In other reality t.v. news, the latest reality show to exploit young children, Lifetime's Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, which features Bristol's three-year-old son predominantly, was a ratings flop. It barely broke 720,000 for the night. Bristol had no trouble helping the ratings when she was on Dancing With the Stars without her kid. Were there other factors involved, or are viewers finally sick of watching fame-whore mommies exploit their kids?
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Why does no one want to watch Mommy exploit me? |
1127 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1127 of 1127 Newer› Newest»She goes for a 9 mile run(which had to take at least an hour or more) and returns a 9:38pm. Who was watching the kids while she was out running? M & C? The tups apparently were still up, because she said she then tucked them in.
How safe is it to run along a rural road at night? I don't know -- I'm not a runner.
If the vinegar and baking soda wont get rid of the pet urine smell, try baking soda and water in a spray bottle, and spray the area, then put hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it over top. It works every time.
I had an area rug that had been professionally cleaned and the urine smell was still there. It was headed for the garbage. I took it outside, hung it over the fence, and sprayed the back side down really good with the baking soda water and hydrogen peroxide. The smell is gone, and no discoloration!!!
I also use this preparation on my pillows and bed mattress when I wash my sheets as the peroxide acts as a disinfectant and it seems to be helping with our allergies...I lightly mist the baking soda water, then the peroxide over the pillow and bed, let dry, flip the pillows and do again. Usually by the time the sheets are washed/dried, so are the pillows and mattress and smelling oh so fresh! There also seems to be no discolloration... I think it is because I am lightly misting the peroxide,or p[erhaps the combination with the baking soda water ??? Who knows but it works...if concerned I would color test a small area first...
Hi Sleepless, Have you tried Nature's Miracle?
After that, if it doesn't come out, I spray Shout on it and scrub with a scrub brush.
Sleepless, have you tried hydrogen peroxide? That's my go-to for any stains produced by a living creature.
This one is equally disturbing, especially if you read the profile and other tweets...
Watching my babies on netflix!! I miss @Kateplusmy8 =(
Doesn't this bother Kate at all? Wouldn't any normal parent be creeped out?
Hi Sleepless, Have you tried Nature's Miracle?
Yes, it didn't lift any of it. I didn't try the Shout, though. Thanks. I have wood everywhere in the house except my bedroom, and of course, that's where they chose to vomit. I had changed cat food because the store was out of their regular brand, and that's what happened.
Love the vinegar tips! The big corporations don't want us to know that old-fashioned cleaners are better than their costly, chemical-laden crap!
Here's another one I swear by to polish furniture: Take a soft white cloth and pour a liberal amount of olive oil on it. Then, squeeze a small amount of lemon juice on the oil (Sorry, but I don't really know the correct ratio. It doesn't really matter. Just don't use a lot of lemon juice). Wipe this on your wood furniture, then buff it off. You will get the most beautiful shine and patina on your fine wood! Try it on a small inconspicuous spot if you're nervous...I use this on my cherry dining set and my mahogany piano. Amazing!
Also, if you accidentally get minor water damage (like a glass ring) on your wood, use this same concoction on a cloth and place it over the damage. Put something heavy on top of the cloth and let the oil saturate the damage. This may take many hours or a full day. This has worked for me! Just last week I accidentally left a damp cloth on a wood nightstand. I used the olive oil/lemon magic and it got all the tiny ripples out of the wood!
Nothing is safe about it. It's not safe to run in an unpopulated area by yourself. Forget the slim chance you could get robbed, assaulted, kidnapped or worse. If something happens to you--you twist an ankle, lose your breath, have a heart attack, no one is around to help. This is exactly how a friend growing up lost his dad. He was 45, jogging in a very quiet park at night, had a heart attack, and wasn't found by anyone for at least an hour. Perhaps he could have been saved in that hour. He died.
Just as big of an issue is how dark rural roads can be with little to no shoulder. You can get hit by a car just like deer are hit by cars all the time. I grew up in an area similar to hers and of all the places I've lived I've found those roads the most dangerous. People get going on long roads with no stop signs or lights and they start going faster and after until they're plowing down the road at 80 mph or more. In fact of the three people close to me who have been in car accidents--one of whom was killed, was on a long rural road and two of them occurred within 20 feet of each other at the same spot!
It's just stupid to put yourself at risk like that. Does she blast her music too so she can't even hear them coming? She's like a teenager who thinks nothing will ever happen to her, just like with the speeding. Actually I just had an epiphany that this is just a manifestation of her stunted emotional immaturity. La-la-la I run at night it's sooo fun I love how cool it is and quiet. Not thinking for one second of all the serious and real dangers. This is when parents would step in and forbid it. Only, that's not going to happen here.
I had a thought regarding the Hoffman book and Jon's People interview. Hoffman claims to be Jon's friend, that they've been friends for two years. He also states on his blog that Jon had NOTHING to do with his book.
Could this be a Andrew Morton/Princess Diana scenario? Diana gave permission to her friends to speak with Morton and to share her version of events.
Could this be why Jon did People? After all, he apologized to Kate and took responsibility for the divorce. Is this to deflect attention from the book that includes perhaps insights from Jon? After all, it might be easier for some to give him a pass given that article last month.
Just a thought. I have to get back to folding laundry now, thank you very much. :-)
Oh the joys of motherhood..finish my run,tuck kids in, take a quick shower and am immediately alerted that I have a vomiting child upstairs!
....and yet I still take the time to tweet my little minions! Aren't I AWWesome?!
Seriously. What did she do? Throw one of her little yellow barf bowls and a blanket on the laundry room floor and go right back to twittering? The bitch debases motherhood.
"Nothing is safe about it. It's not safe to run in an unpopulated area by yourself. Forget the slim chance you could get robbed, assaulted, kidnapped or worse."
Admin, you are so correct about this. I do fear for her safety with her running habits. She announces, NATIONALLY, on Twitter, that she runs long distances. People can easily figure out where she lives. This is dangerous behavior that she shouldn't risk. At the very least, she needs to get a running partner or drive somewhere and run in a less isolated area. I'm sure people would ignore her, since residents of her area can't stand her. Maybe she does have a running partner that she doesn't talk about. I hope so.
I mentioned I put vinegar on my shopping list. I never knew -- hoping that I can remember all the great tips. Thanks.
Gonna' get a bigger bottle...(sorry. Jaws was on TV over the weekend.)
I can't figure Kate out: a companion is needed for travel, under the guise of bodyguard when she is surrounded by people who would never do her harm, yet she takes a risk running by herself on a dark country road. Something is missing here.
