Are you there God? It's me, Kate.

We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” is available on Amazon for Kindle. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.
5. Bad Blog
Kate obsessively reads what is said about her on the internet, from Google news alert to the Gosselin blogs. Undeniably the first online presence to ever call Kate out was the Reading Eagle, a small but respected local newspaper. Staff member Dana Hoffman kept a blog on the site detailing Kate's misdeeds. Kate's people eventually called up the Reading Eagle and asked them to shut down her blog. Within hours the paper removed it from the site. Kate keeps files on her computer with information from blogs and even on their moderators. The file folder for Dana's blog was entitled "Bad Blog."
In January 2008, Kate also asked Discovery to remove Television Without Pity's Jon and Kate forum (which in fact was closed eventually, in June 2008), and the Discovery Health Channel forum.
Kate's house is in a rural neighborhood and surrounded by farmland. She once drove the kids three hours to Maryland to trick-or-treat in her bodyguard Steve's neighborhood.
When Jodi and Kevin spoke publicly about what they saw, Kate fired off an email to Discovery with her three favorite words: "Can we sue?"
According to a member of Kate's family, Kate has been diagnosed with bi-polar, but refuses to take medication.
Hoffman once observed Kate with the kids when she was having a very stable, happy day. She and the nanny, Judy, took the sextuplets to get donuts, later they went to the park and spent a long time there, then met up with another mother and her daughter for a play date back at the house. Hoffman also observed her chatting up and flirting with a park employee.
7. Kate's God Complex
“I asked her how that works as far as our rate going up from Disc Health network and the ‘fringe benefits’ as I call them…. She said that the amount we are paid per show will not take away from what they (AMP) will provide for us. She used the examples of the kids beds… she said those things come out of their (AMP) budget from the network. So that is almost mind boggling to me we will be paid for each episode and receive fringe benefits!!!!! Lord, how great thou art!!!!!”
Kate felt God was "urging" her to quit her nursing job.
Kate said that if Discovery wasn't going to pay for the beds she wasn't going to allow them to film the episode about beds. Jen (producer Jen Stocks) was annoyed by this.
As for Jon, Kate wrote: “I pray that his complacency would leave him and would turn into passion for the Lord! Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!! Help him to become a man of integrity!!!!! Lord please!!!!! He could be the perfect man if he could get these things under control and let God take control!!!!!”
Alexia foods sent four cases of fries. Other food was sent by others or offered at reduced prices. Fans, friends and family sent gift cards and cash, including $250 from Kate's parents, and Kate attributed it all to God.
Kate writes this about the children: “Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!! And not get into trouble!!!!! Please Lord, amen!!!!”
1872 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 1872 of 1872 Newer› Newest»I would not be surprised if Couric's staffers have briefed Katie on the book. I think we all pretty much let the show know about it before Amazon pulled its sale.
sue smith@suesmith666
Apparently the k.Gos tell-all was pulled from the shelves. She won't discuss abuse allegations. @katieshow
sue smith@suesmith666
@katiecouric is trying not to giggle about Coupon Cabin
Tweet-le-I'll posts this one's tweets. You post the others, Ok?
I wonder if Kate's leg was swinging the whole time? And did guys read about the high incidence of skin cancer from those tanning beds? Karma.
Where's the truth said... 10
...well, we all knew that's what she would say about the book....:)
I think someone should email a copy of the book to Kate C. PLEASE!!
I bet she's already read it.
People tolerate a lot of criminals...but child abusers never get a pass. NEVER.
Kate's done.
No one will ever want this woman. she's nuclear waste.
Ha ha, I love the live tweeting. The sheeple said Katie C is trying not to laugh about CC. And the luxury mom said she felt suddenly stressed and is glad to move on to Abby, lol - must have been a bit tense in there. Kate's leg was probably swinging a mile a minute.
anggiemom...we can only hope. And next step is to get some protection for those kids. Maybe even court appointed. IMO
Kim-Marie @LuxuryTravelMom
Thank goodness we're moving on to @DanceMoms the whole @Kateplusmy8 stressed me out. Now I have to read that damn book. @katieshow
Kate is a twit...I think they're done, but I'll watch Luxury Travel Mom's for a while longer.
