Reality T.V. Kids: "Oops."
TLC's hottest new show next to Honey Boo Boo child is about a good ole fashioned Rumspringa! TLC touts the show Breaking Amish as a group of young Amish leaving the community for the first time. But some impressive sleuths have helped made headlines after digging up some interesting information on the cast. In particular, cast member Kate (no relation to our Kate)
is reported by those who have seen her to drive a car, dress non-Amish, and work in a Ruby Tuesdays in Lebanon, PA. She was also shopping around modeling photos on a web site more than two years ago.
Other reports say that Rebecca and Abe, portrayed as strangers who just met, have a child together, and Jeremiah has been living outside of the Amish community for as many as 14 years, and is divorced with three kids. Oops, TLC! Time to bring out the damage control team hibernating since Kate Plus 8 was canceled!
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Pass the Swiffer! |
The same day all this is hitting the fan, good ole Eileen O'Neill, president of Discovery, gave another disingenuous interview in which she acts like, who me, what, people are upset about Honey Boo Boo? Oh well that's their opinion! Eileen goes on to claim she would never let her reality t.v. subjects be uncomfortable (which is why I guess she sued the pants off Jon when he left the show?) and that she is very proud of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo." No really, she used the word "proud."
Of this:
1193 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1193 Newer› Newest»Oops, should read as enough. Typo I swear.
I can tell you that the sublingual works in about 20 minutes and the effect is dramatic enough for me to be thinking 'whoa' as I'm drifting off.
No idea if it will continue to be effective over long term. I assume, hopefully, that I can regulate my sleep patterns and get used to them and then not need the med except occasionally. That's my hope. But then I thought the same thing would happen with melatonin and it quit being effective after a while.
Ah well....... good luck with early sleep and restful sleep. Let us know how it works for you.
My DH falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow at 9 PM and wakes like the energizer bunny at 5:30 AM. I hate him.
I keep thinking it's a female hormone thing, all of us women of a certain age being nightowls....
Oh! This is why we haven't heard from the queen today...she ran out of COFFEEMATE!
Permanent Name, didn't you mean, "woah"?
I agree, hormones and a certain age. Glycine has helped me and I am going to check out GABA. My hubby is the same. Sometimes I just want to poke his sleeping self!!
Thanks for the info.
According to the Vanity Fair interview, Jon and Kate were on the cover of all the tabloids starting in March 2009. I think they were separated and that is why she filed an individual tax return.
Didn't Jon's "bad behavior" start in like January? They bought the house in Oct 08. I think they were separated then. Kate said once in some interview that she was on a plane one in Sept and she realized the marriage wasn't working. I think that would be Sept 08.
"Last October, says the source, Kate sat Jon down at the kitchen table and said she had “grown out of him, she was done with him, and she no longer wanted to be with him. She said, ‘I don’t even know why I married you in the first place.’” A spokesman for Kate says she has “chosen to take the high road and not get into those details.” " from VF interview.
This would be Oct 08.
Also from VF articule...
"“You have to understand,” says Kate, “that was not the first night he was out. (in March 09) It had been a couple of months. He had been staying out till two a.m. I knew it was just a matter of time” before somebody in the media caught on."
So, they were separated for a year almost before admitting it, and it happened right after the vow renewal.
Butterfly@126 - I'm going to step forward also and say that I enjoy Alana. She really is a sweet little girl and she seems to be smart as a whip (maybe the smartest in that family). They just had her birthday episode and she actually had friends come to the party and they all hugged each other and seemed to have a great time playing together, a far cry from any of the Gosselin parties.
I've also changed my avatar in anticipation of the Gosselin book. Mimosa's for everyone (Mimosa in a bottle available in NM and boy oh boy is it good).
Dwindle: Love the dog photo!
Re: Kevin, Jodi, Beth outing Kate's grifitng. Maybe they had confidentiality agreements as they were on the show re:product placement; maybe they did speak out; maybe they thought the emotional abuse was picking the best battle to fight; maybe they weren't aware of it as Kate might have lied about it, saying it was arriving spontaneously? Who knows. I think these people were sickened by Kate and probably had their heads spinning as she grew worse and kicked them to the curb.
I know I was shocked when Kate said the kids were sick of going to Jodi's- who played with them, let them bake, make a mess!- and she didn't blame them, and then GumGate. I though, who could be so ungrateful and diss someone the kids loved? I think the book MB caused the end with Beth with her insisting Jon's name go on there- for profits imo.Probably we will never know it all.
I wonder how RH got the Gymboree letter?
Where is Jon's book?
I haven't seen all the Honey Boo Boo episodes. I was watching while the pet pig was still in residence.
I felt kinda' guilty while watching, because I did have several judgmental thoughts that weren't especially kind.
They all seem happy. Alana is a very confident child.
I heard about the sgetti butter and ketchup sauce. I find it difficult to watch such unhealthy choices with the inevitable results.
I think it will be an interesting social study to see how the money and the cameras change the family.
I keep waiting for TLC to get their comeuppance, reciting the quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln. I hope I don't butcher it: "You can fool some of the people, some of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
There will always be a certain audience who willingly watches the garbage shows put out by TLC and others like them, not caring that they are "real" only in theory. These viewers are not really seeking reality, but want to be entertained by things that are gross, unusual, filled with drama, and otherwise hyped up and created for their viewing pleasure. Anyone who still watches any reality shows and believes they are real, is simply not paying attention.
Networks like reality shows, because they are cheaper to produce than a quality show that requires attention to detail, real actors, plausible plot lines, good writing and producing, etc. And with people still tuning in, why should TLC or any other network, turn away from reality shows? The only way the tide will finally turn is if enough people get tired of being punked by TLC and change the channel. There is no corporate conscience that is suddenly going to be awakened. There is no moral outcry that will penetrate the executive suites. The one and the only thing that speaks to network execs is money, the bottom line.
That's why I will not watch any reality shows that involve minor children, and I don't watch most of the others either. I do watch Survivor and The Amazing Race, yet I take those with a grain of salt, aware that producers will manipulate events if they think it will get them higher ratings.
My biggest pet peeve with the fans of Kate was when they would claim, "You would do the same thing if you had the chance." I am a struggling single mom and I could sure use a paycheck of $250,000, but if the only way I could get that was to put my son on a reality tv show and turn over my rights as a parent - no, I would not choose to do so. We may not have the newest or the best of things, but we get by and my son is not under a public microscope, nor the target of possible pedophiles.
Speaking of scripted shows, are there any other Mad Men fiends er, fans here?
Also from the previous thread:
I wish Admin would just come out and admit she's Mrs. Doubtfire. 13
AuntieAnn, really? Admin is Robin Williams? That is SO awesome.
We better stop the Amish thread or TLC is going to get ideas for a new show, "Amish Divas" or "Amish Got Talent" or something, my goodness!
I have my fingers crossed for Alana and her family. You know the changes are coming- a body guard first, home repairs can't be too far behind. They better be putting some money away for little Alana to go to school when all is said and done. She could go far in school if given the opportunity.
Would Kate be headed to Denver for the Rock 'n roll marathon, hence the twitter silence? I believe it is the 22nd of Sept.
tate said... 12
Would Kate be headed to Denver for the Rock 'n roll marathon, hence the twitter silence? I believe it is the 22nd of Sept.
Oh dear, I hope not! Milo will be even more miffed, if that's possible, that Kate would head out to a run and not let her know.
There is a marathon and half marathon event in Denver. Just checked the schedule. Didn't she say she was doing a couple more half marathons? She seems to have bailed on the marathon running.
Speaking of opportunities, Kate really squandered EVERYTHING that was handed to her on what could have been a golden platter.
As others have noted, even when traveling she appeared to arrive someplace and rush through it so she could cross it off her list.
Someone (sorry can't remember who) also recently commented that the show really was a booster for tourism in PA in the early days. I wonder if that has something to do with the Dept of Labor looking the other way until Rep. Murt came along.
Well Tony Dovolani is on how to be a millionaire maybe Kate's pissed.-(LOL)
Did anyone else notice that the GosselinBook is now being shown as being 38 chapters?
Wasn't it 37?
Is it that they like the tourism? Or is it that they are a peaceful people who accept the things they cannot change and just try to make the best of it. Something to ponder.
I think it's both, really. And some of the church districts and orders are more "open" or progressive than a lot of people expect. Many of those you see who open their homes for large dinners for paying tourist groups, etc., are New Order or more progressive Old Order.
