Friday, September 7, 2012

Kate runs in Y102's 'Yes I Can' 5K in Wyomissing

Although promotion for this great cause has been shamefully sparse, we do know the race kicks off at 10 a.m. on Saturday and benefits Special Olympics of Pennsylvania. To donate check out their web site here.

1216 sediments (sic) from readers:

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LBelle said...

When will I learn that it's bad for my mental health to read whatever crap that loser spews on CC????
Gobsmacked....each and every time!

Kristine said...

Sassy Lassy said... 112
"Kristine, you took the words right out of my mouth. It's an absolute pleasure to read all of the comments... You are ALL amazing people."

Now, I don't have a single NPD bone it my body-- but I have to 'RT' this post... because it's true! (Notice I took the Trolls part out. I try to give the really evil ones as little recognition, as humanly possible.)

I've never been one to be mean or unkind to others... however, Milo's virtual relations with Kate Gosselin are so unnatural. My mother tried to raise me to be a reasonable person, but I mean, really! Tweeting Deanna- the makeup lady person, Ted Gibson Salon, CC, the Real Women folks, etc. frequently is asuming a lot about a relationship, with someone she has never even met. I'm expecting a M&J tweet to NYC's Fig & Olive next time Katie is in town, getting her 'not-extensions re-did'...

*MiloandJack... Hey @Fig&Olive are u a-cookin up @KatePlusMy8 KOBE beef a' real good-like? Be sure to make it tender... she don't wanna be a chewin & a cuttin. She likes a-orderin Chilean Sea Bass 2 all fancy-like!! !!!!!! Tuck 'er napkin in good ya' hear??*

Tucker's Mom said...

Hey @Fig&Olive are u a-cookin up @KatePlusMy8 KOBE beef a' real good-like?
Except Kate doesn't eat beef. What does it tell her kids, especially the girls, that she doesn't even eat what she prepares for them?
Mady's following right in Kate's footsteps. In the Phila. episode, she whined about having to eat a cheesesteak and wanted a salad instead.
Not normal!

JolieJacquelyn said...

Speaking of NO KNEAD BREAD, here is a 4-year old boy making a loaf. So cute!

There are other variations, but this is a good place to start. It's easy, give it a try...

(I use parchment paper instead of the floured towel.)

Dwindle said...

Thanks all for the soup suggestions! Franky, I dont know why I didnt think of the broccoli - THIS I can do. Just a bit for more bulk. Not even 68 degrees here today, so this thick soup and homemade oatmeal bread will be a nice change for us from all the summer fare we have been having.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

JolieJacquelyn, okay, if a 4 year old can make the No Knead Bread, I can do it!

(Gosh, I hope it turns out as good as his!)

Dwindle said...

Her crap about slicing chicken and roast beef annoys me. Since I know she got the idea from reading my posts. If she tries any harder to pat her perfect brilliant self on her perfect brilliant back, she will dislocate her shoulder.

Why does she act like she invented putting roasted meat on sandwiches? I still say she was raised in a cave by bats and lizards.

Bearswife said...

Tamara has left a new comment on the post "Kate runs in Y102's 'Yes I Can' 5K in Wyomissing":

I don't know, I've come to expect so much backwardness and compulsive lying from Khate that her tweets make me think she does have the kids and their morning was a hard one. The opposite of what she said, and the only reason she's even awake. She had to go tweet those lies to re- convince herself what a wonderful, busy, wanted woman she is.

Tamara, I have to agree with you! I think she is some kind of delusional. :/

QUESTION!!QUESTION!!QUESTION!! for all you smarter than me folks! ;)

The reason that i agree with Tamara is because i see this sort of behaviour with my in-laws. The house could be burning down around them and they will look you in the eye and say everything is just fine and dandy. Combine it with an insatiable need to one-up everyone and I am at my wits end.

So, my question for you armchair psychologists is: Is this some type of specific mental illness? I mean I *know* my Sis-in-law is nuts, but is she really?

An example to show you how wacko she is.
True story (no lie!) this summer we were at our shared family cottage. My B-in-law is a diabetic who does not look after himself (eats whatever he wants, drinks whatever he wants - including liquor and sugar-pop and smokes). His family support him and make excuses for him. well, that weekend BIL was very sick and was in diabetic shock. He didn't even know if it was day or night. What did my sis-in-law do? NOTHING. She said he was fine and needed to eat something. My niece finally convinced her to take him to the ER the next day. He spent a week in the hospital.
To this day no one will acknowledge how sick he was/is and how close to death he was. And if DH or I suggest he quit smoking or take a walk
we are attacked and accused of picking on my BIL. yeah, okay, sure...

Anonymous said...

Formerly Duped 103

Oh THAT mall. I used to work in the cookie town and lived in W, then moved into the presidential candidate's town.
Moved west of the weather line, no, not that one, the next one over.

Tucker's Mom - I LOVE America's Test Kitchen.

JolieJacquelyn said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 6
JolieJacquelyn, okay, if a 4 year old can make the No Knead Bread, I can do it!

(Gosh, I hope it turns out as good as his!)

Love, It's a perfect recipe to make with your grandsons! ~ Administrator said...

Excellent point about other costs like electricity, water and soap to wash it each and every time, cost of meat. It's possible when all is said and done it actually costs more than simply going to the deli. Or just cooking a roast and slicing it.

Improbable Dreams said...

Someone left a comment on Kate's CC blog about her going again to Australia in November. If true, whatever for? If I recall correctly, she didn't exactly rake in the dough (or publicity) when she went last year for that Steve Irwin affair.

(Sorry if someone else already posted about this. I scrolled through (read) all the comments here, but didn't find any mention of it.)

Anonymous said...

I will say that Trader Joe's has reasonable prices and a fair amount of organic foods.
The closest one to me is 30 miles, but I make a point of stopping there whenever I'm in that area.
I want one in my town!
There used to be Bread and Circus Stores, but they seem to have given way to Whole Foods which is even further and much more expensive.

That slice is an accident waiting to happen, IMO.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 194
If I was Ted or Jason I wouldn't stop doing Kate's hair.
I tell ya, if they are giving her free or really discounted hair treatment, Kate's got no conscience. They've been doing her hair for years. I'd have some sort of guilt knowing that I was taking money out of their pockets.
Who does this?

The same woman that won't work 10-12hr to supports her kids.

But a woman that will sleep 10-12hrs and has helpers to help with her kids.

Oh did I forget she's a shameless grifter.

Anonymous said...


Dwindle said...

For those that mentioned my 'loaves' of bread:

I have a normal yeast bread in the bread machine. But I made regular banana bread, just my usual Betty Crocker Tea Bread recipe, and also a tea-bread recipe for zucchinni bread. These loaves I made today have crushed pineapple. The zucc loaves tomorrow (I hope) will have raisins and grated carrot. Later I hope to do diced apple with the zucc. Wrap them tight and they freeze well.

I am afraid the weather wont hold though. I wont run the oven if the temp is over 80. I have a lot of zucc here, so I will have to grate it and freeze it to bake with later.

This cool dry weather is just so refreshing! I am loving it! I am officially ready for fall, I swear.

Kristine said...

I just saw this tweet @ top of Page...

Kate's Twitter Translated:
(We might have to start doing this, on a regular basis. The words in **s are mine. As in *F-U Katie* ;)

KatePlusMy8... "Being frugal *with my kids' rare treats* allows me *that's ALL I can think about, is ME* to make the occasional 'necessary' splurge *ON MYSELF!*. Read my latest blog @CouponCabin... *Blah, blah, blah- I'm just cranking out this crappy CC tip (like every other mundane Monday), in order to take another overnight hair trip in NYC. Fingers crossed- c'mon Tin Man Stevie & Mr. Black Socks Straw Man... Take me to OZ!*" 41 minutes ago

It's not 140 characters or less, but you can't really say enough in so few sentences. Kate just minces words, so I know HOW to help her to clarify now!

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate's going to have to put more than one measly slice of meat per sandwich if she wants that slicer to pay for itself.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I agree, Dwindle. I am so ready for fall. I love this time of year. The only one I like better is winter with the beautiful snow! I'm a snow lover from way back. ~ Administrator said...

Wait, did Kate just admit she skimps on the kids as much as possible so there's more money left to splurge on herself?? Huh, exactly what we've been saying for years now.

chefsummer #Leh said...

The word “splurge” reminds me of a time before I had kids. Okay, okay, since having kids, all moms deserve to splurge once in a while, myself included!

Oh but Kate you all ways "splurge" on yourself.

A Audi.
Weaves coloring.
Trips for your marathons.

Just to name a few.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 20
Wait, did Kate just admit she skimps on the kids as much as possible so there's more money left to splurge on herself?? Huh, exactly what we've been saying for years now.

No. That's a parody. The words that have * around them are not Kate's words:

Kristine said... 17 The words in **s are mine. As in *F-U Katie* ;)

"Being frugal *with my kids' rare treats* allows me *that's ALL I can think about, is ME* to make the occasional 'necessary' splurge *ON MYSELF!*.

Don't mean to be nit picky, I just like to keep it factual as possible.

anger issues kate said...

Well, another useless, we already know this stuff blog. And Kate does read here. I mentioned several times that Kate does not research anything, so in this blog she says she researches things. BS Kate you research nothing. Cause if you did you would include, all points of view of your subject blog, not the top of your head cliff notes blog. Like, not mentioning: CPR, pool safety, school supply tax free day, getting and checking your kids school supply list, not buying things cause geez, the shoes are on sale, I;ll just buy a bunch of various sizes, to see which ones fit my kids feet, early in summer, not mentioning that kids grow. Collecting used sport equiptment, even if the kids don't do that sport. I could go on & on. This blog is no different. I too would like to see where she gets coupons for organic food. Buying an industral type meat slicer is silly. Unless you own a store/deli, a normal, regular, mediocre one does the job. I don't call any of the purchases I make, especially for appliances, big or small as a splurge. If anyones frig, stove etc went out, that is not a splurge item, they are in most instants things we need. A meat slicer and bread maker, a pod coffee maker are splurge items, to get if you have the time to use them and have money to spend, unless they were a gift. One commentor said her blog was not useable, cause most of us work and have little time to make bread, cook from scratch, or slice meat. But Kate has money, and is home all day.

mamasan said...

