Are you there God? It's me, Kate.

We will do a “book club” style discussion of a few chapters at a time as we read the book together. You are free to read with the group or skip ahead. You are also free to discuss whatever you like, however if you want to partake in the book club discussion, this thread is here to discuss the designated chapters. Robert Hoffman’s book “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World” is available on Amazon for Kindle. The Kindle app is free for multiple platforms, including PCs.
5. Bad Blog
Kate obsessively reads what is said about her on the internet, from Google news alert to the Gosselin blogs. Undeniably the first online presence to ever call Kate out was the Reading Eagle, a small but respected local newspaper. Staff member Dana Hoffman kept a blog on the site detailing Kate's misdeeds. Kate's people eventually called up the Reading Eagle and asked them to shut down her blog. Within hours the paper removed it from the site. Kate keeps files on her computer with information from blogs and even on their moderators. The file folder for Dana's blog was entitled "Bad Blog."
In January 2008, Kate also asked Discovery to remove Television Without Pity's Jon and Kate forum (which in fact was closed eventually, in June 2008), and the Discovery Health Channel forum.
Kate's house is in a rural neighborhood and surrounded by farmland. She once drove the kids three hours to Maryland to trick-or-treat in her bodyguard Steve's neighborhood.
When Jodi and Kevin spoke publicly about what they saw, Kate fired off an email to Discovery with her three favorite words: "Can we sue?"
According to a member of Kate's family, Kate has been diagnosed with bi-polar, but refuses to take medication.
Hoffman once observed Kate with the kids when she was having a very stable, happy day. She and the nanny, Judy, took the sextuplets to get donuts, later they went to the park and spent a long time there, then met up with another mother and her daughter for a play date back at the house. Hoffman also observed her chatting up and flirting with a park employee.
7. Kate's God Complex
“I asked her how that works as far as our rate going up from Disc Health network and the ‘fringe benefits’ as I call them…. She said that the amount we are paid per show will not take away from what they (AMP) will provide for us. She used the examples of the kids beds… she said those things come out of their (AMP) budget from the network. So that is almost mind boggling to me we will be paid for each episode and receive fringe benefits!!!!! Lord, how great thou art!!!!!”
Kate felt God was "urging" her to quit her nursing job.
Kate said that if Discovery wasn't going to pay for the beds she wasn't going to allow them to film the episode about beds. Jen (producer Jen Stocks) was annoyed by this.
As for Jon, Kate wrote: “I pray that his complacency would leave him and would turn into passion for the Lord! Lord PLEASE help Jon to desire these things!!!!!! Help him to become a man of integrity!!!!! Lord please!!!!! He could be the perfect man if he could get these things under control and let God take control!!!!!”
Alexia foods sent four cases of fries. Other food was sent by others or offered at reduced prices. Fans, friends and family sent gift cards and cash, including $250 from Kate's parents, and Kate attributed it all to God.
Kate writes this about the children: “Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!! And not get into trouble!!!!! Please Lord, amen!!!!”
1872 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1872 Newer› Newest»How can she say the kids don't see what's on the internet when they have Iphones? She's nuts.
I do have to say this is the one of the few money saving things she's mentioned that makes sense--the best time to get an old iphone (the 4) is when a new one, the 5, just came out. They were probably free with a new contract.
Did Discovery buy any advertising in the Reading Eagle or did the mean old bully lawyers write a nasty letter and get the Eagle to forget all about freedom of the press and journalistic integrity? Who is worse, the Eagle management for rolling over and playing dead, or Discovery?
Wanting to sue your own brother...speechless.,
Of course once the money really started rolling in and she become the grifting queen, the "God" talk stopped.
Did Discovery buy any advertising in the Reading Eagle or did the mean old bully lawyers write a nasty letter and get the Eagle to forget all about freedom of the press and journalistic integrity? Who is worse, the Eagle management for rolling over and playing dead, or Discovery?
I'm actually kind of surprised at the Reading Eagle. They are part of the Dow Jones Newspaper fund which I was a candidate in, newspapers in that program are of the finest quality and integrity. They also employ several people from my journalism school. If I'm not mistaken, a journalist there won a Pulitzer Prize at some point, although I couldn't find it online anywhere.
The only thing I could think of is this is when newspapers were really in the dumpster, people were getting laid off, and maybe they were told by legal that they cannot afford one dime to even write a reply to a C&D letter and so it's really not worth it, just take the blog down. They may have been operating on a negative budget.
They could have at least closed it to comments and then made extra sure everything said was the truth and then just kept on trucking. Sigh, I really wish they had stood up to her. It has become apparent to me in reading this book that because person after person just kind of went along with Kate's shenanigans, she only got worse and worse and worse. Think if people had said no to all these demands, she might be a completely different person. All these people one by one kow-towing made her an absolute monster.
I love that she's praying that the Lord give Jon the strength to grift as good as she does. "Dear Lord, if only my hubby were as greedy as I am he would be perfect. Amen".
I hate to say this about someone that I truly believe is mentally ill, but to quote admin, she's nuts!
Her writings are the ultimate example of "the truth is stranger than fiction".
I can't stand the "can we sue." And I'm a lawyer.
How about, hmm maybe I should call him up and talk to him. Heck maybe even we should do some therapy. Maybe we could try to work this all out. Let me find out what he wants and see what we can do here.
Nope, her first reaction, LAWSUIT. Greedy, litigious bitch.
Just a quick Change of Subject:
For those that are fans of
promising no 'spoilers' however this was the SADDEST episode ever. As sad or even Sadder than Rose, sadder than Donna. I cried like a baby. The Doctor's reactions broke my heart into pieces. *sob*
BTW...I watch online BBC using the expat shield.
It's fascinating to me there is not even an OUNCE of embarrassment to take all this stuff.
Like oh gosh I sure wish we could afford this, this is so awkward, but I'm so grateful, though embarrassed.
It's just gimme gimme gimme.
Most people when they have to take handouts are mortified and just can't wait until it's over. A friend of mine was on food stamps once during a tough time and said she nearly choked on the food.
She literally does nothing except give orders, tan and get mani/pedis. Nothing!
She can't even be around for a conference call that was only ONCE A WEEK. The spa was calling.
OH on another note I always used to say kate GET A JOB.
But now I don't think she can hold down a job. I honestly don't. She hasn't a clue.
But now I don't think she can hold down a job. I honestly don't. She hasn't a clue.
She couldn't keep a job. She'd need to be in control and she wouldn't be able handle her anger when she wasn't.
No wonder Kate is so ungrateful and unresponsive to people (companies, fans) giving her things. It's not from them. It's from God and she only thanks Him.
Admin, I am sure that Discovery vetted Jon and Kate before they did the documentary. What if Kate lied to them? Can she get in trouble for misleading the company?
Hey, is anyone out there able to load RWA comments? I can't.
Berks neighbor: thanks for the warning. It's not on here till 8pm.
I bet Kate is reading the book on her kindle. That is why she has not said much only that annoying praise be to Kate crap. And I have God on my side nonsense, and all this love crap.
What's the matter Kate, the cat got your tongue. Or has the truth hit the fan.
I wonder if one of her reminders on her phone is "Sept.29-remind tweeties about Mady and Cara's birthday". How nice of her to give them a whole week's notice, in order them to get their gifts to the twins on time.
Thank you for including this......
“Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!! And not get into trouble!!!!! Please Lord, amen!!!!”
I knew I remembered her prayer pleading for helping her turned into a prayer for those babies to obey her and stay out of trouble!
The more I read about her, the more I wonder what her diagnosis would be if she were ever evaluated. Is it possible to be BiPolar and Schizophrenic, and have Narcissistic Personality Disorder all at the same time?
Even though right now all there is on the Internet is about the spoon, this book has so many blockbusters it will be ALL over the news media next week. Katie Couric, who is sharp, would pull any pre-taped interview that did not discuss the book.
It's taking us a while to go through, so same for media. Robert will be getting calls for interviews.
This ole retired lady w/a limited income just donated some money to Robert! Not much, but sent with thanks!! Finally, I can feel as though I'm REALLY doing something for those babies.
