Some highlights from the
Preston and Steve show yesterday include Jon's discussion of child support (he pays $1500 a month now and is caught up) and he says he and Kate are getting along better now and co-parenting. Listen here:
Wed, 2 May 2012

Daily Feed (05.02.12)
Meanwhile, Kate was outed as frying her hair in NYC and gorging at Fig & Olive thanks to this hilarious tweet:
223 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Read the transcript. Good for Jon. He has a bright future and is WORKING. I agree with NLAN that when Jon was asked if Kate were ever to get another reality show with the kids, would he be hesitate to allow the kids to be on it, his answer was not a definite no but says he and Kate have co-custody and have to work things out. In other words, why start a fire with Kate by pronouncing something that most likely will never happen.
Bringing this over from the other thread I totally agree. Jon has been very clear with many people in his life who have spoken to him directly that these children will NEVER be on a reality show ever again over his dead body. But there is no reason to cause a bunch of drama on a radio show. If you say NO never again the next question is, ohh tell us why what was so bad, how does Kate feel about this, etc etc DRAMA. Being diplomatic when you are trying to co-parent is a good idea. Hemming and hawing instead of throwing Kate under the bus goes a long way. Hopefully he won't change his mind.
Brought over from last post.
Admin: Actually isn't it none of Kate business, what Jon does, when he has the kids? Just as it is none of his business what Kate does?
Sidnay: I totally disagree with you about Jon. 1. Jon is not using his kids, in any shape, form, manner or talking about them. 2. Jon is not doing a show biz thing, 3. believe it or not Jon does have fans, friends, family, business contacts etc and people who follow him. Unlike Kate who uses her kids, cause without them she is nobody. Just a has-been reality personality. All Jon is doing is expanding his networking, from twitter to facebook and probably people have been asking what he listens to. You know not all fans are like Kates fanatics or her haters. I like Jon, I have always liked Jon. Everyone does stupid things in their lives, and are given a second, somethings like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears etc, many second chances, probably more than they diserve. I do understand why Jon did what he did back 3 years ago. That was then, this is now. Jon has cleaned up his act and has moved on, Kate has not. Jon having a new GF, good for him, maybe this is the one. How many of you, went through a lot of relationships, before you found the right person or found another someone? I really hate the media, crazy Kate fans, haters for coming down on Jon, for just about everything, and let Kate get away with murder. This GF of Jon is only about 6-8 years younger than Jon, so he is not bar hopping or picking up young girls. Yes, I am defending Jon, cause he does get a bum rap all the time. Kate get off scott free.
Anger I agree with you about the app and so on. Ehh it's cheesy and not my cup of tea, it would be nice if Jon was a welder instead but as long as he isn't doing something immoral and isn't exploiting the kids it's not my place to say that's not okay or to be up in arms or I would have to compile a list of every celeb who has ever had an app and start going down it and complaining. If it will make him money to pay his aggressive child support payments, good for the kids. I have never begrudged either of these parents a job that doesn't involve their kids. In fact I haven't even allowed talk here about contacting Kate's job (I use the term loosely) to complain and have always made that a firm rule. There were a few people that wanted to contact CC back in the day and most of us said do what you want just don't bring it here. Same with this app. Do what you want, but don't bring it here.
There's arguments one or both of them are fame whores but there is a world of difference between being a fame whore, which is simply annoying though usually fun to snark about, and then taking the next step and actually exploiting your kids on your quest to be a fame whore, which is morally wrong, not funny, and it's THAT I take issue with when it comes to both of them and that is where the bulk of the complaining lies. The rest? Snark away.
I have a couple of kids home sick 2day. Guess what they're watching @RealRomaDowney? Your Little Angels! Thx again..GREAT DVD series 4 kids! 24 minutes ago
I bet Kate isn't home though. She must have just woken up in her 5 star hotel in NYC and called the nanny. Her kids are sick too much, could be due to nutritional neglect. Perhaps due to nutritional neglect and stress?
She's never going to let them grow up..why does she continue to baby them? Dang woman, they are 8 and still watching preschool videos! (appears to be some educational neglect going on as well, imo).
Ya know, everyone was on Kate's a%% due to exploiting the kids and making them work. Since that isn't the case anymore (although she still talks about them on twitter and other places), I can't figure out why I still follow this mess. It's either the lying or her hypocrisy, I don't know which one bothers me most.
What do ya'll think?
I wish one of her tweeties held her feet to the fire concerning her former TLC salary and start asking some questions..
If Kate has loads of money squirreled away and wants to sit by her pool all summer, that is on her. If, however she wants to do more with her life, I wish she would follow Jon's example of being kind in talking about her ex, and working her own career on her own merit. Which means her first change should be in her twitter name. Why not have an account using just your name Kate. Make a change and leave your kids completely out of it. It's kind of pathetic to hang onto the +8 almost a year after cancellation.
She is a cow it's funny how Jon said in the interview they are friends, they get along. Ha, wow. The reality is no "friend" would say the kinds of things Kate has said about him as recently as just a few weeks ago i.e. "it wouldn't surprise me" if he were late on child support. Geez some friend.
And yet Jon is holding his head high and saying we're friends. Because at some point you just have to let it go and keep plugging away with the notion we're friends in the hopes that someday it might be true because throwing the other person under the bus is the only other alternative and that's not a good one for your kids.
I have a couple of kids home sick 2day. Guess what they're watching @RealRomaDowney? Your Little Angels! Thx again..GREAT DVD series 4 kids! 24 minutes ago
I bet Kate isn't home though.
Another carefully worded tweet. She didn't say I'm home with the kids or I'm taking care of the kids or we're watching. She worded it so that she can never be accused of lying. If she would spend half as much effort at getting a real job as she does on carefully wording her tweets....
Jon: Um, I'd kind of be hesitant. But, you know, we'd kind of have to talk about it. You know, we share custody so, if it came down to that...
Brought this in part over from previous thread. This is in regard to if he would agree to a new reality show with the kids in it.Isn't that going back on what he has said previously? He didn't say 'no way.'
Admin: I agree with you Jon is not rocking the boat. What's the phrase: kindness kills. Jon is one smart cookie. Notice jon did not say anything negative about Kate, or threw her under the bus. Smart move, Kates fans have nothing, no ammo, on Jon. That must make Kate crazy. And her sheeple fans. I also makes Kate look bad.
Admin: thanks for answering my question over at other thread.
If she is home, you better believe she has a not a nanny there, while she is getting ready to leave for MO. That is if the kids are really sick. She might be using that for attention, or cover-up.
Thank you all for your kind words regarding the loss of my sweet doxie. I know she's running those little legs off up in puppy heaven with all her new buddies. I have another dog, a sweet rescue dog, and we're limping along. He's very confused. He doesn't seem to know what to do. But we're off for a walk now. Thank you all again for being so kind and thoughtful.
Good for Jon for taking the high road yet again keep being good Jon. (Administrator) said... 3
Anger I agree with you about the app
I got lost. What app? Jon has his own app for videos or something?
Oh yeah, Kate is outta there ASAP, if not already. She can't bail on those kids fast enough, illness be damned. She spends more effort on getting away from those kids than she would actually spend taking care of them...and this includes the time she's physically in the same house as them.
I would not at all doubt that Kate loads her tweets with misinformation in order to keep people guessing. It's a cheap way of getting and keeping people's attention, which is what she is after.
As far as money, I am beyond convinced that she's got plenty socked away and bleats about how worried she is regarding paying "tuition x8" because she has no problems--EVAH--with getting other people to pay for things on her behalf. I still believe that her "budget" for the children's upkeep is based on what Jon pays. And with Jon having paid so dearly over the past couple of years, at the same time that she was both being paid by TLC AND getting them to pay for things for her, she must surely have plenty of that left as well.
She is a phony in every aspect.
Once a Viewer said... 8
Isn't that going back on what he has said previously? He didn't say 'no way.'
My Scooby-Doo ears perked up at that quote, too, Once A Viewer. Wasn't Jon adamant that he'd never allow the kids on a reality show again because of the harm he saw it causing them? And now it seems like he's at least open to discussing the possibility?? Ruh-Roh. I fear that as Kate's bank account dries up, and her 15 minutes finally run out, she'll convince Jon that they have to put the kids back on TV to support the 8-count-em-8 of them. His $1,500 a month + her lack-of-a-job are going to = desperation. Again.
Geez. Did she work out some kind of deal with Roma Downey? I kind of doubt anybody is sick home today. I think it's just a tweet to promote the DVD series.
I do now believe she did a one day trip to NYC to get her hair fried (standard before an event) and she is spending today packing and there is a nanny there. I would not be surprised if she and Steve fly out tonight.
I know this sounds bizarre, but what if those Kenton Krieder and Gosselinbook tweets are coming from Kate to justify keeping Steve around? Anyone that would allow their husband to "cat around" just to keep a TV show on the air would not be past doing something like creating an imaginary threat. I guess we'll just sit back and wait.
Will read comments in a bit. Just checking in with update on son with the what we think is ulcer situation. He finally got his GI consultation yesterday. Tomorrow he will be sedated and have an EGD done. Admin, you had this done right? What can I expect? Di you feel ok afterwards? Did you have pain from instrument being put down your throat? I'm so nervous.
kate's tweet. See the kids are sick AGAIN and watching their preschooler targeted show "Little Angels" AGAIN. Aren't they almost 8 now?
Will read comments in a bit. Just checking in with update on son with the what we think is ulcer situation. He finally got his GI consultation yesterday. Tomorrow he will be sedated and have an EGD done. Admin, you had this done right? What can I expect? Di you feel ok afterwards? Did you have pain from instrument being put down your throat? I'm so nervous.
kate's tweet. See the kids are sick AGAIN and watching their preschooler targeted show "Little Angels" AGAIN. Aren't they almost 8 now?
Her kids are sick too much, could be due to nutritional neglect. Perhaps due to nutritional neglect and stress?
It's going around here right now. Many kids sick with the stomach thing, as well as the usual "spring colds." We blame it on the weather -- summer one day, freeze warnings the next.
Tweet-le De, tender thoughts for you today. It takes some time, but becomes easier to bear after a bit. It's their little 'presence' that we miss so much, isn't it? Sorry again for your loss.
The egd is simple Em don't worry. They gave me twilight sleep, it was a bit uncomfortable for a minute and remember resisting the doctor putting the tube down and her telling me it was ok to just relax, but I dont remember anything else. Only thing is afterward I was exhausted, rested for 3 days.
Thanks for the Podcast link. I was surprised to hear Jon say that he and Kate converse every day. She gives the impression he is rarely available to her or the children, other than covering his minimal custodial obligations. She has certainly never hinted they talk on a daily basis.
He sounded a lot less firm on the issue of the kids being back on television. I hope he is not being influenced to take the money and look the other way if some deal comes Kate's way. She could give him a big cut to get his permission, especially if the kids pressure him, (with Kate twisting their arms of course).
I think the bigger issue still remains that Kate is too high-maintenance and difficult to deal with and no network wants her with or without the kids.
I had an endoscopy in March, but I was actually put to sleep in an OR. When I woke up, I felt fine. No pain whatsoever, although they did find an ulcer. :(
EM: good luck with the test & results for your son. I have seen/heard the same as Admin- you don't really remember,like a colonscopy if you've had one of those...make sure sedation is used though.
