Are you there God? It's me, Kate.

We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” is available on Amazon for Kindle. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.
5. Bad Blog
Kate obsessively reads what is said about her on the internet, from Google news alert to the Gosselin blogs. Undeniably the first online presence to ever call Kate out was the Reading Eagle, a small but respected local newspaper. Staff member Dana Hoffman kept a blog on the site detailing Kate's misdeeds. Kate's people eventually called up the Reading Eagle and asked them to shut down her blog. Within hours the paper removed it from the site. Kate keeps files on her computer with information from blogs and even on their moderators. The file folder for Dana's blog was entitled "Bad Blog."
In January 2008, Kate also asked Discovery to remove Television Without Pity's Jon and Kate forum (which in fact was closed eventually, in June 2008), and the Discovery Health Channel forum.
Kate's house is in a rural neighborhood and surrounded by farmland. She once drove the kids three hours to Maryland to trick-or-treat in her bodyguard Steve's neighborhood.
When Jodi and Kevin spoke publicly about what they saw, Kate fired off an email to Discovery with her three favorite words: "Can we sue?"
According to a member of Kate's family, Kate has been diagnosed with bi-polar, but refuses to take medication.
Hoffman once observed Kate with the kids when she was having a very stable, happy day. She and the nanny, Judy, took the sextuplets to get donuts, later they went to the park and spent a long time there, then met up with another mother and her daughter for a play date back at the house. Hoffman also observed her chatting up and flirting with a park employee.
7. Kate's God Complex
“I asked her how that works as far as our rate going up from Disc Health network and the ‘fringe benefits’ as I call them…. She said that the amount we are paid per show will not take away from what they (AMP) will provide for us. She used the examples of the kids beds… she said those things come out of their (AMP) budget from the network. So that is almost mind boggling to me we will be paid for each episode and receive fringe benefits!!!!! Lord, how great thou art!!!!!”
Kate felt God was "urging" her to quit her nursing job.
Kate said that if Discovery wasn't going to pay for the beds she wasn't going to allow them to film the episode about beds. Jen (producer Jen Stocks) was annoyed by this.
As for Jon, Kate wrote: “I pray that his complacency would leave him and would turn into passion for the Lord! Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!! Help him to become a man of integrity!!!!! Lord please!!!!! He could be the perfect man if he could get these things under control and let God take control!!!!!”
Alexia foods sent four cases of fries. Other food was sent by others or offered at reduced prices. Fans, friends and family sent gift cards and cash, including $250 from Kate's parents, and Kate attributed it all to God.
Kate writes this about the children: “Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!! And not get into trouble!!!!! Please Lord, amen!!!!”
1872 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1872 Newer› Newest»Kristine said... 184
Dwindle... you make me giggle until my eyes water daily! Glad to return the favor.
Stephanie is scaring the crap outta' me, here in L.A.
I'm ALL ALONE in the dark, reading a chilling book about child abuse- and she said she's now 2.2 miles away. Brrrrr...
Meh, look at her. What a wimp she is. Threaten to mess up her mascara and she'll be gone. JUST DONT SEND HER BACK TO OHIO!
Thanks for the 'new post' updates at everyone. I'll take a look now.
I remember a few months ago, when several of us (myself included, on my own PC) "Took one for the Team"... the late night of the BIG countdown. Afraid of viruses? Guilty!
Headlines Read: Kate Gosselin Tell-All Book... (Pending Litigation)
VERITAS!! !!!!!! Suck it Kate.
One of the things I'm confused about in this whole legal fiasco is why Discovery isn't going after Kate. She's the one who improperly discarded trade secret information by carelessly throwing this information in the trash, where anyone, from trash collectors to dogs and raccoons who could go through the garbage and sling it over the neighborhood.
How is it that this information isn't the property of the person who finds it? It would seem to me that Kate is the one who divulged these trade secrets. Had she kept all of this under lock and key at home, none of it would have been revealed.
Bearswife said... 198
Dutchess Dwindle (or anyone really) can you walk me through downloading the book onto a dvd/cd?
I am normally quite savvy but can not see where there is an option. I have the book on my Kindle for PC already, just need help with the next step!
HRH Bearswife:
I dont quite have it done yet, so I dont know if I figured it out. Mine is in 3 seperate files, a EA file, a HAN file and a something-else file. I screwed up the first attempt. But I have a big stack of DVDs here, so I am working on it.
Just got a text from DD that she is taking a break in order to watch Dr Who so I sent her an email with some detailed questions about this book business. But i dont want to distract her too much tonight or tomorrow.
Where I come from, which would be Kentucky, an
e-mail has the same weight as a first class mailing. While it is illegal to steal another person's mail, once it is in the trash it can no longer be called your property. If you want it back, go get it out of the trash before anybody else gets it.
How can an email be any different?
Kate didn't LOSE the computer hard drive, she threw it out. Big difference. It meant nothing to her, she did not want it. But she wants it now?
I am fighting for Robert too at the Katie Couric site/link you guys posted
Frankie Cee
Please take a moment and look into the book on Kate Gosselin by Robert Hoffman. Like it or not, his free speech is being taken away by Ms Gosselin and her attorneys as well as Discovery & TLC. Please give this man a chance. Of course, if this is in conflict with the powers that be within your network, could you somehow put him in touch with someone/anyone in the industry that may be in a position to allow him a chance to speak? Surely this so called "Mother" cant win every fight...can she? (and if so, why?)
Thank you
Hang in there Robert...we have your back!
I don't know if this was noted before, but if Kate used her journals to write Multiple Blessing with Beth, wouldn't Beth have read them? If so, doesn't that violate he confidentiality with Discovery?
She spoke about the filming, the crew, THE FREEBIES received, the deals made. She spoke a lot about the show itself, and sometimes not too nicely.
I'm wonder if Discovery is aware of these journals?
(Hugs to Bearswife... wasn't sure if you remembered that one. I love to joke with you all ;)
I'm also changing my BLUE avatar. It was that cartoon of "Big Top Kate", with the kids piled up on one of those park merry-go-rounds. Done.
Couldn't get the kindle app to download to my laptop due to a side-by-side error. So I went out today and purchased a Kindle (I had been contemplating buying one anyway) and downloaded the book before Amazon pulled it. Thanks to Dwindle's advice about putting the Kindle in airplane mode, I am not connected to the internet and wont be until I have finished the book. I am still floored by what I am reading.
Maybe Kate will sue Discovery for not coming to Wernersville to wipe before she
tossed it. It's all their fault, donchaknow?
Bearswife said... 198
Dutchess Dwindle (or anyone really) can you walk me through downloading the book onto a dvd/cd?
I am normally quite savvy but can not see where there is an option. I have the book on my Kindle for PC already, just need help with the next step!
Kristine, kiss kiss!
If you need help let me know. I'll walk you through it.
Well this has just caused me to hurry and donate to Robert's defense fund. I'm go glad I did and will probably do it again in the future.
Aw, Poor Paige. She's still waiting for an answer from Kate about whether Kate opened her envelope. She just retweeted Kate's tweet to her about opening it tomorrow and that she'll tweet her when she does. "Tomorrow" was Sept. 26.
I downloaded to my office computer so am afraid it will be gone when I go in on Monday. If so, will someone share a saved copy? I would be happy to buy a copy directly from Robert if I can.
Discovery ~ didn't know aiding and abetting child abuse was one of your trade secrets.
It's probably already posted: "TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED
LAVELY & SINGER" on the webpage and is gone from
Thank you Lady Dwindle! HRH indeed!
BTW, I did email Katie Couric yesterday with a link to Robert' blog. I, politely, asked them to look into the allegations and to please act like the respected journalist she is and ask the hard hitting questions. I did this before it was mentioned that the show may have been pre-taped.
Methinks kHatie Irene is very scared. And I would think she is very drunk.
Off topic, M83 concert just ended, I an one of oldest people here. So glad the dd wants me to come with her! I had a great time!
Barb In Nebraska said... 175
Dwindle, I tried again, it says the title is not available for Amazon Cloud Reader....
I cant believe I acted in the nick of time.
Well, my Kindle is offline and it will stay that way until I finish the book. I am trying to figure how to burn it on DVD, but that makes it a bootlegg copy and I dont know how Robert would feel about that. I dont CARE what Kate or Singer think of that.
Robert, if you are reading, I emailed Gosselin Book on Facebook.
Remona Blue?
I'm getting an Amazon Gift Card at one of the local convenience stores. I can send you a hard copy of the book with the difference, when it becomes available. You certainly deserve one for your efforts! Give Admin. your address. She probably still has my e-mail. I'm glad you at least got to read it. I feel for your frustration.
Any news on Jon's upcoming book? I promised a signed copy of it months ago, to @GypsiXXX on Twitter. Yep, one of Kate's biggest supporters wanted it. Also, did Barb Gilmer convert? There have got to be many Sheeple running wildly to this side, after the book news scandal broke.
Aw, Poor Paige. She's still waiting for an answer from Kate about whether Kate opened her envelope. She just retweeted Kate's tweet to her about opening it tomorrow and that she'll tweet her when she does. "Tomorrow" was Sept. 26.
I wonder how much of this "stuff" ends up in Kate's trash. Robert wrote about the Amish woman who made the gift, only to find out that Kate had thrown it away. If Kate is so careless with "trade secrets" and just puts them in the garbage with other trash, I would imagine that any gift that comes from a fan, if it's not cash or a gift card, likewise gets dumped into the garbage.
Well...whatever you do, just don't do what I did and save the freaking Kindle dictionary which I only figured once I had deletd all the kindle stuff!!
I'm still laughing at myself for even thinking I could actually do it correctly!!
Just finished the book. All I can say is Kate is a very troubled and sick person. Clearly she suffers from significant mental illness and she refuses to seek out appropriate tx and medication.
Confirming her psychological problems tonight, she continues her twit twat and self grandiose behaviors, when a normal person would be silent, hang their head in shame, and ask for forgiveness from everyone they have hurt.
Bearswife, since this book is the only book I have in my Kindle app on my PC. I simply right clicked on the Kindle icon on my desktop, clicked on "send to" and chose my CD drive. It then opened the "you have files to be written to CD" window, and I clicked on the write to CD option. And I'm pretty computer illiterate.
Oh, and I've since checked...and it's definitely on the CD.
whistlingdixiee said... 183
Michelle said... 177
Kate's intellectual property = Kate's written words. Thanks for another verification of the book, Lavely & Singer. Cat's out of the bag and now since you're claiming IP, no more doubts.
September 29, 2012 7:56 PM
Exactly! Vindication and VERIFICATION that the information in the book was TRUE! It just got in the wrong hands....according to them. HEHE TOAST, KHate you are TOAST!