What a lot of people forget is that they are human, too - some are silent like a lot of people seem to expect, but some have very outgoing personalities and will talk your ear off, English, tourist, Amish, doesn't matter, lol.
In my immediate neighborhood (if you can call it that - are cornfields considered a neighborhood, lol?) - there are many Swartzentrubers who tend to speak very little to outsiders. There are some, though, who will talk your ear off when you stop by their little food stands or see them in the grocery. But they are familiar with us. They are probably not exactly chatty with "tourists".
Sheri said... 17
Did anyone else notice that the GosselinBook is now being shown as being 38 chapters?
yep! I bet it's a chapter on attys!
As long as Rock n Roll is comping her air fare and accommodations, she will go. I would not be surprised to see her orange body in Denver. As usual, no promotion tweeting. I guess we will find out tomorrow if she's there. I had asked earlier if anyone knew her marathon schedule. She sure has been quiet about running for weeks now.
Rhymes, I am a Mad Men fan.
Rhymes with Witch #10...HUGE fan of Mad Men here.
I think she said she's doing the NY RNR marathon but that's not until 13 Oct. The San Jose is 7 Oct.
I watched a little bit of the Breaking Amish program. When (Abe?) was at the dinner table with his family and said he was leaving NOW, the only comments his mother had were about exposing his skin at the beach and about saying his prayers. That was it. I figured she already knew he was leaving - and now I hear he had already left. Bummer. That was a waste of videotape, imo. It felt very stilted and stiff.
Honey Boo Boo. I drove by with my remote one night and didn't return. I watched the clip above. I'm glad I kept driving.
The Book. I'm still very hopeful. I never did give up on Mr. Hoffman and will be glad to purchase his book whenever it is released.
I took my son to the Amish country (Lancaster area) this past summer for a few days. I wanted him to see that it is a wide world, and some people make very different choices from what he knows. I told him that part of life is learning more about the choices other people make, and accepting our differences. We stopped for awhile at a small "Amish Information Center." It was staffed by an elderly Amish man and was selling lots of different books. We talked with him for awhile about his background-he was very generous in spending time talking with my son explaining his culture. The man seemed very respectful of people who came to visit, showing us a visitor's log and commenting on how people came from very far away to learn about his culture. I thought it was a good experience all around.
On Aug. 18 Kate tweeted:
@Mydmaxx I have a full, half and 10K all wiring about one month... Uh, yeah, I gotta get this butt in gear...yikes!
I don't know what "wiring" means.
On Aug. 18 Kate tweeted:
@Mydmaxx I have a full, half and 10K all wiring about one month... Uh, yeah, I gotta get this butt in gear...yikes!
I don't know what "wiring" means.
I think she meant "within"? Does anyone else remember a jon and kate episode where she was upstairs on her bed doing emails? It may have been one of the early ones but I swear I remember that. Guess I know what the emails were about.
What exactly is her purpose at these marathons? They don't promote her, she doesn't promote them, but somehow she is associated? Seems like a waste of money for them.
I think she meant "within"? Does anyone else remember a jon and kate episode where she was upstairs on her bed doing emails? It may have been one of the early ones but I swear I remember that. Guess I know what the emails were about.
Yes. I remember because they showed her closet and it was an unorganized mess. I think they were answering e-mails. It was one of those episodes where viewers wrote and asked questions, and if she didn't want to read negative ones, she said she just deleted them.
Permanent - one question, and then I promise that's all! How do the sublingual ones taste? Really bad? Is there a horrible after-taste? Thanks!
librarylady said... 27
What exactly is her purpose at these marathons? They don't promote her, she doesn't promote them, but somehow she is associated? Seems like a waste of money for them.
I don't get why she's doing all the races either makes no sense.
But that's Kate Gosselin for you she makes no sense.
Ah, of course. "Wiring" meant within. If she meant she had 3 runs coming up within the next month, the month is almost over. So what's up with that?
Will people just do anything for money? Duping television viewers might work for a brief time, but once they catch on, it's over. Just look at the Gosselin saga. I'm not sure what to say about little Honey Boo Boo. Wish I had studied more about human behavior.
Is it that they like the tourism? Or is it that they are a peaceful people who accept the things they cannot change and just try to make the best of it. Something to ponder.
admin - they can't all be lumped together. Some do like it because they feel that the better the "English" understand it, the better it is for the culture. Being Amish, then, isn't some deep, dark misunderstood cult. It really all depends on the sect and what is forbidden and what is acceptable when it comes to intermingling with the non-Amish world.
I just love these people, I guess because my ancestral roots can be traced directly back to them. That's why I am so disappointed in TLC and what they've done. I had hopes for the show, and given TLC's history of faking realism through scripted plots, I shouldn't be surprised.
localyocul said @ 26
Does anyone else remember a jon and kate episode where she was upstairs on her bed doing emails?
She was shown in the bed during the episode where Jon cooked Korean food. As a matter of fact he even said she was working on emails in bed while the six children napped upstairs.
Does anyone else remember a jon and kate episode where she was upstairs on her bed doing emails? It may have been one of the early ones but I swear I remember that. Guess I know what the emails were about
local - That was the Korean dinner episode. Must have been a very productive day for her. She didn't have to cook, clean or look after the kids because they were in bed having one of their marathon naps. All she had to do was lay on her bed and shill them. What a great mom.
dogsandkids said... 24
I took my son to the Amish country (Lancaster area) this past summer for a few days
Well, doggonit, you should have told me. We could have gone to the Rumspringa Brewery for some good stuff (and great cheese)...
Glad your experience was positive!
I sympathize about insomnia. (Yes, all men seem to snooze soundly and then claim they didn't) Have you tried glycine- or prescription meds? The latter can be helpful for occasional use ( like Sunday nights before a work week,or before a stressful day etc) I hope something works soon; it can really mess up your life and outlook.
~~~ afraid I see no childlike charm in Honey Boo Boo- I have only watched excerpts but to me she seems bratty, full of herself and obnoxious. I know she's just a little girl, but this show is doing her no favors.
And some of the church districts and orders are more "open" or progressive than a lot of people expect.
True. When I was growing up, I had an Amish nanny. She did the housekeeping, cooking and took care of me (my mother and father, who were the best parents that anyone could ever imagine, ran a business and therefore it was necessary to have someone watch the little rascal that was me). Grace was a member of a sect that permitted contact with the outside world. However, she became engaged to a member of the Old Order Amish, and he told her in no uncertain terms that when they married she had to quit her job with my family.
She was torn between staying with us, and being with the love of her life. My mother told me years later that Grace really struggled with the decision. I guess even in those days, even some Amish women weren't sure about having a husband telling her what life choices to make.
Formerly Duped said... 36
~~~ afraid I see no childlike charm in Honey Boo Boo- I have only watched excerpts but to me she seems bratty, full of herself and obnoxious. I know she's just a little girl, but this show is doing her no favors.
I can't watch it either. In fact I've never ssen the show and don't plan to. I got as far as watching her 'drunk' on Mountain Dew and whatever else is in that juice in the clip Admin posted. I had to quit. It's disturbing.
I wonder if her mom knows Mountain Dew has bromine in it. That crap wreaks havoc on your thyroid. They also use in fire retardants. mmmmm mmmmm good.
Formerly Duped said...~~~ afraid I see no childlike charm in Honey Boo Boo- I have only watched excerpts but to me she seems bratty, full of herself and obnoxious. I know she's just a little girl, but this show is doing her no favors.
I agree 100%.
AuntieAnn said... 38
Mt Dew is poison- added to Red Bull, it can also affect the heart. The pageant moms also fill the kids with sugary pixie stix to make them alert and animated for the stage. I did watch a good but disturbing doc on pageants ( it's on YouTube) called Living Dolls from several years back. There was also Painted Babies, and the follow-up when the kids were older teens. Interesting - there seems to be a 'type' of parent who goes for these things.
I love malapropisms in idioms!
@BarbaraJean_s @Berksgrl @EmeraldCityJazz @Kateplusmy8 That sounded like spoiled grapes to me.
By the way, where is Mrs. Malaprop?
Formerly Duped said...~~~ afraid I see no childlike charm in Honey Boo Boo- I have only watched excerpts but to me she seems bratty, full of herself and obnoxious. I know she's just a little girl, but this show is doing her no favors.
I agree 100%.