Good point about the Mady and Cara birthday reminder. Do you think if the fans send good gifts she wraps them up and says they're from her?
You all moved!!! Wait for meeeeee!
Remona, you can have an assortment of disorders at the same time.
Kate is a twit said... 15
I wonder if one of her reminders on her phone is "Sept.29-remind tweeties about Mady and Cara's birthday". How nice of her to give them a whole week's notice, in order them to get their gifts to the twins on time.
That is so coniving it has to be true!!
I have a question about the money:
"Request $600/day/family member for any overages."
Per Diem request $75 per person per day.
Is this walking around money? jeez.
This book, Kate's words, etc. won't change the mind of her fans. They don't value children.
I'm sorry for Kate and think I understand her better. She's needed help and she knew it but refused to "get better."
I had to laugh at the tweet to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 Hey, 'Addicted to Giving Lady' how about a donation to @GosselinBook Legal Fund? I mean, he carried away your trash for you!
Per Diem request $75 per person per day.
$75 per day?? What were they doing, lunch at Nobu and dinner at Fig and Olive?
Oh wait.
Michelle said... 19
I wouldn't be surprised if she did.
I love them and I saw my dad in myself today and that really scares me!!!!!”
This was the last sentence in her description of beating Collin. It has really stuck in my mind and could explain so much about her lack of feelings toward the boys.
Remona Blue said... 16
The more I read about her, the more I wonder what her diagnosis would be if she were ever evaluated. Is it possible to be BiPolar and Schizophrenic, and have Narcissistic Personality Disorder all at the same time?
Yes very much possible. However, left untreated completely, it would be difficult to feign functioning for so long. That is a whole lot of brain chemistry to be malfunctioning at the same time. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are mainly chemical disorders in the brain tissue itself; whereas personality disorders are thought to be mainly due environment and experiences and disturbed thought processes. Or something like that. Or not at all. Whatever; dont beat me up.
The reasons the twins need an Iphone:
@xxxx they only have them because of long bus rides and visiting their dad... To stay in touch. Or they would NOT & they know it :)
They're with Jon, and they need to stay in touch with her? I why would they need it for the bus ride? To remind her to pick them up?
abc said... 12
No wonder Kate is so ungrateful and unresponsive to people (companies, fans) giving her things. It's not from them. It's from God and she only thanks Him.
These companies and people are merely instruments put in her path to help her achieve Her Great Destiny. They are tools for her to use. Seriously, she that.
Jon doesn't have a phone?? (Administrator) said... 10
OH on another note I always used to say kate GET A JOB.
But now I don't think she can hold down a job. I honestly don't. She hasn't a clue.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 11
But now I don't think she can hold down a job. I honestly don't. She hasn't a clue.
She couldn't keep a job. She'd need to be in control and she wouldn't be able handle her anger when she wasn't.
She isnt stable. Literally isnt stable. She cannot function with expectations and a structured environment of any kind. Yes, sheeple she cooks dinner often, but not all the time and that is the ONLY thing she does. She relies on hired minions to do everything else. her mental illness is not her fault, but her refusing help, IS her resonsibility. She is very ill, sheeple. Please do what you can to encourage her accept that she needs medical help and LONG TERM counseling. (3 sessions will not help at all.)
Dwindle said... 29
''.....Yes very much possible. However, left untreated completely, it would be difficult to feign functioning for so long. That is a whole lot of brain chemistry to be malfunctioning at the same time. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are mainly chemical disorders in the brain tissue itself; whereas personality disorders are thought to be mainly due environment and experiences and disturbed thought processes....''
Thank you for your prompt response, Dwindle. Maybe the reason ''That is a whole lot of brain chemistry to be malfunctioning at the same time'' was possible was the enabling protection of TLC/Discovery?
Man...I think at some point those 8 children will end up 'owing' Discovery!! Or at the very least, FINALLY get huge trust funds that can't be looted!! (And I hope that Jon and Robert join in the suit...finally getting vindication!!)
Berks Neighbor said... 7
Just a quick Change of Subject:
For those that are fans of
promising no 'spoilers' however this was the SADDEST episode ever. As sad or even Sadder than Rose, sadder than Donna. I cried like a baby. The Doctor's reactions broke my heart into pieces. *sob*
BTW...I watch online BBC using the expat shield
Oh thank heavens, an off topic. I have declined to watch Dr Who all this time. DD#1 is nagging me. When I visited her in May, she said she had found an episode that she knew I would like. i tried to get out of it, but I was her guest, so she played the epi. It was "Blink". OMG, scared the CA^P out of me. Holy Moley!!!!!! I will never blink around concrete angle statues evah!
So I promised her I will now start to watch. Thanks for the no-spoiler!
I contributed to Robert Hoffman's defense fund. I've been out of the loop a bit lately, but does anyone know if Kate is going after him? Or is it Discovery? Either way, I support him completely. He was very brave to do this.
They're with Jon, and they need to stay in touch with her? I why would they need it for the bus ride? To remind her to pick them up?
To play games on the phone during the bus ride? There's no reason a 12-year-old needs an iPhone that requires a data plan. I thought she's all for saving money. What's wrong with just a regular cell phone if all they use it for is to stay in touch? Just your basic phone would do. They don't need a phone with all the bells and whistles.
Remona Blue said... 34
It is possible Remona. I havent gotten to anything in the book yet about illness and disorders, but just trying to observe her public behaviors she really only displays a few signs of schizophrenia. I would love to hear what a psychiatrist says about the possibility of schizo affective disorder.
I am glad I am pretty anonymous here because frankly hypothesizing like this isnt really fair to Kate without a proper assessment and interview. Which I beg her to get.
<<----------- Mental Illness Awareness
Blowing In The Wind said... 37
They're with Jon, and they need to stay in touch with her? I why would they need it for the bus ride? To remind her to pick them up?
To play games on the phone during the bus ride? There's no reason a 12-year-old needs an iPhone that requires a data plan. I thought she's all for saving money. What's wrong with just a regular cell phone if all they use it for is to stay in touch? Just your basic phone would do. They don't need a phone with all the bells and whistles.
Perhaps it is more for Kate to text them and call them, especially on the busride home, so she can get a head start on telling them all the things she decided are wrong with them on THAT day - er um or 'instructing', as Kate calls it.
Maybe God told Kate to sue Kevin & Jodi. You can't argue with God.
I also contributed to Robert Hoffman's Legal Fund. He is my personal hero & a Guardian Angel to poor little Collin & his siblings.
I think Robert deserves to be compensated for all of his work. I do wish he would have waited a little while before taking donations. He should have waited until after Kate gave her response (assuming that they'll be one). I don't want her to be able to muddy the waters by saying that he just wrote the book to make money. I know that would be ridiculus coming from the grifting queen but I just want his case for the kids to be as strong as possible. I do hope he is able to give some interviews.
Perhaps it is more for Kate to text them and call them, especially on the busride home, so she can get a head start on telling them all the things she decided are wrong with them on THAT day - er um or 'instructing', as Kate calls it.
Probably. I hope they know how to silence the phone or hit the ignore button. However, she can do all of that on a regular basic cell phone!
Blogger ate my post! Dwindle, tonights Dr Who episode is the current season finale, so not everything may make sense if you haven't been watching. It is such a FUN FUN FUN HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GEEKY GEEKY GEEKY show!!!!!!!! I do LOVE Matt Smith as the current incarnation of The Doctor!
I am currently at an M83 concert with the youngest dd (her first weekend home from college!) So I might have to stay up extra late to watch my dvr of the show. Spoilers are welcome after the West coast airing! At least welcome by me!
I suspect it's to spy on Jon and I bet that's the only reason they got the phones.
I have been working all day and trying to catch up. I saw something on the other thread about the AB? I haven't read that part yet. I can't believe all you ladies called that. I was very skeptical and thought no way, I think mostly because she appears to be asexual to me but apparently, from what I am reading, that is not the case.
The one thing that really, really bothers me aside from the abuse is the neglect! Kids laying in blood for hours, staying in their rooms for hours hungry, you know, especially when they were toddlers. Not being taken to the doctor and then I was thinking about A. just a week or so ago with a gash to the head. And how often they are sick - two of them had full blown pneumonia and the nurse in the house had no clue.
