Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kate posts up-close photo of Mady's legs

The up close and personal picture of Mady trying on Kate's heels sparked outrage from the moment Kate put it on her Twitter account, and now the poor child is getting attention for it on Radaronline and The Daily Mail.

The New York Times explored the issue of posting children's photos online in this revealing article from 2009. A must read.

Popular Mommy blogger Eve Vawter also wrote an excellent article about the issue on, quoted in part here. We like her common sense:

"Kids try on their mom’s shoes. This happens every hour of every day in every house with kids. I did it, you did it, our kids have done it. There is nothing wrong with that. But posting a picture on the internet, of your 11-year-old’s bare legs, her toenails pedicured and painted, clad in peep-toe satin and glitter heels, it’s just plain creepy. Kate Gosselin doesn’t know every single one of her Twitter followers personally. She doesn’t know who is glancing at the photograph and saying “Cute, my kids did that” or who is uploading the photograph to some terrible child exploitation website. And by posting this picture, she is inadvertently sexualizing her 11-year-old kid.

It can be argued that child sex abusers can find any photograph of a kid “sexy.” That even the most innocent picture of a kid fully dressed and standing there can be exploited by child predators for nefarious purposes. And all though I agree there is nothing wrong with a kid trying on her mom’s high heels, looking at the picture of Mady it’s obvious to me that posting it on the internet was a bad idea. It isn’t a picture of a kid being silly and playing dress-up, it looks like a slightly menacing sexualized photograph of a girl standing, her legs apart, teetering helplessly on too-big heels in a darkened room. And Kate Gosselin didn’t need to post it, but I suppose it can also be argued that Kate Gosselin uses any excuse to exploit any of her eight children for attention and publicity, whether good or bad, to feed her gaping maw of a fame hole."

1955 sediments (sic) from readers:

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KAT said...

This why she can sit on her flat orange ass all day....because she's loaded....and thats why she doesn't have to work and will not work. I wouldn't either if I banked all that cash. She still grifts for things because its in her blood..thats all she knows..she can't help herself....she's gonna grift reguardless of how rich she is. Drunks will drink...dopers will dope...grifters will grift...Its in the fabric of her being....

TLC stinks said... document reader says she received from the Go$$elins when she asked for "church speaking info back in February 2008."

Here's the document:


Logistics info: First, Jon and I always travel together for safety reasons.

Second, we don't bring our children anymore due to safety/security issues.

And third, we speak to an audience of 100 or more!

We typically ask that the church/organization cover our travel and accommodations (airfare, hotel, car transport to/from the airport on this end and rental car on that end). As far as a 'speaking fee' goes, we ask for a 'love offering' for church services (which averages around $3000-3500 just to give you an idea, but is by no means a set 'fee'-- we let that up to God to fulfill our needs whether that amount be higher or lower!).

Other groups (evening church sponsored events, non church affiliated programs etc) are charged a fee of $3500 for events scheduled in 2009.

For a Mops (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, we charge by the person.... a $ 15 fee per person with a minimum of 100 people. Additionally, we ask that we also be scheduled to speak at a church service while we are there.

As mentioned above, if you are scheduling a Saturday night event the fee is $3500. If you also want to schedule Sunday morning church services, we ask for a love offering in whatever amount is collected to cover Sunday. We want to let God provide for us want to be able to continue to travel and speak!

These fees are incorporated to cover our time, babysitting and time away from work!

In the past, churches, MOPS groups, organizations have charged admission or provided free tickets and covered our 'fee' in other ways.

It is up to you how it should be handled in your situation.

We typically use our presentation entitled 'Six (in honor of our 6) Lessons We Have Learned' where we start with a video montage set to

music of our family and then do our presentation. We tell our story from the beginning while we weave our points into it- including the pertinent Bible verses that came alive to us during those times and continue to be our guide today (you can request an email copy of our outline for review)! We usually end with about a half hour of questions from the audience which brings our total presentation time to about 1 1/2 hours in length. Ours is a story that is encouraging to everyone who hears it!

It is a story of God's hope, grace and love in a time when there was a lot of uncertainty, fear and doubt! Anyone who listens can apply these same lessons in their own lives!

The only other thing we require is a $150 deposit to hold the date you have chosen!

Additionally, please note that we are appearing as Jon and Kate Gosselin and this is aside from our show. TLC owns the rights to our show, we don't and so any advertising about our appearance may say 'from TLC's hit show 'Jon & Kate plus 8' but it may not use any logo or TLC owned print. Also, we cannot do ANY media interviews/ appearances related to our speaking event in order to remain in accordance with our TLC contract.

I hope this information helps! We enjoy speaking but are still surprised at the demand! We know it is what God is asking of us!!!!

Please reserve your date quickly! We are booking daily now and the dates are going fast! And please plan on having more people inquire about coming than you planned! Most events are now sold out due to lack of enough seating before the inquiries stop coming!!!! It is amazing--not what we ever had planned for our lives but we enjoy what we do!

Because of God's grace!

Kate Gosselin for all ten of us

TLC stinks said...

Her speaking fees probably sky rocketed once she hired Julie Carson May for bookings.

Formerly Duped said...

ugh. lots of explanation points and 'typicallys' in really irks me how all this is done in the name of God.

thanks Stinks.

Bearswife said...

Good luck to your pups, Tucker's Mom.
They can be so worrisome as they get older - all those lumps and bumps. My old girl is 11 (and snoozing peacefully after breakfast and a belly rub).

The Bear only got me up 2x in the night to help him get up. I believe he is back asleep as well. He said the worst pain is in his back (where they gave him the spinal).

Dwindle, did you sleep at all? I will look under my couch cushions and if I find any lint or gift cards, I will send them your way!

TLC stinks said...

She is twittering like she is high on something. That's ok, Kate. Just keep farting those rainbows. What goes around, comes around.

KAT said...

The only good thing is no one is asking her to speak now.....probably afraid she'll attract a mob who will be out to get het her....Jon said he dispised her and now the rest of America does too....the bad thing is, the damage is done and she has conned the unfortunate into giving HER their hard earned money...

readerlady said...

fidosmommy -- For some reason $25,000 sticks in my mind. I don't know if that is accurate, or if I'm thinking of something else, though.

Isn't 2008 around the time that KK started making most of the appearances by herself (well, by herself except for the boobyguard)? I think that's when the scales began to fall from Jon's eyes and he began to see her for what she really was. His conscience started to bother him and she wouldn't let him speak, because she was afraid he'd rat her out. It's clearly not true that he doesn't enjoy public appearances. He's a friendly, gregarious guy and seems comfortable in a crowd. He's not the most articulate person, but he is a better speaker than she is. Anyway, that's my theory. Feel free to pick away. Just pass me the rumspringa!

Tucker's Mom -- Prayers and crossed fingers for your doggies. Hope everything goes well at the vet's.

mamasan said...

To: Formerly - my personal experience -- it took four years w/the woman changing her story three times. Yes, I had a personal injury attorney. My insurance company, State Farm, had their portion of the claim in Escrow for me. That is how certain my claim was legit. It takes patience. Good luck. ~ Administrator said...

“I was pissed,” says Clark. May, she says, “apologized, said the Gosselins had spoken to God and made this decision.


Oh. Well if God approves who am I to argue.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. It's disgusting just how many innocent people were scammed out of their hard earned money.

I don't understand how this fact doesn't consume Kate's conscience- EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HER STINKIN', MAGGOT LIFE.

No wonder she ran for protection to those high powered lawyers.

If you wrap a box of sh*t with shiny, beautiful wrapping paper, and tie it with a great big beautiful bow, in the end it's still a box of sh*t.

Kate, you are a box of sh*t.

KAT said...

Her money has been know when information she doesn't like gets out..... she gets overly happy to show that its not bothering know...the lemons into lemonade thing...she sounds extra happy today so watch it=really pissed off..

Tucker's Mom said...

Thanks for the well wishes for my puppies!
Yes, Kate was busy double dipping, double fisted. One had collecting money as Jon and kids worked the filming from their mansion and one while Kate collected money speaking and doing the book tour.
And never bothering to call home to check in while she was traveling with her Gal Friday.

librarylady said...

Somehow, when these bits of telling information come out, like income (accurate or not, it's out there), and she starts the manic tweeting to try to appear falsely perky and unaffected, I immediately envision her sitting there with her fingers in her ears and her eyes closed, going "la la la la la la I can't hear you! I can't hear you!". Like kids do, lol.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, her profession was made known by her yes but then you said that makes her fair game. I contend it does not. Why not just decide for yourself whether you want to believe something rather than outing someone. I still think it's funny the sheeple never talk about that particular outing because Admin is one of the few who actually is who she says she is. Ha.

Choleric Kreider said...

Any chance of getting a new thread going? Open discussion maybe? Thanks.

LB said...

For some reason, looking at the church schedule and doing the math, J & K made appx over a half million from that alone for 2008? So add that to the income earned from TLC, I would wage they were living pretty comfortablely and no way in dire need of financial support. I will say that is a clear case of misrepresenting their lifestyle, all right.

KAT said...

