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The Gosselins collecting love offerings and selling photos at a church speaking engagement in PA, just 10 days before quietly signing an endorsement deal worth $60,000. |
It's always been pretty obvious that long after they became very wealthy, Jon and Kate continued to unethically portray a couple with their hands full just struggling to get by. Just how much money was taken from innocent church goers and other people under the mistaken impression they needed their money just to eat and pay the bills may never be known. Today however, former US Weekly reporter Robert Hoffman, who was assigned to the Gosselin beat for two years and has stated is a friend of Jon's, posted a revealing contract on his web site.
The contract with Lane furniture is dated September 23, 2008, and includes some of the following interesting information:
- The couple were paid $30,000 in cash and $30,000 in furniture, for a total of $60,000.
- Lane was responsible for all the taxes that Jon and Kate would owe as a result of this exchange
- Jon and Kate were to have final approval of the promotional video they were to shoot for Lane
A second contract dated November 14, 2008 provided for $20,000 payment in cash and $5,000 worth of Samsung electronics.
Around about this time, the Gosselins had several speaking engagements lined up, many at churches. (What appears to be a complete list can be found here.) One such example is Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Abington, located just down the road near Philadelphia. While they have removed any reference to the Gosselins from their web site, another Gosselin blog saved the information they posted:
September 14, 2008
Jon and Kate Plus 8 Registration
We are excited to be hosting the cast of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on Sunday, September 14 at 10:00 am. Completing the requested information below will pre-register you for this event. We are asking only those within a 15 mile radius of the church to pre-register and attend, as there is limited seating available. Thank you for understanding. This event is free, but please come prepared to give in a love offering toward the Gosselin’s. Due to the increased response for this event, we have rented Keswick Theatre, a local production theatre around the corner from the church in Glenside, Pa. This will provide much more seating. Children will be included in the service, sitting with their parents. Don’t worry, the service will be a fast paced, multi-media experience that will keep your kids’ attention.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
In addition, a fan posted a lengthy account of her encounter with Jon and Kate in Abington, reposted on a fan blog, which includes in part this:
"We sat in the center of the theater, row G, so we were pretty close. I had a perfect view. We sang 2 worship songs. Then the pastor came out and talked about the church. We had to sit through a long video about the church. Then they had a raffle. The pastor then explained that there would be two offerings: one for the church to pay off their rent of the theater, and another for Jon and Kate.

Kate also does some kind of "online devotional" once a week. Since vrigg wanted to know more about their faith, I'll go into that a little bit more. Apparently there was this lady who had terminal ovarian cancer, who was Kate's age. Her last dying wish was to meet Kate and talk to her. (This was in March). So Jon and Kate went to visit her in the hospital, where Kate helped her accept God and death. She passed away shortly after that. The grandmother called Kate to tell her the woman's son was diagnosed with pediatric cancer, completely non related. He passed away this summer. Kate still keeps in touch with this family. I think this is why her charity of choice is pediatric cancer. They said it was things like these, bringing people closer to God, is what keeps them going. It was truly inspirational. I had no idea that the Gosselins were this spiritual. Jon mentioned prayer (praying TO God, not AT God) and having a relationship with Him.
....Following the interview, the pastor asked us to be gracious with our love offerings for Jon and Kate for their being here, and something about the kids' babysitter. There was NO mention of any such college funds! I repeat! NO MENTION OF ANY COLLEGE FUND. The pastor said the money goes directly to the Gosselins. They set up the table and chair for Jon and Kate to greet and sign autographs on the photos. The photos were $20 each (I think Luna said it was $10 for one kid, or $20 for the whole family) but here it was $20 for the same picture.
No, we did not purchase a picture, and no, we did not give a love offering. We did however, wait in line because I just wanted to see them up close (moreso Jon [[wink]] ). I made eye contact with Kate. Everyone was standing there gawking at them and snapping pictures as they were signing autographs. Then the security guards instructed them to not use their flash because it is distracting. We were allowed to take pictures though."
Before grifting from blue collar church folk or anyone, is there a moral and ethical obligation to disclose just how well off you are doing financially? We certainly think so.
1247 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1247 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the update Robert. Since inquiring minds want to know, could you find out if Milo is a he/she/it, what facility the person is in, and who is "Lights Out Man?" A Gosselin saga wouldn't be complete without mention of some very strange sheeple!
Just kidding...I think!
You know now that I think about it, Jon said on the old Multiple website that they received a 1099 for $59,000 for the renovations (additions) that the TV show did for them. I bet they did have $100,000 in equity they could have tapped into. Kate just didn't want to spend THEIR money. But again, why would they qualify for medicaid during that time.
Kate is not going to fly down to Florida just to have lunch with a handfull of sheeple before the cruise. No sir, she's planning a vacay. I sure hope someone spills the beans but my guess it's an EXCLUSIVE Resort with private beach from the prying eyes of paps. I guess it's time for her to model her new bikinis for PB. And for the cover story, she's reluctantly taking the twins so no one can claim it's a private vacay for her and Stevie. Just how dumb does she think people are?
I can't wait to read your book! Finally some real inside information. I also take some satisfaction from the fact that at least part of the money Kate scammed from others is having to be used to pay for lawyers to try to keep that scamming quiet. Just desserts. I only wish it hadn't also cost you, but I think your book proceeds will make up for it. Keep fighting the good fight. I can't wait to see what other information she wanted so badly to keep quiet.
It’s interesting how quickly the community’s feelings turned to sour a year after the tups were born. I found it a surprise that the local people were quick to turn their backs on Kate---I don’t know when the final straw was. Maybe going to court to retain the state paid nurse? I could not believe it when she was complaining about how time-consuming it was to give the tups their breath treatments! That was a very heartless and selfish thing to say about your own children. They didn’t ask for weak lungs! I still think they should have been investigated back then when they were pushing the ‘poor me’ story. How was it discovered that they had hundreds of thousands sitting in the bank? I’ve always wondered about that. Kate said in one episode, I think it was a Q & A episode and she said the reason certain companies chose to do business with them was because the companies get free advertising in return which she was implying that it would generate more business for the company. So pay Kate cash and she would do something for you and you get more business! But I think a Kate ad would have the opposite effect on the public. Who would want to do business with a company if you knew it supported Kate?
They just didn’t want to spend money on their own family and always used the logics of having to buy 8-10 of something when really it only cost $100 out of the $ 250,000 they had in their pockets to go to the movies. What’s a measly $100c ompared to what they were earning, right? I always thought that was a stupid excuse because they could afford it in reality. Even Kate has a 3D TV right now but refuses to buy 8 glasses. So what’s the logic behind getting a 3D TV? Typical Kate.
Cash, more cash to cover the taxes on gifts, gifts, trips, VIP services, personal services---this is their ‘realest reality TV show’? My ass, they were living off TLC’s coattails and the public.
There’s something Jon said a year or two years ago. I think it was an interview or media coverage before the show changed to ‘Kate plus 8’. Didn’t he say TLC paid for pretty much everything from their dry cleaning to their utility bills? If I recall correctly, their defense was that because TLC was using their electricity while filming so they had to cover the cost of using their electricity, something to that effect. My question is what were their ‘real’ bills that they were paying out of pocket that TLC did not compensate them? I can’t image TLC paying for her tanning and visits to the nail salon as that had nothing to do with the show or the children…
Will someone sue Kate one day for taking a donation under false pretenses? That would be interesting! How would she defend that?
Well, clearly, Kate needs new washing machines and dryers (snark there) Front loader high efficiency washers use water based on the weight of the load and also calculate the time of the load. Hence, the term high efficiency. For a large, large load the max amount of detergent is 2 tablespoons. For the cheaper detergents that have more water, a bit more. Even less if one has a water softener. Too much detergent can result in dingy clothes after just a few washings, just how many depends on water hardness. If her highness would do the swimsuit load in off-peak times, in the evening, THAT would be a savings. The washer already takes care of the rest. Her washer probably has a hand wash cycle - different from delicates - so WHAT is her problem? Why not at least dry the suits in the sun, which kills bacteria?
So, just curious, were there links to OTC yeast meds?
I have to wonder if Kate couldn't get back to sleep because she's worried about the repercussions of the book coming out. Hmmm...
The only experience I've had with Medicaid was with my mother-in-law who had to go in a nursing home. She had no assets other than a $40,000 house, and Medicaid in Ohio billed us after the house was sold. Seems to me the Gosselins had more than enough money, especially with Jon's inheritance. Something doesn't make sense.
TLC Stinks wrote:The only experience I've had with Medicaid was with my mother-in-law who had to go in a nursing home. She had no assets other than a $40,000 house, and Medicaid in Ohio billed us after the house was sold.
What did they bill you for? Not the $40,000? I am just curious if you don't mind.
I know that the book will get a lot of support from those on this blog. But that is preaching to the choir! This book needs publicity to those that may not read here. If Kate's every tweet can get picked up by all the media then darn it, this book needs to as well!
Hey Kate, if you have absolutely nothing on your schedule today, perhaps you should oh, pack a lunch and take your children somehere other than the pool or the ortho or Target. I imagine you could even afford a matinee, and no one cares who you or they are. Now we know you won't do anything like that, but just a thought, sweetie.
I just accidentally landed on gather.com and saw no posts (new or old) from Sue Buddy. Could she have been deleted somehow? SB, are you out there? Lots of fodder for your writing these days!
Gosselin Book said... 185
Hello friends and people who don't like me very much. I'm checking in from vacation, trying to catch up on the latest Gosselin chat.
The 'journalist' label was once again bothering me so thank you to whomever posted that I'm certainly NOT a journalist.
Also, you better believe I have proof of the Lane contracts/agreements. In fact I have signed copies of both. Kate knows this and certainly won't be disputing any of it. The Lane deal is such a minor blip on the radar of this project which will be released in August. Kate also knows this, hence the legal threats.
One other thing I'd like to mention is that by implying that Jon had anything to do with giving me the Lane contract or anything else pertinent to the book is both untrue and unfair to Jon as he had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's also a bit insulting to me, given the lengths I've gone over the past few years in gathering this information.
It will all make sense soon enough. You've been more than patient with the process.
Thank you all for keeping this story alive and doing what you can do to help free the G8.
Thank you, Robert. Looking forward to purchasing your book.
I can't imagine disliking Kate more, so bring it on.
Gosselin Book,
I am most definitely looking forward to reading your book!