I would really, lol, like to see Kate's financial records. I can't believe she is wanting for anything...maybe she's planning on not doing anything further to make money unless it's thrown inner lap. With that CS payment plus her own share of TLC money, she's gotta have plenty of savings despite her spending and lifestyle. Even with the reduction, wise investment could sustain her. She is lucky and does not know it- just thinks she deserves 'all mine' for her 'talent' and general 'awesomeness.'
Kate's first tweet this morning was at approximately 7am, and was sent to Jason Hueman-regarding his horoscope. Then about a 1/2 hour later she tweets about having a lot on her plate today. Then about 2 and 1/2 hours later, she tweets about having sick kids at home, and how they're watching the Little Angels DVD.
My question is why did she wait so long to mention that she had sick kids at home. Was it only to plug the Little Angels DVD? And what almost 8 yr old would want to watch that?
She makes no sense at all. She seems to be throwing out things to plug-hoping that someone will hire her as a spokesperson. It doesn't seem to be working.
In the meantime, her fans keep asking when Kate plus 8 will be on DVD. You would think she would try to get TLC to issue those episodes. And why haven't they? It's just all so mysterious.
Virginia -- Kate has not tweeted Milo since April 29. What was really funny was that the Jeanne person shouted out to her to acknowledge her, then Milo did the same thing, waving for recognition. Kate tweeted Jeanne, but ignored Milo.
Time for Milo to come up with a new strategy. This shunning has to hurt.
Kate can want another reality show till the cows come home but (and this is a big BUT) the kids aren't cute toddlers any more. They are normal looking kids, they're not super cute nor are they super talented they are just regular kids. The draw of the six cute toddlers is gone. Melt-downs and bad behavior isn't at all cute in 8 year old children. The twins? Again, regular "tweens" and who wants to see that? Not me.
Katie Cry-duh I agree completely with you. The way Kate talks about 2 sick children at home is a sure sign that she is not there. Again, she words everything just so that her sheeple believe that she is such a good mother, at home taking care of her sick children. One trait of a narcissist is that she is very careful about how she lies. To outsiders she’ll lie thoughtfully and deliberately, always in a way that can be covered up if she’s confronted with her lie.
I can't believe this woman gets away with all of her BS. I can just imagine what she will be saying in her speech tomorrow. She'll rant, sigh and go on and on about how much hard work it is to raise 8, count em 8, children. She will not say raising them on her own because if she did someone may question that, but she will insinuate it. When will someone confront her and ask her direct questions? I can't wait for Jon's book, hoping that at least some of our thoughts and beliefs here will be confirmed.
PJ's momma, yes I SO miss her presence. She followed me everywhere, was always at my feet or at my side. The days have been very long without her.
But on to another topic:
@Kateplusmy8 I sent you an email w/ a question about the cruise, no rush answering! :-) I'm working on garage organizing, talk to you later!
CJ probably wants to know if she should pack her Spy Gear Night Goggles for the cruise:
In the meantime, her fans keep asking when Kate plus 8 will be on DVD. You would think she would try to get TLC to issue those episodes. And why haven't they? It's just all so mysterious.
Kate probably can't get past the operator at TLC. If TLC did package the new eps on dvd's, who would buy them? I bet sales would be worse than her last book! Who would buy it? CJ and twenty teenagers?
Anyone think Kate will show up at the Kentucky Derby this weekend? Ya know, she hasn't had any 'me time' since Vegas, lol.
I am sure Katie has plenty of money stashed away...but the only satisfaction I get out of this mess is that the one thing she wants, she will never get...a tv show.
As a result of this interview and other info I have now officially lost what little respect for Jon Gosselin I was holding on to. Here's the bottom line: The twins are going on the Kate Gosselin celebrity cruise with those god-awful fans and when given the opportunity Jon Gosselin DID NOT take a public stand against letting his kids back on reality tv.
I don't actually have high hopes for Jon's book. I'm sure he'll have a co-author, and what can he say that doesn't infringe on the kids' privacy? I am not interested in his 'wild' days post-divorce or how he settled down at last- there can't be a finding true love angle since he just got a new gf...he was vague about his "Kate" days and says now they're friends.His work is not that exciting to read about. I really don't know what would be in this book of interest to many readers.
But, I do wish him well on the sales nonetheless!
I don't think Kate really cares that much if all or any of the kids get on TV. That might be exhausting! She is more interested in getting herself in the spotlight.(without doing any work for it) If the kids pave the way, so be it, but she wants that star to shine for herself.
NJGal51 said... 27
Totally agree. Kids have no special appeal at this point, and Kate is far too difficult to work with. Their (and her) TV days are over.
No disrespect to the kids, but we all see regular kids of their ages every day, and it's no unusual treat. No need to film them. The cute factor is gone. They're growing up to be individuals, in spite of the best efforts of their "mother", which is exactly what should happen.
Also, you got it, Katie Cry-duh 14. Kate's not home. She drowned her pain about having to go to the Ozarks by heading to NYC for a hair fry first.
She found out about the sick kids when she checked in. Kate wrote the book on "How to Mislead Without Actually Lying". Manipulation 101 for benefit of her poor deluded "tweeties". Fascinating, really, but oh, so sick, too.
Dwindle: Jon is doing apps for facebook, tweeter etc. So people, his fans, fans, business contacts, friends, basicly social networking. It has nothing to do with kids, private stuff, jon going back into show biz, just networking. And some people think it's terrible. Jon is a businessman, independ contractor, networking is how you make contacts for jobs,(just cause he was on TV, does not mean he is looking to get back on there, maybe behind the scenes) some are saying that Jon is doing it to get attention and back on TV. Geez, the poor guy is tryin to make a living the honest way, he is not chasing fame, or selling out his kids, or grifting. If Jon happens to do an interview here & there so what. They interview people from all over all the time.
aggiemom09121416 said... 30
In the meantime, her fans keep asking when Kate plus 8 will be on DVD. You would think she would try to get TLC to issue those episodes. And why haven't they? It's just all so mysterious.
Neither Kate nor Jon get royalties from the DVDs. Kate doesn't care because new issues wouldn't bring in cash, and she's too incompetent to capitalize on a DVD issue.
She doesn't just want attention, she wants to be PAID to get attention. The DVDs don't cut it.
PS, this is one more price J&K paid for being too ignorant to get legal advice before signing with TLC.
Patty Cakes @TrippenIn
@Kateplusmy8 Listened to Jon's podcast & it sounds like he's happy & doing well. So glad you thought ahead & are able to support kids now.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn not sure what your last sentence refers to? I didn't hear anything he did...
36m Patty Cakes @TrippenIn
@Kateplusmy8 He said how much he pays in monthly child support.I was referring to I'm so glad u planned ahead & are able to support kids now
34m Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn hmmm interesting...
23m stxmom @stxmom
@Kateplusmy8 @trippenin I heard the amount also very good thing you've always been frugal if I heard correct it's about $5 per day per kid
12m Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@stxmom @trippenin yep.
Of course she neglects to mention that she received $22K per month for 2+ years. What an awful bitch she is.
On another note, there is speculation now (which has been mentioned here) that the Mysterious Threatening Tweeter are very possibly another "look at ME, I really DO need a boobyguard" attention-seeking ploy by Kate. You know, it might just be.
So Jon does an interview and does not bash Kate-yet when a tweeter mentions the interview to Kate-Kate ends up bashing Jon.
Patty Cakes@TrippenIn
@Kateplusmy8 Listened to Jon's podcast & it sounds like he's happy & doing well. So glad you thought ahead & are able to support kids now.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn not sure what your last sentence refers to? I didn't hear anything he did...
Patty Cakes@TrippenIn
@Kateplusmy8 He said how much he pays in monthly child support.I was referring to I'm so glad u planned ahead & are able to support kids now
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn hmmm interesting...
@Kateplusmy8 @trippenin I heard the amount also very good thing you've always been frugal if I heard correct it's about $5 per day per kid
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@stxmom @trippenin yep.
Maybe she should listen to Jon's interview and learn how to not bash her former spouse.
Now certain fans are commenting on the small amount of child support Jon pays. They don't seem to realize that Kate and those kids do NOT need to live so lavishly in that mansion. It's not Jon's fault Kate wants to keep up a high-profile lifestyle with no permanent income! Give the guy a friggin' break.
Toottooooooot, do you hear the bus, the bus on the highroad, Kate is the driver and she's gunning for Jon ....... again. I guess she cant react classy on anything Jon says!!!
And this one really is the piece de resistance, from the woman who just a few short months ago was bemoaning on national television the fact that her ex (the noncustodial parent) had any say WHATSOEVER in their children's lives:
Patty Cakes @TrippenIn
@Kateplusmy8 It was also good to hear him say the kids R happier now that the 2 of u R friendly w/each other.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TrippenIn I've always been Trying to make peace. It's good to see him trying too. :)
Someone please call the Nobel Peace Prize Committee! I think that might be the ONLY award exalted enough for Katie Irene Kreider--The Peacemaker!
Who could think Kate is frugal and "plans ahed?"
I wouldn't be at all surprised if this stalker thing was a hoax, like Jon's trashed apartment..
"Aeduko, I am living your life over here with my doxie! We love him but he's a handful. He's bitten me trying to get to another dog. It hurt! But we love him, we can't help it. He's sleeping so peacefully behind me, curled up a dachsund donut with his little baby blanket on him"
(From other thread) PJ's Momma: I envy you, although I have nother little dog now and he's great in his own way (and LOVES sleeping with a blanket covering him!), but there will never be another Rudy.
This is the final tweet in the discussion of Jon's child support payments as listed above. I know Jon says that he and Kate are getting along now for the sake of the kids, but how could he not just want to haul off and punch her. I know I want to.
@SuperPattyPie @stxmom @TrippenIn lol. Yeah almost a century ago $5 was a lot I guess...
You know Kate, people may feel bad for your situation if you did not sit around on your ass all day professing what a wonder you are instead of looking for employment to support your kids.
Here is another tweet from Kate worthy of a punch in the face. Does she really believe what comes out of her mouth? This is a response to TrippenIn saying it was nice to hear they are working together for the sake of the kids...
@TrippenIn I've always been Trying to make peace. It's good to see him trying too. :)
It is so disgusting that Kate is now using her "tweeties" to throw Jon under the bus. SHE is not making the remarks, BUT she is agreeing with them.
She is mean. She is cruel. She is devious. She is an angry woman who cannot keep her venom contained. Her comments regarding Jon, following his pleasant interview, reveal her true ugly nature.
There is NO WAY she is hiding this cancerous attitude from those children. No way.
Classy, Kate.
Cut the guy off at the knees so he CAN'T make a lot of money being on tv, and then complain cuz he only pays $1500/month for CS.
He either is on TV and gives you a lot of money, or he works a mediocre job and gives you less money.
Guess you chose which was more important to you. That only YOU be on tv. It was more important to you to not share the limelight than it was to have Jon making more money.
The most important thing to you is to bleed the guy dry in all ways that you can....psychologically, financially....
Nice ex you are. Not.
Katie and her tweeties saying it's 5.00 a day. BOO FREAKIN HOO.
