Abby & Brittany airs Tuesdays nights on TLC. Check local listings.

Now Abby and Brittany are all grown up, finishing college, and have decided to tackle a TLC series of their own. Their show, Abby & Brittany, plays like usual TLC fare: a half hour of bright, chirpy music, couch interviews spliced with everyday activities, lots of humor, and light on anything too depressing. In fact the series is written and directed by Beth Glover, who produced every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. The first episode follows the girls around during a typical week, with grocery shopping, cooking, coffee shop breaks, dinner out and finally a birthday party with lots of friends.
The true charm of the show is unexpected, and found not so much in Abby and Brittany themselves (although the girls are still as spunky as ever and certainly quite charming), but rather in watching the young people around them so openly embrace and accept them. The girls are remarkably popular and outgoing, and live in a big house with several pretty, similarly outgoing girlfriends their age. Friends describe the twins as kind, warm-hearted and fun, but with distinct personalities.

For all the media talk of bullying and "mean girls," here are two very unique young people who have been completely accepted by their peers, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Patty and Mike declined to separate the girls at birth because they feared for their quality of life, and now that they are all grown up, it's never been more clear these two fine parents made the right call. Not only do Abby and Brittany have a very full and happy life, but are teaching others life lessons that can't be found anywhere else. Remarked one of their roommates: "They are the epitome of teamwork, love and respect." And get this, the twins want to be teachers. Who better to teach kids tolerance? (Interesting tidbit: Instead of Bethel University charging the twins two separate tuitions, the twins paid "one and a half" tuition. Seems fair.)
Perhaps TLC has finally hit on a story worth telling, on one of the few reality shows that has a higher purpose beyond just exploiting a family's differences. A message of teamwork, love and respect.
1288 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1288 Newer› Newest»I know.I've been quiet since school started..early 2bed every night&busy all day.I'll get the hang of it&be back soon..just hold on!:) GN! 19 minutes ago
translation: Kids are with their dad. I have more important things to do than tweet. I will get back to you once the kids are back at the mcorphanage!
Bingo. I don't need you guys to dull the pain of being a mother unless the kids are around.
Regarding the "wonderful" Roloffs
I don't expect the Roloffs to be perfect no more than I expected perfection from Kate when she first graced my screen seven years ago.
Kate is NO clean freak. There's a difference between a control freak and a clean freak.
I saw a youtube clip of Kate 'cleaning' their previous house, and during this clip she flippantly threw some dirty paper towels on the floor and kicked them...grinning, acting stupid per normal. A true clean freak couldn't do that. nope.
I recall the clip where she is seen hurling kids toys down the stairs of the new house, all the while ranting and raving, saying she hadn't been up there in months. What mother doesn't go in their kid's rooms everyday?? I do! I wake my kids every morning for school, check on them during the evening if doing homework, etc. I can't imagine not going in their rooms for months. That's just gross indifference.
Oh Dwindle, I am thinking of your daughter feeling the miles as they grow and spread and stretch between her husband and herself. I am sure she is grateful to have you for a mom.
Tonight has to be so difficult for all of you.
Admin - did you even read what I said? They used a lawsuit against the country to go after a blog that they didn't like.
And tried to discover the identity of the posters. Wow.
barnaby - the Midsomer's Murders fan.
Hey, When do we leave on our ROAD TRIP??!! I can't wait. Have we been in touch with Shoka yet? Is he coming too? I'm packing some snacks to take with us. Dry, organic, past its expiration date cereal (because milk hasn't been on sale), organic fluff and peanut butter so we can make organic fluffernutters. Does anyone have a bread machine we can take, so we can bake our own organic bread? Should I bring some organic graham crackers and chocolate so we can make organic s'mores?
Barnaby, yes I read what you said and that's awful. But they don't have a history of being mean, horrible, nasty people. They have a few questionable incidents, a few missteps. That's the point to me. Every single person here has made mistakes. Overall I like most people here. Overall I like the Roloffs. Like I said I don't require PERFECTION in people, what a rough world that would be.
It's the systematic, day after day, vileness and mistakes and overall shitty person sydnrome from Kate I object to. I would note this blog wasn't even started until when the first show was about to be cancelled. That's how long it took me to finally say enough is enough and start a blog. If that kind of daily behavior suddenly started from the Roloffs I would rethink my stance.
TV this evening is Master Chef and Hell's Kitchen. Two of my favorites. I am sad that they are closing in on the finale. Passionate cooks and exquisite food. Then....there is Kate and her almost cookbook with lots and lots of mushy beans.
Wasn't the roadtrip Sept 12 in celebration of the last airing of the show? Of course I guess you'll have to leave a few days prior to get here in time.
I promise a Sunset Blvd. graphic if you help me with lawyery things.
I know.I've been quiet since school started..early 2bed every night&busy all day.I'll get the hang of it&be back soon..just hold on!:) GN! 52 minutes ago
Any harried mom of youngsters knows there is no going to bed 'early' for mom during a school week. (been there, done that).
There is dinner, homework. helping with homework, checking homework, going over vocab words, etc etc. Then, clean the kitchen, do the trash, feed the dog. then, it's shower time! it's ok, you take a shower..then 'get out of the shower, someone else needs the shower', then on and on until all have showered.
Then, it's collect all the dirty laundry (does Kate make her kids wear their school uniforms more than once? (she says she does with play clothes), and start the washer (lucky Kate, she has two sets)...then, shocking, she gets to GASP, fold clothes and towels (oopsie, don't they re-use those as well? eww)!
Then, it's get out your clothes for the next day, and let's make the school lunches...gather the backpacks, line them up in the hall...find you shoes..etc etc..
No mom of kids in lower grades goes to bed early.
nope, not buying it. Kate is sitting at the house alone drinking, watching old home movies in the dark, or reading Fifty Shades of Grey! (the only book she has admitted to reading, if my memory serves me correctly.)
Laters, baby. :)
It's the systematic, day after day, vileness and mistakes and overall shitty person sydnrome from Kate I object to.
Should I write up your objection Admin? To help with the lawyerishy thingamabobs?
my old stand by for chicken in the crock is very easy and tasty. I slice up 2- 3 onions and put them in the bottom, throw in a package of chicken thighs (I pull the skin off - personal preference)and top it with a bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce and a hefty squeeze of mustard (any kind - yellow/dijon/whatever). That's it! I'll cook it all day on slow and pull the bones out when I come home and serve over rice. Delish!
Just don't be surprised to see kHate use this on Menu Mondays.
I'm watching Abby and Brittany now because I am interested in what the vice principal had to say about their speaking. I don't think it's only a matter of their speaking too fast. They don't enunciate. Their diction is terrible. All of the syllables and words just kind of run together. Their speaking is "mushy." You cannot teach if kids can't understand you. I really had a difficult time in understanding what they were saying at times, and they weren't speaking at record speed. I would hope that someone watches this show and can advise them on how to correct this.
They need some good public speaking courses, and practice, practice, practice! If they can master this, I see no reason why they couldn't become wonderful teachers. It seems that they would really have the patience to teach, based on what they have been through in their young lives.
Dwindle, I've been where your daughter is now and I'm sure you've gotten tons of great advise, aside from the great thoughts here, but just remember to not take any anger or annoyance towards you personally. And you might want to suggest that she doesn't watch the news or read articles about Afghanistan. It helped me and a number of my friends said the same thing. Good thoughts flowing to ya :)
"A vinyl album with a "raw country" sound and spoken-word poetry has been flying off the shelves at a Hollywood, Calif., boutique, never mind that the artist is convicted mass murderer Charles Manson.
Manuel Vasquez, 26, co-owner of the Beauty Is Pain boutique, told he has so far sold a "couple hundred" copies of the vinyl recording, which retails for $18 and includes never-before-heard tracks of Manson playing guitar. Some of the material, which Vasquez said he obtained from an "old friend" of the convict, dates back to the 1980s."
Well, every whacko seems to have their own personal little bundle of sheeple. Sigh.
Dwindle, I've been where your daughter is now and I'm sure you've gotten tons of great advise, aside from the great thoughts here, but just remember to not take any anger or annoyance towards you personally.
I'm getting caught up here. Prayers and good thought for you and your family, Dwindle. Who is directing anger and annoyance toward Dwindle? I'm confused, or didn't I read back far enough?
Exercise DOES help... Congrats and keep up the good work!
I know.I've been quiet since school started..early 2bed every night&busy all day.I'll get the hang of it&be back soon..just hold on!:) GN! about an hour ago
Ahh, Kate. Even your sheeple know you only tweet when you are around strangers or your children. Never when you are home alone, which you have been home alone alot lately, OBVIOUSLY. It has nothing to do with being busy, except for being busy staying in bed half the day.
fidosmommy - ha!!! Good one : )
Dwindle - thanks! Hadn't considered a casserole but I like the idea of cooking the chicken in the crock pot and then moving to a casserole dish. I've gotten away from casseroles and have a lovely dish that's been pushed far back in a cabinet. Time to get it out!
Midnight Madness -- The Paul Newman products are so delicious and I love that a portion of the sales goes to his charity -- well, except for the pretzels which just didn't do it for me. Haven't tried the Sockarooni Sauce and now I have reason to do so. Love the easiness of this recipe - thanks!!
A lot of people from Minnesota speak fast in my experience. Also I think the girls have learned to talk fast because they can never truly have a one on one conversation with someone. They are always sharing a person with their sister so if they don't talk fast they will get left behind. Seems like it's an over compensation thing so they can get a word in while still leaving enough room for their sister to get a word in too.
Talking fast is just about the easiest thing to correct. I think they'll do just fine. And who knows, not seeing them in the classroom, maybe they do slow down once in the classroom. I had teachers who spoke just fine who were awful teachers. My favorite teacher had M.S. and would hobble around the classroom on crutches and parents would complain it was a distraction. But when they realized how much kids loved her and how well they learned under her they stopped complaining.
I think the girls would be great special ed teachers. Can you imagine how inspiring that would be for students to see someone different being so successful? The world is their oyster.
They kind of remind me of that famous teacher with Teret's who had such a hard time getting a job but when he did won some Disney teacher of the year award because he was so amazing at what he did.
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa Kate...absolutely no apologies needed! Anytime U take a few moments 2tweet..its a treat! At least "GrowABoyfriend" is :)
Why is Milo so fascinated with this inflatable boyfriend doll? She's brought it up several times. It's a good thing there aren't any Kate Gosselin dolls out there. Milo would by buying all of them up and playing with them long after Lights Out Man made his rounds!
