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Meanwhile, savvy readers here have found Kate's tweet from a few months back in which she claims she can't tweet about events in advance for her "safety." Except this time, when the marathon involved the kids, she tweeted about the event in advance. What about their safety?
@xxxxxx@Kateplusmy8 Was ample media on the opening. People have learned 2 help Kate stay under radar until she gets where's she's going.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXX yep. You're correct. Important for my safety. :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXX yep. You're correct. Important for my safety. :)
355 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 355 of 355 Newer› Newest»This is not a slam against the kids but after watching the video one has to realize that the G8 are just as mediocre as every other kid on that track. Had Kate and back pack not been running with them they would have been indistinguishable from any kid there. Surely she won't continue to claim that they all share her love of running because the tale of the tape paints a different picture. This run was a mistake on your part Kate.
Snooki works. She's happy. She's nice to people and people LIKE her because she's friendly.
She seems to take advice.
She's also very very young and is finding her way with instant fame and attention.
She doesn't pretend to be someone she isn't.
Finally, says Kate. An attractive fan worthy of posing with me.
Bwaahahahahaha SO TRUE!
Allow me a bit of exposition...
I'm a new poster– I've followed this blog for nearly a year. I have no chips on the table regarding Kate Gosselin– the only episode I know I watched was the bunk-bed/impacted bowel episode. I don't remember what child had that, just that their Dad pulled sh*t out of their ass on camera on a tailgate while Mom bitched at shopkeepers.
I DO, however, care about show-biz child exploitation. I grew up in that environment and it is no f*cking fun. Film sets are boring and stressful, trust me.
I'm in my mid-20s and remember when "Jon & Kate" came on, because I LOVED "The Learning Channel". It used to show programs about dinosaurs and human anatomy– it was a SCIENCE channel. "Jon & Kate", IMO, ushered in reality programing as we know it today, and holy Hell, do I resent that. "Reality" programing used to be BORING– NOVA and PBS and such. Now it's every person who was on a camera for 3 seconds. My generation didn't create this, but it's what we're going to be remembered for. No fair.
One last bit that's bugged me since being on the site...okay, I understand why Kate is doing the "single mother" thing. Wrong term, totally. My thing is...wait...you're claiming you're a "single mother"– and you haven't legally changed your name back from "Gosselin"? Bitch, you know that name is the only thing keeping you relevant.
Well, I hope to be able to talk with you lovely ladies in the future (Joy, congrats on your daughter!)
Love, Zelda
One last bit that's bugged me since being on the site...okay, I understand why Kate is doing the "single mother" thing. Wrong term, totally. My thing is...wait...you're claiming you're a "single mother"– and you haven't legally changed your name back from "Gosselin"? Bitch, you know that name is the only thing keeping you relevant.
Welcome, Zelda!
This is a very keen observation which I didn't put together yet. You're right-- Kate is single, and she's a mom, but to call herself a single mom is an affront to all single moms who are really doing it on their own with no help, no dad, no booby guard/ purse boy/ backpack mule.
Kate is milking the name Gosselin and the number 8, without which, she'd be nothing. Jon was integral to the success of the show and he actually named the show and started rhyming Kate with 8.
I watched some of the videos last night, with the sound off and I agree the kids have no context to put meaning to this publicity stunt. No way did they earn a place in that event.
Most kids looked bored if not pissed, Steve looked like the family's personal assistant and errand-boy with that now omnipresent backpack (mule).
Something about Steve really gets under my skin. I don't like him on so many levels. I think he insinuated himself into the Gosselin's lives when he decided to hitch his wagon to their train.
I know that to the world, he puts himself out their as Kate's protector (joke), but me thinks he's more pernicious and duplicitous. I mean... what is Steve without the Kate Show? Who would hire him after so many years of being a gloried sidekick?
If, if Kate's security was every in question, why would he be holding purses and taking photos?
ITA, she wants something from Dixon, grifter that she is.
Someone mentioned the cost of "10" to stay at a hotel. Pleeease...you know there's a nanny too because there's no way just Kate and ol' Stevie can handle all 8. Besides, think about the sleeping arrangements. You think Kate and Steve would not have a room alone for themselves? This is why she positively glows when she's travelling.
Steve is pathetic. So, Kate HAS TO BE IN FRONT tightly gripping two kids (who probably were whining about the run) and Steve has to take up the rear as kid herder and water bottle holder. Why couldn't Kate let her kids run in front and she just take up the rear making sure all 8 stay together? Because she is a PUBLICITY HOG. And that bright, straw hair? It's ATTENTION in a crowd! BTW, there is absolutely no way that all that is her real hair. It cannot have possibly grown that long. Again, lying.
Oh, she makes it sound like she is running side-by-side with Rod Dixon. If that happens, Rod Dixon is just as much a publicity hog as she is. Rod's wife better watch out.
TLC stinks--she's probably running "with" Rod Dixon, just like her fans are going to be able Run "with" Kate in Chicago. They're in the same race-and that's about it.
Kate, your marathon brand isn't going to work with your fans. They aren't interested in you, they are interested in your uterus and its output.
Your fans don't want to run, they want to ogle your kids.
Kate didn't get the memo about being pregnant...the spotlight shifts from the mommy-to-be to the child after delivery; it doesn't remain on the gestational carrier.
Get over yourself, Kate. You are less than mediocre. You have no talent, no skills. You are unlikeable, unapproachable, mean, cold and nasty. You could take lessons from the Grinch on how to be a nicer person.
....and I hope Steve sees the video of himself running, it was hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I believe his career has hit an all-time low.
I bet Kate, from the tip of her head to the bottom of her shoes, is decked out in top-of-the-line running apparel (including that good bra, of course).
What's the odds her kids aren't? I bet their tennis shoes aren't running shoes, they aren't wearing running shorts, nor any specific running undergarments, or even specific socks.
I know it's just a mile run, but if Kate is a running expert (lol), she would KNOW her kids need to wear running apparel, just like SHE does. Ya know, for the 'brand'.
Very few people seem interested in this publicity stunt--er, event. And her twitters per minute on her feed are diminishing by the day. And still...the number of Twitter followers keeps rising, to the tune of hundreds every week. How is that possible? I know we've mentioned bulk buys, but no one questions Kate about it.
In this Sea of Fabrications, where's the buoy line--the place beyond which everything becomes suspect, where Kate's actually called to task?
no comment needed
Ok, Kate says she is running a marathon today? Who is going to watch the kids while she runs?
I watched one of the clips and noticed her mercedes BBB in the background...I bet that was a fun drive!
What's next on the horizon for Kate? county fairs? judging beauty contests? game shows? Oh, that's a thought...I'd like to see her on Jeopardy!
Ceed's mom said... 150
I am actually surprised that the owners of I'll have another didn't ask for Kate to fly to the Belmont track for her medical advice...
lol. I'm surprised Kate didn't want to RUN in the Belmont. She looks so horsey...(although I love most horses!)
I think it's clear Kate is taking a stab at running and 'marathons" as her new claim to fame. It ain't gonna work.
Her Twitter followers keep rising because she's purchasing them, no doubt.
I watched one of the clips and noticed her mercedes BBB in the background...I bet that was a fun drive!
Whhha????? No first class star treatment on the CC corporate jet? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Who drove for that road trip, Steve? Baw-haha.
Aggiemom, it's a 10K not a marathon.
Personally, I think Kate is going to reinvent herself as a C&W singer. After all, if her idol Taylor Swift can do it. . . .
Re the Mercedes BBB. Federal Express has the very same "buses" in their fleet and are manufactured by ,I believe, Dodge. You can buy the Mercedes logo seperatly and have the logo grill attached to a Dodge body. So, we have another example of what you see IS NOT what you get.
I just had another thought about this kid's run yesterday. It occurred to me that the reason Kate and Steve ran with them was to contain any chance of rebellion in the ranks. Clearly, these kids didn't want to be there, seemed confused by the whole thing, but knew the other kids were completing a program that began in April. I bet more than one of these poor kids said, "it's too far for us", or "mommy, why are we doing this, we don't want to run!" or "this isn't fair, the other kids have been practicing, and we haven't" My guess is she said to Steve, "don't let any of them stop, tell to keep running no matter what, I'll cover the front, you get the back!"