What did she do with the 22000 a month? MY GAWD, Katie and her twits are cut from the same cloth.
If the tweeties are so worried about their queen, send her some damn money.
Katie will ALWAYS speak badly of Jon. Funny this is, to a sane, rational person, the only person it makes look bad is KATIE.
(I have decided to call her by her real name...too bad the show wasn't KATIE PLUS EIGHTY)
EXCUSE ME, but Kate thought it was enough for Jon a few years ago!
@SuperPattyPie @stxmom @trippenin lol. Yeah almost a century ago $5 was a lot I guess... about an hour ago
@stxmom @trippenin yep. about an hour ago
Ugh. Damn you, Kate.
Just when I think she's becoming a human being,
she makes little underhanded comments about her husband. Kate keeps missing that high road, ending up somewhere in the back roads.
Kate will never be a truly happy human being. She'll always be an angry, uncivilized, bitter woman- birth to death.
EM, my eight year old son has had many endoscopies over the past three years - we're approaching double digits at this point. He usual recovers pretty well, but count on doing nothing but resting for at least that day. Best of luck to your son!
CJ probably wants to know if she should pack her Spy Gear Night Goggles for the cruise:
Good one! Or maybe some extra lilac splash body spray to get the nasty barn odors off all the sheeple.
What honestly is so bad about Kate and her kids leading an ordinary non-reality television life? What did she think they would live like if TLC hadn't picked them up for that 6 year ride?
I know she always says they weren't done, but then she said they wouldn't have done anything different with or without TLC. So if this be the case, take a summer trip to Australia to prove people wrong that you would go without a camera crew and all that follow. But she wont.
Why is it certain people always seem to expect money or great wealthy to land in their lap? What ever happened to earning your right to have nice things? I know it's more than likely culture and it's pretty sad.
If she wants the best for your kids I should think as a parent you suck it up and do what you need to do to provide the best you can. It doesn't have to be THE BEST being a parent I think it means that you do the the best YOU are able to and teach your kids to be happy with that.
Kate needs a dose of what life is as maybe do a lot of people. But if she wants to be a sitting duck and wait to turn into a swan, let her waste away those years.
First off, Jon's child support is not supposed to be the only money used on the children. She is supposed to be sharing in their support. Secondly, the sheeple are not factoring in the time the children are with Jon and he spends money on them. The court knows what it is doing. There is a formula they use in determining child support. Third, Kate is not suffering, trying to make ends meet if she can pay a driver to take her to NY, have her hair done in an expensive salon and eat a meal in an expensive restaurant along with her makeup artist who she will be paying to do her makeup for an upcoming event. Fourth, those snide, underhanded remarks she makes are not considered "trying to get along" in my book.
Tweet, I'm so sorry about the loss of your pet. I know from experience that it is heart-breaking. My thoughts are with you.
Re: Kate and her delusional, self-serving comments. We all know she never tried to keep the peace with Jon, even for the sake of her kids. Jon is doing what he can for his kids and she does absolutely nothing for them. It boggles my mind that she continues to portray herself as the good parent, doing all for her kids, trying to make peace with their father, blah, blah, blah. Equally as mind-boggling is the few fans who choose to believe her crap.
With Jon's book coming up I wonder if Kate is going to lawyer up and try to get the book blocked from hitting the market? I also wonder if Kate is trying to get an advance copy? A couple of things that make you go ... hmmm.
Oh good grief. Now I'm almost sure Kate (or her handlers) are behind this:
Dmasy said... 47
She is mean. She is cruel. She is devious. She is an angry woman who cannot keep her venom contained. Her comments regarding Jon, following his pleasant interview, reveal her true ugly nature.
I totally agree. Did she even listen to Jon's interview? Probably not.
I think it just kills her that Jon is moving on, and she can't say the same. Jon is getting involved in many enterprises-which he actually promotes.
Kate in the meantime is still waiting for something to fall into her lap. Kate doesn't realize that you have to work it, in order to get it. She justs keeps on waiting for something to appear at her doorstep.
49 more days @Kateplusmy8.You're not going to be able to ignore this one. I've seen this all before. Your people are scrambling right now.
She'll just DENY EVERYTHING, as she always does. If this turns out to be a real "story," I hope to heaven the writer can PROVE everything.
Kate's tweets in comments 37, 38 and 41 made me think of a
venomous snake
Jon's been inoculated against the toxin and bought a good pair of
boots to ward off the bites.
Those poor children are at serious risk from her venomous behavior.
Kate's tweet about a $5 allowance being alot maybe a century ago - what?! That truly shows just how greedy and entitled she feels. I don't know how parents do it today, but my $5 allowance was alot to me when I was a teenager (back in the 70's). It was also appropriate for the chores my daughter got paid for in the 90's. She acts like $5 was some type of deprivation. She is ridiculous.
And, yes, she needs to realize that child support is not just Jon's responsibility, it is also hers. Her problem is that she doesn't want to spend anything to support those kids; she just wants to make sure she has enough to spend on herself and the kids' tab should be solely on Jon.
I just don't understand how she continues to nourish such meanness. It has to take energy to be such a deeply disgruntled person. She is toxic.
The veneer of her "rainbow" platitudes is so thin and the swamp of her ugliness is so deep....she can't hide her real self.
Who plants these stories like the one on Radar? Sad, isn't it and reeks of desperation to stay in the limelight? Just get a real job, Kate, if you need one. I have my doubts that the 8 kids will ever see a nickle of their money. Such a sad tale. I hope they all have a lot of questions to ask their mother someday.
And therein lies the difference between Jon and Kate. He reached the olive branch out and took care to say nothing but pleasant things about the situation and instead of saying nothing or saying yes we're doing well, she spits it back in his face and blames the discord all on his lack of trying. It's impossible to reconcile with someone like that who won't bend an inch.
Wasn't $5 the amount Kate gave Jon daily and that was when he went out to work?
Yes, LaLaLand, the kids will have a lot of questions for her one day, but that doesn't mean Kate will answer them honestly or even acknowledge them; I know from personal experience. We always said my mother was great at "revisionist history". She would deny, claim we were lying, remember things differently, and the old stand by was always "I had no choice, that's was your father's fault."
Yep, they can ask all they want, but they'll never get the truth and she will never see the error of her ways, much less apologize and try and make things right.
In my opinion nothing has changed. Jon is still allowing Kate to degrade and insult him all for the world to see. He does nothing to defend himself just like when they were married. I guess there is something to be said about taking the high road but there comes a point where a person needs to say enough is enough. I would get so angry when I read Kate's tweets and interviews throwing Jon under the bus but as long as he allows it to go on without calling her on it she will never stop. He could easily put an end to her lies and insinuations but he won't. She's one of the nastiest women alive but Jon has no backbone to stand up to her. The perfect couple. They act like they're still married. I have no pity for either one of them.
Not pulling any punches tonight:
@Kateplusmy8 49 days Kate. This will be the biggest Gosselin news since May 10, 2004. @radar_online @usweekly Psalm 31:18.
Psalm 31:18
Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously
against the righteous.
I guess it's Kate's lying lips? Speculation on Twitter now running to Gina Nield coming out with a book. I know, I know, just keeping the record complete.
EM, I've had a couple of EGDs and they were easy-peasy. Had versed and propofol for a fast lights-out and light sedation.
Had no idea what was going on, was sleeping. Woke up in recovery 25 minutes later as if waking from a nap.
No pain afterwards, not even my throat. The recovery room moved me into one of those recovery chairs (like a lazy-boy recliner), gave me a muffin and my own iced tea that I brought from home, made me walk to bathroom to pee, then sent me home.
Of all tests I've had, it was the easiest.
The gastroenterologist gave me results right in recovery room. For me, I got that purple pill (LOL) Nexium for 3 months.
All cured.
Best wishes with it for your son, but it should be an adventure, not an ordeal, if you know what I mean.
Let us know how things went, will be thinking of you.
What's Next? has left a new comment on the post "Jon's Philadelphia radio interview podcast":
First off, Jon's child support is not supposed to be the only money used on the children. She is supposed to be sharing in their support. Secondly, the sheeple are not factoring in the time the children are with Jon and he spends money on them. The court knows what it is doing. There is a formula they use in determining child support. Third, Kate is not suffering, trying to make ends meet if she can pay a driver to take her to NY, have her hair done in an expensive salon and eat a meal in an expensive restaurant along with her makeup artist who she will be paying to do her makeup for an upcoming event. Fourth, those snide, underhanded remarks she makes are not considered "trying to get along" in my book.
What's next, so very, very true!
You have said it so much better than I could have said it.
I'm gonna call it: I think this is The PurseBoy Story. Writer could be any one of a number of people, but that's what I think the subject matter is.
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook
Get out in front of the story @Kateplusmy8 Clear your conscience & move on. Tell the world the truth. I'd rather fade away. @radar_online.
Interesting that radar is now being sent this stuff directly.
Kate just can't stand the fact that since Jon's contract with TLC is over he can now speak freely. For the last 2 to 3 years it's been all Kate all the time. Now she has to always be on her toes trying to cover her ass when Jon outs her on her bullshit.
Sigh, after a depressing late night, Caps loss soooo close, no cheer here seeing that Jon is launching an app so his "fans" can get autographs, he's fine with putting his kids back on tv, and feels the need to discuss what he pays in CS with the media. And then there is the usual lies and lack of "kare" from Khate.
I don't think Jon should have his girlfriend's kids over when he has custody. Those 8 children already have to share him 8 ways, and rarely, if ever, get one-on-one quality time with either parent. Especially the boys. I'm not saying the GF's kids should never be around Jon and the G kids, just saying that his own kids should come first. That includes before himself.
How does Jon shut her up though? Tell her to stop? Kate will never listen to that. Ever. And Jon knows it. The only choice is to divorce her and do his best to be kind and co parent there's no other healthy choice that I see.
Admin: I see it did not take Kate long to throw Jon under the bus. Nor did she stop her luney noisey fans either. Shame on Kate. Course, this is gonna back fire on Kate. Jon was very nice, Kate became a bitch.
Why Kate won't bend an inch, cause she knows she is wrong, and can't bring herself to admitt it. Kate has always had it her way, and TLC to back her. No more backing from TLC, why do you guys think she has all of a sudden, not tweet so much. Perhaps a few law suites or warnings from lawyers, compare last year tweeting to this year, what a difference.
I've expressed this opinion here before and met with much disagreement, but Jon needs to stay single for 5 freaking seconds. And if he MUST have a gf, it's not appropriate for him to be bringing her around the kids until the relationship is well established and solid. And this is even MORE true if the woman has kids involved too!!
He doesn't get the kids that much. It really IS a shame that they have to share his attention. As much as I hate to say it, Milo's got a point. The kids already have to share Mommy with her twitter friends, and then they can't even have Dad's full attention, either.
Oh brother, The Hollywood Gossip site has picked up the tweet threat story from Radar. Coincidence with the birthdays coming up, mother's day, Jon's book, etc. ? I think not. I really do believe now it is a publicity stunt or Kate has totally cracked up.
I think the Twins going on the cruise was part of the custody thing. Or talked about with the lawyers or brought before a Judge. The Judge thought there is no harm, since TLC is not involved or nothing is being filmed, the Judge allowed the twins to go. Perhaps the tups were also suppose to go. Notice how Kate has been down playing it.
