Hoffman fell into the job of covering the Gosselins by chance and circumstance,
not having ever seen an episode of the show. He just needed work to support his
family, which includes three kids of his own, and US Weekly needed someone on
the Gosselin beat. He quickly befriended Jon, and over the years spent a lot of
time with Jon and the kids. He only had one direct conversation with Kate, when the two dogs got out into the road when Kate was gone. He held onto the dogs until Kate got back. Hoffman says he mainly wrote this book for Collin,
whom he had grown quite fond of. He describes Collin as a sweet little boy
with a beautiful heart and endless love to give. He dedicates the book to all
eight of the children.
Kate was
a focused, though shy child who stuck to schoolwork, was driven to accomplish her goals,
and was a preacher’s kid who practiced her faith daily. She grew up in the
country on a big property with a barn. Her childhood, at least from the
outside, seemed All-American.
2. When Katie Met Jonnie

shares this tender moment in her diary: “Yesterday,
all six followed daddy in to our room while he was changing after work…from the
kitchen I heard him say ‘ hello my little Gosselins’ and it made my heart melt!
He so loves his kids and he said it in such a sweet tone!!!! I really had to
smile at that comment!”
makes reference to Bob, Beth’s husband, offering Jon a job because he also
recognized his brilliance.
3. Jon & Kate 101: How Did We Get Here?
previously reported, Kate contacted the Reading Eagle to cover the story when
she was pregnant, not the other way around as she claims. Despite putting up a façade
of wanting to protect the children from the press, in fact Kate aggressively
pursued the media attention.
4. Sign Here – Or Else!!!!!
Kate was not
happy with first drafts of TLC’s non-disclosure agreement. She didn’t feel they
were broad enough. She wanted to be sure it was clear no one could talk about
the family at all, not just the filming and not just about negative things. The agreements extend “in perpetuity.” The
contract includes, “The undersigned
understands and agrees that the any monetary damages will
not be sufficient to avoid or compensate the Producer or the Gosselin
Family for the unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information and that injunctive or other equitable relief would be appropriate to
prevent any improper actual or threatened use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information or other breach of this Agreement.”
585 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 585 of 585 Newer› Newest»Anonymous said... 196
She is a Cow...
I haven't read all of the comments, so this may have been mentioned. Doesn't it seem that Kate is awfully reluctant to take her sick/hurt kids to the dr.? We all knew about Cara, but she talks about strep throat, a gash in the head, stomach pains...etc. that is as far as I got. She also seems to "dislike" her pediatrician. Do you think she was hesitant to bring these kids in because of bruising etc and the doctors may suspect her. Why else would you wait days to take sick or hurt children to the doctor
Yes, she seemed to think that going to the office and waiting there with the unwashed masses was beneath her, a hassle. Nurse Kate thought she should get to diagnose her own kids and the office should call in the meds Kate prescribed. She was "annoyed" (basically everything annoyed her) that she got resistance on this.
My review at Amazon:
Robert Hoffman at last parts the curtain of deceit that has covered up the deplorable behavior of Katie Irene Kreider for far too long.
Sure, in the beginning of Katie Irene's TLC series, it was slightly amusing to poke fun at the clueless, gum-chomping rube in the porcupine haircut who cackled, complained, browbeat her spouse, and pulled down her pants (like Honey Boo Boo Child) and flapped her stretched "jowls of the dog" abdomen for the entertainment of her viewers. The buffoonery and expressions of extreme narcissism quickly attracted criticism and negative commentary, which, while sometimes harsh, were, in Katie Irene's pathological delusionary world, attributed to jealousy.
Rather quickly though it became apparent that Katie Irene was either mentally unstable or an excellently bad actress performing in a bizarro sick parody of suburban life after fooling around with fertility enhancements.
Robert Hoffman has gone to great lengths to provide eyewitness verification and documentation to support claims of child abuse and endangerment, animal abuse and neglect, and to expose the sham of the Gosselins' public life and hollowness of Katie Irene's false persona.
This reader could not give the book 5 stars because of two disappointments: the timing and the writing. It is unfortunate that the book has come out at a time when Katie Irene's time in the public eye is rapidly fading and public attention is drawn away to the fake celebrity of the hour. If the book had come out even a year earlier, in my opinion, there would have been more potential to have a positive impact on the children's lives by getting their gestational carrier some much-needed counseling and psychological intervention. As for the writing, Robert Hoffman could have benefited from a copy editor to help the flow of the book, which is choppy and in parts, unnecessarily duplicative, and correct the numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
Re: Kate's Christianity - There is a movement in the Christian Church called "The Prosperity Gospel". I don't want to go into long drawn out details because you can google it but it describes Kate's take on Christianity to a tee. Essentially it's a "Quid Pro Quo" with God.
As a Christian, I see it as false teaching. It is twisting reliance on God to something materialistic. Most Christians I disagree with its premises as well.
Wayward said ...
I am never going to look at the phrase "yes, please" the same way again. Ever. It's Kate's sick code for "of course I want freebies, more & more & more- yes, please! Jon was offered free Lasik and Kate's greedy ass reply was "yes- for BOTH of us please."
I know. Her greed is insane. She can't reply, oh that's fabulous. I'd like to do it too so can you let them know in addition to Jon's free procedure, schedule me too and I'll pay. Nope. FREE, FREE, FREE. Like the email about makeup. I'm tanning now, so please send me plenty of medium this time instead of light. God forbid she even spring for her own makeup.
Birds of a feather flock together, that's why this blog has all these lovely commenters and Kate those crazy, mentally challenged, scary fans.
Dutch Tulip
Finally got to Dwindle's quoted post in the book. Congrats, Dwindle!
I'm finally up and reading the posts. Before I get sidetracked, I want to say that I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Kate DOES try to sue Robert!! Just think about it. Once she sues, the legal system allows ''discovery''!! And...right in the middle of that would ''This firm represents Discovery Communications, Inc. TLC, and Discovery Talent Services, Inc. ("Discovery")''!!! Would it be possible that THEY could be forced to turn over ALL of their film...both aired and un-aired?
Since I've not read many posts this morning, probably someone else has also thought about this? Back to reading posts!
Oh Kate, your parents should have taught you the same lesson that my parents taught me:
"Don't EVER write down anything on paper that you wouldn't want printed in the READING EAGLE"
Besides my suspicions about Kate being confirmed in the book, my feelings about Jon were also confirmed by someone who actually knows him.
I've always thought Jon is a good guy who truly loves his kids, but is just to *ucking stupid or gullable or trusting for his own good many times. I hope his therapy has helped him make major progress in that area.
The Daily Mail now has an article about the book. Yay, Kate, it's made international news!!
Doesn't have all the facts straight, but it does have a picture of the cover of the book, and also states "It was also reported that Kate had tried to have the book, released today, blocked before publication."
I haven't purchased the book yet. I will eventually, but it just sounds so darn depressing.
My thoughts have been along these lines: if Kate was an annoyed, abusive mom when things were going her way (as far as the show and bringing in the big bucks), how is she going to treat those children now? She has no tv career, no love life, and now her evil ways have been exposed. I hold out no hope that she'll suddenly become a loving, caring, supportive mother. My heart breaks for those kids - especially the boys.
One of the more sickeing lies, as far as I am concerned, the lie that she "felt" like she couldn't get pregnant, when she had been pregnant before and had an abortion.
This woman is pure, pure evil.
Sorry, FandM Alumna said... 154!! I just read your post. I KNEW someone would have thought of the same thing about ''discovery''!!
Back to reading posts
After she reams somebody in an email, she always ends it " Have a gr8 t day!". Bitch!!
She got rid of Jen Stocks and Nana Janet. I suspect Janet unloaded about Kate to her family and THAT'S THE REAL REASON Jon and Kate were told to not attend the funeral, not because of paps.
Paula where is that?
What does "toms of flowers" mean? Robert used that to describe Kate's wedding. Anyone know? Thanks.
Oh, and I clicked on dictionary using kindle and I couldn't close the dictionary. I had to close down the whole kindle. Does anyone know how to close the dictionary in kindle. Thanks.
She had an abortion? Wow.
Oh, good. You're all still here. I was going to start reading again but wanted to make sure there was still a place to go for safety and comfort. My Kindle is suddenly a scary place. ~~ Keep a light on for me~~
Hold on hold on, where is the part about abortion? I can't find it anywhere.
Location 25557 admin. Chapter 33.
SPOILER ALERT: search "abort"
Kate left home at the request of her father, who could no longer tolerate her rebellious behavior and sexual promiscuity, which led to her becoming pregnant while still in high school. She was forced by her father to secretly abort the baby, which left Kate empty and hollow inside, and very angry.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 25563-25565). . Kindle Edition.
heather (Administrator) said... 15
Paula where is that?
It's well into the book, although I don't remember the particular chapter. She was 17 I think? Her father made her get one.
Sorry, admin 25556.
Sorry, admin 25556.
I don't know what this number means because I'm reading on word.
Can you just quote the part? Thanks.
Ah got it thanks Heather. Well there goes the Christian right. And so much for Kate is infertile.
This woman sure had a lot of dirty dark secrets in her past. No wonder she had everyone under lock and key. You only do that when you have things to hide.
Kate left home at the request of her father, who could no longer tolerate her rebellious behavior and sexual promiscuity, which led to her becoming pregnant while still in high school. She was forced by her father to secretly abort the baby, which left Kate empty and hollow inside, and very angry.
If her dad made her get an abortion I can see why she would be upset with him. She might never forgive him for that.
