One year ago today, the series finale of Kate Plus 8 aired ....
One year ago today, Kate insulted America when she was just trying to insult Jon ....
And one year ago today, Kate opened her web site for business (and it's still "coming soon") ....
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Sunset Boulevard. |
1207 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1207 Newer› Newest»I am damn proud of practicing criminal law in the State of Pennsylvania, Court of Common Please
Pretty Please? Or Pleas? :)
Auntie Ann, I love to put the most inexpensive cuts of meat in a refrigerator container, the night before,poke holes in it, then put fresh chopped garlic in it, then some olive oile, rosemary, I shake it up. I have done this an hour or two before cooking also, it still tastes like Filet. No matter what the cut of meat.
Will have to miss dinner tonight, we are gonna celebrate my working 3 weeks straight and gonna get some good old fashioned, oven roasted pizza.
See you all later.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 178
I hope Milo's eye isn't wandering. She only tweeted Ajay this am. Hmmm
@ajayrochester Hope ur still baskin in the glow of the show! Happy that U & Kate did meet...U two have marched on in life w/happy feet! :)
Why would she/he now be interested in this Ajay non-celebrity? Is she trying to make Kate jellus? Creepy.
I think most of the time it's very trite for Kate or other celebs to complain about bullying. Not only are they grown adults who can easily remove themselves from the situation (in Kate's case it's as simple as getting off twitter or even going private) but how dare they compare that to a kid who has to go to school day after day and be tortured until he's practically suicidal. Cry me a river--Kate is rich, walks in fashion shows, drives a sports car, and doesn't have to look at the criticism about parenting she puts out there. Criticism is not bullying, it's criticism. If people are contacting her directly that's different but there's simple ways to deal with that through the authorities. It's insulting to families who are dealing with real bullying. And then there's bullying, and coddling. There's a difference.
(hanging head in shame while considering flipping the bird....)
do you have ANY IDEA how freakin hilarious you are??? I have laughed so much this week at your wisecracks, my dogs think I have lost my mind...
You are awesomely-awesome-ish!!
gotta go, gotta pick up the little money makers from school!!!!!!!
(you never did say what time dinner was ready..Kate is a twit can bring the paper plates, I am already bringing the leather couch....
Kate is shameless. Kate has no pride. She will re-tweet any simpering compliment that she receives. Kate, you are transparent in your self-promotion. Sickening!
Auntie Ann; the meat slicer flew it's little self right up the basement stairs, which wasnt hard coz it is nearly all plastic. It is in pieces parts now in a tub of hot soapy DAWN water! As soon as I unload the dishwasher, the pieces parts will go through the dishwasher and I will slice the leftover cold roast tomorrow.
It's not hard to use, it's just I have no where to store it except the basement... Actually I might have more room if not for my six crock pots... Well, I have my priorities.
Yeah, Leann Rimes went off the deep end with twittering and answering people like she knew them. Someone else did that once and the person showed up at their house, might have been Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. You ask for it if you respond to a twitter/twatter, ask yourself, would you talk to a stranger on the telephone? Everyday, many times a times?
Why would she/he now be interested in this Ajay non-celebrity? Is she trying to make Kate jellus? Creepy.
Have you noticed that Milo inserts herself into the tweets of Kate's "friends," such as Deanna and Jason among others. It Kate tweets them, Milo does the same thing. It's very creepy, almost as if she wants to be part of Kate's "group," sharing conversations, getting to be "somebody" within that circle. It's not so much that they are celebrities, but they are known by various people. I think that Milo just wants to be one of them.
She desperately needs help.
Dina Lohan - I blame ambien. Always blame ambien.
Kate didn't go to "littles" (my 9 year old GD would HATE that term) parent's night at school? I blame ambien.
Butterfly - Crap. You mean DH is going to devolve into embellishments? I barely have gotten used to the real stuff. 12 year old GS is very, very good at archery. DH advised him against shooting an arrow at a hanging tire. At least if you plan to hit it. He and his brothers did this. When he was a senior in high school. To see what would happen. Seriously. The answer isn't pretty. Unless you are super duper fast at ducking. GS doesn't quite get why Papa would even think to try. GOOD. Papa is NUTS. Sometimes. That's MY take. HE says, it was a different time back then. No video games. I win - he's nuts. Sometimes. I suppose this could morph into a story about a missle? Help us all! C'mon, spill Butterfly - he's on a list somewhere, right? I Know you know.
Dmasy - YAY on the return, however temporary, of the ostrich avatar! It's wild here in the aviary, no? We kiwis are endangered. You ostriches can be, um, peckish - because you are DINNER! Kate should dump the chickens and get an ostrich. One egg should feed all 8. One more and she could have egg white salads for a month. SAVINGS. No. I won't go there with the industrial slicer.
JoyinVirginia - I'm glad the 1980's era heirloom faux ultra suede Lazy-Boy recliner was useful. One question. What is that oily stain on the seat? I'm hoping NOT prep-h. I will tell him about the pod casts. He catches bits of the A&E Hoarder show - he is amazed by the sail-cat episodes. He loves audio books and stuff. Currently listening to Winston Churchill's "History of the English Speaking Peoples". He's only up to the civil war, so it's gonna be awhile.
Dwindle - But, but, ORGANIC herbs make for the best herb advice!
Later Ladies....
angie said... 2
Will have to miss dinner tonight, we are gonna celebrate my working 3 weeks straight and gonna get some good old fashioned, oven roasted pizza.
angie - three weeks! You certainly deserve a celebratory dinner tonight.
I'll try your roast prep next time I cook one. It sounds delicious.
Dwindle - Sigh. I own only one crock pot and my meat slicer is oh so mediocre compared to Kate's. Where did I go wrong.
Not to be too snoopy, but do you collect crock pots?
Hells Bells! Why does she always RT those drooling compliments? Who does that? The only I know of is Kate Gosselin.
Dwindle said:
Ladies and Gentleman, may I ask a Q off topic?
I need seasoning ideas for a roast. it is just a chuck roast and I want it as firm as I can get it for slicing tomorrow.
Serious here for a moment - a teeny pinch of nutmeg.
I remember when Deanna went private with her twitter account. Milo was beside herself, because she couldn't see what Deanna was tweeting. I guess Deanna finally saw that Kate was following Milo, or Kate DM'd her telling her it was okay, and then Milo got accepted into the fold.
"Dina Lohan - I blame ambien. Always blame ambien."
I always blame Rumspringa, especially now that I know that the REAL Rumspringa Brewery is a hop, skip and a jump away!
Blowing In The Wind said... 183
I wonder what the significance of the little necklace she wears is...she's been wearing it for a few yrs now, day in and day out.
At one time she said it was a gift from her manager or production or something like that.
Doesn't she and Jamie have the same matching nickles?
To Flight of the Kiwi - About the roast. Cook it and let it chill overnight in the fridge. If you happen to have an electric knife, it makes the job easy.
Parent, I am going to visit that brewery some day! Pinky promise. We will have a rumspringa free weekend here. None of the young men arriving are over 21 yet. Good example -- and all that, you know.
Hubby is at Sam's club right now loading his cart with Sam sized bags of chips. We will enjoy this weekend. They are some of the finest young men. We are fortunate to have a home kids like to visit!
@Kateplusmy8 I feel like u should b saying "how do u like me now?" to Jon.. Cause u r so beautiful and driven and successful plus supermom!
For the sheeple, it's all physical appearance, isn't it? Superficial persona, as well as flaunting a fake exterior when who knows what lies beneath. For them, being beautiful outside is where it's at, and forget what's inside.
Successful at what? Walking a runway? Driven to do what? Grift instead of getting a job?
Kate doesn't have to say anything to Jon. He knows and I don't think his mind is going to be changed because she walked the runway at a charity event. That's not parenting, nor being a "supermom."
They just don't get it.
RT @crABBEY_patty @Kateplusmy8 thinking abt how gr8 uv done ovr the yrs.U literally do it all.Btw u looked hot on that runway #supermom THX 55 minutes ago
This has to be one of those situations where Kate uses a sock account to tweet herself.
RT @fingerfootball @bullyville Standing w u!Its a pointless crime against kids & has no place in Amer.Bullies r weak humans w 0 futures ME 2 about 3 hours ago
Kate made herself famous by bullying her husband on TV every Monday night. She was, and still is, a bully. Jon did not ask to be treated that way, nor did he "make" her do it. America has also watched her bully her own children. In turn, two of them were temporarily expelled from Kindergarten for physical and verbal bullying. This is the behavior modeled to them by their gestational carrier.
She needs to put up or shut up. She needs to stop whining about bullies and DO something about it. What exactly is all her whining accomplishing? Nada. I dare her to tell her tweeple to stop stalking and harrassing non-fans. But she won't. She likes the bullying THEY do on her behalf. She can suuuuuure dish it out, but she can't take it.
