Dang, even Jodie Foster is now describing child stardom as the 'cruelty of a life lived as a moving target' and says you have to 'submerge beneath the foul air and breathe through a straw.' Holy moly.
I don't care if I turned out just fine, you idiots, child stardom still SUCKS: Foster says when she worked with Stewart on The Panic Room, she tried to get Stewart's mother to talk young Kristen out of acting. |
Oh, snap. Turns out Jodie Foster thinks child stardom is just as horrendous as we've always tried to tell you it is. |
The former child star, so-often cited by naive pro-child exploiters as a "success story" and proof child stardom is not that bad after all, is finally done with playing nice after another former child star, Kristen Stewart, has spent the past few weeks having an
unfortunate misstep plastered all over the tabloids. Foster has pretty much avoi
ded the typical pitfalls of former child stars. The drugs, the partying, the depression, the reckless behavior, the affairs .... well, there was that little presidential assassination attempt that was pretty much all about her, but otherwise, she came through her childhood fairly unscathed despite working since she was three years old and having no memory of ever not being famous.
But, now Foster flat out says there is no way she would want to be a child star in today's culture. In fact, she would call for someone to help lead her out of it (Oh, you mean like Aunt Jodi tried to?): "I would only hope that someone who loved me, really loved me, would put their arm around me and lead me away to safety."
Foster has been rather polite and tight lipped about child stardom previously, however she recently described her mother, who managed her career, as a "mostly negative influence in my life."
An absolute must read:
1801 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1801 Newer› Newest»I got way more snarky with this one than I intended to but I love a great vindication. Eat your hearts out, sheeple. Jodie Foster says you're WRONG. Jodie Foster was even trying to get Kristen Stewart OUT OF ACTING.
"there's a Bojangles in Berks county it's in Reading."
Maybe it's not on the West Coast? A school group from here went to Colorado, and there didn't seem to be any Bojangles there.
I read where Elton John likes to moon people. Yikes. Wasn't he at the party with Billy Joel? I hope he didn't moon anybody. Auntie Ann was in good company.
NC said...I read where Elton John likes to moon people.
I believe that he settled down since he and David Furnish became the parents of Zachary. Auntie Ann was in no danger. I'm not sure, however, how she made out with Springasteen since she was glued to the kitchen counter all night.
I'm just curious, do you think there should be a law that no kids are allowed to go into the entertainment business even if they express a desire to act? (There could be no roles written for people aged under 12, for example, or those roles could be played by people who looked younger than they were). If not, then what safeguards should be in place to protect kids who act?
Do you believe there are any examples of child actors who have dealt with fame successfully?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand what you're advocating for here. What would you like to achieve with this platform you've got, ultimately? Just provide evidence that child fame can be harmful? To what audience? Parents of child actors? Lawmakers? If so, what laws are you advocating for?
Delightful party. Followed by a meaty new topic.
I am stunned by Kate's willingness to "brag" about her grifted vacation. I haven't looked at the photos, but I think that the fact they are published means she isn't done yet. It would just make me grouchy to see them!
Did I miss an announcement? Who won the DVD's?
It seems Jodie Foster is becoming somewhat of an advocate for child stars. She also blasted Dina Lohan in 2007. It must kill her to watch the same things happening to these women that happened to her. Jodie Foster is an extremely intelligent woman and I think that is what saved her. She understood what was happening around her. Her brother, Buddy, apparently wasn't as fortunate as he became a drug addict. Their mother also had Buddy acting as a child.
I blame this completely on the parents, mostly it seems, the mothers. Jodie was supporting her entire family financially by the time she was 10 years old. The Gosselin children were much younger than that. Kate Gosselin is a "stage mother" in the true sense of the word. She is still trying to pimp her children out, especially Mady. That sexy pose Mady was in on the beach was sickening. Kate is no different than Dina Lohan or Kris Kardashian. If it weren't for these lazy, fame hungry parents who care more about themselves than their children Hollywood would have no child stars and there would be no reality shows involving children. These parents are surely a huge joke in the industry but Kate Gosselin is too self involved and stupid to see it. I'm glad Jodie is speaking out to tell people she did not turn out ok despite being used as a child for her own mothers gain. Jodie Foster is a strong woman and survivor. Unfortunately most of these kids aren't.
Thanks Joy and admin for hosting the partay!
Now I`m off to see how Jodie blasts kids acting.
PiggyPie, I remember that episode of Courtship of Eddie`s Father. I loved that show!
You are good. I saw this on Drudge Report yesterday and thought it was such a good article for this website. She is an intelligent lady, her perspective on this is interesting. Can you imagine going through life doing simple things like going to the grocery store and being noticed constantly. While most would like the additional money this attention provides, there is something to be said for just wanting to go about your day, then imagine not having a choice and having this attention thrust upon you by a fame seeking parent. I applaud her for speaking out. Adults that choose this for themselves I have no problem with, when it is forced on children I find that disturbing. Westbrooke
I looked at the beach photographs. She has them copyrighted with all rights reserveds. Planning on selling pictures much?
I have a question re the blog post she wrote about her budgeted/gifted/grifted vacation home.
Aside from the fact that she doesn't really explain much about relaxonthebeach.com, her supposed benefactors, why is it that she didn't describe and/or post pictures of the place where they stayed? Wouldn't that be the point of a review?
Yeah, I know...it's all about MEEEEEEE!!!!! But if this was an in-kind trade of any sort (and I suspect that it was), relaxonthebeach got the really, really short end of the stick.
The Bitter End said... 114
aggiemom09121416 said...
Financial aid for college is determined partly by family size, true, but they also take into account ALL assets. I wouldn't think the kids would be eligible for a dime of financial aid.
No, Katie Irene won't qualify for financial aid. No grifting on the FAFSA form.
If she's still in PA, Penn State University Park is not cheap. They are selective as well. Much like UT Austin and Texas A&M, there are no guarantees on being accepted.
Katie will probably have them go the CC route with the final two years of credits at Kutztown to meet the budget.
There IS a loophole in FASFA, where the kids *might* be eligible. I WILL NOT post it here, but will tell Administrator through an email if necessary.
Tier 1 universities are expensive and hard to get into. In TX, we have something called 'automatic admission', which in the case of all public universities, a certain % of their incoming students are top 10%ers of their graduating high school class (UT has raised their % to 8%).
All of my kids were admitted in this manner to TAMU. Admission is FIERCE; this yr's incoming TAMU incoming class of 8000 was selected from 32000 applicants (and each of those applicants paid a 50.00 non-refundable application fee).
So this yr, I have two at TAMU seeking undergrad degrees, and a third seeking an MBA at another school (TAMU does not allow their recent business grads to enroll in grad school there unless they have 5 yrs of work experience). Speaking of which, the daughter seeking her MBA just got her first job yesterday as a financial analyst! WHOOP!!!
On a side note, the recent shootings splashed all over the news about a Texas A&M shooting did NOT occur on campus, but very near it.
Enjoyed everyone's input on the virtual party; I don't remember when I laughed that much!!!
Another great party folks.
Thanks for laughs :o)
As for the watermarks on the Gosselin photos-
I'll just quote Kate: "no one makes money off of MY kids"...
Too bad for Kate that few (if any)people are interested in shelling out cash for them.
Wasn't there a post about how Kristen Stewart was an entitled, spoiled brat because she said her teachers failed her? And now since she slept with a married man and the press found out, she should be pitied and left alone?
If she's sleeping around with married men, while she is living with her boyfriend, she is hardly a CHILD. What am I missing here?
The beach front rental company that Kate USED, are probably feeling quite USED.
Maybe next time their generousity will be experienced by people that can TRULY use a free vacation.
Silly people.
Well, I'll be damned. She is bragging on her blog that she grifted the beach house.
...imagine my excitement earlier this summer when, through my website, a company called “Relax On The Beach” (oh even the name!!!) randomly contacted me and asked if we would like to spend a week in one of their beach houses! They are fans of our show and our family and kindly offered their “free space” in one of their homes this summer! Were they kidding??! I mean, what a blessing!
I literally cried with excitement because this has been a very tightly budgeted year and I wasn’t sure our budget could stretch to accommodate a family vacation this summer! So, despite not knowing HOW I was going to pull off the logistics like how to arrange schedules for friends to join us and how to physically get there, I committed to the adventure…. As crazy as that may sound! If you know me, however, I am not afraid of huge adventures even if they do include EIGHT kids, which for me they always do! :)
The planning process began back in May…After doing the math, I realized that the cost of driving and all that it involved was a lot less expensive than flying, so I began doing research on getting a towing package installed on the BBB, renting a trailer and the best highway routes to take. I asked exactly three friends to go along for the trip in our BBB (Big Black Bus) because that’s how many “spare” seats we have! One of our dear friends flew in from the Midwest to accompany us and two of our closest friends came in from NYC. Okay, so far, so good.
Yep, and they did stay at The Sunflower House on the beach. The picture she took of the kids lined up watching TV matches that house's family room.
I am disgusted that some company would believe her BS that she could not afford a summer vacation. She will never give up Twitter because it is her vehicle to grift.
BTW, why didn't this company give a free rental to a serviceman's family????
Great article find, btw.
Thanks for sharing it.
It good that more and more ex-child stars are coming forward with their negative experiences.
It just may save a life.
Kate "talking poor" again...I want to strangle her. She is a worthless POS. She needs to start a website for grifting...oh, wait, she already has.
Agree that the "freebie" should have gone to a serviceman's family or someone of that ilk...not to a millionaire grifter.
Of course in her blog she had to include a "model" pose of Mady and then the posed Kate, "rocking her bikini body" with the usual side turn.
Geez, the more I think about it, the madder I get that this company would give her a free beach house when the woman is worth millions. As the wife of a retired serviceman, I would have been overwhelmed with such generosity, but no, this stupid company saw an opportunity to have Kate mention their name in her blog. We just donated $$ to help wounded warriors have a vacation and all this company could think about was giving Kate Gosselin a free vacay. Disgusting.
I wonder if the owner of the house knows that someone stayed there rent-free? Or did the vacation rental company reimburse the home-owner?
I would guess the owner gave the ok for the company to let Kate have the house. It may be the owner is a Kate fan or one of the realtors at the company owns the house. The company got publicity but not the good kind, IMO.
Thanks for your hospitality and commentary on the sites of the area. I enjoy your posts!
Re: Jodie Foster:
Wasn't she free to walk away once she was old enough? Still a terrific actress and now director. She seems sensible, intelligent and talented. Nice to support her friend K Stew, but I agree KS is an adult and that's what happens if you're a celebrity- your personal life is open to all, and it's been mostly negative press re: her affair. I don't think being a child actress figures- she was little-known until Twilight ( age 18 iirc). Maybe that's when her actions become more scrutinized- her scowls and attitude and acting etc. on one side, sheer adulation of a fictitious character & real-life romance with RPatz on the other. The fans of
Twilight are very angry with her- mainly teens. She has lost the sequel to Snow White I think?
