We're a little late with our final Farmer's Wife post due to some other Kate-ish news coming up, but better late than never!
Realitytvkids.com will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 3 this week and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here. If you missed Part 1 it can be found here and Part 2 here.
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Audrey, Abby, Whitney and Juanita, 1996. |
David Sutherland never intended to find a woman like Juanita. However when he did, he didn't succumb to the temptation to write the script for her, give her labels, define her. For three years, he stepped aside and let Juanita just be Juanita. What resulted was not just a beautiful story of a wife's devotion to her husband and one woman's strength in incredible adversity, but a poinant portrait of motherhood. Juanita listened to her children, was there for them as much as she could be, worked hard to improve their situation and give them a better life, and always showered them with positivity and love.
In part three, Juanita takes her family's destiny into her own hands by furthering her education and getting a job in crop insurance. Due to her hard work from the ground up, the family's hard times finally seem to turn around as this wonderful documentary comes to a close. Today, although Juanita is divorced and no longer lives on a farm, she reportedly still works in the farming sector on the business side, helping out the farmers of Nebraska. Darrel reportedly still lives and works on the same farm featured in the documentary.
Reality T.V. today loves to "define" characters. Kate is the "mother of 8," and has made a career out of this definition. We prefer authenticity, which Sutherland was lucky to find in a little town in Nebraska in 1995.
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Whitney, Audrey, Juanita and Abby, on a family trip to Mexico, 2009. |
1688 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1688 Newer› Newest»Is this "teenage friend" around the kids? Perhaps you might want to talk to them about not teaching your children to be racist?
I swear you can shower someone with as much money in the world but at the end of the day they are exactly who they were to start with. Sing it LuAnne: Money can't buy you class!
However, if a parent files and is granted support, but then comes back to court 6 months later and asks the court to stop it, how does the court know if that parent isn't being threatened or coerced by the other? They don't. That is why they will not let a parent stop financial support after an order is in place. Unless there is a new custody arrangement to go with it. And this goes for Kate Gosselin too, sheeps. Kate, although she may think differently, is not above the law.
Exactly! Thanks for explaining this. What if Jon quietly went to Kate and said hey Kate, I'll say nice things about you in the press like you're a good mom if you drop my support, or if you don't drop my support I'll go run to Radar and tell the that you're a lesbian? Kate might just drop the support, and that wouldn't be a good thing. We can't give fathers or mothers the power to do that.
The court has to make a completely separate, independent finding about best interest and if there's even a whiff that there is some kind of bargaining going on he'll shut it down just like that. With support at over $1,000 a month and 8 kids, there is no way on god's green earth you could get a judge to get a best interest finding out of that. And I love how NOW Kate claims she's relieving of him. Why didn't she do this two years ago? She had even more money rolling in then because she was actually working. Once again, things that make absolutely no sense in the world. The only thing that makes sense is 50-50.
And while I haven't done the research, I would also find it fantastical and completely against public policy for a judge to stop FUTURE support until they are 18. It just wouldn't happen. A mother or father always needs to have the option to go back for support should it become necessary. If a state tells you when your children are 8 you can never collect support again, run to the Supreme COurt and fast.
Like it or not sheeple, the law generally doesn't allow you to do things that are bad for children.
I have to say this gives a little more credibility to the rumor Kate
calls her town ghetto. Apparently this word is part of her vocabulary
at least. 198
Admin I had forgotten that Kate referred to Wernerville as ghettosville. So is she saying she can't speak the vernacular of her own town? But her teen friend does so for fun?
It's insulting no matter how she meant it.
I think organic meat doesn't have the coloring that your regular meat would. The bright pink turkey color.
In fairness when I used to buy lunch meat at Whole Foods, before I did more research and realized I was like feeding yourself cancer, it looked about as sad and dejected as that.
But, at least it's not full of dyes and coloring to brighten it up.
Am I the only one who prefers sandwich turkey to be directly from the bird after a good weekend roast? Love it. Far superior to cold cuts.
Just as a general rule, you probably shouldn't say the word ghetto on your twitter account no matter what the context. She just doesn't even think.
The way that blogger describes it sounds EXACTLY like income. We give you free products, you are expected to tweet and blog about them. That's PAYMENT for a SERVICE, PERIOD. Oh Uncle Sammmm!!!!!!
Wonder if they sent everyone 1099s.
@xxxx I have a new BBB. I gave the blue one to Jon, and I bought a brand new black one! Kids and I feel so honored to own it! :)
Since really the kids bought it (or it was donated because of the kids), I don't think she has any right to say she gave Jon anything. It's not hers to give.
PennyAnny @fostermom62
@Kateplusmy8 "@bullyville:When you hear that people are talking about you, remember this: 'Birds always peck at the best fruit.'” #WiseWords
Oh God. I can assure you this adage certainly doesn't apply to the politician discussions I've had at least. No, I genuinely don't like one of the candidates, and will talk about it. :)
Also who has "teenager friends" at her age? Or would describe any minor that way? I mean that's just kind of weird. What does that mean, you hang out together, go see the newest Twilight movie, talk boys? Giggle over your ghetto talk?
I can see saying my friend's daughter, or our nanny, or the teen neighbor, or the kids' friend from church or whatever, but MY friend?
I agree with Admin. I don't really care much lately, about the status Gosselin Book. Unless Robert brings out more juicy items... I'm over it.(Yes, like the Lane & Samsung freebie contracts, and Kate's angry legal response to the release of his expose'.)
I have to love a good Gosselin source though. Reveal yourself-- haha! There has to be some sense in our custody and child support theories. Most of them are very close to the same thoughts and/or suspicions. Some are very hard to follow, but I get the gist of what is being said.
I sure hope we can over it all again, with the Sheeple today. Oh MY! They are insufferable at times... with their thick little wooly sheep heads. One of them asked me last night, if my parents fought for custody of me until I was 29-- when I mentioned their divorce decree battle went on until then! I didn't respond, but LOL- they don't love me THAT much! Dad ended up having to pay Mom a large lump sum, during a mediation agreement (16+ years later), which terminated her enless spousal support payments. Thus, my Mother's "Endless Summer" concluded, shortly thereafter...when her shimmering POOL finally grew dry. So my point again being... "Things Change".
It doesn't matter who says what or how close they are to the situation. The sheeple will always believe Kate. It's kind of pointless for anyone to come forward now really, lol.
It's truly sad that this is the case with you all here. Truly sad. O feel very sort for you all...that much hate must eat your souls.
Don't waste your sympathy on us. Feel sorry for a woman who thinks thumbing through a furniture brochure is more important than tending to her child in pain. Also please set aside sympathy her kids. They have to live with her - some of the time.
In response to the question....
Yes, it bothered me when she laughed at her vomiting children on the boat (ohh...Mr. Cameraman, make sure you get the shot of that kid, whoever he is, with puke on his back.) Vomiting toddler? Did she set him up on the warm couch with blankets, a bowl, and let him watch cartoons. Nope. Cold laundry room floor.
Yes, it bothers me that she parks in fire lanes. God forbid an emergency happens in whatever business is around that. Classic narcissistic personality behavior - the rules don't apply to "MEEEEEE"
Yes, it bothers me that she infers that her kids are a burden. I have 2 kids, including an autistic son, and yes, they are a handful. They are also the reason I was put on this earth.
Yes, it bothers me that she complains about how much money she "has to" spend on her own children. One NYC haircut could pay for swimming lessons, gymnastics, little league, etc. But she has to have a leather couch, top of the line clothes, 3 cars, etc.
Yes, it bothers me that she accepts gifts and money from star-struck teenagers. I had lots of crushes as a teenager, but none pleaded poverty to gain sympathy.
Yes, it bothers me that she is so blasem about speeding tickets. Even though she is a monster, and is psychologially scarring those kids for life, she is their mother. If she speeds, gets into and accident and dies, Mommie Dearest will be dead, but 8 children will be motherless.
Yes, it bothers me that she whines so much about no having "me" time. The kids are in school at least 8 hours a day, spends more time with Jon now than in the past, and she runs off to (fill in the blank) Vegas, Australia, NYC, etc... whenever she wants with her married boyfriend. My kids are in school during the day, and when I'm not working (social worker type job) or shopping, just sitting and reading a book is my "me" time. I have "me" time after my kids go to bed, or before they wake up in the morning. Then again, I love my kids and love spending time with them.
And yes, it bothers the hell out of me that she mocks her kids. Think back to when you were a kid. We you bullied in school? Remember the relief that you felt when you went home? Now imagine that the person mocking you is your own mother.
And to add one - It bug the SH-T out of me that she is setting her daughters up for serius body image issues, and emotionally neglecting her icky boys. I put more food in my birdfeeder than she puts on her kids plates.
'Birds always peck at the best fruit'
They also feast on insects.
FYI sheeple. A slug is an insect.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5
Just as a general rule, you probably shouldn't say the word ghetto on your twitter account no matter what the context. She just doesn't even think.
so true!!! somethings are not for public consumption- sheesh!! I am sure we are all guilty of saying something we wouldn't want advertised to the world- so we don't tweet it. Get a freaking clue, Kate!
