Hoffman fell into the job of covering the Gosselins by chance and circumstance,
not having ever seen an episode of the show. He just needed work to support his
family, which includes three kids of his own, and US Weekly needed someone on
the Gosselin beat. He quickly befriended Jon, and over the years spent a lot of
time with Jon and the kids. He only had one direct conversation with Kate, when the two dogs got out into the road when Kate was gone. He held onto the dogs until Kate got back. Hoffman says he mainly wrote this book for Collin,
whom he had grown quite fond of. He describes Collin as a sweet little boy
with a beautiful heart and endless love to give. He dedicates the book to all
eight of the children.
Kate was
a focused, though shy child who stuck to schoolwork, was driven to accomplish her goals,
and was a preacher’s kid who practiced her faith daily. She grew up in the
country on a big property with a barn. Her childhood, at least from the
outside, seemed All-American.
2. When Katie Met Jonnie

shares this tender moment in her diary: “Yesterday,
all six followed daddy in to our room while he was changing after work…from the
kitchen I heard him say ‘ hello my little Gosselins’ and it made my heart melt!
He so loves his kids and he said it in such a sweet tone!!!! I really had to
smile at that comment!”
makes reference to Bob, Beth’s husband, offering Jon a job because he also
recognized his brilliance.
3. Jon & Kate 101: How Did We Get Here?
previously reported, Kate contacted the Reading Eagle to cover the story when
she was pregnant, not the other way around as she claims. Despite putting up a façade
of wanting to protect the children from the press, in fact Kate aggressively
pursued the media attention.
4. Sign Here – Or Else!!!!!
Kate was not
happy with first drafts of TLC’s non-disclosure agreement. She didn’t feel they
were broad enough. She wanted to be sure it was clear no one could talk about
the family at all, not just the filming and not just about negative things. The agreements extend “in perpetuity.” The
contract includes, “The undersigned
understands and agrees that the any monetary damages will
not be sufficient to avoid or compensate the Producer or the Gosselin
Family for the unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information and that injunctive or other equitable relief would be appropriate to
prevent any improper actual or threatened use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information or other breach of this Agreement.”
585 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 585 Newer› Newest»Dwindle, are you saying that those of us who have bought and downloaded the book have it and it can't be taken away? I thought someone said it could be.
Permanent Name -- I have IE and I download to my PC from Amazon all the time. Perhaps you just need to update your IE version? It's free. Just go to Microsoft and download the latest IE version.
Barb Gilman @BarbInNebraska
9% done with @gosselinbook about @kateplusmy8 all the proof needed to show he real Kate.
Those of you who are having trouble downloading either the Kindle app or the book and can't get the info you need from us, try calling Amazon customer support. They are usually very efficient and helpful. If you call during the day, you can even get someone stateside who speaks English!
I'm a little brain dead from reading the book most of the day. It's just so depressing. Robert, I can't begin to understand how difficult it must have been for you to live with this for 3 years, especially knowing Jon and the kids as you do. Thank you for having the guts to stick with it, and God Bless you. Yes, your book could have benefitted a bit from editing. I tend to be a bit of a grammar policeman. I was raised by an English teacher, so sue me, LOL. However, I can say that the occasional lapses I noticed don't detract from the book at all. The story is just so compelling that it's easy to gloss over any problems that might be there. Enjoy that champagne. You earned it! Thanks again for sticking with it.
Robert, thank you for taking the tinge to try and help the unfortunate children who have Ms Kreider for a mother.
My friend M, when I was telling her about the book today and what admin had shared from her copy, agreed with me: neither of us are surprised that Ms Kreider is a mean short tempered abusive horrible woman. M said the ONLY thing that would surprise her was if Ms Kreider actually admitted she had a problem, apologized to the kiss, got treatment, and was able to make amends with Jon and make a new start. That would shock my friend, and me too.
amyf-Robert came here and said he hopes to eventually get the book out in paper edition, but no telling when. I don't know if Amazon can pull a book once you've purchased it.
It's good to see you again. How is your rehab going? And your cats-are they being taken care of now to your liking?
Whistlingdixee -- No, if you click "deliver to PC" before you've downloaded the app, the book won't go anywhere. You need to download the app first. Permanent -- go to the Kindle store on the drop-down menu. In the search field enter Kindle for PC. That should call up the kindle apps. Click on download Kindle for PC and follow the prompts. Then go to the book and purchase it. Or, as I suggested earlier, call Customer support tomorrow and they'll walk you through it step by step. As I said, they're very helpful and have guided me through several complicated downloads. I'm not a luddite, but I'm not much higher up the ladder than one. Maybe the same rung as Dwindle. If I can do it, you can too!
Yahoo has an interesting article trending 'Spanking Ban in Delaware. First State to Pass Law Expanding Child Abuse Definition Sparks Debate'. Seems like PA needs to make some changes as well!!!!
Admin has added the link to get to the Amazon Free Kindle App page. It's in the thread post, first paragraph, where it says "The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms". Click on the words "Kindle app"(which are highlighted in blue), and it will take you to the page where you can download the free Kindle App.
To amyf:
If your only problem is using your credit card over an unsecure network, may I suggest buying an Amazon gift card at a local store (grocery, Target) for $10 and use that as your means of payment.
It is definitely worth reading, sadly.
Dear Robert,
Please accept my thanks and deep appreciation for having the courage to publish this book. Mostly, thank you for caring so much about the welfare of the Gosselin children that you were willing to accept great personal risk in order to tell their story. You gave them a voice.
I suspect these last years have been very difficult for you. It must have been unbearable being so aware of what was happening to the children, but finding no one willing to help them. Kate was never called out for her terrible behavior because she had the full weight of a very powerful corporation behind her. Because you did not run away scared, maybe Kate will finally get help, and Discovery will be held accountable for being complicit in child abuse.
I believe you performed an incredible service with your book, and hopefully it will lead to a better life for the Gosselin children. On a larger scale, I hope it will lead to increased conversation about recognizing and preventing child abuse, and punishing abusers.
Robert, one last thing. I am a writer and editor (aka comma jockey), so if you do intend to publish this as a "dead tree book," and you need any editorial or formatting help, I will be the first to volunteer to help. Your book is far too important to have it dismissed by people who can't see beyond any grammatical, organizational or formatting imperfections.
Thank you, Robert. You got it done. has an article about the book, referencing the original Radar post(link included)I love this little footnote in the article:
"Radar, incidentally, plays it both ways, breathlessly reporting Hoffman's allegations along with sister publication Star magazine in the post linked above, then making fun of Hoffman's screed in a follow-up post.)"
I don't know how anyone could find this book either "light" or "easy" to read. I could only read a bit at a time, especially when it described the beatings Kate gave daily. To Discovery ~ you are foul, evil anddespicable. You enabled child abuse for money. Kate, your legacy will be as one of the worst mothers and humans ever to be foisted on the public by a soulless corporation. Do at least one thing decent (if you can) and let Jon have the children 100%. Then fade into obscurity as no one wants to see or hear from your child abusing self.
Just checking in and want someone to hold my hand too :) while we read together.
I downloaded onto my PC and bought an ecopy. Unfortunately I did it on my desktop computer and am getting tired sitting at my desk.
I am going to see about taking one of my kids' laptops and loading it to read since I have a feeling I will be up all night reading in bed.
Thank you Robert!
Well, I got the book. I have to say I'm rather sorry I did.... I am just sick reading what a horrific woman this is.
I read the chapter about shoka. I have no words. kart should be shut up in a cage to sit in her own shit and vomit, unfed and without water. Forever. Hell is too good for her...
I feel so sick. I am just sick..... I have to stop commenting because I would say things that must not be said.
I wish my eyes had never seen this. It's disturbing beyond what I can express. Those poor, poor kids.
Really, I just have no words fit for sharing.
Robert, I just finished the book. You are an answer to my prayers & maybe a potential lifesaver for the kids.
I don't understand anyone calling Steve nice. He helped break up a family & he watches babies being destroyed. I'm in so much pain right now.
Dwindle, Kate is a twit, KathyB - Thank you. The gift card thing is a good idea - I didn't know they exist - but -poor me- I'm low on people who are available to do errands/pick up things for me. :-( Twit, rehab is going OK but there are a couple of MAJOR complicated issues at home that I need to deal with before I can get out of the hellhole. The cats are in a good place and doing pretty well, I think. I'm DESPERATE to see them!
after reading what I did, I am now sure that this defective will never give up her kids. she'll never kill herself. She'll never walk away. She'll never feel shame or embarrassment.
She will flip the bird to the world and may possibly become more disturbed and angry.
Her position will be 'how DARE that man write about me'.
I believe her hatred, her anger, her narcissism will drive her to hurt Hoffman in any way she can.
She's defective. Her mind is broken. Those poor, poor children.
And as I said I have no words, I find that I cannot stop and call out the TV channels, the producers, TLC, Discovery Health, purseboy and all the others who enabled her and didn't protect those children.
I am so angry I am going to take a valium, go to bed, and hope I don't have any dreams.
This is rather like war crimes, mini style in PA. Atrocities.
Kate just tweeted a reply to some tweeter who informed of some explosion in some place Kate may have visited. It's 12:20am EDT.
Having trouble sleeping, Kate?
Improbable Dreams and Librarylady - I agree with what you said and I know that books can be yanked. I guess that I didn't make myself clear though. I bought a copy rather than download free so that I could contribute to the cause. I think it would be a mistake for TLC/Discovery to get it pulled because it would add a lot more validity to the book. Robert - did you sign a contract with Discovery stating that you wouldn't release trade secrets? No? Then I guess they'd better go after the contract signer. Kate - As a contract honorer I guess you should have been a little more careful.
Dwindle - Since I'm TDY and can't do anything fancy to save the book I will bug you for a copy and will stalk you until I get it!
OK, I know I'm being wordy this evening, but I need to address a comment to Polly about her review on Amazon. Polly, I see that you edited your review on Amazon to change your statement that Robert's book was "especially fun for those of us who have followed this story for the past few years." I can assure you, there is nothing "fun" whatsoever about child abuse.
You did yourself no favors today. I would have expected you to support any serious effort to bring to light the horrors of what the Gosselin children have endured. Instead, you decided to criticize someone who was trying to do right by them. You sounded small and bitter, especially when you hyped your own book. This isn't a contest. There are no winners in this sad story.
I am only 25% thru the book,but am sitting here feeling numb, sickened, shocked. I don't know what to say, but needed to come here, where we are all going thru this together. How can she be such a BEAST. She is NOT A MOTHER. I dispise her.
Going to have a long soak in the tub, before I read some more. I see on RH Gosselin site, a letter from lawyers, about Discovery. How dare they??
I hope that no one will give her air time for interviews. Michael Vick was a pariah after his animal cruelty conviction. Hopefully this book will make kart so radioactive that no one will touch her.
She used those media interviewers and laughed at how stupid they were to fall for her shit.
I hope they are pissed and unforgiving.