Anyone observing this display yesterday can clearly see this woman for the despicable human being she is. Hopefully, their father will step in and take the necessary measures to prevent their children from being used for publicity stunts like this again.
Who drove for that road trip, Steve? Baw-haha.
Undoubtedly Steve drove. When they filmed the Kate +8 episode at the local Boscov's, when Kate was supposed to be shopping for the kids' school uniforms but instead, shopped for shoes, Steve drove there. Kate was seen getting into the the driver's seat and pulling up, once they were already in the parking lot.
Realest reality show, my ass.
My guess is there was a big bribe to them promised if they cooperate this weekend. Maybe swing by FAO Schwartz on the way home.
Kate said cara wanted to run a kids marathon. Well, the one kid I don't see running st the start is Cara. Alexis has her arms crossed and definitely doesn't wanna be there. By the end Akexis and Mady are no longer running and cara is still missing. And why would any kid want to hold their mom's hand while running? This is all about Kate. And her face is getting scarier all the time, especially when she's speaking. Overly botoxed and distractingly weird looking. And I think her publicity bid here with this run is another fail.
As a divorced, truly working mom, I could not afford the time off from work and two nights' hotel room merely to run a 10 k. Kate offends me every single time she speaks of hard work.
I feel sorry for her kids. Don't you know they hate being paraded around like this? How embarrassing.
That's her BBB in the background...how many people need an ugly ride like that? yuk!
Gift of Grab, a c/w singer? lolol. (but ya know, her voice is her 'best feature'..she said so, so it must be true!!)
Sorry Kate...I was up in the middle of the night (bad headache) and got caught in the infomercial zone. Jennie Garth is the Keurig spokesperson. Whole 30 minutes of coffee talk. Katie Keurig just never caught on, I guess.
What's most interesting about this whole weekend is, it's the FIRST time Kate has ever taken all 8 children somewhere without a camera crew and production people as back-up. She has Steve, of course, and probably at least one nanny, but she is no longer able to be shielded in the way she was when they were filming. AND she has no ability to "edit out" any of the less flattering moments that might be caught on some observer's camera. This is a whole new world for our Katie, and I don't think we're going to see her out again with her 8 on a trip like this (i.e., where they are on public display BY CHOICE) for a long time to come.
Reality bites, doesn't it, Kate?
Ceed's Mom, 150 --
" I am a mother of three, if I couldn't afford to take my kids on any fun summertime vacations/movies I sure as hell wouldn't have the best sweat suit, running shoes and a manicure."
You sound like a REAL mom who thinks about her children before you take care of your own personal needs and pleasures.
You whole post made complete sense. That's why I get so frustrated with Kate. Nothing she decides to do makes any sense. (Thinking a ton of chopped lettuce a few weeks ago...)
Good luck to all 3 of your athletes!
Guess Kate doesn't want to be seen in a mediocre Dodge! You bet Steve drove. He is doing Jon's old job.
You are right. Kate and Steve made sure there was no rebellion. It won't last much longer unless they threaten the kids with a punishment of "severeness" for not being good little soldiers. I hope Jon hears all about it. TLC was smart to bail. Kate was out of control and the kids were not cutesy enough any longer. They probably also feared blow back if the Steve the bodyguard cover got revealed. I always felt the crew gave TLC an earful about working with her. Showbiz is a small community and reputations get around. She is pathetic dragging the kids to this event. It was all about her.
I have an 8 yr old grandson. I can hardly get him to hold my hand crossing a busy street, no less would I be able to hold his hand if I were running with him. The way she was holding onto those poor girls hands was pathetic. I can just imagine them saying "Mommy, I want to stop" and her saying "you can't,you can't-finishing is winning".
Maybe one day, one of them will actually experience "the excitement of crossing the finish line". Yesterday, wasn't that day.
What possesses Steve to join in with Kate's inane ideas? His participation w/a backpack is baffling. How does one include that on a professional resume?
Jumping In said... 19
I just had another thought about this kid's run yesterday. It occurred to me that the reason Kate and Steve ran with them was to contain any chance of rebellion in the ranks.
That was my first thought. Ironic, isn't it? TLC has to hire Steverino to keep Kate under control, and now she's using him to keep those miserable kids under control.
She's disgusting. On the plus side, it's all over for her, and this spectacle proves it.
The videos of the event yesterday made me even more sad for the kids than even before.
During the one where Kate is um like um being like interviewed, one of the girl tups is clinging to Kate and is visibly scared/upset. It is around 2:25 on the 1st video.
And all the kids look uncomfortable about being there. And to make it even creepier, there are preteens girls looking at the Gosselin kids like they are animals in a zoo.
And all the kids are chomping on gum like Kate was during her um like interview. I wonder if it was organic gum? Or was all of them chomping on gum supposed to demonstrate the "healthy eating" that Kate um like talked about in her um like interview?
And what is it with Kate holding the hands of 2 of the girls like they are 2 years old? What 8 year old would want Mommy holding onto them while EVERY kid in the event is walking and running independently?
Some of kids are clearly not happy. Hands are crossed against the body = not happy or comfortable. There are sullen looks on some of their faces too.
And on the 1st video listen as someone near the camera says at around 6:28: "Photo Op time". Then you see Kate right after this at the 6:36 mark just when she passes the camera trying to act all happy and cutesy jumping with one of the girls. Very fake and set up.
What is very revealing is how Mady who was walking side by side with Kate suddenly stops when they get to the camera so Kate can be in full view for her "Photo Op". And you can also see Cara looking right into the camera also fully knowing why they are there... "Photo Op Time". And looking back prior to Kate approaching the camera, you can see her looking in the direction of the camera so she knows they are there. Then you can see Kate talking to Mady which can now be assumed that she told Mady to move out of the way because Kate was going to perform for the camera when they got close.
Kate is so PATHETIC!
mamasan said... 30
What possesses Steve to join in with Kate's inane ideas? His participation w/a backpack is baffling. How does one include that on a professional resume?
Good points! I think Steve had a certain sympathy for Kate at first but now they bicker 'like a married couple'...but I am still not convinced of an ongoing affair. I think if there was one, it's over...Kate is just not into that- she's so asexual IMO. But who knows. If there is one individual as weird as Kate, there well may be a male counterpart. And I guess Steve is on the payroll. Maybe he's afraid he won't get another job after this. He seems to have lost self-respect as he is shown more and more with Kate ( He used to be way in the background or not shown. That other bg, the large African- American man, seems to have vanished)
My parents took me and my siblings to Hawaii every summer for 5-6 years because that's where my dad grew up. We visited relatives and splashed in the hotel pool and visited beautiful beaches and waterfalls. And by the end we (kids) HATED it! Because it was monotonous and clearly we were there for business (visiting relatives). Finally one year our parents took us on a VACATION!! It didn't involve planes or fancy hotels. Rather we packed a station wagon and caravaned with some other families to Oregon. We stayed in cheap motels and caught crawfish with our fingers in small rivers. We watched tv in the room at night. And it was a blast!!! I hope the G8 get to do some fun things this weekend, chaos be damned
Only one comment about Kate and it's not positive.
I cannot stomach her voice so I watched the videos with no sound. I hope that Radar doesn't show this crap. Of course it was all about a photo op. She has no concern that her kids are individuals with likes and dislikes. We've raised kids so we totally see what a nightmare it must be for them to be treated like one unit existing to do mommy's bidding. She's not holding her girls' hands because she loves them, she's got her claws in their tiny hands to literally drag them in front of the cameras. Just look at their faces. Not happy but Kate is beaming.
Luke's Mom said: "What is very revealing is how Mady who was walking side by side with Kate suddenly stops when they get to the camera so Kate can be in full view for her "Photo Op". And you can also see Cara looking right into the camera also fully knowing why they are there... "Photo Op Time". And looking back prior to Kate approaching the camera, you can see her looking in the direction of the camera so she knows they are there. Then you can see Kate talking to Mady which can now be assumed that she told Mady to move out of the way because Kate was going to perform for the camera when they got close."