Layla said, I also take some satisfaction from the fact that at least part of the money Kate scammed from others is having to be used to pay for lawyers to try to keep that scamming quiet
The only problem is that it's the KIDS' money that they worked for.
Logic 101, there is no logic in posting a fake letter when under the threat of a cease and desist letter from one of the most powerful entertainment firms in the country. That's what defies logic. Maybe you should email Kate and let her know of the letter. Ask her if it's fake and if so why not get her big gun lawyer on t?
A big thank you to Robert for taking the time to provide an update. Thanks also for adding that this Lane business is merely "a minor blip on the radar" of your project. Thanks as well for advising that it will all make sense soon enough. I might add not soon enough to suit me.
Pick your gripes said 'Just telling their story and talking about their family doesn't mean the people who gave in the offerings thought the G's were poor.'
Why would people make donations to the family unless they thought the G's were poor? Do you know of anyone who donates money to millionnaires (which the G's certainly were by Fall 2008)? Would anybody have made a 'love offering' to the G's if they knew they were in the process of buying a million-dollar mansion?
Awww, has anyone seen the news about Paul McCartney's pay for performing in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics? He accept the sum of 1 Euro, or about $1.60 to perform. He did it because it is a great experience and he had something to contribute, not for cash. Now, that's class. Hear that, Kate? REAL stars do things out of the goodness of their hearts and their pride in making a contribution, not just for money. Love you, Paul!
amyf said... 12
I just accidentally landed on gather.com and saw no posts (new or old) from Sue Buddy. Could she have been deleted somehow? SB, are you out there? Lots of fodder for your writing these days!
Looks like Sue Buddy's still around. Like you, I hope she'll have some new articles soon.
Does anyone remember Kate saying she was keeping the cruise a surprise for the twins or am I imaging this?
To answer the question re elibility for Medicaid for the 6 when they were born. Keep in mind this may not be 100% accurate, because I worked in the medical eligibility end and not the means/eligibility end (Two different agencies handle this) and I've been retired for a few years, so it may have changed. Anyway -- babies born below a certain birthweight/gestational age are automatically elibible for benefits for the first year of life. This is because of the tremendous cost of NICU services and because many of these infants require very expensive treatments and have severe problems due to their prematurity. The means test excludes certain assets (a personal vehicle, a home) up to a certain value. A person may not receive cash benefits but would still be eligible for medical assistance.
Robert, I certainly hope that book will be available in an e-version. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for posting and clearing up a few things.
Cape cod as you can tell I also do not subscribe to the prosperity gospel and believe it to be weak theological teaching. I believe in "in this world there will be hardship."
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 21
Does anyone remember Kate saying she was keeping the cruise a surprise for the twins or am I imaging this?
Yup, I remember this.
Sorry, eligible, not elibible! Proofread!
You know, I could pretty much get over the fleecing of the sheeple that Kate and Jon did back then if only she would just once offer to donate stuff that is given to her now to a family that is actually needy. I can't for the life of me figure her out. She apparently is well off. Made millions. But is still accepting gifts from generous companies. Why not donate that stuff to actually needy families or ask the companies to donate directly to those families. I really don't get it.
Robert, if you are still around, I just would like to ask what was your motivation for writing this book? Was it the kids? Was it your dislike for Kate? Was it that she and Jon took advantage of people?
The email posted when the cruise was cancelled says that she is not going on the cruise, but she is going to Ft Lauderdale to have a meal with the disappointed cruisers. I wonder...she once said that they had an open invitation to come back to Discovery Cove, and that's in Florida. If she's not going on the cruise, but has to be in FL anyway, then could she possibly be going back to Discovery Cove? If she had an open invite (which means "free" in Katespeak), and has to go to FL anyway, she may take all the kids (and Deanna for unpaid help) or just the twins there. Just an idea.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 16
Logic 101, there is no logic in posting a fake letter when under the threat of a cease and desist letter from one of the most powerful entertainment firms in the country. That's what defies logic. Maybe you should email Kate and let her know of the letter. Ask her if it's fake and if so why not get her big gun lawyer on t?
I never claimed that the thing is fake. In fact,I highly doubt that it is. I merely questioned the (il)logic of your rationale. I have no interest in emailing Kate, but thanks for the "suggestion." According to you, Kate breathlessly reads every word of your blog, so surely she already knows about the letter already.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 21
Does anyone remember Kate saying she was keeping the cruise a surprise for the twins or am I imaging this?
[raises hand] I remember. It's not your imagination.
I don't know if Kate reads the blog nor have I ever said so though I do know for a fact Jon does. And also that you do!
Thanks to Robert. I am looking forward to finally reading some truths about Kate that she so desperately wants kept quiet. It always amazed me how nobody from her past spoke up. She didn't grow up in a bubble so there had to be people in high school that could have told volumes. Yet, only one or two people came out. People with Kate's personality stomp on people to get her way and think nothing of stomping again when necessary. Looks like finally someone is willing to risk the wrath of Kate to tell the truth. Thanks again Robert, for being that person!
@Kateplusmy8 Phila. Daily News wants you to be part of our upcoming singles spread. Google http://t.co/1XZOf63f(preview)
Oh, geez...
Regarding the equity question for their E-Town house:
To know what their equity was, you need the following info:
1) What was their mortgage balance for any loans associated with house (mortgages, home equity loans )
2) What did the house sell for
3) Estimated closing costs, including the realtors commission and liens (the water utility put a $2600 lien for unpaid water bills
Subtract the closing costs/liens from the house to get the net proceeds of the sale.
Then, subtract the net proceeds from the outstanding loan balances. If the remainder is a positive number, then that was their equity. if it is negative, then they had to bring cash to the closing (negative equity).
Property sales info can be accessed in public records. The current mortgage was recently found by someone, so Pennsylvania must show those records, too. you have to know the address of the property. Assessed value, for purposes of calculating property taxes, do not affect anything. only the actual sales price.
BTW, this does not tells us whether they made money or lost money on the house. To calculate that, you just subtract the original sales price from the net proceeds. Positive number = profit; negative number =loss
Gosselin Book said... 185
"Hello friends and people who don't like me very much."
Never said I didn't like you, Robert. It's just that I was skeptical of your credibility. This recent insight has abated said skepticism.
What boggles my mind, truly, is how so many people who know the real story, or at least parts thereof, remain quiet.
Surely not every person who ever had dealings with Kate could have signed a CA?
Or is it a matter of, "Meh, the woman's a bitch, feel bad for her kids but not my problem"?
These questions are mostly rhetorical of course and they could be asked all day.
Which leads me to ponder why I care, why do any of us? The only answer I have for that is that I grew up with a woman like Kate for a mother.
I know firsthand how damaging her actions towards her kids are and I have lived the on-going struggle it has been to make sense of it.
My sincerest hope has always been that by adding my voice to those who say this is wrong, it is abuse and it shouldn't be allowed to continue, I can affect even a small change for the Gosselin kids.
At most, the hope is that Kate will have an epiphany and make changes to her approach to parenting. In the least, maybe one day the kids will see that there were people out there who stepped up to try and stop the exploitation by their own mother.
Sadly, I don't see the former happening at all. Kate obviously doesn't see what she's doing as exploitation, if she actually does and continues anyway...well, that's beyond reprehensible.
The other thing is to address the whole cultural phenomenon we have in our society that says it's perfectly okay to film children without their express consent (and no, a five year old saying, "Yeah, it would be fun." doesn't count as consent)to make an easy buck and/or to become "famous".
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
I just want to say that I do appreciate your efforts, Robert, to expose this tragedy and the underlying theme of deceit, secrecy and manipulation of well intentioned people who truly believed they were just helping a struggling family.
Kudos to you and, as always, to Admin for this blog.
Maggie, Medicaid in Ohio has an estate recovery program. They will seek the cost of Medicaid benefits once the recipient is deceased. This is for recipients who are permanently institutionalized after age 55, like my mother-in-law in a nursing home. A claim is made to the executor. In our case, the only asset was the house. When it sold, almost all the proceeds went to Ohio Medicaid to cover the cost of her nursing home. Not sure about other states as to whether they do an estate recovery, but it can come as a surprise like it did to us.
Thank for stopping in Robert! Glad to hear the book is a go and I'm dying to read it!
I think Kate has gotten by for a very long time, throwing money at pricy lawyers to keep her dirty laundry hidden. Although, she seems very proud of her dirty laundry and seems to think it makes her look thrifty. But I digress... If it seems like there are alot of doubters Robert, they come by it honestly. Kate always wins. Glad to hear for once, she's not.
A perfect example is PhillyChitChat. He seemed ready to spill something very juicy about her and then in a blink he was like "what? Sheesh.... you're all making a big to do out of nothing. I just said that she was angry. Very beautiful but very angry."
Bitch please. We all know Kate probably had her lawyers shoot him off a fax that threatened to sue him for everything he owned if he spilled. And I'm sure it looked scary and intimidating, like Robert said his 7 page letter from Kate's lawyers looked like. Thank you for moving past the initial WTF moment and delving into the true legalities of your project.
I have a feeling Kate's twitter silence a couple weeks ago was her freaking the F out. On the phone all day desperately trying to put a stop to this. When it does come out, I'm still calling the coast to coast "Setting the Record Straight 22.0" tour. After she gets back from the resort ;)
Smoochie: Thanks for the info. I bet Kate never let's those kids or anyone eat at that table.
TLC stinks: I too think Kate is going on some trip soon.
Yes, I would like to see Kate de-throned, and caught for the criminal she is. Fraud. Yes, fraud, Kate manages to fly under the radar.
In March of 2009 she spoke at a church in Roswell, Georgia. Jon backed out. This was when the pastor, Craig Yoshihara, sent a snippy e-mail to someone after he was alerted that Kate wasn't the person she presented herself to be.
I wonder if love offerings were still being collected at that time, and if so, does the pastor now realize that he and the congregation were "had" big time.
I remember this incident, and in particular, the snippy response by that church's pastor. I can only hope that the pastor reflected on his actions and made a vow to at least try to protect his congregation from further fleecing. Just because someone is a pastor of a church does not mean diddly squat about their intelligence, or even their integrity.
Regarding the Medicaid question:
For seniors to qualify for Medicaid for payment to residential nursing homes or equivalent, the seniors are required to turn all of their assets over. Nothing is paid out until all of their financial resources have been used up.
As far as Medicaid for babies, I would not agree with that same policy for seniors.