Just want to throw this out there.
Although Kate never initiates disparaging Jon-she readily replies to her tweeties when they do.
Considering how much the sheeple harp and disparage Jon, is it possible that Kate does so too in order to retain her following? If Kate actually gave credit to Jon for being a good father and defended him-would her followers accept that?
I really think that sometimes Kate throws Jon under the bus because that it what she thinks her followers want to hear. They want to think of Jon as the deadbeat father and Kate as the savior of the children. Kate plays into that because it makes her look like SuperMom. I think she is afraid that she will lose some fans if she actually came out and said she and Jon are "friends"(like Jon did in his interview).
Just read a comment from ROL. This commentor said: that they wonder if Kate planted this article, about the stalker, to use as an excuse not to go on the cruise? You, safety, Kate's in danger! Yeah, to herself.
Ok, people laugh of the night: Tat speaking thing Kates doing says: Honoring remarkable women of the Ozarks. Gee, I didn't know Kate lived in the Ozarks? When did she move there?
Michelle Duggar would have fit the speaking bill better, don't you think? After all the Duggars do give back all the time, Kate does 1-2 times in 8 years and she is a saint. Someone in MO must be a sheeple fan.
Bubbles said... 70
I've expressed this opinion here before and met with much disagreement, but Jon needs to stay single for 5 freaking seconds. And if he MUST have a gf, it's not appropriate for him to be bringing her around the kids until the relationship is well established and solid. And this is even MORE true if the woman has kids involved too!!
He doesn't get the kids that much. It really IS a shame that they have to share his attention. As much as I hate to say it, Milo's got a point. The kids already have to share Mommy with her twitter friends, and then they can't even have Dad's full attention, either.
What Bubbles said. Standing ovation from me. They are both ridiculous. Jon is simply the slightly better of the worst.
And if he MUST have a gf, it's not appropriate for him to be bringing her around the kids until the relationship is well established and solid. And this is even MORE true if the woman has kids involved too!!
I get the concern here, but he's been in this relationship four months. How many months until it's okay? What's the magic number? The problem is, unless he can be sure the children love her too, why waste anymore time on this relationship? Next. If I had eight kids I wouldn't want anyone in their lives I wasn't sure they adored too. I wouldn't want to waste a second of my time on someone who is not right for my eight kids. A lot of child therapists also say that isolating your children from your significant other leaves them feeling left out and parceled from your life, leaving them feeling insecure and less than, like they are not important enough to be included in all aspects of your life.
There's good arguments for both of it. I don't consider either approach a bad parenting choice. It's not like how everyone knows that breaking a child's bone is a bad thing. There are too many experts who agree with both sides of this coin--some saying introduce the gf or bf as soon as possible, others saying wait. It really isn't a well settled issue for child psychologists.
Bubbles: I don't think Jon, sharing his time with GF and kids is gonna harm his kids. Jon has been seeing this new GF for 4 months already. Besides, in this day and age, you can not shield children from relationships, or put your life on hold, either. Children adapt, except. This is the real world, not TV. Kate is the one who is still living on TV, not Jon. Kate is the one who is jealous of Jon, she can't accept that she is divorced, the TV show has ended and that the money is not flowing in big amounts anymore and Jon has moved on. And that she is not popular, or in demand, and never will be again.
Two of the sheeple are planning to attend Kate's event tomorrow night. Kate gushed over the idea when it was first ventured, but now that it's catching on, I wonder how she really feels. One of them, leighshahan1, is the sheeple who won the contest last summer, the day Kate got cancelled.
I don't expect they'll publish anything but stellar reports, no matter how it goes. At least it sounds like they plan to buy tickets to the fundraiser, so good for the cause.
The kids already have to share Mommy with her twitter friends, and then they can't even have Dad's full attention, either.
Is it known that his girlfriend's children are around him every single time that his kids are with him?
Also think about this, what if you were a kid and your Dad, or Mom, has successfully hidden their relationship for you for 12, 18 months. Then they pop the question. Then all of a sudden you are meeting their Mr. Right or Mrs. Right and are expected to just accept them as your stepmother or stepfather and you don't even KNOW them. I think I would feel blindsided and left out. Dad, or Mom fell in love and where have I been this whole time?
Seems to me a gradual progression, a slowly integrating this person into your kids' lives, getting to know dad or mom's friend just as they do, is a less traumatic approach. Then by the time the engagement comes around, kids are fully ready to accept that person that intimately into their lives. It's not a shock.
I can't imagine being a single parent and dating and all the worry that comes with what is right for your kids as you do that. I think it's a fair presumption that the vast majority of parents are worried about this, including Jon. My hat is off to anyone who is not afraid to get back out there and take another stab at love even despite those worries. It's easy for Kate to just not bring a boyfriend around and just fantasize about Steve, no one will ever criticize her for things like this.
And although I have spent a great deal of time being single, I don't believe at all in "people need to be single," not at this age. It's beneficial I think when you are 22 and don't know who you are and don't know how to be independent, not a 35 year old grown a&% man.
..the Judge allowed the twins to go. Perhaps the tups were also suppose to go. Notice how Kate has been down playing it
Could be, but he doesn't know about the mental issues of one or more of the sheeple that will be there. I'd NEVER let my kids around one particular person, even if I had to cancel the cruise. If that wouldn't be possible, I'd make darn sure that my kids had security around them at all times, and I'm not talking about PB. I mean real security. I just hope Jon has been apprised of this and takes it very seriously.
Sometimes in life, you just have to suck it up and do what's best for your kids. Jon isn't doing that when 1) he's never been engaged to anyone and 2) probably doesn't even know what it's like to BE single AND a father.
He's not doing himself any favours, IMO. Concentrate on raising your kids for a few years. The girls will always be around.
Now certain fans are commenting on the small amount of child support Jon pays. They don't seem to realize that Kate and those kids do NOT need to live so lavishly in that mansion. It's not Jon's fault Kate wants to keep up a high-profile lifestyle with no permanent income! Give the guy a friggin' break.
Good grief. Why don't they write a letter to the judge for pity sake? Neither Jon nor KATE decides the child support, do they understand that the final say is a judge and that it's based mostly on a logarithm? I guess sheeple are disputing simple math now? They are relentless. For all they bitch about this, I don't hear a lot of bitching toward the person who actually decided it, the JUDGE. Where's the hate toward him?
Also again, Kate is a big girl who can call her lawyer and run her little hiney to court and ask for a change in her child support if she so desires. She doesn't need their help to take care of her own business.
Maybe Ms. Shanahan is working on her sign as we speak. "Kome Kruise With Kate!!!!", and she will stand in the parking lot to attract attention.
I don't quite understand all this criticism of Jon about his new girlfriend. Just put yourself in his shoes for a moment. He was divorced and for all intents and purposes, his children were taken away from him. What do you expect the man to do? Sit home alone every night he's not with his kids? That can be a very lonely and depressing existance for anyone.
I'm glad Jon has someone in his life. He deserves a companion and friend in his life after the cards he's been dealt. I was sorry that the relationship with Ellen didn't pan out, but maybe this one will. I just wish him the best and don't think he's doing anything wrong. Give the guy a break!!
I think the kids are comfortable enough with their dad not to have him devote himself solely to them during their time together. That to me would be almost an act of desperation and might make the kids uncomfortable and their dad seem needy (they get enough of the needy parent at the coNpound). Life goes on - kids adapt - adults should adapt. It seems to me the kids would enjoy having other kids around since that is something they don't have enough of in their life. No cousins, no neighbors, no grandparents, no aunts or uncles. They need people besides their parents in their lives even if it is not cut in stone that they will always be there. I think they have been through enough in their lives to know that is often the case and accept it for what it is. I really don't believe Jon should be held to a higher degree of accountability than any other divorced father that is doing the best he can under the circumstances or even KT for that matter. She is certainly not alone - she just calls her companion a body guard. She goes away all the time on her "custody" (hate that word) and it is plain to see that Steve is there enough to be considered a fixture in that household. As I have always said and as we say here in the country, those were kids were born of a night but it wasn't last night. They know the deal. It is not the best but they can't sit around in despair over it, it may be a crazy life but it is their life.
Well if the twitter "stalker" is a publicity stunt it's not working very well. It doesn't seem to have been picked up by the mainstream media and the ROL story didn't generate many comments. Kate you're bottom of the bird cage news.
I wonder if the sheeple that are planning to go to see Kate in MO know that it's going to cost them $75 (minimum) for the honor of hearing her. They certainly haven't heard it from Kate.
One of the sheeple attending the event tomorrow wants Kate to meet him early so he can leave. Shaking my head here...
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 Wonder wht time Kate will arrive in MO&if she would let me meet her earlier in the day,so I can make it backhome!
I wonder if the sheeple that are planning to go to see Kate in MO know that it's going to cost them $75 (minimum) for the honor of hearing her. They certainly haven't heard it from Kate.
Well, the one wants to meet her early, and the other one will probably wait in the parking lot with her sign, so I doubt it!
Has Jon been single for more than a month since the divorce?
$1500/month child support for 8 kids wouldn't support them completely BUT IT'S NOT MEANT TO!!! Kate does not get a free ride because she chooses to be unemployed. She does not have the kids full time. She chooses to live in that money pit and employ nannies, so she needs to pay for them. Jon has been more than a gentleman as she bitches and whines despite never having to support her kids until now. And what a bitch for crowing that she's the sole financial supporter of the kids when it sounds like she's merely paying their bills with money supplied by Jon and TLC.
I think Kate's been gone since yesterday. Her fans must be the most naive, stupid people on the planet to think she is a good parent, much less a decent human being.
Kate's been invited to speak at some mom would think she would be gracious enough to mention it all week, to give them some publicity concerning their cause (whatever it may be, I haven't looked into it).
Yep, Kate's been gone. I bet she's still in NYC with Steve.
If the kids were with Jon all last weekend through Monday evening, I hope Kate spent all that alone time making and freezing all those yummy dinners (I am sure that's true, since on the show she said she ALWAYS had all the meals planned out and prepared before she left). Yep, uh huh, you know she did. lol
She probably will have to stop off at the Derby for the weekend. Maybe John will have the kids again through Monday evening so Katie can get some much deserved rest..since she works her poor little manicured fingers to the bone every second of the day.
When she gets back, she needs to set up a paypal account for all her tweeties to donate to her livelihood...I hope they send her more than five dollars a day!
Jon needs to stay single for 5 freaking seconds
I have to say I kind of agree with that one. Not that he's catting around anymore, but I'd like to see more time between relationships. Give some time for introspection, etc.
True or not, he does give the appearance of breaking up one week and having another girlfriend the next week.
I'd kind of like to see it be a number of months before he starts seriously with another one.
Tamara said... 98
Has Jon been single for more than a month since the divorce?
Good one Tamara! Has he EVER been single since the divorce? Also, someone asked why Jon should 'sit alone at home' when he doesn't have the kids. My answer to that would be: Because he went thru a very high profile and acrimonious divorce and his 8 children were televised throughout. He needs to concentrate on HIMSELF, IMO, to best help his children through this time.