I never watched Kate Plus 8 until the RV episode but would read Admin. blog posts on the shows. When I was reading that Kate threw Cara and Mady's things down the stairs and said she hadn't been up there in months I was flabbergasted. They were only 9years old. Did she not wake them up in the morning; strip their beds and change their sheets. Did she not check on her kids before she went to bed. To this day, my kids don't know that even when they were in high school, before I went to bed at night, I would sneak into their rooms to make sure they were still breathing, give them a kiss and make sure they weren't too hot or to cold, and if they were, adjust their covers accordingly. In my lifetime, I have never known a mother who acts like her. She is unbelievable. (Administrator) said... 9
Wasn't the roadtrip Sept 12 in celebration of the last airing of the show? Of course I guess you'll have to leave a few days prior to get here in time.
I promise a Sunset Blvd. graphic if you help me with lawyery things.
TOUCHDOWN! oh no, wait, that's football, not lawyerishyness... See I got distracted and need more lawyery practice.
ILLEGAL FORMATION... no, still doesnt sound right...
Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 56
I'm not wild about clutter, but with kids, it comes with the territory. I often have to think about Erma Bombeck's "Wet Oatmeal Kisses" and there will come a time when our home will be uncluttered, and only silent. I know that I'll miss tripping over action figures and doll houses:
"The baby is teething. The children are fighting. Your husband just called and said, “Eat dinner without me.” One of these days you’ll explode and shout to the kids, “Why don’t you grow up and act your age?” And they will.
Or, “You guys get outside and find yourselves something to do. And don’t slam the door!” And they don’t. You’ll straighten their bedrooms all neat and tidy, toys displayed on the shelf, hangers in the closet, animals caged. You’ll yell, “Now I want it to stay this way!” And it will.
You will prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn’t had all the olives picked out and a cake with no finger traces in the icing and you’ll say, “Now THIS is a meal for company.” And you will eat it alone.
You’ll say, “I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around, no pantomines, no demolition crews. Silence! Do you hear?” and you’ll have it. No more plastic tablecloths stained with spaghetti, no more anxious nights under a vaporizer tent, no more dandelion bouquets, no more iron-on patches, wet, knotted shoestrings, tight boots, missing mittens, or ponytails falling out.
Imagine, a lipstick with a point, no babysitter, washing clothes only once a week, no parent meetings, carpools, Christmas presents out of toothpicks and paste.
No more wet oatmeal kisses.
No more toothfairy, giggles in the dark, or knees to heal.
Only a voice crying, “Why don’t you grow up?” and the silence echoing,
“I did”
Erma's "If I Had My Life To Live Over" also makes you "think" about taking time to appreciate what we have when we have it.
Someone should send those two reading suggestions to Kate. On second thought, nah, she wouldn't care. She's say, "Who is Erma?"
Thank you for posting this, I always loved Erma's columns.
Talking fast is just about the easiest thing to correct.
Talking fast is secondary. That can be corrected rather easily. Enunciation, articulation and diction is first. That's what they need work on. They can slow down the speaking, but if they mush their words together, they won't be understood. We had a local television news host who seemed to have the same problem. She wasn't here long.
Special ed would be a great choice. I could see them teaching that.
"Why is Milo so fascinated with this inflatable boyfriend doll?"
Jumping in just now, and that was the first comment I read here today.
What is the deal? Kate's mail ordering an inflatable man now? Is he... Nevermind.
Milo wanted to know how one goes about "A courtin' Kate"... know she knows. Forget the UPS men- Katie wants Cardboard BOX #2, Monty Hall!!
Thanks everyone for helping keep me company today.I wasnt working today, but it seems everyone else I know WAS working today, so I felt a bit on my own.
Nearly 11p here. Daughter had her first Skype online class tonight for her Ed.D coursework. Everytime he gets deployed, she gets another degree or certification. Love that gal. Have I mentioned she is 37 years old, only a few weeks away from Katie Irene? My daughter is amazing.
Good night everyone.
Goodnight, Dwindle. Peaceful dreams for you and your family. Godspeed to your son-in-law.
capecodmama , I'm with you. So, she doesn't tuck the kids in?
I think that's got to be the most special part of the day, when the true bonding happens. When mommy, daddy or both go upstairs, climb in bed with each kid for a story and hugs and kisses, talk about their day and prayers. There's nothing greater than being the person who helps your child draw another successful day to a calm and happy close. How Kate could avoid such a special thing for so long is truly, truly shocking.
Admin, do you remember the episode where Kate read a few words from Despereaux to the kids?
Everyone on that bed looked uncomfortable with that bedtime story. It was clearly staged because Disney had just released the movie, but Kate was not a shining star as she read to them.
The kids looked like they had no idea what was going on.
Bedtime rituals for Kate are making sure the kids are washed, organized and on time. Nothing
cuddly about it. It's a mission to get them to bed. How sad.
capecodmama , I'm with you. So, she doesn't tuck the kids in?
Who knows with Kate? Either she did go into those bedrooms and tucked them in and she's lying about it (or exaggerating the length of time since she was in the bedrooms) or she didn't. Either way, it's pathetic. Maybe the nanny tucked them it. Great parenting, huh?
@33 said,
Why can't the owner of THIS blog seem to get along with any one else? Why the petty comments?
Such as your comment?
"You sound like a miserable person to be around."
I rest my case!
She never talks about going in their rooms, but she talks an awful lot about the kids hanging out in her room. Even when it comes to tucking in she's lazy and makes them come to her.
Why can't the owner of THIS blog seem to get along with any one else? Why the petty comments? You sound like a miserable person to be around.
Yeah, we don't know how or why we put up with her. She's just as miserable as they come. Honestly, we're actually planning a huge
mutiny for next week. We just can't take it here any longer! Thank you so much for feeling our pain with us!
It's true I don't get along with people who call me a miserable person to be around other than that I'm usually cool.
Fido, nice agreeing! lol.
Only one tweet the entire night and a couple all day. There is no way she has the kids.
Who wants to take bets when it's "her" week next week the tweeting will speed up to 100 miles an hour again.
Admin, do you remember the episode where Kate read a few words from Despereaux to the kids?
Vaguely, but I can't remember how they reacted. I'm sure it was the way you described. Most things she does with the kids make them uncomfortable. Even hugging Collin at the maize the kid was pulling away from her, his body language was that of a kid who never knows if he's getting smacked or hugged.
Admin only thinks that we're taking a road trip to LA to help h out with lawyish things but we're really going out to take over the blog!
I couldn't believe more strongly in making bedtime a slow, relaxing, quiet time for a kid. To draw the day to a peaceful close and set them up for good sleep and to tackle the next day. That doesn't always happen but you've got to at least try to make bedtime positive.
It makes me sad if she isn't tucking them in. And frankly, I don't think it can be overstated that not having a peaceful bedtime as a kid could set kids up for future sleep issues and even relationship issues.
NJ this is getting to sound like a John Grisham novel! Next you'll be discovering a body on the beach and uncovering multiple layers of corruption at the firm!
It makes me sad if she isn't tucking them in. And frankly, I don't think it can be overstated that not having a peaceful bedtime as a kid could set kids up for future sleep issues and even relationship issues.
I think that since these kids do not have rooms of their own, and it's doubtful that she spends any amount of time with them before bed, that they turn to each other for nighttime rituals, comfort and bonding.
Next you'll be discovering a body on the beach and uncovering multiple layers of corruption at the firm!
Yes, but we don't have to sleep with Gene Hackman, do we?
This has to be the funniest tweet of the day. Sheeple are so amusing, and they don't even know it!
@Kateplusmy8 how do you manage to stay awake all day without a nap?? Single mom over here dying for your tips!
Yes, but we don't have to sleep with Gene Hackman, do we?
Ew. I'll let Dwindle assign that task to someone.
But I can't believe we overlooked this one, you people need to get started on the "Free Carl Lee!" signs for the protest outside the courthouse. Duh.
HEARSAY BOARDERING ON SLANDER! I've been practicing and heard someone say hat on Criminal Minds last night and thought it sounded way cool. I'm enjoying the agree, agree, agree.
OT - Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef were really good tonight. I agree completely with the finalists on both shows but won't get into it now for those that TiVo'd to watch later. I'm watching Chopped now. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the DVR!
I saw a recent of Collin'appetite and his anger. It is repeated in other little saga' on youtube. One is when K & J were at Beth's for a BBQ and Collin snuck out to the picnic table to "grab 2 big hamburgers' and Beth's husband told Beth about it and then Jon was called, but no one could control Collin being "hungry" and Kate took the burgers and put them back on the tray until everyone was ready, then gave in and gave Collin a whole hamburger, that wasn't enough to satisfy him, he wanted the 2 hamburgers on his plate right then and there. He was told either eat one, then you can have a second or put that one he had back. He was not a happy camper, he must have been 3 or 4 at that time. The subject of his appetite came up. Beth's husband was the most shocked that Collin was just grabbing hamburgers like a starving child.Jon didn't want to deal with it and Kate was called to handle it. She did it nicely too, I did think that, but Collin was chubby at the time, heavier as Jon described Collin than the other tups. That sofa interview at the end? Topic being Collin's appetite and anger issues. I do often wonder how Kate got all of that under control, especially after or during the divorce as Jon would let Collin eat anything, anytime and Kate kept him to a schedule. So, I felt bad for Collin, the mixed messages from the parents. But Beth and her husband were very aware of it and never tried to handle Collin as he would hit. I feel he got a bad hand with those parents and that he was always hitting of being in a fight and he never stopped being hungry. Now, he is the child who really doesn't look at the camera, nor does he smile.
As for what Beth walked away from? I think she saw 6, possible 7 children who were not controllable unless yelling, threatening and perhaps a slap or two on the bottom. Also Beth and her husband wanted to help this young couple and could see that there was no parental guidance that BOTH parents agreed on. As for whatever happened in Utal, maybe she saw more and understand Jodi & Kevin's desire to get those kids off of TV?
In Kate's tweets, something is mentioned about "Steve's light shining on you?" what is that about? I think it is from Milo. Is Steve on vacation?
Also, I have to agree with one thing, hate to do that, but I think the kid's whereabouts during the week should not be mentioned on twitter, e mails, blogs, etc. They do need protection, not only from haters, but the eccentric lovers of the Gosselins. Don't you all agree?
In Kate's tweets, something is mentioned about "Steve's light shining on you?" what is that about? I think it is from Milo. Is Steve on vacation?
LOL!! It was a tweet about Steve Irwin! I had to read it twice because I thought it was about PB!
angie said... 47
Also, I have to agree with one thing, hate to do that, but I think the kid's whereabouts during the week should not be mentioned on twitter, e mails, blogs, etc. They do need protection, not only from haters, but the eccentric lovers of the Gosselins. Don't you all agree?
