Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: When a reality show tells a truly important story

This week: Part One will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 1 this week, Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here.

The Farmer's Wife first aired on PBS in 1998, a three part documentary, which was in essence a reality show, following three years in the life of Nebraska farmer Darrel Buschkoetter, and his strong but tender-hearted wife Juanita, along with their three sweet young girls.

The Farmer's Wife is one of the few great reality shows to ever grace our small screens. The Farmer's Wife had it all: tough, sincere characters, and a compelling story of hard work and perseverance in small-town America. Heartbreak, struggle, a marriage on the rocks, and the hope to keep a vanishing tradition alive drives this story.

Filmaker David Sutherland originally intended to profile several farming families in Nebraska. However as the project progressed, he became captivated with Juanita's story, and revamped the entire project to focus on her. Said Sutherland"She spoke from her heart, and her love for her husband Darrel's dream touched me deeply."

In the first episode, Juanita reflects on the plans they used to have to have six children. However it turned out three were all they could afford. Although Darrel never said so, Juanita worried he longed for a boy. And yet, said Juanita, "Sometimes I'm almost relieved we don't have a boy ... I'd be scared if we had a boy, he'd be the same way, and I don't know what the future for farming is."

Juanita's soft-spoken candor, and love and dedication to her family and to the farm, was a beautiful character study.

Most reality television out there has been better suited for the dust bin. Most stories need not and often should not be shared. Reality T.V. should just go away, especially shows that feature unprotected children. But once in a great while, a story comes along that should be told. Juanita's story does just that, capturing a moment in time in the late 1990's where a way of life in middle America was fading away, never to be the same again. Sutherland's series is both heartbreakingly tragic and inexplicably beautiful. Enjoy.

1731 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1200 of 1731   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

This isn't GWOP and we're not talking about watching Kate's show so your point is moot.

Wowser said...

Kat: but don't you understand? Kate explained it on her one-sided interview during the Blogher weekend...she is trying to appease the MASSES of fans who have been begging her to do a followup show. Kate announces everything they do because she will disappoint the masses if she doesn't. She does it to prevent the mob scenes that would occur at target and the movie theater if the masses did not know what was going on with her. Get with the program Kat! Lol

Mollyikins said...

Why is it only the boys and one of the younger girls on the floor? Which poor girl has been knocked down to boy status by Kate and the other girls?

Dwindle said...

"lesson learned?" in Kate speak means "Are you properly in your place now, since I have lowered myself to spout a says-nothing platitude at you? Dont ever forget again how beneath me you are. okkkkkkk???"

Yes, I used to channel surf when I had cable and if I saw it was a reality show of any kind I 'arrowed up' as fast as I could. I started gaping at the Gosselins because it was orignally presented as a documentary or 2 and they fooled me for a whole season. And I watched Dangerous Catch until Phil died.

Years and years ago, I watched the first episode of the first season of Survivor and thought to myself "This reality crap is gonna kill TV as we know it. Hopefully it is just a phase." Over the years I have watched ONE single epi of DWTS because I wanted to see Lisa Rinna; I watched ONE single epi of Idol because my daughter was all a-buzz about Chris Daughtry. That's it. Name it and I havent watched it ever.

I HATE the modern day televised versions of the carnival freak show, where folks deform themselves mentally, and humiliate their families, in order to get the biggest tent and charge a quarter instead of a dime to see them act out. It's disgusting and I wont watch a 6 year old propped up as a stage show at a circus. Wont do it.

Full disclosure: I do watch RuPaul's Drag Race.

Mostly i wish folks wouldnt watch this junk in any of it's forms. It is creating a whole 'entitled' TV culture, it gives regular normal folks some kind of permission to act like bad mannered Divas. It's got people harming themselves and each other trying to get a TV show out it. I wish the whole concept would die a death already because I think it is hurting real people. But that is just my meager opinion and if others are entertained by it, I luv ya anyway. :))

OrangeCrush said...

So how many not a nannies are with her do ya think? I see 2 adults in the water, neither the shape of Skeevie. She really does sound relaxed, or at least hydrated with adult beverage, which means she's not actually watching and interacting with her children. Perhaps this a real vacay for them.

Once a Viewer said...

I still think it might be Ashley & a boyfriend? Or the guy might just be anther swimmer, although Kate did say 'friends' plural so idk!

Amy2 said...

Dwindle, I must admit that I watch reality shows, though not as many as before. Some of them are so awful, even for me.

I am now hooked on NCIS because of the great story lines and character development. It doesn't hurt either that Mark Harmon is easy on the eyes.

My point is scripted shows have had a hard time getting TV slots because of the large amount of reality shows which are cheap to produce. The scripted shows make the viewers use their minds, and concentrate on a story line. REality shows require no effort from the viewer. I truly hope that these reality shows start to fade away and that scripted shows come back into vogue.

Rhymes with Witch said...

White Organza said... 166

Fellow surfer here! Recently I landed on an incredible Beatles retrospective. Riveting and fun! This is also how I came across a Mad Men marathon and became addicted to the show.

Sadly, it is also how I came across JK&8. Sigh.

fidosmommy said...

LOVE NCIS! I also love the Law and Order franchise. Those were the shows I was looking for (USA channel) when I was surfing. I went back to the Olympics, which I am thoroughly enjoying still.

Carezee said...

The picture with the footprints in the sand look like they may belong to Kate. It looks like she walked on the beach and then if you look to the end of those footprints they seem to circle around.

Summerwind said...

Organza said, "Fellow surfer here! Recently I landed on an incredible Beatles retrospective. Riveting and fun! This is also how I came across a Mad Men marathon and became addicted to the show."


Surfing Safari here, too! I surfed and found an incredible documentary on Lincoln and his generals, as well as one on the search for J.Wilkes Booth. I stumbled on them by accident. I also landed on some very interesting documentaries about the JFK conspiracy and the Warren Commission, and one on Kennedy's secret service details, with narratives by the agents who were assigned to protect him...some very good revelations about what happened that day by those close to him and how he told the agents to "back off."

I think I'll hang ten and do a little surfing before dinner. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Kate is a twit said...

Another NCIS lover here! By the way, Michael Weatherly is going to be appearing in a few episodes of the new TNT show "Major Crimes", which is a spin-off of "The Closer".

I,too, am a surfer. That's how I found NCIS, Criminal Minds, and many other shows. That was also how I found the Bill Moyers interview with the director of "You've Been Trumped".

I consider channel surfing to be a form of "window shopping"-stopping for a look, and if you find something interesting, you go into the store for further inspection.

SeeSaw said...

Slightly OT regarding ratings. Surf, watch intentionally, DVR, whatever. It doesn't contribute to a show's ratings UNLESS you are a Nielson-connected household with a Nielson box or book (not sure books are used anymore, though). I work in the cable industry. There is NO WAY to track every show being watched in every household; in fact, it's illegal for cable companies to collect and share that information. Ratings are developed by sample (just like a survey). If 5% of Nielson-connected homes are watching, then it's assumed that 5% of all TV homes are. It's actually pretty accurate. Bottom line, unless you specifically signed up with Nielson (and you would know if you have), you can watch without worrying about contributing to ratings.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Okay, forget surfers anonymous. I vote for SURFERS UNITE!

amyf said...

Kate is a twit said... 198
I don't care where Kate and the kids are. I am happy that the kids were able to get away from their home and enjoy some days at the beach.
We can only hope the kids are able to ENJOY their trip. Kate has always appeared to suck all the fun out of things that should have been enjoyable. And to whoever thinks that Ashley might be in the picture, I'm hoping not. I hope she stuck to her guns about Kate and gets to actually ENJOY spending some time with the kids while they're with Jon

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 96

I wonder if one of these days anyone will try to pursue a fraud claim against Kate for misrepresenting her situation. I actually think some of the church people might have a case, depending on exactly what Kate and Jon said.

I'll bet when Katie Irene was younger and she saw those Offering Plates going up and down the pews filling up with all that money it set those little hamster wheels spinning in her head. Fast forward a few years and there she is and she even found someone to help her.

What Kate and Jon did was almost like the well-dressed beggar scam... They went in front of the church people and said look at us, we're a decent family and we'd like to be able to keep our kids in decent clothes and feed them. It's just that there are so many of them. Help us out will you and we'll be back on our feet in no time. Then they went home and counted the cash and decided if it works in one church it'll work in another.

