Yet another family in Kate's shoes is going on record saying they wanted something different for their multiples. (Other families have also shunned Kate's choices, including the Headricks.)
In 1947, three boys and one girl were born to a young World War II vet and his British wife who had recently made their home together in the United States. Hard to believe today, but the public was just as curious about the four babies as the much higher-order multiples that made news decades later.
Publicity and freebies naturally followed, but Dad Charles only accepted a few select offerings and instead worked two jobs to support the family. He taught the children "if you want something, find a way to work and pay for it. That's the way we were brought up."
![]() |
The Henn family in 2000. |
As for the Gosselins, the quads say it's all about the money: "You know, I think they're after the money, versus we at the time didn't care about that. We just wanted to be normal."
The children went on to be just that, normal, well-adjusted adults with successful careers, including real estate, teaching, photography and serving in Vietnam. The only girl, Joan, even coached the University of Arkansas women's basketball and then helped special needs children until her death from cancer in 2000.
Good job, Mr. and Mrs. Henn.
1292 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1292 Newer› Newest»The most famous book on this subject is 'The Story of O' as I mentioned once before:
"Published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Story of O is a tale of female submission about a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, O, who is blindfolded, chained, whipped, branded, pierced, made to wear a mask, and taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. Despite her harsh treatment, O grants permission beforehand for everything that occurs, and her permission is consistently sought."
Same. Nasty but consensual !? I don't shock easily unless it's child abuse or something outlandish, and I am surprised how many and how young participants in these activities are !
Plenty of other 'stuff' to do!JMO. lol
I usually get the comments via email/iphone so I don't often look at the comments here but I just went through and looked at all your avatars.
Just when I think you people can't get any funnier. I should have known this would happen if I gave you the power of the visual arts!
I usually get the comments via email/iphone so I don't often look at the comments here but I just went through and looked at all your avatars.
Just when I think you people can't get any funnier. I should have known this would happen if I gave you the power of the visual arts!
I read the first Twilight book and besides being completely distracted by the horrible writing, was disgusted by the concept of a girl being willing to do ANYTHING to get/keep her man. I think it's a terrible ideal for girls to adopt. Once I found out 50 Shades was originally Twilight fanfic, I had no interest whatsoever, but it sounds like it's promoting even worse values.
I broke my kneecap yesterday, second time, different knee, and you guy-es (NJ accent) avatars are extra funny when combined with pain meds! I'd say to try it, but....
RE the OJ Simpson book, it DID come out. I've wonedered since the Gosselinbook ceese and disist letter if he shouldn't have made the title "IF They Exploited And Abuse" sorry for bad spelling and puncuation. See above mention of pain meds.
Did anyone take the check mark as an avatar?
Let's Throw Tomatoes, I just wanted to add that I, too, am very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend.
Tamara -- SO sorry about the knee! I hope it heals quickly and well. Knees are tricky things.
I knew that shades had started out as fanfic, but I had no idea that it was Twilight fanfic. I've read a lot of fanfic. I've even written some fanfic, and some of it is very clever and well-written. Some of it is crap. Sounds like shades is the latter.
Admin -- Aren't you proud of us? We've come of age as a blog, and done it tastefully and without exploiting our children!
Tamara: girl, stay of your feet, and let that baby heal. Time to be a couch potato.
@Kateplusmy8 aww! I passed! I can now drive by myself!! One of these days I'll take a road trip to PA ;)
Hide the bunny! I hope nobody shows up at Kate's house unannounced, wanting the gate to be opened for them!
Kate is a twit said... 193
wayward said... 152
My co-teacher is from Lawnng Eyeland
wayward-I live on LI, and I believe the correct pronunciation is Lawn Guyland.
Twit, you are correct. I say that because I grew up on Stat Nyland, I'm sure you know where that is ;)
P.S. I am not going to join the blue party, I do have a google account but it is linked to my (non-Gosselin) blog.
Oh, Auntie Ann... I was so mad with the whole blogger nonsense this afternoon that I missed your charming post (132). That was so sweet of you.
Just checking to see if I am BLUE.
I think I did it. In Kate speak..
Whew! Oh My! Yay!!!!
@BenCarroll15 um if you call labeling water bottles, exchanging sneakers and other various school related things 'exciting', then yes! Lol
Exchanging sneakers? Didn't she say she buys the kids' shoes far ahead of time when they are on sale? How long does she wait to exchange them?
I read daily but post infrequently. I have been trying to join the fun and turn blue. I work on a computer all day long but can’t seem to conquer this one task. I copied Remona Blue’s instructions and hopefully can work on turning blue this weekend. Unfortunately, until then, I’m busy “making memories” at work. I would ask my boyfriend but as someone mentioned earlier, I don’t announce that I am addicted to this site. He knows I read a blog but I don’t share with him the exact blog. I will continue reading until the kids are safe and happy and Kate has to get a real job.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
So according 2 r recently resumed school yr schedule, once kids r in bed at 8, I'm supposed2fall asleep2, but here I sit, wide awake!Grr!
I got a giggle out of a fan's reply:
@Kateplusmy8 Have u tried counting sheep? Lol
I also noticed that Kate is now following Donald Trump. Hmm, interesting? Is she hoping that she'll get asked to be on CA? Trump tweeted today:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Only three weeks until the new season of @CelebApprentice begins filming--great all-star cast.
The new season of CA is going to be an All-Stars version consisting of people that have appeared on the show.
And didn't we practically shout at her on this blog that it was a stupid idea to do that because kids grow over the summer? I hope she kept the receipts iin her household binder.
I am so excited about turning blue, honestly!
I was thinking about that cooking show with that southern woman (the one with diabetes?) well she had to really think that Kate was a twit. Remember on KJ8 and K8, she pretended she could cook! Can you imagine the producers, director of that cooking show when Kate could only contribute the recipes we have seen her post photos of? lol lol OMG, that staff must have thought she was nuts, Kate pretending all those years on TV to cook and she does not know how to make a meal with just ingredients. She is a FARCE and pseudo intellect, which means she pretends that she has knowledge of so much like raising children, bugeting, organization and she does not know anything other than how to GRIFT. How many shows was she interviewing for and she had NOTHING, Nada to add to any of those shows. She couldn't interview. It was like Carrie Ann said "she was unaware of herself" and she believed the DVDs she made with KJ8 and K8 that she cooked when everything was prepared and she just went to the kitchen, put on an apron (seen any lately or aren't there many that fit over her boobs, they are starting to hit the waist line) But for the life of me I cannot understand the Southern cook who liked Kate and really went to bat, saying she would teach Kate (at that time Kate had 10 millions views due to her KJ divorce and all the media hype)............She is someone who has pretended on TV, like wife, mother, cook, neat freak to a OCD and then she believed it all. Can you imagine she was in a world of fantasy and she thought she could keep pretending on another show like she did on KJ and K8? DWTS proved it to us. She could not dance, didn't understand the ratings, didn't understand the dance instructor.
I fear Kate is not bright at all. Hope the kids inherited their grandparent's DNA and bypassed Kate and Jon. Sorry but they are both lazy.
Admin, just trying to clarify something here, and I'm not trying to be a smart a$$ about it. Honest.
Someone posted, "If school doesn't start until Monday, why doesn't she just wake them up early on Sat/Sun and let them have this week?"
I responded by saying when school begins, which isn't a big secret. If there are errors or incorrect assumptions posted here, and locals know for a fact that these are errors obtained on Kate's twitter or elsewhere, they should be left uncorrected? The only time it should be discussed is if Kate herself lies about it (which, of course, happens with great regularity)?
Remona -- you are a much more patient person than I am! I'll have to work on it when I have time. Right now I can't sign into my regular account because I guess I screwed things up when I tried to create a new one. Google can be so testy at times!
OK, I'm not really computer savvy.... but.......
Hypothetical here!!! Hypothetical....
Could I go into google, make up a blue name for Parent in Lancaster County, make up a password, post it for her - then she could sign in real fast at top of this blog and change her password to a different one?
She'd get a blue name and a private password of her choice.....
I'm willing if it will help.
Once the name is in play, all she would have to do is use it to sign in up top....
I feel like Kate is close to abandoning her website completely except for an occasional kid pic or product/grifing post. Most of the sections haven't been updated since 2011. Her "News" page still promotes the Las Vegas marathon and Shoka hasn't said a word since April. Menu Mondays ended after about 5 or 6 posts. It seems like she has never looked at another blog or website to see how it's done in the real world. I think she tries things but just can never follow through. Dumb or lazy?
Kate already gave it away on twitter when the kids are back in school....just a few seconds ago.. and some other specific information...sheesh, I pray she has no sinister people stalking her, she is fairly easy to figure out.
Bear's Wife,
I also have a non-gosselin blog and you CAN unlink them in the profile page...
I made my Permanent Name in Blue name separate and unlinked.....
Of course, I was very nervous about it, but it worked.....
HA! Now ask me how I did it...... ummmmmm.... LOL
SeeSaw said... 25
Dumb or lazy?
Or maybe she's depressed. People who live in the depths of depression have a hard time initiating things, much less sustaining their focus. Time and again, we've seen her take up a new skill/activity/interest, only to abandon it. I think she may be suffering from lethargy born of a deep sense of discouragement.
