Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kate runs in San Diego Marathon

Well the half anyway. Discuss here.  She finished with her personal best time of 1:56:40.

484 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Improbable Dreams said... 1

No congratulatory tweets from personal friends and/or family members. I think that's telling...and very sad.

DebbieDowner4 said... 2

Kate - congrats on (allegedly) running the 1/2 marathon.

You did this while 3,000 miles away from your children.

How about acting like a mother for once in your sad little life?

NT said... 3

Wonder how much this FUN run cost her? Especially since Steve is there too. She could have taken her kids on a nice vacation close to home for what she squandered on her and Steve. Yeah,she's mother of the year all right!!!

Anita said... 4

Ugh, I hate that that phoney bitch is here in my home town of San Diego.

Kate is a twit said... 5

Wanted to bring over my comment from the previous post:

As much as we make fun of Milo, I think she did a great job reporting on Kate's run. She must be in her glory!

I'll also give props to Kate-she had a good time.

Looks like she did make arrangements to meet Elvis-unfortunately, she had to be embarrassed by another fan into doing so.

There weren't that many fans following on twitter-at least not many that were tweeting. Where was her "bestest" friend Deanna? She was too busy defending Kate, that she didn't even wish Kate good luck on the marathon.

JoyinVirginia said... 6

Prior thread some posters were talking about what is really important in life. I found out in church this morning that a members 8 yo granddaughter died yesterday from a severe asthma attack. When they got her to the hospital, it was to late. So hug your children close. Be thankful for your kids and for goodness sake Ms Kreider appreciate your children.

Kate is a twit said... 7

anger issues kate said... 136
It's amazing how Effie, and avid Kate supporter say that Kate is an avid runner.

Effie is such an avid supporter that she writes an article and posts it at 12:01 EDT, and writes the following:

"She is hoping to make good time (and that her legs keep moving) today and she plans to update her fans with all the details after her accomplishment. Go Kate, go!"

Kate finished at 11:13 EDT(8:13 PDT), 45 minutes BEFORE this article was posted. If Effie is going to write about her idol, she should at least keep up to date on what's going on.

It makes me laugh to see how clueless she is sometimes.

PatK said... 8

I'm beginning to wonder if she's capable of really running a full marathon. I still think she got a ride/assistance in the LV full marathon and probably knew it wasn't going to happen in SD.

chefsummer #Leh said... 9

I would say good job Kate but then again she might have cheated.

chefsummer #Leh said... 10

Okay your finished Kate now go home to your children.

Gift of grab said... 11

Effie doesn't "write" so much as she recycles Kate's and others' tweets. I can't believe she calls what she does writing. I would be embarrassed to put my name on anything she has put out on gather. "Puerile" is the word that comes to mind whenever I see her stuff.

AuntieAnn said... 12

None of my business but I wonder how many times Kate and Steve made memories in their hotel room this weekend. And what their personal best is.

Tess said... 13

Let's see... 13.1 miles - 3000 miles away from home with the boobyguard and all the expenses for her FUN - so she can suck up attention from her adoring FANS! She could have enrolled all 8 kids in summer camp, or rented a nice place on the beach for a week, or taken all 8 & their friends to the best summer movies with snacks or for goodness sake - at least sent the 8 somewhere wonderful with the not-a-nannies (in which case they might be able to relax and have fun). Nope - they get to watch a movie and eat their popcorn and .99 cereal sitting on a line on the floor. Oh, and don't forget about summer workbooks in the basement! YAY!!!!!!!!

Dmasy said... 14

She could hop on a plane...sleep while flying and be home late tonight. Certainly, she could be there when the kids wake up. Steve could truck on home to his own family, too.

Who thinks she will stay longer in California? I see that show of hands!

Gift of grab said... 15

I don't see her returning before Tuesday. Maybe later--she'll no doubt invent some story of needing to stay longer in order to "take meetings" in L.A. Her self-importance is without limits.

PJ's momma said... 16

Sorry, but if she ran that event in less than 2 hours, she is an avid runner and trained for it. Not all runners run every day; the body couldn't handle it. Even the week of such an event, you only run a couple of miles a couple of times that week so your body can rest.

Do I agree with her taking off again? No way. Do I think she is a good mother? Not by any stretch of the imagination. But she is a runner.

Kate is a twit said... 17

Looks like Elvis is the "star" of the hour now. He apparently is DMing his pictures, instead of posting them out in the open on twitter. He probably was told by Kate or Steve not to post them on twitter so she can put them on her website.

PJ's momma said... 18

PS: The vast majority people who do RNR do only the half. I don't think even half the runners do the whole marathon at most events.

librarylady said... 19

I know a lot of people who run half marathons whenever they are able - and none of them fly almost 3000 miles for one 2-hr run.

NT said... 20

No pics yet? I've looked,but can't find any yet. Anyone else have any luck finding pics?

m said... 21

Hmmm, Kate seems to be tweeting somewhat more appropriate for a " reality show person" ... can't help but wonder if that telephone conversation with the Public relations person a week or so ago, brought on some of this new style of tweeting. Kate usually has not tweeted prior to attending a event to while at a event, and never would have thanked someone for helping her out.

I still think it is not smart to tweet pictures of her kids onto the internet, and I wish she would give her children some experiences that did not involve TLC.

Does anyone know if she had any type of spokesperson role in this marathon? I still doubt she went here on her dime.

NJGal51 said... 22
This comment has been removed by the author.
emschick1128 said... 23

I'm sure training for a marathon isn't easy but I don't admire Kate for it. She has no job, kids gone for 9 hours a day and not to much else to do with her time. The kids even need to take care of the chickens when they get home after their long day. As I have posted before I am one of 9 children (believe it or not Kate there really are people who have had more kids than you) and my mother never ran around like some lunatic with an endless list of chores to be done everyday. She shopped for groceries once a week and did laundry etc while we were in school. Personally I think lazy Kate probably goes back to bed after dropping off the kids not "attacking the day" like she professes to and then she's so exhausted every night. Kate is full of shit

Permanent Name said... 24

If indeed the perverted pair are doing the nasty (love the way I said it? LOL) then it's got to be some way odd relationship.

We know she is a bully and a narcissist. What kind of 'man' would be into a relationship with that?

Just taking a whimsical flight of fancy here... does he 'dominate her'? Does she secretly like being yelled at? Does she like being the bottom?

Or does he love being spanked and screamed at? Does he wear the panty hose in this relationship?

LOL - now, truly none of this is anyone's business, right? What consenting adults do behing closed doors is private, as long as no one is getting physically abused IMHO.

But my mind just cannot wrap itself around just what in the hell kind of things they do and say in private. We know what she's like in public. How in the world, how in the universe can he stand to be around her???!!!

So the logical next thought is 'what is wrong with HIM?'

Perhaps Gina is fabulously glad to be rid of him...

We'll never know. And shouldn't know but when my mind wanders, and wants to explore 'dirty thoughts' I just amaze myself with the possibilities...

Certainly he can't be with her for the money. What money, right? If he thought she was going to be his meal ticket, he sure miscalculated that one!

Ah well, either one or both are 'strange', either one or both are delusional, either one or both is getting something out of the pairing.

I say 'let them have each other; at least no other men will be harmed in the making of kart's fantasy world. Jon and purseboy were sacrificed... let there be no others!'

-- And I had a thought this AM - if she could/would just dedicate herself to charity she'd get many more appearances. True charity champions are in demand. "All" she needs to lose is the attitude, the entitlement, the greed, the recurrent phrase about the damned number eight, the hooker look........

Oh wait...........

chefsummer #Leh said... 25

Tess said... 13
Let's see... 13.1 miles - 3000 miles away from home with the boobyguard and all the expenses for her FUN - so she can suck up attention from her adoring FANS! She could have enrolled all 8 kids in summer camp, or rented a nice place on the beach for a week, or taken all 8 & their friends to the best summer movies with snacks or for goodness sake - at least sent the 8 somewhere wonderful with the not-a-nannies (in which case they might be able to relax and have fun). Nope - they get to watch a movie and eat their popcorn and .99 cereal sitting on a line on the floor. Oh, and don't forget about summer workbooks in the basement! YAY!!!!!!!!

Kate could do that yes but first she'd have to stop thinking of herself and stop putting her self first and her fun time w/Steve.

That isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Sue Buddy said... 26

New article: Kate Gosselin's 2700 Mile Marathon

FL Mama said... 27

I posted this on the last thread just after admin started this new one. In case anyone is interested in the clip from Fashion Police, here it is (again, forgive the poor quality):

Kate on Fashion Police

Tucker's Mom said... 28

librarylady said... 19
I know a lot of people who run half marathons whenever they are able - and none of them fly almost 3000 miles for one 2-hr run.
Yup. I used to run a lot and often times, I'd double my 6. something mile run and end up doing a 1/2 marathon distance.
And then I went home, showered and got on with my day.
I did a handful of organized runs, mostly work related, but that was about it. Not my thing and I certainly would not fly across the country to do a run that I could do by driving a few miles.
Then again, I think Kate is like a lost tweenager who is trying to figure out what group she belongs to. The cool kids? The jocks? The band geeks?
Her re-inventing herself just seems sad to me. To be staring down 40 and not really know who you are and what your path is in life is very unsettling. At some point, Kate's post-divorce adrenaline/endocrine system is going to peter out and she's really know what exhaustion is.
At this point, Kate is like a shark. If she stops moving, she'll cease to exist.

PatK said... 29

Dmasy, I predicted earlier that she won't be home until Friday at the earliest.

I smell a media trip to L.A. first. That way, she can write off her travel/Steve expenses as a business trip.

Katie Cry-duh said... 30

Well I'd like to congratulate Kate's tag for finishing the race. If she was attached to her tag, props to her.

Gift of grab said... 31

A new classic from Sue_Buddy:

Now, SHE's a writer. Effie, pay attention.

