Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: When a reality show tells a truly important story

This week: Part One will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 1 this week, Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here.

The Farmer's Wife first aired on PBS in 1998, a three part documentary, which was in essence a reality show, following three years in the life of Nebraska farmer Darrel Buschkoetter, and his strong but tender-hearted wife Juanita, along with their three sweet young girls.

The Farmer's Wife is one of the few great reality shows to ever grace our small screens. The Farmer's Wife had it all: tough, sincere characters, and a compelling story of hard work and perseverance in small-town America. Heartbreak, struggle, a marriage on the rocks, and the hope to keep a vanishing tradition alive drives this story.

Filmaker David Sutherland originally intended to profile several farming families in Nebraska. However as the project progressed, he became captivated with Juanita's story, and revamped the entire project to focus on her. Said Sutherland"She spoke from her heart, and her love for her husband Darrel's dream touched me deeply."

In the first episode, Juanita reflects on the plans they used to have to have six children. However it turned out three were all they could afford. Although Darrel never said so, Juanita worried he longed for a boy. And yet, said Juanita, "Sometimes I'm almost relieved we don't have a boy ... I'd be scared if we had a boy, he'd be the same way, and I don't know what the future for farming is."

Juanita's soft-spoken candor, and love and dedication to her family and to the farm, was a beautiful character study.

Most reality television out there has been better suited for the dust bin. Most stories need not and often should not be shared. Reality T.V. should just go away, especially shows that feature unprotected children. But once in a great while, a story comes along that should be told. Juanita's story does just that, capturing a moment in time in the late 1990's where a way of life in middle America was fading away, never to be the same again. Sutherland's series is both heartbreakingly tragic and inexplicably beautiful. Enjoy.

1731 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Ex Nurse said...

I am not disputing that there is a trend towards establishing a BSN as the minimum requirement in the future and that institutions have already changed their hiring practices. I am personally sorry that this is the trend because I felt that I had an excellent education.

I was hired onto a regional trauma burn center unit as a full RN, directly out of my hospital program--f6 months before the certification was scheduled. My program had an extraordinarily high pass rate as compared to the average.

Amy2 said...

I was just wondering if Kate ever thought that she would be where she is at this stage in her life. Yes, she got the fame/fortune, for a while. Now her calls to Hollywood-land are not being returned. She wants a man (my guess) but she has 8, count them 8, children that are part of the deal. Her personality has been exposed so what man wants to date that kind of person. She has nipped/tucked everything mother nature gave her so much so that she no longer looks her age.

She sits on her bedroom, in her giant house, avoiding her children, and tweeting strangers. This is a sad, sad life.

What she does have going for her is money. There are plenty of grifters who would love to marry a wealthy woman, even one who has 8 children.

Her life is so freaking complicated that as I type this, I am ever so happy with my boring mediocre life.

Moose Mania said...

She knows but won't tell. LOLOL! Why not just say nothing, Milo or do you think you're impressing Kate's fans by having "inside information?"


Well, then, I guess Milo will be having a private one-on-one date with Kate for dinner. If she's near Milo, one would certainly expect best friends to meet up. Why does Kate need a dating show when she has Milo?

I still think that Kate is either in NC or Florida and will be taking the twins on a cruise. If I'm wrong, I would book a cruise for everyone and put Cindy in charge of arrangements, but only if admin agrees to act as a go-between, working out all planning and details with Cindy. :-) :-)

Kate is a twit said...

Kate is a Witch said... 1
I only see Kate's tweets here, at the top of the page, but I am literally laughing at how many times she has tweeted the word "beach."

Every tweet she has made(that wasn't a reply)since she announced this trip, has included the word "beach". It's reminiscent of when she kept using "pool" in almost every tweet a while back.

We get it Kate-we KNOW-you're at the BEACH.

She also included a picture of the kids sitting on the floor watching the Olympics while eating ice cream cones. IMO, they are too close to the TV, and must they always sit on the floor while watching TV?

Kate is a Witch said...

She only wants a man to have an adult live-in slave, as opposed to the child slaves she already has.

chefsummer #Leh said...

SeeSaw said... 2
Still can't imagine Kate dating even for TV. I'm sure if any hanky panky was involved she'd have to tape big plastic trash bags over the bed first.
Sorry to be crude, but my DH said he wouldn't even poke her with a stick.

I wonder if she got down & dirty with someone guy would Steve stand guard at the foot of the bed.

Or would he just give Kate directions on what to do.

What's Next? said...

Uh Oh, Stephanie is now 2.8 miles from me. My Stephanie looks a lot like Kate. LOL. Seriously! Same hair color and style.

Clare said...

Tweet-le De,

Whew, I obviously hit a sore point with you. I find looking at pictures of kids with a magnifying glass creepy, so shoot me. I don't care if it is for identification. And speaking of, why do you need to identify them? Are you working covertly?

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Summerwind said... 197
I, the original Mrs. Malaprop did NOT contribute this. Readerlady, I saw your reply to me about a barrow and thought, Huh? Someone helped herself to my user name.


I believe that the original post came from Anger Issues, 168 ("lock, stock and barrow") and then a Mrs. Malaprop replied with "Holy Malaproprism..."

Who is using your name, and how can we tell if it's coming from Mrs. Malaprop whose hubby is Dr. Malaprop, both of whom have a new son named Moses?" :)
That's a good question Summerwind! LOL I'm Mrs. M, married to Dr. M, with the new cat Moses (which I don't really want, but I've fallen under his mind-controlling powers!) I did not post the "Holy malapropism . .." comment.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

My parents divorced when I was 12. My mom didn't date and I don't think I gave it much thought one way or the other. I know for a fact I didn't continually ask her when she was going to start dating. I thought about school and friends, clothes mostly, me in other words. Much as Kate does, but I was 12, not 37. When my mom dated briefly when I was 15 or 16, I wasn't too keen on it. I felt like he was an intruder.

AuntieAnn said...

"Eating an I've cream cone..."

Geez, even her iphone has been trained to text in narcissism.

fidosmommy said...

I've told you all before that Kate is working to get a contract with YUM!Foods headquartered in Louisville Ky. It's the parent company of KFC, Pizza Hut and some other fast food places. The more she says yum! the faster they'll call her.

Kate is a twit said...

What's Next? said... 9

Stephanie sure gets around a lot. She was near me earlier today. Maybe Kate should join that website.

Moose Mania said...

Why can't she take one vacation without posting pictures of the kids? WHY? WHY? Nothing is private for these kids, is it? I have to think about Betty White's statement that looking at other people's vacation photos is punishment. I don't think that Kate and Betty would get along too well!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

YES, Clare, I am an "AKO." LOL

librarylady said...

I certainly don't care to know what
beach she is posing on. All the better to keep her off completely the radar where she's barely hanging on anyway ;)

Kate is a twit said...

Milo says that Kate wants a pap free vacation. Then why did Kate even announce that they were on vacation? Nobody would know if she didn't make it public. Kate still thinks she's a paparazzi magnet(or at least Milo does)-that's why there have been so so many pictures of Kate in the tabloids. Yes, there were pictures of her at Blogher, but that was an event and Kate wasn't the only person there. I'm sure there are many other pictures of well-known people who attended. That's what GettyImages and WireImage do-they take pictures of people at events, not random pap pictures.

librarylady said...

I just realized that she apparently tweeted out her own video interview?

Ha ha! That's telling...

SeeSaw said...

Tune in tomorrow for another twittersode of Kate and Kate Plus Kate (and occasionally 8).
Blueberrry pancakes for breakfast: It's a tradition! We found a seashell! A trip to the boardwalk!! Vomiting on the carousel! Sand, sand everywhere.
Can barely wait for the next installment.

Once a Viewer said...

I will have to watch Country, too! Thanks for the recommendation.

Kate is a twit said...

One of the non-fans on twitter has been asking Milo to ask Kate how Shoka is. Kate hasn't mentioned him since the middle of July. Milo finally asked about him. Wonder if Kate will answer:

@Kateplusmy8 Did U bring ur 9th child along...Shoka? We take Jack w/us ...he loves gettin in the water...chasin the waves! ~ Administrator said...

Pap free vacation my eye. Jon took the kids to the beach earlier this year and no one bothered them. If she simply didn't tweet for a few days I would have just assumed Jon has the kids, end of story.

readerlady said...

Mrs. Malaprop -- You are probably right about your kitty's stinky deposits. He's stuffing himself right now, in all likelihood. When you take him to the vet, though, he should be checked for parasites. He may have round worms. They're pretty common in kittens, especially strays.

Moose Mania said...

Blueberrry pancakes for breakfast: It's a tradition! We found a seashell! A trip to the boardwalk!! Vomiting on the carousel! Sand, sand everywhere.
Can barely wait for the next installment.