Sorry for being on the black list. I've got issues with Gmail that others have mentioned, and while I enjoy reading and commenting here (very much so), I don't have time to resolve the problem(s).
Yes, it does take time, doesn't it! I had the same problems as others figuring out what should have been a quick project.
Took me a whole day, three different tries... sigh....
And I decided it wasn't me! It was google!!!
Take that, google.........
Improbable Dreams said... 28
SeeSaw said... 25
Dumb or lazy?
Or maybe she's depressed. People who live in the depths of depression have a hard time initiating things, much less sustaining their focus. Time and again, we've seen her take up a new skill/activity/interest, only to abandon it. I think she may be suffering from lethargy born of a deep sense of discouragement.
I also believe that Kate has some form of depression.
I wonder if I could use the avatar 'woah'...... LOL. Seems like one of her favorite words.
Thanks for understanding. I want to be part of the cool crowd, but not at the risk of exposing my real name. (Therein lies the conflict: I have other gmail accounts).
We've framed much of Kate's behavior through the lens of a narcissist. That seems likely, but when you add depression as an overlay, WOAH. Things get dark and ugly really fast. :(
Parent In Lancaster County said... 23
''....Remona -- you are a much more patient person than I am! I'll have to work on it when I have time. Right now I can't sign into my regular account because I guess I screwed things up when I tried to create a new one. Google can be so testy at times!
I don't think I'm patient at all. I was upset and embarrassed that I was so publicly unable to do what everyone else was doing and saying how easy it was. After I got into that horrible mess of getting my regular gmail frozen and having to jump through jillions of hoops just to get it working again, I just got my back up. And I am as stubborn as a mule once I make up my mind about something. I just kept trying and trying and trying, and finally I did it!!
Permanent Name in Blue said... 24
I'm not sure about someone creating a blue name for someone else, but your thinking outside the box made me think of something, and I have no idea why I didn't think of this before.
If someone has both IE and Foxfire or whatever, couldn't they keep their regular email on the one they use the most, and create another email on the other to use for 15 minutes? Wouldn't that work?
In any case, I am positive of one thing. The problem is with GOOGLE, not us!!
Bearswife said... 13
Kate is a twit said... 193
wayward said... 152
My co-teacher is from Lawnng Eyeland
wayward-I live on LI, and I believe the correct pronunciation is Lawn Guyland.
Twit, you are correct. I say that because I grew up on Stat Nyland, I'm sure you know where that is ;)
Ok ok.... I misplaced the G but you so know I nailed couffee!! Or cawffee ;)
Parent, I understand. I really don't see the need to correct the twitter disputes about school after this point. It went on all last year and I'm sure will continue this year too, complete with the exaggerations about four hour bus trips and 15 hour days. We couldn't change their thinking last year and I doubt we will this year!
Thanks for understanding. I want to be part of the cool crowd, but not at the risk of exposing my real name. (Therein lies the conflict: I have other gmail accounts).
Your real name shouldn't be exposed when you post on a blog using google. My real name shows up on my email but not for my blog name. They've figured out how to separate it.
I thought that was just a narcissism thing, fluttering from project to project.
Apparently it has to do with sucking what you need from the project to feed your supply and moving on. For instance if your first four or five menu Mondays got a lot of attention but the last few got less so, you lose interest and move on to the next thing.:
"The narcissist is continuously preoccupied with his Narcissistic Supply - how to secure its sources and the next dose. This preoccupation restricts the narcissist's attention span."
I do know this much. Anyone can get a gmail email account from/on any computer. If I made one for you here on my computer, it would be just like if you did it from here at my house.
And each gmail email account can stand alone.
There IS a place to "un-link" any other google accounts you have because I had to do that - I didn't want my other gmail email/google accounts/google blogs to tie back to my real name.
Now I have to admit that it DID take me a bit to figure out how to "unlink" them. Turns out it's a simple box that you have to 'uncheck' - but it wasn't exactly intuitive. At least for me anyway....
Another thing I keep seeing is a page comes up everytime I sign in here at the top - it keeps prompting me to set up 'my blog' - I guess each google email addy can have a blog?
I did't make a blog for this name. I just have to hit the back arrow button to get back here.
I swear computers make me feel stoopider each year.... and all the ipod/ipad/smartphone/kindle.. well, I declare, I am just out of my depth if I try to go too far into technology....
Permanent Name in Blue,
Thanks, I will look into it. I am pretty computer saavy, just lazy! Long, mediocre week at work (and it's only Tuesday).
@Kateplusmy8 Have u tried counting sheep? Lol
LOL. There's only six of them so I'm not sure that will help!
Oh, admin just reminded me! When I made the new google email I didn't even put in my real name. I used Permanent Name for my first name, and in Blue for my last name.
It seems to have worked.
My real name isn't on the account anywhere!
Improbable Dreams --My primary email account is gmail and there is absolutely no connection between it and my google account/profile on this blog, unless I want it. I don't, so there isn't. YOU decide, not Google, so if you don't want your real name out there (and I totally understand why. It's most likely the same reason I don't want mine out there) it won't be out there. Or at least, not unless some totally brilliant hacker can come up with the connection. In that case, none of us are safe.
Lawn Gyland and Stan Nyland!!!! LOL - never saw it written out that way before!
Thanks for the chuckle :-)
Celebrity Apprentice All Stars??? I nearly peed myself thinking Marlee Matlin might be back!!
I found this quote from Trump: "Everybody wants to be on the show. It's very easy for us," Trump said on the red carpet at NBC's upfront presentation in New York. "We have to turn down probably seven for every one we take. You'd be amazed how many celebrities are out there."
I bet Kate has been begging to get on every season but keeps getting turned down.
Is everyone okay with the wider boxes? It condenses things a bit so you don't have to scroll as much to get to the bottom.
She never should have messed with his hair!
"Parent, I understand. I really don't see the need to correct the twitter disputes about school after this point."
Sorry, admin, I wasn't clear. I wasn't talking about correcting Twitter disputes. It's futile to try to do that. It was someone HERE who mentioned that school doesn't start until next week so why the early rising this week. I just corrected it.
Speaking of which, Kate tweets out of both sides of her mouth...
@crazymom28 we have one more sleep in then it's ON here... (yikes!)
Huh? One more sleep in? She's been whining for the past few days about getting up early to get in school mode.
She acts like she's the only mother in the world who has to get children ready for school. She just goes on and on and on...
Permanent Name in Blue said... 39 Ramona,
''....There IS a place to "un-link" any other google accounts you have because I had to do that - I didn't want my other gmail email/google accounts/google blogs to tie back to my real name.
Now I have to admit that it DID take me a bit to figure out how to "unlink" them. Turns out it's a simple box that you have to 'uncheck' - but it wasn't exactly intuitive. At least for me anyway....
Now you're talking!! Exactly where IS that place to ''un-link'' any other accounts you have. I think THIS is the one little thing that would solve all the problems with turning blue.
So. Where is the simple box?
Permanent Name in Blue said... 42 Oh, admin just reminded me! When I made the new google email I didn't even put in my real name. I used Permanent Name for my first name, and in Blue for my last name.
It seems to have worked.
My real name isn't on the account anywhere!
I did the same thing...thus Remona Blue
No problem Parent it just reminded me of it.
Excuse me for my ignorance but why is Kate packing lunch tonight?
Ok, nice tweetin' w you but I gotta dash... Catch you all tomorrow, in between last minute school prep, lunch packing and soccer practice!GN about 2 hours ago
You know for some of the D-listers who end up on celeb apprentice it makes you wonder how very d-list the other seven who want that spot must be. There are a lot of desperate celebs out there and Kate is just one of thousands trying to stay relevant. The idea she will ever be able to revitalize anything is laughable.
I was thinking...wouldn't it be a great public relations move if Quilted Northern made a huge donation of product to some especially needy group in Kate's area?
They could say that in light of the perception that they were donating product to a millionaire, they have decided to donate a million tp rolls to xxxx, which is located in whatever city is closest to Kate.
They could have a little fun with this, treat it humorously, and get a bunch of publicity for being classy. Instead of a bunch of publicity for helping Grifty yet again obtain free product for which she could easily pay.
Griftopia - As an Army wife I've been out of Jersey for many, many years and have also lost most of my accent but unfortunately still tend to swear a little more than I probably should. I agree with everything you said and I haven't missed an episode of Jerseylicious! (Administrator) said... 45
Celebrity Apprentice All Stars??? I nearly peed myself thinking Marlee Matlin might be back!!
I found this quote from Trump: "Everybody wants to be on the show. It's very easy for us," Trump said on the red carpet at NBC's upfront presentation in New York. "We have to turn down probably seven for every one we take. You'd be amazed how many celebrities are out there."
I bet Kate has been begging to get on every season but keeps getting turned down.
Kate showed a lack of respect by tousling Trump's hair. Pretty tacky.
Kate doesn't understand proper etiquette.
I guess it all goes back to having a lack of respect for anybody, and anything.
Excuse me for my ignorance but why is Kate packing lunch tonight?
Ok, nice tweetin' w you but I gotta dash... Catch you all tomorrow, in between last minute school prep, lunch packing and soccer practice!GN about 2 hours ago
She's not packing tonight. She said TOMORROW in between school prep, lunch packing, etc. (Administrator) said... 46
Is everyone okay with the wider boxes?