Yeah for Robert!!!!
So Kate's interview was approx. 20 minutes. The show is only an hour long. I wonder if any of her interview will be cut. I sure hope not.
I wonder how many ums and honestlys came out of Kate's mouth. Should we start a pool?
SaveCollinGosselin @SuzeW718
@SchmeckyGirl @LuxuryTravelMom @Kateplusmy8 Did Kate G. squirm & did her usual umms ooommmsss???
Kim-Marie @LuxuryTravelMom
@SuzeW718 @SchmeckyGirl @Kateplusmy8 Yes, she was clearly not going to answer the tough questions, but @katiecouric asked them.
I hope the dance moms gave Kate the stink eye about her old comment about 'those mean dance moms'.
haha, yea, Kate, the Queen of Mean, yea, right..lololol
Kate, I hope you felt the stares, and heard the was all about how you are a horrible human being and an abusive mother.
People will always remember what you did to your kids.
Kim-Marie @LuxuryTravelMom
Some real honesty from @kateplusmy8 learning to let go of being so tough.
Hence, her new-found interest in yoga?
Don't like Kate at ALL. But she is smart staying silent on this topic. In my experience people who are in the midst of criminal or civil litigation that talk about it publicly or on the net always shoot themselves in the foot.
I think Katie Couric smells a story with Kate Gosselin.
Ok, Kate Gosselin is in the house. She is thin and looks great. This should be interesting.
Kate Gosselin says she has only 15-20 hours of help per week. Not sure I believe her.
Some real honesty from @kateplusmy8 learning to let go of being so tough. @KatieShow
@xxxxxxx she's pretty tan. I have to admit, she looks good. I can't find time to workout with 4, how does she do it with 8?
Good job @katiecouric asking @Kateplusmy8 why she doesn't just go back to nursing. Says she can't afford it. Hmm.
@katiecouric asking about the book. @Kateplusmy8 says she's "advised not to say anything about it" - she has lawyers on it.
Hey tweeps, @katiecouric says she's asking the tough questions because her twitter followers asked her to. @katieshow. #loveher
They've moved on to Coupon Cabin-back to the soft stuff. Katie did not take it easy on her though. You'll be proud. @KatieShow
Thank goodness we're moving on to @DanceMoms the whole @Kateplusmy8 stressed me out. Now I have to read that damn book. @katieshow
@SuzeW718 @SchmeckyGirl @Kateplusmy8 Yes, she was clearly not going to answer the tough questions, but @katiecouric asked them.
I wonder what the "tough questions" were that Katie C. asked.
So Kate claims she can't go back to nursing because she can't afford it. However, she doesn't have a job now yet has help 15/20 hours per week. How can she afford that? How does she justify that with the kids in school full time and Jon having 50/50 custody. She has plenty of time to get things done. She just doesn't want to do it. She doesn't need frickin help she is just frickin LAZY. This woman is a walking/talking contradiction.
She practiced probably all day yesterday how to not answer any tough questions. Kate is not smart. She does what Julie May tells her ( or Steve). But she is a good liar, manipulator but I think those days may be over. Now we will see if she twits her tweeties to watch Katie Couric.
After reading all these tweets, I wish Abby would interview Kate, lol. Would love to hear her comment. Wonder if she knows Kate slammed her in a tweet
WOrking on letting go of being so tough? Didn't she just blog about the rigid decontamination regime her kids MUST follow when they get home from school? Tough as in you traded in the wooden spoon for a feather? What?
@katiecouric asking @Kateplusmy8 why she doesn't just go back to nursing. Says she can't afford it. Hmm.
I don't WANT her to go back to nursing. She's a horrible wretched shrew that has zero compassion or empathy for anyone except herself.
