Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: When a reality show tells a truly important story

This week: Part One will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 1 this week, Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here.

The Farmer's Wife first aired on PBS in 1998, a three part documentary, which was in essence a reality show, following three years in the life of Nebraska farmer Darrel Buschkoetter, and his strong but tender-hearted wife Juanita, along with their three sweet young girls.

The Farmer's Wife is one of the few great reality shows to ever grace our small screens. The Farmer's Wife had it all: tough, sincere characters, and a compelling story of hard work and perseverance in small-town America. Heartbreak, struggle, a marriage on the rocks, and the hope to keep a vanishing tradition alive drives this story.

Filmaker David Sutherland originally intended to profile several farming families in Nebraska. However as the project progressed, he became captivated with Juanita's story, and revamped the entire project to focus on her. Said Sutherland"She spoke from her heart, and her love for her husband Darrel's dream touched me deeply."

In the first episode, Juanita reflects on the plans they used to have to have six children. However it turned out three were all they could afford. Although Darrel never said so, Juanita worried he longed for a boy. And yet, said Juanita, "Sometimes I'm almost relieved we don't have a boy ... I'd be scared if we had a boy, he'd be the same way, and I don't know what the future for farming is."

Juanita's soft-spoken candor, and love and dedication to her family and to the farm, was a beautiful character study.

Most reality television out there has been better suited for the dust bin. Most stories need not and often should not be shared. Reality T.V. should just go away, especially shows that feature unprotected children. But once in a great while, a story comes along that should be told. Juanita's story does just that, capturing a moment in time in the late 1990's where a way of life in middle America was fading away, never to be the same again. Sutherland's series is both heartbreakingly tragic and inexplicably beautiful. Enjoy.

1731 sediments (sic) from readers:

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AuntieAnn said...

Entertainment factor is why these shows are made. There are also 'friends' of Juanitas claiming she cheated on Darrel before,during and after the filming, which would make sense as to why the producer had her bring up the cheating subject when it wasn't something the viewer was seeing or sensing.

As far as reality shows are concerned TLC ruined it for me, but I am inclined to believe for the most part this documentary is a genuine portrayal of this couple. Maybe Juanita was involved with someone else, she does seem quite distant from Darrel (although I've only watched all of Part One). I really don't think the film was set up as 'entertainment' in the sense of a reality show in 1995, at least not like the idiotic shit that passes for reality tv today.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Anger - hope you feel better. I didn't know adults could get thrush. Doesn't sound like fun!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

anger issues kate said... 190

Well, I've been fighting a sinus infection and something called Thrush(yeast infection in my throat. Been fighting short fevers, I have a pill to take, stuff to put up my nose and stuff for my throat. I've hardly been eating a lot of food, just mostly chicken broth and chips, tomatoes and breakfast sandwhiches(those little ones) and sleeping. I have housework pileing up. Did some, everything is a effort.


Sorry to read that you're under the weather, anger issues.

Be well, asap.

fade2black said...

Lilly, check out - lots of great recipes. I have seen several for both pressure cookers and actifry.

Lilly said...

Mrs Mal - I will say - before moving to the country - WOzw - cute - but destructive of all my trees - worse than that is during the season and I see a poor thing by the side of the road at least 3 times a week - scariest was last spring noticed two cars in front of Me hit brakes (5 am) - less than 30 seconds and I am driving around a poor deer in the centre of the road

Still love them in the back yard - no more fruit trees...

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Moose - If I believed in reincarnation, I'd want to come back as one of your cats! Sounds like they live the high life. :) Our kitten plays for 10 or 15 minutes then finds the nearest chin to curl up under and falls asleep. When he wants to snuggle someone has to sit still for an hour!

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 195
So am I. Last night I was up very late, and one of the little boy cats was sound asleep on MY side of the bed, on his back, in the most peaceful sleep imaginable. I wanted to go to bed, but didn't want to wake him. I slept in the other room. He was still there this morning, and I swear he grinned at me.

I thought it was a well-known fact that cats are indeed aliens intent on taking over the world. I think their plan thus far has been an overwhelming success.

I know this much - they are very practiced in the field of mind-control.

Moose Mania said...

@Kateplusmy8 @couponcabin I have an app that recognizes landmarks! Take your kids out 4fun once in a while&using an app like that! #grinch


I don't know. It must just be me. What did we do before apps? How did we recognize landmarks without having an app to do it for us? When traveling, how did we show our kids Mt. Rushmore (Teddy, Kate, not FDR). How did we find the Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument? Would we walk over a field in Gettysburg and not know where we were?

Are we becoming too dependent on technology to do everything for us?

Kate is a Witch said...

aggiemom, I don't think it was as bleak as all that. I think she did love Darrel and he loved her. After all, look at her dogged determination to make his dream of farming come true. You don't do that for someone you don't love.

I think what happened was life: all the stresses and strains of trying to keep juggling all the things she was juggling (and she was juggling a lot) for so long with no real relief in sight just got to her, hard. It wore her down. We have to remember she was married to him for what? 12 years before the start of the documentary and only the first couple of years were relatively good, according to both of them (he bought the farm, it was doing ok, no kids then). They had already been living on a wish and a prayer for years by the time they were filmed.

Someone like Kate can afford to fart sunshine and rainbows: her life really isn't that hard. She doesn't know what hard is. Someone like her can stomp around spouting platitudes, but that wouldn't have really helped Juanita and Darrel. They couldn't just DECIDE TO SMILE and everything would be okey dokey.

I don't know why Juanita went a really different way than her siblings. But that's how it is with siblings, isn't it? There are always one or two kids who sort of march to their own drummer. I suspect Juanita was that kid in her family.

Kate is a Witch said...

To add on, I think I relate to Juanita on some level. We're almost the same age. I was in college when I married a soldier who was a high school dropout (brilliant, but a dropout). My whole family looked down on the match, discouraged our marriage. I was also married young (21, he was 23). We also struggled financially for quite a while (WIC, food stamps when he got out of the Army and things were very tough job-wise). But I always believed in him and in us.

Our similarities end there: we will celebrate 22 years of marriage this year and we're very happy together. But I went a way my family didn't expect or understand or even tolerate much at first. I didn't care. I remember my grandmother telling me if I married him, I wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

Ha. We have far more than a pot to piss in now! He became very successful, as did I. ~ Administrator said...

The next person who mentions blog drama from other blogs will be banned. This blog will not be a part of any of that from any and all sides.

Jane said...

Moose Mania said... 198

Paige, who set up that fake FB page to torment Ellen? Look out, Liz! Paige needs to get a life...get out with her friends, go somewhere on vacation, hang out with kids her own age, see some shows, whatever. Eighteen year old kids don't fantasize over a mother in her late 30s, hanging on every word, tweeting her constantly about how gorgeous she is. It's not normal.

These sheeple really are strange and obsessed, aren't they? I just hope they're not dangerous.


I've often felt that it's just a matter of time until we hear that one of the sheeple has caused physical harm to a Gosselin family member or to one of the non-fans. There are a few who seem to spend hours daily stalking non-fans, and then there's Paige with, what is it now, 4,000 photos of Kate? It reminds me of that movie with Jerry Lewis and Robert De Niro, The King of Comedy - very bizarre stuff. ~ Administrator said...

I forgot who explained it but they did a much better job. Too add to that. Gardens aren't free, you have to buy all the seeds and supplies. Plus they are a lot of work too. It's one thing to have a little garden in the backyard when you work 9 to 5 and have every evening to tend to it. Quite another when you are working 530 a.m. to midnight just to run a farm. There probably isn't even much time to squeeze in a garden and the money it would save would be marginal.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

AuntieAnn - I wasn't aware that cats were slowly taking over the world, but now that I think about it, it all makes sense now! Damn. And now we have 3 in our house!!!! We're toast.

So, I'm watching the Olympics right now, and they're showing indoor biking on that sloped track. I know nothing about how this works, but it seems strange! They ride slowly, and the guy in front looks back at the other guy, then all of a sudden the guy in back makes his move and tries to pass the guy in front. I don't get it! The announcer just said, "It's all about tactics!" Who came up with this sport?!?

Rhymes with Witch said...

They had already been living on a wish and a prayer for years by the
time they were filmed. 10

I understood that was the real point of the documentary - how difficult maintaining a family farm has become.

Also, to the English experts here - does anyone have a simple rule for
lie, lay, laid?

Anonymous said...

What's the latest on Kate's organic garden? Anyone know?

Kate is a Witch said...


People lie. Things lay.

Kate is a Witch said...

Oh and the category of things includes animals. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder how many sheeple really have an iPhone. And how many who do really shouldn't. The statistic I found online said that 35% of adults have a smartphone. She is so out of touch. ~ Administrator said...

Mama Mia so what if Juanita is a Presbyterian? She never said she wasn't. 't real life lots of families maintain their own faiths but go to a church as a family. If a divorce ever happens, they may want to go to a different church. I don't see who this matters. They even explained that the entire town was Catholic, so it would probably alienate Juanita if she insisted they go to a different church. This is a normal thing that may change when a divorce happens.