I did think it was a bad choice for Jodie to be in Taxi Driver but she seems to grown up savvy but unscathed- I could be wrong.She is still in the business she says eats up kids and spits them out, all chewed up. ??? Why complain now?
Everyone who wants to know why the company didn't give a enlisted person the freebie? Just email them and ask them. Simple. They won't know unless you bring it up to them
Looking at those beach pics, does that chest of hers look like a 37 year olds? My goodness has she aged.
I took something from the article entirely. I think Jodie was referring to the culture of the media and fans at this point in time and how they pick apart and scrutinize and criticize every aspect of an actor's life that they basicall do not get treated as people with real feelings.
"I have neurotically adapted to the gladiator sport of celebrity culture, the cruelty of a life lived as a moving target."
"If I were a young actor or actress starting my career today in the new era of social media and its sanctioned hunting season, would I survive?
She has a point. The media and the fans today are ruthless and there are many more avenues today with social media to publicly attack and criticize.
Buddy, I just did email them an hour ago. I hope they respond. I think they won't dismiss my email since we are a retired military family and are involved in helping wounded warriors. I told them it was an outrage that they would give a free vacation rental to a woman worth millions when there are military families who cannot afford that kind of luxury.
It just made my blood boil.
I wonder if Kate might let Relax On The Beach use some of her vacation pictures on their web site in the near future. Just thinking it might be part of the barter exchange maybe?
Anita, makes sense since she put a copyright on the photos. Something's up. How does the barter thing work with the IRS?
I'm always interested to see what others think. I don't always agree, but it's interesting to see how others take things. Often it's food for thought.
Mama Mia....THANK YOU for owning your words and writing them with a respectful tone. Putting your name on your words means that I read your post and give it some thought, just like I would hope you do for me. Owning your words allows discussion.
Anonymous=intentionally scroll past.
Relax on the Beach ads boast "pet-friendly vacations."
Poor Shoka. Shoka was just another avenue for Kate to get more press...it was never about him being part of the family.
I am really happy that you emailed them. I think in the future that they will realize that they will get a much more positive response if they help our an enlisted family more than a very already entitled family. I always support the Wounded Warriors program. Such a worthy cause.
Where's Shoka, anyway? Something tells me we should keep asking that question. I'd like to believe there was a happy homecoming reunion (per Kate's tweet), but....
My point was that Jodie continues to choose to act/direct, and has kept her personal life relatively private. She has said she has a great love for acting. Great to defend her friend and come forward , but I just don't think K Stew qualifies as your typical child star as her fame wasn't really solid till Twilight at age 18. I agree with Jodie's points about the life/environment of a celebrity but to continue to choose this lifestyle means you have to accept some of this, whether it is right or wrong. There are many perks , too. For a child not making the decision on his/her own, it is very wrong, so I agree parents should not put their kids in show biz, but an adult can make an informed decision. We mediocre know about paparazzi, tabloids, exploitation etc and most would not choose it but trudge on in our obscure lives of 'normalcy'. JMO.
Kate? It is a good article to read. Think what you did to your kids and what you are molding Mady into.
Is Kate grifting for American Girl now? That stuff is expensive ( she should know, given the freebies she received)
Improbable Dreams said... 33
Where's Shoka, anyway? Something tells me we should keep asking that question. I'd like to believe there was a happy homecoming reunion (per Kate's tweet), but....
@Kateplusmy8 Bet Shoka is glad to see you all!)
12 Aug
Kateplusmy8 @PatriciaChow1 yes!!!! Kids didn't stop asking about him and so glad to be reunited! :)
Yesterday Admin mentioned that Kate had good financial advice and probably set money wise, however she'll never really be happy because she wants what the money can't buy and that's fame. She wants the fame that she once had when the show was at its peak. She wants to be a star. Her life is empty and nothing she has will ever be enough to fill the void. She will always want what is just beyond her grasp. I think that she's beginning to realize this and that's why she is starting to push M. Unfortunately for Kate, her kids are just nice, normal kids (as they should be) no better nor any worse than anyone else's kids. Her kids may actually be at a disadvantage because Kate has always been about Kate and she hasn't paid for any of the training (singing, dance, etc.) that the kids would need to really break in to show business. She can tout on twitter and on her blog about how M is the entire package but if M doesn’t have the "IT" factor it's not going to happen. Kate can take pictures all she wants of the kids in "model" poses and post them on her blog but it's not going to get them any jobs. Does Kate seriously think that producers, directors and/or talent agents are reading her blog and looking at her kids' pictures? Producers and directors don't care that you're Kate Gosselin, they care about whether or not your kid has talent. Will your name get you in the door for an audition? Maybe but it won't get your kid the job unless your kid can actually do the job. Wake up and smell the Keurig Kate! In the dog eat dog world of stage moms Kate is a piker. One has to wonder if M really wants it or is she's just doing and saying what she needs to do and say to keep mamma happy?
OK, this has gone on long enough and it may be the medicine head talking. I haven't had a cold in at least 5 years and this one has really knocked me on my ass. I'm going back to bed!
Kate is Krazy said... 35
Is Kate grifting for American Girl now? That stuff is expensive ( she should know, given the freebies she received)
If she is, once again, she has the WRONG Twitter name. Kate seems to think if you put an "@" in front of a name that's the correct Twitter account name. Not always the case, but she just doesn't get it.
Well, IF it occurred to her to take Shoka, she'd probably tie him to the roof of the BBB!
Cara and Mady got tons of free American Girl stuff, so now she figures it's the tup girls' turn.
Tweet: lol you're right....and another movie night?? she contradicts her 'no electronics' blog as usual.
@ Kate is Krazy
Admin, thanks for the Jodie Foster link. It was an interesting read.
I agree that KStewart is an adult. She made a poor choice and there are consequences, especially when you live in the public eye. Sorry, but it's part of what comes with getting the big paychecks. It's not fair, but much of life isn't.
I do think, however, that her perspective of reality has been skewed by her Twilight fame. Most teens and young adults are wrapped up in themselves at this age, a type of narcissism if you will - it's part of their developmental stage. I think the fame she experienced with Twilight only helped to magnify those narcissistic qualities and she developed a belief that the rules don't really apply to her. She just got smacked down hard with this affair. Hopefully, rather than blame the paps etc. she'll own up to her mistake, take responsibility, learn from the experience and mature from it.
Jodie Foster at this same age was off at Yale studying. It seems like the child actors who consciously take a break and go to school or do something else from 18-22 fare better, but that's just my observation.
There is a GREAT documentary on Netflix about the casting/audition process for child actors called "The Hollywood Complex". I highly recommend it.
Interesting brief article about Kate Upton's hairstyle and comparing it to Kate Gosselin and not in a good way.
The posed photo of Mady on Kate's blog was just weird.
Mady's pose leads me to believe that she wants 'in' and probably not because she really wants to be an actor or a model, but because she's a child of a narcissistic who's chasing after the illusive goal of pleasing her mother. Notice that Kate posted her solo photo before Mady's? The caption under it should read "Look Mady, I'll ALWAYS be better than you " love, Mommie Dearest.
Dear Brave Anonymous (22)... "Just to set the record straight, a salary for a given on-screen performance does not include the right to invade anyone’s privacy, to destroy someone’s sense of self."
The operative word here being "performance"... Kate Gosselin isn't offering the public a "performance" from her kids: she gives away their privacy. That means there is absolutely zero "buffer zone" between the child and his public persona. He or she is there, completely "naked" so to speak, for all of us to gawk at. At least when child actors become famous, it's for a role; and when they are recognized on the street, at the restaurant, -whatever-, deep down I'm sure they feel less violated in their psyche because they know that what the fans know about them is what the role demanded of them and not their most private, personal, and intimate moments.
And this is what this blog is all about: denouncing adults making a living selling not only their kids' chilhood (like way too many child actors..), but also their privacy. It's doubly abhorrent.
Lastly, before I step down my soapbox: you are right on one point, Brave Anonymous: ideally, and generally speaking, we should concentrate our comments on Kate's behavior, not obsess on which kid has braces, which kid bumped its head and had stiches, which kid was expelled from school. That, to me, is playing their mother's game.
Last night after our long travel day, I was able to scroll through the 500+ party posts. And I join the uneffingbelievable crowd about the grifted vacation. Oh sure it was a random offer from heaven. I am disgusted in ways I cannot even imagine considering this dirtbag is part of my virtual world. She could not even part with a few $$$, but grifted a beach house a 20 hour drive from home, crammed the car with "dear" friends, loaded a trailer with crap and drove through the night, twice. Now she's looking to sell her beach vacations. I am completely gob-smacked - what a truly amoral piece of work. AND she planned this back in May and then grifted pity from her sheep all summer about her poor vactionless kids. Effing biotch.
Feel better soon, NJGal51.
AND she planned this back in May and then grifted pity from her sheep all summer about her poor vactionless kids. Effing biotch.
This is what really makes my skin crawl. Why didn't she tell her sheep we have something planned don't worry? Instead the entire summer she acted like poor me I wish we could go somewhere. How are she play that card knowing full well they had a $5,000 beach house lined up since MAY.
Was she trying to get a SECOND vacation? Sure as heck looks like it.
Pity Party said... 9
I looked at the beach photographs. She has them copyrighted with all rights reserveds. Planning on selling pictures much?
After Kate published pictures of the tups birthday party on her webiste, one of the tabloid sites also published them with an article about the party. Kate then went back and added the copyright to those pictures. She most likely wants to make sure that if anyone wants to use those pictures she will get paid.
I'm surprised she hasn't copyrighted all of the pictures on her website-but I guess that wouldn't make the slide show very attractive. Does she even notice that one of her fans is using one of the Easter pictures as their avatar on twitter?
I posted on the last thread, that Relax on the Beach, is having a photo contest. If you submit your vacation pictures, you could possibly win up to $150. Anyone think Kate will enter?
Sillimom I've seen the Hollywood Complex yes it's great. Not a single kid they followed ever got much work. It's on Netflix streaming.
I agree that KStewart is an adult. She made a poor choice and there are consequences, especially when you live in the public eye. Sorry, but it's part of what comes with getting the big paychecks. It's not fair, but much of life isn't.
I disagree. A paycheck is not license to drag someone through the mud. This poor girl has been through a ruthless media rampage. It's completely out of control.
Now, if you put it out there, like if you talk publicly all about your divorce or problems or motherhood, then I do agree you're fair game. But she was obviously not trying to put anything out there.
I don't even like Kristen Stewart, I think she's completely obnoxious, but she doesn't deserve this no matter how big her paycheck is.
