We're a little late with our final Farmer's Wife post due to some other Kate-ish news coming up, but better late than never!
Realitytvkids.com will be organizing an official summer "book club" screening of The Farmer's Wife. Watch Part 3 this week and discuss it as you go with all the interesting folks here. If you missed Part 1 it can be found here and Part 2 here.
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Audrey, Abby, Whitney and Juanita, 1996. |
David Sutherland never intended to find a woman like Juanita. However when he did, he didn't succumb to the temptation to write the script for her, give her labels, define her. For three years, he stepped aside and let Juanita just be Juanita. What resulted was not just a beautiful story of a wife's devotion to her husband and one woman's strength in incredible adversity, but a poinant portrait of motherhood. Juanita listened to her children, was there for them as much as she could be, worked hard to improve their situation and give them a better life, and always showered them with positivity and love.
In part three, Juanita takes her family's destiny into her own hands by furthering her education and getting a job in crop insurance. Due to her hard work from the ground up, the family's hard times finally seem to turn around as this wonderful documentary comes to a close. Today, although Juanita is divorced and no longer lives on a farm, she reportedly still works in the farming sector on the business side, helping out the farmers of Nebraska. Darrel reportedly still lives and works on the same farm featured in the documentary.
Reality T.V. today loves to "define" characters. Kate is the "mother of 8," and has made a career out of this definition. We prefer authenticity, which Sutherland was lucky to find in a little town in Nebraska in 1995.
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Whitney, Audrey, Juanita and Abby, on a family trip to Mexico, 2009. |
1688 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1688 Newer› Newest»That date doesn't work and neither does she...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@TheAustinMartin I'd love to Austin but I checked my calendar and that date doesn't work..Next time? Great cause to support!I'll cheer u on!
I.e. you aren't paying for it and it's not a Rock and Roll event so THEY aren't paying for it so, uh uhhh I'm busy....
Busy with WHAT Kate??? You don't do anything but write a few blogs and run a few pre-set marathons!
She just stated that as long as a fan asks she will NEVER say no to taking pictures of the family.
Exactly what is the difference between a fan with a camera and someone labeling themselves a "pap" with a camera? Probably about $1700 in their camera equipment and that's it.
The fine, fine lines she draws are ridiculous and illogical. What with the way social media is now a fan snapping a pic can get just as much attention as when Chris snapped pics.
Tucker's Mom said... 188
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 187
Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Pink said it and Pink NEVER put her kids on TV. Kate made a living filming her kids and willingly put her family and herself out there for all to see. Most celebrities carefully guard their children's privacy and do all they can to protect them.
Kate played the media to keep herself out there with every Today show appearance and People article written by her favorite sycophant who has yet to have her lips detached from Kate's ass.
Oh sweet Jesus!
Kate's still carrying on about the paps?
They're no longer interested in her, or her kids.
Keep it up Kate. The only pap you'll ever have to deal with will be the one at your annual gyn smear.
You can bet that Pink will NEVER ever exploit her daughter like Kate has exploited her 8 little bank accounts.
@auntieprise1701 @Pink I totally agree! My kids (or any kids stalked) shouldn't even have a word ('P-ppl') for paparazzi or know they exist! 6 minutes ago
Kate, your disgusting. At the height of the bat-shit crazy pap days, Kate massaged and manipulated the press to keep herself out there. Kate would not let Jon on the property! Kate knew paps were stalking them and she would not allow Jon to drive up the stupid driveway to drop the kids off in private.
P-people, really? Kate's kids know the word "boom" and have had a camera shoved in their face since birth, but p people are bad.
If they are so bad, get the kids off TV, idiot. Celebrity and paps go hand in hand.
Is she just in complete and utter denial that she brought the paps into their lives???
What a nutcase.
Kate knew paps were stalking them and she would not allow Jon to drive up the stupid driveway to drop the kids off in private.
That's karma at its best. Because Kate couldn't put aside hate for Jon enough to allow him to pull up to the house, we got that very telling video of the kids screaming for Jon not to leave them. Suck it Kate.
and I don't think that's necessarily how they really speak but rather an attempt to sound relatable.
To whom, the likes of Honey Boo Boo and family? I guess that's possible, Admin. People used to aspire to sound well educated. People today find that to be a "snobby" way to sound, I guess.
I work as a TA in an elementary school. In our school district we start to teach cursive in second grade. The children are required to know how to write in cursive by the end of third grade. From then on unless they are told otherwise everything is written in cursive.
They exist because of YOU idiot!!! My heads gonna blow up!! Sounds like she misses the paps...and how are they stalking her kids...they only pictures I see of them are the ones she puts out....what in Gods name is she talking about??!! I can barely take her stupidity anymore...
Tweet, what's the demographic in the part of the country where it ran? If you care to say. Was it for a major politician or more local?
The tiniest things are usually intentional. Especially if it was a more major guy or gal. The poly sci nerd me in me loves this kind of thing (I was a double major in poly sci). I love election years. :)
Admin, it was for the presidential campaign, it was national, shown on one of the major news channels, CNN or Fox.
"T" should be me, Tweet-le.
I rather like the Honey Boo Boo show. The house is clean, the kids are loved and the family just seems to love each other no matter what. Maybe at times it is a little crass but I would much rather be with that family than with Kate constantly putting down her husband, kids and friends.
To whom, the likes of Honey Boo Boo and family? I guess that's possible, Admin. People used to aspire to sound well educated. People today find that to be a "snobby" way to sound, I guess.
AH, thanks T. If it was national, I guarantee that was intentional. To say "he" someone in the green room thought would sound snooty and unrelatable. Let me guess, ROMNEY??? Remember the criticism that Obama is an ivory tower elitist? All of this stuff is carefully calculated folks. There are no mistakes at this level. Or, if it were Obama's campaign, I suspect it's an attempt to shed his ivory tower image.
Problem is it's not something as valued today, there aren't as many good English teachers out there, and kids have way more on their plates they are expected to know cold than we ever did as kids. It's all fine and dandy to talk about YOUR perfect grammar but you didn't have four hours of homework a night plus all the extra subjects kids have these days not to mention how much harder it is to score well on standardized tests and get into college. I know even some lawyers whose grammar is lacking. I don't think less of them as people. They get the job done. Sometimes I think the air I feel from some people of looking down on these people without knowing their situation and what led them to speak that way, without coming up with any suggestions about how we fix the educational system so that doesn't happen, is a little harsh. I guess that's my blue collar roots coming through and knowing that at the end of the day, I'll take those people any day over some of the snooty people I've met in the big bad city.
And since some people here are weaker in this area than others, it's just not nice to keep harping on this issue.
Pardon me grammar police, if it WERE national.
@ Butterfly my children's teacher actually asked parents who worked and couldn't volunteer in school if they would do packets once or twice a month. I also think that she was the most organized out of many of the teachers there and my kids were lucky to have her.
I was fortunate to be able to schedule vacation days one or two at a time so I could help on reading days at least twice a year. In addition my job allowed 4 personal days a year so I would take them for my children's school parties to help out.
FYI I also worked 45+ hours a day in the medical field, but my employer was very family centric.
Now that my children are older I have a new job and more time to devote to them, however they are older and there are no more packets, just school dances to help at, plays and musical sets and costumes to help paint and sew, sports nights, parent sponsored fundraisers, etc... The list never ends...
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol 44 minutes ago
Kate can't cook.
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol 44 minutes ago
Kate can't cook.
I think many children learn grammar these days at home and from reading. It is not taught in school as thoroughly as in the past. Kids speak the way their parents do; parents may help by gently rephrasing a sentence with correct grammar. But you can't blame a child whose parents don't speak well for any errors. Personally, I think it's very important, but the standards have definitely gone down, as people have mentioned. Kids have so much to learn for their standardized curriculum that grammar lessons are a wave of the past. I do think grammar is important fro future careers etc.
But no, I agree, Admin, I would not judge or look down on someone with poor grammar as a person.
The paparazzi pounced on our development AFTER they moved because shortly thereafter they "announced" their marriage was over. That is when the paparazzi attention started here. Prior to their separation announcement --- the children's lives were chronicled by cameras invited in by Mr and Mrs. Gosselin, constantly, and just about daily. That and intrusive fans even up to a year later infiltrating our development to trespass on property and take pictures and peer into windows. Previously, Kate would come out and scream at Jon for people who would come on their property. I actually didn't fault them for being concerned about this intrusiveness. That is when they put up the signs but it wasn't for paps, it was for uninvited people which were mostly fans. I agreed with them on this because who knows who these people were or their motives. Remember across the road, we had an attempted kidnapping of a 5 year old from their neighborhood garage sale. Thankfully, that has all ceased . I agree all children should be off limits to paps but I find Kate's comments hypocritical. What is the difference if a pap takes a picture or Mrs. Gosselin posts her children's daily movements and/or including private moments? Personally I see little difference in what she does and what a paparazzi does except who gets payment for the pictures. I see no difference in a paparazzi being intrusive or a fan asking personal questions about the children that she answers even if the information could embarrass her child now or in the future. Westbrooke
I certainly don't think the kids should be harassed by paps but Kate is a hypocrite. If she wants the paps gone she also needs to be committed to not posting photos of the kids and even pics of schoolwork too. You can't have it both ways.
And really Kate, what's more intrusive? A few pap photos from the bus stop taken from 200 feet away, or an episode about how your child is getting dental work done shot from 2 inches away?
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol 39 minutes ago
That's a scary thought. "If" Kate can turn her uterus into a clowncar, you can too!!
"If" Kate can shill her kids, you can too!!
"If" Kate can sell her talentless self to the media, you can too!!
"If" Kate can grift her way through life, you can too!!
Boy, what a dumb-ass bunch of sheep she has following her.
I agree Viewer.
Berks Neighbor just listed a host of never ending activities and commitments her kids have. People, this is why our kids don't have perfect grammar.
If we want to restructure our society so our kids are not running around like organic chickens with their heads cut off and have a little more time to sit and relax with grammar and cursive, then let's do that. I'd love it.
But as long as we keep living this hurry up and go lifestyle, I'm not going to fault anyone for not expecting kids to devote obscene amounts of time to this area.
If Kate can live a shallow and ultimately unfulfilling life and die unhappy and alone, you can too.
When people started to stalk the family, that's exactly when the plug should have been pulled. But what does Kate do? Film long and harder, pour on the press appearances, announce and film the demise of her marriage for the world to see, file for a divorce on the very day the separation episode airs so that it can be added to the end of the show and put herself on TV and magazines as much as possible.