All of this happens while we're at THE BEACH, enjoying our BEACH House and having our BEACH dinner!!!!!!
No POOL at this house? Are you slumming it? No chocolate pudding messes to clean up? No chocolate smeared on the glass door? But it's a tradition!!!!!

Wowser said...

If gosselinbook comes out soon Kate will have the Paps ALL over her...but not in a good way...more like a confrontational way and Kate HATES that. It will be like going to the gynocologist... Total PAP-smear!!

Moose Mania said...

It will be like going to the gynocologist... Total PAP-smear!!


I think going to a mad gynecologist with a freezing speculum would be a walk in the park compared to what happens when the s**t hits the fan if the book is released.

Griftopia said... (Administrator) said... 176
Grifttopia, Amen.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say by very virtue of the fact that you have an iPhone, you have a really, really good chance of not having a daunting life. Like, at all.


Au contraire, dear Admin. I like totally have just a regular old mediocre cell phone. Ummm ... Umm ... hope my one set of multiples and singleton don't turn on me and make my life daunting due to my dinosaur-ish appliances. Are you reading this @iPhone???? Where's the FREE upgrade I deserve simply because you invented the telecommunication technology that lets me track my running mileage while farting rainbows???? Ugggghhhh, you just don't know how to help me.....

Wowser said...

Did u ever see the video where Kate is being followed to her car in the target parking lot during the divorce when Kate always wore shorts and really ugly wedge shoes? She had all the extensions in her hair while she was growing it out and this pap was harassing her while she loaded her bags of clearance crap in her car....the ugly looks and nasty remarks she made to him were pretty eye opening. I CANNOT even imagine how vile she will be once gosselinbook is published. Any word on if it will be released this month?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

@Kateplusmy8 been there with you through it all #united miss you all so much! Did a school project for our heros and did you!


Maybe she should learn to spell heroes before she does a project on Kate! Is this another Paige wannabe? What is so fascinating with Kate that she appeals to these young teens? I don't get it.

I see that Kate tweeted a picture of the bottle of wine she is drinking. What is wrong with her? Jon has been criticized so often, and at times, with justification, but the best thing he ever did was to walk away from that marriage and not go crawling back. Had Kate not set up this Twitter account, we never may have known the full extent of her greed and narcissism.

She really needs to get help. What is it going to take to convince her to do so, and who is going to do it? ~ Administrator said...

Virtually everything Jon has done Kate has done too. There is no difference between drinking with friends at your beach house and drinking at a bar. None. Social drinking is social drinking. For that matter Kate drinks when she is out too--at the comedy club thing in Vegas and in the NYC episode.

I don't have a problem with either of them drinking as long as they're not getting drunk, but the hypocrisy continues to amaze me.

SeeSaw said...

Look!!! I just pooped 8 count 'em 8 turds. Photo attached.
Wait for it ... could happen.

Carezee said...

What's next... Hey Stephanie is 2.8 miles from my house now but she has changed her looks. She now looks like Heather Locklear. LOL.

What's Next? said...

Kate is a twit said... 15

Travel and the potential for dates plus her picture appearing on various websites, she's got her pink iphone to chat on and it doesn't sound at all labor intensive, sounds like we might have a job match for her. ~ Administrator said...

By the way everyone thanks for answering the farming questions I've had. Here's another. What is the FmHA? I know it was some kind of government agency that gave out loans to farmers but I can't find anymore information than that. That is not enough info to satisfy my curiosity! :)

Referred to in both Farmer's Wife and Country.

Summerwind said...

Speaking of funny malapropisms!...

@realziggyflo @kateplusmy8 Isn't it wonderful that we goated Kate into finally taking those kids on a vacation.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate makes the kids sit on the floor for one reason only. So they don't make a mess and drip any ice cream or drop any popcorn on the rug or furniture. Control freak. I can't wait until they give her the big eff and it's coming. And tweeting her interview? How desperate is that?? She is more repulsive than ever. And tweeting her wine of choice for the night? Who the hell cares what that lush drinks. If there is a tweet tomorrow about sleeping in, now we know why.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate makes the kids sit on the floor for one reason only. So they don't make a mess and drip any ice cream or drop any popcorn on the rug or furniture. Control freak. I can't wait until they give her the big eff and it's coming. And tweeting her interview? How desperate is that?? She is more repulsive than ever. And tweeting her wine of choice for the night? Who the hell cares what that lush drinks. If there is a tweet tomorrow about sleeping in, now we know why.

anger issues kate said...

That's a fancy beach house. Or is Kate staying at someones house?, That may be near the beach? If I did know, I would have thought that was Kates house, and they were making believe they were on vacation, cause the beach pic, could have been taken when Jamie & kids were visiting. just sayin

Clare said...

Tweet-le De, you are obviously proud of your skills and more than happy to do it!

anger issues kate said...

Question: are the rental beach houses, that fancy? It looks more like someones home.

Over In Berks said...

She's back! Stephanie is here and online now! If she's only 2.8 miles from me, she can be here in a few minutes! What to do...what to do?

Anger, Kate doesn't have a ceramic tile floor in her family room. Are you saying that it's a pretend vacation all set up as a ruse...just so Kate can tweet pictures of the children at a beach house?

fidosmommy said...

I don't want to click on Kate's beverage pic.
Is she drinking fancy wine - bragging and snotting on the mediocre tweeties - or out of a box so she looks like common folk? ~ Administrator said...

Naturally she's got the kids planted in front of the TV on vacation because that's easiest. Some beach house. This woman is a multi millionaire and needs to shut the f UP about budgets. A beach house like that is thousands and thousands of dollars minimum at the height of summer.

Enjoying Country. And Juanita IS Jessica Lang. This movie is incredible how similar the story is. No wonder David Sutherland was so compelled, real life was playing out like a beautiful movie script. And Gail is just like Darel when he loses his temper with the FHA.

Down The Shore said...

Anger asked -- Question: are the rental beach houses, that fancy? It looks more like someones home.


Yes, many of them are, depending upon the location. Our beach home is "fancier" than that, and we do rent it out sometimes, but only to people we know, or past renters with an excellent tenant history. More often that not, though, we just say to friends, "Here are the keys, have a great week."

anger issues kate said...

Over in berks: I said it's possible, this is Kate. She saw how TLC work things, filmed etc. Kate could have staged this. After finding that pic of the kids sitting in front of the TV, in their home, yeah, I saw the floor.

Admin: your darn right! That is a expensive beach house, that is if that is a beach house. I think it is someones house Kate is staying at. Cause, if it is not, that's a lot of money to spend. It would have been cheaper to stay at a hotel by the beach for a lot less. And bringing sleeping bags and renting 2 rooms, at a hotel would have been saving money.

anger issues kate said...

Ok, people who do not want brain damage: DON"T watch Honey Bo Bo. I saw 1 min of it and started to get brain damage. That min was just garbage! It was beyond words.

She's come undone said...

Hey guys, are any of you able to load part 25? I can't get it to load and when I look for it, it appears there is no 25. Help! I really, really want to finish this series.

OrangeCrush said...

Look, she has the money for a beach house, and from that picture it does not look as luxe, to me, as the one on BHI that TLC paid for. It would not be much of a vacay cramming 8 kids and a few adults into 2 hotel rooms, plus hotels kinda don't like that kind of thing. Also, I would probably have kids who are enjoying drippy cones sit on the tile floor and not on the rental house couch. Beach houses are not cheap, but they are less expensive than resorts, and from my exerience with our married kids and grandboys, less per night than 5 hotel rooms. Plus you can cook, do laundry, etc. The only issue with Kate is her constantly crying poor, so if she would just stop the two faced crap, yes, great she rented a beach house and took her kids away for a week. Twittersodes to follow, memories to make.

MichaelB said...


FmHA was the Farmer's Home Administration. They were pretty much to farmers as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are to house buyers. They made loans directly to and guaranteed the loans of high-risk farmers.

In the 70's - 80's there was a lot of politial pressure to make easy credit available to farmers to purchase land and upgraded equipment. Then came the big droughts in the early-to-mid 80's and suddenly farmers found themselves saddled with massive debt and no way to repay it. Their land was worth less than what they owed, their brand new equipment was almost worthless, and many people lost farms that had been in their family for generations.

Sounds a lot like the 2008 lending crisis and housing collapse.

Lots of bad feelings all around, and ultimately the FmHA caught a lot of the blame. My neighbor worked for the Dept. of Agriculture back then and he has told me about the death threats the employees got from some of the people who were being forclosed on. Some of them had wild conspiracy theories that the government had deliberately lent them money they couldn't repay and were using that to force the sale of small family-owned farms to the big corporate farms.

I don't know if you remember the Farm Aid concert spearheaded by John (Cougar) Mellencamp and Willie Nelson, but it was in response to the horrible economic conditions farmers were facing because of their unmanageable debt.

Improbable Dreams said...