September 4, 2012 9:20 PM
I don't think anyone mentioned the kids whereabouts did they? Or do you mean we shouldn't speculate what parent they are with. Yeah Kate would love that we just drop that subject. :)
I don't think anyone mentioned the kids whereabouts did they? Or do you mean we shouldn't speculate what parent they are with. Yeah Kate would love that we just drop that subject. :)
I don't think anyone mentioned the kids whereabouts did they? Or do you mean we shouldn't speculate what parent they are with. Yeah Kate would love that we just drop that subject. :)
Well, I seem to get along with the owner of THIS blog. I'm not anybody but I am somebody that nobody knows so that just shoots your anyone theory right out the window.
Frankly, there aren't enough Petty comments. ' I Won't Back Down' was a kickass song. His duet with Stevie Nicks was pretty cool as well. I vote for more Petty comments.
Haha!! I love when objections are just made up. "Objection your honor, the witness is lying!" Is one I hear a lot.
Yes, we will be making our way to admins house in order to trash it with our east coast rumspringishly partying! We plan to leave a bunch of CLUTTER there, and admin will have to clean it up!
I am in charge of planning scenic side trips. so far I have the Stonewall Jackson Shrine, burial site of his amputated arm (the rest of him is buried in Lexington VA). Then the two biggest balls of twine in Cawker City Kansas and Dublin Minnesota. We can take a drove thru North Carolina and go down interstate 40 to exit 119 and trespass on the abandoned Henry River Mil Village that was the Seam in The Hunger Games movie, and also go to DuPont State Recreational Forest in Brevard where some of the outdoor games scenes were filmed.
While in NC we may as well go to the Replacements Limited showroom on Mount Hope Church Road east of Greensboro. They have free tours of their showroom and China museum, and pets are welcome, so Shoka can come!
For those of us coming by stretch ElCamino, we will enjoy a scenic drive on the Tail of the Dragon, US 129 that crosses Deals Gap at the North Carolina/ Tennessee state line. That road has 318 curves in 11 miles!
While in Tennessee, we must go to see Graceland, on Elvis Presley Blvd in Memphis. There is a lovely cemetery here too.
There is lots of the country to see, I will be finding fun places for us to stop on the way!
Flight of the Kiwi how long have you been posting here? I still laugh at your name every time. I don't think it will ever not be funny. It's impossible not to get along with someone whose name is Flight of the Kiwi.
Every time I picture that cute little portly bird trying to take off and falling down go boom.
I also vote for more Petty comments.
Honestly, we're actually planning a huge
mutiny for next week. We just can't take it here any longer!
Admin only thinks that we're taking a road trip to LA to help h out with lawyish things but we're really going out to take over the blog!
fidosmommy and NJGal! SSSSSSHHHHHHHH! We mustn't tip our hand about that whole super-secret taking overish thingy! Without the element of suprise, certain someones might try to take steps to foil our coup.
Frankly, there aren't enough Petty comments. ' I Won't Back Down' was a kickass song. His duet with Stevie Nicks was pretty cool as well. I vote for more Petty comments.
Norman Petty is dead, but he did much to contribute to the success of Buddy Holly and the Crickets. We could talk about him if we need more Petty comments.
I meant to mention this earlier and got sidetracked. I have been to Darwin, MN to see the giant ball of twine. It is very big, hard to see though. It is housed in a gazebo type structure, but instead of screening it is sided (?) in dirty plexiglass. It was still worth the sidetrip for us.
BUT, we decided to stop in to the local 'pub' and have a cold beer. It was a HOT day. So here we were (2 mid-30s gals) walking into the small bar on a summer afternoon. Well, everyone just stopped talking and turned and stared. we ordered two beers and sat at a table. the whole time we were there, everyone in the bar was fixated on us. The townsfolk were a bit odd, or so it seemed to us big city girls. It was very un-nerving and provided us with tons of laughs on the ride home.
We always called it "Darwin, the town that evolution forgot". If you need a boobyguard I have experience in Darwin!
More Petty-ness: Tom Petty met Elvis Presley, when Tom was ten. According to wikipedia, Elvis was making a movie in Ocala Florida. Tom petty worked for three university of Florida briefly and planted a lime tree on the grounds, so we have to go find the Tom Petty tree there!!
Going back to Beth for a second, the fact is Kate and Jon are the parents of those children, not Beth and her husband.
When you have an issue with a parent there's only so much you can do: You can do nothing. Or, you can try to talk to them. You can try to get someone else to talk to them. You can call CPS or the cops or other authorities. You can go to the media. You can be supportive of the kids and supportive of the parent who got away. All that may not change anything and at that point, what the heck else are you supposed to do? They're not Beth's kids. She's in the same boat we are, there is only so much we can do before we're out of options.
And we could get Petty really, really fast if we drive with Richard.
You are all going to be jealous as I went Dumpster Diving Tonight.Which means, I recovered from dental surgery and watched 2 hrs of the Kardashian Family. Now there is a psychiatrist dream family. But getting back to the show.
Now there is a mother, Kris Kardashian that does not stop selling her children, the grown ones? Okay, they know what they are doing, but the younger ones? They really don't want to fly into NY for 3 days alone and do nothing but pose when all they want is to living like their peers in school and getting good grades, living that high school life. They have no talent, they can model but their mother thinks making the dough means more than having the high school experience. Very sad. Karma will ring supreme with this woman.
Yes, she does have a church she helped build. Kathie Lee who was a dear close fried from Oral Roberts Univ when they both droped out, said it on her Today Show about that church and everyone of her kids donate money, items, etc., to that church for tax write offs.
I wonder what Robert Kardashian Sr would have said about how his 4 children ended up? His son is 25, no job, has a B.A., and cried tonight because no one will back him on opening a store of men's clothing. boo hoo....He finally got a meeting to do it and couldn't take a shower or get dressed in anything but yesterday's clothes. Lazy and privileged while Kim said she worked for everything she got???? Really? I think she was Paris Hilton's wing gal.
Dwindle, peace with your family. The Coatesville VA Hospita, Coatesville, PA 19320 has residents who would love a funny card, a hand written letter, so put a card in the mail today or Bethesda Hospital, just address it to Military Hero. It will arrive.
"I'm watching Chopped now. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the DVR!"
The judges' table manners are atrocious! I know they aren't going to follow Emily Post's rules of etiquette and put the napkins neatly in their laps because this isn't a meal, but that one fellow on the left samples the food with both arms bent and on the table. He practically lies on the table and often shovels his food while his elbows are propping him up. He reminds me of Kate. Maybe they should get together. The fellow in the middle sucked his dessert off his spoon like a lollipop, leaving part of it on the spoon.
Don't they know that viewers are watching them?
Will we be able to swing through Canada on our way to California? In Alberta there is a giant
Ukranian Easter Egg. I bought a framed UEE while I was there in 1988. It's a must see.
Admin,why is it important that we know whether Kate or Jon has the kids on week nights, after school? I don't understand, as long as they feel safe and see their Dad, it doesn't need to be on a blog and she doesn't need to talk about them. I still them as litte folks, those 6 and safety is upermost in mymind, not that Jon probely has 50/50 custoy....that they are safe.
Why would kate not want us to know John has them? I am missing something here.
Joy, I'd really like to stop and see FDR on Mount Rushmore!
librarylady said: "Actually there are a number of different Amish which don't adhere to rumspringe, and some families will actually turn away their kids after a certain point in time within young adulthood. Like any family, some Amish parents are very strict and unyielding and some are more open about obedience and church membership choices."
That's interesting you said this, I was talking with my son about this very same thing the other night after I had picked him up from work and there were a couple very full buggies out that night.
Angie asked, "Why would kate not want us to know John has them? I am missing something here"
She doesn't want the sheeple to know that Jon has them because it would destroy the image of her as a single, poor, exhausted struggling mother of eight kids who does everything herself and is their sole support.
Kate Gosselin if you read any of these comments; are you ready to admit that you are talking through your fried horrilbe hair style and taking credit for what your Handlers do. You are LAZY drill task manager and will regret everything when children are finally able to speak or stay with their Dad. Not sure if your nursing is any better, but your TV career is over, as well as your blogging "tips".
Ok, this is fun! Let's so by Pittsburg so we can drive down Cantón avenur, the steepest road in the us!
Angie I pretty much agree with you no one needs to know where the kids are. Except Kate wants to tell us they are with HER all the time including the past four weekends, despite having just told her sheeple nothing is the same (i.e. Jon still gets them every other weekend) Something doesn't smell right.
I don't see anyone demanding to know where the kids are. Pointing out Kate's patterns and lies doesn't mean we're making demands to know where they are.
From a sheeple...
@Kateplusmy8 - hi Kate, I was wondering what advice, if any, u have 4 a couple who was having marriage issues. Love Jen xo
And on that note, I'll say good night!
You are killing me on here talking about my home turf! DuPont Forrest in absolutely beautiful with it's trails and waterfalls, and most importantly it's covered bridge at the top of the falls. We've hiked there with our dog many times, so we can all bring our furry critters. And if we are going through Brevard, then we need to hit up the Biltmore House in Asheville. The mansion and the grounds are beautiful.
We now live in Tennessee, about 30 minutes from the Tail Of The Dragon. We drove through it again last week, and I've got to say that I would be perfectly content not to have to do it again! It is unbelievably curvy. And if a mountain girl says it's curvy, it's hang-on-tignt curvy!
It will be slower, but we should take the Blue Ridge Parkway for the senic route.
Well I'm homesick!
Midnight Madness said: "dump in jar of Paul Newman's Sockarooni sauce"
What is Sockarooni sauce?? I've seen lots of Paul Newman products, but never this. What section would it be in, in the grocery store?
Admin said; "I'm a little late Dwindle but I am daily blown away by the sacrifices made to protect our freedoms. Including the freedom to all gather here and speak our minds about whatever we want. Thank you, thank you, thank you not just to your son in law but to everyone around him who sacrifices so much so he can do what he does."
I'm late, too, Dwindle. Thank you from me, also.
Speaking of Amish and Rumspringas, I heard Al Yankovic's "Amish Paradise" sang to the tune of "Gangsters Paradise". As if the words aren't funny enough the YouTube video is even funnier. I've cut and pasted the lyrics and a link to the video. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Amish Paradise Lyrics by Weird Al Yankovic
As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows
Jedediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool
And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
I've churned butter once or twice
Living in an Amish paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice
Living in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price
Living in an Amish paradise
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell
But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it
An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of
I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
And my homies agree I really look good in black, fool
if you come to visit you'll be bored to tears
We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
We're just technologically impaired
There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
Not a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
It's as primitive as can be
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're just plain and simple guys
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no time for sin and vice
Living in an Amish paradise
We don't fight, we all play nice
Living in an Amish paradise
Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
Raised the barn on Monday, soon I'll raise a'nudder
Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife
So don't be vain and don't be whiny
Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heiny!