I've always said maybe she does have good reason to estrange her parents. MAYBE.
She is a Cow... much for not reducing the pregnancy because of her religious beliefs. WOW much for not reducing the pregnancy because of her religious beliefs. WOW
Well I give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. Her father MADE her get it.
Although wait a minute.....can a parent legally make you get an abortion, even if you are a minor? I mean I guess he could threaten her to tell the doctor she wants it.
Truthfully, I kind of feel sorry for her. No one should be made to give up their pregnancy if they don't want to. I can't imagine someone telling me I have to end my pregnant, MY child. Maybe that was the triggering event that set off her bipolar. (Administrator) said... 25
Ah got it thanks Heather. Well there goes the Christian right. And so much for Kate is infertile.
This woman sure had a lot of dirty dark secrets in her past. No wonder she had everyone under lock and key. You only do that when you have things to hide
SPOILER (sorta)
Between that bombshell and Kate leaving the country to obtain some materials to "boost" her chances of "just having one more" [cough,cough] this basically renders the entire Multiple Ble$$ings book and all the church chats total fabrications. Totally. And people dug out their hard earned money they probably couldn't spare to give, to hear it.
Will THIS convice the sheeple that she's a fraud? No it won't.
<< She was forced by her father to secretly abort the baby, which left Kate empty and hollow inside, and very angry. >>
That actually could explain A LOT about her inability to bond with her kids. I volunteer in post-abortion ministries (and am post-abortive myself) and lack of ability to bond is a not-uncommon side effect. If she had a contentious relationship with her father it could also partially explain her attitude towards the boys.
Agree Admin. Some of this may explain her behavior - but it does not excuse her behavior.
Skimming thru the posts here...SHE WHAT??? Had an abortion as a teen?
Paula! She had an abortion? When?
That actually could explain A LOT about her inability to bond with her kids. I volunteer in post-abortion ministries (and am post-abortive myself) and lack of ability to bond is a not-uncommon side effect. If she had a contentious relationship with her father it could also partially explain her attitude towards the boys.
Interesting! That makes sense.
I think Kate truly did want babies from a young age. I think her motivations may not have been necessarily healthy (for instance, because they are cute, because I will have someone to love me, etc) But for someone like her who really wanted a baby, to be told she cannot have her baby and had to kill it, I can see how that could just mess her up.
Also explains why a good student highly motivated seemed to kind of derail a bit at the end not really complete college and just get herself married off and having babies. This may have derailed the entire direction of her life.
Maybe the aborted baby was a boy. Maybe it's too painful for her to love her boys because she was forced to kill her first little boy.
This book is WILD guys.
<< can a parent legally make you get an abortion, even if you are a minor? >>
A large marjority of abortions are coerced. Boyfriends telling girlfriends they'll dump them if they don't, parents telling the kids they'll be estranged, and so on. Remember, teens are pretty vulnerable emotionally, and the added hormone rush from pregnancy just makes it worse.
readerlady said... 197
''I suspect that the reason KK tossed all the paperwork in the trash is because it was in Jon's office. After she threw him out, she pitched everything that was "his", not thinking or caring that it might also be hers.''
Just a suggestion you can plug your Kindle into a USB port on your computer to back up your books so you don't"lose" anything. Your PC will see the Kindle as a drive and you can copy the files to your PC hard drive like any files. Just a tip. Wouldn't want anyone to "lose" any of their books.
A Techie with a Kindle and long time reader here
Formerly Duped...199 Did it say in the book that Kate got pregnant in HS and had an abortion?
Read the letter from Discovery to RH and had to laugh. Good luck with that, Discovery, considering RH never signed any CA's with you. Can't see that holding up in Court. I also thought it was interesting that Discovery's letter was short and to the point and Kate's lawyers' letter was pages long.
I've remembered so much of what I've read Kate's loyal fans say on their twitter that my very first thought when I read that Kate had an abortion was what both cjwhodunit and goody2shoes would think!!! Of all the things that has/will be exposed about Kate...THAT will hurt them the most.
My second thought was to worry about how much this entire mess has warped my thinking!! As another poster said....''Hold me''!!
I haven't read all of the comments, so this may have been mentioned. Doesn't it seem that Kate is awfully reluctant to take her sick/hurt kids to the dr.?
This is very common when parents are being abusive.
Exactly right, they don't take their kids to the doctor for a sore throat because they're afraid the doctor might see the unexplained bruising on the back of their thighs. Or even that a kid will say something.
She is classic.
If Ms Goody2shoes could be convinced the abortion actually happened, I'm sure she would drop Kate like a hot potato. She is very, very, anti-abortion. But I doubt she could ever be convinced.
I'm afraid this will have the opposite effect, they will say she was forced to have it, poor thing, how evil of her father, no wonder the grandparents cannot be involved. She will be the Christian hero who just wanted to give life to her child and was forced to kill it because our society allows for that.
They're not entirely off the mark about that.
Of course they will ignore how she got pregnant at 17 in the first place and the fact that this proves she is not infertile. It's not the 19th century anymore where abortions made you infertile. There's no reason you can't get pregnant again after.
Kate must have made a deal with Nescafe. She tweeted again about them:
Happy Nat'l Coffee Day! Americans who consume specialty coffee drinks are spending,on avg,over $400/yr on their foamy creations @NescafeUSA
Guess she won't be showing up at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, with her anti-specialty coffee campaign going on.
Can you imagine if I let TLC bully us two years ago and shut this blog down????
I'm not going to lie, their letter scared me, at least at first. No one likes to be threatened with a lawsuit. I'm glad I was able to take a deep breath, have confidence in what I knew was right, and stick to my guns. But I don't blame others for being scared off. Not one bit.
I can do without commentary in the book about blogs, tweeters, etc.
Just constructive criticism, but I join the chorus that I would have preferred a tighter book that focused 100% on Kate's own words and his most reliable sources and skipped everything else. JMO.
It's still great though don't get me wrong. But maybe for the "second printing" it could be cleaned up, just a suggestion.
Sillimom I agree 100% with your prosperity gospel post and Kate is the poster child of someone not only following the prosperity gospel but also why it's such bad theology.
Well, I can see where the obsession with HOM might have come from. She really showed him, huh? Not only did she have MANY children, she figured out a way to profit from having them!
I am still reading the book. So much to absorb. I have had to stop so many times because it was so upsetting.
I wanted to comment to some posts about Kate delaying medical treatment and ingnoring kids being ill or hurt.
For those who are reading the book, go back and look at the TLC contract early inthe book. There is a clause on NOT geting PAID if they get sick/injured, etc... Interesting..I believe Kate was always more concerned with going on with the show and getting PAID then the kids health and medical care.
6. Incapacity. An event of Family incapacity shall be deemed to occur if Family is unable to fully render services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, as determined by Company, as the result of any physical, mental or other impairment (e.g. Family’s illness, injury or mental disability; or impairment of Family’s voice, appearance and/ or mobility) (“ Family Incapacity”). Without limiting any other rights of Company under this Agreement, in the event of Family Incapacity, (i) Company shall not be obligated to pay or credit Family with any compensation during such Family Incapacity and(ii) Company shall have the right to suspend this Agreement during such period of Family Incapacity and shall have the right, but not the obligation, to extend this Agreement by the length of any such suspension. … If any Family Incapacity continues for at least seven (7) days in the aggregate, Company shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without any further obligation toFamily except for appropriate payment or adjustment with respect to any Family services satisfactorily completed prior to such termination provided that Family is not in breach of this Agreement.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Location 5309). . Kindle Edition.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 5307-5309). . Kindle Edition.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 5305-5307). . Kindle Edition.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Location 5305). . Kindle Edition.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 5299-5304). . Kindle Edition.
"This is very common when parents are being abusive.
Exactly right, they don't take their kids to the doctor for a sore throat because they're afraid the doctor might see the unexplained bruising on the back of their thighs. Or even that a kid will say something."
It's also classic narcissist behavior.
So that day the kids were wailing when Jon dropped them off was because they did not want to be back home with the momster. Just as we thought.
I don't have a kindle or a nook, or any of those type of gadgets, so I can't read the book. However, I appreciate the information that all of you are posting here. It does confirm what we already suspected. However, the details of the abuse is just so disturbing, my heart breaks for those poor kids.
I knew Multiple Blessings was a lie done just for money and to give the image of a poor Christian family that needed donations and love offerings.
Kate is more despicable than even I imagined.
Thanks for this thread, Admin, and thank you to all of the posters so I can be indirectly informed of what is in the book.
Does anyone else think that Discovery is going through outtakes and cutting room floor film and burning it right now?
And before I get jumped on, yes I know it likely all digital and pieces of film on a floor. but I still think they are busy trying to destroy evidence. Look how many things slipped through - her shoving Collin in the face by the refrigerator, shoving Joel in the face on the tour bus, chasing her kids through the house with wooden spoons in her hand...
LoveMyGrandsons said... 53
I don't have a kindle or a nook, or any of those type of gadgets, so I can't read the book.
I don't have a kindle or nook either. I downloaded the PC version of the Kindle on my computer and then bought the ebook. Very easy to do, I recommend it so you can read it yourself. There is so much in this book-too much to talk about on this blog right now. Pls read for yourself.
Thanks, Luke's Mom, I'll try that.
Uh oh...naughtynicerob
@Kateplusmy8 email me. I have a questions. Cheers
FandM Alumna
Excellent review and I agree with all of it. thanks.
Yes, see Paula's posts at 23 and 26 for details.(in Chapter 33) I don't how RH found this out though?
