Kate was spotted with Rod Dixon running in Sunday's race, which included the famous Gallow's Hill.
Kate tweeted: Btw,my unofficial X 4 10K=1:08:48..a bit slow but am still recovering from 1/2 marathon last wk..would've run slower but Rod encour me thru!
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Twitter.com |
What flavor is that lip gloss, Steve, bubble-gum-wish-on-a-star-drops?
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Twitter.com |
Meanwhile, the acclaimed local newspaper The Reading Eagle, which has been on to the Gosselin scam for years, has a fantastic article about the increasingly accepted notion we have often discussed here, parental alienation. Here is an excerpt:
Dawn Palange is a partner with Palange & Endres P.C. and chairwoman of the Family Law Section of the Berks County Bar Association. During 23 years of practicing law Palange said she has seen many cases of parental alienation, sometimes called parental alienation syndrome, and she believes it is becoming increasingly common.
"For some reason there seems to be more animosity between divorcing couples than there used to be," Palange said.
Parental alienation, which Palange described as "a parent acting in a way that's intended to turn a child away from the other parent," is a situation that hurts everyone involved. Once instituted, she said, it can cause lifelong emotional scarring.
"I know young people in their late 20s who are victims of parental alienation, and I've seen some of the baggage they're carrying because of it," Palange said. "It's not a good situation at all."
That baggage, experts say, can include damaged self-esteem, depression, an inability to achieve healthy relationships, a lack of trust, substance abuse problems, increased divorce rates and an inability to develop good relationships with their own children.
Dr. Larry Rotenberg, a Reading Hospital forensic psychiatrist, said that a parent who engages in parental alienation to the point that it destroys his or her own child's relationship with the other parent has lost sight of the damage his or her actions are causing.
"The eagerness to combat the other parent exceeds all other motivation and blinds them to seeing the harm they're causing to their child," Rotenberg said.
Frank put it another way when talking about his ex-wife. "She hates me more than she loves her children," he said.
Robert M. Gordon, an Allentown psychoanalyst and forensic psychologist who has conducted extensive research on parental alienation, said that people who practice parental alienation suffer from borderline personality disorder (BPD), a serious mental disorder.
1244 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1244 Newer› Newest»1,000 comment gets a prize!
I see Kates on twitter silence again. Must have worked herself into a frenzy, overseeing the mediocre work slaves that come to her house to fix her shit. And directing the mower boys, you know the hard working minions, who come to that lazy bitches house to mow that unnecessary, house on 24 acres lawn, cause kates a rich lady and can't get dirty. And don't forget, Kate worked up a sweat, writing that errand list. What NO Running? How ever will she be prepared for her next little marathon?
To quote the late great DR Smith:
Oh, the pain, the pain of it all!
Must be one of Kate mentors, he always found a way to get out of real work. I really need to stop watching : Lost in Space. :)
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 198
For someone who is a professional grifter it's not so wise to rub it in how she lives. Better to pretend you mow your own lawn, clean your own pool, do your own landscaping.
You give Kate to much credit normal would do that not Kate.
She has to say-"Oh look at me and what I have and what I do with it.
"I'm sooo not mediocre yay me.
anger issues kate said... 5
I see Kates on twitter silence again. Must have worked herself into a frenzy, overseeing the mediocre work slaves that come to her house to fix her shit. And directing the mower boys, you know the hard working minions, who come to that lazy bitches house to mow that unnecessary, house on 24 acres lawn, cause kates a rich lady and can't get dirty. And don't forget, Kate worked up a sweat, writing that errand list. What NO Running? How ever will she be prepared for her next little marathon?
To quote the late great DR Smith:
Oh, the pain, the pain of it all!
Must be one of Kate mentors, he always found a way to get out of real work. I really need to stop watching : Lost in Space. :)
Yeah, because it takes alot of effort to plan, mastermind, and to tell the hired professionals how to do their jobs.
P.S. Lost In Space was such a great show.
I had a secret pre-teen crush on Don (Mark Goddard);o)
amyf - you poor thing! I would go nutso without fresh fruit & veggies!
readerlady - could you maybe have the mint in a hanging basket near your sink so your kitty doesn't get into it?
I see Kates on twitter silence again. Must have worked herself into a frenzy, overseeing the mediocre work slaves that come to her house to fix her shit.
Or.....Wednesday might be one of Jon's new days. The middle of the week is a popular time to add an extra custody day in especially when a lot of kids only have half day school days on Wednesday during the school year.
AmyF I can sympathize with your horrible bologna dinner. My dad was recently in a nursing home and they almost killed him with their high salt diets. Just what an 87 year old heart patient, having a problem with fluid build up around his lungs needs is a bologna sandwich with pickles. He ended back in the hospital for 2 weeks, before going to a different nursing home.
To the mower boys: Good for you for supporting your own dang children. America is great.
To Kate: suck it.
Pink: me too! I was between 6-8, STar Trek it was Chekov, Man From Uncle it was David McCallum. Monkees it was Davy Jones. I met Davy jones about 4 years ago, in fact went to several of his concerts, including Epcot, for 2 years, for 1 week, 3 shows a day, 5 days. Went with friends. It's hard to believe he is gone.
Amy I was so very sad to hear what we are feeding people who need great nutrition the most. I really feel for you. I would say order out as much as you can afford and maybe try some restaurants you wouldn't think deliver, they just might, then you can get a side salad or veggies easier.
Mostly lurk myself as I'm not the most articulate gal around. I love all the regulars on this board though so I hate to see any go missing. We all know Katie K is a hag and a nightmare of "mother", wife, daughter, sister, etc. etc. etc. I find you all have much better ways of pointing out all of her shifty behavior. Also love all the book, gardening and other topics.
Hey, Katie, Octomom is a single mom NOT U, doofus. Ugh, related to Katie, never. She really does think she's all that and a bag of chips. Too bad she won't get the help she needs so badly to make a better emotional life for those 8 children. I utterly disgusted how Steve is still around, and when he's not the twins have to step up and be mini moms so Katie can sit with her thumb up her bum.
Admin: you know, I would love to smack Kate in the head: like Gibbs does on NCIS. Kate always looks down on the working people. Those mower boys as she calls them work hard. Anyone who has ever done gardening, knows. I just got through moving patio blocks, and mulch, and spray the craqbgrass with weed killer, and trim the bushes out front, and plant onions, man, good thing the temp is in the low 70's.(it's going to go back up into the 90's) I am beginning to feel sore. Tomorrow I put the weed fabric, down and the mulch back and the containers/pots back and the patio blocks back. I hope to get up real early to do that. I come here to take a break. So I get PO when someone like Kate belittles, real working people,cause she is too lazy to do it herself.
in fact went to several of his concerts, including Epcot, for 2 years, for 1 week, 3 shows a day, 5 days.
I'm sorry but I can't decipher this. Is it written in code ala Katespeak? LOL
So, part of Kate's day was "eradicating"
things off her list. Did she blow them up? I usually just scratch them off, how about the rest of you?
Daisy/roses: I went to see Davy Jones at Epcot. He did: 3 shows a day for 5 days(a week) 15 concerts. Sorry, I'm getting tired, and my Dyslexia is moving in. I have very mild case. I always have to re-read what I write. Or sometimes it don't make sense. Don't compare me to Kate! or anyone here to Kate.
Maybe Kate's not twatting her tweeties because they misbehaved yesterday...you know, penalty of severeness and all that.
Anger me too. She has an air of superiority about the hired help that is incredibly unattractive. She's straight out of Titanic where all the new and old money look down on steerage. She lives how she thinks the rich live. The reality is most wealthy people I've ever known have had at least a basic respect for the "hired help" and a good number of them treat them like equals. They seem to realize that they are the backbone behind what they do. One thing I really appreciate about my dad, whose mom, my grandma, mopped floors in a hospital, is to treat those people like gold because they are the people that run the show. I remember he would make a point to befriend or at least learn the name and say hello to the person "lowest" on the totem pole wherever he was, at work, etc. Some people thought it was weird he would be chatting up the janitor about sports scores, but most people thought he was COOL. For me personally, I've become friends with people like security guards and secretaries, and not only have I gotten to know some great people, but when you need something? They're there first. For instance, years ago a security guard at my previous job let me leave my car there for weeks when I was out of town when really we weren't supposed to park overnight. Saved me a bundle on airport parking. Talk down to them and treat them like children there to serve you and that won't happen for you.
Admin: right on.
There is a saying, that Kate should have embraced, years ago:
Be nice to the people on the way up, cause these are the same people you will meet on the way down. And if you were nasty to them on the way up, don't expect them to be nice to you on the way down. It's so true.
or what comes around goes around. OK need to stop! or I will start sounding like Kate with the quoteing crap! :)
A bit off topic, but any word on the "gosselinbook" site?
Is 'it don't make sense' a dyslexic thing? I always thought it was mixed up words. Not grammer.
anger issues - forgive me for posting a quote but it's one that fits Kate so well.
"If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to." - Dorothy Parker
Someone up thread mentioned 'Runner's World' so I went over to check their forums to see if they had anything new to say about Kate... Well they don't really like her over there and a picture of her was just posted under 'Biggest Running Villain'.
But, Admin, you would have still treated everyone wsll even if there never was a thing in it for you down the line, right? I mean, we ought to be kind just because kindness is its own reward. I'm sure that was where you were going.
I just don't want a sheeple jumping on you the next time one of us talks about Kate only doing nice things when there might be something in it for her, and using your post as an example of how we all do that.
Any return is unexpected and very appreciated.
Oh Fido of course....though, getting to know people IS something that enriches you so in a way you are doing it for you. Sometimes the most interesting people are the "mower boys." Of course everyone deserves respect just because, just trying to point out everything rewarding about it too, namely emotionally, which is also what Kate is missing out on beyond the fact that you should just be kind and respectful to all people because it's the right thing to do.
