Abby & Brittany airs Tuesdays nights on TLC. Check local listings.

Now Abby and Brittany are all grown up, finishing college, and have decided to tackle a TLC series of their own. Their show, Abby & Brittany, plays like usual TLC fare: a half hour of bright, chirpy music, couch interviews spliced with everyday activities, lots of humor, and light on anything too depressing. In fact the series is written and directed by Beth Glover, who produced every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. The first episode follows the girls around during a typical week, with grocery shopping, cooking, coffee shop breaks, dinner out and finally a birthday party with lots of friends.
The true charm of the show is unexpected, and found not so much in Abby and Brittany themselves (although the girls are still as spunky as ever and certainly quite charming), but rather in watching the young people around them so openly embrace and accept them. The girls are remarkably popular and outgoing, and live in a big house with several pretty, similarly outgoing girlfriends their age. Friends describe the twins as kind, warm-hearted and fun, but with distinct personalities.

For all the media talk of bullying and "mean girls," here are two very unique young people who have been completely accepted by their peers, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Patty and Mike declined to separate the girls at birth because they feared for their quality of life, and now that they are all grown up, it's never been more clear these two fine parents made the right call. Not only do Abby and Brittany have a very full and happy life, but are teaching others life lessons that can't be found anywhere else. Remarked one of their roommates: "They are the epitome of teamwork, love and respect." And get this, the twins want to be teachers. Who better to teach kids tolerance? (Interesting tidbit: Instead of Bethel University charging the twins two separate tuitions, the twins paid "one and a half" tuition. Seems fair.)
Perhaps TLC has finally hit on a story worth telling, on one of the few reality shows that has a higher purpose beyond just exploiting a family's differences. A message of teamwork, love and respect.
1288 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1288 of 1288 Newer› Newest»Chefsummer,
eewwwww- where's the bleach for that visual??? LOL
Sassy Lassy said... 192
Hypothyroid symptoms
I have every single one of those symptoms except for two.
Oh, no.
Well, I guess I call for a doc appointment first thing on Monday. And I really LIKE Permanent Name's comment "Let's treat the symptoms, not the lab values."
did you use parchment paper Kate for the fish & veggies?
IDK doesn't seem like you did.
Dwindle, you and me both! LOL I've got an appt. for lab tests. I guess I won't be surprised when I hear about the thyroid.
Admin Kate was scheduled to do a charity run tomorrow for that local radio program. Kate hasn't mentioned it though. I saw the radio DJ tweet something a few days ago.
Permanent Name in Blue @197
The Armour gave my life back to me. No goiter, energy back, hair and skin is good, brain fog went away.
I also take Armour thyroid and must say after 7 years on Synthroid and never feeling "normal" I finally found a doctor that would prescribe Armour. Oh my I have been on it for 9 years now and I cannot beleive the difference in how I feel. I actually feel "normal" again. I do not have panic attacks, leg cramps, or thin hair or dry skin.
It may taste wonderful, but if it looks awful on the plate, it's lost half of its appeal IMO.
I'd love to see her on "Chopped." Those judges would skewer her!
Audible Click said... 137
Off topic, I'm so tired of being sick and I almost wish I was on bed rest again. You posters are the bright spot in my day.
I am sure many of us have been there and have a great deal of empathy. I know what it is like to sob and say "I just want to sleep" or "I just want to be able to move" or some little improvement after an illness.
Please hang in there Audible. Every day will bring a touch of improvement I hope and soon this will be just be a bad memory.
Holistic MDs get all fired up about the way thyroid lab values are/were calibrated. I don't remember all the details, but something about the norms being calibrated 50-60 years ago before the science of thyroid hormone was really understood. I may have that slightly wrong.
AT any rate, often holistic MDs treat the patient, not the lab values. BUT it's my understanding that more and more 'regular' docs are coming to understand that the result can be in the "normal" range and yet the patient can still be hypothyroid as demonstrated by symptoms.
Med schools are slowing coming on board as the thyroid gland is better understood and are beginning to teach the 'treat the patient/symptoms and not the lab values'.......