BTW, she pleads ignorant on hauling a trailer. She and Jon did just that when they took the kids to Disney. And if anyone has ever been to U-Haul, it's part of their job to show you how to hitch and unhitch a trailer and how to drive with it safely. She makes it sound like she is unique (you know, can-do Kate).
Well, I may eat my words that Steve just had to be there because there were just adult females on the beach, he was not there, that is a FIRST. Maybe he finally grew a pair. Or maybe he flew down. She'll never admit it.
If indeed she did some of the driving down to Alabama, then her excuse that she is directionally challenged is a fib (again).
AuntieAnn said... 47
Idk...Mady always loved the spotlight and hers was the most believable 'performance' when they said goodbye on the final epi. She apparently loves school theater. I think she is like a lot of girls that age- wants attention for her looks, style, etc. Her expression 'look at me.' I do agree she wants Kate's approval & I think she's got it for now..I feel badly for the other kids NOT in favor- no single pic of one tup- or those who don't fit the mold Kate 'requires.'
White Organza said....48
And this is what this blog is all about: denouncing adults making a living selling not only their kids' childhood (like way too many child actors..), but also their privacy.
I agree with you. However, since I started watching the show b/c of these kids, not Kate, I can't help but be interested in how they are doing, not in a voyeuristic way, just to see how life and Kate are treating them. It is hard to separate comments on Kate sometimes from comments on what she did/said re: her children. But I agree certainly not to feed into Kate's tricks.
It's obvious from the postings of Mady's various poses that Kate has her enrolled in some modeling classes. Poor kid. The weight of the mommie dearest is on her tiny shoulders.
Time for a Sue Buddy post about how Kate grifted the vacay using Twitter and deceived her cruisers.
In May- they announced the cruise was cancelled. Makes sense that this beach house thing began then.
I'm curious about why it would take 3 MONTHS to pull off a stay in a free beach house. Why would that be so difficult?
Why is she still traveling AT NIGHT as though the kids were babies?
She claims that vacations increase 'intelligence'?? Is this the same idiot who didn't bother to learn who was on Mt Rushmore?
Wasn't there a post about how Kristen Stewart was an entitled, spoiled brat because she said her teachers failed her? And now since she slept with a married man and the press found out, she should be pitied and left alone?
If she's sleeping around with married men, while she is living with her boyfriend, she is hardly a CHILD. What am I missing here?
Kristen IS an entitled spoiled brat. There was a post on that. Because she made a PUBLIC statement whining about her teachers. It's fair game.
Now she is sleeping around and cheating.....but she hasn't put it out there, and if you've seen any of the tabloids they are being downright VICIOUS, plus the Twilight fans are just being vile. It's not fair game at all in my opinion. She apologized for it, so did he, and perhaps it's reasonable to warrant a few days of stories on it but it's been a RELENTLESS two weeks. Jodie Foster is spot on, the culture today is so vile. She doesn't have a reality show. She has not invited us into her life as Kate has.
She's not a child, but she was a child star and still a very young adult.
No single posing of Cara. Not a golden child, I guess. Too much like her dad.
I think Cara asked to be opted out of the beach pics just like she had opted out of the interviews toward the end of the series and even Kate admits that.
Why all the backlash as Kristen Stewart while the MARRIED father of two, who's twice her age, is hardly mentioned. Heck, I can't even remember his name.
OMG seriously with the CoffeeMate? Really? Who talks like that???
If Cara opted out of the photos, then she has more sense than her mother. Hugs to Cara.
Anonymous said... 22
Guess what? Jodie Foster also thinks that those of YOU who think it is okay to follow every move that Kate Gosselin makes and nitpick her to death also are WRONG.
Nice try but you couldn't be farther off base.
Jodie Foster said nothing about fame-whores like Kate Gosselin, whose sole intention is to allow the media to invade her privacy and that of her children in exchange for money.
Ohhhh, my head....
Is there any bug spray left over from last night? I believe it is as effective against trolls as it is against tiger mosquitoes and gnats.
PiggyPie_ said... 144
Administrator, if you don't mind, may I suggest your next post be Jodie Foster's words and maybe a little Ron Howard too? (hasn't he spoken against reality tv & such?)
Yes, the sheep use Jodie as a great example. Forget the fact that she played a prostitute at 12 years old and a man shot (at a) president because he 'loved' her.
He DID shoot the President.
I wonder if Kate has a deal to tweet about CoffeeMate?
Kate is not an actor. Kate never gave an on screen performance. Kate has put HERSELF out there. Anything we have talked about as to Kate as been at her invitation by making a reality show all about her, by making twitter all about her, and so on. If she wants out and just wants to "perform" now but be private otherwise, people do tell us and we'll stop.
Reading comprehension. Jodie Foster never said people who invite the public in by making reality shows also deserve privacy. She is talking about people who are acting but also get their PRIVATE lives stripped.
Kristen Stewart has NEVER doen a reality show and NEVER invited us in. Ever. I will always respect a celebrity who wants to be private, PERIOD. Just like we did when Jon said he wanted out. In fact it drives me crazy when celebrities who have made it CLEAR they want to be private still get invaded by nosey fans and tabloids, it's so rude and I've watched firsthand how invasive it is to that celeb's children.
Now, if you put it out there, like if you talk publicly all about your divorce or problems or motherhood, then I do agree you're fair game. But she was obviously not trying to put anything out there.
I disagree. The positioning of "R Pat" and "K Stew" as a couple was a marketing ploy that generated tremendous press for the actors and the movie franchise. And when you run to the press INSTEAD of your boyfriend, claiming 'I made a mistake, I love you ... " well you're right to privacy goes out the window. YOU have made the disintegration of the relationship fair game: You can't put it out there and then get angry it is being discussed. "K Stew" did it to herself.
Now, if they published an article about how "K Stew" was beaten as a child or had cancer or something similar, then I would 100% agree that it is NOT fair game and THAT information should remain private.
Someone upthread said:
anonymous = I'll scroll on by...
Excellent philosophy!
Disagree but please do not insult people here.
It is not irrelevant what child actors have to say. They are generally talking about media attention, the same exact attention the Gosselin kids got. They generally talk about public exposure the same or much WORSE the Gosselins got. Some have even spoken directly about the Gosselins, they obviously see the direct parallels--Paul Petersen, Alison Arngrim. It's highly relevant what they have to say and we should take heed since they've been through it.
Kate as an adult had a choice to be a reality star and put her private life out there. The children did not have a choice and even when they were old enough to articulate preferences, are still not old enough to make an informed choice, they are CHILDREN. There's the obvious difference and why child stardom stories are so important.
I don't think Cara likes photos and is probably glad the filming has stopped. She is growing fast and should not have it documented- she is not like her twin. Do you think Mady has taken modeling lessons? She looks kind of 'amatuer-ish' to me but you well could be right- grifted of course? I don't blame her- I blame her mother.
No single pose of Alexis I don't think? Kate always put H and L together & excluded poor A from her sisters.
OK, I am mentioning the kids- Kate put those pictures there- kind of redundant- private holiday- here it is for 'you to enjoy' ( or be jellus)
Re: KS. I think the tabloid stuff will stop. It is too much. I think RP's low-key handling of the break-up on a talk show set a better tone. I notice Taylor Swift is getting mean comments too. So whether you're America's sweetheart or a Twilight girl- 'gone -bad' I think in this anonymous computer age and the paps wild for stories and pics, anyone famous sadly is game. It is unfair but it's always on to the next scandal or tragedy. The Jackson's drama is now old news from a couple of weeks ago.
Personally I never heard of KS before the Twilight movies.I wouldn't call her a child star- maybe a child actress- her mom is her agent I think?
Heather, I really don't think she expected it to be this bad. And I still don't think anyone deserves THIS much vile attention.
Like I said, a few days of converge, okay fair enough. But this? I'm sorry it's over the top for anyone. Heck even for a reality star. This is one of the most vile, lengthy coverages of a celeb scandal I have ever seen in my life.
NJGAL 38 -- Mady has said several times that she wants to be a vet. I think she likes to perform and likes the attention and approval it brings her from her gestational carrier, but whether she wants to make a career of it or not -- I think that's more KK's fantasy than hers. She does have some degree of talent, but is it enough to get her the attention and the roles and the fame? Who knows? There are thousands of talented and trained performers who are working other jobs because they can't make a living in show business. Hope you're feeling better soon. Summer colds are the worst.
I remember reading an article about Jody Foster a year or so ago where she talked about acting with KStew in "Panic Room" and she said that she got the feeling that KStew didn't really want to be an actress. When she asked her mother about it, the mother said that she really did. So -- who's career waS it, really -- KStew's choice or her mother's pushing? Personally, I don't like her. She's sour, rude, and reportedly very difficult to work with. I also think she's a lousy actress. She made a very bad choice to get involved with a married man, but she's only 22 or 23. Most of us made judgment errors at that age. Maybe not of the magnitude of hers, but we made them. It's time for people to let up on her and let her make amends and move on. BTW -- I'm not much of a fan of RPat either.
Once, I think the point being that when Kristen was 11 years old on the set of Panic Room and was saying she really, really wanted to act, she could not foresee what could happen to her like Jodie was fearful could happen. She was just too young to understand the consequences.
Sure she's an adult now, but had she known adulthood would be like this, would she choose this as a child? Jodie is right, she probably wouldn't have nor would have Jodie, as she said. And when you're been acting since you were very little, how easy is it really to just say okay I don't like this I'm stepping away. Some people manage to do it, but I think when you do it since childhood it becomes an absolute identity thing, far different emotionally than just an adult doing it. Even Jodie was like, I really don't know anything different. I find that a little unnerving that you would never know anything different.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 70
Kate is not an actor. Kate never gave an on screen performance. Kate has put HERSELF out there. Anything we have talked about as to Kate as been at her invitation by making a reality show all about her, by making twitter all about her, and so on. If she wants out and just wants to "perform" now but be private otherwise, people do tell us and we'll stop.
Reading comprehension. Jodie Foster never said people who invite the public in by making reality shows also deserve privacy. She is talking about people who are acting but also get their PRIVATE lives stripped.
Kristen Stewart has NEVER doen a reality show and NEVER invited us in. Ever. I will always respect a celebrity who wants to be private, PERIOD. Just like we did when Jon said he wanted out. In fact it drives me crazy when celebrities who have made it CLEAR they want to be private still get invaded by nosey fans and tabloids, it's so rude and I've watched firsthand how invasive it is to that celeb's children.
"Celebrity" and "private" do not go hand in hand. When actors give interviews, they are putting themselves out there. It is part of the package that comes with fame. In this day and age, if you choose as an adult to position yourself to become famous, you don't get to decide that you want complete privacy.
I'm not a fan of the tabloid press and happen to think they should back off everyone. I don't, however, agree that reality stars "deserve" the invasion while actors "deserve" privacy. Both groups put themselves in the public eye and with that choice comes ramifications.