Ladies, I believe that conditions associated w/menopause are in the genes. To wit, on both sides my family symptoms such as power surge [hot flash] were non-existent. Just cessation of menses. My sister was the odd one. Her ear lobes got fiery red for approx. 15-min. Then nothing else. I have 5 sons so personal experience has been with daughters-pin-law. I was appalled to see one DIL with red face and sweat running down her face and wet hair. There must be a a link in those genes.

Formerly Duped said...

Witch: lOL, I know exactly where you mean!!
Trader Joe's & Whole Foods near here!

Kristine said...

Bearswife said... 8
"So, my question for you armchair psychologists is: Is this some type of specific mental illness? I mean I *know* my Sis-in-law is nuts, but is she really?"

Ahem, speaking up here- Dear Bearswife...

I am an armchair shrink. However, it is a black leather armchair- so that makes me better than the rest, in Kate's eyes. Come sit on my luxury chaise lounge and we'll talk, if you are smart enough to understand my $5 medical field-ish words. For the record- I have one semester of Sociology and another in Psych101. I specialize in community college dropouts (My thesis-- I'm currently typing it out, on my Pink iPhone).

This disorder has often been referred to as "One-upped-ness", commonly accompanied by too much "Awesomeness". I mean, my Dad is and has always been one to exaggerate, but there is a huge difference. Making others feel inferior, in order to boost her own ego is Kate's MO. Therein *LIES the problem.

*(Pun & "assuming" typo on last post, totally intended :)

Bluebird said...

Lilly and Formerly Duped, I now know where both of you lived, not too far from me. Formerly duped I cross the river into your city on my way to Montreal. From where I live I just have to cross the river to see our Parliament Buildings.

I doubt Kate will be going to Australia again, she would have to pay from her pocket and PB's fare also.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I could be wrong, but I don't think Kate is going to Australia again. If she was, she'd be bragging about it by now. You know how she likes to make herself sound so important with her travels.

NJGal51 said...

Fidosmommy - Your post about Milo makes sense and thinking that way, maybe "lights out man" was the orderly or nurse in the rehab center.

NJGal51 said...

mamasan - My mother never had hot flashes nor do any of my sisters. I get a hot flush but don't sweat, although I do turn a nice shade of red so the gene connection doesn't work for me.

fade2black said...

What is it about fans? I can't sleep without one and it has nothing to do with keeping it cool in the room, or circulation of air.
My remote control pedestal fan is my most prized possession. Thieves can take my tv, my jewelry, my cash...but nobody's taking my fan!

Bearswife said...

Oh Kristine, if only you could meet the bane of my existence - my SIL, Mrs. One-upedness!
She loves to tell you how it took her 6 hours (SIX!) to mow the lawn at the cottage, while DH or I can do it in under one hour easy. Or show off her 'new' Tommy Hilfiger shirt she got from Goodwill, that has a big old grease stain on the front. Or brag about the great deal she got on some grocery item, that was expired and she doesn't like - but she HAS IT just in case someone visits who wants that kind of two years past expiry date kind of thing!!

But, seriously, is it a real disorder this head-in-the-sand behaviour coupled with 'one-upedness'?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

NJGal, with my hot flashes, I turn read, sweat, and my hair gets damp! At work I have an extra ivory blouse hanging in the coat closet. Sometimes, the hot flashes have caused such perspiration that the front of my blouse is wet, so I keep a spare one at the office to change into. However, this doesn't happen as frequently as it used to (where I have to change my blouse), unless it's an extremely hot day. But I keep an extra blouse in the coat closet in case I need it.

Tamara said...

What is it about fans? I can't sleep without one and it has nothing to do with keeping it cool in the room, or circulation of air.
Khate, is that you? ;)

Formerly Duped said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 33
Wow, that sounds wicked! Smart to keep an extra blouse on hand...maybe you should investigate the Pro Gest cream Sweet Tart mentioned .... again, disclaimer. It is natural progesterone, but run it by your GYN first.

I am not looking forward to this. Much as I will be happy not to be shackled to a monthly cycle, in a way it's comforting , knowing what's going to happen and when...
Thanks goodness fall is in the air, her any how!

JoyinVirginia said...

Nest stop Harrahs casino in Phoenix Arizona! Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely scenery. While in Phoenix, we should visit the Pueblo Grande Museum and Archeological Park, then take a short drive to the Desert Botanical Garden.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I picked our first butternut squash from the garden, (see, I did do something today!). As for my boys' pumpkins, we have 4 so far. One is a decent size and a second a thin, medium size. 2 of them are still small little ones.

I've never grown pumpkins before, but hopefully they'll both grow enough by the time the boys get here in mid-October. Sheesh, for all the seeds I planted, I was expecting to see more sprouting.

Jane said...

Haven't read through all the comments yet but I see there's menopause talk! The Chillow is incredible and I recommend it for anyone going through menopause or chemo (which can often bring heat waves!)

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Formerly Duped, I understand not looking forward to it, but it's coming anyway. Besides, at least you know what to expect. I heard mention from my family about menopause, but no one ever really explained it to me and told me what to expect. Therefore, many of these issues came as quite a surprise. That's why when anyone asks me about menopause, I freely share my experiences. It may not be your experience (and I hope it isn't!), but I don't want anyone to be in the dark about this like I was. I first heard all of the menopause issues from my doctor AFTER it already started. That's why I've talked to my daughter about it so she knows what she may have to deal with due to the family genes.

NJGal51 said...

JoyinVirginia - Don't forget to pick me up before you get to Phoenix. I'll be waiting on I-10.

Formerly Duped said...

LoveMyGrandsons said... 39
Jane said.....38 and anyone else!
Thanks, ladies. That's why I'm trying to prepare in advance! I appreciate your stories and suggestions. It's amazing how women used to be kept in the dark about their own bodies not so long ago.

Bearswife said...

I appreciate all the insight into menopause, my mom did not explain any of her experiences to me (and I'm adopted so who knows what my genetics will be).

Lovemygsons, Colour me jelluss!!
I had a lot of 'volunteer' squash seedlings this spring (maybe 50 or more) so I kept some and couldn't wait to see what they turned into. Tons of vines, took up way to much garden space, and all i seem to be getting is one acorn squash. But it is so small, I don;t think I will get to eat it.

fidosmommy said...

I don't think Milo is anything worse than annoying. She reminds me of those women (usually women, but men can do it too) who
used to go out and wave handkerchiefs screeching
"YOO HOO, YOO HOO, Mildred! Have you spoken to the Reverend about that little problem yet? Oh
Mildred! Why don't you come over? I'll fix some tea and I have made the most marvelous
lemon bars you simply must try. We'll have a nice little chat. In a few minutes, then?
Toodles, dear! I'll keep the door open. Just come on in!"

I don't think she's scary. I think she's
annoying and trying to feel "bigger" than she is. I see Clara Edwards (a la Andy Griffith)
in her. Or Bree VanDerKamp.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

My mother, or any of the women in my family for that matter, could never talk about female issues. I learned about menstration in health class in 6th grade and my mother was furious when I asked her questions about it.

Now, don't everyone get their panties in a bunch about my next analogy, but for me menopause was akin to pregnancy only due to the fact that I was kept in the dark about it and fed lies.

Everyone told me what a beautiful experience pregnancy was. It was exciting in the beginning and the anticipation of bringing a new life into this world was amazing. However, the rosy picture painted for me by my family didn't fit with what I was experiencing.

I had morning sickness that lasted until the evenings. There was also the truly tired feeling that didn't get better until about the 5th month. And the backaches were killers. Then there was the headaches and the constant vomiting. I kept thinking there was something wrong because I was feeling so miserable and everyone was telling what a beautiful experience this is. Somehow, for me, pregnancy wasn't a beautiful experience, but it was definitely worth it.

Therefore, when my daughter asked me what to expect when she found out she was pregnant with her first child, I told her the good points, but I also told her the truth about the discomforts she may experience. I wanted her to know there wasn't something wrong with her or the baby, I just wanted her to have the complete truth.

Yes, we were kept in the dark about our bodies for so long, and for some reason felt obligated to pass along the half truths and totally ignore the real issues. I wanted to change that with my daughter.

Okay, off my soapbox now!

Tucker's Mom said...

Bearswife said... 42
DH and I have a running joke about how we can not grow tomatoes. Old house's garden=shitload of veggies. Couldn't eat it all and gave away lots. Now, we really have no prime space for a garden so we've tried container tomatoes and the Topsy Turvey (joke) and never get a tomato to grow. Well, maybe one a year, harvested in Sept.
Funny squash story, on my dog walk we pass this house that has this errant squash plant growing on the grass across the sidewalk. Just one, sitting there, totally alone. It's got plenty of blossoms but I've seen zero squash on it!

dogsandkids said...

Joy in Virginia-thanks so much for being the tour guide-I've learned a lot and saw some beautiful things. I'm kind of quiet and shy, but I'm on board and hoping to join the fun! I wanted to bring my dog with me, but she's not nice to other doggies, so she's a homebody.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Bearswife, it still may work out with your squash. I'm definitely not an expert, but for the last 4 years we've been growing squash. We still have some very small ones on the vines (and yes, the vines do take over the garden so that means they are healthy!). However, squash will grow into the fall so we pick the last of our squashe a week or so before Thanksgiving to take to my daughter's home.

They still have pleny of time to grow.

