Abby & Brittany airs Tuesdays nights on TLC. Check local listings.

Now Abby and Brittany are all grown up, finishing college, and have decided to tackle a TLC series of their own. Their show, Abby & Brittany, plays like usual TLC fare: a half hour of bright, chirpy music, couch interviews spliced with everyday activities, lots of humor, and light on anything too depressing. In fact the series is written and directed by Beth Glover, who produced every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. The first episode follows the girls around during a typical week, with grocery shopping, cooking, coffee shop breaks, dinner out and finally a birthday party with lots of friends.
The true charm of the show is unexpected, and found not so much in Abby and Brittany themselves (although the girls are still as spunky as ever and certainly quite charming), but rather in watching the young people around them so openly embrace and accept them. The girls are remarkably popular and outgoing, and live in a big house with several pretty, similarly outgoing girlfriends their age. Friends describe the twins as kind, warm-hearted and fun, but with distinct personalities.

For all the media talk of bullying and "mean girls," here are two very unique young people who have been completely accepted by their peers, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Patty and Mike declined to separate the girls at birth because they feared for their quality of life, and now that they are all grown up, it's never been more clear these two fine parents made the right call. Not only do Abby and Brittany have a very full and happy life, but are teaching others life lessons that can't be found anywhere else. Remarked one of their roommates: "They are the epitome of teamwork, love and respect." And get this, the twins want to be teachers. Who better to teach kids tolerance? (Interesting tidbit: Instead of Bethel University charging the twins two separate tuitions, the twins paid "one and a half" tuition. Seems fair.)
Perhaps TLC has finally hit on a story worth telling, on one of the few reality shows that has a higher purpose beyond just exploiting a family's differences. A message of teamwork, love and respect.
1288 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1288 Newer› Newest»TLC almost always starts off with what looks like "good intentions", so to speak, but give it some time and they will surely try to morph it into something NOT positive - that is their MO.
However, these young women have a very, very strong and involved support system within their family, so I suspect that TLC probably hasn't been able to veer in the direction they always go. I'm sure that they've tried, and probably were sadly hoping it would be a "freakshow" factor, but these girls couldn't be farther from that image and thankfully I think for once TLC isn't going to be able to follow their typical approach.
Library I agree. What will probably happen is the second TLC tries to pull on crap on them the girls will quit.
Unlike Jon and Kate they are just so incredibly bright, self-assured and know what they want, when they want it and don't fall for any B.S. I have every confidence they will be absolutely fine.
I bet they even negotiated merchandising. Baw hahaha.
I think the show is only 8 episodes. I watched it last week. I have followed the girls since age 5 on Oprah & sporadic episodes. Pretty amazing, both physically and in character, and also their family and support of friends and family . Their health seems great ( worries earlier about Brittany's weaker heart & lungs) and they are ready to embark on carers as teachers. A lot of trash has been posted on the internet about them, so hopefully the show will clear up who they are as people, not objects of ridicule or lewd speculation.
In the second episode the girls had a job interview and they just said with such confidence we had the interview but we couldn't have cameras there because that's not appropriate. Instead they just talked afterward about how it went. I like them.
It's so interesting how they do the same thing or say the same thing at the same time! They dance the same steps. fidget in unison, finish each other's sentences, coordinate every movement of everyday life. They were so cute and charismatic as kids and that has not changed!
It's so interesting how they do the same thing or say the same thing at the same time! They dance the same steps. fidget in unison, finish each other's sentences, coordinate every movement of everyday life. They were so cute and charismatic as kids and that has not changed!
Yes, they're really cool. I noticed when Brittany was eating hot wings that were messy (and needed Abby's other hand to eat them), at one point Abby stuck her finger in Brittany's mouth and Brittany licked it. Just like a normal person would lick their fingers eating something messy like that. Nothing was said, it was just a reflex.
It was cute in a weird way. It's a fascinating look what what happens when you let two brains control one body. But, only as much as they'd prefer to share, as always.
Speaking of TLC shows, a Little People Big World special will be airing tonight. They will be in Australia, Kate's favoritest place. Will Matt meet Mr. Kiwi Man? Will Amy have a fit on the sky jump?
From the article: "During the vacation, which brings some emotional surprises, family members find themselves getting cuddly with a kangaroo and marveling at the Outback during visits to Sydney, Uluru and the acclaimed Cairns Tropical Zoo."
Since Kate's Aussie ratings were awful, I'm surprised TLC is doing this again. So substitute kangaroo for koala and the tropical zoo for the Irwins' zoo. Will Honey Boo Boo be going there?
Amy is always up for a challenge. Matt is afraid of heights but doesn't make a big deal about it. I have heard some negative things about the Roloffs re: antisemitism etc but as far as the show went, I enjoyed it except for the laziness of the twins, Matt's crazy schemes, the messy house and Jacob's mischief. Molly was the 'perfect' child. Interesting to watch how they have changed tonight! I haven't followed what they are up to.
How are the Little People specials doing anyway? They seem to make them a lot.
This is another F-U to Kate. I think she could have successfully done update specials for years and years and gotten more trips and free crap had she played her cards right,
Regarding the topic of Patty and Mike being great parents, I have this funny feeling that they thought that unless they encouraged these girls to be as fun and outgoing as possible and tackle the world head on, it was going to be tough for them.
Now we see them all grown up and that kind of encouraging "get out there and do it" parenting has paid off tremendously for the girls. They're popular, happy, have a ton of friends, successful. Good job, Hansels.
Oh, and contrast that with Kate who spends most of time explaining why they CAN'T do things because they're multiples. The movies, etc.
Imagine if she had the Hansels attitude that there was nothing the family couldn't take on.
I always liked the Roloff family. They never belittled each other and truly worked together. The messy house drove me crazy to see and the lazy kids, but some families are that way. I believe they gave of themselves to give back and they always said thank you to people. They still get up dates on what they are doing. Our Katie must be eating her heart out. I hope Honey Boo Boo goes to Australia too.
Kate's photo is on the AOL homepage as a celebrity who skipped out on paying a bill of $10,000 to LaFair. The story is about celebrities with unpaid bills, the recent being Lohan who owes a hotel bill. The comments are not kind to Kate.
I hope Honey Boo Boo goes to Paris!
Nice. Excellent post, Administrator.
Good for the Hansels.
Oh, and because Kate sacrificed her children's privacy so that she could become rich & famous-
I say a BIG F-U to her as well.
Bringing this over from the previous thread.
Midnight Madness... I saw your post about the person who tweeted about surviving melanoma, (and she still tans), and how skin cancer is caused by burned skin. What a fu?king tool. Skin cancer runs in my family. I have had several freckles/moles removed that have been benign. I have had two pink spots removed: one was squamous cell and the other basel cell. When my husband and I go to the beach, we are there long enough to take a couple of swims and then we are gone. I am the whitest person on the beach because I slather myself in sunblock. When I get out of the water, I dry off, slather on more sunblock, put my sunglasses on, put on a massive hat and put my towel over me. I'm investing in an umbrella for next summer. If that person is using sunblock, (doesn't matter if it is the highest one, anything over 45 is the same as 45) correctly, he/she should not be tanned. As my dermatologist told me, when your skin changes color, it is sun damage. You can get skin cancer even if you have never burned in your life. I go to the dermatalogist every six months and get checked head to toe. My hair dresser also checks my head for any spots every six weeks when I see her. If that person is walking into her dermatologist's office with a tan after having melanoma, her/his dermatologist needs to smack her/him upside the head. Kate is setting herself up for skin cancer. The skin cancer rate is up because of tanning booths. Again, what a fu?king tool that person is.
Cruisin... Stop bragging about your team being at the top of the AL East. Our team absolutely imploded. They're a bunch of fu?king tools as well. I assume you're a vacationer to the Cape and don't live here year round.
Have no idea why sunglasses came out in blue.
Now sunglasses is in black. I need a Rumspringa.
Not happy with the girls parents encouraging the girls to appear on TV, on TLC. They could write a book, conduct speaking engagements to encourage children with problems with any type of birth difference. But to appear on TLC? On on Bravo? It is done to make money. That is exactly how I feel about at least 2 channels on TV. They use people, but the people want to be used also.
Why set yourself up or your family for constant comments, negative as well as positive? Money, that is what it takes, just money.
We are a money hungry society and we will do anything to appear on TV looking like fools most of the time just because we get that extra money and we travel first class, live in the best hotels, eat at the best restaurants. We could all be doing more with our lives beside letting TLC or Bravo show you or your family as idiots. Because that is what is going to happen.
Very sad.
I have to wonder what won't TLC put on TV?
Since they seem to air anything and all most everything.
Thanks, everyone for the kind words.
Since my friends death, I've been doing a lot of thinking, on what direction my life needs to go. I do find I am spending less time on line, than I use to. I go on line when I'm taking a break. I'm in planning stage right now.
AS for Kate, big whoop, she is going to walk a runway. That Deanna, got her the gig. One of her tweets to Deanna, was about attending something, we could not read Deanna part cause, she locked her account. Kate is using Deanna, until Deanna can't do nothing for her, then she will be dumped like all the rest.
As for not knowing that TLC had merchandise of JK8 & K8, is BS. Kate is mad cause, she is not getting any money from it.
I feel sorry for the kids, they have to watch themselves on DVD constantly, is not normal. Kate is tryin the brain washing thing. Most kids I know and remember, never wanted to look at pics of themselves or found it boring to watch home movies.
Geez, for someone who claims she is ms organized, ms masterminding, she sure could not find anything better to do with 8 kids than watch home movies? I see she went through the DVD cabinet, I wonder how many of those baby movies, Kate will make the kids watch, then get rid of them.
Kate truely can not let go of the past. Sure she is kicking herself. No TLC up-dates, no other TV shows, no talk shows yet, only little gigs, and these little gigs are by people who can't get anyone else to do them or they took pity on Kate. I think this gig Kate is doing is a good thing, Kate sees it as an opportunity to stay in the light, Kate is not doing it for someone else, she is doing it for herself and to get freebees from those designers, and a free trip, always looking to run from those kids.