I agree the paps should not take photos of kids. Nor should kids be filmed on the potty.
Westbrook, it must be a real pain in the arse having to put up with film crews and fan stalkers around your homes.
the children's lives were chronicled by cameras invited in by Mr and Mrs. Gosselin, constantly, and just about daily
I've read accounts that the crew would light up the house with amazingly bright lights at all hours of the morning. We saw the blinding lights when they filmed before the sun came up. While Kate slept.
I noticed that kate new CC blog is very short, and info that anyone with a brain can figure out, it's common sense. There are no money saving tips or coupons there either. Another useless blog. This one is Kate rambling. Kate must have run out of ideas, for this blog. with school just beginning and holidays coming, I don't know about everyone here, but I can think of at least 50 subjects, that can be blogged about. Some are: end of summer close-out(or packing it in, you summer gear, gardening etc) getting ready for fall. The subjects are endless. All you have to do is look at the magazines at the stores, to know what they are saying. It's not rocket science. It happens every year.
In addition to saving money in your hometown, make sure to check out local coupons in the city or cities where you’ll be on vacation. Traveling costs add up fast, so thinking ahead and checking out the local deals before you leave can help you stretch those saved up vacation dollars.
And be sure that a realty company gives you a free house, even though your a millionaire many times over!
I never check out circulars when I'm traveling. I'll pick the Piggly Wiggly before Whole Foods. That's simple.
Here's how you save money at grocery stores--join. It take a minute and you can get all the sales. Why on earth can't Kate think of these real, concrete things?
Once again, word salad.
For some reason, the plates look like bread & butter or apperizer plates. I just can't see her allowing the children to eat off full-size plates. I do think it's an illusion that the plate appears larger than it is really. When you zoom in and take a picture on your iphone, you can't tell its real size sometimes.
I think it's some kind of beef stew, I can see pieces of peas and onion. But WHY is it slimy-looking? Relfection from overhead light or flash from iphone?
. But WHY is it slimy-looking? Relfection from overhead light or flash from iphone?
Browned and braised food is hard to photograph well. It looks like Kate thickened the sauce with flour or cornstarch at the end. Looks like cornstarch to me.
It also looks like she made it in the crock pot. The meat isn't browned so it's turned gray. A little red wine and tomato past would have deepened the color and flavor.
Oh heck, I could tell Kate how to build flavor, but she knows everything about everything and I msut not know how to cook since I'm known to use, you know, recipes.
CC- a waste of space - again. When are they going to fire her? She adds nothing for users of CC or to the rep of this company. In fact, quite the opposite.
*maybe she was busy with paperwork for the other 'corps' she works for, or slicing meat, baking bread, or thawing frozen 'veges.'
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 176
This tweet is from the boy who tried to organize a meet n greet with Kate in Missouri after she tweeted to fans to try and get something planned and she'd be there. He took her at her word and worked hard on it and was able to get a speaking venue. When he tweeted her to let her know she began ignoring his tweets. He tweeted her continually and she kept ignoring him. Finally she told him to email her manager. He tweeted back later and said he never got a reply. Eventually he gave up. Now he's tweeted her 4 times in the past couple of days about this 5K run and she's ignoring him again. Wonder why Kate's fans never figure out what she's like even after she's snubbed them.
I don't mean to sound harsh or uncaring, but jeeezz the man deserves whatever he doesn't get from Khate if he just keeps going and going.
@Pink I totally agree! My kids (or any kids stalked) shouldn't even have a word ('P-ppl') for paparazzi or know they exist!
But, but, but Kate, what about Bill? You remember Bill doncha? Yeah, Bill Blankenship. He was that guy working on TLC's production team who was busted for viewing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. That's right. HE'S NOW A REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER! He was looking at your kids too.
Forgot to mention that, didn't you?
On a slighty interesting side note about paparazzi and celeb's kids, in Europe, where the most virulent papparazzi in the world is, a lot of publications block out children's faces.
One of the things Khate doesn't get, and never will, is that most of the time the papparazzi was there for the KIDS not her. She and Jon had to do more and more shocking things to keep the paps interested. The kids just had to exist.
My DD watches Teen Mom (MTV) I was at the computer in here when it was on...2-3 year old shown in diapers and then on toilet....sigh. DD tells me that while no ' private parts' are shown, many of the kids are seen being dressed, in tub or in diapers/on potty; lots of bathroom kiddie talk. Same story.
Admin said...AH, thanks T. If it was national, I guarantee that was intentional. To say "he" someone in the green room thought would sound snooty and unrelatable. Let me guess, ROMNEY??? Remember the criticism that Obama is an ivory tower elitist? All of this stuff is carefully calculated folks. There are no mistakes at this level. Or, if it were Obama's campaign, I suspect it's an attempt to shed his ivory tower image.
The ad was from the Obama campaign. So I suppose his ad campaign people are hoping a grammatical error will endear him to the people they figure will be the most likely vote for him.
I guess the grammar police remark was aimed at me. My mother drilled proper grammar into my head, almost daily when I was a kid. It annoyed the hell out of me sometimes, but I doubt I'll ever be able to overlook grammatical errors at my age. They stick out like a sore thumb and I'm glad I didn't end up saying things like, "Me and him went to the store and I seen you there." That is NOT to say I don’t make mistakes. I grew up very blue collar, by the way.
For years it's been “uncool” for kids to be good students. They're nerdy. Better to talk Valley talk and use "like" 10 times in every sentence and "OMG" and "amazing" as though it is the only adjective in the English language. I doubt those people will ever find any joy in reading a beautifully written book. Maybe that doesn’t matter anymore either since most of the reading young people engage in today is text messages.
I don’t think a hurry-up lifestyle or having too much to learn nowadays has anything to do with learning grammar or other things. The brain is an astonishing organ and can soak up information like a sponge. People from other countries who come here to reap the benefits of well-paying professional careers learn English in their native countries and speak it better than many professional people who have grown up here. I suppose it is the priorities that are set by society that dictate what is important. I’m not sure I could say what is important today other than a good unlimited texting plan for one’s iPhone. < /s >
AuntieAnn said... 23
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol 39 minutes ago
That's a scary thought. "If" Kate can turn her uterus into a clowncar, you can too!!
"If" Kate can shill her kids, you can too!!
"If" Kate can sell her talentless self to the media, you can too!!
"If" Kate can grift her way through life, you can too!!
Boy, what a dumb-ass bunch of sheep she has following her.
Auntie, your reasons above are the EXACT reason there ARE sheeple in the first place. They look at her and see one of their own who made money. Any angry bitch can birth kids and sell them to the media and make a career out of what an exhausting burden they are, with extra paychecks for gleefully hitting your husband.
You listed the reasons beautifully!
Can't believe Kate gosselin wrote newest CouponCabin blog. Don't believe Kate would use "Kate", but would use "me" or "mine". Finally Kate Gosselin doesn't know how to change her picture on twitter, now suddenly she can use apps. on her pink phone. Hopefully CC is rethinking Kate's employment and Kate doesn't have a contract more then 1-year at CC.
@ Admin
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 24
I agree Viewer.
Berks Neighbor just listed a host of never ending activities and commitments her kids have. People, this is why our kids don't have perfect grammar.
Would you like me to send you a copy of my two children who are in school's report cards. They are 4.0 students who are also Honor Society (the older one) and Junior Honor Society.
Your arrogance and assumptions have touched a HUGE NERVE with me.
I'm thinking my time here is up.
I've tried to be part of the group, but this slam takes it to the personal level.
I WORK MY ASS OFF for and with my kids for their academic success and enrichment.
I would like an apology.
Tucker's Mom said... 31
. But WHY is it slimy-looking? Relfection from overhead light or flash from iphone?
Browned and braised food is hard to photograph well. It looks like Kate thickened the sauce with flour or cornstarch at the end. Looks like cornstarch to me.
It also looks like she made it in the crock pot. The meat isn't browned so it's turned gray. A little red wine and tomato past would have deepened the color and flavor.
Oh heck, I could tell Kate how to build flavor, but she knows everything about everything and I msut not know how to cook since I'm known to use, you know, recipes.
I thought the exact same thing. it really looks like a meal experiment gone wrong, but hey, it was probably still edible. Maybe she was displaying it as part of her OOPS category. Anyway, not that Kate reads here or anything, but ever since Admin posted those tips to Kate about photographing foods ("stop hovering, get closer, and now get even closer") Kate has been doing exactly that. However in this case, it just shows how pathetic that little hamburger and onions in gravy was.
Berks oh gosh it wasn't meant as an insult. Sorry! It's just representative of busy kids that's all. I'm trying to make the point that to look down on anyone with this kind of typical schedule who may not be able to sit down with their kids every night and work on cursive And grammar bugs me. Something has got to give for most familes. Surely not all moms are able to do what you do, though that doesn't necessarily make them bad moms IMO. If extra help with cursive is cut so a kid can relax a bit and play for a few minutes I'm not going to judge those parents.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 195
If a parent has a limited amount of time to supplement kids' education, cursive would be at the absolute bottom of my list. They desperately need supplementing in math, science, and computer skills first to having a flying chance in hell of making it in this world. No college is going to care two sh&ts about whether they have beautiful cursive. I know people think it's beautiful and are nostalgic about it, but let's get real here about the world our kids live in now.
I dont disagree with you, Dear Admin, about much, but I only want to add that education at any level should be about a great deal more than mere job and career training. Learing cursive writing shouldnt be an elective you take later on so that you can read your grandmother's letters or even Magna Carta or The Declaration of Independence when you visit these things. Cursive writing should not just devolve into the specialty of scholars.
With that said, I was required by my last employer to hand write out case notes as part of the medical record, then transcribe them into the computer, then fill out 5 different forms exactly matching the hand writen notes. You would think my penmanship would be fine? it was getting worse and worse every week, due to heavy computer work in every other area. Now, I can hardly sign my name!
Sticking my oar in-
I really hope you don't go! I enjoy your posts. I did everything I could in the school when my kids were in elementary/middle too. It was my no.1 priority although my job also required a full commitment. You make it work/balance. (although I do understand for some, this is just not possible- for eg. Juanita on FW, while she helped with homework, I wouldn't expect her to add to her day by doing work for the teachers/classroom ,although pretty impressive what she did do)
Your kids are lucky to have you, Berks, and it shows in their GPAs etc. Seems to me there are two issues- grammar, and helping out at/for school - which I bet Kate never does.