And LOLOLOLOLOL about her moaning yesterday about the "lies" painted about her difficult diva personality. They aren't lies. She's difficult. She treats people like shit and like they aren't worthy of breathing her air.
I brought them up before, but I will briefly mention them again. The boys from Poison are locals. When they hit it big, the first thing they did was lavish their parents with gifts and ensured their futures were secure. Rikki Rocket bought his father the first brand-new car the man ever owned, a Cadillac. That man used to wash and polish it every Friday morning (They lived down the street from my aunt) He was so proud of that car. To this day, when they come home they mix and mingle and demand no special treatment. There's never been a panic. They've been very generous to the community and they are well loved. Therefore, they have an outstanding reputation.
Kate is cheap, stingy, nasty and thinks her shit doesn't stink. Therefore, she has deservedly earned the reputation of a bitch. It's quite simple. She seems to labor under the delusion that because she is nice to the people who stoop to invite her to something or give her free stuff like $50k and furniture, that makes her a nice person. No no no no no. The measure of a nice person is how you treat the waitress. The janitor. The cashier. The busboy. The grocery store bagger. THOSE are the people Kate treats with disgust and disdain. Until she realizes she is no better then them, until she realizes that having been on a canceled reality show does not give you the license to treat people badly- she will be a bitch.
Parent, I am going to visit that brewery some day! Pinky promise
Just let me know when you get over here and I'll lead the way!
I think Milo *is* Kate, Or Steve.
That charity said they approached Kate's people.
One of Kate's people?
Like who?
Deanna or Steve?
One of her people????? hahaha. gimme a break.
angie: Thanks for your concern. My daughter and I feel fine- It was a long slow scratching process and neither of us was jolted by an impact or braking. It was just like the other driver thought I was invisible as he tried to overtake us on a one lane street. oy. Appraisal Monday. His co. better take responsibility no contest.
re: necklace: Yes, Jaime had the twin of it. Weird.
Vaguely familiar with the Leann situation but hadn't made that connection. It's just all the focus on"despite the haterz, katie did the walk" crap that made me wonder if that's the route she's heading next. Poor me, I have haterz, LOOK AT ME standing strong. Blech.
Formerly I'm glad you weren't hurt, at least not badly. I got sideswiped from behind on Highland Ave at the light before 128. I saw him coming in the side view mirror but had no place to go. It was terrifying. I was ok, car not so much (my beloved Acura Integra - handled like a dream and so fun to drive).
Hit and run. Turned out to be a drunk 15 year old who had "stolen" his parents' car. They turned him in and he ended up getting help.
As another poster says above, there is a difference between porn and
erotica. 131
Absolutely. Erotica? Watch Henry and June (about Henry Miller, his wife June and his affair w/ Anais Nin, based on her diaries).
Porn? Linda Lovelace, who was in Deep Throat (hard core porn) ended up committing suicide.
No graphics included. Just info.
I also think that it is wrong for young boys to see this because it gives them that impression that that is what females are for 136
And that real women look like air brushed "beauties" as seen in magazines.
What kind of self-absorbed idiot retweets compliments? Oh wait, answered my question. Of all the pathetic things this biotch does, that one ranks way high on the narcssism scale. Really, who does that?
Later gaters. On my way to Dwindle's for dinner.
I'll bring dessert. Apple crisp okay?
@Kateplusmy8 I feel like u should b saying "how do u like me now?" to Jon.. Cause u r so beautiful and driven and successful plus supermom!
I don't think Jon gives a flip how Kate looks.
Seeing how she's his Ex-W and he has someone in his life. That's clearly making him very happy.
Witch: Mine was just past the lights at Rt 9 & Speen St and my neighborhood entrance. Same thing as yours! Nowhere to go and watched in the mirror until in was swiped onto someone's lawn!
My car was new in April so I am particularly annoyed. I hope they can fix it and no legal hassles. With a witness I hope the other co. pays and fires the lying jackass driver.
Wow, 15 years old- pretty sad. poor you!
Meanwhile, a boy my kids know was in an accident ( drunk) and now just out of a coma, in rehab and blind in one eye w/ brain damage :(
I don't think Jon gives a flip how Kate looks. 28
Oh, but how she wishes he did, vengeful bitch.
OK, now I'm really off to Dwinde's.
Formerly, ADORABLE fur ball. I'm outta here. :)
Kate complains about the "bullies" on her twitter. Yet, she herself has called them "haters", "idiots" and say they have "pathetic lives". Isn't that a form of bullying?
One question-when Derek Walburton spoke to the Huff Post about the nasty tweets, he said "What's remarkable is every time we get a nasty tweet about Kate, she writes and apologizes.". How was she "writing" him. She didn't tweet him any apologies, she couldn't have DM'd him because they don't follow each other. Was she emailing him? I really doubt she emailed him after every tweet.
If you look at the season final clip and her photo from.
The runway show she looks very different I still want to know WTF did she do to herself.
@Kateplusmy8 I feel like u should b saying "how do u like me now?" to Jon.. Cause u r so beautiful and driven and successful plus supermom!
I am pretty confident Jon wouldn't touch that thang with a ten foot pole!
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.
Does Kate even know what bullying really is about? I was bullied as a kid, but as an adult I would not allow it ever. I'm not sure she is mature enough to get it. All this "tweeting" and retweeting just screams immaturity. Repeating compliments you receive proves she is starved for attention and still delusional about her importance in the entertainment biz. So sad for the kids. Sure, their mother has tons of money, but there is a laundry list of what we know she is lacking.
Tweets like that one make me think there is a heck of a lot of projection going in from the divorced and scorned sheeple. Because in their delusional minds they think ther exes are still obsessed with them, they assume Jon must be obsessed with Kate. When the reality is from everything we've seen this guy only cares about Kate in so far as it has to do with seeing his kids. People obsessed with exes usually have trouble sustaining a long term relationship as he has.
LaLaLandNoMore said... 35
Um Kate has her own pole.-lol
Kate tweet, "A bunch of my kids lined up on chairs @ counter marveling at me making my own breadcrumbs from bread ends...Saying it's a 'miracle'! 2 funny"
No Kate, it isn't funny. It makes your kids sound naive and easily impressed. It makes you sound stupid.
We used to tear up bread every year the night before Thankgsgiving so my mom could leave it out to go stale for stuffing. Really? A Miracle? Does she use a fancy machine to do this because we just used our fingers...
Once again, Kate's kids are marveling at her skills in the kitchen, as they are all lined up on chairs watching her. This time it is a miracle how she can make bread crumbs. OMG. What is wrong with her?? I have NEVER seen or heard of anyone who needs constant praise and adoration from everyone, much less her own kids! She is sick. Seriously. Who NEEDS constant praise, thanks, compliments, etc? And if one tweeter tweets and says she is so hot, such a great mother, etc---she retweets it! What other person does this??? It is SO pathetic.
Comment about last night's posts:
I was not the only person who posted as Claire. (I did not make the Milo comment.)
Nor did I post under any name but Claire.(I am not Blue whatever his/her name was.)
I know it's hard to believe, but there really is more than one person who thinks it's silly (and possibly damaging to the real people and children involved) to continue to bash a has-been reality star for no reason other than kicks and grins.
If you truly want to be a community, Admin, you really should make your blog a place where you have to sign up with a user name, and make it private. That would solve the drive-by issue and the "wait, someone used my name" issue. Then you guys can go ahead and discuss gardening, Kate, vacationing together, Kate, your kids, Kate, your bowel movements, Kate, Kate, Kate, and Kate - without interference from the likes of me.
Wait. Where's my post? Is it in moderation?
Mel said... 22
I think Milo *is* Kate, Or Steve.
I never thought of Milo being Steve but now that you mention it, why wouldn't they have come up with that hair-brain idea? It makes perfect sense. A tweetie who promotes her every movement. Makes total sense.
I can hear him plotting with her...'eeres what weel do Kite...
Just wait for it--I'm sure someone will tweet her and ask how does she make the breadcrumbs.
A miracle? The fact that she is making bread crumbs, or the fact that she is being so amazingly amazingish making her bread crumbs? Or is the miracle that the kids are watching her do something so mundane and mediocre.
I used to make my own bread crumbs. I have an old meat grinder that is older than me. I used to lightly toast stale bread and then grind it up. Never knew that I was a miracle worker.
Breadcrumbs comment: Are the kids saying that it's a miracle that Kate is actually dong something other than twiting?
I just have to share, too cute. When I was leaving my DD's house my 4 year old GS ran up to hug and kiss me and said, Mamie I love you with all my heart, then he paused, thought a bit and added, and with all of my bones too!!! I couldn't help but laugh and said the same to him.
I too was bullied as a child in school and cried nearly every time I came home from school. I was very skinny and had a lot of freckles. I was so ashamed of my freckles that I tried pure Javex on my face to get rid of them and burned my skin. Kate does not know what bullying is.
Menu Monday's on my ravening bread crumbs.-LOL
I can see Kate posting this or having a twitter pic of her read crumbs.
