Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Farmer's Wife: When a reality show tells a truly important story

This week: Part One will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 1 this week, Part 2 the week of August 12, and Part 3 (link to come) the week of August 19 and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here.

The Farmer's Wife first aired on PBS in 1998, a three part documentary, which was in essence a reality show, following three years in the life of Nebraska farmer Darrel Buschkoetter, and his strong but tender-hearted wife Juanita, along with their three sweet young girls.

The Farmer's Wife is one of the few great reality shows to ever grace our small screens. The Farmer's Wife had it all: tough, sincere characters, and a compelling story of hard work and perseverance in small-town America. Heartbreak, struggle, a marriage on the rocks, and the hope to keep a vanishing tradition alive drives this story.

Filmaker David Sutherland originally intended to profile several farming families in Nebraska. However as the project progressed, he became captivated with Juanita's story, and revamped the entire project to focus on her. Said Sutherland"She spoke from her heart, and her love for her husband Darrel's dream touched me deeply."

In the first episode, Juanita reflects on the plans they used to have to have six children. However it turned out three were all they could afford. Although Darrel never said so, Juanita worried he longed for a boy. And yet, said Juanita, "Sometimes I'm almost relieved we don't have a boy ... I'd be scared if we had a boy, he'd be the same way, and I don't know what the future for farming is."

Juanita's soft-spoken candor, and love and dedication to her family and to the farm, was a beautiful character study.

Most reality television out there has been better suited for the dust bin. Most stories need not and often should not be shared. Reality T.V. should just go away, especially shows that feature unprotected children. But once in a great while, a story comes along that should be told. Juanita's story does just that, capturing a moment in time in the late 1990's where a way of life in middle America was fading away, never to be the same again. Sutherland's series is both heartbreakingly tragic and inexplicably beautiful. Enjoy.

1731 sediments (sic) from readers:

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SeeSaw said...

"Our Daddy is a Sponge"
Pink - that's hilarious. Comment of the day!!

Kate is a twit said...

Aw, did poor little Kate get hurt by that blogger's article?

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx @xxxx @mommysavers Why untrue gossip?No good deed goes unpunished, I guess :( That hurts :( but ur daughter was cute!

By the way, by looking at other comments made by that blogger on her mommysavers site, you can tell she is definitely NOT a Kate fan.

Mel said...

Steve sure is gazing adoringly at his master..I mean mistress..I mean employer. Well, whatever she is.

Kate is a twit said...

She can reply to a tweet about shoes, yet she can't wish a devoted fan a Happy 16th Birthday, despite numerous requests from that fan and other fans on her behalf.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@FOWtoyou @JackieK8fan @Paige_Kate8fan Did somebody say SHOES??! :) That sure caught my eye! Lol!

Kate is a Witch said...

I'll bring my 500 loaves of bread I baked to the party! I'll make sandwiches with four inch thick bread and a piece of wilted lettuce. But I'll also bring my red spoon, so watch out!

The grow a boyfriend and pretending to discipline the kids with it literally gave me chills. That's sick.

I think at this point if you look up pathetic in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Kate.

August 15th, bitches! One year since the kids were freed from constant cameras in their faces and working to support mommy!

TLC stinks said...

Children of divorced parents would not be encouraging their parent to date. They usually want to see mom and dad back together. Kate is beyond ridiculous and freakin' transparent. She is lobbying hard for that dating show. She is a making a fool of herself and again exploiting the kids. Seems Mady is her BFF.

What was the purpose of Kate at BlogHer convention? All she did was get her picture taken and grab freebies. I'm sure Stevie carried her loot, water bottle and was standing close by in case she toppled over in her 5 inch heels.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Kate is a want-to-be. Of course, she would never want to share time in a public pool. She wants what she perceives as "the high life." It may or may not bring her bank book down to zero balance, but by gum she is going to have and do what she wants to keep up some kind of crazy image. Kind of sad, really.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 5

Steve sure is gazing adoringly at his master..I mean mistress..I mean employer. Well, whatever she is.

I noticed that too. What I didn't notice was a big crowd at Kate's booth. Not even a little crowd. No one actually.


Dwindle said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 76
OrangeCrush said... 74 Yes, she needs buffers. Your comment makes a lot of sense.

She needs buffers with everyone but especially her children. That's where her words 'organizing' and 'masterminding' come in. She stands around and dictates how others are to mother her children on her behalf.

Jackie uh-O said...

Kate a lesbian? Kate a hetero? No. The only team Kate plays for is Team Kate.

Dwindle said...

Kate is a twit said... 134
I think we should have a Rumspringa party next Wed. Aug. 15-to celebrate the one year anniversary of the show getting cancelled.

Who's up for it?

Did someone say "party"?

I'm feeling better already!

Dwindle said...

I will bring acrylic stripper shoes for everyone! Send me your shoe sizes so I can get them all one size smaller so our toes hang over the edges.

You're welcome. ~ Administrator said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx @xxxx @mommysavers Why untrue gossip?No good deed goes unpunished, I guess :( That hurts :( but ur daughter was cute!


What is this in response to? Also what "good deed"? She can't seriously be calling a job she was PAID to do a good deed. In that case I'm off to do my 5-day a week good deed! Have a good one!

dogsandkids said...

I want to thank Admin. for posting this link to The Farmer's Wife. Its such an excellent program-its reality but done tastefully and sensitively-not at all sensationalized.

As for Kate's kids wanting her to get a boyfriend-um, I've been a therapist longer than Kate has been alive, and kids of divorced parents do not think like that.

SG said...

Has anyone seen the recent comments on the MommySavers blog where the blogger met Kate and said she was acting like a diva? I didn't see them posted above but I may have missed it.

Here it is:

ORIGINAL BLOG COMMENT BY KIM AT MOMMYSAVERS (She posted the article and pics of her and Kate):
I heard some gossip that Kate was showing some diva behavior around the Expo floors (demanding free products, bossing her handler around), but that was secondhand information and didn't come from me (shhh!).

Nice article, and nice you had such a nice meeting with Kate, but why was it necessary to add the unsubstantiated gossip at the end? That's the same stuff Kate's rabid haters spew to every blog that they can post on and it's all a product of their fertile imaginations!

My sources are very reliable, trustworthy women I've known for years - so I wouldn't describe what I heard as unsubstantiated gossip. I'm not a Kate hater. Here on Mommysavers Kate (whether you love her or hate her) has been an active topic since her first show came out many years ago. I wanted to give the ladies here a truthful account of what I saw and heard. Kate was actually much more pleasant than I expected her to be, and the fact that she spoke with my daughter meant a lot to me. Just keepin it real.

Welcome to Mommysavers!

OrangeCrush said...

Days of being around her kids 24/7 on a vacation must be getting to her. No tweets about ice cream and grilling, now we're back to RTing how awesome we are. And yes, the Skeevester sure looked busy at BlogHer, what a joke. ~ Administrator said...

My sources are very reliable, trustworthy women I've known for years - so I wouldn't describe what I heard as unsubstantiated gossip. I'm not a Kate hater. Here on Mommysavers Kate (whether you love her or hate her) has been an active topic since her first show came out many years ago. I wanted to give the ladies here a truthful account of what I saw and heard. Kate was actually much more pleasant than I expected her to be, and the fact that she spoke with my daughter meant a lot to me. Just keepin it real.


Good for HER standing up for herself. Just because something is not something you heard directly doesn't mean it's "unsubstantiated gossip," sheeple. If my sister, mother, aunt, or best friends tell me something, it's not unsubstantiated gossip in my view. I trust them. Also these women are focused on the conference, why would they have a need to make up lies about some D list celeb?

Kate is a twit said...

Admin-this was in response to 2 tweeties who commented on the post about the blogger meeting Kate. Their comments were:

"Nice article except for repeating unsubstantiated gossip at the end."


"It would have been so much better without the gossip at the end. :("

This is the excerpt from the article that they were referring to:

"I heard some gossip that Kate was showing some diva behavior around the Expo floors (demanding free products, bossing her handler around), but that was secondhand information and didn't come from me (shhh!)."

SG said...

I just can't understand how the Kate fans can just write off all the negative comments about Kate acting like a diva, or not being a nice person etc.

I don't care how nice Kate is acting when she is doing a meet and greet with fans and how big she smiles for their pictures with her, she is being paid to do so! It's how she acts when she's not "posing." Kate can be friendly and charming when it serves her purpose.

We all saw her, on film no less, in her silver dress making faces and being disagreeable because she had to go back and pose for some more pics with fans. Then she turns the big smile and fake happiness back on when she poses with the next fan. How can the fans just ignore or excuse this? It boggles my mind.

SG said...

Apparently the Mommy Bloggers are afraid to tell how they really feel about Kate because they are afraid she will come to read their blogs and see it. Here are two comments in the same blog post:

"You look real her not so much
Did you tell her all about MommySavers? She might not like to read it though ha ha!"

"Yes, I'm afraid to post something negative in case she comes to read it too."

SG said...

Sorry, my comment above should have read "It's how she acts when she's not "posing" that counts."

Kate is a twit said...

SG-thanks for posting those comments. They weren't there when I originally looked at the article. I'm glad the blogger Kim was honest with the fan.

SG said...

Kate is a twit,

No problem! I wish the bloggers who experienced the real Kate first hand would post their stories. Oh well.

Kate is a twit said...

SG-if you look through some of the other threads about Kate on that blog, Kim and her posters aren't afraid to say what they want about Kate. That comment about being "afraid", I believe was a joke. Just check out this post as an example:

However, I do believe what she said about "gossip" is the truth.

But of course, now the fans will label her a "hater.

wayward said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx @xxxx @mommysavers Why untrue gossip?No good deed goes unpunished, I guess :( That hurts :( but ur daughter was cute!


Kate's feelwings were hurt! Two frowny faces!

That blogger was the 546th person to describe Kate as "divaish" and grubbing for freebies. But as usual, it's all untrue gossip. Those terms just happen to constantly be used to describe Kate anytime she's around people and grifting suites, but it's all false and such.

