Yet another family in Kate's shoes is going on record saying they wanted something different for their multiples. (Other families have also shunned Kate's choices, including the Headricks.)
In 1947, three boys and one girl were born to a young World War II vet and his British wife who had recently made their home together in the United States. Hard to believe today, but the public was just as curious about the four babies as the much higher-order multiples that made news decades later.
Publicity and freebies naturally followed, but Dad Charles only accepted a few select offerings and instead worked two jobs to support the family. He taught the children "if you want something, find a way to work and pay for it. That's the way we were brought up."
![]() |
The Henn family in 2000. |
As for the Gosselins, the quads say it's all about the money: "You know, I think they're after the money, versus we at the time didn't care about that. We just wanted to be normal."
The children went on to be just that, normal, well-adjusted adults with successful careers, including real estate, teaching, photography and serving in Vietnam. The only girl, Joan, even coached the University of Arkansas women's basketball and then helped special needs children until her death from cancer in 2000.
Good job, Mr. and Mrs. Henn.
1292 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1292 of 1292 Newer› Newest»aggiemom09121416 said... 157
Auntie Ann 150 said
Except for my Kitchen Aid. I love my Kitc.....
omg, I love my kitchenaid stuff! I reealllyyy neeeeddddd the new @kitchenaid 7 qt mixer in white would look great with my @kitchenaid 4.5 qt, my @kitchenaid 5 qt, my kitchenaid blender, my @kitchen knife set, my @kitchen aid food processor...(not to mention the two @kitchen aid blenders and @kitchenaid mixers purchased for two of my kiddos..(oh, forgot the two @kitchenaid hand held mixers for kiddos as well.....
hey, @kitchenaid, you HEAR ME???????
(really, though, I really need the new 7 qt mixer. NO JOKE)
(I will send a thank you note.)
But do you have a Kitchen aid deli meat slicer?
If Jon has 50% custody, then Kart will save money by not having to provide lunches and other meals when the kids are with Jon. The kids won't be using as much of her grifted toilet paper either. She'll be saving money on gas, electricity, water, food, sitters, housekeeper, cleaning products, toiletries, septic pumping etc. She could write a blog regarding all her savings when the kids are with dad.
Via ("Dancing With The Stars Partner Photos Revealed"):
"ABC is still stringing us along for who will be the lucky 13th dancer. I just heard a rumor that Kate Gosselin was added to the mix! Just kidding… but who doesn’t crave another dose of her insane bitchiness and the gossip that surrounds it?"
WAIT A MINUTE. She got a meat slicer like the kind a deli uses? WTF. What a friggin' control freak. I cannot imagine her French tips going anywhere near that blade but a control freak has gotta do what she has to do. And I still cannot figure out how this purchase or grift combined with overpriced organic meat will save money.
I have always thought her trumpeting organic has nothing to do with healthy but more about "status". She really is a Beverly Hillbilly.
I have to laugh at Kate. She's such a school girl sometimes, well, most of the time.
Disagree with her? She "feels sorry" for you. Which, of course, she really doesn't. Kate wants to come across as taking the high ground, but she sounds like a 6 year old sticking her tongue out.
I'm sure everyone in her family has been a target of her passive aggressive escapades.
Being raised by Kate can not be a picnic.
late 1950's I bought a set of Revere® copper-bottom cookware. I still have the largest pot. In the mid 1960's I bought the complete set of La Creuset® enameled cast iron cook ware for $75. I still have the set. Take good notice of the cooking shows. The chefs were pushing Teflon®, but using Creuset®. Hard to find anything comparable to cast iron.
Did a little experiment today after the information that Obama has millions of fake twitter followers on his twitter.
at Status People/Fakers you can plug in your name and see how many followers of yours are fake.
FYI I have over 150 followers and none are fake and 10% are inactive and 90% are Good.
Read the following and make your own conclusions...I found it pretty telling.
OhWonka (offensive Wonka) Faker Scores (771,320+)
Fake 1%
Inactive 19%
Good 80%
JoyceMeyer Faker Scores (1,258,000+)
Fake 16%
Inactive 32%
Good 52%
MittRomney Faker Scores (905,250+)
Fake 16%
Inactive 31%
Good 53%
BarackObama Faker Scores (18,865,000+)
Fake 30%
Inactive 39%
Good 31%
kateplusmy8 Faker Scores (104,400+)
Fake 16%
Inactive 48%
Good 36%
--->36% of 104,400 = 37,584
Yes Berks, and look how few out of that 37k actually engage her on Twitter.
Growing up in the 1960's, our canned Easter ham used to get decked out like the serving suggestion on the SPAM can - pineapple slices and cloves. My dad loves SPAM, his favorite is pan fried, he is not allowed to eat it often.