TLC Stinks - Agreed and also my child is up vomiting ohhhh need to tweet that to the fans. Do these children ever have a moment, a personal moment? It sounds like it hasn't changed one bit from the three years she lived in Westbrooke. I always hoped that after the show she would get her perspective back.....I still say these reality shows pick people who are willing to sell their souls for other's entertainment. Sad when the children had no choice but will have to live with the aftermath of this garbage, as sheltered as she seems to keep them, they will have to deal with it one day. Speaks volumes that the children miss the film crew, glad they now have the pool and each other. Westbrooke
Don't have a Twitter account and do not want one. But, how does one suspend haters (blocked?) and what need for fans to require legal help? Wouldn't this action greatly reduce the number of hits to Kate's twitter site? Please, someone explain to me how this all works.
I guess I watch too much Criminal Minds but I'm not going to run alone at night on deserted country roads. Ever. Even Steve wouldn't be much protection from some nut job in a car, with a weapon or just someone in a car that doesn't see you. I lost a friend recently in a very low impact pedestrian accident. Someone was making a right turn as she stepped into the crosswalk. The car was going no more than 15 mph but hit her just the right (wrong?) way and she's gone. Shit happens Kate. Be more careful and think of your kids. You are who you are but they would be devastated to lose you. Even a bad mother is better than no mother.
She said her kids get sick 1-2 a year...well, it seems much more frequently than that. I think maybe they have food poisoning from eating leftovers that may be spoiled...seriously. They say people get it all the time, sometimes not knowing it- just a mild tummy-ache. But these kids are vomiting a LOT. It's a bit of a concern. And yes, why twittering when she should be looking after the kids and doing the vomitous laundry- guess this gets her off schedule or maybe she waits till the signed sheet day...?
Hi - long time lurker - 2 quick tips
We have really hard water and my coffee maker builds up with minerals. Just run a pot of vinegar (add a few drops of pepermint oil to erase smell) and it will clean right up. Be sure to run some fresh water through after though.
To the lady with the mint plant on her sill that the cat gets into - try putting some pebbles on the top - you can still water but cat ignores this - I did this on a huge plant and it works.
Maybe she runs "laps" on the driveway. That would be more contained and somewhat safer. Who is watching the kids? Still thinking she has some live in help. Tweeting immediately after being informed she has a sick child -- can't think of the rationalization for that detail.
She is determined to attack another day and make it +. I like productive days also, but I do not approach my life as if it is a fierce battle. It always seems as if her children might be obstacles in her way to an Kate-organized day.
It is really a pleasure to see some new names of "lurkers" who pop up with great comments and tips. Hello, guys. Have a great day.
I use white vinegar on my stone walkway to keep grass and weeds from growing between the stones. Works like a charm.
I never buy cleaner at the store -haven't for years. Vinegar in a spray bottle with some dish soap- keep one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen.
Wow, I've gotta buy more white vinegar ...NQW!! Thanks for all the amazing tips....also to echo Dmasy, welcome to all the new contributors. Lovely to have you join the discussions.
I can't believe Kate is actually running 9 miles between 8:30-9:30pm. I think that distance (9 miles) is way too long for her to run her driveway.
Not only would she need a babysitter at home to watch the kids but my guess is she either is running with someone or someone is driving slowly by her side for protection. I use to have to walk at night for my back and my husband (bless his heart) would insist driving my by side. Maybe Kate is hiring an off-duty policeman or security guard to guard her runs at night. If not, this is one of the MOST stupidest things she does. Or maybe Steve was in town and he went with her.
And how stupid, stupid of her to announce it on twitter. And this wasn't the first time she tweets her night runs.
Maybe she is lying and tweeting this for attention hoping the tabloids pick up the story fearing for her safety.
And Silimom (post #2) interesting points about the Jon/Robert theory. It sounds plausible but we really don't know. Also, Jon is writing his own book so I don't know if he would want to spill info to Robert for his book.
"...haters getting suspended, and fans getting legal help" and kate tweets that it's wonderful?!? Really?
Can you imagine asking for legal advice on how to stop someone from saying things you don't like about someone else you don't personally know? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!
her fans are as nuts as she is!
And just as immature.
Anonymous said... 189
Why is this person still being talked about?? I know most of us can't stand her. She's like a drug. People can't get enough.. I'm no sheeple. I can't stand her. She will go away when we do.. See? My bad. Cuz here I am.
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
Oh god, I should have more coffee before I read her inane tweets and even more inane RT's. As god is her witness, she is going to have a + day and accomplish much. Who says stuff like this? And the RT - from a tweeter who says ( sorry I was trying to copy and her feed opened so I saw her 'profile' ) that she is fat, her son is fat and her husband sleeps in a seoarate room, in their pink house, and oh, she has a pink car. Who are these people, and how would she know anything about haters being blocked or fans getting legal help? But Kate, fool that she is, sends the crapola out as a RT and says Awesome. My head hurts.
And Kate, honey, you can't even get your hair fried without paid company, in daylight, but you tell your crazy twitter fans you are out running in the dusk/ dark? You are incredibly stupid to do that - running alone, and telling the world. Stupid.
I didn't read his article yet, but what I think is happening is that these two have NEVER supported these 8 children on their own. There has been assistance since day one and frankly Jon probably isn't making enough at a regular job to afford child support on that many children leading the lifestyle that they are. The truth is that the reality J&K are about to face is very hard. They should have saved every cent they made in anticipation for when the show was cancelled. Instead they dropped a bundle trying to look and act like "celebrities". It is a sad situation and in spite of myself, I feel sorry for them.
Re: she was "informed" that a kid was sick...
Doesn't that phrasing sound like one of the *employees* told her a kid was sick?
If it was one of the kids telling her, wouldn't she say, "I got back from my run and child A said that child B was sick." Or if it was a babysitter, she would have said "the babysitter said one of the kids was sick."
Tells you everything about her mindset. It was a lowly employee. Ms. Kid Watcher Lady.
So, tell many single moms do you know who can afford to hire someone to watch the kids while she goes out to run? Yeah. Me either.
I don't understand her tweet about fans getting legal this in regards to Twitter? She is so cryptic. I don't know what any of her sheeple (CJWhodunit in particular) could do legally. Admin?
I bet Steve is ride behind Kate on his scooter with his backpack.
Unless she lying of course and she just running on her treadmill.
AuntieAnn said... 19
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
I know that's why I'm sticking around!
Silimom, Hoffman said he kept notes. I'm thinking that by befriending Jon, he got some pretty good dirt on Kate. Jon has said he is working on his own book, so why involve himself with Hoffman who doesn't have a publisher. This way he can distance himself from any really bad stuff that may come out even if it's true because I don't see Jon dissing Kate too much in his book if he wants to continue seeing his kids.
When has Kate been known to tell the truth about anything.
I doubt she was running alone and I doubt they ran 9 miles.
