Abby & Brittany airs Tuesdays nights on TLC. Check local listings.

Now Abby and Brittany are all grown up, finishing college, and have decided to tackle a TLC series of their own. Their show, Abby & Brittany, plays like usual TLC fare: a half hour of bright, chirpy music, couch interviews spliced with everyday activities, lots of humor, and light on anything too depressing. In fact the series is written and directed by Beth Glover, who produced every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. The first episode follows the girls around during a typical week, with grocery shopping, cooking, coffee shop breaks, dinner out and finally a birthday party with lots of friends.
The true charm of the show is unexpected, and found not so much in Abby and Brittany themselves (although the girls are still as spunky as ever and certainly quite charming), but rather in watching the young people around them so openly embrace and accept them. The girls are remarkably popular and outgoing, and live in a big house with several pretty, similarly outgoing girlfriends their age. Friends describe the twins as kind, warm-hearted and fun, but with distinct personalities.

For all the media talk of bullying and "mean girls," here are two very unique young people who have been completely accepted by their peers, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Patty and Mike declined to separate the girls at birth because they feared for their quality of life, and now that they are all grown up, it's never been more clear these two fine parents made the right call. Not only do Abby and Brittany have a very full and happy life, but are teaching others life lessons that can't be found anywhere else. Remarked one of their roommates: "They are the epitome of teamwork, love and respect." And get this, the twins want to be teachers. Who better to teach kids tolerance? (Interesting tidbit: Instead of Bethel University charging the twins two separate tuitions, the twins paid "one and a half" tuition. Seems fair.)
Perhaps TLC has finally hit on a story worth telling, on one of the few reality shows that has a higher purpose beyond just exploiting a family's differences. A message of teamwork, love and respect.
1288 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1288 Newer› Newest»Improbably ask your question again, please. The Court Reporter didn't catch it!
The only question I see from you is what's it called when a witness flips to the other side. That was immediately answered by many people: a hostile witness.
In fairness, questions sometimes go unanswered even when people aren't being silly. It's a busy blog. I could make a rule no more parties, and questions would still go unanswered. Just jump back in and ask them again, hey guys I think you missed this!
I do think a lot of it has to do with unfortunate timing. That, and the fact that the internets don't allow for tone of voice/nonverbal clues.
Yes, I think the timing was unfortunate. I also think starting a post out with "knock it off" will only end badly for that person. I don't have too much sympathy when they're crying later about mean girls. Had they started off a little nicer, I would understand.
Another blown opportunity for Kate to promote the 5K for Special Olympics. Also, does she have a reading comprehension problem? The tweeter asked if she was going to run another 5K(since she has already done one)
@Kateplusmy8 are you going to Grings Mill for another 5k on Sept 8 for Special Olympics ????
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@xxxx no just one that day... At grings mill!:)
She COULD have said-"Yes, I'm running that one-what a worthy cause." and then include a link to info about it. But no-she doesn't do that. She's so apathetic about this run, it seems like she really doesn't want to do it.
Funny, LOL. That ref does look like Jon!
I also like the comment from the poster: "Kate, meanwhile, is checking to see if Mady and Cara can get themselves conjoined, if that would land them a new TLC TV deal."
HA, Ha. That ref does resemble Jon, but it's not him. People will believe anything on Twitter. But that comment Al made about Mady and Cara getting cojoined so Kate could get a TV show was very funny. Kate is so lucky to have healthy kids but I bet she is fuming when she sees the new TLC shows.
She's not interested in promoting anything that does not pay her. She is all about giving back...NOT!
Joy in Virginia, please, please post your watermelon rind pickle recipe, I'm sorry I missed it the first time. My DD would love it, as her 2 boys could go through a half watermelon on a hot, sticky summer's day and throwing out the rind is such a waste.
The least she could do is write a self serving blog post like she did for the fashion show about how much she understands kids with special needs because she's had it so rough herself.
**Cue violins!** (Administrator) said... 196
I think the sheeple were really hoping Kate was making a big green been casserole for the kiddies that night. They won't accept the kids are at Jon's and Kate was just freezing it.
Admin, I'm beginning to question your source about Jon having 50/50 custody. :( I question a lot of what Kate says but this just doesn't sound like a lie to me:
Our routine is getting faster in the morning!We were EARLY 2the bus stop 2day,by 7 minutes!Yay us(&just4that bet we will b late tom!)! #life
Admin said~ ask your question again, please. The Court Reporter didn't catch it! The only question I see from you is what's it called when a witness flips to the other side. That was immediately answered by many people: a hostile witness.
It's not really all that important in the broader scheme of things, but it was the second part of my question that went unanswered. Probably because I didn't pose the question right. I was speculating about the possible reasons the Gosselin book never materialized....wonering if the author had flipped positions regarding his willingness to publish, perhaps because he was paid off. In that case, I wondered, would he be considered a hostile witness?
They could be back with her today Sue who knows. Or she might have some of the kids and Jon has some others. Even Jon himself once tweeted in the middle of the week he had the boys due to a "change in custody." While I know it's 50-50 I don't know the exact arrangement. We can only speculate based on her twitter pattern.
Improbable I remember you asking that now....I don't really know the answer to that one. Also I'm long over the Gosselin book. That may be why it went unanswered by folks.
Admin, if your source is positive, I, too, am wondering if perhaps they're splitting the kids up somehow. Makes sense in a way considering Jon's place is considerably smaller.
When your first comment is: "Jokes over. Please knock it off. Hard to follow the conversation here with all these outbursts."
that surely doesn't sound like a polite request saying: "Hey wait a minute you guys, I have a serious point to make. May I?"
It sounds demanding, rude, & inconsiderate. It's not your blog. You don't get to demand *anything*.
A polite request would have sounded like:
"Say, guys? I'm finding it really hard to follow the conversation about the Gosselins with so many OT's going on. What do y'all think about staying on-topic more often?"
"Say guys? I have something serious to bring up...what do y'all think about xxxx?"
Yeah, sometimes the OT's get to be a lot, but if they're not of interest I just skip them.
Most of the time they're pretty hysterical so I don't want to skip them (looking at you, Auntie Ann).
Listening to NPR on my way home last night; they were reporting on hunger in the US. One in 5 children is food insecure, meaning not sure if they will have enough food each day. (I'm quoting)
They interviewed someone from the SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK IN TENNESSEE.
Remember them, Kate?
They are seeing a huge increase in NEED.
Kate, are you listening?
Sheeple, will you be matching her donation?
Watermelon Rind Pickle
Take rind of watermelon, the outside part, and cut into large pieces for peeling. Use a sharp vegetable peeler to peel thin layer off the very outside. Trim the inside, just leave a narrow band of pink (cause it makes it pretty esp at Christmas). Cut the peeled rind into one inch chunks. The peeling and cutting part takes a while, I usually have some mindless TV on while I do this.
Mix cold water and one cup salt to make brine, place the rind pieces on the brine and leave at least 12 hours. I leave in the fridge and have left it 3 or 4 days until I had time rio process the pickle. Use a large put, or two, and place a plate on top of the rind to make sure it all stays submerged.
When ready to can gather your clean jars and new lids.
Rinse the rind in water. In a large put, bring water to a boil and add the rind, simmer until tender, about 20 or 30 minutes, then drain.
Make a syrup by combining 8 cups sugar and 1 quart white vinegar. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously, then simmer. Add to the rind, and continue to cook for about 30 minutes, until the rind is translucent. I am doing this from memory, so when you add the syrup is when you also add spices. I put in three cinnamon sticks, and a tea ball with some cloves and allspice.
I do an open kettle method of canning my mom taught me. Boil your clean jars and lids for ten minutes, leave upside down in pan, when ready to can take out of pan with tongs and fill with pickle and syrup leaving about an inch or less of head space, wrote the rim, and put your new canning lid on top, twist on the rim, and place on counter to covered with towel. The lids should seal with an audible pop within a few hours.
You could also just place in sterilized jars and put in fridge if you will be eating soon. It tastes better the longer it sits in syrup. I also tried sterilizing jars in the oven this last time and they sealed fine too. I don't put the spices in the jars, I take out and discard after cooking.
There are lots of recipes online for this, this is adapted from a recipe given to me, it is very similar to recipe in the Ball Blue Book, booklet of canning recipes from the Ball company that makes the jars and lids.
Yes, I think the timing was unfortunate. I also think starting a post out with "knock it off" will only end badly for that person. I don't have too much sympathy when they're crying later about mean girls. Had they started off a little nicer, I would understand.
I agree. There are some unwritten rules like when you're new to a blog to sort of introduce yourself in a polite manner. Something like I'm new here, enjoy reading or whatever. If someone walked through the front door of your home without knocking and then told you they don't like your furniture arrangement it would be just plain rude godammit. The same applies to a blog.
And I'm all for the scroll bar too. Why complain, no one is forcing anyone to read anything if they don't want to.
Now I have a question because I've missed some stuff here. I've had a stinky head cold and maybe it's the Rumspringa toddies, but what ref? What are you guys talking about?
(Also that pic of Kate's beans would have been almost perfect if she'd left out the granite countertop part of it.
I'm going to now pull a Kate and go back to bed. I don't feel so good.
Ps. My cat snores. Is that healthy?
I was speculating about the possible reasons the Gosselin book never materialized....wonering if the author had flipped positions regarding his willingness to publish, perhaps because he was paid off. In that case, I wondered, would he be considered a hostile witness?
Gotta wonder about that guy, don't you. He was all hot to trot and then fell off the face of the earth.
I was soooo interested in that book, but it appears to have floated away into the ether.
He's cried wolf a few times, and now I've lost interest.
Yeah, things could still be getting worked out, and no, it's none of our business what's going on I guess. But he's the one who put it out there.
So.....whoever you about an update?
Or maybe just cropping out everything but the water pouring and the beans and played around a bit on iphoto to sharpen it and brighten it. Now that would be a photo actually worthy of twitter or her blog.
Maybe she took a photo seminar at BlogHer. Nah, probably just an accident.