Dmasy said... 32

Sue Buddy -- thank you for coming out of Kate "retirement" to do another report. You are appreciated!

aggiemom09121416 said... 33

PatK said... 28

Dmasy, I predicted earlier that she won't be home until Friday at the earliest.

I smell a media trip to L.A. first. That way, she can write off her travel/Steve expenses as a business trip.
Isn't SD where she got the boob job? Maybe she's getting some more work done. For the kids, ya know....

KAT said... 34

Picture of Kate on Radar.... on sidebar

Kristine said... 35

Katie Cry-duh... Once again, I'm also sending props out to Kate's 1/2 Marathon tag. Pizza for PB.

(Ex) Torrance Record Holder- 220 yard dash.

Gift of grab said... 36

Radar has a photo:

Kristine said... 37

Dmasy- I love Sue Buddy. Hope you are well (we sadly lost Family... the very same day).

chefsummer #Leh said... 38

I know that Kate's going to be so exhausted when she get home.

librarylady said... 39

I smell a media trip to L.A. first. That way, she can write off her travel/Steve expenses as a business trip.


That's what I was guessing. And a quick visit to the VIP party or something else tonight might make it "business" as well. (Not that it's a real VIP party in the traditional sense - anyone can go if they pay for the first hour.)

We'll see if she does the Philly one. She probably wasn't planning to, too close to home don't ya know, but may now with all the comments since not doing it would make her look even more foolish.

Wowser said... 40

Omg! Her latest tweet is so funny!! "I blew my PR time away!". So she wanted to do it in under 2 hours and beating it my 3.5 minutes is "blowing it away"... That really explains all her personal accolades about being a great Providing 3 hots and a cot in the McMansion would make her mother of the year in her own mind! How does she come back to Berks county without being totally embarrassed by her behavior is beyond me!

Anonymous said... 41

Kate really is selfish. She does not put her children first. I would love for Michelle Duggar to explain to Kate what it means to put your children first. Not that Michelle is perfect, but she has a show on TLC, so Kate can relate her, LOL.

overthehill said... 42

oh my god she travelled that far away from her kids.its almost as far away as i am from my home in england to the USA

Susieq said... 43

Wow, who is surprised, pictures of Kate smiling and waving are on Radar online

Outta Luck said... 44

I don't like Kate. But I do admire anyone who run marathons. And if I didn't know how ugly she is on the inside I would say she's very pretty and thin.

Why pick apart the things she has going for her? There's plenty of legitimate things to rip her apart for, but she looks great and runs well.

Lancaster County Parent said... 45

This is absolutely hysterical and one of the most immature sheeple stunts I have seen to date. To gloat over the fact that the photos of Kate with Elvis are private, and then snicker about it, bragging that they may only share them with his permission. Are these adults, or grade school kids who taunt with nanny, nanny, boo boo...I have something you don't have!

Maybe I should join Twitter, take photos of Kate out and about, and send them to only a select few. Let me tell you, though, the photos I would take would not show a happy Kate posing for a picture, but rather Kate as she really is. Eat your heart out, sheeple. I have many opportunities to do so, but I'm so over and beyond childish obsessions such as faux celebrity worship that I have no desire to even make an effort. I just don't care. Not many people do. Period.

Amy2 said... 46

Now what?

She ran away from her children across the country to run a half marathon. Well, that was predictable. More time away from the children. What does she have to look forward to now? The cruise is cancelled. Her phone isn't ringing with offers. Is she going to do another (half) marathon to keep her name out there? Who knows? More to the point, who cares?

aggiemom09121416 said... 47

Ol' Steve's getting pretty good with a camera,lol.

I don't know why everyone is telling her good job for running in a marathon.
She cries poor, won't take the kids to a movie, they can't do gymnastics,etc, can't go on a vacation because it's too expensive. Yet she can spend the kid's money on a trip to SD to run in a marathon that doesn't bring in one red cent to pay anything! The kids have to eat .99 cent cereal and wear clothes that are way too big.
Why congratulate her on that?
Besides, she doesn't have a job, doesn't do her own housework, so all she has to do all freakin day long is run and tweet.

(and she needs to look at the pic Steve took...she has some cellulite that needs to be siphoned out. maybe she can do that in SD before she goes home to an empty house, cuz wouldn't you know, she will get home the day the kids have to go to Jon's.)

NJGal51 said... 48

Why does she look cool as a cucumber in the ROL on line photo? When the "paps" have gotten pictures of her running around home she always looks like she's been running (drained and dish ragish). I'm no runner but wouldn't you at least be a little drained after 13.1 miles? Kudos to her if she did run it. Might I add that she reall does have a "good bra"! The twins are standing at attention and look HUGE.

Kristine said... 49

Just saw the photo finish.

- Backgroud trees, property San Diego.

- Creepy orange legs, cellulite and botched Dr. FrakenKreider's Monster's knees... property Kate Gosselin.

- Who's BOOBs are those? Oh yes, property Silicon Valley. (Anyone who has seen the Key Lime Pie episode knows the truth.)

Dmasy said... 50

So, if Radar Online paid her for the finish line photo, does that mean she did make some money from this trip?

Would they have paid enough money to cover her travel expenses?

At least she is selling herself and not the children.

anger issues kate said... 51

Here is another site with pics: -her-best-time-photos/

Angie said... 52

Kate traveled to get away from her children. Her running for 2 hrs., please it is 2 hrs plus the waiting around time before they ran is just time away from her children.

What she does is for herself ALWAYS. Nothing for her kids except what she has to do. If my twins were having a graduation, that run would be put on hold until I made my twins feel how special they were and are and it is a step forward in life. My kids would remember every little event would be a big event in my life.

God forgives, but I don't know about you Kate. 8, count them 8 different individuals all needing a mother or a father, where are their minds when she goes away like this? No aunts/uncles/cousins/no one there with them. Very sad life ahead.

Anonymous said... 53

DebbieDowner4 said... 2
Kate - congrats on (allegedly) running the 1/2 marathon.

You did this while 3,000 miles away from your children.

How about acting like a mother for once in your sad little life?


Do you think that Kate was the only mother who traveled to run in this marathon? Do you condemn all those other mothers who have interests outside of their children, or only Kate?

Anonymous said... 54

Did you know that Kate lied to her youngest children and told them that Mady, Cara and herself were going to be home all weekend? The youngest six were with their father for a number of days. Seen at the beach, at a play place and at the local air show.
Did you know that one of the youngest children said to a person that they were with (and I over heard both these conversations as I was sitting next to where they were) that their mom never takes them anywhere, their daddy is the only one who takes them places?
Sorry for being anonymous this time.

Summerwind said... 55

Is that Steve taking a picture of Kate and Elvis San Diego?

Summerwind said... 56

Sorry. Here's the close-up.

Once a Viewer said... 57

Great article, Sue Buddy! And some insightful comments already too.

I agree, running is a great hobby to keep in shape and stay healthy, unwind, all that, but it is hypocritical of her to travel to run a half-marathon for 'fun' to keep herself in the spotlight instead of looking after her kids or getting a real job.

Moose Mania said... 58

Wow. If Kate made it to the finish line in 2:56:40, then those "twins" had a time of 2:56:38, beating her there by two seconds.

Kate is Krazy said... 59

it must be hard to run with such 'big girls!"

yeah, that's snarky, but she lies about them. I admit she looks good especially when no makeup and her hair back, not so tarty.

chefsummer #Leh said... 60

Kate & Steve & the pink phone at the marathon.

Good job Kate-(no snark intended).

chefsummer #Leh said... 61

Kate two words for you that will help you with the girls.

Sports-Bra since you are a runner you need to be friends with a good sports bra.-)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 62

I have no desire to congratulate that woman for finishing a race.

I WILL congratulate Kate when she stops waiting precious time & money, and gets a real job.

Who's paying for this very important trip, Kate?

Was it worth leaving your children back home in Pennsylvania, to travel all the way to San Diego to run a race?

Priorities, priorities...

You're fooling no one, but yourself and a couple of sheeple.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 63

Way to go, Sue Buddy.

Tell it like it is :o)

Wowser said... 64

Just checked out the key lime pie episode...does kate not realize (since all she talks about is her nightly viewing of living in the past and watching herself on old episodes) that we see the same thing she does and that it's solo obvious that her boobs are huge compared to what the were justa few years go. Why won't she just come out and admit it. So if stupid is as stupid does, she must be the queen of stupid. Because EVERYTHING she says and oes is stupid. Uggghh ...she drives me nuts!

EM said... 65

Why doesn't kate grift an iphone holder? I could not imagine holding my iphone for 2 hours in my sweaty hand.
Also in the pics she is the only of of the 6 or so people shown wearing headphones. Does RR really discourage headphone use?

all in all. I believe kate ran the half. I know in my gut she didnt run the full. I would say good for her but nah..she's too far gone down the ME ME ME path that I cannot acknowledge her for one for thing she does for herself.

My only question is. why is she so exhausted all the time? It has to be mental exhaustion from keeping up with all her lives and playing rich/poor all day. I exercise an hour a day and it gives me incredible energy and mental clarity.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

I know that Steve always travels with Kate, both near and far. And I know that Kate is incapable of being independent and tackle life on her own. She's gone from being dependent on Jon to being completely dependent on Steve.
Yet, Kate sees herself as having grown far more than she has actually. If an adult is incapable of traveling without a companion, there are some serious issues there that should be addressed with therapy, medicine and possibly medication. But her fans adore her and eat the crap she shovels about being so wonderful!!!!!!
To most other adults... wouldn't you be embarrassed to have a babysitter/handler everywhere you go? Wouldn't you feel like a child with a parent supervising you?
I know I would.

PJ's momma said... 67

It's considered poor form to wear that shirt until after you run the race. You don't see the others around her doing it.

new PR, running away from the kids just as fast as she can said... 68

I don't think Kate needs any help for the "girls".

