Friday, June 15, 2012

The gardening thread

By popular demand and because it's more interesting than Kate, I'm opening a gardening thread. Share tips, tricks, stories, whatever you want. Feel free to discuss anything else you want, it's not limited to gardening.

And for those who don't garden, you're wrong. You have a your mind. Check out this awesome viral video.

1048 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 1048   Newer›   Newest»
Dmasy said...

I have a very positive customer service story. BOSCH. Our 9-year-old dishwasher died. Hubby, who can fix almost anything, determined it was a failure in the control panel "brains" and he would need to order a part. Our local repair shop announced that our model was permanently discontinued and no parts could be ordered. We planned for new dishwasher shopping and I am hand washing all our stuff.

Hubby checked internet and decided to contact Bosch directly in the off chance we could order a new control panel.

Super friendly young lady listened to his diagnosis. She said there had been a recall on the part we needed in 2009. We don't remember ever getting that info. She went on to tell us there was no problem. Our part would be shipped to an authorized repair shop about 50 miles away. That shop would be responsible for contacting us -- which they did this morning.

Our dishwasher will be repaired free of charge as soon as possible. I give Bosch a big thumbs up.

wayward said...

KAT said... 177
I have a question about this gosselinbook thing...If Kates lawyers sent a Cease and Desist letter...does that mean they know who it is? And what its about?
The only thing I can think of is maybe when Gosselinbook started saying "I know what you did" and mentioning that Deanna wore boots to Easter at Kate's, maybe that was grounds to have either Twitter, Blogger or Facebook hand over their info for that person. I don't know how the legalities of that would work.

Right at this time 3 years ago, someone was leaking info about Jon & Kate's impending seperation to the Blind Gossip site, also prompting a note from the crack Gosselin legal team.Dear Wonk & Spike + Gaggle

And these are just the letters we are aware of, including Admins. There's something very wrong with constantly needing to threaten people with legal action (which often has no grounds) to keep your behavior secret. How about not doing the behavior anymore? How about not trying to project sunshine and unicorns farting rainbows when your ugly soul really projects mayhem and fork-wielding demons?
Sheesh. ~ Administrator said...

I think the significance of the commercial featuring Kate is a huge red flag that at minimum she is at least on their radar.

If she is that insignificant to them why even think of her to advertise for the upcoming season? I just think it's a big sign that they are at least considering her, if she's only third string.

I think at the end of the day they are crunching the numbers and of the controversial contestants willing to commit to this, they'll pick the one who will bring the most controversy and ratings. That could be Kate, like it or not. I think it actually helps that Tony and Maks and others can't stand her. More controversy. In a way it's not a good thing Tony is so often asked about her, it keeps their feud revenant.

I think it also needs to be remembered that maybe three or four contestants are truly famous on each season. The rest are usually has beens or D listers or washed up reality stars. I honestly think that in terms of fame, Kate comes in way above a lot of those cast offs, if only because viewers at least know who she is and love to hate her. If I were a producer trying to fill spots and Kate was available versus a few obscure soap stars and some supporting actor on a canceled show, I think I would hedge my bets on Kate every day of the week. I know she will fight with someone, I know viewers will love to hate her pathetic work ethic all over again, I know it's a sure bet.

I really think at the end of the day it comes down to numbers. If they can manage to get someone to commit who is more controversial than her, then she won't get her wish and a prayer sealed with a kiss. If they can't, then she's back.

I just don't think there's any denying she's on the table now that they've used her to advertise.

Laurie said...

If you go to any of the DWTS sites/blogs you'll see that Kate isn't even a blip on the radar. Most are talking about who they really want to see and you don't see Kate's name mentioned. DWTS isn't going to look at the discussion on this blog nor is it going to look at her twitter feed to make their decision as to whether or not she will be on. As admin said upthread, she probably signed some paperwork saying that she's available and agreeing to a price, however, that doesn't guarantee her a spot. There are other reality personalities with much more of a following and Kate will only get the call if none of them want to be on.

PatK said...

Admin, I wholeheartedly agree with your post (197), except that I think she's already "in".

I just pray she's one of the first ones out, but if they want the ratings, the producers will keep her in...just like they did last time. I never believed the public's vote kept her in that long, because anyone without blinders could see how horrible she was.

OrangeCrush said...

I think that they have picked their list, or at least part of it, because Mario Lopez got himself in a bit of trouble last week by mentioning that he had had to turn down the All-Stars offer due to scheduling conflicts. And if that was her "sent with a prayer and a kiss" package, it probably asked for permission to use her in advertising. She may be heading west or she may be on an alternates list; while it galls me to think that useless bag could get herself in the spotlight again, I can see how she fits that 'redemption' category. Of course, she has no talent still and won't be on the show for long, and without TLC to back her up with her ridiculous and extravagant needs (home dance floor), I imagine she would have to move out to LA for the duration. My, what a message the greatest mom of 8 would be sending if she took the first plane she could, as in 'see ya kids'.
However, given what people involved with DWTS have said about her since her time on the show, I cannot even imagine a face to face with Tony D, or a few others. She has no friends there, and there is no one in LA who wants to back her in any kind of production. She would be smarter to stay in PA and develop whatever this running thing is, but Kate is a fame 'ho and run to LA she will if given the opportunity.

Betsy said...

I'll have to take a look at this, thanks.

The connection between industry, government and big pharma/scientists is creating a population of chronically ill patients who turn to pills to fix their self-inflicted ill health. It's a financially based system, not one that is based on well being.

And that's about as close to the soap box I will get or else I will REALLY start ranting, lol.



Thanks for responding, Heather. After you read The China Study, check out the documentary, Forks Over Knives. Are you the same Heather who has posted on Werny Gal's Blog about your narcissistic MIL?

Tucker's Mom said...

but I'd think (hope) that organic produce would be thoroughly washed before being packed.
Organic stuff in the stores is usually cleaned and gets rinsed while on display. The veggies from the farmers market are sometimes a bit dirty and gritty.
I'm glad what I found was a cute ladybug too!
And TMI- a couple days ago as I was letting out my dogs for their final pee before bed, I looked into my laundry room mud sink and there was a HUGE spider, like tarantula-sized. Never saw one so damn big.
I totally wussed out and got DH to take care of the hairy beast. Ew, so creepy...
I'm such a girl sometimes.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Wow I've been busy and just returned to the news of Absentee Mom maybe being on DWTS and that is horrible news! I feel so bad for those kids(not to mention DWTS viewers, yuck) they will be raised by babysitters! My parents were always gone from sunup to sundown working and believe me my parents had their problems parenting, they never met a belt they never liked, and we all experienced that but you need your parent(s) at home! I have always felt that I always missed out on so many things as a kid!

Again I'm going to say I don' think she likes those kids and actions speak louder then words!!

Now if she is on the show I think she is going with a different mindset. She is going to work her ass off to show the judges and for them to give her compliments! She is also going to demand the most revealing dresses of them all!

And of course try to get a new show! She will also use her new vehicle twitter to help her!!!

I only have one thing to say as a fan of DWTS :YUCK,YUCK,YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry!

Betsy said...

capecodmama said... 129
As for Kate's "healthy" diet. I am the same height as her and the same weight (if what she claims is true) but I have a big appetite. I eat healthy but I eat. I could never get through the day eating just what she eats. I would be eating the bark off the nearest tree if that is all I was ingesting. No wonder she is exhausted all the time. I have 15 years on her and I rarely feel the exhaustion she seems to feel on a regular basis.


I believe Kate' diet is very healthy. She appears to be a semi-vegetarian. The problem is not what she is eating, it is the lack of calories she is consuming for her activity level.

My diet is very similar to Kate's. I would guess that I eat roughly the same amount of calories per day. However, I am 5'4, 110 lbs, 51 years old, and I don't really exercise formally. I just stay active with gardening, walking, etc. I would estimate that I eat between 1400-1800 calories per day. She is not consuming enough calories as a runner AT ALL. I think her diet is lacking in healthy fats, and that is why she looks haggard and is exhausted all the time. Her obsession with running is, IMO, a cover for her serious food issues. Many distance runners are anorexic.

mybad said...

I'm not sure if this was mentioned. The gosselin domain name was purchased back in December of 2010. Makes it even more interesting I suppose, but I have a feeling it turns out to be nothing.

It seems as if Kate is quiet today. No good morning tweet to her "tweeties". Rather tweets to her hair guy in response to a tweet he sent... not even to her. Weird.

wowser said...

hmmmmm...kate's latest RT about true friends walk in when the rest walk out -....think she's lost more friends this week?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dwindle said... 173

Gardening: two of my zuccinnis have merged somehow into one obscene looking vegetable. I have seen tomatos do this before, but zucc? Hehe.

And I need some advice, 15 Mins-ers. I am in need of some dinner ideas for tonight. I am plumb out of ideas. I am asking at this early hour because it would probably help if I would defrost something. Please advise, I am getting tired of the same old same old and I need some ideas. Sigh. Thanks in advance


Dwindle, how about a garden vegetable soup?

Saute all your chopped vegetables- onions, carrots, garlic & celery, and cook until translucent. Then add chopped zucchini, string beans, carrots etc...). Then add a can or two of tomato paste, paprika, salt, pepper, parsley, and enough chicken stock (or vegetable stock), to cover the vegetables. Bring to a boil. If you desire, you can add peas & corn and/or spinach at this point. Allow all the vegetables to cook for just a few minutes more, and that's it.

If you feel like it, you can sprinkle some parmesian cheese on top, and a little chopped parsley as well. Serve with crusty bread.

Boom. Done.

It's cheap, quick, easy, and filling.

Tamara said...

DWTS could have an extra special Huge Womb Narcissist dance off between Khate and Octomom. Though octo will have the advantage as she's got all that pole dancer experience. Michael Lohan and the Balloon Boy's dad could be their dancing partners.

Maggie said...

I am sure the DWTS producers are considering how many twitter followers each potential contestant has. After a year and 1/2 Kate has only 95,000. I don't think that is that many considering the huge media coverage she has had for the past 5 years. And she had 2 TV shows. Also DWTS announced "Twist Of Kate" that never made it to air. It speaks to how unpopular is really is. And the past year and especially the past 6 months Kate has been dead in the media. Also NOBODY has picked up Kate for anything other than a stupid coupon blogger. And she stinks at that and her silly website.

Kate was super popular in Spring 2010 when they picked her for DWTS. Now is virtually a nobody with no future in the media. I think all the above will be considered by the producers.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I think the reason why she might be on there again will be to cause tension between her and Tony.

Also to poke fun of her and her dancing like the reason why they had her on the Emmys.

They want ratings and they might want to poke fun.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy, good to know. I'm getting another Bosch for our kitchen redo. It's only a 300 series, but it's nearly silent and works.
Now, if I could only be crystal clear about the other appliances. I've read so many horror stories about appliances failing, breaking and not being supported by the seller/maker.
If anyone has a wall oven/double oven with convection that they love, let me know!