Ditto. I have no desire to watch that garbage. There is nothing fascinating about it; for me, it doesn't even have a train wreck factor, nothing to make me even want to watch in a curious way. I saw part of one episode and that was enough. The little girl is obnoxious and will grow up with a sense of entitlement. She's not cute. She's not adorable. The mother is equally disturbing.
I am curious about Robert Hoffman having to take a lie detector test and exactly who asked for it, do we know? I think of Andrew Young's book about the cover-up of Rielle Hunter's pregnancy and affair with John Edwards. His book revealed it was all done with the misappropriation of campaign funds, huge scandal! Also, Kitty Kelley comes to mind, writing various unauthorized books about people FAR more famous than Kate Gosselin! Perhaps it it his publisher insisting, rather than Kate's lawyers. In any case, he has complied, and I hope his book blows the lid
off Kate's scamming, and finally exposes her for the phony, grifter she is.
Sadly, the children will be caught in the middle of this.
Formerly - Red Bull AND Mountain Dew? Is THAT what's in that juice she's drinking? Mixed? Why not just sprinkle rat poison in the bottle and get it over with. Oy.
Honey BooBoo is a victim of bad editing.
I think honey boo-boo is cute. But the only thing I watch on TLC is hoarding.
admin - you'll appreciate this tweet. I guess attorneys only take cases in which they approve of their client's lifestyle!
@PMKids @Berksgrl @kateplusmy8 Kate's attys must like and approve of her attitude, choices and parenting. How else could they defend her?
Lol yes I recall in law school teaching us only to take on such cases in which we approve of the client's lifestyle.
Of course I heard there are some other silly attorneys who take on cases because they believe people have a right to good representation, but I never met any.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 200
No need to have the kids use up their skype time over this!
If the dog 'went down with Junior' from a helicopter then I assume they were rappeling out of a helicopter and the dog was strapped to the soldier.
I've actually seen that done on TV documentaries and at some air shows.
My mind is calm because those soldiers who rappel with their dogs love those dogs more than life! To the soldier and those in his unit, the dogs are treasures and are spoiled as much as a working dog can be.
Thanks for the quick reply...
Sending a cyberhug to M for his safety and service. And not to forget the other half left at home - cyberhug to your DD too!
She called me, as she always does on her drive home from work. she is a good girl.
But I asked her, told her I have internet friends and inquiring minds want to know.
The dogs go down harnessed and strapped to their handler. One handler per dog. They are a team. Whether rappeling or parachuting it is a similar harnessing. "Otherwise, Mom, how would the dog know how to land and protect it's legs?" As an almost over-the-top dog lover, DD is completely satisfied that our canine troops are well cared for. so I take her word for it.
I love you for asking! I am glad I posted that pic. I have some from his last deployment in Iraq that would knock the socks off most folks here, but would lead others to get snicky and snarky, I am afraid.
Not sure how "busted" TLC is over this new show. Kate spoke at length of her time in Florida and her DUI so there was no cover up that this were her first time away from the Amish life. And Rebecca said she knew Abe from church so they were not strangers and made no effort to lead anyone to believe that they were. (Administrator) said... 48
Lol yes I recall in law school teaching us only to take on such cases in which we approve of the client's lifestyle.
Of course I heard there are some other silly attorneys who take on cases because they believe people have a right to good representation, but I never met any.
Social workers are the same way, except we dont get pain the 139Bazzilion dollars that kate's lawyers are getting.
We only take cases we have vetted and approve of the lifestlye and good God-fearing character of our clients.
That is why I spent all day yesterday at a long term residential psych facility doing yearly forensic evals.(folks 'not guilty by reason of insanity')
Those clients yesterday meant every bit as much to me as any elderly lady on hospice trying to get her daughter to forgive her for living a God fearing life as a Catholic.
I dont judge the client in front of me. I eval, assess, and try to meet their needs.
Twittering And Twattering said... 47
admin - you'll appreciate this tweet. I guess attorneys only take cases in which they approve of their client's lifestyle!
@PMKids @Berksgrl @kateplusmy8 Kate's attys must like and approve of her attitude, choices and parenting. How else could they defend her?
This is continuing to annoy me. Not you, dear Twittering! The tweet.
That is like saying any doctor who is treating a woman for syphillis must approve of her career as a prostitute, otherwise how could he treat her?
The lawyers have observed and approved her PARENTING before they address the Gosselinbook crap?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
And before anyone jumps on me, I am not saying all STDs are the result of prostitution. But are the sheeple saying doctors would or should only treat the patients whose diseases they approve of? or before they treat the STD they need to approve of the patients parenting, churchgoing, or dog walking skills!????!
A professional sees a problem in front of them, and addresses the problem with the tools they have learned.
Could someone tweet that please? Lord in Heaven, help save us from the stupidity of the sheeple!!!
And Rebecca said she knew Abe from church so they were not strangers and made no effort to lead anyone to believe that they were.
Apparently Rebecca "knew" him very well, in the Biblical sense of the word. She didn't mention that, though, did she? :)
Sheri said... 17
Did anyone else notice that the GosselinBook is now being shown as being 38 chapters?
Wasn't it 37?
Huh. Good catch!
Have I not seen you all this time? I have noted your posts only the last few days! or are you newly posting? if so WELCOME!
Dwindle said...Could someone tweet that please? Lord in Heaven, help save us from the stupidity of the sheeple!!!
That "sediment" wasn't tweeted by a sheeple.
Sometimes hatred clouds the vision (and I'm not talking about yours, Dwindle).
The Breaking Amish thing - it's kind of like Kate's good bra. She didn't deny having a boob job. She said she just got a good bra. Of course, the good bra purchase came after the implants because she needed something to hold them up.
Careful words. Not a lie. Not the truth. Just deception under the guise of the truth. It's the same with TLC's Amish show. Viewers don't like to be scammed or misled. It will come back to bite them.
Whats up with the marathons...I know they were in she wimping out or no one wants to pay her way? It seems like shes been doubt dealing with this book thing.....she had to get on twitter to make it look like everything is normal.....give me a break!!!!! I dont even believe she ran....
Formerly Duped said... 40
AuntieAnn said... 38
Mt Dew is poison- added to Red Bull, it can also affect the heart. The pageant moms also fill the kids with sugary pixie stix to make them alert and animated for the stage. I did watch a good but disturbing doc on pageants ( it's on YouTube) called Living Dolls from several years back. There was also Painted Babies, and the follow-up when the kids were older teens. Interesting - there seems to be a 'type' of parent who goes for these things
Interesting that some of these moms hyper their kids for the cameras and for attention and that Kate benedryls her kids to get them to shut up.
"their beliefs should be respected and their privacy observed".
I totally agree with you. I would someday love to visit Lancaster County and see a lot of what I have read about and maybe I will now that my sister has moved to Connecticut.
Dwindle!! I am so sorry. That was not a sheeple who tweeted that, but a "regular" non-fan. Except in the case of Milo, I "X out" the name of the tweeter!
Auntie Ann -- Bromine is also in the drugs asthmatics take to keep their airways open. Ask any asthmatic how amped up a bronchodilator makes them feel! I had to be hospitalized once when a new bronchodilator sent my heart rate over 200 beats per minute and it wouldn't come down.
Dwindle -- LOVE the pix you posted of the bomb sniffing dog. ITA that our furred troops are every bit as amazing and wonderful as our human troops are. I hope this doggie and his partner return home safely to only good things in life. Same wish for your SIL. When you SKYPE or write to him, pass along my thanks and tell him that he is in my prayers.
Kids must be home from school. I see KK's twitting up a storm again. Sheesh! AND she waits till the get home to do her run. What a caring, ever-present mother she is NOT.
Honey BooBoo is so bad, but it is very funny. The family seems to enjoy each other's company, do a lot of activities together with real, actual family and friends. They don't sit on the couch each with a cell phone in hand, but actually talking to each other, if not making fun of each other. They are sticking together to help the prego daughter, although not sure how I'd ever handle that kind of situation. Mama sure isn't spending all the family earned money on herself - although I wish she would get some kind of "makeover" maybe a shower or some new clothes. I would like them to address Alana's habit of exposing her stomach though and learning what is "acceptable public behavior". Hope they get a good raise for the family next season, especially for being made fools of by TLC, then they can laugh all the way to the bank.
Viewer said..."And Rebecca said she knew Abe from church so they were not strangers and made no effort to lead anyone to believe that they were."