Because the twins are older and probably a lot busier it may be easier on them to have a home base whereas the younger kids may be a bit more flexible shuffling back and forth. It depends on the child too. Some may be happy to hop back and forth and don't mind a bit, others may be more comfortable making home base at one house or the other.
I lurked here for a good six months or so before posting. I just went blue in the last couple months. Ms Kreider is boring, most of the posters here are interesting, funny, and have lots of information about gardening, recipes, many topics!
I started posting around the time Ms Kreider was abusing St Tony on Dancin With Them There Stars. I have been a fan of DWTS since the first season. I was incensed Ms Kreider treated St Tony so badly!
RE Abby and Brittany, a lot of people are wondering about how they'll have sex etc, all good questions, but it's everything from their nose up that fascinates me. Do they have different IQs? Could one have a learning disability and the other not? Could one have depression or another mental problem while the other is completely healthy? If one arm was broken or amputated would it emotionally effect the girl on that side a lot more than her sister?
They've obviously been raised in the exact same environment, so that side of a psychological experiment is taken care of, so to speak.
AuntieAnn said:
My cat snores. Is that healthy?
That depends - for you or the cat?
Well, when a witness flips off the other side that's pretty hostile - no joke!
Oh, wait...
I lurked a long time -- months. I couldn't make an account for the first tentative comments. When Admin requested we stop posting as anonymous, I added Post by Mary Ann at the top of each scintillating remark! Then another Mary Anne with an e joined. People got us confused. WonderSon helped me create the account I have now.
I agree with the person who said that subtle inflections and nuances are difficult to detect. Most of us read as we would speak...we see humor if we are inclined to sarcasm or we see attack if we are feeling sensitive. (Except Auntie and Dwindle -- they are just plain funny ALL the time.)
I look forward to checking in here as often as possible. An easy "chat" with friends. I like the OT more than Kate comments. She has nothing new to offer right now. I believe in the 50/50 arrangement and feel better for the kids.
I probably will never understand the occasional nasty criticism of the blog or Administrator. It seems like such a waste of emotion when the unhappy reader can click away to, literally, a million other sites.
Just my blog background. I would enjoy learning about how others evolved here.
Happy birthday to Permanent Name today.
Flight of Kiwi -- there is no way to misinterpret you either. If you stopped posting the-privacy-of-you-own-home stories and conversations, I think I would just have to stalk you and track you down.
Happy Birthday Permenant Name! And many moooooooorrrrreeee! :) Will you be needing a lot of ice or just a cube or two later to treat the bday spankings? If you don't need it we'll toast you with Frozen Rumspringas. ;)
Dmasy said... 26
Great post Dmasy. My sediments (sic) exactly.
(and you are very scintillating!) I also lurked, had a name in black, and you know the saga of my foray into Blue.
My dog snores. Not great for an insomniac; she does not seem bothered.
Tamara said...23
Very good question re: broken arm for the twins. With all the sports they do that would be difficult. as they are separate individual and share no brain tissue ( the Schappells do) I guess either could have depression or any illness that may or may not affect her sister physically but would emotionally.When Brittany gets sick, Abby can take the IV medication ( or oral) and it circulates to B. in their common circulatory system, but I imagine their brains are totally individual. They said one was more math/science oriented and the other more language arts- able.
Orange Crush said...
Wait for it - next CC blog will be about her food 'preserving', guess all those veggies she was yakking about yesterday are heading to her freezer in plastc bags, nestled next to the 6 month old cookies. KG, PA pioneer woman.
Just last night DH decided to bake cookies. He gets on these kicks from time to time...he enjoys a "little sweet thing" (his words) with his coffee. He made oatmeal scotchies. Came time to put them away so he pulled the cookie jar down off the top of the fridge...
Whereupon he discovered a jar full of chocolate chip cookies. That neither of us could remember when they were baked. Best guess - last Easter. Yes, Easter. And HE says they still taste good (I am not as adventurous as he, I won't eat one). He claims they are crunch - ier. I didn't ask "Than what?" I don't want to know. Bad enough wrapping my brain around how we both forgot about homemade cookies...not to mention what the heck ELSE is on top of the refrigerator.
PS - He will eat every last one of them, barring serious food poisoning, because he never wastes food. Never. Let's just not go there...
Thanks to Admin and all, for allowing me to express my opinions earlier today. Thanks also for your thoughtful, respectful responses. Whether we agree or not is almost beside the point. It's about being allowed a voice, regardless.
The Gosselin book...yeah. I'm over it, too. Maybe it's been published in invisible ink, who knows. It's irrelevant until (and unless) there's proof it actually exists.
Enjoy your day!
I've lived in Berks almost my whole life and followed the Gosselin saga from before the birth. I followed the news and excitement after the babies arrived and, like many locals, became disillusioned when Jon and Kate started demanding more and more. I watched the show in the beginning out of curiosity, but gave it up in disgust around the vow renewal. Except for some clips posted here, I never wated Kate Plus 8.
I followed GWOP for quite a while, read Aunt Jody's sister's blog with much interest, and landed here a few years ago. I lurked for more than a year before posting and still rarely post because I enjoy reading more than writing.
Love a lot of the OT the best as Kate has really become a bore.
Kiwi -- HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies languishing on the top of the refrig?? Probably made just before an impromptu trip to Mars and forgotten in the excitement.
SeeSaw said... 32
Lovely avatar, my pretty!
We've heard time and again from locals that they got sick of the begging and got over the Gosselins.
Funny, never heard "hey, Kate's really, really nice. Just misunderstood!"
Have yet to hear anyone chime in with that.
Auntie Ann -- Couple of questions. Does your cat have a long nose or a short nose? Is the snoring something new or has he/she always snored? Does breathing seem labored when they are awake? Hope you feel better.
SeeSaw said... 32
I've lived in Berks almost my whole life and followed the Gosselin saga from before the birth. I followed the news and excitement after the babies arrived and, like many locals, became disillusioned when Jon and Kate started demanding more and more
See Saw: Another local here. Do you remember when they had a tractor trailer set up on a lot across the highway from the church? They were accepting donations for the family and it was shut down all of a sudden because there was some controversy. I believe there was mention of it in the local paper. I have been trying to remember exactly what happened. Do you or anyone else locally remember this? I have a feeling that is when all the negativity towards them locally started.
Thank you, Tucker's Mom. I selected the avatar during the blog's "Blue" period when someone suggested throwing water on Kate and watching her melt. I had a bale of straw for a while.
A lot of locals post here but rarely add local stories (and there are many). Her bad behavior was so obvious on the show it's not necessary to give more examples.
Honestly, most people ignore her. She's not mobbed and no one is dumb enough to approach (my SIL did once and got her ass chewed for speaking to the queen). She's a gum-chomping, iphone pretending, special-treatment expecting sourpuss.
FLIGHT OF THE KIWI: Your husband is so entertaining and your good humor sounds like it comes easily to you. In his honor, I have changed my avatar. Click on it to enlarge. I will keep looking for a flying recliner.
SeeSaw: We love to hear any recent local stories that won't hurt the kids. What did the 'queen' say to your SIL, if you can share? I wonder if Kate plans on moving, if no one loves her there ! I know someone posted the kids looked scraggly at a school event- this reflects on Kate, not them. This tractor-trailer story is new to me too...also love your avatar although it scares me a bit..Miss Gulch haunted my childhood dreams in the part where she morphs into the witch!!
Mary - sorry, I don't remember the trailer. I know I was fine with a lot of donations in the beginning -- diapers, formula, clothes, furniture. Of course those parents needed help with that many kids. We did the same for a set of quads born in my neighborhood and people volunteered to walk the babies and help with feeding.
I remember things got really ugly when they started begging for a van. For most locals I think the sh*t hit the fan over the taxpayer-supported baby nurse and everyone started saying enough is enough. Not long after that (I think) they moved to Elizabethtown and all of Berks said good riddance.
I hope no one minds, but I'm going to wear my trusty Reeboks instead of crocs. I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of walking and I have trouble keeping crocs on my feet.
Thanks to the posters who kept me company last night when I had trouble sleeping. I woke up to my computer beeping wildly because my head was on the keyboard. I managed a few hours, but I'm muzzy-headed today. If I post something that doesn't make sense, just scroll on by.
Formerly - My brother and SIL (and 7 count 'em 7 kids) live in Kate's "neighborhood." SIL approached Kate in the grocery store, said they're neighbors with many kids and maybe play dates, info exchange, assistance, blah, blah. Kate's response said with a nasty sneer: I don't have neighbors.
My SIL bless her tried to explain where they lived and how close (in this rural area anything within a mile is a neighbor) and Miss Thang just harrumphed and stomped away.
She was along w/o the kids or my SIL wouldn't have approached as she thinks they shouldn't be bothered by strangers.
Forgot. See above re muzzy-headed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERMANENT NAME AND DMASY!!!!!! !! I hope you have many more to enjoy posting here and participating in our special brand of silliness.
Someone upthread asked who Michael was and I didn't see an answer. If this is a repeat, please forgive. Michael is Michael Strahan, who was named Kelly Ripa's new co-host this week.
See Saw:
Wow. How rude. It was a neighborly gesture, not a 'fan' requesting something. Wat a horrid human being. Thanks for the story. Your poor SIL!
Her tweets must sicken you.
Awww Dwindle he'd be so honored, I'll tell him later. He's in a foul mood - I think he needs a nap. With the dog. Our dog, not your dogs. You might find a pic of the 1980's era heirloom brown faux ultra suede Lazy-Boy recliner on e-bay. Pic is free - recliner, probably about $25...charge to take one off your hands (not your hands, our hands - unless you own one too then it would be your hands). I thought The Smithsonian would be interested in it, being rare and all, - left it to them in our will. Smithsonian got wind of this and firmly told us NO. Not even a "Thank you for your gesture of good will but we must decline." Which is rude. As is the Goodwill for rejecting it outright as well.