This had to tick Kate off more than she let on, because she actually did something she never does. She was pleasant to another human and even did them a favor by calling her daughter. In Kate's mind, this should have merited a 100% gushy post about how Kate is the most fabulous woman on earth. Kate's tweet is more or less saying "I called your daughter and you rat me out for making sure I got one (or two) of ALL the swag?"

Kate's obsessive control is what makes her usually shun people. In her world, if she does something nice for you, you are supposed to praise her endlessly for it and never mention any negatives. Kate thinks your freedom of speech should be muzzled when you are speaking of her. Since that is impossible, she never does anything nice. To avoid the exact situation she has with this blogger.

I'm sure her frowny tweet wasn't the end of this, either. Poor MommySaver blogger should expect a letter from Singer & Lavery any day now. ~ Administrator said...

How awful to go through life with 546 people making up lies about you. This is just such a sick scary world when all those people have nothing better to do but make up the same exact lies time after time about some random reality show has-been.

Amy2 said...

OT...the GosselinBook. August 15 is the day the show was cancelled. I wonder if Robert is planning to release the book August 15th. Time will tell.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Oh no, unsubstantiated gossip? Horrors!! I dare say, the comment on the mommysaver blog is MORE credible than the E! News "reliable sources" but Kate's fans believe them.

AMD said...

Kate should be concerned about Bill Blankinship and his access and editing privileges to her family's videos.........
FAIR LAWN, N.J. -- A U.S. woman is suing after the breast-feeding instructional video she made with her month-old daughter was combined with pornographic footage and posted online.
Read more:

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

"No good deed goes unpunished, I guess :( "


And what good deed did Kate do?

Posing for a photo?
Going to BlogHer?

What? She graced everyone at that convention with her presence?

So the alternative would have been-

Not posed for photos?
Not spoken to anyone there?
Not gone to the convention?

Kate made out like a bandit. She got her freebees, pushed her handler around, and got whatever she wanted.

So if her poor behavior is so evident, why wouldn't someone make a comment about it?

Sheesh. She no scruples. And her sheep are
pitiful. They are not helping her at all.
All abusers (of any kind) LOVE IT when everyone keeps the dirty secret to themselves.

Right Kate? Wink wink.

Pity Party said...

Good detective work on Twitter. When I first saw that stupid boyfriend thing I thought I have seen that somewhere. She took the idea from little EM girl that is so enamored with on Twitter. Probably saw it and begged M. to buy it or her out of her own money. First she said she was growing it, then she said it was still in the package. She is reverting more and more back into her early teens. Scary. ~ Administrator said...

General rule Kate (take notes): When you are getting PAID to do something, it is not a good deed.

AuntieAnn said...

I don't get why she's so offended. She already knows 99% of the world population doesn't like her. Of course, we don't know what she's really like. We're just going by what we've heard and are to ignore the 150 bitch-in-action episodes that proved what a freaking diva she is.

Kate is a twit said...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 32

The good deed that Kate was referring was that she spoke to the blogger's daughter on the phone. The blogger said in her article:

"My daughter has grown up watching her shows and loves her kids, so I called Sydney and Kate talked to her for a couple minutes"

To Kate, taking a few minutes to say hello to someone's daughter constitutes a "good deed".

I guess responding to her tweeties, is also a good deed in Kate's head.

capecodmama said...


Instead of the acrylic stripper shoes can you get the red Guess hooker heels? PLEEAASSE. I'll bring the cut-off denim shorts for everyone. Someone above already said they would be bring the good bra. If someone brings some white tank tops we can dress up like Kate. I'll also bring some boxes of angel hair pasta and we can attach them to our hair and then we'll have a contest to see who looks most like Kate. We ever wins will get their own grow a boyfriend.

Buddy said...

Maybe Kate is unaware that she's a bitch? Or thinks that acting entitled is normal? We've all seen it on the show and she makes no apologies. Why in the world would it bother her that the Mommy Blogger said she was acting divaish? That's the norm for her.

AuntieAnn said...

The blogger acknowledged her 'good deed'.
"That made Sydney's day (week, year... it was HUGE to her)."

What more does Kate want? ~ Administrator said...

That's nice she called. But everything is about keeping score with Kate. I did this for you now you better not say anything bad about me. Life doesn't work that way, Kate. It was one measly little phone call for cripe sake.

I imagine this is how it went down with Aunt Jodi. I "let" you be on our show for so long and now you actually want to get paid for the privilege? I don't think so!

anger issues kate said...

Count me in to the party. I'll bring the half baked chicken, blanket and bucket. A couple of us are gonna spring, shoka for the night. And bring some good dog food and treats for him.

AuntieAnn said...

Dwindle - I hope they're 12" heels so we can walk like the graceful swan Kate Gosselin.

Buddy said...

Hey Twitterers . . . ask the man at the tower jump in Australia about what a sweetheart Kate REALLY is! Poor guy.

anger issues kate said...

I would say the dress of the night should be hooker heels, and bondage dress, and everyone, bring a grow your own boyfriend or what ever, we are gonna have a contest, to see who's will grow the fastestest. Are we doing the closet again or are we moving to another part of the house?

Moose Mania said...

I'll bring my 500 loaves of bread I baked to the party


All you need to do is bring five loaves. I'll bring two fishes. Mrs. Malaprop can bring Moses and he'll see to it that the multitudes are fed.

What's Next? said...

I can't remember who is hosting the party, but I'm wondering if your laundry room floor will be available for those of us who drink too much rumspringa? I'll bring my own blanket, of course.

If Robert Hoffman's book is available by or on the 15th we could bring our copies and read excerpts.

Kate is a twit said...

Maybe Kate is acting like she is "hurt", hoping that the blogger will see the error of her ways and tweet profuse apologies to her, or maybe she wants to start another "tweet war".

I doubt the blogger will even respond to her. That will "hurt" Kate even more.

AuntieAnn said...

Don't forget to mention Mr. Rafter Man on the RV trip either.

anger issues - I was hoping KAT would throw open her doors at her beach house. Although maybe not. We did leave quite a mess in Dwindle's closet.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Moose Mania said... 45
I'll bring my 500 loaves of bread I baked to the party


All you need to do is bring five loaves. I'll bring two fishes. Mrs. Malaprop can bring Moses and he'll see to it that the multitudes are fed.

Love it!!

mama mia said...

Hold the phone, is this blogger saying Kate Gosselin lifted her manicured hand and accepted this mother's germy cellphone, cradled it against her dusted cheek and forced out a cheerful conversation with some annoying kid squealing and blathering on about how Kate is her idol? Poor Kate. That is horrific. No wonder she is crushed and feeling her good deed didn't go unpunished. And where was Steve? His job is protect her from these hellish fans wanting more of her than she is contractually obligated to give. I am sure the deal did not include talking on people's cellphones to their kids. Some people and their children. Sheesh.

AuntieAnn said...

Moose Mania said... 45
All you need to do is bring five loaves. I'll bring two fishes. Mrs. Malaprop can bring Moses and he'll see to it that the multitudes are fed.
And turn water into Rumpsringa. ~ Administrator said...

It's so obnoxious that Kate wants a medal for doing what any kind person, celebrity or not would do. Tons of celebs have called up fans on the phone. She was there as a MEET AND GREET. PAID.

AuntieAnn said...


AuntieAnn said...

Kate should backtrack. She owes that blogger an apology.

"I wanted to give the ladies here a truthful account of what I saw and heard. Kate was actually much more pleasant than I expected her to be, and the fact that she spoke with my daughter meant a lot to me. Just keepin it real."

There is absolutely NOTHING to be upset about in what she wrote. It's Kate's sheeple stirring up the shite again.

Kate is a twit said...

One of Kate's fans trying to explain why Kate hadn't tweeted Emily a Happy Birthday:

@belle379 @kateplusmy8 if shes spending time at beach with kids, shes most def busy. I bet she will tell her happy bday soon as she sees it.

So according to this fan, Kate's too busy to tweet a HB because she's most definitely busy-yet Kate has time to tweet about "grow a boyfriend".

How do they come up with excuses like this? Bottom line-Kate ignored Emily.

wayward said...

AuntieAnn said... 35
I don't get why she's so offended. She already knows 99% of the world population doesn't like her. Of course, we don't know what she's really like. We're just going by what we've heard and are to ignore the 150 bitch-in-action episodes that proved what a freaking diva she is.

Well wait, Auntie Ann! That ONE lady who worked on the Lane campaign where Kate got $85,000 in cash & freebies, said she was nice... lol!!!

Admin, the good deed Kate is talking about is calling the MommySaver's daughter. Kate is huurwt:( that after calling the woman's daughter and giving her a few minutes of Kate's uber valuable time, the woman mentioned what a diva Kate was being at BlogHer.

I signed in on my google account to post a pic of Sleepy Grumps and her new sister. You guys won't freakin' believe what her name is.. wait for it... Bella. Her name was Ella at the puppymill and she responds to it. I didn't want her to have the exact same name so Bella it is. Sleepy has laid down the law as far as the rigid napping schedule we follow here and so far, Bella is down with it.

Bella immediately decided my dining room area rug was a perfect potty, it is now cut up and waiting for the trash. Even with using my Nature's Miracle and my SpotBot, she would run to the exact same spots and go again. She's slightly annoyed with me today after the DSs carried it out :) The rug was over 10 yrs. old and on it's way out anyway. The wool one in the family room is another story :-O She's left that alone, I think because there's no privacy out there. There's always a DS or 2 plus friends hanging around. This, however will give you the LOLz! I left to do errands yesterday and I put my 2 beeping motion sensors on the fam. rm. carpet to discourage her from going on the rug. I had bought them years ago to keep Sleepy Grump and her departed sister off the couches when we were gone. When I got home, both sensors were gone and no one had been home yet. Bella carried them out the doggie door and put them in the corner of the yard. They were also turned off. Sleepy looked at me like "I couldn't believe this shit either! She just carried them out!! Kids these days!"

We have a large crate but she freaked out when she saw it. We're trying to avoid having to use it, if possible. I bought some baby gates to keep her contained in certain areas to prevent wandering and it's working well. She's spent enough of her life in a cage :( Baby steps... baby steps.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

@xxxxxxxxxxx (meant 2 hit 'reply' but retweeted) I don't get the 'diva' talk.It was a total fun X! Can't bel lying review:( about a minute ago


So I guess the folks that witnessed her diva-like behavior at BlogHer are liars...