Am I the only one who prefers sandwich turkey to be directly from the bird after a good weekend roast? Love it. Far superior to cold cuts.
straight off the bird turkey is the only way I will eat turkey. I'm not a fan of it hot, and KEEP THE GRAVY OFF MY FOOD! - I hate gravy. But that turkey meat sliced cold, put between 2 pieces of a good bread with tomatoes, lettuce, whatever is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
I look more forward to the Thanksgiving leftovers than Thanksgiving itself hehe.
Turkey sandwich the next day, and a simple spread of equal parts mix of cranberry sauce and mayo.
Sometimes I wonder if the sheeple are really as stupid as they present themselves to be, or if their ignorance is just a way to get the "haters" riled up...
Crt put faith in K she can &will b abl 2 provide. Frees kids from dad in jail
Faith in Kate? Apparently this fan thinks that a judge would take Kate's word that she's financially secure for the rest of her life, just based on her word that she'll be making x amount of dollars in the future, thereby relieving Jon of all child support payments until the kids are 18.
Kate's tweet...
@xxxx I have a new BBB. I gave the blue one to Jon, and I bought a brand new black one! Kids and I feel so honored to own it! :)
If you bought it and own it, then why hasn't it been inspected in the state of PA? Where are the inspection and emissions stickers?
"Am I the only one who prefers sandwich turkey to be directly from the bird after a good weekend roast? Love it. Far superior to cold cuts."
I'd much rather have the cold leftover turkey or beef in a sandwich than eating it when it's first cooked and hot! It's much better when you pick at it straight out of the refrigerator!
Turkey sandwich the next day, and a simple spread of equal parts mix of cranberry sauce and mayo.
You might like the "moist maker" turkey sandwich. Fidosmommmy probably won't.
Ross's Turkey Sandwich
AuntieAnn said... 14
'Birds always peck at the best fruit'
They also feast on insects.
Sometimes they eat their own poop too.
I'm Butterfly and I like cold cuts... LOL
I can't help it- cold cuts,tomato, mustard- soo yummy.
It's a rare treat though- I cut sandwiches out of my diet years ago.
SeeSaw said... 200
They're baaaaack
I need recipes and beef ideas. (Listen to me saying "i need i need". Sorry, should have said "I REQUIRE...")Anyone have anything to make some nice Mexi-style shredded beef for enchiladas? What about something for beef short ribs? HunnyBunny is slicing and marinating and dehydrating away downstairs for beef jerky.
Oh and we 3 couples had a lovely late lunch yesterday at this place. It's nearly 90 minutes away so we dont get there as often as we'd like, so it is always a treat. Anyone ever been there? Buckeyes? PA residents?
Heide said... 21
AuntieAnn said... 14
'Birds always peck at the best fruit'
They also feast on insects.
Sometimes they eat their own poop too.
Too Funny!!!!!!!! (exclamation marks copyrighted by Kate - note there are eight)
Sometimes they eat their own poop too.
ewww. I did not know that. Thank you Heide. lol.
I will never, ever understand why being critical of Kate means I hate her. I have said this before, and I will say it again, I do not hate Kate Gosselin. Her behavior is what is discussed here and remember, it is Kate (and Jon) who put their family out there for public consumption, that is fact. How they chose to deal with the fame that came with reality television speaks for itself. Jon wanted out, and Kate couldn't live without the camera. From there, we have tried to understand the reasons behind her behavior.
My opinions, observations, and thoughts about this woman do not make me a "hater". It's so easy to put someone in a category when their thoughts differ from your own. I do not suggest to anyone who loves Kate to change their opinions, just direct them at Kate and not here. Simple.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 1
Is this "teenage friend" around the kids? Perhaps you might want to talk to them about not teaching your children to be racist?
I swear you can shower someone with as much money in the world but at the end of the day they are exactly who they were to start with. Sing it LuAnne: Money can't buy you class!
According to the Beatles, It Caint Buy You Love, either. And this is ONE THING that Katie Irene has learned very well.
You can have all the turkey in the world, I prefer braunschweiger sandwiches. Lettuce, tomato, mustard. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
Pretty flat response from Kate to one of her biggest "supporters". No excitement, no encouragement. Is Kate's initial reaction fear that Milo is planning to attend the same 5K that Kate is doing for Special Olympics???
Obviously Kate didn't read Milo's tweet very carefully. Milo said "LOCAL." I would assume this means local, as in Milo's area, not local, as in Kate's area.
You can have all the turkey in the world, I prefer braunschweiger sandwiches. Lettuce, tomato, mustard. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
I haven't thought about that in years. My mother loved Braunschweiger sandwiches with a huge hunk of onion. Oy. The smell!
fidosmommy said... 17
Am I the only one who prefers sandwich turkey to be directly from the bird after a good weekend roast? Love it. Far superior to cold cuts.
straight off the bird turkey is the only way I will eat turkey. I'm not a fan of it hot, and KEEP THE GRAVY OFF MY FOOD! - I hate gravy. But that turkey meat sliced cold, put between 2 pieces of a good bread with tomatoes, lettuce, whatever is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
August 26, 2012 3:19 PM
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 18
I look more forward to the Thanksgiving leftovers than Thanksgiving itself hehe.
Turkey sandwich the next day, and a simple spread of equal parts mix of cranberry sauce and mayo.
Oh now we're talkin'. There was an old old Ozzie and Harriet episode where they went to family for Thanksgiving dinner and Ozzie was beside himself all evening and night because there were no leftovers to make a sandwich with. Even if we go over to family's for dinner, I make my own the night before or the night after.
What fun is Thanksgiving weekend without leftovers? My sandwich has turkey, mayo, cheese, lettuce, and sometimes a little stuffing on it too.
What is Admin's e-mail? I can't get the link to work get the message "Could not perform this operation because default mail client not properly installed". I need to e-mail something to her.
What's Next? said... 32
What is Admin's e-mail?
Thank you, Kate is a Twit :-)
@Tamara.. Braunschweiger or Liverwurst on Toasted homemade bread, thickly sliced, with a little butter and mustard. OMG! Heaven on a cool crisp day. it's what my grandma and grandpa used to have on hand for when we'd visit them for the weekend. It still brings back memories when I make it (and YES I do make my own bread from scratch, not with a bread machine either).
One blogger has a list of some of the crap they were giving away at BlogHer:
August 2012 Highlights Magazines (Highlights, High Five and Hello)
Lily’s Little Life Lessons Book- Mom’s Choice Award
Rampage Aviator Sunglasses
ProXeed Plus
Vidazorb Plus
Gutzy Gear Backpack Strap Covers
Flameless Candle
4 pack Energizer Batteries
I am a flirt tank top
Anti Monkey Butt Diaper Rash Cream
Certain Dri Anti-perspirant 72 hrs. formula
Oxylent Multi Vitamin supplement drink packs
Distraction cards
London Fog Umbrella
Disney Odd Life of Timothy Green Pencils
Odd Life of Timothy Green Notepad
Odd Life of Timothy Green Socks
McDonald’s Zippered Tote Bag
I do not suggest to anyone who loves Kate to change their opinions, just direct them at Kate and not here.
Jumping In - that is the most reasonable thing to do. It would be nice if they would stop with the 'haters' handle. Not everyone here hates her.
I also don't think Kate's fans love her in a way that helps her. Their kind of shallow love only inflates her ego and feeds her narcissism. Love in a true sense would come in the form of helping her to realize she needs to get help for her mental state. She's truly lost and needs some kind of commonsensical direction and therein lies the rub - she shuns those who love her enough to do that.
for many years I drove my kids around in a BMW convertible. They could have cared less about their mode of transportation. Just about their eventual destination. Once again, Kate proves her
classlessness (LOL)
There's people who believe in tough love and people who are enablers.
If they really loved Kate, they would stop feeding her delusions. They would recognize that she is on a path to nowhere or worse yet, self destruction, and want her to get off twitter, focus on her kids and get more steady and long term work. This is what is best for Kate long term, and if you really love her, you would want that for her and stop supporting her fantasies.
I've always thought BabaMama was one of the more reasonable sheeple and am not at all surprised she disappeared.
Is it any coincidence that one of her fans tweeted that they just returned from the cruise and we suddenly had one (or more, but I think one) sheeple posting last night? I think not.
By cruise I mean the cruise that Kate was supposed to be on and I think I know "whodunit" if you get my drift.
I just saw a video of Kate & Jon taking the 8 to the Hershey Med Ctr and I have to say the 6 were 4 yrs old. Kate really was pretty. Jon was thin and looked handsome in his way, but the kids were out of control, almost an embarrassment in the hospital, the Ronald McDonald House, where Kate gave them a check for the time they spent there when the babies were in NICU. Also the condo where the family spent the month adjusting to having the 6 new babies along with the twins. Kate said she looked around and there were 100 volunteers working in shifts to help her. But as Jon and Kate were trying to talk, I could see the anger as they talked over each other, the kids were undisciplined as they ran around. So it was obvious to me that there was a split right around the corner.
The photo of the family in Ala early this month? They genuinely looked happy, Cara had the biggest smile on her face as did everyone else, without being posed to look like they were all the same height. Being off of TV has been good for the kids.
But Kate has aged rapidly over the last 3 yrs. I would assume, if I didn't know better, that she was in her mid to late 40s.
Also think Jon is very sorry he walked away from TV and does not have the high life. I think he will always regret that. He threw it away, instead of keeping his mouth shut, but it has helped his children, they just had a normal year.
