The classic look is always in vogue — clean, simple and perfect for the workplace and your television personality career. Here's how to get it from head to toe.
A parody of Kate's tips for saving money on clothing and accessories.
Engineer's hat ...
A parody of Kate's tips for saving money on clothing and accessories.
Engineer's hat ...

The must-have accessory to conduct the train wreck that is your life:
![]() |
Courtesy of Fade2Black |
Oversized sunglasses ...

To hide the crocodile tears you cry as you watch old episodes of your canceled show over and over:
Slutty strapless dress and Princess Kate pumps (Winnie the Pooh tattoo optional but recommended) ...
Ideal for pumping gas, or turning over tables:
Daisy Dukes, paired with Dorothy red hooker heels and a wife beater ...
The ideal summer go-to uniform to pick up all your fan mail:
482 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 482 of 482 Newer› Newest»@Dmasy - I did see your post on the last thread about your darling nieces AND your pic! I am sorry I didnt reply. What a joy you must be having!
Anger Issues, oh, Sweetie, I know you don't want to argue with me. We just have 2 different opinions and that's okay. We're not a mega church, just a small little community church. And the evening works best for us.
I don't want to be rude but anger issues, you don't represent the entire city of Chicago. Where I live (in Chicago ;)), there is VBS at various churches of different faiths offered in all kinds of timezones.
Maybe because you are of one faith, you aren't aware that others are offering it?
Lovemygrandsons: Maybe cause I am in the city. They don't really have much for kids at night. With all the shooting of late and crime, perhaps the Churches where I live, feel safer having it during the day. It's a shame cause it would be nice to have something to do at night. To have parents spend sometime with their kids, and maybe learn something or just fellowship. I think it's a great idea to have something at night. Other than the public pool. :)
Khate the mother unit: I read this in my local neighborhood newspaper and they do post all reglions. The Press, it lisst what churches are doing what, and most VBS are in the morning or afternoon, I've not seen any at night. They have them from June to august, right after school lets out and before school starts, when other programs end.
I also said in my area, I did not say the whole city of Chicago. Maybe in your area, they do have it at night, in my area they don't.
@hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 Kate claims she can't take her kids to the movie$ becau$e 'panic en$ue$' but has no problem with FREE Bible School
Was it free? I thought someone posted, or sent a link to the church website that there was an enrollment fee of ten dollars for each child.
Some churches have VBS in the evenings because it is cooler....parents work during the day so it is easier to get more volunteers (and it takes ALOT of volunteers!) to offer it in the evening. I remember one year at VBS we had a pioneer theme and mining for gold and my friend and I spray painted thousands of little stone pebbles metallic gold. We had little swimming pools filled with sand and water and some of the grandmothers donated the old pie plates with the little holes in them. The kids panned for gold and loved it! We even had the little draw string bags so the could bring home their gold. So much fun!
I shop at Talbots, never once have I seen a leopard print anything in any of their stores.
Wowser: I do think it is better to have it at night. During the day you have: day camp, daycare, college camp, ymca camp, some commuities centers have their own camps, or programs, working parents really don't get to spend any time with other people and their own kids, in fellowship, while the kids are having fun and the parents connecting, and not by phone.
Anger Issues. I completely understand your point of view. There has been alot of violence in Chicago (as ther is every summer), and it can be very unsafe for the children.
I don't know what to say except that I truly do pray for the families who are losing their children to this unnecessary violence.
Lovemygrandsons: It's truely sad to keep hearing almost every night, so far this summer, of another child or innocent bystander getting shot. Cause some idiot has to prove some macho crap, and revenge crap. I know in my area, so far, is fairly safe, for now. We do have some stealing and purse snatching, during the day(I go to the CAPS meeting and read the local neighborhood paper, which publishes, some of the crime). Our Sears store got robbed, broke in at 4:30am, to the wonder graffi, that shows up on my fence, every so often. It's scary sometimes. But the young people, it's sad.
Anger Issues, I lived in Chicago back in the late 70's. It was a fun time for a 19-20 year old. At that time, there wasn't all of the violence that there is now. That's one of the main reasons the hubs and I chose the suburbs to raise our daughter.
Dwindle -
I just read your post to Mr. - I mean, Dr. Malaprop, and his first question was "Where does she live?" He's looking for a high school computer teacher who will teach programming, app design, flash animation and multi-media technologies. Send Dwindle Jr. on over! LOL I cracked up thinking about a technology that can speak your thoughts. Yikes! How would you keep it from broadcasting to the whole room things like "I need to pee." ??? LOL
Once a Viewer - why thank you very much!