I would love to get in on the KitchenAid grifting! Please, please, PLEASE can I have a Professional 6 quart one??
Then I would need to grift a new kitchen, because I don't have enough counterspace to house a stand mixer...
I see she got a free supply of popchips for the kids for the school year!! Does she pay for anything? That slicer she got was WAY too much for her needs. My friend cut off three fingers with the exact slicer. She worked for Arby's. That is a heavy duty slicer. They could not reattach her fingers. Really sad,cos now she has a problem doing alot of things. It's also a bitch to clean that sucker. She knows nothing about being on a budget,cos most of her stuff she gets free.
From a teenage groupie:
1. @Alexandraaa_m: @Kateplusmy8 If you had the chance to take your kids anywhere in the world where would you take them?
A: That is a very very hard choice! Top of my list is: South Africa, Ireland and The Netherlands. But if you ask my kids, they all have an obsession with visiting Paris, so add that at the top! They LOVE to travel and see the world! :)
My husband is a retired airline pilot and my kids never, ever begged to see Paris. Kids that age just do not care. Kate is such a liar.
NT, I think we know Kate has hired help so my guess she will never clean that slicer herself. Can't wait for her to get sued when her helper slices off a finger. Sorry about your friend. I would not go near anything that sharp.
Kate is nothing i9f not predictable. She has been getting so much flak for her grifting ways that now she has to tweet that she "purchased" the meat slicer. When the hell was the last time she talked about purchasing anything. It's always been look at my new this and look at my new that. Never a word about buying anything. You know she reads here on a daily basis, so now she is trying to convince us all that she bought the slicer. I for one don't beleive her.
Grifted meat slicer. That won't put the kids through college, Grifty you idiot!!!!
Did she buy it so that she won't have to interact with the mediocre people who work at the supermarket's deli?
Total waste.
Why on earth purchase something unnecessary like a meat slicer when you're out of TP (ha!)
Re: uniforms. I recall the little girls in plaid 'burg' and white (hehe) jumpers w/ matching headbands- very cute. Why not but another uniform each instead of a meat slicer which I hope the kids do not go near! I imagine you would need about 4 changes/styles, plus winter/summer variations?
NT said... 8
I see she got a free supply of popchips for the kids for the school year!! Does she pay for anything? That slicer she got was WAY too much for her needs. My friend cut off three fingers with the exact slicer. She worked for Arby's. That is a heavy duty slicer. They could not reattach her fingers. Really sad,cos now she has a problem doing alot of things. It's also a bitch to clean that sucker. She knows nothing about being on a budget,cos most of her stuff she gets free
It IS a heavy duty actual restaurant slicer. And she's got it sitting on her counter where little children are? Employees are not legally able to use one until they are 18! And yes, you have to take it apart to clean it.
Re the uniforms too, notice how she emphasized they got to pick them out and how Collin picked his own burgundy shirt? Love it the kids are getting too old for matchy-matchy. I bet she is starting to get some lip. I hope she doesn't go off the deep end with 8 individuals getting older by the day.
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Im usually just all bubbly & ready 2tweet w/U ...but this gal has had "one of those days"! I need a "pick-me-up" sweet tweet!
@MiloandJack didn't see it but could use one myself... Blech day here too... Let's smile at each other and pick each other up ok?
10 hours ago - Twitterrific
Whoa! Kate admitted to having a less than PERFECT AWESOME AMAZING day with HAPPY HAPPY kids? My daughter is 4 years older than the twins. She doesn't go to private school but she does go to a public school with some disgustingly wealthy kids. In elementary school a cute lunchbox would do. Once middle school hit Vera Bradly quilted lunch box were the lunch box of choice (not as expensive as you may think). By high school, she has a running lunch account to buy lunch (usually doritos and milk I'm afraid) or she brings here lunch once in a while in a plain brown bag. I'm sure her twins are going to give her a run for her money (LOL) to want to fit in with whatever the other kids are doing for lunch. It seems like such a small thing, but NOTHING is small when you are a middle school girl
Localyocul said... 16
I went through the same thing! My daughter scorned the cute Betty Boop round tin lunchbox I got her and opted for whatever was 'in'. (not Vera Bradly, which I like) Middle school is deadly.
I remember Mady on the last BTS show begged to use a paper bag but Kate said NO.
I also agree with TLC Stinks @15...
-I bet Collin was told he would RUIN the 'official , typical, traditional photo' in his 'burg' but I think it looked cute, and good for him!
I just checked Quilted Northern facebook page, and folks are STILL leaving angry comments.
That brings the total to 8,398 unhappy people.