I couldn't read all the God text - seems so foreign coming from the both of them never to be mentioned again after it was over.
As bad as I thought it was it is 1000 times worse.
And where is the defense fund, I would like to give.
Kate is totally the mother to be texting the poor kid every time they are with their dad what are you guys up to whatchya doing do you miss me I miss you like crazy, Mommy LOVES YOU!
That's just all part of parental alienation, being a constant disruption to the other parents' court ordered time with his children.
Speaking of the bus rides, does anyone know why Kate didn't buy a house closer to the school so that the kids didn't have to be on the bus for so long?
In the less horrific parts of the book, I have to admit that Robert does have a keen sense of humor. The header for Chapter 37 is:
or @KateisaOxyMoron
It doesn't show here, but he has a line through Oxy.
A 12 year old will lose their iphone within six weeks especially if they have it out on the bus. They'll leave it out on the seat or it'll get stolen.
Ava, because she's not the one who has to sit on a bus that long, the kids do.
The iphones are glass, so if they aren't lost the backs will shatter. Either way those girls have a beating coming.
Just remember, just because Kate "tweets" something that doesn't mean it's real. Most likely almost 100% of what Kate tweets is a lie. The woman is incapable of telling the truth.
I've been reflecting on the slow journey of realization about how mentally ill Kate is.
Something seemed wrong, off from watching the show. Narcissism was what most people thought eventually. I thought it was a moderate to serious case.
Then, last year she opened her Twitter account. And I knew after a short time her mental illness was serious to SEVERE.
Now, reading all these emails and diaries, it's amazing she is even able to function and unbelievable these kids are still okay.
I just now finished the book and I'm speechless and blown away by the things that were revealed. I haven't read all the comments here yet but I just wanted to say I feel sick but so happy that Mr. Hoffman had the guts to publish this book.
Godspeed to him, his family and the Gosselin children.
Actually in fairness if they are spending 50% of their time with Jon now, a week on a week off or whatever, there might be reason to call Kate once in awhile--because they forgot something, to ask a question, etc.
But again, they can use Jon's phone.
Hey is it just me or is the book gone from Amazon. Came in from a busy couple if days and went to purchase and it says its unavailable.
Pity Party, it's
He has a paypal account set up.
I don't know much about Iphones-I have a cheap little flip phone in case of emergencies when I'm driving to visit my daughter.
Are Iphones capable of having a GPS tracker on them, where someone with another Iphone can see where those phones are? If so, that would be her reason to get them.
The donate button is on Robert's blog.
If that isn't clickable...sorry!
Help me? I do not get it? Why did Daily Mail remove their article on Kate, and the other tabloid sites, eg, ABC News, Huffington Post, E Online, Hollywoodlife, etc. are not running stories? They have run stories on all other KG dumb issues.
How can news organizations be prevented from posting articles on this? And why prevent any articles?
We know and hear everything on A listers, like Tom Cruise and Scientology, the royal family and Kate, and everyone else. These are real Hollywood actors and celebs who have mega millions and connections.
But dumb as.... Kate Gosselin and Discovery are able to stop the negative press?
My eyes have blurred...can't read much more.
BUT....what I want to know is has Jon read it and what does he think? I don't understand why he did not figure her out sooner. She's a detestable human being. Now I know why he was the hands on parent. And why the sad faces of the boys when they were around her.
Kate is a twit, yes there is an app called I think Friend Finder where you can track iphones and also if she sinks it up with her own mac she can ping it and see where it is on a map.
These are supposed to be when you lose it, not for obsessed parental alienators obsessively following their kids on their father's custodial time.
How the kids should punish Kate. Lock her in her room with her pink iphone 4s and no internet connection or battery charger. Oh, and no paper or writing tools, a potty chair with nothing but a bowl of m&m's with a plastic spoon. She can use her pink iphone to take a picture of all her crap as a reminder of what she gave them. Sorry, I'm beyond angry. Wait..I AM NOT SORRY!!!
We all should all put a book together to give to the "CHILDREN" of how they should pay her back. I really don't care to hear them called the Gosselin8 anymore. It now has a bad connotation of "her" that I would like to forget. To me they are the Gosselin children who's father is Jon.
The saddest thing of all is that they DO love her and just want to be loved back. I saw that when she coward like baby when she jumped of the tower and they all ran to comfort her. Oh, my heart hurts for them. I wish I could fix them. Sorry Children that such evil is so prevalent in your world. I will remember you in my prayers for the rest of your life. Grow strong together from your wounds and seek healing. Bond together and be there for each other.
I used to have to commute an hour each way every day. It's not fun to spend two hours of your day in the car. It just seems like given the choice, she would have thought to move closer. Even selfishly, it would have given her extra time to sleep in. Although maybe she likes being that far away from the school because she doesn't have to see the other parents as much and can use the distance as an excuse not to participate in things.
I was reading comments over on another blog. One of the blog owner's cohorts took it upon themselves to call CASA, you know, just to see if they had indeed agreed to align themselves with gosselinbook.
Which she all too happily reports that they say that they had not heard of the guy.
...I said that in my opinion the cover of the book would be painful for the Gosselin children to see one day, and considering what I have read about their organization online I was a little surprised that they would sponsor or necessarily want to benefit from this book. ...
I don't know. I supposed things need to be vetted...but it seems to me that when you have a dog in the race, maybe it shouldn't be you that does the investigating.
Or if you see something that appears to be amiss, contact the person directly to let them know of your concerns.
Don't gleefully report it on a public blog, without giving the person a chance to correct it.
Although there is probably a legitimate concern here, it's not going to help the Gosselin kids if we start fighting amongst ourselves.
When we do that, IMO, we deflect from the cause at hand.
No need for Kate to deflect.
All of us people who are supposedly concerned about the kids' welfare will do it for her.
I've been reading hear for two years and have posted twice. I bought the book and am half way through it. I just cannot believe the viciouness this harridan! I wanted to barf at all of her "God provides" B.S. What a hypocrite. I read my DH some of the abuse passages and thought he was going to puke. I just donated $20 to the legal fund. Just go to the Gosselinbook site. There is a tab there.
Oops! Here and of this
Kate should be tarred & feathered, drawn and quartered, and hung from one of the "Mine, All Mine" trees in her driveway.
Dwindle said......
She isnt stable. Literally isnt stable. She cannot function with expectations and a structured environment of any kind. Yes, sheeple she cooks dinner often, but not all the time and that is the ONLY thing she does. She relies on hired minions to do everything else. her mental illness is not her fault, but her refusing help, IS her resonsibility. She is very ill, sheeple. Please do what you can to encourage her accept that she needs medical help and LONG TERM counseling. (3 sessions will not help at all.)
I have often commented over the years that I felt that Kate could not be held totally accountable for her behavior because I felt that she had some significant mental health issues. She just became such a loathsome person that she became so easy to loathe.
But my anger has always been mainly towards TLC/Discovery and all the news outlets that covered for her when it came to her child abuse issues and what the Gosselin 8 where having to experience. For me, it has always been much bigger than just Kate Gosselin. It has been that all the revelations coming from this book were things that were being intentionally covered-up and hidden by a huge corporation and multiple news outlets for so many years.
Ava said... 42
"I think Robert deserves to be compensated for all of his work. I do wish he would have waited a little while before taking donations."
I'm glad you said something, Ava. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about the donation portion added to the Gosselinbook site. I totally support Robert Hoffman and would love to see us all be able to help him with some sort of legal defense fund......but having this suddenly added to that site is just going to give tons of ammunition to the sheeple and to all of Mr. Hoffman's detractors.
I wish there was some way he could have done this differently....possibly have a fund set up by his attorneys at a different type of site? I'm trying to think of a different way this could have been done that would not have provided ammunition for the sheeple and so it would appear more kosher. I think his book is a truthful and critical expose and do not want to see Mr. Hoffman stopped from providing it for others to read.