So trashy...5
The leopard print top was in Talbots last fall. The first time I saw the top was pictured in an outfit that Stacy London had on in a style spread featured in a Better Homes & Gardens issue from last fall. I don't know when the dress was in the store as I don't normally shop there. But the dress and the top are the same print. Marshalls and TJ Maxx do buy out unsold items from specialty stores.
I have a notebook full of outfits that I like that I tear out of magazines and I did tear out the picture of Stacy London from the BH&G. It was from the September 2011 issue and it was called a cheetah print not a leopard print. My bad.
Got this in my email today, it's so cute:
Interesting blog tonight. I did scroll past comments about bible camp, since I have never heard of it ( bhuddist), yet I may have seen some defensivness at first, but what I love about this blog is we always remain civil, and respectfully agree to disagree, yeah for freedom of choice and respect of others.
In Quebec we are dealing with recordbreaking drownings, especially children due to heat wave. I know a poster above said more murders in their city than normal.
Heat wabes exacerbate everythi.g, we all need to have more patience.
Ok, stepping down from my sweaty soap box, off to meditate and send love into the eorld ( tonglen)
Rock on!
What picture of Kate are you all talking about?
Kate's last tweet for Friday: "Ideas & dreams were done today" Hope it's NOT a how-to-dress-for-business tv show. Hope it's not a Monday menu cook book. Maybe she'll announce she & Steve are engaged!!!! LOL
I try not to comment on here too often, although lately I can't seem to hold back. But it's not even my fault this time, Kate got all over my turf on this one and it really irritates me. She is worn out from a week of Vacation Bible School? Are you kidding me, she didn't even work the Bible School!! She just shuttled the kids and spent the time to herself!!! If she wants to talk VBS and being ohhh soooo tired, I'll take her on!
We begin our Bible School preparations a few weeks in advance, and spend the week before VBS at the church decorating and getting things ready. We have our Vacation Bible School during the day, from 9:00 - 12:30, so I have to be there by 8:30am and usually finish up preparations for the following day by a little after 1:00pm. Throughout the course of each day, I usually teach an average of 200 children, grades K thru 5. (At our VBS, children are put in "crews" of 5 - 6 to a "crew leader", and I get ten "crews" at a time. The "crew groups" travel from station to station: crafts, games, lessons, snack, etc.) The pre-school, middle school, and high school are done separately. We are a medium -sized church, not a mega church, so it's an all-hands-on-deck kind of thing and I do have an assistant. When I get home, I have to get things done around the house, get dinner, and in the evening I study for the next day's lesson. So, by the end of the week, I am pooped!
Now please, please don't take me wrong. I don't mean any of this to be bragging or showing off. So many of you volunteer for VBS and many, many other worthy endeavors. And I absolutely LOVE working in Vacation Bible School!! It's one of the highlights of each summer and I've done it for close to thirty years now. Some of the children that attend are in such need of someone to give them a little time and attention, and it's such a joy to get to work with all of the kids.
But if Kate wants to talk about being tired, then taxiing her own children most certainly does not qualify!! If she wants to dig in and get to work, and serve others instead of just herself, then I will gladly eat my words. And as far as her "Fun Family Times" statement goes, if I'm not mistaken, you actually have to be a part of the family times for it to count as "Family Time!" You know, be involved, engaged, and present, not just dropping your kids off and going about your merry way!!!
Sorry for the rant folks! Been holding that in since yesterday :-)
While I am here, may I ask that those of you that don't mind please remember my DD (I hope that stands for Dear Daughter) in prayer. She is currently on a mission trip to India and will be gone for several more days. I am so happy, proud, and excited for her but it is still hard not to worry a little. She had never even been on a plane, and now she is way on the other side of the world!
Dwindle: We most certainly DO ENJOY hearing about your amazing daughter. Wow, that is impressive. I'm a military wife myself, and I don't accomplish anything near that when my husband is gone. I'm just trying to hold down the fort!
LoveMyGrandsons and others: I've enjoyed hearing about your grandchildren, nieces, etc when they visit. What a wonderful and fun blessing!!
Admin: Congratulations and thanks so much for fostering that adorable little girl! Any chance we could get a thread (don't know if that's the correct word for it) sometime where we can all talk about our furry, feathered, and finned family members? I love to read about everyone's pets.
