Kate was spotted with Rod Dixon running in Sunday's race, which included the famous Gallow's Hill.
Kate tweeted: Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!
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Twitter.com |
What flavor is that lip gloss, Steve, bubble-gum-wish-on-a-star-drops?
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Twitter.com |
Meanwhile, the acclaimed local newspaper The Reading Eagle, which has been on to the Gosselin scam for years, has a fantastic article about the increasingly accepted notion we have often discussed here, parental alienation. Here is an excerpt:
Dawn Palange is a partner with Palange & Endres P.C. and chairwoman of the Family Law Section of the Berks County Bar Association. During 23 years of practicing law Palange said she has seen many cases of parental alienation, sometimes called parental alienation syndrome, and she believes it is becoming increasingly common.
"For some reason there seems to be more animosity between divorcing couples than there used to be," Palange said.
Parental alienation, which Palange described as "a parent acting in a way that's intended to turn a child away from the other parent," is a situation that hurts everyone involved. Once instituted, she said, it can cause lifelong emotional scarring.
"I know young people in their late 20s who are victims of parental alienation, and I've seen some of the baggage they're carrying because of it," Palange said. "It's not a good situation at all."
That baggage, experts say, can include damaged self-esteem, depression, an inability to achieve healthy relationships, a lack of trust, substance abuse problems, increased divorce rates and an inability to develop good relationships with their own children.
Dr. Larry Rotenberg, a Reading Hospital forensic psychiatrist, said that a parent who engages in parental alienation to the point that it destroys his or her own child's relationship with the other parent has lost sight of the damage his or her actions are causing.
"The eagerness to combat the other parent exceeds all other motivation and blinds them to seeing the harm they're causing to their child," Rotenberg said.
Frank put it another way when talking about his ex-wife. "She hates me more than she loves her children," he said.
Robert M. Gordon, an Allentown psychoanalyst and forensic psychologist who has conducted extensive research on parental alienation, said that people who practice parental alienation suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD), a serious mental disorder.
1244 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1244 Newer› Newest»Vanessa, your prediction is scary and a very real possibility for children exhibiting indiscriminate affection.
Children with this problem as they become older may find themselves throwing themselves at the first person who shows them any kind of interest. When a hug and kiss is not enough it'll be sex and pregnancy. There are so many real consequences to this that really cannot be exaggerated. If they turn out all right, it will be in spite of their childhoods, not because of it.
I too see the irony in encouraging kids to cozy up to strangers while denying them access to family members they should be close to like Aunt Jodi and Co., grandparents, and Jon their father.
Kate, please, please, get therapy every single day indefinitely.
How many kids do you know that constantly tell their mother "how proud they are of her" wtf?!? so weird. She's like the queen in snow white - only instead of looking in a mirror and asking the question...she lines up all 8 on the taped line on the floor and ask them "who is the fairest of them all" and they all in unison say "oh you are"
readerlady said... 196
KK is an idiot to encourage and allow her kids to interact with fans. Emily appears to be nice and relatively normal young woman. However, there are too many wingnuts out there to permit such behavior.
And even if Emily appears to be a nice, relatively normal young woman, she could be very different than she appears. All I can think about is the movie All About Eve. Remember Eve seemed like a nice normal, mousy young woman. Then she slowly tries to take over Margo Channing's life.
If anyone's interested, I posted the link to the video of Kate finishing the race on the previous page at comment #200.
Admin-if you want, I repost that comment on this page.
Quick question-(in my best Miloese)-how's this rovin reporter doin? Am I doin a better job than Milo, or did her reportin of the SD race put me to shame?
Of course, I'm only kidding. I enjoyed doing it. An added plus--I also found the results of the 10K my daughter ran in yesterday. I wish there was a video posted of that.
It is possible that one or two of the children like to run. If so, they probably wish to do it on their own terms. Right now, they are nothing more than an extension of their mother's "hobby".
Wouldn't two days of laundry on a trip actually be less than 2 days at home with towels?
Dramatic piles of dirty clothes. Poor Kate.
Kate is a twit - 200 thanks for the link. the announcer call Kate's name as Gosseling. I played it 3x to be certain.
Kate is a twit said... 7
Quick question-(in my best Miloese)-how's this rovin reporter doin? Am I doin a better job than Milo, or did her reportin of the SD race put me to shame?
@ kate is a twit,
It's the video/videos of Kate holding 2 of the tups hands crossing the finish line, the not so happy faces, arms crossed etc....I'd like to see for myself what your all describing...and rat-claws herding them up at the back.
Kate is a twit said... 192
Cruisin-the pic of Emily in the white shirt was taken Saturday. The pic with the kids was taken yesterday. I'm pretty sure it's her.
Got it. It's Monday. I'm a bit slow today! I didn't know that she was there for both events. I can't keep up with this stuff! It does look a little bit like her. It's kind of hard to tell from that photo, but the resemblance is there. So she wormed her way into this family on both days? Geez...
for Kate Gosseling: Organic milk on sale at GIANT 10 pint bottles for $10.00. No excuses on this one as we know that Kate reads this blog.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
I must say,I'm so so excited about many avatar pics of my twitter friends & me..I've met some of u lately&have so many more2meet!Can't wait!
If she can't wait to meet more of her "twitter fans", why not tweet about the "Run with Kate"? Oh that's right, they're not necessarily going to meet her, are they?
And she's so excited about the avatar pictures of her and her "friends". I remember when Kate first got twitter, Paige had a picture of Kate as her avatar, and Kate told her to change it.
She's so desperate to hang onto her tweeties, she'll give them carte blanche to do anything.
Dmasy (8), as Kate herself once infamously pointed out, she considers her children to be "extensions of herself." So I guess that means she intends them to be 8 little clones.
She's so gross, and I am so sick of her.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@cocopops174 sorting piles of laundry and souvenirs & stale snacks and random travel stuff used to be a hassle--now I count it a blessing!:)
Wow! She's higher than a kite this morning. She's had two ego-boosting trips over the last two weekends! Whoo hoo! Give her a while to get back to mediocreishness.
It is possible that one or two of the children like to run. If so, they probably wish to do it on their own terms. Right now, they are nothing more than an extension of their mother's "hobby".
Well, Kate has said that the kids are extensions of herself. I guess they are now running extensions. Here's hoping that they won't grow up to be grifting extensions, or lying extensions, or entitlement extensions, or want fried hair extensions.
Sorry, Grab. My sediments echoed yours. We were posting at the same time! :) GMTA and all of that...
I am beginning to get the feeling that KT may breathe a sigh of relief when PB goes back to his other family so that she can have it on her beloved Twitter.
At 5:24 you'll hear the announcer say their names.
Teehee. He called her Kate "Gossling".
Ted Bundy was classically handsome, looked dapper in a suit, could easily pass for a doctor, lawyer, actor, business man or any number of normal things.
It's just reckless to allow people you barely know around your kids, fans and non fans alike.
I'm sure Kate would play back any YouTubes with herself featured so, so can she NOT see how unhappy and un-runner-ish the children are?? No, I didn't think so...
Mamasan: I hope she buys some milk on sale at Giant whether she reports it or not...
Vanessa-here you go-
2012 KidsMarathon - Part 2.mp4
You can see them start the race at approx. :14, and at 2:08 is the part at the end of the race that show's the hand holding.
It's at the beginning of the race where Alexis has her arms folded and appears to be crying.
Kate is a twit said... 7
Quick question-(in my best Miloese)-how's this rovin reporter doin? Am I doin a better job than Milo, or did her reportin of the SD race put me to shame?
Perfection! I think you should head over to Twitter and give Milo a run for her money!
By the way I'm sorry this Emily person has become the poster child for the point that Kate allows strangers around her kids. She is probably a sweet kid who will grow out of her fascination with Kate and grow up and see what happened to these kids. So if she ever happens to pop in here, it's not personal Emily. It's not about you. It's about Kate and her poor choices. You just sort of became representative of the greater point.
Boy oh boy. She sure is patting herself on the back today along with her twatting fans (all 10 of them). When you think about it, this is all pretty funny that she had to bust her butt running and no first class treatment just to get a little publicity on her own dime. Steve is probably thinking he needs to go home and beg forgiveness.
Why is it okay Kates kids to be filmed in this race and put on YouTube but God forbid their school put a video up of the twins chorus concert without the wrath of Kate?
Auntie Ann(10)-I've learned from the best! You've taught me well.
Jane(24)-I don't have a twitter account, wouldn't even consider getting a twitter account-not even if Kate paid me to follow her.
Auntie Ann and Jane--I forgot to say--
Thank you!
Twit - I'm still laughing at your "Miloese". Or should I say laughin?
More please!
Ha, ha. I missed the beginning of the video with Alexis looking angry with her arms folded. Ol' PB said something to her and put his hand on her back. Gosh I would live to know what he threatened, er said. None of the kids looked thrilled, even Cara.
Good girl, Alexis.
Kate is a twit, got it, thanks!
All your observations are spot on. Might I add that I think having your little arm held up like that WHILE TRYING TO RUN would hurt like a bugger, or at the very least be extremely uncomfortable. Yup, they just love love love to run.
If Kate wants to make it a "tradtion" to go to Litchfield each year, she better learn how to spell it. Not one of her "tweeties" have dared to point out her error.
I looked at her feed on twazzup and I think I got about 5 cavities just from reading all the syrupy sweetness being exchange between Kate and her fans.
I wonder if Steve's laundry is included in those 2 day's worth that she has piled up.
There's another YouTube video I guess made by a parent that shows Steve holding Alexis' hand while they are jogging. Gotta make she doesn't make a dash for freedom:)
I wonder if she is acknowledging that her kids might be sore today also. Can anyone get a still photo of her crossing the finish line. She looks a little worse for wear so I'm sure she really ran this one. Makes you wonder about the LV run.
chefsummer said... 3
They got out got 2-3 days and then back mansion till the birth-er needs more attention.
In prison terms, isn't that called a pass?
mamasan said... 9
Kate is a twit - 200 thanks for the link. the announcer call Kate's name as Gosseling. I played it 3x to be certain.
Sorry, I didn't see your post when I wrote mine. Yes, the announcer mispronounced her name - lol. I can hear her complaining "but I'm FAMOUS, how dare he!"
Welcome to the world of mediocrity, Kate.
It's just a sign of her wanting to stay relavent that she's letting the kids mingle with strangers. She has no cards left to play so why not "act" like we're interested in fans. I still don't see how this is paying her bills. Don't you need a "job" to make money. For her to pay her own way for ANYTHING is a sign of how desperate she is to be in the public eye and be noticed....and spending money on this sort of stuff makes sense to her because she feels like she's investing in her career trying to get future work by marketing herself....if this is the best she can, do then she's in a load of trouble
Kate: 6 Tips to Save on Kids’ Sports
Posted on June 11th, 2012 by Kate G
My kids are growing up. While the baby gear and equipment is now gone, it’s slowly being replaced by sports equipment and is quickly getting expensive!