So it looks like she brought her make-up artist along. Oops, sorry. BFF, what was I thinking?

(Deanna's Twitter account is protected, but good ol' Milo is joining their slumber party from a distance.

@deannatweeting This time of nite...U girls are crazy! It's abt 2b my lites out time! Errand in checkin out the beach guys? :)
4 mins ago - web
@deannatweeting Are U a good swimmer or a get my feet wet gal like Kate! LOL Don't think we'll see her surfing again will we? :)
6 mins ago - web
@deannatweeting Well....Im due a good laugh...whatcha girls gigglin abt or is it just the wine tastin so fine! :) #girlsjustwannahavefun
13 mins ago - web
@deannatweeting U lil sneek....R U there 2soakin up the sun...havin all the fun! :)

What's Next? said...

Over In Berks said... 42
She's back! Stephanie is here and online now! If she's only 2.8 miles from me, she can be here in a few minutes! What to do...what to do?

My Stephanie was only 2.8 miles away, too and I'm in the south so I'm sorry to say that after ignored her she must have grabbed a quick non-stop flight to head your direction. She flew all that way just to see you, but it is short notice. Can she take more than one rejection? Poor Stephanie, she does seem to be the friendly type. ~ Administrator said...

Orange I actually agree it can end up cheaper than hotels. We used to go to Myrtle Beach, oh three summers, and stayed in a beach house. Not on the ocean, walking distance to ocean. Two bedrooms. Kids in one parents in the other. We never went out to eat--we went grocery shopping and cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner. We drove and brought all our own boogie boards and some bikes. It was clean and functional but not luxurious looking. It's doable for the middle class but not something you could do all the time. Various friends of ours would go and some of our friends would rent what amounts to a trailer--cozier, cheaper and another option. Since kids are outside most of the time it's not bad.

It becomes less doable for the truly mediocre (and not those lying about being mediocre) when you need the space for eight kids, if you want ocean front, and doing it during high season (although really far south maybe it's low season since it's so hot) I don't care if she wants to stay in a million dollar beach house, but I resent her "budget" comment. Please.

Dmasy said...

Administrator -- FMHA (Farmers Home Administration) was one of many farm subsidy or structured farm loan Government departments . FMHA existed primarily during the farming crisis years of late 80's thru 90"s. Loans given through that program had high interest rates (15% +) and created more problems in the future of farming. The value of farm land was inflated in order qualify for a loan, a structure that could not sustain itself.

FMHA has been discontinued but morphed into other Dept. of Agriculture auspices -- some effective and some not so. All are politically driven. Arguments can be made to support or discount each new program. Vastly mis-understood was the subsidy called PIK acres, where a farmer was paid not to plant some of his ground.

The Dept. of Agriculture has farther reaching applications that most people realize. The Food Stamp program is funded through it. As the budget for food stamps expands, other valuable programs are shrinking. The give and take has stretched to into an alarming situation.

It is so complicated, that even those whose livelihood is dependent on understanding can get lost in the paperwork. ~ Administrator said...

That reminds me I'll never forget this, one year when we went to Myrtle Beach over spring break the Columbine shootings happened. We were over at our friend's trailer and they were like, did you hear about this??? Our beach house didn't have a TV so we didn't see any of that fantastic coverage. It kind of isolated us kids from that horror at least for a little while. We saw it after of course. I came back with a tan and to a school tha changed all its security policies and was offering counselors to cope with the fear and anxiety and so on. So I'll always remember that trip as being a turning point in what schools were like.

foxy said...

FSA now does loans for farms and Rural Housing does the loan for farm houses.
I watched Honey Boo Boo. I thought it was entertaining, a little crude at times, but that family seems to truly love each other. Honey seems to be advanced for her 6 years. They did have subtitles. The mom is 32 years old and is going to be a grandmother. She was not happy about the pregnancy, but every body in the family is supporting the daughter.

Curious said...

"Clare," why aren't you on the fan blogs? Looking for someone?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Dreams, 51, said...So it looks like she brought her make-up artist along. Oops, sorry. BFF, what was I thinking?


No surprise. That explains her "adventure" tweet to Deanna.

Milo is insane. No question about it. I hope she's on meds. I can't imagine that anyone would play along with her. If ever there was a "hide the bunny" time, this is it.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I think that Kate is taking tons of pictures but she doesn't put them on her tweeter because she sells them. Remember when she took her Fall pictures and the kids birthday party pictures , it took awhile but they eventually surfaced on the web ! She'll find a buyer and post the kids and her in her skimpy swim suit and where she took them on a budget vacation!

If no one bites then she'll post them on her website! She could potentially pay for the vacation and have money leftover for a few cases of wine!!! ~ Administrator said...

Some of them had wild conspiracy theories that the government had deliberately lent them money they couldn't repay and were using that to force the sale of small family-owned farms to the big corporate farms.


I'm normally not a conspiracy theorist, but there is something that seems awfully suspicious about this whole thing. I don't think it's out of this world to believe that some people wanted to get rid of small farms. They had to have known some of these loans would be impossible to pay back. It's like they acted like crops never have a bad year or often several.

Found out what I wanted to be when I grew up in my 40s said...

Just want to say that some people know very early in life what they want to do in life to make a living. MY hubby was like that, he knew at 6 yrs of age and her pursued it, all the way thru formal college and then onto more training, He loved what he did in life.

I did go to college, did not know until my senior yr of college what I 'thought" I wanted to do and when with that. But I always knew there was something I wanted to do which would have cost money with more education. So I climbed the ladder in the 70s like more women, didn't rock the boat and went very high in the company I worked for. After retiring after 25 yrs., I did go back to school at what my friends called "you mid life crisis" and I absolutely loved it. Loved going back to school in my late 40s, graduating in my 50s. So many ages in my classes, what a mix, younger, older, my age, etc. That mixture made it fun, made you think. I graduated and like you Admin got that internship, a job offer. Funny thing? /When I was an intern, no real pay, I showed up everyday with the biggest smile on my face because finally I had found what I wanted to do and I was doing it. Never give up your dream when you discover it, never. Never too late to go back to school.

Also wanted to say, I want a doctor to go all the way thru 12 years of schooling, especially my doctors. I don't want some kid finishing up medical school after 5 yrs (although it exists at Penn STate, if you qualify)by you would be brilliant to do that. I want the well rounded doctor who does the college, medical school, internship, residency and work for the hospital as a practicing resident for 2 yrs. I want the best doctor that education can provide for me. And I ask every doctor I go to their entire history. Same with a lawyer. If you can ask me about myself, then I can know where you were trained, how you did in school, how many patients you see in a day, how many surgeries you support each year. Yep, if I trust you with my body, then you owe me your resume. I even ask if they have ever been sued. Nothing wrong with a 2 yr vocational school for the skilled training of those very wealthy plumbers, electricians, etc., but I do want my doctors and lawyers to understand how to find the answers to the questions I ask. I like a lawyer who tells me "I will find out and get back to you" and not pretending he has the answer to every question about every aspect of law. How about you?
I'm proud of what I did late in life and I am still working, still smiling when I go into work and it is gritty work. ~ Administrator said...

It seems like you would need a degree in finance to keep up with the FHA. I don't know how these people did it. Work a regular job all day, work the farm all night, and keep up with the paperwork in between. Thank goodness Darrel had Juanita with her bright mind crunching numbers. She said he outright depended on her.

Dmasy said...

Hey! You guys -- Stephanie is standing somewhere in a dark cornfield 2.8 miles from me now. That girl gets around. ~ Administrator said...

Can I just add that I have so much sympathy for all these farming issues. To me this is so much different than say, a couple that got into a house they have no business getting into.

These are hardworking Americans who were told that they could make a living with their farm and so they got deeper and deeper and deeper and the work got harder and longer and the government came and promised to help which got them even DEEPER into trouble. They didn't go on vacations or buy fancy cars or anything like that.

It's world's apart from some of the stupidity that went on during the housing crisis.

Kate is a Witch said...

I watched that Honey Boo Boo show. I thought it was awful. I won't be watching again. She's a poorly socialized child, the mother is just....crazy. There's nothing interesting about them. They're just really crass and proud of it.

I'm going to re-watch Country. ~ Administrator said...

Has anyone tried to meet Stephanie? I mean she's only 2.8 miles away.

I think Honey Boo Boo is a one trick pony. It's a one-gag laugh. Ha-ha what a circus act. What else to it? I can't see it lasting.

Fenwick, Del said...

Do all 6 children have to sit in a straight line, on the floor, so many feet from the TV, legs folded and eat an ice cream cone? How strange is that photo?

Think I know where she is. Low tide, State of Delaware, short drive from where Katie lives and not loaded with a lot of people, not like Rehoboth or Ocean City Md. Fenwick, Del is low key, if Kate hides that damn hair, no one will pay attention to those kids. They do not look alike, just 6 small kids in the water with their 2 older sisters. So if the idiot doesn't have a bi plane going by overhead with a sign announcing the G kids are there, no one will pay attention.

