Abby & Brittany airs Tuesdays nights on TLC. Check local listings.

Now Abby and Brittany are all grown up, finishing college, and have decided to tackle a TLC series of their own. Their show, Abby & Brittany, plays like usual TLC fare: a half hour of bright, chirpy music, couch interviews spliced with everyday activities, lots of humor, and light on anything too depressing. In fact the series is written and directed by Beth Glover, who produced every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. The first episode follows the girls around during a typical week, with grocery shopping, cooking, coffee shop breaks, dinner out and finally a birthday party with lots of friends.
The true charm of the show is unexpected, and found not so much in Abby and Brittany themselves (although the girls are still as spunky as ever and certainly quite charming), but rather in watching the young people around them so openly embrace and accept them. The girls are remarkably popular and outgoing, and live in a big house with several pretty, similarly outgoing girlfriends their age. Friends describe the twins as kind, warm-hearted and fun, but with distinct personalities.

For all the media talk of bullying and "mean girls," here are two very unique young people who have been completely accepted by their peers, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Patty and Mike declined to separate the girls at birth because they feared for their quality of life, and now that they are all grown up, it's never been more clear these two fine parents made the right call. Not only do Abby and Brittany have a very full and happy life, but are teaching others life lessons that can't be found anywhere else. Remarked one of their roommates: "They are the epitome of teamwork, love and respect." And get this, the twins want to be teachers. Who better to teach kids tolerance? (Interesting tidbit: Instead of Bethel University charging the twins two separate tuitions, the twins paid "one and a half" tuition. Seems fair.)
Perhaps TLC has finally hit on a story worth telling, on one of the few reality shows that has a higher purpose beyond just exploiting a family's differences. A message of teamwork, love and respect.
1288 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1288 Newer› Newest»The Hansel twins if they work at it could change their speaking style for their classroom. It's also something that will probably slow down as they mature. Also just because they speak like that in their social lives doesn't mean they don't slow it down when they speak to elementary kids.
Dwindle-sending prayers for your son-in-law and your family.
Kate was working on her cookbook on a newer episode at the round table where she did the home manual. This was over a year ago! The paper said Nana Janet's Roast.( RIP Janet.) Is she using other people's recipes?
Speaking of Nana Janet, there was an insane comment on Twitter yesterday from one of the regular haters who said that Kate never mentioned Nana Janet because she was afraid Nana Janet's family was going to file a wrongful death lawsuit against her. What the heck?
Did I miss something when Nana Janet passed away? I thought that she had been sick and died from cancer. Was there something negative going on between Kate and Nana Janet? I remember that Kate didn't go to the funeral because it was reported that Kate didn't want the paps to disrupt the service, or something like that.
Dwindle: I missed a post about your s-in-law but best wishes for him as well as the family.
I totally agree about the Roloffs. They also give of themselves for people in need. Mostly they respect and love each other.
Dwindle, my prayers are with your DD and SIL. Matt keep safe.
Janet did die from cancer, and Kate dedicated 'Just want...'to her memory. She never spoke ill of her that I know of except insulting her weight when she rode the pony at the tups 3rd birthday. I don't think there would be anything but maybe exclusion from their lives. I don't buy that reason for not attending the services of a loved one, dedicated friend and helper. Janet seemed like a lovely, bubbly , generous soul.
Admin, the final show of Kate+8 was aired Sept. 12.
Formerly Duped, her "traditional Sunday pancakes" were prepared using "Henry's Recipe".
We saw it in an episode, and TLC had the ingredients in a sidebar while she fixed them.
Can you imagine how crazy you have to be to put up an entire rouse about when and how often you have your kids? Who does that??? If that is what she is doing.
One of these days she's going to get caught, does she think Jon doesn't take these kids out in public? Numerous people have reported sightings of them recently--at the company picnic, the park, a kiddie sports game. Doesn't she think one of these days a sighting will happen when she's manically tweeting about watching old home movies with them and crying?
Midnight Madness, it was just one more insane comment to continue the drama.
Michael Strahan was named as Kelly Ripa's new co-host. Kate wasn't even invited to audution, like so many others were.
Also coming out with new talk shows:
Steve Harvey
Katie Couric
Ricki Lake
Jeff Probst
NOT coming out with a talk show:
Kate Gosselin
An example from last night's Australia trip. After the long flight, coach class, Matt got off the plane bright eyed and bushy tailed saying, well that wasn't so bad!
TLC, the crew, everyone involved probably likes to work with people like that. People who smile during, let's face it, a horrendously long flight, and say things like, that's not to bad. Those are the kind of people anyone likes to be around. The fact is people generally like this family and people in all kinds of areas are perfectly willing to work with them. Being nice goes a long way when you want to make money, Kate.
khater said... 164
I know I only post rarely...but I usually user Khater. And I did not post yesterday. No biggie but I was just like 'what I didn't write this?'
I guess people can use whatever name they want.
Khater have you considered going blue? Both you and your imposter are posting in black. If you went blue and picked an avatar, it would be a lot more work for an imposter to do the same. Imposters don't like work, they are lazy and want something quick and easy.
lol, well Kate should add Jon's Korean dishes to her cookbook, seeing that she is borrowing from various people! His meal looked good!
Oh, Dwindle. I will be sending prayers and all good thoughts for the safety of your son-in-law. I wish I could thank him directly for his sacrifice and service to our country.
Berks Neighbor said... 171
Kate's new bestest Buddy at Y102 Jackie Hoffman (the one that she's running the 5K with that previously didn't have high regards for Kate Gosselin until she used her for the 5K promotion) highlighted this story on their webpage:
Alice Cooper Says Stay Away From Reality TV!
In a blog post Alice Copper encourages "kiddies" not to watch reality television, warning them not to "get your head turned in an Exorcist style and think it’s the way to fame and fortune." Cooper goes on to say, "The problem is with wanting to be a reality TV star, you’re only famous for a little while. You can’t live on that fame forever. How are people becoming stars by being idiots on TV? Why do we praise these idiots? We keep settling for stupid!"
I have a really good friend who is very close with Alice Cooper, although I have never met him myself. They have been close for decades; very close. His real name is Vince and the Alice Cooper persona is just an act. He is very intelligent and very saavy and a very KIND person!
Part of the proceeds from Amy’s cook book will go to the Amy Roloff Charitable Foundation:
In 2009, I formed the Amy Roloff Charity Foundation (ARCF) to help non-profit organizations raise funds for children and youth who face social, emotional, mental and physical challenges. Since our creation, ARCF has raised over $250K in new giving for local, national and international non-profit organizations and causes.
Amy’s website is awesome and illustrates how involved she is in “giving back”. Compared to Kate's website, which is well, all about her and her kids. I have just begun to follow Amy on twitter. What a difference in Amy and Kate
Amy gets her cookbook published and Matt goes to Australia. Aww. Maybe Kate should sue TLC for stealing her bucket list. I hope she's seething with jellusy.
Midnight Madness, it was just one more insane comment to continue the drama.
Thanks, Tweet! I was going to put a call-out to you in my post because I figured if anyone knew, you would! The comment, though, was so out-of-the-blue crazy that I couldn't figure out if there really was something floating around at the time about Kate's relationship with Nana Janet. But wrongful death? Why? Insane!
One of these days someone is going to make a comment like that and add more to the drama than they bargained for. Someone is going to get really good and irritated and do something about it. Drama or not, you just don't put things like that out there.
As far as Kate not addressing the split custody issue and telling the sheeple to drop it, I think she's too stupid to realize that if she admits it, it will make her look so much better. She's afraid, though, that it's going to make her seem lazy since she doesn't have the kids as much she can't play the exhausted Mom of EIGHT kids as often. However, since the sheeple cannot understand child custody issues as they apply to PA law, they would only see her as being even more of a wonderful, caring, devoted mom in that she's giving Jon more custody because she is the one, out of the goodness of her heart, who has relieved him of support. She'd come out smelling like a rose, at least in the eyes of the sheeple, who can't grasp the concept of the whole court-approved child support issue. They would say that Kate loves her kids so much, but she's making the ultimate sacrifice in sharing custody with Jon, but at the same time she's supporting them all on her own.
NT said... 170
I think it's very telling that Little People,Big World had another special last nite. They went o Australia. That's 4 specials since they were cancelled. I think they are very easy to work with and not a diva among them. Kate has only herself to blame. She was probably hard to work with and very demanding.
Aw, NT you're sweet (or deluded? J/K) to add a 'probably' to that last sentence.
OMG. Complaining about gas prices now. Well, I bet she didn't complain when she drove the BBB pulling a trailer all the way to the free beach vacay in Alabama!!
Yes, I do believe the kids are with Jon this week. Sure, the kids were tucked in at Jon's most likely (she always is careful in what she tweets) so we can't catch her in a lie.
It does not surprise me that Kate would not attend Nana Janet's funeral, because as always, she only thinks about herself. I even think that if one of her parents were to pass away, I don't think she would attend because Kevin and Jodi would be there.
@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate, I emailed you about the review of product from your blog! :) Let me know!
@healthybranscom when? I haven't seen it???! I may have missed it... Lotsa emails... Resend?
@Kateplusmy8 Okay, resent it...says "twitter review" :)
Kate hasn't done her review of Healthybrans yet! Isn't she supposed to do those on her blog for the items she grifted?
I'm guessing Jon hands the kids a phone and says Bedtime! Call Mommy and tell her goodnight. Unless, of course, Kate has told them not to.
Yes, she surely does believe in working tirelessly very day except, umm, well, when she doesn't. As in when she's home alone and cries while watching home movies?
Does the homework helper go with the kids to dad's house?
As for her carefully worded subterfuge tweets, here's the mature approach:
"hey tweeties, kids are with dad this week, and I have time to do x, y and z". Catch you all later." done and done.
More serious issue, for me, is that my blue signature is lost, must find. (Administrator) said... 9
How are the Little People specials doing anyway? They seem to make them a lot.
This is another F-U to Kate. I think she could have successfully done update specials for years and years and gotten more trips and free crap had she played her cards right,
Played her cards right? Kate never had any cards, not even a few stray jokers. In her mind, TLC was there to service HER, never a thought of the other way around. She was ENTITLED, she DESERVED it, every person of TLC, Figure 8 Productions, every one of them, were there to service HER. She thought she was in charge because she was the IT girl.
