In other reality t.v. news, the latest reality show to exploit young children, Lifetime's Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, which features Bristol's three-year-old son predominantly, was a ratings flop. It barely broke 720,000 for the night. Bristol had no trouble helping the ratings when she was on Dancing With the Stars without her kid. Were there other factors involved, or are viewers finally sick of watching fame-whore mommies exploit their kids?
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Why does no one want to watch Mommy exploit me? |
1127 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1127 Newer› Newest»As much as I have my issues with cruising, why not take these kids on a cruise? And I don't mean with fans, I mean a private cruise. We were looking into it for my parents' anniversary and because of the economy and cruise accidents and so on prices are shockingly really ROCK BOTTOM. You can get an inside stateroom on 12 day cruises for like $400 bucks. It's not like you spend any time in that room anyway so who cares. As long as you're careful not to add a bunch of extras to your tab it can be very economical. More and more East Coast cities are getting cruise ports, they can find one that departs close to home. The kids really do need to stop the unhealthy association with a fun trip with being filmed. You can take fun trips and most people do without all that extra baggage.
The tabloid stories were lies or misleading...this book is truth, or would be seen as probable truth.
Al's, Polly's books were completely ignored cuz they could be blown off as unknowledgeable persons just speculating. This person we will all know speaks the truth because of their proximity to the family. Or at least Kate is afraid that they'll be believed.
any information I may or may not have has been obtained legally, beyond question.
Once a Viewer said... 195
But..there is a :( beside Aaden's comment about the film crew. Kate got the idea out there, though, that the kids have TV first thought on their minds. I highly doubt that after all this time and all the 'friends' (ahem) who have visited lately. Who could this friend be and why keep it a secret- that's silly.
It's not difficult to see just how silly Kate is.
I found this on Twitter today:
@Kateplusmy8 You think America is STUPID? We think its SAD IF your kids REALLY miss the camera crew....shows how LONELY they REALLY are
You know what? I think Kate is more than silly.
She's selfish, calculating, manipulative, evil, and spiteful.
Also, if the kids considered the "crew" family, wouldn't Aaden have said their names, not "The Crew"? I remember on the show where they showed the crew coming back, the kids called them by names.
And how coy of her to capitalize the words "the crew" so her tweeties attention would be drawn to that, and hope they didn't notice the sad face at the end.
She just wants to hear again how much her fans miss her and the kids having a show. Jon's getting the attention now-she needs her ego fed.
Kate is so obvious, it's pathetic.
Disappointed with Jon. Gosselinbook, I hope you are the real deal.
AuntieAnn said... 183
Those two paragraphs make me think that it might be Jodi's sister. The writing seems similar.
I agree with you and the others who think the author may be Jodi’s sister. Here is a old link to Julie’s blog.
I personally think there is no book. It's all a hoax. That Al Wentis (sp) guy published a book, as did Werney Girl. This person could of put this out as an e-book easily. Could of published in another country just as easily. Where is the cease & desist letter, why not post that? Why, because there is no cease & desist letter. This is someone with too much time on their hands and (s)he is messing with everyone. Bravo, job well done.
If there is no book, would the author publish the name of the opposing party's legal counsel and direct anyone to contact them with questions? Would that make sense, and is this done? Wouldn't this be providing false information and would really irritate the law firm? I don't know -- just asking. Admin?
There is no obligation to publish a cease and desist letter. If there were legal issues involved here, I wouldn't publish it either.
They named the law firm and invited people to contact them if they have questions. I have no doubt the book is real. I never published my cease and desist letter and never will. There are many reasons not to. I was having an open dialogue with them and didn't want to antagonize them. It was a letter to me, not the blog, so I didn't feel it was right to plaster it on the blog. I didn't want them trying to claim copyright or other nonsense. A lot of firms use form letters and would be mighty ticked off if their form letter was suddenly out for anyone to steal. It's not kosher to make dialogue with an attorney public. Conversations could be considered "settlement" negotiations, which in most states are supposed to be strictly confidential. For all those reasons it's better not to publish it.
Pink said:
You know what? I think Kate is more than silly.
She's selfish, calculating, manipulative, evil, and spiteful.
I agree totally. But also silly and not bright. Remember when she tried to surprise the kid with the swimming with dolphins trip and she had a toy shark as a cue? iirc- dumb! Same as her RV site clues, Gran Canyon etc.
Dwindle : I do agree. I wish I could delete my post re: DNA. It's like Michael Jackson- serves no purpose and I'm sorry I entertained the thought and posted :(
So what do people think will happen timewise with the G Book??
Does anyone remember the name Kitty Kelley? Yep, she has written numerous tell all books about the most famous of the famous. I think her last book was about Oprah. To my knowledge, not one of these mega rich, high powered armed celebrities ever sued her.
I suggest this mystery person contact Kitty Kelley and ask her why she wasn't afraid of getting sued. And why hasn't she been sued after decades of writing terrible things about the most powerful celebrities in America. Maybe Kitty can give our mystery author some knowledge & courage on how to do this.
I have to agree with Admin. that if Kate spent as much time getting her kids involved in activities that they would enjoy such as scouts, church or sports as she does wishing they were back on t.v. those kids would be a happy bunch.
Cast my vote for Jodi's sister. She said she wasn't part of the "immediate" family which implies some kind of family connection just not immediate. Jodi I'm sure knows so much and could have told her a lot. And her connection to Jodi could have helped her get interviews. Her old blog went dark in 2010, about the time she may have started working on the book and reserved the domain name. Wonder how Jodi feels about this. She is fairly well spoken on her blog and in the letter and was always passionate about trying to help the kids, just like in her letter. Honestly I don't really think a lot of other people who know Kate are capable of a project like this, no offense. Jamie? Not the brightest bulb. Ashley? Too busy with school. And those that are, like say Beth, really have moved on completely it feels like.
I love Kitty Kelley. The reason she doesn't get sued is because she does darn good research and talks to people as close to the circle as possible and writes the TRUTH. You are pretty much immune from suit as long as you're sure the info is accurate. I think it was Kitty Kelley who exposed that Laura Bush is a smoker. Not one denial from the White House. Because it's true.
I was so looking forward to some fun summer reading! I'm not a patient person. (sigh)
I am glad this blog got a mention. The author IS correct about it being a great blog!
The 2 most compelling statements from Gosselinbook letter:.
"Even though Kate Gosselin is, in my opinion, a washed-up, has been reality star, I promise you that this book will be the biggest entertainment story of the year."
"This project is and has been from the first day of writing, about protecting the children. I’ve tried several other private avenues to accomplish this to no avail."
This is going to be about Kate and something she has done (or continues to do) to her children.
Orange Crush wrote:But the thought of what she is paying her LA lawyers for this "threat" boggles the mind,
Admin., I have a question for you. I have no doubt that Mr. Singer sent a 7 page letter to this mystery author at Kate's request. But don't you think this was basically a form letter that he just filled in the necessary info to fit the situation. I don't Kate contacting this attorney and him sending a form letter cost an arm and an leg. Am I right to assume that Kate spent maybe 2 to 3 thousand tops to have this letter sent out to the author?
I find the timing of Jon's People article to be a bit odd.
Admin. cast my vote for Jodie's sister! I might be wrong but it sounds like she (I'm assuming it's a woman) cares for the kids unlike the other 2 books.
I also think those kids get really excited about people coming over! They must get lonely out in that isolated prison!
Everyone have a great weekend!!!
I just looked at Julie's(Jodi's sister) blog.
In the section that says "About Me" is the phrase "The Truth Will Set You Free". That phrase is also in her blogger profile.
Although gosselinbook says they are not a member of Kate's immediate or extended family-Julie may not consider extended family, as she is only related to Kevin his marriage to Jodi.
I think GosselinBook could be Jodi's sister too. I think J's sister was personally offended for the way Kate treated her sister and has said before that what she wanted was to help the kids.
I bet the kids wish the crew was around. The crew actually played with them, which Kate never does. I've NEVER seen Kate play, just instruct, manage or what she calls "mastermind".
Werny chronicled her experience observing filming at a corn maze a couple years ago. It was so telling that Kate was not interacting with them at all, was completely not even dressed for the event (I mean, come on! Who wears stiletto boots to a field?) and ushered them out of there after 20 whole minutes. Of course, later on film she implied they were there for a very long time and let's not forget the staged tender moment with the boy that was expelled from school. Great damage control.
The kids miss doing things, plain and simple. Another summer will come and go without a beach house, but spend countless thousands on a high-powered legal team to control Kate's well-spun and crafted image. Sure.
Form letters from boutique law firms like this that serve celebrities will still cost an arm and a leg, usually.
It has nothing to do with whether an intern could have filled in the blanks of the letter. It's about the prestige of the law firm behind it.
Hey Kate, next time save your kids' money and check out legal zoom.
I'm voting for Beth. She's already written one Gosselin best-seller. You know, that one that Kate constantly takes ALL credit for writing.
The primary motivation appears to be protecting/advocating for the children. An outsider, like one of us, wouldn't be as motivated as this person appears to be. Thus indicating this person has a close connection. The passion indicates personal observation of *something*.
Interviewing hundreds of people, but not Jon, seems to preclude Ashley/Jamie. I don't see how either of them would have the time/resources for that anyway. Or need. They would have first hand knowledge.
The person appears to be well-educated...clearly not Jamie. And also mature beyond where Ashley's at right now. I think it could have been Ashley 10 years from now. The apparent experience level is beyond Jamie/Ashley.
