Friday, May 4, 2012

Kate in Missouri

In case you missed it, which is entirely possible 

Kate is the keynote speaker tonight at the Tapas and Top Hats fundraiser to honor remarkable mothers of the Ozarks. The event is at the  Remington's Entertainment Complex in Springfield. Oh and since Kate has never once mentioned what this charity is for let alone encouraged her followers to donate, we thought we would. It's for this sweetie pie:

And this little pumpkin:

And  other kids like them. The fundraiser benefits Camp Barnabas, a camp for kids with special needs. According to their web site, "Our staff resolutely pursues activities that push the limits of what the outside world says is impossible for these incredible people who are our campers. We take every summer camp activity apart and put it back in a way that is doable for anyone who wants to participate – no matter what limitations are placed on them outside our camp grounds. Things like a high ropes course, canoeing, and swimming."

To donate to this great cause, click here to go to their donation page.

If you would like to mail your donation, please send your check to:

Camp Barnabas
P O Box 3200
Springfield, MO 65808

232 sediments (sic) from readers:

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kate needs to go said... 1

The only reason people defend Jon is because next to Kate, he looks like a saint.

Really, ANYONE would, wouldn't they?

A Mouse Today said... 2

She did nothing to promote this, which is why there are so many tweets from her die-hard fans asking why she is in Missouri.

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
Well...helllllo Missouri! Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!See you soon... (PS I am loving the hot weather I found here!)

She should have stayed home today. She'd love the hot weather here. It was 86 degrees today. I guess this means she will miss the weekend sports that she loves to tweet about! She wouldn't be complaining about how cold it is, but I bet she'd find something else to whine about. ~ Administrator said... 3

Kate's utter refusal to promote donations to these precious kids tells me all i need to know about how she really feels about charity--she's here for the paycheck not the kids.

She cannot claim security and protection. They issued a press release MONTHS ago with the day, time and location. The cat was out of the bag months ago. Besides it's a public speaking engagement, the purpose is to draw people in with your speaker. Her.

Ugh this woman. Why??? ~ Administrator said... 4

It's just sad. All those people could have bought tickets! But she made sure to tweet about her cruise the other day.

It's 75 bucks, something her sheeple can probably afford. And it helps some great kids! Kate was probably more concerned with them saving their couch coins for her cruise.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 5

Like everyone else here, I cannot understand why Kate would not promote this very special charity. She is a speaker there and it is something she should be proud of, being a part of this important event. Yet, she doesn't promote it at all. How utterly selfish and arrogant can she be? Never mind, I already know the answer to that question.

Anonymous said... 6

I can't believe she did NOTHING to promote this worthy cause.


A Mouse Today said... 7

Thanks for posting those pics, admin. I'm sitting here paying bills with my checkbook open, and I thought...why not? I wrote a nice check to this camp for all the kids there. Just think how many more responses the camp would have gotten if only she had promoted this.

terri said... 8

This Camp Barnabus must not have done their research on Kate. If they had they would have seen her for the lazy, lying grifter that she is. What a disgrace she is to this and any other charity that is even thinking of involving her. She makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 9

You know, the more I read the tweets on this blog, the more I feel sorry for the sheeple because they seem really sick. Give me a retweet for my dead mother, give me a retweet for my sick child, etc. This just seems so wrong in so many ways. When my daughter or my grandsons were sick, the last thing I thought of was asking someone for a "retweet" (not that I'm on twitter anyway). I've had the unfortunate experience like we all have. of having loved ones die. But, to tweet someone you don't know and ask for a retweet to honor them, that's just crazy. Or, a retweet because a child is sick is even crazier. These poor people that actually think Kate cares.

aggiemom09121416 said... 10

Kate should have been pushing this MO event like a mad woman for the past month.

It would be great if she refused her speaker's fee and donated it back to the camp. Dang, I would...and give a donation on top of that.
She really has no compassion for anyone other than herself. We've seen her mothering skills with impacted or sick kids..why anyone would want her to speak about motherhood is beyond me.

Katie may not get her day of judgement while on this earth, but it's coming, and it won't be pretty.

Bet she returns to PA when she HAS certainly won't be because she WANTS to.

What a loser.

Lee said... 11

Sorry, wouldn't donate a cent to an organization, especially a small one, that would invite Kate Gosselin to speak, much less to one that paid her to come.

How many kids could have been helped with the funds that paid her air fare, hotel room and maybe the freight for her boyfriend?

It's disgusting.

ElisabethK said... 12 (Administrator) said... 4
It's just sad. All those people could have bought tickets! But she made sure to tweet about her cruise the other day. It's 75 bucks, something her sheeple can probably afford. And it helps some great kids! Kate was probably more concerned with them saving their couch coins for her cruise.
And the sheeple not in the area could have sent in a donation. Five or ten bucks from each sheeple and donations could add up. But she promotes nothing. That tweet was all about her. "Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!" she says. Could she not have said, "Happy to be at event supporting Camp Barnabas for special needs kids! She could have pasted their link on in her tweet. ~ Administrator said... 13

She doesn't understand how she shoots herself in the foot. Spend a teeny tiny bit of effort being a great representative to your charity and bring in a lot of your fans who will throw money at anything you do, and then another charity calls you to speak (and pays you speaking fees) and do a good job for them and the next thing you know another charity calls. It has a snowballing effect.

But do nothing and sit on your butt and just phone it in never once promoting it and claiming you wrote your speech in the car on the way over (disrespectful, period) and you're not going to generate much chatter about what a great rep you are.

It's just like work. Do a good job at work and word gets around and opportunities open up.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 14

"Well...helllllo Missouri! Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!See you soon... (PS I am loving the hot weather I found here!) about 2 hours ago"


"Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!"? WTH.

How lofty of her highness, to honor all MOMS with her speech.

What a tarantula!

Maybe that reptile will do the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet for her humble audience.

Big lummox.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 15

Lee, I agee with you. I could not and will not donate to a charity that doesn't do their homework and hires Kate Gosseli to speak. It's unfortunate, but it's true. She is NOT a good mother or a good person, and no one at this charity could relate to her lifestyle. She is there because they thought, oh she's a mother of eight, so she must be good or have some insights for the rest of us. They couldn't be more wrong, and I think it may cost them in their fundraising.

aggiemom09121416 said... 16

But she promotes nothing. That tweet was all about her. "Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!"
She really lives in her own little world and we all revolve around her.
She is just sickening.

A Mouse Today said... 17

I could not and will not donate to a charity that doesn't do their homework and hires Kate Gosseli to speak.


So they get no financial support and the kids suffer because the organizers and suits didn't do their homework? I wouldn't give Kate that much power. I donated IN SPITE OF HER, not because she was there making a speech. Why should these children be denied an entire summer of fun because Kate was at the event for an hour spewing her nonsense?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 18

Okay, I apologize in advance, but I'm on my soapbox about charities. I think they are wonderful and serve a useful purpose. However, I also think they need to really research who they hire as spokepersons or speakers for their engagements. If they truly want to promote their cause, they need to do more research on the people they are hiring. I give to a few charities monthly. However, there have been certain charities that I refused to give to because their spokeperson was someone that had a very questionable reputation so it made me question the reputation of the charity. If they really want to do good, they need to research who they hire to represent them. Of course, this is just my opinion. ~ Administrator said... 19

I agree with Mouse, these kids shouldn't suffer just because someone didn't do their homework and hired the worst mother in America.

Kate is going to do what she's going to do and no amount of protesting makes one bit of difference, so we might as well try to make something good happen out of the things she does. ~ Administrator said... 20

LovemyGrandsons, I think it's different when someone is hired on as a spokesperson and you have a moral objection to them. At that point you might want to let the charity know. Kate is just speaking for one night. I don't see that she has been hired by them or anything like that, it's just a one time gig and I don't think the kids should be punished. Kate punished them enough by not telling any of her clueless fans about this and getting their donations, so there is al to to make up for.

Anonymous said... 21

In speaking to the mothers of children with special needs, I hope she doesn't say she feels their pain because one of her children needs glasses and some are going to need braces.


Daisies and Diamonds said... 22

Kate will take her fee and disappear, and they will never hear from her again. She didn't promote them before, so it's highly unlikely that she will do anything for this charity once her little evening as a celebrity is over.

Tamara said... 23

I wouldn't give them my money either. They invited Khate to speak to moms of handicapped kids for only two reasons, neither of which are palatable. Either they have done absolutely no research on her, whereas I wouldn't trust them to actually use my money for good; or they know all about Khate and still think she is a fab mom and role model, in which case I have serious "moral" issues and wouldn't give them my money.

barbee said... 24

Really off (meant to say odd but will stick with off as it works just as well), anyway, really off/odd when they pick as the keynote speaker at a charity function for children with special needs someone who stated on film that she had hoped for healthy (read that as perfect) babies but Aaden needed glasses. Like that is a birth defect. What is it about some people that they cannot see all the defects in this woman?????? ??

LoveMyGrandsons said... 25

Admin, I love your blog, but I respectfully disagree. In my mind, the whole point of a charity is to raise money for their cause. In that respect, they ask and/or hire people to promote their cause. If they ask the someone, who has numerous negative press already, they are taking a big chance by not doing their homework. It's not like Kate is a wallflower that most people haven't heard of; quite the contrary. Sorry, but I cannot believe they asked one of the worst mothers in America to speak at a charity event honoring mothers. "Suits" really need to think about these things and take them into consideration when making these decisions; that's one of the things they get paid for.

To put it in another light, I'm in Illinois, and if anyone hired our former governor, Blago, as a spokesperson, I can assure you I would stay far away from that charity. Whether we like it or not, alot of people will base their donations on the who the charity hires.

aggiemom09121416 said... 26

I can see both sides of whether to donate to this charity...I certainly wouldn't want to penalize the kids from a summer camp experience due to Katie, but looking at it from another angle, if they think Katie is an appropriate person to spout the virtues of motherhood, you would have to question the intelligence of those in charge.
Before donating, I'd like to know how the funds will be it to pay the speaker's fees, then office/administration costs? then whatever is left over (pennies) to the kids?

If you feel led to donate to the cause, do so. If not and you have extra funds, donate it to a worthy cause in your own community.

Ex Nurse said... 27

The goal of fundraising events like this is not to sell more tickets--it is to solicit for additional donations. The cost of the ticket does not cover the cost of food, drinks and speaker fees. typically, alcohol is served because it is an effective way to get more contributions. Additionally, the charity adds attendees to their marketing program, hoping to turn donors into lifelong supporters. 

Kate is the featured speaker, not the entertainment--it isn't like going to a concert of a famous band. Fans clamoring to get near to her or applauding wildly would be a huge distraction and probably interfere with the scheduled programming. 