Good gawd! If the reports are true and they had a child together than they were anything but strangers, and yet on the show both of them indicated that they'd like to date (and someone mentioned flirting). If that isn't deceiving the viewers, I don't know what is!
I think TLC's word games and misrepresentations are coming back to bite them a bit. They may think they "don't care", but they will as their shows are becoming more scrutinized now, and questioned by a lot of media.
For those of you who are interested in true info about the Amish, there is an excellent, informative, highly-regarded website and blog,, which explains a lot. There is interesting conversation on there, and right now ongoing comments on the TLC show. Look on the right on the homepage and you will see links to recent comments on it.
@Kateplusmy8 What's on the menu for dinner tonight?
Why is this important? Why would a sheeple care what Kate is having for dinner? Is she planning to stop by for the leftovers tomorrow or hoping that Kate puts out an extra plate for her? Or is it that they really don't give a rat's rear end, but figure if they ask a question, Kate is going to respond and make their day?
Sorry for being so cynical, but some of these people just drive me nuts with their ridiculous tweets. I know, I know...then don't read them!!!
I just honestly don't get how anyone thinks this kid is sweet or cute. That whole family is freaky.
When Kate first tweeted that she was running a marathon, then a 10K 2 weeks later, and then a half, 2 weeks after that. This was in response to someone who wanted to meet up with her to do a run on Oct 21, and she said it didn't fit into her schedule.
Kate did tweet that she would be running in LA. RnR is having a half in LA on Oct.28. There is a RnR 10K in NY on Oct. 13. Runners World is also sponsoring a 5k, 10k and half in Bethlehem, PA on Oct.20 & 21. I wonder if that was the race the person who tweeted her was asking about.
So I assume all the races she mentioned are in October.
This is interesting. Kate popped on and tweeted 3 times 45 minutes ago and has only had 15 fans respond. That is unheard of. She should have had many more responses than that.
Interest is waning, Kate old girl.
I love malapropisms in idioms!
@BarbaraJean_s @Berksgrl @EmeraldCityJazz @Kateplusmy8 That sounded like spoiled grapes to me.
By the way, where is Mrs. Malaprop?
Here I am! \o/ My goodness - you all have been posting so much it took me forever to read everything!
Can you even believe the whole gosselinbook thing? I can't wait to read it! Not because I think it will tell us much we don't already know or surmise, but because it will feel so good to know that Kate's been outed. I'm sure she's plotting her rounds on the talk show circuit so she can milk it for all it's worth.
I think a costume party for Halloween sounds like great fun. It would be cool if there was some way for everyone to have a number or something so there could be an answer sheet we could look at to see if we guessed correctly. But people in blue would have to not use their account . . .
A "John" (no, not THAT kind!) posted on the Amishamerica site about one of the Amish girls on the show:
Katie Ann is my wife’s niece and her father is my cousin, she had left home a while ago, therefore it’s not like she left her parents house and went to New York."
I'm just too tired to figure this out. What is the relationship between John and his wife and Katie and the cousin? I must be losing it here. Does this make sense?
"...that whole family is freaky."
I think that's being too kind! :-)
Where, oh where has the info gone? Oh where, oh
where can it be?
I can't find the info on the tax forms. Can anyone point me there? I can't find anything of note anywhere on the Gosselinbook. The pics are gone, everything.
It's pouring down rain at my house right now. Hope Stephanie took cover!
Mrs. Malaprop, 73..."It's pouring down rain at my house right now. Hope Stephanie took cover!"
No doubt UNDER the covers!
The Emmy awards on this Sunday. Wonder if Kate Gosselin is NOT on twitter cause she seeing how far down she has become since her first & only visit to the Emmys, but wishing/hoping "someone" will invite her! However, Kate must be hiding with the Gosselinbook coming and Emmy awards here.
DTWS all-star will be coming on soon I wonder if Kate will watch.
".Kids greet me outside 'ready2sprint w us?|
Gotta love these little stories Kate makes up.
Friday afternoon, kids come home, no school tomorrow, let's kick back. But do they? Nooooo. They are lined up, waiting with baited breath for Mommie Dearest to come home so they can *cough* sprint with her.
Yeah. Uh huh. I have a stack of 8 tracks in my mother's garage that her sheeple might be interested in, too. Apparently they'll buy anything.
He closed the other one yesterday.
Fido -
I'm just too tired to figure this out. What is the relationship between John and his wife and Katie and the cousin? I must be losing it here. Does this make sense?
Lol, the Amish are frequently distantly (sometimes not so distantly) related - there are connections everywhere.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Just back from a hard &fast almost 4mile run...Kids greet me outside 'ready2sprint w us?' Uh..Sure!(I better stay in shape2keep up w them!)
WTF is she trying to promote a fitness show now?
fidosmommy-Robert H. transferred everything from to his blogger page. You can read it here:
Even though I hate to say anything about a child, who really does not know enough that she'll likely hate all that has been filmed of her, I have to agree with many previous posters: that child grates on my last nerve!! obnoxious, not cute in any way, shape or form and certainly not entertaining. Thing is, I get the feeling she has been raised with manners....polite to most, heeds her Mamas word in most cases. Think TLC is showcasing all the 'crazy' about her in the worse possible light. WTH else is new though, right?
On the other hand...don't know what it is but I just near love June! Hubby thinks she's a riot. No problem with the adults showcasing themselves, but, just like the creepy Gosselins, these folks wouldn't have a reality show if not for their just turned 7 year old daughter. Can you imagine the teasing that will follow HER for the rest of her life? Just like poor Hannah and her unnerwares and Colin and his impaction. Nice parents. Gold stars all around! : /
Twittering - no doubt! ha ha ha
I take the orange sublingual and they taste ok. Both the peppermint and orange have about the same rating online ( reviews).
They do take a while to dissolve. They are not like a fizzy sublingual that dissolves right away.
I feel safe in recommending the orange flavor. Not as good as gourmet chocolate but not bitter or nasty. Sort of like an orange lifesaver I guess.
One thing I'm thinking about is that for me, I am nervous about going to bed with the tablet under my tongue in case I am overcome with sleepiness (ha, probably won't happen) but I worry about choking.
If I take it while I'm up reading for the 30-45 minutes before I go to bed, it dissolves and I head to bed with an empty mouth.
I might try the capsules next. Will let you know if that works as well.
Oh Auntie Ann....8 tracks, they'll buy anything! Hahahahaha! You are so good!!
BTW, the brand I got was Source Naturals, the 30 tablet bottle for about $5 + shipping.
Small enough amount to try without paying lots of money.
Thank you for the link to Hoffman's blog.
Honey Boo Boo. I've been told the mother is more the focus than the child. Do you think so?
fidosmommy, I see what he posted yesterday.
LBelle - really. Kate feeds her sheep these stupid stories and they eat every word of it and chew it like cud. Gawd, if she's going to lie at least make it sound half-ass plausible. At least tell the fans she asked the kids if they wanted to go on a run and one of them said okay, let's go.
(btw, my mom really does still have all the 8 tracks she and dad used to listen to when they bought a car that came with an 8 track player back in the 70's. lol)
@SouthernMomma85 it's a school smell and I know exactly what you mean... Ugh!
What in heaven's name is she talking about? There is no UGH school smell that I can detect or have ever detected, but of course I wash the clothing every day. Gym shorts get a bit funky, but heck, they're gym shorts!
Thanks for the advice on the Gaba Calm...going to get some tomorrow.
I added my "like" at 6:05 p.m. and TGB now has 64 likes. The August posters were quite harsh -- must be Kate's few fans spewing.
Oh, geez, Milo, we know you are Kate's bestest friend from here to infinity, professional foot massager, personal drooler/slobberer, and butt kisser extraordinaire, but are you now grifting for her, too?
@Kateplusmy8 Paige brought up ur need of big toaster...did Jan Leno ever send U one! He #promised on national TV! LOL
Library Lady -- Williamsburg and Amana Colonies
In 2000 we took a long tour around the country in our RV. We were headed to Dayton, OH at the time but were in Western Iowa when Hubby asked about where to stop that evening. I offered a couple suggestions, then announced I wanted to go north a few miles to Amana. Now figuring he'd connect that name to the one on his RadarRange (microwave) he agreed. He was delighted with the area, it's history, the people and the food. On day 2 we approached a large manufacturing facility with a huge "AMANA" sign on the top. He actually pulled off the road as he finally put 1+1=2. He had no clue that the Amana Colonies actually made the Amana products. It's one of my favorite stories to tell on him.
