Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jimmy Kimmel: Escape from Gosselin Island

515 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 515   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Going back to Jamie, isn't it sad the one friend who is really there for you and is willing to be treated like dirt and still come back for more, lives in another state? It's not like you can just call her up when you are feeling sick or you need a favor. Probably better for Jamie that way anyway or she'd end up like Carla being Kate's bitch.

And if she flaunts Jamie's friendship all over Twitter, why not flaunt all her other friends the sheeple claim she has.

fL Mama said... 2

Positively perfect in every way!

KAT said... 3

Does anyone want to smack her orange horseface right about now. She's such a scam artist...with her fact, rumor bullshit...I wish the media would stop entertaining her desires and wants....It's such a joke....and the jokes on us..

KAT said... 4

She's gonna love that Kimmel did a skit about her. "It was all about ME ME ME ME ME ME ME....I'm sooooooooooo inportant and you're all a bunch of nobodys...don't you wish you were ME????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can barely stand how wonderful "I" am!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

PatK said... 5

Kimmel and his writers nailed that one to a "T"!

JudyK said... 6

Interesting remark from another website:

"IKNOWYesterday 9:00 pm

"This has got to be the biggest joke ever. She was ALL OVER her bodylover in Chicago on Sunday for the Rock and Roll run. The only reason she is doing this is cuz she cant get a job. Its very clear that NO ONE WILL watch this show. She has way more haters then people who like her. She will do anything to stay away from those kids. How sad." ~ Administrator said... 7

She's an idiot when it comes to promotion. If she IS shopping a dating show why not just say so? Get buzz going, fuel the rumors. Get people talking and networks interested in the hype. And if she's not, then she's just such a freak for letting rumors fly and sitting back and enjoying it. Just deny it and move on and stop being such a freak.

This will I, won't I is not only completely obnoxious but also totally unproductive for her.

OrangeCrush said... 8

Oh Jimmy, that was funny, just wish the twat was getting NO mention at all, anywhere.
As for Jamie, how nice to have a houseguest who not only scrubs your kitchen but is no doubt babysitting while you run around picking up flour and chicken food. In my house, when we have guests, we usually plan outings to oh, the beach, the zoo, the chidren's museum, etc. Just the usual fun, games and dreams on Gosselin Island, tho.

JudyK said... 9

Adm, she set the stage when she did the radio talk show a couple of weeks ago stating she "might start dating again"--she was there to promote herself, not the charity run she was supposedly there to speak about.

chefsummer #Leh said... 10

Go Jimmy that's a good skit and Kate will go for it.

KAT said... 11

Yeah...word travels fast in your also crashes fast...

Kate is a Witch said... 12

Oh I wouldn't be so sure she likes that video clip Kimmel put together. I mean, yes, narcissists like attention, but even the thickest, most dim-witted idiot would see this is a huge jab at her. The entire premise is that any guy would have to be tranquilized, hunted down, tied up and FORCED to be with her. Even she would catch that, LOL!

Kimmel only did this because someone on his writing staff heard the rumor (or he did) and it was another opportunity to make fun of her. It's pretty obvious he can't stand her,

As for her non-denial on twitter, that tells me all I need to know: there's no show. If she actually had a show in the works and a network to air it, she'd be crowing it from the rooftop and going on the Today show to err and um and foot pump her way through another horrible interview announcing it.

She doesn't WANT to come out and deny it because she likes the attention and wants it to be true.

But it's not.

When are the DWTS contestants announced again? Friday? LOL. This rumor of her own show is to divert attention from the fact that she won't be on the DWTS list. Now, she thinks she'll look less pathetic this way, like "well, I couldn't do it ANYWAY, I have my dating show to POSSIBLY work on!"

She's so transparent and pathetic.

Amy2 said... 13

I love it! Kate has become a caricature of herself. Let the mocking begin. Someone on Jimmy Kimmel's staff has had Kate's number for a long time. This latest piece is so dead on. Who wants Kate as a wife? No one.

AuntieAnn said... 14

Hilarious! Jimmy nails it every time.

Too bad Kate doesn't recognize how ridiculous she is. Humiliation goes right over a narcissist's head.

Fools In Love said... 15

Kate didn't have enough viewers to keep a show on television with the eight children. Why would she believe that any network would be willing to take a risk of a show without the children? The children were the draw in all of that, and even they couldn't bring in enough viewers.

honkytonklady said... 16

Kate's dating show: Deja vu all over again. Remember the rumor that she is going to be a co-host for "The Talk"? Obviously planted by her agent. Besides, if this was legit, why wouldn't they say who the production company was? Is it normal in this line of work for the production company to remain unnamed?

anger issues kate said... 17

That was excellent! Funniest thing I've seen. But True! I can just see/hear Kate do a blog on CC, about Kimmel, so he will invite her on his show. Remember how she tried that with Anderson? Her sheeple/lackey fans are gonna be in an up-roar, over this. Too Bad Kate, you put it out there, live with it!

chefsummer #Leh said... 18

Let's see how long be for her sheep start tweeting about this.

AuntieAnn said... 19

She enjoys long walks on the beach, but not the beach you picked out. That beach sucks and you're an idiot for choosing it. And she likes quiet evenings beside the place where the fire would be if you weren't so incompetent you can't get the duraflame log lit.

HA! Think Jon is a writer for Jimmy's show?

fidosmommy said... 20

When Twist of Kate was still just an idea, Kate mentioned it in an interview somewhere - maybe it was at DWTS interview? I don't remember. But she did mention that it was coming. So, we ask, why not mention this show that is still just an idea? Oh, because Kate doesn't want to be embarrassed? Now that's funny. She's the poster girl for embarrassment, IMO.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 21

You'd think after Kate's lies to her fans about her show getting canceled and "Twist of Kate" they'd wise up. I guess "wise fans" is an "oxy moron" as Kate would say.

Kate is a twit said... 22

From an article from

"Today, reliable gossip tweeter @DWTSGossip shared more details: "#DWTS all-stars scoop: this season will have 12 couples. Tom and Brooke will announce 11 contestants and then present 3 more options and the fans will vote on the 12th celeb.”

According to the DWTS website the announcement will be at 10:30am PDT on July 27. However, I can't seem to find out on what show it will be announced. Does anyone know?

Phoenix Rising said... 23

Does anyone want to smack her orange horseface right about now. She's such a scam artist...with her fact, rumor bullshit...I wish the media would stop entertaining her desires and wants....It's such a joke....and the jokes on us..


I've never seen anything like this. We think it's the end and then bam, she rises out of the ashes, is all giddy with her teasing about a new show. She was crying poverty, she's "struggling," and then in the next breath she's hinting that there might be a show. She'll be making the media rounds again even if there isn't a show, simply because of the rumors. That's what she wants. She's not going down, no matter if most think her 15 minutes is up. Based on her history of reinventing herself and always coming back, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there is a show and some network is stupid enough to take a chance. What Kate wants, Kate gets. It will bomb, but it doesn't matter. She will have had yet another 15 minutes of fame until something else comes along, and it always does.

Hoosier Girl said... 24

" ... or if he's just using you as a stepping stone to get to the Octomom."

That's hilarious! Yes Kate, you are a step below Nadya. LOL!

terri said... 25

I can't beleive for one second that Kate doesn't see what a laughing stock she has become. I think she just doesn't care. I guess in her mind any kind of attention is better than none.

gosselin manor said... 26

If the comments from this article are any indication, she doesn't stand a chance.

AuntieAnn said... 27

Phoenix Rising said... 23

What Kate wants, Kate gets. It will bomb, but it doesn't matter. She will have had yet another 15 minutes of fame until something else comes along, and it always does.

The state of Kate's mind and her children's mental health is what really matters. That she or her fans even started a rumor about a dating show, shows how twisted the entire Kate Gosselin fiasco has become. I feel bad sometimes for talking smack about a family that is in such dire need of therapy.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 28

That was very funny, Jimmy! We all need to laugh more I suppose about this woman named Kate who just keeps stretching her 15 minutes of fame. The one thing we all know is that if it weren't for having 8 kids we would have never heard of her or Jon. Not sure she could ever make it on any show without the kids. They were the interest and once in a while she and Jon's relationship might have been entertaining. Not so sure about that really. I'm not convinced that any network would fall for another show with Kate. She has established a reputation for being difficult to the max. Jimmy pointed that out quite well.

Winsomeone said... 29

I keep thinking no one will give this loser woman another show, but then I remember "Honey Boo Boo", and think, well maybe she will get one.

KAT said... 30

You mean she actually pays someone to start these dopey rumors....what a waste of the kids money. When is it enough?? When do you stop spreading your desperste attempt to put yourself on T.V.? Is there a limit? ! year,2 years, 5 years? Stop torturing everyone with that ego of yours. When does this woman give up?...How many rejections will it take?

NT said... 31

That video from Jimmy is sooo funny. Did someone really see Kate all over purseboy in Chicago? I saw the post above from another website. Wonder what they saw??

Wowser said... 32

Kate is a witch said: I totally agree with you. Kate will NOT like what jimmy kimmel did. Remember how defended she got with Tony? A mediocre fan who said stuff like that about her would be considered a hater and Kate would be " uhhh who's just another jellus hater...I am going to light positivitity farts on my happiness unicorn" and wouldn't give it another thought...BUT OH NO..not if you are someone important on tv...then I will act hurt and offended and sniff sniff cry about how hard it is to be ME and try to get you to have me on your show so you can say you are sorry and hope that I find that someone special and hold my hand and tell me how beautiful I am...DIDN'T any of YOU people watch me on Dr. Drew?! He knows how to handle me. She WILL say something aboutnkimmel's show. Another unthread posted something from another blog about Kate being all over Steve in Chicago...was that person there? Hmmm. AND why the HELL does she need 75 more pounds of flour? Didn't she just get 50 pounds. Everything she does is to the extreme and LYING is her biggest.

