According to author Robert Hoffman, who says he is in possession of notes and diaries that Kate used to write Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces, Kate wrote entry after entry about disiplining the kids.
The entries include:
- Kate used a wooden spoon she called "The Spanker" to discipline the kids for transgressions as minor as climbing out of their cribs or potty training issues.
![]() |
A wooden spoon was indeed spotted more than once in the pocket of their car door. |
- Kate, in her own words "lost it" when Collin ate some M&Ms without permission.
- Kate “felt like I may hurt his children.”
- Kate preferred the kids out of sight when she was upset where they would be "safe"
- When Collin threw a tantrum, Kate says she “sent him to his crib and whipped him into it very hard...I never felt that I may really seriously injure a child, but today was that day.”
"You could hear Kate forcefully whacking the child and the child screaming at the top of his lungs," the ex-employee reported.
Kate has never denied the allegations in the interview.
1797 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 1797 Newer› Newest»I temporarily changed the blog's background to navy blue, the national color of child abuse prevention and awareness.
An interview with Katie Couric is a HUGE deal and the information is already out there so there's no reason to hide it.
Maybe she knows it's pulled or in danger of being pulled.
OK-have I had too many Rumspringas, or did the background on this blog just change?
Admin-thanks for the explanation about the background. I was typing my comment when you posted yours. Glad to know I wasn't going crazy.
CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates.
It's a program in Reading where adult volunteers are paired with children in the court system (abuse cases and other issues) and serve as their advocates.
It's a nationwide program actually.
For instance they once worked on a case that involved Texas. L.A. CASA workers and Texas all worked together. It was awesome.
In family law, out-of-state custody battles can be very difficult because there can be concern the parent might flee and there is no easy way to keep tabs on things out of state. CASA has helped ensure thousands of kids can be with their parents out of state by committing to overseeing the case.
They're awesome. And they're volunteers too.
Other things they will do is go to criminal court with the child and look after them if they have to testify.
Has anyone wondered how exactly it came about that all the notes Kate wrote about abusing the kids DIDN'T end up in her book?
I mean obviously it couldn't go in there but she seemed to think her musings were good enough for material for a book. So who was in charge of telling Kate that wasn't going in the book and why? Beth?
Admin-it could have been Beth, and in addition, Julie May Carson. According to Robert, JMC was hired in April 2008. The book wasn't released until October 2008. Although I don't know how long before release the publisher would have needed the final draft of the book.
Remona Blue said... 173
Dwindle said... 144
''Formerly Duped said... 128
I wonder why Kate would commit this stuff to writing/computer. Why? She wouldn't use it in a book surely, and she wouldn't want Beth or Jon to have access to it, so that I don't understand.''
Maybe someone's already said this, sorry.
I can see this book as her basis for "I just want you to know", too. Sounds like some of the letters to her kids might have been based on these journal entries, reminders to herself of how tough it is to be a mommy to her
8 children. I don't think she would use these entries as they are, but just as memory joggers of what the kids have done and how she reacted.
I wondered the same thing, Admin. I also wonder why Kate would even write such incriminating things down in the first place!
Is it a symptom of her illness?
Off topic: I haven't posted in a long time but I read here every day.
The whole thing that is getting lost is the REASON why she beat them to the point that even she was alarmed - because they ate M&Ms without permission didn't it say 3 M&M? It just reinforces what we have always thought - that she does control every morsel that goes in their mouth or suffer the consequences. I just have such a feeling of unease for those kids. Mommy's not happy.
Yes I tried to point this out earlier.
Because they ate a few M&Ms. THey were probably HUNGRY.
Because they were two years old and had a potty accident. :-(
Because they were two years old and not supervised so they eventually after so long being unsupervised got into things. They were probably bored and lonely. You can't expect two year olds to entertain themselves forever.
I mean none of these things are even remotely that bad or their fault.
I don't think many of you are mentally prepared for the story about Aaden where she beat the crap out of him for having an accident while potty training. It is in the book.
She talks about cleaning up his poo with a toothpick (because it got into the grooves of a sliding door track). Poor, poor thing.
Also where are all the stories about beating the crap out of the girls?
If child abuse works, why does it have to be done more than once?
LOL exactly.
If child abuse makes kids respectful, how is it that many parents have raised respectful kids without hurting them?
Sorry, in my prior post I meant Julie Carson May.
That woman is just evil.
anger issues kate said... 195
Kat: Kate said: Don't believe anything that is on the internet about me or the tabs, or anything else, cause it is a lie, unless it comes from me.
The new info comeS directly from Kate's fingertips. Is that good enough for Kate's fans?
What's funny, or sad, to me is that their stupid debate over whether Robert "stole" her computer is so beside the point. So let's assume he did. It doesn't change the fact that these kids were abused and it's awful. It doesn't matter if Robert is a hardened criminal and drug dealer, it doesn't change the main point which is the abuse. Attacks on the messenger are a completely different thing from the POINT. I've always said that sheeple remind me of your first week in debate club. They haven't a clue how to properly present a strong counter-argument. They use cheap tactics and confusion of the issues, they're experts at it, but it won't get them any nerdy debate trophies.
Hey sheeple just so you know, when you email someone or many someone's, they can do what they want with your e-mail, including forwarding it on to someone else like someone writing a book. Too bad so sad.
What's funny, or sad, to me is that their stupid debate over whether Robert "stole" her computer is so beside the point. So let's assume he did. It doesn't change the fact that these kids were abused and it's awful. It doesn't matter if Robert is a hardened criminal and drug dealer, it doesn't change the main point which is the abuse. Attacks on the messenger are a completely different thing from the POINT. I've always said that sheeple remind me of your first week in debate club. They haven't a clue how to properly present a strong counter-argument. They use cheap tactics and confusion of the issues, they're experts at it, but it won't get them any nerdy debate trophies.
Hey sheeple just so you know, when you email someone or many someone's, they can do what they want with your e-mail, including forwarding it on to someone else like someone writing a book. Too bad so sad.
The "reason" to beat a 2 year old doesn't matter because there is NO reason why that should EVER be done. A 2 year old can not learn from something like that. Their brains are not yet wired that way.
As for why any of these entries were left out of the first book, I'd also look at Zon the publisher.
I haven't had time to read everything. But what I did read is that she put the child in his crib because she was afraid of hurting him even more. That makes me think atleast she realized she may seriously hurt him and gave herself a time out. You have to atleast give her credit for that.
Someone on RWA just downloaded the book on
Amazon...the link is there!
How to buy/download without buying a kindle??
Enjoy! Or not... :(
You can download a Kindle for your PC right there on Amazon. Just click on the button where it says "available on your PC", it's on the upper right under the "BUY" button. Then you can download Kindle for your PC. I did it and it is free. The book wasn't...
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can read the book for free.
Not that buying it's bad - some, if not all, of the money goes to a good cause. But if youd' like to preview it first, you can.
Yes I give her points for putting herself on a time out.
However, she gets negative points for not getting herself into therapy the moment she even considered that she was seeing shades of her father, that she was hitting her kids too hard.
And if Jon did not tell her to get therapy the moment she came to him with her concerns, then shame on him.
And if Kevin, having grown up in the same house, did not sit his sister down and tell her in love that she was being abusive and needed professional help, then shame on him as well.
And shame on all the people in Kate's life who saw her hitting her children and said nothing or did nothing. NDA or no, concern for children trumps it all the time. If enough of them had stood up to TLC/Discovery, the media would have listened. They did listen to Jodi and Kevin. If Jon had stood up with the rest of their family behind him and said "Kate loves her children but she needs help." the media would have listened.
