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The Gosselins collecting love offerings and selling photos at a church speaking engagement in PA, just 10 days before quietly signing an endorsement deal worth $60,000. |
It's always been pretty obvious that long after they became very wealthy, Jon and Kate continued to unethically portray a couple with their hands full just struggling to get by. Just how much money was taken from innocent church goers and other people under the mistaken impression they needed their money just to eat and pay the bills may never be known. Today however, former US Weekly reporter Robert Hoffman, who was assigned to the Gosselin beat for two years and has stated is a friend of Jon's, posted a revealing contract on his web site.
The contract with Lane furniture is dated September 23, 2008, and includes some of the following interesting information:
- The couple were paid $30,000 in cash and $30,000 in furniture, for a total of $60,000.
- Lane was responsible for all the taxes that Jon and Kate would owe as a result of this exchange
- Jon and Kate were to have final approval of the promotional video they were to shoot for Lane
A second contract dated November 14, 2008 provided for $20,000 payment in cash and $5,000 worth of Samsung electronics.
Around about this time, the Gosselins had several speaking engagements lined up, many at churches. (What appears to be a complete list can be found here.) One such example is Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Abington, located just down the road near Philadelphia. While they have removed any reference to the Gosselins from their web site, another Gosselin blog saved the information they posted:
September 14, 2008
Jon and Kate Plus 8 Registration
We are excited to be hosting the cast of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on Sunday, September 14 at 10:00 am. Completing the requested information below will pre-register you for this event. We are asking only those within a 15 mile radius of the church to pre-register and attend, as there is limited seating available. Thank you for understanding. This event is free, but please come prepared to give in a love offering toward the Gosselin’s. Due to the increased response for this event, we have rented Keswick Theatre, a local production theatre around the corner from the church in Glenside, Pa. This will provide much more seating. Children will be included in the service, sitting with their parents. Don’t worry, the service will be a fast paced, multi-media experience that will keep your kids’ attention.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
In addition, a fan posted a lengthy account of her encounter with Jon and Kate in Abington, reposted on a fan blog, which includes in part this:
"We sat in the center of the theater, row G, so we were pretty close. I had a perfect view. We sang 2 worship songs. Then the pastor came out and talked about the church. We had to sit through a long video about the church. Then they had a raffle. The pastor then explained that there would be two offerings: one for the church to pay off their rent of the theater, and another for Jon and Kate.

Kate also does some kind of "online devotional" once a week. Since vrigg wanted to know more about their faith, I'll go into that a little bit more. Apparently there was this lady who had terminal ovarian cancer, who was Kate's age. Her last dying wish was to meet Kate and talk to her. (This was in March). So Jon and Kate went to visit her in the hospital, where Kate helped her accept God and death. She passed away shortly after that. The grandmother called Kate to tell her the woman's son was diagnosed with pediatric cancer, completely non related. He passed away this summer. Kate still keeps in touch with this family. I think this is why her charity of choice is pediatric cancer. They said it was things like these, bringing people closer to God, is what keeps them going. It was truly inspirational. I had no idea that the Gosselins were this spiritual. Jon mentioned prayer (praying TO God, not AT God) and having a relationship with Him.
....Following the interview, the pastor asked us to be gracious with our love offerings for Jon and Kate for their being here, and something about the kids' babysitter. There was NO mention of any such college funds! I repeat! NO MENTION OF ANY COLLEGE FUND. The pastor said the money goes directly to the Gosselins. They set up the table and chair for Jon and Kate to greet and sign autographs on the photos. The photos were $20 each (I think Luna said it was $10 for one kid, or $20 for the whole family) but here it was $20 for the same picture.
No, we did not purchase a picture, and no, we did not give a love offering. We did however, wait in line because I just wanted to see them up close (moreso Jon [[wink]] ). I made eye contact with Kate. Everyone was standing there gawking at them and snapping pictures as they were signing autographs. Then the security guards instructed them to not use their flash because it is distracting. We were allowed to take pictures though."
Before grifting from blue collar church folk or anyone, is there a moral and ethical obligation to disclose just how well off you are doing financially? We certainly think so.
1247 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1247 of 1247 Newer› Newest»The sheeple are bleating that there couldn't possibly be 50/50 custody, there is no proof, Kate's supporting them all on her own. For heaven's sakes, these are Kate's best friends forever. Why don't they ask her, e-mail her, call her on her cell phone and ask her? Don't best friends share the information with best friends?
Gaby2 said... 200
And if Kate is feeling lonely now, how does she feel when she is alone in her mansion.
Like Norma Desmond, Kate, the faded reality star, will sit in front of her tv screen watching all the old episodes and dream of making her triumphant return.
And if Kate is feeling lonely now, how does she feel when she is alone in her mansion.