Dwindle said... 33

@LEIGHSHAHAN1 word travels fast doesn't it... Fact, rumor, possibility... All travels fast in my world! Lol about 2 hours ago

Well, yeah, Kate, when your 'publicist' makes a coordinated press release, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS, you lyin' sack of shit.

tate said... 34

I bet Kate sent her dating show idea off several weeks ago in that package she "sealed with a kiss". Gag. And now she has heard zero from anyone wanting to pick it up. So, now she somehow got the word out there that she will be doing a dating show (never mind that no networks have signed on). She is just determined that it will happen.

I have no idea how she can be sooo delusional. Every single article written about her is followed by the most negative, hateful comments. Wouldn't you get a clue?? You know she reads every single thing out there about herself.

I don't think anything will come of the dating show that she is promoting. There is only the slimmest chance that some obscure channel would pick her up and show maybe one or two episodes. No one would even be aware that the show was on. And who in their right mind would spend money producing a show about washed up Kate? You know she would be a complete diva and the demands would be non-stop.

Dwindle said... 35

JudyK said... 6
Interesting remark from another website:

"IKNOWYesterday 9:00 pm

"This has got to be the biggest joke ever. She was ALL OVER her bodylover in Chicago on Sunday for the Rock and Roll run. The only reason she is doing this is cuz she cant get a job. Its very clear that NO ONE WILL watch this show. She has way more haters then people who like her. She will do anything to stay away from those kids. How sad."


"oh yes, she did!!!" LOL!

Fools In Love said... 36

I thought the "at least find a new hair stylist" was particularly funny. Seems Kimmel has Kate's number on that one. Ouch, Jason.

Fools In Love said... 37

She's the poster girl for embarrassment, IMO.


She's also the poster girl for talking in code!

Dwindle said... 38

GM all! Another bright happy summer day w lots of kids and fun ideas planned... Off to pick up 75 pounds of flour and 300 pounds of ch food! about 2 hours ago


HAPPY HAPPY bubbles and rainbows, unicorns and flowers! And red mixing spoons and the flat of her hand, eye rolling, shoulder pulling, sneering, name calling and wishing out loud she could live wherever her children are not.

At least with Jamie's kids there, maybe the Gosselin boys get something that looks like a full meal from time to time.

NJGal51 said... 39

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 word travels fast doesn't it... Fact, rumor, possibility... All travels fast in my world! Lol
Kate speak for "It's a FACT that there is a RUMOR on the POSSIBILITY of a dating show for me."

And just what is her "world" where everything travels so fast? The world of has been D-Listers desperately trying to remain relavent? ~ Administrator said... 40

Aggie, Mcqueary's dad is a lawyer so Im not sure it was so much running to daddy as it was desperate for legal advice. Keep in mind he was only 25 at the time.

AuntieAnn said... 41

"I feel bad sometimes for talking smack about a family that is in such dire need of therapy."

Oops. To clarify my comment @ 27, I should have said there are times I feel badly about talking smack about HER when the entire family is in such dire need of therapy. That their mother is such an easy target for cynicisms like this Kimmel clip can't be good for her kids.

It's not like Kate doesn't have it coming considering how she presents herself, but if this video doesn't embarrass her or doesn't wake her up to how she's perceived, and it won't, what in the world WILL get it into her head that what SHE'S doing to herself is going to harm THEM in the long run. It's an inherent dilemma of narcissism. She really doesn't get it.

OrangeCrush said... 42

Fun ideas? She has company and aside from the lame farm visit, all she is tweeting about are errands, and doctor appts. Guess Jamie is playing lifeguard to 11 children while Kate runs around. Who wouldn't choose Gosslin Island for a fun summer vacay?
And next week is August, no cruise, so she can spend 3 weeks getting ready for school. Bub-bye not so fun summer.

Dwindle said... 43

From the previous thread...

Gaby2 said... 181
Personally, I think it's pressure to get Stevie to commit.

I completely agree and have thought for a long time that her attempts to act man hungry and cougarish were designed to pressure Steve. "See? yer gonna lose my wonderful self!"

However, this attempt to market a show could be the reason why they have not admitted they are together already as a couple. He is in on this money making scheme, so they keep their involvment quiet while they put their lamebrain scam into action. ~ Administrator said... 44

Maybe the finale of this show that is in her head will be Kate realizing that all along true love was right under her nose and she marries Steve.

AuntieAnn said... 45

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 word travels fast doesn't it... Fact, rumor, possibility... All travels fast in my world! Lol

Katespeak for "look everyone, I'm trending!!".

Wowser said... 46

Kate speak for "It's a FACT that there is a RUMOR on the POSSIBILITY of a dating show for me.". NJGAL. That was hilarious!!! You speal fluent Kate!! Lol

Over In Berks said... 47

What concerns me here is that IF this show makes it to a network, that it's not going to be all about Kate. If it were, I'd say fine, go make a complete fool of yourself. But you know darn well that she's woven the eight kids into this somehow. If she's producing, she's putting the kids out there. She meets a guy, and of course, she has to have the approval of the kids. Kids are filmed meeting their prospective new daddy, a few episodes involving the kids and once again, it's scripted, kids are told what to do and what to say, cameras in their faces, privacy invaded. What kind of emotional impact is this going to have on those kids...what kind of embarrassment will they face with the teasing that would go on -- "your mom can't find a man so she has to go on television to do it because she's so desperate..."

She's not going to do a show without the kids. She can't make it with them and she certainly can't make it without them, and she knows it. They are never going to escape her obsession for fame.

AuntieAnn said... 48 (Administrator) said... 44

Maybe the finale of this show that is in her head will be Kate realizing that all along true love was right under her nose and she marries Steve.


And they lived happily ever after. THE END.

(we can dream, too can't we, lol)

Dwindle said... 49

Admin, you asked me a good question on the previous thread and I wanted to answer you. You asked if knowing now that Sandusky didnt coach any more games after the initial suspicions were voiced (or something along those lines) changed my opinion about the sanctions.

Yes, it does.

Any win that Sandusky was part of should have been vacated. And Penn should have been penalized for their support and affiliation with his 'charity', since he used Penn facilities and the Penn name in conjuction with it.

Going after Paterno's wins after Sandusky was no longer coaching does not seem appropriate to me, now.

Short answer.

This is why I enjoy this blog, one of the few where discussions can be had and information and impressions can be civilly exchanged so that those who chose to, are able to improve themselves. ~ Administrator said... 50

Cathy I don't recall deleting any of your posts. May be spam or other glitches.

chefsummer #Leh said... 51

So Kate didn't get her hair or make up done be4 the marathon.

I guess her and Jason and Deanna aren't friends like she thought.

chefsummer #Leh said... 52

Kate looks horrible so if she did her own makeup and looks like this.

Can ya'll image how she looks without makeup on yikes?

AussieGoldenLuv said... 53

I think Kate should hand out red mixing spoons instead of roses. And she can sit on her white chair while they have competitions to see who can dress 8-count-em-8 kids identically the fastest. Or anything else that Jon and company didn't know how to do correctly.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54

Potty training my 1 child got me thinking how on earth did @Kateplusmy8 potty train 6 at one time????? Oh my! Superwoman!

This seems to be the "talking points" for this week.

Pulling The Wool said... 55

Has Kate cooked up this show so she can have free vacations, trips near and far, with Steve who would, of course, be paid by the network? It's the best of every world for her, having someone else paying Steve, and no tired or sick kids to interfere with romantic interludes. She's such a great mom.

Tamara said... 56

I wonder what Skeeve Pinkerton's price is? To tell his 'story' that is. As time goes on, unless he gets Khate out there, whether it be a tv show or just new (negative) attention, the price of insider info on Khate is going to plummet even further.

As for how the hate and disdain Khate prompts from almost everyone and how it affects her kids, I'm not too worried. There are a dozen other worse things hurting those kids. Deal with those, then worry about bad press. That has always been my view, and it's why I so dislike the completely hands off way the media and former employees handled her.

mama mia said... 57

How does Kimmel get away with spoofing Kate, using her name, film clips and likeness yet Gosselinbook is not allowed to tell what he has to say about her?

Pulling The Wool said... 58

How could anyone watch Kate dating a guy and seeing her in a romantic setting, kissing him (on the lips) and not gag? Just the idea of her doing this would be enough for any sane person to change channels.

Pulling The Wool said... 59

If the Gosselin book is released, wouldn't this be a good time to do it? If there is anything scathing in there, no network would be foolish enough to pick up a dating show.

Sheeple Herder said... 60

The top 17 ways to get out of dating Kate Gosselin

They are pretty funny!

White Organza said... 61

Winsome said (29): "I keep thinking no one will give this loser woman another show, but then I remember "Honey Boo Boo", and think, well maybe she will get one."

Thel, again... maybe not: Honey Boo Boo, -even if she's only four-ish-, definitely has the gift of gab. Like or not, that little girl can TALK! ;) Kate can't thread a complete and structured sentence if her life depended on it. Not long ago a poster here tried to write a transcript of her latest interview and it was pure gibberish. I mean really. It was pitiful and... painful.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 62

[excerpt from video]
Kate Gosselin is back, and ready to find the man of her dreams...

[IMO, at this point, I would have inserted ominous music]
Whether he likes it, or not!

12 men selected at random, shot with a tranquilizer gun...