Yeah. I'd like to see them made accountable for taking advantage of the generosity of caring people. What they did was dishonest and about as close to illegal as they could get. Even though Jon backed off I think they owe all the people they ripped off more than an apology. Kate should go to jail for perpetuating the scam all these years. Now that would be a lesson learned.

Of course the good Christian folk would rather not take any kind of action against them and just forget about it. That is exactly what Kate knew they would do too and that's why she got away with it.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

" Or their dog would sit on the remote and change the channel, or whatever."


My dog does change the channel. If I'm on the sofa watching television, I get up to do something and forget to take the remote off the cushions, when I come back and sit down, I'll find that the set is on a different channel. At first I thought it was a ghost who didn't like what I was watching. I still can't figure out how the dog manages to hit only the channel button, but never the power button or any of the other gizmos on the remote!

What's Next? said...

chefsummer said... 173
Taylor Wilson ✌ ‏@itsoktobehappy
@Kateplusmy8 I think it's sad you're leaving your kids to go on some reality show to find a boyfriend. fame whore much?

2h Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned?

So which is Kate more upset about...being called a famewhore or that the reality dating show isn't happening?

Pray tell, Kate, what are the facts and truth? Tell us ALL the info and while you're at it answer Milo's question about Shoka. How is Shoka? Whose feeding Shoka while you are all on vacay?

chefsummer #Leh said...

@itsoktobehappy you're pathetic. you don't know who she is and it's sad that you believe rumors. stop hating and get a reality check.

Yeah Paige she's the pathetic one here.

Kate said it herself that she wants to go on tv to find her man while traveling around the world.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Speaking of the church scams, I hope Robert has a few chapters devoted to this in his book. I know he reads here -- WHEN IS THE BOOK COMING OUT? Just a hint, please? Or at least pop in here to let us know you're still well and alive...

librarylady said...

For those who were commenting earlier on the Honey Boo Boo show, this is quite an insightful look at the writer's take on the family and some commentary on TLC. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that this family is a bit more savvy than TLC tries to portray.

Oldtimer said...

Been 'round the G blogs almost since the beginning and want to offer my take on the questions surroundin' Milo.

She is a long time poster on the fan blogs, assuredly female. Lives somewhere in the south and needs to get the g key on her computer

No insight available regarding her apparent obsession with KG.

Anonymous said...

Pity Party,
I just watched Honey Boo Boo on the TLC site- she IS adorable :)

I grew up around train tracks, at times, too but in the big city. You get used to it. I also had the freeway in my backyard once and I lived less than a mile from LAX- those planes came in low and loud. I didnt mind it. I never had the train that close to my house though, I wonder if it rattles their dishes- LOL
TLC is playing up the redneck aspect, but I think that's all they too play up. The family so far doesn't seem to have much else to draw an audience in. They should just focus on Honey Boo Boo and her pageants for now, if they must keep that family on tv.

anger issues kate said...

Warmth in the sun: someone posted on Kate's CC blog that the book is coming out tomorrow.

As for the minute I saw of Honey Bo Bo, she is a Bo Bo. The kid is not cute either, she is obnoxious, and most of the time silly and you can't understand her(they do sub-titles).( I saw her on T & T). She has poor speaking skills for a 6 year & poor social skills(saw her on Anderson). I hope this show disappears as fast as it came on. TLC Exploiting again. This is pure trash.

Eden would is cute, but the kid is annoying, as is her mother. The kid sings this song Cuttie Puttie, 2 sec of this song you want to duck tape this kid and put ear plugs in. Thank God that show did not make it.

AuntieAnn said...

foxy said... 187

That photo of the footprints is her take of Footprints in the Sand. A story of how Jesus did not desert you, but carried you, therefore only one set of foot prints are in the sand.

Kate probably WILL market it for a calendar pic, thinking she's got a unique photo. Just google 'footprints in the sand' and have a gander at all the images. There's only about two million of them.

Layla said...

2h Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned?
Okay, so does this mean Kate is going to give everyone the "facts"? Let's hear it! Or is she saying that nobody is ever allowed to judge her--ever, ever, ever--because they don't know the so-called facts?
Sorry, Kate, nobody is above being judged--NOBODY. Especially if you put your whole life out there for public consumption. If there's "facts" that need to be shared, well, let's hear it. ~ Administrator said...

If she ignored the dating show rumors that's one thing. But she's actively encouraged them. People have every right to judge when she made it clear she would do a dating show.

TLC stinks said...

That young man in the picture possibly Steve's son?

Fools In Love said...

TLC is playing up the redneck aspect, but I think that's all they too play up.


Maybe Milo should send them an audition tape of herself.

Oldtimer - any insight into the "facility" or her Lights Out Man?

Kate is a twit said...

From an article about Honey Boo Boo's show:

"But the family hasn't received the best feedback on Honey Boo Boo's pageantry. When asked about exploiting the 6-year-old in "Daisy Dukes" and cut-off shirts, Shannon said she's not to blame for "perverts" looking at her child."

The perverts wouldn't be looking if you didn't put your child out there.

And another quote:

"We're just not like a boring family. We like to have fun and we do whatever pops in our head to a certain extent," Shannon said. "People may call it crazy, but we just call it fun, anything to spend time with one another and pass the time."

Hmm-does this sound familar?

Both shows got over 2 mil viewers last night. Will be interesting to see if those numbers hold up.

anger issues kate said...

kate is a twit: a lot of the comments were not good for Honey bo Bo , only one thought the show was good. That person must be on drugs, or drinking something. .

Oldtimer said...

Oldtimer - any insight into the "facility" or her Lights Out Man? 30

None, sorry.

Carezee said...

As far as that picture of the footprints in the sand goes. I think those are Kate's flintstone feet. Notice how they go so far and then circle back around. I think she walked the beach and then came back and took the picture. What do you guys think?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

If nothing else, sheeple comments really are good for a laugh:

@Kateplusmy8 , TLC took off Kate plus 8 & that Honey Bo Bo a show. Kate you need to go and teach her mom class, gracefulness and manners

jackie uh-O said...

Summerwind have u ever seen JFK by Olive Stone? If so check this out

Anonymous said...

If this shows up a couple of times I am sorry. I tried posting under my name. It says it does and then never show up.

My thoughts on the footprint in the sand picture. I think they are Kate's Flintstone feet. Notice how they go so far and then make a uurn back. I think she walked the beach and circled back to take that picture. Hence the large footprints.


AuntieAnn said...

@Kateplusmy8 , TLC took off Kate plus 8 & that Honey Bo Bo a show. Kate you need to go and teach her mom class, gracefulness and manners

Is there another Kate Gosselin somewhere? Because the only one I saw was gauche, clumsy and ill-mannered.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Another one of Kate's Nonsensical Tweets:

@itsoktobehappy well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned? about 4 hours ago

*That was in response to this tweet:

xxxxxxxx I think it's sad you're leaving your kids to go on some reality show to find a boyfriend. fame whore much?


In other words, there is no show to speak of.

Simple. BUT it's easier for Kate to be cryptic, than to come out and say that no one is interested in going near her.

Buddy said...

Well, surfers, at least you don't say your dog sat on the remote and changed the channel to TLC or something equally idiotic.

Fascinated observer said...

Admin..did you really just rag on the use of a cellphone to take a photo? The grainy photos from our childhood were probably taken with the technology that was available at the time. Camera phones take great photos and I am so glad that I usually have it with me when I see something special.

ProudPammy said...

I just finished reading the Jacey Duggard book. Do the fans realize that her captor and rapist was a BIG FAN of TLC shows, including Jon and Kate plus 8?

Blankenship knew his audience and procurred himself the dream job for a sicko.

Of course, the "fans" think Blankenship and Garrido are just a fluke. No other perverts would enjoy watching THIER Gosselins, would they?

Let us not forget the picture of Hannah with her pants down and dress pulled up. This is in a published book by HER MOTHER. Yeah, perverts dreams are being fulfilled by THEIR MOTHER.

Fans, you picked a losing horseface. When you ask "She can't win no matter what" it's because she's a LOSER, ABUSER, and has less talent than my pinky toe.

I can't help but think all the fans are total losers in life too. Marrying for support, getting pregnant for a ring, stupid women with no career ambitions and just dropping children to ignore while they worship scum.

Sounds right to me. Poor Sheeple children. The must be the saddest kids on the planet.

