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The Gosselins collecting love offerings and selling photos at a church speaking engagement in PA, just 10 days before quietly signing an endorsement deal worth $60,000. |
It's always been pretty obvious that long after they became very wealthy, Jon and Kate continued to unethically portray a couple with their hands full just struggling to get by. Just how much money was taken from innocent church goers and other people under the mistaken impression they needed their money just to eat and pay the bills may never be known. Today however, former US Weekly reporter Robert Hoffman, who was assigned to the Gosselin beat for two years and has stated is a friend of Jon's, posted a revealing contract on his web site.
The contract with Lane furniture is dated September 23, 2008, and includes some of the following interesting information:
- The couple were paid $30,000 in cash and $30,000 in furniture, for a total of $60,000.
- Lane was responsible for all the taxes that Jon and Kate would owe as a result of this exchange
- Jon and Kate were to have final approval of the promotional video they were to shoot for Lane
A second contract dated November 14, 2008 provided for $20,000 payment in cash and $5,000 worth of Samsung electronics.
Around about this time, the Gosselins had several speaking engagements lined up, many at churches. (What appears to be a complete list can be found here.) One such example is Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Abington, located just down the road near Philadelphia. While they have removed any reference to the Gosselins from their web site, another Gosselin blog saved the information they posted:
September 14, 2008
Jon and Kate Plus 8 Registration
We are excited to be hosting the cast of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on Sunday, September 14 at 10:00 am. Completing the requested information below will pre-register you for this event. We are asking only those within a 15 mile radius of the church to pre-register and attend, as there is limited seating available. Thank you for understanding. This event is free, but please come prepared to give in a love offering toward the Gosselin’s. Due to the increased response for this event, we have rented Keswick Theatre, a local production theatre around the corner from the church in Glenside, Pa. This will provide much more seating. Children will be included in the service, sitting with their parents. Don’t worry, the service will be a fast paced, multi-media experience that will keep your kids’ attention.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
In addition, a fan posted a lengthy account of her encounter with Jon and Kate in Abington, reposted on a fan blog, which includes in part this:
"We sat in the center of the theater, row G, so we were pretty close. I had a perfect view. We sang 2 worship songs. Then the pastor came out and talked about the church. We had to sit through a long video about the church. Then they had a raffle. The pastor then explained that there would be two offerings: one for the church to pay off their rent of the theater, and another for Jon and Kate.

Kate also does some kind of "online devotional" once a week. Since vrigg wanted to know more about their faith, I'll go into that a little bit more. Apparently there was this lady who had terminal ovarian cancer, who was Kate's age. Her last dying wish was to meet Kate and talk to her. (This was in March). So Jon and Kate went to visit her in the hospital, where Kate helped her accept God and death. She passed away shortly after that. The grandmother called Kate to tell her the woman's son was diagnosed with pediatric cancer, completely non related. He passed away this summer. Kate still keeps in touch with this family. I think this is why her charity of choice is pediatric cancer. They said it was things like these, bringing people closer to God, is what keeps them going. It was truly inspirational. I had no idea that the Gosselins were this spiritual. Jon mentioned prayer (praying TO God, not AT God) and having a relationship with Him.
....Following the interview, the pastor asked us to be gracious with our love offerings for Jon and Kate for their being here, and something about the kids' babysitter. There was NO mention of any such college funds! I repeat! NO MENTION OF ANY COLLEGE FUND. The pastor said the money goes directly to the Gosselins. They set up the table and chair for Jon and Kate to greet and sign autographs on the photos. The photos were $20 each (I think Luna said it was $10 for one kid, or $20 for the whole family) but here it was $20 for the same picture.
No, we did not purchase a picture, and no, we did not give a love offering. We did however, wait in line because I just wanted to see them up close (moreso Jon [[wink]] ). I made eye contact with Kate. Everyone was standing there gawking at them and snapping pictures as they were signing autographs. Then the security guards instructed them to not use their flash because it is distracting. We were allowed to take pictures though."
Before grifting from blue collar church folk or anyone, is there a moral and ethical obligation to disclose just how well off you are doing financially? We certainly think so.
1247 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1247 Newer› Newest»They didn't really smile or make eye contact with the crowd. I think they were more annoyed at the fact that everyone was cheering and screaming and clapping and they just see themselves as a "normal" family.
Oh silly sheeple. They looked ticked because they were just anxious to get home and start negotiation their 60,000 dollar contract of course. They wanted their 5,000 worth of electronics. You people didn't look that promising. They had bigger better things waiting for them.
Carry over from last post:
Question: the dining room furniture that Kate & Jamie were standing in front of(in recent twitter pic) is that the same table the kids sit at? Does not look the same? Anyone?
This revelation is stunning. I just have no words right now.
We all knew this, but to see it in print, with verifiable factual documents (or the claim of such) is amazing.
I definitely will be buying this book. And I also think this is the final nail in her coffin.
kart, you're busted....
Ringy dingy... hello IRS?........ Um, I have some information to share......
I have a feeling kart won't be able to spend all the kids money. I think it will be taken by the IRS. The courts are not looking kindly on folks who commit fraud nowadays. If, in fact, that is what is uncovered.....
This is going to get good.... or bad, from kart's perspective.... karma might come in the form of fines and jail time. Happened to Martha, could happen here, who knows?
Yes, I am projecting and fantasizing. I have no proof of anything, nor am I making any accusations. But something here smells bad.
At the very least, she has got to be feeling the heat. Bet she's in a pretty pissy mood these days......
LOL - well, I guess I did have words, after all.
In March of 2009 she spoke at a church in Roswell, Georgia. Jon backed out. This was when the pastor, Craig Yoshihara, sent a snippy e-mail to someone after he was alerted that Kate wasn't the person she presented herself to be.
I wonder if love offerings were still being collected at that time, and if so, does the pastor now realize that he and the congregation were "had" big time.
Permanent Name wrote: Ringy dingy... hello IRS?........ Um, I have some information to share......
I am confused by your post. Didn't the contract say that Lane would be paying for all the taxes incurred? Admin. chime in please. Thanks!
The per capita income for Abington township is $38,737.
Maggie the contract addresses paying their taxes although it's vague. Like ex nurse pointed out when you pay taxes you're taxed on THAT amount too.
If you're going to do that, you better know what you're doing. As in you should make sure a CPA and/or tax attorney is handling all the nuts and bolts.
Maggie the contract addresses paying their taxes although it's vague. Like ex nurse pointed out when you pay taxes you're taxed on THAT amount too.
If you're going to do that, you better know what you're doing. As in you should make sure a CPA and/or tax attorney is handling all the nuts and bolts.
Maggie the contract addresses paying their taxes although it's vague. Like ex nurse pointed out when you pay taxes you're taxed on THAT amount too.
If you're going to do that, you better know what you're doing. As in you should make sure a CPA and/or tax attorney is handling all the nuts and bolts.
Not meant to imply about the Lane income. But kart's actions seem unethical and immoral overall. Therefore I have to wonder if they actually reported all those *cash* love gifts....
And all the other freebies they got over the years.
Yeah, I'm cynical and skeptical. And I really should not be speculating at all. but this is the first third party confirmation that she is a grifter and liar.
Is it unethical to take money from church members by telling them they were poor and struggling when they were getting AT LEAST the deal from Lane? And making, according to Jon, at least 2 million dollars in the 4 years of filming....
Is that fraudulant? it certainly seems unethical.
I don't know. What does everyone else think?
And just to be clear, I won't be the one calling the IRS. I'm certain someone else will be, just as I'm certain the IRS keeps good tabs on folks like this. I bet they already know all about her. Certain individuals/businesses/industries get closer inspection that others.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 6
The per capita income for Abington township is $38,737.
That really surprises me. The area's economy is largely driven by Abington Memorial Hospital (and its satellites). It's a very nice little town and I'd in no way consider it low income.
Again, surprised is all. That doesn't mean that the people forking over their cash ($10 for a single pic and $20 for the family photo? Are you kidding?) were not by and large making a whole lot less per year than what J+K raked in in this one deal.
All I'm sayin' is that it's going to be interesting over the next while as this unfolds.
I hope Hoffman's book comes out soon..... Now I'm really curious.
Their behavior (and choices) had to be fueled with an enormous sense of entitlement and a total lack of conscience.
I don't know about Jon, but it is obvious that Kate has not changed one iota. She would still sell the kids, her soul and anything else but her shoe collection to be a celebrity again.
Yeah, Kate. Try to find a rainbow tweet that will erase this revelation.
Carryover from previous post:
It is perfectly hygenic and not gross to only wash swim suits and towels once a week. My kids swim daily on a team and we rarely if ever wash their suits at all. They hang them up after practice and stick them in their swim bags the next day. My daughter is in the pool around 12 hours a week and her poly practice suits easily last 6 months. She rinses her competetive suits with cold water but we never wash them either, which is the typical way to care for them.
Even if you choose to wash your suits, when you swim daily, it doesn't make financial or time sense to wash suits or towels more than once a week.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 6
The per capita income for Abington township is $38,737.
Exactly what I thought about the income level of all those kind souls who were fooled into beleiving they were helping someone who was truly in need.
How could Kate take money from people when she knew that she was making over $50k in one weekend - more than they could make in a year?!?!
And also knowing that she was already making $$$$s from TLC and so many other endorsements.
I can not even express how disgusted I am with Kate's greed and her lieing and stealing from Church Congregations.
And don't forget. The payment for the photos the the love offerings had to be in CASH!
should be "and the love offerings". Sheesh.
How does anyone know if that 'contract' isn't just something someone with way too much time on their hands typed up?
I don't see the original anywhere.
And NO i'm not a sheeple so please don't name call.
I've seen tons of real documents and signatures from Housewives sites so yeah, I'm a little skeptical. I mean this guy IS pushing a book release.
Where did this info come from originally?
How does anyone know if that 'contract' isn't just something someone with way too much time on their hands typed up?
I don't see the original anywhere.
Glad someone brought this up!
Robin I'm not being snarky I'm just wondering if there are health experts out there who would say it's fine to just rinse a swimsuit. I'm curious what you are basing your statement on that it's not necessary to wash them every time. They are full of chlorine, sweat and other bodily fluids. A woman's or girl's swimsuit is right up against our bodies like underwear. You wouldn't wear the same pair of underwear more than once.
I would like to hear you need not wash a swimsuit that much because it is a pain! I'm a wash after every swim person myself though I usually am at the beach so they are sandy and salty--you wouldn't NOT want to. A lot of people are suggesting rinse with a little woolite, it takes just a few minutes and is hardly any more work than just rinsing.
Sorry for my spelling errors - tonight I am more disgusted with Kate than I have been in a while.
Kate lacks morals, ethics, a conscience,... what a sorry example for her kids.
How does anyone know if that 'contract' isn't just something someone with way too much time on their hands typed up?
I don't see the original anywhere.
Glad someone brought this up!
He would be opening himself up to a gigantic, out of this world libel lawsuit. He is a journalist. He would be absolutely insane to do such a thing. Insane. If this were just a layman I would raise more of an eyebrow. I trust him on this not to mention, the contract looks very credible to me.