As, for Abby & Brittany, good luck with TLC. I hope they have a very good lawyer, who is looking out for their best interest. Not soully looking out for TLC ratings. TLC, knows that drama works, let's hope they don't go down that path.
I have to wonder what won't TLC put on TV?
Well apparently Kate.
LeeLee said... 14
I hope Honey Boo Boo goes to Paris!
LOL, wouldn't that be something for Kate to find out!
The Hensel twins are going to Europe!
Carolyn- I agree with you to some extent. If this is the girls' decision, they are 22. We will see how it turns out. I'm glad it's only 8 parts- otherwise for sure crazy plots and set-up for exploitation would be likely.
Maybe they hope to educate people about conjoined twins or in general people with birth differences. The family always struck me as anti-media. Patty said they didn't owe the world any glimpse into their lives but it did help answer questions and reduce the stares and people would come up and say "We saw you on TV" & start a healthy conversation rather than just stare. Idk. Tome will tell.
Cruisin... Stop bragging about your team being at the top of the AL East. Our team absolutely imploded. They're a bunch of fu?king tools as well.
I'll agree with that! I'm not bragging because it doesn't look good for my team right now, either! I'm worried. We just lost another one today.
By the way, I just read an article about the fate of Valentine. They deny John Henry is in Seattle to fire Bobby. They're blaming the losses on just a streak of bad luck! At least they aren't our rivals this year.
Not just a vacationer to the Cape. We own property there, but aren't there year round. I'm just not a Sox fan...don't like the Celtics, either! Garnett gets under my skin. Allen's okay, but he is off to Miami. His mom is cute. What can I say?
Carolyn I'm not sure we know their parents encouraged them to do a show, did they say that? I think the parents are just generally supportive of whatever decisions they make. The girls said they wanted to do a show because people were curious and it's been seven years since they've last been on T.V. Sometimes it's a case of it's better to put that out there yourself than have people speculate endlessly about you.
As far as the girls being money hungry, I don't get that sense at all. The girls live a very normal life, lots of college kids go to Europe at some point if not the majority, and at the end of the day they're really just looking for a teaching job. They said they don't even expect two salaries to start, they will be happy with one. All I could think was how humble of them. And how decidedly NOT worried about making as much money as possible.
If they were blowing off everything and not being responsible and just wanting to show their mugs on TV, I'd probably feel different.
They've spent their entire lives being classy and restrained and I don't expect that to change.
You know Katie Irene has to be sitting in front of her 3-D TV, watching all of the new shows on TLC and the BPLW special, muttering "I don't get it".
As Carrie said to Mr. Big--"And you never did." (Administrator) said... 23
Good one
Also can you call it "home movies" of they aired on national TV?
Cause i'm pretty sure Kate was to lazy to video tape the 8 with a personal camera.
Jon maybe but Kate not so much.
Formely Duped, yes. I think Patty and Mike allowed just enough episodes (about three of them) such that people got to a place where they said oh they're actually pretty normal, and curiosity waned.
It's one of the few good reasons to put your kids out there in a limited way, to kind of just get people to move on from it once they know it's not as freakish as you think.
Caorlyn: TLC, takes that song by the Eurthmics: Sweet Dreams, and makes it a reality. As does the other channels. But TLC lives & breaths it.
Normally I don't advocate contacting her on twitter but even I have to admit I'd love to see people start asking her about all the trips these TLC families are taking--Europe, Australia. And then watch her implode.
I think the Hensels first did the TLC program
because word of the birth of their conjoined twins was out in the world. Few probably believed they could have anything approaching normal in their lives. This TV show proved otherwise. It told everyone at once, so the whispering could stop and the worries about the girls could abate.
I am willing to bet that any money made by this show funded the 1.5 tuitions, room and board and other costs of their college educations.
It is probably helping them with living costs as they search for teaching jobs. It's not like their parents bought a yacht and an Astin
Martin with the funds. And they are looking for work - that same thing their parents have always done, even during the TV time.
As someone on previous thread, said about Kates sheeple, they must be in the stupid class. ONe just made a comment, about Abby & Brittany, that they must have learning disabilities. I was laughing, thinking this sheeple must have a learning disability, cause these girls graduate from college. There is no learning disability, they have a slight physical disability. Stupid sheeple.
Oh and their relationship with their mom seems really good. She came out with them when they had an interview in Texas, helped them shop for clothes, and they called her right away as soon as it was over to tell her how it was. I have my doubts Kate will have this kind of relationship with her girls when they are 22.
The girls were saying they know how hard it is to get that first teaching job but that doesn't mean they don't get out there and try as hard as they can anyway. I like their work ethic. That's right, you get out there and pound the pavement until it happens.
chefsummer said... 63
Conversation on the Real Fashion Real Women FB page regarding Kate's appearance:
XXXXX - This sounds like a wonderful cause and very worthy of contribitions. Is Ms. Gosselin being PAID to attend the event? Please confirm that money raised will NOT be used to pay for Ms. Gosselin's bodyguard, travel expenses, hotel, meals, etc.. And please confirm that Ms. Gosselin will not be receiving FREE clothes from the designers. I want to ensure that all the money raised and clothing donated go directly to the Charity and not Ms. Gosselin.
Real Fashion Real Women - thanks for your comment. Kate is donating her time for this cause as are the designers etc etc - it shows a strong woman who believes in this cause and we are excited that she is donating her time for these ladies, Matt
XXXXX - Matt, thank you for replying. I agree it is a very good cause too. Can you also verify that Ms. Gosselin's travel expenses and bodyguard will not be paid or reimbursed for her "donation" of her time? Again, just want to ensure money raised will all go to Bottomless Closet and not to pay for Ms. Gosselin to go on a free trip to NYC with her bodyguard. The real women you are so generousely helping to achieve success need ALL the funds from this event.
Real Fashion Real Women - Rest Assured All Talent is staying compliments of our supporting hotels who are donating everything and transfers being covered by talent - Kate truly is doing something amazing and we are so proud to have her on board.
So does this mean that Kate is not getting paid for appearance, and also has to pay her travel expenses out of her own pocket? Seems though that her hotel stay will be comped.
So Kate's not getting paid.
No one's paying for Steve.
She's not getting free stuff.
She's not getting a free hotel.
She's not getting her money back.
Chef, I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Kate's NY trip. She will be staying FREE in NY, with accommodations provided by 'supporting hotels' (and possibly meals, too) and I'm sure it includes Steve and anyone else in her 'entourage' like Deanna, etc. I'm also pretty sure that her meals will be comped by 'sponsoring' restaurants, that she'll grift freebies from designers promoting their products and that the only thing she may end up paying for are her travel expenses unless there is a travel sponsor for the event who will shuttle her back & forth to PA & as for Steve - I'm sure his salary is written off as a business expense and thus ends up being a bonus to her.
This is play time in NYC for Kate - time away from the kids, restaurant meals, opportunity for hair & makeup, etc.
Kate is doing this for Kate, not the well deserving women or the Real Women project and their programs. IMO, it's insulting to the Real Women's project to have Kate associated with the real hard working enterpreneurs & what their project stands for.
She's someone who can't be bothered to promote the charitable projects she's recently lending her name to. She's out to benefit only one person/thing -- herself.
I agree the show might help pay for the girls' living expenses, especially if they have to move for a job. They also need some extras, like tailored clothes. They may have student loans, but their tuition is paid- they graduated, each with a degree. Impressive. I believe the family is comfortable, but not super- rich. They have four kids, and each parent works.The kids all went to a private school, had orthodontia etc!. (Lutheran)
I also love the relationship the girls have with Patty (Mike too) They are really an extraordinary family in so many ways.
anger issues kate said... 33
As someone on previous thread, said about Kates sheeple, they must be in the stupid class. ONe just made a comment, about Abby & Brittany, that they must have learning disabilities. I was laughing, thinking this sheeple must have a learning disability, cause these girls graduate from college. There is no learning disability, they have a slight physical disability. Stupid sheeple.
It was said by a "hater" if you mean this tweet:
@Allisstair @msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 From what I've seen of those twins, I suspect they have learning disabilities
She was talking about the conjoined twins who are joined at the head, one has to sit in a chair and be wheeled around.
As far as disabilities, I'd say both sets have more than a slight physical disability.
The twit's tweets said... 35
I agree with you now.
I was just hoping that she would finally have to pay her own way for once.
But that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon sadly.
The twins are inspirational, tho I wish they were not on tv.
No tweets in PA, no one is home to sit and watch tv with Krazy Kate. Holiday weekend fun much?
Tweele: I know which one your talkin about. The one that wants to be a singer(the one who sits in the chair) the other could care less. I saw their special and neither seem to have learning disabilities. Why I thought they were talkin about Abby & Brittany, cause I followed the tweets, and the Allistair, tweeted about the girls ability to walk and do things. Course, these are sheeple, it is sometimes hard to figure out what they are talkin about LOL.
I wish TLC's new darlings all the best, but I won't be contributing towards their viewership. I don't watch a lot of tv anyway, just Restaurant Impossible, Top Chef, Chopped, that sort of thing (I don't even know when those shows air...when the mood hits, I turn on the tv and see if any of those are airing!lol I also like to watch Everybody loves Raymond before going to bed.
I got on a kick a while back of watching Dr Quinn, then when TBS started the new Dallas series, I ordered a few of the old Dallas seasons online. Anyone here old enough to remember JR and Bobby? lol
(I am showing my age, I'll be FIFTY next Sunday!)
I remember that special with the twins where one is really small. Actually I thought they were pretty smart. Maybe they were a little odd. In a nerdy way. Like the one who was a huge sheeple of Reba Macentire. But I don't think there was anything wrong with them.
The Schappell twins ( joined at the head; George has spina bifida) are not learning disabled. They were kept in an institution for their formative years and have a higher degree of physical issues than the Hensels. Lori is the one who can walk; George ( who was born Dori, then became Reba, now George as she assumed male identity) are of normal intelligence and live independently. George is a country singer.
The Hensels are mirror twins- they each have corresponding features like looking in the mirror, such as one eye larger etc. I can't see that they need much help with anything!
Course, these are sheeple, it is sometimes hard to figure out what they are talkin about LOL.