I saw two different docs before I finally found my holistic guy who said 'hey, I'm surprised you can even get out of bed to go to the bathroom'.... It took about 4-5 weeks before the med fully integrated and I felt better.
"All of a sudden, I enjoyed life again".....
ampersomom said... 138
North Carolina is in the house.
I just love this. Admin, are you catching where all your posters are from?
I should make a list.
Nice to hear from you, ampersomom!!
When I saw she cooked from scratch I chuckled a bit. Somehow my brain went straight to chicken feed which I think is called scratch. Oh my ...
Butterfly, he is a busy young man. I am FB "friends" with his ship and in every group photo I look for the red hat. He complains about the 18-20 hour days at sea, then not being able to sleep when he needs to. Sadly this Grandma hasn't sent a care pkg. yet.
I see Kate is still tweeting the pervert who is jangling his jigger on YouTube. I wonder if anyone sent her the link to that!
To go further, there are books and books and books on the subject - it's important to understand that being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and starting meds isn't the whole picture.
It doesn't work to start on thyroid hormones and still eat fast foods, high fat, high carb, high sugar diets and avoid exercise.
For me, being diagnosed hypothyroid began a huge sea change in my diet and lifestyle that resulted in much better health.
I won't go on, because the story is as wide and far as the universe. It's a journey and for anyone who is interested, the best beginning to educate yourself. The knowledge is out there. The journey is worth it.
Off my soapbox now. Humbly walking away. :-)
Shoutout from the tiny state of Rhode Island (Warwick)...
SwingsandRoundabouts said... 151
Nice to see you!!!! The Limo will be around to Quebec to pick you up soon, I think!
"jangled his jigger"?????
LOL, Spit tea - you owe me a new keyboard - ha ha.
Also, above #8 should be slowly coming, not slowing coming. sigh...... apologies...
I believe her when she says she never got to go anywhere or do anything growing up. It shows.
Lynn W,
Grandma, shame on you! :)
Well, if you need some pointers on care packages- I will be glad to let fill you in. I know from the other side how they arrive and how things make it to the Gulf and what really gets a sailor smiling :D
Boston Bonnie...186
Yeah, they got rid of the rotary at the Sagamore Bridge but it sure hasn't helped the traffic on the weekends during the summer.
Permanent Name in Blue said...
You have given me a great deal to consider. I am so greatful! I had thyroid trouble decades ago, took Synthroid for 6 months and was declared cured. I have been attributing all my current symptoms to menopause that never ends, but I see now I am just not paying enough attention.
For me, anemia is back pain and shortness of breath and I know it's time to go back on the iron.
I used to send care packages for the two gulf wars - started with website "Books for Soldiers". Don't know if they are still up.
My soldiers were so, so, so happy to get boxes and letters. Especially the guys/gals in Afghanistan up in the boonies where there wasn't a PX or base. They smiled and I smiled. Win-win.
Started out when you could still send to "Any US Soldier" then security tightened and you had to have a name.
I never sent to anyone on a ship....
Sherry Baby
Boston Bonnie
Moon Over Miami
Pink Flamingo
Widowed Young (nice to see you again!)
I just want to say HI to those that dont get a chance to post often. I know I have missed some and dont mean to be neglectful, but keeping up with the names makes my brains leak out of my ears. So HELLO to everyone!
Dwindle said... 14
Hey let the Limo know to pick me up too when it runs through Quebec.
Boring personal story...
I had acute thyroiditis at age 10. Autoimmune inflammatory thing. Dad was military so mom took me to base hospital, and lawdy, lawdy those corpsmen were cute, cute, dreamy cute!
I had to swallow some radioactive iodine for a thyroid scan and the corpsmen told me I "would be slightly radioactive for a while", that if I "threw up" they would have to come clean up the vomit because it would be 'hot'.
I prayed all the way home that I'd throw up so I could see McDreamy CutiePie again.
Ten year olds can be so darn silly.... sigh.
Long story short, that episode which resolved with some med for 1 year, and I was pronounced cured.
30 years later I'm diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Connection? Yes!
And further, my DS is so pleased I passed this on to him... ha ha. Thyroid problems can run in families (not always, I think, but many). He had thyroiditis last year. (For the curious, he just finished taking med and will have to be watched to see if he develops later problems.