To be honest....why do I think it's truthful? Because everything that's being revealed here (thanks to others here sharing info) sounds exactly what I've suspected for years. Not one thing has been a big surprise to me so far.....and I've followed several Gosselin blogs for years and read multiple articles over the years. Simple intuition tells me it's all true. I'm very interested in learning exactly how Mr. Hoffman obtained all the back-up documentation he got (emails, journal entries, etc.) but my gut tells me it's all true. And it would make me very angry to see any attorneys from TLC/Discovery or in Kate G.'s employ stop the publication of his book or do anything to prevent others from reading it and feel it would be trampling on free speech/freedom of information......and therefore I'm in total support of helping him with legal fees.
I just wish there would have been some way to have the donations done in a way that it would be clear to all that the monies would be going strictly for legal the sheeple will spin this as money going into his pocket, I'm sure.
Whovian here! Thanks for the heads up on the episode, Berks Neighbor. I like Matt Smith as The Doctor, but my heart belongs to David Tennant. In the old iteration, I liked Tom Baker and Peter Davison.
I made a donation to Robert's defense fund, too. I can't afford much, but every little bit helps.
Another uh oh...the book is currently unavailable on Amazon. I wonder if Discovery filed a complaint through Amazon.
Did anyone other than me read the Daily Mail article? I wondered if the pulled it to revise it. I don't remember if they used the word "alleged" or something similar in it.
It's still on Google Search, but you get a weird page with no article.
Ok, What happened to the book? Im glad I got to read the sample because it's gone also.
Ava said... 42
I think Robert deserves to be compensated for all of his work. I do wish he would have waited a little while before taking donations. He should have waited until after Kate gave her response (assuming that they'll be one). I don't want her to be able to muddy the waters by saying that he just wrote the book to make money...
Whether he has new legal bills or not, I'm sure he has already incurred quite steep fees to bring the book to light. Imo needed to take people up on their offers while the subject & book were attraction so much attention. This is costing him & his family a lot monetarily as well as emotionally - I donated and only wish I'd been able to give more. He did what everyone else who knew this info was afraid to do. I think he deserves a lot more than what he'll probably ever collect.
As for the iPhones: I thought the twins already had Kate's old phones (or did I dream that? lol)
Uh oh.
The book is currently unavailable on Amazon.
This might explain why Mr. Hoffman put the donate button on his site now.
Imo, Robert's risk trumps Idiot's Words. Period.
Nobody HAS to contribute, it's not a law.
Dee3...70, I agree.
Hmmm...the book does not show up when I do a random search for the title or the author.
I tried searching in the Kindle section, and the book section. No luck.
It *does* show up in my books ordered box. If I click on the link to the author, the book doesn't show up.
Suppose TLC can even intimidate Amazon???
I have long believed Kate had Narcisstic Personality Disorder, but in reading her own words, I am now quite sure she is also mentally ill. If those children are not removed from her, eventually there will be a horrible tragedy. And may Heavenly justice be waiting for all Discovery exec,s any TLC employee who worked on the show, Julie May. Jen Stocks, etc., for putting money before decency. (I include cameraman Jim, who simply asked for a job transfer and poses as a "good guy". I wonder if he has trouble sleeping at night?)
Kate is what happens when a sick amoral person is given free reign. It would be poetic justice if Kate ultimitely costs Discovery millions in legal judgements and lost public opinion.
The twit's tweets said... 75
I agree, I'm sure this book has already cost him a lot. I just want people to focus on the content and not the motives of the author. If Kate does respond, I don't want her to be able to use this as justification for people to dismiss the book. I understand him not wanting to wait though. Following all of this had definitely taught me a lot about how the media works or doesn't work in this case.
Finally, I have downloaded the book. Yesterday, I read the first 9 chapters (preview) but I don't have a credit card (crazy, I know) so I couldn't purchase it until I got a pre-pay.
I've been reading everyone's comments and spoilers. It is so depressing. Hard to believe she was allowed to go unchecked for so long.
I worked for a bi-polar man. He could be brutal. He self medicated with alcohol and cocaine. He's a talented chef but out of control.
I'm not so sure I am ready for all the gory details. I'm glad there is hand holding going on, I'm going to need it. Auntie Ann and franky, I'm in the middle of you (geographically) so can you each grab on to me? ;)
PS I wrote up a long post yesterday and lost it. grrr, oh well, c'est la vie! (Administrator) said... 54
I've been reflecting on the slow journey of realization about how mentally ill Kate is.
Something seemed wrong, off from watching the show. Narcissism was what most people thought eventually. I thought it was a moderate to serious case.
Then, last year she opened her Twitter account. And I knew after a short time her mental illness was serious to SEVERE.
Now, reading all these emails and diaries, it's amazing she is even able to function and unbelievable these kids are still okay
We have long snarked on her for not being able to keep her lies straight. I am pretty sure now it's because she actually ( no snark intended here) can barely tell reality from lie. Perhaps she has always struggled with this since late teens or adulthood, but she is absolutely worse now. It's not that she cant remember the lie, it's more like she had so many alternative realities lined up next to the truth, picked the one that suited her purposes, and after that they all lump together. No wonder she watches the old epis so much, she really cant remember what actually happened vs what she lied about vs how the editing made it look.
Her illness prevents her from having a grasp on reality. It is not her fault but not getting treatment IS her fault. Also, I firmly believe she is well aware of her confusion on these things, it infuriates her, and saps alot of her energy trying to cope with the distorted reality.
PiggyPie_ said... 77
Listen, I totally agree with you. I just wish it could have been done in a way to give less ammunition to them. I'm feeling furious right now that it appears that the book is no longer available suddenly? And an article regarding it has been removed from a news site? I'm a huge freedom of speech proponent and this is really making me angry. How can an e-book become suddenly unavailable? I can see how a hard copy can but an ebook? Something really stinks here if these reports are true.
Well...enablers be damned. I get my retirement pay on Monday (first of month) and I will be contributing to Mr. Hoffman's legal fund.
I will be truly furious if the legal teams of either TLC/Discovery and/or Kate G. have been successful in perpetrating a big cover-up here.
There's nothing I hate worse than seeing a whistle-blower muzzled.
Wow - you can't buy the book now. I wonder what happened?
So Admin, what kind of stop or complaint could be filed to prevent distribution of this information.
What happened to freedom of speech?
And frankly, because the information is already out there, it does make them look worse, confirming the sham of K8, Discovery, and perpetuating and encouraging child abuse.
I saw my oldest dd today, she is the one who was a big J&K+8 fan in the early days. Told her some of the book details. Her response was kinda ”meh”. That ship has sailed! Today belongs to Honey Boo Boo and Dance Moms, where you know most of it is scripted and make believe.
Paige and The Austin Martin, if you read here... This is for you. Teens and college kids now have zero interest in elementary and middle school age multiples. Unless they are studying elementary education. So my dd recommends you check out tumblr for cool bands, current pop culture topics. Talk to some real life friends. Get involved in some group activity you like. Theatre, youth group at church, anime club, band, community garden, fan forum for a current show, bicycling, athletic or sports club, anything! Seriously, Ms Kreider does not care about you unless you can give her something or do something for her. You don't have enough money or status to really matter to her. spend your time away from the computer, develop some real life connections instead of chasing Ms Kreider. She is boring. Doesn't matter if she had a diagnosis or not, she is a boring unpleasant person that no one who knows her irl wants to spend time with. Unless they are getting paid or a judge is making them be there.
Well, weekend or not, looks like the big dogs have struck. The book isn't available for sale any longer. The reviews are still there, though. I checked my account and it's still among my reviews, but when I click on the book title it comes up "not currently available" and "pricing information not available". Wish Robert would drop by and tell us what happened. Did KK or Discovery get an emergency injunction to stop the sales?
Probably purchasing info has been removed because Amazon got a letter from the same attorney RH did. I expect it will go back online for sell once the lawyers wrangle.
She's No.1 search again and there are plenty of articles that have not been removed still out there. The cat is out of the bag ... just try to stuff it back in.
I'd recommend that you save your Kindle book to your computer and then to a disk or thumbdrive immediately before Amazon takes it off your account (they have been known to do this).
Someone over at Preesi's was making a copy of the book. I wonder how far they got before it was pulled?