I'm fine with it. It was just a little startling when I refreshed the page and the column was wider.
Love all the new avatars. If anyone hasn't done so yet, go check out butterfly's profile page. It's hysterical! She posted earlier on the first page-just click on her name. Well, done butterfly!!!
OK, I'm working in split screen here to walk myself through the "unlink" process, so pardon any goofs!
1. When I set up this new gmail email account I had the option to 'link' or 'unlink'. It showed up somewhere in the creation process.
2. Also = and this is important!!! I opened the new gmail account NOT using my real name anywhere!!!
3. New account asked for my first name. I used "Permanent Name" as my first name.
4. It asked for my last name. I used "In Blue" as my last name.
5. Somewhere along there is asked me to set up my blog. I didn't. Just skipped it.
6. But here's the key to your question - when I sign in at the top of the gosselin blog, top right, I use my
7. When I am signed in, there is my email addy showing top right I click on it, the menu drops down and a list on the left side shows:
Data liberation
8. Click on accounts. Second thing down is "connected accounts". It asks you to connect your accounts. I didn't.
I think that should help.
Hopefully it's not clear as mud.
I really think the key was to sign up for a NEW gmail account and NOT use your real name anywhere. Your 'first name' can be anything you want it to be. Same with 'last name'.
Anyone else got any suggestions? This was my experience. Your mileage may vary.
Thank you Parent,
I'm hanging my head in embarrassment. For some reason I was thinking today was Monday. (Administrator) said... 46
Is everyone okay with the wider boxes?
Fine & dandy.
Thanks for the spacious diggs.
I'm trying once again to go blue. Let's see if this works.
YES!!!! It worked. Thank you Remona for sharing your experience - I lol'd a lot while reading. But I consider myself just like you in working my way through the miasma of computer stuff. Now I just need to figure out to get a picture downloaded to my computer and then how to make it my avatar. The funny thing is I found 2 pics I wanted and downloaded them .... to somewhere. I saw them once in my pictures but now I can't find them. I guess its just as well, I don't know how to make them my avatar.
Just one real important thing I figured out. Make ABSOLUTELY sure you are signed OUT of your regular g-mail and into your new one when posting.
I like the new format. Much easier to read.
HEY! Maybe I could make a living making up gmail addresses... shhh, don't tell kart. She may steal my idea!
Jokes on her - no money to made here babe. Move along....
Lawdy, lawdy......
I'm posting tonight like kart on twitter crack. I'd better sign off before I'm accused of mania or box wine drunk posting.
Truly, have only had iced tea tonight! True, it is double strength, but not alcoholic.
GN all <------ that is my kart impression :-) (Administrator) said... 45
Celebrity Apprentice All Stars??? I nearly peed myself thinking Marlee Matlin might be back!!
I found this quote from Trump: "Everybody wants to be on the show. It's very easy for us," Trump said on the red carpet at NBC's upfront presentation in New York. "We have to turn down probably seven for every one we take. You'd be amazed how many celebrities are out there."
I bet Kate has been begging to get on every season but keeps getting turned down.
I dunno Admin. When Kate was getting the critcisim she soo richly deserved from the DWTS judges, I was waiting for her head to spin on her neck and for her to spew pea soup. Her eyes were black with rage.
As desperate as she is to get back on teevee, I think CA is one invite she'd turn down. Kate feels she should be worshipped, waited on, petted and fawned over. Not have to do actual work and be accountable for her actions and performance. Besides, I don't think Trump will allow her to donate to her favorite charity- her own damn sorry self.
Griftopia - I'm from South Jersey, so I also don't have that stereotypical Jersey accent. I'm with you on hating that whole Joisy thing.
Tamara - I'm so sorry to hear about your kneecap. Take care of yourself.
Did you notice Kate was grifting for coffee tonight? A fan mentioned a brand, the brand responded, and then Kate, who is supposed to be sleeping, pops up raving about the brand. This woman is shameless. Juan Valdez or Mr. Coffee better take out restraining orders.
I stake claim to this avatar.
What? she's never once mentioned Nantucket Green Mountain blend or whatever it is. It's always Keurig or Starbucks. Did I mention the Keurig truck was at a local festival last month, and I had the worst cup of iced coffee I'd ever had in my life? It tasted like water with a coffee lemon.
Also that's proof to me that even if she's not tweeting, she is definitely still watching. Those poor kids.
Where is Pressi when you need her? BITCH PLEASE!!!
Really Wayward I don't think she'd turn it down no way. But when she did get on there's no way she would want to work. She would be eaten alive and be gone by episode two. I would love to stick, say a Niecy or a Joan Rivers or a Sharon Osborne on her ass. They eat narcissists like her for breakfast.
Nice job on the avatar, Permanent Name!
I for one would like to see Kate on CA. The contestants on there hold nothing back-it would be nice to see someone give her a piece of their mind. What Tony said to her on DWTS during that segment where he said "I quit", would be nothing compared to what she would hear on CA.
Better avatar? Too racy?
I think Apprentice would really expose how remedial she is. There is no way she could come up with some of the elaborate projects that the celebs do on that show. And on such short time constraints. She would be terrible. Her team would cut her off at the knees as soon as possible.
Though I don't think she'd have to worry so much about donors. They've moved away from the donation tasks which I'm really glad about. Those got repetitive and seemed rather unfair. Not every celeb tries to amass as many multi-millionaire friends as they can.
I would like to see her phone up Eileen O'Neil though and see if Eileen would cough up more than a few grand out of her selfish pockets.
I'm going to try to italicize the text of this article, hopefully it will come out as planned. Anyway, this is a pertinent article from USA Today entitled "'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo': Horrifying or hilarious?". The last few paragraphs I thought were spot on.
But could Honey herself eventually be regretful, or even damaged? "Without a doubt … I think it's a form of abuse," says Mike Brody, a child psychiatrist who has written with alarm about parents putting kids on reality TV. He says most young children can't clearly discern the boundary between reality and make-believe.
"We don't have to wonder — we already have a whole literature on child stars and what happens to them. It's not a pretty picture," he says. "Don't we have enough information about Liza and Michael and Elizabeth and other former child stars? You don't have to be a child psychiatrist to figure out this doesn't make sense."
Testing again :) Does the "purse full of bills" show up well? Thanks to all who posted advice on how to go blue!
Tomatoes - My condolences for the loss of your dear friend.
I am loving all the avatars - you are all so witty and clever!
This is a great post, Admin. it is so nice to see another family who made wise choices in the bet interest of their kids.
Wow, that was fast! I just read that Tom Cruise's and Katie Holmes' divorce was finalized on Monday.
Tesseract Blue - I could see the word Bills when I clicked on your avatar. Very funny.
Permanent Name - Is that a good enough bra? :)
I love this tweet to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8's last book was called I Just Want You to Know. Her new book will be called I Just Want.
Kate is a twit said... 81
I love this tweet to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8's last book was called I Just Want You to Know. Her new book will be called I Just Want.
LOL! That is funny!
NJGAL51... Love the "Cellar No. 8" wine bottle avatar. (Once I get my box of Franzia I.D. going... our Summer Collection will be nearly complete!)
As for what other friends and family members think about my Blogging, for years on end about the Gosselin clan?
They think it's hysterical for the most part, and they detest her. The word "despicable" has been used many times in this household, to describe her actions with Jon and the children, and the utter desperation Kate will sink to. My husband and I began watching the show, from its' inception. Simply because we secretly loved to predict the eventual demise of Reality TV Shows, and the idiot families that sign up for them. However, watching the disintegration of this couple was something new to us, and left us on Team Jon! My younger sibling even appeared on my doorstep with her Korean boyfriend in tow... late one night, to ask if I had seen Radar's Jodi & Kevin tapes. (Too late, sister.)
I also have an elderly male neighbor that would come over to party on the weekends. He asked me once at age 70+ what I was doing. I said "Blogging about Kate Gosselin." His immediate words to me (not verbatim, as I had to clean it up a little here) were... "Kate Gosselin??- What an effing C-word!! !!!!!!"
So, there you have it.
Was it filed in California??? The waiting period is six months!
Admin-it was filed in NY.
I'm sorry, but did she actually mention soccer practice in a tweet tonight? Guess hell has frozen over and pigs do fly. Hope she knows that also means games on the weekends, and taking a turn as snack mom. But good for whoever gets to play.
Looks like Abby Lee Miller of Dance Mom fame is drawing from the Book of Kate. She says the people speaking out about her show are just jealous, and that if offered a show YOU WOULD DO IT TOO.
LOL, oh Abby. Yes, it's just that people are jealous, and not that they aren't legitimately concerned about these young girls. Katherine Hiegle has even spoken out about it and she has money and has been on TV so I highly doubt she's just jealous.
What I love about the Henn story is this is truly the last chapter in the book. The quads are senior citizens now. They are really one of the first looks, aside from the Dionnes, of multiples all grown up and have lived most of their lives.
The Dionnes are still terribly traumatized, and in contrast, the Henns are well adjusted, grateful, and give back. Exactly which set was raised the right way and which was raised wrong? This is not a trick question, sheeple.