OrangeCrush said...

I have a Droid, husband has an Iphone, my phone takes better pictures. No clue why.

BitterAnnie said...

Honey Boo Boo is trending on Yahoo!

Kate Gosselin is not.

Honey Boo Boo has her own SHOW!

Kate Gosselin does not.

Honey Boo Boo is now on the Soup.

Kate Gosselin is no longer on the Soup.

Honey Boo Boo's family gets a PAYCHECK from TLC and all new freebies and sponsors.

Kate Gosselin, not so much.

Once a Viewer said...

amyf said... 17

I was the one suggesting it might be Ashley, as the girl sort of looked like her from a distance- but I agree with you in hoping it isn't...I hope she is still keeping her distance from Kate. But she's big-hearted so who knows. She does love the kids, it was obvious, and vice versa. ~ Administrator said...

Fascinate observer for whatever reason Kate can't seem to take high quality photos with her camera. Of course our childhood photos were the best we could do with the technology at the time. This is not the best Kate can do. Or is it? Now that scary.

KAT said...

Ashley, Deanna, Jaime....wheres her family? Maybe I'm from another planet but when we go on a's usually with family. Is this the best she can do...A babysitter who can't stand her...a makeup artist she met through TLC or some friend who doesn't even have custody of her own kids? This is who she is left with...there are numerous Aunts, Uncles, nieces, nephews, mother, father, brother, sisters etc..etc..just a ridiculous situation...why would anyone isolate themselves like this?

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"Is there another Kate Gosselin somewhere? Because the only one I saw was gauche, clumsy and ill-mannered."


I will never forget her table manners. I remember when she was in a restaurant with both arms on the table, digging around with her fork while her elbow was propping her up. I know that her table manners at home were bad, but one would think she would at least make an effort when she was out in public. At the time I wondered if her manners improve if she is with other celebrities, eating with them before a gala event, in Hollywood, at an upscale restaurant or wherever...or if she still ate with both arms on the table as she took the dish to her mouth when she ate.

Jessie2 said...

these lazy mothers taking a bunch of cell phone pics all the time and never busting out with a real decent camera anymore.

Lazy mothers?! You're kidding right? Have you any idea how many mothers you've pissed off today? Holy judgemental.

Faithful posters here deserve an apology. ~ Administrator said...

Jessie my intent was clear. If you have a good camera as Kate does but are too lazy to bother with it yea you're lazy. If you dont have another camera or have been successful taking good pics, as kate has not, or whatnot that's different.

I never said all mothers who use a cell phone camera are lazy. For heaven sake I use mine all the time when an unexpected photo op comes up. But for vacations and special events I don't understand why you wouldn't bring along a camera if you have one. Which we know Kate does.

Believe me kids will appreciate nice pics when they are older. Be it a cell or a camera to get them.

fidosmommy said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 49
"Is there another Kate Gosselin somewhere? Because the only one I saw was gauche, clumsy and ill-mannered."


I will never forget her table manners. I remember when she was in a restaurant with both arms on the table, digging around with her fork while her elbow was propping her up. I know that her table manners at home were bad, but one would think she would at least make an effort when she was out in public. At the time I wondered if her manners improve if she is with other celebrities, eating with them before a gala event, in Hollywood, at an upscale restaurant or wherever...or if she still ate with both arms on the table as she took the dish to her mouth when she ate.


Kate ATE????

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"Kate ATE????"


lol! Well, um, she jabbed at it, shoveled it into her mouth, but we didn't actually see her swallow it. So I guess it's subjective, anyone's call as to whether she actually ATE it!

Buddy said...

Kay . . . I'm very happy that you are so close to your family, but not everyone has that in their lives, including me. That doesn't make me a bad person, or does it?

too big for your britches said...

Now please stop insulting the posters here.


But it's ok to call mothers with cellphone cameras 'lazy'?? The hypocrisy astounds. ~ Administrator said...

But it's ok to call mothers with cellphone cameras 'lazy'?? The hypocrisy astounds.


Your reading comprehension astounds. I never said all mothers who use cell phone cameras are lazy. In fact I use one! I said mothers who NEVER PULL OUT THEIR CAMERA are lazy. I'm not talking about mothers who don't have a camera, or mothers who have good reasons not to pull out their camera like it loses battery charge fast. Kate is lazy and she's shown this over and over. Kate has a nice camera, just doesn't want to be bothered to use it.

Kate runs a BLOG. There is no excuse not to own and pull out a real camera. The pics she takes for her blog are shameless. They are blurry, grainy and have giant flash reflections in them. Very few successful mommy blogs make it on just a blurry cell phone pics. It's in her best interest to put in a TINY bit of effort to produce better pics. Hold the cell phone camera steady. Compose the pics. Turn off the flash. Simple things will help. I'm not changing my mind that she is lazy. I certainly do not think all people who use cell phones are lazy much less even the majority. Many people here posted they were able to take great cell phone pics--awesome. Kate cannot.

mama mia said...

Robert Hoffman,where is your book? If you can share there is a book, and Kate's lawyers are trying to pause you from releasing it, you can fill us in on why your book has not been released. Better yet, just leave the highlights over here, and we'll discuss amongst ourselves. ~ Administrator said...

Just looked at today's pic. It's sad to me the helpers are in the water with the kids and not Kate.

too big for your britches said...

You said 'THESE mothers'. Not Kate. Not mothers without cameras.

Nice attempt to backtrack. ~ Administrator said...

Just checked the blog stats. Blog hits are way up for the Farmer's Wife post. That makes me smile for some reason!

Fools In Love said...

I always like a good mystery, but this one confuses me...the footprints photo. The non-fans on Twitter claim she stole it and they provided a link. Someone on here says it's stored on a Amazon site where Kate keeps her pictures, so she didn't steal it. Preesi posted that it's a sample pic from a camera review six years ago that Kate took off the web. Is there anyone who can make any sense out of this? Kate claims she took the photo. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not going to argue with you Britches. The kids will be the ones wondering why all their childhood pics are so crappy, it won't be my problem. I don't mean to insult anyone here. Everyone does the best they can here I have no doubt of that. Kate does not do her best for her children, not even close, and you darn well know it.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 51
Jessie my intent was clear. If you have a good camera as Kate does but are too lazy to bother with it yea you're lazy. If you dont have another camera or have been successful taking good pics, as kate has not, or whatnot that's different.

I never said all mothers who use a cell phone camera are lazy. For heaven sake I use mine all the time when an unexpected photo op comes up. But for vacations and special events I don't understand why you wouldn't bring along a camera if you have one. Which we know Kate does.

Believe me kids will appreciate nice pics when they are older. Be it a cell or a camera to get them.
I agree. If I am on vacation or it's a holiday or special occasion, I bring my camera to take pics, not my cell phone. I may end up using my cell phone as a back up, sure, but my primary tool is def my camera- I want the nicest pics possible and only my camera can deliver the quality I demand. Plus they can be blown up larger than what my cell phone takes, but who knows with ever advancing technology- I am sure cell phones can keep up w/cameras. But I still opt for the camera for special events.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Fools In Love said... 61
I always like a good mystery, but this one confuses me...the footprints photo. The non-fans on Twitter claim she stole it and they provided a link. Someone on here says it's stored on a Amazon site where Kate keeps her pictures, so she didn't steal it. Preesi posted that it's a sample pic from a camera review six years ago that Kate took off the web. Is there anyone who can make any sense out of this? Kate claims she took the photo.


I'm confused too. The link, which is Preesi's that you posted above doesn't prove anything to me. Does it prove anything to you?

OrangeCrush said...

I'm not sure I agree with you Admin, as I think the kids vacation is made better by the presence of the helpers. As we all know Kate is only a happy mommy when others are doing the mommying. Oh sure, it's sad in one sense, but for these kids, when mommy is happy pretending to mommy, then they all have a good time. Kate mostly likes to control and direct, so it's good she has helpers for this trip. Not how most of us parent and vacation, but I bet it's peaceful and pleasant for the G8.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 58
Just looked at today's pic. It's sad to me the helpers are in the water with the kids and not Kate.
I had the same thought. I was in the water with my kid. My mother was in the water with my siblings and me. Seems intuitive. Play with your kids. ~ Administrator said...