Believe it or not, I feel bad for Kate. How sad she must be. I pray she gets the help she needs.
I downloaded the kindle app on my computer. The icon is on my desktop. Now how to I get the book. Please help me with the steps. THanks.
Holy crap. I need to go to bed but I have at least locked and loaded this book for early am reading. It cost only $8.88 US. Not too bad, I guess.
Maggie, go to Amazon and then look up the book and buy it. First click, deliver it to "Kindle for PC". These are all buttons under the "BUY" button on the book's page on Amazon. That should do it.
I'm a fast reader. Are we allowed to post spoilers? LOL There is a doozy in the Child Abuse chapter. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Khate, now??? I don't know how I feel about Robert sourcing "4 people" who say things about Khate.
Oh my! This is so, um, good...? For lack of a better word, I apologize. It's very much in layman's terms and incredibly easy to follow along. Alas, my bed calls and I hope I'm not disappointed tomorrow. For sure I'll be disappointed in Kate's own words, I guess I mean disappointed in how this is all presented. Anyway, good nite.
Thanks so much. I figured everything out and am now starting to read the book. THanks again
I've started this new day with tears.
After reading Kate's own words on Mr. Hoffman's new blog post about how violent she was with Collin (and of the things that must have happened but that she didn't journal) I was haunted by how terrified the little boy has to have been of his mother and of the damage she did to the precious child. I cried for all the children and for the fear filled childhood they've endured. All of the questionable scenes on their show now make perfect sense. I shudder to think about the times Kate might have been too tired to write about or that became so commonplace that she didn't feel like mentioning.
What really made the tears flow was Mr. Hoffman's simple sentence that he's donating proceeds of the book to CASA, a children's center. Thank you Mr. Hoffman for caring enough about the Gosselin children to finally bring this to light.
FINALLY someone cared enough about the Gosselin children to risk personal reputation and financial security to bring the horrible story to light.
I say lots of emails and phone calls to CPS. Casey Anthony ring a bell? Some believe accident some on purpose, however it was a child is gone.
I haven't seen this mentioned but does any recall how Kate bragged all over the net and tv that she writes her books on her iPhone? She said to anyone who would listen that she wrote "I Just Want You To Know" on her iPhone.
Now, remember how she said the twins now have her old iPhones...
I'm just wondering if she forgot to delete some stuff, somehow the phone got into the hands of a mother or family friend of one of the twins? Let's take Jon out as a source because Robert took a lie detector test about those questions. Let's say that perhaps there were some parents or a teacher or someone who had access to one of the twins' iPhones.
*just thinking out-loud as I sip my caffeinated beverage*
Someone on RWA is saying that it's rumored that Kate will be on the Katie Couric show Oct. 3
Of course.
Do you all remember the Fourth of July episode when the kids were eating the strawberries? That absolute freakzoid look in her eyes and her shrilling voice? Shades of M&Ms? She didn't "whip" them (her own.words Sherri? Is that ok? What kind of.connotations does that word bring up for you?) then maybe because the cameraman was filming?
How much footage could.there be from the tups bedroom? Remember the permanent camera was in there? Seems like it was her room of choice for the beatings. TLC?
Kristine . . . 197
That was cute :)
What would be cool is if Katie Couric made an announcement about Kate being accused of child abuse and that they pulled the segment on Kate because they are disgusted with these claims and will not promote anyone accused of abusing their children and then announce a donation to a child abuse group.
The book is available! $8.88 at Amazon. Go to Robert's site for the direct link.
Well, I just bought and downloaded the book, so I probably won't be around much today. Before I start reading though, I just wanted to come here and tell all you kind and wonderful people how much I appreciate you. Those of you who shared your stories of abusive childhoods -- thank you for having the courage to go public with the information. Thank you for trusting the rest of us here with your hearts. God bless you for having the courage and the wisdom to learn to deal with your issues and not repeat the cycle. I can only imagine the strength it took. Admin -- Thank you for running a safe site that allows such courage to go public. P.S. I like the dark blue background. It makes things easier to read, IMO. I won't say have a great day, because I'm sure it will be a difficult day, but I think it will be an important day. It's certainly one most of us have been waiting for for a very long time.
I know that I'm not the only one smiling (or is it smirking?) at the price! $8.88
WTF?? Radar online has a new article with the headline being that JON is behind these "allegations"!! The "journalist"then goes on to say that it's his opinon that the details came from Jon because Hoffman befriended Jon. Ugh!! The " allegations came from her own mouth!! Can you even say ALLEGATIONS if they are her own words?
Well, I guess we now know what punishment of severeness means.
I am really really really disappointed in Katie for giving this woman air time. I sawa clip of her talking about her new show. She was asked what her least favorite interview is and she said mothers of multiples. Hmmmm
If Polly did her book to shed light on child abuse by Kate, why is she denigrating this book? Why is she dismissing it's validity?
just ordered it to my ipad....of course I will have to wait til i am home from work to start reading. I, too, loved the $8.88 price!! lol Kate is choosing the "rainbows and unicorn farts and positivity" route. Let's just wait until people start reading the book...ROL, etc. and see if the tune changes from it's Jon's fault, to holy crap! this lady was nuts no wonder why he left. The next few months will be interesting. I have a feeling Kate is delusional enough to believe that her tv interview circuit will be the same as it has been in the past and that questions will not be "direct". I have a feeling that interviewers will be taking the gloves off and will FINALLY be asking the questions that Kate avoids and since she is such a terrible interviewer there will be alot of ummms, actually, honestly's etc. and it will become "a fool opens her mouth and proves it" scenario. Just wait...Robert's words "the truth will set you free" hopefully will happen for those sweet kids.
I just downloaded the book onto my ipod. Can't wait to get on my ellptical and start reading. How can she possibly spin this, when it was her journal?
I'm 25% through the book and it is VERY raw. Lots of repetition, jumps around and hard to follow. However, the information is solid and horrifying.
Everything we've always speculated on is true. I don't feel glee or justification, just intense sadness for the 8 and digust to the assholes who continue to defend her.
She knew she had a problem. Rather than get help, she got worse.
Here's the quote where Hoffman tells how he found the journal
"Kate’s journal was found by me while combing through documents and computer discs and files that she threw in the trash, the day after she threw Jon out of the apartment
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD Kindle Edition.
Wow... so many emotions today.
Robert did more than expose khate..he brought readers out of the woodwork.
.long time lurkers first time posters
.cudos, I bow my head in thankfullness
to the anon poster above whose daddy made a tool for mommy yo use (epilecitic) thank you for sharing..hugs..
Remona..I hear u I took many times out cool down
dd had food allergies snd it affected her moods/ proud to say I did not repeat abuse..amd long run..taught me to be more patient
Tried to post on Polly's site but couldn't. Wanted to ask why she's suspicious of Hoffman's intentions? She's questioning his motives behind the charity donations, "some" of the proceeds will be going to the charity...I'm sure he has" a stack" of lawyer's fees to pay, not to mention the YEARS it took him to write the book? How much of the proceeds from her book (not to mention.her BFF Al Walentis' book) went to a charity?
Crap! The book is out?! I have so much to do today I wont have time to get it til at least 5 pm. Booo
I just bought the book!
I read what Polly wrote. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Can someone clarify the timeline for the Katie Couric interview? Is is already taped or will be taped? Was the interview done BEFORE the book? It would be Kate's luck that the interview has already been taped before the book release. Katie Couric is a very good interviewer. She would destroy Kate.