Wonder if she will hit any other shows today?? More importantly, WHY would she? It only brings more attention to the book,lol.
Thank you, Katie Couric.
IMO, by not answering the questions, Kate has admitted her guilt on t.v.
Robert Hoffman, stay strong & carry on :o)
anggiemom...can you imagine waking up after surgery to see Krazy Kate's face??? Horrrroooor of hoooorrors!
WHY can't she afford to go back to nursing even if she and TV 'are a match made in Heaven' and nursing was not her first career choice (RH book)
She says she kept up her license and requirements, would work at McDonalds's? Think she'd make a bit more than at McD in a nursing job. Can arrange hrs around kids' schedules (lol)
Katie C probably asked the same questions that everyone has, except for the book, since luxurymom apparently hasn't had any interest in Kate and wouldn't be aware of past interviews. But the questions coming from Katie probably come off a bit differently than they do on, say, ET. So who knows. Won't watch the show but hopefully someone here will take a look and see if her leg was swinging or shw was sedated, lol
Lunch at Nobu? Fig and Olive?
She doesn't have anymore shows to hit today. She'll probably go drown her sorrows at Fig & Olive and then hole up in the Essex Hotel with purse boy.
Lousy nurse, burned all her bridges, but such a liar that she cannot afford to work as a nurse. Does she realize how ridiculous that sounds?
I can only imagine what people put in her food behind her back.....just how much s@@t has she eaten?
If I were her....I'd cook and clean my own food!
How can you not afford to work as a nurse but you can afford to sit on your butt all day and do nothing? A question for the ages...
TLC Stinks..38
Lunch at Nobu? Fig and Olive?
yea, I was wondering that too. She probably went to NYC last night. Wonder if Couric paid for her hotel, first class travel, bodyguard, food services, etc, etc,
Maybe she will buy the kids some toys to do some (unsucessful)damage control.
The kids are in school, she had help 15-20 hours a week, yet she can't afford to go back to nursing?
I think the real problem is that no one would hire her as a nurse.
Dear admin
Why can't you do a new post?
Where's the truth said... 41
I can only imagine what people put in her food behind her back.....just how much s@@t has she eaten?
If I were her....I'd cook and clean my own food!
Speaking of eating, I briefly skimmed through her emails to Gina and in one where she's asking about a party she says "I ate yesterday" and she didn't plan to eat much today or something. She totally has an eating disorder IMO
I think its hysterical Katie asked her about other're all washed up any nobodys giving you a job on T.V. so why don't you get a job!! Even Katie knows its all over for her...
Via one of Kate's top supporters:
@Kateplusmy8 As I light this candle my hope is to be as superior as a hater so I can sit on twitter all day & judge others. #NOT
For those of us who support the Gosselin 8, who swaddle them in our prayers 7 share the hope that they are somehow able to sense the warmth and light we are sending their way:
@LuxuryTravelMom @suzew718 @pmkids_hater @sammiemyami @popems42 @katiecouric @kateplusmy8 Was her bodyguard Steve with her? Anyone with her?
Kim-Marie @LuxuryTravelMom
@SchmeckyGirl I didn't see her in the green room. She must have been in a super secret room, wasn't allowed to get anywhere near her.
They were only 2 years old, and they were pre-mature, which means they were not even on a 2 year old mental level yet, but she thought they should be comprehending wtf she was trying to say!
You said that a two-year-old, premature, was only at the mental stage of a one-year-old. I wondered what studies pointed to that fact...that premature toddlers at age two are one whole year behind "normal" mental development, and how do you know that this was true of the Gosselin babies? Did Kate mention this? Of course the babies in diapers who were hit had no idea what they were doing wrong, but as far as them being one year behind in mental development just seems to me to be unsubstantiated.
And yes, I read the book. I am the one who pointed out yesterday that Kate's e-mail (in the book) mentioned that she and Steve had accommodations in a local hotel.
They won't let anyone near her because they don't want to be responsible if someone tries to hurt her...