Another great story from a lawyer friend of mine, who became good friends with her secretary. Some people choose not to get to know secretaries at all. She wanted to get to know her. Well over the course of a few years secretary's brother died and she was trying to get custody of his son from another family member who wasn't appropriate. Her lawyer friend ended up helping her get custody, drafting up all the legal guardianship papers and going with her to court when it went through. Had she never asked about her, she never would have known what she was going through and been able to offer help, and this secretary NEVER would have dared asked for it. Benefits go both ways. It's a beautiful world.
mumsy said... 23
Is 'it don't make sense' a dyslexic thing? I always thought it was mixed up words. Not grammer.
It does to me. I've been on the receiving end of comments all my life because others didn't understand it completely.
Not that anything she says is to be believed...but when does she spend ANY quality time with her kids? Do they get to do anything besides watch tv, play Nintendo, and fart around on the computer? Having grown up with a pool, I can assure you that it's already gotten boring for the G8 unless they have friend's coming to the house.
Mumsy: It's a combo thing, and is different for everyone who are/have verying degrees of Dyslexia. You can , tranpose words, numbers, run on sentences, missing words, and what you type/write, is not the same sometimes as what you are thinking. or you can not type as fast as you think. It depend on how bad your Dyslexia is. Mine is very very mild. I do have to re-read what I type. But you know I managed to get a BA in business management. School was always rough. I even wanted to drop out of HS, when I was a freshman. People with full blown Dyslexia, can't even read a book, everything is jumbled, to them. They become functional illiterates, if a child is diagnosed early, they can re-train the brain. I did not know till I went to college. English 101, the teacher had us write a paragraph, then he told each of us, what is wrong with our writings. It explained a lot for me. People get your kids tested.
Dyslexia is way more complicated than you just mix up some letters. Thoughts get jumbled too. Also sometimes people have racing thoughts and it can spill out and make sense to them but not to others. And by the way I'm really tired of the one or two of you out there who pick on Anger issues. If we're going to talk about mean girls and grade school, then that's it. Get out of dodge. Oh and grow up too.
Admin: Thanks!
Anita said... 25
Someone up thread mentioned 'Runner's World' so I went over to check their forums to see if they had anything new to say about Kate... Well they don't really like her over there and a picture of her was just posted under 'Biggest Running Villain'.
Thanks for checking! I was the one wondering. Do you have a link for that?
anger issues - I have mild dylexia as well. I was left handed when I started school. The teacher made me sit on my left hand and write with my right. I always think that's what caused it,lol. Good news is my thoughts aren't alway in line but I can write with both hands.
Auntieann: I am ambidextrous, can write with both hands, and drive my car with both feet. My brother and niece are too.
I have windows 7 and can't find spell checker. I really hate spelling words wrong.
Night all.
The kids must be back because kates tweeting up a storm now Someone from SouthAfrica tweeted a hello and Kate told her that a friend was just there and showed them pictures and now the kids are now dying to go to South Africa and it's her dream to take them there.
I know that Kate looks down on the common folk but people aren't always what they seem. One of the school bus drivers here is a retired full Colonel (Army) who took the job because he was bored in retirement and enjoys the kids.
Amy I'm sorry about your meals but am I the only one here that likes a good fried bologna sandwich? All kidding aside, I hope that things begin to look up for you soon.
OK, before the grammar police come out, I was typing fast on my iPad and know that I forgot to capitalize a name, forgot a period, forgot a space between two words and was redundant by using the word "now" twice in the same sentence. Did I miss anything? Damn you iPad!!!!!!!!
anger issues kate said... 35
Auntieann: I am ambidextrous, can write with both hands, and drive my car with both feet. My brother and niece are too.
Yes but can you eradicate what is on your list?
anger issues kate said... 35
Auntieann: I am ambidextrous, can write with both hands, and drive my car with both feet. My brother and niece are too.
Isn't that a bit uncomfortable with both feet on the steering wheel? At least it would free up your hands for holding a coffee cup and cell phone! :)
Auntie Anne,
My brother was a lefty, made to write rigjt handed and he is dyslexic (especialy numbers)
zI still maintain when you change natural learning, hiccups happen. I was allowed to learn on my own, got honours and high IQ. But I swear, my bros brain is twice mine, although he is more math/science..I am arts/ languages.
Lesson: We al lrarn diffetently..let us embrace that..not conform to some "norm".
the world would revolve more efficiently
Ok..jumping off my high-horse now
@kellmcguire @MiloandJack great article!Could u email me pic you took of me &rod running?I'd be so happy to have it!:) kate@kateplusmy8.com
Judy K - here's one she did screw up:
@kellmcguire @MiloandJack great article!Could u email me pic you took of me &rod running?I'd be so happy to have it!:) kate@kateplusmy8.com
Me & rod running? Oh, Kate, Miss Perfect Grammar. It's "Rod & me running..."
I guess with Kate, though, "ME" always comes first.
DannysSister said... 14
Mostly lurk myself as I'm not the most articulate gal around.
You sound just fine! I'm glad you are coming out of lurkdom.
mumsy said... 23
Is 'it don't make sense' a dyslexic thing? I always thought it was mixed up words. Not grammer.
mumsy, while you may have intended this to be a serious question, it sounded more like a cruel jab. If you intend to mock others, you might want to make sure your own words are perfect. It's grammar, not grammer.
Life is funny, mumsy. People who aren't great at grammar or math or science or fashion or sports, etc., have the capacity to learn and possibly improve. People who are intentionally cruel, however, will probably never change.
Have a nice night.
My brother was a lefty, made to write rigjt handed and he is dyslexic (especialy numbers)
Lesson: We al lrarn diffetently..let us embrace that..not conform to some "norm".
franky - I totally agree.
I have terrible time with numbers too. I would like to know what these great brain scientists were thinking when they made lefties sit on their left hands. It was quite unpleasant as I recall.
what I forgot to mention is that me bro could verbally correct math and science teachers verbally (point out flaws in equations) , but when made to go to the blackboard and prove it in writing..his brain and wrong hand didn't mesh.
He has gone on to a great career with our armed forces. They call on him when they need tweaking on anu computer peogram. They buy from a company and he goes in an re-tweaks it to our DND requirements.
Good thing he eas labelled "slow" in school..hunh?
couldn't be prouder of him...my hero
Moose Mania said... 40
anger issues kate said... 35
Auntieann: I am ambidextrous, can write with both hands, and drive my car with both feet. My brother and niece are too.
Isn't that a bit uncomfortable with both feet on the steering wheel? At least it would free up your hands for holding a coffee cup and cell phone! :)
I think you've seen into the future! Just add earphones plugged into a cd player and some really cool shades.
Aumtie Anne
The "great brains" behind righties are the only right were nuns in catholic school in Quebec in the 70's..conforminism.
Selon le Vatocatan et leur dicte
franky said... 47
Selon le Vatocatan et leur dicte
Don't get me started on the Vatican! lol!!
koopdedoo - that was a real neat idea about hiding M&Ms in your Grandma's dresser drawers!
I also liked what Mel did - treating the people on her Mom's wing to Burger King ice cream cones - that was such a sweet thing to do!!
Sheri said:
"The second sports bra is to support her enormous ego -- it's too big to fit in Steve's backpack."
Griftopia, that has to be the funniest things I've so far read on this blog. No offense to all the other witty snark, most of which I've either missed or could only gloss over and snicker to myself at.
But I actually belly laughed, it's just too funny, because it's true. :D
Sheri, I agree - Griftopia, that was SO funny!!!
Oye, backing away slowly from all Vativan talk, llest I damn my eternal soul..lol
Any wonder why I am Bhuddist
,yet dear bro confirmed catholic to marry his wofe?
.youse gets it
Gonna go have a beer..bbl.
On a lighter note..sis is born again christian..bro is agnostic
.othwr bro is Jesuit Preist..other bro Catholic..and me Bhuddist.
Thats what I love about Canada..freedom, family, and accepting love
Wayward - thanks for the excerpts from Art's book, Interesting!
Argh!!! I mean from Al's book. Sigh.
Moose Mania said... 42
Judy K - here's one she did screw up:
@kellmcguire @MiloandJack great article!Could u email me pic you took of me &rod running?I'd be so happy to have it!:) kate@kateplusmy8.com
Me & rod running? Oh, Kate, Miss Perfect Grammar. It's "Rod & me running..."
I guess with Kate, though, "ME" always comes first.
At least she didn't say "of Rod & I running." BIG pet peeve!
People who are intentionally cruel, however, will probably never change.
Not everyone is a special snowflake.
You have a nice night too dear.
Ok..was reminded I am no longer bhuddhist...only...I am and have been rastafari..reggae..no drugs..lol..I an i spread love
rastafarrii...one lovr
LancasterCountyMom -- I'm rather short (5'1"), so I doubt that I could hang a plant high enough to keep my kitty out of it and still be able to reach it myself. She's 12, but still sails effortlessly to the top of the kitchen cabinets.
I attended public school but was still forced to switch hands. My 3rd grade teacher used to slap me and tie my left hand behind my back to force me to write with my right hand. I'm not dyslexic, but I'm severely math challenged and still have some left/right confusion. That presented its own set of challenges when I was in the marching band in high school, LOL.
momsy -- I'm glad I'm not one of your children. I shudder to think what you're teaching them. And BTW -- ALL snowflakes are special. No two of them are exactly the same.
What is the gosselin book I must have missed something.
Since they have a twitter for it and a website with a countdown.
C'mon guys. Enough with the grammar/dylexic insults.