Admin, re: puppy training
We have dog doors and the youngsters have always just trained themselves, following the older ones out the door. No problem until the Mini Aussie came along, the first boy in a long, long time. He could be out for hours and run in and pee on the rug. The only thing that worked was for him to attain a certain age, I forget how many months, and then he just dead stopped doing that. No problem since.
Kate's last tweet for Friday: "Ideas & dreams were done today" Hope it's NOT a how-to-dress-for-business tv show. Hope it's not a Monday menu cook book. Maybe she'll announce she & Steve are engaged!!!! LOL
Maybe a real celebrity cancelled on DWTS because they have a real project to do and DWTS informed Kate she moved up from ninth on deck to eight. Stand by!
Yes, her latest teaser about "ideas and dreams today" sure sounds like a meeting took place in an attempt to find another outlandish opportunity for this talentless hack.
Maybe the Special Olympics agreed to pay her for her "volunteer" work. It is a lifelong dream of Kate's to get paid to just exist.
Anyone want to guess how many tweets she'll get from Milo in the morning trying to pry more info out of her?
On ET 2 nights ago saw a dark haired woman taking about DWTS all stars...She said... many of the elite will be asked....Then she said she would bet kate the puke gosselin would be calling CBS every 5 minutes begging for a spot. Cause she is the do all and the most loved mother in the world.
I wonder why kate ever got that invite!!!
"To get paid to just exist"....Admin...that was thee best and truest statement that you've ever made.
I think she has a new team that is trying to "rebrand" her and that's why she has backed off on twitter. Any person with a brain that is trying to help her with her image would tell her to get off twitter because she is destroying herself on it. The problem is that what comes out of Kate's fingers will come out of her mouth in the long run, it won't matter what they try with her. You can put lipstick on a pick and remove the little pink phone from it's's still a pig. (Administrator) said... 22
Maybe the Special Olympics agreed to pay her for her "volunteer" work. It is a lifelong dream of Kate's to get paid to just exist.
Yes, because after all, a "great day" involves "ideas and dreams." Not working! Thinking and imagining. Everything else is, woah and woe, so very exhausting!
Blessed to be Mediocre Mother, you are far from mediocre!! I know what it's like to do all the planning and prep weeks before VBS.
I remember one year we did an Olympics theme and I made the banner that we started out the VBS with each day. I also had found packs of small poster board at our local dollar store in gold and silver. I bought red, white, and blue ribbon at a fabric store, then cut circles out of the poster board to make name tags for the kids. The idea was to look like the medals the athletes win, except we wrote each child's name on them to use as name tags.
We had the silver "medals", gold, and white. depending on the age group. When I finished making 75 of these, my hands were so sore!!! I had a heck of a time trying to type on the computer at work the next day! But it was all fun and I was blessed to be a part of it.
Yes, Kate doesn't understand that. Just dropping kids off and picking them up is not participating on her part.
It's great to have "dreams and ideas", but when is Kate going to come to the "REALITY" that she needs to get a real job.
"ideas and dreams' don't sound too concrete- I agree, the comment is just a teaser- she has to write something for her tweeties! No update on Shoka; hope he's ok.
She has 'lots to do' this weekend so that will explain her absence if she's MIA again... I hope she has set up some activity out of the home for next week for the kids.
Catching up here. Great to hear about Dwindle's daughter. :-)
I have an idea for the next twit-isode for Kate involving the kids. She can take them to the library to get their library cards! Of course, she is about 3 to 4 years too late in signing them up for a card. I remember we could get our own library card when we could write our name.
I teach 8 and 9 year olds and know that they can go through those books so quickly, especially the series books like Magic Tree House. I can't image Kate buys books for the kids. That could be her latest money saving tip at Cabin Coupon...get a library card!
Kate has really neglected her website recently- menus, Shoka diary, still parts under construction etc. Not that I care- but why did she set it up if she didn't plan to maintain it? she has all the time in the world for it.
I can hear the pride yet worry in your post, and I getcha
My dd just returned from Europe (15)
I had a hard time before she left, posters here kept me sane..metci Bluebird..k'espere la petite va bien et ses freres l'adorent
Thong I learned is to habe faith that "everything is gonna be alrigjt"
Border Collie said:
Admin, re: puppy training
We have dog doors and the youngsters have always just trained themselves, following the older ones out the door. No problem until the Mini Aussie came along, the first boy in a long, long time. He could be out for hours and run in and pee on the rug. The only thing that worked was for him to attain a certain age, I forget how many months, and then he just dead stopped doing that. No problem since.