Ah - but dern it all - one of the icky boys just had to ruin her little" happy-happy jumping up & down with one of the little girls" photo op shot by being in the way. Maddy must have said something to him because he quickly fell back, but it was too late...
Another observation about Kate and her made-up reality.
During her um like interview, Kate like um says "I am SO SO for healthy eating, exercise, getting kids up off the sofa, moving...".
So if we are to believe that Kate is SO SO into exercise why aren't the kids in sports? The ONLY sport ever mentioned was one of the older girls (I assume Cara) playing LAX.
My kids started sports at 3 and 4 years old starting with Soccer and T-Ball and then adding swim team, baseball/softball, wrestling, basketball, hockey...
The tups are 8 years old now. They haven't been on a sporting team yet. How sad for them!
But then Kate in her warped reality wants us to believe that she is ALL about kids fitness. Really Kate?
Again, what Kate says does not match what Kate does and lives. She just talks like there life is another fake episode of the Gosselin family. And it is very clearly being kept on life support by Kate.
I really do feel sad for those kids and what they have missed and will continue to miss by Kate not letting them be on team sports like all the other kids.
Kate you are PATHETIC!
it's a matter of time before Mady and Cara release themselves from Svengali-Mom in teenage rebellion, but the tups will keep blowing public appearances by acting sulky and disinterested and who can blame them? Kate has to 'make it ' on her own and she can't. I wonder if M Obama replied on Twitter, hehe.
I'm not so sure Mady will rebel. She appears to be more involved in pleasing and imitating mom.
Some of the Litchfield local papers has articles about the Kids Marathon-but only one mentioned Kate.
"While reality television star Kate Gosselin drew some serious attention, the real stars of the day were the more than 900 students from 14 area elementary schools who ran laps around the track to complete the marathon distance of 26.2 miles."
There is also a pictue of Kate and Cara-don't know what they're looking at-but Cara looks less than thrilled. You have to click on the arrows under the first picture to see the picture of Kate.
This was posted on Huff Crime...
"A California water agency director has been arrested on suspicion of felony child abuse after a neighbor shot and posted online video of him whipping his stepson with a belt after he failed to catch a baseball.
Sheriff's Lt. Scott Sheppeard tells the Imperial Valley Press 34-year-old Imperial Irrigation District Director Anthony Sanchez was arrested Friday. He's being held on $100,000 bail."
Kate was caught whipping Leah. Granted, it wasn't with a belt, but with her hand. Isn't a hand a "weapon?" Why wasn't anything done in that case? It is all documented.
So sorry that these children, who spend their time on school buses, in school, or on their property, were taken out to be exploited by their pathetic mother. Between her best skills, parentification and exploitation, they hardly stand a chance at any sort of normalcy. Her sheep were all over Jon for taking them to an event at his new job, but they think this is ok?
And oh sure, she's all about health, exercise and fitness - FOR HER. Still waiting to see her enroll her children in outside of school age appropriate sports programs. It would be wonderful for them to have those outets.
Such a pathetic has been.
looked at the pic, thanks.
man, Kate is much darker than Cara who has a naturally darker complexion. Tanning is NOT about health!
Summerwind, I think all of this was discussed years ago. While everyone has different methods of discipline, what caught attention with Kate hitting Leah on the butt, was that on the show the kids were only shown getting time outs, no physical punishments.
There was a rumor that Kate carried in the van a big spoon that was used but it could never be proven. Anyway, that slap on the bottom made headlines because it was secretly shot by a pap, and like I said, it was opposite of what viewers saw on the show. I don't think that incident would warrant calling the cops. Having said that, we all did see her temper on the show, so who knows what goes on in Gosselinland.
Luke's Mom #32 said...
Then you can see Kate talking to Mady which can now be assumed that she told Mady to move out of the way because Kate was going to perform for the camera when they got close.
Look at the expression on Mady's face. To me it looks like she purposely hung back because she was embarrassed by her mom acting like a 2 year old.
In this picture you can see where her hair has thinned due to extensions and it looks like the extensions are still there just starting a little further back.
When Kate was babbling in the video from yesterday she said she wanted the kids to feel the joy of crossing the finish line. Well she took the joy out of that didn't she. Didn't see any looks of joy on the kids' faces.
What we saw was the Supreme Mother (in her mind) running surrounded by her loyal subjects (under penalty of severeness). Bringing up the rear is her trusty bodyguard. And that backpack, it holds his special defender suit. When he senses danger, he can turn into SUPER SKEEVO, Kate's defender, complete with cape and mask, to keep those nasty commoners away.
Those two are beyond ridiculous. Those kids aren't stupid. Yesterday wasn't about them at all. It was all about Mommy.
We all say that the kids have no talent but how do we really know?
They kids never had the chance to figure out their own individualism and talents cause their birth-er wanted fame.
And she clearly doesn't care that they might want to be different people/kids that have different dreams.
But mommy wants fame so to her that's their goal if they want it or not.
Glad you joined in, ZeldaZee :o)
Kate is just generally offensive with all the talk of Healthy living, hard work, blah, blah, blah. Can't stand the sound of her voice, either. This woman needs to get more education and get a solid, mediocre job. All this running around, etc. could be done on her own acerage. Those 8 kids need their own activities. Not their mom's. Agree?
Summer land spanking with an open hand is perfectly legal in most if not all states.
This is just so wrong:
@Kateplusmy8 So excited to see you today!! I'm ten mins away!! I'm gonna need a pic with u and ur kids!
From the same tweeter to her friend:
@xxxxxx I'm meeting Kate Gosselin today at a road race… her kids will be there. :D
They expect approx. 1200 runners-and this fan thinks she will be able to meet Kate?
I can't stand her voice either ever time she opens her mouth all I hear is.
I want I want me me me and her using the kids in some way then more about Kate.
Just shut up for once pleas surprise it's not all about you Kate.
Butterfly - I listened several times to the video. IMO it was the announcer. Several kid runners were going off the track and onto the grass to run around other kids.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 51
Those 8 kids need their own activities. Not their mom's. Agree?
As Kate would say um I um SO SO like agree.
If this KidsMarathon was at the Gkids school in Pennsylvania, I would say how great that was etc...
BUT the Gkids clearly did NOT enjoy being at an event which was not for them but for kids attending Connecticut schools. They knew that all the Conn. kids trained, prepared for, and EARNED the right to run the last mile.
The 8 knew they were grifting. The 8 knew they didn't EARN the right to run like all the other kids. They knew their school did NOT do this program.
The Gkids did NOT fit in. They knew they did NOT fit in. They are old enough to know these kids were not going to be their friends, that the kids were looking at them like a circus act, and that the whole FAKE SET-UP Photo OP Event was like everything else in their lives - ALL about their Mom.
Again, I am so sad for these kids. When will it ever be about them? When will Kate be on the sidelines cheering them on? When will the glory and praise be just for them?
Yesterday, I was at the pool for time trials (start of summer swim season) and though it was not an actual swim meet, all the parents were cheering and praising not only their own kids but all the other swimmers. Such joy all around!
And not one parent made it about them eventhough some parents were or still are competitive swimmers. And some of the young moms who have great figures could have been prancing around in bikinis trying to get the attention. But, no, that did NOT happen because like all of us (NOT KATE), the parents were there for their children. And the looks on all the swimmers faces clearly showed that they knew it was their moment and their parents were there for them.
Will Kate ever get that? She is PATHETIC!
NJGal151 #47: From that picture, I can see why you would think that Kate's hair is thinning, except for the fact that I have exactly the same kind of hair she does with the exact same high points on either side of the center part.
I have short hair, but it's so thick it's hard to get dry. Everyone who cuts it says I have enough hair for three people. So, even though I never want to give Kate the benefit of the doubt, I think this is her real hair.
Now, if I just hadn't plucked my very thick eyebrows until there was nothing left. They're basically drawn on.
