Kate was spotted with Rod Dixon running in Sunday's race, which included the famous Gallow's Hill.
Kate tweeted: Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!
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Twitter.com |
What flavor is that lip gloss, Steve, bubble-gum-wish-on-a-star-drops?
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Twitter.com |
Meanwhile, the acclaimed local newspaper The Reading Eagle, which has been on to the Gosselin scam for years, has a fantastic article about the increasingly accepted notion we have often discussed here, parental alienation. Here is an excerpt:
Dawn Palange is a partner with Palange & Endres P.C. and chairwoman of the Family Law Section of the Berks County Bar Association. During 23 years of practicing law Palange said she has seen many cases of parental alienation, sometimes called parental alienation syndrome, and she believes it is becoming increasingly common.
"For some reason there seems to be more animosity between divorcing couples than there used to be," Palange said.
Parental alienation, which Palange described as "a parent acting in a way that's intended to turn a child away from the other parent," is a situation that hurts everyone involved. Once instituted, she said, it can cause lifelong emotional scarring.
"I know young people in their late 20s who are victims of parental alienation, and I've seen some of the baggage they're carrying because of it," Palange said. "It's not a good situation at all."
That baggage, experts say, can include damaged self-esteem, depression, an inability to achieve healthy relationships, a lack of trust, substance abuse problems, increased divorce rates and an inability to develop good relationships with their own children.
Dr. Larry Rotenberg, a Reading Hospital forensic psychiatrist, said that a parent who engages in parental alienation to the point that it destroys his or her own child's relationship with the other parent has lost sight of the damage his or her actions are causing.
"The eagerness to combat the other parent exceeds all other motivation and blinds them to seeing the harm they're causing to their child," Rotenberg said.
Frank put it another way when talking about his ex-wife. "She hates me more than she loves her children," he said.
Robert M. Gordon, an Allentown psychoanalyst and forensic psychologist who has conducted extensive research on parental alienation, said that people who practice parental alienation suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD), a serious mental disorder.
1244 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1244 Newer› Newest»Does anyone really think that RT came from "Notebook of Love"? Doesn't sound quite right. . . .
Darla there is no such rule. You were admonished for freaking out in the middle of a normal conversation. There was no need for that.
Admin said:
Oh Kate serious STFU. People who feel that way don't open Twitter accounts. People who feel that way also don't invite reality shows into their own homes.
I don't have a twitter account or I would do it myself, but someone on here who does have Twitter should tweet that to her! But you better be thick skinned and not get upset when she blocks you for being a bully!
Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Question, if we have minded our own problems first and everything is squared away with us, now can we talk about yours?
Kate, you are the LAST person who has the right to tell someone to mind their own business. You have put everything about your life out there for public consumption. The reality show, the magazine covers and articles, the blog, your twitter account.
If you truly want people to stop making judgements, then STOP making everything about your life, and the kids, PUBLIC!! Common sense, of which I know you lack.
Gift of grab said... 3
Does anyone really think that RT came from "Notebook of Love"? Doesn't sound quite right. . . .
It's directly from their Tweet site.
I forgot to mention that I would also love to read about instances of Kate's behavior from any of the locals. I think they're fascinating. I have a masters degree in psychology, although I don't work in that field, but I just find her behavior to be so interesting. It's like a case study.
Mouse (and other "insiders"), would you say we are often hugely wrong on this blog? Or more or less generally right? I'm curious. I mean, if you saw everyone just spinning off on a tangent that doesn't come close to "reality," would you/do you say something?
Great question, Gift. I think I'd have to decide on a case by case basis! If it was a tangent that involved something the children did or were involved in that put the kids in a really bad light, and if I could figure out a way to correct the tangent spinning without doing any kind of damage to the kids or invade their privacy, then yes, I would say something.
If, for example, it was being posted that Kate didn't care enough to show up at a sports award program for her children but was running around somewhere with Steve, and I knew for a fact that she at the program to support her children, then yes, I would say something. This would in no way invade the kids' privacy. On the other hand, if there were rumors that one or more of the kids was in detention for fighting with another child, and even if those rumors were in part true (maybe they were in detention but not for the reasons being thrown around)I probably wouldn't say anything because to do so would just give way to more rumors and the stories would escalate. As I said before, it's a tough call, and I'd have to make sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what I knew was the truth. There's no need to muddy the waters by putting out more false stories.
Of course, it also would depend if admin would allow the posts. It's her blog, and I respect that.
Like I said in my last post, Kate is becoming so transparent that bloggers have her figured out by now and can spot her baloney a mile away, so in answer to your question if bloggers are generally "right," I'd venture to say that there are many smart people on here who call her out on so many issues and are usually pretty much on target.
Sometimes, though, there seems to be unnecessary nitpicking and it bothers me she's going to be criticized no matter what she does. She needs to get off Twitter, take down her blog, get a job, and stop putting her kids out there for the entertainment of the sheeple.
Tweedle (8), hmmmm. Are you sure it wasn't the Notebook of Self-Serving Platitudes?
Are we back on moderation? My post didn't post.
Emily said she runs the Litchfield Hills Road Run EVERY YEAR. She would have been there if Kate was there or not. If that was Emily taking care of the kids while Kate ran, that means Emily gave up her annual run. I hope not.
We all wouldn't know about Kate's problems if SHE didn't broadcast them on ever public form.
Ask yourself Kate hmm why do so many people know about my problems issues struggles or anything personal?
I'll tell you why-(it's your own doing).
Mouse, thanks for the detailed reply. I agree with the way you indicated you would approach all of these situations.
And a big AMEN to your last paragraph!
If we are voicing opinions..mine would be..let insiders share if it doesnt hurt the kids directly. Some people post as if what they say is a fact anyway. I mean, an opinion is your own reality..I would prefer to at least be guided correctly.I think "factS" are safer than some of our innuendos anyway. PLus no one has to believe as gospel what it written. Tabloids claim to have inside sources all the time and they are mostly false stories so I dont see the harm. Im sure I wouldnt believe most inside sources anyway..but i would be interested in drawing my own conclusion based on what they say. I dont want to give sheeple the power to control this blog. I never have. I ignore trolls..and stay away from outrageous comments anyway.
Then again..it's not my blog so I totally respect Admin. Just voicing opinion. Insiders are more than welcome to start their own blog if they wish to share so no pressure from me. Just this one thought only.
Thanks for a great blog admin :0)
Emily had her hair pulled back so I hope she did run in it. Maybe this was before or after the race she was helping with the kids. It's kind of irrelevant, the bigger point is that a total stranger had one of the Gosselin children in her lap.
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
But, but, but...as was pointed out, then Kate lied on Larry King Live when she said that she put her kids out there and therefore they made it our business. Someone should tweet a reminder to her of what she said.
Waking up 2 a sore body,lots of dirty laundry & tons of unpacking 2 do...just the way I like it!I LOVE family trips..& ALL that goes w them!
Why does Kate have to receive emotional satisfaction on trips and only trips?
She says some of the damn-est things. She's just not happy unless she is living out of a suitcase...and this wasn't even a 'posh trip'...(but that's good, cuz only Jamie and Ashley like posh trips, lololol)
I've enjoyed reading all the posts here, getting to 'know' everyone...very smart, articulate, passionate, compassionate folks here.
keep on keepin' on
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 1
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Oh Kate serious STFU. People who feel that way don't open Twitter accounts. People who feel that way also don't invite reality shows into their own homes.
By the way question I've been meaning to ask as long as we're discussing the blog. Do people prefer more posts more often? Like a new one every two or three days? Or are you happy to stay on one post like this one as long as we're still discussing the issue even if there are several hundred comments? Or you don't care either way :)
fidosmommy-Emily didn't say she was running-she just said she goes every year. Here's her tweet-
Emily Creighton@EmCr68
@Kateplusmy8 mammaG I go to the road race every single year! It's one town over from me, my heart is racing! Please have this be trueeee!!!
It's a big local event-the race is just part of it.
@Kateplusmy8 Katie, do you need new games for the kiddos?
Aw, whiny grift in the am, and prayers answered in the pm.
Someone really & truly needs to STFU.
Oh good point maybe she just goes to the race for fun. People actually do that since it's fun to watch and there are often lots of food and freebies. I went to the Malibu triathlon once and got a nice Nautical bag I have to this day I use all the time at the gym.
Oh speaking of freebies, Kate you selfish pig for hoarding sports equipment when you are not using it and when you damn well know you can afford YOUR OWN. Call up the Special Olympics or something for the love of God, there is a huge group right in PA. I'm sure many charities will take your equipment you are not even USING and give it to kids who need and deserve it. God she's despicable.
If there's one thing I can't stand it's rich people who can't take proper care of their rich people toys.
Wait?!? She said I LOVE family trips and all that goes with it? Then why hasn't she taken the kids on any trips since TLC stopped footing the bill? Remember the last trip in the RV when all she did was bitch about how much work it is to pack as she bounced the big bins down the stairs all the while praising herself about how organizing-ish she is..,remember her screaming at Maddy while packing the car and saying "you should be running" when you are doing things for me? She is manic depressive I think.
Kate first and foremost is the one hurting herself. She puts everything out there so that she can reap the adulation from her adoring sheeple. The problem is that with the adoration comes a reality check and she 'the queen of the realist reality' doesn't want to see it.
Kate just lives off of the drama she creates all on her own. She's the one who tweets her personal information, then gets p*ssed if someone calls her out on it. It's pretty funny to watch.
Mouse: you've said everything more eloquently than I could.
