Reality T.V. Kids: "Oops."
TLC's hottest new show next to Honey Boo Boo child is about a good ole fashioned Rumspringa! TLC touts the show Breaking Amish as a group of young Amish leaving the community for the first time. But some impressive sleuths have helped made headlines after digging up some interesting information on the cast. In particular, cast member Kate (no relation to our Kate)
is reported by those who have seen her to drive a car, dress non-Amish, and work in a Ruby Tuesdays in Lebanon, PA. She was also shopping around modeling photos on a web site more than two years ago.
Other reports say that Rebecca and Abe, portrayed as strangers who just met, have a child together, and Jeremiah has been living outside of the Amish community for as many as 14 years, and is divorced with three kids. Oops, TLC! Time to bring out the damage control team hibernating since Kate Plus 8 was canceled!
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Pass the Swiffer! |
The same day all this is hitting the fan, good ole Eileen O'Neill, president of Discovery, gave another disingenuous interview in which she acts like, who me, what, people are upset about Honey Boo Boo? Oh well that's their opinion! Eileen goes on to claim she would never let her reality t.v. subjects be uncomfortable (which is why I guess she sued the pants off Jon when he left the show?) and that she is very proud of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo." No really, she used the word "proud."
Of this:
1193 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1193 Newer› Newest»Kate is a pathological liar. For some reason she has to portray herself as being perfect at everything. Who can relate to that? Even down to slicing bread. What an idiot.
Oh my! I just read Hoffman's latest. I AM SOOOO BUYING HIS BOOK!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
RT @RealRomaDowney Wherever your heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure. ~ Paulo Coelho MY HEART IS W MY KIDS.THEY R MY TREASURES
I think Kate doesn't remember her Bible.
Matthew 6:21 (KJV)
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Anyone remember in the Sopranos when Tony pulled a bag of money out of his ceiling? I think Kate hides her love offerings there too!
How many times (in a row!) does she have to retweet that people want to see their show back on tv? She is so desperate. And then saying her kids would LOVE to do commercials. Not going to happen.
The bread baking--she is just mixing up the dough and plopping it in the machine. It is not like she is kneading the dough and it is rising and she is kneading it again, etc. You can mix it in two minutes and throw it in the machine. No big deal. She acts like she is making a five course gourmet meal every day.
I remember years ago there were some pap photos of an elderly couple visiting Kate and kids and the gossip was that it was her parents or maybe someone from the early days of the show. No one could figure out who they were. Now I get it. It was Steve Neild's parents and depending on when those pictures were taken, the whole story from a " source" about Kate meeting Steve's parents for the first time in NewZealand was a crock of shit. I will have to go back to see if I can find those photos but my memory is that it was before she went to Australia and New Zealand.
We got it totally right about the "marathon girls" visit. They stayed at a hotel while Kate was alone at the house. I did not know Julie May Carson was still employed by Kate, though.
Robert took pictures of Easter Sunday and there was a pap there. Pretty funny how he says she uses Twitter to inform the paps when to take pictures. We knew that. God, we are good!
Oh, the greed has never ended on how she screwed over the church groups. We were right with the 25k figure too.
Good Morning America had piece on Breaking Amish being a fraud on sat am show. Showed the Breaking Amish The Truth Facebook page. Also the photo of the couple and their baby, and the girl pictured above. They reported TLCs weak excuse that they never said the cast was leaving for the FIRST time. Yeah, All the reporters laughed at that one.
I am pretty sure there are photos of an unidentified older couple at Kate's for Thanksgiving. Still looking for what year.
TLC stinks; are these the pictures? Sorry for using anon. But I haven't set up an account yet.
Kate gets obsessed with things,like baking bread..maybe trying new claims to fame? There are always a couple of sheeple who jump on the bandwagon with her. someone else asks America to rally round to get Kate back on TV? Wow.But Kate is more than exhausted, she's 'plain tired out.'
I don't think the poor overworked dear could handle TV- too tiring, according to most of her PM and AM tweets.I guess she's RT-ing Roma again.I think that bridge is burned...
THANK YOU ANONYMOUS. Those are the photos, August 2009. I bet my bottom dollar those are Steve's parents. Also I thought there were some photos of an older couple entering the front door of the house at Thanksgiving. I know for a fact the Neild's were there for Thanksgiving, 2009 and 2010. And supposedly there were some "male" guests at Thanksgiving 2011 who helped fix some things.
So, it was NOT the first time Kate met the Neild's. That whole story in Star magazine was a BIG FAT LIE. I wonder what else Robert knows.
Is Robert posting snippets of his book or just summarizing a few things on the site?
Yes, all is predictable- the friends (marathon girls) as well as the Easter egg Hunt were both fishy with the timelines and the presence & absence of the kids.
I'd say we're pretty good sleuths here!
Bring on the book, Robert...although you will have to include an addendum as Kate's shenanigans continue , right up to publication date!
Formerly, I think he is just summarizing from the book. I can't wait for tomorrow's! Drip, drip, drip.
In my post #10 I meant the Neild family (Steve, Gina and boys) at Thanksgiving.
So Robert has photos of Deanna and "her man" at Kate's for Easter. I would say it's a safe bet that Deanna's "man" went on that beach vacay to Alabama and did most of the driving. No way, no way did Kate drive.
tate said... 4
How many times (in a row!) does she have to retweet that people want to see their show back on tv? She is so desperate. And then saying her kids would LOVE to do commercials. Not going to happen.
The bread baking--she is just mixing up the dough and plopping it in the machine. It is not like she is kneading the dough and it is rising and she is kneading it again, etc. You can mix it in two minutes and throw it in the machine. No big deal. She acts like she is making a five course gourmet meal every day.
Kate does not have a humble bone in her wicked body.
I agree, it's not a big deal making bread with a bread machine, but Kate needs a standing ovation everytime she poops.
It's a good thing that her fan base fills her daily need for accolades. Without their oohs and ahhs, she might shrivel up and blow away.
The R and R LV Marathon was in December? It's almost October! She said she would be doing a few full marathons this year and several halfs. Can anyone find those tweets? And she's done what the Chicago half and the one up in New England..not sure if that was a half or a 10K. She is so full of sheet.
Collin: 'mommy, when you swallow fast is that called heart burn?' #mykidsmakemesmile
If I had the time I'd pull out my home videos from when mine was 8 years old. I swear this sounds like something a 4 year old would say, not an 8 year old. But I must clean and grocery shop and walk the dog and do the laundry. Sigh.
Gosselin Book has a new post up.
In the words of Robert Hoffman-
Kate and Julie May are,
Godless. Shameless. Liars.
So now we know that Julie May Carson has been behind Kate's ROLE PLAYING the marathon mom and health food nut just to get her gigs. (Her expertise is in working with talent and companies in the life improvement field including fitness, nutrition, health and wellness, design, and many other areas).
I agree: she makes her kids sound younger (thus sadly, not too swift) than they are. it was time for a 'cute' comment from Collin ( she takes turns)
...and is that another grift for Australia?
Now I am 100% positive she DID NOT run that 26 Mile Marathon in Vegas.
anonymous 8. I think that Nana Beverly and her husband, who moved to Tennessee. The pictures all over the internet identified them as Kate's parents, which it is not.
Yep, Duped. The woman pines for Australia. Must love that accent (er, New Zealand accent).
I love how Robert has used Twitter against her. She just keeps on lying.
JoyinVirginia -
If you haven't boycotted TLC I saw a show you would love: Extreme Roadside Attractions. This morning it was a hair art museum. They visit oddball attractions along America's highways.
TLC stinks said... 21
Now I am 100% positive she DID NOT run that 26 Mile Marathon in Vegas.
Me too! And someone recently asked her what her marathon time was and she answered "Which one?" She's only "run" one! I'm beginning to wonder if some of her tweets are actually from JMC herself. I was about to get off here and get some work done when I saw her start to tweet just now so I went over to her page. She's had maybe 10 replies. And one was Paige and one was a hater. So much for hundreds a minute. LOLOL
I don't recall a Nana Beverly, but there could have been one. That information regarding a Nana Beverly moving to Tennesse was on a celebrity gossip site that came from an anonymous poster. I'd like to see clip where Beverly is shown to confirm.
Sue Buddy said... 188
Just wondering said... 186
Sue Buddy,
Having never written a book I was wondering if writing about a real person if it can be a love/hate obsession. What are your thoughts? Kate is not a top tier celebrity and, in my opinion, the book will have a limited audience. So why would Hoffman spend all this time and money for what would be in reality a non event.
Good question. I don't know anyone personally who has ever written a biography. I know writers (of novels) can develop a love/hate relationship with a character in their book but that's a different thing.
Since Robert is in the gossip magazine business, so to speak, and his wife has written about her plus he's met people who know her, she might have just grabbed his attention in a way that she'd grabbed ours. I'd be surprised if he thinks the book will be a blockbuster.
She's definitely enigmatic. Maybe by investigating her activities he's figured her out somewhat. Just guessing.
To be perfectly honest (lol) I thought it was kind of odd for Robert to go to Kate's on Easter Sunday. For about a minute. Then I got it.
Since late 2003, Kate has been a professional victim. No one made her go for more fertility, but she was a victim because of the poverty the 6 caused. No one made her put her kids and life on teevee, but she's a victim because of the publicity and p-people. No one made her move into a $1.2M mansion and own THREE vehicles, but she claims to be "struggling" quite often.