Unlike her 8-countem-8 kids, the "girls" seem to be getting all the attention they need.

anger issues kate said... 69

Here are more pics of PB & Kate & some guys:

I see on Kate's twitter site, they are debating Kate legs and cellulite, waiting for Ziggie to tell them it was the angle of the camera and lighting.
What cellulite is there is there and you can't change it and it is not lighting or camera angle. That made me laugh.

I see PB is looking a bit shabby these days. Actually kind of sloppy. When Kate is looking perky. Maybe Kate had an energy drink last night and a tumble in the sack with PB, must have wore him out. (snarking) He looks terrible.

PatK said... 70

Moose Mania, that was too funny! I wonder if "the twins" got a medal, too?

SaraMRN2010 said... 71

Isn't it funny that there are several pictures of her with her medal this time but the only picture of the Las vegas marathon was a generic picture of the medal and she wasn't even wearing it.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 72

It looks like the photo of Kate with her uber San Diego fan wasn't kept a secret for too long, despite the DM'ing back and forth among the sheeple. Just when I think I've seen them at the height of their stupidity, they just keep coming with more. Did they really think that a photo of him with Kate wouldn't surface somewhere?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 73

Kate is Krazy said... 56

it must be hard to run with such 'big girls!"


It's too bad that they didn't come with a tube so that she could deflate and inflate them, depending on the occasion.

Katie Cry-duh said... 74

Kate's lower body looks almost the same as it did when the show first started. Those legs are there to stay. And her boobs are so big now that they make her head look too small for her body.

PJ's momma said... 75

EM, RNR definitely used to be specific about discouraging headphones, but I don't know if they are now. In Seattle in a few weeks, they have about 45 bands on the lineup, 1 for each mile, and some relieve others. I did it with no headphones and it was a blast. You don't really hear the bands much, but you do see people dancing on the sidewalks and cheering you along. 3 years ago, Michael Jackson had just died (I heard it at the Expo!) and people were paying homage along the route, moonwalking, a group of cheerleaders dressed up in Billy Jean era clothing, etc. It was awesome! I just don't like running an event with headphones. I do use them on my own (but have a holder for about $15 and also have a shuffle which is about an inch square too), but never at an event. People are in their own world and will just dart out in front of you or stop or whatever, and it's dangerous. The bands are fun! Why miss that?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 76

@acemme @TrippenIn @HspncElvis @Kateplusmy8 @leighshahan1 oh we've seen the pics they're great! but you won't. hater.

Ah, Paige. You're going to need to learn to zip it and not to speak too soon. It will come in time, with maturity.

Katie Cry-duh said... 77

Wow, take it back. Those legs look worse than before! Way too much lipo, her thigh skin is loose and positively scrotal. Fitness expert, fail. Weight loss success story, fail/cheat. Positive role model for "obese mothers" (her words), fail. Mentioning her kids one single time this weekend, fail.

chefsummer #Leh said... 78

anger issues kate said... 66

I see PB is looking a bit shabby these days. Actually kind of sloppy. When Kate is looking perky. Maybe Kate had an energy drink last night and a tumble in the sack with PB, must have wore him out. (snarking) He looks terrible

That seem to happen to the men she's with first Jon used to be thin head full of hair.

Now he's balding and quite chubby.

Seems like Steve used to be lean as well now he chubby his hair will go next.-lol

librarylady said... 79

LOL, Steve carrying that backpack with the water bottle and whatever special little things she has (actually, him even being there) makes her look like a little preschooler whose mommy has to carry her stuff back and forth to school. I've never seen other runners with a little helper at races. How embarrassing.

Wowser said... 80

Yep..the cellulite is bad.....yep...PB is looking the hell does she function with that stupid phone in her hand ALL the time? Must be hard in the bathroom!

Amy2 said... 81

I'm confused. In RnR in LV Kate had two best buds that she ran with and crossed the finish line. Where are her buds in this race?

I agree with a post upthread that PB is looking a wee bit out of shape. For a security guard (is that what he is?) shouldn't he be fit and ready to take care of a situation on a moment's notice. Maybe his new job is to take pics of Kate because no one else seems to be.

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 82

WELL, WELL, WELL so Kate can run! Ok another accomplishment to her many others. Let me see if I can remember her other ones! Take Jon away from his girlfriend , plan and connive to have kids to exploit , scam money from poor gullible church people, take TLC to take the bait and then got spit out by them, take a married man away from his wife and kids, divorce her husband that helped her get all that she has, escape from the 8 every opportunity she can ! I have to stop I'm getting noxious !! I have been here from the beginning started with GWOP and others, have read thousands of posts but never posted! I've decided to jump in because I have a different perspective on Kate then most of you. On this subject I agree with Aggie I'm not impressed! Hopefully I'll be welcomed and allowed to stay it seems like I know you all!! Back to basketball game!!

PJ's momma said... 83

Why is Steve wearing an event shirt? He's not a runner in the event (and as I mentioned, it's a rookie mistake to wear the shirt at the event). Weird.

Kate's BFFs from her first race probably can't afford to be jetting all over heck and back to support her and hold her hand. Plus, didn't one respond to a tweet that sort of implied that Kate slowed them down and she hoped for better on the next race?

Kate really does look like a toddler with her bodyguard there to 'handle' her.

Wowser said... 84

She might as well come out about her and PB...she can no longer carry the "good Christian mommy" card because the plastic surgery, boob job, hookerish shoes and outfits contradict the image she is trying to's so obvious that the 2 of them are an item. he is even getting fat like Jon did when he was with her. Maybe all the men she catches in her web become "emotional eaters"...they have to eat their emotions because the are with someone who doesn't have any except sympathy for herself

mim said... 85

Lipo scars on her thighs clearly visible in pics. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to her "fitness tips" and will believe them. They'll be as credible as her "recipes" that are made of all canned ingredients.

PJ's momma said... 86

Welcome, letsthrowtomatoes! Wow, that's hard to type! How do you have a different perspective, if I may ask. Of course, you don't have to answer......

She IS pretty confounding, isn't she? Those poor kids.

Enjoy the game!

GraniteState said... 87

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 79
You go girl, just keep on seething like the rest of us. That creature needs to be called out. I despise her. She is not a Mother. No way. No way, No way.

chefsummer #Leh said... 88

Wowser said... 81
She might as well come out about her and PB...she can no longer carry the "good Christian mommy" card because the plastic surgery, boob job, hookerish shoes and outfits contradict the image she is trying to's so obvious that the 2 of them are an item. he is even getting fat like Jon did when he was with her. Maybe all the men she catches in her web become "emotional eaters"...they have to eat their emotions because the are with someone who doesn't have any except sympathy for herself

Maybe Steve's to embarrassed to let Kate out him esp if he left his wife for someone that millions.

Of people don't care about and let's not forget her lovely personality and selflessness-(lol).

Anonymous said... 89

Where are the lipo scars? I can't see them. I see the cellulite, though.

Gift of grab said... 90

I sincerely doubt that the two LV "BFFs" have had much, if any, contact with Katie since that race. They don't seem to tweet her, and she's never mentioned them again. And do we know if her "coach" Rod Dixon was around this time? Didn't see any pics of him, and her finish-line photos don't seem to show any undue amount of interest in her. (Well, except for HspncElvis, of course.)

As for Steve's T-shirt, why shouldn't Kate treat him to a souvenir? In addition to his (normal) fee of $5K+ AND first-class expenses for this little junket. I mean, he DID carry the purse and everything. Do you wonder if Steve has any other source of income? What could he be doing for a job that allows him the freedom to shuffle Kate to NYC or LV whenever she needs a "break" from her kids? Hmm, more intriguing than Unsolved Mysteries.

I still don't believe that RnR footed any of the expenses for her, though they might have comped her on a few things. They simply didn't pay enough attention to her (or even try to steer any attention in her direction) for them to have put anything significant into her appearance. If she DIDN'T go there on her own dime, she must have a secret, yet-to-be-revealed sponsor/ benefactor. One who is extremely wealthy and, obviously, insane.

PJ's momma said... 91

Gift of Grab, I forgot she likes him to be all matchy-matchy to her, just like her kids are to each other. Maybe you can buy the shirts, I don't know. It's dumb.

I also don't believe she was comped anything, including the registration fee. Last year she made no mention of the expo, I think her manager or someone paid for and picked up her race bib. She seemed all on her own this time.

Kate is a Witch said... 92

Does she realize the more and more out of the public eye she is and the more and more obscure she gets, the more ridiculous and WEIRD it looks that she travels with this guy?

I mean, no one is really under the impression she needs a bodyguard. And she's not a celebrity, So it just looks awfully odd.

And I'd like to share something about a woman I work with. She doesn't have eight kids, but she does have seven kids. Two are twins and the other five are singletons. They range in age from 12 to 3 (the twins are the youngest).

She and her husband divorced amicably about a year ago. It was sad all around, but they are co-parenting very well together and are both very committed to doing a good job at it for their kids.

I look at Kate--divorced, eight kids and I look at her--divorced, seven kids and the differences could NOT be more stark.

My friend works. She's a white collar professional, but she works hard. Her older kids are all involved in one activity each that they enjoy. Karate, soccer, dance, stuff like that. She and her ex-husband are ALWAYS driving kids to things.

They even have dinner together every Sunday night at a restaurant, with BOTH parents and the kids. They feel it's important to put aside their differences and have one meal a week together as a family. They will continue this until all their kids are grown. They also attend all their sporting events together to cheer the kids on.

There is no way in hell she could pursue hobbies the way Kate does. There's no way in hell she could jet off across the country to run in a race. She's lucky if she gets a pedicure once a month or so.

Another difference--with as tired as this woman must be, I have never heard her complain. I once heard someone ask her about it and she said she just doesn't see the point in complaining. She actually read a study once in which the researchers found that when you complain chronically about a situation that cannot be changed or cannot be changed in the near future, it actually makes you feel worse rather than better. Her kids aren't going to grow up overnight. For the next 15 years, she'll have kids at home. That's just the reality of it. She doesn't run around spouting off trite cliches, either, she just doesn't see the point in kvetching about her life.