Who used a magnifying glass to look at the photo in the ocean? Taking it too far, no need to know that much detail is there? Are you with the FBI or something?

AuntieAnn said...

Kate the maladroit probably bought that wine for no other reason than it has her special number on the label. I'm sure she squealed in delight when she saw it on the shelf.

TLC stinks said...

That place is a rental. If you look to the left there's the typical printout of cable channels on top of a shelf. So Deanna is the current female friend of the hour?

TLC stinks said...

BTW, she is using Deanna probably for free makeup and Deanna's closeness to her celebrity customers. And while she is at it, Deanna can also babysit and cook meals. Kate is predicable.

fidosmommy said...

I found BooBoo when I was channel surfing just now. I was gobsmacked at the stupidity of it.
BooBoo and her uncle were getting pedicures and talking at great length that BooBoo's feet smell like Fritos.

Get some Dial soap for that girl's feet, Mama!

The most honest thing TLC ever did was to stop
calling itself "The Learning Channel". They've really backed off from that self-description.

Improbable Dreams said...

Ah, I didn't catch that the (BevMo, 7.99) bottle of wine had cache for the magic number 8 on the label.

And how funny: The Fig and Olive_NYC Twitter account (posted by Kate, reweeted by her fans) is dead as a doornail.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

And of course a sheeple must buy a bottle, just because Kate tweeted a picture of it -

@Kateplusmy8 did u like that wine? would u recommend it, im going to have to try and find it in philly. ;-)

Clare said...

Curious said... 57
"Clare," why aren't you on the fan blogs? Looking for someone?

Curious, LOL why the paranoria? I have only made two comments. What makes you think I am a fan? Because I think it is creepy to look at pictures of kids in the ocean with a magnifying glass? Non fan and fan alike should see the crossing of the line with this. When you start going 'there' to show that Kate may be lying, Kate plays way too an important part in your life, and it is time to take a step back.

Dmasy said...

I don't want to weigh the blog down with serious farming information. But, this is an article that touches on something serious in an understandable way.

The value of farm acreage is high right now. The buyer who can afford to make the purchase is probably not the neighboring farmer anymore.

Something "real" to think about....

Curious said...

When your life's goal is to defend a woman who wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire (unless you had a gift card or cash in your hand), wonder who is REALLY over-obsessed.

AuntieAnn said...

And how funny: The Fig and Olive_NYC Twitter account (posted by Kate, reweeted by her fans) is dead as a doornail.

Last tweet Jan 31 2011
That's older than the wine.

Fools In Love said...

Clare @74...Because I think it is creepy to look at pictures of kids in the ocean with a magnifying glass?

The kids are in the ocean with a magnifying glass? Are they looking for something special?

Kate is a Witch said...

Juanita with her two older girls, recent photo:

If that doesn't work, it's easy to find. If you're on Facebook, look for Darrel Buschkoetter. His profile is fairly public. His daughter Audrey is listed under family. Her profile is very public. In her photos, there's an album called summer of hawk, and that's where she's got a recent picture of Juanita.

Curious said...

I wonder if Clare thinks it's Creepy that a 9teenager has over seven thousand pictures of Kate on her hard drive or that people BEGGING to see the kids actually shed tears because they miss "their family" so much?

Is it creepy that people feel their lives are "less than" because they don't have weekly access to the Gosselin children's tantrums? Really, who are the creeps?

Sorry, "Clare," but looking at a photo to clarify Kate's lies is nothing compared to getting enjoyment and pleasure watching children suffering and being exploited.

Griftopia said...

Oh don't I feel special (if not relieved). All day my ads have been for a depression cure and for a study for kids suffering from anxiety. I was starting to doubt my mothering -- and my mental health -- until I logged in now to find -- you guessed it -- STEPHANIE. The blond, sideways pose with the fake-looking hair extensions make her look eerily like a Kate wanna-be. But apparently, she's REQUESTED I be her friend, and she's just 2.8 miles from me. I'll take that over mental health ads any day, but given that I'm in Alexandria, VA, I'm amazed at how Stephanie seems to get around....

AuntieAnn said...

Juanita looks lovely and happy, as do her daughters.

Fools In Love said...

Curious, LOL why the paranoria?


What is paranoria? If one suffers from paranoria, is he a paranoriac?

Over In Berks said...

But apparently, she's REQUESTED I be her friend, and she's just 2.8 miles from me. I'll take that over mental health ads any day, but given that I'm in Alexandria, VA, I'm amazed at how Stephanie seems to get around....


Yes, and if you click on it, her background song is "Round, round, get around, I get around." She's still with me. It must be teleportation. All I seemed to be getting today were the God Loves You prayers, so I was happy to see Stephanie found me again. She's probably leading the revival services.

I saw the commercial for the Boo Boo show, and one look at the mom and I knew that I couldn't watch it. Adam Richman (Travel Channel) ate some fried catfish on a stick, and a lumberjack omelet that was the most amazing omelet I've ever seen. I wonder if Stephanie would be interested in an omelet when she gets here?

OrangeCrush said...

Oh I do agree Admin, the idea that she 'budgeted' for this trip is ludicrous, kind of like she 'budgeted' for 3 cars. What made her flip from her position earlier this summer that she had no $$$ for beach vacations is the mystery, but she has plenty socked away for a vacation like this. But I still think it is still more about her, maybe a way to look good for the new BFF (Jamie and her kids got to vacay at Kompound Gosselin), and a way to stick it to the ex. At any rate, the kids get to play at the beach sans TLC cameras and crew. ~ Administrator said...

I suppose it totally depends on where you go, but I would think in many places, it might be impossible to get a nice beach house big enough for all these people without planning for months in advance. Makes you wonder if she actually planned this for a long while but played coy. Maybe she was going to do this mini vacation with the Tups all along before she took the twins on the cruise.

OrangeCrush said...

Based on my vacation rental experiences, especially as our family has grown, and thus the need for increasingly bigger places, I also find it suspicious that Ms Coy has come up with a place big enough for 10-12 people seemingly on a whim. No, this has been planned for awhile, but perhaps only when the cruise fell through. Too bad she is short a bedroom fr Milo (snark).

Anonymous said...

InternetWarrors said... 131
I'm curious how Kate's supporters will feel when the truth about her mothering is revealed by the children. Will they actually turn against a Gosselin child and do anything in thier power to ruin that kid's life? I ask because these women, and I use that term very lightly, think that Kate Gosselin is the end all and be all of great people.


I'm curious how you all will react if the children's "truth" doesn't match your perception. You assume that all eight children hate their mother, which is truly sad. What if the majority look back fondly on their childhoods? Will that upset you?

They are eight individuals and most likely will have varying opinions on their mother's parenting skills. ~ Administrator said...

They are eight individuals and most likely will have varying opinions on their mother's parenting skills.


Many of us actually agree with this. Since many of the children are treated differently than others and there is a definite pecking order, I think we're going to get a Joan Crawford situation where some of the kids are saying Kate was awful, while others will call them liars. SHould be interesting.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

"Too bad she is short a bedroom fr Milo (snark)."


Are you kidding me? She doesn't need her own bedroom. Milo has staked out Kate's bed well in advance. She's been dreaming about this for years! Or is it "he"?

I just find it hard to believe that Kate is paying to rent this place. Knowing how she scouts out freebies, I bet someone offered it to her because she's a struggling single mom trying to support eight kids on her own.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

"You assume that all eight children hate their mother, which is truly sad. What if the majority look back fondly on their childhoods? Will that upset you?"


Who is "you?" I think the children love their mother because she's their mother. The best thing that could happen is if they do look back fondly on their childhood, especially now that they are not on display. The one redeeming thing is that they were very young during the filming and that may work in their favor. Hopefully, the plug was pulled just in time.

While I can't speak for all of the bloggers here, I would be ecstatic if these kids enter adulthood unscathed. What a blessing to find out if that is true.

fidosmommy said...

Well, all our yelling at Kate to take the kids to a darned beach has worked. They are at a beach.

Now, let's try something else.

Kate! Get off Twitter!

Anything else?

Think that'll work? ~ Administrator said...

Get off Twitter!

Stop crying poor!

ncgirl said...

"BooBoo and her uncle were getting pedicures"

What surprised me was they said the uncle was gay. I'm from the South, and self-proclaimed rednecks don't usually cop to that. Could they be that enlightened? They were making alot of silly gay jokes though.

I can only take the Honey Boo Boos in small doses on Toddlers and Tiaras, not a whole show. ~ Administrator said...