Add this to the shameless and arguably unlawful way she fleeced money from hardworking people, plus shamelessly pimping her kids to the highest bidder, she created the perfect recipe for someone wanting to out her, and out her in a big way.
When blogging about Kate, the song "The Wrong Way" by Sublime often comes to mind. It's about a father who prostitutes his 12 year old daughter. While singer knows "It's The Wrong Way" the singer alludes to giving into temptation and having relations with her himself (Eileen O'Neill & everyone else who caved and looked the other way in order to make a buck, have personal gain) Is the father making money to feed his family? Yes, possbily, but "It's The Wrong Way." Forcing a child to have sex with men is illegal and immoral. It's not how parents bring money into the home.
Forcing your children to be on television to earn their own keep is the wrong way. They didn't ask to be born into a six-pack. Kate has given the middle finger to every thought and best practice of giving young children privacy all in the name of "this is R job."
During the divorce summer of 2009, Kate complained about paparazzi while fanning the fire on her divorce and positioning the kids out front where the paps could photograph them. For over a week last spring, Kate twitted about filling 1,300 eggs and having an Easter egg hunt. The eggs were hidden in the only area where there was a clear shot to photograph this. Not on any of the other 24 acres of the property that is completely private. Enough. It is enough and I so get what Robert is doing. When you've been putting with this woman's scams, fake tears, fake victimhood, fake struggling and constant lies for eight years, you feel compelled to want to make her shut up. She won't take the que to go away. If she would just go away, no one would care. There would be no blogs and no book. But she refuses. She sits on twitter, pretending to be struggling and taking gift cards and presents from schoolgirls. It has got to end.
It was 'Miss' Beverly and her husband Terry. She folded baskets of clothes- they were in the St Jude's episode and the twins picked candles and a tool belt as gifts for them- they also picked out the toy donations fr sick children in a store- was it K-Mart- free. Beverly babysat on other occasions. she was soft-spoken and seemed very sweet and attached to the kids.
She can make those kids sound "younger" all she wants. Truth is, in a few short years, the kids will be pre teens and the twins almost 16 lol. Those kids will eat her alive. I have 18 year an old and a 16 year old. I thought my hair was gonna fall out hehe. And that's count 2 and only 2 kids. She gets to deal with 8 teens at once. They will drive her freaking insane. You can't control teens. Can't keep teens from the big wide world of the Internet either.
I promise I will set up an account later. Gotta make a yahoo email first.
Blowing, that is NOT Nana Beverly and her husband. I went back to the Jon and Kate Plus 8 Xmas Caroling show on You Tube, and the first couple they visited was Beverly and her husband. Not the same people. I still believe those are Steve's parents.
Anon, I agree. Even when it's just the twins who are teens, they will give Kate a run for her (um their) money! It's the nature of the teen beast.
Thinking back, how good Kate had it, with someone to fold ( Beverly) laundry, to iron it (Janet) and put it away (Karla) Even then, she had laundry girls! She is more of a 'masterminder' than I gave her credit for. We need to add the time these people gave her doing household tasks and babysitting to the grift list. She said they did it "because they love my kids and I" (sic)
Wayward 27 -- Thank you. You said what I was thinking, but didn't know it and said it far better than I could have. At some point, a sane person just has had it with KK and wants to out her in any legal way possible. If we feel that way, can you imagine how Jon feels, or her kids, or her inlaws, or her family? I won't go so far as to say that she is the most disliked person in America, but she sure is up there in the top 10.
Yeah, now I do remember Beverly folding clothes but I knew something did not click when I looked at the woman in the photo. She just did not look familiar. When I have the chance I will try to find that Thanksgiving photo that shows an older couple entering the Konpound. I bet it's the same people. Like I said, someone planted that story in Star about Kate visiting Steve's parents.
BTW, on that Xmas show, they went to Beverly's, Carla's, Beth's and Janet's. At the time I thought that was so nice of them. Oh yeah, so nice and soooo staged.
Right. That is not Beverly I just checked Netflix and checked myself. " gosselin family Christmas" season 3. I agree that those are steves parents. The older man even looks like steves dad.
I love that the Gosselin Book Blog has confirmed what we already knew about Kate:
* Kate's ONLY so-called "friends" are HIRED by Kate.
* Kate SOLD the EASTER pictures and SOLD her children's privacy while denying and lying about it on twitter to her fans.
* Kate was a millionaire who cried poor to steal from the poor.
* Kate LIES about her life on Twitter.
* Kate's JOB is writing letters, emails, and tweets BEGGING fans, companies, anyone, and everyone to give her FREE things, trips, FREEBIES of all kinds (Toilet paper).
* Kate's 2nd JOB is Retweeting praise and accolades when she is not praising herself on twitter.
*Kate LIED when she said she did NOT have a "Publicist". Kate is paying Julie Carson May to find FAKE "friends" for Kate.
Not sure how much of the millions Kate still has, but I see a very POOR PATHETIC woman desperately trying to not only fool the public but trying to also convince herself too.
We know she is disingenuous. We know she is a FAKE. We know she is a LIAR. We know she is a CHEAT. We know she is desperately trying to create an image, any image, to keep the charade alive … mother, organizer, runner, cook (HA – not working)... and I am looking forward to the Gosselin Book revealing all Kate’s deceit and LIES!!!!! (added some !!!!! to catch Kate’s attention)
Wayward, I totally agree. She is the worst role model for those kids. She hasn't done anything criminal, YET, but something is not right in her head. She sure is a scammer and those types do become notorious. I know, I know she's a mother, but at what price do those kids need to grow up with a mother who is mentally ill? She is, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, I can see a Lifetime movie in the making about this woman and it won't be pretty.
Just wondering said... 189
Sue Buddy,
Kate didn't just grab Hoffman's attention she holds it. That is why I think he is obsessed. What does he get out of it? I think by the end of this he will have spent more than he will ever make. To the mainstream press he will come across as creepy and stalk
Just wondering, after I posted last night I was thinking my comment to you was incomplete. However, I just don’t have the answers to your questions. I remember how many were annoyed early on with his mysterious hints and thought he was creepy. Feelings quickly changed once he started opening up a little and now he’s the best thing since, well, sliced bread.
I do believe that people who aren’t close to this whole quagmire, which is Kate’s life, may well think all who are interested are a bit obsessed. I wouldn’t disagree. And I include myself and could ask what are any of us getting out of it? The quick and easy answer is, from Robert’s snippets he’s proving that a lot of what has been said by Kate’s non-fans is turning out to be correct, so we have vindication at last.
Beyond that there is still the question of what Robert is getting out of it considering all the time and money that has been spent and I wish I knew the answer. It seems that whatever has to do with Kate ends up being one great big circle jerk. Maybe someone will come out with a tell-all book about Robert Hoffman and what his motivations were.
I’m interested in what his book has to say and will definitely read it. I wonder how it will be presented in its entirety and also wonder if his extremely long build-up could end up leaving some feeling let down. We’ll see.
I don't recall a Nana Beverly, but there could have been one. That information regarding a Nana Beverly moving to Tennesse was on a celebrity gossip site that came from an anonymous poster. I'd like to see clip where Beverly is shown to confirm.
There was a Miss Beverly who had a husband, Terry, and they did move to Tennessee. There was an episode on it, Gifts for Ms Beverly. It's probably on YouTube. However, I don't remember what he looked like, but I don't think that Terry is the same gentleman who is shown in that photo, and if I recall, Beverly had blond hair, all one length, and was much heavier than the person in the photo.
The date of the photo was August 2009. I thought that Robert mentioned that Steve's parents visited for the holidays. If the photo was taken in August (they are wearing summer clothes) they were there quite a long time until Thanksgiving or Christmas.
The biggest blockbuster that could ever happen would be that she faked the inferility so she could have multiples. The doc will never speak but maybe some day others at the hospital will.
"Before Julie May, Kate and her 'Plus 8 Ministries' was earning $1,800+ per speaking engagement."
I'm intrigued. Did Kate & Jon create "Plus 8 Ministries" to not pay taxes on the money they earned from the churches?
Wayward - Standing ovation (clap, clap, clap!) I agree with you 100%.
Readlady - Moses is doing well. Last night I heard someone playing the piano. It was Moses walking on the keys. My daughter took his picture, so I made it my avatar. He's so stinkin' cute. Looking more like a cat these days and less like a kitten.
Right Midnight, but Robert may not have known about a summer visit then if he was not buddies then with Jon. It has been my experience that Europeans, and I suppose New Zealanders, would take very long vacations when visiting the States. If they are retired, I suppose they could have stayed many months with Steve and Gina. Regardless, it is very interesting that Steve's parents stayed at Kate's. I would just love to know if they stayed there before the New Zealand Trip in Jan. 2011 and the Star article. If Robert says they stayed there over the holidays, then he knows what year.
How many times (in a row!) does she have to retweet that people want to see their show back on tv? She is so desperate. And then saying her kids would LOVE to do commercials. Not going to happen.
She's so lazy and ignorant. She thinks that a producer is just going to phone her up and cast Mady on the spot. If she seriously wants anything to happen she's got to pack up, move to L.A., and start taking them on auditions. At least in this case her laziness will protect the kids from further exploitation.
Dwindle (54) said...