Hey where's my post, am I also on moderation?
Local and Bluebird, I see posts from you.
Will we get a picture of the breadcrumbs? Did K8 tape a line on the floor for them to line up and watch the miracle? Will they be calling the pope?
Why, oh why, aren't my kids fascinated by every little thing I do? What am I doing wrong? After school, they tell me about their days - rarely ask about mine. When I'm cooking, they never watch me in awe. When we sit down to eat, they'll say "good supper mom" but never tell me it's the most amazingly fantastic thing they've ever had in their lives, even better than a restaurant.
Why, oh why, don't my kids revolve their lives around stroking my ego? Help me, Kate!
Claire, welcome back. Sorry someone mis-used your name. Nasty trick.
I have a genuine question and I really would like your response. Why do you come here?
You indicate that you don't agree with our thinking about Kate. You aren't interested in our OT discussions. Yet, you came back tonight.
No snark. I have said more than once I don't understand why someone would visit a blog they don't like. I would honestly like to know what you throughts are.
Thanks in advance.
I used to make my own bread crumbs. I have an old meat grinder that is older than me
Ditto! I have my great-grandmother's. It fastens to the counter, you put the meat in it and turn it with the handle. When it comes out of the holes on the side, the meat looks like long worms. It gets the job done!
AuntieAnn said... 3
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 178
I hope Milo's eye isn't wandering. She only tweeted Ajay this am. Hmmm
@ajayrochester Hope ur still baskin in the glow of the show! Happy that U & Kate did meet...U two have marched on in life w/happy feet! :)
Why would she/he now be interested in this Ajay non-celebrity? Is she trying to make Kate jellus? Creepy.
Milo does seem to get a little pouty now and then when she thinks Kate isn't giving her enough attention. I guess those "special" things Kate does for her aren't enough sometimes. So maybe Milo is punishing Kate.
Dmasy, sorry I complained too soon I guess.
Well next time I boil water, I'll call my SIL and DD to come and squeal for joy, I mean I'm so awesomenish.
localyocul said... 50
Will we get a picture of the breadcrumbs? Did K8 tape a line on the floor for them to line up and watch the miracle? Will they be calling the pope?
I think it's very irreverent to speak of Our Lady of Panko in such a manner. tsk tsk
localyokul-I hope the kids made her put a trash bag on the counter, and tell that she better not get one single bread crumb on the floor, otherwise she will have to get down on the floor and pick up every single crumb.
Bluebird #46, your story about your little grandson is precious! I loved it!
I haven't read all of the comments yet (reading from the bottom up), but Kate's kids think it's a "miracle' that she's making bread crumbs from scratch? Well, my friends and I have been doing that for years. Didn't realize we were miracle makers, too.
It's difficult to be gracious where Kate is concerned because she is such a liar. Kids that age do not line up in the kitchen to see what mom is doing with bread. They just don't care. Sometimes my daughter would ask me about a specific food and then watch me make it, but that was when she was in her teens, not when she was 8!
I have never seen anyone that loves to toot their own horn so much that they have to make up all of these lies to do it.
I never thought of Milo being Steve but now that you mention it, why wouldn't they have come up with that hair-brain idea? It makes perfect sense. A tweetie who promotes her every movement. Makes total sense.
But, but, but, who called the radio station and said that she was Fired Up For Kate? Was that Steve after she removed his whatevers?
I think most people find it difficult to accept a compliment -- a sincere compliment. Some thing dripping and over the top would make any of us take a step backwards.
Kate, on the other hand, re-tweets her adulation for the masses to read. She quotes the ravings of her innocent children for the masses to read.
She must have a massive hole in her self-esteem. It can't be filled with the words of 8 little kids and some random strangers.
It wasn't plugged by a TV show, a husband or an immediate family. Has to be worse now that she has lost all of that.
Really, really sad.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 53
My meat grinder was my grandmother's. Yours sounds exactly like the one I have. Mine has 3 separate inserts with different size holes, so that you can grind as fine or as coarse as you want to.
My grandmother used to grind up leftovers(meat, vegetables) together and make patties out of them. That is one appliance I will never get rid of.
But, but, but, who called the radio station and said that she was Fired Up For Kate? Was that Steve after she removed his whatevers?
Moose I never thought of that. Maybe they hired someone to pose as Milo the Admirer.
I never did listen to that podcast, does anyone have a link?
One of the Claires said,
"If you truly want to be a community, Admin, you really should make your blog a place where you have to sign up with a user name, and make it private. That would solve the drive-by issue and the "wait, someone used my name" issue. Then you guys can go ahead and discuss gardening, Kate, vacationing together, Kate, your kids, Kate, your bowel movements, Kate, Kate, Kate, and Kate - without interference from the likes of me."
Order in the court! Now hear this, admin. This is what you need to do to run the perfect blog. Your objection will not be sustained. Bowel movements, or lack thereof, need to be kept private, as does premature menopause. Heaven help us if the likes of a driveby interferes with cross-country road trips, Rumspringing on the beach, or breaking out in the stigmata when making bread crumbs.
Got that, admin...under penalty of severeness? So ordered!
I know that meat grinder. Heavy. It has a strong metallic smell that actually leaves a trace odor (and a gray smear) on on whatever you are grinding.
My mom attached it to the corner of our formica table (red swirl design shiny metal edging) and made pounds of ham salad. Pickles and bulk bologna and boiled eggs. It was a staple of the sandwiches that went to the field for lunch and for our school lunches.
Thanks for the memory.
AuntieAnn said... 62
But, but, but, who called the radio station and said that she was Fired Up For Kate? Was that Steve after she removed his whatevers?
Moose I never thought of that. Maybe they hired someone to pose as Milo the Admirer.
I never did listen to that podcast, does anyone have a link?
Auntie, scroll all the way down to October 7, 2010
Well, it took longer than I expected, but here ya go:
@Kateplusmy8 Can I have your breadcrumb receipe?
Brava, wayward, brava!! You nailed it!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 65
Thank you Tweet-le!
Bowel movements, or lack thereof, need to be kept private, as does premature menopause. Heaven help us if the likes of a driveby interferes with cross-country road trips, Rumspringing on the beach, or breaking out in the stigmata when making bread crumbs.
lol! Yes, indeed. Good snark! I was thinking the same thing! Admin needs a driveby to tell her how to run a blog. I'm sure she will change the blog immediately or face interference by the "likes" of multiple trolls, which, of course, can pretty much be ignored. There's always the agreeance tactic!
To Claire the troll, I've had a very bad day today and I'm in no mood to even attempt to humor you. If you don't like the conversation here, then act like a mature, independent thinking adult and go where the conversation is more to your liking. Bottom line, no one is twisting your arm to come here and act like an angry teenager.
Submitted Your Honor. This blog shall hereafter forever more be made private. I agree.
Claire I think you just gave yourself away by suggesting a private blog would get rid of people like you. Oh so you are just here to shit stir and I guess try to annoy us into going private. Wouldn't Kate love that. Got it.
Years ago, when the show was first on, and older dd was a big fan, she got dh and me to watch a few minutes. It was aJ&K couch scene. Dh nailed it, Ms Kreider was abusing her spouse, and dh could NOT understand how Jon put up with it, or why he had not left her.
So no, I think Mr Gosselin is thanking his lucky stars he never ever has to live with Ms Kreider again!
LoveMyGrandsons, a bad day? Hope this evening makes it better. Have a good weekend.
Kate is a twit said... 66
Well, it took longer than I expected, but here ya go:
@Kateplusmy8 Can I have your breadcrumb receipe?
Now we just have to wait for the pic on twitter.
Kate is a twit said... 61
Parent In Lancaster County said... 53
Dmasy said...64
Me too! My mother had the same meat grinder and used it to grind left over roasts to make Shepherd's Pie. Crank, crank, crank... It was a bitch to clean. I think it was her mother's. I do not have it, but I remember being fascinated /scared of it!
I also can recall that distinct metallic smell!
oh- and maybe Kate's kids have learned sarcasm. Mom's amazing! Miracles ! Wow!
I guess if Kate ever makes home made crutons she will be hailed as the second coming. Kate, it's not funny that 8 year old kids think that putting bread in a food processor to make bread crumbs is a miracle. It's kind of sad and pathetic that you've got to make this up so that you've got something to tweet. If it's actually true, you kids need to get out more because at 8 they should know that bread crumbs come from, well, bread!
Thanks, Dmasy. Work issues, bank issues, but nothing that a few rumspringas won't cure, at least for a couple of days.
Auntie Ann, you must be a stand up comic in real life.
Our Lady ofPanko!!!!
You could already see Mady appeasing Kate with the chickens. To the cameras she said chickens were essentially a silly idea and she didn't even like eggs, but to Kate she pretended she loved it. The kids probably tell Kate how awesome she is until she gets tired and goes off with her boxed wine to tweet. Then they can finally do normal Friday night kid stuff like playing, calling friends or having them over or going over, tv, etc.