And they played that, in her. They fed it and cultivated it and Kate became a mental train wreck and it made for good ratings. it's as if the whole world was in on the joke except for Kate and 12 sheeple. All the other viewers were tuning in to see just how bitchy, mentally ill, and abusive she could act next. They made her into a joke and she fell for it.
No wonder she never got a single product endorsement. She is a nut case, an outrageous bitch to work with, a pampered Diva who will not DO THE WORK. Yeah, lots of folks oggle Casey Anthony's comings and goings, but no one is gonna pay her to promote diapers, children's clothes, or even Vodka. And OJ Simpson will never get a promotional contract for nice leather gloves either. Michael Vick modeling leathers or fur? aint gonna happen. Coupon Hovel can keep Kate safely locked away somewhere in farm country and no one has to deal with her tantrums and stupidty on a regular basis.
I am trying to keep busy here while waiting for my sobbing child to phone... This gets harder every time.
Eeek! Gas prices!! I'm definitely playing the gas game aka using all methods available2find lowest $! It hurts2pay so much to drive a car! about an hour ago
I know, tell me about it. I have THREE.
Nana Janet's grand daughters confirmed that neither Jon or Kate attended the funeral. Also, the sheeple thought that it was kind of them not to attend so the family could mourn with the paps. (yeaaaah, rrright)
I do not know if her health was an issue as to why she stopped appearing on the show, but it probably is the same deal that happened with Beth, Jodi, etc....Kate did not want them paid for their appearances.
Midnight Madness said...One of these days someone is going to make a comment like that and add more to the drama than they bargained for. Someone is going to get really good and irritated and do something about it. Drama or not, you just don't put things like that out there.
You'd certainly think so but it goes on and on. They've destroyed their credibility.
Also forgot to add that Kate was in the height of her book touring then, so I bet she didn't want to cancel any trips either with Stevie.
I am so sorry. It hurts when your kids hurt. God Speed to your son-in-law. And your daughter as well.
(I hate to sound like Kate, but I know what you are going through. My oldest is married to a Navy officer, he was gone last year for 10 months on deployment. They had just moved from TX to VA, she didn't know a soul.
Hang in there, we moms are tough. Our daughter that are married to servicemen are tougher!)
Dwindle - As I sit in my office on an Army post looking out at the parade field I'm sending up a prayer for Matt.
Kate has a new post at CC titled "Eight Times the Mess: Kate’s Tips for Keeping Kids Organized". There are 4 categories-Mail, Our Routine, Bedroom and Schedules.
I don't know what her sorting through her mail has to do with keeping kids organized-but that's Kate. She says she immediately gets rid of junk mail, and anything that isn't a bill that she decides to look at later goes on her desk. If she hasn't looked at it within a week, it gets recycled(does that mean discarded?).
What about gifts sent by her tweeties? Sometime over a week after she should have received them, they'll ask if she got their mail, and she'll usually say that she hasn't had time to sort through it.
In Our Routine, she tells the steps the kids do when they get home from school, which she says "Additionally, with eight kids, even the lunch boxes, book bags, jackets and shoes can instantly clutter my clutter-free home!.
Again, with the MY stuff.
After describing each step the kids do when they return home from school, she adds "This process is monitored by me but entirely carried out by each child. In 15 minutes, with just a few reminders, the house is back to its clutter-free status. Ahhhh!"
Why do I picture Captain VonTrapp blowing his whistle?
In Bedrooms, she says she gives the kids a little more leniency about clutter, BUT she also says "I have a rule though – if it gets to the point where their rooms stress me out (Hoarders, anyone?!) then I am not willing to come and “hang out” in their rooms. Honestly, this rule usually does the trick!"
Betcha they purposely keeps their rooms a mess, just so they won't have to "hang out" with Mommy.
Of course, then she talks about how she keeps schedules on her phone. Then she says " I take it one step further and keep specific store lists on my phone and faithfully add items to the correct lists as we run out of or run low on them."
How does this save money, you may ask?
"The importance of organization and clutter minimization cannot be underestimated; it is directly linked to savings. If I am organized, then I typically will not buy doubles of items because I misplaced the first. Similarly, if things are where they are supposed to be, we won’t lose them and have to buy another.
Additionally, if I am adding to and following my lists then I will not make extra trips to the store and inevitably buy extra items while I’m there. It all goes hand-in-hand, so start organizing today so you can increase your savings tomorrow!"
Again, another useless blog that's all about how "organized" she is. If she's that organized, why does she keep tweeting about having organized this or organized that?
You know, you are all so kind I would love to link you to my daughter so you could send on your wishes. But drive by snooping sheeple will say hurtful things to her, start calling her employer and complaining her mother is a hater of poor struggling unmarried moms of 8, etc etc etc.
Paula said... 18
Part of the proceeds from Amy’s cook book will go to the Amy Roloff Charitable Foundation:
Thanks for the link Paula. Amy sounds so sincere in her appreciation.
"Through the grace of my celebrity, I wanted to give something back from the opportunities I have been given."
Then we have Kate. "I have eight kids. Gimme free stuff."
It hurts so much 2drive a car
Please bitch, let's not forget you have 3, count 'em, 3 cars.
I won't go read her CC post. I appreciate Kate is a Twit sharing the "highlights".
Those poor kids -- they live in HER home. HER un-cluttered home.
I can hear the nasty comments when they have messed up HER space. I can imagine the threats of rejection when they have displeased HER.
Mutiny cannot come too soon!
Eeek! Gas prices!! I'm definitely playing the gas game aka using all methods available2find lowest $! It hurts2pay so much to drive a car! about an hour ago
I know, tell me about it. I have THREE.
(I meant that snarky on Kate. I only have 1 car!)
Kate and her stupidity, her grifting, lying, laziness,is made all the more ridiculous and shallow when compared to what Dwindle and her family are sacrificing.
I wish companies would take care of our military AND their families, instead of someone like Kate G. It's crazy.
Being in the military is almost like a calling, imo, for the enlisted AND their family members. Spouses, children, go for months without seeing their loved one.It's tough. They sacrifice so much, for what we take for granted.
Dwindle, your daughter is a special young lady. 7 tours already. wow. Sounds like her hubby is a great servicemen (all that military talk, job description went over my head..but so much to be proud of!!!)
Tell your daughter we are all thinking about her today.
{hugs to her}
I know we all know that Kate is certifiable, but today's blog post that is all about HER need for an uncluttered house is truly fodder for the nuthouse. 8 kids and she demands no clutter. My head hurts. Yep, mom of the year award.
Ahhh crap! I left for work this morning at 0545 and my house was cluttered! The bully couldn't decide which toy he wanted to play with last night so he got most of them out and left them scattered throughout the house. I am going to make sure that he cleans them up the minute I get home so that my house will once again be clutter free! Well, actually I'm not going to do that at all. I rather have a lived in, welcoming, comfortable house than a clutter free showplace.
Please bitch, let's not forget you have 3, count 'em, 3 cars.
And not fuel economy cars. She has gas guzzlers! Get rid of the two cars and keep the BBB. You'll be surprised at how much money you can save on gas when only have to fill up one car! She doesn't need that Sequoia or the sports car.
Kate's Latest Hypocritical Tweet:
Eeek! Gas prices!! I'm definitely playing the gas game aka using all methods available2find lowest $! It hurts2pay so much to drive a car! about an hour ago
Kate will save a whole load of money if she sold
1 or 2 of her cars...
What does "all methods available" mean? Is she flashing the gas attendent in exchange for free gas or is she simply trying to grift gas now....don't put anything past this nutcase...
OrangeCrusher1 said... 38
Please bitch, let's not forget you have 3, count 'em, 3 cars.
Maybe in her endless battle against clutter, and her working tirelessly every day, she has been remiss in deciding which of the 3 cars to use that is the "appropriate-sized vehicle according to who and what I’m hauling."
She should go back and read her blog about saving money on gas.
We are two adults in our home. (And, 3 beloved Min-pins!) We live a tidy and organized life. Now.
But, when my son was was sticky. Fingerprints and crafts and magnets on the refrigerator. Lego blocks and books and stuffed animals and stray "pets" in jars.
It was LIFE -- vibrant and fun and cluttered. I knew that it was important for my son (X1...count 'em 1) to live in his home, too. He is an adult now, and very tidy.
She is so selfish. It makes me grit my teeth to know that she tortures those sweet kids.
From Kate's Latest Hypocritical Tweet:
Eeek! Gas prices!! I'm definitely playing the gas game aka using all methods available2find lowest $! It hurts2pay so much to drive a car! about an hour ago
I thought Kate was going to say that she saves money on gas by taking a limo to New York.
BECAUSE I sincerely doubt that she's going to give up a car or two...
You'd certainly think so but it goes on and on. They've destroyed their credibility.
You are exactly right. I was just thinking the same thing. In making insane remarks, pulling stuff out of nowhere just for the sake of drama hurts the credibility of non-fans and makes them look just as crazy as the sheeple. They are doing "their side" no good with the hurtful remarks that have no basis in fact. It makes them look, well, nuts.
That's pretty rich of Kate complaining about gas prices. You know she is hoping some of her fans will put some gift cards in the mail I thought Kate said at one point that she bought the sports car to save gas. LOL. Great logic there. And, as someone mentioned, she didn't complain about gas prices when she drove the van (hauling a trailer) clear to Alabama. Think how much gas she used then! I bet since she secured the free vacation home, she had her "helpers" pay for the gas. That's why she didn't complain about prices. I got us all a free vacation, so you all have to pay for the gas. I can hear it now.
Did Kate mention in her CC blog that if the kids' rooms do get "untidy" she has no problem throwing all their belongings down the stairs for them to deal with when they get home from school?
[Excerpt from Kate's Crappin' Cabin, "Eight Times the Mess: Kate’s Tips for Keeping Kids Organized"]
"How does this save money, you may ask?"
No, Kate. The only thing I'm asking is,
how the hell do you manage to suck the life out of everything?
When the kids get older, you might want to hide duct tape, and rope from your kids... It's going to get ugly.
In Bedrooms, she says she gives the kids a little more leniency about clutter, BUT she also says "I have a rule though – if it gets to the point where their rooms stress me out (Hoarders, anyone?!) then I am not willing to come and “hang out” in their rooms. Honestly, this rule usually does the trick!"
Once again a case of what we've seen versus what lie Khate is telling this week. Remember her 'cleaning' of Mady and Cara's rooms? And she said she hadn't been inside them in MONTHS. Sell it somewhere else Khate. Or should I say try to sell it somewhere else but good luck because NO ONE is buying anything from you anymore. Lies or books.