Her kids come first, that much is obvious.

She's like the anti-Kate. And I'm honored to know and work with her. Now THAT'S someone to be inspired by. Not some fake-ass jerk like Kate with nothing better to do than organize towels or go on long runs to get away from her kids.

librarylady said... 93

Steve does have a pass hanging around his neck, so maybe she was supposed to be there for *something* - heaven knows what, though. Maybe he is pretending to be her press agent? No other runners have little helpers with passes to carry water and tissues.

chefsummer #Leh said... 94

IF Kate's & Steve trip was comped I see it like this.

She'll stay in LA with Steve for a few more days you cause she needs a break.

If it wasn't comped for.

She'll be back home complain how tired she is and how mush work she has to do plus the usual blah blah.

Dwindle said... 95

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 79

Welcome! If you have been reading here then you KNOW you are welcome!

getheroutofhere said... 96

I think Wernersville citizens passed the hat to
fund Kate's trip. Anything it takes to be Kate-free for a few days, right?

Dwindle said... 97

I see Kate ran for 2 hours. Well good for her if it's important to her. I dont think *I* can do it, dont want to, doesnt interest me although I know others enjoy it.

So she flew 2700 miles away to run for 2 hours. Since it is only the 2nd time she has done this, I guess she doesnt know yet how to do it unless she is 33 states away from home. Glad to see that apparently her financial problems are over otherwise such a devoted mommy wouldnt be spending her children's money on a little out of state vacay for herself.

Had to have her bodyguard with her I see, coz you know she might incite a panic; with her profound charm and beauty I suppose. Again, I am so pleased that her financial problems are solved so she can afford a paid companion to travel with and carry her drycleaning and her purse for her. Whew - what a relief. And who says Kate never does anything for others? Look at what she is doing for the world ecomony by keeping a New Zealander in employment and perks?!?

You know though, if she is so incompetent that she cant get from point A to point B with a paid handler to LEEEEEED HER, then she is not competent to be responsible for care and feeding of children. She looks ridiculous with this frumpy guy trailing behind her ALL the time; either she is paying him for companionship which is pathetic or she really is mentally and emotionally too impaired to function in public.

But for now it will be the usual endless tweets (once she finally gets home that is) about how EXHAUSTED she is, how SORE she is, but unicorns and rainbows happy happy happy happy happy! Amazingly happy!!! So much to do, more than any other human on the planet earth, but happy happy happy!!!!!!! Good Gawd.

Sue Buddy said... 98

Gift of grab, Dmasy, Kristine, Once a Viewer, Pink, thank you for your comments and thank you all for reading my latest.

Although I'm finding Kate to be more and more boring as time goes by she IS inspiring from time to time.

chefsummer #Leh said... 99

I bet the kids will scream in delight once mommy gets home.-snark

There's nothing like a routine wake up to go swimming then shower's and dinner then sleep repeat maybe sine chores day after day.

vacation came, kate left said... 100

so wait, kate flew 2700 miles as soon as her kids' school ended? is this the woman who is dying to spend time with her kids? speaking of which, who the hell bought the whole 'the reality show and lack of real job allow me ro spender time with my kids' ? I mean lets examine that statement shall we? if kate got a nine to five job what time with the kids would she miss? aren't they in school from six to five anyway? and if it's about the chores she would have to do, why not hire a help to clean and cook with the money she is now spending on sitters? probably becausee kate doesn't really want to hang out with them and it really was about being sad for those kids

Jumping In said... 101

Kate will continue her running as there is no competition other than the clock. It is a singular pursuit, and she did well today in San Diego.

My problem with anything she does is that it lacks authenticity, and always with a thinly veiled ulterior motive. Running is a perfect choice for her, it is something she can do alone, an obligation to herself that just happens to take her away from her children. If she has an endorsement from Rock 'N Roll, this is just the beginning of a more "required" trips away from home.

This is a perfect scenario for her...for now, until something else gets her the attention she craves without having to run 13.1 miles to get it!

Bubbles said... 102

I did 3 5ks this spring and many participants wore the event shirts the day of the race. (The 5K was usually part of a larger marathon/half-marathon event.) I would rather see her wearing the event shirt than the stupid "I'll show you, Haters!" shirt she wore for her "first" marathon. I don't believe she ran that entire marathon at all. It's far more believable that she ran a half today. Without makeup on and with her hair pulled back, she actually looked halfway decent for a change.

Ex Nurse said... 103

Letsthrowtomatoes-- Welcome! Looking forward to hearing your insights.

Sue Buddy-- As usual, great writing!

Wouldn't it be nice to see that big spontaneous smile when Kate is with her kids? Just one?

Katie Cry-duh said... 104

Way to go, Kate, seriously, if you really ran today. It would be wonderful if your few accomplishments were but a small part of what you lived for. Unfortunately, it's all you live for. That and doing whatever you need to do (pimp out your kids, plastic surgery, fake paparazzi photos, etc) to try to further your delusions of being a star of some kind. It's astounding how you continue to live your sad dream in the name of supporting and inspiring your kids yet deny them the basics, such as your attention. It's astounding how you will never make enough money or run out of excuses to justify the expense and effort of something as simple as a matinee movie or an undocumented visit to someplace kid friendly. How many thousands of dollars were wasted on the uglification of your face and laughable attempts at being sexy? Yet gymnastics lessons, summer camps and family vacations remain too expensive for your cheap self. Oh yeah, and then there's the joke of a bodyguard. Poor idiot, trying to look like anything but the emasculated hanger-on that he is. Think of it, Kate. Providing security and babysitting services to a grown ass woman who repels people is the best he can do. Why you continue to find him necessary is beyond me. How about not paying him any more and using the money you save to take the kids to the beach? You could write a blog posting on how you saved money to be able to afford doing what most moms would love to do for their kids. God those kids got screwed by having you for a mother. Take your time going back home. They're probably loving the peace and quiet your absence provides. ~ Administrator said... 105

Do you think that Kate was the only mother who traveled to run in this marathon? Do you condemn all those other mothers who have interests outside of their children, or only Kate?


Oh, anonymous. If any of those other mothers who traveled also claimed that they can't afford one darn movie on the weekend for their children, or summer camp, or gymnastics, then yes, as a matter of fact I condem them to.

I'm gonna take a wild guess though that any other mother that traveled this far for the marathon also either took their kids with them and made a fun weekend in San Diego of it (there's the beach, numerous museums, Sea World, LegoLand), or, they at least make sure the kids are in gymnastics and see a movie this weekend.

By all means have interests, but not at the expense of your own children. ~ Administrator said... 106

Count me in as baffled why it wouldn't be kosher to wear the event tshirt at the event. Huh?

It's the EVENT. Why wouldn't you wear the EVENT tshirt? I don't mean any offense but that's downright ridiculous. :) ~ Administrator said... 107

From the other thread I wanted to make another point about private school and college admission rates. It's sort of a freakeconomics thing in my opinion. It's not really the school itself responsible for college rates though I'm sure they would be horrified to think otherwise. After all that's how they draw in people. Parents who send their kids to private school generally have higher incomes and by default those who care about all the options like private school (even if in the end you pick public school) care about their children's education.

The fact of the matter is, college rates for kids from families with a decent or better income and families who care about education are very high, no matter if you send your kid to school in a shack or Eton. Poorer families who don't care about education don't have good college admission rates.

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 108

Thanks for your warm welcome! Looking forward to commenting in the future!

Vanessa said... 109

Katie Cry-duh, excellent post! Hope she's checking in here today and reads it!!

Tucker's Mom said... 110 (Administrator) said... 103
Do you think that Kate was the only mother who traveled to run in this marathon? Do you condemn all those other mothers who have interests outside of their children, or only Kate?


Oh, anonymous. If any of those other mothers who traveled also claimed that they can't afford one darn movie on the weekend for their children, or summer camp, or gymnastics, then yes, as a matter of fact I condem them to.

The kids just got out of school for summer vacation and the only "tradition" that Kate cares to propagate is her running far, far away from home. Not to mention that the kids just got of of school for summer and I'm betting that they got to kick it off with a nanny.
I also noted that no real (not Twitter) friends or family supported Kate's self-indulgent trip, spending the kids' money on herself. Very telling if you ask me (not that you are!). And if the twins can text her, why not tweet to their own mother to congratulate her?
I'll tell you why. They don't give a poop. It doesn't thrill a kid to see their mom run a race across the country. They could be doing day trips or even gasp! keeping the tradition that Kate publicly stated that they'd keep and go to the beach. In fact, rates are still pre-season and very reasonable at the Outer Banks right now.
Maybe Jon will get them to the beach this year. If he does, I hope it's not a Yours, Mine and Ours vacay.

mamasan said... 111

there is something not quite right about the photo. Help me someone - Steve's pants look as if they are about to fall down. The chaps behind them are almost walking atop K&S.Steve's right leg appears to be on Kate's left foot. Kate has her ear plug in one ear.

TLC stinks said... 112

I think the time has passed that Kate can continue to claim Steve is her bodyguard. It is beyond ridiculous that this adult woman could not participate without this guy tagging along with her sh*t. Either she has NO friends and thus needs Steve to go everywhere with her or he is her boyfriend. It's coming up on a year since the show was cancelled and she has done nothing since then to warrant a bodyguard. Can't wait for the truth to come out: either Kate Gosselin is mental or she's a home wrecker.

wryview said... 113

I can bash Kate with the rest of them...but...why bash her for not being with the kids since Jon had them? Why wouldn't it be a good weekend to go away if it's not your weekend with the kids?

mama mia said... 114

Only Kate could crow about a personal best finish time for her FIRST time running an organized half marathon. I say let her do another in six weeks time and we'll talk.
Did she raise any money in this fun run or once again it is just and only about her?