Seniors are at the end of their life, with little probability of returning to independence. Once a senior qualifies for Medicaid, the nursing home must accept the Medicaid amount. If a family has the means to pay without depleting their resources, then they don't have to apply to life.
I don't begrudge families that need Medicaid to take care of their preemie or sick babies. An investment in treating newborns will help stem future medical issues. Everyone is entitled to that. Even if Jon and Kate owned their home in full, the equity wouldn't have touched their hospital bills. And exactly where we're they supposed to live--a homeless shelter?
I don't remember if Jon was still unemployed when they were born, or had health coverage for Kate's high-risk pregnancy, but the bills had to be astronomical. Add that to the astronomical costs of the first 3 years of life--unimaginable.
I don't quibble about whether they were qualified for benefits at the time. But, when Kate asked for an extension of the Medicaid provided nurse and made that statement about it being the responsibility of society to support her family, she lost a lot of community support. That was when her entitlement was displayed for all to see, and it was ugly.
How Kate can justify not paying the state back is beyond me. Admin made a great point --where is that foundation to support HOM, Kate? if not you, then who?
As the Lane contract demonstrated, those two grifted an unimaginable amount of money. It will be a tragedy if those kids futures are not financially secured.Regarding the Medicaid question:
For seniors to qualify for Medicaid for payment to residential nursing homes or equivalent, the seniors are required to turn all of their assets over. Nothing is paid out until all of their financial resources have been used up.
As far as Medicaid for babies, I would not agree with that same policy for seniors.
Seniors are at the end of their life, with little probability of returning to independence. Once a senior qualifies for Medicaid, the nursing home must accept the Medicaid amount. If a family has the means to pay without depleting their resources, then they don't have to apply to life.
I don't begrudge families that need Medicaid to take care of their preemie or sick babies. An investment in treating newborns will help stem future medical issues. Everyone is entitled to that. Even if Jon and Kate owned their home in full, the equity wouldn't have touched their hospital bills. And exactly where we're they supposed to live--a homeless shelter?
I don't remember if Jon was still unemployed when they were born, or had health coverage for Kate's high-risk pregnancy, but the bills had to be astronomical. Add that to the astronomical costs of the first 3 years of life--unimaginable.
I don't quibble about whether they were qualified for benefits at the time. But, when Kate asked for an extension of the Medicaid provided nurse and made that statement about it being the responsibility of society to support her family, she lost a lot of community support. That was when her entitlement was displayed for all to see, and it was ugly.
How Kate can justify not paying the state back is beyond me. Admin made a great point --where is that foundation to support HOM, Kate? if not you, then who?
Yes, Anger, I am tired, too, of Kate always flying under the radar. And I am also perplexed that more folks don't speak out. Frankly, I'm tired of the ol' not wanting to hurt the kids line because those kids are being hurt by folks keeping silent on what a nutjob this woman is. I hope Jon soldiers on with his career, makes a good living, and can get primary custody.
The email posted when the cruise was cancelled says that she is not going on the cruise, but she is going to Ft Lauderdale to have a meal with the disappointed cruisers.
She said that she would like to TRY. She made no promises. That is her "out."
"Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal."
Re washing swimsuits after use - I always do, simply to rinse the chlorine off because I worry that chlorine will fade the suit and also make the fabric deteriorate faster. But I don't think it's absolutely necessary for sanitary reasons - again, the chlorine probably kills off any germs, etc.
However, I handwash the swimsuits in cold water, wring them out and then hang dry. So I save on energy costs no matter what.
OOPS--Copy and paste went so wrong...
Do health insurance companies pay for fertility treatments? I keep hearing about how expensive it it. If not, who was bankrolling them?
My recollection is that Jon was employed when the tups were born.
Ex Nurse said... 40
Regarding the Medicaid question
IIRC, when the tups were first born, it was mentioned in one of the many articles that followed that the tups birth was covered under Kate's health insurance from Reading Hospital. She was technically still employed there while on bedrest and maybe got a maternity leave, but then obviously had to quit. That is when the babies were transitioned to Medicaid. Jon was not working when the tups were born and didn't for almost a year afterwards.
As we all know, Kate was pregnant with the tups while Jon was woking at the cabinet company he was eventually fired from. It took alot of balls for them to claim hundreds of times and in a book that he was fired for health insurance reasons. When it was really for creating the sixgosselins website and working the phones on company time.
Governor Rendell had an IT job created for Jon in Harrisburg when the tups were about one.
So if Jon was not working, why did they undergo fertility treatments? The whole story of they "just wanted one more" has never, ever made sense to me. Why would you do such a thing if the wife is the sole breadwinner?
It depends on the health insurance coverage and what your state mandates as far as coverage. We had good health insurance and only only "diagnostic" procedures were covered. No meds at all - and those were the expensive part. Some insurance plans let you have a certain number of IUIs (what Jon and Kate had) and up to three or four IVF cycles. The actual IUI procedure was about $200.00 per time (back in 2003 for me, at least). The injectable medication (gonal-f) could run you about $2,000 plus per month if not covered.
TLC stinks said... 47
"So if Jon was not working, why did they undergo fertility treatments? The whole story of they "just wanted one more" has never, ever made sense to me. Why would you do such a thing if the wife is the sole breadwinner?"
I don't think it makes sense to anyone who really thinks about it. The other thing that doesn't make sense is if they really did just want one more, why didn't they go through with the adoption of the Korean infant?
I read somewhere, and I'm sorry I honestly don't remember where, that Kate made some statement that they prayed about it but that it didn't seem it was what God wanted for them...or some such.
Not long after that, she was back trying to get more fertility treatments. From a different doctor, I might add.
Weird, no?
There have been con artists probably from the earliest of civilization. What's that saying by P.T. Barnum? "There's a sucker born every minute." That's why it's important for every one to use critical thinking skills, and to teach our children the same. It's fine to be sympathetic to a hard luck story. I happen to think it's fine to give a few bucks to people standing on street corners (whether they will use it for food or for booze is not my business). But I've been on many, many sites over the years where a member will step forward with a hard luck story and a paypal link, and I have learned that more often than not - the story is a phony.
It may sound harsh, but I would much prefer to give to my friends and family, and to my local community food bank, women's shelters, etc., than to a stranger on the internet, or to a couple asking for "love offerings." I also think that churches who host people seeking monetary aid should do some due diligence. I feel it is a responsibility they owe to their parishioners.
Interesting that Hoffman let the cat out of the bag on the Lane contract last night, and suddenly Kate, who is soooo exhausted, can't sleep. And now she's on Twitter silence. I think she's on the phone with her lawyers, trying frantically to get them to find a way to shut Hoffman up! Too funny!
Adding a little about Medicaid: Each state administers their Medicaid program, so things differ Fromm state to state. For children, a state may automatically offer coverage to children with certain diagnoses that are usually lifelong disabling conditions, or preemies that meet certain conditions. Each state will have guidelines about resources.
I can speak very specifically in terms of Medicaid coverage for the elderly, in Virginia, as I have been managing my mothers finances for a decade now. Seniors have to meet financial eligibility guidelines, and if their monthly income is over limits they still may qualify on a spend-down basis. That is, after you spend a certain amount on medical expenses, you will be eligible for medicaid. a senior who requires nursing home placement has to exhaust their resources before Medicaid kicks in. if there is a spouse living in the home, they do not have to sell their home. my mom was a widow, her home had to be sold. Fortunately my dh and I had resources to buy it, and we had to spend that money on her nursing home.
Total over 6 years, $350,000 spend on nursing home care from her pension, social security, stock, property sale. After that I applied for Medicaid for her, yes I have POA. every month most of her social security and pension goes to pay for nursing home costs, and Medicaid kicks in to pay the remainder. In the $5000+ per month range for an excellent nursing home in my home community, where everyone knows everyone else.
I did not know that she had different docs for the twins and tups. That's odd. I can tell you one thing, I worked in a hospital many years ago, and you absolutely know every doc's personality and skill. Also, hospital employees get extra attention. She sure worked the system.
The medicaid thing varies from state to state. For my mom, we didn't have the house sold before she ran out of cash.
Medicaid came in and paid the nursing home bill until I sold the house, but I had to sign that once the house sold that I would be personally responsible for reimbursing Medicaid for the intervening months. And then I had to use the remaining proceeds (if any) to continue to pay the bill until the cash ran out, and then Medicaid would step back in.
And I also had to sign/guarantee that the house was sold at fair market value. I couldn't sell it at an unreasonably low price to a relative to avoid paying Medicaid back, for example. This was during the housing crash, God only knows what fair market value was!
Scary times. One brother couldn't understand why I was so freaked about this. Easy for him to say. Not his name on the dotted line saying he'll personally be responsible for her $6,000/month nursing home bill!!!
Lots of rules and regs. Easy to become entangled. I was lucky in that I already had a good eldercare atty to advise me, and a realtor who specialized in these situations. She was a life saver!
Some things would have been impossible to go back and document 3 years later, so if I hadn't done it right to start with, I could have ended up liable for more dollars than necessary to Medicaid.
Sadly, I think Mom knew somehow in her lost mind that we had sold her beloved house; she died the week I sold it. Breaks my heart every time I think of it.
TLC stinks said... 47
So if Jon was not working, why did they undergo fertility treatments? The whole story of they "just wanted one more" has never, ever made sense to me. Why would you do such a thing if the wife is the sole breadwinner?
You were right! A quick check of an article right after the birth shows he was employed at an oil company in the IT dept. when the tups were born. This makes sense because at the time the first set of tups went home, they were talking about their financial difficulties during the press conference. A reporter asked them why then did Jon just stop showing up at his job? Do any other locals remember this or am I hallucinating again! I probably am... lol! ;)
While people did flip their wigs over NurseGate, the public had already had enough of them before that. Their behavior wasn't normal. Usually, people going through a rough patch accept what offerings people give them and are grateful. The End. There was the usual initial flurry of excitement after the tups were born, then it died down as did the donations. But they persistently demanded the donations keep coming, and lots of them. No one had seen anyone act this way before and it was unnerving to alot of people.
I thought the fertility treatments were funded by Jon's father. (Before anyone asks, no, I don't have a link.) I doubt the fertility treatments were covered by any health plan.
This is simply my opinion - but I think if you already have two healthy beautiful twin girls, and your family income is sufficient for a family of four but no more, you have no business going for further fertility treatments, and you might even consider using birth control. I am really tired of hearing about families who have limited income having expensive fertility treatments, and then expecting strangers and businesses to help support them when they end up having five, six or more children at once. What ever happened to living within your means, and making responsible choices?