TLC stinks said... 58
Can someone clarify the timeline for the Katie Couric interview? Is is already taped or will be taped? Was the interview done BEFORE the book? It would be Kate's luck that the interview has already been taped before the book release. Katie Couric is a very good interviewer. She would destroy Kate.
That's what I want to know. And if it is taped earlier, I want to know if it was taped before or after KC said her least favorite interview is mothers of multiple.
So very quiet on the blog. Everyone must be busy reading (as am I) Her journals (I'm up to Jan 8, 2007) are pretty incrdible
It was all thank God for this and that, but then you read of the underlying greed and the "I want more" "God give me more and more". And the amount of money people just handed them and mailed to them. UNBELIEVABLE! !
Okay, why is Kate more focused on feeling loved by her fans? Why does she care about that more than making sure HER CHILDREN feel loved & supported by her, only by herself, not the fans sending her gifts. I dont see one fan saying we supoort the children too ad ask how they are. Just Kate. Geesh, stop thinking about getting high on celebrity awesomeness & fans praising you, instead, focus your attention on your family!
I emailed the Katie Couric Show.
I am afraid Kate will skate by because I bet the show has been taped already before the controversy. It sounds from the description that it will be nothing more than Kate reciting her lines as usual.
Seriously dude? (admin)
She beats the 2yrld p
I am so gonna be sick
BTW, this appearance, if already taped, may have been preplanned by Julie May to avoid the controversy getting out there on a main stream media show. I hope someone in production at Katie Couric Show actually reads their emails.
Yeah...lets turn our attention away from my dirty defiant filthy child abuser...
October is Child Abuse Prevention Month - who better to interview than a child abuser? I believe Couric is also scheduled to interview the Penn State Abuse Victim #1.
Seriously, though, I am pretty sure that the gestational carriers interview was pre-taped. I know Katie Couric's interview with Amy Copeland (flesh-eating bacteria victim) was taped about a week before it aired. Hopefully, this interview is pulled.
ok OT..poop dd related
My dd's first poop outta daipers
she came to me at age 2 1/2 and said she pooped...checked her poop..I did happy dance since she obviously used her training toilet...nope
She pooped on my dog's diaper pad..she was so proud.
I lmao'd..congratulated herr and we went for a picnik
So Admin, are we going to discuss chapter by chapter? No spoilers? I plan on reading it all this weekend. Looking forward to dissecting it.
Can someone please tell me where I can download kindle app. I no I read it somewhere here but there are too many post to read to find it. Thanks.
Most of the daytime talk shows are taped at least a week in advance, but when there's hot news breaking, they can do a 48 hour (sometimes less) turnaround. Not saying this is what's happening with the Couric show, but it's a possibility. In case it hasn't been taped yet or is being done today (doubtful, they don't usually tape on Fri) I'd urge you to use Twitter and Facebook, if there's a page, as well as the show's page if there's a comment section, to share how you feel. Producers listen!!! If it's been taped, I can't imagine it being pulled now but it could be re-edited and mention of the book and the allegations made included in the interview. If it hasn't been taped, there's still time for the show to rethink how they're going to handle this.
Katie Couric can be pretty hard-hitting. And this is her new baby and she's looking for ratings and to make herself visible on the daytime talk circuit - word is she wants Oprah's position.
Oop's, I meant to mention I need the free one. I'm not working a job, just taking care of my elderly mother. Sorry I have to grift.
Oop's, I goofed again. I saw it on Gosselin SORRY Silly me
kindle app is free on
you are more tham working a job..someone will answer your question soon..I on stupid smart phone until I can afford internet again...hopefully in my lifetime
ps..youre z great dd=)
Go to
You can facebook, tweet. I emailed using her contact.
See, if Katie Couric does not address the book, then Kate can dismiss the book as a bunch of lies and even Katie Couric didn't interview her about it. It's not relevant, just a bunch of tabloid lie. Smart move to have her appearance pre-taped. I smell Julie Carson May.
TLC Stinks ~ Groaning here. You're right--definitely a smart move! Is it for sure pre-taped?
*Holding out hope that KG's going to take a turn on the hot seat*
I am going to be too busy with real life responsibilities the next few days to post much. I want to add my appreciation to posters who have shared very personal stories. I like spoilers! Any book discussion I will appreciate! Does anyone know if it is available for the Nook?
One question: is this in the book anything that regular readers here are really surprised by? Really? We already could tell just from the film and how she treated Jodi, Kevin, Jon, etc how truly horrible she is.
Off topic re foster dogs: admin, today is day ten of having the latest foster, he was found as a stray north of Richmond. If no one reports lost dog of his description to that county Animal Control or local vets up there, our rescue group can officially take ownership of him and I can start arranging the vet visits and neutering. He us a real sweetie, I am going to have a hard time letting this one go. He is sleeping at my feet with my dog right now. However, we did not become foster parents to get more dogs, but to get them ready for a new home.
I just downloaded my copy & look forward to reading & discussing it with all of you.
I've not caught wind of it, but if history is prologue, I suspect someone will initiate a campaign to tarnish this book with bad reviews. That happens often with books about controversial subjects-- reviews tend to land at either extreme of Amazon's 5-star spectrum.
Tuck that under your hat, for whatever that might mean to you as a book consumer/reviewer...
I'm about 1/2 way into reading KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD. A definite eye-opener.
Good job, Robert. Well done (so far ;o) ).
I recommend this book to everyone- fans and critics of Kate.
P.S. I understand that Katie Couric is interviewing Kate? What the hell does Kate have to peddle? As always, it's going to be the same sh*t- lies, & embellishments. I have better ways to employ my time.
Here's my prediction how the interview will go: Ummmm, hmmmm, honesty...need a job...ummmm, bills to pay...ummmm, looking for a man...
running...hmmmm...Coupon Crappin'... blog...
Big belch.
Kate's going to LIE HER ASS OFF just like she has in all her soft balled interviews.
Have a great day/weekend, ya'll :o)
bombshells....that's all the spoilers I will share.
I see Administrator has redecorated this blog...
Blue marble looks pretty- easy on the eyes.
Nice choice :o)
I started reading the book. Thanks to all of you who directed me to the kindle app. I will save comments for our discussions here. but gotta say, I don't think I would 'love Kate if I met her" as she claims everyone does. Ugh.
I have a theory as to how Robert got a hold of Kate's computer information. We know for a fact that he was friends with Jon and was in their home many times.
So isn't it reasonable that when Jon was out of the room or stepped into the bathroom or out of the house for a period of time, Robert was left by himself or the very small kids.
He looked at the hard drive directory of Kate's computer. From there, he would simply slip in a 3.5" floppy disk, CD or DVD and download her directories of files. ( Whatever external devise used at that time) Jon could have even walked back into the room and maybe not have been aware that the computer was in the middle of transferring files from the computer to Robert's personal removable disk. Robert could have simply turned off the monitor while doing this.
When the downloading was done, Robert popped his disk out & slipped it in his pocket.
Now he has copies of all the directories of files that interested him without Jon's knowledge.
After reading all the comments here since the details of Kate's proven child abuse I have also decided to order Robert's book. In addition, I have emailed Katie Couric to let her know the (assumed)pre-taped segment featuring the child abuser should be pulled. ( Admin, thanks for all you do for the children. My heart goes out to each and every one of them. What a Monster they have for a mother.
Wooooo Hoooo!!! Just downloaded Robert's book onto my iPad! Thanks again to the posters who informed us about the Kindle app for iPads.
Reading now............
Maggie at 85 ~ Mr. Hoffman states clearly in his book just how it was that he came upon her computer files. No conjecturing necessary: You can download the first chapter for free, if you want to hear it directly from him. :)
Talking point for fans today: Jon is complicit in helping Hoffman with book per Radar on Line.
