Reality T.V. Kids: "Oops."
TLC's hottest new show next to Honey Boo Boo child is about a good ole fashioned Rumspringa! TLC touts the show Breaking Amish as a group of young Amish leaving the community for the first time. But some impressive sleuths have helped made headlines after digging up some interesting information on the cast. In particular, cast member Kate (no relation to our Kate)
is reported by those who have seen her to drive a car, dress non-Amish, and work in a Ruby Tuesdays in Lebanon, PA. She was also shopping around modeling photos on a web site more than two years ago.
Other reports say that Rebecca and Abe, portrayed as strangers who just met, have a child together, and Jeremiah has been living outside of the Amish community for as many as 14 years, and is divorced with three kids. Oops, TLC! Time to bring out the damage control team hibernating since Kate Plus 8 was canceled!
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Pass the Swiffer! |
The same day all this is hitting the fan, good ole Eileen O'Neill, president of Discovery, gave another disingenuous interview in which she acts like, who me, what, people are upset about Honey Boo Boo? Oh well that's their opinion! Eileen goes on to claim she would never let her reality t.v. subjects be uncomfortable (which is why I guess she sued the pants off Jon when he left the show?) and that she is very proud of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo." No really, she used the word "proud."
Of this:
1193 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1193 Newer› Newest»um sorry Layla, and that's boss not boos!
butterfly said... 150
I will be sorely disappointed if the 'big' news is Kate is gay. That wouldn't even make me blink.
Same here. I don't care who is gay, who is straight, transgendered or bisexual. That is
beyond my need to know. I would prefer NOT to know if that's the big reveal. If a person chooses to keep their sexuality a secret, I think they have that right. I don't classify that as dishonesty or deceit as long as they have not openly lied about it.
I've said it before...I think Kate is not straight or lesbian or bi...she's asexual , which explains why she didn't respond comfortably to Jamie's advances if that's what they were.
KAT: I think appliances turn her on-Remember the ecstasy of the label maker, now the bread slicer? She could go on that weird sex fetish show perhaps!
The video footage showed Clay didn't trip anyone. If Kate is going to call anyone a bully she should look at how her family treated him.
My DS has two Maine Coon cats - they DO chirp! Huge, big kitties and shed, omg do they shed.
They are both getting on in years and one of them, the deaf one, has the lovely habit of carrying her poop around under her tail. Ugh. She defies them to have her clipped back there. She's a bit of a diva; sharp teeth and claws and a daunting temper... funny thing is, she has no problem standing still for her clean-up. Could she maybe be feeling a tad entitled?
DH is such an optimist: "well, at least it's solid so we can pull it off with a paper towel in one piece"......
I about died when he shrugged as he went calmly after the nugget. DS and DIL share the poop retrieval duty equally. It's a happy marriage... LOL
I'll always be confused about his genetic makeup; two dog people for parents, dogs all his life and he and his wife are now 'cat people'.
Ah, sweet mysteries of life..........
One thing that gets to me about Kate's followers is that they deny 50/50 custody by pointing to how often kate tweets about the kids. Do they think the kids are conjoined or something? When Kate tweets about something one kid (or some of them) did or said, that doesn't mean they are all there at the same time. Some might be with her, and some might be with Jon. In fact, it would be beneficial to the kids to be in smaller groups so that they get more individual attention. And Kate has mentioned that some of the kids don't get along with others. Didn't she say that Collin and Alexis couldn't be in the same class in school because they wouldn't get along? So, they're divided between classes. I don't see why this is such a hard concept for her followers to understand. But then again, they only things in a way that put Kate in the best light. Typical.
KAT said... 199
Straight, Bi, Gay.....who the eff cares....does it really matter?...she's a con artist..thats the only way I see her....everything else doesn't mean very much to me....I can't picture her with anybody...her only "love" is money...grifting gives her orgasms....nothing else..
Kat, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Kate loves Kate.
I don't remember the time sequence, but on the RV trip, Kate was shown playing with Clay(the mud fight). Was the incident with Clay and the Legos, before or after that? Maybe a lot of it had to do with seeing Mommy play with Clay in a way she never plays with them. Clay became the bad guy because Mommy focused her attention on him.
I had to go take a Zyrtec with all this talk of cats! Or maybe it's because I was cleaning my dusty house.
Straight, Bi, Gay.....who the eff cares....does it really matter?...she's a con artist 199
I have followed this saga since the early days of GWOP and read at Z on TV when he was posting about it. People have been asking for the
locals to speak out; for someone to write a book about what I term a travesty for YEARS.
I understand locals who remain quiet for the children's sake. But as a PA taxpayer it appears that Mr. Hoffman has done some extensive
research to expose the FRAUD who is Kate Gosselin, who sold her children before they were even born, later aided and abetted by a tv
network that consciously creates fraudulent 'reality" shows.
