Em Tanner, the lovely and talented small business owner from Tennessee, has designed for us this swagnificent iPhone cover you see above. That's my iPhone, and this heavy duty but light cover really works. Smooth too! If you'd like to order one, give them a buzz. (All profits go to Em Tanner, not us)
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And another one bites the dust. |
Em Tanner responded that she gave lots of things to Kate for free, she doesn't want Kate's name on a thing and she gets lots of hate mail about her and therefore would not use Kate as a marketing tool.
Kate responded that her name being used is "not legal" and the Em was "confronted" but she "ignored." Em replied that that's "not how it went and we both know. Good luck to you." She told Kate "I'm so sorry you lost your way, I really am," and left it at that.
And the winner of this knock-down drag-out is, without a doubt, Em Tanner!
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Em Tanner for the win |
287 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 287 Newer› Newest»Good on for ya, Em. Hope reading here is on your to-do list Katie. Enjoy.
I have to ask this, and it is by no means a criticism, a bashing, a graphics correction or a knock at them whatsoever. It's a question. Is the photo above distorted a bit, or is it just my eyes, but why is the COM hanging lower (not in line with the realitytvkids).
I am not OCD, and not that it matters, but it's the first thing I noticed. Am I weird?
Love the paisley! :)
This is great! I will click and check it out in a bit!
Blessed To Be Mediocre Mother - prayers for your daughter's safety while she completes her mission work. Of COURSE you worry!
franky said... 14
Interesting blog tonight. I did scroll past comments about bible camp, since I have never heard of it ( bhuddist), yet I may have seen some defensivness at first, but what I love about this blog is we always remain civil, and respectfully agree to disagree, yeah for freedom of choice and respect of others.
Franky, you are so right. Over the past week, I have seen so many examples of posting having a different opinion, or experience, or knowledge of a certain topic and the exchange of viewpoints is just wonderful and respectful. Franky, I enjoy your posts.
So Kate makes a sour point of stating, more than once that she is alone, just me, alone, no one here, alone. Pout much Kate? I wonder who exactly she is missing? Her children or the hired help to step and fetch...
It occurs to me that what she REALLY misses is having people to boss around - er, 'organize' and 'mastermind'. She's not resentful that the kids are goin, she is merely resentful that SHE doesnt get the satisfaction of ruining their day and their fun for them, with her 'organizing'. She must be frustrated and anxious as hell with no human being to 'mastermind' and take her anger out on.
Get help, Kate.
Fleecing, I just looked at my phone, the com is hanging a bit low. Oh well gives it that homemade touch :) We still love ya Em!
I have to wonder if Kate worries at all about not working much during the prime working years of her life. There are really only so many good working years before retirement comes knocking. They are now saying that you should have at least a full year's salary saved by 30 if you want to make it at 65. Does she think government should be responsible for funding her retirement too or does she plan to get a job and start a IRA at some point and pay her own way?
Mrs. Malaprop said... 10 (from the previous thread)
Dwindle -
I just read your post to Mr. - I mean, Dr. Malaprop, and his first question was "Where does she live?" He's looking for a high school computer teacher who will teach programming, app design, flash animation and multi-media technologies. Send Dwindle Jr. on over!
As soon as I hit "publish" I KNEW I had dissed DOCTOR Malaprop! OOps and I am sorry!
Dwindle Jr is near Nashville and she aint budging too far from Ft. Campbell while her hubby is still part of the 101st Airborne! But what a fun thought!
Fleecing, I just looked at my phone, the com is hanging a bit low. Oh well gives it that homemade touch :) We still love ya Em!
So you are saying that I am not hung over, my eyes are in line, and that I am not weird? Praise be! There are times when every little bit helps!:) Thanks, admin! :)
One good thing about their run with TLC, the kids did get to get off the Konpound, for fun activites and even tho they were so young when it happened, by replaying the tv show over and over, they may continue to keep those memories alive.
Kate has said she is a type A personality, and most of them I know, rarely take time to relax and enjoy life. Kids get pushed to the side. They work hard, whether it is real work, or imagined work in their heads. They are he ones... that are always sooooo busy! Those kids will likely not see many more fun activities off of the Konpound, unless it is with Jon, or for some type of promotional event.
Kate may be a type A personality, but she has several other traits ( nice word for disorders imho) that she refuses to admit to; should that day ever come, and should she actually get some real help, that will be the day her kids lives change for the better. The odds are so great, all bets remain off.
Kate missed her chance with so many kind people who began the tv journey with the Gosselins. She would say over and over again about this or that from Em Tanner. I thought Kate was talking about a fan who turned in to a personal friend. We all learned soon enough that those kind people were being "used up" to put it nicely. Kate feels for Kate, and only Kate.
Em Tanner is the poster child for how Kate operates.
Some unsuspecting small business owner goes above and beyond to help this family with free crap. In return she gets some free publicity on the show. Everyone gets something out of it, everyone is happy. Business deal gone right and should have been left at that.
Instead, we find out years later that Kate made outrageous demands on her, demanded more and more free stuff be overnighted to her, caused this business owner to get a lot of hate mail for putting up with Kate, and then years later throws a fit when Em dares to use the name Kate on something. So she decides to trash her and bring her business down, just a hard working woman just trying to support her family in an honorable way. Back in the day when the business deal was no longer equal Em said enough is enough. Kate should have left well enough alone, but she couldn't. It's an awful way to do a business deal, and it's an awful way to live your life.
Em could have gotten down in the mud. Instead she kept trucking away at her business, is now designing cell phone covers for this web site and made a lot of orders from this site when this all went down, and probably still will. So, who is really laughing last?
Is she still offering discounts for people who go over there from this site? I have lunch boxes and backpacks to order, and every little bit helps!
This was a case of Kate not knowing when to shut up and leave well enough alone. She seems to have a fair amount of those moments!
The discount expired a few weeks ago Berks but you might try asking her if she'll extend it a bit for you since you missed it. Naturally she's very nice and eager to please.
For all Kate cares about making money for doing nothing, she sure doesn't ty to make money for doing nothing. Had she kept up a good relationship with Em, an advertisement on Kate's site for Em Tanner in which Kate even got like 10% of the cut (seems fair), could end up making her hundreds of dollars of month.
Now, had she come up with business ideas like that for half a dozen or more businesses she's worked with in the past, all of a sudden she has a steady paycheck for a couple grand ore perhaps even more a month. That and the child support and she's set. For doing nothing, which is her specialty.
Kate for as much as she loves money, has thrown away tens of thousands of dollars in potential business partnerships.
One of the cool and interesting things about amassing money and fame is the more you do it the easier it is to make money. Kate had the opportunity in front of her and threw it away.
Remember this tweet from the fiasco:
NO1 in wrld allows name 2b used w/o rec % of sales.Period.U did use. No need 4 per slams or opinions.I'm fin!
How sad for Kate that she thinks that no other celebrity or person would ever allow their name to be used without getting a cut. Because news flash Kate, they do it all the dang time. Because they want to help someone out, lend a hand, aren't going to quibble over pennies, have enough money already and don't need anymore, support small businesses, want to do their part in this world to build other's up, don't want to be a jerk to people much less fortunate than them, and so on.
Oh and we're helping out Em here and not requiring a cut of it whatsoever. Either. So there. Hehe.
Over in Berks, Em offers discount codes all the time via her Facebook page. Like her and you're all set.
So that answers my question about Kate's finances, she is broke! Seriously broke to engage in a twitter war over a calendar that might be bringing in tens of dollars in profits. Em Tanner not only won the war, she managed to let Jon get a dig in, if you google ROL Em Tanner you'll see that story back in March. He said through her that he too was tired of Kate throwing him under the bus. Hey Gosselin book, why don't you pay Ashley a royalty fee and title your novel "I am Sick of Your Dramatics", that way you don't have to mention Kate Gosselin or share the proceeds with her.
Recall Jon actually called Em to apologize for what a jerk Kate was being and to thank her for everything she had done.
Because that's what happens when you get involved with a narcissist, you're forever cleaning up their messes.
Okay, this is way OT, but I'm hoping one of you bright, knowledgeable ladies and gentlemen can help me out. This afternoon, my kitty took one of those "kitty fits" that cats are prone to on occasion. She was dashing all around the room with her tail bushed out, acting like she was being chased by ghosts, or a particularly large dog. During the course of her fit, she ran across my laptop keyboard. A claw caught one of the keys and popped it off and I can't get it back on. Any ideas? Suggestions? Of course, after the kitty fit, Dulcie curled up on the couch and took a long nap, LOL.
Her Twitter comment about "ideas and dreams" proves this woman does not get it. Just because wonderful, charitable people helped the poor Gosselins with donations and time in the beginning, and literally Kate could mention something on her wish list and she got it, she thinks nothing has changed. She is DELUSIONAL. The free ride is over.
Mama Mia, I live in North Van. Use to live in Kits. I wonder if we are the only non-fans from BC? LOL. We should meet at Granville Island and have a Kate slag-fest over coffee. Anyway, I have never believed for one second that Kate is anywhere near broke. She has it stashed away earning interest somewhere. Kate is frickin cheap. We see that with how she deprives the kids and puts her money where it will work for her, that being her Hollywood dream to stay relevant. Regarding this EM Tanner thing, she also sees herself as a savvy business woman who knows what she is entitled to and will do anything to get it. Remember, coupons are "like money in my pocket". I predict she won't have to work again for at least a good 10 years. I mean at a mediocre job that is.
Readerlady that same thing happened to my poor laptop at the hands of a puppy in my case. Unfortunately if it doesn't just pop back in it's probably broken--computer repair shop.
Hopefully it's not your K that is broken. How will you snark about Kate? :)
Oh going back to recipes for a moment, apple grilled cheese is becoming a huge hit here and a nice change from the old fashioned kind. You may have heard of it.