37 chapters isn't about one many times can you say she's boinking Steve. Same with how/why the kids were conceived.
This has to be about Kate's many lies over the years. Complete with proof. Somehow Kate lied about something that pissed this person off and motivated them to start a long-term research project.
I think GosselinBook could be Jodi's sister too. I think J's sister was personally offended for the way Kate treated her sister and has said before that what she wanted was to help the kids.
If you check out her blog, the writing style is totally different than in that letter to Kate. Julie knows how to place commas, and her writing is much more mature. Of course, there's always the chance that the writing style in the letter was disguised, or that someone else wrote the letter, but I kind of doubt it.
I received a threatening letter from a law firm once. Shat myself!
About a year after I'd left a job at a very prominent teaching hospital, I got this letter saying I was going to be sued, and soon, for not repaying the hospital for graduate classed I'd taken within a year before I left.
I knew damn well that I was going to leave and that I'd owe money. I planned on it and didn't take my allotted vacation time for about 2 years so I could take the extra money and pay them back, which I did before I even left my job.
I have a very strong feeling that I know the spiteful bitch who instigated the legal action. Like I said, it was so frightening. I racked my brain and tore apart my place trying to find evidence the I'd paid, because I know I did.
I finally confirmed that yes, I'd repaid my debt even before I'd left, but damn.
So GosselinBook, take your time to protect yourself and all of your hard work. We're looking forward to the book, and the validation that yes, we've seen through Kate for a very long time.
I'd shocked if this writer is Beth. I just don't see it. She's distanced herself and seems to really want to put it behind her.
I do believe Beth was betrayed badly, loves the kids and has seen Kate's transformation into a lying, thieving, money-worshipping, child-using diva. Despite this motivation, I think Beth is the type of person who is going to sit back and let the truth come out, because it always does.
Oh, and John Travolta is so gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
In my comment #19 it should read:
"Julie may not consider herselfextended family, as she is only related to Kevin through his marriage to Jodi.
What I mean is that Jodi would be considered "extended" family due to her marriage to Kate's brother, but Julie may not consider herself to be the same.
So my vote goes to Julie, too.
Tucker's Mom said... 20
I think GosselinBook could be Jodi's sister too. I think J's sister was personally offended for the way Kate treated her sister and has said before that what she wanted was to help the kids.
I bet the kids wish the crew was around. The crew actually played with them, which Kate never does. I've NEVER seen Kate play, just instruct, manage or what she calls "mastermind".
Werny chronicled her experience observing filming at a corn maze a couple years ago. It was so telling that Kate was not interacting with them at all, was completely not even dressed for the event (I mean, come on! Who wears stiletto boots to a field?) and ushered them out of there after 20 whole minutes. Of course, later on film she implied they were there for a very long time and let's not forget the staged tender moment with the boy that was expelled from school. Great damage control.
The kids miss doing things, plain and simple. Another summer will come and go without a beach house, but spend countless thousands on a high-powered legal team to control Kate's well-spun and crafted image. Sure.
When I had the Al Walentis book out a few weeks ago I re-read the part where he described the exact same scenario for the filming of the trip to Henry's farm. Some of the paps tagged along. He said when the camera was rolling Kate was attentive and affectionate towards the kids. When the camera was off she was on her phone, distant and didn't even pay attention to them. The same with scenes filmed outside at the house. The kids had marks, scenes were re-shot, there wasn't much resembling reality.
You are so right..... no trips or activities for the kids but Kate has definitely shelled out at least $2,000-$5,000 to keep Gosselinbook quiet. Niiiiiice. Not.
So what do people think will happen timewise with the G Book??
Kate has deeper pockets than the author. This will take months and months, and the author will run out of money and will be afraid of a massive lawsuit. It will be shelved, but not before Kate spends the kids' money blocking the release of the book.
If gosselinbook is Jodi or her sister, it may well be that Kate isn't so much AFRAID of what might be said, but is back to her old "NO ONE MAKES MONEY OFF MY KIDS BUT ME" routine. She would be outraged if it was Jodi or her sister and would fire up the legal team just to be vindictive and "show them" who's boss. She almost never thinks before taking an action. As a result, she suffers consequences and fallout that have led to her demise, so to speak.
What Kate doesn't understand is that by making such a fuss about the book she actually gives it credibility. Now I think there must be something truthful in it she doesn't want to come out.
Had she just ignored it and not sued and just let it come out I probably would have brushed it off as yet another questionable tell all and maybe not even read it.
So congrats Kate, you just shelled out five grand to let us all know it's true.
I'm not sure it's Jodi's sister simply because of the extended family comment.
I think it may be Dana Hoffman who used to write about Kate and Jon for the Reading Eagle. Just my humble opinion.
I just said 2 kids:'We have surprise guests again tomorrow!' Kids started guessing.. Aadens 1st guess, excitedly: 'THE (film) CREW!!':( about an hour ago
Uh...Kate, don't you think that's a bit sad, that your son's guess was about a FILM CREW?
Damn woman, you got money, take the kids on a vacation.
I bet the surprise guests are to the benefit of Kate, not the kids. Yep, kids just love to play with mommie's friends.
Please forgive me I haven't read all the comments (only to 126) yet.
Regarding the 'the secret' I recall around the breakup time that Jon said he knew Kate's secret but wasn't saying. That means the secret is 3+ years old.
Okay, I'll go back to reading the rest of the comments.
If it is Julie, a lot of the book could be compilations from her blog which told behind the scenes stories about what went on during filming, plus more information garnered since then. That could explain why it's 37 chapters long.
Auntie Ann--you were the first one to mention it might be Julie, and it just may be that you are correct.
But unfortunately, we won't know until and if the book is published.
Administrator said... 32 So congrats Kate, you just shelled out five grand to let us all know it's true.
Absolutely right on Admin. Silence would have been her best approach. To haul out the expensive lawyers simply lends credibility to the book and convinces me that what's contained in it is both damaging and true. Exactly what you said. Oh, she's such an ignorant fool.
I wonder if Aaden said the film crew just to get some good attention from Kate. He is not a dumb boy so I could totally see him tuning into what his mom wants him to say.
The law firm will engage as long as Kart pays the bill, even though they know she can't win. Their game is intimidation.
No worries, gosselinbook. Kate won't pay the bill after the retainer, so that will be the end of it.
Book gets published, celeb lawyers end up suing Kart. Win-win for everybody.
Jon is not getting a pass on this one. Both parents got a taste of the good life. Hard to give up, hey Kate & Jon? We can't fall for anything out of their mouths. So sad, really.
My money is on Walt Mueller, a neighbor and the President of an organization that promotes the well-being of kids (see
I would not consider Jodi's sister to be Kate's extended family. Your immediate family is spouse & children, and when you're a child it's your parents and siblings. Your extended family is grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. So, Jodi is part of Kate's extended family, but Jodi's sister has no relation to Kate. I don't consider my sister-in-law's (she's married to my husband's brother) sister to be part of my extended family. We're not related at all.
Reading the morning twit from the twat proves two disturbing facts:
That family leads a desperately pathetic existence.
If the kids said anything remotely close to what she claims then she has created mini narcissists.
Also Twist of Hate is now a go? AND: Gosselin will also appear with her children in a traveling special on TLC.
MESSED UP. I can see her head swelling to match the size of her forehead now. I really dont get it - what is TLC thinking. That bitch gets MORE free travel with the kids?
I don't know who the author is, but I would like to speculate on who some of the author's sources might be.
First and foremost on my wishlist of informants would be the man who may be one of Kate's closest confidantes, after Steve. Many women feel most comfortable baring their soul to . . . their hairdresser! Wouldn't it be OUTSTANDING if Kate was spilling details of her life to Jason every time she traveled to NYC to get her hair fried? As creepy and unprofessional as it would be, I confess it would be quite satisfying thinking that Jason or someone else in the salon was providing information to the gosselinbook author. Talk about poetic justice!
Silimom said... 33
I'm not sure it's Jodi's sister simply because of the extended family comment.
I think it may be Dana Hoffman who used to write about Kate and Jon for the Reading Eagle. Just my humble opinion.
I was just going to post this. Didn't Kate get her fired, or at least k;epot her from reporting about her? Wasn't this the taking milk out of my babies mouth" reporter that exposed the Medicare nurse attempted grift?
Second guess would be Jodi's sister--especially because of the biblical references. Third guess is Werny Gal or someone in their school community or neighborhood.
Whoever it was, I still don't like their stalkerish comments on twitter and public atempt to engage Kate. It may have been a publicity stunt, but it was, IMO inappropriate. I think it is pretty clear that there is no single bombshell. If there was, wouldn't it make more sense to sell the story rather than release a book about a z-lister grifter? I think there will be verification and more proof of her narcissistic behavior--which we already know. As far as Steve--who cares? A story about a lesbian relationship with BFF Jamie or Pamela Anderson--now, that would be a story that people will talk about.
Dana and Jodi's sister have some personal mofivation. But, she has trashed so many people, it really could be anyone. Obviously, this is self-published --a publisher would vet the book and have legal resources. If it is Dana or anouther journalist, wouldn't she/he know what can be written without fear of legal action? If this person doesn't have financial resources, Kate can prevent this from ever being released by forcing the author to incur legal costs--even if there is no merit.
Regarding Jon's interview: I thought that Jon's new company was a local sports complex. Why would he be doing PR in people magazine? Is there some kind of web presence--I know it is called Gameface International, but when I briefly looked at the site, all I saw was a sposts complex with various fields and activities.