@Kateplusmy8 Also gr8 for making homemade croutons. My mom used to make the best. Miss that.
Who ARE these people?? Homemade croutons?? It's not brain surgery. Good grief.
Well, it took longer than I expected, but here ya go:
@Kateplusmy8 Can I have your breadcrumb receipe?
Are you serious??!! Was it snark from a non-fan? No sheeple could be that darn stupid, could they?
Admin, I just never have thought of Kate as being the type of mother that lets her kids have friends over in the evening. Unless is for a photo op, like to prove they had a birthday party with friends their age (instead of her friends her age!). My daughter's friends were always here, and so are my grandsons friends (they've made friends with some of the neighbors kids when they are with us).
I just don't see Kate letting that happen in the prison she keeps them in.
For those taking the meat grinder trip down memory lane-a found a picture of it. Mine has the same patent dates, but is #30 not #25. It's selling on e-bay for $40.
Kate is a Twit -- that is it!! I can smell the metal now. $40.00 would be well worth the memory. My mother got hers for a wedding present in 1945. One of my sisters has it now. I think I recall a deep burgundy box that was smaller than a shoe box. Kept in the deep cabinet over the refrigerator.
What's next homemade bread sticks?
Moose Mania said... 82
Well, it took longer than I expected, but here ya go:
@Kateplusmy8 Can I have your breadcrumb receipe?
Are you serious??!! Was it snark from a non-fan? No sheeple could be that darn stupid, could they?
Apparently, yes they could.
@Kateplusmy8 my mom used to do that!! Thought she was the only one!!
Oh heavens, a breadcrumb recipe. From runways to breadcrumbs in two days - Kate you need to get a grip, or a life, or loose the twitter. But it does give us a laugh.
I have that meat grinder, too, it was my mother's. She used it to make chopped liver for our holidays. No written recipe, but it's one thing I can make from my memory. My son uses his Cuisinart attachment to make his grandmother's recipe, tastes the same, perhaps he would like the grinder,
Kate's kids can make breadcrumbs, perhaps she'll blog the recipe.
Ahhh, that's it! I think ours was a little bit different , but yes, all the parts are similar. My mom put a dish towel under it so it wouldn't mar the counter.I was always afraid she would grind her fingers.She gave my sister and me turns to wind the crank. It's an antique, amazing.
Raising my glass of Rumspringa to rock!
Was it you who put brocolli stems in soup? If so, how was it?
Also thanks for boys sleepwalking/peeing. Me miltary bro chose a rocking chair at age 7.
.lol...thanks for the memory-nudgie-laughimagig ( new word kate)
As to toot my own horn "a la khate" cauliflower/carrot/garlic chive fake mashed potatoes got a. 11 out 10 fromm dd!!!
franky, your faked mashed potatoes sound wonderful. What is your ratio of carrots to cauliflower? I would like to try it this weekend.
chefsummer said... 86
What's next homemade bread sticks?
That was yesterday's project:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack @SuperPattyPie @BIOGHAWG I AM cooking!Making dough 4 bread sticks &Chinese chicken salad for dinner! Made pistachio pudding 2!
Maybe the bread sticks didn't turn out well, and she's using them to make the bread crumbs.
The fashion show scam is getting interesting now! AOL has a brief video about Kate being on the runway. Its about her getting slammed for doing the show. First they showed that pix of the black dress with the goofy look on her face. Can't believe how bad her makeup was and that hair! Really made her face look sulken and long. Overall appearance made her look almost sickly looking. Then the white dress twice . She looked much better and more alive on the runway. Odd. Suddenly they show a guy rubbing his lips all over her cheek! Too bad they were just photo stills but it looked she enjoyed it. I think it is Derek. But it was gross.
Oh, I just sat and marveled at my mother with my chin in my hands while I sat marveling at my marvelous mother when I was 8 years old. She couldn't have been more marvelous while making marvelous bread crumbs and I was so dumbfounded I couldn't contain myself at all when I was 8 years old at all the marvalness going on. That's all I did..or wanted to do...when I was 8 years old. My mother sure was marvelous.
All you have to do is run the bread thur a food processor. Thats it! No special tricks to it GWAD!! These sheeple are so mindless!
A bunch of my kids lined up on chairs @ counter marveling at me making my own breadcrumbs from bread ends...Saying it's a 'miracle'! 2 funny about an hour ago
Should I be taking this personally? This is the 4th thing I have posted on here that Kate suddenly tweets about. I posted about saving bread ends and scraps in the freezer, then toasting them in the oven for a bit and then running them through a blender or processer and putting them back in the freezer. I even recall saying that some of the containers will have my homegrown basil and oregano in them, and some will be plain.
Oh what the hell. Could someone pass the gravy? Thank you ever so much.
anger issues kate said... 199
I loved how Kate made this fashion show about her. One recent tweet: I hope I stirred things up. Really Kate, they do this fashion show every couple of months, it is not new, and maybe if you would have PR it' on your twitter acct, maybe some of your luneys would have made a donation to help this charity, instead of worrying about them showing up at the event, ruining your style(what ever that is). And Yes kate your one kid was right, you looked like you had a wedding dress on.
Yes, I saw that. I think the last one in NY was in February '12. The one in the early summer was somewhere else.
Aww, don't take it personallhy, Dwindle. We all know Kate reads here and she is just doing what she does so well. Taking someone else's idea/recipe and making it her own while her kids marvel at her ingeniousness!!
..and giving Hannah a hug. Where on earth did she get the idea to show affection to your child?
Dwindle-Doncha know Kate only steals from the best!
By the way, I've been meaning to share this great recipe I got from Maybe Kate can use this one next!
AuntieAnn said... 11
Dwindle - Sigh. I own only one crock pot and my meat slicer is oh so mediocre compared to Kate's. Where did I go wrong.
Not to be too snoopy, but do you collect crock pots?
I do. I cant help myself. And they are all plain crockpots, none of those digital timers and temp control things. I have all different sizes and shapes. I know it's is likely some kind of illness or something, but I cant help it.
I love crock pots.
I think it comes from the time in my life when I was divorced, 4 kids full time, no child support, working full time, going to college full time credits, trying to squeeze in my mandatory clinical internship hours for my degree... I would line 2 or 3 of them up and have dinner and dessert ready by the end of the day.
Okay, sorry, but I'm in a foul mood tonight so I'm not going to sugar coat anything. Kate's bread crumb making and everything else - we all know it's a lie.
When you are cooking, baking, making breadcrumbs, etc., do you take the time to tweet about it WHILE YOU ARE DOING IT? I don't think so.
When I am busy cooking, I don't even like to talk on the phone, but if my sister or best frient calls (they are both out of state), I will put the phone on speaker while I continue working.
Who can tweet while they work, especially if they claim their kids are there watching them. Why wouldn't you talk to your KIDS and involve them in the process, instead of tweeting to strangers when you have your kids full attention?
She is such a liar I can't stand it anymore.
(I warned you I was in a foul mood.)
Love My Grandsons -- foul mood or not, you are right. If she does have the rapt attention of her children, why is she tweeting with strangers? I think she exaggerated (lied) or there would be a picture of the kids on chairs watching Saint Kate.
The bread crumb comments reminded me that I wanted to go back to our local "Amish Walmart" (poleshed with tons of stuff to look at and buy) and get a meat grinder. They had several for about $10.
Since I don't have the luxury of the old time grinder, it is a bread bag and rolling pin for me. When grandkiddles are here and I need graham cracker crumbs they enjoy rolling and crushing them for me. They would really like to take turns cranking that grinder! Why Kate doesn't allow her kids to take turns helping more is beyond me.
Apparently, yes they could.
@Kateplusmy8 my mom used to do that!! Thought she was the only one!!
Where in the name of all that's holy do these people come from? It's amazing that they can figure out how to wipe their own behinds without help from Kate.
Anyone remember the BigFan person who was constipated and didn't know what to do about it, or the time when she was stuck in a parking lot during a storm and she tweeted Kate to find out if she should stay in the car because she was afraid of getting electrocuted if she got out?
I can't figure out if they are really that needy, or if they are kissing Kate in hopes of a tweet.
Oh, Dmasy, don't give that witch any ideas. The next thing you know, she'll be pulling them out of bed and making them line up with a plastic bag of whatever just prove they were watching her.
Ingrid -- well, kids helping tend to make a mess. And, what if they wanted to take the credit for a miracle. No. Kate can't let them help. Wouldn't be good for her.
You are a good Grandmother.
fake mashed "ala franky™™"
one head of cauliflower
2medium carrots diced
chicke soup powder
garlic chives
parmesan cheese
cook veggies in chicken powder..drain..add rest brating with ..what's the dang english word...malaxer.. bl"'uebird?
btw savais t'etais une mamie!
and thanks to you all..I need to finds me a real metal meat grinder pronto
Thank you, franky. I'm going to make it this weekend.