LOL Butterfly I'm glad to know I'm not completely crazy here. Photographers are bothered by the downgrading of cameras into little smartphones (I'm not the only one seeing all the grain!), just as filmmakers are bothered by their films being watched on small screens. Maybe it's only the artsy ones complaining. Maybe we should take our little artsy sticks out hehe. ~ Administrator said...

I had the same thought. I was in the water with my kid. My mother was in the water with my siblings and me. Seems intuitive. Play with your kids.


Play with your kids and have the nanny take the pic. Genius!

Fools In Love said...

admin -- why is this troll picking on you? All of her/his anger is directed at you. It seems like she/he is just hanging on here in anticipation of calling you out on something you say. I don't know why you respond. You've been more than patient. I'd just ignore it.
I thought that some time ago you caught the troll who was doing this. Is this the same one, or another one?

OrangeCrush said...

Oh, and my mother could not swim, but she did take us to beaches with lifeguards and watched from the shore. Not having her in the water was not a big deal. ~ Administrator said...

I don't know which one it is now. They lurk waiting for the slightest little thing to pick apart then go apeshit. It's creepy. Funny how most people here are perfectly capable of expressing agreement or disagreement like grown adults all day long month after month. It's a shame one or two can't handle it. ~ Administrator said...

Orange but Kate CAN swim. Why is she not playing with her kids? Every pic is of them in the water or watching TV, not Kate. I'm sure your mom found many other ways to interact with you in any case if she couldn't swim--Kate does not.

But in the sense of the nannies acting as buffers, I do agree with that.

franky said...


You are my new hero ( sorry Auntie Anne) LOL

I do watch Big Brother and Survivor though. The social and strategy interest me. Cut off cable last year and 6 channels (3 french, 3 english) are enough for me.

As for the drive-by nitpickers who are insulted over one person's opinion on a blog with thousands of posts and likely hundreds of readers, not to memtion posters I say pus- shaw..whatever sheple go bleat in your own Kateiverse...I scroll by and couldn't care les about your opinion.

Just my personal thoughts=)

OrangeCrush said...

Kate CAN swim, but she CANNOT interact, their dad no doubt can do both. Their vacation would be miserable, as was last year's road trip and the Palin campout not because of location but because she was forced to interact, for the camera. Not a mind blowing revelation, but it does make sense if looked at that way. She has always needed buffers, Steve between her and other adults, Jon and the nannies between her and the kids. She is rarely home alone with them, tho she does lie to make it seem that way. IMHO.

url said...

TLC wouldn't even allow any personal family photos in their contract. There was no need for a camera. Perhaps Kart will grift for one when she returns from this vacation. I don't expect her to pay for a decent camera to use for her blogger/twitter business. Shame on her business manager for not including a camera and an additional $50,000 to use it in her CC contract. They missed the boat on that one.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

OrangeCrush said... 74 Yes, she needs buffers. Your comment makes a lot of sense.

Fools In Love said...

Tweet-le said...I'm confused too. The link, which is Preesi's that you posted above doesn't prove anything to me. Does it prove anything to you?


No. But that doesn't mean anything since I am technology-challenged. I'd just like to know if she took the picture or lifted it from the internet! She made a point of saying that "we" took it. How many people does it take to snap a picture of footprints in the sand, and if "we" didn't take it, who did?

Once a Viewer said...

I thought Kate couldn't swim? (OBX epis) She did stand in the pool though.

admin: I totally agree with you about camera- use a good one for special occasions. These phones are taking over people's lives! Sorry about the nasty comments. It's so much better when we are all laughing and getting along, and actually discussing topics, not nitpicking at others. ~ Administrator said...

Actually URL that's brilliant, she should have gotten Coupon Cabin to throw in a midline Nikon as part of her contract. Bet you other mommy bloggers have done the same. The Pioneer Woman uses a $2,000 Nikon. She is not a professional photographer, but she's self taught and getting good and when you have a blog half of the blog is about the photos you take. That much camera isn't necessary but in my opinion it's pretty standard to at least have an SLR when you are blogging seriously. But Kate doesn't take anything serious.

fidosmommy said...

Perhaps bonding only happens between 6:20 and 6:22 a.m. The rest of the time the hired help can get to know the children.

fidosmommy said...

But Kate got a camera, remember? She was snapping all kinds of pictures on their little trips hither and yon and complaining that she HATED that camera. She eventually got a new one. I don't remember if it was a Christmas gift from Jon or a viewer who took pity on her, but she got a new camera. I think I saw her using it once, then it was forgotten.

I thought Cara was the budding photographer in their family anyway.

fidosmommy said...

didn't I see this on another thread on this blog not too long ago.......

from Kate's twitter: No lie! Mady found this at a souvenir shop &bought it4me...we laughed SO hard.Kids want to know when we can grow him?! 5 minutes ago

anger issues kate said...

I truely have to laugh, about the grow your own boyfriend. A couple of weeks ago either a hater or one of her lackeys, twitted her about that. What I am laughing about is one of her own kids, is probably getting tire of Kate going on, and On about the need to get a boyfriend or a dating show. Her own kid is tryin to shut her up. LOLOLOL Way to go Mady, submarine your own mother. LOLOL

mkmom2 said...

What kind of store are they in that Mady found that and how sad that this is what her children think will make their mom happy. Mady is only 11 years old, but I think that she has Kate's number and knows that if mommy is happy, everything is good. I think it's unhealthy to believe that she's so worried about her mom finding a "new lover". If my daughter at 11 walked up to me with that, I would not be laughing and putting it on twitter. Kate really needs to seek help.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

anger issues kate said... 83
I truely have to laugh, about the grow your own boyfriend. A couple of weeks ago either a hater or one of her lackeys, twitted her about that. What I am laughing about is one of her own kids, is probably getting tire of Kate going on, and On about the need to get a boyfriend or a dating show. Her own kid is tryin to shut her up. LOLOLOL Way to go Mady, submarine your own mother. LOLOL

I think it was Emily, the teen who met Kate at one of the marathons, who tweeted a picture of one of those to Kate a while back. Kate never responded. What a coincidence.

Kelly said...

Maybe she uses the iphone so that she can immediately post her "memories" to the www. She's not maternal, only wants to play like it in an attempt to get dosh. I agree with Admin. Turn the iphone freakin off, occasionally pick up a digital camera or camcorder and perhaps throw a frisbee to your kids. If she were interested in making family memories, that's what she'd be doing instead of talking about it, on the web, to strangers. She is so transparent. All talk, no action. You're not a Mom Kate. You were a gestational carrier and now you're attempting to be some sort of talent agent. The problem is you don't have any talent and your eight matching atm's are out of the cute toddler stage. My husband and I have so many pictures and home vids of our kids. I used to struggle to get both pics and video cause my poor husband could not manage the camera. He would attempt to use the camcorder, but everything and everyone was wide angle and at a great distance. But at least he gave it a try and I appreciate that.

My Bulldozer has changed the tv channel as well. He has a way of stretching that back leg out and hitting the Directv channel key dead on. He usually ends up with some obscure shopping channel. I think he might have a problem ;)

I loved the FW. I remember watching it with my kids when they were little and we were all so inspired by it. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well. I remember not liking Darrel so much the first time I watched it, but I watched it again about a year ago (I've got it on VHS) and realized he probably did the best he could and at least he attempted counseling a couple of times. Once even on his own. I live in small town farmville myself and graduated with alot of guys like him.

Kate if you're reading this, please turn the phone to silent and spend some time with your kids. You just may surprise yourself and enjoy it. ~ Administrator said...

It's not funny Kate. Your kids need therapy. They have an unnatural preoccupation about finding you a significant other. They need to stop worrying about you.

anger issues kate said...

Kat: remember, when Kate said of her parents: they don't know how to help me? My question to that is help you do what?

I think Kate's parents were not to happy about Kate putting the babies/kids on TV. Probably the rest of the family were not crazy about it either. So for Kate either you are with me or get lost. My opinion is that Kate is always tryin to prove something, out do everyone, then almost scream look what I got, look what I can do, look I was on TV, I'm famous. Almost like tryin to say to her family, see, I'm just as important as you are, if not more. Kates, kids go to an expensive private school, Kate has to have the best furniture, best knives, kitchen redone, best frig etc, pool redone, landscaping redone, fancy cars, get the picture. I bet her family doesn't have even half of what kate has. She has got to have the best to rub it in. Attention much, bragging much. ~ Administrator said...