I did just that and am 70% finished. Because the book might be withdrawn, I would go for it if you want to read it. It cost 8.88 from amazon.
I've been MIA for a the Kate news seemed to simply be mini-marathons, etc. I'd always hoped that the truth about her would be revealed eventually....but also wondered if she would just disappear into oblivion and that the truth would never come out.....which saddened me.
For me, this isn't just about Kate. There are thousands and thousands of parents who abuse their children in the US....some much worse than Kate. The more important issue for me has always been TLC/Discovery and their complicity in hiding and perpetuating the child abuse that was going on all along.....and all the people who fell for the completely false facade they projected/portrayed.
But....saw Kate Gosselin was trending on yahoo this morning...checked it out and learned about this R. Hoffman book....and came here to catch up. I also tried to see if I could figure out how to get the book but I only have a desktop and have no Kindle or any other gadgets....and am woefully computer-illiterate. I tried to do what someone here had to buy the book on Amazon after downloading Kindle to PC...but couldn't figure out how to do it. one of my sons works on the genius team for Apple so hopefully I can get him to come over and download this book to my desktop in the near future and I'll be able to read it and participate in the discussion here......and join in holding hands with everyone here.
As already noted, I've not been able to read this book...YET....but do want to give Robert Hoffman a big kudos for having the courage to follow-through on writing and releasing this book and this information. Robert....want to give you a virtual hand-shake and let you know that I admire your courage. Hang in there. :)
This book needs to come out in print, so every library can have a copy!!!
With all the resources on this site, can't we help?
LOL - Jon is the neat and organized one and Kate is the lazy slob. Gotta hand it to TLC. You fooled a lot of people.
I bet Jon is thanking God for having such a courageous good friend as Robert. I have always thought you show yourself by the friends you choose.
Knowing Ms Kreider had an abortion at 17 when her parents pressured her to do out makes me have a tiny twinge of sympathy for her.
Just a tiny twinge.
Its gone now!
What goes up, comes down said... 60
This book needs to come out in print, so every library can have a copy!!!
With all the resources on this site, can't we help?
I so agree with you! I don't know if this has been mentioned but I think the mainstream media needs to be made aware of this. Like contacting 60 Minutes, 20/20, CNN and others so they can see the dedication Robert had in bringing his story out. He needs to be recognized for his hours upon hours of being away from his family in following and observing Kate for years.
If her father forced her to have an abortion and was as controlling and abusive as he's been portrayed, it also goes a long way to explain her relationship with Jon. She deliberately chose someone who is a polar opposite of her father and then despised him for not being like her father.
How do we get this reviewed by Huffingtin Post, and other online blogs?? Someone should post a link to this blog on an amazon review...
Anonymous 39 -- Also, if you have a Kindle, you can email computer files to it (you'll be given an email addy for your Kindle when you register it). It will be saved in your personal documents on Amazon, and if your computer crashes, you haven't lost anything. I use it to back up my stories and poems, in case my computer crashes and I lose my zip drive, or the material on the zip drive becomes corrupted in some way.
Luke's Mom...50 Re: Incapcity Clause in the TLC contract. That explains why Jon and Kate left four sick kids with Jodi and Kevin, who also had four sick kids, to fly out to LA so Jon could get his hair plugs. So that makes eight sick kids out of a total of 12 kids that Jodi took care of. And Jodi did it lovingly. Kate can't even take care of eight healthy kids on her own. I may have to download this book. This is unreal!
Wasn't Kate engaged at a young age and living with her fiance's family? Do I remember this correctly? Could this have been when she was kicked out of her house in HS? If I'm pulling this out of my ass please feel free to correct me.
If you go to and search "gosselin book" in Kindle, Robert's book does not come up though Polly's and Al's does. Hm...
Keep reviewing and voting people! Voting on comments or making comments also drives the popularity of the listing.
gabby2, she was asked in a tweet to email "naughtybutnice" Rob from Huffington, saying he has a "question" for her. However, he has always been somewhat on the supportive side so anything on there is unlikely to be supportive from the book. Maybe he is hoping for comments from her since he's not been negative about her in the past. (Speaking of naughty Rob, my sister has always noted that Kate's pretend male friends, with the exception of Steve - her pretend hair friends, pretend fashion show friends, even naughty Rob - are all gay. She is a psychologist and this is interesting to her - she is currently reading the book and I can't wait to hear her take on it).
Just Me - I think the only way a major news show would do a story on this is if they were interested in exposing the dark side of reality TV as the major focus. Kate Gosselin is such a small-potatoes nobody these days, they wouldn't want to waste film on her, especially since she was exposed long ago as a fame-whoring shrew.
gabby2 -- With Admin's permission, I can try to post a link to this blog in my Amazon review; however, Amazon is VERY touchy about links. They will delete an author for posting links to their books, so I don't know if it will work.
Admin -- What do you say? I'm willing to try if it's okay with you.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 53
I don't have a kindle or a nook, or any of those type of gadgets, so I can't read the book.
I'm baffled here myself about how to figure out how to download the book to my PC. I tried to follow someone's instructions here about downloading Kindle to PC first over at Amazon....but couldn't figure it out. I could write a whole dissertation here on how frustrating it is to be so computer-illiterate in this day and age. I often feel like a dinosaur...seeing all these young folks with all these gadgets I can't figure out.
One of the main reasons I've always loved this blog is that most of the commenters here seem to be older, clever, educated and intelligent women who have already raised their own children to adulthood.....but alas, we were not born or raised in the computer era....and have to rely on our children and grand-children to help us out. I'm hoping one of my sons who lives nearby can come over soon and download the book for me.
I must say, though, that most of what has been revealed here is no big surprise to me. I suspected as much all...and worse...all along. I'm just thrilled that the courageous Mr. Hoffman has finally brought it to light.
I spent a few hours last Sunday reading an article on Yahoo and the comments that followed....not sure if anyone else here read it. It was about a young teen High School student who was "spanked" by an adult male vice-principal until her bottom was "fire-engine red and blistered" reported by her mother. I was appalled to learn that there are still so many states in the US that allow corporal punishment of children in school.......but then came the comments and I was truly sickened. Apparently, there are MANY in the US who support this. I was born, raised and still live in the great state of Delaware (live in northern Delaware)......and was just appalled, sickened and outraged. I do not believe anyone should hit their children....EVER. I raised 3 sons who we never hit.....and they not only never got into trouble and did well in school but they have grown into model adult citizens who treat their own families like gold....and treat their parents like gold and would do anything for us. There is absolutely no need to hit children. We should not hit anyone, for that matter....unless we are being physically assaulted and trying to defend ourselves. warned....I am already seeing comments on various sites reporting on these revelations about Kate's child abuse...made by people who don't even know who Kate G. is and/or don't even like Kate G (who would not be considered "sheeple")..but are supporting her corporal punishment of her children.
This has always been my favorite Gosselin blog and it's always so nice to come here and read comments made by like-minded, intelligent women (and a few men) who have great critical-thinking skills and are so clever. But unfortunately, there seem to be whole areas of the US where the people still live in the Dark Ages and approve of corporal punishment of children. And I'm seeing that there are a whole bunch of people out there who don't like Kate G. because they think she's a fame-whore and are sick of her....but who have no problem with how she punished/punishes her children.
I am way behind the rest of you, but I just finished the chapter about God and all her prayers for things. She talked about being ever so thankful that they sold the cribs at a garage sale, so we actually have a time frame reference. We can recall that from the series. She was ever so thankful for $760 dollars from the sale of the gifted cribs and car seats?
On film she was a bitch, rude and demanding, and she wasnt even in full swing yet. However she is still journaling like she doesnt know how she will be able to afford to put grapes and crackers out for tomorrow's lunch. A patholgical fear? Possibly. I found it interesting how she threatened Disc with pulling out the show unless they agreed to pay for the kids beds AND for all the costs of renovating that attic room for the twins. So she was just trusting in God to get it done her way?
I see the beginning of her frustration with Jon, claiming he is too passive and complacent in DEMANDING "these things" from Disc. "Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!!" (six exclamation points) and she wants Jon to accept that God is in control? Living in a house with that woman, Jon is supposed to put God ahead of KATE? He would be buried somewhere in the backyard if he had ever acted like anyone, even God, was in charge ahead of KATE!
Wonder why Kate is okay with medicating her kids for behavioral issues, if needed, but refuses medication for her own issues?
Michelle said... 76
Wonder why Kate is okay with medicating her kids for behavioral issues, if needed, but refuses medication for her own issues?
I am going to get beat up for this, but here goes.
Many people who have BiPolar disorder strongly object to the medication. It blunts many emotions in order to help keep an even keel and manage the extreme mood swings. Many folks feel they are at their best, their most intense, when in a manic phase and they dont want medication that blunts that. In fact there was a move a few years back with Richard Gere (I think) about this very matter.
As far as medicating the kids, anything that makes them less of a presence in Kate's oh-so-busy-day is fine with her.
wayward said... 1
Anonymous said... 196
She is a Cow...
I haven't read all of the comments, so this may have been mentioned. Doesn't it seem that Kate is awfully reluctant to take her sick/hurt kids to the dr.? We all knew about Cara, but she talks about strep throat, a gash in the head, stomach pains...etc. that is as far as I got. She also seems to "dislike" her pediatrician. Do you think she was hesitant to bring these kids in because of bruising etc and the doctors may suspect her. Why else would you wait days to take sick or hurt children to the doctor
Yes, she seemed to think that going to the office and waiting there with the unwashed masses was beneath her, a hassle. Nurse Kate thought she should get to diagnose her own kids and the office should call in the meds Kate prescribed. She was "annoyed" (basically everything annoyed her) that she got resistance on this.