The ball is in Kate's court to say hey wait a minute this is fake and call her attorney. The guy would owe her thousands. Not buying it's not real.
The original wouldn't be "anywhere." It's a private contract. Being friends with Jon likely this was just emailed to him by Jon for a second opinion back in the day. It's obviously a private contract that was leaked by him. Lots of celebs run deals and endorsements by close friends for a second opinion. Normal stuff. Because Lane opened their big fat mouth he decided to dig it up. Probably from an old email somewhere.
Robin: I disagree with you. Look up swim suit care, and all say, the swim suites should be hand wash, after use. Cause of sweat, chorine, salt, suntan lotion, etc. But hey, you can do what you want. When I had swimming in HS, they washed the suits and the towels everyday.
Here are some articles on Kate Lane furniture from 2009:
The first article shows the old house and the new shows the current house.
Are there any accounts from people who attended any of these services during this time that state that Jon and Kate cried poverty, couldn't find enough money to feed their kids, etc., and pleaded for love offerings? I'd be interested to know exactly what their speeches consisted of, and how they got these people to hand over the cash. What lies were told?
Okay, let me start with a BIG eye-roll at the above fan’s recounting of events. As I’ve posted before, I actually attended this appearance in the Keswick Theater in Abington. We’re a military family, and were newly relocated to the area. I was a fan of the show at the time, and was intrigued that Jon and Kate were appearing in the town next to ours, literally just weeks after we moved there. As a mom of multiples myself, I decided to attend. First off, the only person who was miserable (aside from, eventually, myself) was Jon. Kate was absolutely BASKING in the lime-light. Jon hardly said a word during the entire interview. Kate, on the other hand, convinced of her “gift-of-gab” could not keep her mouth shut. We were treated to the self-interviewing, laughing-at-her-own-jokes, thinking-she’s-so-cute schtick that we’ve all come to know (and not love). It was really annoying.
What really got my Scooby-Doo ears doing a “Whaaahhh???” was their heavy-handed, ultra-conservative Christian talk. Kate claimed to bring people (especially dying ones) to Jesus (whatever that means). Jon claims Kate brought him to Jesus (and, ironically, ultimately to Hell, as well, but I digress). There was so much talk about “the Lord” that my head was actually spinning. They were so different from the secular show – it was astounding. They were chamelions, taking on the color of whatever host would feed them. No doubt, Kate would blame it on editing (surely TLC refused to air their Bible studies, gag, cough) … but this was seriously beyond simple editing. They were entirely different animals in front of this Christian audience. Not being a Christian myself, it was an absolute study in social science (my chosen area of study, as luck would have it) to watch these two say and do whatever the audience wanted to hear, so long as that love-offering was being tossed about (oh, and the fan above did have one thing right – they charged $20 for a signed photo – WHO does that, especially in a CHURCH???).
I had been a fan of the show from the start, but that day was an eye-opener for me. Jon and Kate would say and do whatever it took to make or save a buck. They would scam and use and abuse countless people for their own well-being. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to look at the wake of their abuse: friends, family, volunteers, churches, fans, etc. etc. They lied to them, used them, denied that they had help from them, cheated them, and then cast them all away. To his credit, I got the sense that Jon was not on board with the scam anymore. He hardly spoke a word at the event, and seemed very uncomfortable being there (not in the stage-fright kind of way, but in a “I’m done with this” kind of way).
I think the bottom line here is that Kate’s and Jon’s behavior has been entirely unethical. I’m not even going to get into the fertility fiasco of some early-twenty-somethings actually seeking treatments – TWICE. Let’s get to the real meat of their grifting: of family (Jon’s dad, anyone? Jodi? Beth?), volunteers, churches, businesses big and small, TLC, viewers, etc. etc. This couple has lied and cheated for their own self interest time and time again. They presented an image of their family that was false from day one – because they had around-the-clock help from day one – and lied about it. They’re not just unethical, they’re worse: they’re ungrateful.
Wonder if Kate's lawyers called and the book will be publish, and that's the reason no tweeting or she's in New York for hair, Fig&Olive, "date" with Stevee while Kids with nanny! She just wanted to escape the "mess"!
Are there any accounts from people who attended any of these services during this time that state that Jon and Kate cried poverty, couldn't find enough money to feed their kids, etc., and pleaded for love offerings? I'd be interested to know exactly what their speeches consisted of, and how they got these people to hand over the cash. What lies were told?
I'm not sure exactly what they said and if they were specific about we need your money, but in my opinion telling your God will provide story and then asking for love offering IMPLIES, unequivocally, you need the money, and is wrong. If they are making 50,000 on just one deal I would assume you need not ask for a love offering.
I'd actually prefer they just straight up ask for a speaking fee from the venue like speakers do rich and poor. Making it up to the individual person without disclosing what your true financial situation is and in fact making some serious omissions, is very wrong. You can say do your research all you want, but the fact of the matter is things like this are not always out there. This particular news wasn't until today.
Griftopia I had no idea you were there!
So did they imply they were struggling financially at all?
While I was strapping on my seat belt and popping popcorn (lol) I did a quick check on that Chandler Erlich firm. They went belly up shortly after the Lane deal.
For some events, they did demand a speakers fee I think. But that was kept all on the down-low.
That is one of the things, among many, that has pissed everyone off. kart lied, and kept all deals hidden. Secrecy was her friend.
When you are scamming the world, it is imperative that you keep things secret...
Secrecy, deception, prevarication, word parsing, deflection... all are tools of a grifter.
Summerwind said... 25
Are there any accounts from people who attended any of these services during this time that state that Jon and Kate cried poverty, couldn't find enough money to feed their kids, etc., and pleaded for love offerings? I'd be interested to know exactly what their speeches consisted of, and how they got these people to hand over the cash. What lies were told?
Yes, they cried poverty. They told tales of how expensive it was to raise eight kids (a truth, no doubt, but they neglected to mention that they were in negotiations for the McMansion). They detailed the grueling routines to care for so many kids, the expense of clothing, feeding, etc. They never admitted that they had help by the handful, though. OR, that they had plenty of money to cover their expenses. And when the minister announced the time for collecting the "love offering," they did not flinch (or offer a reason to refuse it -- they just waited to collect it). They lied by omission the entire time.
Want to book Jon and Kate (Gosselin) to speak at your church you better read this first:
Anger issues there is a separate (formal) dining room where the picture of Kate & Jamie was taken. The pictures we commonly see with the kids at the table, is her kitchen dining area, also attached to a family room.
I remember the deal with Lane and reading about it somewhere and that Lane needed to be boycotted.
My kids swim daily on a team and we rarely if ever wash their suits at all.
Rarely if ever wash their suits AT ALL? You never wash their swimsuits? Mine are on a swim team and I hand wash them each time they wear them. I tried doing it every two wearings, but they smelled, well, funny, mildewy and really funky. Plus, I found that if I didn't wash out the chlorine, the suits lost their elasticity, and they stretched in the leg openings, and at the top of the suit.
Second, we don't bring our children anymore due to safety/security issues.
Translation: We finally found a way to ditch those damn kids while STILL making money off them. Genius!
What about those church leaders?? The Gosselins were already on TV what did they think they were paying them with goats!!! They encouraged their congregation to go and meet Jon and Kate and give them money! Shame on them! They remind me of the lazy media, they didn't do their homework , and I would use the word" forced" the people to give money to those scam artist!
I also think those Lane contracts are true! Didn't her lawyers go through GB info?
And there is also their track record of knowing how to get money from anyone and everyone without ever getting exposed because she is a mother of eight!!
Reality bites,
Holy crap, Batman! I had forgotten that letter from kart...
Everyone, it is definitely worth reading again!!!!!!!! - <- eight ! for her 8, count em, 8 little kids
I feel slimy having read it. Unclean, like I need to take a shower.... ewwww
Bites, thanks for bringing back to our attention. Certainly says something, doesn't it?
Right. Respectfully Robin, on a swim team?? There couldn't be a situation more common to create sweat and other bodily fluids, plus you're spending long hours in the suits in and out of the water, it would be all the more reason to make sure they are clean.
All my gym clothes and sports clothes when I played were washed after each use, not sure why swimsuits are different.
When our son was small, my DH and I never travelled together * for security reasons *....
If the plane crashed or the car went over a ravine, we hoped the other parent on the other flight would be safe.
It seems like kart was even back then, "unable" to travel alone. Without a big strong man to protect her... um, I mean do everything for her heiness.
What? Does she wet her pants when she has to move about in public all by her wittle old self?
Serious personality things going on here...... sigh.
Someone on the previous post had mentioned about Mady not liking the ocean due to the sea water, so why would she convert the pool. A salt water or saline pool is actually not like the ocean (I thought it was too originally, until a few of my friends converted).
A scientific process, but simple explanation is that it converts the salt into chlorine, but without the smell, eye & skin irritations, etc. It is kinder to clothing & bathing suites as well. It actually does have a very slight salty taste, but not something that you would really notice, nor would turn you off.
It's not maintenance free either. You still have to balance your ph levels and what not or you will end up with an algae filled pool, a cloudy pool, etc. Best thing is you don't have to deal with the Chlorine and all the mess it entails.
This is exactly the type of report i would love to see posted on ROL. More people need to be made aware of the kind of money grubber Kate is and always has been.
Thanks, Griftopia. Do you know what their speaking fees were at that time? Didn't they keep increasing the fees, demanding more and more (first class accommodations, plane fare, car service to their hotel, etc.) until some churches cancelled appearances?
I've been to quite a few shows at the Keswick in Glenside. I can't imagine that it was inexpensive to rent it.
Whatever comes out about Jon and Kate in the GB I will predict that she will survive it! She is like Teflon nothing sticks!
I feel sad for her innocent kids and her fans! She is such a lost cause!! She is in love with fame and money!
Goodnight everyone!!
Admin, what I now find so egregious about this couple is not only did they state that they were struggling, but they neglected to admit how well off they actually were (although isn’t this a pattern? Save our $30,00 inheritance from Jon’s dad, and make volunteers work for us). I don't know exact dates, but from what I've gleaned from other posters, J&K were in negotiations to buy the McMansion at the time I saw them in Abington. In retrospect, their "talk" juxtaposed with the fact that they were buying a million dollar home at the same time, actually makes me sick. This sweet little church apparently moved the venue to the Keswick Theatre because their building couldn't accommodate a large group. They put themselves out to accommodate Jon and Kate (i.e., to help them make money). It appalls me that Jon and Kate accepted a “love offering” (a term I was unfamiliar with at the time). They should have donated that money to the church instead of hoarding it for themselves. Christians, my butt. I donated to the Church fund to offset the rental cost, but walked out when Jon and Kate’s basket started being passed around.
What really got my Scooby-Doo ears doing a “Whaaahhh???” was their heavy-handed, ultra-conservative Christian talk. Kate claimed to bring people (especially dying ones) to Jesus (whatever that means).
Remember, Kate's father is/was a pastor. So it isn't that big of a stretch for her to use the lingo of a preacher. She just imitated what she grew up hearing.