Contrary to what the sheeple will say, he has not been stalking Kate. He has clearly been doing research for what looks like is going to be an excellent expose'.
Just wanted to add, I would also be interested in a sociological and/or psychological exploration of why anyone would admire this woman.
Read all the posts and dont have a thing to add. i am still gobsmacked over Robert's revelations. Not because I am surprised, but because it is FINALLY validation of all these tiny things we ALL knew already.
All this time of dealing with drive bys, who tell us we are obsessed, plucking apart her every word and move and we are creating inconsistancies... There were times i did doubt myself.
There are folks who live fake lives full of lies and make believe, but few of them have made a 'career' out of while, fruadulantly conning church folk, begging gifts cards from school girls, all the while doing significant emotional harm to little children.
Finally we have validation for ourselves.
I got to find me some uplifting Aretha Franklin or something now ~~~ feeeels soooo good!
Have ya noticed how we are all calling Mr Hoffman "Robert" like is just one of us? hehe
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 wow #thekateeffect Really like that. We need a new show about motivating for better health & positive lives ;)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@AskBabyMama @Kateplusmy8 Hey lady....Ur so rt! The Health/Exercise venue would be gr8 w/storyline..."If Kate can do can U!" :)
OK I think I've outed Milo...she's Julie May Carson
Localyocul said... 8
I had to go take a Zyrtec with all this talk of cats! Or maybe it's because I was cleaning my dusty house.
I was ok till I clicked on the pic, and then it was Claratin for me! I think I am still wheezing!
lol! I love cats but they clog up my lungs and send me to the ER.
DH says no more dogs after we lost our beloved baby girl in May....... we are still grieving her... it was just too hard to lose her, I don't think emotionally we can go through that again...
But our home feels so empty without a pet. I am thinking in time about getting a couple of cats...
Can a lifelong dog person become a cat person?
Well, Kate has always said, she let's the kids fight it out among themselves. Which means she never gets involved, unless one of them gets hurt or damage something that belongs to Kate. That is poor parenting right there. In ones home there should be peace & harmony, children should get along with their brothers & sisters, this is family, cause what goes on at home usually carries to the out side. Like school, playing with other kids. Perhaps when Kate was growing up her parents did that to her & her sisters & brother, I do find that hard to believe, since Dad was a minister(they were usually more strict with their kids), unless Kate gets off on watching or hearing her kids fight. Just so she can yell at them or hit them. So she can justify punishing them. JMO
RV trip, around 31:00 on. Before the mud fight. The time the tups were mean was an earlier episode, Reorganizing Basement.
Permanent Name in Blue said... 4
My DS has two Maine Coon cats - they DO chirp! Huge, big kitties and shed, omg do they shed.
They are both getting on in years and one of them, the deaf one, has the lovely habit of carrying her poop around under her tail. Ugh. She defies them to have her clipped back there. She's a bit of a diva; sharp teeth and claws and a daunting temper... funny thing is, she has no problem standing still for her clean-up. Could she maybe be feeling a tad entitled?
DH is such an optimist: "well, at least it's solid so we can pull it off with a paper towel in one piece"......
I about died when he shrugged as he went calmly after the nugget. DS and DIL share the poop retrieval duty equally. It's a happy marriage... LOL
I'll always be confused about his genetic makeup; two dog people for parents, dogs all his life and he and his wife are now 'cat people'.
Ah, sweet mysteries of life..........
Such an unpleasant topic so I will add to it coz I am a fun time that way!
We had a Jack Russell that developed that problem as she got elderly too. The funny thing was, we would let her in from outside and she slink into the house and then cower in the corner on the landing behind the door. WTH? Then I saw it. Easy to clean her up with a papertowel and a baby wipe - and she was off! at Jack Russell speed feeling like a whole new woman.
So everytime she would slink into the house and cower, I would just reassure her while i got the paper towel and a wipe. Took 1 minute. I guess she knew she was in 'mid duty' there and wasnt clean and she knew she wasnt to poo in the house so she was feeling bad about bringing it in like that?
Which reminds me of something about Kate and her 'brave momma not by choice' when she heard a bump in the house: How soothing and comforting it would be if she had a loving devoted canine roaming the house at night watching over those sweet children and even over Her Majesty. I cant imagine not having that security at night in my house with my Rott, my Lab and mixed breed.
Hi, all. This is the first time I've been on this blog in days and I have not read the comments: I only read Admin's intro for this thread. The first thing I think is what a liar Eileen O'Neill is. It brought to mind when the Jon and Kate announced their divorce.
Eileen said (and I'm paraphrasing now) that they would handle the situation delicatlely and with compassion, but they would keep on filming because divorce is something that happens in reality.