AuntieAnn said...

I really think at the end of the day it comes down to numbers. If they can manage to get someone to commit who is more controversial than her, then she won't get her wish and a prayer sealed with a kiss. If they can't, then she's back.


So what you`re really saying Admin is... (gulp) ...prepare yourselves. (wipes away tears)

HollyMo said...

KAT has left a new comment on the post "The gardening thread":

Why does everyone practically have her on the show already? Is there something I'm missing? Is there inside info? I don't see that happening, but maybe you all know something I don't....
KAT, kHate has been spotted in some commercials for the new season of DWTS, leading to the speculation.

As for me, I will believe it when I see it!

Supper suggestions:
If we don't go to the fair tonight (forecast calls for rain) we are having pasta with chorizo and cauliflower. I hope to go to the fair and eat junk food though!

The Bitter End said...

Dmasy said...
I want Kate to be successful at something. The children need a mom who is thriving. That household needs income.
Katie Irene purchased a million dollar home, spends over $100,000 annually for elementary school, has $100,000 worth of automobiles and has millions in negotiable assets. She is indeed thriving and does not "need" income.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 193
Saying Kate cancelled the cruise because she's going on DWTS negates the fact that the cruise was cancelled due to lack of interest.
I think there is interest, however the demographics of the Katie Irene fan could not support a price target in excess of $5,000 for the package. From a financial standpoint Katie would have done better to rip them off for $100 dollars a pop in the Harrisburg Holiday Inn lounge. She's got a few fans. She does not have fans with disposable income.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Administrator) said... 197
I think the significance of the commercial featuring Kate is a huge red flag that at minimum she is at least on their radar.

Sure, why not? Katie will do anything for the dough. Has Katie explored the Cruella de Vil angle yet? It's really all she's got to offer.


Berks Neighbor said... 187

However if she runs out to LA for this show (and she'll last maybe one or two weeks) She'll be blowing her newfound fan base of runners. She's up between a rock and a hardplace.


I don't think there is a newfound fan base of runners. Katie's just got the same group of idiots. I don't get the Rod Dixon and Rock and Roll management appeal, but it will die without and more fan base other than purchased twitter followers.

Kate is a twit said...

Speaking of DWTS, I was looking at Tony Dovolani's twitter. Remember, how the sheeple keep saying that Kate "made" Tony and the only reason he was in People magazine was because of her?

Well, apparently Tony was in the 6/18 issue of the magazine-as part of a tribute to Father's Day.

Tony Dovolani‏@TonyDovolani
@peoplemag thank you for making my fathers day special :))

The link in his tweet takes you to a picture of him and his kids that was in the magazine.

Hmmm---when was the last time Kate had a picture or an article about her in People?

Kate is a twit said...

Kate tweeted that there is a new picture up on her website, and implies it was taken this past Sunday.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
New picture is up! Oh so cute! We had a great picnic/swim with friends on Sunday! Check out to see the gr8 shot!

The picture shows the tups sitting on the pool diving board, with Kate and the twins standing behind them. I just find it a bit strange that Mady is wearing the exact same outfit(including necklace) that she wore for the tups' birthday party. Coincidence or not?

TLC stinks said...

Yeah, Admin. I can see DWTS pairing her up with Tony again. It will make plenty of tab news. Oh well.

TLC stinks said...

Maybe gosselinbook is her own doing? ~ Administrator said...

Isn't there a way to see the date the photo was taken by looking at its info? Come off it Kate you know the kids were with Jon on fathers day.

TLC stinks said...

And Mady is striking a pose with that head tilt.

AuntieAnn said...

Mady is wearing the same little red summer dress too. The kids are in the same swimsuits as the b-day party.

Kate`s nose just grew another inch.

wayward said...

It's Tuesday and she's still going on about Sunday. Methinks she's fishing for a twit to ask if the kids were with their father on Father's Day, giving her an opportunity to rev up the BBB and throw Jon under it. I'm sure the kids spent the day with him, Kate just isn't happy unless she's being hateful and throwing shade at him. #vindictiveshrew

PatK said... (Administrator) said... 200
Isn't there a way to see the date the photo was taken by looking at its info? Come off it Kate you know the kids were with Jon on fathers day.


Admin, Kate tweeted on Sunday that the kids met her Marathon Girls when they got home. So, I assume this was after Jon brought them home.

And I see Mady is doing her usual "star" pose in the pic. ~ Administrator said...

Busted. This woman is an obsessed parental alienator who wants people to think these kids weren't even with Jon on fathers day.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate wasn't trying to keep it a secret the kids were with Jon:

@Kateplusmy8 are you & ladies planning pool side relaxation today? On my list after late lunch with my dad.
17 Jun

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@Mydmaxx why yes, we are... While we wait for my kids to get home! :) can't wait to meet each other!
17 Jun

BHappyLoveLaugh ‏@BHappyLoveLaugh
@Kateplusmy8 @Mydmaxx Don't you find yourself like I did, watching the clock hoping time will go by quicker for your children to get home?
17 Jun

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@BHappyLoveLaugh @Mydmaxx yes. I always have plenty to do while they are away, but I breath a happy sigh once all are home in nest :)

Over In Berks said...

"Media and entertainment giant Walt Disney Co's new steps to limit junk food advertising on TV shows geared toward children is the latest salvo in the nation's fight against childhood obesity. But it left critics questioning whether the moves were enough to cut the growing waistlines of U.S. youth.

The new initiative, announced on Tuesday in a high-profile event featuring first lady Michelle Obama, will end some junk-food advertising on Disney television, radio and online programs intended for children under the age of 12."

Kate and the Disney connection. Bet the wheels in her head are to get the kids in Disney commercials promoting healthy eating.

The latest photo - Kate's boobs are on a fast descent. She'll need surgery or a good bra to go around her waist.

TLC stinks said...

OMG. What is wrong with her? What a liar!

Tamara said...

DWTS could have an extra special Huge Womb Narcissist dance off between Khate and Octomom. Though octo will have the advantage as she's got all that pole dancer experience. Michael Lohan and the Balloon Boy's dad could be their dancing partners.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 18
The picture shows the tups sitting on the pool diving board, with Kate and the twins standing behind them. I just find it a bit strange that Mady is wearing the exact same outfit(including necklace) that she wore for the tups' birthday party. Coincidence or not?
Sorry, Kate is a twit. I just repeated what you said. I thought at first read you said Cara. So I wrote Mady is wearing the same dress, too. Oops.

Over In Berks said...

@fraudtracker This twitter avatar is a fraud... Please everyone, block their nonsense. Thanks!


Kate obviously read this person's tweets calling her out on her website. When you pull up the site, and then hit refresh, the tracker jumps considerably within two seconds. Is this common with websites?

Once a Viewer said...

Why wouldn't she include the 'marathon girls' in the picture- why take one at all then? I agree with the Pinocchio theory!

Once a Viewer said...

Oops, pressed publish too fast...I wanted to mention 1) hate Mady's new posing and 2) hate the format of the website with the slideshow- would prefer click on each.

carolina peach said...

Easy zuccinni recipe. Quick and easy grilling even if you think it's way too big to be tender. Slice it 1/2 inch thick. brush with olive oil, salt and pepper. brown one side, then flip and add cheese. Tender and delicious, even the peeling. Can add any seasoning you like.

Layla said...

I don't see the DTWS thing happening. First, she would not be keeping it quiet. She had to announce that she "Put a dream in the mail"...she just couldn't help herself. If she got a spot on the show, she'd either say so or she'd be dropping her famous "You just never know..wink, wink" hints.
Second, why would they choose her This is supposed to be an All-Star show. By the time it airs, she will have gone an entire year without a show. No books, cruise cancelled for lack of interest, show canceled for low ratings, and nothing but a lousy coupon blog going on. If she's still viable as a "star", then why didn't anyone snap her up? If this is going to be an all-star show, then they need people on it who are guaranteed to bring an audience. Fact is, they can't be sure she'd bring any more viewers than her few pathetic fans. There are so many great dancers that people want to see come back, why waste a spot on her?
Yes, I do believe she's a back-up option for them. And I think the "dream" she dropped in the mail is a contract to appear (if asked). But no, I don't think they've made her a solid offer. And I don't think they will unless they don't have any other options left.

Kate is a twit said...

Someone opened a new twitter account with the name "fraudtracker". This account tweeted to Kate questioning the hit tracker on her website and how inaccurate it seems to be. Everytime you click on one thing on the website, it ups the counter about 3-5 numbers. So what was Kate's response--same as usual-block, block, block.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@fraudtracker This twitter avatar is a fraud... Please everyone, block their nonsense. Thanks!

I don't know who coined "blocky" as a nickname for Kate. I know it originally was in reference to her body shape-but now it applies more than ever to her in reference to her twitter account.

I wish someone would tweet her and ask why Mady is wearing the same dress in the "new" picture as she was in the birthday party pictures. And she's the one to complain about "fraud" or mention someone "cheating". She's the pro!

Layla said...

Remember the tweet when someone asked about her going back on TV and she said, "Not never know..not quite yet"/ I think she got something from them, and knew she wasn't guaranteed a spot, but just couldn't help herself--she had to drop a hint. She'd be dropping major hints now, instead of saying that it's just a rumor.

Mel said...

Maybe the gosselinbook thing will be Kate announcing she's on DWTS. Gsg.

Jumping In said...

Admin., I am with you. I think ratings is what they want here, and controversy galore. The one thing they know over at DWTS is that she is available and desperate to keep her 15 minutes going. I don't think she is worried about the work, she sees herself as far more fit now, combine that with a new partner, and she'd be good to go!

Kate will laugh off any critics and take the money, for her kids of course! Being on television again trumps everything, if she is being considered, it's a slam-dunk on Kate's side.

carolina peach said...

Where did Kate meet "the marathon girls"? Doesn't look like the pic was taken at home. The reflection in the window looks like it's in a city. Did they all go back to the kompound to meet the children?

Once a Viewer said...

Over In Berks said... 28
Re: good bra & decent

LOL, yes indeed. Kate wore that cover-up (is that what it is?) on the show where she yelled about kids' sandwiches and who wanted mustard or mayo , but the 'girls' look a lot lower now- even then they did not look good without either 2 sports bras lol ,' or a GREAT bra.'

librarylady said...

I've wondered if the "tension" with Tony wasn't/isn't somewhat contrived - not completely, but maybe exaggerated a bit. (Well on her end it surely is, anyway.)

I don't think DWTS would get quite the ratings response they would hope from her. The initial interest in the first couple of weeks would be just because it's the beginning of a season even if it's an "all star" thing. But really, people just don't like her or see any purpose to her, so there just isn't any interest anymore.