On a show or interview, she once said that doctors "dont understand our needs". She really thought as a nurse and busy busy busy mom, she shouldnt have to bring a sick child to the office. Now why she waits with injuries, I dont know. Although *I* waited once after a child fell off the swingset; about 12 hours later the area was swollen, she was still in pain and couldnt move. Here her shoulder was broken. it was nearly 18 hours before I got her to the ER (had to make arrangements for my other children) and I feel guilty about it still - and it was 26 years ago. My poor little girl in all that pain for all those hours... :-(
Quickly skimmed the comments as I'm not back to reading yet and it's hard to resist reading the spoilers so this may have been addressed. If Kate had an abortion at 17 then how was it she wailed about being concerned she was infertile? Did she think the abortion made it so? She was a nurse..sheesh.
Dwindle said... 75
''........I see the beginning of her frustration with Jon, claiming he is too passive and complacent in DEMANDING "these things" from Disc. "Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!!"
Her Narcissism is so complete that she expects God to make others want the exact same thing she wants!! I can't force myself to go find the actual quote, but I think I'm correct in remembering that when she was praying to God about how much she had hit Collin, didn't part of her prayer include asking God to help Collin learn to mind her? (Paraphrasing her prayer)
If Kate's father was so horrible as to force an abortion on her at age 17, then why, oh why did the twins stay with them while Kate was on hospital bed rest waiting for the tups to be born? I'm not reading this book, but I'm not falling for pitifully sad stories from Kate either. Contradictions just don't sit well with me. We may never know the truth about these people. What they say today does not jive with what they lived a few years ago, does it? Kate needs to be left on her own to "stew in her own juice." I'm a grandparent and would be so greatly hurt to be used as they were, and then so conveniently dropped when their usefullness was over. Apparently, if anyone isn't willing to do Kate's bidding, they are out, totally out. That old line we heard from both Gosselins, "they don't know how to help us" is bogus to say the least. Impossible to understand and makes no sense at all. It never has, and never will. It's a power play by Jon and Kate and it is just wrong.
Silimom said... 3
Re: Kate's Christianity - There is a movement in the Christian Church called "The Prosperity Gospel". I don't want to go into long drawn out details because you can google it but it describes Kate's take on Christianity to a tee. Essentially it's a "Quid Pro Quo" with God.
As a Christian, I see it as false teaching. It is twisting reliance on God to something materialistic. Most Christians I disagree with its premises as well.
I have heard of that. For years our wonderful pastor drove a beat up old Toyota. But at a non-denominational clergy conference I overheard a different pastor (of a different denomination) say "Hmmmp. God sees that *I* have Cadillac faith. i would worry about a pastor that clearly only has fallin' down Toyota faith." I dont agree with this philosophy myself. At all. I found his comment to be prideful in the extreme, and disturbing.
Jane said... 79
I'll answer this one.
Dee, sadly I have to agree with your assessment that there are still a lot of people who don't see anything wrong with this kind of abuse. We have a long, long way to go to get people understanding and accepting how demoralizing this is.
I know there are some studies that say kids who are spanked don't commit as many crimes are better adjusted, etc. I'm sure the sheeple love those studies. But this is the flaw in those studies. The problem is they are comparing kids who are spanked to ALL OTHER KIDS. That includes kids who are not disciplined at all, let run wild, no parents around, can do whatever they want. Of course those kids are obviously not going to do well without any structure.
To give the study any meaning at all, you've got to compare one form of discipline to another, not compare spanking to ALL other kids. I would like to see a straight, simple study comparing kids who are hit to kids who, say only go to time outs. I don't know if this has ever been done.
Dwindle, in my opinion it is the most disturbing thing to happen to Christianity in years. It's sad that so many churches who don't believe in this are having to spend so much time explaining to people why they should not fall for this.
It's no different than the traveling faith healers saying if you just believe enough you will get what you want. That's not based in theology whatsoever.
I don't like to talk about religion too much because it can be divisive, but that's one of the biggest things that irked me about Kate from the beginning. She perpetuated the false prophesy of ask and you shall receive. Where that leaves all her fans who asked but did not receive, I have no idea.
dee3, I tried to download the appropriate programs to be able to get this book, but I failed, too. My daughter and son-in-law are so good with these things, but they are 6 hours away. I'm going to call them this evening to see if they can talk me through it. It's nice to know I'm not the only wne challenged by all of this new technology!
LaLaLandNoMore, as a grandparent, I agree with you 100%. If Kate's parents were so bad, why did they entrust their precious twins to their care for so long? I know that I would never have given the care of my daughter over to my mother for any period of time. I was always present when my mother was around for the sake of my daughter. I can't imagine leaving my child(ren) alone with someone who abused me.
I know child abuse is real as my siblings and I were victims of it ourselves, but there is something that seems disingenuous about Kate's claims. Maybe it's true and I am being blinded by my complete dislike and contempt for this woman.
This book is so disturbing on so many levels that I can only absorb a little at a time. While it confirms so much of what has been discussed here for years, it goes so far beyond what I have suspected and IN HER OWN WORDS, that it leaves me numb.
I congratulate the Administrator for her courage in keeping this blog going despite the legal threat and also to Mr. Hoffman for publishing in the face of "objection".
I am disappointed that the mainstream press have not picked up on the book. The little that I have seen from U.S. sources are highlighting the "spoon". While I do not approve of the spoon being used in the form of corporal punishment on the children, I would like to see more emphasis placed on pulling a child by the hair and tossing him into his crib in order to be safe from the mother.
One newspaper which is carrying the story is the Mail Online (U.K.) which reaches an international audience and which often publishes comments from many U.S. readers.
May I suggest that those of us who can should take a few minutes to comment on this website to raise awareness. My concern is that there are many people who consider the "spoon" as no big deal and are missing the other disturbing details involving the disciplining of these unfortunate children.
Kate is a twit said... 83
Jane said... 79
I'll answer this one.
She sure did. My, my she's a pro at that :)
I'll call it again. She's going on Katie Couric and will do the whole mea culpa thing. Abused as a kid, dad made me get an abortion, I really wanted kids, mental health problems, an immature husband, taken advantage of by the big, greedy corporations. Getting help now and has grown up and is SO much better. Except we know she's the same, miserable Kate. Not sure I can tune into this show -- hopefully Admin will do a recap. (sorry, Admin!)
Going out to our local Italian restaurant with my kids tonight. I love my mediocre life!
Dwindle...I once had a friend who was BiPolar, and she was the most high maintenance person I ever met. She also refused to take her meds because she loved the highs (and I suspect her inappropriate sexual behavior, which I later learned was not unusual w/BiPolar)
Even though it is funny now, I will never forget what was the last straw for me. At 6am she beat on my door, and when I opened it, she started dragging in BUSHELS of okra, and huge jugs of vinegar and box after box canning jars and I can't even remember what else....announcing that we were going to make PICKLED OKRA!!! I guess I was too stunned to object, so I went with the flow, and we by gawd pickled the hell out of okra. When the ordeal ended, I claimed half of the jars and told her that from that moment on, she was going to have to realize that I was simply no longer going to have one single thing to do with her, and she'd better find someone else to be ''friends'' with. She was insulted to the core and had no problem at all with dropping me from her life!!
Remember Kate tweeting about all those Easter eggs (1000+) that she claimed she was stuffing and hiding? Well, think again...Lie #999,999,999:
At 4: 15 pm, two SUVs arrived at the Gosselin compound and within minutes, two strangers – an Asian man and a Caucasian woman – began carrying garbage bags filled with plastic Easter eggs around the property and placing them for the upcoming egg hunt...Kate Gosselin hired a company to set up and orchestrate an Easter egg hunt for her children, while she stayed inside and drank wine.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 30387-30396). . Kindle Edition.
LoveMyGrandsons said... 53
I don't have a kindle or a nook, or any of those type of gadgets, so I can't read the book. However, I appreciate the information that all of you are posting here. It does confirm what we already suspected. However, the details of the abuse is just so disturbing, my heart breaks for those poor kids.
I knew Multiple Blessings was a lie done just for money and to give the image of a poor Christian family that needed donations and love offerings.
Kate is more despicable than even I imagined.
Thanks for this thread, Admin, and thank you to all of the posters so I can be indirectly informed of what is in the book.
HunnyBunny is pretty tired of me spouting out "And listen to THIS!!!!" every few minutes as I read, so it is nice to know there are some here that are NOT reading and are instead listening to our 'shock and awe' at the satanic snake inside Katie Irene.
As a Christian, I disagree with the prosperity gospel that has becmome prevalent in the last few decades. It is wrong and unbiblical.
In my opinion, I don't think Kate subscribed to the prosperity gospel. I think she was just plain greedy and wanted a lot of material things given to her for free. Then she threw in a couple biblical phrases for public consumption and that God was blessing her. After all, there is nothing about her life that shows true Christianity. Not forgiveness to others, not compassion, not giving to those less fortunate, and now she doesn't even attempt to "talk the talk" much less "walk the walk". I sincerely hope I have not offended anyone with this post because that was not my intention.
I know Dwindle....just when you've read something you think Kate can't top....sure enough,just keep on reading on you will.
readerlady said... 67
Anonymous 39 -- Also, if you have a Kindle, you can email computer files to it (you'll be given an email addy for your Kindle when you register it). It will be saved in your personal documents on Amazon, and if your computer crashes, you haven't lost anything. I use it to back up my stories and poems, in case my computer crashes and I lose my zip drive, or the material on the zip drive becomes corrupted in some way.