Simply brilliant :o)

Seriously, that dating show idea sucks donkey balls. Whoever is responsible for releasing all these crummy ideas, must secretly hate the crap out of Kate.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 63

Some thoughts:
Rachel Uchitel is good friends Mario Lopez. During that time when she was in the media Extra hired her to be the Las Vegas correspondent! I read about it on US magazine, well the comments were really negative! Nothing was ever mentioned again except that Holly Madison was named the new LV correspondent! So negative comments are read and they make a difference, apparently!! For the sake of the kids I hope her dating show never gets picked up!

I have never voted for DWTS dancers but if Kate is going to be one of the three alternates , I'm going to vote for her biggest competion! If she gets on she will abandon her kids for weeks again, even if she gets voted off the first week!

Dwindle said... 64

Pulling The Wool said... 55
Has Kate cooked up this show so she can have free vacations, trips near and far, with Steve who would, of course, be paid by the network? It's the best of every world for her, having someone else paying Steve, and no tired or sick kids to interfere with romantic interludes. She's such a great mom

You got it. Dont forget to add that some stupid assed network would actually PAY her money, too. Money that comes from adverstiser dollars off the top of OUR products that we buy, whether we watch that weirdo or not. ~ Administrator said... 65

In the end I have to disagree with that. It is a lifestyle and extremely personal to many people. Agree to disagree. Maybe it shouldn't mean that much, but I assure you it certainly does.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 66

Sheeple Herder said... 60

The top 17 ways to get out of dating Kate Gosselin

They are pretty funny!


Funny article, Sheeple Herder :o)

I especially like: Don’t let Kate Gosselin get her claws into you…that’s where she keeps her neurotoxin.

Sad part is that instead of being
horrified by all the negative press & comments,
that fool is probably flattered by all the attention.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 67

Pulling The Wool said... 58

How could anyone watch Kate dating a guy and seeing her in a romantic setting, kissing him (on the lips) and not gag? Just the idea of her doing this would be enough for any sane person to change channels.


No, no, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

[barf] That's one bad, mamma-jamma visual.

chefsummer #Leh said... 68

6. Use holy water as aftershave. She’ll be unable to approach



Ah I knew that she was a vampire I mean just look at her fangs.

Kate is a Witch said... 69

Phoenix Rising: oh come on. What Kate wants, she gets? What exactly has she been getting lately? A whole lot of nothing.

And she's not making the media rounds. I don't see her bei interviewed. This dating show thing is nothing but a desperate planted rumor. There's no show. There's not going to be a show. As far as being in the public eye goes, she's done.

AuntieAnn said... 70

As for how the hate and disdain Khate prompts from almost everyone and how it affects her kids, I'm not too worried. There are a dozen other worse things hurting those kids. Deal with those, then worry about bad press. That has always been my view, and it's why I so dislike the completely hands off way the media and former employees handled her.
Oh definitely G8 have bigger problems than their mother's idiot public behavior but Kate is still instigator of those dozen worse things. This stupid dating show rumor just adds to number of therapist appointments they're going to need.

Dmasy said... 71

Kate is a "public" figure. There are several ways to contact her. If ANY man was truly interested in dating her, he could reach out in a legitimate format. They could have many get-to-know-you written contacts. There could be phone calls.

Dating Kate would not be impossible for some fellow who really felt led to meet her and her children.

Hasn't happend.

Kate should be VERY suspicious of the men who would audition for her fictitious dating show.

Moose Mania said... 72

Oh definitely G8 have bigger problems than their mother's idiot public behavior but Kate is still instigator of those dozen worse things. This stupid dating show rumor just adds to number of therapist appointments they're going to need.


A dating show, once again putting these kids on public display, could be a classic example of the proverbial straw -- the one that broke the camel's back.

chefsummer #Leh said... 73

If anyone wants to torture themselves Kate's Dr.Drew re-run is on today.

Wowser said... 74

What I worry about is that there are networks that would just jump on this idea just because there is such a huge audience of people who detest this woman and would watch the show just for the humiliation factor...think of shows like Jackass, impractical jokers, Punked...etc.. Of course any NORMAL person would not allow that to happen to themselves but the dollar sign is the ONLY thing Ms. Gosselin sees and the word "consequences" is not in her vocabulary. Her new mantra would be "a little humiliation is better than no attention at all". Or "desperate is as desperate does". We could come up with a list of them I'm sure

Sweet Tart said... 75

Aggie, Mcqueary's dad is a lawyer so Im not sure it was so much running to daddy as it was desperate for legal advice. Keep in mind he was only 25 at the time.
Legal advice for a situation that cried out for moral backbone. By the time I was 25, I had been moved out of my parents' home for 6 years, and self-supporting for that same length of time. By the time my dad was 25, he was married and had two children. 25 is a full adult, and one would hope by then, most 25-year olds would have developed a strong sense of right and wrong. However, I understand McQueary was not very mature for his age.

All I know is if my son were 25 years old and witnessed a crime against a child, and his response was to leave the child alone with the criminal - I'd be devastatingly disappointed in him and in myself as his parent. That would mean somewhere along the line, I failed in my duty to raise him up as a strong-minded and moral adult. I would be ashamed of us both.

Dwindle said... 76

Dmasy said... 71
Kate should be VERY suspicious of the men who would audition for her fictitious dating show.

Yeah... she doesnt care about that. As long as she can strut and slut and screech and tramp about, and get paid to do it. Men? what men? It's all about Kate, and her boobs, hair and makeup, crotch shots, and having a production crew pay attention when she scowles and throws the tantrum of the hour.Cackling incessantly is an added bonus.

Add in getting FARRRRRR AWAYYYYYYYYYY from her children, Steve in matchymatchy clothes, and cashing a paycheck, and it's a wet dream for Kate.

Sweet Tart said... 77

That Kimmel skit was hilarious! No network is going to buy Kate's dating show idea. I'm wondering if some low budget cable channel might consider it - it's been made clear to me that tv execs aren't the brightest of people. Some dimbulb might actually think this show will attract viewers.

Kate is really playing up the "fact" she has 100,000 twitter followers. I can't even believe her tens of fans are falling for that nonsense.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78

Oh no! I've got a little lizard in here somewhere and he's stuck. He's been living on my window sill since he's too quick for me to catch and put outside. I guess he's fallen and I can hear him scratching. Arrrggggh.

Dwindle said... 79 (Administrator) said... 65
In the end I have to disagree with that. It is a lifestyle and extremely personal to many people. Agree to disagree. Maybe it shouldn't mean that much, but I assure you it certainly does.
What did I say? Advertising dollars are a personal lifestyle to many? I can clarify if need be...

Dwindle said... 80

2. Walk on your knees and try to blend in with her kids. That’s the one place she can’t be bothered to look


Kate is a twit said... 81

Hmm-Kate's appearance on Dr. Drew was repeated today. Of course, that was scheduled in advance, but it's kind of suspicious that the news about a so-called dating show came out yesterday. Especially since she talked about how lonely she was and how difficult it was to meet someone when she was on Dr. Drew.

As I said before-this has been carefully planned.

JudyK said... 82

Kate in twitter mania mode...she's on a high.

She is NUTS.

anger issues kate said... 83

Winsomeone: Honey BoBo is fresh meat to TLC, Kate is old cow.

Speaking of Honey Bobo: that show will probably last 2-3 episodes, and be canceled. Remember Eden Wood, the other kids beauty queen, the one who sings that annoying song: Cutie putie, she had a couple of months ago on the LOGO channel a show, it lasted I think 6 episodes, and was canceled. Honey Bobo is a very obnoxious, annoying , not very pretty kid, or even cute. her mother should be arrested for child endangerment: mom feeds the girl Red Bull, in soda, she calls it her special drink. I've tried Red Bull, it's nasty, your heart races, and your awake!, can't even imagine what that does to a child. Mom it's not cute that you girl shows her belly, and jiggles it. The mother is another Fame seeker/whore, she thinks her kid has talent, like that Eden Wood, SORRY, neither one has any talent, another show on exploiting kids. ~ Administrator said... 84

Kate says block bullies because they lie. Lol. This from Kate the biggest liar of all.

Ex Nurse said... 85

mama mia said... 57
How does Kimmel get away with spoofing Kate, using her name, film clips and likeness yet Gosselinbook is not allowed to tell what he has to say about her?
Satire and parody are protected under the first amendment (free speech). There have been high profile court cases that have tested this, and parody consistently prevails. Non-fictional biographies have a much higher bar of accuracy and can be prosecuted as libelous (or slander--always get them mixed up).

Over In Berks said... 86

Dating Kate would not be impossible for some fellow who really felt led to meet her and her children.

Hasn't happend.


Iwana? He met her and that was the end of all communication on her part.

aggiemom09121416 said... 87

Sweet Tart said... 75

Aggie, Mcqueary's dad is a lawyer so Im not sure it was so much running to daddy as it was desperate for legal advice. Keep in mind he was only 25 at the time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I did not know McQueary's dad was an atty, although I fail to see why that would make a difference. Geez, McQueary was a GRAD STUDENT. One of my kids is a grad student as well, and if she didn't call 911 at that moment and intervene for that child, there is something terribly amiss.
If McQueary wasn't mature, that shouldn't come into play. He was old enough to graduate college and enroll in a grad program, so that makes him mature enough to know to break up an assault.
He made a conscious decision to leave the my opinion, he was protecting his position and the football program.
My youngest kids are 13, and if they witnessed an assault, I would hope they would call 911..they have all this stuff ingrained in them through school programs, etc.
I just CANNOT fathom witnessing a sexual assault of a CHILD and just walking away. It makes no sense.

Over In Berks said... 88

Well, yeah, Kate, when your 'publicist' makes a coordinated press release, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS, you lyin' sack of shit.