Thanks, Sassy. People are just fed up with big corporations ignoring those in need, and frankly, hoarding their profits and not creating jobs. This whole TP debacle may be a tipping point for Kate and her greed. Does she not get the optics of buying an expensive kitchen appliance while grifting for TP? Oh, and posting pictures of her 8 children dressed for their expensive private school? Giving back? I think not.
Once a Viewer said... 17
Localyocul said... 16
I went through the same thing! My daughter scorned the cute Betty Boop round tin lunchbox I got her and opted for whatever was 'in'. (not Vera Bradly, which I like) Middle school is deadly.
I remember Mady on the last BTS show begged to use a paper bag but Kate said NO.
You're right! I went and watched the epi on youtube (Kate Plus 8 School Time) and Mady says "I don't want a lunchbox pleeeasse can you just put it in a brown paper bag" and gets a curt "no" in response. At least K8 doesn't have to deal with the clothing issues of middle school, but I would think with everyone dressed alike things like what lunchbox/whether to buy would be all the more important to the kids.
There's a snarky post about Kate's grifting and the meat slicer on Examiner...but these things do keep her name in the 'news.' Pathetic press.She is just giving herself a bad- I mean worse- reputation.
Betting on a twitter quiet weekend, kids are probably with dad, and the queen of the grifters is going to be beyond exhaustedish with her two up, up, up weeks of school prep, capped by a meat slicing frenzy. Accepting these corporate grifts of tp and popchips? Embarassingly disgraceful.
Expect the meat slicer to be collecting dust by Halloween, and sitting next to summer's bread machine toy. She moves from one new thing to another quickly, something is really not right with her attention span.
But do you have a Kitchen aid deli meat slicer?
Sadly, no, and when I told my kids I didn't have one, they were SOBBING. NO JOKE!
I did have a meat slicer made for the 'common folk'. I HATED that was a hassle to drag it and all the components out, and it was a b**** to clean.
Kate begs for coffeemate, coffee,popchips, vacations, toilet paper, school supplies, wine...and then buys her a commercial meat slicer. The woman is insane.
Now I am off to ATTACK my day!! My kids are SHRIEKING with joy!!!
(and yep, I am still trying to grift a new white 7qt @kitchenaid mixer). lololol (Administrator) said... 196
Over In Kate's County said... 165
I figured this out. If Kate paid $900 for a meat slicer, plus has to pay for organic meat and other lunch box goodies, that money could have bought the kids hot lunches at school, including MILK and dessert, every day for six months.
Obviously you don't know who to manage money well. I feel bad 4 u! :-)
Add the chickens to the list, too. Hubby gets our mowers, trimmers, etc. fixed by a man who lives on a nearby "gentlemans" farm. He has chickens and sells the eggs, but he said they still cost more money than to just buy eggs. He's retired and they are more like pets to him. He said they need quality feed and it's not cheap. So if this guy is not saving money on eggs even when he's selling some of them, Kate is not saving money at all.
I was thinking. Kate said that the meat slicer was purchased. She did not say she purchased it though, did she. So it still may be a grifted slicer from one of her admirers. They purchased it not her. I could be wrong but notice how she worded it.
Anyone know the timeline for the grifted beach vacay? The cruise cancellation was announced on May 10? Did she already have the free beach house lined up before the cruise cancelled or after? Beach houses are usually booked far in advance.
I also was convinced Steve went in the vacay, but from what I've read he did not. Could it be he has given up on Ms. Grifty? After all, he has two boys to put through college. So the real reason she invited Deanna and perhaps " her man" was to share the costs and driving.
For some reason I'm thinking CC might have financed the purchase because after all it is tied in with her saving money blog, isn't It? I know she is trying to pass it off as an investment and a way to save money FOR the children so it benefits the children too. But I thought they did not eat meat sandwiches for school lunches? They instead are on a liquid and watery and sugary school lunch diet. I have never heard her mention deli meat at all. Or Pop Chips either for that matter. Its going to take a long time to recoup the cost of the meat slicer.
Notice she put down Mady for being short? WTH!?!? She put a sad face after she said Mady was shorter than Cara. That's just proof that the children's phyical sizes are that important to her! My god.
Re: Beach 'vacay
"The planning process began back in May" Kate indicated on her website, so she must have known she would not be available to 'treat the cruisers to a meal.' She still could have arranged something special even if she could not attend , and sent a slew of photos of the fam for her devotees...wonder what her 'individual' e-mails to cruisers said...
8. @The21stQuinn: @Kateplusmy8 Will you ever come to Texas?! I really want to meet you!!!! And Yes, I am the one with 22 siblings! :)
A: I have been to many parts of Texas many times! I’d love to visit again! I have always said that Texas seems to be our “biggest fan state!” Lotsa love comes from there straight to us, so thanks!