Your stories are interesting, though. Our nun beat my brother with a ruler. Poor little guy. He was only 6. When my mom became aware of it, wowee, did the sh*t hit the fan. All 5'2" of it. :-) We were out of that school so fast I bet that nun's head is still spinning. Too bad, cuz they lost the tuition for 5 kids.
IMO, Kate, however, does deserve the grammar criticism because she has repeatedly said that English was her best topic. (I shudder to think of how she must have done in her other topics, then.) And spent a fair amount of her "couch" time mocking/ridiculing/correcting Jon's grammar/choice of words.
Yeah, sometimes posts are a little odd, and you can't really understand what's being said. But, oh well. Scrolling past is always a good option.
Flaming may commence.
kate's way with people is what has gotten her where she is. And, ain't that really some special place! She has and is getting exactly what she deserves. They inflated her ego right along with her boobs and now she's on her way back to nothinghood. I hope we see the day when Jon takes the kids and she, well, I hope we don't even know where she goes or what she does. For her the worst case scenario would be to have completely dropped off the radar. Like the title of my all time favorite song, That'll Be the Day!!!!!! !!
@43...I'm far from articulate...I make a lot of dumb mistakes, but that doesn't stop me from posting...
Who the hell drives with both feet? and WHY would you try? That isn't something I would be bragging about, I would be embarrassed to admit I tried.
Mel, I agree with you and often scroll past posts. *ducks head before she gets hit*
Wow, 1000+ comments here, on a host of different topics. An overgrown cottage garden, lol.
Makes me think...How are those seedlings coming along, Kate?
(Admin: Would you consider a new thread about Kate's garden endeavors? Ala, "Katie, Katie / Quite contrary/How does your garden grow?" Sure, there's probably not much to say there. Before long, we'd slip into a conversation about our own, lovely gardens, but that'd be (more than) half the fun, I think. What about you?
If I could pick anyone of you, I'd like to be AuntieAnn. What an awesome sense of humor! Although there are a quite a few others who are pretty funny, too. Like dmasy, and admin. Can't think of other's names right now, but I sure do love the humorous snark on this blog.
bearswife said... 60
Who the hell drives with both feet? and WHY would you try? That isn't something I would be bragging about, I would be embarrassed to admit I tried.
I think the poster meant that she (he?) could use either foot to propel an automatic transmission car, not just the right foot that most people use. Right OR left, and nothing to do with the steering wheel.
1 rghty, 1 lefty and one truly ambidextrous in y sibling group. No one tried to change any of us, thank goodness. The ambidextrous one could do absolutely anything exactly the same with either hand. It was an amazing gift.
I didn't think of it that way, "think you missed something". Even if that is what the OP meant, it still sounds unsafe to me and not something I would brag about.
@kellmcguire @MiloandJack great article!Could u email me pic you took of me &rod running?I'd be so happy to have it!:) kate@kateplusmy8.com
She wants the pic of herself with a celeb, but when it comes to video of the kids she doesn't even want to see it much less get a copy.
good morning to all, PBS ran a series several years ago on language/communication. The gist is as long as one communicates understandably it is fine. When one wants to advance there is what is termed "payroll English." The professors also covered Shakespeare's works. He wrote for the common people. the elite changed pronunciations to suit their strata.
as for the king's English, King George was German. How is that? I love changing times. BTW I graduated from a Catholic University.
Ladies, it sounds like many of us suffer from dyscalculia. It's like dyslexia only for math. I'm not at all dyslexic but I can't do math to save my life without the calculator!
think you missed something said... 63
bearswife said... 60
Who the hell drives with both feet? and WHY would you try? That isn't something I would be bragging about, I would be embarrassed to admit I tried.
I used to drive with to feet but I was 16 @ the time.
But I also did it to freak my mom out while she was letting me drive her car-lol
Did Kate respond to a Twitter follower that she would love to visit South America with the kids? I sure hope she does her homework and pick a country that is not on the U.S. Department of State list of countries that have a travel warning. Without TLCs help, she just might visit one of these countries!
Did Kate respond to a Twitter follower that she would love to visit South America with the kids?
It was South Africa.
Last night I saw a Celine Dion in concert. She was vibrant.
The relevance for here is how during a 2-hour glitzy show, she referred to being a mom several times -- with emotion. A couple of slide shows during featured songs had candid shots with Celine and her children.
Most telling, there was a computer failure with a hologram and the audio. Celine was "stuck" on a platform with nothing...just herself in a beautiful white dress.
She handled the 5 minute shut down with humor and charmed her supportive audience. After fumbling a bit while waiting for a quick recovery, she then began telling us stories about her sweet children.
Just little non-invasive details -- bedtime, muppet songs the 19-month-old twins like, sports her son plays.
When the show stopped temporarily, she became just another proud mom.
And, Kate....
I am a real Celine fan! Lucky you That's her, isn't it, handling an awkward moment with sheer genuine emotion & humor. I bet there were no ums, ahs, I want, me, me me etc... She seems like a very kind maternal person as well as an amazing talent.
Off to eradicate a few outdoor chores- no 'lawn boys' I'm afraid. That really irked me.
Is 'it don't make sense' a dyslexic thing? I always thought it was mixed up words. Not grammer.
mumsy, while you may have intended this to be a serious question, it sounded more like a cruel jab. If you intend to mock others, you might want to make sure your own words are perfect. It's grammar, not grammer.
Agreed. Did you ever notice that many times when others correct or mock a fellow poster's spelling or grammar mistakes, that person often has his/her own mistakes in the post?
Moose -- definitely. Kind of like KK correcting Jon's grammar and language usage, when he was usually right and she wasn't.
NJGal -- Certainly need a calculator here, and even then sometimes I make mistakes. The odd thing is that I'm musical and studied music for a number of years, and there's supposedly a correlation between musical ability and math ability.
More book recommendations for y'all. Maria Schneider's Sedona O'Hala series -- "Executive Lunch", "Executive Retention" and "Executive Sick Days". Interesting mysteries with humor and excitement. Also, if you like Urban Fantasy/Paranormal mysteries, "Under Witch Moon" and "Under Witch Aura", also by Maria Schneider, are very good.
Readerlady - preparing for a flight home. Loaded "Murder on a Bad Hair Day" into Kindle. Do you want a book report later?
Thanks for all your recommendations.
Readerlady I am also very musical, I almost majored in music and I'm in a band--but still horrendous at math. The old adage doesn't apply to me either. I think what would have really helped me is one-on-one math tutoring and remedial classes, but for some reason when a kid is generally good in most subjects, if they stink at one or two subjects they are just sort of pushed through them anyway because overall they seem fine. At least that's what happened to me. It's almost better sometimes to be bad at everything to get the help you need, sigh.
I think the poster meant that she (he?) could use either foot to propel an automatic transmission car, not just the right foot that most people use. Right OR left, and nothing to do with the steering wheel.
I think that goes without saying. Everyone here got that (it has nothing to do with the steering wheel). My comment at @40 was tongue-in-cheek...a smiley!
From what I have seen, I am convinced that each person's ability to succeed at math is dependent on whether they understood their math teacher. A bad math teacher, or a teacher that a student has difficulty understanding, makes all the difference. With science and humanities, you can read and catch up, almost self educate. Math needs an explanation as to why this is this.
You can sit a child with a science, English, social studies, etc., book and ask him to read and then answer questions on a topic on which he has no prior knowledge. If you try that with math, giving a student a math equation to solve that the student has never seen before, they will fail. They need a good teacher.
Ok, thanks guys for defending me.
Bearswife: over 15 years ago, I broke the little toe on my right foot. Having a foot cast is no fun. I learned to drive with both feet. Infact, for me it's very normal and feels natural to me. I've only been in one accident, which was not my fault, my car was hit. I don't say to people you should drive with both feet, for me it's normal and natural. I have a very good driving record. And I am proud to say I can drive with both feet, and I am not ashamed or embarrassed either. If I talk on the cell phone, text message, I would be embarrassed to say I do and drive at the same time, and I would be a danger to everyone. By the way, I don't text or talk on the phone, while driving, and I wish they would come out with a device that would make your phone go dead, when you are in the car, and theater and at the bank and at the checkout in the stores. It's very annoying, to have some nit, talking so loud, that you can't even hear the cashier.
If you are embarrassed to try, I feel sorry for you. You must not be the adventurist type, or someone who would try something new. I like to try new things, not every new thing , but most, if it is safe, not gonna make me sick, or do harm to anyone or me. Life to me is a learning thing, it is also an adventure to me.
If you don't try, you will never know, then you will always wonder.
94,457 Twitter fans on Monday
94,862 Twitter fans today
Same time of day.
What on earth?!? No way she's actually gaining Tweeps that fast. Someone's bulk-buying all the cheep seats, so that the stadium doesn't look empty.
So I did a little sleuthing about GosselinBook and here's what I came up with. On the GosselinBook twitter it says
"Thank you @Kateplusmy8 for the 7-page threat from your legal counsel! @radar_online@usweeklyhttp://gosselinbook.blogspot.com 31!!!!!!!!!"
I clicked on the blog and there's one post where the author goes into a very detailed explanation of how libel is not libel if what is being said is true with verifiable facts. The target may not like it, and they may feel it's hurts their public persona, but it's not a crime to report on negative behavior they did/do but would rather have kept secret. Gosselin BookBlog
This touches on one of the worst things (if not THE worst thing) that bothers me about Kate. She's not a nice person. Just yesterday she referred to the people caring for her landscaping as "mower boys." As someone who became rich by putting her often naked kids on TV, she now considers herself one of the most important people in America. The people who serve her are peons and will be treated as such.