I wonder if one of these days anyone will try to pursue a fraud claim against Kate for misrepresenting her situation. I actually think some of the church people might have a case, depending on exactly what Kate and Jon said. It's happened before, people being sued who grifted from churches. Although usually their stories are outright lies and not a bunch of little mistruths, like lying and saying they have cancer.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

@deannatweeting Well....Im due a good laugh...whatcha girls gigglin abt or is it just the wine tastin so fine! :) #girlsjustwannahavefun

@deannatweeting Me too! That's good 2know..Ur an asset then 2have on the beach! :) Ya'll have fun! Say goodnite 4me 2my tweet buddy! :)

So Deanna's with Kate. Wonder if she's providing the house?

Reminds me of the Beatle's "I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends."

Starz22 said...

Another great show airing on TLC is United Bates of America...premieres Aug 13 @ 9pm on TLC.

So the Duggars best buddies have landed their own show.Bates family with 19 kids get their own reality show. Will you be watching?

Like another person said on a blog...TLC won't have to change their logo...they are now known as The Litter Channel!

amyf said...

Regarding Honey Boo Boo and her unfortunately repulsive family, all I can say is that I hope that little piglet (the 4-legged one) gets through its life unscathed...and don't yell at me; repulsive is my opinion.

Dmasy said...

I am part of the insomniac club that hangs out here. Tonight, I have watched Newsroom (excellent) and Honey Boo Boo (embarrassing).

amyf -- no need to apologize for your word choice to me.

Laughing at/laughing with -- defined as TLC ridiculed a shameless family.

Curious said...

Kate has shown her children how much she respects HER parents and I believe she will be as active in their future-families as much as Kate's parents are involved with hers.

I'd wager my 401k that she only has cntact with one or two of her children when they are adults. She set the pattern of "disowning" family and they will just follow her lead.

Wowser said...

Actually I am surprised that Kate drinks so much wine...she is so calorie conscious that she won't eat icecream or pizza...she's probably stupid enough to think wine is calorie-free because you don't chew it!

TLC stinks said...

Yep. There's no way Kate and the gang drove (Steve did the actual driving) all the way to Alabama. Besides the beach picture does not have the look of a Gulf Coast or NC beach. Never been to a Delaware beach though. The rented house is also not furnished like the typical southern beach house with pastels. Anyway, hope Steve is enjoying Kate parading around in her assortment of bikinis.

I agree with a poster who thinks some of the photos Kate will sell to a tab like the Easter photos were. She will just have to put out bikini pics so Radar can comment how smokin' hot she looks.

TLC stinks said...

BTW, how come Jamie did not rate a beach vacay with her bbf? Maybe because Deanna had something to do with providing or chipping in the cost if the rental? Kate is such a freakin' user. Kate is one of those people who is only friends with someone when she wants something.

localyocul said...

I wonder how Deanna will feel about the "happy" family with the "wonderful" mothe after spending a whole week with them. If it's anything like the RV trip look out.

Wowser said...

Tlc stinks: you are. Order...all she does isnusenpeople so explain to me the mindset of the people being used....what does Jaime and Deanna get out of it? People tweet them and say awful things to them because theynarenwith the NPD queen. It is such a cluster*#*#ck of people involved. I just watched the ET interview she did. Some posters said her makeup was weird. They were correct. She NEVER finishes a sentence. She was asked about the kids and ifntheynwanted to do another tv shoe and Kate said " ummm they would love...and I haven't said anything...". It's like she has to think of all the previous lies she has said to try to keep them consistent while trying to carry on a conversation so it comes out disjointed and makes no sense. Must say "I believe that I am a stay at home working Mom which means that I believe I am "working" while you are filming us and paying me a fortune to do nothing but let you take home movies" and I really like doing nothing and getting paid for it.". She is vile! And I cannot wait for her 15 minutes are over and to really have to live like the mediocre masses. I just want her to be exposed for the grifting fraud that she is.!

Wowser said...

Sorry...should have said...tlc are correct. All she does is use people

koopdedoo said...

Another movie from 1984 about struggling life of people working the land was "The River" with Sissy Spacek and Mel Gibson. I remember thinking it odd that 2 projects so similar got released with top notch actors at the same time.

Fenwick,Del #68 - I agree that Khate could hide in Fenwick (IF she wanted to), I disagree that the one photo looked like Fenwick. The wave pattern is different since last summer's beach replenishment project, and there is no way those kids could have been that far out (even at low tide).

(my guess is Long Island or Cape Cod)

capecodmama said...


Too funny.

Stephanie really gets around. She is in my area again standing on a dock. She doesn't have her bathing suit on though. I guess she didn't want to go swimming. She must have heard about the great white that bit some guys legs last week.

Buddy said...

I hate when posters lie and say they were "channel surfing" and landed upon a show. Please . . . just come clean and say you wanted to watch it. We all know you didn't land on it by accident.

mama mia said...

Kate must have 5 years of current lifestyle expenses tucked away as I see no change at all in the year she has been off tv. Makes her tweet about getting COMPED hair treatments at Ted Gibson salon look that much more ridiculous. You won't spend $2000 on hair but $500,000 on private schooling and staff salaries and mortgage payments is no big deal, huh?

Once a Viewer said...

Kate thought her beach pic was sooo good people would think it was professional! It did look pretty..I agree about the kids sitting much too close to the TV and looking upward- must hurt their necks. Waiting to hear Kate's menus for the day and beverages....NOT. She really has neglected her own website, but who cares.

anger issues kate said...

Wowser: about Jamie & Deanna: think: Sweet Dreams By Anne Lenox. And Taking Care of Business BY BTO. For Kate.

NJGal51 said...

If she is in the Hamptons she's not on anyone's radar becasue there are many, many real celebrities that either live or vacation there. My guess is that any pictures that come out will be pictures that she's sold.

O said...

Farmer's Wife Pt 25

Works for me, good luck!

franky said...

Off topic. Just wanted to say, thanks Admin añd my fellow posters. It's been a hell (f a week here, but I look forward to catching up on the! fifteen hundred posts I missed=)

what a great blog, who wudda thunk fifteen hundred posts in a few days back a few years ago?

Once a Viewer said...

Witch: Thanks for the link. The three look very pretty. Juanita looks quite young! The girls look different than as children, but then I guess we all do! I don't have FB, but I could see Darrel's pro pic- he looks the same, only greyer.

Oh, that's me above- O- It loaded before I typed my whole 'name!"

Layla said...

Anyone know when that Extra interview was done? I'm guessing it was one that didn't air, so she has to promote it herself. Why are shows still doing interviews with her if they're not going to air them? Is her agent forcing her on them as a "package deal" with someone more desirable? Odd.
I think it's funny that Milo still thinks Kate is a big paparazzi target. If the paps really wanted bikini pictures of Kate, they'd find her. Remember the BHI shows when she'd always remark about how long it took the paps to find them? How long has it been since they actually showed up anywhere to take their own pictures of Kate, anyway? Last time I recall is right before her birthday in March. Yet, Kate and Milo still think she needs to "fly under the radar". Borderline delusional, I think.
I'm curious to see how the ratings for "Honey Boo Boo" turn out. It would be funny if they are higher than the ratings for K+8.

Dmasy said...

I watched both of the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo half hour shows. Kate should be humiliated to know that this embarrassing and worthless program is more important to TLC than she is.

I won't be watching Honey Boo Boo again, but I will always wonder if the pig escaped to a better place.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Based on the red "bandage" dress (what a horrible way to describe a style-makes me think of army hospitals for some reason), I'm guessing the interview was done the day she was at the BlogHer conference; same dress, same plastered down hair, same Deanna-type makeup application.

wayward said...

Wowser said... 102
Actually I am surprised that Kate drinks so much wine...she is so calorie conscious that she won't eat icecream or pizza...she's probably stupid enough to think wine is calorie-free because you don't chew it!

Years ago, I had (big emphasis on HAD) a friend who was one of those purists who shunned all food that was processed and not organic. Unfortunately, she was also the type who would sit there and tisk tisk all your food choices and tell you how horrible they were, describe how the cow was killed while you're trying to eat it, etc.

What is so odd about all this is that she smoked. But it was ok, she smoked American Spirit cigarettes and they were chemical free and organic. So it was healthy. The end.

People who claim to be the epitome of health while condemning your choices, almost always have some vices. There's nothing wrong with deciding how you are going to eat and what chemicals you will and will not put in your body. The problem lies in them announcing every 10 minutes how virtuous they are while critcizing everyone around them. When people do this, there's almost always something else going on and they almost always self-medicate in some form or another.

How ironic, my ex friend eventually had to stop working in her late 30s after having repeated health problems. We weren't friends for very long, I already have a relative who is the food police and I'm stuck with her. I didn't need to put up with that voluntarily.

Kate can talk all she wants about not eating this, not eating that, running 56 miles a day, blah, blah. The proof is in the pictures. 4-5 years ago she was very young and healthy looking with a beautiful dewey complexion and very thick hair. Today, she looks 10 years older, hard, sickly and her hair is stringy straw. There's alot more going on there than we know. Maybe soon we find out.