---------- With the exception of your biggest fan in the Dallas area, I say for the Great State of Texas, keep your flat a$$ away. We can't stand you!
Did Kate tweet that she had a supply of pop chips for the whole school year? I missed that.
I'm not sure about that website that shows how many twitter accounts are fake. I checked it out because I have a Twitter account I seldom check and it says I have fake account! I haven't bought any followers. So what ARE fake accounts?
Correction - and I have fake account! should say...and I have fake accountS!
Thanks, Once. So technically she did not lie that "maybe" she could meet the cruisers for a pre-cruise lunch but gave herself an out, didn't she? I don't remember the wording.She knew darn well in May that she was all set for the beach house in August during the cruise. This is a pretty good example of how she carefully words things. It may not technically be a lie but DECEITFUL.
I don't remember anything about Popchips for a year either, although she probably got coupons with her free stash. Did Popchips have a booth at BlogHer?
I'm guessing pop chips had a booth. Just a guess but it seems to have been a big convention with a ton of companies.
Kate tweeted thanks to popchips for the special delivery of popchips for the kids lunches. If she just had coupons,they are sold at target and walmart. They were grifted. I'm just guessing they sent enough for a good amount of time. The kids prob get 1/2 bag each.
Can someone explain to me why Kate would buy a meat slicer and give herself more work to do when she is always so exhausted, has so much paper work to work on and never has any free time. Make your life easier and just buy the damn deli meat. I know, it's Kate and she wouldn't be able to pat herself on the back for what a great mom she is. She really is a poopyhead and doesn't have a freaking clue. My younger daughter is alreay thinking ahead to next year when my grandson is in kindergarten with regard to his lunches, because he doesn't eat sandwiches. In the colder months she'll send him with soup because he does like that but anybody got any other suggestions for a school lunch that doesn't involve a sandwich. Greatly appreciated.
Kate is a Twit...
I think it was you that gave me the info on the SpartanRace website. Passed the info onto my older daughter and she said she had heard about them and how they did a race in MA but she didn't know about the upcoming one at Fenway Park. She is going to look into it. Will let you know if she does it and how she fared.
Disgusted with Kate...
I think SkinnyGirl does do a Merlot now. I saw Bethanny on Chelsea Lately and she said they were branching out into wines. I think they also have a white wine as well. They also have a Pina Colada drink out and another one out as well but I can't remember what it is. I tried the SkinnyGirl marguerita at a party last year and I didn't like it. It was very tart. It reminded me of a sourball.
After catching up I just have to say my heart goes out to the poor woman who is Milo's coworker.
If Jon has 50% custody, then Kart will save money by not having to provide lunches and other meals when the kids are with Jon. The kids won't be using as much of her grifted toilet paper either. She'll be saving money on gas, electricity, water, food, sitters, housekeeper, cleaning products, toiletries, septic pumping etc. She could write a blog regarding all her savings when the kids are with dad.
LOL. Save money by letting dad have custody.
Actually in seriousness this is why there is no child support when it's 50-50. Because you are both spending money on housing, food, clothing, groceries, Target to take care of the kids for equal amounts of time. Universal expenses like medical care and school have to be worked out. Jon lives in a modest rental, Kate lives in a mansion, but it's not Jon's responsibility anymore to support Kate's lavish life choices. She could live in a modest rental too if she likes.
I saved the email that was forwarded to me from Kate to the canceled cruise go-er. I hope they don't mind if I print word
I thought Kate was more wishy-washy but when I read it, it doesn't sound wishy-washy at all, it sounds more like I WILL meet you guys we just need to work it out. BITCH PLEASE! It was sent May 10th. I would think some people would have relied on at least getting to meet her and not have canceled and gotten their hard earned money back, which is awful.
Here is what she said word for word: "I am still willing to meet everyone in Ft Lauderdale and treat you to breakfast or lunch and send you off on the 'regular' cruise."
And a bit later in the email she says: "Where do you live... I'm trying to figure out how all of the cruise people and I can meet.. If Ft Lauderdale send off doesn't work..."
Bitch at least say well I'll TRY to meet you guys. I bet she's one of those "we're going to do this...soon" parents who never actually follows through with half of what they promise. Suck it.
I saved the email that was forwarded to me from Kate to the canceled cruise go-er. I hope they don't mind if I print word
I thought Kate was more wishy-washy but when I read it, it doesn't sound wishy-washy at all, it sounds more like I WILL meet you guys we just need to work it out. BITCH PLEASE! It was sent May 10th. I would think some people would have relied on at least getting to meet her and not have canceled and gotten their hard earned money back, which is awful.