As I was leafing through the Al Walentis book yesterday looking for the driving stuff, I found a part where Al says the local people who previously worked for Kate or at the house had hair raising stories to tell off the record. Their confidentiality agreements kept them from going on the record. Al made the comment that Kate's confidentiality agreements were her magic ticket to basically treat people like dirt. Whereas the original intent of the confidentiality agreement for people working for famous people was so they wouldn't run to a magazine telling how the hubby likes to dress in women's clothing. So they would not write a book about how the ultra-conservative lady of the house "entertained" a large stable of men on a weekly basis. Not a license to be verbally abusive.
I guess we'll see what happens next week. As I said yesterday, I'm not holding my breath and I know none of you are either. Kate gets to act however she wants, even if it bends or breaks the law, and she ALWAYS gets away with it. That's just how it is.
I know the sheeple and Kate think it's illegal to speak badly of her or call her out on her own bad behavior. I'm glad to see GosselinBook understands the difference and the true definition of libel. Still..... not holding out any hopes that the book will amount to anything :(
Apparently eradicating the list has either broken her Twitter or left her too exhaustedish to do anything today. My real guess is that the kids could be with their dad for an extended Father's Day weekend, and Runner Barbie Kate is curled up already with her Keurig and box of wine. No kids to ignore, nothing to twat about.
And yes, she is basically not a nice person.
anger issues kate has left a new comment on the post "Kate runs 7.1 mile race in Connecticut in 1:08:48":
If you are embarrassed to try, I feel sorry for you. You must not be the adventurist type, or someone who would try something new. I like to try new things, not every new thing , but most, if it is safe, not gonna make me sick, or do harm to anyone or me. Life to me is a learning thing, it is also an adventure to me.
If you don't try, you will never know, then you will always wonder.
Anger, I wouldn't feel sorry for me - turn around and look at yourself.
There are many things I haven't done, I make my choices based on what is safe. Your personal experience does not qualify for anything other than your experience. Because you got lucky and did not have an accident doing something unsafe does not make it a safe activity.
kHate drives like a speed demon (apparently) and has (yet) to be in a serious crash. Maybe we should all follow suit? I mean, she's done it with no problems, right?
In the future, don't speak for me about anything, especially whether or not I am adventurous. Don't be such a bully when others have defended your "honour" (so to speak).
I am left handed and when I entered Kindergarten (before the invention of the wheel)the teacher forced me to use my right hand. I began to stutter terribly so my Mom marched on down to the school and put a stop to that. I quit stuttering almost immediately.
Another day, another doctor appt and errand fiasco! But today ends fun for all of us... Can't wait for our much anticipated evening of fun
Ahh, there's Kate's famous teasing again!!!
Fun for the kids = hunting empty plastic Easter eggs or sitting on a rug without moving from your spot or interrupting mommy-thing while she twats away her pathetic lonely life.
Admin, please can we have a topic post about the ”yard boys”? I really want to hear about everyones gardening endeavors.
Ms Kreider is still boring.
"From what I have seen, I am convinced that each person's ability to succeed at math is dependent on whether they understood their math teacher. A bad math teacher, or a teacher that a student has difficulty understanding, makes all the difference. With science and humanities, you can read and catch up, almost self educate. Math needs an explanation as to why this is this."
Heather, I would have to agree with you on this, and I am a teacher myself. When I was in HS, I basically failed Algebra 2 (after passing Algebra 1 with a solid B). I convinced myself that I just wasn't good at math, and never took another math course again...until I got my teaching certification.
I had to pass Algebra 2 with a B to get into my program. My instructor was the Dean of the department, who taught the algebraic process very slowly and methodically, using direct instruction: She taught (and never skipped a step) and we watched. We did the problems with her. We practiced on our own or with a partner. I did ALL my homework. And I passed with an A and really understood advanced algebra! I must admit I had to study more than most, but I finished the course really liking math, because I finally GOT IT.
Regarding GosselinBook, how did Kate's lawyers find out who was running the website to have the person served? If that's the case, she must know who is behind it and is prepared to refute any accusations.
I wonder how long those confidentiality agreements are for? I can't imagine it could last any more than a year or two after she was let go by TLC. It was TLC that was concerned about her image as long as there was a show. Seems to me, no show, no reason for confidentiality agreements.
Another day, another doctor appt and errand fiasco! But today ends fun for all of us... Can't wait for our much anticipated evening of fun! 20 minutes ago
HUH? Translator needed. For all of you women on this blog who are so much brighter than I am, please translate.
By the way, my "mowing boys" are due here at any time. I even give my "mowing boys" (and, by the way, I know their names) ice water to help cool them down.
I swear, do any of you know another adult who overuses the word 'fun' as much as this stunted juvenile? Every time she spews it from her fingers I want to slam her hand in a car door! And I'm a pacifist, truly I am! Well, I was until recently...
TLC stinks said... 89
Regarding GosselinBook, how did Kate's lawyers find out who was running the website to have the person served? If that's the case, she must know who is behind it and is prepared to refute any accusations.
I wonder how long those confidentiality agreements are for? I can't imagine it could last any more than a year or two after she was let go by TLC. It was TLC that was concerned about her image as long as there was a show. Seems to me, no show, no reason for confidentiality agreements.
I wondered that too. I mean, GosselinBook hasn't committed a crime, so I don't think Kate's laywers could have subpoenad Twitter or Blogger to get the person's identity.
Admin was sent a completely baseless cease and desist for the blog, even though it had no legal weight. It was a scare tactic. GosselinBook's letter could have been the same type of thing.
It does seem like the whole GB thing started after the TLC contract officially expired. Only time will tell.
By the way, I don't text or talk on the phone, while driving, and I wish they would come out with a device that would make your phone go dead, when you are in the car, and theater and at the bank and at the checkout in the stores. It's very annoying, to have some nit, talking so loud, that you can't even hear the cashier.
I don't wish that at all. I have been in the checkout line in the store when I've gotten an emergency call from school (and left everything in the cart!). If there were such a device, imagine all of the calls concerning the welfare of your children (or any aging relative, friend, or important call) that would be missed if your phone went dead. When in places such as the theater, bank, etc., you switch to the vibrate option.
Driving with two feet -- when I took my niece for her driver's test I asked about that because I knew someone who had an accident using both feet. In an emergency situation, she hit both the brake and the gas at the same time. I also asked about driving barefoot because I was curious! The answer was that you would not pass the driver's test if you used both feet or wore no shoes. I guess there's a valid safety reason for the one-foot method with an automatic transmission.
You guys I'm going to have to tell my 'lawn mower' son that you've all got his back here! He prides himself on his work and likes to call himself a 'landscape artist' for fun. I'll tell you what, he's toned and fit from his efforts though. It's a very physically demanding job which has caused him to pass out a few times from real low blood sugars, unlike Kate's faux lows (he has Type 1 diabetes) but he stays at it because he is a determined kid with a good work ethic. It may be a mediocre summer job in some people's eyes (ahem, Kate) but if it weren't for the salt-of-the-earth people willing to do the blue collar jobs we'd all be pretty screwed. Admin said it all so well in her post upthread (20). Thank you, Admin.
Regarding GosselinBook, how did Kate's lawyers find out who was running the website to have the person served? If that's the case, she must know who is behind it and is prepared to refute any accusations.
That was my first reaction. It could be that the "cease and desist" letter was an invention created to spark more curiosity and media attention about the whole thing and none really was served.
Just a quick share - my son's dad is a welder, who welds gas lines but the work has been cut way back. He is highly energetic and has to work or go crazy. He worked in concrete for awhile and that dried up, with the building bust. Our area was hard hit. He based upon being in that industry for a while heard many people say they just wish they had someone to pull weeds and he put himself out there for that and worked every day. The people were very nice to him and gave him all kinds of things of nice expensive things they just didn't need anymore. He said it was the hardest work he had ever done. We have that notion on the back burner for when my son gets his license in the next six months. As his dad says, if all else fails, you can always pull weeds.
fade2black said... 91
I swear, do any of you know another adult who overuses the word 'fun' as much as this stunted juvenile? Every time she spews it from her fingers I want to slam her hand in a car door! And I'm a pacifist, truly I am! Well, I was until recently...
ha! She does that to a person. She could provoke the Dalai Lama into violently slapping her.
I agree with you. She tells her kids it will be fun and they will damn well feel that way whether they like it or not.
Oh and on another note, they usually paid him twice what he charged re - the weed pulling. No tools required.
fade2black #91...Her repetitive use of the word fun comes across as fake. She wants to paint this brilliant picture of her life with the kids (fun, fun, fun) when in reality life isn't always that way. She sounds like she's 12 years old. And most saw on the show how she never willingly played with those children...and then scolded Jon for doing so..calling him a child. The word fun & Kate Gosselin just don't go together at all.
Anyway, your name reminds me of the song "Painted Black" by the Rolling Stones. Luved that song...still do.
Moose Mania said...That was my first reaction. It could be that the "cease and desist" letter was an invention created to spark more curiosity and media attention about the whole thing and none really was served.
That's what I'm thinking. Could have been an attempt to get the interest going since no one seems to be taking this person too seriously.
I'm guessing it's just another "movie night" or "ice cream for dinner" night. Meh.
She can't just do these things with her kids without announcing it to the world?
I wonder how long those confidentiality agreements are for? I can't imagine it could last any more than a year or two after she was let go by TLC. It was TLC that was concerned about her image as long as there was a show. Seems to me, no show, no reason for confidentiality agreements.
Confidentiality agreements will vary greatly in both terms and length, depending on what information, procedure, product or intellectual property a company wants to protect.
Reality show agreements can last many years after a show is done. They can't be having people spilling the beans about how very "unreal" the reality is.
"fun" is just a variation of "HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY" that one of our great posters points out to us in her hilarious posts.