Anger - the person who made the comment about the learning disability (cited above by Tweet-le) is NOT a sheeple. It's a die-hard hater who comments there regularly.
Now someone is tweeting that CC hired a new blogger and Kate's getting fired. Where do they get this stuff? Do they just pull it out of thin air, throw it, and see if it sticks somewhere, anywhere?
Pulling wool: that's good to know, but she should get her facts straight. Neither set of conjoined twins has a learning disability. Ok, one set is a bit odd(wow, did not know one became a guy?), hey everyone is entitled to live as they choose, but to say they have a learning disability is well wrong. When they did that special, they did not behave or sound as if they had a problem.
Pulling wool, this is not directed to you: I guess if you are a hater(like that one is) then, everything bothers you. I'm glad we are not like that.
I don't understand why folks are even still following these nonsense tweets. It's just nonsense, all day long nonsense nonsense nonsense.
Scientific question, is it possible for fraternal twins to be conjoined or is this not possible?
Is the one with spina bifida now the man? Funny I thought the other one was less feminine.
She never mentions any more when the kids are with Jon
Yes, I've noticed that too.
When she got caught with her pants down about 50-50 she went into panic mode and all of a sudden is implying she has the kids all the time now. She's such a freak. I don't know what goes through her mind.
What would be so terrible about admitting the kids spend lots of time with BOTh parents? Kate, this is a good thing. I think it might even make her look a little better that she didn't fight Jon about it.
Why are yoi still following the tweets if you think they are nonsense?
Anonymous, I'm talking about the hater-sheeple tweets among each other. I DON'T follow them, never have.
When people post them here it's in your face.
In other words I'm sort of trying to ask people to stop posting them here. Maybe I'm not being clear enough. Please stop posting them here.
Scientific question, is it possible for fraternal twins to be conjoined or is this not possible?
not possible. two separate fertilized eggs.
No, conjoined twins are always identical - one egg didn't split correctly. I know- Lori seemed quite traditionally masculine to me- and Reba- now- George wore skirts and was a fan of Reba Mc. as you said. I wouldn't be surprised, being twins, if both felt more masculine. George did not have surgery to become a man, just changed her name and lifestyle. But Lori on one interview I saw said she had been on dates with men and Reba just 'tuned out."
Great post for me Admin- I may have mentioned I am very interested in conjoined twins as I looked after a set years ago as a nurse who were from Burma. They changed one into a 'girl' as they shared genitals but he is now back to living male- can't fight nature.
Admin: No. To be conjoined, they are of the same sex at conception. There have been very rare cases, that Identical twins, have come out as both(are born both male & female), and parents & Doctors have made a chose for them. Sometimes there is a hormone inbalance, and one will choose the other sex. (Administrator) said... 49
Of course it would be terrible for Kate.
She couldn't claim that she super mom/single mom.
She wouldn't have a reason to be sooo exhausted all the time.
She would-(gulp)have to give Jon have the credit for helping w/the kids.
Also Kate wants pity for having 8 kids.
If she say's her & Jon have 50/50 who's going to pity her single mom sob story?
You know, I'm going to address the driveby who kept insisting maybe Jon is in jail.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but inmate locators are almost always public record in every state. Sure enough they are public record in PA too. You can do a simple search using this web site to see that your theory is absurd. I can't even believe such a thing was suggested of either of these parents without any kind of proof. I draw the line at that.
Jon is not in jail, Jon has the kids 50-50 and it freaks Kate out to think we might find out.
I have identical twins, and you wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've heard over the years. I guess my favorite is, "Look at the TWO twins'..(uh, duh, would you say, look at the THREE twins?) lol
One time I was placing the twins in a shopping basket, both were dressed identically, top to bottom (I know, but it was cute when they were less than 2!). A lady asked me if they were both MINE.
this isn't a twin story, but one time I took all my girls out to eat (yep, all 6 by MYSELF,lol) and this lady comes up to me and asks me if they are all mine, I said yes,,,she then asked if they all had the same FATHER. I was flabbergasted. lol. (yep, they all have the same father, btw!)
Once the twins were old enough to voice an opinion as to clothes preference, I let them wear whatever they wanted. When shopping for them, I would pick out the same shirt, but in different colors, etc. There names are completely different, no rhyming for me! lol! I already call the roll as it is!
In reading the comments here I see where a few of you are saying this upcoming fashion show that Kate will be involved is a way for Kate to be away from the kids. How do you know that Kate has the kids then? With the 50/50 maybe Jon has them the month of September. Kate seemed to have them all of August. Do you guys know how the 50/50 is split?
Going a few tweets back:
xxxxxxxxxxx19 hours ago via web Twitter.
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...I can see Kate's resume' on dating site: Beautiful woman...easy 2please...just let me sleep in!LOL.ReplyTweetFavorite. 1 Reply.
Kateplusmy8yep, pretty much! ;)
I just saw the "easy2please" part and almost choked on a toothpick.
You have got to be kidding.
Could there are 2 different versions of Jon & Kate + 8, and Kate + 8? As far as I can tell, Kate was a certified shrew in both shows.
aggiemom09121416 said... 58
That's so rude of someone to ask about the father of your kids! But funny twin remarks!
I also looked after babies/kids 'unassigned' gender- ambiguous genitals, hermaphrodite etc. now there is a strong case to leave them alone ( no surgery) and the true sex will emerge psychologically and then the individual can decide how to live, if he/she wishes surgery.
This is hard for the parents who are of course asked by friends 'did you have a boy or girl?" But I saw a lot of suffering of kids mutilated to be one gender to grow up feeling like the opposite.
One was a boy who had a circumcision go wrong and was 'changed into a girl' She wasn't old, but always felt male. Eventually after many psych issues she had surgery to return as much as possible to an anatomical male at age 18.
There have been very rare cases, that Identical twins, have come out as both(are born both male & female)
One identical twin can be male, one can be female, if they start out male, but when splitting, one drops the Y chromosome due to a genetic defect. Therefore, one twin is female, one is male, and they are identical. They are not born with sex organs of both male and female.
Rare? Yes! Extremely rare? Yes, but it can happen.
Lazy Labor Day, so I am watching the LPBW Marathon. Too late Kate with the cookbook, Amy Roloff has new cookbook "Short and Simple". Amy made sure she had a "professional" take pictures of her dishes - definitely not taken on an i-phone - LOL.
Admin, Guess we will have to wait and see what happens with these girls and TLC. Everyone who started on TLC and Bravo was so normal and so down to earth and so naive and now they are money grubbing, creating their Brand, talking as though they were born in the gutter, sharing innocent's lives among their sick behavior. I say when Cable TV goes back to being all about education and not about the Brands created, then I will believe again. But now I think that anyone who falls for this or claims to fall for it to educate me is lying to theirselves as well as to the viewers. At 22, I don't know if they are worldly or naive or anything. My feeling is that today the twenty somethings are just not as responsibile as all of us were at that age. We weren't looking for the free stuff, for the free money. God be with them and not let this turn into a side show.
Sassy Lassy said... 60
Maybe we were watching the twilight zone version of J&K & J+8.
We saw the version Kate was screaming/yelling.
Be a horrible-mother/wife/friend.
And the sheep good the good version of Kate as a loving mother/wife/friend.
Fleece: You mean Turner Syndrome? Yes, that can happen. Those kids are 'male' but lacking a Y chromosome, so appear female ; they can't cannot reproduce or develop secondary sexual characteristics as a female as they have mutation of that chromosome.Hormone & growth therapy are given in those cases. The kids have other abnormalities.
I don't recall anyone saying Kate is going to leave her kids for the fashion show. Must have missed that. It wouldn't matter whose time it is anyway since Jon has right of first refusal.
admin said, Jon is not in jail,
Let's nip this in the bud right now. JON IS NOT IN JAIL!!!!
Drive by are so annoying...
I watched the first two episodes of Abby & Brittany & realized that after I got past my curiosity of how they look, move, dress etc., which took about 10 minutes, the show became a bit boring. Except for being conjoined, they are quite average 22 year olds. Watching young people shop, eat, bake, visit with friends etc is just not that interesting. Which is a true testament to their parents - except for their physical situation, they are very normal.
. Except for being conjoined, they are quite average 22 year olds. Watching young people shop, eat, bake, visit with friends etc is just not that interesting. Which is a true testament to their parents - except for their physical situation, they are very normal.
I thought the same thing. Coffee shops and clothes shopping, that stuff is boring in real life let alone watching someone else do it. I think that was exactly their point though, so we're different, but we're really not at all, now move along now.
It wouldn't matter whose time it is anyway since Jon has right of first refusal.
What rules apply to this exactly? Is it a matter of how long the custodial parent will be away, or is it simply, custodial parent will be gone for (example)3 hours, thus non-custodial parent gets them before a babysitter is acquired?
I don't see what the big deal it is to admit to 50/50 custody...Kate makes it seem like that would be a slap to her mothering abilities.
Most parents I know that live in the same town all split 50/50 custody, one week per parent.
Speaking of mothering abilities, what kind of mother tweets non-stop to strangers while she has custody of her kids, and when the kids are with their dad, she is twitter silent?
wtf? (someone mentioned Seinfeld earlier...this sorta reminds me of the episode where George did everything 'opposite' of what his natural inclination would have been...sorta like Kate does?)
chefsummer said... 38
The twit's tweets said... 35
I agree with you now.
I was just hoping that she would finally have to pay her own way for once.
But that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon sadly.
I sooo agree. Just once, I'd like for her to just selflessly give to others - no strings, grifting, comps attached - just pure and simple giving. IF Kate had something to really offer to the Real Women program, I'd say bravo, she was giving of herself to women in need -- but what in the world does she have offer to women who are job-hunting trying to restart their careers? lol IMO Kate will be the one benefiting from her 'work' with the charity; heck, if she wasn't benefiting, I doubt she would be doing it in the first place.
TLC almost always starts off with what looks like "good intentions", so to speak, but give it some time and they will surely try to morph it into something NOT positive - that is their MO.