Here is what she said word for word: "I am still willing to meet everyone in Ft Lauderdale and treat you to breakfast or lunch and send you off on the 'regular' cruise."
And a bit later in the email she says: "Where do you live... I'm trying to figure out how all of the cruise people and I can meet.. If Ft Lauderdale send off doesn't work..."
Bitch at least say well I'll TRY to meet you guys. I bet she's one of those "we're going to do this...soon" parents who never actually follows through with half of what they promise. Suck it.
Everyone raise their hand who thinks Kate will sue the manufacturer of the meat slicer when she slices off a finger. Noticed I said when and not if. She's still a poopyhead. Thanks Flight of the Kiwi and my grandson for that lovely word.
How dangerous are those meat slicers anyway? I haven't a clue. Are they made pretty fool proof these days, or is it possible if a kid gets their hands on it something terrible could happen?
How dangerous are those meat slicers anyway? I haven't a clue. Are they made pretty fool proof these days, or is it possible if a kid gets their hands on it something terrible could happen?
The reviews for the Skinnygirl products aren't very good. I couldn't find where they have a Merlot. They have a red blend, a white blend and a rose blend. LOL That's enough for me to hear! Not interested.
As usual Kate speaks without thinking. (Administrator) said... 44
How dangerous are those meat slicers anyway? I haven't a clue. Are they made pretty fool proof these days, or is it possible if a kid gets their hands on it something terrible could happen?
Several of Kate's fans have mentioned they have cut themselves on one. One fan said she won't go near them now. Many are warning her to be careful. Even the sheep have a little sense I guess.
Capecodmama, there are a ton of web sites now that will give you inspiration for how to mix up your packed lunches. When I was having some appetite problems I relied on those to give me fresh and appetizing ideas so I would eat better.
Just google lunch ideas or kids lunch ideas and browse away.
Wow when even your sheep are warning you to be careful that's bad.
Kate should be careful, I bet it's really hard to tweet-grift with two or three fingers missing.
Kate should be careful, I bet it's really hard to tweet-grift with two or three fingers missing.
LOL! Yes, we're talking about her whole livelihood!
Deli slicers are extremely dangerous. I hope the kids don't go near it and that Kate tells them that there will be Penalty Of Severeness if they do. A friend's high school son wound up in an ER after slicing his finger using a mandoline.
I use a mandoline at times even though it scares the bejeezus out of me.
You know another thing that bothered me? That Kate didn't get around to the kids' physicals until after school started and now is taking up the better part of Saturday's slots at the doctor for her brood. Spots that should go to moms who work and weren't lounging around the pool all summer long, but working.
Just another inconsiderate, me first, I have 8, count 'em 8 kids, give me special treatment Kate.
Thanks, Admin. Kate flat out lied about meeting the cruisers. Now we know.
Admin, thanks for sharing the emails about the not-a-lunch with Kate and her duped cruising fans.
I hope, really hope that anyone who was tricked into paying $$$$$$ for that cruise and a chance to hang with Kate got their money back. I've never seen such deception. BOOK NOW! CABINS ARE GOING!! LOTS OF INTEREST! SOOOOOOO MANY PHONE CALLS! LAST CHANCE!!!
How do these carnival barkers sleep at night?
What's more is that I don't recall any backlash about Kate once again dangling a carrot in front of fans but not committing. Did ANYONE call her out and say that they paid hard-earned money to meet her and how dare she not even try to rendezvous for a couple hours!
It's outrageous, but where's the outrage?
Tucker's Mom said... 51
You know another thing that bothered me?
Interesting; hadn't thought of that but you are absolutely correct...I just thought she was a poor time manger ! Did anyone see the episode where they showed part of the physicals (yes) and she ordered them to re-weigh Collin and made remarks about everyone's weight and height etc? Hope Mady gets a break- she's not even 12 and has years of growing to do, plus being petite is cool ( as I always have been! lol)
That Kate didn't get around to the kids' physicals until after school started and now is taking up the better part of Saturday's slots at the doctor for her brood. Spots that should go to moms who work and weren't lounging around the pool all summer long, but working.
Yes! We talked about this before awhile back but I don't know if anyone remembers. It's nice if you are home during the week because of being a stay at home mom, retired/disabled (hehe), work weekends, or otherwise not working to try to do some errands during the week. This frees up some of the weekend slots for us 9-5-ers who can't accomplish these things during the week. I recall Dsmay, who is retired, chiming in that she thinks about the working people when trying to accomplish most of her errands during the work week. Thus not being yet another person crowding the doctors office or grocery store when people who can only do it on the weekend can go. I appreciate her consideration.