"Anyway, your name reminds me of the song "Painted Black" by the Rolling Stones. Luved that song...still do."
- - -
Great tune - but FADE2BLACK is also an excellent, classic song. (Metallica)
JudyK said... 90
Another day, another doctor appt and errand fiasco! But today ends fun for all of us... Can't wait for our much anticipated evening of fun! 20 minutes ago
HUH? Translator needed. For all of you women on this blog who are so much brighter than I am, please translate.
By the way, my "mowing boys" are due here at any time. I even give my "mowing boys" (and, by the way, I know their names) ice water to help cool them down.
Well, let's see. It looks like she first says "but today ends fun for all of us." Which is surprising that the fun is just ending today, I had thought the fun ended at the Konpound a looong time ago :(
But then, in a total contradiction to her first statement she announces that she "Can't wait for our much anticipated evening of fun!" So apparently there IS an evening of scheduled fun on the horizon for the kiddos.
JudyK, I'm glad to hear that you give your "mowing boys" ice water.. lol ;) Kate, on the other hand would say "is this what you want? (tipping water bottle to the help) You want water? {insert slurpy sound of water sloshing through big veneers.} I'm sure Kate would then direct them to the hose at the barn and the $50,000 treeline for the restroom.
Seven pages wow. Mine was only 1. I can see maybe trying to do a C&D based on using the name Gosselin in the URL which is why I was careful to pick something generic. Otherwise they haven't said anything. What's there to C&D?
Kate's tweet:
Another day, another doctor appt and errand fiasco! But today ends fun for all of us... Can't wait for our much anticipated evening of fun!
Sounds like her "traditional" movie night.
A night of fun & hijinks from her 8 loveable little scamps...
Oh, the 8 squeals of surprise, and joy, when they discover the "surprise" that was lovingly placed at the bottom of each popcorn cup by their hard working mother- who is THE hardest working mother of 8, in the whole wide world.
As her 8 children sit back to watch the movie that was chosen by their darling leader (I mean, mother), her 8 children stop and take a moment to reflect with deep gratitude- that ONLY God could have personally created their beautiful mother of 8 with his own hands. Her 8 children will realize that their lives have been graced by having this glorious mother/angel in their 8 little lives.
Then, as they wipe away 8 tears of happiness, her 8 children will say in unison, thank you, mommy-dearest. We love you.
Oh, brother.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said:..."As her 8 children sit back to watch the movie that was chosen by their darling leader (I mean, mother), her 8 children stop and take a moment to reflect with deep gratitude- that ONLY God could have personally created their beautiful mother of 8 with his own hands. Her 8 children will realize that their lives have been graced by having this glorious mother/angel in their 8 little lives."
LOL Pink!! The Katie God created is but a distant memory. The current Kate was created by several plastic surgeons!
Admin 76 -- Oh yes, same problem here, with additional wrinkles. My father was a professor at a small (2 year) school and taught, among other things, accounting and business math (He was also a musician). When I asked for help in school I always got --"You don't need help. Your father teaches math." He'd try to help me and I always got marked down because I'd get the right answers using his methods, but didn't solve the problems according to the way the teacher wanted them to be solved, even though I showed the step by step proofs. I think part of my problem now is just old-fashioned math phobia, but higher math just makes no sense to me at all. Oddly enough, I got straight A's in Chemistry, and that requires a lot of mathematical formulae.
Oops. Hit "publish" too quickly. Dmasy -- I'd love to know your thoughts on "Murder On a Bad Hair Day". I recently reread the entire series, and they are as much fun the second time around, as they were the first. Maybe more so, because I read one right after the other, instead of having to wait for nearly a year for each new one to come out. Sometimes you forget bits of information and character study when there's that much time between books.
Someone waaaaaaaaaaaaaay upthread recommended Tim Dorsey. I just finished his first book and look forward to working my way through the series. Many thanks!
xxx @Kateplusmy8 I make tidying up lounge into a game... Who can clear up the most!
kHate’s reply: @xxx yes same here! I also play the 1-5 game!Do 5 little chores and at 5 you can either choose to stop helping or ask 4 5more!
How is that a game?
That doesn't sound like a game that sounds like a trick.
He'd try to help me and I always got marked down because I'd get the right answers using his methods, but didn't solve the problems according to the way the teacher wanted them to be solved, even though I showed the step by astep proofs
Sounds familiar! My dad was a whiz at math (and was also musically gifted, played many instruments beautifully but couldn't read music...everything was "by ear"). He could sit down at the piano and play anything you asked him to play. He played like an accomplished musician.
I'd ask for help with math problems, and no matter how complicated the problem, he's give me the answer. He did it in his head but had no idea how he arrived at the answer. When I was a high school senior and had trig and calculus, I asked him for help with homework. He'd look at the problem, gave me the correct answer but when the teacher told me I had to have each step written down, I couldn't do it.
That doesn't sound like a game that sounds like a trick.
It's a pile of horseshit is what it is. As IF kids ASK for chores. Her lowly mediocre-job housekeeper must have quit on her. I hope she ran off with the lowly lawn mower boy.
I agree, Admin. What child, or any person, for that matter, is going to ask for 5 more chores when given the option to quit after 5, UNLESS there's some kind of reward offered, like maybe stay up 15 minutes later or get a treat or something. Otherwise, it is just a trick.
I read last night that someone who appeared on HGTV's "House Hunters" blogged about how fake it was and the show has admitted it due to the speed needed for production. Apparently many of the houses they show are not actually for sale. In fact, the blogger said they had to come up with the alternative houses, which belonged to their friends. And HH would only select participants who were near closing date or already had closed. Anyway, the reaction by fans has not been positive for the show. People believed it was the real deal. More and more is coming out how fake these reality shows are. Can't wait to hear about TLC.
I saw this when I was at work but had to wait until I got home to post here. This article fits in with the discussions that have been had here regarding confidentiality agreements and how fake "reality" TV really is. It's about House Hunters, so no children involved, but still gives some insight into how reality TV works.
Click Me
Fun, fun, fun. Happy, happy , happy. Jolly, jolly, jolly. Like your morning weather presenter. Kate, still living in TV land?
Readerlady said... 74
Thanks for more recommendations. I'm half way through "Murder on a Bad Hair Day". The humour in these books is wonderful.
blah blah blah. Why's that news? said... 111
xxx @Kateplusmy8 I make tidying up lounge into a game... Who can clear up the most!
kHate’s reply: @xxx yes same here! I also play the 1-5 game!Do 5 little chores and at 5 you can either choose to stop helping or ask 4 5more!
How is that a game?
June 14, 2012 1:49 PM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 112
That doesn't sound like a game that sounds like a trick.
And what happens if her child(ren) refuses to do 5 more?
Maybe Kate should grift cleaning supplies to give her staff (I mean, kids) at Christmas.
AuntieAnn, Your son's "landscape artist" comment reminded me of something I recently thought of. I am really, really into gardening and have recently been redesigning the front yard landscape because we lost a huge 100+ yr old tree and it totally screwed up my plans for the landscape. I was on the phone with my mother the other day talking about my sister, she's an Interior Designer in NYC and I decided that I am now an Exterior Designer. (but you couldn't pay me enough to move to NYC)
Joy in Va, I would love to see a gardening thread too! Great Idea! How about it Admin?! Pretty please? I'd even come out of lurkdom for that one! Sorry overuse of !!! but I am really excited! lol.
I don't get that game...why would they chose to do more chores/ either tell them to, or not. lol, Pink, she has that basement filled with grifted detergents and remember her CC about changing products acc to sales? (aka grifts) Actually the kids probably don't have to do a lot because she has help, and then she threw stuff downstairs (probably to be picked up by the help) I'm not convinced they do all the chicken work or other things she mentioned like cleaning the garage/toy shed- just wants them to sound good.
AuntieAnn, your son's "Landscape Artist" comment reminded me of a recent phone conversation with my mom. I decided that I am going to become an Exterior Designer!lol. We were discussing my sister (she's an Interior Designer in NYC) and what I was going to do with my front yard. (We recently lost a 100+ yr old tree and now all my plans have to be redone because the sunlight has changed and totally screwed up my all plant choices.)
Joy in Va, I would love a gardening thread too! One day I hope to become a Master Gardener through our co-op extension. How about it Admin? I'd definitely come out of lurkdom for that one. Pretty please?
Hey mom I've done my 5 chores but I'd love to go out and clean up some chicken shit! Please mother, may I?!!
Hey mom, I've done my 5 assigned chores but I'd love to go out and clean up some chicken shit now...please mother, may I?!!?!!
Hey mom! I've done my 5 assigned chores and would I'd love to go out and clean up some chicken shit instead of going in the pool. Please mother, may I??!!
At 8 years old, they're pretty old to still think that's a game. I'm sure they don't. And what kid would ask for five more? She's so ridiculous in what she expects people to believe. Come on.
Someone should tell Kate to play the quite game on twitter and pay her kids some attention.
So she sends the younger kids to a "friend's house" while she takes Cara and Mady to see The Hunger Games.
The little money makers get screwed once again.
Just wow.
Well, everybody has been mad at Kate for not talking the kids to the movies. Tonight she is taking the twins to the Hunger Games. The six are at a friend's house. I guess two was all Kate could handle.
Wait. She can take two kids to the movies, but not the younger ones?
Cheap-ass bitch.
Haven't read through the comments so don't know if this has been mentioned but here's a thought for Kate. If you are sitting in a movie theater with M & C waiting for a movie to start, put your damn phone down and engage in a conversation with your kids instead of a twitter conversation with people you don't know. How pathetic.
