The classic look is always in vogue — clean, simple and perfect for the workplace and your television personality career. Here's how to get it from head to toe.
A parody of Kate's tips for saving money on clothing and accessories.
Engineer's hat ...
A parody of Kate's tips for saving money on clothing and accessories.
Engineer's hat ...

The must-have accessory to conduct the train wreck that is your life:
![]() |
Courtesy of Fade2Black |
Oversized sunglasses ...

To hide the crocodile tears you cry as you watch old episodes of your canceled show over and over:
Slutty strapless dress and Princess Kate pumps (Winnie the Pooh tattoo optional but recommended) ...
Ideal for pumping gas, or turning over tables:
Daisy Dukes, paired with Dorothy red hooker heels and a wife beater ...
The ideal summer go-to uniform to pick up all your fan mail:
482 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 482 Newer› Newest»Sorry I've been MIA... I've been distracted by life..I stop in, read and comment occasionally. Best I can do right now!Thx 4 understanding! 6 minutes ago
She doesn't say I'm working or really busy with the kids or something. She's just bored with Twitter is all.
Hey, shouldn't Kate be advertizing for her marathon coming up?
As for that Bella Bar: sound like the rest of those health bars that are out there, only theses are smal & expensive, too many carbs for me. No thanks!
I see Kate just brushed off her tweeters.
"He's a" welcome, but can you please change your name to something that isn't a cuss word? Thanks.
haha! Well done Admin. Those Jackie O shades make her look even more ridiculous than she already is, like her eyes are too close together. They remind me of the ones Casey Anthony wore, the white pair. Ugh. I hope she reads this thread.
Yes, I believe she's finally tiring of twitter and her tweeties. Time for spider woman to build a new web somewhere else.
Kate's 97,722 twitters can't help Kate get a "job", therefore, Kate will leave twitter. Same old pattern as with family/friends; if no one helps Kate or tries to get "stuff" that Kate thinks is hers; bye bye bye The kids are not cute and can't get a tv show therefore, Jon will most likely get boys first!
Administrator, great selections. Hope your eyes aren't burning from all the options you had to review!
Bwaaahaaahaaahaaa! Love it, Admin! Perfect pairings! I've never seen that photo of her in the strapless slut dress. The way she's standing, and the back-lighting, it's obvious she isn't wearing any panties. She's either wearing a thong or going commando. Great "business" attire, KK. What exactly is that business again?
Wonder which of her attractive business/professional outfits she has hanging on her closet door awaiting the next interview for a media position? Thanks for the fashion show.
And oh sure, I do agree that 'distracted by life' is Katespeak for Twitterbore. Which is what she truly is, a Twitter bore. School cannot start soon enough for those kids.
We shouldn't forget the little foil number. In her blog, Kate should have stressed the importance of always checking yourself from the rear before going out in public. Those thongs can be tricky little things to hide!
Then there was the photo of her with the bulging, um, crotch, standing next to...was it Mary Hart at the DWTS finale? That was a very classic look! Does anyone have a link to that one?
If she really had something on her plate she would sing from the rooftops about how she has something cooking in the works and stay tuned. She's just bored.
Summer there's just so many to choose from aren't there? LOL
Sorry I've been MIA... I've been distracted by life..I stop in, read and comment occasionally. Best I can do right now!Thx 4 understanding!
:-o zzzzzzzz (I just saw that in the book I'm reading and apparently it's the text sign for bored or boring and Kate you are boring us to tears)
Distracted by life? Doubtful. More like her lawyer has told her to cool it on twitter till the Gosselin book mess is cleared up or, as Admin said above, she's bored with her tweeties. Maybe she's finally realizing that her tweeties will only be able to support her emotionally because they sure haven't stepped up to the plate to support her any other way. Her cruise was a bust and I doubt that many have signed up for the Chicago run.
Im currently reading "Trail of the Spellmans" by Lisa Lutz. Very funny author and I think this is either the 4th or 5th book in the Spellman series.
Kate gave her tweeties two golden opportunities to prove themselves to her and they failed her both times. The cruise and the marathon. Both flops. Well I'm assuming the marathon is a flop since hardly anyone is talking about going. She's not going to give them a million chances here, she is a narcissist after all.
Love it!! I emailed the Bella Bar company and told them I would not buy a product associated with Kate Gosselin. Their response was that she likes the bars and ordered some so they thought they would offer free shipping to her 100,000 "followers". Not buying that at all!
Well obviously that's not the whole story because at some point they had to contact Kate and tell her about the "Kate" shipping code and make sure she was okay with them using the great name of Kate Gosselin, since she threw a shitfit last time Em Tanner tried to do that, and then Kate had to agree to tweet the promotion to everyone.
And no way is Kate doing this without some kind of cut to her, either in bars or cold hard cash. So that sounds like 25% of the story. Not that they're obligated to talk about business deals. I'm surprised they said anything at all.
You know the bars actually sound good to me, I'm always looking for an energy bar that doesn't taste like completely processed garbage, but they're expensive as most natural bars are, and at the end of the day you can make your own bars very easily at home. I usually only buy bars like this when they are on sale or the rare coupon.
Cliff bars are pretty decent and fairly natural, and if you watch for when they go on sale they're not bad.
She also had a rather strange female crotch shot in her orange bikini shot. Looked like a boxy shape inserted in the bottoms. Let's face it, she just doesn't photograph well. There are too many problems with her overall appearance. Starting at the top, her head is too big for her torso, her upper chest (the part above the girls) always looks dirty, she has NO waist (rather, she is a block - not the usual apple, triangle or pear shape), she has thunder thighs, she has stumpy legs (hmmmm, she liked that word in reference to Jon), she has huge cankles and her toes are always overhanging the front of her shoes. Other than that, well, I still can't say she's alright. And its true, she can't get work on her own and her kids no longer are able to get any for her either. (Administrator) said... 11 Summer there's just so many to choose from aren't there? LOL
You got that right! You done good, though! When she went through her new wonder bra phase, there were volumes of photos of the "girls" flopping around in all directions, desperately seeking the attention of their silver-haired boobyguard!
Unfortunately, she didn't blog about strategies to use to keep them appropriately contained!
Ha ha! That Sunset Blvd clip is perfect!
Okay, Kate. You want top of the line clothes for very little money. Listen up. TJ Maxx or Marshalls. Let me enlighten you.
TJ Maxx and Marshall's are now carrying clothes from LOFT, Ann Taylor and Talbots. Recently at a local TJ Maxx I scored a Talbots 100% silk, leopard print, sleeveless blouse for $14.99, Talbots price $89.00; a Talbots 100% silk, leopard print dress for $24.99, Talbots price $198.00; and a Talbots 100% linen blazer for $24.99, Talbots price $128.00. All the clothes still had their Talbots tags on them. That's how you save money on clothes. I do think that Talbots prices are ridiculous to begin with but the TJ Maxx prices were a steal. Also there are select TJ Maxx stores that have "The Runway" which is a selection of designer clothes. Kate just likes to think she is dressing like the "stahs" do but everyone is right. She does not have a clue.
As far as her Twitter it has become more about the war between the fans and non-fans with the two groups exchanging ugly tweets back and forth. The only reason it is even showing up on her Twitter is because they use @Kateplusmy8 in their tweet. If that was taken out of the equation her Twitter would be pretty dead.
Totally agree Admin. I felt that the person that responded to me had an "attitude" and said they had an "overwhelmingly positive response" to the "Kate Offer". Again, not buying it.
Greek yogurt and real blueberries do sound enticing but I wouldn't spend twenty odd bucks on something I've never tasted. I'd like try one first.
She always thinks people don't "know how" to help her, so she drops them. Hmmm... she really is still hanging on?
You know I never had much luck at TJ MAxx type places. They're so huge and overwhelming and I get impatient weeding through everything trying to find the high quality products. Stuff I have gotten there pills and whatnot.
What I do like is going to stores that can be on the pricier side but heading straight to the back. There can be some great finds back there and less overwhelming. I love doing this at Banana Republic.
The gas pump photo really does need some type of caption. It looks like Katie is expecting the machine to spit some money back out to her.
OMG I think I've been exposed to Kate too long. I just re-read my last post and it sounded like I was trying to grift a Bella Bar.
Yes it looks like she's trying to pump gas like you would play slots. Like she's looking for three cherries for the win. (Administrator) said... 13
Kate gave her tweeties two golden opportunities to prove themselves to her and they failed her both times. The cruise and the marathon. Both flops. Well I'm assuming the marathon is a flop since hardly anyone is talking about going. She's not going to give them a million chances here, she is a narcissist after all.
Its got to be killing her. In all fairness, Katie Irene followed all the established protocol for cashing in on ones name. When do you think it will hit her that there's just nothing that can be squeezed out of her followers?
Yes it looks like she's trying to pump gas like you would play slots. Like she's looking for three cherries for the win.
Three Steeve-o's and its a win. On the other hand three Jon's and .............