Sourdough bread or other artisan bread, granny smith apples (must be granny smith or other tart apple or the flavor combination won't work), and sharp cheddar cheese (must be sharp or at least medium). Cook the apples in brown sugar than add to the bread and cook with the cheese like you would a regular grilled cheese. It's fantastic! Reminds me of McDonald's apple pie in the good ole days.
Mamma mia: I don't think Kate is broke at all. I do think kate is sitting on a stash of money, including the kids. Remember Jon said Kate had 11 bank accounts, probably not all in Jon & Kates name, probably mostly in Kates name. Clever Kate, transfer funds, and not tell Jon, probably with TLC help.( I had a neighbor who did that to his wife, over a short period of time, just before he divorce her, course, she was a lot like Kate, she also was the neighborhood troublemaker and gossip, she got what she deserved. No love here. He also left her with the credit card debts, of $65,000. So when they sold the house, for $110,000(at the time), he got $55,000, and she got $55,000, but she, had that debt of $65,000, which after paying that, she still had $10,000 debt.(she moved, about 6 months later, and moved in with her mother. We heard he transfered most of the money out over a period of time, was seeing another woman, and that the kids(3 of them or so we thought) were not even his. And the kids except for the boy were over 18. The kids never called him dad.
For nothing Kate is spending left & right. A new bread maker, tread mill, trips to NYC, hair, spa, nails, running gear, clothes, etc. Everytime Kate goes to get mail, she comes back with large boxes. Kate is probably addicted to online shopping. You know like people used to do with TV shopping. Everytime the paps get a pic of Kate, out shopping Kate stops at Fedx or UPS and comes out with boxes, the last time it was a really large box(that they had to use a dolly to take to car), and some slightly smaller ones,(that Kate carried with the help with 2 other boxes). If Kate were truely broke, she would be downsizing, big time. Kate is tryin to keep her name out there. Even though Kate has been hit with real reality, that she is a has been and nobody, gives a hoot about her, she still won't except it.
mama mia said... 17 "So that answers my question about Kate's finances, she is broke! Seriously broke to engage in a twitter war over a calendar that might be bringing in tens of dollars in profits."
Exactly! KATE herself can't freakin' make money off her tainted and poisionous name- just how much did she think Em was making?
If Kate had a SHRED of business sense (which she does not) she would have wisely said NOTHING when the sheeple opened this can'o worms with the calendar, other than maybe say "Em was very good to us and I wish her the best." Bwaaahhhahahaha, Kate wishing someone the best...as if... I crack my damn self up!
A smart person holding a little grudge would have done nothing to make a fuss and drive traffic to Em's site. But publicly airing her grievance over Em making like $30 over the last 5 years ended up driving a ton of business to Em's site, from us and from the ROL article. I ordered 2 cell phone covers and I love them! One was for me and the other for my son's girlfriend. Her's is pink with brown lettering and says "I ♥ (wayward's gorgeous son... lol!) Her friends all asked where it came from and so did her mother's friends. I know people have placed orders for birthdays and a couple for Christmas already.
Her mouth... since the tups were infants, Kate's mouth just keeps getting her in trouble and she never learns and never gets it and never STFU. She just keeps running that mouth and even though she's now an unemployed has been and mostly the butt of jokes, she just keeps digging the hole deeper for herself.
Em should send Kate a thank you cell phone cover with the words "Thank U 4 Ur Patronage" on it!
Mamma mia: Kate is just plain GREEDY. Give her an inch, she will take a foot. She won't do nothing for free, and if it has her name on it, she wants to be paid. Any charity stuff or volenteering, Kate has to be forced to do it: you know put a gun to her head, type. She does not do it out of her heart, willingly, or to be nice. In her mind she should be paid.
Go Em Tanner! Love her unique designs. Thinking back to that fiasco just proves Kate really cannot get along with anyone. Except for Steve, that is. What a shame.
Hey Kate, since you love to watch episodes of your old show so much, why don't you watch the one where you and Jon took the kids to Dutch Wonderland. What were your children wearing in that episode, again? Oh right, they were wearing adorable T-shirts that Em Tanner took the time to make for you and your family.
That is true generosity, something that our world sees too little of. Too bad Kate didn't appreciate it while she had it.
Admin: got to puppy proof house. I had to 3 years ago. With an older dog who you know their habits and ways, then bring a baby into the house. Quick hide everything, put things up. My Rosie, still goes into the trash and shredds the tissue, I also caught the older one(he's 9) going in the trash. Dogs, gotta love em. LOLOLOL
Do y'all think that when Kate says she is 'organizing' whatever she's doing...does she really mean she's deep cleaning?
For as organized as she claims she is, I don't see what there could be to organize all the time. If she, or the housekeeper and cleaning lady, are picking up as they go, what's there to organize?
Organizing to me is a once a year per room kind of deal, not an every other weekend kind of deal.
I bet she means a thorough/deep cleaning, not organizing. And even that doesn't need doing as often as she seems to do it. Especially when there's a cleaning girl and a housekeeper.
Working Woman said... 25 "Hey Kate, since you love to watch episodes of your old show so much, why don't you watch the one where you and Jon took the kids to Dutch Wonderland. What were your children wearing in that episode, again? Oh right, they were wearing adorable T-shirts that Em Tanner took the time to make for you and your family."
Working Woman, do you remember Em saying that often Kate called THE DAY BEFORE an episode was shooting and demanded the FREE personalized products be made and overnighted? (at Em's cost, of course) Honestly, (lol) just when you think you've heard how many ways to Sunday Kate can be rude, demanding, ungrateful and bitchy, more just keeps coming out. And it's more jaw dropping than the last.
Yet Kate "just doesn't understand" how she got this reputation, "really I'm a nice pserson." Her horrible reputation is the ONLY thing she's ever consistently and throughly worked for and earned.
Admin -- I don't even know what the key is for, LOL. It is some obscure symbol key on the bottom row next to the space bar. I've never used it. So no fear, I'll still be able to snark on KK! Actually, I can still use the key. The bump under the key cover still works, just the key cover is missing now. It's a nearly new laptop (bought it in March), which is the only reason I would like to reattach the cover if I can.
Love the new cell phone cover. I just bought an iphone recently, so I'm going to order a cover from EM Tanner. She really got a raw deal from KK and was a class act about it, so she gets my support. I'm glad Jon, at least, showed some class during the dust-up.
Kate truely is a Joan Crawford copy-cat. Clean on your hands & knees. I remember the hiring of the cleaning woman, Kate was so anal, no wonder they quit!. I can see a through deep cleaning of ones house once, maybe twice a year, not everyday, weekend, or week or month. The rest of the time is called maintence. You know , take it out put it back, put in hamper, wash dishes daily or when you have a pile, do laundry daily or twice a week or if one person, when you have enough. vaccuum every so many days, not necessary to do it everyday. Common sense cleaning.You spill it, clean it up, take trash out when there is enough to take out, before garbage pick up. Daily cleaning if you like, to call it. Don't knock your self out. From the pics of Kates house we have seen the past year: everything is in it's place, it's perfect. Cover the counters, eat the popcorn on the special rug. Take the shoes off, towels go here, read the label. ETC! I would not last 24 hours in her house. I'm not a slob, I clean, just that there are other things to do, besides cleaning, and a little dirt won't kill you. If you have pets, most people know, you have to keep your house clean or they get sick, and Vet bills are expensive.
Ok, snarking: I bet if I took my shoes off and went barefoot in Kates house, she would wait till I left and got out the industrial cleaning stuff to clean the whole house, and wear a haz-mat outfit.
I'm glad Em stood up to the Katie-Monster.
Em sells beautiful products. She does not need a greedy, pushy client like Kate to be successful.
Good for Em!
Anger Issues, what a perfect opportunity to re-run this Joan Crawford-Kate Gosselin video I made.
"I'm not mad at you I'm mad at the dirt!"
Admin: that is scary, too real! Like a clone!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5
I have to wonder if Kate worries at all about not working much during the prime working years of her life. There are really only so many good working years before retirement comes knocking. They are now saying that you should have at least a full year's salary saved by 30 if you want to make it at 65. Does she think government should be responsible for funding her retirement too or does she plan to get a job and start a IRA at some point and pay her own way?
July 14, 2012 11:42 AM
Kate & retirement 401k health benefits that for mediocre people.
I think she just going to coast through life hoping others will take care of her.
Like I bet her parents did.
Like I bet Jon did.
Now like how the kids do-(since she has nothing w/o them).
Kate will use the kids in any form or fashion as along as she can.
And once they get her off their backs I bet she will bleed Steve dry.
I often wondered if the "cleaning Nazi" Khate that was portrayed was invented for the show...even in that clip, the amount of dust she was complaining about was MORE than would have been there from her frequent cleanings.
And, did you notice in your clip Admin? NO GOOD BRA! I think I saw her membership button for the IBTC (itty bitty titty committee). ;-)
Well Depends and Metamucil isn't really cute so I'm not sure what kind of reality show Kate expects to get in the nursing home to fund all her freebies. Shady Pines + the estranged 8?
Hopefully it's not your K that is broken. How will you snark about Kate? :)
You can still snarc about Cate if you use the C cey.
We'll cnow who she's talcing about. In fact until it's repaired we can all use the letter C for Cate.
Kate finally sold a small mention to ROL moaning about watching and crying over reruns of J & K plus 8. The article was really not kind to her.
Watch the look on Jon's face in that clip. Doesn't take a body language expert to see that he's embarrassed by what Kate's saying and doesn't agree.
Watch how he's looking down, with that no expression mask, lest Kate go after him. Another person for Jon to apologize to.
If you think about it, it was incredibly shitty to make an episode about a string of bad housekeepers. They showed these women and identified them at least by first name. Assuming they are real house keepers in the area and not just paid extras, we're talking about hard working women who depend on a reputation. All of a sudden on national TV they are exposed as bad housekeepers. The impact that could have on their business could be devastating.
