Are you there God? It's me, Kate.

We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” is available on Amazon for Kindle. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.
5. Bad Blog
Kate obsessively reads what is said about her on the internet, from Google news alert to the Gosselin blogs. Undeniably the first online presence to ever call Kate out was the Reading Eagle, a small but respected local newspaper. Staff member Dana Hoffman kept a blog on the site detailing Kate's misdeeds. Kate's people eventually called up the Reading Eagle and asked them to shut down her blog. Within hours the paper removed it from the site. Kate keeps files on her computer with information from blogs and even on their moderators. The file folder for Dana's blog was entitled "Bad Blog."
In January 2008, Kate also asked Discovery to remove Television Without Pity's Jon and Kate forum (which in fact was closed eventually, in June 2008), and the Discovery Health Channel forum.
Kate's house is in a rural neighborhood and surrounded by farmland. She once drove the kids three hours to Maryland to trick-or-treat in her bodyguard Steve's neighborhood.
When Jodi and Kevin spoke publicly about what they saw, Kate fired off an email to Discovery with her three favorite words: "Can we sue?"
According to a member of Kate's family, Kate has been diagnosed with bi-polar, but refuses to take medication.
Hoffman once observed Kate with the kids when she was having a very stable, happy day. She and the nanny, Judy, took the sextuplets to get donuts, later they went to the park and spent a long time there, then met up with another mother and her daughter for a play date back at the house. Hoffman also observed her chatting up and flirting with a park employee.
7. Kate's God Complex
“I asked her how that works as far as our rate going up from Disc Health network and the ‘fringe benefits’ as I call them…. She said that the amount we are paid per show will not take away from what they (AMP) will provide for us. She used the examples of the kids beds… she said those things come out of their (AMP) budget from the network. So that is almost mind boggling to me we will be paid for each episode and receive fringe benefits!!!!! Lord, how great thou art!!!!!”
Kate felt God was "urging" her to quit her nursing job.
Kate said that if Discovery wasn't going to pay for the beds she wasn't going to allow them to film the episode about beds. Jen (producer Jen Stocks) was annoyed by this.
As for Jon, Kate wrote: “I pray that his complacency would leave him and would turn into passion for the Lord! Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!! Help him to become a man of integrity!!!!! Lord please!!!!! He could be the perfect man if he could get these things under control and let God take control!!!!!”
Alexia foods sent four cases of fries. Other food was sent by others or offered at reduced prices. Fans, friends and family sent gift cards and cash, including $250 from Kate's parents, and Kate attributed it all to God.
Kate writes this about the children: “Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!! And not get into trouble!!!!! Please Lord, amen!!!!”