KAT said... 115

Katiecry@102....loved your post....That is a good idea on how to save money. She should write a post about "how to save money by getting rid of an unnecessary body guard".....Ha!

TLC stinks said... 116

I agree that Kate could possibly be hawking something for herself in LA if she does not return home today. I don't believe she was comped by the marathon since she did nothing to promote it. It was an apportunity to get herself on Radar and take a vacay with Steve. She sure is predictable.

Steve looked ridiculous in his outfit. I hope somebody got some candid shots of those two. I wonder where they stayed?

And I could see, too, those lipo indentations in her legs or it could have been cellulite. Proves those past People magazine photos were photoshopped. Now, I do have to say that it's great she exercises but she's obsessed with her looks and body. The boobs have grown again. Steve must have wanted them bigger.

SG said... 117

Just wanted to share a tweet another non-fan found:

May 31
Just saw Jon Gosselin and his 8 kids on the beach... Kalu played with the kids #regularday

The kids were begging for a day at the beach and DADDY gave it to them. Her tweet was dated May 31.

chefsummer #Leh said... 118

Another little people big world update special is coming.

TLC stinks said... 119

Saw a comment on Sue Buddy's excellent article that Jon was seen with kids at Jersey shore this weekend, tweeted by a woman who was there with her daughter. Don't know if true or how to find that tweet, but it would be like Jon to be quiet about such a thing. Meanwhile, Kate enjoys San Diego with PB. ~ Administrator said... 120

I can bash Kate with the rest of them...but...why bash her for not being with the kids since Jon had them? Why wouldn't it be a good weekend to go away if it's not your weekend with the kids?


It's a fine time to have a getaway weekend when you don't have the kids. Except when you have claimed for more than a year now you can't afford to do anything fun with your kids. She has not done a single darn thing with these kids that wasn't paid for by TLC. She would help her PR if when people ask her about taking the kids to the movies, gymnastics, summer camp and N.C. if she actually did these things with them instead of saying nope didn't plan that can't afford that etc.

Dmasy said... 121

I know those are just rumors about Jon at the beach with the kids.
(At least, till a photo surfaces.) I hope it is true.

We have been saying all along that they need to be loaded up and driven to the coast....normal plan, normal family, normal memories.

mamaK said... 122

I am with theose who refuse to give Kate an "atta girl". For several reasons.
Mainly, I believe that when you become a mom your responsibility is to put your kids needs first. Kate never puts their needs ahead of her own ever. Second, she will never do a run in her neighborhood, ever. She has to fly off to warm places to get a mini vacation. This year will be especially hanus when she gets home from this, continues to tweet about how much her kids want to go to the beach and how they can't afford it. Third, SHE IS UNEMPLOYED!!!!! We have good money. The idea of paying someone $50 or whatever just so that I can run just makes no sense to me, but SHE NEEDS HER MONEY FOR OTHER THINGS! Like her CHILDREN!!! Not to mention the money to FLY ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO RUN! With the "Bodyguard".
The biggest thing is the lies. LIES LIES LIES. The body guard for example. At this point, no way is he a body guard. Otherwise, those kids would have one too, especially when mom was away. She cries poor, but clearly must not be really worried about money based on how she spends. She will lie about how long she is away from the kids. She will lie about all the freebees she gets. She just LIES LIES LIES.
I just want her to fess up. Stop making other women feel like less of a mom and admit that you don't scrub all your toilets on your own. Admit that you have tons of money and are just too lazy to spend it on your kids. Reveal your relationship with Steve. Be authentic. I would have more respect for you then. Problem is that no one would be able to relate to you and it would ruin your "tv show comeback" ideas.

Kate is Krazy said... 123

wonder how long before the mailed 'dream' is revealed- if ever?

wasn't it reported Jon was scheduled at events all this past weekend? It would be nice though if the kids did get to go to the beach as they had been 'begging' to do.

Kate is a Witch said... 124

What everyone else said. If she didn't bitch and moan incessantly that she can't afford squat for the kids, but then turn around and treat herself to trips to NY for HAIR SERVICES and far away trips to run in races, then there wouldn't be anything for us to criticize on this point.

But anyone except the most deluded or ignorant can see her only priority is her. She can happy fart away on twitter about loooooooving her kids. Anyone can SAY things. Proof is in the pudding. I guarantee you that the kids know they aren't number one with her. They've probably known it for a while, sadly.

Oh she's got money alright--for HER. She does NOT have money even for one single matinee movie for the kids. Unless Jon takes them somewhere (and it sounds like he did, good for them!) those kids are sitting at the orphanage all summer hunting for empty plastic eggs, shoveling chicken shit (the boys) and doodling in worksheets until school starts back.

She's a piece of shit "mother." All she did was have them surgically removed from her body. Fin.

readerlady said... 125

Re Jon at the beach with the kids. I hope it's true, but logistically, it wouldn't have been easy. The twins ceremony was on 5/31. Jon and the kids would have left right from the school and driven directly to Jersey to be on the beach on 5/31. Not impossible, but difficult. I'll have my doubts until someone posts a pix or Jon confirms it. Since he doesn't usually talk about the kids and their activities, that may not happen.

Mamasan -- I blew up the pix and looked at it. Skeve's leg isn't on top of KKs. It's just the camera angle. His right leg is to the left and in front of hers. I don't see earphones, but it looks like she's talking in the pix, so it would be natural to remove one earphone. People do it all the time. Skeve's pants are awfully baggy, though, and those guys behind them do look like they're in danger of walking on KK and Skeve's heels.

khater said... 126

To me this would have been a great way to market herself. A "regular" mom who has a lot of kids who finds time to not only exercise but train as a runner. A lot of moms do it and people can relate.
HOWEVER...Khate would really need to do it like a regular mom. It is not difficult AT ALL to run, if one wants to (really anyone can). What stops most people is time and money. It costs money to travel for races, it costs money for a trainer, it costs money to hire a sitter to watch the kids. It takes priviledge to be able to NOT WORK and run nearly every day. And all of that costs precious time.

A REAL mom - who gets up early while everyone still sleeps and trains, who puts the baby next to a treadmill and runs inside (Khate can't even make that sacrifice because she hates the treadmill so much). A real mom makes running fit into her families schedule.
It takes dedication to do what Khate is doing, sure, but it takes much more dedication to train and run when one has a job, a family, a house to take care of and STILL runs. How hard is it to have only running as your job? She is not an Olympic athelete, so answer is...not that hard.

aggiemom09121416 said... 127

mamaK said
Stop making other women feel like less of a mom

Kate's mothering abilities have been compared to Casey Anthony's, so I hardly think Kate sets the example for mothering.

Her children know Kate places her needs above theirs. I learned it at a young age, it's just something you have to learn how to deal with. Narcissists NEVER change. Hopefully Jon can offset some of the parental damage Kate is inflicting on the kids.

No tweet from Kate in 13 hours, guess she is still recuperating on the kid's dime. It's funny, she can run at home, then go shopping, cook, etc, but running out of state, she needs a few days to rest. Hmmmm....

Maybe she's getting some work done in SD. Didn't she get her new boobs there?

librarylady said... 128

That tweet about the beach was actually from the Florida panhandle.

Regardless of location, I hope it's true that they were *somewhere* and they had some fun time with their dad while their mother rejoiced being without them, as usual.

Lancaster County Parent said... 129

"Jon and the kids would have left right from the school and driven directly to Jersey to be on the beach on 5/31. Not impossible, but difficult."

We've often left for the shore in the late morning and been on the beach in the afternoon. Kids want to get on the beach as soon as we get there, not wait around until the next day. It's only a two-a-half hour drive down there, and in mid day traffic is light, so it's totally possible and not difficult to do.

But the timeline makes no sense. He tweeted three days ago that he was headed for a golf outing and on Saturday he was going to a sports complex opening in Temple (not far from Reading).

SG said... 130

Regarding the tweet about Jon taking the kids to the beach, I don't know what to think.

It was dated May 31. That was the day of the graduation. I do recall someone saying that there was a pic of the ceremony and the twins were not there. I have NO idea if that is true or not. Kate never said anything about the graduation (or bridging as they call it) ceremony itself.

That was also the day of the golf outing that Jon said he was going to.

I don't know how any of it fits together... but that tweet about the beach was so random. Why would she make that up out of nowhere?

prairielivin said... 131

butterfly - #40. Lol. There's no way Kate would ever be welcome at the Duggar home - not with the way she dresses. All the boys would be ushered into hiding during her visit and Jim Bob would probably gouge his own eyes out. Perhaps she could be used as an example to the girls to show what "immoral" women dress like though.

SaraMRN2010 said... 132

So Jon took his kids with him to the Gameface sports open house. Interesting.........!/photo.php?fbid=10151135178148626&set=p.10151135178148626&type=1&theater

TLC stinks said... 133

The twins graduation event was from 9 to 10 a.m so Jon had time to drive to the beach and make it there late afternoon if, indeed, that tweet is true.

chefsummer #Leh said... 134

Kate is a Witch said... 122
What everyone else said. If she didn't bitch and moan incessantly that she can't afford squat for the kids, but then turn around and treat herself to trips to NY for HAIR SERVICES and far away trips to run in races, then there wouldn't be anything for us to criticize on this point.

But anyone except the most deluded or ignorant can see her only priority is her. She can happy fart away on twitter about loooooooving her kids. Anyone can SAY things. Proof is in the pudding. I guarantee you that the kids know they aren't number one with her. They've probably known it for a while, sadly.

Oh she's got money alright--for HER. She does NOT have money even for one single matinee movie for the kids. Unless Jon takes them somewhere (and it sounds like he did, good for them!) those kids are sitting at the orphanage all summer hunting for empty plastic eggs, shoveling chicken shit (the boys) and doodling in worksheets until school starts back.

She's a piece of shit "mother." All she did was have them surgically removed from her body. Fin.

Can't forget the trips to LV and Chicago and LA and the trips out of the country.

The new car paying Steve's salary paying the nannies and sitters.