In fact, if one of them got angry enough to sue, you might just have a good libel lawsuit on your hand if those unclean house accusations were in any way shape or form exaggerated or misstated.
I hope all the women featured are employed and doing well.
If Kate was such a meticulous housekeeper there shouldn't have been any dust behind the hamper or on the shelf in the entertainment unit.
Dwindle said... 6
Mrs. Malaprop said... 10 (from the previous thread)
Dwindle -
I just read your post to Mr. - I mean, Dr. Malaprop, and his first question was "Where does she live?" He's looking for a high school computer teacher who will teach programming, app design, flash animation and multi-media technologies. Send Dwindle Jr. on over!
As soon as I hit "publish" I KNEW I had dissed DOCTOR Malaprop! OOps and I am sorry!
Dwindle Jr is near Nashville and she aint budging too far from Ft. Campbell while her hubby is still part of the 101st Airborne! But what a fun thought!
Dwindle - no worries! You didn't diss him at all. He's the most down to earth guy.
Have you been down to visit your daughter much? Nashville is such a fun city! Our son attends school in N'ville (aka The Village of Nashes) :). We're talking about visiting him there over Thanksgiving instead of him coming home to Ohio.
readerlady said... 19
Okay, this is way OT, but I'm hoping one of you bright, knowledgeable ladies and gentlemen can help me out. This afternoon, my kitty took one of those "kitty fits" that cats are prone to on occasion. She was dashing all around the room with her tail bushed out, acting like she was being chased by ghosts, or a particularly large dog. During the course of her fit, she ran across my laptop keyboard. A claw caught one of the keys and popped it off and I can't get it back on. Any ideas? Suggestions? Of course, after the kitty fit, Dulcie curled up on the couch and took a long nap, LOL.
Sorry Readerlady . . . no suggestions from me, but I hear ya! When our puppy was smaller he jumped up on my chair while I was using my lap top, and one of his toenails caught a key and popped it off. Ugh! I tried to put it back on, but I couldn't get it to stay. Then one day it fell on the floor, the puppy got it and chewed it up. Sigh. I thought only things like this happen to me! Ha ha ha I've been told that you can buy replacement keys, but I'd have to have someone put it on for me. For now my down arrow is keyless, but it still works. Let me know if you find a place to fix yours. Maybe we could get a two-fer. :)
Oh, and I LOVE when my cat does that crazy cat thing. She pauses, holds her ears back, does this funny sideways hop, then she tears around the room. Weird!
My cat's claw caught underneath a laptop key when I was picking her up. It flew across the room. I put it back in place and gently but firmly pressed until it clicked. Works fine.
Check to make sure the little white plastic
O thing is there around that center springy thing (I sound like Kate!) It serves as a cushion for the key. It also just snaps in, but you have to examine it pretty closely to see how.
Readerlady, Mrs Malaprop, maybe this link will help. You need the "white thing" or the key won't go back on:
There are other links on the right side of the screen as well.
Hopefully it's not your K that is broken. How will you snark about Kate? :)
You can still snarc about Cate if you use the C cey.
We'll cnow who she's talcing about. In fact until it's repaired we can all use the letter C for Cate.
Auntie Ann - you can also use the letter "B" as she is quite the silly "bunt"! (Monty Python reference for those youngsters on the blog)
Tweetle - thanks so much! I do have the O thingy-ma-joby. :p
Mrs. Malaprop, good! Hope it helps. :)
...&just said GN 2 my cara on the phone..She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart!
Parentification, yes. But this goes much further. It's a spiteful dig at Jon and the kids' relationship with him.
OMG, this makes my stomach twist. Truly, there are no words... :(
ROL poking fun of Kate living in the past:
Way to tweet, Kate! LOL
...&just said GN 2 my cara on the phone..She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart!
What in heavens does this mean? Jon can't take care of the kids when they are with him? MY Cara? Does EVERYTHING belong to her?
She just doesn't know when to shut up, does she?
That is a direct slam at Jon, as if he cannot handle the kids himself and needs Cara to soothe them.
Kate, you need help. You really really do. Please get massive therapy to help with your f-ed up head not to mention your severe obsessed parental alienation problem. For the sake of your KIDS get help.
Kate, you need help. You really really do. Please get massive therapy to help with your f-ed up head not to mention your severe obsessed parental alienation problem. For the sake of your KIDS get help.
admin, I was just going to ask if anyone thinks that she is she headed for a mental breakdown. Seriously, and this is not snark. She can't help herself when it comes to throwing Jon under the bus. Something is very, very wrong here and she needs help. Now.
The sheeple are enablers, and when she tweets something like this, they all rally behind her because they believe she's perfect and does no wrong. This is not helping her, but rather encouraging her to continue with the slams at Jon and parental alienation.
Why is she even tweeting this? She said goodnight to Cara. So what?
Not exactly the sort of tweet you'd write if you're trying to rehab your image
First I don't buy the kids seek any parenting from Cara at all when they are with Jon because he is an adult parent and doesn't parentify them. Unless they are so used to turning to Cara because Kate neglects them so much they're just doing it out of habit.
Second even if all true, it is not Kate's place to discuss what goes on during Jon's visits. If there is some kind of problem with the kids not being able to be soothed by Jon and turning to Cara instead, Kate can get herself on the phone, call up her lawyer and schedule a court date to address it. It's incredibly unfair and inappropriate to talk about Jon's visits with anyone but Jon, a therapist, and the lawyers and judge.
Kate is good at one thing -- playing word games, tweeting in code. She has it mastered. She plants seeds and then steps back to see what comes of it. She doesn't come right out and say that Jon can't take care of them, but she puts it out there in a nebulous way, knowing that this is what she means but not really saying it outright. This way she got the job done without slamming him directly.
I also saw the ROL article. My question is: Where do they get such unflattering pictures of her? Someone there must dig for a bad shot rather than a good shot.
She knows EXACTLY what she is doing, but if ever called out, would play dumb and say what, I never said anything about Jon! She thinks she's so darn clever with her double speak. This is stuff that 14 year olds pull who think they are master manipulators, not grown women.
She really needs so much help.
This makes me think of an interview a while back, in which she spoke about waiting anxiously by the phone the entire time the kids were with Jon--implying, of course, that they were reluctant to see him and eager to get back to the Kompound.
(I'm probably remembering some of the details wrong, but I suspect some of you will remember it better.)
Oh by the way let's review what we've learned from Kate who won't shut up. Since she admitted Jon had them over Fourth of July, that sounds like Jon got the kids more or less two weekends in a row. Joke's on Kate now. And her child support.
This makes me think of an interview a while back, in which she spoke about waiting anxiously by the phone the entire time the kids were with Jon--implying, of course, that they were reluctant to see him and eager to get back to the Kompound.
I'm pretty sure that was right after the video came out of the kids scramming and crying when they had to leave Jon. She was desperate to prove otherwise and just looked like a lying liar. These kids are so happy with Jon that pap photo after pap photo shows content relaxed kids being kids, often running to him with huge grins and arms spread wide, and so happy with Jon they screamed and threw a fit when he dropped them off. We all see how the kids feel about Jon, Kate. You can't rewrite history about Alaska and you can't rewrite history here either.
I'm not sure I really believe Cara is even calling Kate up to say goodnight. By this time they've done these weekend visits often enough and probably get so busy caught up in playing or whatever they are doing, I doubt they think of her.
It's not really a slam against Kate, it's a good thing when kids aren't worrying or thinking about an absent parent. They should be comfortable enough with both Kate and Jon's custody time now not to constantly be running to the phone when they are with either one. Kate should be encouraging them to just enjoy their time with Daddy and not worry about her, just like I'm sure Jon doesn't encourage them to call him when they are with Kate since that's Kate's time.
Here's another thing. She tweeted that at 11:45. Did she tweet it to put out there that he's irresponsible by allowing the kids to stay up that late?
Here's another point about her ridiculous I'm exhausted rants. Over the past ten days she's been without these kids for at least several of those days, not to mention all the nights that they were in VBS and she apparently didn't even volunteer despite having no job when many other parents who work full time manage it. She has more time without these kids than most mothers. She has all kinds of time to herself to put her feet up, read, relax, poolside it. She apparently had such a relaxing day she's still awake at 1145. Heck I'm not even usually up that late and I'm rarely exhausted and don't have eight kids! She has all the time in the world to relax, her life is not hard.
Also I think it's hysterical all of a sudden she reads when I never saw a single solitary book in that house. WHAT is she reading exactly besides the back of the cereal box?
readerlady, in almost all US laptops, the keys directly to the left and right of the space bar are Alt keys. The Alt key is often used in the Control (Ctrl)-Alt-Delete combination to bring up a task manager. The Alt key is also used to change the function of another pressed key, oftentimes to create a symbol. To create a symbol using the Alt key, press the NumLk key, then hold down Alt while typing a specific number on the numeric keypad on your laptop. For example, Alt + 1 will give you a ☺ (smiley face) symbol. Since you have two Alt keys, it isn't a great problem that one is missing. Hope that helps.
@Kateplusmy8 C&M do great big kid care of the 6 bc they have a great role model in u. GN Kate. Thanks for being true to urself & kids & real
Typical sheeple enabler. It's enough to make you want to bang your head against the wall. Before you become a sheeple, is having no common sense at all a prerequisite to becoming a member of the flock?
@Kateplusmy8 C&M do great big kid care of the 6 bc they have a great role model in u.
Ehhh!! Buzzer!!! Cara and Mady take great care of the kids because they are PARENTIFIED, pure and simple, end of story, no buts about it.
No Kate.... Cara is NOT yours. She is her own strong, special little lady, in spite of you.
I absolutely think the 4th of July night "hard on me & kids" for Jon to have extra time was a drunk tweet. It was just mean and angry. And deleted less than a day later.