"Have I not seen you all this time? I have noted your posts only the last few days! or are you newly posting? if so WELCOME!"
Dwindle, I've actually been posting for a couple of months or so (been lurking for much longer).
You probably didn't notice me because I normally just say my piece (vent really) and then go on my merry way.
Thanks for the welcome.
It does look like Gosselinbook is counting down. If so I look forward to today's post and to a book or announcement on or about Wednesday. Even though I do think he seems a bit stalker(ish). (Administrator) said... 43
How many times (in a row!) does she have to retweet that people want to see their show back on tv? She is so desperate. And then saying her kids would LOVE to do commercials. Not going to happen.
She's so lazy and ignorant. She thinks that a producer is just going to phone her up and cast Mady on the spot. If she seriously wants anything to happen she's got to pack up, move to L.A., and start taking them on auditions. At least in this case her laziness will protect the kids from further exploitation.
Add delusional to that.
From RObert: Anyone with any amount of decency would have honored the contracts with the lower paying gigs and moved forward with the higher amount for any future speaking dates.
Yes, exactly. If she wanted to raise her fee, fine, but finish up the events you already committed to first.
Midnight madness. Season 4 episode 27, "giving back" I'd watch it to comfirm for ya. But I can only take so much Kate gosselin. Lol
"The older man even looks like steves dad."
If we've never seen Steve's dad, how do we know that the older man looks like his dad?
I don't know who those people are, but that photo was not taken over the holidays. The kids are in summer clothing and barefoot, and the leaves haven't fallen from the trees. Did his parents also visit in the summer? Possibly. But that was not a holiday picture.
I checked out the clip of Miss Beverly and Terry, and it's not them in the photo.
Sue Buddy, his motivation is making money. If he has a publisher, he will. Frankly, I am glad for the vindication. I am sick and tired of being played by the tabloids, reality tv, and untalented wanna be's.
I never had a breadmaker but sometimes people bring a loaf of homebaked bread to a church potluck, but those loaves are not big, kinda on the smallish side. Now if you have 8! kids to feed your breadmaker has to work overtime because my 5! kids eat atleast 4 slices of bread a day, the boys more and then me and hubbie too. So thats about one big loaf (stone ground, whole wheat from Country Hearth) a day in my household.
I read somewhere that the pregnant sister of HoneyBooBoo bratt lived with granma, already for years and years, but TLC offered her $500 per month to move in with her ma, stepdad and sisters just to make better tv. And so she did. Yup, honest and real reality tv!
wayward said... 27 Enough. It is enough and I so get what Robert is doing. When you've been putting with this woman's scams, fake tears, fake victimhood, fake struggling and constant lies for eight years, you feel compelled to want to make her shut up. She won't take the que to go away. If she would just go away, no one would care. There would be no blogs and no book. But she refuses. She sits on twitter, pretending to be struggling and taking gift cards and presents from schoolgirls. It has got to end.
Excellent comments. I hadn't read them before I posted. Perhaps Robert is compelled to set the record straight once and for all and is looking for nothing else. If that is the case I highly commend him.
...truth will come to light;...but at the length truth will out. Shakespeare edited.
Kate's mom and Steve's mom?
Kate - If you're going to make up things that your kids said at least make them age appropriate comments. By twitting things like the heart burn comment you make your child seem less than bright.
As far as JCM is concerned, as distasteful as we may find it, isn't she just doing what she was/is being paid to do? Is JCM even still working for Kate or did that end in the timeframe when it seemed TLC finished paying off her contract? We've often wondered if TLC was still paying Steve so maybe they were still footing the bill for JCM.
chefsummer said... 54
Kate's mom and Steve's mom?
I've seen photos of Kate's mom- and I can definitely say that neither one is her mom.
Admin said:
From RObert: Anyone with any amount of decency would have honored the contracts with the lower paying gigs and moved forward with the higher amount for any future speaking dates.
Yes, exactly. If she wanted to raise her fee, fine, but finish up the events you already committed to first.
This is why I can't wait to read Robert's book. This level of greed on Kate's part doesn't surprise me, but I didn't know she actually backed out of speaking engagements. Not only is cancelling her lower-paying gigs a rotten thing to do, it's very poor PR. Anyone with even a little bit of business smarts would have told JCM - "No way! I'm going to fulfill my commitments and move on from there." Her greed has been her undoing.
Radaronline had pictures of the Neilds' Thanksgiving visit in 2009. The photos show Steve, Gina and one of their sons. This picture, also shows an older women going into the house, who possibly could be Steve's mother.
Mrs. Malaprop -- I think Moses won the kitty lottery! Cute picture.
Thank you Mrs. Malaprop, Readerlady & TLC Stinks!
Interesting take on events from the sheeple. They seem to get that Kate has been viciously fighting the book and it's coming out anyway. They seem to understand that because of this, they cannot brush the book off as lies so easily. So probably after a meeting in the barnyard, their official stance is going to be that Robert is a crazy stalker who is obsessed with Kate and won't leave her alone. They feel sorry for Kate that he won't leave her in peace to continue her lies, scams and fake struggling.
Here's a true celeb stalker sheeple: Those people who send a celebrity hundreds of letters & gifts and break into their homes. They think they are married to the person.
Robert is an author outing Kate on her years of lies and deceipt. A whistleblower, if you will. For many years, Kate has hidden behind lawyers and confidentiality agreements to do her dirt. She has built a false wholesome persona and uses this to elicit gifts from fans and free merchandise from companies. Merchandise real struggling familes and brave military families could use and desperately needs. It's not ok for her to misrepresent her situation for personal gain. She will not stop doing this. She shouldn't be "left alone" to continue this. Real celebrities don't do this. They get swag and freebies for sure, but they don't beg, lie and take necessities out of the hands of those who are truly in need, when they can MORE than afford to buy it for themselves.
We have boundaries laws, morals and common decency standards in this country. Kate has overstepped every one of those. If this was country of just letting everyone alone do what they want to do for their own greedy and selfish desires, what a pathetic, corrupt place this would be.
I knew they had backed out of gigs and I remember that letter circulating because I remember them blaming the kids.
Which brings me to another point, way to blame the kids for the real reason they backed out--more money. We need to spend more time with the KIDS. Yeah right, no one has ever been concerned about that.
I want to clarify my comment above. I'm not defending JCM canceling speaking engagements for higher paying gigs I'm talking about her trying to make Kate seem human. Nothing was working so they had to keep trying to reinvent Kate but nothing seems to work and now we seem to have come full circle because Kate seems to be trying on the persona of "Kate the Christian" again to see if it will work. Kate is barely hanging on by her well manicured fingernails but the glue is going to give and it's going to be a ling fall when it does.
I totally understand why Robert is doing this. He was friends with them at one time and had a close up view of Kate that few people have AND he didn't sign a confidentiality agreement. He knows a lot of stuff, but he is the only one who is backing up what he knows with proof. Pictures speak a thousand words. I don't find him stalkerish, but just that he is providing documentation of everything he reports. And who knows, he may make tons of money if the news spreads enough. You go, Robert.
Long fall.....damn iPad!
TLC stinks said... 51
Sue Buddy, his motivation is making money. If he has a publisher, he will. Frankly, I am glad for the vindication. I am sick and tired of being played by the tabloids, reality tv, and untalented wanna be.
Sadly that isn't always the case. Publishers don't put out a wide distribution of a book when it first comes out (especially not with unknown authors). The money wouldn't come in until a second or third printing and then probably not very much.
Perhaps seeing her outlandish behavior and lying for years was the impetus and he wants to set the record straight. There are a few out there who still are compelled to speak the truth for the sake of the truth alone. Some mysteries will be solved and maybe others will take their place.
There is no god so the point is moot. If there is, please show him to me.
That wasn't the point being made. Regardless whether you believe in God or not, Kate insulted people who don't have it all by suggesting that God loves her because he's given her so many things. I.e., so her God DOESN'T love those who are struggling? She doesn't think before she speaks.
She reminds me of Nancy's essay in Little House on the Prairie: "Why Jesus Loves me More than Most."
Not everyone is motivated by money. Hard to believe if you spent any time with Kate.
That said, sometimes I feel like I'm in the minority here when I say Robert just needs to publish the book, shush up until he does and stop playing games. I know he claims he's not playing games, but he really is.
The mention of "Plus 8 Ministries" got me to googling, thinking I might find it on a registry of 501c3's somewhere....didn't.
But I did come across this article from Philly Mag that I don't recall ever actually seeing, and I was a GWOP-er way back when.
(sorry it's not clickable)
Scathing? No, but definitely points out MANY inconsistencies. Talks about Kate at a church 'performance' (my wording) talking about how poor they were, struggling, blahblahblah. How Jon's boss fired him for not wanting to pay insurance for a busload of babies.
Cut to an interview with aforementioned boss,David Rothermel, a friend of Jon's family by the way, who sets the record straight. I had read about his speaking out before but it had said he just wasn't spending time doing his job. In this article hee is quoted as saying Jon was spending company time grifting before the babies were born and claimed he was never going to have to work again. Additionally, was also registered before they were born.
There is also a section on the G's switching to JCM and charging an arm and a leg for speaking engagements. Here is a snippet:
"Jody Clark, of the Ohio Child Conservation League, had agreed to a $3,000 speaking fee, first-class airfare, a rental car and accommodations in exchange for the couple’s appearance at a convention this coming October. “I was pissed,” says Clark. May, she says, “apologized, said the Gosselins had spoken to God and made this decision.” She was offered a conciliatory autographed picture."