I find it hard to believe two 11 year olds still haven't seen Hunger Games, they must feel really left out at school. Is it wven still playing? But I don't care if Kate wants to take them separate as long as the younger kids get to see a movie they want sometimes. It's probably nice not to have all the other kids along for once.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 100
Moose Mania said...That was my first reaction. It could be that the "cease and desist" letter was an invention created to spark more curiosity and media attention about the whole thing and none really was served.
"That's what I'm thinking. Could have been an attempt to get the interest going since no one seems to be taking this person too seriously."
I don't know...seems there was MORE interest before the C&D letter. I had forgotten about the gosselinbook website.
Oh my, Hypocrite BarbIe Kate is out to a movie wth her new besties (her daughters) having sent her other 6 to "their" best friend's house to play. Coldctive group best friend - that is one nice mom to have 6 other kids over to play.
And we know this why? Because that twitiot is sitting in a theatre, on Twitter, telling her 98,000 bought fans this. Someone should take that phone away, seriously.
And Gosselin memories are bring made - oh, could this be a new tradition? Guess Kate found enough coins in the couches to pay for popcorn, too.
wayward said... 108
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said:..."As her 8 children sit back to watch the movie that was chosen by their darling leader (I mean, mother), her 8 children stop and take a moment to reflect with deep gratitude- that ONLY God could have personally created their beautiful mother of 8 with his own hands. Her 8 children will realize that their lives have been graced by having this glorious mother/angel in their 8 little lives."
LOL Pink!! The Katie God created is but a distant memory. The current Kate was created by several plastic surgeons!
Wayward & Pink - I was just LOLOL at Pink's post, when I saw yours, Wayward, and started giggling again! (It's been a not-so-fun day here today, so thanks for the giggles!)
I think Kate underestimates how it makes others feel when you're supposed to be spending time with them to do things like talk or type in your phone. Especially a child in a big family who barely gets time with her as it is.. Put it AWAY.
Read here much, Kate? All the comments we've made about her saying she can't take the kids to the movies, and now tonight she's at the movies. BUT she has to tweet about it instead of focusing on the twins.
Also, she states the tups are at their best friends house; not plural, singular. So all the tups have the same best friend?? That's kind of unusual for six kids to choose the same best friend. Hmmmmm, I smell a sitter, not a best friend that's another child.
Interesting article at the latimesblogs - one of the things discussed:
Use “The Hunger Games” as an opportunity to discuss America’s obsession with reality television.
An excerpt: Director Gary Ross takes the lesson one step further than Collins did in her novel by showing the control room and the adults who are manipulating the arena to make good television. It’s easy to imagine the producers of “The Bachelor” or “Survivor” sitting in a similar room maneuvering their contests — but not to a fatal degree — thus making it the perfect opportunity to discuss with children who may look up to the likes of Snooki and the Situation, how that exploitation is carefully disguised as entertainment.
“When you look at the emotional bloodshed that takes place on these shows and the vicarious enjoyment we take from that — one of Suzanne Collins’ points and I think it comes across very clearly in the movie — there is something demeaning that takes place when we feed off the emotions and the lives of the people we are watching,” Garrett said. “If I spend 10 minutes watching ‘Jersey Shore,’ I don’t only feel like a stupider person but a worse person.”
So Kate finally took the twins to see a movie why do I feel like she's lying?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 115
I think Kate underestimates how it makes others feel when you're supposed to be spending time with them to do things like talk or type in your phone. Especially a child in a big family who barely gets time with her as it is.. Put it AWAY.
Just another example of the level of her delayed emotional development. What teenybopper isn't checking and texting constantly?
Maybe they're at Jon's. I buy he's their best friend.
Here's an idea, Kate. Instead of just taking out your older and "easier" kids (the twins are the only ones we see photos of around town), try this:
Take one of the twins and 2 of the little kids out at a time. Surely you can manage 3 at once. Take them out for dinner, ice cream, a movie...whatever. This would mean a lot to them.
Alternate plan: Take one out at a time with you on a special outing (like above). Two kids per week get to go. Take them out for at least 2 hours. Yes, they will have to wait for their turn for awhile, but this would be even more meaningful. Trust me on this...
AuntieAnn said... 97
fade2black said... 91
I swear, do any of you know another adult who overuses the word 'fun' as much as this stunted juvenile? Every time she spews it from her fingers I want to slam her hand in a car door! And I'm a pacifist, truly I am! Well, I was until recently...
ha! She does that to a person. She could provoke the Dalai Lama into violently slapping her.
I agree with you. She tells her kids it will be fun and they will damn well feel that way whether they like it or not.
Great commentary: ) She really is pathetic and will drag these kids to the end of the earth to keep herself relevant and to make a nickel.
I think Cara is done with her transparency (Oh, I forgot- "The kids ALL want to film and travel more and miss the film crew") and "We will stop filming once anyone doesn't want to film anymore." Alexis was clearly not happy with being put up to running for the cameras; the boys are silent zombies, who do not dare to provoke her wrath. But it is all fun, fun, fun.
Tweens rarely enjoy the same movies as 8 year olds, but it is all fun, fun, fun....
Wow, we got a trip, but we had to "perform." (run). Fun, fun, fun...
We have a pool and can not invite our friends because our mother is paranoid about her image... but it is all fun, fun, fun....
Our mother twitters to almost a million fans (not family or friends) what we do daily, as well as pictures of us at a tender age, but it is all fun, fun, fun......
As Boz Scaggs said,"Why can't you just get it through your head, it's over, it's over now."
I feel terrrible for these kids and the ridicule they are/are going to endure over their mother's selfish crazy behavior, as even if it isn't said to their faces, kids know when they are different. And Kate wants them to be different so SHE can be a star.... fun, fun, fun.
Kate's tweet:
Bliss is..Sitting in a movie theatre w my 11 yr olds on either side of me,munching away on popcorn waiting 4 the HungerGames 2 begin.... 47 minutes ago
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 114
I find it hard to believe two 11 year olds still haven't seen Hunger Games, they must feel really left out at school. Is it even still playing? But I don't care if Kate wants to take them separate as long as the younger kids get to see a movie they want sometimes. It's probably nice not to have all the other kids along for once.
Well, hallelujah!
I'm sure her twins appreciate going out to the movies.
I'm still getting the vibe that Kate is concerned about an angry mob punching the crap out of her. Why else would she have waited this long to see this movie. Everyone that wanted to see The Hunger Games, has already seen it.
At least, I saw it with my daughter the day it came out.
The theatre should have very little patrons in it, if any.
Yay for the twins. Good for Kate.
Baby steps in the right direction.
I'm sure her next blog for CC will be how to save when going to the movies. Like bring your own popcorn and candy and don't go see the movie till everyone else in the world has already seen it and it's about to come out on dvd. I already have mine pre-ordered. It comes out on dvd in August,I think. Anyway,her blog will be about things that everyone already knows. Always is. It's also kind of strange that we do have a little control over her. She obviously reads here.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 115
I think Kate underestimates how it makes others feel when you're supposed to be spending time with them to do things like talk or type in your phone. Especially a child in a big family who barely gets time with her as it is.. Put it AWAY.
Priorities, priorities.....
If the six (3 boys, 3 girls) share the SAME best friend, I hope it is their father.
Hmm. I could have sworn she tweeted before that the girls had seen "Hunger Games".
Susan if you can post here without being so angry and sheeple-like you're welcome to. Otherwise I believe you to be shit stirring.
Do you have tweens? Are you familiar with their school? I would be shocked if any kid their age hasn't seen this movie yet at their school. They are very behind.
That said you don't HAVE to take your kids to the latest and greatest movies for heaven sake, I feel like you are taking this as a personal insult against you because you can't do that yourself. Fine. But, I'm betting you don't treat yourself to a great lifestyle and all the latest everything while your kids get jack. And if you have the money, especially money your own children have earned, it would be nice to take them to a movie as big as this within the first few opening weeks or a reasonable time, not a few months before it comes out on DVD.
Should 11 year olds see a movie Rated PG13?
Maggie I think for this particular movie it's fine, and at least they are seeing it with their mom right there if they have any questions. I think it depends on the kid, some kids can handle PG 13 and R movies before they reach the proper age, others can't.
The hunger games opened in MARCH.
I made a comment about 2 hours ago and it hasn't appeared yet so it must have been eaten!
I stated that Kate obviously reads here because now she has 2 of the kids at the movies. Also, she claims the tups are at their best friends house; singular, not plural.
I find it odd that all 6 individual kids have the same best friend. It smells like a sitter to me, not a best frien that is another child.
I just finished the trilogy because I wanted to read it before my 11 year old did. It is a very violent series-especially the second 2 books. I agree with admin that some kids would be fine but others not. My 11 year old is very sensitive and she has nightmares-she will not be reading it for awhile. But my 15, 18 and 21 year olds as well as myself enjoyed it very much.
Kate mentioned a few weeks ago that M&C had read the book but did not see the movie because it is too violent. Then she said that the kids were playing their own edition of The Hunger Games-did she realize that the Hunger Games is forcing 24 kids to kill each other until one is victorious and is rewarded with riches for life? That sounds like a fun game....NOT!
Then she said that there were so many good life lessons M&C got from the books-the main lesson I took from it was how to survive in life when an authority figure forces you to entertain the masses (reality show) without your willingness to do so! Sound familiar?
Then she said that there were so many good life lessons M&C got from the books-the main lesson I took from it was how to survive in life when an authority figure forces you to entertain the masses (reality show) without your willingness to do so! Sound familiar?
Haven't read the books or seen the movie yet but no wonder the twins enjoyed the books. Where are her tweets where she said she wouldn't see the movie? That didn't last long.
Admin: are you sending me a message, that's why my 3 posts were not posted? If so I got your message. I will skip some peoples posts.
I agree that Kate does read here. Geez, what she get, child support, so she decided to take the twins to the movies, outside the house?