I agree 100%. I saw the first episode and found it overly sanitized. The girls are perfect students, perfect sisters, perfect friends, everybody commenting AGAIN and AFAIN on how normal they are, how different they are how much everyone just LOVES them. They are 22, but had a b-day party I would consider appropriate for a 9 yr old (ice cream bar? dance contest? seriously?). It was too goody goody for me. They seem so insulated and protected from the real world.
I just have the feeling something is up, and it will play out on TV, TLC in its glory producing/editing the crap out of the video so it becomes dramatic and disgusting. Unless the girls have final say on what footage actually airs.
The Bottomless Closet helps dress unemployed women in appropriate clothing for job interviews, right?
Katie is unemployed. Kate needs to get some appropriate work clothes. Sounds like the perfect venue for her. Maybe at the very least she'll pick up some pointers from Derek.
Tweets about Kate's "cookbook":
@Kateplusmy8 K8 I am formally requesting that you write a book of healthy mom on the go recipes and quick meals for kids too! Pleeaassseeee!
@xxxxx ok ok working on all things Kate recipes... I am, I promise. Publisher researching now... Hold on... :) it'll happen!
Now she's "publisher researching" for a book--is that similar to her "shopping for a network" for a dating show?
Dream on, Kate.
Couldn't Kate self-publish?
Kate can title her cook book.
"Ummm Organic"
aggiemom09121416 said... 71
I don't see what the big deal it is to admit to 50/50 custody...Kate makes it seem like that would be a slap to her mothering abilities.
Most parents I know that live in the same town all split 50/50 custody, one week per parent.
I don't get it either. The only thing I can think of is that Kate needs to keep up the facade of her having primary custody because it makes her look more needy to travel agencies and large toilet paper companies. It's hard to constantly claim exhaustion and extreme masterminding fatigue if she only has the kids 1/2 the time. Also, I think she knows that the last of her hard core sheeple would stampede out of the barnyard if she admitted to 50/50. Jon is the enemy.
Even though I'm across the country from you Aggie, it's the same here. Most people I know with 50/50 have one week on, one week off. A couple do alternating Sunday-Wednesday/Wednesday-Sunday
As far as her twitter silence, maybe her grifted Trojan Twister finally arrived ;)
Heide said... 77
Couldn't Kate self-publish
At her own expense? Without an advance?
Not happening in this lifetime.
Couldn't Kate self-publish?
A few thoughts on this:
1. Kate could, but that would take an enormous amoung of effort on Kate's part. She does not do hard work.
2. She has no unique receipes of her own.
3. Have you seen the pictures she takes of her creations?
Unless there is something wrong with the other parent or the other parent agrees that a different arrangement is best, most courts try to get families on a 50-50 schedule if they can. It's just the way family law court is moving.
But of course Kate always wants us to think that the odds don't apply to her.
. . . it makes her look more needy to travel agencies and large toilet paper companies
The brother of my very good friend writes books.
I think they are horrid (adult scifi) but that's his work and he does have an audience. It takes him 8 hours a day for a couple of months to crank one out. He self publishes. He only orders a small number because he knows they don't sell like wildfire. He used to sell on Amazon and a few other sites. He makes a few dollars per book sold. While one is newly on the market he has to start on the next one because there is just not enough income for him to stop at any point. I haven't seen them on Amazon lately, either, so I don't know where he's selling them now.
Publishing is no way to make a living for the
regular people out there. It's a huge commitment for very little reward.
I've heard so many people say publishing is the pits.
Isn't it true that most authors even big ones have another job and that celebs really just use it as a promotion tool and not something to make real money off of.
@Kateplusmy8: @jasrjs1228 ok ok working on all things Kate recipes... I am, I promise. Publisher researching now... Hold on... :) it'll happen!
publisher researching in Kate speak is "I've sent the damn outline to everyone in the book and even sealed itvwith a kiss but I keep getting rejection letters. Don't they realize that I'm Kate Gosselin? Hmmmmm, I've got to find a publisher who won't research the sales of my last book. Self publication is starting to look better."
Researching publishers=trying to find someone who is stupid enough to publish this junk....... I have no doubt she cant find anyone......there are so many cookbooks from people who know wht theyre doing.....not like the slop she puts on her website.......nobodys gonna publish that nonsense .......its not gonna happen....go get a job and stop wasting your time.....time to grow up...
wayward 79 said
because it makes her look more needy to travel agencies and large toilet paper companies.
lol, my laugh of the day!
Looks like kids are home and everyone is tucked in at 8pm EST - vagueness about work, work, work and lots of fun - translation is home alone and just want this stinkin' weeend to end. She'll probably be popping back in to tweet for several more hours.
Publisher research. - My afternoon laugh.
Forgive me if this has been covered and I missed it, but is the 50-50 custody arrangement a confirmed fact, or just an educated guess?
So she says she the book is finished? I doubt it- wasn't she working on it on her phone only a week or so back? It's a long way from publication with the editing/ pre-reviews etc yet to be done.
Where is Jon's book?
And I've given up on Hoffman's book.
Re. A & B's birthday. They could hardly show drinking games on TV even if the girls are 22. They do seem to be over-achievers, 'perfect' kids, and always have been. However, I agree what they showed seemed a little immature- same in the restaurant with the marshmallow stuffing game.
Hopefully the episodes in Europe are more interesting. I think they might have shown more
about day to day struggles as in their other documentaries, like how they do this and that, because that is what people want to see- it's their business, but if they have a show, that's what viewers will ask for.
She is nothing if not predictable. Kids are back, she's back to tweeting up a storm after silence most of the rest of the weekend.
I didn't really think the twins were that immature. There is still a LOT of silliness left in 22-year olds, not to mention when you're about to graduate and are sort of getting the last of childhood all out of your system. When they were preparing for their interview they were very mature.
They didn't seem any different than most girls I knew at that age. They could be serious too.
. Publisher researching now
BAW-haha. So she DOESN'T have a publisher, eh? I thought she said the book was in the bag. Gosh what an exaggerator she is.
She acts like she can just google around, find a publisher, give them a call and they will take her on. I think she's in for a rude awakening.
I also doubt it was left to the girls discretion re filming an interview for a job.
Any employer that does that is seriously looking to get sued. By the girls, by other candidates, by its own employees. All of HR is supposed to be strictly confidential, laws are in place to ensure the rights of candidates. And any interviewer would basically be putting herself on the chopping block-- one misstep, one misspeak, and lawsuit, here we come. All filmed and aired on a national tv program.
It would be a mess of biblical proportion for any company that was stupid enough to do that.
Says she's still working on 'all things Kate' so I guess the book itself isn't even finished...and who is the woman who wants pics of Kate in beach and running attire...creepy!
agree- I think A and B are normal 22 yr olds, a little silly at times but their party wasn't really what 22 yr olds do for the whole evening. Just showed some of it for a glimpse at their friends and fun. I think they can be serious too- have had to learn a lot of lessons young, I'm sure. I will watch again- tomorrow I think?
@xxxxx ok ok working on all things Kate recipes... I am, I promise. Publisher researching now... Hold on... :) it'll happen!
Kate said the same thing months ago. I've not heard of any publishers who accept manuscripts in iPhone form.
Last time she talked about a book, it was a picture book that was soon to come out.
Those sheep who have been following her since she began to tweet must realize she's got a problem with the truth by now.
Heather what is such a legal mess about filming a few portions of an interview? Reality shows do it all the time. They didn't say if it was a private school, if it was a private school they can do whatever they want including filming the entire thing.
The girls were quite firm about how given it was their first interview they didn't want the added distraction of cameras there. I didn't think they're lying. It may be true the principals didn't want it filmed but they may not have even been asked.
Yeah I'm sure the party got a little more mature later on after the cameras left.
Which kind of just speaks to Abby and Brittany too, showing the most benign portions of the party and not including any drinking or boys or whatnot. That's not for cameras.
I think it's obvious this is a sugar coated version of their lives but I think that's the twins' choice. Just a little glimpse of their lives, they don't seem interested in showing EVERYTHING. On the flip side as others have said if they keep it this benign I think people will bore fast and move on--which may be the point.
They didn't seem any different than most girls I knew at that age. They could be serious too.
I felt there was a lack of emotional maturity. But that is just me.
They seemed like very young girls. You can be responsible and smart, but still be emotionally young. The early 20s parties I remember were wine and cheese, trivial pursuit/pictionary/poker, listening to music, going to a bar to hear a band, talking ... not a dance contest and an ice cream bar.
When they talked of "socializing" going to a restaurant and getting an appetizer was about it for them. This is what we did in high school, after the first person got her driver's license. By the time we were 22, going to a restaurant wasn't a "big night out." It was male/female and not a big deal.
I guess it seemed completely unreal to me. You can have an unreal reality show by going overboard trashy and disgusting. But it seems you can also sanitize and swiffer to paint whatever pollyanna picture you want, which is also not real. Time will tell, and I did only see one episode, but it struck me as insincere, and I doubt I'll watch another.
Heather I'm not sure what to tell you. Everything they did was pretty much everything college girls were doing when I was 22, or at least a portion of it. Especially seniors on their way out who will have all the time in the world to be adults. When you are on a tight budget in college going out for appetizers IS a big night out because it's all you can afford. Ice cream bars are dancing are whimsical and fun. If they were playing Candy Land and going to the playground to climb the monkey bars that would be different.
How long ago were you 22? :)
@xxxxx ok ok working on all things Kate recipes... I am, I promise. Publisher researching now... Hold on... :) it'll happen!
On another note, without even a publisher assigned what right does she have to promise her fans "it'll happen"?
This sounds like her other hallow promises, "stay tuned" and other things. Has she ever heard the story the boy who cried wolf?
Heather what is such a legal mess about filming a few portions of an interview? Reality shows do it all the time. They didn't say if it was a private school, if it was a private school they can do whatever they want including filming the entire thing.
I've been asked if I was married, if I had kids, what my previous salaries were, what salaries I want. Any of those questions could be issues. The interviewer could get fired for asking an inappropriate question.
I also was never aware of any other candidates who were interviewing for the job. Knowing the girls background, what if I interviewed and had more experience and better references, and they got the job? What if they didn't get the job? Cold they blame the fact that there was a camera present and the interviewer was rattled? There are discrimination issues all around, and airing it on tv would be a problem. I cannot imagine any legal dept. giving the go ahead for the sheer fact they are probably considered handicapped or disabled or categorized in some way that would cause legal problems.