I just downloaded the book to my Kindle.
I just read an old tweet in RH's book and it brought to mind something:
Example of Kate doing damage control as a "Loving, Involved, Mother of 8" because she's nevervous out the book exposing her:
Back in March
Kate's Tweet on 4-7-12 "Since you asked- baking egg custard pies (big surprise!), lemon squares, nest cookies and angel food cake. Then on to cooking…"
Remember her recent picture she tweeted
September 26, 2013
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
This falls in2 the category 'the things we do for our kids' (& their 'nature bake sale' for extra credit at school!)
She tweeted an old picture. She needed to do damage control. One of her sheeple called her on it and asked her point blank where she got those robin's eggs candies as they are only available during Easter season. Then another tweet came around asking why she didn't do a fall themed project (for example I would have done acorns out of mini Nilla bars and Hershey kisses).
She didn't respond to them at all.
This book has exposed so much....
Woohoo...the book is available to borrow free with an Amazon Prime membership!
Admin, if you make a new post about the book, will you please include a link to the Kindle apps available for those who don't have a Kindle? I'm sure that would be helpful for many. Thanks!
I just had a terrible thought. She does all that baking and homemade this and that and scratch to make up for a bad day of another sort for the kids. They (the abusers) always say they are sorry and do things to make up for it (until the next time) and the cycle repeats itself.
Berks Neighbor #91 -
Gee, and I was thinking that the Easter candy on the nest cookies was from Khate's money saving "buy candy on sale and freeze it for next year" tip...
She is a Cow....
Wow, I haven't posted in a long time, but this book was something I hoped would happen. Just got it on my iPad!
What is this about Katie Couric... I haven't read a lot of the comments. Is Kate scheduled for that show? When?
"Kate’s journal was found by me while combing through documents and computer discs and files that she threw in the trash, the day after she threw Jon out of the apartment
Perfectly legal as others have stated before. There's even a famous Supreme Court case on this, California v. Greenwood.
Good morning! I believe in kind words, deeds&positivity. Let's turn our attention to making the world better,shall we?Have a gr8 Friday!:) about 2 hours ago
She doesn't get that many people believe that exposing and speaking out against child abuse is indeed an effort to make the world better.
Admin: Kate's damage control much? I see chatty Kate never materialized the last couple days. You know Admin, what that means: DRIVE BY WARNING. If it has not happen yet. Kate's fans/sheeples/ lackeys/hire friends, are going to be on the warpath or we might have a few more defectors. One can only hope!
This is too funny...much needed in light of the gosselinbook revelations.
Two local radio people were doing a live interview with Tony Dovolani this morning. They asked him if Kate ever hit him with a wooden spoon.
He laughed and said, "No."
Then they asked if he ever wanted to hit HER with a wooden spoon. He answered that a gentleman doesn't do things like that.
They commented that he never comments badly about her, and he said a gentleman never tells.
They then said, "But we could tell from your eyes. Your eyes said Help me!"
He responds with, "I'll have to be more careful. You guys are looking pretty closely."
Kate Gosselin is No. 1 trending on google right now. Stories are NEGATIVE.
Shit? Meet Fan.
For those who want a quick peek at the book before downloading it, some excerpts from the book are available here. Wait a couple of seconds for the page to load.
Interesting....last year she ignored it being Barb Gilmer's birthday for several days, or a week.
The other tweeties had to guilt her into acknowledging it.
Haven't had a chance to read all the comments yet, but did you notice the book is priced at $8.88? LOL!!!
"She doesn't get that many people believe that exposing and speaking out against child abuse is indeed an effort to make the world better."
She also doesn't see the irony and blatant hypocrisy. Where were the "kind words, deeds, and positivity" from HER?
Did anyone go to the blog site, the actual website)? How appropriate that the song that plays now is "My Name is Luka".
I see Radar has a story about Robert and Jon being friends, and implies that Jon gave Robert all the info for the book. The article has quotes from Polly's blog. Did she sell out both Robert and Jon, because she can't stand the fact that this book is getting more attention than hers or Al's ever did?
Bubbles said... 103
Haven't had a chance to read all the comments yet, but did you notice the book is priced at $8.88? LOL!!!
Saw that when I downloaded it. That had to be intentional, right?!!!
I wouldn't care if Jon was complicit in helping Robert with the book. So what steeple? Anything to deflect. Face it. Your idol is a child abuser, manipulator and all around bad person.
If you want to do some good, buy the book. Proceeds go to appropriate charity.
Stupid sheep.
Not too may spoilers please.
I have been debating about buying a kindle for a while and am going to Best Buy this evening to purchase one.
Love the blog's new look.
Kudos Mr. Hoffman for your choice of a charity.
I am also going to repeat this in bold for the sheeple lurking here:
Here's the quote where Hoffman tells how he found the journal
"Kate’s journal was found by me while combing through documents and computer discs and files that she threw in the trash, the day after she threw Jon out of the apartment
I'm going to allow discussion of the book and spoilers now, because I know there will be many people who will get through it quickly and want to discuss it.
However at least for the few days if you're going to mention something new in the book please write SPOILER before you do.
Bottomline: Kate "beat" toddlers....and has not gotten treatment, does anyone really think she has stopped beating and abusing her children? I think not.
Yet, I bet at this very time, all she can think about is herself...and not one thought to what permenant pain she has caused her children. Are any of her children in treatment? Are they getting any kind of help?
Nice little tid-bit about Kate's TLC 'blog'. An email from JMC to TLC about Season 4 or 5 contract changes:
10) 1c, For blog, Ed had mentioned that TLC
would have ghost writer or someone prepare with Kate/ Jon to approve.
Jim, do you have details to propose for consideration? Would need to either pay Kate to write it (and honestly, she really doesn't have the time right now--though if you'd like to propose fee, I can see what we can do) or limit to 1 hour/ month or something to review.
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD Edition.
I haven't had time to read everything. But what I did read is that she put the child in his crib because she was afraid of hurting him even more. That makes me think atleast she realized she may seriously hurt him and gave herself a time out. You have to atleast give her credit for that.
I don't know if credit is the right word, but child abuse experts actually do teach parents who abuse to put the kid in a safe place--crib, playpen, etc., and WALK AWAY.
However as soon as she realized the abuse was so bad she had to resort to that, she should have checked herself into serious therapy immediately. Maybe even moved out of the home so she could regroup and recover.
She clearly recognized she had a problem yet didn't appear to do anything to help herself.
However, she gets negative points for not getting herself into therapy the moment she even considered that she was seeing shades of her father, that she was hitting her kids too hard.
And if Jon did not tell her to get therapy the moment she came to him with her concerns, then shame on him.
And if Kevin, having grown up in the same house, did not sit his sister down and tell her in love that she was being abusive and needed professional help, then shame on him as well.
I'm virtually certain many people have tried to get this woman to go to therapy. I doubt she went to LaFair all that voluntarily and she certainly didn't want to pay any bills for it.
I do no for a fact Jon was the driving force behind the kids getting therapy, and even Kate admits that the kids did get therapy.
The problem is you can't force a grown adult to get therapy. Even a judge can't. They can do things to coerce you to do it like taking your kids or throwing you in jail, but they can't drag you into a therapist office.
Also....I wonder if continued abuse is why Jon got 50% of custody?? The children are now old enough to start telling what goes on in that house.
I suspect someone will initiate a campaign to tarnish this book with bad reviews.
Like Polly??
Wonder how much they're paying her to do it.