This was way more crafty and subtle. An innocent at first looking "I just said goodnight to Cara..." statetment, which is fully loaded in so many ways. She tweeted this at midnight, making it appear to her sheeple that Cara and perhaps the other kids are still up at that hour. "She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart!" WTF Kate? Trying to imply much that their father and perhaps another adult in the house aren't caring for them? Kate, your heart isn't capable of being warm so right off the bat we know you're lying about that.
How ironic that Kate "I got a report of someone vomiting" is implying that Cara is the one looking after the kids at Jon's. After deleting an alienator slam just two weeks ago, she's right back at it. When she pulls this shit, there's usually a reason. IIRC, when Jon was in Utah for those three months, she didn't say anything about him. As soon as he came back and regular visitation started back up, she lashed out with a vengence and to this day still is. Like a snake or a black widow spider, she strikes when she feels compromised in some way.
I don't know how Jon does it and keeps his sanity. As I've mentioned before, my brother is divorcing a narcissist, but the judge had her number right away. We joke that every time she drags him to court, it's like the judge tells her- Denied-get out! before she even opens her big mouth.
Hang in there Jon.
i think she's still not over that it's pretty obvious from her tweeting that Jon is getting the kids more and also he probably got a reduction in child support for it. She hates that.
This is my absolute favorite Erma Bombeck essay. Kate stubbornly clings to the belief that living in a heavily mortgaged mansion and having special labeled shelves for pool towels makes her a super mom. She doesn't get it. And she never will.
The Perfect Mother by Erma Bombeck
Everyone said Sharon was a terrific mother.
Her neighbors said it.
Sharon painted the inside of her garbage cans with enamel, grew her own vegetables, cut her own grass every week, made winter coats for the entire family from remnants, donated blood and baked Barbara Mandrell a doll cake for her birthday.
Her mother said it.
Sharon drove her to the doctor’s when she had an appointment, color-coordinated the children’s clothes and put them in labeled drawers, laundered aluminum foil and used it again, planned family reunions, wrote her Congressman, cut everyone’s hair and knew her health insurance policy number by heart.
Her children’s teacher said it.
She helped her children every night with their homework, delivered her son’s paper route when it rained, packed nutritious lunches with little raised faces on the sandwiches, was homeroom mother, belonged to five car pools and once blew up 234 balloons by herself for the seventh grade cotillion.
Her husband said it.
Sharon washed the car when it rained, saved antifreeze from year to year, paid all the bills, arranged their social schedule, sprayed the garden for bugs, moved the hose during the summer, put the children on their backs at night to make sure they didn’t sleep on their faces, and once found a twelve-dollar error on a tax return filed by H & R Block.
Her best friend said it.
Sharon build a bed out of scraps left over from the patio, crocheted a Santa Claus to cover the extra roll of toilet paper at Christmastime, washed fruit before her children ate it, learned to play the harpsichord, kept a Boston fern alive for a whole year, and when the group ate lunch out, Sharon always figured out who owed what.
Her minister said it.
Sharon found time to read all the dirty books and campaign against them. She played guitar at evening services. She corresponded with a poor family in Guatemala…in SPANISH. She put together a cookbook to raise funds for a new coffee maker for the church. She collected door to door for all the health organizations.
Sharon was one of those women blessed with a knack for being organized. She planned a “theme party” for the dog’s birthday, made her children elaborate Halloween costumes out of old grocery bags and her knots came out just right on the shoelaces when they broke. She put a basketball hoop over the clothes hanger as an incentive for good habits, started seedlings in a toilet paper spindle, and insulated their house with empty egg cartons, which everyone else threw away.
Sharon kept a schedule that would have brought any other women to her knees. Need twenty-five women to chaperone a party? Give the list to Sharon. Need a mother to convert the school library to the Dewey Decimal System? Call Sharon. Need someone to organize a block party, garage sale or a school festival? Get Sharon.
Sharon was a SUPER MOM!
Her gynecologist said it.
Her butcher said it.
Her tennis partner said it.
Her children…
Her children never said it.
They spent a lot of time with Rick’s mother, who was always home with them and who ate cookies out of a box and played poker with them.
Wayward that was beautiful. I think one of the few good things to come out of this fiasco, is it sort of causes you to see from an outsider's perspective how obnoxious, annoying pathetic and sad it is to be a "can't see the forest through the trees" kind of mother. And person in general really. When you see it from the outside looking in and see how awful it really looks to others, I think it's easier to appreciate that kind of approach and guard against it in your own life. Sort of a reverse WWJD. What would Kate do, only just do the opposite. Hehe.
I think that Kate will never stop the alienation. Jon stopped the money coming in by stopping the show. As long as she doesn't get another show, that anger is going to build and fester. Even if she gets another show, she's not the type to ever let go of the past anger. Jon stopped the money and the fame - that's the worst thing anyone could have done to her. Ever.
The timestamp that I see on Kate's tweets about Cara say 8:35pm. I am Central time. Can somebody explain why they are seeing a different timestamp. Would Kate's tweets be posted in Eastern time. I am confused. Thanks.
Brothers/sisters would be equal value
bros seems demeaning to me
awe shucks dwindle...I love your posts too...please thank your dd and sil for their service for me
my Miriam was a Sharon
She committed suicide at 39
.coildn't handle that life is not perfect
Aboit Cara calling
my npd mother was kept at bay from me due my frequent calls..she "thought" she was in control
So kate's big to-do list while the "kids get to play" was RUNNNING, READING,and ERRANDS (which is Kate-speak for pick up free shit at the UPS store and park in the fire lane to pick up the QVC shit she bought for herself). Sounds like Kate got to play too! She really should lay off the box~o~ wine because she now contradicts herself on the same day she types her stupid tweets!
"...&just said GN 2 my cara on the phone..She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart!"
"dads"? The kids have only one dad. Or did she sneak a camera crew into town?
go cate, go cate. I mean seriously, GO KATE! Anywhere, just GO!
I'm sooooo glad she changed her name from Katie to Kate so I don't get the urge to barf everytime I hear my granddaughter's name.
When I went to bring up this site, what registered in my brain when it came up was
15 minutes guzzlin style. How appropriate.
Or EVEN better, it could be
\15 minutes guzzlin Gosselin style/
Thanks wayward...that really is wonderful..time and real attention go a long way for a child
I used to think when KT spoke of her gift of gab that she was talking about having a nice voice, being able to converse with anyone about anything, speaking to a crowd, getting a better price, getting out of a ticket, making her way to the front of the line, etc. But with the advent of Twitter, it is plain to see that she is talking about speaking in nuances intimating this or that essentially throwing someone under the bus, while glorifying herself in the same breath. Ellen called it for what it is - speaking in code. May she please keep tweeting, and never stop.
"relaxing summertime"????? Us real single mothers don't know what that means, summer is just another season like all others....full of chores, errands, cooking, cleaning, laundry and child care all while working a 50 hour work week. And when my children are off at their Dads for weekend visitation that is my chance to get a lot of things done around the house that fall by the wayside during the week, certainly not a time to put my feet up, read a trashy novel and sunbathe. That tweet of hers was such a snotty put down to us REAL single mothers, us WORKING women, i.e. nah, nah, na nah, nah, look what I have and you don't, a life of leisure, you inferior mediocre women, I am so much better than you. Sure Kate, in your dreams....something you know a lot about, dreaming, since all you do these days is dream your life away. FU biotch !!
Kate enjoys relaxing in the summer...uh, which season does she not? I agree, her busy to-do list was nothing more than a few errands...and more reading. I'm beginning the think one of her 'dreams' has to do with reading? What could it be?
Why would she only say GN to 'her Cara?'
Maybe she wants to do a voiceover for a book on tape, or write a children's book. Hence she suddenly has to put it out there that oh yeah by the way I do read.
I think there's more to the reading stints than meets the eye. It's is a trending thing with her, like running was a while back. Part of her apparent image make-over attempts, I think. I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I'm pretty sure there's a larger point to every new activity she mentions. Yes, she's cunning like that.
What exactly *is* she reading? Most of us would mention titles, authors, or favorite passages. Very telling that she doesn't.
KK did do an audio book. She read the recorded version of "Multiple Blessings". I was browsing my library's audio book section when I noticed it. Has anyone here listened to it? I haven't read it,nor listened to it and don't intend to, but I'm curious how she did. My guess -- very flat, uninflected, and "choppy".
Kate could learn a thing or to about camping from the "other" Kate:
Love the iPhone cover. I think we should send one to Kate with the address. Can you imagine how happy she'd be to be getting something free and then to see it? :)
I put an Otterbox on my iPhone and don't think this will fit over it otherwise I'd order it.
So just a little curiosity about her snotty phone call tweet (again probably a few cups into the vino box); does she call Jon's house and demand to speak to the kids or has the parent alienator given a cell phone to the bff twins so that they can sneak calls to her? She is just a piece of mean and nasty, all those rainbows and unicorns aside.
Get help Kate, you really need it.
Gosselin Give Back, we left Vancouver in 2006 to move back home to Nova Scotia. Got tired of working for the mortgage and both my husband and I were born here, family is here.
Em Tanner was smart to ditch Kate Grifter Gosselin. I see knock offs of the Crooked Houses being sold by retired carpenters for $150 and I suspect a lot of people went that cheap route of copying the design rather than ordering from the company. If Kate did have the ability to sell products she would be on tv, funny how that works, huh?
Hate when divorced couples imply that kids 'visit' the non custodial parent...staying with Jon is no different than when they stay with Kate...
...&just said GN 2 my cara on the phone..She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart! about 11 hours ago
Kate must think their dad is invisible.
Cut it out, Kate. While you were busy barking orders at everyone, your ex-husband was/is busy being a hands-on father.
Notice: he does not tweet when the kids are with him.