I wonder about the psychological effects of children being in movies and such. Family shows are different, I guess, but children from age 5ish and below can have a hard time separating fact from fiction. A 6 month old baby can not tell the difference between a real explosion or a fake one on a movie set. The stress of experiencing something like that must ultimately effect you in some way.
Not to mention being pigionholded into a "character" or worse situations like the G kids whose every private moment is now on youtube for all to enjoy.
Mama Mia, fascinating when you compare what Khate said there about the six and what she said in their first TLC special.
IMO the Gosselin kids are in a whole other catagory from child actors because they are not playing a character. They are not spending a month on a SET or location with other adults and children they will most likely never see again. They are 'playing' THEMSELVES. Their set is their own home, the bedrooms they have to sleep in the night after filming a 'scene' there and for every night after. The mean Mom wasn't just pretending to be mean because it's in a script, she actually is mean. And she actually IS their mommy, their ONLY mommy. It is just sickening that no one has stuck up for them in the press, especially as they are still small children, but an adult gets support.
Anonymous I think reality star or actor, whatever you put out there is fair game. If an actor wants to put it out there about his affair then it's fair game. If he wants it private, it's not fair game. But fair game within REASON, this coverage is out of control.
Jodie Foster has not put hardly anything out there, while other celebs can be a lot more open about things and in my opinion leave a lot more wiggle room for justified attention. And when it gets to the point where you are inviting people into your own home for 150 episodes and have told us so much about your life your fans think they are a part of your family, the fair game gets wider.
Didnt know coffee-mate was organic ?!? But I guess we get the message, there's no life without coffee-mate....
Still nursing a hefty hangover from all that wunderfull rumaspringa and I cant seem to find my head, but it was all good clean fun.
Just to clarify my take, Admin, the point is that Jodie Foster is not talking about reality programming so I don't see how it relates to Kate.
IMO the Gosselin kids are in a whole other catagory from child actors because they are not playing a character. They are not spending a month on a SET or location with other adults and children they will most likely never see again. They are 'playing' THEMSELVES.
Exactly. Another reason they deserve even more protection. At least with Jodie Foster when people were criticizing her playing a 12 year old prostitute, it was just a character and at the end of the day she may have been hurt but at least she can say well I was just doing an acting job. The children's "characters" are themselves and criticism or media attention about themselves is so personal. There is no escape, there is no, that's just my character. Mady is Mady and so on. It's worse.
Buddy, it doesn't relate to Kate it relates to the children. She is talking about public attention and the glare of being in the media eye and what that does to children, how does it NOT relate to the children? I bet you anything that as long as Kate keeps putting them out there, in a few years time the media will start showing an interest in their dating life, watch for it. 80 comments here so far see the connection. :)
Admin 69 said ". . . Kate never gave an onscreen performance."
I disagree with you there, Admin. I think she gave one heck of an onscreen performance, portraying herself as a loving Christian wife and mother. She wasn't able to keep up the act, though, and her real personality began to show through the cracks very quickly.
The beach front rental company that Kate USED, are probably feeling quite USED.
I didn't read the website word-for-word, but I noticed that this is a property management company. They don't own the beach houses, but rather handle the rentals through their company. If this is true, then why is everyone coming down on them for giving Kate a freebie? I doubt it was their doing. I would think that that the house is owned by a well-to-do sheeple, a celebrity, a fan, or whatever, and they would have contacted the rental company about letting Kate have this home for her vacation. In other words, Relax would be acting as the middleman. They would have had the owners approval for this to happen. It wasn't up to Relax to give Kate the freebie, but rather the owners of the property. Relax carried out the logistics.
Yes? No?
What Kate should have done is to tell them that the offer was gracious, but she would ask that the owners donate that vacation house to someone who really needs a vacation but is without the resources to rent it.
TLC stinks said... 15
It was definitely the Sunflower that they stayed in. Here's picture of the family room from a different website:
And according to the website, the rate for the time Kate was there was the PEAK rate of $5732 per week.
Easy to "budget" when the most costly part of your trip is free.
The married father of two has apologized and then was left alone I guess. Which is how it should have gone down with Kirsten, she apologized and then they should have moved on.
There is no escape, there is no, that's just my character. Mady is Mady and so on. It's worse.
Bingo! Which is what is so disturbing. There were those nasty blogs and the I hate Mady blogs, YouTube vidoes, etc., devoted to how horrible and spoiled some of the kids were. These were not slams at some "character" they played, but rather hurtful sites aimed at the person.
Kate Gosselin isn't offering the public a "performance" from her kids: she gives away their privacy. That means there is absolutely zero "buffer zone" between the child and his public persona.
Amen. In my view take anything child actors say about how bad their childhood was/is and multiply it by 10 and then you get some incline of what it must be like to be a child star who is a REALITY star just being themselves. It's frightening.
I noticed Kate said the beach house co. people were 'fans' of her 'family.' How can you be a fan of a family? Oh, yes. Reality TV. When will she quit pushing that? When the kids are grown and gone?
After doing the math, I realized that the cost of driving and all that it involved was a lot less expensive than flying
Is that Kate speak for 'couldn't comp a flight?'
Even more frightening is that the kid's lives WERE edited to form them into specific characters. Mady: bad, dramatic one. Cara: mmature, kind one. Etc. Adults took money to try and make people dislike or symmpathise with a CHILD. Even worse is that 2 of those adults were the kid's Mother and Father.
Are trusts exempt from FAFSA? FAFSA is still a long way off for us.
I don't understand why they didn't bring Shoka, he would have loved it. What a perfect dog vacation. Beach house, the beach, fun. The only time I haven't brought my dog along on traveling was to England, he's not allowed without a quarantine and the flight is too long for the little guy.
The blogs devoted to certain tups were just as creepy. Either way you sensed maybe something bad might happen to these kids from over-zealous fans or haters.If I were Kate ( oy!) I would be glad to step back out of the spotlight and let my kids be free and safer.live modestly off my millions and join the rest of the mediocre world- it's not that bad!
Thank you for your email.
Relax on the Beach does lots of great things for lots of people, including military discounts,
senior discounts, fundraisers, week giveaways, etc. and we do not brag about it because those
people are private and should not be used for publicity. Kate is a public person/celebrity and she is a brand. She has chosen to blog about her experience.
Have a nice day,
Couldn't help but notice they give DISCOUNTS to military families but COMP Shrews. Blecch.
Why is that a secret? Why isn't Jon taking to his twitter account
Because maybe he feels it's none of the public's business. Maybe he feels like the point is that he has his children more, and the point is not proving to you or anyone else that he does. Could be as simple as that. Sometimes sheeple will pop in here with sludge about me or others. I don't respond to it. I don't have a need to "prove" them wrong, I just don't. I haven't responded to most of that stuff since day one.
I second Mel I like when people put names behind strong opinions and say them with respect.
JudyK said... 31
Relax on the Beach ads boast "pet-friendly vacations."
Poor Shoka. Shoka was just another avenue for Kate to get more press...it was never about him being part of the family.
I noted that the house was pet friendly so Shoka could have gone, but I'm sure didn't.
It's a lot to travel with pets and it takes commitment and determination to work them into the travel schedule. With 4 adults and a big bus, Shoka could have gone.
Maybe he doesn't travel well. More likely, he's never been part of travel and could turn into a real pill in the car. Some dogs need acclimation and training to chillax in the car for long periods of time.
Our 3 dogs come with us to the OBX and I'd say it adds another hour to the trip. We are at the whim of the dogs, well, really the bichon frise. When Senior Stinky wants to pee or needs a drink, we pull over. There's no telling him to hang in there another 30 minutes!
One time on the way down there, we made it with one stop across the NC border. That was nothing short of a miracle, but certainly isn't the case most of the time. When we have to stop we have to stop and you have to really want your dogs along to have the patience to go with the flow and make alterations based on the pets.
Regarding Kate's watermarking her photos, I say it's a good thing. It does not mean she's going to sell them (although a good bet), it just gives her more backing to claim the photos as her own and demand that anyone who uses them get her permission or take them off their sites.
Most folks with blogs do that. It's considered original work and proprietary.
A friend of mine's parents work for a big rich rancher up in Wyoming who invited the Wounded Warriers program up there for sort of a weekend on the ranch. I guess they found some cowboy slash military guys and gave them a fun time of riding, roping, hunting, the works. They LOVED it. Now this is what the rich really do with their wealth, quietly, without fuss.
She "chose" to blog about her experience....wait are they saying they would have given her the freebie without any kind of publicity in return? Oh my gosh that's even worse. I mean at least admit that this was a contract for free publicity on her blog.
They're actually saying it wasn't? The hell....?
Buddy said reality not acting? Well what was it? Putting your sons in the driveway on potty chairs with their underwear and pants down around their ankles is what? Real life? It was scripted, the chairs were placed in the driveway, the boys were directed to pull down their pants and sit there while the cameras rolled. And their parents got paid money for this. When the boys started to cry, they were forced to sit there until the cameras got the correct amount of film footage, to then be edited by whom? Mr. Blankenship perhaps?
"she is a brand"
I guess this company thought that because Kate is a "brand" and has over 100,000 followers on twitter, the company would get plenty of free advertising for themselves. Do they really thing that Kate's "brand" is that far reaching?
Kate basically made $5700 for one blog post-that maybe 100 or less people(I'm only guessing her) may actually read.
The important thing is how many of those people actually have the money to actually rent one of their houses? I would think not too many, considering the dismal response to the cruise.
Absolutely the Gosselin children have no privacy as children of a reality person who puts their lives on the air. But Jodie Foster is talking about actors. Just clarifying.
Wow, lots of different topics and funny how they all tie into Kate.
Kristen: I don't know how her childhood acting contributed to this affair, but she's
23 now. She should know better and I think the media is not helping!
The media only writes how sad Kristen and Rob are but I think the real
victims are the wife and kids.
Freebies: when are people and businesses going to wise up to this woman? I
can't stand her tears and screeching every time she scams another
sucker. I know she is having a harder time as time goes by, but once is
to many! She needs to get exposed! So many more deserving people!
Mady : She is setting Mady up. She is trying to steal her childhood away from her!
I think Kate is getting desperate and she will use Mady in any way she
can. That picture is creepy and it's not the first and it won't be the last!
BTW, one more young person who seems to be having problems right now is Miley Cyrus ( its not the haircut) the parents are trying to help but she is not listening! They should have thought of that before they put her on TV as a young child!
She "chose" to blog about her experience
My letter to them was pretty brutal. I did manage to keep it professional and didnt use any 4-letter words. (Admittedly HARD when discussing kHate The Shrew.)
The gravy train rolls on for this with of a woman.
How long before her hooker heels and magic bras have sponsors on them like a NASCAR driver?