I forgot to mention...
I often refer this Blog at home as, "My Knitting Circle". I have no idea now to knit, but it fits. My family knows exactly what that means. Leave me alone, or everyone here at 15 Mins. will have to suffer around all the typos. And our fur baby has never been neglected because of it, not even once.
P.S. (Most would say I'm "Too young for Yarn!")
You know for some of the D-listers who end up on celeb apprentice it makes you wonder how very d-list the other seven who want that spot must be.
I wouldn't put too much stock into whatever Donald Chump says. If he's serious about turning down 7 D Listers for every 1 they cast, why cast so many then? I mean, come on! David Cassidy or Rich from Survivor get cast before 7 others that applied? I highly doubt it. Chump takes what he can get. Besides, Mark Burnett produces that show. Chump wouldn't even know who WAS actually applying to be on it.
I believe Trump actually. There are a lot of celebs looking for something to revitalize their careers and this is a very popular show. He has executive producer credits, so he could be directly involved in who is cast on the show.
Kristine, aww your knitting circle. Is that anything like the quilting circle of old days?
Speaking of which, does Kate have any hobbies besides fraudulently grifting freebies from hard working Americans? Knitting, book club, church group (how about MOPS Kate since your kids are forever preschoolers), tennis, yoga class, country club, ladies charities, anything? It's kind of criminal what with the amount of free time she has she doesn't DO anything productive with it.
Hey, 'Greedy Gosselins'... hope you are doing well!
I have never mentioned this before, on any Blog. I had to leave a terrible, abusive marriage when I was 20 years old (after only 6 months, with what turned out to be a monster). My immediate family thought I was lying, because I covered it all up. The struggle to get past the awful bullshi#... was every bit worth what I have now. I have my self respect and dignity. You will be fine- trust me.
As for the school supply list...I don't have alot of spare money. I'am a single mom of 2 kids. My kids father is over 20 thousand dollars behind in support. My state does very little to get the support collected.So I have 2 kids in school...The supply list says we "share" our supplies...
So...I need to buy...4 boxes of crayons...4 boxes of markers...3 boxes of colored pencils...3 pairs of scissors....4 boxes of Kleenex..6 glue sticks....a pencil box....48 sharpened pencils...2 packs of erasers....a compass...and more when we run out.
Not to mention the clothes they need..and shoes...that another 400 dollars..and I buy cheap...
So if you have 25 kids in a class...all buying 3x the school supplies how much does the teacher have left over?What is going on with the left overs? They are giving away them away...and yet ...the child who got all the free stuff at the beginning of the year...tosses the stuff aside...knowing they will get more free stuff the next year.
"Kristine, aww your knitting circle. Is that anything like the quilting circle of old days?"
Why yes it is, Admin. I loved my Grandparents!
Molly12 said... 18
I read daily but post infrequently. I have been trying to join the fun and turn blue.
Hope to see you again soon!!
Starz22 said... 94
As for the school supply list...I don't have alot of spare money. I'am a single mom of 2 kids. My kids father is over 20 thousand dollars behind in support. My state does very little to get the support collected.So I have 2 kids in school...The supply list says we "share" our supplies...
So...I need to buy...4 boxes of crayons...4 boxes of markers...3 boxes of colored pencils...3 pairs of scissors....4 boxes of Kleenex..6 glue sticks....a pencil box....48 sharpened pencils...2 packs of erasers....a compass...and more when we run out.
Not to mention the clothes they need..and shoes...that another 400 dollars..and I buy cheap...
So if you have 25 kids in a class...all buying 3x the school supplies how much does the teacher have left over?What is going on with the left overs? They are giving away them away...and yet ...the child who got all the free stuff at the beginning of the year...tosses the stuff aside...knowing they will get more free stuff the next year.
I remember those days. I wish I could think of something that could help you. Perhaps speak in confidence with the teacher or principal, perhaps there is a system or program that could help. Nothing like that was available when i was managing for my four, and I never was a professional beggar like the Gosselins.
So now she is begging Green Mountain Coffee? How very mediocre; my market gives away free cups of freshly brewed to customers as they shop.
My final post for tonight--
Speaking of Quilting Circles... Can you imagine if we fashioned a giant quilt here, with images of all the new avatars? Priceless on Ebay, I say!
Thank you Kristine! It's always nice to hear about women living successfully(sp?) and independently happy.
It's only been a little over a week and so far so good. The difference in my son has been tremendous! He's still a little overprotective with me but I'm working hard in therapy with him. I am 100% aware that I am one of the more fortunate women; I successfully cut all ties.
I was pleased with Quilted Northern's statement. Sure, they probably dodged the part where they DID send Kate free tp but at least they took a stand. (Administrator) said... 45
Is everyone okay with the wider boxes? It condenses things a bit so you don't have to scroll as much to get to the bottom.
For that exact reason, I like it. Thank you for asking. And I am so glad you were entertained by our artwork! hehehe.
For Greedy Gosselins,
I appreciate the update... So happy for you! I have been praying for your family. For some reason, your (brief) story struck a chord with me. I had to cut all ties long ago as well, and that certainly made things easier. I can't give any advice on children in this case, but I truly believe your son is in a better situation... and so are you. Women like you are an inspiration to those going through this, and you made my heart melt.
My life has never been perfect, but I have the love of a great man now and he protects me. (Thank you, Chris!)
Starz whoa that's a pretty intense list for 2 kids. I'd be complaining about that one and wouldn't feel ashamed to do so. I feel for you. Just for an example I really don't understand the three pairs of scissors. One child, one pair of scissors. As long as they are careful they should last all year and longer. And a compass for each kid?? Why can't they just share that? At the very least I hope they gave you this list months ahead of time so you could watch for sales.
Here's a suggestion for those of you that now have multiple gmail accounts.
Always, always, always press Preview rather than Publish.
That will let you verify the name your post will be under before it goes to the blog for all to see.
I have safari and chrome. Another suggestion is to only view this blog on a certain browser and reserve the other browser for everything else. That way you can always stay signed into the account you want to use without worries.
How wonderful that you've been able to find a supportive guy!
I don't even know if I believe in God (heh heh) but you actually prayed for me?? I'm kinda speechless!! Obviously it helped, so perhaps there is a Big Guy upstairs who actually cares.
I know I've got a long road in front of me but I'm facing this challenge head on! No more not standing up for myself. It gives me great hope when I read of success stories such as yours.
I don't know what I would have done had there not been a safe haven completely free of judgement. I've stopped in a couple days to assist with making meals for the gals that I left behind. It's the least I can do!
One day at a time, I guess, right? It's now the shame and guilt I'm working on due to staying so long in a bad situation. I have a soft spot for Jon. It seems he has trouble finding his voice still. I wish him well.
thank you again for your kindness.
Am I blue?
Just checking in here briefly before starting the day. School starts this morning. OMG! I sound like KK! Sorry about that.
Starz22 - 94 I can't speak for your kids' school, but having been a classroom teacher and now a volunteer classroom aide, I can tell you that we don't have a lot of supplies left at the end of the year. In fact, most of the teachers and aides are out several $100 from purchasing books and supplies by the end of the year. What is left that can't be stored for the following year (things like glue, markers, etc.) are donated to the family shelter or, if unopened, may go to our church's thrift shop. Proceeds from the thrift shop go to support the food pantry and emergency assistance funds. There may be a few kids who toss their leftover supplies, but most are thrilled to have something to take home. And before you ask, it's a pre-K - grade 6 parochial school. More than half the kids are non-Catholic (58% last school year), and more than half the kids are on scholarship assistance.
Admin -- Each kid needs a compass because, if they are in different classrooms/grades how do they share? Run it down the hall each time the sibling needs to use it? Sharing only works at home.
Al I can say to thoseoing through troubles..ut will get better=)
I inally decided I had 2 paths I could take shen the fire hjt the pan.
Run and duck..or run right through
sees youae on the otherside..once I break free..
thank you alll
From Kate's tweets, sounds like some of the kids are playing soccer. That's good.
Winsomeone said... 164
They burn yellow when the little florets are small flowers
Thanks Winsome, soup was nummm!
Is she close to closing her website? I hope so...does this mean that this idiot in finally fading away....if you go on her twitter feed the haters and sheeple have been talking about other thing besides Kate...guess theres nothing TO talk about since she has absolutly nothing going on...beside the sometimes clever remarks by haters it's become very boring...slowly but surely she is walking into the sunset...sweet...
Tesseract Blue said... 78
LOVE that avatar! Perfect! LOL
So sorry to hear about your knee. Good luck with it. :(
So Kate is already complaining about school schedule- she was silly to start it so early- they will get re-acclimatized when they have to. I thought just one twin played soccer- nice if some others join, too.
Re: school supplies: yes,it's annoying and I agree with talking privately with the teacher if need be. At the college level it's even worse with the price of textbooks- then they hardly use them and then use a newer edition so they can't be resold for much...I hear some places have a rent-a-book system now.
Just a note about the college textbooks . . . since a lot of the Professors are now the authors of the textbooks that are used in their classes (ahem), at one of the daughter's colleges, they were trying to REQUIRE the students to purchase NEW college textbooks. Really??? If that didn't make me mad. Ridiculous.