I already posted this, but, since this is the topic, I wanted to comment here, too. Kate doesn't see it as her job to get people to the event, and really, it isn't. People that do speaking circuits are chosen because they have some personal cause to the charity's purpose,  are entertaining and known. It's the board members, director,volunteer and staff's job to fill the event with people from the community that the charity serves. In the course of her speech, and, if there is an opportunity to mingle, would be the time and place to encourage people to be generous in making additional contributions. 

I understand the criticism, and in most cases I agree that she is a poor businesswoman. But, as a board member of multiple charities, having fans of Kate show up, not to support the charity, but to see her up close, would be a circus and a nightmare! I think Kate knows that her fans are not a likely source of contributions--however it probably would help her image for future speaking events to use Twitter to encourage donations to a good cause.

good post admin--thanks for adding the links for donations.

Lee said... 28

Sorry, Mouse, but I completely disagree. There are many small charities that do good works for children that work hard to ensure that nearly every dollar goes to the kids. This charity clearly doesn't.

My money goes to organizations that serve the children, not some misguided belief that paying a " celebrity" is a worthy expenditure.

Donating to this outfit validates their ridiculous expenditure. I'm sure that there are far worthier organizations to send money to, maybe even in your own community.

AuntieAnn said... 29

I want to read a transcription of her speech.

Anonymous said... 30

Guess she will be on her way to the Kentucky Derby next.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 31

Daisies and Diamonds, I agree with you 100%. That is part of my problem with having Kate speak at this event (although I didn't state it clearly). She doesn't give to these charities on a regular basis that we know of. Therefore, why do they ask her to speak at these engagements? To me, this is an honor that you earn/deserve because of your previous work with the charity, not just because there is "name recognition". If a charity doesn't take that dedication into consideration for their public events, I do question the charity.

AuntieAnn said... 32

The Special Mother

by Erma Bombeck

Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures and a couple by habit.

This year nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?

Somehow I visualize God hovering over earth selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger.

"Armstrong, Beth; son. Patron saint...give her Gerard. He's used to profanity."

"Forrest, Marjorie; daughter. Patron saint, Cecelia."

"Rutledge, Carrie; twins. Patron saint, Matthew."

Finally He passes a name to an angel and smiles, "Give her a handicapped child."

The angel is curious. "Why this one God? She's so happy."

"Exactly," smiles God, "Could I give a handicapped child to a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel."

"But has she patience?" asks the angel.

"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wears off, she'll handle it."

"I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has her own world. She has to make her live in her world and that's not going to be easy."

"But, Lord, I don't think she even believes in you." God smiles, "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect - she has just enough selfishness." The angel gasps - "selfishness? is that a virtue?"

God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a 'spoken word'". She will never consider a "step" ordinary. When her child says 'Momma' for the first time, she will be present at a miracle, and will know it!"

"I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice....and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life, because she is doing My work as surely as if she is here by My side".

"And what about her Patron saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid-air.

God smiles, "A mirror will suffice."

Unknown said... 33

Kate will take her fee and disappear, and they will never hear from her again. She didn't promote them before, so it's highly unlikely that she will do anything for this charity once her little evening as a celebrity is over.

This is so true. These days, Kate is just looking for gigs for cash, nothing more. Her talent agent is scraping the bottom of the barrel with this kind of fluff. What happened to the food bank with Rhonda? The famous Gosselins give back episode? Nothing ever came of it. This is proof she is all talk, NO ACTION. Kate, your idea that you can appeal to moms in the universe is so stupid. You walk around like a rock star and never hunker down in the trenches with the real people. But listen Kate. I know how much you struggle with your insecurities. You really don't feel like you fit in where ever you go. My mom is like you. DWTS was so out of your comfort zone. I could see it on your face every second you were there. You really aren't fooling anyone (Except Milo, Leigh, Paige and Jeanne).

LoveMyGrandsons said... 34

Auntie Ann, that was beautiful and so true. Thank you!

Gift of grab said... 35

Maybe people who want to donate should include a notation on their checks:

"For your good work, in spite of Kate Gosselin"

I still cannot believe that she did not even tweet a link to their site for donations. Insufferable beast.

Daisies and Diamonds said... 36

Therefore, why do they ask her to speak at these engagements?


One word. Sheeple.

mim said... 37

Too bad. Camp Barnabas kids are just the latest koala in Kate's life.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 38

Ex Nurse, with all due respect, I've seen many many celebrities on talk shows etc., talking about a charity fundraiser they'll be attending and giving the details. Clamoring fans applauding wildly didn't seem to be a deterrent for them mentioning it.

Maggie said... 39

I posted this on the last thread minutes ago, so I will comment on this thread also.

Kate claims all her twitters are her good friends. It is sad that Leigh is driving over 12 hours to see Kate and can only communicate and coordinate with her through public tweets. Don't real friends exchange phone numbers when they visit with each other. I feel sorry for Leigh. I bet Kate and Steve barely spend any time with her.

A Mouse Today said... 40

Lee said, "Sorry, Mouse, but I completely disagree. There are many small charities that do good works for children that work hard to ensure that nearly every dollar goes to the kids. This charity clearly doesn't."


...and you know that the money doesn't go to the kids? When it was announced that Kate was to be the speaker, I did research on this organization, which included checking with a state official who was a grad school buddy of mine. I was interested in Kate's involvement in this, and in the legitimacy of the organization. Call me nosy.

"I'm sure that there are far worthier organizations to send money to, maybe even in your own community."


Trust me. I do contribute by volunteering, serving on numerous boards, and with both tangible donations and financial contributions. All are worthwhile local organizations. I have no problem helping this camp and won't refuse to do so just because Kate Gosselin was tonight's speaker. ~ Administrator said... 41

It's not that complicated. Kate doesn't promote ANYTHING because she's lazy and doesn't care about anything but herself. It doesn't have one single thing to do with not wanting fans there or the various other complex reasons.

I don't buy that anyway. Celebs tweet, promote, talk about, create buzz around their charities all the time and I have never in my life heard anyone express concern that fans might ruin the event. If anything they help the event making the celebrity look bigger than they are, well loved, and causing people to write more checks. And for the few fans that happen to live in the area, many more who don't live there will write checks. It's worth the few seats fans will take up to get the many other out of towners to write checks.

You may not be required to do promotion, but lots of things are not "required" at your job but you do them anyway because it's the right thing to do. A celebrity who cannot promote themselves and their image will never go as far as they could have.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 42

Admin, this was a really good thread, and Iunderstand the points of view on both sides. It's great that we can all express our different views in a mature way and discuss them.

As far as your last post, Admin, there's nothing left to say but she's a LOSER. ~ Administrator said... 43

This is a 501c charity. Under law, a 501c's tax records are open to public inspection, so if anyone has their doubts about how they are spending their money, go take a look!

A Mouse Today said... 44

One more thing, and then I'm finished defending my decision to contribute to this camp.

Many charitable organizations, including those both local and national, depend on financial support to run their organizations. Without people in administrative work, overseers and planners, the charity might not exist. Without those who run the charity, there may not be anyone to benefit from the generosity of those who give. Not every charity organization is run solely by volunteers.

Speaking of charities, did Kate announce who will receive the proceeds from the donations to the cruise's optional dinner?

Tamara said... 45

It's not that complicated. Kate doesn't promote ANYTHING because she's lazy and doesn't care about anything but herself.
And that is where Khate's low IQ comes in to play. She can't seem to grasp that by typing out a few tweets, or adding a link to promote something helps HER in the end. ~ Administrator said... 46

And that is where Khate's low IQ comes in to play. She can't seem to grasp that by typing out a few tweets, or adding a link to promote something helps HER in the end


Exactly. I've been saying this for ages. She could never play chess because you have to think more than 2 moves ahead.

Another good example of this is her refusal to pay Aunt Jodi and the eventual falling out. Aunt Jodi was a popular player on the show. Paying her a little bit to be fair and keep her happy could have kept Aunt Jodi's fans on board, kept viewers interested (the contrast between Kate and Jodi was almost as interesting and fun to watch as Kate and Jon), kept the money rolling in and everyone makes tons of money.

Kate wanted her pie and she wanted all of it to herself now, instead of giving up a little piece of the pie to Jodi with the sure bet that there would be 100 more pies just like that around the corner for Kate. Stupid.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 47

Admin,I agree with what you said that when it comes to charities, celebs aren't required to do promotions, but it's the right thing to do. However, I'm not surprised that Kate didn't promote this charity because when has she ever done the right thing? She's not interested in the charity, she is only interested in herself. Therefore, she will accept any public appearance, whether she belives in it or not, just because she wants the imelight. It's always been about her and only her.

AuntieAnn said... 48

LoveMyGrandsons (34)-- It's beautiful isn't it? Poor, ignorant, self-absorbed, insecure, money-hungry, emotionally bereft, child-exploiting Kate will never know what it means to love her children unconditionally. She is the one to be pitied.

Aeduko said... 49

I haven't read anything yet, but I gotta hand it to you Admin. Nothing left but ash BURN.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 50

Aw, Mouse, you don't have to defend your decision to contribute to this charity; I think it is for a great cause. It's just that many people have a problem with the charity asking Kate to be a speaker.

Anyhow, God bless you for your charitable heart.

Katie Cry-duh said... 51

Ahh, I see Kate the Magnanimous is honoring all moms with her speech. As if she could relate to ANY mother at all. She was merely a human turducken who now arranges for others to care for her ucken. (She was the turd).

LisaNH said... 52

Once again, Kate thinks this event is all about her, that is why she didn't mention the charity or donations. It is well beyond her comprehension to actually acknowledge anything beyond her.

Admin, than you for posting the donation address and ways for people to donate. You are doing what Kate should have been doing for weeks.

Jumping In said... 53

Last month Kate had two opportunities to step up for causes she has been involved with. First, the Red Cross had a 5K run/walk she could have done in Philadelphia with (or without) her kids. She did manage to attend the Red Cross Ball however. Secondly, the Australian government has declared the Koala a threatened species, and yet not a word of concern from Kate on the subject.
She does not care about these charities/causes, it is all smoke and mirrors with Kate.

I do fault the organizers of these events for settling for a poser, a fame-seeking lightweight with no interest or understanding of their good works. Kate is strictly in and out, it's all about the photo-op for her, nothing more than another chance at the spotlight.

What she offers to any of these events is a complete mystery to me, but if she can get out of the house on someone else's dime, she'll be there.

gotyournumberKate said... 54

Thanks for posting this, Admin. You would think Kate would want to share this too but we all know that Kate doesn't care about anyone but Kate. The sheeple who drove to see her asked her yesterday if she was going to have a meet and greet after her speech and Kate tweeted back that she didn't know. How could she not know? If I go to a conference or show for work I know ahead of time where I am going to be and what I am going to be doing every minute I'm gone. I also research the area in order to take full advantage of any free time I have. Kate simply does not care.