I'm glad she's finally getting called out. This Gosselin Book revelation is nothing surprising. They certainly had other deals like this, large and small.
One year I collected for the Kidney Foundation fundraising drive in a neighborhood that was made up of mostly elderly residents. I was shocked at how some of them willingly donated $20 - $30 even $50 without hesitation. By all appearances the majority of them didn't seem too be terribly prosperous and I would ask them if they were sure they could afford some of the amounts they were giving. I guess I'm just lousy at asking people for money, but the point is it takes a true swindler to ask (beg) for money without batting an eye, knowing full well you're lying to get it.
I know anything we learned today shouldn't come as a shock, we knew it all along, but it does reanimates the anger I felt at them when we started to see holes in their story.
Summerwind said... 43
Thanks, Griftopia. Do you know what their speaking fees were at that time? Didn't they keep increasing the fees, demanding more and more (first class accommodations, plane fare, car service to their hotel, etc.) until some churches cancelled appearances?
I've been to quite a few shows at the Keswick in Glenside. I can't imagine that it was inexpensive to rent it.
I'm not aware of what their fees were, although, as you mentioned, I had heard rumblings that their demands were getting more and more expensive (read: excessive), and I do believe some churches bowed out. I miss the Keswick Theatre, though. We've since been stationed in VA, but we miss PA (and Wyndmoor) dearly.
Oh Robin..I'm glad you weren't/aren't in charge of my laundry. It's really a nobrainer but I'll explain anyways. Pay attention Robin, especially if you have girls. Girls/women run a higher risk of bladder, kidney, urinary tract infections due to anatomy, proximity and such. Now add in undergarments and very young children who may not have the greatest toileting skills. I am a nurse, we had an above ground pool for 15 years and I washed both my daughter and son's swimsuits after each swim. I've had some bad bladder infections and would never even think of risking that on my kids.
Sadly I'm not surprised by her Greed and the revelations of today. Hopefully more are on their way and will finally cut her off at the knees. Give her no other option but to slink off to her snake hole. I don't want her to go back to nursing because frankly she freakin scares me. Dead behind the eyes except for when a TV camera is locked on her. Maybe her Twitter followers can support her. If her numbers are correct, she could easily live off $1 per Twitter follower per month. Go for it Griftee, time is growing short on your opportunities.
Most of those twitter accounts are empty. Not even one single tweet.
Bought and paid for, yes, but em-teeeee... LOL
she wouldn't get very much. Think she could live on $20 per month?
Kelly I'm glad you mentioned UTI's for girls. Not to mention yeast infections. These kinds of things can cause permanent damage for girls.
We were so prone to UTIs as a kid the slightest little thing would set it off even taking a quick bubble bath. The last thing you want to do is wear the same unwashed swimsuit over and over.
I'm actually surprised that she put the kids back into the status private school. That's got to be eating into her pocketbook ...
What next? Asking the court to increase Jon's child support?
I'm not aware of what their fees were, although, as you mentioned, I had heard rumblings that their demands were getting more and more expensive (read: excessive), and I do believe some churches bowed out. I miss the Keswick Theatre, though. We've since been stationed in VA, but we miss PA (and Wyndmoor) dearly.
Does anyone remember when they started to get really famous and all of a sudden cancelled a bunch of speaking engagements and raised their fees? A lot of the smaller churches who had already set everything up were completely burned.
Oh and Admin - ha. Nice photo. Have to laugh at the uh...lady-like way Kate is sitting. And the look she's giving Jon? Yep, says it all.
I remember when the scheduled church events were being cancelled because of increasing their fees. This was the same time that Kate hired Julie May, the PR person.
Have you noticed all this talk about god will provide and god is calling us to speak and blah blah blah is not how either of them talk at all now?
When is the last time Kate spouted some nonsense about God calling her to do whatever? She hardly mentions God at all. She will occasionally mention church but she doesn't do the Christian nonsense talk.
The problem I see with griping about J & K getting the free stuff while having speaking engagements at churches (or anywhere) is that no one knows that they were telling people at these engagements that they were poor or needed the income.
Just telling their story and talking about their family doesn't mean the people who gave in the offerrings thought the G's were poor. They had a TV show. Everyone knew that.
All the furnishings, clothing, consumables do not count toward monies available to pay bills and such.
I don't see the correlation on this one. Just seems like trying to make up things to gripe about Kate when there are things we know are worthy of griping.
Well, I finished by other computer work (that I was working on while visiting here) so off I go to beddy-bye.
Me and kart, hanging with the sandman. Oh what a party it will be....... I'll be up all night because she won't share her box'o'wine.... sad face - NOT!!!
Can we place our bets now that she will absolutely ignore this latest information? I'll bet a dinner at F&O - transportation not included. YOu'll have to get your own bodyguard and limo..... ha ha ha
Let's see, what are the options?
1. Ignore it and it will go away...
2. Come out swinging, all pissy and rightous...
3. Tweet mysterious, cryptic twits...
4. Tweet some religious saying...
5. Tweet some rainbow fart saying...
6. Let her fans handle it for her....
Make your bets!
PIck your grips, Griftopia said they talked about how they struggled. Kate has for YEARS portrayed their situation as struggling and even today still does this. Can't afford gymnastics my ass and other crap like that. She has LIED about her financial situation for years.
I do think people need to do their homework but how can you when contracts like this stay secret for so long?
On the one hand people should protect themselves but on the other, other people should be ethical and not ask for money when you don't need it. These are church people and they used the Christian angle to convince people everything was on the up and up. Most Christians will accept what another Christian says as truth because they are, well, Christian. It's uncomfortable for most Christians to question a fellow believer. Look at how defensive that pastor got when we tried to explain to him he had a con artist on their hands. They USED Christianity to shield their misdeeds and took advantage of the open hearts of Christians. I don't believe in solely blaming the victims. Not for this or anything.
Gripes, another point, they frequently portrayed their situation on the show as very middle class and struggling. All along they did this, never did they admit they weren't struggling. Ever. So if you watched the show the prior years you would go into the speaking engagement thinking their situation was completely different than reality.
It's lying, period. It's wrong, period. We're calling them on it, period. People got scammed, period.
I hear ya Admin. I was prone to them - I drank a lot of iced tea and that can contribute to onset. Besides the general "ick" factor of wearing a dirty bathing suit, there's the long term effects of UTI's: endometriosis, infertility, antibiotic resistance. Those are a few that are popping into my overly-tired mind. I'm sure I'll think of more tomorrow, but may forget again as it's my happy bday. I plan on partaking in rumspringa's and multiple cupcakes!
Permanent Name, I was just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt ;)
That's because you are a nice person :-)
Kelly, you can skip over this if this is too much. But without getting into too much detail, but a couple years ago, due to repeated yeast infections, I had to have minor SURGERY.
A tiny area of my skin had been essentially destroyed by the yeast and was causing me a lot of pain. I had to have it removed. I was put out completely and was out of work for a week. You can probably find when this happened by the posts, because I was hanging out on the blog a lot during the day in bed! :) Not to mention it took months of healing to know whether that had taken care of my pain problem (it did.)
Even taking good care of myself these things happen, so Lord knows how bad it could get if you didn't take good care. Yeast is dangerous, UTIs are dangerous, please don't gamble with your young girls.
From the HP article linked on the last thread
"Does he believe Kate is having problems paying her bills? "No. She's hiding money. We have 11 bank accounts. That was just our joint account. She had a best-selling book. Where's that million dollars?"
So there's another million he claims she made. Kate really needs to change her name, her face and disappear.
So there's another million he claims she made. Kate really needs to change her name, her face and disappear.
I have an idea, she can hide out with the Amish just like in Witness!
pick your gripes people said... 57
The problem I see with griping about J & K getting the free stuff while having speaking engagements at churches (or anywhere) is that no one knows that they were telling people at these engagements that they were poor or needed the income.
I know because I attended one of their speaking engagements. They pretended to be in need, and they bilked innocent church-goers out of a lot of money. They collected a love-offering while they were in contract for the McMansion. And, they charged $20 for a signed photo. Do you need any more proof that they are a couple of grifters?
I've been reading through this inactive blog - makes for interesting reading! On the right side of the page below is a list of sponsors (aka freebies)
New Hair Institute
Grains For Life (The Grain Foods Foundation)
Willow Street Pictures
The Gap
Dodge Sprinter
Juicy Juice (Nestle)
Johnson and Johnson
Red Robin Restaurants
Dutch Wonderland
Disney World
Crayola Factory
Bounce U
Hands On House
Strasburg Rail Road
Sesame Place
Gibraltar Restaurant
Discovery Channel
Animal Planet
Figure 8 Films
Zondervan Publishers (A HarperCollins Company)
Radians Car Seats
Dura-Bib by DEX Products
Thirdpath Creative Group
Pur Water - P&G
Ads by Google
Media Motion International
Southwest Airlines
The Canyons Ski Resort
Giant Foods Stores
Woman's Day
Live with Regis and Kelly
Star Magazine
Banana Republic
Grand Wailea Resort, Maui
I have an idea, she can hide out with the Amish just like in Witness!
They won't have her.
lol! Yeah, she can hang out with Henry the farmer and help build a barn. I can see her in one of those little bonnets and long skirts. It would serve her right. I doubt the women would tolerate her for very long.
Witness is one of my favorite movies, btw. I even have it on an ancient VHS tape.
Hello! Yearlong lurker, first-time poster here. This news from the Gosselin Book site is quite juicy! It's not really "news" at least in the abstract. But now there is verifiable proof that they were taking donations from people while raking in all that money. So deceitful!
Something I just wanted to point out. My friend who comments here occasionally told me that first-hand local accounts are discouraged so delete it if you must.
There was some talk about issues with Target on the last few pages of comments on the previous post. I always feel a little uneasy when I hear these accounts of Kate getting an "escort" through Target or the employees assisting her or keeping other shoppers away from her.
The only time I had the (dis)pleasure of seeing Kate was in the Target in Wyomissing. It was just a week or two before Christmas the year they had just moved to Wernersville. This was the height of the show, before the scandal and separation broke in the news. I was standing in line at the photo kiosk at the front of the store waiting to make digital holiday cards (LATE, as usual). I was kind of just looking around bored waiting for my turn when I saw her. That awful haircut, there was no mistake. She had just checked out and was headed toward the exit. She was pushing one cart full of bags with one hand and pulling another cart with the other. I just looked at her there hauling all that stuff by herself and thought to myself, "Thank God I'm not HER!"
Now, the key thing here is that she was by herself. People weren't huddling around her or even acknowledging her. There was no hired help or bodyguard. There were no Target employees helping take her stuff to the car or parting the Red Sea so she could get through. And while I didn't see her while she was shopping, it was right before Christmas and there's no way they were asking people to leave areas of the store when she was shopping in them, it was crazy packed!