She cant claim the journals and letters are all hers, if they are all made up lies!!! She would be oh so much happier if he cut a part of the proceeds. Give to charity??? "No one makes money off my kids but MEEEE!!!" Oh, and her lawyers; that part is ok.
Oh, and Steve, too. That part is ok too.
Remona-I don't even have the Kindle Dictionary. It usually only shows up when I highlight a word. Click on Library in upper left hand corner and see if anything comes up.
Tweet Le, yes I need help!
One more thing, when I went to the drugstore to buy a pre-paid credit card (so I could buy the book) they were asking if you wanted to donate a dollar to help out a local woman's shelter. Of course I said yes and they gave me a flower petal to write my name on, I wrote Kate G.!
This woman's shelter requested extra funding from the city and was turned down.
I realize I am posting a lot tonight, it's just unusual for me to be home on the weekends!
PatK said... 24
Bearswife, since this book is the only book I have in my Kindle app on my PC. I simply right clicked on the Kindle icon on my desktop, clicked on "send to" and chose my CD drive. It then opened the "you have files to be written to CD" window, and I clicked on the write to CD option. And I'm pretty computer illiterate.
Oh, and I've since checked...and it's definitely on the CD.
Mine is working too, and can be read. I am going to try it in the morning on HunnyBunny's computer which has never had a Kindle anything on it before. I am glad this is working.
Kristine said... 20
''......I can send you a hard copy of the book with the difference, when it becomes available.''
Thank you so much for the offer. I'll happily buy more than one hard copy when it is available!. Admin has my address, and so does Robert, since I donated a little something something to him.
I had already read it, and I have very good reading I'm going to keep on responding to everyone.
AND......admin. Are you/this discussion in any danger of being sued too?
Can't wait for Admin's take on this latest legal move by Kate's attorneys. Basically claiming you can't publish Kate's words which confirms the words thousands have already read are true.
Ready for that deposition, Kate!?
Fidos Mommy said...6
You have a right to the garbage someone leaves at the curb--the material property, that is, but not the intellectual property. If someone discards a printed book, for instance, you can't republish it as your own. I assume the same holds true for manuscripts saved to a hard drive--or diaries and emails--but I'm not certain.
I'm also not certain that this latest legal maneuver is actually based on RH having incorporated wholesale correspondences for which he didn't own the copyright. And hey, while I'm at it, let me also add that I'm not sure the law firm has a legitimate claim. But I can see Amazon getting spooked by a well-crafted C&D letter, can't you?
CAVEAT: I'm not a lawyer by any means. I'm just speculating, based on my experiences as a writer.
If this was a legitimate violation of someone else's rights, wouldn't Robert's lawyer have advised him of that beforehand? Or would this be a bluff and a hope that he would give up before spending more $$ to establish his rights? Does anyone know how many copies have been sold?
I've been reading it on my iPad but just signed on to Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle and then turned off my internet/WiFi connection. If my Kindle is not on line they won't be able to pull the book if that's their intent until I go back on line and I won't do that until I've finished the book. I also had an option to Download & transfer via USB - I think I'll go out tomorrow and get a thumb drive....
Okay, I am doing what PatK suggested. It is burning, but unfortunately I have aesop's fables and 2 others also on the kindle for PC. They just showed up automatically so I deleted them. I think this will do the trick! is TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED... TLC/Discovery must have looked the other way on alot of things... My guess is all this posturing by LAVELY & SINGER is going to call more attention and have more people questioning why are they trying so hard to block this. Kate is happily twittering away, not realizing that this suspension has nothing to do with her, it's about the world finding out just how dirty Eileen ONiell is.
Bear's Wife, read PatK's #24. Hers is an easier way.
So true, Anonymous.
I have recently cut all ties with my own bi-polar sister, for this reason. She refuses medication, at nearly 40 years old. The manic rides... are not ones I can willingly to be strapped into anymore. The highs and the lows, are absolutely insufferable.
One of her classic tactics, was causing turmoil in moving vehicles. No escaping her wrath there.
Remona Blue said... 22
Well...whatever you do, just don't do what I did and save the freaking Kindle dictionary which I only figured once I had deletd all the kindle stuff!!
I'm still laughing at myself for even thinking I could actually do it correctly!!
Well, scoot over Remona. About 3 months ago I deleted my entire Kindle, including the dang free dictionary and even the Kindle Owner's Manual!!! I was hysterical and could not get ahold of DD fast enough. That was when that smartipants walked me through Cloud storage in Amazon and there was allllll my stuff, even books i had gotten elsewhere. Kind of scary actually.
So, is the dictionary all you have right now???
Does anyone know how to protect Robert's book from disappearing from an iPad? I downloaded the Kindle App, and have the book, but I do think it will soon disappear. Help.....anyone?
JoyinVirginia said... 18
Off topic, M83 concert just ended, I an one of oldest people here. So glad the dd wants me to come with her! I had a great time!
We always knew you were hip. cool. Groovy. With-it. Rockin'. Keen. Neato. Smooth.
There is no law against summarizing what you've read/are reading. May I suggest we resume posting our "spoiler alerts"? Share the wealth, so to speak? ;)
No twitter support from Baby Mama yet? Hmmm.
Keep in mind, it looks like the threat to Amazon came from Kate's lawyer, Marty Singer, and him alone. Discovery Communications would not have to go out of house to hire a Hollyword lawyer for this. At this point, I am not sure Discovery has anything to do with the book being pulled.
If Singer is saying that the words in the book are the intellectual property of HIS CLIENT, he is referring to Kate. Not Disc, I dont think he represents them.
After midnight here and I am taking my offline Kindle to bed to read. So everyone can now get a post in edgewise.
ah hum..ecxuse me..but I am Canadian.
I seems to me that Katie Irene Kreider is putting a lot of worth into the "Gosselin"name/brand
I say take it away from her : Jon and the kids are Gosselins..she by marriage only ( divorce Jon lose his name)
She wants to distan e herself from hshe will forever be thaught of by me as poor lil Katie Kreider..goona change my name here fkr that...
accept it you will allways be Miss Katie Irene Keider
suck that one kreider
"Below is the contact information of the third party who claims you infringed its rights. We expect that you’ll compensate this party appropriately for any infringing copies sold:
Amazon "expects" him to compensate Singer? Yeah, right. I'm sure Robert is going to overnight a check first thing Monday morning to Singer! Singer had no rights infringed, intellectual property, trade secrets or anything else.
Anonymous said... 170
However...I can't support Robert revealing Kate's abortion at the age of 17. That doesn't help anyone.
I haven’t read the book, but if Kate really did have an abortion at ANY point before the twins or tups were born, then that is VERY relevant information to the entire Gosselin house-of-cards: Clearly she was NEVER infertile, and never needed medical intervention in order to get pregnant. Yet she sought fertility treatments for both pregnancies, seemingly in an effort to have higher order multiples (and to gain the financial windfall that she witnessed other families of HOMs receive). She orchestrated her pregnancies for financial gain. While this information doesn’t necessarily “help” anybody, it certainly is relevant. Kate’s story is one big LIE and a never ending hypocrisy. A pregnancy at 17 is a fact that would unhinge the entire Gosselin web of lies, which makes it extremely relevant in my book.
@MiloandJack BTW sure U record N ur current journal how well ur kids r developin...because ur past efforts are payin off! GR8KIDS
Oh, snap!
And ugh.
My guess is all this posturing by LAVELY & SINGER is going to call more attention and have more people questioning why are they trying so hard to block this. Kate is happily twittering away, not realizing that this suspension has nothing to do with her, it's about the world finding out just how dirty Eileen ONiell is
As far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with TLC/Discovery, who has its own law firm (see cease and desist letter). This came from Kate's attorney, Singer, and it's not about TLC's girl, Eileen O'Neill, so the pulling of the book IS about Kate.
This is so confusing...
Robert - Not sure if you're checking the blogs but my husband recommends you contact and try and talk to Ken White ( or Marc Randazza at Both are attorneys and free speech advocates. They have a history of helping people find pro bono lawyers to help them with first amendment issues.
If anyone has contact information for Robert, please pass this along.
Thanks - Silimom
I really don't think any court is going to fall for confidentiality when child abuse is involved. Not now. Just my take.
I'm not a lawyer either, but Robert didn't publish that work as his own. He made it fully clear that those were Kate's words...painfully clear.
I had reservations when he said on the book cover 'Read Kate's Journal' but I'm sure he had legal advice.
Robert has brass ones & I hope everyone helps him in any way they can.
Katie Couric Comment here:
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 36
Bear's Wife, read PatK's #24. Hers is an easier way.
Like I posted, I only had this one book in my Kindle, so when I copied to CD, I didn't have to worry about selecting ONLY this book. I'm not sure if I would have been able to do it the way I described if I had several books in there.
Like I said, I'm still pretty computer illiterate. lol
Doesn't he need permission to use quotes from other books? Like Kate's book "I Just Want You to Know" and all the interviews and things from online sources? Usually don't books say in the beginning, taken from... and used with permission?
Visualize the Gosselin 8 in your mind's eye--eight innocent children, the reason RH wrote the book in the first place.
Yeah, the lights flickered just a little. That didn't scare us, did it? We've got our eyes on the prize: 8 healthy children, living a carefree and wholesome life. No way we'll allow this latest legal maneuvering to squelch the truth; no way we'll allow the Gosselin 8 to disappear behind a dark shroud of secrecy, ever again!
I wonder if Kate's tweeties know they're in the book too? In the Chapter "Kate Lies", subsection "You'll Never Hear Me Bash Jon on TV", Robert shows how Kate uses her tweeties to bash Jon instead.
We all know the major Jon basher tweeter(who he calls a lunatic). There are tweets that she made to Jon plus tweets she made to others right after the story came out about the CS in August. Some of these tweets included Kate.
"Apparently though, it’s ok to bash Jon on Twitter or support other people who bash Jon on Twitter, which she’s been doing now for over a year. This hateful lunatic is one of Kate’s biggest supporters and Kate loves having her as a friend… for obvious reasons. Kate doesn’t have to bash Jon when she’s got friends like this. The following Tweets from xxxxx were taken from a single day in August of 2012. Not a year’s worth but a single day."
After the list of tweets, Robert says:
"And finally, after everything Kate reads xxxxxx Tweet about her ex-husband Jon, Kate Tweeted on September 14 2012…"
@xxxxx I thank u for your constant FAIR surmising and opinions of situations re me/ family! I think ur beautiful too! :) XO
SPOILER (maybe)
I can't remember exactly which chapter(s) this was in, but did anyone else notice that in at least 2 place Kate talks (in emails) about her appetite in odd ways.
In the first she says something like her appetite is unfortunately not completely gone and in the second she says she ate on Saturday and is not planning to eat on Sunday.
Do the people she is emailing with think this is normal? Why does no one say anything to her (or maybe they do, who knows).