Plus Kate calling us more hard work people mediocre-(oops I mean Jon).

TLC stinks said... 135

Ok, looks like that beach tweet was a fake. Makes more sense that Jon would be at Gameface. Since Kate is gone, he has to take the kids. Too bad it was advertised as an opportunity to meet the kids. Well, I had hoped the kids got to the beach. This proves, though, that ol' Kate did not take the kids to San Diego for a vacation. Too much trouble for her plus I bet she has no more babysitters that want to travel with her any longer.

Lancaster County Parent said... 136

"That tweet about the beach was actually from the Florida panhandle."

"Jon and the kids would have left right from the school and driven directly to Jersey..."


Now I'm really confused. Was it the Jersey shore or was it Florida?

JudyK said... 137

Interesting...Kate's last-seen tweet was to this woman(Randy Roth):

I’m a TV/video producer with over 16 years experience at television networks, production companies and agencies. From branded entertainment and original web series, to corporate videos and pop culture & news programming, my work has aired on TV, on the Web, and internally at some of the world's largest corporations.




Branded Entertainment

Corporate Videos

Marketing/PR Videos

Sizzle Reels

Currently I am the Show Runner and Producer of the original series, Mom’s Homeroom, which can be seen at Sponsored by Frosted Mini Wheats Cereal, the site helps parents prepare their elementary aged kids for success in and out of the classroom. Covering academic, social and emotional issues, I am the creative and editorial force behind each video. Likewise, I work closely with our sponsors to make sure each video is on brand.

Prior to Mom’s Homeroom, I was Supervising Producer at Dogmatic, Inc. where I produced hundreds of webisodes for across three different lifestyle series which were sponsored by Tylenol, P&G and Kraft. From start to finish I was the lead producer on each of these series, making sure all projects were on brand, met client objectives and were delivered on time and on budget. I developed the concepts and researched topics, worked closely with the writers, produced the shoots, edits and animation work.

I have also produced corporate videos, PR reels and how to videos for major corporations like Pepsico, Williams Sonoma and Ebay. I am well versed in social media, am a creative thinker, strong leader, and an excellent writer. I am capable of juggling multiple projects at a time and working under tight budgets and tight deadlines!

My background is in television production, with a great deal of experience as a Show Producer as well as field, segment & post producer. From historical documentaries such as “Profiles in Courage: A Kennedy Legacy” to the irreverant pop culture hit “The Fabulous Life,” my work has aired on major television networks including NBC, Vh1, CNN and ESPN.

I have produced hour long programs as well as reality and newsmagazine feature segments. I started my career as the assistant to the Executive Producer of “World News Tonight with Peter Jennings,” and the rest is history!

On a personal note, I’m a graduate of the University of Michigan (go Blue!), and I currently reside in New Jersey with my husband and our two sons who are definitely my greatest production!

Thanks for checking out my site! I hope to hear from you soon.

SG said... 138

That facebook statement says he would be at tournament until 12:30. Maybe he took the kids with him because he had that commitment, didn't stay to play golf and then took them straight to the beach. ???

I'm hoping pics don't appear just for the sake of the kids' privacy.

SG said... 139

Florida panhandle??? Okay, I give up. ;)

SG said... 140

Oh I misread that. June 2 was when he supposedly took the kids with him to Gameface, not the tournament on May 31.

librarylady said... 141

The person who wrote the beach tweet on the 31st was definitely at the Florida panhandle.

So who knows. Frankly, it doesn't matter - if they got to do something fun without a camera crew directing their every move, that's what matters.

aggiemom09121416 said... 142

Kate's twitter behavior changed the day the kids got out of school. That afternoon, she tweeted about the kids fussing and being bored, then...nothing. I think Jon picked the kids up that afternoon, then she high tailed it out of town, probably to spend the night in NYC. That night, tweeted some weird memory tweet, then silence again.
Next day,she tweets it's her kid's graduation, yet it gave off a vibe like she wasn't actually there. (I don't think she went to the graduation).
So, Kate missed out on another of the kid's 'memories'...but it doesn't matter much to her, she's only interested in HER memories.

I was not impressed that the facebook link posted above said to come meet Jon AND his kids. I hope Jon didn't give that guy permission to pimp out the kids that way.

When Kate starts tweeting again, she's back in PA...........
(Pa folks, I don't know how you stand having to share your fine state with the likes of's bad enough here in TX to share our soil with CJ and Stxmom!)

readerlady said... 143

Lancaster County Parent -- I'm confused now, too, LOL. I don't know if I read Jersey somewhere or just assumed Jersey. However, if the tweet came from Florida panhandle, then I call bull hockey on it. No way could they drive to Fla. panhandle and be on the beach on 5/31 and no way would they fly down for just a day or so.

Lancaster County Parent said... 144

SG said... 136

Florida panhandle??? Okay, I give up. ;)


LOL, SG! I'm right there with you! He easily could have driven to Jersey on Thursday and been on the beach in the afternoon. Florida panhandle -- not so much! Unless they flew! :)

chefsummer #Leh said... 145

If Kate truly and honestly believes that she is a good mother and that she does everything in her power.

To care for the 8 our opinions here won't matter at all to her and she wouldn't be offended.

But to me people are offended by the truth and that truth hurts to some ppl.

PJ's momma said... 146

I don't know why it's considered bad mojo to wear the shirt on event day, but it was made to clear to me long ago! However, for charity 5k and such, it's very common to wear it. We're doing one in 2 weeks and it is in honor of a kid from church who died, so it will be a sea of shirts for him. Yesterday was the Komen event here, and it was a huge swath of those shirts too. I didn't make it up, I promise. Look around the photos - most people are NOT wearing the shirt.

Pity Party said... 147

When I see that pic, I am reminded of what the body language doctor said about couples mirroring one another. They are walking in perfect harmony, right down to hand level and heads toward another, mirror images.

librarylady said... 148

Was the Gameface thing advertised involving the kids? If so, that's just as bothersome as anything Kate does.

Improbable Dreams said... 149

SG said, at 135
I'm hoping pics don't appear just for the sake of the kids' privacy.

I agree...and assume that you are referring to intent. In actuality, it's very likely that attendees will take--and maybe post--pictures. That's inevitable, I think, due to their years of public exposure. They're a curiosity, unfortunately, at this point. But if they're allowed to live normal lives, taking normal family outings & participating in activities like other kids their ages, eventually the curiosity factor will abate. Crossed fingers that this happens sooner than later, and that we'll see fewer photographs over time.

anger issues kate said... 150

I think that was a rumor, just to stir things up, to make Kate look good. As in See the kids are with dad and dad took them to the beach, are I not a good mom for letting Jon do this. Kate knew Jon had stuff planned. More likely the kids were with invisible hired help and Jon who was at these events was there. There was no beach. Besides, I would think that Jon would not drive that far to a beach, there are lakes in PA that have beaches. Here in Illinois, we have Lake Michigan and if you go inland, there are lakes that also have beaches. Besides, I think kids would rather go to a water park than a beach.

wowser said... 151

A couple of years ago, Kate said in an interview that the reason she got a bodyguard was because someone had one of the kids sit on their lap and their was no way that was going to happen she was saying that the bodyguard was needed for the kids. Why is it then that the bodyguard goes with Kate everywhere and the kids can go with Jon with NO bodyguard. Shouldn't the bodyguard be where ever the KIDS are? She is so frickin' transparent. Just come out with it kate, everyone has your number anyway and you look like a bigger fool everyday!

Firefly said... 152

The only thing we know for sure is the twins' graduation ceremony was May 31.

Rumors are:

Kids weren't at ceremony;
Jon perhaps took kids to golf event May 31;
Jon and kids were seen at beach on May 31;
Person who saw Jon and kids at beach was in Florida;
Jon and kids were at Gameface on June 2

Since we're all saying we want privacy for the kids why all this speculation about where the kids were?

Kate is Krazy said... 153

well, unfortunately when Kate does stroll on home, she will recommence her tweets of the kids' whereabouts and activities complete with twit pics.

SaraMRN2010 said... 154

I do not think that the event was advertised stating that the kids would be in attendance. I was curious as to what the place was and looked it up that is how I found the facebook post about meeting Jon and the kids. I will give Jon credit. He did not say a word about it on twitter only that he would be there. As far as I can tell no pictures have surfaced of the event.
As far as Kate goes I hope she is enjoying her time away. At least the kids do not have to listen to her. And may I ask what kind of mother does not allow their kids to participate in graduation?

Buddy said... 155

Firefly . . . 149

EXACTLY! Let's please stop stalking the kids people.

Admin this is for you to know. said... 156

Admin: I know you are monitoring the comments so this information is for you to do with what you want.
Jon and kids were at Gameface on Saturday. They played with a few other kids on the soccer field indoors and hung out with a couple of people. I heard them telling a couple of girls that mommy doesn't take them anywhere, but daddy takes them places. They said Cara and Mady wanted to stay home with mommy because they always did stuff with dad. According to the girls they thought their mommy was still at home. Kate obviously didn't share their plans. They left around 1pm or so and headed to the WWII airshow at the Reading Airport and left there at around 4:30pm. The Gameface event was a lo-key opening of his friends' sport center.

The kids were not on display, they were just there to hang out. Mady and Cara were NOT at gameface. According to one of the girls they stayed at the house with their mother. So either Kate brought them to San Diego with her or she kept them at home.
The girls played with two other girls that were there, no one bothered them or took pictures (except for one photo that it looked like Jon's friend took with his kids and the tups. It looked as though they knew each other really well and he did talk with Jon before hand, and I'm assumed that's when he asked permission from Jon.)

The girls seem very friendly and nice and are quite the talkers, well, the boys are very quiet and kept off to themselves playing soccer. I saw Jon playing with the kids on the soccer field and you can tell he is very attentive to them and loved to have fun with them. It was nice to see them very happy.

