Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ron Howard: Andy Griffith believed in 'respect'

Ron Howard, one of Hollywood's greatest child actor success stories, wrote a moving tribute to his co-star and T.V. dad Andy Griffith, who passed away today in North Carolina at age 86. Said Howard: "Respect. At every turn he demonstrated his honest respect for people and he never seemed to expect theirs in return, but wanted to earn it." 

Perhaps the respect Ron Howard felt on set, even at age seven, played a major role in Howard turning out so well. (Howard also credits good parenting: "I always felt loved. I never felt that my parents' love or affection depended in any way, shape, or form on how I was doing at the set.") Ron also was commited to giving his own child, Bryce, born in 1981, a normal childhood. Said Bryce of her growing up years: "I feel like I almost didn't grow up in the business, because my parents worked so hard at sheltering us from that. I was raised in Connecticut. And I honestly wasn't aware that my dad was a celebrity until I moved to Los Angeles a year ago."

You did right by the child on your set--rest in peace now, Andy. 

563 sediments (sic) from readers:

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fidosmommy said... 1

One of his ex-wives had scathing things to say about Andy, but the general reports on him were that he was a genuinely good man.

A child knows who is genuine, kind and honest.
Ron Howard has said before that Andy was an excellent role model. Ron's parents gave both boys (Ron and Clint - I think that's his brother's name - he played the little boy with the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that he always offered to people) a clear vision of who they were even as America enjoyed their acting. Andy Griffith fit into that vision and so did Don Knotts.

Ron once said that the only dishonest thing about working on the set was the food. When they were being served "ice cream", it was actually mashed potatoes. He said he was very upset the first time he discovered that, and never did like that part of acting.

Betsy said... 2

Carrying over from the last thread for those who are interested in the topic of authoritarian vs. authoritative parenting (from a mental health website, athealth.com):

"Authoritarian parents are highly demanding and directive, but not responsive. They are obedience and status oriented and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation. Children from authoritarian homes...have poorer social skills, lower self esteem, and higher rates of depression."

"Authoritative parents are both directive and responsive. They monitor and impart clear standards for their child's conduct. They are assertive but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their children to be self-regulated, as well as cooperative. Children from authoritative homes...are more socially and instrumentally competent."

Kate's parenting style is the authoritarian model, as we have all seen from the years of filming. I don't believe she would deny it, either; in fact, she is proud of what she considers her parenting "skills".

SummerMemories said... 3

Ron Howard is wonderful and Andy Griffith is a part of my childhood and, my present since I watch Matlock every day on WGN. RIP.

My beach memories don't involve my family but friends. I remember riding our bikes to Lake Michigan and getting motorcycle rides from the cool older boys.

My family did take vacations to resorts and other fairly-close destinations. Fishing, badminton with my brother, late-night giggles, and family being together is what is important.

Summer, sprinklers, ice cream truck (before they were creepy), fireflies, staying outside till late, camp (some good, some bad), and it all seemed so long until school started again. Now it's nine weeks that goes by quickly.

I recently reconnected with a childhood friend and she told me that she loved coming to my house because my parents were so loving to us and to each other.

Butterfly, I'm with you on so many levels. My bitterness is a bit different but it's so hard not to hate somebody you once loved and watching your kids' father ignore and not care about them is one of the most difficult things I've ever witnessed. Last time I saw him I told him I'd "shoot him in the face" if I had a gun. I'm a peace-loving hippy-type!

I totally understand.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

The problem is for as much as Kate wants to be a celeb, there are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a celeb us mediocre don't need to worry about much.

Stealing a photo without permission or at least credit is never a good thing, but she's doing it on a web site of a famous personality and a site that's getting a lot of hits. She's a celebrity and big companies like Kraft are very picky about who they associate with. They are a wholesome family company and may not want the slightest bit of connection with anyone controversial including Kate. They potentially may be a heck of a lot more ticked off when someone like Kate posts their photo than if some other small time mommy blogger nobody stole it. And celebs are more likely to have deep pockets making companies more likely to bother with a suit. One of these days it will catch up to her (well actually LaFair already did sue her so it has caught up, only because of a lucky break did she not have to pay) and her "the rules don't apply to me" attitude is going to end herself up in another lawsuit. And this time they won't be generous like LaFair and just back down. And the kids will pay because it's their money funding it all.

Anonymous said... 5

I'm going to go anonymous for this but I had one very authoritarian parent and one passive. I have a lot of social skill and insecurity problems now. I also have a short temper and I get pushed over the edge quick. I find myself being authoritarian to other people & I hate it. I don't know if that is because of my parent but there's a good chance.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 6

Ron Howard is truly a success story. So many other child actors who were exploited by their parents just didn't turn out so great, or have by now passed away. Parents who quit their day jobs and become supported by their children are just asking for disaster. Sad all the way around. It is just not the way it's supposed to be and the children suffer from that kind of pressure. Lazy parents, do you think?

She is a Cow said... 7

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Amy2 said... 24
Does anyone have an update on the Gosselinbook that was suppose to come out a week or so ago? The last entry on the Gosselinbook blog was June 25th by Robert, the author.

"I made some positive legal progress this past weekend so that encourages me and I hope this doesn't drag out any longer than it has to."

The last public utterance from Rob Hoffman was a tweet to Kate four or so days ago:

"Kate, you really are Super Woman."

I believe a few tweeters asked him questions but he didn't answer, then he made his Twitter account private.

Hum, one could look at that tweet by Hoffman and think that maybe her lawyers did get to him. Calling her Superwoman, could mean she has managed to stop, or delay his book. Or, it could mean there never was a book and this tweet, along with taking his twitter private, are his last moves.

I am in the camp of hoping there is a book that reveals the true nasty reality of Ms. Gosselin. Karma can't come fast enough.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 8

Fourth of July is bittersweet to me! Now that both my parents are gone I always think of them during holidays. The 4th was my dads holiday because he loved this country so much, especially his beloved Texas. I miss him!

I've decided to go back to just reading everyone's comments and retire (again!) from commenting! I would like to continue until the end of July just to vent my opinions on different topics, Admin. , did say we can get of topic to talk about different subjects.

My opinion is sometimes different not only from pro-Kate people but also anti-Kate .i had never posted anywhere and it's been quite an experience!

I have such an admiration for Admin. and the people who come here on a daily basis.you have done what the media has refused to do and that is to hold her accountable for her actions! I think that the people who write here are smart, funny and compassionate !
What I would like to do is just write random thoughts that have been discussed in the past or topics that need to be discussed and even dissected so it can maybe be put to rest, like is it fair to nit-pick Kate on every thing she says ,does,wears, etc.

I also want to wish Joy of Virginia an especially good fourth because it's been tough for you guys out there!

Dmasy said... 9

A few years ago I purchased some VHS sets of the Andy Griffith show. I discovered a small treasure.

Because recent TV has more commercials per half hour than TV in the golden past, a minute of each show is eliminated in the re-runs. After the last commercial in the original program, they would return for a sweet moment that kind of "tied up" the theme of the show. I think these precious little Mayberryisms are missing from current airings.

One I remember is from the episode with the busy executive who comes into town on a Sunday and his car breaks down. He spends most of his time on Andy's front porch in a state of frustration. Andy and Opie are peeling and eating apples (and, of course, spewing wisdom!) The end moment shows the busy fellow sound asleep in one of the wicker chairs. Trailing from his hand is a perfectly peeled apple -- just as Andy had described, with a continuous curl of skin.

I wish we could all spend a day in Mayberry!

LoveMyGrandsons said... 10

Dmasy, I have always loved the Andy Griffith show. It was about sweeter and simpler times. The episode you described was one of my favorites!

Dmasy said... 11

I have two source books on the Andy Griffith show. Episode summaries and trivia and cast info, etc. I will find them (somewhere in the attic). Just in case our memories fail us and we have questions.

Happy 4th to everyone...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 12

Dmasy, my favorite part of that episode was Opie being so excited to do "adventure sleeping". If I recall correctly, he'd get to sleep on the ironing board held up by two chairs. So funny and Ron was such a cutie!

gotyournumberKate said... 13

Happy 4th Everyone! Today would have been my mother's 76th birthday so I think I am just going to take a quiet day to reflect. I haven't been reading here much lately because my life has been so hectic. My first grandson was born on June 17th. I already have 4 granddaughters so Miles will be lots of fun. He's a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

Then on June 18th my father was diagnosed with a very rare, very aggressive form of thyroid cancer. The median survival for this cancer is 3-6 months. Other than a huge lump in his neck and losing his voice he looks and acts so healthy. It's so hard to believe this cancer can progress so quickly. I have spent every day since then researching this cancer and communicating with doctors. There is not one minute to waste. I was told this cancer needs to be treated as if it is a heart attack. Because it is so rare very few doctors have had any experience with it so I have been in touch with some of the top doctors in the country. These doctors have researched and have done clinical trials on it. It is really his only hope of living longer. One of these doctors is getting his records and then will set us up an appointment. She is at NIH in Bethesda.

In the whole scheme of things right now Kate Gosselin seems so mediocre. Please pray for my father. It would mean so much. I do believe in the power of prayer. Thank you.

Dmasy said... 14

gotyournumber -- very sorry to hear about your father. I am sure he appreciates your devotion and love. May God give you strength and wisdom.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 15

gotyournumber, congratulations on the birth of your first grandson! How wonderful!

I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I will pray for your father and your family. The Lord will give you His strength, comfort, and grace to get through this difficult time. His blessings to all of you.

Dmasy said... 16

TVLand started showing The Andy Griffith show early this AM. Dish guide says I Love Lucy but that is not accurate. Seems as if they are running the episodes in order.

Working Woman said... 17

Gotyournumber, my warmest thoughts and prayers are with your father and your entire family. I am so sorry to hear that he is going through this and I wish you all the very best. He is lucky to have you as part of his support system.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! You all rock :)

FL Mama said... 18

Happy Fourth of July everyone! I am eagerly awaiting our evening get-together with many family members who are visiting from afar (Dominican Republic and Atlanta, Georgia). It will be a wonderful gathering for reconnecting with my cousins, and my kids with theirs.

This recipe was in my inbox this morning for a red white and blue trifle that looks yummy and pretty easy to make. Sarah Carey works at the Everyday Food test kitchens for Martha Stewart, and has such a warm, endearing personality (KK should take notes). Here is the link:

Red, White & Blue Trifle

Mel said... 19

Sorry about your dad, gotyournumber.

Gosselinbook's comment about Kate being superwoman...I bet that's a reference to superman...nothing can harm the guy, or woman, in this case. $10 bucks says Kate shut him down, just like she did the Philly chitchat guy.

Bluebird said... 20

Gotyournumber I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, he will be included in my prayers. He is lucky to have such a loving daughter. Also, congratulations on your new grandson, your 4 granddaughters will spoil him for sure.

Happy 4th of July to everyone, and thanks for all of the summer memories.

She is a Cow said... 21


That is exactly what I thought. I posted it in #7. Some how Kate must have either completely stopped or delayed this book. Somehow she always gets what she wants!

Gotyournumber, congrats on the grandson and I will pray for your father's health.

Happy 4 th everyone!

Once a Viewer said... 22

Happy Fourth of July, 15MGS people!!

Enjoy your day and traditions (lol) or whatever you chose to do.

Gotyournumber: Very sorry your father is unwell.I hope he remains comfortable; he is obviously loved. Also the new grandchild will lift his spirits, and your own.

Bubbles: Didn't get a chance to comment on your situation. Please feel free to vent here. I'm so sorry life soured for you but I'm sure things will get better. You seem like a strong person- with a sense of humor- read your last post!