For half a second I considered asking if she wanted help getting the carts to her car, but I thought of all the stories I heard about how mean she was so I thought better of it. I didn't even look at her as she walked by. So take that for what you will. I just don't see her getting preferential treatment is all. If she does, I might feel compelled to take the manager to task. But I don't really go to that Target anymore, it doesn't even have a Starbucks like the new ones so you'd think Kate wouldn't go there either.
Anyway, that's all. Thanks for hearing me out!
I guess we#ll agree to disagree about this one. They were hired to speak about their family and having HOM. They got paid for that. The church asked for a love offering for them; voluntary love offering. No one HAD to give them anything except their speaking fee.
That is not grifting.
The G's did not owe anyone the showing of their contracts with any company.
I'm sorry but this one is not worth griping about.
pick your gripes people said... 57
The problem I see with griping about J & K getting the free stuff while having speaking engagements at churches (or anywhere) is that no one knows that they were telling people at these engagements that they were poor or needed the income.
Just telling their story and talking about their family doesn't mean the people who gave in the offerrings thought the G's were poor. They had a TV show. Everyone knew that.
All the furnishings, clothing, consumables do not count toward monies available to pay bills and such.
I don't see the correlation on this one. Just seems like trying to make up things to gripe about Kate when there are things we know are worthy of griping.
When Kate said in two newspaper interviews that society should pay for her children because society invented the science.... the public went berserk. She demanded retractions and claimed she said nothing about society.... (even though the Pitts. reporter had it on tape) What she REALLY meant was that there should be a private foundation to help HOM families in need, like hers. Hey Kate? Where's that foundation? Bueller? Bueller? {crickets}
After the show took off, after the lucrative endorsement deals started rolling in after they started getting $25,000 a gig + first class travel, the love offerings should HAVE STOPPED or IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE CLEAR THAT ANY DONATIONS COLLECTED AT THE CHURCH CHATS WERE GOING TO THE "GOSSELIN FOUNDATION TO ASSIST OTHER HOM FAMILIES IN NEED."
But the only place that money went was in the Gosselins bank account. Taking money under the guise of it going "for babysitters" who btw was Aunt Jodi and she was free, is unethical and fraudulent. Taking even $1 from people who were making in a year what J&K made in one church gig, is sickening. I don't care how they worded it, what they said or how they said it. They requested a plate be passed and they took the money from those who had much less. Disgusting.
Kate responded to a tweet about receiving things from companies
@Kateplusmy8 I think it's awesome you & your family received things from companies when u filmed. Hope there is more to come! :)
@xxxxx I agree :) they were especially timely as we were moving right then:)
One more - this is from Aunt Jodi's sister:
Since TLC is airing the old episodes, I thought I shed some light on how the show works. We’ve discussed this before, but it’s buried somewhere in the archived posts.
When the show first started, Kate made a wishlist of things that she wanted, and that became the theme of each episode–the carpet, twin’s room, bunk beds, cow, hairplugs, teeth whitening, trips, etc. EVERYTHING that you see them do or buy is completely paid for out of the budget for the show or traded for free advertising. Kate went on and on about saving up for special days, you saw her paying for things, she talked about budgeting, etc. It is all for the appearance that they are a struggling family with 8 children. They needed to be relatable. They didn’t pay for any of it.
The episodes are also staged. Here’s how it works…there is a staff of people reading these blogs and they base the shows around what people are talking about. I haven’t watched many episodes, but I do know some of the behind the scenes events.
The Christmas episode from 2007.Producers told Kate that the viewers wanted to see her show appreciation to their helpers. They told her what the episode was going to be. I think they baked cookies and then went caroling (of course this was probably one of their many “traditions”–those are all fake too). Kate threw a fit. She didn’t want to do it, but she did…because they were trying to pacify the viewers.
Another example is the “Games Gosselins Play” (I think that might have been the same episode as their “mission statement”). I actually did watch this one. This was around the time that I started reading discussion boards and finding out that there were many people opposed to the show. It was so obvious that the mission statement was addressing all of the concerns that I had been reading online. The game time was just ridiculous. After the episode, I called Jodi and said, “what was that?”. She hadn’t watched it, so I explained that it came across so fake (at least to me).Jodi was with Kate when she got “the call” about the theme for that episode. Kate said something like, “so now I have to pretend that I play with my kids”. They also wanted her to pay special attention to the boys.
Don’t believe everything you see. The children are also being prompted to say or do certain things.They signed their lives away to TLC and they will continue to spin the show to keep the viewer’s interest. I don’t believe this show will go away until the viewers decide that they don’t want to be played anymore.
Of course, you’ve all figured out that they are showing Kate cook/bake to promote her upcoming cookbook. The show has now turned into a show about a family with a reality show–move to a mansion, cross-over shows, book tour, talk shows…
I’ve only watch a handful of episodes. I haven’t even seen all of the episodes that Jodi has been in. I made a personal decision long ago to do what I can to give those children the privacy and respect that they deserve. I refuse to watch and participate in something that I feel so strongly against.
Please don’t watch on Monday. You’re not going to learn anything new by watching. They will only show what they think people want to see and it isn’t real anyway. They will probably drag this out (J&K’s “relationship”) for the entire season. They just string the viewers along hoping that they will come back for more.
griftopia said...
What really got my Scooby-Doo ears doing a “Whaaahhh???” was their heavy-handed, ultra-conservative Christian talk. Kate claimed to bring people (especially dying ones) to Jesus (whatever that means). Jon claims Kate brought him to Jesus (and, ironically, ultimately to Hell, as well, but I digress). There was so much talk about “the Lord” that my head was actually spinning.
Oy veh!
"I have an idea, she can hide out with the Amish just like in Witness!"
Then she'd have to take get up at 4 a.m. to make breakfast for Levi, take care of ten children and home-school them, wash everything by hand and hang it out to dry, milk the cows, slop the hogs, take care of the garden, do the canning, use a kerosene-powered refrigerator, bake the pies, prepare all of the meals, use kerosene lanterns, put down the cell phone, and use an outhouse.
I have a feeling she'd rather be back in Wernersville on her LEATHER sofa and face the music, rather than having to go a day with the Amish.
Then she'd have to take get up at 4 a.m. to make breakfast for Levi, take care of ten children and home-school them, wash everything by hand and hang it out to dry, milk the cows, slop the hogs, take care of the garden, do the canning, use a kerosene-powered refrigerator, bake the pies, prepare all of the meals, use kerosene lanterns, put down the cell phone, and use an outhouse.
pick your gripes people said... 57
The problem I see with griping about J & K getting the free stuff while having speaking engagements at churches (or anywhere) is that no one knows that they were telling people at these engagements that they were poor or needed the income. (1)
Just telling their story and talking about their family doesn't mean the people who gave in the offerrings thought the G's were poor. They had a TV show. Everyone knew that.(2)
All the furnishings, clothing, consumables do not count toward monies available to pay bills and such. (3)
I don't see the correlation on this one. Just seems like trying to make up things to gripe about Kate when there are things we know are worthy of griping.(4)
(1) It is fairly well known that they did this.
(2) Yes. for which they were paid handsomely. And got lots of free stuff. And charged people $20 for a picture of themselves.
(3) see #2
(4) This is actually the biggest gripe I have about them! The fact that they we crying poor while buying a million dollar house and then crying poor and taking handouts from church groups.
That and how ungrateful Kate is for everything that she has been given.
Pick your gripes people - What is your idea of grifting?
"As far as a 'speaking fee' goes, we ask for a 'love offering' for church services (which averages around $3000-3500 just to give you an idea, but is by no means a set 'fee'-- we let that up to God to fulfill our needs whether that amount be higher or lower!)."
Griftopia I read your posts. Pardon me for saying do but I hardly think you are objective. Just as I would question a steeple on their posting if seeing the G's, I question yours.
I read what you posted I read the sheeple's account and I think the truth Is somewhere in the middle.
I guess we#ll agree to disagree about this one. They were hired to speak about their family and having HOM. They got paid for that. The church asked for a love offering for them; voluntary love offering. No one HAD to give them anything except their speaking fee.
That is not grifting.
PIck your Gripes, first of all thank you for overall being pretty respectful about having an unpopular opinion.
I would offer this scenario to you. What if someone pretended they had cancer and set up a speaking engagement to tell their heartrending story and then asked for "love offerings." You don't HAVE to give but are encouraged by a man of God too. Do you think this is ethical or do you think people should just do their research? And how exactly do you research someone's private medical records anymore than how can you research someone's private financial records and contracts? You may or may not know that this very thing has happened before and fake cancer survivors have been arrested and charged with FRAUD.
Jon and Kate pretended they were low-income and struggling. They said so on their show, implied it on their show, and at speaking engagements implied it and apparently said it too according to Griftopia who was there. And Kate CONTINUES to outright say she is struggling, despite all the documented millions they received. They received millions of dollars in cash and freebies as a result of this scam.
Yes, this is a moral and ethical problem for me. It is not enough in my book to just say, well people should have known better. Not everyone is skeptical enough or savvy enough to pick up on such an elaborate scam. Not everyone knows enough about reality shows and grifting and whatnot to be able to raise an eyebrow. In my opinion, just because someone is not with the program doesn't mean they deserve to be mislead out of their hard earned money.
It makes no difference to me whether a donation is optional. It's optional to go in the first place, that's not the point.
PIck your Gripes, Griftopia's account was exactly the same as the sheeple's. Neither differed when it came to the actual facts. One person was just turned off by it, and the other turned on.
The church asked for a love offering for them; voluntary love offering. No one HAD to give them anything except their speaking fee.
Ah, but did they turn down the love offerings? Did they say that instead of accepting those love offerings that people should give it to their own church or to the charity of their choice? Nope. They took it. That's greed. They played these people; they tugged at their heartstrings when it came to the children needing things. They played on their emotions. People are suckers when it comes to this. People fell for it, hook, line and sinker.
ll the furnishings, clothing, consumables do not count toward monies available to pay bills and such.
How do you figure? If someone is paying for a bunch of needs like furniture, cereal, etc., it leaves you plenty leftover to pay bills you wouldn't have had otherwise. It doesn't matter how you distribute the money. You could grift them through bills or buy furniture but any which way you slice it furniture needs to be bought and bills paid.
Also 50,000 is plenty enough to pay bills. They gave them COLD HARD CASH and a LOT of it, one of the biggest revelations out of this contract in my opinion.
AuntieAnne, like I said before asking for love offerings is almost WORSE than just asking for a set fee. It implies well if your heart is in the right place and God calls you and you feel for us enough like I know you will, you'll find it in you to give what YOU feel is best.
Guilt trip anyone? It's MANIPULATIVE and uses God and people's good graces to grift out as much as possible under false pretenses.
Just be a normal wealthy speaker and leave your financial situation out of it and just charge a flat fee.
we let that up to God to fulfill our needs
This implies they had needs. No, it outright says they need the money. It's a lie. It's a scam. It's a fraud. No one making 50,000 in one sweet deal needs to raid the purses of little old church ladies.
Louisamay said....