WTF? They spoke to GOD? Is JCM now GOD??
I know we all thought it was BS then and we still think it's BS now. Those kids were going to support their parents come hell or highwater. It was in the planning stages from the get go.
Sheeple have been around for 1000's of years. Hitler had them. Charles Manson had them. Wanna-Be's. Hangers On. Stupid is as stupid does. There will always be people like that. Short of selling those kids into white slavery some people will never get it. And even then, someone somewhere would make an excuse for Kate doing it.
I think Jon originally got lost in the moment of it all, dollar signs and bright lights,etc. While Kate sold her soul to the devil outright, I think Jon perhaps stopped long enough to think about ramifications. I also think he has done alot to redeem himself in the eyes of those kids.
Kate? Not so much.
She's come undone said... 63
I totally understand why Robert is doing this. He was friends with them at one time and had a close up view of Kate that few people have AND he didn't sign a confidentiality agreement. He knows a lot of stuff, but he is the only one who is backing up what he knows with proof. Pictures speak a thousand words. I don't find him stalkerish, but just that he is providing documentation of everything he reports. And who knows, he may make tons of money if the news spreads enough. You go, Robert.
He's a threat to Kate's fairy tale. I'll bet there are many like him that would LOVE to speak up, but are bullied into backing off.
You go, Robert. Ignore the naysayers.
Speak your truth.
Wayward said:
It has got to end.
I agree. We all agree. And the public agrees (except for, what, about 100 fans?).
And as much as Kate does not want to face facts, the media already ENDED it (except for some online tabloids).
So now it is up to Kate. Kate please END it. END it now. You tweeting frenzy to keep yourself relevant is pathetic. Just END it. Just END it.
(But since Kate isn't, I am all for Gosselin Book and anyone else who will make it END!)
Sue Buddy 54 -- Perhaps Robert Hoffman is also motivated by vengeance, at least in part. After all, KK went after his wife,succeeded in making her look like a Grinch, and got her blog shut down, at least temporarily. Maybe he's trying to show the world "Look, Dana was right all along. Suck it, Reading Eagle".
Doesn't Jon still have to sign for the kids to be on TV for a commercial? He can just refuse to sign.
A judge won't find any compelling reason to overrule him because doing a commercial is not vital to the well-being of the child and there is no current contract in play to uphold.
Am I right Admin?
If they have joint legal custody then yes he has to agree to contracts or she has to take him to court.
I think the issue any director/producer would have is that, other than the obvious fact the kids are nothing special, even if they did want to hire them, no one would want to wait around for some legal battle. When they cast someone they're cast and pre-production may start right away.
This is probably another reason Kate resents Jon so much, she sees him as a road block to getting the kids back on T.V., ignoring the fact that no one wants them on T.V. anyway.
Amanda ,Iowa said... 52
I never had a breadmaker but sometimes people bring a loaf of homebaked bread to a church potluck, but those loaves are not big, kinda on the smallish side. Now if you have 8! kids to feed your breadmaker has to work overtime because my 5! kids eat atleast 4 slices of bread a day, the boys more and then me and hubbie too. So thats about one big loaf (stone ground, whole wheat from Country Hearth) a day in my household.
Amen Amanda.
I really don't think she's saving much money making the homemade bread. The bread machine is a prop in the role of the perfect, organic mother she pretends to be.
20 years from now, will those kids remember the sandwiches were made with organic breadmaker bread? No. What they will remember is that one Halloween where Mommy went to NY to be on the View instead of staying home and taking them Trick or Treating. She can take her bread and stick it in her flat bum. A real mother would put the REAL kid memory makers first. Not their own greedy need for fame.
Readerlady, that's a very good possibility. And I can hardly blame him. How frustrating to be a victim of Kate's nastiness and watch as she continues wreaking havoc wherever she goes.
Admin, I agree, let's see the book already!!
TLC stinks--Is this photo you were talking about? This could possibly be Steve's father.
There are a few out there who still are compelled to speak the truth for the sake of the truth alone. Some mysteries will be solved and maybe others will take their place.
Yes, and there are those who start a project, put much work into it, only to be met by the opposition. The longer it goes on, and the more you are strong-armed into not doing it, the more it becomes a personal mission not to fail, not to be bullied by high-powered people with money and you fight back. The original premise (simply writing a book) becomes secondary and you are determined not to run away with your tail between your legs and let them get the better of you.
Remember Joe McGuiness one of best authors out there moved into the house right next door to Sarah Palin. That is what makes his books so good; he puts himself in a position to know what he is writing about.
readerlady said... 71
Sue Buddy 54 -- Perhaps Robert Hoffman is also motivated by vengeance, at least in part. After all, KK went after his wife,succeeded in making her look like a Grinch, and got her blog shut down, at least temporarily. Maybe he's trying to show the world "Look, Dana was right all along. Suck it, Reading Eagle".
Yes! I think that has something to do with it, too :) That was one of the zillions of times Kate got a pass. Her behavior always got a pass, in the name of the kids. Don't upset her, don't challenge her, think of the kids. Allegedly, when our Atty. General Corbutt (typo and it stays- who is now our Gov. who was running for Gov. at the time) was questioned about the church scam, he deferred because of the kids.
Too many people looked away, didn't want to rock the boat, didn't want to upset the apple cart. And a monster was created.
Gifts for Miss Beverly
Mrs Malaprop: cute pic! Glad you captured Moses' talent with a photo- was it in the middle of the night?
Twit, 76
Caption "Kate Gosselin celebrates Turkey Day with her bodyguard and an univited Amish guest!"
Uninvited Amish guest? LOL!! Sure, the Amish down the road wear baseball caps and just walk right in the front door of the Gosselin's home for Thanksgiving dinner without being invited! Nice threads for an uninvited Amish person! Perhaps he went and bought the khakis at the mall just so he could appear not to be Amish and sneak in the front door more easily!
Mrs. Malaprop -- Thanks for the Moses update. So he gives new meaning to the song "Kitten on the Keys"? He is a charmer. Love that pix of him. I love that white face and ruff. He's going to be a very handsome kittyman when he has his full growth. I still think he's very Maine Coon-like in appearance, so he may be a very LARGE kittyman.
From Huffington post:
'You better "redneckognize." The cast of TLC's new hit series "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" reportedly want a big salary raise come Season 2.
Seven-year-old pageant star Alana Thompson and her family are allegedly in talks to return for another season of the TLC reality show, but want to renegotiate, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "Honey Boo Boo" and family is reportedly asking for a pay raise, bumping up their salary to $10,000 per episode.'
THR reported that the "Honey Boo Boo" stars will likely snag an $8,000-per-episode salary after negotiations with the network conclude.
Yep, Twit. That's the one. November 2009. Now this guy looks shorter than the other picture of we talked about, but that has got to be Steve's dad. Ha, ha. Star article was a set up.
If timing is everything...Robert may have just lucked out.
He just might receiver a larger audience because TLC is in headlines for misrepresenting the Breaking Amish kids. He would link to the lack of reality in reality TV.
I think celebrity press is lazy. If one outlet picks up his story, it will be repeated over and over and over. I hope so!
I agree with Admin and Sue -- it is time. Publish it. I don't want dribbles of info. He may set us up for high expectations and then not fulfill the promise.
Sherry Baby said... 80
The "univited" guest was referring to an Amish woman, who stopped by to drop off presents for Kate. Here is a video of her:
Here is a proverb/quote for Kate:
"He who rides a tiger, dare not dismount."
Think she will understand it?
One other comment about the idiotic tweet that Kate's lawyers must of approve her choices/lifestyle to represent her.
Well, that's not very Christian is it? If Kate is so Christian surely this fan would know that she would believe you are to help everyone, from the prostitutes to the tax collectors. Not just people you like.
Twit, I really thank you. I thought I was going crazy. I knew I had seen some older folks spending Thanksgiving at Kate's. Gee, I've been following this woman for so long now.
Still doesn't explain who that other couple was in Aug. 2009. Maybe some relatives of Jon's.
Ok, I would love for Robert (we know you read here) to give up the scoop as to who gave that ridiculous story to Star magazine in Jan. 2011. My bet it was TLC to drum up some drama for Kate's ratings. Totally fabricated since there they are, plain as day, in Nov. 2009.
In fact, Robert would be the ideal person to explain how the tabloids get their "stories" from an "insider". It's all planted, just like we thought.
Ok, so now I am again unsure of Kate and Steve's relationship. I feel the whole romance thing was maybe fabricated (maybe not in Kate's mind :) Well, Steve is a dirtbag for dragging his family through the mess whether they did the nasty or not.
The "univited" guest was referring to an Amish woman, who stopped by to drop off presents for Kate. Here is a video of her:
LOL, got it! Thanks. Too much rumspringing last night. The caption is under the photo of the man going into the house! Usually captions below a photo describe the photo! :)
So if that's Steve's father (and it makes sense because of the holiday visit), then who is the couple in the August 2009 photo? Clearly it's not the same man.
You know the thing between Steve and Kate is the one thing where any source I've ever talked to will say they really don't know for sure. They can speculate, but they don't know for sure.
I think whatever did or didn't happen, those two kept it very quiet. Perhaps the only people who know the truth about them are Kate and Steve themselves.