You know what I picture...Kate calling her attorney and screaming at the top of her lungs.."HOW DID THIS HAPPEN"????????

Formerly Duped said...


wow, that is long time! Thanks for your support.
Everyone here has been so supportive to say nothing of not telling me I am boring, talking about personal woes!

Oh, I meant 'exclamation' points in my last post but didn't want to waste a post to correct it..

I wonder if Steve is not there anymore simply because he needs a real job and he is now redundant with Kate..maybe she got her grifted @Trojantoys shipment? lol

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 11

“I was pissed,” says Clark. May, she says, “apologized, said the Gosselins had spoken to God and made this decision.


Oh. Well if God approves who am I to argue.


I believe God had absolutely NOTHING to do with their decision.

It's a good thing that Kate has a base tan, because it's going to burn where she's going. ~ Administrator said...

Oh what a beautiful morning.... Oh what a beautiful day!!!


Yeah well I bet a lot of things are just beautiful when you're in the 1%.

In thinking about it this morning, with Marty Singer on that web site's butt, you'd be pretty darn stupid to post a lie like that. I think the tax figure is true, and therefore Kate and Marty can't do anything about it.

KAT said...

I'm sure she is well off....but lets not forget about taxes on all that money...and I've always believed she has spent a small fortune on she still comfortable? Probably...

mamasan said...

Watch Dr. Phil's interview with Dina Lohan. What a complete manipulator, who failed with him.

SaraMRN2010 said...

KAT said... 19
You know what I picture...Kate calling her attorney and screaming at the top of her lungs.."HOW DID THIS HAPPEN"????????

And I bet that was that "conference" call she had to have the other day.

Anonymous said...

TLC stinks said... 7

She is twittering like she is high on something. That's ok, Kate. Just keep farting those rainbows. What goes around, comes around.


That is what happens everytime something goes wrong, and her Teflon machine has to go into overdrive.

Looks like she abused that machine too many times, because it's starting to smoke & spudder. ~ Administrator said...

I'm sure she is well off....but lets not forget about taxes on all that money...and I've always believed she has spent a small fortune on she still comfortable? Probably...


Kat he actually said it was ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. After a your deductions/adjustments.

So really the bitch was probably raking in 2 million or more before deductions.

TLC stinks said...

I would guess Hoffman will have all the appearances listed in his book. I cannot even venture how much she took the churches for when you include 1st class airfare and hotel accommodations on top of the fees and cash for photos. Wow.

If he has the tax return, then Hoffman knows the truth about their salary early on. I would say by 2010 it had jumped significantly. Also, the tax return would show their charitable giving.

KAT said...

Admin....OMG....well then...if she doesn't get arrested...she'll be able to have a comfortable life... ~ Administrator said...

To put it in perspective, 1.9 million is about 200,000 a year PER PERSON to live on in a family of ten.

There is not a single darn reason in the world why each kid should not have their own, very hefty college fund. None of those kids need THAT much money in just one year. It should have gone to college funds and trusts. There is not a single darn reason well-meaning strangers should have been asked for one stinking cent. ~ Administrator said...

People in the industry make money. No big deal. And yet, at nearly 2M a year, she still needs school girls sending her candy and gift cards? Grandmas on social security sending her backpacks and lunchboxes?


Exactly, they see nothing wrong with people who will probably never make two million in their entire LIFETIMES giving her things. And neither does Kate.

As for not taking the kids to the movies, well she can suck it.

librarylady said...

When was it she pulled the "bills" out of her purse on tv and waved them around dramatically...?

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm curious how Hoffman got the income figure, and I tend to think it's going to turn out to be accurate. You'd have to be crazy to publish blatant lies, especially ones that shatter Kate's brand of struggling, single, coupon spaving ubermom.

Anonymous said...

I hope that someone in the media picks this up and does an investigation. 60 Minutes would be a good choice or 48 Hours. This is really too mouch. I would be pissed if I was one of the people who donated to Jon and Kate. And this does not exonerate Jon of any wrongdoing either.


Anonymous said...

readerlady #9 - I am in agreeance (!!!) with your figure of $25,000 after Julie Carson May signed on...they backed out of the events booked at a lower price, siting "family conflicts" or some such nonsense, then booked events through JCM.

The document TLC Stinks #3 posted was the homegrown scam prior to them having an independent agent.

fidosmommy said...

readerlady said... 9
fidosmommy -- For some reason $25,000 sticks in my mind. I don't know if that is accurate, or if I'm thinking of something else, though.


Glad you said that because that was the exact number I remember reading - I think. It was
a ridiculously high fee and scheduled event planners backed out. I do believe the increase came at the same time Julie Carson May showed up, as someone upthread said.

TLC stinks said...

I'd also say for the past year after the show was cancelled she was getting a payoff per her contract from TLC. Now that is gone and all she has is CC, marathon endorsements, interest income. Don't kid yourself. She is quite comfortable financially and it will be awhile before she is no longer a 1% millionaire. But this is a bombshell from Hoffman. I agree the conference call may have had something to do with the tax return. She looks real bad. So does Jon.

The longer Kate and her attorneys drag this out with Hoffman, the worse it is for her. A DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS.

Jumping In said...

I live in British Columbia, and our cable provider is a company called SHAW. We recently discovered a product on promotion called "Time Shift".

For $2.50 a month we can watch programs airing as far east as in Newfoundland's time zone. It great, we can watch Jon Stewart and Colbert as early as 8:30 and 9:00 pm out here. SNL is on at 8:30 pm!

I like the Amazing Race, and this season we can see it as early as 6:00 pm PT.

Is this a product offered in the States?

KAT said...

...and we're only talking about 1 year.....their salary increased over the years...doesn't it piss you off? My husband is highly educated and a professional and we both have worked very hard to give our kids and ourselves a good life. If I would have known it was that simple to make millions....we don't have anything close to that and these con artists are living like just sickens me....where are the laws to protect people against this ilk...

Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 34
I hope that someone in the media picks this up and does an investigation. 60 Minutes would be a good choice or 48 Hours.
Perfect fodder for John Stossel. Oooh! wait! Can we get Chris Hansen to wait for Kate in her kitchen? ~ Administrator said...

...and we're only talking about 1 year.....their salary increased over the years...doesn't it piss you off?


It pisses me off that good people were scammed of their money. It doesn't piss me off that they made that much money. Where did it lead Kate? To misery. Divorced, no friends, no family. You don't NEED that much money. It was more trouble than it's worth. I almost just feel bad that with that much money coming in she is still so miserable.

TLC stinks said...

Kate on Today Show waving bills she cannot pay

OCTOBER 5, 2009 ~ Administrator said...

This is another factoid that my source told me that is turning out to be exactly true. That Kate is VERY wealthy and has been for awhile.

fidosmommy said...

koop, you are right. The story went tha the GOSSELINS backed out because the $3,500 was no longer "enough". The better to pay Julie Carson May, correct?

FYI said...

"Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day"

So Kate is now channeling the musical "Oklahoma!" There's one song from that show that applies to her, call "Lonely Room". Although it was not in the movie, it is in the stage show. These are some of the lyrics:

"The floor creaks,
The door squeaks,
There's a field-mouse
a-nibblin on a broom
And I sit by myself
Like a cobweb on the shelf
By myself in a lonely room"

chefsummer #Leh said...

No wonder why this thing-(Kate) doesn't go to church.

She stole from it tons and tons of money for good people and God.

Kate would probably burst into flames if she went to God house.

fidosmommy said...

I agree that money has been the bane of Kate's existence. It has brought her security but not one bit of real joy. Personally, I'd rather struggle and feel the satisfaction of making things work. And have my dear friends and the memories of my very dear, very close family. Nothing can replace or supersede hard work and
good relationships.

Anonymous said...

Kate is a sociopath. Anyone who can go on national TV and lie about her personal situation and not blink and eye, and even start crying? She is a sociopath.


KAT said...

I know she messed up relationships....but is she really that unhappy? She would rather be alone I think...never has to worry about money, has time to persue her intersests, has plenty of help and the money to pay them, still getting freebies, lives on a beautiful property....I would say shes as happy as a pig in mud...hope Im wrong but........Oh forgot one thing...she has those dopey fans feeding her ego daily...shes content...

Anonymous said...

I would rather have a good relationship with my husband, my family and my children than have a bunch of money. No contest.

Marie ~ Administrator said...

I've had a lot of shows spoiled for me on here, but I haven't put up much of a fuss.....but it seems since you all have become so close and chatty it's happening more so maybe we should make a hard and fast rule about it. I am strict about my spoilers, I don't even like hearing that The Great Foodtruck Race was awesome tonight! lol. I don't want to hear ANYTHING. But for purposes of the blog we can just limit it to spoiling actual plot points and winners.

I used to get the East Coast feeds on my cable. Thus everything was live for me. That stopped about three years ago and now it seems like just about every channel is on a three hour delay. FYI, the only things that aren't delayed out West are sports and news. Even the Oscars was on a delay this year.

The only channels left that only have an East Coast feed are the smaller cable ones. Food Network and TLC are all usually in real time for me. I'm sure there are things you can buy to get the East Coast feeds but I don't want to pay for it. Even then though, keep in mind most people are still doing dinner and family things when things are airing here at 5 or 6 o'clock. A lot of people like me have to DVR it and have to watch it later anyway.