I seem to remember her tweeting that she didn't mention going to the Red Cross Ball ahead of time for safety reasons. Steve said on one of her shows that she had death threats against her. Perhaps in her mind she is afraid of being attacked by haters if they know where she is going to be. There were also occassions she didn't tell her children where they were going on vacations until they got there. I'm sure she plays this to the hilt with Steve and is why she needs him to go everywhere with him. The funny part is she has no problem going to Target or the tanning salon where it would be much easier for someone to hurt her if they wanted to.

Kate, you're not the President. No one wants to assassinate or hurt you. Very few people even want to see you.

Anita said... 55

I'm appalled, I really feel like crying. How is it the likes of Kh8ful,continualy benefits, takes,grifts,uses and profits for being a "nothing". I'm so angry that some how, some way, she earns $$ for being nothing more than a f***ing bitch!I'm so sorry. we here in San Diego are mourning the loss of Jr. Seau #55. Yes, it was a suicide and many feel it was selfish, but the magnitude of what this home grown San Dieagan did for this community is beyond words. Whatever led him to this terrible end, he was a tremendous inspiration to many. He was giving, humble and a true hero in every sense of the word. The likes of Kate Gosselin and her self rightous attitude makes me sick. She needs to take a long hard look in the mirror. But as we alll know, that will never happen, because she is so full of herself it would never even occur to her.

Ex Nurse said... 56

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 38
Ex Nurse, with all due respect, I've seen many many celebrities on talk shows etc., talking about a charity fundraiser they'll be attending and giving the details. Clamoring fans applauding wildly didn't seem to be a deterrent for them mentioning it.
As I said, if Kate were a better business woman, she would have promoted on twitter (she isn't on tv). My main point is that the goal of the charity is not selling tickets to people that are going in the hopes of spending time with her during the event.

Also, she isn't a spokesperson, she is a speaker. Her employment technically begins and ends at the event--exactly like what the majority of speakers do. She is a mother with an unusual story that is relevant to the theme. If she isn't fit fo this, exactly what would people here approve?

silimom said... 57

Admin, as a mom of several children on the autism spectrum, I just want to say thank you for promoting this wonderful program.

Kate, as a mom of several children on the autism spectrum, I just want to say shame on you for not promoting this wonderful program through your twitter, Coupon Cabin blog and various media appearances. Bad form, Kate. Bad form. And you wonder why no one wants to give you a talk show? Sheesh.

Ex Nurse said... 58

Also, I checked out 3 years of this charities filed tax returns and I am satisfied that this is a legitimate charity that does what it says it does. All of their salaries and administrative expenses fall well within the guidelines that I use when donating. Before people trash a worthy organization and make wild accusations , I wish they would do their research.

Kate is an incredibly polarizing person, and that is certainly in evidence today. When it comes to evaluating worthy causes, it is a personal choice. If people don't like this one, than this may be a good time to find one to support. ~ Administrator said... 59

Sillimom you're welcome, I LOVE the philosophy behind this charity (if there's an activity a kid can't do we will find a way!) and by the way you're the kind of mom I admire, not just a blanket all moms everywhere. I don't admire moms who exploit their kids, or do drugs or commit crimes. Sorry, won't do it. I admire some moms, not all.

Ex Nurse out of curiosity how do you look at a charity's public records? Is there some kind of public database that makes it easy? Glad to hear they are legit, I get a pretty good vibe from them, despite Kate. Honestly what often happens is charities will reach out to 100 or so celebs asking for help hoping just one or two will commit. A small time charity like this doesn't have time to read everyone's biography making sure every last little detail aligns with their mission. This is a Christian charity, I'm betting they reached out to celebs who have gone on record as Christian. Kate may have been 99 on a list of 100 celebs in a fishing expedition. Celeb I worked for would get charity requests on a nearly daily basis, probably part of that very fishing expedition. It was actually hard work to try to figure out which ones they were willing to put their names on and that the charity sincerely wanted them on and which ones were just fishing. They are way more sincere about charities than Kate, I watched them really struggle with what causes they wanted to define them and what was going to have real meaning. It's a strange position to have everyone throwing requests at you and all of them worthy on some level, and to have to say no to so many with the knowledge that behind your back they are probably saying oh how selfish how dare they say no (when really, requests would come daily and it would be a full time job to fill them all). I didn't like it even as a bystander.

Disgusted in Canada said... 60

Substitute Jacob Roloff's name (Jake) for any of the Gosselin children. Now read it again.

Excerpt: Now the point is often made that it’s a shame that Jake has to keep his Twitter private in order to protect himself from fans wanting to read his tweets and talk to him. [I'm told from experienced Twitter users, that people like Jacob and Jeremy's girlfriend Audrey, don't like having their twitter private because it prevents everyone from retweeting their posts and if Jake tweets Will Ferrell, he may not see it and can't retweet Jacob even if he wanted]. Well… Fame costs. This is Jake paying. Does the blame lie with the overzealous fans? Nope. Not really. Sorry but Jake’s internet privacy woes, and his *fame* are the direct result of the adults in his life. That means his parents and the producers who plastered his face, his name, his address, and his every private moment all over the world. I didn’t make this choice. His parents did and the producers of the show were complicit in the decision.

Let me give you an example. Matt *chooses* to tell us how he was called “Shrimpy” as a ten year old and how his father’s seemingly cold response “Well, you are” helped him accept himself. That’s all fine and good, that he feels comfortable sharing a possibly embarrassing moment…. But that isn’t the choice Jake gets. Jake is not allowed the choice to say “I don’t want to have episodes air and dvds sold where I cry and Dad calls me a sissy man” Jake doesn’t get the choice because his parents made the decision for him that he was going to be “Jake Roloff of Little People Big World”. That’s fame for you, and fame costs. This is what Mom and Dad Roloff wanted for their kids, the reality of the money, the trips, and all the goodies, is that you have fans who are always watching and you will always need to be careful of how you present yourself.

End of excerpt.

See, Jon doesn't understand that with him *trying* to keep his 'name' out there, it's only going to lead directly back to those kids. (Kate? Well, she'll NEVER get it.)

People will see the name Jon Gosselin and immediately think "Hey, what ever happened to those kids....?" That's when the googling starts. Heaven help those kids if they ever do have a Facebook page or twitter account.

When will these parents wake the f*ck up??

Starz22 said... 61

I'm sorry...but I would never give money to anything that kate has a part matter how small.Not right away anyway. I would and have waited a month or so to send in my donation. Food pantrys, red cross and helping disabled children are wonderful charities. BUT...I will never let my donation be tied in where kate was the reason I gave.
Not just because kate was there...but because I know kate dosent really think twice about any of these events. These are just mini vacations for her...time away from the kids.Reasons to get her hair and nails done.Like many have wont hear her speak of any of these charites again.
I think charities are great and it feels great to help when I can...but again...I wont let them believe its because of kate I'm willing to help. A month or even 2 isnt gonna hurt.They dont care about when they get the just matters that they GET the money!

babsy said... 62

Auntie Ann -- thank you for that Erma Bombeck piece. I am a mom with a child who has autism. I have always considered him my blessing from God. After my son's "official" diagnosis, my husband looked at me -- all of his dreams of what it would be like to have a son (after 2 daughers) shattered and asked "why?". I told my husband that I counted it as a privilege and honor that God chose us to raise this little boy; that He felt we were the parents He could trust to bring our son up to be the very best he could be; that we would fight for our son; provide a loving and stable home and do all we could to help this special boy grow into a Godly man.

I can't say there aren't times that I run out of patience, that I don't cry, or get frustrated, but when my son reaches out to touch my hand or even hug me, and says "I love you", it confirms my confidence that I can and will do my very best (with God's help) for my son.

Before we condemn this charity because research wasn't done, we need to realize that Kate was not brought on as a "spokesperson"; she was brought on as a speaker for a fundraising event in the hopes that her presence would bring more people in to donate. I agree, someone could have done more to vet her, but to punish the charity for this is wrong. Most of these charities are run by people who donate their own time (& often their own funds) to the cause. A lot of these people are probably parents of special needs children themselves. Please don't make the assumption that this charity is not worthy of donations because of their decision to bring on Kate. If you want to see how they use their fundraising dollars, there are ways to find out.

:::getting down off my soapbox:::

carolina peach said... 63

Did this charity pay for her transporation, 1st class plane tickets, presidential suite, food, drink, clothing, etc? Well, YES. After all, it is all about her.

Sure hope I'm wrong and she paid for this herself this time AND made a large donation.

gotyournumberKate said... 64

I'm sure Kate has already instructed the sheeple that drove to see her. She probably allowed her one photo she can tweet and told her what she can and cannot say. lol

Gift of grab said... 65

#54, if it were really true that Kate has reason to be fearful of "fans," or anyone else, then she wouldn't be going out in public and doing these things alone AT ALL. You're completely right about the hypocrisy involved in tweeting daily about the little trips your making around your home base and then not mentioning anything in advance about this worthy cause. There is NO threat to Kate in any location besides her teeny-tiny brain.

Furthermore, this event and her participation were announced months ago. Months. And then it was mentioned again in numerous outlets about a week before. So anyone who really wanted to get to Kate would have had ample opportunity to make a plan for last night. No, the myth of a "threat" is kept alive by Kate and her bodyguard: on her part, because she's too stupid to be able to get anywhere on her own and needs the ego boost of having a man follow her around and pay attention to her; on his part, because it's $1,600/day plus expenses.

Does anyone else wonder if Steve has some other job(s)? I know he has his own "business," I'm just curious how he can always be available to Kate for these little getaways.

Duckman said... 66

I wonder if Kate got invited to this Camp Barnabas benefit because whoever got this idea had seen both of them on ABC and thought they were part of the ABC "family".

Everybody knows about Kate stinking out the joint on DWTS, but Extreme Makeover: Home Edition viewers will remember Camp Barnabas as the focus of one of the two-hour episodes.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 67

Ex-Nurse #56 - With all due respect, the issue is Kate being considered an inspiration to mothers. She is one of the worst mothers I have ever seen, she does not have a charitable heart, her walk doesn't match her talk so I truly question her christianity. She only speaks of these things when it is convenient for her and she thinks she can get something out of it. I think she was a very poor choice for a speaker, so we have to respectfully agree to disagree.

Katie Cry-duh #51 - BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Gift of grab said... 68

Well, Leigh didn't tweet last night after the event. But she was in touch with teen fan Paige:

Paige C ‏ @Paige_Kate8fan

Paige C ‏ @Paige_Kate8fan
Awww I just talked to Leigh she had an amazing time:D Kate was super nice and so was Steve!