In this picture you can see where her hair has thinned due to extensions and it looks like the extensions are still there just starting a little further back.
I'm not sure about the extensions, but wow, her hair is really thin. In fact, if you look at her head at around 1 and 2 o'clock, there is a patch that is so sparse that there is no hair there! Before all of the frying she had a really thick head of hair.
Kate is a twit said... 197
I see Milo keeps calling it the Litchfield Hill. She could at least get the name right-It's the Gallow's Hill. Not at bad as Heartbreak Hill in the Boston Marathon, but it's a big one.
You are so right about it being a big one. Heartbreak Hill is particularly difficult because it is the last in a series of hills and comes very late at the 20.5 mile mark of the marathon. It has a grade of 4.5%, rising 88 feet in .37 mile. But Gallows Hill is far steeper. It has a 9.2% grade, rising 145 feet in .3 mile. Kate will have her work cut out for her.
mamasan said... 30
What possesses Steve to join in with Kate's inane ideas?
mamasan, I think the answer to that is $$$$$$$$$$$, plain and simple.
Welcome Zelda!
And just a meaningless observation: I see that Kate's young fan in the photo at the top of this thread has the same exact manicure as her hero. It must make Kate feel so young and fresh.
I can see why you would think that Kate's hair is thinning, except for the fact that I have exactly the same kind of hair she does with the exact same high points on either side of the center part.
If you look at some of the past photos of her when she was just starting with the bleaching, she didn't have the missing hair (high points) at her temples.
Anyone think Steve is following her in a golf cart for this marathon? Or perhaps he at the finish line with all 8 for the one inevitable photo op?
I feel so bad for those boys. It's obvious that Kate favors her girls and probably wishes that all six had been girls. The boys will get dragged along with all her schemes because if not for them, she couldn't bill her kids as "the tups," and there'd be no audience appeal for just part of the set. They really need a full-time dad and Steve just doesn't fill the bill.
I re-watched the video where someone calls Kate out by saying "photo-op time" Cara looks mortified, Mady savvy enough to step back to let her mother hog the camera, the boys hanging back, and their mother acting like an idiot.
Luke's Mom,... your thoughts are accurate, her 8 kids knew they were crashing an event that was not their's to attend. There was no joy whatsoever from the beginning to the end of this dog and pony show. As the anonymous person stated, it was a photo-op for Kate and her kids were merely collateral damage.
If any of these shots show up on celebrity websites or magazines, Jon needs to get to court to prevent is children being USED by their own mother against their will. These kids did not want to be there, that is plainly seen in every frame of the videos.
Call Me Crazy-thanks for the info comparing the two hills. When I said Gallows was not a bad as Heartbreak, I meant because it comes at the 6 mi mark as opposed to Heartbreak at the 20 mi mark.
I agree Kate has her work cut out for her. Maybe Rod will hold her hand and keep reminding her "Finishing is Winning".
TLC stinks said... 61
Anyone think Steve is following her in a golf cart for this marathon?
I think Steve (carrying his backpack of weaponry)is riding alongside on a scooter/golf cart to assist getting her up those strenuous hills.
Oh - just a follow-up to my post about swimteam since Kate reads here and we all know she will justify that her kids do NOT need to go to a local pool or join a swim team because she has her own pool ...
We have some very wealthy families on the swim team who have their own pools too but they still take their kids to our local pool just to swim because their kids LOVE the social part of it including being part of the swim team.
And some families have large families (6, 7, 8 and one with 10 kids) all different ages. And they manage to bring all of them to the pool, volunteer on the team, cheer for them, and enjoy good friendships and FUN! My kids have great memories summer after summer of pep rallies at the pool, swim meets, and just hanging at the pool with their friends and being a part of the community.
Sadly, the Gkids seem so isolated on the orphanage even if they have their own pool. And from the looks of their summer so far, Kate is planning ONLY for herself. PATHETIC KATE!
Kate is a twit said... 53
This is just so wrong:
@Kateplusmy8 So excited to see you today!! I'm ten mins away!! I'm gonna need a pic with u and ur kids!
I saw that tweet and looked at the profile. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl...kind of scary, and some of the tweets were just plain weird. I think maybe this is one time when it might be advisable for Steve to stay close by.
NJGal51 said... 47
In this picture you can see where her hair has thinned due to extensions and it looks like the extensions are still there just starting a little further back.
She's also go that telltale crease in her waddle that women get when they have their face/jaw line tightened.
Steve is such a joke. What bodyguard (hee hee) runs with a backpack. He looks ridiculous running (herding) the kids. If the kids loooved running so much they would be running with the other kids at their own pace instead of as a pack. Oh silly me, its easier to herd kids if they all stay together.
I remember a photo op of then President Jimmy Carter running a marathon with his bodyguards. None of the bodyguards had a backpack. And, good grief, he was the President of the United States.
Yes, Steve is a joke. To use Kates words "we can't go back to the way it was before". Steve can't go back to being a bodyguard because who would want him? He's no longer a professional body guard; today he is a family chauffer, a kid wrangler, companion (or whatever) to Kate. Oh wait, that's Jon's old job. So that's what Steve is now, he morphed into (old) Jon. And Kate has said she wants the old Jon. Well, she just took Steve and made a new Jon. Well, Kate must be happy, is Steve happy with his new role?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 52
Summer land spanking with an open hand is perfectly legal in most if not all states.
Yeah, so is hypocrisy, and lying your head off for PR purposes. Doesn't make it right, especially when you've filmed the "realist of reality shows" and claimed that your scripted view of family life is genuine.
What episode was it when several of the babies were taken behind a closed door and hit, with the sounds of the smacks and crying all recorded?
She was holding a piece of PVC pipe to hit her babies with in one episode, and then the red plastic spoon turned up, and traveled with them in the door of the bus-caught in a number of pap shots-so she could grab it to hit her small children when on the road.
Oops, my bad. I guess it was all there, you just had to watch extra carefully to notice the "man behind the curtain.
Too bad she never invested in any kind of a real relationship with those children. Ironically, if she had, she might actually still have something to sell. Now she's SOL, just like her barn leak.
Kokomo, Cocktails and Dreams said: I think maybe this is one time when it might be advisable for Steve to stay close by.
Yes, Kokomo. Maybe Steve could open Kate's purse and start heaving lipsticks at fans who get too close.
Kate is a twit - Ha! Wouldn't that be a fitting sight, seeing Rod Dixon holding Kate's hand and yanking her arm out of its socket (the way she used to hold her kids' hands) as he pulls her up that hill.
With all her other schemes failing, I am half expecting her to faint or become dehydrated or ill on one of her running adventures so she can be filmed being taken away in an ambulance with her horrified fans looking on.
Someone tweeted a pic of Kate and Steve at the race today.
Kate constantly talks organic, healthy eating & living, yet many of the meals she's 'showcased' contain non organic, canned or prepackaged goods, which are high in one or all of; fat, sodium, sugar or carbs. These 'shortcuts' simply equate easy time savers and aren't the healthiest choices.
Just because something is labelled organic, does not mean it's healthy! Sugar, fat, sodium and carbs are what they are, some good, some bad. So it's labelled organic ... sugary cereals, juices, candies, for example, are still just that and as 'bad' as any other sugary un-organic food.
As any nutritionist will tell you, don't deny yourself a guilty pleasure now and then, everything in moderation is key for a healthy lifestyle. Those that are truly into a healthy lifestyle promote fresh products; fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, incorporate healthy fats, limit refined sugar intake and moderate carbs. Want to take it further, sure go organic, plus local fresh produce and meat lends itself to tastier meals and helps the local economy. Food is 'ripened on the vine', so to speak and not on its journey to market and is fresher.
Want your kids to exercise, engage or enroll them in their interests, not yours. When you enjoy doing something, you look forward to and willingly participate, thus probably will your entire lifetime, to one degree or another! For me it's swimming, no longer competitive, but often for fun and exercise. When you try and force children, hell, even adults to do something, anything they don't like and have no interest in, they won't enjoy it and will find any excuse not to do it. Kinda like Kate and church ... any excuse seems to do!