Many blessings, and God's protection to Dwindle's brave daughter.
With love,
The talk about Beth Carson and what really went down (plenty of rumors of Kate not wanting TLC to pay her to something happened on that ski trip that embarrassed her) got me to snooping. There is a Beth Carson on Etsy selling paintings (Beth is an artist) and it looks like she and Bob moved again bought a larger home, very nice, in Wyomissing a few years ago. I am sure Beth, who has class, did not want to tell the truth to the rags, but most likely, she and Bob had to sign confidentiality agreements, and poof! they have vanished from Kate's life.
Dnasy said,
"It was LIFE -- vibrant and fun and cluttered. I knew that it was important for my son (X1...count 'em 1) to live in his home, too. He is an adult now, and very tidy."
I'm not wild about clutter, but with kids, it comes with the territory. I often have to think about Erma Bombeck's "Wet Oatmeal Kisses" and there will come a time when our home will be uncluttered, and only silent. I know that I'll miss tripping over action figures and doll houses:
"The baby is teething. The children are fighting. Your husband just called and said, “Eat dinner without me.” One of these days you’ll explode and shout to the kids, “Why don’t you grow up and act your age?” And they will.
Or, “You guys get outside and find yourselves something to do. And don’t slam the door!” And they don’t. You’ll straighten their bedrooms all neat and tidy, toys displayed on the shelf, hangers in the closet, animals caged. You’ll yell, “Now I want it to stay this way!” And it will.
You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn’t had all the olives picked out and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you’ll say, “Now THIS is a meal for company.” And you will eat it alone.
You’ll say, “I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around, no pantomines, no demolition crews. Silence! Do you hear?” and you’ll have it. No more plastic tablecloths stained with spaghetti, no more anxious nights under a vaporizer tent, no more dandelion bouquets, no more iron-on patches, wet, knotted shoestrings, tight boots, missing mittens, or ponytails falling out.
Imagine, a lipstick with a point, no babysitter, washing clothes only once a week, no parent meetings, carpools, Christmas presents out of toothpicks and paste.
No more wet oatmeal kisses.
No more toothfairy, giggles in the dark, or knees to heal.
Only a voice crying, “Why don’t you grow up?” and the silence echoing,
“I did”
Erma's "If I Had My Life To Live Over" also makes you "think" about taking time to appreciate what we have when we have it.
Someone should send those two reading suggestions to Kate. On second thought, nah, she wouldn't care. She's say, "Who is Erma?"
Just tweeted:
Erin Branscom @healthybranscom
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Miss Kate! Did you get my email? Just wanted to make sure you got it ok about the review! :)
LOL! I just commented about this a while ago. Glad to see this person is holding Kate's feet to the fire.
A deal is a deal Kate. Some entrepreneur you are.
Didn't Jon say at the time that he didn't attend Nana Janet's funeral because her family asked him not to because they were afraid it would be disruptive?
I'm a slob. I freely admit I'm a slob. My motto is, if you're coming to see me, you are welcome any time. If you are coming to see my house, I require 2 weeks notice. I'm a slob, but I'm a comfortable slob. I'm afraid I would be very uncomfortable in KKs house. I had an aunt like her. You were afraid to sit down in her house because it might wrinkle the couch cushions. One year when I was in college, my mom bought my 13 years younger cousin (the neatfreak aunt's daughter) a Barbie doll for Christmas, and I spent every spare minute knitting an extensive wardrobe for it. My aunt informed us later that she threw it all out because it was "too much clutter". Exactly like KK! I don't think my aunt was a full-blown narcissist, but she certainly had tendencies in that direction.
Please convey my thanks to your DD and SIL for his service for our country...
Matt will be in my daily meditations until he returns home.
Ooops! Forgot.
Dwindle -- Many prayers for your SIL Matt, your daughter and for you. I pray all our young men and women come home safely soon.
My friend is married to a preacher's kid. When her mother-in-law comes to visit, she goes into a cleaning frenzy, picking up toys and straightening out.
She told me that the last time her mother-in-law visited, MIL told her a story about when SHE was a young mother. One of the parishioners came to visit. Apparently in those days they just showed up with an apple pie or whatever, with no notice. MIL was frantic, running around picking up toys. The parishioner told MIL never to be embarrassed about the clutter. The kids knew they were loved, it was their home, too, and having a mother who was running around constantly stressed by trying to be organized was not what kids needed. They wanted a home, not a showplace.
Sassy Lassy said... 51
To be fair, Kate did not write ""How does this save money, you may ask?".
I threw that in as part of my commentary. She was going on and on about her organizational skills, I was wondering what her blog had to do with savings. She didn't mention savings until the last paragraph, like it was an afterthought.
Throw out junk mail. Gee no one's ever thought of that one.
Amy also did Ustream Fridays where she demonstrated recipes and hosted some "girl talk".
AND Amy has lead the Amy Roloff Foundation Charity to host positive, energetic and productive fundraisers to help out programs all over the globe.
Way to go Amy!
Matt continues to support her and the family with his wheeling dealing ways. Keeping track of all those details, and having a thriving business is a lot of work - and reality television doesn't keep the lawn mowed, chickens fed, and pumpkin seeds planted.
The kids are still their own people - in my mind a total credit to Matt and Amy's parenting and leadership. (Perfect, no, but none of us are.)
tate said... 49
You took the words out of my mouth. I was going to say maybe one of her sheep will send her a gas card.
See beth almost everyday bcuz of school and lax
Hey Kate,
If you can't afford gas sell the Audi you brought. I'm sure that will give you tons of gas money.
TLC stinks said...
I am sure Beth, who has class, did not want to tell the truth to the rags, but most likely, she and Bob had to sign confidentiality agreements, and poof! they have vanished from Kate's life.
On one of the couch interviews Kate said of Beth (with a tone of animosity) "Aaden says he has two mommies. " I imagine that was the beginning of the end of her appearances on the show.
It was also Beth and Jodie who had to ask the crew to stop filming occasionally so the kids could take a break. Yeah Beth is most certainly swirling around in the black hole with the rest of the banished.
Dwindle said... 190
Happy Tuesday, everyone. My son in law, a CW4 101st Airborne, deploys in about an hour for Afghanastan for 9 months. This is his 7th tour in a combat area. He is a Blackhawk Instructor Pilot, apparently the lead IP for his battalion, although I am not sure what exactly all that means. I am hoping that promotion means he will get shot at less than he did before. His first name is Matt, in case anyone wants to mention him in prayers. My daughter is being oh so brave but my heart is just breaking.
That is my mission and know I take my job and mission very seriously knowing that the safety and lives of my fellow service members are what I am protecting. He is in my thoughts. I cant go into detail, but just keep this in your thoughts (and your daughter's, too) I am in the intel field and we work diligently for OEF forces. That's actually why I sometimes disappear from posting for awhile, work gets busy. I am very professional- mission first- then when I have time to relax at home, blogs. I hope that helps a little. :)
When the kids get older, you might want to hide duct tape, and rope from your kids... It's going to get ugly. 51
Probably sooner rather than later.
I'll bet my crocs that confidentiality about Steve and Steve'saccommodations is written into every contract. If I'm wrong, I'll be
the barefoot contessa in the courtroom.
Anyone want to start a pool on whether she runs "for charity" on Saturday?
Yeah Beth is most certainly swirling around in the black hole with the rest of the banished.
She's most likely not shedding any tears that she's out of that mess.
readerlady said 57.....
I'm a slob. I freely admit I'm a slob. My motto is, if you're coming to see me, you are welcome any time. If you are coming to see my house, I require 2 weeks notice.
YAY, me too!!! I lead a very busy life and I absolutely require my daily downtime (yes, daily) so I had to choose what I wouldn't do, and housework is what got set aside. This is a recent change for me, only the last 4 or 5 years or so, but between working a constantly changing schedule including classes with homework, being a full time grad student, a kid who doesnt do any chores (I know, I know) working out cuz that's life in the military- plus the additional extra-work activities they require of us like organizations and volunteering, and now training for a half marathon....yep housework went out the window, LOL!!! It's clean, just disorganized. Very comfortable, though. I totally feel ya!! Mediocrity is GREAT!!
See beth almost everyday bcuz of school and lax
She (or he) sees Beth every day because of school and lacrosse.
Apparently their kids share a school and a sport.
Maybe Kate thinks that by complaining about gas prices, Officer Jim will offer to drive her back and forth to the 5K on Saturday. Or better yet, maybe the radio station will send a limo for her.
Yeah, she's playing the "gas game". Spewing all the hot air that she's so full of.
Does anyone know if Beth and Kate are even on speaking terms these days? I'm assuming their kids all attend the same school?
Thank you, each and every one of you. I copied your messages to my daughter, leaving out a few names etc. I havent heard from her yet, so she must still be on post. Either his flight out is delayed a bit, or she is getting and giving some support on post.
Midnight Madness said...
She's most likely not shedding any tears that she's out of that mess.
Yes, I doubt any of them are crying about losing contact with Kate. But can you imagine being so hands-on with the kids like Beth, Jodi and Kevin were and to see how Kate treated them? They had to have worried about them after they were kicked to the curb. (Administrator) said... 62
Throw out junk mail. Gee no one's ever thought of that one.
Kate is writing for 13 year olds because that is her own maturity level. She firmly believes the mythology that TLC created for her; that she is The Earth Mother of all, and not one female on the planet earth knows how to roll out of bed in the morning without her wisdom and 'instructing'.
She thinks she is the goddess Athena, when in reality she is just a cheap plastic copy of some loser named Katie Irene Gosselin.
Readerlady and Butterfly - As I said, my house is "lived in". Also, when people come over they know they are going to leave with a little bit of my bully on their clothes. After all, he lives in our house and they're just visiting. If they don't like to dog hair they don't have to come over. We do try to keep the hair to a minimum, but this guys hair seems to be everywhere. OK, should I be calling it fur instead of hair? Hmmmmm.
Kate is a twit said... 61
Sassy Lassy said... 51
To be fair, Kate did not write ""How does this save money, you may ask?".
I threw that in as part of my commentary. She was going on and on about her organizational skills, I was wondering what her blog had to do with savings. She didn't mention savings until the last paragraph, like it was an afterthought.
Ohhhhhhhhh... I'm sorry.
It sounded so... Kate-ish.
butterfly said... 71
readerlady said 57.....