Kate is Krazy said...

Imagine comparing a lovely beach scene photo to a calendar...!It was the real thing! Weird.

In the photo of the Bushkoetters, who is whom?
Is J the one of the L? She does look really young if so.

OrangeCrush said...

Well congrats Kate, a beach picture with NO children in it. What amuses me is that the woman with what, 100K twitter followers, gets so few comments when she tweets a picture. Guess the adoring flock is not so adoring. As it should be.

NJGal51 said...

The Extra interview was done via satellite feed (or possibly Skype). She wasn't in the room with the interviewer which is why you never see who interviewed her. It was not a "for TV" interview. She doesn't rate a live interview and it was probably arranged by CC

Pity Party said...

I watched Honey Boo Boo, too. The child is adorable and the camera does like her, but I did not like that they called her crazy on the T&T portion of it. The entire family may be crazy like a fox, who knows, but was still not necessary. They are exploiting the redneck aspect and could have well left out the gassiness of it all. That was a bit much. I doubt I will watch it again as they did not quite know what to do with the family, other than just film them. The etiquette lady was a jewel, though. The look on her face was priceless. The train in their yard was well quite something, although being from the deep south it is not unusual. I grew up near the train tracks but not quite that close. When you live near the train tracks you learn that the train always runs on time and if it doesn't, there is a problem that you may learn of on the daily news.

You have always heard of the lonesome train whistle blowing, but I learned that each engineer has a different sound. Once there was an accident on the rails and someone was killed. I will never forget the sound of the whistle that night when the 2 a.m train came through. It was long, low, and mournful and quite beautiful for lack of a better word.

Kate is a twit said...

Another staged picture. What does Kate do-tell her child "walk down the beach, then quickly get out of the picture. I need to post a picture on twitter, so my tweeties know I'm at the beach. Hurry!"

Hope she is at least taking some candid shots. I wonder who the sponsor of the day is going to be for this twittersode.

Improbable Dreams said...

Have you read this article about Honey Boo Boo? It's from the Washington Post--the best I've seen so far.

‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,’ the li’l Miss Sunshine we all deserve:

wayward said...

Dmasy said... 119
I watched both of the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo half hour shows. Kate should be humiliated to know that this embarrassing and worthless program is more important to TLC than she is.

I won't be watching Honey Boo Boo again, but I will always wonder if the pig escaped to a better place

I watched too (hanging head in shame) I thought the previews for next week showed the mother saying that the pig was going and Boo-Boo was crying.

I felt very embarrassed for them and I won't be watching again either. It crossed my mind though, that what we saw was what really goes on there (unfortunately) An actual reality show, whereas we all know K+8 was carefully crafted, scripted, blocked and planned out, all for show.... faux fakery. 20 minutes at the corn maze, trick or treating only when cameras were around, everyone shopping at Giant when the tups had never been in a grocery store, EVERYTHING tied into some freebie or home improvement for Grifty.

Just as I'm sure J&K have made fertility doctors vet patients alot more carefully as to their plans to support potential HOM, I'm sure TLC now protects themselves up front from the soft extortion Kate got away with.

Once a Viewer said...

Re: Honey Boo Boo-Sounds bizarre...

I do not have an interest in this show but I did watch this doc years ago, 'Living Dolls' It was haunting, riveting and ended up with a very sad ending. Watch it for an expose of the true behind and on-stage aspects of the child beauty world.Part 1 link if interested:

NT said...

That had to be Steve making the footprints. Big feet. Wonder if someone could investigate that pic to see if it is on a calender somewhere? Yes,I'm feeling very petty today.

Tucker's Mom said...

Juanita (now Hastings, I think) looks beautiful in that liked photo. I'd been trying to find an update on her, so thanks.
I love the hair and Pucci-inspired dress. She could blend into the sidewalks of Manhattan!
Good for her.
And, it looks as though she got the smile she wanted. Makes her even prettier.

wayward said...

What I find kind of funny is that there were two other little girls who became famous from T&T. That Eden girl and the one who would throw the tantrums, Makenzie.

You would think they might have been offered a show, but I could see their mothers trying to turn TLC into their sugar daddy, like Kate did. Something tells me the Boo-Boo people gladly took $1,000 an episode and didn't ask for anything else. In other words, TLC could take advantage of them easier than the other families.

Kate is Krazy said...

didn't Eden have a show that bombed, 'Edens' world?'

chefsummer #Leh said...

Honey Boo Boo has better speaking skills and talent then Kate does.-lol

Over In Berks said...

I hate when posters lie and say they were "channel surfing" and landed upon a show. Please . . . just come clean and say you wanted to watch it. We all know you didn't land on it by accident.


I channel surf and land on shows. That's how I find the shows. It's all by accident. I don't buy TV Guide or keep the channel listings section from the Sunday paper. That's too much trouble. I channel surfed last night and landed on Man versus Food. It did have a result that I was not anticipating -- I went to a 24-hour McDonalds. ~ Administrator said...

It's a little harsh to call people liars about channel surfing. I too channel surf via my DVR guide. I can't even remember when the shows I actually like are on, I'm just not good with remember times and days and numbers. Yesterday I was channel surfing and found on BBC Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution which was a great short series from last summer. I probably would have found Honey Booboo myself last night if I hadn't been watching a movie instead. Otherwise, had no idea it was on.

Layla said...

I wonder if Honey Boo Boo's mother will now get all nipped and tucked, lipo, hair bleached, fake tan, new boobs, and start wearing hooker heels. Then grift everything under the sun and cry poor while moving the family into a McMansion, and kick the dad (Sugar Bear?) to the curb. Will she be jetting off to NYC to get her hair done at Ted Gibson, followed by dinner at Fig and Olive with Jason and Deanna? Time will tell...

Once a Viewer said...

I loved Jamie's Food Revolution too!

Admin: Try living Dolls - youtube link posted above. I think you'd like it- a 'real' doc.

Tucker's Mom said...

I channel surf and land on shows. That's how I find the shows. It's all by accident
Yup, I've said it before that I found J+K+8 by surfing and then loving the kids. That drew me in, but when I heard them speak I had to Google and find where they were from.
So, shush with the whole "yeah, right" bs. I surf all the time. I haven't come across Honey Boo Boo yet, but I'd probably stare like a car wreck for a spell too. ~ Administrator said...

That pic could have been even more beautiful if she had a real camera and not a noisy cell phone pic.

It's getting to be so that the grainy pics from our childhoods are going to be just as good as the pics taken by these lazy mothers taking a bunch of cell phone pics all the time and never busting out with a real decent camera anymore.

Andrea said...

Kate is Krazy said... 133
didn't Eden have a show that bombed, 'Edens' world?'

Yes she did, it was about her trying to get into show biz or modeling or acting. At the same time, her and her mother tried to help other pageant kids win. There was lots of drama between her publicist and manager. I think most of it was made up. It was not a good plot for a show.

librarylady said...

I think the Honey Boo Boo family is much more savvy - and brighter - than people might think, or TLC wants anyone to think.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate looks so weird and different in her extra interview.

Can someone please tell me what she did to her face???

Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 120
Based on the red "bandage" dress (what a horrible way to describe a style-makes me think of army hospitals for some reason),

Makes me think of an old 1950s Mummy movie.

Sherry Baby said...

@OneMomsOpinion @kateplusmy8 thank u <3 and awe I'm sorry she will one day this is my new titter my old one was made 1 year ago

Was there something wrong with her old titter?


@OneMomsOpinion @kateplusmy8 I didn't even know the celebritys who followed me and I seen Kate tweet me and I screamed its been 1 hour

I'd love to study the teenage sheeple and write a book, really getting into the psychology of it all. I don't understand the obsession for this woman. Except for Milo, the older sheeple aren't nearly as fascinating. I get where they are coming from -- "knowing" Kate brings excitement to their lives. It's the closest they ever are going to get to a celebrity. It doesn't matter if that celebrity is a washed up star. It makes them feel important, and therefore, they keep this going just to get "close" to her.

The teens, though, are a conundrum. Why? The one who has 7,000 photos of Kate recently tweeted that the "haters" are delusional. The maturity just isn't there to see that an obsession such as the one that she has for Kate is not normal. It would be interesting to take a survey to find out what percentage of her fans are teenagers, their demographics, and their education. Does Kate having the mentality of a teenager herself have anything to do with this hero worship? It's most definitely not the societal norm.

What's Next? said...

I watched Here comes Honey Boo Boo, too. I too wonder if they are going to glam up mom and I was also thinking TLC probably took advantage of the family. I definitely needed the subtitles. It won't be on my weekly viewing list. June Shannon, Honey Boo Boo's Mom did offer this gem of wisdom that I do wish women would heed "Please women that are of voluptous size, put some clothes on. All that vajiggle jaggle is not beautimous".

chefsummer #Leh said...