The world goes round and round much smoother when we think of others and all work together. (Administrator) said... 48
Wow when even your sheep are warning you to be careful that's bad.
Kate should be careful, I bet it's really hard to tweet-grift with two or three fingers missing.
This is actually a red letter day. The sheep never find fault with anything Kate does, no matter how faulty it may be. It goes to show just how dangerous slicers are.
There are gloves made of a fine metal mesh for use with these things. She should buy a pair.
Admin, any idea if a subsequent email was sent to the cruise-goer that there would be no meeting in Ft. Lauderdale?
Tucker's Mom #51...very well stated. Talk about unorganized with her waiting til AFTER school started to do that. All her talk about organization and being a good time manager is just that...all talk and no action or follow-through. She only excels at giving crass dictatorial orders to others and moaning to the world on how tough she has it. The woman does not even have a job outside of her home. All I see is a lazy, self-absorbed, nasty greedy grifter.
Pop chips was at the blogher convention as Kate was part of their video. I'm guessing the deliver was payment for being in the video. If you watch the video you'll see just hoe uncomfortable Kate is on camera if it's not totally scripted. All she can do is roll her eyes and look up...what's up with that?
My son never called anyone a poopyhead. He used the term "turd bucket" because when we did poop patrol in the yard we'd put everything in the "turd bucket".
Kate, you're a turd bucket!
How not hoe....
My son never called anyone a poopyhead. He used the term "turd bucket" because when we did poop patrol in the yard we'd put everything in the "turd bucket".
Ha! We call it Poop Patrol too!
Anyone have a link to Kate in the popchip piece?
What??? In the same email she says she's willing to meet in Ft. Lauderdale and then says Ft. Lauderdale won't work?
"I am still willing to meet everyone in Ft Lauderdale and treat you to breakfast or lunch and send you off on the 'regular' cruise."....."Where do you live... I'm trying to figure out how all of the cruise people and I can meet.. If Ft Lauderdale send off doesn't work..."
Remember the blogger who got Kate to talk to her daughter and in her blog she mentioned rumors of diva behavior and demanding freebies? She had a few seconds in that video..I bet she demanded some free popchips in exchange. Personally I would tell her to take a hike but that's my guess. That's her "gift for doing something nice"...
Tucker's Mom said... 53
Admin, thanks for sharing the emails about the not-a-lunch with Kate and her duped cruising fans.
I hope, really hope that anyone who was tricked into paying $$$$$$ for that cruise and a chance to hang with Kate got their money back. I've never seen such deception. BOOK NOW! CABINS ARE GOING!! LOTS OF INTEREST! SOOOOOOO MANY PHONE CALLS! LAST CHANCE!!!
How do these carnival barkers sleep at night?
What's more is that I don't recall any backlash about Kate once again dangling a carrot in front of fans but not committing. Did ANYONE call her out and say that they paid hard-earned money to meet her and how dare she not even try to rendezvous for a couple hours!
It's outrageous, but where's the outrage?
From what I gather, it seems like the 10 people (lol) who were going either canceled or switched cruises. A check over at the dark side shows CJ claimed to go on the cruise and acted like she was at the airport etc. but hasn't produced one photo. She hasn't spoke much about it, either.
There may have been no one for Kate to meet with. I totally believe that when it was clear hardly any cabins were selling, Kate had Cindy burn those interwebs up for a freebie. "Contacted me randomly" my ass. When the Ala. house was a lock, the cruise was canceled.
Tucker's Mom - hope this link works as I'm doing a cut and paste from the previous page and using my iPad. She's on twice toward the middle and once toward the end. Watch the facial expression.
NJGal51 said... 59
Pop chips was at the blogher convention as Kate was part of their video. I'm guessing the deliver was payment for being in the video. If you watch the video you'll see just hoe uncomfortable Kate is on camera if it's not totally scripted. All she can do is roll her eyes and look up...what's up with that?
NJGal51 said... 60
How not hoe....
No, you were right..... she's a hoe. Freudian slip ;)
I love SkinnyGirl. I can't believe Kate is just jumping aboard that train, LOL!!
I think she was saying we should meet up in Florida but if people aren't able to meet up we'll think of something.
It drives me bonkers that she just acts like everyone would still go on the cruise without her and enjoy themselves. Bitch please, you know full well these people dipped into their retirement accounts to take part in a cruise that was supposed to feature YOU and if YOU are not coming now they've just wasted all that money for nothing on a cruise with a poor itinerary in horrible hot weather in hurricane season. She should be begging for forgiveness and ensuring that everyone gets every cent back quickly and easily. What a piece of work.