Re: Andy Griffith. Seemed like a good and talented man and mentor. Ron Howard is the best!
My sister and I used to whistle a duet of the show's opening tune and always burst out laughing- couldn't finish.

HollyMo said... 23

FL Mama, I actually know Sarah Carey. My brother dated her for years (MANY years ago) and I dated her brother for awhile. Small world! You are correct, she is a sweet person.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 24

I wanted to comment a bit more about what Ron Howard said about Andy Griffith and respect. Isn't lack of respect the root cause of all the problems on the Gosselin set? The children weren't paid for many years then only paid 15%--disrespectful. The children were made to work long hours and do things they didn't want to do and sit on the couch and interview when they were bored and restless--disrespectful. The children were treated and still are like commodities here on this earth to get freebies for the adults--disrespectful. There has been no respect for these kids since day one and the long-term affects of that we are only just beginning to see.

When I was a nanny Andy Griffith called the house once. He was considering doing a project with my employers. Unfortunately I don't have a good story about how I got to talk to him because I didn't answer the phone that day, but everyone had nothing but kind things to say about him. Though the project never happened I guess.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 25

Err....effects! :)

JoyinVirginia said... 26

Gotyournumber, best wishes for your father. NIH is the best, if there is a clinical trial anywhere in the country they will know about it, our can advise local physicians about treatment.

Let's throw tomatoes, thanks for the good wishes. People in my neighborhood are using the morning to cut down badly damaged trees.

Admin, thanks for this thread. I remember sitting and watching the Andy Griffith show with my folks when I was a kid. Ron Howard s tribute brought tears to my eyes.

JoyinVirginia said... 27

Gotyournumber, best wishes for your father. NIH is the best, if there is a clinical trial anywhere in the country they will know about it, our can advise local physicians about treatment.

Let's throw tomatoes, thanks for the good wishes. People in my neighborhood are using the morning to cut down badly damaged trees.

Admin, thanks for this thread. I remember sitting and watching the Andy Griffith show with my folks when I was a kid. Ron Howard s tribute brought tears to my eyes.

aggiemom09121416 said... 28

Re: Gosselinbook.

When the author identified himself and starting posting on his site, he found himself in the middle of a sh**storm, mostly from Kate's crazy fans so he decided to disallow comments and quit posting. (Smart move, imo)
I am sure the book is still moving through legalities. Hopefully it will see the light of day very soon.
I don't agree with some of his tactics (using bible passages; that appeared menacing and threatening to me). But we don't know what this guys knows, and neither does Kate.

I've wondered if her sudden change in twitter behavior has anything to do with the countdown ending regarding that book. Seems like she quit the manic tweeting around that time.

Another thought...for Jon to have supposedly gained more custody time, Kate sure seems to have them 24/7.

When is Kate going to finally realize no tv execs want her? Does it have to hit her right between the eyes for her to see it?

I read a few of Admin's old recaps from some of the old shows. Hilarious. And the Hitler footage was nothing short of brilliance.

Tucker's Mom said... 29

gotyournumberKate said... 13
Life's greatest joy and greatest challenge bookending just 24 hours--what an emotional roller coaster. Your family is in my prayers and I'm sending you blessings and strength.

anger issues kate said... 30


Admin: amen to that! about Kate. Kate treated those kids like dolls. Kate kept them, dirtless(so she could sell the clothes, she got free at the consignment shop),dress them alike, parade them in public, like see my pretty dollys, aren't they perfect, then ft Kate could, and it were possible: put them on the shelf, till she needs them again, in Kates case, give them to the Nannies and Jon. Remember Kate always had their clothes picked out for them, and they were always dressed alike, and she would have a cow, if they got dirty. Almost like saying, see my pretty dollys, I winded them up and they preform. Sick!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 31

One of the common themes I've noticed which kind of is unexpected is that child actors who turned out okay had parents who did NOT quit their day jobs, or had parents who were independently financially secure and had no need for their children's money. In fact I can't find a success story out there that involves parents who quit their day jobs or weren't financially stable outside the kids' money.

What that tells me is that at the very heart of whether a child actor will be "messed up" has to do with their money--whether they feel that they have the adult responsibility of financially supporting the family. In other words, whether they were PARENTIFIED.

And sadly, the Gosselin kids DID have parents who quit their day jobs and WERE responsible for supporting the family.

Tucker's Mom said... 32

For you Andy Griffith Show and Scrubs-

Happy Whistling!

wayward said... 33

She is a Cow said... 21

That is exactly what I thought. I posted it in #7. Some how Kate must have either completely stopped or delayed this book. Somehow she always gets what she wants!

All totally my humble opinion... but here's my take on GB.

It appears that Khate and Skeeve are a couple and have been for awhile. They have probably been hooking up since the first book tour. I think Skeeve and Gina are pretending to be together for appearances, going by some of her Facebook postings earlier this year about events they were attending.

After spending all of 2009 sniffing and dabbing (at non-exsistent tears) about how she was wronged and betrayed by Jon's flings, it CANNOT get out that poor innocent Kate cheated first. It just can't.

Again.... IMO, her lawyers got the book squashed by the catch that even though the info may be accurate, the verification of Skeeve and Kate's affair, along with blowing his & Gina's cover of being together, would hurt and humiliate private citizen Gina and her sons.

Whatever. Nice try Rob, thanks for playing.

Happy 4th to all!! Enjoy your day!

Mel said... 34

I think that Kate THINKS she's the lovely nice woman that everybody adores. Look how she always thought she was so cute and funny making snarky asides to the camera.

But she's not that person and never will be. She's too ugly on the inside. No matter whst she does to her outside her inner ugliness will always come through. I wonder if her parents are embarrassed to death.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 35

This is a really cute Andy Griffith show clip about allowance. Yet I love how they wove in life lessons with the laughs. The gist of it is, you don't get something for doing nothing. You work hard and get paid for your work and in the end you'll feel better about it even if you have less money. Are you listening Kate?


Call Me Crazy said... 36

gotyournumber - I am so sorry about your dad. You are doing so much to research all the options to help him. Please take time to do something for yourself. Find any chance to have conversations with your Dad about special memories he has about his life. Those conversations will be priceless and soothing to hold onto forever.

I also have a special request for prayers. A very dear family friend and his passenger were critically injured in a car crash yesterday. The young woman who hit him was tragically killed. He has many shattered bones and head injuries and will need multiple surgeries. All prayers, if you pray, and positive thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, all. I hope everyone has a very safe 4th of July holiday.

Curiosity said... 37

She is a Cow said... 7
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Amy2 said... 24
Does anyone have an update on the Gosselinbook that was suppose to come out a week or so ago? The last entry on the Gosselinbook blog was June 25th by Robert, the author.

"I made some positive legal progress this past weekend so that encourages me and I hope this doesn't drag out any longer than it has to."

The last public utterance from Rob Hoffman was a tweet to Kate four or so days ago:

"Kate, you really are Super Woman."

I believe a few tweeters asked him questions but he didn't answer, then he made his Twitter account private.

Hum, one could look at that tweet by Hoffman and think that maybe her lawyers did get to him. Calling her Superwoman, could mean she has managed to stop, or delay his book. Or, it could mean there never was a book and this tweet, along with taking his twitter private, are his last moves.

I am in the camp of hoping there is a book that reveals the true nasty reality of Ms. Gosselin. Karma can't come fast enough.

If it hasn't been revealed, how do you know there is any "true nasty reality?"

Once a Viewer said... 38

Call Me Crazy said... 36

Consider it done. I hope your friend & the other victim makes a good recovery. RIP to the driver. What a tragic reminder of the fragility & fleeting nature of life.

xo Once

Kate is a twit said... 39

I was reading some old threads here, and found these tweets from Kate in a comment dated July 2 last year. Interesting perspective considering the show was cancelled about a month later and what Kate's employment status is right now.

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)

Remember how we all found out from People the show was cancelled? It even took Kate a while to admit the show was cancelled.

CJWhodunit CJ Whodunit
@Kateplusmy8 @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Will keep this in my prayers, I know the income is so important for you and the kids!

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CJWhodunit @dreambigxox @LindaOriginal @TLC Yep.Scary2think my job could go&hav 8 kids 2 support!I no I'll fig it out--tv jobs r out there

She really did think that some network just couldn't wait to grab her for a show, didn't she?

Yes, Kate, tv jobs are out there-but after almost a year, it looks like none are out there for you.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 40

Call Me Crazy, you friend will be in my prayers.

May everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 41

TV jobs are out there. She was completely delusional. Even talented people have a hard time getting work on TV.

She really thinks that she's just entitled to get another job having no talent, no work ethic, nothing to offer whatsoever other than her circumstances. Wonder how she feels now a year later when it's just not happening and even the NON-TV stuff she does fails like the cruise.

Anonymous said... 42

I think you should start a thread in support of the book, the author's right to share his story and the what people think it is meant to uncover. This is one topic I don't think should let rest, if indeed Kate did "win". This is America, and people write their opoions and facts about "celebrities" all the time. Either this guy was yanking our chain, or the boutique lawyers bullied him silent. Wouldn't it be Kate's burden to prove what he wrote was false?

Please keep this topic open and fresh.

Kate is a twit said... 43

gotyournumber and Call Me Crazy--sending prayers to and good thoughts to both of you.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 44

Anonymous I feel a little too in the dark about what's really going on with the book to do a post on this. That's not meant to be a criticism of anyone, I understand when lawyers are involved only so much can be disclosed. My general impression is this is a law firm just being a BULLY as law firms try to do to get their way, but not knowing all the facts, who knows. I also find it obnoxious that more of the children's money is being spent on this whole thing. But I welcome discussion on it if people want to.

OrangeCrush said... 45

No tweeting from Whoville this morning. Is it possible that the children are with their dad this holiday, leaving Kate eating flag cake all alone on her flag strewn driveway? New traditions.

TV jobs - oh sure, think she has figured it out almost a year later?

Anonymous said... 46

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 31
... In fact I can't find a success story out there that involves parents who quit their day jobs or weren't financially stable outside the kids' money.

What that tells me is that at the very heart of whether a child actor will be "messed up" has to do with their money--whether they feel that they have the adult responsibility of financially supporting the family. In other words, whether they were PARENTIFIED.

And sadly, the Gosselin kids DID have parents who quit their day jobs and WERE responsible for supporting the family.
July 4, 2012 7:36 AM


Apparently you haven't looked very far, as child actor turned Academy Award-winning adult Jodie Foster supported her family through acting from the time she was a very young child.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 47

The point being supporting your family is not healthy for a child, unless you have evidence otherwise. True there's Jodi Foster, well she's the exception not the rule. Sounds like she turned out all right despite supporting her family, not because of it. Of course Jodi Foster had that little stalker problem and a president was nearly assassinated over her, and was playing a hooker at age 13, but otherwise a pretty good childhood.

franky said... 48

Gotyounumber and call me crazy
prayers for all your loved ones

gotyour..Rosemont ospital oncology dept save my uncle with less than 10% survival rate for throat cancer. maybe your drs could contact them in Montreal. They have made some amazing progress


NJGal51 said... 49

Call Me Crazy @36 - your friends are in my thoughts and prayers.

Dmasy said... 50

Administrator, 46 -- Way to make your point! Well done.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 51

Jodi Foster said her mom was a "mostly negative influence in my life."


She turned out okay despite her mom not because of it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 52

You know it's kind of like foster kids. You always hear about a few foster kids who go on to Harvard and become doctors and lawyers and cure cancer. But it's not because they were foster kids that that happened. They became a success DESPITE their childhoods. Most do not.

Using one rogue example of someone who makes it through something with flying colors does not make their unfortunate upbringings justified or disprove the overall point that a bad childhood is a bad childhood.