To franky (... 110)
Winston Churchill said:
"If you are going through Hell, keep going."
I wish you strength and peace and all the best.
About textbooks:
Colleges and publishers have been in bed for YEARS raking in profits. Here is a new story about how a teacher refused to force students to buy a textbook they don't need -- and got FIRED for it.
There's a petition on it. Google and mike tracy.
Disclaimer: I don't know this teacher, never heard of the school. This is just one of those things that needs to be revamped in our "educational' system. I have been very vocal here about how I believe education has turned into a money-making enterprise and doesn't prepare students for work.
I want to be part of the cool crowd, but not at the risk of exposing my real name.
Like Permanent, I just created a new account. Still working on the avatar.
I have a feeling the gosselinbook will be published eventually in a monumentally edited version (read: everything we already knew, old news, really old, and everything new, true,and "harmful" to kHate will be gone). I'll bet that's what the author is doing right now, in between trips to kHate's fancy California attys.' offices to get approval as he parses out this 3 year-long now waste of time. I'll bet his missus is pissed!
Why can't he just change the names and call it a work of fiction? Any one interested enough to read it already knows the truth. We just wanted some PROOF and now it's gone. Teflon kHate and her sleezy slimy lawyers. yuk.
As for the school supply list...I don't have alot of spare money. I'am a single mom of 2 kids. My kids father is over 20 thousand dollars behind in support. My state does very little to get the support collected.So I have 2 kids in school...The supply list says we "share" our supplies...
So...I need to buy...4 boxes of crayons...4 boxes of markers...3 boxes of colored pencils...3 pairs of scissors....4 boxes of Kleenex..6 glue sticks....a pencil box....48 sharpened pencils...2 packs of erasers....a compass...and more when we run out.
Starz22, Hugs, I've been where you are and it isn't fun. I would also start the year off with the required pencils and crayons, and would wait until they truly needed the rest, which gave me more time to save.
If I were you I would speak confidentially to the principal or the teacher and tell them that you are willing to buy what your children need, but are not able to provide items to "share".
There was an article in our local paper yesterday about a women who was moved by an elemtary principal who stated the needed for school supplies. This woman went out and started seeking donations, and was able to deliver two car loads of supplies to the school! She said it was easy once she got started. Stories like these are so heartwarming.
I don't think Gosselin Book is ever coming out. We were played. Hoffman was paid.
Students may rightfully gripe at the cost of tuition for college, but once there, realize they face another major expense in the form of pricey textbooks for each class. According to the OC Weekly, Mike Tracy, an animator and long-time teacher at the Art Institute of California-Orange County, knows this. Wanting to save his students some money, rather than requiring them to buy an e-book he considered “redundant” and “irrelevant,” he left all texts off his syllabus and is now out of a job because of it.
Tracy, who has previously never required books for his Photoshop class, was informed by school administrators that all teachers must require e-book purchases from their students as part of a new school policy. When Tracy refused to adhere to that policy, he received a letter dated last Tuesday, August 10, from school president Gregory Marick, who issued this ultimatum:
"As you have been previously informed, you are required to utilize an eBook from the list…Failure to comply with this directive will result in your immediate termination of employment for insubordination."
The teacher refused, and was fired August 14.
But there’s more going on here than meets the eye. According to an article on, all fifty schools bearing the Art Institute’s name are owned by a company called Education Management Corporation (otherwise known as EDMC.) EDMC exclusively uses e-books offered through a service called Digital Bookshelf, which is run by EDMC’s distributor, VitalSource. Art Institute requires students to pay $50-$75 to Digital Bookshelf to download a copy of each e-book required by their teachers―but the downloads are only temporary, lasting just the duration of the semester. Students are not allowed to substitute a hardcopy for an e-book; they may buy one in addition, but the download is required under all circumstances.
According to the article, Tracy feels that the Art Institute has constructed a system to insure students pay money for books they may not even need, and ones they can't even sell back after the semester is over.
I'm sorry, but did she actually mention soccer practice in a tweet tonight? Guess hell has frozen over and pigs do fly. Hope she knows that also means games on the weekends, and taking a turn as snack mom. But good for whoever gets to play.
She went to Cara's games last year -- mentioned it several times how her Saturday mornings were spent "freezing" at soccer practice, so this isn't new for her.
Our last morning sleep in was glorious... It's all early ams from here on out..I'm not ready4 this,but my kids are so excited2start school!
I'm confused. Didn't Kate tweet yesterday a.m. that everyone got up early to get acclimated to the school schedule and she didn't like the numbers on the clock? Why a sleep-in this morning when all she's been griping about is preparing for the early mornings?
Sue: Yes, she did! She also c/o not being able to sleep. That, with the schedules/supply lists 'coming home' doesn't make sense. If there was an orientation etc. that's fine, she needn't mention it, but I don't think she could resist the chance to complain about the early AMs and the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ she needs for school supplies, hoping for grifts. Also need for coffee mentions a la grifting.
Admin -- Each kid needs a compass because, if they are in different classrooms/grades how do they share? Run it down the hall each time the sibling needs to use it? Sharing only works at home.
No I mean why does each kid in CLASS need a compass? I assume we're talking about a compass you put your pencil in to draw circles, not a north-south compass. Why can't you have one compass for every four or five students and break into groups? You could share in your group. And question, why aren't compasses lasting 12 years??? I think I still have mine from math class years ago. Are teachers teaching kids to take good care of their supplies and tools, or are kids just tearing through them and making them unusable for future students?
Another idea is to have half the class work on compass activities, half the class work on something else like reading. Then switch. That way right there you only need to buy half the classes compasses.
I just think we could be so much smarter about supplies. The economy is tough, times are tough, and I feel for parents trying to make it work.
@GreenMtnCoffee @SuperPattyPie @Madreof1 you bet right! Drinking your breakfast blend right now! It's mom power in a cup!:)
It doesn't end, does it?
"I'm confused. Didn't Kate tweet yesterday a.m. that everyone got up early to get acclimated to the school schedule and she didn't like the numbers on the clock? Why a sleep-in this morning when all she's been griping about is preparing for the early mornings?"
She did the same thing last night -- tweeted about sleeping in today. At the same time she's whining about getting the kids on schedule and getting up at 5:30 a.m.
No I mean why does each kid in CLASS need a compass? I assume we're talking about a compass you put your pencil in to draw circles, not a north-south compass. Why can't you have one compass for every four or five students and break into groups?
Compasses are a dollar at one of the dollar stores. I just bought two. It's not like having to buy a $100.00 calculator.
I really don't feel like listening to all her whining about 5:30 a.m. for the next nine months do you? Go to public school close by, drive them, and get up at 6:30. Solved.
Boo-hoo, they go to a prep school that will groom them for the ivy leagues. Get your ass out of bed.
Fleecing I know they are cheap, but a dollar here and a dollar there adds up for people trying to make ends meet. Also if classes forked over the money upfront for more expensive compasses, say the 5 dollar kind, and then took good care of them, they might last much longer and then parents wouldn't have to buy them. Starz' list is crazy and not very efficient. Three pairs of scissors for two kids--I'm sorry but no. One pair, one child, and take good care of it.
According to the article, Tracy feels that the Art Institute has constructed a system to insure students pay money for books they may not even need, and ones they can't even sell back after the semester is over.
August 22, 2012 6:54 AM
College textbook prices are almost criminal, imo! My kids RENT their books online for a mere fraction of the cost. I also look for books on ebay or craigslist.
University bookstores should be ashamed of the prices they extort! ugh!
Thanks Crazy...loves me some Meatloaf a bat 9utta h"ll=)
You guys have kept me laughing on some very dark nights..rumspringas on me all around to yas!
Too funny the sheeple have abandoned TLC as they complain about the programs and especially Honey Boo Boo. Of course, Honey Boo Boo is child exploitation but Kate Plus My 8 was not. Oh, and Kate was smart to leave TLC because of how badly they edited her. Uh sheeple, she was FIRED. The fan sites are showing literally a handful of posters and few new blog entries.
Throw more water on her because she's melting.
She did the same thing last night -- tweeted about sleeping in today. At the same time she's whining about getting the kids on schedule and getting up at 5:30 a.m.
I can't imagine how getting up early yesterday morning and sleeping in this morning helped acclimate her kids to the school schedule.
She's really over stressing about the school schedule thing. Wonder what's up with that? All she sees ahead of her is packing lunches and homework and early mornings for years to come? Burn out?
Fleecing I know they are cheap, but a dollar here and a dollar there adds up for people trying to make ends meet. Also if classes forked over the money upfront for more expensive compasses, say the 5 dollar kind, and then took good care of them, they might last much longer and then parents wouldn't have to buy them.
How often do you use a compass that it's going to wear out? They have perhaps one unit using a compass, and that's it. Even a cheap one can be reused over and over again. It's not like they are using them on a daily basis for an entire school year.
She's really over stressing about the school schedule thing. Wonder what's up with that? All she sees ahead of her is packing lunches and homework and early mornings for years to come? Burn out?
I agree, Sue. She had eight kids, so you deal with it. What did she expect -- that the kids weren't going to go to school? She was totally unprepared for any of this. Just wait until all of them are in high school and they are running around in all directions, out from under her control. She has no idea what awaits her. If she can't handle schedules and school lunches now, she's going to go nuts in a few years. I'm surprised she didn't hoard enough money to put them all in boarding school where she wouldn't have to stress over any of this.