I'm a slob. I freely admit I'm a slob. My motto is, if you're coming to see me, you are welcome any time. If you are coming to see my house, I require 2 weeks notice.
YAY, me too!!! I lead a very busy life and I absolutely require my daily downtime (yes, daily) so I had to choose what I wouldn't do, and housework is what got set aside
Amen, sisters! The first time I was at my pastor's house I was startled to see the mess and frankly, dirt, in their home when pastor's wife said to me "Excuse the mess, but we LIVE here."
It was great! 3 teenage boys, 2 working parents (she was a vet) and 3 English Sheepdogs. Yikes.
My main hangup in my damaged knee, which is getting worse. I dont have a clothes chute so carrying the laundry down to the basement is very difficult so it ends up spilling over. Also the dog hair. This time of year it is everywhere, even when I vacuum twice a day. I cant get down on the floor to brush them, and right now I cant afford to take them to the groomer anymore. So I do the best I can, which is often not really good enough.
Everything else is mostly tidy and kept as clean as possible. Oh and HunnyBunny hoards cardboard boxes. It isnt something that can be helped, but we are working on at least breaking them down flat to store them. For quite a while there, they took over my laundry room and 1/2 the basement, but it is getting much better lately. But as you know ladies, there are somethings just not worth arguing over and cardboard boxes just isnt high on my list of fight-worth material.
Auntie Ann said... Yes, I doubt any of them are crying about losing contact with Kate. But can you imagine being so hands-on with the kids like Beth, Jodi and Kevin were and to see how Kate treated them? They had to have worried about them after they were kicked to the curb.
This is why I just can't manage to give Beth any props. She allowed the press to let Khate and Jon's versions of their lives go on, and she didn't join Jodi and Kevin when they spoke with Rep. Murt. And on top of all that, she too made money off those kids.
Butterfly #68
That is my mission and know I take my job and mission very seriously knowing that the safety and lives of my fellow service members are what I am protecting.
Anyone told you lately how amazing you are?? I think you're awesome!
Keep on keepin' on.
Thank goodness there are more people like you instead of Kate!
Well, Kate, here's a money-saving may not need to buy organic afterall...and you can come down off your organic high horse.
NJGal51 said... 79
Readerlady and Butterfly - As I said, my house is "lived in". Also, when people come over they know they are going to leave with a little bit of my bully on their clothes. After all, he lives in our house and they're just visiting. If they don't like to dog hair they don't have to come over. We do try to keep the hair to a minimum, but this guys hair seems to be everywhere. OK, should I be calling it fur instead of hair? Hmmmmm.
I call it dog hair. My Border Collie/ Cattle Dog mix was wagging her entire butt the other night and clumps of hair were falling off her hips likes tufts of cotton balls. So she ended up getting a good brushing which she doesnt mind at all, thankyouverymuch. Today, she is shedding my tufts. I honestly dont know where they are coming from. But at least none of them have any mats.
HunnyBunny always says "We love our dogs and take parts of them with us where ever we go, on our pants, our shirts, our shoes..." There are parts of our dogs in Chicago, Vegas, Scottsdale, Wash DC, Virginia, TN....
Dwindle said
Oh and HunnyBunny hoards cardboard boxes.
lol, I guess I am related to your hubby, or at least my mom is! She gets something in the mail, and keeps the box, cuz it's such a 'good' box,lol.! I keep all sorts of sizes of boxes, you never know when you need a good box!
I also cannot throw away a 'good' retailer bag (aggieland outfitters,aggie bookstores, etc) kids make fun of me cuz they KNOW I am going to keep the bag (I've never found a use for these bags yet, but I know a use is right around the corner!lol)
"I have a rule though – if it gets to the point where their rooms stress me out (Hoarders, anyone?!) then I am not willing to come and “hang out” in their rooms. Honestly, this rule usually does the trick!"
Maybe it's just me, but I really didn't want my mom "hanging out" in my room with me and I don't really think my son wanted me to "hang out" with him in his room. Isn't your room where you go to get away from your parents? (Administrator) said... 133
especially when life becomes extra tough with no where to turn, problems that feel insurmountable, and the burden feels too heavy to go on!
Well first of all thank god she is finally promoting something. But what "problems" has she had? She acts like she is a Stage four cancer survivor or a war crimes victim or something. No where to turn?? Good Lord woman you've been a bottomless pit of help and freebies since day one from unsuspecting people.
She is referring to when Jon first moved out and she had to scream at the not-a-nannies all on her own, hit her kids all all all alone, and fix her own coffee. Learning how to open her box o wine did her in for 2 days.
Wiping 6 little bottoms was an overwhelming prospect too and then she remembered it was high time the twins started earning their keep.
Well, Kate, here's a money-saving may not need to buy organic afterall...and you can come down off your organic high horse.
You are SO RIGHT!!!
Inorganic food is SO MUCH healthier, what with all the pesticides, herbicides, steroids, antibiotics, hormones, chemicals and preservatives. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, artificial colorings, those are REALLY healthy and add a ton of nutrients to the food.
Kate's an idiot because she flaunts organic food as a wealth indicator.
But it is common sense to realize organic food is INDEED HEALTHIER. Unless you like getting diabetes, heart disease and cancer. If so, keep on eating those processed foods!!!!
(feeling beyond snarky today, I apologize for the tone)
And on top of all that, she too made money off those kids.
Outside of penning Kate's story for a book, I'm not sure how Beth got money from the Gosselin kids.
I don't hold things Beth did five years ago against her. She may have made a mistake not speaking out but maybe she feared the children would feel betrayed. Or maybe she had a gag order for all we know. Also If Jodi wasn't paid why would we assume Beth was? The point being Beth hasn't been an enabler for five years, time to move on and let her move on. I do hear she still talks to Jon all the time.
What is particularly hilarious is you never see a study comparing Oreos to homemade cookies, or Wonderbread to homemade bread, or organic tomato sauce to Prego.
Because the inorganics would LOSE in a heartbeat. No contest.
SO they slant the articles by claiming an inorganic apple has the same NUTRIENTS as an organic apple. Well, duh, they are APPLES, they have the same composition, the same vitamins and sugars, etc.
But the articles NEVER investigate the effect the chemicals, GMO, etc., have on the human body. Because at that level of research, again, it would be a no brainer.
Whenever you see these types of articles, ask yourself this:
What corporation is benefitting from putting this slant on this information out to the public?
Tamara said... 82
This is why I just can't manage to give Beth any props. She allowed the press to let Khate and Jon's versions of their lives go on, and she didn't join Jodi and Kevin when they spoke with Rep. Murt. And on top of all that, she too made money off those kids.
I understand that and I agree that she's not completely innocent, but the way I see it is she couldn't see what was coming. She didn't know she was helping to create a monster. Well, the monster already existed but she unwittingly fed it to the size it is now by taking her to the spa and encouraging her to take 'me time' and by writing the book FOR Kate. But I can't blame her keeping a low profile after the fact. She's not related to those kids whereas Jodi and Kevin are. She made an error in judgement by befriending Kate, she doesn't have to pay for it with having her name smeared the way Jodi's and Kevin's were after they spoke up. I think even though she was used by Kate she respected their friendship because that's the kind of person she is.
She may have taken money for her work, but she also gave of her time by helping out with them.
I do hear she still talks to Jon all the time.
Great! Then she is invited to come with Jon when he comes to my house. ;-)
If Kate writes her lists on the phone why was she grifting for a white board recently? That column offered nothing, as usual. So her kids put htier laundry in bins and wash their hands? You can take your name off 'junk' mail lists. she doesn't seem to cover much here, surprise. :(
Beth gets a pass from me. Here was a nice, gracious lady who thought she was helping a poor, overwhelmed mother of eight. Beth got sucked in to the lie.
LOL fidosmommy!
That was very kind of you to say, very kind words.
Dig-hair- oh my goodness I think my dog sheds her weight every day in fur! What can you do? Vacuum and carry on :)
As for this article from another poster,
"Well, Kate, here's a money-saving may not need to buy organic afterall...and you can come down off your organic high horse."
I had heard that too. I used to think organic was better but when I researched it, there are arguments on both sides. To each his own. I do dislike the attitude of moral superiority some people tend to take because they eat/shop/buy organic.
Formerly Duped said... 95
If Kate writes her lists on the phone why was she grifting for a white board recently?
That was for her pretend deli. You know, "Today's Special" and all that. Gag.
But I can't blame her keeping a low profile after the fact. She's not related to those kids whereas Jodi and Kevin are. She made an error in judgement by befriending Kate, she doesn't have to pay for it with having her name smeared the way Jodi's and Kevin's were after they spoke up.
At least two Gosselin children seemed to think of Beth as almost a second mother, so even though she was not a blood relative I do think she should have taken that responsibility much more seriously. If going to the media wasn't her thing or if there was a legal problem, helping Rep. Murt definitely should have been something she and Bob should have done. It was their duty to those 8 innocent children. The least they could do for them.
As for this article from another poster,
"Well, Kate, here's a money-saving may not need to buy organic afterall...and you can come down off your organic high horse."
I had heard that too. I used to think organic was better but when I researched it, there are arguments on both sides. To each his own. I do dislike the attitude of moral superiority some people tend to take because they eat/shop/buy organic.
If you enjoy eating pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, steroids and chemicals, preservatives and artificial dyes, keep on eating inorganic processed food and inorganic meats and produce. It will give you diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
As I posted above, those articles are usually put out and funded by corporations whose best interests are to keep you eating food that is unhealthy because they profit off it.
The fact that these articles are being put out there, shows us that they are getting scared that consumers are becoming educated regarding the
health risks of eating inorganic chemical nonfoods.
There are many things Beth could be doing behind the scenes the general public doesn't know about including supporting Jon and the kids. Not everyone has a new to flaunt what they do to help others.
I see another useless organize tips blog by Kate. Did kate not say she has a cleaning helper help clean up after the kids, in a blog. What does mail have to do with the kids. If Kate was that organized, she would not be tweeting: complaining that she has paperwork, has so much cleaning, unless she is anal about cleaning. The stuff Kate complains about is stuff an organized person does not complain about.
Just as I suspected, Kate is one of those perfectionist type. They do everything by the book. They clean a certain way, if the tag says don't remove, she won't remove it. If we are schedule to go to Target on thursday and a snowstorm/rainstorm hits, I would go another day, Kate would go no matter what cause it is on the schedule, no change of schedule. I know a few people like that, the house has to be a certain way, furniture has to match, appliances have to match, everything has to match, be in a certain place, the house has to be cleaned a certain way and done on a certain day. Only time it is up for change is cause of vacation away from the house.