Sweet tart said... 80
I have long believed Kate had Narcisstic Personality Disorder, but in reading her own words, I am now quite sure she is also mentally ill. If those children are not removed from her, eventually there will be a horrible tragedy. And may Heavenly justice be waiting for all Discovery exec,s any TLC employee who worked on the show, Julie May. Jen Stocks, etc., for putting money before decency. (I include cameraman Jim, who simply asked for a job transfer and poses as a "good guy". I wonder if he has trouble sleeping at night?)
Kate is what happens when a sick amoral person is given free reign. It would be poetic justice if Kate ultimitely costs Discovery millions in legal judgements and lost public opinion.
I am scared to discuss my thoughts on an 'eventual horrible tragedy', coz she is ripe for it.
As far as Discovery goes, it only took ONE minimum wage worker to not wash his hands after the bathroom to infect hundreds of diners at a ChiChi's resturant with Hepatitis A and bring down the entire chain. So I wonder what just what the Gosselin kids could do, all EIGHT of them, to Discovery.
Mine is still on my Kindle. As of now, anyway. Guess I better read faster.
How do I save my book on Kindle for PC to my computer? Amazon is going to erase the copies on Kindle, I just have a feeling...
Piggy Pie 77: agree. Who cares what Kate or her enablers say or think. I hope the book has not been pulled by amazon.
I haven't been able to face reading much of it today. If it disappears, you who finished the book will have to let us know about chapters we missed. I know you will. :)
I dont get it ....whats the point of pulling it now...everybody and their mother have read it...the train has left the station..
The Queen of England and the royal palace cannot prevent nude photos of a member of the royal family to be seen, but stop the presses for a lying and child abusing mother!
I hope lawsuits come back and hit Kate Gosselin!
Holy CRAP!! Amazon pulled the book!
Sorry I yelled, Dee3.
Frustration and worry for the Hoffman family has me very angry.
'Those women' aka Kate's fans have hurt a LOT of people. The more they bitch and complain about RH or US, they just continue to prove they are also mentally ill abusers who've alienated all the good people in their pathetic lives. (Administrator) said...I do have to say this is the one of the few money saving things she's mentioned that makes sense--the best time to get an old iphone (the 4) is when a new one, the 5, just came out. They were probably free with a new contract.
Kate's tweet:
A great day here for my two almost 12 yr olds.. Upgraded to iPhone 4s and new cases for their birthdays! They are talking Siri's 'ear' off!
Siri only works on the iphone 4S and iphone 5, per Apple's site:
*Siri is available in Beta only on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad (3rd generation), and iPod touch (5th generation) and requires Internet access. Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Cellular data charges may apply.
Is it possible she read some comments (here?) regarding leaving some of her personal work materials (emails, notes, etc.) on her old iphones and did this more to protect herself than for the twins?
FAQ here
Once downloaded I would save to a CD or thumbdrive. Do not keep it linked to your kindle account.
Also search "transfer kindle files to pc (or mac)" and if you add Youtube to the search you can get youtube tutorials on how to do it.
When Kindle first started, many many files were removed by Amazon when they realized they didn't own copyright. It was a big stink.
Gosselin Gossip, yes they got the 4s, I kind of lump the 4 and 4s in the same category when I say "4". The point being the best time to get an outdated iphone is when a new one comes out. They prob got it for free, even the 4s with a new contract.
WHAT HAPPENED??? I went to buy the book and IT'S GONE!!!!!
GEEZUS - shades of what J&K's PR team used to do with negative (truthful) articles.
Dwindle, I have to remember that sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. Discovery might temporarily get this book yanked but it's too late. Copies have been saved. It will be posted over and over online.
I just had a Live Chat at Amazon. This is the chat:
Me:Yesterday, I purchased the Kindle book, Kate Gosselin:How She Fooled the World, by Robert Hoffman. I wanted to lend it to someone, and I find it's not available. Can you tell me when it will be available again?
Isis:Hi my name is Isis. I'd be happy to help you. Let me check if there are any updates. One moment please.
There's no update yet as to when the eBook will be available again. You can just check our website form time to time to check.
Me:Does that mean it will be available in the future, or has the book been taken off Amazon?
Isis:It will be available in the future, just not as of the moment.
Me:But you have no idea when?
Isis:I'm afraid I have no idea when.
Me:But it will definitely be available again?
Me:Ok, thank you.
They said it WILL be available in the future, but didn't say why it's not available.
Maybe amazon has a policy of removing self published books when there is a cease and desist letter until it clears.
But I don't see why Robert can't offer it on his own site, absent an injunction.
They are still protecting her sorry ass.....a day late and a dollar that why shes tweeting again....she feels like she won....
She didn't win. Too late. We all know now. We all know the kids have lost.
I downloaded the app for my PC. There is no "save" feature.
Big corporation vs the little guy whistle blower. So sickening.
The more I read, the more I'm happy that Robert has documented the pickup of Kate's trash w/photos, and documented it w/photos when he sorted it out, and documented it with photos when he stored it. He has the freaking originals of all the stuff he talks about!! He took a lie detector test.
I'm with those that say to hell with anyone that objects. My money is mine to do what I choose. Period.
Does anyone now not understand Jon's three months of FREEDOMMMM! tour?
Anyone at all....
Kate is a twit...Thanks!
Well, if Amazon is saying it will definitely be available again, then it may not be pulled for sinister reasons. They may have pulled it for formatting issues and will put it back up as soon as the issues are corrected. I noticed that on some of the pages I was reading the last few letters of each line was cut off. If it was pulled for formatting issues, those of us who already have it will receive a notice that an updated version is available for download. I've purchased a number of books that this has happened with.
When I use this link, the book is still there with all the reviews, but it say "Pricing info not available".
KAT said... 107
I don't think they care one bit about Kate Gosseling anymore. I think they are protecting their own sorry ass.
PiggyPie_ said... 99
Sorry I yelled, Dee3.
Frustration and worry for the Hoffman family has me very angry.
It's okay, honey....I totally understand. No offense taken....and you actually made me stop and reconsider. And I am furious if they have managed to get the book pulled from Amazon.
As I said earlier....every section from the book that others have so nicely provided here have been no big surprise to me and have been what I suspected all along. My immediate gut reaction and intuition tell me that everything Mr. Hoffman has included in his book is the truth.
And I'm a huge proponent of free speech and if Mr. Hoffman is being muzzled by legal teams of TLC/Discovery and/or Kate G....I am furious. Beyond furious.
I'm as furious about this as I was years ago when all the big corporations and news outlets were covering for this child-abuser....and I'm feeling the same level of frustration as I was feeling back then.....and I can't believe I am seeing this AGAIN.
I will definitely be contributing to Mr. Hoffman's legal fund on Monday. I have endless admiration for the courage of whistle-blowers and have huge disdain and dislike for anyone who tries to muzzle them, who tries to hinder free speech and for those who try to prevent the truth from being exposed. And I totally believe what Mr. Hoffman is attempting to expose IS the truth....and I totally support him.
Pulling the book will only bring more attention to it.This may well work in Roberts favor. What are they trying to hide? Maybe just the TRUTH!!! TEAM ROBERT!
Oops, sorry. Ms. Grammar policeperson here -- WERE cut off, not was cut off.
Try this
more details
I'm sure there are may ways to do it. I don't own a Kindle but have directly downloaded to the PC from Amazon and saved it off from there.
I also just did a google search by the book title, and it's still on google about 6 items down. That link also brings you to the book.
Cindi @86. I So Agree with you. This should make headlines and it makes them look even worse.
Admin I agree Robert should offer it for sale on his own site.
OMG!from Yahoo!
Kate Gosselin Accused of Spanking Kids with Spoon and Other Possible 'Bad Mommy' Moments
Please do not trust a service operator at Amazon that the book will be available again. I think it will but I certainly wouldn't trust a minimum-wage worker doing the night shift to know.
Besides Amazon is just as much a conglomerate with dirty dealings (just go read some published author sites to know what I write about).
If you downloaded your book. SAVE IT off from your online Kindle inventory (which enables Amazon to delete whatever they wish- and they have a track record of doing so).