Remember? While you used to barhe was playing & doing things with your
offf off topic
just foind dd's scissors from school
Tried to post pix but am on phone
Picture this; open scissors and in black marker..top scissor says "I hate people
bottom one says " yeah me too
lmao..since dd is ftench I laughed that much harder..roflmao..so proud it is in perfect english
ps. anyone know how to post pic here as profile from phone?
admin, I was just going to ask if anyone thinks that she is she headed for a mental breakdown. Seriously, and this is not snark. She can't help herself when it comes to throwing Jon under the bus. Something is very, very wrong here and she needs help. Now.
A full fledged narcissist lives a very tortured life inside their own head. Although they love their delusional visions of grandeur and constant manipulation of others, they are constantly racked with chaos inside their brains.
Narcissists are vulnerable to mental breakdowns and may even entertain the idea of committing suicide when they're going through a life crisis.
There are opposing views on whether some do actually go through with it. Some say they have too much self love to kill themselves while others say they will when they cannot take the reality of a downward spiral in their life.
Maybe she's reading the "Forty Shades of Gray" series because it's the only action she can get.
VoiceOver or a book on tape? Who would want to listen to that! When I studied theater the first thing our voice (speech) teacher told us was to lose the regional accents. We had to be able to sound like we were from anywhere USA.
Children's books? Unless she's got a ghost writer it's not gonna happen. She doesn't have the talent nor the skills (as evidenced in the Shoka Diaries). You can aways tell when someone else writes her CC blog because it's better than her usual blatherings.
franky said... 78
Aboit Cara calling
She didn't say that Cara called her, only that she said GN to Cara on the phone. Maybe Kate called her, a control thing.
Why did Kate spend the 4th of July alone? She loves to talk about all the wonderful times she was with friends, but didn't have anyone to spend the 4th with? No barbecues? No sparklers? Just sitting at home, whining about being lonely with the kids away. Just before the 4th, she tweeted about tucking the kids in a after a day spend with family and friends. Where was the family she reconnected with? Where was her friend who came for a pool party? Something tells me she has NO local friends at all, no normal, mediocre people to spend time with. Just Jason, who she pays to do her hair, and Deanna, who she pays to do her makeup. It's sad to think that the only so-called friends she has are the ones who benefit financially from being with her.
Kate is her own worst enemy with talking and with twitter.
As long as Kate talks or tweets freely she will never revamp or rehash or what ever she calls it her image.
Will all ways be the same or worse and no PR person or Steve or lawyers can change that.
She runs her mouth or fingers and it back to the old Kate.
You ladies might be right. Maybe the 'sealed with a kiss' was an audio tape of the family reading something in hopes of being the voices in a Pixar/Disney type movie! Or collaborate with Roma Downey or Sesame St?
She is always talking about the little shows Mady makes and Hannah stared in etc.
Can she just quit already with the motivational sayings?! Have you seen the site with the demotivational posters? These are more like it!
Plus their are sites that let you make up a poster like this with your own words. Admin? New contest?
Another non Kate fan from B.C.
Thank you for posting that wayward. I've always admired Erma Bombeck, & don't think I've read that essay before.
Maybe this video has been seen by some of you , but it was new to me. I first read about it on another site I visit, Contessa's Kitchen (Ina Garten recipes & chat.)
I love it!
Admin~ Not that it was a masterpiece or anything, but did my comment from this morning end up in the SPAM folder? I wrote it at about the same time as your 87 was posted.
Those are great unmotivationals! Wouldn't it be funny if someone would tweet these to Kate, she'd think it's an inspirational platitude and she'd retweet it?
It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.
If you're tired of others looking down on you, grow the hell up.
If you find yourself struggling with loneliness, you're not alone. And yet you are alone. So very alone.
Give Up
At some point, hanging in there just makes you look like an even bigger loser.
Just because you think you're a star doesn't mean you're going anywhere.
The secret to success is knowing who to blame for your failures.
Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid.
Waves and hugs and smiles...my nieces just departed.
I resume my quieter, adult life. I will catch up here! After a deep breath and an adult beverage, I will begin the preparations for NEXT weekend...but, that is another story.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 64
I'm not sure I really believe Cara is even calling Kate up to say goodnight. By this time they've done these weekend visits often enough and probably get so busy caught up in playing or whatever they are doing, I doubt they think of her.
I think Cara may call her because she is worried about her mum being alone and sad. Also, Cara has sometimes seemed to be much more emotionally immature than Mady. For instance crying when Khate left for the night to have her foot licked. Or her temper tantrum on the RV trip over Clay.
Yon's very public praise describing Khate as GREAT mom has obviously had no effect on her. It only served to hurt his kids.
Kate you saying on twitter that Jon is spending more time with the kids and they're having fun.
Only makes Jon look good so yay for Jon&kids.
Kate plays the victim very well....she's got the kids all worried about her being alone when they're at their dad's house. What better way to bring the spotlight away from them/him and onto herself. Cuz it *is* all about her.
...&just said GN 2 my cara on the phone..She gives great big sis care 2her bros/sisters while they r visiting their dads..warms my heart! about 14 hours ago
Kate, cant you just shut up? Why do you have to make it sound like Jon isnt capable of providing physical and emotional care for his children, that you have to 'mastermind' Cara into doing it via telephone? Your 'realist reality show' that you BEGGED viewers to watch clearly showed that Jon provided nearly all the hands-on care and all of the affection to those kids. WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KID? The judge? 4 sheeple plus a potted plant? No one is awed by your sugary sweet backhanded slams, just because your scowling horrible face is hidden behind twitter. STFU.
Barb In Nebraska said... 103
Can she just quit already with the motivational sayings?! Have you seen the site with the demotivational posters? These are more like it!
Barb, I clicked on your link and right there on the first page is a pretty little saying for Katie Irene:
"Get To Work
You aren't being paid to believe in the power of your dreams."
BWHAHAHAHA!!!! I love it!
mama mia & Gosselin Give Back:
Hey, small world! I live in the US (Boston suburb) now, but grew up in Ontario near Quebec border. My ds was born in NS ( small university town, you know..) and my dd was born in Vancouver suburb (MR) So I have a lot in common with a number of you!
Yon's very public praise describing Khate as GREAT mom has obviously had no effect on her. It only served to hurt his kids.
How has it hurt his kids? Are there examples of this? Do they not want to be with him?
Improbable Dreams said... 88
I think there's more to the reading stints than meets the eye. It's is a trending thing with her, like running was a while back. Part of her apparent image make-over attempts, I think. I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I'm pretty sure there's a larger point to every new activity she mentions. Yes, she's cunning like that.
What exactly *is* she reading? Most of us would mention titles, authors, or favorite passages. Very telling that she doesn't.
perhaps she isnt reading for fun. (Perhaps she isnt really reading at all.) Could likely be she is reading others' cookbooks, or pretending she is reading the Health Care Act or something. There will come a time when we all say "AHA!, so THAT is why she was pretending to read! She is pretending she is now an expert on something new!"
or it's just as likely I am misjudging her and she's got a NEW ADDICTION to Harry Potter, Twilight, or 50 Shades.
What kate feels emotionally, or what she thinks about situations is what she assumes everybody else would/should feel or think. There is just no other way in her mind.
I believe that is why she always includes the kids in her feeling statements, because if that is what she feels then it MUST be what the kids are feeling:
Alaska: Kate is cold, and wants to sleep on lodge, so kids must be cold and want to sleep in lodge
Being with Jon: is difficult for Kate so it must be difficult for the kids// she waits by the phone anxiously waiting for her kids to come home, so they must be anxiously waiting to come home...
and there are way too many examples to list...she believes her ways are THE only ways.. " Isn't that what everyone thinks?" She said that statement somewhere, I can not remember where/when /what episode. But it rang so loud to me, as my npd said that exact same line once too!
Barb In Nebraska said... 103
Can she just quit already with the motivational sayings?! Have you seen the site with the demotivational posters? These are more like it!
Plus their are sites that let you make up a poster like this with your own words. Admin? New contest?
Love those posters! LOL
And regarding the motivational crappola Kate is posting, one of the "haters" tweeted today that Kate is using a "buffer," which is actually an app for and iPhone that you set to automatically tweets stuff to your Twitter page. You can read about it if you Google "Twitter Buffer." So I imagine those useless platitudes will continue. UGH.
OT...I just read this:
Penn State plans to renovate the building where Jerry Sandusky sexually molested boys.
University spokesman David La Torre said Friday that Penn State plans to remodel the football shower and locker room area as a direct result of Sandusky's crimes.
BUT...the trustees announced that the statue of Paterno will remain because "“The statue represents the good that Joe did. It doesn’t represent the bad that he did.”
So, following this reasoning, why not erect a statue of Sandusky representing the good he did for the team? Put them side by side, with a blindfold over Paterno's eyes.
By the way, was it ever disclosed what Blankinship did with all of the film that he had in his possession or did TLC take the "look the other way" position?
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB, yes, I saw that she was using buffer. It's a lazy way to tweet. Doesn't surprise me!
Glad you all are enjoying the demotivational posters!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114
Yon's very public praise describing Khate as GREAT mom has obviously had no effect on her. It only served to hurt his kids.
How has it hurt his kids? Are there examples of this? Do they not want to be with him?
Good question and when Jon first said it we had really lenghty and detailed discussions about it here on this board for days.
It hurts the kids by completely invalidating the emotional abuse, the complete emotional neglect, and the physical punishments they live with from kate. Jon is telling them "Kate is a great mom" which means they have no right to the humiliation they feel, the physical pain from her hitting, slapping, pinching, arm yanking etc. They have no right to be hungry from her obsessive portion control. Because this is the way it is all supposed to be - this is a GREAT MOM. The one that makes them hungry, humiliated, frightened, lonely, causes physical pain is a GREAT mom.
What Jon told the kids is that no one will ever see what you are going through, including your dad, and you deserve these sad feelings. Your mom is GREAT to you.