It's clear, another thing we already knew, she has serious food issues and is likely strictly portion controlling those poor kids. I worry about the girls seeing her eat the way she does especially the twins that are heading into teen years where body image starts to be SO important to them.
"Thank you, Robert. I wish I could give you more.
, your donation is now complete
Confirmation number: 47286415XB220012N. An email with your donation details has been sent to and you can print your donation receipt.
1 OH
United States
Gosselin Book"
Thanks for the confirmation. We don't need any more than that Cher...1! This donation will benefit many at CASA. Thank you again, Robert.
Please share what you can, in the days to come.
With all these facts being brought to life...Doesn't' it help Jon? Kate's abuse is laid out there in black and her very own words. Isn't this enough to get someone to listen to Jon now? He's not the just pissed off ex mad at his ex-wife for making money off their kids,while he gets none?
Also,what about animal control for Shoka?
I don't get why anyone would back or try to make excuses for kate anymore.She has been exposed for what she really abuser,both children and animals.She is very un-stable and in need of help.
I don't understand how this can just blow by with kate getting a free pass yet again. I still banned? I'd like to go back to using my real name.Tired of making new ones up everytime I post.I will keep myself in check,I promise.
Dwindle said... 38
''....So, is the dictionary all you have right now??''
No. I will try to explain what I just found. But I don't know all the correct computer words. Shit damn hell. I think I lost it. Wait a minute. Ok I went my documents, and there were more than one that said it was Robert's book, and I went down the line, opening each one, and suddenly there it was! The beginning of the book. I'm looking at it right now.
(One hour later...I talked to my granddaughter and her boyfriend, and they tried their best to help me, and couldn't.)
I'm afraid to do anything else.
Robert reproduced copyrighted material from Zondervan Publishers without permission. He also reproduced entire articles from news Web sites such as MSNBC.
If he didn't seek and gain permission to reprint the content, he's in violation of copyright. He can't claim fair use for several reasons.
Whoever he had review the book missed that. I have a feeling that Kate's lawyers did not, and simply waited for him to post the book and now he's going to possibly face lawsuits from publishers. Copyright is taken very seriously in the publishing world. He could face substantial fines if found guilty.
Call Kindle's help line. The number is on Amazon's website where they promote their Kindle's. Good Luck with getting yourself back to reading.
Remona Blue... perfect me too, Kart-loads of copies! I'll be buying a prime copy for the local L.A. Library, as well. Hollywood TV kids really need to read this mess. I see it has been temporarily suspended on Amazon.
TOO LATE KATE! (Damnit... K-indle ;)
It's too late for her anyway. The info is out there, and saved. She may tweet up as many happy manic tweets as she wants, and think once the book "disappears", all the brouhaha will, too. But she won't be able to escape it now. It's done. Can't take it back. She probably doesn't get that. I still banned? I'd like to go back to using my real name.Tired of making new ones up everytime I post.I will keep myself in check,I promise.
So you know that you were banned, but bypassed the ban by making up new names each time you post? Am I reading that correctly?
But she won't be able to escape it now. It's done. Can't take it back. She probably doesn't get that.
What's that line from Macbeth? "What's done cannot be undone..."
Teflon Kate prevails, not. She is so damaged and sick. I think Jon at least needs to seek a court order to have Kate required to have a psych eval re her ability to ensure the children's safety.
If Kate and Jon think it is hard raising the little kids, just wait a few more years when the kids are teenagers and really start uncontrollably acting out.
I give Kate a couple of years before she throws up her hands and tells all the kids to get out of her house and go live with their father. In Kate speak, I am so done and over this. Soon Kate will have no use for the kids because they are way too old to add value to her momma Kate role.
Remona-are you just missing the Kindle icon on your desktop? If your looking at the book, the file is there.
If you need to create the desktop shortcut, to to documents, open My Kindle Content. Then RIGHT click on the file for Gosselin book only-B009I8G824. Go down to Send TO-then click on Desktop(create shortcut). That will return the icon to your desktop.
I do not even see how Kate can think she has won by having the book removed. The information is out there.
If I were Kate I would be so humiliated I would crawl under a rock and never come out. OMG, she is despicable.
Amazon has removed the book.
I was on chapter 13 when it disappeared from my iPad.
Facts are: nothing in the book that we didn't read here.
Kate is a twit said... 69
''Remona-are you just missing the Kindle icon on your desktop? If your looking at the book, the file is there.''
No, the icon is there, and it takes me to the saved Dictionary. There are three things in my documents that say his ebook, when opened, two are that freaking dictionary. The new file I created in the documents that says Kate hates 8 also shows the dictionary. The Third thing is the first page of his book...which is still open on my computer right now. My granddaughter and her boyfriend are stumped as to how to save it somewhere else. I think I'm a lost cause!! They suggested me getting a thumb drive tomorrow, and call them again, and they'd try to help me again. They live an hour I don't want them to drive over for this.
I will say that they were both sweethearts, and didn't question me about why the hell I was getting so worked up about it all!! LOL I'm sure as soon as they hung up, they looked at each other and said, ''Bless her heart''!!
Mim, why on earth would Kate's lawyers wait until he released the book just to CATCH HIM, when the horrible truth and confirmation about Kate and her very unbalanced view of life and the miss treatment of her kids is so well documented? It clearly is a strategic move that would do more damage to my client in the long run.
Thanks for your comment on "the abortion."
My "sediments" exactly.
If it wasn't for the BIG LIE of "I had a feeling...," NONE of this would have happened; poor wittle katie who wanted LOTS of children so badly and had to rely on fertility specialists to have them.
Yeah, she wanted them so bad that when she finally had them, she beat the shit out of them and literally THREW them in to their matching cribs.
Kate has no ownership of the tabloid articles, she can't cry intellectual property in that. That would be up to those news organizations or authors to sue him for that. As for her book I'm not sure exactly how much he quoted from it as I haven't read his whole book. Without knowing that yet hard to say if it goes beyond fair use. To be on the safe side less is better. As for everything else, when we're talking about child abuse, blatant lies perpetrated by a public figure, the outright scam of taking all these freebies from good people while making millions and so forth, I think this will be one uphill battle to shut this down in court. Their only hope is to bully him into submission before it ever gets in front of a judge who would be flabbergasted someone is crying to him about child abuse being exposed.
Is Farty Finger going to come to my house and erase my brain? I'm done with the book. What can they do now?
I wonder if that letter is similar to the one Kate got about her plagerized cookbook?
I also did pause upon hearing he had written about Kate's abortion. I think it is a private thing and would have no relevance whatsoever and should not have been exposed BUT FOR her cries and whining about infertility, much of which has never made sense to begin with. "Infertility" we now know she used to get multiples and then her millions off the backs of them and other good people. I noticed he didn't go into details about it. Just one brief sentence about it. I thought he was as respectful as he could be.
AND......admin. Are you/this discussion in any danger of being sued too?
I don't know. I hope not. I don't see that we're doing anything wrong simply discussing a book that was on Amazon. It's not our fault the book has legal problems. When and if a C&D happens we'll have to talk about what to do. What I can promise you is I won't take anything down without careful thought and the best interest of this blog, you and most of all those kids at heart.
But Walters' colleague, Joy Behar, harshly judged the Season 10 "Dancing with the Stars" contestant for blaming others for her children's problems. "It's interesting that she blames the husband, the show, everything but herself," said the Brooklyn-born comedian. "I mean, she has a part in this too, right?"
I know this is an old quote but I so love Joy.
Exactly, how is it that EVERYONE around you is screwing up except you? Sorry, it's just not possible.
Joy injected some simple common sense into the conversation that's been sorely lacking. Really only she and Andersen and Tony have ever questioned this sociopath.
super uber amazing fans
Super...uber... amazing.... fans??? Yikes someone got into the rumspringa tonight.
Doesn't he need permission to use quotes from other books? Like Kate's book "I Just Want You to Know" and all the interviews and things from online sources? Usually don't books say in the beginning, taken from... and used with permission?
Not necessarily. I'm too tired to go into a big explanation of fair use, but you can use SMALL portions and quotes without permission if the purpose is to criticize. It's not exactly the clearest rule, it all depends on a lot of factors. He may have used too much to sneak in under the Fair Use Doctrine, I don't know, but I'm sure that's what his lawyers will be arguing.
Actually that's one of the things Discovery was ticked with this blog over, using SHORT video clips from the show to demonstrate some of the most exploitive moments. Since the stated and obvious purpose was in fact to criticize, and since the clips were so short, only enough to make the point, there was nothing they could do and they backed off.
I really don't think there could be any legal recourse on a blog discussion, because frankly it's basically a book discussion group. Book discussion and reviews, whether online or in person, do not require legal permission to "discuss". If a book is no longer in print or available, but was at one point, it can still be discussed.
I once heard the kids weren't allowed to watch my show because I'm Hispanic.
Backpack says "Kate's a hitch."
I agree with librarylady but that doesn't mean they won't try.
This is a great country to live in but there are people who persist in doing everything they can short of threatening to sue you for everything you have so that we can't exercise our First Amendment rights.
Hi Dora, welcome!!! I always hoped I could meet you someday.
No cursing guys, there's a four year old playing here now.
He "quotes" (many times without quotation marks) several passages from Kate's books to show differences between what she wrote in her journal and what she put in the books. A story about the Christmas Eve miracle where she finds a check in the mailbox, a story about abuse from IJWYTK, he also includes several online sources like an articule about Miley Cyrus, the Jody/Kevin interview transcript, articules from local newspapers about Beth Carson writing the book, local interviews with Jon and Kate, things like this. I don't know how the online sources work, but...
Oh, of course they will try, lol - more hours to bill Kate, you know. But they won't get anywhere with it.
Gee I don't know, he might be in the clear if he's comparing and contrasting the lies with the truths. Even if he had to use a big passage to show that.
I hope he gets an excellent intellectual property lawyer.
It should be emphasized, I don't see any claims of LIBEL OR DEFAMATION. Which would have to be FALSE. LOL.
Instead she's just whining he's reprinting her stuff and making a buck, and no one makes money off her or her kids but Kate.
Yes, jumping on the intellectual property rights as the reason right off the bat is pretty telling, isn't it? lol
How can an email be any different?
It's not private at all. By virtue of the very fact you sent it to someone else it's fair game. Ever have someone forward your email without permission? A well meaning relative did this to me once and I was kind of upset. But they have every right to do that legally, it's not my email anymore once I send it out.
I've seen this tried in court and failed miserably. You can't use my emails in court those are my private emails. Um, yes they can, you sent them out.
The passages are used to show the lies. And so to critize. Like, she writes the "Christmas Miracle" story in both books, but no mention of it in her journal.
Wishing him the best!
Kate's fans look like idiots in the book. I love it! Hope they go on the talk-show circuit too!