Where is our Head Luddite? I did it! I downloaded the Kindle app onto my laptop, and actually all I had to do was log into my amazon account (it prompted me to do so on my laptop) and all my books automatically downloaded. Just to be certain I opened Robert's book. All safe. I copied the file to another location, but wont be able to read it with the Kindle app. I dont trust amazon to NOT yank it out of my laptop too! Will zip it into a flash drive tomorrow for safe keeping till the schmutz blows over.
Robert, if you are reading, I simply cannot donate to your "Free Robert Defense Fund" but I will assist in any other way. Post wherever, write letters, lend my real name for all the good that would do you, march my torn knee in a protest march. Please, let us know how we can help. or at least let ME know, lawd a goshin I aint speakin for nobody else.
I used the Kindle PC Download. The book resides on my laptop under Libraries/Documents.
OK...once more for the ole lady, please. I downloaded the book to my PC. In order to read it, I click on the shortcut it put on my computer. Can Amazon/Kindle erase what I have? I don't have a thumb drive, whatever that is!
I'm sure RH will say, but often if you self-publish, the co. has rights to your book content. After doing the deal with Amazon and selling there he may not have the option to sell off his own website.
I don't know if this is true but the book is not being offered by Barnes and Noble is it? If not, then Amazon *may* have an exclusive contract. I'm starting to worry that perhaps Mr. Hoffman should take all the documentation stuff he has saved in his basement and put it in a big lock-box at the bank to protect it.
Is that being paranoid? :(
I hope the reason it's not available, is because Robert himself is uploading a revised copy with corrections.
It just blows my mind that she is just ignoring this...she has been accused of actual child abuse...yet shes doing yoga, buying i phones, RTing her usual nonsense....sounds like she doesnt have a care in the world....she should leave her brain to science.....I hope those lawyers take her to the cleaners....
The spanking may be the headline, but believe me, the "Spanker" is only one of many instances of Kate behaving badly. Now that Discovery has paved the way for more publicity for the book, hopefully "the rest of the story" makes it out.
Ramona, your Kindle books will be saved in a folder on your PC. Mostly likely under MY DOCUMENTS with another folder within called MY KINDLE CONTENT. From there you will be able to view all files.
A thumbdrive is just a removable hard drive about the size of your thumb. They are available for about $10 from Office Depot, Best Buy, Walmart etc.. .and allows easy transport of files from one computer to the other.
Just copy and save the file to another location on your hard drive.
E-readers that read Kindle format are downloadable all over the Internet. You do not need to use a Kindle to read it.
The Amazon person I spoke to said, " Looks like it's been pulled, can't promise it will come back, sometimes they do, usually they DON'T, cannot tell you WHY it was pulled, sorry...
OMG I'm crushed. Same old same old.
mscatie said... 122
"OMG!from Yahoo!
Kate Gosselin Accused of Spanking Kids with Spoon and Other Possible 'Bad Mommy' Moments"
Just be prepared.....all the pro-spanking advocates are gonna come out in full force in the comments section. I can't tell you how often I have to force myself to stop reading the comments after yahoo articles because my head is going to explode if I don't. (Administrator) said... 111
Does anyone now not understand Jon's three months of FREEDOMMMM! tour?
Anyone at all....
I always thought i did. Even Robert talks about Jon's 'bad behavior' and I never did see it that way. But now I have a better understanding of the horrible emotional trauma he was going through, being forced away from his children and trying to get his head out of the reality celebrity game. It's a wonder he is as intact mentally as he is.
I would like to better understand how/why he could leave his precious babies with that woman. But I think I have a clue about it now. (Administrator) said... 102
The point being the best time to get an outdated iphone is when a new one comes out. They prob got it for free, even the 4s with a new contract.
We just renewed our contract and our 6th grader was being added to get his first phone since he just started middle school and has sports practice after. We could have gotten Iphones for him and our 9th grader for free, but once I saw the data package on the family plan is $40 per phone per month, I said no way. Oldest has his old phone and I got youngest a pay as you go phone.
I guess I'm a cheap, mean momma, but no way am I paying $1,000 per year in data fees. We have a desktop, Ipad and DH lets them play with his Iphone in the car. I think they'll survive.
Michelle I'm not saying I AGREE with the decision. Just pointing out they were prob free.
Personally, I think it's ridiculous for a 12 year old to have an iPhone.
SPOILER ALERT! (Not really. I haven't read the book yet... but I just wanted to say it too ;)
For Mr. Hoffman-
I hope you're a hand-holder as well, because I am grabbing on tightly, after what I've seen on the two Blogs thus far. Yours-- & BearsWife (as we have been 'a courtin'). Planning on buying a hard copy, when the dead tree version becomes available. Tonight, I'll read the preview and perhaps get an Amazon gift card at the local 7-11/CVS and download it this weekend. Thanks for visiting (you are always 'aloud'... Haa, Remona Blue!) To the poster suggesting that option yesterday... thanks. Brilliant gift idea too.
I read almost every post last night. I'll try to keep this brief... so many thoughts and feelings come to mind.
Readerlady- I remember when you were put on blast for the sexual abuse musings, a few years ago on GWoP. (Yes, "Monster Mommy" was pissed too and I defended you to the final word.) Look how far we have come with this story today. Crazy, huh?
SeeSaw- Keep your handle AND Avatar... Keep on rockin(G)' in the free world! (I can't stand not typing my G's now, because of @MiloandJack.)
Sport- Oh, Sport. My favorite saying during my 4+ years of Blogging about the Gosselins has remained, "If loving Sport is wrong... I don't wanna be right." YOU are a great father, and I have enjoyed hearing the male perspective on Kate.
Well, on to reading the preview... Pray for me.
They're trying to hide that they stood buy knowing Kate is not really infertile, abuses her children and took tens of thousands of dollars in freebies and cash from people.
I guess I'd want to hide it too.
Mscatie....i went to yahoo and i could barely take it.....some people said she doesnt beat them enough....they were all defending her....some actually said that the kids deserved it....a lot of sick people in this world. Its scary what youre up against....
Why didn't Discovery try to do it's bidding before the book came out?
That Yahoo article is pretty damaging to Kate.
"Though some may suspect the reporter's friendship with the reality TV star's former spouse could cause him to embellish his story, news about Kate getting physical with her kids is not new."
And then it goes on to explain the spanking incident. It also brings up a lot of other things anti-Kate.
Berks Neighbor: I just watch Doctor who. It was sad, especially, the Doctor at the end, knowing he can never see them again, even though they are not in a alterinate universe. Which seems kind of sucky. But then what happen to that Angel at the end? The one who zap Amy to Roy? Did I miss something?
Not Watching TLC said... 132
''....Ramona, your Kindle books will be saved in a folder on your PC. Mostly likely under MY DOCUMENTS with another folder within called MY KINDLE CONTENT. From there you will be able to view all files.''
Thank you SO much. I saved it to my documents (I have no clue where it was before) and just because I'm mad as hell, I named the new document ''Kate hates 8''
One more thought--Perhaps, Robert pulled the book himself, to play with Kate's mind, and let her think that she succeeded in squashing it.
Remember, the original tweets to Kate that he did? He can be pretty sly.
If you have the book on your computer you can go in your documents & burn it onto a CD.
If Jon is even a few minutes late on his custody time, KK cancels his custody altogether. During her DWTS he was in Utah and his flight was delayed. When he late KK know he'd be a bit late she told him not to come at all.
I can't find the Yahoo article. Can someone please post a link? TIA!
Uh oh! Do you think my copy will be deleted from my Kindle and iPad? How do I save it to my hard drive if I'm a Mac?
Anger...not sure what happened to that angel. The Doctor left it there.
My kids wanted to know since the Doctor can't take the Tardis to NYC why he couldn't take it to NJ and drive the Lincoln Tunnel to visit Amy and Rory. *haha* they are so smart.
Either way it was a sad, sad episode, but I called it when I said to my fellow Whovians (on my facebook page) that Moffat (writer/director/producer) would never just "OFF", that they would die of Old Age.
Matt Smith has definitely touched my heart from the first time I saw him after 10 regenerated. I love David Tennant. He's my kids' First Doctor.
I remember my first Doctor...Tom Baker! I wanted his scarf. I would watch Doctor Who from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Channel) with our little rabbit ear antennas. It was on channel 8. Good memories!