Back to Farmer's Wife, Darel's dad is so frustrating. He said he didn't want the kids to do 4-H because they could learn just as much at home on the farm.

He reminds me of Kate in that he's completely missing the point. It's not so much about whether you can learn 4-H things with them or elsewhere. It's about taking part in something with other children and going out in the real world. You can't replace that kind of social activity at home. It's like when Kate says there's no need to let them out into the world because they have a pool they can enjoy all summer. Completely missing the point of going out in the world.

Please said... (Administrator) said... 71
They lurk waiting for the slightest little thing to pick apart then go apeshit. It's creepy.

Admin, surely, you see the irony in what you just wrote. Lol Lol How can you say that when there are hundreds of posts about every minute thing Kate says, does, eats or dresses. Lol LOl ~ Administrator said...

Kate is a public figure putting her life out there.

We are random people.

Public figures are talked about all day long every single day all over the internet, on TV on the radio, everywhere. Kate is part of that. If she wants off at any time she is welcome to pull the plug and we'll stop just like we stopped when Jon wanted off.

Public discussion is normal. But it's CREEPY to be so obsessed with what random people say here. Creepy.

fidosmommy said...

think Kate's parents were not to happy about Kate putting the babies/kids on TV. Probably the rest of the family were not crazy about it either. So for Kate either you are with me or get lost


I remember in the Andrews Ave. house when Jon was trying to deal with the kids and Kate did not approve. Maybe it was about which shoes the kids were wearing to go in the van.
Anyway, she said to him "Either stand with me or stand against me!" There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room with her.

Buddy said...

Did Kate really say that there was no need for her kids to go out in the real world because they have a pool?

Buddy said...

Kate seems obsessed with the grow a boyfriend. Maybe a blowup boyfriend would be more appropriate

anger issues kate said...

Buddy: something to that effect. Kate, does not want the kids to be with other kids(unless Kate is helicoping near by), cause, the other kids ask questions, and her kids, probably would talk. And don't forget about someone other than Kate taking a pic of their kids and Kates, that won't happen. It was rumored that Kate does not allow the school to take any pics of her kids(for school pics), or even at any birthday party they attend or the so-called friends that come to theirs. Unless Kate takes the pic. I don't know I would want to be in my class pic! ~ Administrator said...

Yes Buddy, she believes a pool is a great alternative to the real world:

"A last important perk / cost saver of having a pool is that it’s instant entertainment in our own backyard that equals or supersedes the fun we can have at a local park or entertainment facility – at a tiny fraction of the cost!"

"Obviously, having a pool helps to cut costs of joining the local pool as many families do to beat the heat and the unavoidable long school-less days of summer."

Sherry Baby said...

(91) admin...Public discussion is normal. But it's CREEPY to be so obsessed with what random people say here. Creepy.


This person is obsessed with what YOU have to say here, admin, and I think she totally missed that in your post and is continuing her tirade of nit-picking/s##t stirring. It's getting to be annoying.

The reason posters here can agree to disagree and have respectful discussions here even if they have different opinions is because of maturity, intelligence, and good manners. Sheeple just don't get it, and never will. You can spot them a mile away.

NJGal51 said...

I think that this is just another twitisode that Kate's cooked up to show how funny She is and how they all just sit around having a good time. I remember a grow a boyfriend conversation and I'm wondering if the sheeple sent it to Kate and she's been writing this particular twitisode in her head just waiting for the right time to use it. "See Mr. Producer Man, I'm fun, I'm funny, I'm a writer and everyone loves me, please please, please give me a show!"

ncgirl said...

There can be a lot of tacky souvenir shops in tourist areas where you could find the grow a boyfriend. Maybe Kate went out shopping with the twins, her BFF's.

fidosmommy said...

Well shoot, Admin, I was just having a discussion on a public blog. Is that CREEPY or normal. If you didn't want the public to read and comment why not make it private?

I wouldn't mind in the least if you made it private, Please. Feel free.

YouWish said...

Go private? Yeah, you wish this blog wasn't so popular. Don't you?


Working Woman said...

Please 99, it's certainly not creepy for you to have a discussion on this public blog, but it is creepy for avid Kate fans to be lurking on a website that is clearly geared towards people who approve of Kate's behavior. I am not Kate's biggest fan, and I am fine with humbly expressing my opinions on this blog, but I do not regularly go on fan sites and argue with them. They have their opinions, and I am certainly not going to change them. So it is just confusing as to why her fans continue to stir shit up on this blog.

As Admin says, Kate puts herself, her life, and her children's lives out there, via twitter and on interviews. If you are going to do that, you have to expect that people are going to have all different opinions and say what they want on forums and blogs. She knows full well that that comes with the territory, yet she continues to pursue it. She can't have her cake and eat it too.

Working Woman said...

Typo on my previous post, I meant "geared towards people who disapprove of Kate's behavior" obviously

KAT said...

Buddy@54......all i know is if you have alienated every single person in your family...theres a problem somewhere. Its hard to believe every single member of her family is wrong and shes right...that just doesnt make sense...everyones situation is different...She has a history of cutting certain people out of her life. If you cant give her what she wants then you are of no use to are basically the enemy... ~ Administrator said...

KAT, as my oh so wise boss from back in the day once said, when one child is estranged I don't think much of it. But when two are I raise an eyebrow.

Basic math skills tell you the common denominator here is KATE.

AuntieAnn said...

I don't know Admin. If Kate had a $2000 camera the only thing she'd do with it is brag about having one. She has no skills. Sorry one skill - grifting. And she can't be taught, not even self-taught...too much work for the lazy cow. Her motto is "if can't be done by someone else I'm not doin' it." ~ Administrator said...

I just checked the fees for our public pool. It's $34.00 for the month or 5 bucks a swim. There is no way in a million years you would ever be able to purchase and maintain your private pool for less than that. Is she an idiot? Public pools will always be cheaper than a private one. Of course there are drawbacks to a public pool but who is she kidding suggesting it "saves" on public pool fees?

Over In Berks said...

"Obviously, having a pool helps to cut costs of joining the local pool as many families do to beat the heat and the unavoidable long school-less days of summer.


She's really nuts, isn't she? She doesn't live in the real world. A season membership to a local pool costs $275 for the first two family members and $30 for each additional family member, so for a family with three kids, the cost for a summer membership is $365.00. I can guarantee you that she is spending way over that amount to keep a pool like hers running for the season, with heating, cleaning and routine maintenance/upkeep. ~ Administrator said...

I can't think of a scenario where a public pool would ever, ever be more expensive than a private pool. Never.

The drawbacks are you have to swim with a bunch of strangers, you can't usually throw your own parties, often they don't let you bring in food, it's crowded sometimes, you have to cart the kids in the car there. But those aren't financial drawbacks. Just comfort ones. ~ Administrator said...

So,my 'grow a bf' came 2 the dinner table w/ me&Alexis stated MY rule: 'mommy,no toys at the table!' It's getting funnier by the minute! 43 minutes ago
I'm busy making this 'grow a boyfriend' talk &every1 is cracking up! My kids r already tired of his 'discipline'! LOL! 56 minutes ago


Not healthy. Not healthy. Not healthy. And certainly not funny.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

The stupid grow a boyfriend thing is just her way of letting the potential producers know her kids are cool with the idea. Not to mention letting the general viewing audience know that it's okay. What a bitch. She just doesn't give up does she?

Only 3 Words Required said...

My kids r already tired of his 'discipline'! LOL!

readerlady said...

My mom was not a "waterish" person, but I was an adult before I realized that she was actually afraid of the water. She couldn't swim, but we had season tickets to the pool every year and she would paddle around in the shallow end with me. When we went to the lake or to the ocean, she would get in the water with me. KK is missing out on a lot and so are her kids. BTW -- do we actually know that KK knows how to swim? I seem to remember her saying once that she couldn't swim. Maybe the episode where they talked about the kids getting swimming lessons?

URL -- KK has (or had) a very nice camera. She moaned and complained bitterly about her old camera and Jon got her a new one, that she professed to love, for Christmas.

Completely OT, but I just had to laugh over this. I went to Amazon to "buy" a freebie book for my Kindle. When I completed the transaction, a list of "recommendations for you" appeared. The very first book on the list was "Rumspringa"!! I read the description and it doesn't sound like anything I'd be interested in, so I didn't get it. It doesn't have anything to do with the Amish, BTW. For those of you with Kindles who enjoy mysteries, you might like the freebie I downloaded. It's "The Axeman's Jazz" by Julie Smith. It's the second book in a series about a NOLA police officer named Skip Langdon. Lots of local color and some good touches of humor in her other books, so I'm looking forward to reading this one. ~ Administrator said...