Paige C ‏ @Paige_Kate8fan
I can't sleep I'm so excited for her lol

No surprise, Steve was there. They must have worked out beforehand that there was a need to be "nice" to this fan. But no matter how she was treated, this sheeple would never be the type to say anything negative publicly. I wonder if Kate asked Leigh not to tweet any pix or comments. Hmm.

aggiemom09121416 said... 69

Well...helllllo Missouri! Can't wait to honor all MOMS with my speech tonight!See you soon..

With all due respect, the focus has been taken off Katie's lack of getting the word out on this worthy charity, and her above tweet that further proves her narcissism.
She really is one of a kind isn't she...the focus is on her ALL THE TIME. Why didn't she at least tweet, hey, speaking at (insert cause), everyone reading this tweet that can, please send a donation.
Instead, it's LOOK AT ME, I am going to honor moms with MY SPEECH.
Looks like Katie isn't home yet...guess everyone is going to play "Where's Katie" all bet is she went to the Derby. She needs a mini vaca ya know, she worked so hard giving that great speech last night.

Once a Viewer said... 70


Thank you for the piece by Erma Bombeck, who was a truly remarkable woman- imagine the difference if SHE could have been the speaker...and I agree, I would like to read just what wisdom Kate imparted to the people who attended this event, both locals and those sheeple who came by bus, plane or automobile...I'm sure she talked about 'laying' on bed rest, the NICU, the scary moments and how now all the kids are top of their classes and totally awesome. Parents of handicapped kids are a special group and I doubt they will all buy her spiel. In fact, there may be some who want their money back! I really don't know how the choice of KG was made but it was a big mistake. Kate thinks it's about her; it's not- it's about the camp and the moms of the kids who attend and raising money for it.

gotyournumberKate said... 71

Disgusted in Canada....60, I totally agree with you. Being in the public eye will affect the Gosselin children for the rest of their lives whether they want it to or not. This was all done in the name of their mothers greed and having a father or couldn't say no to her. I just hope she doesn't find another way to exploit them anymore than she is doing now. Maybe with the help of Jon they can have what's remaining of a somewhat normal childhood. I also hope they get to spend as much time with him as possible because they will never have a childhood with their mother even if they aren't on television. I can't see her ever agreeing to them having a Facebook page or Twitter account.

I noticed Ashley, Kate's former babysitter, had to make her Twitter account private too because of people harassing her. I saw awhile ago some of her friends tweeting her that they wish she didn't have to be private on Twitter. I felt sad for her. She's in college and should be able to experience what other kids her age are experiencing but because of Kate Gosselin she isn't able to do that. It's a sad situation the whole way around.

Gift of grab said... 72

Nice support, Kate:

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
Thanku Camp Barnabas for having me!Met many genuinely loving ppl! Wonderful event 4 an awe inspiring worthy cause!Encourage all 2support it!

"Genuinely loving ppl"? As opposed to phony loving people? Like you?

gotyournumberKate said... 73

Thanku Camp Barnabas for having me!Met many genuinely loving ppl! Wonderful event 4 an awe inspiring worthy cause!Encourage all 2support it!

Camp Barnabas has a Twitter account @campbarnabas It's not worth the effort to Kate to research this and include them in the Tweet. God, she can't even pretend!

Gift of grab said... 74

Aggiemom, I don't believe Kate is doing the Derby (although I was surprised to see that one of last year's "stars, Vicki Gunvalson of RHOC, is back again this year). No, my guess is that Katie and PB will rack up some 5-star hotel/spa time in Branson, which is only 45 miles from Springfield.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 75

Regarding Kate's recent tweet "thanking" the charity.

Nice way to cover your butt AFTER the fact, Kate. Why weren't you promoting this good cause from the time you were asked to be a speaker? By the way, did you write them a check?

terri said... 76

NOW she tweets for people to support Camp Barnabus AFTER the event is over. Can this woman be any more backwards.

PatK said... 77

So this Leigh person got to have dinner with Kate? I'll bet Milo is fit to be tied. lol

NJGal51 said... 78
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once a Viewer said... 79

Wonder who was at the table- Kate, Steve, Sheeple Leigh...? Maybe Steve forced Kate to be 'nice.' I wonder how she explains his presence- the security thing didn't fly anymore- until the fabricated twitter stalker showed up perhaps? If Kate did write a check I'm sure it was for a small sum. I'm interested in knowing how much the charity coughed up to pay for Kate- they can't have huge coffers...

Tamara said... 80

Wonder if Stevie Pinkerton had fun in Missouri as part of the advance team?

aggiemom09121416 said... 81

Thanku Camp Barnabas for having me!Met many genuinely loving ppl! Wonderful event 4 an awe inspiring worthy cause!Encourage all 2support it!

Yep, first sentence is always about what's important...KATE.

Earlier poster determined the camp has a twitter account. Kate should have found that out beforehand...she knew how to find the twitter names for Sears and Keurig!

She could be in Branson, if not the Derby. But I would be shocked if she was back in PA or headed there today. She needs the weekend off, ya know, she hasn't been anywhere in a MONTH! oh, the horror!

Wonder how much Katie's trip and speaking fee cost the Camp? I'm sure money flowed only one way. I've never seen Katie give one penny to anyone other than herself. (All those giving back eps, she was giving TLC stuff, nothing out of her pocket)

Once a Viewer said... 82

I had a look at Leigh's twitter page ( rainy boring AM!) and she looks normal enough, lol. Says she felt 'blessed' to be meeting Kate and some of her followers are so in awe of this and wished her luck, asking what she would say, how she would to react to her Kateness etc, and they all wish they were along in particular had a Kate- wall-papered twitter page. So Kate does have her sheeple- surprising there are so many in the scheme of things! A lot are young moms. Scary. ~ Administrator said... 83

Wait, wasn't the event dinner. Tapas?

Does she mean Kate had a separate dinner with her or she just at dinner "with" Kate because she went to the event too?

Laine said... 84

These are the two site I use to check out charities I contribute to.

1. This is free for basic information, but does require a registration using an email. They show the last 3 years of IRS form 990.

2. This is also free, but while it covers a large number of charities, many small ones aren't listed. This is a charity itself and they do send occasional emails asking for donations.

anger issues kate said... 85

Duckman: Kate was invited 3 possible ways: 1. they could not get anybody else, 2, Someone there is a big fan of hers, 3. they could not get Michelle Duggar.

Kate's reason for going, has nothing to do with the charity or fund raising, or helping out. Kate does it for money, attention & perks, nothing else, Kate could careless if they made money. If these 3 things are not present, Kate will not do it. This promo after the fact: could possibly be a publicity thing: you know, gee, I went to this charity thing and nobody showed up, poor single(divorced) mother(ME!) is so struggling, and people are being mean to me, and then do the dumb blonde thing: I don't know why(with her finger in her mouth, moving side to side, like a 3 year old would). ATTENTION!, PUBLICITY!

According to the Official Kentucky Derby guest list, Kate was not invited. Infact there is an article mentioning Kate and some other reality person. Maybe Kate complained too much or was rude to service people or other guests, or tried to get into the VIP VIP, and when couldn't had a hissy fit.

Kate should have been promoting this from the time it was announced. another thought, maybe Kate is scared of her sheeple fans.

Mel said... 86

One thing that would cause me to think better of this charity....please, please tell me that Kate didn't fly first class...

Mel said... 87

At least not on the charity's dime.

wayward said... 88

gotyournumberKate said... 71
Disgusted in Canada....60, I totally agree with you. Being in the public eye will affect the Gosselin children for the rest of their lives whether they want it to or not. This was all done in the name of their mothers greed and having a father or couldn't say no to her. I just hope she doesn't find another way to exploit them anymore than she is doing now. Maybe with the help of Jon they can have what's remaining of a somewhat normal childhood.

I hope so too. However, I was alarmed by Jon's decidedly not firm answer to the question about the kids being on TV again.

I truly and 100% believe he does not want his kids on TV at all. And I know that unlike Kate, he loves his children more than he despises Kate. He would do anything for them. But the real reality is, Kate is basically unemployed and living on a 20+ acre sprawing Konpound she overpaid for and costs a fortune to maintain. I honestly think it's soon going to come down to (if it hasn't already) Kate approaching Jon and telling him that if he doesn't agree to allow TLC to do a few K+8 specials, she's going to lose her house. And I could see Jon agreeing because he wouldn't want to see the house be taken, all the money they earned go poof and the kids losing their home.

Which leads me to a soapbox moment. I'm sick to freaking death of people living outside their means or even within 1/10 of an inch of their means. Then, when a big or small crisis comes along, they start looking to the people who aren't living like a rapper to bail them out. We just had a collection at work for someone who had to take four weeks of FMLA to care for her sick daughter. She cried and whined about not being able to pay her bills. She lives in a 4,000 sq. ft. home and drives a BMW X5. I don't. So why should I be asked to help pay for this? One of my friends bought a huge home about 5 years ago. Her parents begged and pleaded she and her hubby not to do this and buy one for 1/2 the amount they were approved for. But no, they had to have their $350,000 McMansion. Now they are divorcing, the house is for sale for $65,000 less than they paid for it, and my friend's retired mom went back to work to pay for my friend's lawyer. It's as if these people know that people will be more apt to bail them out, rather than letting them face the dire consequnces that will occur by letting them fall. ::stepping off my soapbox now::

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 89 (Administrator) said... 81
Wait, wasn't the event dinner. Tapas?

Does she mean Kate had a separate dinner with her or she just at dinner "with" Kate because she went to the event too?

I sure hope it was the tapas for Leigh's sake. Going to see Kate was expensive, the $75 ticket plus hotel and gas. If they went somewhere else for dinner Leigh no doubt would have had to pay.

Gift of grab said... 90

NJgal51, we all get the distinction. But would it have hurt her in any way to have tweeted a link to their site? Au contraire, I think it would have helped her image enormously to have appeared supportive. Tweeting a link does not in any way, shape, or form make her into a "spokesperson" for this camp. Even milo tweeted the link the day before (clearly trying to compensate for the fact that Kate wasn't bothering). So Kate can't argue she didn't know what it was, since it was easy enough for her fans to get hold of it.

No one deserves obscurity more than this fame-whore. And I believe that's where she's headed. Her tweet this morning brought in a couple of the usual sycophants, but her tweets per hour hasn't gone above 15. A few months ago, her first tweet of the day would have generated 10 times that amount of traffic. ~ Administrator said... 91

Which leads me to a soapbox moment. I'm sick to freaking death of people living outside their means or even within 1/10 of an inch of their means. Then, when a big or small crisis comes along, they start looking to the people who aren't living like a rapper to bail them out.