Kristine said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 22

Haha! Yeah, it was a pretty accurate parody too. Sorry guys, but I sometimes wonder why Kate even bothers trying to convince anyone of anything, anymore. I heard the new CC post was rubbish, so I won't bother reading it.

Hmm... parodies are much better served up in BOLD text. Thanks Tweet.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

dogsandkids, welcome! Dont worry about being shy and quiet. I was shy and quiet too when I first started posting a year ago. Everyone here is sweet, friendly, and made me feel very welcome. You'll experience that first hand yourself!

NJGal51 said...

Well with all the menopause talk today I think that when we stop in Vegas we should go see "Menopause the Musical". My husband and I saw it about 4 years ago and it really is quite funny and the music is great!

Jumping In said...

These outings for Kate are not about the causes they serve, they are about the appearances for her. This recent 5K ranked low on the celebrity scale she lives by. There was no airport involved, no hotel stay, nor televised interviews for her, so she felt no need to promote it, simple as that.

She is excited about the New York trip as it fits more into a Hollywood-type outing. All eyes will be on her as she clomps down the runway, cameras flashing, dressed to the nines, her feeling like a star again. The cause still doesn't mean a thing, but it feels more like her old life.

I suspect we will hear about how much fun this will be, she will tweet her usual "it's such a worthy cause", but we all know these events are never about others, it's all about Kate and her prominence in any given event.

Formerly Duped said...

NJGal51 said... 50
Great idea! I saw The Vagina Monologues but this sounds funny too.

LoveMyGrandsons: Wonder why your mother was furious about talking to you about natural physiological events. Embarrassed, likely. It's good you broke that cycle, lol.

dogs and kids: welcome! This is a crazy funny place to be and obviously we discuss anything & everything!

Joy: How do you know so MUCH about interesting places , sites and geography? You've made this trio very informative and fun :)

Anonymous said...

I think it was Bearswife who mentioned a crazy SIL, don't say anything. They know he shouldn't smoke and drink and should watch what he eats. It's a waste of your time to say anything. In fact, it gets annoying. We all know people who do the same, and until they decide to do so, all the talking gets you nowhere. Maybe the guys family is tired of talking to him, or he has shut them down. I've seen it.

Kate is going to Australia in November. It's been scheduled on her blog for ages. She is pretty clear between the one in 2011 and the upcoming one this year. Why she is going is obviously for a holiday. I'm sure she doesn't actually raise money.

Boston Bonnie said...

NJGal - I loved Menopause the Musical and if I could some friends to go I'd go again.

I haven't been to Khate's CC blog yet but I can see it's more blabbering about how "she can afford all these fancy things and you could too if you work hard like I did". Of course she forgot to mention putting her kids on television and stealing their money and their youth.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Formely Duped, my mother was one of a kind, and not to be cruel, but that's a good thing.

It wasn't embarassment, it was other reasons that I won't go into. We'll just leave it at that and say that I went out of my way to break this cycle, and many cyles, with my daughter. Now I'll take a little lawyerishness from Dwindle and say case closed. Lol!!

JoyinVirginia said...

Welcome dogsandkids, Hop on in with Njgal!! We are just in time to hit the sights in Phoenix,.then off to the Grand Canyon for some gorgeous sunset views! maybe we should leave the limos and our faithful drivers at the Grand Canyon, and get a few of those helicopters to pick us up and then fly us to Vegas! We can get that fabulous view of the Strip at night, go to Menopause the Musical, visit Harrahs and maybe a few more casinos, and go to the Fremont Street Experience and the Neon Museum. everyone who wants to join up, we will be in Vegas tonight! Tomorrow it is California here we come! So everyone get your lawyerishly language practiced!

Improbable Dreams said...

Border Collie ~ I see one mention of her attending Steve Irwin Day--November 16, but the year's not included. And if I'm remembering right, that's from last year. Seems to me we made note of the fact that she didn't promote the event much, and she didn't manage to get the date right. (It's an annual event, always scheduled for Nov. 15th).

So I'm wondering: If she's going this year, where do you see specific mention of her participation in 2012? I only see this one mention on her website, under the News and Events tab.

I'm fairly certain that if she's doing, it's not on her own dime. Either that, or she's figured out how to save enough $$ with QPons so as to fund this necessary "indulgence."

Tucker's Mom said...

I'm fairly certain that if she's doing, it's not on her own dime. Either that, or she's figured out how to save enough $$ with QPons so as to fund this necessary "indulgence."

I can only imagine what just the airfare costs! I'll be surprised if Kate goes again this year. What mom would leave for so long and go so far during the school year unless they had to for work?
Going to Au again does nothing for her "career".

Improbable Dreams said...

Pretty disorganized, I'd say. Steve Irwin Day's about 2 months from now, and they don't yet have a current list of activities or silent auction items listed on their website.

Call Me Crazy said...

Hi there, dogsandkids! It's nice you have started posting.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Why do people here(Tucker's Mom?) say Kate doesn't eat meat?? Since when?
When did she stop eating red meat? During the trip to Park City, Jon and Kate went out to dinner at a fancy resturant and Kate ordered a rack of lamb. When the waiter brought it to the table, Kate said"yum,yum,yum" I swear I thought I saw drool coming down the side of her mouth! Now, she doesn't like red meat! Huh??

Note to Kate : Kate call me ! I'm fluent in Spanish! ~ Administrator said...

Isn't the Steve Irwin charity stuff pretty much bankrupt? And after Kate pulls in, what was the final number, only $1500 or so for her auction item, she deserves yet ANOTHER grifted trip back? You can barely even get a flight to Australia coach for 1500.

I still can't believe Terri Irwin said that her kids need to be exploited because it gives them public speaking skills. And an 8 year old needs public speaking skills WHY, for that next big presentation at the board of directors meeting? Terri, you're an idiot. ~ Administrator said...

Wait is this schedule OLD?

She has the Rock in Roll Marathon as Dec 4th but it's actually December 2, and she has Steve Irwin day as the 16th when it's the 15th.

Are you telling me she has her schedule from LAST YEAR still up. Kate, you don't WORK. Update your dang schedule or if you don't want to put a schedule up at least take down the old stuff. What a helpless, lazy tool.

Tucker's Mom said...

Let's throw tomatoes said... 61
Why do people here(Tucker's Mom?) say Kate doesn't eat meat?? Since when?
I believe Kate has said she doesn't eat red meat so when she feeds it to the kids, she just has a salad.
Maybe it was in a magazine too.. ~ Administrator said...

Help help! Cara's Spanish homework has superseded my knowledge of the language! I'm up to my ears in 'el' 'ellas' and 'usteds'!!! 37 minutes ago


The obligatory I'm with my kids tweet. Shouldn't you be helping your kids with homework and not on twitter? What does that teach a kid about where your focus is, much less what's appropriate to do while doing homework?

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I agree, Admin. Terri Irwin exploits her kids as much as Kate did, and still tries to do. No wonder they got along so well.

Bottom line is that no matter what the reasons for making the kids go public, Kate and Terri benefitted financially from it.

To be fair, I wouldn't be so critical if EVERY SINGLE PENNY went into an account for the kids that the parents couldn't touch. Instead, the parents live off the money that their kids have brought in, and then have the audacity to try to imply that they, the parents, earned it!! It truly is mind boggling.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

First oops: restaurant instead of resturant

Second oops: Kate you can't call me, you don't have my number! Oh well!

Anonymous said...

The mention of Australia is on the page with the rock n roll vegas marathon. She speaks in future tense, which means nothing really, but the links go to the 2012 websites.

Some people are promoted on the Australia site, not Kate. Still think she plans to go. Of course I am not 100% sure either way. She loves it there, tho. And she thinks she has so much in common with the Irwins. Steve likes it; feels like home to him. ~ Administrator said...

The mention of Australia is on the page with the rock n roll vegas marathon. She speaks in future tense, which means nothing really, but the links go to the 2012 websites.


Yes, they do link to the correct web sites and yet she's got the dates all messed up. And she says she's not sure she's doing the half or full in Las Vegas, wasn't that a big deal for her last year where she couldn't decide and then her new best friends forever from Penn State agreed to help run the full with her?

Either way she's a tool. If that's her current schedule she can't even get the dates right. If that's not her current schedule she is a tool for having a schedule THAT OLD still up on her web site.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Who the heck on twitter is going to be able to help Kate with Cara's Spanish homework?!? What an idiot! ~ Administrator said...

Yes LovemyGrandsons. I also think that Bindi Irwin has felt an incredible amount of pressure to keep her dad's legacy alive at the sacrifice of just being a normal child. In some ways what's happened to them is worse because no one has cancelled their show, they are still doing shows at the zoo and still being celebrities every day. Terri Irwin will say all day and night that Bindi just LOVES this (sound familiar?) but how does Bindi know what she really loves if this is all she's ever done since birth? Has she ever even been given a chance to just take a little break and try out some other things

I know people say children of doctors and so on feel the same pressure, but I don't think that makes it right for those children either. Bindi and Robert might rebel from all this at some point. ~ Administrator said...

There are many FREE homework hotlines, youtube tutorials and online resources that are far more reputable than Twitter to help Cara with her spanish homework.

Besides, why is Kate reaching out to twitter for help. This is CARA's homework to figure out not Kate's.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

I remember watching a celeb show a couple years ago, and it was with Malcolm Jamal-Warner (Theo) on the Cosby show.

IIRC he stated that his mother put every dollar he earned in an account for him. She offered advice and was at meetings, but didn't take a cut of his pay for being a manager. He said she was just acting on his behalf as his mother, and didn't take a dime for it. I'm paraphrasing now, and I hope my memory is correct, but I'm sure it was "Theo" that they interviewed and this is what he said.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 65

Help help! Cxxxxx Spanish homework has superseded my knowledge of the language! I'm up to my ears in 'el' 'ellas' and 'usteds'!!! 37 minutes ago


The obligatory I'm with my kids tweet. Shouldn't you be helping your kids with homework and not on twitter? What does that teach a kid about where your focus is, much less what's appropriate to do while doing homework?