So far, I have only one child who regularly plays at least one sport per season, but I have already devised a plan that I hope will work when that number becomes six, seven or eight kids who are playing sports.
1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.”
2. I try to plan ahead and know what equipment I will need for the next sport coming up so that I can watch out for sales.
3. I do the usual. I shop on the off seasons when equipment is on sale and I use coupons.
4. I teach my kids to take care of their equipment so that we can reuse it the next season. Things like lacrosse sticks and helmets can be salvaged and re-used. If cleats and clothing are outgrown and have survived the season, they are saved and handed down.
5. Although I don’t think our school has anything like this, I know of friends who participate in an “equipment swap” where they trade leftover reusable sports equipment. What a great idea! This is especially useful for that first season when our kids are just trying out a new sport. It’s always a strain to buy all of the equipment needed for a given sport, only to find it collecting dust after a few short weeks.
6. Finally, since it is quite likely that kids’ gear will only last one season, I try to buy items that are sturdy, safe and protective enough to that amount of time. But I save by choosing to buy an “off” brand.
I feel that it is important to allow my kids to try any sport they are interested in so I am trying to keep it affordable so that they have those experiences. In the meantime, I’m thinking about painting the side of our Big Black Bus so that it reads “Team Gosselin” because very soon I’ll have a team of players of various sports on board!
Check out some great sports-themed offers below to save money on kids’ sports. Make it a gr8 day!
What really galls me about the kids and their interacting with strangers, is that the sheeple just don't see it. Doesn't it set off some bells and whistles when they witness things like that? Are they really that blind or just to afraid to admit it.
According to Kate, the kids "love" and "miss" the crew-the crew were like dads-the kids "love" Emily, etc. Is she going to be tweeting next how much the kids miss Emily?
Most kids act shy when they first meet someone they don't know-that's their instinct kicking in-to be wary until they get to know the person better. I've seen my grandchildren act that way-even if it's someone I know, but they haven't met.
You never should force children to be with someone new-they'll decide when they're in their comfort zone.
Kate's squashing that inherent instinct in her children. She's doesn't seem to have any of that instinct left in her. To her, anyone that praises and adores her becomes an immediate "friend". It's like when a stranger offers a child candy to lure them away.
Although schools do teach about "stanger danger"-the lesson should first be taught by a parent. The schools influence should only be to reinforce what the parent should already have taught them.
And as far as what the sheeple think about what we say here-I don't care what they think. They're the ones who can't see past the adoration of the Queen, to have a logical thought about how she's harming her children. Their excuse is always "how can you say that about someone you don't know?"-well, I can send that question right back at them.
mamasan said... 9
Kate is a twit - 200 thanks for the link. the announcer call Kate's name as Gosseling. I played it 3x to be certain.
Haha, I watched it twice for the same reason, and you are right.
Guess Kate isn't as famous as she thought she was...they got both her age and her name wrong.
Anon(38)-Of course, her CC blog would be about sports! It's almost as if she thinks "let's do this, so I have something to write about."
I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about that post, but right now it's left me speechless, except for the few choice words I want to call her.
Doing post trip organization..wondering why Nintendo made DS&DSI games SO $$ yet so teeny tiny?We lost 1/2 of our games on this trip... #UGH 15 minutes ago
Ugh, why is Kate so frugal and money conscious when it comes to the kids?
I guess the kids won't be getting their cupcake today!
Thanks to the poster for pasting the fabulous money saving tips from her CC blog.
Yep, Kate, buy the best for yourself, and buy the kids 'off brands'. That's really classy of you.
1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.”
Kate, no one likes you, and no one is going to give a millionaire like yourself their cast-offs. But, as you say, "Who I am I to say no."
And I never read her saying anything about her giving stuff away, she just takes and hoards for future use.
The CC blog is odd because she just said only one of her kids does sports. Why save equipment or accept it from friends if your kids don't need it- wait till they do. There might be another child out there who could benefit form Kate's 'friends' hand-me-downs. The sports equipment swap is a good idea, although hardly new. Also, sports shoes like cleats or running shoes really should be new for a comfortable fit and safe use while running/jumping/kicking etc.
Sounds like she is going to force the kids into sports- or maybe this is just to tie in with her new 'my kids love sports' theme.
My kids are growing up. While the baby gear and equipment is now gone, it’s slowly being replaced by sports equipment and is quickly getting expensive!
(uh...is that because KATE is having to pay for it now instead of TLC and the kindness of strangers?)
So far, I have only one child who regularly plays at least one sport per season, but I have already devised a plan that I hope will work when that number becomes six, seven or eight kids who are playing sports.
All of my kids starting playing outdoor soccer in kindergarten, for the exercise, but just as importantly, for the socialization aspect outside of the school setting.
ALL of her kids should have been participating in some sort of extra-curricular sport for several years now. I realize as kids get older that initial sport may not be their interest, and they discover other sports and interests, but dang Kate, you have really done a grave disservice to your children by denying them sports involvement at a young age (or camps, music, etc.).
she says she has 'already devised a plan'.....wtf? Why does she make life so freakin hard?
Kate, you have no plan. It's all about YOU.
And as far as only one of her kids being involved in regular sports, dang again Kate! My kids had games EVERY Saturday...she never mentions any sports schedules.
Looks like she has a new grifting mission - replacing those $$ Nintendo games that somehow managed to get lost on the trip. Half are gone, she says. Can anyone hear the ranting at the Mansion today. Guess some of the "memories" are not so happy. Guess Purseboy is truly not a nanny, items lost on his watch.
As for another stoopid CC post - exactly what sports besides those at school do these children play? She is certainly not buying 8 pairs of soccer cleats, 8 sets of shin guards, or anything else most other parents with sports minded kids have to buy. Lacrosse sticks? Please, if it were not a school activity would those chidren be playing? Yes, top of the line running gear for the Sports & Fitness Barbie Kate, but shoes and clothes 3 sizes too big for her kids. Guess Cookbook Barbie Kate is yesterday's fantasy.
I agree with you Admin. about kids and strangers . In kinder we always did a safety unit. One of the themes was how to react to a stranger that would confront when they were alone. I would show them a picture of a good looking man and a not to looking man ,and ask who would you be afraid of they would always point to the ugly one! Of course the lesson is don't go with neither . The point is kids think good looking people are not bad!
Now let's look at the Gosselin kids, they have been taught to like,trust ,be touchy touchy with TLC crew men, love their fans, have a relationship with an ongoing group of nannies,stay at home for weeks and weeks with sitter, a mother who puts them in front of a camera and tells them to smile for whoever is watching( maybe a grandmother in Kansas saying oh my gosh how adorable or some sicko who knows where they live)! It's just creepy and scarey!
Kate keep your kids home and try to keep them safe ! Try to give them as normal a childhood as possible!
great tip- put sports equipment in bin marked 'sports equipment.' Like the swim in pool tip. wow, CC, just wow.
Kate, if you knew anything about the local community where your kids go to school, you would know that there is a place called "Play It Again Sports" where you can purchase great, used equipment for a fraction of the price if bought new or with coupons. You can even sell or trade equipment that you already have. It's an easy drive, really. Just head north on Manheim Pike, take a right at Chili's and you're there, about 10 minutes away. There's also one in Wyomissing. I've never been to that one, but it most likely has the same great deals.
Kate is Krazy said... 47
great tip- put sports equipment in bin marked 'sports equipment.' Like the swim in pool tip. wow, CC, just wow.
I KNOW!! Who would have thought of such a marvelous idea?
Too bad we have Kate on tape as not being very 'skater-ish'...she could be on Roller Derby! She'd like the outfits, skin tight, short, and it's lots of exercise!
OK-I told myself that I wasn't going to comment yet on the CC post, but I can't help it after reading this:
"I feel that it is important to allow my kids to try any sport they are interested in".
Yeah, right. They didn't look like they were that interested yesterday. It should read-"I'll make them try any sport that "I" am interested in."
"In the meantime, I’m thinking about painting the side of our Big Black Bus so that it reads “Team Gosselin” because very soon I’ll have a team of players of various sports on board!"
Interpretation-I'll put "Team Gosselin" on the BBB to make it easier for the paps to find ME!
As for the rest of that post-I'm sure there are others here who will voice what I have to say. So I'm going to try to remain quiet for now while I go bang my head against the wall.
And as far as only one of her kids being involved in regular sports, dang again Kate! My kids had games EVERY Saturday...she never mentions any sports schedules.
In defense of Kate (yikes), she shouldn't mention any sports schedules. She did post that she was at one of the girl's soccer games and it really wasn't a good idea. Schedules shouldn't be mentioned. These kids deserve privacy, so if she talks about their sports or activities or where they are, she's blabbering too much; if she doesn't, then it's assumed that they are isolated and not involved in any team sports or participate in any youth activities. It's a no-win situation.
"I’m thinking about painting the side of our Big Black Bus so that it reads “Team Gosselin” because very soon I’ll have a team of players of various sports on board!"
No, Kate, you're thinking about putting this on the side of your "BBB" because then you can deduct the costs of this vehicle as a business expense. Have you incorporated "Team Gosselin" yet? Fraud, fraud, fraud, phony, phony, phony.
Oh and yes, she had time to write this CC blog in the two days she managed to be home last week? CC, is this REALLY the best you can do for a spokesperson? Must suck to be you.
3. I do the usual. I shop on the off seasons when equipment is on sale and I use coupons.
Oh yay. She finally used the word "coupon" on Coupon Cabin. Another red letter day.
Admin (4) said...
"Children with this problem as they become older may find themselves throwing themselves at the first person who shows them any kind of interest. When a hug and kiss is not enough it'll be sex and pregnancy."
This is exactly what happened to me. I was so desperate for any kind of positive attention that I latched onto the first boy who smiled at me and ended up pregnant just before my 16th birthday.
I really believed that being a parent would provide me the love that I desperately wanted and I decided to keep the baby. I would never say I regret that decision but it made getting over the abuse from my childhood less of a priority and of course made parenting that much more difficult.
However, I was keenly aware and highly motivated to do better by my son and we both came out of it okay. I did end up in therapy and put a lot of effort into reprogramming my negative thoughts so I did not repeat the cycle of abuse.
I know though, that my son and I are very fortunate and not everyone has access to the support and resources that I did. (I was taken in by a Nun who provided care for my son while I received parenting classes as well as finished high school.)
I truly shudder to think what would have become of us had I been left to my own devices and lack of life skills.
I finished high school, went to college, became a teacher, volunteered in my community, got married, bought a house etc...