Sorry that the book has been pulled, but the damage has been done, and IMHO it is considerable. KG should rot in hell for everything.
And while I like Katie Couric, I have NO RESPECT for anyone who will give trashbag Kate Gosselin a forum. Enough is enough.
Iphone4S to keep in touch? BS. I have an android phone, with a data plan, it cost far less than an iphone. i keep in touch just fine, I can text, take photos, and my phone cost considerably less than an Iphone.
So keep on farting rainbows and unicorns, Kate, you have been exposed for the fraud, and mentally ill person, that you are. Truly amazing stories.
silimom said... 48
Robert - Not sure if you're checking the blogs but my husband recommends you contact and try and talk to Ken White ( or Marc Randazza at Both are attorneys and free speech advocates. They have a history of helping people find pro bono lawyers to help them with first amendment issues.
If anyone has contact information for Robert, please pass this along.
Silimom, you can contact him at:
Guess Kate doesnt care how she makes money as long as its coming in. She seems pretty pleased that " she's" tending at #1 on yahoo, even if it is because she is " Monster Mom".
Wasnt that one of the tiles given her by a tabloid?
In her mind, if this story is selling, who cares. Give the masses what they want as long as they are looking at Meeeee!!!!!! I am still a STAH!!!!
Any attention is better then no attention at all. She. needs. a . psych.bed.
Trending at #1 on yahoo; and, one of the titles given by a tabloid..
If/when they pull the book from my kindle, $8.88 will go directly to Robert.
I wish Robert would write more on the gifts he found in the trash. Might make a few enablers feel bad.
Hey, maybe she's mad because he used the number 8? HOW DARE HE!!!!!''!!!
CAN WE SUE??????!??
HYSTERICAL ..... if it wasn't so sad.
I don't see how anyone can/could in trouble for talking about Robert's book.Like many have said...We have Freedom of speech. Just b/c dear Katie is upset,her TRUE colors shown in bold type,she can't do shit really.
I don't ever recall her saying she had any type of her garbage stolen.In my state...when you put you'r trash on the's free game. don't have TLC backing you anymore...they're only worried about protecting their asses now...not your's. They sat back and banked mad cash all while knowing you were mentally ill,abusing the kids.They are out to protect themselves only! Not you.!!
You have been exposed Kate.There is nothing left for you now.Even if the book was stopped for now...enough people have posted about it...sent e-mails out to every news source...sent e-mails to the shows you tried to play the victim on...ect. You are done.
You ARE an abuser kate! A child abuser and an animal abuser.Please feel free to sue me for my comments.I dare ya!
I have despised Meredith Vierra since she fell for Khate's crock of chit. I will certainly contribute to the legal fund.
Keep us informed, Admin!
In the article that was linked in logic's comment 98, they have Robert's name as Richard. There is an author named Richard Hoffman---he's a Poet and Memoirist.
Maybe this is a sign-Poetic Justice for Kate for writing her Memoirs.
It's 4 AM and I'm still wide awake. UGH!
Still reading.
On one of the shows, or else in an interview, KK disparaged Jon by saying "He has help" when talking about Jon taking care of the kids, yet when Jon had custody he requested that the nanny's hours be reduced because he wanted to be hands on with the kids!
Hard to Keep -- I still have the book on my PC and on my Kindle. I didn't download it to my iphone, but it still shows up in my "manage my Kindle" file on Amazon.
Sweet Tart, I saved the book to my flash drive and I can send you an email and attach it if that's okay to do? Admin? I just don't know how we go about getting email addresses privately? Again, Admin?
This is the article stated in posted #98.I didn't want the stupid website to get any hits.
3 reasons why the Kate Gosselin ‘spoonking’ story is bogus
September 28, 2012
When you think about the most-hated mothers of all time, Kate Gosselin is up there with Joan Crawford and Casey Anthony. And yet she’s never even been indicted for killing anyone and her kids aren’t old enough to pen autobiographies about her hatred of wire hangers.
Enter journalist Richard Hoffman, who happened to befriend Jon Gosselin and somehow gained access to Kate’s journals—journals, Hoffman alleges, that contain Kate’s confessions about spanking her kids with a wooden spoon.
The forthcoming tell-all Kate Gosselin and How She Fooled the World is authored and self-published by Richard Hoffman, so you know it’s got to be good. Walk, don’t run, to your nearest computer, where you’ll be able to pick it up as an e-book, according to You can read the sordid details it promises to deliver here.
Here are three reasons why I think this story is bogus:
1. Kate Gosselin had 8 children and a husband at the time these journals were allegedly written. Where did she find the time to keep journals?
2. Who beats their kids with a wooden spoon and then keeps a record of it?
3. Did I mention that Kate Gosselin had 8 children?
And where was Jon Gosselin when all this spoon spanking—spoonking?— was happening? Word has it he “didn’t approve of her methods.” If someone was hitting my child with a spoon, in front of me, they wouldn’t get a second chance to do it, let alone write about it.
Isn't that precious?
Kate was TOO BUSY to write journals!
Case closed.
Book is still on my Kindle. I will memorize the contents if I have to.
I copied as much of my copy from my Kindle app on my laptop as I could till I reached the copy limit set by Kindle, and after a few hours I am done taking screen shots of the rest. All 38 chapters. My hand hurts now from pressing command>shift>4 a few hundred times!!!!!!!!!
So now if my copy is taken away, my $8.88 will also go to Robert's fund like a previous poster is doing. :)
"Dmasy said... 107
Book is still on my Kindle. I will memorize the contents if I have to. "
Dmasy - lolol! :D
(I'm glad somebody else is up! I'm all awake now from trying to get the whole book copied before it disappeared.)
I'm sorry if this has been asked, but is there a way to keep my copy on Kindle?
JW ~ thank you for your kind offer. I'll post on Monday about whether the book is still on my office computer or not. Admin, yes it is very telling that Kate's attorney isn't claiming libel, considering the explosive contents of the book. Kate ~ the truth is now out, in your own words. Can't unring that bell.
Moi, what I did was turn the wireless off of my Kindle so hopefully they can't pull it off.
I can understand about emails not being protected as private.
What about her journal enties?
I hope Robert comes back and keeps us posted.
Regardless of whether we get our money back, I think it would be great if everyone on this blog sent him $8.88, or more.
Soooo, do you think Kate will be going to church today?!
Also, did you see she got each twin an iPhone 4s yesterday as an early birthday present and a reward for good grades! How in the world is she going to control their surfing now?
Barb, thank you.
I must have the wireless turned off because the book is still there. I may have to buy another kindle for other reading because I do not want to lose Robert's book!
I just completed my donation and encourage everyone to show Robert our support.
JW said... 104
Sweet Tart, I saved the book to my flash drive and I can send you an email and attach it if that's okay to do? Admin? I just don't know how we go about getting email addresses privately? Again, Admin?
JW I would LOVE to get the copy by email, if you would be so kind and Admin would relay my email to you. Thank you so much if you will.
JW, you were one smart cookie to find a way to save the book!
JW I made a donation to Robert, FYI. If you will email it to me and ADMIN approves of giving you my email. Thanks again.
kate, kate, kate...looks like some of us here have saved the book to our PC's, thumb drives or onto Calibre. What will you do? It's out there and we have it. If you keep this up I'm going to have to create a blog that orginates in Russia (good luck finding me) and posting the entire book in PDF format. Your legal hacks take it down I create another blog and so on and so on. Social media really is a great thing. It works both ways. PS. Good luck finding another job. xxooxx with my spanker!
"Dmasy said... 107
Book is still on my Kindle. I will memorize the contents if I have to. "
Love this comment!
The book is gone. It is not on Amazon anymore, as of this A.M. on 9/30. WHAT IS GOING ON? How could she get this book pulled from Amazon? I am appalled.
I find it a bit ironic that Amazon's canned message contains this sentence:
"We expect that you’ll compensate this party appropriately for any infringing copies sold."
I wonder if Khate ever thought of publishing her journal?
Good lord. I got about halfway through the book and had to put it down for my own sanity last night. My Kindle wireless is off. Thank goodness I always keep it off to save the battery.
Notice that Kate ended her twitter silence last night. Drunk or relieved? I fear Robert won't have the resources to fight this against a powerful lawyer like Marty Singer. Kate has pretty deep pockets.
A lot of people have saved the book and I'm going to try today. Good luck Marty trying to sue all of us if we distribute the book via email.
OT kind of. At my work we have to take annual training about privacy and emails. We are cautioned to never put anything in an email that you wouldn't want made public. Once you send it you have no claims that it was a private message even if you mark it private (unless you're a company attorney).
Hi Duchess! So excited to see you in the book.
PS. Kate says her kids are amazing (but she takes no credit for that). No parent does.
WTH. Good parents usually raise good kids Kate. Of course you take no credit you abusing asshat.
Ms Kreider may have a high priced law form, but does anyone really think they like her any more than anyone else does? Yes, they have taken action and complained to Amazon, but look how long it took them to do it. Long enough for quite a few to read it, or parts of it.
And, since she reads here: Ms Kreider, book or no book, you cannot change the fact that no one in real life likes you. The folks propping up your ego are either making money off you, or are people fooled by all that you tweet, and now we know most of what you tweet is less than accurate. Get off the computer, turn off the phone, go outside and enjoy the nice weather and think about something non material that would make you feel good. Practice your yoga, that is a good start! Even if the class was only on TV or a DVD, that is a good start.
Like my friend M said, if you take responsibility for your actions and talk about how you are trying to do better and get help, then you could reinvent yourself and become the poster child for self help. Gotta take responsibility and admit Jon was not the entire problem tho, and we don't believe you can do that.
Remona Blue said... 177
"I think I'm going to cry. I should have known better than to think I actually understood what I was doing. I just clicked on Kate hates 8 and guess what I saved, and then deleted my kindle stuff? I just saved the FREAKING KINDEL DICTIONARY."
Oh no, Remona! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Three comments and a question:
In the world of CPS, in families with more than one child, the child who gets the brunt of the abuse is called "the Identified Child." I believe in Hate's sick world, this child is Collin.
(Remember how she taunted him at their starting school check-up dr.'s appt. for having such "a big head?") I can still hear her cackling and snorting as she studied the dr.'s and nurse's faces to see if they got her "funny." They weren't amused and looked as though they were pretending they didn't hear her.
About Skeeve's recent departure: I think he knew the book would eventually be released and, not knowing how much or how little RH had the goods on Hate's and Skeeve's "affair," he ran for the hills and the safety of his own family, just in case.
Similarily, the reason Jon shut down his twitter. (No tweets are good tweets.)