That's become quite evident when you look at the comments - or rather, lack thereof, in most cases - online. If DWTS wants to get real ratings, they would be smart to try to get the dancers who did extremely well but didn't win - THAT would draw a ton of attention and great ratings. You can clearly see that when you look at the comments. I normally don't watch, but I actually might have some interest if it was sea of talented dancers. That would be a neat challenge.

People got tired of the "goofy" singers on American Idol and the show went downhill; this would be similar in that you know she doesn't belong, and DWTS loses any credibility.

Kate is a twit said...

I do find it a bit odd that Kate tweets to block "fraudtracker" after he/she made only a few tweets regarding her website, BUT never said anything about "" or "KentonKreider".

Not to add to any conspiracy theories, but twice today she retweet tweets about "true friends".

"Life is not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back."

"A real friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." #friendship TO MY FRIENDS-U KNOW WHO U ARE! XO

Maybe she's a little nervous about this gosselinbook thing-afraid that a "friend" is going to betray her.

Amy2 said...

Why does Kate annoy me so much...let me count the ways.

The biggest thing is that she's a schemer and a scammer. I've worked hard all my life (started working in the fields at 8 yo, I'm 61 now) and schemer/scammers make me so mad. People who do nothing but work the system and get rewarded for it. Now that Kate's stock has fallen she continues to sit on her butt and do nothing. And then she whine to others of how hard it is for her to feed her children. So what. Its not society's obligation to take care of her children, its hers! Get off your butt Kate, you know who to scheme and scam others out of their money. That's the only thing you can do very well. But wait, those people who have been scammed are on to you, time to try another angle.

And up pops running a-la-Kate. And where is the money in that I ask. When you're in the corral waiting to start the race look to the right and left of you and then ask yourself how many of these people are making money off their running. They run for the joy (and health) of running. And you? Do you proudly announce on during the interviews that you write (ha ha) for a coupon company that no one has ever heard of? What do you actually do?

Oh, I know, you delegate and berate others while they are doing your tasks. The cooking, cleaning, mothering, etc. have all been outsourced. That's to give you time to take care of Kate. And how is THAT working out for you? You've been Botoxed, tanned, lipo'd (rumor), implanted with boobies all to stay young.

Everything you do and have done has been for you, you, you. You annoy me beyond belief. I'll turn my attention to those that really matter, my friends and family, who need and WANT me. Does your family want you?

Dwindle said...

Bristol Palin's reality show continues to get panned.

"Perhaps more disturbing for fans of the adorable, scene-stealing Tripp, Bristol's son with her teenage-years boyfriend Levi Johnston, is the single mom's willingness to torch Tripp's dad on national television. Alessandra Stanley, reviewing the show in The New York Times, writes that "the show's promos show Bristol putting Johnston's memoir 'Deer in the Headlights,' on a range and firing at it with a rifle, saying, 'This is for all the single moms.'" Stanley says that "Much of the narrative revolves around Bristol's attempts to shame her ex-boyfriend into seeing his son."

And...Lori Rackl of the Chicago Sun-Times notes that "The trio move into a Beverly Hills mansion where Bristol has to teach Tripp things like the difference between a bidet and a water fountain. No one said being a single mom was easy."

There's more:

This article also quotes reviews from many other sources.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate's now doing damage control. She says fraudtracker was tweeting "nonsense", but NOW the counter is being checked?

@msgoody2shoes21 they are looking into the counter on my website now... :) making sure all is well... Thanks!

After someone said she should report fraudtracker to twitter, Kate tweets:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@msgoody2shoes21 @support isn't the right place to report abuse/bullying. How do I report it please? Thanks...

She considers someone pointing out a "malfunction" on her website as abuse and bullying, yet someone is now looking into it. Does she realize how stupid and nonsensical she is being?

Never mind--we're talking about Kate here.

wayward said...

carolina peach said... 40
Where did Kate meet "the marathon girls"? Doesn't look like the pic was taken at home. The reflection in the window looks like it's in a city. Did they all go back to the kompound to meet the children?

Peach, Kate gave a speech last Nov. at Penn State's Fayette campus. This engagement meant so much to her, she wrote the speech in the car on the way over- and admitted it. You stay classy Kart!

She met "her" marathon girls there, as they work there. Before the speech, I thought she was only signed up for the 1/2 marathon at the RnR Las Vegas. After meeting her marathon girls, she was all of a sudden doing the full!!! This is where is gets murky. One of her girls was scheduled to run the full but ended up running the half. One or both of her girls had the same exact finish time as Kate. Kate looked very fresh and rested in her picture crossing the finish line. If I got something wrong, somebody please jump in, I don't remember all the details of this nonsense.

I would give Kate credit where credit is due if all signs pointed to her running the full marathon by herself. But the signs all point to funny business, in my humble opinion. She's supposed to be running another full this year, what a coincidence it would be if her marathon gals tagged along again!

TLC stinks said...

That picture of the "marathon girls" looks like it was taken at their hotel before dinner. I seriously doubt the ladies got to meet the kids at all.

Over In Berks said...

I wish someone would tweet her and ask why Mady is wearing the same dress in the "new" picture as she was in the birthday party pictures.


Could it be her swimsuit coverup, she likes it and it's the only one she has? Maybe the boys are wearing the same swim trunks because they only have one pair. You know that Kate would get away with buying as little clothing as possible. Not defending Kate, but there could be an explanation.

Someone is now looking into her website, or so she tweeted.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I certainly hope they do not put her on DWTS again. This will just feed her enormous ego and make her think that she is still relevant.

I remember a little snippet interview she did the last time she was on DWTS and said something to the effect of love me or hate me, I bring in the ratings. I thought she sounded so arrogant and egotistical with that comment. If she gets on, she will just see it as confirmation that she is a somebody that the public wants to see.

Dwindle said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@fraudtracker This twitter avatar is a fraud... Please everyone, block their nonsense. Thanks!

For the life of me, I couldnt understand why she is complaining about some else's avatar. After reading your comments here, I have realized she has no clue what an avatar is.

And I think we are seeing her dropping lots of hints about being on DWTS. Her coy little "Maybe, maybe not, wink wink" is exactly what we are getting. When she told one person it is all just 'rumors, my friend', she will later say that she wasnt allowed to disclose so they forced her to be coy. OF COURSE there are rumors! That is obvious! But she never said 'no, not me, not this time around, friend'. Another carefully worded non-denial denied denial of a lie that is likely a non-truth.

All I can say is that if she is on again, Steve must be paying them to take her.

Over In Berks said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the tweets from fraudtracker sound very similar to the writing style of gossinbook?

Kate is a Witch said...

Here's what's for dinner in my house:

(Not my blog, just love the recipe.) Along with some bacon-wrapped roasted asparagus.

chefsummer #Leh said...

"A real friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." #friendship TO MY FRIENDS-U KNOW WHO U ARE! XO

Kate you know nothing about true friendship unless it befits you.

How you use Beth Ashley and Jamie and Gina that's not true friendship.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Over In Berks said... 31
@fraudtracker This twitter avatar is a fraud... Please everyone, block their nonsense. Thanks!


Kate obviously read this person's tweets calling her out on her website. When you pull up the site, and then hit refresh, the tracker jumps considerably within two seconds. Is this common with websites?

A counter should count each "hit" or refresh once only. I noticed when her website first started that the counter would jump 10, 8, 7 (not always 10) every time I hit refresh or clicked on one of the tabs (topics). It wasn't consistent.

I just went there, the last 3 numbers were 413, I clicked refresh and it jumped to 422. then I clicked on a tab on the site and it went to 426 all in the period of 10 seconds tops. I'm positive her website didn't get 18 new/unique hits in that time period.

Kate tweeted that someone is checking it now. I call BS on that. She'll soon tweet that nothing is wrong and fraudtracker is a liar. THAT will be a LIE.

Meagler said...

For 1 minute I went to her website and hit the refresh button, and the counter went from 4277492 to 4277536. Not sure whats going on but her counter went up 34 visitors in that minute.

While writing this, I decided to open up a new window and check her counter again, and now its up to 4277576... Wow!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

What a tangled web Kate weaves...

For sh*ts & giggles, I went to Kate's webite-
and it's true that the counter is not counting properly.

She should have her Twitter account counter checked as well...

Man, there is nothing about Kate that is authentic. Lies, lies, lies- left & right, up & down, round & round.

No wonder everyone leaves her.
She's just so damn exhausting.

Tamara said...

Do implants sag? I always thought they didn't, as one of the ways you can tell their fake, aside from being ginormous, is that they are extra round on the top and extra perky. Though it might matter how good the doc and filling was.

Also, for those whom personally know narcissists, can they recognise other narcs and do they ever call them out on being narcs?

Resident said...

Where did Kate meet "the marathon girls"? Doesn't look like the pic was taken at home. The reflection in the window looks like it's in a city. Did they all go back to the kompound to meet the children?

It kind of looks to me like the Homewood Suites which is near her Target.

Ex Nurse said...

For people who have seen the commercial and watch DWTS, are there any others featured that are looking for redemption? Doubtful there is more than one slot for celebs that weren't in the top four.

She is in better shape, her life is relatively stable, she will happily be dressed in revealing costumes and she will bring drama. Unless there is a movement launched to keep her on, as was done in American Idol, her total lack of rhythm and sensuality will doom her to early elimination. She should be able to perform more difficult steps and I'm pretty sure she knows that this is her last lucky break...So, bring it on Kate! Unlike last time, her kids will have more time with Jon. But, how she can sell herself as a Mom doing it all alone--oh, wait--never mind.

I'm not up to date on reading because I am on a clear liquid diet for a routine colonoscopy tomorrow--way too difficult to read about everyone's yummy gardens when I am subsisting on banana Popsicles, clear broth and lemon Jello (Yuk!)

JoyinVirginia said...

Busy concert month in RVA! Last week the dh and I saw Kin KY Friedman from Texas, he is 65 now but back in the day did the Rolling Thunder tour with Bob Dylan. Fri we saw Dawes, they put on a great show!!
Tonite dd and I are seeing Yeasayer from Brooklyn, tomorrow we see Los Campesinos from Britain. Thurs nite the dh and I see Ray Wiley Hubbard in Ashland VA. Friday if I am not to tired Alabama Shakes plays Friday Cheers in downtown Richmond VA.
And best of all, we got tix for The Killers on July 20! They are playing small venues in Asheville NC and Richmond VA before they do a big festival in Delaware that weekend.
Being a mom means waiting in line with your kid for tickets to a show they really want to see, and arriving hours early so you can be among the first in line. (I am never first no matter how early I get somewhere!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

According to Kate's tweet an hour ago, she wants to know how to report "abuse/bullying". Is she drunk or on drugs?!? She is the most notorious abuser/bully I've ever seen on the "realist reality show" out there. Geeeesh!!