TLC stinks said... 53

If GB could not prove Kate and Steve are a couple, then it was appropriate for her lawyers to shut him down.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

Actually an author wouldn't have to prove Kate is with Steve, Kate would have to DISPROVE it, because she has the burden of proof being a public figure.

Maybe she can disprove it, who knows.

Dmasy said... 55

Administrator, 47 -- still well-made point. Subtle. Well done.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 56

Gosselinbook: I think her lawyers are some of the best in the country. If the writer can't compete with his lawyers maybe the courts stopped it! Or her team justt got it delayed and the court put him on silence!

It does remind me of an argument she once had with Jon where she said " don't start you know I always win.". She thinks she's so smart! The only brain she has is called TLC and they're gone now all she has are the memories and her lawyers!

Gotyournumberkate: Lots and lots of prayers for your dad , you and your family!

Have a nice day!

Sheri said... 57

Happy 4th to all! Hope your celebrations are joyous with good food, great friends and cherished family.

Prayers and well wishes also to those who need them either for themselves or loved ones.

I'm not sure what to think about the whole Gosselin Book thing. Why did the author draw so much negative attention to himself before getting the book published, especially if he wasn't in it to make money but just to "help the kids"?

Doesn't make sense to me. How does it help the kids to create a website with an ominous countdown, tweet taunts and bible quotes to their mother and draw the attention of lawyers?

And seriously, what kind of revelations could there be? Anything this guy wrote would either be common knowledge, known by people who signed confidentially agreements or, at the very least, long suspected by numerous people.

What could he possibly say about Kate that would surprise anyone who's paid the slightest bit of attention to the Gosselin travesty?

Kate's a control freak? Gasp! Kate's a liar? No way! Kate's a narcissistic fame whore who exploits her kids just to maintain a lifestyle that is beyond her own abilities to support? You don't say!

I don't mean to be glib, if there really is information out there that could ensure those 8 kids are never exploited again by their mother, then make it public...damn straight.

But to play internet and mind games just to garner a few hits to a website that basically says nothing, well, that's a little weak IMO.

So, Robert Hoffman now has a few more dozen people who know his name. Good for him. In the meantime, it seems to me, he lost a great deal of credibility by not treading more carefully and trying to get the book published on its own merit...or heck, even self-publishing it.

The longer the whole thing hangs in the air, the more like rotting fish it smells. I'm just not convinced that Mr. Hoffman's intentions are what he claims they are.

While he may very well be concerned about the kids, as the devoted father he claims to be, there is more evidence to suggest he is merely an opportunist with a few tidbits of insider information.

I really hope I'm wrong. Only time will tell.

Sheri said... 58

Admin said... (52)

"Using one rogue example of someone who makes it through something with flying colors does not make their unfortunate upbringings justified or disprove the overall point that a bad childhood is a bad childhood."

Excellent point Admin. When people say that "just think how strong the abuse made you or resilient or determined" etc... I want to scream. I generally reply, "Imagine what I could have done with my life had I had a decent childhood."

Child abuse doesn't create strength of character and determination. It may very well amplify those traits because they are needed to survive but there are plenty of other positive traits that were stunted or warped by the abuse that I'd much rather have. Like confidence, self-esteem and trust.

Amy2 said... 59

Regarding the Gosselin book, I am disappointed that it hasn't been published. So many times people have blogged that they know something and time and time again the "secret" is never revealed. As more time goes by and the book isn't published I lose hope that it will never be published. Robert Hoffman might become another person who doesn't deliver the goods on Kate. I truly hope that the Mr. Hoffman proofs me wrong.

Ex Nurse said... 60

My favorite episodes were the one's about Aunt Bee. There was the one where she goes away and is worried that Andy won't be able to take care of the house without her. He didn't want her to know that he couldn't (because he disnnsn't want her to worry), so her friend Clara cleaned up the.chaos before she returned. She was so hurt because she thought that she wasn't needed.

By the way, has anyone else wondered why Barney never married Thelma Lu and why Andy didn't marry the pharmacist or Helen Krump?

NJGal51 said... 61
This comment has been removed by the author.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 62

Sheri : 56
We might think we know everything. Jon knows her better than any of us ever will and this author was his friend. For all we know maybe he took Jon out for a couple of beers and bam Jon sang like a canary. Maybe he told him things, nasty things only Jon and Kate know!

I don't think Kate cares what you and I know. Her concern is Hollywood and the new people she's trying to convince that she is a great mom, a great cook, an inspiration , an athlete, a writer, a great friend, an overall fantastic person.

That's where all this lovey dovey stuff is coming from for the last few months! She is desperate to get back to celebrity world and get away from those kids! I think she would do anything to stop that book , including paying tons of money to her expensive lawyers!

LancasterCountyMom said... 63

Dwindle - I posted something to you on the last thread @ #95. :)

fidosmommy said... 64

There was an update show on the Mayberry bunch.
Andy and Helen were married, Barney had moved to Raleigh (I think) and Thelma Lou had married
someone rather well off and moved away. They all got together for a class reunion, I think.
Barney was serving punch to her husband without knowing who he was. Then he saw Thelma Lou.

fidosmommy said... 65

Actually, I think Andy and Helen were on the
Mayberry RFD show with Ken Berry, and when that season started they were already married.

It's been awhile, so I'm a little fuzzy. Also, I didn't care for the Mayberry RFD show so only watched it when I had no choice on TV channels. I have fondest memories for the Barney seasons.

Sheri said... 66

Let's throw tomatoes said... 62

"We might think we know everything. Jon knows her better than any of us ever will and this author was his friend. For all we know maybe he took Jon out for a couple of beers and bam Jon sang like a canary. Maybe he told him things, nasty things only Jon and Kate know!

I don't think Kate cares what you and I know. Her concern is Hollywood and the new people she's trying to convince that she is a great mom, a great cook, an inspiration , an athlete, a writer, a great friend, an overall fantastic person."

I didn't mean to imply that we know all there is to know about Kate and her family's lives. I just meant that there can't be all that much that would actually shock or surprise anyone who's seen her in action. And isn't it these people who are the target market for the book? Who else would even be interested in it?

If it's true that Mr. Hoffman is/has been using his friendship with Jon to pad his book that would make me even more skeptical about his intentions. He claims on the Gosselin Book blog that all he's interested in is protecting the kids. If that's true, why not just go to social services directly with this information?

I suppose that's what I don't understand about confidentiality agreements too...doesn't the welfare of a child supercede an adult's right to privacy? Or is that crazy talk? ;)

Tomatoes, I agree totally that Kate doesn't give a rat's ass what us mediocres know or don't know about her. I'm sure she's trying to snow those who haven't been paying attention and who might be willing to pay her big bucks to be her "oh so misunderstood" self.

What a big mess. What's really sad is that it's the Gosselin 8 who will have to spend their lives trying to clean it up.

Anonymous said... 67

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 47
The point being supporting your family is not healthy for a child, unless you have evidence otherwise. True there's Jodi Foster, well she's the exception not the rule. Sounds like she turned out all right despite supporting her family, not because of it


I never stated that she turned out fine *because* of her mother. Your claim was that there were NO examples of successful child actors who supported their parents. I provided an example that disproved that statement.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 68

II said * I* couldn't find an examPle of a success story, not that they didn't exist. I also disputed the point Jodie foster turned out all right given her obvious very deep issues with her mother. Her resume looks like a success but emotionally she's got some serious problems with her childhood.

Anonymous said... 69

Jon has tweeted that he was at their local parade this morning. Since she mentioned Jon recently in reference to a former July 4th parade, I wonder if they went today as a 'family'? Don't know, but it would paint a picture of parents celebrating with their children.


LoveMyGrandsons said... 70

Sheri, I agree with you completely about growing up in an abusive home. Yes, we became resilient and stronger, but we had no choice. Like you, we have issues with self esteem, confidence, and trust. However, the Lord holds our hand through it all, even though it didn't seem like it at the time.

Ex Nurse, my favorite episode with Aunt Bee was the first one where she was trying to bond with Opie, and basically failed at everything she tried. When she decided to leave, Opie ran up to her and told her she couldn't fish, couldn't make peanut butter sandwiches and so she needed him to teach her these things. My impression was his young mind thought she wouldn't survive in the world without him. It was sweet and I could watch that episode over and over again.

Well, due to the extreme heat and humidity in my area today, we're not cooking out. I'm making everything on the stove top today!

fidosmommy said... 71

Aunt Bee's dill pickles.

Citizen's Arrest! Citizen's Arrest!
(Gomer and Barney in a tiff over a traffic citation)

Barney gets a motorcycle with sidecar and all the gear.

Also, episodes where Barney was in charge of
dignitaries, complete with police escort from the courthouse to the hotel. What, 1/2 block?
With siren going at full wail.

Floyd the Barber. Anything with Floyd the Barber. Perfect casting. "O, Hail to thee Miss Mayberry, O hail, O hail O hail!"

I loved that show. Still do.

Ex Nurse said... 72

lovemygrandsons said...
Ex Nurse, my favorite episode with Aunt Bee was the first one where she was trying to bond with Opie, and basically failed at everything she tried. When she decided to leave, Opie ran up to her and told her she couldn't fish, couldn't make peanut butter sandwiches and so she needed him to teach her these things. My impression was his young mind thought she wouldn't survive in the world without him. It was sweet and I could watch that episode over and over again.
I think that may have been the first episode. she came to live with them after Opie's mother died. The importance of family and community was a recurring theme. everyone on that show had a role to play and was respected by each other--despite their quirks. Being a south side Chicago girl, idiot was illuminating to see small-town life. Large cities are broken up into neighborhoods that can be similar to what was portrayed in Mayberry--being a baby boomer, there were kids in every house on our block. We lived in a Jewish neighborhood where our social lives revolved around our neighborhood synagogue and JCC. We were up on everybody else's business--just like in Mayberry.

Is all of the area Kate lives in considered rural? Is there a town center where the shops are? I have heard that she lives in Berkshire County, Wyomissing and Reading--is she in an unincorporated area (in Washington, that is what we call areas that haven't been annexed to existing towns), or within city limits?

Over In Berks said... 73

Is all of the area Kate lives in considered rural? Is there a town center where the shops are? I have heard that she lives in Berkshire County, Wyomissing and Reading--is she in an unincorporated area (in Washington, that is what we call areas that haven't been annexed to existing towns), or within city limits?


Kate lives in Wernersville, a small town near Reading (about ten miles west of the city) and Wyomissing. It is a borough. Not all of it is rural, but to someone living in an urban area, all of it probably would be considered rural! It is not far from shopping areas. It is in Berks County, PA, Lower Heidelberg Township. I think the population is around 3,000, but don't quote me on that!:)

Ironically enough, Wernersville is "famous" for its state mental facility, having been built there in the late 1800s.

OrangeCrush said... 74

Like I said, think the kids are spending the 4th with Jon today. She's been silent for the most part, and now she's sending frantic RT's. Pardon me while I put the finishing touches on our barbecue for family & friends. Sadly for Kate she seems to have few of these.

ncgirl said... 75

"why Barney never married Thelma Lou"

There was a reunion movie in the 80s, and I believe they were married then.

I'm from NC, and Andy Griffith is popular here. His hometown of Mount Airy, NC capitalizes on the show with a museum, jail, police car, Floyd's barber shop, and Snappy's diner. There's even a Mayberry Mall and Aunt Bee's restaurant. There's an annual festival. Mayberry was loosely based on this town, but there was never any filming there.

Andy Griffith lived around the Outer Banks and only went back to Mount Airy for special appearances. The actress who played Thelma Lou moved from LA to Mount Airy.