As for Hate's superfluous references to her agonizing GUILT: I say B.S.! Guilt is a feeling and I don't think she has normal feelings. Furthermore, I think it's part of her NPD to lie about everything, even documenting those lies, with pen and paper. After all, she might need "proof" one day that, in addition to being such a put upon saint and martyr, she felt tremendous guilt when all she was trying to do was to be a Supermom. Makes her a double saint and martyr.
Finally, as I was talking to the Amazon customer service lady who helped me download the Kindle app, Hate's attys. were having the book removed! I missed it by five minutes.
I am DYING to know what the "pic. of box of fertility enhancers" was. (Sorry, I can't recall exactly how it was put in the one single comment that spoke of it.) Anyone? PLEASE; it's 3:00 a.m. in the morning now and it's driving me nutz!
The lightbulb is often slow to go on in my brain, but it finally came on for me about why Kate makes the kids watch the dvds of their own show so much. I think that Kate is hoping to brainwash the kids and replace their memories of what really happened with the edited/whitewashed and pretty story that she & TLC crafted for the viewers.
I stayed up until 2:00 am this morning to finish the book on my iPad before Amazon had a chance to make it go "poof."
And it's still there on my iPad this morning - and I don't have my iPad in "airplane" mode, if that makes sense.
As someone tweeted Kate last night, she's trying to shut the barn door after the horses have already escaped. Too late, Kate.
Read 'til about 1 a.m. and am glad to see the book is still here - Kindle app on iPad. Phew.
Anonymous said... 119
kate, kate, kate...looks like some of us here have saved the book to our PC's, thumb drives or onto Calibre. What will you do? It's out there and we have it. If you keep this up I'm going to have to create a blog that orginates in Russia (good luck finding me) and posting the entire book in PDF format. Your legal hacks take it down I create another blog and so on and so on. Social media really is a great thing. It works both ways. PS. Good luck finding another job. xxooxx with my spanker!
I like your spunk and idea. I hope your promise doesn't end up being necessary, but if it eventually is, go for it!
Well, I finished the book which I downloaded onto my PC via Amazon. It' s still there. If I can share, I'd be happy to- once my kids show me how!
I think that Kate taking all these steps to pull the book is telling. If it was like Polly's or Al's she wouldn't bother.Also isn't she ruining any chance to defend herself on TV ? But I think enough about it has gone to the media by now (although I'm surprised at the under-reaction. Is it b/c she is not relevant, or b/c reporters/paps have a ad name? Who knows)
If I am reimbursed the 8.88 from amazon I will also donate to RH's fund- as I planned to do anyhow.
A couple of comments:
Kate wrote she 'gave permission' for Jon to go away for a few days with some guys - maybe Kevin too- to a cabin. Control freak.
Honestly I expected worse- and maybe it is worse- than what a read about the dogs. Nala was smart!
I am pro-choice but pro- life groups may have something to say if that abortion gets into the news. Especially as Kate is all 'God's plan"
SO MANY LIES/schemes!!! Even though I knew many of them, I was floored.More freebies/demands than I knew of...and her treatment of fans' gifts ( Amish lady's) was appalling- why oh why don't the enablers get it? Kate does not CARE about you!
I was really looking forward to people k like Jenny and Judy being quoted but again the C/A...
Not *saying* I did this, but if I *did*,it might take 5 minutes or less.
(you *might* need a flash drive.)
1. turn off internet access
2. insert flash drive
3. right click on kindle icon
4. click SEND TO
5. click DVD RAM (drive D)
I thought the CA lawyers who delayed the book to begin with, were done, and Robert got the go ahead to offer the book online? Did they then change their minds, or what? Surely they went through it line by line before now?
Whatever happened to the ACCLU. I remember the time when you could them on board when constitutional rights at stake.
I meant ACLU.
Only a posted a few times but I did want to clear up a misconception about infertility. It is 100% possible to have no problems conceiving your first child and then to face infertility after that. Several mommies I know are dealing with unexplained infertility after a first child and its a devastating and confusing place to be.
I am NOT saying I believe Kate or that Kate hasn't shown a great propensity to lie lie lie, I just want to make sure we aren't making generalized statements that because Kate got pregnant once it proves she is not infertile.
I posted this upthread but this is how to save your story off your Kindle: Kindle books will be saved in a folder on your PC. Mostly likely under MY DOCUMENTS with another folder within called MY KINDLE CONTENT. From there you will be able to view all files.
Just copy and save the file to another location on your hard drive or better yet store on a device that is removable (such as a CD, thumbdrive etc...). Thumbdrives are available at Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Office Depot and run around $10. It plugs into one of your ports and becomes a removable hard drive that can be transported between computers.
Be very careful using Kindle to read the book; I would choose another option to view (I'll have to look around but there are other e-readers who will open Kindle books with some work). If your connection with Amazon is life, your book can be removed by them from your library (it's happened before).
If you bought a Kindle just to download this book, I personally would demand a refund from Amazon. JMO.
In Vegas...up all night, reading!
Kate has another victory at someone else's expense.
Dwindle's comment in the book is perfect.
Just caught up on all the comments written overnight. Want to make sure I correctly understand what Administrator wrote here regarding the intellectual property issue (which is apparently what they used to have the book suspended at Amazon)): Anything found in K. Gosselin's trash, including emails from a discarded computer and journals...would be fair game. Any IP or copyright claims from other entities (other online sources, etc.) would not be handled by Kate's legal team but by their own that if I understand correctly, it is strictly the passages Mr. Hoffman used from Kate's books that would be included in this intellectual property issue. Do I understand this correctly? That Mr. Hoffman's book was suspended on Amazon due to intellectual property issues involved with using passages from Kate's books? And that the other documentation he used would not qualify as intellectual property of Kate's and was legally obtained because it was fair game?
I find it interesting that it was Kate's legal team that got the book suspended from Amazon....and not TLC/Discovery's legal team. That even though the TLC/Discovery legal team did send Mr. Hoffman and cease & desist letter...they didn't go so far as getting the book suspended from Amazon. may have been that the only way to make this happen would have needed to come from Kate's the IP issues might be the only ones that could have been used successfully......and that TLC/Discovery really didn't have any legal basis to get it done (just like when they threatened the administrator here....just empty threats).
And I'm not an attorney and just kinda winging it here....but I'm thinking that if I was Kate's legal team (and I'm sure she'd be on top of my list of "worst clients...ever")........I'm thinking I'd have been advising her to lay low and let everything just die down.....when she was probably screaming and yelling for me to get the book shut down on Amazon AFTER the cat was already out of the bag.
I mean.....sure, if I could have prevented it from being released in the first place....that would have been different. But I'm thinking that once the book had already gotten out there and a whole lot of people had downloaded it and were likely frantically trying to save it to these zip things and flash drives (and all these other techie ways to save computer documents).....I'd have been trying to get Kate to calm down and realize the potential major problems that could result if she had the book shut down after it had already been released. That the negatives of doing this could outweigh the positives.
But that's just me and I'm not a lawyer. I can see trying to prevent the release in the first place....but once it had already been released? For over a day? I'm not sure how to tell on Amazon how many copies were bought....but surely enough were downloaded to cause massive problems with trying to prevent anyone on the planet from ever seeing it again. This is the internet. People know how to save these things....and how to spread them....underground if necessary. And the clear perception that the only grounds they had to suspend the sale of it with was an IP issue....NO defamation/slander/libel (I forget which ones refer to spoken and which refer to written) issues mentioned whatsoever....creating the impression that everything was likely true so they scrambled and came up with an IP issue to shut it down with.
I don't know....but I'm thinking that if I'd been her attorney...I'd have been advising her to lay low and just hope the whole thing would go away eventually.....just like all the negative press she'd gotten in the past.
Didn't Kate say she said she never ovulated- ever? Not sure where- in 'her' book? It' s true PCOS patients may have infertility but some do not.
Re: least favored kids. I would add Alexis ( monster, bat- and Joel (glazed over eyes, 'girly', what we saw on the show, Globegate) to the list.
But she also mentioned spanking re: Leah, Mady and Aaden. Never Hannah or Cara unless I missed it. Always said she bonded to Hannah first...maybe the only one!
Whew. As I said, I stayed up until 2:00 am last night, fast and furious trying to finish the book before the big guns at Amazon yanked it off my iPad. As I read RH’s words on screen, which were, for the most part, Kate’s own words, I found I was pretty much going through the Five Stages of Grief.
Denial was first…I couldn’t BELIEVE some of the things I was reading. The abuse to both her children and the dogs was sickening; the constant grifting was annoying; and I found myself thinking, “How can this be true? No sane person would behave this way!” Well…the answer to my question was right there in front of me…no “SANE” person…Kate is truly insane, as we’ve been guessing at these past few years. She is one sick woman.
I then moved to anger…as in, “How can TLC and Discovery and Julie May Carson LET this continue???!!” That pissed me off. I was angry at Kate…her enablers…Steve...and at our society in general that puts someone like this – from a reality TV show, no less – up on a pedestal for our viewing pleasure. I was angry at Kate’s attorneys for going after RH and his book. I was angry at Amazon for taking the book off their shelves. I was angry at everyone in Kate’s circle that has turned a blind eye to the abuse she has heaped out over the years.
Bargaining came next…as in, “I’d do ANYTHING to see this witch taken DOWN!” Although, I don’t have much power to accomplish this, as I’m just one little teeny-tiny mediocre woman living in the heartland of the USA.
After realizing that I didn’t have much power or ability to take Kate down, I was depressed. I was depressed about what is happening to the children; I was depressed in thinking that once again, Kate will get away with what she’s gotten away with for years.
But then…a funny thing happened as I was processing all this. I came to acceptance. And here’s why:
(Part 1 of 2)
Has Kate really “won”? No. Not really.
Look at what she has…sure, she has a nice house…with lots of stuff, including three nice cars in her garage. She has nice clothes, and she has her 195th pink iPhone.
Her “stuff” doesn’t keep her warm at night. Her stuff doesn’t give her the warm & fuzzy feelings that she needs. Her “inner circle” consists of NO ONE. She has NO friends. If she has a lover (I’m looking at YOU, Steve), it’s a lover she has to hide from the outside world, and she’s committing all kinds of sin with that one.
She’s the laughingstock of the entertainment world…a former reality star who got famous because she popped out 8 kids in two pregnancies. She's the joke for the late night entertainers. She’s Z-list who has resorted to begging on Twitter to companies and strangers to provide her with free…junk. And yes, coffee, toilet paper, plastic bracelets with “Team Kate” etc are junk, in my opinion.
She is a Queen in her own mind, but her kingdom is extremely miniscule, if you look at it. It consists of perhaps 12 sheeple - or enablers – that are as pathetic and twisted as she is.
She is fake. There is nothing "real" about this reality star. She has built her empire on a foundation so fake that she has fooled no one...except the 12 sheeple. And I've decided that those twelve sheeple are so stupid, it's not worth my time to try to convince them how stupid they are. They're too stupid to know they're stupid, so I'm wasting my time.