For those who believe Jon has kids every other weekend, wouldn't this be his weekend to have them? I find it suspicious that Kate would schedule well visits during Jon's custody. I'm not sure I believe Kate is the one taking the kids to this appt. Her tweet:
"I have 6 pediatrician well visits this wkend&they r all asking 'do we get shots?' so wkend list has2get done 2day so I can focus on that!:("
She doesn't "specifically" say SHE is the one taking the kids. Narcissists always use double meanings so they can never be trapped with truth and they're good at "letting" you read into it what they want you to think.
Not that Jon shouldn't have to & couldn't take kids to their appt., but I would imagine Kate made the appts. at HER convenience. Of course, this is just my opinion:)
I've never had skinny girl and probably never will however I do think it's a genius business idea and that Bethany has more talent in her little finger than Kate could ever hope for.
Bethany is a great example of all the potential for success a reality show can bring you if you don't piss it all away.
Thanks for the video link. What has Kate done to her face? It ain't the makeup!
Admin, how do you compare what Kate's face looks like now to when you saw her in person?
For those who believe Jon has kids every other weekend, wouldn't this be his weekend to have them? I find it suspicious that Kate would schedule well visits during Jon's custody. I'm not sure I believe Kate is the one taking the kids to this appt. Her tweet:
Right. Because there is no every other weekend anymore. They work out a schedule 5 months in advance that pretty much resembles 50-50. Some months I imagine one might have them more or less just because of scheduling difficulties, school, etc.
But that said she does lie about having the kids a lot, I was told.
Admin, how do you compare what Kate's face looks like now to when you saw her in person?
I was surprised at how gorgeous she was in person if not for her heart of stone. I thought her skin was flawless.
Now she's, shall we say, slowly turning into a barnacle.
Bethany is a great example of all the potential for success a reality show can bring you if you don't piss it all away.
Bethany just exploded. Personally, I can only take her in small doses and don't think I'll record her new show, but I have to hand it to her.
I think probably the biggest difference between Betheny and Kate is that Betheny has a sense of humor, especially about herself.
Betheny embraces her imperfect self, while Kate is oblivious to any and all flaws.
You think Kate pisses money away? Oh , it's not Kate, it's you! You're a bad money manager!
You think Kate pisses away time on Twitter? Of course YOU would, you peon! But if you're Kate, you're so amazing that you can Twitter, bake bread, slice organic meat and tan all at the same time. YOU are a very bad time manager and YOU are not a mastermind(less). (Administrator) said... 70
I've never had skinny girl and probably never will however I do think it's a genius business idea and that Bethany has more talent in her little finger than Kate could ever hope for.
Bethany is a great example of all the potential for success a reality show can bring you if you don't piss it all away.
Even the Jersey Shore kids are striking while the iron is hot. They know and accept their reality fame will not last forever.
What is it about this concept is so difficult for Kate? Like I said yesterday, WHY does she insist on trying to ride someone else's coattails, ideas and hard work?
Here's a little more info on Diane Mizota. She is VP of Pop Culture for Pop Chips(of which Ashton Kutcher is Pres.). She made the Blogher 12 video in which Kate appeared. If you click on "blogs" on her website, you can see the video.
She also has a web show on Yahoo called "This week in M.O.M." I don't know if anyone remembers, but Diane interview Kate back in January at the same time Kate did the Dr. Drew and Extra(at the Grove) interview. You can see that video here:
In this video, Kate actually promotes CC. So I'm sure the initial meeting with Diane Mizota was all arranged by CC. Since Diane Mizota had already met Kate and interviewed her before Blogher, Diane probably decided to include her in the video or was prompted by CC to do so.
It seems that CC spends more time promoting Kate than vice versa.
Wayward, yes and at what point does it actually become MORE work and aggregation to ride coat tails?
I mean she spends so much time and energy grifting when she could just get a job. She spends so much time and energy dealing with people who can't stand her crap anymore when she could just disappear and get a job and then wouldn't have to bother with that anymore.
She is like the career criminal who gets to the point where stealing is far more work than just getting a job and paying for it yourself ever would be.
Aggravation! haha funny autocorrect.
Re: uniforms. I recall the little girls in plaid 'burg' and white (hehe) jumpers w/ matching headbands- very cute. Why not but another uniform each instead of a meat slicer which I hope the kids do not go near! I imagine you would need about 4 changes/styles, plus winter/summer variations?
They're in second grade now. Not many girls wear jumper uniforms. When it's hot like it is now, they wear shorts (traditional plaid uniforms are stiff and hot). Uniforms are for "little kids." They are big kids now! Uniforms are not cheap ($41). The twins could opt for the kilt, which is a bit more "cool," but it's $45. However, with jumpers and kilts, when it's cold, their legs aren't covered. Pants and long sleeved shirts are a better choice.