"Help, help!"
Not to mention that it's a stupid tweet. ~ Administrator said...

Not to mention that it's a stupid tweet.


Well that goes without saying.

We sort of have a routine here. I can count on a string of stupid tweets when I wake up and another string of stupid tweets around dinner time. It's like a coffee break. LOL.

aggiemom09121416 said...

Help help! Cara's Spanish homework has superseded my knowledge of the language! I'm up to my ears in 'el' 'ellas' and 'usteds'!!! 55 minutes ago
Aw thx 2 the kind woman who came &grabbed my empty cart&returned it 4me earlier!I was hastily loading up my groceries&much appreciated her! about 2 hours ago
Twitter manic mode= kids back home with maternal unit.
Why can't she grocery shop when the kids are at their dads? Gee, she has to shop the DAY the kids return? oh, I forgot, she's so BUSY! ~ Administrator said...

Twitter manic mode= kids back home with maternal unit.
Why can't she grocery shop when the kids are at their dads? Gee, she has to shop the DAY the kids return? oh, I forgot, she's so BUSY!


Because she hasn't had the kids for a week and doesn't eat what they eat and buys everything so it expires the next day, so she has to shop right before they get back to have anything edible they will eat that hasn't expired.

By the way about the almost expired food, that sounds like it could be a HUGE money waster for anyone who isn't extremely organized. To me that's just too much work for the average WORKING mom to have to constantly worry about what they need to hurry and eat before it goes bad. It's a stupid tip the average mom wouldn't have time to waste that much effort on.

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 77
Twitter manic mode= kids back home with maternal unit.
Why can't she grocery shop when the kids are at their dads? Gee, she has to shop the DAY the kids return? oh, I forgot, she's so BUSY!


Because she hasn't had the kids for a week and doesn't eat what they eat and buys everything so it expires the next day, so she has to shop right before they get back to have anything edible they will eat that hasn't expired.

By the way about the almost expired food, that sounds like it could be a HUGE money waster for anyone who isn't extremely organized. To me that's just too much work for the average WORKING mom to have to constantly worry about what they need to hurry and eat before it goes bad. It's a stupid tip the average mom wouldn't have time to waste that much effort on.

She prides herself on her appearance of "Frantic!" Since she has NOT. ONE. SINGLE. PERSON. IN. HER. LIFE. to put this 'frantic' show on for, she puts it on for the kids, to make sure they know what a burden they are on her. And how 'frantic' her existance is because of them.

fidosmommy said...

Kate, yo puedo ayudarte. Llameme a 888-8888
a la once y media, OK? Tengo muchas palabras
para ti. Muchas.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

When my daughter was young, I never bought perishable items that were almost "expired". At the local grocery stores I go to, they were usually the same price! If it was something that would expire in a day or two, then there was a sale that was usually only 50 to 75 cents off. Wasn't worth it in my opinion, and I don't have Kate's money.

I still to this day, look for items with long expiration dates. For example, I had to shopping on Saturday to get bread, milk, etc. The bread was on sale, but I checked the expiration dates. The loaves on top had expiration dates of 1 or 2 days. The loaves oh the bottom had expiration dates of 8 days. Guess which one I bought?!

I never buy anything close to the expiration date because if you don't use it right away, you are taking a chance with your family. Then it just winds up in the garbage, and who cares then how much money you saved? It still is wasted.

Tucker's Mom said...

Geez, more free stuff. Who sends this millionaire school supplies? Can you believe she writes a blog about coupons when she gets scads of freebies! She needs to use coupons like I need to pull my lower lip over my head.

Dwindle said...

I realize it makes sense that the kids returned to the McOrphange today, we will be able to tell by the crescendo of tweets that build up very soon. However, let's realize that she didnt say she was helping Cara with homework or that Cara was back at the McMansion. This tweet could reflect nothing more than a 3 minute phone conversation Cara had with Kate this afternoon from her dad's. OR a telephone call with the 'homework helper'.

I dont believe a word that woman says. PLUS she is trying to backtrack her 'homework helper' comment.

I still say it's possible the kids are with Jon now permanently and full time. Although not likely. YET.

New Kid said...

Thanks for letting me come on the road trip! I'm sorry I didn't warn you that Young David Cassidy was bringing the whole damn Partridge family. It's OK, though. The kids really know how to help Mommy, and when we stop for food and gas they can sing and dance and pose for pictures for money. Mama needs shoes, after all. ~ Administrator said...

I still to this day, look for items with long expiration dates. For example, I had to shopping on Saturday to get bread, milk, etc. The bread was on sale, but I checked the expiration dates. The loaves on top had expiration dates of 1 or 2 days. The loaves oh the bottom had expiration dates of 8 days. Guess which one I bought?!


I do the same thing! When I was a teen my mom instilled in me the good habit of selecting foods with the longest expiration date out when the price is the same. Especially when I buy meat, milk and other dairy I usually reach for the items behind the first row as they usually have an older expiration date. Even if we finish up milk in a few days it still makes me feel better that the milk is as new as possible. Just seems better I guess.

I realize Kate is talking about that shelf in the back where they dump all the expired junk and that may be fine for her to stock up on all that but for most people they don't have the time to make that kind of plan work. And it's pushing your luck in my opinion.

White Organza said...

Admin (72) "There are many FREE homework hotlines, youtube tutorials and online resources that are far more reputable than Twitter to help Cara with her spanish homework."

Or... You can learn it WITH your child as you are helping her. As I did. As a lot of parents do when their child needs a little help in some school subject. It works especially well for langages. You read or re-read the lesson with your child, you apply what you just read, you have a little fun quizzing each other with elements of the lesson... and first thing you know, you're can read latin. (Yes, I know... Not very useful when you want to order gin and tonic in Bulgaria, but still.) My son needed a LOT of help with his homework and, years laters, it's surprising to realize the quantities of completely unnecessary facts I still remember from those loooong evenings tutoring him. On the positive side: I do play a mean game of "Cash Cab"...

Dwindle said...

I want to aplogize for not participating in the road trip as much as I had planned. There is, ya know... Life and stuff.

Hoping Tuesday afternoon calms down a bit and I can devote more time to annoying y'all.

In the meantime:


I so rock.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

My local Jewel had this wonderful salad dressing/dip called French Quarter Dressing. It's like their version of a spicy ranch and it was delicious. It was about 3.50 a jar, but to me it was worth it because my family loved it.

However, because it was fresh I always checked the expiration dates. The stamp date used to be 7-8 days, then all of sudden it was 1-2 days, yet still for the same price! I asked the deli manager why there was a change and he said it was corporate's way of not having products spoil on the shelf. I told him he could tell corporate that due to this, there is one customer who will not buy this product anymore.

My local Jewel actually stopped carrying this dressing, I assume because people stopped buying this product that would expire in a day or two. I can still get it at Jewel Grand Bazaar that is in the next town, and their expiration dates are still 7-8 days. Maybe because it's a bigger store, I don't know.

aggiemom09121416 said...

I can see maybe having to purchase a few things right before the kids come home...but it's not bread,she makes 'makes' her own what does she have to buy the day of the kids getting home? (I would say MILK, but she doesn't buy it, since it's too pricey.

She tweeted sometime last year that she did ONE major grocery run a month, remember? and little ones every so often.
I don't buy expired food, or ones nearing expiration, it's not worth the chance of making someone sick.
(My kids have to drink fat free milk, store brand at that,boo-hoo, 2.98 a gallon)..My local walmart has organic milk at 6.12 a gallon. DANG!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

aggiemom, I can relate. I buy alot of store brands. I try them and if they are good, I continue to buy them. It does save money. ~ Administrator said...

Lol White yeah there's that option, being a parent.

readerlady said...

I sometimes buy close to expiration date items. It just depends on the item. For instance, crackers or cookies -- they aren't going to "spoil", they'll just go stale, and they don't go stale for several weeks after the sell by date. If I know I'll use it up, I go ahead and get it. Another thing I'll buy close to expiration date is meat. The stores here mark it down to half price a few days before expiry. I take it home and freeze it immediately, or else have it for dinner that night. I don't buy anything dairy that's near expiration unless I'm going to eat it immediately -- for example, I might buy a carton of yogurt that's going to expire in a day or two if I'm planning to eat it for lunch. There are websites that will tell you what is safe to buy/use at expiration and what isn't.

Grandsons -- Glad you liked the dill weed dip. It's been my potluck go to for years. I now get special requests for it sometimes. I much prefer it to a ranch dip. More flavorful, I think. I've even been known to use it as a salad dressing, although it's a little thick for that.

While we're in Vegas, I'd like to check out the Star Trek experience, if it's still running. I'm bummed I missed out on the New Mexico side trip. I really wanted to visit Chaco Canyon. I've been fascinated by the ancient Pueblo culture for years.

Dmasy said...

In my time zone, Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef have both declared the winners. Some good TV ahead for you West coast fans!

I feel so sad for the second place in Master Chef. I was invested in both finalists.

NJGal51 said...

Readerlady - Unfortunately the Star Trek experience closed years ago but you can still find some Star Trek slots to play!

LoveMyGrandsons said...

readerlady, I definitely agree with you about the meat. My local grocery store will put coupons on certain meats stating one day special and $3.00 off. I will definitely buy it because as long as you freeze it right away, there won't be a problem. I also agree about the crackers and I will buy them as well, regardless of the exp date.

White Organza said...

Bluebird (27) "Lilly and Formerly Duped, I now know where both of you lived, not too far from me. Formerly duped I cross the river into your city on my way to Montreal. From where I live I just have to cross the river to see our Parliament Buildings."