OrangeCrusher@88 - I have never been able to make a good chopped liver. Do you use schmaltz when making it? I do miss being able to go to the local Jewish deli and pick up some chopped liver, half sour pickles, a good knish and a can of Dr. Brown's CelRay. Sounds like a road trip to Chompies is in order for me!
Kate is a twit said... 101
Dwindle-Doncha know Kate only steals from the best!
By the way, I've been meaning to share this great recipe I got from Maybe Kate can use this one next!
I have two shelves, which one should I use? I added the two tablespoons that the recipe said were optional but that made it spill - do I have to dump out the whole recipe and start over? After dinner, we had some of this recipe left over; what's the best way to store them? You are just the bestest ever! You really do it all!
My 10 guys have arrived. See all of you later ...
Franky, do you run this through the meat grinder? I used my grandmother's for years but I dont have it anymore and no one in the family seems to know what happened to it.
I bet for this recipe you could use an electric mixer or food processor, but I sure do miss a good meat grinder. I have some odd beef meats in the freezer from the cow (brains, heart etc) and I want to boil them up and run them through a grinder with some cooked rice for the dogs.
Dont wigg out folks. Those scraps were not included in the hanging weight so I got them free and they will make a nice addition to my pups' nightly kibble.
Dmasy said... 113
My 10 guys have arrived. See all of you later ...
My mom attached it to the corner of our formica table (red swirl design shiny metal edging) and made pounds of ham salad. Pickles and bulk bologna and boiled eggs. It was a staple of the sandwiches that went to the field for lunch and for our school lunches.
Yes! The ham salad. I so wish I had that recipe. I have not been able to duplicate it. I had forgotten about that! I don't have the box anymore, but I remember it was green and white with gray lettering. It didn't open from the top, but rather horizontally the length of the box. Dish towel always went down to protect the counter top.
Good grief. I hadn't thought about that box in years, but I can remember it as plain as day. Funny how such insignificant things from your childhood stick with you and are triggered when you least expect it.
Dwindle 102 said....
I do. I cant help myself. And they are all plain crockpots, none of those digital timers and temp control things. I have all different sizes and shapes. I know it's is likely some kind of illness or something, but I cant help it.
I love crock pots.
I think it comes from the time in my life when I was divorced, 4 kids full time, no child support, working full time, going to college full time credits, trying to squeeze in my mandatory clinical internship hours for my degree... I would line 2 or 3 of them up and have dinner and dessert ready by the end of the day.
my hat is off to you, Dwindle. that's quite an accomplishment.
Now, about those SIX's only a sickness if you NAME them...
'fess up!
and btw, dinner is delicious!!!
Dmasy said... 108
Ingrid -- well, kids helping tend to make a mess. And, what if they wanted to take the credit for a miracle. No. Kate can't let them help. Wouldn't be good for her.
You are a good Grandmother.
Oh I know it is all about her mental issues and the messes. It just boggles me sometimes what she misses out on. She has one sad life.
I am not the only grandmother they have but I try to be the best! (coolest, funniest etc!)
Kate's twittering away. She said Shoka ate a groundhog. He has a habit of eating animals. Is that normal for a dog?
LB said... 93
The fashion show scam is getting interesting now! AOL has a brief video about Kate being on the runway. Its about her getting slammed for doing the show. First they showed that pix of the black dress with the goofy look on her face. Can't believe how bad her makeup was and that hair! Really made her face look sulken and long. Overall appearance made her look almost sickly looking. Then the white dress twice . She looked much better and more alive on the runway. Odd. Suddenly they show a guy rubbing his lips all over her cheek! Too bad they were just photo stills but it looked she enjoyed it. I think it is Derek. But it was gross.
You what is sad, LB? that is probably the most physical affection she has had in a long time. I cant imagine not being hugged at least by close family. Maybe she allows Mady to hug her. So sad.
No, it's not normal. He is either hungry, bored or both.
The AOL seems to be taking kind of a sympathetic spin on this, poor Kate just trying to give to charity and look at how slammed she gets, what gives?
They completely ignore why Kate got to this place. It's not like everyone work up one day and said I think I'l hate on Kate Gosselin today.
By the way where are my Civil War buffs? I just watched the trailer for Lincoln and I cannot WAIT. Sally Field as Mary Todd is just inspired. And the boyfriend from Girls is in it! If you google it it will come right up.
The AOL seems to be taking kind of a sympathetic spin on this, poor Kate just trying to give to charity and look at how slammed she gets, what gives?
They completely ignore why Kate got to this place. It's not like everyone work up one day and said I think I'l hate on Kate Gosselin today.
By the way where are my Civil War buffs? I just watched the trailer for Lincoln and I cannot WAIT. Sally Field as Mary Todd is just inspired. And the boyfriend from Girls is in it! If you google it it will come right up.
Milo is now asking Kate about Shoka:
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Are U in the mood 2clear up another dumb rumor? Im gettin tired of this one. #AskingPolitely ???
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack depends what it is....
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Shoka? :)
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack shoka? what about him? (clearly I'm missing something here)
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 The rumor is that Humane Society had 2get him....& of course, now critics say he is longer w/ur family. :( #dumb
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack The most spoiled happiest dog on earth?Let them try2take him..attack dog if removed!They cant come up w anything else? #dummies
@Kateplusmy8 LOL.well, of course, the animal activists R demandin why U don't include him in ur pics lately? :) I luv Shoka..beautifuldog!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack uh cause I haven't taken pictures lately?! Except the beach and he doesn't do long drives lol..
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Well..this goes on the record4all the critics..Shoka is still the #9Gosselin kid dearly loved, spoiled & cherished by Kate! :)
So, Milo's so happy that she helped cleared up the rumor.
But before Kate even knew what question Milo was going to ask, she just had to share this:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack yes, he ate another ground hog after school the kids reported... Lord I wish he'd stop hunting!!!
Maybe she should think of why he hunts, and maybe get some additional training for him. God forbid one of these days he actually attacks an animal that's rabid.
You know I picture these poor kids being the snarkiest teenagers ever with Kate. What fun they will have with her just before they become adults and can officially estrange her.
You know I picture these poor kids being the snarkiest teenagers ever with Kate. What fun they will have with her just before they become adults and can officially estrange her.
wayward said... 20
Wow. Nicely said. Cant add a thing.
I don't know why but I want to set that meat grinder up on a wooden table and then photograph it. LOL.
Dwindle, dear.....did you see the recipe I sent Aunt Annie? poke holes in meat, insert some chopped garlic, put some olive oil in container, also you can add some soy sauce and some ginger and shake it, the container, leave in freezer for an hour, put it in Crock Pot or oven or on stove.
If you add the Soy sauce, make some rice, add some soy sauce to that, tiny bit.......It is so good.
I did hear of nutmeg also. All sound good.
Hey, I have a meat slicer that I bought at K mart, so many years ago to cut a canned ham one Christmas (my sister freaks if the ham isn't canned) and I used that slicer every time my sister came over and I made a canned ham.
How much was this slicer, all plastic except for the very sharp blades? $39.98. Honest Injun.
To keep my sister happy: Priceless, lol lol
I don't buy half or a quarter of a cow, just the hubby and me at home. I'll send anyone who wants it, the meat slicer. It has not been used for 2 yrs now. Have no idea why Kate wants one for her family, that a supermarket uses. She is crazier than the bed bugs in her bed.
Hey, has anyone seen Steve anywhere?
And LOLOLOLOLOL about her moaning yesterday about the "lies" painted about her difficult diva personality. They aren't lies. She's difficult.
So well said, all of it.
Can I just add that this has been bothering me for awhile, what Kate calls a LIE is really an opinion that she is a diva and difficult to work with. You can't really say an opinion is a lie. It's someone's interpretation of behavior toward them. It's the truth to that person even if you don't see yourself that way.
You may think you're the nicest person in the world but if someone else doesn't think so that's their right to have that opinion and it doesn't make it a "lie." If they say false things about you that's a lie, but having an opinion you're a diva isn't a lie in and of itself. Like saying that black dress is ugly. So it's your favorite dress, but that doesn't mean the person who thinks it's ugly is "lying."
Dmasy said... 64
I know that meat grinder. Heavy. It has a strong metallic smell that actually leaves a trace odor (and a gray smear) on on whatever you are grinding.
My mom attached it to the corner of our formica table (red swirl design shiny metal edging) and made pounds of ham salad. Pickles and bulk bologna and boiled eggs. It was a staple of the sandwiches that went to the field for lunch and for our school lunches.
Thanks for the memory
OMG! so YOU had my grandmother's meat grinder!!! And YOU were sharing our ham salad lunches!!!
Hey, has anyone seen Steve anywhere?
He's busy tweeting as Milo.
There's a creepy dueling banjo (except it's dueling fans) going on between Milo and Paige.
So Kate is so anti-bullying, but it's alright for her to call people "dummies" like she did in her tweet about Shoka?