I have to completely disagree this documentary is staged. Look at David Sutherland's track record, he's not one to make crap TV. He makes projects that matter. This project meant the world to him. If it was staged, Juanita and Darrel deserve Academy Awards. As do their charming girls. There's just no way. I think a lot of reality shows are manufactured but that's why I picked out this one, because it's one of the few that didn't do that.

What's Next? said...

Although I haven't watched "The Farmer's Wife" yet I can't help but wonder how many farming families are going through similar experiences with the drought that many parts of the country are experiencing. I would say this is very relevant to what many may be experiencing right now.

Kate is a Witch said...

I'd like to thank you, admin, and whoever mentioned it, for reminding me about this documentary. I would think about it from time to time over the years, because their story haunted me, but I could never remember what it was called.

Re-watching it has reminded me to count my blessings. And we finally pulled the trigger today and joined a CSA. I'm so excited!

At one point when Juanita is studying, she says she just wants to make a difference for farmers. I think she did and I think she still is!

AuntieAnn said...

Mrs. Malaprop said... 14

AuntieAnn - I wasn't aware that cats were slowly taking over the world, but now that I think about it, it all makes sense now! Damn. And now we have 3 in our house!!!! We're toast.

ha! Tell me about it. I waved the white flag years ago.

Rhymes with Witch said...

People lie. Things lay.

Ok, but what about "Now I lay me down to sleep" (no snark - honest question. Learned this in 8th grade English, but that was a long
time ago) Thanks.

Tucker's Mom said...

I have to agree that Runmeter is a great app. I use it for exercise/walking the dogs. You have to make sure you turn the app off when done, because it drains the heck out of the battery.

Tucker's Mom said...

Re-watching it has reminded me to count my blessings. And we finally pulled the trigger today and joined a CSA. I'm so excited!
That's great! I stick to farmers markets because I love the experience, meeting the producers, enjoying a scone or sticky bun...

Sherry Baby said...

People lie. Things lay.


Not always. The book was lying on the table, not laying. You lay the book on the table, but it is lying on the table. The book lies on the table. Lay means to put or place; lie is the state of reclining.

I lie on the beach. Yesterday I lay (past tense) on the beach.

Who "invented" these things? Ugh.

Sherry Baby said...

Ok, but what about "Now I lay me down to sleep" (no snark - honest question.


You are putting or placing yourself down to sleep, so it is correct. ~ Administrator said...

aggiemom, the way both of them describe their romance in the beginning, I truly believe they were very much experiencing real true love. But of course with all the hardships on the farm and being so young, it didn't work out at the end of the day.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Yesterday I lay (past tense) on the beach.

Not "laid" on the beach?

Dwindle said...

Lilly said... 198
Ot - admin - any chance of new topic on recipes for pressure cooker and actifry?? Merci

Like your mom, I was always afraid of a pressure cooker and I am not sure I am even related to anyone who has ever used one. I am not sure what actifry is - is that a deep fryer? We went on a kick a few years ago deep frying everything. it was yummy! But it took up too much of my limited counter space and was pretty messy so I put it away and havent used it in a few years.

Kate is a twit said...

Here's an app idea for Kate-maybe someone will invent it.

How about an app that senses when your children are present and automatically disables your Iphone, preventing you from using it?

Moose Mania said...

I know this much - they are very practiced in the field of mind-control.


...and mouse-control.

Sherry Baby said...

Not "laid" on the beach?


I think that would be "GOT laid on the beach" if someone was with you to do it to you!

Lay is the past tense of lie. You would also say, "often I HAVE LAIN on the beach."


Dwindle said...

Sherry Baby said... 27
People lie. Things lay.


Not always. The book was lying on the table, not laying. You lay the book on the table, but it is lying on the table. The book lies on the table. Lay means to put or place; lie is the state of reclining.

I lie on the beach. Yesterday I lay (past tense) on the beach.

Who "invented" these things? Ugh.

Our language is amazing. American English is even more convoluted than British English. I am reading a book called Monarchy by David Starkey (I think) and he explains a bit about how English developed. England has been invaded and conquered SO many times by Nordic Vikings, German Saxons, the Norman French, the Romans with their Latin and vernaculars, and each conqueror brought their own language. The original vernacular of the Brittons had little resemblance to the language of the conquerors that renamed the country AenglaLand.

Sorry. I keep digressing. I'll behave. hehe.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Lay is the past tense of lie. You would also say, "often I HAVE LAIN on the beach."



laid (ld)
Past tense and past participle of lay.

laid   [leyd] Show IPA
simple past tense and past participle of lay

Rhymes with Witch said...

Kate is a twit said... 32

LOVE your app idea! Maybe Jon can even work on developing it!

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Watching The farmer's Wife - funny DH and I were talking about that documentary just last week! That time period was time of "FarmAid" and the movie "Country" with Jessica Lange -no? I love PBS! Independent Lens is a fav too. I was sad to hear of Geoffrey Hugh's passing - Onslow was a wonderful character. I remember the passing of Mary Millar (Rose) and the tribute epi afterwards. Just saw Patricia Rutledge in "To Sir, With Love" a couple of weeks ago!

mama mia: With all due respect, Juanita never claims to be a devout Catholic. She said the town was predominately Catholic and that she did attend Mass every week. She also said she did talk to God. I don't see how you get "devout" Catholic one minute and filing divorce papers the next out of that...maybe watch the entire documentary then discuss what it is you saw?

Dmasy said...

I have been watching "The Farmer's Wife" today. I relate to much of it, but from the part of my life when I was a farmer's daughter. There are so few small family farms these days. The modern story of my life on a farm is very different.

One of my sisters, however, does live on an independent and self-contained farm. They have livestock, a HUGE garden, and raise corn and beans for market sale. Two (count 'em) two bills come through their mailbox -- a phone bill and an electric bill. They do not possess a credit card. Everything they own is paid for. She uses, re-uses and then finds another use for "whatever" before tossing it.

She cans or freezes all their food. Grocery shopping for her means stocking up on cleaning products and "stray" items such as orange juice concentrate, flour, sugar and coffee.

They do not have central air in the charming, antique-filled farm house they live in. It was built before the civil war began and it has passed through 3 generations so far.

Her husband brags that she makes the best squirrel gravy anyone has ever tasted.

They would not trade their lifestyle for mine or yours. One of their sons graduated from Purdue University and left the farm. The other son is undecided about his future.

This year, they opted not to buy crop insurance. A gamble. Their entire corn crop has failed due to this freakish drought. They will survive because they are always prepared for just such a crisis.

Visiting her home is very much like stepping back into a simpler and kinder world.

For just this post, I have attached a photo of her family with one of their many beagles.

What's Next? said...

I found this and thought several points are relevant to a lot of things we discuss here. Of course, the car phone kind of shows the age of the writing, but relevant still the same.

In Bill Gates' book, Business @ The Speed of Thought, he lays out 11
rules that students do not learn in high school or college, but should.
He argues that our feel-good, politically correct teachings have created a generation of kids with no concept of reality who are set up for failure in the real world.

RULE 1 - Life is not fair; get used to it.

RULE 2 - The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will
expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

RULE 3 - You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of
high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.

RULE 4 - If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

RULE 5 - Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.

RULE 6 - If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

RULE 7 - Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room.

RULE 8 - Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

RULE 9 - Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off
and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do
that on your own time.

RULE 10 - Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have
to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

RULE 11 - Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Dwindle said...

Dear Moses; congrats on choosing Dr and Mrs Malaprop for your new family! I think you have made a brilliant selection. HE is a bit weird, but SHE is a treasure and they are both very loving. If you need any help training your new humans, let us know and we will give you some tips and pointers.

Dear Anger Issues; Thrush sucks. One of my brothers had it when I was a kid and he was miserable sick. You have an infection, so treat yourself kindly as you would if a doc told you it was mono or something. This is alot more than just a rash. Do you have anyone who can run out and get you freeze pops and things? Can you freeze some applesauce - that is a yummy frozen treat. Can you freeze some juice? Feel better dear, dont over do. Just save your energy for showering, and keeping yourself in clean clothes and clean dishes. Not much else matters.

Once a Viewer said...

One of my pet peeves is when people command their dogs to "lay down." It's "lie down."

I really don't think Juanita was cheating. She put those girls ahead of everything and would not do anything to destroy their family at that point. She had the house and its upkeep, cooking, cleaning for them and her clients, 'mom' duties, farm chores, errands, farm business with Hoy etc, her studies and much more.Personally I would be too exhausted for any affair!

She did seem distant at some parts because IMO she was in pain about the state of the marriage and maybe a little shy to expose everything to the cameras. Maybe afraid of Darrel- one scene showed her running from the house. He admitted to verbal abuse and rumors of hitting her. I think it was years later that they divorced.

I thought her mother was a little odd- and yes, they should have had her teeth fixed for her. But I think perhaps the siblings earned scholarships because the mom seemed not well-off and mentioned her husband had mental illness .Not typical Harvard or Wellesley parents. Bravo for them to get into those schools.

Darrel's dad was a character, gruff and not too willing to express emotion. But his marriage seemed solid- like the paper route he & his wife enjoyed doing together. D's mom grew to respect Juanita, she said.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of farming...what's the latest on Kate's organic garden? Anyone know?

readerlady said...

Moose -- You are definitely ruled by cat! Isn't it amazing how one very small cat can expand to take up the entire bed? The mark of a true cat lover is the person who sleeps sitting up so as not to disturb the kitty sleeping on his/her lap.