Border Collie - we adopted a male Cock-a-poo puppy last November, and he did just that. He'd be outside to potty, come back in and go on the floor. We learned that we had to go out with him and watch to make sure he went. If he wouldn't go, it was back in the crate for 15 minutes then out to try again. I started to wonder if he would ever get the hang of only going potty outside. It took six months before he was completely accident free. He was by far the most difficult dog I've ever had as far as housebreaking goes. Otherwise he's our little clown puppy, so cute and playful. We just love him to death. :)
Kate: GM! A good weekend to get lots done.... Let's see how far I get... Ready, set, GO! Have a nice summer Saturday, everyone! XO 30 minutes ago
I guess the kids will now need to earn their $10 VBS fee! Ummm Kate.. they already earned it over the years with you using them to make your TV show. While they were "playing" for the cameras for hours and hours on end.
Patk: I think the ideas & dreams are reffering to the radio interview she gave. Since none of us listened to it, cause it is usually Kate same old crap. You know want a reality show, talk show, want this want that etc. Kate is just teasing her fans, and tryin to get the medias attention that she has something big going on, when she doesn't. It's like the Anderson Copper thing, she only used CC to, try and get AC's attention, that he would have her on his show, that man is a lot smarter than Kate thought. It didn't happen.
Lovemygrandsons: I know what you mean. I was just becoming a teen, and you could still go out at night and there was very little to no shooting happening. If I had kids, I too would have moved to the suburbs. Even thogh , my area is still good yet, the violence is about maybe 2-3 miles from my house, that area has a lot of gangs. They do creep up here, we know this cause they tag, their territory(graffti). Of which we call the city and they send a truck and take it off.
Right, she needs to come back to earth. I think dreams and ideas are great, but usually people have their head in the clouds when they're much younger and by 37 and eight kids if they're not living the dream by now, it's over. Everything she does makes her sounds like she has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old.
The radio interview is this coming Monday, 7:30 am. Not that I'll be listening. The near Twitter silence is wonderful.
Well the good news is I can't smell dog pee anymore because our resident skunk decided to skunk something right outside the kitchen window last night, which was open. YUUUCK!!!
In seriousness, S is doing really well. Potty went well yesterday, only one small accident. She is, fingers crossed, getting adopted by a lovely family with two little girls tomorrow. She would be great for two little girls!
This is going WAY off topic but it's really been bothering me.
Remember when Kate's cruise was canceled and they basically said all along that Kate only agreed to do it if a certain number of spots were filled?
Well, shouldn't that be something that should be disclosed very clearly in the fine print? Something like, Ms. Gosselin reserves the right to cancel the cruise if X amount of spots are not filled?
I mean knowing how very few people were willing to put down the money I'd be extremely wary to put down money HAD I KNOWN Kate was expecting a certain number before committing. It just seems really shitty not to disclose that while people spend god knows how much money on flights, etc., plus their time.
I know some of us had also had a sneaking suspicion that some of the fans going were purposely trying to drive away other people from signing up because the smaller the group with Kate the more one-on-one time they would have. It is not in their best interest to have a huge group--less time with Kate. How ironic that their efforts to keep it small was the reason Kate canceled. Ah, that's what happens when you're an unethical fan.
PatK said... 23
Anyone want to guess how many tweets she'll get from Milo in the morning trying to pry more info out of her?
Milo briefly appeared to make a couple of tweets but nothing to Kate. Since Kate is ignoring Milo, Milo is now ignoring Kate. That'll show her, Milo!!
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I really like 2 daydream, but my mind keeps wandering off! #Iostmymind :)
Posted without comment.
Ah, on what is probably a lovely summer morning in PA our Kate tweets that the kids get to play and she is home all alone with her to do list. Pity me much? Hey Kate, a) kids are supposed to play and b) if you had just one friend you could toss the list and play too. Actually, the whole list thing is crapola since you have nothing much else to do 24/7. Glad the kids are away, where the playing is probably not neurotically controlled.
The kids are playing and Kate is working, where have I heard that before? Oh right when the kids were WORKING for Kate's supper on THEIR show.
Anyway, she sounds resentful that the kids get to play. What Orange said: kids are supposed to play. Especially on a Saturday in summer for gosh sakes.