Too bad. Until her book came out, I'd thought she had integrity. Guess not.
And shame on all the people in Kate's life who saw her hitting her children and said nothing or did nothing. NDA or no, concern for children trumps it all the time. If enough of them had stood up to TLC/Discovery, the media would have listened.
Maybe I'm a coward, but if I were a witness I'd be extremely uncomfortable trying to create a public shitstorm to call attention to this. I would worry it would backfire on everyone most of all the kids and make things worse by antagonizing Kate. I would want to go through legal channels like CPS and the courts, as quietly as possible. If and WHEN they said sorry we can't do anything, then I'd just try to be around as much as possible I think, kind of like what Ashley did.
I have a new respect for Ashley right now. I used to wonder how she could put up with this crap for so long and why she didn't just move on for her own sake. I get it now. She stayed to do what she could to be a shield for those kids.
Read here all the time. Thank you all for the Kindle info download for the Mac laptops! I had no idea that was available for other than Kindle. Just bought the book and plan on reading front to back this weekend. I can only hope this finally exposes Kate for what she really is and furthermore hopes it helps the kids down the road. I feel her abusive behavior was something learned from her own upbringing. Someone a very long time ago mentioned the apple did not fall far from her father's tree.
The "reason" to beat a 2 year old doesn't matter because there is NO reason why that should EVER be done. A 2 year old can not learn from something like that. Their brains are not yet wired that way.
See to me it kind of does matter because I think it makes it much worse when you are punishing a two year old for something like a potty accident that they obviously did not do with any evil intent. I think it makes it pathological. Not much different than beating a kid for no reason.
But let's face it two year olds DO act up and most do need to be guided from negative behavior at some point, though certainly not with physical force. I guess what I'm saying is that had she punished them for something legitimate, at least we could say well at least she recognizes when it's appropriate to punish them, even if we hate the method. But here, she isn't even punishing them for appropriate things.
@Kateplusmy8 It time 4 this foolishness dwellin on past mistakes & differences 2b put 2rest. Jon really needs 2move on..& stalker needs2getalife!
I wonder if anyone told the Sandusky victims please stop dwellin' on past mistakes and differences. I mean heck kid when did this happen, 1998??? Get over yourself!
I would want to go through legal channels like CPS and the courts, as quietly as possible. If and WHEN they said sorry we can't do anything, then I'd just try to be around as much as possible I think,
Isn't this just what I'd said about my own situation? That I'd tried, got nowhere cuz it didn't fit CPS's definition of abuse, and finally decided that the best thing I could do for the little one was to stay in her life as much as possible.
I get beat up for not doing more. But people don't know what all I've tried. And what do they want me to do anyway? I've tried a lot of things. So have they, for that matter. Nothing has any impact.
People criticize that I'm still interacting with the parents.
But, man, I can't just abandon the poor little kid. She needs *someone* in her life that validates that this isn't ok, that lets her know that she isn't nuts (this will happen when she's older).
She needs someone she can trust. And that is me.
I can see where Jon as the spouse had to leave. Who could take that 24/7?
But I can understand Ashley staying since she wasn't there 24/7. She had breaks from it.
And she seemed like she had a big could see that it broke her heart to have to leave the kids behind on the RV trip.
You know what I truly don't understand about people who think kids need to be beaten to respect authority? Would you beat an adult to get your point across? Well you can, but you'll get arrested. And it does nothing but tick off the other adult and create enemies.
So why have people for centuries recognized that we as a society cannot tolerate adults being violent toward other adults because it breaks down society, and yet we're okay with someone bigger and stronger beating down a precious little smaller and weaker child. That's okay. And if we want to encourage a society in which adults talk out their problems instead of using their fists, by what logic would anyone lay a hand on CHILDREN who are learning to be adults???
It makes no sense to me, none at all. As Kate would say, I just don't get it.
Isn't this just what I'd said about my own situation? That I'd tried, got nowhere cuz it didn't fit CPS's definition of abuse, and finally decided that the best thing I could do for the little one was to stay in her life as much as possible.
I think that's a perfectly acceptable way to deal with the situation.
Some people think you need to go to the media or whatever, personally, I do not. But I'm a strong believer in going through legal channels even if ultimately they don't work. I'm not much of a vigilante.
Currently reading the book (Thank you Robert) but wanted ask if anyone else noticed Kate's email addy? It is sixymomma but doesn't she have 8 (eight) kids?
I read here daily and LOVE this site. I've never posted but I wanted to jump in for a second in between reading the book and trying to keep up here.
"Katie" is usually taped at noon daily and airs the same day.
(Jeff) Zucker says the new show (Katie), which will be taped at noon and air around the country within a few hours, was initially conceived to be heavily topical, focusing on news of the day, but that will no longer be an emphasis.
"By the time we're on, the morning shows will have been on, Kelly (Ripa) will have been on, The View will have been on, and the all-day Internet" all mine that territory, "so there's very few places to stop and look at something in a more in-depth way."
I'll be back later.
Readerlady thanks for sharing the Morgan story.
It is an all too common scenerio to see a mother, or even a father, crying outside the courthouse saying how can the judge dismiss this case? But the other parent is "fill in the blank here", my own child told me so!
Sometimes, more often than you would think, things get turned around and all of a sudden the other parent is accused of coaching the child.
OT: Admin - hope you will consider keeping the blue watercolored background. For some reason, it makes my screen brighter & easier to read. :)
I think that's a perfectly acceptable way to deal with the situation.
Yes, that's true. But it isn't easy. It breaks my heart.
I will protect that kid as best I can for all the days of my life, but it won't be all the days of her life. I pray every day that I live until she doesn't need me anymore.
So is Katie Couric taped over the summer or is it taped very close to the airdate?
If it hasn't even taped yet I really think there's a good chance she'll cancel if she knows about this story. She needs to understand it's not another tabloid rumor but Kate's own journals.
my IP is fromCanada..sometimes internet hosts just block countries
will try to log on,please resend the link.thx
I don't know if Katie's show would cancel - she's a pretty direct interviewer and might be chomping at the bit with something like this. However, I don't watch the show and don't know what type of direction she is trying to take it in. If it hasn't been taped yet, is it possible that Kate's "person" (I don't think she has "people" anymore) set this up already knowing this book was coming out, and it's for damage control, or at least an attempt since Kate is terrible in interviews? I don't know if Katie C. could hold back from assertive questions, but maybe since this isn't a news-type show, she would...?
From this day foward Kate will be known as a child abuser....BTW....she trending #3 on Yahoo
Jumping in for today said... 124
I read here daily and LOVE this site. I've never posted but I wanted to jump in for a second in between reading the book and trying to keep up here.
"Katie" is usually taped at noon daily and airs the same day.
If this is correct, then emailing, tweeting, Facebooking the show will let the producers know that there are many, many people who want Katie Couric to not back off on this interview.
KAT said... 131
From this day foward Kate will be known as a child abuser
That's the most important message to get across, but I also think it's worthwhile to "push" (via Twitter, FB, etc.) the other atrocities she commits, as confessed by Katie herself in her journals and emails.
Death to her reputation by a 1,000 self-inflicted cuts.
One interesting thing -- That note to Jon "I'm not going away" was written in 2006!
I am going to read every comment here. They are as important as the book. The book is downloaded in my Kindle. I am so proud of Admin for her part in bring the Gosselin children to a place for help.
I feel emotional. I am grateful we have this place where we can share.
Blessings to all the ladies who care so much.