There have been times over the past year or two when i too have posted serious questions or input or newslinks that have laid there like so much dead Shoka upchuck. At first I took offense and took it personally, so much so that I changed my name. I havent ALWAYS been Dwindle. But then I realized this blog has a flow and a rhythm and if any one poster wants to alter a bit, you have to be patient. No one will get anywhere on this blog by SUDDENLY jumping in, starting off with something nasty and then demanding we all discuss a new topic.
Like I have said before, THIS blog is different. When we converse with each other, it is NOT a full contact sport unless someone else swings first. (I posted one little pleasant sentence last week on a different news blog and was told to "shut my pie hole". THAT is how other blogs are!) I think this blog is morphing right in front of our eyes and many of us LIKE where it is headed.
Formerly - my SIL is a tiny, sweet lady (very non-threatening) who was quite sincere in thinking they could have coffee and swap big family stories. She's not a fan or a non-fan, just a mom reaching out to another mom in kindness. She was stunned and hurt, but so sweet she still never says an unkind thing and would probably happily watch the kids in an emergency. I should be more like her.
NJGal51 said... 1
Jokes over. Please knock it off. ****************************
I have served on 2 juries in recent years which was beyond cool! Do you know that they say "all rise" when the JURY enters and exits the courtroom and the judge stands too for us?!? It really hit me that the standing and the respect is not for the people but for the system. The SYSTEM of having a jury of your peers hear your case and the case of the people. The SYSTEM of having a judge that knows the law and makes sure it is followed. I know it's not perfect, but what tiny little bit of it that I got to see was really cool.
The two different judges were like night and day opposites in their treatment of us.
I'd be good at that part!
Why can't we stay on topic? Someone gets manic, one minute it is the pits, then she changes to something funny and we are to go from feeling bad to laughing? Kind of crazy at times. Sometimes the topic is good and everyone is following it, then craziness starts, it's okay, but not in the middle of the topic being discussed. I just shut down the computer, go back later and read from the last post backward and then I can disregard some of the posters who are going off topic, on topic, back off topic. I hate to complain about anything as we are so grateful to have this blog but sometimes just hard to follow and frustrating. When the party is on, fine, then everyone parties, but when only some are partying and others are on a topic, it is just plain confusing to this old gal. Thanks everyone, I love you all, honest and wished we all lived closer so that we could meet to talk like therapy for being exposed to her and her kids and all of the drama the mama passes out. A Real Drama Mama is what Kate is.
Dwindle 46 said...
Like I have said before, THIS blog is different. When we converse with each other, it is NOT a full contact sport unless someone else swings first.
(I posted one little pleasant sentence last week on a different news blog and was told to "shut my pie hole".
...(uh oh...that was YOU???) lolol
just kidding!
Carolyn said... 50
Why can't we stay on topic? Someone gets manic, one minute it is the pits, then she changes to something funny and we are to go from feeling bad to laughing? Kind of crazy at times
We are just *trying* to be like KATE! (Isn't her line, 'it's a crazy life, but it's R life?"
I personally like all the zany off topic posts...certainly more entertaining than Kate G!
Hey, what's for dinner, Grandpa? Tonight, we are having fajitas....yummy! (interesting kitchen tip: was cutting, cutting and cutting round steak, hands are getting tired (also having flashbacks to cutting off a significant portion of a finger!), I decided to whip out my kitchen scissors and finish the task. Worked like a charm! I am ready for the nursing home, and finally figured out how to cut meat quickly and safely!
here's my other fav kitchen tip: want to chop an onion without crying? start to finish, keep your mouth closed. yep, it works.
Now, on to your regularly scheduled programming......
Pickles cartoon for today:
For all the ladies here...I just had to share!
I have "artful" folded bath towels on our bathroom counter. White, fluffy and ready for hubby after a shower. Almost daily I find something "romantic" or silly or sentimental to put on the top towel. He enjoys this little treat. Unlike Kate, we have REAL traditions here.
Tonight he will find this cartoon strip cut from our local paper. He will laugh -- at me!
PS: I got a phone call from the park ranger where hubby's stolen truck was recovered. They were mowing and found his driver's license, credit cards, and assorted ID's tossed in the grass. Of course, we had already canceled and replaced. Cell phone and cash still missing!
Formerly - my SIL is a tiny, sweet lady (very non-threatening) who was quite sincere in thinking they could have coffee and swap big family stories.
Did she offer to buy Kate a cup of coffee at Starbucks? That may have helped!
Seriously, this is just the way Kate is. Exactly. You might be able to excuse her behavior when she meets strangers. Because she is so disliked, she doesn't know who is friend and who is foe. The only way she knows how to handle situations like that is to be cold and nasty. She has no social graces whatsoever, and it's too late to learn them now.
However, she's like that to people she does know and are no threat to her. That's just her demeanor.
Carolyn 50,
Now this is an example of a really nice, respectful post.
Carolyn, I agree with you, I wish we could all get together for some libations.
And I too sometimes cannot follow posts but hey, I mostly just sigh and figure since the posts are not all written just for me, well it is what it is and sometimes I too step back for a bit.
With all the sh*t going on in the world, worrying over this blog is small potatoes. About 99% of the time I love it here. Pretty good odds for me.....
Does anyone have any 'real' belief that we could get together? Is that too way out there? I'm wondering.... would it be fun? Or disappointing, or absolutely wildly weird????
See Saw, with Kate as a role model, I cannot imagine that those kids are particularly nice to their classmates at school. Except for their time with Jon who appears to have a normal, outgoing personality, some of those kids probably feel just as entitled as their mother. Kate is a snob and probably has always been one. Your story about your SIL just confirms in my mind that Kate has no friends except for those she pays.
I got a phone call from the park ranger where hubby's stolen truck was recovered. They were mowing and found his driver's license, credit cards, and assorted ID's tossed in the grass. Of course, we had already canceled and replaced. Cell phone and cash still missing!
I thought stealing a lawnmower was funny, then I read about the 49 cows stolen in New England that ended up at an auction in Lancaster County, PA. Good news - they were found and are being returned to their owner.
Isn't anyone happy anymore just to steal a cartoon of cigarettes from a grocery store? You can't stash 49 cows in a shopping bag and walk out of the pasture!
Why can't we stay on topic?
I think that first we have to figure out what the topic is!
Very good logical question... what IS the topic here?
LOL, it weaves and ducks, takes sudden left turns, goes in circles and ovals, backtracks and drives right off cliffs.
It's like a good mystery... WE NEED KINSEY MILHONE ON THE CASE........ who's in charge of the private investigations? I know someone volunteered. Who will call Kinsey?
Dmasy 53
lol, you are a RIOT!!!
I have a small framed quote, hung *Strategically* over our toilet....
"my husband say's he'll leave me if I don't quit shopping...
Lord, I'll miss that man."
When I got him a new cell phone, I entered all his contacts.
When I call him, my name pops up BALL AND CHAIN.
I came to this post by accident after seeing Kate on some talk show begging to get back on television. She was so disingenuous, I Googled " Is Kate Gosselin's 15 minutes up" and found this site. I lurked for a long time, then posted one day and have been around ever since.
Carolyn....50 I think there is a tendency to go off-topic here because there is a comfortable familiarity to this blog, and when Kate isn't providing her usual fodder, there is an opportunity to enjoy various topics which are bantered about. Some days I am interested, and others I'm not. It doesn't bother me because I like the people here and their insight on a variety of subjects. It ebbs and flows, but it is a great little community.
I just want to say that this is one of the best blogs re Kate Gosselin on the internet. It is neatly kept, many viewpoints are allowed (as long as they are respectful), and Admin runs the ship well while giving posters leeway to be themselves. In my view, the reason many other blogs fall by the wayside is when the person or persons running the blog begin censoring posts, imposing strict rules, and brooking no dispute with the views held by the blog owner. It stifles the free expression of ideas, and people wander away in search of a better place to share their ideas.
There is no way I can read through 800+ comments on a thread, but that doesn't mean I can't skim around, post my thoughts on various topics that arise, and enjoy the camaraderie. I hope that I am always respectful even when I disagree with another poster. I love expressing my opinion, but extremely dislike rudeness in myself or others.
I appreciate this site very much, and all those who post here in good faith :)
Permanent Name in Blue said... 59
Very good logical question... what IS the topic here?
LOL, it weaves and ducks, takes sudden left turns, goes in circles and ovals, backtracks and drives right off cliffs.
It's like a good mystery... WE NEED KINSEY MILHONE ON THE CASE........ who's in charge of the private investigations? I know someone volunteered. Who will call Kinsey?
I just assumed we would pick up Paul Drake on the way...
Dmasy said... 53
Pickles cartoon for today:
For all the ladies here...I just had to share!
I have "artful" folded bath towels on our bathroom counter. White, fluffy and ready for hubby after a shower. Almost daily I find something "romantic" or silly or sentimental to put on the top towel. He enjoys this little treat. Unlike Kate, we have REAL traditions here.
Tonight he will find this cartoon strip cut from our local paper. He will laugh -- at me!
PS: I got a phone call from the park ranger where hubby's stolen truck was recovered. They were mowing and found his driver's license, credit cards, and assorted ID's tossed in the grass. Of course, we had already canceled and replaced. Cell phone and cash still missing!
What a darling idea!
Glad the wallet etc was found.
Permanent Name -- I have a fantasy of meeting the ladies from this blog. If there was ever a REAL get together planned, I would do my best to attend. Well, especially if a Harrah's casino was near by!
I like the attitudes and opinions shared here. I think many of the posters would be women I could call friends.
I think Admin has attracted a lovely bunch of retired, disabled, croc wearing, funny ladies! (Apologies to anyone young, vibrant and stylish. You are wonderful, too.)
Please check out the link to the Pickles strip. It is about grammar corrections. I imagine that Kiwi and hubby look just like the cartoon couple. Sorry, I don't know how to make it clickable.
This is sort of related to our discussion of lawyerishly things. I have not been following the Drew Peterson trial at all-but on my homepage I saw an article that during the deliberations, the jurors had a question. The questions the jurors asked was:
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
Admin-isn't this something that would have been covered in the instructions to the jury before deliberations start?