This pic followed the meat slicer pic:
Could it be tonight's version of deliciousness? If so, another plate o'glop. Might be tasty, but not anything I would photograph for my blog or FB friends.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Look @EmCr68 ! It was Paris pasta night! Extra bonus to whoever got an Eiffel Tower!:) http://img.ly/mxdQ
If I were Kate(and I'm so thankful I'm not), I would be embarrassed to tweet a picture of what was served for dinner. It looks like she hastily threw the plate down so she could take a picture-food is falling of the plate onto the counter, and none of the pasta even looks like the Eiffel Tower.
From @Kateplusmy8 to the fangirl who sent Kate the Parisian package.
@Kateplusmy8 Look @XXXXXX It was Paris pasta night! Extra bonus to whoever got an Eiffel Tower!:)
Ooh la ick.
This is what is best for Kate long term, and if you really love her, you would want that for her and stop supporting her fantasies.
Absolutely, but the thing is that they don't see this as supporting her fantasies, but rather they somehow believe that she needs their encouragement to pursue her dreams, which aren't fantasies, but within the realm of possibility, and not unreachable. She needs their help to do this.
I have no idea why they think that if she's a strong woman that she can't do this on her own. It's a dichotomy. They believe she's a Super Mom who is like an Energizer Bunny -- nothing that she can't do -- but yet she's needy and depends on them. It really makes no sense.
I guess the bottom line is that when they support and encourage her, it makes THEM feel important and wanted. She pops on Twitter to tell them how much she loves them; they tweet platitudes, she retweets them, and for the sheeple, all is right with the world. They feed her ego, and she feeds their ego. Symbiosis at its best.
Berks Neighbour, ohh butter sounds good. I'll have to try that :) Someone people say it's an acquired taste but I've loved it since I was a child. Then again, I didn't like cake until I was in my 20s, so my palate is a bit off lol.
It is a real conundrum. Anyone who tries to truly help her has to be prepared for her to hate them. I'm sure that is part of the reason she is estranged from some of her family.
Correction-the food was not falling on the counter-I looked to quickly at the picture and now realized that the food was not fully in the center of the plate rather than falling off the plate.
At least she's giving them full portions even if it looks like what you would give the dog. No offense Shoka.
I'm still not buying the kids are even with her today. She hardly tweeted at all today, and that's just one plate of food she could have made for herself. She usually takes a pic of all eight plates, to remind us she has 8 kids.
There is a man who is associated with my job, over whom I have seniority. He has got himself in a boatload of trouble with the court over child support issues, and he is now a convicted felon because of it. I have been trying to talk to him for literally years on how he needs to step up and start paying court ordered support. If I don't tell him what he wants to hear from me (ie: Oh, your such a victim, how
awful the court wants you to get a job and pay child support, why doesn't anybody understand your sitation is special, etc) he just shuts down. He starts to whine and talk about how
nobody understands. When he got arrested, he had the nerve to be surprised. He will not listen to his attorney, his family, the church members where he attends, me, or anyone else who holds his feet to the fire. He listens to one friend who has learned how to make the court system seem like a walk in the park. "Ah, don't worry, they won't do anything to you. They're a lot of bark and no bite."
Now he's playing footloose and fancy with the probation system and is still not paying his child support more than a couple of dollars a week. He won't find a job, any job. He got slapped with a contempt order just this week for thumbing his nose (figuratively) at the court.
He's getting deeper and deeper into trouble and still won't hear what he needs to hear.
Just like Kate.
OMG, that meat sauce or whatever it is looks positively vile!
http://img.ly/mxdQ Pasta picture
What is that canned Alpo gravy mess on the right? Did she say? Wouldn't you be embarrassed to show something like that?
And she is posting her daughter's homework for the world to see? Who thinks this is a good idea?
It's called Narcissistic Supply. The sheeple provide Narcissitic Supply. It's a co-dependent cycle. They feed off of each other.
The following explains it to a "T":
The term simply defines the human beings in the narcissist’s life who supply the narcissist what he needs:
•Awe, wonder and praise for his accomplishments and performance
•Unending gratitude for anything he has ever done for you (if you don’t remember, he’ll remind you)
•Empathy and agreement with his self-perception
•Righteous indignation for her suffering, which is far greater than most and always undeserved
•Adoration and compliments for her brain, body, spiritual health and wisdom, etc.
•Tacit agreement that he or she is special, misunderstood by the masses
•Acknowledgement that she should not be subject to normal rules and regulations
•Willingness to overlook the occasional exploitation
•Failure to recognize narcissistic behavior in any way
Here's the link to the website:
Over In Kate's County said... 46
This is what is best for Kate long term, and if you really love her, you would want that for her and stop supporting her fantasies.
Absolutely, but the thing is that they don't see this as supporting her fantasies, but rather they somehow believe that she needs their encouragement to pursue her dreams, which aren't fantasies, but within the realm of possibility, and not unreachable. She needs their help to do this.
I have no idea why they think that if she's a strong woman that she can't do this on her own. It's a dichotomy. They believe she's a Super Mom who is like an Energizer Bunny -- nothing that she can't do -- but yet she's needy and depends on them. It really makes no sense.
I guess the bottom line is that when they support and encourage her, it makes THEM feel important and wanted. She pops on Twitter to tell them how much she loves them; they tweet platitudes, she retweets them, and for the sheeple, all is right with the world. They feed her ego, and she feeds their ego. Symbiosis at its best
Or mutual parasites. Eventually one half of this equation will be sucked dry and will fall off the mother-creature, bloodless dried up and withered, like so much Beth and Jody and grandparents and empty drink boxes. The mother creature clomps away, seeking fresh nutrients to feed it's blood lust.
She could have starred in a Star Trek episode. I can picture her now, using eight little human kids as a shield so that everyone is afraid to shoot at her with their phaser beams. Some officer in a Red Shirt sacrifices himself so the Mother Creature can feed as she begins to chew on the children, which is probably how the TLC and Figure Eight crews all felt.(like those hapless guys in the Red Shirts.)
That dinner looks awful! The 'veges' as Kate would say look frozen to me ( not that this is bad, it's just not Kate-ish) plus why combine them with pasta and whatever the meat dish is? Yuk- wonder what rating it gets?
As for Mady's homework, that's not good to post it for people to possibly ridicule. It's really invading her privacy and I don't think her teachers would be pleased either. I wonder if M knows? Interesting she chose a salon though.
What's Next that's creepy in how on point that is! Eek.
I remember reading where Hoffman had said that he and Jon we're friends.. is it possible that Kate went to Jon asking him to go and talk with RH "as friends" and ask that he not publish? And in return she would "relieve" him of any future child support? Maybe that's why Jon hasn't said anything and even deleted his twit acct... Just curious
Those veggies are frozen for sure.
It's fine to use frozen veggies but I would have expected someone like her to buy fresh ones and prepare them herself.
I remember reading where Hoffman had said that he and Jon we're friends.. is it possible that Kate went to Jon asking him to go and talk with RH "as friends" and ask that he not publish? And in return she would "relieve" him of any future child support?
Maybe folks are missing the multiple posts that have explained this?
You cannot under PA law use child support as a bargaining chip. You can not agree to let Jon not pay any more support in return for him talking to Robert, or anything else you dream up.
It's not LEGAL. And if you think about it, you'll understand why that's not legal. Because you don't get to bargain away something that is supposed to help your kids.
And she's pushing the Paris theme again. Ooh la la!
tate said... 52
OMG, that meat sauce or whatever it is looks positively vile!
It was sweet of that young sheeple to think of Kate while on vacation.
I also think of Kate when I see a over-done, soggy noodle.
Ummmm... damn. I hope that plate of food tastes better than it looks.
Chef Michaels could use her recipe.
What's Next? said... 55
It's called Narcissistic Supply. The sheeple provide Narcissitic Supply. It's a co-dependent cycle. They feed off of each other.
The following explains it to a "T":
Well. I went to the link and read this. Sounds a great deal like what one of my teenage daughters went through trying to stay on the good side of her very alcoholic dad. She is 32 now and it is still a disaster. A complete and total She Still Needs Therapy Disaster.
You have given me a lot to think about, thank you.
Well, and here I thought my headache was gone - he just took off (on his bicycle not the heirloom 1980"s era faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner spaceship)for a ride. But geesh sheeple, just geesh. The only thing that baffles me about the likes of the drive-by posters is their lack of understanding that we drift AWAY from Kate and her shenanigan's only to have them put us right back on track...snarking on Kate's idiotic behavior. One would think they'd rather have us NOT do that. Oh well, obtusity is obtusity (don't y'all wish you'd said that first?). I respectfully offer up that word to scrabble players for use in scoring a bingo.
Oh, and lest someone bleets that obtusity is not the right word...definition: Lacking quickness of perception or intellect. PERFECT word.
Kate and "sniffles" tweet. STFU Kate. You have no idea. NO f*ng idea... OK. Deep breath. Indignant outrage subsides.
AuntieAnn - Your sample "Kate tweet" to trojan - spot on! May I add an "OOOHHH MYYYYY" to the end of it?
Admin. said...
"One blogger has a list of some of the crap they were giving away at BlogHer: ..."
August 2012 Highlights Magazines
(O.K., AND? Grifty Gosselin has 8 kids-- Kate wants MOOOORE!! !!!!!!)