And THAT hurts his kids.
Hey everyone; if you have a mind to, be sure to LIKE EMTanner Designs on Facebook too.
Kid's "visiting" their dad:
Another way she minimizes Jon's role in his children's life. They live with her and "visit" him--as if he was a favorite uncle. My understanding is that they share custody, therefore when they are with them it is his custodial time, not visitation. I have no personal experience with divorce, so maybe I am incorrect on the semantics. Correct away...
Labeling the kids based on observation of the show or Kate's description:
I don't want to call anyone out on this specifically, but I do want to comment on the issue of singling out certain kids for labeling, identifying or criticizing.
Unlike Kate, the kids were not, as individual's, featured heavily in either show. They were heavily edited for drama, and in any case, these behaviors are now 2-7 years ago. It is unfair to brand an 11 year old As an 11 year-old, being branded sotho fleeting moment that was filmed when they were 4 years old--or even last week (you moms know what I'm talking about) --is inaccurate and unfair. Ditto for the tups. By contrast, Kate continues to indict herself on the same crappy parenting skills that we observed on a daily basis. She can't hide behind editing because she can't manage to edit herself!
Kate has her own agenda to advance when she references her kids, so she is hardly a reliable source for the kids personalities. Other than the occasional posed pictures and increasing rare true pap shots, we know nothing about those kids, except for her references. These poor kids have been put under a microscope for public consumption and stalked 24/7 by cameras, during a public and painful divorce--with their parents' permission. I die a little inside for those kids when I read posts that singles out one of those abused kids to slap a label on them. Admin has clearly stated that the kids are off limits and has even been blurring their faces.
I am not talking about posts that discuss the possible, or even probable outcomes stemming from Kate's reckless parenting style. The people who post here that do know the family seem to have no problem protecting the kid's privacy, as does Admin. Just because their parents feel the need to violate their privacy publicly, does not mean that we have to. Those kids are not part of a TV plot, and should not be discussed as if they were.
meagler said... 116
What kate feels emotionally, or what she thinks about situations is what she assumes everybody else would/should feel or think. There is just no other way in her mind.
Great point, Meagler. Goes hand in hand with her lack of empathy, doesn't it? Also, if something happens to one of her little extensions, she thinks: "Why does everything always happen to me??"!
I guess her latest tweet is showing where her intoxicated desperate thoughts are today. She is dreAming about boats and relaxing on one. I guess since she couldn't be paid to be on one...she is going to try to grift for a trip on one. It's getting close to when the failed cruise was suppose to happen so she's probably getting melancholy. Reality bites huh kate?
Ha HA Kate...keep dreaming.. you lost yer chance at relaxing on a cruise boat..grifting for another chance???
I'm watching travel ch-abt huge yachts..2 me,being on a boat is prob THE most relaxing thing ever! Dreaming of the stress relief! AHHHHH!
Kate switched from reading to television. Watching a yacht show . Was it relaxing watching your kids throwing up, Kate?
I see Kate threw or took a jab at Jon, again. Kate said that she just talked to Cara on the phone(it is hard to tell if Kate called Cara or Cara called her, I think Kate called Cara, too lonely much!)), and said that Cara takes really good care of her younger brothers & sisters, when they are at their dads. Kate could not resist, in my book a nasty knock at Jon, that Jon does not take care of the younger kids, so Cara has to step in. I think the kids are having a GREAT time and Kate can't stand it, for nothing she called(I think she did) the kids at dads house, during dads time. SHAME ON HER! This is his time with his kids, Kate needs to BUD OUT! If Kate had not had that stick that is jammed up her but, she would have had family and friends to hang out with during the kids time with dad. This is all Kate doing.
She loves boating so much she wouldn't turn it around even though almost all the kids were puking. And then next time instead of finding a different activity they could all enjoy without throwing up, she still went boating and left them behind with a nanny all day long on vacation.
She is the epitome of selfishness, even in the face of her own flesh and blood being violently ill.
Given what's been happening lately I'm kind of surprised there is not more outcry about Blankinship outside this blog, and demands for answers. Exactly---where IS all that film, what did he see, what did he have? Was he able to take it home, was any unblurred footage distributed? I would be freaked out beyond belief if I were Kate and Jon knowing what they have on film. Where is the big revealing report about THIS incident? It got completely brushed under the rug!
Personally I liked how Paterno punished the team (for example, making the whole team clean up the stadium. Sounds like something a grandpa would think of), but I've been reading some fascinating stuff about what went on behind the scenes of that incident.
Why would kate talk to MY CARA anyway? When kate is on the road the kids cannot contact kate unless its an emergency so why do they need to check in from Jon's? Hypocrite. Kate is seriously a messed up individual. Kids aren't ok with their Dad but are fine being left with a nanny with no check in from mom? Whatevah Kate!
She reported the KATIEGOSS8 tweeter for impersonation?
That won't hold water ( boat theme!) legally, will it?
Exactly EM she never talks about how Cara is doing a great job with the kids when Kate leaves them behind in the dust to go do whatever she does around the country or Australia or whatever.
Hey lookie here!
@julia_herrmann oh that's scary, huh? Like I say, I'm me on tv or off , w cameras present or absent, lol 3 minutes ago
See sheeple, Kate said once again it was NOT the editing, I am what I am, what you see is what I am. Thanks Kate!
Dwindle the problem is Jon telling everyone Kate is a bad mother is parental alienation and bad for kids too. I guess the solution is not to say anything about her at all except in therapy with the kids.
Actually if Kate won't go to therapy, the second best thing would be for Jon and the kids to go to therapy to help them deal with her.
How can you tell she's using a buffer out of curiosity? Ha even her twitter account is lazy.
Maybe some poor sap sent her a script that she is reading. She is delusional enough to actually think she is worthy of projects like that.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
She loves boating so much she wouldn't turn it around even though almost all the kids were puking. And then next time instead of finding a different activity they could all enjoy without throwing up, she still went boating and left them behind with a nanny all day long on vacation
Here you go.
"She loves boating so much she wouldn't turn it around even though almost all the kids were puking."
Just as along as Kate is having fun and she's entertained no one else matters no matter the cost.
Meagler I think that's a trait of a narcissist an inability to understand other people have different perspectives. They literally don't understand why everyone wouldn't love mint ice-cream if that's what they love.
KT does know that her cruise has been canceled, I hope. Wow,such a dreamer, who knew. No wonder she is so lazy. I guess the kids are home now, mommy is on twitter, after having tweeted about 3 times while they were gone because she was relaxing. The kids get home and she is suddenly reminded that she must sell some B. Bars so she can get her lifetime hoard. I despise her, but I particularly dislike the way she carries on about being skinny, and yum this, and yum that and fun, fun family times, you know the things we never saw on the realest reality show of all time. Life is not about fun. My understanding is that we are given life to be productive citizens and take care of mother earth and fun is what we earn by doing a good job.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 135
Dwindle the problem is Jon telling everyone Kate is a bad mother is parental alienation and bad for kids too. I guess the solution is not to say anything about her at all except in therapy with the kids.
Actually if Kate won't go to therapy, the second best thing would be for Jon and the kids to go to therapy to help them deal with her
I couldnt agree more. Making public statements about each other's parenting, especially statements that are untrue, is damaging to the kids. Discuss it privatly with your children, with skilled clergy or therapist to assist.
I know WHY he thinks he did it, but it didnt work as he had hoped and yet that public statement will follow those kids.
Admin said:
Given what's been happening lately I'm kind of surprised there is not more outcry about Blankinship outside this blog, and demands for answers. Exactly---where IS all that film, what did he see, what did he have? Was he able to take it home, was any unblurred footage distributed? I would be freaked out beyond belief if I were Kate and Jon knowing what they have on film. Where is the big revealing report about THIS incident? It got completely brushed under the rug!
This was discussed a bit on a previous thread. My theory is that there was a settlement from Blankinship's attorneys with Jon and Kate. This also may have including hushing it up with the media, because I agree it is a really big deal, especially with all the Penn State coverage. They were reality TV's most famous family, yet there was nothing in the national media about the conviction.
I would be willing to bet money there was a substantial payout to J and K to avoid legal action from the family. What do you think, admin?
Betsy, I think most likely that's exactly what happened. The idea was to wrap it all up as quickly as possible and move on. They successfully had him quietly settle his case outside the glare of the media. I'm betting TLC's lawyers were all over getting this all tied up in a neat bow asap. This should have been a bigger scandal, I don't care what family it happened to, but it happened to a family on the cover of every tabloid magazine not to long ago. It somehow wasn't the story it should be.
Actually, if there was a settlement with TLC/Figure 8 or the contracted company (forgot the name, Robot or something?), it explains why Kate doesn't seem to have any kind of fear about money lately. Her life lately sounds like she's practically reclined by her pool every day sipping miah ties reading 50 Shades of Gray. If that's the case, shame on her for making a buck off this awful incident.
This could be just a coincidence, but in the beginning, someone from the prosecutors office exchanged a few emails with me and agreed to keep me updated on the case. But when I tried to follow up with them a few months ago and heard nothing back, then tried a few other emails for various contacts there and heard NOTHING back, it made me wonder if they were all told not to talk to the media.
In our office we ignore media calls. Occasionally a case ends up in the news and they'll call us. I can see TLC asking them not to speak to the media anymore.
Actually I find it really odd the prosecutor's office wouldn't return calls when they were so eager to talk before.
Usually prosecutors LOVE giving statements after a big conviction, standard stuff like we're happy to have one less child molester off the streets, etc.
Admin said,
Actually, if there was a settlement with TLC/Figure 8 or the contracted company (forgot the name, Robot or something?), it explains why Kate doesn't seem to have any kind of fear about money lately.