However, it wasn't handled delicately, compassionately, or even acknowledged except on couch interviews. During those, Kate was given free reign to bash Jon all she wanted and tell her many lies. Then they went on with filming the kids on various outings or trips without ever mentioning the divorce. There was no compassion showing Jon and Kate together explaining things to the kids, reassuring them that they were loved, etc. It was just the usual show, minus Jon, with the addition of Kate ruling heavyhanded without any interference from anyone.
Now, please understand, I am a firm believer that when the marriage went kaput, the show should have ended, period. But it didn't. And Eileen kept insinutating that everything would be handled sensitively, but it wasn't. She was going for the ratings and damn the kids as far as she, TLC, and Kate were concerned.
I probably didn't word this properly and I'm sorry for that. The kids went through enough and I am not suggesting they should have been subjected to more. I am merely confirming something that we all knew already. Eileen O'Neill doesn't care about compassion, honesty, or anything else humane with her shows. She only cares about ratings that result in the bottom line.
ohhh, just watched the RV bit again. Cara was so nasty. Said Clay sitting & talking was annoying. Cara pushed Clay's head and Collin kicked him. I was glad Ashley and Jamie stood up for the kids!
Localyocul said... 11
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 wow #thekateeffect Really like that. We need a new show about motivating for better health & positive lives ;)
Yeah, coz there arent 45 of those on everyone's TV 24/7.
OK I tried but I am having some really annoying back pain today. You all have a good Saturday night. Later!
Lovemygrandsons: That is exactly what Elaine O'neil is doing, she is doing the same thing with Honey Boo Boo, and the Amish, she cares nothing of that they are being used, abused, made fun of, kind of like that song: Sweet Dreams: Anne Lennox, I swear that, song is TLC's theme song, or they took this song to heart.
OK I think I've outed Milo...she's Julie May Carson
Whoever it is knows upcoming events and foreshadows them, and floats trial balloons.
We've always thought whoever it is was a partial insider. He/she seems to know where Kate is, even if it hasn't been public information yet.
Why would Kate share that info with a stranger?
Lovemygrandsons: they should rename that song: Reality Dreams. Every word in that song describes reality TV. Amazing for an old song.
Dwindle said... 20
OK I tried but I am having some really annoying back pain today. You all have a good Saturday night. Later!
Feel better, Dwindle!
Farm to Table: another example of Cara's temper- 10:00 to 11:11. Mady cowered from her.I think Cara is very troubled.
Your cats' stories ( similar to my embarrassed dog when that happens !) reminds me of Collin's impaction troubles. Why did they allow airing Jon's helping him in the van and describing it in detail? If our animals are mortified, how will Collin feel about this?
Yeah!! Grandsons is back! Hope you are planning to stay this time. We missed you.
I don't care if KK is a, bi, gay, straight , or into bestiality (although Shoka may have a bark or two about that one). All I care about is how abominally she treats other people, especially her children, and the way she's been scamming the world for over 8 years.
The G8 have all engaged in some bullying at various times. Some of them may be bullies by temperament, but I think mostly it's because that is the sort of behavior they see modeled for them in the home. They saw KK brag about "we don't hit in our family" then repeatedly slap Jon, hit them, and allow them to beat on each other. When a child is exposed to that sort of behavior on a regular basis, of course they are going to behave that way themselves. They don't know any better. I'd be interested to know if they still do that or if they've learned, through school, better outlets for their agression and frustration.
Of course, I meant abominably, not abominally. Proofread! Proofread!
anger issues, you're right, that song should be renamed for reality tv.
readerlady, I fear that with the time they spend with Kate, they may end up being bullies, but hopefully come out of it when they are older. I speak from experience here.
As I've stated several times on previous threads, I was from an abusive home. My brothers and I would always get into physical altercations, ususally both of them against me, and my mother did nothing to stop it. She let it happen and her pathetic reasoning is all brothers and sisters do this. In grade school, both my brothers and I were somewhat bullies. Sometimes we picked on other kids, but mostly, if someone did something we didn't like, we got physical and would beat them up. I'm not proud of it, but using physical force to handle a situation you didn't like was something we learned at home. As I grew older, I saw that this was the wrong way to handle things, mainly because an aunt took an interest in helping me find my way.
My point is this type of behavior is something the Gosselin kids have witnessed first hand from their mother. Hopefully they won't be bullies, but there is that chance. I hope not for their sake.
And Kate has mentioned that some of the kids don't get along with others. Didn't she say that Collin and Alexis couldn't be in the same class in school because they wouldn't get along?
Because they need lots of time with teachers. No one wanted both of them in their class.
I honestly cant even picture her being interested in sure it was a chore to her....i bet shes relieved she doesnt have to deal with it anymore....
Can a lifelong dog person become a cat person?
Absolutely. I've had dogs my entire life, multiples at one time and I swore I'd never have a cat, and certainly not in the house. Then a kitten showed up unannounced, homeless and unloved. That was the beginning of it. It seemed we never had enough cats. Someone was always bringing one home, until we had seven, and I finally said, ENOUGH! Some have passed on due to old age,and they took a part of me with them.