Aggiemom -- I just recently got my first iphone. It cost me all of $1 (yes, you read that correctly). It was time to renew my cell phone contract and I turned in my (6 year old) flip phone and got an iphone. It's not the fanciest one out there, and it is definitely smarter than I am, but so far, I love it. Maybe you could find an iphone for a similar price. Of course, that's assuming that you want one. I'm still figuring what all I can do with mine, but one thing I really like is being able to read books on it. I downloaded the free Kindle app to it, and now I don't have to worry about schlepping my Kindle around with me.

While we're discussing grammar, one that always bugs me is infer/imply. So many people get that wrong. Infer means to conclude and imply means to suggest but people often use them interchangeably.

I don't know whether Jon really said he felt like KK would be glad to see him in jail or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if she would be happy if he did go to jail. She'd use that as a lever to try to strip him of all parental rights. After all, she's already said she doesn't understand why he should have any say in their lives.

aggiemom09121416 said...

the way both of them describe their romance in the beginning, I truly believe they were very much experiencing real true love. But of course with all the hardships on the farm and being so young, it didn't work out at the end of the day.

True love at 16? Any 22 yr old man that comes sniffing around my 16 yr old daughter wouldn't darken my door a second time. I know that's easier said than done, but damn, 22?
I just can't imagine any parent allowing their 16 yr old to date a 22 yr old.
There are laws to prevent this for a reason.

I apologize if this sounded harsh. I watched 9 parts of this today, and it just keeps swirling in my brain, the struggle of these people. It's so hard to see such hardship. I'd never heard of this pbs documentary, so thanks to Admin for sharing it.

What's Next? said...

Not grammar, but here is a funny called spell checker. I didn't write it, found it on a funny website:

Spell Checker
I halve a spelling checker,

It came with my pea see.

It plainly marks four my revue

Mistakes I dew knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait aweigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the era rite

Its rarely ever wrong.

I've scent this massage threw it,

And I'm shore your pleased too no

Its letter prefect in every weigh;

My checker tolled me sew.

Once a Viewer said...

Dmasy: Adorable! Nice picture. They sound very happy & self-sufficient.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Thanks everyone for your input on lie, lay, laid. oh and lain. It is as complicated as I remember.

I was hoping there was an "easy" formula for getting it right.

Admin, thanks for allowing the OT.

Sherry Baby said...


Yes, if you are talking about putting a book on a table. I laid the book on the table. Laid is the past tense of lay, meaning to put or place. The past tense of lie (reclining) is lay. Now I lie on the sofa watching television. Last week I lay on the sofa watching television. It's not "last week I laid on the sofa watching television." ~ Administrator said...

Her parents didn't like it that's for sure. But I think if he were just interested in preying on a 16 year old he wouldn't have stayed with her as long as he did.

NJGal51 said...

I was just at the Grocery store and picked up the August/September issue of "Consumer Reports Shop Smart ;)" and what a coincidence, they've got an article on money-saving apps. Although not the same apps, Kate's blog ranks among the things that make you go hmmmmmmm. What's next Kate an article on "Dollar Store Deals". (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) ~ Administrator said...

I read her blog and at least she is not claiming an iphone saves you money, just time.

Two of my favorite apps are GasBuddy and SeizetheDay both free.

Gas Buddy will show you the cheapest gas prices around wherever you are. Often when I've been out it's alerted me to a cheaper gas station just a block or two away. Seize the Day is a great app for lists. Both free. ~ Administrator said...

I read her blog and at least she is not claiming an iphone saves you money, just time.

Two of my favorite apps are GasBuddy and SeizetheDay both free.

Gas Buddy will show you the cheapest gas prices around wherever you are. Often when I've been out it's alerted me to a cheaper gas station just a block or two away. Seize the Day is a great app for lists. Both free.

Wowser said...

This blog has so many topics and fun reads!
Eng. Lang: so I should say:... "I lied about getting laid on the beach? Lol

aggiemom09121416 said...

Yea, but is your new iphone PINK??lolol

nah, I don't want one, my little phone works just fine. (especially after paying my 7 phone, $300 cell phone bill)!

I am just having a really hard time grasping a 16 yr dating a 22 yr MAN.

To borrow a line from 50 Shades, if one of my kids brought home a man that age, that's a HARD LIMIT. (lol)

Desperate Cat Mom said...

readerlady!! You're the resident expert of cats, right?

I'm buying a new house (SO excited!!) and it's literally only a 1/2 block away and across a street (busy street!).

My kitty is almost 12. She likes to think she's Queen of The Allycats which means she's an indoor/outdoor cat. She's feisty. She's also starting to get confused easily. Eg) She will come inside and go down to my room and start wailing for no reason. She also can't climb as well as she used to.

Anway, I'm VERY concerned about moving. She's only lived here and I'm afraid she'll not understand and keep trying to go home because it's so close in proximity.

What's your suggestions? Is it cruel of me to uproot her in her old age?? I love her to bits.

readerlady said...

Well, here's my farm story, LOL. My mother's favorite aunt and uncle were backwoods Ky tobacco farmers. They lived in a sprawling farmhouse with no electricity, no running water, and the "facilities" were a path with a 4 holer at the end of it. They raised 7 children in that house. My aunt cooked the most amazing meals on an old wood-burning stove. My uncle plowed the fields behind a couple of huge plow horses. I was in college before he finally got a tractor. They had chickens for eggs and meat, raised and butchered a couple of hogs a year, had a couple of cows to milk and occasionally butchered one, and my aunt kept a few sheep for their wool. She'd shear them, card and spin the wool, then make cloth on a small loom or else twist it into yarn and knit sox and sweaters from it. She churned her own butter and made apple butter in a huge copper kettle hung over an open fire, stirring the apple butter with large wooden paddles. My aunt and uncle could barely read and write. All 7 of their children graduated from high school and the youngest daughter became the first person in the family to graduate from college. She became a school teacher in a one room schoolhouse. When the school outgrew itself and added a second classroom, she became the principal. When my uncle finally retired from farming at the age of 85, the kids got together and built them an all-electric home. When they moved in, my aunt demanded that they bring her woodburning stove, because "I cain't rightly learn to cook on them new-fangled 'lectric things" (This was well after I had graduated from college, so it had to be at least the late 1970's). Their life was hard, but they always had time for us kids. My uncle would take walks with us, helping us to look for arrowheads. My aunt would teach us about plants and their healing properties. They taught us to respect, care for and love the land. That old farm is still in the family. One of their great grandsons lives on it and raises llamas and goats.

Tucker's Mom said...

readerlady said... 57
That was a great read. They sound like salt of the earth people.

Dmasy said...

Readerlady...Thank you for sharing your farm story. I loved it.

anger issues kate said...

Mrs Malaprop: They told me at the clinic and the print out I got: if you are borderline type 2 or are diabetic, you can get thrush and all those wonderful yeast infections, they had a whole list of how you can get it. I'm .8 over the border type 2. In the future I will have to be very careful, not to get it again. Totally sucks!

Thanks everyone! I had to make a food run to jewel 2 blocks from my house. Driving was ok, walking around was tiring. I have food, but you know when your sick, you only want certain foods. Tea, coffee I have no taste for, or lots of food, I been nibbling, and having lots of chicken broth. I'm sure my blood pressure is just loving me, with all the salt I been having. Been having the low sodium broth, with a pinch of garlic bullium. No fever today so far.

readerlady said...

Well rats! Blogger ate my post! Here goes again.

Aggiemom -- Definitely not a pink phone. I had a choice between black and white and I went with black because I thought it was less likely to show dirty fingerprints. So far, so good.

Desperate Cat Mom -- I don't know about expert, but I have been owned by cats all my life and I bred and showed for over 20 years, so I do have a lot of experience. It sounds like your kitty may be becoming senile. It happens with cats just as does with humans. You may want to ask your vet to check her thyroid, though. Sometimes cats with thyroid deficiency become wailers. When you move, confine her to one room, with familiar objects and smells. Get a Feliway defuser. Those things are great. They're a synthetic pheromone that is good for behavior modification and stress reduction. Once she becomes comfortable in "her" room, gradually introduce her to the rest of the house. Be very careful not to let her out. With the traffic and being in a strange area, there's too much chance of her being injured or lost. It's time to make her an indoor only kitty. Give her as much attention as you can and she'll eventually adjust. It won't be easy, but it's best for her. The alternative would be to take her out on a leash occasionally, but at age 12, she may not leash train.

Fools In Love said...

Gas Buddy will show you the cheapest gas prices around wherever you are. Often when I've been out it's alerted me to a cheaper gas station just a block or two away. Seize the Day is a great app for lists. Both free.


I don't have an iPhone and don't want one. My friend and I went out to lunch last week and since gas varies here by as much as ten cents a gallon, I needed to find the cheapest where we were. She doesn't have the gas app, but she used her phone to search online, and in less than a minute, she found gas prices. Why do you need an app to do this?

anger issues kate said...

Dwindle: thanks: it's on my tongue, and down my throat on the left side. The side I always get strep on.

What's next: right on Bill Gates! Now that's a dose of reality.

Fools In Love said...