She's really over stressing about the school schedule thing. Wonder what's up with that? All she sees ahead of her is packing lunches and homework and early mornings for years to come? Burn out?
First Sue I loved your article!
Regarding her being stressed, I think it's all just drama for the Twittersodes. She always has it the best and worst over everyone else. Oh poor me, I have to wake up before the rooster crows, oh poor me so so many school supplies to buy, oh poor me, I have so many kids I can't afford toilet paper.
She has nothing of value to say so she has to keep the six sheeple entertained with her tales of woe.
Well off to my mediocre camping vacation, 36 bucks a night and a pop-up, heading up north where there is a free beach and lots of trails, nature and beautifulness. We're even taking Scrabble along in case it rains.
Fleecing that's exactly my point. Let's get creative here, seniors who are not intending to pursue higher math in college should give their compasses back to lower grades. Compasses could be reused for decades and then parents who are struggling to make ends meet won't have to buy new ones all the time. Mine sits in my drawer and that's silly while some struggling parent has to buy a new one of the many other things required.
How long has Milo been away?
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 128
@GreenMtnCoffee @SuperPattyPie @Madreof1 you bet right! Drinking your breakfast blend right now! It's mom power in a cup!:)
It doesn't end, does it?
No, it does not. I just dropped an email to GMC telling them to not send her even a single kcup.
I give these companies a smidge of a benefit of a doubt. I think when they get hit up by Kate, they think of that religious harried young mother caring for those 6 cute toddlers. I don't think they have any idea that she lives like a rapper and has as many cars as most rappers do. Call me petty (cause I am lol) but as soon as Kate starts schmoozing these companies I'm going to drop an email right away, instead of allowing her to collect another huge booty and then the company is like "oh shiz" after the numerous complaints.
Count me in as another teacher who buys more school supplies than I will ever admit to hubby. By Feb. we usually have like $60 left in the budget. While I do hit up all the back to school .17 and .25 specials at Office Max and Staples, I usually start watching Targets markdowns on school supplies around the first week of October. They eventually are marked 90% off.
I realize Kate has already given us all of the newest and most obscure money saving tips we could ever possibly use;) but I'd like to list a few I just read about in Family Circle. goes through Walmarts ads as well as other stores, and matches their sales with current coupons. has the best deals at Target plus printable coupons and rebate offers. tracks prices on Amazon. If you are looking to buy something you can put in the price you're comfortable paying and they will send you an email alert should the price drop to that range. Good to have with X-mas around the corner (yikes!) has printable manufacturer coupons for major grocery brands. You can register the stores you frequent most often to find out about specials specific to that location.
The sheeple haven't liked TLC for a really long time actually. I've always thought it's a real breakthrough that they understood that TLC is bad. I had hoped it would be a stepping stone to understand Kate was bad too but alas, no.
I'm not sure how they figure Kate left TLC when Kate was asking them to desperately wave Save Kate signs in Walmart parking lots just 24 hours before the show was given the axe.
Sue Buddy said...
She did the same thing last night -- tweeted about sleeping in today. At the same time she's whining about getting the kids on schedule and getting up at 5:30 a.m.
I can't imagine how getting up early yesterday morning and sleeping in this morning helped acclimate her kids to the school schedule.
She's really over stressing about the school schedule thing. Wonder what's up with that? All she sees ahead of her is packing lunches and homework and early mornings for years to come? Burn out?
That big ole whiner will figure it out.
Maybe Kate will hire a babysitter that also prepares breakfasts & lunches- or
she'll have the older girls do the job.
Everything is such an ordeal for that one.
Note to Kate: Go with the flow.
EVERYONE! This is awesome...I managed to get my hands on a "sneak peek" of Kate's book that she's pecking away at, as we speak, on her iPhone. The one called, "I Just Want", that will soon, I'm sure, be at the publisher's.
Here's a chapter out of her book that's called "A Typical Exhausting Day":
Today was the first day of school for the “littles”….they had to wake up at 5:30 am so the not-a-nanny could drive them five hours to their bus stop. They had @JuicyJuice and some @grapes for breakfast. Their clothes are getting very small so I can only dream that @Gymboree or @Abercrombie would make clothes for littles. And their @PeaceLove lunch boxes are getting very dirty, too. It's so HARD when you have so many kids.
As for me, I rolled over around 9:30 am and reached for my @Keurig, where I had a delicious cup of @GreenMountain Coffee, sprinkled heavily with @Coffee-Mate. Still feeling sluggish – because, after all, mothering six kids is hard work….Wait. Crap. I always forget about those OTHER two kids – the older ones. Okay – mothering EIGHT kids is hard work, after all…and I needed more caffeine…so a trip in my @Audi to the nearest @Starbucks to get a delicious @grande was in order.
Yes, a very busy day indeed was in store for me…woah. So, I headed to @Target, where I used @CouponCabin coupons to get some @Quilted Northern TP and @Crayons, because school supplies are so $$$, you know. Then I went to @AnnTaylor for some clothes for me, because I can’t be photographed in the same outfit twice – that would cause an uproar with the @RadarOnline. After stopping at the @FedEx store to pick up all of my wonderful packages that have been sent in by @Paige and @Em (and hey, @Milo, where have YOU been? You’re dropping the ball lately – get with the program; I'm still WAITING on a package from YOU), I then headed to @TanningSpot to get my orange on.
It was now time for lunch, so I had a @BellaBar and some orange traiangular thingies.
After I got home, I was feeling so exhaustedish from my errands, so I decided a good run was needed, so I strapped on my @Asics and my @iPod and my @Nike running gear and headed out. @RunningWorld would be so proud as I train for my @RocknRollMarathon. Then it was paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork, but I used my @ExtremeLabelMaker to organize everything so it was all good. My @PostIt notes needed updating so I went around with my @Sharpie markers so the housekeepers would know how I like things organized.
Soon it was time for the not-a-nanny to go get the six kids – CRAP – I mean EIGHT kids from school, and because this was so exhausting, I took a nap. Of course, that meant more coffee in my @Keurig later, but my afternoon choice is @WolfgangPuck breakfast blend. Sprinkled heavily with @CoffeeMate, of course.
The kids were home now and I quickly cooked a casserole with @BrooksBeans and @Velveeta cheese and of course the kids cheered and said it was the best dinner EVER. I could only assume they were right because I only had a @NewmansFigBar for dinner. Well. I was also very busy tweeting all of my @Gosselinators on Twitter so I wasn’t exactly paying attention to the littles.
After dinner, I went to run AGAIN but this time I ran on my @Sears @Nordic treadmill. I sent the kids to bed – except for the older girls, because we like to lay on my @Sealy bed and laugh and talk about @HungerGames and they’re my BFF’s – when I can remember to include them, anyway.
Soon it was time for my BFF’s to go to bed, too, and as I lay down to go to bed myself, I patted myself on the back for another outstanding day, filled with exhausting paperwork, organization and mothering.
The only way it could have been better is if I'd had @fish in paper from @FigandOlive with my friends @Deanna and @Jason and @Ted...but I'd need new clothes from maybe @Nordstroms or some new shoes from @Mahno and some @jewerly from @Winstons would be nice.
People ask me all the time how I manage to do it - and there you go.
Maybe if Kate settled for making mediocre, not 'elaborate, famous' lunches and actually let the kids help, she would reduce her stress (snark)
I would think she would find things easier as her 'big girls' are old enough to be self-sufficient with laundry and lunches, and the 'littles' can probably do more now that they are released from bibs and highchairs! (Administrator) said... 142
The sheeple haven't liked TLC for a really long time actually. I've always thought it's a real breakthrough that they understood that TLC is bad. I had hoped it would be a stepping stone to understand Kate was bad too but alas, no.
I'm not sure how they figure Kate left TLC when Kate was asking them to desperately wave Save Kate signs in Walmart parking lots just 24 hours before the show was given the axe.
They change facts to whatever fits the agenda that most flatters their Qween.
Kate's cruise was canceled due to lack of interest. Period. Not enough people signed up. Even the sheeple weren't falling for that one, paying the extra $900 for the Kate experience and risking Kate canceling all but one or two of the Kate events.
Yet they have since rewritten the story and discuss how it was canceled due to threats from haters and security concerns. Bitch please. I live a handful of exits down the Turnpike from her and I wouldn't go near her with a 10 ft. pole. I felt skeezy just sharing her airspace while in the Reading area for lax tournaments.
If TLC called Kate today and said they wanted to start the show back up, she'd shatter an ankle jumping up to rush to her Audi. She'd break ground speed records driving to Silver Spring to do the
Knows Quality said... 144
ROTFLMAO! That was SO funny and SO spot on. I hope Kate reads it . Love your avatar too !
Green Mountain Coffee is on notice.
We spend beaucoup bucks with that friggin' company on K-cups. So help me, if they send that witch coupons for free k-cups, I going to demand they send me the same.