Border Collie's Mum said... 76

Got Your Number, of course you have my best wishes and prayers for your dad. It's stunning that one day everything is ok and the next you are gob smacked with a life altering even life ending event that changes you forever. I hope the outcome is positive and you continue on in life with an even more sympathetic ear to your fellow beings.

My BC has found her new 4th hiding spot, a corner with a bunch of stuff in it. She fights her way in until the stuff falls on her and around her making a safe den. Bless her. M80s and ton of fireworks are scary. I doubt if we hit even 65 here today so there will be tons of fireworks.

Over In Berks said... 77

@Kateplusmy8 I guess it would be no big secret 2say...U were the ONLY reason I got on twitter! Just wanted 2get 2know U...see U 4who U are!

Puppy love, Milo, or the real thing? Milo still hasn't met Kate in person, although he/she/it had chances to do so. I wonder why.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 78

Over In Berks, with Kate being a local, do you think she get a coupon for the state mental facility? She needs it.

Sorry, folks, I couldn't resist.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 79

Coupon Code: CRAZEEE ?

raising my hand said... 80

If I have a differing opinion or state a fact that goes against the majority here, am I going to be attacked for posting my opinion or thanked for adding to the conversation?

It seems if you don't support the party line here, you're given a smackdown of sorts.

It's all very argumentative when all some posters want to do is express an opinion.

Why the snotty snarkiness? I'm curious.

Martha May said... 81

In the 1970s, Andy Griffith was flying on TWA and so was I to Los Angeles. I was in a private club, thanks to a friend who worked for the airline, as I waited for boarding time. I saw Mr. Griffith and I wanted to approach him for an autograph, but how do you do that when the man is drinking a cup of coffee, reading a newspaper and quietly siting in a sofa area. I asked the Ambassador Club Receptionist if she might obtain an autograph for me. She said "certainly, Mr. Griffith is a very humble person".........well she asked my name and I told her. I received back on Trans World Airlines stationary this message:

Dear Martha, Thank you for your kindness.
Sincerely, Andy Griffith

Yes, I still have it and now I think I should frame it. He was extremely tall at that time and a very healthy looking man and very good looking, but he was very unassuming and was there just as I was to take that flight. By the way, we both flew in coach!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 82

Raising my Hand, thanks for asking. All kinds of opinions are welcome here, as well as disagreement. Have you been reading here long? :) A lot depends on how you present it too. If you come in condescending, it's doubtful you'll get anything but the same back.

For instance, look at the latest person who disagreed. Right out of the gate they started out with a condescending "Apparently you haven't looked very far". It's shit stirring, unnecessary, and the folks here don't fall for that and of course it can get under skin. An approach that I'm sure would have been well received would have been something like "I can think of an example that goes against the norm, Jodi Foster, because of A, B and C." This kind of disagreement happens all the time, although it doesn't really "look" like disagreement. You may not think there is a lot of disagreement here since so much of it is respectful and kind, but it happens all the time.

JudyK said... 83

LoveMyGrandsons #77...LOL, I couldn't agree more.

After reading her latest self-promoting tweets and REtweets, I am once again feeling nauseous. She is the most vacant, most insipid, most unaware, most unappealing shell of a person I've almost ever witnessed.

Boston Bonnie said... 84

Happy 4th my friends! Sat through the parade next town over which was raining throughout it. Came home and thru the shorts in the dryer and started to attack my yard (aka the jungle). Had to stop when my hands wouldn't stop trembling.

I'm normally at my mediocre job during the day and got to a show today where they were making Banoffee pie (UK dessert) and immediately thought I should ask my Auntie Kay about it. Sadly Kay passed away in April. I'm missing her so much because she loved living in the US and loved my sailor Uncle Jim. He passed on March and a few weeks later she followed.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday!

JudyK said... 85

I was very saddened to hear of Andy Griffith's passing...what a gentleman he was. I loved/still love the sweet simplicity of The Andy Griffith Show.

Out of respect for him, I didn't want to include Andy Griffith in a post about Kate Gosselin.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 86

Raising My Hand, of course you can disagree. On certain topics, in previous threads, I have disagreed with other posters. We didn't get snotty with each other, we respected each other's opiniona, and ended with a "we just have to agree to disagree". Not a problem.

JudyK said... 87

That should have been to Grandsons #78, not #77.

fidosmommy said... 88

One of the few rules here is to "speak" as if you are addressing the person you respect the most. All Admin asks is that we keep a civil tone to our comments to each other.

If a poster wants to fly off about Brussels sprouts or poor parenting styles, say what you want. But when addressing fellow posters, or generally addressing another poster's comments, keep it pleasant. That's all.

Welcome, by the way.

Dwindle said... 89

From the previous thread:
LancasterCountyMom said... 95
ancasterCountyMom said... 38
I have really REALLY been enjoying reading everyone's memories of summertime & vacations.
I had fun picking blueberries/huckleberries & having BUCKETS of them in our family's second refrigerator. We got to eat bowls of them for breakfast with fresh farm milk....
I liked picking meadow flower bouquets and still enjoy the unique smell of the hayfields whenever I go back home. They almost have a "sweet" smell.
No matter to anyone but me, but you just gave me wonderful loving memories of my DEAREST aunt, now deceased.
She was my mother's best high school girlfriend, who started writing letters to my mother's brother while he was stationed overseas. They became engaged that way. My dear aunt used to tell the story that she slipped a ring on her finger that she recieved in the US Mail and said "oh look, I'm engaged."
OK you had to be there.
But your post brought me back to her love and my summers with her. Thank you.
Aw, Dwindle - you're welcome!! I wasn't going to post anything at first, but then took some time to think of some things from when I was a kid after all. I'm so glad what I posted triggered some good memories for you of your Aunt!! What part reminded you of her? :)

Bowls of blueberries or raspberries with cream, for breakfast at her house. And then: picking bouquets of wildflowers for her. All the way through my teen years even. Sigh. :)

Tamara said... 90

He claims on the Gosselin Book blog that all he's interested in is protecting the kids. If that's true, why not just go to social services directly with this information?

I suppose that's what I don't understand about confidentiality agreements too...doesn't the welfare of a child supercede an adult's right to privacy? Or is that crazy talk? ;)
I don't think child's services would do anything for the G kids unless someone reported and incredibly bad act of abuse. They are not starving, have a roof over their heads, go to a good school and, as far as we known, are not being severely beaten or sexual abused. The resources available to child's services are not even adequate enough to help every kid whom is in real trouble. And if Hoffman's claims are that serious then he should have come forward years ago, not tried to publish it for his own gain.

JudyK said... 91

CallMeCrazy #36...prayers going up for your family friend and his passenger.

angie said... 92

If money bags Kim Kardashian cannot keep her sex video off the internet, then at some point that book is going to be published by Hoffman.

Agree that Kate does not care what we think. Why not? Because she is a celebrity, believes that with everything in her and therefore puts herself in their catagory of "have to write things about her like she is a celebrity" but no more magazine covers, no real publicity, no talk shows, no co hosting, no TV appearances that I know of. She is running and I guess Steve called his friend from New Zealand and there is Kate running and dragging those kids thru the street.

I believe and this is just my opinion that all of Hollywood and everyone who might have found the kids interesting were turned off by Kate and her screaming, her attitude toward the children, her inability to be loving and fun loving with her children. Therefore, no one is going to use those kids for even a commercial because it means dealing with Kate. She will never understand that she has a personality that is very crude, rude and downright unappealing. Her time on DWTS and what she did to Tony was the end of her career on TV was shown on National TV to how many millions of viewers? Whoopi Goldberg said it "the bitch needs to smile" and that is not just in posed photographs.
I ask myself, what mother of 8 children has all that time to Tweet. Why would someone spend that time tweeting to strangers? Because, I feel, that she cannot communicate and be friends with anyone.

No, I don't think she cares what we think, as the Admin hit the nail on the head about Kate, Narcists are unable to hear us, see us and only worrying about how they look, how they appear, their appearances. The book will come out and it will be a lot of Jon's anger and some things about families, his and her family and someone about those babies. Remember he walked away from that land, the house, the toys and most of the money and someone had to turn him off big time.

Now he said Kate is a good mother? They are up to something, possibly selling a TV show with all of them trying to get along while divorced, who knows, but he is just as deep in all of this as she is. He has had so many different jobs in the past few years. I think neither one of them likes to work.

Thanks for allowing me to rant about them. I feel so bad for those children, especially the boys who never, ever look happy, but pose, "show your teeth, smile, snap the photo is taken and posted on her web site"...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 93

Okay, my stove top holiday BBQ consisted of bacon wrapped hot dogs, steamed corn on the cob, crispy fried potatoes with onions and peppers, cole slaw, and watermelon.

Now I have all these pots and pans to clean; boy, how I miss grilling!

By the way, I would have posted a picture for all of you to see, but I have no clue how to do that! LOL!!!

Dwindle said... 94

Let's throw tomatoes said... 62

I don't think Kate cares what you and I know. Her concern is Hollywood and the new people she's trying to convince that she is a great mom, a great cook, an inspiration , an athlete, a writer, a great friend, an overall fantastic person.

That's where all this lovey dovey stuff is coming from for the last few months! She is desperate to get back to celebrity world and get away from those kids! I think she would do anything to stop that book , including paying tons of money to her expensive lawyers!
What little bit might be working is only due to Twitter. Once she gets going with a full blog post, she shows how incredibly self absorbed she is, as well as arrogant.

And once she gets in front of a camera, her phony face cant cover up her disdain disgust and sneer. It took me a little while to figure out WHY she is like that now during interviews: it's because her only goal during any interview now is to beg for a reality show and it disgusts her that she has to do that begging. She is annoyed as all hell that she has to give a shout out to Coupon Place or whatever, it is soooooo beneath her. Every interview she does now is beneath her, in her mind, because she should be more of a stah.

But I am rambling again. My point it that the only rehabbing she can ever do of her disgusting image is in 140 characters or less on Twitter. Anything more than that (full blog post, on camera interview etc) and her self centered disdain of other people shows though very clearly.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 95

[whistling the Andy Griffith Show theme song]

Rest in Peace, Andy Griffith.

May you find a beautiful fishing spot up in heaven. Say hello to Don Knotts & Aunt Bea.

You will be terribly missed.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 96

I hope everyone is enjoying their day :o)

God bless America!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 97

Call Me Crazy, and gotyournumber-

You are both in my prayers.

Dmasy said... 98

Raising My Hand -- there are many opinions here. We have given Kate credit when it was due -- seldom as that may be. There is a difference of opinion regarding Jon and his behavior. I enjoy reading the "take" of the other ladies who post. Administrator has cautioned us to be very respectful when it comes to comments regarding the children. I admire that. Welcome.

Dwindle said... 99

gotyournumber - prayers for you and your dear father. Asking for peace for you all, and wisdom for your dad's doctors.

Susantoyota said... 100

angie said... 92

Now he said Kate is a good mother? They are up to something, possibly selling a TV show with all of them trying to get along while divorced, who knows, but he is just as deep in all of this as she is. He has had so many different jobs in the past few years. I think neither one of them likes to work.

I'm going to respectfully disagree. Although Jon went off the deep end after the divorce and coasted for a while on what money he had, he did take 'mediocre' job(s)and appears to like being a normal guy. I don't think anyone in TV wants him, with or without the new girlfriend or the ex-wife. He's just not that interesting without the kids either. If you throw Katie Irene back into the mix, the same old narcissistic *hit is back on the TV and America's already seen it.

I think Jon's published! comments of Katie Irene being a good mother, along with the gosselinbook.com countdown, a new PR team? or her high priced lawyers telling her to sit down and STFU was the perfect trifecta. She can't stir the pot and ramp up her minions without coming off worse than she already does and her twitter feed is slowly dying. In another 6 months, she may close it down. Her blog is a joke.