All are inside cats and only see the outside world when they go to the groomers. I wouldn't take a chance on anything happening to them if they were left to roam outside. They live peacefully with the dogs, and sleep side-by-side with the dogs in the guest room, or in the master bedroom.
Cats are amazing...
Can't wait for the Gosselin Book...!
After searching all things Amish (don't laugh, I really am curious) I found the Nat Geo documentary, Amish: Out of Order. I have a feeling I will be seeing a far more 'real' story of a member leaving the Order.
You suck, TLC.
BTW....milo is on an ass kissing extravaganza tonight....could somebody tell her to shut the hell up....she sounds crazier then usual....i had to get off twitter....i couldnt even stand it.....i wonder if she lives in one of those developmental centers....i would hate to think that shes walking the streets unsupervised....ha
Secret said,
Because they need lots of time with teachers. No one wanted both of them in their class.
Do you happen to know who that teacher was...last year, or this year? If you have that information, then you must be familiar with the classes and the teachers.
Discussions about teachers and how they behave in class, other than what has been put out there by the media a long time ago, are not allowed here. Thank you.
BTW....milo is on an ass kissing extravaganza tonight....could somebody tell her to shut the hell up....she sounds crazier then usual
She tweeted that she got hit on the head with an acorn, and if her tweets get weird, she has an excuse.
To think that what we've been reading up to this point is "normal" (for her).
Eileen said (and I'm paraphrasing now) that they would handle the situation delicately and with compassion, but they would keep on
filming because divorce is something that happens in reality. 17
Delicately my left foot. Promos for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! As if the subject matter wasn't obvious. Promos with one of the children crying "DADDY PLEASE DON'T GO."
Delicate as being gored by a bull in Pamplona.
Discussions about teachers and how they behave in class, other than what has been put out there by the media a long time ago, are not allowed here. Thank you.
That's exactly why I commented as I did, because I figured that the person had no inside information, and to say that no teacher wanted both of them in their class was unacceptable. If they can't back up their statements, then they usually don't comment further about it.
What if they did know though? All of a sudden their teacher's name is on this blog and I just cannot have that period.
I hope you all don't mind if there's one more post about Maine Coon cats. I'm fairly new here posting, although I've been reading here for awhile.
I shared my life with my cat who was my "child" because I never had children (I'm in my 50's now) and I lived alone for awhile. So Boo was my life who brought me SO much joy. He was so mellow and loving and funny but also liked his own space.
This may be common with other cats but I think Boo thought he was a dog because he would find his toy mouse in the other room and bring it to me and drop it at my feet; he wanted to play. Maybe that's common (?), it always made me laugh.
Then 3 years after I had him, I had to find him a new home as I could no longer afford to stay in my apt and had to move into my parents home and they were allergic. I cried and cried. It has been over 4 years now and I still think about him every single day and miss him like crazy.
Thanks for letting me share; I'd post a photo of him on here but I don't know how to do it.
Butterfly; I like learning about the Amish too. Look up "Amish a secret life" on YouTube. I'd give you the link. But can't since I'm on my iPad.. There is another really good one too. I'll try to find it.
readerlady #26, thank you for your kind words, that was very sweet. I'm not quite up to par because I'm on medication right now. My hubs was kind enough to share his virus with me that he had last weekend. It hit me kind of hard and my doctor gave me a RX to clear it up before it hits my lungs. Needless to say, the meds make me very groggy.
Dwindle, I hope your back is feeling better tomorrow. Take care.
What if they did know though? All of a sudden their teacher's name is on this blog and I just cannot have that period.
I understand, and I totally agree. They don't know, though because it isn't true. I'll bet the farm and all of the cows, chickens and SHEEP on that. But you can't be too're right.
Even with a warning, what is to prevent someone from spilling the beans about schedules, behavior, academics, or whatever? Unless the blog is moderated, the info is there until you can delete it, such as what happened recently with the posting of the name, address and phone number of a member of the blog. Drivebys think it's cute to disrupt the flow of the blog and publish something embarrassing in an effort to out another person. You and the "blog girls" have to constantly be on alert, especially since they have a penchant for making out with the mowing boys when they are supposed to be on duty! :)
That's why engaging with them or egging them on doesn't help the moderators do their job.
Now agreeance you can do that since that works like a charm!
What I can't figure out is TLC's need to always have spin-offs of current shows. I only watched a minute of the Honey show and that was enough.
Now with this Amish thing...I mean come on isn't there enough reality shows out there? I almost hate to have to put reality and show in the same sentence because every show out there is edited and played basically for drama in a way just for the sake of readers. Even if people are genuine it only maybe lasts a season before things go down hill from there.