How many of Kate's followers are runners? Who would want to fly/drive to Chicago on a hot summer day to watch somebody run by? You would have to be more bored than Kate. Even the runners wouldn't get to see her. If they are going to Chicago, they are not going for Kate.
They are going for their own reasons, like to enjoy the great city of Chicago and take in some shopping or a show.
Perfection admin--standing ovation.
Bella Bars keep it simple. We've stripped away the preservatives and fillers to provide you with the perfect vegan treat!
Deceptive advertising as they use yogurt in at least one of their bars. Yogurt is dairy from an animal source. Vegetarian--yes. Vegan--no. Somebody at that company is lazy--no wonder Kate likes them.
The Kind brand fruit and nut bars are really good--tasting, anyway--haven't looked closely at nutrition. They are carried at many natural food stores as well as some chains. The ones with chocolate are really good--have chocolate squiggled on top, not dipped. Not very sweet but really flavorful. Singles at upwards of $1.60 each, but can be bought in bulk on Amazon and other websites for a little more than $1 each
"You don't yell at a sleepwalker...he may fall and break his neck. She was still sleepwalking in the giddy heights of her lost career. Still crazy when it came to one subject--her celluloid self"
" Madame has moments of melancholy"
"Must you chew gum?"
"Still waving proudly to a parade that long ago passed her by"
The tango
The pool
The hair extensions
The name-dropping
Using and manipulating people
Sock puppet fans
It's all in that Sunset Boulevard clip...
Totally agree Admin. I felt that the person that responded to me had an "attitude" and said they had an "overwhelmingly positive response" to the "Kate Offer".
Sounds a little bit like the cruise. Are you sure Cindy isn't moonlighting?
Why does every single thing she gets herself involved with sound so suspect??? It's like amateur hour every day of the week.
A professional company wouldn't talk about the details of their business arrangements and give random details like they did, other than to say something generic and benign like "We're so thrilled to have X celebrity as our spokesperson!"
I don't generally like to criticize another person's appearance but I will make an exception for this wretchedly wretched wretch. Besides all the other fashion fails, I really dislike the Minnie Mouse shoes. (Daisy Duck also wore them.)
Her shoe choices, among other things, are really bizarre.
I had always thought that she could benefit by the services of a good stylist, but the fact that she actually used one occasionally is really unbelievable.
She truly hasn't a clue.
I bet Kate can't stand that this new Tide commercial with the parents of triplets. (Though they seem like actors.) Triplets, is that all???
Also the "triplets" aren't in the commercial. Nice, Tide.
Well played once again Admin.
Hmmm..has anyone asked about wire hangers???
I don't generally like to criticize another person's appearance but I will make an exception for this wretchedly wretched wretch. Besides all the other fashion fails, I really dislike the Minnie Mouse shoes. (Daisy Duck also wore them.)
I rarely talk about her wardrobe and I don't really care that much, she looks like so many moms out here, but here she is doing an entire post about her wardrobe and her classic styles. She is absolutely fair game now!
Regarding Pop Warner, kiddos in my life were involved with that for years, and my experience actually was overwhelmingly positive. Never once saw a parent be inappropriate. Parents and fans clapped, cheered but within reason. No one fought or yelled at each other or the kids. Pam Anderson's kids played on the team at one point and no one made a big deal or ever singled them out. It had me thinking all this stuff about mean parents in sports is overblown. Sorry to hear it's not like that for every team.
The back to school domanatrix link didn't work for me so I'm posting it again. Her ensemble is just so refined, so haute coture.
Back to School '10
Admin said ...38
Yes I agree she is fair game especially after that CC blog post. She just opens herself up to criticism.
Oh my! That clip is perfect! Gee, I wonder if the apartment over Khate's garage had a leak...
Wayward, the Back to School '10 look! Thanks for posting the additional "classic" attire photos.
I've been distracted by life=I'm done wasting my time talking to all of you needy pain in the asses. I will only twitter you when I have something to sell and want to make a few bucks for myself. So sit by your computor(Milo)and wait for my almighty word to spend money on any crap I need to unload. Don't bother me again....suckers...
Jon was always right . . . she has no clothes sense. When she wore the swears and then the Ann Taylor Loft clothes, moms could relate. Not sure when she started transforming into the slut look, but it must have started after the boob job with Steve's encouragement.
I want to add I watched a 20/20 about cheaters and one of the hints that a spouse may be cheating is sudden weight loss and/or going to the gym. Remember that she took off plenty of weight before the divorce.
Well done!
Now I need to Brillo my eyeballs.
Dmasy, yes my little guys have recovered from the hand, foot, and mouth disease. Thanks so much for asking.
Congrats, Admin!! This is hilarious!! I do love your fashion tips.
Her kids are going to be so embarrassed when they are old enough to check the internet and see pics of her dressed like that. I think the reason she is so quiet is that she is finally getting it into her head that no one is going to give her a job on tv. There are a lot of positions that have come about lately and all of them have passed on Kate. Like Jill Zarin is going to be on every week on Good Afternoon America. I'll bet Kate's pr tried to get her that job. There are new shows all over the place that needed hosts and all of them passed on Kate. I'm sure she's totally depressed. I almost feel sorry for her. But then I look at my refrigerator that's empty and my charge cards that are full and my stomach that's empty and I don't feel sorry for her at all.
Anonymous said... 5
The kids are not cute and can't get a tv show therefore, Jon will most likely get boys first!
Although I agree w/ everything else you said, including the statement that Jon will probably get the boys first, I think ALL of the kids are really cute.
Great job, Admin! You missed a couple of really spectacular "classic looks" about the time she and Steve took the limo to NYC and got out to get a Starbucks with the classic look of Kate's boobs hanging out in her low-cut top.
That was the summer of low-cut tops to show off her NEW "good bra." Too many such "classic Kate looks" that summer to mention.
Admin: Those are great, superimposed with the clips. What a terrific laugh! I wish we also had a pic of her in the halter, weird shorts and ankle high gladiators ( NYC trip) as it also showed newly done Botox and lovely straw hair...oh well, we certainly get the 'picture.' If Kate reads here, as she has taken up reading, I hope it gives her pause re: being a better example to her daughters.
Administrator, I do agree with you that TJ Maxx type stores can be overwhelming. You have to have the time to look through everything. I also agree that Banana Republic has a great markdown section. J. Crew is another store that I do well in the markdowns. It's even better when they are offering a percentage off the already markdowned price.
Another thing Kate could have stressed in her blog was how you take business wear and make several outfits out of it. My girlfriend recently asked me if I wanted a black Ann Taylor suit (jacket and pencil skirt) that no longer fit her. She was concerned I wouldn't be able to use it as I don't work. However, I jumped at the chance. I wear the jacket with jeans and put on a sexy top and a pair of cute heels with the skirt and it is a dinner outfit with my husband. But then again, Kate doesn't own a suit because that is not her idea of business wear.
Do you remember when Tim Gunn of Project Runway was asked to comment on Kate's new 'style'. He used a C word to describe her and it wasn't "Classic", nor was it the first one that came to your mind, lol. He called her a "cougar" in a very perplexed WTF way as in questioning why bother putting a team of image consultants on her wardrobe if they are going to come up with that stupid idea. And it was stupid to put a 37 year old newly divorced woman into Daisy Dukes and halter tops and hooker heels. It also killed her chances of getting a tv show, a commercial or a spokesperson gig. If you are going to walk around in public looking ridiculous you need some talent to back it up - like Dolly Parton, for example, who rocked the boobs and wigs as a means of securing radio play and tv time for her songs. She made a fortune as a song writer. Kate's only bankable image was as the grouchy buzzkill control freak, and for that role she needed Jon. I don't think anyone wants to see her redemption on Dancing with the Stars or specials on how exhausted she remains being the single struggling mother of 8 children - who are either driving around in cadillac escalades or jumping in their hot tub/heated pool or roaming around their vast groomed acreage.
Let's just say that the kids are not cute BABIES anymore who say "the darnedest things". Kate needs to get over it that her school age kids are NOT any more interesting than anyone else's kids that age.
My guess she is not spending her time this summer making memories; this is why I find her so disingenuous. Instead of just loading up the kids in the BBB and taking a vacation, she would rather subject them to old videos of past vacations and drill into their vunerable heads how their father screwed them over and they can no longer go on big time vacations. She also has the issue of how to justify Steve tagging along if it's not some type of sponsored thing, otherwise since she doesn not like to handle all eight by herself, she'd just have a nanny or girlfriend come along. But we all know she'd rather have Steve there.
wayward said... 41
The back to school domanatrix link didn't work for me so I'm posting it again. Her ensemble is just so refined, so haute coture.
Back to School '10
Oh good grief. I had forgotten that one! Thanks, I think LOL Now my eyes burn!
I love old classic movies! We have lots of them around here. I especially love William Holden and I have almost all of his films. I need to rewatch Sunset Blvd tonight since you've all been talking about it.
