Hoffman fell into the job of covering the Gosselins by chance and circumstance,
not having ever seen an episode of the show. He just needed work to support his
family, which includes three kids of his own, and US Weekly needed someone on
the Gosselin beat. He quickly befriended Jon, and over the years spent a lot of
time with Jon and the kids. He only had one direct conversation with Kate, when the two dogs got out into the road when Kate was gone. He held onto the dogs until Kate got back. Hoffman says he mainly wrote this book for Collin,
whom he had grown quite fond of. He describes Collin as a sweet little boy
with a beautiful heart and endless love to give. He dedicates the book to all
eight of the children.
Kate was
a focused, though shy child who stuck to schoolwork, was driven to accomplish her goals,
and was a preacher’s kid who practiced her faith daily. She grew up in the
country on a big property with a barn. Her childhood, at least from the
outside, seemed All-American.
2. When Katie Met Jonnie

shares this tender moment in her diary: “Yesterday,
all six followed daddy in to our room while he was changing after work…from the
kitchen I heard him say ‘ hello my little Gosselins’ and it made my heart melt!
He so loves his kids and he said it in such a sweet tone!!!! I really had to
smile at that comment!”
makes reference to Bob, Beth’s husband, offering Jon a job because he also
recognized his brilliance.
3. Jon & Kate 101: How Did We Get Here?
previously reported, Kate contacted the Reading Eagle to cover the story when
she was pregnant, not the other way around as she claims. Despite putting up a façade
of wanting to protect the children from the press, in fact Kate aggressively
pursued the media attention.
4. Sign Here – Or Else!!!!!
Kate was not
happy with first drafts of TLC’s non-disclosure agreement. She didn’t feel they
were broad enough. She wanted to be sure it was clear no one could talk about
the family at all, not just the filming and not just about negative things. The agreements extend “in perpetuity.” The
contract includes, “The undersigned
understands and agrees that the any monetary damages will
not be sufficient to avoid or compensate the Producer or the Gosselin
Family for the unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information and that injunctive or other equitable relief would be appropriate to
prevent any improper actual or threatened use or disclosure of the Confidential
Information or other breach of this Agreement.”
585 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 585 Newer› Newest»aggiemom09121416 said... 120
Katie Irene Gosselin is a lying piece of sh*t.
I hope she rots in hell.
(carried over from the previous thread)
I had to bring this over, aggiemom, because I worry sometimes that you hold in your feelings and dont express them well. I think you should stop all the nice language and tell us how you REALLY feel about Kate Gosselin.
I am reading this book and I have to say; this is a whole lot of Kate Gosselin and nuttin' BUT kate gosselin to take in one sitting. I know I can be on and off this blog for the better part of an evening, but I never realized how much I appreciate all the off-topic stuff we have here. She really is hard to take in concentrated doses like this book.
I don't understand how they can poo poo emails from Kate herself. I mean it's all right there.
Wow! Just Wow! Have been reading the book from Robert today and he deserves many thanks yous for outing Kate Gosselin and her over the top behavior from beating her children to begging for freebies. If she does appear with Katie Couric on Oct. 3rd I hope she (Katie) rips Kate (G) a new one!
ADMIN, if you'd prefer I don't share these here (or on the blog) just say the word!
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@msgoody2shoes21 @acemme @allisstair @kateplusmy8 I can attest that what is written about me/Easter is untrue. Ask me if you want to know!
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@SiobhanR111 @msgoody2shoes21 @acemme @allisstair @kateplusmy8 No, a 3rd party provided it for me! I'll DM you!
Siobhan R @SiobhanR111
@deannatweeting @msgoody2shoes21 @acemme @allisstair @kateplusmy8 he writes lies about U in book 2? how can he think he'll get away with it?
Deanna Bell @deannatweeting
@SiobhanR111 @msgoody2shoes21 @acemme @allisstair @kateplusmy8 Yes, I rec'd that excerpt & happy to illustrate all of the lies to anyone.
Spoiler, regarding Jen stocks. It's one thing if she chose to leave. Quite another for Kate to be interfering with someone's employment now. Who did she think she was? She went from mediocre blue collar no make up mommy to acting like she's CEO of an empire who can just cut off the head of anyone who makes her squirm.
One thing that is a pet peeve of mine is correct grammar usage, spelling. I did my stint years ago copy editing and Robert has some mistakes he could have avoided by just hiring a free lance copy editor, maybe someone from the local paper. That kind of thing is why self-publishing is the red headed stepchild in the publishing world.
Now that I got that out of the way, I am appalled that people signed that crazy CA. No wonder Kate has felt invincible.
Robert's story about Collin broke my heart.
Seriously I do not get it? No one has ever given specifics on how Kate is a nice person, good mother, good neighbor, good employee, good student, honest person, good daughter, and yet the media and a few sheeple appear to support this momster.
There has always been a ton of examples of her meanness. I truly, truly am baffled and it makes me crazy.
Does Deanna know she's barely even mentioned in the book? What lies is she talking about. Robert says he saw paid help putting out the Easter eggs while the adults were inside and that Deanna saw him because she pointed at him. Deanna may disagree but she's certainly getting her panties in a wad over some very minor disputes. He does includes some of her tweets defending Kate but that's Deanna's opinion and Anyone is free to have a different opinion.
Anonymous Deanna gave specifics of how Kate is a good mom. She carried 20 bags of groceries into the house. Lol
What's ironic is Kate gave specifics about how Jon is a good dad. Haha!
We were right. She reads the blogs and even got some shut down. Since when did this country not allow freedom of speech? Interesting that she was always quick to ask if she could sue. Why? Well it was on TLC's dime, not hers, IMO.
Has anyone been able to download the book to a Nook?
Thanks to whoever clued me in about the free Kindle download for PCs. I'm still a dead tree book lover and didn't think I'd be able to read this book. Reading a whole book on a PC isn't the most comfortable way to read, but reading this much about Kate is so painful I can only take a few chapters at a time anyways.
Again, where are the tweets of support or comments from one, just one, person who personally knows Kate and has never collected a paycheck due to her. Speaks volumes, doesn't it.
Now we know why those kids are alway happy!! happy!! happy!!, and why they smother Kate with kisses of love ( so to speak), and stay out of her wya... not because she has well behaved fawning children or that she is mother of the year...
each of those kids will have taken on different roles in order to try and keep the abuse at bay.
Those of us who have never experienced abuse should not make any judgements about Jon, or the kids, as we have no idea what it would have been like to live in that house.
I will not be able to read the book as my mac is too old to download kindle, so I am going to have to get as many tidbits as I can from here...
Kate Gosselin: I know you read here: Please, fall on your knees NOW and ask for forgiveness and remove yourself from the presence of your children and go get the help that you need!
Question? Is this thread to discuss only the first 4 chapters? Should we continue posting other stuff on the old thread?
NEW Hoffman blog!
I like how right out of the gate, he refers to this work as a "book" in quotation marks. He also refers to himself as mediocre.
He sure does point out quite a bit of Kate's own words about what a good daddy Jon is/was, how the children adored him, how it amazed her how much of the child care he would handle all DAY long and then he would go to work at NIGHT? I dont remember hearing he was working nights.
She calls him brilliant and can hardly say enough about what good care he took of her after her free tummy tuck, in the hotel room.
I hope they're not all sharing just one of those grocery store sushi plates for dinner. That's only about four rolls per person.
I just polished one of those off myself yesterday. On my own. No sharing.
"...contains Discovery's trade secret and other confidential information protected by law."
Their trade secret. They have a secret? And it's a trade secret?
I feel bad for RH's legal fees, but Discovery Inc is not going to want to allow the chance of validation of his statements.
Is anyone else getting dizzy from the merrigoround of all this?
Once Discovery Inc starts threatening, any major media that is owned by them (and there is alot more than we all realize i think) will shut RH out, but the other ones will be banging on his door bigtime.
Maybe he can get them to hire his wife 'an ironess' for their kids' clothes.
At least Discovery is polite.
Shouldn't Discovery get mad at Kate for being so careless with their "trade secrets"? Instead of blaming someone who just found them on the side of the road? And really, what trade secrets? How to exploit children better than anyone else? LOL.