I just don't get the point of the Insider PDA and People interviews.
Assuming Aaden really made that comment, which I doubt, I think it truly exemplifies how sad the little Gosselins' lives are. A normal answer would be, "Grandma?" Or "Aunt and Uncle So and So?" "Cousins?" Maybe even "Daddy?" But wishing for a film crew to come visit. That is just so pitiful and sad. :(
Regarding the new book: Why doesn't the author contact Kitty Kelley and find out how she protects herself?
There are also a couple of books out right now about Obama that you think would cause a lot of indignation, but haven't. One of them completely debunks "Dreams from my Father". I haven't heard anyone is going to sue these authors!
Like Admin says, the truth will keep you free. I'm really having a hard time understanding what Kate can do to this author if she's telling the truth.
And I say again: read here much, Kate?
We have said over and over again that the kids don't miss filming, Kate does. Now she attempts to prove us wrong by claiming Aaden was excited about the surprise guests because he thought it would be the crew.
Oh, please woman; your BS is so transparent it's pathetic. I do not believe for a New York minute that Aaden said that. It's just more BS on mommy's part.
Hey Kate - looks like a crew "is" coming over to your home. I'll bet it's Kate Coyne and crew coming over to do a follow up article (courtesy of hounding by your manager) and while the kids were guessing you mentioned camera's and that's what led Aaden, to the idea that the film crew was coming back. You are such a tease Kate and really need to shut up your twitter feed as you look the fool. You've spent the entire year BEGGING...on your hands and knees and probably every other position - hanging from your knuckles - to frying your hair to get back on television.
Who wants to bet me that in a week to ten days some lame a$$ article about Kate will appear in People Magazine with the pity me aspect of my kids really really REALLY (and I mean it this time) miss being on tv.
Are you going to take your kids with you to Chicago next weekend for your 'run with fans?'. Heck you could take them to a beach close by on Lake Michigan, (as I'm sure one of the Coupon Cabin big-wigs probably has a home near a secluded beach) and then you'll be able to say you've killed a bunch of birds with just one stone:
- you can run or walk fast (whichever way you want to describe your gait)
- you can feed your narcissistic demand of adulation by your fans
- you can claim a tax break on a babysitter and purseboy (as you are doing this for coupon cabin promotion)
- your kids can actually get out of the Konpond
- your kids can go to a beach.
Win-Win-Win for all! ! !
Is there a pool online where we can place our bets? In a PayPal account maybe? Winners take all...:)
I never should have posted what I did, with the possibility the children might see it someday. I went back to delete it and my trashcan is missing. (Who stole my trash can!?! I feel like BullDog on 'Frasier'.)
Silimom said... 33
I'm not sure it's Jodi's sister simply because of the extended family comment.
I think it may be Dana Hoffman who used to write about Kate and Jon for the Reading Eagle. Just my humble opinion.
I think you've nailed it. All the pieces fit. This is my new top guess.
after refreshing the page a couple of times, the trash can reappeared. I deleted my comment. I am sorry, Gosselin kids, about saying that in public.
GosselinBook is someone with cajones. S/he is taunting Kate which makes me think it's personal somehow. I mean, I think we all have some level of outrage and anger at Kate, but this goes further.
Sport said: "Also Twist of Hate is now a go? AND: Gosselin will also appear with her children in a traveling special on TLC."
Someone dug up an old article from 2010 a few days ago about Twisted Kate and tried to pass it off as current, but what's this about a traveling special w/ the kids?? Where did you see this?
Uh...Kate, don't you think that's a bit sad, that your son's guess was about a FILM CREW?
Yup! Not Grandma! Aunt Jodi! Our cousins! Beth!
No, the film crew.
It's painful how Kate keeps begging to get her kids back on TV. She's so dumb that she doesn't realize that tweeting this only confirms that the crew do not come around if they're not paid.
I'm sure the kids miss their "daddies".
So, to recap:
Dana Hoffman - Reading Eagle, investigative reporter who seeks ultimate truths, probably annoyed at how kart treated community
Beth - author of first book, knows intimate details, knows how to research, must be annoyed (at the very least) by what she's experienced and seen - wasn't it speculated she left vacation in Utah because she 'saw something between kart and purseboy'?
Julie - insider by proxy, knows how to research, cares a lot what happens to kids
Werny Girl - author of previous book, knows how to research, has shown compassion for kids plight, seems to have strong ethics
seem to be the favored guesses. All three of them have the smarts to do the in-depth research needed for a book like this.
kart must be really sweating...
As for the author not being able to match kart's deep pockets (which are lined with the kids money), I would imagine that the author might align with an attorney who'd be willing to take a percentage of the book profits.
Depending on the level of passion, the author might actually go ahead and risk publication, knowing that the text is supported by facts.
Lastly, if the good of the kids is really the most important, more important than money, the author could publish anonymously. There are ways to do that. He/she might not get paid, but the word would be out there.
Someone, sometime HAS to pierce kart's armour coating. It would defy logic if she gets away with her lies forever.
The truth WILL come out. Sometime.
Usually lurk, only posted a few times a long time ago.
Wouldn't the author of gosselinbook be someone who had dealings with Kate before Julie May Carson came on the scene with her CAs? (Or did TLC give out CAs early on?) So I am thinking seasons 1 and 2 of J+K plus 8 or thereabouts? Jamie and Ashley appeared on Kate plus 8 and must have signed a CA. Even Steve must have signed a CA.
I think it is someone local, who at one point was in the know, and probably dealt with them prior to JMC. Perhaps this person still has contact with Jon and/or the kids. How else would they know what Deanna was wearing unless they were sent/shown a picture or spoke to someone who was there? The other possibly, is that it is an obsessed Kate stalker/deranged fan who is spying on the Konpound with binoculars to see who comes and goes. And if that is the case, Purseboy really is not doing his job (though we all know his title of bodyguard is laughable at this point).
Also, I too wonder if Admin has been contacted by the author when they were researching for the book. Preesi had said she knew who the author was...I thought one idea floated on her former Kate thread was an obsessed fan.
Could the author be Preesi? She was writing a book about narcissism. And the countdown clock and posts of "I know what you did" sort of seem like her in-your-face style (which I enjoyed BTW)
But she also posted that she had 'figured out who wrote gosselinbook' - which sort of makes it seem that she isn't the author.
Ahhh such intrigue!
blah blah blah. Why's that news? said... 41
My money is on Walt Mueller, a neighbor and the President of an organization that promotes the well-being of kids (see
FORMER neighbor, and Walt wouldn't tease like that.
Sport -- there is no new TLC show, no Twist. It was old news from two years ago.
"Regarding the 'the secret' I recall around the breakup time that Jon said he knew Kate's secret but wasn't saying. That means the secret is 3+ years old."
He used the word "secret?" I thought he said that he knew the truth and the kids knew the truth. I don't remember him saying that she had a secret.
Disclaimer: this is just speculation.
Kate's big secret is probably that she 'is' a closet lesbian.
In this day and age she hardly needs to keep it a secret unless of course she's too ashamed of it.
If you look at the facts, she emasculates the men around her:
Purseboy: relegated to holding her purse, lipgloss, walking behind her, etc.
Jon: years of emasculation documented.
Her Father: no connection with him and not a hint of a relationship with him at all.
Tony: Her dance partner. ABSOLUTELY NO CHEMISTRY. Doesn't matter if you are married or not, there has to be chemistry of some sort when you are on the dance floor. You are in close proximity to a man. It was like watching two magnets repel each other. Very painful.
She connects with women and knows how to draw them in with milk and honey. (all organic of course)
No boyfriend or even hint of a boyfriend since Jon's and her separated (with the exception of Purseboy who is a safe zone for her because he knows her secret)
I don't think her coming out of the closet would harm the kids. But she believes it will harm her good Christian Mom image.
Kate shows remarkable similarities to a family member that is slowly coming out of the closet (she's only admitted it to a few, but everyone has already figured it out). She married later in life her very first boyfriend - no chemistry and it was weird that they just seemed to be friends, popped out some kiddos, and then got divorced a year later. A dozen and a half years after the divorce no dates, no boyfriends (her ex has had his share of girlfriends and is now remarried w/ more children). However this relative doesn't miss her mid week day and night in NYC and occasional weekends over at a friends (her children are now in highschool and are left alone at times) She is too ashamed to admit what her lifestyle is, but everyone knows which makes for awkward family events. It's the proverbial elephant in the room.
Kate if you really are a lesbian, you need to just come out with it and society will understand. Maybe not your die hard fans but many others. Heck Perez might even make you his poster girl!
Disclaimer again: this is all speculation.
Perhaps it's the reporter Jessica Remo? She wrote what I considered one of the first negative articles about the then TLC darlings, pre-divorce, for Philly magazine in March 2009. She spoke to a lot of people, Beth included.
At one point early on in this saga, I remember reading on Preesi that there was a rumor that Kate had been to jail and/or arrested when she was younger. There also was a story either on Preesi or one of the blogs, that a deliveryman had seen something going on at Kate's old house when he looked through the window. I believe maybe it was a food deliveryman. He said people would never believe who Kate was with on the couch, and that it would be shocking. The man disappeared before the revelation - and many believed he was paid off by TLC to be quiet. I believe that is when the lesbian rumors surfaced. Does anyone else remember any of this?
Maybe it's Dallas Lady!!!
Sport, what are you basing your comments on re Twist of Kate and a TLC special? I must have missed something.
Sport said... 43
Reading the morning twit from the twat proves two disturbing facts:
Also Twist of Hate is now a go? AND: Gosselin will also appear with her children in a traveling special on TLC.