Yes she sounds rather resentful. Kids, how could you leave your mother alone with a huge 'to-do' list and have the nerve to...PLAY??? What is on this famous never-ending list? Can't she get some 'friends' with husbands to help or at least 'eradicate' or 'attack' some of it (like she did the twins' bedroom, tossing things down the stairs) Call a 'lawn boy' or 'laundry girl?' Personal shopper? Whatever works, Kate. No excuse for failure, you know.
Now, receding chin up, DDD chest out, positive attitude, and you go, girl!
I agree with all who have said that Kate is trying to "rebrand" herself. Unfortunately it's probably too late for that. No one wants to see farting rainbows Barbie because it just doesn't ring true. She let the mask drop and we all know that bitch barbie is the true Kate. Nope, not buying it at all. She's more "real housewives" than June Cleaver. It won't take long for the mask to drop again when she realizes that this isn't going to work. How many reality shows feature the Brady Bunch type families? None! No one is going to tune in to a show to see bluebirds sitting in her shoulder while she goes about her life.
On the other hand maybe she's got the kids practicing a new show. "Annie" comes to mind. I can see the kids lining up to sing "It's A Hard Knock Life" with great enthusiasm.
"Well, shouldn't that be something that should be disclosed very clearly in the fine print? Something like, Ms. Gosselin reserves the right to cancel the cruise if X amount of spots are not filled?
I mean knowing how very few people were willing to put down the money I'd be extremely wary to put down money HAD I KNOWN Kate was expecting a certain number before committing. It just seems really shitty not to disclose that while people spend god knows how much money on flights, etc., plus their time."
That could be the reason that they DIDN'T put a disclosure like that in there. If they had, then the fans who suspected that the turn-out would be low, wouldn't even have bothered. Who wants to go through the trouble of having to get money refunded? The whole cancellation thing was so confusing -- maybe some of the brighter ones (if there were any) didn't want to go through the hassle of making flight and hotel reservations, only have to cancel them.
If the cruise promoters had done the fine print thing, it could have raised suspicions that perhaps they wouldn't be able to fill x number of spots. Then they would have to answer questions about how many cabins were booked, how many were needed to go, etc. and, of course, their answers would have been evasive.
It would have been the right thing to do, but with the way that cruise was run, it's not surprising that they omitted this.
@Kateplusmy8 GM girlfriend! So nice 2see U stop in & say "hello" even as U #zipbyatlighteningspeed on ur 2do list quest! :)
Good grief. She's back. Girlfriend? It's an addiction. Milo just can't give her up.
Anyway, she sounds resentful that the kids get to play. What Orange said: kids are supposed to play. Especially on a Saturday in summer for gosh sakes.
Oh they'll will hear about it when they get home. "Do you kids realize I slaved my butt off while you were out having fun, fun, fun?! This is the first time I've questioned whether having you was a good idea. Now give me my massage! And someone get out there and throw Shoka a bone. his name is still MUD. He's just been moping around out there all day and I don't feed anything that throws up on MY rug!"
Does Kate not understand what she signed up for when she decided she wanted to be a mom? No it's not just having a cute baby on you hip. They grow up and they end up playing a lot while you end up working a lot. This is just part of what you sign up for with kids. Don't like the terms of this deal, don't have kids.
I don't understand why Special Olympics would ask Kate to do anything? Wouldn't you need to know something about people with special needs to connect with this organization? She and her family are so blessed to have 8 perfect children. That blessing just seems to go over her head. No gratitude shines through her. Quite the opposite is what I see from Kate. Does anyone believe Kate has actually donated money to this group? They need to ask someone to participate who really cares and puts their money where their mouth is as well.
Special Olympics probably lined up a lot of celebrities or at least reached out to a lot. Probably some poor soul who volunteers is a fan of Kate's because she hasn't seen enough episodes to get the full picture, and suggested her. I don't have a lot of experience with them but my impression is they don't rely as heavily on celebs as other organizations might.
Or, she could have called them at the bidding of her new image consultant, and it's a bit awkward to say no I guess.
She is worn out from a week of Vacation Bible School? Are you kidding me,
I believe it was four days -- Monday through Thursday.
I think Kate thought that having babies was as easy as owning a collection of Cabbage Patch Kids. Just put them on the bed and they'll sleep. Put them in a playpen, they'll behave. Put them in a high chair and feed them, they'll be happy. Nothing to it.
I don't think she gave much thought to parenting at all. I am willing to bet when they had the twins Jon and his dad had to do everything for her. She seems like the type that would come up with all kinds of excuses to get out of being responsible for two babies. It's a full time job and we all know how she hates jobs.