Heather, reality shows that have filmed interviews:
Sorority Life, Hired, and The Pitch have all filmed job interviews. I'm sure I could think of more if I tried. I guess I see what you are saying but it hasn't stopped companies from letting interviews be filmed. You rarely show the entire thing, just a snippet. Even major companies as I recall, like Subway.
Since you asked nicely, I am 40. The drinking age was 21 back then.
I think I am of the last generation that was not exclusively sheltered by parents. Meaning, I was dropped off at school, went home for thanksgiving/christmas only. No cell phones, no email, no IM, no twitter. We had to pay long distance rates for phone calls, so instead we wrote letters (GASP!) I probably talked to my parents once a week, maybe less. We were expected to behave as adults and act responsible for our actions and solve our own problems, basically because we HAD to. There was no one to save us 24/7. If I had a problem on a Tuesday, but the time I actually talked to my parents, it could be Friday as there was no way they would make a long distance phone call from work to call me at college.
Now, everyone is attached at the hip, multiple texts, IM, email, 24/7, WHT DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO? Do kids in college even make their own decisions anymore? On a number of my husband's call syllabai (sp), professors actually state they do not talk to parents. WTH??? Isn't this a GIVEN?
My point is that insulated and emotionally stunting kids seems more commonplace (a term that is being used is "tea cup children" because they are so fragile they break). And that is kind of what I saw on that episode. The party reminded me of the cast parties we had after the high school musical, not the kind of party a young adult would have for a 22nd b-day.
And maybe things got a little more crazy after the cameras left. But if so, then we aren't seeing reality. Which is supposed to be the point.
Heather . . . I see your point. Reality shows never seem to be all that real. Don't know why they even call them "reality" shows.
Heather I think kids don't grow up as fast anymore. They don't have to. There's many other reasons not worth arguing over, but the simple fact is they are not as mature as they used to be.
I think they are a bit silly and playful, but I don't think it's unusual just from my own experience. Not at all. I also think their personality is class clown. You see this a lot with people who are different.....overweight people, disabled people. They compensate by being the life of the party, being the wildest funniest people. If you are always making people laugh and encouraging people to just let loose and have fun, people are too busy laughing to notice you're different.
Hope everyone's having an AMAZING (and gEorgEous) Labor Day! Except for you- Katie. Hubs & I just returned from celebrating my Dad's 71st, in Pismo Beach. He tells locals he's 85 years old... so folks will comment on how "He looks so youthful for his age!" I told my Stepmom this weekend-- I think he's been teetering on 'borderline NPD', all his life.
As most of you know, there is a PC tool used to find words or exact phrases, contained on a web page or document. (Edit icon, "Find on this Page"... enter text you're trying to locate, click next.) Anyway, I was trying to respond to someone on this thread and typed "PAID". Interestingly, it was a common topic concerning Kate, and it typically is.
I have a hard time believing Kate will be writing a check to Stevie @ $1,600 per day, for this RW event. Purseboy has not been gainfully employed for over a year under the TLC contract, and neither has Kate. His rate might be more like $1.60 per day now. Again, what can CC be paying Kart per weekly post? Did she crank out another useless Blog today, on how to lounge at her Pool, and SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!, simply not going anywhere at all?
lots of college kids go to Europe at some point if not the majority
They do? How on earth can they afford that if they're still paying back student loans? Or is it mommy and daddy who send these spoiled kids off?
I noticed the Little People flew coach class to Australia. I bet TLC was tired of Kate's diva demands. No more first class for anyone else anymore. She really shot herself in the foot.
Khater study abroad! Study abroad programs can actually end up being cheaper when all is said and done. Schools usually charge the same exact tuition for their programs abroad. A lot of schools have their own housing there, subsidized, and if you go to a country where the cost of living is cheaper like in eastern Europe you can do it for cheap. Europe also has wonderful deals for college kids, from rail passes to hostels to meals.
Study abroad is really the cheapest way to see Europe. Even if you don't study there, it's easy to be a young person there if you're willing to stay in hostels and take advantage of student discounts. And that point we're only talking about a flight.
Once you age out of the student discounts, Europe becomes a bit more of a challenge I soon found out.
ummm...wonder if Kate sends organic food to daddys when the kids are there.
Kate showed her fashions earlier in the year and now her debut fashion show on the 12th of Sept is all set to go! Oops that's Katie Holmes not Kreider! Same date Kreider is stomping the runway. Holmes & Yang have a fabulous line, also a kids line. Eat yer heart out Kreider!
No, the majority do not go to Europe. There are approx. 18 million college students in thevUS and approx. 80,000 study abroad
Oh and Khater if anything "spoiled" kids often think they're above study abroad, since they're so full of everyone else now. I don't think I met a friend in school who hadn't done at least one semester abroad.
Jackson where are you getting those numbers from? The numbers I have found are much higher.
It depends on your school too, and whether they have a strong program. My school did and many people participated. So maybe my view is slightly skewed.
In any case if you do your research it can cost the same as staying in the U.S. It did for me. Now if you do something like Semester at Sea or whatever it likely won't be. You have to be smart about it.
The cost of study abroad varies. It depends on the program and the school you are attending. If it is thru your current university, the tuition costs would be about the same but you have to add in for airfare, food, additional travel, etc.
What happened to her old publisher anyway? They don't want her back?
Doesn't that concern her when her current publisher who put out three successful books doesn't want to help her out? Wouldn't that be a question a new publisher would have, what happened to your old one?
If you include community colleges, the amount of study abroad is around 260,000 which is clearly not the majority of college students
I like their work ethic. That's right, you get out there and pound the pavement until it happens.
Or go to Europe. All the kids are doing it.
Jackson that's probably true, in my case since I lived in an expensive city in the U.S., I went to Eastern Europe and was able to live much more cheaply, due to a cheaper cost of living, dirt cheap housing, and various student discounts. That is why it all evened out for me. We also did various homestudies and they were always so kind to feed us, more money saved. I also bought the flight way in advance for a pretty decent deal. I didn't have a car there--no gas to pay. No cable bill and other various bills. I walked everywhere. IF you plan ahead you can do it for the same as college tuition. Or you can blow thousands. It's up to you.
I'm so grateful because I couldn't probably afford such a trip again. The country I went to had special meaning to me.
Huh, so kids who take one vacation to Europe have no work ethic. Got it now. Sure.
anger issues kate said... 30
"Caorlyn: TLC, takes that song by the Eurthmics: Sweet Dreams, and makes it a reality. As does the other channels. But TLC lives & breaths it."
Well put, Anger!
"Sweet Dreams... (Are made of this)", was the song linked to the very fancy Euro DeBeers engagement ring, my husband bought me at an online Estate Auction, many years ago. I kept looking at it-- in the beginning, thinking how it was SO selfish for me, to want to own such an exquisite piece of jewelry. Every time I hear that tune now, I think of greed and materialism.
I am a simple person. I believe people get so wrapped up in the idea of wealth and luxuries-- and the more, more, more fantasy, that it clouds and distorts ones' image of reality. (Ahem, Kardashians... I try to stay grounded, but I'm keeping my ring! ;)
Anonymous I'm not including community colleges. I'm including colleges like theirs where such programs are popular.
In any case they weren't even studying abroad, they just took a vacation. Not sure why people have such a problem with kids who have had a ridiculous uphill battle their entire lives taking one fun trip. I don't get it. I would think conjoined twins are allowed such a thing once.
Those sheep who have been following her since she began to tweet must realize she's got a problem with the truth by now.
Here's the thing, though. Other than the six remaining sheeple, who is going to by it? Cookbooks are a dime a dozen. Recipes can be gotten off the internet. Other than someone who considers herself one of Kate's best friends, who would want anything that she puts out? Didn't she learn by her last book failures? Would she honestly plan to do the book signing thing again, only to hide in a closet when nobody shows up? She's history!
Now she's "publisher researching" for a book--is that similar to her "shopping for a network" for a dating show?
I thought she meant that it is with a publisher now, and the publisher is researching it to make sure it isn't plagiarized like the last one!
LOL Julianna good point.
Leave it to Kate to never be clear.
I think on all the Roloff vacations they flew coach. I really enjoyed seeing them loving their vacation and saying how greatful they are. The parents refer to "the family" when speaking of themselves and the kids. Not like Katie, my kids, my house, etc. They also thanked everyone, no screeching and no disrespect.
Sorry if my question about 50-50 custody is old news, but I really would like to know if it was announced somewhere or it was somehow confirmed, or what. It would be great for the kids if it were true. Could someone please fill me in? Admin, Bueller, anyone?
Haha, oops! We are still together. We don't have a Kim Kardashian... "Keeping Up With Keeping all the Money (and Kris Humphries' huge ring)" situation going on here.
Did you ladies/guys know, each time Kim K. has donated money- it has gone right back into her Mother, Kris' founded church? I heard it on K-ROQ Radio last week, here in L.A.
- Kim K. kept all of the wedding gifts ($$$,$$$ of dollars worth of Luxury Grifts... I mean, Gifts). Then donated the dollar amount+ to her Mother Jenner's Founded Church. This was done to save face, post separation-- 72 days later.
- Money from items donated to "an unnamed charity", from clothing she shed in last Episode featuring Kanye West? Given to Church Of Kris Jenner!
Something still smells rotten in Calabasas- and I drove straight through that Town a few hours ago. (Administrator) said... 117
What happened to her old publisher anyway? They don't want her back?
Doesn't that concern her when her current publisher who put out three successful books doesn't want to help her out? Wouldn't that be a question a new publisher would have, what happened to your old one?
Three SUCCESSFUL books? I must have missed 2
of them. Oh, you mean the ones that bombed?
Oh Boo- I don't know for certain, about 50/50 custody. It's often very cryptic and confusing, their not-so-sealed court stuff.
(I believe) there was someone that could confirm, who e-mailed Admin... but later refused to come forward. I could be so wrong! May have been something about school? Sources are all over the place, in a world like this... but I'm still clueless.