Lily’s Little Life Lessons Book
(Life Lessons? Haha... There are no words.)
Rampage Aviator Sunglasses
(For those long private jet trips with her Kiwi Kop)
ProXeed Plus & Vidazorb Plus
(Are these like Viagra? Cause' I think certain ones could use it, during Romantic Interludes with Katie)
Gutzy Gear Backpack Strap Covers
(Stevie...I got these for my "widdle Backpack Boy!")
Flameless Candle
(For said Romantic Interludes.)
4 pack Energizer Batteries
(LOL! I can't say what Katie does with them for certain-- but she may pack them... just in case, on said Rendezvous.)
I am a flirt tank top
(A bat-shi# crazy, lying, grifting FLIRT!)
Anti Monkey Butt Diaper Rash Cream
(Um, okay. Some people chafe easily.)
Certain Dri Anti-perspirant 72 hrs. formula
(Good, our Katie is a sweater. I've seen video of her running, and the perspiration ain't pretty.)
Oxylent Multi Vitamin supplement drink packs
(I got nothin'.)
Distraction cards
(This woman is potentially Bi-polar, mixed in with some NPD and OCD. She needs no more distrations!)
London Fog Umbrella
(For those extended vacays-- strolling down UK's cobblestone streets... shopping Euro Style, with Purse Boy carrying her packages and cappuccino.)
Disney Odd Life of Timothy Green Pencils
Odd Life of Timothy Green Notepad
Odd Life of Timothy Green Socks
(Oh MY! Don't bring up Disney again. Those children were ruined... Somebody get a sponge! Besides, it reminds Kate of her trashy Pooh Bear tattoo.)
McDonald’s Zippered Tote Bag
("What's McDonald's? Oh, you saw me eating a Big Mac there, in secret... right before my red eye flight took off??" Yes, PANAMA RED. We sure did.)
I just read, at the top of this thread... Kate's grifting for more toilet paper on Twitter. She's sending out RTs to get a years' supply- FREE! When will it end? Is there any level this woman will not sink to? Speaking of rubbing elbows with Arnold Schwarzenegger... I know she dug through her swag bag at the LBC Women's Conference- as my husband's work was there, handing them out there that year! Maria got hell for inviting Kate, and said her daughter was responsible for putting her on the list.
On the FW Juanita just patiently helped the kids with homework and made sure they were doing a thorough job. She was obviously very committed to their schooling and communicated with their teachers( Whitney seemed pretty advanced for beginning Kindergarten; J helped quiz Abby on her religion homework; she helped Audrey learn to study without jumping to the questions right off)
There seemed to be 'homework time' at the table
before TV/playing.
Darrel helped Audrey with her book report and showed an interest in her topic ( Harriet Tubman) & asked Whitney what she learned in K.
I don't think they were trying to show off their kids' work- J reprimanded Audrey for skipping ahead. No one has perfect kids, Kate.
Dwindle 64, I'm sorry that she is going through that, but she is blessed to have you to be there for her and support her emotionally.
Imagine my surprise when although I have had experience with a Narcissist and know how they operate to discover that a person I thought was a good friend turned out to be a Narcissist.
My brother is a counselor and I was telling him some things she had done that I was not happy about. He urged me to tell her how that made me feel - using "I feel" language.
Well, let me tell you I approached it as tactfully as possible and she flipped. It was as if she was wearing a mask and I had removed it and saw the ugly truth.
She did not apologize, but rather turned it on me. My brother told me that is called "Projection". Basically, that means every bad thing she was saying about me was actually things she felt about herself. The reason I'm telling you this is to give you some insight into what you might expect him to do to your daughter. If she realizes that everything negative he says to her is how he actually feels about himself, it will help immensely. Google "Narcisstic Projection" and you can read more about it.
Now I am not expert but, wouldn't this plate sort of be I don't know, slightly insulting to a real Parisian?
And Kate thinks she is going to be able to produce a cookbook?
Good luck with that idea...
And yeah, Kate, if you want a trip to Paris, or if your kids do as you claim, buy your own airfare, pack and just go, rent a hotel. Why, why is this so hard for her to realize:
If I want something, I should find a way to do it instead of mooching off other people hoping they'll put what I want in my lap?
What did I miss the part where she was given a silver spoon to stick in her mouth when she had 6 babies? Because that what she sounds like:
I have money, admire me, do things for me, pity me. Just because you might have money I don't think it should be an excuse to act so ridiculous.
Is there anything about her kids she won't publish? Not sure if it's legal or not but why publish your kids homework assignment? Why? In case you used it Kate, your kids are average run of the mill kids with nothing really all that special about them just like any kid down the block. So, do us all a favor and quit trying to cram how special you think your kids are down everyone's throat.
I should add that maybe most parents think their kids are special, the best or whatever but do parents, you don't all labor on and on about your kids like this?
I think she's been one fry short of a Happy Meal for quite some time that she's not all there maybe because I have yet to see anyone push as much as she does. You might want to look down eventually Kate because if you keep pushing, you might miss when you've accidentally pushed your own self over the edge and have nobody to catch you.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 61
I remember reading where Hoffman had said that he and Jon we're friends.. is it possible that Kate went to Jon asking him to go and talk with RH "as friends" and ask that he not publish? And in return she would "relieve" him of any future child support?
Maybe folks are missing the multiple posts that have explained this?
You cannot under PA law use child support as a bargaining chip. You can not agree to let Jon not pay any more support in return for him talking to Robert, or anything else you dream up.
It's not LEGAL. And if you think about it, you'll understand why that's not legal. Because you don't get to bargain away something that is supposed to help your kids.
Admin, may I try?
As a geriatric social worker, i know nearly by heart the legal rights afforded nursing home residents in the state of Ohio, as guaranteed by The Ohio Revised Code. Most of these are not negotiable.
You have the right, as a nursing home resident, not to be hit. Not to be deprived of nursing care. Not to lay in filth. Not to be deliberatly deprived of meals.
Even if your child is your Power of Attorney for Healthcare, or your court appointed legal guardian, and your child/guardian says "Nah, it's ok, you can hit my mom" - IT IS STILL ILLEGAL.Your guardian cannot legally waive your right to humane care!!!!!
In the child support system of many states, the children have legal rights to be financially supported by both parents. Kate cannot waive that right on their behalf, anymore than she can say as their mother it is ok with her if someone ties them to a dog house and slaps them around.
THE COURT THE JUDGE THE MAGISTRATE decides what is needed for the children's physical needs. NOT ONE PARENT! So either their father is providing 1/2 of their physical care, OR he is paying money to the other parent in lieu of that. Kate does not have the right to waive her childrens' legal rights to care and support from their father.
They still wont get it, will they Admin? Sigh
Even though Kate is being wildly inappropriate tweeting pics of the kids' schoolwork, please people, do not make critical comments about their work. I really thought this would obviously be off limits. I shouldn't have to make a separate rule.
Sorry Admin. Didn't see your comment.
That dinner pix KK posted looks like recycled dog food. And Kate Is a Twit -- You were right the first time. Some of the food is falling off the plate -- the veggies, or, as KK says veges.
Speaking of veggies -- I don't have anything against frozen veggies. In fact, I've bought that blend more than once, but why, in the name of all that's holy, would someone serve frozen veggies in the middle of August when there are so many wonderful FRESH veggies available. Save the frozen ones for the dead of winter!
Boy, talk about blast from the past -- My dad loved braunschweiger and would make sandwiches of it all the time. I'd eat it occasionally, although at that time I'd have preferred bologna, but my mom would head for the hills, LOL.
Tweet no problem it really wasn't directed at you.
I find it just odd someone who is apparently so obsessed with high quality food to use frozen. I guess they've gotten better over the years. But I wouldn't expect someone organic to resort to frozen, especially in August. Surely there's farmer's markets every weekend there too with lots of delicious offerings.
We ate a lot of frozen growing up and it wasn't until later I realized that many of the veggies I thought I hated, I actually liked when I tried the fresh versions.
What's Next? said... 68
Dwindle 64, I'm sorry that she is going through that, but she is blessed to have you to be there for her and support her emotionally.
Imagine my surprise when although I have had experience with a Narcissist and know how they operate to discover that a person I thought was a good friend turned out to be a Narcissist.
My brother is a counselor and I was telling him some things she had done that I was not happy about. He urged me to tell her how that made me feel - using "I feel" language.
Well, let me tell you I approached it as tactfully as possible and she flipped. It was as if she was wearing a mask and I had removed it and saw the ugly truth.
She did not apologize, but rather turned it on me. My brother told me that is called "Projection". Basically, that means every bad thing she was saying about me was actually things she felt about herself. The reason I'm telling you this is to give you some insight into what you might expect him to do to your daughter. If she realizes that everything negative he says to her is how he actually feels about himself, it will help immensely. Google "Narcisstic Projection" and you can read more about it.
Aww thank you What's Next. Actually the verbal abuse he heaps on anyone who confounds him, is actually stuff he would like to say to his own father, but that's a whole nother drinkin' story.
None of the children have a good relationship with their father at all, but it seems the one that tried the hardest as a teen is the one that is the worst off right now.
Your words meant alot to me; thank you for posting that to me.
Why do I think Kate put Mady up to doing that or she did it her self to score some points with Jason.