I have been owned by many cats, and all have been indoor cats. If a 12-year-old cat is showing signs of confusion, I would not let the cat go outside, regardless if it was in the home she has known all of her life, or in a new home.

That's just me, though. Others may offer different advice.

Tucker's Mom said...

Why do you need an app to do this?
Because you press the app button, the GPS finds where you are and you get a list of nearest gas stations in seconds. I love GasBuddy. And it's free. There's just no down side! ~ Administrator said...

Fools, you don't need the app or an iPhone. It just makes it really easy. It has a nice map. It's one click away. There are other ways to find cheap gas prices too. But if you have an iPhone you might as well make it easy on yourself.

readerlady said...

Anger, So sorry you're sick. Feel better soon! I've had thrush a couple of times, because I'm asthmatic and use an inhaler that has a steroid in it. Even being very careful, it's still snuck up on me. I found that popsicles really felt wonderful. They helped keep me hydrated and that cool liquid was very soothing going down. Also, peppermint tea -- hot or iced. Juices, not so much. The acid in most of them was painful. Take care of yourself and, as I said, feel better very soon!

Desperate Cat MOm said...

Thank you so much for your input readerlady! I never once thought of just keeping her inside. That may just be the solution!

She's gonna hate me for it, though. She certainly loves ruling over all the other kitties in the alley.

Thanks again.

capecodmama said...

Rhymes with Witch...162

I did watch the documentary on Dick Proenneke. I think he lived alone for close to 40 years. I don't know how he did that but he definitely was a survivalist.

What's Next...40

Bill Gates' rules should be posted on the refrigerator of anyone who has young kids.

Andrea said...

anger issues kate said... 150
Well, had my 2 laughs for the day. 1, Kate cc blog, and some sheeple follower of hers asked Kate to post a school check list. This person is joking, right!? To that idiot on Kates twitter: you live in another state, find out what school your 1st grader is going to and get the list of school supplies from them. Kates: kids school supplies are different than yours. Where do these people come from, GOD help us, all, if this is what is raising the next generation.


The Walmart, target, and office supply stores by me all have school supply lists provided to them by the schools. The lists are arranged by school and grade. I thought this was the norm now. Its an easy way to make sure the students in the class all have the same basic supplies. You have to be dumb to choose to ignore the back to school info package and back to school shopping list provided by the school.

Bearswife said...

Rhymes with Witch,
I LOVE the Dick Proenneke series, we watch it every year. I am also a big fan of all the PBS 'reality' series, especially the the pioneer ones. Interestingly, Pioneer Quest was filmed not too far from where I live and, although I haven't gone yet, it is open for tours (by appointment only).

What was the name of the one where the family lived under WW2 conditions? That was really fascinating.

I am looking forward to watching The Farmer's Wife - don't understand how I never heard of it before.

readerlady said...

Geesh! Even Big Lots posts the school lists, or at least they do where I live. Makes you wonder how many of these children are raising themselves rather than being raised by parents!

Desperate Cat Mom -- You are right, your kitty will probably hate you for a little while, but make her inside time extra special. Give her extra treats, spend more time snuggling if that's what she likes. If she likes to play or is a catnip kitty, give her catnip. Anything to make it more enticing to stay indoors. She'll be safer and you'll have peace of mind. Maybe she'd like a companion kitty?

Desperate Cat Mom said...

Oh reader lady, I'm not so sure about a companion kitty for her. Let's just say she's not exactly the friendliest cat around.

I suppose I'll just wait to see what my vet says. I'm going to google 'traumatizing older outdoor cats by moving'. LOL

AMD said...

Ellen Page, the actress, has received death threats from a Twitter follower.
"Los Angeles police are looking into a series of death threats sent to actress Ellen Page on Twitter that coincided with calls to the L.A. Film Festival making similar pledges to kill the "Juno"star...Detectives in the case sought a search warrant to trace the Twitter accounts of the sender." Scary stuff!

Bubbles said...

I don't believe that Jon has the kids 50% of the time. It wouldn't be in their best interest, at least not during the school year. The kids need their weekday routines to be consistent, and at least Kate's hired minions do that for the kids. Sure, in an ideal world 50/50 is great, but there are very few scenarios where it works out to really be the best for the children. ~ Administrator said...

Bubbles I have to totally disagree that there are very few situations where 50-50 works out for the best interest of the children. I've found just that opposite. That as long as both parents are appropriate, kids that have closer to a 50-50 situation come out the best. When school comes across they may split the week, or Jon may let them stay at Kate's during the week. Kids adapt and get used to having two houses, two sets of things, two different routines. As long as both routines are positive and healthy they make out better this way. It's kids who rarely see their mom or rarely see their dad who tend to have the issues. ~ Administrator said...

From psychologist Dr. Robert Bauserman, PhD, a "Children in joint-custody arrangements were as well-adjusted as intact family children. ... Joint-custody children showed better adjustment in parental relations and spent significant amounts of time with the father, allowing more opportunity for authoritative parenting."
Important caveat: "Children do not actually need to be in joint physical custody to show better adjustment," he writes. It's the amount of time spent with both parents that is critical.

But this is not a settled issue, you can find psychologists who will say the opposite, that it's too hard on kids not feeling like they have a definite home base. 50-50 or as close to it as possible is the trend though.

And I bet it could depend on the kid too. One kid might thrive in a joint custody arrangement (the boys, perhaps) while another kid might feel more unstable and regress.

I think this is just yet another sad example of how there really aren't a lot of good answers when it comes to splitting up a family.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Bubbles@75 said,

"The kids need their weekday routines to be consistent, and at least Kate's hired minions do that for the kids."


But why couldn't it be consistent if they were with him for two weeks, and then with her for two weeks? If this schedule were kept religiously, without shifting things around depending on when she was traveling, the kids would learn to adapt to this routine. For them, it would be consistent. Certainly it wouldn't be easy, but with time, they could fall into that routine. ~ Administrator said...

Right. It's not any more inconsistent than any other visitation arrangement. The trick is to get into a good routine. Not to mention, the benefits of spending more time with the parent who isn't a psycho freaking out over the globe peeling would probably outweigh any of the negatives of feeling shuffled around.

amyf said...

Kate Is a Twit (and capecodmama) - Thanks for posting the link to the Bill Moyers interview. Absolutely horrendous - even worse than I expected. I have such an attachment to Scotland even though I haven't been there since 1991. The desecration by an egotistical, money-driven pig is really a crime, never mind his attitude toward any real human being. ~ Administrator said...

Did I misunderstand this that Juanita said they were renting the land? Someone please explain! :)

amyf said...

This kitten talk is KILLING me - I want one (better yet, two) sooooo badly! Meanwhile, I haven't seen my cats since June 1st, and I'm still looking desperately for a good foster home for them. Whoever it was who said they drove by Wellesley, my kitties are in the next town over...want to babysit the two best cats in the world?

amyf said...

Hyacinth was in To Sir With Love??? I totally don't remember that. Did anyone see Judy Geeson in the Poldark series in the late 70s? I just re-watched it and loved it now every bit as much as I did then. I'd LOVE to have someone to talk about it with! (as long as we're going OT with TV) (And I think Sidney Poitier of the TSWL era is possibly the best looking man ever...)

amyf said...

Dmasy, why do I always get an ostrich when I try to see your photos?

amyf said...

OK, I'm done.

amyf said...

If you’re a busy mom like me, saving time is of the upmost importance

That's the first sentence of Kate's "coupon" blog. Upmost?

Sorry, now I'm done. :-)

Anonymous said...

A Must Read...Matthew Thomas - Cuquita

Small Preview-

Anonymous said...

Meow Lovers..<^..^>

Another Good Short Read..Especially the first few comments. Not the religion, but about doing what matters the most. Shalom.

Copy & Paste

Dwindle said...

amyf said... 86
If you’re a busy mom like me, saving time is of the upmost importance

That's the first sentence of Kate's "coupon" blog. Upmost?

Sorry, now I'm done. :-)


How does that even get past spellchecker?

Upmost? UP?

4:20 in the morning and I havent slept yet. I have a lot to do tomorrow/later today. This isnt good.

Mel said...

Upmost....yep, this is the lady who bragged that English (or was it spelling) was her best subject. Shaking head....

mamasan said...

to treat sore throat from thrush eat Plain yogurt. nor fruit, granola, etc. works all of the time.

Berks Neighbor said...

upmost: an adjective in relation to position (to see if it fits: replace with uppermost)
utmost: an adjective as it relates to 'degree' or importance of an item.

I think Coupon Cabin is so low budget they don't have an actual editor.

Buddy said...

Readerlady . . . how did your uncle keep the butchered meat fresh without electricity?

Lily said...

Fade2black #4 - thanks for the link to recipes.

Lilly said...

Dwindle - link to Actifry reviews - incredible machine and no oil smells. DH lived in Belgium where the mainstay is fries and Mayo - he says these are better than any he ate while there!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Did I misunderstand this that Juanita said they were renting the land? Someone please explain! :)
I recall Darrell stating that he had 800 acres offered to rent when he graduated high school..I assumed he took the offer, he didn't directly say that however. Darrell's probem was that he started farming with no assets of his own...he used, and continued to use, his dad's equipment. His dad, in turn, expected Darrell's help with his own farming operation first, and that left Darrell with little daylight hours to farm his own rented land.