I agree, Sue Buddy, vengance is probably part of it. I forgot about what happened to his wife. She was the original whistle blower on the Gosselins.
My feeling is that his book must contain some very bad stuff about Kate for her to pay hired guns. Usually she wants publicity, good or bad, but this must be very bad indeed.
I bet Huff Post got that info from some other tabloid crap because I read that they are making $40k per episode for 10 episodes. More rumors by TLC to pump up ratings. Gawd, I hate TLC.
Kate has always told everyone not to believe those nasty tabloid stories, unless of course it was a 'positivity' story. Now she'll be saying don't believe that nasty book. What she's really afraid of I think, is that he's just the first in a long line of many who will be breaking the silence.
Perhaps Robert's new last chapter is not only about his battle with her attorneys but others singing to him about Kate. Oh yeah, the dam is about to burst.
Perhaps the only people who know the truth about them are Kate and Steve themselves.
...and Milo. She knows everything because the two of them have very private moments and many talks, but she can't reveal anything.
Okay, Robert. Spill! Who is the unidentified mystery couple in the August 2009 photo? :) If it's not Steve's parents, and it's not Miss Beverly or Nana Janet, then who is it?
As far as the "Plus 8 Ministries" I think that Robert is just being sarcastic using that name. Since Kate's church tour was all about a struggling mother of 8,count em, 8 kids, I think he coined that phrase.
Well, that's not very Christian is it? If Kate is so Christian surely this fan would know that she would believe you are to help everyone, from the prostitutes to the tax collectors. Not just people you like.
admin - that tweet came from a regular "hater," not a fan.
If ever there was a reason to be glad to be proven wrong, this certainly is cause for celebration. My apologies to Robert for thinking that he took a payout.
Thanks for keeping up the fight to bring Teflon Kate down. Cannot wait to purchase the book.
readerlady said... 81
Mrs. Malaprop -- Thanks for the Moses update. So he gives new meaning to the song "Kitten on the Keys"? He is a charmer. Love that pix of him. I love that white face and ruff. He's going to be a very handsome kittyman when he has his full growth. I still think he's very Maine Coon-like in appearance, so he may be a very LARGE kittyman.
Thank you Readerlady - he is quite charming. I'm learning some new terms from you. LOL Ruff? I assume that's his "chest" area? A friend of mine has a Maine Coon, and he is very handsome. I love big cats! Last night Moses darted out the door when hubby opened it, so we're still not sure if he'll be an indoor-only kitty. I know the safest place to be is inside, but our female tabby loves to be outside most of the time when the weather is nice. She was a stray as well. So we'll see.
* Kate's 2nd JOB is Retweeting praise and accolades when she is not praising herself on twitter.
Kate is the narcissist on steroids.
She's not going to stop this campaign to get her face back on tv. She should be careful what she wishes for because it may come in an entirely different package than what she thinks.
Strange, that Kate sure is tweeting alot this morning about Australia.
Maybe it is her follow-up JOB from all the BEGGING letters, tweets, and emails to Terri Irwin to get another all expense invite to Steve Irwin day on Nov. 15th.
I checked the website and Kate is NOT listed as a guest.
There is also a link to Global Ambassadors of SID2012:
"We are fortunate to have some very influential and passionate personalities lending their name to our cause. They are living a little on the wild side and helping us to spread the word. Donate to Wildlife Warriors."
Big surprise, no mention of Kate. But there is an 11 year old boy who raised $65000. Hey Kate, how much did you raise? How much are you contributing?
I think Teri Irwin finally saw the real Kate, the USER Kate, the GRIFTER Kate, the LIAR Kate, the TAKER Kate, the FAKE Kate, the all talk no action Kate, the broken promises Kate, the I so want to support Koalas but not with MY money Kate, the pay me to show up but don't take MY money Kate, the only charity Kate supports is HERSELF Kate...
Sherry Baby said... 77
There are a few out there who still are compelled to speak the truth for the sake of the truth alone. Some mysteries will be solved and maybe others will take their place.
Yes, and there are those who start a project, put much work into it, only to be met by the opposition. The longer it goes on, and the more you are strong-armed into not doing it, the more it becomes a personal mission not to fail, not to be bullied by high-powered people with money and you fight back. The original premise (simply writing a book) becomes secondary and you are determined not to run away with your tail between your legs and let them get the better of you.
I have so many things to do around my mediocre house, but I did want to agree on this one point. On a way smaller scale, I've been where Robert is.
Many years ago we had a tenant who only lived in our apt. 4 mos. out of a 12 mo. lease. She caused alot of trouble and was bothersome to the neighbors in the short time she was there. She called one day and told me she was moving out at the end of the month. She said I was going to use her security deposit for her last months rent, adding that if I didn't like it I could call her lawyer. (sound like anyone we know?) Now, in other cases I might have said no problem if someone asked nicely, but she had been such a bitch and was speaking to me so disrespecfully and rudely, I told her that I would need that number because a security deposit cannot be used that way in PA. She mumbled about calling me back and she did, three days later after she hired a lawyer.
We took her to small claims court and she didn't come because she knew she would lose. She sent the lawyer. The lawyer told her she would lose but the game here was to appeal and keep dragging it on until we had to hire a lawyer or we gave up. She was willing to spend way more than the $500 in question just to be a hateful and vindictive bully.
This got my part Irish temper up and spurred me on to learn how to file briefs and keep right up with the big dog. I spent not one more dime than copy paper, big envelopes, postage and printer ink. Six months later, her lawyer called me and said this jerk was ready to settle and pay us. I went to his office and he said he knew I had to have a paralegal helping me. I told him I didn't, just me and the old interwebs. He said he admired my tenacity and gave me my check for $500. The jerk's file was open on his desk and I saw that she paid a total of $1,200 to fight this + the $500 she owed us. Who spends 3x the amount of the initial debt they owe trying to bully someone into submission? Someone who has something wrong with them, that's who.
What Kate is doing isn't any different. She is trying to bully Robert into keeping her dirty laundry in the hamper. Her persona is built on smoke, mirrors and lies... it's all she has. She has shown she is willing to $pend whatever it takes to silence him, while cutting the cost of raising her 8 kids to to cheapest, stingiest, way too big clothing, barest bone. Kate usually bullies her way into the result she wants. I'm sure it's killing her that it's not going her way this time.
I saw that people were apologizing to Robert yesterday and I'd like to add mine to the list. I really thought he'd taken a payout and I admire him for hanging in there and going toe to toe with Kate and her hired guns. Sorry, Robert..... I am eagerly looking forward to the book:)
Maybe Kate plays for the other team and the supped affair wasn't with Steve.
Mrs. Malaprop -- Yes, the ruff is the fluff of fur in the neck/chest area of a long-haired cat. Moses has a nice one going there. Have you had him neutered yet? If not, that may cure his desire to go out. OTOH, it may not. I had a rescue kitty who was making mad dashes to the door when she was 12 years old. Unfortunately, she crossed the bridge before she reached 13, or I'm sure she would have been rushing the door at 13, too.
our Atty. General Corbutt (typo and it stays- who is now our Gov.
Wayward, I think I love you!!!!!!!!!
Chefsummer 104,
That's what I suspect too.
I wonder how many celebrities with 'real' bodyguards have the bodyguards' parents spend their vacation in their home.
So I googled pics of Maine Coons, and I couldn't believe how similar Moses looks! He has that coloring in his fur . . . not sure how to describe it. It's a lighter gray color that's kind of in stripes, but not really. There. How's that? LOL You probably can tell me the name for that. I could not believe how big some of these cats get! I was showing Dr. Malaprop, and now he's afraid we're going to have a cat bigger than our Cockapoo. Ha! Then I did some reading on the personality traits of Maine Coons, and it fit Moses to a T. Very interesting! We knew right away this little guy had an amazing personality (which he used to weasel his way in!). Thanks RL! Sorry for the OT everyone . . . carry on.
Kate tweeted something last night about "exciting things coming". It had Milo all in a tizzy. Once again, I think it's just mean of her to play with her followers' emotions like that. She's been dropping those little hints for over a year now, and they all just whip themselves into a frenzy, hoping for a new show. Then it turns out to be nothing. If they're not crazy yet, following her will make them crazy
"Exciting things coming", hmmm. She either talked Deanna into giving her an extra ticket to the Emmys, like she did last year (but nobody took her picture), or she's talking about her upcoming runs or maybe is finishing up her cookbook that will most likely not be picked up. She really thinks she's striking fear into the hearts of the haters, but we know better (she's DONE!). The only ones whose minds she's messing with are those fools who hang on her every word. They think every hint means a new show. She'd have dozens of shows on right now if that were true. They'll all end up institutionalized if she keeps this up. (Administrator) said... 47
From RObert: Anyone with any amount of decency would have honored the contracts with the lower paying gigs and moved forward with the higher amount for any future speaking dates.
Yes, exactly. If she wanted to raise her fee, fine, but finish up the events you already committed to first.
Yes,indeed.....Kate the "contract-honorer".
admin - that tweet came from a regular "hater," not a fan.
That doesn't make sense. Why would a hater justify Kate by saying that only a lawyer who believed in her would take her on? Unless I guess they were trying to say the lawyer was corrupt themselves?
Either way, the implication is ridiculous. Now professionals are judged by the clients they keep? Wow.