Took my pill. Going to bed.
Permanent Name - I can hear the pain in your words. You are not alone. Hold on and try to get some sleep.
Call Me Crazy said... 24
Don't worry about being wordy. I think we all need to get our feelings and anger out, and I am very thankful that we have this place to do so. If I read this book, without having a place to go to in order to vent, I think I would go completely bonkers.
This is our therapy. We need it, during, and after, reading this book.
I'm crashing too. I have a stomach ache, and I think I'll take a Trazadone. Nite all
Call Me -- AMEN!! She altered her review after I called her on it, but I don't think she improved it much. She's not done herself any favors and has done a lot of damage to her credibility. I had her blog bookmarked on my computer and posted over there, although not a lot lately. I've removed the bookmark and doubt I'll go over there again.
If anyone is in touch with Robert - If he does decide to put out a paper version, I volunteer to clean it up some (proofing and copy editing). It's the one thing I'm good at.
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #150 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & Literature >
#2 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & Literature > Entertainers
amyf -- I bet if you called Amazon customer service tomorrow, you could purchase the book over the phone. That way, you wouldn't have to enter your credit card number online. Then all you'd have to do is download it. Or, you could call and purchase a gift card and give them your card number over the phone. They'd email you the gift card info, which you'd post to your account and then purchase the book.
@_Gore_Jess_ no!!! That was 'cocoa castles cousin' -- we were just there in july!!! I am almost crying! That is SO SO sad! :(
There was a gas explosion tonight (thought to be set off by kids) at Kunkle Park/playground. It's in Mount Joy. Kate is 'almost crying' over a playground. This is about an hour away from her, way off the beaten path. Why would she have driven one hour to get to a wooden playground when there are many of them in her area?
She's right, though. It is sad. This was a community built playground and it took the committee more than a year to come up with the funding by holding various events. When they had the money, there were hundreds of volunteers who set it up in five days.
I wonder if she visited her parents when she was in the area (at the playground). She was only about 15 minutes away.
Robert, I want to thank you for having the strength and courage of getting this information out into the public.
Regarding spelling happens. I work with a group of people who published a book. I helped with editing (I was the extra set of eyes) and did some graphics/charts for the book. I learned, very quickly, not to depend on Word to find the errors. For example, we would have had an embarrassing error when it came to chapter "sex", instead of "six". Our process was to send a digital copy to the publisher. Their editor did their job...sent us back a hard-copy where we noted our changes in red and returned it back. The editor made our corrections, sent it back one more time for us to review. When we returned the final draft, the editor took it upon their self to make spelling corrections, which were wrong. This was a military theme book and some of the terms used , Word thought they were errors. So the book is published...and we see the mistakes. So I just wanted to say, just because you have a publisher, doesn't mean the book would have been error free. When we went to second edition, we made the necessary corrections and advised the editor to not make any changes.
The next book we wrote, the editor wanted to make so many limitations, such as how many words we could actually have, and limited the number of pictures used, so we decided to self-publish and have been using This allows the public to receive a hard copy of the book. So if you haven't looked into LuLu to sell hard copies of your book, you may want to check that out.
My only suggestion, if I may, is that I would put the emails in chronicle order. It is difficult to scroll down to find the beginning of the email and then scroll up to read it.
Sorry for the long post. Thank you again, Robert. Stay strong and continue to fight for the Gosselin kids.
I went back to re-read the CA.
So Basically, in perpetuity, (gotta love that part) We the Producer and The Gosselin Family can do no wrong, are not bound by anything we sign or say or do, but for the priviledge of breathing our air, you will be, for eternity, mediocre street shit on the bottom of our shoes, as are your children and grandchildren. We demand 5 business days written notice from you in case you ever get hauled in front of a judge and tortured, as which point you are to stick with only 'no comment' and notify Producer immediatly at which time you will be unemployed in the civilized world for life, you will sleep in a cardboard box and even that will not be enough to compensate us for your misdeeds, we will have the legal right to harvest and sell your organs while you are alive and sell your offspring into slavery.
And even THAT isnt as much of a threat or a run on sentence as the real contract.138 pages and only 2 sentences.
(Spoiler) Just got to the child abuse chapter, and it's horrific. I haven't even gotten far into it. I found myself physically squirming. Picturing those innocent toddlers being spanked as hard as she could--that's being beaten--with a wooden spoon just makes me terribly sad and very angry. I don't know if I can finish the chapter. They were (and are) so small. Meanwhile, they were Mommy's little money puppets. "Smile for the cameras, kids (or I'll beat you later)." What they have been through....
A fucking iphone VIDEO GAME?! Holy crap. This woman knows NO boundaries whatsoever.
I'm kind of afraid Kate may attempt suicide. I would if it was me being exposed like this. She should be in heaving sobs for the rest of her life. Those poor kids!
Dear Robert:
Thank you for having the courage to unveil the truth about Kate Gosselin and to do so at great personal risk. Most of us have remained with this blog out of concern for the Gosselin children and all other children that are being mistreated under the guise of reality tv. You are a voice not only for the Gosselin children but for us too. You have confirmed our worst fears. I respect that you have handled this situation with the gravitas it deserves. I wish you every success in your future endeavours.
aggiemom09121416 said... 198
If you did all that fancy stuff to keep a copy of the book and amazon yanks it, I *will* be insisting on a copy!
OK I double checked with DD, that dang EdD she's working on in Instructional Technology should start coming in handy.
With Calibre it can be saved in your hard drive in your computer, then transfered using software program Gobbeldygoop Version 33, then transfered to program Ishkabibble Yellow Beans, then transfered to a DVD or flash drive or a memory card. Which would then be snail mailed in a plain brown envelope booby trapped with white Powder of Corn Starch. The recipient would then have to install all that crap I just mentioned in order to read the book on their computer, and it's possible it's not legal and Kate could come and sieze your granchildren to sell them into servitude to compensate her pain and suffering at your wontoness. But yes, it absolutely can be done and if we are in dire straights, she will show me how when she comes home for Christmas.
And then she said "Are your brains leaking out of your ears yet, Mom?" Smart assed kid.
Virginia Pen Mom I wasn't always this way but these days I also am a big believer in hey the more the merrier. It's actually been proven that if there is a jewelry store "row" in town rather than just one row, everyone makes more money. This is food trucks will call each other and all park in the same place. Everyone does better that way.
In the case of the Gosselin blogs, I've always thought it was fine to have three or four or at one time more pit stops on the web to discuss this mess. I feel the same way about books. There is plenty of room for all three of the books and even more.
There is another reason I believe in this concept. When a market does become saturated, I think it should be up to the public to decide which businesses/blogs/books they want, and not the people who create them. In other words there should be 10 books the public can fairly choose from as to which one is the best, not just one or two, without influence or bullying from the authors themselves.
"You sounded small and bitter, especially when you hyped your own book. This isn't a contest. There are no winners in this sad story."
It appears that she's much like Kate in that she doesn't think before she speaks, but rather blurts without taking a critical look at what she has written. Then she backpedals. She's done this in her blog posts, and recently did it when she bashed Robert in a blog, calling him a moron. You just don't do that. She later edited it out.
You know what's interesting too is that I doubt anyone is buying old books about the Gosselins today, because there is a new one out and people want new things. But had she given it a good review and then said hey and if you want more information about this and about that, I also have a book out, I just bet she would have gotten a few more sales today.
Proving the concept that books help each other, not hurt each other.
I hope almost every adult in Kate's community and every teacher and parent at the kids' school is reading this book. The more people keeping an eye on the welfare of those kids, the better.
Talk about being a pariah in your own community. A well deserved pariah. Take, take and take some more and give nothing in return. Can't even give away grifted clothing.
I'd love to know what the charitable deduction line says on that tax return Robert has. On a $2,000,000 income, plus grifted goods plus love offerings, I'm sure Kate donated less than $1,000.
I haven't posted in a long time, but had to come here after reading part of Robert's book for the majority of today.
I need the break from the book to decompress a bit. It's nothing that surprises any of us, I don't think, but seeing it all in print, in her own words and with emails and contracts it's all...SO MUCH.
Regarding Polly, I have her book and I have been struggling to get through it for MONTHS and I'm still not done with it. To be honest at this point, I don't even remember what I have read because I started reading it so long ago. I have 3 new books on my kindle I'm not reading because I have vowed I WILL finish her book first, but I just can't get through it so I end up not reading at all :(
The fact that should would put "fun" in relation to Robert's book, actually disturbs me, a bit. I know she's edited her comment at this point, but out of all the adjectives I could pick for this book, FUN would not even be on the list. This is a HEAVY book, IMO.
I'm only about 25% of the way through, so not even to the really bad stuff yet :(
I wonder how Walt Mueller will react to the book? Remember he was Jon & Kate's former neighbor who wrote that great blog article 'Jon & Kate...Too Late?' He knew what was going on back in June of 2009. He said "Silence is not an option" and it's still true today 3 years latter. Sad that it's taken so long. I suppose he already knows about the book (perhaps Robert even talked to him?) but if someone twits, I know he has a twitter account.
And to think, poor Dmasy is missing all this fun due to a boring trip to ummmm.... Vegas.... yeah that was it. boy will she be sad when she finally tears herself away from the video poker machines, free rumspringa, fabulous buffets, the occasional Showboys. Yep, she will wish she would have stayed home and enjoyed the "light easy fun reading" with us livewires.
I bet you anything ever since Kate, that Discovery treats other reality show people differently. No ironing, no Ann Taylor accounts, no Target gift cards. Ground rules. Talent doesn't run the show, they run the show.
This was really their first program that took off like a rocket ship. I think it was a learning experience for them too. They let Kate take the reins on some things and before they knew it she was on a stagecoach to hell and could not be stopped. They never should have given her such control.
"Fun" or light reading or whatever was just an attempt to patronize him I think. I doubt most people have even finished the book yet. It's over 500 pages. I skimmed it but I'm only on chapter five in terms of really reading it carefully. I don't think anyone who has read even a chapter or too sincerely thinks this is a light read.
If you have Amazon prime, you can download this junk for free on your Kindle, iPad, or computer.
Just don't tell anyone you did it! I won't.
Bet there's nothing new to faithful bloggers from this site, or any other Gosselin site for that matter.
I agree with everyone about Polly, sad really because I enjoyed her site for a time but will not be returning.
On another blog someone mentioned that kate tells all about how she masterminded the HOM pregnancy. Anyone get to that part yet?
Robert, I dont live anywhere near you, but I am standing right behind you in support. On my facebook page I have linked your website, and have explained again why people should not watch TLC because of the level of child explotation it puts out there as entertainment.
I call TLC the pornography of reality TV . I truly am praying this disclosure you have published will bring about major changes in the child welfare legislation in Pennsylvania and any other states with similar lack of laws.
I stand firm in my faith that your actions, as hard as they may be, will at some point have more affect then we can even imagine at this time.
Take Care, stand strong, and stay firm! For the G-8...