He thought he just inherited his smarts and good looks from me - ROFLMAO!!!
Maybe TMI, but just a thought as to the fact that early episode can presage later problems....
No need to make a list, unless you want a back up. I started this last night, as a possible get together by all of us or if worse, we can web a version. So far we have the following: PA, NJ, DE, MD, NC, Ohio, Canada, RI, CA and still going strong folks.
I will be checking the entire blog every day and once at night. So that we can keep track of all the states as you all call in.
Swing that limo by Meeeechigan on the way!
PA for me, of course. :D
"jangled his jigger"?????
LOL, Spit tea - you owe me a new keyboard - ha ha.
I couldn't remember what wayward called it. Oh, yeah, "yanking his wanky." I was close!
NJGal51 said... 180
Jersey girls (and pork roll) rule!!!
Don't forget the tomatoes!!!
NJGAL51, funny you should mention pork rolls – I lived in NJ most of my life – from elementary school through University, and I had never heard of a pork roll until Lynn Rossetto Kasper mentioned them on a podcast of “The Splendid Table” that I downloaded a couple weeks ago. If you’re familiar with the show, it was Jane and Michael Stern who were raving about them – but Lynn (a fellow Jersey Girl) had never heard of them, either. Are they a regional thing?
BTW, Stephanie is lurking on my banner again. Which is funny because if she *really* is just 2.8 miles from me, based on where we live, she'd be treading water somewhere in the Potomac River. I guess, along with her other "talents," Stephanie is also a quite the swimmer.
Jersey girl at the core, but currently representing Virginia (Navy wife). OT, Hubby was just promoted to CDR last week – so change that to very proud Navy wife!
angie, I thought someone else had already chimed in for Minnesota. If not...the 10,000 lakes are here!
Which is funny because if she *really* is just 2.8 miles from me, based on where we live, she'd be treading water somewhere in the Potomac River. I guess, along with her other "talents," Stephanie is also a quite the swimmer.
Or else she thinks that she is Jesus and walks on water!
I haven't seen old Steph lately. All I'm getting is this guy who wants me to go to a Bible school and become an evangelist. Um, no...don't think so
Then there's the bald Christian Mingle guy. I guess they think I need religion.
When anyone in your family has thyroid problems, I found out it is genetic. My sister, much younger, by 16 yrs., had her thryroid removed, it did not work, she gained almost 100 lbs, her hair just about disappeared, no energy, although she went to work 5 days a work, high energy job, but once she was at home, she barely ate, yet kept gaining weight, lost most of her hair. Finally she went to an Endocrinologist. He suggested that any siblings come in for testing. I found that my thyroid was slow, as I thought I was losing hair, too much in the shower, but I would be told by doctors"well, with menopause, blah, blah, blah" and yet I needed medication. I take it and I still take one multivitamin, no other vitamins as my blood work showed, from the endocrinologist there was significant blood work that never was done,nor had I ever heard about all of it,there is so much out there, you would all be amazed. I needed no extra C, no B12, none of those, I had all of that in my blood. My problem was my thyroid and I had inherited it. I feel great now and I am past menopause. Oh that's right, we never get over the hot flashes, just hot/cold/warm and wonder when, we women will someday have testing on female monkeys and not just male monkeys. True. We are still treated like men. Men's treatment is based on studies/research on male monkeys. How sad?
This endocrinologist is a female that I go to. I try to go to all female doctors, they listen to me. It took me a very long time to learn this. Yes, there are wonderful male physicians, but I learned the hard way with male doctors and all the problems I had in my late 30s due to peri menopause starting like at 38. Who measures our hormonal balance?No one. A great gynecologist I found when I was just 42, checked my hormone levels and told me I was in menopause, not peri, but right smack in the middle of it and at 42, not 48 or 50. Sad but true.
Kate could not run everyday, like she says she does if she had thyroid problems, she just LOVES TO SAY HOW EXHAUSTED she is. How about you are sleeping too much, you do nothing to energize yourself, like get excited about your children and look forward to them coming home.