Anonymous said... 108
I wonder how many celebrities with 'real' bodyguards have the bodyguards' parents spend their vacation in their home.
True but unlike most real celebrities have family and friends.
But Kate pushed away her real family and friends.
So I guess Steve and his family to pity on Kate and the kids.
Robert said it best-
You are shameless Kate.
Big surprise, no mention of Kate. But there is an 11 year old boy who raised $65000. Hey Kate, how much did you raise? How much are you contributing?
$1500. Not counting expenses to get her there.
What could be more scandalous than Kate playing for the other team?
Her marrying Jon in order to have 8 kids to get rich. And
Kate been having an affair with Jamie and not Steve.
What if that's what Roberts going to expose?
One of the many things I find disgusting about Kate is that she obviously considers her JOB to be:
Spending her days on twitter when she has the kids AND contacting companies for FREEBIES of all kinds (TP, vacation house, clothing, food, kitchen appliances, etc..) WHEN she could be working a respectful paying job like the rest of the world.
A job that teaches her kids about hard work not grifting.
A job that teaches the kids about honesty not lies.
A job that teaches the kids about integrity not cheating.
A job that teaches the kids responsibility not dependence.
I am raising enough kids of varying ages that I can say for a FACT that Kate's kids will (if they have not already) see their Mother for what she is: a LIAR/GRIFTER/SCAMMER/CHEATER and worst of all CHILD EXPLOITER.
And no matter how much she claims to keep them off the internet, she can't control them forever. And I also have enough experience with pre-teens and teens to know that Mady and Cara already know what is on the internet about Kate just by being around kids in their school whether Kate claims otherwise.
The kids are getting older and Kate can not stop it. And tweeting made up stuff acting like the kids are toddlers won't stop it either.
When the Gosselin Book comes out, the kids WILL know about it no matter what Kate restricts in her house.
LOL I was just behind a bumper sticker that said "One Term Tom". Not starting a political discussion..just ironic!
When Kate tweeted about her kids discussing how to say G'day mate in a proper Aussie accents, one of the replies she received was:
"Would love to hear that!! haha... can you record the sound and upload it? So cute! Still cant believe they're 8!!! :)"
This is not from a young fan-this tweeter has said that she is in her 30's. What is wrong with these people? They act like the kids lives belong to them, and they're entitled to hear and see everything they do.
Tweets like this definitely creep me out, why don't they do the same to Kate?
Way back in the early days, there have been people saying Kate was having an affair with a female. I also read it was her female trainer and later I read some people said it was Jaime.
And then I saw the pictures of Kate and Jaime together and I started to believe it. Kate had the biggest smile on her face, which I never saw other than when Kate was in the limelight. Kate and Jaime in her bed together, and Kate and Jaime sitting on a bench with Jaime sprawled over Kate - does anyone else remember that? And Kate looked so happy.
There was a poster back on GWOP years ago that was one of the caterers for the Jon and Kate show and she hinted strongly that Kate was having an affair with a woman.
Someone questioned if Julie Carson May was still in the picture. According to Kate's website she is still listed as a contact:
"For licensing, speaking engagements, appearances, television and spokesperson opportunities please contact Julie May at Media Motion International ("
But then, considering how up-to-date(snark) her website is, that might not mean much.
I think Kate's website isn't updated because she couldn't find anyone to do it for free. (Administrator) said... 115
Big surprise, no mention of Kate. But there is an 11 year old boy who raised $65000. Hey Kate, how much did you raise? How much are you contributing?
$1500. Not counting expenses to get her there.
Oh I forgot the $1500 that apparently was raised at the silent auction for a dinner with Kate.
So after 1st class airfare for Kate and Steve, Steve's salary to attend as Kate's "guest", hotel, meals, ground transportation, and other incidentals, I calculate that NO MONEY was raised or contributed by Kate. Instead it cost the event $$$$ to have Kate attend. Big FAIL.
Terri Irwin probably got a lot of negative feedback and saw the real Kate once the final accounting was done.
I am having trouble with google today!
Mrs Malaprop: I made a few attempts to compliment Moses on his musical talent! Great your DD captured it on camera. That must have been a surprise in the middle of the night! A cat savant!
Idk about Kate & Jamie but a case can be made for them as a couple between the pictures, necklaces, similar outfits..?
Heide said... 120
Way back in the early days, there have been people saying Kate was having an affair with a female. I also read it was her female trainer and later I read some people said it was Jaime.
And then I saw the pictures of Kate and Jaime together and I started to believe it. Kate had the biggest smile on her face, which I never saw other than when Kate was in the limelight. Kate and Jaime in her bed together, and Kate and Jaime sitting on a bench with Jaime sprawled over Kate - does anyone else remember that? And Kate looked so happy.
There was a poster back on GWOP years ago that was one of the caterers for the Jon and Kate show and she hinted strongly that Kate was having an affair with a woman.
Matching clothes and necklace trips to NY and.
I heard that Jamie got a divorce in 09' so who knows.
Luke's Mom, I agree. I also think one of the greatest gifts you can give a child is work ethic. And I think it's mostly observed, not taught. At least they will learn it from Jon, but Lord knows what they are internalizing about what Kate has taught them. The economy has changed perhaps forever. Employers don't have to waste a lot of time with employees who have no work ethic. There are plenty of other people lined up for the job who have it.
I know Jaime got remarried, so I don't know about how that all works, but I still suspect they had an affair and that Kate plays for the other team.
I was looking at the comments on Kate's latest CC blog-some are highly amusing. One of her fans was defending her use of antibacterial soap, after several others pointed out that it really isn't that good to use it and plain soap and water was better:
"If in fact it is that bad then it shouldn't be allowed to be sold. I personally only use regular soap and water, but the antibacterial soap wouldn't be sold if there was significant documentation showing it is harmful"
If just loved this response to her:
"I guess that's why you can't buy cigarettes and booze. Oh, wait..."
Jamie got remarried? To whom? Does she have her kids back? I always wondered why she didn't have custody of her children but seemed to be a 2nd (or 3rd?)mom to the G kids, kind and practical.
-except the toe-licking excursion.
wayward@103 - But, but, but Kate is not a bully! In fact she blocks bullies and has her tweeties do the same! Kate is all sweetness and light! LOL, I agree with everything you said. Kate will spend a dollar to get out of paying a dime.
Well off to take my 94 year old MIL out to lunch and then to the grocery store. Lord give me strength!
I've always found it ironic that the sheeple treated Jon like a dog for not having full custody of his kids, and yet Kate's BFF doesn't have custody either and Kate and her sheeple don't seem to have a problem with her. Double standard.
Jaime got married about a year or so ago to a doctor I believe. From what I recall, she still doesn't have custody of her kids.
Well, if she were playing for the other team, she would turn it around about a gay mom raising 8 kids with no man. Didn't Jamie's husband get the kids? Kind of unusual. Jaime and/or Kate could be bisexual. That would explain the marriages. I don't think Robert would have any way of knowing unless Jon blabbed something.
Also, playing up an affair between Steve and Kate would certainly put a stop to any gay rumors. Maybe that's why Gina was ok with Steve spending so much time with Kate.
Testing my new account. :) I hope this works.
TLC stinks said... 134
Also, playing up an affair between Steve and Kate would certainly put a stop to any gay rumors. Maybe that's why Gina was ok with Steve spending so much time with Kate.
That's what I always thought too.
TLC Stinks - your comment about Robert raises a really good point. What if his teasing and slow release were designed to give other insiders the chance (or courage) to tell their stories? Safety in numbers.
I could totally see Kate on magazine covers coming out.-(If she's gay)
She could do the hole "I loved Jon thing"-"But I was scared being a christen and all".
Kate doesn't have many friends and is urging Jamie to move to PA. She has even offered to help finance her relocation and offered her a recurring role on Kate Plus Eight so she'll have a means of support.
Through an associate, reportedly the two are close enough to hold hands and take naps together but it's a platonic love.
From old Intouch scan thanks to Preesi. This was what may have started the rumor.
Also, with the possible potential scam about Kate faking her infertility - why did Jon get a vasectomy? He publicly stated he got one - I think when he gave a talk at a college.
TLC 134 - l agree that Steve was just a beard for Kate
<===== How about my baby who caught a mouse in the kitchen this am - yup its fall here - open house for the little critters
I just thought it was odd that Jamie would be divorced the same year as Kate.
And she started being on K+8 more and more.
TLC stinks said... 139
Kate doesn't have many friends and is urging Jamie to move to PA. She has even offered to help finance her relocation and offered her a recurring role on Kate Plus Eight so she'll have a means of support.
Through an associate, reportedly the two are close enough to hold hands and take naps together but it's a platonic love.
From old Intouch scan thanks to Preesi. This was what may have started the rumor.
I read rumors about Kate and a female (and later Jaime) long before this.
Thanks Heide- looked it up . Jamie married a Dr Stubbs, still does not have physical custody of her children and apparently Kate was NOT at the wedding?!
The show always seemed to scapegoat her son Clay as a mischief maker but it was the G kids who were the bullies to him, imo.(as far as we know)
If Kate is gay the sheep will blame Jon. Such a horrid man he drove her to it (snark).
Donkeyteeth - welcome. Love your name
One other comment about the idiotic tweet that Kate's lawyers must of approve her choices/lifestyle to represent her.