From the Real Fashion Real Women FB page:
Kate Gosselin chats her involvement in Real Fashion Real Women Finale Show as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week:
"I am honored and extremely excited to be a part of this years Real Fashion Real Women Fashion Show to benefit Bottomless Clo
set, which is an amazing program thats helps to empower and enable women in need to better their quality of life and reach their full potential by supplying them with what they need to become employed!
As a mom of 8, I am a huge believer in working tirelessly every day, using all available resources to me, to be the best mom and woman I can be, at work and at home, despite all obstacles in my way, day after day!
As a 'real' woman, I understand the powerful impact that kindness, knowledge and care from others and from organizations designed to help can make, especially when life becomes extra tough with no where to turn, problems that feel insurmountable, and the burden feels too heavy to go on!
This is why I am thrilled to lend my support to this event! I believe hard work, determination and a 'never ever give up' attitude can help bring solutions to any problem!"
She always has to mention that she's a "mom of 8 children". And what does she mean when she says "As a 'real' woman"? As opposed to what-an "unreal woman". Is she trying to say that all her body parts are "real" and not manufactured?
There was one comment on FB regarding her post:
"I'll bet you do know about the kindness of organizations and what they can do to help. There are an awful lot of companies that have gifted you many free things due to your constant grifting on twitter."
So I wonder if she is going to promote this on twitter, just like she does all the other charitable events she participates in?(snark)
especially when life becomes extra tough with no where to turn, problems that feel insurmountable, and the burden feels too heavy to go on!
Well first of all thank god she is finally promoting something. But what "problems" has she had? She acts like she is a Stage four cancer survivor or a war crimes victim or something. No where to turn?? Good Lord woman you've been a bottomless pit of help and freebies since day one from unsuspecting people.
Oh, the drama! Insurmountable problems! Extra tough life! Oh woe, oh woe!
Yep, she's the poster girl for tough times, all right.
I have several thoughts on the content of her statement, but my main thought at first was if she's is writing a book, she better get a good editor.
That whole statement consists of 5 sentences, all ending with an exclamation point. The first 3 paragraphs are 3 long, run-on sentences. You have to read them over and over to even get the gist of what she is actually saying.
The content is the same-old, same-old Kate saga.
I have 8 kids.
I have daily obstacles to face being a mom of 8.
I work hard and tirelessly to provide for my children.
I have such a hard, hard life.
I am a wonderful mother.
This reminds me so much of Scarlett O'Hara's speech in Gone With the Wind-(leaving out the part about God):
"As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again."
Agh! The G8's custody/safety from their mother, concerns me more than it should. Someone please tweet Kart again, and ask her if she has 50/50. She hasn't responded to her girl Ms. Goody, or anyone else for that matter. Kate probably thought the Tweeties were asking if she was 51/50... and in custody. (Pink Straight Jacket 4-Kate :)
Yet she can address, Oh MY!, Ooh, Awww... & RT everything else- no problem. She'll also post on the Kate + RUMORS portion of her Blog, in regard to her dating X-mas wrapping paper- but only when it serves her.
"Deep Thoughts... By Katie I. Gosselin"
This reminds me so much of Scarlett O'Hara's speech in Gone With the Wind-(leaving out the part about God):
"As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again."
At least Scarlett O'Hara had actually been through the Civil War.
Oh there's another photoshop I need to get around to doing.
I'm surprised she didn't point out how she knows how it feels to be laid off and unemployed. I mean at least that's the truth. Why didn't she mention that? That would be the obvious thing to say. Insurmountable problems lol I love it. Yeah it's so tough when no one will give you free Juicy Juice anymore or take you to Australia for the third time on their dime.
Kate reminds me of when someone is talking about their terminal illness, and that person pops in to say they know how you feel because they have arthritis in their pinky finger and once had a canker sore.
Kristine her tweeties did ask her and she ordered her tweeties to please drop the subject.
Because when she has custody it's okay to talk about it as much as they want and Kate will chime in as much as possible to remind them how little Jon has the kids, but when Jon gets custody all of a sudden it's a private subject off limits. You know, for the good of the children.
I almost expected to hear violins playing after I read that.
Kristine-she will never answer the question about custody. She'll let her fans believe that she does it all on her own, and that Jon is a forgotten figure in the kids lives.
To cite another Scarlett O'Hara quote, her answer would be:
"Oh, Fiddle-dee-dee!"
I love love love Abby and Brittany. They are just neat people and I love their show.
That said, I applaud their accomplishments, but as an elementary school asst. principal, I probably would never hire them to teach. Not at all because of them being conjoined, but because of their speaking. They speak way too fast ( almost manic ) and at the same time, and it is just way too difficult to understand what they are saying unless they slow it down 10 notches. I totally understand that they are so incredibly in sync since they spend 24/7 together and can finish each others sentences, but I would find that too frustrating for the students and their learning. Abby and Brittany need to figure out that if they are going to teach successfully, they need to work on this. They simply cannot talk as fast as they do and at the same time when teaching little kids. Maybe it's just me and I've already had a rough day around 1000 rowdy children, but I have to sit there and try to make out what A and B are saying sometimes because they don't speak clearly. For that reason alone, I wouldn't hire them. Other than that, their enthusiasm and energy are terrific! Maybe a tad tooo hyper, but it's the speaking that gets to me ( for people who would be teaching children who may already confused without trying to figure out what their teacher is saying ).
Call me mean if you want. I own what I wrote. And I only said it with hopes they work on that because I think they'd be great teachers with a lot to offer...if they can be clearly understood. I can only picture them, though, both talking a 1000 miles an hour at the same time.
On another note, I still think Kate is an a hole attention seeker.
Thanks, Admin for the video. The music goes along perfectly with Kate's statement, violins and all.
"As a 'real' woman........"
Kate, Kate.... you misguided POS.
Becky Dilley is a real woman.
Bobbie MacCaughey is a real woman and has one more child than you do.
Betty Hayes is a real woman, she has TWO more children than you do.
Kate, you are nipped, tucked, lifted, augmented, tanned like leather, bleached and acrylic nailed. From the minute the tups were born, you would not, and to this day, will not, care for your children and home by yourself like the above mentioned women do. It takes a multitude of "helpers" to accomplish your job of stay at home mother, even with kids in school 9 hours a day. You lie like a rug and are starting to have trouble keeping all your lies straight.
Nothing about you is real.
It's an insult to really real mothers for you to even imgine you are of their caliber.
I stand corrected. Bobbi MacCaughey has 8 kids.
Regardless, Kate still sucks ;)
Some people say the Schappell twins have mental problems because I believe the institution they were sent to as children was for those with mental disabilities. That place was chosen because at the time there weren't really any other choices in Berks County for institutional living. My mother helped take care of them a few times when they were very young and came into the hospital (she was a nurse). She always said it was really sad they had to live at that institution and how awful it must have been for them. I'm sure their parents were overwhelmed and had no idea what to do.
It is really good to see that Abby and Britany's parents were able to keep them at home. They were raised in a loving family to be confident adults. It can make all the difference having that loving family. Not that you can't succeed without one but it's much harder. I hope these girls are able to stay grounded, not succumbing to the lures of fame.
I'm really curious, not trying to be mean. With their necks at that angle, how long will it be until they have permanent pain? Or do you think since their bodies grew that way it won't be a problem?
In honor of Kate versus the "burden that feels too heavy to go on!", I rerun this graphic for y'all:
Kate reminds me of when someone is talking about their terminal illness, and that person pops in to say they know how you feel because they have arthritis in their pinky finger and once had a canker sore.
Or as how in KhateLand having cancer as a child is the same as a few weeks of bedrest when pregnant by your own choice. In fact, the bedrest is actually worse! So so much worse. ::snark::
I did not watch TLC's newest attempt to garner rating with the unusual. Ever since my eyes were opened to the complete lack of integrity of TLC, I don't watch that channel. But, from the description ' read of the 22nd birthday party, I must agree with some in that it reminded me of the way I celebrated my 15th birthday. We were dropped off by parents at the local ice cream parlor and ordered banana splits and something called chocolate thunder. At age 22, I went out dancing at a local nightclub with friends (male/female) and didn't leave until last call. Different strokes I guess. I am sorry these women hooked up with TLC and hope they never regret it.
50/50 custody is more prevalent these days but is still not the case in majority of divorces. Unfortunately, men too often do not want to be even 50% dads and so the mom does have more custodial time. I have95% custody because my ex is "too busy". It is what it is, and I love having my son with me. I also get more child support. I am confident that Jon has 50% custody based on the fact the court said neither parent must pay child support.
A lot of men also still think kids are just better off living primarily at the mother's house. And a lot of judges too. I'm glad this is changing. Kids need both parents. (Administrator) said... 146
In honor of Kate versus the "burden that feels too heavy to go on!", I rerun this graphic for y'all:
Admin-here's a perfect picture to go with her tale of woe, and it's not even photo-shopped.
Let's revisit how tough Poor Katie had it. This is a snippet from a 6 page article written by Jessica Remo
March 2009
"IT’S A CHILLY Saturday at the First Assembly of God church in upstate Marcy, New York, but the commotion seems more like Christmas morning. And from the looks of it, the turnout is better. Jon and Kate Gosselin, the darlings of Jon & Kate Plus 8 — the TLC reality show chronicling their lives raising a set of twins and sextuplets — aren’t scheduled to appear for another hour, but the parking lot is already packed.
The crowd is more than 500 strong: silver-haired matrons, stroller-pushing moms, college girls in sweatshirts, kids in tees emblazoned with photos of the Gosselins, the occasional unlucky boyfriend or husband, dragging his feet like it’s the first day of school. Many have traveled for hours, paying $10 to snap a fuzzy picture, get an autograph, and adore America’s Favorite Parents in person; many will buy up Jon and Kate’s best-selling book, Multiple Blessings: Surviving to Thriving With Twins and Sextuplets, from an impromptu Barnes & Noble kiosk.
The pastor delivers a blustery introduction about how marriage and family are under attack, and how Jon and Kate represent our political mantra of the day, hope. In flawless makeup, stylish jeans and a gray sweater, Kate takes the stage (no Jon today, turns out), looking more like a 20-something headed for a date than the 33-year-old mom whose brood has made her a cable phenomenon.