Ahhhh... Kate. You'll learn.

mama mia said...

Oh, oh, now Kate is saying she hit retweet by mistake and then says don't believe LYING REVIEW. Okay then, Kate is not beautiful in person and was not as nice as that lady expected her to be. But she is still a greedy bossy cow.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

And Kate wasn't too busy to miss the tweet about designing Kate some shoes:

@FOWtoyou @JackieK8fan @Paige_Kate8fan Did somebody say SHOES??! :) That sure caught my eye! Lol!

Once a Viewer said...


That is sooo funny and amazingly smart! I like what you did with her name. I also love the pic- they look so sweet snoozin' away.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't "need" to but I Googled 'Kate Gosselin's Diva Behavior'. It appears to be well substantiated and very well documented over a long period of time.


Kate is a twit said...

Yep-sounds like Kate is gearing up for a twitter war:

@Kateplusmy8 Kate read about your "Diva" behaviour. Sorry. I donot believe you are a diva. Kind, Caring,Hardworking, YES1 NO DIVA

Kate retweeted the above tweet. Then she replied:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@siggyelizabeth (meant 2 hit 'reply' but retweeted) I don't get the 'diva' talk.It was a total fun X! Can't bel lying review:(

Her bestie, Leigh, also stepped up to assuage her "hurt" feelings:

Leigh Shahan‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1
@Kateplusmy8 GM! I dont know if this will help your hurt but my exp. when meetin U was Gr8.It felt like i made a new Friend!

JoyinVirginia said...

Admin, how about a thread for the 15th for our virtual party? And since it is virtual and we can go anywhere, I would like to offer to host. We really do have a non-virtual beach house in Nags Head NC. Its rented out, but that won't interfere with our virtual party! We can walk down to the beach and I can supply beach chairs, umbrellas, and beach towels. We have a hot tub at the house that will hold everyone! There is a Brew-Thru down the road where we can pick up our favorite beverages.
Please please please can we have a party thread pleeeeeeeeze?

Sherry Baby said...

Admin, the good deed Kate is talking about is calling the MommySaver's daughter. Kate is huurwt:( that after calling the woman's daughter and giving her a few minutes of Kate's uber valuable time, the woman mentioned what a diva Kate was being at BlogHer.


I thought that this woman said that she heard that Kate was a diva, but didn't confirm it. Why would Kate even respond to this? Saying that no good deed goes unpunished is just nasty. Kate should have said nothing at all, or if she wanted to address it, should have said that it was her pleasure calling this woman's daughter. That's it. No confrontation. No debate. No insult. I'm surprised that in all of these years she has not yet learned appropriate responses in situations.

@belle379 @kateplusmy8 if shes spending time at beach with kids, shes most def busy. I bet she will tell her happy bday soon as she sees it.

So according to this fan, Kate's too busy to tweet a HB because she's most definitely busy-yet Kate has time to tweet about "grow a boyfriend".

This fan is just a tad bit, um, help me with the word...naive, gullible, child-like? I believe that this was the same one who said that it was no big deal that Kate has a plethora of speeding tickets.

Once a Viewer said...


Thanks for the offer of your beach house. It sounds like fun ! You can print out name labels to apply to a plastic stacking shelf for our beach towels- don't worry about washing them- we'll use the same ones as well as the same teeny bikinis for the whole visit. We 'require' that.

That would be a good thread. Seems like everyone who wanted to, went ahead and watched all of the Farmer's Wife already.

Jane said...

Kate is a twit said... 26
SG-if you look through some of the other threads about Kate on that blog, Kim and her posters aren't afraid to say what they want about Kate. That comment about being "afraid", I believe was a joke. Just check out this post as an example:


Thanks for posting the link to a different thread on the Mommy Savers blog! The comment below is from the blog's owner, the one who met Kate at Blog Her and shared the picture, and had some nice things to say about Kate. Looks like these are her real feelings:

The next thing is to pull an Octomom and do a pornographic film. (I didn't say that, did I?) I'm surprised she hasn't written a tell-all book yet. I thought she would do that.

AuntieAnn said...

wayward said...

When I got home, both sensors were gone and no one had been home yet. Bella carried them out the doggie door and put them in the corner of the yard. They were also turned off. Sleepy looked at me like "I couldn't believe this shit either! She just carried them out!! Kids these days!"

That is amazing and hilarious! Bella said "I'm trying to get some sleep on this couch and those damn motion sensors keep going off. They're outta here". Smart pup. lol.

I had a roommate who always slept through her alarm. It was one of those that had two bells on top of the clock. It sounded like a five alarm fire bell when it went off. It woke me up across the hall, but not her. I finally had enough of it one morning, went into her room, opened the window and tossed it out. It wasn't doing her any good anyway.

wayward said...

Sherry Baby said... 64

I thought that this woman said that she heard that Kate was a diva, but didn't confirm it. Why would Kate even respond to this? Saying that no good deed goes unpunished is just nasty. Kate should have said nothing at all, or if she wanted to address it, should have said that it was her pleasure calling this woman's daughter. That's it. No confrontation. No debate. No insult. I'm surprised that in all of these years she has not yet learned appropriate responses in situations.
You're right, the woman said she heard Kate was being a diva, not that she was one.

You are also correct, WHY does Kate continually respond to this stuff? Doesn't she know humor would go a long way here? Instead of ignoring it or making a little joke out of it, you can just see she is gearing up for a big twitter war.

That's it Kate, get people who witnessed your behavior last week but already forgot about it, all worked up again. Dig that fresh grave up.

It's very simple:

Cause= ungracious, greedy behavior, being unkind to "handler"

Effect= people observe this and raise eyebrows, talk.

Kate: "Lies! Untruths! People lying again!

It is beyond fascinating to me that she has done this for years and she is still stunned when she gets called out.

Kate is a twit said...

JoyinVirginia said... 63

How very gracious of you to offer your beach house for the party. Just one question--will the beach towels be freshly washed, or do you only wash them once a week and re-use them in a sanitary way?

I think the password for the party should be


I'll bring the videos from Youtube of Pizzagate and Escape from Gosselin Island.

By the way, I discover there is a REAL Gosselin Island, located in Manitoba, Canada. Maybe Kate can move there(sans children, of course). Then she can actually say "It's mine-all mine".

Dwindle said...

JoyinVirginia said... 63
Admin, how about a thread for the 15th for our virtual party? And since it is virtual and we can go anywhere, I would like to offer to host. We really do have a non-virtual beach house in Nags Head NC. Its rented out, but that won't interfere with our virtual party! We can walk down to the beach and I can supply beach chairs, umbrellas, and beach towels. We have a hot tub at the house that will hold everyone! There is a Brew-Thru down the road where we can pick up our favorite beverages.
Please please please can we have a party thread pleeeeeeeeze?

is your beach organic? I 'faithfully require' that, you know.

Sherry Baby said...

You are also correct, WHY does Kate continually respond to this stuff? Doesn't she know humor would go a long way here? Instead of ignoring it or making a little joke out of it, you can just see she is gearing up for a big twitter war.


Shades of the Em Tanner thing. Kate has no idea how to respond in situations, which is why she needs Steve present at all functions. He's there to protect the public from her.

Why is Kate saying it's a lying review? Is there a review other than the one where the blogger reported that she heard Kate was a diva? All I read was that Kate was nice to her and nice to her daughter. That's hardly a review on Kate's behavior.

Localyocul said...

@xxxxxxxxxxx (meant 2 hit 'reply' but retweeted) I don't get the 'diva' talk.It was a total fun X! Can't bel lying review:( about a minute ago

The simple fact of having a "handler" present is diva behavior. She is clueless.

Someone clue me in on the Rumspringa joke. I thought Rumspringa was the time Amish teens get to go wild for a while.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Hey administration you can play this during the 1yr cancelled party.

JoyinVirginia said...

Once a viewer and Kate is a twit, we will indeed have freshly laundered beach towels, some are old and well used, but they will be clean! now the rules are, after you use the towel, you bring it back to the house, shake the sand out while standing in the yard, and hang it over the deck railing. Grab the same towel next day to use please! Also, when coming back from the beach, stop and rinse the sand off your feet and legs by stepping in the dish pan of water by the door.
Oh, you can bring pets too! This is a pet friendly beach house, and dogs are allowed on nags head beaches and the national park beaches as long as they are on a leash. And please pick up your dogs poop and place in the garbage can.
Who wants the Sponge Bob beach towel? I call dibs on my Survivor towel! We have stars and stripes, Florida, discovery cove, Budweiser, rug rats, blues clues, little mermaid, Busch gardens.... If we run out I will let you use the stained towels where dh changed his bicycle chain in the living room with the bath towel underneath, and I have an old blanket in the back of the car.... We will manage!

Dwindle said...

AuntieAnn said... 35
I don't get why she's so offended. She already knows 99% of the world population doesn't like her. Of course, we don't know what she's really like. We're just going by what we've heard and are to ignore the 150 bitch-in-action episodes that proved what a freaking diva she is.

Poor Auntie. Now pay attention, I am only going to explain this once. I am #muchtoobusyandexhausted to have to repeat myself.

Yes, there are 150 episodes of the Kate and Kate Loves Kate show and not one minute of her acting like a human being. Yes, there are 666,666 accounts of her horrible behavior, sneering, and snot nose up in the air.

However at the event in question, she took a deep breath and LOWERED herself to allow that actual blogger in Her Highness's presence and actually (gulp) spoke to the daughter on the phone. Let me be even clearer: Kate tried with all her might and acted sort of decent for a full 3 minutes. It was trying, it was exhausting, it was humiliating, it was dirty filthy work. And for all that hard effort, she was not sainted as a living embodiment of the Blessed Mother.

So what exactly was the point of putting oneself out there and LOWERING herself in such a filthy and degrading fashion with MEDIOCRE people!!!?!!!

THIS is the thanks she gets! Normal humans are still disgusted by her! That will be the END of her humanitarian efforts! She is offended that the planet earth is not, in unison, SCREECHING her praises for her 3 minute sacrifice!