All the furnishings, clothing, consumables do not count toward monies available to pay bills and such. (3)
I don't see the correlation on this one. Just seems like trying to make up things to gripe about Kate when there are things we know are worthy of griping.(4)
With all due respect, how can their NOT be a relationship to paying bills. There grifting was not limited to luxury items--much of their day-to-day expenses were not only covered. Look at that list--it includes groceries, household furnishings, vehicles, trips, birthday parties, etc. It has been documented that neighbors paid their utility bills. Well, those neighbors wished up. When Jon and Kate sold their E-Town house, there was a $2,500 lien for an unpaid water bill.
Obviously, if many of their expenses were paid, it leaves more money to pay the other expenses.
AuntieAnne when I was looking up a Witness clip to link, I was reading that Witness is considered by many screenwriters to be a perfect script and one used as a model of fine screenwriting.
I tend to agree.
@ pick your gripes people 81
Griftopia said that at the time that she went to the church speaking engagement she was a big fan of the show... so why would her view of the event not be credible?
Lest we not forget... on the show they claimed to do all the work themselves, except for that show where faux OCD Kate fake reluctantly hired a housekeeper.
When Julie posted that J&K had every service you could imagine done for them, Kate called it LIES! but it stayed on Julie's blog for a very long time. Outright lies can be ordered to be removed by a lawyer and we all know how Kate likeys her some lawyers. The info stayed.
I know because I attended one of their speaking engagements. They pretended to be in need, and they bilked innocent church-goers out of a lot of money. They collected a love-offering while they were in contract for the McMansion. And, they charged $20 for a signed photo. Do you need any more proof that they are a couple of grifters?
I believe you. And even assuming they never said a thing about finances at the speaking engagements, we could provide you with 100 examples from their show where they either implied or outright said they were struggling. All of those shows people would be watching before they spend their Friday night at a love offering event. Based on those misleading episodes they would be compelled to give.
It's fraud, pure and simple.
Yep, Jon and Kate Grifter!
This story had been circulating the hater sites for a couple of years now but it is good to know the details. Grifters!
Administrator, it's funny you would mention a person claiming to have cancer when they don't.
A man and his wife related to one of my church members had recently had triplets. They were overwhelmed by it all. She told her inlaws that she had ovarian cancer and word spread like wildfire. She had help come in 24/7, and accepted prepared food. The only thing she would not accept was a ride to her doctor's office or the hospital. Only her husband could do that for her. They asked for financial help and they got it. Their church gave them a large check and had some fundraisers. They were on many prayer lists. She looked haggard and lost all her hair.
The upshot is that they took full advantage of
the Christian community and she was not sick. She shaved her head and used makeup to make her eyes look sunken. When the church found out about it they forgave them but wanted an explanation for the deception. The pastor demanded they go to therapy together as part of the deal. If they didn't go, the deal was off and other consequences would ensue.
Fidosmommy, holy crap.
When I think about my own church, while I haven't given money specifically to people, I've helped do yard work for an ailing couple, helped built a house in Mexico, brought a casserole to a family with a child who was having brain surgery, made phone calls to check in and offer moral support to a young woman who went through similar stomach problems as my own. I never questioned whether what they claimed was wrong was true.
How do I know they weren't faking it all? It's not like I called up UCLA and said hey is it true little Timmy had surgery here today?
I mean obviously they weren't faking but they could have been. And once in a blue mean people do and church goers are one of the least likely groups to question it because that's not "Christian" apparently. Church goers are a prime target for scams and always have been because of the nature of how the church is--accepting and open to stories like this and not encouraged to be skeptical, but rather just embrace them.
Our church has frequent transients looking for handouts. After years of dealing with this we got together with the other churches in town and decided to contribute to a central fund, handled by the town treasurer. When a need was discovered, the treasurer would give them a specific amount for food, gas for the car and a hotel room for one night. We only gave for those things. Utilities, etc. were to be directed to someone else. It works well, and so we are not asked to hand over cash to anyone.
And we DO NOT pay speakers at our church. Except the Pastor, of course. :-)
Fido not sure if other churches do this but we also have what is called a "deacon fund." If a church member has a dire emergency they can talk to a deacon about a donation from the deacon fund.
It caused some drama back when a church goers wife was very sick because he went to the fund asking for help and was given some money but a lot of people felt they shouldn't have done that since his wife doesn't come to church, only he does.
In any case I digress, the point being I have no idea how much background checking they do, but I'm guessing any church goer can go to the deacons with a sufficient sob story and little to no phone calls would be made. In any case how do you check that out anyone when hospital records are so confidential. You can't.
I would hope that no one would ever lie about financial needs but I think the point we're trying to make is that it's not normal or natural for church goers to question things like this and in this case I really don't put a lot of blame on church people for falling for it. We may know a lot about them but the average person would have to do quite a bit of research back in 2008 to get up to speed. FYI this particular blog wasn't even around and there were a heck of a lot of sheeple sites trying to cover up things like this.
admin (89)...AuntieAnne when I was looking up a Witness clip to link, I was reading that Witness is considered by many screenwriters to be a perfect script and one used as a model of fine screenwriting.
I attended the premiere of the movie, and the pre-gala and post-gala festivities. I interviewed Alexander Godunov and Kelly McGillis. He was a sweetheart; she was a pill. No Harrison, though, darn it. He wasn't there.
Admin, yes, many churches have deacon's funds.
We have a Session but no deacons. Any money given to transients was out of pockets. Now the united church fund is kept going from the offerings at community services at Easter and Thanksgiving.
Oh, Admin, you might want to spell-check your
post at the top about the fan's trip to see Jon and Kate. "In addiction" is probably not what you were going for there.
Is pediatric cancer still Kate's charity of choice? What is the time frame between her visit to St. Jude's and this particular speaking engagement? I have to wonder in they were connected in Kate's mind.
Or is her charity koalas? Or Feed America? What charity does she run for when she runs for charity?
Here's is a video of J&K speaking at a church with a pastor it's 3 parts.
-(Gift of gab my ass can't believe they got paid)
Part I
Part II
Part III
One of them in Orlando
Part II
Kelly, respectfully, can you please refrain from using my blog as a personal press release of sorts? I don't disagree with what you're saying I just don't want the blog to become a part of that from anyone.
Otherwise you are welcome.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 89
AuntieAnne when I was looking up a Witness clip to link, I was reading that Witness is considered by many screenwriters to be a perfect script and one used as a model of fine screenwriting.
I tend to agree.
I can't pin down exactly what it is that I like so much about Witness, but I'm sure I've seen it more than twenty-five times and I never tire of watching it. Maybe the perfect script explains it. It's not overly violent and the story is gripping and realistic compared to some of the other stuff out there. It flows easily and you're never left bored with any of the dialogue. It has beautiful scenery. Plus I have such a fascination of the Amish lifestlye.
Yeah. It IS a perfect script. lol.
Witness The Movie @98
I'm sorry to hear Kelly McGillis is a pill and really sorry you didn't get to meet Harrison Ford. I don't think I've seen a movie of his I didn't like except What Lies Beneath.
@deannatweeting then you'll be already for the upcoming adventure now won't you ?;) about 2 hours ago
I am fully convinced Kate's going on the cruise, I bet an entire round of Rumspringas for the whole blog on it.
What I don't understand is how she's going to avoid other humans for the whole week.
It would be wonderful if the tups got to go.... but not holding my breath.
Jane said... 68
The thank you list in this comment includes
Figure 8 Films
Employer of the pedo. Awkward.
Admin, I respect that. Not a problem.
Thank you for the videos of the church talks.
She couldn't wait for those 25 minutes to be up, could she? And I'm not entirely sure what she said.
Well, I do know that she hinted at the Prosperity Gospel, in that if you ask God for what you need, he will give it to you plus more.
Bigger, better, more. Ugh. I hate it when
Christians preach that line. It becomes all about what God can do for me, rather than how I can serve God. (sorry, JFK) When prayer becomes just a laundry list of wants, it loses its purpose.
chefsummer said... 101
Here's is a video of J&K speaking at a church with a pastor it's 3 parts.
Eww. I'd never seen that, thanks Chef. Kate was a terrible speaker...monotone and difficult to listen to. I wonder if that's changed now that she's a *cough* professional speaker.
Auntie Ann (103)...I'm sorry to hear Kelly McGillis is a pill and really sorry you didn't get to meet Harrison Ford. I don't think I've seen a movie of his I didn't like except What Lies Beneath.
Maybe she was having a bad night. If I remember correctly, she was late. She looked frazzled and didn't seem to have it all together. She tried too hard to be "Hollywoodish." Alexander was very sexy, in a Viggo Mortensen kind of way. I'm sorry, too, that Harrison wasn't there. There were rumors that he was going to attend, but it was not to be. I just wish the actors had better perfected the dialect. It really wasn't right and came off as a weird corruption of Swedish! Other than that, though, what a fantastic movie.
I liked "What Lies Beneath" - maybe because he was the villain!
I knew J&K were greedy I had no idea that they were money hungry pigs.
They didn't have to take all that money from the churches.
Look, I'm the at the head of the line to see Kate's greed (and JOn too, can't forget about him) exposed for the deceitful bee-yatch she is but my critical thinking skills are smelling BS re: this Lane contract.
This guy is a journalist? With all the 'teasing', the silly countdown and the creepy music, he loses so much credibility if he really is a 'journalist'.
Everyone can believe what they want but I believe this guy is nuts. Therefore, I can't believe a contract agreement he typed out himself without seeing the original.
If he was a real journalist, he would have photocopied or scanned the original document when he had it for prosperity's sake. He didn't.
So I doubt it's authenticity, as is my right.
By all means, if there's hardcore original proof and signatures posted, I'll gladly eat crow.
Sail Away, it is wise to never just assume you are being told the truth on the internet. This could be fraudulent. We don't have any proof.
But it piques my interest to see what else Mr. Hoffman has to offer. And, given a choice between believing Kate and believing Mr. Hoffman, well, Mr. Hoffman wins every time. Just because the other choice is believing Kate. She has shown me over and over and over I have to take what she says with an entire ocean of sea salt. Mr. Hoffman still gets the benefit of the doubt with me.
I have two point to make as far as Kate crying poor back in 2008/2009.
1) I think the general rule should be that any person(s) or family with a popular TV show going on several seasons should not be collecting money in churches from the general public that are probably making $15,000 to $75,000 a year. A huge flag should go up that this family or persons are hurting for money when they have a TV backing them. Think about it. TV pays extremely well especially when it has several seasons behind it and does well in the ratings.
2) Look up Kate crying poor on the Today Show. Keep in the mind the above point. Kate literally said there may not have any money for food, utilities, mortgage etc.. Really, Kate! How dare you. This was a huge ploy to turn the public against Jon to her side. And a hugh ploy for a pity party...no food, roof, or warmth for my 8 small kids. How dare Jon take ALL our money. Kate declares on a phone call during The View later that day that she will work at McDonald's if she has to to provide for her children.
Also Kate had a 3 book contract with Zondervan and had just published Multiple Blessing and her other 8 Faces Book. According to Jon a million was made just off of Multiple Blessings. But no food, roof or warmth for the nation's most popular kids whose Mommy just banked a huge amount on her books not to mention her TV series & freebies.