Works like a dream too.
DD who is working on her doctorate is paying for additional cloud storage on amazon, mainly for her classwork, but everything else too. Her classwork is all downloaded onto to flashdrives periodically too, but she is pretty concerned about backing up her backed up back up systems.
What has really resonated with me is that Kate was BEYOND protected for her behavior.
Most celebs/athletes/etc., have clauses that are the OPPOSITE. IN that if they behave inappropriately, sexually, abusively, etc., their contract is voided.
But Kate was practically encouraged to be an all-out XUNT with absolutely no repercussions whatsoever. And I never use that language, but this is true.
I am surprised that the main stream media outlets are only discussing the wooden spoon incidents...especially with all the other awful things that are Kate gosselin.
K&J dumped the twins on the grandparents because it was convenient, and there was no one else to take up the slack.
If K could get rid of the kids, why would she care if she left them with horrible people?
LOL....Kate knows her fifteen legitimate Twitter followers are stupid. Why don’t they?
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Location 31642). . Kindle Edition.
Remona Blue said... 89
Dwindle...I once had a friend who was BiPolar, and she was the most high maintenance person I ever met. She also refused to take her meds because she loved the highs (and I suspect her inappropriate sexual behavior, which I later learned was not unusual w/BiPolar)
Even though it is funny now, I will never forget what was the last straw for me. At 6am she beat on my door, and when I opened it, she started dragging in BUSHELS of okra, and huge jugs of vinegar and box after box canning jars and I can't even remember what else....announcing that we were going to make PICKLED OKRA!!! I guess I was too stunned to object, so I went with the flow, and we by gawd pickled the hell out of okra. When the ordeal ended, I claimed half of the jars and told her that from that moment on, she was going to have to realize that I was simply no longer going to have one single thing to do with her, and she'd better find someone else to be ''friends'' with. She was insulted to the core and had no problem at all with dropping me from her life!!
And she probably thinks she is a 'get up and go kind of person!" "Busy busy busy!!!" "I love being busy! so much to do!" Sounds familiar, eh? In my limited experience as a SW, many people with this disorder take a great deal of pride in their mania and extreme emotions, even if it is a rage disorder, like Kate's. They feel high and on top of the world. The medication leaves them feeling blunted, drugged, with an even balance of emotions they arent accustomed to so they think they 'cant feel anything'.
Some people; not all. Every medical case is different.
Dwindle, my friend, keep posting about the book and I'll keep reading!
From what everyone has posted, I am still tortured by in my "mind's eye" about her picking up one of the toddler boys by his hair. I just can't imaging how that poor baby let out with a scream and cried afterwards. Watching my 2 little grandboys at that age, and yes they got into things, I just cannot imagine the deranged brain that would instantly grab a toddler's hair to lift them up, as punishment.
Every year, on the anniversary of 9/11, I still get emotional, so I cannot fathom her words about it being some explosion or something. How inhumane and incompassionate can one person be?
LoveMyGrandsons said... 86
Even I did so much hope for you! Just press the link to download Kindle from Amazon. If you are a member, it will quickly download to your desktop. the go and press order for RH's book. That's it! If you are not an amazon member you will have to sign up (free) and give e0mail and a password. Good luck!
Thanks, Formerly Duped. I'm not a member so I'll join and try it. If I fail again, my wonderful SIL is getting a call tonight from his favorite mother-in-law!!
Although I am enjoying (if you call it that with all the horror) I have to wonder about Robert going through Kate's trash all the time I guess reporters do that. He was saying that her Xmas wrap she bragged about was plain newsprint paper (free) with plain black names printed on the gifts- festive! Not the picture she painted on Twitter about all the festivity and wrapping - the gifts under the tree must have been from 'enablers."
Formerly Duped yes reporters go through trash especially when big scandals are going on. And it's perfectly legal. Not my cup of tea but hey that's how we get stories like this.
Kate needs some serious celebrity school. Most celebs know to shred anything that could be of any interest.
Dee3 at 73 ~ I agree with you! Sad as I am to say this, leading with the corporal punishment isn't all that effective, given most people's mindsets.
Don't get me wrong: I was the victim of severe (and I mean SEVERE) child abuse when I was younger, and oh, how I wish someone had spoken up/acted on my behalf! But I've learned over time that many --I dare say most--people turn a blind eye to matters of "child discipline", for any number of reasons we don't need to go into here. If you want to capture their interest (and involvement), you have to take a back-door approach.
That's not our first instinct, is it? But then again, we're here because we're already opposed to child abuse. Maybe some of us are child advocates already. But I don't think we're necessarily in the mainstream on this.
SO how do you get the story out? It might mean leading with the salacious, gossipy stuff. Sigh. Human nature being what it is, that's likely true.
Lead with the sordid tale of a surly, self-indulgent millionairess who takes to Twitter to cry po' mouth and grift for freebies from underage fans and goodhearted church-goers. Talk about how she shills for Coupon Cabin and begs for free Quilted Northern, as her bank accounts (plural) and investments (many) grow more flush by the day.
Or simply promise them a story that plunges them headlong into the dark, depraved underbelly of reality television.
So yeah...those are the stories you lead with.
Once the readers' eyes adjust to the light, they'll be more receptive to these revelations of child abuse. They'll be disgusted at this point by the horrendous behind-the-scenes behavior described in the book, and they'll become outraged when they encounter passages WRITTEN IN HER OWN HAND that chronicle the abuse she inflicted on 8 innocent children, in order to keep up appearances--and keep that "realest reality show" on the air.
They won't be popular with everyone, but I appreciate your indulging my thoughts.
If it was so tough on Kate to parent toddlers and make them "obey" her, what will happen to them when they are teenagers? I'd take a room full of babies over a bunch of mouthy teens. Much easier to control, don't you think? I hope more eyes than Jon's are on this situation. It's still a disaster waiting to happen. Kate is not a happy person. Her goals are not happening. We've seen it. It has to be her way or the highway. Not a pretty picture for the children. Frustrated parents do not make good parents. Period.
Ahhh! So all the complaining about Kate's camera was in an attempt to get a contract to do commercials for Canon cameras? Things that make you go hmmmm. Not one thing we saw was real, except real babies really exploited.
I think the reason she didnot take the kids to the doctor was because she nay have been scared that the doctor would find a bruise on one of the kids and question her and the child about it. What a sick and horrible women.
Thank you Mr. Hoffman, Admin and all of the people on this blog that have stuck around and supported the eight children. I don't post much but I read all of the time. As tears roll out my eyes I had to at the very least come and thank all of you for contributing to helping the eight. I have written letters, many, I'm just not very good at blogs, I tend to ramble.
Improbable Dreams: The candle for the eight Gosselins is very sweet and thoughtful.
I just bought the book. I had a few problems with my order going through and the man I spoke with asked which book I was trying to get and I told him. His next sentence was "she looks scary" to which I replied she is, inside and out. He asked if I was going to read this for a college class and I briefly explained to him why I was purchasing this book and he said he just might have to also.
I don't think Kate is bi-polar. I know a person that is bi-polar and I understand that no two people are the same no matter the diagnosis, but Kate does not fit the bi-polar dx to me whatsoever. Just my opinion... The devil in disguise dx she fits to a T
Who's worse Joan Crawford or Kate Gosselin? Kate Gosselin.
On a much lighter note, admin, how did you get my kitchen counters as your background? haha
Formerly Duped said... 103
Although I am enjoying (if you call it that with all the horror) I have to wonder about Robert going through Kate's trash all the time I guess reporters do that. He was saying that her Xmas wrap she bragged about was plain newsprint paper (free) with plain black names printed on the gifts- festive! Not the picture she painted on Twitter about all the festivity and wrapping - the gifts under the tree must have been from 'enablers."
Yes, the endless festive wrap o thons were as fake as Kate's boobs. He said one year the gift tags were post it notes. Didn't we hear the rumor that the kids were told they were only getting one gift a piece last year because the show was canceled? Robert said that was true but when word got out she thought better of it. It slices my heart in half knowing what these babies did and endured to get the momster in her mansion, Audi and endless plastic surgery. At first they were only going to get one gift, but then to impress the tweeties she sprung for more. But Christmas wrap, gift tags and bows were way too extravagant for her "beloved" kids.
To: LoveMyGrandsons said... 53
I do not have an eReader but someone way up thread posted the link to the free download for Kindle software that can be used either on Macs and PCs. I just downloaded it, went to Amazon and bought the book, which downloaded onto my laptop. Easy.
There are a lot of reasons for not wanting to take medication for bipolar disorder. All of the medications approved for use as mood stabilizers come with side effects. Lithium can wreak havoc with your thyroid function and requires regular lab work. It can overwork your kidneys, cause gastric distress, give you tremors. If the amount of lithium in your system is too high, it can kill you. The atypical antipyschotics can result in jaw-dropping weight gain, metabolic syndrome and, in some cases and with some meds, drop the number of white blood cells you have. Lamictal caused some pretty serious issues for some people and not everyone can take it. Some meds affect your memory and concentration, some are terribly sedating. Some medications can cause muscle stiffness. Bipolar disorder is very manageable, especially for people who understand their triggers, adopt lifestyle changes that promote stability and surround themselves with a strong social support system. It isn't as simple as taking meds.
Also, misdiagnosis does occur. In those cases, the medications aren't going to necessarily have the desired effect.