"Your story about your husband and the waitress, hehe, reminds me of how we tease my daughter. "Honey, my keyboard keys are sticking. Honey, my TV picture is fuzzy. Honey, the answering machine is acting up." "MOM! I'M SOFTWARE, NOT HARDWARE!" I got this annoying little joke from my late father in law, who would phone up his eldest daughter and say "You're an electrical engineer at a nuclear power plant, why cant you get over here and fix your mother's washing machine!" LOL! "
When I graduated from Nursing school, my family was convinced I knew the cure for the common cold and was keeping it from them.
Remember when Kate's cruise was canceled and they basically said all along that Kate only agreed to do it if a certain number of spots were filled?
Well, shouldn't that be something that should be disclosed very clearly in the fine print? Something like, Ms. Gosselin reserves the right to cancel the cruise if X amount of spots are not filled?
I mean knowing how very few people were willing to put down the money I'd be extremely wary to put down money HAD I KNOWN Kate was expecting a certain number before committing. It just seems really shitty not to disclose that while people spend god knows how much money on flights, etc., plus their time.
I know some of us had also had a sneaking suspicion that some of the fans going were purposely trying to drive away other people from signing up because the smaller the group with Kate the more one-on-one time they would have. It is not in their best interest to have a huge group--less time with Kate. How ironic that their efforts to keep it small was the reason Kate canceled. Ah, that's what happens when you're an unethical fan.
The tenuous nature of the trip should have been disclosed. The fans, on the other hand, should have absolutely known the limited appeal of Katie Irene as an attraction.
Lets face it, the appeal of Katie is Katie's absolute refusal to admit the facade of Katie as (you fill in the blank) - a loving parent, organized, talented, an athlete, a blond bombshell. The list is endless. The sheer stupidity of Katie and her "henchmen" is the real attraction.
Any intelligent person should have known that this trip had a very large chance of not taking place. It seems that the fan base is made up of a very few actual living people who employ multiple on-line user names to mask their number. There is no pity for idiots from my point of view. The cruise package purchasers should have done some basic research. The did not. Hopefully they learned something.
I have wondered, from time to time, when the "meal" that Katie Irene is going to host for the Katie Kruise fans is going to take place. That, as well, will probably be proven to be another unfulfilled promise.
The Bitter End you make great points. And now I think this begs the question, at what point does it become an ethical and moral issue. At what point should adults be protected from their own stupidity? Or is it okay to just step back and allow people to fall for whatever snake oil salesman rolls on by, so they'll learn their lesson, even if it puts them out thousands of dollars and ruins their kids' vacation. They are, after all, adults. I don't know the answer.
New post, I think it will give you a grin. We won. :)
It sounds like yet another vague slam, doesn't it? She seems to be alluding to the fact that they are at Jon's playing, since she said they are not home. Seems logical they are with Jon this weekend.
It's sort of like, he gets to have all the fun and never has to do the hard work. I'm the one home alone with lists and things to do and I'm exhausted. But have fun playing guys hope you have a GREAT time (hope you choke too!)!!!
God I hate mothers with attitudes like that. DON'T SIGN UP FOR MOTHERHOOD if you feel that way!
To me 'idea's and dreams' means she sat down with her new PR person or whoever is advising her now. The brainstormed ideas to get kate back in the media and kate gave her 'bucket list' of dreams she wants PR to make happen for her.
Kate's life will be forever about trying to get a reality show that send her on trips and films them. She got spoiled during her 6 year run and obviously is having a hard time coming back to earth. Even if kate ever got another media job it wouldn't spoil her like TLC did. Any new job would expect her to work. She's probably pitching to WE. They scooped up Kendra after E canceled it and so far I don't see them shelling out big bucks to send Kendra on 22 vacations. Even if it ever came true kate would be disappointed. WE expects you to live life while they film it..not pay ridiculous amounts of money sending people to Bald Head, Australia, Alaska, Hawaii, Utah, Florida, New Zealand etc.