Kate is a twit said... 66
This is sort of related to our discussion of lawyerishly things. I have not been following the Drew Peterson trial at all-but on my homepage I saw an article that during the deliberations, the jurors had a question. The questions the jurors asked was:
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
Admin-isn't this something that would have been covered in the instructions to the jury before deliberations start?
I hope that by "unanimous" the jury means that they ALL AGREE that Drew Peterson is guilty of premeditated murder.
I think Admin has attracted a lovely bunch of retired, disabled, croc wearing, funny ladies! (Apologies to anyone young, vibrant and stylish. You are wonderful, too.) 65
Ok, ok, I'll admit it. I wear Birkenstocks.
Kate is a Twit -- I live in Illinois. Drew Peterson trail is a well-covered topic on our TV and radio stations. The entire trial has been full of mis-haps. Both sides have inflamed the judge. Mistrial has been mentioned more than once.
well, we are getting all set for the trip...
Why cant *I* ever think of these things!
Carolyn said...
Why can't we just stay on topic?
Aside from the fact that the blog revolves around a vapid, shallow personality that is slowly disappearing, I think it has to do with the nature of a blog vs chat. Sometimes I am current on reading and I am interactin in real-time with other bloggers. If I fall behind (easy to do--just a couple hours is enough), then I may end up responding to something someone said several hours ago, which, because the real-time folks may have moved on, makes my response (which is in MY real-time) seem really random--especially if people are getting into the Rumspringa (looking at you, Auntie Ann). If I start with the most current comments, I will probably end up echoing others.
Dwindle 70...
You are either insanely brilliant to come up with the off-the-wall stuff you find on the internet...or, you are insane...
which is it??
This just in: Drew Peterson GUILTY OF MURDERING HIS 3rd WIFE.
Sassy Lassy 73
This just in: Drew Peterson GUILTY OF MURDERING HIS 3rd WIFE.
Justice is served! Thanks for posting this info, it's a trial I just didn't want to follow, not after the Casey Anthony trial (I sobbed like a baby when that verdict was read.)
I wish the Peterson jury could have handled Casey's...
Permanent Name in Blue
readerlady said... 35
Auntie Ann -- Couple of questions. Does your cat have a long nose or a short nose? Is the snoring something new or has he/she always snored? Does breathing seem labored when they are awake? Hope you feel better.
readerlady - His breathing seems normal without any wheezing when he's awake. I've just never had a cat that snored before, it seems odd. His nose is about an inch long... Just kidding, I know what you meant. He is the stereotypical ginger tabby you see everywhere. He snores mainly when he is laying (lying?) oh heck SLEEPING on his back, belly up like a beached whale. Here he is:
fat cat on my lap
Recognize me? haha!
Oh and I'm feeling much better, thanks. I took a megadose of time released Vit C. No more cold-medications for me today.
Dmasy - funny cartoon! Thanks for sharing. Have they found the person who stole your husband's truck yet?
I'm glad Drew Peterson has been found guilty. That guy gave me the creeps from the first time I saw him on TV.
Happy Birthday to all of our birthday girls!
Drew Peterson is one twisted sadistic person, who should receive a death sentence. Who murders 3 wives? He is pathological to kill three women whom he married, so I have no problem with this. Let him meet his maker and explain his choices. Too twisted for words. And yes, in the past, I was anti-death penalty. Not in this case.
Sassy Lassy said... 67- Unanimous means everyone on the jury agreed to the verdict. Guilty! Pretty much a serial killer at this point.
I'm glad Drew Peterson has been found guilty. That guy gave me the creeps from the first time I saw him on TV.
Whew, about time that smug SOB pays for what he's done. That POS loved the spotlight and thought he was so much smarter than everyone.
I hope this brings those hurt by this monster some sense of peace and that Peterson never sees the light of day.
Auntie Ann, a lovely pic of you and your cat. You have a very mysterious smile, or maybe you are just OD'd on cold medicine.
Oh Dwindle, thank you so much. Leonardo, or "Lenny", as I like to call him, thought so too.
(who knew nyquill was an hallucinogen?) are a beautiful woman. I have, ummm, seen you somewhere before. Trying to place you...
Thanks Dmasy. I hang out a lot in museums.
aggiemom09121416 said... 72
Dwindle 70...
You are either insanely brilliant to come up with the off-the-wall stuff you find on the internet...or, you are insane...
which is it??
Actually when my knee is hurting this bad I try to stay seated and right now I am a little bored.
In the winter I crochet more; Just finishied Odd Thomas #4 and not ready to start a new book yet; my sister is on vacay as is my best friend; all 4 of the kids are at work as is HunnyBunny; I had my dose of The Mother for the week; another friend just got back from Wales and is too pooped to chat; so you all are stuck with my insanity while I cook dinner.
I'm gettin' the hang of this.
Sassy Lassy said... 67- Unanimous means everyone on the jury agreed to the verdict. Guilty! Pretty much a serial killer at this point.
I remember when he made the comment that no jury would ever convict him. Oops!
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
Facepalm!! If that was my jury asking that I would demand a mistrial for having an inept jury (trying my best not to use demeaning words)- Come on- it's someone's LIFE they are making a decision on.
(this does not apply to any jury members who ESL, that is understandable)
I know there are some large words thrown around in the courtroom, but unanimous aint one of 'em.
Mona AKA Auntie Ann -- If it only happens, or mostly happens when he's lying on his back, likely it's because the soft palate is partially obstructing his air passage. It's normal for some cats to snore, and it's more prevalent in short-nosed cats. However, it can also be a sign of a medical problem, from something as simple as an allergy to an upper respiratory infection to something obstructing an airway. If he seems comfortable and active and happy otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're concerned, or if he shows any sign of distress, a trip to the vet would be in order.
You have a very mysterious smile, or maybe you are just OD'd on cold medicine.
There's a theory out there that she was pregnant at the time that was painted.
Auntie Ann -- you have some 'splaining to do!
Unanimous isnt even a legal word, it's a word you learn in fifth grade! Sheesh.
readerlady - thanks for the advice. When he's awake he's active for a five-year-old cat, although he is a little overweight. I never even thought to mention it to the vet on the last visit. Maybe it was so noticeable today because he was on the back of the couch right behind me and seemed louder than usual.
Speaking of cats, we haven't heard from Mrs. Malaprop lately. I wonder what Noah's up to.
Over In Kate's County said... 87
there's a theory out there that she was pregnant at the time that was painted.
Auntie Ann -- you have some 'splaining to do!
I've never heard that one. Actually I've also heard a strange theory that it was a self-portrait he painted of himself as a woman. My mind is fuzzy, I can't remember where I read/saw that. Brad Meltzer Decoded maybe?
My brother wanted to look at my new smart phone....when it came back it only spoke in Portugese! And my name came up with a picture of a martini. Haha, isn't he the funny one.
Dwindle said... 49
I have served on 2 juries in recent years which was beyond cool! Do you know that they say "all rise" when the JURY enters and exits the courtroom and the judge stands too for us?!? It really hit me that the standing and the respect is not for the people but for the system. The SYSTEM of having a jury of your peers hear your case and the case of the people. The SYSTEM of having a judge that knows the law and makes sure it is followed. I know it's not perfect, but what tiny little bit of it that I got to see was really cool.
The two different judges were like night and day opposites in their treatment of us.
You are lucky. I try to serve on juries but am automatically dismissed because I am in the military, which is odd since we are allowed to serve jury duty. I feel so rejected, LOL.
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
I would think that if this question was asked, it would be grounds for a mistrial! Just kidding! If they didn't understand the meaning of the word, then how in the world were they able to understand forensics testimony?
Illinois has no death penalty. He got lucky. I wonder if they'll ever find Stacy.
I've never heard that one. Actually I've also heard a strange theory that it was a self-portrait he painted of himself as a woman.
That sounds more like something J. Edgar Hoover would do.
Illinois has no death penalty. He got lucky
He was just so smug and arrogant, thought he would never be punished. I hope, soon, he has lots of boyfriends.
If you enjoy Ron White, he makes fun of our state (concerning the death penalty), he says Texas put in an Express Lane.
Bring ol' Stevie down here for a spell...
Formerly Duped said: "Not much else- we didn't have any problem with it- it was a gas leak we called this rip-off co. for as a last resort. I am now going to go with a tankless one as suggested by other posters which seem a fraction of the cost quoted!I think they just look for things to scam people into doing- I feel they thought I was desperate to get my gas leak fixed and would be vulnerable. $7000 incl instal'n and 10 yr warranty. My son tells me they went into his bedroom for no apparent reason and looked around- it was dark as he was taking a nap after working a night shift.????"
I haven't read ahead yet, so maybe someone else said this, but I would report them to the Better Business Bureau - just for the outrageous quote, let alone for them going into your son's bedroom!!
About 4 years ago, we got our furnace replaced, a top of the line monster sized AC unit, and dehumidifier unit along with it and the bill was around $9000 IIRC. No way would a hot water heater be $7000, I think we had our huge gas one replaced a couple years ago for $800? (Can't remember exactly, but it was under $1000).
Kate! For the love of all that's holy -- answer Milo! She's going into Kate withdrawal and this isn't going to be pretty!
@Kateplusmy8 Aw,Kate...looks like ur havin another busy attackin the 2do list kind of day! 8hrs since last tweet...may we welcome U hm yet?
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
Milo's getting ready to propose! This relationship is really getting serious -- not just some one-nighter! Are wedding bells in the near future? :)
He was just so smug and arrogant, thought he would never be punished. I hope, soon, he has lots of boyfriends.
And prison guards who are PMS-ing.
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
Did anyone else flash to Mollie Sugdon (sp?) in her role as Mrs. Slocombe, with her famous phrase: "And I am unanimous in this!"
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
* * * *
Oh my gosh, that would weird me out if someone I didn't even really know tweeted me such a thing! It does sound like something a hopeful suitor would say to the person he/she wanted to attract. Next thing you know, Milo will be saying stuff like, "I wish I could greet you with a back rub" or "I wish I could tuck you into bed at night" Yikes!