Mommy's watching ‏@OneMomsOpinion
RT @pimpmykids:RT @arsenalclp: Hey you want 2000 new twitter followers on ur acct check this @kateplusmy8<--uses this …

Is this how Kate got all of her followers?

Layla said...

Ok, I got the link for the Extra interview to work. Definitely at BlogHER. Answered a few questions...namely, she does NOT have a new show in the works. She's still saying she'd "like to do" a new show with the kids, a dating show... She's still throwing mud at the walls to see if anything sticks. And what's with that eye roll when she talks about Twitter?
She doesn't get that she needs to come up with something new and exciting if she wants a new show. Picking up (with the kids) where K+8 left off is not a new idea. That idea didn't get the ratings. Nobody's interested in a show or idea that doesn't get ratings. The "tasteful" dating show? Read: Boring! Too many of those on the air now, and more are coming up.
And the part about how the kids are so excited for her to date and talk about it at the dinner table every night. That's a lie. Those kdis are 8 and 11. They don't get enough individal attention from her as it is. Now they want her to be away from them even more? Come on, Kate, we're not that stupid.

She Can't Win said... (Administrator) said... 140
That pic could have been even more beautiful if she had a real camera and not a noisy cell phone pic.

It's getting to be so that the grainy pics from our childhoods are going to be just as good as the pics taken by these lazy mothers taking a bunch of cell phone pics all the time and never busting out with a real decent camera anymore.


Now a mother is "lazy" if she doesn't use a "real decent camera?" Wow. Just wow. How is pulling a phone out of your purse to snap a pic "less lazy" than pulling a point and shoot camera out and doing the same?

If Kate had used a real camera, you'd be complaining that she was so busy trying to capture the moment that she wasn't living in it.

Kate is Krazy said...

Well,if you are going on a vacation to a pretty location, taking pictures is an important 'memory maker!'you should take the best quality camera you have and we know Kate got a new pink camera after all her complaining about the old one.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Any good detectives out there. It looks like Kate's am pic that they took isn't her's at all:

@Kateplusmy8 is such a fraud. Here is where beach pic came from.


The link goes to an Amazon photo. Hmmmmmm

Fools In Love said...

@BarbaraJean_s @Kateplusmy8 is such a fraud. Here is where beach pic came from.

Someone posted this on Twitter. Apparently it is an internet photo. Last night someone tweeted that the picture of the wine bottle was taken four years ago, and had the IP number.
What's going on? ~ Administrator said...

Kate never uses a real camera even at birthdays. It's a shame and she'll regret it or they will someday.

Fools In Love said...

I'm sorry, Tweet! We were posting at the same time. I don't understand, though, why Kate would do this. She must know that the origins of these photos can be found. Why not just take her own picture of footprints on the beach? It's not that difficult.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 151
Any good detectives out there. It looks like Kate's am pic that they took isn't her's at all:

@Kateplusmy8 is such a fraud. Here is where beach pic came from.


The link goes to an Amazon photo. Hmmmmmm

We shouldn't be surprised I mean Kate likes to steal things.

Once a Viewer said...

LOLOLOL/ Kaught, Kate! Good work, Tweet and Fools.
That's hilarious. "Typical" if I may say so.

Kate is Krazy said...

haha, someone should post that on her twitter. Why would she risk being humiliated. wonder if she plagiarized in nursing school too?

Kate is Krazy said...

or maybe she did take it...4 years ago!Sold it to amazon...nah.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

It IS posted on her Twitter. I want to know how it was found. I'm really surprised she'd post something that could easily be traced.

Anonymous said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 151
Any good detectives out there. It looks like Kate's am pic that they took isn't her's at all:

@Kateplusmy8 is such a fraud. Here is where beach pic came from.


The link goes to an Amazon photo. Hmmmmmm


So what? It's a link to Amazon the data storage site, not "the" Amazon. It's like saying that someone's picture isn't theirs because the link goes to Photobucket.

Kate is a twit said... is a data storage service that amazon provides. Kate probably uses this site to store all the pictures that she shows on twitter. If you click on any of the pictures that Kate has tweeted, and then click "properties", you will see that all of the URL's for her pictures begin with this link.

These include previous pictures taken of the children, so, no she is not copying pictures from somewhere else.

Kate is Krazy said...

her twitter photos are linked to photo sharing, not amazon. I meant share on twitter the photo is fake, if it is.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

So what? It's a link to Amazon the data storage site, not "the" Amazon. It's like saying that someone's picture isn't theirs because the link goes to Photobucket.

Not sure about that. That's why I'm asking for information.

Once a Viewer said...

Twit: oh, ok. Thanks. seemed like something she would do so I jumped to that conclusion. Sorry, Kate.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate is a twit, thanks. I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Glad I asked.

White Organza said...

Chef (143) ... It IS a weird face. isn't it?

Part of it, -mainly the area around the lower eyelids-, I think, is some kind of botox or whatever else you can inject into your face these days.

As to those two long lines descending from the bridge of her nose down to each side of her mouth, well... I have a very close friend who's been battling anorexia for years now, and that's how her face looks when she's not controlling it well. (One can clearly notice the same lines in some of Karen Carpenter's pictures.)

I'm also coming out of the TV closet and admit proudly that I'm a channel surfer. I like the "roulette" side of it. Sometimes you land on real gems, like "River Monsters" (Jeremy Wade... Ahhh...), "Anatomy of a portrait" or "The Audition at the Met" and you're surprised by an excellent evening you never expected when you sat down in front of the TV with your cup of tea. It's like being offered an unexpected present. Of course, sometimes, you end up on real clonkers that you can't stop watching all the while telling yourself you could be reading a good book. But it's all part of TV roulette fun. "You get what you get and you don't get upset! "

Kate is Krazy said...

doesn't mention amazon but I guess your'e right Twit.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate is Krazy, the link I posed above shows Amazon:

Unfortunately, the Twitter non fans will now be saying it's a fake and Kate used a stock photo.

Kate is a twit said...

For those who still may be doubting-this is the link to the picture of the kids sitting on the floor watching TV.

This is's website:

If you go to's home page, and scroll down to the bottom, you'll see that Amazon Web Services is part of

I'm not one to defend Kate by any means, but some people on twitter really go overboard with their conspiracy theories. I just wanted to give the people here the facts about the pictures.

Once a Viewer said...

I wonder how the Buschkoetter Farm is doing now and if Darrel has his dad's land.

The girls and Juanita look like they are doing well.Darrel has a new wife, so I hope he's doing ok also.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate is a Twit, thanks!! I don't like to see anyone go off half-cocked, but unfortunately I'm not sure the Twitter non fans are going to get the message.

Kate is a twit said...

Sorry, to correct my above post-this is Amazon Web Services site:

chefsummer #Leh said...

Taylor Wilson ✌ ‏@itsoktobehappy
@Kateplusmy8 I think it's sad you're leaving your kids to go on some reality show to find a boyfriend. fame whore much?

2h Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned?

Fools In Love said...

Whether it is an internet photo or her photo, why are the footprints those of an adult? No child has feet that big or a stride that wide. It would have been much cuter to take a photo of children's feet in the sand.

Unless I'm missing something...

Sweet Tart said...

Now a mother is "lazy" if she doesn't use a "real decent camera?" Wow. Just wow. How is pulling a phone out of your purse to snap a pic "less lazy" than pulling a point and shoot camera out and doing the same?

Agree with this sentiment (sediment? lol). I have a nice digital camera - unfortunately, it goes through battery life like nobody's business. I can't tell you how many times I hoped to get pictures of a special event only to have the darn thing die on me. So I now rely on my phone's camera, to at least get some pictures of different events rather than none at all.

There is a lot to find fault for in Kate - but I think using the camera in her phone is a bit on the nit-picky side.

She's come undone said...

I just read that chef. Lesson learned??? Really??? Arrogant much Kate? This woman is such a tool and really does have such a high opinion of herself. She is nauseating.

And don't you all find it funny that her famous "determination" is going by the wayside and she doesn't even realize it? Remember when she used to say 'I will never back down' and 'I'm determined to never give up'? Now almost every day she says or does something that was suggested on here. For instance, taking the kids on a vacation? Voila, they're on a vacation. I can't even remember all of the things she has addressed that was on this blog. Yeah Kate, we all know you are a bitch!

Sheri said...

Admin said...(140)

"It's getting to be so that the grainy pics from our childhoods are going to be just as good as the pics taken by these lazy mothers taking a bunch of cell phone pics all the time and never busting out with a real decent camera anymore."

My iPhone's built in camera is ten times better than my 12 year old digital camera. We could not afford both a new cell and a new camera so we compromised. Not lazy, but not wealthy either.