Unless you've read something I haven't, there isn't a show in the works for Kate. A few days ago, someone erroneously stated Kate was getting a tlc gig, but the article read was over two years ago.
Kate's tweet this morning had an unhappy face after 'the crew' statement....the crew isn't her surprise company for tomorrow.
It's a shame her surprise company isn't family!
Do the kid's cousins attend the same school? It'd be nice if they could see some of their family.
I won't hazard a guess as to the book author, but am hoping the truth about Kate finally comes out.
Correct. A child that age and supposedly feels the TLC crew were like daddies would have used names. Kate is such a liar.
Vote me in it's Julie too. Not an immediate family member but close enough to know the truth. She also had a blog years ago that brought attention to what was going on. And I think it may involve more than one person.. Note the comment about "our" blog. I think Kate taking legal steps proves she is concerned. Validates the book by an insider unlike the previous books.
Ohhhhh I get it. This is the "new show" that some people are alluding to. Funny thing is that this is from May and only this paper published it. No work about it since then: (Administrator) said... 32
What Kate doesn't understand is that by making such a fuss about the book she actually gives it credibility. Now I think there must be something truthful in it she doesn't want to come out.
Had she just ignored it and not sued and just let it come out I probably would have brushed it off as yet another questionable tell all and maybe not even read it.
So congrats Kate, you just shelled out five grand to let us all know it's true.
Administrator, you hit it on the nose.
Her reaction is what gave her away.
#53, here is the article but it is dated May 2012. The info sounds like it's from 2010:
Wayward, there are no new shows. I think a sheeple invaded with old, old news about proposed TLC shows years ago for Kate.
Tucker, 54 -- GosselinBook is someone with cajones. S/he is taunting Kate which makes me think it's personal somehow. I mean, I think we all have some level of outrage and anger at Kate, but this goes further.
Yes. Agree. This started months ago with the taunting. It's like the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" thing. Neither Al nor Polly did that. Why all of the suggestive preliminaries to this book? Why not just publish it? It seems like the knife is put in there, and then twisted just a bit more to make her squirm.
What's next if this one is released? "I STILL Know What You Did Last Summer?"
I just said 2 kids:'We have surprise guests again tomorrow!'
Bill Blankinship and his staff? Oh, wait, she never heard of him.
I've read all the above interesting posts and, for me, there justs seems to be so many coincidences. "The" book appears to be aimed specifically at Kate. Jon has the People interview. She gets her hair done (to be prepared for anticipated media appearances??). Even little Aaden is brought into the "act" (the crew).
The one thing that is clear is that she feels threatened and Jon has been urged to say something "nice" about her in anticipation of the storm which is brewing.
I have no idea who the author might be but the fact that she has taken legal action to stall publication indicates she feels extremely vulnerable.
Good luck to the author (whoever that might be). Kate is a 'public' person and, assuming all information in the book can be vouched for, I don't think she can stop publication indefinitely.
I think the publisher and author have got themselves a best seller.
onkytonklady said... 62
Ohhhhh I get it. This is the "new show" that some people are alluding to. Funny thing is that this is from May and only this paper published it. No work about it since then:
I read the article above, and it appears to regurgitate old's written while she was appearing on DWTS, not afterwards.
Old info. There is no traveling show for Kate and the kids.
In fact, there doesn't appear to be ANY thing in the works for Kate. NOTHING.
Time will tell how much money she has in the bank. She hasn't had a paycheck from TLC in months.
Berks Neighbor #47...Kate Coyne was on Today again last week (but can't remember in regard to what)...she makes my skin crawl...there's something not authentic about in the heck did she ever get that job w/ PEOPLE.
Who is it, Preesi?! Spill! And if you're reading, post here once in a while. A lot of us miss your wit.
I don't think the author it that Walt Meuller guy. His blog is Christian-driven and I don't think this "I know what you did/the truth" comports with his point of view.
He said his piece and moved on.
Kate, you douche. For your kid to excitedly answer "the film crew?!!" about your surprise guests is indicative of you constantly reminding them that being on TV is their calling. We all know you tell them daily that being on TV is the best life they ever had and they should all pray it comes their way again. Your kids are becoming arrogant little wannabe stars. Good job you did. You are tragic and no wonder people can't stand who you have become.
Kate, you douche. For your kid to excitedly answer "the film crew?!!" about your surprise guests is indicative of you constantly reminding them that being on TV is their calling. We all know you tell them daily that being on TV is the best life they ever had and they should all pray it comes their way again. Your kids are becoming arrogant little wannabe stars. Good job you did. You are tragic and no wonder people can't stand who you have become.
honkytonklady-although that article is dated May 30, 2012 it's an old article. If you search for Kate Gosselin on that website, it brings up a bunch of old articles also dated May 30, 2012. Another site also has that article, and it's also dated May 30.
Here's another article dated May 30,2012-it's about Kate joining DWTS. is the same.
Don't know why the dates are recent, but they are definitely OLD news.
Read the article and it's recycled. I bolded key phrases.
Gosselin hasstayed alive in the ABC program's dance competition, despite getting panned by the panel of judges, sometimes brutally. Bruno Tonioli said one one routine by Gosselin and pro partner Tony Dovolani "looked like Tony was pushing a shopping cart around the block."
Gosselin recently told Meredith Viera of NBC's "Today" show that she can handle the critics and knows the fans' votes that keep her going.
So will the crew be there to visit or to put the kids to work again? Surprise!!
If it's Julie, I wonder what Jodi and Kevin think?
@Kateplusmy8 awe :( I wish it could be the crew; I miss my little Gosselins
This is pathetic. Sheeple really DO think of these kids as their own.
Tucker's Mom said... 54
Uh...Kate, don't you think that's a bit sad, that your son's guess was about a FILM CREW?
Yup! Not Grandma! Aunt Jodi! Our cousins! Beth!
No, the film crew.
It's painful how Kate keeps begging to get her kids back on TV. She's so dumb that she doesn't realize that tweeting this only confirms that the crew do not come around if they're not paid.
I'm sure the kids miss their "daddies".
You are so right, Tucker's Mom.
A child's first response would be Grandparents,Cousins, neighborhood (or school) friends. NOT the film crew.
Kate refuses to let the idea of having a show go. She's just dying to be on t.v. again.
I would not be surprised if she makes her kids pretend that cameras are still rolling.
I'll bet that Kate even sits in her interview chair, talking to an imaginary audience.
She is absolutely fiendish.
If all the kids are ever told is that they can't take a vacation, buy something they want, or join a group they want to be in because they aren't filming anymore it's understandable that one of the kids might say what Kate quotes Aaden as saying. Those kids are reflecting their mother's opinions. Sadly, both parents mourn the good life. By that I mean they miss getting the "money for nothing." We know everything we need to know about these people. Our opinions have been formed for years and most of it is not favorable. I, too, feel bored with them and their imagined problems.
I think Kate's father wrote the book. I know the author said he wasn't a family member, so think about it for a second. Kate threw her parents out of her life after the tups were born. Maybe he feels like he's not her father anymore because she doesn't allow him to be in her life. Eight years is a long time to be ridiculed in the media for having such a horrible daughter.
It would also be ironic for her parents to make money off her, just like she has done by her own children. It's like saying, ''How do YOU feel now, I'm revealing all YOUR personal life''?
So many of the GosselinBook tweets were Bible quotes, which would also point to her father, being that he is a Minister. Other tweets said that they did not hate her and wished her well but wanted her to face the truth.
You're all probably going to laugh at my theory but I really do think it's her own father. Poetic justice at it's finest...
Lancaster Parent,
I remember the word secret. But I cannot verify what I heard because it was so long ago and I can't remember what interview (formal or off-the-cuff) he said it in.
honkytonklady said... 62
Ohhhhh I get it. This is the "new show" that some people are alluding toFunny thing is that this is from May and only this paper published it. No work about it since then:
I DON'T get it. I'm getting confused here. Why did popcorn biz put that article up on their site in May? Geez, I feel like I've entered some weird dimension that's in the general vicinity of Kate's planet. That's pretty scary.
Tucker's Mom said... 52GosselinBook is someone with cajones. S/he is taunting Kate which makes me think it's personal somehow. I mean, I think we all have some level of outrage and anger at Kate, but this goes further.
Yep. This does feels like it's personal. She took it too far with somebody. The taunting was apparent from the beginning.
"Regarding the 'the secret' I recall around the breakup time that Jon said he knew Kate's secret but wasn't saying. That means the secret is 3+ years old."
I remember that also. I think we even speculated here what it might be. :-)
Honky Tonk - That's an old article regarding "Twist of Kate" and was originally published when she was still on DWTS and getting ready to film "Kate + 8".
Except for possibly DWTS: All Stars, Kate has nothing but CC and her marathons on the schedule.
(This is Remona)
AuntieAnn said... 183
''I have zero interest in trying to intentionally harm Kate Gosselin emotionally or do damage to her reputation. This project is and has been from the first day of writing, about protecting the children. I’ve tried several other private avenues to accomplish this to no avail. Kate is simply too well insulated.''
.....think that it might be Jodi's sister. The writing seems similar.''
I also thought of Jodi's sister as the author of the book! I'm wondering if the ''I know what you did'' involves:
physical abuse of the children
details of the amount of money earned, and how Kate kept it all away from Jon
details of her affair w/Steve BEFORE Jon even left the house
details (or actual copy) of that arrangement that Kate supposedly tried to have Jon sign
All of the above?