Now, Auntie, "lesson learned?" I hope so, coz I have rumspringa to stir and I cant do EVERYTHING all all all alone, ya know.

Molly12 said...

I’ve been dating a wonderful man for the last 5 years. His daughter is 11 years old but was just a baby when they divorced and doesn’t even remember when they lived together. I get along great with his daughter but would never think of disciplining her. That is her parent’s job. To this day, she still wants to see her parents get back together. She is thrilled when they show up for school events and tries to get them to hold hands. So, do I believe that 8 kids talk daily about their mom dating? Absolutely not. It’s sad that Kate uses her kids to try to remain in the spotlight.

Dwindle said...

OK I am trying to be brave here, but I could use some positive thoughts. HunnyBunny has been called in for a THIRD interview at the same place. I mean, by the time ya get to a 3rd interview, arent ya pretty much cookin' with gas?

Also, one of the owners of the old place called last night with ANOTHER job lead. It's been over a week. Dont most bosses kind of forget your name by this time? These guys keep calling here with some solid job leads. Weird.

So if you have a minute and the inclination, some postive thoughts would be much appreciated. HunnyBunny is 51 years old, after 23 years at the same place this isnt easy at all.

:) thanks guys.

Over In Berks said...

@chuckfan22 @Kateplusmy8 @siggyelizabeth she was probz jealous that her daughter was more excited to talk to Kate then she is to talk to her

Fans will make up any excuse for anything Kate does, even bringing out the old jealousy card.

"Someone clue me in on the Rumspringa joke. I thought Rumspringa was the time Amish teens get to go wild for a while."


It's all my fault. I brought it up awhile back in response to something (I don't even remember what it was!)...explaining that Rumspringa was a time of freedom for the Amish to decide if they want to return to the sect. Someone ran with it, it became a drink, and we've been feeling the effects of Rumspringing ever since.

JoyinVirginia said...

Local yokul, rumspringa is a drink the last party goers we coming up with. someone else has to bring the rumspringa, I am going to bring a case of really good and really cheap sangria I got from Costco!
Dwindle, sorry, there was” beach nourishment” last year so a lot of sand got trucked in! I cannot certify that it is organic.

Heide said...

Kate just can't expect to never get called out on her diva behavior.

KAT said...

Dwindle....sounds like a done deal to me...never heard of anyone going in for a third time and NOT getting the job....age doesn't matter like it used to...people move from job to job these days...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Here's a comment from the "lying" MommySaver blogger. She sounds SO MUCH MORE MATURE than Kate.

My sources are very reliable, trustworthy women I've known for years - so I wouldn't describe what I heard as unsubstantiated gossip. I'm not a Kate hater. Here on Mommysavers Kate (whether you love her or hate her) has been an active topic since her first show came out many years ago. I wanted to give the ladies here a truthful account of what I saw and heard. Kate was actually much more pleasant than I expected her to be, and the fact that she spoke with my daughter meant a lot to me. Just keepin it real.

Welcome to Mommysavers!

Kate, you should be so embarrassed and so humiliated. If you had a brain, a soul, a heart and a conscience you WOULD be. But you don't.

Kate is a twit said...

Dwindle-sending good vibes your way. Hope it works out-it does sound like they're very interested.

wayward said...

Dwindle said... 70
is your beach organic? I 'faithfully require' that, you know.
Also, proper hand cleansing materials. I will lose my shiz and throw my moose hot dog right on the beach if I can't get the wet wipes I require.

Localyocul said...

JoyinVirginia said... 79
Local yokul, rumspringa is a drink the last party goers we coming up with


Aha! This is what I think of for Rumspringa:

Carezee said...

Dwindle I am so happy for your Hunny Bunny. It sounds to me like the place he worked at before really liked him. I think after the third interview he most certainly has the job. They wouldn't waste their time if they weren't really interested in him.
The day before 9/11 my husband and 5 other men who had 25 years or more with the business were told they were no longer needed. The place he worked for is a very recognized company. Think of film you may have bought for your camera. They were cutting back and unfortunately for them they were the highest paid so they had to go. Thet got called in and told to hand in the keys to the company car find your own way home. At the time one of our daughters was a freshman in high school and the other a 6th grader. Of course the next day was when 9/11 happened. Can I tell you how hard it was for my husband to find another job. He got interviews (not from his previous employer) but they looked at his credential and told him they couldn't pay him what he was worth. He would have been willing to take anything. It was very tough that first year. He finally decided to start up his own business. He does computer work. He does everything from building them to writing programs. He wrote a program for a bank here to use in their mortgage dept. and has written them for title search companies. He is truly smart and gifted. We don't make the money we once did but he is happier now than he ever was. He is out of the corporate rat race and the pressures that came with it. We may not be rich or be able to afford the vacations and cars. But we have each other and the 2 most wonderful daughters you could ask for.

So Dwindle I guess what I am trying to say is that as scary as this time may be for you. You have your wonderful HunnyBunny and that is what is important in life. It will all work out for the best. And luckily for you, your husband's past employer truly cares for him too.

readerlady said...

@localyocal -- Rumspringa came up as a rite of passage for Amish youths. Someone thought rumspringa was the perfect name for an adult beverage and it just sort of grew legs from there. Just having fun and blowing off steam and snarking on KK. Come join the party!

angie said...

The little kids shouldn't be photographed while in school or b parties if there is a chance they could be sold for $$. Kate & Jon did that, put them on TV, now people can make $$ off them. Sad but true. Nor can the little kids go play with other kids unless someone watches over them because of that damn TV show. If she would stop posting photos, no one would know they were anywhere or what they look like year to year. Just let them grow up, go to school, visit with their Dad and see if they can overcome their childhoods.Their formative years were spent so alone except for their "daddys on the crew" and that is so sad. I saw frightening photos of those kids at times in the magazines, as Kate went off somewhere and "strangers" watched those kids.
Not Kate or Jon, can't stay out of media. Have to be on Twitter. Those kids are a magnet for
people. Not too long ago they were on covers of magazines. Good thing they don't look alike but she keeps posting the whole family on that web site hoping for a TV show. Even a vacay is posted. Her hunger for media attention doesn't stop. Wonder how much Steve has to do with this, he is her handler/mgr/whatever else. No way she will get a show for dating when it is public knowledge he is her "live in something" or other. How dumb can both of them be? Stupid is my guess. Remember when he tried to be the man in the car at the end of the shows discussing Kate? It lasted 1 or 2 shows.Wanted to replace Jon's role on the sofa at the end of the show. I think he wants to be on TV too. He always shows up in photos. So he is out there like in that race in Chi, he wants to be photographed too. If he was a true bodyguard/mgr he would not allow himself to be seen. Idiots 2 of them.
Oh that rubber boyfriend in a pkg has been around for years. Same with a girlfriend too.
It is a sponge usually given at bridal showers or birthdays or bachelor parties.If she is on vacay with the kids or was, Steve was with her. Maybe those photo is his sons there. Kate never does the ocean, remember? She ran in her bikini, built like a weight lifter in her bikini with those too short legs for her body to the edge of the water, beating out her kids. Poor kids, she has competed with them since they were born. She sold their souls for money. If this guy has a book, then publish it, get it out there and save the future of these kids.
that is what this blog is about, saving the kids isn't it?
Famewhore? She certainly knew the word didn't she. Who said appearing in Playboy was the last when declining in popularity. I beg to differ. Kate could not compete with those young girls who pose nor the older who like Pam Anderson still can draw viewers and readers. Kate Gosselin is no Pam Anderson. Even if she and Purseboy did a porno together, no one would buy it. Hey, maybe they have, he is ruthless in pursuing a career for her. I do not trust him, never did. think Jon tried to tell that story and got shut up by TLC. Now he won't tell it but I'll bet he did tell it to people over the years and it might be in that Gosselinbook.
What a disgrace Steve is to his own family for what he has done.But he still smells $$.

AuntieAnn said...

Thank you Dwindle. I needed to be set straight. I'll now lay prostrate on the floor and pray for wisdom and the strength to withhold any further questions pertaining to the behavior of our Lady of Benevolence.

And while I'm down here, can you stir me up one them there Rumspringas too?

readerlady said...

Dwindle -- Prayer said and good thoughts in mind. I'd cross fingers too, but it's hard enough to type with them uncrossed. Do toes count?

Kate is a twit said...

Kate should realize that by making that tweet about the mommysavers article, she piqued the curiousity of people, who probably went to take a look at the blog.

The blog has a lot of different well-written articles on money saving tips, things to do with kids, etc-all things Kate tries to do on her CC blog, but dismally fails at.

Thanks to Kate the readership at mommysavers has probably increased.

The sheeple are claiming that the blogger is jealous and are now harassing her on twitter. They just can't accept that Kate could be a "diva". If you ask me, Kate's the one who should be jealous of a very informative, well-written blog site.

Once a Viewer said...

dwindle: Sounds like your hubby is pretty popular and a good employee, thus the continued recommendations....3rd interview? sounds pretty promising. You're both in my thoughts.


Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

I have to laugh at the "good deed" remark and the sheeple going gaga over Kate taking the time from her busy schedule to call the daughter. I didn't see swarms of people around that booth so she couldn't have been too busy.

This is not an uncommon thing for celebrities and performers to do. They take time to visit kids in hospitals, they acknowledge their fans in different ways, but it mostly goes on without the public knowing about it.

I was backstage at a show recently and a woman who had a pass finally got to meet her idol. There's not a person here who wouldn't recognize his name. She said that her granddaughter had tickets to the show, it was her birthday, but that she was sick at home with a high fever. She asked if he would sign her ticket for her. He said to her, "what's your granddaughter's phone number?" She stood there with her mouth open, handed him the phone and he called her. When he hung up, he thanked the fan -- the granddaughter was such fun to talk to.

After the woman left, I remarked that it was such a nice thing he did. He brushed it off, saying that if he could make one person happy that night, he was glad to do it.

Kate, good deed my a$$. Just your referring to what you did as a "good deed" IS diva behavior.

Localyocul said...

readerlady said... 86
@localyocal -- Rumspringa came up as a rite of passage for Amish youths. Someone thought rumspringa was the perfect name for an adult beverage and it just sort of grew legs from there. Just having fun and blowing off steam and snarking on KK. Come join the party!