Oh that fish photo? Puko..she just dumped olive oil all over that and wrapped it in parchment paper. Too much parchment paper also. Could have set fire to her house. She is no Chef. Is there something wrong with her, like she can't see how bad she looks, the food dishes look? I can make that food without the oil, and that is the good thing about the fish/veggies in a piece of parchment and only drizzle less than 1/4 tsp over that meal. Ugh, but she bought expensive white fish
Angie you forgot about me! NJ born and raised but currently in AZ (Army wife).
Griftopia - pork roll is pretty regional and I think you either love it or hate it. Luckily we're able to get it out here because there are so many transplanted NJ/NY folks. I'm also able to get my Dr. Brown's CelRay.
Permanent - You're right about the hypo...I've changed my eating habits and exercise regularly. I also read labels and avoid anything with fake sugar. I take my wy throne first thing in the morning and take my multi about 4 hours later since the calcium can interact with the meds. I wish that we had a holistic doc in the area because I'd like to try the Armor.
Re lakes fish in paper - Judging by the looks of the vegetables it looks like she might have over cooked the fish a bit. It probably tastes OK though.
Of course lakes should be Kate's DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT!
British Columbia here! (Canada - although you all knew that didn't you?)
Bluebird said... 22
Dwindle said... 14
Hey let the Limo know to pick me up too when it runs through Quebec.
Could never forget YOU! It's a majic VIRTUAL limo so it can accomplish more than Santa on Christmas EVE!
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but Kate's dish would probably be a lot more palatable if she finished stringing the beans! I couldn't believe it when I noticed the tops still on some of the beans - or is it just me? Do different regions or different types of beans not require stringing and I just didn't realize it?
Angie, you may have missed my shoutout from the Great State of Indiana. Thanks.
All of our delegates' votes go to the candidate Fidosmommy likes.
Dinner for 1 again? You know, just because you have all those veggies, diesn't mean you should overpower a delicate piece of fish with them. Cooking 101. And she's getting only sarcastic comments on her page. Why put yourself out there for that?
Just read her tweets on twitiq and the kids are not going to the run tomorrow she's saving them to meet her at the finish line of the NYC marathon. I wonder if she's running the full in NY. She won't be able to cheat (allegedly) in that one!
She's been tweeting with a woman who is a foster mom. Tonight she said it was the life she wanted until she had 8 of her own. WTF! Why do I picture that foster mom from Criminal Minds that had the refrigerator locked and kept the key around her neck?!
Dwindle, do you have any symtpoms of manic depression?
I think back pain and SOB could be a heart attack. Couldn't it?
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but Kate's dish would probably be a lot more palatable if she finished stringing the beans! I couldn't believe it when I noticed the tops still on some of the beans - or is it just me? Do different regions or different types of beans not require stringing and I just didn't realize it?
lol!! When I saw those beans in the sink, my first thought was -- who is going to string them? We do string beans here...wouldn't eat then without stringing them.
Didn't she know -- or was she just too lazy?
Ugh, but she bought expensive white fish
Yes, but Milo couldn't find the fish! I wonder exactly what kind of fish is familiar to Milo! :)
Hello from Way down yonder in New Orleans, the great state of Louisiana.
If she's running this weekend shouldn't she be eating some carbs instead of something as light as just fish and veggies?
If she's running this weekend shouldn't she be eating some carbs instead of something as light as just fish and veggies?
If she's running this weekend shouldn't she be eating some carbs instead of something as light as just fish and veggies?
capecodmama-I've driven around the rotary leading to Cape Cod. The first time I missed my exit(the bridge) and ended up going around again.
Most challenging rotaries I've ever been in were the ones in Scotland, especially trying to remember that you had to go to the left. (Administrator) said... 44, 45 and 46
If she's running this weekend shouldn't she be eating some carbs instead of something as light as just fish and veggies?
Ah Admin, you crack me UP!
Your question assumes kart knows what she's doing!
I'm waiting for the day when kart says she has to sign up for races using a pseudonym for her safety and privacy.
That way she can brag all she wants without anyone knowing how she did, or if she actually ran the whole race.
It's coming......
Yep. Call me a jaded cynic...