Crazy@71 said,
With all her other schemes failing, I am half expecting her to faint or become dehydrated or ill on one of her running adventures so she can be filmed being taken away in an ambulance with her horrified fans looking on.
In basketball, it's called flopping. Maybe Kate could become a flopper to generate interest. Then she comes back, a hero, and everyone cheers her for having the stamina to continue.
Someone on Kate's twitter posted a picture of Kate and Steve at today's race:
It looks like on of the girl tups on the left side of the tree. So who's watching the kids?
I wonder what Steve carries in that backpack? His balls?
Ok. Since Steve is pictured with the ever-present backpack, I'm 99% sure he'll be tailing gate via golf cart. So since it appears the kids may be there, I'm guessing it's her nanny or someone she hired locally watching the kids. Pretty sure my scenario of the kids greeting her at the finish line will happen, cameras ready, or at least Steve will take pictures and they will appear on Radar. She is so predictable.
If Kate was So So into healthy eating for her & the kids, then she'd eat what she fixes the kids. If her meals were oh so healthy, then why doesn't she eat them? She eats salads & egg whites. She doesn't feed her kids healthy foods (from what she shows on her site) & while Kate's diet does include healthy foods, it's not an overall healthy diet.
She talks, I don't believe in spanking. I don't believe in a lot of things that are legal. Summer land was asking however why Kate was not thrown in jail for it and that's why, it's legal.
Well, I hope that, on the balance, the kids had fun. It's not like being miserable will stop their mother from dragging them out anyway. I mean, if puking all over a boat doesn't convince Kate that hey, maybe this is a bad idea, then being unhappy won't stop her from forcing them to do "fun" activities that at least some of the kids don't enjoy.
C (Is for Cookie)
Luke's Mom -- I agree with you that the twins know full well that they shouldn't be there and that they haven't earned the right. They are old enough and savvy enough to understand this. The 6 younger kids, I'm not so sure about. I think they are beginning to get an inkling that all is not kosher in their world, but I think they've been so sheltered and isolated, and they have no memory of life without TV cameras in their faces, that they don't yet understand exactly what has been done, and what is continuing to be done to them.
Re Jon putting a stop to KK using the kids for attention and publicity -- Exactly how is he supposed to do this. He's gone to court more than once and each time the courts gave permission for KK to exploit the kids. He tried to stop the Australia trip, he tried to stop filming altogether, he tried to stop the twins going on the cruise, and each time he lost. As Admin pointed out, you have to pick your battles. It's all well and good to play Don Quixote and go tilting at windmills, but eventually you become a madman. Jon doesn't have the resources to keep fighting the same battle over and over and over again, ad. infinitum. Right now, it's better for him to be a refuge for the kids and to support their individuality. A reckoning is coming for KK, sooner, rather than later, and, as she says, X8.
Which is the "photo op" video? I don't want to watch both. Thanks.
I think she definitely has another weave. Her pony tail not so long ago was just a stubby nub. It takes long hair to get a long ponytail. Which that is fine just don't lie about it although I don't think anyone has asked in a while. The last thing I remember someone said it was getting long and she said the longer the better, in KT speak I would call that a confession.
PatK said... 65
TLC stinks said... 61
Anyone think Steve is following her in a golf cart for this marathon?
I think Steve (carrying his backpack of weaponry)is riding alongside on a scooter/golf cart to assist getting her up those strenuous hills.
I think Skeeve is running alongside of Kate-
just in case a fan gets too close.
Then he can whip out a bazooka from his backpack and blast the mediocrity out of him/or her.
TLC stinks said... 76
I wonder what Steve carries in that backpack? His balls?
They're not his balls anymore.
They are property of Katie Irene's now...
Love the two comments below the picture. Both non-fans, including the woman who took the picture. She's nothing but a train wreck to people now.
Summer land was asking however why Kate was not thrown in jail for it and that's why, it's legal.
I cited a current case of a father whipping his child with a belt. He was arrested. I thought about the whipping of Leah caught on camera and wondered why it never was investigated, not why Kate wasn't thrown in jail. The attorney in the video said that it is hard to say how serious this is, but if child services received a complaint they would have to look into it. So if your child is whipped or hit with your hand, it's legal, but if a belt is used, it's not?
PJ's momma said... 85
Those FB photos are from last year. The FB site for this year is:
They haven't uploaded any pictures of this year's race yet.
Kate is a twit, thanks for the correction. I just saw 2012 and thought it was today's race. How odd that they posted last year's pics on may 9, 2012, but maybe they were trying to drum up interest from last year.
I think there's a fine line between spanking and child abuse . You can abuse a child by spanking, pulling their hair, raising their arm hurting their shoulder or having a parent press their nails into child's wrist when they pull your arm up(Kate) my mom use to that in public and it's more painful then it looks! Disciplining a child with food,etc. etc. if it doesn't leave marks people will just see it as normal things parents do, unfortunately !
A teacher at my school reported to the office that one of her students had cigarette burns on his arms ( as a teacher you have to report possible abuse or you can lose your teaching credential) big investigation nothing was done!
So unless something horrific happens like child ends up in hospital or death , parents can get away with child abuse behind close doors!
Whatever Kate does to those kids whether its physical or mental it's going to continue!
And her punishment is rewarded with fame and money! Poor Kate!(snark)
Summerland found the code. What Kate did us not nearly enough to open an investigation. It has to risk death or serious injury for pity sake.
Parents can use reasonable supervision and control when raising their children. 23 § 6302. [Civil Code] Parent/guardian/person responsible for general care and supervision/ person acting at request of the above may use force for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting welfare of minor including the prevention or punishment of his misconduct, if the force is not designed to cause or known to create a substantial risk of causing death, serious bodily injury, disfigurement, extreme pain, mental distress, or gross degradation. 18 § 509. [Criminal Code]
Looks like did get to run "with" Rod Dixon:
I found a site that lists the race results. Today's race has been posted yet.
New article:
Kate Gosselin Weekend News Update
TLC stinks said... 76
I wonder what Steve carries in that backpack? His balls?
Kate's tampons and makeup bag. A gigolo's gotta do what a gigolo's gotta do. If he's running behind her and carrying her backpack he is officially pussy-whipped. The kids probably have to carry their own stuff.
capecodmama - welcome and thanks for the shout-out even though I'm totally undeserving of it. Hope you lurk less and post more!
Oh and in that photo with the young girl Kate looks like an unhealthy twelve-year-old with boobs and wrinkles. She's lost way too much weight and looks like she's on the verge of anorexia. She may just dry up and blow away yet. And in the video of the run some of her kids look as if there's a root canal awaiting them at the finish line. Leah looks like she has just been woken up from a nap. Kate, the one who claims every day she loves her kids soooo much is lying, she only loves what they can do for her. Narcissists only love one person.
does it look like Kate has a black eye in that picture with her "fan"?
Sorry if this was answered aleady, haven't read everything yet...
Sue Buddy, you are my hero!
I just don't for the life of me understand this bodyguard business w/ Kate and Steve. If she is paying him privately, then she will surely run out of the kids' money faster than we could realize. How is it that she needs a bodyguard when A-list stars go about Hollywood shopping, dining out, taking kids to the parks, and we never, never see photos of any bodyguards? This whole situation is a "thorn in my side" and will surely cost more money than those kids can afford. What kind of person uses a private bodyguard/traveling companion when they don't even have a high profile position? Trying to make herself feel more important than she really is, Kate? It's sad to see the kids' money spent in such a way.
Sue Buddy-great article!
Every time I see Steve standing there on guard for snipers I just have to shake my head. I would give anything for someone to ask her why she thinks she needs a bodyguard. Why the hell doesn't someone, anyone, ask her that??? If she really thinks there are persons out there who want to see her dead, then say it so we don't keep making fun of the two of them. He looks like a complete wuss standing there, eyes focused on the queen, with his little back pack and a tube of pink chapstick hanging off of it. ....made myself laugh there.