That's another reason I'm still here...I'd like to see pap photos of her and Steve rocking the BBB on a side road in the bushes.
Twitter policy says:
Can I report something on behalf of my friend or a celebrity?
We’ll need to be in contact with the actual person or their authorized representative in order to investigate claims of violent threats, a breach of privacy, or an impersonation issue. While you may still want to report the content, please note we won’t be able to respond to third party requests.
Read some other policies and basically Twitter will not act as the bully police. And unless there is a violent threat, law enforcement won't get involved. Kate is talking out her butt. Twitter says people will have differing opinions and all you need to do is not engage.
AuntieAnn said... 19
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
That is exactly why I am sticking around. I just hope when it happens, and it will. That this site stays around. I love all the tips and info I get from all the posters on this blog. Not to sound like a sheeple but we have a family here that I would miss hearing from:)
TLc stinks said... 23
I don't understand her tweet about fans getting legal this in regards to Twitter? She is so cryptic. I don't know what any of her sheeple (CJWhodunit in particular) could do legally. Admin?
Once again, this is a RETWEET. Kate did NOT tweet it. It was originally tweeted by a sheeple (who is lying) just trying to intimidate the haters. Kate retweeted and tweeted the "that's wonderful" part. Some haters are also saying they're getting legal help. Both sides have been intimidating each other and saying they are getting legal help for OVER THREE YEARS. I wouldn't take any of it seriously. This is exactly why Twitter has the policy it does.
RT @CheapTricks33 the reason it is quiet on @kateplusmy8 twitter is bc haters getting suspended, & fans getting legal help. THATS WONDERFUL!
Actually, I'm surprised she didn't say that the her vomiting child missed the cameras chasing them around to get a close-up ala Rough Ride boat trip.
Random thoughts:
She is a liar! I don't believe anything she says and twitter is her new lying toy!
That's what happens when you lie you lose all credibility !
She is prepping her kids (braces) for future hopes of filming! She needs to read
what is happening to Teen Moms. Prison, jail, drugs not caring for their poor innocent babies!
Pictures on Radar not taken by pap( what's his name) I guess only she can exploit her kids!
People that come here and say to stop talking about her is exactly what she wants! These sites are a thorn in her side, especially this one! These site is from keeping her from succeeding with some ventures because they show that people still don't like her! She probably did the happy dance when Peesi closed shop!!
Have a nice day everyone!!
Actually, Kate is not talking out her butt (28); she is tweeting a RT and that person is talking out her butt about the Twitter legal police. Wait, perhaps that does mean Kate is talking out her butt since she believes all sheeple twats. OK, then.
Being 'informed' that a child was vomiting is again another weird use of language. But do note this morning it's all about how her night was not disturbed so all must be ok in the universe. I have felt all along that she never actually intended to mother her children, she was only going to manage the empire, starting with her/their egregious demands on the PA taxpayers, from her seat on the white plastic throne. Doubt TLC had a clue she had it all planned way back when.
PatK said... 25
I know that's why I'm sticking around!
Pat & Carezee
And wouldn't you like to stick around just long enough to see Anderson Cooper get her on his show to ask her, every time she says "um", why she says "um" so much? (with that devilish little smile on his face)
I would pay good money to see him wear her down, lie by lie by lie.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let's throw tomatoes said... 32
These sites are a thorn in her side, especially this one!
I know. Let's stick around to make sure we stay a thorn in her side.
Let's DO throw tomatoes!
You have a great day too.
For Sleepless - a product called Wine Out works really well for all sorts of red stains. Including those from, um, biological sources :)
chefsummer said... 24
I bet Steve is ride behind Kate on his scooter with his backpack.
HAHA, oh thank you for that laugh. Great image. Admin I'd love to see it here.
Mini Poll time. What book will see the light of day first?
A) Bob's
B) Jon's 'parenting tips'
C) Khate's Kooking
D) Cara's My Parent's Don't Care-a-Bit About Us
Once a Viewer said... 9 "She said her kids get sick 1-2 a year...well, it seems much more frequently than that. I think maybe they have food poisoning from eating leftovers that may be spoiled...seriously. They say people get it all the time, sometimes not knowing it- just a mild tummy-ache. But these kids are vomiting a LOT. It's a bit of a concern."
I have a relative who is a full-blown orthorexic- the unoffcial term for people who eat organically, etc. for the sole purpose of gloating about it. She needs to drive out of state to get to the nearest Whole Foods, in addition to shopping the local organic stores. Because it is so much more expensive, she admits she hates the food to go to waste. Her child often has what she calls "stomach bugs." The rest of us are convinced it's mild food poisoning. This makes no sense to me. If you want to buy food that has no preservatives for health reasons, you don't keep the unpreserved food around longer than what is safe and still serve it. Incidentally, this relative also had an eating disorder as a teen. She maintains a healthy weight now, but still obsesses over her food and that of her child.
I had a student this past year whose family was not only vegan, they only ate raw foods. This child was thin, gaunt, always tired and missed quite a bit of school due to illnesses. To each his own.... but I thought the purpose of these kinds of lifestyles was to reach the pinnacle of good health.
We've said it here many times... moderation, moderation, moderation. Read labels, choose foods that are minimally processed, visit your local farmstands, wash your hands, practice good food safety and cooking measures. There's no need to go to these diet extremes, which often result in poor health or sickness. My relative makes smartass remarks about the foods my kids eat and about how they eat fast food, yet I look at them and all three of them are brawny 6+ footers and are hardly ever sick. They eat a huge variety of foods and even like some veggies my DH & I don't care for!
I don't understand why some people feel like they have to be holier-than-thou and extremely restrictive to feel like they have power and control of their lives.
OK. I get it about retweets. But just the fact she retweets it means she is in " agreeance" with the statement. Pretty funny that she believes her sheeple are retaining lawyers because that is exactly what she did to Hoffman. Now everyone..."block the bullies and join our fun".
AuntieAnn said... 19
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
LOL! If I ever run into Kate (probably going to happen at Whole Foods one day)I'm totally torn between following her through the store singing the "Oompa Loompa" song or flour bombing her for Auntie Ann.
Carezee said... 29
AuntieAnn said... 19
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
That is exactly why I am sticking around. I just hope when it happens, and it will. That this site stays around. I love all the tips and info I get from all the posters on this blog. Not to sound like a sheeple but we have a family here that I would miss hearing from:)
Me too.
I learn so much from all of you-
not a dull, brainless cluck in the bunch.
Plus ya'll make me smile :o)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 30 "Once again, this is a RETWEET. Kate did NOT tweet it. It was originally tweeted by a sheeple (who is lying) just trying to intimidate the haters. Kate retweeted and tweeted the "that's wonderful" part. Some haters are also saying they're getting legal help. Both sides have been intimidating each other and saying they are getting legal help for OVER THREE YEARS. I wouldn't take any of it seriously. This is exactly why Twitter has the policy it does."