OT: I planted white pumpkins, does anyone know if watering them once a day is enough or too much. I haven't had these in decades. I am very sore now, finished the putting in the weed fabric, thought I would never finish. Threw out some real old mulch, still in bags, it looked buggy. My garbage guys are gonna love me(the can is very heavey). Now comes the weed pulling(along the fence, or maybe I will wackim) I am going to put out weed killer. Now off to put in window units(A/C).
Admin-looks like you responded to but didn't post my comment.
On May 27 she tweeted:
Kate-My kids have formed their own version of 'The Hunger Games': pool edition.I'm trying to keep it friendly..it's only partially working, lol!
Someone responded:
They saw the movie?!
And then she responded:
Kate-NO! My kids did not see movie.. Mady&Cara read books! All 3! They loved them! Violent, but many good life lessons!
I guess she didn't say they never would-just implied with her capital NO!
Kate tweets that the six youngest aren't upset that they weren't going to the movies because they were all going to play at their best friend's house. What are the odds that all six have the SAME best friend? Geez, they can't even have individual best friends plus I would't think the boys have the same friends as the girls. I also think they probably would have been upset not going since the movies are not something they seem to get to do. I think, and I could be wrong, that this is BS...So many have commented on the kids not getting to do simple, fun things like GOING TO THE MOVIES so here you go... Kate takes them to the movies. Since it was quite awhile since The Hunger Games was released, I googled what theaters in Berks County are currently showing. Sorry...none. Googled Lancaster and it is showing in 2 places outside of Lancaster City. Both theatres are on the far side of Lancaster...quite a drive to see a movie that I'm sure they could have seen when it was local for them. Also the start times 6:10pm at 1 theater, 6:35 pm for the other. Kate tweeted @ around 6:45p
she was sitting waiting for the movie to start. Maybe she was tweeting through the previews but I think this all smells fishy. And I ask myself why do I care one way or the other. I just get annoyed with her predictability. It's insulting how she thinks she's so much smarter than the rest of us. Well she is smarter than her fans...they fall for her fairytales hook, line and sinker. Sorry for the long rant... accused of being "wordy" many times.
Sorry-I jumped the gun-comment posted at #156.
The books are very good and a very easy read for an adult-my opinion is that they are written at about the average 7th grade reading level.
They are very violent and the imagery is very intense. That is why I use my judgement and feel that my 11 year old is not ready. I am sure that M&C will enjoy the movie but I doubt that Kate has a clue what the books are really about.
I joked with my oldest when I was finishing Mockingjay that they are not "feel good books". I don't want to give away any endings for those that haven't read them but they are not all rainbows and unicorns and it was hard to get "many life lessons" (positive ones, anyway) from them!
Just read over at twazzup Kate twitter: someone said,maybe why she is seeing this movie is to get ideas, on how to control her kids. Scary thought. Keep food from them if they don't defend Kate? Doesn't Kate do that now?
I AGREE! I highly doubt that all six kids are at their "best friend's house"! It does sound like she is saying they are all at one kid's house, doesn't it?
Ummm, so all six have the same best friend. Lying again, kart?
Could it be that Jon is the 'best friend'? Nah, I doubt she'd give him that title, even if he is a better friend than she is.
Perhaps they are all at the sitter's house? Or the not-a-nanny's house?
Frankly, with having seen how rough and tumble (is that a polite way of describing it?) those six are to each other, I doubt if I'd have them all over at once.
Another hmmmm - the girls and the boys all have the same best friend? Nah......
I smell word parsing again from kart. I think she just wants folks to think she 'allowed them' to visit friends, out of her control and supervision.
Speaking of which, do you think she makes other kid's moms sign CAs before letting the kids come over? Oops, I goofed.... she doesn't let them visit outside her control.
Silly me.
Widowed young: I was just about to post the same thing you did....I work in a middle school so I see 11 year olds all day long. Have read the Hunger Games book. It is soooo obvious that Kate reads here! So she took the kids to the movie when it is now showing in the dollar theater. Good for Kate...that's probably why she bought popcorn....actually she probably made it at home and snuck it in in a bag with juice boxes. You are right though....she shouldn't shove popcorn at them so she can play on twitter. At least put the girls next to each other so they can talk while mommy plays on the phone. As far as the movie goes, I am very surprised kate took them to see that movie. It was extremely violent and kids were killing each other! Young kids! I, personally was disturbed by the premise and the scenes so it bothered me more that young minds were being filled with rhose images. Looks like Kate is getting more and more desensitized as she so desperately tries to stay relevant. The only thing she has left is this blog to take her cues from
TLC stinks said... 150
Hmm. I could have sworn she tweeted before that the girls had seen "Hunger Games"
I think she said they the twins read the book.
Also if Kate did take them lets hope she keeps on taking them places so they can enjoy themselves.
NJGal, now both of my comments are posted. Yours probably will too.
By the way, regarding your comment yesterday (I think) about fried bologna. Yes, I too, love fried bologna, especially with sauteed onions and green peppers. That's how Grams always made them.
By the way, I hope my memory is still good and it was YOU that made that comment! Otherwise, I'm having severe memory issues!
I haven't seen the Hunger Games and was surprised to see it was still in theaters. Thought I'd check it out this weekend as I just finished the books not too long ago. Guess what? It's not playing anywhere in the Reading area (although I didn't check Lancaster, Phila., etc.). Either Kate traveled somewhere else or ... well, you get the picture.
The Hunger Games is playing in West Chester, PA with a 7:40 showing (fits into the timing of her tweet)
In order to get to the theater from her house she would actually be driving pretty much right past where Jon lives, so the 'friend' is probably Jon. (his home is midway between the theater and Kate's house) It's a little over 1 hour to drive from Wernersville to West Chester. I can't see her picking up the kids at 10pm and then bringing them home.
My thought is the younger kids are with Jon, and the movie was a bribe to the girls in order to get them to run with her up in Connecticut this past weekend.
It is still playing at two theaters in Lancaster. It makes sense that she would be there since she said the younger kids were having play dates. She could have dropped them off with their school friends while she went to movies.
I'm not one for conspiracy therapies but I'm not buying the movie thing, sorry. She was tweeting she was sitting in a movie theater watching a movie, then about an hour later she tweeted again defensively claiming all the kids are happy to be at the friend's house not at the movie. Well, that movie is over two hours long. They make you turn your cell phones off in a movie. Is she serious about turning her cell phone on and tweeting away during the movie? In my neighborhood whipping a cell phone out during the movie gets you beat up.
I'm shocked that movie is still playing in Lancaster. I hope they at least give you a discount price for seeing a movie that came out three months ago.
Kate's tweets are time stamped at 6:27, 6:27, 6:29 and 6:33.
Also there is a showing of Hunger Games which is near Oaks, PA which is only a 50 minute drive, probably more consistent with her tweets as that movie starts 6:35 pm.
The Lancaster one also has a 6:35 showing time.
Admin, you don't need to post my drivel *haha* I'm not feeling all that well, so I'm just hanging out trying to be a amateur sleuth and not doing a great job of it.
I hope they at least give you a discount price for seeing a movie that came out three months ago.
admin - They do. It's a theater that shows older movies at a much lower price than other theaters.
admin - They do. It's a theater that shows older movies at a much lower price than other theaters.
Ah thought it might be. There she goes again, skimping on EVERYONE but herself. Kids get second hand sports equipment, kids get movies that came out months ago and everyone else in school has already seen it and talked about it while they felt left out, kids get the crust while Kate gets the good part, always.
These are all GREAT money saving ideas and there's nothing wrong with doing what you gotta do to stretch a dollar. But if you as the parent would be willing to participate in stretching the dollar TOO. Ugh she's disgusting.
mostly lurking said... 122
Joy in Va, I would love to see a gardening thread too! Great Idea! How about it Admin?! Pretty please? I'd even come out of lurkdom for that one! Sorry overuse of !!! but I am really excited! lol.
Oh heck, even if there isn't a gardening thread you should come out of lurkdom. Maybe even call yourself "Exterior Designer"? Just block the bullies - oh wait...that's Kate's line.
I wasn't looking at the time stamp just the "four hours ago" thing they have.
The 635 showing makes sense, okay I believe it. It's a shame she couldn't dig into the kids' hard earned money to let them see the biggest movie of their lives within a week or two of it coming out like all the other kids. For me it was Titanic, for them it's this movie. There's certain things not worth waiting three months for just to save a few bucks and this is one of them, you cheap bastard.
Heck, I thought for sure if she was going to do a big surprise she would have done Madagascar 3 with all of the kids. Now that would have been FUN! ! In 3D even.
But instead the younger 6 get a reprieve from the Konpound to share ONE friend between them, while the pre-teens eat stale popcorn at a discount movie theater not even able to see this movie in IMAX. #katesucks
No conspiracy theory, those tweets were all with a few minutes of each other.
@KalinChrist no! Thrilled to play at their best friends house! It worked out so everyone is happy! Yay! about 4 hours ago
@RunRocknRoll definitely a half! It's a challenge, not every1 can do it, and no need to 'save' energy for the final half! :) #RNRSD about 4 hours ago
My six youngest are having a blast at a friends house! Fun night for all of us! Yay! about 4 hours ago
Bliss is..Sitting in a movie theatre w my 11 yr olds on either side of me,munching away on popcorn waiting 4 the HungerGames 2 begin.... about 4 hours ago
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 145
I feel terrrible for these kids and the ridicule they are/are going to endure over their mother's selfish crazy behavior, as even if it isn't said to their faces, kids know when they are different. And Kate wants them to be different so SHE can be a star.... fun, fun, fun.