Thank you for you for your efforts, Robert. You have done a truly good deed.
SUCK IT , kate.
SUCK IT, sheeple.
Let the healing begin.
I just finished reading where she spanked Aaden for pooping on the floor. I have to wonder if the poor little guy was afraid to interrupt her while she was busy making lunch. In his little mind he'd probably already figured out he would be in trouble but couldn't hold it. He's not going to have issues. noooo.
The woman is sick. There is no other way to put it. I hope she gets a severe case of diarrhea in a public place with no access to a washroom.
Wearing white pants.
What are your thoughts on CAs being signed by high school and college age helpers that are "in perpetuity"? I'm assuming Discovery didn't provide funds for these helpers to obtain counsel to review before they signed. Do you think they would hold up in court if challenged?
I'm skimming the high order multiples part and he doesn't appear to have any direct confirmation from Kate, however what he does have is a co-worker nurse of Kate confirming that Kate asked her a lot of questions about high order multiples like how hard it was on the mother and what drugs were needed. Highly suspicious but not exactly proof. I mean she could have just been asking knowing that there was a small chance that could happen and wanting to know.
I am still reading the "Katie Dearest" chapter.
In her journal, she is talking about Mady having strange belly pains for 4 weeks. FOUR WEEKS!! She finally takes her to the doctor, who recommends an xray.
The next day she writes:
"Around bedtime, she started complaining a lot of belly pain and I noticed that her belly looked very distended. So I talked to jon and we agreed to go ahead and give her the Miralax that Dr Iriana mentioned even though I hadn’t done the xray yet.I didn’t want Mady to be in pain any longer and I wanted every one to be able to have a good time at the zoo…. once Mady pooped!"
Kate describes howMady got worse and was projectile vomiting all over the floor, her comforter and the bathroom door. Then she writes:
"So we decided enough is enough and took her to the ER."
How did this woman ever get to be a nurse? And she's worried about the zoo trip while Mady is in pain? How could she wait 4 weeks before she ever consulted a doctor?
What an f'ng BITCH!!
By the way, she didn't say what was wrong with Mady in this entry, don't know if she ever does because I had to come here after reading this to blow off some steam.
Put this on the old thread, but I'm reposting.
The ROL articule making light of the book was written by the VP of ROL. I thought that was odd. Why would he have the time and inclination to read this book and then write about it? The other articules about the book come from a staff writer (I think) and an entertainment editor.
Smells like Julie May to me.
This is all ghastly. I want to/don't want to read the book, both at the same time. I think I've downloaded the Kindle application, but I have no idea how to even start getting the book (once I figure out how I'm going to pay). Can someone explain to this computer idiot exactly how to go about it? And I sure hope the kids are with Jon this weekend - god only knows how Kate will be reacting to all this.
I bought the book this morning. It was hard for me to get past the first few chapters. By then, I had to set my iPad down and hug my kids. I never in my life read such chilling real life abuse. :( I will try to read the rest. I doubt I'm even at 12% into the book. Right now I'm seriously sad for those poor kids. Yes. Babies, toddlers, young kids, pre teens, teens and young adults are, can be a trial at times. She chose to have just "one" more... Those poor babies didn't ask to come into this earth,to have their air pulled, whipped, attention starved, banned to their cribs and so on. WTF! All for camera sake so mommy can sake so mommy can make a freaking buck?
Thank you Robert for showing us her true color. Tho we knew most of it, I didn't wanna believe it. It's actually worse.
Hi Kate. I hope you rot in hell.. Not because I'm a "hater" no. Not at all. It's what you did to those kids!! Shame on you. I hope all the money you made on their backs was worth it. Hey. Treat yourself to a spa tomorrow. I hope someone burns your face off with hot wax.. Btw Katie. We are watching you. I hope you think twice before you harm those kids again.
I am not a spiteful person.. But she makes my skin crawl.
Donkey teeth.
Big Fan is back on Twitter, but under another name! I was reading sheeple tweets to see if the fans were out in droves. I came across some tweets of a new person and the writing style, spelling of certain words, sediments, all sounded so familiar.
I just went back and read some more, and some of the regulars there now are saying the same thing.
Now all we need is Brownie to come out from the stale cereal store, or from Kate's behind, or from wherever she has been!
Robert, thank you so much for researching, writing and getting it out for all of us.
I hope you are surprised and make tons of money from it. You certainly deserve it!
You verified so much to us and then showed us that there was so much more that we hadn't even considered. Thank you for your hard, difficult work. I think things are going to turn out good for you. Discovery is just throwing their weight around and hoping you will cave.
Enjoy your evening movie, wine and your early ball game with your son!
Haha whoever named themselves "saggy baggies" for the Amazon review is hilarious!
Cody S.
At Preesi's
newmej...I wish there was a way to get a message to him (Robert) to say that plenty of people would donate to a legal fund if needed.
At Kate's twitter
Underwalt asked Robert to open a Pay Pal account so we could donate to his cause.
Robert are you listening?
What are your thoughts on CAs being signed by high school and college age helpers that are "in perpetuity"? I'm assuming Discovery didn't provide funds for these helpers to obtain counsel to review before they signed. Do you think they would hold up in court if challenged?
No, I don't think it would hold up in court. I think it's way over the top and designed to scare people out of saying anything even about illegal things.
You can often get away with breaking a confidentiality agreement when there is a greater good.
I just finished reading where she spanked Aaden for pooping on the floor. I have to wonder if the poor little guy was afraid to interrupt her while she was busy making lunch. In his little mind he'd probably already figured out he would be in trouble but couldn't hold it. He's not going to have issues. noooo.
Exactly what could have happened.
We've seen the kids damned if they do or don't. For instance Collin wanting to know if it was okay to drive over the hose. When he tried to ask Kate she freaked out on him and slammed the door, told him to go away. But if he didn't ask her he probably feared he would get yelled at for driving over it. Either way the kid was probably getting yelled at so he flipped a coin on how to handle the situation.
It's almost not so much the hitting itself. They can survive the pain of it. It's what the hitting DOES to them. Makes them constantly walk on eggshells, fearful of every move, destroying any kind of normal mother-child relationship. It's all the time in between the beatings that's the worst.
I am still reading the "Katie Dearest" chapter.
In her journal, she is talking about Mady having strange belly pains for 4 weeks. FOUR WEEKS!! She finally takes her to the docto
OH my God poor baby. That's just not normal. A hernia, appendicitis? Kidney stones? All could have been serious things. Most parents freak out if their kid isn't feeling well for more than 24 hours let alone 4 weeks.
I've been reading and reflecting so please let me process a thought without being tackled:
Is it possible that the reason Kate distances herself from her kids - trips to NYC, out of town gigs, nannies, twitter, etc. - is that on some level and in her own warped way of thinking she is trying to keep herself from abusing her kids? I'm not excusing her behavior just trying to understand this.
Admin.. Yes most parents do freak out if their kid isn't feeling well after a certain period.. Happened to daughter was not herself.. Dh came home and I said we gotta take her to the doctors.. He took one look and off we went. She was in the hospital for two weeks. To this day, we have no clue what was wrong. It was scary as hell.
Donkey teeth
Parents even freak out when you are a grown adult. NORMAL ones anyway. My mom was calling me all the time when I had bad stomach problems no one could figure out, she would even try to call my doctors, did lots of research on meds, etc. It didn't bother me because I would feel the same way if it were reversed.
On the 0 day of Gosseling Book Robert rested. I hope you enjoy your drink and are able to relax tonight.
I have been MIA. I just got tired of seeing Kate get everything by using and abusing others. I got tired of seeing her not get hit by a truck Karma. I hope this book is the front end of that truck.
I think the trade secrets may be in regards to the fact that there were multiple takes done for scenes in the show. It was suppose to be the realist reality show out there.
I decided to borrow the book through the prime lending library. I dont want to buy a copy until all of the legal matters have been taken care of.
Is it possible that the reason Kate distances herself from her kids - trips to NYC, out of town gigs, nannies, twitter, etc. - is that on some level and in her own warped way of thinking she is trying to keep herself from abusing her kids? I'm not excusing her behavior just trying to understand this.
That does appear to be what she was doing at least when she put them in their cribs and walked away. The problem with that is that that never really addresses the real problem. In typical Kate fashion, when she has a problem she just tries to get rid of the problem instead of DEALING with the problem. There is a huge difference. One is just a temporary, cowardly solution. The other actually solves it or is a way to solve it.
She really needs intensive, regular therapy for many years to get her anywhere close to functioning normal. For starters she needs to learn how to deal with all her issues in healthy ways. Ways other than getting violent either physically or with her tongue. She needs to learn you don't deal with people or things you don't like by just casting problems aside but rather by actually dealing with them head on like the grown woman she is supposed to be. She got so screwed up at some point.
Kate could have taught Joan Crawford a thing or two, eh? She truly is an monster ...
Do we have any physicists in the crowd? What would be the equivalent punishment for an adult--taking into consideration that the tups were around 22-28 lbs and 30-34" tall, and, being forcefully and repeatedly struck by a crazed, enraged 130 lb, succubus? That is one sick math story problem!!!!!!!! I'm guessing that a rough equivalent for an adult would be being struck by a steroid laden NFL quarterback wielding, I don't know--maybe a smallish cast iron pan?
All you Berks neighbors--round up the torches and villagers, storm the castle and free those poor misbegotten children NOW---clap, clap--if you are helping, you better be running!!!!!!!!
She is done. Please, admin, stick that fork in her head. And, I mean a real one. I am begging you.
The blog's page views have doubled since the average ten days ago and we are just 50,000 views away from 8 million all-time hits to this blog.
The 8 million man/woman march against child abuse.
Was Joan Crawford worse than Kate Gosselin? Discuss.
Admin.. Again.. My daughter is now grown 18.. On her own.. She came home yesterday because she was sick.. I questioned everything.. Gave her the vaporizer, cough meds, made her a pot of chicken soup.. Basically I did what most moms would do. I would anything for my kids. Heck. I never brag about it either. It's just natural to wanna make your kids feel better. Not to brag. But both of my kids know when they get sick, I'll make them chicken soup with homemade noodles. They both swear it makes them better. :) hey. I'm a proud mom. They are my babies.
Donkey teeth
What is the pathology in the brain behind the maternal instinct to nurture, love, and for lack of a better word sort of be obsessed with your kids?
Like do they understand why some women don't have much of it when most seem to?
It seems to me those who lack maternal instincts would die off because their children wouldn't survive.
Honestly? I'd rather be patented by joan Crawford. Kate gosselin sounds more scary. I actually asked my dh this same question today.
Donkey teeth
Parented..sorry. Stupid iPad..
We were right. She reads the blogs and even got some shut down. Since when did this country not allow freedom of speech?
It does but they hire big guns and use scare tactics hoping to scare people enough into submission. But when people do push back and won't comply, they back down pretty quick. It's just a mater of people having the nerve to push back.