At 10:20am ET this morning, the live tweeter said that Kate was just coming on. The tweeter just tweeted that the cast of Gold Rush just went on. There definitely will be some cutting of these interview in order to fill an hour plus commercials.
So which part of Kate's interview do you think will be cut?
He said the county is looking into the problem, but it doesn't plan to make any changes right now.
"The reality may be we may never find a reason why. Sometimes people make bad choices and they snap," Laughman said.
The hell? So you admit someone made a bad choice and snapped, but won't charge them???
This is exactly what I mean when I say the system does little to nothing to protect abused kids.
KAT said... 51
They won't let anyone near her because they don't want to be responsible if someone tries to hurt her..
I wouldn't want to near her without a full gear haz-mat suit.
haha, is Kate going to tweet about her appearance? It's a double-edged sword..if she does, she can brag she was tv,,, also brings attention to the book,lol.
Wonder what she did when she said she couldn't talk about the book? Did her leg go into overdrive? Did she avert her eyes, tilt her head to buy time, flail her hands?
were there any Um's, or honestly's, or I do it all for my kids...
@SuzeW718 @SchmeckyGirl @Kateplusmy8 Yes, she was clearly not going to answer the tough questions, but @katiecouric asked them.
Awesome, good for Katie! I hoped she'd come through.
All she can do is ask and press and ask and press again.
The fact that she even asked about the book is great....that means that Kate's people didn't get to her telling her it's off limits.
Let me understand this. The kids are gone nine hours a day. Kate has help 15-20 hours a week, which would be nearly three hours a day. Jon has more custody time. Kate has bills on an ongoing basis but is unemployed and has been for a year. Kate is home all day while the kids are in school or at Jon's, but she can't get a nursing job because she can't afford it.
The woman is nuts.
As the mother of a preemie, and having done a lot of research on the topic, I can say that yes, preemies often present a developmental lag - but it really depends on how early they came. While I doubt they were a whole year behind, a lag is to be expected. So yes, Kate's expectations where outlandish for full-term kids and completely messed up for kids presenting with a developmental lag.
In addition, many preemies have issues with impulse control the first few years - a normal issue with all toddlers, a bit worse for preemies and I imagine NOT helped by their rigid, control freak of a mother
I can tell you that, in most cases, it evens out by age four or five.
There is a tweetie who also has a BBB and is acting just like Kate, crossing things off to-do list, using q-pons at Target etc, running on treadmill, & she lives in Berks County . She hopes to run into Kate who said 'good chance,' not the invite I think Steph wanted. Yikes!
The fact that she even asked about the book is great....that means that Kate's people didn't get to her telling her it's off limits. 55
So Dicovery/TLC didn't and her bad ass lawyers couldn't stop the question. Hmmm.
I'll be interested to see if it ends up on the cutting room floor though.
Why can't the anonymouses pick a name? It doesn't have to be a blue name. You scroll down to select profile, and right above the anonymous option, is the name/URL option. You don't have to put in the URL, just make up a name. It really isn't that difficult and it avoids so much confusion as to who is posting what.
New post everyone. Move on over. Hold hands, stay together! Dwindle find your buddy don't get left behind this time!
Kate also commented on no appetite....appetite suppressant pills? Just what she needs...ugh.
I can say that yes, preemies often present a developmental lag - but it really depends on how early they came. While I doubt they were a whole year behind, a lag is to be expected. So yes, Kate's expectations where outlandish for full-term kids and completely messed up for kids presenting with a developmental lag.
Thanks! I would expect that there would be a developmental lag. It was the whole year behind that really threw me off, and I don't remember anything ever being mentioned that the Gosselin babies were that far behind developmentally.
"learning to let go of being so tough"
Tough like as in bullying little kids? Pulling them up by their hair? Beating them for messing their diapers? Screaming at them? Neglecting them when they're sick or injured by you? Putting them to work? Locking them in the basement? Slapping them around for saying hi to people YOU don't like? Is that the kind of tough you're learning NOT to do?