R.I.P Neil Armstrong.
Marie, I agree with you. I know my kids are not the most amazing people ev3r and others may not find their activities that fascinating, and I certainly see their flaws. I do not think they deserve a mansion or life on a golden platter. Yes, they are special to ME because they are mine, but I hate bragging parents who think their kids are superior in every way ( I have a friend who brags about her three all the time and it's annoying)
Kate's kids are average. That is what you want. she is very lucky they do not have handicaps from being preemies or by random bad luck.
And I did see a negative comment or two on that Twazzup site someone posted the link to...poor Mady.I am not her teacher so would never critigue her poem or handwriting/artwork, so Kate should not put it out there for other to do so.
I always like your posts,Marie, a fresh perspective.
Okay I went to culinary school and once again can't figure out WTH is on Kate's plate besides the pasta & veggies.
It looks like some kind of spoiled meat chunks to me.
Okay I have a new avatar with a meat slicer. Too much?
Chefsummer you went to culinary school, that's awesome. I want to know more. But only as much as you want to say. :)
What's that brown and meat pasta dish called? I ate it once in awhile as a kid. I think maybe you're supposed to mix the pasta with the alpo.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 79
Okay I have a new avatar with a meat slicer. Too much?
No, no. It's great! LOL
Maybe the frozen veges she is serving is the stuff she previously bought fresh and then froze it. I think that is her MO. Buy bulk of everything and then freeze it for later use. The brown crap on the plate looks unappealing but who cares if the kids like it? I make ground beef with cream of mushroom soup and then serve it over rice. It is my youngest's favourite comfort food. It looks like something the dog puked up but it tastes great.
I'm sure we've all eaten stuff that looks gross but sure takes great but it's a matter of, as a popular mommy blogger, having some basic, BASIC blogging skills to understand not to tweet or blog a picture as unappetizing as that or if you must, at least arrange the plate a little better and take a better photograph at least trying to make it look good. She is a pathetic blogger and this is supposed to be a good part of her "job".
Here's an example of a pretty similar dish more worthy of actually putting on your blog. It's not the most appetizing looking thing but it makes the best of what you have:
I've never seen carrots cut like that that weren't frozen.
"They still wont get it, will they Admin? Sigh"
Well, I get it! Monster Mommy is NOT The Decider.
I'm just wondering how all the talk abot the turkey sandwiches got started. It's making me wish Thankgiving were here... (and it almost is!) We used to host a huge family party, and deep fry more than 20 turkeys during the holiday. Everyone got to bring and take home their own bird, plus leftovers.
Speaking of birds- I love Auntie Ann's new avatar.
Admin, how do cold cuts give you cancer? I'd never heard that before.
Jumping In - Amen. I too don't hate Kate. In fact, I really find myself caring less and less about her, her kids and Jon. The beach pics showed happy relaxed kids I thought and that's all I ever really cared about. I'm glad they've had a year away from the cameras.
I think I like the speculation and gossip that goes on here. I love the side conversations. I come here more for that than anything Kate related, although I will weigh in with my opinions. I hate seeing some folks here get worked up over every Kate tweet or rumor because 80-90% of the time it ends up being Kate trying to stir the pot, nothing more. She's a tv has been who occasionally comes up in conversation when it makes sense (DWTS All Stars).
I respect that some people have a different view of her and that doesn't necessarily make them a "sheeple" either. I appreciated some of the back and forth last night, especially the person who responded to the list of questions asked by a poster here. I don't think either person expected to "change" the other's point of view and that was fine. It was a nice back and forth. Thank you, Admin, for allowing that discourse to occur.
Sillimom, numerous studies link cold cuts to colin cancer :(
And she is posting her daughter's homework for the world to see? Who thinks this is a good idea?
Wrong, just so wrong.
Re dinner plate - there is nothing wrong with frozen veggies, and her brown glop might be tasty, but this is not anything a good mommy blogger would photograph and present. She just does not understand how this works. Which is why her attempts to write a blog fall so short. Those fancy pasta shapes come in 1lb bags - wonder if she makes more than one for her family of 9?
Admin, just looked at your mom blog photo link, and yes, that is how you take a good photo of a simple dish. Kate is clueless and frankly, not showing much talent with the food photos. Serve frozen veggies and brown glop, please don't share.
Admin said...
What's that brown and meat pasta dish called? I ate it once in awhile as a kid. I think maybe you're supposed to mix the pasta with the alpo.
Hambooger Helper. It's organic.
Flight is that a joke? :) LOL, no that's not what I'm thinking of. It's some kind of italian dish. A cross between pasta and meat. I should know this being Italian but I never liked it, I don't eat a lot of hamburger.
Marie said:
You might want to look down eventually Kate because if you keep pushing, you might miss when you've accidentally pushed your own self over the edge and have nobody to catch you.
But if she keeps pushing she might finally poop.
I meant to say a cross between pasta and some kind of stew-like meat base.
Oh, you guys are making this so hard. I promised myself that I wasn't going to peek at her silly pictures. All your funny comments about tonight's dog food dinner are making it so tempting to look.
French Alpo?
Admin, are you perhaps thinking of Beef Stroganoff. Lots of recipes call for hamburger rather than beef cubes.
PS: Thanks for remembering (in the old topic) that I am the one who said I shop during the week to avoid making the lines longer for working moms. I did say that and I do that.
Here's an idea for all you turkey fans.
The Black Friday Omelette (patent pending by moi)
*Warm up some turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes
*make an omelette shell in a saute pan
*fill with the warmed ingredients AND a touch of cranberry sauce
*fold over omelette and top with gravy
Holy crow, that is some good eating!
Also, similar to admin's sandwich is to make turkey salad with mayo, cranberry sauce and pecans (celery too - for crunch).
Now I want roast turkey!
Kate posted Mady's poem on twitter; Mady's in 6th grade and should be handwriting instead of printing. The more immature/young the kids are the younger Kate believes she is!?! LOL
I meant to say a cross between pasta and some kind of stew-like meat base.
Dinty Moore in a can?
That is one big ass meal slicer. Is she going to open a restaurant?
That dinner she served her kids? I think the pasta was boiled, the veggies were fresh/froz and defrosted and the meat dish? Does anyone remember Dinty Moore Beef Stew? When we were kids, my girlfriend's father made that anytime he worked overtime, like 3 x a week. Just the look of it reminds me of it. She opened a darn can for those kids. No way she made anything homemade.
Fresh veggies, organic pasta it is I saw that in the market, very expensive and the meat sauce with some chunks? Canned.
Well, can we expect her to be 100% Perfect? She is 90% Perfect, right? But when you are hungry and will not be eating anything else? You will eat the Dinty Moore Beef Stew. That is good for a free year's worth! Twitter message on the way!
Yes, beef stroganough-whatever! Thanks.
It's hard to take good pics of such a thing but here's a good one:
Wtf...that looks like the the most tasteless piece of garbage....and the brown stuff looks like something i find in my kids diaper...she cant be serious....
Why "should" kids be only doing cursive out of curiosity?
I don't know a single adult anymore in the workplace who doesn't just print. It's practical since it's easier to read.
I never understood the logic behind this.
Flight of the Kiwi - posts like yours are why I come here :)
PS: Thanks for remembering (in the old topic) that I am the one who said I shop during the week to avoid making the lines longer for working moms. I did say that and I do that.
I remembered. And I appreciate folks like you. You make the world go round. :) I try to pay it forward in other ways.
I'm thinking the portion size is an optical illusion...looks like a very small plate in the center of a large plate. Still portion controlling the kids....
Or maybe it's a small white center of a larger plate.
Still only looks like a few tablespoons of each type of food when you can actually count the number of carrots and pieces of pasta.
Kate giving those kids small portions is a blessing in disguise....would you want a bigger portion of that slop....
silimom said...
"I respect that some people have a different view... that doesn't necessarily make them a "sheeple" either. I appreciated some of the back and forth last night, especially the person who responded to the list of questions asked by a poster here."
Me too. I think it's fine- as long as posters can remain civil, and the conversation is lively (haha). I was off-and-on here last night, and it didn't bother me from making my nutty points... or going BLUE! How about that?
I usually don't engage Kate fans on Blogs (I won't call them Sheeple tonight). During my time on Twitter, I had the opportunity to chat with Gypsi and Milo- quite extensively. These women are nothing like Kate Gosselin... none of her fans are! Some earn honest livings, *have organic gardens & orchards*, and care deeply for their families, beyond words. I have no interest in being unkind to any Kart fan.
A Mom said... 97
Kate posted Mady's poem on twitter; Mady's in 6th grade and should be handwriting instead of printing. The more immature/young the kids are the younger Kate believes she is!?! LOL
Kids in our school district are no longer taught cursive handwriting.
I refuse to look at whatever slop she made the kids eat. It sounds horrible.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
Chefsummer you went to culinary school, that's awesome. I want to know more. But only as much as you want to say. :)
It's pretty short lol.
I went to school for four years worked as a line cook for a while.
Which wasn't for me so I got into catering for a while.
And if I had to guess WTH Kate cooked it looks like some sort of beans or beef stroganoff sauce.
The brown stuff reminds me of a dish my mother would cook. It is browned ground meet, mix in flour, salt and pepper and brown that, then mix in water to make a gravy. Years ago someone in the military told me they would serve this in the mess hall over toast and it was called "$h!t on a Shingle".