@Kateplusmy8 EXCELLENT!!!! How do u get the slices so nice & even?!
They need recipes for bread crumbs, and now they need advice how to slice the bread.
I need a drink...
Not sure how "busted" TLC is over this new show. Kate spoke at length of her time in Florida and her DUI so there was no cover up that this were her first time away from the Amish life. And Rebecca said she knew Abe from church so they were not strangers and made no effort to lead anyone to believe that they were.
I don't know, I think they're pretty busted. They said it was their first time outside the community. That hasn't been true for most of them.
Hoffman has a new post up on Kate's "friends".
I dont judge the client in front of me. I eval, assess, and try to meet their needs.
Bingo. Same with doctors. You don't pick and choose your patients. You help everyone. There are few professions where you can be that picky especially if you're in public service. You take every client who comes through your door, no questions asked. Defend the rights of those who need it--not defend the rights of only people you like. For as much as I disagree with Kate, I would never disagree that she has a right to get herself an attorney. I may not like she's spending the kids' money on outrageous attorneys fees and think she could find someone more reasonable, but she still has a right to get an attorney.
Sometimes I think the sheep really are ignorant to the ways of the world. And don't think things through. How would they feel if THEY ever need a family law attorney that their attorney turned them down?
Twittering And Twattering said... 95
They need recipes for bread crumbs, and now they need advice how to slice the bread.
I need a drink...
Scoot over, girlfriend.
Librarylady 80 -- OTOH,the connection could be by marriage, as in the man's cousin married his wife's sister. I'm enjoying reading about the different Amish sects, etc. My grandmother was raised Mennonite, but she was unchurched for marrying out of session. She died when I was 6, so I never learned much about her background. My mom wouldn't talk about it much, either.
I don't like Honey BooBoo either. I don't find her cute or endearing at all. I've seen her on a few clips but I've never seen the show and I don't intend to. I really don't watch much reality TV. I tune in to "Face/Off" occasionally and used to watch "Celebrity Rehab" once in a while, but usually I stick to my scripted shows like "Castle" and "Bones" and "The Closer" and "Rizolli and Isles". Of course, I've already outed myself as a big Trekker and Gater.
Mrs. Malaprop -- How's Moses doing? He still taking over the house (and hearts)?
Twittering And Twattering said... 65
@Kateplusmy8 What's on the menu for dinner tonight?
Why is this important? Why would a sheeple care what Kate is having for dinner? Is she planning to stop by for the leftovers tomorrow or hoping that Kate puts out an extra plate for her? Or is it that they really don't give a rat's rear end, but figure if they ask a question, Kate is going to respond and make their day?
Sorry for being so cynical, but some of these people just drive me nuts with their ridiculous tweets. I know, I know...then don't read them!!!
Its important enough for u to post about it!
KAT #57 "Whats up with the marathons...I know they were in she wimping out or no one wants to pay her way..."
Montreal's Marathon (a full) is on this Sunday. But I doubt that she'll be there. It's not a R&R, and she seems to only be going to those. (Apart from the charity runs...) My bet would be that she's under contract with R&R. (There were rumours that her new BBB was part of the deal.) But then again, I have no proof of that whatsoever.
That Hoffman book can't be published soon enough for me, I tell you.. .
secret2 said... 101
Twittering And Twattering said... 65
@Kateplusmy8 What's on the menu for dinner tonight?
Why is this important? Why would a sheeple care what Kate is having for dinner? Is she planning to stop by for the leftovers tomorrow or hoping that Kate puts out an extra plate for her? Or is it that they really don't give a rat's rear end, but figure if they ask a question, Kate is going to respond and make their day?
Sorry for being so cynical, but some of these people just drive me nuts with their ridiculous tweets. I know, I know...then don't read them!!!
Its important enough for u to post about it!
I agree! Agreeance in the agreeable!
i would much rather hear about what Twittering and Twattering is having tomorrow night coz she is a REAL human making REAL dinner on a REAL budget, not a $2M a year beggar and jail potential fraud, ordering in from some kind of craft services or restuarant service.
Twittering, shame on your for wondering about not wondering what the rich have for dinner in their mansion and those who wonder about the wondering!
I poured a jar of pizza sauce over browned chicken breasts, added garlic, additional basil and then big big big handfuls of 6 Cheese Italian shredded cheese. Over linguini. Not a single thing organic.
Sheelple, go to or ask friends (real ones, not child pimp millionaires) for ideas.Kate only knows what her hired hands tell her to say.
"Its important enough for u to post about it!"
Reading comprehension problem? I asked why the meal is important. It's not about the tweet being important or not, although it is as funny as all get out. Funny, sad and needy at the same time.
Oops! I forgot! I agree, agree, agree! It's not important. You're right, Friday night driveby! It's about that time again! Take a load off your feet and have a Rumspringa. My!
I couldn't post a comment on Gosselin book site so I'll post it here in case Robert reads here, if that is alright Admin: Robert, I love you! Bring it!
Robert Hoffman, if you're reading, interesting snippet about Easter. So I guess Kate spent thousands upon thousands of dollars to "protect" property from paps then makes sure that the Easter egg hunt is conducted in the only place paps could see and photograph it. I have to wonder if Kate ever tells the truth.
i would much rather hear about what Twittering and Twattering is having tomorrow night coz she is a REAL human making REAL dinner on a REAL budget, not a $2M a year beggar and jail potential fraud, ordering in from some kind of craft services or restuarant service.
LOL, Dwindle! You're funny! I was just thinking about tomorrow's meal. We're having some friends over, and I was checking the weather to see if rain is in the forecast. I was planning on throwing some teriyaki salmon on the grill, with roasted herb potatoes, asparagus, and a tomato, onion and cucumber salad. Not too expensive, easy, and healthy! No bread, though, because I don't know how to slice it.
Dessert? Undecided. Any suggestions?
Hoffman's new post is interesting. Calling her OUT!
LOL - you go, Robert!
What's with the @Guiliana Rancic in one of her twits?
Yeah, like Guiliana Rancic would have ANYTHING to do with the carrier....
Uh huh, right. We believe that one, don't we girls?
ncgirl said... 97
Hoffman has a new post up on Kate's "friends".
"If Kate wanted to protect her children from the single paparazzo and me, she wouldn’t have had the eggs placed in the only part of her property that we have a crystal-clear view of. She would have had the eggs placed only on the right side of the house, behind the house, or better yet, in the HUGE horse paddock behind the house where nobody could ever see." Robert Hoffman
Badda bing badda boom!
Exactly what we have been saying! Oh thank you JESUS we are not crazy!
Read the whole post! she makes this crap up, pulls 2 women off the street, wont hardly give them they time of day, practically has to pay them money each to stand still so her gigilo can snap a pic, sits with them for 20 mintues for a leaf of lettuce and four glasses of wine, and calls the her "Friends". Then spends 36 hours tweeting non stop about her new besties! (Who she will never ever ever see again coz they hate her).
PUKE PUKE PUKE! But RH gets it, oh thank god in heaven.
We are not alone!
"I couldn't post a comment on Gosselin book site"
Hoffman probably has the comments disabled because of the sheeple.
Guiliana Rancic was just included in the tweet with Kate. Somebody said they were inspiring women. Woman who struggled with infertility and had breast cancer vs. Kate(who I guess struggled with infertility)
Try this if it happens again. Before you hit anything else, hit the page back arrow next to the address bar. I have done that when my post disappears and it restores all I have written. Hope it works for you.
njay -- Thanks. Sometimes it works. This time it didn't because I lost my internet connection for a second just as I hit "publish". We're having thunderstorms here, so that's probably the issue. Some days, though. blogger just hates me.
Twittering -- You can't go wrong with something chocolate. EVERYTHING (well, almost everything, LOL) goes with chocolate. If you invite me for dinner, I'll even supply the chocolate! If you get the idea that I'm a chocoholic, I plead guilty.
Hoffman has another post about Julie Carson May and the church speaking. Break out the rumspringa.
I found it interesting in the "friends" post Hoffman said Steve's parents stayed at Kate's for the holidays. Gina was mentioned so I guess nothing shady was going on. Kate met them in New Zealand on the show, right?