The most amazing thing about my narcissistic mother is that she never took any blame for what she did to me as a child but was first in line to want credit when I overcame all of it and turned into a positive and productive member of society.
If that's no indicative of a personality disorder, I don't know what is.
Sorry for the ramble guys, it just kind of poured out.
A Mouse Today said... 51
And as far as only one of her kids being involved in regular sports, dang again Kate! My kids had games EVERY Saturday...she never mentions any sports schedules.
In defense of Kate (yikes), she shouldn't mention any sports schedules.
Yes, you are right, but I guess I meant that every weekend should be taken up with the kid's activities, she should be running herself ragged trying to keep those Sat schedules, and yet, she does NOTHING on Saturdays...her weekend tweeting proves her kids don't participate in weekend sports. I wasn't implying that she SHOULD give schedules, it's just that on a Sat night, she isn't saying, WHEW! what a day!...it's just organizing, etc, those kids don't do anything except go to school.
Regarding the sport equipment: Does anyone really believe that Katie selected the lax equipment? Of course Jon shopped for it and paid the bill. Also, doesn't Jon soon take a job at a regional sports complex? That's where the discounts will come from. Katie will have nothing to do with it. I'm convinced that the appeal of this job is for Jon's kids to have access to sports programs.
I don't think it a stretch to assume that Katie knowledge about sporting equipment doesn't extend much beyond good sports bras.
Oh, and on topic, yes...there was plenty of parental alienation going on in our family, from both parents. The divorce was nasty and even when I was in therapy and requested they come to a session, the both vehemently refused to be in each others' company for even an hour. How does a child NOT take that sort of thing personally?
Sheri: Good for you. You turned a very difficult situation into a great one for you and your son. Thanks goodness for that nun.
You made something of your life and yourself and thus your son's. My hat is off to you. :)
So how did Ms. Super Duper Organizational Mom lose video games? Did she forget to put them in a box and label it "video games"?
Is she going to have another inquisition and call it "Lessons Learned from Nintendo"?
She's slipping up-she forgot to include Nintendo's twitter name in her tweet. Maybe she should just post her address on twitter-I'm sure some of the sheeple would be so thrilled to send her replacements. She's probably already getting emails from them asking what games she needs.
E-Bay is also a great source for used sports equipment.
Maybe she is contemplating painting the name of the bus so people with get the name right.
See, did not take long for Kate to start grifting for computer games. Geez, kate thought you said you are poor, poor little rich reality has been, but you can afford expensive Nintendo games for your kids. kate's still praising herself.
After watching the kids being pulled and corraled by Kate to run, how does she expect these kids to understand about crossing the finish line when your dragging, pulling, bullying them to run, and go across the line.
Probably the only thing the kids saw was a chance to get away from the house.
And this BS about we miss traveling is Kates words not the kids. If you lock anyone up, and then take them on a trip, then remind them constancely that they use to do this, well yeah, through the brain washing the kids will say, yeah we miss traveling.
Oh, Kate I thought you always said you hated, doing the after travel routine, now you love it, your screwry!
My son was not sport-ish. However, in order to know this, he was given the chance to try soccer, T-ball, baseball, flag football, swimming, camping etc by age 8!!! he went on to other pursuits, but he did get other things out of sports as other suggest here- sportsmanship, exercise, friends, and the fundamentals.
My daughter is very sport-ish and was given the same opportunities and ended up an avid soccer player, a runner (yes1) and enjoyed swimming, basketball and misc activities.
But my son was not forced to continue- just to complete a season and not let the team down. If Kate writes Team G on the BBB, the un-sport-ish kids will feel left -out. Quitting sometimes IS an option.
With also this talk about the kids'running, the kid's sports,etc.-I wonder if all this is due to the fact that the Summer Olympics are this summer. Kate will tweet all about how the kids love watching the Olympics, that this one loves this sport and another one loves that sport. It'll be Olympic Fest time at the Gosselins!
The kids will sign up for fall sports-and when they're done no more sports until it's time for the Winter Olympics in 2014. She may even get them so interested, that she'll manage to grift a trip to Russia!
And I wouldn't put it past her that she's hoping someone will give her and the kids a trip to London this summer.
Thanks Viewer! I wouldn't wish what we went through on anyone and it's why I'm so vocal about the Gosselin 8. I can see the damage Kate has done/is doing and it kills me.
I would be remiss and consider myself an enabler to their suffering if you will, if I didn't say something. I know there's not much more I can do than that but at least I go to sleep at night knowing I stood up and said, "This is wrong and it should stop."
And yes, thank goodness for that nun. I'm convinced she saved our lives.
Jon has always been the one to encourage the kids to get involved in sports: skiing, snowboarding, golf. And Kate, nada. Looks to me like the only one who has shown any interest, the athletic ability, and the body build is Cara so far. So for Kate to go bananas that all her kids are sooooo athletic is beyond stupid.
She has no interest, IMO, in them being involved in team sports, because God forbid, she'd have to rub elbows with the mediocre parents. I sure would like to know if she even bothers to stay for those soccer games. She's such a liar that I don't believe she does.
Neither one of my kids was particularly athletic, but we let them join various teams they had a great time, learned invaluable lessons, and we got to meet some neat people.
As far as losing those Nintendo games, why does she bother to tweet about that? So what? Geez. I bet the games were left at the hotel. Call them, Kate, you lazy.... Those games are a drop in the bucket compared to what you pay for your NYC straw hair trips or a couple of tanning sessions.
Exactly right about sports and schedules, she should NOT be posting specifcs, but it's a another Kate farce to be writing as if her kids are actually playing and and participating in organized leagues and sports activities. Let's not forget that gymnastics was just too, too expensive for her budget.
If she walked the walk that she now talks, she would be crazed with weekend actvities X8, or even 4-6, assuming only those who are interested would be participating. We raised 3, and between soccer, football, softball and oh, swim club for a short time, we were hither and yon on weekends for years. AND I do not regret any of it. This weekend we babysat so our daughter and SIL could attend the wedding of a college friend with whom she had played club soccer. Half the team ran through her house Friday night, it was such a pleasure to see these 'girls' again. We have real memories from all our years supporting our children in their chosen activities, chosen I should add, largely by them, and not as appendages to our interests.
I digress - she 'writes' a column for a coupon site and says 'use coupons' to buy sports gear. Well that's hard to figure out, more vague generalities from no substance Barbie Kate. Must be hard today as real summer begins - SD over, check; Litchfield over, check; no activities, classes, camp, trips planned, check.
Perhaps she can teach them all how to Twitter the day away, or at least during R POOL breaks. Totally awesome idea, yes? Summer fun with Twitter Barbie Kate.
I thought the whole reason the Gosselins got a security person in the first place was that someone was trying to hold one of the kids on his/her lap. That was her big objection....horrors! Someone I don't know is trying to hold one of the kids!!
How ironic that a stranger is now holding one of the kids, and apparently helping nanny the others. For two days.
Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she's a good person. She could be anybody with who knows what kinds of issues. All Kate knows about the girl is what the girl TOLD her.
Although I suppose it's possible that her crack security team thoroughly vetted the girl first.
Nah, probably not. Kate, you're playing with fire. Please, please, stop. Please stop before something bad happens.
Am I missing something? She just said she had 1 (count em' 1) kid playing sports. So why is she trying to grift "eqipment"? If only 1 kid IS playing sports why would she put "team Gosselin" on her bus. Is this more of the same...you know trying to attract attention to herself? "Look at me..I have 8 kids who play sports and I can't afford all of the equipment" Why doesn't she wait until that ACTUALLY happens. Kate will never get her "fill" of attention. She's a bottomless pit. Now she's making up new ways of getting noticed...just in case the public totally forgets about her...She's anticipating something that hasn't even happened yet. She is a riot...
Some things should not be handed down IMO. You do not outgrow shin guards each season but they do get gross and sweaty each game. You can wash them but eventually they fall apart. So Kate accepts banged up shin guards gladly? Or does she demand that they be unused? And who ARE these mystery people who donate crap to this woman with her nose in the air? Even before her kids are signed up for sports? She can't even lie effectively anymore. And that was her one true talent in the past
Another useless blog. As if, parents and sport fans don't know that. Please, people are not that dumb as you Kate. Kate thinks her advice is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What is it Kate your just discovering this, so you think it's advice, people have been doing this for decades. Where have you been, living in a cave with a animal skin over your head?
People who are in sports: know to keep sport equipt, in bins etc. Though they do not collect sport equiptment, till the child or person goes into that sport. 1 . cause the equiptment gets old, the leather , foam, padding, falls apart, unless you, oil it, put other stuff on it,store it properly etc. 2. the equiptment, might not fit your kid. 3. takes up space.. 4. hard to sell to a store that takes old equiptment and refurbishes it, to near standard.5 . none of your kids use any of the used sport equiptment that you have been collecting. 6. sometimes a kids will use it once and then it gathers dust in the garage/basement. Kate advice is purely stupid.
So now I guess, Kate is gonna stick those kids in all kinds of sports, what as a group? not as individuals?
I don't think it's a good idea to use used protective equipment. They just won't protect as well as new. She doesn't use old equipment for herself,why should she put her children in used equipment. Now I can see used dance shoes or tap shoes or used dance clothes,but not used shin guards. Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't think it's a good idea.I've noticed that she always ueses the children when talking about saving money and getting out cheaper,but she never mentions anything for herself.
It's interesting how so many new "fans" show up on Twitter. Are these socks of the six die-hard fans who are left? They jump in, gush over Kate, throw in some zingers at the non-fans and then disappear.
@StephenTaylorMM @kateplusmy8 That's your opinion, not your life, not your kids, not your business.
Kate said, in an interview with Larry King in February of 2009:
"K. GOSSELIN: Well, with our reality show, obviously, we put them out there. And, you know, our goal in our show is to show the real life of what it is like to have two sets of multiples. And basically, essentially, we've made it your business."
I guess this "fan" didn't know that. After all, what Kate says must be gospel, right?
She is so full of crap. She doesn't put used equipment on her kids. She's so above that. I don't buy any of it. Remember she has to find things to write about...it's all BS...
KAT said... 68
Am I missing something? She just said she had 1 (count em' 1) kid playing sports.
I thought the same thing when I read that. She has one kid playing sports, but yet she's giving money-saving advice on something that she knows nothing about yet. You wait and see if any of them, and how many of them are interested in sports. She's not speaking from experience, she's blogging about advice that she no doubt found somewhere on the internet. What a doofus!
I do not understand her coupon cabin blog....All 8 of these kids could never be in sports at the same time. As a parent, I had 2 kids close to the same age, it was impossible to be in two spots at the same time....to be in 8 spots at the same time...something else they were robbed of when the master plan was made.