There is so much protection under the law for whistleblowing misdeeds. Fight on.
I posted this in the previous thread, but will also post it here.
The book is up to #175 at the Kindle Store of paid books.
With the amount of books Kindle offers, a lot of people are buying this book. I wish the page would also show how many were downloaded through Amazon Prime.
TLC should be sued, and hung by thier necks, and all they are worried about is trade secrets????
We all need to stop watching this channel, and write letters to the people who advertise on their network. This is the only way this will stop.
I am going to start doing this again..
I have to agree with "TLC Stinks" that he should have gotten a freelance editor for the spelling mistakes. I caught 'allowed' 'aloud' at the beginning. Did he spell HAnnah's name wrong, in the dedication, too?
I would love a time line to follow. I'm terrible with dates and when he is setting everything up and shares articles, I can't remember if it's before or after the divorce.
Also, I've been following how this book is ranking in Kindle sales. It's already in the 200s!
So...I checked out RH's newest post tonight on his blog.... just today, Discovery sends Robert Hoffman a letter...SOMEONE is sure in a tizzy about this book.
I have no idea what trade secrets Discovery is worried about...but it sure makes it all the more interesting, huh?
Oh I guess this means Kate called them up to whine. It's not like Discovery is really bothering to follow the Gosselin mess anymore, I mean I doubt they do.
Or a sheeple told them like I know they told on me. Oh and just to remind them it went NO WHERE with me we're still here.
Turns out KK DID go to college. She attended a community college for 3 months AND WASHED OUT!! BWAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!! My question is, then how the HELL did she get into Nursing School, let alone PASS all all her nursing courses AND pass the licensing exam??
Wow, Kate is a Twit, the book is up to #175!
That confidential agreement was nuts! Tha average person couldn't make heads or tails out of it! Do all TLC shows use this?
Even a lot of people here could have helpedh im out to make it a bit easier to read. But I don't know I think his intent was most of all to just get it out there, not as concerned with dotting every i. Some people aren't. Non-writers especially, which he freely admits he is. (Administrator) said... 2
I don't understand how they can poo poo emails from Kate herself. I mean it's all right there
Shhhhh. special effects editing and an alien invasion conspiracy and a government takeover plot to ruin katemerica. Keep that on the hush-hush, it is a trade secret.
Aggie, I think it's silly to send such a letter before you've even seen such a thing. But I'm not going to give Robert legal advice. Other than to say I think it's too late, Discovery has been exposed for their role in creating the monster that is Kate.
I don't even think it trashes them that badly. It makes it seem more like they just tried to control Kate more than anything else.
This is really good from Robert Hoffman. Finally someone has the "guts" and "Kate's own words" to make Kate go "bye-bye". However, there's enough money to last 5-8 years then Kate sells the "farm" for a another million plus. Kate didn't want to work. Only hope someone can keep eyes and ears open on the Gosselin kids. Hopefully kids will "learn" and get out before Kate's history gets repeated 8-times!
Michelle said... 12
Thanks to whoever clued me in about the free Kindle download for PCs.
I second that! I didn't think I'd be able to read it either.
Dwindle! Thanks for letting me share the first post! YEA!!
ok, I might have been a little too descriptive, but....
Kate Gosselin is a lying, lazy horrible piece of shi*.
how's that?
I guess y'all have not heard this before but I HATE KATE and TLC!
And my heart goes out to Collin. No wonder the poor child acts out, hits others and was suspended from kindergarten.
Re: RH not using an editor.
He seems a bit naive to me, and admits that his writing isn't polished-- he's not at all apologetic about that. Quite the contrary.
I'm wondering if his decision not to use an editor/editing service may have come of his concerns about potential fallout for anyone involved...a concern that's certainly warranted, given the wealth of related examples in the book!
Thanks for the info concerning the Discovery atty letter. I certainly don't want Robert and his family to be jeopardized due to his telling the TRUTH.
If this book is #174 (I think that was the number), I would think that's pretty impressive for a first day, considering it's about a former reality tv has-been??
How can Discovey demand that he "cease and desist from publication" when the book is already published? Are they going to force Amazon to issue a recall?
I can just see Kate emailing Discovery or TLC and demanding "TAKE CARE OF THIS!!". just like she used to tweet to TLC on twitter when she wanted an impostor account deleted.
I also think it's hysterical that Discovery is like, well we haven't exactly finished reading your book but whatever it says please stop!
LOL, poor things.
And TLC apparently has trade secrets that should be exposed if they ignore and encourage child miss treatment for the almighty dollar.
TLC did nothing more than perpetuate and enable Ms. Gosselin to get away with physical and emotional child abuse. Shame, shame.
Hello, Paul Peterson?
And TLC apparently has trade secrets that should be exposed if they ignore and encourage child miss treatment for the almighty dollar.
TLC did nothing more than perpetuate and enable Ms. Gosselin to get away with physical and emotional child abuse. Shame, shame.
Not legal advice, but I'm virtually certain a judge would agree.
Discovery is seriously whining about wanting their role in enabling a child abuser to not be exposed? Not gonna happen.
Does TLC always stick their least experienced lawyers on this kind of thing, like a throw away? The lawyer who sent me my C&D had only been licensed a few years. And this lawyer, Sarah F. Teich looks about 28 and has only been practicing about five years.
Sounds like she cranked this out this afternoon quick before the weekend could officially start for everyone else. Sucks to be an associate who now has to give up a weekend to work on this thanks to Kate.
Well, now we know why Jon hasn't said anything publicly about KK abusing the kids. She told him she'd see to it that Discovery sued him for every cent he ever had and she would make sure he never got to see his children again.
Discovery, really? You all knew about Kate abusing these children and you covered it up!! And now you want to sue Hoffman? Really? You want to go there and have your complicity in all of these exposed?
I think this is the one time that Discovery won't be able to clean up Kate's messes.
I also found it funny they didn't even name Kate. Kate was all over the letter they sent me. Nope they just want to protect their own issues. They couldn't care less about her problems, get your own lawyer, Kate. LOL.
I think that C&D just makes them look guilty. They know they enabled a child abuser and did nothing to stop her. They know this is on them.
They COULD sue her, I wonder if Kate got her own letter today.
She really made a huge and reckless mistake here with a lot of sensitive material about Discovery. In fairness I'd be pretty pissed too. What was she thinking?
I mean for everything else Discovery did for her why didn't she ask them to wipe her harddrive too?
Question? Is this thread to discuss only the first 4 chapters? Should we continue posting other stuff on the old thread?
Nah just move everything over here so we're all in the same place. We need to stay together for this. Hold hands if necessary!
I just found your comment in the book!
Can I have your autograph?
Stephanie can arrange it, she's only 2.8 miles away from us.
Seriously, it was a great comment and you should be proud.
Actually a dumb move by TLC. To support Kate at this point in time is foolish because they do know she is not exactly wired right in the head.
Also, I would think child advocacy groups may want to flex their non profit muscles with TLC, especially in light of the Honey Boo Boo issues. A family that has prior CPS history, criminal histories, etc. That is right TLC, encourage child abuse?
Maybe some of Kate's stink will rub off on TLC and Discovery.
haha...wonder who Kate's emailing to fix
I read quite a bit of it, there's just so much info. Some of the chapters I skimmed.
Think I will go back to the beginning and re-read chapters 1-4.
Woo Hoo just downloaded it!! :)
This is sort of a SPOILER
RH says more and some horrible info about the two tups' expulsion will be revealed after this book is out b/c he promised not to discuss Jon? Wonder what could be worse. I'm at 40% now after initial skim through and may ask for a Kindle for Xmas :)
They COULD sue her, I wonder if Kate got her own letter today.
that would be AWESOME!
well, you know how busy Kate is, she might not open that mail until next week!
Discovery is done with Kate. As is the media.
They are only concerened about the legal implications as applies to their corporation.
Kate is toast.
I'm uneasy about a possibly bipolar narcissast's ability to deal with this. I don't want this to end even worse than it started.
Kate, if you're reading this, please get help. You'd be surprised how even the hardest heart is softened by genuine change. (Administrator) said... 38
And TLC apparently has trade secrets that should be exposed if they ignore and encourage child miss treatment for the almighty dollar.