Canuck 37 - Do we know for certain that neither Al Walentis nor WernyGal received C&D letters? Perhaps they did and just didn't think it worth mentioning?
If Kate has lawyers on retainer, this may just be standard operating procedures.
I will definitely read the book if it's published. Until then, I need to plant some lettuce and water my tomatoes which can't come in fast enough for my crew. I stopped at Whole Foods today (it was on my way home from a lesson) and tomatoes were $2.99 a pound!!!! Safeway isn't much better.
It really is best to plant your own veggies when you can.
Sorry all, I read this and felt sick to my stomach:
And thanks for everyone 'in the know' accusing me of digging up something old and passing it off as current. Some of us do have lives, all I did was read an article, wretch, and share it with you people.
Geez ... rough crowd ....
Would this Gosselin book author legally have to reveal the identities of those he talked to or give a copy of the book to Kate's lawyers just from the C&D?
If the author talked to 'hundreds' of people about Kate, could her lawyers be looking into whether any of them had CA's and whether they could go after those people and make their comments be removed from the book?
I have a wild guess. Maybe it is Sylvia Lafair (sp?)Hahahahaha payback time?
Jon quote: "...I know Kate better than anyone else and I know the stuff that went on in our house..."
tweet at the top of the page:
It always makes ME smile when I simply replace batteries in my kids old toys! 'Oooh, thank u mommy!' as if I just gave them a brand new toy! 23 minutes ago
Really? What a friggin' idiot she is!
(I do remember having to convince my mother-in-law that the talking book she bought my son did indeed need 3 watch batteries to "talk"...but my kids always understood about batteries!)
It always makes ME smile when I simply replace batteries in my kids old toys! 'Oooh, thank u mommy!' as if I just gave them a brand new toy! 36 minutes ago
Oh, brother. Excuse me, folks, while I hurl.
I agree with Berks Neighbor.
Someone is coming over to take photos- hence Kate getting her stringy scarecrow hair redone.
People Magazine are the only a*sh*les willing to shoot themselves in the foot to get an exclusive on monstermom & family a year (?) later.
Here's a *supposed* quote from Jodi's sister, from June 2008. The bolding is mine.
Yes, certain people do get nervous when I speak up because I am very close to the situation. I started the blog about a month ago, after I received several threats, more as therapy for myself than anything else. At this point, it's really only a response to my "lovely commentor". I know if the blog goes public, it won't take long for it to get to the person behind the threats. I don't want this person to think I'm scared or I'm intimidated, but I just don't know if I want to deal with it. I want to speak freely, without the hassle and worries of someone stalking me online and threatening me. I have no reason to lie. I don't hate Jon or Kate, but I do hate what they are doing and have done to their friends/family. I hate the lies and deception. Generous, good people are being mislead and it just makes me sick!! I really have no desire to try to "convince" anyone that what I'm saying is true. I just want to defend those who know the truth.
My thought is that this woman saw, or was told about, what she perceived as child abuse and it got her dander up.
And the fact that her kindly sister was made to look like a flaky, money-hungry media 'ho when whe wasn't, probably didn't help things either.
Thus the current taunting.
Holy SMOKE! I looked and the comments up-thread, after my Red-Cross Gate post.
There's an awful lot of Chit-Chat here about that iPhilly Reporter!
(Puns so very much intended. Jon's very necessary apology was Trending #3 on Yahoo earlier. Necessary, for the sake of his own sanity... *Honestly*-- this guy has to know what he's doing by now, opposite Katie.)
Tucker's Mom said... 54
Uh...Kate, don't you think that's a bit sad, that your son's guess was about a FILM CREW?
Yup! Not Grandma! Aunt Jodi! Our cousins! Beth!
No, the film crew.
It's painful how Kate keeps begging to get her kids back on TV. She's so dumb that she doesn't realize that tweeting this only confirms that the crew do not come around if they're not paid.
No, Kate wants us to feel so sorry for poor Aaden that we stir up a reality travel show for him. Dabbing my eyes *here*. Poor kids, they beg for companionship of paid adults; kind of like their mother.
And the thing with the C&D letter on this gosselinbook; I gave my niece several leather items for her graduation from law school, one was a Samsonite portfolio kind of thing. As she was playing with it, I said "you know, I dont think I like how flimsy these handles are. Here's the receipt,honey, in case they dont hold up." And about-to-be-lawyer replied "Well, they had BETTER hold up! I'll write them a letter! A strongly worded letter!"
So how long do you think this book could be held up in litigation?.....I read people magazine today and the interview was pretty blasé. I don't think Jon was chomping at the bit about the kids getting on tv again...I think he was pacifying Kate and I still don't think anyone is interested in her. If it wasn't for this blog, I wouldn't know anything about her she has fallen that far off the radar. Time will tell.
honkytonklady@62 - the article may be from may of this year but it is just a reprint of an article from 2010. Kate talks in present tense about still being on DWTS. Also she hasn't had a recent interview with MV. Old news.
As far as Aaden guessing that it's "the crew" coming over, if he really did say this (which I doubt) then Kate has taught her children that no on has an identity everyone is just "the crew", "mr. Whomever", "my marathon girls", etc. and so on. Kate doesn't respect anyone and may well have passed this attitude on to her kids.
I believe that the author's lawyers may be going over the book with a fine toothed comb and I believe that it will be cleared by them for publication. Kate's lawyers do not have a copy of the book as some suggested. They'll see the book when the general public sees the book. Correct me if I'm wrong Admin but they can't demand to see a copy pre-publication. Kate is running scared and if she hadn't retained these lawyrs she'd be shouting from the rooftops that it's all lies. He silence speaks volumes. I don't care who wrote it but I want to red it!
I wonder if anyone has ever sat Kate down and rolled the tape and said "there, crocodile tears, who is going to believe that? Watch your body language, there you go again trashing Jon, see how evasive you are, how come you need to preface every sentence with"honestly". She has zero authenticity and that coupled with no talent is why she can't carry a show or get a deal. She should take a page from that Kim off Housewives, Kim glories in all her fake tittery and wiggery, she loves people bashing her cause she knows it makes her rich, and she is totally unapologetic. If someone tweets her about how she spends her money she asks why that is any of their fucking business. Kate would sound shrill and give them some quote on walking in other's shoes. Kate doesn't have half a million twitter followers, which she should by now given her tv and tabloid exposure. I think she is soon going to have to face up to the fact her tv years are behind her.
Julie is NOT a member of her extended family. Here's the definition: The term extended family has several distinct meanings. It consists of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. In some circumstances, the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family; a family that includes in one household near relatives in addition to a nuclear family. An example would be elderly parent who move in with their children due to old age.
Admin - based on your legal knowledge and contacts with others in the legal field, how much $$ do you think Kate will spend on the book issue? Would she have the firm on a retainer?
Sorry for the Dallas Lady post. I should have elaborated but I was at work and just through it out there. The reason I came up with the guess it could be her is because the author mentioned that he/she interacted with others on KG blogs. I just remember her being so articulate and thought she had Kate figured out to a tee and then she was gone. I don't recall any kind of explanation from her for leaving. Just throwing out ideas. It will be very interesting to see how this all ends.
You have a good point with all the religious quotations. But Jon is another 'suspect' as Kate no longer considers him 'family' ( said time & time again, the nine of us..., single parent). But would this jeopardize his relationship or legal standing with the kids? He did say a book is coming out...with a ghost writer perhaps?
Come out Kate, come out Kate, we know what you did, you lied, you have someone else' children and the money is not yours to keep, all belongs to those kids, none to you or Jon, get off the property now, bring in the State to untangle this mess. Bring in the FBI cause those kids were taken across State lines.........hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Huh? Is this an accusation of .... kidnapping? Whoa!
Legal World Also, *where in the world* are you getting your information?!
This makes no sense.......
Kate has no imagination. She can't go get her own lawyer, she has to use the old TLC one. Same with Ms. Lefair. Can't get her own counselor, had to use Jon's.
"surprise visitors tomorrow" and kid answers "film crew" - sounds way too coincidental for me.
What if DWTS All-Stars is allowing fans to vote for 2 or 3 of the contestants, and, to that end, DWTS must film contestants begging for public support?
This LA firm is big, very big. I'd crawl into a hole if I received a letter from them. They would know your unborn child's sex before you do.
I was googling the firm and word around the Internet was they bill 650 to 900 an hour. Good lord Kate. Really? A local Philly lawyer wasn't good enough for your kids' money?
And I hate firms that bully and intimidate the little guy knowing full well they have no case.
Re: Who wrote the Gosselin book? There was a tweet back after Easter about how nice they thot that Deana(sp?) looked in her boots on Sunday at the Gosselins... so it must be someone who is still part of the inner circle. This person also made a comment about Julie May Carson is going to be proud of who she created, which I took as sarcasm. And yes, she was freaked out about the Pilly guy, the picture he had.. he made an about turn too...
Kate is worried!
Wowser said... 98
So how long do you think this book could be held up in litigation?.....I read people magazine today and the interview was pretty blasé. I don't think Jon was chomping at the bit about the kids getting on tv again...I think he was pacifying Kate and I still don't think anyone is interested in her. If it wasn't for this blog, I wouldn't know anything about her she has fallen that far off the radar. Time will tell.
I SO agree w/ you. Jon was simply pacifying Kate.
Hey admin....maybe that's going to be her next tabloid headline..."Kate gosselin being sued by lawyers for nonpayment after they were unable to stop the publication of a tell-all book".....after all, she is known for expecting people to provide services for free because she is after all..Kate gosselin. Ask the shrink she stiffed for ten grand.