Sorry people, just saw Kates bread pic that she claims she sliced. We all saw in a previous pic, of a sandwhich that Kate sliced the bread. It was thick and uneven. These 2 loaves are too perfectly sliced, and the slices are even, you only get that, by using a bread slicing machine(like the ones at the supermarket). Who is Kate tryin to kid, her sheeple? Kate claims that she uses a sharp knife,lots of practice, and cuts the Bread in half, then in half again: WHAT? That is not how you slice bread, and your bread would not look like that evenly sliced bread. If, I did not know any better, that looks like store bought, and put in freezer bags. Or besides the meat slicer, mabe Kate got an attachment, of a bread slicer with the meat slicer. Sorry Kate not buying it.
Robert Hoffman has confirmed what has been discussed here regarding the Easter egg hunt and her "friends".
Wow.. took me forever to catch up with all the posts!
Rhymes, HUGE Mad Men Fan!
Can't wait for Robert's book. Have had a good feeling about him. Thank you Robert for doing what we've tried YEARS to do! Guess what, Kate? You have no control over this one. Sucks, doesn't it?
Twittering -- You can't go wrong with something chocolate. EVERYTHING (well, almost everything, LOL) goes with chocolate. If you invite me for dinner, I'll even supply the chocolate! If you get the idea that I'm a chocoholic, I plead guilty.
Do you have any good savory chocolate recipes?
Oh My God. Just read the latest post by RH. Kate Gosselin does. not. have. a. decent. bone. in. her. body.
From Kate's blog,
Today I choose…
- to take the road less traveled which is the hard road because I know it is the best thing to do and the outcome is always the most rewarding!
Yes, Kate. The road to the church a mile further because it has bigger $ value. You bet your ass the outcome was most rewarding.
- hold myself to the highest standards possible in order to live the most achieved life imaginable for myself and the ones I love!
You set the 'standard' bar pretty low. A snake would have to crawl OVER it to get to the other side.
-to ignore hate, dishonesty, attempted sabotage, and the ones that wish it on me and instead pay kindness, acceptance and positivity forward!
Yes, of course you should ignore dishonesty. If you paid attention to it, you'd have a conscience. BUT YOU DON'T so whatever works for ya Kate you lying sack of shit.
I wasn't born yesterday...there is no way she sliced that bread by hand with a knife! If you slice a loaf in half, and then slice each half into slices, the two would not match up so exactly when you put them back together. I'm thinking she grifted an industrial bakery slicer. Or does her fancy pants bread machine slice as well?
@Kateplusmy8 EXCELLENT!!!! How do u get the slices so nice & even?!
They need recipes for bread crumbs, and now they need advice how to slice the bread.
I guess they never heard of a bread slicer be for.
Does target have organic candy??
koop dedoo - Yep. I call bullshit on that too. I'm the kitchen gadget queen. I have a similar one of these:
When you order your fancy new Emeril T-fal bread machine that bakes not only your choice of 2 lb or 3 lb loaves, but also bakes breadsticks (as Kate calls them) or better yet, baguettes as the rest of the civilized world calls them; you can also order a fancy bread slicer that's made of plastic with guides to help you slice your bread in even 'store-bought like' slices.
Kate is such a fraud.
Did anyone else notice RH's countdown? From the 8th day of the Gosselin book. Today's latest posting is now the 5th day. #anticipation
I can't take another one of her lies and I don't even know her personally. No wonder people leave her. She's a pathological liar. How could you ever trust this woman?
Hey, I just took a look at the article Hoffman posted about the 'two friends' Kate had girls time with. The picture he also posted, the one on Kate's left, is wearing that red bandage dress Kate wore at the cc seminar..or whatever it is called. Humm, go figure.
Chefsummer: Did you know that there is candy corn M& M's ? I tried them not bad, it's white chocolate with candy corn flavor. They are in white, orange & yellow. And Walgreens has the brach candy corn in small bags for .99. I call that just enough.
How much does bread cost in PA? She said she saves $2-$3 per loaf by making her own. I'm not a baker and don't have a bread machine so a question for those of you who do. She said all that bread came from one loaf. Is that possible? Maybe the angle of the camera made the slices look bigger then they actually are. I agree that it looks like a bakery slicer was used. That looks exactly like the nice even slices I get when I have them slice a loaf at the grocery store $1.99 fresh at five!
njay...not the same dress, but very similar.
anger issues kate said... 128
I did yeah I was going to try it.
Berks- You're on the money regarding Kate using a bread slicer. My brother bought one for my mother for Christmas one year,plastic with the guides!
Kate must think we all share one brain cell..
Twittering -- You can't go wrong with something chocolate. EVERYTHING (well, almost everything, LOL) goes with chocolate. If you invite me for dinner, I'll even supply the chocolate! If you get the idea that I'm a chocoholic, I plead guilty.
Well, haul it on over here and you can help me with dinner! Is chocolate bread pudding too heavy?
Holistic Health Productions paid Kate and 'Plus 8 Ministries' $25,000 for a single speaking engagement, and the speaking calendar quickly filled up with more lucrative paydays.
$1,800+ to $25,000 when she hire Julie can you say holy S**t.
NJGal51 said... 129
How much does bread cost in PA?
She can go to Giant and get their brand of Italian bread (thick-sliced) for $1.49 a loaf. They were running specials not too long ago...3 loaves for three dollars.
Just looked at that photo (link posted by Berks) and magnified it. Look at that face. And those eyelashes. And that stupid, phoney veneer grin. Then "Plus 8 Ministries" ??
She's the reincarnation of Tammy Faye Baker.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 135
NJGal51 said... 129
How much does bread cost in PA?
She can go to Giant and get their brand of Italian bread (thick-sliced) for $1.49 a loaf. They were running specials not too long ago...3 loaves for three dollars.
Sure Kate can buy her bread like us normal folk.
But then she can't say she got up early to make homemade bread.
Auntie - I'm with you. I'm not sure I can take these lies. She and JCM actually cooked up that cancel churches and book another on the same date at a higher rate? Wasn't she afraid that the cancelled church would find out, or didn't she care? I knew it was bad, but this is just unconscionable.
Chefsummers: I saw that happen with James Marsters, it use to be fun and inexpensive to go and see James, then he hire this LA PR firm and every performance and appearance went from affordable $20-$50 to $250 and more a ticket. At Chicago Comic con, his weekend VIP tickets were almost $300. They were half a decade ago $50 at the most. James has also become less friendly with fans, this PR people are all business, you know celeb in celeb out no talking, sign autograph and move on no talking, no pics, unless you pay for them. He too has gone from nice friendly guy to money grubbing celeb. Two years ago, he was at Chicago comic con and I just went over to say hi, (I would see him before at 10-20 appearances), his PR woman, said to me he has to go, no time to talk, go where? 2 seconds to just say Hi back. I guess that takes a lot of time. I called after him, not a fan of yours anymore, he did turn an looked. I looked at him and laught. He has turn to be a joke, still chasing after fame with Buffy the Vampire show, which has been off the air for what 6-7 years. Amazing what fame does to people.
Auntie Ann 119,
Does this mean the carrier is adopting a pre-emptive 'deny and deflect' posture in preparation for the book release?
Berks Neighbor said... 130
Thanks for the correction. I guess when it comes to mummy wardrobes, they all look alike. After all, mummy wear may differ in looks but they all accomplish the same purpose. They cover that which has no life left in them.
Ok, maybe it's not that funny but I'm having a little fun with it. He he, snort.
carrier........... it's spelled WHOA... for the 100th time, it is { W H O A }
Look it up on your 145th pink iphone.
Of course, you'd be depriving us of our daily chuckles at your grammar and spelling.
Blowing In The Wind said... 138
I knew it was bad, but this is just unconscionable.
Blowing - It's unconscionable to the nth degree. Just the name Plus 8 Ministries blows my mind. No wonder she's fighting that book. It may be small potatoes now, but if this book comes out and it gets some attention, look out. Kate is going to get her 15 minutes but it's going to be in a courtroom. That's how long it'll take them to find her guilty.
Deny and Deflect - I'm not sure if she planned it as a pre-emptive argument or not. She posted that Today I Choose blog months ago. I think she thought no one would ever find out about the extent of the scamming she's been pulling off for years. She thinks because she's fooled a handful of sheeple, the whole world is stupid.
'Plus 8 Ministries'?? Does that mean that the Gosselins set themselves up as an official 501c3 "ministry"? Did that make the "love offerings" & speaking fees tax exempt? hmmmm....