I think Darrell and Juanita rented all of their farmland. Landlord/renter contracts differ..some rent for just a cash rent, some rent for cash and a % of the crop yield; some landlords will pay a % of the insecticides and expenses, some won't.

It's a risk to only farm rented land; at any time, landowners can sell it, or when the rent contract is up, farm it themselves, or rent to someone else (if displeased with renter's output, in regard to payment and/or yield).

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a Border Collie, I must say that my brother the Aussie and I allow our mom to sleep in the bed but there really isn't much room. Her fault. She should have gotten a bigger bed.

Some years ago, when mum had 6 terriers, a small cat marched in the front door and decided to stay. Everybody thought she had beat up ears but she turned out to be a rare Scottish Fold. Tiny thing. She soon whipped all the terriers into shape and took the primo spot on the bed. When the terriers all passed away, she initiated us. Often we would chase her and she would go into another room, any room, and we would stand there inches away acting like we were going to attack, but we never did. By that time she was close to 20 years old and had no teeth but we didn't know that. We miss her, but it's nice to not have to stand around for 10 minutes while she took her time at the water bowl just to torture us. And it does make for more space for mum on the bed. No matter what, she only gets leftover bed space. So all your stories had me wagging my tail with delight.

Dwindle said...

Buddy said... 93
Readerlady . . . how did your uncle keep the butchered meat fresh without electricity?

I cant speak for readerlady's aunt and uncle, but based on my own family experience, meat was smoked and dried, like jerky, then wrapped in cheesecloth for storage; it was home canned in glass jars; and ice boxes were used with ice, but not for freezing meat long term. That is all I recall.

Pity Party said...

Sounds like KT finally that trip she has been longing for. At least the kids are getting out of the house. Most likely scenario is that they are being filmed, I hope not for the dating show, although she will never have any kind of show without involving the kids. If she is making money off the kids shouldn't Jon be listed as a consultant and get paid as well. Doesn't seem right for one to get rich off the kids while the other is living paycheck to paycheck.

Once a Viewer said...

I thought the Buschkoetters owned the house and some land plus rented some, and wanted to buy out Leroy's land? Darrel slowly built up his own collection of farm machinery/equipment.I could be wrong though.I know they mentioned a landlord a couple of times... LeRoy helped them buy one of the cars that were always breaking down. I think Juanita was pretty patient about his dad's demands but was frustrated at his being taken advantage of it and not doing anything about it, which would have benefited their own family income.

I am enjoying all the farm-related stories you ladies have shared.

So why does Kate make her children sound like buffoons? "giggling with happiness and glee?"
Idk, but I wouldn't appreciate that description if I were almost 12 years old.More 'memory-making' in the works!

amyf: lol re: 'upmost'. CC is really 3rd rate, isn't it? Her column is terrible as usual. I don't have an iPhone. She assumes her readers are all fairly wealthy, as someone else mentioned.

Dmasy said...

Administrator....most farmers are looking to amass more acres. Parcels of land don't often go up for sale. But a retiring farmer might decide to rent his land.

There are 2 kinds of contracts. "Cash Rent" requires that the man who will be working the land makes a dollar offer per acre. There is usually a bidding war over the available land. Advantage for the land owner is that he receives a set amount at a set time and can budget accordingly. The renter pays all expenses -- seed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, etc. At harvest time all profits belong to the renter.

"Half/Half" contract dictates that the land owner and the working farmer share all expenses. At harvest, the profit are split.

Mother Nature and crude oil prices determine good years vs. bad years for profit.

My farmer husband has land under contract both ways in addition to being part of a 3-generation farm.

The costs of putting in a crop are astonishing. The price for which we can sell grain is set by the commodity market. We don't grow anything edible.

Darryl said that he was farming the acres next to his dad's land. That is ideal as the fuel costs to move the large equipment are considerable.

Darryl also commented that he had a good landlord. Important because sometimes the contracts are legal, but the emotions are "deeply rooted."

amyf -- I am sorry. I default to my ostrich too quickly. I will leave the photo of hubby on his combine (with nephew waiting for a ride) longer.

Probably several ladies here who can answers farming questions. I would be one who is glad to explain anything that does not make sense to you city folk!

fidosmommy said...

Giggles of pure happiness and glee.

Who write like that when they are not being snarky? That, dear Kate, is snarkwriting you've got going on your blog.

I think they tell Kate how many words this essay is supposed to be and she just puts words on the screen. Mostly unnecessary ones.

Dmasy said...

Note: Kate is not making "regular" memories today. She is making "long-lasting" memories.

Still makes me grit my teeth when she says that!

Anonymous said...

What's Next? said... 40
I found this and thought several points are relevant to a lot of things we discuss here. Of course, the car phone kind of shows the age of the writing, but relevant still the same.

In Bill Gates' book, Business @ The Speed of Thought, he lays out 11
rules that students do not learn in high school or college, but should.
He argues that our feel-good, politically correct teachings have created a generation of kids with no concept of reality who are set up for failure in the real world.
I love that- am printing it out and giving it to my kid - thx! :D

Once a Viewer said...

butterfly said... 104

What's Next? said... 40

LOL, I did it x two myself! Thanks for it, Next.
Dmasy: I love your ostrich- you have a great assortment of photos- the vinegar ones really cracked me up.

That sounds wise to hold both types of agreements- farmers are so dependent on weather conditions- in 'The FW 'the weather report was often the opening to a scene. Thanks for the explanation.

I know- Kate's expressions really are annoying. My top three are 'making memories,' "purse full of bills," & "rare treat." There are more- one used recently- but I have blocked it out for now. I require my brain to do so.

fidosmommy said...

Oh festive day! Oh rapturous delight!
We shall brand the sweet, tender frolicking of the earliest morn and duskiest eve'n onto the
deepest recesses of our souls. No moment shall be forgot, no word shall fade from our thoughts
as we gather up the remnants of the hours we spent in such glorious camaraderie!

May I have a job at CC now?

Dmasy said...

fidosmommy, 106. My first loud laugh of the day. Hilarious. ~ Administrator said...

And this is why Pennsylvania has no incentive to improve their child labor laws. They made $300 million off filming, including The Dark Knight Rises.

Dmasy said...

I watched all of Farmer's Wife last night. I was left wanting MORE. I internet searched and there isn't much more out there than what posters here had already shared. They were a compelling family.

Wouldn't it be satisfying if all reality TV followed that PBS pattern?

Honey Boo Boo's show begins tomorrow night. Somehow, I am sure it won't measure up to Farmer's Wife.

She's come undone said...

Gosh, you might know I have the busiest week in a long time this week, which keeps me from watching this series straight to the end in one setting.
It is so good. Thanks to Admin. and whoever suggested it. It is certainly eye-opening. Some people might say they shouldn't have 3 kids if they are so strapped for money, but I imagine those 3 beautiful, lively little girls are what makes it endurable. They are precious.

Dmasy said...

Does anyone else get the pop-up ads with a stunning young lady inviting you to call her? Melody tells me that she is just 1.6 miles away. Care to join her?

In my life, that would mean that sweet Melody is standing somewhere in a corn field waiting for my call!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Oh no, she's "making memories" again. I wonder if she instructs the kids that this is a "memory" and to write it down so they don't forget.

Hey, maybe that's why she waited till the end of their summer vacation to really start piling on the "making memories". This way when the teachers ask kids to write what they did over their summer vacation, the Gosselin kids will still have the "memory making" fresh in their minds. The teachers, I'm sure, will be very impressed with how their mother spent time bonding and making memories with them over the summer. Lol!!

Anger, so sorry to hear you have thrush. Take care of yourself, hon, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Well, for goodness sakes, Dmasy, please call Melody. Maybe her car broke down and she's waiting for a ride!!

Kate is a twit said...

Once a Viewer said... 105

I know- Kate's expressions really are annoying.

I would definitely add "no lie", "honestly" and "paperwork" to the list. And of course, we cannot forget "Woah!"

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate' Latest TWITter:

Good morning!Making fun long lasting memories as a family this week..Makes me smile extra big 2 hear my kids giggles of pure happiness&glee! about an hour ago


Geeze... Pour it on thick, why don't ya.

Kate left out that the heavens opened up, and the Lord himself sent down little angels that played their harps for her 8 little money makers (I mean blessings).

What a load of crap.

Once a Viewer said...

Well, Melody is also near me!Probably at the mall here. I wondered about that ad!

I'm so glad you & others (other than Mama Mia and Boring) liked The Farmer's Wife.I realize it's not everyone's taste which is fine. I also wish there were more updates. but I don't think the family would ever be interested in a follow-up ( hear that, Kate?) PBS used to show some excellent programs. I got the DVD set on Amazon for a small sum although some were listed as collector's items and very expensive. It's definitely something I re-watch now & then.
(I fast- forward over the dead cow and the dog bullying the little pig and cat)

I thought Juanita made lemonade out of lemons or whatever it was that Kate advised. She had so little but that small house was a home. Her homey touches made it look so inviting.

Wowser said...