I started out as a fan of the show. Those children were certainly adorable as little babies. Kate was not entirely dislikable at first, and Jon seemed to be doing his best. It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment a red flag popped up in my head, but I think it was the episode where Jon is fixing Kate's coffee before he leaves early for work. Either he says, or Kate in a voiceover says, something about how she doesn't get up until 7:30 or 8:00, and then she goes to get the babies out of their cribs.
I knew that wasn't right. Babies don't sleep in until 7:30 or 8:00, and thus neither do moms. Not normal moms anyway. After that, I started looking harder at Kate's behavior and it only got worse from there.
And there you have it in a tweet - she is so overwhelmed in the care of 8, count em 8, children, but 1 nanny is adequate to do her job when she travels. Begs the question does the nanny sit by the phone waiting for the call, or has no other job/life to arrange for the needs of KateG. I am willing to bet that biotch does not pay well.
tweeted question to Kate: Just out of curiosity, do u still have nannies for the kids and do you find yourself needing less help as they get older?
Kate's response: lol. Nannies? As in plural? I've always had 1 per for when I travel (stay w kids) and minimal help some days when I'm home.
Uh huh. Minimal help = one full-time nanny, one part-time babysitter, one cook, one house-keeper/cleaning lady, a helper, several lawn boys, Mr. Chicken Coop man, Purse Boy, and Mr. Limo Driver.
Way to make it sound like you have one teenage girl a few hours a week, Kate.
Thank you all for answering my questions about the Gosselins being on Medicaid while they possibly had $100,000 equity in their home. I don't begrude Kate using Medicaid their first year at all. And I am sure they qualified for it and did it all on the up and up.
What makes me mad is their Gosselin sixgosselins website begging for a 15 passenger van and the nurse for a second year when they did NOT qualify. Why the literal list of stuff they needed when they had $100,000. I mean shouldn't a family use their own money before asking their community & general public repeatedly for help to support their kids.
Don't get me wrong. I don't blame them for taking all the handouts that most if not all HOM's get the first year or so from companies. That is standard for companies to give HOM families. But a 15-passenger van and a nurse (they didn't need or qualify for) for a second year--NO. They should have used their own money for that.
P.S. Some say that they paid for the van themselves eventually. If so, good for them but they did beg from the public for it for a long, long time.
I knew that wasn't right. Babies don't sleep in until 7:30 or 8:00, and thus neither do moms. Not normal moms anyway. After that, I started looking harder at Kate's behavior and it only got worse from there.
Sweet Tart: I thought the same thing. She probably meant that the "help" took care of them til she was ready to feed them at 8:30. I know of NO MOTHERS of young children who sleep til 8 am. Not, that is, until I heard of Kate Gosselin.
On this same show one or both of them said that they took care of the kids alone while the other was at work. Total lie. There is no way that one person can adequately care for 6 infants/toddlers and 2 preschoolers at any one time. It is not safe. Yet viewers bought this.
Nothing about the Gosselin "story" has made sense. They have expected the general population to accept every line they've been fed. Might have once upon a time been a fan, but we all were played for silly people and when the truth came out, we were done with the fairy tale. The Gosselins laughed all the way to the bank. Hope they saved a little for that rainy day cause it will come, even to Kate.
TLC stinks said 'So if Jon was not working, why did they undergo fertility treatments? The whole story of they "just wanted one more" has never, ever made sense to me'.
Nothing about the fertility treatments makes sense. Most women who undergo such treatments are older or have been trying to get pregnant for a long time - Kate was a newlywed in her early twenties when she had the first treatment. After the twins were born, it did not make sense to undergo treatments again, considering the Gosselins' financial situation and the risk of multiple births (which is higher the younger the woman is).
I remember reading somewhere that Jon was perfectly happy with two children, but it was Kate who insisted on undergoing more fertility treatments.
Katie Kuerig said... 32
Thanks to Robert. I am looking forward to finally reading some truths about Kate that she so desperately wants kept quiet. It always amazed me how nobody from her past spoke up. She didn't grow up in a bubble so there had to be people in high school that could have told volumes
Here's a crazy thought...maybe there aren't any great revelatory tales from her past. Maybe the mighty Gosselin legal team did not manage to silence the entire state of PA. Maybe, just maybe, your imagination has run wild.
Kate did work in labor and delivery. I always thought it strange that she was so young, had already had multiples and yet was able to have more fertility treatments so soon after having twins...did anyone take into account that she worked with dr's who would help her out because they worked together? Just a thought. I worked in a hospital and I saw dr's help people out (get around the loopholes) with prescriptions etc..you name it all the time.
Sweet Tart said... 56 "This is simply my opinion - but I think if you already have two healthy beautiful twin girls, and your family income is sufficient for a family of four but no more, you have no business going for further fertility treatments, and you might even consider using birth control."
Beautifully said and so true.
I wanted a DD, badly. Couldn't believe when hubs agreed to try for one after 2 boys. He was a third DS. Because we could responsibly support three kids, but no more, we were done.
I think Kate acts like she is so smug and superior because she gave the finger to standard social responsibility. Got everything she wanted and got rich, by begging and by exploiting her children. Two things most people avoid like the plague.
When she's gloating about not having to go anywhere in the morning, or her salt water pool, or her leather couch, she's trying so hard to say 'nanabooboo'. She really thinks she's so clever for pulling this off, hence her constant claims of "you would do it too." When people say they wouldn't, she refuses believe it and dismisses the person as jellus.
Or Maybe said... 63 "Here's a crazy thought...maybe there aren't any great revelatory tales from her past. Maybe the mighty Gosselin legal team did not manage to silence the entire state of PA. Maybe, just maybe, your imagination has run wild."
I dunno.
Most Pennsylvanians don't hire Lavely & Singer P.C., Entertainment Litigation of Beverly Hills CA when there aren't any great revelatory tales from their past.
Just sayin'.
DreamerGirl2011 lol. Nannies? As in plural? I've always had 1 per for when I travel (stay w kids) and minimal help some days when I'm home
The nanny is there more for Ms Grand High Poobah of Uppah Buttcrack's benefit than the kids. It's a good thing she is too, otherwise those kids would be in real trouble. They wouldn't be allowed to go into the pool because Kate wouldn't want to watch them and they'd probably all be ten pounds underweight if the nanny didn't prepare meals for them. (I've come to the conclusion that the only time Kate cooks anything for her kids she takes a picture. That's how rarely she makes a meal) I'm sure they'd spend most of their days in the basement or in their rooms if there wasn't another adult there to keep them entertained or supervised. Kate really has no time for them now that they're not making her money anymore.
I'm so tickled her 15 minutes are finally up. No one can tell me they're not.
Is anyone on this board planning to "leak" to the tabloids about the potential upcoming book? It would be so great if the tabs had a heads-up about this book. The one thing all the tabs have in common is sensationalism; and this book could be quite revealing.
And for the record, I love the title "How she fooled the world". Not sure if its "she" or "Kate Gosselin".
So when is this book expected to be available for sale?
I have a question for Robert if he stops back. The lady associated with the Lane contract tweeted Kate which started this whole thing in motion, correct? She said she was nice to work with....was that to sucker Kate in because you know she would respond to that specific tweet? I would think if they were such good buddies wouldn't she have her personal contact info and not need to contact her on a public twitter? This is just my opinion but Kate may have been really outsmarted and if true, I have never seen anyone have her number like he does. Westbrooke
Ex-nurse #34 & Maggie -
I am unclear on which house Maggie is asking about - the house that got remodeled by the local TV show PRIOR to J&K+8 (which Jon got the 1099 for the construction costs) or the house near Aunt Jodi - the house they sold after moving into the McMansion.
I know the information was around, I have seen it before...not sure if it was on GWOP or brought over here from Presi.
The nanny is there more for Ms Grand High Poobah of Uppah Buttcrack's benefit than the kids.
Hhahahahahahahaha! Totally agree.
But don't you think a guy threatened by one of the most powerful entertainment lawyers in the country would be pretty careful about posting false information?
Yes, I do. That's why I wondered why he wouldn't produce the original contract if he, in fact, had it for whatever short time period.
It would be hard for a layperson to dream up something this credible without an incredible knowledge of entertainment contracts, which I don't see any evidence Hoffman has.
Not hard at all, actually. Go to any housewife gossip site. You'd be shocked at what peole will do for their 'star'. This is why most blogging communities don't believe anything unless the original is posted.
Remember, this Hoffman 'journalist' is promoting some kind of book.
Am I the only one who thinks this guy is slightly nuts?
"Paperwork, writing, baking, storing 75 LB of flour etc.. The usual lol"
This flour storage is getting old. I see she has added writing to the paperwork-baking-cleaning- errands usual. Kate used to claim she was not a baker but loved to cook...nothing about the kids
but that's just as well.
SoCal Local said... 72
The nanny is there more for Ms Grand High Poobah of Uppah Buttcrack's benefit than the kids.
Hhahahahahahahaha! Totally agree.
Have to thank Delores Claiborne for that one. Suits Kate to a Tee though, doesn't it? lol.
Or Maybe said... 63
Here's a crazy thought...maybe there aren't any great revelatory tales from her past. Maybe the mighty Gosselin legal team did not manage to silence the entire state of PA. Maybe, just maybe, your imagination has run wild.
Or MAYBE the book will have a domino effect. Once one talks MAYBE the entire state of PA will have a Kate story to tell.
Baking my a/&. She's measuring ingredients into that bread machine, pressing start and 3 hours later, repeat. I admit I am surprised she hasn't grifted more than 1 for the size of her family. And hi Kate. You have 8, count em' 8, kids at home this summer. This week your crappy blog talked up the wonders of the home pool. How are you writing and doing paperwork, baking ( ha), with kids to watch and entertain? Oh, right, you told the nanny you're 'travleling' ths week, moved the bread machine to your bedroom and just leave loaves by the door. Yep, you are one fine hands on mom.
Just to clarify, I realize that Jon and Kate probably DID get cash + free furniture.
I'm just cautioning that this guy befriended Jon (or so he says) and then stabbed him in the back. Can he really be trusted?
It seems very personal for him. And we all know when things are personal, logic goes out the window sometimes.
Be cautious of playing a game of high school telephone.