Jon will have the last laugh, chuckle, etc. as Karma continues to have it's way with Katie Irene. The children will eventually go to live with Jon one by one, or two by two, maybe even three by three--run boys!--and she will be left all by herself. JMHO.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 101

@kateplusmy8 Kate is fantastic loving mother of her 8 children.The bullies & haters who live on her feed need to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.

Celebrities are people too. Just mind your own business I'm sure you have problems to handle on your own. Live your own lives

But Kate said said on Larry King Live (February 2, 2009):.

..."with our reality show, obviously, we put them out there...and basically, essentially, we've made it your business."

So are the sheeple saying that Kate lied?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 102

He has had so many different jobs in the past few years. I think neither one of them likes to work.


At least he works! He could have just drifted around, grifting, living off girlfriends and anyone else he could find. The thing is that he found employment. Not everyone, especially in this economy, stays with an employer for a decade, especially if they have any concerns about that employer going under. They may take various jobs until they find a good fit. Jon is in the tech business -- he didn't drift around from a plumbing job, to busing tables to working at a convenience store, to landscaping to delivering heating fuel. Bottom line is that he's employed, which can't be said of his former wife.

Susantoyota said... 103

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 102
He has had so many different jobs in the past few years. I think neither one of them likes to work.


At least he works! He could have just drifted around, grifting, living off girlfriends and anyone else he could find. The thing is that he found employment. Not everyone, especially in this economy, stays with an employer for a decade, especially if they have any concerns about that employer going under. They may take various jobs until they find a good fit. Jon is in the tech business -- he didn't drift around from a plumbing job, to busing tables to working at a convenience store, to landscaping to delivering heating fuel. Bottom line is that he's employed, which can't be said of his former wife.

Amen Sista! Seriously, how long will her gig with Coupon Cabin and grifting pay the bills? Whoops! It won't, but she has the kid's hard-earned money to dip into.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 104

I'm really offended by folks looking down on those who have been through several jobs. That may have been a valid point 5 or 10 years ago, but it's completely unwarranted right now. The HARDEST WORKERS I KNOW have had to bounce from job to job because that's how it goes in a tough economy in which there is NO mobility at most places of employment. And, many of those who are unemployed are working their butt off to get a new job and can't because it's not out here. This is our new normal and I think anyone who is working or trying to work deserves our support, not our criticism.

It used to be you could work at one job and advance yourself as the years go by. No the case anymore at most jobs for many reasons, not the least of which is anyone in those advanced positions aren't moving or retiring because they would be nuts to. The only way to advance is to get a new job.

fidosmommy said... 105

I agree with Susantoyota. Jon seems to be a very nice man, and I'm sure he has skills that will earn him a decent income for many years to come. But a new TV show? I seriously doubt the thought is even in a producer's mind for any show with substance.

Now, I could see somebody calling him up for DWTS or celebrity Wheel of Fortune or some such thing, but no regular show.

Rhymes with Witch said... 106

From a previous thread: What is this thing about an 'Adult version' of a desert, made with lady fingers? 80

I'm guessing it involves alcohol of some sort -brandy?

Another author: Jeffrey Deaver (Lincoln Rhymes, quadraplegic forensic expert; Kathryn
Dance kinesics = body language expert)

Would the Canadians here explain poutines? They appear to be quite different in Nova Scotia vs, Montreal for example, and I'm curious.

Over In Berks said... 107

"Over In Berks, with Kate being a local, do you think she get a coupon for the state mental facility? She needs it.

Sorry, folks, I couldn't resist."


It's a state hospital. She grifted from the state when the tups were born. Perhaps she'll beg for free care because, after all, it's society's responsibility to provide treatment for mental illness. She could claim it was caused by having too many children or the cancellation of her show.

Kate is a twit said... 108

Kate just tweeted:

GN, all. Spent my 1st summer holiday EVER (my 1st full holiday period,I think) w/o my kids..but happy they got extra X 2 spend w/their dad!

Seems like she doesn't remember tweeting this LAST year:

sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 and what about your stars and stripes cake...do you still do that?! Me and my friend made that last year and was so yummy! :)

in reply to @sarahjoyce1992 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Not this yr. No kids for 4th :(

This year she's acting like she made a big sacrifice and let the kids be with Jon. What happened to all her plans for her "party"?

Permanent Name said... 109

OMG as the kids say......

Someone took her out behind the woodshed and had talk with her!

Her twit about being glad Jon had the kids for the holiday is startling...

1. She didn't say "I let them"
2. She didn't say "glad he was willing to take them"
3. She didn't say "I made him step up to the plate"

Although I think she just couldn't help herself by saying "extra time"

Her attorneys must have put the fear of god into her - I don't think I've EVER seen her be nice like this past week or so.

Gosselinbook surely must have had something to do with it.... Yes?

This is an interesting turn of events....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 110

Who is she kidding. No judge is going to give her EVERY fourth of July. You switch on and off. No one has ever disputed that they don't do what almost everyone does in family law, even-odd years family law. Probably 1% of my cases don't do the standard even-odd and it's usually because mom or dad is in JAIL for gosh sakes.

Also nice catch with the tweet from last year's fourth. Very nice. So actually, Jon got the kids two 4th of Julys in a row.

chefsummer #Leh said... 111

@kateplusmy8 Kate is fantastic loving mother of her 8 children.The bullies & haters who live on her feed need to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS.

Kate's off TV soooo the only way we know her beeswax is cause she tweets or puts it out there on her website.

If is wants people to stay out of beeswax she can make it so.

NJGal51 said... 112

The Congressional Medal of Honor that George M Cohan received said: "To George M Cohan for his contribution to the American spirit 'Over There' and 'Grand Old Flag' presented by act of Congress". Still singing Grand Old Flag "obnoxiously" Kate?

Her first full holiday ever without the kids? Doesn't she have them one year and Jon has them the next? But she's glad they get to spend time with their dad (or so she tweets). Boy howdy someone has really gotten to her! It must be killing her to be so nice.

wayward said... 113

Dmasy said... 98
Raising My Hand -- there are many opinions here. We have given Kate credit when it was due -- seldom as that may be. There is a difference of opinion regarding Jon and his behavior. I enjoy reading the "take" of the other ladies who post. Administrator has cautioned us to be very respectful when it comes to comments regarding the children. I admire that. Welcome.
Well said, Dmasy.

Raising my hand, last month when Kate posted about how she saves money regarding sports equipment, she made alot of people (including myself) angry when she said she takes used equipment from friends. Someone posted that they felt we were being nit-picky and just grasping at straws to pick on Kate. This person was very respectful, got their point across without being rude, and several polite exchanges went back & forth IIRC.


fidosmommy said... 114

Well, that was short-lived.

The most recent tweet from a fan:

@Kateplusmy8 That's so sweet Kate. You're lucky to have them so much. I'm sure it's hard on them but they need their dad. :)

from Kate :


me too. The fact that he asked, always is worth my loneliness.I'm happy for them even if it's somehow hard for both me&kids

Moose Mania said... 115

The Congressional Medal of Honor that George M Cohan received said: "To George M Cohan for his contribution to the American spirit 'Over There' and 'Grand Old Flag' presented by act of Congress". Still singing Grand Old Flag "obnoxiously" Kate?


NJ -- I just watched it again, sobbing at the end, of course, and during that beautiful stage production of Grand Old Flag. I think it was the Congressional Gold Medal, which is the highest civilian honor. It is different from the Congressional Medal of Honor, which is given to military personnel. I'd have to look it up. Anyway, I was thinking about Kate's "obnoxious" remark. She's disgusting.

Right now I'm watching "Stars and Stripes Forever" (Sousa) with Clifton Webb. An African-American choir is singing Battle Hymn of the Republic. Talk about sending chills up and down the spine. Kate would probably think it's silly.

Does Kate ever tweet to her faithful followers -- Milo, Paige, CJ, or has she been weaning them?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 116

What the hell??? It's "hard" for the kids to see their DAD? I don't think so Kate. Overcompensate much? It's probably hard for them to come back home.

Give it a rest with the parental alienation, it's a freaking holiday for gosh sakes. Even parental alienators take this one off.

Oh by the way the sheeple is right about one thing. Kate IS lucky to have the kids this much. ALl the judges out here would have recognized the parental alienator that she is YEARS ago and given full custody to Jon with monitored visits to her and a no contact order if she keeps it up. So yeah, count your lucky stars.

Susantoyota said... 117

fidosmommy said... 105
I agree with Susantoyota. Jon seems to be a very nice man, and I'm sure he has skills that will earn him a decent income for many years to come. But a new TV show? I seriously doubt the thought is even in a producer's mind for any show with substance.

Now, I could see somebody calling him up for DWTS or celebrity Wheel of Fortune or some such thing, but no regular show.

If someone does call him for the 'celebrity' version of something, I'm sure he would play for charity, maybe something tied in to his current job of kid's sports, AND demonstrate a good work ethic, especially on DWTS. Look it up, Katie Irene. W-o-r-k e-t-h-i-c. Ethic is after emerald in the dictionary.

I wanted to clarify that I didn't mean to insinuate that Jon is boring. I for one would love to read his book when it comes out as I think he's matured a lot over the past few years and has something meaningful to say unlike his ex who screeches and flaps her hands.

Alex, I'll take reality show has-beens for $800 please.

Moose Mania said... 118

fidosmommy said... 114

Well, that was short-lived.


lol, Fido! I just wandered over to Twitter and thought the same thing. What in the heck was the purpose of that tweet? She can't help herself, can she? She just doesn't know when to zip it (or sit on her tweeting fingers) and let well enough alone.

anger issues kate said... 119

Admin: maybe why Jon got the kids again, is cause kate had nothing for them. You know, no place to take them. God forbid, Kate take the kids to the local parade or local fireworks, cause we all know Kate can't handle 8 kids by herself, without help and the kids might start/cause a riot. This does prove that Kate does not talk or interact with her family or Jon's. I bet that the kids were with Jon's family and jon's GF's family and had a wonderful time, funny how Jon can handle 8 or 11 kids, and Kate can't handle 8. Considering Jon's GF kids are younger. Kate had nothing to offer, the kids, no family, no friends, no community. After all the people in Kate's community don't like her, and this was of her own doing.

Tamara said... 120

Gee, guess Jon's lie didn't paint Khate into a corner. Or else that is some major quick dry paint. So now his great mom assertions hurts the kids even more. Great job Jon.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 121

Yes. Could be the kids wanted to go with him so she let him. Also could be it's some kind of make-up for a holiday that Kate had more than one of. That happens a lot. If you want Easter twice in a row fine but I'm getting Fourth of July twice. Also could be part of Jon getting more time as court ordered. In any case, she needs to just not talk about it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 122

Narcissists can never keep up something for long. We predicted this. It was a nice try anyway. Also in her mind Kate thinks that her BACKHANDED SLAMS are "nice". After all she started out talking nice before throwing him under the bus.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 123

Had Kate said nothing and just got off twitter I probably would have assumed she has the kids today and is doing something fun, good PR for her.

Now she opened her big fat mouth exposing herself as alone on this holiday and revealing the parental alienator she is deep down that she cannot hold back for more than a week.

PatK said... 124

Kate doesn't seem to care how "hard it is" for the kids all the times she's run off and left them.

She needs to start thinking before she twats.

wayward said... 125


me too. The fact that he asked, always is worth my loneliness.I'm happy for them even if it's somehow hard for both me&kids
somehow hard for both me&kids? Worth her loneliness? This. This behavior and attitude is why she's lonely and unemployed. This. This toxicity is why she is done is the entertainment business except for perhaps a random butt of a joke gig. And we're supposed to be jellus of this?