Fellow IPad users---
Anyone else getting the really scary popup Dexter/Homeland "Showtime Lethal Combination" ad?
Life is short. I will no longer let Kate consume any part of my life. While I'm thankful of Robert for the book. I will no longer be apart of of this blog. Years ago, I looked on the net because I felt something was wrong with the way I felt about the gosselins. I quickly found I wasn't the only one without question. I now feel even more sick. I just made myself a reservation to a cabin for a few days. It will take that long to scrub any bad thoughts I have for Kate.
I' may read here every now and then. But I need a massive break.
Thank you admin for keeping the lights on. I hope one day those kids can find peace in their lives. I hope they know there were people out in cyber space being their voice and their biggest cheerleader.
Hello, All! I've only commented a handful of times over the years since you always said what I was thinking better than I could myself, but now I want to add my voice to this heartwrenching discussion.
First of all, thank you to Robert Hoffman for his dilligence and perserverance with this book. So many would have given up in frustration, but you did not. You did a good thing for those children and I hope that the abuse coming to light will mean brighter days for those sweet little souls.
Second, thanks to Admin for keeping this blog going and letting it find its own way rather than setting a hundred rules in stone and choking the life out of it. This is a lively, caring community and you all had Kate's number from day one. Your role in keeping the welfare of the kids (and the dogs!) at the forefront of the discussion should not be underestimated. Thank you for keeping it real.
Finally, I always believed the worst of Kate and thought nothing in the book would shock me, but yet I am shaken by the descriptions of her abuse IN HER OWN WORDS. Yes, I knew she was a greedy grifter a schemer and mastermind of her own domain, yada yada. I even assumed she yelled at those kids constantly and maybe spanked them on occasion. But to read of her whipping babies in cribs, hitting as hard as she could and even picking one up by the hair...just leaves me in shock. She knew she was "the worst mother ever" but yet she never sought help, and continued to mistreat those poor children day after day. I don't even care anymore about the millions she made; I cannot ever forget what she did to her own children.
TLC/Discovery should be put out of business and their assets divided among the families they've exploited and destroyed. This is why corporations are not people; they do not and cannot care about anything but money.
Kate, if you're reading here tonight, the only way to even begin to make amends is to seek psychiatric help. The mansion doesn't matter, the mani/pedis, Nobu, far-flung trips are all water under the bridge. But you can help your children heal from this mess by healing yourself. It won't be easy, but you owe it to them to at least try to be the mother they deserve, even if you have to give up everything to do it. I sincerely wish you the best.
Well, thank you for letting me vent. Can I hold hands with you all too as we walk down this dark cave together? Let's hope we see some light soon!
Kate's reference to 9/11 on the 5th anniversary is nothing less than breathtaking. "...the bombings or WHATEVER..."
This alone (even without the beating ofher children or pet abuse) will ENRAGE people.
How will this piece of shit ever be able to leave her 'compound' again?? *spitting on her*
I've had to take many breaks from this eye-opening and heartbreaking book - so much of the content is (heart) heavy subject matter. Thank you Robert for having the courage to share it with us. Stay strong in the knowledge that you've done the right thing in trying to help the Gosselin children!
The most recent sentence that caused me to take a break, again in Kate's own words: "Poor little Joel- he is in love with his daddy and wants to be loved by me. I do love him… but I hate to say that his father like cluelessness makes me crazy!"
Wowser, take a vacation and the shit, literally, hits the fan. Cannot download from over here, and wifi is spotty, but I have checked in from time to time. Not sure if I will have the stomach to read through the book when I get home, but I am of the camp that is truly glad that Kate and Discovery are finally exposed. Finally.
And yet so sorry for the kids that this all in print and exposed to the internet.
Thanks for the conversation, so insightful, and a big thumbs up to Robert, hoping his days ahead are not stormy.
Admin and/or others with a legal background:
Could this book make it possible for the Gosselin 8 to file suit against TLC/Discovery for the abuse they endured while under contract with them as children?
We were right. She reads the blogs and even got some shut down. Since when did this country not allow freedom of speech?
&&& (Administrator) said... 80
It does but they hire big guns and use scare tactics hoping to scare people enough into submission. But when people do push back and won't comply, they back down pretty quick. It's just a mater of people having the nerve to push back.
This seems to be part of Kate's massive karma which is backhanding her so badly right now. The FIRST blog she got shut down was the one belonging to Robert's wife, way back in the day. As Robert said, it was part of the oldest family-owned newspaper in the country.
How ironic that all these years later, it's that early blog owner's husband who is exposing her and that he would be the one with the means and the ammunition to do so. It just doesn't seem like coincidence to me. I don't mean anything fishy about Robert--I mean karma or God or the heavens or fate will not be mocked. It all comes around. We've been saying that for years. We just grew weary thinking Kate might be that one person who slipped past.
It reminds me of something I saw on Facebook a few days ago: Karma is only a *itch if you are.
Also, interesting timing that Robert came into possession of all these things when Kate kicked Jon out--as if karma had finally had enough. We always said karma was going to stick its bony hand out one day. THAT was the day.
If you are an Amazon Prime member can you only download the free loan to a Kindle? I'm on my (first) iPhone with the kindle app. Thanks for all the updates. Long time lurker first time poster.
For those having trouble getting the book, once you own it Amazon will guide you through the process of getting it.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 42
"You sounded small and bitter, especially when you hyped your own book. This isn't a contest. There are no winners in this sad story."
It appears that she's much like Kate in that she doesn't think before she speaks, but rather blurts without taking a critical look at what she has written. Then she backpedals. She's done this in her blog posts, and recently did it when she bashed Robert in a blog, calling him a moron. You just don't do that. She later edited it out.
I'd like to think that someone who calls themselves a counselor would be above such pettiness.
Her book was even worse than Al's, which is saying a lot.
Both Al and Polly should be celebrating Robert's success, not raining on his parade.
Anonymous 89 -- If you're a Prime member, you can download to rental to a Kindle or to any device with a Kindle app.
Morning y'all. Did anyone sleep well? I kept having nightmares. Very unusual for me. I hope today is a better one for us all, and especially for the G8.
I hope that KyPastor is out there reading and praying for us and for all involved (Yes, even Kate. She needs the prayers more than anyone else, except for the kids). That is a comforting thought.
Oh, Polly.
LIGHT FUN read????
I would hang my head in shame to use those adjectives for this book.
You are worse than Kate.
No nightmares, just a lot of tossing and turning. I feel kind of washed out this morning, shell shocked. I'm not sure if I can read more of the book today. Might have to take a break.
Its almost 8:30 where I am...and I was just on twitter...usually by this time there are tons of "good morning Kate and have a great day" bullshit. Its totally silent over there...only one fan saying that she shouldn't have done those thing....maybe it just early and they will come out later, but for now its like a ghost town...
I know I sound like a coward but...I can't bring myself to read the book..these things upset me so...I'll rely on you good people to break the bad news.... frustrating for me...I want to ring her neck and shes not in fromt of me...
***Silimom...I like your theory. You're on to something there.
***I have said in the past, and now truly believe it, those kids *each* need their OWN guardian ad litem!!!!!!!!
***If, after reading this book, all you can take away from it are the spelling/grammar mistakes, or how he obtained the info, well....there is no hope for you. You are just as ugly and as despicable as Kate, only worse.
If you can't stand up for little kids....
It's hard to walk through this dark corridor, isn't it? Still, I am glad that the truth is being brought to light, at long last--and for your company, as I brave the seemingly endless, horrific passages in the book.
I felt compelled this morning to light a real AND virtual candle for the Gosselin 8. Here's the link...I invite you to visit it, and if you feel so inclined, to light a candle of your own.
Light, warm and bright, to stave off the effects of the cold, dark night. That's my prayer for the Gosselin 8. And for Robert, whose book shines a bright, relentless spotlight on the ugly truths we suspected all along.
****Doesn't look like Kate had a T any editorial control whatsoever
*** it was up to the FAMILY to obtain work permits, according to the contract.
Ex Nurse said... 81
Fellow IPad users---
Anyone else getting the really scary popup Dexter/Homeland "Showtime Lethal Combination" ad?
Yes. Usually I get an Olay ad. This Dexter/Homeland one is strange.
KAT-you're not a coward if you don't want to read the book. It is very upsetting especially the "Katie Dearest" section. I had to stop and take a long break after reading that section.
I had been reading the book in order, but I just went back and tried to find a chapter that was a litte less upsetting(if that is at all possible).
In the chapter "Tweet Tweet", he shows how a lot of Kate's tweets(especially about holidays) were blatant lies, just like we surmised here. Some of his notes are quite humorous. So, if anyone one wants to get away from the really really bad stuff, I suggest you go to this section.
His take on the "October storm" tweets is really quite interesting. It starts at location 28540, under the heading Kate's Harrowing Experience.
By the way, I don't know if others have noticed by there is a search tool in the left hand column in case you want to search for anything specific. Also, if you accidently lose your place, there is a back-button on the top menu bar which will take you back to the last section you were reading.
Improbable Dreams said... 97
What a wonderful and thoughtful idea about the lighting of a candle. I just went there. I encourage everyone to do so.
Thank you.
I was the person upthread who wasn't going to buy the book until TLC threatened Robert. I don't like threats or bullies. I am happy that I bought the book. I have always been on the fence with this because I felt like I couldn't really figure this whole thing out. It was hard for me to get a handle on Kate. I would watch the shows and see things that bothered me but I would always think, well, it can't be that bad. They're just painting her in a bad light for ratings, right? No one could be that horrible.
After reading this book, it is quite obvious that she has been very well protected by TLC and it seems everyone else around her. I guess I understand now after reading the CA agreements. I don't know that I would ever sign a contract like that knowing that my voice would be taken from me in perpetuity.
Anyway, thank you Robert for your time, your hard work, your unselfish dedication to getting this story told. I understand it has taken a toll on you and your family in terms of finances, but I'm betting that you are genuinely happy and so are your children.
I've come to some conclusions after reading.
Kate needs to be sent to mandatory counseling and the kids need to be given to Jon until she completes her counseling. After that, she should have supervised visitation. She is not to be trusted with her children alone. Even she agrees with that according to her journal.
Jon needs to go to court to get his voice back regarding his protection of his children. No father should have a threat held over his head to keep his mouth shut regarding his own children. This should be illegal. I don't care what kind of contract he signed. TLC does not own the rights to those children's lives. It is immoral. How can you own someone? I know, I know, it will cost him money. But maybe there is an attorney out there who is willing to help.
Kate needs to break open her many accounts and pay restitution to the people who donated either money or gifts under false pretenses. This includes churches and people on twitter. There is a girl on twitter, Paige, who idolizes Kate and who can't afford to go to college and who regularly sends gifts to Kate, who willingly takes them. Kate is commiting fraud in my opinion.
Finally, TLC should be held accountable for covering up the crimes committed against the Gosselin children and should pay restitution to the Gosselin children for airing very private moments that these children can never get back.