TLC did nothing more than perpetuate and enable Ms. Gosselin to get away with physical and emotional child abuse. Shame, shame.
Not legal advice, but I'm virtually certain a judge would agree.
Discovery is seriously whining about wanting their role in enabling a child abuser to not be exposed? Not gonna happen.
Trade secrets? As in allowing child exploitation to occur, or completely destroying Jon and his family for the sake of the show?
For stinking money?
Discovery can go *ef* itself.
P.S. The world already knows what an evil sh*t Kate is, and if they don't, they soon will know it. Everyone knows who the players were in her evil game, and who is responsible for building up (and protecting) that monster.
This book is amazing and if Robert didn't publish it,would this abuse ever be exposed with all those confidentiality agreements in place? I really hope that those who support what sacrifice and risk Robert endured to write this book, could also refrain from picking it apart because of minor details such as "spelling errors" As today's newest legal attack shows, Robert shows great courage and integrity bringing this book to press. Let's not attack this book for such trivial matters concerning editing when Kate and her corporate accessories in crime are trying to bury him.
I didn't see a place on those confidentiality forms that required a notary. My understanding is theyare not worth the paper they are written on if they are not notarized. Did anyone see that.
I much prefer a paper book (sorry trees). I feel like I am missing something, because suddenly it will be about something else.
Why doesn't Kate do a CC blog about Kindle Prime? The book would be frreeeee.....!
(I bet she downloaded it, she just can't stand not getting free stuff)
I think these horrible unethical networks should be REQUIRED to state in their confidentiality agreements that this agreement does NOT apply to reporting criminal activity or child abuse.
This is the law EVERYWHERE, you simply cannot contract away your right to report crimes or child abuse, but I think some people may not realize it if they signed something like that. I can see how a layman would be scared. I mean if they saw Kate rob a store (or church ladies) I can see someone thinking well I know that's wrong but I signed something that says I can't report it so my hands are tied. NO PEOPLE NO! YOUR HANDS WERE NOT TIED!
move everything over here so we're all in the same place. We need to stay together for this. Hold hands if necessary!
I want to hold hands with chefsummer and Barb in Nebraska, please.
@Kateplusmy8 Will you be making a statement, Kate? I believed in you.
Believed, past tense? Ruh-roh. Come over here sheeple, come here!
At least one sheeple can see these are her own emails. Why don't they ask her a simple question, are these your emails? They know they are.
Aww, Fidosmommy, you are so sweet! I'll hold your hand!
Just reading the chapter where she is thanking and praising God for all of their blessings. It seem so authentic for Kate to write like that during that time in her life. Where did that woman go? I can't image her writing that today.
July 2007 Stacy Bailey is NOT pregnant. She has two more embryos that she needs to use but they are of bad quality supposedly. Yes!!
This is an absolutely disgusting comment. She is a woman who wanted to be a mother more than once like so many other women out there. How could she be happy to find out another woman who wants exactly what she wanted is not pregnant? How would she feel if someone said that about her when her first cycle with the tups didn't work?
This to me shows that to her motherhood was about money and fame, not the creation of a precious life.
Agree with Cathy518. Lay off Hoffman for having guts!
Pity party --- no, contracts don't have to be notarized to be enforceable.
I wish this book were a happier one and not so upsetting, but I have to say it's kind of fun to watch us all read it all "together." It'd be fun to find another book we could all really get into but outside this our interests are so varied.
Actually a dumb move by TLC. To support Kate at this point in time is foolish because they do know she is not exactly wired right in the head.
I agree. They should distance themselves from her. She could potentially be investigated by CPS and even be charged criminally. Not likely, but it's possible enough that I would be running as fast as I could to disassociate from her.
I can't stand people that jump immediately to a lawsuit as the first answer.
When Kate said she wanted to be an advocate for bullying I guess she *wasn't* making a mistake in the phrasing of her sentence!
She really DOES advocate bullying!!!
Dwindle!!! You're in the book!
And we all can say we knew you when!
Don't let the endorsement deals go to your head now! Ha!
The TLC letter is pretty lame. There are no trade secrets here. Confidential info, maybe, but Hoffman has no duty to keep it confidential. Jon and Kate, perhaps. They're nervous as hell and they're blowing smoke.
Have not read all the comments yet but there is a new post on Gosselinbook.
Kate's delight that Bailey can'r compete is evil.
Pure evil.
I am familiar with WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY LLP. High powered law firm in DC. TLC is dumb to threaten Robert because now MORE people will want to read the book. I do hope Robert has a good attorney, though. He is a whistleblower !!!!!!!
BTW, I was taught that you did not pray for MATERIAL THINGS. Kate treats praying like Aladin's Lamp.
aggiemom -- The book isn't free with Amazon Prime, RENTAL of the book is free. With Amazon Prime, you can rent one book a month for free (not all books are available for rental, however) and you can't rent another one until the previous one has been returned. Prime costs $79 a year and is a good deal if you order a lot of physical goods because shipping is free, and watch a lot of streaming shows -- many of which are free with Prime. They have a free 2 week trial period and I tried it because I wanted to watch the streaming shows/movies. However, their sound quality is less than stellar and they refuse to make Closed Captioning available, so I didn't continue my membership.
The reviews on the book are running well. Last time I checked, most of the reviews were 4 or 5 star and there were only 2 one star reviews. One of the one star was because of a download problem and not of the actual book. If you don't want to review yourself, or even if you do, if you click on "yes" this review was helpful to the good reviews it's useful, especially for those of us who post reviews fairly frequently. Of course, if you don't find the review helpful, you shouldn't click "yes" (It's also helpful to click "no" on CJWhodunit's review, LOL).
Dwindle -- GREAT JOB!
I don't know if I can read the child abuse chapters. I know too much already and the thought of actually reading what she did makes me ill. I have a 3 year old grandchild and I see his sweet face and think how pained, terrified he would be if the person who should love and adore him the most beat him as hard as she could and yanked him up by the hair. He was probably sore and aching for days after that. I know we all thought we knew so much and it turns out we had no clue how really, really bad it was.
The TLC letter is pretty lame. There are no trade secrets here. Confidential info, maybe, but Hoffman has no duty to keep it confidential. Jon and Kate, perhaps. They're nervous as hell and they're blowing smoke.
They really are going after the wrong people. If someone found one of their contracts blowing around in the wind and came back and typed it here would they sue them? It's not their fault. Go after the person who was careless enough to lose it.
Um, that would be Kate. Again. After awhile didn't they start to notice that every single mess they cleaned up was because of Kate? Such is this too. Even a year after they fired her she's still costing them thousands.
UGH, its killing me not being able to read this book..
who is/was Stacey bailey?
I am posting on safari, and reading on at least I get to post now, and then go to firefox to read without ending up at the first page...Thanks for that tip whoever it was who said it..
Going to go get groceries, will catch up when i get back...
Dwindle is a rock star and I bet that will make her stalker furious. Hehe. Go Dwindle!
Sherry was quoted too I think.
And this web site is mentioned three or four times. Go us!
Thank you TLC. I wasn't going to buy the book but now that you have decided to threaten the author, I have changed my mind :). Just downloaded it.
Yahoo has an interesting story trending, "Spanking Ban in Delaware. First State to Pass Law Expanding Child Abuse Definition Sparks Debate" Great timing I think!
OH my gosh. Just read the story. I am so happy I am nearly tearful. Yea for Delaware. Yea for progress. Yea for a better understanding of children.
You can't hit your neighbor, finally you can't hit your wife, but we're still missing one, you shouldn't be able to hit your CHILD either.
Suck it Kate.
My opinion is that a lot of people when they hear "spanking" think a quick swat on the butt.
This was hitting multiple times at once....with an object no hard as she could.
Sounds like most people's definition of a beating.
Discovery should sue KATE for writing all that stuff and then being careless with the information.
You are awesome, Anonymous #77.
Hey, I can say I new Dwindle back in the day!
Admin. I agree, I'm enjoying our real time book discussion. When I'm in a book club, it always seems my reading and our discussion are so far removed from each other.
Had to laugh...Kate used the word 'sediment' in the God chapter, as in sifting millions of grains of sandy sediment.