Forgot - checking in from beautiful Upstate New York (and that doesn't mean Westchester!) The real upstate!
One of her tweeties sent Kate books to be signed. She asked if the kids could sign them also:
@Kateplusmy8 Will the kids sign the books too if possible? I'd luv it.
@Kateplusmy8 If not the little kids, then Cara and Mady.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@Sienna_Star ha! No! That would be quite a process! I did get yours in the mail today tho, I'll drop them back in once I open them... ASAP
So why would it be quite a process? She had the kids sign the pictures she gave out as prizes last year when she had that stupid contest.
I'll let everyone make their own assumptions.
Dmasy-isn't your son running the Loch Ness Marathon this month? I forgot when it is, but good luck to him.
And Happy Birthday again!
Well that's a silly reason not to have the children sign anything BUT, for gosh sakes they are just children. I don't think the sheeple should be demanding they sign anything. They need to worry about school, friends and activities, not on signing autographs for obsessed fans.
Bluebird..and other Quecoises..I hope the magic car doesn't forget me here Montreal..I'll meet youse on the outskirts..and khate ever marathons hete ( yeah, right) ..I will do my dangest to get photos...this is MY don't suffer fools or coddle abusers..we remember the Dionnes.
In Canafa you can still send packages..see HIGHWAY OF HEROES F B group and just ask =)
Linda said... 40
Dwindle, do you have any symtpoms of manic depression?
I think back pain and SOB could be a heart attack. Couldn't it?
No s/s of bipolar that I am aware of, but I would be terrible at diagnosing myself.
I have been told that my lower back pain and SOB is from anemia; had it on and off since I was a teen. Yuck. My H/H levels get scary low if I dont mind my diet and iron supplements. I ended up being transfused once it was so bad (HunnyBunny was donor, how cute is that?)
Butterfly -- we should probably discuss care boxes off foroum. You can e-mail me from my Blogger profile page. His wife & mom are sending plenty of boxes but Grandma needs to get in the mix, too.
And whoever it is who is keeper of the Hummer Limo List -- you need to swing by San Diego to get me please. Or at lesat give me GPS directions!
Another from NC. I never see Stephanie. Does a pop up blocker keep her out or does she not like me?
Another from NC. I never see Stephanie. Does a pop up blocker keep her out or does she not like me?
I have a pop-up blocker and I still see her. I'm not really sure that it's a pop-up, but more of an advertisement at the bottom of the page. I was blaming admin for sending her to me! :)
Stephanie probably got to your house, peeked in the kitchen door and realized you already had a full, enriching life and didn't need her.
talking about rotarys..Turbot Exchange her is turning back..but the one in Halifax near the shopping center going towards Springfeild was worst rver...felt like being in a washing machine and u had to change lanes or go roundabout again ughhh
Manitoba, Canada checking in!
Guessing the kids are not going to the race tomorrow because they ARE WITH their father. Just say it Kate, if you just do it once, it will be less painful the second time, and so on . . .
Pretty akimpy pre-race dinner IMHO.
Guessing the kids are not going to the race tomorrow because they ARE WITH their father. Just say it Kate, if you just do it once, it will be less painful the second time, and so on .
Exactly. It's a local race. She claims they love running. They went to her last run. Why wouldn't they come?
Oh right because it's Jon's week.
I stole this off of Facebook and meant to post it when we were talking about Dawn dish liquid. Better late than never?
Shampoo Warning!
I dont know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!
I use shampoo in the shower.
When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body.
Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning:
No wonder I have been gaining weight!
Well, I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn dish soap instead!
Problem solved."
Anonymous said... 60
talking about rotarys..Turbot Exchange her is turning back..but the one in Halifax near the shopping center going towards Springfeild was worst rver...felt like being in a washing machine and u had to change lanes or go roundabout again ughhh
"... being a washing machine..."
Franky, have you seen Google today? Hurry before they change it. There are about 3 different options to click on, on each screen so try them all. Dont forget the little blue door overhead on the left.