For what it's worth. :) Once a Viewer
Berk's Neighbor, when I read what Administrator commented I did not think it was a personal insult to you. I think she was using your agenda as an example of how busy children and families are these days.
You sound like a fantastic mom.
Don't leave us. Your local info and input has always added grounding to our speculative posts.
Congratulations to your children for their success.
Berks, I didn't take it as a personal insult to you, but you obviously work so hard and are a great mom so I can understand your reaction. You fit in here just fine and I hope you don't leave!
Westbrooke said:...."The paparazzi pounced on our development AFTER they moved because shortly thereafter they "announced" their marriage was over. That is when the paparazzi attention started here. Prior to their separation announcement --- the children's lives were chronicled by cameras invited in by Mr and Mrs. Gosselin, constantly, and just about daily."
Westbrooke, there is no convincing me otherwise that the "separation announcement" wasn't carefully timed (by Kate) to coincidentally coincide with the season finale. When the teacher was photographed in late Arpil on the front lawn sunbathing in a bikini, the same one who was photographed driving off from the bar in Jon's sports car- that would have been enough for me. I would have been to the courthouse the minute it opened the next day. But no!!!! Have to file for divorce wait for May sweeps!!!! She planned it to the 9th degree and it paid off in spades, literally. Almost 10 million viewers. Then, after the 9-10 million viewers was the "please respect our privacy while we trash each other in the press" crap. Ha!
It doesn't work that way but she will not accept it. You either totally shield your kids from the public and publicity or you keep using them as pawns to extend your fame. You don't get it both ways.
Westbrooke, there is no convincing me otherwise that the "separation announcement" wasn't carefully timed (by Kate) to coincidentally coincide with the season finale
I totally agree. Kate said something about Jon's behavior and having to file, you know, misdirection again.
It was for ratings and that show was awful to watch, awful to capture the kids knowing their parents are breaking apart. Yet, what actually shocks me about Kate, and not much does, is that Kate is so proud of garnering 10 million viewers who tuned in to see their public car wreck.
That's not something to brag about.
There is an interesting debate beginning here regarding families, activities, school, work and time. I read an article a few weeks ago about how useless our "busyness" is. What is the first thing people say: Oh, I'm SO busy.
WHY are we so busy? WHO told us we had to run ourselves ragged, day in and day out?
What is wrong with spending time together, without spending money, without taking organized classes/activities?
Since WHEN do we need to join groups to DO things?
Have to file for divorce wait for May sweeps!!!!
Arrrgh, meant "have to wait for May sweeps to file for divorce!!!"
Trying to do too much at once... lol
Berks, please don't go. I enjoy your posts so much, as I teacher it warms my heart to see how involved you are with your children's education. Your dedication shows in their grades! {{hugs}} We need many, many, many, more Berks! So many parents wash their hands and say "they're you're problem, I'm tired of fighting with them." A classroom where 60% of the students are used to arguing with and wearing authority figures down, is frustrating and mentally exhausting. You are doing the right thing, please stay ❤
Show's OVER Katie... Paps aren't taking your kids' picture anymore. Sheesh. Delusional disorder much?
Last time I checked, Pink lives in Malibu- and the Gosselins dwell in Pennsylvania. I wonder what Pink would think, about that RT. (Or if she actually bothered to read Kate's tweet... what with the more than 10 million plus followers she has?) It's comical! Does Kate actually believe she lives in Beverly Hills, CA as stated on her running registers? Why Kate, Pink, & Mel Gibson are practically neighbors!
I am not all that bothered about cursive writing coming to the end of its lifespan, but I am extremely concerned about the ever-increasing dismantling of grammar. As a professional comma jockey, the ease with which people can dismiss grammar as a vital part of language distresses me. Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. It is every bit as important as math and science.
Words, and the ability to string them together effectively and coherently to form ideas, are often far more powerful than any physical weapon. I think about some of the most compelling speeches in history. Would they have been as powerful or moving if they were marred by such terrible grammar that it caused them to be less easily comprehended and more readily dismissed?
I acknowledge that some people who use perfect grammar and feel the need to criticize others about their imperfect use of grammar can be terrible blowhards. But I don't think it is snooty at all to expect kids to learn how to write and speak in a way that is clear and that can ultimately give them power.
This does not mean I am eager to pick nits about very small grammar infractions such as the "him" "he" example cited earlier. This also does not mean we can't accept colloquial speech and writing.
Unfortunately, we have gotten very lazy. Short-hand in emails, texts and tweets are making it acceptable to ignore or dismiss grammar. The increasing number of grammatical errors I see in newspapers and magazines is very troubling. It makes me wonder what our language will look like in the future.
This grammar geek will leave you with this quote (author unknown):
"Grammar is the bus that carries the words; without it they have to walk and get very confused along the way."
The new @CouponCabin local coupons feature helps me save even more money! Check out my latest blog for more info:
She blatantly pilfers stuff right off this blog. Admin, I would start copywriting our conversations or something (just kidding) and charging her residuals. Now it's LOCAL COUPONS??
Berks don't go!
Admin, the political ad is one of endless political ads running in Virginia, it is so much fun living in a swing state! Not. A friends discovered that the political ads don't run on HGTV or channels like that, so automatically he switches to that when any political ad comes on. I just mute the TV. To listen to the ads, you would think all politicians running for office this year are the most heinous people ever! Everyone I know, no matter their political leanings, are sick of the political ads.
One other comment from something a while back: ghetto. I have friends who are African American, and they are the first people I heard use the phrase ” that's so ghetto”. Usually used in referring to other African American s quite often teens or twenty somethings who are wearing clothing that is extremely revealing, or the pants on the ground with the boxers showing, kinda like that. ” my daughter wanted to buy a hoochie mama top but I told her no, it was too ghetto.”
The paparazzi pounced on our development AFTER they moved because shortly thereafter they "announced" their marriage was over. That is when the paparazzi attention started here. Prior to their separation announcement --- the children's lives were chronicled by cameras invited in by Mr and Mrs. Gosselin, constantly, and just about daily. That and intrusive fans even up to a year later infiltrating our development to trespass on property and take pictures and peer into windows. Previously, Kate would come out and scream at Jon for people who would come on their property.
It may be days before I get the visual of Katie Irene waddling out of the house, stooped over because the white plastic chair is stuck to her hind-side, screaming at Jonny Boy about her sheeple invading the homestead.
The neighbors must have laughed about it. Have pity and give me some more detail about this.
Re Pink and her little girl. I recently heard Pink interviewed on a local morning radio station. She was on-time, a great interviewee (pleasant, courteous to her hosts, funny, and at the end sang one of her songs right there in the studio - beautiful voice!). Yes, she did briefly discuss her little girl, when the topic was brought up. The absolute love and devotion she has for her daughter came through loud and clear. She is breast-feeding, so her daughter travels with her. She described that at first, she was nervous having a daughter, because she had been expecting a boy. Then she said she completely fell in love with her and Willow is the light of her life. She sounded giddy. She also praised her husband for being a wonderful father and husband.
Pink didn't talk about how exhausted she was, nor anything negative about being a mom. And this woman works, writing songs, recording music, performing around the country. Kate couldn't hold a candle to Pink in any respect!
What Kate and her fans seem unable to understand is this one simple fact: If it were not for Kate purposely having a multiples pregnancy and producing six (fortunately) healthy and sweet little babies, and then successfully promoting her idea for a reality tv show to TLC, no one outside of Kate's circle of then-friends and family would have ever heard of her.
Kate has done nothing to be worthy of fame, besides having eight children. She has no talent, she's not charismatic, she doesn't relate well to most people, she hasn't built or designed anything of note, she doesn't create anything, nor does she add much beyond a carbon footprint to the world.
Her days consist of getting her children off to school (and I suspect that she has help with that). She admitted that when they are off to school, she climbs back in bed!! When she finally gets up, she probably spends an hour or so getting dressed and putting on make up. After that, she might go out to gas up her car. Perhaps she goes to Target or to the grocery store. She has her nails done, or gets a tan.
After a day spent doing nothing but tweeting and self-indulgence, she picks up the children. If they get out of school around 2:30, they probably get to their drop off spot around 3:30. From the moment they get home until their bedtime (what do you think? I'm guessing they are shut in their rooms no later than 8:00), she has to spend, at most, 4 to 4 1/2 hours with them. And this is only 50% of the time.
In contrast, I don't know how Jon spends his days. That's because he's not on Twitter telling people about it. Does he sleep in late? I don't know. Does he tweet requests to various companies for coupons and freebies - no he doesn't. Does he talk about how exhausted he is after a day of "paperwork"? No. However, he is apparently earning an income by doing contract work for various firms. Logically, this means that he must spend some time meeting with clients, then working out of his home or at their office to provide them with the services they need. He finally has an equal split of custodial time. I have a feeling that when the children are in school, Jon gets down to work, trying to accomplish as much as possible before it's time for him to pick up his children.
Jon may be "mediocre" but at least he's not shying away from real work, like Kate. She hasn't worked at a real job since her nursing days. She can't even be bothered to do volunteer work in her community on a regular basis. She hasn't promoted the Special Olympics event one time since doing that radio bit. She's so disgustingly phony, that I can't even stand it.
Berks Neighbor just listed a host of never ending activities and commitments her kids have. People, this is why our kids don't have perfect grammar.
Kids don't have grammar skills because in many schools the teachers themselves don't have the skills to teach it. Colleges are graduating students whose grammar and writing skills are on the middle school level. If teachers can't teach it, how can we expect the kids to learn correct grammar? Remember that essay that Paige posted? It was shameful, and yet she got stickers for it, along with comments about how wonderful it was. There were no corrections on it. That paper never should have been accepted as it was. The note on there should have been to rewrite it and resubmit it.
Sadly, things like that are just allowed to pass. I know that she's a student in Canada, but the same holds true in many schools here, and it's going to get worse as more and more of these kids who have no grammar skills will become teachers.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 143
Oh yeah I cook mostly for families now it much easier.
Call Me Crazy I pretty much agree with you, there is a happy balance we should hit where you are can do well in society without sweating the little nuances. Also keep in mind just because someone can do text speak on their phone doesn't mean they can't also speak well. My sister is one who loves to text and her messages are text speak but in person there is nothing wrong with her grammar.
LOL I still think Kate drew the photo and said that Maddy did it.