I noticed aloud too...multiple times. I suspect Robert is a big boy and can either smile at the heads up, or not.
I hope Robert's attorney sends Discovery one of those eat dirt and die letters that attorneys love so much!!
Stacey Bailey is a mother of sextuplets. She briefly had a show or was in talks for a show, or something. She later said she was glad she never really had much of a show because of what happened to Kate. Ha.
TWO of her sextuplets DIED, they were stillborn. So only four survived. She said she was FRIENDS with Kate before Kate was famous. Yeah SOME FRIEND KATE YOU BITCH.
Knowing that two of her children died, Kate rejoicing in a failed pregnancy is even more evil.
Oh and Stacey tried for 10 years to get pregnant, you evil bitch.
ADMIN said...
Question? Is this thread to discuss only the first 4 chapters? Should we continue posting other stuff on the old thread?
Nah just move everything over here so we're all in the same place. We need to stay together for this. Hold hands if necessary!
OK is this not one of the funniest things YOU have ever said here Admin? LOL!!!
I am lighting candles, ladies and some virtual incense. Virtual so it wont bother anyone's breathing.
OK is this not one of the funniest things YOU have ever said here Admin? LOL!!!
Lol. I didn't think it was that funny. Though I kind of now picture all of us navigating this cold, long, dark cave passage together holding flashlights and each other's hands.
SUN CITY — Steve and Stacy Bailey have had their hands full raising four 3-year-olds, but wouldn't have it any other way.
On Feb. 17, 2006, Stacy Bailey gave birth to sextuplets Andrew, Brenna, Brett, John, Ryan and Shelby. A set of identical twins, Brett and Ryan, were stillborn.
"It's been a whirlwind for us," said Steve Bailey. "We've went from raising newborns to working with little people who you can actually communicate with."
Since then, the Surprise couple's days have been filled with everything from diapers and preschool to the family's first vacation this year to Legoland in Carlsbad, Calif.
"They're healthy happy kids who love us, and you really can't ask for more," Stacy Bailey said.
For 10 years, the Baileys tried to have children, but doctors told them it wasn't possible. They then turned to in vitro fertilization.
They went through eight procedures before Stacy, a nurse at Banner Health Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, became pregnant. Four embryos took, and two split into identical twins.
She knew multiple births could have complications. She carried the babies for about 28 weeks and was on bed rest for the last 1 1/2 months.
When Stacy Bailey delivered, she knew ahead of time that Brett and Ryan were stillborn.
"There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about my other boys," she said.
Brenna, Andrew, John and Shelby remained in the neonatal intensive-care unit for 11 weeks before they were brought home.
Stacy Bailey said they've been busy with the children and still managed to maintain their careers and an active schedule.
For years, Steve, 46, has had his own transportation business, but now with a home office, he can be near the children and help as much as possible.
"I've answered phones and changed diapers, and that's hard at times," Steve Bailey said with a laugh.
Raising the children also has been a juggling act for Stacy, who works on the weekends at the hospital and is taking master's degree classes during the week.
"I'll be finished next August, so between clinical trials, classes and my family it's been hectic, but it'll be worth it in the end," she said.
Bonnie Hardin, Stacy's mother, is visiting the family for the summer from Tennessee. She's proud of her daughter and son-in-law for "keeping together."
"They're doing the very best with what they can, and they work all day to do it," Hardin said. "Those kids are their heart."
The children get along with one another, their mother said, even though it gets hectic with "a bunch of rambunctious little ones."
In addition, the couple face another challenge. John was diagnosed last year with autism, even though his symptoms aren't severe, the couple said.
"It's been a major challenge but that doesn't change the fact that he's our son," Stacy Bailey said.
In the last few years, families of multiple births have been the focus of reality television series, including "The Joy of Six," a cable series on the WE TV network featuring the Masche sextuplets who live in Lake Havasu City. The most popular of the shows is The Learning Channel's "Jon & Kate Plus 8," revolving around a family who has a set of twins and sextuplets.
Stacy Bailey said she was friends with Kate before she became famous.
When the Baileys had their children, they had a number of offers for publicity. But Stacy opted to stay out of the limelight.
"I wanted to protect our family," she said.
Hehe, I meant that I knew Dwindle!
For all you on Goodreads, we need to add the book to their database.
Remona Blue said... 83
I noticed aloud too...multiple times. I suspect Robert is a big boy and can either smile at the heads up, or not.
I hope Robert's attorney sends Discovery one of those eat dirt and die letters that attorneys love so much!!
hehe. My darling niece, the new law school grad (Go CAPLAW!!) calls them 'seriously worded letters' with a very stern expression on her 28 year old face. hehe. Haha. LOL!
Her 11 month old children are disabled????? DISABLED??????????????
That's called being a baby you idiot!
And that ploy worked! Ugh!
Admin thank you!
You've kept this blog going during the lean times, and you deserve kudos for being one of the people who brought this abuse to light.
I think this needs to be said again because it's just that unbelievable.
After ten years, Stacey Bailey finally got pregnant and was carrying sextuplets when she found out that two were dead. She then had to deliver four live babies while delivering and mourning two dead babies.
And Kate Gosselin is throwing a party because Stacey is having trouble getting pregnant again. She doesn't want any competition from anyone else who might possibly get a show, which Stacey wasn't even into that much ANYWAY.
Evil, evil bitch.
hehe. My darling niece, the new law school grad (Go CAPLAW!!) calls them 'seriously worded letters' with a very stern expression on her 28 year old face. hehe. Haha. LOL!
LOL. I have no doubt this lawfirm was laughing their butts off at the same time as they whipped off their seriously worded letter this afternoon.
And then getting really drunk knowing they will have to bill a bunch of hours this weekend. There goes the weekend plans, thanks Kate.
It's so speculative too. First Stacey has to get pregnant, have the baby and then maybe, MAYBE an offer for a show might come along. But it won't be the same as Kate anyway because she just has quads and maybe one more baby if it ever happened.
I mean is Kate THAT paranoid that she is worrying more than nine months ahead of time that someone MIGHT have a baby and MIGHT get a show??? What a manic, paranoid sociopath.
@xxxxxxxxxxxx @xxxxxxxxxx @xxxxxxxxxxx @xxxxxx @xxxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 im a fan,tryin not2 believe,saw pic of the spoon
Oh noooo's! A fan put their glasses on and saw the pic of the spoon and actually thinks, now hmm, who would put a spoon there after stirring lemonade all sticky and wet??
I love the critical thinking finally going on over there.
I guess this means that much anticipated dating show is probably on hold? :)
So now it's obvious when Admin got her Cease & Desist letter that it was because Katie screamed to TLC to "Take care of this!!!". Too funny.
I am just starting the chapter called "Katie Dearest", but I wanted to come over here an join in the hand-holding. I think we should all have a virtual group hug.
I just want to thank Admin and everyone else here for all the love and support that has been shown not only to each other, but also to 8 children who had no safe place to go.
This is my safe place.
I think that C&D just makes them look guilty. They know they enabled a child abuser and did nothing to stop her. They know this is on them.
The more I read the more that this is the main point, I guess. That a TV network could have a family under its thumb, and control EVERYTHING about them. It's as if the family and kids are enslaved to the whims of Kate/Jon and TLC (contract signers). Because of that, all secrets must not be revealed. It's almost like a cult.
It's frightening.
Here's an article written by a doctor from the University of Pittsburg Children's Hospital
"Child Abuse in Pennsylvania is worse than you think."
This might explain the why and if CPS was ever called that nothing seemed to come of it.
After reading this, I'm ashamed to be a PA resident. It sickens me to think anyone could harm a child, but to think the law seems set up to protect the abuser is mind blowing. Was it Sen. Murdock (Can't remember) who fought for Child Labor reform in PA. Maybe he needs to get on this too.Sorry, don't know how to make a link clickable)
but it's easy, light reading and especially fun for those of us who have followed this story for the past few years.
Was looking at the amazon reviews. Interesting stuff over there. CJ is called out by name in one,lol.
And the first part of this post is from another Gosselin book writer. I can't believe she thought this book was easy,light reading. I've had to walk away from it numerous times.
I don't think reading the book has been 'fun'.