If you enjoy Ron White, he makes fun of our state (concerning the death penalty), he says Texas put in an Express Lane.
I absolutely love Ron White, his humor and his unabashed political uncorrect-ness.
Oops, thunder and lightning. Bye!
Uncorrectness should be incorrectness. Storm is distracting me. Better shut down.
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
uh...tired from WHAT? oh, I know, Kate must have woken from a nap and walked from the bedroom to the kitchen...
Sometimes I think this woman is yanking Kate's chain.
Lynn W. said... 74
Dwindle - A safe deployment wishes for Matt. It's not fun out there. My grandson is in the Navy and in the Arabian/Persian Gulf defending the shipping lanes there and participating in an international navies exercise. Prayers that our men and women stay safe.
Lynn W, I did a cruise in the Gulf, too. No fun while you are there but soooo many fond memories after you come home. I am still close w/those on my deployment. It's a bond and camaraderie like no other. I actually asked to return to sea, I miss deploying. My fingers are crossed for those orders. Would you mind sharing your grandson's rate? (His job?- I love hearing about fellow shipmates!)
Go Navy! Isn't that game soon? LOL
I love the OT laywer-y-ish comments. They have had me laughing for days. The SOST has me scared, :)
You guys are funny.
@Kateplusmy8 Aw,Kate...looks like ur havin another busy attackin the 2do list kind of day! 8hrs since last tweet...may we welcome U hm yet?
LancasterCountyMom said... 97
Thanks, that seems to be the consensus- a rip-off. Unfortunately they have a BBB endorsement on their website but you're right, wouldn't hurt to call.
AuntieAnn: also a theory it was Leonardo himself in have REA 'splainin' to do!
Over In Kate's County said... 98
Kate! For the love of all that's holy -- answer Milo! She's going into Kate withdrawal and this isn't going to be pretty!
@Kateplusmy8 Aw,Kate...looks like ur havin another busy attackin the 2do list kind of day! 8hrs since last tweet...may we welcome U hm yet?
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
Milo's getting ready to propose! This relationship is really getting serious -- not just some one-nighter! Are wedding bells in the near future? :)
{{Shudder}} I've been watching this. It's just really creepy.
I don't remember who, but did someone say yesterday that Milo has been pesting for Kate mention specifics about the kids? Just like when Shoka was MIA. Milo desperately wants Kate to talk about the kids (to disprove the 50/50?) and Kate can't wade into that territory with school back in. Too many witnesses.
I rate Milo's current behavior as High Bunny Alert! She WON'T BE IGNORED! ~:>(
Sweet Tart said... 101
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
* * * *
Oh my gosh, that would weird me out if someone I didn't even really know tweeted me such a thing! It does sound like something a hopeful suitor would say to the person he/she wanted to attract. Next thing you know, Milo will be saying stuff like, "I wish I could greet you with a back rub" or "I wish I could tuck you into bed at night" Yikes!
**Message to Kate**
I strongly recommend that you watch "Selena".
'Nuff said.
Oh Auntie Ann - you were serious about your cat! Sorry about my flip reply. I thought the PS about your cat was a non bad :(
Hope your kitty is OK.
Auntie, they have not caught the alleged thief of hubby's truck. Man also stole a riding mower and then the combine that traveled 60 miles through the country at a top speed of 20 mph..
Everyone knows who did it, but legally he isn't guilty yet.
The comedy continues -- he "borrowed" a truck from his dad who owns a business with his name on the side of the truck bed. So, he is escaping into the state with a vehicle with his own surname on the side. Still not captured!
Sweet Tart said... 100
"Just to be clear, judge, what does unanimous mean?"
Did anyone else flash to Mollie Sugdon (sp?) in her role as Mrs. Slocombe, with her famous phrase: "And I am unanimous in this!"
Psssst - Your intel help urgently needed. There's been a breach. Admin has somehow gotten wind of the planned coup. The d'etat one.
Flight of the Kiwi said... 113
Psssst - Your intel help urgently needed. There's been a breach. Admin has somehow gotten wind of the planned coup. The d'etat one.
I'm on the case like Paula Zahn ;)
**Message to Kate**
I strongly recommend that you watch "Selena".
'Nuff said.
Milo claims that she and Kate are tight, close personal relationship and that Kate "does things for her," but Milo says that it's too personal to say what it is.
Scary, huh?
First time poster here. I just love you guys! You have no idea how many times you've made me laugh out loud!
Has anyone noticed there are only 7 lady bugs on Kate's window sill in the green bean picture?
Well, I don't know if I'm on topic or off topic or completely out in left field, but talk about cats haven't lived until you've had a 78 pound bulldog snoring next to you. They will rattle the windows. See my new avatar of my baby on his back.
I rate Milo's current behavior as High Bunny Alert! She WON'T BE IGNORED! ~:>(
High Bunny Alert! High Dog Alert! High Beta Alert! It's getting weirder by the tweet. I don't usually pay too much attention to the tweets from the obsessed sheeple, but dang, Milo's been getting more demanding and totally out of control with this adoration. This isn't going to have a good ending.
Brass Tacks, welcome. We heard you laughing out there.. 'bout time you joined in!
Sweet Tart said... 101
Next thing you know, Milo will be saying stuff like, "I wish I could greet you with a back rub" or "I wish I could tuck you into bed at night" Yikes!
My money's on, "I wish I could lick your feet."
My money's on, "I wish I could lick your feet."
Oh, geez, Grift. I think I could do without that visual! :) But I guess it's better than Milo wishing that Kate would throw one of her thongs her way!
readerlady has left a new comment on the post "Review: TLC finally gets it right with 'Abby & Bri...":
Speaking of cats, we haven't heard from Mrs. Malaprop lately. I wonder what Noah's up to.
Or Amy F.? Her cats were going into foster?
HAPPY B-DAY to the 'girls'! I do have a lovely pair of black crocs, but most often you will find me in my Blundstones - winter, summer, shorts, skirt or pants - I love my Blunnies!
I love "tater salad"!
Speaking of cats, we haven't heard from Mrs. Malaprop lately. I wonder what Noah's up to.
Isn't it Moses, or is that someone else?
Since I'm not a weeter (or is it twitterer?), how easy is it for Kate to just close down her page? Would she just pull the plug? What happens to the haters in that they just tweet among themselves? Would a fan such as Milo have to be welcomed into Kate's flock if Kate made her page private? If this is the case, would Kate have to approve every sheeple who wants to tweet her?
Would the non-fans be able to set up a page similar to the one that Kate has, and then this dialogue between both sides would continue, only it wouldn't be on Kate's twitter account? I'm not sure how this works.
Sorry about all of the questions. I'm just confused as to why Kate allows this nonsense on her page to continue. If I saw the potty mouth language, insults and accusations (by both fans and non-fans) being slung back and forth, I'd be so humiliated that I'd yank that page in a heartbeat.
I heard about one of my friends today and I couldn't help but think of Kate in a way.
She doesn't have 8, count 'em 8 kids but she does have one little boy. Although the father is not in the picture, my friend was couple months ago let go from her job, she has people calling other friends because she's behind on payments on several things. She recently had to pull her kid out of his private school because after she couldn't afford to pay for her one car she couldn't get him out there.
She's been out of work for several months, this is a woman I have known for years who sort of like Kate takes advantage of people to watch her kid for free, cook, she'll stay long enough to be invited to dinner. And now without a car she's bumming for rides.
And I thought, you know Kate hasn't bothered to look for work. Her finances might *might* be better than my friend but the simple equation is:
job + salary = income
no job or other income - not really saving = you're going to be broke
This more than likely one day might be Kate I don't care if she has once a month blogging job, blogging I doubt unless you are really good at it is NOT going to pay your bills, your mortgage, your kids needs, car insurance, medical. Kate can't seriously expect to live off the child support Jon provides her and her blogging job or what's left of her TLC money the rest of her life, can she?
I mean I may not know much about a lot of things but I do know as I saw today in my friend who now has no choice but to look for work or lose her place to live that you are going to need a job at some point.
I personally think Kate will forever have bitten off more than she can chew and it's sort of her own fault because she had to have this "golden platter" lifestyle. Most kids aren't looking for a golden platter. Most kids...most kids are looking for a mommy or a daddy who will sit down with them after work and go over homework, to know that you will be there when they need you even if you're already exhausted that you get up and do things anyway. That you meet their basic needs, teach them things so they won't be clueless when they hit the real world.
But I don't see much of this from Kate as she seems to still Twitter away her life. Most people in their 30s have jobs, responsibilities beyond cooking an organic dinner and being glued to a social media outlet all day. If she ever gets a real job she can't pull this crap off in an office environment just because she'd rather Twitter than take calls.
What the heck happened to her, "I'd work at McDonald's," bit? Is she going to expect her older kids when they are 16 to go out into the world and get a fast food job to be able to afford the cool sneakers they want because she won't pay for them, money to go out with friends and all that? Or is she going to let them sit and home glued to their future accounts (like it or not Kate your kids will one day have access to Facebook/Twitter you name it) like she appears to do so much of the time? Would most parents be okay with that?
Her statement that Jon didn't have a good enough job. Well, there was this young man about Kate's age or maybe younger. He used to work the morning shift at a local gas station I would stop at for coffee occasionally. He died with no cause for it but my point is, he had two little kids and a wife, not 8 but still he had a job while going back to school before he passed away. Would Kate say that what the man did, working any job he could find was not good enough to provide his family basic needs? That's all anybody really needs, basics. All the extra stuff?
It's just fluff, extra goodies. That sure are on occasion are nice but not necessary.
Take a personal note, my brother recently asked if our parents would sell him a car they have for $500 because it's an off-road type thing. Even though he said, "I don't need it, but I WANT IT." That's the biggest difference. Kate wants things, she doesn't really need things. If she did she would be out there looking for work, whether it be a receptionist in a doctors office, cleaning the bathrooms at a fast food joint, working at an organic store part time.