I make plans, but am always open for change of plans. Like a death, a sale, a flood, snow, sickness etc.
As for gas prices, GET OVER IT KATE! you don't live in the midwest, like Chicago and surrounding area, we are paying the most for gas, stop complaining. Hey, Kate, nobody told you to get another diesel van. You went to buy another passenger van, why did you get another diesel one? What an idiot!
Dwindle: I wish you son-in-law all the safety in the world.
Dwindle my thoughts and prayers for your family , especially your DD and SIL.
God bless!
It's really hard to choke down (organic or non,lol) Kate's gas pricing woes. She has a huge house, 3 cars, and sends her kids to private school. She gets her hair done in NYC for crying out loud.
Shut up, Kate! If gas is pinching your pocketbook, them sell one of your three freaking cars!
Rep. Murt was interested in child labor issues, not if Kate was a loving mother who respected her children. Beth was not on the show enough to know about the hours, the scripts, etc. She may have had nothing to add to the issue at hand - child labor laws. Now, if it had been another subject Rep. Murt was involved with, she may have been asked to appear, and could have been held in contempt if she refused.
They will contact the people they need to hear from, and those people don't really have too much to say about it. I bet they knew about Beth and chose not to reel her in.
Beth probably did speak to the Kreiders andd told her observations to them. They could have taken Beth's story to the PA govt. and they would have contacted Beth if they needed her.
NJGal51: I'm with you. My dogs have most of their toys and bones all over the place, as the dog hair I'm constantly picking up( I swear it jumps right out of the bag). But you know if they didn't do it, it would not be a home.
At least two Gosselin children seemed to think of Beth as almost a second mother, so even though she was not a blood relative I do think she should have taken that responsibility much more seriously. If going to the media wasn't her thing or if there was a legal problem, helping Rep. Murt definitely should have been something she and Bob should have done. It was their duty to those 8 innocent children. The least they could do for them.
Not if they wanted to divorce themselves from the whole thing. Nobody knows how seriously Beth did take her relationship to the kids. Perhaps she thought it was better to distance herself at that time, rather than to pretend everything was okay. Going to bat for the children, and explaining what happened between the two families would just lead to more tabloid fodder -- he said this, she said that, she'd end up trying to defend herself, Kate would go after her like she's done to so many others, calling her out for "lying," and it could have gotten really nasty. Neither side would have "won," and it would have been bad for the kids.
They took the high road, as they should have. There were people present at the hearings who did testify on behalf of the kids. I don't think that two more would have made a difference. New laws were passed, and that was what Rep. Murt set out to do.
Let's throw please email me by the end of the day to collect your farmers wife DVD. Thanks!
Rule of thumb: if gas prices are too much for you than so are tri-weekly trips to NYC for hair frying.
Respectfully, I don't think Beth and Bob had any 'duty' to the Gosselin kids unless they observed blatent, overt physical abuse.
And that duty would fall to any sentient adult who witnesses such behavior.
Don't think we'll ever know the whole story, but I'm pretty sure the gestational carrier pissed Beth off royally and she decided to leave. Or she observed some bad behavior on the part of the carrier at that ski resort. Something like Mr. Grey and Carrier diddling while Jon had the kids out skiing.
I bet Kate harps on those kids to "monitor" they stick to the routine from the minute they march through the door Von Trapp-style. Remember before they went to school they had to rehearse where everything goes. She stood there and quizzed them. I wonder if any of the kids will ever become a rebellious teen and stand there defiantly and say no. I would love to see that showdown.
You'd think her right-hand advisor Milo would suggest she sell the Audi. Or would that put her on the outs with Kate again?
Duty I also think maybe they felt their duty was to always be someone the kids could trust to be discreet and not be running to the tabloids. Remember the kids will soon be old enough where they get to decide who will be in their lives and they may just include Beth in that because they've always been able to trust her. Plenty of people were speakig out, it's not like Beth was the only one who knew there were issues.
Tamara said...She allowed the press to let Khate and Jon's versions of their lives go on, and she didn't join Jodi and Kevin when they spoke with Rep. Murt
It wasn't her job to go to the press and offer a different "version" of their lives. Why would she do that? She showed much restraint and exited graciously and without slinging mud or opening up cans of worms that shouldn't have been opened. That showed class. She most likely could have sold her story to the highest bidder but she didn't, and that's commendable.
I think that Jon said she doesn't read the paper, watch the news, or vote. Well Kate, surprise. Get involved in current affairs. Try to educate yourself and then make your opinions known. VOTE! You are not allowed to fuss if you aren't participating.
anger issues kate said... 108
NJGal51: I'm with you. My dogs have most of their toys and bones all over the place, as the dog hair I'm constantly picking up( I swear it jumps right out of the bag). But you know if they didn't do it, it would not be a home.
Rope toys and nyla-bones everywhere! Be careful where you step around here! At least it's not like Fisher Price Little People and Lego bricks, those things could kill ya!
And I came very close to having a new 'toy' deposited on my living room carpet a little bit ago! My Yellow Lab killed a mouse in the yard; or is it a mole? I dont think she meant to kill it, she thought it was a game of chase. Yuck. She was so darned Labrador-Retriever-PROUD of herself! She was determined to trot her prize into the house, but I won that battle. Instead she dropped it on the deck right outside the back door. Ugh. As soon as it stops pouring here I am going to have to go out and remove that poor dead thing before I can let the dogs back out.
And then the dog has the NERVE to sit here in the house licking her chops! EWW EWW EWW!
You'd think her right-hand advisor Milo would suggest she sell the Audi. Or would that put her on the outs with Kate again?
Only if Milo could understand that having three cars equals three times the amount of gas. I'm not sure that's the case with Milo!
Also when you truly love someone else's child I imagine it would be hard to rag on their parents at hearings and in tabloids knowing how much the child you care about loves their parent and how this might hurt them. Social justice is a whole other ball game when it directly involves young children. There are good reasons for choices both groups have made and the way I see it they both made choices That were best for them at that time.
If you can't tell I have been rewatching some old episodes (well some Kate and 8 for the first time) to see if I was losing my mind that she was a controlling bitch. So I had watched this one recently.
At 8:30 she is asked if this is a typical school morning and she says "no this is orientation morning they better do it right from now on." She then proceeds to drill those kids.
I cannot get how sheeple think she is such an awesome mother. I don't get it! Oh my!
Mellow out about the clutter Kate or no one will come visit when they are grown. I am just about to drive grandsons and daughter to the airport, my house is a tornado zone, and I will miss them terribly while I clean it up. I am much more a neat freak than the rest of my famiily, but we all manage somehow. I doubt the G8 have to live 'neat freak' clean at their dad's so thank god for that. Just keep lablelin and shreiking Kate, kids love that. And as saiid above, we all doubt your threat of not 'hanging out' in messy rooms is real - kids DO NOT want Mommy visitors, not mine, not yours.
On the subject of organics: I too heard them talkin on the news about organics. There are millions of people who never get heart disease, diabetes or cancer and have eaten regular food for decades. It's the prosessed food that will get you high blood pressure, etc. the salt content is too high. The regular fruit & veggies, if you wash them, peel the skin, they are no different than the organic stuff.
I don't buy organic, cause it is too expensive.
I would like to know why? If you are not using chemicals etc, which cost the farmer money to buy and spray on the plants, than why charge more for your goods? Your goods should be less, if you are not spending money to keep bugs and the like off your plants etc? Just like if you put less salt in an item than why is it more than the regular stuff? I guess it is one of those questions that fall into the catagory of: Why do we exist? JMO
<<----- Oh dont look so forlorn, Buffy. Gads, I am about undone over this!
You and your family are in my prayers.
Big THANK YOU to DS and DIL.
Anonymous said:
If you enjoy eating pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, steroids and chemicals, preservatives and artificial dyes, keep on eating inorganic processed food and inorganic meats and produce. It will give you diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
The recent study was by Stanford University. Organic never meant more nutritious. Kate is just an idiot who thinks that. It just means no pesticides. The study found that there was no nutritional difference and the chemical difference was slight. It's a waste of money for no gain.
Dwindle... Hugs and prayers to your daughter and son-in-law.
Re Beth: I was always a fan of Beth's and she is someone I would have no problem being friends with.
Re organic food: Our local paper made a list of produce you should buy organic and the ones that are lowest in pesticide that you can buy non-organic.
Dirty Dozen Plus Two: Buy these organic
green beans
Clean 15: Lowest in Pesticide
sweet corn
sweet peas
sweet potatoes
This list came from the Environmental Working Group,
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. Kate's still a poopyhead. My grandson's here today (he's napping right now) hence the poopyhead.
Well, Kate , can you help me? I had bad electrical problems on the weekend, and more repair work Thursday scheduled. Today I had the lovely experience of a gas leak in the basement- had to vacate the house, sit in the car with my dog across the street.(raining) All in all, my bill will be about $3000. Gas shut off overnight- no oven, hot water etc butt he pipes to be replaced are what cost the most- My dog is due for her check-up, shots and needs HeartGuard/Flea & Tick protection, what next???
How will shredding junk mail help????????????????
But it could be worse. No one was hurt and my dog was safe. :)
Thanks Formerly for the link about the identical m/f twins. I think you'd call that more of a birth defect, but would have to do a lot more research, and frankly, I have no reason to do so.
The Duggars compliment their kids and tell them what they admire about them. Can you imagine Kate doing that?
The Roloffs have been a delight to watch. They have a great family, warts and all. We all have warts, and theirs are somewhat endearing.
My dogs have hair all around, much as I try to track it down, and we have leather fabric all over so it's ez to clean. Oh dear, did I say leather? I have more of it than Kate. It's practical for me, not a status symbol. I have a bad back and can basically only clean what's in front of me, so don't look too high!
I'm anxious to see if TLC does something right with "Breaking Amish." It's Rumspringa time, and I wonder how much of it will be scripted. I was reading some comments on another site and the poster was criticizing the Amish as being un-Christian and uncaring parents because they cast their kids aside and then if they fail, they can't come home.
I hope that this show educates people like the person who posted the comment. Amish are free to do their Rumspringa thing, and their elders hope and pray that they do come back to the sect and be baptized. They don't turn them away. That's the point of them independence to decide their future and not be indoctrinated without freedom of choice.