Either way, with the Lane contract or without it, Jon and Kate were thieves.
Have to thank Delores Claiborne for that one. Suits Kate to a Tee though, doesn't it? lol.
Remember what Vera said after that? Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive...it's all a woman has to hang onto (not exact quote...paraphrased).
Maybe that's Kate's philosophy!
Good point...but this Robert guy only says good things about Jon so maybe this book is more about Kate and has Jon's blessing....he never had the balls to stand up to her himself so maybe this is his voice too and maybe a way to exonerate his conscience.
Where's Jon's book? Haven't heard anything new.
I see Kate can't make up her mind if she has nannies or not. Did she not say in several recent interviews that she has no nannies, she does it herself, did she not say some friend was watching kids, now she says she does have a nanny to care for kids when she travels, and a minamal help on some days! LIAR! Kate, either you have help or you don't, there is no such nothing as not for hired help.
@DreamerGirl2011 lol. Nannies? As in plural? I've always had 1 per for when I travel (stay w kids) and minimal help some days when I'm home
She ALWAYS had one when she travels? How can that be? She claimed that she never had a nanny, nor would she ever have a nanny!
Didn't she say not long ago that she has a sitter four days a week? That's MINIMAL? I'm either confused or I am dreaming that she said she has a sitter during the week.
Wowser: I agree with you about Jon. Jon had the hardest time growing balls to finely stand up to Kate. Kate is was and will still be a great manipulator, she manipulated Jon for almost 10 years. I'm sure Kate threw the kids in, everytime Jon opposed her, or disagree with her. It has always been Kate's way, or husband, relatives, friends, manufacturers sponsers etc will hit the highway, they have no place in the Kate world. Kate even bit the hand(TLC) that fed her.
Moose Mania said... 79
Remember what Vera said after that? Sometimes you have to be a high-riding bitch to survive...it's all a woman has to hang onto (not exact quote...paraphrased).
Maybe that's Kate's philosophy!
Moose - Yes. Maybe it is. She has made it sound like she was so hard done-by growing up, it justifies why she has to be a hard-nosed bitch now, or she'll end up that way again.
(I also like this quote by Delores:
"I'm just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games.")
Amy2 said... 68
Is anyone on this board planning to "leak" to the tabloids about the potential upcoming book? It would be so great if the tabs had a heads-up about this book. The one thing all the tabs have in common is sensationalism; and this book could be quite revealing.
Radar Online did a story on it in May but without mentioning Gosselin Book. Not sure if any of the other tabloids picked up on it
Anger issues: a stretch here: maybe the book Jon was talking about WAS gosselinbook?!? After all...he did say a book was coming out and he did say in June (the same time Robert's book was suppose to come out) and yet I have not seen any book come out by Jon in June or otherwise....hmmmmm. So did Jon write a book or not?
Thank you Jane for letting me know about the ROL story. I never go to ROL's site anymore as I got a virus in my office and home machines after clicking on their site.
Sweet Tart said:
I also think that churches who host people seeking monetary aid should do some due diligence. I feel it is a responsibility they owe to their parishioners.
Sweet Tart, I agree! Just this morning I heard a well-known pastor on the radio saying that yes, Christians are called to love, but they are NOT called to love indiscriminately. The book of second John in the Bible is actually a letter written to a woman in the early church who offered hospitality to any traveling preacher, regardless of what they were preaching. All pastors should do their homework before inviting anyone into their church to talk to the congregation and especially before they're allowed to ask for a "love" offering. Maybe some pastors did that, and during the early years Jon and Kate seemed ok. I don't think it was public knowledge at the time that they were buying a million dollar home. I know I've learned a lesson - if someone is filming a reality show on tv, they don't need my $$$$!
Wowser: I'm not talking about the book. I'm agreeing with you that maybe why Jon trust this guy is cause Jon finely got balls to stand up to Kate. Kate had Jon so beaten down, and by using the kids as ammo. Just like Kate was doing for the last 2 years: I do this for my kids. Which we all know Kate, never did it for the kids, it was all for herself. Everybody else got used and dumped.
Anger issues: I think you are right. I think Jon is growing a pair because he is seeing the tide moving in a different direction. Kate's true colors are revealing themselves...especially since she lost her job last year. People are questioning her authenticity and Jon doesn't have to do a thing to make himself look better..he just has to wait! Gosselinbook will only make him look better. People can throw stones at him for being a part of their scamming years..but he had the balls and conscience to get out of it and try to remove the kids from it...Kate on the other hand continues with the grifty unethical behaviors and shows no letting up in the near future
I know yall love Jon but if gosselinbook just treats him as a victim and puts it all on kate I'll be pissed!! My mother was abusive and my father just stood by. Then when he finally got the balls to divorce her he was more interested in his new girfriends and their kids. To this day 30 years later I still hate him more. He hit us sometimes and was cruel with words too but it was even worse that he did nothing to stop mom.
Gosselin book should have a forensic accountant.
And Schmoopy gets 'me' time again:
@Kateplusmy8 Hey I see you are going to be @ #BlogHer12 - I would love to run into you again :)
The BlogHer conference is in NYC next Thurs, Fri and Sat (Aug 2-4)
(I also like this quote by Delores:
"I'm just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games.")
I loved the novel and the movie. Kathy Bates WAS Delores Claiborne! Isn't it funny how Kate is Vera Donovan, and some of the sheeple (especially Milo) are Annie Wilkes in Misery? Stephen King had them nailed!
I don't think anyone here LOVES Jon...I think he is just as guilty as Kate for his part in the grifting...I just think people are giving him credit where credit is due....he became uncomfortable with the grifting/fleecing and the tv hoopla and had the guts to get out of it and tried to get his kids out of it too.
Jane said... 93
I looked at the website for BlogHer12. Kate is not listed as either a speaker or an attendee. I wonder if that tweeter mixed her up with Katie Couric, who is a speaker.
Moose - Kate HAS channeled Vera! "Well, don't look to me, Dolores. All my money is tied up in cash." haha!
It's funny you'd compare Milo to Annie Wilkes too, I had thought that earlier about one of her fans, I think it was BM, but it's really more fitting of Milo's devotion to Kate... "I'm your biggest fan".
Maybe the GosselinBook, if it ever sees the light of day, will "hobble" Kate in the sense that she won't be able to get away from the truth. That would be almost as painful as what Annie put Paul through.
Kate is a twit said... 96
Jane said... 93
I looked at the website for BlogHer12. Kate is not listed as either a speaker or an attendee. I wonder if that tweeter mixed her up with Katie Couric, who is a speaker.
Possible. I'm thinking Coupon Cabin set her up for this - perhaps as a celeb blogger Hahahaha! She gets a trip to NYC to play with Deanna minus the kids.
I was involved with BlogHer way back when it was new - year 2 and 3 when there were maybe a dozen bloggers involved and I was working for a women's website. It's evolved into a force in the blogosphere and Katie will be waaaaaaaay out of her element. The women are all smart, educated (either through college or real life or both!), very well-spoken and well-written and I'm sure they either don't know Kate Gosselin or, if they've heard of her, don't think much. If she's really going, it could be interesting!
Kate, if you read here, don't even try to keep up with these women.
@Kateplusmy8 I am a complex woman by the time you figured me out, I have already changed. Keeps the mystery going. XO 2 K8 Good night lady.
Kate sure does attract the strange ones, doesn't she? This sheeple is trying to sell her book on Kate's Twitter. Out of curiosity, I looked at it, and the opening paragraph of the first chapter is suspiciously similar to the beginning of "No Name Woman" by Maxine Hong Kingston.
I get the biggest kick out of the fans who get one tweet from Kate and now they are best friends, or as one fan put it, part of Kate's "extended family." Such doofusses (or is it doofi?)
OrangeCrush said... 77
Baking my a/&. She's measuring ingredients into that bread machine, pressing start and 3 hours later, repeat.
Doesn't she have two or more of everything else in that kitchen? I'll bet she has two bread machines or she wouldn't bother with making her own bread, she'd be buying it.
She has it in her head that having eight children requires double the appliances. Shouldn't that cut her work in half?
Could be the info came from an earlier tweet to #BlogHer12 (I x'd out name of tweeter). Looks like snark to me, but who knows:)
#BlogHer12 interview pitches: Trojan Vibrations, Jimmy Dean sausage, robo-vacuum, frozen lasagna CEO, heavy periods website, Kate Gosselin.
Jane-that tweeter is the same woman who had the couponing segment on Dr. Drew that was shown after Kate's segment.
It's possible that CC set her up for it, but why wouldn't she be listed as an attendee or speaker? How else would this woman know she was going to be there?
According to the website, President Obama is also going to appear live via video, so it seems like a big deal. The other speakers include Martha Stewart, and also marketing executives and CEO's of companies.
If she goes, I'm sure will be just an attendee, but of course with Kate you never know. It could be "hush hush", because you know she worries about "her" security.
Those bread machines make small loaves. Either that's all she is feeding the kids or she has two machines going.
TLC stinks said... 103
Those bread machines make small loaves. Either that's all she is feeding the kids or she has two machines going.
I can make a really big loaf with my bread maker - it will take up to 4 cups of flour maybe more. Haven't tried. I usually use a recipe that calls for 3 cups.
Kate is a twit said... 102
Jane-that tweeter is the same woman who had the couponing segment on Dr. Drew that was shown after Kate's segment.
It's possible that CC set her up for it, but why wouldn't she be listed as an attendee or speaker? How else would this woman know she was going to be there?
According to the website, President Obama is also going to appear live via video, so it seems like a big deal. The other speakers include Martha Stewart, and also marketing executives and CEO's of companies.
If she goes, I'm sure will be just an attendee, but of course with Kate you never know. It could be "hush hush", because you know she worries about "her" security.
Oh yes, let's not give away her top secret plans. Steve might come a-knockin'!
In the blog world, BlogHer is a big deal - all the notable and well-known bloggers (mostly women, as it's geared to them) attend. I remember the founder, I think it was Lisa Stone (it's been many years) was very impressive, well-spoken, very together. This group doesn't suffer fools.
Odd that her name's not on the list. It could be the site's not updated but still ...
We'll see how it plays out!