People need to remember I think that most people really aren't above working hard whether or not you like the job, money is money and money will always cover your basics. But Kate will never learn this lessons: Kate, you are not above doing hard work, pulling your own weight and working at ANY job. Just because you might think you're too good to do something like that, go look at the people who work at gas stations, the people at Starbucks who make your coffee, are they too good to provide you with a service you require just because you WERE famous and they probably will never be? Well I got news for you--you aren't and you will never be too good.
Over In Kate's County said... 118
I rate Milo's current behavior as High Bunny Alert! She WON'T BE IGNORED! ~:>(
High Bunny Alert! High Dog Alert! High Beta Alert! It's getting weirder by the tweet. I don't usually pay too much attention to the tweets from the obsessed sheeple, but dang, Milo's been getting more demanding and totally out of control with this adoration. This isn't going to have a good ending.
Apparently Kate and Milo have a special, "private" relationship. I posted this on Aug. 27 but it didn't get any comments so I figured no one was interested in Milo's reasons for her insane tweets. Milo tweeted this when someone asked her what Kate did for her:
@biblicabibs A lot! Many private things I cannot share! Kate's the best..more than I ever imagined fr a "star on twitter"! :) #gr8gal
Kate's County -- You're right, it is Moses. I knew it was Biblical, and Noah was the only thing I could come up with.
I hear from Amyf from time to time. She's still in the facility, undergoing physical therapy. She found a temporary home for her cats, so she's a lot happier. I think she's hoping to be out in about a month.
Me @125...
Not weeter, or weener or weeder! TWEETER!
Time to get the dinner on the table. Pork and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, homemade applesauce (yes, I made it) and lemon sponge pie.
Over In Kate's County said... 98
Milo's getting ready to propose! This relationship is really getting serious -- not just some one-nighter! Are wedding bells in the near future? :)
Ooooh, I smell a new reality show in the making, starring Kate and Milo: "Kate plus her Section 8" (military definition of the term, BTW). Or perhaps, "Kate plus her AdvoKate"?
Thanks, readerlady, I often think of Amyf. Please send her my best if you write to her.
I do believe Milos DH knows how unstable Milo actually is. When Kates show was cancelled Milo was having surgery and her DH warned the Docs & staff not to mention the cancellation to Milo for fear she would go off the deep end! Which it seems she has!
Marie, congrats, you nailed it!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, don't stop being her friend.
I couldn't have said it better. No matter the job, as long as it provides the necessities. Whatever a person does to make a living to provide for their family, he/she gets up every morning and does what he/she has to do. I agree with you that one day Kate will be like your friend. She thinks that material things and living the high life is what life is about, and that's where she is so wrong.
We haven't heard anything from Love my grandsons. She had a week with her grandsons, is it over yet? (eech, I'm starting to sound like Milo!!!!!!!!)
Over In Kate's County said... 115
**Message to Kate**
I strongly recommend that you watch "Selena".
'Nuff said.
Milo claims that she and Kate are tight, close personal relationship and that Kate "does things for her," but Milo says that it's too personal to say what it is.
Scary, huh?
She said Kate does "things" for her?
Everybody knows Kate doesn't do a lick of anything for anyone unless money, a product, or services are involved.
Something tells me that uber fan is enjoying a close, personal, imaginary relationship with Kate in her own mind.
Just watched Abby & Brittany- Road Trip. They said they do not remember going to Chicago before- they did for Oprah! Anyway, they gassed up their car, cut a sweatshirt to fit their necklines, explained how their stomachs ache on the opposite sister's side! Very open, matter-of-fact. No 'stah' treatment expected.Had fun and were friendly to the people whom they met!
Speaking of psycho pshyple, has CJ chimed in on Khate skipping the cruise meet up? I kind of got the feeling from what was posted here that CJ felt Khate would go on the cruise secretly and the two would spend all their time together. Is she the only one whom ended up cruising in the end?
See Saw -- I don't know if you or your sister-in-law ever met Jon, but the difference in personality is palpable. If you would go up to him in a grocery store, introduce yourself, he'd talk to you like an old friend, "Hail fellow well met" and invite you out for a burger. That's the way that he is. They say opposites attract, but I don't understand how those two ever ended up together.
Tweet-le -- I think that even the uber sheeple are getting a bit tired of Milo's slobbering. I did some reading there today, and she's really getting slammed for her wanting to have dinner ready for Kate. Something just isn't right there, and I don't believe that Milo is just yanking Kate's chain. I think she's terribly attached to Kate in a delusional way, and this obsession should be taken seriously.
Speaking of psycho pshyple, has CJ chimed in on Khate skipping the cruise meet up? I kind of got the feeling from what was posted here that CJ felt Khate would go on the cruise secretly and the two would spend all their time together. Is she the only one whom ended up cruising in the end?
Tamara, I think that there's some doubt as to whether CJ even went on the cruise.
ade2black said... 132
Thanks, readerlady, I often think of Amyf. Please send her my best if you write to her.
I just tried to email Amyf and it bounced back. Maybe i had the wrong email address...
Brass Tacks said... 116
First time poster here. I just love you guys! You have no idea how many times you've made me laugh out loud!
Has anyone noticed there are only 7 lady bugs on Kate's window sill in the green bean picture?
I didnt look at the pic (thank you for taking one for the team) but if a lady bug is missing, one of the icky boys must be banished again.
And WELCOME Brass Tacks! Nice to meet you!
SeeSaw said... 47
Formerly - my SIL is a tiny, sweet lady (very non-threatening) who was quite sincere in thinking they could have coffee and swap big family stories. She's not a fan or a non-fan, just a mom reaching out to another mom in kindness. She was stunned and hurt, but so sweet she still never says an unkind thing and would probably happily watch the kids in an emergency. I should be more like her.
I would have been humiliated and furious and sent my flying monkeys after the sub human bitch.
of course, I may tend to over react from time to time.
or is it pre-medicated?
Hey where is Ex-Nurse, Mrs Malaprop, LovesMyGrandsons...
The discussion on Dawn liquid...
I ran out of detergent today and had to do a small load of wash (some nighties, kids tees, pajamas) and thought - what the heck. It was too hot to make a special trip to the store just for detergent. I squirted a good dose of Dawn in the washing machine. The laundry got as clean as, if not cleaner, than it does with laundry detergent. Who would have thought it?
Thanks, guys!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 103
Uncorrectness should be incorrectness. Storm is distracting me. Better shut down.
Stay safe!
Brass Tacks said... 116
First time poster here. I just love you guys! You have no idea how many times you've made me laugh out loud!
Has anyone noticed there are only 7 lady bugs on Kate's window sill in the green bean picture?
Greetings, Brass Tacks/first time poster!! I haven't looked at the picture (I just ate), but the horrors!!
It should have either 9 or 8 ladybugs to be correct in Kate's world. Maybe it's a secret signal to tell Milo she'd like dinner served at 7 p.m. Or it could have meant she only has the "littles" with her or she feels lucky or she spent 7 hours napping or . . . . The possiblities are endless.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 138
See Saw -- I don't know if you or your sister-in-law ever met Jon, but the difference in personality is palpable. If you would go up to him in a grocery store, introduce yourself, he'd talk to you like an old friend, "Hail fellow well met" and invite you out for a burger. That's the way that he is. They say opposites attract, but I don't understand how those two ever ended up together.
I remember the interview given by Katie Irene's first serious boyfriend/fiancee in which he either insinuated or outright said she was a 'sex kitten'. Brain bleach, anyone? Jon may have been a little naive as to her true motives. If she did it right, Jon probably felt she really loved him for himself when a large part of her attraction to him was that he was a dentist's son. JMHO.
Has anyone noticed there are only 7 lady bugs on Kate's window sill in the green bean picture?
I didn't notice that. I was wondering who picks up those little critters every time she cleans the sink. Wouldn't that drive you nuts?
Welcome, Tacks! We're crazy here, but nobody seems to notice! I guess it's "birds of a feather..."
Parent In Lancaster County said... 143
The discussion on Dawn liquid...
I ran out of detergent today and had to do a small load of wash (some nighties, kids tees, pajamas) and thought - what the heck. It was too hot to make a special trip to the store just for detergent. I squirted a good dose of Dawn in the washing machine. The laundry got as clean as, if not cleaner, than it does with laundry detergent. Who would have thought it?
Thanks, guys!
Some might be displeased about suds in the waterways etc. But if we dont do it all the time, I say no harm done. Dawn does really work on oils and greases and I am glad for you that your small load came out well, withOUT an extra trip to the store!
You're welcome!
My neighbor decades ago told me about soaking dirty baby socks in dishwasher soap over night. Powder worked better and the cheaper the brand, the whiter the baby socks came out. But that was a loooonnnng time ago and i am sure the soaps have been reformulated.
I didn't notice that. I was wondering who picks up those little critters every time she cleans the sink. Wouldn't that drive you nuts?
I imagine it has to drive the housekeeper nuts.
Welcome Brass Tacks! May I offer you a rumspringa?
Attempting pumpkin smoothies in a couple hours after dinner!
There was some nostalgia recently about the "new sheriff" in town. Apparently one of the sheeple (the one that needs cardiac surgery and is on her deathbed) has contacted the sheriff to go after one of the non-fans and put him/her in jail.
Kate must be so proud to have these people as "supporters."
My question is a psychological one. This obsession with Kate has developed to a point where the kids really don't seem to matter. They are small potatoes in the scheme of things. What does Kate "have" that makes these people want to go to the ends of the earth (and lie down and die) for her?
I always wash my sweaters and bras in the sink with Dawn. I aren't usually big on brand names but Dawn is a must to have on hand. Dawn soap plus baking soda and hydrogen peroxide also cleaned up my dog right purdy when he got skunked. My brother loves baseball caps and swears by running them through the top rack of the dishwasher when they get grimy.
Over In Kate's County said... 130
Me @125...
Not weeter, or weener or weeder! TWEETER!