I'm preparing a post for it and I saw the race is at 10am tomorrow, so that's her last substantial meal. That is a terrible pre race meal, not enough protein, not enough carbs. She knows nothing about this. Thank god it's only a 5K. I can't imagine running a marathon on 3 ounces of fish and a few veggies.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 182
Taylor pork rolls!
Taylor pork roll sandwiches on the boardwalk down the shore! Followed up by Kohr Brothers soft-serve ice cream. YUM!
I'm glad to learn that NJ isn't the only place with crazy circles (aka roundabouts and rotaries).
Dwindle - Thank you, thank you for posting that shampoo warning. It all makes perfect sense now!
ncgirl - I never see Stephanie, either. I guess she avoids us because we don't know how to help her.
I couldn't care less if kart falls over from not eating the right thing before the race.
I could almost argue that she did maybe eat some pasta or something tonight but didn't say anything about it just to provoke us into this dialogue. Evil bitch...
What I find incredibly annoying is that she claims to be a 'runner', she seems to be working toward making this 'her thing', she seems to be wanting to make some money via sponsorship for these races...... you'd THINK she would want to post some educational babble for her fanz to try to show she actually has some knowledge about the subject.
She is so stupid to be missing the opportunity to blog/twit about the race, the charity, the correct nutritional and training prep....
Besides being a completely foul being, she is beyond ignorant of how to promote herself in a positive way.
Joke will be on her. She will eventually figure out that no one wants to sponsor her and the few bucks will dry up.
At this point, I can truly say I have no idea what kind of a job she could get. There's always Walmart, or her fallback job at McDonalds.
Don't you just shake your head at how clueless she is????
Permanent Name yes the food and whatever are really side issues.
One of the VERY FEW upsides I see to being a celebrity is the opportunity to draw attention to a cause. I've always thought that must be an incredible feeling to be able to attach your name to something like that and people care (I mean in general, it's doubtful Kate at this point brings much attention to causes.) And Special Olympics does a cause get any better??? I would think most celebs would go crazy with the promotion. Instead tonight it was like oh yeah that 5k, yeah I'm running in that.
Saw this on twitter in response to the tweet about it must be nice to palm your kids off on the nanny:
don't kid urself. I live near Kate. Over the years always "The Help" vehicles @ her house
I'm a runner and a 5km race is a cake walk for most runners. Kate really doesn't need to fuel up for this one. She can get it done in under 30 mins. Even after eating her skimpy meal, she could eat nothing more than a banana in the morning and she would be fine for that distance.
It's pretty evident Kate has made the decision to eat sparingly to keep her rack slim and trim. Quite obsessive if you ask me but I'm not trying to get back on TV like she is. The will power it must take for her to make normal food for the kids and then eat her Kate salads. Who the hell can eat the same thing day in and day out? It's not possible to sustain that kind of menu forever. I get so tired of her talking about low fat healthy eating. The Australian rice cakes, BellaBars, Skinny Girl Wine. This list goes on and on. What a f**kin fanatic. I can't stand people like that. It's like she is not allowed to have brownies or pizza or she lets herself down. She has swung too far on the scale if you ask me. There is no moderation in her life.
It's pretty well established Kate has a nanny. She herself has admitted it at least three or four times if not more. That comment was a little nasty but it was a fair comment--she acts all the time like she does it all alone yet by her own admission she has so much help. Instead she snapped back that SHE raises her kids from scratch whatever that means. Wow, defensive. I just don't understand why she can't give credit to all the people who help her do this including the nanny and father. It does not make you less of a mother or woman to accept help with your eight kids, for heaven sake if anything it makes you a good mother to admit that you just can't do it all and that everyone would be better off if you accepted help. Fair enough. I can't remember where she said this, maybe in her book, but at one point she said she and Jon were all by themselves the first couple years and I don't think that statement got enough attention--way to completely throw under the bus everyone who sacrificed SO MUCH to them to help them get going with the Tups. By themselves???? What a joke.
My source says the nanny is great with them and has the same name as one of the girls.
Thanks to Blessed and Dwindle for your kind thoughts. Long story short, very sick went to the doctor, CAT scan showed infarction of the Omental and gallstones. Bed rest and a course of Cipro. A bit better but colonoscopy scheduled on Tuesday. I'm supposed to take it easy but that's not happening, at least today.