Probably relieved that there are no kids around screaming, "Mommy." Wasn't she whining about that not too long ago?
Oh lol Gaby. Funny!
Berks that's what I'm wondering, why not just ask their queen and settle this forever.
One, they're afraid of ticking her off and getting blocked. Two, they're afraid it's true.
No, no, no Admin. She loves them, ALL of them! She'd never hurt people she loves.
Even if they asked her, Kate would just ignore it-just like she does any question she doesn't want to answer.
So CC tweeted earlier this morning:
We're at #BlogHer12! Come say hi at booth 118. Kate Gosselin will be at the CouponCabin booth today from 11am-1pm & 3pm-5pm!
Paige retweeted(but did not include Kate). Paige, however, has mentioned it on Kate's twitter. Yet, Kate cannot even mention she's there or promote CC's booth.
Hey wasn't it about the end of April that Kate was doing a whoa is me couple days of tweets, when life gets you down just keep going and such?
Hear, hear, Capecodmama (183)! We're talking about Star Magazine, here, for Pete's sake! They've been announcing poor Jennifer Aniston's pregnancy for ages. ("Twins!" "A boy and a girl!") and with so many potential fathers ("I never stopped loving Brad!" "I never stopped loving John Mayers!" 'I never stopped loving Vince Vaughn!" "Angelina, eat your heart out: I'm carrying Brad's baby!" ) Star has never been renowned for its reporting accuracy. 197
Excellent point, White Organza.
Sorry to insult sheep, but they are called sheeple for a reason. If they want to spend their hard EARNED money on things, for Schmoopy (she's all about "things") and cruises that aren't happening or even a statue, so be it.
As far as Jon correcting the stories, perhaps his thinking is that the people who need to know the truth, do.
Both heather and I posted a link to a great piece from NPR about people fooling the media due to lack of fact checking.
CC must have told her to dress a little more conservatively. Her hemline is actually just above the knee.
White Organza, I agree about Star. What is odd is that Kate's attorney would respond in Radar and from what I can tell, told a lie to make Kate look good. What kind of reputable attorney does that? Something stinks about this whole mess.
And to those who think abuse should not be ignored, I agree. Let's just say that if you are healthy in your mindset, you move on and forgive. It was 50 years ago. Another world. I learned from my parents' mistakes.
I have suspected she is physical with the kids. It takes much patience to raise kids and she has none. Zero. Maybe she has not broken the cycle and that red spoon we used to read about was her choice of weapon. Jon knows and those nannies know. And maybe Robert Hoffman knows. But we do not know...yet.
I see twitter silence. Not even a tweet.
To answer someone here who was wondering why Kate does not advertize about the Blogher12 convention, is cause 1, Kate does not want fans there, so she can use that as some kind of ammo, bitch, whine & complain, that the convention was big and the fans were not there. 2. Kate does not want to talk to fans or even touch them(pics). Kate wants the attention, but not what goes with it.
Also, Kate can't get it in her head, that she is a mediocre/normal/person, she did not get it, with the cruise, 30 people, how many people you think are gonna fly to NYC, maybe drive there, book a hotel, and buy a 1 day pass, $150. to a blogher convention, of which Kate's fans could care less about, just to see Kate. Or fork over $798. for a weekend pass. Maybe those 30, the rest Noway, not in this economy.
Kate's fans/sheeple are stupid sheeple, they have not figured it out, that Kate only likes them, when it benefits her, other than that Kate could careless for any of her fans. This is another reason , Kate does not advertized her being there, she got to know her sheeple, and does not want them there.
@ 11
Or maybe she read this:
Kate looks...uncomfortable and overdressed.
Oh she is a useless tool. CC employs her as a {talentless} blogger. She is at a conference for bloggers, all of whom are way more talented than her, as are most of us here. CC is paying her way, and consider her a marquee player at their booth today. And yet her twitter is stone cold silent. She really lacks a smart gene, or 2. And they pay for her useless tool companion too. Uneffingbelievable.
Also, all this love & buttering up her tweeters, so she did not have to tell them where she is/was going. Until, someone posts a pic of themselves with Kate from the convention. Then Kate will talk about it. Brag about it, try to grift a product from one of the vendors.
One of the more rabid sheeple has asked her.
@kateplusmy8 Do you and @JonGosselin1 share custody of your children 50/50?
Kate is a twit said... 11
CC must have told her to dress a little more conservatively. Her hemline is actually just above the knee.
Kudos to Kate for dressing like a pro. She looks tastefully dressed and coifed.
New post for Blogher. What a waste sending her there. Why not sponsor an up and coming blogger looking to expand who can't afford this. Now that would be something worthwhile Coupon Cabin could do and they could get some blog fodder out of it too.