If the kids aren't involved in a sport yet, how does KK know what equipment to buy used or during the off season? And buying "off" brands isn't necessarily a smart thing to do when it comes to sporting equipment. Many "off" brands are fine, but some are not made up to standards and can present safety hazards. KK doesn't know enough about sports to know what is safe and what isn't.
Sheri, you should be proud of yourself for having the courage, the determination and the intelligence to learn, to grow and to become. Bless you and your son.
Sheri, I'm so happy that you turned things around for you and your son, in spite of the bad examples you had growing up. It's difficult, but you overcame it. God bless you and your family.
CC Blog: "1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.”
Get ready Barb Gilmer!
Oh dear Lord.
Kate's 6 Tips to Save on Kids’ Sports...
She's got to be kidding, right?
It should be renamed:
Kate's 6 Tips for Morons to Save on Kids' Sports...
More useless crap, courtesy of Kate and Coupon Cabin.
Sheri-let me second everyone's words to you. You should be very proud of yourself for overcoming all the adversity you faced.
God Bless and thanks to God for sending that nun into your life.
The little kids don't do sports, Kate won't take them. Her article is just PR BULLSH#T! ! !
Leah is not able to do gymnastics unless Jon will take her and yes I was told this by one of the girls!
The boys love to play soccer but Jon is the only one who will support this.
I do know that
Mady plays violin (really 'good' I am told) because the kids no longer have to put their fingers in their ears.
Cara plays trombone.
If the kids are as talkative to Emily in CT as they were to people who saw them a little while ago, I will tell you that Emily got an EAR full! ! Believe me. She will be supportive on twitter, but her feelings about Kate will be in turmoil because those kids can jabber on about everything without anyone ONCE asking a question.
Jon does not dress the younger kids all matchy matchy when he has them. But did anyone notice how on the day that 'mommy' was running, the girl tups were in pink matching tops and the boy tups were in blue. She's so pathetic. She won't let them be individuals. Thank God for Jon and his ability to let the kids be kids.
If the kids aren't involved in a sport yet, how does KK know what equipment to buy used or during the off season?
Exactly. Not only that, but she would have no idea what size to buy during the off season because kids grow, and if she buys a baseball glove during the off season, by the time baseball season rolls around, and assuming that they want to play that sport (kids change their minds), the glove might not fit. How is that saving money?
I hope Jon, with his knowledge of sports, is going to set her straight on a few things.
This guy has had Kate's number from day one. Great article. He and Sue Buddy should pair up a become a writing team!
Kate Gosselin Begs For Video Game Donations!?
June 11, 2012 01:10 PM EDT by William Mantic
Kate Gosselin is a walking, talking, tweeting reality television celebrity. Having just returned from a recent trip, Kate decided to take to Twitter to talk about some Nintendo games that were lost along the way. Is this yet another request for someone to step-up and help her replace them.
Kate, seemingly begging for sympathy from her Twitter following faithful tweeted:
Doing post trip organization..wondering why Nintendo made DS&DSI games SO $$ yet so teeny tiny?We lost 1/2 of our games on this trip... #UGH
Well, for starters, Nintendo made the games so small, because they are made for a hand-held video game system. This seems like a kind of silly question to ask, right? As for as Kate Gosselin asking why they cost money, the answer here is pretty simple, people will pay that much money for the games. This is simply the law of supply and demand.
So, the question here is really why does Kate Gosselin even bring up the fact that half the games are missing and expensive to replace? From the sound of it (and from past patterns) Kate seems to be begging for a little sympathy. Perhaps she is trying to get Nintendo to send her some new games for plugging their company. Maybe she wants people to take pity on her and her eight kids and mail her some replacement games.
Whatever the case may be, someone will certainly be gullible enough to take pity on Kate Gosselin and send her some new (or used) Nintendo DS games for her kids to play with.
Oh, yes, she did? @81
I'm going to guess she has at least a one-year contract with Coupon Cabin. And she's obligated to write an entry once a week, correct? She's going to run out of bullshit ideas before too long.
I wonder if CC was smart enough to include an escape clause in the contract...
Doing post trip organization..wondering why Nintendo made DS&DSI games SO $$ yet so teeny tiny?We lost 1/2 of our games on this trip... #UGH about 2 hours ago
Why do I find it hard to believe that they lost 1/2 of their games on a weekend trip.
Kate controls everything in those kids lives.
How did 1/2 the games disappear under her suffocating watch?
Nahhh. Kate is just grifting for more games from Nintendo.
Let's see how long it takes Nintendo to tweet a note to that twit.
Sorry, I'm not "Oh yes she did".
I can email admin and let her know who I am. I've been really hesitant to share what I know because I live in Berks County. I see the kids on occasion, but I'm so p#ssed off at Kate and her holier than thou attitude.
Please don't accuse me of being that troll'ish' 'everywoman' poster.
I don't want to share all I know about the kids (what they look like now - pictures don't tell the whole story, who acts nicer to people, who's the bully, etc. because this is not about them) but I do know that the kids are very talkative and not in a positive way about their 'mommy'.
Kate's CC blog is useless and I really don't believe she knows anything about sports. My daughter was involved in T-ball, softball, soccer and track, both at school and through the park district. Almost all of the equipment including batting helmets, shin guards, catcher equipment, bats and balls, soccer balls, were supplied by the school or the part district. As parents, we had to buy the uniforms and hat (which were included in the entrance fee),the shoes, the mitt and a special bat if our daughter wanted one. Other than that, the equipment was supplied by the school/park district and replaced every few years.
And Kate is ridiculous to suggest that she is gathering used equipment in case one of the kids might try that particular sport in the future. As someone else said, she should let it go to kids who are currently involved in the sport and could use it. She is such an idiot.
By the way, A Mouse Today, we always went to check out Play It Again Sports for extras for our daughter's activities. Great items at great prices.
Hey Kate, STFU. You said but two days ago that you're all about getting kids to get off the sofa and exercise. So your kids losing Nintendo was a gift. Now try something new and pay attention to them instead of having the tv and Nintendo sedate them for you. Keep your frickng spin straight
Looks like Junior High Barbie Kate is frothing at the mouth twattering again:
@Vontriece I block all bullies.Then I only c the love & support from ppl like YOU! :)Sad that some live only 2 hurt others! Thx4ur support.
Grow up Kate and talk like a grown-up, enough already.
Maybe she brought 2 games and lost one???
Out of the mouth of babes I have been wanting to say that for the longest time! Kids especially that age tell you everything !!! You tell them that's TMI I don't want to know but they do not stop!! You almost have to gag them not to tell you the personal stuff that goes on in their lives and homes!
The Gosselin kids especially the six have told their teachers everything that goes on in that household! Kate thinks that she has them prisoners in that house but they see people at school and they talk to other kids, teacher assistants, teachers whoever is nearby! They are so cute at that age but they have no boundaries when they talk and they talk a lot!!
Isn't that the Em girl that sends the kids and KT nice gifts for just about every occasion?
The younger G kids (the girls more than the boys) can chat up a storm and will keep talking. It was almost as if they don't have anyone to listen to them at home. The baby 'talk' words and comments that Kate keeps spewing her kids do. I cry BullSh#t on that too. The girls are pretty darn articulate.
CC Blog: "1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.
What a selfish entitled disgusting piece of garbage Kate Gosselin is.
HER children don't play sports, but she's solicited and hoarding USED equipment that other children, children whose parents don't own Mercedes and Audi cars and an extra SUV, or acres and acres of land, and a huge house could use.
Way to go, Grifty. Your kids don't need it, but you're gonna make sure no other kids can have it.
Regarding my #88 post, I should clarify that that is how the schools and park district do it where I live. It may be handled differently in different areas and I didn't consider that.
Every time I hear about all the thank you's and we're so proud of you over and over, x8, I am reminded of the bizarre dinner scene where M. out of the blue stated, "we really appreciate when you make things like this for us," as though she was reading from a que card. That was just of one of many strange moments during K+8 that you just don't forget.
I'm still asking, why is Steve even around? Who is paying him? Kids' money being misused for their mother to have a travel companion? Sickening, to say the least. Is Kate paying a PR team or would Coupon Cabin cover that? Wasting money to the max, don't you suppose?
No insider stories please. Rule 2.
Another thing, my grandsons are in another state and they are in the peewee soccer through the park district. The disctict has used shin guards if parents want to use them. That's what my daughter did when they started just to see if they liked the sport and wanted to continue. They did like it so mom and dad bought them the adjustable shin guards.
Okay, OT but a funny story about my grandsons and soccer. This was the older one's second year and the younger one's first. Since they're brothers, they were put on the same team. Both boys played well (can you tell I'm a proud grandma?). However, the younger one had a small problem during the first few games. Every time he saw his older brother with the ball, he chased him down the field and tackled him! Lololol.
My daughter would be running down the sidelines trying to tell the little guy not to tackle his brother because this isn't football and they're on the same team. She overheard one of the moms laughing and ask another mom why the one boy was tackling the other. My daughter turned to her and said, their brothers. The mom laughed and told her no need to say further as she has 4 sons of her own!
Sheri--Thank you for sharing your inspirational story. Your son is very lucky!
Those kids will be at a disadvantage just starting out at the ripe old age of 8. Other kids will have played on teams for several years . Other kids will be familiar with the rules and the strategy, and will therefore get more play time. Can you imagine trying to coach a team with Kate as a parent? That alone will ensure that her kids will be the last picked for any draft (and many coaches do a behind-the-scenes draft). Teams tend to stay together, friendships are formed and it is hard for new kids to assimilate into the group--unless they are extremely talented athletes.
Parents are expected to show up and cheer for the whole team--even if their kid is sitting on the bench. Community programs (ex. Little League) usually require some minimum play time for each player, and that is all some kids will ever get.
Club teams are coached by the same people who coach community programs and require a huge commitment of time and money from the parents. The coaches kids are usually the best players because their parents practice and participate with them. Club teams begin forming, by invitation or try-out and kids begin picking their main sports. Believe it or not, this will determine who will play in high school JV and varsity. The athletic community for individual sports is very small and high-maintenance kids are avoided. Most kids get exposure to different sports in camps, scholl and community programs.
My son was an excellent athlete, but he didn't like team sports, so we enrolled him in Karate. The school was 40 minutes each way, twice a week. Fortunately, we had a carpool, but, no matter what, we would have kept him in that program.His sensei (teacher) stressed individual achievement and instilled values, like respect and achieving goals. As an adult, he still belongs to a dojo, and his new wife is also enrolled. He's a computer geek, and, while he had a pretty miserable time in school, by the end of high school he had taught himself how to program and was competing on an all-star computer team on a national level. Karate gave him personal strength and preserved hie self esteem through some tough years. He was recruited out of college by Microsoft, and you know what? He is writing the code for those tiny $$ games you carelessly lost on your stellar vacation!