I'm growing fond of woah. It's as familiar as sediments now. lol
"Holistic Health Productions paid Kate and 'Plus 8 Ministries' $25,000 for a single speaking engagement, and the speaking calendar quickly filled up with more lucrative paydays."
Didn't they also demand transportation and lodging on top of that? Meals, too? Is there a rider somewhere? I though that someone had published it at one time.
One of her fans asked if M & C were in a Royal Caribbean commercial, because it looked like them.
Kate replied:
@LMillly lol no, its not Mady&Cara.But I know they would both LOVE to do commercials! Haven't seen that one..Of course I don't watch much tv
Trying to get the word out there, Kate? Hire my kids-they'd love to do commercials?
I was looking at some old tweets of Kate's. She mentioned that Mady's new love was sewing and they were looking for lessons that they could take together. Whatever happened to that? I guess nobody donated a sewing machine and that project was quickly dismissed.
Rhymes with Witch said... 196
"I do believe that the book will be coming soon and that we will all be shocked by some of the revelations. I can't help but think that the TLC staff were privy to some abuse those kids endured from Kate, but that they were silenced by her signed confidentiality agreements."
I do remember reading that the original film crew asked to be reassigned because what they witnessed was so upsetting..
Rhymes With Witch, this was exactly what I was thinking about a couple of days ago. That some of the crew couldn't stay on because what they were witnessing was "against their morals" or something like that (sorry, I don't have link either but I remember it distinctly!)
Rainbirdie said... 144
'Plus 8 Ministries'?? Does that mean that the Gosselins set themselves up as an official 501c3 "ministry"? Did that make the "love offerings" & speaking fees tax exempt? hmmmm....
She wouldn't qualify would she? None of the earnings from it could go to her then. Just guessing, I'm not familiar with US income tax.
"Trying to get the word out there, Kate? Hire my kids-they'd love to do commercials?"
Yeah, I'm sure Cara would love to do commercials. She won't stop, will she? Maybe the book will stop her.
@The21stQuinn aw thanks! Can't wait to sleep! And I KNOW God loves me--He's blessed me far more than I could dream possible!:)God loves u2:)
uh, oh. This is strange. No doubt she knows the book is coming out and is doing the religious thing now. It's all she has left.
@The21stQuinn aw thanks! Can't wait to sleep! And I KNOW God loves me--He's blessed me far more than I could dream possible!:)God loves u2:) 26 minutes ago
I am reaching for my barf bucket as I type.
After that I'm going to go pour a triple Rumpringa ... neat.
Doesn't Jon still have to sign for the kids to be on TV for a commercial? He can just refuse to sign.
A judge won't find any compelling reason to overrule him because doing a commercial is not vital to the well-being of the child and there is no current contract in play to uphold.
Am I right Admin?
Besides, I think it's a moot point. None of the kids have the talent or personality to work on TV. The kids who get the commercials are the kids who've taken dancing, singing, acting lessons... and there are millions of them out there.
The G kids would never pass an audition and companies don't want anyone associated with any controversy. Nope, the carrier can hint and beg all she wants but it ain't gonna happen.
Auntie...I have my own cup. Please, please, PLEASE share the rumspringa with me before I completely go off!!!!!!
Oh lordy,
I'm getting an upsetting visual: kart taking one of the kids to an audition.
Let's see..... she'd be in a long line of mediocre people who would want to talk with her or who would ignore her. All of the other kids auditioning would ignore her death stares.
She'd bark at some poor production assistant that 'she' simply couldn't be expected to wait in a line with "all these other people because of the security risk". She'd ask for a bottle of water and not share with her child.
She'd insist on being present for the audition and would thoroughly piss off the producers/directors and embarrass her kid.
When they say 'thank you, leave your photos with the assistant and we'll be in touch' she'll tell them 'no that won't work for me - you do know who I am, don't you? I have 8 count'em 8 kids each more talented than the last. Well, except for the boys... and I simply must know right now that you've chosen MY child. Oh and here's MY contract demands..., oh and don't call my ex, he's not involved in this because he has no right to know what I do with my kids"
kart will be sorely confused about why no one calls her and her kids aren't chosen. she'll tweet that god loves her even if the ignorant producers don't.
After that I'm going to go pour a triple Rumpringa ... neat.
Auntie, if you wouldn't be so far away we'd go out together for some triple Rumspringas. I know where they serve ones that are to die for!
I saw the sliced bread. I'm sure Joel gets the slices with the big holes torn out of them.
Plus 8 Ministries? Was that organization run out of their master bedroom closet or basement storage room? I'd like to see that bogus organization's financial earnings and expenses. I wonder what state or country was used for incorporation.
Will someone pass the Rumspringa my way? She's been laying it on thick tonight.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
RT @RealRomaDowney Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure. ~ Paulo Coelho MY HEART IS W MY KIDS.THEY R MY TREASURES
Stephanie is only 2.8 miles away, and unless she's still under the covers, maybe she'd like to meet up for a drink with y'all!
One of her fans tweeted this to SG. Tell me how is this not bullying? And to top it off, Kate congratulates her!
@SchmeckyGirl @kateplusmy8 Schmecky, get a life! This convo is between me,K8,& and anyone that ISNT a lowlife bully! Get a job or a hobby!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
@xxxxx yay! You tell those bullies! Thanks for your support! XO! And welcome, btw!:)
This person has been tweeting Kate for almost a month, and just NOW Kate welcomes her?
Another Rumspringa, please!
Kate is a twit 159,
she's getting nervous about the book release. If Hoffman thinks it might be released as soon as next week, she and her lawyers surely know by now that they cannot block the publication.
I'm guessing she's pissed, drunk tweeting and pulling out all the 'feel sorry for me' shit she can.
OK, off to bed. I'm slowing working back from the 4 AM bedtimes. It's a slow stuggle, and frankly I'm not really sure I want/need to but it will make the DH happy.
Someone else on here (Parent or Readerlady?) said she was wide awake at 3 AM and ready to go shopping like it was the middle of the day. That's me too!
Hopefully this Gaba Calm will continue to work...
GN all <--- that's my kart sign off, so she knows I've gone to bed! LOL
LBelle - I'll bring another bottle up from the basement. We'll finish off both bottles. And maybe break into a third.
Parent - I wish I were there too. I think I'll put 'visit Lancaster County and drink Rumspringa with you' on my bucket list.
Kate is a twit - Here you go. (fills glass)
It's definitely a Rumspringa night.
chefsummer said... 29
librarylady said... 27
What exactly is her purpose at these marathons? They don't promote her, she doesn't promote them, but somehow she is associated? Seems like a waste of money for them.
I don't get why she's doing all the races either makes no sense.
But that's Kate Gosselin for you she makes no sense.
I think Kate does these marathons for the simple reason it takes her AWAY from her children.
ugh... struggle...... not stuggle.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
RT @RealRomaDowney Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure. ~ Paulo Coelho MY HEART IS W MY KIDS.THEY R MY TREASURES
Thanks Auntie! Aaaahhhh.....starting to feel better already. You know, I just have to say....since I'm rumspinging and all......I have not 'hated' anybody since middle school...( she did deserve my wrath, muahahaha) but I DETEST every single orange inch of that bunt Kreider! I do. I hate her!! I really, really do and am not at all ashamed to say it! I hope Karma kicks her pancake ass for eternity! I hope this book forces her back under the rock she came slithering out of. I especially hope that the G8 get to live with the only parent who has ever cared for them full time!
I had to get that off my chest. Sorry.
It's definitely a Rumspringa night.
That it is, Auntie. That it is. Since I'm probably going to be up all night again, I have no idea what shape I will be in tomorrow, and I have some serious grocery shopping I need to do. Thank goodness for @Keurig and @Coffeemate.
Speaking of Kate's marathons, I guess she was too busy to sign up for the 5K female-male partners race at school on October 6. Oops. She'd have to have a male partner. Steve? Wherefore art thou?
I hate sap. Those drippy, sweet platitudes on
plaques, cross stitched pieces, bookmarks, etc.
are things I despise. I was once given two - count 'em two - of those footprint in the sand
framed prints. I know many love that thing, but I hate it. Too sappy. So, my point is that
Kate's drooling of these sappy sentiments her tweeties drip into her mouth make me ill. I hate sap.
I never would have guessed Kate liked it either.
It may be a new identity. Sap. Who knows?