Call Me Crazy said... 51
I am not all that bothered about cursive writing coming to the end of its lifespan, but I am extremely concerned about the ever-increasing dismantling of grammar. As a professional comma jockey, the ease with which people can dismiss grammar as a vital part of language distresses me. Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. It is every bit as important as math and science.
Words, and the ability to string them together effectively and coherently to form ideas, are often far more powerful than any physical weapon. I think about some of the most compelling speeches in history. Would they have been as powerful or moving if they were marred by such terrible grammar that it caused them to be less easily comprehended and more readily dismissed?
We're headed back to cuniform.
JoyinVirginia said... 53
Berks don't go!
Admin, the political ad is one of endless political ads running in Virginia, it is so much fun living in a swing state! Not.
The robo calls are making my head spin!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 19
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol 44 minutes ago
Kate can't cook.
That tweet was a direct quote from one of the shows. Jon said that exact same sentence during the "Jon cooking Korean" episode. Take out the Kate and insert Jon and it is word for word. And I agree, Kate can't cook.
I love how Kate is talking about saving money when traveling by going local. Umm Kate? First your readers have to be able to afford to travel in the first place. I've never seen a celeb so out of touch. Speaking of ivory towers!!
Dmasy said... 45
Berk's Neighbor, when I read what Administrator commented I did not think it was a personal insult to you. I think she was using your agenda as an example of how busy children and families are these days.
You sound like a fantastic mom.
Don't leave us. Your local info and input has always added grounding to our speculative posts.
Congratulations to your children for their success.
Berks, please dont go. I read and re-read and I agree with Dmasy, it doesnt seem at all as if the comment were directed at you personally at all. Of course you work hard and your children's success in so many areas is important to you and you are to be commended for the support and direction and PRIORITIES that you help them with.Please reconsider.
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol
I can't cook then cause the stuff she makes for her self.
I would never ever cook for anyone not event my 2 pups.-lol
Berks, please don't go!
I misread Admin's post (as well?), but didn't read it as aimed squarely at you...
Burks Neighbor, I took the comment to be about society changing. Kids these days seem to be involved in multiple organized activities with little time to enjoy the unsupervised pleasures of the "good old days".
Gone are the days of kids roaming the neighborhood in packs playing pickup games, riding bikes to chase after the ice cream truck and having time to be a kid.
Of course I have no fond memories of being taught cursive writing by Sister Havenofun at the local parochial school. (I was in my late teens before I noticed how many things I naturally did left handed.)
Tucker's Mom said... 188
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 187
Paparazzi stalking children should be illegal"....
Pink said it and Pink NEVER put her kids on TV. Kate made a living filming her kids and willingly put her family and herself out there for all to see. Most celebrities carefully guard their children's privacy and do all they can to protect them.
Kate played the media to keep herself out there with every Today show appearance and People article written by her favorite sycophant who has yet to have her lips detached from Kate's ass.
Her other huge contradiction is that her children arent actors, just commodities that perform their usual tricks in front of cameras that she collects money for. Therefor child performer laws dont apply to HER kids.
But it was her decision to charge fees so that cameras could document her kids' every move.
I think she only has 2 problems with professional photogs that take unposed pics: One is that she isnt making much profit off the pics, and two she cant pose and they have in the past caught very embarrassing moments.
I read a statistic that said 10 to 20 percent of households still don't have computers. That's a good portion of kids who aren't going to get that necessary training at home. Then you add in parents who don't have time or motivation to teach and it's even more. So I have to disagree schools don't have to focus much on computers because kids get it at home. There's just too large of a group yet who won't get it at home to slack on something so crucial at school. If you can't use a computer you are useless to most employers. And at the end of the day while it would be nice if learning were just about learning, the reality is we need to get America back to work if we're going to make it.
I think about some of the most compelling speeches in history. Would they have been as powerful or moving if they were marred by such terrible grammar that it caused them to be less easily comprehended and more readily dismissed?
True. Think about President Lincoln, in his Gettysburg address, saying, "Me and all of you are met on a great battlefield of that war...rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which them people whom fought here have thus far so nobly advanced..."
I have always winced at the "He don't care no more..." of country music. (Which I enjoy.) Texting has added another layer of laxness with the extra effort of commas and apostrophes and capitalization.
I grew up in a home where bring and take were not used correctly. To this day, I am not sure which to use. I quickly modify a sentence with my own form of correction, "A party? What would you like for me to contribute?" I have a thousand ways to avoid, "What should I bring/take?"
I think there's a generation of young kids who think the work "probably" doesn't have a "b" in it!
I also notice use the the work "had". I'm a closet Judge Judy fan and most of the people testifying put the word "had" into their sentences where it's not necessary.
I had went to the store. How about, I went to the store.
It's quite prevalent.
Don't go, Berks.
I'm positive no harm was meant.
Tucker's Mom said... 31
Well, she must have made a different roux to get that color. I haven't used cornstarch in years to make the roux for meat/cheese sauces. I just use flour & butter. Meat does look it was not browned all the way or was pre-browned then added to the sauce. Crockpot is a possible though browning/searing of meat is advised first before cooking it in the crockpot.
Tweetle-De ...37
You are a person after my own heart! I toast you, oh fellow grammar cop!
Berks - I will add my voice to those who would be sad to see you leave. Sometimes words and meanings can get very mixed up when they are incomplete or don't convey tone (or when bad grammar is used - hee hee). Please stay.
Isn't the ability to write and put ideas to paper in a coherent form the reasons the SATs now have a written section? Initially computers were a boon to English teachers. Spelling was up, writing was popular because one, more often than not, had to do it to communicate. It's text messaging and 180 character Twitter limits that have ruined that.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 70
I read a statistic that said 10 to 20 percent of households still don't have computers. That's a good portion of kids who aren't going to get that necessary training at home. Then you add in parents who don't have time or motivation to teach and it's even more. So I have to disagree schools don't have to focus much on computers because kids get it at home. There's just too large of a group yet who won't get it at home to slack on something so crucial at school. If you can't use a computer you are useless to most employers. And at the end of the day while it would be nice if learning were just about learning, the reality is we need to get America back to work if we're going to make it.
Admin, that is precisely my point in streamlining our educational system.
USEFUL, PRACTICAL knowledge. Knowledge that is relevant to a respective field. Not wasting resources to obtain education.
My three pet peeves re grammar: that/which mistakes, misuse of over (over 10 million, ENH, try again, it's MORE THAN, over is spatial not quantitative), and whole nother (whole, other).
Misuse of further/farther used to bother me, but I've gotten over it.
I still haven't checked out her food photo. Sounds like it might serve as an appetite suppressant.
@heysteveduncan if Kate can cook, you can too!:) lol
No one has died from her food yet, so yeah,
Kate can cook... the problem is that it's just not appealing to the eye.
I will correct myself..."sounds like" in comment 79 should be "sounds as if". I do know the rule.
I really like when we get OT and talk about grammar. I learn something new each time.
I'm here...didn't go too far. Just took a break for a while to make some cookies for my kids when they arrive home from school this afternoon.
Of course I didn't bake bread, roast a side of beef, carve it out on my $500 new 'toy' and display it for everyone on twitter, but I am doing my part.
Seriously though, the crappy thing about this blog is that I can't tell all of you who I am, share my blogsite(s), which are full of info and fun, including XXXXXX and XXXXXXX (had to edit because I don't want to give myself away). I can't tell you what my job is or where I've been in the past and what I've done. It's frustrating as all get out.
I will admit I get touchy when it comes to my children, because while we may not live in a mansion and I drive only one vehicle and I'm the maid, cook, yardskeeper, and (*I can't say this part as to what I do because it might give me away*)- plus a wife and mom and I do it all for my family. I've got my plate full and still if there's an opportunity to add just one more thing to that plate, I will do it if it will benefit my children.
Admin, apology accepted. :-D
I thought that Farmer's Wife was rich with remarkable life lessons. There were several examples of the English language being trampled in that documentary.
The grammatical errors did not detract from the message.
I see/hear both sides of this debate.
Sherry Baby - EXACTLY! Thanks for writing that example. Boy, that was painful to read!
Heather - Maybe Egyptian heiroglyphs instead of cuneiform?!
If Kate thinks gas prices are astronomical, she should fill up in England!
Berk's Neighbor, thanks for staying with us.
I understand your frustration. (Virginia Pen is an author who has not shared her book titles with us.)
Sometimes, I just want to scream, "This is who I am. This is what I do. Be my friend on Facebook."
We try to be safe and, I guess, that is wise.
Re school and activities, another reality is that extracurricular activities are factors in college acceptance. And children like to do activities their friends are doing. Older dd played soccer because her friends did, and she joined a service club at school to have something extra for her college applications. When she was little I helped lead a girl scout troop because of her interests. (Older dd graduated college and was Phi Beta Kappa). Younger dd was involved in band, choir from sixth grade on, marching band, choir, and Theatre in high school, and was selected for regional and state band and choir programs that involved extra time and travel. It meant she got accepted to five of the six colleges she applied to, into a music major program that required audition.
both dds also were very active in church activities as middle schoolers and teens. That has led to important connections as they got older.
Yes, busy busy times in school. Doing things the dds wanted to and enjoyed.
Dds would not change what they did in high school, they both enjoyed their activities. I have to admit, I will not miss freezing in stands waiting for marching band half time show!
Another thing about school, at high school when dd was junior/ senior, most reports were paperless. Even big research papers. Kids got time during school to work on computers if none at home, or at lunch or early, or go to public library and use their computers.
Dwindle said...
Any angry bitch can birth kids and sell them to the media and make a career out of what an exhausting burden they are, with extra paychecks for gleefully hitting your husband.
Dwindle - Yes. Kate sells herself like an infomercial and her gullible little followers buy her product. They see her as the consummate mother who does it all. They don't see she's a bottle of snake oil.
I'm going to print out Kate's Alpo dinner and paste it on my refrigerator.
DH and I are trying to lose a few pounds and will help curb our appetites, I'm sure.
My grammar pet peeve: good and well. In my neck of the woods it seems everyone (including DH) says good when it should be well. I've tried to adapt an "Oh, well" attitude haha.
Butterfly, you've said that you're in the military. You get 30 days off a year paid vacation and you wonm't lose your job if you take time off to go to your kid's school. Being in the military you make much more than minimum wage.
SeeSaw said... 91
I'm going to print out Kate's Alpo dinner and paste it on my refrigerator.
DH and I are trying to lose a few pounds and will help curb our appetites, I'm sure.