Angie, I think you confused me with another poster. I never said "reality not acting"
I want to implore anyone who wishes to put down/keep contacting/malign this beach rental company to really show restraint. Yes, Kate got it for free and I'm betting that the beach company was planning on getting some sort of publicity from it. Be it any celeb who might get loads of pap pics taken at their place/resort, it's simply marketing for them. Nothing more.
It's not a moral judgement about Kate's worthiness or goodness. I'm sure they don't have a clue how much she's grifted.
I just don't want this company, who by all means seems to give to the community, to get raked over the coals and maligned because of a (perceived) good deed.
Please just think about the company's intent, and not Kate's intent. Two very different things.
I'm satisfied with their professional and quick response, and hope it ends there.
Submitted with respect ;-)
Jodi Foster is talking about "media culture." Are not the Gosselins a direct part of that too? I don't think you can draw a line in the sand and say her comments don't apply directly to any child in the public eye, from Jon Edward's daughter to Sarah Palin's children to the Gosselins. If asked I'm sure she wouldn't deny that any child in the public eye faces similar pitfalls. Not sure why the hair splitting.
I agree with Tucker. I actually don't really blame this company. They don't know what a liar she is. What's done is done. I blame Kate for being so greedy and for her false portrayal of her financial situation. She should have told them no. Or she should have paid for it herself. Five grand is but a drop in the bucket of her Lane contract.
Sheeple, chew on this. If Kate is so desperate for cash, how is it that she claims she didn't even fight the no child support thing? Doesn't she need every red cent to survive? Things that don't add up!!!!
Let's throw tomatoes said... 102
Kristen made a stupid, stupid mistake. I place more blame on the way older married dude. But of course, it takes two to tango.
23 is an adult, but not wise by any means. Kristen won't know or understand the full spectrum of what she's done for many years to come, and that's IF she matures into a full-on, responsible adult, which when you're in the world of uber-filty-rich- entitled, never-ending Petet Pan- Hollyweird, may never happen.
I'm glad she's got a soft place to fall in a very cruel world where people love to hate. She made a mistake by cheating on RPatz with a married man, however she should not be prosecuted in a Nuremberg Trial-like manner.
I agree Miley Cyrus is going down the wrong path, but with her childhood and parents, who can say they're surprised.
I hope she gets way less dramatic with her hair, and eats a few cheeseburgers soon.
Anonymous in case you forgot, Kate's attorney chose to make it the public's business by claiming that Kate voluntarily relieved Jon of child support in response to Jon's statements about support. When those of us who understand PA law knew that couldn't possibly have happened, we sought answers. If you recall the FACTS, no one contacted any insider sources until Kate's attorney chose to PUT THAT OUT THERE. I hadn't talked to any source in MONTHS prior to that statement.
Again, putting information out there vs. not putting information out there. Jon chose to make comments about support, Kate chose to have her attorney put out some information, we sought answers. Period.
Jon may FEEL it's none of our business and that's his right, but he chose to give an interview and Kate's attorney chose to respond. The door was opened.
Had neither of them ever talked about this, I agree 100% with you, it's none of our business and if you NOTICE, none of this was sought out when they weren't putting it out there.
Idk. She said the company was familiar with her show and loved her family so wouldn't they know ALL about her? I don't see any publicity for them in this- why not choose a documented needy family?
Auntie Ann (56) "I started watching the show b/c of these kids, not Kate, I can't help but be interested in how they are doing, not in a voyeuristic way, just to see how life and Kate are treating them. It is hard to separate comments on Kate sometimes from comments on what she did/said re: her children. "
And you are absolutely right, Auntie Ann... Not long ago, when we were all so utterly scandalized after Kate wrote about one of her boys being randomly accused of "peeling the equator", it would have been next to impossible to have a serious discussion about her parenting skills (that she was promoting in that blog post, mind you...) without mentioning the child. So we did. But the focus of the discussion was Kate, not the child, nor the child's behavior per se.
What I was refering to in my post is the kind of minutia bordering obsession about the most mundane aspects of those kids' life I sometimes observe from some of the posters. But they are a minority and, usually, other posters will respecfully protest after a while...
This one of the many many reasons I like this blog. Like Admin. wrote a few days ago: we all seem to share the same moral compass when it comes to children welfare.
And I do hope I didn't offend with any of my comments this morning: it wasn't my intention.
The important thing is how many of those people actually have the money to actually rent one of their houses?
FYI for anyone who's not rented houses like these: Some are like regular homes for a nuclear family, but most are enormous bedroom/bathroom boxes with large main living areas. They are built to pack 'em in and with that, allow the rental fee to be spread over more than just one payer/family.
Yes, $4500 can seem like a lot, depending. When you consider that you can eat every meal, enjoy everyday at the beach or pool, and even entertain at the rental, it can be the most cost effective means of vacationing. And the views can't be beat!
One house built at the very tippy-top of the OBX (on the 4x4 for y'all who know) has 23 bedrooms! It's a wedding weekend mecca.
So they watched a few episodes and were fooled into the struggling family thing. You'd have to dig a lot deeper to see beyond that. And Im sure Kate didn't bother to inform them of her true financial situation.
Are trusts exempt from FAFSA? FAFSA is still a long way off for us.
Idk, at this point I am not legally involved in a trust. You could go to the FASFA website and check it out. (I would think not, they require a comprehensive list of assets and forms of income,etc.)
There IS a way for the G kids to get FASFA financial aid. There's a loophole. I can email Admin if she wants further info. Perhaps it will be closed before KI starts thinking about higher education.
What's the deal with all the coffeemate tweeting? If she's giving them so much publicity, there has to be a financial windfall in it for her (they probably send her a case for every mention).
I don't know why everyone's shocked that KI grifted a freebie vacation...a leopard never changes its spots.
And what's the deal with the young starlet? She isn't the first actress to have an affair, but she sure seems to be held to a level of accountability that no one else has (Angelina Jolie comes to mind).
White Organza:
lol, that was me, not AuntieAnn! I was replying to both of your comments in the same post.
I was admitting that sometimes I do post about the kids- I hope in a way that shows I am pro- G kids all the way. There's a fine line sometimes between was sounds critical of the kids ( like Madys' posing) and concern over what Kate is doing to prompt this or that behavior, if she is grifting for the braces, AG dolls, vacations, socks etc etc etc !
***So, imagine my excitement earlier this summer when, through my website, a company called “Relax On The Beach” (oh even the name!!!) randomly contacted me and asked if we would like to spend a week in one of their beach houses! They are fans of our show and our family and kindly offered their “free space” in one of their homes this summer! Were they kidding??! I mean, what a blessing!***
When she says "randomly contacted me" does she mean they picked her name out of a freaking hat? Was it mere coincidence that she was desperately seeking a free vacay and then poof! the genie popped out of the lamp again?
And what does she mean by "they are fans of our show"? What show? There is no more show, Kate. It's over, remember?
I think the Relax and Kate should at the very least try to get their stories straight.
Hey, I see the media, has not picked up on Kates, grifting vacation bragging blog , yet. Or will they? I also think, as someone mentioned, that it is someone who owns one of the houses, offered it to Kate. One of her fans, tweeted her and said they left the blue tent for her.
Kates, fans/sheeple/lackeys, still think Kate is so popular/famous, that anything she touches, will turn to gold for that company/product etc. These people live in LA LA land. Everything Kate touch turn to rust. Kate never researches things, that is below her, too much work. That's why her CC blogs are worthless, she never goes the distance, or out side the box. Cause, she is lazy. Foe example: If you are talking pools: Kate need to look at all aspects of pool owning. That means, inground, above ground, portable, chemicals, maintence, pool safety, child safety, salt vs chorine, pool toys, filter system, pool maintence company & CPR. How many of the above did Kate even cover? 2 that I recall. If Kate had researched, her blog would have been a great source of info, but she didn't. It was less than mediocre blog, totally useless.
Just, like school supplies, no mention of school tax free days either, or go to your schools website and get supply list, or a lot of the stores have from area school the supply lists. You don't have to buy at that store to get the list. Make a spread sheet and compare prices to get the best deal. Kate never mentioned any of it.
I stop taking the amoxicillin, and took the Loratidine, I'm still itching a bit, but not like yesterday.
aggiemom09121416 said... 114
Maybe Coffeemate was one of the 'pieces' that contributed to the vacation K mentioned in her blog? Just a thought...
Re: KS. I think a lot has to do with the fans of Twilight. Such a phenomenon. They feel Bella has cheated on Edward, not 'real' people involved in a personal relationship. Others think she is ungrateful for her success but a lousy actress and doesn't deserve RPatz?? Old double standard. The books are ok, but not really all that well-written imo.(my dd had them)I don't get the buzz.lol
I did some figuring, cost of gas, beach homes, and compared it to the cost of driving to the Jersey shore and renting a house there (a nice one, not a duplex miles from the beach). By driving to Alabama and taking the free rental, they saved about $800 -- this is not including the trailer rental. I have no idea what kind of trailer they got, how much it was. So, ballpark, say it cost $200 to rent it (probably more), they saved $600, BUT they had that long, long drive both ways! If the trailer rental was considerably more than $200, then they saved almost nothing,
It it worth the drive, just to save that much money, considering that Kate certainly has that much money stashed somewhere? She's able to travel to NYC and back for a hair appointment? Heck, no!
OT: Oh, and did you ladies know 50 Shades was originally a fanfic based on Twilight? The author changed the names and stories a bit, and removed the fanfic from the web and sure made some money with a little imagination. I hear it's also not well-written. I haven't read it so I can't give any opinion.
Sheeple, chew on this. If Kate is so desperate for cash, how is it that she claims she didn't even fight the no child support thing? Doesn't she need every red cent to survive? Things that don't add up!!!!
And then there is the obvious. If she is so desperate for cash - GET A JOB!
She "chose" to blog about her experience....wait are they saying they would have given her the freebie without any kind of publicity in return? Oh my gosh that's even worse. I mean at least admit that this was a contract for free publicity on her blog.
That's what I am wondering. Likely scenario is that the owner of the house contacted Relax and said they are fans of the show. They heard about the cruise cancellation and saw Kate begging for a beach vacation (her tweets prove it). Rental company got the owner's approval to "give" the house to Kate for a week, and rental company said that if Kate blogs about it, they would knock off a percentage of what the management company charges the owner to advertise and rent out the property. It would be free publicity for the rental company. Some kind of deal had to be made.
I don't believe she voluntarily blogged about it. When has she ever given publicity to anyone unless she got something out of it?
Kate is crazy: cause, like Kates, fans/sheeple/lackeys, that are blinded by Kates lies. They are loyal fans. Loyal fans/etc, do not see their idol as anything less than perfect. Something in their brain, does not understand, when Kate is mean, to them she is joking around, like all the jabbing of Jon, it was not funny, Kate & Jon are not Donny & Marie or Sonny & Cher, they did it for their entertainment variety shows, this was a reality show, people don't do that on a daily basis. Yes, we kid once in a while, but Kate was doing it at every opportunity, and that is not funny, it's abusive. So like the company, which gets the property from some owner, this owner is a fan, of Kates. It's not the companys job to research who is to rent, theirs is to rent the house for the owner.