Kate is lost living her Glory Days in her head. it's sad. Sometimes I think it's better to have never moved out of mediocrity since it seems so hard for these reality has beens to return. Sadly these people get addicted to the fame and mourn it's passing instead of just being grateful that they made a ton of money having fun for a few years. Kate should be thanking her lucky stars she had her run. She obviously no longer has to work. So many people would be thrilled to have the opportunity to be sitting on a nest egg that was basically given for having zero talent or skill. Instead of being happy that she CAN stay home and raise her kids, kate sits home and pouts that camera's aren't filming her screeching at others while packing for her lastest trip. Kate's ego ballooned under TLC's gifts and quite frankly, she didn't deserve all she received. She never gives back and is an entitled, selfish brat. Her karma came back to her in the form of having tasted something never to taste again. Too bad she wasn;t kinder. She could be running a mega million dollar enterprise based off her brand. Thank goodness she was too mean and stupid. She probably didnt invest any time into cultivating her brand becasue that would be too much work. She figured instead TLC would film the kids thru college and she could just sit back and collect a paycheck. Kate was even too lazy to make a success of reality tv. So no kate, you're not a go-getter, not organized, nor are you a positive person. You ruined every opportunity that came your way by thinking you were too good to be bothered since TLC was fulling your bank account with mountains of cash.
At what point should adults be protected from their own stupidity?
Everyone in this country is offered a 12 year education. Somewhere in those years, and hopefully toward the end, ethics and courses teaching critical reasoning skills should be taught. In my mind, that should suffice.
Also, if the sheep read here, they would have known to purchase travel insurance. It was mentioned a couple of hundred times.
I have a feeling kate has gotten desperate. She pretty much ignored the local radio girl until recently. now that kate has no irons in the fire she has 'sluumed" by agreeing to do the local radio show. I'm willing to bet the local radio girl is the one who asked kate to get involved in the Special Olympics and I think that's what they will be chatting about on Monday. Kate's new image person probably convinced her to get her name out there - even if it's local. Do the radio, hand out awards and a pap picture will be sure to follow. THAT is all kate cares about. Getting her skinny mug out there. I highly doubt she cares personally about the Special Olympics.
"Any intelligent person should have known that this trip had a very large chance of not taking place. It seems that the fan base is made up of a very few actual living people who employ multiple on-line user names to mask their number. There is no pity for idiots from my point of view. The cruise package purchasers should have done some basic research. The did not. Hopefully they learned something."
They trusted Cindy, and that in itself gives one a look at their intelligence (or lack thereof).
EM, if Kate reads your last post (above) all she will notice is the word "skinny". The rest is too much to handle, and doesn't matter anyway, because you noticed that she is "skinny".
Since Kate likes to re-tweet quotes she likes here's one for you.
Being famous is not something that would make me feel successful - unless one was striving for mediocrity.
-William Hurt
chefsummer said... 64
Since Kate likes to re-tweet quotes she likes here's one for you.
Being famous is not something that would make me feel successful - unless one was striving for mediocrity.
-William Hurt
Perfect, chefsummer!
Once a Viewer said... 65
chefsummer said... 64
Since Kate likes to re-tweet quotes she likes here's one for you.
Being famous is not something that would make me feel successful - unless one was striving for mediocrity.
-William Hurt
Thanks I just saw it and thought of Kate and how perfect it fits her. :-)
Jon actually called Em to apologize for what a jerk Kate was being and to thank her for everything she had done.
Because that's what happens when you get involved with a narcissist, you're forever cleaning up their messes.
Fidosmommy: LOL!! I was just about to type the exact same thing to EM!!! All Kate would shriek would be " look look look!! EM said I was skinny". We are all beginning to think alike here
Thanks for all the suggestions re my missing computer key cover. I don't have the little white plastic thingy, so I guess it's a trip to the Geek Squad. It's still under warranty, so I wonder if that covers kitty damaged key covers, LOL.
Call Me Crazy -- It isn't the ALT key. My computer only has one, to the left of the space bar. The key to the right, which is the one now missing, has a weird symbol on it. It appears to do something to my task bars. Thanks for all the suggestions on the use of the ALT key. I'm only computer semi-literate, so it's good to know I can learn things from y'all! I took a couple of free classes at the library, but those have been eliminated now, due to budget cuts.'
Admin -- Maybe KK called Cara, and not the other way around. Of course, it creates more drama for KK if she gives the impression that the kids can't stand to be away from her, so call her when they are at Jon's.
I have 2 questions. 1, do you have a REAL job or are you just jealous that Kate got paid for something you do everyday? If this is your job, maybe you should get mentally checked because this is not normal. Shes not even in the public eye anymore. 2, Why are you so bothered by her? People like you are keeping her in the media. If you dont want her in the media, STOP TALKING ABOUT HER. Jeez, this is an obsession at its worst.