Admin...are you thinking pasta carbonara? However, that doesn't look like carbonara to me. Oh, I see that you were thinking of beef-stroganoff...but that isn't Italian, is it?
Kristine Blue ....are you still bragging, bragging, bragging about going blue in one try? Go ahead, rub it in...good job! LOL
The pasta looks like several different shapes where she just emptied small amounts that were left over in the boxes. Didn't she say one time that she cooks 3/4 of the box? That glop on the side looks disgusting.
I think Kate might have tried to thicken her gravy (?) with cornstarch and it came out sort of a translucent grey. mmmmmmmmm gray (Tucker's mom/Homer:)
I can ALMOST feel sorry for her if she's proud of that.
kiwi - you certainly may add that to the tweet - I actually swiped it from an old RT tweet of Kate 's. Fans. sheesh.
Kristine Blue - thanks! I like your avatar too. You guys keep finding great caricatures of Kate. Where?
Admin - your new avatar is postively creative. lol!
Brain fart here. Is it grey or gray?
Years ago someone in the military told me they would serve this in the mess hall over toast and it was called "$h!t on a Shingle".
I thought that "bleep on a shingle" was creamed chipped beef on toast.
Oh noooooo! I am no longer blue. I will have to work on this again.
Admin...LOL...yes hambooger was a joke, albeit a bad one.
In all seriousness maybe this was an attempt by Kate to make beef bourguignon given her Paris obsession. Hope you think of that Italian dish...I'm really curious.
AuntieAnn said... 116
Brain fart here. Is it grey or gray?
It is digusting!
Admin -- Are you maybe thinking of Johnny Marzetti? It's pasta, ground beef and tomato sauce.
When I was in third grade I learned cursive and I can't even remember how many times you got hollered at if it wasn't perfect..
I must be one of the very few people who actually still write in cursive I guess because most people do print.
I'm surprised kids are still even able to print these days since most everything is done via computer almost.
But I'm must be an odd duck because I still practice handwriting regularly, heck I still write out my notes in college courses instead of using a lap top and I've been just about the only one but I still view it useful.
I think it's wrong Kate posted her kids' homework but she's Kate, remember? She knows know bounds. But I keep thinking that one day she might cross a certain line or two.
Blowing In The Wind said... 117
Years ago someone in the military told me they would serve this in the mess hall over toast and it was called "$h!t on a Shingle".
I thought that "bleep on a shingle" was creamed chipped beef on toast.
I don't know, that's just what I was told, maybe it tasted the same. I do know tate "bleep" does describe what Kate has pictured.
What a terrible photo. Why can't she figure out how to research anything she undertakes? She's too lazy to read a tutorial on food photography? There's so many of them on the internet.
I think because Jon&Kate+8 fell into her lap, she thinks everything else she does will turn into gold too. She really needs to give her head a shake.
Everyone who disagrees is a sheeple?
That sounds weak and condescending. Mostly weak.
My thoughtful opinion is Jon is as much of a sleeze as Kate. He is going to be going after HER next for child support if the new 50-50 arrangement is true.
They're both scum, the kids are the only ones worth caring about.
Ok, people: Kate complains about doing paperwork, this time school paperwork. Does this school not have a computer system, that keeps track of all the students, that go there? if they do, then why does the parents have to keep filling out every year the same info. Would it not make sense to send a copy of the info, to parents and ask if any info has changed, and to write on the paper the changes, or write no change? Would save a lot of time. For all the money this school charges, I would think they would have a good computer system. Does anyone know? This is a small private school, not some large city school.
that not "tate"
AuntieAnne: Kate is too lazy to research or look up anything. All the golden opportunities Kate had and let slip through her fingers, cause Kate would not do some research. All the trips they took, Kate did the least amount of research, she could do. It's like reading the back cover of a book to get an idea of what the story is about, and not reading the story. This is what Kate does. Just like her CC blog, it could be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but Kate puts no effort into it, does no research, to give good sound info. Her blog is a top of her head, less than common sense, & no research. Everything to Kate is a chore and a drama. Plain english: Kate is LAZY!
I have no interest in being unkind to any Kart fan.
I agree. The name calling, teasing and insults are very juvenile. And I mean the ones made to Kate's fans on this blog.
EVERYone has at least ONE redeeming quality. Except maybe pedophiles? LOL
Anonymous said... 125
And as you might have noticed everyone who disagrees with Kate is called a Hater.
I finally went and watched the Popchips video. Anyone else notice they had her mouth the refrain "do it all again"?
Now that's typecasting!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 74
I find it just odd someone who is apparently so obsessed with high quality food to use frozen. I guess they've gotten better over the years. But I wouldn't expect someone organic to resort to frozen, especially in August. Surely there's farmer's markets every weekend there too with lots of delicious offerings.
We ate a lot of frozen growing up and it wasn't until later I realized that many of the veggies I thought I hated, I actually liked when I tried the fresh versions.
If you’re going to eat it raw, nothing tastes better than a just-picked, fresh vegetable. My kids planted a veggie garden with my husband from seed, and we’ve been enjoying fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce all summer. But, for cooked vegetables, frozen are just about as good as fresh because they’re frozen at their peak of freshness. Just because a veggie is frozen does not mean that it’s lesser in quality. Quite the contrary. Not all vegetables are in season and/or regionally available. For example, it’s not always easy for me to find fresh okra for my southern-born hubby, but grocery store bought flash-frozen okra does the trick quite nicely. Also, fresh veggies go bad quite quickly if you don’t use them right away. Frozen can stay on-hand until you need them. I cook with frozen veggies a lot, and there’s no compromise on nutrition, texture, or flavor if you buy a good brand. And if you know how to cook them. In addition, being an “organic” cook has nothing to do with whether or not the veggies are frozen or fresh. The “organic” label has to do with how the veggies were grown, fertilized, whether pesticides were used, etc. It has nothing to do with whether or not the final product was fresh or frozen. One of our favorite family meals includes a side dish of brown rice cooked with {gasp} frozen mixed veggies. It’s jam-packed with nutrients, and scrum-dilly-icious to boot. Sorry, Admin, I have to disagree with you on this one.
Marie said... 69
Now I am not expert but, wouldn't this plate sort of be I don't know, slightly insulting to a real Parisian?
Everything is slightly insulting to a real Parisian. Oui
I have no problem with sheeple and hater labels. Most of the time it's just funny snark. I certainly never took " hater" seriously lol.
Griftopia seems to have a bug up her but (t) regarding Admin.
Or maybe it's her time of month.
I'm not enjoying her passive agressive comments.
This is a test to see if I am blue again.
foxy said... 136
This is a test to see if I am blue again.
As your not does that mean the babyshower is off? :)
angie said...
All the golden opportunities Kate had and let slip through her fingers, cause Kate would not do some research. All the trips they took, Kate did the least amount of research, she could do. It's like reading the back cover of a book to get an idea of what the story is about, and not reading the story."
Exactly. How did she become a nurse? Did she just barely slip through? There is no sign of intelligence on her planet.
I think grift is fine. I've read nutritionally it's fine but I can definitely taste a difference. I also like farmers markets local stuff. Also I'm a super taster (google it) so I may be tasting subtle packaging and processing tastes others aren't bothered by.
Tamara......baby shower is on hold.
Admin - your new avatar is postively creative. lol!
And a nice public service announcement too! Geez even the sheep understand this one.
I want to meet the guy that set up this shot, kiss him then marry him.
Its meat slop with Bottom of the box(es) pasta and frozen veggie nite!
Something I might serve around here in the winter to use up the leftovers, but my meat slop looks way better then that...thinly thickened gravy with cornstarch that gives it that slimy look..
I could never understand why some people would use cornstarch to thicken their gravy... that or it is canned.
I am sure all of us have made a meal that looks somewhat like that, ( c'mon remember some of our first homemade meals) , but when you are a person who has publicly stated to the world that you are writing a cook book on your 100th pink iphone, you best make certain that any pictures of food that you tweet, or otherwise put out there, are photographed in such a way that people are SALIVATING over that food item.
I currently am turned off of any cookbook she puts out on the market, or on her website, etc.. g.r.o.s.s.
Chef good for you. Do you still cook for a living? Only reveal what you want to.
Gypsi and Milo- quite extensively. These women are nothing like Kate Gosselin... none of her fans are! Some earn honest livings, *have organic gardens & orchards*, and care deeply for their families, beyond for
I actually kind of like Gypsi. Remind me, what was it that happened with the cruise, didn't she get screwed somehow?
Oh I kind of liked Baby Mama too and I'm glad she's seen the light and left.
Anonymous said... 135
Griftopia seems to have a bug up her but (t) regarding Admin.
Or maybe it's her time of month.
I'm not enjoying her passive agressive comments.
Anonymous, I’d hardly qualify a debate about frozen vegetables as having a “bug up my butt” toward Admin. You clearly do not even understand the definition of “passive-aggressive” (much less how to SPELL it correctly). Perhaps you should put your glass up for the night and sleep it off. Leave the intelligent discussion to the sober – and educated – among us.
Anonymous, I’d hardly qualify a debate about frozen vegetables as having a “bug up my butt” toward Admin.
Me neither, not that I don't appreciate being stuck up for.