I spent a fabulous day with my family and the lovely parents of my son's new GF and her siblings. We had a blast!! I ate too much and my mediocre kitchen is a mess. Today, I felt like the richest woman in the world, surrounded by my friends and family. Even though Kate sat in her mortgaged to the hilt estate, when it comes to her life she is a pauper.

Kate is a twit said... 126

Moose Mania said... 115

Does Kate ever tweet to her faithful followers -- Milo, Paige, CJ, or has she been weaning them?

Kate hasn't been tweeting to them much lately-Last time she tweeted Milo was 5 days ago, and she hasn't tweeted Paige in over a week. Paige was upset and tweeted Kate twice that Kate didn't wish her or her other Canadian fans a Happy Canada Day on July. And it's been quite a while since she tweeted CJ.

I wonder if she'll tweet Paige on her birthday this Saturday.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 127

You know what's going to be "hard" for the kids? When they get old enough to realize that they worked for five years and have NOTHING to show for it but some measly 15% trust fund.

Kate is a twit said... 128

"worth my loneliness"?

The kids were with Jon, not too far away from her. What about the trips she takes without the kids-are they "worth her loneliness" too? Oh, wait-she's not alone then-she has Steve.

wayward said... 129

anger issues kate said... 118
Admin: maybe why Jon got the kids again, is cause kate had nothing for them. You know, no place to take them. God forbid, Kate take the kids to the local parade or local fireworks, cause we all know Kate can't handle 8 kids by herself, without help and the kids might start/cause a riot. This does prove that Kate does not talk or interact with her family or Jon's. I bet that the kids were with Jon's family and jon's GF's family and had a wonderful time, funny how Jon can handle 8 or 11 kids, and Kate can't handle 8. Considering Jon's GF kids are younger. Kate had nothing to offer, the kids, no family, no friends, no community. After all the people in Kate's community don't like her, and this was of her own doing.
Exactly Anger.

If the kids didn't go with Jon today, they would not get to go to a parade or see fireworks or go to a family picnic. She is 99.7% incapable of taking all 8 in public without a camera crew, nannies and without causing a panic. Jon was on TV right alongside her for years and he's as well known as she is- he manages to do it without a panic. Funny that Kate is unable to do the same.

How so very big of her to 'let' the kids go with Jon after he 'asked' no matter how 'hard' it would be for the kids to get to venture out in public and have a blast. I'm sure they love being sequestered on the Konpound day in and day out. I can imagine how all those fun 4th of July activites might be hard to partake in when they're used to not doing anything or going anywhere with Blocky.

fidosmommy said... 130

Back on the episode Red White and Gosselin I think Kate said that they had always gone to the parade in Wyomissing, Jon's hometown. So, if that's where the traditional parade is, it would make sense for Jon to take them. I can't picture Kate as a fan of parades among the people who have known Jon for decades. No pool! It would look odd to just lounge out on the street on a beach chair in a bikini, so what would be the point of her going? I seriously doubt Kate will enter Wyomissing on the 4th of July ever again. If Jon hadn't taken them, the kids would have missed out on some memory making fun. They probably would have spent the day in the pool or drawing pictures of flags in the basement.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

Loneliness, what a martyr. You know it's unhealthy for kids to feel like their parent is relying on them to fill their emotional voids. This results in kids afraid to leave home when they're 25 for fear their parent will waste away without them. All part of parentification.

Get a boyfriend, get a friend, get a family member, get some church friends. Any one of those could offer you something to do on Fourth of July to distract you so you're not pining for the kids.

NJGal51 said... 132

Moose - You're right it was the Congressional Gold Medal. I LOVE the movie and never tire of watching it. I also watched "Stars and Stripes Forever" and now it's "The Glenn Miller Story".

I just read Kate's latest tweets and she really can't help herself can she. She throws Jon under the bus and then backs up over him. What a silly bunt she is.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

Oh by the way, this is why we don't give Kate the benefit of the doubt much here as her sheeple demand. We GAVE her the benefit of the doubt this week. Just look at the posts over the past several days remarking how she was saying some nice things about Jon and that we hoped this was a turn around and supported her saying nice things and that maybe she was done being an obsessed parental alienator.

What does she do to our "benefit of the doubt"? Spit it right back at us of course.

ncgirl said... 134

Well, I'm sure the kids would have rather stayed in the compound with their crazy mother. She would've given them a dollop of ice cream and a pinch of watermelon.

You'd think someone would take pity on Kate and invite her somewhere. Either she has no one, or she doesn't want to go out.

wayward said... 135

Kate is a twit said... 125
Moose Mania said... 115

Does Kate ever tweet to her faithful followers -- Milo, Paige, CJ, or has she been weaning them?

Kate hasn't been tweeting to them much lately-Last time she tweeted Milo was 5 days ago, and she hasn't tweeted Paige in over a week. Paige was upset and tweeted Kate twice that Kate didn't wish her or her other Canadian fans a Happy Canada Day on July. And it's been quite a while since she tweeted CJ.

I wonder if she'll tweet Paige on her birthday this Saturday.

There's a blog called RWA which mostly deals with keeping tabs on the sheeple.... their latest medical ailments, many of them have children in the Olympic trials and one has identical boy & girl twins (even though this is genetically impossible) They mentioned that Kate hasn't been tweeting the regulars much, especially CJ, even after CJ went over to CC after Kate's krappy post about having a cheapass 4th. CJ firmly planted her lips on Kate's butt and gushed profusely about these new and earth-shattering money saving tips of Kate's An RWA poster named CJwhoflungpoo summed it up in a cute way:

"Kate! Please follow me! I signed up fpr your cruise!! I vetted the haters!! I attacked Robert Hoffman & Rob Blue!! I got someone fired for you!!

You follow Leigh, Elvis, Milo,...MILO??? She didn't even sign up for your cruise!! WTH??!! Please please follow me. I will follow you to hell & you can't even follow me on TWITTER?!

I have never EVER spoken to a hater with anything but HATE in my black heart! I never said I'd buy Jon's book like Gypsi did! WHAT THE HELL KATE!! I'm NOT gonna be IGNORED!! :*( :*( :*(

fidosmommy said... 136

Does anybody really think Kate was lonely today?
I would think she'd cherish the quiet where she could just sit outside by herself, sip her SoBe
drink and nibble on a lettuce leaf without anyone needing shoes tied or told to quit picking on a sibling.

She is her own best friend, and when she has herself she needs nobody else. Unless, of course, there is a door that needs fixing or a
blog piece to write.

Remember the song from the 1970's called "Imaginary Lovers" - they never let you down, they are always where you need them, etc.
Well, Kate has an image of the perfect friend in her head, and it's Kate. Nobody else measures up. She can keep herself company.

Just an opinion, of course.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137

many of them have children in the Olympic trials


Why am I not surprised.

Although I have to say, this commercial gets me every time:


Sure puts a tear-jerking spin on mom-agers!

Let's throw tomatoes said... 138

What's wrong with this picture? I don't get it! She's pushing forty , probably thinking she is hotter then ever! She has spent thousands and thousands of dollars on her looks. Ex has a girlfriend he spends time with! She has demonstrated in the past that she can not blow her nose by herself. Yet she is alone in her big house out in the boonies, tweeting scarey guys that she knows nothing about!

I'm sitting here wishing I was in Vegas watching the fireworks but can't cause hubby works tomorrow! I'm not buying it!
Either Steve is there with her or what???
I know there are no paps but where are the locals and their cell phones! This would be a way to expose her lies that she's home lonely and missing her kids!
I love mysteries!!

NJGal51 said... 139

I guess the only reason she let the kids go with Jon today is because it's a federal holiday and the post office is closed so they get the day off from the "homemade mail system" even though it is all the rage in her house.

chefsummer #Leh said... 140

PatK said... 124
Kate doesn't seem to care how "hard it is" for the kids all the times she's run off and left them.

I don't think she cares.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 141

Odd the kids dont seem to act like it's hard when they're with Jon.


Moose Mania said... 142

Moose - You're right it was the Congressional Gold Medal. I LOVE the movie and never tire of watching it. I also watched "Stars and Stripes Forever" and now it's "The Glenn Miller Story".


LOL!! I'm watching Glenn Miller, too. I know a little bit about him and that he was listed as MIA over the English Channel in 1944. I decided to Google it, and found some interesting theories on what really happened to him. You might want to check out this link after the movie!


Thanks, Wayward, for the tweeting info. Despite being ignored, those die-hard sheeple still keep fawning over her, especially Milo. I don't understand it.

fidosmommy said... 143

What a sweet picture of Alexis and her beloved Daddy!

I remember the scene where the twins got off their bus in front of the house, saw their Daddy and ran as fast as their little legs would carry them to get to him.

Then, of course, there was the happy dancing at the public bus drop off spot when all the kids
saw their Daddy was there to get them that day.
Hannah just tore out to get to Jon with a smile that shone brighter than the sun.

Those kids love their Daddy.

Kate is a twit said... 144

She was by herself in her loneliness, but she didn't even go for a run. Wouldn't this had been a good day for it?

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@dowd24 great work! I however didn't run today... :(

Instead she read a book.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@andrew14ad well, queen? Hmmm but I read almost an entire book today and relaxed so I did feel like a queen for a day, yes:)

An American said... 145

How's the theory that you backed Kate into a corner working for you now Jon?? When she twitters this absolute garbage, do you still think she's a 'great mom'? Really?

Idiot. Get some more counselling. For your kid's sake.

Anonymous said... 146

"Cheaper by the Dozen" doesn't take almost a full day to read, Katie.

NJGal51 said... 147

That was an interesting article Moose, thanks.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 148

Anonymous, the big point of blurring the kids' faces now is so that as they change and grow if they are not seen much in the media, they might have a shot at people no longer recognizing them as easily, and at privacy. Linking to an old photo from *2009* nearly four years ago doesn't hurt anything since everyone knows what the kids looked like when they had their show. That's just my opinion.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 149

We have given Kate credit when it was due -- seldom as that may be.


Yes, we do. Like I said look at our posts the past week where so many people thought Kate had made a turn around in talking nicely about Jon. We give credit frankly where we shouldn't--she wouldn't be able to keep up the nice guy act for long. Kate is NOT a nice person and can't fake it.

And yes there is definitely a pretty big difference of opinion here as to whether used sports equipment is acceptable and yet I don't think anyone got their feelings hurt that I saw. Although to me that was irrelevant since it's not the used sports equipment that bugs, but rather that Kate won't make any sacrifices for herself like buying used.

Ex Nurse said... 150

Susantoyota said....
If someone does call him for the 'celebrity' version of something, I'm sure he would play for charity, maybe something tied in to his current job of kid's sports, AND demonstrate a good work ethic, especially on DWTS. Look it up, Katie Irene. W-o-r-k e-t-h-i-c. Ethic is after emerald in the dictionary
 Just weeks ago, Jon said he wants more (just like everybody else).  If he was to appear  on DWTS, or any other show, why wouldn't he take the money? It would take a great deal of his time and take him away from the kids for weeks on end. It just doesn't make sense for the father of eight young children to donate that kind of time--unless he was well-compensated. It's pretty clear that he didn't manage his money very well and seems to have very little to show for his participation in the great experiment that was J&K+8. I agree he would most likely would work very hard and would probably have a great time doing it. 
To the Anonymous(es)-- you may get a little more respect if you follow the simple rule of using a screen name. If you won't bother to follow the rules, then I won't bother to read your comments.

franky said... 151

Rymes...about poutine,

No one can duplicate a real poutine because we use real cheese curds ( fresh enoigh that they squeak between your teeth)

poutine is frirs and gravy with cheese curds not sure how other places do it, although dd is in France now and big joke before she left was to see how awful they were there.
cheese curds are only good for one day, that's why we don't export them...but oh so yummy

gotyournumberKate said... 152

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. They mean so much.