She has the kids…physically…but she doesn’t have their respect or their love…and the sad thing is, she never will. Once those kids are old enough, they will desert her – just like all the other family and friends in her life. And they won’t look back.
She will die alone…surrounded by her stuff…in her mansion. And only her twelve sheeple will care. Oh - Julie May Carson and her lawyers may care, because there goes their money fund. Boo hoo hoo.
And the final justice? She’ll get to meet The Maker, where she’ll have to answer for all of the lies she ever told…all of the greed she displayed…all of the lust and sins she committed…all the heartache and misery she inflicted on those around her…and she will pay.
Yup. I'm good.
I'll take my "mediocre" life, where I'm surrounded by friends, family and my seven kids who love me and respect me and will ALWAYS be there for me.
Last night Kate tweeted about Iphones for the twin’s birthday. She always starts mentioning birthday’s a week early. She tries to make it sound casual but that is just her usual grifting way to make sure the sheeple know to send gifts. Cash and gift cards only. All other gifts will be thrown in the trash. I wonder if the twin’s ever see the gifts sent to them.
I just figured out how to turn the wireless off on my Kindle, and so far, I still have the book.
Woke up this morning to see Dora drove by in the night! HI DORA! Say Hi to Backpack and Benny for me!! Did Teko drive you over here? Te Amo Dora!
Okay now that I am awake, back to reading. Maybe a cuppa tea first.
Formerly Duped 141-
I will admit I've never read any of Kate's books. If she made that comment then assuming what Robert says is true then yes she is clearly lying.
I struggle with real infertility and so am sensitive about over generalizations. I dont want to be associated in any way shape or form with this sorry excuse for a mother I just want to make sure people are making correct statements about what does and does not "prove" infertility. I made my initial comment more as an FYI because it's not something most people probably realize and for mom's like myself who have one sweet child and actually mean it when they say they long for "just one more" the infertility struggles are agonizing. That said I hate that people like Kate put a false face on what infertility looks like. Whether she was lying about hte need for infertility treatments or not, the path she went through to end up with the 6 is so far the path my dr recommends that it was obvious she had an ulterior motive involved.
Well, kind of. I haven’t gotten to the chapter on Shoka but read on twitter that the dogs were kept in their cage sitting in their own waste. Not sure if this was mentioned in the book but maybe that is why she said that Shoka gets weekly grooming appointments and why the groomer comes to pick him up instead of Kate driving him to the groomers. Can’t mess up those expensive vehicles!! I can no longer find the words to describe how vile Kate is.
Here's some information I found about intellectual property.
Robert is in the grey area with this list...meaning that it's up to opinion whether or not he violated any law. He did give credit where it was due and while much of the book is quotes from other media sources, he uses those to extrapolate the storyline.
Can words and ideas really be stolen?
According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. In the United States and many other countries, the expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some media (such as a book or a computer file).
All of the following are considered plagiarism:
: turning in someone else’s work as your own
: copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
: failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
: giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
: changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
: copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not.
The final item on the list falls under a 'fair use' clause
Examples of Fair Use:
Sooner or later, almost all writers quote or closely paraphrase what others have written. For example:
Andy, putting together a newsletter on his home computer, reprints an editorial he likes from a daily newspaper.
Phil, a biographer and historian, quotes from several unpublished letters and diaries written by his subject.
Regina, a freelance writer, closely paraphrases two paragraphs from the Encyclopedia Britannica in an article she's writing.
Sylvia, a poet, quotes a line from a poem by T.S. Eliot in one of her own poems.
Donnie, a comedian, writes a parody of the famous song "Blue Moon" he performs in his comedy act.
Uses That Are Generally Fair Uses
Subject to some general limitations discussed later in this article, the following types of uses are usually deemed fair uses:
Criticism and comment -- for example, quoting or excerpting a work in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment.
News reporting -- for example, summarizing an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report.
Research and scholarship -- for example, quoting a short passage in a scholarly, scientific, or technical work for illustration or clarification of the author's observations.
Nonprofit educational uses -- for example, photocopying of limited portions of written works by teachers for classroom use.
Parody -- that is, a work that ridicules another, usually well-known, work by imitating it in a comic way.
In most other situations, copying is not legally a fair use. Without an author's permission, such a use violates the author's copyright.
Non-commercial use is often fair use. Violations often occur when the use is motivated primarily by a desire for commercial gain. The fact that a work is published primarily for private commercial gain weighs against a finding of fair use. For example, using the Bob Dylan line "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" in a poem published in a small literary journal would probably be a fair use; using the same line in an advertisement for raincoats probably would not be.
Benefit to the public may be fair use. A commercial motive doesn't always disqualify someone from claiming a fair use. A use that benefits the public can qualify as a fair use, even if it makes money for the user.
Robert says he lives very close to I'm wondering, if he reads here, if he could answer just one little teeny question:
Because even Milo can't get a straight answer out of Kate. I'd love to know if the dog is still there - or has found a new home.
Knows Quality - 143
Thank you. So well said. I didn't think I could feel better but you are so right.
Washed up former reality stah with no friends no family and no life.
I'm sure Marty Singer is happy to take her money whether she can win or not. Stupid cow.
Knows quality:
Excellent two-part post. I went through a similar process..but I still have some anger- because I really want her to pay in the court of public opinion if not law for what she did in some manner, sooner than the exodus of the kids or her own demise. Maybe I'm wrong to feel that way, but I fee l this way b/c at this point RH' s book is pulled and she should not have that power- it seems never-ending.Her tweets are still merrily coming b/c to Kate the 12 enablers are enough to keep her going plus I'm sure she feels vindicated.
I have a question. If you guys bought the book,how can they delete it off of your kindles and Iphones? Do you get your money back?
So sorry for what you are going through. It does seem unfair that Kate got her twisted way re: having these kids, not with the pure loving motive of being a mom, like you and many others, but for fame and wealth.
Good luck on your own quest.
Formerly Duped said... 152
I went through a similar process..but I still have some anger- because I really want her to pay in the court of public opinion if not law for what she did in some manner, sooner than the exodus of the kids or her own demise.
You are not wrong to feel this way...I felt the same way. And then it dawned on me - she HAS paid in the court of public opinion for what she's done... which is why she's at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to stardom. She is Z-list. Total Z-list. She DOESN'T have the respect of the entertainment world...if she has anything, she has ridicule...and perhaps some fear. And pity.
Sure, she may be on Katie Couric next week - but so what? Katie Couric doesn't look up to her...she doesn't envy her...and she doesn't respect her. She is secretly ridiculing her...and pitying her, I'm sure. And I don't care too hoots about Katie Couric, anyway, as I've never been a fan of hers anyway. :)
Kate Gosselin is pretty much on the same level as Casey Anthony - and who would want THAT reputation?!
Kate will always feel vindicated, because Kate doesn't live in the real world. Her psychosis and mental disorders will NEVER allow her to live in the real world. Ever. She will never publicly - or privately - apologize or show remorse, because she will never be mentally able to. She is VERY sick. I used to want her to apologize...but I've come to accept that THAT will never happen.
Kate Gosselin had 8 children and a husband at the time these journals were allegedly written. Where did she find the time to keep journals
Because Kate Gosseling took ZERO care of her children and husband - she had all the time in the world to write these journals. Kate had/has cooks, babysitters, laundry help, law help, pool help, etc., etc., You get the picture. She is as an uninvolved "parent" that ever existed.
I've been up all night, couldn't put the book down and now I come to read it's been pulled? Can't say I'm surprised after reading the book and how Discovery and Kate work.
She's an evil, very ill woman but she deserves no excuses. She is well aware of what she is doing.
Sleep deprived, apologize if I missed it in comments but does anybody know if Couric was pretaped or the witch will be on live on Oct. 3rd?
I just noticed that today marks the beginning of:
Started in 1982 as an annual celebration of the freedom to read, it aims to raise awareness of censorship problems in the U.S. and abroad.
Great timing!
Knows Quality said... 143
Has Kate really “won”? No. Not really.
I completely agree with you.....and always knew Kate would never "win" in her life. Her untreated mental illness issues would guarantee that.
But for me, this isn't really about Kate. It's always mainly been about powerful corporations and news outlets protecting and hiding a child abuser and putting money over the rights of children in reality TV. And's become an issue of free speech for me.
I get pretty upset and carried away when it comes to what I see as injustice in any maybe I don't think all that straight. But I'm wondering.....would this be a big enough deal that there might be some free-speech attorneys who might take on Mr. Hoffman as a client pro bono? Would there be enough publicity involved that might make it worth it to them? Or...even though it's a big deal to it a big enough deal in the rest of the world out there? I know that those of us who have followed this for years far outnumber the "sheeple"/fans.....but are there enough of us still interested in Kate Gosselin and the Gosselin Saga?
I'm reading what I wrote and not sure if it makes sense. Are there enough people still interested in the Gosselin saga that would make the publicity surrounding this book and the attempts to shut it down (and the inherent free speech issues) significant enough to possibly interest any free speech attorneys in taking Mr. Hoffman's case pro bono?
For me, this isn't so much about Kate Gosselin and her abuse of her children as it is about trying to muzzle a whistle-blower who is trying to expose the huge cover-up of it by a wealthy and powerful corporation and major news outlets. There are thousands of parents who abuse their children to various degrees.....but for me, this was a huge cover-up by the wealthy and powerful....of not only Kate's abuse of her children but of their total disregard for the rights of these children for the almighty buck. And now they are trying to stomp on free speech and to silence a whistle-blower.
So yeah...I'm a little upset. I do NOT want to see them take away his right to release it/publish it and MY rights to read it.
I interrupt the following program to bring you this very important public service anoouncement..........
WHYYYYYYYYYYYY does that twit Kate Gosselin always insist in announcing on Twitter that she is going to sleep every.single.night??!?!???!!
Does she truly think that when she slinks off to bed, the world needs to know? Does she believe all her tweeties go crawl in a corner, suck their thumbs and rock back and forth until she's up and back on twitter the following day?
This has been her most obnoxious Twitter habit since day one. OMG I haven't even been reading Kate crap anymore for quite a while, but peeked in because I decided to check out the book review, and I see that freak is STILL ANNOUNCING HER EFF'ING BEDTIME on Twitter every night!
Ok, carry on. Public service announcement over.
Bearswife said... 146
Woke up this morning to see Dora drove by in the night! HI DORA! Say Hi to Backpack and Benny for me!! Did Teko drive you over here? Te Amo Dora!
Okay now that I am awake, back to reading. Maybe a cuppa tea first
Lol Bearswife!
If I may add, "Swiper stop swiping!" Swiper being TLC/Discovery and Marty Singer & his goons.