It does look pretty bad, although it might taste good. If I planned to put out a cookbook, I'd do better quality control of my photos. This stuff wouldn't be inviting to the Cookie Monster.
Again, Kate could be promoting her cooking with enticing photos that make you drool, instead, this poorly arranged plate does nothing for promoting, or trying to promote a cookbook.
Another missed opportunity.
"Berk's Neighbor, when I read what Administrator commented I did not think it was a personal insult to you. I think she was using your agenda as an example of how busy children and families are these days."
Same here. In my time as a participant on the blog, I've come to trust Admin and I never got the impression that she would purposely criticize a regular poster here. I truly don't believe any offense was intended to Berk's.
I do happen to believe that children are much busier with scheduled extra-curricular activities than they were when I was growing up. For me, such a busy schedule did not work when my child was younger. As a single mom, working fulltime, my "family" time with my child was precious as were my financial resources. So my son was allowed to participate in limited after school activities. That was a personal decision, right for us. For another family, a more busy schedule works just fine. It's so individual.
You're right, Tucker's Mom, it might taste good. I've made some pretty awful looking meals in my time that tasted fine (a chili mac recipe comes to mind). I doubt I would post a photo to twitter, though, unless it was a "look at the mess I made" joke. I agree she's not helping her cause to get a cookbook writing gig.
Berks Neighbor said... 84
I'm here...didn't go too far. Just took a break for a while to make some cookies for my kids when they arrive home from school this afternoon.
Of course I didn't bake bread, roast a side of beef, carve it out on my $500 new 'toy' and display it for everyone on twitter, but I am doing my part.
Seriously though, the crappy thing about this blog is that I can't tell all of you who I am, share my blogsite(s), which are full of info and fun, including XXXXXX and XXXXXXX (had to edit because I don't want to give myself away). I can't tell you what my job is or where I've been in the past and what I've done. It's frustrating as all get out.
I will admit I get touchy when it comes to my children, because while we may not live in a mansion and I drive only one vehicle and I'm the maid, cook, yardskeeper, and (*I can't say this part as to what I do because it might give me away*)- plus a wife and mom and I do it all for my family. I've got my plate full and still if there's an opportunity to add just one more thing to that plate, I will do it if it will benefit my children.
Admin, apology accepted. :-D
Berks, your post was nothing short of incredibly gracious and pleasant to read, with an inkling of tongue in cheek. As always. :)
Sherry Baby said... 71
True. Think about President Lincoln, in his Gettysburg address, saying, "Me and all of you are met on a great battlefield of that war...rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which them people whom fought here have thus far so nobly advanced..."
Then you have George Bush who REALLY said,
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
SeeSaw said... 95
You're right, Tucker's Mom, it might taste good. I've made some pretty awful looking meals in my time that tasted fine (a chili mac recipe comes to mind)
Oh my, love chili mac.
There are some tricks to perking up a monotone dish, which can be some of the most flavorful. You can garnish with parsely or a gremolata (garlic, lemon zest, parsely). Not only does zest look appealing, you won't believe what it can do for a long-simmered stew.
Berks Neighbor said... 17
A vacation day would have meant, like I said, a day without pay. Was NOT gonna happen at minimum wage. Every hour counted as a single parent living paycheck to paycheck. And like I said, my kid's school did not send home packets, so I have no idea what these 'packets' are and do not apply to my experiences raising a child.
That is all for me.
Whenever I see food pictures from Kate I always think of the Crap that Klinger used to throw on the food trays on the show "M*A*S*H".
Now...if you want great twitter food try Neil Patrick Harris' Food Porn. Twitter @NPHFoodPorn . I get fat just looking at those pictures.
Berks...I did not see the insult either. I enjoy your comments and admire your comitment to your family. It is really amazing how much one can do out of necessity and desire.
@ Butterfly, that's what I meant. Most teachers even in the same school didn't offer packets, this teacher did. In additional classes, throughout the years, I offered to help where I could, even if it meant picking up extra snacks and bagging them for class trips, etc., helping the teacher clean up after an open house so that they could go home sooner, etc.
My original argument was that I was being called out for NOT being a working mom, which I had been when my children were in Elementary school, and am now that they are a few years older. (different jobs for me from then to now).
I had a full-time job (started at minimum wage) but with vacation benefits because my job was family-focused. I can understand how hard it is when you don't receive paid vacation. I was remiss to think that all full-time employers offered benefits like mine did, clearly I was mistaken in that your employer didn't offer you paid vacation days nor personal days for full time work. My apologies.
You do what you can for to the best of your ability for your kids. No comparing.
Kate's latest tweet: @cmpr64 I've thought of starting a healthy lunch delivery service for a LONG time! Maybe it's time?! Thoughts?
ROTLMAO...isn't that how Paula Deen got her start - delivering Lunches with her sons? Kate really doesn't have an original thought of her own.
@cmpr64 I've thought of starting a healthy lunch delivery service for a LONG time! Maybe it's time?! Thoughts? less than a minute ago
You know, I'd support this one. There's no using of the kids and although Kate is no Paula Deen Bag Lady, it is an idea.
But, that's where I see it stopping. Kate does not have the focus and drive to own a food business. I hand it to anyone who has in the business because it is really hard work with small profit margins.
It takes great culinary drive--curiosity to be in the food business. What I love about cooking is that the learning never ends and I can challenge myself to learn new techniques, try out different cuisines and spices. Heck, I sit by the pool with my Cook's Illustrated!
I didn't even know Pink had a baby!
And on another note, as for cursive handwriting, as long as kids learn it, they don't need to practice it. It's a tool to have in their toolbox and that's about it. Learning a foreign language (and not the 3 years in high school nonsense) would be far more useful. Especially one that requires writing in a completely different alphabet. You really use your grammar knowledge for that. Plus it helps you understand English grammar better- trust me on that.
Sherry Baby.
Love that Bush quote, I have it in fridge magnet form - always funny!
Grammar police,
I was an English major in university but I'm afraid I have forgotten most of what I ever knew. For many years, I was simply too lazy to apply my knowledge and was not in a career that utilized that particular skill set. Being a chef doesn't lend itself to good grammar!
At any rate, I recently started a blog and I end up Googling usage questions. I do have an old Strunk and White's kicking around; I really should find it and crack it open.
What bothers me more than grammar is bad spelling. I can not understand why there are still so many errors, spell-check is built in to nearly every computer program and smart phone. It's simple laziness that prevents people from clicking on the red, squiggly line!
Berks: I am so glad you are staying!
re: 'packets' Our school did have the Parents-on-Call program, and I found when any teacher was asked, she/he would have tons of time-consuming odd jobs that could be done at home, or some, at the school. I worked 12 hr shifts as a nurse, so I often had a day or two off during the week where I could go to the school- usually a morning a week.
It is incredible the amount of work many teachers do after hours or at home. Those pretty seasonal display boards? Someone had to cut the letters out with the stencil blocks. Artwork displays? Laminated by someone. The stapled worksheets? Had to be collated and organized before going into kids' backpacks. Permission slips for field trips? Filled out with details every time & photocopied. A few examples.
If Kate is so paperwork-ish, I'm sure her school would love her help.
Yes please Kate for the love of god get a JOB.
Although I thought that too there's no way her lazy butt could ever pull off such a thing.
Berks Neighbor said... 103
This isn't going to happen, of course. You have to learn a boatload about running a small business, probably rent a commercial kitchen etc. etc.
Not to mention the upfront costs of start up.
Nah, but dream on. And again to my point, if you have machinations about putting out a cookbook or starting a food business, take it seriously. Don't publish crappy photos of crappy plates. No one will take you seriously!
Oh, I had a thought! I wonder if Kate's lunches will come with instructions how to eat it. Fruit, crunchy things, sandwich things...
Then you have George Bush who REALLY said,
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
lol!! Remember Dan Quayle and the "potatoe" incident?
Berks Neighbor,
Oh I see about the packets now. Interesting. That is a great concept and I would have gladly helped in that area. I wanted to bake cupcakes, like my mom did for me, but schools no longer accept home baked goods- only prepackaged, store bought unopened ones! Don't even get me started on that!!
Berks -- I'm glad you decided to stay. I enjoy your posts!
Put me down for the grammar police too. As I've said before, I was raised by a teacher who taught, among other things, college level Business English. I had it drummed into me from an early age. Also, thankfully, I have a natural aptitude for languages and spelling -- just don't ask me to do anything with numbers, LOL! Sure I make mistakes. Sometimes it's a brain fart and sometimes it's a function of thinking faster than I am writing. At least, when I screw up, I know I've screwed up most of the time, LOL.
I graduated from college never mind how many years ago, and even at that time the emphasis was being shifted away from grammar. Teachers are being told not to teach it or emphasize it, because it stifles creativity. I say BS!! A house needs a foundation to stand. Grammar is the foundation for communication.
I agree that kids are so very, very busy today. I see it with the students at the school I volunteer at. It's a pre-K through grade 6, and even the first graders are horrendously over-scheduled. Dance lessons, music lessons, tennis lessons, swimming lessons, tutoring sessions, soccer practice, T-ball or baseball practice, and on and on and on. Throw in Scouting or 4-H (I live in farm country), religious education for many of the kids, CYO for many of the kids and there's precious little time for family time and for the kids to just "be". It's exhausting to just hear about their schedules.
Dmasy -- Re bring/take -- If you think of "bring" as moving toward something and "take" as moving away, that might help you to decide which is correct. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but more often than not it will. Just be glad you didn't grow up in an area where "carry" was used colloquially as a substitute for either bring or take, LOL!
I totally agree. Kate said something about Jon's behavior and having to file, you know, misdirection again.
It was for ratings and that show was awful to watch, awful to capture the kids knowing their parents are breaking apart. Yet, what actually shocks me about Kate, and not much does, is that Kate is so proud of garnering 10 million viewers who tuned in to see their public car wreck.
That's not something to brag about
Oh my goodness, I hadn't thought about that in a very long time. So busy snarking - but wow, the meat and potatoes right there. Putting your divorce on TV...I had never watched the show due to disgust over her grifting even back then but I do recall the commercials of the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT show, so horrendously distasteful. Who in their right mind shows that kind of anguish on television?
I've thought of starting a healthy lunch delivery service for a LONG time! Maybe it's time?! Thoughts?
Back to the healthy food maven mode, I see. Is Katie's head on a swivel?
Generally, I think that people who don't enjoy eating don't make very good cooks.