Anyway no worries, let's just all try harder to be aware of the three hour delay for so many of us.

chefsummer #Leh said...

So Kate calls herself a christian right?

Does she know she shouldn't steal?
Does she know that she should lie?
Does she know that she should honor her mother & father?

Or did she skip all of this when she was in church?

abc said...

aggiemom #167
"While crying poor and asking for love offerings for her struggling family......

"Kate Gosselin's 2008 U.S. Individual Income... $1,954,414.00."

ok, fans,EXPLAIN THAT"

Sheeple reply: "That was THEN. This is NOW." ~ Administrator said...

No, I don't think she's happy at all. I think she's miserable. All her happy happy joy joy crap is clearly overcompensation. Most people who are truly happy don't have a need to talk about how happy they are constantly. They just are.

FYI said...

Just to clarify--Adjusted Gross Income does not include Deductions or Exemptions.

KAT said...

Marie....I agree.....but this is what makes her be financially secure at all costs....that is most important to her. thats why its never enough...

Anonymous said...

Adjusted Gross Income is line 37 on the first page of the Federal Individual Income Tax Return. Before Itemized deductions and exemptions. So they would not have paid federal tax on the 1.9 mil. Their taxes would have been much less with all their deductions and such. ~ Administrator said...

Gross income is reduced by certain items to arrive at adjusted gross income.[3] These include:
Expenses of carrying on a trade or business including most rental activities (other than as an employee)
Certain business expenses of teachers, reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials,
Health savings account deductions,
Certain moving expenses,
One-half of self-employment tax,
Allowable contributions to certain retirement arrangements (SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and qualified plans) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
Penalties imposed by financial institutions and others on early withdrawal of savings,
Alimony paid (which the recipient must include in gross income),
College tuition, fees, and student loan interest (with limitations and exceptions),
Jury duty pay remitted to the juror's employer,
Domestic production activities deduction, and
Certain other items of limited applicability.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I just don't honestly see Kate give the 8 kids they money that's there's.

I believe she will either spend it or fight them for it.

She's money hungry and will be all alone with here money on day.

KAT said...

Im still confused.....did they clear 1.9 or not? ~ Administrator said...

I agree that money has been the bane of Kate's existence. It has brought her security but not one bit of real joy. Personally, I'd rather struggle and feel the satisfaction of making things work.


Right, exactly. Not to have a romantic view of working hard for your money, but there are just constant studies about happiness and satisfaction and not a single one requires you to have millions. Actually if I remember correctly the salary in which happiness levels off is about $70,000. That's a decent salary but not exactly wealthy. In other words anything you make beyond that won't make you any happier.

You miss out on a lot just sitting home and grifting and leaving the children to nannies. The satisfaction of raising the kids, the satisfaction of going to work and getting your hands dirty, coming home after a long day and cashing that check. These are basic human experiences that people need to feel valued and satisfied that go back as far as the cavemen days where men would hunt and women would gather and all would come back with their bounty and feed their families.

So no, collecting 1.9 million while doing absolutely nothing for it is not going to fill you up emotionally. Jon realized it in short order and got out, Kate never has or is in denial.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate would probably burst into flames if she went to God house.
With all the lies she told in God's house and all the fleecing she did without remorse she must drip little beads of sweat down her botoxed forehead!
I'll tell 'ya though, I wish I could have told my mom that I wanted to sleep in on Sunday instead of going to 10:30 mass every single Sunday.
And what kink of an excuse is it anyways? I get the sense that her church is big and they only offer one early service on Sunday morning?
Fortunately we have the option of going Sat. late afternoons--very popular!

KAT said...

@61......theres only one thing wrong with your theory....we still dont know if Kate IS human... ~ Administrator said...

Kate should have just let him publish the book back in May and not put up a fuss. It would have been old news by now, just something for the archives.

Instead it's dragging out all summer and now into fall. All because she got all worked up about a few truths getting out there. ~ Administrator said...

With that kind of 24/7 throwing up, the fetuses are in real danger of not getting enough nutrients and fluid. Usually hospitalization is required with IV fluids and such.


I was thinking the same thing. It's one thing to throw up in the morning. You can get your calories in later around lunch, dinner, even sometimes a real late snack. But if you're truly throwing up all day and night for that extended period of time you're going to end up in the hospital, that's just a fact. It's hard enough to gain the weight necessary with multiples to have that problem too. It seems like Kate would have mentioned this before yesterday.

It's kind of obnoxious too, because that's a REAL problem for women, not just oh I'm going to exaggerate like I'm sure Kate is doing.

Anonymous said...

I thought at one point Kate said she made some good investments. If she had a savy stockbroker back in 2008-2009, she is probably doing just fine living off the interest and dividends.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 64
Kate should have just let him publish the book back in May and not put up a fuss. It would have been old news by now, just something for the archives.

Instead it's dragging out all summer and now into fall. All because she got all worked up about a few truths getting out there.

I think we may not even know the extent of what Robert has on Kate.

The things we all ready know make her look like a monster.

Can you image if Robert has something 10x worse then what we all ready know?

That would make sense was she wants to keep him quite.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 64
Kate should have just let him publish the book back in May and not put up a fuss. It would have been old news by now, just something for the archives.
Kate would cut off her nose to spite her face. This is the woman who beleives "no never means no to me". This is the woman who defied a judges ruling, refusing to pay a therapist who provided services and lost $10,000 when she dropped everything to fly off to CA while J+K were crying to Dr. Phil about the ruination of their "brand".
I think that Kate would do anything to stop a book that exposes how much money she's made from the veritable money-making kingdom she's got. Everything she does is predicated on saving money (well, not when it comes to her, but she hides it far) and trying to make ends meet.
It ALL goes away when the truth it known.

Anonymous said...

I Can’t Pay My Bills, Kate Gosselin Cries on the Today Show

She doesn’t have money to pay the bills for the house and to put food on the table for her and Jon’s eight children, Kate says on Today, barely able to fight back the tears that are choking her. “I’m hanging in there. It’s hard. Every morning I don’t know what I’m going to wake up to. When we started this out, I was determined, I didn’t want to discuss this stuff, I didn’t want this out there, I didn’t want to talk about it. The arbitrator said that neither of us could take money out without the other’s consent. However I was given, historically, I am the bill payer, I am the money manager, so obviously I was allowed to show proof of every bill I paid and use that money that way.” Kate begins by saying.

“I have a stack of bills in my purse I can’t put in the mail. When you’ve left your children and their mother without the funds to lay for the roof over their head, it’s not acceptable. I need that money to provide for them. We were in the position after our sextuplets were born that we could not pay our bills. We did the show to provide a better life for them. Never did I think I’d be back in the same position. I can’t sleep at night. I can’t pay my bills. I think he’s receiving bad counsel. He’s always been one to listen to the one next to him.” Kate says. ~ Administrator said...

Kate usually lets people say what they want and ignores it. It's interesting to me that when it comes to financial matters suddenly she wants to shut Robert Hoffman up. I guess maybe she's worried that she will look silly and not relatable blogging for a coupon site.

And yes she did have a couple angry and defensive tweets the other week about how she has made wise investments. How about a coupon cabin post about playing with stocks and bonds when you have 1.9 million in the kitty to work with? Let's get real here Kate.

KAT said... stomach actually cramped up...that was just mind blowing to read that...gotta take a break folks...

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate used her Jon to get kids.
Kate used her Kids to get fame & $$$.
Kate used churches to get more $$$.
Kate is using her fans for gifts.

Kate lies about being poor.
Kate lies about what she has to gain sympathy.
Kate thinks people that work are beneath her.
Kate probably stole her friends husband.

So we know all of this I wouldn't put anything pass Kate Gosselin.

TLC stinks said...

Since Steve has disappeared, I wonder if Hoffman has something on them as a couple? Like when they travelled alone....single rooms, adjoining rooms, whatever. The maids know plenty. That would be the other shoe that drops because Jon was the adulterer in the press. She has played up the woman scorned routine so it has got to be fake.

abc said...

I wonder if her fancy hairdresser will wisen up and realize he has been played.
Nah, that would mean he'd have to admit he is gullible like the rest of the sycophants compensating Kate.

fidosmommy said...

If Kate is just living off of dividends and interest, she's had a couple of big scares in the last few years. The market dropped. I know several people who rely on their investments for income and they were hurting. It's better now, but that's no guarantee it will remain good on Wall Street. At her age they probably have her investing aggressively, and that's where you get the biggest loss in a poor market.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care about the Steve/Kate relationship. He obviously knows what Kate is about and he stuck around, while the fleecing was going on. In my opinion, he is just as bad. And he would probably still go with her today if she actually had someplace to go.

As far as Kate's hairdresser, looking at her hair, I think he is already wise to Kate. Her hair looks like shit.


Anonymous said...

Can you get put in jail for misrepresenting yourself and taking money from unsuspecting people who think they are doing a good deed?

Marie ~ Administrator said...