Good One Knows Quality - what did you do follow her around all day? so much insider info - just WOW
Once A Viewer said... 145
Maybe if Kate settled for making mediocre, not 'elaborate, famous' lunches and actually let the kids help, she would reduce her stress (snark)
I would think she would find things easier as her 'big girls' are old enough to be self-sufficient with laundry and lunches, and the 'littles' can probably do more now that they are released from bibs and highchairs!
Once a Viewer- great post.
Sadly, I had a Beavis & Butthead moment reading your comment.
When you mentioned Kate & her big girls,
I momentarily thought you were talking about her tit-tays.
Sorry about that ;o)
Knows Quality too funny!!!! You did forget one store Kate says she frequents @WhiteHouseBlackMarket. And although she'll never admit it.... @FredericksofHollywood
I wonder if it ever occurs to her that she wouldn't be so exhaustedish if she lived on more than coffee, lettuce (cigarettes?) and Bella Bars? IF she visited a nutritionist, I think she'd be shocked to find how much her diet is NOT helping her. I have a neighbor a few streets over who just started running last November. She could barely get down the street without huffing and puffing. Incidentally, she is a registered nurse and she sought the help of the nutritionist at the hospital where she works. She has run 3 full marathons since and looks fabulous. She is eating a diet tailored for a runner's needs. Kate is not.
I wonder if Kate's next full marathon is going to be in the dark of night like the last one?
You ROCK, Knows Quality!! Funny post :o)
haha Wayward ... you crack me up :)
Lilly said... 149
Good One Knows Quality - what did you do follow her around all day? so much insider info - just WOW
Oh, no, you misunderstood...KATE wrote this! (Hee hee...being snarky.) This is an excerpt from her new book she's writing on her iPhone!
If this was just one chapter, imagine how many shout-outs she'll have in the REST of the book??!!
I know,I should specify which set of 'big girls' I meant- does this mean she has TEN kids?!
TWO sets of twins, lol?
Oh God . . . Knows Quality! Laughed til I peed. Sue Buddy should put that in a column.
Kate should write a book on how to ask for items on Twitter without really asking. She's a pro.
I lower my head in sheer awe of Qualitie's post..
May I please one day be able to post one nearly as perfect as that
clap clap clap ...standing ovation
...woowooo..whistle to you =)
Sassy Lassy said: "Sadly, I had a Beavis & Butthead moment reading your comment.
When you mentioned Kate & her big girls,
I momentarily thought you were talking about her tit-tays."
Uh huh huh Uh huh huh Uh huh huh..... you said tit-tays
You go sassy!
come an git yer "coffee"
what's good for the "one" must be good for all
@me when you end in your griftquest =)
I did it - Kiwi is this ok with you?
Knows Quality when is the publish date 31 November?
I think that the reason she's stressing so much over getting ready for school is to show that SHE is doing all the work and Jon is doing nothing. The old sympathy thing. It's just another way of throwing him under the bus without even mentioning his name. She's the poor, exhausted mommy who released him of child support, and now she has to pay for all of the school supplies by herself, PLUS do all of the work of organizing it. She will expect the sheeple to praise her until the cows come home.
I also believe that the reason the sheeple refuse to believe in a custody split is because they don't want to believe it. There goes the image of the poor, struggling mom of eight who does everything by herself (including going to New York to get her hair done and driving around in three cars). Either they are too stupid to look up the PA Child Support laws, or they do know how to check on the laws but are afraid to do so because they will find out the truth. Even if they did review the laws, would they be able to understand them? Doubtful. Denial is so much easier than admitting the truth.
Ugh, Green Mountain Coffee, don't make me contact you! I was psyched to find decaf GMC at Costco and bought a box. They haven't carried decaf bulk K cups until now, so I was thrilled. And, the Breakfast Blend is very good.
(Love how Kate arose from her sarcophagus to tweet @Greenmountaincoffee last night)
For me and my children, back to school shopping for supplies was a highlight of the end of summer rituals. My kids would be so excited to choose binders and pens, mechanical pencils and special spiral notebooks. It was my joy to watch them making the first step to their next school year. Since one of my children is left-handed, it was especially fun to find things tailored to meet her need. (Yes, they do make left-handed notebooks!)
What Kate is missing is the joy in this and in so many other day to day activities that fill our lives. Maybe in her mind she is the master couponing queen but how does that translate into being a mother?
Kate makes it seem impossible to manage 8 children in any task of any kind. Yet, I wish I could remember how many times I had 8 soccer kids, 8 Girl Scouts, 8 pre-schoolers, 8 teenagers to care for out and about in the town where we live. It's unimaginable that she can't budern herself to just simply try.
Rarely post here but read all the time. I'm sure if this was the case lots of local people would have already called her on it but at my son's private school for the low low cost of tuition all his supplies (other than backpack, lunchbox, water bottle) are included. I guess this is not the norm for private schools?
Over In Kate's County said... 162
I think that the reason she's stressing so much over getting ready for school is to show that SHE is doing all the work and Jon is doing nothing.
Yeah, I'm not falling for Jon doing NOTHING to get the kids prepped for school. However.... I can see Kate not sharing their lists and needs so she can pile everything on herself, the single mom.
Whatever happened to the babysitter 4 days a week Kate said she had? Normal stress for school prep? I don't think so. She's just pulling your leg, y'all. Lists coming in, last min school shopping...oh yeah, sure! I didn't get the lists until they were posted at the stores or after classes started!
The idea of buying shoes back in the springtime was really dumb too. Kids go through growth spruts and you never know what will fit a month later. I had to buy shoes six times in one year! Either they got worn out or no longer fit. I was not the type to buy 100 shoes per child. I just brought one pair of sneakers and one pair of dress shoes for band class and stuck with that. What was she thinking? Plus alot of stores have a really short window to return/exchange shoes so that was not exactly a smart investion if I may say so.
She is not coming off exactly bright, doesn't she? The suggestion to buy disposable coffee mugs; I absolutely hate that idea. I have about 10 reuseable travel mugs that I rotate throughout the week & weekend so I'm not washing one everyday. Target sells disposable coffee cups (2 different brands at my store) and I think they were nearly $10 for 8 and $14 for 10? So she advocates spending $50-100 a month on that to SAVE money? That comes to $1200 a year vs. $35-40 for a couple of reuseable travel mugs. YEAH RIGHT!!!
Typical Barbie way of thinking. LOL.
Please ask her how that is saving money with her suggestions!
I have been thinking about this for awhile. All this whining she does about having 8 in school is driving me crazy. As I have mentioned before I come from a family of 13 kids all single births. My mom was pregnant every year. Imagine not only having to get the kids ready for school (each year one more added) but to also have little ones at home and being pregnant. Kate only had to have the first year of starting school twice not 13 times. And she doesn't have to wait as long for all her children to graduate. The twins graduate and a few years later the tups. She doesn't have to think about 13 separate graduations. We couldn't afford private schools, so my parents had to spend way more on school clothes than she does with uniforms. We also didn't have 2 siblings per classroom. I am sure with them sharing a class they can share some of their supplies too. We brought and bought our lunches. In all that time I never once remember my parents complaining about buying supplies, clothes, books, or food. We were not rich and my parents never made us feel like we were burdens. They always told us that when they got married they wanted a dozen children. When my baby brother came along they changed that to a bakers dozen:) That is the difference I guess. My parents wanted all their children going into their marriage and never expected any help. Kate went into her marriage wanting HOM and expecting help. Kate really needs to stop complaining and count her blessings instead.
Tucker's Mom said...163
(Love how Kate arose from her sarcophagus to tweet @Greenmountaincoffee last night)
OMG, I snorted MY @greenmountaincoffee after reading this..."sarcophagus" is too freakin' funny!!!! And so "dead"-on....!!!
TLC Stinks - thanks for the new avatar idea; let's hope she melts.
Knows Quality - in this group of funny posters today you take the prize!
Knows Quality said... 169
Tucker's Mom said...163
(Love how Kate arose from her sarcophagus to tweet @Greenmountaincoffee last night)
OMG, I snorted MY @greenmountaincoffee after reading this..."sarcophagus" is too freakin' funny!!!! And so "dead"-on....!!!
Gotta agree ! So funny. You are really the most witty group of people I have ever come across !
I do not get it, when we went to school the school (Taxes) supplied the supplies. We now pay more in taxes and the school has no money for did everything get changed around. Where is the money we ALL pay in taxes?? Same goes for do people pay for kids now?
Testing the Blue waters
I've been following that facebook post to Quilted Nothern about Kate and her grifting ways. They now have over 6850 likes. Many many many are from Kate's area and they do NOT like her. I wish the sheeple would see that there are so many people who have had interactions with her past AND present and she is rude and selfish. The persona she is trying to display on twitter is nothing but a cover for her witchy ways.
Quilted Northern still hasn't responded to the request of the original poster although they did write up something on their website.'d think they would do something. this looks so bad on Kate and anyone who has issues with Kate and her grifting should send a link to that facebook post to whichever company she is begging from next.
Thanks for all the good wishes. I broke the left one when I was only 17, and apparently healing from it now is going to take a bit longer. Does anyone have anything that worked for them that I should ask my docs about?
With school starting 50/50 custody time will make a big difference. At least part of the time the kids will have all the food they want, a happy face and environment to look forward too when coming home, and the possibility of after school activities for individuals.