Why keep pushing for the next big reality television show? Are people that bored or is getting a show just that easy now in today's world? Are people's lives so dull that they need to jazz it up with, "Hey, if they have a reality show, I so need to get one to."
I guess my point is if your life was so interesting and so full of meaning and activities that you wouldn't have time to be followed around by a camera crew. I certainly wouldn't ever be caught dead doing it. But I personally don't find my life all that interesting to really share with many people.
That I look at people such as Kate who shopped for a show...just to me it meant she was bored and was hoping for something that would, I don't know if spice it up is the right choice of words here. But if she had truly been satisfied with the life she had in who-knows-where PA than she wouldn't have wanted to or needed to have a show.
Same with these current people, Amish included. Why are people so drawn to put themselves out there on television? Sure you'll be famous but from what I see of TLC you are only famous for either being really difficult or really weird, period. And maybe it's just me but I wouldn't be all that proud to know I was famous for having an attitude or famous for being this odd-ball family.
My guess is people on these shows just don't I learned from a woman I respect recently, they obviously don't mind wearing the cone of shame because they have none. Behavioral wise anyway.
This Amish mess TLC may have gotten themselves into I am not sure they'll care because it's a cooperation thing and all they want to see is that bottom line with the ratings and when they no longer get the ratings they want or they manage to catch the next biggest fish they'll dump the old show and go for something new.
There seems to be this never ending need to satisfy American curiosity to watch the next big train wreck or listen to next big group of not all that educated, crass, odd-duck type people for some sort of cheap quick easy entertaining laugh. Which I think she exactly what TLC wants to accomplish. Nothing more than to put something out there just to see if it will stick.
But I'm not too worried, Honey, Amish, Toddlers and Tiaras they'll all eventually end up as "Where are they now..." or, "Remember them..." articles, if that. Unless they become like Kate who can't shut her yap for more than 5 minutes and develop this thirsty need to find self-satisfaction in post-fame by blasting their boring mundane lives after their show all over Twitter. And as long as they have that one group of devoted nut jobs, hey, "I got fans! They still like me I'm still important." That's all they will have going for them and that's sadly I think all these type people will need.
Can a lifelong dog person become a cat person?
Yes. But only if you're willing to put their name before your's on the house title.
Sorry administrator didn't knwo the rule. Me<---- not a sheep
No prob secret.
As for the 10-20 appearances over a 4-5 year period, they do celebs, when they see the same group of people/fans, they know who you are.
First of all, that sentence makes no sense. Secondly, of course they know who you are. You are stalkers and they are afraid of you.
So can I safely assume you were a James sheeple? Until, of course, he shunned you.
That's why engaging with them or egging them on doesn't help the moderators do their job.
Well, since I was willing to bet the farm, I suppose "egging" would be more applicable here! I apologize for egging. No more egging, or egg throwing, or clipping of hooves! :)
Sheeple, sheeple@51
Agree, agree, agree! Stalkers are stalkers are stalkers, even if they only want to say hello to a celebrity. I wonder what that makes all of Kate's fans who are trying to arrange a meet and greet, want to go to her home for some organic food, or signed up for the cruise to watch Kate and the kids play on the beach.
Are Drivebys lonely and bored on weekend nights, and it's not even full moon?
Speaking of shunning, when does is the National Geographic special on the Amish air? I haven't seen it, and I'd really like to check it out!
Well, since I was willing to bet the farm, I suppose "egging" would be more applicable here! I apologize for egging. No more egging, or egg throwing, or clipping of hooves! :)
Honing, of course, is always welcome.
Comments on Huffpost about Kate being named as having #5 of the worst 20 "celebrity" tattoos...
Huff says they find her tattoo "disturbing."
"Greasy face, bad blond wig, black eye brows and cheap tattoo. The bad tattoo is the least of her worries."
"It suits her, an UGLY tattoo for a VERY UGLY woman!!!"
@Kateplusmy8 the memories they made!! And u teaching them about spending wisely! :-)
Are these sheeple plastered, or just in need of meds? Kate spending in hair, nails, tanning, shoes, limo trips, ad nauseam.
Kate tweeted...
Today was voted the 'best day ever'!We went to toysrus and my kids chose whatever they wanted using their own $! Haven't seen them since lol 11 minutes ago
How do you respond to that? I mean, honestly, what can you say?
Are these sheeple plastered, or just in need of meds?
Milo is still carrying on about the homemade bread and how it will make Kate famous and get her back on television. She's not going to let it go. (Administrator) said... 60
Actually I think that fan is right. It is no one's business. That is unless in that same year you told little old church ladies you're poor and need their generous donations. Then it sure as heck becomes our business.
September 21, 2012 7:59 AM
WHY?? (Administrator) said... 71
Makes her seem very greedy and vindictive demanding so much child support from Jon such that all the man could do was work mediocre jobs and on top of it all made sure he only saw his kids two weekends a month. She didn't need the child support to live, she just wanted it to be vindictive.