Hey, Dwindle, you want to tell us how you really feel? LOL!! You're right. Kate is so smug and so sneaky. She's like a little kid trying to be devious and not get caught at something she knows isn't on the up and up. ~ Administrator said... 89

Sweet it's disappointing at minimum. Had Mcqueary simply went straight to the nearest phone and called the police I don't think any of this would have happened. The 1998 incident would have been an unfortunate evaluation out that involved the da. That is the one incident that looks like due diligence was done. I did finally get a chance to read the report and it has an absolutely excellent "cliff notes" version of the timeline that would be extremely helpful to get a quick list of the facts in chronological order. I'm going to refer to that from now on.

Wowser said... 90

And a bully by her definition is anyone who disagrees with her or criticizes her...she should say " welcome to our fun...but only if you are an ass kisser"

anger issues kate said... 91

Oh, I wondered over to the semi-dark side: RWA, they have a pic of that little old lady CJ, She does not look old to me. Anyway they were talkin about how CJ is up-set about Kimmels show, and is planning something. Let the war begin. I would not be surprised if Kates, next blog on CC is about Kimmel. just sayin!

Dwindle said... 92

Sweet Tart said... 77
That Kimmel skit was hilarious! No network is going to buy Kate's dating show idea. I'm wondering if some low budget cable channel might consider it - it's been made clear to me that tv execs aren't the brightest of people. Some dimbulb might actually think this show will attract viewers

Apparently, the two young Kardashian Jenner girls (ages 14 or so?) have a web-show, called Getting Ready. To give "Makeup, Fashion, and shaving tips." Yes, shaving tips. It is somewhere in a far link buried in Facebook. Not the ad, the actual SHOW is somewhere in a link in Facebook. The advert shows them biting their lower lips and scowling at the cameras with a fist made... Whatever. I saw the advert on my Roku internet TV gizmo.

So maybe Kate could end up with some internet thing where you have to actually hunt and look for the darned thing. So there wont be any 'magical remotes that flew across the room' issues.But it will make KAte happy that she has a faux show and maybe make a couple of bucks for tramping it up again.

ncgirl said... 93

Kimmel needed to mention the bodyguard and it would've been perfect. About DWTS, from what I understand, the announcement won't be televised. It will be announced at some TV meeting. It's always been televised, but it's usually in late August. The guess for the early annoucement is ABC wants take away from the NBC opening the Olympics. Also they probably need more time for people to vote.

Griftopia said... 94

Good Lord, is Kate seriously engaging in a twitter conversation with someone who calls him/herself "MaddieCaraFan"????? My creep-o-meter alarm went off immediately upon seeing that moniker, and they're not even my kids. Oh the irony that the Twit tweeted "protective mom alert" in the post. Here's an idea, Kate: how about protecting your kids from those freakishly G8-obsessed Sheeple?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 95

Has anyone seen this? Oh, my gosh...

"The man accused of killing a dozen people at a midnight screening of the 'The Dark Knight Rises' sent a journal detailing the rampage to a University of Colorado psychiatrist prior to the attack, only for it to go untouched in a campus mailroom, according to a Fox News report.

The diary of 24-year-old James Holmes -- "full of details about how he was going to kill people" -- was discovered Monday by authorities investigating another package at the school's Anschutz medical campus in Aurora, a law enforcement official told the network. The source also said that the package had been in the mailroom since July 12.

The notebook, intended for a psychiatrist who also teaches at the university, reveals haunting sketches with stick-figure assailants carrying out the attack."

Babsy said... 96

McQueary's father is not a lawyer. He works(ed) for a doctor as either a PA or practice manager. There have been questions as to why would a 20-something man have to go to his father to find out what to do instead of grabbing the victim and calling 911. Banging a locker shut does not help -- maybe for the moment, but that's it. If he was afraid of a confontation, fine. There were/are phones in that building - use them. Anyway, before McQueary's dad would offer "advice", they called the doctor the dad worked for and repeated the story. The doctor's version of what was said differs from the father/son...

The Freeh report is not without its errors. There were corrections made to it even as late as today. ( ) Sorry, I don't know how to make this a clickable link.

Also when compiling the Freeh report, none of the major "players" in this tragedy were interviewed. Only Spanier was interviewed and his interview was at his request and done the day or two before the report was published. There are quite a few questions/problems with some of the conclusions and unfortunately, people are taking it as the absolute truth. Even the Board of Trustees...

Freeh never interviewed the Governor of PA who investigated Sandusky for over 3 years and did nothing. He even accepted a large campaign donation from Sandusky's Second Mile organization when he ran for governor in 2010. He sits on the Board of Trustees for Penn State, yet he never told anyone that Sandusky was being investigated.

There are other questions many have and I don't know if we will ever find out everything. I just know that the University has been dragged through the mud with the media calling it the Penn State scandal and the students, alumni and football team are being excoriated for something they did not do...

I just saw on Twitter that the Board of Trustees are holding an "emergency" meeting as they are upset that the University President (Rod Erickson) agreed and signed the NCAA consent as to the punishment Penn State received. He did not have the Board's permission to act unilaterally...

Layla said... 97

How can Kate even consider exposing her vulnerable kids to more strange men after the Blankinship debacle? Fact is, she doesn't know what an unknown man's intentions are--toward her or her kids. Would some man sign up to get involved with her so that he could gain access to her kids? Possibly. She claims to be this protective mom, but her actions show that to be a complete lie.
She is so desperate to get away from those kids, she doesn't seem to care what the outcome could be for them. Just as long as she doesn't have to deal with them. I think she'd gladly give Jon custody if she weren't afraid of how it would make her look. She fought for custody because she thought she could get more money and fame out of them. They were her meal tickets. Now they aren't bringing in cash or fame, so she has to figure out how to get rid of them without jeopardizing her image. Thank God they have a dad who loves them. ~ Administrator said... 98

I love how it horrifies Kate to let the kids go on twitter because she is protective, but she has no problem with putting them on another tv show. Which is really more invasive?

Maggie said... 99

Kate has been divorced for 2/12 years with very extreme media coverage throughout it all. Add in the fact that she has been on many major TV shows advertising for a man to date & a TV show for the past 21/2 years. So why hasn't a producer contacted her for a dating show by now? This is NOT news at all. I don't get all the noise.

Also keep in mind we know that Julie May has been on double duty calling every person possible in the business to get her back on TV for the past year with no results.

TLC wanted to produce a show for Kate called Twist of Kate. They tried and tried for over 18 months or so and could never make it fly. Why? I think it is because Kate is boring, period. Again, review the episode on youtube (if it is there) of her show for her New York birthday bash with Jamie. Kate has zero personality and no social personality at all. And she had Jamie & others in the bar to help her along. And still Kate brought nothing to the table at all.

Also, I think she would freeze and be totally uncomfortable around a man. And how could a man get to know her on screen when her personal life is closed to the public..except her kids of course. She has said so herself that it is hard for her to trust someone.

This news will die down tomorrow. I don't see her getting a dating show. And if by some tiny chance she did, it wouldn't last long at all and it would ruin her 8 kids motherhood reputation all the more.

How embarrassing that she was begging a month ago on national TV (Today Show) saying how she wants a TV show with her kids. And now forgot that she wants a TV show with men she can date. Oh, but wait, she was just on Dr. Drew today saying she wanted to help overweight woman get in shape. Anything to get a huge paycheck without working is her gig. And a gig it is! Hopefully the gig is up. ~ Administrator said... 100

Babay thanks for the alert. Just read the latest news and the Centre Daily Times had a good point, the economic impact of losing the football program on the local economy. Times are tough enough. Innocent people are going to have their jobs lost or scaled back. How does this help the victims to tear down an entire lifeblood and stomp all over it. It doesn't. Heck since so many victims are local this could hurt them too. Punish the perpetrators not the innocent bystanders.

Maggie said... 101

Oh, and I bet anything that this children's book she is writing is being written and illustrated by her huge fan Michelle Brownlow. Michelle will do 95% of the extremely hard work and let Kate take all the credit. If this book ever makes the light of day I am sure Michelle's name will probably be on the cover but you know who will go on all the shows to promote it. Again, she wants the big paycheck with no working for it. ~ Administrator said... 102

Layla exactly! Will these dates be given background checks, screened for pedophilia tendencies? Questioned why they want to take on so many kids? Or will they contract another company to cast and wash their hands of it.

aggiemom09121416 said... 103

What I worry about is that there are networks that would just jump on this idea just because there is such a huge audience of people who detest this woman and would watch the show just for the humiliation factor..
Yes, but shows also have to have advertisers...and what company wants the constant barrage of emails and bad publicity that comes with the brand of Kate Gosselin??

Someone needs to get a fork, cuz Kate is D-O-N-E.

Maggie said... 104

Dwindle wrote: Yeah... she doesnt care about that. As long as she can strut and slut and screech and tramp about, and get paid to do it. Men? what men? It's all about Kate, and her boobs, hair and makeup, crotch shots, and having a production crew pay attention when she scowles and throws the tantrum of the hour.Cackling incessantly is an added bonus.

Add in getting FARRRRRR AWAYYYYYYYYYY from her children, Steve in matchymatchy clothes, and cashing a paycheck, and it's a wet dream for Kate. ________________________________

Bravo! Fantastic post. I love the "strut and slut and screech and tramp" and the " what men?" You really said it all. Kate knows that she isn't doing this to find a man but for a tv paycheck and getting her fame fix.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 105

Protective mom alert? When has she ever protected the kids before? I agree that the kids are much too young for Twitter and FB, but what she's afraid of is that they are going to spill secrets and she would no longer be in control. For her, it has nothing to do with the dangers of the internet. She plasters their pictures all over it, and had no concern about putting them out there when potty training..