One of her fans, tweeted her and said they left the blue tent for her.
I call BS on this, too.
Look at the links someone posted of the rentals and you can SEE IT in the background setup on the beach in a few shots. Seems to be part of the freebie.
Midnight Madness...did you include in your calculations the amount of money she paid to have a hitch put on the BBB.That ads around $250.00 to the cost as well. Plus, did she fly out her Midwest 'friend' or did her friend have to pay for the flight to Kate's? If so why didn't her friend fly down to Ala. it might have been the same cost and she could have avoided the long drive.
So wait, was Relax just hired by someone who owned a house in Bama to take care of the boring paperwork side of the holiday details, OR did they own the house and comped the nearly 5k so Khate and brood could stay for free? Because if it was the former I don't see why anyone should be angry with them.
Hey Coupon Kate: The local Reading paper had a story yesterday about the FREE movies for kids offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning at a local theater. It has been going on all summer. Sheesh ... you'd think she could take advantage of this. It's FREE. No grifting required. The woman doesn't have a clue about great things for kids in her own hometown.
Question: Since this house was a gift, is there a tax liability to her? If she had to hire an attorney to draw up a contract to make sure that everything was done legally, and she had to PAY that attorney, then she would have saved next to nothing by accepting this free rental.
I still remember her in the new house when one of the kids asked how much money it costs to buy a house like that. She said lots of money, that's why mommies and daddies work. I believe I yelled at the television and said, "That's why you KIDS work."
Tamara said... 126
So wait, was Relax just hired by someone who owned a house in Bama to take care of the boring paperwork side of the holiday details, OR did they own the house and comped the nearly 5k so Khate and brood could stay for free? Because if it was the former I don't see why anyone should be angry with them.
I highly doubt the home owners just hired a company to comp Kate. It's more likely this company has been renting out their home for how ever long and my bet is that the company saw this as an opportunity. Their response noted upthread alludes to this. Kate was just another donation of a rental so a "needy" family could enjoy a beach vacation under their auspice.
My sense is that the owners got paid and the rental company donated their allocation of the rental fee as well as their labor resources as good will (maybe a tax write off?) and/or marketing expenses.
The home owners have nothing to gain other than just being nice and again, that was not alluded to in the company's response.
Kate and kids don't 'require' a free vacation. She has enough $$$ to pay for one. Many people suggested local spots. I think her taking advantage of a sheeple's offer or a company's is downright low. Not the latter two's fault I guess; blinded by the veneer shine of Kate's horsy mouth to her flaws and riches.Just so annoying when there are others who have NEVER been on a vacation in their lives,, if someone ha a freebie ti give away.
Auntie Ann (56) "I started watching the show b/c of these kids, not Kate, I can't help but be interested in how they are doing, not in a voyeuristic way, just to see how life and Kate are treating them. It is hard to separate comments on Kate sometimes from comments on what she did/said re: her children. "
It may sound a little creepy, and in some ways it definitely is wrong, but I am more interested in the psychology and child devolpment side of the KIDS no Khate. We've been privy to an 8 year long science experiment, and I for one want to see the data as it comes out. Kind of like a Buffy episode where Xander is turned into 2 Xanders, one with all the 'good' bits and one with the 'less than good' bits, but otherwise exactly identical. Riley, a psychology student, asked if anyone else wanted to put them in separate rooms and study them. Lol, yes, he got the 'hell no you creep' look from the Scooby Gang, but it did make sense. Hopefully, as with all studies and experiments, positive things can be learned and others helped. Including the Gosselin kids.
Once a Viewer said... 115
"White Organza:
lol, that was me, not AuntieAnn! I was replying to both of your comments in the same post."
Oops! Brain glitch, here! lol. Sorry, Auntie Ann, sorry Once!
And all your posts, Once a Viewer, do show that you are pro-kids all the way, don't worry. It IS a fine line sometimes "between what sounds critical of the kids ( like Madys' posing) and concern over what Kate is doing to prompt this or that behavior." And that's where the moral compass comes in handy. ;) But to complicate things further, I think that if we all have similar compasses, they are not identical. (Hence the lively and interesting discussions, though...)
I, for one, find it strange to criticize Kate for selling her kids' privacy all the while desperatly trying to find out the name of the kid who just got braces and what kid did this or that, when even their dreadful mother, -once in a blue moon-, doesn't put out that private information for all to know. That really doesn't compute in my mind. But, hey... That's just me. Again: it's a fine line...
So wait, was Relax just hired by someone who owned a house in Bama to take care of the boring paperwork side of the holiday details,
According to its website, it is a property management company. One section has you contact them if you have a property you want them to rent for you. They said to let THEM handle everything.
"Midnight Madness...did you include in your calculations the amount of money she paid to have a hitch put on the BBB.That ads around $250.00 to the cost as well."
Yes, but I had no idea how much it costs to rent that, so when I figured it out, I added the minimal cost (around $200). It could be $500. What I didn't consider, though, is that gas mileage on a diesel van would decrease if you are hauling a trailer, probably not that much, but every little bit adds up.
You know what I just remembered: Kate was tweeted by someone who said they 'left the blue tent there for them'.
Do you think that was a subtle hint that maybe she should have thanked the company via twitter WHILE she was there to get more publicity for the company.
This whole thing about giving her stuff for her mediocre tweets is pretty sad. She has never gone out of her way (unless forced to by contract) to thank a company, unless she is still grifting from them. (coffeemate, keurig, etc)
She's a marketing don't when it comes to new media.
These were not slams at some "character" they played, but rather
hurtful sites aimed at the person. 87
There was a site called "I hate _________ Gosselin." This child was
6 years old at the time.
Kate obviously has a deal with Coffeemate. They are probably sending her free cases of it, since she is constantly tweeting and showing pics of it. I would doubt they are paying her as a "spokesperson", but I bet anything she has cases delivered weekly/monthly.
Wouldn't it be so Kate for her to 'charge' her guests for their part of the stay?? After all, yrs ago she received free beef from TLC, and gave half of it to (Carla I think?), but made her pay for her part...Kate gets free beef, and money too!!
I bet she made her 'guests' pay their part of the gas and food at the very least (and part of the trailer rental).
Kate's NEVER going to change, folks. A leopard never changes its spots. Once a grifter, always a grifter.
that would explain why she tweeted the weird coffemate pic in the windscreen of the BBB
If so why didn't her friend fly down to Ala. it might have been the same cost and she could have avoided the long drive.
I believe that Kate wanted multiple "drivers" and help with the kids!
It can't be a tax-write off since Kate is not a 501(c)3 charity...or is she? I wouldn't put it past her to figure out how to create a nonprofit entity to benefit herself. (I'm only kidding...sorta)
Bottom line of the whole beach house vacation thing is anyone who does business with Kate Gosselin would be wise to have a lawyer standing beside them at all times. She apparently has learned how to play the branding game better than we thought and I wouldn't be surprised if anything/anyone she deals with these days is done through her celebrity attorneys.
As Pink Straight Jacket said yesterday, Relax on the Beach may very well fall victim of the Kate Kurse.
Regardless of who got what in this deal, or how the rental company was paid, the bottom line is that it was not their house to give away. If the owners had said, "no dice" to giving Kate the house, then Relax could not have done it.
Why does it always say comments closed on Kate's blog site? I don't think she allows any! I'm also surprised CC does allow comments as they are usually negative.
For people who own vacations rentals like the one Kate stayed at, the owner often has the property as an investment and let a rental agency handle everything. If the rental agency is reputable the owner may not want or need to know who rents the house each time it IS rented out. As long as it is well maintained and owner is getting rental income that maybe be all they want to do it the property. The owner of that property may very well not know who rented it for that week.
What would really be a shame for Relax is if they paid the owners the rental cost in order to give it to Kate for free, thinking that with the good publicity they would be getting from Kate's World, the result would be multiple new rentals from their site.
Little did they know...
lol, anyone see that old Mia Farrow movie Radio Days when she tries out for a laxative commercial with a jingle that goes "Get regular with Relax, start each day the Relax way....your system will feel so great, you'll want to Relax on top of the Empire State"... I can't get it out of my mind reading about THIS Relax company!
Wouldn't it be so Kate for her to 'charge' her guests for their part of the stay?? After all, yrs ago she received free beef from TLC, and gave half of it to (Carla I think?), but made her pay for her part.
But they helped her take care of the kids. Maybe the whole thing was a wash. Besides Deanna, who else went with her? I think I missed that.
I think Maddy looks pretty but she also should be left alone.
She should be allowed and encouraged to do and be what she wants.
Tucker's Mom said... 105
...Please just think about the company's intent, and not Kate's intent. Two very different things.
I'm satisfied with their professional and quick response, and hope it ends there.
Submitted with respect ;-)
I agree completely. Kate is a shameless beggar and bald faced liar and it will eventually catch up to her all on it's own.
Admin, this is my opinion and it goes for KS or anyone else:
KS made a decision to cheat on her boyfriend with her married director. Okay, not a choice I would make but they are both consenting adults with free will so fine, they're choice.
KS is also aware that she is a celebrity and that she is stalked by the paps, right or wrong. She is also aware that because of Twilight, the price a pap can make on one of her photos is probably higher then other young celebs, hence she's even more in demand.
Knowing this, she made a conscious decision to meet her married lover in public and preceded to engage in make out sessions around LA. So, IMO, KS did put her affair out for public consumption. To be upset because of that or complain it's the paps fault is as narcissistic in my opinion as Kate can be.
I agree that a few days of coverage should have been enough. I honestly haven't seen too much raking over the coals but I'm not a Twilight fan and so she and Rob Pattinson are not high on my radar. I have seen Radar et al doing what they always do when two high profile celebs break up so nothing seems out of the ordinary to me.
As for the Twilight fans, it's just the Kate fan/hater debate in a different context. Only the player has changed. Does she deserve the vitriol? Not really, most likely. That's just one of those things you need to ignore. It's not worth your time, IMO.
One thing I will criticize her on is that she is allegedly upset that her lover hadn't garnered as much fall out attention as she has. She has complained that he used his power and authority over her. That I call BS on. We make mistakes. Own them, make restitution where you can and move on. Don't start whining now about how you were just sweet and innocent and the big bad wolf gobbled you up against your will. Again, my opinion. But if she wants to be treated like an adult she needs to act like one.
But they helped her take care of the kids. Maybe the whole thing was a wash. Besides Deanna, who else went with her? I think I missed that.