Readerlady: I hope you watched the Doctor who special: Doctor in the US. Cause they had David Tennant on, interviewing him and talking about US fans. As well as John Barrowman(Capt Jack). (Administrator) said... 111 Does anyone now not understand Jon's three months of FREEDOMMMM! tour?
Not me. I'm so mashed out of shape over it all, I can't even imagine how Jon must have felt. Think of what a number that woman did on him! Abusing him, confusing him, probably convincing him it was all HIS fault. Causing Discovery to stomp him into a greasy spot, succeeding in making most of the freaking WORLD he was horrible.
He, and now Robert, are incredibly strong to be dealing with this!!
Barb In Nebraska said... 150
Uh oh! Do you think my copy will be deleted from my Kindle and iPad? How do I save it to my hard drive if I'm a Mac?
I don't have a Kindle. I installed the Kindle app on my iPad and it's still there. I'm trying to work my way through this but find it's so upsetting, I have to stop reading and refocus often.
Barb In Nebraska said... 150
Uh oh! Do you think my copy will be deleted from my Kindle and iPad? How do I save it to my hard drive if I'm a Mac?
Barb Try this: Go to Amazon and download the free Kindle app for your mac computer. After it downloads all pretty and such, it will prompt you to log into to your amazon account. As soon as I did that on Windows, all my Kindle books (from Cloud, not just Amazon) downloaded instantly. I copied the Hoffman book to a seperate document, just to get it out of the internet path for now, but you cant open it from the other document without the Kindle app to deciper it. But you can always 'decode' it OFF LINE at another time if need be with a Kindle app.
The book is still active on my kindle, I loved the $8.88 price.
Will it disappear because Amazon pulled it?
What can we/I do to help?
As long as you don't turn on your wireless connection, Amazon can't delete your copy of the book from your Kindle. (Administrator) said... 139
They're trying to hide that they stood buy knowing Kate is not really infertile, abuses her children and took tens of thousands of dollars in freebies and cash from people.
I guess I'd want to hide it too.
You know, I'm kind of thinking that they were just hedging their bets. Disc./TLC is so over Kate and she is worth so little of their time and money, I imagine they just sat back to see how the book would do first. When it immediately began shooting up the Kindle list, then they stepped in.
It seems to me that Kate should be liable for trade secret infringement. She didn't properly dispose of a discarded computer. I hope TLC sues the pants off of her. This mess gave her another reason to try and stop the book. She's no longer contracted by them, but hopefully she signed a lifetime C/A like she made her minions sign.
Kristine (OG in Black) said... 138
SPOILER ALERT! (Not really. I haven't read the book yet... but I just wanted to say it too ;)
For Mr. Hoffman-
I hope you're a hand-holder as well, because I am grabbing on tightly, after what I've seen on the two Blogs thus far. Yours-- & BearsWife (as we have been 'a courtin'). Planning on buying a hard copy, when the dead tree version becomes available. Tonight, I'll read the preview and perhaps get an Amazon gift card at the local 7-11/CVS and download it this weekend. Thanks for visiting (you are always 'aloud'... Haa, Remona Blue!)
I know you didnt adress this to me, but it really made me giggle till my eyes watered. Thank you so much!
And I forgot to give my kudos to Remona last night for her gentle teasing of Robert ("aloud"). Apparently he has been with us long enough to know we only tease the ones we love here, and it he took it like a champ, I thought.
I am pretty darned sure he has posted here before under assorted names, especially the last few weeks. :-)
Ahhh! I'm only half way through! It's still on my Kindle, though, but man! I can't read this that fast!
Kate is a twit said... 160
Well, Amazon took the whole page down. It's gone. I can't access it through the review I made. I downloaded my book to my desktop. I think you do need the Kindle for pc reader, though in order to read the book. IDK if you can still read the book if they remove it from Amazon. The book is coded with a DRM, you would have to remove that protection in order to read the book on another device...which exceeds my knowledge and patience level.
Lavely and Singer strike again!
KAT said... 140
Yes, it's sick what some people will justify as not abusive. I just hope the more exposure the book gets the better the chances that someone with intelligence and clout will step in and help these kids. AbuseWatch, Paul Petersen, Child Abuse Agencies, Protective Services...someone, ANYONE.
Bummer, I missed my chance to upload it to Amazon's cloud reader! I'm going to disable wireless on my Kindle so I can still keep my copy if Amazon decided to pull it off our Kindles.
The new post at Gosselinbook: says the book has been suspended, cause of something about a 3rd party interest, that are saying that Robert did not have rights to publish, some of the material. This is from Amazon.
We’ve received a notice from a third party claiming that the distribution of the following title you submitted for sale through the Amazon Kindle Store may not be properly authorized by the appropriate rights holder:
As a result, we’ve suspended sales of this title, pending further investigation.
It was the Marty Singer lawfirm that complained.
So, kate isnt calling it lies because she cant defend that. Instead she is saying he is accuratly reprinting her intellectual property without her consent or GIVING HER MONEY!!!
Admin, am I reading that right? By claiming it as her intellectual property, she is admitting they are her words?
I have spent the day weighing this out in my head. I understand revealing her abusive behavior and I truly hope it helps the kids. I also am glad TLC's role has been exposed because I've always credited them with destroying that family for their own profits.
However...I can't support Robert revealing Kate's abortion at the age of 17. That doesn't help anyone.
entertainment lawyers have lodged the complaint with Amazon.
Barb In Nebraska said... 167
Bummer, I missed my chance to upload it to Amazon's cloud reader!
Barb, it should be in there automatically. Unless in the past hour since I did mine, they deleted it from Cloud too??? OMG!!
I only partially keep up with this stuff... my guess is there was a 'cease and desist' threat sent off to Amazon and they may be waiting until after the weekend to determine if they are going to permanently pull it or put it back up.
The problem is the damage is already done and the information is out there so the more KG protests over it, the more people want to read it, and the more it will make KG look fully guilty of everything included in the content.
I haven't read it, but I've read the summaries placed up here and I catch up on this blog about once a week. If even half of what has been alleged is true, at some point, those children will rebel and turn to the media and point back at them. They have every right to accuse the media and the American public of abetting abuse and neglect. There is ample footage of KG bullying and berating those children. We see the episodes, we see the situation, but use their lives as entertainment and secretly think to ourselves "thank god she's not my mother." Well, she is their mother, and they have to wake up and go to bed every night living within that world. KG probably has some really good qualities, but she has some very negative ones as well that have probably fundamentally damaged these kids in ways we will only begin to find out as they grow older. If the material in the book is true, then RH will probably sleep the best of all of us because he did try to do something and expose their world. In some ways, I really hope most of what I'm reading here about the book isn't true... because if it is, we are all complicit in allowing KG to abuse those kids by giving her attention (even negative attention)... and attention equates money which translates into power.
Intellectual property rights infringement? What "property"? Khate's blessed name???
Dwindle, I tried again, it says the title is not available for Amazon Cloud Reader....
I forgot! Robert?
Was Mrs. Hoffman (love your work) at all upset, that you have now seen a photo of Jamie Cole-Ayers' bare jugs?
-Ref. Sexts to Jon Gosselin.
I duplicate the Eeewww comment from yesterday!
Klassy BFF- James. I think she's now remarried. I wonder if Stevie B and Jamie have been curled up with their loved ones, reading away as well?
Kate's intellectual property = Kate's written words. Thanks for another verification of the book, Lavely & Singer. Cat's out of the bag and now since you're claiming IP, no more doubts.
I think I'm going to cry. I should have known better than to think I actually understood what I was doing. I just clicked on Kate hates 8 and guess what I saved, and then deleted my kindle stuff? I just saved the FREAKING KINDEL DICTIONARY.
Oh well. I read it, and I'll find someway to read it again.
And I'm still not sorry that I donated to Robert. So there.....
I'm actually laughing. This entire mess is SOOOOO me!!
Questions Will Be Answered.
Saturday, September 29, 2012UPDATE
We’ve received a notice from a third party claiming that the distribution of the following title you submitted for sale through the Amazon Kindle Store may not be properly authorized by the appropriate rights holder:
As a result, we’ve suspended sales of this title, pending further investigation.