Dwindle said... 106 (Administrator) said... 84
Layla exactly! Will these dates be given background checks, screened for pedophilia tendencies? Questioned why they want to take on so many kids? Or will they contract another company to cast and wash their hands of it

I think I need to go crack open a box-o-wine. Admin, I cant find a single "Layla" on this thread and I cant for the life of me figure out who you are conversing with! I agree about 'vetting' the participants of the show, but where is the conversation? And your post about 'a way of life'... I cant find what you are replying to!

I think it's the heat, gone to my brain. Rain is heading in and my torn knee is killing me so I am probably not thinking or reading clearly.

Kate is a Witch said... 107

VERY good point, admin. She won't let her kids on Twitter (which, at eight years old, they shouldn't be), but she'll allow them to be broadcast around the world on the potty, getting bathed, etc and apparently didn't give a shit about the fact that one of the editors with access to raw footage was convicted of how many counts of distributing child pornography?

I think she has her priorities very out of whack, that's for sure.

Hoosier Girl said... 108 (Administrator) said... 82

I agree. She was perfectly okay with the cruise person tweeting 'come watch the twins play.'

And she certainly encourages children (including the twins who tweeted her) to remain on Twitter. Heck she continually encouraged a 10-year-old to mail gifts to herself and the G8.

She is a dichotomy wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pathological liar.

AuntieAnn said... 109

Moose Mania said... 72
A dating show, once again putting these kids on public display, could be a classic example of the proverbial straw -- the one that broke the camel's back.

Moose - It could if it actually happened. And isn't it sad that we, the so-called haters are concerned about what it could do to them while their mom lets her idiot sheeple perpetuate the rumor.

Of course we should bear in mind all this talk is hypothetical. Kate with another show? And a dating show to boot? Nah not gonna happen. The thought of it happening does send chills up my spine though.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 110

She is REALLY getting slammed on this. Wouldn't you just want to go hide under a rock somewhere?

"Not only is Kate Gosselin ready to find love again, she’s also – please sit down for this shocker! – willing to do it on TV. Apparently, the charming (charming crossed out) unbearable former star of TLC‘s Kate Plus 8 is making plans to let cameras follow her around while she’s looking for her next victim husband.

Kate Gosselin was once the star of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and later Kate Plus 8. She also appeared on Dancing with the Stars. Despite several failed attempts at rallying her fans and pitching TV shows, she’s at it again. Kate’s latest idea is a reality TV dating show, starring herself. The only missing piece of the puzzle is a network willing to air the mess. Let’s hope this missing piece stays missing. Forever.

“She is ready to get back into the dating game,” a source tells E! news. “She is ready to find love again and to move on from her past. She’s excited, this is a chance to start something new.”

It has been three years since she filed for divorce from Jon Gosselin. Kate might be ready to love again someone besides herself. More likely, she’s not ready to accept the fact that she’s a has been and – GASP! – might have to get a “real” job.

“She finds it hard to meet men in her day to day life and so a dating show will give her exactly the help she needs,” adds the source. “She is willing to travel around the country in order to meet Mr. Right.”

Ha! She’s taking her show on the road. You all better hide the single men in your lives, because Kate Gosselin is on the prowl.

“She looks fantastic and she’s in a really great space,” says the source. “She’s in fantastic shape because of all her marathon training, this feels like the right time for her.”

Note to Kate: It’s going to take more than running marathons to hide that personality. Not to mention those eight kids. Good luck, honey.

Would you watch Kate Gosselin looking for love on TV? In a self-hating kind of way, I kind of hope it does make it to the air. Imagine the possibilities…"

ElisabethK said... 111 (Administrator) said... 40
Aggie, Mcqueary's dad is a lawyer so Im not sure it was so much running to daddy as it was desperate for legal advice. Keep in mind he was only 25 at the time. July 25, 2012 10:32 AM
Mike McQueary's dad is not a lawyer. He is a Physician Assistant. He graduated from the PA program at Duke University.

Twittering And Twattering said... 112

@Kateplusmy8 @MaddieCaraFan Amen 2that Kate! It's too dangerous 4me bein here sometimes! :)

The solution to that is a no-brainer, Milo. Don't put yourself out there as a delusional, obsessive, over-the-top sheeple who is passionately in love with Kate, and there wouldn't be any problems on Twitter for you!

A Mom said... 113

Kate Gosselin says "no to daughters being on twitter" She doesn't want her kids reading the lies she puts on twitter! Kate doesn't want the kids to see what their Mother is really like. Wants to shield the kids from what their Mother is doing to get $$$$$ instead of getting a real job.

fidosmommy said... 114

Good Lord, is Kate seriously engaging in a twitter conversation with someone who calls him/herself "MaddieCaraFan"?????


Can't be too much of a fan if they can't spell Mady's name right.

Unless, of course, this is a girl named Maddie who is a fan of Cara only.

chefsummer #Leh said... 115

Kate won't let the twins on twitter cause she thinks they'll get more followers than her.

And that she'll be exposed for what and who she really is.

-(I don't think that should be twitter).

Lets face it Kate doesn't care if their on twitter she just looking after her own butt.

Fools In Love said... 116

She better do some immediate grifting for Proactiv and have Fed Ex overnight it to her.

Kate is a twit said... 117

Kate is a Witch said... 107

"I think she has her priorities very out of whack, that's for sure"

Kate's one and only priority is Kate. She comes first above everything else. If it doesn't benefit her to some degree, it's not going to happen.

aggiemom09121416 said... 118

Spanier, former Penn State pres, has been hired by the US Goverment (national security).
Good Gawd

chefsummer #Leh said... 119

So if she get her dating show and her new man will the new man share her with Steve?

Is the show going to be a revers sister wives type of situation.

Kate+Her8+Bodyguard come and get her single men.

Dmasy said... 120

Not letting her girls on twitter...not letting her kids do "whatever". It's not about safety, even if that is the end result. It is about Kate making rules. Kate being in control. Kate is the boss.

They get to do what she allows. They don't get to do what she forbids.

Power trip for her. Nothing about the welfare of the children.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 121

KAT said... 30
You mean she actually pays someone to start these dopey rumors....what a waste of the kids money. When is it enough?? When do you stop spreading your desperste attempt to put yourself on T.V.? Is there a limit? ! year,2 years, 5 years? Stop torturing everyone with that ego of yours. When does this woman give up?...How many rejections will it take?

To Kate, never does not mean never. She is baked and has some very clever folks behind her who are fishing around. Sometimes you burn too many bridges and can never come back. Irritating as it may be to see her get publicity, Twist of Kate never came to fruition, in spite of her telling major networks it was coming. She can fish all she wants and the publicity is annoying, BUT please remember she burned too many bridges, including a presidential candidate (like her or not), and the show pretty much went down hill from there. Look at her now, seriously. Shopping another show that is not going to be picked up. She really is quite pathetic, as all of her hyperbole will amount to nothing. She is now doing CC and races. No one can stand her, well at least 85-90% of people. She can't get people to cruise, run, etc... she is a laughing stock, but her NPD will not absorb this.

I say at this juncture, she is the pit bull who will not face reality or let go and that no new shows are going to happen. Let her and her agent play their little games, but the writing is on the wall. No one will pick up a show with Kate. IMO- she has crossed too many boundaries in the industry, is not watchable, and has nothing to offer. Not getting upset about the bait she sets, as she has come up empty many times in the past year.

I do feel bad that her kids have to deal with delusional nut bag, who can't seem to focus on her kids after all she has been given. NPD rules with Kate.

aggiemom09121416 said... 122

Whew!Finally got outta the kid populated house (11 of them this wk!) to put in a 7 mi run! Felt great! I ran while my girls were at church! 15 minutes ago
what are the boys doing, unloading 300 lbs of chicken feed?
she DOES remember she has boys, doesn't she???
(what, boys don't need to go to church?)

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 123

Fools In Love said... 116
She better do some immediate grifting for Proactiv and have Fed Ex overnight it to her.

Oh good God, don't give her any ideas. :) This piece of work will pounce on anything.

chefsummer #Leh said... 124

Fools In Love said... 116
She better do some immediate grifting for Proactiv and have Fed Ex overnight it to her

Can you image Kate on a Proactive commercial now that would be hilarious.

They would have to edit out all the um's all the honestly's

eye-rolling gum popping

Dwindle said... 125

Hoosier Girl said... 108
She is a dichotomy wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pathological liar.


Glued together with silcone, shot full of botox and dipped in plastic and acrylic.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 126

Twittering And Twattering said... 112
@Kateplusmy8 @MaddieCaraFan Amen 2that Kate! It's too dangerous 4me bein here sometimes! :)

The solution to that is a no-brainer, Milo. Don't put yourself out there as a delusional, obsessive, over-the-top sheeple who is passionately in love with Kate, and there wouldn't be any problems on Twitter for you!


And therein lies the problem with the MOTHER Kate and her twitter, CC, website, etc... posting pictures and discussing her kids with 99,000 complete strangers. Irony at its best. ~ Administrator said... 127

If she admits Twitter is dangerous why does she post pics all the time and post things the kids said and do? That makes no sense.

I actually think people would be nice to the kids for the most part. Most people don't take issue with the kids and actually feel bad for them.

Kate is a twit said... 128

Ha Ha-ROL is now posting the Jimmy Kimmel video. Earlier today the video had less than 400 views, now it has almost 4000.

I know it's just more publicity for Kate-but it also shows what a joke she is.

Nantucket Bound said... 129

Go over to Huffpost TV, Kate Gosselin Dating Show In The Works and read the comments. What would it be like to be so universally humiliated? Kate doesn't get it. She just doesn't, and she never will.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 130 (Administrator) said... 127
If she admits Twitter is dangerous why does she post pics all the time and post things the kids said and do? That makes no sense.