Our society encourages irresponsibility. There are no consequences when you live beyond your means and spend, spend, spend and end up in the hole. Just have someone else pay your way or open another credit card and keep on trucking. Those of us who are responsible about money don't get any of the perks the over spenders get, then get saddled with THEIR problems. You know this is one of my biggest beefs with Kate. She epitomizes the greed all around me. I'm expected to clean up the messes she and others like her make. I'm tired of my tax dollars being used as a parachute for these people. I'm tired of being asked to feel so sorry and compassionate for these people, how tough they have it. (I am not talking about the many other people who worked hard, saved, and still have problems.)

Off soap box. ~ Administrator said... 92

If this were a paid gig her travel expenses should be a write off right? So maybe they got away with not paying for her flights since she can write it off later.

Celeb I worked for never, ever committed to any kind of out of town engagement unless first class travel expenses, driver, meals and four star or more hotel were paid IN FULL. Too much hassle to deal with write offs. Word gets around fast you're willing to do a speaking engagement without travel expenses paid. In fairness that's actually not a good reputation to have--you would be hounded with requests.

Westcoaster said... 93

Thanku Camp Barnabas for having me!Met many genuinely loving ppl! Wonderful event 4 an awe inspiring worthy cause!Encourage all 2support it!


Dear Kate,

how about if we match YOUR gift?

Yr. Fans

gotyournumberKate said... 94

Living like a rapper. I almost needed a Depends after that one. Ha!

Gift of Gab....I noticed too that she hasn't had many Tweets this morning. I didn't see her name attached to one tweet for Camp Barnabas. No pictures, no woohoos for a great speech, no thank you's, nothing. Nada.

gotyournumberKate said... 95

oops, spoke too soon....

Dr. Gary L. Meek‏@meekchiro

I posted 17 photos on Facebook in the album "Camp Barnabas-Tapas and Tophats 2012"

Here's the link. ~ Administrator said... 96

Thank God she pulled out the classy little black dress similar, or the same to the one she wore at the Australia gala. You can't go wrong with a little black dress.

gotyournumberKate said... 97

"little" is an understatment, Admin. More like micro.

Sorry for all the posts this morning. I had such a long, exhausting week at work I was ready for some brain dead fun. :) ~ Administrator said... 98

A friend of mine was telling me about their coworker who is a narcissist, not a mean narcissist, but just one who just loves to suck up your time with their endless stories about themselves and how ill their parent is and how tough their life is (as she enjoys their home in Beverly Hills, eye roll!).

Well she told me the narcisssist just put in for a transfer to their office 80 miles away. I said oh is she moving from that great home, what? They said nope not moving. They probably just want a fresh group of people to tell all their stories to since she's thoroughly exhausted everyone down here and no one will talk to her anymore.

Anyway, Kate was happy at this event because she had a whole new group of people to feed the narcissism. A nice fresh group. When everyone is sick of you, just go somewhere else and find a new group.

mscatie said... 99

Camp Barnabas-Tapas and Tophats 2012
17 photos

chefsummer #Leh said... 100

AuntieAnn said... 29
I want to read a transcription of her speech.

Same old same old

I have 8 kids
I'm a writer
I was on TV
And the rest me me me me and me. ~ Administrator said... 101

Gotyournumber lol.

I know what you mean about brain dead fun.

I really do hope she pops up at the Derby. I promise whatever she is wearing, I will Photoshop it.

chefsummer #Leh said... 102

Kate looks like a real house wive yuck.

Mel said... 103

I know speakers' expenses are paid (and apparently very *nice* expenses), but when it's for a charity, doesn't the speaker than waive the speaking fee and/or make a *generous* donation? (Kate, that is code for a donation higher than the total of ALL of your expenses, including death threat protection.) Isn't that kind of charity speaking pro forma?

Anyone have experience with what is normally done? Speaking for a charity isn't supposed to be a money maker for the speaker is it?

P.S. Tell me Kate doesn't read here. Since when has she EVER promoted a charity she was involved with? And here we are, with a tweet, albeit after the fact, saying something about the charity. Although it's interesting that she made no attempt to include them in the tweet. Probably didn't know how to spell Barnabas.

NJGal51 said... 104

Gift@90 - I agree completely that she should have advertised this event but she's kate and unless it directly lines her pockets she won't lift a finger. My point was that we shouldn't penalize the charity because they hired her to speak and I was trying to make the distinction that she wasn't hired as a spokesperson just a speaker. As admin said, charities send out feelers all the time hoping to get someone "famous" to come speak at an event, many said no but Kate said yes. I just wonder why they didn't get one of the celebs with a special needs kid as one would think that they would jump at the chance to support this type of charity.

Once a Viewer said... 105

Thanks for the pictures. Looks like Kate had slides to refer to. I think she looked ok, a bit top-heavy,(no bra??) thick legs, dress too short and hair too flat on top, but as good as she gets!
But looking at the other attendees, 'anything goes' was the dress code.At least she looked pleasant.

Really a non-event, although I hope it helped raise some money for the camp. Now Kate is going to be a motivational speaker again...:(

Mel said... 106

If the charity is one with open records, does that mean the public can see the amounts donated and by whom?

Guess we'll see Kate Gosselin in the platinum category- $10,000

Or not.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 107

Yes, it's true. You cannot go wrong with a little black dress.

Unfortunately, Kate decided to wear a little black handkerchief for a dress.

Oh well.

I hope this function helped Camp Barnabas-
in spite of having a tacky keynote speaker.

Mel said... 108

At least it looks like there other speakers besides her....A

Once a Viewer said... 109

Yes, there were some wheelchair-users in the audience. I agree, NJGal, a speaker with more familiarity with a true handicap would have been preferable..Matt Roloff popped into mind, as he uses crutches and did so as a child as well.

Gift of grab said... 110

Ugh, that hair is just so unflattering on her. It looks limp and flat and overprocessed. Not becoming to her long horse-face at all. ~ Administrator said... 111

But looking at the other attendees, 'anything goes' was the dress code.At least she looked pleasant.


I noticed that. It's obvious right away this was not some posh big city stuck up gala. And I like that. It was charming, it was small time, it was sincere, people found something to wear from their closets, not a Vira Wang gallery. I like this charity already, their priorities seem in the right place.

But I bet Kate is thinking waa waaa I miss my LA galas and NY galas and Australia galas. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Next stop, cutting the ribbon at the grand opening of Big Jim's Beef Jerkey Emporium.

Spring Has Sprung said... 112

NOW she tweets for people to support Camp Barnabus AFTER the event is over. Can this woman be any more backwards.


Contributions would be welcome any time, not only prior to the event.

I'm wondering if she kept quiet about it before the fund raiser because she knew that sheeple would pester her to have the meet and greet somewhere in Missouri since she was going to be there. If not many sheeple knew about it, they wouldn't keep tweeting her to hold some kind of event in the area. There was talk about holding some kind of event this spring, and she would have to make all kinds of excuses not to have a sheeple gathering. The less said about where she is, the less chance for her to be forced into a meet and greet.

Was Austin able to go?

Jane said... 113

Looks like she had a Keratin (hair straightening) treatment. Didn't she tweet about it a while back, or maybe it was her beloved Milo who did so. That adds about $300 to the bill.

Spring Has Sprung said... 114

No surprise, Steve was there. They must have worked out beforehand that there was a need to be "nice" to this fan.


Well, duh, why wouldn't she be nice? I don't think she'd be cold and arrogant, going off on a sheeple who won her poster support campaign. She wouldn't need that negative talk going around Twitter!

gotyournumberKate said... 115

I hope she shows up at the Derby now too if Admin's going to do some of her infamous photoshopping. Now that's something to look forward to.I will have to get a box of Depends then.

I saw on Twitter they raised $48,000 last night. I think I saw somewhere it was $32,000 last year. Of course Kate will credit herself for the increase.

gotyournumberKate said... 116

Here it is...

Tapas & Tophats may have killed my feet but $48,000 was raised for Camp Barnabas & I got to see some sweet friends- totally worth it!

So awesome!! Camp Barnabas raised almost $50,000 tonight!! ~ Administrator said... 117

Think how much more they could have raised had Kate asked her minions to give.

gotyournumberKate said... 118

"Think how much more they could have raised had Kate asked her minions to give."

Exactly but that wpould have taken a little effort on Kate's part and we all know how that goes.

I'm leaving now to get my hair cut so you all will get a little break. lol

Red Sky At Night said... 119

Dear @Kateplusmy8 The ROL story have the haters in a tizzy. They R drooling over ur ta ta's. On the other hand I only care abt my ta ta's ;)


I'm confused. Why would "haters" be in a dizzy, drooling over fake implants? Anyone can get them, and all this article does is to show that nobody believes that Kate's boobs are the result of a good bra.

Where does Milo live? If she's Kate's biggest gusher, why didn't she hop on a plane to meet Kate last night? You'd think that she would have made her reservations as soon as this was announced, meeting Kate at the airport, hovering over her during the whole event. Why isn't she going on the cruise? Is there a reason that she doesn't want Kate to see her?

NJGal51 said... 120

I just took a look at the pictures and in the one with the young man and the women in white Kate seems to have some "huge tracts of land" (to quote Monty Python). Maybe her recent twitter silence was due to recovery from having her "ego" inflated yet again. I want that good bra!

PJ's momma said... 121

Regarding the varied attire of the attendees at the event, I think it speaks to their economic status and the fact that this was a special night for them. I was at an event 2 weekends ago and the dress code was semi-formal. I wore a cocktail dress and hubby wore a suit (my feet did not look like Minnie Mouse though, nor did my hair look like a sky jump). Some were really dressed up (Christian Loubitin boots!) and some looked like they came from work, but it was fine. And the speaker - WOW! She founded this organization after adopting her daughter from China and continuing to work with orphanages there,and her heart is really with the disabled children who have no hope of being adopted. There was not a dry eye in the house. In fact, the lady behind of me was sobbing and I could see the shoulders of one in front of me heaving with sobs too. It was flat-out amazing. That's the type of speaker you want - who can speak to the event directly from experience, in a dynamic way. Our friends who also adopted two little girls from China put this event on, and they raised 60 grand at their first event!

Westcoaster said... 122

The flat hair and barely cover the ass dress are IMHO hardly flattering on a woman her age. Looked better behind the podium than a full length shot, where you could also see her black/white patent hooker shoes. Glad money was raised but I honestly think that group would have raised it no matter the speaker. Sorry Kate, you are not all that, plus some.

Robin's Nest said... 123

Lee@28...There are many small charities that do good works for children that work hard to ensure that nearly every dollar goes to the kids. This charity clearly doesn't.