I am going to find that Today clip and post it later. I can't believe Today gave her 2 spots that day and seemed to believe her STUPID STORY.
Respectfully noted fido's mommy. *tips hat*
Fidosmommy -- I haven't read all the comments here yet, so I don't know if anyone else tried to answer your question about work/SSI benes. You asked if someone who has never paid into Social Security can qualify for disability benefits. This was my profession before I retired. I worked for the state agency which made the medical decisions for eligibility for disability benefits. To keep it simple -- under some circumstances, a person who hasn't paid into the system, or who hasn't paid into the system enough to qualify for retirement benefits, can qualify for SSDI benefits (SSDI = disability benefits based on earnings paid into the system). Those exceptions are the widow or widower of a spouse who qualified for Social Security based on his/her earnings, or the disabled adult child of a worker. These are kids who became disabled before age 18 or, in some circumstances, before age 22 and qualify under an eligible parent's earnings. These are usually severely disabled kids who will never be able to be fully independent -- kids with severe mental retardation or severely limited due to cerebral palsy, etc. SSI benefits are based on a means test to qualify, then the medical eligibility, with the same medical eligibility requirements applied as for SSDI benefits. Some people who qualify for SSI do not receive any monetary benefits, just eligibility for Medicaid. They can earn minimal amounts without complete loss of benefits. Contrary to popular opinion, some of it fostered by politicians who should know better, SSI benefits do not come out of the funds paid into Social Security. The program is administered by the Social Security Administration, but the money comes from the Health, Education and Welfare budget. In a nutshell -- Medical eligibility requirements are the same, money for benefits comes from different sources.
Well now we know how Kate fooled the world! I think most of us here knew she exaggerated their finances and cried poverty for ratings but holy crow, none of us could have predicted the vast amounts of monies and free stuff she actually received while doing so. I have a feeling Robert will be able to show the money trail and correlate this with all of those weepy tearful pleas she made about her imaginary poverty. There are people today who sincerely believe Kate is struggling to put food on her table, and that is all thanks to Kate who keeps tweeting lies about 'rare treats' and wishing she could afford to do things with her kids. She is vile.
Finally made it through all the posts on this thread. Some interesting and provocative thoughts. Got me to thinking back to 2008/2009 when the Gs said on the show that Jon would no longer be making the speaking engagement tour with KK, but would be staying home taking care of the kids. At the time, Jon said it was because KK enjoyed it and was good at it and he didn't like doing it. I had a WTF moment at the time, because Jon was clearly a friendly, gregarious person, so why didn't he like getting out and meeting the public? Using my 20/20 hindsight, I think (hope, want to believe) that Jon had come to the realization that what they were doing was dishonest and wrong and he wouldn't do it any longer. I also think that epiphany KK had on the plane, when she decided that they "weren't going to recover from this" was KK realizing that Jon had grown a pair and was no longer going to be controlled by her and no longer going to participate in her schemes and scams. I think (hope, want to believe) that she decided that ending the marriage and casting him in the role of villain/deadbeat dad/thief, would destroy his credibility, so that if he tried to out her, or tried to express remorse for participating no one would take him seriously. So, she got a BIG two for one bargain. She got to continue the poor, long-suffering, impoverished mother of 8 act AND she got to discredit the one person who could bring her down.
Interesting read today on this blog....as a Christian, it makes me sick that Kate used the church to grift and feed her lifestyle. I watched some of the church clips and the one where she said "ummm..that's really all I have...has it been 25 minutes yet..I don't have a clock" made me SOOO mad! It was so obvious that she was there to make money and the "I am NOT giving you one more minute that you haven't paid for" attitude is despicable. I hope she gets caught on everything and exposed for the fraud she is...pride comes before a fall!
Did you see the tweet where a steeple tells Kate "I think it's great that you received things from companies while you were filming. I hope there is more to come" and Kate replies "I AGREE"... That fall from that high horse she sits on is going to hurt. Unfortunately the kids will fall with her. I feel bad that they have her as a parent.
Auto correct...I obviously meant sheeple
Reader lady: I agree totally with you that Jon had a conscience and that's why he stopped doing the rounds with her. If you watch the last couch interview before they split, Kate KNEW Jon wanted out of the show and I think that's where Kate had her epiphany...I hope the kids realize one day as they watch the documentation of the disintegration of their family, that mommy sold out their family and got rid of their daddy for the almighty dollar!
From the twitter exchange last night it appears Kate and the twins are going on the cruise. Unreal.
I don't know if Robert's book/revelations can do anything for the kids at this point. They stayed on tv until tv didn't want them anymore. I guess people just don't care, they choose entertainment over morals and values. The sheeple might choke on all the free stuff they learn Kate received but ultimately they will find a way to make that less revolting to their palates.
Hmmmm...her twitter announcement this morning said she woke up without an alarm and that it was weird that her head was saying that her body needed to be somewhere and yet she didn't. We KNOW she reads this blog....maybe what woke her up was her conscience...it only works when she's asleep! If she goes on this cruise, whatever fan base she has will disappear except for the crazies like milo who we don't even know is a man or a woman or a pedophile. I wonder if she is getting nervous yet between gosselin book and this blog and the negative press she has been experiencing...if not, SHE SHOULD BE!
Just read one of Kate's twenties profile: Deanna likes wine, unicorns and all things miniature! LOLOL. Figures
TWEETIES..stupid autocorrect
I agree that Witness is a great movie. I haven't seen it for several years, so fix anything I get wrong in this recollection, please.
From the movie to Kate:
Harrison Ford has been running around in the barn yard (literally FULL of muck). He is being pursued by the corrupt detectives.
Showdown with the final two men, Harrison unarmed and the "boss" with a shotgun. Harrison stares him down and shouts, "IT"S OVER!"
Kate, I can't wait until the day when someone yells the definitive phrase to you.
Little did get know she had the gift of prophesy..from her last show with the RV when she flapped her arms and said "this is SOOO over!"
Does Antony know for sure if she is going on the cruise?
This is why the sheeple don't get it. They defend Kate by saying that it was great that companies gave them things-that the show wasn't even in the top ten shows using product placements in 2009, etc.
I have no problem with product placements on shows. I read an article where a lot of shows do that due to people DVRing and skipping commercials. It's just another form of advertising IMO.
However, the Lane Furniture promotion was NOT product placement. It was a separate promotion for Lane that Lane used on it's Mobile cross-country truck tour. They not only gave the Gosselins furniture and electronics, they paid them cash. Even that would have been okay, if they had not been doing the church tour saying how hard they had it and how they believed that "God will provide". Would people who attended these engagements actually have donated if the Lane Furniture truck had been parked outside and they saw a video showing Jon and Kate's furniture selectons. I think NOT.
This is a Letter of Agreement. My husband just recently signed one. From the letter, attorneys will draw up a CONTRACT. There is no doubt in my mind that Jon provided that letter of agreement. It appears legit.
This is a great thread admin. It's an interesting and eye opening read. The account from Griftopia with regard to attending one of the speaking engagments speaks volumes about how Kate operates. And this woman call herself a Christian. Wow. Just wow.
LouisaMay, thanks for your story. I think back when you saw her, she was indeed attempting to blend in. That all changed later when we saw photos posted by her personal pap, Chris, of Target employees pushing her carts to her car. When she and Jon were going through the divorce, she realized all the publicity she could get...Kate at the tanning salon, Kate at Starbucks, Kate picking up packages, Kate taking out trash, etc,. etc., etc.
Here's my thought about the cruise:
Kate and the twins are still going on the cruise.
There weren't enough tickets purchased to pay for the added expenses of the list of things you get to do with Kate, like the craft time, or the excursion, or even the welcome and farewell parties.
So, instead Kate said that the 'cruise' (read: cruise with Kate) was cancelled. Kate didn't cancel 'her' cruise (read: vacation) but instead will still go on it with the twins and have one evening where those who purchased tickets (all 15 people or so) will be able to sit at a private table (or group of tables) to watch her highness pick at a salad and flirt with purse/backpack boy.
Deanna tweeted something about Kate's "upcoming adventure". Definitely a trip is planned.
I hope GB has some evidence regarding PB.
I will buy the book too if this just a sample with the Letter of Agreement. Facts don't lie. Love it that you guys tied in the church grifting-lying with the Lane deal. I was unaware of this deal but thought the furniture was only product placement for the show. Wow.
Berks, ITA. She really cannot go on a different cruise (it would really, really look bad) so she may be planning to surprise her sheeple. Slick since it makes her look good to her sheeple and still gets her a cruise. On the other hand, she may just be going to some expensive resort in FL with twins and PB. She always has to have her vacay before school starts (she has to relax after a rough summer...HA!) Anyway, something is definitely in the works. Would love it while she is vacationing with PB we get another bombshell from GB about their relationship. BAM!
Happy birthday Kelly.
And I totally agree about the swim suits. No, you don't HAVE to wash them- but it's gross and a health risk not to, as you said, with girls who could be prone to UTIs. And 'icky' boys are sure to have soiled bits on their suits from playing outside the pool in the suits. I once had a suit that became totally sheer due to chlorine wear- I discovered this AT swim practice, lol.
Re: Witness. Great movie. The little boy Luke Haas (?) was amazing. I was sad to hear when Alexander Godunov passed away.
Interesting new post! These 'jaunts' are what turned me off the G's for good.( second after the treatment of the kids and Jon , of course)
I missed the post about Kate being in Target and getting special treatment or attention. Could someone fill me in. Also what exactly is rumasprings? Thanks!
Kate lacks decency and conscience.
And she's so damn cavalier- I'm pretty sure
she sleeps very well at night.
As far as she's concerned, she has done no wrong.
"Nothing" on her schedule today? She just told us a few days ago she has the craziest most busiest insane week Evvver.
Which is it?
From Baby Mama's blog, Feb. 14, 2009:
Lane Plus Jon & Kate..Does Kate Have To Save Them Too?
So far there have been several in-trouble companies that have looked to this hit show to help them out. Does Kate have the magic touch? We are now happy to hear that both Kmart & Walmart have been advertising with Jon & Kate and doing really well because of it. So you knew it was only a matter of time before a furniture company took advantage of the free advertising by providing the Gosselins with some new furniture. Lane Home Furnishings is the new marketing program that is hoping to be pulled from the bankruptcy quicksand by Kate and were really hoping that third times a charm for her. "The ultimate Home Entertainment Furniture for their active lifestyle!" seems to be the new promos. Does it make you want to try it out?
Readerlady, I also suspect that a fundamental difference in their morals and values played a huge role in the breakdown of the marriage.
Not only did Jon gradually remove himself from the snake oil speaking circuit, which is a significant move, but he then took it a step further and started taking issue with filming.
Morally and ethically, they drifted apart. When Kate realized he was going to keep blowing that whistle, she had no choice but to file for divorce.
Sail Away, I have no problem being skeptical, that's what we do. But don't you think a guy threatened by one of the most powerful entertainment lawyers in the country would be pretty careful about posting false information? I also think, since this was a preliminary thing, it was probably just emailed around for input. Hoffman wouldn't necessarily have a copy of the final actual contract that was signed to be able to upload it.