Oh, you're good, Bluebird! I, too, am Canadian, -and may be able to read latin (wink...)-, but I must admit that even after reading attentively everybody's posts, I do not have one single frigging clue whatsoever about where you, Lilly and Formely Duped might be living. Drawing a complete blank, here. All I can tell by what I've read so far is that I'm probably living within 2.8 miles from Franky and SwingsandRoundabouts. Yes. I'm their "Stephanie", more or less.

LoveMyGrandsons said...

Oh my gosh, Stephanie just popped up and she is only 2.8 miles away and wants to know if I will meet her! Well, if she asked me earlier I might have taken her for lunch just to find out what her story is so I could share with all of you. However, due to the time and the fact that I have to get up for work tomorrow, I will have to pass on meeting her.

Lets throw tomatoes said...

Joy in Virginia: I live in CA so I'm missing the whole road trip but once you get to LA ill join you guys at Harrahs at the casino!!

Tucker's mom: thanks for the info about Kate not eating red meat! It must have been tough for her to give it up! She looked like she was a BIG TIME MEAT LOVER!

Fidosmommy: I read your Spanish comment! Ha Ha! I bet you have a lot to say to her!!

Did Kate just tweet she received free school supplies?? That just sickens me! I'll
Comment on that tomorrow!

But now I gotta go see my Raiders play! YAY!!

capecodmama said...

Why doesn't Kate get the homework helper to help with the Spanish homework?

fidosmommy said...

Tomatoes, thank you for not pointing out my typo. (a la once should be a las once)
My A and O keys are giving me fits for some reason. So is the space bar. I think a squirrel has started using my keyboard for his acorn storage or something.

fidosmommy said...

capecodmama said... 98
Why doesn't Kate get the homework helper to help with the Spanish homework?


Because that would rob her of a twitter topic. ~ Administrator said...

Like I said Stephanie thinks I'm too good for her and doesn't follow me around, so I've never seen her, but is this what she looks like? Maybe she could drive the boat as you cross the Mississippi on the road trip, she appears to know her way around water. ~ Administrator said...

Because that would rob her of a twitter topic.


And because she's so used to lying that she forgot she JUST told us she has a homework helper who helps the kids when they get stuck.

Dmasy said...

Admin, that could be Stephanie. She is blonde. I think there are 3 different head shots of her. In one photo she looks very much like Heather Locklear. When she comes back to my neighborhood I will try to save a screen shot for you. ~ Administrator said...

She's pretty! You have to wonder why someone like her is still single!

Dmasy said...

Admin, I suspect that all Stephanie's traveling is hard on a relationship. ~ Administrator said...

Yeah that's understandable. Maybe she's a busy career woman who is always in different cities on business. Sounds like a lonely life. Can't blame the girl!

JoyinVirginia said...

Formerly Duped, I love road trips like this! I enjoy doing research on fun things to see in an area. Also is full of fun facts and quirky attractions. The National Park Service has lots of info online. our family has traveled quite a bit, we like road trips, and I am usually the navigator. When I was a kid my dad taught me to read a map, and I have been exploring ever since! My dh has a saying, as long as we have had in the tank, we aren't lost, we are just exploring!

JoyinVirginia said...

Auto correct strikes again! As long as we have GAS in the tank, we aren't lost, we are just exploring!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

What a doofus, another tweet about "homemade", this time tortilla soup; knowing Kate's culinary skills. I'm sure her 'recipe' used some packaged and canned ingredients. All fine, but please, it is understood if you make, bake, assemble, dice, slice, IN your kitchen, it's homemade. All you have to say is I made tortilla soup, I made a pot roast, I made (fill in the blank). Pretentious twitidiot.

And hey, since I also live in SoCal, just honk when the road trip gets to town and we can all go out for margaritas and 'real' tortilla soup.

fidosmommy said...

Stephanie is here, probably at the park down the road. I'll try to find her, but I don't like to be outdoors with bats flying around.
Maybe she's a pied piper kind of gal.

New Kid said...

About menopause. I didn't have hot flashes like the ones I saw my friends have. My internal thermostat seems to have reset so that I am either too hot or too cold 100% of the time. Also that was the beginning of the end of sleep for me. The main symptom I had was going crazy. I had PMS symptoms 24/7 for a couple of years. Crabby, cranky, miserable!

A weird symptom was that I had a few visual migraines. No pain, just flashing lights in my eyes. Once when I was driving, and I had to pull over because I couldn't see. Another time in the middle of the night when I was home alone, and I really thought I might be having a stroke. My doc made me go to a neurologist who sent me for a CAT scan, because people don't usually get migraines at the age of 50 for the first time. After waiting anxiously for a week to see if I had the brain tumor they were worried about (I didn't) I talked to my mom about it, and it turns out that she had a couple of bad migraines (painful ones) during menopause that caused my dad to take her to the hospital. So evidently the migraines were a genetic hormonal thing in my family. That's what the doc decided, anyway. And I never had any more after those few.

For the most part, after menopause is no worse than before menopause. You just trade a few annoying symptoms for a few different ones. ~ Administrator said...

Hey, look at me scrolling past the menopause stuff and not whining about it! Tee-hee!

SCROLL SCROLL SCROLL.... ~ Administrator said...

Joy I want to thank you for pointing us to the roadside attractions web site. I never knew about the Psychiatry an Industry of Death museum funded by the lovely Scientologists. OH is obsessed with psychiatry and really wants to go just for fun. We know it's an extreme take on things but that's what makes it fun. ~ Administrator said...

Has anyone done the math yet on how many years it would take to save money with a $700 meat slicer assuming you don't chop off your finger first?

Good quality turkey lunch meat it maybe 4.99 a pound?? Buy a whole turkey it's all over the place maybe 1-1.99 a pound depending. But of course you're also paying for a lot of stuff you can't eat like the bones and gizzards. Also add in cost of utilities to run the machine, soap to clean it, etc. Ugh, this math is too hard for me. Help. All I know is that it's a long, long time. ~ Administrator said...

Let's assume an outrageous figure that for each pound of meat you slice you save three dollars at your machine. I think that's WAY too high, but even using a high number like that, you would have to slice TWO-HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE POUNDS of turkey before you would even break EVEN with your stupid machine.

What an idiot she is. A trustee should be in charge of their money not this tool.

readerlady said...

More menopause stuff, admin, so scroll on by, LOL.

I can't take HRT due to a family history of breast cancer. I managed most of my hot flashes with black cohosh tea, but they weren't too bad to begin with. I'm the world's original freezecat. When other people are wearing tank tops I need a sweater, so it was kind of nice not to be freezing all the time. I did have some night sweats and need less bed covers in the winter, but I always keep my bedroom cool. I have asthma, and when I get too warm I wheeze. The downside was weight gain and facial hair, but a wonderful plus was many fewer migraines. I used to get horrible hormonally triggered migraines -- to the point where I'd lose a day or two due to the pain and nausea. I still get them occasionally, but nowhere near as often as I once did.

Anonymous said...

white organza..u pronably are my "stephanie" but maybe 2.8 kms away..this is Canada metric syste and all..yup..helicopter pick up pad.


and dwindle
.hope rocoli did well..of to fill my hatcups with rumpsringa..grad canyon coming up whahoo!! do we get to bungee jump then blubber like ba ies? nah..I'd rather high-five and pour another..chin-chin!

Heide said...

I'm not sure if people are interested in this, but a long time ago I read that if you put a little pinch of salt in milk, the milk will keep much longer. And I've found that it really does work. I guess the salt inhibits bacteria growth. You have to make sure to just put a little bit in - not enough to be able to taste it. A small to medium pinch.

Lynn W. said...

Oh, my dear Throwing Tomatoes, I'm so sorry your Raiders didn't have a good game tonight.

Love, not-a-Charger-fan but a San Diegan anyway

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

Hey White Organza & Franky & Bluebird too. Yes, we are nearly neighbours.
Franky, my daughter lives in La Petite Patrie close to you.
Have any of you been for high tea at Le Maitre Chocolatier? I recommend it, it's a great experience and a wonderful once in a while treat.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Ouch! That game was painful!! I've been a Raider fan since the seventies and I will continue to be but sometimes it's hard! BTW, thanks Lynn!!

I had cancer at an early age , I went through radiation and chemo, so I went through menopause at a young age! The radiation burned my skin and the chemo was pretty bad so the side affects of menopause were not bad! I do remember
sitting with my kindergarteners and having horrible hot flashes! I couldn't even wear makeup because it would melt off! And it was in the middle of winter!
The hot flashes passed and I have not had any other side affects since then.
Life is good!

Let's throw tomatoes said...

WTH, did I say early age? I meant young age! Maybe I'm still upset about my Raiders loss!

Heide said...

Let's throw tomatoes said... 121

Life is good!

Wow - that's great.

Anonymous said...

Swings..haben't been a la chocotrie..nut ctv profiled it not long ago..I go mostly to our marche couvert..ya know wjat I mran..right near the metro that drops u off mi-way.
hey neighbour...therrs a new pizza place thats really cool..soith-east side


Maggie said...

I am probably way off base, but I can't help think about this "major designer look" that Kate will be wearing that is top secret. Note it is not a major designer but the look of one.

Could it be Kate will trot out wearing her infamous red paps outfit she wore twice on DWTS. Remember the one that Jimmy Fallon did a skit abut and she wore on the Emmys?

The first time I ever read that comment that came to my mind. But again, it is probably a wild thought that wouldn't happen.

Barb Gilman said...

New Kid #111, wow, thank you for sharing your experience with a visual migraine. I had my first one this spring. Glad to know it was related to something and not just my bad eyes

Dwindle said... (Administrator) said... 112
Hey, look at me scrolling past the menopause stuff and not whining about it! Tee-hee!



...or I suppose scrolling works...

Dwindle said...

NJGal51 said... 93
Readerlady - Unfortunately the Star Trek experience closed years ago but you can still find some Star Trek slots to play!