Nurse@58...Also, I checked out 3 years of this charities filed tax returns and I am satisfied that this is a legitimate charity that does what it says it does. All of their salaries and administrative expenses fall well within the guidelines that I use when donating. Before people trash a worthy organization and make wild accusations , I wish they would do their research.



Once a Viewer said... 124

I think sadly that Kate is a little embarrassed about this 'gig.' She wanted it to appear to be a keynote speech for 'mothers' as if she is the archetype we all 'aspire' to be...she didn't add the camp to her tweet or the fact that it is for handicapped people. I think she realizes it is a smaller charity and ,to her, a notch down on the celebrity status pole. She doesn't give a 'fig' how much money was made as long as she made some & got some exposure.

mim said... 125

Imagine if Kate had challenged each of her Tweeties to send in $1 or $10 - then the amount raised would be something that can be attributed to Kate. Until then, sorry fans, I don't think the greater amount this year is due to her presence.

Kate is Krazy said... 126

NG Gal- eww, i wouldn't want that good bra! it looks fake and too big for her frame like she might topple also looks like she dressed au naturel, no bra at all, yuk. I think a nice bust is a well-supported one, modest for the occasion and not THAT inflated-good guess though. Maybe she had her implants inflated - can they do that?

Lee said... 127

Robin's Nest said... 123

Lee@28...There are many small charities that do good works for children that work hard to ensure that nearly every dollar goes to the kids. This charity clearly doesn't.

Nurse@58...Also, I checked out 3 years of this charities filed tax returns and I am satisfied that this is a legitimate charity that does what it says it does. All of their salaries and administrative expenses fall well within the guidelines that I use when donating. Before people trash a worthy organization and make wild accusations , I wish they would do their research.


I use guidestar and charity navigator myself. However, this particular charity does NOT meet my personal requirements BECAUSE they have invited, and paid for, KATE as a spokes person upholding to honor MOTHERS.

That's just disgusting.

Administrative expenses are NOT necessarily the only criteria people use when donating. You're free to donate to whichever organizations you prefer, ditto for me.

I don't care how they wrote off the expenses for Kate and her boyfriend, it was a criminal choice to do so, in my opinion.

The event allegedly raised $50,000. How much went for expenses? How much went for Kate and Steve. 10%? 20%?

Some sheeple thought it would be soooo cool to have Kate at the event. Well, I think it would have been sooooo cool if that money had been spent on programs for the kids.

Why not chose an inspirational mom from the region to speak? Why not chose one of the honorees to speak? Why not chose a mother who has a disabled child to give an inspirational talk?

Instead they chose a whiney, entitled, wealthy woman who lives only for herself, and complained bitterly that her son was not "perfect" because he needed glasses.

Wrong, on every level possible. Just because it says "charity" in the name doesn't mean it's worthy of support. There are many, many ways to help disabled kids and their families.

fidosmommy said... 128

Maggie (above some time ago) said Leigh Shahan drove 12 hours TO SEE KATE. Leigh probably would have never thought to attend if Jane Doe was the speaker. She only wanted to see Kate. Ditto Austin. I find it sad that people would use a charity event for their own pleasure seeking.

Oh, and a note to A Mouse Today. Thank you for your donation to the camp. My niece would have loved that place when she was a kid. If only camps like that existed and were supported by kind people like you... I think you did a wonderful thing.

Once a Viewer said... 129

Pink said:

Unfortunately, Kate decided to wear a little black handkerchief for a dress.

LOL, Well said and again so true!She really is tacky and has no fashion sense. At least she never claimed to be' famous' for that, or did she?

chefsummer #Leh said... 130

Dear @Kateplusmy8 The ROL story have the haters in a tizzy. They R drooling over ur ta ta's. On the other hand I only care abt my ta ta's ;)


The one and only person that is drooling over her fake fun bags is Steve and maybe some pervs.

And that's about it she has fake boobs so do lot of woman/ real reality stars.

Reality Bites said... 131

No other way to say it - Kate Gosselin's dress is trashy looking and her hair looks like shit.!/photo.php?fbid=10150791044541593&set=a.10150790939441593.398446.128121856592&type=3&theater ~ Administrator said... 132

What am I missing about the dress? I can see from the full length pic it's WAYYYY too short but other than that it looks fine to me.

Reality Bites said... 133

The dress isn't just too short it's not age appropriate. She looks like a ho.

chefsummer #Leh said... 134

Reality Bites said... 131
No other way to say it - Kate Gosselin's dress is trashy looking and her hair looks like shit

And she pays top dollar for that weave to be fixed and good money for that dress.


I knew she was going to the real house wives to bed she's way off. ~ Administrator said... 135

I've seen her in way worse.

From the waist up the dress looks like any dress you would see at a NYC gala. To me it's trashy and not age appropriate because of the ridiculously short length. Lengthen it and otherwise it looks fine to me.

Reality Bites said... 136

FYI The star-studded 2012 Barnstable-Brown Derby gala at Barnstable-Brown House was held last night May 4, 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Ava said... 137

I think the dress is too short and too tight. And the shoes make it look even trashier.

Reality Bites said... 138

A dress that only looks good from the waist up is a waste. I mean, why bother, LOL!

Bottom line is Kate needs to stop dressing for men (Steve Neild??) and start choosing and wearing attire that is appropriate for the event/occasion as well as her age. ~ Administrator said... 139

I would bet a million bucks Steve picks her clothes.

Reality Bites said... 140

Yes, shoes were horrific. Completely wrong for the dress. Might look better with one of her hot pants outfits, LMAO!

Once a Viewer said... 141

Exactly. "Ive seen her in worse." Not her worst ensemble but still too young for her, too tight, too short etc. Inappropriate shoes. And no, the 'girls' do not look comfortable!

Ex Nurse said... 142

I use Guidestar, which has a free membership for limited access. However, you can access the filed tax returns (Form 990). 

Yo can search by name or EIN number--I usually use EIN numbers because there are often multiples, especially when you are looking for lager ones, like Red Cross--there ae often local offices with separate registration, but same or similar names.

If you know how to read them, you can get lots of information. Once you click on the name of the charities, about half way Dow th page, there are some tabs. The IRS forms are listed on the Form 990 docs tab.

The first thing I look at is the stated mission, purpose and who is served. If I don't align with the purpose, I won't donate. 

The next thing I look as is whether it is solvent--assets higher than  liabilities. If not, it's a red flag--it matters how big the deficit is. By comparing previous years you can see if the problem is longstanding and whether there was mismanagement of funds. Iftheir is a shortage of cash, charities may be using employees tax deposits to pay for  operations expenses (illegal and unethical) , may have unpaid vendors and other liabilities from previous years. 

A well-rounded charity will get support from grants as well as community support--the breakdown is on the return. In addition to a review of the annual profit/loss statement, I look at board member salaries (if any) and fringe benefits,

I looked at the returns when it was announced, so don't remember the specifics. but, it appeared to be what it says it is---unlike Kate.

The EIN number for the camp is 43-201700240.

Ava said... 143

I doubt Kate will ever start dressing appropriately. Just because she can wear something doesn't mean she should. She really does have the mindset of a teenager. Insecure, trying to get attention, trying to be sexy...(although I'm sure many teenagers aren't like this). Kate doesn't have good judgement as a result of her "I'm always right, my way's always the best" attitude. She is stunted and incapable of seeing beyond herself.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 144

A year ago Kate would have been wearing something cut practically to the navel exposing massive cleavage. I can't complain about that black dress as long as she didn't even think of bending over.

Her hair is long enough to have a sophisticated updo of some kind, but I doubt she would know how to do it and the drowned rat, surfer girl bleached blonde style fits her emotional (im)maturity level.

gotyournumberKate said... 145

I think the trashiest I have ever seen Kate look was when the show was filmed in NYC. It was record breaking hot and she was trotting around in those leather high heels that came up high around her ankle. She eventually took them off and walked barefoot through the streets of NYC. This is the same woman who wouldn't let her kids go barefoot in hotel rooms. I know what some of the streets of NYC smell like on a 90 degree day so I also know what's on them. I'll never get that picture of her flopping and screaming down the street with the ice cream cones. She had on black, short shorts, high heels, and the lowest cut top I've seen her wear. She looked more like she should be standing on the corner with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth than going to a bus full of children with ice cream.

I thought her dress was fine from the hips up but the length was very short. She didn't always dress like this which tells me she's doing it for someone else, not herself. I think I know who that someone is. Women don't just start dressing like hookers in their 30's unless they're trying to seduce someone. ~ Administrator said... 146

I think my standards have sunk very low with her. If I can't see any cleavage it gets an A plus from me.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 147

I wonder what the Camp Barnabas charity event was last year and how much the tickets were?

Reality Bites said... 148

The Barnstable gala event is the Derby's most popular and swanky party. Kate Gosselin and Steve Neild attended last year.

Warning to Admin: Kate Gosselin Boobage Alert

griftwood manor said... 149

No money from me until they release their 2011 financial report because it appears they didn't do too bad in 2010.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 150

Kate's choice of clothing is always atrocious; it never used to be in the early days of the show. But once she started travelling and doing book tours, the skirts got shorter, the cleavage started popping out more and more, the make up got heavier, etc.

She does not dress appropriately for a 37 year old mother of 8. Her outfits remind of something 20 year olds would wear. Just because these clothes are on the rack and she can fit into them, that doesn't mean she should buy them.

Ex Nurse said... 151

Laine said... 84
These are the two site I use to check out charities I contribute to.

1. This is free for basic information, but does require a registration using an email. They show the last 3 years of IRS form 990.

2. This is also free, but while it covers a large number of charities, many small ones aren't listed. This is a charity itself and they do send occasional emails asking for donations.
Laine-- I didn't read your tweet when I responded to admin.

For the record, I think Kate is a poor choice for a speaker, too. I just know what it is like to be a volunteer working on this event. I'm glad to see that Kate is encouraging her fans to donate---better late than never!

ElisabethK said... 152 (Administrator) said... 59
Ex Nurse out of curiosity how do you look at a charity's public records? Is there some kind of public database that makes it easy?
Admin, go to and you can look up the IRS 990 tax form for any non-profit and see their finances. That form can tell you a lot.

Canuck said... 153

Red Sky At Night said... 119 trippenin Dear @Kateplusmy8 The ROL story have the haters in a tizzy. They R drooling over ur ta ta's. On the other hand I only care abt my ta ta's ;)
Some days I so wish I was a Sociology student. Kate's twitter is very quiet today, with the exception of a few of her uber-fans making posts clearly designed to provoke a response from the non-fans. They try so hard! Then keep coming back to see if they've been able to get a rise out of anyone. So far today, it's not working. How I would love it if all the non-fans banded together for a week or so and went completely quiet. Without them, these few old-time Kate fans have very little to talk about it seems. But they sure don't like being ignored! So fascinating.