No worries. Griftopia and I get along just fine. :)
Re: Cursive vs printing - I can't speak for other schools but in Silicon Valley they only just touch on it in 4th and 5th grade. Penmanship itself is not something that's really being taught as a subject anymore which is sad IMO. My dad did calligraphy and did beautiful writing. I always wanted to have nice writing too and when I was in 6th grade he taught me how to write on the slanted line. Not to toot my horn but to this day I'm complimented on my penmenship. I take pride in that as my Dad passed over 20 years ago and it's a way I can feel connected to him each day.
As for emergency form paperwork - yes, you'd think the Internet and technology would make filling out these forms redundant but it doesn't. Our district just started computerizing this information and we still get the printout to verify what we wrote online and 80% of the time the info is wrong so you have to correct it on the form and send it back.
Weren't we supposed to be a paperless society by now?
Admin - thanks for the cold cuts link. I'd never heard that before.
I want to meet the guy that set up this shot, kiss him then marry him.
I see. A Stephen King type. ha!
The thing with penmanship though is in the days of cursive they didn't have to teach computers. Now kids have to squeeze in time to learn computers--the most logical thing to cut is outdated cursive. I would rather kids spend extra time really understanding how to work well with computers than sitting there trying to write beautiful slanted cursive letters they will only ever need to write a check, if that.
As long as a kid can print somewhat clearly he will be totally fine as an adult. And even if he can't do that he will still probably do fine since almost everything is going electronic. But if a kid doesn't spend a lot of time with computers, he will be useless at most jobs.
Thanks for someone for emailing this to me to remind me. Remember when Kate met some black women at Blogher and one of them tweeted how it was weird that Kate called them "good girls."
Now yesterday she jokes about talking ghetto. Eeek.
Be careful admin. Implying that Kate is racist might enrage her enough to sue you for libel or something. Don't want to see that happen!
Now kids have to squeeze in time to learn computers--the most logical thing to cut is outdated cursive. I would rather kids spend extra time really understanding how to work well with computers than sitting there trying to write beautiful slanted cursive letters they will only ever need to write a check, if that.
What about learning math without computers? Can kids today do simple addition, subtraction and division without pulling out their cell phones or calculators? I went to the convenience store this afternoon to pick up an item. The cost was 4.76. I gave the clerk, a teenager who looked to be 17 or 18, a five dollar bill. He couldn't figure out how much change to give me. Apparently their register was giving them problems. I told him it was twenty-four cents.
He said, "Are you sure?"
Greedy that's not going to happen. No court in the land would entertain your tears about joking around about talking "ghetto." Can you imagine the PR nightmare over supporting someone who says such a thing? Good grief.
Besides, no one here called her racist. The facts are put out there for those to draw their own conclusions. Thanks for the concern though.
I was trying to figure out how to explain that a court is not going to find that it is not in a child's "best interest" to have their father in jail...best interest when it comes to child support is really talking about whether they are being provided for financially, not how they feel emotionally.
I found a great explanation from a lawyer up in Santa Barbara:
Downward Modifications
Downward modifications are rarely found to be in the best interests of a child; there are, however, exceptions. In a case where the father agreed to pay the full tuition of a private school, when the mother changed the private school to one with a substantially higher tuition, and the father agreed to pay the full tuition costs, a court agreed to reduce the father's child support payments to the mother. If the amount of support under the guidelines, with the inclusion of health care and day care, exceeds the federal withholding limitations, a downward modification may serve the best interests of the children. Where a parent becomes disabled and becomes eligible for Social Security disability benefits, a downward modification in the amount that the child will receive directly from the Social Security Administration under the disabled parent's wage record is frequently granted. Some states specifically provide that the basic guideline support may be reduced when a parent has excessive medical expenses, resulting in a reduced amount of disposable income.
A more unusual and more difficult to prove downward departure may be based on expenses paid directly by the noncustodial parent. If the parents live far from each other and the child spends the summer weeks with the noncustodial parent, who pays the full cost of summer camp during that time, a downward departure from the guidelines and modification of support would be appropriate. It would also be appropriate if the parent could prove that in addition to paying child support, he or she provided all of the travel expenses, the tutoring expenses, or day care expenses.
As you can see, it has to do with the child being supported in other ways financially, such as a father around a lot paying for things, or a father paying for their bills directly.
50-50, once again, is the most logical explanation. Or Jon paying for a bunch of expenses directly instead of cutting a check to the state.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 151
Thanks for someone for emailing this to me to remind me. Remember when Kate met some black women at
Blogher and one of them tweeted how it was weird that Kate called them "good girls."
Did you see one of the comments?
"Try to consider the source. She is a bimbo idiot."
Wait, my tears?
I'm on your side! :)
I was referring to Kate not you Greedy....if she went to court crying because someone called her racist (Note: no one has) for talking ghetto.
She'd be laughed out of the courthouse and asked not to waste their time and taxpayers' money.
Ohhhh! Sorry for the confusion. Guess i should go to bed, huh? LOL
Handwriting (thankfully?) hasn't fallen by the wayside everywhere. There's a pretty well known competition in GB. One of my step-brothers took a place several years back. www.handwritingcompetition.co.uk
Wasn't the tradition of snail mail coming back into vogue?
Kristine Blue said... 85
"They still wont get it, will they Admin? Sigh"
Well, I get it! Monster Mommy is NOT The Decider.
I didnt mean YOU!!! LOL! I meant the drive-by 'theys'. Is that a word? I dont think so.
Blowing In The Wind said... 117
Years ago someone in the military told me they would serve this in the mess hall over toast and it was called "$h!t on a Shingle".
I thought that "bleep on a shingle" was creamed chipped beef on toast.
ohhhhh. My dad made the BEST sh$t on a shingle. Yep, creamed chipped beef on toast. Now I am breaking into a chorus of "Memorieeeeeeeesssss...."
There have been all these little product 'events'. Some whitening toothpaste had an event with 'celeb' attendees, even Post It Notes had a back to school event with Debra Messing... Kate cant get squat. Free airfare to fly faaaarrr away from her children and run up and down a street. And public begging for toilet paper and snack chips. TeeHeeHee.
For those who use soap nuts, Earth Berries has them on sale if you act fast fast fast.
These amazing little nuts from a tree are the best cleaning product especially for your laundry if you have any kind of skin or breathing sensitivity. They are not actually NUTS, but they are little cutie pies that grow on trees and are great in your laundry in place of chemical soaps.
No I dont work for them, just thought I would share the sale for any who are interested.
2points: I work in a middle school. Cursive is no longer mandatory to teach. Most of the 6th graders coming into the middle school cannot write or READ cursive. I once had a student bring a document (historical) to me written in cursive and he said, "can you tell me what this says? It's written in French or something". It is a little sad that kids will be printing their names on legal documents such as when they buy cars and homes and that they will not be able to read historical literature and documents unless they find printed versions on the computer. In regards to kate's cooking.....one poster said it was g.r.o.s.s. maybe that should be the title of her new cookbook: G.R.O.S.S. - Gosselin Rolls Out Sloppy Sh**
Something that is sad, and I know Jon brought some of it on himself, but most of it is Kate's doing....how the name Gosselin is forever sullied. It will always generate derision. More so than just about any other name out there. Universally mocked.
Oh please, where do these kids go to school? My 11 year old niece wrote me a thank you card, all in cursive. She also goes to a private school, but nowhere as "exclusive" as Kate's.
Kate Retweets Pinks comment: "See the thing about me is,there's never gonna be anyone that tells me what I can and can't say.Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Kate...you ignorant Sl&t...YOU are the freakin' paparazzi for your children. YOU are the one putting them out there for criticism and attention in order to MAKE MONEY off of them. YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN A generic PAPARAZZI.
Get your A$$ off twitter and get a real job! !
Gawd you make me SICK! !
*rant over*
Berks Neighbor said... 168
Kate Retweets Pinks comment: "See the thing about me is,there's never gonna be anyone that tells me what I can and can't say.Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Kate...you ignorant Sl&t...YOU are the freakin' paparazzi for your children. YOU are the one putting them out there for criticism and attention in order to MAKE MONEY off of them. YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN A generic PAPARAZZI.
Get your A$$ off twitter and get a real job! !
Gawd you make me SICK! !
*rant over*
Good catch, Berks!
This is 'ol Khatie at her finest, trying to align herself with a legitimate celebrity. Although Kate seems to think that she & Taylor Swift are the ONLY famous Pennsylvanians, Pink was born & raised in Doylestown.
Your point is so spot on. Kate THREW her kids into the limelight to make a living off them. Pink scratched her way to huge success the old fashioned way- with hard work. I remember seeing a few pics of Pink's daughter after she was born and didn't see another one since until the other day. I couldn't believe how big she's gotten! Maybe that's the pic Pink is referring to.
Real celebrities work and guard their children's privacy zealously. Kate put her kids to work. You don't get it both ways Kate. You don't put your kids out there for a buck and show them being bathed, being disciplined, potty training, being deimpacted in the back of a van, then protest that their privacy was invaded. You invaded it first. Everytime you post their schoolwork and pictures of them you are invading their privacy. You are treating them like carrots that you persist on dangling in order to stay relevant.
Kate's deluded RT rates a hearty Bitch Please with a side of WTF?
The only one posting pics of those kids is Kate.