Um kate..if we minded our own problems and not yours then you would never have had years of donations and assistance to live off of. It was people who were NOT only worried about themselves who saved your flat ass from true bankruptcy when you bore 6 children you could not afford nor take care of on your own.
Sorry if the wheel turns both ways and that bothers you.
Admin, as for me, it doesn't matter if there are new posts every couple of days or not. I enjoy reading and commenting on the whatever the current post may be. You are very good at staying on top of all things Kate and post new things that are occurring, often with pictures, many of them very funny.
I enjoy the posts and other commentors, so I guess it doesn't matter to me. If there's something new, I know you will make us aware of it.
ADMIN..I like a new post every couple of days. Makes it easier to keep up. Although I do like each post to get enough comments to get all opinions out there. Once we start rehashing the same thought or getting a bit nutty with speculation since there is nothing left to say..thats when i like to move on :0)
ADMIN Moat important thing to me over new posts is being unmoderated for the most part. I love havinf real time conversations with people. I hate when we give sheep the power to ruin the blog.
I implore all to not feed the trolls in anyway. If we ignore them and give admin time to delete then i think it's the best way to stay un moderated
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 20
By the way question I've been meaning to ask as long as we're discussing the blog. Do people prefer more posts more often? Like a new one every two or three days? Or are you happy to stay on one post like this one as long as we're still discussing the issue even if there are several hundred comments? Or you don't care either way :)
Either way for me.
Follow your instincts, Administrator.
Your doing a great job at keeping things topical, fun and moving along.
EM, I agree with you; I like the unmoderated posts. Unfortunately, I've engaged the trolls a time or two, and I know I shouldn't. I do like the commenting in "real time".
By the way, I finally found the "refresh" key on my laptop so I don't have to close the blog and reopen it to get updates. Yes, at times, I am very challenged with the new fangled technology.
Admin-I agree with LoveMyGrandsons-it doesn't matter whether we stay one one post for awhile or if there's a new one every few days.
The only thing I dislike about going over 200 comments, is that when I make a new comment the thread reverts back to the first page when it's published. But that a minor thing that I can deal with.
As for Kate, if it's not our business, then why the hell did she just have to brag about taking a trip to Litchfield? She was the one who made the big announcement.
I do prefer unmoderated comments, but understand that when the moon is full and the sheeple are bleating, this might not be possible. My only issue with posts that have many hundreds of comments is that it's hard to follow along if I'm on my phone. On a laptop or desktop, it's fine. Whatever works for you Admin!
EM you make a great point. Maybe the good people of PA should have just minded their own problems and not worried about Kate's problems when Kate gave birth to her litter and never doted one thing to the family. How would she like that? Six babies at once was her problem, butt out, huh?
Her retweet sounds like a petulant child. Playing the damn victim.
And yay, Em. You are so right. She wants attention from @keurig and @starbucks and @nintendo and everyone who helped them out when they reproduced irresponsibly but no criticism for the abominable way she behaves.
Time to nut up and actually be a parent your kids can be proud of. This grifting and tweeting and playing the victim is so old. And I'd like to give out shout out to Jon for at least trying to do right by the kids.
I know Kate's most recent tweet was because she didn't understand a tweet. But she actually spoke for all of us-especially after reading her CC blog.
@BarbGilmer huh?
Yeah kate, your decisions, your 8 kids, your unemployment, your mental illness, your life. Close down your twitter and live it
Admin, I prefer to have insider information if (1) blogger can be vetted, (2) does not tread on the children's privacy. Here's what I want to know from an insider...what is up with Steve and Kate? A couple? A paid gigelo?
@Kateplusmy8 how was your first LHRR?! What was your time?! Hope you had a great time up here!!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@XXXXX loved it! Kids want2make ur tradition our tradition! :) I loved the run..when I was done, lol!Thx for being such gracious hosts!
Tra-di-TION! TRA-DI-TION! (duh duh duh duh DUH), TRA-DI-TION! Yes, I'm hearing Fiddler on the Roof every time Kate trots out this word. Every time they do something "special," it becomes a tradition. Until the next time it should be happening--and then it's not.
A request, please don't announce whether we are moderated or unmoderated. It alerts trolls. I realize most people like unmoderated, there is no need to say that.
@jakefinchh loved it! Kids want2make ur tradition our tradition! :) I loved the run..when I was done, lol!Thx for being such gracious hosts!
Oh, sheesh! Another tradition. Doesn't she realize how ridiculous she sounds?
Yep. NPD/BPD... MANic... All of it-- seek daily help now, Katie. And free Alexis, rat claws!
The trendy 2012 lip gloss & nail polish colors for Ms. Geesling's new Runner's World 1/2" article are- "Fire in the Hole"... and "I Pink I Love You" (Purse Boy).
... Thanks- Kristin Chenoweth, Anderson Show.
I have enjoyed some of the open forums where we can talk about something besides KT. She just gets more boring (and predictable) every day, unless a hot topic comes along, which rarely happens these days.
Well if she wants to make it a "tradition" she better grift an atlas, so she kind learn the correct spelling of Litchfield.
This morning she said "We'd" love to make it a tradtion-now it's "the kids want to make it a tradition". Does Shoka want to make it a "tradition" also?
Admin - I like the blog the way you've had it all along. When something is worthy of a new thread you make it a new thread. As the saying goes if it works don't fix it, but of course it's entirely up to you what you want to do.
Last time I checked... we have never been silenced. Stop trying. When someone pisses a person off, there's usually no stopping them.
Thanks though.
Gift-maybe her secondest favoritest movie is "Fiddler on the Roof".
"Tradition". "If I Were a Rich (Wo)Man", "Do You Love Me?" and last but not least, "Matchmaker, Matchmaker".
Do I detect a theme here?
Looks like Kate's got some of her Fall getaways with Backpack Boy all lined up!
@xxxxxxxx no... I didn't but it is doable?!I'm supposed 2 do a full then a 10k 2wks later then a half 2 weeks after that this fall..um...
xxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 I'm running two halfs in one week this fall... A bit nervous about it! Did you feel recovered from your 1/2 by this past wkend?
I would prefer more threads, since you asked. After about 150-200 posts, they start sounding repetitive. Also, by the time I read post #86 we might be on post #300, so my delayed reply to #86 sounds like it's off topic.
A tradition does not have to involve money or travel, Kate. Here's my favorite family tradition: every thanksgiving, we make a plate for each of our 3 dogs: cut up turkey mixed with mashed potatoes and stuffing with a single green bean on top. Everyone, dogs included, digs in right after grace. Every single time, they polish off every last bit and lick the plate (pie pan) clean except for the green bean. It's hilarious year after year
Kids want2make ur tradition our tradition!
That's a new one. Grifting a tradition. Only Kate would do that.
OMG, Twit, you're right! Well, if she can't manage to turn her family into the von Trapps, maybe she'll just convert!
Baahaahaa! One more person on to her....
Please do not engage with trolls who were banned more than two years ago. Thanks.
I hate how kate speaks for ALL 8 and say they want this race as their tradition. How do the 8 even know what a tradition is? TheY have heard the word..but never see the same actions. Each season brought a new and never done again tradition. They must think tradition means to just do something.
also. Why does kate speak of recovering from these grueling marathons when she tweets about regular loong 10 mile runs. I would imaginw marathons do take recovery..but why does she never mention being sore after her training runs?
On another note. I predict Sister Wives wont last much longer. The one thing people want to see..The day to day living of a polygamous famiy and their feelings of dealing with their emotions has quickly been replaced with the TLC formula of ruining shows such as "let's watch Kody trot off to Vegas." They take a concept people have an interest in and totally destroy it by season 2. Not a bad thing actually..since it will help get these reality shows cancelled sooner. :0)
The sheeple are brutal to Jon I would think they are the ones making it hard for him to support his kids yet he seems to have no trouble getting perfectly decent mediocre jobs like the rest of hard working America.
Admin: about that annoying quote, I agree with you 100%.
I think that Kate volunteered to do this run with Rod Dixon thinking that it would garner her more publicity in her goal to be a spokesman for "fitness and health". I don't think this is going to work.
Also, as far as this Emily girl, I think Kate latched on because Emily probably seemed pretty normal and Kate does not have many friends. She should be careful because anyone "normal" doesn't stalk a reality TV personality and their children. I hope she thinks this through.
I like the insider info. I don't care or want to hear about the kids. I do care about what the locals know and see about Kate. After all, most of us have been around since the beginning and began to Google Kate after seeing her domineering, controlling ways and wondering about her family. I still would like to know about her family, does she ever see them or allow them to see her? Ismshr really as cruel as we have seen her on TV? Does she throw everyone under the bus and out of their lives and use the kids to try to keep friends in line? And of course, what about Stevie poo? Also, does Jon let the kids see aunt Jodi and uncle Kevin?
Admin, I like the shorter time between posts. It's just easier to read.
More frequent new topics would ease the 'boring' factor that comes when the comments become so repetitious. How many different ways can you say she is a lazy, untalented, egotistical, narcissistic, grifting, demanding, bitch? No matter how you phrase it, she's disgusting and not worth the effort of constantly restating it. Besides, we get it, we really get it!
I have no earthly idea what "ismshr" means. Darn iPad!
Panhandling and begging for a reality show are the only traditions Kate honors
I have never understood the attraction of Sister Wives. Every time I see a photo of that guy, looking like a pasha surrounded by his harem, I want to hurl. The few times I have actually seen previews for this show, all I can think when he speaks is snake-oil salesman. Very creepy in my book.
I started to say I'd like to know what kind of relationship she and Rat Claws really have. Then I realized I don't care.
Since kate reads here..lets up the ante.
