Some highlights from the
Preston and Steve show yesterday include Jon's discussion of child support (he pays $1500 a month now and is caught up) and he says he and Kate are getting along better now and co-parenting. Listen here:
Wed, 2 May 2012

Daily Feed (05.02.12)
Meanwhile, Kate was outed as frying her hair in NYC and gorging at Fig & Olive thanks to this hilarious tweet:
223 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 223 of 223 Newer› Newest»"Radar has a piece today on "best Hollywood (yeah, right) boob jobs," and Kate is one of their 10 featured."
Someone should tweets congratulations to Kate for this accomplishment. I'm sure Boobyguard is proud.
I don't think Kate has admitted to a boob job, but it's so obvious. Did the other women featured admit to boob jobs? I think Jenny McCarthy and the Kardashians did.
he asked if he could meet her before the event so he could drive back home for the night (he's 200+ miles away). As far as I can tell, he didn't get a reply. So it looks like it's only the one sheeple making the trip.
So he would drive 200 miles to say hello to her for five minutes and then turn around and drive another 200 miles home? Why couldn't he stay for the program and then drive home? It's at 7 p.m., certainly would be over by 10 at the latest, and he'd be home by 1:30 or 2. Why wouldn't you stay to hear her speech? What am I missing here?
I think we are all being played. I don't for a minute believe that Jon and Kate are on friendly terms. Good for Jon if he can remotely get along for the sake of the kids, but I'm not buying the "friendly" part. He took away the filming and ruined it all for Kate. She will never forgive that, no matter what. I still believe we are being played. Taking a break. Best wishes to all.
thanks for clearing the $5.00 up.I should have figured that out! Oh well, at least they'll have lunch money -like Kate claimed the $22,000 barely covered.
Mandy: maybe Jon was snarking back then.
I think, what Jon means by 'constant in the kids lives' is that he is there. When he has custody, he does not hire a sitter/nanny/whatever, to take care of the kids, so he can go off somewhere, or go jogging, play video games, twitter, he is there. Unlike Kate who finds every excuse to get away from those kids. Kate has all day to jog, nope, have to jog when kids are home. Have to travel when it's custody time. I bet those kids spend more time with the sitter than Kate.
And as someone here said, this is the second GF the kids have met, is it not? Are there pics of Hailey and the other GFs with Jon and the kids? I don't remember seeing any. Jon went with Ellen 2 years, previous to Ellen he had several GFs, during 2009. Previous to that he was with Kate.
Well...helllllo Missouri! Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!See you soon... (PS I am loving the hot weather I found here!)
So Kate announces her arrival, and now there's a bunch of local fans clamoring for her whereabouts. If nothing else, had she done even a tiny bit of promo for this event, she probably could have gotten a dozen "fans" to show up and buy tickets. But, she didn't.
(sigh) Another Kate fail.
Kate's in Missouri? Geez you wouldn't know until now what with her tight lips.
He is a very young responsible boy and his parents probably would not approve of him being out on the road far from home at that time.
Tight lips, tight wallet. Honoring all MOMS with her presence in Missouri.
Oh puhleeze, hope you enjoy her MO. I have better things to do, like Margarita Friday.
I have to laugh about Kate being on the list of best boob jobs. If she's asked what she thinks about that, it puts her between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure she'd be ecstatic, yet she would have to deny it, wouldn't she? LOL I love it.
And will she be giving her standard "Me, me, my, my" speech tonight in Missouri? What a pro!
@Kateplusmy8 Well...let the positivity begin...the hope be unleashed...the encouragement flow & give ur loving heart 2honor this cause! :)
It's Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show
Hot August night and the leaves hangin' down
And the grass on the ground smellin' - sweet
Move up the road to the outside o' town
And the sound o' that good gospel beat
Sits a ragged tent, where there ain't no trees
And that gospel group, tellin' you and me
It's Love, Brother Love
Say Brother Love's Travellin' Salvation Show-ow (halle-halle)
Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies
And everyone goes, 'cause everyone knows, brother Love's show
Milo is Twitter's flim flam man.