The people on this blog are great and I admire Admin for standing up for her rights against TLC and hope that she can give advice to Robert.
SPOILER Carla AND Ashley were being paid by TLC for their daily services.
Kate presented it as they were helping her out of the goodness of their hearts. Cuz they were such good friends and all.
Kate, who did it ALL, all by herself, in her aloneness.
Kate is a twit said... 102
Improbable Dreams said... 97
What a wonderful and thoughtful idea about the lighting of a candle. I just went there. I encourage everyone to do so.
I'm glad for the company, Kate is a Twit. Given the number of people now reading Robert's book, I have a feeling many of us are craving a place of refuge. It's a small gesture, but symbolic: a place of quiet contemplation, a candle against the dark.
Does anyone know how to make the link clickable, by the way?
Just saw the tweet from Paige that RH's book is sloppy and needs proof-reading ...this from the writer of that terribly poor essay! That girl has problems.
Poor Mady- in pain for a month! Kate seemed annoyed that illness or need to go to the dr was inconvenient to her...thought she knew more and constantly put down the pediatrician. Wonder what he/she? knew of the kids' abuse- maybe she didn't like to go in case a kid 'spilled it' when asked about a bruise etc.
To light a candle click here
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 107
To light a candle click here
Thank you, Tweet-le De. xo
Oh no....spoke too soon....some nutcase just twittered kate saying what a happy day of possibilities and positivitys or whatever....this ones a wacko....she fosters children and said because of kate advice on dicipline her kids are well behaved... Also msgoody saying all emails and other info have been altered.....and oh yeah...she wants jon to start paying child support again....cant stop laughing...lunatic is right...
You're welcome. :)
I had the oddest dreams last night and I know they were related in some way to the book and to my anger toward those who continue to deflect away from what's been so clearly shown. I just glanced at the feed and it's all about 'he stole the info, therefore it can't be true' and 'sloppy writing, therefore it can't be true'. I remind myself that even if a Pulitzer Prize winner (not that sheeple would know what that means) wrote the book, they'd still find reason to not believe the facts that come straight from Kat'es own mouth.
I considered getting back into bed on this rainy, cool, dark day here in NY with a second cup of tea and reading some more but I think I'll hit some stores and then make plans with my kids.
The book can wait.
Hope everyone has a peaceful Saturday.
KAT at 109 ~ Re those who profess their unconditional allegiance to Khate--who refuse to read the book, yet speak about it (and the author) in disparaging words:
"There are none so blind as those who will not see. ~John Heywood (loose translation of Jeremiah 5:21)
Thanks Tweet; That's a wonderful idea.
SPOILER: Maybe? as the book is not exactly chronological, I will make a few comments but I can't recall if they are from the first chapters- new to reading on-line :)
-so sad she says her boys want to beloved but she doesn't feel attachment
-the time spent in cribs for naps and for punishment is astounding- reminds me of some Russian orphanages where the kids end up with Reactive Attachment Disorder
-Kate's driving is scarier than I thought- she seemed a cautious driver early on, afraid to drive on the highway and never hither, thither and yon. Now I see that was jut laziness
-felt at first Jon was brilliant , as did Bob. I guess he fell short of her expectations
-I can find nothing likeable about Kate- one burst o f playing with kids which end up in Collin being hit with the handle of a teeter-totter
What will the kids say at school if faced with news of the book- yes,it's true, or don't insult our mom, or silence a la Kate?
What is the pathology in the brain behind the maternal instinct to nurture, love, and for lack of a better word sort of be obsessed with your kids?
Like do they understand why some women don't have much of it when most seem to?
It seems to me those who lack maternal instincts would die off because their children wouldn't survive.
Regular poster/ reader who is anonymous this time. I have a daughter with a child approximately the same age as M&C. My daughter is Kate to a T. She has never had one maternal bone in her body, and most of the nurturing has had to come from my granddaughter's father (who left my daughter years ago) and my husband and me. My granddaughter is the sweetest child you would ever know, yet the way my daughter screams at her and makes her cry breaks my heart on a daily basis. My daughter will lock herself in her bedroom in the evening, leaving my granddaughter to eat dinner and do her homework alone. (we just recently found out about this, as our granddaughter was afraid to tell us)
My granddaughter however, says she loves her mother and it would kill her to be taken out of the home. Husband and I have discussed it for years, and the best way we feel we can support our granddaughter is to let her know ever day that we are there for her and love her more than life. We provide many of the material things her mother will not, because her mother makes sure her "needs" always come first.
This is one reason this book has been so disturbing to me. I see children being abused, and yet beg and beg their mother for her love...I am only 35% through the book, it's been so difficult to read.
Robert, I have no words that can describe how brave I think you are. The story about the doughnuts and the child grabbing four of them, just made me cry right off the bat. You have a father's heart, and I wish you the best luck and success with this endeavor of love. Bless you and your family.
Happy National Coffee Day, Twitter Fans! Time to wake up and smell the coffee!
Grifting into perpetuity :
2m Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Happy National Coffee Day! Coffee facts: 92% of specialty coffee drinkers feel that beverages at coffee shops are overpriced. @NescafeUSA
"Nanana I can't HEAR you!!!!!!!!"
Robert has quite a few of Paige's tweets in the book.
Today, Paige tweets:
"my tweets they weren't even full tweets he cut some of them in half looked as though he didn't proof read"
"it was so sloppy from the sample I read online what a sad attempt"
The sample does not contain anyone's tweets, let alone Paige's. How does she know whether some of them were cut off?
I suggest we stop using the term "sheeple" and start calling them "enablers", because that is exactly what they are.
I stayed up until 1:00 am - which is EXTREMELY rare for me - and only got as far as the chapter regarding DWTS. My mind couldn't shut down for awhile when I attempted to go to sleep...and even then, I had nightmares.
This is stuff, for the most part, that we KNEW - or suspected, anyway. BUT... to see it actually in print...and in Kate's own words...and in emails going back and forth...
It's just too much.
And for those wondering - YES. Amazon can most certainly "pull" a book off of a device if the book is recalled, for some reason. It happened to my Kindle a few years back (I can't think of the particular book right now - but it was a battle over publishing rights). So...I'm reading Robert's book very quickly, just in case something happens and it magically disappears off my Kindle. In that case, Amazon will refund you your purchase price - but the book can indeed go "poof" off your device.
I hope to better articulate my thoughts at some point...but right now, I'm just trying to absorb it all. Wow.
Kate knows a tweet about coffee will being her enablers (good idea about calling sheeple that) out and get some positivity on her twitter feed.
I don't think she has ever tweeted or mentioned Nescafe. Did Starbucks and Keurig cut her off?
Surprised to see her bashing the price of specialty coffees, given the ever-present @Starbucks cup in her hand. Maybe that's why she didn't add them to her Tweet? Oh, but I did see the @Nescafe mention. Maybe she's grifted herself a new supplier, ala @Greenmountain and @Keurig and @Coffee_mate?
I'm only 40% through the book, and I came back here to read comments.
My head is spinning with what I have read. Not that I didn't suspect the abuse from the early shows. But her own words in her journal are chilling. How can you document feelings like that AND not seek some sort of counseling or help?
SPOLIER again-sorry.
What is this about the kids' tuition 'almost a free ride' or something?
Still don't quite understand about Beth- she is the one who encouraged Kate to adapt a Christian based attitude about her circumstances and God's plan etc? No longer guardians? Now they don't speak b/c the book rift? No reference to Beth being aware on acting on abuse?
Bob was going to buy the Gs a house?
I'm just surmising here (I'm not a therapist or counselor by any means). My first marriage was abusive. My ex was both physically and emotionally abusive. It was something I had never experienced before because I was not raised in an abusive home. My parents were strict, but not abusive.
Anyway, when I finally came out of denial about the state of my marriage I began reading books on abuse. They helped me get out and away from my ex (along with a great support system from family and friends).
In one of the books I read they talked about a cycle of abuse. It had three steps to it. The first step was called the "Honeymoon Period". It was when the abuser was sweet and wonderful and had the victim(s) believing that everything would be fine. Then step 2 was the tension building period. Behaviors would change, tension would build. The victim(s) would walk on egg shells. The victim(s) know that something is going to happen so in some instances, the victim(s) may do something intentionally to just to get the abuse over with and protect other family members in the household, like talking out of turn, not picking up a towel on the floor ect...And the final stage is the act of abuse itself. Then there is the honeymoon period, the tension period and abuse.
The child I think of most, if this particular behavioral pattern is valid, is Mady. I wonder now, if she sensed impending danger and would act up intentionally as way to divert the abuse from the little kids? In some eyes she was viewed as the "brat" but maybe the reality is, she was more of a protector, a warrior?
Admin--is it possible to put the link in Tweet-le's comment #107 in the thread post? I think everyone should go there, especially when read the parts about child abuse.
See Improbable Dreams comment #97 for info on what it's about.
Robert does not hold back on Beth Carson, does he?
In my opinion, remaining silent about the emotional and physical abuse that surely Beth must have witnessed, makes her just as guilty as if she were beating the children herself.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 20754-20755). . Kindle Edition.
Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair writers might be very interested in the saga, as related to the unreality of reality TV. Maybe Z on TV or the Washington Post entertainment witters, they are close to Discovery Maryland headquarters. I am trying to think of other media outlets that could give the story and the Discovery fraud and protection of Ms Kreider a wider audience.
Tell your real life friends about the book, post it on any online forums you are on, send emails our real letters to other groups that might have interest.
Exposing the information to the light of day will only help.
Any there has to be someone in the industry that Eileen Oneal has climbed overon her way to the top, someone who would like to use this and other information about Breaking Amish or Honey Boo Boo to make her fall off her current perch.
Still reading the Tweet Tweet chapter. Robert refutes Kate's tweets about the October storm,
the Shoka eating the bread incident, and also says that most of the Christmas presents were wrapped with newsprint paper.
He also expresses his opinions on some of the diehard enabler tweets.
He checked out some other tweets by people who Kate welcomed to join the fun. Kate should really check out who she welcome into her "collection" of friends.
But Dwindle what does the book say about you??
Trying to get book but having probs - Canada thing??
Admin said 66....
It's almost not so much the hitting itself. They can survive the pain of it. It's what the hitting DOES to them. Makes them constantly walk on eggshells, fearful of every move, destroying any kind of normal mother-child relationship. It's all the time in between the beatings that's the worst.
Well said. Kids living in constant fear and uncertainty are greatly affected by this, having difficulty making decisions, poor self-esteem (What did I do? How can I avoid this?), emotional issues(knowing they did not deserve it),and having no way to fix it. Can also result in despair and hopelessness since they see no end to it, resulting in depression. I do fear great emotional harm has been done to some, if not all of them and hope that they do get the help that they need and deserve ASAP, Court ordered or otherwise. It is simply the right thing to do. And hoping something positive comes out of it for these kids.