What Not to Wear said... 154

"No mini-skirts after age 35!" ~ Administrator said... 155

Canuck, I love the psychological/sociological study of this too. I have no many interests (I am like a little bee buzzing from flower to flower!) but sociology was something I seriously considered majoring in in college. Instead I just took a few classes.

Having been immersed in it at one time looking at it from the other side, I find the study of "fans" to be fascinating.

LaLaLandNomore said... 156

Isn't this an opportunity for Ms. Gosselin to "give back"? Appear for free, and maybe ask only for hotel, food, air fare? She would certainly help her own image if she would just "give back" something. Also, what could she possible offer in a speech to that particular audience? She has no experience with special needs children that anyone is aware of, does she? Is she all of a sudden a patron of such groups? I can't say enough negative about her, so I'll say "good day" to all. ~ Administrator said... 157

You know I think I may do a part II old time photo photoshop anyway, even if Kate doesn't show up at the derby. I have an idea.

It's sort of an anniversary thing, seems appropriate.

Canuck said... 158 (Administrator) said... 155 Having been immersed in it at one time looking at it from the other side, I find the study of "fans" to be fascinating
Me too Admin. I guess this isn't the right place to discuss it, but I'd love to hear your opinions on the psychology of it sometime. I see them spinning around on their bums all the time, trying to discredit the observations of the non-fans, but they so seldom win those arguments. I am still at a loss as to why they defend and overlook things like outright lies from Kate? Words that come directly from Kate in many cases. So interesting to watch. But I especially get a chuckle out of their attempts to provoke the non-fans. It's as clear as glass that they love the controversy and that without it they have nothing to say to each other of any consequence, just "flatitudes" as one of the non fans said :) I guess I have to reluctantly quote Kate: "I don't get it..I just don't get it". (But I'm not sobbing as I say it!). So funny. ~ Administrator said... 159

I don't know if I have strong opinions about what makes fans tick other than trying to fulfill something missing in their life. I think people seek all kinds of unhealthy ways to fill up missing pieces and just one way is to live vicariously through a celeb.

Has anyone seen the Showtime reality show Gigalos? It is surprisingly quite an interesting psychological study and it handles the matter rather sensitively. Not only are the clients missing something, and they even admit this, but the male escorts themselves have a lot of issues and seek out the profession to fulfill as well. It's really interesting, who knew a "good" reality show could be found about this topic.

Ex Nurse said... 160

Mel said... 103
I know speakers' expenses are paid (and apparently very *nice* expenses), but when it's for a charity, doesn't the speaker than waive the speaking fee and/or make a *generous* donation? (Kate, that is code for a donation higher than the total of ALL of your expenses, including death threat protection.) Isn't that kind of charity speaking pro forma?
In my experience, the answer to your questions are No. All of the fundraisers and speaker events that I have organized involved people who make their living through speaker fees. They have booking agents that take a percentage and the  organization pays a fee plus travel expenses.- and, probably security, too. From their point of view, a nonprofit is a business. They are making a living at it, so why would they waive their fees? The only time many speakers will speak for free is on book tours, when they are promoting themselves. Then, the publisher piks up the travel costs and the author stays after for book sales and signing. 

Typically, there is some kind of a pre-reception for the large donors and noted community leaders, local personalities  and public officials that the speakers are expected to attend.  But, it wouldn't be appropriate for the speaker to use it as a meet and greet for their fans--that is working time.

Our charity also scheduled media appearances on local shows, and the speaker would plug the event-- if it's open to the public--as well as promote himself/herself and their books.

Admin--your experience with your celeb would probably be different because you are in LA. I would imagine that charities would invite local celebs to attend to attract attention. ate was probably an invited guest at the Red Cross ball, and probably only received comped tickets. She was invited as a celeb, yes, but they probably hoped that she would cough up a donation. In reality, charities are, for the most part, very local. Their bread and butter donations will come from the community they serve, so they don't typically do a big global outreach. They are looking to find life-long donors, although, yes, although one-time donations are greatly appreciated. 

Many speakers  will have a calendar of public appearances on their website, so that people can find them in their own community. 

Please don't shoot the messenger (me). Just reporting the facts from my time in the field, as I experienced it. In one charity, I met all the speakers--most were political authors and are from public service, but also the pundits that frequently appear on, or, host news shows. Some were assholes (sorry, best word I could come up with) and some were just as nice as could be. It was shocking how different their true personalities were from their public persona. I ended up liking many that I disagree with (politically) and feeling really let done by authors I had admired. 

My favorites were Texans- former female governor and noted female political writer.  Down to earth and sweet as can be. But, they did not waive anything and (they were paid very well)--and, that is just a fact.  I was surprised too, when I served in my first board position. 

And in answer to another poster, you can't see individual donations on a Form 990.

Meagler said... 161

Another thing that makes Kate appear teenagerish (katism) is the way she holds her feet when posing. I was always taught to stand with the heel of one foot into the inset of the other, making a "T". Kate stands with one foot always toed in towards the other foot, and slightly hunched over, such as a tall person may do when they are uncomfortable with their height and trying to appear shorter. I thought this might have been Kates issue, but many people have said she is not very tall.

If that dress had been just above the knees, it would have not garnered the comments it is. ~ Administrator said... 162

I think my experience is yours Ex-Nurse. If the celeb is invited to a gala, like Kate was invited to the Red Cross gala in Philly, you aren't paid. However if you are "booked" to be a speaker, you are paid, as I'm certain Kate was paid by Barnabas. I remember at one point when things are slow on the acting side celeb TRYING to get more speaking engagements to the point where it was every other weekend and exhausting. Speaking engagements is how a lot of celebs who are in a slump put food on the table. They never considered themselves attached or representative of various charities they spoke at. Those weren't their charities, they had their own the did volunteer with and would speak for, and then there was work. Two different things for them. ~ Administrator said... 163

By the way isn't Kate listed with her contact info on a popular speaking engagement web site? I seem to remember this.

Tons of celebs were on the list.

Once a Viewer said... 164

gotyournumberKate 145:

I think the trashiest I have ever seen Kate look was when the show was filmed in NYC.

Yes!!! I agree 100%. That was the most ridiculous get-up ever. She looked like a hooker. Those shoes! In those days, she also had a turquoise very low- cut top and a tight-tight hot pink one with the back cut out which she wore for First Day of School. She kept bending over to look at things and half a least at least was visible. I'm sure the kids were embarrassed. yes, they were aware of such things since in the same show the little boys were touching the 'private areas' of mannequins in the department store.

This year's Easter outfit as seen on her website with the kids was almost as bad so I don't think she's changed. her hair is even worse, blonder and terrible style on her.

Once a Viewer said... 165

that's 'breast,' not 'least' oops. But nothing 'least' about 'em!

Reality Bites said... 166

Kate Gosselin's kids have earned her a small fortune but like the saying goes ... money can't buy you class ... and Kate Gosselin is certainly no exception to that rule.

Personally I like the way Mary Amons dresses. She looks sexy, sophisticated, stylish ... all with no thigh showing or boobs pushed up to her chin. So sorry to hear she's getting divorced, wish her and the family all the best.

Ex Nurse said... 167

Seattle is such a nerd town--we consider local news anchors public officials as celebs. So, they were always invited, but no one ever counts on them to attend. Mostly, we hope for a newspaper or newscast mention--we also sent out press releases. Board members have a lot of responsibility in filling the seats and it is assumed that they will regularly contribute.

However, Seattle has tons of technology money floating around in the pockets of 40 year old billionaires,, so small charities can do quite well with just one foundation grant.

Meagler said... 168

Article in todays paper...

"IVF Medical Directors of Canada say they are unanimous in supporting efforts by clinics to reduce their multiple pregnancy rates by performing more single-embryo transfers". Some clinics are struggling with figuring out how to implement this, as studies show that as many as 85% of IVF patients want multiple embryo transfers as they want high multple births because of the expense involved for the IVF process.

Many patients do not understand the long term effects and high risks involved, and only can think as far ahead to having that bundle(S)of joy in their arms.

In my opinion, Doctors need to just say no to anymore then a single embryo transfer. With today's transfer technology, many embryos are surviving. In Canada we have medicare, and it is our tax dollars that pay for the expensive intensive care required for the babies that are born pre-mature and the long term effects of cerebral palsy, brain injury, blindness and cognitive impairments.

I do not begrudge anyone who has a sick child, or any other family member for that matter, and the dollars that are spent to make peope better, but it is frustrating when some of the dollars spent is the result of medical technology taking us to a place, where once only God went. Both at the beginning of life, and some of the heroic measures that are taken to extend life, when quality becomes questionable, then leaves families to make difficult decisions about things such as reduction or stopping life support systems. Those are very hard decisions.

How interesting that a mother of HOM, who only by the grace of god, has healthy babies/children, would speak at a fundraiser for an organization that provides quality of life activites for children who do have varying abilities and require ongoing support for the rest of their lives.

I can not help but wonder if any parent sitting at that event last night thoought : " Wow, and she made a conscience effort to put her babies at risk, of long term disabilities. Wish I could have been given a choice, I might not have played Russion Roulette"

I work with persons with varying abilities every day, and I believe my life has been made richer through these expereicnes. I just think that medical technology needs to re-think the ethical and morals ramifications of certain procedures. Just like Kate should not wear certain clothes, just because she can... medical technology should not advance into certain areas, just because it can...

ok, I will get off my soap box now....

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 169

While checking out the photos (at Preesi's) from the event, I discovered that
Kate "donkey ears" popped out from her flat cranium.

Just kidding.
Even the plants know that Kate is a joke:

current events said... 170

Are there any pics of Kate from last night?

LoveMyGrandsons said... 171

Ex Nurse, thank you for the info, it was very good. However, I still have problems with Kate being asked to be the speaker. Professional speakers, if they do not believe in the charity, are accomplished and have something to offer. This has been my experiece from numerous business and Christian conferences.

Kate, in my opinion, is not accomplished or successful in her own right (she just happened to birth children that spawned a TV show). She is not involved in charities that we know of, and is the WORST inspiration anyone could choose to depict motherhood.

ElisabethK said... 172 (Administrator) said... 59
Ex Nurse out of curiosity how do you look at a charity's public records? Is there some kind of public database that makes it easy?
Admin, go to and you can look up the IRS 990 tax form for any non-profit and see their finances. That form can tell you a lot.

chefsummer #Leh said... 173

If kate bent over you'd see everything she has yuck.

Dmasy said... 174

Getting dressed for a rehearsal dinner and tomorrow for a wedding. Enjoying all the clothing comments here. Thanks for all the links to photos.

I hope her speech was interesting. I hope she was respectful to the charity and the organizers.