Well heyyyyyaa Kate! Will that speech include YOUR MOM?
And now a sheeple request for a RT to honor her mother who died in January. This makes me sad, a stupid tweet from a vapid has-been will honor this woman's mother. Perhaps I need to step away from MY computer.
LOL, Tweet...that's exactly how I picture Milo. Flim flam man! Perfect!
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...knew U would warm up weather & Kate so agree! Right girlfriend? :)
When is Milo going to get it through her thick head that Kate is NOT her girlfriend and she is NOT Kate's girlfriend? Kate hasn't tweeted her for five days. She's ignoring her.
BTW..."Oh, yes, she does" has resurfaced on the other blog!
Milo is nuttier than a fruitcake. She couldn't get a response from Kate despite her many, many attempts to do so, so she's all up the sheeple's butt who's going and copying Kate on the tweets. It's SAD.
I can't believe how many people tweeted from Mo. asking where she was appearing. Kate is such a freakin loser.
Admin said....How does Jon shut her up though? Tell her to stop? Kate will never listen to that. Ever. And Jon knows it. The only choice is to divorce her and do his best to be kind and co parent there's no other healthy choice that I see.
Sorry so late to respond to this subject but I was so busy at work today I didn't have time for one peek here.
You're right, Admin. What good would it do for him to argue with her? No matter what he says or does she will always twist it around to try and make him look like the bad guy. It's so frustrating though to watch her constantly bash him knowing there are so many things he could say back that are the truth. Jon truly is a good person and a great father and in the long run will be the one to come out on top.
Great post admin--thanks for posting donation links.
The goal of fundraising events like this is not to sell more tickets--it is to solicit for additional donations. The cost of the ticket does not cover the cost of food, drinks and speaker fees. typically, alcohol is served because it is an effective way to get more contributions. Additionally, the charity adds attendees to their marketing program, hoping to turn donors into lifelong supporters.
Kate is the featured speaker, not the entertainment--it isn't like going to a concert of a famous band. Fans clamoring to get near to her or applauding wildly would be a huge distraction and probably interfere with the scheduled programming.
I already posted this, but, since this is the topic, I wanted to comment here, too. Kate doesn't see it as her job to get people to the event, and really, it isn't. People that do speaking circuits are chosen because they have some personal cause to the charity's purpose, are entertaining and known. It's the board members, director,volunteer and staff's job to fill the event with people from the community that the charity serves. In the course of her speech, and, if there is an opportunity to mingle, would be the time and place to encourage people to be generous in making additional contributions.
I understand the criticism, and in most cases I agree that she is a poor businesswoman. But, as a board member of multiple charities, having fans of Kate show up, not to support the charity, but to see her up close, would be a circus and a nightmare! I think Kate knows that her fans are not a likely source of contributions--however it probably would help her image for future speaking events to use Twitter to encourage donations to a good cause.
Jon could have meant that concerning his kids, his girlfriend, her kids and him, HE is the constant in his kids lives. And even if he meant just plain in their lives he is the constant, what's the problem? It's the truth!
Kate claims all her twitters are her friends. And she has been twetting the girl that is driving to see her from day one when she opened her twitter account. Wouldn't a real friend give "her friend" (who is driving 12 hr. to see just her) her phone number so they can communicate about their vistation?
Maggie said... 18
Kate claims all her twitters are her friends. And she has been twetting the girl that is driving to see her from day one when she opened her twitter account. Wouldn't a real friend give "her friend" (who is driving 12 hr. to see just her) her phone number so they can communicate about their vistation?
And here it is morning. K8s last tweet was her "Hello Missorui" and the tweeters is tellig K8 she's on her way. No updates from the tweeter to he friends. No tweet from K8 to meet her by the whatever or go to security and they will take her to her. Nothing.
Well knock me over with a feather, her biggest teeny fan tweeted this:
@xxxxxxxxx Awww I just talked to Leigh she had an amazing time:D Kate was super nice and so was Steve
@xxxxxxxxx Awww I just talked to Leigh she had an amazing time:D Kate was super nice and so was Steve
I bet Kate was nice she and Steve probably got a free dinner.
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