I just got caught up on Kate's twitter. OMG! She's unable to keep up with her lies and her sheeple idiots keep on supporting her. Unbelievable!

TLC stinks said... 153

Sounds to me a day of relaxing reading a book is something plenty of moms are not sad about. Cue up the violins.

TLC stinks said... 154

And her tweet regarding Jon was again a slam. She makes it sound like she sacrificed her holiday so Jon, who asked for once, could have the kids. She just can't play nice with him. She enjoyed her time alone. Who does she think she is kidding?

Lilly said... 155

Rhymes #106

Poutine - find a chip truck on side of highway - fresh potato french fries - add cheese curds and drown with gravy - cheese melts and enjoy

Jobs today are hard to find -after being employed full time was subjected to 3 layoffs from 1993 to 2004 - have own company now but have not had a contract for over 2 months - summer and govt town facing massive layoffs are not a good mix - but something will turn up --- yes, have had over 15 separate different jobs (contracts) since 2004 - so understand Jons situation

mama mia said... 156

Someone mentioned Kim Kardashian not being able to keep her sex tape off the internet.. fact is she sold the tape, pocketed the proceeds and is a household name because of it. Kate, don't get any ideas, nobody wants to see you and purse boy rolling around the lawn with the chickens.

Rhymes with Witch said... 157

After reading her latest self-promoting tweets and REtweets, I am once
again feeling nauseous. 83


BIG NEWS about

Katie Holmes and her ONE child.

Then we have:

Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge
Katie Couric (new daytime show debuts Septemeber 10)
Kate Beckinsdale - actress
Kate Winslet - actress
Kate Hudson - actress
Kate Spade-designer clothing.
Kate Upton-lingerie model
Not to forget the one and only Kate Hepburn

Then there's Kate who?????????

Once a Viewer said... 158

Didn't Kate tweet she was preparing a large 4th of July BBQ with all the side and 'her' flag cake? If the kids were not home and she read a book, when did this happen??lol

Susantoyota said... 159

Ex Nurse said... 150
Susantoyota said....
If someone does call him for the 'celebrity' version of something, I'm sure he would play for charity, maybe something tied in to his current job of kid's sports, AND demonstrate a good work ethic, especially on DWTS. Look it up, Katie Irene. W-o-r-k e-t-h-i-c. Ethic is after emerald in the dictionary
Just weeks ago, Jon said he wants more (just like everybody else). If he was to appear on DWTS, or any other show, why wouldn't he take the money? It would take a great deal of his time and take him away from the kids for weeks on end. It just doesn't make sense for the father of eight young children to donate that kind of time--unless he was well-compensated. It's pretty clear that he didn't manage his money very well and seems to have very little to show for his participation in the great experiment that was J&K+8. I agree he would most likely would work very hard and would probably have a great time doing it.

You're right. Guess I got excited at the thought of a Gosselin 'give back'. How about a 75/25 split? LOL.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 160

The fact that he asked, always is worth my loneliness.I'm happy for them even if it's somehow hard for both me&kids about 11 hours ago


I doubt that it was hard for her children to be away from her, to be with their dad. I'll bet they all had a guilt-free, wonderful time.

I'd like to echo what was said on Twitter this morning- how come it's not "hard for the kids" when Kate goes off on her little trips to NYC, etc... but it's hard when they go to their father's house?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 161

Also what does she mean by it's "somehow" hard? What does that even mean? As Ellen would say, stop talking in code!

Dmasy said... 162

I am another one who does not understand her cryptic tweets. I do hope that she does not make the children feel guilty when they return home from a good time with Jon. Oh, the "loneliness" guilt trip ...

And, why does she make it sound as if Jon randomly asks for time with the children rather than having a set visitation schedule?

TLC stinks said... 163

She always attempts to outdo Jon. Would not be surprised she has a BBQ this weekend and posts pictures,

OrangeCrush said... 164

Well I was right for once, the kids were out enjoying the holiday with the parent who is not afraid to let them out in public - hooray for them.

And as for Our Lady of Lonliness, oh bull crap on that. As someone said above, make some friends ( real ones), join a church, find a real boyfriend, and voila, no spending the day alone. I also doubt she 'gave' Jon a custodial day because he asked nicely, this is all part of a written agreement. And I further doubt she would be pining away for her children if she and Skeeve were out of town somewhere together. She is a transparent, conniving fool.

Doubt the kids missed HER at all yesterday. Read a book? Oh sure on that, too.

chefsummer #Leh said... 165

When you see the kids with Jon they all look so cute and happy.

Also most like the kids don't have a care in the world.

And yet it seems so very different when they with Kate wonder why.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

Thanks to Admin, I'm pretty darn clear that J+K have a set schedule that they must adhere to and that holidays are determined WAY in advance. So, when Kate implies that Jon has "somehow" come around to wanting the kids at least as much as they want him is disgusting. The 4th of July visit was determined a long time ago, yet Kate propagates the illusion that she'll have the kids and will be doing all the traditional things with them.
There's nothing wrong with admitting that Jon has the kids and that Kate will celebrate on another day, and that she will miss them but be happy that they're going to be having fun. Period, leave it alone.
This maudlin display leaves me without pity, although I feel for anyone going through the adjustment of divorce, especially with kids. I just think you should not broadcast your feelings where the kids will see them.
BTW, did Kate finally admit she didn't have the kids *after* a tweeter saw them with Jon?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

Orange, I completely agree. Some couples who do get along well can handle just asking for their kid when they want them and it being fine with the other parent. I have a family member who has a good situation with his daughter like this where essentially whenever he wants her, Mom cooperates.

That's not the case here and any attorney would be nuts to agree to such a situation with a parental alienator. Every holiday is more than likely outlined in stone. So when Kate says Jon "asked" it could be yet another carefully crafted statement. Jon did ask, but he asked the JUDGE.

The other scenario I can think of is the kids wanted so badly to go to him on Fourth of July Kate would have mutiny on her hands if she didn't let them go--she is completely the type to play games and say as long as you don't tell the judge you want to live with daddy I'll let you go see him whenever you want. I wouldn't put it past her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 168

BTW, did Kate finally admit she didn't have the kids *after* a tweeter saw them with Jon?


Oh, is that how it went down?

For the past six months or so she's been playing it up like she has the kids every weekend, every holiday, and even for Fourth of July she went on and on about her stupid flag cake and traditions and flags in the driveway never once mentioning oh and by the way he has the kids this year. I've gotten very suspicious that half the time she plays it up like she has them when she really doesn't. Nice to see her illusions get caught up in the truth for once. And like you said there's nothing wrong with saying hey he has the kids this time, we'll have celebration with mom this weekend. Nothing at all. No one is judging either one of them for having to share the holidays, everyone understands that's how it goes. She's such a nutcase.

Kate is a twit said... 169

This is the tweet that Kate replied to when she talked about her loneliness:

Truth Teller‏@Truth_Teller201
@Kateplusmy8 Sorry Kate, I know that must have been so hard. Kudos to you for sharing. IGlad he asked. GN :)9:56 PM - 4 Jul 12

Kate had already said GN at 9:52, but yet she had to come back a full hour later and respond to this tweet. It's almost as if she couldn't resist an opportunity to put down Jon, when she needn't have replied at all.

As far as the other tweet about it being her first summer holiday without the kids-someone on twitter also found an INF article about how she was alone last year on July 4th, in addition to the fact that she tweeted she didn't have the kids then. She blatantly lied-and it still doesn't matter to the sheeple.

Improbable Dreams said... 170

Yep, Admin, that's exactly how it went down. Kate admitted they were with Jon only after a fan mentioned seeing them with him. (A fan who, by the way, is part of the radio team trying to get a interview with Kate, and to get her to participate in a local (Sept.) race:

from Kateplusmy8: @XXXXX yep. I saw pics of them and they did have fun. Extra day with day is always appreciated by them... 12 hours ago - Twitterrific

To @Kateplusmy8 I saw the kids today at the Stone house having a blast!! :) See you in September for the race??

And...after posting that dig, she twisted the knife.

Dmasy said... 171

She can't acknowledge how often the children are with Jon. How would she justify her exhaustion?

If she "pretends" that she has them 24/7, Jon looks like an absent father who isn't exercising his visitation rights.

I think she likes playing verbal games -- not quite telling the truth and not quite lying. I just didn't think that she was smart enough to have that much guile.

mim said... 172

This Tweet is just beyond disgusting. I hope Jon keeps a record of her comments to show to the family court judge. What kind of mother makes public comments like this? Oh, wait, I'm talking about Kate. Ugh. What a piece of work.

The fact that he asked, always is worth my loneliness.I'm happy for them even if it's somehow hard for both me&kids about 11 hours ago

Tucker's Mom said... 173

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 168
BTW, did Kate finally admit she didn't have the kids *after* a tweeter saw them with Jon?


Oh, is that how it went down?
It could be. Kate responded to a tweeter who said she saw the kids having a blast at the "Stone" with Jon.
@Kateplusmy8 I saw the kids today at the Stone house having a blast!! :) See you in September for the race??
Reply Retweet Favorite
10:03 PM - 4 Jul 12 via Mobile Web · Details
12h Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@mamaholland yep. I saw pics of them and they did have fun. Extra day with day is always appreciated by them...

I wonder if Kate saw this tweet, let the cat out of the bag that she spent the day by herself (first EVAH holiday yada yada) as IF the admission were unprompted, then responded to the tweeter that yes, she saw the pics too.
I'm not a Tweeter expert, but on Kate's twitter feed, the timeline fits.

Kate is a twit said... 174

The fan actually tweeted that she saw the kids after Kate had said that Jon had them.

I wouldn't put it past Kate that she made that tweet in order to garner sympathy, then sat back and waited for responses. Then when one sheeple said how hard it must have been for her-she found the perfect tweet to respond to in order to garner even more sympathy.

Tucker's Mom said... 175

OK, so help me out friends! Is the 4th of July a holiday you'd pre or post celebrate if your kids were visiting their other parent that specific day?
Seems just a bit odd to me, it's not like their birthday or Christmas. The 4th seems more of a one-off and you'd just let it go and not duplicate it.
I guess some parents duplicated more than others?

Kate is a twit said... 176

Kate is supposed to be running in Chicago on July 22-the "Run with Kate" event. Yet she hasn''t mentioned it or promoted it. When CC first posted about it in the beginning of June, some fans talked about it, and she replied to them, but nothing since then.

I wonder if she's afraid that some fans may show up and expect to meet her, when according to CC all they will be doing is running in the same corral as her and there's no guarantee that they will even see her, let alone meet her.

When she's in Chicago is she going to be wallowing in her "loneliness" too?

TLC stinks said... 177

Her saying it's "somehow hard" to be separated from the kids and for the kids from her implies the kids don't like being with Jon. Jon said that he was passive aggressive, but she is definitely playing that card these days. She is just filled with hate for Jon taking away her cash cow of a show.

mamasan said... 178

channel surfing Wednesday morn, Caught Tony D, doing an outdoor interview. Greatest Karmic comeback I can think of.

TLC stinks said... 179

The Stone House, located at 1216 Parkside Drive North, may be used by Borough residents for parties and meetings. The fee is $100.00 per day, plus a $10.00 key deposit. Reservations should be made at least three weeks in advance by contacting the Recreation Director at 610-376-7481.

The Stone House outside grounds may be reserved for picnics by any resident of Wyomissing. There is no charge for the use of the outside area. Reservations and permits can only be obtained by contacting the Recreation Director, 610-376-7481. Reservations should be made at least two weeks in advance. Reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Failure to have a permit to use the picnic area could result in your forfeiting the facilities if other parties have the proper credentials.