This has been a lot to take in, so I haven't posted, but I will say,
Kate strikes me as the kind of person who will throw out anyone who questions her judgement. It is a sad situation where you have someone bipolar, overwhelmed with the stress of 6 2 yr olds, and the narcissism that closes her off from the opinions/help of others. I could understand the silence of those close to Jon, Kate, and the children. Especially Jodi and Kevin, Ashley, and Beth.
I have no doubt that anyone who questioned Kate's judgement/choices was given a swift "I don't want you around my kids" kick in the rear. If there are multiple CPS calls (and it looks like there were) and CPS does nothing, and Kate is threatening to kick you out of the kids lives would you continue to speak up and anger her or would you hush and try to at least still have the opportunity to be there for the kids? Jody at least tried to get them out of the house often and over to hers.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say this conversation is as important as the one that has followed the Sandusky revelations. These children were not only physically abused by their mother, but emotionally abused and deprived of their childhood by a greedy corporate entity, TLC, that used Kate Gosselin’s greed and mental illness for monetary profits. For this, someone needs to take this company and Eileen O’Neill down to hell.
For those of us who are parents and who view our responsibility to protect our children at any and all costs, just reading the first chapter of this book has made me physically ill.
I don’t post much here, but am a vociferous reader, but thank you for this safe place where we can talk about child abuse and the monster that is Kate Gosselin.
Paula, I don't think that's out on a limb at all.
Think about it. If there is outrage for the victims of the Sandusky travesty, there should be outrage for all abused children. If the public doesn't get outraged over every child hurt at the hands of their parents, then we learned absolutely nothing from what happened at Penn State.
Admin~We're at well over 1500 comments and counting, wow!! Any chance we can have a new blog entry for the book discussion?
I skimmed the book but look forward to reading it word for word. I must say we are pretty perceptive here although who could imagine some of the horrors and the extent of Kate's evil deeds and lies etc. Thanks Admin for setting up this blog and allowing us to discuss everything we have re:KK as well as the multitude of OT subjects.Looking forward to discussions on the book and just hope the kids' lives are better now.
My greatest hope is that we hear soon that Jon has 100% custody of these children.
Is anyone else feeling like everything adds up now that we know this? From A to Z.
Even estranging people from their lives, those who tried to say anything Kate had to cut off or risk them ending up sending her to jail or getting the kids taken away. She had no choice but to estrange. Those who managed to stay weren't necessarily enablers, though some art, but some rather just trying to create some kind of buffer for the kids.
I can't believe I didn't really before put more stock in the idea there might be child abuse going on here. I guess silly me not wanting to libel anyone I kept the conversation to a minimum and restrained people, I even said it was ridiculous to call CPS when people talked about it back in the day. I'm sorry about that.
Her greed is just astounding. Refill this gift card, where's my free makeup, my account is low at Ann Taylor, and on and on and on.
And then she has the balls to brag on Coupon Cabin about consigning her and the kids' used clothing. God forbid you just hand them down to the needy. She'll walk the runway for the fashion event, but won't give in need women her Ann Taylor hand me downs.
I really wish the story would hit the mainstream about taking cash from churchgoers while collecting $2,000,000 in other income. Sadly, in this economy, her greed may outrage people more than the wooden spoon stories.
Well, Radar on Line sourced their material:
"Hoffman was an employee of the local newspaper near the Gosselins' home and began working for Us Weekly magazine covering the reality show couple in 2009 when he became good friends with Jon, the blog Small Town Gosselins reports."
SaraMRN2010 said... 123
Currently reading the book (Thank you Robert) but wanted ask if anyone else noticed Kate's email addy? It is sixymomma but doesn't she have 8 (eight) kids?
The sixgosselin e-mail addy is one that they used a LONG time ago.
Oh, the irony!
@Kateplusmy8 going through a divorce and I have 3 children...what is the best advice you can give me to keep my kids in order?
Well, now I finally know what God does all day--thinks about how to help Katie Irene Gosselin.
Jeebus, seriously the woman thinks she's the center of the universe and is all consumed with her precious self.
I'm still reading the book on my Mac, but had to comment out of utter flabergastation!
"We appreciate a crew without opinions (we have discussed this before)." - Quote from Kate 2008
I see now why she said the crew is "family". Isn't this basically what she expects of her family, including her husband at the time.
I'm working most of today and will probably read the book tonight, but a big part of me doesn't want to. While the validation of all we thought we knew will be sweet, it's also distressing. I was hoping we were wrong - that there wasn't abuse, that maybe Kate really was better than we thought. I have such mixed emotions - glad the puzzle is complete but so sad it all happened and that we were labeled as 'just jellus hater' when we knew it had to be true.
Hoping there's an explanation of the therapy the kids received (was it one time or ongoing) and if they still have an advocate, other than Jon.
Okay, I'm physically ill from reading all the hate and snarky comments that KATE made regarding people who were fans of the show. She is such a two faed, bold-face bucking fitch. She went from 'God gave us this' to 'GIVE ME MORE and GET OUT OF MY WAY'.
It's like watching an normal, tired, harried mother morph into a pyscho, snarky, rude, demanding, ungrateful fitch! (can't swear...I'm trying to cut back) She sickens me, and these are her own words. She's horrible, completely and utterly horrible. We called it, but to see it there in print un-edited just amazes me.
She demands and expects it all and this behaviour is above and beyond how she treated her children. Raw, un-edited and explosive. It's mind boggling that she was allowed to get away with it. And the way she talked about Nana Janet. I'm so taken aback that she would snark on her and toss her to the side like she did with a 'whatever' attitude when Janet QUIT!
Okay...I need some lunch and perhaps a good walk out in the fresh air.
Paula ....137
Such an excellent post! Hope you'll send your comments on to Katie Couric:
(you can make up a name :)
Kate's a twit (105)
Mel (115)
I, too, used to respect Polly and what she was trying to do to help the Gosselin kids. Now? Not so much... Seems to me that jealousy made her she lose her focus. Her last post reaks of sour grapes. At last, the undeniable thruth is starting to be heard, and she's kvetching because she said it first in her book but nobody wanted to listen? Not elegant, to say the least...
You know what I truly don't understand about people who think kids need to be beaten to respect authority? Would you beat an adult to get your point across? Well you can, but you'll get arrested. And it does nothing but tick off the other adult and create enemies.
* * * * *
Exactly this. I simply don't understand the "logic" that says it's okay for adults to hit children, or give authority to other adults to hit their children, when the same behavior against an adult would get them arrested. I think it stems from the belief of a different time, that children were property first and foremost. Women too were considered property, and for years it was considered okay for a husband to "discipline" his wife via physical force.
Slowly, I believe society is beginning to realize that hitting another person is wrong, unless in self-defense or some other type of combat situation. As society now mostly acknowledges that it is never okay for one spouse to strike the other, or use physical force or verbal intimidation toward their spouse - so are we as a society also realizing the same is not okay toward our children. It's just taking longer for some people to reach that conclusion than others.
The Bible says, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I take those words to heart. I don't want anyone to hit me with their hand or another implement, and so I do not hit others. I don't want anyone to yell or scream at me, call me names, yank me by my hair, lock me in a room or basement, ignore me when I am in pain, and so I don't do that to others. I especially don't treat my own child that way.
Thank you Admin for this site, and for the way you run it. I am going to try to download Robert's book now, with a Kindle app that hopefully will work on my computer. I am happy to pay the price, knowing that a portion of the proceeds will go to help children who are in dangerous situations. My most fervent hope is that the Gosselin children can be removed from their own dangerous and unhappy home life.