Credit for finding the above mentioned article goes to one of the non-fans on twazz-up.
{{{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}}}
I wish I could feel vindicated in having my beliefs vindicated.
Instead I feel sick that this is far worse than I imagined.
I hope both the sheeple and the haters who have been awful on twitter and their private blogs will step back. THEY are desperate housewives (married or not) who wasted a lot of time bickering when Hoffman was doing real work.
Kudos to Admin and Hoffman.
And the Al-Polly jealousy? They are petty little people who want to pretend they didn't fail.
Hello Ladies (and gentlemen?)!
Just stopping in to say thank you to you all for keeping this story alive. After I stopped working for US Weekly and it was no longer a paying job to support my family, I went back and forth many times with doubts about what I was doing and why I was spending so much of my time doing it. This blog kept me motivated to see this project through.
I'm not celebrating tonight, because of the seriousness and sadness of what this story is about, but I'm relaxing for the first time in many months that, for better or worse, I finally was able to get my information out to the public.
Of course I reported this to the proper authorities on two occasions in 2010 when I first came across the more disturbing information. I've done several other things that I won't discuss to try and get help for the G kids. The insulation surrounding Kate was like nothing I've ever seen.
The TMZ story I will share soon. It's crazy how well-connected Kate's 'people' are.
I bought a bottle of champagne for tonight, again, not to celebrate, but to give me a few moments to relax, now that my kids are in bed, before I wake up tomorrow and face the next legal battle. I've been in a courtroom watching Williams & Connolly in action and believe me, I'd rather be sitting across from Marty Singer then those guys. They're the real deal. I think I'm on the right side of the law though so tonight I'll relax.
I know we're all in different parts of the country, but it would be great to get together with you all sometime and kick back and exchange stories.
Thank you again for keeping this blog going and for speaking out for what I know most of you are here for... to help the kids.
I came across this picture on the internet today and just have to share. They are large flattened silver spoons that say "BITCH SLAPPER". Wonder how Kate would like it if someone used one on her?
Since I already started over, I'm going to be here, reading with the rest of you. I can't wait to read again what he called a couple of Kate's most rabid fans!!
Wow--Polly is really showing her true colors and vindictiveness. She wrote a review on Amazon, bashing Robert, then brags about her book and how her book is being use in several college courses. I'm surprised she doesn't mention the title of her book, but at the end of her review she signed her name and gave her professional title.
This one sentence in her review really, really bothered me:
"About the book itself, it's written in a sensationalistic tone and the writing is poor, and there's no dead trees book because the author self-published, but it's easy, light reading and especially fun for those of us who have followed this story for the past few years."
I can't speak for anyone else reading this book, but I'm definitely not having "FUN" reading it.
Wow. Her journal is fascinating. The greed gets bigger, the demands grow. Jen Stocks had to deal with demand after demand. Kate forgets about all the prayer for payola and morphs into the diva devil.
Robert...thanks for stopping by! You're aloud! (Administrator) said... 92
I think this needs to be said again because it's just that unbelievable.
After ten years, Stacey Bailey finally got pregnant and was carrying sextuplets when she found out that two were dead. She then had to deliver four live babies while delivering and mourning two dead babies.
And Kate Gosselin is throwing a party because Stacey is having trouble getting pregnant again. She doesn't want any competition from anyone else who might possibly get a show, which Stacey wasn't even into that much ANYWAY.
Evil, evil bitch.
Honest to God. She really is evil.
No wonder no one sticks around.
Kate is toxic, cruel, jealous, selfish, etc...
I really hate how she used God like she was placing an order with
Up to #164 on Amazon! 2 more have been purchased tonight by the army wives after i texted DD and told her of the letter from Discovery Inc.
Hey!!! Our own Dwindle was included in Robert's book....yay dwindle! He loves you just like we do!
Kate is a twit said... 107
Wow--Polly is really showing her true colors and vindictiveness. She wrote a review on Amazon, bashing Robert, then brags about her book and how her book is being use in several college courses. I'm surprised she doesn't mention the title of her book, but at the end of her review she signed her name and gave her professional title
I saw that. only 2 poor reviews, Polly's and CJs. Nice company to be in. CJ is later referred to by her full name.
TLC/Discovery - as an Amazon Prime member I was going to download the book for free but decided to buy it instead since you feel it necessary to threaten the author. It must be worth the price of $8.88 since you and Kate are so very willing to spend much more to try and block it. Too late now, far too many have downloaded it.
Everyone - I'm currently TDY and have spotty service so will check in when I can.
readerlady said... 25
Turns out KK DID go to college. She attended a community college for 3 months AND WASHED OUT!! BWAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!! My question is, then how the HELL did she get into Nursing School, let alone PASS all all her nursing courses AND pass the licensing exam??
It speaks to the quality of the nursing diploma Khate received. I remember on another blog a few years ago Khate's curriculum from the nursing diploma program was discovered/shared. It was frightfully LOW on basic nursing classes. Mostly it was hands on training. Not much book learning, ZERO math, chemistry, biology even! Her classes were mostly basic care taker courses. I remember thinking at the time she would not be accepted into the nursing program (starts your junior year), even with straight "A's", at my local University....And that is WITH her diploma! She was woefully UNDER educated to be called an RN, IMO. I'm sure that's why she went to that hospital for her diploma. Shrewd, I suppose.
Robert-thank you for coming here and sharing what you can. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you did in bringing this story to fruition.
I don't have any champagne, but I'll raise my cup of tea to toast you on a good job, well done.
Dear Robert,
Thank you for the book, all your work and all your time. I really think there is an even bigger story behind the writing of this book. Don't put your computer away yet, I am sure we all want all the details. Hope you took lots of notes today. I see a TV movie in the making. Let us know if we can help in anyway.
Of course I reported this to the proper authorities on two occasions in 2010 when I first came across the more disturbing information. I've done several other things that I won't discuss to try and get help for the G kids. T
Thank you for that. That settles that, it was reported and nothing was done. Just like we suspected.
Ha! Remona Blue,
I know. Not sure how that slipped by me. Running a spell check on 300,000 words was getting boring. Besides, I've heard that Stephen King's books are terribly written before they go through the editing process.
As I mentioned in the book, I'd much rather read Kate's words as they came directly out of her mouth as opposed to reading what the editors gave us.
I do apologize to the grammar afficionados. I should have done a better job. My wife is an editor but Kate Gosselin is the last thing she would want to hear about so I didn't get her involved. I really like the raw feel of it though. You can be sure it's what came out of my head and not that of an editor.
May God bless, and protect you, Robert.
Keep us posted.
Thank you.
Take care-
I have internet explorer so I can't download from amazon to my pc.
Does anyone here have BOTH firefox and internet explorer on there pc? I've read you can do it and it works.
I don't want to download firefox to get book if it's going to screw up my system.
Don't have kindle, smartphone... am luddite.
Advice from you techies please? Should I download firefox?
Can I then choose which search engine will be primary?
I wish everyone who claims to care for the kids wouldn't fight among themselves when someone accomplishes something.
What is the point if you don't like the idea Robert's book? Then just don't read it. I didn't read hers for my own reasons, but I didn't go trashing her backwards and forwards here nor did most people. We simply moved on.
Is that you? Welcome! And thank you for the courage it took to out this evil woman.
LOL I like the title of this amazon review:
"This book proves what everyone (with a brain) already knew"
Is that from one of us? :-) Simple yet so true.
"Wow--Polly is really showing her true colors and vindictiveness. She wrote a review on Amazon, bashing Robert, then brags about her book and how her book is being use in several college courses. I'm surprised she doesn't mention the title of her book, but at the end of her review she signed her name and gave her professional title."
Polly needs to keep quiet. She keeps digging herself in deeper. Some people just never do learn, do they?
I have Internet Explorer on my PC and the free Kindle download followed by the book worked just fine.
Gosselin Book said... 104
Hello Robert. I want you to say hello to a wives support group of the 101st Airborne out of Fort Campbell. They are meeting tonight in Clarksville TN.
Their official business tonight turned to a discussion of stress and child abuse. This has turned into an intense evening for them, I am told. Look at the good thing you did.
There is so little we/I can do for you from so far away.