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an Amish paradise
We're all crazy Mennonites
Living in an Amish paradise
There's no cops or traffic lights
Living in an Amish paradise
But you'd probably think it bites
Living in an Amish paradise
ahahahahahahahahahahahahah yech
What is Sockarooni sauce?? I've seen lots of Paul Newman products, but never this. What section would it be in, in the grocery store?
It's in the section with the spaghetti sauce. It's amazing, a little expensive, but worth it.
Sleepless in Seattle said... 73
From a sheeple...
@Kateplusmy8 - hi Kate, I was wondering what advice, if any, u have 4 a couple who was having marriage issues. Love Jen xo
Ooh may I guess her answer, !st you promise your kids during a public ceremony in a land far, far away, in front of his family youve never met that you will stay together for ever and ever, and then you throw him in front of an uncoming, really big train and file for divorce, nobody will ever see that coming!!! keeps the relationship exciting ;-)
Admin I, seriously, don't remember when I waddled in here. Lurked for quite awhile before ever posting. I do so try to be's a struggle sometimes LOL
Well, I can answer the tweet on marriage issues...earplugs. Day, night. Earplugs.
fidosmommy said... 65
Will we be able to swing through Canada on our way to California? In Alberta there is a giant Ukranian Easter Egg. I bought a framed UEE while I was there in 1988. It's a must see.
Well if you're coming through Alberta we also have some of the biggest dinosaur finds in the world.
I'd love to come to California with you all. May I tag along? You'll know me when you see me... I'll be wearing my really bad-ass legal briefs.
Also never go to marriage counseling and try to improve things. That's for wusses.
Auntie Ann are you SE AB or Northern AB?
I'm SE. Closer to the Flame than the Oily ciy. Small world.
@Kateplusmy8 how do you manage to stay awake all day without a nap?? Single mom over here dying for your tips!
In keeping with the legal theme: Assumes facts not in evidence!
For all we know she sleeps all day.
Tonight's Abby and Brittany episode showed their student teaching job. They spoke slowly and clearly to the fourth graders and had the kids engaged and working well. The teacher and principal said they were well qualified and they would hire them in a heartbeat.
I wonder if TLC is paying for all these 'trips' the Hensel girls take. What newly graduated college student can afford to make an 8 hr road trip, stay in a nice hotel and then travel to Europe? Shouldn't they be looking for a J-O-B?
TLC is truly evil.
Barnaby, that is very interesting information about the Roloff-non-fan site and I appreciate you sharing.
Oooh! If we're going to Darwin, Minn. can we also visit Walnut Grove and the Little House museum? And we must stop in Mitchell, S.D. and see the Corn Palace, the Crazy Horse monument in the Black Hills, and Devils Tower in Wyoming. Shoka and Dulcie can chase prairie dogs while we sightsee.
Admin and Sleepless -- KK never did tuck those kids in, even when they were little. Jon did that.
What's Next, I love the Weird Al video for Amish Paradise, and the casting is really funny, Florence Henderson plays the plain wife. She was the mom Carol on the Brady Bunch TV show.
Auntie Ann, I hope you have enough legal briefs for all of us! Will they keep us dry and secure all day like the ones Lisa Rinna wears in that commercial? And not bunch up under our dresses!
Reader Lady, I will add all those places to the itinerary! Blessed to be Mediocre, definitely a stop at Biltmore is needed, not sure what is blooming in the gardens now, gotta check out inside and out.
Whatever advice Ms Kreider gives re marriage, the person just has to do the opposite! So easy!
Delurking again. :-)
fidosmommy said... 108
"Rep. Murt was interested in child labor issues, not if Kate was a loving mother who respected her children. Beth was not on the show enough to know about the hours, the scripts, etc. She may have had nothing to add to the issue at hand - child labor laws. Now, if it had been another subject Rep. Murt was involved with, she may have been asked to appear, and could have been held in contempt if she refused.
They will contact the people they need to hear from, and those people don't really have too much to say about it. I bet they knew about Beth and chose not to reel her in."
Fidosmommy, can I clarify what I think you are trying to say above regarding legislative process?
Rep. Murt was holding Legislative Hearings focused on amending PA's Child Labor Laws. A Legislative Hearing is simply a forum where people with knowledge or facts pertinent to the legislation can put in their 2 cents -- voluntarily. Anyone with an opinion can provide testimony, although in practice hearings are usually dominated by business representatives and people directly impacted by the legislation.
Hearings can drag on for hours, if not days, so people wishing to testify on legislation usually submit an outline of what they want to say prior to the hearing. There is some attempt to prioritize in advance, additional hearings may be scheduled depending on need, and written testimony is also taken into account. Written testimony can be submitted both before and after the hearing by those who are unable or unwilling to testify in public.
Rep. Murt is a Legislator, not a judge in a court of law. There is no way he could hold anyone in contempt for not wishing to share their opinion on new legislation.
On Beth: We have no way of knowing* whether or not Beth provided any information to Rep. Murt. Perhaps she did, perhaps she didn't. All we really know is that she did not testify orally at the hearing.
We don't know what Beth saw or didn't see, did or didn't do, reported or didn't report, or why Kate booted her to the curb. My own, totally uninformed, speculation is that Beth remonstrated with Kate once too often and Kate told her to get out of her life! I feel bad for Beth who seemed like a nice person and don't want to vilify her. Her desire not to speak publically is understandable.
*Well . . . unless someone wants to see all the testimony submitted as I suppose it is a matter of Public Record. I do hope no-one wastes a State employee's time by making a formal request!
Didn't watch Abby & Brittany last night as plumbers here till 8:30 fixing gas ( coming back today for a few hours!! ouch- but better safe than sorry)Then dinner- gas off overnight so no oven , hot water etc. I will catch up on TLC website. I think TLC likely did fund their trip but as it's only 8 shows, they deserve that IMO. I don't think their parents could pay/or the girls atm. They are seeking work, which I hope they find.
So wth- Kate says 'hold on' meaning the tweeties must be patient to catch another wise word from her? Man, she is still on such an ego trip.
Oh, and no way would she allow 2 burgers each now! Collin is skinny. But he did have anger issues and probably still does- I thought he was really mean to Alexis when they were having lunch at the Little Tikes bench having lunch and he pushed her to the cement floor in the garage. watch out Kate- the kids are growing bigger and stronger.
Loved the Erma piece, sniff.
For JoyinVirginia
Thank you for the info on renting in the OuterBanks! I read your post on the phone (not pink) while in the car to VT and wasn't able to copy the information and now I can't find the post! Would you mind sharing again? We were discussing having an extended family vacation next spring and both DH and I felt this might be an ideal location.
Appreciate your help with this : )
Have you tried GR's Hotel Hell? It always has a section on the restaurant/room service. It's sad yet hilarious as Gordon deals with the oddities of these places...or the filth, or weird set-ups ( jacuzzi in the middle of the suite, no curtains) Love it!
Greedy Gosselins - Closer to the Flames here, although I'm not a hockey fan. (gulp, maybe a Canadian shouldn't say that?) Small world indeed.
Formerly Viewer, No. I haven't seen Hotel Hell. I will look for it and set the DVR. I really enjoyed Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef last night. The finalists in both shows are probably the best. I did feel sorry for the home chef who was eliminated on MC. Next week will be interesting.
I think part of the deal with Hotel Hell/Kitchen Nightmares is they have to sign a contract allowing Gordon to really humiliate them in exchange for a makeover. Not that some of these places don't deserve to be outed for their shoddy management, but yeesh I'd rather close my doors than allow it to be shown on tv. Takes all kinds I guess.
In the end Ramsay always comes through though.
I missed those last night too ( see above re: my household woes!) They are On Demand so I can catch them later.I know a lot of people think GR is dated and of course swears too much,but I think he's very funny and also really talented. He's a self-made man, which is worthy of praise.
You called me Formerly Viewer ! You know, I miss my 'old name,' Once a Viewer. Since you wrote that, I am thinking I should have chosen that or Once Viewed to please Google!! But I ain't gonna try to mess with them again and change it :?
Formerly, I called you that so you would know I remembered who you are/were.
Your gas leak sounds scary as well as expensive. Would insurance cover some of the cost?
When you do get to see the cooking competitions, let us know what you think. Until then, we won't reveal any names!
Kate makes housekeeping a top priority because it goes along with her
obsession with image. 136
And control. So the kids can't have friends over because that would mean clutter? Oh never mind. She can't even cope with her own 8.
Also, if we're going to MN can we stop in Bemidji, Minnesota to see Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox?
lol, Thanks Dmasy. I got a glimpse of one of the HK finalists but I wasn't surprised- that's whom I hope wins anyhow.
Yes, I must look into insurance. Idk, as it never happened before! one major leak but three smaller ones- house is about 60 years old so not sure how old the pipes are...we've been here 16 yrs and did some updating but not all. The gas co. had no charge for fixing the 'parts' that belong to them, but unfortunately the big leak is not theirs.
True. If you have a failing establishment I guess there's some sense to it and good publicity, not that I would want to reveal all! But I read many sixteen year olds are trying to get pregnant to be on one of the 16 & Preggo shows- there are now three of those!
Dwindle, sending thoughts and prayers for your daughter and SIL.
But I read many sixteen year olds are trying to get pregnant to be on one of the 16 & Preggo shows- there are now three of those! 501
That is SO disheartening. The office I work in in next door to what used to be called the "Welfare Office." Seeing pregnant girls as young as 13 is so sad.
Shouldn't they be looking for a J-O-B?
They are. They explained that they had an interview, but wouldn't permit cameras to film it. Good for them.
The first Teen Mom "crew" is going into retirement. Next week will be Part 2 of a final interview with Dr. Drew. (Though I would not be surprised if there are updates.) The babies are 3 now.
I followed the original moms (and dads) from the beginning. I have avoided getting attached to subsequent seasons. I think Kaitlin and Tyler are astonishing young people.
Yes, Catelynn (or however she spells it!) and Tyler are so mature despite their dysfunctional families. Adoption (semi-open) was the best choice for them and so unselfish as obviously they love their daughter very much. I did not like the next groups, but my DD watches it, so I see bits and pieces.
DON'T listen to Farrah's new music video- aaaaawful! Don't care for her disrespectful princess attitude anyhow. Maci is nice, Amber- well, ....interesting battered male partner story- poor Gary. And Leah.
Ooh-ooh-ooooh! (raising hand Horshack style) The Criminal Minds novel (Finishing School) that I just finished reading took place in Bemidji, Minnesota and the final quote from the book was from George Bernard Shaw "Parentage is a very important profession but no test of fitness for it is ever imposed in the interest of the children."