Angie I didn't know you were a lawyer. Thank your for your service! I know there are a couple other lawyers here too, but none of us come here and gab about work all evening. It's not appropriate. You're right, lawyers don't usually talk about it much elsewhere and there are good reasons for that. But I love my work and am proud of what I do and the people I've helped. There is nothing greater than that feeling of helping people get through such a trying time.
@NJ Gal - no shmaltz in my chopped liver. My mom and her sister had changed that out for salad oil when they were cooking in 50's/60's. Basically, they sauteed onions in the oil, seasoned with Lawry's salt, removed onion, sauteed chicken livers in onion oil, more Lawry's, then put onion and liver mixture through the grinder (clamped to the pull out bread board with newspapers on floor for drippings), with hardboiled eggs. Ratio is: one large onion, 1 lb livers, 4 hardbolied eggs. But oh the cholesterol. I rarely make it.
That, Kate, is a recipe. :-).
Kate thinks bullying is the same thing as disagreeing, and she also thinks that anything she does doesn't bear any resemblance to what is said to her.
I'm sorry but I just can't feel much sympathy for an adult complaining about bullying. Unless there is good reason you can't get yourself out of the situation (disability, mental impairment, and so on) put on your big girl pants and fix the situation by either talking to the person, your boss, removing yourself or them, or even reporting it to the authorities if necessary.
A teen or child does not usually have the emotional and mental maturity an adult does to address the situation and fix it. That's why it's completely different when we're talking about kids being bullied. Cry me a river Kate.
I don't know why but I want to set that meat grinder up on a wooden table and then photograph it. LOL.
I thought the same thing! You want to sell the item, and it needs to be set up so the buyer can see exactly what it looks like when it's together! I was thinking about buying it in case mine ever dies, but then I thought that since mine has been working for who knows how long (3/4 of a century or more?), that it will most likely outlive me!
not food processeur..not meat grinder..or #meatgrinderneeded
blender zi think is the word I was looking for.
you plug it has 2 funky thinhgs thst brat in rythm
love my..tilt the casserole to one sife..cauliflour does not absorb liqid like potators..and try chives as garmish..doing that next time..prettier !=)
blender zi think is the word I was looking for.
Electric mixer?
We had that meat grinder also. We used it to make bread crumbs-really! My Mom put the ends of bread in the (turned off) oven for a few days to dry them out, then one of my jobs was to run them through the meat grinder to make bread crumbs. I loved using that thing as a kid.
Hmmm. she is tweeting up a storm but mostly it's just her Paige and Milo. the "haters" are noticeably absent
Dwindle...96...Should I be taking this personally? This is the 4th thing I have posted on here that Kate suddenly tweets about.
Sounds like an opportunity for some big fun to me. You're a creative person, put your cr8 cap on. You should post recipes from Granny Clampett, Mama Boo Boo Child or some great original ones. Yay!
Well, at least we can thank Kate for making me remember making bread crumbs using my grandmother's meat grinder. It brought up many wonderful memories of my grandmother's cooking.
Ingrid, from one grandmother to another, you sound like an awesome and cool grandma! You're grandkids are lucky to have you in their lives!
There's a creepy dueling banjo (except it's dueling fans) going on between Milo and Paige.
Tweet-le. It's funny, isn't it? Good entertainment. In all seriousness, though, I wonder if Milo is on a "watch list." It's beyond an obsession now. She's Kate's keeper, protector, and guardian. I think that it can't be dismissed as merely a girl crush. Something's gotta give.
@Kateplusmy8 How soon does that next run come up Kate? U need 2let me know in advance a lil...please. Need 2get my reporter hat out again!
@Kateplusmy8 Talkin abt these things sure makes me want 2see U back on TV...U are so missed funny gal! :)
@Kateplusmy8 @Paige_Kate8fan that would have did me in 4sure! Girl, U have developed nerves of steel...all U have done! :)
@Kateplusmy8 So what was on the minds of ur eight at dinner 2night? I bet U could keep a runnin diary of humor w/those convos! :)
@Kateplusmy8 @Paige_Kate8fan Just like U & Tony on DWTS...always made 2go last...because everyone is anxious 2see U! :) U are big draw!
and then she has to tweet the fashion show people on Kate's behalf...
@mattdillon1983 @derekfabulous @Kateplusmy8 U have been so accessible, honest & kind! Nice 2see real gentleman still ARE out there! :)
@mattdillon1983 @derekfabulous Thank U guys 4bein gentlemen & havin Kate's back 4this event! Ur support has been noted! @Kateplusmy8 :) we have a winner!
Electric mixer.thanks Parent...ang my french..when I am tired english does not kjck in..
huge thunderstorms ere tonight..gonna go dance on 3rd floor balcony
Twittering, Milo's reeeally teetering on the edge. Imagine competing with an 18 year old girl for Kate's attention.
Claire what exactly are you doing here? Wasting time?
Claire or Kate, whatever your name is. You are wasting my time.
Rhymes with Witch said... 24
Vaguely familiar with the Leann situation but hadn't made that connection. It's just all the focus on"despite the haterz, katie did the walk" crap that made me wonder if that's the route she's heading next. Poor me, I have haterz, LOOK AT ME standing strong. Blech.
Formerly I'm glad you weren't hurt, at least not badly. I got sideswiped from behind on Highland Ave at the light before 128. I saw him coming in the side view mirror but had no place to go. It was terrifying. I was ok, car not so much (my beloved Acura Integra - handled like a dream and so fun to drive).
Hit and run. Turned out to be a drunk 15 year old who had "stolen" his parents' car. They turned him in and he ended up getting help.
My area. Bought many cars at the dealership there!
"Ur support has been noted!"
If Kate was running for political office, I would like Milo to a campaign manager. She would also qualify as Kate's press secretary.
I can't help but imagine that she has a huge scrapbook with all things Kate, and has a list of the "good people" with connections to whom she can tweet to in order bolster Kate's image. I wouldn't even be surprised if she regularly emails Julie Carson May with suggestions about what Kate should do next.
On a gossip site called crazy days and nights, they show pictures of various celebrities. One picture was Kate on the runway, and the other was a close up of Kate getting her hair curled. She was grinning in a creepy way.
Thanks Admin. We do what we do to help people.
Not everyone of us is making big bucks, we do it for the love of helping people.
Absolutely no reason to talk about work, I leave it at work, have to. It is, bottom line, a job, plus there are so many wonderful, supremely bright people on this Blog that I laugh so hard, it makes up for those days when I just want to cry for what some people go through. I know you understand that. We can't help everyone.
Thank you for this Blog. I love the trolls too. Learning how ignorant they are and I just wonder, why would they waste their time?
If you can't enjoy yourself with these new friends, then I feel bad for all of you.
I was telling my hubby about all of your characters on this Blog. I had him laughing so hard. He said, everyone sounds like a professional one line comic. I said that is exactly what it is some nights.
Love this site.
Electric mixer.thanks Parent...ang my french..when I am tired english does not kjck in..
You're welcome, Franky! I know how it is. I taught German, and there were times when I was tutoring and really tired that the German-English didn't kick in. I found myself stretching for the words!
@Kateplusmy8 @Paige_Kate8fan Just like U & Tony on DWTS...always made 2go last...because everyone is anxious 2see U! :) U are big draw!
Um, Milo, probably not as big a draw as you would believe or she would have been invited back!
Good gawd, this really IS getting bad, isn't it?
@Kateplusmy8 I bet ur startin 2tuck some tired kids 2bed! Been a long day 4them. I hate kids have 2get up b4 the sun does! #EarlyToRise
I'm not sure how Twitter works, if you still have access to tweets once they are deleted, but if I were Kate and "her people," I would be printing out (or saving in a file) these tweets just in never know. Milo does delete her tweets.
Witch: Mine was just past the lights at Rt 9 & Speen St and my neighborhood entrance.
I did a 180 in a rain storm years ago at Dean St. Looked up to see cars coming at me and one driver clapping his hands that I got out of the situation without hitting anything. What he didn't know was that I took my hands of the wheels and told "God" to drive.
Thank you for this Blog. I love the trolls too.
Trolls are amusing, but they can sometimes be obnoxious. Isn't it funny that when posters agree with them that they become disenchanted because they can't force an argument? They eventually disappear.
I liked the surrogate old sheriff that was here recently! It's fun to yank their chains.
Dwindle, I only have one crockpot but admit to lusting after the Breville one. Hard to justify buying it as it's over $200 but man that thing is beautiful.
Just spent the last three hours researching washing machines. Wish I could grift one. Do you think Khate would drive one of hers on the BBB and donate it to me?
Boston Bonnie said... 157
Witch: Mine was just past the lights at Rt 9 & Speen St and my neighborhood entrance.
I did a 180 in a rain storm years ago at Dean St. Looked up to see cars coming at me and one driver clapping his hands that I got out of the situation without hitting anything. What he didn't know was that I took my hands of the wheels and told "God" to drive.