Instead of marathons..I'd like to see her do a tough mudder competition instead.
I must admit I am still shocked kate found something athletic to do. I will give her props for that since I never ever thought she had it in her. All those years she sat back and did nothing because "she couldnt get hurt..her kids needed her." I just am shocked she tried running. Something must have spurred it since it was never discussed on Kate plus 8 that she was a runner. I still wonder what brought this on. It appeared to come out of nowhere. It seems like a lot of work for just trying to get free travel. Im also still in the camp that she rode on the bus in the full marathon. It was after that race Ron gave her the training schedule I believe. I think she did adhere to it once given to her. I just wonder why?? Did she feel the excitment of the marathon? OR simply like the comps that came with the RR event? Kate who is interested in nothing but free shit finally did something! Did she have a moment of clarity in life?
Now if only she could stop being such a horn tooting, selfish, narcissistic, parental alienator, grifty, lying, greedy woman and finally give back to the many who gave to her I could stop snarking on her. Oh, and shut down twitter and stop speaking her wishes thru her kids.
Also. I now think kate DID NOT PAY for this weekend. Otherwise she wouldn't be so quick to try to regrift for next year while the "iron is still hot"
I think she runs because she wants to be pretty and skinny soooooooo bad. And I don't believe she runs regularly at that.
EM-Have you ever heard of the Spartan Races, They're a combination of a race and obstacle course. Participants have to run thru mud, jump over barriers, and face other different obstacles. The more obstacles, the tougher the race.
My daughter is a runner-she does 10k's, halves, and is planning on running the NYC marathon. But nothing would ever make her miss the annual Spartan Race held near where she lives.
Google Spartan Race. Their website has videos of what's involved. You may look a mess after finishing one-(they offer to hose you down when your done), but my daughter loves it!
Oh boy, at least 3 Backpack Boy running weekends already lined up for fall when her kids are back in school. Well, she 'thinks' so, as if only her social secretary knows the schedule. And I think she has to be paying some, if not all, of the expenses. She hardly has enough celebrity left for anyone to pay for her and the 'bodyguard'. Hey, Milo, are you concerned for her safety as she parades herself and her children around a strange town, out in the open? And look, she apparently lets new friends babysit, cuddle and eat meals with her children. Her safety?
EM (68), it certainly doesn't look like the charity could have paid, though, it was only founded in 2010 and Ex-Nurse found their financials showing that there is virtually no real money yet. So that means either that Rod paid, which is unlikely, I don't think he has THAT kind of money; or some "sponsor" did. Coupon Cabin? Nah, they would have insisted she at least wear a T-shirt or carry one of those ugly bags we saw her with when she first got the gig.
No, I actually think she may have paid for this because I truly cannot think of who else would have done so. I can believe that, through Rod and his association with this event, she may have gotten some discounts--but a free ride for 10+ people? When there was barely any publicity? Before OR after?
I think the reason why she'd have dug deep is that this affiliation with Dixon is important to her. He can introduce her to all the major athletic brands, for one. And he clearly has a "charitable" track record, so he probably knows more than a few big donors, corporate CEOs, etc.
And bottom line: What else has she got? She's had plenty of opportunities to push her CC gig into something bigger (and possibly more lucrative), and she's screwed it up every time by always steering all of the attention to herself, not on her employer. I truly think she's pretty close to desperation on the career front.
I know a tradition Kate has.
1.Parking in fire lanes.
2. Going to NY.
3. Going to LA.
4. Getting her weave colored & re-did.
5. Get her nails done.
6. Parking in fire lanes.
7. Going on trips for long days w/o the kids.
8. Talking about Jon/ Bashing Jon.
Now my BED is running after me... (oh what a site that is!) .... So it's really time to say GN for really real! :) 44 minutes ago
She cant manage, organize, instruct, or mastermined the site she has now; she is starting another web site, store site, mailbox site etc dedicated to her BED?!?!
Is her eye SIGHT failing her? The objects in her SIGHT are failing her?
She wants her twaddelers to see her site or what's in her sight? I am so confused coz I am a fake bubble barbie too and I need to worship at the classroom of Ms Perfect English Of Course Majesty.
I am not worthy of instructionishness and Englishynessishyness. I am lowly and stooopid but Katie is AMAZING AND STRONG AND SMART AND AMAZING AND MOTHERISH AND PERFECT AND ALL-KNOWING AND AMAZING AND... OH! I am so meager I cant find Englishyness words.
CACKLE BWAHAHA I am also very witty and engaging and entertaining! Where's my check and my trip?????????????
OH, are there other comments and sediments? I am much too busy and exhausted to be bothered with mediocrenessishny.
Yes, Kate, I'm so sure that the kids so totally enjoyed sitting on the sidelines in the hot sun for 2 hrs waiting for you to finish your run so they could go in the hotel pool. What kid wouldn't love that? Definitely put it on the calendar for next year!
Thhhhhanks guys for announcing the unmoderation. Sigh. In the future, when the blog is not moderated, please do not make an announcement about it. We're back on moderation now indefinitely, more work for me and disrupts the flow.
Okay, I'm no runner, but a full marathon, a 10K, and then a half in like a month? Is that healthy? Seems like so much stress on the body. And, of course, she's gonna travel for these. I wonder what is making this worth it for her? And she must train more than she makes out to be that skinny and have good times.
Anyone have any idea what these races might be?
Okay, I'm no runner, but a full marathon, a 10K, and then a half in like a month? Is that healthy?
Ironically, running despite having no contact and no equipment I consider one of the most dangerous sports there is. I do not know a runner who has been running since childhood who doesn't have serious problems somewhere in their body, usually it's the knees. Personally I don't think all that running is good for you, no, but it's her body to ruin. Just leave the kids out of it. Ellipticals were invented because people finally realized how dangerous running is.
Admin-are you a hockey fan? Whether you are or not, I just want to congratulate the LA Kings on winning their first Stanley Cup.
I love hockey and but I don't really watch it. :) I made a rule awhile back to limit myself to one sport watching per season.
Here you go Kate
click me
Admin-as much as I dislike moderation, you have to do what needs to be done. Unfortunately, it makes more work for you.
I want to thank you for having this blog. I think I set my all-time comment record this weekend!
Since I already mentioned the Spartan Race, I figured I may as well post a video.
Yeah, admin, I don't know of any runner either who has not been injured in some way because of running.
RNR is doing a run in Philly in Sept. Will Kate go? Or will she wait for the one in LA? Hummmmm....
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 181
Warmth, good point. How exactly does a child learn how to develop real, lasting friendships when random strangers are dumped on them and they are expected to sit in their laps and be instant BFF?
A child at school they are trying to be friends with would be very turned off by such aggressive behavior. Friendships typically develop gradually. Sure there are people you have instant chemistry with, but the deep, long lasting friendships that are sincere still take a long time to develop.
Clearly I am very far behind in comments. But I just have to say that these types of kids, especially girls, are often the ones who marry, or get pregnant, or leave home very early with the first significant other who pays attention to them. All it takes is the partner to know their name and 2 or 3 things about them as an individual (something they are not at all accustomed to) and they think they have found their soul mate. Unless they are too fearfull to even allow the 2 or 3 things to be known...
I see that all of the finisher videos are up on youtube for the 2012 LHRR. I think there are 6 and I don't know which one Kate and Rod would be in.
I would also like to see insider info if our Administrator can verify them. I have read so many comments here and on GWOP asking why people aren't calling her out or speaking up but who should they speak up to? Why not us? If they can speak in general terms (no children's names etc.) than let's hear it.
Anita-Part 1 shows the beginning of the race, all the other parts show the runners approaching the finish line. Here are the links for Kate:
Part 1
Kate and Rod are at :39
Part 3
Go to 4:35 and look for a man in a red shirt and black shorts. After that you'll see a bare-chested man in blue shorts. Kate and Rod are just behind the guy in blue shorts. At 5:24 you'll hear the announcer say their names.
You know, I was watching the first special the other day, and Kate has NEVER put the needs of the kids above her own needs. NEVER. They showed her "morning routine" and how she gets up. John made her coffee and put it by the bed. She would get up, enjoy her coffee, and then head into the kitchen to make breakfast. By this time it's like 8am. She said she would send the older girls up to entertain the babies while she finished up cooking. When she finally decided she was ready for the babies, she walked into that room and I swear at least four of the six were screaming their heads off, if not all.
I think they did a lot of crying when they were babies, especially in the second year. She would leave them in the living room alone so she could make lunch and ignore them, she would make them nap for four hours and ignore them, if they came out of their room during naptime, she would put them back in bed for an hour and ignore them, she would leave them out in the garage with the crew and ignore them.
If you are someone, and I am, who believes that the cry it out method is harmful for children, and that the level and degree of attachment with the primary caregivers determines a whole host of things, including self esteem and relationships; it is easy to see that those poor kids are going to have all kinds of problems with relationships when they get older.
You could already see the results of this in the show. The fighting and screaming they engaged in, IMO, is a direct result of the crying they experienced because it increases the size of the primative brain (the fight or flight center), thus encouraging them to fight and yell and they have NEVER had anyone there with them encouraging them in positive conflict resultion.
They will have a whole host of relationship issues and will only have their mother to thank.
I really don't care if inside sources come in. What can they say that we already don't know? Gosh she's been around for how long? Going on seven years now. You know I have a source too that tells me everything her name is Kate Gosselin. Oops I exposed her!
BTW thanks for the support this afternoon! Love you guys, your great!
Congrats Kings! Not a fan but still good. When are the Sharks going to win?