As for her comments about the woman trying to get pregnant and 911, I am simply speachless. It takes a sociopath to think these things, let alone put them to paper.
I usually love being right. It’s an ego thing and kind of annoying to those who love me, but there you have it. But in this case? I wish I wasn’t right. I’m just sad...
It’s funny… Over the course of my involvement in these discussions about Kate, I’ve occasionally taken a step back and asked myself, “Can she really be that evil?” What with all of the comments, ranging from hyperbole and nitpicking to thoughtful analysis, I’ve found myself, of late, reluctant to weigh in because, really, what do any of us KNOW about Kate? Sure, there’s quite a bit we can guess at, but I didn’t feel comfortable adding to the discussion unless I could mentally draw a direct line from what I actually saw and/or read to concrete judgments about her character – and that was rare. (It was easy, however, to draw conclusions about the character of some of the more revolting sheeple, so I usually contributed to RWA – where poking sheeple with sticks is an entertaining sport.)
So, here I’m thinking, there’s always more to the story than what we can gather from footage, tweets and insipid blog entries. There’s always stuff going on – in real life – that usually mitigates the bad behavior. In other words, if you’ve already made a judgment call about someone, there’s a tendency to only pay attention to that which supports your judgment and extrapolate further about their character – the sheeple do it and we do it. And the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. (Just look at our political landscape….) It’s that philosophy that keeps me from becoming a cynical misanthrope, hiding in my house and snarling at kids who dare to walk on my grass….
But here’s the kicker – and the realization that is making me so sad. What we weren’t seeing? What we weren’t reading? Well, it’s finally come to light that all of that fleshed out a reality that was soooo much worse. SO much worse. It can’t be parsed, it can’t be misinterpreted, it can’t be extrapolated. These are Kate’s own behaviors, described in her own words. And they paint a picture so much more disgusting than what we suspected. We thought she neglected, exploited and bullied those kids? Well, she also ABUSES them! We thought she grifted, manipulated and used people? Well, she also views herself as the center of a universe where God and all of us mediocre bipeds owe her a cushy, sumptuous life. I could go on – and ON – but you get my drift. Oh! Let’s not forget that all of this is based on things she felt comfortable putting in writing, so who knows, it could be even worse!
Kudos to you Robert. I admit I was a bit suspicious at first. I didn’t know your intentions or your sources, but I took a wait and see approach. And I’m so glad I did. The way you’ve gone about this – the long build up, using Kate’s legal offense against her, letting her own words support your minimal commentary – will likely do more to bring real justice to these kids than the slickest, NYC published bestselling expose. Good for you. I hope you’re as proud of the work you’ve done as we are.
I don’t comment often, but when I do, it tends to be a bit long-winded… So thanks for your patience. And thanks admin for providing us with a forum to vent.
Yeah (sorry) meant yay I got it :-)
I posted only here a few times but have been a regular reader. Two things:
1.) Amazon only cares about the NUMBER of reviews. It doesn't matter if the reviews are good or bad, if it has a high number it will get more promotion by Amazon. Anyone who can, and who has read the book, if they post a review, the numbers will drive Amazon to promote the book more heavily.
I know this from following several published authors who have commented extensively about how operates.
2.) Children, once they reach 18, cannot be held to contracts their parents signed. I've read this several times and I believe Paul Peterson's site may go into further detail.
In reality the CA contract isn't going to stop those kids from sueing TLC or writing about their experiences being performing monkeys as forced by to do so by Kate Gosselin and TLC.
Thank you, Monrovia, for that post.
And Not Watching, you are correct. Parents cannot sign their children's legal rights away, and cannot hold them to agreements signed while they are minors.
Lily, I downloaded it no problem onto my phone. I first needed the Kindle app though.
Khate is flooding her Twitter feed with Coffee Day drivel. An obvious ploy, no? If you're a better time to jump in with a comment about pairing coffee with a good read. #GosselinBook
I had to work yesterday at my mediocre job so I had plans to come home, relax and read while dd was at her HS football game. Lo and behold her plans fell through, there was a teen crisis and I hardly got anything read. Because, you know, she comes first. So I am only on chapter 3!!! Anyway, I see one of Ks fans is saying the emails must be fake because they don't show the headers. Maybe Robert should scan some onto his blog? No nevermind they'll find another reason to keep on keeping on with Kate.
I wonder what part of all of this angers Kate the most. That it's by her own hand that all of this is coming to light? That her numerous healthy bank/investment accounts have been revealed? That her grifting possibilities may now be few and far between (sheeple grifting excluded of course)? And I do wonder if she's even at all bothered by her own admissions that she is a CHILD-EXPLOITING, ABUSIVE mother? Of course she probably does care about the last one but only because it relates to her ability to make more money.
Further thoughts on the book:
1) I would have like more of a narrative. The book is very choppy and does not flow very well. I respect RH's decision not to use a copy editor but I disagree. I think the book could only have benefitted and may even have been more accessible to the general public if he had worked with someone. Surprising given his wife is a writer. I wonder why she didn't at least help him polish it - or maybe she did.
2) I give RH points for disclosing his friendship with Jon but it will ultimately discredit he book for those incline to be dismissive and gives Kate's press team ammunition in the PR wars. I think Jon has made an effort to change but unfortunately our past can still haunt us. This will be spun as "RH is just a mouthpiece for Jon's sour grapes."
3) Stylistically, the writing is very similar to AW's book. IMO, out if all the books PK's was the best written. What elevates this book above the other two is the evidence that RH includes.
4) The evidence in this book is a sad testament to the mental illness of one woman and it's effect on her family and the destruction of her marriage and other meaningful relationships. It also demonstrates how reality television is not reality and how cold and calculating Discovery, TLC etc. truly are.
Ava~I seriously doubt she gets bogged down by the particulars. What angers her most, I believe, is that someone actually dared to hold up a mirror & a microphone, has pulled back the curtain on the ugliness that's been hidden offstage to this point.
No never means no to Khate. She said so herself.
But now, someone's saying NO and NO MORE. That infuriates her, I'll bet.
I've not seen this addressed yet: the grandparents. I was wondering if Jon's parents could sue Kafe for child endangerment & neglect? After all, these 8 children ARE their grandchildren. Dont they have a right to protect the children from daily abuse?
Also i wonder if Kate delays medical care on purpose so the bruises will heal before the doctor sees them, no?
I feel for everyone involved with bringing the tups into the world, the hospital, doctors, nurses and the volunteers. They thought the day they were born was the greatest day ever. How must they be feeling now? Someone needs to bring the book to the hospital's attention, someone in the medical field!
Don't know how to link this, but does this describe Kate to a tee?
Most visitors to Vegas are bleary eyed from more than staying up to read.
I have read EVERY post. I did not want to miss a single thought shared by the wonderful, caring ladies (and Sport) here. Virginia Pen so good to see you again.
My heart aches for the Gosselin children. These revelations will cause them more pain. They will want to protect their mother.
Haven't downloaded the book and don't intend to (may buy the book if it comes out in paperback; don't know if I could stomach reading it, however). I'll just read the reviews here. Whenever I hear about a child being abused, I think of my four year old grandson and his gorgeous face and think how can someone do that to an innocent child.
Parent in Lancaster County...34 Isn't it ironic that Kate is almost crying about a playground being blown up by kids but she can beat the shit out of her kids without batting an eye.
I wonder what Kate is going to do with her trash now? I can't believe that she wouldn't be more careful with all of that information. It's so funny really that she didn't even stop to think about what she was throwing away. The woman who has a deadbolt on her bedroom door.
I think it had to happen this way. There wouldn't have been a way for the information to come out otherwise. Hard to dispute your own writing. I wonder if TLC/Discovery have been returning Kate's calls or if they are just going to handle their stuff and let Kate handle her own stuff. You just know they're cursing Kate. Not only did they have to deal with her all these years but now after they've dropped her she's still causing all of these problems for them. They need to focus on Honey Boo Boo, they don't have time for this.
And we were right. TLC brought back Shoka as a way to try and rehab Kate's image.
Kate's reference to 9/11 on the 5th anniversary is nothing less than breathtaking. "...the bombings or WHATEVER..."
Bombings? What bombings? Planes were used as weapons of destruction. This was a terrorist ATTACK. Does she even know what happened on 9/11?
capecodmama said... 144
As a grandmother to 3, one who is a boy the tups age, I understand how you feel. I am reading the book, and the part about what she did the kids was the hardest ever to read. If I lived near my grandkids, I would be there right now, giving them as many hugs and kisses as I could.
Although I am enjoying any humor from any other, Dwindle?...I have found it difficult to insert my own light hearted thoughts.
However, I want to tell you that NO beverage server here has heard of Rumspringa! I tried!
In the early days of J&K+8, as a mother it was always a red flag to me the way those kids would physically cling to whoever walked in their door. They appeared so desperate for attention and physical contact. Kate always described it as "our kids love everyone". Not typical toddler behavior from what I've seen raising kids and volunteering in the church nursery.
Another thing about If you don't want to write a review click on "helpful" votes for the reviews up and the comments on the reviewers threads. This again gives points to the reviewers via the Amazon system.
Who voted cannot be traced by other Amazon visitors (only by Amazon) so if you want to keep your privacy from Krazy Khate Fans you can.
To Robert: I would suggest putting a Donate PayPal button for your legal fund. Any leftovers you can also donate to CASA. Not only is it helpful to you but it also gives TLC a raspberry.
When the Roloff blog was attacked by Amy and Matt that is what they did. It also brought a lot of negative (and well deserved) attention to this other greedy, grasping and lying TLC family.
Those poor, poor children...My heart is just breaking. I wonder if the dim-bulbs at The View will read this and still believe the spoon was just for "intimidation"???
Mady was grouchy and received a few spankings with the spanker that newly joined the emergency supply stash in the big blue bus!!!! She eventually happied up!
Reading this book has been hard! Even though we knew most of what was going on, seeing it in her own words is just sickening. What an effing arrogant bitch this woman is! Thank you Robert for sticking with this. I cannot even imagine how hard it was.
My husband, who was on the fence, about this whole situation has finally seen the light. We have been reading the book together. Me though tears and him with his mouth hanging open.
Question for Admin regarding the Williams & Connelly (wow - major legal guns there) attorney's letter on behalf of Discovery:
My ex is a trial attorney who has represented many large corporate entities, and I worked for many years in PR for two publicly traded companies that were routinely involved in litigation (variously as plaintiff or defendant).
The modi operandi of these companies and corporate entities consistently are to settle quickly, make the issue go away, avoid trial and the subsequent PR damage and expenses. My question for you is to ask you to speculate about why in the world would Discovery and the extremely savvy legal team at W&C (where my ex had an internship BTW)throw down the gauntlet and bait the bear (to mix metaphors)? Sure, the letter is a "preventative" shot across the bow, but good golly, their trade secrets? Minimal exposure to the juggernaut entertainment company. Complicity in the abuse by not reporting it? Hardly - TLC/Discovery kept itself at a long arm's length by contracting with outside firms for shooting and editing. And think of the information that would come out in discovery! That's exposure I would imagine they would want to avoid. And why would they wish to appear to be supporting the Mad Momma of Wernersville when there's no upside to doing so, especially since they have already paid a price for the past drama, angst, expense, and trouble they have already gone through with Katie Irene, who is no longer under contract with them?