Here is a video clip where Kate is asked if she has help with the kids. She admits to having a ft nanny and Ashley. She is asked about Beth, the woman asking is smart enough to stay on topic, asks twice about Beth, and finally Kate admits 'not so much' and blames Beth, saying 'strange things happen when people go on tv'. And she then contradicts herself by claiming her dearest best friend, Jamie, is also filming her show, the logic doesn't compute in Kate's tiny brain on how one best friend can have a falling out over being on tv but another won't. It is the same old bullshit with Kate hedging her answers, wanting to avoid revealing the truth, wanting the impression she wants left to be the only thing people see.
@DreamerGirl2011 lol. Nannies? As in plural? I've always had 1 per for when I travel (stay w kids) and minimal help some days when I'm home
Is this Katespeak? She wants us to think she's only got "1 per" as in person that she only uses when she's traveling but could the "1 per" actually mean "1 per child; 1 per group (as in tup girls, tup boys and twins); or 1 per day for morning, afternoon and evening shifts"? Notice she didn't come right out and say "I don't have multiple nannies".
I'm blanking on the episode now but I remember recapping this, where Kate said that they had a new nanny but she didn't want to be on camera. I'm pretty sure Ashley was part of that episode too but I can't remember now. That would be two nannies.
I just had a look at the BlogHer12 website. A Hot Topic is What to Wear and the Swag Bags will be right up her alley.
My impression - she will be way over in depth at this conference.
Did Kate try to get pregnant the old fashioned way after Cara and Mady? I ask this because I know of two instances where women got pregnant on their own after having to use fertility treatments. The first one had two kids (one will be a senior in college and the other will be a sophomore in college) using fertility treatments because her body was rejecting her husband's sperm because it was allergic to it. Several years later she wanted to get her tubes tied to be on the safe side and she found out she was pregnant. He will be a freshman in high school.
The other one is a friend of my older daughter. She used fertility treatments and had girl triplets (two are identical twins) who will be three in October. She just found out she is pregnant with number four. She and her husband are just now picking themselves off the floor, lol. Shocked but excited. Neither one of these woman were practicing birth control because they didn't think they had too. But their doctors said having a baby can sometimes fix your fertility issues. Just wanted to know if Kate ever mentioned that they actually tried for just one more the old fashioned way.
Oh Tweet-le, it's been awhile for me. Last time I used a bread machine it must have years ago and I had small loaves. That was a good thing because I love fresh baked bread. As Kate says "Yum!"
I did not get the "per" either. Per what? She really does twist her words around to avoid the truth. And what does minimal help mean? Hey, she has 8 kids and a big house. Why does she insist on telling the lie of how much help she has? I would totally expect her to have daily help for housekeeping and the kids.
It's also very disrespectful to the people who help your household run and raise your children to downplay their role and make them seem like people who pop in and out without any real commitment to your children. A good person gives credit where credit is due.
Dancing Queen these kids adore Jon. That's evident from the photos, video of them screaming for him, and even Kate herself admitting how much they love him. I don't think your scenario is the situation here, although I really feel for your situation.
I liked what Gosselinbook posted here. He basically just posted the contract with very little commentary. We can take what we will from it. Personally, I'd rather he just post information he has without any long drawn out takes on it. Post it, and then let readers decide for themselves without trying to sway things one way or the other.
Wowser: Kate is a manipulator, & abuser. Kate will never change unless someone really floors her. She used the kids to control Jon. Kate knows/knew exactly what she is doing. Kate was clever. When Jon finely grow some balls to stand up to Kate, Kate said, Ok, here's the deal, we stay together, put on a show for the audience, collect a check, you move to the apt above garage, do as you please, but don't get caught. Jon who probably never was in that kind of situation, fell for it hook, line & sinker, with TLC help. So while Jon was partying, Kate was planning. If he got caught with another woman, Kate cryies cheater(leverage in divorce), even though Kate knew about it. Kate also was moving money to other accounts in her name only. Thus Jon mentioned in an interview that Kate had 11 accounts, besides the 2 they had together. Kate was preparing to dump Jon. And she did. Kate is sitting on a large stash of money. You all can disagree with me on that.
If Kate didn't she would have down sized a year or 2 ago. She hasn't.
I don't condone what Jon did by going along with Kate, in those early years, I do think he felt trapped. He was foolish to party with other woman, just what Kate wanted him to do. Who knows what those TLC lawyers, had Jon sign or told him. It's like getting a letter to stop doing this blog thing. If you know not to look things up or check it out, like if Jon got a lawyer, and had them look at the contract before signing, perhaps things would have turned out different. But we all know who wore the pants in that family and it was not Jon. Kate took advantage of Jon's good nature. Think about it, Jon was a good husband, took care of kids, house, worked, until Kate needed him to be house husband. Geez, any woman who manages to catch a guy who likes to do things is lucky. Kate never sees it, she lives in a twisted world. That is my opinion.
I took that tweet as she has one person that stays with the kids while she travels. Kate speaks in gibberish so she can always say "I never said that".
Ms Kate considers herself a goddess in creativity...poor delusional Ms. Kate
Check out this link for a truly creative mom. I particularly like the, um, food trays and the "portion control". THIS is an inspired B-day party!
ALERT! Well, Kate is going to be away come thursday to sunday in NYC this weekend coming. Check this out:
5th post down. It say Blogher12: coupon cabin booth: Kate Gosselin friday: 11a-1p and 3p-5p for photos. This Blogher12 has a 5k run on thursday. Gee, how Kate never mentions these till after the event.
I guess this tweet confirms where Kate will be this weekend.
"Just got email Kate Gosselin will be @CouponCabin booth @ Blogher on Friday. I HAVE to go, right"
I double-checked-CC one of the sponsors of this event. So Kate's going to be working in a booth. Why does that make me giggle? That's also probably why Kate had her hair done last Friday-and CC probably paid for it.
anger issues kate said... 117
I was typing my comment and didn't see yours until just now. And she's only there for a photos? Guess that's all they think she's good for.
Of course, she can't mention anything promoting CC's booth or the event. She's afraid for her "safety".
If Kate can work it out right she can be busy every other weekend working at conventions, marathons, etc., and be home only on the weekends that Jon has the kids! "WINNING!"
Anger Issues Kate 114 - wow, well said! I totally agree.
At the official Blogher12 site they have sponsers tab, attendee tab of which I got half way through, so don't know if kate is listed, but if she is not she is stupid. They will have parties thursday friday & saturday night. I bet Kate will down play it, you know like she is home.
mama mia:
Thanks,interesting clip, complete with leg swinging, 'typically,' 'awn,'
and ' gift o-gab.' I agree. Weird how she dissed Beth in favor of Jamie. I really wonder what happened but respect Beth's privacy. But 'what a fall was there.' Jamie is just not the classy sweet woman Beth is.She may be good-hearted and patient but Beth added something special to the kids' lives.(2nd mommy they called her) She did an awful lot as a volunteer then friend for those kids as preemie babies & later on, as well.
Anger Issues Kate 114-very well said. When TLC sued Jon wasn't there also mentioned something about a "morality clause" in their contract? Wouldn't be surprised if it was all a set-up because Jon didn't want to continue with the show.
Anger issues: I can't detect the tone of a post...but I hope you know that I am agreeing with you and have through all of our discussions.
Auntie Ann, I agree with you, her 15 minutes are over and nobody can tell me otherwise. It has been almost a year (in a few days) since TLC cancelled her. If anyone else wanted her, they had a year to set something up. A YEAR. Nobody did. She can send out press releases about how she "signed on" for whatever, (but mention way down at the bottom that oh, by the way, no network has picked her show up), and I won't break a sweat. If she were a hot commodity, or considered marketable in any way, then something would have happened by now. Nobody wanted to touch her last year when she was still a public figure. They won't touch her now that she's been sitting at home baking bread and cleaning up dog vomit for so long.
I am curious to see what the next year brings. Running through more of her money, having to make cutbacks, perhaps being exposed (we hope) for the greedy, lying, malignant narcissist she really is. She has no self-awareness, so she won't understand what is happening. Will the next year involve more potential shows being shot down? Book proposals being rejected, or more books bombing? Speaking opportunities all dried up, no more TV interviews? Will companies/people stop responding to her begging once they realize the magnitude of her grifting? Will CC cut their losses and get rid of that albatross? Will Ted Gibson finally realize she's not going to bring his salon any good press and make her start paying? This is certainly going to be entertaining for all of us to watch.
It sounds like Kate might actually have to "work" this weekend putting in a few hours on booth duty.
Ha, welcome to having a job!!
Aw how special, CC is offering up photo ops with Kate Gosselin at a blogger's convention in NYC. Does Kate know that she has to smile and talk to people, that's the price of a free vacay in the big city. And those idiot CC folks will be paying for the boobyguard too? What does she bring to their table, urr booth, that they actually think they get their $$$ worth? Do they read any of the real blogs out there? That is the part that amazes me. Have fun, Kate, and yes, only you think you're on a business trip.
Yes, I do. That's why I wondered why he wouldn't produce the original contract if he, in fact, had it for whatever short time period.
Sail away I am as skeptical as they come but I'm not seeing it this time. It makes no difference when it comes to libel whether you are scanning the actual document or just printing the text of it. He wasn't trying to make the point that he had an authentic contract. He was trying to make the point of the content of it.
As far as him being nuts, I pay little attention to him except for when he actually produces something of relevance, like this one.
If robert's book gets published, she may get a few more "morning show" interviews to play the victim...but I think the interviews will be tougher because questions will be asked that she won't want to answer!!! Which is why it's brilliant that Robert has tagged his book "questions WILL be answered"
Wowser: I'm agreeing with you, agreeing with me, and we both agree. :) Kates a shit!
Lolololololol......God I love the humor of the posters here! Too funny anger issues!
I saw that Kate is not on the speakers list, either and coupon cabin is just listed as a vendor, not a gold vendor but a mediocre average normal vendor. My have the mighty, have fallen. The website says they are gonna have a twitter party. The whole convention cost for a 3 day pass $798., this does not include hotel, airfare etc. That is expensive.
Oh, wouldn't any of us , like to go up to Kate at the booth, armed with questions, give her a hard time, act like we don't know who she is. Just to watch her make a fool of her self, and treat her like she treats service people. Oh, that would be FUN!
Wow, she's gone from having her own TV show to sitting at a Coupon Cabin booth at some convention in just one short year. Excuse me while I giggle. Next thing we know, she'll be appearing at boat shows.
Kate is a twit said... 118
I guess this tweet confirms where Kate will be this weekend.