Great article, Sue Buddy! It echoes what we've all been saying here: the kids did not participate in the whole program and should not have been allowed to join for the last mile. However, we all know the kids had no choice in this, it was another of Kate's pathetic attempts to use her kids to try and stay in the public eye.
Ok...in Kate's gum-coming valley girl interview I could buy "I love running" and maybe "I love my kids" but there is NO way to believe the lie "and I love running with my kids". Does she think we are stupid? She has always used running to ESCAPE her children and then she discovered that she could travel, get some kind if media attention and run on a private vacation while still escaping children AND THAT'S when she entered nirvana. She has only admitted running with her kids and that was in wernersville and only one time I believe. Too bad she couldn't get a job as a professional delusional liar...she would make millions.....oh wat...she's already done that!
So she can justfy his ever presence, I believe Steve now is referred to as "road manager", thus the trips to be alone with him.
Lololol....stupid auto-correct...it was suppose to be gum CHEWING although gum coming is pretty funny
47 NJ gal...I thought the exact same thing. I can see where the extensions start right in from of the headband..and the "bangs" are very thin.
The new headband look is "hiding" the extensions.
Also..is it me or is kate getting thinner. her face is so thin and it is aging her signifigantly. Women around 40 actually need to be 5-10 lbs overweight to keep a youthful appearance. The tanning isn't helping either.
I am in the camp that always kate was pretty..although her attitude turned me off. I really no long find her attractive. She has changed too much physically and not for the better. Sadly..by the time she gives up this barbie look..she will have already aged her skin with tanning and dieting and will never look as good as season 2 of J&K+8 regardless. (as yes I know she is older now..but should not look 12 years older)
It's always been my theory that my generation or older..associated plastic surgery with older women. This new trend of women in their 20's-30's doing botox, fillers, facelifts etc is new to us. Our minds haven't wrapped around the fact that these are YOUNG people getting surgery. Since we associate the surgery look with "age" I personally thing we see these woman who change their faces so young as looking "old." Just a theory. Even Kim K to me looks way older than 31
I think its high time Sheeple and Kate realize that the G8 are not toddlers anymore with no clue what is going on around them.
I remember being 8. You get embarrassed. You want to fit in. Im sure the G8 did not like being plunked down as total strangers in a land of people who formed friendships..to be GAWKED AT.
If they HAD to run..couldnt kate make them use the buddy system, get them GPS bracelets..and let them RUN without holding mommy's hand? How about Mommy and PB sit back and WATCH and just keep an eye on the 4 groups of 2 running the track?
Its insulting to the kids to assume they would NEED to take a pic for a sheep. WTF? I NEED A PIC OF U AND THE KIDS? THat would have pissed me off if I were kate. Does she not see what she is creating?
There's a good article today in the Reading Eagle about parental alienation. Front page of the Lifestyle section. Kate probably doesn't get the paper.
"Summer land you are missing an important distinction. Spanking with an open hand is legal. Legally speaking, beating with a belt is completely different. In the eyes of the law. I have seen numerous arrests for beatings and it almost always involves using an object like belt or rod to hit. Open hand spanking will never get you arrested even if you hit the kid just as hard. :( "
In my state, if a child reports that an adult hit him/her with a closed fist (whether it leaves a mark or not), it is reportable as child abuse. Likewise, if a child is hit with an open hand, and it leaves a visible contusion (bruise), that is also reportable. Whether the adult would be be arrested for this, I do not know, but CPS would investigate.
As admin stated, open hand spanking is legal...but if a child reports it and the mark is gone, a teacher cannot report it.
AuntieAnn said... 96
TLC stinks said... 76
I wonder what Steve carries in that backpack? His balls?
Kate's tampons and makeup bag. A gigolo's gotta do what a gigolo's gotta do. If he's running behind her and carrying her backpack he is officially pussy-whipped.
Ahhh Haaaaa! Now I have to say a few extra prayers at church for laughing my ass off at your comments.
Kate does have the Hollywood lollipop head now. Sista needs a cheeseburger.
EM, I love the thought that older women need to be 5-10 pounds overweight to keep a youthful appearance. I'm 55, but with my overweight, I hope I look 30!!!!! lolololol!
TLC stinks said... 104
So she can justfy his ever presence, I believe Steve now is referred to as "road manager", thus the trips to be alone with him.
He's been given a lot of labels but bottom line, he's her loverboy.
A handful of us on here have been saying they've been bumping uglies for three years now, probably longer. They are a couple however revolting, however much brain bleach we need to clean that image from our minds, it is what it is. I don't see how anyone can't doubt it any longer.
Auntie Ann, I go back and forth about them being a couple. Yes from all the travelling they've done together, it would seem so. However, I still question why any man who has witnessed her very nasty and bad behavior, would ever want to be in a romantic relationship with her. As dumb as I think he is, I don't know that he's that dumb.
I guess I'm in the camp that he was being paid good money by TLC to put up with her. Since he has lost all professional credibility because of his association with her, I think he might be staying around just for the money.
I think Kate has feelings for him, but I just can't see those feelings being returned by Steve, unless he is much dumber than I imagined.
Crefro Dollar, the evangelist?, got arrested for beating his 15-yo daughter with his shoe.
I took a look at Kate running with Rod Dixon today. Of course, she has the pink phone in her hand! Who is going to call her?
Thank you all for reading my new article. I appreciate the comments.
This whole marathon push feels to me like Kate is surrounding herself with people who think she's cultivated a crowd of real suckers who will fall for anything. I'd have thought the embarrassing failure of the cruise would have proven something. Maybe her "people" will just aim lower, moneywise, for a while.
I have waivered back and forth over the years, but since he is still around after the show cancellation, I am finally convinced they are a couple (a couple of what I don't want to say in polite society). He seems devoted and she is so happy when he is around. Too bad for his family. Does anyone think Gina is still Kate's pal? I don't think she ever was but was forced to pretend by Steve and TLC so the rumors would go away. They wanted Jon to be the bad guy.
You tell 'em, Sue Buddy!
Enough's enough. The stupidity revolving around Kate Gosselin is ASTOUNDING.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 113
Auntie Ann, I go back and forth about them being a couple. Yes from all the travelling they've done together, it would seem so. However, I still question why any man who has witnessed her very nasty and bad behavior, would ever want to be in a romantic relationship with her. As dumb as I think he is, I don't know that he's that dumb.
I guess I'm in the camp that he was being paid good money by TLC to put up with her. Since he has lost all professional credibility because of his association with her, I think he might be staying around just for the money.
I think Kate has feelings for him, but I just can't see those feelings being returned by Steve, unless he is much dumber than I imagined.
I agree,Love, but don't think Kate really has feelings for him because I think she is too self-centered to have feelings for anyone besides herself, plus as I mentioned before, she seems kind of androgynous to me.
Sue Buddy:
Another great article, reflecting much of what we all have stated here. Thanks once more! This whole run thing was a fiasco.
Kate was tweeting to someone about a running app for her phone. Maybe that's why she carries it? I don't know one thing about apps.
If she's so excited to be running with Rod Dixon, why does she have earbuds in? Neither of the other two have them. How rude. And for goodness sake, woman, buy a fricken ipod holder if you are going to be so rude! They are about $12 at your favorite store, you know, the one you would love to be spokesperson for: Target!
Another blurb about Kate at the kids' race:
"Also on hand was a fan of the program with her own fans, reality television star Kate Gosselin with her 8-year-old sextuplets and 12-year old twins. Fresh off of running a half-marathon in San Diego, Gosselin met Dixon last September at Las Vegas’ Rock `n Roll Marathon and was given a training regimen by Dixon, who invited her to Litchfield.
Gosselin did all the warm-ups with her clan and ran the mile urging her brood on.
“They have been having a great time running at school and I’m an avid runner so we’re excited to join Rod’s program,” said Gosselin. “I’m a firm believer in health and fitness. I’d love to see the program expand in school’s everywhere. The final mile is a perfect setup for kids to start their career being fit.”