I actually think people would be nice to the kids for the most part. Most people don't take issue with the kids and actually feel bad for them. ------

Admin- I hear what you are saying, but with Kate over exposing her kids via TV, twitter, pictures, CC, website, she has created an unsafe situation for her well known kids to have a "normal" experience. She has robbed them in so many ways. It only takes one sick predator, and her constant ongoing overexposure of her kids, has made it even less safe for them. Nice job Kate.

chefsummer #Leh said... 131

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
Whew!Finally got outta the kid populated house (11 of them this wk!) to put in a 7 mi run! Felt great! I ran while my girls were at church!

So Jamie took the girls to church while Kate stayed home.

So who watched the boys while you went running?

Babsy said... 132

aggiemom09121416 said... 118

Spanier, former Penn State pres, has been hired by the US Goverment (national security).
Good Gawd

Spanier was hired by the government a few weeks after the Penn State Board of Trustees fired him

Bearswife said... 133

Kate is a twit, I thought the same thing about the Dr. Drew repeat - what odd timing!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 134

@MaddieCaraFan not yet.. Way too young and too dangerous for them...:) (protective mom alert :) about 5 hours ago

Protective moms do not put their childrenon tv for all of the world to see, put pictures on websites, twitter, etc.. for complete strangers. Even after the Blankinship situation. She really is a piece of work.

Kate is a twit said... 135

What I'm wondering is what are the sheeple going to think when this show doesn't happen? Will they finally admit nobody wants Kate-that she is not "ratings gold" as some of them think.

Will they blame the networks, like they blamed TLC?

Most of all, will they blame Kate for putting this out there in the first place?

She keeps giving them hope, lets them get into a frenzy and then the rug is pulled out under them over and over again. How long will they keep putting up with this?

It just boggles the mind.

aggiemom09121416 said... 136

Whew!Finally got outta the kid populated house (11 of them this wk!) to put in a 7 mi run! Felt great! I ran while my girls were at church! 15 minutes ago
You birthed most of 'em, you take care of 'em.

Didn't she just get back from her kid-free Chicago trip on Monday? Uh, Kate, that means you've been in the house with the kids 48 hours.
You really can't stand them, can you.

Moose Mania said... 137

Moose - It could if it actually happened. And isn't it sad that we, the so-called haters are concerned about what it could do to them while their mom lets her idiot sheeple perpetuate the rumor.

Auntie -- yes, and isn't it also sad that we are the ones who are concerned about Kate's safety and the children's safety when she announces that the dog opens the door, or that she shouldn't be running at night, or that weird men (such as some who recently popped up on Twitter) might be stalkers, when it is the sheeple who encourage and respond to these freaks thinking that all Kate fans are wonderful and harmless?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 138

Dwindle said... 125
Hoosier Girl said... 108
She is a dichotomy wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pathological liar.


Glued together with silcone, shot full of botox and dipped in plastic and acrylic.

Sorry to comment again, catching up, but this is classic! Hats off to you two : )

fidosmommy said... 139

Wouldn't it be a hoot if her new favorite food bars cause breakouts? ~ Administrator said... 140

Protective moms do not announce the actual locations in real time of their children.

Protective moms don't announce that the other nine kids are at home with just one woman there.

Kate is a twit said... 141

So Kate says the twins don't have twitter because they're way too you and it's too dangerous. Then why doesn't she tell this fan the same thing or advise her that it's not a good idea?

@Kateplusmy8 Hi I liv u so much I'm only 10 kids think I'm weird because I like u but who cares what they say you children cute thank you

Kate is a twit said... 142

Kate only needs 245 more followers to reach 100,000. I can just imagine her sitting glued to her pink Iphone, waiting, waiting, waiting... ~ Administrator said... 143

Spanier was hired by the government a few weeks after the Penn State Board of Trustees fired him


Now that's shocking, given that the investigation wasn't even done by then. How does the federal government even know what his role was at that point? That's our government!

I still don't get how he is saying he knew nothing about this given that his name is all over that report. At least the other guys involved have more or less accepted their roles.

fidosmommy said... 144

Kate is a twit said... 135
What I'm wondering is what are the sheeple going to think when this show doesn't happen? Will they finally admit nobody wants Kate-that she is not "ratings gold" as some of them think.

Will they blame the networks, like they blamed TLC?

Most of all, will they blame Kate for putting this out there in the first place?

She keeps giving them hope, lets them get into a frenzy and then the rug is pulled out under them over and over again. How long will they keep putting up with this?

It just boggles the mind.


Blame Jon? ~ Administrator said... 145

Gosselin8ComeFirst, exactly. Whose fault is it it's dangerous for the kids to do what most other kids are able to do without problems if they're careful.

Oh right, Kate. Again.

I've always felt for children of celebs just as I have felt for these kids because unlike a child or adult who chooses to be in the limelight, these kids were born into it and have never had the choice. They may think they want this now but they've never known anything different. They don't know the kind of normal that other kids have just like a child like Suri Cruise will never know what it's like to have parents who can walk down the street without being stopped by fans or paparazzi.

OrangeCrush said... 146

Guess Jamie is doing more hardcore babysitting while Kate runs, again what a fun vacay. No girls' night out this year, no TLC limo, no bar hopping in NYC. Kids, chicken feed and hood scrubbing. Guess those two are incapable of planning a fun outing for the 11, count 'em, 11 kids. Wonder if Jamie is laundry girl this week too.

SeeSaw said... 147

Did anyone else see the tweet earlier today where Kate was trying to explain which of the kids took after her? She said something like Mady is 1/2 Jon and Cara and another girl are all her? Seems like it was deleted (as it should have been). No wonder she doesn't want the kids to have Twitter. It's because of the awful things she says.

Moose Mania said... 148

Blame Jon?


Blame Shoka for eating the wild animal. If the dog hadn't been on bed rest for 40 weeks, Kate wouldn't have spent all of that time taking care of an ill animal, running him back and forth to the vet, dosing him with expensive life-saving medication, she would have had more time to effectively pitch this show. ~ Administrator said... 149

Maybe it's just me but in addition to finding it rude to make a guest do housework while they are over, I also find it rude to dump your kids on them and leave them in the dust while you continue about your normal extensive exercise routine.

Ruuuuude. When you have guests certain things don't and shouldn't happen.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 150

Kate is a twit said... 142
Kate only needs 245 more followers to reach 100,000. I can just imagine her sitting glued to her pink Iphone, waiting, waiting, waiting... -------------------------

The sad part is with her buying twitter fans, I think she used this ploy to get the cruise, CC and R & R marathon races. And as they said on a Seinfeld episode, " Fake, fake, fake, fake."

Bitter disappointment for the suckers.

Moose Mania said... 151

Whew!Finally got outta the kid populated house (11 of them this wk!) to put in a 7 mi run! Felt great! I ran while my girls were at church! 15 minutes ago


My first reaction to this was -- way to insult your house guests!
My next reaction was -- how many times is she going to tell us that there were eleven kids there? We get it...

Kate is a twit said... 152


The tweet is still there. However, the person who tweeted her with her opinion of which child favors which parent deleted her tweet.

If you're looking at Kate's tweets on you have to click on "All" to see her replies.

Here is the tweet:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@readleelove not exactly accurate altho ur guessing from what you've seen... I'm 1/2 Mady&jon is 1/2 & all of Cara is me:) & Leah is me2!

Tamara said... 153

I think she'd gladly give Jon custody if she weren't afraid of how it would make her look. She fought for custody because she thought she could get more money and fame out of them. They were her meal tickets. Now they aren't bringing in cash or fame, so she has to figure out how to get rid of them without jeopardizing her image.
It has noting to do with image, it's all about POWER and CONTROL. And, of course, the monthly child support cheques.

Kate is a twit said... 154

fidosmommy said... 144

Blame Jon?

On second though, they will blame the "haters". They claim the haters are out to sabotage anything Kate does. They blame the haters for the show being cancelled, the cruise being cancelled, for anything and everything that doesn't work out for Kate.

One thing for sure-they will never blame Kate.

She Lies said... 155

Admin said:

"They may think they want this now but they've never known anything different. They don't know the kind of normal that other kids have"

Yes, and she spent a lot of time on the morning shows "setting the record straight" about how ALL of the kids loved doing the show. Maybe some of them did, but as you said, they knew nothing else.

But, excuse me, I do recall at least a couple of them acting otherwise. Like Cara and Collin, for example. Cara frequently looked miserable on the show, and was sent to the bus a lot on trips for misbehaving. I saw a clip where Collin tried to cover the camera with his hand. Yeah, they loved it all right.

SeeSaw said... 156

Kate is a twit - 152
Thank you. I thought I was imagining things. Didn't realize twitter was different online vs. phone.

PatK said... 157

She ran while her girls were in church. Did she really need to mention they were in church? And where were her boys? Who was watching them while she ran? Jamie? Or was Jamie with the girls? Questions, questions...

Yeah, Kate, you put this tripe out there--useless info the public doesn't need to know. But you could at least account for ALL of your children while doing it, no?

Because you just know Milo is wondering...

chefsummer #Leh said... 158

So did Kate run on her grifted treadmill or is she stupid enough to run outside at night?

I bet she ran outside cause she has to get her meeeeeeee time away from the icky boys.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 159

Truth be told- Kate always said the show would stop once ANYONE wanted to stop filming:

1) Jon said on film he wanted to stop filming- A Parent- Kate said they would "iron it out" - subsequent divorce and new show with just Kate and kids. The show went on..