Besides, my iPhone took some excellent pictures of Niagara Falls that even I was surprised by, especially because I'm the one that took them...I have very little photography skill.

Just sayin'.

KAT said...

Tell that idiot to shove that "lesson learned" up her ass...Sorry...The weather is getting to me...

Winsomeone said...

Ipad's take lovely pictures.

KAT said...

She can use that "determination" crap for another 10 years....nobody's buying it....only her pathetic fans who have nothing else to live for.. ~ Administrator said...

The new iPhone has the best camera built into a phone there is, but I don't understand why Kate's pics are always so grainy and dim. Maybe she is zooming in or shaking it. That can make even a good camera take bad photos. As a photography nerd it kills me to see Facebook filled with grainy smartphone pics of kids. We have such great and cheap cameras out there. To each his own I guess.

KAT said...

Oooops..corection...shove it up her FLAT ass...sorry for the error...

librarylady said...

Lesson learned???

LOL, I laughed when I saw that - because Kate says it, it's become a lesson somehow, and they had to have learned it? ha ha! I'm pretty sure the orginal tweeter isn't exactly "reformed" by Kate's "lesson"

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned?

Okay Kate here are the facts that YOU said.

1. I would do a dating show.
2. I would travel around the world to find love on my dating show.
3. I can't meet men cause I'm to busy but if I get a dating show I would do it.
4. The kids are all ways asking me when will I date.
5. The kids are asking consistently asking when will I date.

So did I get the facts wrong or did I mishear you from YOUR interviews?

Once a Viewer said...

oy, Kate is so arrogant with her 'lesson learned.' She could learn quite a few.

Sheri said...

Actually, Hubby has a blackberry, awful for taking pictures and on our trip I got him to take a few pics with my iPhone, they all turned out horrid. No offense to him of course but I think the iPhone is a bit tempermental and it's really easy to take out of focus shots. I've learned to make sure it's good and focused before clicking.

Believe me, if I could afford a Canon, I'd have one. ;)

foxy said...

That photo of the footprints is her take of Footprints in the Sand. A story of how Jesus did not desert you, but carried you, therefore only one set of foot prints are in the sand.

Anonymous said...

oh channel surfing- my pet peeve- I abhor it!! I put it on a channel and put down the remote and that channel will stay there for days, LOL!! It drives my family nuts! Otherwise I put it on the guide channel and read what's coming on, at the hour, mind you, and change it then. NEVER, EVER, does the channel get changed during commercials, because god forbid if you flip it back to my channel after the show comes back on, I lose my mind, LOL!! Like I said, pet peeve. And, to make it worse, I am not even watching tv most of the time, it's usually on for background noise, like a radio, but you still had better not change the channel. I have been known to hide the remotes as well as take the batteries out. Bad, I know, but it's for my sanity. But put me in the car and I flip the radio like there's no tomorrow- good grief! We all have our quirks (I hope) - my two cents on channel surfing.

fidosmommy said...

Buddy said... 110
I hate when posters lie and say they were "channel surfing" and landed upon a show. Please . . . just come clean and say you wanted to watch it. We all know you didn't land on it by accident.


Excuse me? My cable company just did a major
upgrade and changed all the channel numbers. What used to be channel 6 is now channel 9 for instance. So, in order to see what is where, I ran the entire roll of channels. Isn't that called channel surfing, to see what's on?

Get over yourself, Buddy. I was off BooBoo's show as fast as I got onto it. I only know that girl's feet smell like Fritos. Nothing more.

Once a Viewer said...

Do you think it's Ashley in the water with the kids in the newest twit pic?

wayward said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned?

I agree, what a condescending bitch.

Hey Gosselinbook? Helloooooooo {{clapclap}} Hurry up with that book so we can read ALL of these actual facts and truth Kate speaks

Fenwick, Del said...

Many celebrities own places here. One I know of has a big business in Manhattan, big time hairdresser to TV personalities. Do not know if they were here last week or now, have not seen her on beach. Just think this is the place where photos were taken.
Now why wouldn't the 8 yr olds be watching the Olympics on vacation instead of going to bed? Does not make sense, kids should be able to stay up late if it is a vacation, like past 7 or 8 pm.
This woman is mean. Has she detached herself even more from the 6? Seems that way to us.
Who the hell is watching Honey Boo Boo? Please, come on, don't watch that sick humor. Please don't. Disgusting.

Wowser said... her arrogant tweet response "lesson learned?" was just a confirmation to the tweeter that she does NOT have a tv show in the works and that the lesson learned (right from Kate's mouth) is: she will go to every tv interview and mag rag and lie through her teeth but if you call her out on things that SHE herself said that do not come to fruition and BELIEVE what she herself said, then the lesson learned was: YOU CAN'T BELIEVE ANYTHING SHE SAYS!! Lol. You are such a tool Kate.

Pulling The Wool said...

Buddy said --

"I hate when posters lie and say they were "channel surfing" and landed upon a show."


I hate when posters call other posters liars. I channel surf to find out what's on the tube. So sue me.

"We all know you didn't land on it by accident."


Who is "we all?" Is there a faction of clandestine operatives/covert agents staked out here that they know what was an accident and what was deliberate? Is this part of the Nielsen survey?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Wowser said... 193 her arrogant tweet response "lesson learned?" was just a confirmation to the tweeter that she does NOT have a tv show in the works and that the lesson learned (right from Kate's mouth) is: she will go to every tv interview and mag rag and lie through her teeth but if you call her out on things that SHE herself said that do not come to fruition and BELIEVE what she herself said, then the lesson learned was: YOU CAN'T BELIEVE ANYTHING SHE SAYS!! Lol. You are such a tool Kate.

Kate's just butt hurt that someone called her out on her BS plain & simple.

Buddy said...

The "we" are the posters who know that when you say you were channel surfing and just "accidentally" landed on a show that you REALLY did not want to watch but since you just happened to "land" there, oh well, might as well watch it? LOL Too funny. A lot the GWOP people would do that when Kate's show was still on TLC. Funny how their remote would just "land" on TLC at the exact time Kate's show was on. Things that make you go hmmmm. ~ Administrator said...

Buddy, while I agree that some people may intentionally look for train wrecks to watch, it's pretty silly to accuse people of that when many other people channel surf on a regular basis. It's prime time when many people are relaxing for the night with the remote. A great many people are channel surfers or we wouldn't have a term for it. Half the programs I watch or more were found surfing. Just because that's not yor tv habit doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Now please stop insulting the posters here.

Kate is a twit said...

I don't care where Kate and the kids are. I am happy that the kids were able to get away from their home and enjoy some days at the beach.

What bothers me is that Kate not only has to publicize that she "budgeted" for a beach vacation, she has to tweet about it and take pictures.

She's so worried about the paps finding out where she is and taking pictures. Yet, she is acting the same as the paps-taking pictures of her kids and publishing them for the world to see. She's no better than they are.

I feel sorry for the kids-they can't even get any privacy, due to Paparazzi Kate.

Pulling The Wool said...

"No offense to him of course but I think the iPhone is a bit tempermental and it's really easy to take out of focus shots. I've learned to make sure it's good and focused before clicking."


Interesting. Maybe it depends on the iPhone. I used mine on a trip overseas and got the most amazing photos of landmarks in London and Paris, and some of the best photos in Venice I've ever seen. Nobody believes they were taken with an iPhone. They look like they were done by a professional. In fact, they were better than the photos my daughter took with her not-too-shabby digital.

I guess you never know what you're going to get, but you don't get upset even when your pink iPhone shows its temperamental side!

Buddy said...

Okay Admin, I will stop. I just find it funny that people say that. It's not like your remote control has a mind of its own. If I pass a show that I think it stupid, I keep going. I don't stop. Maybe that's just me. I used to get annoyed at the people on GWOP who would continuously claim to not give Kate's show any ratings by not watching and then lo and behold, their remote would someone "land" on that show at just the right time. Or their dog would sit on the remote and change the channel, or whatever. It's was just amazingly clear that these peoplel who claimed they would not give her ratings were just not able to control themselves and would watch but make up some stupid excuse as to why they did watch. That's all.

KAT said...

She just wants to brag about where she is staying...she's at a beach house..BIG DEAL..I had a beach house on the water in Florida. I didn't have to announce it to the world on twitter. I'm sure MY beach house was more beautiful than hers...all marble and granite. Take that and stick it Kate..we all don't have to parade what we have in front of everyone. You're a sick twisted woman....especially when she knows darn well that those fans of hers probably can't even afford teeth....Ha

tate said...

Kate says not to judge without facts and the truth. Gee, she has always been so truthful and presented the facts hasn't she? "I have a purse full of bills that I can't pay. Boo Hoo. I've never had plastic surgery. I just bought a good bra."

As someone said above, the facts about the dating show are that there won't be one and she won't be traveling the globe on someone else's dime.

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