Knows Quality said... 155
I do agree...but what also also angers me are the comments on the media articles- a good percentage are pro-Kate, saying either they also spank with wooden spoons or were punished so. The other issues in the book do not seem to be reaching the ears of the public and any sense of moral outrage is smaller than I hoped. ( animal abuse, fraud, scheming/scamming, treatment of spouse and others, living off her show, expecting star treatment, receiving all these freebies like partial tuition, furniture, trips, the rest, shunning the very audience who made her famous, other verbal and emotional abuses etc)
I should not read the comments!
From 'allvoices' article:
James M. Hmurovich, the president of Prevent Child Abuse America, told RadarOnline, “We certainly know that there are better, healthier and more effective means for disciplining children than the one being suggested.”
That's it? ;(
What an exactly perfect DAY to pull a book! It is now National Banned Books Week!!!
oops, my apologies to Moi who informed us of Banned Books Week upthread. I should read before I post. (I can hear you ALLLLL nodding!!)
I am baffled by the logic of the attorneys in this matter. So they "win" by admitting the writings are Kate's and Discovery's. Now that so many people have the book, how is that a win? Wouldn't a smarter move have just been to deny and keep quiet? The book wasn't getting any major media attention and sadly probably would have been a non-story within a week.
Due to Robert's connection to Jon, the book was getting some pretty negative attention even on tabloid sites.
Other than verifying the contents of the book, what exactly are they accomplishing?
Formerly Duped said... 162
I do agree...but what also also angers me are the comments on the media articles- a good percentage are pro-Kate, saying either they also spank with wooden spoons or were punished so. The other issues in the book do not seem to be reaching the ears of the public and any sense of moral outrage is smaller than I hoped.
I was attempting to warn people to expect this yesterday. It's downright sickening and horrifying to see how many support corporal punishment of children. Any article released that involves spanking and you will see comments that disregard anything else in the article and all the pro-spanking advocates rant on about how this country is going to hell in a handbasket due to parents not hitting their kids, how they got hit and they turned out just fine, 'spare the rod and spoil the child".....and on and on.....and IMO, just justifying and rationalizing the fact that they hit/beat/spank their own child/children.
It's just sickening. I can't even stand to read them. I've just been sickened over the past few years of reading comments after yahoo and other learn just how many racists and child-beaters there are out there. It's like we're still in the Dark Ages in many parts of the country. (Administrator) said... 88
It should be emphasized, I don't see any claims of LIBEL OR DEFAMATION. Which would have to be FALSE. LOL.
Don't you think the lawyers used what was quick to get the book taken down and the Libel and Defamation will come later?
@MiloandJack BTW sure U record N ur current journal how well ur kids r developin...because ur past efforts are payin off! GR8KIDS
Wrong again, Milo! In fact there are quite possibly huge issues with the way the G kids are developin.
Mr. Hoffman tells his readers that there were some big problems over the summer regarding Kate and some of the kids. Now the school is involved.
Also, he shared that many times when Kate would go on her night time runs, the kids were alone in the house with the twins supervising. There were many times during this past school year when she would announce she was running at night. Your fellow Klovers would even ask why was she running at night when the kids were gone all day? Kate never had a legit answer for that one. Then they would ask if a sitter was there and she would claim there was. We now know that often that was a lie. She is so damn skinflinted when it comes to those kids, I'm guessing that she was trying to cut back on helpers and often leaving them alone. Well now it's biting her in her flat ass. She is in some sort of trouble right now and Robert was asked not to elaborate on it, which he did not.
Which brings me back to a point I made last week. These are no longer babies stuck in a house with this monster. They are 8 individuals who are capable of advocating for themselves and each other. Robert said the kids have spilled plenty on how their mother treats them. Hmmmmmm... what a quandry for Kate. This is quite the control issue. She refuses to change her behavior or seek help, sooo what is a tyrant to do? Bribes? Seems to me 2 brand new iPhones are a nice start!
Michelle said... 166
I am baffled by the logic of the attorneys in this matter. So they "win" by admitting the writings are Kate's and Discovery's. Now that so many people have the book, how is that a win? Wouldn't a smarter move have just been to deny and keep quiet? The book wasn't getting any major media attention and sadly probably would have been a non-story within a week.
Due to Robert's connection to Jon, the book was getting some pretty negative attention even on tabloid sites.
Other than verifying the contents of the book, what exactly are they accomplishing?
That's EXACTLY what I was wondering. My off-the-cuff guess would be that it's possible that they advised Kate against this but she insisted (raged) that it be the point where they had to do what the client demanded. I'd imagine Kate can be a headache of massive proportions to deal with.
From my perspective....pulling the book creates way more negative publicity than just ignoring it and waiting for it to just go away. Like I already prevent it from being released in the first place? Yeah, that would be a good idea. But once it had already been released and so many have it and are making permanent copies of it? Not such a good would seem to me.
I forgot to add to my above post that Robert tells us Kate just recently hired a full-time live in nanny. Again, these kids are gone 9 hours a day for 9 months out of the year. This is an extraordinary move and IMO, is quite telling. My sixth sense tells me Kate got in, or currently is in, some kind of trouble for leaving the kids unsupervised at times over the summer. JMO.
Just Me (the original) said... 56
SPOILER (maybe)
I can't remember exactly which chapter(s) this was in, but did anyone else notice that in at least 2 place Kate talks (in emails) about her appetite in odd ways.
In the first she says something like her appetite is unfortunately not completely gone and in the second she says she ate on Saturday and is not planning to eat on Sunday.
Do the people she is emailing with think this is normal? Why does no one say anything to her (or maybe they do, who knows).
I am guessing that most of her sheeple are the kinds that wish they could learn to puke on command so they could be thinner. I am sure they admire it as 'strong rockin' momma determination' her attempts to go days without eating.
'Mr. Hoffman tells his readers that there were some big problems over the summer regarding Kate and some of the kids. Now the school is involved.'
Oh- I took it to mean back when the expulsion occurred, and Robert had agree ( maybe with Jon?) he wouldn't reveal the details of it, just that it was worse than reported and also involved the kids' treatment that summer?
Maybe I'm wrong- I found myself skimming at times when the material seemed familiar? What did I miss/ What trouble is Kate in that was discussed?
"Kate Gosselin had 8 children and a husband at the time these journals were allegedly written. Where did she find the time to keep journals"
Your "logic" makes no sense to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kate gosselin still has those 8 children and NO husband. She is a single mom doing everything by herself. Where does she find time to tweet non-stop?
I've kept my book 'up' since I bought it on Friday. Is this why mine hasn't been erased? I'm not sure how all of this works.
Did anyone else note, in her email fight with Jen Stocks, at one point she listed her requirements for crew behavior?
"We appreciate a crew without opinions (we have talked about this before)."
"PLEASE dont take this personally.....(sic) the lack of total perfection!"
A crew without opinions? On child abuse?
Formerly Duped said... 173
'Mr. Hoffman tells his readers that there were some big problems over the summer regarding Kate and some of the kids. Now the school is involved.'
Oh- I took it to mean back when the expulsion occurred, and Robert had agree ( maybe with Jon?) he wouldn't reveal the details of it, just that it was worse than reported and also involved the kids' treatment that summer?
Maybe I'm wrong- I found myself skimming at times when the material seemed familiar? What did I miss/ What trouble is Kate in that was discussed?
That's just it, he said he was asked not to elaborate on it. I have no idea where in the book it was, at least more than halfway through, but it was one of those updates. He just said there were some issues last summer when the kids were home and now the school is involved. Kate now has a full-time live in nanny. I remember a boy tup needing stitches a few months back and he ended up getting glued. Maybe that mishap happened when they were left alone- just speculating,IDK.
I skimmed at times, too. My eyes were getting so bleary.
wayward said... 171
I forgot to add to my above post that Robert tells us Kate just recently hired a full-time live in nanny.
I was madly skimming through the chapters yesterday thinking I'd lose the book if it were taken off Amazon.
I kind of remember reading that but it didn't dawn on me that he was talking about the present.
Do you happen to remember the chapter? I know that's a difficult request. The book is a bit all over the place at times.
One of Kate's uber fans wrote on h twitter: this is my twitter account I can post whatever I want, I can speak to whomever I want, I don't care who does or doesn't like it.
I wonder if she was stamping her foot in anger when she said that. I guess that goes for us also. Carry on with the book discussions and the KIG discussions in general. I don't care if Kate does or doesn't like it.
I haven't read the entire book yet (and it's still in my iPad). Kate may have had the book banned but that bell can't be unrung. Too many people have seen it and read it. They may not admit it but I'm guessing that people in the meadia have also downloaded and read it. Kate may be doing her little happy dance now but this was exactly the wrong move to make. Is there anything below Z list? If so that's what Kate is now. If I see her in Target I will look her directly in the eye and then turn my back.
wayward said... 171
I forgot to add to my above post that Robert tells us Kate just recently hired a full-time live in nanny. Again, these kids are gone 9 hours a day for 9 months out of the year. This is an extraordinary move and IMO, is quite telling. My sixth sense tells me Kate got in, or currently is in, some kind of trouble for leaving the kids unsupervised at times over the summer. JMO.
There are emails indication that Discovery was paying the nanny. She was being paid hourly up to a certain number of hours. when the sleepovers started happening for the nanny, the billing went up and there was haggling over it and some emails going back and forth about whether Disc would up the nanny reimbursement to 40 hours a week.
I'll try to find the quotes, I remember reading Kate finally saying "Yeah, go ahead and pay her..." I read it as if Disc was questioning whether or not the nanny's billing was accurate.
At approximately 8:00 PM (EST) Saturday night I posted in the earlier thread (#171) that I had checked for comments on the Mail Online (U.K.) story about the book. I was surprised to see that the article had been deleted. The Mail was the only mainstream paper that I could find which was covering the book story. The fact that the article was deleted caused me to hmmmmm.
The Singer law firm appears to have managed to silence the only mainstream newspaper as part of this temporary ban.
I guess when she appears on Katie Couric this week she can continue her poor me routine, 'I can't speak about this, it's before the Court'.
Finally got a little sleep last night, until my kitty decided to launch all 8# (I know, ironic, isn't it :)?) into my middle this morning. Can you say oooof?
Book is still on my computer and my Kindle and still in my "Manage your Kindle" file on Amazon, so I also downloaded it to my iphone. My review is still there in my review folder, too. I've also downloaded it to a flashdrive just to be safe.
Quality -- Excellent post. I've gone through 4 stages. I'm not sure I'll ever reach Acceptance nor completely lose the Anger.
Melissa (((hugs)))
Let's be sure we place our anger where it belongs. Kate and her attorneys deserve our wrath and contempt. Amazon does not. Once the issue was raised, they had no choice but to pull the book. To do otherwise would cost them all credibility in the publishing world and would probably destroy the company.