RT @CheapTricks33 the reason it is quiet on @kateplusmy8 twitter is bc haters getting suspended, & fans getting legal help. THATS WONDERFUL!
I did catch right away that Khate re-twatted this but seriously, what the hell??? Legal help against those who have a negative opinion of a washed up reality stah... lol.
Apparently, CheapTricks33 is one of CJs sock accounts. This person supposedly has 3 yr. old twins in addition to an older child. She seems to be on twitter 20 hrs a day. Nuff said.
Orthorexia is, essentially, a mental disorder. It cannot be compared to "normal" or even moderate eating habits, and it shouldn't be used as an argument to eat an unhealthful diet/against eating a healthy diet.
Your relative , if she is orthorexic, needs professional help.
As far as the vegan family, you have to be knowledgeable about food chemistry, for lack of a better term, to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.
I've been doing a tremendous amount of reading on nutrition for work, and all I can say is read labels, read labels, read labels, and do your own research. It is heartbreaking the "foods" that are permitted by the FDA. They really aren't foods, and all they do is CAUSE disease (which in turn benefits big pharma).
Tamara said... 36
Mini Poll time. What book will see the light of day first?
A) Bob's
B) Jon's 'parenting tips'
C) Khate's Kooking
D) Cara's My Parent's Don't Care-a-Bit About Us
Kooking; (I like that by the way!) and after it hits the dollar bin and she has finished her bleached stringy ummmm honestly media tour with her clubbing dresses up to her crotch, she wont care about anyone else's book.
wayward said... 37
I don't understand why some people feel like they have to be holier-than-thou and extremely restrictive to feel like they have power and control of their lives.
I'm sorry to say one of my daughters is like this with food ingredients and prep. And it really is just a control thing for her. She is downright embarrassing to eat out with. As her mother, I know why she does it and I dont really resent it. When she eats at my house, I offer more standard vegetables that I would otherwise and I am done with it. But being at HER house is like stepping through the looking glass. I have been tempted to hide a sandwich in my purse when I go over there.
This is a bit off-topic for this thread, but for some clarity, I watched (on Youtube) the first special that was aired when the tups were 16 months.
In my honest opinion, I thought Kate was very loving towards all the kids. I did not see any favoritism. She hugged, kissed, and talked to them in a very normal way. I thought she was affectionate and really loved those kids.
What was very "off" to me was her comment about the little ones napping from 12:30-4 pm. I do not know ANY toddlers who sleep that long in the afternoon, and I used to work in a daycare with that age group.
Also, the narrator stated that Kate took care of all the kids alone from 7 am to 7 pm, and that Jon watched all the kids, alone, when Kate worked on Saturdays.
Yet, there were closeups of several notes addressed to "Lunch giver", "Everyone" and she had a crib and highchair map of which baby went where. So the lying began from the very beginning. So although this has been discussed to death on the blog, I had to see it for myself.
Again, she did seem like a normal mom to me back then in terms of affection.
I wonder if Kate realizes, or cares, that she has already created a 'forbidden fruit' (excuse the pun) mentality in her children. As soon as they are out from under her shackles most of them will gorge on everything she has forbidden, especially quantity.
I know she doesnt really care about their long term physical or mental health, she is only concerned about controlling them and being powerful in the here and now, and concerned that people see her as a martyr with expensive standards. But at some point she is still going to look at her favorites and wish they werent embarrassing her by being her antithesis.
Some guidance on what’s better to buy organic:
wayward said...Apparently, CheapTricks33 is one of CJs sock accounts. This person supposedly has 3 yr. old twins in addition to an older child. She seems to be on twitter 20 hrs a day. Nuff said
I'd sure like to know how people figure this stuff out. I take all the names of "socks" with a grain of salt unless there is absolute proof and that goes for fans and haters guesses. It's easy enough to figure out it's one of Kate's few remaining die hard fans but which one, who knows for sure?
It's interesting that whoever it is doesn't mind lying to Kate by saying the haters are getting suspended.
What's really noticable is that when Kate puts out one of those inane tweets she doesn't get nearly the same amount of replies as she used to.
thanks for the pic link, Aggie and Chef. Ugly as usual but had to see it!
How the hell did I live to 72 without this twit's advice? Oh, I's either common knowledge or worthless.
Give it up, Kate, you are not all that and a bag of chips and your kids, thanks to your wonderful upbringing, have even less to offer.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 38
Carezee said... 29
AuntieAnn said... 19
Well, speaking for myself, I'm kind of hoping that if I stick around long enough I'm going to see her get flour bombed. Silly I know, but I'd still like to see it.
That is exactly why I am sticking around. I just hope when it happens, and it will. That this site stays around. I love all the tips and info I get from all the posters on this blog. Not to sound like a sheeple but we have a family here that I would miss hearing from:)
Me too.
I learn so much from all of you-
not a dull, brainless cluck in the bunch.
Plus ya'll make me smile :o)
Ditto! I love the OTs we get onto here as well as the Kate drama!
Oh- just purchases a very large bottle of white vinegar at WalMart this AM :)
Does anyone know if it kills weeds on brick paths- don't want to damage the path.
wayward said... 37
I don't understand why some people feel like they have to be holier-than-thou and extremely restrictive to feel like they have power and control of their lives.
Oh wayward, you are so dead on as usual. I have those very people in my family too.
I think back when Kate... er...invited figure 8 films to come into her house to film her family, someone, Jen probably, asked her to come up with something that would make her look like a unique super extra special caring mommy. So Kate thought and thought and thought some more until finally she remembered that once she bought a bag of organic flour on sale on the bargain shelf and then *bink* this little 15 watt light bulb came on over her head and she blurted out that she liked to cook healthily organic meals for Jon and the kids. And the lie was born.
I don't think Kate knew then, or knows now, a damn thing about cooking. I doubt if she knew anything more than to boil some water and mix it with rice pablum. Sure she might have thrown a meatloaf together but who can't do that? This is the same person who was going to include a recipe for pot roast in her first non-existant cookbook. Who the hell needs a recipe for pot roast? This is the same woman who makes "annual soup". Please. Who the hell makes soup on an "annual" basis? This is Kate Gosselin. She's lazy. She probably had Jon's mother cook for her and Jon's dad deliver the meals. She's been waited on all her life.
This whole organic thing is another one of her made-up-for-reality-steaming-pile-of-horse-manure stories, because as we all know Kate's got nuthin' to offer. No thing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G going for her in the talent department. It takes some talent to feed a family nutritiously and she doesn't do that. We have the pictures to prove it.
Again, she did seem like a normal mom to me back then in terms of affection.