Time to get the dinner on the table. Pork and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, homemade applesauce (yes, I made it) and lemon sponge pie.
Yummmmmmm!!!!!!! (I'm being Kateish lol)
Do you follow a recipe? I believe NJgal asked for the pork & sauerkraut recipe a few weeks ago but I don't really have one. I just kind of throw this and that together like my mom & grandma did.
I have been reading all the comments about Kate's green beans picture. How far she has fallen! LOL
aggiemom09121416 said... 104
@Kateplusmy8 I'd love 2have an organic nutrious meal cooked & waiting 4 U when U walked in 2day! I know U must be tired!
uh...tired from WHAT? oh, I know, Kate must have woken from a nap and walked from the bedroom to the kitchen...
Sometimes I think this woman is yanking Kate's chain.
Most of the comments and coachings sound like this person is on the verge of needing a nice soft restraint and a medication adjustment. "What in the sam holy hell could you possibly be doing that is more important than wanting to snuggle up close to MEEE!"
I wonder if 'she does personal things for me' means Milo got a card or note from Kate all the way to nursing home? Maybe Kate sent her a box of expired cereal?
I firmly believe there are no sheeple left who care about the kids. Anyone who sincerely did care has long since left the flock and either disappeared or joined in the fun here.
Back to the discussion of the blog's direction, my best advice to someone who doesn't like it is to just chime in here with something YOU want to talk about. There's only so much we can say when someone pops in to say they don't like it here. How can you respond to that other than at best okay I hear you, but I like it. Save the complaints and instead offer up your own two cents on something, it might just spark some interesting discussion and start things in a direction that interests you.
Or it could have meant she only has the "littles" with her or she feels lucky or she spent 7 hours napping or . . . . The possiblities are endless.
lol!! I never thought about that. Or a secret signal to Milo that she has seven dates lined up. Milo is always concerned about finding a lights out man for Kate (since Milo can't be there in person to cook for her and take care of her needs). She keeps asking about Kate's Grow-A-Boyfriend!
wayward said... 79
As far as her twitter silence, maybe her grifted Trojan Twister finally arrived ;)
Well, I missed that whole thing, but what in the WORLD would KATE do with anything with 'Trojan' in the name? Fill them with water and hang them from the trees for Halloween? As if the neighbor kids arent disgusted enough by her...
Let's swap cocktail recipes :)
Ok, just kidding.
Dwindle, is it MENS REA or MENSTRUAL? I think they both apply to Kate ;)
Marie said... 127
But I don't see much of this from Kate as she seems to still Twitter away her life. Most people in their 30s have jobs, responsibilities beyond cooking an organic dinner and being glued to a social media outlet all day. If she ever gets a real job she can't pull this crap off in an office environment just because she'd rather Twitter than take calls.
Her children worked for years selling their dignity, their nudity, their privacy and selling quite a bit of personal humiliation too.
Since Kate and her sheeple conside those 8 young people to be kate's personal chattle, Kate is living high off the kids money. Which is why she resents every nickel she has to spend on THEM! Their clothes, their laundry soap and water, their haircuts, their shoes, every bite of food, the gasoline to drive them to their bus stop. Every single nickel.
Parent in Lancaster - I've only seen Jon once and he was with the kids at a fast food restaurant. I would never approach him with the kids around, but might have if he was alone. I've always heard good things about him.
Dwindle - wish I had some flying monkeys (even though that part of the movie scares the crocs off of me)
Stephanie has a new photo. But, she hasn't gotten one bit closer! It is easy to get lost in a tall corn field.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 150
There was some nostalgia recently about the "new sheriff" in town. Apparently one of the sheeple (the one that needs cardiac surgery and is on her deathbed) has contacted the sheriff to go after one of the non-fans and put him/her in jail.
Kate must be so proud to have these people as "supporters."
My question is a psychological one. This obsession with Kate has developed to a point where the kids really don't seem to matter. They are small potatoes in the scheme of things. What does Kate "have" that makes these people want to go to the ends of the earth (and lie down and die) for her?
I have always thought that they all posess lottery mentality. That they respond to African Prince emails. Just like Kate, they seem lazy and unwilling to do the hard work necessary to acheive success. They want it handed to them, just like Kate. I have to believe they think she's a hero for snapping her fingers and demanding everyone else but she and Jon, support them. While they look to the other notable HOM parents as suckers for taking responsibility for the fertility treatments they chose, and supporting their children alone and privately.
For sure, there is hardly any fans left these days. I think the Sarah Palin episode left Kate undefendable to most of the flock, save for a few diehard ewes. And they seem more intent on trying to do God knows what to us, rather than defending Kate's right to live off her children's money until another no-work $$ job rolls in.
I actually think a lot of the fans were Sarah Palin fans too which put them in an impossible position, choosing between Kate or Sarah. Not surprising they pick Sarah. This is not meant as an insult, I'm a Republican myself.
Brass Tacks:
Welcome! I didn't
even notice those ladybugs, how cute (snark) Maybe one is cut out of the photo? We know Kate is photographically challenged.Or maybe she banishes the one representing the child out of favor?
Dwindle said... 157
wayward said... 79
As far as her twitter silence, maybe her grifted Trojan Twister finally arrived ;)
Well, I missed that whole thing, but what in the WORLD would KATE do with anything with 'Trojan' in the name? Fill them with water and hang them from the trees for Halloween? As if the neighbor kids arent disgusted enough by her...
LOL Dwindle!!!!!!
There were some gals from Trojan at Blogher passing out Trojan's new.. uhhh... personal massager.
There was some great snark here about how exactly Kate was going to thank them on twitter, as the attendees were instructed to do after receiving swag from the grifting suite. Someone said they hoped the Twister would know how to 'help' Kate, someone else said now Kate's alone time in her bedroom will take on a whole new
Do you follow a recipe? I believe NJgal asked for the pork & sauerkraut recipe a few weeks ago but I don't really have one. I just kind of throw this and that together like my mom & grandma did.
lol, Wayward. No recipe. I often do mine in a crockpot, which would make my grandparents turn over in their graves. I buy a nice boneless pork loin, put it in the pot on high until it is nicely browned, turn on low until it falls apart. Somewhere during the middle of all this I add the sauerkraut. I usually buy mine "homemade" at the farmers market, but I will use Silver Floss in a can. I like mine to brown and kind of crisp on the edges, so I don't put in too much "juice" and I put it on the sides of the pot around the pork. If you like sauerkraut that isn't too well done and juicier, don't add it to the crockpot right away.
When everything is cooked, and the pork is falling apart, I mix everything together in the pot; pork pieces with the sauerkraut.
It was so good tonight! How do you make yours?
Aggie...I think milo is a "man" pulling KKate's chain...and having a good laugh with it.
Someone said they hoped the Twister would know how to 'help' Kate, someone else said now Kate's alone time in her bedroom will take on a whole new
Would Kate market this as "Twist For Kate?"
I have to think of the old Roseanne episode where DJ locked himself in the bathroom for hours at a time. Darlene said, "Now he has a friend that isn't imaginary." Maybe this is Kate's new friend.
Aggie...I think milo is a "man" pulling KKate's chain...and having a good laugh with it.
Milo was heard on a radio broadcast some time ago where "she" introduced herself as Fired Up. It didn't sound like a man, but you never know.
By the way, does anyone have a link to that radio show?
wayward said... 165
LOL Dwindle!!!!!!
There were some gals from Trojan at Blogher passing out Trojan's new.. uhhh... personal massager.
Kate will turn it on, put it in a canning jar with chopped fruit and some coffee creamer and wonder why it aint makin' her a smoothie.
Or she'll run it around in a pot of boiled potatoes and tried to make mashed, stepping right over her sons who have fainted dead away on the kitchen floor from the sight of that debacle.
With any luck, Shoka will grab hold of it and dash out onto the front lawn for a pap photo op.
She'll start a whole new fad among her 6 sheeple, they'll all be sitting around tweeting her while they - never mind.
Poor Milo. Hope she gets the 1-800 number for that baby. "But wait! There's more! If you call in the next 10 minutes we'll include your choice of an extra set of batteries or signed phote of Kate Gosselin for your private enjoyment!" Lights Out man better beat feet out of the way while Milo zooms at the speed of light to the pay phone, credit card in her teeth.
Over In Kate's County said... 166
Roast port with sauerkraut is my all-time favorite meal. Your posts have my mouth watering.
Have you ever added some brown sugar and bacon bits to the sauerkraut? My Polish grandmother made it that way. She just added brown sugar to taste. It's really good!
Over In Kate's County said... 166
Do you follow a recipe? I believe NJgal asked for the pork & sauerkraut recipe a few weeks ago but I don't really have one. I just kind of throw this and that together like my mom & grandma did.
lol, Wayward. No recipe. I often do mine in a crockpot, which would make my grandparents turn over in their graves. I buy a nice boneless pork loin, put it in the pot on high until it is nicely browned, turn on low until it falls apart. Somewhere during the middle of all this I add the sauerkraut. I usually buy mine "homemade" at the farmers market, but I will use Silver Floss in a can. I like mine to brown and kind of crisp on the edges, so I don't put in too much "juice" and I put it on the sides of the pot around the pork. If you like sauerkraut that isn't too well done and juicier, don't add it to the crockpot right away.
When everything is cooked, and the pork is falling apart, I mix everything together in the pot; pork pieces with the sauerkraut.
It was so good tonight! How do you make yours?
My Hungarian mother in law (a crock pot has never entered her kitchen) used to fry a bit of bacon, then use all the drippings to make a flour gravy. The kraut got well rinsed, then tossed in the bacon/flour gravy. Bacon bits and a BIT of diced apple got added and cooked for about 20/30 minutes with a lid on. The pork roast was served on the side, usually with carrots. it was the best sauerkraut I have ever had and I have failed to replicate it.
Thanks, that seems to be the consensus- a rip-off. Unfortunately they have a BBB endorsement on their website but you're right, wouldn't hurt to call. 107
Formerly, my experience is when they DON'T have a BBB rating there is nothing the BBB can do. (in my state, anyway). CALL.