In my opinion, I don't know that Kate can change. If she truly has a narcissitic personality disorder, then it's unlikely that she will change, or even accept that she needs to change. While I am sorry that in her childhood, Kate quite possibly experienced physical abuse at the hands of her father - once she was an adult, she had the choice of vowing never to inflict that sort of abuse on her own children, and she instead rained down beating after beating, sometimes for the smallest nonsensical thing. If Katie Couric still runs that segment taped with Kate, I will never watch her (Couric) on her current show or anything else ever again.
Kate is the number one tending topic on yahoo right now.
Do you guys think she seriously believed all this "God's plan" and God is calling me and God did this and that for us?
Or do you think maybe she just used it to justify her bad behavior? Or something else? Not sure myself.
just wrote to Katie Couric....I was very professional asked to please reconsider giving a known child abuser a platform..
Did you see the part where she demanded Target Gift cards due to "space" issues? LOL, aw poor thing so much free crap so little space! No wonder those couch cushions were so lucrative.
Man, that confidentiality agreement reads like something a nuclear physicist working on the Manhattan Project would have to sign.
I'm not sure whether Katie Couric should pull the interview, or if she hasn't taped it yet, ask Kate about her journals.
By the way, one of the most hysterical SNL skits of all time was the Katie Couric/Sarah Palin interview. I'm blanking on the actress's name but I love how she looks so confused and taken aback by Sarah's answers, fluttering her eyelashes, just like how Katie really was. (Administrator) said... 157
Steve admit that he was there to protect the paps from Kate.
-(He also said he didn't think he getting sushi was a good idea)
Yeah the confidentiality agreement just screams MISDEEDS. My nanny confidentiality agreement was practically scratched on the back of a napkin. "Just don't say anything okay?" I mean sheesh, no one really makes THIS big of a deal unless you're a really big A lister, which my employer was not.
It breeds animosity and distrust too if you're like that. It's diva behavior. It's not good for the relationship with your employees.
Paula - I agree that TLC was fully aware that there was child abuse going on in the Gosselin household, and that Kate was the abuser - yet turned a blind eye in order to add to their profit margin. I too would like to see them pay for this somehow. Perhaps it will happen when the children are adults and can bring a lawsuit against TLC for their role in aiding and abetting Kate's abusive behavior. The punitive damages alone could be quite something.
It's heartbreaking how often CPS cannot really do much of anything to protect the children they are supposed to protect. I called CPS twice, years ago, on a neighbor. I would hear the little girl next door screaming in the night, thuds against a wall, angry voices. I saw how neglected her appearance was - dirty, unkempt, skinny as a rail. I called CPS, and I presume they came out. But nothing ever changed. Then the family moved, and I don't know what happened to that little girl. I admit - I don't know what it takes for CPS to actually take action about a situation - but I guess it has to be life-threatening or something. People have stated that CPS was called more than once regarding Kate's behavior, and that CPS did come out. So clearly, one or more people close to the situation tried to get help for those children, to no avail. If Polly really cared about the childrens' welfare, she ought to stop crabbing about Robert's book. If his book helps those children in any way, she ought to rejoice.
This is just one of a hundred thousand tragic examples but does anyone remember the body of a little girl found buried under her parents' house in Colorado? It was a few years ago. She was beaten to a pulp.
CPS in New Jersey, where they used to live and where the bulk of the abuse occurred, evaluated that one out. And no one noticed that little girl wasn't in school. She basically disappeared and no one noticed.
I remember when I considered Polly's blog respectable and credible. Then everything seemed to change once she decided to publish a book. Anyone who argued that *she* too was exploiting the kids had a valid point (as far as I know, she did *not* donate the proceeds to charity). She also stated as fact that Clairissa's FB page "I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin" was fake, and when questioned simply said she saw no reason to believe that it wasn't being run by fans masquerading as Clairissa--nevermind the fact that there were *photos* posted of Clairissa herself, links to other sites of hers, links to their mother Charlene's page (with photos of her), etc. She lost all credibility to me once she refused to believe that the page could be real because it didn't fit her version of the story (that Kate's family was estranged from her because they didn't agree with things she did or whatever).
And who is Polly, anyway, and what makes her an expert on the family? She's just a random therapist with no inside information other than what Al told her. From what I could tell (but I didn't read it), her book contained nothing but interviews with other "experts" on the potential damage being done to the children and was not based on many specifics at all. And Al's book was even worse.
Kate even talks in the book about CPS being called when they showed the kids on potty chairs.
And demands TLC take care of that one right quick too.
I can't get over her demands for TLC to clean up all her messes. Every mess she starts that needs to be cleaned up cost them thousands. It's amazing they stuck with her this long. They had to have known this was a firecracker ready to explode. They were nuts, in my opinion, to stick this out with her. I don't care how much money is on the line, they could have found some other salacious family.
Just went to Verizon to check home email. KG is trending at #6
I think Kate did love Jon but she loved/loves money more.
I don't understand why Katie Couric is going to have Kate on her show.
Can't someone tell my why Kate's going on there?
I don't see her trending anywhere - what am I missing?
Remember when people would tell her she was trending and she would always respond "YAY", even if was actually something negative?
Dear Lord, I know You Are Busy With Kate's Needs, But, Give Me Strength.
Without going into too much detail (I don't want to ruin it for those that have not started to read the book),
On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the worst), Kate
is a mutha friggin' annoying 9. I would have given her a 10, but she has not killed anyone...yet.
She carried those kids in her belly, but she has no clue how to be a real mother. Drill sargeant, maybe- but she does not have a maternal bone in her body. Shoka is probably more maternal than Kate.
I like the background admi you should keep it. -)
Her last post reaks of sour grapes 152
So did the post prior to the current one.
I just read the confidentiality agreement and had to take a break because my head is spinning. Is it too early in the day for Rumspringa? I hope we have a well-stocked supply! We're all going to need it.
For a CPS case to end up in Juvenule Court the SW or investigating law enforcement officer needs to find marks and bruises on the child in order to have it be a valid CPS case. Also the child needs to disclose who perpetrated the physical abuse on them.
It is not illegal for a parent to whip or hit their child if no marks or bruises are present.
However if I remember Mady had her arm hurt. If Mady had disclosed that Kate did it and a MD verified physical trauma to the arm, then all hell would have broken lose and the children would all have been removed from Kate and it would definitely be a Court case.
Admin (155) : "Do you guys think she seriously believed all this "God's plan" and God is calling me and God did this and that for us?"
I know it's a crazy reference, but remember the mother in "Carrie", the film based on the Stephen King novel? That was the bulk of her dialogue. And she was batshit crazy. So I guess my answer to your question falls in the "or something else" category. (I'm not trying to be funny. This is such a sad, sad story. I need a lot of Mozart, these days...)
I think she grew up hearing about God's plan and used it to her advantage with no sound belief...SPOILER I did not know first day of school was fake- maybe that explains the lunchboxes the tups had but Leah said didn't need?
Paula @ 137
I agree, too, Paula. Your comments about TLC's role are valid. I've always felt that TLC was Kate's enabler and put profits over family. TLC should not be left out of the equation. As evident from TLC's current program, their use and abuse of vulnerable individuals and families is escalating. Unfortunately it started with the Gosselins. It's only going to get worse unless TLC and its executives are called on it.
Now shes trending #2 on yahoo....this is brutal..
It is amazing to me that this story really is getting picked up. I honestly didn't think it would. However, I am appalled at the number of people who write it off as "I was hit, I'm fine" no big deal. Really? Lets put a wooden spoon in your boss's office and when you do something bad at work you'll be spanked. Like that? Didn't think so. The shortness of a 2 yr old doesn't mean they are not also A PERSON.