Not all people with bipolar disorder fit the stereotypical image. Some have their symptoms under control to the point that they appear no different from anyone else you would know. They may also opt to keep their diagnosis private due to the high amount of stigma associated with a diagnosis. Some are only rarely manic or hypomanic, with the primary symptoms reflecting depression. Bipolar doesn't necessarily equal out-of-control abuser.
OT for a brief moment please? The mail just arrived and I received an 8x10 kindergarten portrait of my older grandson. He so gorgeous it takes my breath away, but of course, I am very biased.
Back to the book, as others have commented, it is appalling to my that TLC/Discovery obviously saw this behavior and knew what was going on. What intelligent thinking adult couldn't see it? Yet, they chose to IGNORE it and play Kate up as the supreme mother! That is just unconscionable to me! They surely are as culpable for this disaster as Kate is because they knew it was going on and chose to ignore it, edit it, and make everything seem wonderful. Damn them.
Well, I have finally finished reading the book. A range of emotions - mostly sadness at the hell these 8 children must live when they are with their mother. I will pray daily that somehow Jon will get fully custody of these children.
Oh, and Julie Carson May - it's time to cut bait - this woman's image cannot be rehabilitated - quit trying to reinvite Kate or you will go down along with her.
God Bless Mady, Cara, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Colin, Joel and Aaeden. May His steady be with you always.
Thanks, FandM alumna. With the suggestions from all of you wonderful posters, I should be able to get this book this evening and begin reading it myself.
She couldn't have been too upset with her childhood since she saw fit to leave the twins with her parents for the 8,888 months she was on bed rest.
In taking a quick scan of Twitter, it appears that one of Khate's top fans thinks there's nothing wrong with Khate's abortion. (Not surprised in any way.) What this fan is NOT looking at is the fact that Khate lied about not being able to conceive. The fans will bury their heads on that.
In taking a quick scan of Twitter, it appears that one of Khate's top fans thinks there's nothing wrong with Khate's abortion. (Not surprised in any way.) What this fan is NOT looking at is the fact that Khate lied about not being able to conceive.
If she was forced into it, that's not her fault. It is her fault to get pregnant and it is her fault to lie about infertility.
The grandiosty of her language in describing her thoughts during the pregnancy (ies?) is offensive, although her sheeple will probably fall for it all, hook line and sinker.
A doctor "was put in my path simply to carry out what was already my God-given distiny." The whole entry reads as The Book Of Katie Irene, to be added to the New Testament, or perhaps it's own Bible. She is merely a humble instrument of God meant to obtain greatness, and all these mediocre folks have been sent to be her handmaids in The Mission. Again, I find her thought process disturbing.
Her morning sickness was 'not fair' but later she realizes God was giving her a trial run of all the misery she would face later.
Her language is over the top grandiose. Her 'humbleness' is vague, seldom, and sounds like she is reciting language learned from her father.
Sorry to be so far behind and posting this little nonsense. But HunnyBunny is now buried in something on PBS so I neeeeeed you all right now. Sniffle dab...
BTW, I was taught that you did not pray for MATERIAL THINGS. Kate treats praying like Aladin's Lamp.
Exactly! I was taught the very same thing, I'd be ashamed. That Kate creature does not have one redeeming quality.
Excuse all my typos , please ! I find this book has got me rather jangled. Can't read much at a time. It's very disturbing although not at all surprising.
Re: trash. I remember someone once stole Madonna's trash and made a mural of it on display somewhere ! Who would be interested- though I recall she had said her kids never ate sweets and there were plenty of empty sugary treats. Why lie about trifles?
But in Kate's case, how dumb to just toss all this incriminating stiff about her personal schemes and abuses?
What trade secrets doesn't Discovery want out?
- Gosselin salary
- House building plans for Gosselins
- free sitters, chefs, bodyguard, toys, appliances, kitchen, and on and on and on
- long list of "fringe benefits"
Do you think Honey Boo Boo's family, Jen Arnold and Bill Klein, the Amish in NYers, etc. need to know what all the Gosselins got? As soon as they find out, they're going to be emailing
their PR person and saying Take Care of This for ME. I want the same! Next negotiations, I want a year in Paris, free!
I'm still trying to comprehend how someone so obsessed with "God" could lie and manipulate so easily to make sure she had multiple babies?
Improbable Dreams said... 105
Dee3 at 73 ~ I agree with you! Sad as I am to say this, leading with the corporal punishment isn't all that effective, given most people's mindsets.
Excellent comment, Improbable Dreams.
I agree with everything you wrote. And I actually think that the more important issue IS "Or simply promise them a story that plunges them headlong into the dark, depraved underbelly of reality television" as for me, that's the much bigger story.
Any story that deals simply with the child punishment/mistreatment issues will bring out all the "spare the rod, spoil the child" advocates.....and our country is apparently filled with them. Makes me ill but there it is.
Kate G. is just one of millions who mistreat their children. What I find to be the bigger story is that so many millions of viewers of this (and other) reality TV shows were and are duped into believing some completely confabulated false facade. I remember seeing J&K plus 8 way back when it first came out and being disgusted very quickly. Nothing I've read here regarding the revelations in R. Hoffman's book would have surprised me even back then. I saw Kate coming from a mile away and have been stunned for years how so many didn't see it but bought the whole facade hook, line and sinker.....but then I grew up with an abusive schizophrenic mother.
Coming to this blog the past few years has been comforting for terms of knowing that there were others who saw the reality behind the fake facade.
When I was reading many of the comments following the article about the teen "spanked" in Texas, I noted that many who supported it ranted on about the "good ole' days" back in the days when parents beat their kids everything was so much better. As if they think that "Leave it to Beaver" was the way things really were back in the '50's. As if...if they didn't see wasn't happening. This is how so many fall for all sorts of propaganda.
I think it's how easily duped people are that bothers me.....that if one will believe anything, one stands for nothing. I am so glad that these revelations are being brought to light by Mr. Hoffman. People need to be made aware of how duped they were by TLC/Discovery. They need to hone their critical thinking skills and not just believe everything they see.
Nothing upsets me more than stupid and lack of critical thinking skills. If nothing else, I just hope that these revelations make some people stop and reconsider believing everything they see on reality TV.....and maybe they'll then take a minute to consider what ALL children in reality TV have to live through.
back to reading. Dont leave me...
OT...or is it OT?
Has anyone learned if Katie Couric's show w/Kate is one that was pre-taped, or is even going to be on or not? I'm not on Face Book (much to the disgust of my family) and am also not on twitter, but I do lurk on a bunch of twitter people. I'm off to try to find KC's twitter, so I can see how many people are bombarding (I hope) w/all the info about Robert's book!
was put in my path simply to carry out what was already my God-given distiny
God given destiny (it's spelled with an E Kate not an I)???? Good Lord she acts like she's Mary the mother of Jesus.
Maybe the hair pulling/grabbing is the reason she keeps the boy's hair short all the time. A safety measure for them.
She always was grabbing/directing them by the heads, which I thought was strange. That must be the first place she is used to grabbing for though.
LOL about Robert confirming what we all knew about her good bra. He posted the letter from the surgeon who offered to do her boobs and he said he saw the post-op paperwork.
He said that one of Kate suggestions for a show was Kate starting weight training, "but cannot exersize until 4/30 due to surgery." This was 2009. The tummy tuck was 2006.
There was also something Kate referred to about her going for a plastic surgery consult for her "dent leg." Personally, I think her "Nike striped gut" is more offensive than her "dent leg."
I may or may not be able to be on this call today... I am going to be spa-ing.... For some wonderful stress relief!
Jon will be on the call though!!!!
Thanks! Have a gr8t day!
Kate Gosselin
On Jul 31, 2008, at 5:46 PM, wrote: Hi Everyone, Just a friendly reminder for our weekly call tomorrow at 2PM. Please call in to phone bridge 240-662-1819. Thanks, Wendy
Can you imagine your boss saying please phone in at 2pm and you tell him oh sorry can't I'm gonna be at the SPA???
My God this woman has absolutely no idea how the working world really works. You phone in at 2pm come rain or shine and you don't go to the SPA for God sake. What a disgusting work ethic.
I really blame Discovery for letting her get away with such things. Give her an inch and she took a mile. They should have said no Kate, these phone calls are a requirement, cancel your spa you must be on this phone call.
There are thousands of people out of work now who would have called in at 2pm no matter WHAT.
I just remembered that Robert said he has everything he took from Kate's trash saved in his basement. That means he has the ORIGINAL things...which would be the original emails, receipts, the container of the med she ordered from Canada so she could give herself the extra shot...EVERYTHING!!
No wonder Kate's high priced cut throat attorney couldn't stop him!! !!!!!!
As some of you have mentioned I also, at first, found it kind of disturbing of Robert going through Kate's trash and taking it home with him. He writes that he spread it out in his basement to look it over. I think he probably showed it to his sources and Jon to verify, then it makes sense. Glad he has hung onto it for proof in case they try to sue him.
GMTA, Just Me!!
Admin #130 - my gosh, Kate really felt entitled, didn't she?!? She actually had the gall to think that the company that made her a household name and gave her family riches unimagined, should wait while she indulges in self-pampering. I can't believe they put up with this crap from her. But then again, they were making tons of money off of her and her family, in spite of what they had to pay out to meet her demands.
Just me, don't know if you or anyone knows the answer, unless Robert reads this, but why not just add the pictures of what he found in the trash to the book?
What does it cost to print a paperback book?
Anyone know?
Maybe Robert could break it down into 2 books.