OK, I just have vote this the most delusional sheeple tweet of the day:
@Kateplusmy8 will you come out an endorse xxxxxx?I think a lot of people will be swayed by who you support!
I purposely blocked the name of the candidate mentioned, so as not to start a political debate.
Does this person think that Kate could actually influence "a lot" of people to vote for her choice of candidate. If anyone would vote for a candidate just because Kate supports them, they seriously need help.
My darling daughter is doing her Deployment Day Wallow routine. Gorging on junk food and processed packaged food and fast food. She is usually an organic gal with only occasional organic poultry as her only meat.
Kate buys organic on occasion because she has it in her head that ORGANIC cotton candy has more nutrition than mediocre cotton candy. Or lollipops. Or marshmallow fluff.
If folks can afford to avoid the pesticides, that is up to them. But I do object to the antibiotics and hormones introduced to our meat supply. I try to purchase organic meat and dairy when i can, but I am not obsessed with it.
Re Beth: I was always a fan of Beth's and she is someone I would have no problem being friends with.
It all comes down to trust. You could trust her not to betray a confidence and what more could you want in a friend?
Anonymous said... 101
"If you enjoy eating pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, steroids and chemicals, preservatives and artificial dyes, keep on eating inorganic processed food and inorganic meats and produce. It will give you diabetes, cancer and heart disease."
...My mom is 93, my dad just passed away at 91. His mother lived to 93 and her father lived to 99. They didn't have the choice of buying organic foods but they did have the choice of doing everything in moderation.
I was being snarky towards Kate because she overuses the term "organic" and it is highly unlikely that she practices what she preaches.
OK, I just have vote this the most delusional sheeple tweet of the day:
@Kateplusmy8 will you come out an endorse xxxxxx?I think a lot of people will be swayed by who you support!
lol! Yes, in the other direction! I think that if this person wants a candidate endorsed, the last thing she should do is to contact Kate! If Kate threw her support at a candidate, voters would vote for the opposition!
ocalyocul said... 120
If you can't tell I have been rewatching some old episodes (well some Kate and 8 for the first time) to see if I was losing my mind that she was a controlling bitch. So I had watched this one recently.
What mom of ANY number of kids, takes her kids to the mall,wears hooker heels and lets her fake boobies hang out for all to see? I stomached enough of the video until the part where she said her kids had never been in a mall.
what a great mom. not. and people idolize her? FOR WHAT????
I find it interesting that yesterday there were many comments about not being able to stand Amy Roloff's cluttered house, yet today everyone is criticizing Kate for saying she has a clutter free house.
I'm no Kate fan, and it's ridiculous that she expects a clutter free house with 8 kids (although with as much household help as she has, it's possible that it's clean most of the time). I've seen maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of all the LPBW episodes and didn't think Amy's house was that bad. It wasn't messy because she was lazy. It was messy because put other things as a priority over housekeeping.
Kate makes housekeeping a top priority because it goes along with her obsession with image. I remember when I first saw J&K+8 it made me feel bad because I only had 4 kids and I could never find the time to clean. Then I started reading about her and realizing she only had a clean house because people volunteered to help her and, "who was she to say no?" Ugh!
organic vs inorganic (disregarding processed foods)-
There are plenty of studies to be found for both sides and NOT paid for by the big companies. You just have to search for them. There is no final opinion to either side. Consumers can make up their own, informed minds on which type of foods to purchase- or a combination of both.
Want to avoid diabetes? Exercise. That is the biggest contributing prevention factor to the disease.
Dwindle 131 said
My darling daughter is doing her Deployment Day Wallow routine. Gorging on junk food and processed packaged food and fast food. She is usually an organic gal with only occasional organic poultry as her only meat.
well, if it makes her feel better, then I think she deserves a day of comforting herself. Just as long as she doesn't do it everyday! In honor of her and your SIL, I will go enjoy a milky way( non-organic, of course!)
If Kate doesn't watch the news or read the paper WHY would who she votes for (if she even does vote) sway anyone?
Re: Beth- I agree that perhaps she and Bob did some behind-the-scenes advocating for the kids. Beth seems very religious (MB- you can tell) and I doubt she would stand by and watch anything she knew of go unreported. Who knows? We don't really know exactly why Kate alienated them b/c they didn't need money from 'her' show.
It would be interesting to know their relationship at school and at sports, though!
I've always found it a little offense that the messy house is always blamed on Amy and not the family in general. They all keep a messy house. I don't think anyone is asking Kate to let the family be that messy but there is definitely a whole Lot of room between roloff messy and Kate's militant ship shape psycho tidy. There's a happy medium.
Formerly Duped said... 127
So sorry to hear about your troubles- that is quite expensive! And to think I was complaining when I bought my house and it didnt have gas, only electric. I am very glad you and your pup are safe.
Maybe you should take to twitter and see if grifting is a talent of yours :)
Admin said... 149
A lot of men also still think kids are just better off living primarily at the mother's house. And a lot of judges too. I'm glad this is changing. Kids need both parents.
* * * * *
I agree, in part. Not every person is a good parent. Sometimes children are better off in a stable environment - that might mean with dad, or with mom, full time. There are sadly many people with drug or alcohol addictions, and a child should definitely not be spending 50% of their time with such a parent. Kids do not NEED both parents, when one of those parents is in the midst of drug/alcohol addiction, or is otherwise not a responsible parent. As a single mom, I've dealt with many people looking down on me and my son because he doesn't "have both parents" in his life. While his father is not much of a presence, it's old-fashioned thinking to believe my son is disadvantaged by that. He has a wonderful grandfather, two terrific uncles, myself as an active loving mother, and so on. What children NEED is at least one stable, loving, nurturing caregiver who is there for them, providing care and unconditional love. If they have two people or more providing that environment, so much the better. But if they have one -- that's still pretty darn good, considering how many children are being raised in foster homes because neither parent was worth a darn.
It's hide the bunny time!
@Kateplusmy8 ok good I can't wait much longer!blogs here&there aren't enough.Do cover w pics of u in jogging/beach wear too!proof pics!lol!
@Kateplusmy8 K8 I am formally requesting that you write a book of healthy mom on the go recipes and quick meals for kids too! Pleeaassseeee!
What an amazing moment Iyanla shared with audience member, we as women need love from women like as girls did frm our moms.#Lifeclass
Kate is a twit said... 130
OK, I just have vote this the most delusional sheeple tweet of the day:
@Kateplusmy8 will you come out an endorse xxxxxx?I think a lot of people will be swayed by who you support!
I purposely blocked the name of the candidate mentioned, so as not to start a political debate.
I saw that too and LOLed. I wonder if she even knows it's a presidential election year, and if so who is running in which party and which party stands for..well you get the drift. And if she goes to vote I wonder if she's been paying attention enough to know she'll need to bring ID for the first time. She doesn't even know FDR from Teddy R!!
Sweet tart it goes without saying that Children need both parents as long as they are both appropriate. It's different when one or both are on drugs or have other issues. I have to respectfully disagree that it's old fashioned to think kids need both parents. The studies are overwhelming on this point. But if one can't be there for whatever reason there are ways to compensate for it as you have done and by no means means some kids don't do just fine. Plenty of single parents do just fine but why keep a kid from a perfectly decent Parent if there is one.
Dwindle said... 131
My darling daughter is doing her Deployment Day Wallow routine. Gorging on junk food and processed packaged food and fast food. She is usually an organic gal with only occasional organic poultry as her only meat.
Aw... God bless her brave heart. It must be nerve racking watching her brave husband deploy.
She has my admiration.
Sending prayers for strength, and prayers for her husband to safely return home.
It all comes down to trust. You could trust her not to betray a confidence and what more could you want in a friend?
Someone who doesn't cover up for abusers.
At 8:30 she is asked if this is a typical school morning and she says "no this is orientation morning they better do it right from now on." She then proceeds to drill those kids.
Was that the one where she forces the kids to pack and take lunches to school even though it's a half day? And where at least one kids tries to tell her that before they leave in the morning?
Dwindle - Your family is in my thoughts and prayers as well as all the members of our military and their families.
Well, trying, as ever, to emulate our beloved Kate I used my label maker to label each and every towel and washcloth. DH said I had to stop. The labels just don't stay on very well in the shower :( I'm just at a loss now, how will I ever remember what a towel is or how to identify it on a shelf? Oh, just like him, he complained the label on the bar of soap was "scratchy". Men! Yesterday an unopened jar of olives was on the kitchen counter. Since I have yet to label the shelves in the pantry I didn't know where to place the olives. There's a label in the refrigerator for an OPENED jar of olives, but this was an unopened jar. The stress! Hopefully my doc will double my dose of diazepam to help me deal. This life of WWKD is sooo difficult. How DOES she do it?
Tamara the issue I have with your allegations is we know so little of Beth I don't know how you can say Beth even saw any abuse or how you can be so certain if she did she didn't report it to her pastor, the school and CPS. Such cases are confidential.
There is more than one way to stand up for these kids and we may never know all that was quietly done behind the scenes.
Formerly Duped 127 said
Well, Kate , can you help me? I had bad electrical problems on the weekend, and more repair work Thursday scheduled. Today I had the lovely experience of a gas leak in the basement- had to vacate the house, sit in the car with my dog across the street.(raining) All in all, my bill will be about $3000
Sorry to hear of your troubles, but thank goodness natural gas has an odor! I live not too far from New London Tx...I believe they just commemorated an anniversary of a horrible gas explosion that killed the majority of students and teachers.(This was many,many yrs ago, and due to this explosion, an odor was added to gas to prevent this tragedy from repeating itself.)
@Kateplusmy8 will you come out an endorse xxxxxx?I think a lot of people will be swayed by who you support!
Hahahahaha! Suuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeee.
She'll vote for the 1st candidate that sends her free trips & thingies, guest spots, and a new series for her & her 8 bank accounts.
The real question should be, does she even know who is running for the presidency?
Tamara @147: Someone who doesn't cover up for abusers.
Is this an implication that Beth covered up when it came to child abuse? Wow. Where is the proof that Beth ever covered up for an abuser? Just because she didn't testify at a child labor laws hearing? That's really far out, and totally uncalled for. There are things that go on behind the scenes that nobody knows, including what Beth did or what Beth did not do when it came to the welfare of the children.
Want to avoid diabetes? Exercise. That is the biggest contributing prevention factor to the disease.