The clip of her pinching the hell out of one of the girls tups while she was in stroller must have been in another episode.
Infrequent poster said... 42
This is a bit off-topic for this thread, but for some clarity, I watched (on Youtube) the first special that was aired when the tups were 16 months.
Yet, there were closeups of several notes addressed to "Lunch giver", "Everyone" and she had a crib and highchair map of which baby went where. So the lying began from the very beginning. So although this has been discussed to death on the blog, I had to see it for myself.
That's interesting...I haven't seen that clip (didn't watch the show in the beginning either).
Can you provide a link to this? I'd like to see it!
Kate's a real tool, isn't she. It just boggles my mind that Jon and Kate couldn't afford the twins they did have,yet decide to have 'just one more'...where'd they think that extra income was going to come from?
It irritated me further that she only fed her family organic, couldn't afford it out of her own pocketbook, yet used other's donations to do so. What nerve!
wayward, excellent post at #37. And I agree with you completely. I think they are eating something that does not agree with them, whether it's some kind of unfriendly bacterium or some kind of food sensitivity. And I hate food snobs. I was vegetarian for 13 years. That did not mean my dinner partner had to be one too. They could eat steak if they wanted.
I've already shared this story once, but I'll share it again with apologies. I went to a conference retreat center with a woman who was
a real snob about food. At the lunch and dinner tables she commented on every plate that was put down in front of a person. "Fat, fat, fat!" she's screech. "Sugar, salt and fat is all that is in that meal. How can you eat that stuff?" she'd challenge. She sololiloquied all about her heart healthy/no fat or sugar diet. Turns out she was my roommate. I decided to drink water instead of my normal coke that night, just to shut her up.
When I was getting ready for the morning schedule, she was already gone. I went down to breakfast and she was already harping on the bacon, eggs and buttered toast others were eating while she ate her plain oatmeal. I sat down and said as sweetly as I could "Well, I hope those 2 Snickers bars you ate during the night were fat and sugar free!" Stupid woman had left the wrappers on the top of the garbage can in the bathroom. She left the table and had nothing to say about food during lunch.
Infrequent Poster, welcome. It has been said that Kate loves babies, but as soon as they begin to grow up, she's happy to pass them off or get some new ones. (Hence her thought of adopting another baby, was it from "Korea"?)
Also, it has been said that her favorite mothering task is to leave notes for others to follow when they are raising her children.
Is that all true? I don't know, but that's one of the persistent rumors.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 49
Again, she did seem like a normal mom to me back then in terms of affection.
The clip of her pinching the hell out of one of the girls tups while she was in stroller must have been in another episode.
The one where Alexis (?) licked her hand-sanitized palm? Yes, you could see how she rubbed the spot and was in real pain.She was also told she might die from that little lick of her hand. That was the children's amusement park- forget the name-(was it Dutch Wonderland?) where Mady thought the rides were babyish, and Kate was scared on the whirly -turtle ride and called for Jon to stop it.
I think TLC told Kate to show affection at random times as the kids often looked surprised and didn't react other than to stiffen up.
Here are my thoughts on Kate prepping a certain child/children for future opportunities.
I came across commercial for Oxygen's The Next
Big Thing show and from there visited the web site. Reading a particular bio of one of the child participants of the show reminded me of some recent tweets from the twit. Does the phrase "triple threat" ring a bell to anyone? How about her dropping a "sealed with a kiss" dream package in the mail?
I would bet a dollar she has her eyes on something like this, if not this. It wouldn't surprise me because the show, which I haven't seen, also deals with stage moms, right up her alley.
If that is what she is trying to do, she better pony up for some major voice, acting, dancing lessons and get additional experience in theater, etc.
Yeah, I guess it would be a dream in the mail.
Its quiet on twitter because people are losing interest in this stupid ass. She's not even worth insulting anymore. I know I'm losing interest....little by little I just don't care anymore. It's all been said a thousand times. I say leave her alone with those loons(fans)on twitter. They'll get bored fast without the "haters". Hopefully she will find a dark cave somewhere and never come out. BTW....those idiots have money for lawyers to fight twitter haters. Ha Ha...thats a good one....they should really spend their money on some teeth....hew haw...
AggieMom: Just go to YouTube. In the search box, type in "Jon and Kate Surviving Sextuplets and Twins, parts 2-6". It will pop up.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB: Ha I didn't see the pinching scene in the clip I watched!
Also, I was struck by how lovely their first home was. I think this is the home that was remodeled, FOR FREE, for the special. Yes, it was a bit tight, but still very functional. Yet Kate complained about it being too small and "the noise is deafening" in the clip. What a tool...
Once a Viewer said...The one where Alexis (?) licked her hand-sanitized palm? Yes, you could see how she rubbed the spot and was in real pain.She was also told she might die from that little lick of her hand. That was the children's amusement park- forget the name-(was it Dutch Wonderland?) where Mady thought the rides were babyish, and Kate was scared on the whirly -turtle ride and called for Jon to stop it.
I think TLC told Kate to show affection at random times as the kids often looked surprised and didn't react other than to stiffen up.
Yep, that's the one. That baby screamed in pain and rubbed her arm. It was awful to watch.
And when Kate was yelling at Jon on that ride. WTH? I guess she was so used to yelling at Jon by that time that it was just what she did at every possible opportunity, appropriate or not.
Where were Kate's adoring fans when that was going on -- up raiding the pantry for more Twinkies?
Exterior Designer Extraordinaire said... 40
LOL! If I ever run into Kate (probably going to happen at Whole Foods one day)I'm totally torn between following her through the store singing the "Oompa Loompa" song or flour bombing her for Auntie Ann.
Exterior - If it's not too much trouble, could you do both? I would be eternally grateful :o)
You realize of course that you will now be on purseboy's watchlist and the sheeple will be filing a detailed report that we're planning a flour bomb.
So are you saying Kate and CJwhodunit are in cahoots with that RT? I bet they email each other. What's a sock?
aggiemom09121416 said... 54
Kate's a real tool, isn't she. It just boggles my mind that Jon and Kate couldn't afford the twins they did have,yet decide to have 'just one more'...where'd they think that extra income was going to come from?
But aggiemom, she didn't want "one" more. That's why she wanted to get her eggs primed. It's been surmised that her plan was to:
1) lie to Dr.
2) trick Jon
3) become pregnant with HOM
4) grift for freebies & donations for said HOM
5) send the "life with multiple babies" video to production company
6) get rich & famous as a result of #5
7) never work another freaking day of her life
Kanedee said... 58
I came across commercial for Oxygen's The Next
Big Thing show and from there visited the web site. Does the phrase "triple threat" ring a bell to anyone?