But I read many sixteen year olds are trying to get pregnant to be on one of the 16 & Preggo shows- there are now three of those!
Formerly - I've never seen any of the Teen Mom shows or the like. I don't think I want to. I can't remember where I read it, but there are girls who will go as far as retrieving the contents of a condom from their boyfriends - or guys they just decided to have sex with - in order to get pregnant. I couldn't believe it. If this is what reality tv is doing to young minds the future looks mighty dismal.
they deserve that IMO. I don't think their parents could pay/or the girls atm. They are seeking work, which I hope they find.
Yes, I agree. If anyone deserves one or two "make a wish" type getaways it's these girls. I mean gosh they've been through hell and back. Their life is one big uphill battle.
It bugged me when Kate would say her kids "deserve" all the bounty they've been given. Why? Why don't kids like Abby and Brittany who have REALLY struggled deserve it instead?
they deserve that IMO. I don't think their parents could pay/or the girls atm. They are seeking work, which I hope they find.
Yes, I agree. If anyone deserves one or two "make a wish" type getaways it's these girls. I mean gosh they've been through hell and back. Their life is one big uphill battle.
It bugged me when Kate would say her kids "deserve" all the bounty they've been given. Why? Why don't kids like Abby and Brittany who have REALLY struggled deserve it instead?
@leashy6 house work is nothing to sneeze at! I treat mine like its a marathon-- I speed thru here at record time! Lol! Do you too?:) about an hour ago
Wait a minute. Didn't she just admit last week she has a housekeeper???
Who does she think she is kidding? Does she not remember her lies from one moment to the next?
@leashy6 house work is nothing to sneeze at! I treat mine like its a marathon-- I speed thru here at record time! Lol! Do you too?:) about an hour ago
Wait a minute. Didn't she just admit last week she has a housekeeper???
Who does she think she is kidding? Does she not remember her lies from one moment to the next?
Hi Jane, before we bought a house in obx we had rented from property management company and from owner via vrbo and airbnb, we had good experiences both ways. I would love to discuss with you, you can reach me with my name and just add a yahoo. Definitely if you make reservations look into trip insurance if it is in August, we have been in late August and had to evacuate for hurricane. would you want to stay in busier more commercial area or isolated area? Ocracoke is lovely with great beaches but you need ferry to get there. Hatteras is long and skinny with villages at wider points, great beaches and water sports. I like south Nags Head, close to civilization but less crowded beaches and right next to national park.
some property management companies in the area:,,,
Hope this helps!
They are. They explained that they had an interview, but wouldn't permit cameras to film it. Good for them.
Yes they had an interview in Texas. They wanted to teach in Minnesota but said there are no jobs so they are looking for teaching jobs around the country. In the last episode they get up at 6:45 every day to go to their internship student teaching fourth grade.
The girls work and are looking for full time work.
They are. They explained that they had an interview, but wouldn't permit cameras to film it. Good for them.
Yes they had an interview in Texas. They wanted to teach in Minnesota but said there are no jobs so they are looking for teaching jobs around the country. In the last episode they get up at 6:45 every day to go to their internship student teaching fourth grade.
The girls work and are looking for full time work.
Is anyone following the Leann Rimes Twitter lawsuit? One of her fans has admitted (to Radaronline of course) that he did harass the woman Rimes is suing, including posting her place of employment and pictures of her kids online.
Does anyone else see the similarities in the Rimes case and Kate Gosselin's twitter wars? What I find reprehensible is that both of these "celebs" encourage their fans in these behaviors. Their narcissism knows no bounds.
Social media, I.e. the programs themselves, are not evil, however they certainly fan into flame the worst of human behavior and ultimately we need to think about that cost as a society. Is this just a case of a few bad apples or is this leading to an overall shift in our societal consciousness that will result in the development of a less mannered and civilized generation(s)?
Rep. Murt is a Legislator, not a judge in a court of law. There is no way he could hold anyone in contempt for not wishing to share their opinion on new legislation.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Congress has the power to issue subpoenas for congressional hearings and hold people in contempt for not showing up. Can't state legislatures do the same?
Without that power if you think about it legislative hearings are sort of meaningless. You need to be able to bring in everyone who will provide the information you need.
Rep. Murt is a Legislator, not a judge in a court of law. There is no way he could hold anyone in contempt for not wishing to share their opinion on new legislation.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Congress has the power to issue subpoenas for congressional hearings and hold people in contempt for not showing up. Can't state legislatures do the same?
Without that power if you think about it legislative hearings are sort of meaningless. You need to be able to bring in everyone who will provide the information you need.
Wait a minute. Didn't she just admit last week she has a housekeeper???
She did.
@gypsi001 I'd rather cook my fingers2the bone than clean!Love CLEAN&do it daily but takes a helper 2 accomplish here. I hv 8 tornadoes!"
Thanks Auntie.
That's rich, waxing on about housework when she's got help to do it. Life is hard for her.
Thanks Auntie.
That's rich, waxing on about housework when she's got help to do it. Life is hard for her.
If we go on I-10 we need to stop in Dragoon, AZ to see "The Thing?". It will give everyone a glimpse of what Kate will look like in a couple of years if she continues to tan (see my new avitrar).
Kate is either a lousy liar or she has multiple personalities.
Speaking of shows with teenage mothers, I see that TLC is now jumping on that bandwagon.
They have one show called "High School Moms" which already premiered, and another called "My Teen is Pregnant, and So Am I", which is currently casting.
Rhymes with witch, of course we will stop to see Paul Bunyan and his little ox too!
I just discovered with offbeat attractions, historical landmarks, and oddities so we will have no end of fun places to stop, or drive by slowly and take pictures!
Definitely worth a stop: Apple Valley Hillbilly Garden and Toyland in Calvert City Kentucky! The owner has made goofy faces by nailing toilet seats and other junk to trees! Its a must see!
What I don't understand is if you're going to go to the trouble of hiring and paying for a housekeeper in the first place, why not just have them do all the housekeeping? What is the point if you are doing a share amount of work too? I thought the point of a housekeeper was to do the housekeeping so you are freed up to do other things. She's an odd one that one.
JoyinVirginia said... 112
Hi Jane, before we bought a house in obx we had rented from property management company and from owner via vrbo and airbnb, we had good experiences both ways. I would love to discuss with you, you can reach me with my name and just add a yahoo. Definitely if you make reservations look into trip insurance if it is in August, we have been in late August and had to evacuate for hurricane. would you want to stay in busier more commercial area or isolated area? Ocracoke is lovely with great beaches but you need ferry to get there. Hatteras is long and skinny with villages at wider points, great beaches and water sports. I like south Nags Head, close to civilization but less crowded beaches and right next to national park.
some property management companies in the area:,,,
Hope this helps!
It greatly helps! Thanks -- and at some point, I'll be in touch!
How can Kate have 8 tornadoes if they are as organized as she said in the CC blog? All school items away and their bedrooms off limits for months. What did they mess up? I'm sure she gives the nasty or boring jobs to the housekeeper.Laundry to the 'girl.' If she compares her cleaning 'attacks' to her marathon running, not so impressive,Ms Runner!
I have a whole different perspective on the disappearance of Beth from Kate's life. After the book they wrote together ( Beth wrote) she was never mentioned or seen again.
I think that when Kate found out the kind of money the book was going to make she insisted on adding Jon as the co-author, making it a three way spilt instead of two. Knowing Kate now I can see how money hungry she was and must have been really angry she would have to share the profits with Beth. Five hundred
thousand books were sold! I don't know at 4 dollars a book = two million dollars!
Also, she would have to share the limelight with Beth, that she had not written the book by herself. Kate would have to promote book with Beth and no way was she sharing the spotlight!
I wonder if Beth understood, at the time, that Kate did not cherish her friendship and that fame and money were the only loves in her life!! If Kate was willing to sacrifice her own kids why not Beth!
If I had been Beth, I would have been really hurt, after sacrificing so much time away from my own family to write the book and Kate pushing me out of a speeding car without ever looking back, plus of course the loss of money.
Before even MB ever came out the relationship was over and we never saw Beth again and Kate never mentioned her again! I bet Kate blames Beth and thinks all Beth wanted was to make money off her kids!
As long as we're in Minnesota, could we make a stop at Pipestone, too. It's fascinating to watch the Native American artists carve the pipestone and create authentic peace pipes. Last time I was there, I missed the peace pipe ceremony, and I'd love to see it. They also create animal carvings and there was one artist doing sand paintings. Very interesting and educational. We also should make a stop at DeSmet, S.D., the Little Town on the Prairie. We're too late to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder pageant, though.
We could visit Abby and Brittany in Minnesota!
You would think Kate's tweetie birds would question Kate about her conflicting stories. But no, they just swallow it up and go along with whatever she says. Mmmmm. Kool-aid. Gooood.
(Attention sheeple - con·flict·ing [kuhn-flik-ting]
being in conflict or disagreement; not compatible: conflicting viewpoints)
It's easy to speed through housework in record time I guess when the paid help has already been through once and you're just going back over it for any touch-ups.
She's such a tool.
Ya'll know what else is funny?
Kate will be walking the runway the same day her show was cancelled/ went off the air.
Now that's hilarious I hope someone brings it up that she been off the air for a year.
Yes, The Thing in Dragoon Arizona for sure!
Perhaps we can find a good bra if we go to McCall Idaho. Under the Centennial Chair Lift on Brundage Mountain is the BRA TREE!!!!!!!! I am so excited I used 8 exclamation marks!
I wanted to be sure and include a stop to see Roy Rogers horse Trigger and his dog Bullet, both of which are mounted not stuffed (don't know the difference but apparently its important), but the Roy Rogers museum closed in 2009. we are in luck, cable channel RFDTV bought Trigger and Bullet! We must stop by their disparate headquarters in Omaha Nebraska to find out where trigger and bullet are now!
Auntie Ann and greedy Gosselins...Hi neighbors! I am in Oil country! Nice to see you here
I finally gave in and watched a 41 min clip of the RV trip. The vibe she gave off in the beginning was that of the packing was rushed that day. Everyone said she was clipping the children's nails but I had to re-watch and rewind it a couple times. The first time she was actually cleaning under Collin's nails. He made a face and said ow. Then she kinda let go pretty forcibly as if she was digusted. Then the next one, she is wearing different clothes so different timeframe and she is clipping a girl's nails this time. I'm just wondering why she is worried about keeping nails cleaned and clipped at a time like that? I get she is very anal about things, but come on!
After all the frolicking fun and wild rodeo rides, we need some quiet time/inspiration. I'd like to stop along Highway 346 in Nashua, Iowa to see the "Little Brown Church In The Wildwood."
One of these days, I'm really going to get there. It's on my bucket list. It has a very cool history.