From looking at the Rock n Roll Marathon schedule, they have races in both NY and LA in October. I'm guessing she will do those two for sure to hopefully work in media appearances.
(I assume she's sticking with the RnR series.)
Thank you, ladies, for your warm welcomes! I have been following this blog for awhile and it was nice to actually vent for a bit.
As a bit of background, I grew up in the LA "star" culture to a certain extent– my father worked in the film industry and I went to school with child stars and the children of adult stars. Many of them weren't even "famous", but even as a child I perceived them as "different"– and once more they perceived themselves as "different", often in detrimental ways.
I've followed this blog mostly because I am facinated by the "star" culture and horrified by what it produces. I have no vested interest in the Gosselins, just what they represent. Call it sociological study...
And, I apologize for my somewhat racy language on my last post...I really don't have much of a "swear filter" (blame my– Hollywood but loving, supportive and hilarious– parents!) and sometimes it gets the best of me...
Best, Zelda
That's too much running. When you train, you just about take the week off prior to your race, only running 1-3 miles here and there. To go from training to a full to a 10K and then a half on back to back to back weekends is asking for trouble.
I've been injured, from a bad knee to the plantar fasciitis I currently battle and even after my first 1/2, bleeding, oozing blisters on my inner thighs where I did not lube up. They took a month to heal and it was so painful. But I followed a sensible training regimen. She is going to get hurt.
I served watermelon at dds graduation party, dh scooped out a seedless watermelon with a small scooper and made melon balls. I wanted the watermelon rind to make my favorite WATERMELON RIND PICKLES!
This is another recipe that is very easy, but takes a while because the rind has to soak for a day in the syrup. The pickles are sweet pickles. Anyone want to do some home canning and want the recipe?
Ms Kreider is so boring, talking about recipes is much more interesting.
And to add– part of what draws me here is just how funny y'all are. Seriously, the level of well-constructed dry snark here rivals Ricky Gervais' best.
Love, Zelda
It makes absolutely no sense to add the KidsMarathon to her traditions. It is a CTschool program in which kids spend several months accumulating the first 25 marathon hours. The run on Saturday was the final mile and the kids began as a group representing their school. She wants to subject her children to the humiliation and embarassment of crashing an event that they weren't prepared for, where they didn't know a soul, did not belong to a group, and watch their mother make a spectacle of herself and bringing up the rear?
Look for Kate to crush her PR in Chicago, trying to run away from her fans!
Some thoughts on the “insiders” posting on the blog. A few seem to live in the vicinity of the Gosselins, and may even have or know kids who attend the same school as the Gosselin kids do – some may even work at the school. Quite frankly, I don’t believe the majority of insider posters here have any close connection to the Gosselins, and that they DON’T post any real facts because they’re only on the periphery of the Gosselin train wreck. The “Mouse” person crafts his/her messages as carefully as Kate does – s/he implies a close connection, but as far as I can tell s/he has claimed to be only part of “the community” – which to me means Mouse may have kids who attend the Gosselins school, but who has no direct contact with the family. S/he sees Kate from afar, but would like us to think s/he knows a whole lot more. These folks – if they were really in the know – could easily post facts that would not compromise the kids’ privacy. Such as: are the kids involved in school activities/sports (yes or no question -- we don’t need specific sports or schedules mentioned). Does Kate attend the kids’ school activities? – again, yes or no – this again does not compromise the kids’ privacy. Is Kate involved at the school like regular parents are? Again, a yes-or-no question that has nothing to do with the kids. Do you see Steve around town with Kate? Another yes-or-no question that has nothing to do with the kids. Does Kate really jog every day? Etc. etc. etc. The big deal made about protecting the kids’ privacy makes me think that these people don’t know as much as they claim to know. We’re not looking for details of the kids’ lives – just the general questions we’ve asked about for years. They could clearly answer these questions if they were truly in-the-know without compromising the kids’ privacy. My gut feeling all along has been that they are peripherally related to the Gosselin debacle (“community”), but want us to think they’re more closely affiliated than they actually are. Makes them feel special, with everyone cow-towing to them, waiting with baited breath for their next [information-less] post.
#53 Katie Cry-Duh I love your tradition. As a dog, I can tell you it's a great one!!!
Ex Nurse said... 98
It makes absolutely no sense to add the KidsMarathon to her traditions. It is a CTschool program in which kids spend several months accumulating the first 25 marathon hours. The run on Saturday was the final mile and the kids began as a group representing their school. She wants to subject her children to the humiliation and embarassment of crashing an event that they weren't prepared for, where they didn't know a soul, did not belong to a group, and watch their mother make a spectacle of herself and bringing up the rear?
Look for Kate to crush her PR in Chicago, trying to run away from her fans!
I really think she thinks if she keeps throwing that word "tradition" out, it makes her look warm and motherly.
Does anyone know if the Youtube videos from the race were posted by onlookers? This is just the type of thing Skeeve used to illegally stop people in public places from doing. It must piss Kate off to no end that there's tape showing the kids looking less than thrilled to be there and to be participating. Doesn't fit with her "script."
I like the local input. Several have been with us awhile and have used great discretion.
I remember several years ago one local told us about Kate literally crashing into her at a store, knocking her off balance, and not even trying to apologize. Not one word about the children was ever told, however.
I miss one of the locals who was a regular here.
BerksNeighbor was a great addition to our conversations.
Speaking of missing folks, has anyone heard from Hippie Chick?
I love this blog. Compassionate, smart, interesting people here. And no one needs to use off color language to get their point across. Thanks folks!
1. I gladly accept hand-me-down sports equipment from friends. Leftover shin guards, dance shoes and so on are saved in bins marked “sports equipment.”
Leftover dance shoes? Does she read what she writes? This from a woman who hasn't got any room in her closet for another pair of shoes, but oh yes, definitely put some other kids dance shoes on your child's feet. I really want to slap her.
Not a Moose, the locals HAVE given us some good info in the past. ie. Jon attends school events and Kate does not. When asked about cars in the driveway, she could have given us any answer, but chose to say "I don't stalk, and driving by just to look is stalking." We have had info about Kate shopping, parking in the fire lane, etc. and I can only assume this info was shared by locals. No kids involved.
We have been told that Jon is friendly and outgoing, a genuinely nice guy, and that Kate is cold and aloof and rude in person.
We have had some locals on here I would believe
without hesitation, and Mouse is one of them.
Aunt Connie there are times when the ONLY way to express our thoughts about Kate is by using colorful language. ;o)
@Dmasy, i you don't mind I've been meaning to tell you that your little picture beside your name just always make me smile for some reason. I just got a big laugh at it the first time I looked at it. Hope you don't mind.
fidosmommy said... 106
"Speaking of missing folks, has anyone heard from Hippie Chick?"
Also, what happened to Dallas Lady? Did she just fade away one day or did she state that she was not going to post anymore? I miss her and hope that she didn't have trouble with trolls and sheeple.
@AuntieAnn, Kate's comment sort of reminds me I am almost sure she would be grossed out to put on rented shoes at the bowling alley but it's fine and dandy for her kids to wear hand-me-down shoes? Who does that? Clothing I understand, but shoes? Don't shoes usually shape to the feet on the person who first had them? Be all worn out. I'm just grossed out.
If she has no more room in her closet maybe she should sell some of her shoes for her fans to be able to afford a proper vacation for her kids since she's oh so unable to afford things like that without a camera crew.
And, come on "really real?" And she writes for a professional blog as her "career?" I don't care if you're not great at spelling or make a mistake but when you purposely write to sound younger than you are I don't know I find it tacky in a way.
Wayward, I think Dallas Lady was one of the posters who decided to step back from discussing Kate. (Or maybe I'm confusing her with someone else.)
No need to watch or look anything up. Kate is such a puke. I have heard enough from everyone here to get the jist of things.
kate ran a race far from home....purseboy ran along ( I wish he was MY bodyguard) he carried a backpack with kates most needed things. The kids were forced to cheer for mom OR ELSE...
yada yada yada...kate needs a new skick!
The less attention given to her the better.
kate YOU are a PUKE!!
What fidosmommy said!
Aunie Ann -- it's possible to be colorful without resorting to obscenities. You usually manage that quite well :) .
readerlady - you should see what I don't post! lol
Marie - I would think used shoes would be a big no-no, too. I seem to remember her yammering on about nothing but the best on a golden platter for her kids. Now she says she takes hand-me-downs and leftovers for them? Nothing she says makes sense.
As a parent, I would NOT let my child be friends with an adult on social media...there's almost always a motive that benefits the adult, imo.
Why would an almost 40 yr old want to be friends with an underage child?? creepy, if you ask me.
This is what ALL the Kate fans do. They've befriended Paige, Emily and others and go into private chat rooms, exchange mailing addresses, etc.
It's VERY scary but yet they still get upset when one of the (mean) haters calls them a predator. Then, a new teen will come on twitter and the same stupid Sheep will swoop down on that teen to become her best {{{{{hugs}}}}}} friend forever.
I don't know, if people were calling me a pedophile, I'd take it easy on befriending kids. Not the brilliant sheep. The younger, the better.
Marie, thank you. That ostrich in Aruba made me laugh. He/she actually posed for pictures and seemed miffed if a tourist ignored him.
Wayward - Dallas Lady did announce that she was going to take a break. I miss her, too. I hope she checks in on us occasionally.
In order to post, I had to shut off two of my safety programs. I don't like that.
I've read here since this blog's inception. I rarely post. I think I have posted twice.
I would love to read more about what locals see and think. If Admin can vett them, fine. I'd still like to know the locals' opinions.