Kate must be rethinking her latest purchase. She has this big, honkin' meat slicer sitting on her counter staring her in the face so she's going to put it to good use now. Suuuuure. That novelty will wear off in less than a week.
She already complains about having to make eight lunches. Any more than that and she'd end up on bedrest. As usual someone else would have to do the work for her.
@cmpr64 I've thought of starting a healthy lunch delivery service for a LONG time! Maybe it's time?! Thoughts?
Why not volunteer to help prepare and deliver lunches for your local Meals-On-Wheels program for senior citizens? I thought she was all about giving back.
but I do recall the commercials of the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT show, so horrendously distasteful. Who in their right mind shows that kind of anguish on television?
Is was so hyped, wasn't it? You couldn't put your tv on for 5 minutes without seeing a j+K+8 teaser about a life-changing decision, nasty glances, slow motion just to rev up the tension.
The cherry on top was Kate choosing to file the day the show aired. Please tell me on good reason Kate could not have waited 24 hours to file after the show aired. Kate did it strategically to reach as many eyeballs as possible and she knew darn well the phone would be ringing off the hook and the paps would be worked into a frenzy.
I don't think she loved being hounded by the paps (lots of stories of her dangerous driving to dodge them, fool) but she brought it all on herself.
I think by "starting a healthy lunch business" she envisions her face on the packaging and someone else doing all the work so she can still tweet and toot in peace all day.
I've always heard the locals hate Kate so what makes her think they'd buy her food?
Blowing In The Wind said... 110
Then you have George Bush who REALLY said,
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
lol!! Remember Dan Quayle and the "potatoe" incident?
heehee. Yes. How about Bush's "As yesterday's positive report card shows, childrens do learn when standards are high and results are measured."
He graduated from Yale? Really?
Re: Parents helping with school things...
Maybe some of Kate's "paperwork" is stuff that the kids bring home from the teacher to cut out,
organize, etc. Who knows? I doubt it, but still, who knows?
Seriously though, the crappy thing about this blog is that I can't tell all of you who I am, share my blogsite(s), which are full of info and fun, including XXXXXX and XXXXXXX (had to edit because I don't want to give myself away). I can't tell you what my job is or where I've been in the past and what I've done. It's frustrating as all get out
Oh Berks, I have often thought it would be a hoot to have a real, not virtual get together - would love to hear other locals' stories, etc. I know exactly what you mean though, it could be a safety issue I guess.
I got my glycine sticks in the mail today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to try them.
Also read a pretty good book, I usually go for the suspense/mystery books, NEVER romancy things, but I picked up a book by Elin Hildenbrand (our local library was doing a series on her books) and I could not put it down! It is called The Island. I highly recommend it :)
"You're right, Tucker's Mom, it might taste good. I've made some pretty awful looking meals in my time that tasted fine (a chili mac recipe comes to mind). I doubt I would post a photo to twitter, though, unless it was a "look at the mess I made" joke. I agree she's not helping her cause to get a cookbook writing gig."
To me, the plain pasta just seemed odd..nothing on it, not even a bit of butter, and so few pieces that I can count them. And then that hamburger gravy sitting on the plate by itself..doesn't it look as though it were meant to be poured on top of something?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 118
I think by "starting a healthy lunch business" she envisions her face on the packaging and someone else doing all the work so she can still tweet and toot in peace all day.
She has a real knack of disparaging the hard work that people put into their careers and businesses, like how she thought she'd win DWTS. She thinks everyone has it easy but her. It really pisses me off.
Is Kate kidding, about a food delivery service? Geez, her food, looks under cook, portions not right, unappealing, some looks like puke, and her food combinations have a lot to be desired, as does her using stale cerel or candy that was frozen a year ago. I hope she thinks about this long & hard. And I'm sure the locals would not touch her food with a ten foot pole.
KK doesn't have a clue about starting what amounts to a catering business. I can just see her now with the health department inspector:
Mr. Health Department Inspector Man/ Ms. Health Department Inspector Woman: How often is this countertop cleaned?
KK: I always tell my children that if they get one grain of sugar on the floor they're done!
MHDIM/MHDIW: But how often do you clean the countertop?
KK: I wrap the coutertop in garbage bags to avoid messes.
MHDIM/MHDIW: What is the internal temperature of these chicken pieces?
KK: This is my famous "sammynella chicken".
MHDIM/MHDIW: How was this dish prepared?
KK: It has to be eaten in this order: Sandwich, crunchy things, veges, fruit, dessert.
MHDIM/MHDIW: I'm afraid you don't pass inspection. We can't give you a catering license.
KK: Don't you know who I am? No never means No to me!
I'm thinking about changing my designation for Kate from KK (for Katie Kreider) to G3 (for Greedy, Grifty Gosselin). Thoughts?
anger issues - that's why Shoka goes out and eats roadkill.
Except for the fact that she doesn't appear to be a very good cook, a healthy lunch delivery service isn't a bad idea. She has multiple fridge/freezers, an industrial meat slicer, two dishwashers, lots of baggies I think.
What I think she lacks is the drive to make it happen.
My favorite is Kate's meatloaf recipe. The quantities are all over the place and she writes to cook it until it's not pink in the middle. Yeah, ok, I'll pull it out of the oven, out of the pan and cut it in half because that would be so much easier than inserting my instant read thermometer.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 118
I think by "starting a healthy lunch business" she envisions her face on the packaging and someone else doing all the work so she can still tweet and toot in peace all day.
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
If I could add... someone else doing all the work while Kate bosses and belittles them, in between jetting off for "promotional appearances."
Lol Tucker's mom, Kate has burned every possible bridge here in PA, even the historic covered ones. She couldn't find a local to consider eating one of her frankensandwiches even if they were starving.
Berks Resident -- Do you have a Kindle? One of my favorite authors (mystery of course) is releasing her backlist for Kindle -- Julie Smith. She has several series. My favorites are one featuring a San Francisco attorney, Rebecca Schwartz - funny, snarky, well-written engaging -- and one featuring a New Orleans female police detective named Skip Langdon -- humerous with lots of local color and NOLA history, both before and after Katrina. The books that have been released so far are all under $5, and a couple are freebies.
readerlady said... 126
Hilarious and oh, so true. I gather her 'dream' did not come to fruition for her to make such a lofty statement on becoming a lunch provider.
She complains about 8 lunches- how would she ever manage? She does have plenty of kitchen gadgetry to follow through though.
The meals-on-wheels was a great idea, Blowing in the Wind.
Berks Neighbor, Berks Resident & other locals:
I am dying to ask you ladies a lot of questions! I admire your restraint & respect for privacy for the G kids.I would like to hear some dirt on Kate but I guess she provides us with enough on her own...Good luck with the Glycine, Berks Resident. Oh- I have read two Hildebrand books- very good.
Also read a pretty good book, I usually go for the suspense/mystery books, NEVER romancy things, but I picked up a book by Elin Hildenbrand (our local library was doing a series on her books) and I could not put it down! It is called The Island. I highly recommend it :)
The Blue Bistro is also very good.
For mystery/suspense/thriller Harlen Coben is very good, but Daniel Silva is AMAZING. He was a Mideast journalist for years, tons of history included in his books; they will change your perspective forever on how governments work.
Sigh. Of course, I meant Humorous, not humerous. Yikes!
readerlady said... 126
MHDIM/MHDIW: I'm afraid you don't pass inspection. We can't give you a catering license.
KK: Don't you know who I am? No never means No to me!
Lol Readerlady! Don't forget the part where she tells the inspector: YOU HAVE NO CONCEPT OF PROPER FOOD PREPARATION- UR BLOCKED HAVE A NICE DAY
If Kate attempted a lunch business, I would have to say I would respect that effort IF she didn't put her children to work or plaster their names/faces all over her product. Would I eat a healthyish lunch from the K8terer? Good grief no I've seen pictures of her food, but it's something she's momentarily interested in and there is a faint possibility it could blossom into something worthwhile.
Wow. Kate's Menu Monday is Cereal Crispies. What an amazing cook! Bad timing to announce her new 'dream' although Milo's on board with suggestions & support.
(She has non-organic Kraft marshmallows in them, too!
People really dislike her that much? Maybe that accounts for her not going out to movies etc- she doesn't like the tension SHE has created in her own home town.
Kate has absolutely no clue what is involved in running a catering business. She thinks it's just taking orders, slapping a few sandwiches together and delivering them.
Berks County food and restaurant inspections are brutal.
Moreover, her attention span is so short. She moves from one thing to another. She'd get frustrated after a few months of making lunches. I'm not sure how much of a clientele she would gain since her reputation among locals isn't all that positive.
But, hey, if she can do it without involving the kids, let her give it a try. She'll find out what REAL work is actually like. I would hope that she wouldn't have the kids' photo imprinted on the delivery bags.
Kate Gosselin wants a food service to show off her fried hair, hooker clothes, and heels. Kate wants to be out and about so "paps" can take pictures. The marathons are not working, too much work/training; Kate wants something easier! Kate Gosselin is certainly LAZY at whatever she chooses.
Kate has burned every possible bridge here in PA, even the historic covered ones. She couldn't find a local to consider eating one of her frankensandwiches even if they were starving.
I tried to be gentle in my post regarding local customers, but your sediments have much more of an impact! :)
Westbrooke, there is no convincing me otherwise that the "separation announcement" wasn't carefully timed (by Kate) to coincidentally coincide with the season finale.
I had stopped watching before the vow renewal but I cannot get over the promotion of the "big announcement." It was just sick to promote a divorce (which was clearly what the announcement was going to be.
p.s. Berks, I didn't read the comment as an insult either, and am glad you're staying.
If she wants to start a catering business, I'm sure she doesn't plan on doing any of the work.
Berks neighbor I would like to commend you for all you do for your children. You put there needs before yours. Especially their academic needs. There are children that can do both academic and extra-curricular activities and thrive at it. Others can not. I have seen some of those parents hold hockey at a higher level than academics. Some parents think that is how their child will make a living and forget about school
In today's society with the economy the way it is, many parents are working more than one job just to keep food on the table. Unfortunately the children growing up today don't always have a parent around to help them with their homework. There are children that academics come easy to and can fend for themselves. Unfortunately there are more and more that need that extra help that aren't getting it. Due to the economy there are many budget cuts and teachers are losing their jobs. The class sizes are getting larger. These poor children that need the extra help are getting lost in the shuffle.I feel sorry for the youth of today because if things continue they will not get the education they deserve. Because of the economy you may see things go back to the way they once were. Children will be quitting school to help support their families.