Hey...I was just browsing through YouTube and came across an interview with Kate and Julianna rancic on E News where "Kate reflects on finale of Kate plus 8". It was over 7 minutes long and enlightening as well as the usual umms etc. but she said that the kids love filming and miss it and that they will say "daddy says it's bad for us but we say we love it" and then at the end she says that the biggest misconception of her is that she is this horrible mean witch and that that's the farthest thing from the truth and that the "media will portray her a certain way" yadadayada...umm excuse me but how can you refute raw tv footage of the realist of reality shows and say that it's the media portraying you a certain way when YOU are the one acting that way. She also refers to herself as a type A personality....controlling is not Type A. She is Type Lazy. Uggg...I don't know how I missed that interview but it was the one where she wore the purple dress and actually looked nice...if only she didn't have a voice and her facial expressions are a dead giveaway foe how she is really feeling even when she is lying through her teeth

Dmasy said...

Once A Viewer -- thank you so very much for your recommendation. And, thanks to Admin for picking up the topic.

Wonder what Kate would think of sharing such a small bathroom with a family of 5. When Darrell washes his hands, you can grasp how tiny that sink is.

Watching the paint deterioration on the house seemed symbolic of their life/marriage.

I had hope for the couple in the final episodes. Makes me wonder what precipitated the divorce.

silimom said...

I don't think it's right for either of them to get rich off the kids, personally.

Re: Jon's Star interview

Okay, I've seen it. I think he gave it. Very disappointed. I suspect that the child support he may have been complaining about was the money he was in arrears on. Either way, he should have not complained in the tabloids and he should have definitely not made the jail comment. It makes me wonder if he's trying to shop around his own modern day Brady Bunch style show involving Liz. In any case, I hope Jon made enough from the article to catch up on his CS and pay his rent. Hope it was worth it because many people just lost some respect for you.

Once a Viewer said...

I mentioned the FW in the hope that some of you would like it, and I thought of you, Dmasy, since you have lived on farms most of your life (is that right?) and you mentioned the drought. Thanks again Admin!

I agree about symbolism such as the paint peeling, and the weather, broken appliances etc. I think Sutherland is a talented filmmaker although apparently not well off.

I know- I had hope they would be happier once their situation was improved. When they repainted the house it seemed like a new beginning. Maybe the break-up was when the kids got older? They did have some sweet moments such as when Darrel wrote a poem for J, and the birthday gifts, and the kidding around. And didn't Juanita look pretty with longer hair? I bet she looks lovely with her teeth straightened. I read somewhere she had a sculpture or a necklace made out of that one front tooth!

AuntieAnn said...

Kate writes:

"Then, I can easily find and purchase the song from later."

Who has their Kate decoder handy? ~ Administrator said...

I cheated and went into Part Two and there is another scene where Darrel is reminiscing about dating Juanita and asks her if she remembers walking through the corn fields together and she says no not really and he's like how can you not remember that??? It was really cute.

I think there are definite situations where you genuinely love someone even if being married to them isn't the best thing for either of you.

Grifter extraordinaire said...

Here's something for you this morning - a cute music video from someone at Blogher, but unfortunately Kate had a part which she totally hammed up and was once again a bit out of place (would she do/be anything else?) And of course, Kate grifted some free chips out of the deal! ~ Administrator said...

Auntie Ann, wild guess, maybe "Later" is grifting her with the song she wants?

Just another thing she's out of touch on. A lot of people can't afford to just fork over a dollar here or a dollar there every time you hear a song you like. Oh it's just a dollar, but next thing you know you've spent 25, 50 bucks you shouldn't have.

Over In Berks said...

Does anyone else get the pop-up ads with a stunning young lady inviting you to call her? Melody tells me that she is just 1.6 miles away. Care to join her?


I got Stephanie. What does Melody look like? Stephanie looks like a very young Heather Locklear, and she's only 2.8 miles from me. She has long, straight, light blond hair that looks like Kate's mess, only not fried. What happens if I click "chat?"

If Melody is better than Stephanie, I'll trade you!

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Dwindle said:
Dear Moses; congrats on choosing Dr and Mrs Malaprop for your new family! I think you have made a brilliant selection. HE is a bit weird, but SHE is a treasure and they are both very loving. If you need any help training your new humans, let us know and we will give you some tips and pointers.
Dwindle! That was a laugh out loud. ha ha ha ~ Administrator said...

Kate was a good sport to participate in a video like that I have to say.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Thank you for sharing about your sister. I really admire people who live life that way. It's something that just brings out the nostalgia in me and makes me long for a simpler life.

Over In Berks said...

Readerlady . . . how did your uncle keep the butchered meat fresh without electricity?


Old Order Amish don't have electricity, but they keep their meat fresh, and their Rumspringa cold, by using a refrigerator powered by a kerosene or gas generator.

Grifter extraordinaire said... (Administrator) said... 127

Kate was a good sport to participate in a video like that I have to say.


Of course she participated -- she was getting some PopChips out of the deal. lol

vp of pop culture ‏@popVP
thanks @Kateplusmy8! you rocked this: ps: expect a chipment very soon! xoxo #lovetriangle

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate embellishes everything her family does. Not sure who she is trying to convince. Her descriptions of everything have always been "over the top." Talk about making mountains out of mole hills. My grandmother would have called what Kate does "bragging." Not attractive now or ever.

Kate is a twit said...

That was a cute video. I wonder why Kate wasn't included in the list of "special thank to" at the end.

That video was made by Diane Mizota, who once interviewed Kate for her Yahoo blog, This Week in M.O.M

Over In Berks said...

Although Milo is a source of entertainment, should she be allowed on the road?

@Kateplusmy8 Was travelin 2day w/can of almonds in my lap....munchin on them as I drove...had 2make sudden stop...can flies 2the floor...:(

@Kateplusmy8 ....almonds everywhere around my feet/gas pedal/brake....sigh, kids will have 2clean this one up! I can't bend over 2reach it!

Can of almonds on her lap? Is she nuts? Why can't she bend over? You pull over, pick up the can and the almonds and be on your way. However, if you can't bend over to pick up the can, does it stay there until you get home? What if it gets caught under the accelerator? If she can't bend over, what happens if her carpet shifts and needs to be adjusted?

Once a Viewer said...

I watched this- thanks.

My feelings are that Kate used the interview to grift for another show and plugged that her kids wanted to and that Daddy was unfair not to let them. Giuliana looked a bit skeptical IMO but polite. Kate said she would be scraping to make ends meet without the show.

Why does she always say 'agreance' instead of 'agreement' although I guess both are considered correct?

AuntieAnn said...

Only Kate Gosselin would think about future grifting. She has it down to a fine science. ~ Administrator said...

Oh so she's getting paid in chips now? I guess the cash only signs were the good ole days.

Kate is a twit said...

By the way, that interview with Kate was done the same day as the Dr. Drew interview(Jan 19). For those that were asking about Kate keeping the cruise secret from the twins, it was in the Diane Mizota interview where she said "Mady and Cara are going, but they don't know yet". ~ Administrator said...

Well one, she wants to imply SHE has the family all this week, which may or may not be true. Two she wants to imply that everything she does for the kids makes them over the top happy, because all this woman does is overcompensate. Three she seems to be implying some kind of vacation, and is implying that the family is only happiest when they go on vacation so won't someone please keep throwing free trips their way.

Gaby2 said...

I think Jon should ask for full custody and ask for $22,000 a month a nice house and get those kids from KKate.

AuntieAnn said...

Over In Berks said... 133

Although Milo is a source of entertainment, should she be allowed on the road?

She'd better not be texting while she driving either.

Where I live there is a $2000 fine for that. I was damn near sideswiped by a girl the other day because she was so busy texting. You don't want to hear what I said to her when I pulled up next to her at the lights. She looked at me like wha...?? What'd I do??
Geez. ~ Administrator said...

Just a friendly reminder try to limit picking on sheeple for things that have nothing to do with Kate.

I know they're ridiculous, but I don't want to be a mean girl blog.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Sand,sun,family fun! We budgeted&did a beach vacay this yr..I surprised the kids&swept them away,w help of friends!

Finally someone took pity on those kids and provided a vacation for them.

Over In Berks said...

Everybody thought she had beat up ears but she turned out to be a rare Scottish Fold. Tiny thing.


I had three Folds. Was she a straight ear Fold or a folded ear? They are normally very gentle and submissive and wouldn't whip anything into shape! It sounds like she was spunky and feisty. Maybe that's why she lived for 20 years -- not letting anyone or anything get in the way of her fun. We should all be like that!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Has this woman ever lived the concept of enjoying the moment? She totally disgusts me, as her concept of "making memories" has always included pictures for PAPS and filming.

Even now that the kids are no longer filmed (not her choice), she still feels the need to photograph her kids and post to twitter/web sites, etc... so my question is, "Who are these memories for and why are they not private?"

Certainly not for the kids, as "memories" would exist without her posting them on public sites. What a moron.

Never mind her complaining about pics of her kids posted all over the world for all to see. Hypocrite comes to mind.

Sherry Baby said...

Kate: Sand,sun,family fun! We budgeted&did a beach vacay this yr..I surprised the kids&swept them away,w help of friends!


She budgeted? By going to NYC how many times to get her hair done? I'd like to budget like that!
Does this mean she's not going to Florida for her pre-cruise lunch with the sheeple, or is she there now?