Here's what I think is the reason Kate says she can't go anywhere with them. The tups are very sweet and run off to play with other kids with supervision like normal kids would. Jon would either play with them or watch them in the peripheral while chatting with his friends. NOT ONCE did anyone ask for his autograph or pictures, he was just there to lend his name to the opening. If Kate were there and on her own like Jon was it would have been really awkward as she would have to either sit by herself or actually talk to someone she didn't know who may have been seen as 'below' her.

There was no need for body guards, etc. Kate is playing everyone for a fool (well her fans she is playing for a fool). People respect Jon and the kids and treat them as just regular people. It was refreshing to see and the tups were also talking about how they went to Grandma's and got cotton candy that their daddy wouldn't let them eat. (I'm assuming again that they went to Jon's mother's place). I'm not sure about the beach thing but the kids did look very tan (and not just because they have darker skin, you could see tan lines on their shoulders).

Once again, this information this is for you to do with what you wish. You don't have to post it.

OrangeCrush said... 157

I have to believe Kate, who easily could have been home after her race ended Sunday am by Sunday night, is in LA begging meetings with people who neither want to see her or hire her. Steve is by her side, his "role" gets sillier with each outing.

Fine, she ran a race. It's good she can dedicate herself to a hobby, because that is all this is. Her running is not a career, no matter what the sheep think. She has the resources that allows her to train at leisure, not after work, snd chooses, a woman with no real earned income ( discounting that pathetic CC blog), to soend lavishly, and frequently, on herself, all the while crying poor where her kids are concerned. All the $$$ she spends on Steve N could so easily be giving her children the benefits of sports leagues, gym classes, summer camp. Oh forgot, they have a POOL.

And after looking at the pic abve, Kate honey, you would have had a really nice shape with tatas half that size. I understand wanting new ones, the former viewers all remember your flat chest, but seriously, that chest is ridiculous. My niece had reduction surgery and she may hace been smaller.

As fr Jon taking his kids to a sports event, unless the pics prove otherwise, i give him props just for putting 8 kids in the car and showing you can do normal things like that. You know, kids in car, out with Dad, out for pizza, out to park, no paps, no bodyguard. Bet Jon doesn't need to use the fire lane either.

aggiemom09121416 said... 158

Since we're all saying we want privacy for the kids why all this speculation about where the kids were?
Because Kate says she does everything for the kids, and evidence in pics and stuff proves otherwise.

KAT said... 159

I say we start calling her "the deadbeat mom"....I think she's earned the title...

Kate is a Witch said... 160

One thing that really struck me about the pictures of Kate after the race wasn't her saggy thigh skin, but the HUGE grin on her face in nearly every picture.

I swear to all that is holy, I have NEVER seen that grin on her face, not ONCE, when she's around her kids. Not on video, not in still photos, never.

She CAN and has SMILED when with her kids, mostly when posing for pictures like those badly shot holiday photos she's been putting on her website lately.

But the kind of grin she gives when she's away from the kids and being photographed? It involves her whole face and her eyes. She's positively LIT UP when she's not with the kids.

And I think that's terribly sad. But she's never seemed bonded to them. The face doesn't lie--she doesn't care about her kids except as a vehicle to get her money and attention. And they haven't been doing that lately.

chefsummer #Leh said... 161

wowser said... 148
A couple of years ago, Kate said in an interview that the reason she got a bodyguard was because someone had one of the kids sit on their lap and their was no way that was going to happen she was saying that the bodyguard was needed for the kids. Why is it then that the bodyguard goes with Kate everywhere and the kids can go with Jon with NO bodyguard. Shouldn't the bodyguard be where ever the KIDS are? She is so frickin' transparent. Just come out with it kate, everyone has your number anyway and you look like a bigger fool everyday!

I think Kate said that just to cover her butt plus she thinks very highly of her self so in her mind she needs a BG.

SaraMRN2010 said... 162

KAT said... 155
I say we start calling her "the deadbeat mom"....I think she's earned the title...

Wouldn't that be "the deadbeat mom x 8"? Cause she has 8 count them 8 kids to support....

TLC stinks said... 163

Jon DID NOT announce on Facebook that the kids would be at Gameface, somebody else posted that to say that Jon would be there with his kids. Jon did not Twitter about it either, just that he would be there, unlike Kate, who twats everything about the kids.

Firefly, I hope you can see the difference between Kate and Jon when it comes to the kids' privacy. We speculate because Kate has made it her business to make Jon look like a deadbeat dad who does not want time with his kids. Since Kate wanted the world to know that the kids are begging for a beach vacation, why didn't she make that come true by taking them to San Diego? After all, they had a wonderful week long vacation there before the Hawaii wedding trip.Seems that now that they are out of school, it would have been a good opportunity. But it's clear that she enjoys her time away, pampered at hotels, alone with Steve. And that is a good gig, except that she bitches about how she doesn't have money these days and is taking vacations with a married man (I guess he still is) and proclaims that the kids comefirst. When it comes to spending money, she spends it lavishly on herself and the only person who comes first is Kate herself.

SG said... 164

It's not about stalking the kids. Kate tweeted the kids are dying for a beach vacation. It was discussed here at length.

Most people here hope that those kids get to go to the beach like normal kids. Someone online tweeted they were spotted at the beach with Jon. Hopefully it was true. It was posted here after the fact. It's not really about the kids. It's about Kate's lies and her statements that their going out publicly would create a public panic. Also, nice to know that one parent realizes they can go to the beach for a day and don't need a sponsored vacation for a week at some expensive resort.

I thought it was nice to know the kids CAN go out in public and play like normal kids. And that their DAD is doing that for them. Again, hopefully it was true. If not, hopefully it will be true this summer. Whether it's made known publicly or not.

As for the "advertisement" that the kids would be at an event I didn't see any advertisements. Jon may have told them he was bringing his kids and some guy on the internet (any idea who he is?) took it upon himself to post that on his personal facebook page. It wasn't advertised by Jon or the event that the kids would be there to meet people.

denni don't like Kate..... said... 165

Re: Kate wearing the event shirt

I am a runner, and have never worn the event shirt during the actual race.....i run with a team, and none of my team members wear the event shirt given out at "packet pickup"......the reason being - we all have our favorite comfortable short and dri-fit shirt to wear......usually the event shirts are 100% cotton and not as comfortable; we never run in shirts with sleeves...sleeveless all the way ...... however, i did not look up the event to see if the shirt that came with the run was considered a technical shirt.

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 166

MamaK (120) couldn't agree with you more. Aggie no wonder I agree with everything you say I'm also a Texan though my mom uprooted us as children to CA for a better education (broke my dad's heart) what the heck no good schools in Texas! Going back to Kate ,all signs point to that she left Thursday and she's still not home. Poor kids , as an Elementary Teacher and mother, her mothering skills drive me crazy!! Unfortunately I don't think she's ever going to change! I can see her being 150 and trying to get a reality show for her and her great,great grandchildren! Sad!

SG said... 167

Kate is a Witch,

Totally agree! When she is out doing things for herself and getting attention as a celebrity you can see the GLEE in her eyes. She smiles for pics with her kids, etc but she never smiles with her eyes. She's never had that glee in her eyes for her children on the show either.

I do remember the ONE time I saw that amazing love and genuine smiling and nurturing and affection from her on the show. It was for a koala.

SG said... 168

I agree that Kate's explanation for having a bodyguard never matched up with the occasions she had him.

She's had those children in public without him locally. She herself goes out in public locally without him. She runs on back roads all alone! He's not a bodyguard I don't care what she says.

TLC stinks said... 169

My impression is that TLC originally hired Steve as a BG, and perhaps there was concern about protecting the kids, but I think it was mostly about crowd control and to be able to quietly film in public places. Somewhere along the way, Steve evolved into Kate's PERSONAL bodyguard, and that is what concerned Jon as they travelled together, dined together, etc. Kate also redefined her appearance during those book tours and church events and that's when the speculation that something was up with the "silver fox". Steve, at that point, should have left the job to someone else if he had any concern about his family and the tabloids. Apparently, their relationship is still whatever it was. I'm with Jon when he speculated that something was going on. A spouse knows. I still think it's mostly a one-sided thing with Kate hanging on to Steve. And this guy has got to know what power he has over her. Really a jerk. I've seen this before with a married guy leading a woman on.

Dmasy said... 170

My hubby has sensitive skin. He never wears anything that has not been washed.

He will react to new dyes or the scratchy, stiffness of a new shirt...even a T-shirt. Maybe runners don't wear the promotional T-shirt for a long sweaty run because they don't want that new fabric rubbing against their skin.

KAT said... 171

Lets many days do you suppose someone needs to do a marathon? Why leave 3 days before the event? What the hell is she doing for those 3 days?.....wait...don't answer that...EWWWWWWWWWWWW..

Dmasy said... 172

I don't know who/what Steve is in Kate's life. I have speculated. But, he is NOT a body guard. He does not dress, function, or attend as such.

He may be a paid "friend". She may be too insecure to fly or be in crowds without the support of a companion. She may be paying him well to accompany her. (A shameful expense!)

She was accustomed to the TLC crew and Jon to buffer her. She wrapped "stardom" around her shoulders to protect herself from the public.

Now, she may be feeling exposed and vulnerable. Steve insulates and isolates her.

She probably feels safer when he is around, but not because he is a bodyguard.

Might not being any sexual relationship involved.

TLC stinks said... 173

SG said...
She runs on back roads all alone! He's not a bodyguard I don't care what she says

ITA! I would be frightened to run alone on a country road. That's way more scary to me than getting on an airplane alone, staying in a nice hotel, and even having dinner alone. I travel alone frequently and it's no big deal. What the heck does she need Steve for? Never mind. We've figured it out.

TLC stinks said... 174

Dmasy, I agree about her insecurity. And it may not be sexual, but I doubt it because she dresses like a sexpot around him with boobs exposed, short dresses, hooker shoes. Part of it is wanting to look like a Hollywood starlet, but it's also teasing. Geez. The guy is only human (not that it's an excuse for cheating but when a woman dresses like that, it's for sexual attention).