Further, don't you think Kate would have denied it by now and thrown a fit? Or her lawyers would have sent him another cease and desist by now and shut him down?
I just don't think someone who was threatened by Kate's lawyers would be so nuts as to then dream up a fake contract. And as I have said and others, the terms of this contract look very credible. It would be hard for a layperson to dream up something this credible without an incredible knowledge of entertainment contracts, which I don't see any evidence Hoffman has.
TLC stinks said... 140
From Baby Mama's blog, Feb. 14, 2009:
Lane Plus Jon & Kate..Does Kate Have To Save Them Too?
So far there have been several in-trouble companies that have looked to this hit show to help them out. Does Kate have the magic touch? We are now happy to hear that both Kmart & Walmart have been advertising with Jon & Kate and doing really well because of it. So you knew it was only a matter of time before a furniture company took advantage of the free advertising by providing the Gosselins with some new furniture. Lane Home Furnishings is the new marketing program that is hoping to be pulled from the bankruptcy quicksand by Kate and were really hoping that third times a charm for her. "The ultimate Home Entertainment Furniture for their active lifestyle!" seems to be the new promos. Does it make you want to try it out?
Guess that didn't work out.
Furniture Brands to lay off 1,400
Represents 15% of work force
Furniture Today Staff -- Furniture Today, December 11, 2008
ST. LOUIS — Citing a soft retail market, Furniture Brands International said Thursday that it is eliminating about 1,400 management, professional and hourly positions, or about 15% of its domestic workforce.
Well, I do know that she hinted at the Prosperity Gospel, in that if you ask God for what you need, he will give it to you plus more.
Bigger, better, more. Ugh. I hate it when
Christians preach that line.
I saw that part and cringed too. She actually said I hope people take away one lesson from us and that is no matter what God will not only provide but provide beyond your wildest imagination.
Um, no He freaking doesn't always.
Yeah, I bet "God" does provide for YOU Kate in the form of that Lane deal!
Maggie said... 113
I have two point to make as far as Kate crying poor back in 2008/2009.
We are now happy to hear that both Kmart & Walmart have been advertising with Jon & Kate and doing really well because of it.
So Kate is responsible for Walmart's success? Wow! Who would have thought it, especially since her Health Tex line went bye-bye!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 139
Kate tweeted last night:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
So we survived r crazy busy insanely impossibly logistical day&altho I didn't accomplish EVERYTHING,I did fit an 8.5 mi run in=all good!GN!
Then this morning she tweets:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Woke up early w/ no alarm-had breakfast&took a shower ..Guess my mind thinks my body has 2b sumwhere? Nothing on my schedule...how weird!
You're right-which is it. And what does "impossibly logistical" supposed to mean. Isn't the phrase "logistically impossible"?
"Guess my mind thinks my body has 2b sumwhere"
As someone on twitter so aptly pointed out:
"I think your body might be saying GET A JOB!"
Ha, I like that. It's 9 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. Do you know where your body should be?
Oh that's right, at a freaking JOB.
chefsummer said... 145
Maggie said... 113
I have two point to make as far as Kate crying poor back in 2008/2009.
Thx for posting this video of Kate w/Meredith Veira. I had to turn it off after a minute or so - Kate's just vile. She sure looked a lot healthier back then, though.
Deanna tweeted something about Kate's "upcoming adventure". Definitely a trip is planned.
Wasn't it the other way around? Kate tweeted Deanna about an adventure?
readerlady said... 1178
That's a viable scenario readerlady. I also think it gave them time apart and that both wanted it. Such a shame because instead of going toward each other, they each turned the other way.
Many marriages could have been saved at this point and I don't believe for a minute that if they didn't have the show and the fame, that things would not have turned out differently.
I really have to wonder if this is how Kate's parents raised her? Weren't they very religious also? Or proclaimed to be? Are they also using the flock?
You are right, Fleecing. I don't get Tweeter sometimes. Still think Kate is going on a vacay, though.
Kate's tweet was to Deanna-Deanna's account is protected so we don't know what she said to Kate:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@deannatweeting then you'll be already for the upcoming adventure now won't you ?;)
Kate tweeted that at 11:24pm last night. Here tweet this morning was at 6:30am. Let the "exhaustednish" tweets begin....
Can anyone direct me to the thread where Admin posted the email Kate sent to the cruisers when the cruise was cancelled - or remind me which month the cancellation was announced? I'd like to check what she actually said. Thanks.
Just something that I think is interesting--the lady from Lane Furniture is following some of Kate's most diehard sheeple on twitter. Does anyone else find this....weird? It sure makes me go hmmmmmm....
If he was a real journalist, he would have photocopied or scanned the original document when he had it for prosperity's sake. He didn't.
Didn't he say in his initial explanation of why the book was delayed that he is most definitely NOT a journalist?
He was so cautious about releasing the book once Kate's attorneys got into the act. I really doubt that he'd take the chance and fake a document, publish it on the internet, knowing that her legal team was watching his every move. He'd be shooting himself in the foot.
Shocked said... 157
Just something that I think is interesting--the lady from Lane Furniture is following some of Kate's most diehard sheeple on twitter. Does anyone else find this....weird? It sure makes me go hmmmmmm....
I just checked. She's not following any haters. She's following some of Kate's die-hard fans and those fans are following her.
If he was a real journalist, he would have photocopied or scanned the original document when he had it for prosperity's sake. He didn't.
He may not have the real document. There may be no "real" document. He may only have an electronic copy of an email that circulated among business partners and associates.
The fact that there wasn't a single solitary typo in the entire thing makes me think he simply copied and pasted from an email.
Louisa May,
Thank you so much for your comment about kart shopping alone without escort!!!
You made my day... It's nice to hear she was being treated just like the rest of us.
It's nice to hear that Target treated ALL their shoppers equally.
LouisaMay--Sorry, I incorrectly named you as the source of pick your gripes comments!
Tweetle-Admin did not post the exact email, just the gist of it.
"The cruise-goer/mole who first broke the news to us of the cancellation has passed on to Realitytvkids.com an e-mail dated May 10 from Kate apologizing for canceling the cruise. The cruise-goer asked us not to share the word-for-word contents of the e-mail for their own anonymity.
In the e-mail, Kate tells the cruise go-er that she is sorry for you and for me, and that she sent everyone who signed up an e-mail to tell them the same. Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal. If Ft. Lauderdale doesn't work out, she wants to figure out another way to meet with all the cruise people. Kate says she doesn't want to be the reason that the cruise-goers don't have a great vacation."
This is the thread:
Admin: I'm glad you mentioned what happened to you and I'm sorry you had to go through it. Genitourinary infections can get ugly quick. The main UTI's I see are from ecoli. Again..ick, wash your bathing suits and anything else that is up next to open orifices in your body. And really, what is her excuse for not washing them? She certainly has a full load with 8 suits and towels. Toss them in your he front loader with some Woolite. Pull them out an hour later and put them on the drying rack. It's not as if someone expects her to drag a wringer washer out to the driveway. Not that big of a deal, except for Kate. No surprise.
I was about to ask what I'd done wrong but then noticed there was Kelly posting without a pic of her favorite furkid. ;)
Thank you Once A Viewer. I'm about to head out with my nearly 22 year old daughter who has promised me that I still get my cupcakes even if I don't eat all of my lunch! :)
The Sheeple will never, ever see the light. Anyone who defends their grifting in the house of the Lord, especially when it's done by the child of a preacher, is beyond help. I wonder if those same people feel K & J were correct when they sued the state of Pennsylvania for taking away their built in nurse? Or when K & J had plenty of money in the bank (inheritance from Jon's Dad if I remember correctly) and made the statement that they were entitled to the nurse and all the freebies because science had made their sextuplets possible? This is the sort of stuff you can't make up.
I just can't see how Kate's sheep stick up for her after all the lies and BS.
If you watch her interviews esp the old today show in 09' anyone can clearly see she's a liar and a user.
She is to stupid to keep her lies in order.
I don't know why everyone's peeved Kate might be going on the cruise....
One thing she's never waivered from is catering to the most important person in the world.
Kate is a twit said... 129
This is why the sheeple don't get it. They defend Kate by saying that it was great that companies gave them things-that the show wasn't even in the top ten shows using product placements in 2009, etc.
It is documented that J&K+8 was number 8 in product placement of over 150 shows.
It doesn't seem right that Kate still gets to have all the fun while leaving her sheeple in the dust. It makes it look like this was the plan all along, make a half-ass attempt to lure some sheeple in then after they've changed all their plans and arranged flights and bent over backwards to make it work, back out at the last minute. But still go, but don't mention that to them. So she gets all the fun while not having to do any of the work that was the reason this was arranged in the beginning.
Just like she's often found ways to ditch the kids, she has now found a way to ditch the fans. Having her cake and eating it too.
Kate still going on the cruise right now is only speculation, so I'm not peeved about it. However, if she does go, then I'll be peeved that she implied that she wasn't-that it was over and done.
Admin-in that email, did Kate actually say she wasn't going?
Kate is a twit, thanks so much. I knew someone would have a link. :)!
Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal.
So are the words that are in bold Kate's words or the words of whoever sent that to Admin? Because if Kate said that and she goes on the cruise several cruisers have evidence of a downright lie.
You're right. God doesn't always provide or come through. Five years ago, my husband and I had two friends battling cancer. One was one of my friends from high school and the other was one of his friends from high school. They were both Christians. My friend was a Kate type Christian (I had never heard of the Gosselins at this time so I did not realize she was just like Kate) but his was what one would expect a Christian to be. He was incredible. He battled his cancer for two years before accepting his fate and then he put his life into God's hands. He did special things with just his wife; just his kids; and as a family. The family have great memories of this time. He planned his funeral down to the last detail. He died on his terms.
My friend only lived for five months from diagnosis to death. She refused to accept she was dying even when the doctors told her there was nothing they could do because the cancer was everywhere. We're talking everywhere: breast, liver, colon, lungs, esophagous (sp?), bladder. They figured she had the cancer for at least two years but was one of those people who would not get regular checkups. She had six kids, all adopted, five who were minors. The oldest knew what was going on, but she refused to tell the younger ones. Because God was going to save her. The word cancer was not allowed to be spoken. The younger kids were finally told three days before she died only because she was rushed to the hospital by ambulance one morning while the kids were getting ready for school. The two oldest, of the younger kids, ran to the school psychologists office (they were in middle school) to ask if their mother was going to die. The psychologist called their Dad into school, and that is when they finally told the kids. She was dead three days later still believing God was going to save her. She didn't spend any special time with her kids, didn't write them letters of her hopes and dreams for them as they grew, tell them she would always be with them, none of that. To me she was selfish. She left behind kids that were devastated by what happened. They didn't have a clue. They knew she was sick, but never thought she wouldn't be there. She was there, then she was gone. She never said good-bye because God was going to save her.
Kelly said....
I wonder if those same people feel K & J were correct when they sued the state of Pennsylvania for taking away their built in nurse?