Seems like I read in an old thread that she had three helpers....(she was bragging about her organizational-ishness, and someone here said she had three helpers, i.e, one adult to two kids...not that hard to do, lol).
It would be so Kate to get reimbursed from her friends, especially if Kate is taxed for this freebie (why wouldn't she be taxed?) After all,
her friends would benefit from the free trip, and we all know that Kate isn't going to pay for anyone's way, especially her own! Even if they did help with the kids, Kate would probably think that was an *honor*,lol.
I still think Kate was disappointed in the freebie trip. It wasn't 5 star, no air flight, no restaurants, no film crew, and apparently no purse boy.
She had to stay in a house common folk had touched (!), cooked, cleaned, and had TO DRIVE with all those money makers, lol.
I hardly think she enjoyed this trip, I don't care if she says it was her favorite, I wouldn't believe it. lololol
Far cry from Hawaii, Alaska and Australia, huh Kate! lololololol
By pretending Kate plugged them out of the goodness of her heart they just made this a true gift with no tax liability. There are smart lawyers behind all this.
@deannatweeting @bhappylovelaugh @kateplusmy8 that had to of been a blast! I look forward 2 the day we can meet!
Brownie Jr!
Do these sheeple really think that one day they are going to get together for one big paint-your-toenails pajama party?
aggiemom09121416 said... 151
But they helped her take care of the kids. Maybe the whole thing was a wash. Besides Deanna, who else went with her?
Seems like I read in an old thread that she had three helpers....(she was bragging about her organizational-ishness)
Deanna, a red- head, and another dark-haired young woman. It looked like it might be Ashley but I hope not! Kate said one flew in from the Midwest and 2 were from NY, and they traveled to Kate's ...add that into the cost. I'm sure they paid their own way.
I also really wonder how big her U-haul was...she does not seem to be a good driver (driving violations, parking in handicapped zone, no lights at night, getting lost,despite her race car stint on one episode.)
And why didn't they all do laundry?
Oh, and it seems the kids had more than one suit each- isn't that against Kate's rule? (snark)
admin said..."There are smart lawyers behind all this."
Right. But the thing is that she most likely used a lawyer for all of this, thus racking up fees she wouldn't have incurred had she just gone closer to home and rented a much less expensive beach house.
"I'm satisfied with their professional and quick response, and hope it ends there.
Submitted with respect ;-)"
What response is that?
Oh, and it seems the kids had more than one suit each- isn't that against Kate's rule? (snark)
lol, that's funny, she is so full of it!
Your info verifies that she had three helpers, I thought I had read that somewhere.
Well, I guess she didn't do her laundry 'cuz the laundry girl was still in PA! duh!
Jon has to be relieved that 1), he has 50/50 custody, and 2), not having to give KI child support!
Wonder who has to supply health and dental insurance?
It's going to get interesting when all the kids need orthodontics and cars!!! Those eight little money makers are going to be eight big monetary expenditures, lol.
LOL Aggie:
Well, she mad a big organizational-ish to-do about taking detergent with her and I'm sure the house had a washer/dryer...I really think M and C could do their own laundry. But maybe it was wearing those extra suits that contributed to her day- long 'jungle' of laundry she tweeted about...maybe laundry girl had a whole week off!
Sorry Buddy..
Kate continually puts her children in harm's way, I agree with that, updating their photos on the Internet. She gets dumber and more desperate with each hair bleaching.
Thank you Admin. for this latest topic. We know Kate reads here. Let us hope she takes the time to digest what Jodie Foster has to say about her childhood in show business; in particular that her mother was mostly a negative influence in her life. I can't begin to imagine how hard that must be to deal with.
Regarding Jodie Foster - this is the same Jodie Foster who chose to make "Little Man Tate" her first project as a director. And then subjected Adam Hann-Byrd to countless media interviews as a 9-10 year old.
I guess I'm way too dense to get her point, but that's OK.
I wonder what Hann-Byrd's co-stars in a later film, "The Ice Storm" feel about their careers as young actors. Such actors as Elijah Wood, Christina Ricci and several other very familiar names. None of whom, as far as I know, have fallen over to the dark side of ex-child actors.
The overwhelming common denominator for child actors who turn out just fine seems to be great parents who kept their day jobs. Click on child actors speak out at the bottom of this post, I've done several posts about why this or that actor turned out well.
I know Christina Ricci suffered form anorexia...and one of her young Stand By Me co-stars Ashleigh Rogers (?) committed suicide and had self- harmed...just an example.
Kate tweeted that when she goes to the Gulf again she will "use" Relax again. I'm sure she will use them until she squeezes them dry and then she will "use" someone else. Why did she say that she budgeted for this trip,when it was practically free. She needs to put that into her blog about saving for a trip. Get some unsuspecting company to foot the bill for you.I can think of many other families that deserve a vavcation like that for free and it's not Kate Gosselin and her 8 spoiled kids. Sorry,but I'm going thru a bankruptcy and it's plucking my last nerve.
Sorry, it was called Now and Then, and the actress who died was Ashleigh Aston Moore
Silimom #150 - very well said. I agree with you 100%. I just couldn't get with the "poor Kristen" crowd.
Rhymes -- THIS CHILD wasn't even 6 years old when some people, many claiming to be mothers, were calling her a c&*t, a b#*@&, and saying she should be beaten within an inch of her life! This was the beginning of the end for me on the Gosselin saga. I couldn't believe that parents, particularly a mother, would 1) knowingly expose her young daughter to this sort of treatment and 2) wouldn't scream from the hilltops in defense of said daughter! Yes, the kid behaved like a brat at times. She was 6 and at the age of 3 was "abandoned" by her mother (okay, I know KK was hospitalized. She didn't really abandon the twins, but to a 3 year old, that's the way it feels), then was shown in oh so many ways that she no longer mattered. Of course she acted out. Most kids that age would. It was normal behavior for the circumstances!
Aggiemom -- It was Aunt Jodi who was charged for half of the grifted cow. Aunt Jodi, who opened her house and her heart to KKs kids, even when they were sick, despite having 4 kids of her own to take care of. AND she did it with grace, love and humor. All things KK couldn't manage herself.
Sorry all, some of my buttons are being pushed today, LOL. Or else I had too much rumspringa and my inhibitions are down.
What? No mention of Schmoopy?
"Gibson, who's done work of A-listers such as Anne Hathaway and Angelina Jolie, said he was upset at critics of the teen's hairdo during her dominant stretch in London."
Drat! Hit publish too soon. I finally went over and looked at the beach pix. Hated to give her the hit, but I wanted to see what all the comments were about. I don't have a problem with Mady's posing in the one pix. It's fairly innocuous, as far as "come hither" looks are concerned. She's nearly 12 and sees the fashion mags and models on TV (especially considering who her "mother" is). Girls that age like to imitate what they perceive as glamorous models. I DO have a problem with her gestational carrier taking a picture of it and posting it on the internet in front of God and everyone.
readerlady 166
I absolutely agree with you. I had no idea such things were being said about about the children and this child in particular until I
found GWOP. I remain appalled.
Once a Viewer said... 146
lol, anyone see that old Mia Farrow movie Radio Days when she tries out for a laxative commercial with a jingle that goes "Get regular with Relax, start each day the Relax way....your system will feel so great, you'll want to Relax on top of the Empire State"... I can't get it out of my mind reading about THIS Relax company!
Radio Days was such a great movie! I love that jingle too.
You know what is my favorite part of the movie?
When little Joe (Seth Green) imagines his parents getting therapy on a radio program, and all they do is complain about each other?
[taken from imdb]
Mother: He's a business failure. He never finishes what he starts. We're forced to live with my relatives and thank God for them. And I should have married Sam Slotkin.
Father: Sam Slotkin's dead.
Mother: Yes, but while he was alive, he was working.
Father: She'd be lost without her whole family around her all the time, and you should see 'em. They're like some kind of tribe. They're like the Huns. Maybe if I had married a more encouraging woman, who knows?
Mother: So who do you think is right?
Mr. Abercrombie (the therapist): I think you both deserve each other.
Mother: What does that mean?
Father: Look, we didn't come here to be insulted.
Mother: I love him, but what did I do to deserve him?
LOVE IT!!!!!
I also emailed the company, respectfully, and got the exact response that Sport did.
I did reply and said "It still begs the question why would a millionaire get a FREE rental, but others only get discounts? Seems like you are opening yourself up to a lot of negative publicity now."
I am still so baffled as to why the "fans" just don't get it! How do they fail to see the incongruity between what kHate says and what her reality is? It is so mind-boggling and I think that is the main reason that I keep hanging out here. I am just waiting for the truth to be revealed (finally!) and the sheep to see the light.
A girl can dream, right?
Gabby was insulted about her hair and THAT was disgusting. She was a gold medal Olympian and a young girl! I'm glad she has a new hairdo that makes her happy although she looked just fine before. She has amazing talent and a big bright personality.I'd rather see her get free hairstyling that SOME clients ! I read her mom has declared bankruptcy. Gabby better make sure her earned money is safe- no offense to her mom, but records show...like Dominique Moceanu, also an Olympic gymnastic medal winner whose earnings were stolen by her parents...but I digress.(just read DM's autobiography Off Balance)
Readerlady and Rhymes--I think there are still videos on Youtube labelled ______'s brattiest moments or something similar.
It really boggles the mind.
Tamara said... 131
Auntie Ann (56) "I started watching the show b/c of these kids, not Kate, I can't help but be interested in how they are doing, not in a voyeuristic way, just to see how life and Kate are treating them. It is hard to separate comments on Kate sometimes from comments on what she did/said re: her children. "
It may sound a little creepy, and in some ways it definitely is wrong, but I am more interested in the psychology and child devolpment side of the KIDS no Khate.
Tamara - that was not my post. Mine was 46.
Please read posts 132 & 115 from White Organza and Once a Viewer.
I don't think that your taking a psychological interest is creepy or wrong at all. It's part of the reason why we are on this blog IMO. I don't take an interest in what the G8 are doing with their lives any further than what effect their mother's narcissism and exploitation of them had and is having on them, either. Their privacy has been invaded enough. I've always been in the camp that says their mother is the one who needs to quit putting their lives out there for public consumption.
I believe Kate is grooming Mady for a place somewhere in the medium and Mady is enthusiastically going for it, but more to win Kate's approval than to express her own identity. Kate believes she herself 'belongs' there and will continue to use her children keep her name relevant. At least that's how I see it.
Auntie Ann -- I agree with you. We've always said that Mady was very astute and that she knew how to "play" KK. I tend to think she's going along for the ride, so to speak, to appease KK and also to get some positive attention, after being the whipping girl for so long.
(This is Remona)
Admin said....
''But, now Foster flat out says there is no way she would want to be a child star in today's culture. In fact, she would call for someone to help lead her out of it (Oh, you mean like Aunt Jodi tried to?): "I would only hope that someone who loved me, really loved me, would put their arm around me and lead me away to safety."''