Please take care of yourself.
I am breaking into a sappy chorus of "You'll never walk alone" coz I am just weird that way. :)
Robert, thank you for all the time and effort you put into your book. To think you are the only one with the courage and convictions to speak out. I'm so glad the silence has finally been broken.
I'm thoroughly "exhausted" from reading today. I can't even imagine how you must feel.
Thank you again!
TEAM ROBERT!! God bless you!
After the Stacy comments, I am wondering how kart felt about octomom?
Haven't got book yet, have firefox/IE questions.
I'm assuming she thinks octomom, who had TWO MORE BEBIES than she did, is irrelevent.
I have both internet explorer and firefox. Firefox is my default.
This is the first e-book I've ever purchased, and had no problems.
Thanks to Robert, the kids have a voice, and their mother is shown for the real person she is.
Kate is dun-zo!
Robert, I predict a TV movie and a Discovery shakeup. They are out of line with that C&D letter. It legitimizes your book. Thank you for all your work. Discovery has now made this main stream media news.
@ Luddite: I am under the impression you most certainly can download the kindle reader to your PC from Amazon....
One Rung Up The Ladder
Permanent said -- Advice from you techies please? Should I download firefox?
It doesn't work on my firefox or chrome. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to download it to my pc. I keep getting the operating system doesn't support it.
If you find out, let me know!!
Michelle 126,
I thought I read somewhere that IE would not work to download from amazon. I will be downloading to my PC, not a kindle... does that matter?
I guess I should head over to amazon to check it out. thanks.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 121
I have IE and had no problem downloading the book. Are you getting an error message? Perhaps, you need to have a later version of IE. I am using IE9.
Are you having trouble downloading the Kindle app or just the book itself?
Midnight Madness said... 134
It doesn't work on my firefox or chrome. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to download it to my pc. I keep getting the operating system doesn't support it.
That's odd. I have Chrome and downloaded it just fine.
I just have a plain old desktop PC. You should be fine too.
Just wanting to also add my sincere thanks Robert. I can't stop reading this, the story is horrible but it is cathartic at the same time to see it documented and in print. It is like you are shinning a light on an evil dark place where these children existed. Team Robert for sure, can we get some bracelets now?
Robert = btw, did you see all of our apologies some days ago? Again, mea culpa.
It's me. I'm sitting at my desk in a peaceful house enjoying the quiet - not thinking about tomorrow's problems but enjoying the peace. I haven't slept much lately, mostly because of the tremendous formatting issues that I had when uploading to Kindle. The book was originally supposed to be a Trade Paperback but because of the size, would probably have ended up costing me money to have printed through Amazon. It was a Word document but when you have to format for Kindle, everything changes. What was a double space in a Word printed book, now became a quadruple space when viewed on the Kindle and on every Kindle product the book looks different believe it or not. So I was going through it line by line the past two nights re-formatting 38 chapters. I'm embarrassed by the spelling errors but after a week or two, once I see my mistakes, I'll upload a fresh book that I think you all will get for free.
I had interest from publishers but with many stipulations and so much would have had to have been cut out. That way would have also added another six months to the delivery date.
There were originally many photos to be included in the book but because I didn't own them, I was advised to remove them all and I agreed with that decision.
It's raw but it's the truth.
PatK said... 97
So now it's obvious when Admin got her Cease & Desist letter that it was because Katie screamed to TLC to "Take care of this!!!". Too funny.
Exactly! And now we know.
As a matter of fact, I think that I've seen her try that on Twitter when she did not like something.
She's used to people jumping whenever she demanded something.
ok, I am hopeless. I admit it. I went to amazon and searched for 'kindle reader for pc'
and kindle reader download for pc free...
waaahhhhhh, what am I looking for? help!
My most biggest apologies for being so dense!
So now it's obvious when Admin got her Cease & Desist letter that it was because Katie screamed to TLC to "Take care of this!!!". Too funny.
I wonder how she reacted when I wrote back and said nope sorry not gonna take anything down not doing anything wrong. Thanks anyway!
"What do you MEAN they won't take it down???? RAAAA!!!!"
Just a reminder for those of you trying to download the book to your PC
You must first download the free Kindle app
This is the link to get a free Kindle app.
Admin-maybe you could put this link in the thread post?
clarification, I think I need the reader first, then the book, right?
"...but I'm relaxing for the first time in many months that, for better or worse, I finally was able to get my information out to the public."
I don't know if you've ever had a Rumspringa, Robert, but they really do kind of grow on you, and after three of them you're definitely not feeling any pain. You are more than welcome to join us here for a few rounds, or meet up with some of us at the "real" Rumspringa Brewery in Lancaster County!
A peaceful weekend to you!
rainbowsandunicorns said... 96
I guess this means that much anticipated dating show is probably on hold? :)
I heard Grow A Boyfriend refused to sign the CA and is currently in deep negotiations with Shoka to bury him somewhere in the woods. Shoka was heard to say "If *I* cant get outta here, neither do you, bud."
Permanent Name
yes, download the kindle for pc first.....
This story has also given me a purpose in life. I've been looking for answers the past couple of years. Besides my own family, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and was looking for a sign or a calling to do something for somebody. I'm a graphic designer and a photographer and I just needed a cause. I recently became aware of The Children's Alliance Center a few miles from my home and as a family, we're going to get involved and do whatever we can to help. We're having serious financial problems but when you take a step back and see what some other people are dealing with, it puts things into perspective.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 146
clarification, I think I need the reader first, then the book, right?
Yes. the reader is what will decode the book. And I am glad today to see you kept the orange twins. I couldnt handle too much more shock.
NJGal51 said... 114
TLC/Discovery - as an Amazon Prime member I was going to download the book for free but decided to buy it instead since you feel it necessary to threaten the author. It must be worth the price of $8.88 since you and Kate are so very willing to spend much more to try and block it. Too late now, far too many have downloaded it.
Actually, your rights to the book itself are more limited than you might realize. Amazon can yank a book from its Kindle store (and your device at any time, for reasons you might not be aware of.
With that in mind, some people (my husband included) figured out a work-aroundL They convert Kindle books to a PDF format using (free) Calibre or a similar software program. It's kind of complicated for us non-techies, and requires a plug-in or two beyond that program. But there are online tutorials & forums to walk you through it. Chasing phantoms, in my opinion, but if you're concerned about lawsuits, etc., it's one of the only ways to ensure you "own" the book outright.
Great to see you here, Robert and I hope you'll visit often. I've read about 1/3 of the book and need to take a break. It's a tough read - very upsetting and heart-wrenching. Not to mention maddening! I don't think I have a blood pressure problem, but gosh, I sure do feel it rising! What you went through researching and writing this would probably fill another book.
You mention Kate's 'people'. Do you know if she still has any? Is she still insulated?
Oh, and the price of the book $8.88 - was that intentional? :)
Bless you and enjoy the well-deserved champagne!
Permanent Name: On Amazon, go to the page that the book is on. On the upper right you will see a button to "Buy for $8.88" Go 3 lines down from that button to "available on your PC", click on that and download Kindle for your PC. Then, once that is finished, to buy the book, press "deliver to: Kindle for PC" and buy! That should work.
Robert-did you know that the book is now at #164 in the Kindle Store for paid books? How amazing it would be if it made to the top 100, and then to #1!
Are you able to find out how many copies have been downloaded so far, both paid and unpaid?
You ARE a true hero!
I know you have challenges ahead of you, but you are smart, tough and strong.
I thank you for all you've done and admire your strength in doing what is right.
I think one of the locals touched on this the other day but as we know Pennsylvania's history and much of the Northeast for that matter is based on very conservative religious groups. From the Pilgrims to the Quakers to the Baltimore Catholics, some of the most conservative, pro-parent groups built the Northeast. As strongly as we believe in children's rights, there are some people who believe just as strongly in parental rights, the right to parent without governmental interference. Parenting for centuries was never a governmental concern. It had absolutely nothing to do with government. Religion touched on parenting a bit, but that was it. Parenting was your right to do in private and no one said a thing. It would be incomprehensible to those people of old for the government to take your child or even tell you how to raise your child. That was YOUR child.