This was not some last minute plan by Jon with the kids.

Tucker's Mom said... 180

Look at the timeline. Kate tweets GN, all alone today, blah blah at the exact time that the tweeter tells her that she saw pics of the kids. An hour later, Kate replies to said pic tweet.
Did the tweeter putting it out there on her feed, that she saw the kids (very happy) with Jon prompt Kate to tweet that Jon indeed did have the kids on the 4th?
Looks like it to me. So I wonder if the tweeter didn't let the cat out of the bag, if Kate would have just let everyone assume she had the kids all day with the flag cake, the flag-lined driveway, the deviled eggs and hot dogs.

Carezee said... 181

The fact that he asked, always is worth my loneliness.I'm happy for them even if it's somehow hard for both me&kids about 11 hours ago

Maybe the somehow hard for the kids, is the fact that when they get home she will make their life miserable. just coming back there and knowing they have playing in the basement to look forward to will be tough. Don't be surprised if good friend Deanna and her bf show up for a picnic and sparklers.

Tucker's Mom said... 182

TLC stinks said... 179
Cat is sooooo out of the bag! Kate deceived her readers big, big time.

TLC stinks said... 183

Attention sheeple, we caught her in a lie. Thanks to poster who remembered INF from last year's Fourth of July.

Kate Gosselin spent the 4th of July weekend sans the kids – the 8 little tykes spent the weekend with their Dad, Jon. So that means that Kate got to do some wild and crazy stuff like run errands and jog. Wait – how is that different to any other day?

We’re loving the little digs she does to Jon though – when he and Kate did the kid drop-off Kate wore a t-shirt that said, “Try 2 Keep up.” And then when the kids were back home, she tweeted, ‘Kids are home safe and sound. All tucked in. Life is back to how it should be.. All my chicks under one roof! Good night all!’ In fact her twitter handle is Kateandmy8. It’s these little jabs that make you glad that Jon divorced this beastly woman!

Tucker's Mom said... 184

Tucker's Mom said... 180
OOOPS! I think that's a link to a washer I'm looking at! I wanted to copy a previous poster before responding that I think Kate saw the "cat out of the bag" tweet in which a tweeter posted that she saw her very happy kids with Jon on the 4th and THAT prompted her to come clean.
Speaking of clean... more washing machine research. Mine is going on the blink and I'm holding my breath that it doesn't crap out each time I set a load to go.

Rhymes with Witch said... 185

Thanks for the info on poutines. A friend whose family hails from Nova Scotia said that their version uses grated potatoes made into balls. She says they look like "dirty snowballs."

Jumping In said... 186

Only Kate could portray Jon as a disinterested dad, AND the less favored parent in less than the allowed number of characters for tweeting. Add to that, she managed to garner sympathy for her sacrifice. She is one twisted woman!

How long does she think her children will stand for the very public, thinly veiled dissing of their father?

wayward said... 187

TLC stinks said... 177
Her saying it's "somehow hard" to be separated from the kids and for the kids from her implies the kids don't like being with Jon. Jon said that he was passive aggressive, but she is definitely playing that card these days. She is just filled with hate for Jon taking away her cash cow of a show.

TLC Stinks, I was thinking the same thing. He ruined her evil plan of exploiting the kids on TV for 18 years. She is going to make him pay for the rest of his life.

The thing is, even if they stayed married would the show have gone on? She clearly showed that all she was interested in doing for the show was getting expensive home improvments done and traveling. I catch the Sister Wives show once & awhile and creepyness aside, they all seem to be busy trying to start several businesses. Kate's has been taking vindictive, deceptive, bordering on slanderous jabs at Jon for years now, over the loss of a show that probably wouldn't have stayed on the air anyway.

To use Kate's NON trademarked expression that I don't need permission from jacksquat to say- I guess Jon just "considers the source" ;)

Kate is a twit said... 188

Kate tweeted(@9:52):

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8

GN, all. Spent my 1st summer holiday EVER (my 1st full holiday period,I think) w/o my kids..but happy they got extra X 2 spend w/their dad!
9:52 PM - 4 Jul 12

The other person tweeted at 10:03:

Rebecca Holland‏@mamaholland

@Kateplusmy8 I saw the kids today at the Stone house having a blast!! :) See you in September for the race??
10:03 PM - 4 Jul 12

Then Kate responded:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@mamaholland yep. I saw pics of them and they did have fun. Extra day with day is always appreciated by them...
11:06 PM

I think the reason for Kate's original tweet was not because she was "outed", but because she wanted to show what a great mom she is for spending her "first holiday ever w/o the kids" so that they could be with Jon.

It's another way of saying "look at me. I gave up MY time with the kids. Aren't I wonderful!!".

By the way, according to GameFace's site, they are closed all this week. I wouldn't be surprised if the company had an employees 4th of July picnic at a different venue and that's where Jon and the kids went.

Kate is a twit said... 189

Tucker's Mom said... 175
OK, so help me out friends! Is the 4th of July a holiday you'd pre or post celebrate if your kids were visiting their other parent that specific day?
I would basically say no, although many towns have different activities for families going on pre-holiday . But I don't know anyone who celebrates with a BBQs,etc. pre or post the holiday just because their kids won't be there on the actual holiday.

But with Kate that's a different story. Remember when she tweeted that they were going to have a St. Patrick's Day celebration after the fact? I wonder if that ever came to fruition?

Kate will celebrate any holiday whenever-it's not the holiday that counts, it's that she's a Supermom who does everything for her kids!

Once a Viewer said... 190

Tucker's Mom said... 184

lol, that's the kind of thing I often do...

Does anyone have a link to the new pic of Jon and kids 4th of July? (not that I don't want to admire your washer, Tucker!)

wayward said... 191

Tucker's Mom said... 173
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 168
BTW, did Kate finally admit she didn't have the kids *after* a tweeter saw them with Jon?


Oh, is that how it went down?
It could be. Kate responded to a tweeter who said she saw the kids having a blast at the "Stone" with Jon.
@Kateplusmy8 I saw the kids today at the Stone house having a blast!! :) See you in September for the race??
Bless that tweeter for tweeting this.

Everytime someone makes public that Jon is out with the 8 kids (who were having a blast :) it's just another reaffirmation that Kate is lying about it not being possible to take them anywhere without a panic. She's supposed to be the can-do SuperParent of this duo right?

Sheeple, here it is on a platter for you. When Kate takes the kids out in in public (they actually have to get out of the BBB) for no other reason but pure fun and it's documented with photos, we'll talk. Until then, there's nothing super about keeping the kids sheltered on the konpound. She tweets that they are often bored & fight and that's why- they're bored. They didn't ask to be born in a six pack and they shouldn't have to sit in the basement day in and day out because of it.

Carezee said... 192

I know I have said it and so have many other posters here. It drives me crazy that her twitter followers keeps going up! I know she is buying them but I have just watched it go up 7 in an hour. How could anyone in their right mind believe that she is getting new followers at a constant rate? I know it is not true but it still drives me crazy! Why can't she just quietly go away?

Carezee said... 193

Make that 10 in an hour!!!

Over In Berks said... 194

Tucker's Mom said... 180
OOOPS! I think that's a link to a washer I'm looking at!


lol, Tucker! I went to the site before you posted the oops. Did they deliberately set the price ten dollars lower than the minimum needed for free shipping? Kind of sneaky, huh? You might need to add a cheap accessory in order to qualify for free shipping! Nice washer!

It is so hot here it is brutal. I wouldn't have gone running yesterday. I didn't even go walking. We're expecting temps over 100 degrees on Saturday. It will be interesting to see if Kate claims she did a 50-mile run.

Once a Viewer said... 195

Tucker's Mom..oh btw I am having washer trouble too..is yours the kind with a computer control panel? Mine is, and will only do one load, then I have to unplug it while it reboots or something. I will never get one with a computerized settings panel again- if they still make them! Trying to get as much mileage as possible before getting a new one...

Kate is a twit said... 196

I also wouldn't be surprised if Kate's later tweet dissing Jon, was due to the tweeter saying the kids were having a blast. How dare they enjoy themselves with someone other than her-especially their father.

Kate is a twit said... 197

Carezee-just remember those are "followers" not necessarily "fans". I don't have twitter, but it seems to me that some people just follow any or all celebrities they can find, or they follow people who the people they follow are following. I know twitter also gives following suggestions based on who you follow and what your or their interests seem to be.

For instance, you're a J Beiber fan. You start following other J Beiber fans, and in turn some of them follow Kate, so you follow Kate also. It just keeps multiplying.

At least that's my theory on some of her followers-and then of course, she could be buying them also.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 198

Everything out of Kate's mouth/tweets is to promote her as the bestest mother, ever! She is delusional and wants everyone to follow her delusional path. It's kind of crazy, really. Feed me lies and more lies and I'll believe it even though I know it's not true. Form of brainwashing, isn't it? She doesn't even know she doesn't know. Or, maybe she does know and is enjoying taking her sheeple down the path. Interesting that no more producers or television executives are falling for her anymore. She may have twitter followers, but that will not translate into the numbers needed for a television gig. Get a job!

Dwindle said... 199

wayward said... 129
If the kids didn't go with Jon today, they would not get to go to a parade or see fireworks or go to a family picnic. She is 99.7% incapable of taking all 8 in public without a camera crew, nannies and without causing a panic. Jon was on TV right alongside her for years and he's as well known as she is- he manages to do it without a panic. Funny that Kate is unable to do the same.

Brilliantly put! Let's list some of the reasons this is so true:

Jon doesnt strut. Out with the kids, Kate dresses like she's 21 years old going clubbing. She bounces her implants, stomps her stillettos and struts to be noticed.

Jon likes his children. Kate sees them not as eight people, but as a herd that she must keep in line. They annoy the dickens out of her. Her barking and screeching is what people notice.

Jon doesnt really care what order they sit in, eat in, breathe in. Kate must control every fiber of their being and in public her disgust and screeching is what 'causes the panic', not eight kids putting one foot in front of the other.

When with Jon, it is a group of people out and about. Kate is incapable (due to low IQ, mental illness, laziness, who knows)of managing even HERSELF in public. She simply cant or wont make decisions. 'Should I turn left here or turn right? Oh I'm so confused. Someone LEEEEEEDDDEEEE me!'(Mady, are you paying attention? Tag, you're it.) When she has to manage herself and BE THE LEADER for eight other people, it all just collapses for her mentally.

I honestly dont think she is capable of walking across a parking lot with all 8 of them, buying 9 movie tickets and a couple of tubs of popcorn, and picking a row for them all to sit in. She cant do it. It's too many decisions for her and too complex.

Hot Fun In The Summertime said... 200

I was looking at Kate's Twitter page and I just don't understand this war between the sheeple and the non-fans ("haters"). It's so juvenile. Are these adults or middle-schoolers? Nobody is ever going to win, even if this goes on for years. It seems to get nastier and nastier. I was reading tweets by one of the sheeple who exploded with the most vile and disgusting comments about a non-fan who apparently has a malignant brain tumor and this sheeple said that she got what she deserved (for being a hater). The comments were jaw-dropping, despicable and revolting. I think the non-fans have an idea who is doing this, but it appears that they so far it's up in the air.

Anyway, my question is, if @Kateplusmy8 is put into the comment, and Kate doesn't have this person blocked, can she see these tweets? If so, shouldn't she know what goes on with her Twitter page and why doesn't she pull it down, or at least give a stern warning for these people to knock it off? Is she that desperate for praise and a venue to express her "loneliness?" Nobody appears to be giving much attention to Kate. Rather, it has become a battleground for this sheeple-hater war.

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