Marie that's called fraud. And yes you can go to jail for it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Maybe Kate can be an actress lol. She plays good roles.

As a mother.
As a friend.
As a christen.
As a single hard-working mom of 8.

Bearswife said...


The words I have for her are not appropriate.

Something along the lines of "that bucking bunt"!

fidosmommy said... (Administrator) said... 78
Marie that's called fraud. And yes you can go to jail for it.


Wouldn't THAT be a kick in the pants?

Kate could continue to liken herself to Martha
Stewart and Lindsey Lohan, hanging out in one of the finest pokeys America has to offer.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate definitely defrauded (word?) her fans and I can not imagine why Jon's ex boss never sued them for libel and slander by telling millions of people that he fired Jon when he found out Kate was having the tups.
The fact is Jon was fired for goofing off and exploiting his yet-to-be-even-born kids on company time. And, if it were true and Jon lost his job because of the tups, then he would have won in court.
He did not.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Marie that's called fraud. And yes you can go to jail for it.


What about if it's a "donation" and those people give freely...if you didn't ask for a specific amount, didn't directly say "we are totally broke and need your support, and the unsuspecting jut put money into a basket?

Blowing In The Wind said...

The fact is Jon was fired for goofing off and exploiting his yet-to-be-even-born kids on company time. And, if it were true and Jon lost his job because of the tups, then he would have won in court.
He did not.


Wasn't one of the reasons his employer gave for Jon's termination is because he allegedly was doing his own work on company time? Did Jon go to court over the firing?

Tucker's Mom said...

Wasn't one of the reasons his employer gave for Jon's termination is because he allegedly was doing his own work on company time? Did Jon go to court over the firing?
Yes. Jon's old boss, David Rothermel stated categorically that Jon was not fired because of the tups. He was fired for misusing company time.
It never stopped them from lying about it. That and the cushion coin-mining.

Tucker's Mom said...

However I was given, historically, I am the bill payer, I am the money manager, so obviously I was allowed to show proof of every bill I paid and use that money that way.” Kate begins by saying.
And gave Jon $5 a day to live on.
Financially, Jon has gotten the shit end of the stick. 1.9 million in 2008 and Jon can't afford a house of his own?
That's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

And what kink of an excuse is it anyways? I get the sense that her church is big and they only offer one early service on Sunday morning?


They did offer two services on Sunday mornings. I'm not sure if it's changed, but I think it's the same as it's always been.

Anonymous said...

The fact is Jon was fired for goofing off and exploiting his yet-to-be-even-born kids on company time. And, if it were true and Jon lost his job because of the tups, then he would have won in court.
He did not.


Wasn't one of the reasons his employer gave for Jon's termination is because he allegedly was doing his own work on company time? Did Jon go to court over the firing?
Yes. Jon's old boss, David Rothermel stated categorically that Jon was not fired because of the tups. He was fired for misusing company time.


Jon sued him for being fired?

Anonymous said...

Jim and Tammy Baker took donations and lived a lavish lifestyle. Look where it got them. Kate is treading some thin ice.

Dmasy said...

Administrator said, "I don't even like hearing that The Great Foodtruck Race was awesome tonight! lol. I don't want to hear ANYTHING."

What Channel is The Great Foodtruck Race" on? That sounds like a really interesting show.

Admin, are your really a TV producer?

NJGal51 said...

Bearswife - That "bucking bunt"! BWAHAHAHAHA! Shades of Monty Python!

Anonymous said...

*oops* treading should be walking on thin ice. *HAHA* Been away for a while and forgot to turn up my grammar and advanced thinking skills when stopping by. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Is it too late for a class action lawsuit? I know how I would feel if I had contributed to this woman who appears to have fooled a lot of hard working (dare I say mediocre) people who helped fund this scheme of hers.


SeeSaw said...

And what kink of an excuse is it anyways? I get the sense that her church is big and they only offer one early service on Sunday morning?


I live very close to her church (and saw Kate there one time driving away in the BBB). They have at least 2 services on Sunday and the parking lot is still packed as late as Noon. It's an enormous church.

AuntieAnn said...

Sassy Lassy said... 69

I Can’t Pay My Bills, Kate Gosselin Cries on the Today Show


And now, because star power has dwindled to a mere flicker, she doesn't have the same status with those people as she did when she was riding the wave of being TLC's supermom. If she went on the same shows to plead her case today, she wouldn't get the same there-there pats on the knee that she did when she sat across from Meredith V. and the rest of those interviewers who commiserated with her back then. If and when the truth ever hits mainstream media, they might inviter her back just to say Kate you got some 'splainin to do.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jon sued him for being fired?
I'm not sure if J+K took Rothermel to court. If they did, they lost. If they didn't, they knew damn well that insurance was not the issue that Jon was fired over, yet, that's their story and they're sticking with it.
I hope Jon has the stones to one day own it and tell the world.
Kate would just crap!

Tucker's Mom said...

Thanks for the 411!
Kate discards anyone and anything after there's no use for her.
Church gets passed on because she's no longer grifting the Christians. They don't know how to help her now.
Great example to set for the kids. You actually can sleep in a bit AND attend church. Her excuses are one step up from 'the dog ate my homework".
It's insulting that she would shovel this pablum into the adoring maws of her sheeple.
Yet, somehow, they just don't get it.

aggiemom09121416 said...

If the income tax return is the tip of the iceberg, I can't imagine the scorn Kate's going to get from the locals. omg, it's going to be BAD.

what kind of acct was set up for the kids? It can't be a trust, that tax rate kicks in at 35% with income of 8,000.

Maggie said...

So Kate calls herself a christian right?

Kate came from a very evangelical born again background. I can't remember now the name of the school she want to but the curriculum was also very christian. The bible was integrated into all subjects. It was a strict bible believing school. And we know her father was some type of a minister. I don't know if it was full-time or not though.

TLC stinks said...

I doubt there would ever be a lawsuit by the churches. And it is fraud what they did, but I don't see them getting prosecuted. This is more, in my mind, of a morality thing and it just goes to show that both Kate and Jon lied to he public and are scammers, particularly Kate. Her reputation is destroyed so she better invest her millions wisely. Budgeting? That's a joke. Clipping coupons to save a buck? You gotta be kidding me. Can't afford a beach vacay? Those days are over. Lying and cheating will always catch up to you. I think at least Jon has a conscience and is paying his penance now. But not the witch of Wernersville.

abc said...

Jon filed for unemployment and was denied. He was fired 'for cause'. They continued with the health insurance lie until fellow co-workers, then Rothermel spoke out. After that J&K were quiet about it but they never corrected the false assertion that Jon lost his job because of health insurance. If he HAD he would have had a hell of a case against the insurance company. Sheeple please note J&K never took action against the health insurer or his boss. Only filing for unemployment. The proof is in the silence on their part.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late for a class action lawsuit? I know how I would feel if I had contributed to this woman who appears to have fooled a lot of hard working (dare I say mediocre) people who helped fund this scheme of hers.


The statute of limitations in PA for fraud is two years. However, with a class action lawsuit filed by plaintiffs in several states, I have no idea what would be involved there. The problem is that each of the persons involved would have to have proof of how much was donated for the amount of the suit to be determined. Anyone could say, "I put a hundred dollar bill in the offering plate."

Usually with an investments or securities fraud, such as one involving a major company in which you held stocks, the company's attorneys will send you a notice that you may join the lawsuit. You have to have documentation that you held the stock, how much you had invested and when. Your financial adviser is the one to complete this information.

I often get letters telling me that I held this amount of stock in this company and I am entitled to join the lawsuit. It almost never amounts to anything. I never checked the statute of limitations, but I noticed that the letters often say, "if you had such and such investment in X company between 2000 to 2012 you may join..."

In this case, it would seem that the two-year statute doesn't apply, but perhaps each case is different, depending on the state and on the type of lawsuit filed. There are many different types of class-action suits.

Anonymous said...

Kate came from a very evangelical born again background. I can't remember now the name of the school she want to but the curriculum was also very christian. The bible was integrated into all subjects. It was a strict bible believing school. And we know her father was some type of a minister. I don't know if it was full-time or not though.


Kate graduated from Mount Calvary Christian School in Elizabethtown, It is a private school, from lower to upper school, full-time, and is not by any means sub-standard when it comes to academics. Yes, it is Bible-based, a fundamental school centered on Christian theology.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's Mom said, And, if it were true and Jon lost his job because of the tups, then he would have won in court.
He did not.


Now I'm confused. This sounds like he took it to court and lost, but abc said,

"After that J&K were quiet about it but they never corrected the false assertion that Jon lost his job because of health insurance. If he HAD he would have had a hell of a case against the insurance company. Sheeple please note J&K never took action against the health insurer or his boss"


So, did he or did he not file suit for wrongful termination of employment?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Yes, it is Bible-based, a fundamental school centered on Christian theology.