That is not to say that pilgrims, Quakers and the like always hit their kids, I bet many didn't, however they did generally believe that that sort of thing was a private matter and their choice. This is the history of why these laws are the way they are. No one bothered to change them as we evolved as a society.
I remember also PA had a law, maybe even still does, that no more than five or six or something like that women could live together. The reason for that was that would be considered a whore house. Well that law has caused problems for decades for college girls wanting to get a house together or sororities wanting to start a sorority house. Many college girls want to live together without any intention of starting a whore house, but couldn't.
I'm not able to read the book either, but I did read a free preview of it this morning on Amazon.
Isn't it ironic that what many on here have been saying for years about Kate have been verified (in the preview section anyway). It seems like we all knew it but now it's in black and white for everyone to see.
Does anyone know if this book will be published in the old fashioned way on paper with ink? I don't have a Kindle or Nook or whatever those things are. I'm like a few posters on here, I like to read my words on dead trees LOL.
I wish Robert well, I really do. He's taken a lot of chances and a lot of heat (at the beginning back in June) to get this information out.
Moi said... 52
Discovery is done with Kate. As is the media.
They are only concerened about the legal implications as applies to their corporation.
Kate is toast.
I'm uneasy about a possibly bipolar narcissast's ability to deal with this. I don't want this to end even worse than it started
We may have had the same thought. I'll leave it at that. (and thanks for the comment above.:-) )
Ok, Kate just finished her 4th ever yoga class. Does this mean Kate actually left the house and took a yoga class somewhere near her home, out there with the mediocre people? or did Kate hire a yoga instructor to come to the house and give Kate yoga lessons, or did Kate buy a yoga DVD? Some how I can't see Kate mingling with the ordinary, mediocre, normal people at a salon/spa/park/studio/ for Yoga, we know how Kate loves people. If Kate hired an instructor or is this person also her personal trainer? Or did Kate just buy a yoga DVD, and got around to putting in in the DVD player and do Yoga? Must be nice to have that much time on ones hands. Maybe Deanna had a hand in that, maybe Kate cryed to her about the book, and Deanna told her to do some yoga, since Kate says in her tweet, that this is only the 4th class, or maybe the 4th time Kate has done Yoga.
As for the fall out of the book, Kate: what goes around comes around. Did you seriously think the past would not catch up with you? Boy, you sure live in a cave, with a bag over your head.
This is almost as good as the election stuff.
Improbable is correct. If purchasing an ebook, you have purchased only the right to *access* the book, you do not actually OWN the book,as you would a hard copy. If the book doesn't exist anymore, pulled for legal reasons for example, you lose access to it.
Robert, kudos to you and your family for getting involved with The Childrens Alliance Center.
Thank you for writing this book and not allowing the powers who think that they be intimidate you. I can tell you are genuinely a good guy and the truth will prevail. I admire you donating proceeds from the book to The Children's Alliance Center but hope that you too will be able to help your family's finances somehow through all of this. I'm sure your attorneys bills are high. Good luck to you and thank you again for exposing Kate for what she really is. I can only hope it will help her children.
Kate is a twit 145,
THANK YOU for the link! Done and done. ha - it's easy when some kind person shows you how
now on to downloading the book.
I confess to being somewhat hesitant because I'm afraid how upset this will make me. I plan to skip over the animal cruelty chapter. My heart won't be able to take it.
If anyone knows if shoka is with Jon, please share.
Dwindle said... 148
Dwindle-thank you so much for a much needed laugh!
A few months ago, I decided I might be contributing to keeping this woman relevant. It was a hard habit to break, but I figured, Kate's fading away just as she should. I also had a ton of work to do, so I made myself stop reading, cold turkey.
The day the spoon story broke, I just happened to stop by to check out Admin's headline. I couldn't believe it, that Robert really did have the proof we had all been looking for for so long!
Now here I am sitting on a big deadline and yet can't tear myself away from Robert's book. I swear, it's like being an alcoholic. One little read of Admin's blog and I'm addicted again.
Thank you both, Robert and Admin, for sticking with this story and not giving up until the PROVEN truth was really out there. Robert, you did it RIGHT.
Thank you both for caring enough about the kids to do what you've done--all the effort, all the work, all the time.
I was just over at Robert's blog, and he has received a very scary letter from Discovery's lawyers. I had a thought while reading the book earlier today: shouldn't Discovery be suing KATE?? SHE'S the one who signed a contract saying she would protect Discovery's trade secrets. If she carelessly discarded them--and Admin has said that makes them the property of the receiver--is it not then Kate's responsibility and not Robert's?
I have to agree that it's not light reading. It's disturbing on so many levels.
On a bit lighter note--
I think Kate's way of signing emails--"Have a gr8t day!"--is grating. (Oh, sorry, "gr8ting"!) Besides, Katie, wouldn't it be gr8 and not gr8t? Dumbazz.
One of the tweeters said that Bed, Bath & Beyond was running a sale on wooden spoon packs for "multiple car households." Here I am with a broken rib--it only hurts when I laugh--and that comment is still making my rib hurt. Own it, Kate! You did this.
And (SPOILER) didn't the contract say that Discovery's rights were protected everywhere in the UNIVERSE? That's just rich. Intelligent life, flying around in high-tech saucers, watching Kate Plus 8 as they zip between galaxies. Bahahahahaha.
I missed everybody. Reading your comments again makes me remember all the smart, funny, and caring people here.
Hi Jane and Kate Is A Twit!
I honestly haven't checked into sales or anything like that yet. I read on here about it's ranking and I'm not sure if that's good or bad at this point. Somewhere in my Kindle Direct account I'm sure there's a sales report. I never counted on a profit from this because of exactly what happened today. I got served with papers. Discovery won't allow it. That's tomorrow's problem though. Tonight I'm kicking back with a drink and one of my favorite Harry Potter movies to unwind.
Tomorrow it's an early start for a Pee Wee football game for my son.
ROBERT ~ Are you the hugging type? I get the feeling that you are, but if not, may I please shake your hand--virtually speaking, at least?
You are a true hero. Thank you for being the voice of those precious little children.
Sorry, by the way for all the punctuation and spelling errors in my posts today!!I I've been reading & crying my eyeballs out, and the words, they are blurry
It was Rep. Murt trying to change antiquated child labor laws. He was practically laughed at by so many and met with massive resistance. Yet I find it terribly ironic that it was Pennsylvania where the greatest child abuse scandal in the history of sports occurred, and now ANOTHER big child abuse scandal is occurring. I don't think today people would be so quick to dismiss him, it just looks bad after what happened at Penn St.
People laughed at him, but Murt was right, PA, and really all states, need to look at their laws and make sure they are keeping up with the progression of society. Get rid of laws about horses and buggies and whore houses, fix laws that let you beat the crap out of your chattel/children.
Oh and one last thought because I've heard a lot of comments requesting it, yes, my next goal is to get this out as a 'dead tree book,' even if it costs me money to have them printed. I want one myself to put on my bookshelf. That's what I wanted in the first place. I'm old school and don't own a Kindle and love the feel of holding a book in my hands, but 95% of my emails and blog comments seemed to be that people were hoping for an e-book so I figured it would be ok.
Rob, quite the 'tome' but, people who risk their family's financial future, their jobs and their freedom for Kate Gosselin need to quit her like addicts quit heroin.
Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa
"Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear."
Thank you, Mr. Hoffman, for being a voice for the kids.
Rob, quite the 'tome' but, people who risk their family's financial future, their jobs and their freedom for Kate Gosselin need to quit her like addicts quit heroin.
I agree! Everyone who exposes child abuse are heroin addicts!
I betcha you could get some help getting that book printed, Robert. I also like dead tree books.
Again, thank you so much for caring about those abused babies.
Cogratulastions on a job well done, Robert. Enjoy that champagne.
I went to Amazon and read reviews. Clicked like for the names I recognized and was pleased to click "no help" for CJ's.
I'll be downloading the Kindle app to my PC and ordering the book. Funny, hubby wanted to get me a Kindle Fire for my birthday this year and I said no. Silly me!
This ol' timer prefers a dead tree book...if it happens, will be buying for myself, a relative and my local library.