Why would a boyfriend discipline your kids? Is that what she thinks a boyfriend is for? What is WRONG with this woman. Nothing about this is funny.

barnaby said...

Our city pool - 5 blocks away - has a $75.00 FAMILY membership for the summer. This pool is open 1 to 4:30 and 6 to 8:30 during the summer season.

In case you think it was a typo, the cost is..... $75.00 for the family membership.

Seriously, that woman needs professional help.

KAT said...

These kids will ask questions ....and soon. As they grow the kids will realize that their mother is the problem. Theyre too young yet.....i already know where the problem will be. The kids will want to see their relatives or hang out with their cousins.....and she will see this as a betrayal and thats when the trouble will begin....and if you dont take her out!!!!! She will banish any one of her kids if they went against her in that way....right now she has control over their thinking....once they start to challenge her....i dont even want to think about it...if you think shes miserable aint seen nothin yet ~ Administrator said...

And you know what I bet if you called up the local pool and said hey I have eight kids do you have any kind of big family discounts, they would give you a discount quicker than you could say jack rabbit. ~ Administrator said...

The good thing is Jodi, Kevin, Beth and Bob are still part of Jon's life on a very regular basis. The kids will still be able to have contact with them through Jon.

Jumping In said...

Mady found her a "grow a boyfriend" souvenir? I think not. My guess is that Kate found it, purchased it with Mady giggling right along with her mother. I do believe Mady is most like Kate, and will go along with whatever scheme Kate has to get them back in the spotlight. IMO, Cara has Kate's number and will be the first of kids to distance herself from the manipulation and superficiality. For now, at least, the "littles" don't have much going for them other than their numbers.

Sure, keep the dating show spin going by purchasing a fake, grow at home boyfriend and put the "news" on Twitter. She just has to remember to water it, and speak softly to it so it will flourish. The "grow a boyfriend" will be dead by the end of their holiday, right along with her phony dating show nonsense.

AuntieAnn said...

I don't think a real man could uh...grow one either if he had to date that shrew.

KAT said...

She can twitter until the cows come home....there are no producers interested in her...nobody cares and there will never be a show. Only we care and are reading her nonsense twats because she is such a joke. 99 percent of america could care less.....shes only a "star" in her mind....she has this tiny little following and she thinks that the whole world is waiting for her to be back on tv....and no she will not give up....because if she would be like a death to her...i dont even think she could handle it...

What's Next? said... (Administrator) said... 67
LOL Butterfly I'm glad to know I'm not completely crazy here. Photographers are bothered by the downgrading of cameras into little smartphones (I'm not the only one seeing all the grain!), just as filmmakers are bothered by their films being watched on small screens. Maybe it's only the artsy ones complaining. Maybe we should take our little artsy sticks out hehe.

Agreed and I think if a person is hobbyist or professional photography they develop a more discerning eye because they have the knowledge of what makes a good photo good and a great photo great.

Photography is my hobby and I have studied and read numerous books and blogs and practiced until I got the results I wanted.

Despite all my hours of study and practice I still get the comments "Your pictures look great! You must have a really good camera". And I have seen people with cameras and lenses that are much more expensive than mine that never switch from Auto mode and whose pictures don't look as good as mine. As in everything in life you get what you put into it.

fidosmommy said... (Administrator) said... 118
The good thing is Jodi, Kevin, Beth and Bob are still part of Jon's life on a very regular basis. The kids will still be able to have contact with them through Jon.

I am SO happy to hear that! I was hoping it was true. Thanks, Admin.

I hope Ashley is in their life too.

rebba said...

Almost like tryin to say to her family, see, I'm just as important as you are,

Milo? Is that you?? Someone please shoot me if I don't use my 'g' key! LOL

KAT said...

If the kids do have contact with family members because of jon...she must be spitting nails. This is something that could literally kill her. She cannot handle someone else having control over her little money makers...she must be one miserable person...the good thing is there are laws for fathers so its not so easy for her to get rid of jon like she got rid of the rest of her family....i love it

Sport said...

"It's not funny Kate. Your kids need therapy. They have an unnatural preoccupation about finding you a significant other. They need to stop worrying about you."

There is NO WAY her kids are always trying to find her a boyfriend. Zero chance. In fact I bet it isnt ever discussed. Why? Because that is majorly f*cked up.

It's just the narcissistic shrew trying to be funny and draw attention to herself.

Do anyone honestly buy her bullshit that the kids are DESPERATE to find someone to replace their father?

She is beyond sick. What a disgusting, disturbed human being.

KAT said...

And dont hide behind that you milo? Ha..

Sport said...

Dont sweat it KAT.
People like that just want a reaction from you - dont give them what they want.

BTW your beach house sounds awesome, let me know when the BBQ is ...

What's Next? said...

An exerpt e-online re: Honey Boo Boo:

"Like it or not, Honey Boo Boo and her family are here to stay as the premiere of their show attracted 2.2 million viewers last night and was No. 1 in among all ad-supported cable in its time period among women 25-52/18-39/18-34. Who needs an actual crown when you can wear the ratings winner tiara?!"

AuntieAnn said...

BTW your beach house sounds awesome, let me know when the BBQ is ...
Yeah it does sound nice. Any chance we can hold another rumspringa party there before the end of summer?

What's Next? said...

Should read: "excerpt from"

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
So,my 'grow a bf' came 2 the dinner table w/ me&Alexis stated MY rule: 'mommy,no toys at the table!' It's getting funnier by the minute!


No, it's not funny. It's pathetic. Is she taking her toy to bed with her?

KAT said...

Thanks sport.....i think that theyre just frustrated that they will never see that no talent , con artist, loser on tv again....believe me ....i have pity for them....

Kate is a twit said...

I think we should have a Rumspringa party next Wed. Aug. 15-to celebrate the one year anniversary of the show getting cancelled.

Who's up for it?

KAT said...

Come on milo....i know thats put your teeth in and lets talk it out...ha..

fidosmommy said...

I am! Maybe I can bring the leather couch this time. And a white plastic throne for the boss of us.

AuntieAnn said...

I'll bake a 'cancelled' cake.

KAT said...

I'll make monkey that what that garbage was called? ~ Administrator said...

Has it been a year? Wow. It actually feels longer than that, haha.

Amy2 said...

I'll bring cupcakes...give them to the children and none to Kate. (a la "no cupcake for you!") ~ Administrator said...

Not to mention, way to teach kids that finding a boyfriend is just one big ole joke.

The person she ends up with, if she ever does, needs to be a very special person who can handle the responsibilities of helping her raise eight kids and being their stepfather well into adulthood. Treating it like it's all just some big joke sends a firm message to the kids she doesn't take the responsibility seriously of being with someone who is most importantly a good man to the kids. And certainly trying to make a reality show out of it is even worse. ~ Administrator said...

Not to mention, way to teach kids that finding a boyfriend is just one big ole joke.

The person she ends up with, if she ever does, needs to be a very special person who can handle the responsibilities of helping her raise eight kids and being their stepfather well into adulthood. Treating it like it's all just some big joke sends a firm message to the kids she doesn't take the responsibility seriously of being with someone who is most importantly a good man to the kids. And certainly trying to make a reality show out of it is even worse.

Kate is a twit said...

2 weeks ago, her fan Emily tweeted this to Kate, including a picture of the "grow a boyfriend":

Emily Creighton‏@EmCr68
LOOK WHAT I FOUND FOR @Kateplusmy8 :)
4:24 PM - 27 Jul 12via

Kate never responded to that tweet.

Now all of a sudden, Mady just happened to find it? She probably looked for one and purchased it before the trip. Why did she feel like she had to start the tweet with "No lie!"?

She probably had this twittersode already planned-just to keep pushing for a dating show.

And I agree-it really does sound creepy and pathetic, if what she's tweeting is true. If I were one of her kids, I would think that Mommy has gone over the edge. I wouldn't be laughing-I'd be frightened.

Kate is a twit said...

One of her other teen fans, also named Emily, turned 16 today. She asked for a birthday wish, and several other fans reminded Kate about it. So far, Kate hasn't tweeted her a Happy Birthday. Guess her "grow a boyfriend" is more important than one of her loyal fans.