JudyK said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 57
What a tangled web Kate weaves...

For sh*ts & giggles, I went to Kate's webite-
and it's true that the counter is not counting properly.

She should have her Twitter account counter checked as well...

Man, there is nothing about Kate that is authentic. Lies, lies, lies- left & right, up & down, round & round.

No wonder everyone leaves her.
She's just so damn exhausting.

Yes! What Pink said.

capecodmama said...

Betsy 7

I do agree with you that what Kate eats is healthy. I also agree with you that Kate does not take in enough calories or healthy fats per day especially with the amount of running that she says she does. Because of this I still believe that her "overall" diet is not healthy. As someone said before, she equates being skinny with being healthy. Women can be healthy and weigh 150lbs. Depends on your height, frame and muscle mass. But I also agree with you that the lack of calories and healthy fat is why she is exhausted and haggard looking.

Kristine said...

Just jumping in here... I definitely don't think the Twitter mess Kate was spewing a few months back, was even remotely related to the DWTS All Stars. I say this, because she tweeted about the item she had mailed off, being "MY LIFETIME DREAM!" (Blah, blah... or something to that effect.)

Katie's dream is to have her own Cookbook- and we all know it. Amy Roloff has hers, then Jon mentioned an upcoming book. All of a sudden she's tweeting up a storm about a mysterious package. So transparent, yet still 'Orange'.

What I find puzzling & creepy... is how the single poster on Gosselin Book has a photo of my Papillon as her Avatar. Hey that's my puppy girl! (Identical-- Sigh, 2 more days 15'ers.)

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I don't know why, but I've been having random thoughts about the confidentiality agreements that so many people say were part of Jon and Kate's show. I thought that might be true, but now I'm not so sure. Jodi & Kevin were on the show and when they saw the problems coming, they broadcasted it to whoever would listen. It doesn't seem that they suffered any retribution because of CA agreements.

IIRC, didn't one of the nanny's and her mother, sell a story to people magazine? The ex nanny was also on the True Hollywood Story about Kate and she did some talking then as well.

These things make me question the CA's that were supposedly in place. Maybe people just aren't talking because of the harm it may bring on the kids. I don't know.

I'm sure there were some CA's in place, but how did some people get around them to go public? I'd appreciate any info on this.

Mel said...

Remember how Kate said that Wallenda guy cheated?

Here's an example of true cheating:
Deleting or adding ingredients from or to a recipe and then calling it your own creation.

The *ethical* person would say 'adapted from' a recipe on the back of a Campbell can or wherever, giving credit to the original owner.

Oh wait, we're talking Kate Gosselin, the ultimate cheater. Never mind.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I should clarify that in my previous post, I wasn't referring to TLC employees; I'm sure there is a CA in place for them. I was referring to the other family members and friends in the early episodes. Maybe they had confidentiality agreements signed later in the show by everyone, but in the beginning, I don't think Jon and Kate were that savvy. ~ Administrator said...

Why does Kate have a hit counter anyway? It's kind of tacky, unless you're some kind of web site where hits are important like a web site trying to raise money or something and you want to show people how popular it is. Otherwise, tacky. For the record, this blog has gotten almost 7 million hits since its inception (every time you come here counts as a hit). Do I have an need to plaster that info all over the blog? Not really. ~ Administrator said...

"A real friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." #friendship TO MY FRIENDS-U KNOW WHO U ARE! XO


Actually a real friend tells you when you're making serious missteps. And there's a difference between walking out, and being estranged. ~ Administrator said...

I guess it doesn't matter if that was really Sunday (late afternoon, or whatever), it really has an undertone that she is rubbing it in the kids went straight back to her on Father's Day. She really loves to steal the thunder whenever she can. If Jon started tweeting about how much fun he had with the kids on Mother's Day and posted pics from that day, there would be hell to pay. That's Kate's day, and rightly so.

Over In Berks said...

At one time I thought that the Gypsi sheeple who had signed up for the cruise was okay, a little naive, but okay. Then I started reading some of her tweets to Kate and she's really a little "off." She tweeted Kate that the pet bunny has been missing for a few days and she found it, it was too late. The dogs had killed it. She didn't seem upset at all. When asked about her kids, and why she wasn't comforting them, her response was...

@frkofnatr @kateplusmy8 my kids didnt say a thing when i told them. i take care of all our pets here. ur an idiot

This is also the person who said it didn't matter that Kate got speeding tickets, so what? The answer always seems to be who cares, ignore it and it will go away. I wonder what it would be like to go through life with such a flippant attitude.

How many people are still signed up for the cruise? Is this one of them, and what's the latest on the meet and greet before the cruise? Did Kate forget about it? ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a Twit she's completely nonsensical. You're bullying me by pointing out a real problem with my web site, but yeah I'm looking into it. Ha, what? Why can't she just be a grown up and either ignore the person, or politely thank them for their concern and assure them you're checking it.

I think "we're looking into it" is code for the jig is up guess we have to put a normal counter on there now.

Worked for her said...

Some people who worked with and for Kate have not stayed within the confines of the CAgreements. She has to have a lot of money for lawyers to fight everyone. Not many of us want to hurt the kids and that is what we do if we say too much or anything. Some of us just realize it happened, people made money, the kids were unhappy, unparented, unloved, screamed at and that is over for us. Many kids out there are with parents who aren't happy to have kids. We all know them in neighborhoods.

Kate is an extremely confused woman who is trying to find her way is what a few of us think. We do talk about the craziness of those days and how pumped she was as long as she did not have to take care of the kids. That was for Jon. She was out of that house every chance she got. She loved all the attention from everyone. Some people think she has no confidence. She is one strong woman and she will break her back to get back on TV she was happy. Reality TV is strange and probably stranger than any of you know. You have to put your kids vomiting out there so you will be talked about. You have to fight with friends and family to keep it interesting and look now how many reality shows there are and they are willing to give up friends, family all for being on TV. It is a world which will collapse someday but not right now as everyone sits in their houses and watches how other people live.

Smoochie said...

Many have wondered if Kate got more or rather bigger implants and have also commented on how they have drooped.

I do believe Kate had implants, but remember, she got them when she was a little heavier. Kate lost quite a bit of weight, but, surprise, her boobs didn't shrink! If she didn't have implants she would have lost quite a lot off her boobs (which weren't large to begin with ... see her trip to Florida with Jon as one example) as well, considering they're fatty deposits, for the most part.

However, if one has implants, loses weight, say more than 10 lbs, which Kate has, chances are the breasts would appear larger. Sag while going bra-less, yep, especially seeing how she isn't 20 yrs old anymore and skin loses its elasticity as we age. LOL they're still round, but not quite as high on the chest! ~ Administrator said...

I think it's very odd too that you post a pic about how much fun your kids had with your friends, and yet your friends aren't in the pic too? That's just pointless. Where are the pics of all the fun her kids had with her new BFFs she barely knows? ~ Administrator said...

I'm going to allow the inside info post to go through not because I've verified it but because it's quite similar to what my verified sources had said.

I also agree that some people have hedged their bets and broken confidentiality agreements, for various reasons, knowing that Kate probably won't bother to spend the money to sue.

It's also hard to cry confidentiality agreement to a judge when the person "breaking" it is just trying to tell lawmakers about abuses toward reality t.v. kids. It's a whistleblower thing. No judge is going to uphold that CA if you're just talking about abuse.

I bet you anything Jodi and Kevin consulted with a lawyer before spilling the beans and he or she told them not to worry about it because of the whistle blowing nature of their interviews.

AuntieAnn said...

It`s also a little tacky, gauche and boorish to say `check out the gr8 shot` when you`re in the shot. But then again Kate IS tacky, gauche and boorish so it`s only logical she`d say that.
How about simply saying here`s a nice pic of the kids and me by our pool.

Anita said...

Hi Kristine. just to let you know that is my Papillon and her name is Sophie. She is 3 years old and loves agility.

Anonymous said...

Kate Gosselin does have a problem with her counter on twitter! She received 21 more twitters in 30 minutes?!?! Don't think so. Everything is coming down on Kate; no real job, CouponCabin renewal coming soon, DWTS's not asking, kids school, and the "big-house"!!!
Bye bye just like Octo-mom; porn!

Berks Neighbor said...

Some information regarding Kate's Hit Counter:

Any reputable agency will discard the hit counter on a blog and actually go for the real stat information that comes from the server side and is part of most if not all server host packages. Those show the unique urls and browser types along with time spent on each page, the entry page and the leaving page of each user. A hit counter like Kate has is nothing more than a cheap odometer.

Why do her numbers go up 3-5 times each visit? Kate's webdesigner has put her wordpress hit counter into the footer which allows it to show and record pageviews on each and every page. The reason she did this is because it will record each hit to each sites page instead of unique individual visitor. It also does a multiple record of page views as her webdesigner is using a wrapper and various dividers which will give each page at least one or two hits (sometimes 3 depending upon the modules used).

Kate's cheap and free website CMS: (not including server costs)
Kate's page is a Wordpress CMS. I've designed sites that use Wordpress which is basically a glorified blogger style program. It has a front end like we all see, and then a dashboard in the back where the administrative stuff is done. If Kate is logged in she could also not even have to access the dashboard and just be able to post from the main index page. It makes it easy on the users end to type in information much like we do here, select the page or post you want to put it on (in Kate's site it goes to the main page and then goes to the category she has chosen - ie: words from fans, or Ask Kate).

It's a very basic, very juvenile set up and I'll bet Kate paid through the nose for but shouldn't have.

Not much should be made about the hit counter. It's actually and embarrassing newbie mistake to put a hit counter for all to see on the pages of your site. It's only there to pump up the ego of the site owner and nothing more. It's the same type of thing as Kate broadcasting her twitter follower numbers. Doesn't mean squat in the real world of internet fame. But then again Kate wouldn't care to learn these things now would she.

KateIsBlind said...

Tamara #58

Yes, they can. Mine are under the muscle and do not have the roundness on top. They are sort of tear drop shaped. They are still more "perky" than natural breasts though.

NJGal51 said...

Library lady@42 - I don't think the tension between Tony and Kate was contrived as I don't think Anderson Cooper would have played into that when he had Tony on the show.

I've probably said this before but I'm in the camp that thinks Kate will only get the call to be on DWTS if they can't get anyone else. Kate has been out of the spotlight for too long and is not a ratings draw any more. If she is on she won't last long, especially if she's in the bottom two and they have a dance off. There's no way in he'll that shed beat anyone other than Master P. Ah well whatever will be will be...time to watch Hell's Kitchen.

Over In Berks said...

How about simply saying here`s a nice pic of the kids and me by our pool.


She would say, "Here's a nice pic of the kids and I (sic) by MY pool."

A Mom said...