Ugghh...that's what I figured. So she gets more money thrown her way, once again. Since her famous LA attorney shut down the Gosselin Book, I would think her legal team would be all over the Blankenship case. So I'm guessing the settlement was huge.
NJGal51 said... 48
Auntie Ann - you can also use the letter "B" as she is quite the silly "bunt"! (Monty Python reference for those youngsters on the blog)
ha! Monty Python would have had a field day with that woman.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If Kate's reading now, which I doubt she is, I hope it's Mommie Dearest, although she wouldn't make the connection. She'd put the book down and think what an ungrateful daughter Christina Crawford is.
And this latest tweet:
@Kimberlyyyx3omg guess you gotta stay back with my kids then :( 22 minutes ago
is so telling. It goes to show she'll let a stranger watch the kids because that's how much they mean to her now that they're not making her rich anymore. She'll ditch them on anyone to get away from them, which she did at the kids' run she invited herself to. One of these days her luck is going to run out and she's going to leave them with someone dangerous.
Just to be clear this is all speculation, no one knows if a lawsuit was ever talked about, but I'm sure you could put up a stink about TLC farming out editing of footage to a contracted company and reckless hiring practices. There's a lot of complicated corporations law out there about whether TLC would be liable for Figure 8 and Robot, which they certainly may be. I can see TLC simply writing a check and right away, to shut any complaints from Kate down. They really didn't need the bad press. It was wroth the money.
Think about it, why isn't kate worrying about money?
Sure she drops a hint or two here and there about not being able to afford things, but surprisingly she's still in that house and she's still not working, and still spending like crazy, very huge indications in my book the money is not out at all and in fact is freely flowing. How else could she manage such a house. I really thought she'd be cracking open the piggy bank at this point. I honestly did.
I would like to think that Jon sat the kids down and explained that what I have to say in public you and I know privately isn't the truth.
But probably not. Sigh.
It would be best if he refrained from saying anything in public about Kate. Maybe the question caught him off-guard. Although it shouldn't have, and it didn't sound like it did.
Double sigh.
Think about it, why isn't kate worrying about money?
Hmmmm. I think you're on to something. It does make sense. TLC dropped her too, probaby around the time her lawyer figured out what kind of lawsuit she could go after.
And they gave her the boot with the RV episode with no holds barred on her behavior.
And she's back. She's watching the travel channel and dreaming about yachts. Do you think she's going to have dinner with the ex-cruisers in FL because shes going to go on the cruise anyway? She does need the stress relief you know but there wont be any of those pesky fans around to get in her way since the cruise was cancelled.
I had no idea what botox cost....$3-400 every few months. And that's the cheap place in the midwest. Not the fancy place Kate goes to.
And now she's twattering about oh how she would love to learn to sail, and oh how they really need to visit more of New England. Bitch really wishes she had sent herself to summer camp, I mean isn't that what TLC gave her, all the trips she never took growing up? Seriously, isn't there some summer camp, with room service and spa treatments, for crazy narcissists? Quick, before Kate's summer comes to an end.
Admin said... 147
"I can see TLC simply writing a check and right away, to shut any complaints from Kate down. They really didn't need the bad press. It was worth the money."
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Sailing??? What is she 12?
It would be great if the Blankenship story could be brought to the attention of someone like Anderson Cooper. Someone in the media that would dig into it. With the Sandusky/PSU scandal being news maybe now is the right time.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 155
Sailing??? What is she 12?
I thought she said she wasn't very "waterish" and now she wants to be out in the middle of the water on a little sailboat? Makes perfect sense if you are Kate.
@XXXX still working on it :)
1 hour ago - Twitterrific
XXXXXX @Kateplusmy8 do you have anything new for us to look forward to on your website this week??
Doesn't that just set your heart to palpitatin'? Wonder if it'll be a Shoka diary (post-mortem, perhaps?), a Menu Monday (organic produce, plucked from her own garden), or...????
Do we know for sure that the book was shut down???
Darn.....I REALLY wanted that book...
Well of course she has time to twatter this evening; the kids are home and that means "my" C&M are back to supervise the younger sibs. That is unless M is busy working on this evening's production. Stay tuned to twitter.
If that were the case that TLC paid off Jon and Kate to keep them quiet wouldn't they have to pay off the Duggars and Sister Wives? Jon and Kate was not the only show edited by Blankenship.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'm watching travel ch-abt huge yachts..2 me,being on a boat is prob THE most relaxing thing ever! Dreaming of the stress relief! AHHHHH!
Stop dreaming and rent a boat I got a website where you can rent one.
But we all know that you want it for free.
AuntieAnn said... 150
Think about it, why isn't kate worrying about money?
Hmmmm. I think you're on to something. It does make sense. TLC dropped her too, probaby around the time her lawyer figured out what kind of lawsuit she could go after.
And they gave her the boot with the RV episode with no holds barred on her behavior.
I definitely think Kate went after $$$$$ after the Blanklinship news, and was paid generously, and then dropped from the network, including Twist of Kate.
The sick part is she never came forward with a single concern- "I don't know who he is." But you can bet your life she capitalized in cash on the Blakenship disclosure. In spite of her prior desire to keep filming when Jon (the kid's father) clearly said he wanted filming to stop.
Kate is/was all about $$$$$ so the subsequent response by TLC to Blankinship, with Kate's greed, probably put a kibosh on things. Although Kate was too self-absorbed to recognize that this was the end after she capitalized on legal matters with a nice pay off. She really is one of the most obtuse people I have ever seen.
She burns bridges, and doesn't have a clue why NO ONE wants to deal with her.
Get a job Kate!
Bullyville @bullyville
When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
1. The twitter name is funny.
2.Didn't someone help you co-writer your books?
pink slime said... 156
It would be great if the Blankenship story could be brought to the attention of someone like Anderson Cooper. Someone in the media that would dig into it. With the Sandusky/PSU scandal being news maybe now is the right time.
Totally agree and the fact that she still wanted to continue filming after Jon was clear that he wanted filming of him and the kids to end. Who is the abuser here? Kate clearly said they would stop filming once ANYONE wanted to stop. More of her lies and she wouldn't even stop filming after Blakinship news came out. 99.9 % of mothers would be horrified - not Kate. Think likely TLC payoff, but she wanted to continue the show, which is very likely why TLC dumped her ass, and showed her for what she truly was. And she still wants to film... says a lot about her conern for her kids.
Things that make you go hmmmmm. What a selfish, disgusting excuse for a mom.
The hell? Is she taking a stab at Beth here? Or just the Gosselin book. She's so immature. What are those things called, negatudes? I have one!
When rewriting the story of your life, make sure you can write.
Just Me, I don't think the Duggars or Sister Wives have much of a leg to stand on since as far as I know they never filmed their kids naked. Usually you have to prove some kind of actual damage instead of just, I'm upset that a guy into child porn was working on a project my kids were in. (Otherwise, every single boy who ever encountered Sandusky would have a lawsuit regardless if he ever touched them. Obviously that's not going to happen, only boys who were actually harmed can sue.)
Jon and Kate are the only ones who POTENTIALLY might be directly involved since he had access to such footage and may or may not have done something objectionable with it.
I completely believe she does not want the GosselinBook to come out. Aside from her high priced lawyer, she has been "reading a lot" so maybe she received a copy. Kate Loves to read about Kate.
I do hope the TRUTH does see the day of light, attorney or not.
My sister loves boating and she befriended someone who does sort of a boat time share which often unlike houses is a really great way to have a boat since it's outrageously cheaper than actually going through the steps to own your own boat. She helps him pay his dues and he takes her out with a bunch of friends. She works for a nonprofit and makes hardly anything but she found a way to go boating cheaply. Do what every other hard working American does when they have wishes and dreams and stop talking about it and MAKE IT WORK. God I hate talkers. I like doers.
Has there been any more updates on gosselinbook? Is it definitely dead or just in limbo?
wayward said... 30
Working Woman, do you remember Em saying that often Kate called THE DAY BEFORE an episode was shooting and demanded the FREE personalized products be made and overnighted? (at Em's cost, of course) Honestly, (lol) just when you think you've heard how many ways to Sunday Kate can be rude, demanding, ungrateful and bitchy, more just keeps coming out. And it's more jaw dropping than the last.
Yet Kate "just doesn't understand" how she got this reputation, "really I'm a nice pserson." Her horrible reputation is the ONLY thing she's ever consistently and throughly worked for and earned.
Wayward, wow I had forgotten about that! That is really unbelievable. Totally agree with your second paragraph.
Wishing everyone a wonderful, productive week!
167- Light of day. Kate may have received a huge payoff after Blankinship, but she may have also black-balled herself. She is a greedy bit^^. Instead of realizing her kids should not have beeen filmed under any circumstances, she probably thought she still had the "it" factor, when she clearly never did. All she ever spoke about was herself, other than her KIDS.
And she is now a mosquito bite in the entertainment industry. She never had it, and I believe a possible lawsuit or payoff from the Blankinship situation was the final nail in the coffin with TLC. She was willing to take a payoff and continue filming her kids. After her husband had told her years ago, he wanted it to end. Who does that?
I hope the book does come out and expose what ever she hiding.
It has to be something damning or why else would she try so hard to keep it quite.
Em Tanner, I think what you wrote is important. Someone, like you, who had dealings with Kate could write about her ability to grift, turn things around and take, take, take. Em, you validated what we all assumed. I wish you so much luck with your designs. Great that you are fighting back and being honest. So glad also to see someone take on Kate that knows her tactics. No one else does it.Em, it takes courage, hard work, many mistakes to perfect your creations. You are on your way to bigger things. You are so right, Kate missed the boat on establishing her own brand because she is not a smart person, she wants immediate money, immediate free stuff and not have to work. You worked, you deserve so much publicity with your products and I wish you everything you are working hard for. Good luck to you.
A Blankenship payoff would make sense with why they dropped her like a hot potato, wouldn't it.