Admin often talks about her "sources", but the readers are rarely privy. At this stage, I would relish to hear information from locals.
Good morning, all. This comment goes to KK's sports equipment blog. I'd like to suggest yet another new name for her..."The Queen of Gimmee". Nothing I created, it's a chapter title in a book I'm reading.
Wayward (105), the video of the runs (both the kids on Sat and 7.1m on Sun) posted on YouTube were made by the same person (company?), "Litchfield BZ." Both series (2 parts on the kids run, a lot more for the 7.1m) are in multiple segments with titles on screen that look somewhat professional. I think whoever shot these probably does it more for fun than any profit and probably has done so for years. Kind of as a community service. Thus, well beyond the reach of Steve. (Does he command any "authority" anymore in his guarding of Kate"? What with the backpack with the pink lipstick swinging from the side?)
As for DL, she was attacked on this board by someone accusing her of being a show-off (very unjustly, IMO), this is maybe 5 or 6 mths ago, and to my knowledge she hasn't posted since. But I imagine she's still reading (hi, DL!).
Admin, I come here for the snark and wit and just how funny everyone is. I also like to hear about everyone, fun things they are doing, or their ” extensively researched” recipes. I would love to have a menu topic once a week to see what everyone its cooking, or a vacation topic to see where everyone is going, in addition to usual topics. I would love love love to see a ” Ms Kreider is boring” topic for those days, Weeks, months she does not hit the media radar. Because honestly, she has always been boring even on tv, even on the early shows.
Gift of Grab said....
I think the reason why she'd have dug deep is that this affiliation with Dixon is important to her. He can introduce her to all the major athletic brands, for one. And he clearly has a "charitable" track record, so he probably knows more than a few big donors, corporate CEOs, etc.
NAILED IT!! She spent money to cash in later. What she doesn't realize is that she is an amateur when it comes to running so who the heck would hire her to be a spokesperson? I bet she has donated $0 to these charitable events. She was only involved in charities because TLC was footing the whole deal to make an episode. These charities aren't stupid. They know who the high rollers are. They want professionals. On top of that, her endorsement of anything, even weight loss, is worthless because she had surgery. She did not get her body into the shape it is naturally.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 1
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Oh Kate serious STFU. People who feel that way don't open Twitter accounts. People who feel that way also don't invite reality shows into their own homes.
Sorry, I'm just catching up but had to comment on the absurdism of this-- not to mention hypocrisy.
One of Kate's crowning achievements and one she's bragged about is the 10 million viewers that J+K+8 drew in for the much-hyped separation/divorce episode. Kate draws on that statistic to prove how relevant she is. Somehow is her bleached-hairbrained mind, this is worthy of praise and adulation.
Yeah, when TLC USED you and your little, innocent kids, your crumbling family, and the tragedy and heartbreak that always accompanies divorce for ratings. That's not something to brag about, rather, something to feel shame about that you allowed it to happen.
I'll quote Edmund Burke again, in response to Kate's RT of yet another bumper sticker, half-witted attempt at profound meaning that can only be found in the likes of such bathroom-reading drek as The Secret:
"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."
That, Kate, is why using unconsenting children for your bidding is wrong, and will remain the business of right-minded people in a civilized society that to its core, protects the innocent.
TLC Stinks, agreed on the surgery issue. NO ONE is going to take her seriously as "SuperMarathonMomof8" unless and until she comes clean on all the surgery. And not just the tummy tuck and the boob job, the probable lipo and whatever she's been doing to her face as well. Now if some insider has a verifiable list of all of those procedures, please speak up.
EM . . . Honestly, who do you think would pay Kate to appear at a charity running event? These are charity events and people sign up months in advance. kate did not promote this event until right before she went. There is no way that anyone paid for her to attend. They didn't even promote her while she was there. This was an event that she signed up for hoping to get herself out there in the "fitness" world. That's why she is aligning herself with Rod Dixon. If anything, she paid to run in the event to promote herself. We know she doesn't do it for the charity of the event. It is all about her and her "brand".
Tuckers Mom . . . 128 You really hit the nail on the head. Kate should be ashamed of those ratings, not proud. Her family was destroyed.
I rarely post. I know someone who lives in the area and who has a friend that worked with Jon. I knew about the old BBB being with Jon before it was talked about here, and a few other things. Mostly just proved that she is a big LIAR. None of them in regards to anything that compromised the kids privacy.
One of Kate's tweets from yesterday said that she would be running a fuul, 10k and half within weeks of each other in or around Oct. Anyone have any guess where these will be? I'm thinking LV again for the full.
mamaK said... 89
You know, I was watching the first special the other day, and Kate has NEVER put the needs of the kids above her own needs. NEVER. They showed her "morning routine" and how she gets up. John made her coffee and put it by the bed. She would get up, enjoy her coffee, and then head into the kitchen to make breakfast. By this time it's like 8am. She said she would send the older girls up to entertain the babies while she finished up cooking. When she finally decided she was ready for the babies, she walked into that room and I swear at least four of the six were screaming their heads off, if not all.
I think they did a lot of crying when they were babies, especially in the second year. She would leave them in the living room alone so she could make lunch and ignore them, she would make them nap for four hours and ignore them, if they came out of their room during naptime, she would put them back in bed for an hour and ignore them, she would leave them out in the garage with the crew and ignore them.
If you are someone, and I am, who believes that the cry it out method is harmful for children, and that the level and degree of attachment with the primary caregivers determines a whole host of things, including self esteem and relationships; it is easy to see that those poor kids are going to have all kinds of problems with relationships when they get older.
You could already see the results of this in the show. The fighting and screaming they engaged in, IMO, is a direct result of the crying they experienced because it increases the size of the primative brain (the fight or flight center), thus encouraging them to fight and yell and they have NEVER had anyone there with them encouraging them in positive conflict resultion.
They will have a whole host of relationship issues and will only have their mother to thank.
That's why I think Ashley went back to be with the kids.
She knows how Kate really is and she knows that the kids love her she knows that they need someone.
Yeah, I think she envisions herself as the next fitness mom guru making bucks off endorsements. ITA that it will never work because she is mostly "plastic" and sponsors want the natural effects of fitness. She's not even pretty anymore except in airbrushed photos. I think CC went overboard tweeking her face in their press release photos. If anyone has photography experience, love to hear what they did to soften and fill out her face. I'm from the old school of black and white film, but I could manipulate any print in a darkroom.
Chef, Ashley is a nanny for the kids again?
This bitch wouldn't let her toddlers walk barefoot on a hotel room carpet yet she'll let them wear someone's used nasty sports shoes? Why does she think it's a virtue to be pathologically cheap with her kids?
TLC stinks said... 126
Chef, Ashley is a nanny for the kids again?
Not sure but I think she said that she still see's them.
Ashley has emailed me a few times. She's in college out of state now, I think she'll be a sophomore this year. She still sees the kids when she's home, but at Jon's.
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Add hypocrite to Kate's L-O-N-G list of foibles.
I am a tad late with this response. Administrator, I think you do a finely tuned job with the topics. They pop up often enough to keep us "fresh" here. I like your snarky ones -- Hilter being a classic best. I like it when you include actual photos that you have creatively altered.
Thanks for this blog and the articulate posters it has attracted.
I'm unable to locate the comment now, but upthread, or maybe in a past thread, someone mentioned that Kate had acknowledged that she has mental health issues. Do we know this to be true - has she really admitted it? And, if so, what issues is she acknowledging?
I hope NE Psychologist will weigh in.
Notebook of Love @Notebook
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
EM (27), you called her out spectacularly. In Kate's world, this quote really means:
My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business unless you give me something that will directly benefit me. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine, then you can fork over some cash or products or services that will directly benefit me.
Name one serious athlete who's had a boob job and wears high heels on a daily basis.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 129
Ashley has emailed me a few times. She's in college out of state now, I think she'll be a sophomore this year. She still sees the kids when she's home, but at Jon's.
Ashley is a good soul.
Kate's driven away so many people, it's obvious Ashley has stuck around for so many years ONLY for the kids.
What her eyes & ears must have witnessed...
May Ashley have a long, joyful life.
Ashley graduated from college this past May. She was at Kate's house over Easter and over the holidays last winter.
(Administrator) said... 129
Ashley has emailed me a few times. She's in college out of state now, I think she'll be a sophomore this year. She still sees the kids when she's home, but at Jon's.
That's nice to know and I hope Jodi gets to see them too. Obviously Kate feels threatened by women with nurturing abilities which is something she herself doesn't possess. Whenever those kids got attached to someone who gave them a sense of security she drove them off one way or another. She's jealous of them because she hasn't got a maternal bone in her body even though she birthed eight babies.
I forgot to weigh in earlier on the frequency of posts. I think you do a pretty good job of keeping us relevant and on our toes, Admin. It gets a bit frustrating when there are many, many posts (upwards of 1000) on a topic, especially if the reader is a bit behind and trying to catch up on posts, but for the most part, I think we're fine the way we are. There's no point in forcing a new post if there's nothing to post about. If we get repetitious, there's always the option to skip ahead in reading.
This is what ALL the Kate fans do. They've befriended Paige, Emily and others and go into private chat rooms, exchange mailing addresses, etc.
I think that their motive is to take fresh, naive, young fans and mould them to their way of thinking. These are just star-struck fans with no ability to logically make conclusions on their own. They can't understand the exploitation factor because they have no understanding of child psychology. Sheeple need more Kate advocates for their flock, so they swoop down on these youngsters thinking that if they befriend them, there will be more on their side to go up against the haters. They don't care about their age. Non-fans are on to Kate and her ways, while these young girls are just giddy because Kate throws them a tweet once in awhile. It's the closest they (and the sheeple) will ever get to knowing someone famous.