Oh that's nice.
Too late Kate. You're a bona fide child abuser and this is the END of your fabulous "celebrity" career.
Buh bye now. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
The hell? So you admit someone made a bad choice and snapped, but won't charge them???
This is exactly what I mean when I say the system does little to nothing to protect abused kids.
The foster dad was charged. He's behind bars in Lancaster County Prison, charged with aggravated assault and two counts of endangering children, all felonies.
Well, I will watch just to see how tough Katie Couric's questions were to Kate. The live blogger sums up what is so wrong with our fascination with the world of celebrity. Kate looks "thin", Kate looks "great", Kate works out, wow! So, does looking good mean she automatically gets a pass on her bad behaviour, I certainly hope not.
However, the blogger does acknowledge a squirm-factor, and was pleased when they moved on. AND Katie Couric brought the book up, so kudos to her, she tried, and she put it out there on national television. I just hope the question of the book went something like this......."there is an online book your lawyers have pulled and it talks about your abuse of your 8 children, IN YOUR OWN WORDS; would you like to comment on this book?" I hope the question about the book is a hard-ball.
Oh, and if we ever doubted Kate's insatiable appetite for fame, it was played out today. Kate would have had her pat-answer regarding the book given to her, but would rather be on television as an accused child-abuser than not at all!
LOL sounds like Kate is sequestered from everyone else like she's the vice president during a terrorist attack, or those guys who wear different colored jump suits in prison because they raped a child.
Remind me again why we're all jealous and wish we could be here, a m-f-ing CHILD ABUSER???
I've ignored it until now but AW is REALLY ticking me off now.
The worst thing that could happen when the veil was finally pulled down on this child abuse is for someone on "our side" to defect and start attacking and discrediting the messenger. Can't we just stick together on this?
And who CARES if Jon gave him the computer files or Big Bird or the Pope gave it to him. What the heck does that have to do with the fact that all this child abuse happened? That's right, absolutely NOTHING. What is the POINT he is trying to make?
Would it make him feel better if we all said ok we concede Jon was involved with this entire thing ran the whole show? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?
GN is like, uh ok, but no thanks on the party invite. She is politely backing away from her way back then.
I commented on this yesterday but I'll say again that part was funny yet sad. Kate thinks she has these friends but the reality is they seem to be mostly humoring her. I think these "friends" thought it wise to only get so close. Kate has these fantasies of throwing parties together like the Real Housewives and at the end of the day Gina was like....yea sorry can't.
Kate also strikes me as someone who latches on. Gina seems out of her league, bright, has it all, and Kate latches onto that like no one's business.
He had the option to find a place to live near his children, rather than in another state. Kate did not have the power to ban him from Pennsylvania.
Which he did, within months. I don't think some people will ever forgive him for that. As for him going out of the country, that was a paid endorsement deal and a quick way to make a lot of money. Money Kate would soon be demanding he pay. It's not like he was running off to France every weekend. He went ONCE.
But Jon wasn't thin and Kate is so that would make her the better parent
Oops, forgot to say snark!
Hopefully, someone can answer my question. Why did Kate get ALL of the money after the divorce? Why was John left destitute financially?
CS said... 66
Hopefully, someone can answer my question. Why did Kate get ALL of the money after the divorce? Why was John left destitute financially?
Jon got money in the divorce and he spent it.
Was watching Touched by an Angel this afternoon late and you are not going to believe the subject of the show!
A man was in a coma and when he came out of it, he found out that his wife had divorced him. But, the man and kate g had something in common: A wooden spoon!
The man had been beaten by his father by the WS and his father too. Then he was beating his son with the spoon. The boys mother and her fiance stopped by her ex's house to drop off something and the dad got mad, but didn't let the mom know, and told him to get the spoon and go up in his room and WAIT ON HIM! He little boy was terrifed. He went up to his room and a little later the dad walked in to beat him, even when the mother was downstairs! He couldn't find him in the room, but saw him outside his 2nd floor window on the very slanted roof. He screamed and the mom came up and they were begging him to stay still and come to them but he was so scared of getting beaten that his feet shuffled on the snow on the roof and he fell off and it killed him.