If they're not going to wear traditional uniforms very often, it really isn't worth the expense.
Thanks! I know little about school uniforms, but I thought the ones for this school were very attractive and unique- I love the colors. Wow,kids grow out of being 'little' fast- well, maybe not at Kate's house! Perhaps Kate can score some quilts for the twins in her 'trading' she bragged about, or grifting...I know Mady often wears dresses casually so perhaps she would like one ( or possibly has them!) Maybe tights or leggings are allowed- seems footwear is up to the individual.
*no, angry poster, I am not a stalker- I am interested in kids' clothing- thought of opening a 2nd-hand quality children's store once with a friend :)
um, kilts !! not quilts!
my atty said it. Why still discussing? Please end it. Why do others care what our arrangement is?
twitter war going on.
Kate can't seem to understand that 'her life' is public fodder...ALL of it, not just what she wants to present.
what a loser
my atty said it. Why still discussing? Please end it. Why do others care what our arrangement is?
Yikes someone is defensive. She doesn't want us to discuss it because she doesn't want to ADMIT IT.
God damn Kate you welcome us to discuss everything else about your life.
If she didn't want it discussed that's fine but that has to go for everything private, not just what KAte chooses to keep private because she doesn't want to admit that the children actually are spending more time with the parent they love and adore.
In the past she had no problem saying Jon gets four days a month. Why not just again say Jon gets four days a month?
Now it's all double speak about her attorney handling it.
At my child's academically rigorous and very pricey private school ALL children eat a lunch cooked and prepared at school. It's a great equalizer. Doesn't matter if Daddy owns half of the east coast, or a kid's fees are almost completely subsidized.
Meal choices are varied and healthy, and making lunch a required part of the cost of attending is a small component of the whole educational process. It places the responsibility for food choices on the kids, not their control freak parents, if there are any.
All kids are also required help to grow some of the food served. (It's a Quaker school, and they do things a little differently. The emphasis is not only firmly on academics, but also on character. Not sure that they could have done anything with Kate, though. I suspect she was a lost cause from birth.) (I'm not Quaker, can you tell?)
This school gets how important it is for children to grow up feeling responsible and capable, in both large and small ways. That's a concept that Kate, as a parent, can't even begin to grasp.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 49
Kate should be careful, I bet it's really hard to tweet-grift with two or three fingers missing.
LOL! Yes, we're talking about her whole livelihood!
She'll just apply for workman's comp.
wayward said... 64
'' I totally believe that when it was clear hardly any cabins were selling, Kate had Cindy burn those interwebs up for a freebie. "Contacted me randomly" my ass. When the Ala. house was a lock, the cruise was canceled.''
I kinda/sorta agree with you, wayward. I think that the cruise was about to be cancelled due to poor sales, and Cindy found the freebie for Kate. Then the cruise was cancelled. I'm not sure I'm explaining the difference in my opinion and yours clearly. Do you see what I'm attempting to say?
Yikes someone is defensive. She doesn't want us to discuss it because she doesn't want to ADMIT IT.
You got that right. She won't admit it because then she can't play the over-exhaustish, single struggling mom of EIGHT who does everything without the support of their father. I'm not sure what the outcry in sheepleland would be like, though. Would they see the light, or would they say that Jon stole the kids away from her?
"Thanks! I know little about school uniforms, but I thought the ones for this school were very attractive and unique- I love the colors."
Parents think they're cute. The kids, not so much! The problem is that jumpers are only worn through grade three; the kilt is worn from grades four through eight. The kilt is kind of attractive, but the problem is that the older kids were bending over the waistband to make it even shorter! No leggings or sweatpants or anything other than shorts may be worn under the kilt or jumper. They can wear maroon tights, but they are such a pain for the kids when they have to change into their gym shorts and then get dressed again. The twins can wear long pants, skorts, the kilt, skirts or capris, as long as the color is khaki. It's much easier to dress the boys -- shorts or long pants!
Kids outgrow those things so fast, and it really wouldn't make sense for her to buy jumpers now when they can only be worn for one more year. I can see the younger girls wanting kilts when they get to fourth grade. It's kind of a sign of "I'm a big girl now!"
One thing I noticed in the PopChips ad. If you did not already know that was Kate Gosselin, you would have thought she was just an anonynous person who went to BlogHer12 and was asked to play for a video.
No name attached. In the end credit rolls, I don't see her twitter/website listed, either, unless I just missed it.
She's anonymous!
Kate if you are short pennies dig in the sofa.
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