Something just popped into my head. What ever happened to the meet and greet that that Austin kid was organizing? Wasn't it supposed to be in the Spring in Missouri? One might suppose that kHatie isn't promoting her event this weekend on purpose. Doesn't want to draw attention to the fact she is going to be in the area?
At some point these fanatics will HAVE to wake up and smell the BS brewing in the Keurig...don't they?
I really don't think this cruise will happen. For whatever reason kHatie Irene will pull out at the last moment, with no explanation or apologies. Hopefully this will shock her few remaining fans (M&J excluded - she is hopeless) into their senses!
FWIW my niece went on the Allure of the Seas. she loved it, but I don't put too much stock in her opinion of anything. I looked at her pics and it looked horrible and cheesy (my opinion). She loved Haiti (can't see past the end of her nose to the ethical concerns) and paid a mint to swim with dolphins. I hope those fans have deep pockets!
The problem I'm having is not everyone needs to be single to be able to have a free thought for themselves and introspection. I don't know Jon. I don't know Kate. I don't know their kids. I couldn't say if EITHER of them "needs" to be single to accomplish certain things emotionally or whether that is best for their kids, I simply don't know enough about them to know that. I don't see how anyone can say that someone needs to be single if they don't know them, know them well, and especially know how they handle things emotionally. Really that's something a therapist should help someone with, not a stranger and bystander. I don't like judging people's love lives because every relationship is so vastly different and unique I don't feel comfortable saying well you should be single for X amount of months, then you should know the person for X amount of months before you introduce the kids and X amount of months or years before your propose. That's not how relationships really work. Anyone who has been in more than one relationship knows that each one is different and while one person you may be ready to marry in 9 months, another might take 9 years before you feel that way. One woman or man may be right to introduce to your kids right away, while another you might rather wait longer. One relationship may require you to take a few months off before getting back out there, while another you may be comfortable dating again relatively shortly. Relationships are, fortunately or unfortunately, not so black and white.
I also have a huge problem with telling a 35 year old what they should do in a relationship and what is in their best interest and what's best for their kids, unless I know them very well and were being asked for an opinion. I wouldn't do it to Jon and I wouldn't do it to Kate either. For goodness sake they are grownups, not 17 year old children. It's one thing to take a stand on someone's career choices and whether someone is exploiting their kids, quite another to judge someone's relationship with a consenting adult they are being open and honest about.
So no judging Jon? Is his picture being taken down? Since when did the blog become so controllling? I used to love it here. Please explain, Admin. Surely, I"m not the only blogger noticing this..?
I mean no disrespect, just wondering what changed here.
also have a huge problem with telling a 35 year old what they should do in a relationship and what is in their best interest and what's best for their kids, unless I know them very well and were being asked for an opinion. I wouldn't do it to Jon and I wouldn't do it to Kate either.
quite another to judge someone's relationship with a consenting adult they are being open and honest about.
When has Kate ever been open and honest about Stevie boy?
I think that's the point I was making....if you're going to lie about a relationship expect speculation. Jon has never to our knowledge been anything but forthcoming about his last two relationships he has had in over two years.
Sport....judge away. It's only my one opinion that adults shouldn't be judged for relationships they are open about. Kate included.
I didn't say others are forbidden to do that. As you can see.....there are many negative comments about Jon today that have been posted. If it was a judgement free zone I wouldn't post them.
FYI, just because I say I'd prefer things one way doesn't mean I'm making it a rule. The rules are above the comment box. There is no rule about Jon.
I think when you talk about Jon's $1,500/mth child support, it HAS to be in the context of him just coming off an extended period when he paid $22,000 (!!!) per month! And this was at the same time that SHE was raking in the dough, AND being comped all sorts of stuff (pool remodel, anyone?) by TLC! If she wasn't able to put away a very large part of what she got during that period, then that's ALL on her.
Look, her kids' tuition per year: Is it $100K? Is it $125K? And since that's where she wants to keep them, then obviously she's responsible for half of it. Logically, tuition x 8 would be approximately a QUARTER of what Jon paid over two years. So where's the rest of the money? Lord knows, based on what we've seen, it's NOT in food, it's not in gymnastics, or special trips for the family, nor was it paying off the mortgage that she refi'd 4 months ago.
It seems to me she should have quite a savings account from the child support paid during that period. Because while SHE may have been living at the rate of $22K per month, her kids sure as hell were not. Keep in mind that ALL of the travel and "extras" were being paid by TLC for 3/4s of that time. Would she ever be able to argue that part of his CS was going to pay the $1,600/day Steve is supposedly paid? Seriously?
I honestly don't know how any court would sort this mess out. But I DO know that someone who has paid out something like $500K over two years to an ex who was earning AT LEAST that much (and probably a lot more) over the same period (and whose children were ALSO supposedly earning over that same period) should not now have to "apologize" or explain to anyone a reduction to a more earthbound level. If SHE didn't safeguard the money (and if the court didn't impose someone to make sure that she did), he can't be blamed for that.
I am not a Jon apologist by any means, but when it comes to the money, this b---- has absolutely NO reason to complain. Ever.
I could give Kate a dose of hefty reality. Try your baby's father is in prison and he doesn't have to pay any support at all. Try he was killed. Try he's missing in action. Try he owes 10 years worth of arrears. Most support orders I've seen are $300-$400 bucks or so a month and for not just one or two kids, four or five or six. I've seen it as low as $120. And that's if you even see any of that. I roll my eyes at her entitlement, at her up in the clouds outlook on money, and her archaic belief that apparently it's only the man who is financially responsible for his children. In 1892 I suppose that was true but good grief, welcome to this century.
Does she know what the average household income is in America? 63,000 bucks. For both mom and dad combined! That's three months of those huge child support payments she was getting. She needs to get real.
The entitlement, the greed, the complaining, the ungratefulness for how wonderful she really has it, are downright grating. She really doesn't deserve a penny more from anyone, if she had half a brain she could be raking in the dough.
Gift of grab said... 72
I'm gonna call it: I think this is The PurseBoy Story. Writer could be any one of a number of people, but that's what I think the subject matter is.
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook
Get out in front of the story @Kateplusmy8 Clear your conscience & move on. Tell the world the truth. I'd rather fade away. @radar_online.
Interesting that radar is now being sent this stuff directly.
Gift of grab,
I don't think it's PB. I think it is a huge publicity stunt, the brain child of someone who is smart and creative and just wants to have some fun. I don't think there is a book and I suspect that maybe Khate is in the know about this and maybe even hired someone to "mastermind" it. She will do whatever it takes to prolong her 15 minutes. I am not saying I think I'm right, I just think all this is far too much drama if there is a real, legitimate book that is going to be published.
Gift of grab said... 72
I'm gonna call it: I think this is The PurseBoy Story. Writer could be any one of a number of people, but that's what I think the subject matter is.
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook
Get out in front of the story @Kateplusmy8 Clear your conscience & move on. Tell the world the truth. I'd rather fade away. @radar_online.
Interesting that radar is now being sent this stuff directly.
Gift of grab,
I don't think it's PB. I think it is a huge publicity stunt, the brain child of someone who is smart and creative and just wants to have some fun. I don't think there is a book and I suspect that maybe Khate is in the know about this and maybe even hired someone to "mastermind" it. She will do whatever it takes to prolong her 15 minutes. I am not saying I think I'm right, I just think all this is far too much drama if there is a real, legitimate book that is going to be published.
Child support is another thing that is not cut in stone. It fluctuates depending upon income and ability to pay. It sounds to me like he is trying to put himself in a position to be able to pay more. When you are on a fixed income there is just so much you can do. I don't think there is anyone who watched that show that would not think Jon would do the best he could for his kids. He may be a lot of things but he clearly loves and cares for his kids.
Just researching tomorrow's post and it looks to me like this speech is to benefit Camp Barnabas which is a camp for kids with special needs that believes in pushing them. 501c.
Great charity. Great cause. But will we get a tweet promoting such a great thing, nope.
Right, if a father doesn't want to pay child support it's not a good idea to try to get out there and make as much money as possible. The limit is 60% of your income in PA, so if you sit on your butt 60% isn't much. But if you get out there and secure as many gigs as you can and roll in the dough, suddenly that 60% could be a tidy sum.
Look, her kids' tuition per year: Is it $100K? Is it $125K? And since that's where she wants to keep them, then obviously she's responsible for half of it. Logically, tuition x 8 would be approximately a QUARTER of what Jon paid over two years. So where's the rest of the money? Lord knows, based on what we've seen, it's NOT in food, it's not in gymnastics, or special trips for the family, nor was it paying off the mortgage that she refi'd 4 months ago.
Tuition for two years for all eight would have been $270,000. If his CS was $22,000 per month, then he would have paid $488,000 in CS in two years, which would have covered the tuition with money left over. Is my math right? Lights Out Man still hasn't called, and I don't know if it's time to go to bed...
She alluded to problems with the child support all during that interim as well when she was receiving the 22K. She will never be happy, no matter what. Just like her mantra from childhood, it was never enough. Here now as an adult woman she is still clearly bothered by that all this many years later. Whatever she gets will never be enough in life or especially from Jon.
bearswife, this "meet and greet" is not going to happen. This event was announced months ago (look back in the archives here), and I said at the time, well, if she's in MO, they will definitely have to arrange this. But no, strangely, it didn't happen. The St. Louis kid who was trying to organize it DID in fact contact her manager, per Kate's suggestion. He sad as much on Twitter. He never came out and said what the outcome was (he's a NICE kid), but it's clear this does not have a high priority for her. And the reason is that Kate is not "in business" to meet her fans if there is no financial "upside" for her.
So now two fans are traveling to meet her, even though she's not been on to encourage them at all after her initial gush. I hope they find it's worth the time and effort they put in. And I also hope they realize her time and effort = NONE.
ElisabethK, hey, your guess is as good as mine. And that's all it is, a guess.
What's interesting is that Kate has not once responded, directly or obliquely, to this account. There is admittedly no downside for gosselinbook if June 22 comes and goes with no Gosselin news--no one knows who this is or what this person(s) purports to reveal. There may well be nothing on that date or any other.
I think everyone who comments on the behavior of Jon and Kate is doing so from a personal experience of their own.
I am always wary of a dating parent exclaiming their kids "love" the new girlfriend/boyfriend. Jon said his kids "loved" Ellen and now they "love" his new girlfriend. All kids really want is their parents to get back together, failing that, they want time with each parent to be uncomplicated. Jon is immature if he thinks the kids will automatically take to his girlfriends so early in his relationships with them.
One day, we will hear from the Gosselin children and perhaps learn how they really coped with their parent's divorce, their mother's narcissism, and their father's relationships. Until then, I know I am seeing so much of their experience through my own childhood.
These kids have been navigating through their childhoods with great difficulty I would imagine. Their mother is the disinterested and cold parent, always looking for an escape route disguised as "working". Their dad is the soft, cuddly parent with questionable maturity perhaps, but I think Jon embraces and loves the time with his kids, new girlfriend or not.
Admin, I agree with your comment about many people getting less. My sister's ex keeps himself underemployed. The formula here in PA said he owed about $200 a month for 2 kids. He doesn't even pay that. She's too busy working to go back to court and ask for help.
Kate doesn't realize how good she has it. She has NO idea what reality is like.