Also that article about what to wear was ridiculous. Who CARES what you wear.
anger issues kate said... 17
Then Kate will talk about it. Brag about it, try to grift a product from one of the vendors.
There's tons of free stuff at this convention. She'll come home loaded - especially because she'll remind everyone of the 8 count 'em 8 kids. Guess the kids will be getting pens, notepads, recipe cards, key rings, etc for Xmas this year.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 9
Hey wasn't it about the end of April that Kate was doing a whoa is me couple days of tweets, when life gets you down just keep going and such?
That was her "Today I choose…" blog.
Today she's choosing to ignore her tweeties.
White Organza, I agree about Star. What is odd is that Kate's attorney would respond in Radar and from what I can tell, told a lie to make Kate look good.
Maybe not quite a lie, but half a lie, or lie by omission? I'm not sure what you'd call it, but she did say that "As of April 27, 2012, Kate voluntarily relieved Jon of all current and future child support obligations for their eight children." She stops there, though, not explaining that with a 50/50 custody agreement he is not required to make support payments.
Who in the right mind would believe that Kate, who has claimed she is "struggling" wouldn't take child support from Jon? The sheeple would, but then again, they're not in their right mind. Kate's attorney never should have put this out there, but since she decided to do so, should have explained why Jon is no longer making support payments. Remind me never to use this attorney if I need one. She tried to make Kate out to be a saint when, in this deception, she (the attorney) came off looking like total jerk and one who didn't think before she yapped to an online tab...not very professional.
Berks, I totally agree with your assessment.
Had this attorney never opened her big fat mouth and made a statement that sounded fishy to me and to you and to anyone who knows anything about child support, I never would have tried to get to the bottom of it. I haven't been talking to any sources for months, I'm not one to bug them and pump them for info. But since Kate's attorney decided to throw Jon under the bus, I figured it was only fair the other side gets a fair chance to explain.
And now Kate looks like an even bigger tool since according to her attorney this whole arrangement was voluntary. I.e. I then assume Kate was happy to give Jon 50-50? Now who is the tool?
Kate isn't tweeting because she is embarrassed about sitting in a booth for Coupon Cabin, and the fewer people who know this the better. She does not care about CC, nor does she really want to be attached to their brand, yet this seems to be her only avenue to stay somewhat relevant. If she was anywhere promoting DWTS, she would be a tweeting maniac!
As far as the abuse claim, it's difficult to know with Kate what is fact or fiction. I was raised in the 50's by a very strict father who did not hesitate to spank or threaten the belt. My siblings and I survived his wrath, but It really is about one's coping skills. Back then, discipline (such as spanking) was expressed as a lesson that needed to be learned. Of course it was abuse, but it was framed differently back in those days.
Regarding the Gosselin book, is this the book Jon said he was writing? Is Robert his ghost writer? I am confused. Jon said his book would not be salacious, and there would be not Kate bashing. What am I missing here?
Jumping In, Jon has claimed he is writing his biography. Robert Hoffman has said Jon had nothing to do with his book.
Berks, you are right. It was a half-truth. Kate's attorney is slick with her words like Kate.
Aah, but is Kate wearing hooker heels? If she is, she is still not dressing right, I read the other article and they say, wear comfy shoes, even standing behind a booth. That dress almost looks like the silver one she wore, with out sleeves and it is red. Same material pattern. Kate can't say she is home now. Let's see how long it is gonna take Kate to say anything about Blogher 12.
Blogher12 is open to the public, that is if you can afford it.
I usually go to one day of Wizardcon, it's $35 to get in(online), and I just wear my Dr Who t-shirt, shorts and comfy crock knock-offs, and my witches, dragon hat. When you walk & walk and it's stop-go walking, your halfway through the vendor section and your legs are tired, so I wear the most comfy of everything, all convention are the same in the above department.
You know I would like to see Kates fans corner her on why she did not tell them formally about this convention? Since, this was posted at midwestmammas, blog site july 19th. So Kate knew about it.
"Kudos to Kate for dressing like a pro. She looks tastefully dressed and coifed."
I like the dress. She looks nice. The hair, not so much. At least it's combed and out of her face. She'd look so much better with a much shorter cut and low-lights in it. It's just too long, makes her look like she's all face, and it's way too blonde. I can't do photoshopping, but it would be fun if someone could put a shorter, pixish cut on her with brown hair and lots of blonde highlighting, or a very dark honey blonde. I bet she would look ten years younger.
anger issues kate said... 27
Aah, but is Kate wearing hooker heels? If she is, she is still not dressing right, I read the other article and they say, wear comfy shoes, even standing behind a booth.