Question...how does one sign one's name if they can't write in cursive?
I was told printing plus a legible signature are all that's required these days...kind of sad. I insisted my kids write than you notes etc in cursive but it really is becoming a lost art. however, you would think their printing would be much better earlier if no time is spent on cursive- maybe more computer time, idk
oh- and a few years back, a requirement for US citizen ship ( mine is dual with Canada now) was writing a sentence in English in cursive!
I had to write 'Pretty yellow daffodils grew in the garden." lol My husband wrote 'I ate a big lunch today."
Berks Neighbor said... 169
Parents need to volunteer, help out in the classroom, etc. Not just show up to applaud at a kid's school performance.
Not all parents can do that since they *work.* You should not be judging the commitment of working parents based on the schedule and availability of those who do not work.
Working Parents...Just so you know I deleted my comment because I realize I had put a little too much info out about me...however I WAS and AM a working parent.
My children would bring home projects from the teacher that she needed help with ie: cutting out flashcards, writing up awards, etc.
At least twice a month I would have a packet come home of projects to help her with that I could do over the weekend or while I sat and watched a movie, etc. This way she could focus on the big stuff and the parents could help with the little things.
Every little bit helps. Don't ASSUME that I am not a working parent. Helping out means being an active participant in the school..and yes taking a vacation day or personal day to help in the classroom, which I did.
This tweet is from the boy who tried to organize a meet n greet with Kate in Missouri after she tweeted to fans to try and get something planned and she'd be there. He took her at her word and worked hard on it and was able to get a speaking venue. When he tweeted her to let her know she began ignoring his tweets. He tweeted her continually and she kept ignoring him. Finally she told him to email her manager. He tweeted back later and said he never got a reply. Eventually he gave up. Now he's tweeted her 4 times in the past couple of days about this 5K run and she's ignoring him again. Wonder why Kate's fans never figure out what she's like even after she's snubbed them.
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate! Would you like to join me in a 5K in St.Louis on september 29th? All proceeds go to the Brain Cancer Society!!
Berks Neighbor - ITA. I'm a parent and I've been a teacher and I see it from both sides. There's only so much you can fit in 6 and 1/2 hours a day.
I agree it's important to know how to use a computer. I can't speak for other parts of the country but most of the people here in geek country have a computer at home. So kids are learning those skills in the home environment. And those who don't get 30 minutes 1x a week at my school to learn how to go online, play computer games, use google and, when they get to 4th and 5th grade, how to type a report using a text program. These classes aren't taught by an instructional technology teacher mind but by the teacher or librarian themselves. and there's a problems with that.
Districts tend to throw technology into the classroom but don't give the teachers training on how to use it nor do they expect them to use it. And there are still a large population of 70's and 80's trained teachers who just aren't comfortable with technology and don't want to learn.
It may be different in other states but for California, at least in my area, that's the way it is in my experience. (Probably why we're 47th is the nation in education.)
Working Parents said... 174
Berks Neighbor said... 169
Parents need to volunteer, help out in the classroom, etc. Not just show up to applaud at a kid's school performance.
Not all parents can do that since they *work.* You should not be judging the commitment of working parents based on the schedule and availability of those who do not work.
Why not? School isn't a daycare.
Berks Neighbor said... 175
I agree with you.I used to do something called Parents-on Call where as you said, projects that were time-consuming for the teacher were sent home to volunteer parents. Cutting, collating,pasting, making up packets etc.
I was lucky enough to fit my schedule to include in-school volunteering but realize not everyone can- I did library, reading help in the class, and jobs like photocopying, laminating, stencil-cutting , helping with class outings & parties, holiday bazaar, school plays etc. Every little bit helps! If you can't, then just show your support and help the kids at home- that alone helps the teacher.
Btw Kate tweeted Mady enjoyed going to Jason for a 'glamorizing' day...I guess she did take M and C to NYC that time. Hope no one accuses M of bragging- how embarrassing to have a mother like that!
Cursive writing and proper grammar are falling by the wayside. I saw a political ad on TV yesterday. Included in what the narrator said was: "You're probably paying more taxes than him". My jaw dropped. This ad was approved for a presidential campaign. I'd have thought that somewhere along the line, before the ad was televised, someone would have caught it but nope.
Tweet-le De -
That young man should know by now how to get a response from Kate. All he has to tweet is: "Hey Kate. You looked stunning in a recent photo. Can you bring that beautiful face to run a 5K in St. Louis on Sept 29?"
She would reply in a heartbeat. Of course, she would either just string him along and pretend she is interested, or make up an excuse about why she can't go, but at least he would get a response.
I used to help out at my kids school and help out on trips but since I had twins a couple of years ago...It's been very hard to do any of that. Some of us just can't do every thing. I also have a special needs child so I understand when there are circumstances that will prevent a parent from being in the classroom. Some things are out of our control....Everyones situation is different..
Call Me Crazy, you're so right! Never would she ignore a tweet like that.
Catching up today.
Kate's dinner looks par for the Kate course. It's nice that she cooks but it's entirely preposterous that she fancies herself a cookbook author. Frozen corn at the height of the season? What?
I think there is some confusion about the cursive handwriting issue- my kid, now out of high school, and in second year of college, learned to cursive at the time we all did in school, BUT- was not required to write in it like we were. I think that's difference in school now. At least from my experience with my kid. I know I was shocked to see her printing her homework in 5th grade and up, I asked her, she said they write in printed because the teacher can read it and they use whatever writing they are more comfortable with. Part of that whole teach and use whatever kids work best technique. Then in high school assignments were typed on computer.
Also, I am gonna stick up for working parents- and single working parents- I was (am) one. I could not take a day off work without taking a drastic reduction in my income- everyday counted when you make minimum wage, so don't pass judgements on parents who can't volunteer for school duties. We have rent to pay and food to buy and dead beat dads who dont pay child support. It wasn't a choice not to volunteer, it was survival to feed and clothe my kid. Priorities are a bi*ch. PS- there were no packets being sent home from school to help out. Just the standard homework.
@JasonHueman I'm SO glad you saw it! She wanted to make sure you did! She is STILL talking about her 'glamazing' day with you!:) about an hour ago
Wow. This and Kate complains about the cost of food. Does Jason have coupons?
Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Kate said this?
Filming your children on the potty should be illegal too now that she mentions it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 187
Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Pink said it and Pink NEVER put her kids on TV. Kate made a living filming her kids and willingly put her family and herself out there for all to see. Most celebrities carefully guard their children's privacy and do all they can to protect them.
Kate played the media to keep herself out there with every Today show appearance and People article written by her favorite sycophant who has yet to have her lips detached from Kate's ass.
Ah I see Pink said it. And Pink would have every right to say that since she has tried from day one to protect her child.
Kate is a piece of work. She is always like this. Wants the children exposed and filmed and talked about, then suddenly wants things private when a pap shows up. Same with custody, she wants it all to hang out there one minute, then wants it all to be private the next. It just doesn't work that way.
Filming your children on the potty should be illegal too now that she mentions it.
It's astounding that it is legal to film children dressing, undressing, peeing, pooping and vomiting. I have no earthly idea how such laws can't get passed to no other child is put in harm's way.
Most parents pridefully share schoolwork with aunt and uncle, grandma and grandpa and maybe a close friend.
There's Kate, sharing schoolwork with her NYC stylist and hired help.
I saw a political ad on TV yesterday. Included in what the narrator said was: "You're probably paying more taxes than him". My jaw dropped.
Well that's kind of a tougher one that lots of people mix up, in fairness. Also, for all we know it was intentional, maybe they think they are sort of speaking the language of blue collar or something. I've heard many politicians say things like "ain't" and "gonna" things like that, and I don't think that's necessarily how they really speak but rather an attempt to sound relatable.
I think Kate shared it ( with whoever in the world that sees her Twitter or hears about it ) just to brag about her relationship with Jason and her fancy hair dates. That her girls also went is another thing to brag about. I really hope Mady doesn't fall prey to the same values of what's important.
If a parent has a limited amount of time to supplement kids' education, cursive would be at the absolute bottom of my list. They desperately need supplementing in math, science, and computer skills first to having a flying chance in hell of making it in this world. No college is going to care two sh&ts about whether they have beautiful cursive. I know people think it's beautiful and are nostalgic about it, but let's get real here about the world our kids live in now.
It's astounding that it is legal to film children dressing, undressing, peeing, pooping and vomiting. I have no earthly idea how such laws can't get passed to no other child is put in harm's way.
I guess people thought it was common sense you don't do such a thing? Sort of like do we really need a law telling you not to pick your nose all day long it'll bleed?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 191
Most parents pridefully share schoolwork with aunt and uncle, grandma and grandpa and maybe a close friend.
There's Kate, sharing schoolwork with her NYC stylist and hired help.
Sadly that's all Kate has. And last time Kate got her hair fried it looked like she'd been handed off on some no name kid.
She doesn't want things private when the paps show up....she ACTS like she does not want their intrusion because she wants everyone to think that she's "protecting" her children BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....does she think any person with half a brain cell is buying that anymore. She is thee biggest offender of taking their privacy away....dumbass...
Oh look, Kate saw my tweet and finally replied:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TheAustinMartin I'd love to Austin but I checked my calendar and that date doesn't work..Next time? Great cause to support!I'll cheer u on!
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