Another thing Kate needs to understand is that had the luck of the draw placed her with a judge who understands parental alienation and believes in the concept, she could have lost her kids.
I know at least two judges who would have given the father full custody with monitored visits for Kate in a therapeutic setting. And if she kept it up, taken her visits away.
So in many ways she is one lucky woman and needs to get a grateful bone in her body.
Back to the food topic, here is a very small time but actually pretty decent food blog I stumbled upon looking for a recipe, which shows how much that shooting down and into the food on macro helps. She's no professional photographer but she understands angles and lighting and that's all you need to present something respectable.
Mouse (#117), yes, I think you're right (though who knows exactly how much was due on the tuition, people are always saying that she must be getting a break with 8 kids enrolled). But Jon would only be responsible for HALF that amount, right? So, $135K over 2 years, with Kate putting in the same. Leaving her with well over $300K from his CS for "other expenses."
The point being, if he was paying $22,000/mth, she had PLENTY of money to put in the bank.
I guess what I'm coming to here is that there IS no money "crisis" for Kate, there NEVER was, and all of the times she has cried poor ("I'll take your expired organic cereal!") over the past 8 months has just been TOTAL BS. She is an unabashed fraud from every angle.
How can she be stopped?
I guess what I'm coming to here is that there IS no money "crisis" for Kate, there NEVER was, and all of the times she has cried poor ("I'll take your expired organic cereal!") over the past 8 months has just been TOTAL BS. She is an unabashed fraud from every angle.
I have come to completely believe this. Had Kate really been poor, she would have lost the house and pulled the kids out of private school ages ago. She hasn't. The money is coming from somewhere (their bank accounts probably).
She has more money than Davy Crocket, but just like how the allowance wasn't enough for her and Jon's child support wasn't enough for her, she wants more. So she downplayed all the millions she amassed and continued her poor me song and dance and has continued to attempt to get as much as she can possibly grab for free or heavily discounted to make the millions she truly does have in the bank last as long as possible.
To her it's not really lying because she COULD be poor if she had to pay her own way all these years.
I find it hard to believe Jon paid 22k in child support for very long. I also think the cash is running low for Khate but her credit limit and number of credit cards in her possession is high.
Kate can have all the money in the world but she will never be happy. She wants the fame that she believes she is entitled to. She got a taste of it and that taste awakened an appetite that wll never be satisfied. what a sad life she must lead. I can't even imagine having all she has and not being happy and only wanting more. Enjoy your life and your kids while you can Kate because they will grow up quickly and be gone.
Unless Kate is printing hundred dollar bills in her basement the money is going to run out sooner or later. Probably sooner. There's no way she can keep maintaining her little kingdom on the gigs she's getting. Someone commented on a Gather article that the $75/head is lower than usual for a charity event in the Ozark area. She can't command the high prices she used to in days of yore when church people were more gullible. It's just a matter of time till ReMax puts a 4sale sign on her driveway.
gotyournumberKate said... 68
... I would get so angry when I read Kate's tweets and interviews throwing Jon under the bus but as long as he allows it to go on without calling her on it she will never stop. He could easily put an end to her lies and insinuations but he won't.
I think he has learned that he cannot put a stop to her lies and that defending himself would get him nowhere. He said long ago that it was futile to try to change anyone's opinion about her or him.
I give him credit for that. He knows a huge media fight might begin and he always thinks of his kids. At least, that is the way I think it is.
My take on jOns answer to another show
He knows that it is always possible that if Kate gets offered a show she could take Jon to court and fight him if he doesn't agree to it. He always knows from past experience that the judge could side with Kate. Remember when Charlie sheen fought to forbid Denise Richards from putting their daughters on her show. He lost. I think Jon is just practical and knows nothing is an absolute in life.
Re fig and olive. Lol at Jason dining and dashing. This it was his subtle way of saying " input turn to pay FOR ONCE"
Re Holaiscj tweets. I think it's just a non fan with an extra account trying to make waves for attention. Note how this person is always implying the give radar tips. It's just someone trying to fill a void in a very empty life in my opinion.
Re the tweets from Kate's "dad.". Again. A twitter game either from Kate's camp or a non fan trying to stir up mystery where there is none. Kaylte is a mediocre bore. Why even bother. We all know she is a boring,selfish bitch. yAWN
Re Jon having his gf kids over when his kids are there. To me it just shows he spends a lot more time with his kids than we know. If he only saw them RARELY then I'm sure he would be more careful of quality time. Since I think he sees them often then it's quite normal that occasionally all the kids will be together at times. Probably makes it fun for all anyway once in a while
Re child support. Stupid Kate should have saved that 22k per month while she was getting it FOR THE KIDS. She herself was making damn good money then. Had she saved that for the future she wouldn't be whining now about how expensive kids are. Unless of course she still has tons of money and is lying as usual. Who knows with her bipolar financial bullshit.
Mouse (#117), yes, I think you're right (though who knows exactly how much was due on the tuition, people are always saying that she must be getting a break with 8 kids enrolled).
Speaking of education, how is this for one criteria for deciding on a college...
@Kateplusmy8 I'm looking at a few colleges in PA, and I told my mom I'm only lookin there because I'll be closer to Kate!!
More is less.
I never understand why more and more people seem to have this mentality of doing very little work or work that is not entirely up to par yet they demand to given more money than they deserve.
The only think I feel one is entitled to is for how much work you put into doing things, a job, charity if you are paid for it or whatever. Doing little but demanding the best just makes you seem so, well, frankly, not very kind if that.
Kate is one of those who doesn't look beyond her nose what will come next. You can be prepared for certain situations, saving for college and such but what you cannot be prepared for is the fact that emergencies, other situations you didn't plan for may come up. And whether she has money or not to handle it will I think be a real test for her. Never set yourself up to rely on a safety net that may or may not be there because of your own poor choices.
You live the light of a high-and-mighty, you will fall a lot farther if things go sour. Says to me Kate feels she will never have to rely on herself, always the kindness of other people. People are usually smart enough to know when they've been taken for a ride and eventually they got off and you're on your own all because you felt you were too proud to stand on your own two feet, alone just because you have eight children.
I don't think her actions should be further rewarded nor do I think her own consequences or mistakes should be aided. That's enabling her to think she still deserves to be "taken care of." I just don't think she should expect someone to hold her hand through life, nobody should it sets you up for possible failure. Like people but don't automatically love them because they give you something. Appreciate it, help yourself and oh yeah...get a job.
Lots of interesting posts. Will comment tomorrow. Need to sleeP and get ready for tomorrow. Wanted to just check in and thank everyone who commented on my sons EDG. You all really took all my anxiety away. I was really stressed until I read all of your personal situations. Thank u very much.
I agree with Jon's opinions about the importance of focusing on his kids and his businesses, free from the distraction of a romantic relationship-- as reported on 02/24/2012.
Jon Gosselin recently split from girlfriend Ellen Ross, but he’s moving forward with his held head high, and focused on his eight little ones.
“I am doing great, moving on with my life, focusing on my kids and my businesses,” Jon told Star magazine exclusively. “I’m in a much better place in my life ... right now, I’m just hanging out with friends, meeting new people and trying to focus on my kids.
“Being a single dad with no interruptions has really brought me closer to my children: I really feel being a single dad has improved my self-awareness and well-being.”
Jon said his eight children are flourishing.
“They know that I love them, and I know that they love me, and it’s really important that they enjoy their childhood,” he said. “The break hasn’t affected them at all, because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
Jon said that despite being unlucky in love at times, he’s still got the idea of getting re-married in the back of his mind, but won’t rush down the altar until he’s 100 percent confident.
“I still have a lot of work to do on myself, and I am an extremely busy person, between work and the children,” the Pennsylvania native told Star. “My family is the most important thing in my life. I will strive to make it better for them every day.”
Whether it is $1500 a month or $220000 a month in tax free child support payments Kate receives you can count on the same message - poor struggling single mother working hard to provide the best for her kids. I notice than whenever her fans get a glimpse into the lifestyle she leads she gets very defensive and then tries to claim she works so hard for it. I think the money train is gone and she is living on a line of credit trying to keep appearances up that she is in demand and successful.
A Mouse Today said... 116
Look, her kids' tuition per year: Is it $100K? Is it $125K? And since that's where she wants to keep them, then obviously she's responsible for half of it.
Actually, Jon is NOT legally required to pay half of their private school tuition. Jon is required to pay his monthly child support, and perhaps dental and/or medical, that's it.
If Kate chooses to place her kids in private school, that's her choice.
She has to come up with the extra money for school.
Private school is not a 'need', it's a 'want'.
While Jon was paying $22,000, she was still earning well and receiving all the TLC perks.
If she read here, she didn't believe us when we warned this lifestyle would not last forever.
But, she was Kate! Kate the unsinkable.
TLC waved goodbye. A judge determined a fair child support amount. No prince charming swooped in with a white horse of a job or love.
Kate may still think is is unsinkable, but I see bubbles on the surface.
Of course the kids would love any woman Jon brought into their lives. Look at how they 'loved' the film crews and any workers who entered the house. They 'love' anyone who shows them an ounce of affection/attention. Kate has always commented on them loving people. Sad thing is that it is hard to imagine her even recognizing what love is.
Kate probably has lots of money in the bank. But, for the past few years her bank accounts have always increased instead of that the TLC salary is gone, Jon's large child support is gone, those bank accounts are now on the downhill slide...from now on, those accounts only decrease.
Dang, with all those kids with private tuition, she is going to pay well over a MILLION bucks for that private school. That's just insanely stupid.
Are public schools in her area academically unacceptable?
Jon's not above a dig at Kate either, as far as I'm concerned this is a dig:"because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
I thought Kate's comment to one fan who's coming sounded sarcastic--although I don't think Kate intended it that way. First, making such an over-the-top statement as "I'll die of excitement," and then not putting an exclamation point after it. It comes across as, yeah, I'll die of excitement, all right.
@xxxxxxx I'll die of excitement
@xxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 I might be seeing you tomorrow!!
Spring Has Sprung said... 26
Virginia -- Kate has not tweeted Milo since April 29. What was really funny was that the Jeanne person shouted out to her to acknowledge her, then Milo did the same thing, waving for recognition. Kate tweeted Jeanne, but ignored Milo.
Time for Milo to come up with a new strategy. This shunning has to hurt.
I forgot about the ignored shout out. I don't know why Milo (or anyone) would set themselves up this way. You're right that in a healthy personality it would hurt.
Kate's last tweet to Milo mentioned that she would always be there for her "friends and supporters." I thought that was a very bad idea. Kate would be wise to keep a line between "friends" and "supporters" because fans that consider themselves friends can get easily dejected and rejected. And feeling rejected can cause problems.
So Milo, waving at Kate desperately last night (on her 4th day without a tweet), tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 @Oprah_World Don't U worry Kate!..ur supporters, ur friends..lil ole no-bodies like me will always be here limo or BUS!
This is a reminder to Kate of what she "promised" Milo and others a few days ago.
I frequently hear from folks who call themselves fans (because of the books). I try to be polite and grateful without giving false hope like "we're friends now!" Because honestly some of these folks still overstep their lines even without promises. (Nothing sinister, just a little bit of imposing.) But Kate's sheeple are carazeeeeee. Encouraging them is a really bad idea.