Reader lady, those stops sound great! To go along with Babe the Big Blue Ox, we also should stop by New Salem North Dakota to see Salem Sue, the worlds largest Holstein Cow!
Going along with the Laura Ingalls Wilder theme, at Wayside, Kansas, there is THE Little House on the Prairie site with replica log cabin, school house, postoffice, and gift shop.
I was fooled by TLC in the beginning. Like many others, I tuned in to J&K Plus 8; Little People, Big World; 14 (15, 16, 17, ...) Kids and Counting, and so forth, and initially found the families portrayed in these shows either charming, interesting, or at least entertaining. As red flags began to pop up in my mind over Kate's behavior, I began to realize that these types of shows are really not a good thing for anyone. They are not good for the children (and often adults) involved, and they are not good for us as viewers. We are presented these families' lives as an evening's entertainment for us. Until you look behind the curtain, we don't realize the mechanics of how these shows are produced (hot bright lights, phony Christmases, made up story lines that producers think viewers will find interesting, loss of privacy of all involved).
Jacob, the youngest Roloff child, is the one who breaks my heart. He is often described as a whiner or demanding child. Does anyone else remember that Amy once shared the fact that the reason they got pregnant a third time was in the hopes to provide Zach with a little person sibling? If I knew all my life that my parents hoped I'd be a boy instead of a girl, or a little person instead of the way I turned out, I'd be a whiner too.
The more I saw and learned about both Matt and Amy, the less I liked them. My initial admiration for them has long been lost. The same is true for Kate, and the same is true for the Duggars. (How many adult children do they have still living at home? How many adult daughters are doing nothing more than keeping house, tending their younger siblings, and waiting for their father to find them a husband? It's pathetic.)
To me, the Duggars' show is no better than The Jersey Shore or Keeping up with the Kardashians, or The Real World, etc. It's all the selling of a certain concept to make money. Although if you are portraying yourself as a religious inspiration, maybe that makes you worse than those that are simply out there selling themselves as publicity hounds.
Is this just a case of a few bad apples or is this leading to an overall shift in our societal consciousness that will result in the development of a less mannered and civilized generation(s)?
Sadly, I think we are arleady there. So much today on the internet and in person is evidence that many people have no manners, and take delight in actly badly and uncivilized online. For example, the twitter 'wars'.... If I were some of those posting, I'd be soooo embarrassed. They sound like little lord of the ring brats.
I have severely cut my online time. Just here and some food/health/lifestyle blogs. No more than 20 minutes a day if I can. I love the regulars here who are so dignified and intelligent and who can make good arguments with style and class. Raises the level of debate to a thoughtful level.
ah poop.....
already, not arleady....
Sweet Tart said... 140
Wonderfully said and I agree with EVERY SINGLE WORD!
Let's throw tomatoes said... 129
Before even MB ever came out the relationship was over and we never saw Beth again and Kate never mentioned her again! I bet Kate blames Beth and thinks all Beth wanted was to make money off her kids!
I never thought it was the money, but rather that Beth made Kate very uncomfortable and was merely a Beth-groupie. Beth's money, home, style, grace, kindness were all things Kate wished she could attain. In the end I think Kate got crass-er and Beth got more uncomfortable with what she saw happening. In the end, Beth had a more loving and trusting relationship with each of the children and that is why ties ended. Perhaps the babies lifted their arms up to BETH, something they never thought of doing for their gestational carrier. Little things like that likely made Kate realize how bad Beth was making her look.
Many prayers for your daughter and SIL. My hubby spends a lot of time over there, helping plan the drawdown. I'm always on pins and needles until he gets back. He did many, many deployments while he was still in the military. Do your dd and SIL have children? It was always so hard on our kids, especially when they are too young to comprehend. I recall when one of our sons was 3 and dh was on Kosovo. The 3-yr-old didn't understand why we couldn't just go visit Daddy, and I kept trying to explain how far away it was, and how hard it would be to travel there. Finally, when dh returned, I loaded up the sleepy kids in the car late one night and drove to the hangar where we were supposed to pick him up. When I woke the kids up and told them we were going to go inside and get Daddy, the 3-yr-old studied the hangar for a few moments and said, "So this is Kosovo?" Oh, the life of a military family... (Administrator) said... 45
Yes, but we don't have to sleep with Gene Hackman, do we?
Ew. I'll let Dwindle assign that task to someone.
But I can't believe we overlooked this one, you people need to get started on the "Free Carl Lee!" signs for the protest outside the courthouse. Duh
Sorry, gang, but there isnt enough money in the hat to pay any of our 15 Minners to do that.
FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! When are we leaving?
Sweet Tart said... 140
I agree. On a base level, all of theses families are treading in the same muddy waters. You can dress it up with noble causes such as educating people about large families or little people, but it's entertainment and the talent are the children.
I think documentaries are terrific vehicles for education and this is why I love The Farmer's Wife. It's longitudinal study of a family in situ. Not manipulated, not highly-produced and not based on a bucket list.
Can you imagine how fast TFW would have lost credibility if they suddenly, inexplicably went to Disney World, and zoos, and amusement parks and Hawaii?
At some point, each of every one of those families adopted Kate's mantra: Their life is the show, and the show is their life.
I just got home from a 6 mile run. No records broken today :) but I went out and did it. I'm happy and sweaty and ready to start my day!:)
Kate doesn't have a great quality of life; All she does is tweet strangers, run, tan, bleach and manicure.
What kind of day does she have 'to start?"
Sweet Tart, ITA! Just when I think TLC cannot sink any lower, they do. (Administrator) said... 120
Thanks Auntie.
That's rich, waxing on about housework when she's got help to do it. Life is hard for her.
Well, SOMEBODY has to mastermind and organize and instruct the help, donchaknow!
This isnt the first time at all that she has complained about how much exhausting work it is to supervise her hired help; the poor thing.
In Al W's or Polly's book, Beth is quoted as saying something like she hopes the kids will always remember they can call her anytime with a problem, that she never said anything negative about their family. (Of course that's what, 3 years old?) IIRC, Beth saw Kate 'change' and it was Kate's decision for their friendship to dwindle - good word;)
Oh by the way all, I happen to know that someone on this blog has a birthday on Friday.
Dont worry, friend, I wont out you. But it would be nice if you could 'fess up so we can help you celebrate.
:-) (Administrator) said... 126
What I don't understand is if you're going to go to the trouble of hiring and paying for a housekeeper in the first place, why not just have them do all the housekeeping? What is the point if you are doing a share amount of work too? I thought the point of a housekeeper was to do the housekeeping so you are freed up to do other things. She's an odd one that one.
Maybe she only pays for a part time house keeper, like once or twice a week.
Money tight, Kate?
BTW, I put Brittany and Abby in the same category as the rest who do not mind 2 million voyeurs tuning in each week for a substantial payoff. No matter how much sympathy I feel for them, what they signed up for with TLC is a Ripley's Believe It or Not side show. (Administrator) said... 118
"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Congress has the power to issue subpoenas for congressional hearings and hold people in contempt for not showing up. Can't state legislatures do the same?
Without that power if you think about it legislative hearings are sort of meaningless. You need to be able to bring in everyone who will provide the information you need."
::Smiling:: Yes, in my attempt to clarify I grossly oversimplified and partially misspoke. There are different types of hearings, and Congress certainly has the ability to subpoena. It is not that common, however, and in my memory, usually subpoenas are only brought into play during Investigative (wrong doing) Hearings. Think McCarthy, Watergate and Iran-Contra. I suppose subpoenas may be used in oversight and confirmation hearings too, but the fact remains that they are very rarely used.
But, Congress aside, in my State for common or garden Legislative hearings, the purpose is primarily fact gathering. Before new legislation is even drafted or a Hearing convened, a lot of work is carried on behind the scenes in identifying the major stake-holders, asking for as much input as possible and researching the issue. This goes for both new bills and amending existing legislation.
The Legislative Public Hearing(s) are to ensure that a transparent Parliamentary process is respected. In other words, Bills are not sent to the full Legislature, let alone voted on, before Joe Q Public and all interested parties are able to comment on them. Commenting or testifying may or may not ultimately affect the final wording of the bill.
Usually the primary stakeholders and possessors of pertinent facts are identified in advance and invited to testify. Hearings are publicized in advance, and Joe Q public can appear at the last minute and ask to be heard.
I have never, ever, heard of anyone being subpoenaed to testify against their will at a Legislative Hearing. What would be the point? They wouldn't be put on oath to "tell the truth and nothing but the truth" at an information gathering meeting. Thousands of Bills are examined in each Legislative session and stakeholders are generally lining up to be heard.
The Public Legislative Hearings are taken seriously. It is not unusual to hold several hearings in different locations around the State on different days to gather as much info as possible. As an ex-State Employee, I remember sitting in an accessible venue for 2 hours in East Podunk prepared to take notes and ask questions. No-one came!
So, your milage may vary on Legislative hearings being rather useless. I think they are important because what is said at them is public record. It is also an opportunity for people who may have got missed in the process of identifying stakeholders to have their say on pending legislation.
I weighed in on this because of a comment that poor Beth should have been subpoenaed by Murt and held in contempt if she failed to comply. Heck, if anyone should have testified at those hearings it should have been Kate or Jon Gosselin! Kate could have spoken about how children appearing on Reality TV don't need work permits. (Sarcasm, of course)
Hope that clarifies what I meant. :-)
JoyinVirginia said... 135
Perhaps we can find a good bra if we go to McCall Idaho. Under the Centennial Chair Lift on Brundage Mountain is the BRA TREE!!!!!!!! I am so excited I used 8 exclamation marks!
There's a bra tree at most ski resorts. Katie Irene's good bra might just weigh down the tree though.
LB said... 137
I finally gave in and watched a 41 min clip of the RV trip. The vibe she gave off in the beginning was that of the packing was rushed that day. Everyone said she was clipping the children's nails but I had to re-watch and rewind it a couple times. The first time she was actually cleaning under Collin's nails. He made a face and said ow. Then she kinda let go pretty forcibly as if she was digusted. Then the next one, she is wearing different clothes so different timeframe and she is clipping a girl's nails this time. I'm just wondering why she is worried about keeping nails cleaned and clipped at a time like that? I get she is very anal about things, but come on!
It's a Gosselin family tradition. All the sheeple are doing it.
Oh warning....I just saw a NEW Humane Society video on the ID channel. Different heart-wrenching animals. I just can't watch. Due to this blog, I am educated on the dollar allocation of the National branch. (Another valuable fact I learned here.)
Gonna' go hug my spoiled little dogs.
It's a Gosselin family tradition. All the sheeple are doing it.
Clipping their hooves? Doesn't that require special sheep trimming equipment?