That tweet was made by a non-fan who lives on twitter, and makes some very off-the-wall comments and "invents" facts.
Formerly Duped,
Yes, it was weird. At first I thought it was my 15 year old. He plinks and plunks around on the piano pretty regularly. I was still up thank goodness. Had I been sleeping I would have freaked out a little. "Papa! Git the gun! Someone's done broke in and is playin' on the pianer!" ha ha ha
Hmmm . . . I don't know about Kate being gay. I just can't see it. I had a friend in high school who was extremely needy and clingy. She loved wearing matching outfits, she wanted to have sleepovers EVERY weekend, and she was very jealous of my other friends. After I moved on she found another bestie to cling to. We reconnected several years ago, and she's grown up alot, but she still has to have that one friend to be extremely tight with. She's not gay, just very clingy which can be interpreted as a girl crush I guess.
Mrs. Malaprop -- From what I can tell from your pictures, Moses is a blue (grey)/white bi-color who has some ghost stripings. Or -- He may be a blue smoke (silver undercoat)/white bicolor. Those stripings may disappear as he gets older. However -- Maine Coons come in a variety of colors/patterns. I think over 200 color/patterns are accepted for show purposes, and often breeders will get colors/patterns that aren't accepted for show. They do get very large, especially the males. I've seen some in the show ring that topped 35#. They are very laid back and gentle, though. They are called "The Gentle Giants". One of the funniest things I've ever seen was one year a little girl, about 7 or 8, was showing her family's Maine Coon in Premiership (the show class for speutered kitties). He was enormous and she was very tiny. When she held him, you could see her feet and the top of her head and not much more. He would just lie contentedly in her arms the whole time, though.
I couldn't care less whether Kate is gay, straight, bi or whatever.
One thing she definitely is though is a horrible mother who will use her kids private convos, pictures, etc. to keep herself relevant.
I will be sorely disappointed if the 'big' news is Kate is gay. That wouldn't even make me blink.
There just has to be something bigger. There has to.
I think Preesi contributed to the rumor mill. She said she got a phone call from a tabloid about Kate having an affair with her trainer and Preesi thought Jamie was Kate's trainer. There were also those uncomfortable photos of them in bed together. I never bought into the gay theory, but there has got to be some pretty good reason why Jamie did not get full custody of the kids. I don't think her being supposedly gay would make a judge rule against her custody. For some reason she must be an unfit mother, maybe drugs or alcohol?
The talk of main coons make me smile.. I have one too. He's a big baby. Those that own one.. Don't you love how they "chirp" instead of meowing? My main coon kitty is getting old. Almost 13 years old.
I am going to surmise Robert spoke to that lone pap on Easter. I bet Kate split $$ selling those photos.
After I moved on she found another bestie to cling to. We reconnected several years ago, and she's grown up alot, but she still has to have that one friend to be extremely tight with. She's not gay, just very clingy which can be interpreted as a girl crush I guess.
Does she live in the South? Her name isn't Milo, is it?
Kate doesn't strike me as gay so much as 12 years old.
The show always seemed to scapegoat her son Clay as a mischief maker but it was the G kids who were the bullies to him, imo.(as far as we know)
See I thought that episode made it pretty obvious that Clay did absolutely nothing wrong. Unless a viewer is very obtuse it was obvious it was the other kids causing the issues and Clay the scapegoat.
Exactly! Kate said to control Clay, or not allow him to sit at the table in the RV with HER kids etc. as if he had a bad reputation or something... he seemed to be blamed for things like other kids' tripping, having 'meltdowns' yet he seems like a cute nice little guy...
...and in the reorganizing epi, Hannah and Alexis were very mean, not sharing, giving mean looks, insults, orders etc. Wonder where they learned that behavior?
I wonder if the six gang up together to get their own way with peers? They are used to being a unit and may act as one- not their fault, but how they were conditioned. The Dilleys, in contrast, were treated more as individuals, each receiving own points or punishments, different chores, choice of snacks, activities, clothing, even what school to attend.
That doesn't make sense. Why would a hater justify Kate by saying that only a lawyer who believed in her would take her on? Unless I guess they were trying to say the lawyer was corrupt themselves?
It doesn't make sense, but it came from a hater. I don't want to publish the name here, but I'm sure Tweet-le can verify it. She's cool about knowing who said what and when!
I have this sinking feeling that nobody will pay attention to Robert's book besides the people on this blog and a few other blogs and that Kate will continue to get away with being a terrible person and never have to face the music.
I think the media will get hold of the news of the book and other people might come forward with stories of Kate swindling them or other 'tidbits' which will increase sales..I hope! But what I don't want to see is relevancy or 'fame' for Kate who may get TV appearances to refute the truth.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 154
After I moved on she found another bestie to cling to. We reconnected several years ago, and she's grown up alot, but she still has to have that one friend to be extremely tight with. She's not gay, just very clingy which can be interpreted as a girl crush I guess.
Does she live in the South? Her name isn't Milo, is it? (Administrator) said... 155
Kate doesn't strike me as gay so much as 12 years old.
Rainbows . . . ha ha ha! Good one. No, she lives in Ohio, and her name is Melissa.
Admin - exactly!
Think about it, 12 year old's friendships with other girls would seem gay if they were adults.
Friendship necklaces, cuddling, kisses, sleepovers, writing notes to each other, spending every waking moment with each other. It's just because Kate is stunted at 12.
Donkeyteeth -- Love the name! Now all you need is to get an avatar of the Shrek Donkey smiling or some other donkey showing its teeth and you're all set. Welcome, and have a rumspringa. I love Maine Coons and their chirp. My Americans chirp too. It's a hoot to see this huge male cat open his mouth, and you're expecting this loud yowl, and out comes a little, meek chirp. Their purr makes up for it, though. You can hear that all over the house.
From the descriptions of the RV episode and Cara and Clay interactions, I've always wondered if Clay didn't have a history of inciting Collin to anger. It sounds pretty clear that Cara was tasked with keeping Collin calm and cooperative and I've always wondered if that was why she appeared to be so mean to Clay, when she was only trying to do her job and keep Collin in line. Of course, God forbid KK should deal with a problem child on her own instead of expecting someone else to do it for her.
Lilly, your baby is beautiful. I've had kitties of all colors and stripes (and no stripes), but my heart belongs to the reds and the torties. Is that a baby picture of her, or is she still a wee one? If she's still little, that mouse must have been as big as she is. Give her some extra catnip! (Administrator) said... 163
Ah but with Kate things are really never what they seem.
Lilly -
Your kitty is SO cute! I love calico cats. We had one named Murphy. When your kitty caught the mouse did you freak out like I would have? One of our cats brings us her prey, and if we don't dispose of it soon enough she rips it apart all over the garage floor or deck. It is SO disgusting! She's so proud of herself when she brings us "dinner." I always make sure to pet her and tell her what a good kitty she is. One day I was away from home, and she brought a dead mouse to the door for my hubby. He told me about it, and I asked him if he made sure to thank her for it. LOL No, he did not.
Formerly duped.. Some people can't talk because they signed an agreement not to say anything bad. But I think some will see $$ signs and will talk to tabloids.
I for one can't wait to download the book! Another reason why people stay hushed, theydont wanna hurt the kids. Wrong.. Kids will be more hurt in the long run. Believe me. I know. The best book is when the kids write a tell all.. Then they will splurge for the cheapest old home and tape her taking a dump on the toilet. And hopefully they get that on tape when old Kate poops in hers unnerwares.
After that, the kids will bring baggies of snacks. 2 crackers, 3 grapes & juicy juice the grown kids found in the basement. Haha.
I'm sick of her. She sold her kids to the highest bidder. Now she's trying to sell one to Disney so she can buy her boxed wine and fried hair. Yup. She's an inspiration to all.
Re: Cara and Clay. I think you're right that Cara was in charge of Collin and preventing temper tantrums by playing with Lego. But Cara did other things like blaming Clay for events not his fault, making snide remarks and hitting the side of his head...she was crying and screaming about Clay who had done nothing, just wanted a flat surface to play with his own Lego. Jamie and Ashley were both present. I think Cara bottles her emotions until the boiling point and she seems very volatile.
The other time it was not Cara but H and A who were taunting Clay.
You are absolutely correct- Kate would never deal with a problem, just passed the buck to her daughter and helpers.
I think the G household must be very tense and cold and a stressful place to live ( no brainer, right?)All the kids on the RV trip including Jamie's, were crying to see Ashley leave.
Admin -
Yes - little girls love their best friends! They will hold hands, sleep in the same bed, give each other gifts, etc. Kate is a case of arrested development.
Welcome and I too love the name :)
Maybe there is a legal time frame on the confidentiality people must keep- or maybe others who did not sign anything have tales to tell- locals, business people, other members of the public, older employees?
Do we know what format the RH book will be- you mentioned downloading it...will it be an e-book, hard cover... do you or anyone else know?
A Seattle couple who collected welfare while living in a $1.2 million waterfront home are headed to prison.
I wonder what the penalty is for fleecing parishioners out of love donations while purchasing a 1.2 million home. It's ironic that the cost of the Seattle home and the Wernersville home is exactly the same!
Hoffman mentioned ebook awhile ago. So I assume we will have that option.