Another subject that Kate didn't master in school.

fidosmommy said...

abc, I agree with you. If Jon and Kate had tried to take Mr. Rothamel to court, knowing that insurance was NOT the reason for Jon's firing, Mr. Rothamel could turn around and slap them with a lawsuit for filing a false complaint. Well, at least that's the law in KY.
If the Gosselins truly, in their hearts believed that insurance was the reason, even if the court found in favor of Mr. Rothemel, it would not be false accusations, just a lost case. Courts do not apprecdiate having their time, the defendent's time, witnesses' time, etc. taken up by false accusations. Never a good idea.

Which leads me to another commandment. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

abc said...

No he didn't. Just filed an unemployment claim which he lost.

Anonymous said...

Six babies crying at once.. Makes me think of @Kateplusmy8 .. How did she do it??


Don't these sheeple just make you want to pull out your hair with these stupid questions and assumptions?

Twittering And Twattering said...

So what's "bless her little pea-pickin' heart" Milo up to? Still pouting after being ignored the other day, or perhaps on her way to Kate's compound?

Anonymous said...

The loud noise that Kate heard outside her house the other day was probably Milo trying to peek in the windows. Shoka gets blamed for everything.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Milo's punishin Kate by poutin after fumin and cryin all day yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Another subject that Kate didn't master in school.


I believe that English was her best subject. She's very innovative when it comes to creating new words that are worthy of dictionary inclusion. She's a best-selling author and she continues to succeed with the written word. Her spelling and grammar are exemplary.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT. If anyone remembers Robert Blake (Baretta), he is being interviewed on Dr. Phil today. Preview clips show him answering questions about the murder of his wife. He looks so OLD. He has to be approaching 80.

Maggie said...

Think of all the time they spent away from their 8 small needy children to go away on weekends to grift from churches. GWOP had/has a partial list of their schedule of churches and they were gone many a weekends.

And when their 8 kids were sick on camera and Jodi and Kevin came over with their 3 kids to babysit for the weekend because J&K went to get Jon's hair plugs. How did that benefit their children?

Kate is horrible. No wonder she tweeted that it worked best for her family to be home a week and then gone a week. I think that was the most appalling and telling thing she has ever revealed about herself. Yet no media picked it up.

She was claiming she was the "BESTEST" mother yet she WANTED to gone 50% of time away from her kids. She was earning a huge paycheck for her TV show from 2007-2011. Plus a documentary in 2005 and 2007. She didn't need to be away. She wasn't away working. She was away pampering herself in expensive hotels and promoting herself instead of mothering. That is shocking.

The public does not know this about her. No wonder her kids had problems. In People magazine she admitted that her kids were having problems and needed counseling. So what did Kate do? She left and did DWTS instead. Then 2 of the kids were expelled a few months later from school.

Anonymous said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 111

Milo's punishin Kate by poutin after fumin and cryin all day yesterday.


LOL, Tweet-le De! As long as she's not heading toward out great Commonwealth, both of them can punish and pout all they want!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Over in Kate's County said...I believe that English was her best subject. She's very innovative when it comes to creating new words that are worthy of dictionary inclusion. She's a best-selling author and she continues to succeed with the written word. Her spelling and grammar are exemplary.

True if the words consist of no more than 3 letters or two syllables.


Tucker's Mom said...

Over In Kate's County said... 113
Totally OT. If anyone remembers Robert Blake (Baretta), he is being interviewed on Dr. Phil today. Preview clips show him answering questions about the murder of his wife. He looks so OLD. He has to be approaching 80.
Loved Baretta! Wanted a bird like that so bad, but wound up with a couple parakeets.
He is a very strange dude though.

fidosmommy said...

I believe that English was her best subject. She's very innovative when it comes to creating new words that are worthy of dictionary inclusion. She's a best-selling author and she continues to succeed with the written word. Her spelling and grammar are exemplary.


I agree! The bestest ever! Nobody surpasses!
Write more books, Kate! Keep on bloggin'!

Anonymous said...

She left and did DWTS instead. Then 2 of the kids were expelled a few months later from school.


Maggie -- Kate's DWTS elimination was in April. The kids weren't removed from school until the fall of that year.

fidosmommy said...

You don't have to tell me how she did in
geography, history and logic classes.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Over in Kate's County said...LOL, Tweet-le De! As long as she's not heading toward out great Commonwealth, both of them can punish and pout all they want!

I have no desire to punish your County should Milo appear at Kate's door but I must admit, I'd love to be a fly on the wall during THAT encounter.

Sheri said...

Well, there we go. Another, not surprising but nonetheless disgusting, revelation from Mr. Hoffman.

2 million freakin' dollars in the bank and still crying poor to hard working Christian folks who just want to help.

Someone up thread said it but it bears repeating, "How does she sleep at night?"

Any comments from the herd about how Mr. Hoffman is just a big ol' hater and bully?

Has anyone yet come flying to poor Katie's defense..."But 2 million dollars isn't a lot of money when you have 8, count 'em 8, kids to feed!"

Or a mansion to make mortgage payments on. Or private school. Or housekeepers, nannies, pool boys, a boobyguard, tanning, manis and pedis, hair frying sessions etc...

Colour me completely repulsed. The woman has no scruples whatsoever.

Tucker's Mom said...

Maggie -- Kate's DWTS elimination was in April. The kids weren't removed from school until the fall of that year.
thank you for not covering up ExpelledGate. We know the kids were not voluntarily taken out by Kate, as she would have everyone believe.
If I could ask without being too nosy, does anyone see Kate (or Jon) drop off or pick up the kids at the bus stop anymore? I get the impression that she gets them up and out of the house but rarely takes them to the bus.
I ask about Jon because that there is proof he's got the kids 50/50 and I'm so tired of sheeple thinking he's a bad dad and not providing for the kids.
Although I harp on Jon's past behavior, I believe he's grown up, changed and is being a great dad. Just his quitting Twitter took him up several notches for me.

Maggie said...

Yes, it was more than a few months but for Kate to admit in a major interview that her kids were having emotional problems and a counselor would be coming to their home and then sign up DWTS is terrible.

She should have put her kids in trouble over DWTS when she already had millions in the bank. She didn't need the money or the exposure from DWTS. And she was all set up for Kate Plus 8 that earned her $250,000 an episode and she thought she had an additional TV show, Twist of Kate in the works too. She only did DWTS for more fame and money. It is never enough for her. Again, Kate is the one that stated in People that her kids were in trouble. How can a mother do this?

And we know from Admin.'s calendar she gone much much more than she claimed to the public. Her bullshit that she would only be gone 2 or 3 days a week was a huge lie and we know it during DWTS. And she lied over and over again to the public that she NEEDED to do DWTS to support her kids. Again, she already had millions in the bank and then had 2 TV shows set-up for her: Kate Plus 8 & Twist of Kate. What a lie that she HAD to do this show to provide for her kids.

readerlady said...

Something's been nagging at the back of my mind ever since I read about that bizarre CC post and KK's "requirements" for washing and isolating shoes and lunch boxes etc. when the kids get home from school. I think I finally dredged it up. Didn't KK, or maybe one of her sibs talk about how their father required them to remove shoes and wash immediately whenever they returned home? Looks like the apple didn't fall very far. I understand that her father is viewed as very domineering and agressive and has some eccentric views on contagion and diets and vitamins. Her mother is supposedly very passive and controlled. Some of us have theorized for several years that KK recreated her parents' marriage in reverse. Maybe she takes it a step or two further. Considering all the complaining she's done about how dismal her childhood was, it's interesting, to say the least.

Midnight Madness said...

Tucket's Mom...Loved Baretta! Wanted a bird like that so bad, but wound up with a couple parakeets.
He is a very strange dude though.


Fred was a Triton Cockatoo. I have one sitting here right now, singing "Over There." I guess he's feeling patriotic today. He normally belts out "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" throughout the day, but for some reason changed his repertoire today.
They can be very ornery, but so much fun!

mamaK said...

The contract with the furnicher company was in September 2008.

In her book, "I just want you to know" she admits that during the first special TLC covered the cost of the Costco/Sam's trip to show how much their children are costing them. That, of course, is why they stocked up on everything, cuz they weren't paying. Although, naturally on the show it looks like they paid.

She writes that TLC also paid for her travel and arrangements for the tummy tuck. She said that the doctor offered the tummy tuck for free, but she was not sure about whether to accept because of all the other expenses to be covered associated with it. Then, a miracle (!), TLC calls wanting to do a follow up special and offering to cover the expenses associated with it so that they could film it for the special. (I'm assuming travel, hotel, childcare) She also acts like she went right home after the surgery or right after, but that doesn't seem right, as she stayed with the doctors family for a while.

Where would Hoffman get a copy of the tax return?!? Jon?

Good heavens this book is going to be crazy.

Tucker's Mom said...

They can be very ornery, but so much fun!
They are very complex creatures. I'd love to own one, but with 3 dogs that's not going to happen! ~ Administrator said...

Fraud statute of limitations dont start to run usually until you discovered the fraud. PA follows this tolling rule. So since no one knew until yesterday just how rich they really were it's arguable nothing has expired yet. Also many of the speaking engagements took place outside PA though so it would depend on the state's statute of limitations. But most don't run until you realize you were screwed.

Anonymous said...

She should have put her kids in trouble over DWTS when she already had millions in the bank.