The first part of it is published, and when it becomes a best seller (!) he prints the second half - by popular demand! ]THE STORY CONTINUES!"
I've been gone to day doing mediocre stuff with my mediocre kids!
Kate Gosselin is still a bitc* (Administrator) said... 130
My God this woman has absolutely no idea how the working world really works. You phone in at 2pm come rain or shine and you don't go to the SPA for God sake. What a disgusting work ethic.
Exactly. Ok, do your diva turn and soak it up for awhile... but when you have filed for divorce from the father of your children, he stops the filming of the show and Discovery wins it back- shouldn't that have been her wake up call to really put her nose to the grindstone and say to herself "this is all I have, I have to make this work?" Instead of stepping up the diva demands and insisting they travel or renovate her mansion in every show, she should have really tried to think of what would appeal to America and what would have kept the show on the air.
Buy then again, I am describing what a mentally sound person might do.
Robert said Kate ordered HGH to be mailed to ?? (another address I can't remember right now) and he has the original of that and everything from her trash saved!!
The more I read, the more I admire Robert. I can't see any way he can be 'taken down' with all the hard evidence he has.
He explained why he removed the to see if I can find it.
Didn't I read somewhere that TLC had made over 200 million about Jon & Kate?
The thing I'm wondering about the most at this point is what he took the lie detector test about. I'm VERY curious about that...and I'll admit that I'm hoping that part of it was to absolve Jon of any blame!
Putting aside the obvious abuse and pure greed (whish is not easy) for a moment.
What stands out to me is what a HUGE lie the whole thing was and every single person seemed to pull it off with a straight face, reminds me of my teenage kids who can look me straight in the eye lie to me then get mad when I actually call them on it, they seem to actually seem to believe the lie
Credit to Preesi, she has found an upcoming seminar with the personal chef who currently prepares all of Kate's homeade, made from scratch meals!
Think Kate REALLY pushes 3 carts and brings in 20 bags of groceries while Deanna loving watches? Hell naw! But the nannies do!;) Kate just goes for minor incidentals here & there. Robert claims Kate rarely cooks and is a terrible cook. Now we know why her oven looked unused and she's clueless about portion sizes. She's more of a heat it up in the mic gal. Good she has those double dishwashers!
cook with Katherine!
In the Chapter "Just One More", Robert gives comparisons between Kate and Bobbi McCaughey. He believes Kate got the whole GOD spiel from her, because many things Kate said, were similar to what Bobbi McCaughey had said 7 years earlier.
Decided to change my avatar-thanks to Improbable Dreams for giving me the inspiration.
For those of you that may have not read all the comments, or were not here last night, Robert made several posts. They're all on the first page of this thread. The comment #'s are:
104 119 141 150 167 173
Dwindle (125) "back to reading. Dont leave me..."
I'm still here for you, Dwindle. I've stop reading for now, -too much pain and too many bad memories to deal with-, but I'm available for hand holding... And comforting internet hugs for all those in need.
Can someone explain what or who the source was on Kate's abortion that Robert is writing about? Is it something she wrote about in her journal or information passed on to him from an insider? Thanks.
WHOA, look at this one, she's talking about people giving them Christmas money:
250 from my parents
So apparently, her parents are good enough to give her cold hard cash, but not good enough to be in the children's lives.
fidosmommy said... 136
What does it cost to print a paperback book?
Anyone know?
Maybe Robert could break it down into 2 books.
The first part of it is published, and when it becomes a best seller (!) he prints the second half - by popular demand! ]THE STORY CONTINUES!"
Hi fidosmommy,
His best bet would be Lightning Source (the print- on-demand branch of Ingram, B&N's distributor.) They are huge, efficient, cheap, and fast. He could probably get 500 copies of a 500-page book for about $7 each. I say 500 because beyond that quantity, they would have to sub it out and it becomes offset, not POD. The price would continue to drop as the quantities ordered grew.
Someone would have to create the cover for him. (Wait, Robert, you said you went to art school! No problem then.) He obviously already has it PDF ready.
I would think a cover price of $20 to $25 would be very fair for the size of the book. Or he could do Part 1 & Part 2 as you suggested, but it might be safer to simply sell one big book, take it or leave it, rather than trying to sort out how many of the buyers of the first part will go on to buy the second.
He could also take pre-orders on Amazon to get an estimate of how many to order for starters.
Carol, in that paragraph when he's talking about her childhood and the aboriton, he says his sources are "several people close to Kate, including a sibling."
So one of her siblings squealed.
According to the book, Kate believes that her Father took monies from the "collection plate" at his church that were meant for her family.
I've never been in a book club so I'm enjoying reading all the comments as I read this book.
Yes, Robert should put a paypal button on his site.
Admin. I love the blue.
I wonder how msgoodie will react to Kate's abortion and racism.
To the blogs that support her .... I laugh at your ignorance and pray for your unfortunate children.
This is the weekend of deconstructing Kate Gosselin!
There is so much material. I am only in Chapter 16 but I keep coming here for spoilers. Wow!
Great job, Preesi. There goes Kate's cookbook. Buh- Bye!!!!!!
New post on Gosselinbook, I plan to help.
Also, does anyone know what 'Kate Gosselin Weightloss 2012 Diet Progran' is all about? It's the first thing that comes up when I do a search for Kate.
To possibly answer: why, Kates's 15 or so fans, stick to her like glue, I will give some possible answers, and explainations, of what I saw in a lot of fandoms I was in.
First, there are fans, people who go to concerts, watch everything they can on their celeb on TV, radio, go to appearances: like book signing, autograph sessions, pics etc.. Buy every mag with their pic on it, buy DVD, CD etc. And there are varying degrees of fans, from I like the show to all out fandom(they want everything on this celeb, like an addiction) Now, when their idol/celebs TV show or status declines, they are not popular anymore, they do something stupid, fans stop being their fans and move on. These are regular fans, usually the ones who make you and can break you. Like most, or all here. We were all fans of JK8, probably not K8, we were interested in how, a couple can take care of twins & tups and work, without going crazy. That is my reason for watching and probably a lot here. I would say the show was fine for about maybe 2-3 years, at most, Kates jabbing of Jon and yelling of the kids, became annoying and more and more as the longer the show was on. Kate became worse.
The next fan is the diehard. This fan will be a fan till the end of time, and I'm not talking stalkers, they are a class of there own. They will do all of the above and still be a fan, for years, through thick & thin, almost like a marriage. When I decided to go and see Davy jones, cause I like him when I was a kid, and who could not, and was not allowed to go to any concerts then, did not have money later, when the Monkees did a reunion tour and tours(I also stop liking them and Davy when show went off air). Being older I thought hey, got money now, let's go to one. I was amazed that most of the women were still fans from the 60's, like Beatle fans, total diehards. Just like there are still Xena conventions, Buffy conventions and others, and these shows have been off TV for 6-7 years or more and yet, fans still flock to them. Yes, there are Star Wars, Star Trek fans, who are diehards, but remember, they have made movies, and merchandise, and are still around, cause of the fans. I was into Star Trek, I know some who are still into Trek and Star Wars, you call them Geeks, among other lesser names. Most fandoms have core/diehard fans.
Kates 15-20 fans fit into the second type of fan, the diehards: Anything good or bad, years can go by, they collect everything, about Kate, and will continue to do so, until Kate tells them personally to F-off & be totally rude to them, that will be the only way this bunch of fans will ever, stop being Kates fans. And yes, some of these as with the other groups could turn into stalkers and have.
As for this new surge of fans Kate seems to be attracting, in Davy Jones, fandom, he had a lot of young girls and women, who were fans. I don't know why they would be attracted to a 60 ish man but hey to each his own. I laugh at the one teen, who was expecting Davy to look like he did, when he did the Monkees, boy was she in for a shock and she was. Most of these young women, their mother took them to the concerts. This is some of what I saw in some of the fandoms I was in. And no, I am not anywhere near being a stalker, when the shows, went off the air, their records, stop being played or made it to the charts, I moved on.
Now Kate is a different thing, I was a fan, the casual, fan, tuned in every week to see what was next. Like most people here. Stop watching when the husband abuse became too much, and the way Kate acted or ignored the kids. The yelling and way she treated the kids. I wanted to reach through the TV and slap Kate. God gave you beautiful healthy children and a good husband and you treat then like shit. Well Karma has come around.
How is it that the children still are living in that house? And boy was Jon stupid to go along with Kate to do the fertile treatments BOTH times when she was able to get pregnant at 17! No way POCS just popped up on its own one day. Doesnt it take years and symptoms and endless tests to get that dx? WHAT A FRAUD!!!!
Now she's getting the twins iPhones? Great. What kid wouldn't Google herself right off the bat. Sad to think of all they'll see, if they haven't already.
Paula, Kate actually thought that her father was stealing from the "love offerings" designated for her and her family? I'm sorry, but I just cannot buy that without actual proof. She always seemed to think someone was taking food out of her kids mouths, when she was the biggest "stealer" of all: using their money for boobs, tanning, hair, expensive clothes, etc.
What an idiot.
According to the book, Kate believes that her Father took monies from the "collection plate" at his church that were meant for her family.
Oh, so that's where she gets her "I rob little old church ladies" gene.
Is there such a thing as paranoid bi-polar? I'm asking this seriously. I know there's paranoid-schizoid.
She is SO paranoid. She thinks people are getting shows who haven't even gotten pregnant yet, she thinks her dad is stealing from her, etc etc.
Dwindle said... 119
The grandiosty of her language in describing her thoughts during the pregnancy (ies?) is offensive, although her sheeple will probably fall for it all, hook line and sinker.