My question is -- where are the parents of these young teens? These kids think that Kate is an inspiration, a role model. Something must be very lacking in their own families for them to have to look at a 37-year-old divorced mother of eight as someone that they want to emulate or collect 5,000 computer photos of her. Something is very wrong there.
"My gut feeling all along has been that they are peripherally related to the Gosselin debacle (“community”), but want us to think they’re more closely affiliated than they actually are. Makes them feel special, with everyone cow-towing to them, waiting with baited breath for their next [information-less] post."
LOL!! I've never had anyone kowtow to me, nor experienced or even wanted anyone to wait with baited breath for me to post something, and trust me, I do not feel special. In fact, quite the opposite is true. I do not post many things that I know for this very reason because I don't want to reveal anything that shouldn't be revealed, nor provoke any kind of conversation that would be attributed to my initiation of it. I am an unassuming person, quite unwilling to spill the beans on anything, and most certainly not a braggart. I've never even given so much as a hint that I know something. Not everything about this family deserves public scrutiny. I have, however, stepped up in defense of Jon many times, because the brutal treatment of him has been very unfair.
I think that perhaps there are locals who have posted things in the past, only to have been accused of being stalkers. They are very reluctant to post. Moreover, there may be many posts made when on moderation, and because insider info is involved, don't show up on the blog because the info has not been verified and admin does not know the identity of the poster. Readers don't see this, and then conclude that the "insiders" really know nothing.
Then again, one needs to be careful of internet sheeple stalkers. I've read some horror stories about what they do. I think that locals wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by some of these people...and with good reason.
An addendum to my last post. I was told that the cruise had been cancelled before it was announced on the internet, and before anyone here knew it, but kept quiet about it and never gave any indication that it was cancelled simply because it wasn't my place to report what I knew. I wasn't sure that I believed the report of the cancellation and didn't want to present anything as fact when it was not yet substantiated.
College Graduate said... 136
Ashley graduated from college this past May. She was at Kate's house over Easter and over the holidays last winter.
Yes, this is what I recall reading on Kate's twitter.
I think the belief that Ashley was at Kate's came from Kate's stylist, Deanna, when she was twittering. I believe Admin that Ashley has nothing to do with Kate after the RV fiasco. Also, where's her bestest friend, Jamie, this summer? She probably had her fill too plus I bet her new husband was none too pleased with her association with Kate. Jamie got her 15 minutes and some TLC pay. Time to move on. Come to think of it, the only gal pals Kate has are on Twitter.
Re: Bristol.urghh
I am watching the view. Imo..Bristol..if you miss your parents..move back home. If you want to do it alone..then DO it. Stop crying and wining.
I was 30 and single alone in a small town when dd was born. I realised I needed help and my dd deserved to know her close family, so I mpved back to QC and my family, for us both.
Best hard decision I ever made.
Perhaps they've since reconciled but my information from a few months ago was that it was not true what Kate was claiming about Ashley coming over. I believe Kate carefully worded it. Ashley was indeed seeing the kids just not through Kate.
Jane I don't know specifics and didn't ask. One of my sources who does not want their name revealed, but who you all know, says that Kate is aware of her "issues" but won't seek help for them. I found that rather interesting since a lot of narcissists would never acknowledge they have a problem. Some do though.
I get the sense she may have that attitude my problems are mine, I am what I am I know you all say this about me but I don't want to change because this is me. Sort of like I love me, as f-ed up as I may be.
PatK said... 141
College Graduate said... 136
Ashley graduated from college this past May. She was at Kate's house over Easter and over the holidays last winter.
Yes, this is what I recall reading on Kate's twitter.
And we all know how Kate lies so I'd take what she say's with a grain of salt if even that much.
The cruise is a perfect example. The information was going to come out eventually, and it did. There is really no need for someone to spill the beans early here. The beans were spilled, who cares if it came a little later. As it was we already knew that Jon was pretty sure the cruise wouldn't go forward and we all pretty much knew this was never going to happen--if I had a nickel for every time someone said this isn't going to happen. Heck even the secretary in the Hitler video knew it! :)
I've said this before but I don't see a big need for local insiders. There is very little anyone has ever told us we couldn't either figure out on our own or that didn't come out eventually. There have been so many people willing to go ON RECORD about this family, I see little need for the anonymous folks anymore. Either go on record like many others have, or don't say anything, including innuendoes and comments about all the things you COULD say and follow rule 2. This goes for everyone, regulars and newbies alike.
I would have to look at the tweets again Kate made about Ashley. Probably another carefully worded tweet. Just because she said Ashley was "over for Easter" or whatever she said doesn't mean it wasn't for Easter at Jon's. Just because she says Ashley sees my kids doesn't mean Kate is there. Kate is an expert at the carefully crafted lie that isn't really a lie. I haven't talked to Ashley in awhile though, who knows maybe she made up with Kate. If that happened I'm sure Ashley had to be the one to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Oh well, kids first.
Well, as long as the kids still see Ashley, that's a good thing. I tend to believe Ashley has moved on with her life, whether in or out of college. Kate did not treat her well. She has proven she is more mature than Kate. Wonder if her mom still keeps in touch with Kate? Perhaps she, too, has moved on.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I want my kids to try sports they like and made a plan to buy gear wisely! Check out my $ saving tips on @CouponCabin:
Yeah sure ya do.-(eye roll)
One interesting thing about Ashley is she helped with the kids even before they were famous. She was very young with this started and grew into a mature and sensitive woman.
It's been interesting to watch Ashley's progression from immature clueless sheeple, to a woman with her own mind who gradually saw this situation for what it was, gradually formed her own mature opinions about it, and finally stood up to what she knew was wrong and unjust.
She's probably not unlike a lot of the teen sheeple who will soon mature and realize what's going on here.
NE Psychologist....welcome back! I missed your posts. They were always insightful from a mental health standpoint.
Kate absolutely got lipo. It happened during her tummy tuck and was filmed. The footage was shown on an early "cutting room floor" episode. So, when she says she's never had lipo, she lies. I remember watching it and thinking that I would never want that done to me. It looked horrific. They just stick that sucker thing up you like you are a carpet and it's the vacuum. Yuck!
AuntieAnn, I agree with you. Kate needs slapped for the used shoes issue alone. It's all about her. So selfish. No wonder all her nice lady friends disappeared. Those of us who have reared children or helped with grandchildren know how important good shoes are for proper foot growth/comfort. That doesn't mean spending our last dollar, but I would place their needs over mine time and time again. Isn't that how it is supposed to be? Doesn't a kid need to be signed up for a sport before you buy any supplies they might need? Kate is grifting every time she puts pen to paper or twitter to twitter. The juicy/juice is about gone. Guess it's time to fill the shelves with sports equipment. Sad, really sad.
I thought Kate only admitted to OCD?
Wonder if Khate has a lucrative eBay business with all the grifted merchandise (new or used)?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 145
Jane I don't know specifics and didn't ask. One of my sources who does not want their name revealed, but who you all know, says that Kate is aware of her "issues" but won't seek help for them. I found that rather interesting since a lot of narcissists would never acknowledge they have a problem. Some do though.
I get the sense she may have that attitude my problems are mine, I am what I am I know you all say this about me but I don't want to change because this is me. Sort of like I love me, as f-ed up as I may be.
So interesting and it makes perfect sense. Thanks, Admin.
From figure eight films:
Hour-long special “Cutting Room Floor”- Premiered December 17th, 2007 on TLC
Never before seen footage that has previously been cut from episodes will now be seen, no matter how embarrassing! A little bit of plastic surgery that Kate never talked about before, an adventurous journey that Jon takes only with his twin girls, the sextuplets first trip to the beach, and the twins' visit to a casting agent will now be broadcast in a hilarious new hour.
Link: http://www.figure8films.tv/site/shows/jk8-s3.html
Of course, I can't find this episode on youtube. It also showed the kids first trip to the beach that was so sandy and windy everyone was crying. This was the time that they filmed Jon dressing the girls in their bathing suits while they stood in the back of the van with the doors open. It showed an extra moment during the trip to CA with Jon and the girls where they climbed something? A cliff or something? Kate wouldn't go because she claimed she was scared of heights, and Mady whinned all the way up. And, of course, the lipo.
It was actually Season two, episode 11?12?
Tothenorm 1 hour ago
"When my daughter went up to say hello to her, she told her not now and walked away in a huff. She's a very nasty woman."
Anyone surprised?
This episode, like the Disney episode has been scrubbed. It's not on the DVD, it's not on Youtube, it wasn't recapped at GWOP, etc. How they do that is amazing!
@gypsi001 @amybplus3 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...can U word it better 2help her? We're like twitter babies...all wantin Mom Kate's attention! :)
Oh, Milo. You see yourself as a baby and Kate as your mother? You're even more far gone that anyone realized. Time to give up that pacifier and grow up.
My kids wear handmedown shoes - both within our family and outside of it. Used soccer cleats are especially predominant around here, and our town has a shoe swap (similar to what Kate mentioned in her blog.) It's entirely normal and in my opinion not something that Kate should be criticized for. In fact, nothing in her blog about kids' sports is criticism-worthy. She was even honest and said that she only has one kid participating in sports regularly right now but hopes to have more. Granted, I feel that it would be better for 8 year olds to have experienced more activities than Kate's kid have, but there are MANY families who don't do anything extra-curricular (or go to movies, or on vacation), and they're perfectly happy and healthy and normal.