Sorry if I rambled on too long. These are the things I have observed over the last 20 years.
Once a Viewer said... 137
People really dislike her that much? Maybe that accounts for her not going out to movies etc- she doesn't like the tension SHE has created in her own home town.
If you hadn't noticed from the show, she never wanted to film locally. When she did, she wanted the store/venue shut off from the public. Word on the grapevine was that negative comments would be shouted to her when they were filming locally. Which is sad if true, because the kids would have been there.
I know when Kate is out doing her errands alone, she is treated like she isn't even there. Which, I have been told by direct witnesses, seems to annoy her. It's been awhile since I was told this, but she would try to make eye contact as if to get that glimmer of recognition from people, especially men.
Fool me once shame on you... her very early outbursts are legend. Her point was made and she is given the private citizenship she so loudly demanded.
As far as not going to the movies, etc. she still seems to labor under the delusion that she is a paprazzi favorite and they are just waiting to pounce on her. Deep down, if she is able to move freely through town with the 8 kids, without a p-person in their face, she would officially know she is a has been. I think she'd rather keep everyone in the house on the tape strip and pretend the paps are still all waiting down at the gate for her.
But, hey, if she can do it without involving the kids, let her give it a try.
Not to offend anyone who runs a food service, but wouldn't that type of job fall under the category of mediocrity in Kate's mind, unless it was a 'show about a lunch delivery service'? I think she's been watching Food Network again and that's why she's tossing this idea out there.
Over In Kate's County said... 140
Kate has burned every possible bridge here in PA, even the historic covered ones. She couldn't find a local to consider eating one of her frankensandwiches even if they were starving.
I tried to be gentle in my post regarding local customers, but your sediments have much more of an impact! :)
:Giggle: I am snaaaaarkay today! But seriously, haven't we contributed enough to Kate? Donations, grift cards, diapers, tax dollas 'til we holla'd :) I'm all for her getting a job that doesn't involve the kids, but pleeeaaase don't ask the Keystoners to give anymore. I got no more to give ~:-O To her anyway ;)
readerlady - I missed out on the math gene, and I am completely "jellus" of people who have an aptitude for learning other languages.
I had a year of French in 8th grade, and I am proud to say I mastered the phrases "ouvre la fenetre" (open the window), "ferme la bouche" (shut your mouth) and "Je ne parle pas Francais" (I do not speak French). Impressive, no?
I fared somewhat better with my 3 years of German in high school. I know how to conjugate the verb "to be," and I remember that "halts maul" means "shut up." (I am detecting a theme here with this shut up thing.)
I was never able to "think" in the language. Has anyone had success learning a language using Rosetta Stone? I have thought about trying it.
AuntieAnn said... 145
But, hey, if she can do it without involving the kids, let her give it a try.
Not to offend anyone who runs a food service, but wouldn't that type of job fall under the category of mediocrity in Kate's mind, unless it was a 'show about a lunch delivery service'? I think she's been watching Food Network again and that's why she's tossing this idea out there.
Ahhhh, AuntieAnn you've nailed it. A show, of course.
Because as you know, making a living anywhere else than on the teevee box, is mediocre. She will not give up, will she? She won't give up. Come hell or high water, she IS getting back on teevee.
AuntieAnn said... 145
But, hey, if she can do it without involving the kids, let her give it a try.
Not to offend anyone who runs a food service, but wouldn't that type of job fall under the category of mediocrity in Kate's mind, unless it was a 'show about a lunch delivery service'? I think she's been watching Food Network again and that's why she's tossing this idea out there.
She's probably thinking about a cute, boutique-type shop, like her cupcake pals in Washington DC. And, of course, be filmed slicing meat and making bread and having the kids deliver sandwiches wrapped in paper and ribbons they decorated.
I think she's been watching Food Network again and that's why she's tossing this idea out there.
The dating show floated like a lead balloon so it's on the another theme. Kate probably wants to pitch the idea for another reality show.
It's just gosh, years of filming and Kate's food never stole the show. We watched her slap food on paper plates and make everyday food which is fine. It's not special and it's what most moms do.
Jon's cooking looked much, much better.
Is Milo Kate's charity case?
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 May I ask why? What does she do for you? You're the one that supports and gives the kind words.
@biblicabibs A lot! Many private things I cannot share! Kate's the best..more than I ever imagined fr a "star on twitter"! :) #gr8gal
Something didn't seem right. Kate? Lunch delivery? Work? Naaaah. Oh wait a minute....!
It just took a while longer to connect the dots this time. lol.
Thanks for the post. I guess Kate certainly reaped what she sowed. She really lives in a delusional world. I am sad to hear the kids were subjected to outside negativity but who is to blame but Kate? I hope they are not treated as if they are invisible too, if they are allowed out!
I also hope they are happy at school and they don't get too much teasing.
I guess Officer Bob ( Bill?) was just doing his job escorting Kate down the road to her radio stint. Do the farmers she speaks of just tolerate her? Are the friends who fix things imaginary?
Pretty sad and pathetic. No friends,other family, job, just solitude. She should take a look in the mirror and change her ways for her children...unless it is too late or impossible for someone like her.
@cmpr64 I've thought of starting a healthy lunch delivery service for a LONG time! Maybe it's time?! Thoughts? about an hour ago
With or without cameras?
fade2black - Now you've gone and done it. I'm waiting for Kate to tweet that she is going to use "K8terer" as the name of her lunch delivery service.
Butterfly said... Learning a foreign language (and not the 3 years in high school nonsense) would be far more useful. Especially one that requires writing in a completely different alphabet. You really use your grammar knowledge for that. Plus it helps you understand English grammar better- trust me on that
YES! Kids should start Latin at 10. And any foreign languages should be learned in pre-school on. Why the ridiculous idea of starting as teenagers when it is a million times harder for the brain??
I've often thought that it might be a good idea for a private board, passcode only accessible, where real names, locations, life stories can be shared. Very private lol. But the work to set it up would be enormous, too much to ask of Admin.
A note to Berk's Neighbor,
You have always been a favorite of mine from way back. I appreciate your posts and am very glad you are part of this community.
If Kate and Jason are such good friends why not just email him the picture that Mady did? Why tweet it? Same for her conversations with Deanna? Email, why public?
I think because they are paid professionals who have not given Kate their private email addresses.
Yes, Kate get a real job, however sadly, I dont think your " healthy" lunches will pass. Just because you put cereal in something or use organic, does not make it healthy. The only thing healthy about your school snack, is it doesnt have preservatives in it.. oh yes it does, from the cereal, from the marshmallows, from the peanut butter cups, from the skor bits...oh right, you used one organic cereal.... I would like to read the label on that box.. organic does not mean healthy, it means without pesticides.
I'm waiting for Kate to tweet that she is going to use "K8terer"
Nuh-uh, K8terer is copyrighted, it's mine all mine! Nobody makes money off of my K8terer but me!
Kate is so odd. Lunch catering?! Does she really think what she prepares looks appetizing?
I gotta say about her cereal bars...The light, crispy Rice cereal is what makes RK Treats so yummy and light tasting. Making them with honey nut O cereal is going to make them heavy and crunchy. Rice cereal is (virtually) fat free, so what's wrong with using them? They are treats which means you eat them occasionally so why can't they have the real thing?
fade2black said... 161
Nuh-uh, K8terer is copyrighted, it's mine all mine! Nobody makes money off of my K8terer but me!
Copyright, schmopyright. You know that "no" never means never to Kate. Better get that cease & desist letter ready!
kris said... 161
I gotta say about her cereal bars...The light, crispy Rice cereal is what makes RK Treats so yummy and light tasting. Making them with honey nut O cereal is going to make them heavy and crunchy. Rice cereal is (virtually) fat free, so what's wrong with using them? They are treats which means you eat them occasionally so why can't they have the real thing?
From Kate's blog:
I didn’t have rice crispies but I did have some leftover cereals, so with a little creativity, I came up with this recipe to surprise my kids who have recently requested rice crispy treats!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 163
kris said... 161
I gotta say about her cereal bars...The light, crispy Rice cereal is what makes RK Treats so yummy and light tasting. Making them with honey nut O cereal is going to make them heavy and crunchy. Rice cereal is (virtually) fat free, so what's wrong with using them? They are treats which means you eat them occasionally so why can't they have the real thing?
From Kate's blog:
I didn’t have rice crispies but I did have some leftover cereals, so with a little creativity, I came up with this recipe to surprise my kids who have recently requested rice crispy treats!
Oops, missed that part, thanks! I'll give her props for using what she had on hand, lol.
Geez, Kate is always patting herself on the back for her creativity, organization and gift-o -gab. Delusional.
Recipe? Good cooks don't use them. I would safely say most people know how to make Rice Crispy (or other cereal) Treats withOUT a recipe!
I know how to conjugate the verb "to be," and I remember that "halts maul" means "shut up."
Halts maul is actually idiomatic German slang, or if you really want to get nasty, it's "halt dein verdamntes Maul!" A less offensive way is to say "sei doch mal still!"
There are quite a few things I'd like to say in German to Kate about her incessant grifting!
Call Me Crazy said... 147
They give us the Rosetta Stone (us military linguists that is, sorry) as enhancement training, but not to learn from. I would say from my experience, no they don't work for learning to speak a language, but they do help tremendously if you want to build a foundation.
Nuh-uh, K8terer is copyrighted, it's mine all mine! Nobody makes money off of my K8terer but me!
Kate and anything that rhymes with Kate are Kate's all Kate's. You can not use date, mate, rate and for that matter, Kate owns the number 8. Yes, expect a cease and desist letter if your phone number has an 8 it. Change your address, skip any and all birthdays that involve an 8.
I didn’t have rice crispies but I did have some leftover cereals, so with a little creativity, I came up with this recipe to surprise my kids who have recently requested rice crispy treats!
Would that be the leftover stale cereal from Brownie?
I think because they are paid professionals who have not given Kate their private email addresses
Since Kate and Deanna are best friends forever, and Deanna went on an "adventure" to the beach with Kate, I would think that Kate has Deanna's e-mail address.
We won't have any worries about the lunch delivery job...
1. She's too lazy to actually do the amount of work required.
2. She wouldn't put up with all the pesky rules and regulations for food service providers, and her kitchen probably couldn't pass the inspection required of home prepared foods.
3. She won't get a show because there are too many talented people out there competing for the shows. She can't cook and her bitchy reputation is apparently known throughout the idustry.