Surely they know that by getting into the ring to "protect" their so-called trade practices and intellectual property in this instance will backfire. They are already protecting their flank from the landslide of criticism and mockery of the Honey Boo Boo exploitation, who is making money for them (unlike Katie Irene.
She's still bashing Jon and Robert, saying how emails and documents can be altered, but is she having doubts?
First she tweets this to the haters:
@acemme @Kateplusmy8 @gosselinbook C'mon! Do you really think Kate threw in garbage her private computer files, TLC contracts & tax returns?
Then an hour later, she tweets this to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 U don't seem stupid. Did u give Robert Hoffman access 2ur private files? Did u throw n trash w/o shredding for dumpster diving?
She seems to desperately want verification from Kate that this is all a lie.
@kateplusmy8 Thx for the love!!It always amazes me that social media binds hearts together 2 form big virtual hugs!I love u guys!You're the bestest!XO
Translation: You know how to help me.
Ava #145 -
Oh, Khate would never give a thought to what she was throwing out, ever, even if it was important or confidential. If she wants it gone, it must go. Can't you imagine her screaming about wiping out any evidence of Jon, and throwing out anything he had ever touched?
How in the world can Kate's twitter increase so much, so fast. Wonder if Kate gets paid for her twitter followers. Big stars do, but Kate Gosselin is just a lonely, bad Mother, with no chance of another tv show, book deal or anything.
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...we're thebestest because we got 2know U....we support U & have ur back! :) #CoolMomKate
Great, Milo. You got to know her. You never even met her. Get to know her through her journals!
I bet you'd rather have her "front" than her back!
Monrovia - Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
My great fear is that nothing will change as a result of all these documented revelations. A lot of the information in the book comes directly from what had already been seen on the show, interviews given by Kate, and tweets of her exact words. Anyone with any cognitive reasoning ability at all had come to logical conclusions long ago about what was happening to those children.
Robert has validated just about everything the "haters" already suspected to be true, but I worry whether even that documented validation will be enough for any action to be taken against the primary parties who were complicit in this tragedy (specifically Kate and Discovery). I really hope so.
Emotions are so high right now, and we could all use some relief, so I want to share something from Robert's book that made me smile.
"The ladies at Kate’s supermarket know me pretty well and when I checked in today for an update, they told me that they’ve taken to calling the shopping carts Kate Gosselins, after the judges remarks when scoring Kate’s first dance last week. They yell to the cart boys “go bring in the Kate Gosselins” and everybody gets a big laugh."
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 15600-15602). . Kindle Edition.
Too late for TLC/Discovery. Just makes it look they have something to hide...which they would like to! Go Robert!
To the lady in hospital without her cats (amyf?) Please email me - see my profile....
I am wondering about Jon now. Has he responded to this book? Are he and Robert still friends?
Monrovia -- Bravo!
Comment from Kate:
"Lancaster Day School is paying $12,000 each of the $13,500 that first grade costs!!!!!!"
Comment from Kate in June 2007
"Getting the go ahead for Season 2, we do of course want to do it as long as the price is right."
One of my favorite comments:
"I made Jon tell Jen that basically if Discovery wasn't paying for the room, then they weren't going to film it! In other words, push has come to shove and this is what it is coming to!!!"
Bitch from hell.
I think I mentioned this last night, but why does Discovery really want to go down the legal path? By opening up this can of worms, investigations can be opened into whether their employees saw and failed to report child abuse. There isn't a CA agreement in the world that will cover them on that. People who are not speaking now in fear of these CA's could start singing from the mountaintop.
Stupid move Discovery.
FandMAlumna - You make some excellent points. Robert's greatest weapon might very well be to say, "Go right ahead - sue me" because then EVERYTHING would come out in discovery and trial about DISCOVERY's role in this tragedy. Then, all CAs would be null and void and anyone and everyone who ever had interaction with the Gosselins could testify.
Monrovia ... 131:
Excellent comment. Just excellent.
ok. I read the book. I am mostly a lurker. Dont know why this women gets my goat. The abuse is horrible. Kids remember. I have lost my cool a few times with my kids, and have been very apologetic afterwards. But the kids remember and the guilt lingers on with me. For a while I even medicated myself to help be a better mom for my kids. But for whatever reason, the chapter about twitter and how she lies all the time really bothers me. Why lie about everything and then of course there are the dozen or so people who believe those lies. I bet she would even lie under oath.
Also Discovery should not be going after Robert. They should go after her. Maybe they are. They went after Jon, and anyone else that Kate did not like or need anymore, but since she is no longer under contract, these were her words. who doesnt wipe away the hard drive or at least dispose of it secretly.
I am a fan of Jon's. I think he went along with everything, being abused himself, and then went a bit wild. But deep down he loves his kids. I am sure if he could have figured a way to stop the abuse he would. At least having more custody helps. In the book you can see that JMC went to great lengths to help Kate with her image and they talk about how Jon is still favored by most.
Deanna can have her and defend her. In the book Beth at one point did, but eventually saw how unCristian Kate really was. Deanna will get burnt one day as well.
I do wonder why from the beginning to now, she is no longer Christian. Aka in the early writings she did talk about God and it seems like she did go to Church. I think she really had religion in her. In recent years no word of God anywhere, or faith.
Last thing. I can remember watching the show and noticing how mady was just like my daughter. I so wanted to reach into the television, give that girl a hug, and adopt her.
I have been reading for most of the last 24 hours, and I have to say that Robert Hoffman is my hero. This can't have been easy for him, and he knew he would be attacked. He had the courage to do the right thing, and I commend him for that.
My heart just aches for poor Collin. He seems to get the brunt of the physical abuse from Kate. And it hurt to read her talking about Joel and the glazed look in his eyes when she talks to him.
I want to see this book come out on paper, so I can get Robert Hoffman's autograph inside the cover.
I personally LOVE the letter Discovery's lawyers sent Robert. Notice they're trying to get it pulled because it contains "trade secret and confidential information". Nowhere in that letter do they say the book is lies. So basically we now have proof from Kate's lawyers and Discovery's lawyers that the book is factual.
Suck on that, Sheeple!
For the Twitter fans who refuse to address the issues in the book, but prefer instead to cast aspersions on Robert (via @kateplusmy8, 5/18/12:
"...and for everymade up lie abt someone, there's a stupid moron to believe and spread it...' (sorry had2add my 2cents)
Is a post a day too much? Should we move on to the next few chapters?
I spent most of my 12 hour graveyard shift last night reading this book and I am still only half way through. Either the book is huge or I am a slow reader. Lol.
Notice they're trying to get it pulled because it contains "trade secret and confidential information". Nowhere in that letter do they say the book is lies. So basically we now have proof from Kate's lawyers and Discovery's lawyers that the book is factual.
I thought the SAME THING. By sending that letter they are admitting this is the truth, they just don't LIKE it.
I think it was a Friday afternoon, they were panicking because it's the weekend and they couldn't do anything once the weekend was here, and they shot from the hip and decided to fire this letter off. It was a move not well thought out. They've now implied it's true, and thrown down the gauntlet for a lawsuit exposing every bad deed they have ever done.
Strategically, if I represented Discovery or Kate, I think the only thing they could possibly do is try to lay as low as possible and hope to God this all blows over without getting the pants sued off them or even jail.
Yes, please, Admin! We can always ferry back and forth between posts.
I like the way you've set things up, by the way. Thank you for all you're doing!!
She is a Cow....
Sorry cant seem to put my name in on the iPad.
I also left the blog before summer, as Kate was so boring and I hoped she would just fade away.
Admin I have always enjoyed this blog and the posters here.
Robert, you are a strong individual and I commend you for standing up for those kids. I am sure you are truly exhausted both mentally and physically. It is a brave thing you have done.
I will definitely enjoy watching Kate try to weasel her way out of this one. I hope there is no possible way that people (with brains) can ignore all the information in the book.
I feel for those kids. Hopefully, Jon can get them away from her and Kate can sit alone in her house. Just her and her piles of money. Was it worth it Kate?
The one thing about the lawyer letter, that I don't think has been addressed is did Discovery even think before they wrote it, that Robert might post it on line?
In the letter, they say they're concerned that the book may contain trade secrets and other confidential information.
IMO, this wording would pique more interest in the book, especially someone looking into Discovery.
I don't think any of the recent article mention the GB website, but if one does, and someone goes to that site, that info is right there.
Did Discovery every think that the wrong person(to them) might actually see that letter?
I'm skimming the high order multiples part and he doesn't appear to have any direct confirmation from Kate, however what he does have is a co-worker nurse of Kate confirming that Kate asked her a lot of questions about high order multiples like how hard it was on the mother and what drugs were needed. Highly suspicious but not exactly proof. I mean she could have just been asking knowing that there was a small chance that could happen and wanting to know.
He has product packaging that shows who was directly responsible for what happened. That's all I'll say so not to spoil it ( to find the text that explains it search "Kauffman").
Diabolical. Premeditated. No doubts.
OMG! I'm in the book!! Robert even called me a "sharp-eyed" poster!
It's in his section about her grifting tweets, and it was my comment how about how @Keurig made a general tweet about their new brewer, and how quick Kate responded by saying how much she loved Keurig.
Robert--I am deeply honored.
Oh my. I realized after reading about the hair pulling that Kate is a lot like my very own Mommy Dearest. She loved to pull my hair until I was airborne and then laugh about it. She also bragged about her ability to simultaneously drive, smack a kid with a wooden spoon in the back seat and light a cigarette. Yep, she was quite accomplished. The verbal & emotional abuse continued until six years ago when I'd finally had enough. To this day she tells relatives that I was a spoiled, unappreciative brat and I let people believe what they want. I'm just glad to not have to deal with her anymore.
I had hopes that Kate wasn't quite that bad but now I realize that she will never change. Never ever never. I'm gonna pray the kids don't have to put up with another 10 years of this. Unless you've been through it, it's nearly impossible to understand the profound ramifications of it. It nearly destroys your soul. I honestly do not know how I'm where I am today because I had no help. It's a miracle really.
I'm sad beyond words but grateful that RH had the backbone to bring this to light. Gotta go to work now, but just wanted to say bless all of you here. It's a privilege to be amongst such decent, caring human beings looking out for children they'll probably never meet. I'll probably need my hand held later on this evening when I dig in to this book.
This delusional enabler should really read the book:
@SoConfusing2me @Kateplusmy8 LOL...Kate's biggest sin accordin2Bk of RabidRobert is she parked illegally N front of UPS store!
@acemme @Kateplusmy8 @gosselinbook C'mon! Do you really think Kate threw in garbage her private computer files, TLC contracts & tax returns?