"Just got email Kate Gosselin will be @CouponCabin booth @ Blogher on Friday. I HAVE to go, right"
I double-checked-CC one of the sponsors of this event. So Kate's going to be working in a booth. Why does that make me giggle? That's also probably why Kate had her hair done last Friday-and CC probably paid for it.
Ha! Yep, makes me giggle, too :)
There'll be fans who'll hang by the booth, getting a photo - if Steven doesn't strong-arm them away. But most of the women will simply ignore her. She only has to be there on Friday? Gee, she could drive to the city in the morning and be home in time to feed the kids : )
Hopefully, they'll be with Jon for the weekend.
Horrible thought - she's not bringing the twins, right?
When she starts showing up at one of those Hollywood convention autograph things with Greg Brady and that guy from Bonanza she really will have officially fallen.
Oh and....why not announce in on twitter? Get people coming? Get more money and publicity for CC??
What the hell is her excuse for not promoting a damn thing THIS TIME?
I saw that Kate is not on the speakers list, either and coupon cabin is just listed as a vendor, not a gold vendor but a mediocre average normal vendor. My have the mighty, have fallen.
It's almost like working the sausage sandwich booth at a county fair, or walking the midway selling balloons...a fry cry from the red carpet at the Emmys!
She doesn't announce because she's embarrassed that she's a blogger for a coupon company...she thought the exposure would help but she knows people are laughing at her. She KNOWS blogging is not stah quality...and it's SOOO beneath her..that's why she farts out those stupid blogs she writes while she's in the bathroom before her first cup of coffee. She doesn't care about CC!!!
Listen Kate is going for the parties and freebees. Coupon cabin is a stepping stone. They are also having seminars on how to improve blogging, maybe CC wants kate to attend, or bye, bye kate. Kates a fool not getting her name out there as a blogger.
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha! Sheeple can't afford to attend BlogHer. The fee for Friday only is over $150.
Grifty is going to be manning a merchant booth at a conference of serious blogging women who have paid a hefty fee to attend? Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!
How the entitled have fallen. Katie Grifty is going to have one miserable time. If she's her usual charming, accommodating and helpful self, she'll be out of this so-called "job" before the conference ends.
People who are serious about their work attend BlogHer. Grifty is going to look just like all the other poor souls who are stuck looking after tables in booths. This time she's the hired help. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!
Negative 15 minutes now, honey. About time.
I also see Kate grifting off the companies that give the convention freebee. All these or I should say most conventions , have the convention bag, full of gifts and freebees, coupons etc. Watch for kate twitter next week, for Kate blabbing about some new food or thing.
She doesn't want to be known as a "blogger" (that's why she doesn't promote it to get her name out there) she wants to be known as a "television celebrity". Don't you remember the last Today show interview that CC sent her on to promote them? She had a "projectile vomit" of the mouth about how all the kids are good and that they all times 9 miss the travel and the fun adventures and the crew and oh yeah I blog too"
Wow, you guys are tough. I check back in after a few hours and now I'm 'nuts.'
I guess that's why I like this blog. 'Nuts' is a word that has been used to describe me for years. You get me.
I read a lot of really crazy things on this blog and 'nuts' is a word that comes to my mind as well to describe some of you. I like diversity though. It doesn't threaten me. I don't think you'd be surprised at how many angry, violent, threatening emails I've received since posting the email address on my web site. I have a reason why I'm involved with this story though and I'm going to see it through to the best of my limited ability.
It's very easy for an anonymous individual on the other side of the computer screen to say I wish he'd poop or get off the pot with this book, but if you had any idea what the last two months have been like for me, perhaps you'd understand my caution. I didn't have any money to start with but now I'm in a pretty sizable financial hole after spending many hours with lawyers. I'm certainly not going to get that money back from this book.
Anyway, regarding not supplying proof to this blog of the signed Lane contract, well, that's not really necessary for me to do. You can believe what you want to believe. I'm not out to convince anyone of anything. I suspect I'll be needing to supply proof of a lot of things very soon to higher authorities and it will serve me better to do it then.
Laying my cards on the table now only serves Kate and her lawyers. I'd much prefer for her/them to call me a liar in a courtroom where I'll be more than happy to shove the proof down their throats.
Anyway, I had a wonderful day with my kids picking fruit at a local orchard and just hanging out. I long for the day in the very near future that the thought of Kate Gosselin is no longer an issue for me. It's more than enough already.
When she starts showing up at one of those Hollywood convention autograph things with Greg Brady and that guy from Bonanza she really will have officially fallen.
What guy from Bonanza? I thought they were all dead.
Colorado governor and his wife are splitting up.
See Kate, this is how it's done, no badmouthing and no under-the-bus throwing...
"After years of marriage that have added tremendous love and depth to both of our lives, we have decided to separate. This decision is mutual and amicable. We continue to have the utmost respect for each other, and we remain close friends. We intend to continue functioning as a family that spends a great deal of time together. In fact, we will embark on our annual family vacation together this week, share meals often, and plan to spend holidays together. You can continue to expect to see both of us out in the community – sometimes together, sometimes solo. Please feel free to include both of us in social gatherings as we will not find it awkward. Our chief concern right now is the well-being of our son, so we ask everyone to respect our privacy as we make this transition. While public office made this announcement necessary, it will be the only statement we make on this private matter. We want to thank our friends, family, and community for all of the support you have shown us as a couple and as individuals, and for the support we know you will provide as we move forward."
I love that blogging is so beneath her. Because good bloggers can make bank. She had all the tools she needs to make good money, she's just not savvy enough to do it.
Fleecing no idea, but whenever I see a flyer for those conventions it seems like there's always "some guy" from Bonanza there.
Anyway, regarding not supplying proof to this blog of the signed Lane contract, well, that's not really necessary for me to do. You can believe what you want to believe. I'm not out to convince anyone of anything. I suspect I'll be needing to supply proof of a lot of things very soon to higher authorities and it will serve me better to do it then.
Maybe not, as a public figure, Kate has the burden of proof to show that what you say is false. Not the other way around.
(Administrator) said... 137
What the hell is her excuse for not promoting a damn thing THIS TIME?
You know what I think it is...she reads her blog on CC after it's up and she reads the comments at the bottom of the page. She KNOWS she'll be approached at the booth by people who aren't afraid to call her out on her stupidity and by god Ratclaws will be there to escort them away as soon as they do as you well know. (lol, sorry Admin, I've always had that visual in my head of you getting the bum's rush by pizzaboy just for asking one simple question and it still makes me laugh, but not AT you I hope you know)
She wants attention but not this kind. Those shiney veneers of hers and that phoney smile only fool her gullible little sheeple and no one else. Those days are over.
So she's working a booth at a convention. I see her doing a dunking booth at a local fair, show business, Kate!
Administrator - Have you given any thought about going to BlogHer12?
Audible Click said... 151
So she's working a booth at a convention. I see her doing a dunking booth at a local fair, show business, Kate!
HAHAHA!! Perfect!
It would only take me one ball.
AuntieAnn said... 153
Audible Click said... 151
So she's working a booth at a convention. I see her doing a dunking booth at a local fair, show business, Kate!
HAHAHA!! Perfect!
It would only take me one ball.
Well, that's one more than Skeve has.
Hmm-wonder if she'll be running in this:
The BlogHer 5K
08.03.12 NYC
Get your day started early
with what has become a
conference tradition: the 5K!
Distance running is not only a
great form of exercise, but
also a wonderful practice at
goal setting. And a 5K is a
great way to get your blood pumping and your
energy up before you jump into the conference. So
join your fellow runners for a gorgeous morning run
through Central Park.
The 5K will begin at the Hilton lobby at 6:30am and
we will welcome up to 250 bloggers! Sign-ups are
currently full for this event.
Wonder if CC signed her up, since they were promoting her running. So she can do a run and have her picture taken, just like she did in Chicago.
BM no I can't go. Not enough notice THANKS KATE and I'm too busy at the moment to take off for NY. I just got back from there a few weeks ago.
I wonder if the dunking booth would be anything like this.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 154
AuntieAnn said... 153
Audible Click said... 151
So she's working a booth at a convention. I see her doing a dunking booth at a local fair, show business, Kate!
HAHAHA!! Perfect!
It would only take me one ball.
Well, that's one more than Skeve has.
Ha! At first I thought you meant ball as in testicle. Then I thought, wait - oh! Dunking booth, one ball, I get it! hahahaha! And good one Tweetle. LOL
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 154
AuntieAnn said... 153
It would only take me one ball.
Well, that's one more than Skeve has.
LOL! Her motto should be: I not only break 'em, I take 'em.
Mrs. Malaprop, actually I did mean testicle. :) AuntieAnn, so true.
And I actually did mean one ball, not one testicle. haha! Glad we cleared that up.
Blog Convo....Me to Kate: Dude your tweets are boring. You're not witty, you're not interesting, you're not all that. You're boring.
Good, the Gosselinbook guy doesn't really mind being called nuts. That would be a kindness to me. When I briefly taught at a middle school I was called a B__ch every day, and worse, and it became like a love song to me!
Tweetle - sorry, I knew you meant testicle. I meant when I read AuntieAnn's comment I thought she meant she could do it with 1 testicle . . . Then I realized she meant an actual ball. Ok, I'm cracking up now. ha ha haaaaaaaaaa! My husband's like "What is SO funny?!?" I just told him "You had to be there." : )
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 108
I'm blanking on the episode now but I remember recapping this, where Kate said that they had a new nanny but she didn't want to be on camera. I'm pretty sure Ashley was part of that episode too but I can't remember now. That would be two nannies.
Funny enough that was the RV episode.
I totally appreciate what you are doing Robert. You are not a nut, ignore those few that call you that. We have a few sheeple visiting from time to time. So anxious to read your book!
Gosselin Book said... 144
You may have the crazy hater's-(Kate lovers) tearing you down.
But you have supporters here trust me you are no nut.
Mrs. Malaprop said... 165
Tweetle - sorry, I knew you meant testicle. I meant when I read AuntieAnn's comment I thought she meant she could do it with 1 testicle . . . Then I realized she meant an actual ball. Ok, I'm cracking up now. ha ha haaaaaaaaaa! My husband's like "What is SO funny?!?" I just told him "You had to be there." : )
LOL. Kinda like the closet party. No problem. I get it now. Gosh I hope Skeve doesn't mine us talking about his balls!
Katie Kuerig said... 167
I totally appreciate what you are doing Robert. You are not a nut, ignore those few that call you that. We have a few sheeple visiting from time to time. So anxious to read your book!