Regarding Kate and her choice of attire, if she really was aware of how much of a slut she looked like in some of those photos, I doubt she would change anything because remember she is determined like no one else on the planet to do things her way. She has no clue how bad she looks with her pubic bone sticking out and highlighted and in that whatever it is at the gas pump.
Admin said...
Regarding Pop Warner, kiddos in my life were involved with that for years, and my experience actually was overwhelmingly positive. Never once saw a parent be inappropriate. Parents and fans clapped, cheered but within reason. No one fought or yelled at each other or the kids. Pam Anderson's kids played on the team at one point and no one made a big deal or ever singled them out. It had me thinking all this stuff about mean parents in sports is overblown. Sorry to hear it's not like that for every team.
I agree - Pop Warner is a great organization. My family has been involved for over 40 years. I went to my dad's games in a play pen. My kids are involved. For the most part, there are great people involved. It is the few bad apples that give it a bad name sometimes...
Kelly that's great to hear. I forgot to mention there was never any pressure on the kids to be big football stars, even though Pop Warner has produced some NFL players. The future was never talked about, it was just in the moment for fun. Also if you were late you ran laps.
They also prayed before each game which was nice, IMO. I think no matter your religion it's good for kids to see that there are more important things out there.
KAT said... 44
I've been distracted by life=I'm done wasting my time talking to all of you needy pain in the asses. I will only twitter you when I have something to sell and want to make a few bucks for myself. So sit by your computor(Milo)and wait for my almighty word to spend money on any crap I need to unload. Don't bother me again....suckers...
lol! She's pretty easy to decode, isn't she?
Wow, she can't even manage one little good morning to her tweeties?
Hey tweeties you are like EVERYONE ELSE in Kate's life. Used, abused, spit out and discarded when done.
Kelly that's great to hear. I forgot to mention there was never any pressure on the kids to be big football stars, even though Pop Warner has produced some NFL players. The future was never talked about, it was just in the moment for fun. Also if you were late you ran laps.
They also prayed before each game which was nice, IMO. I think no matter your religion it's good for kids to see that there are more important things out there.
They don't pray anymore (lawsuits probably). We just got done with tiny mite and are on our way to mitey mite. There is more pressure put on the kids now than there used to be. You see more parents living their dreams through their kids. We were told by one parent last year that his 6 year old twins were going to college on football scholarships. Geez - no pressure or anything kids.
I was an athlete (and a pretty good one)and I try really hard not to put pressure on my kids. I stress that it very hard to make it big in sports these days and how much work it takes on their part. I also stress that their teammates are just important as they are on the field.
Along the way, my kids have made great friends through Pop Warner. I am sad for Kate's kids that they do not have the same opportunities to find camaraderie amongst their peers, whether it be in sports, art or music, etc.
There's standing room only in the black hole of castaways.
The professional sports thing scares me after hearing some horror stories. So many kids think they're going to be millionaires. In baseball, most kids who are good enough to make it end up playing in minor league teams making 30,000 a year living out of cheap hotels. Even those who make it to the majors don't get the big bucks unless you become a starter. This is after you shelled out thousands thousands of dollars in private coaches, year round training, travel teams and scout teams.
Even watching Billy Bean's story dramatized in Moneyball should be enough to put most parents off, though it won't. He gave up Stanford for the big leagues and then was a major flop and was depressed for years afterward.
And those poor kids have another 5-6 weeks of THIS? There will be no brilliant "what I did on my summer vacation" essays coming from the G8 when school starts. It's painful really, and no effing excuse because as we all know here, there are so many ways to have fun on a dime. Their lazy, crazy, narcissst of a mother could not even do that. No, they have MY POOL by day and reruns of a past life by night. No friends besides their pack o' sibs, and a weekend here or there with Dad. No visits with grandparents or the pack of cousins they surely have by now. They get, or got, an occasional ice cream, an ear of corn and major thrill, a visit to the orthodontist. And we know this because she twats up a storm oversharing, and now she has nothing to say.
That is what I have told my son. He tells me he is going to Ohio State and playing for the Dolphins. I told him it is great to have a dream and with hard work and dedication, there is a small chance it could happen but don't forget to get an education and have a Plan B. We will not be paying for private coaches.
I had never seen "Sunset Blvd" before Carol Burnett did it on her show. When I did watch it, my goodness, how she nailed it!
wayward said... 41
The back to school domanatrix link didn't work for me so I'm posting it again. Her ensemble is just so refined, so haute coture.
Perfect description of that lovely "classic" ensemble. Nothing says classic like zebra stripe boob top, satin short shorts and whatever the hell you call those shoes.
Can you even imagine the money this woman has wasted on this ridiculous clothing?! From what we've seen of her meals for the kids, clearly the clothing budget is far more than the grocery budget.
My sisters and I are taking all our kids to the zoo today. I wish I had easy access to one of Kate's ensembles just to see my sisters' reactions when I came strutting across the parking lot!
There will be no brilliant "what I did on my summer vacation" essays coming from the G8 when school starts.
Well Jon's been taking them to the beach and to the local Fourth of July community gathering so they may just have something to write after all.
There will be no brilliant "what I did on my summer vacation" essays coming from the G8 when school starts.
Well Jon's been taking them to the beach and to the local Fourth of July community gathering so they may just have something to write after all.
I considered that, and while that's fine, she does send them to an exclusive school, where, I have to think, pretty much everyone else goes somewhere, or does something more than a daytrip over 2+ months. She cries poor, but is NOT poor, so very selfishly puts her children at a disadvantage with their peers. It's just wrong.
Orange I do agree with you on that. It may be an unpopular opinion but I think it can be unfair on children to run in circles that you cannot afford to keep up with. This is why people naturally form circles and in general (of course there are exceptions) hang out with people generally in the same income bracket. You see this with those so called great projects to send inner city kids to posh private schools in the suburbs. It often doesn't work. Kids get stressed out feeling like they are not a part of the lifestyle of the other kids, kids get teased and picked on, a great idea is actually detrimental to the child. If the kids went to a public school a simple trip to the beach is probably what everyone else did.
Sunset Blvd has some lovely haunting tunes. Glenn Close was perfect in it. "As if We Never Said Goodbye" could be Kate's anthem about not wanting to leave TLC and the show.
Can't forget the bent over and flaunt the girls pose.
I've never seen the musical but I know the songs. A friend of mine in high school did "As If We Never Said Goodbye" for a talent show and won. It was amazing. Love that song, it captures that feeling anyone has after coming back to something they've been away from a long time. Be it a job, a relationship, or even going back to your hometown.
I don't usually care if Kate takes her kids anywhere or not....but I don't understand why she can't do a trip to the beach. She could bring a girlfriend or two so she would feel more comfortable. Don't these kids get exposed to anything if there isn't a camera around....Or if it doesn't benefit HER?...How selfish and cruel is she??
Well given she had absolutely no one to take her on on Fourth of July, I'm guessing she has absolutely no one to come along with her to the beach. She did it to herself, only problem is the kids suffer because she won't build a support system to help her with them. I have a question for her. If she and Jon are getting along so well now as they claim, maybe they could take the kids to the beach together?
Of course I wouldn't want it to confuse the kids or give them some kind of false fantasy mom and dad are getting back together, but if you explained to them mom and dad are friends now and we want to take you to the beach as friends so we can all go together, I think the kids would understand and be fine with it.
chefsummer said... 71
Can't forget the bent over and flaunt the girls pose.
Chefsummer, that's the outfit and Botox shot I can't get out of my mind!!! She looks so hideous, barely human. Her thick legs look awful in those horrible sandal things, the scar I think is showing near her (lack of) 'good bra' and her face...scary! I know it's mean to pick on someone for her looks but these clothes and 'repairs' are self-imposed. The 'real' Kate was kind of cute. Honestly, does she think she looks good? Does CC know about these looks and allows her to advise others? Let's hope this outfit is in a consignment shop- although I bet if it is, it's collecting dust and has been discounted.
Oh the Norma Desmond clip reminded me of my narcissist in one of herself EVERYWHERE in the house. Family photographs for some of them, but often studio shots and stills. And then of course the odd commissioned portrait. Who puts photos of just THEMSELVES all over the house? It really does give you a creepy "shrine" feeling when you go in.
Re: running in a different circle - you are so right Admin. I've seen firsthand what "keeping up with the Jones'" can do. I have some relatives who attend a very large church, and many of their friends there are well off. I've watched my relatives go into deep debt by keeping their kids in the church school that "everyone" goes to, buying vehicles they can't afford, and taking vacations that are beyond their means. They live in a very average, maybe even below average, house. Yet my relative tells her church friends that they live "on the north side of town." There are some very upscale homes on the "north side." It's true, they do live in that area, but she says it to imply that they live in the wealthy area. It's so ridiculous for an adult to play pretend! What that must do to your internal sense of integrity to be such a fake.