The only plaque I have ever liked was the one that said "A clean house is the sign of a misspent life." I broke it when I was cleaning one day...
LOL LBelle. Rumspringa has a way of doing that. Here, have another.
Why is Kate still up? It's gotta be after 1 am where she is. Something bothering her? I can't imagine what it could be.
Bwa ha.
Bwa ha ha ha.
After midnight in Pennsylvania and Kate's still tweeting. Guess someone's having trouble sleeping with the Hoffman book on the horizon. Karma, baby.
When someone has to lie about slicing their bread I'd say that's pathological.
Two years ago, he was at Chicago comic con and I just went over to say hi, (I would see him before at 10-20 appearances), his PR woman, said to me he has to go, no time to talk, go where? 2 seconds to just say Hi back. I guess that takes a lot of time. I called after him, not a fan of yours anymore, he did turn an looked.
Um, dude? This is WHY he hired a PR person. You sound like a loon.
Why is Kate still up? It's gotta be after 1 am where she is. Something bothering her? I can't imagine what it could be.
But she has so many friends, friends, friends, to whom she can turn in her time of need. I'm sure she'll put them up in the Homewood Suites and she can visit them there when she needs to be consoled. The book should be of no worry to her.
Oops. Got the time wrong. After midnight is still late for Kate. She usually drops into bed early from exhaustedishness.
Yes, visiting them in a hotel 7 miles away would be far more convenient. Not.
He's really calling her out. I love it.
Gee, thanks Auntie, I think I will have another ( bottle! )
And another, just kidding. I'm done ranting about the loser.
Maybe she can't sleep cuz she's feeling my Sheldon-esque blowing-up-her-head-with-my-mind trick I've been doing for the last hour! Might need to grift me a voodoo doll next!
Night ladies! You all rock! xo
I get why you are all excited by Hoffman's book, but putting that aside, don't you find him to be a bit weird? With having a family of his own why would he spend Easter Sunday outside of Kate's house? By the sounds of it his book will be the length of Gone With The Wind. Doesn't that sound a little obsessive?
Just wondering, I agree. The guy sounds off his rocker. Who would dedicate their life to outing a Z-lister like Kate?
I get why Kate hires bodyguards. Creepy people out there.
Of course, if any of what this Robert Hoffman is even saying is true. Which I highly doubt. Sounds like he's just looking for blog attention.
Goodnight LBelle. Voodoo. lol.
I'm headed to bed too.
Just wondering - I have to agree with you there. Yes, I did find that part a little disturbing, unless he was proving a point about the paps. I don't know.
As far as the length of his book, consider the number of lies she's told. 38 chapters and counting probably. Tomorrow is another day, after all.
Just wondering said... 178
I get why you are all excited by Hoffman's book, but putting that aside, don't you find him to be a bit weird? With having a family of his own why would he spend Easter Sunday outside of Kate's house? By the sounds of it his book will be the length of Gone With The Wind. Doesn't that sound a little obsessive?
People who are writing books can often sound and even be a bit obsessive at time. :)
anger issues, what would you have expected that young actor to do? No offense, but sometimes fans take things a little too far. Kind of like Kate's sheep. Actually, exactly like Kate's sheep. They seem to think she is their friend, too. Could you elaborate a little on that role?
AuntieAnn said... 176
Yes, visiting them in a hotel 7 miles away would be far more convenient. Not.
Maybe can she run the 7 miles to the hotel.
I mean she ran the full R&R in LV so no sweat.
"Which I highly doubt. Sounds like he's just looking for blog attention."
If that's true, I would think that he could do it much cheaper! Attorneys' fees could eat him alive. Who needs the aggravation of going through a lie detector test and running up billing hours just to get blog attention?
"I get why Kate hires bodyguards. Creepy people out there."
Yes, indeed, and some of them have lights out men and want to have dinner waiting for her, while others play Perry Mason 24/7.
I believe Steve said in an interview that the reason security was hired was because of obsessive fans, particularly those who followed her around at various events.
Sue Buddy,
Having never written a book I was wondering if writing about a real person if it can be a love/hate obsession. What are your thoughts? Kate is not a top tier celebrity and, in my opinion, the book will have a limited audience. So why would Hoffman spend all this time and money for what would be in reality a non event.
@TheAustinMartin @kateplusmy8: how can I get a 'Team Kate' bracelet?? Please and thank you 💓
Careful, Austin! If you start marketing these, Kate's going to want a cut!
Just wondering said... 186
Sue Buddy,
Having never written a book I was wondering if writing about a real person if it can be a love/hate obsession. What are your thoughts? Kate is not a top tier celebrity and, in my opinion, the book will have a limited audience. So why would Hoffman spend all this time and money for what would be in reality a non event.
Good question. I don't know anyone personally who has ever written a biography. I know writers (of novels) can develop a love/hate relationship with a character in their book but that's a different thing.
Since Robert is in the gossip magazine business, so to speak, and his wife has written about her plus he's met people who know her, she might have just grabbed his attention in a way that she'd grabbed ours. I'd be surprised if he thinks the book will be a blockbuster.
She's definitely enigmatic. Maybe by investigating her activities he's figured her out somewhat. Just guessing.
Sue Buddy,
Kate didn't just grab Hoffman's attention she holds it. That is why I think he is obsessed. What does he get out of it? I think by the end of this he will have spent more than he will ever make. To the mainstream press he will come across as creepy and stalkerish by his tweets and blog posts and be ignored by them. So, what is his payoff, so to speak, do you guess, from writing this book?
Today there was a commercial on the local radio station announcing try-outs for Disney Teevee. Something about auditions for kids. Guess who I thought of?
Hope they keep the search away from Pa, cause we all know she'll pack her eight (count um 8) kids up and hi tail it to the place and sign them up.
Even better, she would probably drive down here to New Orlrans if she knew they had a shot. She drove to Alabama for her free griftcation.
Dear Lord, baby Jesus please keep her out of Louisiana.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I don't know anyone who has a bread making machine here...Kate has got me thinkin abt it? She'd be a gr8 person 2recommend it!
You know how we always thought that Milo probably lives in some type of a facility, well what does she mean by "here". Am I reading this correctly? And a few weeks ago Milo signed off for the night a few minutes before Kate signed off.
And I recently listened to Fired Up (Milo) on Nina Frye's podcast program a few days ago, and she definitely sounds like an elderly woman. You can hear the program on It is Living The Dream Mom Show about the Gosselins.
KG, wonder what lies will you be telling to the Feds and DA to stay out of jail, no scratch that, PRISON, on all those multiple counts of felony fraud?
Yea, the author is the very least of this woman's worries.
JG, man you have my heart felt sympathy. How the hell did you get through all of her without a complete total breakdown? Your kids need you more than you will ever know. Be ready at any time to step up with your MOTHER (not any one else) to pickup the pieces.
Hire the professional health experts now to be on call. Peace be with you and your children.
Yes, indeed, and some of them have lights out men and want to have dinner waiting for her, while others play Perry Mason 24/7.
And others, as evidenced here, follow them around 20 - 25 times and think they are friends with them. Creeeepy.
And I KNOW God loves me--He's blessed me far more than I could dream possible!:)
Typical. Even Kate's God shows his love in material things.
What about people who are poor and struggling? God doesn't love them?
There is no god so the point is moot. If there is, please show him to me.
Julie - You are entitled to your faith in no God as I am entitled to my faith in my God as others are entitled to their faith in their respective God(s)/Goddess(es). I respect your right to Free Will far too much than to try and disprove your own faith in the non-existence of a higher power. I am sure you are a reasonable, intelligent person who has come to your own conclusions after much thoughtful consideration, research, and debate.
So there is no need to prove or disprove anything to you. Challenge passed over.
Sorry - that should have read "Challenge declined". I got distracted.
What about people who are poor and struggling? God doesn't love them?
*** Exactly. If there is a higher power, why would it allow all the suffering of innocent children? Why do pedophiles exist? Why are kids going to bed starving? Why doesn't this hower power DO something?
Just wondering@178. I find your post similar to something posted at CJ's "outing haters" blog and at around the same time. Do you post over there also?
Nope, I just erased that as religion is just as tough as politics. And I think I smell sheeple shit again. Have a great Saturday, work is done and I'm off to the homestead for sleep. It's been a rough week. Not a rough as Katie dear may have shortly but rough enough. Hope you lovely 15 minuters have a great weekend.
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