Kate's twitter acct. being looked at?!?! Gosselinbook coming out in 2 days...............
Kate should go running for the hills.

Tamara said...

DWTS could have an extra special Huge Womb Narcissist dance off between Khate and Octomom. Though octo will have the advantage as she's got all that pole dancer experience. Michael Lohan and the Balloon Boy's dad could be their dancing partners.

AuntieAnn said...

She would say, "Here's a nice pic of the kids and I (sic) by MY pool."

She would say here's a pic of the ATMs and awesomely beautiful I by the mine-all-mine pool.

~~~~ ~~~~
Ah well whatever will be will be...time to watch Hell's Kitchen.


Double treat tonight again. Hell's Kitchen AND Masterchef. Yippee!

Over In Berks said...

Thank you @JasonHueman and @tedgibson for making me beautiful and for sharing an amazing dinner @fig&olive with me! Fun day w friends! XO


Kate thinks she's beautiful? What kind of mirror did the amazing Jason and Ted give her? I want one! ~ Administrator said...

More importantly she's off to NY AGAIN???

How does she honestly keep a straight face with these money saving blogs?

Girl From Up North said...

Could "Gosselinbook" have anything to do with the end of one of those Confidentiality Agreements? Perhaps someone is going to spill.

librarylady said...

As always, her "friends" are people who are performing services for her or assisting or giving her something in some way.

Sad, really.

NJGal51 said...

Youre right AuntieAnn, Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef AND I TiVo'd Chopped!

Anita and Kristine this is my bully's picture and he DOES NOT like agility. He likes to lounge around while his humans take care of him. He has us well trained.

Meagler said...

I've never been to New York.... Is the Fig and olive the only Restaurant there ???? lol...

Dmasy said...

I am watching my DVR Hell's Kitchen right now. So many of those chefs smoke. I have always wondered why that is. I would think they would want pure taste buds. I would think smoking would affect their sense of smell and taint flavors. Always seems odd to me.

When hubby and I were in Vegas last week we ate at Gordon Ramsey's new restaurant where this winner will be head chef.

SG said...

Gosselinbook in two days??? Wow that went quick.

NJGal51 said...

Dmasy - how was the food? We're going in December and want to try it. We normally stay at the Paris so we wo t have far to go.

OrangeCrush said...

What an ego, as if Jason could make her beyootiful with another fry job. And oh surprise, another amazing dinner at Fig & Olive. So boring, a whole city full of truly amazing restaurants and she goes there every 6 weeks.

So true, how does she put her name to what is supposed to be a money saving blog and a few days later runs to NYC to drop $$$ on hair and a meal? I am quite sure she cannot connect those dots. Wonder how much $$$ she is spending on babysitters this summer, but there is no $$ for summer activities for the children. There is simply no excuse for her unattached parenting.

Dmasy said...

NJGal -- I think Paris is my favorite place to stay, too. There is a GR entrance right behind the Eiffel Tower base. There is another quite impressive entrance from the outside.

The restaurant is themed modern London. There is an open second story. The music was painfully loud. Waiters are very well informed and animated. They have a "beef wheel" with all the cuts and you get a mini education in meat.

Menu is interesting with many descriptive words that were new to me. Presentation was unique and impressive. We were a 10:15 seating and they were still very busy.

I think I am stalling and haven't answered your question yet! Hubby said his steak was pretty good. His (large) baked potato was not cooked in the center. I ordered the fish and chips -- listed as a signature dish. My fries in a very cute little bucket were cold. The fish was lightly battered and fried with good flavor but also cold. Perhaps they would have remedied these issues, but we did not complain.

We decided not to stay and order desert.

We had eaten the evening before at The Strip in Planet Hollywood and had a much, much better meal.

The blonde woman who is Gordon's assistant on Hell's Kitchen was there. I think she is managing in Vegas for him.

Anita said...

NJGal51...92 - Love your bulldogs picture. I also have a rat terrier and both dogs have us very well trained! Love it!

Griftopia said...

Meagler said... 93
I've never been to New York.... Is the Fig and olive the only Restaurant there ???? lol...


That's vintage Kate. She obviously heard at some point that the F&O was hot and trendy -- you know, a sign that if you could afford to dine there you were "rich," "special," and "important." And again, Kate reveals her ignorance. She continues to broadcast her visits to the restaurant, when most real celebrities would have moved on to hotter and trendier places. Kind of like how she still thinks that having a leather sofa and a built-in pool means you're rich, special, and important. She's stuck on status symbols, yet she doesn't understand that so many of these things have become, dare I say, mediocre (??!!!!). We're a military family living on one income, and guess what -- we have a leather sofa (gasp!) AND a matching leather love seat (oh no I didn't just go there!!!). We also have a built-in pool (good Lord, do I know no bounds????).

[BTW, we purchased the leather sofas on the advice of a good friend who told us that dogs will not destroy them. Given that our two pups had already eaten our "cloth" couches, we decided to give it a try -- and it worked. Seven years later, the sofas look as good as new. As for the pool, it came with the house we're renting while we're living in our current duty station.]

Kate is stuck on status symbols, but she's completely ignorant as to which ones are current and relevant. I think that those of you who have conjectured that Kate is stuck in pre-adolescent delusions are right -- she still thinks certain things are symbols of importance, when in fact, they're actually quite commonplace (even for us mediocre folk). Kate is ignorant in the true dictionary definition of the word. She just doesn't know.

Griftopia said...

Over In Berks said... 88
Kate thinks she's beautiful? What kind of mirror did the amazing Jason and Ted give her? I want one!


I suspect the mirror is manufactured by the same people who made her "good bra." I'm guessing you'll find them over in "Silicone" Valley.

PatK said...

So she was in NYC today? That surprises me, considering how much she was twatting today! Although, I guess she does have time during the limo ride.

I figured she was about due for the touch up. It's about once a month now, isn't it?

Dmasy said...

Griftopia -- I just don't know what to say to your obviously tendy lifestyle. You are cutting edge! I am glad that a military family is happy with dogs and swimming and (gasp) two leather couches. You deserve every delight that you have! Thanks for your service to the rest of us.

Over In Berks said...

Griftopia said: "Kate is ignorant in the true dictionary definition of the word. She just doesn't know."


There are a lot of things that Kate doesn't know, but for the life of me I can't understand why she would tweet that she's in NYC at an expensive salon. She blogs about saving money, and then flaunts going to New York to get her hair done Why? Why not just shut up about it? Why brag about it? She can't be that clueless, can she?

Orange Crush said: "I am quite sure she cannot connect those dots."


No, she can't, but what in her brain isn't wired quite right so that she could connect those dots? She just keeps doing this over and over again, not being able to decide if she's a poor single mom, or a rich, look-at-me celebrity. She really is a lost soul. ~ Administrator said...

I think I've figured out that her love of playing it off as desperate as possible for maximum grifting does not outweigh her love of showing off what a VIP life she lives. Even though the two are just so incongruous to any normal rational person, she can't separate it. She loves them both, and she's not willing to give up one love for the other. She wants her cake and eat it too. Man she needs so much therapy.

Tamara said...

Griftopia, you said it well. Sad, and kind of scary, thing is she raises her kids by the same ideal. Like by forcing broccoli on them at odd times with odd meals. Obviously in her mind broccoli is the worst vegetable in the world and she is a fantastic mom by making them eat it. Same with the exhaustion whine. Aren't all super-duper fantastic moms exhausted? And she doesn't think that going to NYC or wherever to be uglified because in her twisted mind she is using HER money.

Kristine said...

NJGal51... I love a good Bully. He's adorable.

For Anita & Co.-- Papillons are the smartest (and the cutest, IMO) of the Toy Dog Breed. Agility and herding *Sheeple* is their specialty. That's why lil' Tyler is all ours.

(Sidenote- we live in L.A., can't see sheeple.) ~ Administrator said...

I watched a little bit of this Bristol Palin show to see what all the hype was about. It strikes me as pretty scripted. It also comes across as exactly what I always suspected, Bristol is a good kid deep down and is just immature. She's only 20 for gosh sakes. It's allowed. I think she'll look back on this with introspection and be mortified. Now if she does this when she's 37 that's a concern.

And you know what, I like how Sarah Palin talks to her kids. She respects them. She was the same way on her show.

Maggie said...

Did someone mention that Brook Burke was going to be on some tv program today and give hints about DWTS All Stars? I am not sure if it was here that I read this or elsewhere. Any news about this?

Griftopia said...

Dmasy said... 103
Griftopia -- I just military family is happy with dogs and swimming and (gasp) two leather couches. You deserve every delight that you don't know what to say to your obviously tendy lifestyle. You are cutting edge! I am glad that a have! Thanks for your service to the rest of us.
Putting sarcasm aside for a moment, I have to thank you for your kind words, Dmasy. My husband has served two tours in Iraq and we move around the country/world quite a bit (with dogs, cats, and kids in tow), so it’s encouraging to hear kind words.

In order to stay relevant to this thread, I will mention that my husband and my kids (ages 6, 4, & 4) planted an entire vegetable garden from seed (and through pure ignorance, as neither myself nor my husband has ever planted veggies before). Lo and behold, my daughter squealed with delight yesterday when she discovered our very first cucumber. The lettuce had also bloomed, and we enjoyed a wonderful salad of lettuce and cucumber, seasoned with salt, pepper, EVOO, and pomegranate infused red wine vinegar. So yummy. I, however, have been labeled by ex-boyfriends and husband alike as having a “black thumb.” I’m not allowed near the garden. I handle four-legged creatures, and have fostered/adopted/found new homes for more cats and dogs than I can count. I’ve been told I have the “sucker” sign above my head, visible only to dogs and cats. I don’t mind – my current best friend is my mutt adopted in Italy when our neighbor found her litter abandoned in a field. ~ Administrator said...

Is Brooke smart enough to give hints without spilling the beans? Gee I wouldn't trust her. I thought someone said she was going to be on some morning show to discuss her boob job. My first thought was must be a slow news day.

wayward said...

Thank you @JasonHueman and @tedgibson for making me beautiful and for sharing an amazing dinner @fig&olive with me! Fun day w friends! XO about 2 hours ago
I sincerely hope the Hueman was able to book outta there before the check came... like last time. If they truly do comp Kate for frying her straw every month, the least she can do is buy them dinner. I wonder why I might imagine Kate wants free straw frying AND free dinner? Oh, because she's a greedy grifting mother of 8 kids. She's not nearly done taking all of what society has to give her.

Amanda, Iowa said...

oh my gosh, I guess she got her hair did again :-) In the big Apple nonetheless! I hardly give myself time enough to get a quik haircut every 2 months or so, wow, I guess she has the time + money growing on tree overthere! Woman your name is Vanity!

Tamara said...

Sarah Palin's show was just as 'real' as Khate's. Both are narcissists, happy to get ahead by scamming others, and lying with ease. Well, not really Khate. She is a crappy liar.

As for Bristol, she isn't exactly hurting for money, but she is, and has been for a long while, hurting for attention. Hope none of the G girls decide to follow the 'Bristol Palin Guide for Getting Your Parent's Attention'. ~ Administrator said...