I'm not a sheeple. Rule #3. The name calling is very juvenile.
Sail Away, you were the one who called Robert a "nut" in the first place, now you're complaining about being called a sheeple? If you're going to sling names expect them to be slung back.
Kate you are so behind the times! The word " dude" has been around for years!!!
Try to keep up!!!!
Gosselin Book: Robert if you expose Kate I'll buy your book! As a matter of fact I will buy more then one and give away as gifts!!
Kate loves to get away from her kids at any opportunity! I think she would sell hotdogs in the streets of New York if that would mean she would be out of the house with her boyfriend !!
Ah ha found it! Kate you are a liar, according to your OWN WORDS, you took TWO nannies on the Australia trip, Ashley and another girl who did not want to be on camera:
"Oh, this absolutely takes the cake, Kate says that Ashley and their current babysitter went on the trip, but that the current babysitter would not be on camera “to protect them from the world.” What exactly is she doing to her kids then?"
Not so much the name calling. It's the group think that annoys.
Me thinking Mr. Hoffman is slightly off does NOT equate me to a sheeple. Logic fail.
Sail Away, I completely disagree with your insulting and totally unwarranted "group think" statement. You obviously haven't been reading closely enough. There has been a ton of discussion about Robert Hoffman over the past few months and a lot of people have questioned him including myself. There's a group that thinks he's legit and wants to read the book, there's a book that will believe it when they see it, and there's a group that doesn't care what he has to say. Hardly group think but at least we're RESPECTFUL of each other's take on this, unlike you.
For me, I said all along I really wasn't interested in any of this unless he produced something tangible. You can do your own work to go find those comments scattered throughout the past few months but you're not welcome to insult people here. Are you Susan again?
Here's a comment I made back in June about how I felt about the book until Robert revealed his real name:
"I really and truly thought this was all some kind of publicity stunt by some rogue fan on twitter or something."
Knock it off with the insulting "group think" crap, Susan/Sail Away/Logic.
Who the hell is Susan?
The poster who keeps sneaking in the back door to stir up a little shit.
Here's another comment on the blog from June that every single person was very respectful and accepting of. Your "group think" theory is bogus, Sail.
Doubting Thomas said... 151
I personally think there is no book. It's all a hoax. That Al Wentis (sp) guy published a book, as did Werney Girl. This person could of put this out as an e-book easily. Could of published in another country just as easily. Where is the cease & desist letter, why not post that? Why, because there is no cease & desist letter. This is someone with too much time on their hands and (s)he is messing with everyone. Bravo, job well done.
Oh lookie here, here's another not-a-group think post from our very own regular Mama Mia whom no one has ever had a problem with and still posts here.
When you make accusations Sail, you better have a "link please." Hehe.
mama mia said... 155
I don't believe there is a book either. I think it is a hater who went after Kate and is off running scared now that the lawyers have tracked them down through the domain registration. You don't pull a "I know you did it" threat and then start whining "please let me tell this story, it will be good for you too, you'll make money off tv appearances denying it". Sounds like a wacko to me.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 148
Fleecing no idea, but whenever I see a flyer for those conventions it seems like there's always "some guy" from Bonanza there.
Ha ha! There's always David Canary (Candy on Bonanza) but he's better known as Adam Chandler and his twin Stuart on All My Children.
Maybe David Hasselhoff should be there instead of Pernell Roberts anyway...
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 169
LOL. Kinda like the closet party. No problem. I get it now. Gosh I hope Skeve doesn't mine us talking about his balls!
What balls? He doesn't have any.
This is like Who's on First? LOL!
"Maybe David Hasselhoff should be there instead of Pernell Roberts anyway..."
No problem there. They'd have to resurrect Pernell Adam Cartwright Roberts in order for him to be there. He died two years ago at age 81.
Who the hell is Susan?
The poster who keeps sneaking in the back door to stir up a little shit.
I was thinking it also is Snotty Brat! Someone needs to dead bolt that back door.
Admin, there were also many who post here who thought that his nebulous tweets to Kate (in code) cast doubt on his credibility. Some really thought it was wrong; others thought Kate was just getting a taste of her own medicine. There was no group think back then, either.
Sleepless, yes, there weren't a lot of fans of his tactic.
I actually never once did a post on him until yesterday when he finally put his money where his mouth was.
Nice try "Dana." Sail accused the blog of group think when it comes to the Gosselin book. We simply showed her how untrue and unfair that is. Don't come here insulting people, mischaracterizing what happened here and expect not to be called out. The same M.O. every single time, it's getting boring.
Thanks, I did know Pernell had died. That's why I suggested David H. as his replacement. LOL.
Yes, we did have some good 'back and forth' over those cryptic (ssome said "creepy") words on the GosselinBook site. And, some really spoke up about the use of Scripture verses to do it. Some thought it was all OK, some were on the fence. So, no groupthink there.
I'm keeping a wait and see pose about the book.
If it comes out, I will read it. If it does not reveal anything more than I already think I know, so be it. I think it will still be worth the money and the time, if only to put the whole
Gosselin thing in one place, in another person's words.
All I know for sure is I love this blog and am so thankful to Admin and Mary Ann (is it still Mary Ann?) for the opportunity to meet my cyber friends here and speak up about this sad deal for 8 beautiful kids.
Auntie Anne I remember questioning with others back in the day what more could possibly be out there we don't already know? Why do we even really need a tell all at this point, so much HAS been told already?
Even with this contract, we pretty much already knew this. Of course Jon and Kate were making bank while still grifting. This just shows the actual numbers is all. It's not some kind of new information. While it's nice to have documentation, it hardly comes as a surprise.
Anyway, that's certainly been yet another different take presented strongly here, that this tell all won't offer much.
AuntieAnn said... 181
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 169
LOL. Kinda like the closet party. No problem. I get it now. Gosh I hope Skeve doesn't mine us talking about his balls!
What balls? He doesn't have any.
This is like Who's on First? LOL!
Exactly! That's why I said you had one more than Skeve. I think we've come full circle. LOL
Who the hell is Susan?
The poster who keeps sneaking in the back door to stir up a little shit.
Admin said, Nice try "Dana."
Who the hell is Dana? LOL! Is she on first?
anger issues kate said... 133
Oh, wouldn't any of us , like to go up to Kate at the booth, armed with questions, give her a hard time, act like we don't know who she is. Just to watch her make a fool of her self, and treat her like she treats service people. Oh, that would be FUN!
Oh, anger. I can just picture it now. Kate is sitting in her little booth and people are ignoring her and passing her by all day. Then finally, one woman stops to speak to her:
Passerby to Kate: Hi there. Can I have some coupons so I can get free stuff?
Kate: Ummm, no. I am not giving out Q-pons.
Passerby: If you are not giving out coupons, why are you in this booth?
Kate: Well, ummmmm, I work for Q-pon Cabin.
Passerby: Exactly. So if this is a Coupon Cabin, where are the coupons?
Kate: Ummmm, it's not really, ummm, well it's Q-pon Cabin, which is, ummmmm, it's just a place where, ummmm, you can go to get Q-pons. So, ummm, I have no Q-pons to give you, but I will, ummmm, give you a photo.
Passerby: Is it a photo of coupons I can use to get free stuff?
Kate: Uhhhh. Ummmmm. No. It's, ummm, a photo of me.
Passerby: Why would I want a photo of you?
Kate: Well, ummmmm, I had my, ummmmm, very own reality show and I'm, ummmmm, a really well-known celebrity. That's why.
Passerby: Were you on that Extreme Couponing show?
Kate: Ummmmm. No. Don't you know who I am? I have 8 kids.
Passerby: Sorry, can't place you. Anyway, do your kids have any coupons to give me so I can get free stuff?
Kate (shrieking): No! I have no Q-pons to give you!
Passerby: OK. Well never mind. Gotta go anyway. I don't want to miss the Octomom speaking about her new dating show. See ya.
What is Kate going to do if very few people drop by her booth for a photo op? Remember when she was hawking her book (was it at the Women's Conference? Where?) that she closed up shop quite early because she had so few customers. She looked deadly mad and embarrassed, and just left. There was a short video showing that other booths had pretty good
interest, but there was nobody - NObody at hers.
Then, of course, there was the book hawking where she went into the closet because there was such a poor turnout to see her at the bookstore. Was that the one Admin. attended?
I just found that video. Long Beach Women's Conference.
Kate had 2 Nannies during the RV tip. She said they were paid... Ashley and Jaimie!
Call me crazy: haha I spewed coffee!!! I declare that a premonition! Hilarious!
Call Me Crazy -- delightfully funny. I hope that "clueless" woman does actually show up at the CC booth!
Call Me Crazy said... 191
Hilarious post and so on par. Kate will do pretty much anything to make a buck, and has no interest in anything but herself. These companies (CC and R&R Marathon) were crazy to hire her, but she has clearly proven time and again, she has no interest in representing these companies who pay her, as she thinks SHE (and of course her kids) are the drawl and has no interest in promoting anyone other than herself. Kind of makes both CC and RRM look a bit foolish.
meagler said... 194
She also had Steve (his actual purpose not clear) and multiple film crew who "play" with the kids. Kate was simply the "mastermind"(whatever that means as there were so many problems on this trip) and we all know she can only do one thing at a time. Look at ME!
She clearly never thought through having and TAKING CARE OF 8 KIDS, other than the fame, money and attention aspect. Super Mom indeed. What a sham she is and turned out to be- from Day One. Everyone in her life has served a purpose to meet HER NEEDS and when they no longer meet her criteria, she disposes of them. Good-Bye Jon. Classic NPD although she has taken it to a new level using 8 Count 'Em 8 Kids.
Too bad for KT she had to go and bite the hand that feeds her. TLC has a new breakout star witht the median lady. She has a Priceline commercial and she does a really good job in it. She channels the negotiator. It is a good commercial.
fidosmommy said... 192
She belongs in a closet permanantly - but would insist on a camera and $$$. I'll pay for the closet if she leaves the kids' out of the spotlight and her mouth.
After 8 years of filming the crap out of her family, she does not have a clue how to progress in life, beyond media, filming, etc..
Serious question- how long has Kate actually "worked" in non-media regular jobs (aside from bed rest, twins, tups, etc...) during her entire life? I mean like "regular" folks.. other than being a "reality star." : )
Sorry so many posts, trying to catch up.
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