Knows Quality and Tucker's Mom you both cracked up up!
Knows Quality, brilliant satire.
Tucker, your sarcophagus comment inspired me!! Hope you don't mind. :)
Kudos to Knows Quality! Just read it and I'm chuckling!
Ha, Ha! Sue Buddy, your sarcophagus looks very cozy!
Knows Quality said... 144
Really, really, laugh out loud funny. Thanks, I needed that.
Ha, Ha! Sue Buddy, your sarcophagus looks very cozy!
Crazy, doesn't it though? I remember how dark Jon and Kate's bedroom was when he would bring her coffee in the morning like the good little manservant he was. Dracula would have felt right at home in there. The only thing missing is a hanging IV of blood, I mean coffee.
Test for blue
Yay...think it worked after several days. Google does not make this easy.
Knows Quality - Hilarious! You owned her!
KQ for president.
Knows Quality, that was brilliant!
Khaki1960... my son and I are left handed too. I used to buy him the left handed binders. But when he started buying his own supplies for college, it was cheaper to just buy the regular ones and use it upside down. Ingenious on his part.$$$
OT - recipe, of a sort...
Last night's dinner was a polyglot, a kitchen sink salad, a - clean-out-the-fridge salad:
- Mixture of spinach leaves, iceberg and radicchio lettuces
- dried cranberries
- yellow raisins
- julienned carrots
- finely diced yellow pepper
- cashews for me, peanuts for DH
- ground flax seeds
- sesame seeds
- scoop of fiber 1 cereal (yum crunch)
- chopped celery
- chopped cucumber
That's all we had that needed to be eaten. Tossed it with some bottled slaw dressing we had.
Put a naan bread on the griddle for 1-2 minutes each side.
I melted butter on mine and added a little sea salt to it.
Iced tea and water.
Oh, and another OT - did everyone see the giggle-fiasco that Prince Harry got into?! The Queen is not pleased.....
I actually thought one of the pics showed him having sex from behind! The caption said he was 'giving the naked girl a bear hug'.......
LOL - of COURSE he was........ snerk, chortle...
Honestly, I have no problems with the human body in all it's glory. But hey, doesn't anyone have any dignity anymore???!!! Geez, a pic that could be interpreted as sex, doggy style, naked, in a public place? I consider his suite full of party revelers "public"...
Hmmm, think his bodyguards still have their jobs? Maybe they trained at the same bodyguard school as purseboy?
Permanent name . . . inappropriate. I guess I may get banned for not being polite. But, really?
The other night, Nancy Grace did a segment on Honey Boo's bar dancing. Paul Petersen wrote a comment on his website, A Minor Consideration...
"Nancy Grace's hour-long 'discussion' on "Honey Boo Boo" failed to address the three most critical issues surrounding the obvious exploitation of this unfortunate child: One, is the child a mere 'innocent participant' in a commercial enterprise broadcast on television?:
Two, if everyone else is getting paid when do child labor laws prevail?; And Three, Do 'Parental Rights' include the 'sexual commercialization' of their off-spring? How many so-called Adults profit from the world of child beauty pageants? How many pedophiles get their jollies from these ghastly images? It's time to take The MONEY out of these pageants."
No offense meant at all.
My interpretation of the photo is my interpretation alone. Others are free to interpret it differently.
Actually, I was very offended by the photos; his behavior, the poor taste of someone to take the pictures, and the lack of his bodyguards on scene to prevent this kind of thing.
I think his behavior is what was inappropriate. Especially for such a public figure!
:( Guess what?
I just got an e-mail from Google Accounts. They said Once a Viewer may not be a name and will suspend my acct in 4 days unless I take action??? WTH?
maybe I'll have to choose a new name, idk...did anyone else get this msg? Thought my 'success' was too good to be blue, um true.
Miss Marple,
Your post was not impolite. In fact, I think you were very gracious. You are as entitled to your opinion as everyone here. That's the nice thing about the posters here. We are all pretty well mannered and thoughtful of others.
Each of us has our own opinions. As long as we politely agree to disagree then all is well.
I think your avatar is funny & apropos.
For all Kate's longing for the spotlight, I have to wonder how she interacts with other adults at the school - not that I want anyone to report anything that goes on there.
It must be difficult for a narcissist to mingle among the mundane. The vibe I get from her is that she's insecure among other parents. I don't think she knows how to interact with them. I wonder if she gets involved in fundraisers or sporting event picnics and other school-related activities. Seems like it would be a practical learning experience for her if she really wanted to pursue something like Celebrity Apprentice, but I doubt it has ever crossed her mind to participate in any way.
I didn't get an email from google but I wonder if I'll have the same issue...
I used Permanent Name as my first name, and In Blue as my last name.
Is that what you did?
Aye, I guess we might all have to take a pseudonym that sounds 'real'....
More hassle.... sigh.... ah well.
Permanent Name, I got the same impressions from viewing the photos as you did.
Where were his bodyguards while all this was going on?
Heads will roll over this, & maybe Harry's will be one of them.
Is it the avatar that Ms. Marple thinks is inappropriate? I thought it was my interpretation of Harry's pics.
Um, I got it in honor of kart's 'good bra'.
Respectfully, I guess I need clarification, Ms. Marple.
I think son helped me, as I put my real name down and Once a Viewer as nickname, but then it just appeared in quotation marks between my first name & surname.
I submitted Formerly Duped as my 'new name' but I don't think they'll accept it....sigh.
Some people on here have names with several words or not 'real'ish names? Good luck!
Signed, Once a Viewer, now know as Formerly Duped...for now!
JolieJacquelyn said... 194
Permanent Name, I got the same impressions...
Heads will roll over this, & maybe Harry's will be one of them.
All I could think was "if Toe-Sucking-Gate was bad, this will be galatic!"
I simply CAN NOT imagine what he was thinking... anymore, you have to always be thinking that everything you do, anywhere, can be videotaped on a cell phone.
If it's any consolation, my DH feels that he was 'just giving her a hug' - he thinks the guy couldn't be so STUPID as to have naked sex in public in a room full of partiers.
My reply: perhaps, but the impression is still there, and some folks will believe it.
Stupid behavior any way you slice it.
Berks Neighbor said... 174
And just think about the fact that everyone who "liked" or commented on the QN FB page has a friends' list on FB and if their friends "like" it then all of their friend's friends see it and on and on it goes spreading the word that QN gave free TP to a millionaire rather than a charity. Companies are going to learn that giving free product to Kate is not good PR for them.
If they say it was a business deal where the toilet paper was in payment for Kate mentioning them on Twitter, then it is income to Kate and it appears that she is only mentioning QN for free paper and not because it is her preferred brand. There are pictures of her with a shopping cart containing her preferred brand. So QN has put themselves in a quite a spot here - the KG curse strikes again.
"Is it the avatar that Ms. Marple thinks is inappropriate? I thought it was my interpretation of Harry's pics."
I wasn't sure either. I thought she was referring to Harry's behavior.
My avatar is an Angry Birds Good Bra. Is that okay?
sigh........ galaCtic....
where is spellcheck?! LOL
Berks Neighbor said... 174
I've been following that facebook post to Quilted Nothern about Kate and her grifting ways. They now have over 6850 likes. Many many many are from Kate's area and they do NOT like her. I wish the sheeple would see that there are so many people who have had interactions with her past AND present and she is rude and selfish. The persona she is trying to display on twitter is nothing but a cover for her witchy ways.
Quilted Northern still hasn't responded to the request of the original poster although they did write up something on their website.'d think they would do something. this looks so bad on Kate and anyone who has issues with Kate and her grifting should send a link to that facebook post to whichever company she is begging from next.
I especially found this comment poignant:
I saw that you were giving free toilet paper away to Ms. Gosselin. I'm wondering if instead you might be willing to NOT donate TP to a person who is able to send her children to an elite private school at the cost of $100,000 a year, travel to NYC on a standing hair appt with a designer hairdresser, and fly all over the country to run marathons, 1/2 marathons and even a few 5k's and instead donate TP to an inner city youth program for children living way below the poverty line in Reading, PA that could really use the help.
I don't begrudge your willingness to share, but I do question your reasoning about giving to those who truly don't need it, but ignoring the rest of society that lives within such tough economic circumstances. This is truly bad form Quilted Northern and I would rethink your marketing program.
Respectful, direct & to the point.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 187
The other night, Nancy Grace did a segment on Honey Boo's bar dancing. Paul Petersen wrote a comment on his website, A Minor Consideration...
"Nancy Grace's hour-long 'discussion' on "Honey Boo Boo" failed to address the three most critical issues surrounding the obvious exploitation of this unfortunate child: One, is the child a mere 'innocent participant' in a commercial enterprise broadcast on television?:
Two, if everyone else is getting paid when do child labor laws prevail?; And Three, Do 'Parental Rights' include the 'sexual commercialization' of their off-spring? How many so-called Adults profit from the world of child beauty pageants? How many pedophiles get their jollies from these ghastly images? It's time to take The MONEY out of these pageants."
Well, we know for sure TLC and other networks would survive if they couldn't expoit children, but it would certainly swiffer all those crappy shows and force the parents who are living off their kids' backs to get real jobs to support their families, instead of the other way around.
Pederson must get horribly frustrated at times.
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