You and I are in agreement about the social circles, Admin, something I felt deeply in my own childhood. Obviously while TLC was paying, and the G8 were tv stahs, this was not a problem. And now it is only a problem because their bitch mother refuses to do the right thing. She has the resources for herself, and could easily have rented a modest beach house for a vacation somewhere. Her 'issues' come first, the kids lose. Sucks for them.
I'll add this to the list that we have given Kate for summer fun - a weekly beach day trip to a different beach. Tank of gas maybe? Nope, not leaving the kompound without purseboy, are we? Kate, you really need help, and not the kind you get with a personal shopper.
It can have the opposite effect too. Growing up a close friend of mine saw her family's income rise astronomically when her dad's business took off. We are a nice quiet middle class town, they quickly became wealthy and "different". He wanted the family to enjoy the fruits of his labor and started taking them on exotic trips and giving them everything. It actually made my FRIEND uncomfortable, more than others. He would even pull them out of school sometimes and that would call attention to her. They became a part of a circle most other people in the neighborhood weren't a part of and it set them apart. They stuck it out at our school but they were always different. Uncomfortable as it makes some people to realize, people hang out with their own kind and when someone is not of their own kind it can be hard on kids. Kids KNOW they are different. Kids just want to be like everyone else.
I added the Gladiator ensemble to the post it's just that good.
Aw, you used my Little Engine Who Couldn't picture, I'm flattered. Who would have thought she would still be trying to get up that hill all these months later?
She ... so very selfishly puts her children at a disadvantage with their peers.
Says it all, doesn't it.
Fade2Black I was wondering if you would show up!
Thanks for your great little graphic that was second place in the contest! As I recall you used your gift card to help an armed services family I believe?
In April we rented a beautiful home on Marco Island, Florida. We are by no means rich. I don't work since I've had my 4 year old twins, and my husband does fine in the mental health field. We took our kids on a nice vacation. I'm sure we don't have nearly what Kate has as far as money. Let me say that it was not easy since I also have a special needs child...but we did I'm really not interested in any of her lazy ass excuses why she can't take those kids anywhere. If we can do it so can she...Her selfishness makes me sick..
Sorry I've been MIA... I've been distracted by life..I stop in, read and comment occasionally. Best I can do right now!Thx 4 understanding! about 14 hours ago
I believe that Kate has it backwards.
The distractions in her life are Twitter,
her dreams of being back on t.v., reliving
memories of being on t.v., and missing all the trips, freebees, connected with being on t.v...
I really think that she depended on the camera crew to watch the kids most of the time with the nanny to play with them. Now there's no one. I don't even think Steve is all that interested. His boys are grown. He has never come across playful with the kids like Jon; always impatient. Yep, all those kids are not what he wants to be around no matter how big she blows up her boobs.
Great Job, Admin!! So much to choose from :)
Here is a high fashion photo from NYC. Good Lawd!!!
I Stick To Classic Styles">
OT: all you readers- has anyone read John Lutz's suspense novels? I just read SWF Seeks Same (which the movie was based upon) and really enjoyed it. When I checked out his other books, they seemed more 'slasher' style, less charter-based. Anyone know of them? Thanks.
I don't know. I have a sinking feeling that she will hold on to those kids, especially the boys, even tighter as her money dries up and her control over everything else in life disappears. Jon_'s child support will become her only income, and she definitely needs that in x8. She also needs people to beat down on a daily basis.
Admin said: Why does every single thing she gets herself involved with sound so suspect??? It's like amateur hour every day of the week.
For me, Kate and her projects are like the Gong show.
Tess said... 85
Great Job, Admin!! So much to choose from :)
Here is a high fashion photo from NYC. Good Lawd!!!
I Stick To Classic Styles">
How classy.
The Back to School 10 is the worst I have seen her look. That needs to be included above! If ever she looked like she could play the role of Vivian in Pretty Woman, this was it.
Of course, the one with the "junk" is jaw-dropping, also!
KAT said:
In April we rented a beautiful home on Marco Island, Florida.
We go to Marco Island every spring. It is gorgeous. Did you go to Snook's Inn? Our favorite place on the island.
You are right - it is not that expensive to rent a condo there. It is also a relatively quiet beach. The Gosselins would most likely go unnoticed.
Not sure if it's been mentioned or not, but there is a paparazzi pic of Khate and 2 kids in Star, the 16 July issue. It's in thhe Normal or Not section and for some reason it is stamped Normal. Getting Dirty, Kate Gosselin gets down and dirty with two of her eight kids while doing a little family gardening at their home in Wernersville, Pa on June 22.
She did it to herself, only problem is the kids suffer because she won't build a support system to help her with them. I have a question for her. If she and Jon are getting along so well now as they claim, maybe they could take the kids to the beach together?
Bingo. I was about to ask the same thing over the Fourth of July. Since the parade was a tradition, couldn't they BOTH have gone with the kids? Would it have killed her to put up with him for an hour or so? Unless, of course, his girlfriend and her children were there. That would have been a bit awkward. And, of course, maybe he didn't want to be around Kate, possibly because they thought if an argument ensued, it would spoil the day and not be good for the kids.
She can't go with Jon and the kids to any event...she resents Jon too much for not doing the show anymore. She will never get over that. She feels he tried to take her income away. So forget it..thats never gonna happen. Plain and simple....She will take that to her grave.
Back to the Bella Bars - and I apologize if this has been discussed - these bars are not vegan, being processed on equipment that also processes milk and eggs. Info sort of "hidden" in the allegens find print.
It is also not 100% raw. Agave syrup production includes heating and hydrolizing. Rolled oats also involves heating (cooking). So does hemp powder production.
Vegans and Raw diet food enthusiasts tend to be avid label readers. They aren't going to be very happy. Why would a company wish to deceive it's target market?
I get that there are no raw labeling laws. Still, promoting a product as raw is misleading. The "possible" health benefits of a raw diet has not been confirmed by the FDA or anybody for that matter. Like organic and natural, claims of raw are open to interpretation.
Percentages in the nutrition part of the label are based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet. Quite frankly, Bella Bars are a high calorie, high fat, high simple carb snack candy bar.
Subtle deception. We already have enough of that in advertising. Ugh.
Has Kate even read the label? I seriously doubt it.
Kate's clothing choices are awful and send a bad message to her young daughters (and sons): Dresses and shorts that are too short, too much cleavage, and the shoes are, well, words cannot describe how ugly they are! I think she is way too thin, but she photographs heavier because she has no waistline. The gladiator boots just make her legs look thick. If she just wore more flattering styles, she could gain the 10 lbs she needs to become healthier.
What I still cannot believe is that she will spend god knows how much on those fugly shoes, but she will not take her kids anywhere.
It looks like there is a nice lake very close to her home. Why not just take them there for the day with a picnic? The locals will definitely ignore her.
Perfect Admin! Loved the pictures and comments especially the train and skeevo. Too funny! All her outfits are embarrassing and she will not have a cankle to stand on when her girls hit puberty and want to start dressing to show off their "assets"...they will just be asking "why?!?! You did it" and will have all the pictures to prove it....either that or they will go the exact opposite way because they will be mortified by the pictures of her. Either way, if she had been shopping at Walmart instead of Target in that hooker outfit, she would have made it on the famous "Walmart shoppers photos" that circulate the Internet and always crack me up.
My uncle and his wife divorced many years ago, when their two sons still lived at home. They always celebrated the big holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) at the house where mom and the boys lived. They still do, even though the boys are grown and out of the house.
If Kate would just take the baby step of allowing Jon over occasionally for a few hours hours-maybe for a barbecue and swimming-it would mean so much to the kids. They would have to agree in advance that there would be absolutely no arguing. Period.
It's hard to believe that Kate's fans can think her choice of clothing is fine yet they made fun of Jon's past choices. Those poor kids have to be so embarrased to be seen with her especially Mady and Cara. They are definitely old enough to notice how people look at their mom and it's definitely not an admiring look!
RT @RunningQuotes: And a #run--->>>The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love - Hubert H. Humphrey
Anyone want to bet that Kate has no idea who Hubert Horatio Humphrey was? She just sees a quote and retweets.
Admin, I can't remember who submitted the winning entry but I clearly remember the hysterical cartoon! That was the gift card that went to the military family, mine helped a no-kill pet shelter. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to give back, also for a fun contest, there were some brilliant entries.
For me, Kate and her projects are like the Gong show.
Or Howard Stern with his buzzer on America's Got Talent.
Kate talks about exhaustion as if it were a virtue....that's why she always says that she's exhausted. Like it's something to strive for. If she's exhausted, then everyone will say oh, there's uber mom Kate Gosselin. She works so hard, she does everything for her kids, as she smugly smiles.
I was wondering how a person evolves into something like this. Do you just wake up one morning, look in the mirror and decide you want to look like a Malibu Barbie, and immediately set off to fry your hair, tan your hide, pump up your boobs, and shop for clothing in the teen departments?