For Type II diabetes. Type I is a whole 'nuther ballgame.
Admin said...
I don't think anyone is asking Kate to let the family be that messy but there is definitely a whole Lot of room between roloff messy and Kate's militant ship shape psycho tidy. There's a happy medium.
I seem to recall Kate throwing Cara and Mady's stuff down the stairs when she tackled cleaning their room for lack of anything else to do on an episode. The kids all probably have messy rooms for the sole purpose of keeping their mother out. I can see the sign now. "Stay Owt with Vacume Cleener"
Wow! Just watched the episode someone above posted of Kate school shopping at the mall and the 1st day of school. Must have been right after her "not-a-boobjob" cuz holy crap was she dressed like a hooker! Her kids were raising hell with the giant croc shoe and Kate was totally ignoring them and was totally engrossed with trying on more hooker heels and then Miss "I always use coupons and save money and buy used" bought BOTH pairs of hooker heels for herself and had the audacity to say "what's the rule if you can't decide?!? Buy both pairs!". Obviously she was rolling in the dough and thought it was never going to end back then. Her kids had to have been sooo embarrassed by her!
Amish are free to do their Rumspringa thing, and their elders hope and pray that they do come back to the sect and be baptized. They don't turn them away. That's the point of them independence to decide their future and not be indoctrinated without freedom of choice.
Actually there are a number of different Amish which don't adhere to rumspringe, and some families will actually turn away their kids after a certain point in time within young adulthood. Like any family, some Amish parents are very strict and unyielding and some are more open about obedience and church membership choices.
From the limited knowledge I have of the show, I recall Beth being on it in the early stages? If that's the case, why bring her up now? Perhaps she had issues with what she saw, reported it, and bowed out.
I think attention needs to come back to their *mother*, who has never hesitated to use and exploit her children for every dime she has in the bank. And continues to this day.
Tamara said... 147
It all comes down to trust. You could trust her not to betray a confidence and what more could you want in a friend?
Someone who doesn't cover up for abusers.
Oh, my gosh. No words for this comment.
AuntieAnn said... 154
Want to avoid diabetes? Exercise. That is the biggest contributing prevention factor to the disease.
For Type II diabetes. Type I is a whole 'nuther ballgame.
So right and my bad for not making that distinction. Typically, though, when discussing dietary choices and avoiding diabetes the reference is to type II. Both are in my family, unfortunately.
If people want to get really paranoid, I was reading a couple of articles that said artificial scents (candles, detergents, etc) also may be linked to cause type II diabetes. I was unable to find any corroborating, scientific, peer-reviewed substantial research to back up these claims, but it was an interesting read.
Shouldn't Kate be posting about dinner or homework or showers about now? Come on supermom, your fans are waiting, on a cliff like lemmings...
Thanks! I know we were lucky. I happened to decide to do a load of laundry and that's where the smell was- the basement. If I hadn't gone down, it might have been worse. and in the mail today was a $25 coupon for the plumbing co. However, unlike Kate, I know they will say it doesn't apply for some reason....had to laugh.
That was the year before. They filmed School Days, Back to School and another school-ish episode. The earlier one had the order-of-lunch drill and the newer one had the orientation!
(They also had one where the tups went to pre-school from the E-Town house at the church I think? They had animal backpacks. Then there was A Day in the Life where the twins started first grade and Kate insulted Mady a number of times. I wonder what she thinks when she watches those older episodes?)
My mom used to say that there are houses, and then there are homes. She much preferred to spend her time filling our home with love, taking care of us kids, working on craft projects, cooking, baking, taking care of injured animals, sewing, or reading, than obsessing about whether the house was always tidy enough to receive visitors. We most definitely lived in a home.
Actually there are a number of different Amish which don't adhere to rumspringe, and some families will actually turn away their kids after a certain point in time within young adulthood.
They don't all practice Rumspringa, but I've done study upon study of Amish youth and practices (even lived with a family) and I've never heard of any Amish who turn their kids away at a certain point in time within young adulthood, throwing them out and not allowing them to come back. That would lead to a decline in membership of their group, and there is great concern about losing members. That's the last thing that they want to happen.
That's a new one for me! Do you know which sect or sub-group this is and what geographical area? I'm curious! Is it Old Order Amish, Beachy Amish, Swartzentruber Amish, New Order, Andy Weaver Amish, Troyer? Would there have to be a major offense committed against their religious beliefs in order for elders to turn away their offspring?
NBC Nightly News -- segment on organic food, is it worth it?
It seems 2 of Kate's favorite words both begin with the word "organ"--organize and organic. I wonder if her curtains are made of organdy or organza. Did she ever play an organ in her early church going days? Maybe "organ" is a favorite word because it can be anagrammed into several words and abbreviations such as:
Go and Ran-she's always on the "GO" and talks about how many miles she "Ran".
Groan-one of her main activities.
RN and Ago-She's an RN who likes to dwell on things that happened several years "ago".
No and Rag--as in, there is "No" truth in those "Rag" articles.
Nag and Or-as in, do what I "nag" you about "or" there will be penalties of severness.
Yup, the word "organ" has a lot of meaning in her life.
We don't know what Jon does, whether he works or not, but by the weight he has gained, we know he is eating. The Duggars are doing the same thing.
Eating? I hope so!
If the argument is that Beth NEVER saw any abuse then their needs to be a serious reconsideration about what kind of Mom Khate was before Beth left the show.
I think dozens of people saw serious abuse over the years and never reported it. Beth is just one of the more relevant as she was so close to the family for so long. And as she appeared continuously on the show, and traveled with them. And no, going to CPS is not the only tool someone in a position of authority can use to stop abuse. I'm not saying arrest Beth or Bob, but I am saying they seriously errored in protecting 8 children they claimed to love.
Dwindle - We have bunnies in our front and when we take the bully out there we'll point and say "look at the bunny, look at the bunny". He will look and then turn to us as if to say "AND?". He's never once chased anything!
I am toasting your daughter's junk food binge with a Devil Dog and a Coke. Your family will be in our prayers.
Over 163, I do know several Amish families who expected their adult children to join the church, and when they did not by when the parents (father) considered a reasonable age, they were "kicked out" of the home, so to speak, usually with the excuse that the young adult "resisting" baptism was setting a bad example for the younger children in the family. This was not a church thing - I guess I would call it an "unreasonable and overly controlling parent" thing! Caused great contention within the family. If the child (adult) chose to join the church then they were welcome to move back home.
The families that I personally know who did this are Swartzentruber and one Old Order.
This is NOT at all common, but it isn't unheard of. It just isn't talked about because it's a family/parental authority thing. I grew up within one predominently Amish/Mennonite community in Ohio (now mainly Mennonite, the Amish moved away) and now live within the other "largest one in the world", lol.
Kate is a twit said ...165
Did she ever play an organ in her early church going days?
Hmmmm. Let me think. Was that before or after Purse-Boy entered the picture?
Wait, I'm wrong- the earlier school one had the 'little' kids going for half a day so didn't need lunch and Leah tried to tell Kate who said follow instructions! Did she go through the eating-order twice- I forget as the two shows were so similar. Maybe a lunch box placement. She made a big deal in Stride -Rite about the lunch boxes. (Another big scene at LL Bean a year later!)
Kate is a twit said... 165
It seems 2 of Kate's favorite words both begin with the word "organ"--organize and organic. I wonder if her curtains are made of organdy or organza. Did she ever play an organ in her early church going days? Maybe "organ" is a favorite word because it can be anagrammed into several words and abbreviations such as:
LOL If you come up with any anagrams of her name or a numerology connection to the word 'organ' I will be seriously freaked out ;) Maybe you've come across your next profile picture? Khate sitting at an organ surrounded be organised organic foods?
Tamara wrote that she thinks dozens of people saw serious abuse over the years and never reported it.
Tamara, name a few of the dozen op people and name some of the serious abuses that the G kids endured. I don't think their was any serious abuse at all.
If the child (adult) chose to join the church then they were welcome to move back home.
Thanks! This is correct. They may move back home. My point in bringing this up initially was because of the incorrect assumption on the part of the poster who claimed that if the child failed at living in the outside world, he/she was never allowed back again and therefore the Amish were "un-Christian." As far as I know, this is just not true.
I think that the TLC show is about Rumspringa, judging on what is being shown in commercials. It will be interesting to see how TLC handles this.
I'm not saying arrest Beth or Bob, but I am saying they seriously errored in protecting 8 children they claimed to love.
What should they have done, and if they did see something, how do you know that nothing was done, and they didn't call it to the attention of others, or those in authority?
@Kateplusmy8 @CouponCabin What # is ur answering e-mails on ur 2do list! #AnticipationJustCantWaitTweeties :)
Oh, Milo. Just get a room.
One thing to keep in mind is that foods today are not the same foods as 20 to 30 years ago.
That is, if you ate processed and fast food years ago, the ingredient list would be quite different.
Taco bell used to have the beef prepared onsite by its staff members, fresh daily.
Today: pink slime, anyone?
80% of antibiotics purchased in the U.S. today go to ANIMALS in the food industry. 80%.
I have often wondered if there are financial ties between certain Big Food companies and Big Pharma, as these foods give us "sickness" that pills can "manage."
I'm not going to post re organic foods anymore because I feel it has become pointless.
All I can say is this: If people really understood what was going on at a cellular level in their bodies as far as food consumption, processed food in its current forms and a lot of inorganic foods would lose sales to the point that the companies would be out of business within a month.
If anyone is interested, learn about the inflammatory response, immune system and nutrition.
My last post on nutrition.
I wonder if Kate is even registered to vote?
Dwindle, my thoughts are with you and your family, I have nothing but admiration for the servicemen and women who sacrifice so much for our country.
On a lighter note, can you imagine Kate on a tour bus on the campaign trail. She could flap her hands and screech at every stop. "Vote for, umm, honestly, umm, like, just vote. I have 8 count 'em 8 kids and umm, 8 brain cells, no lie!"
Steve could buy some shades and an ear piece so he could pretend to be Mr. Secret Service Man.
Auntie Ann 154,
Type II diabetic here. I lost 9% of my body weight and started exercising 3 days with 1 day of rest, 3 days, 1 day etc.
I included aerobics and weight training.
Within 8 weeks I was able to stop my metformin and my blood sugars are between 70 - 138, average 114 with no spikes. My HbA1c dropped from 6.2 to 5.5. Excellent numbers. All for 15 lbs loss.........