I just noticed that that blurb said the LV marathon was last September-when it was actually run in December. So I wonder if any of what was said is the truth. The article also got the twins ages wrong.
Kate is a twit said... 75
Someone on Kate's twitter posted a picture of Kate and Steve at today's race:
It looks like on of the girl tups on the left side of the tree. So who's watching the kids?
Is that the same teenage fan from yesterday standing next to Steve?
LoveMyGrandsons - I hear what you're saying. And yes, I think he IS a dumb man. A very stupid man for hanging on to this has-been reality star.
He is just the 'really good bra' story all over again. She's never denied they weren't having an affair, she just thought it was awful that anyone thought that.
There are just too many instances where he doesn't need to be there, paid or not. And when she said the TLC crew were like fathers to her children she was talking about Steve. She's very coy and deceptive but she ain't fooling me. She and Steve are guilty as sin. I believe Jon was right about them from the start.
Summerwind said... 88
Summer land was asking however why Kate was not thrown in jail for it and that's why, it's legal.
I cited a current case of a father whipping his child with a belt. He was arrested. I thought about the whipping of Leah caught on camera and wondered why it never was investigated, not why Kate wasn't thrown in jail. The attorney in the video said that it is hard to say how serious this is, but if child services received a complaint they would have to look into it. So if your child is whipped or hit with your hand, it's legal, but if a belt is used, it's not?
Summer, actually the paps who took the spanking pics then called the police. Sadly, they probably did it not out of concern for Leah. but for more dramatic photos. Google 'Kate Gosselin cops' on Google images and they will come right up. She's a beaut in her pink house frock. Even more sad is those spanking photos fetched $70,000, way more than what the photos of Jon driving from the bar with the school teacher brought:(
What Kate did was awful, especially because the kid was just blowing a whistle, but the police left without incident because what she did was not illegal.
There is a really good Nike running app where you put this chip in your shoe. But you don't need to be listening to your music for it to work. Actually I think you might even be able to leave your phone at home as long as the chip is in.
Auntie #112
I am with you. TheY are a couple. No way would Skeeve be herding the kids, walking around with chapstick dangling from his backback, getting chubby and losing his self respect if this were merely a job. If this were just a JOB then Skeeve would NOT be seen in such ridiculous situations.
Lets face it people. Asexual women do not turn into Barbies. We may see kate as asexual but if you think about it you can clearly see where the transformation begins..and Jon gets booted out the door. Kate would not have kicked Jon aside if she weren't boinking Steve. People leave relationships when they have someone new - usually not before. No way will I ever believe the are not sexually involved. Steve is the very definition of WHIPPED.
Stupid Steve hitched his wagon to the Gosselin train thinking he would become a mega millionaire. Instead he is a gigilo to a rich but stingy woman who carries on like a high maintenance shrew ..who is losing career prospects by the day..and who has 8 children for him to attend too and shuttle to their photo ops. That's all he see's the kids as. A means to fame..just like kate. If he were any type of man he would be ashamsed of kate for how she treats her kids. Sorry, but by being around it..Steve is just as guilty as kate. Karma will get him for this...but 1st its busy kicking him around for what he did to Jon.
Karma made Steve THE NEW JON. Weight gain, lost look in his eyes, and ball-less. One thing missing though...kate couldnt trounce him out for ratings, TLC wouldn't allow it. BACKFIRE! People watched the show to see the dynamic of JON and kate. Kate dumped Jon and dumped her "show" right along side of it. Kate and Steve are left with the pieces of bitter unfulfilled desires - and they deserve it for their greed.
I strongly feel karma is hitting kate and Steve as we speak. it's just begun. Nothing terrible. Nothing normal people couldn't handle. But what is coming to them will drive them apart and make them both bitter. It is OBSCURITY. These 2 are quickly becoming nobodies and neither of them will know what to do in a role where there is not sheep and paps clamoring for them. It gets funnier every day to see articles referring to Skeeve as a bodyguard - meanwhile people in the crowds in the photos aren't even looking at kate anymore.
I did Google the cop pics- Kate's face was what she calls 'ugly.' I also saw this lovely picture- it's about her supposed Botox mishap, but can anyone tell me if that scar near her underarm would be from a 'good bra' job? I didn't think they would be so obvious but I never have actually seen one! Mastectomy scars are much less evident. ( have seen those :( )
TLC stinks said... 76
I wonder what Steve carries in that backpack? His balls?
They're not his balls anymore.
They are property of Katie Irene's now.
I bet she smashed them up and put them in her pink phone-lol-(if that make sense>
“I’m a firm believer in health and fitness. I’d love to see the program expand in school’s everywhere. The final mile is a perfect setup for kids to start their career being fit.”
This statement right here, I would love it if someone could possibly explain to me how kids running is a career...at being fit?
I thought a career was something you do when you're established maybe in your mid-late 20s, a job that you wanted or something like that.
I do not see how being fit can be career, not unless her kids on planning become fitness instructors or something like that. They are just kids. Most kids don't develop a true understanding or appreciation or long term interest in fitness until they are teenagers or maybe later. I could be wrong.
Kate, since you obviously have plenty of time on your hands this summer and are in need of money, what with you having a passion for healthy lifestyle, why not try applying for a job at a sporting goods store?
No...wait, I take it back. I don't want to see her give people wrong advice. That's a terrible idea.
I think Kate might have music on her phone so that's probably why she all ways has it while running.
Connecticut must be the Manners State. Even Kate was moved to tweet thank yous for the hospitality and to comment on the beauty of that part of the state.
"The final mile is a perfect setup for kids to start their career being fit.”
No Kate. It's the entire program that is a perfect setup for the kids to learn lifelong good health and fitness habits. Its not just running the final mile to start their career. It's obvious her "career" and shameless self promotion is all she is thinking about.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
What a wonderful wkend!The Lichtfield road race was HARD but fun&running w Rod Dixon was a wonderful honor! Thx Lichtfield! We love u all!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
We met SO many wonderful kind, loving friendly people here and OH MY what beautiful country and landscape.. marvelous summer memories made!
There she goes again with the "memories" line, and summer hasn't even started yet. I hope the kids will still get "marvelous summer memories" that they will actually remember as happy ones.
fidosmommy said... 134
Connecticut must be the Manners State. Even Kate was moved to tweet thank yous for the hospitality and to comment on the beauty of that part of the state.
I bet she meant "Thanks for letting us stay free".
"Thx Lichtfield (sic)! We love u all!" Ms. Perfect Speller loves them so much she can't be bothered to learn to spell the name of the town properly! Typical.
Why am I not surprised to hear that she ran the race with the pink iphone grafted (or is that grifted?) to her hand? I'd love to know where she found a pink one. I just bought an iphone and it came in black, white or silver (I don't want a pink one, but would love to find a blue or green one).
if I thought Kate was sincere about fitness and health I'd be all for it. However I'm sure it's just a ruse to be in the limelight and also about appearances- hers. I wonder if she bugs the kids about not getting fat and not loving running. I guess she thinks if it worked for M Obama it'll work for her.
Three tweets. Litchfield spelled wrong three times.
I wonder if we'll hear her time on this race. Or whether she finished.
Gift--ask and you shall receive. She just tweeted:
Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!
Aw, no 8 minutes per a mile this time? And of course, she uses SD as an excuse. Wonder if Rod held her hand?
And it wasn't a 10K. A 10K is 6.2 miles, this race was 7.1 miles. But don't tell her, it makes her time look worse.
Gift of grab said... 140
Three tweets. Litchfield spelled wrong three times.
I wonder if we'll hear her time on this race. Or whether she finished.
Haha! I thought I had spelled the name wrong. Duh. And yes, she just tweeted her time which comes to an 11 min mile. Of course it's because she is "still recovering" and not because San Diego was a fast, flat course and this one has hills.
Kate you're going from one side of the spectrum to the other! You went from people don't look at me, you're not worthy, to I love you ,thank you for being so nice !! I didn't know she could be nice and give a compliments! Oh wait a minute she's a phony and changing her brand!