The "kid" who was trying to set up the dead MO meet and greet is the same one who wants to meet Kate before the Ozarks event.
Good luck with that.
He's tweeting, but she's not responding, unless they're emailing behind the scenes, which seems highly unlikely. In that case, the poor kid wouldn't be forced to try to get a response out of her through twitter.
Some of these sheeple appear to be really sweet people, but they are dumb as toast, and super naive.
I think Jon is one of those guys who just has to have a significant other, thus jumping from one relationship into another. This explains to me how Kate was able to steal him away from his girlfriend when they met. He won't change. They probably married because she pressured him. No wonder his mother wasn't too pleased.
Kate cannot change this fact: Jon paid her $22k per month in CS while TLC was still PAYING them both. She has amassed a fortune but is a liar when she whines about money. She will continue gutting the money for several years. She has got to be because of all her expenses and lifestyle. Her "mediocre" odd jobs are a drop in the bucket compared to the glory days of TLC.
Like I said in a previous post, if she doesn't grab something with big bucks soon, PB will not stick around. So for Kate it's a desire to live a lavish lifestyle and keep PB. It has NOTHING to do with providing the best for her kids.
barbee said... 137
Of course the kids would love any woman Jon brought into their lives. Look at how they 'loved' the film crews and any workers who entered the house. They 'love' anyone who shows them an ounce of affection/attention.
Yep, Kate trained them to accept strangers with no boundaries, and also to expect strangers they "love" to come and go in their lives. Film crews, babysitters, etc., who knows, even roofing workers. Kate did that, not Jon.
Talk about reaping what you sow.
Jon is a "people-person". He obviously likes people, and needs them around. He may be his very best self with a girlfriend/companion. Some people are like that.
The one good thing Kate may have done is failed to get her children to be hostile to Jon's girlfriends. What irony.
A while back someone on twitter asked her what she was doing for the tups birthday and she replied that "you never know what she has up her sleeve."
Probably just her overly tanned, leathery, wrinkled, scrawny arm. Eew.
$10 bucks says she's got nuthin.
We'll either see nothing, or else some pathetically staged photo that doesn't prove anything, like the Easter egg photo.
Kate can't organize her way out of a paper bag.
BTW, Kate brags to her sheeple about how she is the primary breadwinner, so why shouldn't the judge take that into consideration when determining CS. She is her own worst enemy.
Admin, did Kate have to show the judge all her accounts and money she has saved up?
aggiemom09121416 said... 138
Jon's not above a dig at Kate either, as far as I'm concerned this is a dig:"because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
I don't consider that much of a dig, considering that Kate does everything she can to NOT be present in her children's lives, and has babysitters constantly coming and going.
That looks like a simple accurate statement to me. Jon's hardly perfect, but he doesn't treat his children like a huge inconvenience, or shove their care off on other people.
Or tweet the day long whenever he's forced to spend time with them.
Two things I know for sure: she's always had more money than she ever let on.
And that money is running out.
She has no income (the part-time job for CC is probably peanuts). She still spends pretty lavishly on herself. She still has that super expensive house. She still has all eight kids in private school. And Jon's court-ordered CS is $1500 a month.
She's tapping into savings. Possibly credit cards. And she re-financed the house a few months ago, remember?
And more importantly (in her mind), she's no longer a headline grabber. She all but gave Chris her GPS coordinates the last several times she tweeted her plans and locations and nothing.
Whatever happened to training for marathons?
Jon's not above a dig at Kate either, as far as I'm concerned this is a dig:"because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
That's a real sssssstretch. Now if he said I want to be the ONE constant in their life, that's a dig. Just saying I"m the constant in their life is like saying I want to be a good dad or a good parent. It has nothing to do with insulting the other parent. Anyway even if he meant it to be insulting, after all Kate has snidely said about him, I wouldn't blame the guy.
She actually said she was the primary breadwinner??? How does she make that claim when she doesn't have a job? She's not bringing home a steady paycheck and her prospects for one don't look all that promising....On the other hand, Jon works a full time job while she sits on that lazy flat ass and twats all day. What, in Gods name is she talking about? Can someone enlighten me? How are you the beadwinner when your not making any bread? She's a sick bastard....
A Mouse Today said... 116
Look, her kids' tuition per year: Is it $100K? Is it $125K? And since that's where she wants to keep them, then obviously she's responsible for half of it.
Actually, Jon is NOT legally required to pay half of their private school tuition. Jon is required to pay his monthly child support, and perhaps dental and/or medical, that's it.
If Kate chooses to place her kids in private school, that's her choice.
She has to come up with the extra money for school.
Private school is not a 'need', it's a 'want'.
I didn't question the amount of the cost, that was "Grab"-- my response was the amount that she was paying for tuition. Nevertheless, she can use her child support on whatever she wants. PA has no "accountability" rule. She doesn't have to show what she uses the CS for, so she may use it for tuition even though he is not legally required to pay for it. However, according to the fifteen percent that's set aside, she may touch it for their welfare, their education, their security, their medical needs and whatever else she claims is for their welfare. So who knows, they may actually be paying for their own education.
I have been watching lots of Kentucky Derby coverage...lots of hats! I think that celebration is much more Kate's style than a weekend at a camp with moms talking about their children.
Her fake smile might be hiding thoughts of her former Derby/mint julep lifestyle.
GHSHAHAN1 I'll surely meet and greet you.. You and barb coming???!!!
Of course I'll meet you.
But make sure that you pay for a 4 star hotel pay for Steve pay for a car to pick us up and pay for our dinner.
I finally got to listen to the entire Jon interview.
He has a spontaneous, natural style. I liked that he was able to make fun of himself in the Ed Hardy phase. He is articulate. He certainly has a better speaking style than Kate.
You could tell that the show hosts really did like him.
From his kind attitude toward Kate, I would not think his book will be any tell-all. I admire that...though I would have gleefully read a "juicy" book.
He in no way provokes Kate. It must drive her crazy that he is happy and relaxed.
She is clenched with fists ready to land a bloody punch. He provides no target.
It would be so funny if Jon got a tv show hosting gig.
Kate would be so pissed and Steve would be on the clock 24-7 to monitor her craziness she would blow twitter up and so would Milo.
He has a spontaneous, natural style. I liked that he was able to make fun of himself in the Ed Hardy phase. He is articulate. He certainly has a better speaking style than Kate.
That's the way that he is. What you see is what you get. He's so down to earth, smart, funny, and nice to be around. He's laid back...a people person. I could never figure out how the two of them got together. They say that opposites attract, but in that case, it was polar opposites, and it just didn't work out. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.
Well, Jon is definitely a good parent. He saw to all their physical needs and emotional ones too when he and Kate were together.He also played with them and took an interest in what they said. And he could cook although Kate made it seem like he couldn't- Korean, pancakes, BBQs for examples.Think how different his life would have been if he had met the right woman. I think he 'needs' relationships now as he was undermined and felt unworthy and unloved during that marriage, but who am I to say? JMO.
Jon may think that there is no way he'd be able to stop Khate from using the kids on tv again, but he definitely can make it widely, publicly known that he does NOT want them on tv ever again. He didn't do that.
Question regarding Kate's fans going to MO to meet her.
Are they paying to attend the event, or just hanging outside the venue or her hotel room hoping to be acknowledged? I'm confused.
@SuperPattyPie @stxmom @trippenin lol. Yeah almost a century ago $5 was a lot I guess... about 19 hours ago
A century ago?? Umm, no, five bucks was plenty for me when I was a kid, plenty for Kate, and plenty for millions of other kids around the country.
What don't they understand about the point of an allowance? The point is not to make you RICH. The point is to teach you about money for gosh sakes. What don't they understand about the fact that many, many good parents don't give allowances AT ALL? (Administrator) said... 48
To his inner circle Jon is very clear the kids will not be on T.V. again unless of course a judge overrules him and at this point he knows no network is going to want the bad publicity of that. He has no obligation to make this widely known. The last time he did that it turned into a tabloid war of the roses. There is no reason to put his kids through another public tit for tat again. None.
He might not be getting along with Kate at all (from the way she talks about him does anyone really believe they are?), but the diplomatic we are friends, and the diplomatic we would have to talk about filming, is just that, diplomatic.
As for what you see is what you get with Jon, well, what you see is what you get with Kate too!
Also another indication is Kate's always very sad, I don't think there will be any specials, that she's said a few times.
TLC was very clear they hoped to make specials. They make them all the time for the Little People. Why not for Kate? Because Jon won't let them. Period. And Kate knows it.
FYI blogger may be having some issues, I just noticed a bunch of comments from yesterday disappeared that no one deleted.
Bear with this shaky service!
on's not above a dig at Kate either, as far as I'm concerned this is a dig:"because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
That's a real sssssstretch. Now if he said I want to be the ONE constant in their life, that's a dig. Just saying I"m the constant in their life is like saying I want to be a good dad or a good parent.
Still looks like a dig to me, lol. He doesn't say, I am A constant, or one of their constants,..he says "I am THE constant, which infers there is only ONE constant.
Just a matter of interpretation, I guess.
I guess. I don't know how anyone could restrain himself what with the trashing Kate has done of him. Truly.
OT, but I'm sure you have all seen the pics of the overtanned (that's an understatement) mother who was accused of letting her 5-year-old daughter tan.
Watch out Kate Gosselin...that's you in five (5) years. She's even more delusional that you are.
aggiemom09121416 said... 163
He doesn't say, I am A constant, or one of their constants,..he says "I am THE constant, which infers there is only ONE constant.
Well, yeah. Because he IS THE ONE constant in their lives. Their twitter-obsessed, emotionally (and often physically) absent mother sure doesn't qualify.
Kate + Twitter + ever-changing babysitters sure don't count as "constants" in my eyes, if by "constant" anyone means positive, attentive interaction that the children can count on for emotional support.
I can't believe I have to stick up for Kate even a tiny bit. It pisses me right off.
But, the $5.00 they are talking about was one of the sheeple egging Kate on (being very passive/aggresive toward Jon) saying her grandmother raised 10 kids on $5.00 per day, but that was back in 1915.
She was making fun of the $5 /per day/ per kid that she figured Jon was paying.
Kate shouldn't have responded at all, but I'm not positive she was paying attention to the whole conversation, but the part she answered to was about someone's grandmother raising kids in 1915.
The woman is a Jon-hater extroidinairre, but Kate's comment was about the woman's grandmother.
The whole tone of this woman was condescending & rude to Jon, and Kate shouldn't have responded at all, but they weren't talking about allowance at that point. Worse, they were talking about Jon, although Kate made no comment on child support that I saw.
How nice that Jon is Finally trying to have a friendly relationship w/ Kate (SNARK) Maybe now he'll be kind enough to pull into her gate & not drop the kids off at the street like he has insisted in the past (SNARK SNARK)
Did I miss the announcement by Kate that she got a boob job? Radar has a piece today on "best Hollywood (yeah, right) boob jobs," and Kate is one of their 10 featured.
So is this just common knowledge now? Is Kate not challenging these stories because she no longer cares that people know about it?
Still looks like a dig to me, lol. He doesn't say, I am A constant, or one of their constants,..he says "I am THE constant, which infers there is only ONE constant.
Just a matter of interpretation, I guess.