I want to give a shout out to Grandee, Louisiana, in the House!
Was that paper edible? Otherwise, that's just more garbage from Kart's house. She's so wasteful. I've never seen Stephanie on this site, but I saw her begging on Kart's photo site. She's hooking up with a real pro.
Where is Gosselin good point a 5k is only a couple miles right? I don't know much about this, because I decided long ago I HATE RUNNING. Waaa, it hurts. Waaa I get sweaty. Waa I can't breathe! Waa! I can spend hours in the gym but put me on the track with a pair of sneakers and within 2 minutes I'm over it.
New post!
Angie, you forgot about me too in Hawaii.
There's also Virginia, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky (We can't forget our dear KyPastor - Maybe he can say a blessing for our limo, if he can't come on the Road Trip with us), and Nebraska.
Kind of obvious, but I'm from Nebraska. ;-)
Thanks Dwindle..Downsview rotary..white-nuckle driving at it's..exept magazine hill with sleet..or suicide alley going towarfs east uniacke..
those were the days! sandbags were my bff=™™)
Bearswife said... 122
Speaking of cats, we haven't heard from Mrs. Malaprop lately. I wonder what Noah's up to.
I'm here! I'm only on comments from 8/6. Just trying to catch up. I started my new career as an SLP a couple of weeks ago, and it's seriously cutting into my blog time! LOL Thanks for thinking of me though.
Moses is doing well. He stalks our cockapoo relentlessly, and they have several good wrestling matches each day. I reallllly want to get his litter box moved to the basement, but our older female cat does NOT like him. She hisses and growls at Moses then goes over and smacks Sir Purrsalot, our huge orange male. Poor guy. So for now the litter box is in the master bathroom. Ugh.
What's everyone doing today? Dr. Malaprop is at the OSU game, so I'm glad to see the rain has stopped. Son #2 is at a car wash fund raiser, so I guess dear daughter and I will get in some shopping.
Taylor pork roll sandwiches on the boardwalk down the shore! Followed up by Kohr Brothers soft-serve ice cream. YUM!
Boardwalk fries and Mack and Manco's pizza, now Manco and Manco's pizza!
I just don't understand why she can't give credit to all the people who help her do this including the nanny and father. It does not make you less of a mother or woman to accept help with your eight kids, for heaven sake if anything it makes you a good mother to admit that you just can't do it all and that everyone would be better off if you accepted help
It does in the eyes of the sheeple, and if she lost their praise and adulation she might just hang it up. It's all she has right now. She would lose her hero status with the sheeple if she were to admit that she is not the single mom who does everything by herself and has the kids AlL THE TIME except for two weekends a month. Her image as the exhausted struggling women would go down the drain.
It does in the eyes of the sheeple, and if she lost their praise and adulation she might just hang it up. It's all she has right now. She would lose her hero status with the sheeple if she were to admit that she is not the single mom who does everything by herself and has the kids AlL THE TIME except for two weekends a month. Her image as the exhausted struggling women would go down the drain.
I think she probably THINKS she would lose her hero status with the sheeple but come on, it's the sheeple. Kate could club a baby seal and they'd still worship her say she had to do it to feed her family. If she lets it be known Jon has the kids 50-50 and when she has the kids mostly the nanny, homework helper, housekeeper, pool boys and lawn boys do it all, they would say poor Kate what a struggle for her no wonder she has to ask for help, she doesn't want to but there's the kids to think about, she needs all this help so she can just focus on being with the kids and being a good mom. Please, they would defend this woman if all she did the rest of her life was pick her nose and watch The Voice all day long.
Leave Katie alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She posed for pictures for cryin' out loud!!!! Your eyeballs are now graced with her orange magnificence!! And yet you demand she actually MENTION a CHARITY!!
LOL. Someone needs to be in charge of making a LEAVE KATE ALONE video and it must go viral by road trip time!