Yes, the theory that the 'sealed with a kiss' mailed package might have been a demo tape of 'triple threat' Mady who can apparently sing, dance and act well could be true. Like the Von Traps (sic)
Does anyone know if it kills weeds on brick paths- don't want to damage the path.
I have used it on my front walk and it does not seem to have done anything to the bricks. You do not have to use it often - maybe twice a summer here in the NE.
That's another reason I'm still here...I'd like to see pap photos of her and Steve rocking the BBB on a side road in the bushes.
Or kicking up some straw in the ol' chicken coop!
@Kateplusmy8 I forgot to tell you, I think I did awesome on my English exam! :) yay
Probably so, if it's graded by the same teacher who slapped the stickers on that pathetic essay she wrote.
KAT said... 59
Its quiet on twitter because people are losing interest in this stupid ass. She's not even worth insulting anymore. I know I'm losing interest
I agree with you, seems like twitter is calming down some...and I would agree that it's lack of interest.
I read here more for what the posters say than what Kate is actually doing.
So many smart witty people here, they've all given me lots of laughs! :)
infrequent poster said... 60
thanks for the info, I'll have to look at those when I can squeeze in some time early tomorrow morning,lol..summers are crazy!
Post more, it's always good to see new people pop up, they bring new things and ideas to the table, as it were.
There's a recap of the first special at
What really gets my goat is that Yon and Khate had 64,000 dollars when they were begging people and telling people their electricity was about to be turned off. They wouldn't spend it because they said it was "theres" and everyone else should have to pay for the tups. That Reading journo was right, they were evil and greedy from the beginning.
A question about killing weeds with vinegar. Do you dilute it or use it full strength?
Also I have a sister-in-law that loves babies. she had 3 of her own and 3 adopted. She was very affectionate and loving when they were babies. As soon as they became toddlers she couldn't be bothered. I don't know if this means anything but she is also bipolar.
My eldest daughter tried to maintain a STRICT vegan diet while a teenager and through her early years at college. The reason: she was in middle school and her dearest girlfriend had PKU disease. When the friend was at my house (often) I was very strict with what I prepared and served for the kids. However, my dtr did adhere to my strong advice that she at least eat cheese and eggs, which she did at home once a day. The two girls were later roommates at college so the diet continued.
Of course what big sister does, my next two daughters had to mimic, and the 2nd eldest has been vegetarian, but not vegan. When they were trying to restrict their protien, they were so pale and tired all the time, I found myself either sneaking cheese and eggs into dishes or battling them to eat protein. Eventually it all faded away, except for my 2nd one, who now will eat a little organic turkey, and lots of cheese, eggs, and MILK!
My point is, i have some experience with teens that try to restrict their diets and they arent very healthy.
By the way, I am still very close to the gal who has lived with PKU, she maintained the diet up through her healthy pregancy, and is now more lax with it.
HunnyBunny came home from work and is insisting there was something on the radio on the drive home about Lisa Jo Druck (made up name: Rielle Hunter) trying to shop her child and herself around for a reality show, about raising her child in the limelight of the media. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
That child is the woman's ongoing ticket to media attention I guess. Dis-gust-ing.
Once a Viewer said... 61
Kanedee said... 58
I came across commercial for Oxygen's The Next
Big Thing show and from there visited the web site. Does the phrase "triple threat" ring a bell to anyone?
Yes, the theory that the 'sealed with a kiss' mailed package might have been a demo tape of 'triple threat' Mady who can apparently sing, dance and act well could be true. Like the Von Traps (sic)
Triple Threat Mady's success is KATE's dream?
Whatever will Kate do if Mady is told she's "not good enough" again? My heart continues to bleed for these children. What is MADY's dream, please?
I just have to comment on some of the latest pics of Kate and Mady on ROL. I think they were getting ice cream or something. Anyhow, it seems to me that Mady sure is getting a certain look about her when she knows there is a photographer around. It's that smirky look. I have a daughter exactly that age down to the same month BTW, and when she started giving me that look a while back, I nipped it in the bud really fast. It just comes across as very snotty, snooty, and disrespectful. Lets just say that she no longer gives me that look, let alone anyone else. I guess Kate taught her that look or continually gives her the impression that yes, my child, you ARE better than anyone else.
Alrighty vent over (for now).
Kelly H:
Thanks re: brick path advice! I'll try it. I live in the NE too btw!
Once a Viewer said... 57 "The one where Alexis (?) licked her hand-sanitized palm? Yes, you could see how she rubbed the spot and was in real pain.She was also told she might die from that little lick of her hand. That was the children's amusement park- forget the name-(was it Dutch Wonderland?) where Mady thought the rides were babyish, and Kate was scared on the whirly -turtle ride and called for Jon to stop it."
Ahhh.. Dutch Wonderland. My oldest pronounced it "Dush Wonderwand" when he was little. It was and I believe still is geared towards little ones. It was a nice place to take preschoolers. To be perfectly honest (lol) only Kate could be miserable at a dear little place like that. Sheesh.
I have been using the vinegar tips ALL day! Thanks.
Auntie Ann and Exterior
"or flour bombing her for Auntie Ann"
Might I suggest you use a 50 lb. bag of King Arthur organic wheat flour?
What really gets my goat is that Yon and Khate had 64,000 dollars when they were begging people and telling people their electricity was about to be turned off. They wouldn't spend it because they said it was "theres" and everyone else should have to pay for the tups. That Reading journo was right, they were evil and greedy from the beginning.
Yes, I remember this. It was the equity that they had built up in their home. But instead of using "their" money she went to court to ask for her nurse to continue for another year on a p/t basis and have the state pick-up the cost.
Thank you guys for your nice comments about my food post!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry, I just had to... lol)
Sometimes when I hit publish I think "oh God, did I sound preachy again?" I don't have all the answers and I'm not a shining beacon of motherhood. I just have a hard time with the peeing on my leg & telling me it's raining, just like fidosmommy's friend with the Snickers bars (I hadn't read about that before and I laughed...!)
I have a hard time with extremeism that does the opposite of what it's supposed to + causes other side issues. It's why I have such a hard time with Kate and why I'll be here until those kids get some justice. They have been exploited mercelessly to provide their mother with a celeb lifestyle and she sits on twatter everyday insisting she's mother of the year. No, really Kate, you're pissing on my leg right now- it's gorgeous and sunny out there's not a drop 'o rain in sight.
It has been so nice hanging out with you wonderful ladies (and gentlemen) since school got out and I also want to thank Admin for being so lenient when we go off-topic. That's when all the good tricks & hints come out! I'm heading to Walmart right now and 2 big bottles of vinegar is on the top of the list!
This is interesting. Jon is having a press conference with Rabbi Schmuley tomorrow to help Schmuley in his campaign for Congress.