Oh! I think I was at the beach for the first party. And you know, when I am at the beach with the family I,well, spend time with the family!! I'll put 8/15 in my calendar!

wayward said...

wayward said... 84
Dwindle said... 70
is your beach organic? I 'faithfully require' that, you know.
Also, proper hand cleansing materials. I will lose my shiz and throw my moose hot dog right on the beach if I can't get the wet wipes I require.

I actually feel bad making that comment. It was all editing when Kate was shown being rude and ungracious to a former US Vice Presidential candidate.

The REAL, TRUE Kate gladly ate what the Palin's served them, joined in on the lessons Sarah's Dad was giving the kids and Kate even took up a fishing pole. She never complained and happily camped outside. It's terrible how editing and people's lies have given her such a bad rep and I didn't want to add to the misinformation ;)

Dwindle{{{{{{{sending good employment vibes to your hubby}}}}}}} Sounds like he's on the right track and this is almost in the bag!

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Auntie Ann said -- "I'll now lay prostrate on the floor and pray for wisdom and the strength to withhold any further questions pertaining to the behavior of our Lady of Benevolence."


I thought you were saying that something was wrong with your prostate!

wayward said...

Kate is a twit said... 90
Kate should realize that by making that tweet about the mommysavers article, she piqued the curiousity of people, who probably went to take a look at the blog.

The blog has a lot of different well-written articles on money saving tips, things to do with kids, etc-all things Kate tries to do on her CC blog, but dismally fails at.

Thanks to Kate the readership at mommysavers has probably increased.

The sheeple are claiming that the blogger is jealous and are now harassing her on twitter. They just can't accept that Kate could be a "diva". If you ask me, Kate's the one who should be jealous of a very informative, well-written blog site

After Kate made some libelous comments about Em Tanner, I immediately placed a $200.00 order. Kate's batshit crazyness and major personality deficits are quite a boon to the bottom lines of her victims.

Kate is a twit said...

Since Kate said "Can't bel lying review" does she mean the WHOLE review was a lie? Guess these excerpts are lies too:

"My first impressions of her were that she was really pretty. Tall, thin and beautiful"

"Makeup professionally done, tan, high heels, very put-together."

"Kate was friendly to me."

Did Kate even read the article, or did she just take her sheeple's word that it wa negative? Maybe she should follow her own advice when she tweeted recently:

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8
@xxxx well, if you judge without actual facts and truth, I think THAT'S sad. Nvr judge without ALL info. Lesson learned? ~ Administrator said...

The fact that the blogger also said very nice things about Kate just gives her even more credibility. If you were just out to take someone down why say nice things?

JudyK said...

Dwindle thoughts are w/ you. Don't understand why your husband was let go after 23 years...doesn't make sense but sounds like he had lots of loyal friends there. What kind of company does that anyway!

Sorry I'm so very far behind...haven't had a spare minute lately to read...trying so very hard to get my own financial situation under control. Hugs.

JudyK said...

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 95
Auntie Ann said -- "I'll now lay prostrate on the floor and pray for wisdom and the strength to withhold any further questions pertaining to the behavior of our Lady of Benevolence."


I thought you were saying that something was wrong with your prostate!

This made me laugh. I have a neighbor who is a nurse and just a couple of weeks ago was telling me about another neighbor with "prostRate" problems. Oh brother!

wayward said...

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 95
Auntie Ann said -- "I'll now lay prostrate on the floor and pray for wisdom and the strength to withhold any further questions pertaining to the behavior of our Lady of Benevolence."


I thought you were saying that something was wrong with your prostate!
No no no, it's Kate who has something wrong with her prostate ;)

Sport said...

"Just having fun and blowing off steam and snarking on KK. Come join the party!"

- - - -

I think you are supposed to say "Block the bullies ASAP and come join our fun"

Because life is so pitifully boring and mediocre I like to throw unwarranted praise on a delusional narcissist across the internet. Try it, it's fun!

JudyK said...

Wayward #56: Cannot BELIEVE Bella took those sensors outside...she's getting back at you for removing her rug! LOL.

I just had all of my carpeting and prior wood flooring removed and replaced.

I am so glad I didn't get more carpet, because my Jack Russell Terrier made a beeline for his favorite pee spot in the house...the bedpost on my bed. It would have cost $3,000 alone to replace that room w/ carpet...sooooo glad I did not do that, because it would have already been ruined. So far, no further mistakes with the new flooring.

Bella will learn...sounds like you have an incredibly smart little pup there.

AuntieAnn said...

I thought you were saying that something was wrong with your prostate!
ha! Paging Mrs. Malaprop.

Permanent Name said...


Good thoughts and wishes coming your way for HunnyBunny and you. Fingers crossed; it sounds like they like him though, having him back three times!

Let us know!!!

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

Dwindle, positive thoughts from me too. I know all will turn out well.

Permanent Name said...


Actually thought of this too, as I pressed the publish button too fast:

I'm also wishing good luck to the company interviewing him - they will be fortunate to get HunnyBunny, who sounds like a well-liked employee who works hard.

Permanent Name said...

Lordy, she must be with the kids because she's twatting up a storm.

Anything to avoid the kids and interact with her HUGE world of fans (snark, snerk, blech). How many have we decided she really has? 20?

There is something so fundamentally, seriously wrong with her mind.....

White Organza said...

"So if you have a minute and the inclination, some postive thoughts would be much appreciated." (Dwindle)

Consider it done, Dwindle! Having been a free-lance writer for most of my life (In french... That's why my english is so poor, here...) I'm the exact opposite of your DH, jobe-wise. But I do know how nerveracking a silent phone can be.

So... many, many, many positive vibes, from me to you and DH! With a big french "oh-la-la" just for luck...

KAT said...

Does she have to announce every couple of hours that she "loves to spend time with family and friends" Why doesn't she shut the hell up and GO spend time with them...she is so full of shit..she sounds like a complete jackass...

good luck everybody else said...

That is so funny that there is a real Gosselin island. How about if we all pitch in for a plane ticket and send her there--one way of course!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8

More sun, more waves, more sand, and more tan (despite sunscreen) smiling faces! I love spending time w my family (& friends) at the beach!


Kate's at THE BEACH! No POOL at this BEACH house?
If she does go on the cruise with the twins, will she tweet about it?

Ex Nurse said...

I posted about the glycine. The standard dose is 3 grams (3000 mg), which is equivalent to 3/4 teaspoon. Amazon has pre-measured packets (called sticks), but buying the bulk powder is much cheaper. I mix it with juice and sparkling water--it is a little effervescent and has a slightly sweet taste. I also have it in 1 gram capsules for traveling. SInce it is a fine white powder, I thought it would be less suspicious.

I have been taking it for 2 months, and it has really helped my insomnia. I wake up only once a night and can get right back to sleep.

TLC stinks said...

That mommysaver blogger just got her "gossip" turned into the "truth". Kate and her followers attack acting like high school bad girls. Proves she is a diva and her fans are nutjobs. Kate was being paid to be nice and of course she waltzed around grabbing freebies (x9) and bossing Stevie around. I totally believe it. Kate is a diva showing up in a tight red dress, very high heels, blinding blond limp hair, full makeup and shiney dangling earrings. Her point was to make those women take notice of her. LOOK AT ME, I'm a STAH. Blah. I think those women are just like us and except for a handful, were not impressed by her appearance with her "body"guard.

Is there a link where I can read what the mommysaver blogger wrote?

Let's throw tomatoes said...

So Mommyblogger says " Our Kate" was demanding freebies, total diva, bossing her handler around( was that Steve or Jon??? ) and probably over dressed and to much makeup! Nooooooooooo! I can't believe that when has Kate ever, ever demonstrated that kind of behavior??

Her gullible followers are scaring this poor woman to backtracking and TRYING to make Kate look good! I don't have twitter, what do they say?? Also can't she just delete, like Jon and Kate use to brag about back in the day? WTH is going on with these people? Is Kate paying them to defend her when she is such a worthless human being!!! I think Kate and her followers would make an interesting read!! ~ Administrator said...

Have you noticed no one here is hellbent to prove that the many NICE things she said about Kate are lies? I accept it, I'm sure she was nice at that moment. Why is it we can accept Kate has her nice moments but they can't accept she has her bad ones?

TLC stinks said...

Kate's family are the kids (no grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles) and her friends are paid employees. She's got some nerve calling paid employees "friends". Gawd, the woman is insufferable.

Maggie said...

Post 112 Kate wrote (&friends). What does the
&amp mean in her post? Thanks.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Dwindle said... 77

OK I am trying to be brave here, but I could use some positive thoughts. HunnyBunny has been called in for a THIRD interview at the same place. I mean, by the time ya get to a 3rd interview, arent ya pretty much cookin' with gas?

Also, one of the owners of the old place called last night with ANOTHER job lead. It's been over a week. Dont most bosses kind of forget your name by this time? These guys keep calling here with some solid job leads. Weird.

So if you have a minute and the inclination, some postive thoughts would be much appreciated. HunnyBunny is 51 years old, after 23 years at the same place this isnt easy at all.

:) thanks guys.


Positive thoughts heading your way, and to your husband as well, Dwindle.


Mrs. Malaprop said...

Moose Mania said... 45
I'll bring my 500 loaves of bread I baked to the party


All you need to do is bring five loaves. I'll bring two fishes. Mrs. Malaprop can bring Moses and he'll see to it that the multitudes are fed.
Ha ha ha Moose! We're in! Wait . . . Jesus was the 5 loaves, 2 fishes guy. Moses was manna in the wilderness. Well, we'll just bring the bread & fish because I don't know how to make manna.

Dwindle said...

JudyK said... 99
Dwindle thoughts are w/ you. Don't understand why your husband was let go after 23 years...doesn't make sense but sounds like he had lots of loyal friends there. What kind of company does that anyway!

HunnyBunny is an auto mechanic and the specialty car brand was discontinued and folded before the auto industry bailout. The dealership did NOT want to do this, but it's going belly up itself. There were buyers for the brand, but GM wouldnt sell it, preferred the tax deductions of rolling it under.