To play devil's advocate here, though, when she contracted for DWTS, it would have been early in 2010 or before. The kids' problems in school didn't surface until they entered Kindergarten in the fall of that year. Perhaps they weren't having problems in school when she signed for the show.

That said, did she need the money from DWTS to support her kids? Probably not, but the money certainly helped take care of her addiction for material things. Wasn't she on Leno late in 2009, saying that her dream was to be on DWTS? She already had that plan in place.

Anonymous said...

Fraud statute of limitations dont start to run usually until you discovered the fraud. PA follows this tolling rule. So since no one knew until yesterday just how rich they really were it's arguable nothing has expired yet. Also many of the speaking engagements took place outside PA though so it would depend on the state's statute of limitations. But most don't run until you realize you were screwed.


Right. But the realization that they had been screwed has been tossed about on the internet for quite some time. There was talk at least a couple of years ago that they had mega bucks in the bank when they bought the new house, so any of those who gave love donations could put two and two together, wouldn't you think?
Oops...these are sheeple. Never mind. ~ Administrator said...

I don't think speculation would be enough, no. I mean you could assume it was all freebies. Have we long suspected they are millionaires, of course. Do we have cold hard proof, not until recently.

Midnight Madness said...

They are very complex creatures. I'd love to own one, but with 3 dogs that's not going to happen!


I have dogs and cats, as well as an African Grey, and all of them live in peaceful coexistence. At least, until the singing and constant jabbering drives one of the dogs nuts and she lets the birds know it. They can get into quite a shouting match!

Midnight Madness said...

I don't think speculation would be enough, no. I mean you could assume it was all freebies. Have we long suspected they are millionaires, of course. Do we have cold hard proof, not until recently.

But, admin, in a class-action suit, wouldn't the plaintiffs need proof of how much they gave? I really doubt that they got receipts. The Gosselins were clever enough to ask for cash only. Even if the church collected the money in the plate and then gave Kate and Jon a check, there still wouldn't be proof of what each person gave. The church couldn't be held liable, could they, in that they didn't vet the couple first and allowed the love offerings to be collected?

Maggie said...

People Magazine January 2010:

"I've got to get my kids back on track, my career back on track and my family back on track."

That will be no small feat, as Kate is now without the TLC reality show that made her famous (though another project with the network is in the works) and must still navigate an often-rocky relationship with Jon. "I have a lot of debt to crawl out of, debt that shouldn't be there," she says, mentioning one of the more contentious issues of the split. "I have a lot of anger about that. But it's nothing that good, hard work won't fix."

Kate is working on fixing other issues as well. While she was awarded primary custody of the couple's children—twins Mady and Cara, 9, and 5-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah—Kate has recently come to realize that her brood now needs the kind of help she can't provide alone.

"They start counseling in the next two weeks," she reveals. "I found an awesome counselor who will come to us, and she will be working with them. I'm definitely seeing signs that it's a major need at this point. For some more than others, but they're all really struggling with the absence of a parent."

Her kids were really struggling. She lied about being in debt. Plus she was already signed up for Kate Plus 8 at $250,000 per episode. Plus another TV show Twist of Kate that she though was a go. Plus her new book was coming out in a few months. She wasn't in debt. She had been filming for the past many years. I bet anything TLC paid for her attorney bills. And attorney bills for a divorce that was settled in under a year doesn't wipe out the millions she already earned.

I think when you have millions ALREADY in the bank and a contract to earn millions more (Kate Pus 8 @ 250,000 an episode) you don't have to sign up for DWTS when your all 8 of your kids "are really struggling" and "are in major need of counseling". She said they were struggling with a loss of parent. Nine/Ten months later 2 of her kids are expelled for major out of conrol behavior problems. Yeah, great mothering!

aggiemom09121416 said...

Even if the church collected the money in the plate and then gave Kate and Jon a check, there still wouldn't be proof of what each person gave. The church couldn't be held liable, could they, in that they didn't vet the couple first and allowed the love offerings to be collected?
It was cash only, so there is no proof. Don't be so quick to think that those that freely gave to these two grifters are wanting their money back. I have never seen these two in person, nor have I ever given to this family, yet I don't see the generous people that gifted them out of the goodness of their hearts not wanting to start a class action suit...these people are kind hearted, generous people that wanted to help. Sometimes that generosity is taken advantage of, but that's not the responsibility of the givers...Jon and Kate will one day be held accountable for what they did to these wonderful people that wanted to help this family. Those that gave will be rewarded, and those that received under false circumstances are going to be judged.
it ain't gonna be pretty.

Tamara said...

It's interesting that the only things I've ever seen that has made Khate happy, positive attention from others and control over others, are the only things she's almost completely lost. Between cutting herself off from almost all of civilisation and burning way too many bridges, she may never get either happiness back. She is even losing the control and attention of the 8 little beings she brought into this world solely to provide her with her the only happiness that means anything to her.

I wonder what she thought money was going to being her aside from material gains? And what she was really looking for it to provide. Respect from all those she craves it from, like the famous? Power? Security? The feeling that she, and only she, is in control of her own world? That having more money than her family or 'friends' would finally put her 'above' all of them?

Bluebird said...

There's not much tweeting from Kate today. Either the kids are with Jon after school and she's on her merry way to NYC to have her straw tended to, or she's cowering in fear that her world is coming apart from the Gosselinbook reveals.

I do believe that the book will be coming soon and that we will all be shocked by some of the revelations. I can't help but think that the TLC staff were privy to some abuse those kids endured from Kate, but that they were silenced by her signed confidentiality agreements.

Tamara sorry I'm late but I'm glad your surgery went well.

Angie so sorry for your furry friend, rest assured that he'll be waiting for you in Rainbow heaven.

Admin, would it be possible to do another post, maybe on the supposedly upcoming book?

I love this blog even though I don't post often, I read everything.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

yet I don't see the generous people that gifted them out of the goodness of their hearts not wanting to start a class action suit


That means that they WANT to start a class-action suit, doesn't it?

I would believe that there are some who wouldn't want to admit that they were fleeced, and for the small amount involved, would just put it behind them.

I'd be more interested in learning if a charge of fraud could be brought against the couple, now that there is proof of their 2008 earnings.

Maggie said...

Were her church talks about needing money taped? Probably not, so I don't know how in court you could prove that she said those things. ~ Administrator said...

Maggie you don't need to tape things for court. You can get it in via testimony.

aggiemom09121416 said...

yet I don't see the generous people that gifted them out of the goodness of their hearts not wanting to start a class action suit

oops, missed a word in there....should say..."their hearts wanting to start a class actions suit."

Generous people in a church, especially, know what the bible says about giving...if they gave with a cheerful heart and good intentions, they will be rewarded later...

fidosmommy said...

Kate was swimming in debt, she said. Well, yeah, with a mortgage on a 6,000 square foot house sitting on 26 acres, 3 vehicles she might have payments on, tuition looming every year... she sure was not debt free. She just phrased it to make it sound like she was in near poverty.

Most 35 year old (at that time) American home
owners are in debt. Many owe car payments. A few may still be paying back graduate school loans. Being in debt is a relative thing, Kate.
Sorry you had to make yours sound so pitiful.
Do what the rest of Americans are doing. Get a job and pay it down. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...


Rats fed a lifetime diet of Monsanto's genetically modified corn or exposed to its top-selling weedkiller Roundup suffered tumours and multiple organ damage, according to a French study published on Wednesday.

Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen and colleagues said rats fed on a diet containing NK603 - a seed variety made tolerant to dousings of Roundup - or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in the United States DIED EARLIER than those on a standard diet.

The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumours, as well as severe liver and kidney damage.

The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group.


The animals were tracked for a FULL TWO YEARS, which is the lifespan of a rat. Still think organic foods are NOT healthier?? GMO foods have been BANNED in most European countries.


Maggie said...

Kate said: "I have a lot of debt to crawl out of, debt that shouldn't be there," she says, mentioning one of the more contentious issues of the split. "I have a lot of anger about that. But it's nothing that good, hard work won't fix."
I think she was clearly referring to her divorce. And I think she even told Billy Bush a few months later during an interview around the same time that the divorce caused her to be in debt.

Admin., would her divorce that was settled in under 6 months or so cause her legal bills that would put her in debt. Remember she probably had many millions in the bank. And she was very happy with her divorce settlement.

She had to say that. The public was up in arms about her leaving her kids and doing DWTS across the country.

I think she had the cash to pay her house and cars off if she wanted to.

The major point I want to make is she lied and lied to the country during DWTS saying she HAD to do this to support her kids. Bullshit. She wanted to do this. Yet her 8 small kids were at home for the majority of the time struggling with already missing one parent while she lived it up dancing and interviewing on every TV show that would have her. She jetted back and forth from New York, PA, and CA many times during that time. Look at Admin's calendar. She was gone many times for a week at a time.

Don't claim you do everything for your kids when you don't. Don't claim you put your kids welfare and hearts first when you don't.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Heather, hope you're not eating a lot of rice. Study just out says it has large quantities of arsenic in it.

Anonymous said...

Over In Kate's County said... 108

Six babies crying at once.. Makes me think of @Kateplusmy8 .. How did she do it??