KAT said...

Sorry admin....i know you deleted....but i will not be attacked for just making a point .....its late here and i was in no mood to listen to a kate lover or kate herself...

KAT said... mean this whole thing was planned with the grow a boyfriend? Shes one sick puppy...cant she give it a rest while shes on vacation...who the hell does she think is reading her crappy twitter page .....producers, directors? Desperation will cause her to crack up...she has no limits... ~ Administrator said...

KAT do NOT apologize.

They are upset. Kate doesn't care about them and screwed them on this cruise thing. It's been a year and Kate still doesn't have another show. Kate won't assure them that custody is not 50-50. Kate wouldn't assure them Shoka is just fine. Kate is a horrible vile person who lied to church ladies while pocketing 50,000 bucks. Things are rough in Kate fandom land.

OrangeCrush said...

Yep, grow my boyfriend has gotten less and less funny, and her pics on the famly vacation are just odd. Well, no surprise that once again Our Katie has a serious case of boundary issues where her children are concerned. Happy times.

What's Next? said...

Kate is not going to be too happy about this from Alana Honey Boo Boo Child's FB page. Seems People has moved on:

"oh k I wanted to share some BIG with y'all people magazine contacted us and TLC and is coming out to di a front cover and a two page spread on alana that will b in store the wk of 20th but let u know the definite date though this is so awesome....thanks for yalls support"

Here's the link:!/Alanahoneybooboo

Kate is a twit said...

Another blogger wrote about meeting Kate at Blogher.

An excerpt:

"Kate was friendly to me. My daughter has grown up watching her shows and loves her kids, so I called Sydney and Kate talked to her for a couple minutes. That made Sydney's day (week, year... it was HUGE to her). I heard some gossip that Kate was showing some diva behavior around the Expo floors (demanding free products, bossing her handler around), but that was secondhand information and didn't come from me (shhh!).

There's also a picture of Steve standing right by the CC booth.

Lost said...

Poor little lambs, have lost their way.
Baaa baaa baaa.

Are there still fan blogs for this women? Does he have more than a dozen fans left?

The sheep HAVE to come here and hang on every single word and post. WE are their lives. Period. ~ Administrator said...

Do you think this fan bought her the grow a boyfriend and gave it to her? Then she busted it out now as part of her twittersode.

Kate acting like a diva demanding free crap? Don't you know she was just grabbing up the freebies just like EVERYBODY ELSE WOULD DO?????

Over In Berks said...

I think we should have a Rumspringa party next Wed. Aug. 15-to celebrate the one year anniversary of the show getting cancelled.

Who's up for it?


I'll bring grow-a-boyfriend toys for everyone and we'll have a contest to see which one grows the biggest in length. Winner receives one of the Rumspringa Boys and his jugs (of moonshine).

Heide said...

I don't know, I still suspect Kate may be a lesbian. That's primarily based on what supposed insiders said on some of the earlier blogs.

What's Next? said...

Over In Berks said... 154
I think we should have a Rumspringa party next Wed. Aug. 15-to celebrate the one year anniversary of the show getting cancelled.

Who's up for it?


Can we invite Stephanie? I sort of feel sorry for her traveling so much trying to make friends.

fidosmommy said...

Is your name Rick by any chance? You sound just like him.

Kate is a twit said...

Sure we can invite Stephanie! She must not be a Kate fan, since she keeps trying to meet us. The more the merrier! Maybe she can bring some of her other friends, like Melody.

Ellen said...

I have thought for a while that Kate might play for the other team. Jmo...

Kate is a twit said... now has a story about the "grow a boyfriend".

What's Next? said...

Does anyone remember what the ratings for Kate plus 8 were when it was cancelled? Just wondering how much lower it was than 2.2 million that Honey Boo Boo brought in.

E-online states in it's article that the rating of 2.2 million made it "No. 1 in among all ad-supported cable in its time period among women 25-52/18-39/18-34".

fidosmommy said...

I'll bet Stephanie is 2.8 miles from wherever Kate is. Maybe she can go knock on Kate's door and invite her. Then we can have party games just asking Kate questions. Sound like fun??

Audible Click said...

I'll bring the pin the tail on Skeeve game!

ncgirl said...

I think we should have a Rumspringa party next Wed. Aug. 15-to celebrate the one year anniversary of the show getting cancelled.

Who's up for it?

That sounds fun. We can take pictures of footprints in the sand and the rumspringa and put it on twitter. Maybe the password should be Honey Boo Boo.

Seems like TLC sucess stories follow a pattern. Get in People, go on the Today show, and get renovated or bigger homes. Mama Boo Boo will be rocking blonde hair and fake boobs soon.

Sadly, grow a boyfriend is perfect for Kate. He can't see, he can't hear, and he can't talk back.

ncgirl said...

"Does anyone remember what the ratings for Kate plus 8 were when it was cancelled?"

I believe it was around a million.

"Then we can have party games just asking Kate questions. Sound like fun??"

We'd have to hook her up to a lie detector.

Widowed Young said...

I don't know if it is just me but this "grow a boyfriend" toy thing is just wrong on so many levels-starting with the claim that Mady bought it and then the joking with her kids. I have no words....

Mona said...

The Babble article picture of Katie looks like she has a caramel stuck in her back teeth. It is priceless.

What's Next? said...

ncgirl said... 164
"Does anyone remember what the ratings for Kate plus 8 were when it was cancelled?"

I believe it was around a million.


Thank you. For some reason I thought it was close to the 2 million mark so I was wondering if it was really cancelled due to low ratings or was it really some other reason, but if it was 1 million then, yes, that is pretty low ratings.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

re: the boyfriend toy...

emeraldcityjazz Emily Creighton‏@EmCr68 LOOK WHAT I FOUND FOR @Kateplusmy8 :) 4:24 PM - 27 Jul 12via

frkofnatr @Kateplusmy8 Damn you're good! No wonder Kate ignoring Em's birthday -- she stole her idea & doesn't want to be caught. BITCH!

EmilyKatePlus8 is begging for a tweet for her 16th birthday. Isn't the Emily (EMCr68) who found the boyfriend toy the one who Kate met in Connecticut? Two different Emilys. Yes? No?

JustSayin said...

Shouldn't it be "Pin the Testicles on the Bodyguard" because if he had any, he sure hasn't showed it.

Widowed Young said...

Sorry-somehow I missed all your comments about how sick she is joking with this toy and how harmful to the kids-I am glad that it is not just me!

Kate is a twit said...

If you go to this link, it shows the ratings around the time of the cancellation and for previous shows.

ncgirl said...

This was on a gossip site about a Real Housewife hosting a cruise:

At some point in time, celebrities decided they could host their own cruises and make money. It does not always work out so well for just a regular run of the mill celebrity or especially a D lister. Kate Gosselin tried and failed and now Taylor Armstrong is giving it a shot.

Kate is a twit said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 168

Yes, they're 2 different Emilys, but are both loyal, diehard teen fans of Kate.

Heide said...

OT, but I don't remember where this was discussed - can someone either tell me where the glycine was discussed or tell me what the standard dose is? Thanks

Heide said...

JustSayin said... 169
Shouldn't it be "Pin the Testicles on the Bodyguard" because if he had any, he sure hasn't showed it.


wayward said...

I'm busy making this 'grow a boyfriend' talk &every1 is cracking up! My kids r already tired of his 'discipline'! LOL! about 3 hours ago
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Administrator) said... 114
Why would a boyfriend discipline your kids? Is that what she thinks a boyfriend is for? What is WRONG with this woman. Nothing about this is funny.
I had to look twice, then a third time, to see if this bitch actually "joked" that her kids were getting tired of the 'grow a BFs discipline.' She is so unnawear, so self absorbed and so f-ing clueless. If she EVER bothered to look outside her obsession with the next grift and begging to be back on teevee, she would know that many children are abused and killed by their mother's boyfriends. There's a murder that happened a few years ago that still shakes me to my core when I think about it Darisabel

What reallllllllly pisses me off is that when she was asked a few years ago about dating, she did not say she wanted companionship or romance or to share her life with someone. No no, when asked about dating she said yes, she needs another adult to back her up and lay down the law to the kids or some shit like that. A tall policeman, no less.
That's the only reason she might want to date again, for someone to scare the kids.