2)At different times, both Mady and Cara were clearly not willing to film- the show went on....

3) Two children were suspended for months for bad behavior at school.... the show went on....

Clearly Kate never understood, nor does she now, that the show should have ended long ago for the sake of her marriage and her kids.

Dwindle said... 160

I think we should be supportive of Kate struggling to find romance and needing nothing less than a reality show to do it. Because it would creat panic in the streets if she were to try something so mediocre as MatchDotCom. So we should jump on board with this and get a list of folks together who would be good contestants/participants in her new show.

I'll start.

Flavor Flav
Abe Vigoda
Tim Conway
Mr Charles Manson
Mr Kirk Douglas
Phyllis Diller
Mr Snoop Dog
Rosie O'Donnell
Michael Vick
Joran Van Der Sloot
Ms Cloris Leachman
Andrew Luster
Mr Don King
Vice President Dick Cheney
RuPaul Charles

koopdedoo said... 161

My first thought on the "I ran while my girls were in church" - I can't lie, I thought SHE SENDS HER GOOD BRA TO CHURCH??


Over In Berks said... 162

any secrets on how to build up to running that far? Running is a HUGE challenge for me!

it's a huge challenge for every1. Push urself a little further every time, repeat a mantra and laugh at the pain! You can do it!

Tell me she didn't tweet this. I have no words. Kate has no idea if this person has any physical disabilities. I wonder how much the runner will be laughing at the pain a few years from now when her legs are giving her problems. She certainly won't be laughing at the medical bills or the time she has to spend in rehab.

Dwindle said... 163

I forgot:

Spencer Pratt
Levi Johnston
PeeWee Herman

AuntieAnn said... 164

OrangeCrush said... 146
Guess Jamie is doing more hardcore babysitting while Kate runs, again what a fun vacay.
Jamie and Kate deserve each other. She's using Kate just like Kate's using her. She obviously likes the attention and is a bit of a narcissist herself or she wouldn't be back at the McMansion letting the twidiot take pics of her and her kids and allowing her to put them on the internet. If it was any other way she would have told Kate to 86 all those photos or at least keep them private.

The two of them are just having a real pajama party and stirring up a little shit. 12-year-old mentality.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 165

PatK said,

Because you just know Milo is wondering...


Milo probably wonders how often Kate pees during the day, or if her periods are regular. She just hasn't asked about it yet. Speaking of periods, whatever happened to Big Fan?

chefsummer #Leh said... 166

@Kateplusmy8 awesome!!! I bet it is hard finding time for urself when you have that many kids in the house!
Reply Retweet Favorite
36m Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@HenryHCh understatement majorly lol

Nah Kate finds meeeeeeeee time all the time when she feels like it.

AMD said... 167

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 159
Truth be told- Kate always said the show would stop once ANYONE wanted to stop filming:

....Kate said they would "iron it out"....

I always thought that was sadly symbolic when Kate spoke those words and made the ironing motion right in front of Jon's face...I felt that she was ironing Jon out of the picture and her life at that very moment.
On another poignant note, Aaden Gosselin could have made this commercial - ~ Administrator said... 168

Regarding someone who said maybe Jamie stuck around for the kids. I buy that for Jodi and Beth but not for Jamie. Jamie is an enabler who as AA said loves the attention even if she has to sell her dignity. The kids have never seemed all that affectionate to her. Ashley was the one they were clearly most bonded to on the RV trip. They never turned to Jamie for love or reassurance. It was Ashley. It doesn't seem like Jamie is even around that much to have much of a bond with her. When she comes she takes off with KATE to go foot lick and such. ~ Administrator said... 169

You know I'm anticipating Kate will say something like well i can't do ratings sites I'm too fammmmous.

A friend of mine is on and there were at least two rather reasonably known actors on there she spotted, and was even chatting with one. There were also a few wealthy guys well known in business circles. The famous go on dating sites just like the mediocre apparently and no one makes much of a fuss. ~ Administrator said... 170

Tell me she didn't tweet this. I have no words. Kate has no idea if this person has any physical disabilities. I wonder how much the runner will be laughing at the pain a few years from now when her legs are giving her problems. She certainly won't be laughing at the medical bills or the time she has to spend in rehab.


Ugh. Totally agree. Even the most famous fitness experts always say consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

capecodmama said... 171

This dating show is never going to happpen. Kate or her PR team has thrown this little tidbit out there once a year for the last couple of years. If a network wanted her on a dating show, "Watch Mom of 8 Kate Try To Land a Date", they would have contacted her. It hasn't happened so she has to make it happen. Desperation never looks good on anyone.

On a more pleasant topic, my older daughter and her boyfriend just adopted a six month old, male Rottweiler/Cattle Dog mix. He is adorable and an absolute love bug. He was found in Tennessee, abandoned in a empty house, by a real estate agent when she went to show the house to a prospective buyer. He was sent to Rhode Island where he was being fostered. They named him Trooper. They brought him to the vet today for a checkup and they said he was in great shape. Yeah! ~ Administrator said... 172

Aw Cape that's so great about the adoption!

Update on my foster dog, she is being adopted Friday to a wonderful family. Success!!!!

Amy2 said... 173

My opinion is this dating show is bogus which got me to thinking.

Why in the world can't Kate meet someone through normal channels; through church, friends, family, school activities. Oh silly me...Kate doesn't have any of these outlets.

So all she has is to pretend that men really want her (ha ha) by going on TV. Oh silly network or producer is interested.

Oh dear, what is a lonely, oppressive mother of 8 to do? that's right she can do paid escorts. What am I thinking...that's Stevie's job.

PatK said... 174

Ready to catch some Z's! This kid crowded house is a wearin' us out! GN!

Jamie is probably worn out from watching YOUR kids in addition to her own. Especially since, if I recall correctly, Jamie doesn't have full custody of her three. I'm sure she's NOT used to it at all. Yep, two party girls WOULD be worn out.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 175

Cape, 170...On a more pleasant topic, my older daughter and her boyfriend just adopted a six month old, male Rottweiler/Cattle Dog mix. He is adorable and an absolute love bug.


Wonderful! A happy story! Does anyone else change the channel immediately when the commercial shows the abused animals? I can't reach for the remote fast enough. I just can't watch it. If I can't find it right away, I'm yelling, "change it, change it, change it!"

Moose Mania said... 176

So we should jump on board with this and get a list of folks together who would be good contestants/participants in her new show.


Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson. Those Petersons draw the viewers. Forget Paul Petersen, though. I don't think he'd have much interest in Kate.

I thought Sgt. Phil Fish was dead!

fade2black said... 177

My two rescue boys and I are thrilled about all the recent doggie adoptions! It's a real relief to read such happy news here. ~ Administrator said... 178

Kate really cannot stand the fact that all these kids are cramping her style with her girlfriend. She can't foot lick with 11 kids in tow.

Ex Nurse said... 179

Kate's Epic Fails, Part 1
Here are just a sampling of all of Kate's "dreams", along with some published headlines and quotes from stories. She couldn't get any projects off the ground when she had every opportunity in the world. But, she is now going to sell a show about geriatric (in Hollywood years) dating? Is there an AARP station? OK, now I'm depressed.....

Kate is pitching a CD of holiday songs sung by herself and all her children," a record executive tells me.

“I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives."

Talk Show with Paula Deen
In turns out Kate Gosselin, who had her sights set on a talk show career, is not going to be part of a new show that she shot a pilot for, according to reports. 

Cover Girl Makeup
Kate was hoping to get paid to endorse a bunch of products," a friend tells me. "She thought she would earn millions by advertising baby carriages, food and cloths, but no one wanted her. The poor thing even thought she would get a deal with Cover Girl after being on DWTS ...

Twist of Kate
According to a Life & Style source, Kate Gosselin‘s TLC show, “‘Twist of Kate’ is canceled” – and it hasn’t even begun yet. The reason, says the tab’s “insider,” is that her other show, “Kate Plus 8,” isn’t performing well enough to justify another Gosselin program on TLC.

Healthtex Children's Line
Kate Gosselin Clothing Line Shelved

Ex Nurse said... 180

Kate's Epic Fails, Part II
Radio host
“This is an idea that thrills me to pieces!” Kate wrote when a fan asked about whether she would host a show on Sirius/XM satellite radio. 

White House Fitness Guru
Kate Gosselin wants to collaborate with Michelle Obama to promote fitness

Talk show 2--The Talk
Kate Gosselin has landed herself a new gig! ... a source tells that Kate has been offered the chance to fill in on the CBS show The Talk.

Celebrity Apprentice
Kate Gosselin Joins Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice"

Fitness show
Kate Gosselin Wants To Host Her Own Fitness TV Show

Movie Star
Kate Gosselin: The Movie Star?

Cartoon Voice
I would love to be a voice of a cartoon character in a movie for my kids. I think that would be fun."  

Kate Gosselin’s Cruise Event Sinks Like The Titanic

Kate Gosselin as the next Bachelorette?

Kate is a twit said... 181


"DENVER — Three hospitals taking care of people wounded in the Colorado theater shooting said Wednesday they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills for the victims."

You can read the rest of the story here:

Layla said... 182

Add Drew Peterson to the list!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 183

Ex-Nurse: Plagiarized cookbook?

Ex Nurse said... 184 (Administrator) said... 172
Aw Cape that's so great about the adoption!

Update on my foster dog, she is being adopted Friday to a wonderful family. Success!!!!
Congratulations--Great news!

Tess said... 185

Sleepless 175

I do the same thing. It is beyond heart wrenching. I care so deeply and can not bear to watch :(

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 186

Wonderful! A happy story! Does anyone else change the channel immediately when the commercial shows the abused animals? I can't reach for the remote fast enough. I just can't watch it. If I can't find it right away, I'm yelling, "change it, change it, change it!"