Once a Viewer said...

'w help of friends'

Does that mean they paid for the 'vacay" or are there to help?

Molly said...

Andrea said... 70
anger issues kate said... 150
Well, had my 2 laughs for the day. 1, Kate cc blog, and some sheeple follower of hers asked Kate to post a school check list. This person is joking, right!? To that idiot on Kates twitter: you live in another state, find out what school your 1st grader is going to and get the list of school supplies from them. Kates: kids school supplies are different than yours. Where do these people come from, GOD help us, all, if this is what is raising the next generation.

She wants her kid to have the exact same supplies Kate Gosselin's kids have. Kate doesn't know what's on the list anyway. Her nannys or Jon will do it all.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Kate: Sand,sun,family fun! We budgeted&did a beach vacay this yr..I surprised the kids&swept them away,w help of friends!
Yep, she swept them away for more Twittersodes.
She absolutely reads here. And of course, she could not manage this on her own (more paid help) including Stevo. You would think she might have the hang of this by now with 8 and 11 year olds and have managed it on her own. But I guess life is not worth living unless it is filmed.

Ex Nurse said...

Grifter extraordinaire said... 123
Here's something for you this morning - a cute music video from someone at Blogher, but unfortunately Kate had a part which she totally hammed up and was once again a bit out of place (would she do/be anything else?) And of course, Kate grifted some free chips out of the deal!
Kate certainly seems to live a lonely life. Most of the other singers were in groups or twos at a party or out around people at the conference. And then there is Kate, spoofing herself,sitting alone in front of a bare backdrop wall, pretending that she is talking to someone on her pink iPhone. A variation on the theme of her 'very first" Emmy appearance, in which she is the weird girl that is not included in the fun. Makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

She was a straight ear. Very sweet with me and my mom and husband. Just protecting her territory and making sure the dogs knew who was boss. The thing at the water bowl was really funny. She'd have to have a few sips, clean her paws, sip some more, look at the dogs waiting their turn, sip some more--so obvious she was giving them the business. And she had her spot on the bed that no dog could encroach upon. Otherwise a hiss and a swipe. Loved that little thing. I had her 18-19 years and vet said she was several years old. I think he must have been wrong. She couldn't have been like 22 or 23.

Over In Berks said...

She was a straight ear. Very sweet with me and my mom and husband. Just protecting her territory and making sure the dogs knew who was boss.


I love Folds. We just lost our last one, a folded ear. She was 16 and went very fast. I miss her, and I'm looking for another one....not too many around in this area. I wish one would show up at our door!

Over In Berks said...

You would think she might have the hang of this by now with 8 and 11 year olds and have managed it on her own. But I guess life is not worth living unless it is filmed.


I wouldn't take eight kids to the beach by myself. Too much can happen. To the movies, yes, to play miniature golf, sure...but not on a beach vacation.

Anonymous said...

So Jon has to choose between child support & making his rent payment. Or so the tabloids say.

Meanwhile, Kate wisks their children off to the beach for a vacation, assisted by friends.

What's wrong with this picture?


I don't think the timing's a coincidence.


Winsomeone said...

In the beach picture, are some of the kids on plastic inner tubes, and others have floaties on their arms? They seem too far out in the water with no adult in sight, plus most places do not allow anyone to use floatation devices as it tends to give people and kids a false sense of security, and then they go out further than is safe.

Once a Viewer said...

Kate's really rubbing it in Jon's face, taking the kids on 'vacay.' I believe she must have brought 'helpers' with her. It's true, eight kids, some who don't swim well, would be dangerous at the ocean. It looks like the boys have floaties and/or inflatable vests. Aaden and Joel don't like the water, we have been told.

The Buschkoetter kids never had a vacation, let alone dozens. They made their own fun. They seemed to have friends at school but it must have been lovely on the farm at times with just one another to play with. And Kate whines her kids are bored, they need a vacation.

(Oh, and yes, that was a small sink they had in the bathroom- no shower, just a small tub plus the stairs to the attic all three girls shared.
Very cramped living conditions)

Kate is a twit said...

A woman who has a blog wrote about meeting Kate at BlogHer.

This part stood out for me:

"I told her ....that I’m currently training for the Rock n’ Roll marathon that will take place here in Las Vegas this December. She then told me that the Rock n’ Roll marathon series is one of her sponsors and that she will be running in the race too

Once a Viewer said...

oops, 'lonely' not 'lovely' above post.

Winsomeone: We posted at the same time with the same thought. Yes, they do look too far out, many of them. I'm sure Kate has helpers but stayed back sunning herself and took the photo as she's not 'waterish.'

Over In Berks said...

Just a friendly reminder try to limit picking on sheeple for things that have nothing to do with Kate.

I know they're ridiculous, but I don't want to be a mean girl blog.


Understood. The thing is, though, that they tweet these things to Kate...what is Kate supposed to do about it? The sheeple that needed a list of school supplies - what would Kate know about school supplies for this person's child? I'm wondering if the motive behind these tweets is to just get a response from Kate, or if these people really are so needy that they have to go to Kate for advice on what to do. Does Kate have any fans who are capable of working things out on their own?

Kate is a twit said...

Sorry, I posted the wrong link in comment 156. This is the correct one:

librarylady said...

Budgeted, ha ha ha.

KAT said...

Budgeted??????????.....thats priceless...

Kate is Krazy said...

well, if she afford a vacation then she better not be crying poor for quite a while. Many families are doing without vacations the last few years.

Griftopia said...

Sherry Baby said... 145
She budgeted? By going to NYC how many times to get her hair done? I'd like to budget like that!


No, she budgeted by denying the kids gymnastic classes, by not washing their bathing suits, and by feeding them 2 grapes each.

Karen said...

I just listened to that interview she did regarding the final show. I don't post much here, but REALLY? When asked what life would be like if she didn't have the show she said she'd be scraping by trying to support 8 kids she couldn't afford. Wow. Is she THAT out of touch with reality?? I'd venture to guess that a good 65% or more of the population is indeed scraping by and does indeed rely on a paycheck in order to make ends meet.

And the part about how she won't be able to take the kids on trips and how they'll miss that...that she'll only be able to maybe take them to the beach. Again I say REALLY??? I have been saving for 6 months now to take my 2 girls to DisneyWorld (oh and yes...I'm separated from my husband so I am my own sole provider though we share kid expenses) and that's the only big trip we'll do this year. OMG!!! Stop the presses!!!! I can do only ONE big vacay! Wow. Who does she think she is? Obviously she has a huge senses of entitlement in thinking that HER kids deserve more than any other kid out there because HERS are special.

Give me a break.

Molly said...

Berks and other locals, are there any rich public schools in the area? Where I grew up all the rich kids went to 5 specific public schools, 3 elementary schools, one middle and one high school, because they were great, right in their area where their neighborhoods were the best ones in town and free. It's how the rich stay rich.

Dmasy said...

I have Kelly now. She is 3.5 miles away. Probably on her way to pick up the girl in the corn field!

TLC stinks said...

Gag. I can guarantee you that "vacay" with the help of"friends" means babysitter/s and Steve.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Budgeted? budgeted??? lol

Only time will tell if she has some serious money stashed in the bank. She hasn't brought in a tlc paycheck in what, 6 months? Her tax free child support is gone, according to the latest info out there.

But Kate can't win...we bitch that she didn't take the kids anywhere all summer, and now we bitch that she did. I am in no way taking up for her, but she's in a no-win situation.

I hope she did take the kids somewhere, but still needing help further shows her lack of ability to handle her own children. Wonder how much 'help' she took along with her? did they board the BBB or a plane? We will find out eventually, Kate can't keep her mouth shut.

I've often wondered why I follow this whole mess, because Kate certainly isn't a postive role model. It just never ceases to amaze me how one person can exude so much pettiness, stupidity, crassness, boastfulness, manipulation, double standards, lying, etc etc...and think she is all that. It's almost hilarious, and incredulous at the same time.
Kate reminds me of what a NJ housewife said...'it's a whirlwind of stupidity'. To me, that's Kate. It's fascinating to watch, all that stupidity in one person!

Anonymous said...

In the beach picture, are some of the kids on plastic inner tubes, and others have floaties on their arms? They seem too far out in the water with no adult in sight, plus most places do not allow anyone to use floatation devices as it tends to give people and kids a false sense of security, and then they go out further than is safe.


Please tell the 8-yr-olds are not wearing floaties. Those are for TODDLERS. If the floaties actually fit around their arms it just shows how undernourished they are.

Also, pics taken from shore of the water can be deceiving. I have a few of my son and it looks like he is 30 feet from shore, which was hardly the case. Maybe the benefit of the doubt on that one.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate has to have some "serious money" doesn't she if she's able to support the kids completely with no help from Jon?

Tucker's Mom said...

Oh wow, thanks for The Farmer's Wife recommendation. I've been glued to the YouTube segments every chance I've got yesterday and today. Watched it all. The "Behind The Film" piece was interesting, with Juanita offering this:
"But really, I think the film crews were a good distraction for the kids. One of the sound men in particular, the kids just loved him. He talks like Donald Duck. He taped a whole book in the voice of Donald Duck--imagine what his throat felt like when he got done. It was like having a seven-person team of childcare. And David and Nancy, both of them actually are just big kids at heart."