Or is it a gradual process? First comes the tanning, and then you think that the tan would go great with the bleach-blonde look, and so you set off to find an "exclusive" stylist. Then your clothing isn't quite right to go with this look, and so you check out what's happening among 20-year-old stars in LA and you go on a shopping spree. Then you notice that your boobs just don't quite fill out those tops, so you inflate them, and finally, the wrinkles get in the way, so you have botox, lipo, or whatever else is needed to transform yourself into a young hot chick?
I look back over the photos of her with her short pixie hair, no tan, slacks and shirts and think -- what has she done to herself? Vanity -- thy name is woman (a misquote attributed to the Bard of Avon), but nevertheless applicable in her case. She took a decent-looking woman and instead of doing an improvement makeover, she screwed up royally.
Uh, the pumping gas ensemble. Looks like she forgot her unner-wears, top & bottom. WHO dresses like this?
You know...we all have our war stories, especially if we are mommies. I can't stand how much Kate uses the word "exhausted". ....there is a big difference between being truly physically exhausted and sluggish because of lack of activity. I think Kate is the latter. She has too much outside assistance to be truly exhausted. I labored over 40 hours with no pain medication when I had my son and when they had to do an emergency c-section and gave me a spinal, I thought they had given me some kind of narcotic because I could NOT stay awake during the delivery! THAT is true physical exhaustion. I also did 12 hour day care in my house and had 3 kids under the age of 2 and a 4 and 6 year old and worked nights on the weekends ALL so I could be home with them with NO outside help. I have never said "I am so exhausted" in all these years because I have only experienced TRUE exhaustion ONCE and that was when I was too tired to stay awake for the birth of my precious son! Kate is such a poor excuse for everything!
She is not classic said... 98
It looks like there is a nice lake very close to her home. Why not just take them there for the day with a picnic? The locals will definitely ignore her.
Uh uh, did that already.
Gosselin Kid Journal Entry:
Picnic in the park on spring break. Ate snack in the wind and rain. Mommy ran. Came home.
The worst outfit ever, in my opinion, was when she went on the boat with the kids to go deep sea fishing. That was when the kids were all puking and she refused to ask if they could go back and in fact, told the camera crew to get the shot of the vomit. And had the crew all cleaning up her kids and holding buckets.
That shirt she was wearing was nearly pornographic and I am NO prude. Not by a mile. But I remember thinking DAAAAAAAAMN, all it would take is one tiny slip of a strap and bam everything would be out. The straps on that blue top were barely holding the shirt on her body, so much so that you could see just about everything but nipple.
And she was on a rolling, rocking boat! Definitely NOT the best choice for anything other than tanning in your own backyard.
I just remember being totally gobsmacked by the complete lack of modesty she displayed that day. She was already well into her hooker clothing phase, but that shirt really took the cake. And if I recall correctly, she was also wearing some sort of high wedge heel. ON A BOAT. Ah, what an idiot.
Didn't she also wear heels to trudge across a muddy field to get into a hot air balloon? I never saw that one, but read about it. She has zero sense.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 85
Sorry I've been MIA... I've been distracted by life..I stop in, read and comment occasionally. Best I can do right now!Thx 4 understanding! about 14 hours ago
But hey sheeple! She did manage to pop in and grace you with 4 tweets in a row about some dubiously labeled "raw?" "vegan?" bars she wants you to buy so she can get her cut and/or her freebies. Just a suggestion tho... if you want to help someone and actually make a difference in their lives, donate to your local food pantry or women's shelter. Despite her best efforts to deceive you, Kate does not need your help.
I believe she's been unable to twat because she has no regular help there at the konpound, and also because I believe she would refer to her kids as distractions. I'm sure there's bickering and fights, which is completlely normal behavior for bored kids. The tups are at the age where their BS meters are becoming finely tuned. "But Mommy, HersheyPark didn't close, Miranda was just there yesterday. They went to Indian Echo Caverns too, you said it caved in last winter. Why can't we go places like the other kids do? I'm sick of swimming."
I feel sorry for Kate. She is exhausted. Every day she has to kick off the silk sheets and pad across her climate controlled floors and drink whatever the help set beside her laptop, trusting they will get the right blend of caffeine in her system so when she fires up the laptop she can type convincingly about being a poor single mommy.
Kate talks about exhaustion as if it were a virtue......105
EXACTLY! I've long thought that she acts "put upon" by the simplest activities of daily living. You stated it much more eloquently.
Here's what I don't understand. Kate has to have seen these photos of herself. Do narcissists see themselves only as looking good? Is she proud of the way she looks? Since she's seen these photos, how in the world can she blog about how she chooses classic styles? Does she really believe this? If not, then why would she set herself to look so foolish, when all one has to do is a google search to find pictures of herself in hooker outfits, looking anything but classy?
What in her brain is not functioning that she cannot think ahead and see that if she writes about her business attire and classic clothing that all of that nonsense can be disproven with a simple internet search?
Great job Admin. While watching the clip from Sunset Blvd. I couldn't help thinking of Steve (William Holden not the butler). You have given her something else to be distracted by (we know she reads here) and she is no Jackie O.
I really wish she would throw poor Milo a bone. That poor soul's life seems to revolve around Kate and she desperately needs attention.
Actually that is something they have in common.
Admin, that was hilarious! Thank you for all of your hard work. You nailed Kate's total lack of style and class. She sees herself as stylish and fabulous, but we know that is her delusional self in action.
Uncomfortable as it makes some people to realize, people hang out with their own kind and when someone is not of their own kind it can be hard on kids. Kids KNOW they are different. Kids just want to be like everyone else.
Now starts the backlash of dwindling fame the Dionnes warned about. The G8 were set apart from the norm, they've traveled half-way around the world because of their show and now that Kate won't take them on a vacation without the cameras, the shoe is on the other foot for those kids. While all (or most) of their friends are off on a vacation they have to stay at home because their lazy stingy mother can't be bothered to haul her brood around without an entourage to film it. That can't feel very good for those kids.
That mediocrity remark is going to come back to haunt Kate, which is fine, but unfortunately it's going to haunt her kids too. It's just too bad she didn't think about improving her tv skills before she made such an ass out of herself that no one in the business wants her anymore. Too bad her lies are being outed and her whole scam has gradually been exposed. I guess she thought she'd get away with it forever.
From Twitterland:
Thanks @Kateplusmy8 for saying "Yes I Can" for berks county special olympics Y-102 Yes I Can 5k Saturday Sept 8 @ Grings Mill!
wayward said... 106
I believe she's been unable to twat because she has no regular help there at the konpound
I think Katie Irene's lawyer told her to shut up while he deals with this Hoffman guy.
Why would you shop in 5 inch heels? Especially if you do not work and arent required to wear them at a job? Her shoes always look so uncomfortable. Her "outfits' would look better with cute summer sandels. I am all about comfort - i rarely wear heels and when I do..I reach for my Timberland heels. They are so comfortable you could jog in them. They are made by the company who makes hiking boots. I recommend these to anyone who hates the discomfort of heels. Mine are very feminine, open toed, strappy and I get tons of compliments on them. Loved them so much I bought them in black and tan.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 102
RT @RunningQuotes: And a #run--->>>The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love - Hubert H. Humphrey
Anyone want to bet that Kate has no idea who Hubert Horatio Humphrey was? She just sees a quote and retweets.
Kate probably thinks Hubert Humphrey is Kim Kardashian's ex-husband.
Yes, kate loves her "non trendy" "classic" pieces doesn't she?
I've never seen Sunset Blvd before, but watched a few clips on youtube. Its scary how Grifty is following in those footsteps.
Also, someone on another thread mentioned the older woman from the movie Grey Gardens....big old house that she is holding onto even though she is alone in it and the house is falling down around her....give it time, Grifty, give it time....
I'm still laughing about the raw bar thing she is trying to sell. At approx. $6 profit per box, she would have to sell at least 1500 boxes per month, every month, to make a living.
Can't she just get a damn JOB?!
She is fading fast....and not soon enough.
All quiet with Twitter. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm.
I am sure that any of us who have kids could share tons of "war stories"... But one thing that irks me about Kate is her use of the word "exhausted"... It is one thing to be physically exhausted and another to be sluggish because of inactivity and I think Kate is the latter. She has too much outside help to be so physically tired. I have only used the word "exhausted" ONE time in my life and that was after a 40 hour labor when they gave me a spinal for an emergency c-section and I could not stay awake for the birth of my beautiful little boy! THAT is exhausted. I have done daycare for 12 hours a day and worked nights on weekends so I could be home with my kids and I still NEVER used the word exhausted because in all honesty that delivery really was the only time it could be appropriately used. Kate is embarrassing herself and her kids. She doesn't go to work because she is lazy and I seriously don't think anyone in PA would hire her after the public display of nastiness that she has shared with the world.