Someone ELSE has a birthday on Sunday on this site! I am a master blabber mouth!!!
Nah, again i wont out you, but your birthday on Sunday the 9th is a milestone and if you wanna fess up for all the world to see, I am sure we can tease, er I mean, wish you a happy birthday!
I have visions right now of our 2 birthday ladies sitting with paper bags over their heads, saying "Who, me?"
Tamara said... 14
Dwindle, I've been where your daughter is now and I'm sure you've gotten tons of great advise, aside from the great thoughts here, but just remember to not take any anger or annoyance towards you personally. And you might want to suggest that she doesn't watch the news or read articles about Afghanistan. It helped me and a number of my friends said the same thing. Good thoughts flowing to ya :)
I agree w/Tamara- DO NOT watch the news. It's wrong anyways- I know ;)
Tell your daughter if she is on Facebook that ISAF has a page and Coalition forces afghanistan, I think, has a page- My sweetie just did a tour there, too, so besides doing the job I do I had him to worry to about and of course I couldn't tell him what I knew, so I found the ISAF page (she can find other pages linked to that page) and it has the most up-to-date, current, accurate info as you can get for not having a clearance, LOL. I checked that page for all news while he was there to double check I wasnt sharing any classified info. It has info that doesnt make it into our news. (Administrator) said... 37
Only one tweet the entire night and a couple all day. There is no way she has the kids.
Who wants to take bets when it's "her" week next week the tweeting will speed up to 100 miles an hour again.
We will know it as soon as we see it.
Everytime she tweets we can shout in unison "Custody time!" and slug down a shot of rumspringa. We will all be drunk before our dinner dishes are done. On day one.
At least we will have the daytime school hours to sober up, as she rarely tweets a single twit when her kids are in school. They minute they get home though, BAM we will be back to the rumspringa!
Dwindle said... 146 (Administrator) said... 45
Yes, but we don't have to sleep with Gene Hackman, do we?
Ew. I'll let Dwindle assign that task to someone.
I'm the one who wondered who has been assigned to sleep with Gene Hackman and gather all of the corrupt goings-on with the firm while he is passed out in bed. Admin mentioned "the firm" and he came to mind.
Who will take care of um, taking care of Gene? Dwindle?
I am going to stick with this tweeting thing a bit more...
Who wants to lay money on THIS wording: (to make sure we all know the kids are now back from Jon's custody time)?
"8 happily cheering dancing kids squealing thru house like delited tornados!!!!!!!! screeches of delite&joy & evry1 RUSHING to dinner table!!!!!!!! "best meal EVER mommy coz YOU made it"!!!!!!!! AW!!!!!!!! deliriously ecstatic THANK YOU MOMMYs X8!!!!!!! Happy Happy Happy!!!!!!!! We luv U mommy X8!!!!!!! Noisy house so full of joy!!!!!!!! 8 exhausted kids finally tucked into beds and kissed gnite by MEEEEE!
I am cleaning house today. Not a marathon. Electric Horseman on TV in the background. 1979 Robert Redford has a handsome charm that is slowing me WAAAY down.
Good little movie. I can't believe how old it is.
TLC stinks said... 154
BTW, I put Brittany and Abby in the same category as the rest who do not mind 2 million voyeurs tuning in each week for a substantial payoff. No matter how much sympathy I feel for them, what they signed up for with TLC is a Ripley's Believe It or Not side show.
I agree. It was the same with Jon and Kate; it was nothing more than a circus side show. That is why they fed Kate's mental illness and made her the star freak. She was nothing to them but a carnival freak show and the more bizarre she became, the more the TLC barkers (oh, look it up sheeple) touted her freakness. the problem for Kate now is that she really IS that freak and cant find another circus to hire her. Performing in the side show as a freak-bitch-child-abuser is the only way she knows how to act and think.
I hope for Abby and Brittany's sakes they take the money as some security for themselves and disappear after these 8 episodes.
Sleepless in Seattle said... 162
Dwindle said... 146 (Administrator) said... 45
Yes, but we don't have to sleep with Gene Hackman, do we?
Ew. I'll let Dwindle assign that task to someone.
I'm the one who wondered who has been assigned to sleep with Gene Hackman and gather all of the corrupt goings-on with the firm while he is passed out in bed. Admin mentioned "the firm" and he came to mind.
Who will take care of um, taking care of Gene? Dwindle?
No matter how many times ya pass the hat here, there can NEVAH been enough money to pay me to do THAT! NEVAH!
Dmasy 164 said..I am cleaning house today. Not a marathon. Electric Horseman on TV in the background. 1979 Robert Redford has a handsome charm that is slowing me WAAAY down.
That man has to be one of the most gorgeous specimens of testosterone I have EVER laid my eyes on! I can still remember how fine he looked in The Way We Were...there is just something about a man in uniform. Y-U-M-M-Y!!
Dwindle, you are being really naughty trying to out some senior citizens about their birthdays! tsk tsk!!! Turn in your AARP card, you are in time out!
Oh Readerlady! If we are stopping in deSmet I have to stowaway with you all! I have always wanted to go (it's on my bucket list - no lie!). I have been to Walnut Grove and it was really fun.
Have you read THE WILDER LIFE: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy McClure? It will change how you feel about LIW a bit. Great book, though. I am a big LIW geek! (Administrator) said... 111
@leashy6 house work is nothing to sneeze at! I treat mine like its a marathon-- I speed thru here at record time! Lol! Do you too?:) about an hour ago
Wait a minute. Didn't she just admit last week she has a housekeeper???
Who does she think she is kidding? Does she not remember her lies from one moment to the next?
Well, she has admitted to having 2 housekeepers. The "Helper" part time during the week, and cleaning service that also comes in once or twice a month for the bigger jobs.
And if the daily 'helper gal' isnt allowed in Kate's bedroom, she might have to clean that up herself, so that might be what she was referring to. Also, it's likely that if she is going through the house making a list of things for the regular 'helper gal' to do, she might consider that her 'housework'.
Just a thought.
aggiemom09121416 said... 167
Dwindle, you are being really naughty trying to out some senior citizens about their birthdays! tsk tsk!!! Turn in your AARP card, you are in time out!
Harrumph. I see NO 'senior citizens' on this blog!
But I will go to the time out corner. (head down shuffling my feet, pouting...) Be careful with my AARP card, I get free coffee with that at Dunkin Donuts...
That man has to be one of the most gorgeous specimens of testosterone I have EVER laid my eyes on! I can still remember how fine he looked in The Way We Were...there is just something about a man in uniform. Y-U-M-M-Y!!
I watched The Sting the other night (for about the 12th time) and he was so cute as Johnny Hooker. His best, though, was twenty years later with Demi Moore in "An Indecent Proposal." He was still gorgeous.
Speaking of testosterone, I noticed that Kate has been gathering some male sheeple who find her incredibly beautiful. One of them is a creep who has posted a video of himself on YouTube, with a box of tissues, vigorously taking care of himself in front of a computer. I don't know if he's watching a video of Kate, but she sure does know how to attract them, doesn't she?
JolieJacquelyn said... 25
I'm not wild about clutter, but with kids, it comes with the territory. I often have to think about Erma Bombeck's "Wet Oatmeal Kisses" and there will come a time when our home will be uncluttered, and only silent. I know that I'll miss tripping over action figures and doll houses:
"The baby is teething. The children are fighting. Your husband just called and said, “Eat dinner without me.” One of these days you’ll explode and shout to the kids, “Why don’t you grow up and act your age?” And they will.
Your post brought tears to my eyes, because that's exactly how I feel. The time when my child is a child is so fleeting. Son is 14 now and I can't believe how fast those 14 years flew by. Now he's busy and gone from 7:30 a.m. to after 6:00 p.m. every week-day (if not longer). He's transitioning into young adulthood. I'm happy to see him grow into a fine young man, but oh how I miss those moments years ago, when he was a toddler. He used to be comforted in the evenings before bedtime by sitting next to me, rubbing my arm and having his bottle. Every so often, I play a telephone message he left for me one day that my sister watched him. He's asking me to hurry up and come home because he misses me and doesn't like it when I'm away.
Kate loves to yammer on about "creating memories" and having traditions, but I would bet a year's salary that she doesn't have any of these precious moment memories between her and her children. What a waste she made of the opportunities given her.
Twittering And Twattering said... 171
I noticed that Kate has been gathering some male sheeple who find her incredibly beautiful. One of them is a creep who has posted a video of himself on YouTube, with a box of tissues, vigorously taking care of himself in front of a computer. I don't know if he's watching a video of Kate, but she sure does know how to attract them, doesn't she?
Well, what other kind of guy is she going to attract? She looks like a hooker and her only commitments seem to center around an obsessive concern with her personal appearance.
It's not as if a mature, loving, man would ever give her a second look. She'g got "trash" written all over her. And that's before she even opens her mouth.
2 words..anderson
Moose Mania said... 158
Hilarious! Hooves, hehe.
I think I know who one of the b-day ladies is!
I also hope A and B are just the 8-prts, as they usually avoid the media & will be embarking on careers. I think they have the gumption to call it quits then. The show is a superficial look at their lives so far with the message that it's normal- for them. Hope it ends there as I really have admired the girls and would hate to see TLC swallow them up.
@JennyWren1982 @Kateplusmy8 This forum is a mutual place where Kate encourages over 100,000 at a time..& we tweet back "mucho" love 2her! :)
So Milo thinks that Kate is an inspiration to over 100,000 people and that all of them tweet back much love to her? Where are these 100,000 people? I must have missed all of their tweets, praising her and thanking her for her encouragement.
I thought that maybe Milo did have a little bit of common sense, but this tweet proves me wrong. She's just as delusional as the rest of them. I think I have my work cut out for me..& u haven't even seen the sw potatoes, potatoes, onions, peppers or watermelon!
Kate must have seen our mentions of lack of fresh 'veges' or garden and bought Henry out of produce!
What's tonight's menu? Come and git yer dinner, kids!
Bearswife -- I've been to all the Laura sites except Kansas and Burr Oak, Iowa. I haven't read McClure's book. Did you know that there's a new Laura book coming in 2013? Before her death, Laura began writing her autobiography (the Little House books were fictionalized accounts of her life and adventures) in the penny notebooks she used for all her writings. The SD Historical Society Press has acquired all of them and they are being compiled and edited by an author named Pamela Smith Hill and will be published in June, 2013. You can read all about it at DeSmet is interesting. They have a surprising number of Laura artifacts and buildings, including the Surveyors House, the house Ma and Pa and Mary lived in, Pa's store, the church Pa helped to build, and many other historical buildings, including the schoolhouse that Laura and Carrie attended. You can visit Ma and Pa's grave in the little cemetary there, as well as the grave of Laura and Almanzo's baby son. My favorite site, though, is Rocky Ridge, the home where Laura and Almanzo lived most of their married life. You get a real sense of them there.