That place was my holy pilgrimage 5 years in a row. The Borg Experience actually hurt my back when then assimilated me so I only did it the one time, but I did the other 'ride' all 5 times, I think. Always had lunch at Quarks and had fun having pics taken with the costumed actors who were often in great character. One year the Klingon loudly challenged HunnyBunny's selection of a Corona Beer."All these fine intergalactic ales here and you choose CORONA!?!"

Alas, it's gone but not forgotten.

mamasan said...

Road trippers -- don't miss visiting Sedona, AZ on your way to the Grand Canyon. Mystical

Dwindle said...

@xxxxx I opened package&kids shrieked w delight!School supplies r a great surprise and made 8 kids smile!Thanks! And I'm chewing gum NOW!XO


Oh, lookie lookie. More shrieking with delight. What a surprise. Color me stunned.


Now cue the BUSY BUSY BUSY mornings, and EGGS EGGS EGGS, and CUTE TODDLER THINGS MY 8 YEAR OLD SAID, and the pics of the puddles of glop-on-a-plate; and bringing up the rear will be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BUT SO EXHAUSTED EXHAUSTED EXHAUSTED! GNITE!!!!!!! followed by 5 more tweets.

And suddenly will be a plethora of her comped product-praise tweets, which for some reason she could not accomplish during the two weeks her kids were not with her, DESPITE being publically scolded by companies more that once to get the lead out.

Winsomeone said...

"I never buy anything close to the expiration date because if you don't use it right away, you are taking a chance with your family. Then it just winds up in the garbage, and who cares then how much money you saved? It still is wasted."

You are talking about a woman who feeds the kids old expired cereal, and week old you really think she cares if bargain food has expired or not?

Dwindle said...

Winsomeone said... 131
"I never buy anything close to the expiration date because if you don't use it right away, you are taking a chance with your family. Then it just winds up in the garbage, and who cares then how much money you saved? It still is wasted."

You are talking about a woman who feeds the kids old expired cereal, and week old you really think she cares if bargain food has expired or not?


Would anyone be surprised to see pics of Katie in sunglasses and a big hat, at the food bank loading up on dented cans with no labels to take home for the kiddies? I wouldnt. When it comes to the kids, there is no such thing as cheap enough.

Can you even imagine the crap she is feeding the dog? Poor thing. (The dog, not Katie.)

kris said...

Kate's website hasn't been updated. She ran the R&R last year on Dec. 4th (which is the date she has on her site), this year it's on Dec. 2nd. As for the Steve Irwin, it says it's always Nov 15th & she still has the date wrong on her site but I'm sure it's from last year.

Dang, how long does it take to take those down? And put up her current marathons & the runway show? Oh well, Menu Monday only lasted a few weeks so what can one expect? Her website is so mediocre.

Dmasy said...

Fellow migraine sufferer here. I have never seen headaches mentioned before, so I never posted about mine. My last trip to the emergency room was the evening of my birthday (last week). Instead of dinner out with hubby, we re-routed to the hospital. (I don't need that kind of intervention very often.)

Instead of an injection of narcotics to "knock you out" for the duration of the headache, there is a new recipe to stop the pain. I will go into detail if anyone is interested.

I had horrible headaches before menopause and still have them after. I have tried every solution from medical community to natural to bizarre. I still get hit with one when I least expect it.

I used my new Medicare care for the 1st time that night!

Dwindle said...

Why was I watching the Today show? Do I have no standards? (Dont answer that.) Kris Jenner was on explaining WHY she had ANOTHER breast implant surgery for the benefits of the TV cameras: It was a public service announcement. Yep, that is correct, she did it to remind ladies to have your implants 'switched out' every 10 years. "Check your expiration dates, ladies". She owed it to the public, and this is why she did this.

Is there something wrong with me that I really dont get it ("i dont get it, I just dont get it") I dont understand the way the cranial wiring works and develops thought processes in these people. Are they so stupid they believe the crap that falls out of their mouths, or are do they just assume that WE are that stupid?

Dmasy said...

Kate has mentioned shopping in a store that carries an amazing soup concentrate. It is a thick base in a large, plain, plastic bag that is frozen when you buy it. There are only about 4-5 recipes -- Tortilla is one of them.

You thaw the base, then add milk or broth depending. The cheese broccoli is gourmet quality.

The entire bag makes a huge quantity. If you want less, you have to slice the frozen bag and re-package it. We cut the frozen soup by hand -- don't know if you could use a meat slicer!

Wonder if that is what she is calling "homemade"?

Anyone want to comment on MasterChef winner?

Dwindle said...

Dmasy said... 134
Fellow migraine sufferer here. I have never seen headaches mentioned before, so I never posted about mine. My last trip to the emergency room was the evening of my birthday (last week). Instead of dinner out with hubby, we re-routed to the hospital. (I don't need that kind of intervention very often.)

Instead of an injection of narcotics to "knock you out" for the duration of the headache, there is a new recipe to stop the pain. I will go into detail if anyone is interested.

I had horrible headaches before menopause and still have them after. I have tried every solution from medical community to natural to bizarre. I still get hit with one when I least expect it.

I used my new Medicare care for the 1st time that night!

OH, Dmasy! What a horrible way to spend your birthday! I have had a bad headache here and there in my life, even made me queasy, but nothing I call migraines.

Daughter #2 has had migraines since she was 7 years old however. What a nightmare that was and still is for her. She is nearly 33 now. Never found any cause. Horrible.

You have my sympathies.

NT said...

She must be on her way to NYC by now,don't you think?

Improbable Dreams said...

Sorry about your migraine, Dmasy! I get them, too, and they can be debilitating. If I could, I would kiss whomever it was who first came up with imitrex. It doesn't eliminate the headache completely, but I can function, at least. Used to be that I would lose 3 days or so to migraines...lying in agony in a darkened room, wishing I could rip away the side of my head that hurt the most. Imitrex isn't for everyone, but it brings the pain down to a manageable level for me. I am so grateful for that. Glad you found relief last night, too!!

Lilly said...

Formerly duped - got it!! Finally. I am actually west of Ottawa - from wiki - "the only community in Ontario, and likely Canada, to be named for a Mexican general"

Furnace came on this morning! What a change in temp.

I had the bright red ear syndrome and intense night sweats! Better now but rough couple of years.

Kate really take the cakes - can't believe how she keeps getting free stuff - who would do that? and why?

Dwindle said...

Behave, chickens, or better yet DONT behave, and I hope to see you all this afternoon. Dmasy, play some Joker Poker for me!

Improbable Dreams said...

Dmasy, I read your post too fast, apparently. A migraine on your birthday? Ugh, that's even worse. :(

My sympathies, regardless. I'm guessing there are many of us migraine sufferers here, sad to say.

What was the magic elixir they gave you.

Tucker's Mom said...

Dmasy said... 136
Kate has mentioned shopping in a store that carries an amazing soup concentrate. It is a thick base in a large, plain, plastic bag that is frozen when you buy it. There are only about 4-5 recipes -- Tortilla is one of them.
Better Than Boullion has a tortilla recipe too. It's great to use concentrates but you have to watch the sodium. I adore Tommy Bahama's tortilla soup and found a recipe online that is so easy and hits the nail on the head. DH goes crazy over it (squeals with delight, blah blah).
Migraines are awful. I feel for you all who suffer for years. I had them in my early 20's (hormonal, I think) but they stopped. Whew!

Blowing In The Wind said...

I know Stephanie is looking for guys, but it's amusing that she has no idea that so many women with hot flashes are having so much fun with her!

JoyinVirginia said...

Blogger ate my post!
We are leaving from Las Vegas this lovely morning, heading to every Harrahs casino in Nevada, then on to Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California!

JoyinVirginia said...

Which Harass shall we stop by first? Reno, Laughlin, or Lake Tahoe? More importantly, which casino has the best buffet for lunch?

Anonymous said...

I have this to say, about Kate's "creepy long memory." If nobody minds.

Kate, if your memory was half as good as you say it is you would remember a few things:

One, that you have been out of work for slightly over a year.

You want to know what it's really like for people to be out of work this long? I know an older gentlman who is pretty close to needing a wheelchair full time. He has been out of work for over a year now. Putting in for just about any job he could all across the country. Sadly his daughter who is pushing 30 still lives at home, is unemployeed, has two kids, his son recently moved back in. His wife works but it's never been enough to keep this nice couple from possibly losing their home because the mortage is too much for them.

Two, you might want to remember about how you treated a few people over the past 7 years or so maybe.

I happen to have an email buddy I email pretty much everyday. And the thing is I at least home that I have been able to show her more respect than you've certainly ever showed your ex-husband, your past friends, your know-where-in-sight family, your kids and including yourself. Respect and the right to be respected for being a great person aren't things you demand or even expect right off the bat. My email buddy happens be twice my age but she's gained more respect from me than you ever will for being just "a mom of 8."

Third, if you can remember this, your kids will not be little for the rest of their lives. Your kids are going to grow up. ANd chances are they will not remember things the way you "say" the happened. You can watch all the "home movies" you want but it isn't going to change the fact that some of your kids might estrange you. Controlling everything, constantly organizing, bellowing instructions, demanding, rolling your eyes, gawking, all these things that you've done to your kids over the years you appear to be destroying any long-lasting relation you might have with your own children.

You really have a long-memory? You might want to honestly think about things before you use your fingers to post that message. I happen to have a good memory I personally think but I wouldn't try and convince anyone else of that who really didn't know me. Which is exactly what you just did. You might think you have a good memory but not everyone will remember the "good" albiet it very few things you did.

What pepole tend to remember about people like you is, is that you manipulate to get what you want, you demand more respect than you will probably ever deserve and personally? I think you've just got cocky that's all.

I was at the market a few days ago, the tabloids are filled with the faces of other reality stars, right now, it's Jersey Shore because one of the girls had a baby. You want to know where I think she'll be in a years time or two? She'll be just like you, Kate. In obsurcity, only talked about in the, "I wonder what she's doing now..." fashion.