I remember how proudly she said she ran laps while the kids had a picnic. That had to be one of the most pathetic tweets ever.
It just goes to show she has NO IDEA what the point is of taking your children out for things like picnics. I didn't realize this was difficult, but the point, Kate, is actually not the picnic. Not really. The point is to do something, anything with your kids that gets you out of the house and gets you spending time with them, bonding, listening, getting to know the people they are becoming. Being there for them with the TV off and no other distractions. Strengthening your relationship for the upcoming teen years. Around the world people do all sorts of different things with their kids, in some places it might be hunting zebra, somewhere else it might be making pots, somewhere else it might be gathering coconuts. Here it's a picnic. The point being you are doing something with your kids. Anything.
Throwing a picnic at them then running laps completely misses the point. All of the point.
carolina peach said... 107
Uh, the pumping gas ensemble. Looks like she forgot her unner-wears, top & bottom. WHO dresses like this?
Somebody with a set date and time to meet the photographer.
Someone outed her, tweeting that they saw the pap waiting for her, they greeted each other, she posed, had a problem with her pump and held up a finger for the pap to 'hold on a minute', got the pump going and then gave him a signal that it was ok to start taking pics. Meanwhile the tweeter said it was so funny how Kate changed her facial expression to "I dont see you and if I do, you annoy me", when the tweeter and her husband had sat there and watched the whole planned thing unfold.
I have always thought that the first time someone graced Katie with some kind of gift, they must have said "Oh you poor dear, you must be EXHAUSTED and SO BUSY!" and a light bulb went off in her head - YEP THAT'S ME! MUCHTOOBUSYANDEXHAUSTED AND CERTAINLY DESERVING OF GIFTS!!! She has been like a dog with a bone with that phrase, just like "It makes me a better mommy" crap.
She thinks being exhausted proves you are a good mom. It does no such thing. Faulty logic.
Being exhausted may mean you're a good mom who works hard. It also might mean you don't eat right, don't get enough sleep, run or exercise too much, are stressing out over stupid stuff, are not doing things efficiently, are organizing stupid things, are yelling at people who don't deserve it, are getting worked up over your ex for stupid reasons. All of the above are possibilities that can make you exhausted.
fade2black said... 103
Admin, I can't remember who submitted the winning entry but I clearly remember the hysterical cartoon! That was the gift card that went to the military family, mine helped a no-kill pet shelter. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to give back, also for a fun contest, there were some brilliant entries.
It was my little cartoon that fun week that won; I was thrilled to see your "Officer Steve" and the derailed train falling off the tracks again! That WAS a fun week, wasnt it? Kate was out of control, the few sheeple that responded to her were pathetic, and the show got cancelled! As I recall, Admin could hardly keep up with it all! Posters from long ago came back to join in the celebration and we all got to submit snarky stuff for our own little contest.
I feel bad that while we were having fun here, the kids were likely dealing the bug-eyed wrath of their psychotic gestational carrier. :(
"Thanks @Kateplusmy8 for saying "Yes I Can" for berks county special olympics Y-102 Yes I Can 5k Saturday Sept 8 @ Grings Mill!"
So she's actually running a local marathon for charity? She did mention marathons in the fall.
And she is losing it. The last tweet about matching outfits is strange.
I am exhausted all the time. I have heart failure and a progressive lung disease that makes any activity a real chore. I take offense at anybody who is healthy and doing nothing much with their day claim to be sharing this boat with me. There is no room for pretenders, the journey is hard enough.
Kate used to say she was 'exhausted' all the time. That was when the kids were smaller and she did do more for them, like brush their hair, & prepare their grapes & crackers meals and um, well, Jon did most of the rest of the childcare, but she was there with them all day except for l-o-n-g naps. Now they must be more self-sufficient if she lets them as far as dressing and grooming, picking up their rooms etc go. I think she did expend energy on silly things like the maps of bib location and other instructions ( her coffee!)and fussing about the colour of hair ties.
TLC stinks said... 123
All quiet with Twitter. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm.
I agree - I keep hearing that song from 'West Side Story', Something's coming I don't know what it is but it better be great. Especially with her most recent tweet about the boys' outfits not matching - she must be expecting photogs. Dear G-d, let the kids dress the way they want, applaud their emerging personalities!
Being exhausted may mean you're a good mom who works hard. It also might mean you don't eat right, don't get enough sleep, run or exercise too much, are stressing out over stupid stuff, are not doing things efficiently, are organizing stupid things, are yelling at people who don't deserve it, are getting worked up over your ex for stupid reasons. All of the above are possibilities that can make you exhausted.
It could also mean that there's more to life than 0% body fat.
Kelly H @93...Your right Kelly...We love Marco Island..we go on Easter break. We tried to get into Snooks Inn but it was so crowded all the time. We will try again next April. We went to a great place to eat but I can't think of the name...they make great flat bread sandwiches. Also went to Conrads which was pretty good. We are looking at some point to retire there. That's my home away from home. We actually saw Rod Stewart leaving one of his "girlfriends" off at a bar...and then he took off. Don't know what that was about...He He
Kate tweeted that the boys didn't match, had to go back and change. Bet the boys got yelled at and maybe called "icky". The girls should check Kate out; boobs tucked in, throng doesn't show, etc..... because Kate doesn't look in full-length mirror; she believes she always perfect!!
Yeah, I remember reading that too about the pap meeting her at the gas station. I believe there was some issue with the card she was using. I always wondered if she got a percentage of what the pap sold the pictures for. I think Werny Gal swore that Chris the pap told Al Walentis that he did not, but I don't believe Chris.
This woman kills me. WHO CARES?
Well there's one for the therapy couch. Had to stop everything halt the fun and get back to the bathroom because we didn't match.
Outfit itself didn't match, or the outfits didn't match each other? Either way get help Kate. Now. You have more time now that you're not tweeting so much.
The day the show was cancelled the hits on the block like quadrupled. Just goes to show people really did care about seeing the cameras finally leave the kids' lives enough even for people who don't come here much anymore to stop by to see the reactions.
TLC stinks said... 123
All quiet with Twitter. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm.
I think so, too.
At the very minimum, She is planning things to be away from the kids as much as possible till the end of the summer and, if she holds true to form, she WILL fling some kind of little trip at them RIGHT before school starts.
But I think something is up and that's why she is quiet. She prides herself on being coy.
The boys outfits didn't match? So what?
My grandsons have 2 completely different personalities. The older one likes his shirt to match his shorts; he puts his small toy sets away in the original box that he keeps so he makes sure he has all of the pieces; when he's finished brushing his teeth, he wants his toothbrush back in the holder, etc. He's a very organized little boy.
Now, the younger one, oy vey! He wants to wear a certain shirt and he doesn't care if it matches with the shorts so we let him. He doesn't care if his toys are organized, he'll rummage through the toy box he threw everything in to try and find the pieces; of course we have to remind him to put all of the other toys away. He doesn't care if his books are piled up neatly, but we try to teach him that it's important to take care of your things. And he does, somewhat, just not to the extent that his older brother does.
We don't try to get the younger one to act like the older one. They have their different personalities and characteristics, and that's how it's supposed to be. They're both good boys, they're just different individuals. And that's great.
I wish Kate could understand this and let the individual personalities shine for her 8. Instead she treats them like a pack.
After reading the above tweet about Kate sending two boys back into the bathroom to change because they did not match, I think administrator's next post should be about the fact that she still dresses them the same when they are eight years old. I can't imagine these kids want to all look the same. My daughters started rebelling about what I put on them when they were around four years old. Talk about stunting the tups individuality.
Funny how she all ways exhausted when she with the kids.-(She tweets it so I'm not a bully Kate)
But when she away doing God only knows what with the bodyguard she's never exhausted.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Another benefit of mult: Left house&realized 2boys outfits DO NOT match..Send into bathroom to swap shorts and tada! both outfits match!
They couldn't do that in the car?
Kate's Twitter page is giving me problems. Still no bone for Milo?
I wonder if Milo's love for Kate was love at first sight, or if it developed gradually over time. Is this the climax of her love (no innuendo intended)? If Kate doesn't reciprocate, will Milo descend into madness?
Shiloh Pitt is allowed to wear what she wants. WHO CARES.
I dislike the thought of dressing the kids all the same. I went through that when I was a child and I hated it. My mother, all about looks and what people thought, dressed me and my brothers the same for the holidays. My brothers had gray pants, white shirts, and red vests and ties; I always had a gray dress trimmed in red and white so I would "match".
Then when my little sisters got older, I was 13, but for holiday clothes I still had to match with my sisters that were 10 and 12 years younger than me. My mother would go to Sears and it didn't matter what I liked; she chose the dresses based on matchy matchy concept. Therefore, I wore the same exact style dress as my 2 toddler sisters. I hated it! I had to wear the Mary Jane shoes for the holidays, and sometimes to school, because they matched with my younger sisters.