Pity Party said... 97--I think I just figured out what Kate's "paperwork" is all about. She has saved all her tweeties email addresses in her contacts. At least once a week, she sends them emails on what they're supposed to say to her during the next twitfest. She probably even sends out a schedule of when that will occur.
You know her "tweeties" will gladly comply because that's what "friends" do.
Speaking of friends, where's Deanna been?
Can you clarify what is an insider story and what is one that can be shared?
If we see and talk with Jon or Kate or the kids and post it is that considered 'insider'.
Would you rather us comment on what we observe? Or would that be insider. I'm not being snarky either - just so you know the tone I am writing in - I'm just not sure how I can follow the rules properly. If you would much rather not know what goes on, then I can (and so will others, I suppose) keep it to ourselves and continue to let people comment on whatever she has to say on twitter, or CC Blogs or whatever pics are posted.
There are things that have been said here that have been erroneous, because of pure speculation on the posters part and some of us could provide more insight on. However, I'm at a loss as to what to do to maybe provide an alternate viewpoint.
Do I/others share what they know? Or, will this be deleted because of insider stories? I'm guessing you want to vett them first, and I can understand that, but who better to vett a story than people who have first hand knowledge? Perhaps there's more going on behind the scenes that you don't share (rightfully so) and therefore many of us should continue to silently observe and wish we could show the whole picture.
I don't know, I'm at a bit of a loss here.
Out of mouth of babes: I agree 100% the girls are very bright and articulate! And the boys have a lot of potential especially one but I'm not going to mention any names! I was always suspicious that she held them back from Kdg. for filming! Isn't that when Kate plus eight started? And don't get me started on that private school my school district was very academic and it didn't cost a zillion dollars to attend!gotta go I retired from teaching but unfortunately not from housework. Darn!!!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 99
No insider stories please. Rule 2.
Thanks, admin. I think we have to take these "stories" and the "trust me, I know" posts with a grain of salt. One may choose to believe them, or just dismiss them. Even if someone were to e-mail admin with claims of who they are and how they know such-and-such, without photos or verification of insider information, anyone can make up an identity and claim to be someone close to the family.
"The Gosselin kids especially the six have told their teachers everything that goes on in that household! Kate thinks that she has them prisoners in that house but they see people at school and they talk to other kids, teacher assistants, teachers whoever is nearby! They are so cute at that age but they have no boundaries when they talk and they talk a lot!!"
Is this an insider story, too? How do you know this?
We rag on Kate for her excessive use of !!!!! so Tomatoes can you please use some other form of punctuation also? Thanks.
Kate is a twit said... 83
This guy has had Kate's number from day one. Great article. He and Sue Buddy should pair up a become a writing team!
Kate Gosselin Begs For Video Game Donations!?
Thanks for posting this article, Kate is a twit.
Kate's a transparent joke.
I hope Nintendo is overnighting Kate some games as we speak. I bet anything tomorrow she will have a tweet about how great Nintendo is, etc.
Kate: 6 Tips to Save on Kids’ Sports
Posted on June 11th, 2012 by Kate G
My kids are growing up. While the baby gear and equipment is now gone, it’s slowly being replaced by sports equipment and is quickly getting expensive!
So far, I have only one child who regularly plays at least one sport per season, but I have already devised a plan that I hope will work when that number becomes six, seven or eight kids who are playing sports.
I cannot believe CC pays her for this shit.
Why, WHY does Kate Gosselin, who has exploited her children from the womb, then has proceeded to sequester them away from normal childhood activities, have a forum to extol her non-exisitent virtues on childrearing?
And the really sick irony here is that she didn't tell us one damn thing we don't already know about outfitting kids for playing sports. I research brands and their protection qualities, I use Dick's coupons, my kids know how to take care of equipment so it lasts, I've become real adept at what can be washed and how many times the piece can tolerate it. I know this because as a mediocre middle class family, I have to. Kate does not.
After shouting from the highest mountaintop on her ultrasound table declaring that she WILL carry all 6 babies, she then got down to business devising her evil plan on how these kids will make her rich, emphasis on the word 'HER'. And how she will raise them on (literally) A DIME.
She gets her clothes tailored, the boys wear floppy, huge clothes. She plans to buy used, off-brand sports equipment, yet she DOES NOT wear Walmart sneakers when she rides on the jackwagon to the finish line. Her kids get to hunt for empty plastic easter eggs in the summer, she gets to go to Las Vegas and California, in between chauffer driven jaunts to NYC for straw frying and fish in paper. I could go on & on... as we all know there's way more scrimping and skinflinting done on the kid's behalf.
What I'm really waiting for is the CC post where Kate says she's saving money ON HERSELF! Everyone in Kate's world down to the chickens and the dog get bare bones (no pun intended) while Kate gets top shelf. Tell us that you've taken the manicurist course to learn to do your own acrylics, manis & pedis. Tell us that you've stopped tanning for not just the cost, but more importantly for the health reasons and to be a good example for your children. Tell us you've gotten rid of one of the vehicles. Tell us you asked MacDougal to donate your freebies to TEENS in need of formal wear and the fancy dress you wore to whatever event would have you was from a high end consignment shop.
Bitch please. When you can stuff pads into two pairs of football pants in 3 minutes, when you've traveled entire summers with the all-star baseball tournament, when you've cheered at football games in the blazing sun and freezing cold, when you've spent the last spring driving to all ends of the state for lax and when you've driven endless carpools to practices for years, you get back to me. When you've watched kids at the midget football level lay crushing hits on each other, you look me in the eye and tell me you still want your kid to wear a used, off brand helmet.
Until you have ANY experience to back up your bogus "advice" just STFU and go away.
Lovemygrandsons said...
However, the younger one had a small problem during the first few games. Every time he saw his older brother with the ball, he chased him down the field and tackled him! Lololol.
I have a similar experience. My daughters played fast-pitch softball on the same teams--often as the pitcher and catcher. More than once, including high school varsity games, , they had some nasty verbal exchanges. The ump and all of the parents on both teams (they played on a club team with many girls from competing schools) erupted in laughter because it was an exact replica of scenes from League of Their Own.
Another thought-I wonder if this CC "Sports" blog has anything to do with the fact that Jon started his new job at Gameface Sports Complex today. It could be a preemptive strike from Kate to try to one-up Jon.
You go, wayward 109!
I haven't posted in awhile because Kate's becoming so...boring. Mundane. Whatever. But it did irritate me to read that she's trying to use the kids to get herself back in the spotlight. I guess she finally got it into her head that nobody wants to see her on TV, read anything she's written, or cook any of her beans-and-cheese recipes. Or run with her, or cruise with her...you get the idea. So, now she trots out her trump card--the kids. Using them for attention has always worked for her before, so why not now? And the result of her latest exploitation has been a collective yawn from the media. Nobody seems to care what the kids are doing. Oh, my! What is she to do now? She probably thought that publicity was a sure thing with the kids involved. The talk shows would come running to let her spew about her awesome parenting, the White House would come knocking, and she'd be right back in the spotlight where (she thinks) she belongs. Wow, what must she be thinking right now? Her trump card failed! Now she's got a pack of kids to support for the next 10+ years, and they're not even keeping her rich and famous like they were supposed to do. That's not what she had in mind at all when she stacked the deck to get eight kids out of two pregnancies. She has no cards left to play. Oh, how very, very sad (much sarcasm intended). She better start figuring out how to pay the bills herself. Fast.
I hate to bring a reality check to Kate's fairy dust and rainbow loving way of only "seeing love and support," but what the heck:
Sometimes in life, Kate, as much as it might sometimes be difficult to accept, when people say negative things even if true really are there to give you a reality check in life.
Do you really think that you can go through life and block every single bully you meet? No. I'm not saying you should let people who say things always bother you but sometimes it's good to take criticism which is what she gets, she's a grown woman and learn from it. Stop trying to live in this perfect little bubble of where you are only worshiped.
With that attitude how do you expect to get through life? Are you going to go home and cry because people don't always love you? Well that's the breaks. Not everyone is going to like you it's just the way things are. You learn from things, you make adjustments but most of all you go on with life, you don't shut yourself up and think, "if only the world was a better place of love and peace."
HELLOO---the 60s have been over for YEARS!! What's sad is Kate that you're a grown woman incapable of seeing things as they really are. Sorry but not everyone in life is going to be able to give you that positive feeling sometimes people need to be shaped by a negative influence or two in life to wake themselves up.
I sure hope she doesn't set her kids up for the same thinking pattern that, "I'm special, you should love me just because, nothing bad will ever be said about me and when it is, *poof* I can just make it go away by blocking you." Yeah...good luck with that approach.
So she "devised a plan" to save on sports equipment. Is that similar to the "secret list" she had on how to save on "Summer Fun"? What's next her "covert agenda" on how to save on school supplies?
Maybe the First Lady could put in a good word for her with the CIA? Steve could be her "CIA handler".
Katie Cry-duh said... 89
Hey Kate, STFU. You said but two days ago that you're all about getting kids to get off the sofa and exercise. So your kids losing Nintendo was a gift. Now try something new and pay attention to them instead of having the tv and Nintendo sedate them for you. Keep your frickng spin straight
She can't keep her lies stri8.-lol
You'd think for someone that lies all the time that they would be good at it not another failure.
If any of this "insider" stuff is true.....I am truely sick to my stomach. Sounds like these kids should be rescued from this monster. I always wondered why more people don't speak up IF there is really something THAT disturbing going on.
Okay -- sports impaired here (I'm a great spectator, but trip over my own 2 feet). What the heck is lax -- besides an airport and an abbreviation for a medication?
Wayward -- Excellent post!
Admin -- If you can vet Out of the Mouth of Babes I hope you allow him/her to continue posting. We sometimes need to be reigned in with the truth and it seems like he/she can provide it if he/she is indeed "in the know".
why would she be moaning about the laundry> she would have two days worth of laundry whether they were at home or on a trip for two days. WHAT a mowron (as Reba would say).
It's pretty ironic if even her athleticish daughter doesn't even want to run. Probably because it's with her. She always enjoyed sport things with Jon.
Marie-great comment! Whatever happened to her "thick skin"? Is all that tanning wearing it out?
She reminds of a little kid who think "If I close my eyes, it'll go away".
Ex Nurse, thanks for the story. I'll let my daughter know that these sport issues may likely continue for awhile. Lolol
Marie, all good points. What bothers me most about Kate talking about bullies and negativity is that she has shown over and over again what a bully she is. Also, she sees negativity in the smallest little things and blows them out of proportion (ice cream drips on shirts, grass stains on pants). She has never shown ANY positive attitude when handling the every day ups and downs of day-to-day living that we all do. I just can't stand her hypocrisy and BS.