Formerly Duped said...

Dwindle said... 130

@xxxxx I opened package&kids shrieked w delight!School supplies r a great surprise and made 8 kids smile!Thanks! And I'm chewing gum NOW!XO

That sickens me that someone would send school supplies & gum to the rich bitch, and second, that she would accept them. I'm not surprised, just find it so ridiculous, and then to tweet it with the 'shrieks' business.


So sorry you had a migraine on your birthday! I get them too, and after years of various treatments, plain old Excedrin Migraine ( or generic) is what helps if I take it the moment the aura strikes. I tried Imitrex , the pill, injections and the nasal kind, but they gave me crushing chest pains. Toradol once in the ER.I too had to stop my car once as I couldn't see the traffic lights- turned into a service station for a while. I do think they have lessened as I have gotten older....maybe until menopause , ugh.

TLC stinks said...

I think she keeps in touch by tweeting Terri Irwin every now and then because she is grifting for an invite again this year. I am pretty sure what is on her blog is from last year. I can't imagine she'd go unless the charity picked up all her and Steve's expenses, though, and she did not bring in much donation money last year, so no chance in hell.

I bet she is drooling about seeing her mug in the tabloids again from the catwalk.

The cooking play-by-play on Twitter serves no purpose other than to shamelessly promote "her" cookbook which will never happen unless she self-publishes. Of course, that's not what she wants because a publisher will fly her and Steve around for book signings, you know, the ones where she made a 30 minute appearance for free hotel and meals.

Anonymous said...

I suffered from migraines for years and while this may sound bizarre, it often worked for me.

Alka Seltzer.

It was most effective if I took it when the aura hit me. Since it doesn't taste very good, I would use the lemon-lime flavor in VERY cold water. I still keep some in my medicine cabinet although it's been several years since my last migraine.

Lilly said...

Marie - you said it!!! Well done

TLC stinks said...

I never have thought Kate was too bright in the brain department. I mean, just how hard could 6th grade Spanish be?

Anonymous said...

Um, Formerly, are your Trader Joe's and Whole Foods on opposite sides of the same rotary?

FYI said...

To those that are questioning the "Upcoming Events" on Kate's website, those ARE from last year. I've checked her website whenever a new event happens(i.e. marathons or appearances) and that part has not been updated since she posted about the LV marathon.

I see that she is sort of promoting the fashion show, but only as it applies to her:

Drinking lots of H2O in between everything esp 2day!Putting my best foot forward 4 Real Fashion Real Women Charity Show tomorrow!Can't wait

She could have at least included @RealFashionRW in her tweet or a link to their website, but no that would be too much trouble, wouldn't it, Kate?

Formerly Duped said...


No, they are both on Rt 9. No rotary. In the F burb! That's where my dr is.

Lilly et al: I used to live in Canada, various parts, so please don't be confused by my present whereabouts- it's just so neat to find people near all these places on this one blog!
No one has ever heard of my birthplace (VH) before!

Mel said...

Does Kate not understand that as a "celebrity" being asked to participate in a charity event, that not only are you supposed to donate to the charity yourself, you're also supposed to get your friends and fans to donate.

The whole purpose of asking you is to bring more funds in than they would get otherwise.

What I don't get is why the charities don't seem to realize that Kate doesn't donate ANYTHING to their cause; that she seems to think she's being hired to travel to their event first-class, have the security guard paid for, and be photographed.

The only cause she promotes at these events is herself.

She seems to think that these charity events are an opportunity for her to fame whore and be paid for it besides. She uses them, they don't use her.


Anonymous said...

@ 155 That would be the closest Whole Foods to me. The closest TJs is further west. ~ Administrator said...

That sickens me that someone would send school supplies & gum to the rich bitch, and second, that she would accept them. I'm not surprised, just find it so ridiculous, and then to tweet it with the 'shrieks' business.


Me too. This is such a broken record but she needs to tell them to STOP or if they must to please send them to a favorite charity. When I googled it tons of charities came up who need school supplies. Imagine all the actual needy kids who could use those supplies. She's DISGUSTING.

tate said...

Drinking lots of water??? WTH. Does she think that by flooding herself with water today, she'll look young and dewey tomorrow for the fashion show? Hilarious. Or maybe she thinks she is like a true supermodel and she's on some kind of water diet before she walks the runway tomorrow. What an idiot. Yes, Kate it is all about you. Forget the charity aspect of the event. ~ Administrator said...

use she is grifting for an invite again this year. I am pretty sure what is on her blog is from last year.


Yes, probably. And there is where she is at the HEIGHT of selfishness. Last year her donation only brought in if I remember correctly about $1500. If she REALLY cared about this charity she would drop the idea of coming out there again. She didn't help the charity last year (after her flight, hotel, etc 1500 is nothing) and there's no reason to think things would be any better this year. She doesn't give a rat's ass about helping the charity or whether her presence is bringing in anything significant, she just wants a trip.

A normal person would be MORTIFIED they brought in so little and never go back again.

Formerly Duped said...

Witch- where are you again? This is so cool. Do you ever go to 'my' mall?

LBelle said... are so right about Sedona! We were in Phoenix last Sept for son's baseball tournament and took a drive to Sedona for the day. Never seen anything like it and it was truly breathtaking! Even their weather was MUCH better than Phoenix, which was hot enough to literally fry an egg on any surface!

Anonymous said...

Thinking early Beatles: "I'm a User....."

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate's advice to a tweeting who is going through a divorce:

@beach_tammy wow! So sorry to read this! Advice? Hang on. It gets better! Be kind&make gracious decisions esp if kids involved= No regrets!

Anonymous said...

Formerly, honestly I try my best to avoid malls. I'm north of "my" Trader Joes. Think RT 2.

aggiemom09121416 said...

What were you guys doing on this day 11 years ago? I had one kid home sick...I was in the kitchen, and my mom called and said turn on the tv...

Anonymous said...

Aggie 166 I was driving to work listening to the radio. I called dh and said turn on the tv. ~ Administrator said...

I know a lot of people say "no regrets" but I find this to be a rather pathological way to lead life. I think people can take it to an extreme and just go through life destructively and never look back. You HAVE to look back at some point and recognize your mistakes and learn from them if you are ever to improve as a person. In my opinion no regrets is a cop out, an easy way to just never have to examine your own mistakes and bad choices, not to mention make amends to those you hurt along the way. It doesn't surprise me Kate subscribes to such an unhealthy philosophy.

Bearswife said...

Marie, very well said!
kHate can't remember what she said 15 minutes ago, let alone 5 years ago.
As always, she is the doltiest dolt in doltland.

Hope everyone is doing what they need to, to have a peaceful day.

Bluebird said...

FormerlyDuped I know where you were born, V------- H--- is not far from my G------- area.

SwingsandRoundabouts sorry, you did not give enough hints so I could guess where you are.

Lilly your homeplace named after a Mexican general is A------.

And of course dear Franky I drive through Montreal about once a month, but I'm not sure in what area you are.

Why does Kate think that drinking water would be something she needs to do before a fashion show. I think she intends to run down the runway, after all she is a runner and she probably thinks that's why it's called a runway, lolll.

Call Me Crazy said... (Administrator) said... 112

Hey, look at me scrolling past the menopause stuff and not whining about it! Tee-hee!


Yeah, yeah. Rub it in, you young whipper snapper! My body has decided it wants to be in a perennial state of perimenopause. It's like the thing that will never go away. Kind of like Kate.

Marie - Excellent post. ~ Administrator said...

I'm confused what does drinking water have to do with a fashion show? You walk up and down a 20 feet runway once. Maybe twice at the end. She'll just have to pee and might not be able to in some fitted designer outfit.

You can literally feel her giddiness, the contrast between this and all her bitching and complaining about the Special Olympics is striking.

Dmasy said...

She is drinking water because lettuce has too many calories. She has to be THIN for tomorrow. You guys just don't understand how difficult it is to be Kate.

readerlady said...

Improbable -- I'd nominate the developer of Imitrex for sainthood if I could! I rarely need to go to the ER for a Demerol injection any more. I'm just thankful that a lot of migraine triggers aren't for me. I'd go nuts if I couldn't have chocolate! Now that I don't have the hormonal migraines, my worst trigger is the weather. I'm a pretty good predictor of barimetric shifts. Dwindle -- that stinks that your daughter has had them since she was 7.

I'm bummed that the Star Trek adventure is no more. I was really hoping to see that. As you can tell, I've never been to Vegas.

Why would KK drink lots of water the day before her runway appearance? Is it to keep feeling full so she doesn't eat anything, or what? I have this vision of her waddling down the runway with her legs crossed, LOL!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... (Administrator) said... 168
I know a lot of people say "no regrets" but I find this to be a rather pathological way to lead life. I think people can take it to an extreme and just go through life destructively and never look back. You HAVE to look back at some point and recognize your mistakes and learn from them if you are ever to improve as a person. In my opinion no regrets is a cop out, an easy way to just never have to examine your own mistakes and bad choices, not to mention make amends to those you hurt along the way. It doesn't surprise me Kate subscribes to such an unhealthy philosophy.

That is Kate in a nutshell. No regrets, no apologies necessary, never wrong, denial, denial, denial.

Anonymous said...

Since nothing she does makes sense, I guess the water drinking is more of the same. ~ Administrator said...

Yes Tweet that's Kate in a nutshell. I am reading this fabulous blog post someone wrote about the "no regrets" philosophy and why it's a bad one, here's a portion of it:

"The regret over things done or not done, mistakes made, sins committed should be what changes us and makes us into a better person! Besides that, there simply are things in life everyone should regret -

like hurting other people through your words or actions,
like stealing, cheating or lieing,
like being responsible for the injury or death of another life,
like neglecting, abusing or abandoning your children,
like being unfaithful to your marriage vows,
or how about not making time for your loved ones (unfortunatly this regret often comes after they are taken from you)
- to name just a few things that one should have regret about.