The kids do seem starved for attention which is what happens when you've spent your life supporting a public parent's ambitions. This is what happens to a kid folks, psychologically, when there is a role reversal and mommy is the star instead of them. It f-s them up. For whatever reason, it seems the kid needs to be the star to turn out normal. Mommy can't be the star or it just won't work.

I just have such a strong sense that Bristol is going to work this all out in her head and turn out fine. I honestly don't think she's a narcissist. She doesn't have even half of the major identifiers. Selfish moments doesn't mean you're a narcissist. She's young, she's selfish, she has some growing up to do. I think she'll come out ok.

Levi did an interview about Sarah Palin years ago I think for Vanity Faire. I've always believed a lot of that interview, about how Sarah doesn't pay attention to them, watches a lot of TV and eats takeout by herself, etc. It seems entirely consistent with how these kids behave. Even in the episode she came in to talk to the kids for a second then disappeared again, weird.

Tamara said...

Definietley didn't say Bristol is a narcissist. I haven't seen the show and don't plan on it, but even so it is incredibly hard to diagnose anyone under the age of 21 with a personality disorder because many of the diagnostic traits that needed to be checked off are typical for any healthy teen or even young adult. Though there are those kids that you just know from a young age there is something very, very wrong in their head.

With the Palin kids, I think it's a mix of having a mum who's a narcissist and not all that maternal, plus a dad who's been cuckholded. Pretty darn easy to figure out how an angry teenage girl with a very public rightwing parent is going to 'fight back'. Of course being too young and immature to figure out that they're just cutting off their own nose to spite their face. The G kids are going to fight back as well and in the end it will just end up hurting them, not their mum. I hope it doesn't take too long for them to figure that out and that they don't hurt anyone else along the way.

TLC stinks said...

Worked for her, the kids have already been hurt. It would be better for them, for Jon and Tge future of other kids forced into reality TV for the horrors to come out. I am sick and tired of Kate getting away with her shit. It just never ends and if she gets back in TV, it will continue for those kids.

On another note, I guess she got her hair fried because she is anticipating some appearances if this Gosselinbook is for real.

Dmasy said...

We had a skunk encounter 2 nights ago.

Our 3 Miniature Pinchers bolted outside at 3:30AM for their bladder break. That ritual was punctuated with some outrageous barking. A horrid order filled the outside air and seeped into the house.

The dogs returned inside "wearing" the same smell!

Middle of the night Internet search for solutions...I decided to try hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda and soap. I used a soap designed to removed human orders from hunters. (I didn't have enough tomato juice in the pantry to try that recommendation.)

It worked. Most...most... of the odor was eliminated with the first bath. Yesterday, they got a follow up application.

Regular laundry detergent removed the faint musty smell from their blankets and our bed sheets. (Of course, they ran inside and immediately started rolling around and rubbing to free themselves from the stench.)

3 mornings later -- we can still smell the skunk defensive mechanism hanging low in the air outside!

Paula said...

Kate actually goes all the way to NYC for that hot mess on her head? Wow....If I were her hair guys I would not want anyone to know they were responsible for Kate's hair. It is really in bad shape and not attractive at all.

JudyK said...

"Thank you making me beautiful"...???

This woman makes me want to HURL. She does not have one, NOT one, redeeming quality. She is an empty shell.

KAT said...

She says she had a "fun day with friends"....I crack up every time she talks like that. Kate knows damn well if she didn't get her hair done at that place...she would never see those people. I don't get it...everytime that hairdresser fries her hair, he's has to stop what he's doing and take her orange ass to dinner?? ....if they had to deal with her on a daily basis, they wouldn't be "friends" for long...I love how she considers these strangers "friends". What a desperate, phony, lying, pain in the ass....Where's your "family" idiot?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

KAT said... 121
She says she had a "fun day with friends"....I crack up every time she talks like that. Kate knows damn well if she didn't get her hair done at that place...she would never see those people. I don't get it...everytime that hairdresser fries her hair, he's has to stop what he's doing and take her orange ass to dinner?? ....if they had to deal with her on a daily basis, they wouldn't be "friends" for long...I love how she considers these strangers "friends". What a desperate, phony, lying, pain in the ass....Where's your "family" idiot?



Everybody has a purpose in Kate's life. Unfortunately, they are all there to serve her in some way or another- not the other way around.

Everybody leaves Kate sooner or later.
But until then, she ownes their as*es.

Kate is a Witch said...

Once a month with the bleach. No wonder her hair looks like hay. One day it's going to break off completely/fall out. Then I wonder if she'll finally realize frying your hair once a month is a super bad idea.

I said this last time, but I don't think they're still comping her hair services. They might be giving her a discount, but after a limo ride to NY, that's a false economy, isn't it?

Kate is a Witch said...

I meant to mention, I'm going to be in New York in less than a week. I can guarantee you I'll be eating dinner at MANY different places during the trip, not just one. And I'll skip the Fig & Olive altogether. She's so unimaginative.

Dwindle said...

NJGal51 said... 96
Dmasy - how was the food? We're going in December and want to try it. We normally stay at the Paris so we wo t have far to go.

We usually stayed at Luxor but the last time we were there it definitely went downhill, so we tried Mandalay Bay. Very nice. Try Chef Hubert Keller's Burger Bar in the connecting walkway between Mandalay and Luxor. It is my must-do when I go there. Also, NYNY has great resturants.

chefsummer #Leh said...

If I was Jason and Ted Gibson I would keep on doing Kate's hair to.

If she's dumb enough to pay tons of cash for that hair I would keep on getting paid Ted Gibson isn't dumb.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 89
More importantly she's off to NY AGAIN???

How does she honestly keep a straight face with these money saving blogs?

Except she doesnt even pretend to blog about saving money. Who comes up with "Wait till your $150 shoes are on sale" and "look around somewhere and see if you can find a coupon"? And "Drive around to a lot of different stores to get what you need, but make sure you take your luxury sports car".

Now that we are calling her on it again, dont be surprise if she posts some grade school composition about how going out of state to get her hair bleached and whitened and eating out is saving her money, leaving her more money to deny her children milk.

Dwindle said...

KAT said... 121
She says she had a "fun day with friends"....

This is why I do pity her. She is still in that 13 year old stage "I met a new girl at school today and we decided that we are now Best Friends Forever! Her last name? I dunno... Where she lives? I dunno..."

JoyinVirginia said...

Dmasy, oh my goodness your pups and the skunk! I hope I never need that remedy, but thanks for posting how you got the smell out.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: I too have had skunked dogs. Tomato juice and the remedies you can buy do not work!! Yup, the poor dogs roll against anything to rid themselves of the smell- awful. I finally used the same products you did with better results- I also keep a kit of these under the kitchen sink to be 'ready.' I added saline eye drops to it in case the spray gets in the dog's eyes, which happened once, poor little thing. Our groomer offers a de-skunking bath too, and I might try that if there is a next time, shudder.

Re: Gordon Ramsay. I also love Hell's Kitchen and wonder about the smoking- wouldn't it ruin their 'palate' and there is often a 'palate ' challenge? Also it seems in recent seasons the contestants are more aggressive and 'tougher' than previously. But I still love the show. Wouldn't it be funny for GR to critique Kate's cooking?" RAWR!!!!! Tasteless! Slop! Piss off to bed , you donkey!" (appropriate in her case)lol

Geez, who would actually post that she was 'beautiful? That's so vain, and what's with all the 'friends' remarks lately? Oh yes, we mentioned she didn't have any left other than M and C!

Gearing up for a heatwave here in New England :(

Vanessa said...

Hmm, maybe time for a new charicature picture up here on top? Those puppies are way too perky, they've descended quite a bit!(actually, a lot!) And maybe have "block, block, block" instead of "twit"?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kristine said...What I find puzzling & creepy... is how the single poster on Gosselin Book has a photo of my Papillon as her Avatar. Hey that's my puppy girl! (Identical-- Sigh, 2 more days 15'ers.)

Huh? I don't understand any of this.

NJGal51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author. ~ Administrator said...

My pup got skunked last year. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda and soap, washed him twice with it after it happened and twice again the next day. He smelled tons better and with one more wash a week later it was gone, thank god.

My friend said his dog got skunked and he took him to the vet and they told him he could pay to have them give him a bath with the same ingredients, or make his own.

Kelly said...

We had a german shepherd growing up and I swear he had to pee every 4 hours. I'm surprised he made it through the night, I know my Mom would get up at 5 and let him out. Maybe KK's using the dog door with the radio collar, but if it were me I wouldn't feel secure. There are, after all, 8 make that 9 (counting Shoka) "celebrities" in that house. Khate really does appear at times to be mentally ill disability eligible at times, make that all the time. I've heard some horror stories re invisible fences, hence my husband making me return the one I purchased about 5 years ago. When Winston repeatedly gets up and down from his new tempurpedic (which he graciously allows us to share), we know the little gremlin needs out. Side note, I love James Dyson and believe we should get free Dyson's for life for the reviews I've given. I've had to nudge him off the stoop at 2 am in the pouring rain, which was a pitiful by the way. LOL

Loved the tip about the pepper. Rabbits or something has been after our strawberries this year so will def give it a try. Love the tips on here. The snark on KK, tips and recipes just doesn't get better. You guys are awesome. I am flicking my disposable bic in the air and typing with one hand ;)

Mel said...

What's the deal with the hairdresser going out to lunch or dinner with her? Does he do that for every "celebrity" client? Is that part of the services they offer?

How's he make any money if he's not in the salon, but is instead taking clients out to eat?

readerlady said...

Dmasy -- your poor pups! And poor you, too. Skunk smell is the worst! Don't be surprised if you still smell it every time it gets damp and humid for the next couple of weeks. When I was a kid, our dog got skunked and we were treated to the perfume quite frequently for about a month afterward. Poor dog was so humilitated, too. You could tell by the way he'd slink around the house each time it came back.

I should never read here just before bed. I fell asleep shortly after reading here last night and had a dream -- nightmare, really -- about KK. In it, Mady told her "Mom, I'm going to be a vet, not a Disney star" and KK shrieked "You're blocked! You're blocked!" Then one of the boys said "Mom, I want to live with Dad, so I can play soccer, not come home to shovel chicken crap" and KK shrieked "You're blocked! You're blocked!" Sad thing is, I can easily see her doing this. If one of the kids tries to tell her something she doesn't want to hear, she'll freeze them out just like she has so many other people who were once in their lives. Scary prospect.

Jane said...

Mel said... 134
What's the deal with the hairdresser going out to lunch or dinner with her? Does he do that for every "celebrity" client? Is that part of the services they offer?