A doctor "was put in my path simply to carry out what was already my God-given distiny." The whole entry reads as The Book Of Katie Irene, to be added to the New Testament, or perhaps it's own Bible. She is merely a humble instrument of God meant to obtain greatness, and all these mediocre folks have been sent to be her handmaids in The Mission. Again, I find her thought process disturbing.
Her morning sickness was 'not fair' but later she realizes God was giving her a trial run of all the misery she would face later...."
Oh my....Saint Kate. I don't know if I'll be able to stomach that part. The only thing worse than a greedy, child-abusing fame-whore is a greedy child-abusing fame whore hiding behind the Bible.
Gosh, I really missed being here and missed all the commenters here. It's just that I couldn't take much more of the mini-marathons.....and losing hope that I'd ever get to see her exposed for the greedy child abuser she was/is.
I decided to just be happy to see that her dreams and delusions of stardom had never materialized....that she'd had to settle for twittering with a few teens and a few nut cases and blogging for a coupon site.
But...of course....I'd always had hopes that maybe one day the truth would be revealed.
Please God....let this be the start of that day. I've waited one hell of a long time to finally see this happen.
I find the book very hard to read. Mainly because it's mostly Kate's self-absorbed, grandiose. grifting ass speaking plus her enablers, who somehow can deal with helping this bundt get free shit and lots of money. I'm axed how very little the kids seem to matter to her. They are merely her trump card to get more shit for free
Oh, and bombshell....she never was infertile! Why does that not surprise me even a little bit? But, but, but....she had a "feeling" she'd have a hard time getting pregnant once she was married. Snerk. She is a bag full of crap. What Jon and the kids must suffer
I think this is from her book but still important:
“Early in my pregnancy, when we learned I was carrying multiples, I felt insignificant and unworthy to mother so many children. As time passed we realized God did not make a mistake."
Dear Kate, your first instinct was correct.
Isn't it interesting how Discovery swiffered almost all traces of her psycho religion?
I remember hearing a long time ago that Discovery felt that they already had a religious family in the Duggars and didn't want to saturate it so they decided to downplay their religion.
But clearly Kate is a Bible thumper. Or was.
Okay there's a new post for the next chapters.
Move on over as a group! Hold hands!
You got to love the subtitle to Chapter 37-Tweet Tweet
or @KateisaOxyMoron
It doesn't show here, but he has a line through Oxy.
Want to add: Kates fans are addicted, besides what I posted earlier. It is possible that these fans are like Kate, want to be like Kate or are opposite or Kate and something in them secretly would like to do what Kate is doing. As for her younger fans, their lack of maturity, devolpment of their brains, lack of social interaction, not been in the world long enough, they can't see Kate anything other than a role model. I also wonder how much TLC, edits of JK8 & K8, before it is shown in other countries. So maybe they don't see all of what we saw first hand. Remember there were several JK8 and K8, that had cut some footage, the second time it was shown. So they only see Kate one way. Not the way we had seen her.
Where did she pick up the POCS story from to trick the doctors into giving her the fertility treatments, anybody know?
Now we know what her ever consuming paperwork is. Making lists with orders:
List of tasks for nanny
List of tasks for Carla
Grocery list for the shopper
Meal list for the cook
She literally does nothing except give orders, tan and get mani/pedis. Nothing!
We knew the show was staged, but apparently every scene where she's actually sweeping or doing anything domestic was also staged.
If finished reading the book, and I'm amazed that the kids are still alive. Between the abuse, her driving and not taken them to the doctor when they were sick(especially waiting 4 wks to take Mady for stomach pains), those kids are awfully lucky.
fidosmommy said... 122
What trade secrets doesn't Discovery want out?
Getting school to cooperate with fake filming of "first day of school" (twins), several weeks into the school year. (Administrator) said... 77
What is the pathology in the brain behind the maternal instinct to nurture, love, and for lack of a better word sort of be obsessed with your kids?
Like do they understand why some women don't have much of it when most seem to?
It seems to me those who lack maternal instincts would die off because their children wouldn't survive.
I am one of the non maternal ones. I would make lousy mother. I'm not the least bit interested in babies. I have enough patience to deal with children for a period of time, and then I want them to leave. Since I've known this about myself since I was 15 or 16, I have always known not to get myself into any situation where I might become a mother. It would have been a disaster for everyone involved, most especially the child.
Earlier (#87) I commented on the article regarding the book which was appearing in the Mail Online(U.K.). Just now when I checked back to read the comments I discovered the article has been removed "no longer available". This is highly unusual for the Mail; their articles are usually up for a few days and available for comment.
Things that make you go "hmmmm". The show was available in the U.K. in fact she had people from there tweeting her not long ago.
I looked up naughtynicerob on AOL Community. No info on his page but his last nanme which I Googled. One (of several) people with his name is a TV writer/host working for AOL. Hummmm
Lynn W. said... 172
Lynn--Rob writes for the Huffington Post. I don't remember when, but sometime ago the HP become a part of AOL.
Just want to remind everyone that there's a NEW POST.
The new post is to a PayPal account to help Robert
I have spent the day weighing this out in my head. I understand revealing her abusive behavior and I truly hope it helps the kids. I also am glad TLC's role has been exposed because I've always credited them with destroying that family for their own profits.
However...I can't support Robert revealing Kate's abortion at the age of 17. That doesn't help anyone.
I'm so bummed! I downloaded the Kindle app & went to buy the book & it's pulled!! I guess I'll just have to read the comments here. Hopefully it will be put back up. TLC & Kate Gosselin are despicable!
Robert why dont you just put the book on a dvd, make copies and sell it out of a po box? it will generate a nice profit for you not having to go through the headache and cost of self publishing since its such a large book? Just a thought.
Does anyone know how many copies were downloaded before it was pulled? I am glas I got a copy on Friday...have been reading all weekend. I will pray for you Robert and just like Kate will believe that "the truth shall set YOU free" and that the truth will set those sweet 8 kids free.
Hi Everyone. Been out of town working AGAIN. I am tired but try at night to keep up with your comments on my phone. Shocked? Wow, what a raving maniac that no one could stop? How in this world did some adult not report everything they saw with abuse. Maybe Pahlin did see a lot. Poor Mady in Alaska, what a terrible experience as she cried, held her arm and her mother was oblivious to her on the end of that "family photo" all I can say is finally all 8 children have been noted as abused and they WILL LIVE. Women who have this much anger within them usually kill a child or two. This is frightening to remember that women who have disorders of the mind will kill. Kate's behavior, as noted in her own notes, convince me that she is capable of killing, unintentionally. But her anger level is too high to be around those children. Not one of them is safe around her. This expose' does it protect the children now? No. She is not going to now Stay straight and Not Hit Again. She will blame them, every one of them. Kate's circumference of people within this Region of Hate are insurmountable. Crime is just around the corner and I do mean the type that cannot be handled with therapy, rehabilitation afterward. Why did these parents of Kate, her bro & s in l not reveal what they saw? Set yourself up for a lawsuit? Frightened you, you were all frightened by Kate and her CA? Bullshit. No, I will not buy the book. I know what goes on in that sick bitch's head. She shouldn't have a dead squirrel in her yard, she would find a way to have it "bother her and raise her anger level"..very sick woman. Help these kids Jon. Find a way, go on a TV show and blow the lid on what these kids have been through. They need to go through this, so that they may live without fear, pain and worry. Help them Jon, don't be afraid of these lawyers, get on one TV show and you will have the money for a fund that handles lawyers. You may even get a ton of pro bono' people looking for you now. PROTECT your children NOW.
Hope all you girls are well. I can't get you on most hotel/courtroom computers. But today got lucky for a few minutes. God Bless You all, especially you Administrator. You are one of the few who was not looking to make money (oh that would be Polly with or without wig and Al right?)
Hurrah, the wheels are turning. If there is no money left for Katie and the kids, guess what they will be okay. How many kids are raised without private schools, big homes where fear and hunger exist? No money is better with loving adults to assist the growing up and trying to understand why Mommy does not love the way other Mommies love.
I am SO mad at myself that I didn't purchase this book BEFORE they pulled it. I've known the truth for years. Others and myself were on gosselins without pity blogspot. What you printed, is proof for the sheeple, and for others that blinded followed and pitied this family. I've always felt so sorry for Collin. The way Kate would discuss the kids on camera was deplorable. It wasn't fun. It was FREE. Fight, fight some more and never back down. These children have been exploited far too long. I applaud your bravery for exposing the REAL Kohn.
Sing to the song "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks.
Please forgive me, Stevie!
kate took her love spoon and beat'em down
She climbed a crib and turned around
And she saw her reflection in the TV screen
Till the book landslide brought her down
Oh, TLC in the sky
What is love?
Can the child that I just beat rise above?
Can I sail thru the vomit of kids on the ocean tides?
Can I handle the press telling about my life?
Mmm Mmm...
Well, I've been afraid of changing diapers
'Cause I've built my life around Steve
But time makes you bolder
Children do get older
And I'm getting older too
So, kids take my beatings, take it down
Oh, climb the crib and turn around
If you see my reflection in the TV screen
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the book landslide will bring kate down, down
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the book landslide will bring kate down, down
Oh, oh, the landslide will bring Kate down
I was reading on another blog where a poster said that Robert mentioned that Kate was sexually abused by a relative and that's why she was promiscuous. I don't remember reading that. Did he write that...and in what part of the book?
Oh, yes, she does alert! :)
Can I get a copy of that book? I will purchase it from one of you?
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