Not dressing "right?" Because you read one article, you are the arbiter of what constitutes dressing "right" at an event you don't attend? For the record, the author of the article admitted that she would be wearing heels, despite telling others to wear comfy shoes.
Jane: I know what stuff your talking about, but there are some major vendors there. If you go to Bloghers 12 website, they list the vendor accord to: Gold, silver whatever statis. I'm talking for example: Kate likes Bella bar right, now she walks around the convention, tries another health bar, and she will tweet about it, to that company and brag about it as her new health bar, dropping Bella bar. She will get samples and then tweet to them in her grifting way to get freebees later.
That dress almost looks like the silver one she wore, with out sleeves and it is red. Same material pattern.
The silver dress, if I recall, had horizontal stripes on the top. This one has diagonal and criss-cross ruching on the top with horizontal ruching on the bottom. I don't see that it looks anything like that shimmering silver foil alien thing. This one is nice; the silver one, a nightmare.
I hope she was wearing sensible shoes! Wait a minute, does she have sensible shoes?
Anonymous: Well, then, the writer of the article is contradicting herself. I've been to more conventions than I can remember, and one does not wear un-comfy things, especially when it come to ones feet. But, you know you can dress the way YOU, want, I don't care, it's your feet, not mine.
Oh, an your an arbiter of what people should wear? Are you attending this convention? Are It's called COMMON SENSE! You should try it sometimes!
I see your coming here to stir shit up cause Kate has not been twittering, go find another playground.
My father was an abusive drunk to myself and my older brother's.
My mother had him arrested one night cause he was trying to kill me.
She left him that night that was years ago.
My brothers and I have both issues with drinking but we know it.
I've never ever see my brothers have any abusive behavior towards their wives or children.
So she's there queen??-lol
I thought the Gosselin divorce and custody details was/is sealed by the court? If so, how can Kate's lawyer discuss any facts about the custody arrangements in a rag magazine? Does that mean it's okay for Jon's lawyer to do the same, or should sanctions be handed down by the judge who sealed it in the first place?
Chefsummer: Kates fans have gotten that right. They are her sheeple, fans, lackeys and slaves. They just admitted it. LOLOLOLOL
She probably is uncomfortable because she's used to letting everything hang out. This classy dress probably makes her feel like a school marm! I love the dress by the way!
Mandy said: "We make our choices as adults. He chose to love. Kate chooses to use, exploit, and stomp on anyone she doesn't care for or need for her own selfish gain." (#185)
Beautiful post, LOVE this part.
Winsomeone, boy do I agree with you! How can it possibly be ok for the attorney for Kate to reveal her lies about what happened just so the almighty Kate comes off looking like the abused one. I can't imagine that if this were reported to the judge that she would be rebuked for it. It is so UNETHICAL!
Oh, an your an arbiter of what people should wear? Are you attending this convention? Are It's called COMMON SENSE! You should try it sometimes!
Posting respectfully is Rule #3. Good manners without a snippy attitude toward other posters is part of that. YOU should try it sometime!
Kate tweeted:
@msgoody2shoes21 @couponcabin thanks for the positive fashion review:) I appreciate you... For lotsa reasons, but now this 1 too :)
She keeps throwing these love pats at the sheeple, something she hasn't done before. Does she know something is up (Gosselinbook) and she needs them to continue to worship her no matter what?
This source also told me that Jon wasn't sweating the twins going on the cruise because he knew it wasn't going to happen.
That bore out exactly as I was told. I'm betting what happened was Jon was told about the amount of sheeple required before Kate would go and being a rational person, knew that would never happen.
My sister got divorced in PA. They agreed on custody, property, etc. then the lawyer filed it with the judge. When the ex got notice of his court date for child support he freaked out saying she had agreed to no support. (She hadn't.) but she said she did not file for support. The court sees you are divorcing with children and automatically schedules the child support hearing.
On the other hand, my brother had a child out of wedlock. She initially filed for CS and an amount was set. Then when she wanted an increase instead of filing for more she would agree to let him pay specific expenses for the child. She was still getting the original support payment plus other help. Because they had no divorce agreement it was up to her to ask if she wanted more.
So in my experience that's how it works in PA.
But some of your other leaks were definitely wrong.
Which ones Jo? I can't really remember what I've shared and not anymore. Not much though.
There once was a wifey named Kate
Who left husband Jon at the gate.
She surprised him with tups,
Lies, steals and corrupts,
And then cries on TV to mis-state.
I wonder if the racism thing is about the comments she's made allegedly about her town being ghetto. I think that has more to do with Kate resenting she can't live in some posh Beverly hills type area than really having a racist heart, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't think it necessarily makes you racist not to want to live in certain areas or everyone who chooses a nice upscale neighborhood is racist.
Sorry that posted too soon. The last part is "spelled out". :)
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