Goodness gracious! Did an entire day go by just like that? Phew! It's bedtime for this mom! Chat tomorrow for sure! Miss you all! XO GN! about a minute ago
@juliectimmons I use my food saver!LOVE IT for preserving AND space saving!:)have had1since they came out yrs ago!They keep getting better! about 13 hours ago
yeah, right....
kids are still with dad. come on, Kate, fess up.
Over In Kate's County said... 170
By the way, does anyone have a link to that radio show?
Scroll down to Thurs, Oct. 7, 2010. I thought there were two interviews. Maybe one in Nov, too. If there's another one it's on the site somewhere. Not sure which one Milo is on. Deb is Baby Mama. Quite interesting.
Dairy Queen buys Libby's Pumpkin Pie MIX (the premade stuff in the can that you do NOT add spices to) and mixes it with soft vanilla icecream and calls it a Pumkin Pie blizzard.
One of my kids worked at DQ for 2 years. When they ran out, one of the teenage employees would dash across the street to the Pick N Pay and buy more cans of Libby's Pumpkin Pie Mix.
Kate is saying goodnight. I do not believe 'this mom' goes to bed at 9:30. Nope.
Really, what does she do all day long?
It's still summer weather here, but those pork & saurkraut recipes sound so good.
aggiemom09121416 said... 175
Goodness gracious! Did an entire day go by just like that? Phew! It's bedtime for this mom! Chat tomorrow for sure! Miss you all! XO GN! about a minute ago
@juliectimmons I use my food saver!LOVE IT for preserving AND space saving!:)have had1since they came out yrs ago!They keep getting better! about 13 hours ago
yeah, right....
kids are still with dad. come on, Kate, fess up.
I was thinking she drove to the bus stop this morning to make sure Jon was doing it right and that the kids lunches met her standards. I'm not kidding, I really do think she did that this morning. The kids are with Jon.
Are those lady bugs at the sink? I thought they were angry birds......guess I need new glasses.
Over In Kate's County... 169
....Maybe there is a "he" and "she" .....but I find a lot of her {MILOS} comments condescending to KKate. Tongue and cheek....and creepy.
Administrator, how is the home made pumpkin latte ?
Over In Kate's County said... 170
By the way, does anyone have a link to that radio show?
The show is called "Living the Dream Moms with Nina Frye". She used to have a weekly podcast called the "Gosselin Hour". Somewhere along the line, she changed her mind about Kate-and the sheeple went ballistic.
This is the podcast of the show with Baby Mama. Milo's call into the show is at about 30:00.
When you get to the page, at the bottom it will ask if you want to "Open" or "Save" it. When I click "Open", it opens up and plays in my Windows Media Player program.
They're talking about what Honey Boo Boo and family are making. An article in Huffington Post says $40,000 for ten episodes plus a location fee. They will probably get more in future seasons. The article also discusses the Gosselins and Duggars. Even though the families are so different, the Honey Boo Boo popularity reminds me of the Gosselins. They're said to live in a rental house so I wonder if they'll be moving to their own home.
Scroll down to Thurs, Oct. 7, 2010.
Thanks, Tweet-le! She's in this one...comes on at 40:20 as Fired Up. If it's a man, he has a serious problem, or is it a he/she?
Over In Kate's County said... 185 Thanks, Tweet-le! She's in this one...comes on at 40:20 as Fired Up. If it's a man, he has a serious problem, or is it a he/she?
I've actually wondered about that! It may be the LEAST of his/her problems. LOL
Kate tweeted,
Goodness gracious! Did an entire day go by just like that? Phew! It's bedtime for this mom! Chat tomorrow for sure! Miss you all! XO GN! about a minute ago
Stop the presses! Stop Twitter! Stop the DNC and Obama's speech! She said "bedtime for this mom, not "for this mom of 8!!!!!!"
Welcome Brass Tacks and Happy Birthday to the birthday gals.
You guys are making me hungry with the talk of pork and saurkraut. I'm going to have to try that.
Before I came on here , I read online about an Oakland Athletics pitcher that got hit tonight with a line drive to the right side of his head. He walked off the field under his own power but went to the hospital as a precaution. Did a CT scan and found he had a fractured skull and a brain contusion. They transferred him to another hospital and he underwent two hours of brain surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. Scary stuff.
Can someone explain to me what the reference is to Milo and a "lights out" man. I must have missed something.
May Drew Peterson rot in Hell.
Getting together. I think if we plan something like this, can you imagine the publicity we could get? Caravans (vans of anti fans of TLC and Kate G) making their way to the middle of the country. I see PA here and Ill. So who else is represented? We don't have to set up a date. Let's start with how many States are represented first, okay? Be glad to keep track. No towns, just the State and let's see how many volunteers to do this we get. But remember, State first, no date yet, no working out the details, the GPS thingys but we might even get us a free hotel, one never knows who is on this site and who has contacts. A group opposed to the garbage on TV as well as the in humane treatment, violation of children to start with. No names, just States, okay?
I love this idea, maybe it will work, maybe not.
We can even invite Kate to speak to us and try to convince us as to why what she did was important, other than the $$$$.
Was at the hair salon today, reading a July magazine, the one with Jon and that photo of all of the kids in a restaurant with Liz and her 3 kids. Well, each of the twins had one of Liz' children on their laps. The sextuplets were standing up on the seats, an L shaped setting and some had their hands in their pockets, but one thing for sure, they were laughing their heads off, every person in that photo except for Liz' 2 youngest. Her children are young.
I guess this is the mag that pays for articles, so Jon did need the money, I guess. He did get that zinger in about the "last thing we need, since we have 8 kids to raise, is for Kate to keep chasing reality TV and have a dating show where she travels around the country. Me thinks if she does that show, then she better be paying him support for the children because he will be working 24/7 to take care of those kids. He may as well move into the Mansion, lol lol lol
Stephanie's back and she still looks like Heather Locklear. She's been gone awhile. Must have got lost in the cornfield.
Going now. I'm missing a tennis match between Novak Djokavic and Juan Martin Del Potro. Roger Federer is out and so is Andy Roddick :(
Can someone explain to me what the reference is to Milo and a "lights out" man. I must have missed something.
Every night at 11 p.m. SHARP, her husband (or so she says) makes her turn off the lights and go to bed.
I saw the video of the pitcher taking the direct hit, but thought he was okay because he got up and walked off the field. Oh, my gosh...thanks for the update. That's really sad.
A Very Happy Birthday Girls! May this be a year of health, and just good family time.
Celebrate for a week, that is how long our mothers got back then to have a baby, remember? No overnight visits to a hospital, but when people, especially Doctors and Insurance Companies realized what a strain it was on a woman's every organ when giving birth. I know our mothers still got up and fed the baby, but at least she was given time to bond and take it easy for a few days. I mean they didn't get a couple of months in a hotel connected to the hospital like Kate did.
Did Kate or Jon ever send out hand writtn thank you notes See Saw to the people who donated and volunteered, does anyone know?
PS We all need to put a brown bag of a few extra canned goods or boxed items, throw in some toilet paper, generic type tissues and don't forget something like little boxes of raisins as a snack for the kids. Powdered milk helps too. Whatever you give to your local food pantry, make sure it is staying in your area, please do that. It is important, same with checks you write to ARC and Salvation Army, keep the money in your neighborhoods.
Love and GN, tomorrow is an early day when one is working and has to be up as early as I get up,wake up,get dressed and be on the road by 4:30. You would be shocked how much traffic there is at that time of the a.m., I am always amazed, wondering where they all work.
Testing to see if I am blue account is really messed up.
Could someone tell me who Stephanie is? I missed that story. In a nutshell is all I require. Thanks!
Dmasy said... 65
"Permanent Name -- I have a fantasy of meeting the ladies from this blog. If there was ever a REAL get together planned, I would do my best to attend. Well, especially if a Harrah's casino was near by!
I like the attitudes and opinions shared here. I think many of the posters would be women I could call friends.
I think Admin has attracted a lovely bunch of retired, disabled, croc wearing, funny ladies! (Apologies to anyone young, vibrant and stylish. You are wonderful, too.)" ____________________________
Me too, Dmasy- Happy Birthday weekend! I just happened upon this single post tonight... and I absolutely love it.
My Mother lives in Grass Valley, CA. We have frequented the Harrah's in Reno, NV when I visit. I'm a quarter slots girl-- but everyone else in my posse, plays the tables!
My offer to Rumspringa this weekend, is still open. We are celebrating Drew Peterson's conviction, after waiting 5 (really 8+) years. My husband says I will have to wait for another Florida/Illinois case to come along. God, I sure hope not.
Give back -- Stephanie is part of a series of pop up ads featuring photos of attractive young ladies who invite you to connect with them because they are only 2.8 or 1.6 miles away and "lonely". We tease because we are spread far and wide, yet eager Stephanie is so near to all of us. She will show up on your page, too. Just wait...
Okay, we got PA, NJ, Ill, CA, anyone else out there? I'm keeping track, if it takes 2 yrs, we may still pull this off, never know what we can do to get together.
Give Back said, Could someone tell me who Stephanie is? I missed that story. In a nutshell is all I require. Thanks
There is a pop-up ad at the end of the blog page with a picture of a sweet young thing who looks like Heather Locklear. Her name is Stephanie. She's waiting for you to call her to chat, and she lives 2.8 miles from EVERYONE who blogs. There was Melody for awhile, and also Carly, but Stephanie really seems to like us. She was invited to the Rumspringa party, but I don't recall that she showed up.
Happy Birthday ladies! Many happy returns!
angie said... 197
Okay, we got PA, NJ, Ill, CA, anyone else out there? I'm keeping track, if it takes 2 yrs, we may still pull this off, never know what we can do to get together.
Louisiana, in the house!
Kristine, thank you very much.
angie, I see you have Illinois logged in.
Give back, I went on a little vacation and Stephanie followed me. When I am home, 2.8 miles would mean she is standing in a corn field somewhere.
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