Coo-coo, welcome! Are you asking me or just everyone in general?
1. I have a real job.
2. I can't stand child exploiters and parental alienators
Readerlady do you have windows, is it your windows key? That one can come in handy if you get used to using it. If you have a warranty for sure see if they cover this! I never did get my key replaced and I wish I had, it was just sort of unsightly if nothing else. Darn puppy! I have a mac now and the keys feel deeper and sturdier. I like it compared to my dell where the keys felt like any ole puppy could come through and rip them out! :)
By the way, the foster dog's adoption fell through. :( They think they want a bigger dog. I'm more bummed than I thought I would be but I'm trying to just be optimistic the right family is coming. :)
puppy people - clue to housebreaking dogs, even older ones. Take then outside to a place where you want them to do there "business." As soon as they go praise them, take inside immediately. In a few outside adventures they will learn their place. they will go to their spot. They will learn what outdoors means. Then it will be go and then walk. In between training they can be walked. Dogs need an association. It is not instinct to "go" outside. I raised three litters of Lhasas and had a success rate of paper housebreaking them at 4 weeks. Puppies were confined to one Large room, floor covered w/newspaper. Newspaper was reduced gradually. Drawback? Once they had the run of the house it meant NO paper product on any floor. It was taken as a pee-pee spot. Good luck and lots of patience. I followed the Barbara Woodhouse Way. [train owners] BTW, a shout-out to those in Delaware County, me too.
to coo-coo
I don't have a real job because I am retired. I use my time as a volunteer at three different museums. I have escorted tours of as many as 20 children w/one chaperone. Children need their parameters near art work. I set it up before hand. It makes for a positive art experience for them and a feel-good for me that I was part of it.
If the production company is paying for utilities, lawn care, child care, security,etc like with Kate, they are not just giving that to her, it is part of her negotiated per-epsode pay.
Yes I agree the perks are probably part of the contract. And guess what that means? They're taxable! Cough it up to Uncle Sam.
Now, all the "donated" things, like the Crooked Houses, clothes, and the kitchen re-do, would have come from the company donating them, and all Kate would have to pay for is gift taxes on the value of the items. So, not completely free, but still a huge discount.
The recipient doesn't pay a gift tax. The giver does. She pays nothing. A freebie for nothing in return is a freebie. A freebie for something in return, like advertising, is income and is taxable. For instance if the "deal" with the kids houses is that Kate gets a free house and in return she gives them advertising on her show by making an episode about them, she better be sure to report that house as income.
Coupon Cabin -Kate’s Tips for Kids’ Summer Education Posted on July 16th, 2012
Summertime is, without a doubt, a busy time but it is generally a sun-filled-relaxing-sleep-in-every-day-no-schedule time of year, which is exactly why my kids need some learning reinforcement.
Since my six youngest started school, I have faithfully required summer school work to keep their skills sharp for the next school year.
Early on, I thought I was among the very few mommies who required such daily “I hate it” work (as my kids say) but in recent years I’ve realized that not only are there many moms who share my feelings on summer education, there are also many programs available to achieve that goal.
I’m always looking for a fun, easy, inexpensive and painless (for all) program that packs the learning in a quick punch each day so that we can zip through our work and dive into the pool! Therefore, I don’t follow the same program each year.
In years past, I have Googled curriculums online and printed them out and photocopied each page SIX times (including one for myself). This year, I learned of a program our school recommended and, in an effort to save, I bought one math workbook and one language arts book and photocopied them six times. Using single subject three ring binders in six different colors, I made my own summer workbook for each child. In future years, I’ll re-use the binders to further cut costs.
I am also, for the first year, requiring my two older girls to do the recommended math workbook by summer’s end. “It’s only fair,” I tell them! : )
So, the schedule at our house is: sleep in, breakfast, summer work (one math lesson and one language arts lesson three to four mornings a week) then pool time!
After doing some research, I’ve discovered that there are many ways to approach summer learning. There are paper curriculums like I use, but there are also online programs and many times, local programs that kids can attend. If nothing else, requiring 20 minutes of reading a day will keep skills sharpened for your young readers.
If I doubted I was on the right track, last year when my kids returned to school in the fall, their reading and math levels actually increased instead of decreased, which was an unusual but very exciting result. That was just the confirmation I needed to continue our summer enrichment at home.
Check out some great offers below to keep your kids learning all summer. Happy summer (school work) all!
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