Below is the contact information of the third party who claims you infringed its rights. We expect that you’ll compensate this party appropriately for any infringing copies sold:
We take violations of intellectual property rights very seriously. The submission of titles that violate third-party rights is a violation of our agreement and may lead to suspension or termination of your account, among other remedies. Please ensure that you own sufficient rights for all your ebook titles to publish them on the Kindle.
Best regards,
Lucy L.
Dee3 128 - that's exactly what I was thinking. I hope Robert doesn't keep anything important related to this at his home. We've all (many of us, anyway) been worried about what lengths some of the craziest sheeple might go to...And I had a feeling yesterday when I wasn't able to get the book right away that it might be gone before I could. Just when I managed to arrange for someone to pick me up an Amazon gift card! Phooey. It will be interesting to learn why/how and exactly what this is all about. I sure HOPE it's not been pulled because of any legal threats!
While I was reading here, I went in the other room and shut off my router to stop wireless in my house, which annoyed HunnyBunny who is in the middle of a Netflix movie. Sorry, sweetheart! Then I put my Kindle on Airplane Mode which is the fastest way to disconnect the wireless.Router is back on, my Kindle is functioning for reading just fine, but Kindle wireless is OFF. They cant pull it now, at least until I turn the wireless back on the device.
Burning the book file onto a DVD right now. Never done this before, hope I dont muck it up. DD is doing course work which has to be submitted by tomorrow night so I dont want to bother her with questions about this.
A hail-Mary pass, perhaps, but I think perhaps they're basing their lawsuit on a claim that certain email exchanges are protected by copyright. That may actually be true...I've been told you can't even publish correspondences written directly to you, without an official release. Even if the other party is no longer living. Someone more knowledgeable than I am about legal matters (ahem, Admin) might be able to shed more light on this.
Michelle said... 177
Kate's intellectual property = Kate's written words. Thanks for another verification of the book, Lavely & Singer. Cat's out of the bag and now since you're claiming IP, no more doubts.
September 29, 2012 7:56 PM
Exactly! Vindication and VERIFICATION that the information in the book was TRUE! It just got in the wrong hands....according to them. HEHE TOAST, KHate you are TOAST!
Dwindle... you make me giggle until my eyes water daily! Glad to return the favor.
Stephanie is scaring the crap outta' me, here in L.A.
I'm ALL ALONE in the dark, reading a chilling book about child abuse- and she said she's now 2.2 miles away. Brrrrr...
Admin-I'm posting the Yahoo article. If you prefer not to have it here, I will delete it.
Kate Gosselin Accused of Spanking Kids with Spoon and Other Possible 'Bad Mommy' Moments
By Nancy Tracy | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Fri, Sep 28, 2012 2:42 PM PDT.. .
A friend of Jon Gosselin is making Kate Gosselin look bad by charging his buddy's ex routinely yanked her children's hair and hit them with a wooden spoon she called "The Spanker."
"She was beating 2-year-old babies in diapers," said Robert Hoffman, a reporter who alleges he got his scoop from private journals written by Kate.
Hoffman told Star the mother of eight punished her children for such common misbehavior as trying to climb out of their crib or munching on M&Ms without asking her permission.
Though some may suspect the reporter's friendship with the reality TV star's former spouse could cause him to embellish his story, news about Kate getting physical with her kids is not new. In 2009, a mini-scandal erupted when the 37-year-old divorcee defended spanking her daughter Leah. "Whether the paparazzi are there or not, I am a mother first," Gosselin told a reporter at the time. "I love my children and when they misbehave, I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation."
The punishment tales are just the tip of the iceberg for reporter Hoffman, who just published a book called "KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD" which features a not very motherly photo of Kate with a mean face on its cover. Aside from insinuating she is a child abuser, the author of the supposed tell-all implies his subject is as an "animal abuser, racist, functioning alcoholic, liar, manipulator and multi-millionaire grafter," according to his book's description.
This latest Kate bashing story comes on the heels -- literally -- of a kerfuffle over Kate tweeting a seductive picture of her daughter, Mady, wearing her mom's sexy high-heeled shoes. Critics of the photos were not so much upset by a little girl playing dress-up, but rather the inappropriateness of publishing the photo on Twitter where pedophiles could view it.
Gosselin's mothering skills have been debated by the media many times before. Two years ago the ladies of "The View" dished on the topic of two of the Gosselin children being expelled from school for rage issues. The former registered nurse blamed it on her divorce from their daddy, and host Barbara Walters diplomatically sympathized with the challenge of raising eight children -- six of whom are sextuplets.
But Walters' colleague, Joy Behar, harshly judged the Season 10 "Dancing with the Stars" contestant for blaming others for her children's problems. "It's interesting that she blames the husband, the show, everything but herself," said the Brooklyn-born comedian. "I mean, she has a part in this too, right?"
We may just have to wait until her children grow up before we get the real scoop on Gosselin's mommy skills. It could be a contest as to which of the eight makes the first million writing a "Mommy Dearest"-style expose about one of America's most famous and controversial mothers.
And of course, "Chatty Katie" has reappeared on twitter.
Since they are citing IP infringement, maybe greedy Khate wants a cut of the book's profits?...Wouldn't surprise me! ;)
"I love my children and when they misbehave, I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation."
As I recall, the "situation" was Leah blowing a whistle outside. Pulling up her dress and spanking her was "appropriate for the situation". Again, wow!
The new post at Gosselinbook: says the book has been suspended, cause of something about a 3rd party interest, that are saying that Robert did not have rights to publish, some of the material. This is from Amazon.
It says nothing (as far as I can see) about his rights to publish "some of the material." This is about intellectual property rights of the entire book, meaning that they are claiming that Robert didn't own the rights and he published her journal, e-mails, without her authorization. Intellectual Property law deals with patents, trademarks, trade dress, and trade secrets.
Discovery mentioned "trade secret" in its cease and desist letter to Robert.
Admin ~ This turn of events this makes your chapter summaries more important than ever. And this blog, of course-- a free and open forum in which to discuss at length the material support provided in the book.
I love defying censorship, don't you? ;)
Apparently Kate has more than one company. There's JKIG Inc and K8 Inc.
chapter 19? I think.
Thank you, Robert. I wish I could give you more.
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1 OH
United States
Gosselin Book
I'm ALL ALONE in the dark, reading a chilling book about child abuse- and she said she's now 2.2 miles away. Brrrrr...
Really? She moved closer? She's usually 2.8 miles away.
Kate moved 1 million dollars out of bank accounts before Jon moved any!
Who is behind this, it's Kate's lawyer I know, but why are they able to pull the book now, because of the it's content? I don't understand, they couldn't stop it pre-publication, so why now?
I do fear my copy will soon disappear off my iPad as I have gone in to Kindle settings and they reserve the right to do so if "Intellectual Property Rights" have been violated.
Can someone tell me how I can quickly move it off the Kindle Reader and transfer it to the Cloud? I have no clue how to do that.
My god, the Monarchy couldn't stop, nor pull Andrew Morton's book about Princess Diana's marriage, but KATE GOSSELIN can stop Robert Hoffman's self-published e-book on Amazon, what am I not getting here? GEEZ.
Are they going to try to have all the articles pulled too? What about all the references to things in the book on twitter and here and other blogs? Are they going to shut those down too?
The information is out there. Like someone said, if they pull it due to IP infringement, it basically saying that it belongs to Kate, and therefore it's all true.
I've copied the book to CD...I think. lol
Haven't tested it out yet.
Dutchess Dwindle (or anyone really) can you walk me through downloading the book onto a dvd/cd?
I am normally quite savvy but can not see where there is an option. I have the book on my Kindle for PC already, just need help with the next step!
Kristine, kiss kiss!
Kate's excited that she was trending #1 on Yahoo this weekend. Yes, Kate, it's fabulous.
Now that she's spent the kids' money on getting the book pulled from Amazon (how many thousands did that take??) she's back to spewing pink fluffy unicorns. Really, it's not healthy to read her Twitter feed and read the book at the same time LOL!!
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