"Jesus take the whee-eeel!" Glad you survived that in 1 piece!
Dwindle, I love my crockpots, too. I have the one large one and one small one that I use for dips for family/friend get togethers.
It's so nice to come home, especially in the winter, and have dinner all ready and just have to dish it out.
God bless the person that invented crockpots!
Post some road-kill recipes from Mama Boo Boo, name one after the G Family Favorites......Make a meat loaf with a lol lol lol
She could use the bread crumbs, lol lollol
Dwindle, come up with something.....don't forget dump a bottle of catsup on top of the meat loaf, lol lol it.
Night everyone, stay strong, lol lol....
Love my are one neat lady. Your grandsons are very lucky.
Dwindle, you will be okay.
Dmasy, how great to feed that many growing men. I would make a pot of spaghetti and buy one of those bags of meatballs at Costco. Honest, even the Garlic Bread. They will love it all.
I saw AOL. Lots of complaints, they must have moved the other photos, only the one in the white gown. Too many people writing about what a terrible person this Great Mama is. Like fish, you wrap it up, it is yesterday's garbage. That is all it is.
I still think Milo is either Jaime or it is Kate herself. Too "out there on another planet" to be Steve.
But this Paige is on Twazzup fighting with people yesterday about Kate. Sad, all sad. Kate just "release" her 2 fans. Bet Warburton will never call Kate again, too much U.S. Mail and e mails about her & the tweets, wow, she truly is disliked by many people.
By this time, if this were me in Kate's shoes, I would have moved cross country and changed my name and go get A JOB.
Boston Bonnie said... 157
I once went into a skid on went leaves going down a hill on a curve. I swear God had to be driving, because I ended up on a side street between a small light pole and a fire hydrant facing the opposite way. Not only that, but my rear wheels were overhanging a hill leading to a sunken parking lot. I was fine(although a bit shaken), and the car only had a dent where it hit the light pole.
Speaking of driving-I still remember on one of my first visits to Boston I was watching the local travel station, and they had a show about how to drive in Boston. The ending line was "when in doubt, just close your eyes and go for it!"
Boston Bonnie said... 159
Just spent the last three hours researching washing machines. Wish I could grift one. Do you think Khate would drive one of hers on the BBB and donate it to me?
Oh dear. Boston Bonnie, did your forget your medication again? Let me help you dear with Reality Orientation.
Your name is Boston Bonnie. Sometimes.
This is the Planet Earth.
You are a nice person.
The tooth fairy is a myth.
Wednesday is always followed by Thursday.
Cash money does not grow on trees.
Kate Gosselin would not loan you a quarter for the laundromat if she saw you washing your undies on a river rock.
It's Ok Bonnie, you are among friends here. Have a glass of rumspringa.
Kate is a twit said... 66
Well, it took longer than I expected, but here ya go:
@Kateplusmy8 Can I have your breadcrumb receipe?
Oh my sweet Jesus. Oh my.
Oh dear.
Oh heavens.
Drive bys - are you not even a little embarrassed that this is the type of folks that worship your Queen? Do you not see how foolish you appear? Is this really what you all need this woman for?
Oh my word.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 161
Dwindle, I love my crockpots, too. I have the one large one and one small one that I use for dips for family/friend get togethers.
It's so nice to come home, especially in the winter, and have dinner all ready and just have to dish it out.
God bless the person that invented crockpots!
My house is sort of like a split level, in that the attached garage leads into the laundry room which leads into the basement rec room and then there is a full flight of stairs up to the main level. The main level is one floor, like a ranch. My point, and I do have one, is that the aroma of the crock pot food hits you as soon as you come through the garage door and it gets stronger as you come up the stairs. By the time you get in the kitchen, you are so ready to eat! When my son, my youngest, was the only one left at home, he used to love that and loved guessing what was in the crock as he came up the stairs after school.
Nice memory.
watchimg cbc..when didI miss sequel to pillars of the ken am watching world without end.
how dif I miss this book sequel? Oye
What is with the twitter @Paige....(didn't want to call him out) Wow that's defication! 10 emails..Wow. Am I not reading this correctly? Is it a typo?
Take all the uneaten sandwich bread from the last week out of your kids' lunchboxes. Scrape off all hints of mold. Turn on outside grille.
Cook bread until the color of tanned skin. Start cubing the bread into small cubes, waving knive at children when they try to talk. Add 1 cup HardasRocks cereal for texture. Run through machine while kids ooh and ahh over the sound of breadcrumbs being crumbed right there in the Progresso Kitchen, Gosselin branch.
Put into large sections of 8 divided plastic plates and top with canned stuff and 1 pound of cheese. YUM!
fidosmommy said... 169
Love the recipe!! Better watch out-it might become one of the recipes in Kate's cookbook. (Administrator) said... 135
Angie I didn't know you were a lawyer. Thank your for your service! I know there are a couple other lawyers here too, but none of us come here and gab about work all evening. It's not appropriate. You're right, lawyers don't usually talk about it much elsewhere and there are good reasons for that. But I love my work and am proud of what I do and the people I've helped. There is nothing greater than that feeling of helping people get through such a trying time.
What struck me about those little challenges from the troll was that she didnt seem to understand what it means to have a professional career. She seemed to think that a working professional is 24/7 THAT person and everything they do in off time is still all about the profession.
Yes, I am a hospice social worker, but I am not on this blog to talk about death and dying. In fact i go out of my way to make sure I dont have a sign on me that says "Grieving? See me!" I dont want to say it's just a job, because for most folks your profession really is who you are, but in many other ways It's Just Your Job. There *IS* life outside of the paid work day for everyone. I dont think she understands that at all. If you do something different in your off time, it must mean you hate your career?
Paige was telling Kate how she used 10 email addresses plus 3 phone lines to vote for Kate when she was on DWTS. Yes, that is a typo(or perhaps freudian slip). I think she meant "dedication", but instead she typed a misspelling of "defecation".
foxy said... 168
What is with the twitter @Paige....(didn't want to call him out) Wow that's defication! 10 emails..Wow. Am I not reading this correctly? Is it a typo?
Yep. The f is next to the d on the keyboard. But it's a whole lot funnier the way she's got it, don't you think?
Or it's diarrhea of the votes.
angie, that was so sweet, thank you!
Dwindle, I live in a small ranch house and when I get home, the smell of the roast and veggies in the crockpt hit you the minute you walk in the door. So good!
You know, when my daughter first moved to Iowa and we went out there a month later to spend Easter with them, I boutght them a crockpot. My daushter was getting used to being away from her family, being a housemaker and mother by herself, trying to get back into college, etc. She was having trouble adjusting and I told her about making things easier with a crockpot for dinner.
She didn't have one so we bought her one for Easter and used it as her Easter basket. I filled it with the Easter grass and candies, 2 crockpot cookbooks, and a couple kitchen towels with matching potholders. She loved the "basket" and uses it all the time now.
angie said... 129
Dwindle, dear.....did you see the recipe I sent Aunt Annie? poke holes in meat, insert some chopped garlic, put some olive oil in container, also you can add some soy sauce and some ginger and shake it, the container, leave in freezer for an hour, put it in Crock Pot or oven or on stove
angie, I DID see that and already started making plans for the next roast. Garlic... i was thinking Worstevercheshirecat sauce, but I like your idea of soy better! I have a perfect container for it too! Thank you so much!
aggiemom09121416 said... 117
I have not named my crockpots.
But now you have me thinking, and I think the biggest round white one looks like a Betsy to me...
Oh my gosh, please forgive all of my typos in my #175 post! I should have read it first.
Kate has no boundaries, no sense of what's appropriate to share publicly. That photo is a gift to pedophiles. But then Kate's always been about pimping out her kids.
The tooth fairy is a myth??? Oh no....Who the heck was I helping out all those years ago? Anybody have any craft ideas for two kids worth of baby teeth?
angie said... 162
Post some road-kill recipes from Mama Boo Boo, name one after the G Family Favorites......Make a meat loaf with a lol lol lol
When I do, I will be thinking of you. :-)
Crock pots. Hmmmm. I received 2 as Christmas gifts one year. Put a whole chicken in one to make a chicken soup. Never again. I used it to make
spaghetti sauce, which was great, but no better and no easier than making it on the stove and letting it simmer with the lid on.
I gave them both to my mother who had never heard of them. I told her it was for slow cooking lots of things and showed her the recipe booklet. Hmmmmm. "I can slow cook my chili sauce and my tomato butter and not have to heat up the kitchen to 100 degrees with the stove?"
Yep. She was sold. When she died my dad told me to take them, and I promptly gave them to a friend. In the interim, I had been given 4 more crock pots as gifts, never used by me. One has 3 different sized of crocks. I gave them to my friend, too. She loves that she can pick just the right crockpot for the right meal.
So, Mz. Crock Pot Collector, you now have a
"Rival" for the title. ;-)
Orange - Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to pull pu my mother's old grinder and try it.