I bet those lawyers are left over from her TLC days. I imagine she might even think that she shouldn't have to pay them since this has to do with her time on the show.
She probably ran to them out of habit. They may have just sent a c/d letter to placate her and said if she wants to go further it will cost her $25,000 retainer before they act further. That would stop her.
She'd try to figure out how to wiggle out of paying. An example, she probably thinks if they can't stop the book then they don't deserve to get paid.
I hope they got their money up front, otherwise they'll be holding their hand out for a long while.
I know if that book comes out I'm going to read it.
Does everyone know this author has a twitter account. It has some interesting things to say:
And I couldn't copy the page but if you go to you will reach the first page where she has a blog button, facebook page, and twitter account. I have been to this site many times and I have never received a virus. She invites media requests too.
And I hate firms that bully and intimidate the little guy knowing full well they have no case.
So I guess they tell their client they have nothing - so let's just see if we can scare them into submission? Gee, that's right up Kate's alley.
Admin (101) said,
I was googling the firm and word around the Internet was they bill 650 to 900 an hour. Good lord Kate. Really? A local Philly lawyer wasn't good enough for your kids' money?
But they do give discounts to poor, struggling moms of EIGHT children, don't they? I was thinking last night that you were too low on the hourly charge. My attorney charges $550 per hour and I'm out in a rural PA county! I was informed his rates are increasing. I don't think Kate would do too much better with a Philly lawyer, although maybe she could find one who would feel sorry for her!
She's going to end up with whopping legal fees over this. She didn't fight Al or Polly over their books. What makes this one so different? Ah, sweet mysteries of life!
So, what's Milo been up to lately?
(Kidding... kidding!)
Not much going on at Twitter, except "Kate's Very Special Episode" (currently playing in her head)... is pretending the TLC Crew are coming back to the Gosselin Manor to film! Maybe 'Stinky' & Jeff will play in the Basement with the kiddos all Summer, and have slumber parties in the apartment over the garage. Workbooks & Crayons all around!
I kind of understand why my last post was not published, but Admin, have you made the connection between what I sent but also the fact that Kate's lawyers are representing John Travolta in his gay sex scandal and now there's this tell-all book about Kate that they are trying to stop from being published.
You don't have to post this, it's just the only way I think I can contact you.
Not sure if this has been posted, but here's a good read from someone who has done reality TV and is DONE with reality TV.
Didn't Jodi and Kevin say that some of the crew left because of something that happened on the set? Did they testify to it at the hearings? I'm trying to remember what it was and when it was...something about the film crew having a problem with what was going on. Was it ever made public what they saw?
I was leaning toward Dana Huffman because she was stifled from writing about the G's after her "taking milk from my babies mouths". However, wouldn't she be aware of what falls within legal perimeter when it comes to publishing information?
I still don't like the stalkerish methods the author used. I guess it is possible that Kate has know all along who the author is, which would make it less creepy.
We may never know because the author implied that there was something Kate could do that would make the book go away. If the C&D doesn't hold up, maybe Kate will comply and either stop doing something or own up to something. Since the author has said that they only have the kids welfare in mind, wouldn't the goal be to not publish the book and have Kate change her behavior?
It doesn't appear that there is a publisher behind this helping to navigate the legalities of this type of book and Kate could force the author to spend money responding to the attorney. I have never heard of an attorney performing services in exchange for a cut of a self-published book--but maybe I'm wrong about that. All the attorneys I know would charge and hourly rate and require a retainer, to boot. So, I'm not holding my breath. In any case, the fact that the author let the countdown go on, knowing full well that he/she/they were not going to release any additional info irritates me and adds to my disbelief in their credibility.
Hi Sport,
It wasn't you they were talking about w/ old info. A troll posted about the article way upthread (or possibly last thread). It looked like the unfortunate "Oh, yes I did" troll. You just caught in the crossfire.
Has anyone asked this? I haven't read all the comments yet.
IF GosselinBook had NOT been served with a C&D what would have happened at zero hour last night, an installment of the book published on line, announcement that it's available for sale? The C&D came on 5/21. Why wait until zero hour last night to announce nothing was going to happen, why drag it out to the appointed hour. It just seems weird to me.
Memo to Bristol Palin, Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin:
Bristol, the only reason anyone knows who you are is because your mother was a vice-presidential candidate four years ago. Jon and Kate, the only reason anyone knows who you are is because you and your adorable toddlers (who are no longer toddlers) once starred in a reality show (which has since been cancelled).
You (and your children) are all very ordinary people with no talent to speak of. You cannot dance, act or sing. Your public speaking skills are non-existent. There is absolutely no reason for you or your kids to be on television, and wanting the money and fame which go with a TV career is, sadly, not enough reason for you to have one.
Please go back to living an ordinary life and stop begging for a reality show.
I think that Legal Field post has been deleted. I agree it was waaaay over the top and what was said didn't even make sense.
Thank goodness we have Admin to keep the crazy stuff at bay.
Best ignored and forgotten. Crazy dies without any attention.
Maybe the letter she sent off in the mail was a grifting letter to a law firm for free services.-lol
Permanent Name, thanks for the info; I didn't go back to see that is was deleted. Thank goodness for Admin!
You have a good point with all the religious quotations. But Jon is another 'suspect' as Kate no longer considers him 'family' ( said time & time again, the nine of us..., single parent).
The author said that Jon has nothing to do with the book.
I have to say that I wasn't all that interested in "The Gosselin Book" until the imbecile Kate tried to kabosh it. It did seem like a middle school prank with all of the, "just you wait" innuendo. But now I'm thinking, Ms.Gosselin might have something pretty serious to hide. One,two or MORE things to hide....Hmmmm~~ Count me in as someone who thinks Kate knows who the author is. She sure is spending a boat load of the kid's money trying to suppress whatever is in the book. She's sooooo transparent and yet she feels stealthy. What a fool.
I really don't know this, but I thought in cases like the Casey Anthony murder trial the attorneys had client sign over all publication, book, movie rights to attorney if client can't pay.
The attorney may want the 'notoriety and fame and future business' (is that the right word?) and is willing to work for basically nothing believing he can make up for it in the back end with a book.
Her first attorney, that Jose guy, sure made a name for himself with getting her off.
Am I remembering wrong?
I still don't like the stalkerish methods the author used.
What methods did they use? I thought they just interviewed people, and that's not really stalkerish.
The kids are old enough to go to the closet, pull out the batteries bin and get their own darn batteries for their own darn toys. What a control freak.
Great article Michelle.
IF GosselinBook had NOT been served with a C&D what would have happened at zero hour last night, an installment of the book published on line, announcement that it's available for sale? The C&D came on 5/21. Why wait until zero hour last night to announce nothing was going to happen, why drag it out to the appointed hour. It just seems weird to me.
Tweet -- I thought the same thing. It's a good question. I noticed that the tweet about the C&D letter was on May 21, with only a few tweets on May 27, and then nothing. I figured that the author was keeping quiet after receiving the letter so as not stir up anything with Kate's legal team who sent the letter. If the book wasn't going to come out, why not take down the counter at that point, considering it was being reviewed by the author's attorneys?
There must have been a reason...
Well, the domain name was purchased what? Two years ago? What would be taking so long? And I'm willing to bet that they don't have a publisher cuz a publisher would have lawyers who would cover this stuff for them.
I don't like the stalkerish methods either...the "31 days Katie, tell everyone the truth or I will". It seems to me to be harrasment and borders on blackmail in my mind. I don't know that someone who says they have the kids safety at heart would act like that. We all know that the stress that Kate feels from this will trickle down to the kids.
I wonder if it is someone at Kate's church. Maybe if the hairdresser stayed over the night before easter she might have gone to church with the family and the writer might have seen them there?
If there is a book, sell it and put it out there. If not, give it up. Kinda smells like that Walt?/Kelly guy.
Anyway, at least there's something interesting to speculate on in the world of Kate. Her tweets were getting boring!
I still don't like the stalkerish methods the author used. I guess it is possible that Kate has know all along who the author is, which would make it less creepy.
I don't understand this, Nurse. The author stalked someone? Who? Do you mean Kate was stalked? I think that the taunting and the "I know what you did" was a bit strange and unprofessional, but what was stalkerish about the interviewing process?
I wasn't referring to the methods for getting the information. I was talking about the "I know what you did" tone of many of the tweets, which I find to be quite threatening and genuinely creepy. They certainly rise to the level of some of the fan tweets that have been singled out by you and others as being stalkerish (is there a correct way to say this?)
Here are some of tweets that give some hint as to the intent of the author. The timeline is earliest on bottom, more recent on top. Full tweets can be viewed at .
He/she clearly states that if Kate gets out "in front of the story", "tell the world the truth" "I'd rather fade away". Also, the author refers to "You two better keep extra sunscreen handy. It's gonna be rough "and ":) love does amazing things to a person, doesn’t it?;) especially to a momma ;)" --No tweets to Jon, so "you two" infers that there is someone else that will be burning in hell with her. If this is all about a romantic relationship with Steve--what a let down! If there is someone else, or there is proof that she is gay, that could be a bombshell. I don't think that in this day and age, that most people still believe that an heterosexual affair condemns a person to hell. If so, then wouldn't Jon havee earned his place, too? Many of the remaining tweets were just quotes right out of the horse's ass, herself.