By the way, correction to post #88; daughter was involved with volleyball, not soccer.
readerlady-lax is short for lacrosse-the "x" stands for a "cross"-therefore, la-"cross".
Kat...the reason more people don't speak up is because of some comments on this board when we do. We are accused of being a troll (or whoever "oh yes she did" is) and because we are unsure of breaking admin's rules and having our posts deleted (and if it's her blog, her rules, I'm all for that as rules are rules.)
And someone just posted that they couldn't trust us to let admin know who we are. There's a lot out there that does not get said. So, what do we do? Most of us sit on our hands, bite our tongues, wish we could advocate on behalf of the kids, tell the whole story from our perspective, but we can't for the reasons cited above and more.
Thanks for at least listening. I want to say something more, as I get to know these kids, I only wish the best for them...a life of mediocrity and happiness.
"When you can stuff pads into two pairs of football pants in 3 minutes, when you've traveled entire summers with the all-star baseball tournament, when you've cheered at football games in the blazing sun and freezing cold, when you've spent the last spring driving to all ends of the state for lax and when you've driven endless carpools to practices for years, you get back to me."
Right on! Unless you've watched your daughter pitch a game in the snow and you've stood outside for brief periods, only to have to retreat to the warmth of the car, and then have your daughter tell you it wasn't her best game because she was so cold she couldn't find her fingers, or until you've shuffled kids around to various games, and had to split you're watching time between home and away venues because the games were on the same day at the same time, and then were late for gymnastics because the games went into overtimes, meanwhile trying to figure out how to get back to school to pick one up from play practice, get everyone fed, and then off to music lessons, then you need to just zip it. She has no idea...
RT @RunningQuotes: I run for myself. I run for others. I run to make a difference. I run to see the world.
For once, she makes a statement(albeit a retweet) that isn't a lie. Yes, Kate we know you run so you can have all those trips to faraway places.
My hat is off to all of you sports moms who handled everything with multiple kids. I just had one, but between the extracurricular activites, schoolwork, PTA, church, job, etc, etc, I was so tired sometimes. I don't know how all of you did it that had 2 or more kids in these activities. You all really needed Calgon to take you away sometime.
readerlady said... 118
Okay -- sports impaired here (I'm a great spectator, but trip over my own 2 feet). What the heck is lax -- besides an airport and an abbreviation for a medication?
Wayward -- Excellent post!
Admin -- If you can vet Out of the Mouth of Babes I hope you allow him/her to continue posting. We sometimes need to be reigned in with the truth and it seems like he/she can provide it if he/she is indeed "in the know".
Lol Readerlady! Lax is short for lacrosse. it's the game where they throw/catch the ball with the stick with a net on the end. My youngest recently started playing and even gave up football for it. Several of his games brought me right into Kate's neck of the woods this past spring. Sometimes, I could have sworn I could hear screeching and arm flapping/waving far in the distance....:)
Darn it, I missed what the insider had to say. There was an "insider" who posted here several times about two years ago and what they said always seemed credible. They gave the correct name of the one blond nanny photographed at the bus stop, before the name of the nanny became public. People were doubting what they had to say and they stopped posting.
I gather that it had something to do with the kids telling their teachers about their homelife. I would hope that as mandated reporters, that info would be passed on to the proper authorities by the staff.
Not everything needs an !!!
Ummmm NO ! Actually I've really have tried not to use ! Or ? Excessively because I know it bothers some people . I have never said anything about Kate or anyone's writing skills, on the contrary I admire people who write on this blogs! I have always have encouraged my own kids and my students to not be afraid to express themselves even if someone ridicules them! I also talk with my hands do I tie my hands because it bothers you?i laugh easily because I get your jokes do I not laugh ?
I don't what to say to you because I am a true believer that you should not be afraid to be who you are!
Kate Gosselin doesn't disgust me for her writing skills but for what she has done and is doing to her kids and apparently as a new role model to some very young people !!! Sorry couldn't resist.
Admin, I'm sure you have some way to verify any insider stories. I, for one, would like to have some truthful insight from locals as to what they know because we are just speculating based upon what we've seen on TV, and well frankly, our own experiences and common sense. We've been fooled in the past by "insiders" but once in a while somebody speaks out about Kate's behavior. Oh well, it's your blog.
Out of the Mouths of Babes, welcome. It makes perfect sense to me that Kate cannot control her kids' mouths at school or with their friends. And....I bet Jon gets an earful too.
I'm probably much closer to the situation and know quite a bit more about what goes on in the local community than many. I have seen much speculation posted here about the kids at school, their being sheltered, and so forth, but unless it's totally erroneous, I don't correct it out of privacy for the kids, especially when it comes to what goes on in their school activities, classes, and various events. I think that the truth will come out sooner or later, and I, too, have had to bite my tongue when I see certain things posted, but I'm not going to say that the kids talk, or that they are behind in their social skills, or that they are so sheltered that they are never allowed off the property. It's very tempting to come forth and dispute many things that are said as fact, but when you do, you often open up a whole new can of worms, and in doing so, you intrude into these kids' privacy.
For those who do know that many untruths are posted, either by Kate, or by many who speculate, it's really a tough call as to what to correct and what to just let stand.
Tomatoes, s far as my opinion, you can write however you want because I enjoy reading your posts.
A Mouse Today said... 131
For those who do know that many untruths are posted, either by Kate, or by many who speculate, it's really a tough call as to what to correct and what to just let stand.
A few threads back, I posted that I'd had about enough of Kate and the drama and, although still concerned because of the kids, was going cut back on reading and posting. And then the idiot goes and pulls this weekend's publicity stunt, using the children, pushing them into the limelight so that she can shine, and I get sucked back in.
Mouse - I want to thank you for your honesty and willingness to share, as well as your obvious compassion for the children. I'd hope that Admin can verify those commentors who are beginning to come forward now. It's because of information that's shared about what Kate (and sometimes Jon) does that gives this community a voice to continue to protest ... and thus hopefully keep the kids from being further exploited.
I do understand the hesitation in letting someone "spill the beans"....don't know how much is true or exagerated. I get it...but...I'm so tired of all of these assholes saying Kates a great mother, grat role model, great inspiration. Because everyone here knows it's total BS. Just want the truth to be told about her for once....to anyone who does know whats going on over there, it must be terribly frustrating,
Not Everything Requires a !! said... 106
We rag on Kate for her excessive use of !!!!! so Tomatoes can you please use some other form of punctuation also? Thanks.
Wayward - Standing ovulation!!!
i agree it would be nice to have true insiders' views on Kate and her treatment of the children. Obviously we who don't know her personally or as a local, are speculating based on what we read/see and especially from the horse's mouth itself.If the posts are discreet in not using names of the kids or fro sheer gossip, I hope Admin will moderate them and allow certain posts to go through. I like your posts, Mouse, and also Tomatoes. Berks County Mom too, and is there a Lancaster Mom as well?
As a mother of "only" twins, I would LOVE to see Kate deal with sports schedules. I have b/g twins who both play football and basketball. My son plays baseball and my daughter lacrosse. It takes a lot of sacrifice on a parent's part in order to make these things happen. I work through my lunch every day in August to make sure my kids are at football practice on time with food in their belly. The rest of the year I get a lunch or two during the week.
Kate loves to wax poetic about her kids being in sports but until I hear about her standing in the pouring ran in mud up to her ankles I won't believe it for a minute.
...when you've cheered at football games in the blazing sun and freezing cold...
When Sarah Palin's family was paying attention to the G8 and ignoring Kate she worked herself into a supreme hissy fit and stormed off BECAUSE IT WASN'T ABOUT HER. Ergo unless she is the quarterback, the team captain, or the head cheerleader, we will NEVER see Kate standing on the sidelines cheering her kids on in any kind of weather. That is a given.
Admin, you asked about personality disorders. In the DSM IV-TR ( the DSM V is not yet approved or out) NPD and BPD are separate disorders with some similar symptoms.
People with BDP are more self destructive and often engage in self injurious behavior (e.g., cutting) and often have multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. Please note that I am not diagnosising anyone.
Wayward, love your comments. Keep them coming, please. And Tomatoes, there aren't any rules about number of !!!! you can have in your posts--I think if Kate can abuse them, you should feel free.
Mouth of Babes, while I am very interested in your info (especially if you can shed any fresh light on the Kate-Kiwi Platter enigma), it's Admin's blog. But I don't think the idea of her vetting before you post is a bad one. Just be sure you don't leave yourself exposed to possible retribution on the part of the sheeple. I know, it sounds ridiculous; if only it were only that.
Just be sure you don't leave yourself exposed to possible retribution on the part of the sheeple. I know, it sounds ridiculous; if only it were only that. 140
I can attest to that.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 129
Not everything needs an !!!
Ummmm NO ! Actually I've really have tried not to use ! Or ? Excessively because I know it bothers some people . I have never said anything about Kate or anyone's writing skills, on the contrary I admire people who write on this blogs! I have always have encouraged my own kids and my students to not be afraid to express themselves even if someone ridicules them! I also talk with my hands do I tie my hands because it bothers you?i laugh easily because I get your jokes do I not laugh ?
I don't what to say to you because I am a true believer that you should not be afraid to be who you are!
Kate Gosselin doesn't disgust me for her writing skills but for what she has done and is doing to her kids and apparently as a new role model to some very young people !!! Sorry couldn't resist.
Exclamation points do not bother me, Let's throw tomatoes. If that is what it takes to get your point across, then point away.
I'm not particularly bothered when Kate uses exclamation as well.
Kate sounds like an idiot with or without punctuation marks.
Auntie Ann-Kate would only be on the sidelines if and only if she were the coach. She has to tell them what to do, when to do it and in what order.
And Back-PacMan Steve could be the water boy. If anyone gets to close to Kate, he can just throw water at them.
(And yes, I purposely spelled "pack" wrong.)
Someone up thread mentioned Shelly Pfohl so I did a bit of research. Look like the White House and Obama Administration are doing just fine without you Katie.
Kate is Krazy said... 136
i agree it would be nice to have true insiders' views on Kate and her treatment of the children. Obviously we who don't know her personally or as a local, are speculating based on what we read/see and especially from the horse's mouth itself.If the posts are discreet in not using names of the kids or fro sheer gossip, I hope Admin will moderate them and allow certain posts to go through. I like your posts, Mouse, and also Tomatoes. Berks County Mom too, and is there a Lancaster Mom as well?
Count me in as one of those that appreciate hearing from the locals.
They have suffered long enough in silence.
There just has to be a way of doing this without being taken for a chump by a sick sheeple.
I only object when the kids actual names are used in the firsthand accounts. Afterall, it's not their fault that their mother is messed up, and is using them for fame & fortune.