Just when I think she could not possibly be more of a c word, she outdoes herself in spades.

Beaches said...

So, you are my life. Happy Now?

Exhilarated. Delirious. Gleeful. Euphoric. Exalted. You are the wind beneath my wings, the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration.

Maybe you want to meet Stephanie. She's only 2.8 miles from you. Come to the party and meet her!

AuntieAnn said...

"Kate's handler (in the blue shirt) was always RIGHT THERE." caption under the photo of ratclaws.
And what do you want to bet he's right there at the beach house too, disciplining her kids.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

I'll come to the cancellation anniversary party with gum on my socks.

AuntieAnn said...

Just when I think she could not possibly be more of a c word, she outdoes herself in spades.
wayward - can we get you to bring the dartboard with Kate's picture on it to the party? ~ Administrator said...

Yes this is the second time she's talked about how a boyfriend will discipline the kids. Is this what she thinks the purpose of a boyfriend is? And what makes her think a good boyfriend would even have the slightest desire to interfere with the discipline of another man's children? I realize she is joking around in that freaky way she does, but I still find it so bizarre this is the first thing she thinks of when she thinks "boyfriend." Why is she so preoccupied with discipline anyway, are they bad kids? ~ Administrator said...

Yes this is the second time she's talked about how a boyfriend will discipline the kids. Is this what she thinks the purpose of a boyfriend is? And what makes her think a good boyfriend would even have the slightest desire to interfere with the discipline of another man's children? I realize she is joking around in that freaky way she does, but I still find it so bizarre this is the first thing she thinks of when she thinks "boyfriend." Why is she so preoccupied with discipline anyway, are they bad kids?

AuntieAnn said...

Why is she so preoccupied with discipline anyway, are they bad kids?
Not all of them. Just the boys.

Carezee said...

I will come to the party and bring last years Halloween candy. My 900 dozen cookies I froze from Christmas and my 10,000 plastic Easter eggs so we can have an egg hunt. I really had fun at the last one. I hope this time I can find my way back out of the closet,

chefsummer #Leh said...

Heide said... 154
I don't know, I still suspect Kate may be a lesbian. That's primarily based on what supposed insiders said on some of the earlier blogs.

Ellen said... 158
I have thought for a while that Kate might play for the other team. Jmo...

Ah no wonder Gina not worried about Steve lol.

Jamie's husband better watch out cause Kate likes em' taken.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Looks like Steve lost some weight.

Ex Nurse said...

Working Woman said...
I am not Kate's biggest fan, and I am fine with humbly expressing my opinions on this blog, but I do not regularly go on fan sites and argue with them. They have their opinions, and I am certainly not going to change them. So it is just confusing as to why her fans continue to stir shit up on this blog.
I think it is for the same reason that the ghouls that live on Kate's twitter generate non-stop harassment. I think that they want to somehow insert themselves into the story.

readerlady said...

I'm up for another rumspringa party on the 15th. I'll bring drippy ice cream cones and wear my good bra.

Wowser said...

The grow a boyfriend was not coincidental! She just did an interview last weekend where she said "honestly, every night, the discussion at the dinner table is "ummm mom when r u going to get a boyfriend?".... So voila!! One of the KIDS buys her a grow a boyfriend. I think she is AWN to the fact that people believe that everything that comes out of her mouth is a LIE so this was totally done intentionally!

Wowser said...

The picture that Babble used if Kate on the "grow a boyfriend" article is really bad. It was when she went to the Today show for another "please please please give me another tee evened show" we all want to be back awn tv" interview. It looks like someone said something to piss her off. God I feel sorry for the kids...that's probably the mommy expression they see the most on Kate's face at home.

Pity Party said...

Is PB really standing there in a Secret Service mode guarding her booth. She is such a weenie baby. How is she going to do a dating show when she can't go powder her nose without PB guarding the door. He lost weight because she probably starting calling him "Tubby."

Grow a boyfriend? She truly has the mind of a 13-year-old. Those poor kids. Their whole life is centered around whether mommy is having fun or not.

mama mia said...

Good Lord, now Kate is stealing twitter episodes from her sheeple to keep the buzz going on that silly dating show idea?

Here is a clue Kate, quit creating problems so you can find solutions. I know it keeps you busy and makes you look important, but you are harming your children in the process. I know you want to take credit for moving them into a bigger space with more privacy but it was YOU who put them on tv and in the tabloids. You are one of those mother's who keep their kids in the sun too long and then whine about them keeping you awake all night crying about their sunburns.

Kate, you are not a good mother, you are a narcissist wanting credit for playing the role of mother on tv. Get help.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

My cousins got to meet @Kateplusmy8 at the beach!!😱 I wish I could have gone! #Lucky

This person is from Alabama.

Pity Party said...

She has always let whoever is around discipline the kids up to and I hope not including the crew. It takes a village to keep the kids quiet and all lined up in a row, with their little heads turned up watching TV from the floor, with not even elbow room to move.

Buddy said...

Why would you need security at the Blogher conference? Is Kate that insecure?

Duckman said...

I'll believe that the grow-a-boyfriend thing was a gag from a souvenir store, even if it does have a packaging style similar to the ones for the gag items sold in adult bookstores.

However, I don't buy that the kids were in on the joke. That's the kind of inside joke shared by adults. It doesn't look like the kind of joke that pre-pubescent kids would be in on.

KateIsBlind said...

I'm not a big contributor here, I mostly read. I'm sure you've heard this before, but all the regulars say what I'm thinking in a much better way. Admin, I think you're great for all your words and how you handle this blog.

That said ~ I just can't understand why she would continually post the crap about her children wanting her to find a man. The grow your boyfriend packaging has the word "lover" on it. How is she explaining what that means? I'm sure the children would ask that, wouldn't they? She may just be saying that her children want that, how they are always talking about it, when they really aren't. It is so pathetic for her to use her children for another show. I'm really intrigued by it, as well. How a mother can outright lie. Does she not think about how a few years down the road that her children can see everything in print that she says? They most definitely will. How will she answer them when they confront her? I don't think they sit around and talk about her finding a man. How is she going to cover her lies then, about what she is saying now? Does she make them believe her lies?

Maybe the lies she tells are her fantasies.

capecodmama said...

Kate is a Twit...134

Hand up in the air. I'm in. Party on.

Once a Viewer said...

'No lie,' I think it's pathetic and inappropriate to let Mady buy the grow -a-boyfriend, although it looks pretty asexual in the pic. It's carrying joke/desperation too far. Kate is pushing the kids to promote her dating show. Buying an inflatable boy toy is not normal thing to do for your mom at age 11 and share with 8 year olds. Obviously Kate masterminded the joke. I think it's creepy, especially as there are more explicit inflatables etc out there- what kind of souvenir shop did they go to?

I am 'in agreance' that Kate may not play for any team! She just wants people to find her glamorous and desirable. She's neither. This is really sad for the kids. Will they next ask strangers at the beach if they want to date Mommy?

Once a Viewer said...

Re: FW.

I agree with Admin about the 4H part. LeRoy thought that his kids would learn more- ie. do more work right at home on the farm.Alone. I'm glad Juanita pushed for the girls to join and participate. Audrey in particular was shy, and the competition and public speaking and socializing were probably great for her. Juanita did all the work with the kids, training the calf, grooming the cat, getting white T's, filling out the forms, driving the kids to the fair. Looked like fun. Darrel got there in the nick of time luckily. I read J said the girls continued to enjoy 4H for years after this. Juanita is a mom extraordinaire!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate's WTF Tweets:

So,my 'grow a bf' came 2 the dinner table w/ me&Alexis stated MY rule: 'mommy,no toys at the table!' It's getting funnier by the minute! about 11 hours ago

I'm busy making this 'grow a boyfriend' talk &every1 is cracking up! My kids r already tired of his 'discipline'! LOL! about 11 hours ago


Kate can take being a stand up comic off her bucket list.

How long before she puts that toy sponge to work? Kate can call her new reality show,
"Our Daddy Is A Sponge".

She's lost her mind.

NJGal51 said...

Yeah, PB really needed to be at the blogger convention to save Kate from all the throngs of people surrounding her at the booth...NOT! I do believe the report that Kate was a diva at the convention and went around demanding freebies. Steve must have been along to carry the loot for her. I wonder if her reported actions at the convention opened CC's eyes.


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