I wonder since the book has come out, I wonder if kate has enough sense to NOT HIT THE KIDS WITH THE WOODEN SPOON!
She is toast. She is busted. She is going to jail!
I feel bad for the Gold Rush guy Todd. He didn't know he was talking to a CHILD ABUSER!
Passwords for kates computer:
MyYogurt MineALLMine JonsMYb****
WoodenSpoonWhereAreYou KateLovesSteve
Touched by an Angel Season 2 Episode 17 (I think)
I am almost 3/4 of the way through Katie Kreider's own words. She really dislikes her boys. Now I think of different episodes and see why she is so odd and distant acting with her boys. Remember when they went to a ship, I forgot where and she sat next to the boys for ice cream, she didn't touch them at all and Joel said something like "But I like you" and he was some bashful and scared acting. She was so strange with her boys.
I worship my son. He is 14 and I still grab his head and make him bend down so I can kiss his head. She is so weird with her children.
admin said --
"I've ignored it until now but AW is REALLY ticking me off now."
Boy, I'm with you on that one. He can't let it go. This vengeance thing he has going is so immature and petty, but he keeps plodding away. I didn't read his "book." Knowing what I do know about the guy, I wanted nothing to do with it. His writing is vulgar.
Kate can no longer write her history under a veil of secrecy. She said she was not worried about questions from her children (as they grow up) from things they will read on bloggers…so Kate I wonder what questions they WILL want answered?
“Why did you lie about our Dad”, “Why did you lie about Steve?”, “Why did you create multiples on purpose knowing it could compromise our health?”, “What did you do with our money?”
OHHH so many questions times 8 will be coming….
Kate can no longer write her history under a veil of secrecy. She said she was not worried about questions from her children (as they grow up) from things they will read on bloggers…so Kate I wonder what questions they WILL want answered?
“Why did you lie about our Dad”, “Why did you lie about Steve?”, “Why did you create multiples on purpose knowing it could compromise our health?”, “What did you do with our money?”
OHHH so many questions times 8 will be coming….
I really hope that that book gets back up. Kate knows the truth. Robert passed a lie detecter test proving he didn't make this up.
Have you noticed the ONE thing Kate won't trash Jon about is bars and drinking? Now if you were a parental alienator wouldn't that be the FIRST thing you would throw out there, oh he's a drunk always at the bars always partying??
I bet he's got some real bad stuff on her about her own alleged struggles. She knows she can't go there.
Or Deanna.
This is a really old post that was actually talking about criticizing physical characteristics, but I think it says what I'm trying to say better. I flagged it in my inbox ages ago. Unfortunately, I don't know who this is. Their name was "Worth a Thought." Much like Worth I am not trying to tell others what to do. Just saying my opinion. So whoever you are, thank you and here it is again!
"There is plenty to criticize about Kate's horrible behavior, and it is quite fair to do so. I will even go along with the criticism of her many cosmetic procedures, as those have been paid for by her children, both in dollars and emotionally. IMO, totally relevant to the discussion. I realize that most of us who read or post here are outraged by this woman and the way she treats her vulnerable children, and it is naturally that some get carried away.
Discussion is always most effective when it sticks to the point. If thinking about Kate drives you nuts, consider punching a pillow, it gets the aggressions out and doesn't hurt anyone. Then post and give Kate some constructive advice, or call her out on her lies so that her children will know that they weren't the crazy ones. Bullying, after all, is what Kate does best. She's not high on my list of role models. My own suggestions for thought, based on my opinion, not an attempt to tell others what to do."
I don't care who Milo is. It's much more fun to just imagine who she/he/it might be. Sort of like how it's more fun if you believe in Santa.
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