Always! I tried just the other day to watch one all the way through but got all teary eyed and had to change the channel. I thought I was the only one.

Dwindle said... 187

Sleepless In Seattle said... 175
Cape, 170...On a more pleasant topic, my older daughter and her boyfriend just adopted a six month old, male Rottweiler/Cattle Dog mix. He is adorable and an absolute love bug.


Wonderful! A happy story! Does anyone else change the channel immediately when the commercial shows the abused animals? I can't reach for the remote fast enough. I just can't watch it. If I can't find it right away, I'm yelling, "change it, change it, change it!"


ME! I bellow "get that off!" And just when you think it is safe to go back, nooooo it is still on! I swear it is 3 minutes long, full of flailing and emaciated animals.

All the money these organizations spend on advertising, the 'free' jackets and carryalls and calendars and stuffed animals - sheesh. And none of the commercials ever beg you adopt, or volunteer at a shelter, or foster, or spay/ neuter... nope, just send us a check or call us up with your credit card.

@Cape - congrats on your new cuddle muffin. I have a border collie/cattle dog mix and her middle name is RunsRealFast. I also have a male Rott and his middle name is BigDopeyBaby. Enjoy your new love!

Dwindle said... 188

Moose Mania said... 176
Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson. Those Petersons draw the viewers. Forget Paul Petersen, though. I don't think he'd have much interest in Kate.
I thought Sgt. Phil Fish was dead!

and...Layla said... 182
Add Drew Peterson to the list!

Due to brilliant and popular request, I hereby add:
Drew Peterson
Scott Peterson
Mr OJ Simpson
Kevin Federline

And being dead is no excuse! first of all, Kate wont even notice and second of all, if the rest of us have to suffer that woman, then so do the ones in the great beyond! (PS I cant find anything about Abe Vigoda passing away.)

Dwindle said... 189

Ex Nurse said... 179

You put some thought into all that. Thank you, and nicely done!

Doubletalk said... 190

So now Kate might get a new show.New stuff to talk about and boast how much better we are than Kate. We all know this show would be fake,that Kate would never end up with one of the guys on this show.But we feel good saying what kind of men would want to be on this show?We all know this show would only have Kate finding a pay check.Of course the kids will be on it.Kate cant work without the kids.
We will watch the show and give it ratings cause we are all so busy but will make sure to have the time to watch this show.We dont care about her,about what she dose without the kids.You better bet we care about this.We will give her an audience cause we know when to walkaway.We will give her what she wants!!!!!! Attention.
Luv,the haters.

Dwindle said... 191

I'VE GOT IT!!! I'VE GOT IT!!! (Jumping up and down and waving my arms wildly!)

drum roll please...

Jackie, Marlon, Tito, Jermaine, and Randy Jackson!

The Jackson brothers compete for Kate's (*cough*) 'affection' by wooing her in all the bucket list places they can afford, after scraping a few dollars off the backs of the children of their late brother, Michael.

"Everyone quits own me" Jackie sobs to Kate.
"My mother just isnt part of my everyday life" Tito explains.
"My mother doesnt know how to help me" wails Marlon
"I have a purse full of bills I cant pay" Jermaine sputters as he dabs his eyes
"I do everything alone; the aloneness is just so alone" Randy moans.

" Now MAN UP! Like I told Jon when I slapped him: 'Nobody likes a victim!' Now that you are here, you're mine, each and every one of you and your bank account$. Mine Mine all mine. Jack$on$ as far as the eye can $ee. All mine. Now scrub that stove hood. AND SOMEBODY HAND ME MY PINK PHONE!!!"

"We brought you love offerings, Your Amazing Kateness. Worth bazillions and bazillions of dollars! We worked hard to get this, just for you, our lovely Miss Gosselinboobs! You would have been so proud; we threw our elderly mother right under a bus to get this for you!!!!!!!!!!! A really BIG bus!!!!!!!!"

"Ummm, yes. I $ee the love offering you brought me! Now lock those love offerings - ummm I mean Michael's 3 kids- down in the basement with the other little ATMs AFTER you hand their bankbooks over to MEEEEE!!! Now, you men there, lick my feet and stop hogging up MY reality cameras! Ummm,there are ummm eleven, count em eleven ummmm burdens in this house and honestly? I am #muchtoobusyandexhausted for dating now. Tomorrow, I will mastermind you Jacksons into moving the garden hose, if you can manage not to screw that up."

Oh which Jackson brother will Kate choose? Stay tuned next week when we hear Kate ask: "Umm, just how old IS Michael's eldest $on, anyway, hummmm? And for gawd's sake, will someone toss 15 grapes and 20 crackers down the stairs at those annoying eleven kids!!!!!!!! Steve is blowing on my wet toenail polish and I just cant do everything on my own, ya know!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Starz22 said... 192

So Kate is grifting for a dating show? Lets hope no one will watch it.When I heard this I Kate you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
I can say I have zero interest in watching anything with Kate in it. Her voice makes my skin crawl.

I can't watch the animal abuse info's.Makes me cry. Just saw a pissed off killer whale "playing" with his trainer...almost drowned him.Gee...I wonder why the whale is pissed...he was taken from his family so he can do tricks for paying people.Sea World trys so hard to make it ok...but ...there are so many things I will never see in my life...wild lions and elephants...seals...polar bears....ect...It will never be ok with me to take these animals from their natural habitats just so I can pay money to see how un-happy they are.

mama mia said... 193

If you thought Kate looked and sounded like a moron before, compare her life story to Brooke Burke. Kate had 2 pregnancies, Brooke has had 4. Kate is 37, Brooke is 41. Brooke has 4 children under 12, the first are 2 years apart, the last are 1 year apart, her youngest was just 5 months old when she went on DWTS, and won it! At no time did she whine about the hardships of being a mommy, she just worked really hard and won the competition. Deservedly so. Her body is amazing and again she is very honest about how strictly she eats, how hard she exercises. She is not asking the cameras to follow her to pilates class, she just gets it done. Kate has no education, Brooke has a degree in Broadcast journalism, again earning it. When she won the DWTS co-host job she said it was the pinacle of her career, which it was, and she explained how she was muzzled from saying anything until the press releases went out. Thus her fans get that she is not toying with them or playing with them. She has nearly 2 million twitter followers. Kate is struggling to get 100,000. She loves her husband, and her mother and whatever interests her is becoming lucrative businesses for her. Here is what she had to say about having nannies :
Brooke is now going through a very public thyroid cancer scare, she is awaiting news from a second biopsy, again she is not moaning or wailing or putting out the 'poor me' vibes and I think that in a nutshell is why the general public is so completely disgusted with Kate. It is all about her and her hard life when in reality she has paid staffers and money to do things and go places, and she has not one authentic bone in her shopping cart body.

JoyinVirginia said... 194

Please leave RuPaul off the list for any show with Ms Kreider. RuPaul has 2 shows on Logo, RuPauls Drag Race where they look for the next drag star, and RuPauls Drag U, where the drag queens help women rediscover their inner queen. They might be able to help Ms Kreider on Drag U,, but only if she would listen to advice from RuPaul and the drag queens.

Admin, congrats on your foster getting adopted! We have a new adorable foster who is a really cute pug.

JudyK said... 195

Dwindle #187, count me in as being one of those that flips the channel the second the overly-long abused animals commercial comes on.

I even emailed them and told them their commercial was having the opposite effect of what they intended, because everyone I knew could not bear to watch it.

I got an email back stating that surely I had to understand why it was so important to actually see the suffering animals.

NO NO NO it is not...and they completely missed the point of my email.

tate said... 196

Maria Menounos is getting her own reality tv show on Oxygen. Just announced. It will feature her home life with her boyfriend, her time on DWTS, her tv hosting career, etc. Looks like Kate missed out again!!

Improbable Dreams said... 197

Doubletalk said... 190
You better bet we care about this.We will give her an audience cause we know when to walkaway.We will give her what she wants!!!!!! Attention.
Luv,the haters.

We're not "haters," nor are we group thinkers. Our reasons for calling Kate out on this are as different as the backgrounds from which we come. Same with our manner of processing the news, of showing our unease with the concept itself. Some of us will watch it; others won't. We'll have things to say about Kate and her dates, if the show ever comes about. All of this is open to question/interpretation, but there's one thing you can count on: We'll be looking out for the best interests of the children. That's the tie that binds us together.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 198

Congratulations on the adoption of your little foster puppy, Administrator. Good job :o)

Congratulations to JoyinVirginia for being a foster parent to a puggie :o)


JudyK said... 195

Dwindle #187, count me in as being one of those that flips the channel the second the overly-long abused animals commercial comes on.

I even emailed them and told them their commercial was having the opposite effect of what they intended, because everyone I knew could not bear to watch it.

I got an email back stating that surely I had to understand why it was so important to actually see the suffering animals.

NO NO NO it is not...and they completely missed the point of my email.


Me too. I can't help it. I want to save them all, but obviously that's not possible.

My husband has to remind me that we did our part saving 2 furry lives. But that does not calm the desperate feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when those commercials come on the t.v.

Poor babies.

AussieGoldenLuv said... 199

"Does anyone else change the channel immediately when the commercial shows the abused animals?"

Yes because otherwise I scream at the TV in frustration. HSUS is a big fraud. Less than 1% of their funds go to support animals and they don't operate shelters. Their goal is to eliminate animal ownership.

Dmasy said... 200

Improbable Dreams, 197 -- Thank you. I was trying to think of a response to Doubletalk that would be informative and respectful.

You did it for me ... and probably several others.

I appreciate your words.

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