We KNOW Kate heavily relied on the film crew to watch her kids and babysit them while she trotted off of screen to do whatever. The thing is, Juanita is a great mom and has no need to lie and blather on about how hard it is! and how she does everything by herself!
Yeah folks, having a film crew film your kids means that there are more eyes on your kids. Plain and simple. And, from reports, the crew actually played with the kids, something that I don't think was ever captured with Kate (Jon, yes).

The cinematography was very good. My favorite scene was one of the little girls playing with her cat at dusk-- both figures backlit and completely black, only silhouettes, against a purple and indigo sky. What an amazing capture.

Over In Berks said...

I have Kelly now. She is 3.5 miles away. Probably on her way to pick up the girl in the corn field!


Stephanie is gone. Now I have the "God Loves You...this prayer will change your life" pop-up. I thought Stephanie loved me. Dang.

Tucker's Mom said...

Also, pics taken from shore of the water can be deceiving. I have a few of my son and it looks like he is 30 feet from shore, which was hardly the case. Maybe the benefit of the doubt on that one.

I agree. I don't know where they are/what beach, but I know in the OBX, the water can be shallow for yards and yards.
It's the rip tides that getcha!

Kate is a twit said...

One of the ads that I see on this site is for Fitness Singles-it says "Meet Running Singles".

Seems like a perfect site for Kate to sign up for.

TLC stinks said...

Too funny if it turns out she rented some big , ritzy beach house. I hope someone tweets her whereabouts. Budgeted is so lying. And she reads here, obviously. At least the kids are enjoying the beach.

Over In Berks said...

Darn! Now God is gone and I have Brittany, who lives 4.3 miles from me. Maybe I should give her directions to meet up with Stephanie!
Where are these things coming from? I never saw them before. Why now? lol!

Once a Viewer said...

aggiemom09121416 said:

aggie, I think people were annoyed at her bemoaning the fact that the kids could not go on a vacation b/c the show was cancelled and she couldn't afford it. Meanwhile she took some nice little trips and continued with her lavish self-pampering. Some posters suggested some fun local jaunts. But I think she held out for a freebie or some will come to light.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm happy that the kids are out of the compound and at the beach, wherever it is. I hope we don't find out where until they're back home or never, which won't happen since Kate is already teasing the paps to come sniffing around to get bikini photos.
The bottom line is that the kids get a proper vacation, having earned at least that in all the years they've been filmed.

Kate is Krazy said...

I have Earn a Bible degree- a pretty young lady is featured. is that the God one?

Over In Berks said...

Berks and other locals, are there any rich public schools in the area? Where I grew up all the rich kids went to 5 specific public schools, 3 elementary schools, one middle and one high school, because they were great, right in their area where their neighborhoods were the best ones in town and free. It's how the rich stay rich.


Molly -- you can't choose which public school to attend. You go to the one in your school district. The school the kids would be attending is not "rich," but is all-encompassing, where the kids attending are from all socio-economic levels. It's not for the upper-crust rich.

readerlady said...

Buddy 93 -- They smoked a lot of it and salt cured some. They had a spring house that was dug into the side of a hill where they kept a lot of their food -- veggies, milk, etc. I remember it as being very cold in there, but I was just a kid, so that may be relative. In a family of 9, meat didn't last very long anyway, and they did some trading with neighboring families.

anger issues kate said...

Thanks to all you guys. I'm feeling much better, I think I used all the dishes in the cabinet, now I have to wash them, and do some laundry.

Listen, if her so called BFF, Jamie, did not visit her, those kids, would not have gone anywhere, especially the beach. That is too much of a trouble to watch 8 kids, but with 2 adults, one can watch 11 kids. I know sounds totally stupid. But, think of this, Jamie was sitter/nanny/ sub-mom, those g8 probably listen better to Jamie, than Kate. If you look close at the pic, you can see a blond girl in it. (one of Jamies daughters). Kate does read here.

Kate is a twit said...

Remember when that guy tweeted her asking for some bikini shots of her, and her excuse was "If I get to the beach this summer, there's sure to be some, sadly (for me)!"

Wondering if he'll show up again.

Once a Viewer said...

Tucker's Mom:

The cinematography was very good. My favorite scene was one of the little girls playing with her cat at dusk-- both figures backlit and completely black, only silhouettes, against a purple and indigo sky. What an amazing capture.

That's a beautiful scene. Some of the farm shots, especially at night, are gorgeous.Or the crops when they are luscious and green. The dusty, decaying barren-looking scenes are also effective The music was also so haunting and suited to the mood of the scenes. But that scene you mentioned was photographed especially well.

The Bitter End said...

In the beach picture, are some of the kids on plastic inner tubes, and others have floaties on their arms? They seem too far out in the water with no adult in sight, plus most places do not allow anyone to use floatation devices as it tends to give people and kids a false sense of security, and then they go out further than is safe.
I have no idea where that photo was taken but New Jersey has miles upon miles of protected beach staffed by a group of well trained lifeguards. The standards for employment far surpass the typical pool standards and are quite strenuous.

On a summer day in August a typical crowd at those beaches would number in the hundreds. The benefit for Katie Irene would be that in case of an issue a fellow bather would notice trouble and either pluck a child from harms way or notify the beach patrol.

So where does Katie go? Away from the protected beach, with a group of children whose swimming skills are not developed. Not smart, but typical. Once again the children are isolated. That photo does not look like fun, life long memory potential. It looks like they need friends and playmates.

Sherry Baby said...

Remember when that guy tweeted her asking for some bikini shots of her, and her excuse was "If I get to the beach this summer, there's sure to be some, sadly (for me)!"


Did this mean that she's going to take the pictures, or is she hoping for a swarm of paps to be there to take them?

Once a Viewer said...

I don't see a blond girl in the beach photo- where is she? Just 8 dark-haired little heads or floatie-d bodies!

I have Stephanie back!

OrangeCrush said...

Happy for the kids that they are getting a beach vacay, and I don't care where, how, when, who. Their mother can afford it, and if she waited for a grift, shame (again) on her. If there is filming involved, then double shame. Anything else, don't care. Have fun kids, don't drown. Floaties? Makes one wonder if her tups are even pool safe at 8? Scary.

Over In Berks said...

I have Stephanie back!


Stephanie is mine! How did you get her? How far away is she from you? If she's two miles from you and two miles from me, then we are neighbors!

Once a Viewer said...

Berks, she's 2.8 miles away- I'm in MA ! So I guess we are internet neighbors, too bad :( You go ahead and call Stephanie. I'll wait for Melody unless she's at Dmasy's.

anger issues kate said...

That pic of the kids at the beach is not recent, like today.
Kate tweeted: Sand, sun,family fun! WE budgeted & did a beach vacay this yr.

The key word is did. Jamie was there. Remember Jamie & Kate & kids, did a farm tour, they also went to the beach. Kate would not do this with out Jamie, the kids listen to Jamie.

mama mia said...

Kate budgeted for a beach vacation. Does that means she took money out of the I made an Ass of myself on DWTS account, or the purse full of bills ET exclusive account?

Kate is Krazy said...

I wonder if Jamie and Kate are filming for a dating show and have the kids with them? just a thought?

Over In Berks said...

I have Earn a Bible degree- a pretty young lady is featured. is that the God one?


No. Mine said God Loves You. Click here for prayer. Nothing about a Bible degree. Shoot. I could use a degree in Bible.

anger issues kate said...

Once a viewer: It's the girl in the yellow swim suite, on the right, that looks like one of Jamies kids. Like I said the key word in Kates tweet is did. Kate put the pick up there, cause, our blog as well as her twits, were giving her hell about not taking the kids, to the beach. This was: she put the pick up to shut us up.

Kate is a twit said...

Looks like the kids all have on different swimsuits than they are wearing in the picture on Kate's website. So her shopping spree with the twins was most likely for this outing.

So by "budgeting", she probably means buying their swimsuits on sale or clearance. Her CC blog about the pool and swimwear was posted 2 days after her shopping spree.

What's Next? said...

Ha! I've got a Nordstrom ad at the top and bottom with red bandage dresses pictured. I think the ads go with whatever we are posting. I've also had an ad for a veterinary school and a running ad.

Over In Berks said...

That pic of the kids at the beach is not recent, like today.


Could be, but she has been giddy about making memories. She's not tweeting that she made memories, but she's speaking in the present. If we say that we did a beach vacation, it means that we are doing it now. It doesn't make sense, but that's the way we talk!

However, then again, it's totally possible that the vacation is over and done! With her, you just never know.

I'm heading out to our POOL. This LEATHER sofa is getting sticky from the humidity. Guess I need to call Stephanie and see if she wants to join us, since she's only 2.8 miles away. I wonder if she likes Rumspringa.

Jane said...

What's Next? said... 197
Ha! I've got a Nordstrom ad at the top and bottom with red bandage dresses pictured. I think the ads go with whatever we are posting. I've also had an ad for a veterinary school and a running ad.


LOL! I've got Disney's new resort in Hawaii - Aulani. Wonder what that means!

What's Next? said...

Now some smart phone ads.

Could "with the help of friends" be code for her using money her fans sent her? Her friends helped with the vacation by sending money to finance it?

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