It seemed at the time that there was something that hadn't come to light yet that caused the rift between Kate and TLC. Something other than her bad behavior.
The Blankenship thing is one potential idea....
Lies, lies, lies. When Jon and Kate were going through the divorce and Jon was being shut up by TLC, Jon wore a t-shirt that said Lies, lies, lies. That's what I think whenever I read Kate's tweets. She simply won't tell the truth.
As for Cara calling Kate, probably another lie. All I can think is Jon and the kids know the truth and that's an excellent start with.
Admin, I remember some posting to Gosselin Book that he should publish out of country to get around legal problems. Would that actually be a solution in this case?
Also, I remember Jon (maybe on Larry King Live) saying something about his children being exposed to pedophiles by being filmed and that being the reason he wanted them off the show. Is it possible that Blakenship was being investigated even at that time?
If she did go after TLC for $$$$$$$$ before getting the boot she may well have sounded her own death knell. Word gets around in the business. Not only has she shown herself to be difficult to work with but she's also may also have shown that she's all about the cash and nothing but the cash. No loyalty to the network that created her because she thought she was bigger than the network and that they couldn't survive without her. The did and she hasn't had any nibbles from any othr network. Yes Kate, rival network executives do talk as do assistAnts, makeup artists, cameramen, etc. Maybe she should write a book on the art of burning all your bridges.
Kate has obviously never heard these two famous sayings about boat ownership:
A boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money.
The two happiest days in a boat owner's life are the day he buys a boat, and the day he sells a boat.
Oh, but wait, Kate just wants an all expenses paid trip on a boat, not to own one. Silly me!
Also, I remember Jon (maybe on Larry King Live) saying something about his children being exposed to pedophiles by being filmed and that being the reason he wanted them off the show.
Yes, I remember that statement. It seemed an odd thing to say....came out of nowhere. Even at the time I remember thinking that oh no, he's been told of something or became aware of something. It was so out of the blue that I felt he had to know something that wasn't public yet.
Yes, I remember that statement. It seemed an odd thing to say....came out of nowhere. Even at the time I remember thinking that oh no, he's been told of something or became aware of something. It was so out of the blue that I felt he had to know something that wasn't public yet.
It didn't come out of left field at all; it's what people had been saying, what they had been warning, at GWOP for ages.
Mel, What's Next? -- Is this what you are referring to? Starting at about 1:35 on this audio, Jon talks about "putting his kids out there to every pedohphile on the planet..." What did he know then, and what did Kate know then?
Barb in Nebraska -
I was cracking up reading some of those Demotivators posters. I liked: Maturity. If you're tired of others looking down on you, grow the hell up.
Thanks for sharing.
I'm not sure anyone knew anything. It's just common sense for those who are aware of the world around them and don't live in a fantasy land of lollipops and rainbows.
There are pedophiles out there, they troll around looking for shows like those on TLC and putting your kid on TV naked or in other compromising positions, or putting your child out there AT ALL, exposes them to these people. It's pretty simple. We all said it and warned of it for ages. When Bill Blankinship happened it wasn't shocking to us--it was an "i told you so" moment.
The Dance Mom show while reality t.v. guilty pleasure at its finest, is clearly a pedophile breeding ground. There is no proof or "link please" to this, other than linking you to my common sense meter.
I'd just like to give a shout out to Tamara. Because you post your opinion, I don't have to! I agree 100% with everything you've said on this blog. :) Thank you.
If there was a settlement in regard to the Blankinship issue, wouldn't or shouldn't that be a trust fund for the children? It seems they would be the victims, not their lazy parents.
I Think back to Kate's statement about not understanding why Jon should have any say about the kids. Kate lost on some point she wanted, but I don't remember the timeline nor do I care to go back to determine how all the events tie together
I too have said previously that TLC, paid off Kate to keep silent, about Blankenship. Kate hardly talked about it, but Jon did and he was mad. Then all got silenced. But then Jon does not tweet much either, and won't talk about the kids. For nothing Kate stop whining about not having money. And continues to spend. Just how much did they pay Kate? If thoses were my kids I would be livid. I would just be short of hunting that bastard down and cutting all his fingers off. I would want to know if any of my kids pics were on any child-porn sites. Kate does not care.
I remember Kate tweeted something after all the outcry about why she wasn't upset about Blankinship, something like just because I'm not saying anything doesn't mean I'm not doing anything.
She was like the Queen of England when the country was ticked off that she kept ignoring Diana's death.
Yeah what Kate was probably doing was figuring out how she could cash in on this. I don't see how it can possibly be a bad thing to come out and say how shocked and horrified you are. In fact I think you SHOULD do that. I actually don't believe she was shocked and horrified. I think she stuck her head in the sand.
I'm pretty sure the Jon shouldn't have a say in these kids comment was when Jon was trying to stop the Australia trip in court, unsuccessfully.
Yes how dare Jon not want his 6 and 10 year old kids dragged halfway around the world to work to support their mother's posh lifestyle.
Ha HA... that retweet that kate did about when writing the story of your life, make sure you are holding the pen.... I read that to mean... because if you let someone else hold the pen, they might tell the truth and give away your secrets!!!
Hehe is that anything like unless you hear it from us it's not true?
Sure Kate.
@mamamia & Where is Gosselin Give Back....
Count me in on the meeting at Granville Island! I live in Richmond.....born and raised! I somehow got hooked on the stupid show when I was off work while recovering from surgery and quickly realized that something was way, way off with this crazy witch and like pretty much everyone else here, I googled around to see WTF was up with her. I stumbled upon GWOP first, and thankfully found this blog and all it's funny and witty women/men who also realize what a whack job she is and what damage she is doing to those poor children. Thank you to all the contributors out there who helped me get through over 2 years of recovery (I finally made it back to work recently!) but still check in here as I love the snark and the thoughtful posts! Thanks to Admin for running such a great site!
Isn't Kate supposed to have the interview on the radio station this morning? I read the page for the DJ on Facebook. It's interesting that some locals are saying that when Kate was famous, she couldn't be bothered to do local things, but now that she doesn't have much going on, she's on the local bandwagon.
Laine said... 186
If there was a settlement in regard to the Blankinship issue, wouldn't or shouldn't that be a trust fund for the children? It seems they would be the victims, not their lazy parents.
I Think back to Kate's statement about not understanding why Jon should have any say about the kids. Kate lost on some point she wanted, but I don't remember the timeline nor do I care to go back to determine how all the events tie together
If there was some kind of settlement, I so hope it would be put in trust for the kids.
It seems kind of sick that Kate would get to profit and rewarded AGAIN for selling her kids out.
As far as her not talking about struggling or not being able to afford movies or HersheyPark, I think she has learned to knock that crap off. She's fooling no one, not even the sheeple. We have called her out consistently and often on her taking grift cards from poor sheeple, shamelessly grifting from companies and crying poor while adding an Audi and a Mercedes BBB to her garage last year. I totally believe part of her decision to start tweeting was to get the gravy train rolling again. Wrongo! Not happening on our watch.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 168
I completely believe she does not want the GosselinBook to come out. Aside from her high priced lawyer, she has been "reading a lot" so maybe she received a copy. Kate Loves to read about Kate.
I agree Gosselin8ComeFirst--she is reading the gosselinbook . She has always prided herself on clever hints of things to come. The timing of her retweet and multiple mentions of reading are awfully coincidental.
Kate? You are worn out from what? Doing nothing? When you have the kids ...you sleep to whenever...you have the older girls take care of the younger ones...We get it! They play school...plan games ect....anything to avoid waking mommy dearest up.The not a nanny...feeds them and cleans up after them...The laundry girl cleans the clothes...the yard boys take care of the mowing and raking. The kids feed the might be there chickens and dog.
You do what Kate? Thats right you try to convince the public that the kids are nervous wrecks cause they are with their dad.Yet we don't see video of the kids begging NOT to go with Jon...Just video of them screaming and begging Jon not to take them back to you!!
You'r time is running out kate...the control you have over the kids is coming to an end.Those kids are going to be your undoing. Tick tock kate....I'd be damn scared if I was you.
I've been away for several days, and just looked at Kate's most recent tweets. She tweets about a rug drying, Bella Bars, and taking bread out of a bread machine. Yet she is still "Hoping tomorrow is full of new fun challenges, positivity&energy(lots please!)!"
Wishin' and hopin' doesn't make things come true. She expects things to fall into her lap-without doing anything. What she doesn't realize(and perhaps never will) is that SHE is the only one who can make things happen. She once said that her children deserve life handed to them on a "golden" platter, but I always thought she was talking about herself, again using the kids to state what she wants.
The only statement that Kate has made that resembles any truth is "I don't get it". Yes, Kate, you don't. You don't get it at all-that life is always giving you opportunities. You have to learn to recognize them, and then WORK to make them come to fruition. If something doesn't work out(i.e. tv show,cookbook,book, etc) move on and look for something new.
It's fine to have dreams and wishes-but unfortunately, real life has to be dealt with. Dreaming will not make real life go away. I think that's one thing Kate still has to realize. Her star has fallen-she's trying desperately to keep herself relevant-it's time she finally realized that she is nothing more than a woman who had fame due to her kids and her family dynamic. It's old news now-and Kate has become more and more (gasp!) mediocre.
HOW and WHY would Kate be able to have access to gosselin book? Can someone help me understand this? Just because she has a lawyer trying to stop the publication means she has rights and access to the book first? Is this really the law and how it works? Any lawyers out there that can explain this? Thanks.
I love to watch the yachts and especially take note of the names of them. My favorite one of all was an especially nice one named "ALL OUR MONEY."
I don't understand....if they sued and got boat loads of money...why does Jon HAVE to work? Wouldn't he be entilted to half that money? He IS he father of those children. It sounds to me like he can't afford to be without a job. Why does everyone have Kate getting everything and being comfortable? Doesn't make sense....
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