God, Milo.....Where's your dignity?? You've been kissing Kates ass so long...I think your beginning to enjoy it...SICKO...
LaLaLandNoMore said... 154
AuntieAnn, I agree with you. Kate needs slapped for the used shoes issue alone. It's all about her. So selfish. No wonder all her nice lady friends disappeared.
Lalaland - That is probably why BackPacMan keeps his nerf gun loaded at all times. I'm sure there are many of us who would line up to slap Kate if we got close enough. (kidding of course).
Seriously, I think Beth inadvertently misguided Kate when she told her that a little pampering would make her a happier mother (or somethng to that effect). Kate took that and ran with it and hasn't stopped since. It was like having permission to put herself first, having her usual escape hatch of blame going to someone else. In this case it would be Beth who "told me to do it", although I suspect Kate has been a greedy, self-centered person all her life.
I live in New Zealand and was working in a rest home, and imagine my surprise when Kate's AbPro or whatever it is infomercial came on the TV. So there it is.
@gypsi001 @amybplus3 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...can U word it better 2help her? We're like twitter babies...all wantin Mom Kate's attention! :)
Isn't Milo a grown woman or am I mistaken?
JoyinVirginia said... 116
Admin, I come here for the snark and wit and just how funny everyone is. I also like to hear about everyone, fun things they are doing, or their ” extensively researched” recipes. I would love to have a menu topic once a week to see what everyone its cooking, or a vacation topic to see where everyone is going, in addition to usual topics. I would love love love to see a ” Ms Kreider is boring” topic for those days, Weeks, months she does not hit the media radar. Because honestly, she has always been boring even on tv, even on the early shows.
June 12, 2012 4:52 AM
I am on another blog for medical transcriptionists. Often the topic is about other things. Once a day they have "What's for Dinner?" It is full of ideas that normal people use and I love it. I have a hard time being creative about meals. It really is helpful to me!
Kate is Krazy said... 155
I thought Kate only admitted to OCD?
In August of 2009 Kate was interviewed by Larry King and admitted to being a control freak:
Kate: My true nature is to freak out about everything — everything’s a big drama, everything’s, you know, the end of the world...And it’s just — it’s that, you know me, I have to have control. It’s just a control issue.
KING: You are a control freak?
KATE: I’ve been known to be one, yes.
KING: All right. Control — people who are control freaks put pressure on themselves, don’t they?
I mean they worry about things that don’t even involve them, right
— why is he doing that over there?
Why can’t I stop him from going there, right?
KING: Doesn’t it drive you a little nuts to be a — wouldn’t you rather not be a control freak?
KATE: There are very good aspects of being a control freak.
I’m very driven. I don’t — I don’t stop. Nothing less than the best.
Keep moving. Keep moving. And I think that’s a great aspect. I enjoy that part of my personality. I persevere. I will not lay down and die.
However, those issues you just mentioned, yes, I’ve had to relax about. And, actually, over this last year or — or, actually, truly, since my six were born, life has been pretty out of control."
In view of everything going down three years later, it's interesting to go back and read this complete transcript.
I wonder if Milo makes these over-the-top bizarre statements because she loves the attention. She's so much like Kate. She doesn't care if the attention is negative. What matters is that it's focused on her.
Haha, GOOD ONE, MsGoody, second only to CJ on the list of Master Trolls.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
FYI @KATEPLUSMY8 - THIS IS SOMETHING FOR YOUR LAWYERS RT @weywerdSun: New rules to identify web trolls http://po.st/foPdTf
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@msgoody2shoes21 thank you! They are up to date on it all, thank goodness! :)
chefsummer said... 166
@gypsi001 @amybplus3 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...can U word it better 2help her? We're like twitter babies...all wantin Mom Kate's attention! :)
Isn't Milo a grown woman or am I mistaken?
Depends on if you're talking physically or mentally.
Isn't Milo a grown woman or am I mistaken?
Nobody knows. That's what "she" wants Tweeties to believe. Milo could have everyone fooled. It could be an adolescent male or a 90-year-old he/she!
Charlie (165), that's interesting! I don't believe it ever saw the light of day over here. I never heard of anyone who ever saw it on TV, just on the Internet. Heaven knows Kate was dismissive of it when she was asked about it on Twitter.
Granted, I feel that it would be better for 8 year olds to have experienced more activities than Kate's kid have, but there are MANY families who don't do anything extra-curricular (or go to movies, or on vacation), and they're perfectly happy and healthy and normal.
Do those families have mothers who put themselves first, who "forget" spring breaks so that they can go off and do their own thing, leaving their kids behind? Do those families complain about everything being too expensive, such as summer camp, gym lessons, movies,amusement parks, but then Mom goes to NYC because she has to have a "top" stylist do her hair?
I kind of doubt it...
Susan said... 162
Susan, I agree that we shouldn't nitpick about the G kids wearing an sort of used shoes or clothing. It's the lack of activity involvement that gets me, and Kate's excuses for it.
Kate says she can't afford XY and z for the kids, yet she pampers herself with constant spa treatments, travel and very expensive cars that she absolutely does not need.
Those kids have worked just as hard as their parents, yet Kate is the only one reaping the benefits.
That the boys have never joined ONE team or group is really a shame. I'm betting that those kids who do not enjoy Boy Scouts (and the like), soccer, T-ball, tennis, football do not have the means to do so.
The Gosselins do.
Sure, kids can be happy without these normal, rights-of-passage activities that do NOT involve a lot of money (just selflessness on their parents' part), but then again, they don't know what they've missed. Yet.
Gift-what's so funny about Goody's tweet is that the "new rules" referenced are about legislation being debated by Parliament in the UK. Why she thinks it would apply to Kate is beyond me.
Gift of Grab and TLC Stinks I think you both are right on target . I also think she is investing her own money on these marathon trips,just like she invested money on her looks( body). I agree with every point but I want to add that nobody likes her! How can she promote or endorse a charity or product? People either have to like, love or admire you to want to donate or buy what you're selling!
That brings us the new and improved Kate! To her tweeters: oh, I want to meet you , or I can hardly wait to take my picture with ,or I love,love you guys,Yuck!
Way over the top, to much lovey lovey from a woman who seems to be
very anti-social!
One more thing did anyone else notice that right after she kissed her package and mailed it she was gone for about a week. After she came back all the lovey lovey started and her over the top tweets to her fans! Hummmm wonder what happened?
Joy in Virgina I have a recipe for you! My mom got it from someone long ago I don't think its in a recipe book. It's an appetizer or could be a finger food!
Susan 162 -- Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with using pre-owned sports equipment, or not taking vacations, or renting DVDs instead of going to the movies. The reason we criticize KK for these things is not because she does them, it is because she does them while complaining she can't afford to do otherwise. Meanwhile, she indulges herself with designer clothing; expensive shoes; three cars (3!) including a luxury sports car; trips to NYC for hair styling/cuts/coloring at an exclusive salon; trips across the country without her children to indulge her new-found "passion" for running; frequent tanning sessions; regular mani/pedis; and an unnecessary "bodyguard, all at the expense of the children she claims to do it all for. The reality is that anything she has, anything that she is known for IS BECAUSE OF THOSE CHILDREN. Yet they are given short shrift in deference to Mommy's desires. It is the hypocrisy of KKs life that draws our ire, rather than most of what she does. Since most of us aren't in a position to confront her directly, we take out our concern and frustration in snarking and criticism and, sometimes, beating a dead horse.
Twit, LMAO! I didn't bother to hit the link. CJ is on Kate's feed now, trying to justify ALL of her evil deeds. You should read it, it's hilarious.
WAY TO DEFLECT the CLEAR negative impact YOUR meddling with potential cruise-goers had on this money-making scheme of Kate's, CJ! You take the title of Queen of Hypocrisy. Kate, you're now No. 2 to your biggest fan!
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit
@BHappyLoveLaugh @gypsi001 @msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 One of the MAIN resons Kate's portion of cruise had to be canceled,IMO?When folks--
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit
@BHappyLoveLaugh @gypsi001 @msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 wanted more info they were BARRAGED w/so many lies I think many folks said--
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit
@BHappyLoveLaugh @gypsi001 @msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 "Why bother?"&gave up.Big loss of income for K&KIDS,due to numerous lies/memes/HATE
CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit
@BHappyLoveLaugh @gypsi001 @msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 Nice to know there is recourse,maybe not now but someday. #dangeroushaters
What's interesting to me is that Kate's response to the lawyer tweet clearly shows that she didn't pay two seconds of attention to it, but just wants to sound threatening.
Hello Kate fans, just another example of how Kate is using you!!!
admin said, "The cruise is a perfect example. The information was going to come out eventually, and it did. There is really no need for someone to spill the beans early here. The beans were spilled, who cares if it came a little later. ...There have been so many people willing to go ON RECORD about this family, I see little need for the anonymous folks anymore. Either go on record like many others have, or don't say anything, including innuendoes and comments about all the things you COULD say and follow rule 2. This goes for everyone, regulars and newbies alike."
With that said, I'll say goodbye. It's been fun and you all are such an amazing group of intelligent (and funny!) women who really care about these kids and who call Kate out on her hypocrisy. You really do have her number, and admin does a fine job with this blog!
"Out of the Mouths of Babes" said yesterday that there are so many times when she's had to bite her tongue and not say anything. I know how she feels!
Carry on!
mamaK said... 158
From figure eight films:
Hour-long special “Cutting Room Floor”- Premiered December 17th, 2007 on TLC
Never before seen footage that has previously been cut from episodes will now be seen, no matter how embarrassing!
Apparently, Youtube isn't the only video channel out there.