Honestly, I think that this person could be quite mentally unbalanced, as indicated by the creepiest tweet, "i believe that I was put in your path @Kateplusmy8 to help you. To save you. Your life will never be the same." I just don't think that this MO indicates a credible source. I wouldn't put it past many of the obsessed-- fans or haters, who are trying to write themselves into the story. If Kate does not know who this person is, I hope that the FBI has been made aware of this person.
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 27 May
@Kateplusmy8 ":) love does amazing things to a person, doesn’t it?;) especially to a momma ;)" @radar_online @usweekly
View details ·
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 14 May
I believe that I was put in your path @Kateplusmy8. to help you. To save you. Your life will never be the same.@radar_online @usweekly.
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Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 09 May
@Kateplusmy8 "The bottom line is you have to be responsible for ur own actions, and if ur actions get out of control, there's consequences."
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 08 May
@Kateplusmy8 @deannatweeting You two better keep extra sunscreen handy. It's gonna be rough. Revelation 21:8
View details ·
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 03 May
Get out in front of the story @Kateplusmy8 Clear your conscience & move on. Tell the world the truth. I'd rather fade away. @radar_online.
View details ·
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 03 May
@Kateplusmy8 49 days Kate. This will be the biggest Gosselin news since May 10, 2004. @radar_online @usweekly Psalm 31:18.
View details ·
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook 26 Apr
@Kateplusmy8 56 more days Kate!! It's not too late to change your ways. Follow us for updates!
View details ·
Tess said... 123
Hi Sport,
It wasn't you they were talking about w/ old info. A troll posted about the article way upthread (or possibly last thread). It looked like the unfortunate "Oh, yes I did" troll. You just caught in the crossfire.
What she said!
Sport, you just happened to bring up something that was already hashed over. I don't think anyone was being directly rude to you, just the general crankiness we all feel when a troll creeps out from under their bridge :)
Moose Mania said...Tweet -- I thought the same thing. It's a good question. I noticed that the tweet about the C&D letter was on May 21, with only a few tweets on May 27, and then nothing. I figured that the author was keeping quiet after receiving the letter so as not stir up anything with Kate's legal team who sent the letter. If the book wasn't going to come out, why not take down the counter at that point, considering it was being reviewed by the author's attorneys?
There must have been a reason...
Yes but other than keeping us all waiting, whatever could it be? Between the taunting of Kate and making the "announcement" at zero hour I'm very skeptical at this point.
Over In Berks said... 121
Didn't Jodi and Kevin say that some of the crew left because of something that happened on the set? Did they testify to it at the hearings? I'm trying to remember what it was and when it was...something about the film crew having a problem with what was going on. Was it ever made public what they saw?
I thought the way they worded it was that some of the crew felt they could no longer ethically stay on and film what they saw occuring. What they saw was never said (that I know of) but I do remember it being made known that there is alot of whatever was happening on film.
Permanent Name said... 131
I really don't know this, but I thought in cases like the Casey Anthony murder trial the attorneys had client sign over all publication, book, movie rights to attorney if client can't pay.
The attorney may want the 'notoriety and fame and future business' (is that the right word?) and is willing to work for basically nothing believing he can make up for it in the back end with a book.
I don't think that Casey Anthony and Kate Gosselin are in the same category in terms of interest. If there was an attorney involved, wouldn't this review already been done? All of the air has been let out of the balloon of the countdown publicity stunt. I just don't think that the author has financial resources or has had legal advice. That C&D came out a while ago--there has been plenty of time for a legal response.
But Jon is another 'suspect' as Kate no longer considers him 'family'
( said time & time again, the nine of us..., single parent). 106
I will bet that JON still considers himself "family" of his children.
And someome else noted that the author indicated that s/he is not Jon.
Yes but other than keeping us all waiting, whatever could it be? Between the taunting of Kate and making the "announcement" at zero hour I'm very skeptical at this point.
I hear you, Tweet. Much of this makes no sense, but I don't doubt that there is a book. What was supposed to happen at the Witching Hour? The book is released? Has it even been published, or is it still in manuscript form? It seems that the author is having fun with this, enjoying being anonymous, taunting Kate, carefully crafting words while not really saying anything. It's intriguing, but games get old after awhile. Perhaps all will be revealed in good time, but by then maybe the novelty will have worn off. People don't like being jerked around.
Gotta ask, since Disney literally wiped the Gosselin's holiday from the face of the video world, why in the heck would they ever want to associate with them now? Seriously, those 2 episodes are poof, gone, off with Elvis and Amelia Earhart. Which, now that I think of it, is where I'd like to send Jon and Khate.
I'm pretty sure that all of the lakefront in Chicago and suburbs is public.
Wonder what Milo is talking about? Could kate be gettting a show contract?Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 LOL Kate...a 62min half marathon 2get a shoe contract! U have ur work cut out 4U! Gr8 example 4all women/moms...U deserve one!
Wait when is the marathon thingy? I think I'm flying through Chicago next week for a wedding. Or was it Columbus? I'm a weary traveler. You would think I'm filming a reality show.
Could there have been an earlier pregnancy? Maybe even before Jon and Kate were married?
Admin-you mean the "Run with Kate"? It's July 22 in Chicago. By the way, one of her tweeties asked yesterday who was going to run, and nobody tweeted her back.
NT-Milo was responding to this retweet from Kate:
Runner's World@runnersworld
"In the U.S., a 62-minute half gets you a shoe contract. In Kenya, you take up another sport."
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
OT--Just read that the jurors in the Jerry Sandusky trial have reached a verdict. The verdict has not been read yet.
Please do not single out other fans or "haters" as authors of the book. This is not a blog to antagonize private individuals. When and if the person reveals himself then we can discuss them, otherwise I think we've exhausted the discussion of who wrote the book.
@Paige_Kate8fan nothing. Just extra busy w/ the kids at home now..Don't have an 8 hr break anymore :) congrats on finishing HS, old lady!:) 2 minutes ago
Ah, so she admits she gets an EIGHT HOUR BREAK every freaking day when they are in school.
Good grief Kate you poor thing not getting your eight hour breaks during the summer. It must be so very hard for you, especially not having to dump the little brats on the nanny and go to work for 10 hours every day too, poor thing!
By the way I love whoever started the "poor thing" thing lol. It just fits.
Okay, OT and on a happier note, my grandsons arrive tomorrow afternoon! We get them for a whole week and by next Sunday, in Kate speak, I know I'll be exhausted!
I've got there favorite snacks and their treat bags all ready, and a great surprise. One of my friends at work is a GREAT shopper. She finds the greatest stuff at the best prices. Well, she found a Fisher Price castle and dragons set. It has a 2 foot castle that lights up and makes all kinds of sounds and has secret compartments. Plus, she got all of the separate dragons and the boat that goes with it. The entire set (7 large pieces) had price tags on it for $135.00; she got the whole set on clearance for $55.00.
My boys have been into this stuff since they saw the movie How To Train Your Dragon. When she saw it she called me and I asked her to pick it up for me. Normally I don't spend this kind of money on toys for them, especially a non-holiday, but I just couldn't resist! Yes, I tend to spoil them "alittle". Don't scold me; it's a grandma's perrogative!!
Honestly, I think that this person could be quite mentally unbalanced, as indicated by the creepiest tweet, "i believe that I was put in your path @Kateplusmy8 to help you. To save you. Your life will never be the same." I just don't think that this MO indicates a credible source.
Nurse, I agree, and I thought the same thing when I was following the tweets. I figured at that time it was a hoax because no credible author works this way. In fact, it came to me as just stopping short of being blackmailerish (Kate word)...tell the truth now, and I'll go away. Something just doesn't sound right here. It's these taunting tweets that bother me.
It wouldn't surprise me if nothing came of this and no book is released, but if there is some sort of stalking involved, I would hope that the appropriate people have been made aware of it. It's just not something that you fool around with and ignore. If it's a joke, it's a pretty cruel one. The release of a tell-all book is one thing. The "world will know what you did" is quite another.
Moose Mania said...In fact, it came to me as just stopping short of being blackmailerish (Kate word)...tell the truth now, and I'll go away. Something just doesn't sound right here. It's these taunting tweets that bother me..
Why would an author write a 37 chapter book after "years" of research and offer to "go away" and let book die?
So funny. On Twitter the "haters" are talking about Sandusky verdict and fans are talking about shopping.
Tweet why am I not surprised.
I didn't understand his defense. Not that you can do much with that defense.
Tweet-le@S153: So funny. On Twitter the "haters" are talking about Sandusky verdict and fans are talking about shopping.
Because the fans only know the words Target, WalMart, KMart and have no idea what a Sandusky is? Do they think it's a discount grocery outlet?
LoveMyGrandsons said... 151
Enjoy your time with them. I can hear your excitement in your post. I get to see my grandkids in 3 weeks, and I can't wait.
And don't worry, you won't get any scolding from me!
Tweet-le==I would just love for one of her fans to ask what she thinks of the verdict. After all it did happen in PA, she should be well versed in it, right?
Ha ha-whom am I kidding?
To me it's pretty obvious why they don't want to talk about Sandusky. Because then they would be acknowledging that there are perfectly nice and normal looking men who love to be around kids because they are pedophiles, not because they just love kids.
They want to believe Kate that all of the men (STRANGERS) who want to be around the Gosselin kids or work with their videos are just nice normal men too and that no one would ever possibly think about anything abhorrent. Except, it happened. Bill Blankinship, sheeple.
Twittering, exactly. They're as vapid and uninformed as Kate.
A person wouldn't openly blackmail their victim- seems to defeat the purpose. I guess if they aren't doing it for money, then it doesn't really matter.