It's really quite strange and I want to say she's making up the lunch/dinner thing with Ted Gibson and other staffers, but she wouldn't be tweeting about it if it weren't true. The celeb I work for goes to Gibson occasionally and he's also appeared on the show many times. There's never been a dinner or lunch (other than a lunch brought into the salon during hair color processing) or any kind of socializing. Weird that they've latched onto her. ~ Administrator said...

I think it's the other way around she's latched onto them. I wonder if they just feel sorry for her, or if they go to lunch because she'll always say or do something they can laugh about later. Unfortunately I just don't see this as a real friendship.

OrangeCrush said...

Admin, going to have to respectfully disagree with you about Bristol Palin, I do not think she is merely young and immature, though I sincerely hope so. I get a sense of calculated entitlement from both of these young Palin women, and this new show, which has been slammed everywhere in the past 2 days, is merely a vehicle for the rich and privileged life they are now leading. And talk about throwing the baby daddy under the bus, both verbally, and in a scene shooting his book. So mature. This young woman may be only 20, but she is driving herbown train.

As for our friend Kate, ah the immaturity there is beyond pathetic. Hi middle school tweeties, having a great day with friends - who does this, especially in reference to hair appoinments. Wonder if she's now secure enough with these friends that Steve is not required to go with her to the scary big city? Talk about expensive hair cuts.

Jane said... (Administrator) said... 136
I think it's the other way around she's latched onto them. I wonder if they just feel sorry for her, or if they go to lunch because she'll always say or do something they can laugh about later. Unfortunately I just don't see this as a real friendship.


But they could easily make excuses as to why they can't spend time with her out of the salon. I haven't met Ted Gibson personally, but one of the segment producers has said he's very nice, calm, professional. Some of his staff - not so much. He's also VERY busy and in demand. I don't get it. The show's on hiatus but when folks trickle back, I'll see what I can find out.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 118
Yuck! Our dogs have not encountered skunks, but they have cornered a raccoon or two. Nasty little suckers...
I had heard tomato juice works for getting the skunk out, but where one gets that in the middle of the night, I don't know!

Michelle said... (Administrator) said... 76
I think it's very odd too that you post a pic about how much fun your kids had with your friends, and yet your friends aren't in the pic too? That's just pointless. Where are the pics of all the fun her kids had with her new BFFs she barely knows?


Also odd to me that you have a huge house with a garage apartment and the kids are gone for the weekend but your "marathon girls" have to stay at a hotel. Major red flag that these are not close friends IMO.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

How do you know Jason and Ted don't actually want to go out for dinner with Kate. I don't think these two are taking pity on her. I don't see the problem with them all meeting after work for a dinner with Kate. I suspect they actually do have a friendship with her. It's annoying how she has to brag about it but that is the star in her talking. Sad though that they are also paid to make her "beautiful" just like her good friend Deanna.

tate said...

I was flipping thru the channels last night and saw Kate's running mentor, Rod Dixon, as a judge on Cupcake Wars. LOL. The winner of the competition would be providing the cupcakes for the LA Marathon. I believe it was held a few months ago. Just kind of interesting to see him up close. I'm surprised Kate wasn't attached to his hip.

JudyK said...

They have lunch from Fig & Oli8ve brought into the shop when Kate is there...have read it numerous times in the past.

OrangeCrush said...

And yet here again is the contradiction that is Kate. Her show is toast, the income stream is a trickle, her new mantra is provding for her children any way she can (ok, I know she's two faced about that). She is supposedly writing a column on saving money using coupons. And yet, there she is trotting off to NYC on a regular basis for uber expensive hair treatments. We all know that from that way that straw head looks, she could be having same done a whole lot closer to home. And for less $$.

Hypocritic biotch.

Kate is a twit said...

Jon has an article in this week's People.

@jongosselin1 @peoplemag Look for Jon Gosselin's interview in People magazine-hits news stands this Friday!!! only mentions the article in it's Sneak Peek for this week's issue. The description of the article says "John Gosselin on his relationship with Kate".

Have to say I'm a bit disappointed in Jon-I wonder if People will have Kate give a follow-up interview? Could be another reason she's in NY. ~ Administrator said...

I don't care what she does in NY as long as the kids aren't required to skimp and save to fund it. Problem is that is exactly what she does. And it would be nice to find a great local hairdresser and support the local economy and give back to all the good Pennsylvanians who helped them out. It seems like a slap in the face to rely on NYC for everything.

Dwindle said...

Kelly said... 135
You guys are awesome. I am flicking my disposable bic in the air and typing with one hand ;)


Not that I want to be like Kate and retweet compliments (what is up with that, anyway?) but this made me laugh right out loud! Back at ya, Kelly!

Now I feel the need to go listen to Alanis singing about one hand in my pocket... :-) ~ Administrator said...

They showed her at the salon in the birthday NYC episode. Kate was complaining because she had to wait to get her hair done. I don't think Ted was there that day. That's not really how you treat a friend or his employees, especially when they are heavily comping you per her own admission, and treating you to lunch or dinner God knows how many times. If he makes you wait two hours you sit there and act gracious because it's mostly free and it's your "friend". This is the main reason I say I don't see this as a real friendship.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Thanks for answering my curiosity about the confidentiality agreements.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Where is Gosselin Give Back? said... 142
How do you know Jason and Ted don't actually want to go out for dinner with Kate. I don't think these two are taking pity on her. I don't see the problem with them all meeting after work for a dinner with Kate. I suspect they actually do have a friendship with her. It's annoying how she has to brag about it but that is the star in her talking. Sad though that they are also paid to make her "beautiful" just like her good friend Deanna.
_____________________________________ can't imagine them wanting to go out with Kate. She's vapid, self-centered, uninformed, etc., etc.

Maybe they have a crush on Steve.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Jane said... 140 (Administrator) said... 136
I think it's the other way around she's latched onto them. I wonder if they just feel sorry for her, or if they go to lunch because she'll always say or do something they can laugh about later. Unfortunately I just don't see this as a real friendship.


But they could easily make excuses as to why they can't spend time with her out of the salon. I haven't met Ted Gibson personally, but one of the segment producers has said he's very nice, calm, professional. Some of his staff - not so much. He's also VERY busy and in demand. I don't get it. The show's on hiatus but when folks trickle back, I'll see what I can find out.

Or maybe they say since Kate spends so much money at his salon.

They has lunch or dinner with her to keep her coming back.

Mel said...

Oh, Kate? Since it seems that appearing rich is a priority for you, I'd thought you'd appreciate these hints.

Keep your teeth healthy and white (but not too white)
Classic hairstyle with clean, shiny hair, with a color that looks natural
(That yellow, dirty, greasy, stringy mess you’re sporting isn’t the right thing. At. All.)
Don’t wear anything too tight or too short. Modesty is key.
Choose clothes in a classic style, natural fibers, neutral colors. Nothing that will draw attention to yourself. No aluminum foil dresses.
Wear classic shoes, nothing trendy. No 6" red stilettos.
Speak softly, with perfect grammar
Never lie about anything
Your behavior and etiquette says everything about you
Behavior is the most important indicator of being rich
The ultra rich are extremely well-mannered
Always treat others with respect. Always say please and thank you (and mean it).
NEVER be rude to waitstaff, sales clerks, or those less privileged than you
The rich are always kind to those who serve them
Don’t draw attention to yourself
Act your age
Don’t discuss money. Ever. In any way.
Don't complain about the cost of *anything*
Don't brag about how much something cost, or even imply that it was expensive
Don’t spend for the sake of spending or bragging
If you do spend on something, don't talk about it
Grifting is the ultimate in tacky. Don’t do it.
People who are truly rich don’t want anyone to know
Don’t act as if you are above normal activities
Don’t tell people your dreams. Just do them.
Restraint in everything
Talk slowly, drive slowly
Your car should be a basic model…no sports cars or luxury vehicles. One per driver.
Act like a learned person
Don't claim to be an expert on anything
Understand and be able to talk about important matters happening today

KAT said...

From the twitter silence....sounds like she's still there...Where are the kids?? I love it...not one picture.. ~ Administrator said...

Once, my little one also got it right in the eye when he was skunked, poor baby. He kept trying to cough it up and was foaming at the mouth. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. By the way he's only 10 pounds so he got quite the dousing. But did he learn never to chase the skunks, nope! Napoleon syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who wonders if there is any connection between Jon's People interview this week and "Gosselin Book" (just a day or so to go)??? Coincidence???


Mighty Strange said...

Kate is a twit said... 148
Jon has an article in this week's People.

@jongosselin1 @peoplemag Look for Jon Gosselin's interview in People magazine-hits news stands this Friday!!! only mentions the article in it's Sneak Peek for this week's issue. The description of the article says "John Gosselin on his relationship with Kate".

Have to say I'm a bit disappointed in Jon-I wonder if People will have Kate give a follow-up interview? Could be another reason she's in NY.


Doesn't the countdown on the Gosselin Book site end Thursday night/Friday morning? Right before Jon's interview? Strange coincidence? ~ Administrator said...

Mel that is just a fabulous list. I think it could also be called how to live like a classy person.

Amy2 said...

Kate is a twit said... 148
Jon has an article in this week's People.

@jongosselin1 @peoplemag Look for Jon Gosselin's interview in People magazine-hits news stands this Friday!!!

What? Jon is in People magazine this week. Why? Could it be tied in with the book supposedly coming out tomorrow? Is Jon behind the book?

Mandy said...

I wonder what pool Kate is sitting by. She wouldn't waste her time having her straw fried in NYC to go back home to ignore her 8 nuisances.

wowser said...

hahaha - for a minute there I thought she was addressing me in her twitter remark. lol

Over In Berks said...

Also odd to me that you have a huge house with a garage apartment and the kids are gone for the weekend but your "marathon girls" have to stay at a hotel. Major red flag that these are not close friends IMO.


Well, if Steve is in the garage apartment, she wouldn't put them in there with him. I don't think that she shares him. She wouldn't have them stay in one of the kids' messy rooms because that would mean she would have to change the sheets for them, and she's just so exhausted, you know!

JudyK said...

Just re-watched the DWTS dance routine from beginning to end where Tony became so frustrated, he said, "I quit."

OMG, the dance was replayed in full, and she was even more pathetic than I remembered...he might as well have been dancing w/ a robot.

They got three five's (5) from the Judges for that pathetic excuse for a performance, with Kate rolling her eyes at the Judges. And when asked about the low scores, she responded, "It just proves that EITHER Tony OR I are quitters." Kate, that would be, "NEITHER Tony NOR I are quitters."

Oh, and I have to throw this in there...when I was in my late 40s I was at a Club and was asked to dance by someone I had never danced w/ before. Once we started dancing, everyone else quit dancing and gathered around us and gave us a standing ovation. We even got "free flowers" given to us. Gawd, I wish I had that on tape.