Kate hit a child because she left him at the age of 2 unsupervised and he knocked over 3 chairs. Now whose fault is that really? And who really deserved the spanking?
I have watched someone who believes in spanking hit (gently, after a talking to, but still) a 14 month old because they were trying to climb on a table and were told no. A child that age does not understand how you are trying to reason with them enough to do what you are asking. And spanking them is not going to teach anything other than fear.
CPS won't act unless it is really violent. They lack the resources, the foster families, the funding, etc. to take children away from homes unless the abuse is life threatening.
We need to remember that being hit with the wooden spoon is just the tip of the iceberg! She "pulls them by their hair" and "whips them", as well. People are remembering their own childhood with an OCCASIONAL swat with the wooden spoon. This monster DRIVES AROUND TOWN with her weapon! She even named it- "The spanker"! She is showing A PATTERN of abuse. Day after day of torture for those kids.
Where is the trending? What is everyone looking at? When I'm looking at the trending for any of the sites, I don't see her at all! Just curious, i must not know where to look.
I am just so sad for those children - how will they possibly make it through life after an early childhood with that person.
People think she hit them on diapered bottoms but I think it was on skin, like how she raised Leah's dress that time. I think even if Kate enjoys any attention from this and her fans appease her, no one will want to hire a 'supposed child beater' Yes, she may get TV interviews but then nothing- I hope. But people are amazing in not seeing anything wrong- it was not just the spanking, much much more- lack of attachment to Collin and his brothers for one, the animal cruelty, the fraud, greediness, discarding family, friends, well, you know it all now...the real Kate.
So TLC and the gosselins worked together to create a house that would act as a set, including adding a "set room" and entrance and bathroom for TLC crew. All furniture was donated. All appliances were donated.
She's back at number one trending on yahoo.
Never thought I'd see this day.
I know it's been mentioned previously, but I don't remember and can't find it, so I apologize for repeating, but... does anyone remember when Beth dropped out of the picture? I know on-screen she was last seen in the Colorado episode, but I'm wondering about the date since the book mentions Bob & Beth wanting to set Jon & Kate up with a new house in July '07 & I'm wondering if that coincides with the break in their relationship. Thanks!
I just downloaded the book but won't be able to get to it until later today. Does Robert say anything about having to take a lie-detector test, or who asked for it?
To gain even more credibility, I would like to think the one question Robert was asked was, "Did Jon Gosselin provide any information or participate in the writing of this book?" He passed the test, this question had to have been asked to save Jon from being sued, and/or blamed for it's content. Hoffman apparently admits he and Jon are/were friends, so Jon is obviously a very easy target regarding this book.
Admin: May I ask if Robert can legally reveal the questions he was asked in a lie-detector test, or is he forbidden to do so?
I just can't believe all the stupid crap she lies about. If she's so carefully packing lunches for her kids every day, explain this email from the school:
It's time to send in some more lunch money for Madelyn and Cara. Madelyn's lunch account is overdrawn by $ 234.65 and Cara's lunch account is overdrawn by $ 187.60.
Admin (155) : "Do you guys think she seriously believed all this "God's plan" and God is calling me and God did this and that for us?"
As RH did in one of the chapters substituting the word Discovery in one of Kate's journal entries praising God; I think Kate's praise was misplaced. I honestly think she should have been praising Discovery! It was Discovery who was responsible for all the things that she praises. "Thank the Lord" when talking about the raise they got per episode should have been 'thank you Discovery', etc.
ahhhhh!! so she's visiting denial land! She's enjoying yoga and blocking out ALL the haters of the world!! That's it kate...get in a downward dog pose, stretch as farrrrr as you can, and shove your head up your ass and all the negativity will go away!!!
Ohhhhhh. :(
“Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!!
Hoffman, Robert. KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 2456-2458). . Kindle Edition.
Oh, 191, that is so telling. "Help them to obey me"? Blaming it on the children and expecting toddlers to help her control herself. That is very sad. Those of us who are Christians can understand how she would make those pleas - but not the one about helping them to obey to make her world easier.
I don't really think she is going to slip by this time, at least not to the same extent in the past. Rainbow tweets and happy yoga block-outs aren't going to do it this time, I think. She's likely going to have to address it. I'm sure her person (people, if she had any) and working overtime still.
Don't pay any attention to the sheeple. In the grand scheme of things, their opinions mean nothing. What a great day- she took a yoga class aka she's "nervous as hell." ;)
I noticed a long time ago she uses the word "obey" a lot. I don't think I've ever used that word. I wonder if she adheres to the Pearls who wrote "To Train up a Child". They have a Fundamentalist group called No Greater Joy Ministries. Their teachings came under fire after a girl whose parents followed them spanked their child to death.
The teachings are horrific. The suggest using a wooden spoon or pvc pipe rather than your hand. Read the first Most Helpful Review:
*this child abuse manual suggest that you pull on your babies hair if the baby starts to bite her nipple
ETA: I love this tweet: It was from someone who is not a known "hater"
Will someone please pick Kate Gosselin up by her hair and beat her with a wooden spoon? That would be great, thanks. @kateplusmy8
The more I read, the worse her attitude gets. Her greed, demanding attitude, and ungratefulness are absolutely astounding. I'm taking a rumspringa break.
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:It is being reported that Kate Gosselin has some interesting means of punishments for her 8...
From Louisiana Fox News (Administrator) said... 2
I temporarily changed the blog's background to navy blue, the national color of child abuse prevention and awareness.
And it is DANG cool! I really appreciate the things you do for the blog. Thank you.
Ohhhhhh. :(
“Lord I am begging you to help me be a loving caring kind and slow to anger mommy. Please stop me somehow from hurting my kids and help me to be slow to anger!!!! I love them SOOO much. Help them to obey me!!!!!
Hoffman, Robert. KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 2456-2458). . Kindle Edition.
And this was written when the kids were small? WTF is she so flipping angry about? I don't think I was ever angry at my child like that. No I know I wasn't, especially at that tender age. I don't get it!! Now as a teenager, she does flare my anger but good grief even I know that's her job at the moment.
Admin @116
I am shocked, although I shouldn't be, that so much of what we have seen and observed is now being proven in her own words.
Back several years ago, I read at Carla's blog. I found it interesting because she is a home schooler. She rarely mentioned Kate, but I kept reading hoping she would say something. Here's the thing, one commenter said something about Kate and Carla enabling her and Carla's response was a conversation she and her husband had and she said 'if they only knew'. At the time I thought she meant she saw Kate thru rose colored glasses, but now I realize she was talking about how bad it really was and that she was around in hopes of protecting the kids as much as she could. I remember at that BD parts for the 6 on a cold day at the park when J&K had already split and I saw Carla there helping set up. Every shot they had of her she had a very close expression and she never spoke. Now, it is clear she was sick to death of the public perception of Kate and she had no way to tell the truth. So many lies.
Kate is done. She is on Yahoo trends with the abuse news. I hope the children are with Jon today.
I'm at the part is Robert's book about the confidentiality agreement Kate revised and made everyone read and sign it and she would go on blogs about her and ask her lawyers "can we sue" about every bad remark about herself. She is obsessed with the gosselin blogs and reads them constantly.
I'm wondering about the revelation in the Child Abuse chapter. Will it garner sympathy for Khate or worse give her a "new platform" to reinvent herself as a victim of sexual abuse? I'm not sure if I even believe this claim! Where did the information come from? Khate herself? If it was noticed by someone else was there a police report filed? It just can't be word of mouth, especially if the "mouth" is hers!
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