In context, this makes perfect sense, as he was being questioned on how good it was for the kids having girlfriends come in and out of their lives. He was not comparing himself to their mother.
However, I do have to question Jon's maturity. I just can't forget his comment, "I'm the most photographed man in the world." He said that at a time when all sorts of unsavory people were feeding crazy ideas into his head, so I don't hold that comment against him, but it does say a lot about his maturity and character. He does seem to do better when someone is coaching him on what to do next.
That said, it's a known fact that children of divorce do best when the parents stay single. Again, there are many exceptions to that rule. Many people have formed great, successful blended families, but I'm sure when that happens it's done with lots of care and concern for the children.
Friends of mine who have been divorced would never think of introducing so many boyfriends in the lives of their children as Jon has done with girlfriends. Until there is a solid relationship with some measure of commitment, you just don't do that!
There have been many comments on here about Kate treating the children as a herd instead of individuals - and rightly so - but how can you get quality time in with each child when you have 11 of them at a time? That seems pretty challenging.
Oh well. They're still better off with Jon than they are with their shrew of a mother. He truly seems to love them unconditionally.
Those poor children. They've had to absorb the whole Steve thing, and they had to do that long before there was a divorce, I think. I can't imagine.
As far as the $22000 in child support thing goes.... If that changed just recently, why has Kate been complaining about "lunch money" for a long time? Obviously, one or both of them is lying about something.
Oh! My! Word! Milo is steamed:
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Oh no...Leigh is fired up w/lots of coffee? U gonna be caring a big sign like at walmart? LOL
She just had to get in a dig. How will she make it through the day?
Are they paying to attend the event, or just hanging outside the venue or her hotel room hoping to be acknowledged? I'm confused.
Isn't there only one fan going? Leigh? Did Kate ever respond to Austin? It sounded like he wasn't planning on going to the event, just trying to meet her "earlier."
Jon may think that there is no way he'd be able to stop Khate from using the kids on tv again, but he definitely can make it widely, publicly known that he does NOT want them on tv ever again. He didn't do that.
Is it possible that the interview wasn't the forum for a discussion like that, and to do so would have been to stir the pot with Kate? Why get that going again and give her ammunition to keep throwing him under the know, poor me, Jon won't let the kids be on television, I have no way of supporting them, and so on and so on.
Today's Reading Eagle has a column about Lower Heidelberg Township (where Kate lives) and an agreement with TLC/Discovery for police protection at Heffner Road if filming ever starts again. I can't post the link, but it should be easy to find at
RT @TrippenIn: @MiloandJack @Paige_Kate8fan @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @kateplusmy8 Leigh will be there representing all of us. I'm so glad she was able to go!!!
Isn't Leigh the one who was in that video that Paige made, chomping on her gum, semi-coherent ...the one who paraded around the parking lot making a fool of herself with the sign? The one who says "I seen?" She's representing the fans?
Twiiter silence as Her Royal Highness and entourage travel to the Ozarks. Yes, it is a damn shame that the selfsh biotch could not do a little promotion for the charitable folks who are no doubt putting more into expenses than this Z-lister deserves. If only we could do a lottery on how many "umms" will be in Katie's speech.
I suppose if it were any ofmy business I would fall into the camp that wishes a divorced dad of 8 could stay single for more than 5 minutes. Some people are like that, he obviously ran fast into marriage with Goldigger. However, it being none of my business, at least he doesn't lie about anything.
If Kate were not a liar, with the emotional maturity of a midde schooler, oh heck, who would even be reading about her by now?
Tamara said... 158
Jon may think that there is no way he'd be able to stop Khate from using the kids on tv again, but he definitely can make it widely, publicly known that he does NOT want them on tv ever again. He didn't do that.
In my experience when dealing with a narcissist it never paid to confront them head on. They will always balk, deny, blame etc. I found playing into their narcissism to be much more effective. Stroke their ego, even if gratuitous. Let them think they've "won" even if most know otherwise. And, most effective, guide them into getting what YOU want but let them think it was their idea in the first place.
After all when it comes to your children, who cares which adult wins the "game" as long as the children come out the overall winners:)
Narcissists aren't wired like most of us. They love game playing and mincing words so you're never really quite sure of their intent. You just have to learn to play the game better than them. This is just my opinion, but it worked for me.
What is this...people are shelling out 75.00 to see this washed up loser. I hope it's for a good much of that does she get and how many people are attending? Does anyone know? I'm sure she'll be gone for another 3 days after the recover...poor thing. BTW..went over to twitter and Milo is wetting her/his pants over this little appearance of Kates.
aggiemom09121416 said... 138
Jon's not above a dig at Kate either, as far as I'm concerned this is a dig:"because I always made sure that I am the constant in their life.”
I am with aggie on this---I think this was a purposeful comparison with Kate. I believe this because he is immersed in computers, in which mathematical terminology is often applied to popular culture (son is a programmer). In a mathematical equation, the constant is a number that doesn't change and all other numbers are variables. if another number isn't fixed (unchangeable) then the constant equals zero.
In a simplified equation, there is a single constant -- as in "THE constant". Since, in this case, he is talking about his kids, the only other factor in that equation is Kate. By referring to himself as the constant, by definition she is a variable. If he considered himself as equal to Kate (x=y), then he would not have distinguished himself by saying "the" --he would have said "another constant."
When you have computer and math geeks in your life, you quickly learn the code. So, in this case, I think that his statement was purposeful, and probably accurate. But, it was a deliberate shot at Kate.
Admin @ 160...A century ago?? Umm, no, five bucks was plenty for me when I was a kid, plenty for Kate, and plenty for millions of other kids around the country. What don't they understand about the point of an allowance? The point is not to make you RICH. The point is to teach you about money for gosh sakes. What don't they understand about the fact that many, many good parents don't give allowances AT ALL?
I don't think they're talking about allowence here I think they're talking about the fact that some sheeple did the math and Jon's child support payments come ut to about $5 per day per kid.
Teaching My Kids About Finances
MAY 2, 2012
I learned the value of a dollar at a young age through lessons from my dad – and through hard work! I pass along these lessons – and others – to my children to make sure they understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. Check ou
Kate teaching the kids that money doesn't grow on trees.
B##H you got rich off the backs of your kids and how you spend money on UR self you should never complain.
About the kids wanting to spend the money that they made for you.
Aggie said...
I guess it is a matter of interpretation
addendum to my last post
If the rules of semantics are applied there is room for multiple interpretation. in that case, he wouldn't use the word constant or the phrase "the constant"--he would use the word consistent. As a mathematical term, there can only be one interpretation.
If he wasn't in a field of work related to math, I might agree that it was a matter of semantics. But he specifically said that he was working with the metrics and measurements of solar power, so I stand by my statement that he said exactly what he meant--he is THE constant, and there are no others.
5 dollars per kid sounds low but with one kid or eight you still have just one mortgage. With one kid or eight you still have one or at most two cars. Those are your bigger expenses. The formula is a good one and was applied and if tr sheeple have a problem with a tried and true formula why don't they write new legislation. They're ridiculous.
I click on the pod and it brought me to it and said welcome and after the commericials it would begin. I listened for 2 to 3 minutes and it wasn't Jon speaking. Anyone know anything different.
@Paige_Kate8fan @realziggyflo @kateplusmy8 I'm so glad u did Paige. The longer she stayed on DWTS the more money for her family/kids
For her kids? Oh, right, that's why she booked a family vacation for them on BHI, why they went to summer camp and enrolled in gymnastics, why they were able to afford a day trip to Hershey, why she takes them to movies and why the kids never have to share 3D glasses. She used that money on the kids!
How incredibly dumb are these sheeple? It's really quite scary when you think about it. They see only what they want to see, never admitting the possibility for any other explanation. It's almost like a cult, isn't it? Brainwashing 101.
where did the $5 a day figure come from? That's quite a way from $22, 000 a month!
This column was in our (and Kate's) local newspaper this morning. I'm not sure what the point of the whole thing was since they publish very little about Kate I believe because of the negative reaction from people around here.
Even the township managed to make money off of these kids.
To me, it also explains why the police force might have "looked the other" way at certain times. They wouldn't want to lose that income.
It's actually more than 6 bucks a day on a 31 day month but hey I would expect a sheep to be fuzzy on math. It is about 50 bucks a day for all the kids which is a nice chunk to help supplement things. Again sheep, take it up with the court of law because they decided this number not Kate nor Jon.
I'd be interested in seeing how much child support the courts would decide Khate needed to pay if Jon had full custody.
Beastie Boy, Adam Yauch died from cancer.
He was only 47, and left behind his wife and daughter.
May he rest in peace.
So sad.
He has no obligation to make this widely known. The last time he did that it turned into a tabloid war of the roses. There is no reason to put his kids through another public tit for tat again. None.
This is true for pretty much everything he's said. He has no obligation to make the amount he pays in CS known, and yet he did. And it turned into a tabloid war. He has no obligation to tell the public how often he has the kids, and yet he did. If he really felt strongly about keeping his kids off tv he would say so. He sounds a bit like Khate, dancing around the idea of future exploitation of his children for money.
Same with that ridiculous app.
Mary said, To me, it also explains why the police force might have "looked the other" way at certain times. They wouldn't want to lose that income.
Mary, when did the township look the other way? What incidents?
TLC stinks said... 145
Admin, did Kate have to show the judge all her accounts and money she has saved up?
In my state, the CS is based on business income and time spent with kids. However, if you get in arrears, the court can order current account
statements - checking, savings, investments, etc. and can even order those assets help pick up the slack.
In PA they do input both mom and dads income into the formula. Read the pa child support code if you want to know more, it's actually pretty short. Google pa code 1910.
Kate is Krazy said... 185
They were talking about his current child support payments of $1,500 (?) and not the $22K payments.
Maybe now he'll be kind enough to pull into her gate & not drop the kids off at the street like he has insisted in the past (SNARK SNARK)167
Actually, that was KATE'S rule. She changed to code on the gate.
And as far as I can tell, this is only the second woman that Jon has introduced his children to. His last relationship lasted for 2 years.
Re sheeple at Kate's event, leighshahan1 is the one who was carrying the sign in the parking lot. She did mention something about getting a ticket to the event. The other one, the young man from St. Louis, is not old enough to rent a hotel room (he doesn't have a credit card), and he asked if he could meet her before the event so he could drive back home for the night (he's 200+ miles away). As far as I can tell, he didn't get a reply. So it looks like it's only the one sheeple making the trip.
This is gorgeous! CREDIT PREESI: (Administrator) said... 165
5 dollars per kid sounds low but with one kid or eight you still have just one mortgage. With one kid or eight you still have one or at most two cars.
I took a look on the internet at some properties for sale in Wernersville in the $300 - $400K range. There's some very nice homes with 4 or 5 bedrooms and three baths, large yards etc. I'm actually very surprised at the price of homes in that area, they are very reasonable.
Kate could easily, EASILY downsize and still have plenty of room to keep a safe distance from her kids AND the neighbors. They do NOT need a 6000+ sq.ft. house.
Did I read somewhere (Twitter) that the one sheeple is driving six hours to see Kate tonight? Good golly. Their elevators don't go to the top floor, do they? Six hours to see Kate? Unbelievable!
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