I agree with many of you Steve is her boyfriend ! She split up two families and probably brags about it! She thinks taking a man from another woman is something to brag about!
She wouldn't have given Jon the boot otherwise.Jon is not perfect but he did everything for her,he was a slave husband, I really believe they would still be together if it hadn't been for Steve , or maybe for Rod. Oops!!
Kate is a twit said... 141
Gift--ask and you shall receive. She just tweeted:
Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!
Aw, no 8 minutes per a mile this time? And of course, she uses SD as an excuse. Wonder if Rod held her hand?
And it wasn't a 10K. A 10K is 6.2 miles, this race was 7.1 miles. But don't tell her, it makes her time look worse.
Haha you're right! It looks like an 11 min mile as I posted above instead of 9.7 min mile. LOL
Did the kids get to stay and watch Mommy Dearest run or were they shuttled back home before her "big race"?
Kate does have the Hollywood lollipop head now. Sista needs a cheeseburger.
Tuckers - lol. Never heard the expression lollipop head. Funny how it suits her. Admin had a name for Giada D. and I can't remember it. Admin ??
And yes that rabbit food she's been eating is only good for a rabbit. She's way too thin to be as *cough* health conscious as she claims. Her body is going to start eating her muscle for nourishiment.
Kate is a Witch said... 7
I find it very odd that a teenage girl would have this woman as a role model. I find it even odder that she would fabric paint eight kids' names on her shirt.
Just strange all around. I'd have to wonder if my teen daughter was obsessed with a has-been reality TV person famous only for having tons of kids.
This reminds me of my sis-in-law. When she was a teen she was obsessed with Sully on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. (I can't remember the actor's name.) I remember being in shock as she told me that she wrote him a letter inviting him to dinner. She also shared her testimony with him because she so desperately wanted him to be a Christian. She's a sweet person, but even as an adult she's incredibly naive and sort of odd. Maybe this teen fan of Kate is like that. Poor kid.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 143
I agree with many of you Steve is her boyfriend ! She split up two families and probably brags about it! She thinks taking a man from another woman is something to brag about!
She bragged about how she stole Jon on TV so I could see her doing he same with Steve.
I haven't caught up on all of the posts, but have watched the youtube videos. Wow--it was worse than I could have imagined. Her constant gum-chewing just makes her look stupid. I'm guessing that she bribed the kids with the rare treat of gum chewing, and they are emulating her open-mouthed chewing.
Seeing all of the kids that were participating with their classmates and friends only highlighted how very isolated these are--and from their expressions, at least some are aware of that fact.
Most kids would be embarrassed, if not mortified, to have to run in formation with Mommy and her constant companion. Those kids had no business being there, except to try to keep their pathetic mother relevant. They weren't prepared for the physical challenge and couldn't (and shouldn't) have been emotionally prepared to be put on display.
Watching that video and imagining her crazy fans coming to gawk at them is sickening. I wish that we had been a little easier on her for some of the other things she has done, because this is so horrific and despicable, that it is hard to find words that are extreme enough to describe how damaging this was.
Many of years ago, another mom brought a puppy that was in training to be a seeing-eye dog to our daughter's softball game. He was being trained to ignore his surroundings, and so was not allowed to interact with others. Everytime something caught his attention, he received a verbal correction. Other people brought their dogs that were, of course, allowed to interact with people and each other. I felt so sorry for this puppy because he didn't understand why he was different, and couldn't join in the fun. That is how I feel about the G's. They have a displaced sense of their own importance, yet I'm sure that they wonder why they can't do the things that their friends and classmates enjoy. I hope that they will have some time with Jon this summer-- to just be kids doing what kids do with other kids.
On the positive side, Purse Boy must be a most excellent bodyguard because I can see that everyone there has been instructed to pretend that they don't know who she is. Better keep him away from Michelle Obama, Kate!
Mrs. Malaprop -- The actor is Joe Lando -- by all accounts a very nice guy. I was a fan of his when he was on "One Life To Live".
Once a Viewer,
Those armpit scars were discussed a couple of years ago - they match what you'd see for a side insert of breast implants.
I don't know the name of the technique but implants can be inserted from the side via "laprascopic surgery" sort of... the scar is minimal compared to the scar under the breast in the fold of skin - that scar can be up to 4 inches wide but is "usually" hidden in the fold.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the side insert method is through a smallish hole and the implants are then filled with saline once they are inside.
Never had an enhancement but I think I read this somewhere.
When folks were talking about those scars a couple of years ago that was the speculation.
Anyone else know about this technique?
Now this is reaching, but might these also be able to be increased in size via injection of more saline into a port vs having new implants put in?
Once a Viewer,
Those armpit scars were discussed a couple of years ago - they match what you'd see for a side insert of breast implants.
I don't know the name of the technique but implants can be inserted from the side via "laprascopic surgery" sort of... the scar is minimal compared to the scar under the breast in the fold of skin - that scar can be up to 4 inches wide but is "usually" hidden in the fold.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the side insert method is through a smallish hole and the implants are then filled with saline once they are inside.
Never had an enhancement but I think I read this somewhere.
When folks were talking about those scars a couple of years ago that was the speculation.
Anyone else know about this technique?
Now this is reaching, but might these also be able to be increased in size via injection of more saline into a port vs having new implants put in?
Transaxillary Incisions is the name of what your thinking of.
Here is some info on the Kidsmarathon Foundation:
Although Rod Dixon said that this was the fifth year for the event, the KidsMarathon foundation just filed for tax-exempt status in 2010. The filed return shows that Rod Dixon and others are serving on the board of directors. The return shows $189 in donation revenues and $1800 in expenses. There are no salaries or other expenses. Maybe there will be more information on the 2011 return, when it is filed (return was due 5/15/2012, but not yet posted on Guidestar website). I will check back in a few weeks and update the blog. I'm curious to see what kind of public support/grants/donations Rod is able to attract. Also, the return will show whether he is receiving a salary.
Anyway, in view of this, I doubt that Kate is being paid. Clearly, she was an afterthought, as evidenced by the fact that they were bringing up the rear. If this was a paid celebrity appearance, then she would have led off--IMO.
This seems like a perfect opportunity for Kate to donate her time to bring the KidsMarathon to her home state. She can combine her uber organizational skills and love of exercise, promote her most important priority of healthy eating for moms and kids (never mentions the dads, does she?) all from the comfort of her leather couch, where she can be available to her children all-day, every day.
Kate must have picked up the bill for this, demonstrating just how desperate she is to remain in the public eye. It is an awfully long time between her marathon appearances, and no other gigs have been announced.
readerlady said... 151
Mrs. Malaprop -- The actor is Joe Lando -- by all accounts a very nice guy. I was a fan of his when he was on "One Life To Live".
Joe Lando! That's it! :) Thanks RL!
Now we know why Kate didn't post any pic's of the 8 crossing the finish line. They didn't want to run and were crying and hold Kate's hand.during the race. She was question about it tonight and said they were nervous but became angry and blocked the person for questioned why she lied and said the kids had fun and love it.
Now we know why Kate didn't post any pic's of the 8 crossing the finish line. They didn't want to run and were crying and hold Kate's hand.during the race. She was question about it tonight and said they were nervous but became angry and blocked the person for questioned why she lied and said the kids had fun and love it.
You know what, part of me was giving Kate the benefit of the doubt on this. So she had one or two kids that didn't want to be there, the rest went along with it grudgingly enough, I thought well maybe they were just tired maybe they were super excited to be there that just didn't act like it when the cameras were rolling.
But after seeing her defensive holding her breath stomping her foot overreaction when someone dare suggest the children weren't happy, I'm now convinced every single one of them was miserable and just wanted to go home.
Congrats Kate, you and you alone changed my mind.
What she did not take any pics, of her kids or want as you said: any mom would have wanted a copy of the video. Kate does not want a copy?
Not only did she not want a copy, she didn't even want to see it. I thought this mother loved capturing all their moments on film forever.
Bullshit, she just wanted the money. When filming them doesn't bring money she could care two hoots about seeing the film.
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