What is 'stalkerish' about this author or their tweets? Looks more like harassment.
LoveMyGrandsons, you sound like me when my gkids came out to visit at Easter! Have a fantabulousishly wonderful time!!
@lovemygrandsons That sounds so awesome! They will love it!
My boys are blessed with an amazing grandmother too (like your grandsons) and she spoils them like crazy and I love her for it. She's my MIL and although she can drive me a little crazy I just adore her for how great she is with my sons. Best grandmother ever! :)
Enjoy your week with your angels, and spoil them rotten with hugs and kisses and treats because thats your job as Grandma. :)
They are lucky to have you!
A Question, there's a difference between commenting on someone's public tweets to Kate, and without any evidence accusing that person of writing this book. One is comments on something concrete, the other is purely speculative and in my opinion unfair.
Kate is a twit, thanks for no scolding, but I'm sure you understand how grandparents are! Lol!
So glad to hear that you have a wonderful experience to look forward to in 3 weeks. How many grandkids do you have?
Butterfly 160 What is 'stalkerish' about this author or their tweets? Looks more like harassment.
Stalking is a form of harassment. Stalking means to harass someone with unwanted attention. In order to "stalk" someone you don't have to physically follow them around.
Blackmail doesn't have to involve an exchange of money to be termed "blackmail." Did you ever hear of emotional blackmail?
A question, give it a rest. Now you're comparing apples and oranges. Kate is a public figure. Huge difference. I'm asking people not to single out just the random fans or haters.
If you don't think this law firm is involved why don't you call them and ask. The author of the book provided you their contact information. Prove them wrong. Prove this firm has nothing to do with this. I'd love to see this debunked. Please do and report back here.
It's all over the internet how much this firm costs. Many of us have had experience with how much lawyers bill. The lawyer I worked for in Beverly Hills was a real bargain at only $350 an hour. These are not pie in the sky numbers, to hire this firm would cost thousands, at a minimum. So go call them up and assure me Kate never hired them, no one would be more relieved than me.
Tweet and canadianmom, thank you so much! Regardless of my daughter's objections (mild objections because she knows me), I do intend to spoil them because that's what grandmas do!!
Besides, I'd hate to be thrown out of the Universal Order of Grandmas because I didn't fulfill my responsibilities! Lol!!
I didn't understand his defense. Not that you can do much with that defense.
Admin...they are, of course, appealing. If you can't do much with the defense, what are they going to do with an appeal? What really irritates me to no end is "the wife." She knew. She HAD to know, or she's the dumbest person on the planet. The psychological denial theory just doesn't work. She didn't want to make waves and she wanted to maintain her lifestyle. Some think she's as guilty as he is.
a question 163 said
"But it's ok to copy, paste and make fun of Miloandjack?
I'm not being rude. I'm sincerely trying to figure out where the line has been drawn."
How many times have we heard this question- almost verbatim- 'not being rude' 'sincerely trying to figure where the line is drawn.'
and seems to be in reference to a sheeple most times.
Curious indeed. If the answer hasn't established by now, what else will it take? :)
Twittering we were just talking about how we wonder if they'll prosecute the wife at some point. Especially now that his son says he was molested too. I also firmly believe she knew. Or SHOULD have known.
It fascinates me how some women in these situations will call the cops the second they get an incline anything is off, and others will turn a blind eye for 20 years.
I vote for it being either a hoax or a wanna be writer.
It's not professional and has Junior High overtones.
The author is either playing a trick on everyone, or remarkably overestimating their own importance.
Tweet-le==I would just love for one of her fans to ask what she thinks of the verdict. After all it did happen in PA, she should be well versed in it, right?
She would say, I didn't even know him.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 165
I have 3 grandchildren-all my daughter's kids. One boy and 2 girls. The youngest girl will be celebrating her 1st birthday next month.
Ah yes butterfly, same old same old. It was followed by demanding to know how much money I make from this blog. I'll answer them: Enough to quit my day job, but not enough to put up with you.
What is it about these parents that the kids miss the travel so why don't they take them anywhere like other families do. why is it with them that someone always has to pay for them to go or do anything with the kids. Great way to raise them just remember when you want something have someone else pay. those kids are going to go thru life that they are entitled to anything they want which I'm sure they are told often. Those kids are going to be in for a wide awakening. I can see why they aren't around friends much cause I don't think they know what a friendship is you'll not going to get what you want everytime and I'm not sure they could handle being told no we are doing it this way.
This mysterious author does have a blog that you can leave messages and questions him/her.
I'm the one I think admin is talking about in 164. My post was obviously rejected because I believe I know who wrote it. How that can be "unfair" is beyond me since I purposely did not mention any names. I'll leave it at that, as I doubt this will be posted either. question, I am with you on your opinion. It is becoming hypocritical and there are some faves and some not so faves who get rejected. that's ok it's her blog but everyone has speculated as to who the writer is, even admin.
Sandusky trial, what can I say except that I am glad he was found guilty. My only other comment is what will the sentence be? I am one of those people that think the harshest sentences should be given to those who abuse children.
As the years go by, it is so evident that there is less respect for children in this society. They have no rights and are at the mercy of their parents, and sometimes that can be devastating for the children; just look at the money hungry parents who put their kids on reality TV shows. Then you have the whole issue of child pornography and forced child prostitution in third world countries. May the dear Lord forgive us for not protecting our children better. But how do we do it? I don'tr know the answer to that.
I expect to get flack for this comment and I don't care.
Kate's Day is Coming, I don't have any favorites. Um well except Auntie Anne I do really think she's funny and I always wanted an Auntie Anne. As I've said many times I have a blog helper, actually two now though one doesn't have much time anymore, and so half the time it's not even me deleting or rejecting a comment. Though I don't think the moderating girls (I always find them making out with the mowing boys behind the shed) play favorites either. I never had a problem with speculating who the writer is from the Gosselin "pool" of characters who put themselves out there (Jodi, Beth, etc.), I DO have a problem with singling out a fan or hater on twitter. Move on.
Sport - Sorry if it seemed you were being slammed. That certainly wasn't my intention nor do I think it was any others. It's not the first time outdated information has been shared here (nor will it be the last) and if anyone seemed to be defensive or quick to nip this in the bud it's because I don't think any of us want to see another Kate Gosselin rumor catch fire and spread across the internet on sites like Gather, etc. which can be notorious for not fact checking before posting information.
Please accept my apologies for any discomfort I might have caused you.
Kate is a twit, how wonderful! At 1 year old, it's such a wonderful age. They are just discovering everything around them and even the most mundane things are fascinating to them. I remember my boys being enthralled with how the cupboard door opened and closed, and that they could make it happen!
God bless you and your lovely family!
Some of my comments have not been published here- and I typically know why. Every single time.
In order to preserve the integrity of this Blog, Admin. has to confirm the facts, or not post the submission.
LoveMyGrandsons I was reading that a lot of sentences for various counts are mandatory so there might not be much discretion the judge has. I think he'll be locked away for life.
I kind of see what you are saying about the way we treat children. On the one hand I think we've come really far, on the other I don't think we've come as far as we think. I think we've come pretty far in terms of recognizing physical abuse of children, but when it comes to things that are harder to prove like sexual abuse and emotional abuse we don't seem to know how to handle it. And don't get me started on how we treat children who work.
Lovemygrandsons, I grew up without any grandparents so I just love watching "Nana and papa" spoiling my boys. Those boys can do absolutely NO WRONG when they are around.
They have 18 grandchildren and they all get spoiled (but I have a feeling my boys are their favorite, lol). There coming to town this weekend, my 8yo is getting an award at school next week and they don't want to miss it. I haven't mentioned it to him, I want him to be surprised when he sees them in the audience. :)
Kate is a twit, Awwwwww first birthday. Nothing cuter then watching a 1yo attack their bday cake!
Well, one of Kate's fans asked THE question. It's not one of her regular tweeties, so she'll probably just ignore it. Or she'll ask "who's Sandusky" or "huh"?
@Kateplusmy8 How do you feel about Sandusky?? That is happening in your state right? I'm glad he is guilty! So sad for those children.
Admin, you're right, in the 60's and early 70's child abuse wasn't even recognized/considered. So we have evolved, just not enough to my way of thinking. I'm a big supporter for childrens causes, obviously due to my background. Therefore, these issues tend to push my buttons more than others.
canadianmom said... 183
Yes, they are so cute, especially the look on their faces when they get their first taste of chocolate!!
LoveMyGrandsons said... 179
Thank you and the same to you and your family.
Administrator -- so your moderating girls make out behind the shed with the mowing boys! Shame on those naughty girls!
admin said,
"LoveMyGrandsons I was reading that a lot of sentences for various counts are mandatory so there might not be much discretion the judge has. I think he'll be locked away for life."
The discussion with an attorney was whether or not the judge could run the sentences concurrently, and the answer was that yes, he could do this. No matter what the sentence is, is a menace to society, a monster, and he'll remain behind bars, as he should.
"Twittering we were just talking about how we wonder if they'll prosecute the wife at some point. Especially now that his son says he was molested too. I also firmly believe she knew. Or SHOULD have known."
It also was mentioned that he took one of the victims to Florida and somewhere else, and it's possible that because they crossed state lines, he may be brought up on federal charges. They could also bring charges against him for molesting his adopted son.
"If you don't think this law firm is involved why don't you call them and ask. The author of the book provided you their contact information."
Does attorney-client privilege apply here? Would they even tell you if she's a client?
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