Plus I feel 40 years younger and my achy knees quit hurting.
Exercise DOES work. I continued to lose and now am down 30 lbs. I could dance all the way to the CA party behind the train or car... which are we taking, again... I forgot? LOL (Apparently I need to exercise more to help my old brain.... ha ha)
Please forgive my little humblebrag. I'm pretty proud of myself.... :-)
So you are majorly correct in your comment about exercise helping type II!
Dwindle, hope your sil stays safe, and good thoughts for your daughter.
Re organic cost: a friend worked part time for an organic farm few years ago. The farm had been using organic farming techniques for years, but in order to be certified organic and say that on your products, there is a ton of paperwork and records that must be kept. my friends job was just the paperwork.
Now there is a Co-op I shop at sometimes, most of the food is grown within 50 miles, and they say much of the food is grown with higher than organic standards, but not certified organic - because the small farmers don't have the time or staff to manage the record keeping required.
I'm not saying arrest Beth or Bob,
Well, that's good to know! Sheesh!
Someone asked if Kate is registered to vote. Does Kate know that this is an election year? :0)
heather said...
I have often wondered if there are financial ties between certain Big Food companies and Big Pharma, as these foods give us "sickness" that pills can "manage."
heather I don't even wonder anymore. It's been proven.
Aack. Don't get me started!
butterfly said...
So right and my bad for not making that distinction. Typically, though, when discussing dietary choices and avoiding diabetes the reference is to type II. Both are in my family, unfortunately.
butterfly - I hope you didn't take that as a personal jab. I apologize. I have a habit of pointing out the difference between the two. I'll never understand why the two are lumped together as the same disease.
I certainly agree exercise and a healthy diet not only prevents Type II, it will also cure it.
I'm not saying arrest Beth or Bob, but I am saying they seriously errored in protecting 8 children they claimed to love.
For all we know that could have been the reason Kate gave Beth the boot. The thing is, we don't know, so unless Beth says anything publically there's not much more to say about it.
Not Proud of How Bad I Have Been to Anyone via Blogging said... 159
Totally Disgusted. Why would you think that Kate Gosselin needs a "talking to" by women who have lost their jobs, had hard times and had to work for every little thing they have?
You answered your own question. They had to work for every little thing they have. And they are working hard to better themselves and achieve their goals on their own merit and I admire them. They don't expect things to be handed to them. Can't admire someone who uses people (including her children), grifts, and puts on the poor me, I'm struggling act with daily obstacles to overcome. If I was one of those ladies and she tried to give me her pity me I had and have such a hard life, I'd tell her she doesn't have a clue. There's no way she can relate to whatever hardships those women have endured.
Just my opinion.
OT: Chicken crock pot recipe needed! Yes, I know I can find zillions on the Internet but Id like one that's been taste-tested and is well-liked. I seem to keep returning to a few tried and true recipes and could use some new ideas. Thanks!
AuntieAnn said... 155
I seem to recall Kate throwing Cara and Mady's stuff down the stairs when she tackled cleaning their room for lack of anything else to do on an episode. The kids all probably have messy rooms for the sole purpose of keeping their mother out. I can see the sign now. "Stay Owt with Vacume Cleener"
I never saw that episode, but did see a brief few seconds of toys being flung down the stairs. Didnt she also say, and I quote, "I havent been up here in months" meaning her children's rooms?
But now we are supposed to believe that, if the rooms meet her inspection, she will 'hang out' in them WITH her children? Extremely unlikely.
Jane said... 186
OT: Chicken crock pot recipe needed! Yes, I know I can find zillions on the Internet but Id like one that's been taste-tested and is well-liked. I seem to keep returning to a few tried and true recipes and could use some new ideas. Thanks!
Jane, are you looking for a casserole type dish? I only cook the chicken in the crock and then use the cooked meat later for casseroles.
Try chicken pieces covered in white wine.
Or heavily tossed in chives.
Or rather heavily seasoned with Lawrys Seasoned salt.
or heavily seasoned with rosemary and thyme.
Or coverd with a dark, sweet beer.
Always include bones and skin in the crock if you can, it adds so much flavor.
Add thick potato slices to the bottom of the crock.
If you love the broth you have just made, use it to make rice.
Jane, can you wait until Kate's cookbook comes out? She says it won't be much longer. ;-)
OT: Chicken crock pot recipe needed! Yes, I know I can find zillions on the Internet but Id like one that's been taste-tested and is well-liked. I seem to keep returning to a few tried and true recipes and could use some new ideas. Thanks!
Really easy. Tried and true. When all else fails, try this. Kids are always asking for it.
Cut up two really large skinless, boneless chicken breasts, dump in jar of Paul Newman's Sockarooni sauce, plus half a jar of any kind spaghetti sauce with mushrooms, stir in some oregano and parsley flakes, a dash of Italian seasoning, pinch of paprika. Turn on high for about an hour or so, and then back to low until the chicken is done. Stir. If it's too thick, thin with rest of the generic spaghetti sauce, or add just a little bit of water. I usually let the whole thing simmer for about five hours or so. Serve with noodles or rice, green salad and garlic bread. Sorry I don't have the correct amounts. I've made it so often and I've never measured. If you're a mushroom fan, you can saute some mushrooms first and add them to the crockpot after you put in the Sockarooni.
Better than any "cacciatore" Kate ever made! Don't substitute the Paul Newman with anything else, though. It won't taste the same. You won't believe how good the kitchen will smell. Neighbors come drooling at your door.
Didnt she also say, and I quote, "I havent been up here in months" meaning her children's rooms?
Dwindle she did. Which made everyone wonder how that could be possible for Ms Katie Broomstick-Up-the-Ass Gosselin.
I'll tell you what... any mom who doesn't check into their kids' rooms in 'months' is no clean-freak. She can't have it both ways.
Dear Dwindle: I hope in some small way that all the prayers on this blog will keep your son-in-law
safe as he fights to keep us all safe. Your daughter deserves a special place in our hearts as well.
The abuse thing is hard. From what we saw on the show, it was awful behavior on Kate's part, and Jon didn't stand up to her, but other than the exploiting, I'm not sure that it would cross the line into legal abuse. Although who knows what behavior we *didn't* see.
And who knows what Beth had to say/do about it.
It seems to me that the parental behavior has to be a *whole* lot worse before child protection would step in.
The kids weren't starved, or beaten, or burned with cigarettes, or abandoned on the street, or made to do bad things.
It was close to the line, in that they were handled roughly at times by Kate, certainly not given enough to eat, abandoned emotionally by their mother, and made to do things that were exploitive of them.
Abuse? Yes. But not in the way that child protection looks at it.
It's very hard to watch, and very hard to know how to handle it. Having been there, sadly.
It's something I've struggled with over and over. Child protection says it doesn't meet the threshhold for their definition of abuse. Even though a reasonable person would say that this is not right! Do something!
The most I can do is try not to run afoul of the mother, try to stay in the little girl's life as best I can, and let her know that she is loved. I get the kid away from the home as much I'm allowed.
I want to give her the strength she needs to tough this out.
She's still young. She wants to play mommy shark and baby shark with me all the time. And she always asks if I will protect her the rest of her life. And I always say yes.
Everyone around this family knows that it's not right. Some have walked away, as Beth appears to have done. Some have tried to talk with the mother, and been completely blown off. Ain't no way, no how that *she* is wrong! Others dislike the mother but stay involved for the kid's sake.
Sound much like anyone we know?
I'm going to my corner and cry now. This just breaks my heart.
The law still has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to emotional abuse. The law also says a parent has a right to parent their child and it's not our place constitutionally to interfere with, shall we say, shoddy, dysfunctional families. Courts every day walk that line as to what is abuse and what is just a dysfunctional family.
It would shock you the amount of dysfunction that goes on that courts simply just aren't allowed legally to interfere with.
Dwindle, {{hugs}} to your DD and prayers and unending gratitude to your SIL for his service to our country. Sending positive vibes to the universe for a speedy and safe return!
Re: Beth abruptly leaving Utah. While the theory that Beth caught Skeeve guarding Kate's body (lol) is my favorite, my theory is that Kate broke the news to Beth that Jon's name was going to be on the book and that Beth was not going on the book tour. I'm positive Beth didn't give a fig about the money, I just think at that point she had been tolerating Kate's escalating diva behavior and that was the breaking point. After the book was written, Beth was no longer needed. Just MHO, who knows what really happened.........
I know.I've been quiet since school started..early 2bed every night&busy all day.I'll get the hang of it&be back soon..just hold on!:) GN! 19 minutes ago
translation: Kids are with their dad. I have more important things to do than tweet. I will get back to you once the kids are back at the mcorphanage!
(whoever did the earlier post about Kate and her root work 'organ', that was HILARIOUS. you are one smart cookie! :)
Exercise: well done! Keep it up & spread the word.
Anon 193: You're a good person & doing all you can. I think I know who you are. we love you here :) & so does that lucky-to-have-you -in-her -life little girl. She's better for having felt your love.
Dmasy, Auntie Ann, Bluebird, Call Me Crazy, Kate is a twit, AggieMom, NJGal, Sassy Lassy, Permanent Name in blue, Readerlady, Anger Issues, Let's Throw, Joy In Virginia, Audible Click, grandee4, capecodmama, Flight of the Kiwi, Lynn,
And I just KNOW I have missed a name... Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm a little late Dwindle but I am daily blown away by the sacrifices made to protect our freedoms. Including the freedom to all gather here and speak our minds about whatever we want. Thank you, thank you, thank you not just to your son in law but to everyone around him who sacrifices so much so he can do what he does.
Seven tours, unbelievable.
Regarding the "wonderful" Roloffs - check into their attempt to destroy the blog Spirtswander - Keeping up with the Roloff family. Remember back to Amy's encounter with a county inspector and their subsquent lawsuit against the county. The Roloff's decided to throw the kitchen sink into their lawsuit and tried to demand that everyone and anyone who ran or posted on the Spirtswander site be identified by the bloghost to the Roloffs.
Fortunately, that request was dismissed by the court, though at some expense by the person running the blog. As someone who posted there, as a Roloff FAN, not a CRITIC, I was stunned at the behavior by Matt and Amy.
Anyone who visits a site critical of any reality show, should be impressed by the efforts of the SpiritsWander site and those of us who gave money to support the effort to block the Roloffs to protect free speech. It made me sad, I really like Amy's Michigan sensibility.
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