Don't these sheeple just make you want to pull out your hair with these stupid questions and assumptions?


They are a frustrating & fascinating at the same time.

Sadly, there is a sucker born every minute.

I wouldn't want to be in Kate shoes when the sh*t hits the fan... Some of her sheeple are creepy.

Anonymous said...

Heather, hope you're not eating a lot of rice. Study just out says it has large quantities of arsenic in it.

I rarely eat rice, but thanks for letting me know.


Formerly Duped said...

Just came by...are people thinking 1. RH's book will be coming out and 2. Kate will be held accountable for misconstruing her financial situation?

Have a lot of back-posts to read.wouldn't both things be lovely. Justice.

Maggie said...

Six babies crying at once.. Makes me think of @Kateplusmy8 .. How did she do it??

Yes, babysitting, Jon, and volunteers no doubt greatly helped. But so did leaving her kids 1/2 of the time to relax in expensive hotels with spa treatments galore. Plus a full-time nanny and part-time babysitter (all at one time), housekeeper once a week. laundry person, lawn person, pool person, personal assistants from TLC, etc. Plus Kate had/has a huge bank account. No money worries is really helpful too.

Yes, it is mind boggling all the mothers that look to Kate for encouragement. They always ask her how did/does it. She was gone every other week. And when she was home she had all the above help. Plus she had a major TV network wrapped around her little finger bending down to her every demand. How these admirers are blind to all this does make you want to pull your hair out.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Heather, you're welcome. Since I don't live anywhere near a place where I can get organic veggies and meat/dairy/grains without paying an arm and a leg, which would include the gas up and back a couple times a week, and I can't afford it, I just soak tree bark in water I filter 20 times and pulverize it (to avoid slivers) with various roots I am able to dig out of the rock-hard earth in these parts.

AuntieAnn said... (Administrator) said... 141

Maggie you don't need to tape things for court. You can get it in via testimony.

Good thing too, because if it was I'm sure there would be an 18 and a half minute gap where God was talking to Jon and Kate.

Amy2 said...

As Paul Peterson said years ago when he became aware of Jon and Kate, "follow the money".

Kate had TLC eating out her hand because she made money for them. When the shows' popularity crested and started the downward slide, the ratings were slipping; thus less money going into TLC's coffers. Less money, no reason to keep Kate.

Now we're learning how rich she actually was, so again its time to follow the money.
1) She scammed at churches,
2) put Jon's name on the first book so 2/3's of the money went to the Gosselin's coffer and only 1/3 to Beth who actually wrote the book,
3) sold the kids clothes at consignment shops, clothes that she got for free
...and on and on it went....

Paul Peterson had it right. As has been said many, many times, it was never about the health and welfare of the kids it was always about money.

Anonymous said...

I cut some of the people on Twitter some slack. Unless you have followed this saga closely, you wouldn't really know what has been going on behind the scenes of J&K. Some of them really believe that J&K were struggling and that Kate does everything by herself.


Dmasy said...

Auntie, 182...priceless!

You make the world a funnier place.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Maggie said,

"Yes, babysitting, Jon, and volunteers no doubt greatly helped. But so did leaving her kids 1/2 of the time to relax in expensive hotels with spa treatments galore"


I believe that the tweet was about babies crying all at once. Did she leave babies half of the time to relax in expensive hotels and spas? I don't remember that. When did she start leaving her kids to relax in expensive hotels? Her first mention of a spa was when Beth convinced her to go because it makes you a better mother because you can come back and refocus. I remember that episode so well because it was filmed in Hershey. Kate's hair was very short, pixieish and highlighted. It looked so healthy and so nice. In fact, SHE looked one hundred percent better than she looks now.

That was Mother's Day 2007 and the kids weren't babies, but were three years old, talking, and old enough to play in the driveway in their Little Tykes cars. From the way she talked in that episode, it was her first trip to a spa.

Dmasy said...

Auntie, 152, priceless.

There is probably another page where you were 182 and said something hilarious. But, this time I typed the wrong number.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

2) put Jon's name on the first book so 2/3's of the money went to the Gosselin's coffer and only 1/3 to Beth who actually wrote the book,


Has it been confirmed exactly how much Beth received from book sales?

Tucker's Mom said...

Beth didn't know the monster she was creating in Kate. They spent whole weekends in hotels while Kate yapped and Beth wrote.
Kate so lied about never getting out of the house so she could grift more freebies out of her TV appearances.
The whole time she was rubbing the magic lamp that was TLC.

AuntieAnn said...

Thanks Dmasy. And Kate makes it a fickled one.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

I wouldn't want to be in Kate shoes when the sh*t hits the fan... Some of her sheeple are creepy.



Seriously, they are either going to turn on her with a vengeance and it won't be pretty, or they will furiously rally around her like a mass assemblage of Secret Service agents at an anti-President protest gathering.

AuntieAnn said...

Dmasy -ha, I didn't see that. The comment numbers have been irregular lately. I think Kate comes here to post and confuse us.

Sheri said...

A question...

How does a church benefit from "hiring" the likes of Jon and Kate to speak in the first place?

J&K were getting paid their appearance fee from church coffers, which is funded by parish fundraisers and donations.

On top of that the congregation itself was encouraged, by their church leader no doubt, to give even more by the way of "love offerings".

What's it in for the church then? Increased attendance? A cut?

Maybe I'm just in a mood, but this idea sticks in my craw.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Radar on Line provided the document on Aug 1 '09 that the Gosselin's sent out to churches for speaking engagements:

Parent In Lancaster County said...

They spent whole weekends in hotels while Kate yapped and Beth wrote.


Kate and Beth spent a few weekends in a chain hotel in Lancaster. I won't mention the name, but I seriously doubt that they lived it up and were treated like royalty there!

I believe that the monster was created when she saw what Beth had (the house, the spa trips, the car) and at that point decided she wanted the same thing. Poor Beth had no idea at that point what would evolve from that first spa trip in Hershey! When Kate chose three desserts to eat while she was being pampered, multiple light bulbs went off in her head, thinking that she could do all of that any time she wanted...and more.

chefsummer #Leh said...

No this is funny Kate is one of the most hated mom's.-(HAHAHAHAHA)

Parent In Lancaster County said...

What's it in for the church then? Increased attendance? A cut?


If they spoke during a worship service, wouldn't the church pass around a regular collection plate (for the church), with the "love offerings" being received at the end of the service?

wayward said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 161
I wouldn't want to be in Kate shoes when the sh*t hits the fan... Some of her sheeple are creepy.



Seriously, they are either going to turn on her with a vengeance and it won't be pretty, or they will furiously rally around her like a mass assemblage of Secret Service agents at an anti-President protest gathering.
I predict the latter. The remaining six members of the Society of the Unbalanced and Unhinged will defend Kate til the bitter end.

The fact that Kate has tried to stop the book and appears to be unsuccessful in doing this, won't deter them either. You know how they invent excuses for Kate all the time? They will say that the book is all lies but Kate didn't want to waste any more money fighting it. They will completely and conveniently gloss over the fact that Mr. Hoffman would not be allowed to publish this book if it contained lies and untruths.

The only possible dealbreaker would be if there's some detailed discussion of how much Kate hated her fans and likely hired Skeeve because of the more obsessed ones, not because of the non-fans, as they insist on believing.

chefsummer #Leh said...

More high heels. I bet this is why Kate put Maddy in her heels.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I predict the latter. The remaining six members of the Society of the Unbalanced and Unhinged will defend Kate til the bitter end.

Speak of the devil:

#hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 I think when the marriage started to fall apart she quit. She should start it up again now IMO. Has overcome a lot

wayward said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 170
I predict the latter. The remaining six members of the Society of the Unbalanced and Unhinged will defend Kate til the bitter end.

Speak of the devil:

#hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 I think when the marriage started to fall apart she quit. She should start it up again now IMO. Has overcome a lot
What is she saying Kate should start back up?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

wayward said... 171
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 170
I predict the latter. The remaining six members of the Society of the Unbalanced and Unhinged will defend Kate til the bitter end.

Speak of the devil:

#hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 I think when the marriage started to fall apart she quit. She should start it up again now IMO. Has overcome a lot
What is she saying Kate should start back up?

Looks like it to me.

JoyinVirginia said...

I want to say once more that I am very sorry I spoiled the Big Brother finale winner. I will use the Cone of Silence in the future, to make sure I don't spoil anything!
That said, I am so very very very happy happy happy that Ian won!!!!!!!! This afternoon I snuck a peek at TV in break room when Ian, Dan, Danielle were on The Talk with Julie Chen, Sharon Osborne, and the rest. Oh my goodness, he had a strategy sketched out before he ever went into the BB house, and he stuck to it! I am really happy a new player and super fan won instead one of the returning players.
I will be more mindful of the time difference between the Right Coast and the rest of the USA from now on!

Canuck said...

wayward said... 171 "What is she saying Kate should start back up?"
I checked. She's saying Kate should start up the church speaking engagements again (and probably charge the love donations) because "things have changed since then". And that the Duggars still do church speaking and they have $$$. OMG.