Can I answer this one? Yes, I do.
You know without going into too much detail here, and that I am not out to make anyone angry or cause an uproar in discussion.
But I grew up in a home where the same usage, including worse, was considered okay as long as the bruising went away in a few days. I grew up with certain belief that anyone who was an adult figure in your life had the right to strike you if you had an attitude or were out of line.
It is not something that I personally agree with but it was however what I was taught. And you know I honestly suspect that like my mother, Kate sees nothing wrong with this type of discipline. I suppose people raised that way *might* not see anything wrong with it.
I grew up being told that fearing your parents more than the consequence was the goal because you are required to show them respect and, "Nobody ever hurt anybody by giving a good smack when they deserved it," was the mentality.
Again I don't agree with Kate or the view of treating someone like that because it can diminish a child's ability to be able to when they become older to stand up for things.
My thing is, come on, Kate had to have known as this slight public figure her words, her writings and so forth would and quite possibly could have ended up like this. She just didn't think. Her own inability to see errors within herself and I even suspect to see errors within what she puts out.
She is going to deflect, ignore because probably to her there is nothing wrong with how she is raising her children. Sad but I think it's true.
I will be unable to bring myself to read the book and I am probably personally off better not reading it. As much as I keeping wishing her treatment of her kids was not true, I do, I wish no child that level of pain and confusion that I also think it's Kate's own bulldozing manner that has convinced her she can and will do whatever she pleases regardless of who it hurts because in her eyes she is always going to be, "right." No matter if in the ends he might be wrong.
Translation: You know how to help me.
And also, there is no one left in my real life who will help me. Even Discovery did their own letter and didn't include me in it. I'm on my own.
Bombings? What bombings? Planes were used as weapons of destruction. This was a terrorist ATTACK. Does she even know what happened on 9/11?
She heard something about it.
.we're thebestest because we got 2know U
They don't know her any better than we do. We all read the same tweets together and watched all the same shows and interviews together. The difference is in the interpretation. It's not like she has some private twitter account just for her fans.
Remember the Amish lady from Kentucky who stopped by Kate's on Thanksgiving to leave her a gift?
"She had hand-carved and painted three beautiful rectangular blocks of wood for Kate to put on her mantle, or a table or shelf. Each block had a single word. “Faith. Family. Friends.”
The next day, Robert found the gift and the accompanying letter(torn in half) in the garbage!
I wonder how many gifts from her tweeties she has thrown in the garbage? Someone should put that on twitter.
Marie, I think Kate knows that that type of abuse is wrong, indicated by her feelings of guilt and her prayers for paitence. I used to think that maybe Kate couldn't see how her actions were wrong, being as disturbed as she was. However, the fact that she feels guilty, tries to cover up her actions and lies about them, tells me that she does know that she is wrong. So as disturbed as she is, some part of her still recognizes what she has done/continues to do is not right.
Ava said... 188
Marie, I think Kate knows that that type of abuse is wrong, indicated by her feelings of guilt and her prayers for paitence. I used to think that maybe Kate couldn't see how her actions were wrong, being as disturbed as she was. However, the fact that she feels guilty, tries to cover up her actions and lies about them, tells me that she does know that she is wrong. So as disturbed as she is, some part of her still recognizes what she has done/continues to do is not right.
That give me the smallest glimmer that there's hope for Kate. At least she feels (or felt) remorse for her behavior. TLC could have insisted she get therapy for filming to continue. Instead, they enabled, covered up and her entitled abusive behavior grew bigger each day.
Is there still hope for Kate? I sure hope so. No matter what I think of her, she has 8 kids who love her no matter what. I hope she gets help for their sake and her sake. She clearly isn't a happy woman, despite her tweets. She needs help, not enablers. Her tweeties just stoke the fire of enablement.
Paula said... 126
Robert does not hold back on Beth Carson, does he?
In my opinion, remaining silent about the emotional and physical abuse that surely Beth must have witnessed, makes her just as guilty as if she were beating the children herself.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 20754-20755). . Kindle Edition.
Wouldn't this apply to Jon--their father?
I wonder if TLC/Discovery have been returning Kate's calls or if they are just going to handle their stuff and let Kate handle her own stuff.
I think they're just going to handle their stuff and she can figure out how to handle her stuff. LOL.
Oh, and? There will NEVER be a follow up special, ever. Even though the said they hoped to do them. They are so done with cleaning up her messes. Even after they cut her loose they are still mopping and sweeping.
For me the biggest monster is TLC, they only cared for making money, protecting an insane mother instead of those poor kids.
Dutch Tulip
Beth signed that CA too. If she didn't do anything to help, and we don't know that she wasn't first in line at CPS too, it was probably because she was scared out of her mind to. She and Bob obviously worked very hard to get to the proverbial top of the latter and there was TLC threatening to sue them for everything they were worth if they dared to breathe a word. She has her own kids, house and family to worry about.
After seeing that CA it is hard for me to put much blame on everyone. TLC vowed to strip them dry if anyone ever did anything. Now most of my wrath is toward TLC. They very likely, no I'm convinced that through their scare tactics and bullying prevented good people with good hearts from reporting ABUSE.
Oh my.
I was up all night reading the book. I just don't know where to begin.
I cried too, when I read about little Collin and the donuts. Bless his little heart. He truly is the scapegoat for the brunt of her rage.
In general, I find it sad and pathetic that this woman spends soooooooooooooooo much time ramming it down her 6 tweeties throats that she is a doting, hands on mommy. When in reality she truly spends as much time as possible trying to get away from them, while doing nothing for them herself. They are merely her props, her money makers. They currently aren't making her any money and therefore expenses incurred raising them must be pared to the bone.
I love how Robert personally scoped out the house and uncovered so many of her most blatant twittier lies. If she didn't spend so much time on twitter lying, there would have been no need for him to do this. Why doesn't she get this? Why does she think she's entitled to lie her ass off day after day and never be questioned or criticized for it?
Jon was kicked out of her bed in mid 2007. Explains why it was made to look like a tup sleeping down in the basement. From day one of the new house, he slept in the Apt. over garage.
Almost $2M in 2007 and calling around obsessively making darn sure her ATLoft and Gymboree gift cards were always locked and loaded.
I am never going to look at the phrase "yes, please" the same way again. Ever. It's Kate's sick code for "of course I want freebies, more & more & more- yes, please! Jon was offered free Lasik and Kate's greedy ass reply was "yes- for BOTH of us please." Who in the F feels a flash of anger (and F-ing admits this!!) because a $750 gift card is not enough? That's it? Ding, ding, ding- who is Kate Gosselin?
It's turns out we were all wrong on the second round of fertility. It's more evil and calcualted than we could have ever dreamed. Whaddya know!!? Seems her original Fer. Dr. wanted to take a more conservative route the 2nd time, one that would actually ensure "just one more." Kate told that Doc where to stick it and moved on. She is insane.
As always sheeple, this book came out depite Kate's pricy lawyer fighting it. This same lawyer just had success fighting a defamation suit for John Travolta! He won! For Kate, not so much. This is the truth and the laws of this great country protect Robert's right to publish it. You can all pull out your wool over how he got the hardrive. It had to have been legal- or Marty would have shut this way down. They are Kate's unedited words verbatim- or Marty would have shut this down. Kate isn't that bright and we'll just leave it at that. The letter from Discovery is just a scare tactic and never once mentions lies. Just the Trade Secrets. The Trade Secret is that they found a certifiably insane woman in PA who was willing to put her kids butts on TV and offered them to America on a platter. To tap this goldmine, TLC had to look away when she went on ragers and abused her kids but hey- it made millions of dollars. That's the "secret." It's the truth and that's what they don't want coming out. Who wants to bet there's not a snip of old unused footage left for the J&K*8 or K+8 shows? I do! I want that bet!
Robert, if you put a Pay Pal button on your blog I will contribute. This is a tremendous thing you did for the G kids. They will always be grateful and so will we.
Funny one. Says Jon was 'almost panting at the view' of Kate in size 6 jeans, LOLOLOL.
Not so funny: Kate's demands grow and grow- said no show if the whole bedroom furniture for the tups and girls was not covered. Also reinforced that they on;y pay partial tuition,,,can this be true to this day? The school must know K has $$. Or was some agreement signed, I wonder?
Kate really seems to dislike Alexis, Colin and Joel. Says Alexis as usual ( caused troule0 Collin she doesn't feel the same love for, Joel and his 'glazed-over' eyes ( like he's dumb) and said he was an Asian Girl??
Thank God they did not adopt a Korean child.
Admin; although I love the idea of discussing the book a bit at a time, obviously some of us (like me!) have read ahead plus I can't recall what was said in what chapter- it's confusing.I
wrote my amazon review- you won't recognize my name, but I did write it today!
She is a Cow...
I haven't read all of the comments, so this may have been mentioned. Doesn't it seem that Kate is awfully reluctant to take her sick/hurt kids to the dr.? We all knew about Cara, but she talks about strep throat, a gash in the head, stomach pains...etc. that is as far as I got. She also seems to "dislike" her pediatrician. Do you think she was hesitant to bring these kids in because of bruising etc and the doctors may suspect her. Why else would you wait days to take sick or hurt children to the doctor
I suspect that the reason KK tossed all the paperwork in the trash is because it was in Jon's office. After she threw him out, she pitched everything that was "his", not thinking or caring that it might also be hers.
I'm still slogging through the book. I'm about half-way through. I skimmed through it lightly when I first got it so I could write a review for Amazon, but the indepth reading is taking much longer. I'm normally a fast reader but there's a lot to digest here, and wading through the legalese of the contracts and other TLC related paperwork is time-consuming. I also need to take "mental health" breaks, because I'm just so angry and sickened by KKs behavior. I do think that she understands on some level that she could be dangerous to her kids and that's one reason she keeps them at arms length as much as possible. Shame she doesn't have the determination and courage she claims to possess. If she did, she'd seek help for her problems, rather than continue to wallow in them. In a way, I think she's proud of her psychopathology. It sets her apart from others and makes her "unique", at least in her own eyes. No mediocre difficulties for her!
Does anyone find it ironic, that because of the twitter wars going on about the book, that Kate's twitter feed has basically turned into an advertisement FOR the book?
Also. anyone who looks at her feed will see the twitter handle for GB, which lists the website for GB, which has the letter from Discovery's lawyers, which may lead to someone picking up the info about "trade secrets and confidential information" and this is the info available in the "House that Kate Built".
I have so many things to do but I keep coming back to the book.
question- if Kate got pregnant in high school and had an abortion, how does she have PSOD??
Why can't she get rid of a bug- taping it in a cup on the wall for Jon? Really? She's nuts.
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...we're thebestest because we got 2know U....we support U & have ur back! :) #CoolMomKate
Cool Mom Kate?????????? Milo what the hell is wrong with you??? I challenge you to read this book, truly, we know how much you adore her but really...I am flabbergasted.
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