September 21, 2012 8:20 AM
I thought you said Kate couldn't dictate child support? If she can't dismiss it she also cannot demand it. It's dictated by the court, not Kate. Right? (Administrator) said... 60
Actually I think that fan is right. It is no one's business. That is unless in that same year you told little old church ladies you're poor and need their generous donations. Then it sure as heck becomes our business.
September 21, 2012 7:59 AM
Yes I agree, why is it our business when people are being defrauded. Silly me.
I thought you said Kate couldn't dictate child support? If she can't dismiss it she also cannot demand it. It's dictated by the court, not Kate. Right?
Wrong. Kate can push for more and more child support as she wants. What she can't do is get rid of it. (Administrator) said... 59 (Administrator) said... 60
Actually I think that fan is right. It is no one's business. That is unless in that same year you told little old church ladies you're poor and need their generous donations. Then it sure as heck becomes our business.
September 21, 2012 7:59 AM
Yes I agree, why is it our business when people are being defrauded. Silly me.
September 22, 2012 6:40 PM
And your answer is?
Because Kate said they've made what they do "our business." Didn't she mean it? From a Larry King Live interview on February 2009:
"K. GOSSELIN: Well, with our reality show, obviously, we put them out there. And, you know, our goal in our show is to show the real life of what it is like to have two sets of multiples. And basically, essentially, we've made it your business."
Yes they made it our business to know what it's like to have two sets of mulitples. Not everything in their lives.
The sheep are out in full force tonight, on Twitter and on the blog, and getting more pathetic as the night goes on...
Please put @Kateplusmy8 back on TV in some capacity. Her show was genuine. Something you don't see much of on TV these days.
@Kateplusmy8 But remember, it teaches them responsibility n money spending/saving! The people in line can wait bc ur kids r awesome!
Yes they made it our business to know what it's like to have two sets of mulitples. Not everything in their lives.
She puts everything out there on Twitter, for gosh sakes, right down to a child trying on shoes, to what they bought today at toy store, to how much toilet paper they use in a week. Why do this if not to elicit a response?
Oops - I forgot! I agree. Nothing is our business. We should just watch as she puts things that should remain private out there for public consumption, and not make one comment on anything. This includes, of course, Kate broadcasting that the twins got bras.
Nothing is our business. Nothing, but I bet those people, who gave love offerings when Kate's income tax return showed nearly two million dollars, wish that someone would have told them about it, thus making it their business. They had a right to know.
Yes they made it our business to know what it's like to have two sets of mulitples. Not everything in their lives.
When you ask for donations from the mediocre public, the mediocre public has a right to know whether you truly need them or not.
I don't think Robert Hoffman is writing the book. I think his wife is under his name so it won't be seen as revenge for being demoted at the paper for what she did to the Gosselins.
She's had a beef with them since. What man do you know who would stalk a person all day long just to see where they hide Easter eggs for their kids and go to all this trouble? No, sounds like a woman with a vengence to me.
WHY? said... 63
Yes they made it our business to know what it's like to have two sets of mulitples. Not everything in their lives.
It's a little too late for that argument though. It's what happens when you are a celebrity, especially one that no one likes. She was warned.
AuntieAnn said... 68
WHY? said... 63
Yes they made it our business to know what it's like to have two sets of mulitples. Not everything in their lives.
It's a little too late for that argument though. It's what happens when you are a celebrity, especially one that no one likes. She was warned.
September 22, 2012 7:06 PM
Warned by whom? And about what? I don't think it's too late for that opion at all.
Thanks! I shall check out that one too :)
WHY, question for ya. When you see a homeless person on the street would you give them the five bucks in your pocket? Would you still do that if you knew that homeless person, in fact, made 1.9 million that year?
I rest my case your honor.
Sniff, sniff.
I smell greasy, desperate wool in here.
I'd like to hear more from anger issues on how fans think. Could you provide us some insight? Pleeeaaase??? (Administrator) said... 71
WHY, question for ya. When you see a homeless person on the street would you give them the five bucks in your pocket? Would you still do that if you knew that homeless person, in fact, made 1.9 million that year?
I rest my case your honor.
September 22, 2012 7:13 PM
That's not a fair analogy. I have given money in love offerings to special speakers knowing they have more money than i do. That doesn't make them scammers.
I also don't think Jon and Kate told the audiences they were poor or needed money. I think they talked about the cost of raising all the kids and that they praised God for the opportunities He provided for them.
I think we have our answer. Why's on first ever since Who stole second.
Kate is a Witch said... 72
Sniff, sniff.
I smell greasy, desperate wool in here.
September 22, 2012 7:13 PM
fidosmommy said... 75
I think we have our answer. Why's on first ever since Who stole second.
September 22, 2012 7:21 PM
These kinds of posts are why you have the reputation you have here.