Perched on a stool and looking down at the sea of wide-eyed fans below her, she launches into the practiced spiel: how she and her IT analyst husband from Wyomissing, two miles west of Reading, just wanted a family, and ended up — through fertility treatments, luck and prayer — with a modern Brady Bunch. She describes her resolve not to selectively abort any of the embryos; how Jon’s miserly employer laid him off because he didn’t want to insure all those kids; and the early days in survival mode, trying to feed eight mouths and standing in line for heating assistance. “We had no van … no car seats … no cribs, we didn’t have room in our house, we had no income,” she sniffles, and her fans nod in sympathy. They’ve watched. They know. "
March of 2009. Hadn't they already purchased the $1.2 million house on Heffner Rd? And she was still asking for money? Damn right she knows how to "use all available resources" to scam people out of their money.
I'd be embarrassed to have that thing clomp down the runway of my fashion show.
AuntieAnn-Yes, they had already moved to Heffner Rd. They moved in Oct. 2008.
Some of the women who Bottomless Closet has helped have been laid off, homeless, and lived on welfare. One of them should tell Kate "you don't know how hard it is unless you've walked in my shoes".
I have decided to change my avatar for now to coincide with Kate's tale of woe of how hard she had it.
March of 2009. Hadn't they already purchased the $1.2 million house on Heffner Rd?
Yes. They had moved into the new home in the fall of 2008. Bet she didn't have a slide show running of that new house, did she? "And here's MY new house, all mine, as far as the eye can see. Here's MY new swimming pool. Here's the garage apartment (Jon lives there now), and here is MY brand new sub-zero refrigerator.
Pass the basket for the love offerings now, please. I need to convert the pool to salt water and my EIGHT kids need new clothing for our next amazing ski vacation. Please give as generously as you see it in your heart to do so. God works in wondrous ways, and the more you give, the more you will be blessed."
Thanks you guys. I wasn't sure if they had bought it later in 2009 or not.
I meant to add the link to that article. I'm probably the only one who had never read it but just in case I'm not it's a good reminder of why Kate's scam needs to be shut down and someone should sue her ass for duping people out of their money.
Speaking of scams I think it's getting real borderline scammy to write some diatribe about how much you understand poor, struggling people and even imply this is your current situation. It's just an open invitation for more freebies and help, and who is she to say no.
Oops-looks like I cut off her head. Let's see if this one works.
Admin it's way past borderline. That is a scam. Anyone who can live the way she lives has money and lots of it.
Kate is a twit - Good avatar pic. She looks awful.
AuntieAnn-unfortunately, I can't get the full picture to post. She is in her bare feet, making her look more pitiful. You can see the whole picture here:
lol Kate is a twit. That's definitely an "Aww. Poor Schmoopy" pic.
Carolyn... Everyone who started on TLC and Bravo was so normal and so down to earth and so naive and now they are money grubbing, creating their Brand, talking as though they were born in the gutter, sharing innocent's lives among their sick behavior.
Not everyone. Khate and Jon definitely already had huge problems. And money doesn't necessarily always change people. It just tends to bring out traits already there, or exacerbate problems that already exist.
Kate is a twit said... 152
Some of the women who Bottomless Closet has helped have been laid off, homeless, and lived on welfare. One of them should tell Kate "you don't know how hard it is unless you've walked in my shoes".
I hope one of these women puts Kate in her place too. These women are working hard to better themselves unlike Kate who thinks she should be handed everything. These women have more dignity and class than Kate will ever have.
Her woe is me I've had a hard life and all the daily obstacles I have to face statement on Facebook is just her continued attempt to try and make people feel sorry for her. Too bad 99.9% of the public is on to her game.
She is nothing but a fraud, a scammer, a grifter and an insult to REAL women and mothers.
What's with the REALLY annoying voice ad that is coming up when you log into 15? About the 4th time it repeated, I was ready to throw my computer through the window. I finally had to turn the sound off.
Every time I read about KK and her "help", I think back to when Jon was the SAHF and she was gallivanting around the country on her "book tour/speaking engagements with the boobyguard/boyfriend in tow and she dismissed Jon's contribution, as "he has help". The kids were a lot younger then and they weren't all in school, but she was contemptuous of Jon for not being able to do what she couldn't do! Complete arrogance. I'd love to hear that some of the women being helped by this charity she's supposedly supporting sit her down and tell her some hard truths. I doubt she'd listen, though.
I know I only post rarely...but I usually user Khater. And I did not post yesterday. No biggie but I was just like 'what I didn't write this?'
I guess people can use whatever name they want.
I believe Kate thinks that her name is enough to get a cookbook published. First, there are a buzzillion cookbooks out there and any recipe you want can be found online; second, she is not a current celebrity darling anymore nor is TLC backing her like the first book; and third, having worked for a publisher, it is extremely difficult to get a book published, particularly since her last two books bombed.
I think Kate lives in a fantasy world. She wants nothing more than to fly around the country on book tours and TV talk shows, with Steve, and be wined and dined like before with no kids in tow.
She jumps from one idea to the other. Why? Because she dips her Flintstone toe into one idea, it fails, and she tries something else hoping to reclaim her past celebrity. It's been a year and no one has come knocking on her door. Everything she has tried has been the result of grifting or using people.
I wonder if Deanna Bell donates her time to Bottomless Closet and that's how Kate got the gig?
That said, I applaud their accomplishments, but as an elementary school asst. principal, I probably would never hire them to teach. Not at all because of them being conjoined, but because of their speaking. They speak way too fast ( almost manic ) and at the same time, and it is just way too difficult to understand what they are saying unless they slow it down 10 notches.
I was thinking that too. I was always told I was too softspoken, and I felt like I was yelling in the classroom. But that's what the kids needed. You would think it would have been addressed during their schooling. Or maybe they go into "teacher mode" when in front of a class and slow down.
It also reminded me of grad school, where students who weren't math majors took math classes at the community college. The university math department was stacked with foreign-born/imported professors whose English-speaking skills were unintelligible. They may have been brilliant mathematicians, but students avoided them like the plague as they were impossible to understand.
Anonymous said... 167
That said, I applaud their accomplishments, but as an elementary school asst. principal, I probably would never hire them to teach. Not at all because of them being conjoined, but because of their speaking. They speak way too fast ( almost manic ) and at the same time, and it is just way too difficult to understand what they are saying unless they slow it down 10 notches.
It also reminded me of grad school, where students who weren't math majors took math classes at the community college. The university math department was stacked with foreign-born/imported professors whose English-speaking skills were unintelligible. They may have been brilliant mathematicians, but students avoided them like the plague as they were impossible to understand.
LOL I once to an economics class in college where we could not understand a word the middle eastern T.A. was saying. It took me all class to figure out that eeeckivahlint was equivalent. The professor had to replace him.
Actually it was eeeekeeeevahlint
I think it's very telling that Little People,Big World had another special last nite. They went o Australia. That's 4 specials since they were cancelled. I think they are very easy to work with and not a diva among them. Kate has only herself to blame. She was probably hard to work with and very demanding.
Kate's new bestest Buddy at Y102 Jackie Hoffman (the one that she's running the 5K with that previously didn't have high regards for Kate Gosselin until she used her for the 5K promotion) highlighted this story on their webpage:
Alice Cooper Says Stay Away From Reality TV!
In a blog post Alice Copper encourages "kiddies" not to watch reality television, warning them not to "get your head turned in an Exorcist style and think it’s the way to fame and fortune." Cooper goes on to say, "The problem is with wanting to be a reality TV star, you’re only famous for a little while. You can’t live on that fame forever. How are people becoming stars by being idiots on TV? Why do we praise these idiots? We keep settling for stupid!"
Read more at Huffington Post
Dear admin, please don't forget the Gloria Swanson Photoshop we still dream of seeing. It is the only bright light that is helping me get thru the return the real workaday world from the Labor Day weekend! Woe is me, having to only have a the day weekend! My weekends should last all week, since I work sooo hard at party planning!
So I am still in road trip mode. there is a giant ball of twine in Darwin, Minnesota and another one in Cawker City Kansas. Both claim to be biggest, so we just have to stop and see both on the way.
Another fun stop: the Stonewall Jackson Shrine in Woodford Virginia. Jackson was shot and had his arm amputated here, and the arm was buried there. Later he died and the rest of him is buried in Lexington VA or Richmond, someplace like that.
I was pleased to see updates on the Roloffs while I was running around getting multiple things done on Labor Day. Bits and pieces, but a pleasure. What a contrast to the behavior of Kate.
I have also not yet found references to identical twins being of different sexes. I've done some looking, not enough apparently, for a bizarre scientific anomaly which seems to contradict the term identical.
This is BorderCollie. Having trouble posting.
Jeanne said... 145
That's cool your mom looked after the Schappells. They seem very determined to have a happy independent life.
I remember reading Brittany's spine is not parallel to Abby's so she is at her natural angle. I noticed her head did droop when she was little so who knows, maybe she had physical therapy for it. Her natural angle though is tilted so I hope there's no pain. I also wonder if their scoliosis has worsened as they seem more stooped, or maybe it's just their build.
bibby said....140
Re: teaching> maybe they were just hyped up and nervous for the cameras and speak one at a time and more slowly with kids. Surely they'd be taught that? I guess it would depend on the interview how they would do. I hope they find something because they are willing to work hard and to earn their own way in this world.
isn't that a beautiful photo from Life Magazine?
Oh poor Schmoopie, had to get up in dark and rain to take her kids to a bus stop. Life is sooo hard. Wanna bet she's tucked back up in bed?
Amy Roloff's cookbook is coming out in October, so Kate is probably seething with jealousy over that and the specials they have gotten on TLC. I googled Amy's cookbook publisher and it is a company in Oregon that has filed for bankruptcy twice. Yikes. Looks like the people who helped her with the book are all based in Oregon too. Wonder if Kate is contacting them all to see if they will work with her? LOL. Doubt it.
Abby and Brittany have had surgery to help fix their scoliosis as much as possible.
I agree about the manic talking, but I find that so many young girls do that. It seems to be almost the norm. Where did that trend come from, TV? I think the students would be OK with it. Now parents at parent/teacher conferences, not so much.