I love reading and posting here, but post rarely. I get offended when a poster nitpicks another poster for the overuse (her view of it anyway) of a damned exclamation point! This sort of behavior is one reason I mostly just read. God forbid that I use a particular puctuation mark too much!
Where was the "love and support" for her own children? Kate dragged/pushed them around the track on Saturday to further her latest career as a fitness guru. She threw her kids in to a situation they were not remotely prepared for. Not only that, she undermined the efforts of all the school children who trained for this event.
She blocks bullies? She defines the word BULLY. When you push your own agenda at the expense of others, especially your OWN children, that is the definition of a bully.
I also would like to hear from true insiders that have credible information, without mentioning the childrens names.
If we are off base in our thinking that Kate is a contolling parent who isolates the kids, I personally would like to be corrected for that thinking. As a matter of fact, I would love to know that I've been all wrong about her and the kids truly have a happy childhood.
Admin, without posting specifics, could the people with inside info please be allowed to tell us the tuth regarding the children?
Babes said: "If the kids are as talkative to Emily in CT as they were to people who saw them a little while ago, I will tell you that Emily got an EAR full! ! Believe me. She will be supportive on twitter, but her feelings about Kate will be in turmoil because those kids can jabber on about everything without anyone ONCE asking a question."
I hope that that the kids weren't left alone with Emily and therefore had no time to spill anything. I would think that Kate, Steve, or whatever nanny accompanied them (if there was one) was with them the whole time.
Apparently Emily's support for Kate hasn't changed because she tweeted that she and her mom just printed out 30 wallet photos of Emily with Kate. Maybe the Tweeties will request copies, or Kate and the kids will each get one. The fan, after all, is now a friend and part of the family.
Sorry, no insider stories from people I can't verify. It's too much of a risk it's a sheeple having some fun.
admin said: "Sorry, no insider stories from people I can't verify. It's too much of a risk it's a sheeple having some fun."
You mean like the sheeple who planted the story that Kate's dog was left alone, tied outside, with no water and no shelter?
Emily seems more interested in Kate than the kids, which I think the adult sheeple are, Kate plus the 8. I think at her age that's a bit odd, and shows a lack of ego integrity or better role model.I would wonder what was wrong if my dd had a 'crush' on a woman like Kate. I can't see what one would admire her for at that age. I'm sure she's a nice girl, just a bit 'off track, lol' here.
I, for one, am particularly annoyed when people here point out the spelling/grammar errors of other posters. Who cares? No one is perfect, and we are not in school being graded, for heaven's sake! People should feel free to post their opinions without being harassed for minor mistakes.
Kate, on the other hand, is fair game. She has stated multiple times that she is a skilled speller/writer. We have seen otherwise.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....sorry, couldn't control myself!
Fair enough, Admin. Thank you for responding.
"Kate, on the other hand, is fair game. She has stated multiple times that she is a skilled speller/writer. We have seen otherwise."
Not only that-it's Kate JOB to write a blog for CC and she get's paid for it.
We on the other hand, are just the mediocre people who happen to enjoy posting here. If I can read a comment and get the gist of what it says, I don't care how many exclamation points, question marks,etc. there are or whether there are grammar or spelling errors.
Especially when I am outraged or angry about Kate and typing furiously,just want to put in my 2 cents, I'm not going to worry if my comment has any errors or too many punctuation marks in it.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 132
Tomatoes, s far as my opinion, you can write however you want because I enjoy reading your posts.
Count me in with that sentiment!
Count me in with that sentiment!
Me, too!
But Admin, we aren't saying allow all insider stories. We're asking that they be allowed IF you can vet the person doing the posting. I agree that "insider" stories from unverified people can open some cans of worms we don't want wriggling around.
Twit and Wayward -- Thanks for the info on Lacrosse. I've barely heard of it. It doesn't get played around here, apparently. At least, I haven't heard that it does, and I read the sports pages regularly. I thought the game with the ball and the stick with the net was JaiLai.
Tomatoes, I tend to overuse exclamation points, too. Some things just call for them, esp. when dealing with the likes of KK!!!!!!
To Kate haters are people who don't agree with everything she says and does. Supporters are people who agree with her on everything and hang on her every word like her lollipop head is about to spew forth the cure for cancer. She is so transparent. I see she is in full "grifter Barbie" mode. She comes dressed with a t-shirt that says "I won't say no to anything free". The sad part is we are so attuned to how she thinks. She is gifting for used or new sports equipment (even if they are not in sports) because her MOA is to grift and then sell it in a consignment shop. Why doesn't she CC blog that..." do what I do and beg for free stuff without a coupon and then sell it..talk about saving! You will actually MAKE money doing this". How embarrassing for the gosselin kids. Even kids who come from mediocre families get new sports equipment and here they are millionaires and mommy throws a pair of stinky, used cleats that some other kids sweat in so they can play team sports. That is so gross. I wish we could throw her in a bin labeled "used and washed-up" !
No one has contacted me thus far to be vetted.
Kate is a twit said... 143
And Back-PacMan Steve could be the water boy. If anyone gets to close to Kate, he can just throw water at them.
hahaha! You're on a roll today. Back-PacMan is the perfect new handle for that wuss.
Out of the mouth of babes said...
Thanks for at least listening. I want to say something more, as I get to know these kids, I only wish the best for them...a life of mediocrity and happiness.
Speaking for myself, I d not want the kids privacy violated any more than it already is. In general, we comment on information that is out there. Admin has some sources close to the Gs and she rarely shares it unless it is reported. I don't think that admin's goal is to make news--that may be one of the reasons that she asks that insider info be emailed to her, rather than posted. If its true that you are in a position of direct contact with the kids, the last thing they need is someone peddling their story. As far as your own opinions on admin's topics and other topics touched on by our posts, I always welcome new points of view.
It is the nature of the internet that we take posts with a grain of salt. There are some mighty strange people out there--especially Kate's fans.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 16
No one has contacted me thus far to be vetted.
Not snark here, but how do you go about vetting someone?
Snark now -- Could Cindy and CJ provide you with a vetting manual?
Cruising lol. Depends. For one person who is famous I asked them to email me a pic of themselves holding up a certain number of fingers haha. Others I have spoken on the phone with. Whatever will do it.
Whatever will do it.
Admin - If she gets hold of you, get Kate to send one of her good bra cups will ya? I want to know what they're made of.
And where I can get them.
Not Everything Requires a !! said... 106
We rag on Kate for her excessive use of !!!!! so Tomatoes can you please use some other form of punctuation also? Thanks.
Let's Throw Tomatoes - I certainly wouldn't about this silly critique from a drive-by poster. It has all the markings of sheeple crap, especially since it was posted shortly after "Out of the Mouth of Babes" came here with some local info. That makes the sheeple very defensive of Queen Khate and they immediately try to distract, and if possible, turn "haters" against each other. They are very desperate lately and have been trying that tactic frequently. So, keep throwing those tomatoes and exclamation points all you want!!! (LOL)
I bet Kate was furious that the announcer called Rod Dixon's name first since she came in one second ahead of him AND the announcer called her Kate Gosseling. I can hear her bitching to Steve-"That announcer man made it look like Rod beat me,but he didn't - I won, just like I always do. And he didn't say my name right, doesn't he know who I am?"
And she STILL isn't spelling Litchfield correctly.
What a tool.
Let's try this again...
Let's Throw Tomatoes - I certainly wouldn't about this silly critique from a drive-by poster.
*should read: Let's Throw Tomatoes - I certainly wouldn't worry about this silly critique from a drive-by poster.
My goal is not to peddle their story - Kate does that and it's unfair and oftentimes untruthfu. The goal of some of us locals would be to lay truth to some posters here that claim are facts in the G's life that are truly not, and also countbalance the untruths and myths that Kate tries to perpetuate through her tweets.
I would never go in to detail about which child likes what food, which one smacked the other and why, but it would be good for locals to be able to tell it like it is and has been in regards to the way Kate handles her children.
But, it's Admin's blog, and I'll gladly sit back and let the untruths slide for the sake of peace. There are times it's pretty entertaining to read all of this.
And Admin, I hope I misread your post that you were calling me a sheeple out to have some fun? "It's too much of a risk it's a sheeple having some fun." Hopefully you mistyped and forgot to add an 'if' in there. ;)
Admin, do you know key players personally, like Jon, or Ellen, or Jody, etc. that can vouch for some of us locals? Like how would you vett us? Can we tell you where we work, etc? What information do you need so we don't share too much personal stuff?
Marie--Great post, as always. I always enjoy your insights.
A Mouse for Today--I appreciate that, when it comes to the G8, your posts are discreet.
As Layla said, the media has responded to Kate's publicity stunt with a collective yawn. Other than the articles referenced here--all of which are negative--there haven't been any stories over the last 2 days. Mainstream media seems to have declared a Kate blackout, except as a punchline or joke?
would something like ' I don't think Kate was not at graduation/church/lax game' be ok? as some of our posts may not be true, this type of post also may or may not be
So to save money, I should accept used stinky sports equipment from nonexistent friends for sports my kids do not play? Awesome.
Oh, and nintendo called and said maybe your kids would like to do something other than play with their DS's. Like play with friends.
AuntieAnn said... 162
Kate is a twit said... 143
And Back-PacMan Steve could be the water boy. If anyone gets to close to Kate, he can just throw water at them.
hahaha! You're on a roll today. Back-PacMan is the perfect new handle for that wuss.
I didn't know raw-claws could carry a backpack Kate must have clipped his nails.-lol
1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.”
OI guess it NEVER crosses her feeble little mind that maybe that sports equipment just sitting in her basement waiting IN CASE someone needs it COULD be used by other kids RIGHT NOW?
2. I try to plan ahead and know what equipment I will need for the next sport coming up so that I can watch out for sales.
WHAT next sport coming up??? You have one kid in lacrosse! Per your own admission. So again, what next sport? And who doesn't know to plan ahead? Watch out for sales: oooo groundbreaking advice there. Never thought about looking for sales.
3. I do the usual. I shop on the off seasons when equipment is on sale and I use coupons.
4. I teach my kids to take care of their equipment so that we can reuse it the next season. Things like lacrosse sticks and helmets can be salvaged and re-used. If cleats and clothing are outgrown and have survived the season, they are saved and handed down.
What equipment are they taking care of? The stuff you're hoarding from "friends" in your basement that you're going to make them use if and when you get off your lazy ass and sign them up for something they want to do?
I can see how she can hand down stuff from the older girls to the tups, but how else can she hand me down? Also, please don't hand down cleats or other sports shoes too often. They do get pretty worn out.
5. Although I don’t think our school has anything like this, I know of friends who participate in an “equipment swap” where they trade leftover reusable sports equipment. What a great idea! This is especially useful for that first season when our kids are just trying out a new sport. It’s always a strain to buy all of the equipment needed for a given sport, only to find it collecting dust after a few short weeks.
HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? The only sport you've ever experienced with one kid is lacrosse. And she seems to still be in it. How could a season only be a few short weeks? How would you know it's a strain? You probably grifted the lacrosse stuff for the one kid who plays a sport and never paid a penny for any of it.
6. Finally, since it is quite likely that kids’ gear will only last one season, I try to buy items that are sturdy, safe and protective enough to that amount of time. But I save by choosing to buy an “off” brand.
Wait, so what was all that crap about accepting worn equipment and gear and making them re-use it if the stuff only lasts one season? And oh, buy stuff that's sturdy and safe, I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT.
I feel that it is important to allow my kids to try any sport they are interested in so I am trying to keep it affordable so that they have those experiences. In the meantime, I’m thinking about painting the side of our Big Black Bus so that it reads “Team Gosselin” because very soon I’ll have a team of players of various sports on board!
The reason this pissed me off so much is she is SUCH A CHEAP, LAZY HAG.
Sports and other activities require money and time on the part of parents. But it's important for kids to be well-rounded and explore their interests and possibly discover new talents. So you sign them up for what they're interested in.
This woman hasn't allowed 7 of her 8 kids to pursue sports or other activities. She's holding them back because:
a) it's easier to treat them as a single unit
b) she's cheap and doesn't want to spend the money on them, we all know that
c) she's lazy and doesn't want to have to take them to their practices and games.
Article from the local paper, The Litchfield County Times:
Kate Gosselin of 'Kate Plus 8' Ran in the Litchfield Hills Road Race Sunday
Published: Monday, June 11, 2012
LITCHFIELD—The town certainly has seen its fair share of celebrities pass through and even set down roots in Litchfield.
So the appearance of a reality television star at the 36th running of the Litchfield Hills Road Race Sunday afternoon seemed to cause nothing more than a ripple of interest.
Kate Gosselin, the 36-year-old star of “Kate Plus 8,” which had its named changed from “Jon and Kate Plus 8” after she and her husband, Jon Gosselin, saw their marriage end in a messy divorce, had her running shoes and apparel on as she mixed in with over 1,000 runners taking part in the annual road race.
Prior to the 7.1-mile race, Ms. Gosselin, whose show that centered on raising eight children, including sextuplets, was cancelled after 150 episodes, ran with her six 8-year-old children and 12-year-old twins (the 8 of Kate Plus 8) in a short fun run, as bystanders pointed at and ogled the family.
Ms. Gosselin, an avid runner, finished the main race with a respectable time of 1:08.48, placing her 775th in the field. She said afterward on Twitter that her time was somewhat slow due to running in a half-marathon in San Diego the week before.
Ms. Gosselin was rumored (and what good is a celebrity without rumors) to have been lured to run in Litchfield by former New York City Marathon champion and frequent competitor at the Litchfield race, 61-year-old Rod Dixon of California, who met the television star at the Las Vegas Rock ‘n Roll Marathon last year and gave Ms. Gosselin a training regimen.
Mr. Dixon crossed the finish line Sunday just ahead of his pupil.
Hmmm, no glowing description of her body, or her clothes or how she looked at all. Kate, don't you miss those ROL stories?
Oh, and forgot to add-no pictures.
To readerlady,LoveMyGrandsons,KateisaTwit and ExNurse,
Thank you all so much for your kind words. I do feel truly blessed that someone came into our lives and helped us when we needed it most.
It was 24 years ago now but I never take for granted the great gift I was given in that woman's support and encouragement.
That's what ticks me off most about Kate, even if I did believe that she just got in over her head, she never seemed to appreciate anything or anyone who has tried to help her.
And of course, it's the kids who suffer.
Shades of deja vu--Can you guess who said this? Hint: it's not Kate.
“I think I have tough skin and I know that God is on my side and my faith is everything to me. It’s just the root of my life and my family’s life and I think it will do well," she said.
“And when people are talking poorly about me, I think it just gives me more motivation to want to do more and want to speak up even louder and they’re just not doing themselves well by doing that."
Everyone try to guess. First one to guess,will receive a virtual replica of the Kate Barbie of your choice.
There are so many con artists to choose from.....I'll take a stab at it...Heidi from Heidi and Spencer?
To those of you exposing your kids to sports at an early age i say THANK YOU! Even if you aren't a sportsy-ish person I feel it very important to get your kids involved in sports to see if maybe THEY do have an interest even if you dont.
BRAVO to everyday, real, caring parents who put their kids first.
My sons best friend is a BEAST on the basketball court and already set 2 distance running records as a freshman in High School. Neither parent ever played sports, nor did they follow pro sports. Once the kids were born they forced themselves to go to NBA games, NHL games and I even took them all to a 49ers game.
As it turned out their son was OBSESSED with basketball from an early age. They used to watch the games a couple nights a week after dinner with him, suffering the entire time themselves. Now the whole family absolutely loves sports and the boy is a rising superstar in Northern California.
Again, THANK YOU all for being great parents. We all know it's not easy being the parent of a kid who plays sports; shuttling them around a few times a week and then again over the weekend.
Everyone try to guess. First one to guess,will receive a virtual replica of the Kate Barbie of your choice.
oooh ooooh me, me. :::raising hand ever so frantically::: I want a Kate Barbie so I can stick hat pins in her!
Was it Bristol Palin?
Once, just ONCE I would like to see a pic of Kate cheering one of her kids on at a soccer game, gym meet, or tennis match. Just sayin'.
KAT-nope, guess again.
Okay, I'm trying to think of reality personalities with NPD to win the contest. I'm sure I'm wrong, but I'm going to guess Octomom or one of the Kardashians. Hanging head in shame for thinking Kardashians ever mentioned anything about faith.
Arnold Horseshack--BINGO! you win!
Your prize will be delayed because I first have to find an assistant who you can email my address to you, so that you can then send me a pre-paid, self-addressed box in which to send it to you.
While I'm doing that, you can decide which model you would prefer.
By the way, Bristol's new reality show "Life with Tripp" will start airing next week on Lifetime. Make sure NOT to watch.
I'm jealous, Arnold. I really wanted a Kate Barbie to use as a "damn it" doll.
For those who don't know what a "damn it" doll is, it's usually a 12 inch stuffed ragdoll to bang on a table or desk to relieve your frustrations when you are really ticked off. A Kate Barbie would be perfect for this.
If I were truly a local and I really knew things that were pertinent to share, I would email admin and tell her my full name, give her my phone number, etc, so she could really make sure I was a local who was close enough to the situation to speak accurately on it, and then I'd just share stuff with admin and let her do with it what she wanted to do with it.
That way only admin knew my personal information and she could decide what gets shared here and what doesn't. And even in my stuff to admin, I'd leave out specific kids' names.
Anyway, that's just how I'd go about it if I were a local and had interaction with Kate and/or the kids or Jon.
The above is the accounting of Kate's appearance this weekend in the local newspaper. It is a thinly veiled swipe at her I think, but perhaps I am reading too closely between the lines. Sorry, have no idea how to make it clickable.
A Mouse for Today--I appreciate that, when it comes to the G8, your posts are discreet.
Thanks, Nurse, and everyone else who posted in response to my comments. If you only knew how many times I sit here biting my lip until I draw blood, thinking I've got to say something. Then I consider what the ramifications might be, and how this might not be in the best interest of the kids, and so I just let it ride!
"My goal is not to peddle their story - Kate does that and it's unfair and oftentimes untruthfu. The goal of some of us locals would be to lay truth to some posters here that claim are facts in the G's life that are truly not, and also countbalance the untruths and myths that Kate tries to perpetuate through her tweets"
Then again there are times when Kate is slammed for something (not too often, though!) and I debate with myself if I want to correct it when I know that what is being said about her really isn't true. That said, I find that she's digging herself deeper and deeper into the hole of greed and hypocrisy that there aren't too many things for which she can be defended. I think that by now Kate has become so transparent that the bloggers here don't really need anyone to counterbalance the myths and untruths that she perpetuates. People can see right through her.
LoveMyGrandsons and Kat-I will try to think of a suitable consolation prize.
There is a rule about using explanation point. I was admonished by admin a few posts back for using too many.
Mouse (and other "insiders"), would you say we are often hugely wrong on this blog? Or more or less generally right? I'm curious. I mean, if you saw everyone just spinning off on a tangent that doesn't come close to "reality," would you/do you say something?
It didn't take long for the grifting call to be answered:
@Kateplusmy8 Katie, do you need new games for the kiddos?
Jumping In said... 188
The above is the accounting of Kate's appearance this weekend in the local newspaper. It is a thinly veiled swipe at her I think, but perhaps I am reading too closely between the lines.
Jumping, I don't think so. I think you're reading it just right.
Looks like somebody probably made it clear she thought she was a leeetle more important than everybody else did.
But there's no snark there. Just think, no snark, and the ennui is obvious all over the internet.
Tick, tick, tick ... brrrriiinnnnggg!
Kranz, I found your comment to anger issues offensive. I'm sorry, I should not respond for someone else, but I felt I had to.
Are there any insider stories left to tell? The marriage ended, Jon moved on, Kate is still a narcissist unable to raise her children without exploiting them for money/attention, and Steve is still hanging around. I guess the only inside information I am curious about is does Kate have any friends or family in her life?
I also am one who would appreciate input from the locals. If they can be vetted, I would really like to know if something being discussed over and over is on the right track or not. They don't have to divulge personal items about the kids, but it sure would be interesting to hear from people who really do observe the whole situation and could give us their insights.
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Well since you put you life and your kids life on TV on Twitter on your website.
For millions and millions to watch and refuse to stop no matter what.
We all can talk about you when ever we fell like it.
Grandsons, ditto on 196. Kranz, you sound an awful lot like someone -whodunit. Do you also go by Arnold Horseshack?
I'm confused. IF this picture is of Emily eating with the kids while Kate runs the 7.1 miles, why isn't Emily running too? She tweeted to Kate that she does this Litchfield Hill Road Race EVERY year. I hope Kate's agenda didn't ruin that for her this year.
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Oh Kate serious STFU. People who feel that way don't open Twitter accounts. People who feel that way also don't invite reality shows into their own homes.
That's another thing about insider information about the kids, it's not necessarily really anyone's right to share such things about the kids, in some ways it's a violation of their privacy.
it's been nice to know some things I've learned from my sources, like that there is at least a trust fund set up for the kids, and that Kate is aware of her mental health issues just won't seek help, and that Jon wasn't worried about the cruise because he knew it wasn't going to happen. But I don't have a burning need to know everything. Let them be, let them be kids without "spies" around, the big things have a tendency to come out in the pubic eventually anyway.
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