Kate, let the kids be themselves and choose their own clothes, within reason. Although the within reason comment doesn't really apply considering what you choose to wear yourself!
She's exhausted because she is depressed and she doesn't eat enough. Period.
Someone needs to tell her to got back in the bathroom and change her our fits.
When she all dressed up in her hooker wear or showing off the girls.
KAT said... 96
She can't go with Jon and the kids to any event...she resents Jon too much for not doing the show anymore. She will never get over that. She feels he tried to take her income away. So forget it..thats never gonna happen. Plain and simple....She will take that to her grave.
ITA! And it's such a joke that she thinks that way. TLC gave her not one but TWO shows after Jon left. However, Twist of Kate was so horrendous it never made it past a test episode and she has no one to blame for the destruction of Kate Plus 8 but herself. It's been reported that the contract ran until February, but they cancelled her in August. They could have sent her on many more trips for episodes during those final six months of the contract but didn't. Not because of Jon, but because of KATE! Her narcissism will never let her see that ugly truth.
Has anyone heard any more about DWTS All-Stars? It sure looks like she's not Twitter hints, and if she's running a 5K on Sept 2, then she isn't planning on being away filming/practicing. She has to be at her breaking point right now, so many co-hosting jobs going to other people, so many stars getting talk shows, and there she sits. No new show, no book, no DWTS, no Celeb Apprentice. She's been reduced to begging her followers to buy overpriced Bella Bars so she can make a little money off them. I have to hand it to her--she will never stop trying to squeeze some cash out of her poor fans.
Do you think Kate has any money in the bank? When they first split up she was insisting they were flat broke once Jon drained their liquid account, she said they only had one other account and that was the untouchable college fund which was 'substantial and significant'. Then she said the college fund wasn't enough to send 8 kids to college. She stopped talking about money once the show resumed but the minute it cancelled she said she had to work 'like yesterday' to pay the bills, and she told Billy Bush she could not retire on the money she had earned through DWTS and her show, books, etc because of "legal bills". She continuously says she never got paid anything close to what media reports have said. Do you think she earned enough to pay off the mortgage?
I can't figure this mismatched thing either. It makes no sense. If they had been told to go to their room to change, it would make sense. But they switched clothes? Those must have been some far-out shirts and pants with nary a solid to be found among them. What, did her MommyMatch tags fall off from all that laundering?
The only reason this is worth posting about is because it just shows how Kate is focused on the minutia and the unnecessary.
Apparently Kate will be handing out awards at a Special Olympics event in PA on Sept. 8. And she and her radio DJ friend are planning to get together this coming Monday.
Maybe Kate will be picked up by a Hollywood agent there, huh?
Kate tweeted:
"There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream. ~Author Unknown"
She's still chasing the dream. Keep chasing, Kate.
Did Kate maybe mean the boys' outfit didn't match in general- ie- stripes with dots? Not that they were not matching each other? She seems to let them dress slightly more individually- the girls did, on Easter although the boys were matching one another. I think she likes it for special occasion or photos. Yup, giving Kate a break- depending where they were going.
Re: Jolie-Pitt kids' clothes. It is odd how Shiloh chooses to dress like a boy and be called John and the leniency allowed with all the kids, but who is it harming? If Shiloh has issues of some kind, letting her dress the way she wants probably is for the best, idk.
Kateplusmy82 hours ago via TwitterrificTwitter.
Another benefit of mult: Left house&realized 2boys outfits DO NOT match..Send into bathroom to swap shorts and tada! both outfits match
I'm embarrassed for her sons.
What's with the @sesame street tweet? Is she begging to get the kids on sesame street for $250,000 per episode?
Administrator, you may know the answer to this question.....has she ever hinted that she wanted to be on "What Not To Wear?" To me, this is one show she should be on. I can just imagine the "stinky eye look" that she would throw to Clinton.....
Dwindle! Yes, of course, how could I have forgotten? I still laugh when I remember your cartoon. That was a fun week, I was so hopeful that the kids were finally going to get the privacy they deserve. At least the cameras are out of the house and they mostly only have to avoid the mamarazzi so it's an improvement.
As the article says: maybe if Kate would teach her kids some fashion color cooridation, then she would not have to worry if they are fit to be seen. This is what happens when you never let them wear or choose what they want or dress them alike,( most of the time). Kate never really talks to the kids, explains to them about anything, just barks orders, lays their clothes out, never explaining color, so when she actually lets them pick their own, she bitches about it. Or was that the whole point, so then Kate can say, see, I still have to dress you, cause you don't know what your doing.
If I had kids, boy: T-shirts, jean shorts, sandles, girls: shorts, summer tops or t-shirts, sandles. As long as they are clean, Kate has to be a drama queen about everything.
Or is it: I want people to recognized me, but I don't.
I see Kate is buttering up Jason, which means she is getting ready to go to NYC, before the marathon.
One of my son's most cringe worthy outdoors when he was 4 or 5 was a pair of purple sweat pants, a green monster tee shirt, red high top sneakers (oh how he loved those red sneakers!) and a large sombrero that he got at some restaurant for his birthday (maybe Garcia's in CA). He wore that combo all the time but who cares. He was a little kid. He laughs at the pictures now and says that he cant believe that we let him dress like that. It didn't hurt him a bit to be an an outfit that didn't match.
Oh, I agree to let them dress however they like. It's part of their identity, how they see themselves at the moment. It could be a phase or it may last a lifetime. Probably only a phase, and a rather common one.
When I was very young I told my mother that when I turned into a boy I was going to get a boy's bike. She had to explain to me that this would never happen, but if I wanted a boy's bike I was welcome to ride my brother's. I did for a long time, with his permission. Then I went back to my girl's bike, quite happily.
One girl in my church has showen up wearing a fairy princess outfit, complete with wand. We all just told her lovely she looked, she beamed, and all was well. My niece used to close her eyes when she got dressed because she wanted to surprise herself with a new look every day. Yeah, she had some strange things on, but nobody said a word. The only place it was important to dress "correctly" was for school because they had a uniform code.
I like how they let Shiloh dress like a boy or dress in a pirate costume when it's not Halloween or dress mismatched or whatever she wants.
It could be a phase, it could be because she idolizes her big brothers and wants to be like them, it could be because she loves her daddy and wants to dress like him, or could be because she's a lesbian. Who cares. She's a child who is allowed to be who she is and not who her parents want her to be. At least she's not out there talking about how classy she is.
Well how nice to hear Kate is finally doing something LOCAL and giving back in her own community. It was several of us here who talked about the local Special Olympics events and asked many times why not help out there. She has no excuse not to get more involved locally.
It almost feels like some kind of consultant sat down with her and told her to stop behaving like a 12 year old on Twitter and get off it, and to put herself out there for more local events, and to get her name on more product deals as some extra side income.
It really does feel like the work of some kind of consultant, albeit an amateur. Maybe some intern from the local college.
Damn you auto correct! That should be "cringe worthy outfits" @159 above.
Wow! This is a hysterical post Admin, thanks. I haven't had much time to stop by the past couple of days.
I don't want to hurt my brain trying to figure out what Kate means think her tweet is saying that 2 of the boys' outfits were mismatched and swapping the shorts fixed the problem? Hmm, I have a twin sister and my mom probably would have done that too, she's very OCD when it comes to matching and stuff like that. But I hope she didn't make them stop playing just so they could look like she wanted them to, or anything like that.
Her most recent tweet:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@sesamestreet @JasonHueman Awww we LOVE @sesamestreet here... All 9 of the Gosselins grew up w you! XO Cute video!
Is it me or does she always put emphasis on "the 9 of us" or "the Gosselin 9." I mean, I know 8 is clearly her favorite number, but these days she's using 9 almost as much. It just seems a bit odd to have to say that - everybody knows that she and Jon are not together and live separately. Does she do that to make a point of separating him for the rest of the family?
I wish with all of my heart that this woman could just enjoy life a little, instead of chasing something that is long gone (her television career) and taking those around her for granted.
Haha! When my daughter was 3-4 she wanted to be a boy. She said she wanted to be a boy when she grew up. Or a paleontologist, or both. She would not wear flare pants, only straight leg jeans and would put her hands in her pockets and strut around. For some reason, she was the only girl in her daycare class. Anyway I had to tell her she could not grow up to be a boy (without surgery I thought to myself) but otherwise let her be. The funny thing was she was this cherub of a girl with blue eyes, blonde hair, and perfect little girl features; would never be mistaken for a boy. The phase passed and now as I fight with her as a teenager when she tries to leave the house in an outfit similar to those show above, I almost miss my little boy.
Something IS up. First her tweets have gone to almost nil. And they're normal generic tweets with a few replies. The one about switching shorts was kind of funny actually. And now she's doing a local charity. Good for her.