4. She can't cook worth sh*t. Her attempts look, at best, ordinary and poorly presented. Good enough for the kids at home, but paying customers would not put up with that.
5. No one local likes her and I venture to say no one would buy from her. They all remember the grifting, scamming and entitled attitude from 'before she was famous' (LOL)
So, no worries. Nothing to see here; move along....... LOL
Gotta give the cranky witch some credit though - she doesn't give up.
Tamara, 156,
Yes, Latin, and music! I heard music is great for the developing brain.
Berks Neighbor,
I have always loved your posts! Glad you're hanging around :-)
I think that Kate hopes that some company will jump at the chance to marked her "healthy" meals. I can see her envisioning that they will want to call them "Kate's Kreations ©" (copyright is with this blog Kate and you can email Admin for more info) and I think she feels she can give Healthy Choice or one of those frozen entres a run for their money. She may even feel that her school lunches will rival Lunchables. There are a host of healthy frozen lunches/dinners on the market now to include organic, vegetarian and even some vegan. Kate is delusional.
I checked out Khates local coupon cabin lead...what a joke, I have to drive 125 miles to get a KFC 3strip meal for 4.99...What a deal with the price of gas, I will be broke in a week. Who is the big THINKER at CC?
I did it..have been thinking abt it 4 awhile...What?A dinner bell!As they age,my kids r getting slow2come2the table=grrr 4 mom w hot dinner!
A 1.2 million dollar house doesn't have an intercom system?
Permanent Name in Blue said... 171
We won't have any worries about the lunch delivery job...
1. She's too lazy to actually do the amount of work required.
2. She wouldn't put up with all the pesky rules and regulations for food service providers, and her kitchen probably couldn't pass the inspection required of home prepared foods.
3. She won't get a show because there are too many talented people out there competing for the shows. She can't cook and her bitchy reputation is apparently known throughout the idustry.
4. She can't cook worth sh*t. Her attempts look, at best, ordinary and poorly presented. Good enough for the kids at home, but paying customers would not put up with that.
5. No one local likes her and I venture to say no one would buy from her. They all remember the grifting, scamming and entitled attitude from 'before she was famous' (LOL)
So, no worries. Nothing to see here; move along....... LOL
Gotta give the cranky witch some credit though - she doesn't give up.
What happens if a customer doesn't like the food Kate brings?
Will she bring it back day after day until the customer eats it?
Ha! I've been reading this blog too long. While reading this thread everytime someone talked about Pink I thought they were referring to "Pink Straight Jacket" and was wondering why she'd be tweeting Kate and when she had a baby. Now I realize that everyone was talking about Pink the singer. Oh well, it's Monday!
A 1.2 million dollar house doesn't have an intercom system?
That's what I thought. A house that size needs one.
Yeah, I was wondering how the locals would feel about Kate's lunch delivery enterprise. Who from her area would buy them?
Maybe she could go the way of Graeter's Ice Cream and some steak companies - send them in
dry ice, overnight shipped. Now that would be fun. She could have all her tweeties in the USA, in Canada, in Europe and in Australia place weekly orders. I bet Milo would buy from her!
Go for it, Kate!
When I saw Kate's tweet about starting a healthy lunch delivery service, my first thought was to picture that BLT sandwich she tweeted. If that is an example of sandwiches she would make, I'd tell her to forget it. To refresh your memory:
...maybe the kids don't WANT to come to Kate's dinners.
lol NJGal:I thought the same for a minute!
Should we also copyright "K8s Kre8tions"?!!!
I'd love to see schools bring back nutrition classes in the really early grades.
There is such a marketing brainwashing going on with Big Foods industry and a major target demographic is kids --- get them hooked on sugar, salt and fat at a young age and you've got them for life! Bucks in the corporate pocketbook.
If only corporations would push and offer coupons for fresh fruits and veggies. Wouldn't that be a nice move?
(Yes, I know there is little or no profit margin in fresh foods. I've got an MBA and understand food economics well!)
DH and I have had almost NO processed, boxed, middle-of-the-store foods in the past 10-12 years and I wish I had been as nutritionally savvy when our DS was growing up. We had our years of McD and "Booger King" and Hamburger Helper... I confess an addiction to Rice-a-Roni, long since cured thankfully.....
But I will always say Hamburger Helper and Rice-a-Roni TASTED GREAT!!!! LOL
I think that the country is wiser about whole foods, pure foods now and the internet is spreading the idea of healthier eating/living/working. It's my hope that in 50 years or another 2 generations we will see the absence of obesity in all ages, but particularly in children.
I know this is a hot button issue and I don't want to start a blog fluster-buster. And I freely admit that the kids have flown the nest and it's just the two of us, both retired with time on our hands to indulge in healthy food prep.
I know that busy families with both parents working and busy kids do rely on convenience foods and I understand that. Did it myself for many years.
None of that negates the fact that fast food kills and salty simple carbs and sugar cereals are bad for you.
Aye, what a conundrum nutrition can be...... and reading over this.... yikes, I sound like a zealot.
How is she going to manage a catering service while running around the world in search of a date for her new (cough, cough) find-kate-a-mate television show?
While I have always liked food as a general category, my mom wasn't always the best cook. I waited until her calls to the dinner table started to sound like threats before I'd go.
I don't doubt the G8 do the same thing. Whatever they are doing is more fun than dinner at that table.
Not to drag up the grammar/spelling thing again, but someone commented about the misspelling of "probably." I've seen it spelled "prolly" in many tweets and on blogs. Do they spell it the way they pronounce it?
Since Kate and Deanna are best friends forever, and Deanna went on an "adventure" to the beach with Kate, I would think that Kate has Deanna's e-mail address.
I know they do some communication with each other off of twitter, but still think they are paid professionals in her life.
Kate is either very stupid or sly like a cheshire cat~! She does speak out of both sides of her mouth , that I know for certain..lol..
Parent In Lancaster County said... 185
Kate could combine the two ventures-- Kate would travel the world delivering lunches, but she would deliver only to single, older men.
They would eat lunch together and if the eligible bachelor can consume the whole lunch, that would qualify him to go out on another date with her.
"Lunch Date with Kate" would seem an appropriate title.
I have a really great idea !! Why not start a coupon site that tells which stores are offering double coupons and which companies are promoting which product, where to find the coupon etc. I am getting tired of coupons for junk I do not use.
About the dinner bell, perhaps she does not get the obvious connection between last nght's creation and tonight's "slow to rush to the table".
Menu Monday has morphed into cereal bars. Ask for Rice Krispy treats and you get Kate's version of leftovers - stale cereal and stale candy = stale treats. And her recipe makes a not so generous 8 inch square pan, not a lot there for 8. The original recipe fills a pan twice that size. Again, nothing to brag or post pics about.
As for her new lunch idea, she is totally clueless about the hard work any kind of food related endeavor entails. She thinks her cuocake ladies just signed a lease, got a cute logo, opened the door and voila, cupcakes! TLC! Fame! She's a moron.
Dinner Bell, really, maybe kids would prefer homework then mommy's "slop" I think even the dog would look for another critter then that slop! Her cookbook would be so funny and another flop. There are to many GOOD cookbooks out there already with "famous" names. Kate is NOT famous for anything; not even being a GOOG Mother!
Kate is a twit said... 181
When I saw Kate's tweet about starting a healthy lunch delivery service, my first thought was to picture that BLT sandwich she tweeted. If that is an example of sandwiches she would make, I'd tell her to forget it. To refresh your memory:
And written underneath the photo:
"the problem is, the more I bake the more they eat."
Well, Kate. Maybe if you fed your kids a whole sandwich instead of 1/2, they might be satisfied for a change...
Oh boy. I wonder if Kate's idea of a healthy lunch service means giving 1/2 sandwiches to her patrons?
In Kate's tweet about the dinner bell, she says:
"As they age,my kids r getting slow2come2the table"
Um, Kate, I don't think their age has anything to do with it....
Thank you! Your post makes more sense than what I was thinking....
I had a vision of kart in her kitchen slicing 'organic' meat and making 'Gor Met' sandwiches with her 'homemade' bread, wearing the food service shower cap.
I envisioned her driving her Mercedes food truck out to some intersection and hawking her sammies wrapped in 'organic' waxed paper with a souffle cup of pasta salad made with 'organic' veggies. Dessert would be one of the cookies she froze last year with a box of Juicy Juice. All for the low, low price of $19.99, brown bag not included.
Your idea sounds more logical than mine. It would fit her too: she'd have a big company do all the research and work, all she'd have to do is take a flight out to LA in a first class seat with her purse boy with her, stay in a 5 star hotel, take a car service to the one meeting to say 'yes, I like that, be sure to say it was MY recipe idea' and then head out to Nobu for paper fish. Return flight would be 5 days later.
She would also require a trip to the straw factory in New York for a root job. And a lunch at F&O with the hairdressers to the stars. All this would be in preparation for her marketing photo session for the photo to be on the frozen food box. Oh, there would also have to be a photo session for the 8, so they could be artfully included in the packaging, but definitely not on the front where their pictures might compete with kart's.
And don't forget all the interviews prior to launch in New York and LA....
Yep, sounds just like our widdle kart.... lame!
Sorry for being mean. She brings it out in me....
I always thought 'prolly' was verbal shorthand, sort of a regional dialect slang...
Some of the novels I read have the characters saying 'prolly'. The characters are grizzled old detectives from Jersey or New York...
OMG If your dinners look like that one you took a picture of....you need more than a bell. I would rather scrub toilets in a campground. I almost threw up looking at it.
http://img.ly/jXm1 If nothing else, the sandwich shows the size of her dinner plates..last night's mess was served on the white part of the plate, so probably 4 inches in diameter? Not much for growing kids, but then again, maybe too much.
I would like to see Kate start a lunch delivery business. Because...she would be on the receiving end of unhappy customers. Dealing with the customer(s) who receives the food late, cold, lukewarm, not what was ordered, wrong plates, wrong amount, prices too high, didn't return the call in a timey fashion...and on and on. And there's the liability issue of I was injuried (e.g. broke a tooth) or got sick by eating you food.
So go for it Kate. Running a business, nothing to it for an organized, self-reliant intelligent person such as yourself.
P.S. I am not in the catering business.
Kate must be tryin to contact every Producer and PR, person in the NYC area, tryin to get a show on TV.
Now Kate is tryin a new angle, since the Dating Show is dead. Now a catering service, she already has some of her lackeys/sheeple all up in crazy lunatic arms about it.
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