Ohh and my dh spoiled me rotten and bought me a 8oz popcorn machine on wheels. I'm not greedy. So when the book does come out, I'll provide the popcorn. ;)
Donkeyteeth -
Welcome! Popcorn sounds so good right now. :) My kids' school purchased a popcorn machine, and that thing gets used all the time. They can wheel it around the building - it's really great. I'll bring the Rumspringa if you provide the popcorn.
I'll even spare extra butter!!
Ms malaprop. What machine did they buy? I love mine. But I am a popcorn lover. Taste just like move popcorn!! Numnum! I bought mine on amazon. Waited for ten years for the price to go down! Back then, they wanted $400 or more for the popper. Dh paid a little over $200. Did we need it? No. But we love it. :)
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 171
I wonder what the penalty is for fleecing parishioners out of love donations while purchasing a 1.2 million home. It's ironic that the cost of the Seattle home and the Wernersville home is exactly the same!
I think she'll get off fairly easy seeing as though she's on a first name basis with God. To hear her tell it, he'll do anything for her. She's his favorite.
I had to laugh at her lie about the cost of the house. It was a $1.2 million house, but she had to up the price when she spoke about how were they supposed to keep it real when they're buying a $2 million house. That's Kate for ya. She stretches the truth to the snapping point.
Donkeyteeth -
I'm not sure what brand it is. We used to always buy microwave popcorn, but a friend of mine said she always made it on the stove. So I tried that, and we haven't bought the microwave kind since. If we ever get our basement finished I'll have to look into buying a big one. Does yours sit on the countertop, or does it stand alone?
Malaprop.. Here's the machine we bought.. It will hold four gallons of popcorn but 1 8oz bag will pop enough for 4.. We popped 6 bags this week alone. You would love it in your basement.. I say jump on this price soon.. They used to be $400 or more.
I see the price went up on the popper. We paid $199
Just saw this on Twitter and confirmed it:
@readleelove I don't have a publicist. Never have. Not sure where you got that??!
A lie or is Kate so dumb she doesn't know the meaning of the word? Rhetorical question.
Why do some of Kate's fans keep tweeting @tlc when they say they want her and the kids and her back on the air? Don't they realize TLC has moved on to better(and bigger) stories and families. TLC is now going to be airing a special documentary titled "Half-Ton Killer?".
Radar has the story, but you can also read about it here:
TLC is now catering to the shock value of their stories-I don't even think PT Barnum was this bad.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate u really need 2 get on TV again,every1 is missing u and the kids
@Kateplusmy8 Alright, Kate... We've waited long enough!! Ready for a new show!!
Do these morons really think Kate isn't on TV by her choice?! They've waited long enough, Kate. Get on TV already!
For argument's sake, let's say all 100,000+ Twitter followers are fans who would watch a new Kate show. Do they not get that those numbers aren't close to what would sustain a TV show?
Ok - that's what I was picturing. It says it can be used on the countertop if you take it off the base. That's pretty cool! Wow - you eat a lot of popcorn at your house. lol I'm enjoying a bowl right now. A city near me just had their annual popcorn festival. I've never been, but I hear it's a good time.
Remember when her show was cancelled, she said, "I've never quit a job in my life without having something else lined up".
Well I guess she was right because when she quit the $1,800. speaking engagements, her manager had already "lined up" the $25,000. single speaking engagement, as related by Robert Hoffman, as well as more lucrative paydays.
We do eat a lot of popcorn!! My 18 year old that moved out comes home to fill a grocery bag full! Honestly. Haha I sound like Kate. :o I've loved popcorn since I was 3.. Could never get enough. I had my dad buy me popcorn at the movies on his way home from work.. Some people love chocolate?! I love popcorn.
Kate is a twit said... 181
"TLC is now going to be airing a special documentary titled "Half-Ton Killer?"...
...I don't even think PT Barnum was this bad."
I saw this too and thought the exact same thing. Wow, this is what so called reality television has stooped to?
It's embarrassing, really.
Donkey . . .
That is amazing! I am a lover of chocolate, but I can't imagine having that level of passion for popcorn. How interesting! Have you ever had Garrett's popcorn from Chicago? OH EM GEE - that is some good stuff. Do you only go for butter/salt on your popcorn, or do you enjoy other varieties?
You don't only eat popcorn do you? You know, if you're a "freaky eater" you can get on TLC. LOL
TLC stinks said... 151
I think Preesi contributed to the rumor mill. She said she got a phone call from a tabloid about Kate having an affair with her trainer and Preesi thought Jamie was Kate's trainer. There were also those uncomfortable photos of them in bed together. I never bought into the gay theory, but there has got to be some pretty good reason why Jamie did not get full custody of the kids. I don't think her being supposedly gay would make a judge rule against her custody. For some reason she must be an unfit mother, maybe drugs or alcohol?
The one that caught my attention were the photographs of Kate and Jamie sitting on a park bench or something, and Jamie is literally draped all over Kate. She has a leg draped over Kate's lap, she is kissing Kate's cheek, arm around Kate, all the while Kate has a VERY uncomfortable look on her face. I assumed at the time that Jamie was trying to prove how bestie close they were and Kate didnt want to do that.
To: OMG: I'm not a loon, I was not even a fan anymore and it had been almost 6 years since I saw him last, it was just a friendly gesture, to say Hi. As for the 10-20 appearances over a 4-5 year period, they do celebs, when they see the same group of people/fans, they know who you are. We would go to Buffy convention and other sci-fi conventions, I went for that, but also to travel, with people I knew. Who are you to judge me, what are you a drive-by Kate sheeple? I was making a comparison between Kate and James, on how when Kate hire that PR, her fee for appearance went up, the same with James. So go back to Kate's sandbox or go play on the freeway.
I always felt sorry for Clay. Remember at the beginning of the RV trip, Hannah kept telling him he was weird, and finally he said, "According to science, you're weird". Then Hannah went off on him and said HE was really mean. Guess it wasn't mean of her to call him names, it's just mean when he responds to her bullying. And that's what it was. Bullying. Many of the G8 have been shown acting like bullies--Hannah, Alexis, Cara, Collin. Two were expelled for bullying. And yet, their mother wants to speak out against bullying. She needs to start at home.
Lmao!! No haven't tried that brand! I've tried tons too. I really wanted to buy one of those butter machines.. But they are$$ so instead, I bought a bottle warmer to keep my butter melted lol. I put my butter in one of those squeeze bottles. Haha I don't only eat popcorn. I have an affair with tacos too. ;) I could eat them everyday and be happy!
That's exactly how I saw the Hannah clay thing. Clay just minding his own business, Hannah starting with him and then getting mad when Clay finally dished it back. Just like how Kate operates. Behave badly then cry foul when called out.
Donkeyteeth -- Have you ever tried chocolate popcorn? OMG! It is to die for. I love both chocolate and popcorn, but normally I prefer my popcorn with butter and salt, or maybe butter and seasoned salt, but the chocolate is WONDERFUL!!
Formerly -- Thanks for the additional info on the Clay/G8 interaction. As I said, I didn't watch the episode, so I was just making a rambling speculation. I agree with you that Cara is the volatile one. Mady's the one who is always pointed at about being moody, etc. and, I agree, she's what I would call mercurial, but she's all out there. What you see is what you get. Cara is a brooder and I think she takes things very seriously. I think both girls are going to be a handful when they hit their teens.
I really hope Jon realizes the serious effect Kate's narcissism will have on the kids. I was reading an article on narcissists and their children and this is such a damaging disorder for kids to live with.
"A parent diagnosed with full-fledged Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) should be denied custody and be granted only restricted rights of visitation under supervision.
Narcissists accord the same treatment to children and adults. They regard both as sources of narcissistic supply, mere instruments of gratification - idealize them at first and then devalue them in favour of alternative, safer and more subservient, sources. Such treatment is traumatic and can have long-lasting emotional effects."
Butterfly, chefsummer: I too had thought Kate was Bi. Sorry people it's one thing to share a hotel room to keep expenses down, it's another to share a bed, in ones home, in which the house is a mansion, with many rooms and guest rooms. I always thought something was weird about that.
Whats with the retweeting rampage today...Kate can't get enough satisfaction with the ususal fill of ass kissing....come on people...Kate needs extra ego boosting...whats the problem?
Donkeyteeth said... 152
The talk of main coons make me smile.. I have one too. He's a big baby. Those that own one.. Don't you love how they "chirp" instead of meowing? My main coon kitty is getting old. Almost 13 years old.
I had a Maine Coon Cat. I miss him terribly.
My cat who is sitting next to me right now asks,
"Mommy, if 13 is old for a kitty, what does that make me?" She's almost 20.
I would add Mady to the bully list. She used to boos & smack those tups around pretty consistently, and also one of aunt Jodi's kids. When Kate said in her 'love' note to M, 'speak kindly & be a friend' she gave a knowing look, like that was something Mady didn't usually do.
Aaden started to cop an attitude toward the end of K&8 but I wouldn't call Joel or him bullies like the others.
But then Kate used to really say awful things about Mady- eg) Mady's Day
Some of them maybe were warranted but who criticizes their child on national TV...Kate!
Mady has clawed her way up to the top of the heap- wonder who's out of favor now besides icky boys?
Straight, Bi, Gay.....who the eff cares....does it really matter?...she's a con artist..thats the only way I see her....everything else doesn't mean very much to me....I can't picture her with anybody...her only "love" is money...grifting gives her orgasms....nothing else..
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