, etc., drop off the grid and live off the land, weaving our own cloth and growing or foraging for our own food. But I wish more people would really think critically about what their needs vs their wants are.
It's almost as if we're not really "special" or "unique" or that our lives are worth anything unless we have things. I think that's been a big part of Kate's issues.
Here's an idea for a new reality show for Kate: Kate Downsizes! Watch Kate and her 8 sell the big house with the pool and acreage and move into a smaller 3-4 bedroom house with one bathroom. See how Kate handles only having one car to do all her errands with. Tune in as Kate says "Goodbye" to her bodyguard and companion, Steve Neild, as she works to cut expenses and live within a budget that Gail Vaz-Oxlade (Til Debt Do Us Part; Princess) comes up with.
That is a show I would watch. Could Kate really do it? I don't believe for a second she'd even consider it (What? No Steve?! Forget it!), but it would be interesting.
I agree with Joy. When my husband and I were looking for a home in 1989 our real estate agent was pushing us to buy a larger home. We held our ground and bought the size and type of home that we wanted. We knew that in 1989 we could afford a larger home but decided not to do so because we had no idea what the future would hold for us. Anything can happen. So instead of buying a larger home we took the money we would have spent on a larger house and put it in bank. Looking back we realize we made the right decision. With the ups and downs of life its so easy to get into financial trouble. Our mantra we have told our children over and over is to enjoy life today but prepare for the downtimes in the future.
Today we own our home, a beach condo and putting two children through college without student loans. And one more thing, when the tough times came (and they did come) we ate hamburger at home (a lot) instead of eating out, bought our clothes when they were on sale, kept the cars for 10+ years.
Does anyone else see the irony in Kate taking yet another glam-it-up trip to NYC with hair and makeup and nails in order to go on a show and wax about how she saves money???
No, just me?
Trust me, you are not alone in your thinking. I also think it's a shame that she sits on her jobless ass while her ex may well be paying more if his book sells, not to actually support his kids, but to support the lavish lifestlye SHE has chosen. Anything she might be earning these days seems to go to her over the top expenses.
R.I.P Robin Gibb.
I can just hear her Today interview now.
"Um, the kids I are great. My kids are doing great the divorce has been hard on them but I am doing everything as I have always said, everything I do is for them. Jon...is, um, I don't know, he's trying the kids are comfortable seeing him as often as they do but I wish it were more. Um...yeah, I'm still lonely, yeah. We still see our crew so for my kids it's still there normal it's the people not the cameras they miss. I'd do another reality show, sure absolutely because for my kids and I it gives us opportunities we wouldn't otherwise have."
Probably going to be the same old same old. She still has no job no new show so why bother?
Interesting clip, Admin. Think that's how it will go down when Kate announces to the kids she's marrying Steve?
silimom, I agree with you 100%.
Kate will blather about some basic or stupid way to save money , no doubt. I'd LOVE to see the interviewer's response to tips such as swim in your pool! Hide empty Easter eggs for your kids to find! Make your kids turn their underwear inside out! Geez. I'm done wishing for someone to call her on her shit because it rarely happens. Where's whoopi when you need her?
My curses on all those folks who did just that for the past 9 years with that woman, from teevee shows to the miracle paper towels that got prayed for. What a monster they all fed.
And, unfortunately, she is still being fed as long as people have blogs about her.
I'm an offender myself but proudly have not posted about her in months.
What a coincidence did anyone see 60 Minutes? They did a story tonight about a billionaire who thinks the college system is broken and saddling kids with debt and ineffective degrees (YES) and so he is paying kids who have brilliant ideas $100,000 to drop out of college. Radical yes, but certainly calls attention to this idea going around that maybe what we think or like to believe college is, perhaps isn't.
I won't be watching Kate on the Today Show tomorrow. But, I will be looking forward to all the comments here!
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