Once a Viewer said...

Tucker's Mom said... 142

Re: skunks. Tomato juice doesn't work- it just masks the odor, and it's not much better ! The hydrogen peroxide,dish soap/baking soda works best ( and saline for the eyes) I didn't know that's all the vet gives, Admin :( But you probably saved me some money- hey, how about a CC column on skunky dogs, Kate?

readerlady: true- the scent does come up in the rainy weather for many weeks, pew! Funny how embarrassed dogs get over smells.

Also, the smell will stay on the owner for quite a while After a skunking of our dog, my daughter and I ( showered of course) were in returns at Target the following day (lol) and we noticed people backing away from us! I could smell it in my nose still but didn't realize we were skunky too. Our turn to be mortified!

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Kate is so easy to read. If nothing else she is a simpleton! She only responds to Jason's tweet with some dumb comment a day or two before going to NY to scam him for a reduced hair color!

She always goes during the week when she has kids so it's a nice getaway from them! Speaks volumes that she does not like to be around them! Also pays a sitter so Kate please don't insult hard working moms who would rather spend their money on kids not themselves!!

She only dines at Fig&Olive because they are the only ones who will give her a discount! And she probably pays for Jason& Ted otherwise they wouldn't go!

BTW did you see article about how Kim K. and how she feels about her fans! Reminds me of Kate and her fans!! I guess horrible people do get rewarded!!

NT said...

She is tweeting about being in the pool today. Doesn't she know that the sun is terrible for her hair as processed as it is. No wonder it looks like straw. She should just get her hair done locally ubtil the day comes that she actually has an interview or something and THEN go to NY to get her hair done. That would be the cost effective way of going. But Kate has no budget when it comes to herself.

Katie Kuerig said...

I am not at all disappointed in Jon. I have hung around for a long time to watch Kate get her reward for all the times she belittled, humiliated, screeched at, ordered him around as if he were a dog and all the rest. I can't wait to see what Jon has to say, although I think it will be done with a lot more class than what Kate has done. In fact, I don't really think he is going to rake her over the coals, just tell some simple truths about her. But even if he does get down and dirty, go for it Jon, she deserves it. The best part of all that is she can't stop him from talking now and it must just eat her up inside. She doesn't have control anymore.

terri said...

ROL has article up about Jon's people interview, he admits to the mistakes he made that led up to the divorce and to his bad choices made after. He says Kate is a good mother and that they are communicating better than ever now. I say "BRAVO" to Jon for at least being mature enough to admit his mistakes and learn from them. I just wish Kate could do the same, but sadly I don't see that happening any time soon.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Like I said last time unless I see Kate in the restaurant with Ted & Jason.

I'm going to believe that she's lying lol she did it last time I said it so.

I expected a pic will show up on her twitter some time soon.

foxy said...

ROL has an article on Jon Gosselin. He seems to be back tracking on having the kids on TV. Is he placating Kate or does he have something up his sleeve? This is such a soap opera!!

JudyK said...

Once a Viewer said... 169

Also, the smell will stay on the owner for quite a while After a skunking of our dog, my daughter and I ( showered of course) were in returns at Target the following day (lol) and we noticed people backing away from us! I could smell it in my nose still but didn't realize we were skunky too. Our turn to be mortified!

Know this wasn't funny (at least then), but the customers backing away from you made me laugh!

I'm glad to have these tips, because I have no doubt I will need them in the future. I have two dogs and two cats. My cats are not allowed outside, but my dogs go out in my fenced-in backyard. Have often smelled a surrounding skunky smell and worried my dogs might get sprayed. Counting my blessings it hasn't happened yet and hoping for the best.

To Auntie Ann and others who love Hell's Kitchen, Master Chef, Top Chef, and Chopped!--I share your love for these outstanding shows.

Dmasy, your yard is beyond lovely...what a compliment to have been chosen to be in a magazine shoot.

Tamara said...

Has anyone ever been, or known someone, who had dinner at one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants while they were filming HK? Do you know before you're seated that they're filming and it's the contestants that will be 'cooking' for you? I wouldn't want to be a diner during the first 5-10 episodes lol.

Tamara said...

Also odd to me that you have a huge house with a garage apartment and the kids are gone for the weekend but your "marathon girls" have to stay at a hotel. Major red flag that these are not close friends IMO
I don't think a pair of 50 something women would want to stay in a house with 8 kids, especially if they are on holiday and can easily afford a hotel. And how close can Khate claim they are considering they've met once. I'm kind of surprised Khate didn't try to set up a meeting in NYC. Guess she was trying to show the people of the Lancaster area she actually does have friends that aren't invisible or being paid.

Carmen said... has an article about Jon's People shoot.

Rhymes with Witch said...

De skunking: The hydrogen peroxide,dish soap/baking soda works best. 169

My local expert (and unfortunately experienced owner) swears by using Original Dawn (blue) dish detergent for the dish soap.

Catherine said...

Admin, it was very prescient of you not to take Jon's face off your banner up top seeing that he's ready to put the kids back on TV (they miss it...Awww) and he wants to make them proud (Gag). What a disgusting boy he is.

Tamara said...

Jane said... but she wouldn't be tweeting about it if it weren't true.
HAHAHA oh Jane, thank you for the laugh of the day :)

HollyMo said...

I haven't read all the comments but wanted to comment on Hell's Kitchen.
I worked as a sous chef/chef for almost 20 years. IMO chefs smoke (and I used to) because there is a lot of drinking that goes on in the business and those two things go hand in hand. You might also notice while you are watching HK that many of the contestants also love to tip a few. It is part and parcel of that industry.
Mario Batali and Tony Bourdain are 2 good examples of chefs who love their adult bevies.

Many years ago, I worked for a chef who used to get so drunk he would 'quit' in the middle of his shift - too bad he was the owner. He did sober up and is still a great chef.

As an aside, I used to not be able to watch Gordon Ramsay because he was so reminiscent of my years in the industry that he would give me mini panic attacks! I love the show now.

PatK said...

So Jon is now saying he's not opposed to the kids being on tv again, since they miss it?

First of all, screw YOU, Jon. You flip-flop more than a fish on dry land.

Secondly, of COURSE the kids miss it. It's the only way they ever get vacations!!

And lastly, who the hell is going to give your ex-wife and kids another show? Eight-year-olds flopping around on a couch and regressing back to baby talk just doesn't cut it anymore.

Gah, I'm pissed!

Winsomeone said...

Love the ROL article. Jon thinks Kate is a fabulous mother, and he wouldn't mind having the kids on TV again, as they are older now..yeah, one whole year older. What a total idiot.

NJGal51 said...

We've always had bulldogs and none have ever been skunked because that would mean that they'd have to get off the couch and leave the air conditioning and actually do something rather than just go out to pee & poop in the yard. I'm surprised that Shoka hasn't been skunked considering where they live.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sorry I don't know how to make a link, but do cut and past into your browser... and get some Pepto Bismal ready to quaff down because you're going to be really, really sick because the Radar article implies Jon is on board with the "kids miss filming" excuse to return them to TV and he's not ruling it out either.
Gawd, those kids are screwed.

Reality Bites said...

FYI Admin

Time for a new thread. Jon Gosselin is a douchebag.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Re: Jon in the ROL article:

Here's what is so funny. The sheeple have been bashing Jon for years. He is responsible for leaving Kate alone to support the kids. He is behind in child support. He's a womanizer, a drunk, and whatever else comes into their minds. He's a liar. They don't believe a word he says. He torments Kate by taking her to court.

Then he shows up in an online article saying that Kate is a great mother, and they praise him up and down like he's a saint.

Sheeple hear what they want to hear and run with it for their own purposes. So, by their own reasoning, if he's a liar, a bad father, and one of the dregs of society, why would they believe him when he says that Kate is a good mother?

OrangeCrush said...

Why should Kate get a follow-up in People, as a rebuttal? Nonsense. People did not do the same for Jon after her touched up bikini cover. Man has a new job, and a right to talk to whoever he wants. Hopefully he is discreet about his children & does not throw the witchy ex under a bus tho god knows she deserves it. In spades.

Anonymous said...

Wowsers, Kate, you sound like a 13 year old. And that's not meant as a compliment. Get help for chrissakes.

Mary in CA

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Jon tweeted:

Please read the actual article in People on Friday before passing judgements from false tabloids.

gingerbread said...

About the skunk smell, years ago I had a problems with skunks nesting in a neighbors shed, and it wondered over to my home and sprayed underneath my house, the odor was horrible. Found out that half listerine and water in a spray bottle works wonderful. Doesn't work in one day , but within a week the odor was gone.

Kate is a twit said... has an article on Jon, which ROL based their story on. Nowhere in the People article does it say anything about the kids missing being on TV. Could be ROL is just doing it's usual spin.,,20605781,00.html

John also tweeted:

Please read the actual article in People on Friday before passing judgements from false tabloids.

Does anyone remember when Jon took to twitter and apologized to Kate and the kids? He also took responsibilty for how he acted. This article seems to basically state the same as he did then.

"She's a great Mom. We just have different parenting styles."

At least he's not making innuendos and throwing Kate under the bus. I give him credit for that.

Anonymous This Time - Blush, Blush said...

After all the discussion about going to a 'bra fitter'.......... I DID!

What an adventure... it seems I have been wearing the wrong size bra. The fitter laughed and said she hears that all the time.

At my age and having breastfed for 2 years, my girls were low and flat and pointing in two different directions - LOL.

So I stopped at Nordstroms like someone here suggested and walked out $126 poorer but with perky girls. Went from a 44B to a 40C. Ya could have knocked me over with a feather. I was stunned.

I had to giggle because I got two black lacy bras. Haven't done that in 44+ years, not since the dating years. My DH was smiling like a crazy loon when I modeled them.

After this intimate little disclosure, I'm sure you'll understand why I am anonymous this time. I post here frequently but I'm suddenly shy - ha ha.

Thank you to whomever suggested going to a professional bra fitter! I can HONESTLY say "I got a good bra" - LOL

Randy said...

As a long time follower of the Gosselin saga, I am very disappointed in Jon's recent comments about Kate and his agreement to put the kids back on TV because they miss it.

Jon has made a 100 degree verbal change again. He is back to exploiting his kids and his life for continued tabloid drama. I'm done with this Gosselin mess!

Jane said...

Apologies if this has been posted. From Jon's Twitter feed:

Jon Gosselin ‏@jongosselin1
Please read the actual article in People on Friday before passing judgements from false tabloids. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see anything disappointing about Jon saying nice things about Kate. She is the mother of his children and just like he deserves respect from his ex, so too does she. It would be hypocritical to say it's not ok for Kate to alienate him, but it is ok for Jon to alienate her.

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