Maybe...she pulled it off. But, I am still betting she would rather be somewhere without styrofoam cups.

Julianna said... 175

"However, I still have problems with Kate being asked to be the speaker"


I have problems with Kate being the speaker, also. It was probably a handful of fans there who wanted her. Who knows, maybe they asked other persons, some might even have a disabled child, but they declined the invitation. She was their last choice. Just because Kate shouldn't be a speaker doesn't mean that one should punish the kids by not donating because an unworthy person was chosen to speak to the group. That makes no sense whatsoever. The sins of the speaker should not be visited on innocent kids who would greatly benefit from going to this camp

aggiemom09121416 said... 176!/photo.php?fbid=10150791044541593&set=a.10150790939441593.398446.128121856592&type=3&theater

Extremely inappropriate for a woman her age, and not something to wear to a mom-friendly special needs charity event.

This woman is just so damn stupid it's laughable. What a loser.
I guess Katie is finally wearing all the clothes she wasn't allowed to wear as a teenager. She is going to have hell to pay when her girls get a little older and wanting to dress like sluts too.
I have daughters, and none of them would wear something that short anywhere. Gross.

Kate is Krazy said... 177

with Kate as their 'role model' and used to uniforms, I bet the girls will give her a run for her money, especially one or two of them IMO.

TLC stinks said... 178

Everyone, she (1) dresses for attention and (2) she dresses for Steve. Plain and simple.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 179

Julianna, I'm sorry if I implied that no one should give to this charity because that is not what I meant. It was just my opinion of having a speaker who could not relate at all to this cause, as a mother or a person. For those that donate to this worthy cause, God bless you all.

mim said... 180

I've been reading fan's Tweets saying, basically, that Kate did not publicize the event because of her fear of the charity being "flooded" with emails and Tweets from haters.
But - and correct me if I'm wrong - I thought the fans' mantra is that people who dislike Kate are very, very few. And if that were the case, then what's the worry?
If Kate were truly a charitably minded woman and celebrity, she'd assure the organization that the benefit of her and publicity on her blog and Twitter account would outweigh any negativity from her detractors. An example of this might have been if she had Tweeted about it, Radar Online, a Twitter follower of Kate's, might have tossed some free publicity towards Camp Barnabas about the appearance.
Instead, she chooses to ignore any charity event she's involved in until the last minute, which, as one can see from Tweets of fans in Missouri, could have brought in even more money for a cause.
The fact is that there's no way to really defend Kate's own lack of participation in an event that featured her; and her fans can try as they might but her self-centered behavior continues to speak for itself. I guess that really is why they feel called to defend her.

Gift of grab said... 181

Great time with a Great Person @Kateplusmy8 ! I had Gr8 time!

Wow, she is well on her way to that "TanningMom" look! That hair is . . . awful.

A Mouse Today said... 182

Oh, and a note to A Mouse Today. Thank you for your donation to the camp. My niece would have loved that place when she was a kid. If only camps like that existed and were supported by kind people like you... I think you did a wonderful thing.


Aw, Filo, thank you for saying so! It's all about the kids. I sit on boards, and have headed some of them, whose main objective is seeing to the needs of the mentally and physically challenged. I have no disabled children of my own, but after having worked side by side with kids and young adults, a charity that benefits them has a special place in my heart. Although I am unfamiliar with this particular camp, I was satisfied that it is indeed legit and that many children are going to enjoy their experiences there. After admin posted the pics in this thread, with the "little pumpkin" caption, I thought...why not? So, thanks to admin, too!

Pam said... 183

Oh my lord have mercy! Somebody is starting to look very much like that crazy tanning lady.!/LEIGHSHAHAN1/status/198883045615476736/photo/1

Kate is gonna need some Armor All on her face if she doesn't let up on the tanning.

PJ's momma said... 184

Leigh is super-duper cute and petite! She makes Kate look very orange. Cool that she paid for a ticket to support the cause. That helps children who need a little extra love and that's a good thing.

Malaprop alert! We were at dinner and talking about drug addicts (much experience on both sides of our families). Hubby said, "You know, working with these guys, it's obvious their congenital abilities are stunted by their drug use." Oh dear. I quickly stuffed a chip in my mouth and looked left toward the dining room, trying to keep a neutral face. He said, "Wait. I think that's the wrong word?" I just shrugged my shoulders and deliberately chewed very slowly. He said, "Seriously, what word was I trying to use?" I said, "Cognitive?" He said, "That's it!" I said, "How many drugs have YOU taken?" He threw a chip at me and we both had a good laugh. I just adore him!

Hope everyone has a great Cinco de Mayo, if you celebrate!

aggiemom09121416 said... 185

Whenever I see someone wear an inappropriate outfit like Katie's, I think:
Meat for sale. Cheap. Come one, come all.

Well Katie's come full's back to giving speeches,lol.
She's going to have to give a lot of them to pay for school tuition and that house. When the money gets low, we will see what goes first...the kids or Katie's needs. I bet the kids lose. Momma's got to keep her fleet of cars and her hair fried!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 186

@mojitosplace @Kateplusmy8 We talked a couple of times through the evening! She was so Nice!

So much for Kate and Leigh having dinner together.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 187

Well, I think it's pretty obvious Kate is taking a weekend excursion with Steve. Other than that one brief tweet this morning, we haven't heard from her. I'm so GLAD she has this time for herself, she deserves it (snark).

Anonymous said... 188 (Administrator) said... 91
Which leads me to a soapbox moment. I'm sick to freaking death of people living outside their means or even within 1/10 of an inch of their means. Then, when a big or small crisis comes along, they start looking to the people who aren't living like a rapper to bail them out.



Our society encourages irresponsibility. There are no consequences when you live beyond your means and spend, spend, spend and end up in the hole. Just have someone else pay your way or open another credit card and keep on trucking. Those of us who are responsible about money don't get any of the perks the over spenders get, then get saddled with THEIR problems. You know this is one of my biggest beefs with Kate. She epitomizes the greed all around me. I'm expected to clean up the messes she and others like her make. I'm tired of my tax dollars being used as a parachute for these people. I'm tired of being asked to feel so sorry and compassionate for these people, how tough they have it. (I am not talking about the many other people who worked hard, saved, and still have problems.)

Off soap box.
I would like to add parents of HOM's- don't pop out 4-8 kids at a time and then complain about the related expenses, or not having a large enough house and car, etc. That is financially irresponsible as well. Then to expect your community and society to pick up the tab - talk about nerve! Drives me crazy. Cant feed them- dont breed them. It's not rocket science, it's basic math- children = tons of $$$, the more children, the more $$

Once a Viewer said... 189

I agree, Mouse, despite Kate. I donate to a local center for handicapped kids where my friend' daughter goes for weekend respite as well as camp. The kids have so much fun and the staff adore them, and their dear families can relax knowing they are in good caring hands. Kids deserve a change or vacation too.

librarylady said... 190

When that picture with the twitter fan came up, the first thing I thought was "oh, my, she looks like a ...giraffe!". lol - I don't know why giraffe. That was my immediate reaction. Something about the hair - it looks terrible on her! Quite unflattering. She used to be so attractive, now she just looks like she's trying too hard.

I noted that the tweeter said they "talked a few times". I suspect that Kate deigned to give her a sentence or two and that's it; tweeter seems pretty subdued for being so freaked out about going to be in the audience. Not much reaction there.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 191

Gift of grab said... 181

Great time with a Great Person @Kateplusmy8 ! I had Gr8 time!

Wow, she is well on her way to that "TanningMom" look! That hair is . . . awful.


Wow. What a difference a few, misused years make.

Kate looks... odd. Old, haggard, and leathery- and her teeth look like plastic halloween vampire teeth (sans fangs).

Leigh is fresh faced, and pretty.

Localyocul said... 192

Her daughters will be in middle school next year. Maybe it's different with private schools but that is when girls really stop acting like little girls and want to dress fashionably. Even if they wear uniforms to school, they want the Hollister and Abercrombie. And the fashions are belly baring shirts, and short shorts and skirts. I guess Kate will be all just fine with the girls dressing in short skirts and shorts with hooker heels since she this is the example she is setting for them.

Once a Viewer said... 193

I guess it's a big letdown meeting your 'friend' Kate and not being given much more than the time time of day...I agree with those who don't care for Kate's new mane-do, lol

Winsomeone said... 194

Thought Kate just had her hair done on Friday? Guess that didn't include touching up her dark roots? She is bra less..nasty, having her nipples poke out at a benefit for handicapped kids. ~ Administrator said... 195

It's really a shame Kate apparently didn't make it to the derby this year. I'm certain she would have bet on I'll Have Another! ~ Administrator said... 196

Is that Leigh the fan? My god she looks so....normal!

Surely she just hasn't done her research or something.

Anonymous said... 197

That link doesn't work.

Ex Nurse said... 198

If ever there is proof that Kate at 14:59 of her 15 minutes it is that in the last 24 hours there is only one "news" story on Google news at 4:15 pm PST--from Effie at Gather. 

There are zero related stories, as there were--sometimes by the thousands-- at her height of fame. Effie and Kate's fans will be like those soldiers that don't know the war is over. I am looking forward to her obituary for Kate's career.

At this point, I only see her because I look for her. With the exception of punchlines, footnotes and bad examples of pretty much everything, she is gone and done and over. This fundraising event was about as small as you can get.

 Some people don't think that she is even entitled to speak about or mention her own life story and experiences because it includes the kids. What mother can talk about her own story without including their children? Certainly, not me! I guess I feel that she is now reaping what she sowed--no media gigs, no books, no opportunities. 

The Kardashians are doing everything she wants to do, bigger, better more entertaining and more shocking. Seriously, why are they famous? I must have missed it.... If every Kardashian photo or story were removed from every tabloid, there would be nothing but ads left!

I asked this question earlier today and other times, and haven't yet gotten a response. What do people think would be an appropriate job that wouldn't warrant a pile-on and heaps of criticism and should-haves? 

fidosmommy said... 199

How about a sales person at a nice trendy or upscale department store? She would have brief contact with customers, possibly give them some help to find something, ring them up and say goodbye. She wouldn't be working elbow to elbow with other personnel, she could dress nicely, and her manager would see to it that she put the customers firsr. She would go home in the evenings tired, but still able to put food on the table. The pay is less than having a TV show, but it would go a long way to supplement what she gets from Jon. And, the trips to NYC for hair day would not be necessary, because she only does that when she's got a gig somewhere.

Yep, I vote sales personnel in a nice store. Clothes, furniture, department store, no matter.

Anonymous said... 200

In the picture taken with the fan, I think Kate looks like a drag queen. Reminds me of the time she was a guest on the Wendy Williams' show, when I though they both looked like drag queens.


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