Dwindle said...
I think it comes from the time in my life when I was divorced, 4 kids full time, no child support, working full time, going to college full time credits, trying to squeeze in my mandatory clinical internship hours for my degree... I would line 2 or 3 of them up and have dinner and dessert ready by the end of the day.
Absolutely brilliant use of them Dwindle. They ARE a meal lifesaver when you plan right. I thought I was a know-it-all about crock pots until a friend turned me on to wrapping potatoes in tin foil and baking them all day in the CP. Now I do baked potatoes that way all the time. So many uses.
Just wait... Next week Kate will blog about her eight count em' eight crock pots. She should be paying you.
angie - your post prompted me to get hubs to go out for pizza tonight. I had only planned pancakes and sausage for supper but after I read 'pizza' it sounded too good to resist. Thanks, it was great.
bearswife - thanks :) but no I'm not, I wish I were. She provides sooo much material and on her golden twitter platter yet.
.ooh.oh.ooh.dibs on you sending me meatslicer..oh dang
don't think it will make it past border..oh well..guess I'll try to grofy canadian style..whatever that os.
fwindle I thi.k
I will share my mamie's ham sandwich recipe ( and you were rigjt..everything went through that metal clamp on yable grindet"
now someones point e to a grinder in montrral!!..
Thanks for the nice compliments on my grandmother-ishness. (lol) All the grandparents and parents here do a great job too.
I want to thank everyone for the last couple weeks of interesting posts and humor and the 'trip' to Cali. I have needed it more than ever before. My mom had a stroke about 2 wks ago. She is doing great but it has been stressful. She is about 2 hrs from me in a hosp. plus I work 2 jobs so every day I can I have driven there to spend time with her. She gets to come home for the day tomorrow and we will celebrate her upcoming 79th birthday. All her kids, grand and great grandkids will be there. I am so excited that she is capable of doing this since she wasn't found for over 24 hrs and had almost no movement in arm and leg at first. Everyday there is remarkable improvement!!
Thank you thank you thank you all again for this great blog!
Pull out...pull pu doesn't e en make sense. I must walk away from the rumspringa now.
So M tried on her heels. Is that something a 12 year old does? I would think that was something younger kids do but I colt be wrong. I had a boy and I'm too old to remember 12. Now I must go stick my head in the freezer.
And these are FEMALE fans!
Kate is out of her mind. What mother tweets a photo of a pre-teen's legs and puts it on the internet? The responses are about the legs. Shoes are secondary.
Jon should be made aware of this.
fidosmommy said... 184
That's how I feel about pressure cookers - not for me! At all.
Well at least you gave them all good homes! I will assume you didnt shed too many tears when they were adopted out! LOL! That one with the 3 crocks, that was the last one I recieved. I do love it. Other than maybe one more tiny one, smaller than my 1.5 qt, I really am all set. Although I do wish I had another oval one, but I digress.
There are things I prefer to make on the stove now that I am home during the day so much more, but for alot of years I wasnt home, so they crocks really did the trick for me.
Everyone in this living room, is talking the about AGT finale.
For those of you, upset about your West Coast spillage last night- don't be. I'm a Westie, and I had read the other posts afterward... but never figured out who exactly won. I saw it this afternoon, on Access Hollywood.
Go Dogs! Dog Thread!
vBut now you have me thinking, and I think the biggest round white one looks like a Betsy to me...
I thought you were going to say "Elsie," as in Elsie The Cow!
Dwindle I agree. Just because you're not talking about your job doesn't mean you're not passionate. There's a job and then there's the rest of your life and it's dangerous if you blend the two together.
There's also a sense of, I really don't think everyone around me, here and in real life, wants to hear me yammer on about work.
Ingrid said... 188
Thanks for the nice compliments on my grandmother-ishness. (lol) All the grandparents and parents here do a great job too.
I want to thank everyone for the last couple weeks of interesting posts and humor and the 'trip' to Cali. I have needed it more than ever before. My mom had a stroke about 2 wks ago. She is doing great but it has been stressful. She is about 2 hrs from me in a hosp. plus I work 2 jobs so every day I can I have driven there to spend time with her. She gets to come home for the day tomorrow and we will celebrate her upcoming 79th birthday. All her kids, grand and great grandkids will be there. I am so excited that she is capable of doing this since she wasn't found for over 24 hrs and had almost no movement in arm and leg at first. Everyday there is remarkable improvement!!
Thank you thank you thank you all again for this great blog!
Oh Ingrid! I am so sorry to hear about your mother! I hope tomorrow is a great day for her and you will be pleased and relieved with her progress.
When you are up to it,please let us know how you are. My thoughts are with you tonight.
Good evening to all the fine ladies hanging out here on this chilly Friday eve.
Broke out a sweater for the first time in months. Sad. Summer was waaaay too quick for me this year.
All this crockpot talk has me inspired!
Fidosmommy....I'm a bit like you....have a crockpot but rarely use it. I'm not a great cook ( understatement of the year! ) but sometimes get on a roll with that thing and the family squeals (sp?) with delight!!! Most success I have with cooking, actually. Hubby is a firefighter and he can whip up a mean meal thanks to thanks to all he has learned over the years at the hall. Those guys eat like KINGS!
Breadcrumbs is the most miraculous thing her kids have seen? Boy they sure don't get out much if that's truly the case.
And you know wasn't it not long ago, in fact I think it was just yesterday her kids were supposedly chattering about raising awareness for women's rights in the Middle East after Kate did her fashion show?
Sounds a bit off that one day your kids you claim are so aware of how grateful they should be and about their opportunities in life but the next day they are unbelievably fascinated by homemade breadcrumbs.
Okay...whatever. It's your picnic Kate.
Seems to me one day Kate doesn't want or won't accept the truth that she has average, ordinary down the block looking and probably intelligent kids just like most people. Which I am beginning to see more and more in parents that it's not acceptable. What I've seen parents who have kids in school, pre-K and a little up I hear, "Oh the teacher says my kid is just so bright, they are really smart, they could graduate early, they're geniuses."
Turn around and you have Kate stating that her kids are still caught listening to an ABC song on a CD on the way home or are so in awe to watch how breadcrumbs are made that they'd rather pull up chairs than...yeah, I don't know read a book or play Scrabble or watch television.
For kids who talk about wanting to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris and are experienced travels are per her own admission I'm not sure what to buy when it comes to Kate not that I ever was.
So...Kate do you want people to think that your kids are easily naive and fascinated with your boring unemployed life or that your kids are the sophisticated world travelers who long to see the world? Not sure you can have it both ways. Maybe I don't know.
On another note. At one time Kate said she would be willing to go and work at a McDonald's if she absolutely had to. I draw on this parallel to her life with someone I know who really is having to face that fact of going to work at a fast food joint because they've been out of work for several months. Car is gone, savings are just about up, her kid lost out on his private school and this person just put in for a fast food application within walking distance of their home to try and earn money to make ends meet.
Yet here is Kate still so dimly unaware that this could so easily be her one day. You can only skate on thin ice for so long. But then she must not be aware of a few things. That chances are more than not why she's still invited to things the reason she's such a draw is guess is she's a laughing stock, she's a negative draw like a car wreck you slow down to look at. People find it entertaining to look at someone more embarrassing then themselves that's all this is.
She's not invited because she brings things to the table or that she has any real focus, intellectual means or heck, a whole not of smarts to bring to the table. She's more the person you bring who is the comic relief. If she was at all aware of these factors or ramifications to her life and it's direction she should be under a rock. I know I would be.
Hmmm...don't know what I did but couldn't finish my post.
Anyhoo.... I have 2 sirloin roasts in the freezer and I'm thinking I'll dust off the crockpot and surprise hubby with a me-cooked meal on Sunday night! Yay!
Will use all the seasoning tips from tonight. Thanks!!
Ingrid, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, but I am so glad that she is doing better. God bless all of you!
NJGal, when my daughter was young, she used to love to play dress up with my shoes. As she got older (tween years), she still like to try on my heels and practice walking in them. The clomp, clomp, clomp noise she made in the hallway (we have hardwood floors), used to give me a headache!
Make it so-
"About THE AGT..."
Although I'd love to see a happy ending, where rescue dogs are making millions in Vegas, I have to disagree with what my senses tell me about using animals and children, for circus-like purposes.
We'll see... this isn't TLC we are talking about. They are currently telling the Sister Wives clan (@+Kody&17 or whatever)-- to remain mum about their recent travels to CA... IL, etc., online and in the public. Sound familiar? Obscurity means ratings, and less Twitter/Facebook hecklers and haters for the Browns.
Take a look at the conjoined twins' page, and see the difference. I never have, but I do know there are very many similarities between families Browns vs. Gosselins. They won't respond online, unless for $$$ purposes, or grifting something from someone. Sister Wife Robyn grifts and tweets for free delivery of anything in Nevada- 24/7! Nevermind... slander, I presume.
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