I'm pretty sure that they didn't sue the state--I think that they appealed the decision.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159
Shocked said... 157
Just something that I think is interesting--the lady from Lane Furniture is following some of Kate's most diehard sheeple on twitter. Does anyone else find this....weird? It sure makes me go hmmmmmm....
I just checked. She's not following any haters. She's following some of Kate's die-hard fans and those fans are following her.
That's what I was saying...her diehard sheeple--I didn't say haters.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 168
It doesn't seem right that Kate still gets to have all the fun while leaving her sheeple in the dust. It makes it look like this was the plan all along, make a half-ass attempt to lure some sheeple in then after they've changed all their plans and arranged flights and bent over backwards to make it work, back out at the last minute. But still go, but don't mention that to them. So she gets all the fun while not having to do any of the work that was the reason this was arranged in the beginning.
I bet it was planned all along she tried to get her fans/sheep to buy her cruise didn't work.
So she say's bleep them I'm going on vacation anyway.
All this talk about Kate possibly still going on the cruise has made me wonder if her vetting superfan isn't smarter than we give her credit for.
Knowing that a low turnout might cancel the Kate portion of the cruise, and that Kate would probably still be going to collect on the freebie, she hangs on and doesn't bail--under the assumption she will now get all of Kate's personal attention on the cruise.
I know of at least one fan who switched cruises, but have no idea how many others accepted a refund or decided to go ahead and go. And, to my knowledge, Kate has never mentioned how disappointed she is that she and twins won't be going.
I think the vetter knew exactly what she was doing. Guess we'll know for sure in a few short weeks.
"I wonder if those same people feel K & J were correct when they sued the state of Pennsylvania for taking away their built in nurse?"
As far as I know, there was never any suit filed. Kate appealed for continuing nursing care, but that's as far as it went.
Shocked said... 173
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159
Shocked said... 157
Just something that I think is interesting--the lady from Lane Furniture is following some of Kate's most diehard sheeple on twitter. Does anyone else find this....weird? It sure makes me go hmmmmmm....
I just checked. She's not following any haters. She's following some of Kate's die-hard fans and those fans are following her.
That's what I was saying...her diehard sheeple--I didn't say haters.
Good grief! I seem to have picked up some reading comprehension problems from the sheeple.
Sorry, shocked. My mistake.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 149
Ha, I like that. It's 9 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. Do you know where your body should be?
Oh that's right, at a freaking JOB.
Kate's body should be in prison. The woman is a thief. She'll be okay though because no one wants to make those children motherless and that's how Kate gets away with it and has always gotten away with it. She used them to get everything "beyond her wildest imagination" and she'll use them to protect herself from getting what she SHOULD have coming to her. Scammers and con-artists work that way. They rarely go to jail because most people are too embarrassed to say they've been had by a scammer.
She IS vile and she's teetering just this side of sociopathy.
Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal.
She can always say she changed her mind because she didn't want to disappoint the twins.
When the cruise was cancelled, everyone(including the sheeple) assumed it also meant that Kate would not be going. All the articles about it only mentioned how its was due to low sales, how full refunds would be give and how Kate "reached out" to those that had booked. Not one report ever mentioned that Kate would not be on the cruise.
The travel agency's comments about the cancellation were very carefully worded, because if she does go, she can't be accused of lying about it-because it was never said that SHE wasn't going.
"Although Kate won't be going on the cruise, Kate says she would like to try to meet up in Ft. Lauderdale just before the cruise embarks and treat everyone to a meal."
Oh a meal! Well that's okay then. All is forgiven.
Key word in that email is "try".
Kate is a twit said... 163
anonymity. ..."In the e-mail, Kate tells the cruise go-er that she is sorry for you and for me, and that she sent everyone who signed up an e-mail to tell them the same."
I've changed my mind. I agree with TLC Stinks, Kate will be in FL for the lunch, then possibly go on to some exclusive resort... Bahamas? Turks & Caicaos?
I could see her suffering it out on the cruise and forcing herself to be amongst the unwashed masses for a fat paycheck. But without the paycheck why would she take the mediocre cruise, when there's Carribean resorts a short plane ride away? Fully staffed with folks who will surely find out what "a dream" she is to work with.
"She can always say she changed her mind because she didn't want to disappoint the twins."
Yes, and the fans will accept that. I'm curious though. IF she ends up going on the cruise I know of two fans who changed to another cruise. I wonder how they will really feel when they discover Kate went anyway.
Oh of course she has something planned, could be the cruise, could be something else, why else was she frantically shopping with the twins on a Saturday night? They probably begged their dad, mr nice guy, to let them go on his weekend and for momster, it solved her babysitting problem. Today she has NOTHING to do, and no sitter, no shopping with the special kids.
And of course she needs her vacay before school starts. It will fry me if it turns out o be the cruise, on someone else's dime, since it means she scored aniother freebie for doing absolutely nothing. OTOH I wake up each and every morning grateful to not be in her personal orbit.
Hello friends and people who don't like me very much. I'm checking in from vacation, trying to catch up on the latest Gosselin chat.
The 'journalist' label was once again bothering me so thank you to whomever posted that I'm certainly NOT a journalist.
Also, you better believe I have proof of the Lane contracts/agreements. In fact I have signed copies of both. Kate knows this and certainly won't be disputing any of it. The Lane deal is such a minor blip on the radar of this project which will be released in August. Kate also knows this, hence the legal threats.
One other thing I'd like to mention is that by implying that Jon had anything to do with giving me the Lane contract or anything else pertinent to the book is both untrue and unfair to Jon as he had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's also a bit insulting to me, given the lengths I've gone over the past few years in gathering this information.
It will all make sense soon enough. You've been more than patient with the process.
Thank you all for keeping this story alive and doing what you can do to help free the G8.
Gosselin Book, 185. Hope that is the real you. Thanks for an update. I am looking forward to your book!
She can also kill 2 birds with 1 stone by going to Ft. Lauderdale. Ted Gibson has a salon there.
Gosselin Book said... 185
Hello friends and people who don't like me very much. I'm checking in from vacation, trying to catch up on the latest Gosselin chat.
The 'journalist' label was once again bothering me so thank you to whomever posted that I'm certainly NOT a journalist.
Also, you better believe I have proof of the Lane contracts/agreements. In fact I have signed copies of both. Kate knows this and certainly won't be disputing any of it. The Lane deal is such a minor blip on the radar of this project which will be released in August.
Do you have a publisher or are you self-publishing?
Thanks in advance for your research - however it's released, I'll be buying it!
Thanks for stopping by, Robert, if it's really you. I was glad to see you said Jon wasn't involved in giving you the Lane contract. That definitely needs to be said because the sheep will be blaming him the very second your book appears.
Tomorrow is August! Please don't say it will be out August 31th.
The 'journalist' label was once again bothering me so thank you to whomever posted that I'm certainly NOT a journalist.
That would be me, and you're welcome. I certainly didn't think that anyone, journalist or non-journalist, would be posting any contract or letter of agreement on an internet site knowing that if it was false, those attorneys would come after him/her faster than Kate goes after her Bella Bars!
Robert, thanks for the good faith tip of the hand in this Lane story. I hope more pieces of the puzzle will come to light shortly and help draw back the curtain on what we've long suspected is a show/life full of smoke and mirrors.
Gosselin Book said... 185
Hello friends and people who don't like me very much.
Robert - Ha! I know ONE person who doesn't like you very much. I hope she's squirming right now, too.
I anxiously await the release of your book. Thanks for dropping by.
Thank you Robert for the post. I will definitely buy your book when it comes out.
This was written in an article when the tups were around one years old. Remember Kate asked for another year for the state to provide for the nurse she had been using. This jumped out at me so I copied it.
"The county assessed the Gosselins' property at $142,800 in 1993. Kate thinks the four-bedroom, 2,100 square foot home has a market value of $250,000. They have two vehicles, but no garage, she added."
"Why not take advantage of the approximate $100,000 in home equity Kate says they have in it? Why not sell it and buy a bigger one (she would like about 3,500 square feet) in a less affluent neighborhood?"
This is confusing because just because a house's tax assessment is one number and today's value is another doesn't mean that is the equity in the home. Or did Kate actually tell the reporter that they had $100,000 equity.
If this is true the Gosselins had $100,000 in equity in their home in 2005 then why were they eligible for Medicaid?
I am really curious what equity they had in that home. How would I go about finding this info or is it even pssible? I can do the work if someone directs me.
Thank you, Robert, for clarifying some things, especially about Jon's involvement in the book. Looking forward to the announcement of a publsihing date.
Admin said:
The fact that there wasn't a single solitary typo in the entire thing makes me think he simply copied and pasted from an email.
Except Jon's name is "John" on the signature line under the first contract for furniture. It is correctly spelled on the sig line for the electronics. Still could be a copy and paste, and original contract was probably corrected before signing.
I have a thing about names. My estate lawyer kept misspelling my brother's first name, using the feminine spelling. Only one letter, but geesh, a person's name is sacred and should be respected. My hubby's first name is a very common one, long though and we can always tell junk mail because they drop the last letter. Database field not long enough. On the other hand, our health insurance co does the same thing and it causes a lot of problems. Infuriates me.
GosselinBook, I owe you an apology and am glad to hear Jon had nothing to do with the leak of the contract. If you managed to get copies of that, I cannot wait for what else in store. Finally, some tangible proof of what a scammer Kate is! I will buy your book.
Is it possible this upcoming adventure will coincide with the release of the book - out of sight, out of mind for Our Kate?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 160
If he was a real journalist, he would have photocopied or scanned the original document when he had it for prosperity's sake. He didn't.
He may not have the real document. There may be no "real" document. He may only have an electronic copy of an email that circulated among business partners and associates.
The fact that there wasn't a single solitary typo in the entire thing makes me think he simply copied and pasted from an email.
You don't think people are capable of generating documents without typos? Uh, if that were the case then how would the original document from which this was copied and pasted (in your opinion) not contain one single typo? There's absolutely no logic to this.
This was written in an article when the tups were around one years old. Remember Kate asked for another year for the state to provide for the nurse she had been using. This jumped out at me so I copied it.
"The county assessed the Gosselins' property at $142,800 in 1993. Kate thinks the four-bedroom, 2,100 square foot home has a market value of $250,000. They have two vehicles, but no garage, she added."
"Why not take advantage of the approximate $100,000 in home equity Kate says they have in it? Why not sell it and buy a bigger one (she would like about 3,500 square feet) in a less affluent neighborhood?"
This is confusing because just because a house's tax assessment is one number and today's value is another doesn't mean that is the equity in the home. Or did Kate actually tell the reporter that they had $100,000 equity.
If this is true the Gosselins had $100,000 in equity in their home in 2005 then why were they eligible for Medicaid?
I am really curious what equity they had in that home. How would I go about finding this info or is it even possible? I can do the work if someone directs me.
I think if they had the $100,000 and were begging for a 15 passenger van and another year of a free nurse (at taxpayers expense) is simple outstanding and greed to the max...even in May 2005.
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