Mentions Turner Syndrome, the one exception I know of and Fleecing the Sheep brought it up last night and I also posted about it. Rare.also if a sex chnage surgery is necessary for conjoined twins, or by choice in unconjoined twins.
Channel surfing this morn (literally, NO LIE), and the Duggars were on, but I could tell they were *not* in Arkansas. I watched a second to see where they were, and apparently they were in Scotland.
Michelle and her hubby (don't know his name) were talking to some about his faith.
I then flipped the channel (probably watched one minute), but it got me to thinking 1), Kate's pissed cuz she didn't get to go to Scotland, and 2) Kate said TLC wouldn't let them talk about their faith.
I say bull****.
I don't agree with the Duggar's lifestyle, but they seem like genuinely caring people, and treat others with respect.
I *honestly* can't think of ONE thing I respect about Kate Gosselin. that's pathetic.
(I don't watch TLC, so I don't know when this particular Duggar episode was aired. I assume they are still on tv?)
Twas a 'mug of coffee in hand' kind of school morning here.... Needed the extra caffeine punch2make me feel alive!Dark rainy EARLY ams=yuck! about 3 hours ago
Well back to school tomorrow and that means a crack o dawn rising! So GN all! It's night night time here! 9 little Gosselins tucked in...zzz about 14 hours ago
I don't believe she has custody time with the kids, I think they are with their dad. Her tweet last night was short and sweet, says kids are tucked in, and GOODNIGHT!
Then this morning, a short tweet. Nope, I think she rolled over, made a quick tweet, and went back to sleep.
Amy's cookbook is available for pre-order now on I bet having the cookbook talked about on one of the episodes will help sales quite a bit. That is terrific advertising, something Kate's cookbook will not have. If Amy had not mentioned her book on the show, I would never have known she had one.
Now I do.
Kate, what are your plans for the promotion of your book? Are you assuming that Kelly and Mike will have you on to talk about it? Or the Today Show? How about Leno? Oh, I know - the View. Well, dear, if you do manage
to get a spot on one of these shows then thank your promoters. It won't be because of your reputation or standing that you'll be getting any airtime.
I know. You can travel all over the country setting up little kiosks in grocery stores and malls for samples of Kate's Organic Stuff.
I saw a promo for Amy's book on Amazon and some of the recipes are named. They sound good, and I'm a picky eater.
Oh and another thought. The fact that TLC allowed about 1/2 of an episode to be about Amy and her cookbook tells me that TLC likes and respects Amy Roloff. TLC isn't profiting from the book, at least I doubt they are. It's all about making an episode that highlights Amy and her nice accomplishment, and TLC chose to help her promote it. Nice.
HaHa...check out this Editorial review of Amy Roloff's cookbook from the Amazon site:
I've had the pleasure of sharing a kitchen and cooking with Amy. She's not only knowledgeable in her use of ingredients, preparation, and execution, she also adds an immense amount of love to every recipe. What a joy to work with! Having a child of my own, I can tell you I’ll be making many of the recipes in this book for my family.
---Chef Alex Eusebio, Top Chef, Season 5, Bravo-TV; Owner/Chef, Sweetsalt Food Shop
I'd venture to say that "LOVE" is in the mix when Amy cooks. *LOL*
Amy's cookbook is available for pre-order now on I bet having the cookbook talked about on one of the episodes will help sales quite a bit. That is terrific advertising, something Kate's cookbook will not have. If Amy had not mentioned her book on the show, I would never have known she had one.
Now I do.
I watched one or two episodes of their show a few years ago (and then, probably not the whole episode!), she appeared to be likeable. And there-in lies the trouble for Kate. Who would want to buy Kate's cookbook? She isn't likeable!
I enjoy cookbooks sold by churches, small organizations, etc. Those recipes are usually tried and true recipes. When putting together a cookbook like that, individuals usually submit their favorites, so more than likely it is something yummy!
Something else I noticed about Amy. She asked for HONEST reviews of her cooking, and asked the publisher for constructive criticisms and an HONEST evaluation of what she presented. If it wasn't right, she was willing to put in the effort to fix it and not grumble how miserable the world was. She's a Can-Do woman, of that I am positive.
OrangeCrush said... 175
Oh poor Schmoopie, had to get up in dark and rain to take her kids to a bus stop. Life is sooo hard. Wanna bet she's tucked back up in bed?
Yep. Bet she did, too.
Katespeak for I'm crawling back into bed:
Today I choose - to give myself permission to “rest” and “take a break” for a short time once in awhile in order to chill out mentally before I hit life hard once again!
I find it ironic that Bottomless Closet is having Kate Gosselin ‘model’ clothing because she is the type of person who think giving to charity demands to be rewarded in return. After all she said herself that she expects a ‘little thank-you gift’ in exchange for doing something good. No, you are not supposed to do something for the sake of getting something in return! Isn’t feeling good about it not enough for her? It sounds a lot like a double standard to me. She talked as if she was a charity case herself when they were doing the church routine. I still chuckle when I think about someone who said to Jon that his ex wife thinks she is one. Speaking of charity, all the name dropping of what she has/uses/eats is so ridiculous, I think she feels a need to prove that she has everything she wants but still wants more, more, more and only the best! Really? Most of the stuff has nothing to do with the children if anyone has noticed. Children doesn’t eat Bella Bars or drink coffee. It’s all for her only. Oh, if it was me, I could live without Coffeemate, thank you! That stuff is nasty; whenever I have to use that at work in place of regular milk, I feel like I want to throw up. I also noticed that she has accumulated a lot of things in the house over the last few years and will not stop at nothing. The constant retweeting or replying to fans’ praise of her—that one I JUST DO NOT GET! She needs help patting herself and congratating herself? Wow, how does that benefit the children? They are not begging for Keurig cups so what was the purpose of taking a picture? That one was pretty dumb. It reminds me of someone having a shopping addiction but I don’t know what to call it in this case.
Anyone ask her if she is still receiving gift cards in the mail yet? That one, I suspect, is still going on since she has mentioned having one several times recently. I remember one was mentioned in a CC blog and some tweets about having one for a spa. I don’t see her family giving her one so it had to be from a fan. Which I think is shameful because she already treats herself to a lot of beauty treatments and is not really in urgent need of a spa treatment. She gets her feet massaged at the nail salon (it was shown in the American Copper crossover episode). She also admitted to going to the spa very frequently at one point so I know that was funded on someone else’s dime. Out of the goodness in her heart, please donate the gift cards to charity AND expect nothing in return.
I just have a question...How many times are her fans gonna fall for this..... "my books coming out I promise", we will be on T.V. again I promise, I will have a show I promise....and the wink winks and all of the insinuations of "something" coming...When is enough....enough? It is unreal the way they keep falling for this....
I think the Little People are another example of TLC people being pretty much the same exact people they were when the show first started. Amy's still messy, Matt's still a dreamer, Molly's still smart, Jeremy and Zack still have their heads in the clouds, Jacob's still a sweetie suffering from last child syndrome. They kept their day jobs. I think that's why people are still watching them, they didn't go Hollywood.
Happy Tuesday, everyone. My son in law, a CW4 101st Airborne, deploys in about an hour for Afghanastan for 9 months. This is his 7th tour in a combat area. He is a Blackhawk Instructor Pilot, apparently the lead IP for his battalion, although I am not sure what exactly all that means. I am hoping that promotion means he will get shot at less than he did before. His first name is Matt, in case anyone wants to mention him in prayers. My daughter is being oh so brave but my heart is just breaking.
"As a mom of 8, I am a huge believer in working tirelessly every day ..."
As opposed to all those mediocre moms with fewer than 8 kids who couldn't possibly know what it's like to work tirelessly every day.
Egads. She is so dense. This isn't just a matter of terrible writing and communication skills. She really does believe herself to be THE most put-upon, overworked, overwrought, downtrodden mother in the history of all mothers, doesn't she?
Kate is a twit, your new avatar is perfect. Poor, poor, pitiful Kate. Does no one understand her? Will no one help her? Sniffle.
Maybe one od her tweenie sheepies will buy a copy of Amy Roloff's new cookbook and mail it to her as a gift, urr grift. Now that would be funny.
Aggie, I'm with you. I think it's Jon's week.
She has absolutely no fodder to work with and is too lazy to come up with any.
Let’s see if I have this right….
Other TLC activities are….
Amy Roloff has a cookbook coming out in October.
The Roloffl’s went to Australia courtesy of TLC for their special.
TLC’s hottest show is about rednecks and a 6 year old child
TLC’s new show is about conjoined twins
TLC stars (Matt Roloff, Bill and Jen (The Little Couple)) appear on Anderson’s show.
And Kate is doing….
Hawking Bella Bars
Fishing for a dating show
Walking the runway (not in NYC)
Passed over for DWTS
Had her bully attorney go after an author (Robert Hoffman) because of an unpublished book
Writing a cookbook on her iPad
Grifting a free beach house in Arkansas (I think it was Arkansas)
Comparing the two lists IMO Kate is not getting the plumb jobs like she used to.
Kate was working on her cookbook on a newer episode at the round table where she did the home manual. This was over a year ago! The paper said Nana Janet's Roast.( RIP Janet.) Is she using other people's recipes?
In the back of Just Want you to Know she had Grandmas No-bake Cookies, Janet's Roast, hummus and applesauce and meatballs. No " all things Kate" recipes. Said 'Coming soon!' Well, that was quite a while ago.
As opposed to all those mediocre moms with fewer than 8 kids who couldn't possibly know what it's like to work tirelessly every day.
Exactly. She insults people. Lots of people work tirelessly, whether they have eight kids, two kids, or heck, no kids. She doesn't own working your fingers to the bone.
Dwindle, thoughts and prayers for your family. Hugs to all.
Dear admin, please don't forget the Gloria Swanson Photoshop we still dream of seeing.
When is the anniversary of the last airing of the show again? I was going to post it then.
Dwindle said... 190
His first name is Matt, in case anyone wants to mention him in prayers.
Dwindle - Done.
The Bates have chicken's.
Sorry Kate you can't claim that now seems like TLC is over you.
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