Isn't she just the most silly thing on the planet?
Her deliberately obtuse twits and pics are supposed to stir up chatter between her fanz and haterz about whether or not she has or doesn't have a garden...
There is no such thing as bad press - any press is good press, right? ha...
Now her fanz will say she gardens to save money and put good healthy food on the table after working all day pulling weeds and harvesting whole foods.
Her haterz will once again be dumbfounded and gobsmacked at how she lies by implication/inference.
She's just a hoot, isn't she? Such a widdle cutie pie, that's our grifty kart. Isn't she just precious? Pinch her widdle orange wrinkly cheek.....
And tonight she'll lay back in her bed with her box-o-wine and smile at all the snarky comments and how her 10 fanz defend her.
Good going, kart! bwa hahahaha.......... you're a fool.
Yep, Ms. Manners is going to clap me upside the head for this post. Oh well....... sigh.......
readerlady said... 178
Bearswife -- I've been to all the Laura sites except Kansas and Burr Oak, Iowa. I haven't read McClure's book. Did you know that there's a new Laura book coming in 2013?
Sounds like so much fun..and a new book! That really interests me. I loved the books as a kid, and read everything else I could on LIW's life. The TV series was pretty good at first but slowly became less authentic IMO, especially when they added new characters. I also saw another version of it on TV, but not memorable...thanks for the link. I am off to check it out!
*Oh- the gas people also say we need a new water heater as ours is 7 yrs old and obsolete. They can offer one for only &7000 w/warranty!! The gas co. here does not rent them if it gives out, it's cold water bucket baths at out house ! :(
Manic Mommy days are here - first we have resumed constant twitter contact, and now it looks like we are going to process veggies, lots and lots of veggies, pictures forthcoming. God knows what she plans to do with all of them.
I do not say this lightly - someone could use some serious mood meds, the care of a good doctor, and lots of counseling. Lots.
Speaking of testosterone, I noticed that Kate has been gathering some male sheeple who find her incredibly beautiful. One of them is a creep who has posted a video of himself on YouTube, with a box of tissues, vigorously taking care of himself in front of a computer. I don't know if he's watching a video of Kate, but she sure does know how to attract them, doesn't she?
Well, that's Kate kind of guy. He does all the work!
TLC Stinks.Yes, I agree with you about Ripley's Believe it or Not.Today on The View (my vacation day)is the big guest: Kim Kardashian, all smiles, all sucked into her spanx, as she bends over to kiss everyone. Treated like royalty by BW, who is the phoniest human being next to the about 8 other people I can think of. KK talks like a little girl,so sweet, not twice married, sex tape on the Net, married for 72 days/process of divorce on going, now she is the happiest she has ever been with K. West. Finally at 31, she is ready for a baby and life with Mr. West. This woman is given over 40 minutest to sit on that panel, hawking her 5th "fragrance" and she pretends that she is a "talent". This family is a joke, but okay, BW can't stay away from taking over the show from Whoopi as the moderator, so what kind of guests can they get? KK. The walking exposed vagina who really wanted that star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, really! The funniest thing about Kardashian walking out, when introduced? The audience gave her a standing ovation. Everyone has seen the gynecologist' view of her vagina and how she has at least 5 different acts she can perform without losing her eyelashes.
But now, thanks to Kanye West, she no longer has artificial nails, no weave in her hair, her natural brown color,no false eyelashes. The butt & breasts and the strapless red dress are still there though as she sits with her ankles crossed.
A Ho is a Ho, no matter how many fragrances she has on the market, no matter how much clothing she sells on QVC but the saddest thing of all? Is that she makes money, hand over fist.
TLC has a Ripley's Believe it or not, so does Bravo and E channel. We need to stop watching these shows. Boycott them. We are not taking the food out of their mouths. Let everyone get a job like we all have and our family members have. For them to get on TV, like Kate & Jon did, make millions and they went first class all the way. We make that happen. We need to boycott Reality TV shows NOW, so that the Kim Kardashians and the rest of that family (Robert Kardashian is a college graduate, 25 yrs of age and no job, oh I forgot he made income on DWTS last season) and I guess they all make money off of Momma Kardashian huh? I despise her and what she has encouraged her daughter to do: pose for playboy twice, do the sex tape and arrange distribution, marry that basketball player, use his family on the shows, refuse to give them the family's wedding presents, some were family heilooms. My special is terrible, sorry.
My point is we create these horrible money sucking people, who now think, like Kate Gosselins, that they are special, they DESERVE the finest things in life and that they "worked" for everthing they have. Now doesn't that just really "tick" you off! It does me. I don't care about those sisters getting a show and I won't watch it and pretty soon they will be marrying brothers, one body with 2 heads that TLC will find for them. I don't doubt that.
Dwindle 170 said
Harrumph. I see NO 'senior citizens' on this blog!
But I will go to the time out corner. (head down shuffling my feet, pouting...) Be careful with my AARP card, I get free coffee with that at Dunkin Donuts...
You are HILARIOUS! hahhahahha.
I am headed the way of's what I did a few moments ago....after sending Dwindle to time out, I had to run to Wmart to get a few things... Get to Walmart, get the first parking spot in the row (I have a knack for that, drives my kids NUTS)..I enter the store, I put purse in basket, and happen to look at what I was wearing....GASP.....I had on my 'house clothes' instead of my 'public clothes'. (house clothes...pair of capri stretchy pants, and a stained green shirt...I ruin everything I wear, dirt and canola oil luv me!). Needless to say, I didn't stay long. I pulled a Kate, too, didn't make eye contact with anyone!!!!
how embarrassing that was, haha. I can't wait to share my stupidity with my kids. Life is good!
Ok, Dwindle, you can now have your AARP card back. Don't wipe any chocolate on me, btw...
Yep, she got me good. Ms. Manners is relentless!
So here is my revised post:
It looks like kart has some good beans in the sink. She even mentions potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes and some other good stuff. It would be nice if she'd share where she bought them so we all can get those good veggies for our families too...
And PS Dwindle - my BD is TOMORROW!!!! Actually, I was trying to forget it but your post made the competitive BD bitch in me come out.... she's so pushy!
What are you getting me for my gift? LOL
Hint: I could use a good bra before the road trip. I want to look delicious in admin's pool - I heard the pool boys are sexxay!
And Anderson Cooper --- double snap!
Refresh my memory, are we going to San Diego or LA?
Formerly -- Sorry about your problems. House repairs and such are a real pain, especially when you have to deal with a utility company. Before you get a new hot water heater, check out electric ones. I switched from a gas one to an electric one a few years ago, after my 3rd gas one failed. I find the electric one to be much less expensive to operate, the water heats faster and to a more reliable temperature, and there are no worries about carbon monoxide.
Bearswife -- I agree with you about the show. After about the 4th season, it bore no resemblance to the real Ingalls/Wilder families at all. It was still a good show, but still . . .
Tomorrow I'll be old enough to join SOST!
Well, that's Kate kind of guy. He does all the work!
Laughing so hard here. You are right. He won't need to bother her! He has everything under control. As long as she doesn't have to clean up, it should work out for him.
I wonder if he would feel threatened by Grow A Boyfriend.
Ooops, sorry, Formerly commented on the Little House TV series, not Bearswife. Apologies to both ladies.
ot oot..completely ot
our premiere™-elect was shot at last night..anotjer narcissist
sheesh..we ate in Canada.
not Europe
OMG we must be sisters! For the life of me, I CANNOT avoid spilling my food on my shirt... it's so embarrassing. DH got me a bib a couple of years ago.
For a while I only wore white shirts so I could use bleach on the stains.
I'm a bit better now... I sit like Ruprecht in Dirty Rotton Scoundrels when I am at home.
Going out for dinner is a test of nerves. I get dessert if I don't spill anything.
Sadly, I don't have any physical condition to blame this on. I am what is known as a dripper.
Twittering And Twattering said... 188
Well, that's Kate kind of guy. He does all the work!
Laughing so hard here. You are right. He won't need to bother her! He has everything under control. As long as she doesn't have to clean up, it should work out for him.
I wonder if he would feel threatened by Grow A Boyfriend.
omg, that's just so FUNNY. lolololol. (gross too, but really hilarious!!!)
Kate has a good supply of paper towels and tp!
Um, Permanent, What's an SOST when it's at home?
In case I have a senior moment tomorrow and forget, have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have severa rumspringas on me!
Rotten, not rotton... I also can't spell on Wednesdays.
Does anyone remember that creepy episode of little house where Albert's girlfriend is raped by a mime? Yeah Laura sure must have been rolling over in her grave.
How funny was it when Sherri Shepard asked Kim K. about her "first" fragrance and KK said she has 5 frangrances out!
I could barely stand to watch KK with half an eye this morning. I'm also so surprised that the likes of Sears has teamed up the the K's, what with Kim's vagina all over the internet.
Believe me, there will come a day when she's off the "Radar".
The standing ovation was nothing more than a whipped up/warmed up audience shrieking like grade schoolers. Could not stand watching grown women do that on Oprah. The worship makes me lose my cookies!
Permanent Name in Blue 191 ...
If you start sneezing uncontrollably after finishing a meal, we need to shake the family tree and see what falls out.
My kids and hubby know I am about to get full when I start sniffling! lol
(one of my kids now does this as well, it's so funny...she will sneeze, and say, 'mom, I hate you!")...lololol
since I am sharing how 'off' I am, today I went to get a new driver's license. Lady takes my pic, she says, 'do you like it?" I say, "omg, that's so bad!" she says, 'want to take another one?" I say, "no, it looks just like me!" lololol
She also asked me why I was wearing an Aggie mom tshirt and no makeup for a pic, I told her, "If I had put on makeup, worn a nice shirt, and did my hair, and then later got pulled over, the officer wouldn't recognize me."
I was a hugle Little House fan as a girl, read all the books and remember watching the show on Monday nights with my sister. We would play Little House with one of our friends, and take turns being Mary, Laura and Eliza Jane.
There is an ongoing debate whether Laura actually wrote the books herself. Some think that she sent outlines to her daughter Rose, who was a writer/journalist, and that Rose wrote the stories.
SOST = Sisterhood of the Sagging Tits.
Very exclusive. Not everyone qualifies. You have to get voted in.....
ROFLMAO - my SIL sent me a b-day card with that on the front.
Harumph - the nerve! giggle, gaggle, snort
She's my age and still perky as hell. Of course, she has little bitty ones that couldn't sag if they wanted to... ha ha
All these little quirks make us lovable! That's what my DH says, anyway.
He's a sweetheart...
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