Isn’t having a life philosophy of “no regrets” really just a mask for saying that there is nothing you do that is right or wrong? No absolute truth? You have no personal responsibility for your actions? It is all just about how you decide to see life? You can do anything and the consequences will all work out in the end?

I think a better life philosophy would be – redeeming my regrets!"

Call Me Crazy said...

aggiemom - I was working from home. My husband called me and told me to turn on the TV. He and some friends drove out to see the Flight 93 Memorial yesterday. He said the emotions in the air are overpowering.

Peace to all.

Formerly Duped said...

Bluebird: Good detective work! Comment ca va?

Witch: Gotcha. I know, I hate malls, especially the parking lots! My daughter has a part-time at it though..
So Kate posted a 9/11 tweet. I had my own moment of silence and thoughts earlier. I remember I was at a store and the clerks were glued to a small TV- I didn't understand what they were home to find my DH had returned from work, and was also watching TV- I know he was scheduled to teach a class..I knew something was wrong. Later my DD had a friend over whose dad was in NYC at the TT for a meeting and she didn't know if he was ok...reminds me of an old quotation:

"Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man."

LBelle said...

Admin 160....Amen! You are so right about the fact that most people would been so embarrassed to have generated so little money as a 'celebrity' . Not our Kate. She is such a useless tool and I cannot wait for the day that even her 'agent', 'PR people', etc. are going to be ignoring her begging, pathetic calls. She is DONE! When will she understand this?
I was t aware how much (little ) her auctioned Lunch with Kate actually went for. $1500.00?! That's pretty bad. Wonder if that was the minimum bid to start with? I would have paid to have been there for the satisfaction of watching her reactions during the bidding process!
Lunch with Kate Gosselin, International Super Stah!!
We will open the bids with $1500
Do we have $1500?
Hellllllooooo? ~ Administrator said...

LBelle, I just double checked, yes it was a measly 1500! After people asked Kate a million times on twitter exactly how much she actually brought in to the charity after all that she spent to get there, she tweeted this:

Kate GosselinVerified
@stellaaa76 $1500 I think, no? Every $1 helps my koalas :)

But didn't she really take away from the koalas after the cost of her trip meant that she actually ended up in the RED? No wonder Terri is running this charity into the ground after an idiot move like that one. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe she is mixing up the fashion show with a marathon where you should be drinking lots of water to stay hydrated?

NJGal51 said...

TLC Stinks you're giving Kate way too much credit as an "author". A publisher is not going to fly her anywhere for book signings becasue she doesn't have a recent track record of best sellers. If her book ever comes to fruition she may do a couple of local signings but her days of flying around the country are a thing of the past. She may think she's all that, but number don't lie and believe me those numbers are looked at by publishers.

readerlady said...

Aggiemom -- I turned the TV on just in time to see the first tower collapse. Shortly after that I got a frantic phone call from my cousin. Her brother, who works for the GAO, was working out of the Pentagon at the time, and she and her parents couldn't reach him. It was 2 days before we learned that he had survived uninjured. His office was destroyed, but Praise God, he had gone to another part of the building for a meeting just 15 minutes before the plane hit.

Marie -- Great post! You nailed it. Just out of curiosity, if KK's memory is so wonderful, why did she forget about Spring Break? Oh, of course, because it was about the kids and not about her.

That twit of hers to the person who is getting a divorce is rich. When was/is KK ever gracious and kind toward Jon?

Tucker's Mom said...

Marie, great post up there! I don't know if "obscurcity" was a typo, but it's brilliant! That's where most Reality tv "stahs' wind up living.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

The regret over things done or not done, mistakes made, sins committed should be what changes us and makes us into a better person! Besides that, there simply are things in life everyone should regret

Thanks for the link, Admin.

Everyone has regrets. Recognizing and regretting something we did can help us to not repeat that action. Recognizing and apologizing are what make us better people. Kate doesn't apologize and the one time I heard her eek out her idea of an apology it was followed with, "but...". I'm sorry I did that, but you made me is NOT an apology.

It appears Kate is striving for perfection. If she can't be perfect she can ignore the imperfect. I think she calls that "positive thinking."

LBelle said...

$1500 I think, no? Wow! Talk about trying to pretend that she didn't even pay attention to the $ amount, like it was all fine and dandy with her. I'll bet she was seething and wishing for another closet to hide herself in!
I'm sure Teri was surprised as well. Must have hit her like a ton of bricks that her 'celebrity' friend was not all that much of a celebrity. Probably cost her foundation at least 5xs that just to 'host' Kate and PB!
Disgusting....both of them.

Tucker's Mom said...

OK, raise your hand if you see the irony in Kate's participation in a "Real Women" fashion show.
Real blonde hair, boobs and tan. Oh, and teeth!
You would think, maybe, just maybe, Kate would use her blog as a vehicle to promote the events that she grifts into. Why not a post on this charity?
Such a missed opportunity.
Heck, why not post this on CC? After all, Kate felt like CC was the perfect forum to post her rant against Tony and Anderson Cooper. At least promoting a great cause, though not couponing advice, is professional.
She'll use whatever power she has for her own promotion, but not for causes that need the publicity.

AuntieAnn said...

"Be kind&make gracious decisions esp if kids involved= No regrets!"
She must have read that somewhere and figured it sounded good enough to repeat. Bitch doesn't know the meaning of kind OR gracious.
I hope she drinks so much water she piddles her pants on the runway tomorrow.

(I've been away for a few days. Have to catch up on the comments)

FYI said...

On 9/11, I was at work. We were glued to the TV in the break room, and I had a radio on my desk. After the towers fell, my place of work closed for the day and sent us home.

Although I live about 40 miles from NYC, I still remember that you could smell the acrid smoke in the air the next day.

Jumping In said...

Kate is positively giddy about getting back in to the celebrity limelight tomorrow isn't she? The dress, the make-up, the ATTENTION! She has to feel at the centre of the event to tweet about it excitedly. The cause means nothing to her, this event is just the vehicle to keep her aspirations alive, nothing more. How much coverage she gets will reflect how far she has faded into obscurity. ~ Administrator said...

Everyone has regrets. Recognizing and regretting something we did can help us to not repeat that action. Recognizing and apologizing are what make us better people.


Yes exactly.

I think there's a difference between not "living in the past", and having "no regrets." However to truly not live in the past you need to recognize your regrets, learn from them and where necessary make amends. I think that's a much better philosophy than just "don't look back nothing to see here" as you cause train wrecks through life. I doubt Kate sees the difference though.

Jumping In said...

Auntie Ann, you were missed, All is right with this blog again now that you and your keen sense of all things Kate is back!

How's the cold?

FYI said...

AuntieAnn-welcome back! We've been worried about you. Are you feeling better?

Tucker's Mom said...

Both Kate and Jon had their share of ungracious moments that were very, very public. I believe Jon's faux pas were not out of malice, but he should have acted with an abundance of caution before appearing on any show, any time, anywhere.
Kate on the other hand acted with deliberation each time she used her divorce to make yet another appearance on TV. It was disgusting to hear her slander her own family (Kevin and Jodi), malign Jon time and again as a bad father, an absent father, a thief even!
She was anything but gracious and I can funnel this down to one appearance in particular to demonstrate my point; the Live with Regis and Kelly show where Kate said that the kids don't want to visit Jon, and that she waits at home by the phone for them to call and come home. This being said just before she flitted off to a 5-star resort in Mexico for a luxury photo shoot in a barely there bikini.

LBelle said...

Tucker's mom....yep, right. She's about as real as a $2 bill!
Don't know how to post links but.... I was looking into this Real Women fashion show thing yesterday and watched a YouTube video ( I think from a few years back?) that was about 8 minutes long and Derek Fabulous was talking at the beginning of how he was once homeless, how these women he's helping have literally nothing to their names, what an inspiration they are, how sweet and helpful they've all been, etc, etc. I couldn't help but think that EVERY word he was saying was the polar OPPOSITE of KG. sickens me that he has associated her with this wonderful cause.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I think there's a difference between not "living in the past", and having "no regrets." However to truly not live in the past you need to recognize your regrets, learn from them and where necessary make amends. I think that's a much better philosophy than just "don't look back nothing to see here" as you cause train wrecks through life. I doubt Kate sees the difference though.

Kate could begin to make amends by admitting that Jon has the kids half the time instead of ignoring the questions, obfuscating and pretending otherwise.

FYI said...

Formerly Duped--Although I don't live in the area, I have been shopping at your mall several times.

Anonymous said...

Auntie Ann, so good to see you back!!

9/11 - Put my boys on the elementary school bus @ 8:50, came back to the house with 3 yr old daughter to waste time before leaving for the public library. I turned on the TV to set up the VCR for Oprah's season premiere with Dr. Phil, and saw the north tower smoking, saw the plane hit the south tower in real time.

We are on a flight path to an airport, the sky was so incredibly blue and there was no air traffic. Very surreal.

Not to mention, my husband was overseas on a business trip, I had no way to get in touch with him, and all I could think was "if they have shut down our airports, how will he ever get home?" (he was not due home for another week)

Tucker's Mom said...

I think there's a difference between not "living in the past", and having "no regrets."
Wow, that really sums it up perfectly.
I was divorced and it took time to move on and I did live in the past for a little while and I do have regrets. I should never have married him. That said, I can forgive myself for not acting on my own behalf when things got really bad. I forgive myself for choosing to be a victim and blaming him and others.
This whole "no regrets" thing should be a huge red flag for any guy even remotely thinking about getting with Kate. Even if it's just casual dating. No never means no to Kate and she will be vengeful if things don't work out. It will never be her fault.
PS... even though my ex was a pretty bad husband, I'd never dream of calling him an alien!

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