Auntie Ann, just want to thank you for 'getting' my snark. :) I know many of us are beyond that and can recognize tongue in cheek on this board at 40 paces, but I never want to offend any poster.

Waiting still, on pins and needles to hear about the job...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is a twit said... 36

To Kate, taking a few minutes to say hello to someone's daughter constitutes a "good deed".

I guess responding to her tweeties, is also a good deed in Kate's head.


As time goes by, we are getting a clearer picture of how Kate's warped brain works.

Over In Berks & Beyond said...

Post 112 Kate wrote (&friends). What does the
&amp mean in her post? Thanks.


If you use an ampersand (&) within a tweet or in an ID on a blog, it will
translate the "amp" showing the &amp. It has something to do with the character code and html.

Someone please explain it better than this!! :)

Rhymes with Witch said...

They need to stop worrying about you. 87(

Admin, this goes far beyond the boyfriend issue and it's seriously scary.

readlady, I LOVE Julie Smith's books.

Wayward. that's so funny about Bella! I had a lab and a cat that got along famously, to the extent that the cat unwrapped a cooked chicken
that was on top of the fridge, ate his share and sent the rest down tothe dog. All that remained was the foil on top of the fridge.

And best wishes to Mr. Dwindle.

TLC stinks said...

OMG. Kate sure knows how to burn her bridges. This is the woman who posted about meeting Kate:

Kimberly Danger is an author and nationally recognized household savings expert that has been featured in press campaigns for many years.

Mommysavers in the Media: Kimberly Danger of has been featured as a money saving expert in the news and on morning shows in Philadelphia, Tampa, Miami, Orlando, Detroit, Boston, Cleveland, San Diego, Sacramento, Baltimore, Miami, Seattle, St. Louis, Atlanta, Chicago, Nashville, Phoenix, Dallas, Hartford, New Haven, Indianapolis and in her home state of Minnesota. She has appeared nationally on Daytime, Better TV and The Daily Buzz. She has shared segments on baby bargains, organization, savvy shopping strategies, back to school, and saving money during the holidays.

Kimberly Danger has worked with as their Family Savings Expert, Uniroyal Tire as spokesperson for their More Mileage for Your Money campaign, and with Kmart as a Playdate Place blogger. In 2010, she was recognized by CNN/Money Magazine as their Best Online Consumer Expert. She has also worked on national campaigns for Tide, Sprint Mobile, and Shell. She has experience with RMTs, SMTs, ANRs, Co-op Media Tours, Matte Releases and Web Videos. Her interviews and tips have appeared in other newspapers and national magazines such as:

*All You
*Woman’s Day
*Woman’s World
*Real Simple
*First for Women
*Women’s Health and Fitness
*Everyday with Rachael Ray
*Budget Living
*Quick & Simple

Media Requests: Kimberly has provided dozens of expert interviews with radio stations, TV stations, newspapers and magazines on the subject of saving time and money. She is happy to provide interviews as a frugal expert and put out casting calls to her reader database. Mommysavers members have been featured on national TV programs such as Wife Swap and CBS’s The Early Show.

Mrs. Malaprop said...

AuntieAnn said... 51
Moose Mania said... 45
All you need to do is bring five loaves. I'll bring two fishes. Mrs. Malaprop can bring Moses and he'll see to it that the multitudes are fed.
And turn water into Rumpsringa.

Once a Viewer said...


Sorry, one more Glycine question! I have the sticks from amazon now, but what brand of powder do you get- I couldn't find one on Amazon that would work for measuring 3 g. I would like to save $- the sticks are a little pricey! The sticks' powder tastes just fine in sparkling water, grape- flavored, very subtle. My sleep has been better, not perfect but I sure appreciate any difference. Thanks.

Tess said...

Dwindle - positive thoughts have been sent your way!

Count me in on the party! I'll bring hair extensions for all -- in my two purses :)

Bearswife said...

Please, please, please do not send kHate to Gosselin Island! It is in my province and I do not want her here. THanks.

Dwindle, I am betting some good things are headed hunny bunnys way.

I am enjoying FW, I am on part 24. My whole life I have been fascinated by farming, I always hAd a dream to marry a farmer. I feel sorry for Darrel, I think Juanita could have been more sympathetic, Roy seems like a horrible excuse for a father. I do think Darrel was controlling

Over In Berks said...

Maggie, in the above post, I didn't type & -- I just typed the ampersand and it automatically converted it to & ~ Administrator said...

Everything is about keeping score for Kate. Anyone know a score keeper? They will bring up some favor they did for you 10 years ago they feel was never returned in kind. They obsessively tally things in their heads when normal people just do nice things for the sake of it. Since I don't like owing anyone, I tend to cut off scorekeepers.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

TLC stinks said... 114

That mommysaver blogger just got her "gossip" turned into the "truth". Kate and her followers attack acting like high school bad girls. Proves she is a diva and her fans are nutjobs. Kate was being paid to be nice and of course she waltzed around grabbing freebies (x9) and bossing Stevie around. I totally believe it. Kate is a diva showing up in a tight red dress, very high heels, blinding blond limp hair, full makeup and shiney dangling earrings. Her point was to make those women take notice of her. LOOK AT ME, I'm a STAH. Blah. I think those women are just like us and except for a handful, were not impressed by her appearance with her "body"guard.

Is there a link where I can read what the mommysaver blogger wrote?


Here's the link, TLC stinks:

Mrs. Malaprop said...

Wayward . . .
That did give me an LOL! Sounds like you have your hands full.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

You know, there really is no reason for Skeeve to accompany Kate on this appearances. There are no mob scenes of people waiting to meet her.

UNLESS, his job is to walk around the venue, ask people if they want to meet Kate Gosselin, and then take them to her.

I wonder if Kate charged those people $20.00 for taking a photo with her?

Kate is a twit said...

TLC stinks said... 125

Yes, I'm sure Kimberly Danger has many reasons to be jealous of Kate. Someone should post a link to her bio on Kate's twitter.

Maggie said...

All these fake tweets about Kate loving spending time with her family is because she knows Hoffman's book is coming out this months.

Remember on Hoffman's blog he went to great lengths to describe all the time he spends with his family. He said he thought that it was necessary to do since he is writing about Kate and the time she spends with her family. (yes, I am paraphrasing) but you can read it yourself on his website.

Yep, I firmly believe that is why she is tweeting all these fake tweets that life just doesn't get better than being with her children.

That is why she gave Jon 50% custody and tweeted that it works best for her family for her to be at home one week and gone the next week. Kate sounds like a nut when she can't keep her lies, facts, and tweets straight.

Moose Mania said...

Ha ha ha Moose! We're in! Wait . . . Jesus was the 5 loaves, 2 fishes guy.


I know...two different Testaments, but I figured that Moses had some pull with the Jesus guy and he (Moses) could figure out how to get us all fed.

"Her gullible followers are scaring this poor woman to backtracking and TRYING to make Kate look good! I don't have twitter, what do they say??"


You don't need Twitter to read the tweets. It's all on Twazzup.

"So Mommyblogger says " Our Kate" was demanding freebies, total diva, bossing her handler around( was that Steve or Jon??? ) and probably over dressed and to much makeup! Nooooooooooo!"


I didn't know that anyone said that. Did they? All I read was that there were rumors of diva behavior. Did someone come out and say that she was demanding freebies, etc.?

emschick1128 said...

TLC Stinks I totally agree with you. I think it's total bs that the kids are asking her about dating. I was divorced for many years when my children were young and never once did any of them say anything. Furthermore, most normal mothers don't discuss their love life with their children. I didn't date for years because my focus was on taking care of my kids not trying to find another man. Kats' 8 kids are the least of her problems finding a man. She's a miserable bitch with no redeeming qualities, that's her problem. I don't even think she cares if she has another guy, I mean slave but I think a dating show is probably her only option to try to stay in the public eye. She is certainly entitled to a social life but traveling the country looking for a man??

secret 2 said...

Bad thing about kate talking with kids about boyfriends is the massive guilt trip she lays on them. Blaming them for the reason she is all alone. When mady and cara want to go out she whines she will be sad alone at home and they have fun makes her feel bad

Dwindle said...

news update my dearest adoring minions!!!

TONIGHTISH OF THIS EVENINGNESS IT IS DELICIOUSISH HOMEMADEY ORGANICAL RUMSPRINGAS POURED BUTLERED SERVED AND AVAILABLE ALL AROUND FOR ONE AND ALL AND EVERYONEISH (even Franky even though he is an icky BOY!) WHO SIT ON THE PERFECTLY STRAIGHTISH TAPEY LINE THAT I LAID OUT ALL ALL ALL ALONE ON MY WONDERFULLY OAK HARDWOOD FLOORING!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I DO FAITHFULLY REQUIRE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE THE PROUD AND EXUBERANT PARENTS OF A CRACKLING NEW EMPLOYMENT TYPE PAYING J.O.B.!!!!! (And a good one at that!) Me, myself and I wont bore you you and mediocre you with the miniscule detailish specialized minutia details, but HunnyBunny has been on part time, half time, less than full time hours worked in a workish work week for a couple 2 or 3 of years now and this one could actually realistically perhaps possibly be 40 hours of work clocked and worked and paid for in a calendar work week!!! Of course, it has been a hard road to follow and hoe and a challenging path of navigations but you know MEEE!!!! If it is worth beatin' it into HunnyBunny, it worth beatin' into 'em well!!!!!!!!!!!! Never do anything halfy wayish, I always say!!!!!!!!! As long as you have faith and rainbows in your brain and unicorns in your farts and promote yourself hard enough, you can get people to accomplish ANYTHING and give you I MEAN GIVE MEEEEEEEEEEE all the credit!!!!!!!!!!! All us perfect gals know that, right ladies???????????????????? And if I, I, I, didnt organize my good bras, my hair bleach, and my botox, my small little helpless waifs of children, each of them barely over 30 years old of age, would never have milk or clothes that fit or water for showers.
I owe ME all to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am AMAZZZZZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY AM I REALLY AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and some HunnyBunny or another got a decent job today.