Aren't 8 y/o a little old for Sesame Street? My 6 1/2 y/o doesn't want to watch it anymore, says 'it's for babies'
I have a funny feeling Shiloh is going to grow up and be this great beauty and doing something very feminine like fashion or makeup artist or something exotic like acting in foreign films or third world news reporting. Lots of girls are tomboys and soon leave that behind. I just don't think very many are allowed as much freedom to be a boy as she is.
These kids are a little old for a lot of things Kate says they're into.
Another benefit of mult: Left house&realized 2boys outfits DO NOT match..Send into bathroom to swap shorts and tada! both outfits match!
I might be wrong but I have a sneaking suspicion she's playing the 'haters'. She's bored so she's decided to play head games now. She knows she gets ragged on for dressing the kids in the same outfits.
Hi Kate!!!!
Auntie Ann that thought crossed my mind. I also kind of thought her classic styles blog post seemed a little "in your face" F-U in an odd way. But at the same time I'm not sure she's smart enough to play games like that.
mama mia said... 150
Do you think Kate has any money in the bank? When they first split up she was insisting they were flat broke once Jon drained their liquid account, she said they only had one other account and that was the untouchable college fund which was 'substantial and significant'. Then she said the college fund wasn't enough to send 8 kids to college. She stopped talking about money once the show resumed but the minute it cancelled she said she had to work 'like yesterday' to pay the bills, and she told Billy Bush she could not retire on the money she had earned through DWTS and her show, books, etc because of "legal bills". She continuously says she never got paid anything close to what media reports have said. Do you think she earned enough to pay off the mortgage?
Let's not forget Kate loves to lie I bet she has a pretty nice bank roll.
And if she doesn't I feel bad for the kids not her cause she dumb not to invest her money or save it somehow.
Actually there have been times when she shows she has a mean sense of humor.
Ahh who knows, maybe she crawled into a box of wine and decided to aggravate the haters because she's tired of her fawning twitterers.
Whatever will be next coming out of Kate's closet? Will she go to Target wearing a modest top, a light jacket and a pair of tailored pants with a low heeled shoe and a well thought out piece of jewelry? Or perhaps a knee length navy blue suit with a soft pink blouse, pretty pumps and her hair in a chignon?
'Cause you know what Kate says and what Kate does have to match. Much like her children's clothing.
Well how nice to hear Kate is finally doing something LOCAL and giving back in her own community. It was several of us here who talked about the local Special Olympics events and asked many times why not help out there. She has no excuse not to get more involved locally.
Katie Irene will probably set her kids up at a little stand and have them hawking the Bella Bars.
Paige tweeted: "I got a job at an editing place! Without your show I wouldn't be where I am today! Thank you��seriously life changing"
Khart responded: "congrats! Glad we could help I guess??! ;)"
What's with all the punctuation at the end of her response? Can't she just say congrats and let it go? She really annoys me.
Good night all... I'm an overtired sleep needing mommy who is enjoying an evening read and the absence of hearing 'Mooommmmy' constantly! :)
Oh, Kate, for God's sakes, SHUT UP and think before you tweet. You have been blessed with eight beautiful healthy children and you are enjoying the absence of their speech? Do you have any idea of the number of women struggling with infertility who would give anything in the world to hear "Mommy," or the number of mothers who have lost a child and pray for just one more day to hear that child call her "Mommy" one more time? Or how many mothers with grown children remember those years of "Mommy" and wish to heaven that those days could come back?
I didn't think so...
She really is an ignorant, disgusting, ungrateful witch. Someone should send her a copy of Erma Bombeck's "Wet Oatmeal Kisses."
fidosmommy said ...
My niece used to close her eyes when she got dressed because she wanted to surprise herself with a new look every day.
Out of the minds of babes comes brilliance. What an extraordinary, beautiful way to make each new day special and unpredictable.
Huh - just read that Katie Holmes has demanded assurance that during her daughter's time with Tom, she will not be alienated from Kate. A preemptive strike against parental alienation. Interesting. Wish Jon would have thought of that.
I think I'm with Kate on this one, what does Kate's show have to do with this sheeple's new job? What is an "editing place" anyway? Unless she means all the wonderful, sweet and beautiful moments between Kate and everyone else that were edited out. I can see how that can be massively inspiring to an aspiring editor.
So Kate's saying good night because she's an "overtired" "sleep needing" mommy. What mommy isn't overtired at the end of the day and in need of sleep?! It just bugs me the way she makes it sound as if she's the only mom in the world that feels this way. Ugh!!
"I got a job at an editing place! Without your show I wouldn't be where I am today! Thank you seriously life changing"
I don't get it, I just don't get it.
Ok Ok
As a professional graphic artist..I actually looked at the photos pf an objective way.
my conclussions..
she was wearing " unnawares" in the can seethe pleats.was wearing .
next photo..stteched legs a la photishop ..badly..
for some magasine
as for next photo..itwas stretched vertically in lowrrhalf...amateu
parlink lot shot
Again, tonight she's an overtired mommy. WTF is she so tired from? It's vacation, no early rising for the bus, no racing around, no homework. Oh wait, of course, she's exhausted (and bored) from actually having to spend time with, interact with, and simply BE with her children all day long.
Can I be exhausted tonight? :)
This evening we picked up the little miss from the vet that we're fostering. We ended up getting her instead of the terrier because of trying to make a good personality match with my dog. The wait at the vet was forever, they were way overbooked, and then there was traffic all the way home.
She's a little Lhasa Apso cute as a button and so gentle and sweet, just got spayed, tired out, first thing she did before I could even put a leash on her was pee on the floor. Poor baby. So after clean up and getting her settled with a little water all is well! The resident dog is basically pretending she is not here, but hey that's better than being upset about her lol. There is a family interested in her to see her Sunday, praying she'll be scooped right up!
GiGi there is an air about her that is extremely obnoxious that seems to cut down all other moms. As in well you may be tired but you cannot possibly be as tired as ME as much as ME because let's face it, you don't have eight kids including two sets of multiples and never will.
fidosmommy said... 186
"I got a job at an editing place! Without your show I wouldn't be where I am today! Thank you seriously life changing"
I don't get it, I just don't get it.
Me either seems like we need a KG sheep translator.
She's a little Lhasa Apso cute as a button and so gentle and sweet, just got spayed, tired out, first thing she did before I could even put a leash on her was pee on the floor.
She sounds adorable. Good for you (and her). Just be on the lookout for hot spots. Lhasas are prone to skin infections.
"I think I'm with Kate on this one, what does Kate's show have to do with this sheeple's new job? What is an "editing place" anyway? Unless she means all the wonderful, sweet and beautiful moments between Kate and everyone else that were edited out. I can see how that can be massively inspiring to an aspiring editor."
I think she got a job in film editing, and because she had all of that experience with her 50,000 photos of Kate and the show (which she turned into videos) that she has experience and was able to get the new job.
At first I thought she meant she got a job editing transcripts or manuscripts and realized that no how desperate an employer was for an editor, there is no way, with her lack of knowledge in spelling and grammar, that she would be hired for such a position.
franky said... 185
Ok Ok
As a professional graphic artist..I actually looked at the photos pf an objective way.
my conclussions..
she was wearing " unnawares" in the can seethe pleats.was wearing .
next photo..stteched legs a la photishop ..badly..
for some magasine
as for next photo..itwas stretched vertically in lowrrhalf...amateu
parlink lot shot
Franky, sometimes our iPads and keyboards just don't do what we want them to do. I would really like to be able to understand what you are saying. Could you please give my foggy brain a little help here re: your conclusions?
Thank you! :-)
You know what though I'm over it, I think it's good that a teen fans get an interest outside of Kate because God knows Kate isn't going anywhere. I still think it's kind of funny that Kate would inspire someone to be an editor. How precious that they think editing can fix her.
Fido I think Franky is saying Kate is wearing underwear, which personally, I find to be a massive relief.
Looking back at Kate, when the tups were new-borns, she was a cute little woman. Now she looks plain ugly. Those ridiculous boobs make her look fat and old. I remember my gramma's boobs hung down to her belly button, but that was when she was about 80.
Thanks, Admin, but I think she was saying more than that. I'm interested to know what it was.
She has good posts.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 192
I have 2 Lhasa Apso 1 boy 1 girls it took me a while to train them so they wouldn't go in the house.
I found that puppy training mats works good for y 2 pups.
chefsummer said...Me either seems like we need a KG sheep translator.
OK, you go set up the hidden microphones and I'll work on decoder earrings. Green for you and red for me.
One bleat = Eye Heart U, Kate and
two bleats = Wee Alls Hearts U, Kate.
bleep = censored stuff from my mouth.
The rest we'll have to figure out.
I'm hoping my dog who is trained to go outside SOLID (I think he would hold it for days if asked to) will help with her learning curve, hopefully she'll want to be a good little dog like her brother!
I just took her outside to see if anything is going on and she did number 2 on the sidewalk. Not ideal it's on the sidewalk but at least it was outside. I can't give her a treat because she won't eat but I gave lots of praise. Not too shabby for the first night.
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