In seriousness though, her twitter fans need to understand they are being used to fill Kate's narcissism. When she is out doing an event like this and getting adored by fans in person she completely forgets about all the 100,000 or 6 fans on twitter waiting with baited breath for a word, any word from their queen. And she can't even bother to so much as check in with them all day. She does not CARE about them, wake up. She cares about being FED that is all. Not to mention barely promoting this wonderful charity. She is that friend where if something better comes along all of a sudden they aren't returning phone calls or texts and you're done. And this is probably why she doesn't have friends--her attention span is so short and when something shiny is in front of her it's off to go play with that, friends WHO?
Still not a tweet. Not a creature is stirring on twitter.
I will keep that in mind when I look at pictures of other celebrities with their kids and if I don't see a photo of them being affectionate to their kids I will know they are bad parents. Again, thanks for the heads up.
Right you are, again, always, and I agree with everything you said! You're welcome! No problem, but I wouldn't exactly say that Kate's a "celebrity," so I'm not sure how that comparison could be made. However, agree, agree, agree!!
Milo tweeted...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Don't know if U scrolled back 2this mornin...bu I was HERE 4U! BlackonBlack made U look sleek & petite!
She/he really does have the hots for Kate! I'm sure that Kate's run depended on Milo being there for her.
Okay All of You.........Here is what "we" got here: PA, NJ, DE, MD, NY, LA, NC, IN, CA, AK, Ohio, RI (Warwick), Minn, Mich, VA,Nebraska, Hawaii & Quebec and if I forgot someone, like my sister in NH (but will wait for her to identify herself. She lurks)
But she is not Stephanie (our pal is here too) how does she do it, manage to get to all of us.
I don't remember when, Dmsay, that I finally joined in, sometimes I felt like I just wasn't a part of the group, so to speak, I would drop a line or two, but never a response of any kind or the topic would ever be brought up. So I just read.
Most of you have the greatest sense of humor. This Blog is about women, not about Kate Gosselin, although I guess it started that way, about the children. But now, as her life slows down due to unemployment, lack of work, no one wants to hire her, well a lot of other topics have come up and I enjoy all of it. I do enjoy hearing all of the opinions when we hit on a topic like the hypothryroidism, etc.
The Administrator does an amazing job of keeping this Blog together.
I know we are all waiting to see if the Bodyguard shows up tomorrow to protect the "fair haired one as she races thru the streets, never once mentioning the reason for the 5 K" I guess hoping we think she organized it and other persons will be running to accompany her?
Night everyone, I will be reading and I will keep the list of "shout outs" and if I forget one, just remind me, okay?
Stay healthy all of you!
Hope no one has manic depression, but think we have at least 2 people who are. Bi polar disorder is a kind of jumping around from subject to subject, having someone to be about in every topic/illness. Very high-highs and very low, lows.....with so many illness/deaths/sad events in their lives, sometimes
No one is throwing stones as I have a brother with this disorder but it can really drive you crazy when trying to talk with this person or converse over the Internet.
Know there is medication but I would never encourage medication, but I would recommend therapy. I mean we could all use some therapy, even if it is here.
Angie - ARIZONA represented also (Army wife but NJGal through and through)!
Kate is on a twit frenzy this morning. At approximately 0800 she tweeted: "It's a 'numbered' 2do list 2day..aka I have more 2do than X on the clock! So then, why am I sitting in bed under my warm blankets w a coffee?" A couple of tweets later Paige asked her how the bus routine went and Kate countered with "hope work is going well" yadda, yadda, yadda and never answered the question (so I guess we know now that she didn't have the kids). About an hour later someone who'd been tweeting with her said that staying in bed would be their little secret and Kate replied "I know! I love this little quiet part of the day... My soft bed and warm coffee treat me just right :)"
Someone told her she should be a talk show host and Kate replied " girl! Talk shows are a lot of work but I DO have so much to say and what a platform to help others! Would be SO rewarding!" (I'm sure she does have a lot to say about me! Me! ME!)
When asked about a dating show she said " I'd do one if the creative worked for me yes.... Think it would be a light fun adventure! Life's short; laugh a little, right?" (translated to, so far no one has picked up my proposal to do a dating show). And finally, when asked about doing specials like LPBW she said " sorting thru it all.. Not out of realm of possible :)". Poor Kate, I think that she's realizing that no one is interested in her.
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