Wonder if Jon will mention Kate's refusal to get marriage counseling.
I love all the vinegar tips, especially the brick paths! I pity all the memories Kate made for the kids when they were so small, they were never allowed to have fun, just put on a show.
P.S. also from NE
Dmasy said... 76
I have been using the vinegar tips ALL day! Thanks.
Me too! and for good measure, I polished my faucets with a used dryer sheet.
Dmasy: LOVE your pro picture, hehe. That's the size I bought today for $2.38 at Wal-Mart.
Just a M and a G: :) We have a good representation here from the NE!
Stressed and scared kids can also vomit because of nervous tummies. Or from stuffing themselves full of 'un-allowed' foods. Didn't one of the girls used to make herself sick when her parents were leaving?
I thought the $$$ Jon and Kate had was Jon's inheritance from his father. I had no idea they had all that money solely in equity.
I'm all ready for the fourth of July! Me and my chicken, that is...
Me and my chicken? Oh, Kate, weren't you the one who was always correcting Jon on his grammar?
heather said... 43
Orthorexia is, essentially, a mental disorder. It cannot be compared to "normal" or even moderate eating habits, and it shouldn't be used as an argument to eat an unhealthful diet/against eating a healthy diet.
Your relative , if she is orthorexic, needs professional help.
Heather, you are so right. Orthorexia is a term that was coined by Dr. Steven Bratman in 1997 to describe people who go to extremes with supposed "healthy" eating. I believe he called it an "unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food." It is not included in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), maybe because there is not agreement on whether it is an eating disorder or a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. As wayward said in her post upthread, it seems that Kate's unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food is a way to make her feel and sound superior to the rest of us lowly, mediocre folks.
Kate has a lot of issues that really seem like they require intensive psychiatric care. It is quite sad that she is too proud to admit that such care could really benefit her and, ultimately, greatly improve her interactions and relationship with, and ability to care for, her children.
I have a hard time with extremeism that does the opposite of what it's supposed to + causes other side issues.
I remember Barry Goldwater's extremism comment: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice...moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
When it comes to justice for these kids, there should be no moderation, pretending that exploitation doesn't exist.
Anonymous said... 43 "As far as the vegan family, you have to be knowledgeable about food chemistry, for lack of a better term, to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.
I've been doing a tremendous amount of reading on nutrition for work, and all I can say is read labels, read labels, read labels, and do your own research. It is heartbreaking the "foods" that are permitted by the FDA. They really aren't foods, and all they do is CAUSE disease (which in turn benefits big pharma).
Heather, did you have a chance to look at the book, The China Study? I totally agree with everything in your post. I think a vegan diet is completely healthy if a person is careful. It is just too hard-core for me.
If people just read labels and LOOK at what they're actually eating (ie: processed foods), they can make informed decisions about their diets. I've stated before that I don't think Kate's diet is bad, it is simply too low in calories/healthy fats. I try to stick to semi-vegetarian (a little fish, cheese,and eggs), lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and as little processed food as possible. I feel great, and I eat when I'm hungry.
Kate is a twit said... 80
This is interesting. Jon is having a press conference with Rabbi Schmuley tomorrow to help Schmuley in his campaign for Congress.
Wonder if Jon will mention Kate's refusal to get marriage counseling.
This is very interesting. It shows how Jon thinks people are too stupid to remember that he said in a TV interview that Kate REFUSED to go to a marriage counselor. He was more than willing to go (not with fame hog Dr. Shill) but Kate REFUSED. She was worried about their BRAND not their finances. MONEY had NOTHING to do with it. These two moron's were rolling in dough then. Gov't assisted counseling would have changed nothing....According to Jon himself! Personally, I think that Rev. Schmuley should look elsewhere for a political ally. Jon's reputation is sullied. People don't take him seriously.
Whoops! I meant Rabbi Schmuley not Rev.
SHOULD read:
I dont say it nearly enough, I appreciate each of you. You are brilliant, witty, insightful, mature,and savvy. Full of life's learnings and never afraid to ask when you dont know! Thank you to Admin for allow these e-exchanges to progress like they do.
I dont know why blogger felt the need to rearrange my sentences and my trashcan is missing again so I cant delete the jumbled post. Grr...
Oh no, oh nooooooooooooo.... just posted kart's July 4th flag cake, the one with blueberries and strawberries on the icing.
I can not believe it! They didn't give her any credit AT ALL!
Do YOU believe it?
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! I will never look at that cake again without thinking of her saying she 'invented it'...... ha! Just like Al Gore invented the internet.........
Someone with a twitter account should twit her and advise her of this egregious theft of HER idea!
And I see from above that she is still greeting new tweeters with her gracious message of 'block the haters'.
She'd fit right in down south with all the gracious, sweet ladies with class... NOT!
Sad to say I've come to calling her loose screw kart around home (sad because I talk about her at all). She gets included in my diatribes about the sad state of the entertainment industry these days. her and lohan... although I don't figure lohan will be around much longer.
She's a toe-tag waiting to happen. It's only a matter of time with her. And then all the folks will shake their heads and say, 'so sad, we saw it happen - why didn't someone do anything' and those of us who count ourselves among the normal will tsk tsk and graciously keep our mouths shut.
Kate is a twit said... 80
This is interesting. Jon is having a press conference with Rabbi Schmuley tomorrow to help Schmuley in his campaign for Congress.
"Gosselin will speak about his life, the disintegration of his marriage on national television and how tax deductible marriage counseling could have saved it, and the help he has received from Rabbi Schmuley,”...
Tax deductible sessions were not going to save that marriage. A wife who was willing to get counseling might have helped though.
Just when we thought they were going to go away....
Oh dear me,
Just after I made the post about lohan heading for the final inevitable disaster, I found some photos on of a photo shoot she did with some guy at a hotel.
Fair warning, dlisted is a nasty talking site, but if you like "edgy humor and snark" you might not be offended.
The photos show her with a ciggie hanging from her duck lips and pointing a gun to her head, her mouth and under her chin.
In such poor, poor taste!!!! It's crap like this that makes me sad for our kids who might grow up thinking this is normal and entertaining. I'm sure lohan thought she was quite the clever one when she posed for these.
I'm sure there are kids who watched her movies "Herbie" and "Parent Trap II" who would still think she's nice. Hopefully their parents know better and don't let them follow her on twitter or otherwise.
What idiots we live among in this country.
Sad, sad, sad.
And karma always comes full circle - for being so snide about lohan and kart, a spider bit me on the forearm and now I have a red raised circle the size of a half-dollar with a white raised center and a pinhole in the middle. Burns and itches like hell. See, I've been punished for my snarking.
Guess I'll just go put ice on it and some hydrocortisone ointment.