When did Jon and Kate talk about shaking out the couch cushions to find money to pay bills?
Why, why would you give money to someone you know has more money than you do? If you mean they in turn give it to charity, that's a different deal.
WHY? said... 69
Warned by whom? And about what? I don't think it's too late for that opion at all.
She was warned by her friends and family that her privacy was jeopardized by the show. Google it.
And when you ask people for money, they have a right to know where it's going.
What option are you referring to, WHY??
Didn't they also send friends and family all their account numbers? Praying for paper towels?
Free nurse?
No, not crying poor at all. #Blindness
Trying to catch up on all the posts. Have a question for WHY?said...I'm confused. Who has what reputation here?
Dwindle...Hope your back feels better.
WHY? said...
I have given money in love offerings to special speakers knowing they have more money than i do.
lol. Why WHY?
Did Buffy (show, not a person) fans go to Buffy hate sites and whine about their existance?? Did they vow to "ruin lives " of those who don't follow the slayer?
Kate fans are creepier than any other fans in fandom history.
PiggyPie_ said... 80
Didn't they also send friends and family all their account numbers?
According to an article by Jessica Remo
(March 2009)
"When the babies were six months old, family members, friends and neighbors got a letter containing the Gosselins’ account number with the electric company, in case anyone felt moved to pay the couple’s bill. (A TLC spokeswoman says the letter came from friends looking to help the Gosselins.)"
Thanks Auntie!
Can anybody here relate to that type of nerve? I sure can't.
Kate fans are creepier than any other fans in fandom history.
And can we forget the "New Sheriff In Town?" That one was certifiable.
"I think we have our answer. Why's on first ever since Who stole second."
Who stole second, but forgot to touch base, and Who is now Out. Why is still on first, and I Don't Know just walked, which is what all of them should be doing.
WHY? Do they always seem to crawl out of the woodwork on Saturday nights and WHY? Do they always end up here?
WHY? WHY? WHY? is it getting harder and harder to agree with them?
If you don't agree with us WHY? are you here WHY? I think you'd be much happier over on twitter. However, I am in total agreeance with everything you have said and I'm glad that you stopped by to show us the error of our ways. Carry on.
I also don't think Jon and Kate told the audiences they were poor or needed money. I think they talked about the cost of raising all the kids and that they praised God for the opportunities He provided for them.
There was someone here who attended one of those speaking engagements in PA. Does anyone have that comment about how Kate and Jon asked for love offerings?
Twittering And Twattering said... 64
The sheep are out in full force tonight, on Twitter and on the blog, and getting more pathetic as the night goes on...
Well the unmarried sheep, much like their idol, are highly unlikely to have dates on a Saturday night so, again like their idol, are likely deep into their Saturday night box of wine.
Whether or not they cried poor or not, the fact is that love offerings were collected. They knew that they amassed 2 million dollars in 2008. Love offerings never should have even entered the picture. That's what people with a moral conscience do...they don't ask for the collection basket to be passed, with a cash only stipulation. They thank the audience for coming, tell them that God has blessed them, and they say goodnight. End of show.
Parent in Lancaster: The show on National Geo is called: Amish: out of order. It was on sunday nights, and they are dune with season one. But are airing it on thursday I think.
As for the drive-bys, I was not a stalker, I've been in many fandoms and seen it all, but Kate sheeple, are by far the worse. And I see they have to come here an stir crap or pick on someone, like a bully? That they, with Kate hate. So you drive-by bullies, go back to Kate's sandbox or go play on the freeway. What's the matter, Kate not giving you enough attention?
That's not a fair analogy. I have given money in love offerings to special speakers knowing they have more money than i do. That doesn't make them scammers.
Oh, good. gawd. It certainly doesn't make them saints! Jim Bakker comes to mind and his actions landed him behind bars. I guess there's a sucker born every minute.
admin's analogy most definitely is a fair one, and a good one. It fits the Jon and Kate scenario perfectly.
Oh for crap sake, WHY, just go back to the sheep pen. Why, of Why do you feel the need to come here and defend that undefendable witch? You know how we feel about her here and the proof is about to be published for everyone to see. I know that just kills you and you will call it all a lie, but just think, this one is going to have documentation to prove what he is saying. Sorry all you sheeple will just have to continue burying your head in the sand or up Kates butt to defend her. Who cares what you say or think, you are, for creeps sake a fan.
Sheeple IQ = below 70
Sheeple Gullibility = (above 200)
Sheeple Logic = (N/A)
Fleecing, 90 -- Who stole second, but forgot to touch base, and Who is now Out. Why is still on first, and I Don't Know just walked, which is what all of them should be doing.
yes, right back to their own barnyard.