I'd say yes....like Aunt Jodi tried. And, like Jon...who finally succeeded in keeping them off TV.
Silimom said... 150
EXACTLY! You are right in all respects!
Of course she acted out. Most kids that age would. It was normal behavior for the circumstances! 166
Not to mention, where was the corrective feedback? The positive feedback for behaving well?
Nope, there was that man behind the camera and the guy with the boom mike who may actually have been encouraging this behavior. Makes for
good television, doncha know. BLECH.
I'm glad Gabby like her new do also, but there was nothing wrong with the old one except for media spin.
The unabridged version:
For the record, my point was about Ted Gibson/Kate Gosselin.
Kate can drop a dream in the mail sealed with a kiss all she wants to, she and the kids are FINISHED in the media world (well, except for watching tv that is, lol).
I don't want to get into the harshness of head shots, modeling, talent, etc, but I think Kate better tell her kids to focus on academics.
And I mean that in the nicest way possible!!! (snark intended)
Kate's a real challenge, for sure, but we can only rejoice in that we are starting YEAR TWO of her media unemployment! yea!!!
and her latest tweet?Holy moley! Back to school is no joke! The list seems to get longer, not shorter! I'm worn out even before the first 5:30 am alarm!! 2
Kate, why don't you go watch The Farmer's Wife and watch how a REAL WIFE/MOTHER gets it done. Juanita's a class act, Kate is a total a**.
I've got to say I watched The Farmer's Wife a week ago, and it's still swirling in my brain. What an outstanding young woman! Thank God there are more women like her than KI!!
Tamara said... 131
Kind of like a Buffy episode where Xander is turned into 2 Xanders, one with all the 'good' bits and one with the 'less than good' bits, but otherwise exactly identical. Riley, a psychology student, asked if anyone else wanted to put them in separate rooms and study them. Lol, yes, he got the 'hell no you creep' look from the Scooby Gang, but it did make sense
HUGE BTVS fan here! OK i am going to admit something to you and only you that I dont admit publicly too often. I have a female Yellow Lab named Buffy and male Rott mix named Giles. Giles has a brother that I named Wesley, but the kid that adopted him changed it to Xander. Buffy has an all black brother named Angel, and a brother who is a very pale yellow named Spike. There was a Choco lab in that litter with a red hue to her that I named Willow. (The folks that adopeted that one changed her name to Lucy, as in Ms Ball.)
I am enjoying the discussion about the psychological impact on the children of Kate's abusive and mind control style of parenting. I will meet you back here in a few years when the child that is mind melding to Kate for her approval 'accidently' releases a sex tape. It WILL happen.
I just read where Gabby Douglas is a new client at Ted Gibson. The article talks about all TG's A-list clients (no mention of Kate there!). It made me wonder...how many of these high-profile clients are comped? Kate is just a washed-up former D-lister, so what are they doing for the truly famous (Angelina, etc)? And if they are comping everyone from the A-list on down to the D-list, then who, exactly, is paying? When they comp someone (like Kate) and that person falls off the radar (like Kate), are they stuck doing their hair for them for free for the rest of their lives? At what point does someone like Kate cease to be worth giving up time with a paying customer? I guess time will tell how long this freebie will last, but this is where the whole "law of diminishing returns" comes into play. I believe that TG and Jason are waiting to see if Kate snags another show and brings them some more publicity. I just wonder what will happen when they get tired of waiting.
So those of you who keep saying nobody and nothing will ever change your mind about Jon, I ask you to consider the kids and reflect on whether it is okay they are starting school with yet another round of vicious stories about their parents they will have to deflect.
But at least the are starting school with one parent (Jon) who participates in their school activities, supports them in all of their projects, and is a hands-on father who is involved in what they are doing. It's been that way from the get-go. Kate, not so much. They know who is there for them. You don't.
If they hear vicious, negative stories about Jon it's because it's put out there by people who continue to bash him.
readerlady - I also think Mady is astute enough to beat Kate at her own game, much to her own detriment. She would be entering into the "gladiator sport of celebrity culture" as Foster put it, and it's a culture that takes no prisoners. Yet Kate seems quite willing to send her into the arena. She has no protective instincts whatsoever. If it benefits Kate in any way she'll be all over it, she's proven that time and again.
Babble.com has an article about Kate's trip, written by their resident sheeple, Shana Aborn. Included in the article, is a picture of the kids on the beach which was lifted from Kate's twitter account.
Kate may copyright her website pictures, but does she realize yet that anyone can grab one of her twitter photos?
Not only is Kate grifting for COFFEEMATE this morning now this afternoon Kate's grifting for QUILTEDNORTHERN tissue. Kate will be grifting all school year for "stuff" the kids need while spending the kids money on "Kate". Not cool!!
I don't remember who mentioned it or in which thread it was mentioned, but I just watched The Hollywood Complex on Netflix and was completely horrified on so many levels. The delusional parents..."You gonna make me rich soon?"...the scientology...a 10 yr old with an obviously stuffed bra...that demented Easter Bunny...I need to lie down in a dark room with a cool cloth over my eyes.
Oh, how I hope the gossip columnists pick up her tweet about toilet paper. Will she continue 'touting' t.p.? I guess so, as along as it is free, free, free. She really is an embarrassment to her children as well as herself.
Dwindle said... 181
I will meet you back here in a few years when the child that is mind melding to Kate for her approval 'accidently' releases a sex tape. It WILL happen.
With Kate sobbing "I did my best, but it was SO hard raising eight kids ALL BY MYSELF!" Yeah, I can see it happening now.
I appreciate a debate as much as the next person and respect various opinions, but I think good vs. evil Jon has been hashed to death. Isn't it time to move on from using Jon as a scapegoat in all of this? There may be some on this blog who know him and will defend him because they know him, they may have inside knowledge that others don't have but don't want to reveal their sources because someone might get hurt in the process.
Others believe what they read and form their opinions from what is perhaps misinformation or totally false information. That's fine, one can believe what one wants to believe, but the two sides are never going to see eye to eye and it can get out of hand.
And, with an extra large family, you know I picked up 120 rolls of @QuiltedNorthern .... Which will only last 2 weeks or so... (sigh)! :)
Oh my dear sweet Jesus in Heaven, now she is complaining about how often her children wipe.
I came from a family of 11, Kate; Nine count em nine kids. 7 females and 4 males in the 1100 sq ft home. And my mother NEVER EVER went through a hundred rolls of toilet paper in week.
You have 9 people in your household; I myself had 6. We went through six or eight rolls a week.
Not only is Kate grifting for COFFEEMATE this morning now this afternoon Kate's grifting for QUILTEDNORTHERN tissue. Kate will be grifting all school year for "stuff" the kids need while spending the kids money on "Kate". Not cool!!
How does this fit in with needing school stuff? The kids need toilet paper for school? lol!
I just want to know how she grifts for all of this stuff and then gets it! This is ONE THING she's good at and she knows it. It's really funny to watch, but it's sad that she knows she's doing it and hasn't an ounce of dignity or humility not to do it.
Auntie Ann & Dwindle -- I hope you are wrong about Mady, but I fear you may be right.
Another BTVS fan here! Also Angel and Supernatural! Love the litter names, Dwindle.
You have 9 people in your household; I myself had 6. We went through six or eight rolls a week.
There's no way in hell that family can go through that much toilet paper unless they have chronic diarrhea. They are gone 10 hours a day! How much can one kid wipe in one hour in the morning, and from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.? She is out of her mind!
Let's do the math here: 60 rolls of TP per week, divided by 9 = 6.6 rolls per person per week. Now that is BS! And I am going to assume she has a septic system, so in fact if what she says is true, that septic must be bubbling in her backyard :0
AuntieAnn said... 189
Dwindle said... 181
I will meet you back here in a few years when the child that is mind melding to Kate for her approval 'accidently' releases a sex tape. It WILL happen.
With Kate sobbing "I did my best, but it was SO hard raising eight kids ALL BY MYSELF!" Yeah, I can see it happening now.
Also she will be bellowing 'Where's MY check?!?!!'
I cannot believe she begging for toilet paper now. I am stunned.
What's next? "Sadly, it is so hard to get niblet boobies in good bras, know what I mean @tweenpushupbrasandfalsies ?"
"All these menstruating girls in our house OH MY! @tampaxtampons size regular please!!!!!"
"Kids filling out and growing fast! Pubic hair looks funny in childrens unnawares! Know what I mean @tweenthongs?"
TLC stinks said... 29
Anita, makes sense since she put a copyright on the photos. Something's up. How does the barter thing work with the IRS?
There is no barter thing with the IRS. Anything received of value by an individual in return for anything, including promotion is supposed to be declared as non-employee income with full taxes due. In this case, a form 1099 should be filed. If Kate is using a business tax entity, then the retail value of the rental should be included in income, with all of the travel-related expenses as deductions against that expense. If she can make a case that she is still marketing the kids as performers, she is entitled to those deductions. The IRS is not black and white--it uses "reasonable" as the standard for determination. Since they were at one time employed as a group, it would be reasonable, at least in the short-term, to make that case.
When the trips were part of the show, I assume that TLC paid the expenses and took the deductions as legitimate production-related costs.
I am so angry about her lying about toilet paper and complaining about how much her kids wipe their butts, that I need to get off of here for a while.
You guys are great, so you later alligators!
Now she's tweeting about TP?
She really is getting ridiculous with all these tweets to companies, does she realize how pathetic it looks?
Since meeting the lovely girls from @QuiltedNorthern at BlogHer, I picked up their toilet paper today! Thx 4 coupons, girls! Good2meet u!
She got coupons at Blogher-well, how many of her fans went to Blogher and were able to take advantage of those coupons too?
She's writes a blog at a coupon site, and now she's promoting coupons that were given to her. Why does that seem so wrong to me?
At least she's getting better at finding companies' names on twitter.
So in addition to showing their undying love for Kate, I guess a requisite of being a Kate fan is to use Keurig, Coffeemate, Bella bars, Quilted Northern, and numerous other products she's tweeted about.
She's using them to get freebies and perhaps compensation, and they don't even realize it.
Her twitter is becoming more and more just an advertising venue, which she probably is getting compensated for either in free products or money.
Oh, how I hope the gossip columnists pick up her tweet about toilet paper. Will she continue 'touting' t.p.?
Sorry, I'm behind (pun intended) on my reading, but how did Quilted Northern come up in all of this? She just popped out the brand in hopes of the company sending her free rolls?
Ex nurse yes, we'll unless it's truly a gift with no strings attached. Which is how I think they are trying to spin it with their oh my we had no idea Kate would write us such a nice review on her blog. I call bullshit and I think the IRS would raise an eyebrow too. Just because you call something a gift doesnt mean it is.
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