Tonight will be calmishyness here but tomorrow will be a rumspringing kind of day! I am going to get a tour of the new place, bro in law is taking us to dinner to celebrate, we are going to a local farmers market to splurg on vegetables and there will be general happiness!

(Trying to post like Kate is draining. Now I need a drink. We are pretty happy here, ladies! Come here; gimme a hug!)

Kate is a twit said...

Dwindle-Congrats to HunnyBunny!!

Now we need to have another party to celebrate!

Tucker's Mom said...

Hugs Dwindle ;-)
Have a ruspringa and relaxish. Words are hardishness!!

Claire O'Hare said...

The truth hurts, doesn't it Admin?

Over In Berks said...

Dwindle -- Good for HB! Let the Rumspringa spring freeishly and plentifulishly!

KAT said...

Congrats Dwindle...couldn't happen to a nicer poster. I will be very unselfish and have a drink for you, don't have to thank'll be my pleasure!!!

Heide said...

Ex Nurse said... 113
I posted about the glycine. The standard dose is 3 grams (3000 mg), which is equivalent to 3/4 teaspoon.


Carezee said...

Congratulations Dwindle. Enjoy your evening:)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Dwindle, grrrreat news! It made me, like, goose bumpishedness all over!

Kate's rather naive fan, gypsi, unknowingly rubs it in (when Kate cancelled gypsi booked another kind of cruise):

@Kateplusmy8 Only 8 more days til our family fun, sun and sand. CRUISE time. Woo hoo!!! So excited.. :-D

KAT said...

I don't know what the big deal is with the "sun and sand"...I live at the beach and frankly I'm sick of sun and sand....can't wait for fall..

Not Really said... (Administrator) said... 116
Have you noticed no one here is hellbent to prove that the many NICE things she said about Kate are lies? I accept it, I'm sure she was nice at that moment. Why is it we can accept Kate has her nice moments but they can't accept she has her bad ones?


That's because you can't disprove them. If someone says "I ran into Kate at XYZ and she was nice to me" how can you disprove that? What you do in lieu of being able to do that is always try to discount the positive reports. E.g., "she was only nice because she was on camera," "big deal, she was being paid to be nice," etc. etc.

You personally may accept that she has her nice moments, but I think you need to review some of the comments from your regular posters before making that generalization.

And before you say it, I don't think Kate's fans can "disprove" that she was a diva either.

Once a Viewer said...

Congrats to HunnyBunny- I'm sure he won't mind my using his pet name. lol Seriously, that terrific news.:)

NJGal51 said...

Ex Nurse - I received my Glycine sticks from Amazon and have been taking it for about a week now. Like Once-A-Viewer my sleep is not yet perfect but it is much, much better and I am able to get right back to sleep. I've only been getting up 2 to 3 times a night. Thanks for the tip!

I'm sure that Kate does not realize who Kimberly Danger is and just thinks that she's some random blogger that was awe struck to meet her. Kimberly has said that she trusts her sources. Kate, you are an ass-hat.

Audible Click said...

Dwindle, I'm so happy for you and hubby...YAY!

Twittering And Twattering said...

Kate Is A Twit: Don't forget your Billy Joel CDs, or should I check to see if Billy is available and willing to come for some Rumspringing?

KAT said...

I read on and off today and I don't recall if anyone said if Skeeve was there at the beach. If he was there..was his wife with him?

What's Next? said...

OK, this is getting worse with what Kate's attorney is saying about Jon. This is a Radar Online article from Aug 2nd.

By Alexis Tereszcuk - Radar Entertainment Editor

Jon Gosselin's claims that he can't pay his rent because he has to pay child support came as a surprise to his ex-wife Kate Gosselin, as has exclusively learned that he doesn't have to pay child support any more according to her attorney.

Cheryl Young has represented Kate in her ongoing legal battle with her ex-husband, and she told that Jon no longer has to pay a penny to Kate, 37, for their eight children.

"I read Jon’s statement on and was quite surprised to read that he claims to be struggling to keep his child support payments current. As of April 27, 2012, Kate voluntarily relieved Jon of all current and future child support obligations for their eight children," she said.

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Through The Years

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star claimed that he is cash strapped and fearful of his ability to pay Kate for their children.

"I can't afford to pay my rent and the domestic-relations staff tells me they will put me in jail unless I pay child support. I am a single father who’s trying to make ends meet during a recession. What do I do — pay child support or rent? I need to support my kids, but I could lose my house, and I need my home to continue to have custody."

Kate's attorney disagrees with his claims, telling that “Kate and Jon talked and worked through all of these issues and she withdrew the child support.”

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin Reports For Work At Coupon Cabin

As for Jon’s claims that he is “going to end up in jail because I can't afford to pay child support to Kate who has plenty of money,” Cheryl Young explained that he still must pay any amount left over from prior to April 27.

“Currently, he is only paying a small amount on arrears for support that was not paid prior to the April date when she dropped support. Those payments will soon end meaning that Kate is the sole supporter of the parties’ children.”

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin’s 10 Sexiest Bikini Looks!

Kate’s attorney defended her, saying that she has no hard feelings toward her unemployed ex-husband.

“The last thing Kate ever wanted was for the children to see their father in dire financial straits.”

End of Article


Anonymous said...

Congrats to your HunnyBunny on his job. That must be such a relief. Any relation to Honey BooBoo? LOL

I knew a scorekeeper, my kids father (ok, ex-husband). I didnt know there was a name for that behavior- that is hilarious!! He is also the most cheapest, most tight-waddiest (yes, I just made that word up) person I have ever met. He deliberately quit his job over 14 years ago and hasnt worked since to avoid paying child support- and dont tell me the the state can make him pay, you cant get blood from a turnip, or whatever that expression is, LOL! I gave up and just raised her on my own. And to this DAY he still says what he did for me or for her- from years ago, score keeping to the end. Sad little man.

Once a Viewer said...

Bearswife said... 129

I felt sorry for Darrel at some points too. But he didn't seem to appreciate all Juanita did on the farm, working, and for the family. I think he was too caught up in his worry, responsibility and exhaustion. Sometimes I think he wanted - needed - to talk about it, and while J's attitude was more positive, she could have allowed him to vent. (as far as was shown, she sometimes brushed off his complaints) But he was also verbally abusive to her. It was a tough situation all round and luckily the kids seemed somewhat spared by the good parenting they received.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Go Katie - keep burning those bridges. Schlub.

Sweet Tart said...

Mark me down as another poster who finds the "grow a boyfriend" stuff very creepy. Kate has no boundaries apparently! I'm a single mom, and lately I've been thinking about dating again. My 14-year old son never asks about me dating, nor expresses any interest in my dating life. In fact, if I should happen to bring up past boyfriends in a conversation, he usually shuts me right down! LOL.

Only in Kate's fevered imagination do her children have this bright interest in Mommy dating and/or finding a boyfriend. I'm sure the children have learned long ago that the best way to avoid punishment is to simply go along with whatever their mother says.

Kate has shown time again that she is crass, tasteless and has no concept of etiquette or manners. But to bring a blow up doll to the dinner table? That's beyond poor manners and into
"disturbing behavior" territory. What a wierdo!

Call Me Crazy said...

Dwindle, sending all good thoughts out to you and H-Bunny!

localyocul said...

TLC stinks said... 114
That mommysaver blogger just got her "gossip" turned into the "truth". Kate and her followers attack acting like high school bad girls. Proves she is a diva and her fans are nutjobs. Kate was being paid to be nice and of course she waltzed around grabbing freebies (x9) and bossing Stevie around. I totally believe it. Kate is a diva showing up in a tight red dress, very high heels, blinding blond limp hair, full makeup and shiney dangling earrings. Her point was to make those women take notice of her. LOOK AT ME, I'm a STAH. Blah. I think those women are just like us and except for a handful, were not impressed by her appearance with her "body"guard.


Yep, but the blogger Kim who has accomplished 20 times more than her states: She had heels on, I had on flip-flops - so it wasn't quite an even playing field. Still, I'm only 5'4" and I'm sure she's much taller than that.

So yes, K8 was also dressed like a complete diva

Once a Viewer said...


What do you think of this for a new reality show? Remember the mom breastfeeding her 4 yr old? Well....

Ex Nurse said...

Let's throw tomatoes said....
You don't have to "have" twitter to see all of the conversations. You can see just Kate's tweets on, and then click to see what she was responding to. you can also go to and see all of the tweets. She has a public account, so no need to create your own account or follow her. if you want to tweet, you will have to create a twitter account.

Call Me Crazy said...

Dwindle - Congratulations to you and your H-Bunny!

readerlady said...

Dwindle -- Greatish newsishness!! !!!!!! Congratulationsness to Hunnybunny and you! I just toastedish like to you with awesomeish iced teaness (of the Lipton varietyness)!! !!!!!!

You're right, trying to think and write like KK is draining! Such great news about your DHs new job. Hope he likes it and that it does prove to be 40hrs of clocked (and PAID!) labor.

Sport 102 -- Sorry, I forgot about blocking the bullies. BTW -- I see you're a fellow Robert Parker fan. LOVE Spenser! I enjoy Jesse Stone and Sunny Randall, but Spenser has always been my favorite male PI (Sharon McCone is my favorite female PI).

What's Next? said...

Here's another BlogHer12 attendee that has something to say about Kate.

and another:

And...I don't want to get too personal with a twitter tweet so I will leave out names, but there is a picture with four African American women posing with Kate and the following tweet...

@@@ So we hung out w Kate Gosling at #BlogHer12 and she called us"good girls"so weird

Wondering if that ties into Robert Hoffman's copy/paste of Kate's tweet about not seeing color. It comes across to me as racist to call African American women "good girls"

Bearswife said...

Oops!! I was typing so fast before that I didn't finish my post. I was trying to finish my train of thought before I lost cell service! We're on our way to the lake for the weekend ( where we have our own mini beach kHate!!)

Anyway, what I wa trying to say before was
Meant to say that Darrel w
As controlling but I think he honestly tried to be a good husband and father. He didn't have much of an example to follow.

BTW just passed a combine harvesting wheat, don't worry dh is driving.

Bearwife said...

Please forgive how disjointed my last post
Was, my phone is being very cranky. I hope you get the jist of it! The joys of being in the country.