I amazed myself by buying my first e-book,lol. My kids would be impressed! haha
Improbable Dreams said... 168
I'll take that virtual hug, thank you! I haven't looked at Twitter or comments on other web sites at all because apparently, according to a friend, I'm being called a stalker and a pedophile etc. It just so happens that children and animals are the two things that I'm passionate about protecting and that motivated me to keep going.
Movie time. Good night everybody and thank you again for supporting the G kids! You guys rock!
Robert ~ I probably won't be the only one lining up to help you, but I do know a small indie publisher who might very well be interested in helping you create a "dead tree book"--for your bookshelf and for those of us who prefer leafing through actual pages. If and when you're ready, I would like to put you in touch with them. I think Admin has my email address...
Since many here have now downloaded the Kindle app and are also avid readers, I just want to let you know that many libraries are now lending books electronically to those who have Kindle. Check with your library.
Great read, Robert.
Congrats on getting the book out there and exposing this Shrew. As one of the few dad's that frequent here I can empathize with some of the emotions you must have felt when you first saw that wretched woman berate anyone in her path. Especially her husband.
I hope the battle ahead isn't too great, and good luck with the football game tomorrow. It's soccer for us in the morning, and Makers-Rocks instead of champagne ;)
Rob, quite the 'tome' but, people who risk their family's financial future, their jobs and their freedom for Kate Gosselin need to quit her like addicts quit heroin.
I agree! Everyone who exposes child abuse are heroin addicts!
Ah, Admin, just quoting Rob's words from his book.
aggiemom, his was my first e-book too, and even though my girls teased me because I couldn't figure out how to pay till I called them, they said they'd buy one too!
Oh I thought you were making fun of Robert lol.
Oh well at least I got to practice my agreeance.
I've been following the Amazon comments too. I'm proud to say my review has gotten a number of "helpful" clicks. I'll let y'all decide which one is mine :) . Whistlingdixee from here has a number of helpful clicks, too. I left a rather pointed comment on Polly's review. I'm anxious to see if she responds.
It would be interesting to know exactly what "trade secret" Discovery claims to have, lol. That they pay for everything under the sun? That they set things up and refilm to make them seem spontaneous? Everybody knows that already. That someone sees their communications? That's not a trade secret, and anyway that deals with the Gosselins and their dissemination of information (or disposal of). I mean, really, what else is there?
They are probably making waves because TLC/Discovery is looking so bad these days and become quite a joke, what with those goofy shows and Honey Boo Boo, the exposed fake of Breaking Amish that's in the news. Actually, Mr. Hoffman, you probably couldn't have timed this better ;)
As, for Kate's appearance on Katie: if Kate has on the black dress or the animal print dress, she had on, when she did that fashion show pre-pics, then it was taped last week? cause that fashion show was on a wednesday and the Katie show that kate is to be on is a wednesday too. So we will have to wait & see.
Okay. I've been reading off and on all afternoon and into the evening. It's so disturbing to see how Kate morphed into the cruel monster she is today. And the grifting oh the grifting... I'm tanning send me medium tone powder... and so on. She makes me ill (and I'm suffering with an abscessed tooth so I'm REALLY angry with her!!
Yay (not yeah, Kate) Robert for having the balls to write this. THank you.
What are we allowed to discuss here? Sorry, I'm medicated. So much to discuss after everyone has read it.
Dwindle YES you are our superstar! Screw the stalker.
And you too are a Superstah Admin for staying on top of all things Kate. Three swigs in honor of you. I'm liking the new colors.
Back to the book. I'm not looking forward to some parts though.
Oh and I hope Katie Couric has this downloaded. Does she do much research? I don't watch her.
I just want to let you know that many libraries are now lending books electronically to those who have Kindle. Check with your library.
Libraries generally do not purchase self-published books in any format, I'm afraid. But check anyway - yours could be one of the very few exceptions. (Administrator) said... 183
Oh I thought you were making fun of Robert lol.
Oh well at least I got to practice my agreeance.
No worries, Admin, Rob knows what I meant.
I also see what 7-8 tweets all day? What happen to the promise of CHATTY KATE? I guess the drive-bys will come out in force.
Just saw on Twitter:
5h 41HotNewReads @HotNewReads
Now at #1 'KATE GOSSELIN' by Robert Hoffman in #MoversNShakers in Kindle #HotNewReads
6h 41Kindle USA ✔ @KindleUSA
Recommended #1: KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD #Kindle #ebook
7h 39Electronics Deals @NotorioTronics
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Admin or someone - I can't purchase the book now (although I'm dying to!) because the network is not secure where I am so I'm not using my credit card at all. Question 1 - do you have any idea if Robert means for it to come out in paper so I could have someone pick it up for me? Question 2 - do you think that the whole thing could get pulled for any reason so that it might not be available for very long in any format? I'd appreciate an answer.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 166
So nice to see you again!!
Kate is a twit -- I'll join you in a group hug and maybe a group prayer. We can say a few Hail Marys, a few Praise Jesus', some Hail to Gaia, Praise Allah, and any other lords, gods or deities we can think of. We need to invoke all the powers of light we can summon. Evil is among us and it wears a face.
amyf said... 192
Admin or someone - I can't purchase the book now (although I'm dying to!) because the network is not secure where I am so I'm not using my credit card at all. Question 1 - do you have any idea if Robert means for it to come out in paper so I could have someone pick it up for me? Question 2 - do you think that the whole thing could get pulled for any reason so that it might not be available for very long in any format? I'd appreciate an answer.
I have it and they cant take mine away. i would try to find a way to get you a copy.
I NEED to be beautiful, as you know! :) Thanks again! I'll be looking for it! If it's not been sent yet, the light pink natural eye'natural2knockout'... I could use another... So love it! :) Kate Sent from my PINK iphone
I just threw up.
On more thing...
I'm also disappointed in Polly. I've been in her shoes. I've had people who either write about my topic (an unusual one) or talk about writing it. That's the time to be gracious and encouraging, in my opinion.
Once a woman at a book club said to me wistfully, "I've been working on a novel on the same topic for three years." My response was, "Keep writing it. There's room for everyone. We all have different messages and a different voice. No two people ever tell the exact same story, even when writing about the same thing. Don't give up on your novel just because I wrote on the same thing, too. Keep me posted, and let me know how it goes." She seemed relieved, and I felt good about saying it. I wasn't threatened, which unfortunately is how Polly is coming across.
In Polly's 2-star review, she writes, "About the book itself, it's written in a sensationalistic tone and the writing is poor, and there's no dead trees book because the author self-published, but it's written in an easy, light style and is particularly of special interest for those of us who have followed this story for the past few years."
If you are going to write a sentence like that, that might not be the time to criticize someone else's writing! Just a thought.
I personally find Robert's writing voice friendly and engaging.
If you did all that fancy stuff to keep a copy of the book and amazon yanks it, I *will* be insisting on a copy!
Anyone see the irony that Kate's biggest fan is on vacay (supposedly), and Kate's locked up in her own prison? lol
Kate's supposed to be going to see Katie Couric this week....if it already wasn't taped, ya think she just might cancel? nah....Kate's a contract honorer...she wouldn't do that! (well, except for those annoying churches that didn't know how to send enough money)
I was a follower from the start...thought 8 kid's,how do they do it?Started to notice how things seemed wrong.It wasn't REAL anymore.Kate was vicious,I had to look around the web and see if anyone felt like me.It was a slow start,finally narrowed it down to 2 sites.Left one about 2 years ago.Have stuck with this one.
I was able read the RH book just passed Gimmie Gimmie.
I never thought this effected me this much.I got to the part were he talked about Collin.
It broke my heart.Collin with the donuts,1st to say Hi and bye.One of the very first parts of the book.It brought tears to my eye's.This loving,caring boy,begging for someone to see him.
We (sorry to steal your word dwindle) can't let this fade away.
Kate is an abuser.The kids need help.Exposing kate's lies is great.She deserves to be called out.But i think,the abuse needs to take center stage
Great job Robert. I'm sure,when they can...the Gosselin8 will thank you.
Light at the end of the tunnel
Dwindle said... 193
Virginia Pen Mom said... 166
So nice to see you again!!
Thanks, Dwindle! You, too. I loved your post that Robert included! Hats off and well said.
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