Off to fix some lunch then finish the book. I'm about 75% through it now. I still find myself scraping my jaw off the floor on a regular basis.
What is the age for legal babysitting in PA? I think it is 12 here. I babysat 5 kids at that age-M and C are almost 12, so 3 each. Maybe that was Kate's thinking since they 'babysat' really since the tups were babies!
Wonder why she actually got a live-in nanny? Maybe Aaden's accident as wayward suggested? Other things we don't know re; kids being hurt? With a pool and large isolated property it's a good idea- but not for during school hrs! The former nanny had to do household chores as well, as seen in the book, A nanny is for childcare only IMO.
This is my first time posting but I've been checking in to this site for the last year or so. Anyway, I am a recently retired teacher who spent her entire career (40 years) as an advocate for abused kids. I helped two girls get away from a mother that was exactly like Kate. I read the book on Friday and will say more about it later but I have to tell you that as things unfold, I am totally convinced that one or more children are part of what's going on. I finally think I understand why Kate supposedly gave Jon 50% custodial rights last spring. I will tell you that when I tried to get Children's Protective Services here in Florida to help these kids, it was extremely hard because of the type of abuse (emotional battering) but once I succeeded, the woman was stripped of all parental rights. I will say more later....Retired Teacher (Paula)
I was checking the listings on my DVR for Katie Couric's show and for Wednesday, October 3, it says nothing about Kate Gosselin. It says she will be speaking with the families involved in the FL A&M hazing death. Can anyone else check their listings to see if this is a mistake on my DVR's part or if Katie has in fact pulled the Kate Gosselin interview?
Also, as a long-time kindle owner, the easiest way to save the book to your computer is:
* go to the homepage. If you are logged into your account, you should see a tab on the upper right hand corner of the page that says "Your Account"
* Click on "Manage my Kindle" in the drop-down menu.
*Your Account Page will open. Scroll down to "Digital Content" and click on "Manage your Kindle"
*Your Kindle Library Page will open. If you have purchased the book, it should appear in the list.
*On the far right-hand side of the page should be a button that says "Actions" in the same line as the Kate book. Click on it.
*Another drop down menu will appear. Click on "Download and Transfer via USB. This will download a copy to your computer.
I don't think Amazon has a way to remove it from your computer once it's been downloaded. To be safe, you can transfer it to a thumb drive from here.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 178
wayward said... 171
I forgot to add to my above post that Robert tells us Kate just recently hired a full-time live in nanny.
I was madly skimming through the chapters yesterday thinking I'd lose the book if it were taken off Amazon.
I kind of remember reading that but it didn't dawn on me that he was talking about the present.
Do you happen to remember the chapter? I know that's a difficult request. The book is a bit all over the place at times.
No, but I do know it was more than 1/2 through. Because this is a current issue, maybe not resolved yet, that's probably why Robert was asked not say any more about it. I did re-read it because I wanted to make sure what I was reading was correct. I was actually starting to get a headache from the eye strain. The book is on my laptop and I haven't checked it yet, hope it's still there! Right now I have to haul a bunch of boys and their stinky lacrosse stuff. Send Febreeze thoughts my way if you can :)
I have a question. If you guys bought the book,how can they delete it off of your kindles and Iphones? Do you get your money back?
I was wondering this myself. I don't think that you "own" the book (like if you purchased it in a bookstore), but rather you purchase it to read. However, if you paid for something to read, and they pulled it and you couldn't read it, then wouldn't they owe you money for not delivering a service promised?
I have just left kindle open (on my android) and book is still there
OT - just had eggs Benedict for bf and mimosa of course - cool fall day - apple crisp and squash to make for dinner and of course ham with maple syrup in my electric pressure cooker ---scared of the sucker ? ...just pull the plug
DH who can't understand this Kate thing was amazed that book was pulled
If the interview with Kate was done pre-book, we can expect the same vacuous answers from the same lame questions. I know Katie is supposed to hard-hitting, but what does she have to ask her (again, if this has been pre-taped). I can almost hear Katie saying, "what's it like trying to raise 8 kids and show it all in front of the cameras, how REAL was your reality show?" Kate's response, "honestly, it was the kids just doing what they do in front of the film crew!" If Katie asks about Kate's difficult time during the divorce, Kate will say, "we did it for the sake of the children, to bring them PEACE". In short, the media crap she has been spewing since DAY ONE. It's just Anderson Cooper and Joy Behar that have the balls to call her out, but Anderson wouldn't waste his time, and Joy was apparently shut down on The View recently. Why, WHY is Kate Gosselin still getting air time?
If the interview is post Robert's book, Kate will plead the 5th, but my sense is this interview was a wrap before the book saw it's very brief light of day on the Internet.
Kate Gosselin and TEFLON should be shown side by side when defined in the Dictionary.
Swiffered Article on Kate:
screen shot from this morning: (cached file on Google)
See Screen Shot here
If you click the link: it's no longer there.
Anonymous said... 184
This is my first time posting but I've been checking in to this site for the last year or so. Anyway, I am a recently retired teacher who spent her entire career (40 years) as an advocate for abused kids. I helped two girls get away from a mother that was exactly like Kate. I read the book on Friday and will say more about it later but I have to tell you that as things unfold, I am totally convinced that one or more children are part of what's going on. I finally think I understand why Kate supposedly gave Jon 50% custodial rights last spring. I will tell you that when I tried to get Children's Protective Services here in Florida to help these kids, it was extremely hard because of the type of abuse (emotional battering) but once I succeeded, the woman was stripped of all parental rights. I will say more later....Retired Teacher (Paula)
Hi Paula :)
When you wrote that you are convinced that one or more of the children are involved in this....did you mean that they contributed some of the info in the book or are you strictly referring to the incident mentioned regarding the expulsion and the info. Mr. Hoffman had promised not to reveal? Are you saying that something happened regarding one or more of the children that resulted in Kate agreeing to give Jon more custody? Because she didn't want certain info getting out?
I'm kinda winging it here because I was unable to download Mr. Hoffman's book before it was removed from Amazon and even if I'd been able to get my son over here to help me do it, I'd have already lost it by now as I would have been clueless how to prevent it or how to save I'm trying to gather info.(about and from the book) from what people are posting here.
I tend to think that many people seem to assume that CPS, etc...were never involved or that Jon didn't make reports, etc....just because they never saw any concrete results of this.....and that many don't seem to understand just how difficult it is to get the attention and results from government agencies that are there to protect children. And I tend to believe that many were trying to help the Gosselin children behind the scenes but ran into a host of brick walls.
I didn't download the book so I only know what's in it by the comments but I have seen a couple of references to Jen the producer. What went on with Jen and the rest of the crew? Did Kate get her fired?
The billing for the nanny discussed upthread was for Judy, the Asian nanny that the kids adored and that KK canned after the divorce for being friends with Jon. Forget that she was friends with Jon long before she became one of the nannies. I haven't gotten to the place where KK hires a fulltime nanny currently, but I was getting a bit spacey by the time I finally fell asleep last night (or rather, this morning). I'm going to at least skim back over the last couple of chapters before I move on into the rest of the book.
Oh, BTW -- the info re the kids' expulsion from school is in the "Kate Lies" chapter. Robert doesn't say who he promised that he wouldn't discuss the matter, but I would imagine it is Jon.
Either the new iPhones are a bribe in case CPS comes knocking or they are yet another Twitter lie.
I love that Robert took the time to stake her out to catch her in Twitter lies. He sits down the road to see if she pulls out of the driveway. She tweets she's going to church, but never leaves the compound. She tweets she's picking up the kids from the bus stop, but Robert's sitting at the bus stop pickup and sees the nanny picking them up. She tweets about her endless Easter egg stuffing, but Robert sees a company arrive with the stuffed Easter eggs and watches them place them in the yard.
If she's tweeting, odds are she's lying.
This is the update that some of you were looking for:
UPDATE 2012: The situation is even worse than I can put into writing here. I’ve learned some new details about the expulsion of the Gosselin children and their interactions or lack of interactions with certain school employees as well as Kate’s treatment of them at home over the summer. I believe this information will come out soon after this book is published by the people who should be dealing with the situation. This is one part of the story that I can’t put into words, because I gave my word that I wouldn’t.
FL Mama...185 I just checked the guide on my TV and Kate is listed for Katie Couric's show on Wednesday along with Abbie Lee Miller (Dance Moms) and Theresa Caputo (Long Island Medium).
I've been thinking about this situation with Robert's book being removed from Amazon and can't help but compare it to the Nikki Catsouras pictures. Anyone who is not familiar wth Nikki, she died in 2006 in a horrible car accident and the photos of the accident were posted on the Internet. I've seen the pics and they are beyond anything anyone can imagine, just horrible.
Nikki's parents tried for years to have the pictures removed from the Internet. Long story short, it's almost impossible to have those pics removed because they went global.
Now that Robert's book has hit the Internet, eventhough it's been pulled from Amazon, it probably would be impossible to get it back and remove it from the Internet. People have downloaded it and probably many have saved it on their PCs or other electronic devices. Of course this book probably hasn't moved across the Internet the way Nikki's pictures did, but still it could be hard for them to take it back, so to speak. The info was already released, it's like closing the gate after the horse got out.
There is a search function in the left hand column. It's mostly trial and error. It take a couple of seconds before the results come up, but when you click on one result, it doesn't delete the other results, so you can go back and forth until you find what you're looking for.
I got an email for DD on the book DVDs.
"You have to remove the licensing from it for it to readable on any other device. I've never done it but there's step by step instructions on the Web. Once you do that you'll be able to give it to anyone you want."
She is referring on how to read it without a Kindle app, which at some point might actually BLOCK the decoding process for this book.
So I know what I am going to spend time doing this week. I love learning new stuff!!
Hi Ladies!! I've been gone from this board for a while--I used to read it on my breaks at work until IT went through a massive website blocking exercise:(
I don't have a kindle or any of that electronic 'stuff' so I missed out on Robert Hoffman's book but enjoy reading all the recaps.
I've skimmed all the blog entries since I was last on and have a question. I've seen references to Skeeve-o being "gone" and wonder what that means exactly as he was with her during the New York Fashion week earlier this month. Has he now cut officially ties with Katie Irene KREIDER--you're not entitled to the Gosselin name, you child abusing bitch--or is it more of an attempt to distance himself from her? Fashion Week may have been her swan song in many ways. So can someone explain the absence of Skeeve-o?
Michelle said... 194
Either the new iPhones are a bribe in case CPS comes knocking or they are yet another Twitter lie
Exactly. First shopping at the toy store, then sushi with the twins, then iPhones for the twins. And that is the stuff we know about. Along with all these bribes, can you imagine the emotional manipulation that is going on in that house in anticipation of a CPS visit?
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