Firefly said... 175

I didn't use the word stalking. I said the speculation is invading the privacy we are so much hoping the kids will eventually be able to enjoy.

We know Jon takes the kids out in public -- no HUGE public panic erupts. We also know Kate lies and when she's not lying she's exaggerating to the max in her pathetic attempt to be all things good and nurturing on this planet.

I just hope the speculation doesn't result in seeking out pictures then posting them to prove what a good dad Jon is and what a lying, bad mom Kate is.

I also fully understand that trying to explain the problem of speculating about the kids and comparing it to invading their privacy and getting everyone on the same page would be like herding cats!

So I'm just expressing my concern.

PJ's momma said... 176

They are tech shirts. Sorry I brought it up. Was just pointing out expert Kate's rookie mistake, as far as marathon runners are concerned.

SG said... 177

TLC stinks said... 169
SG said...
She runs on back roads all alone! He's not a bodyguard I don't care what she says

ITA! I would be frightened to run alone on a country road.

Same here! I watch "I Survived" and that show scares the crap out of me. No thanks! I would love to run in my area but it's very rural where I live.

I guess maybe Kate realizes no one would want her. ;)

PJ's momma said... 178

Here's a link though:

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 179

OMG! Steve is her boyfriend ! There is no doubt! She acts like she's a schoolgirl out with him all over the country. She wanted the kids to use them now they are in her way of having an exciting care free romance! I knew from day one that she dumped Jon ! You guys always say why would he like that bitch but I bet she's different with him. She even looks at him with goo-goo eyes! GROSS!!

Ingrid said... 180

TLC stinks said... 169
ITA! I would be frightened to run alone on a country road.
I think it depends on where you live. I enjoy walking, biking alone on my country roads. Granddaughter rides bike once in a while too out of sight of the house a mile or two. The serenity and scenery is great!

chefsummer #Leh said... 181

Kate is a Witch said... 156

I swear to all that is holy, I have NEVER seen that grin on her face, not ONCE, when she's around her kids. Not on video, not in still photos, never.

Sure you have but that's only when the kids are making her some $$$ and she's traveling with them-( & Steve).

Kate's the happiest when she away do what ever with Steve.

But when she's home she complains and complains.

Mommy said... 182

To me, it's very simple. Kate has Steve around because in junior high (or high school) it was cool to be pretty and have a boyfriend. Simple as that. Kate hasn't matured past that age. Jon isn't there (and when he was, he wasn't worthy of her because he wasn't "handsome" enough) so she chooses to have Steve on her arm, to show off what a "handsome" man she has snagged (regardless of the truth). I doubt she's having an affair with him. He's just for show, to show how pretty and popular and desirable and thin she is. You know, like some girls did in school.

Personally, I'd take Jon over Steve, judging by personality, which to me is the most important. That's what "handsome" means to me.

She hasn't grown up. Still trying to one-up the other pretty, popular girls. And she still plays with dolls. Only they are real x 8.

KAT said... 183

Is Skeve still married? I never see a ring on his finger....

SG said... 184

I live in a rural area but it's not private. I would never run alone or let my kids out to play alone out of sight. Too many cars drive through the area.

If I lived in a very private rural area it would be different. I would never run alone where Kate runs. She also runs at night alone... so she claims. Not worth the risk in my opinion.

TLC stinks said... 185

Ingrid, I drive country roads all the time to get to our lake place. I have never seen anyone out running because it's curvy and people (like me) speed. There are no patrol cars ever. Plus, everyone lets their dogs run. Don't know anything about Wernersville country roads, but that's been my experience. Kate would be better off running with a pal (oh, that's right....she doesn't have anyone except for Steve). Perhaps we have just been assuming she runs alone and Steve paces her in the car? Anyway, there are too many wierdos out there and why put yourself in the position of getting attacked on a lone country road?

Kate is a twit said... 186

ROL article about Kate running the marathon. Do I detect a little snark about Steve being there?


Kate Gosselin completed 13.1 miles of a grueling run in San Diego on Sunday, but she had one very noticeable accessory - her trusty bodyguard Steve Neild by her side!

Anonymous said... 187

More pictures on Radar Online website. Looks like Steve (bodyguard/manager/photographer/lover???) has been picking up $$$$ whatever his role.


chefsummer #Leh said... 188

I think Jon is quite cute even sexy at one time.

aggiemom09121416 said... 189

Letsthrowtomatoes said... 163

MamaK (120) couldn't agree with you more. Aggie no wonder I agree with everything you say I'm also a Texan though my mom uprooted us as children to CA for a better education (broke my dad's heart) what the heck no good schools in Texas!
First off, welcome (or should I say 'howdy!')..
Sorry your parents didn't have a good experience with public schools in our state. We live in an area that boasts one of the finest schools in the state, and my kids have all received excellent educations. I think it's the same anywhere else, just depends where you live.

Now then, welcome to the craziness and hypocrisy of Kate!

aggiemom09121416 said... 190


Each time I see your avatar, I always think that's what Kate is going to look like in 20 years.
---------- tw cents on wearing the tshirt thing the day or weekend of the event..
I agree, seasoned athletes don't wear the tournament shirt during the event. It looks amateurish. My kids get shirts at USTA stuff and wouldn't be caught dead wearing one on that event weekend. Makes you look a little 'green'. lol

Kate's still silent...I think she might be getting some work done, lipo, facial stuff, who knows. maybe getting fitted for a better bra!

Dmasy said... 191

Aggiemom, 187. I never thought of that comparison. Hilarious.

Actually, we visited Aruba. There is an ostrich farm there. That silly ostrich POSED for pictures. And, then "pecked" at the cameras. I just smile every time I see the photo. Memories...Kate, you never know when you are going to make one!

silimom said... 192

OMG!! Steve's her boyfriend!!!

OMG!!! I don't care anymore if he is or not. Sorry, that's coming off as a very snarky, and I don't mean it to be. It just hit me as the speculation starts up again that I really don't care.

Kate is who she is. She will never change. The best thing that could happen for those still following this saga is that she would fade away. That's won't happen. Both she and Jon have PR people and appear to be determined to remain in the public eye, to varying degrees.

Kate is either stupping Steve or she's not. Whatever their relationship, it is what it is and frankly I don't care. If they're together and it's what they both want, that's their business. If they're not together that's their business too. The only people it really matters to are Steve's family and Kate's kids, and peripherally Jon, as he's the kids' father. Kate's need to lie about it (the "Smiths" at the kids' parties making pizzas, for example) speaks more to Kate's insecurities and issues than anything else. She needs to grow up and take responsibility for her decisions, whatever they may be.

Kate is Krazy said... 193

if she gets an even 'better bra' she will topple over!
isn't it bad for your skin/muscles/tissue to keep repeating this procedure?

Tucker's Mom said... 194

SG said... 164
Kate is a Witch,

Totally agree! When she is out doing things for herself and getting attention as a celebrity you can see the GLEE in her eyes. She smiles for pics with her kids, etc but she never smiles with her eyes.
Spot on! She's stiff and posed with the kids. Sure, she's smiling, but she's doing that open-mouthed, "Yay"! smile that looks good on glossy People magazine pages.

Angie said... 195

Betting she walked most of the half marathon. No one will post photos because no one recognized her.

Will never believe this woman and she is a waste. The twins must be so embarrassed by her. Go away Kate.

Are we doing wrong in commenting at all? Does it increase her dislikeability (?) and that make her like a NJHW? Mean and wasteful?

aggiemom09121416 said... 196

Actually, we visited Aruba. There is an ostrich farm there.
My apologies! I hope I didn't ruin a good memory for you, but the first time I saw your pic I thought it was hilariously funny..looks sorta like Kate!
(also, an apology to ostriches, great and small!) I've heard they are really mean.

We had a neighboring ranch that once had emus..those dang things are mean as a snake.

I've also seen camels used to protect cattle in pastures, now that is a freaky sight!

LisaNH said... 197

I have no problem with Kate running in a marathon and I am happy for her that she beat her time (or whatever they call it). Good for her!!

If she wants to run in marathons, that's fine. I don't take issue with it. However, I do take issue with the fact that she hints that the kids want a beach vacation (i.e. someone give us a beach house for the summer!). She cries poor mouth, whines about how expensive this and that is, yet has no problem spending money on flying across the country and spending a few days in CA (which I'm sure was not cheap between airline tickets for 2, meals and hotel room etc...).

Kate, feel free to run in any marathon you want, whatever. But don't tweet about how expensive gymnastics are for your children so they can't do it. Don't grift cereal, juice or summer vacations for "your children" then turn around and spend the amount of money to get to a marathon as it would cost to give those things to your kids. You can't have it both ways.

LB said... 198

Didn't Kate tell a fan on Twitter that she could not wear the tshirt to the LV marathon the fan was sending to her because she had to wear her own clothing that she was used to running in? I think the fan was a fellow runner? That was after Kate told her her size! I thought that was bad taste to do that plus I don't think she never did thank her after she got it whenever she got it in the mail.

Must grift, must grift for mooorreee stuff! Useless stuff, of course.

Kate is a Witch said... 199

Not to add to the speculation about Steve (because I'm pretty much in the camp of who cares, except that she looks more and more stupid dragging him around the longer she's out of the public eye), but I could also see her wanting him with her because in her stunted mind, it makes her seem important.

Narcissists HAVE to feel like they're better than everyone else and that's one way she's able to fool herself into thinking she is better.

(I've long been of the thought that they are NOT having a sexual relationship, but just a twisted, unhealthy thing on Kate's end and Steve happily cashing her checks.)

And now I'm back to who cares. LOL.

Buddy said... 200

SG . . . hoping that the kids get a vacation is one thing, but to try to find out who has them, where they are at, where were they at, etc.,to me is stalking the kids. Leave it alone already. Let the kids be. You have no reason at all to know where they are.

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