And years from now when no one is around to push her wheelchair and change her Depends, she'll wonder why. Hopefully they'll be off with their own families & friends having actual fun, fun, fun.
I thought that Jon lives in Mohnton. That's nowhere near West Chester. His house is about an hour away from West Chester. That would be quite a drive just to see a movie.
"In order to get to the theater from her house she would actually be driving pretty much right past where Jon lives, so the 'friend' is probably Jon. (his home is midway between the theater and Kate's house)"
Midway? Kate lives in Wernersville. It's about 15 minutes from Kate's house to Jon's house, and an hour from Jon's house to West Chester. how is that midway? I'm confused!
Swings -- Glad you're enjoying Anne George. Another good series, very funny, is Donna Andrews Meg Langslow series. Meg is a blacksmith. Not the traditional kind, who makes horseshoes, etc., but one who does decorative iron work and sculptures. She has a zany family and solves crimes in her spare time. Very funny, well- written. Lots of books in this series and she's still writing it. Edie Claire's Leigh Koslow series is fun. Leigh is an advertising exec. in Pittsburgh. The first 5 or so books were written about 10 years ago. They've recently been released in e-format (all under $4, first one "Never Buried" is free for Kindle) and the most recent 2 are e-only format. JoAnna Carl has a chocolate shop series set in UP Michigan that is very good (but don't read when hungry. They'll send you on a chocolate binge). And speaking of malaprops -- well, we haven't recently but . . . -- the main character, Lee McKinney, is prone to them. Joanne Fluke has a very good series, too, set in Minnesota, featuring Hannah Swenson, who owns a bake shop. Lots of yummy cookie recipes in this series. The first 6 or so are excellent, then they fall off in quality a bit, but the last couple have been very good. These are very clean -- plenty of romance, but no sex, no profanity. Hannah has several suitors, but the only male in her bed is her cat, Moishe. Most, if not all, of these books are available in e-format.
Berks Neighbor! I've missed you.
Feel better soon.
Looks like Bristol Palin is taking a page from Kate's poor me persona. I'm a single Mom and my baby Daddy won't spend time the baby. Sound familiar?
Here's a link to the National Enquirer article.
Here's a cut/paste of the article.
o-holds-barred explosive ENQUIRER interview as LEVI JOHNSTON’s fiancée SUNNY OGLESBY slams "pity party" baby mama BRISTOL PALIN!
SUNNY, 20, who’s seven months pregnant with Levi’s daughter, contacted The ENQUIRER recently after reports surfaced that her 21-year-old boyfriend was broke and living at his mom SHERRY’s home in Alaska.
“We are financially stable and live in our own house together,” Sunny informed us. “We are very happy and excited about our new baby girl on the way.”
While the couple is anxiously awaiting the birth of the daughter – who they plan to name “Breeze Beretta,” the second name is after the Italian firearms maker – Sunny charged that Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol has been making it difficult for Levi to spend time with Tripp.
Sunny also claims that Bristol, 21, is trying to stir up drama to create buzz for her upcoming Lifetime reality series, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp.”
“Levi would take Tripp any day, and Bristol is well aware of that, but she is more concerned about faking her single mother pity-party so she can boost her ratings,” said Sunny.
“The truth is she is offered plenty of help every day from Levi and his side of the family.
“The image that she’s portraying of being a single mom with no one to help is a disgusting lie.
“If I was a single mom I would be offended that someone who has millions of dollars, an unlimited supply of resources and a nanny is being paid to sit on her reality show and complain about how difficult her life is.
--Happy Reading--
Who does she think she's fooling with that story that all six kids have one best friend? They're at Jon's. Duh.
Sorry-I jumped the gun-comment posted at #156.
The books are very good and a very easy read for an adult-my opinion is that they are written at about the average 7th grade reading level.
They are very violent and the imagery is very intense. That is why I use my judgement and feel that my 11 year old is not ready. I am sure that M&C will enjoy the movie but I doubt that Kate has a clue what the books are really about.
I joked with my oldest when I was finishing Mockingjay that they are not "feel good books". I don't want to give away any endings for those that haven't read them but they are not all rainbows and unicorns and it was hard to get "many life lessons" (positive ones, anyway) from them!
Ah thought it might be. There she goes again, skimping on EVERYONE but herself
Not necessarily. I honestly don't think Kate would go to that theater. It's um, a bit on the tacky side.
The other theater showing it is not a discount theater. It's a very nice, beautiful theater. I would suspect that this is the one she chose since the discount theater is actually in Willow Street, PA, close to Lancaster, but a bit farther.
Lauren I don't know why but when I looked at it all but the last tweet said three hours ago and the last one said four hours ago initially making me think they were an hour apart. But the time stamps are all around the same time.
I still can't believe this cheap bitch can't take her twins to the biggest movie of the year when it comes out. It's like she always gets what we want her to do only half right. Just like how we wanted her to take the kids on vacation which she did this past weekend, except she made it a working vacation.
I've read the first two books of the Hunger Games Trilogy and I agree with those who said the second book is alot more violent than the first book. I told myself that I wasn't going to like this second book as soon as someone was shot for yelling out Mockingjay,but I couldn't put it down and now I'm on the third book. Don't see the movies untill you've read the books. The books are SOOOO good. But I also remember Kate saying that the kids would not be able to see the movie but they could read the book. Go figure!!
Maybe Kate should read the books!!
This whole Hunger Games thing is just pathetic. The twins' peers saw it months ago at the local theater; the twins have to settle for seeing it now at a cheap theater. To add insult, Kate tweets about it from the theater while sitting between them. Every other mom who did this long ago is not impressed.
And is she talking out of her ass? Exactly what life lessons did those twins learn from the books? How to survive in the face of starvation and parental neglect? How to be stoic when forced to perform/survive on camera? How older siblings protect younger siblings from harm?
I read this book as a teen that was kind of Hunger Games-ish but to this day I can't remember very much about it other than I loved it.
It had a white cover, and it was about this teen girl who was trapped in sort of this boarding school type society and couldn't get out. I cannot remember hardly anything else. It had a science fiction feel to it but not over the top.
I'm really bummed I could never find that book again but hey you never know who might know what I'm talking about here!
Sometimes I get this very creepy feeling that Kate is messing with her kids. It's sort of like Kate does just enough to be able to defend herself in their therapy sessions someday so she comes out just fine. I can see her saying what are they talking about I took you to see all the movies your friends did! Well yeah mom, three months late and at a cheap-o theater and you tweeted the whole time we could actually talk to you.
Here's the thing about going to a school like they do. In my opinion you do it all the way or it can be detrimental. In other words if you are not willing to buy clothes that fit and aren't falling off them, get them out of used molded smelly soccer cleats, pay for your kids to see the big movies within a reasonable time of them coming out, and go on some vacations the other kids go on, your kids might fit in better at some other school. I am in no way saying that kids have to live the high life to have a good life, just saying, if you're going to swim with the sharks, help a kid out and help them act like a shark. I find it hard to believe these baggy clothes and no trips and seeing a huge movie like this THREE MONTHS late are doing these kids any favors fitting in with the peers Kate has chosen to surround them with. I'll dodge the flames, but I think this is unfair. I think it's the same way for adults. I don't like to keep up with the latest fashions or have all the latest things or behave like a million bucks, so I don't set up shop in neighborhoods here that are like that and risk sticking out like a sore thumb and having no friends. I've sought out more suburban homegrown quieter type neighborhoods and fit in quite nicely here. I would be out of place somewhere else so why do that.
Kate is a Witch said... 177
Who does she think she's fooling with that story that all six kids have one best friend? They're at Jon's. Duh.
hmmmm. I don't know about that. I don't think Kate would ever, ever, ever refer to Jon as the kids' best friend.
Celine is amazing and still down to eath isn't she?
I am so jellus of you. One day I too will see her show.
One thing we love about her is she is a proud Quebecer in the right way.
Nous nous souviendrons=)
When I was in grade 5, I was struggling with math so my parents got me a tutor. I was not only intimidated by numbers, my math teacher was a nasty human being.
Back then(50's), at least in my school, exams were handed back in "mark order", and I was always the last one to slink up to get my failed test.
After just a few months with my tutor, I passed a math test and I was thrilled. For once, I didn't have to sink down at my desk waiting for my name to be called...last.
My teacher asked me to see her after school and I really thought she was going to praise me, and I would give full-credit to my math tutor of course. Instead, she sprung a new math test on me, telling me she believed I had not "earned my mark", (code for "you must have cheated"). I froze, could hardly see the test for my fear. She marked it right away, and I failed. I remember sobbing all the way home, clutching my first math which then meant nothing of course.
My parents were down to my school the next day and although I have no idea what happened during their meeting, they spoke in adult- terms how the tutor had brought me along, and my first mark stood. I imagine my parents criticized my math teacher for casting doubt on my accomplishment. Although the joy was lost for me, my parents stepped in to restore my sense of honor.
Ironically, I love finance as an adult, and have always managed our banking and investments. Obviously, the practical application of numbers makes sense to me. Go figure.
Admin...185 The book wasn't Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, was it?
I've read the first 2 Hunger Game Books. I'm reading the third. The author says she was inspired by watching a reality show and then footage of the Iraq War.
Who wants to bet Steve tagged along with them
Admin...185 The book wasn't Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, was it?
It says that was published in 2005. I'm not that young. But the book I read and enjoyed sounds awfully similar to that plot line. I guess what's kind of funny is all these books are kind of the same thing over and over. Oh well at least kids are reading.
This book I liked as a kid would have been published in the mid 90's or before.
I don't know where Ashley's Mom lives but maybe the kids are with her at her Mom's house. I believe Ashley does see them on holidays. She would definitely be considered their best friend. If they are with her you know they are having a much better time than being with their Mom.
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