Lipo discussion at approx 20:40. Also, check pre-"Good Bra" Kate in a swim suit at approx 38:35
Tomatoes (177), yeah, well, that's the problem. Of the people that actually know who she is (a comparatively small percentage of the U.S. population), she is anathema to 99.9% of them. The only one who doesn't seem to understand this is HER.
You cannot set out to remake an image as if everything that went into creating that image in the first place has been wiped off the collective consciousness. It just ain't gonna happen like that, no matter how much cooing and sucking up you do on Twitter with strangers day after day. You are only fooling the people who want to be fooled. The rest of us are sitting back and saying, Are you kidding?
I seriously, seriously doubt Kate was ever DIAGNOSED with OCD. We just have her word for it (lie). She made it up, because I guess she just figured she could self-diagnose being a nurse. IMO, she is just making up an excuse for being a bitch. She has never struck me as someone who is super organized. She is no Martha Stewart who truly is THE organization diva. Why did TLC do the show with the ladies who organized Kate's basement if she is so organized herself? Didn't one of her gal buddies also come over to the old house and organize her basement there too? What about her ex who said she was a slob? She is conning or is cunning or both.
As far as her being an endorsement pitchman, CC fell for her and the travel agency. There are people out there, including her tweeties, that believe in her. Don't ask me why, they just do. But it does seem that most of her tweeties are adolescent girls who are infatuated with a celebrity answering their tweets. It must seem brilliant to them to be rich and live her lifestyle.
Oh Mouse, please don't go. I honestly don't think that was directed at you in a negative way. I think you've always been most circumspect with your posts. You have nothing to apologize for or feel badly about.
Kate's tummy tuck and lipo are on youtube. Just google surviving twins and sextuolets 1 year later.
Mouse 182, sorry to see you go. You've made many insightful comments, and you've always been careful, discreet, and respectful of the kids. You're one of those amazing and intelligent posters, and your departure is a loss.
It must just kill you "insiders" to know, and not be able to share. Most of you who seem to be genuine "insiders" have done an outstanding job of maintaining a careful balance, as difficult as that may be.
I guess we all simply have to be satisfied to realize that karma's coming. Too bad it's the kids who will bear the greatest brunt. I hope there are a few, at least, who will be strong enough to survive their awful mother.
Kate's Plastic Barbie persona will never sell as a fitness role model, and she's far too dumb to realize this. Happily, the market is making that clear. Fake boobs, lipo, botox, fake tanning, etc., are the antithesis of healthy living, yet somehow Kate has missed that memo. Never mind the way she "cooks" and, apparently, eats and feeds her kids.
It's down to seconds now, on her 15 minutes.
Okay, I'm eating my lunch and catching up on comments. I come across a post of Milo's tweet about being a twitter baby and wanting mom Kate's attention?! Now my diet pepsi is on my computer screen.
That truly is a classic tweet from Milo. I'll be giggling about this one all day. Geeeesh, what a nut!
Of course Mouse is welcome here. Everyone just needs to follow rule 2 that's all. Rule 2 is here for a reason and applies to everyone even if you are who you say you are. Fair is fair.
Gift-I looked at Kate's twitter. The sheeple are going crazy about what Goody tweeted, they're even RTing it. I don't think any of them even bothered to read it. Looks like Goody just saw the tweet and RT'd it without checking into it.
I love how they are now blaming the "haters" for the cruise being cancelled. They're saying because the haters threatened to throw Kate overboard, or sabotage the cruise, was the reason for the cancellation.
Of course, they won't blame the fact that it was too expensive, and there was not enough interest. For all they know, maybe Cindy woke up and realized the truth about "sweet old lady" CJ-and suggested it be cancelled.
They blame the "haters" for anything that doesn't work out for Kate. Do they really think the haters have that much power? They'll place the blame on anyone, except Kate. They always give her a pass.
If one of them goes to Chicago to "Run with Kate", and then doesn't get to meet her-is that going to be the haters fault too?
Susan said... 162
In fact, nothing in her blog about kids' sports is criticism-worthy.
On the surface, it's not criticism worthy, but consider the source. The tips read as if they were culled from an existing article and passed off as her own thoughts and experiences. I doubt that Katie knows anything about buying sports gear.
If you were in the market for a reliable used economy vehicle, would you consult the local millionaire? I doubt it. They would know nothing about low end vehicles. Likewise, if you were interested in money saving tips for children, would you consult a millionaire who spends 100 grand on elementary school? Other than "don't spend money", I doubt that any pertinent tips would be forthcoming.
On the issue of the shoes: Every soccer league that I have been associated with did have bins for non-wrecked cleats (they're called boots). These were collected by charitable organizations for distribution in places like Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the like. One was supposed to inspect the boot and determine if it was actually reusable. If so, donate it the the charitable organization for another child ... (and this is important) ... who could not afford the boots.
The other obvious issue is that I highly doubt that Katie purchased the gear for the one sports participant in the house. The "tips" stated that Katie didn't know if the school had a sports equipment swap or hand-me-down procedure (or something to that affect). I'll clear it up. They don't deal in used sports equipment. It's an expensive private school, not a local league or a parks and recreation department.
I would bet my bottom dollar that Jon purchased the field cleats and the lacrosse stick and the face guard and the mouth guard. Furthermore, I would assume that Jon will be expected to pick up the tab for any additional gear needed for his children.
To get back to my car analogy, would you consult your mechanics ex-wife for money saving tips on operating your vehicle?
Mouse-please stay. I've always liked your comments, and not because you were an insider. To me, you were just like the rest of us-discussing what goes on in Gosselinland.
And I think most of us feel that way. We like you because of you-not because of what you know know.
I don't believe anyone here is critical of a parent deciding to put "used" shoes on their child. Our issues are more about a parent who spends tons of money on themselves while the kids wait at home for a "crumb" to fall their way. Millionaire children are usually not kept in a compound, in a group/pack, denied extra curricular activities, while their parent spends large amounts of money on themselves and their lavish needs. It's disgusting to people who see the light about Kate. I believe that is why some of her so-called best friends have dropped out over the years. They see the light, too. The kids have worked for their supper and deserve more outside activities with their own friends. The tups are "late to the party" for Scouting. My grandchild has been in Scouts for 3 yrs. and she is 8 yrs. old. No excuse, Kate. If you need the money for the dues, sell one of your lovely vehicles.
Kate is a twit, thanks! I'd never heard of that website before. It's nice to have the video to back up what I'm saying.
Jen the producer asks her if she would do lipo again and Kate answers with "oh yeah, tomorrow?!?" And clearly, her at the beach shows that it's more than just a "good bra".
It's sad that she seems so much more genuine in this video than she is now.
MOUSE! You are one of my favorite posters here!
I will truly miss your perspective on things. Please reconsider.
OCD does not = super organized. Nor does it = being a clean freak. OCD is an anxiety disorder which is characterized by recurrent thoughts that cause anxiety or fear. People with the disorder try to control the symptoms with repetitive behaviors (compulsions) which may include being super organized or repetitive cleaning or hand washing, but can also be counting, opening or closing a door a set number of times, turning the lights on or off a set number of times, hoarding, preoccupation with certain thoughts, and any number of other uncontrollable, repetitive actions. I doubt that KK is a true OCD sufferer, but it can't be ruled out just because she isn't super organized or a clean freak. I think she's just a control freak, but that's just my opinion. I'm not a psychologist and she isn't my patient.
I seriously, seriously doubt Kate was ever DIAGNOSED with OCD. 185
Her own behavior is completely inconsistent with that diagnosis.
Her own admission to being a control freak (on Larry King) makes much more sense.
See, and this is why Kate bugs the heck out of me. I don't care two figs if you have plastic surgery. But, I do care if you are a liar.
Kate on her tummy tuck: “This is not what my stomach looked like after my tummy tuck. That only got rid of the skin. It didn’t build muscle or give me definition or burn off fat. I had to do that all on my own.”
Kate on having lipo: “Can you imagine if I even tried to go somewhere and have plastic surgery? I’d never get away with it; every minute of my life is photographed. If I’m going to have liposuction, I’m going to have to learn to do it myself.”
Source: http://inyourface.ocregister.com/2010/09/20/doctors-doubt-kate-gosselin-on-plastic-surgery/21492/
Original source: People magazine interview.
When folks wanted more info they were BARRAGED w/so many lies I think many folks said--
"Why bother?"&gave up.
Condensing 3 tweets from CJ
OK, were the cruise goers asking the Haters for more info on the cruise? How would the cruise goers get info from haters if they were contacting Cindy directly? This makes no sense.
Is Cindy a Hater?
Mouse I'm joining the chorus -PLEASE STAY!
Susan said... 162
My kids wear handmedown shoes - both within our family and outside of it. Used soccer cleats are especially predominant around here, and our town has a shoe swap (similar to what Kate mentioned in her blog.) It's entirely normal and in my opinion not something that Kate should be criticized for. In fact, nothing in her blog about kids' sports is criticism-worthy.
Susan - Kate said more than once on Kate Plus 8 that she can't walk past a shoe store or the shoe department without buying a pair or two. There are numerous photos of her wearing a variety of different shoes, and probably no pair under $100. Her Asic Gel Kayano 17 running shoes (which she claims to be loyal to) alone are around $150. The point is as Tucker's mom said, not that there is anything wrong with good used sports shoes, it's that Kate Gosselin is a millionaire and can afford to put NEW sports or dance shoes on her children's feet, not 'leftovers'. They deserve that much for working the way they have for their mother's NEW shoes.
Deflection, deflection, deflection as usual.
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