My own fault; Ms Manners got annoyed with me and sent the spider.
Hard to believe Ms. Manners is mean, isn't it?! LOL
I'll have to go sit in the corner and be quiet now..... geez, it hurts! Never even saw the spider or felt it. Sneaky little bugger...............
Can anyone tell me how Jon talking about his divorce THREE YEARS AGO has anything to do with the Rabbi's campaign for congress?
I'm not seeing the connection. Could be I'm just dumb, or that they spider? bite has dulled my thinking process...
Surely they cannot be "proud" of it; surely they must be just using this one exciting event in their lives for greed and fame.
Sad, sad. I thought Jon was a bigger person. This sounds just like something kart would do/will do again and again.
And that rabbi - shame on him for using Jon like this. Makes me think right off the bat that he doesn't have the smarts or ethics to be a congressman.
Oh wait..........
Permanent Name -- Do you live where there are Brown Recluse spiders? That bite sounds extreme. Don't wait too long before you get medical help if the red area keeps expanding.
Take care...
Permanent said,
"See, I've been punished for my snarking.
I'll have to go sit in the corner and be quiet now..... geez, it hurts! Never even saw the spider or felt it. Sneaky little bugger..............."
Ditto. I'll sit there with you. Someone is punishing us. I looked at my arm this morning and thought...what the heck? A huge spider bite. I never felt it. It looks nasty and itches like all get out...
I got it after dinner laying on the carpeted family room floor doing sit-ups. At least, I didn't have it at dinner then finished sit-ups and scratched my arm because it itched, then lo and behold, a boo-boo.
It's now got a firm lump under the skin about the size of a lima bean but the itching/burning has stopped. Well, the ice and cortisone have been working I guess I should say.
Would a brown recluse spider be wandering around the house in the middle of the family room? I don't know where they hang out, although I've heard of them.
Thank you for your concern! You're a sweetie. My DH looked at it, said 'huh' and went to bed.
Men! SOL (means sighing out loud).
Yep, we'z bad! :-)
I hope your spider bite quits itching. Try ice and cortisone cream. So far it's working for me.
@AndreaCederholm ohhh no! Nala was one too many dogs for us! :( Shoka is happy here and she is happy w her new family! All's well!
Didn't Kate tweet a while back that they'd be getting Nala back in the spring? Anyone remember that, or have I lost my mind?
Ditto. I'll sit there with you. Someone is punishing us. I looked at my arm this morning and thought...what the heck? A huge spider bite. I never felt it. It looks nasty and itches like all get out...
They don't call Kate "Lolth" for nothing! ;o)
Permanent Name -- I second Dmasy's caution! The first thing I thought when I read your description of the bite is Brown Recluse Spider. Those bites are VERY SERIOUS! Please see a doctor or go to the ER tomorrow if it's no better. Their venom can cause tissue death (necrosis). If you develop nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and/or fever, get yourself to the ER NOW! Don't apply heat to it. Ice is good. If it's very painful, Tylenol can help. Don't use the hydrocortisone cream. If you have already, wash it off. Good luck. Hope it's much better tomorrow (If you think I'm being an alarmist -- a friend of mine was bitten on the hand by a Recluse last year and wound up being hospitalized for a week and having to have 2 fingers amputated). Better safe than sorry!
Wait a minute!! Permanent Name and Just cruising got spider bites for snarking on Kate !
Kate got super rich and famous for, well you all know what she's done!!
Karma you've got it all wrong!! Go back to karma school and learn how to do your job right!! LOL
Feel better!!!
The Lohan situation begs the question if one or more of the G kids grow up to be addicts, abusive and/or straight out wild in a way that injures themselves and others, how much leeway should they be given?
Ah sweet, GN's from her grifted Ipad, night comes to the land of Gosselin.
And that rabbi - shame on him for using Jon like this. Makes me think right off the bat that he doesn't have the smarts or ethics to be a congressman.
Jon's a big boy. No one is responsible for his stupid decisions but himself.
Does he not see how every time he gives an interview or agrees to some lame ass scheme that it reminds the general public of his kids.
And then the inevitable "Whatever happened to those kids..." googling starts.
Hey Jon? Shut up and go away. If you love your kids you'd keep your mouth shut. Sheesh. Anything for attention, just like his stupid ex wife.
Kate is at least the third narcissist I'm aware of who loves babies but fast loses interest when they start talking and become their own people--which is funny because that's the moment when I think babies are the most interesting and exciting, getting to see the people they are becoming.
Permanent Name -- I know that the Brown Recluse usually hides somewhere and won't bite unless you make contact with it. I have a two friends who have been bitten. One spider was in the toe of a shoe the other in the corner of dresser drawer. Both friends had a long and complicated recovery.
You will know soon enough. If you begin to feel sweaty and nauseous, get help immediately. Wake your guy up!
Odds are it isn't a brown recluse. But, it sounds nasty.
Hey! You deserve good karma for doing sit ups!
Kate thinks when she gets old, shell still be tweeting. Gray haired Kate sitting there with her boobs to the floor tweeting away while Steve holds her teeth.
I don't understand her tweet about fans getting legal this in regards to Twitter? She is so cryptic. I don't know what any of her sheeple (CJWhodunit in particular) could do legally. Admin?
Waste away their money on attorneys fees defending the honor of a big girl who is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Shame on Kate for not telling them really guys, can we call a truce?
Kate thinks when she gets old, shell still be tweeting. Gray haired Kate sitting there with her boobs to the floor tweeting away while Steve holds her teeth.
I thought you were going to say "sitting there with her boobs to the floor tweeting away while Steve holds them up above her waist!
Tamara said... 108
The Lohan situation begs the question if one or more of the G kids grow up to be addicts, abusive and/or straight out wild in a way that injures themselves and others, how much leeway should they be given?
I don't think that should even be under discussion.
Yes she definitely said they wanted Nala back at some point. Which prompted outrage here that Kate would be so selfish as to make a dog wait around in limbo while YOU get your shit in order and not want what is best for the dog, a happy and PERMANENT home ASAP. Would you do that to a child you wanted to adopt who was available? Oh wait for ME to be ready.
I just saw the picture of Shoka . He is a beautiful German Shepard ! I can't believe she returned Nala! What an idiot!! Did she get the money back when she returned Nala? They were expensive, I wonder who got the refund TLC or Kate?
If you really think about everything the Gosselins got out of TLC, it just boggles the mind! I can imagine her crying herself to sleep every night missing all her freebies!!
Would she do it again ? At the drop of a hat!!
Dogs are pack animals, usually happy with another member. Nala can't be that happy. Kate your nose gets longer and longer. Keep the fire extinguisher handy. Pants on fire soon.
Nala can't be that happy.
If Nala is away from Kate, she's happy.
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