Sheri said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 167

What's it in for the church then? Increased attendance? A cut?


"If they spoke during a worship service, wouldn't the church pass around a regular collection plate (for the church), with the "love offerings" being received at the end of the service?"

Parent, I guess that's my point. I don't know how these things work and that's why I asked.

But if K&J were charging appearance and accommodation fees, I'm guessing these were coming straight out of the collection plates and the "love offerings" at the end of services were on top of that.

Wow, what a racket.

wayward said...

#hugiegramma @Kateplusmy8 I think when the marriage started to fall apart she quit. She should start it up again now IMO. Has overcome a lot
What is she saying Kate should start back up?

Looks like it to me.
Lol, I should have worded my question better, what is she referring to that Kate "quit", but should now start back up again?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Wayward, grifting at churches.

Maggie said...

Yes, you are right that particular tweet was about screaming babies and she wasn't leaving them 1/2 the time by then.

I was speaking throughout the tups 8 years as to how she does it. But even before TLC and all the money they earned, they had scores for volunteers to help them. And they had a nurse for 30-40 hours a week to work side by side with Kate for a FULL YEAR.

It is so unfair for these mothers as home to look to Kate as a role model. After the tups were born, Kate was NEVER the typical at home mother. First, she had all the volunteers, Jon (who didn't work for the tups first 8 months), then a nurse for a full year. Plus she had tons of freebies BEFORE TLC even hit scene. And as we all know Jon was a stay at home Dad in 2008 and 2009. We know he did tons of stuff to help raise the 8 kids.

These mothers probably feel inferior that Kate seems to "has it all together" and they don't. I feel bad for them looking to Kate of all people.

Formerly Duped said...

I guess the motivational talks & love offering collection! I doubt people would be so naive this time around. Better not try it in her local church.

aggiemom09121416 said...

It will be interesting to see other income tax info...ya know, the line about 'charitable contributions'....wonder if the couple followed their full gospel lifestyle and tithed to the church 10% of their income?

wayward said...

Canuck said... 174
wayward said... 171 "What is she saying Kate should start back up?"
I checked. She's saying Kate should start up the church speaking engagements again (and probably charge the love donations) because "things have changed since then". And that the Duggars still do church speaking and they have $$$. OMG.
Thanks Canuck, OMG is right!!

She didn't quit "when the marriage fell apart" she quit as soon as they moved into the mansion. Probably not by choice. I'm sure one of those publicists (that she NEVER had) had to tell Kate that it looks bad to whine about not having enough money for your kids college funds when you've just moved onto a 24 acre estate. Funny, those church chats were supposedly all about spreading HIS word and their faith in God. As soon as passing the plate was no longer an option, the church chats, the OurApostle t-shirts and the bible verse post-it notes vanished. ~ Administrator said...

This is why their church scam was so genius. The church goers are unlikely to ever sue. They are the type of people to say oh that's too bad they were lying they need our prayers though not our lawsuits.

I am not as concerned about the cash only no record issue actually. Remember you can always testify about how much cash you turned over and some maybe deducted the amount on their taxes. Unless the judge has a reason to believe you're lying he'll accept that when you say you put 20 bucks in the plate you did.

Maggie said...

Sheri, yes I think the churches wanted Jon and Kate to speak because they were famous and a draw. They probably did pack their churches for that weekend. The churches probably hoped that the newcomers would return the following week. The name of the church was probably spoken throughout their community and it was good PR per say.

And they thought they had an important message about anti-abortion. And a message how God helped them through it all. It was probably uplifting to many.

aggiemom09121416 said...

If parents split custody evenly, which parent is responsible for health insurance, medical bill balances, braces?
Each parent should claim an equal amount of dependents, correct? ~ Administrator said...

Oh good example, years ago our church had to litigate with an insurance company after they weren't happy with the settlement offer after some damage. There was a small but vocal group of church ladies who felt that this litigation was very un Christian and that Christians don't sue. Even if we got screwed of our rightful money they felt litigation was wrong. They base this on 1 Corinthians 6.

AuntieAnn said...

"I think when the marriage started to fall apart she quit. She should start it up again now IMO. Has overcome a lot"
Good grief. Sheeple. Their heads must be stuffed with sawdust. I've seen stupid fans before but Kate's are absolute candidates for exploratory research analysis.

Tucker's Mom said...

To follow up on the Robert Blake interview with Dr. Phil, it was incredibly interesting and a really good interview. A world different from the Dina Lohan farce.
Catch it if you can.

Tamara said...

I don't want to insult any Christians here, but you can use the bible to back up pretty much any action. So I'm sure those 'Christians don't sue' women could easily be countered by a 'Christians DO sue' group.

And as for any parishoners or churches suing, well you shoulda done a minute of research. And would it really be worth suing over 20 bucks, almost 4 years ago?

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Oh good example, years ago our church had to litigate with an insurance company after they weren't happy with the settlement offer after some damage. There was a small but vocal group of church ladies who felt that this litigation was very un Christian and that Christians don't sue. Even if we got screwed of our rightful money they felt litigation was wrong. They base this on 1 Corinthians 6.


I didn't know that you were Amish! They use the same scripture as a basis for non-litigation! I Corinthians 6:1-6. Of course, the Amish don't believe in insurance, either!

Maggie said...

I am not as concerned about the cash only no record issue actually
I bet after the plate was passed for them, the ushers of the church counted all the bills. And I bet the church recorded the amount in their books.

What was genius (aka...evil) was J&K requesting CASH ONLY. The balls of them. They knew that they could cut out the IRS doing it with way. WOW!

The irony of it all. They go speak in churches about how they relied on God for everything all the while purposely planning on CHEATING the IRS in the house of GOD from the children of GOD. Go Jon and are great people!!!

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Maggie (190) - The irony of it all. They go speak in churches about how they relied on God for everything all the while purposely planning on CHEATING the IRS in the house of GOD from the children of GOD. Go Jon and are great people!!!


There is no proof that none of it wasn't reported to the IRS. There IS proof, if the income-tax filing is correct, that they earned nearly two million when they were soliciting love donations. In fact, at that time they were drawing paychecks from TLC. That's what is wrong. So very wrong.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Most churches I know keep records for tax purpose.

They keep records for offerings and givings or at lest I church I attend does.

KyPastor said...

Our church has never invited speakers but the churches that do often pass the offering plates for the church's use and then pass the plate a second time for the speaker's love offering.
The set fee would be completely independent of the church offering.

Our church has an excellent written policy. We don't support any venture that lines personal pockets. Amway products will not be sold, piano lessons will not be taught, no personal enterprises. The Gosselins would never have been invited for any speeches. That would have been a criminal amount taken from the church's missions for one evening or weekend. An airplane ride, hotels, food, plus a fee plus a
love offering, no fewer than 100 people, it would never have passed committee.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Tamara (188) - And as for any parishoners or churches suing, well you shoulda done a minute of research. And would it really be worth suing over 20 bucks, almost 4 years ago?


Of course not. However, depending on the nature of a class-action suit, I believe the amount is tallied, and the litigants each receive an amount of the settlement. If one person gave a thousand dollars, and another only five dollars, it's the entire amount that enters into the settlement and divided equally. Interest and penalties are added to that. This means that each litigant could receive more than the twenty dollars they put into that love offering envelope. ~ Administrator said...

Do research how? Radar online? I give them a pass on that. When a church goer stood up a few months ago and told us he had terminal cancer I didn't start calling up his doctors questioning it. I'm not naive to scammers but I'm not paranoid either. Remember this was back in the day, way before the red flags were obvious like Kate's changing appearance.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Pastor (193) - Our church has never invited speakers but the churches that do often pass the offering plates for the church's use and then pass the plate a second time for the speaker's love offering.
The set fee would be completely independent of the church offering.


I think someone upthread mentioned that this is the way it's often handled. Thanks for confirming it. It's good to know that there are some churches, such as yours, that wouldn't have been subject to their schemes.

TLC stinks said...

If Hoffman has copy of the 2008 income tax filing, it should show if Jon and Kate included the church cash love offerings as income. Tax invasion, fraud? No wonder she went to her lawyers to stop Hoffman.

TLC stinks said...

The churches invited Jon and Kate because they professed to be Christians and did not do selective abortion. Kate, having been brought up in a strict, Christian home and attended a church affiliated school, knew EXACTLY what cues and words to use for the scam. Yep, brilliant, so there is NO DOUBT she was the MASTERMIND.

Maggie said...

There is no proof that none of it wasn't reported to the IRS.
But we have proof that they only accepted cash offerings. Why? The only reason would be to skim or skit the IRS reporting. No, we don't have proof that they actually did this.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 16

Anonymous, her profession was made known by her yes but then you said that makes her fair game. I contend it does not. Why not just decide for yourself whether you want to believe something rather than outing someone. I still think it's funny the sheeple never talk about that particular outing because Admin is one of the few who actually is who she says she is. Ha.

Fair game to be outed? I never stated nor implied any such thing. Stop making stuff up please.

fidosmommy said...

Anonymouses are amusing me. Who is whom? Or is it whom is who? Whom is whom? Who's on Second, that much I know.

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