What's Next? said...

Dwindle, that is so wonderful! I'm happy to hear that.

Tucker's Mom said...

I agree that it's sick and twisted to draw the kids into Kate's dating life or lack there of. It's just another way Kate is using her children to further her agenda.
They want to be filmed again? Probably not. They want the benefits of filming. There is absolutely nothing stopping any of the crew from visiting them, so why do the kids miss them? Uh huh.
The kids want a new daddy? Oh, this one chapped my ass. Parental alienation . Kate can pretend Jon never existed all she wants, but those kids love him.
I think children of divorce will always hope for a reconciliation.

Tucker's Mom said...

Meant to say that Darrel w
As controlling but I think he honestly tried to be a good husband and father. He didn't have much of an example to follow.
I agree. Darrel had a lot of frustrations and poor Juanita had to listen to him bitch, but she did it, God bless her heart.
Darrel's station in life was not enviable and as I said before, shit rolls downhill. It's tough being the little guy.
I was exhausted just watching Darrel and Juanita work.
I was so touched by The Farmer's Wife. It's like when you leave a movie and just can not stop thinking about it for days. One of those movies that literally haunts you. That's what this film did for me and I think it's the people and the film's directors.
I hope that the whole family is happy because they all deserve it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"OK, this is getting worse with what Kate's attorney is saying about Jon. This is a Radar Online article from Aug 2nd."


Next, custody and support payments, and the statement made by Kate's attorney was discussed toward the end of the July 30 thread, the one on love offerings. The sediments toward Kate's attorney weren't positive, to say the least! She never should have opened her mouth because she didn't explain why Jon is no longer paying child support. This, of course, gave the sheeple a field day in declaring that Kate was the most awesome mother on the planet because she is supporting EIGHT kids all by her lonesome self.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Once, 162. These 2 excerpts sum it up for me. I won't be watching.

This post is about the new Extreme Parenting reality show that promises to reveal the most kooky, bizarre and extreme parenting
rituals known to moms.

Other moms need good role models and the world needs to realize that there are good parents in America—but something tells me that doesn’t
make good TV.

What's Next? said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 172

Whoops, didn't mean to restate something that had been discussed. I do remember reading discussion on parts of it, but thought the part about "unemployed ex-husband" and "dire financial straits" was new and had been added and it was missed due to the upcoming BlogHer12 discussion. That's why I said it was getting worse. Gosh, it hard to keep up here sometimes - LOL!

Once a Viewer said...

What's Next? said... 174:

I know! I think it says a lot for this blog and our dear Admin & members that so many responses fill up the posts!

new post said...

question....can you post a new topic....maybe Farmer's Wife's a pain in the arse to check this site on a mobile phone...please no slams @ the request.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Yay, Dwindle!!! Whooooo-hooooo!

Congratulations to your husband,

and a big cyber hug for you :o)

fidosmommy said...

I said this awhile ago - I've heard this bit about Jon's unemployment and child support woes
before this. It sounds to me like an old story that has been resurrected by a tabloid.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"Whoops, didn't mean to restate something that had been discussed....Gosh, it hard to keep up here sometimes - LOL!"


No worries! I thought maybe you didn't see the discussion. It is hard to keep up here sometimes, especially when the Rumspringa is within reach! We tend to miss a lot!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Stephanie, Melody and Carla are gone, but now I have the chance to be the next Loreal beauty guru if I upload by red carpet beauty video!

OrangeCrush said...

Congrats, Dwindle, to you and HB, sounds like a wonderful new opportunity. Raising my glass of Crystal Light to you - too hot here and too early in the day for a shot of rumspringa. I know, shocking.

Even more shocking (not) is the return to incessant twitting from Our Kate. Either playing mommy on vacay has become old, or she's actually now home. Back to same old, same old.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

The mommy site is so much better than CC! I didn't know anything about it before, but I checked it out and printed out several coupons for back to school shopping.

Thanks, Kate! :)

mamasan said...

Many years ago, at different times, I saw Sammy Davis, Jr and Charo perform separately at Valley Forge, PA. Both of them thanked the audience before and after the show. They said without fans they would be nobody. They were gratified and gracious. Truly two performers presenting a class act. I don't believe that Kate would understand "class."

Tucker's Mom said...

Another thing about The Farmer's Wife that I noted:

Darrel bitched a lot. I get it. He was blowing off steam and Juanita just let him go on and on. But, did anyone else notice that Juanita never foisted her frustrations on him?
When Juanita went begging, hat in hand, groveling to their creditors to see if she could get them to commit to extending their loans, she succeeded. It must have been HARD. But when she came home from the second guy, more of a curmudgeon type, she just laughed it off. Ha! No problem, Darrel. Nope, I wasn't given a hard time. Nope. It's taken care of.
Wow. She licked that man's boots but didn't burden Darrel with it. It was done.
That's something Darrel just couldn't grasp.
Let. It. Go.

mamasan said...

this is OT and IMHO but I do not believe that Jon gave Star any type of interview. He does not like rag sheets. I also believe the ". . . 11 bank accounts" statement about Kate is true. Banks can only insure your account up to FIDC $100,000. Thus, Kate may have squirreled away lots of cash.

OrangeCrush said...

Oh for ef's sake, you are on vacation and tweeting Kathy Griffin, a woman who rips you one whenever she gets a chance. Crazy, pathetic and demeaning. Go have an ice cream with your children.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Many years ago, at different times, I saw Sammy Davis, Jr and Charo
perform separately at Valley Forge, PA. 183

Not to sound like I'm "one upping" but in my Vermont days I saw Richie Havens and Joan Baez - both were human, humane and humorous. Oh, and
they both did great shows.

Eat chit Schmoopy. You ain't got "it."

librarylady said...

I believe there is/was more to the tweet from 166. Kate just needs to be quiet, why hasn't she learned that yet?

White Organza said...

Hey?!! Already?!! Congratulations, Dwindle!... as I raise my glass of rumspringa. (For the non-initiated, it's "rumspringa", And not, -as as Auntie Ann almost wrote a few posts ago-, my "rumpsinger". That would be Jennifer Lopez. or Beyoncé. Maybe.)

Tucker's Mom said...

OrangeCrush said... 186
Oh for ef's sake, you are on vacation and tweeting Kathy Griffin, a woman who rips you one whenever she gets a chance. Crazy, pathetic and demeaning. Go have an ice cream with your children.


Going to try this again ;-)
I remember watching of of the last J+K+8 when Jon was acting like a d-bag. He was busy working the fence, wearing Ed Hardy and was surgically attached to his phone. The girls were BEGGING him for attention and to put the phone down, but he didn't.
Do ANY sheeple remember this? Kate is doing the same thing. They are on vacation for Pete's sake but there's Kate, twitting away and ignoring them.

Fools In Love said...

Here's something interesting...

A "Sheila Lively" tweeted Kate that she left the blue tent for Kate to enjoy. There is such a person with addresses in FL and NC. On this person's FB page, Kate is listed as being a favorite. I am by no means an internet detective, nor care to be. Just passing this along. Could be something. Could be nothing.

Once a Viewer said...

Tucker's Mom said... 184
Re: FW

I agree with you about the creditors. I thought it was unfair that she had to do the dirty work- that must have been so hard...but then again, probably she got a better response from them than Darrel would, with his temper etc.

Kate is a twit said...

Twittering And Twattering said... 153
Kate Is A Twit: Don't forget your Billy Joel CDs

They're #1 on my list of things to bring. I'm sure BJ would love to come, but it would probably remind him of Kate's dance to his song "She's Always a Women". It would take lots and lots of Rumspringa to erase that memory.

Anyone hear from Shoka yet?-last I heard he ran away and is searching for Nala. Maybe he can bring her too.

Twittering And Twattering said...

Twit said, They're #1 on my list of things to bring. I'm sure BJ would love to come, but it would probably remind him of Kate's dance to his song "She's Always a Women". It would take lots and lots of Rumspringa to erase that memory.


But look at it this way. If Billy comes, it doesn't matter if the "bar is low." John at the bar is a friend of mine, he gets me my drinks for free. I'm sure he will do the same for everyone there, regardless if the bar is high or low!

Dwindle said...

White Organza said... 189
Hey?!! Already?!! Congratulations, Dwindle!... as I raise my glass of rumspringa. (For the non-initiated, it's "rumspringa", And not, -as as Auntie Ann almost wrote a few posts ago-, my "rumpsinger". That would be Jennifer Lopez. or Beyoncé. Maybe.)

"Rumpsinga". LOL!!!!!!!!!

I know it doesnt seem FAIR that some people can be out of work an entire week and half and BOOM! they get something. I am sure my good bra and bleached veneers had something to do with it. Besides, I was careful to hang my big toes over the top of my shoes jussssst right! (OK not really to any of the above. I have made no attempt to organize or mastermind the job search process and interviewing business here.)

Thanks EVERYONE for your good wishes!!! I appreciate each and every post. You are some really nice folks but dont worry, I wont let that get around!


Dwindle said...

KAT said... 145
Congrats Dwindle...couldn't happen to a nicer poster. I will be very unselfish and have a drink for you, don't have to thank'll be my pleasure!!!

I am humbled by your sacrifice on my behalf. Here... hold still while I toss 1/2 a smashed sandwich at ya to show ya my luv.


Kate is a twit said...

Twittering And Twattering said... 194

Ha ha-loved your comment!!

Pity Party said...

She must have scored big time on her vacation deal. I hope she doesn't leave someone's house trashed. Really full of herself right now or is it Cellar #8? I despise her more and more every day. I didn't even think that was possible.

localyocul said...

mamasan said... 183
Many years ago, at different times, I saw Sammy Davis, Jr and Charo perform separately at Valley Forge, PA.

OMG the Valley Forge Music Fair? I completely forgot about that place!

mama mia said...

The folks over at Mommysaver blog are hilarious, and they have Kate pegged, they think she is a horrible wife and mother and has let the reality tv show go to her head, and yes, they have even snarked on her attire, here is a sampling:

WoooooooooHoooooooo!!!! Double coupon days at Maggie's House of Hootchie one pair of hooker heels get the second pair free!

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