I was not a stalker
And Kate's fans would tell you the same thing. Milo, who is discussed her as being crazy, hasn't even met Kate, let alone seen her up to TWENTY times in a 4 year period! So who's the stalker?
pick on someone, like a bully
Who's on a celebrity gossip site talking trash about Kate? You. It's not so fun when the finger is pointed back at you, is it? You bully Kate here every day. And rightly so. She deserves it. I, too, have a right to my opinion about stuff you made public.
I for one am gratefull to WJY? tonight. Brought my shovel and to collect sheep manure to fertilize my garden for next spring =)
Thanks sheeple!
PS will nuy Robert's book and attend Halloween partay!
Who's on a celebrity gossip site talking trash about Kate? You. It's not so fun when the finger is pointed back at you, is it? You bully Kate here every day. And rightly so. She deserves it. I, too, have a right to my opinion about stuff you made public.
I thought Who was out at second. How did Who land on a celebrity gossip site?
Anger issues went to PUBLIC events that are made for fans (of the show, not one actor) to meet and greet the casts.
Go to Comicon and you'll see people from all walks of life there to meet celebrities.
Don't recall Anger asking James what he had for dinner or begging to see pictures of his kids.
Big difference.
She also can see fault with James, unlike Kate's deluded sheep.
To answer that one person who asked about fans. In most of the fandoms, you have normal fans, they go to concerts, convention, appearances, watch every show they go on, buy their records/CD/DVD etc. Most are harmless, get excited, scream, cheer etc. This kind of fandom lasts, sometimes length of a TV show, or when something else enter their lives and they stop being a fan.
Then their are the fans who never get over a celeb, singer, actor, sports person, and want, need to know everything about them, to the point of no return.
Here are some things I've seen in various fandoms and some was before the internet existed. There are the fans, who know and find out, celebs: phone numbers, addresses, where they are gonna be, how to get front row seats, know their roadies, the list is endless, and they do know how to suck up and get to be in the know crowd. There are those who start fan clubs(surprised Kate did not have a fan club), become known and think they are important. Then there are the stalker types. These are the ones who will move to same city, live on same street if they can, leave gifts, at their door, follow them everywhere, call their house, studio, send packages, tell people they are their girlfriend, sister etc. They will even get sick at an event to get close. They will take endless pics(with telo lens, even if they have front row seats, which is about 3 feet away, I guest they are going for nose hair shots), they get front row seats all the time and buy every piece of merchandise they can get their hands on. I knew one girl who comes to America, almost every month to follow James Marsters, I don't know how she gets time off from work. And spends money on him. During the time I followed James (about 6 years ago, maybe more)I mostly did it for fun. I got to travel, got a hotel discount(sometimes), did some touring, of the city I was in, went to the convention or appearance.
I did not actually travel alone, cause I shared a room, with someone I knew & trusted, I would always go exploring the city I was in, even if I missed half the events, cause one convention was just like the last one, maybe a few events are different, but basicly the same. If I did not come back at a certain time they were instructed to call the police.
Yes, a lot of fans would fight with each other over their celeb. But not the way Kates luneys do, by calling their work etc. Since we did not have twitter back then, most of us went to message boards. Which later they called blogs. And yes, you dare not say anything bad about their celeb, cause they are perfect.
All my fandoms were not stalking, I loved the traveling, to see other cities, seeing or going to a convention was more of a perk, to go. It was I'll spend some time at the convention, but rent a car and go. It was nice when you did get to talk to the celeb, until they got big headed, or got a PR that thinks all fans are killer stalkers, and that you can't even say Hi, without paying for it.
I see Kate and Jon as being no different then the beggars at the interstate exits or street corners. There have been news expos on how these people "beg" for money and then at the end of their "shift" they get into their fancy cars and then go home to their fancy homes. Scammers and frauds. Period. While Jon may have felt guilty and elected to stop, he did play the game for awhile. Why do I think anyone defends them them for their "love offering" - because those people hate to admit they were scammed. I have a neighbor who sent money to the Bakers and still feels they were innocent and the money they got was Love offerings so nothing was illegal or wrong there. Yes, the Gosselins played the people the same as the Bakers. Admitting they were played it is hard for others.
Thanks for all the insider info! :)
How does one afford all the travelling? And don't these conventions also cost money to attend? I've seen a few documentaries on Comic-con and it doesn't look cheap.
This stuff is so fascinating.
I also don't think Jon and Kate told the audiences they were poor or needed money.
Well, Why, there is your problem! You "don't think."
Try using what little brains God gave you and think about it. Jon and Kate told people how poor they were and asked people for money in cash all the while having $2 million in the bank.
Sound like a good Christian thing to do?
I was reading that Larry King transcript. Kate said,
"We changed our plans, adjusted accordingly. However, I do not think that, you know, anybody's goal should ever be to have multiples. I don't feel like that is necessary."
Necessary for what? If you're a grifter and expect something for nothing, it certainly can't hurt. When it comes to grifting, having multiples can be a ble$$ing!
Why would you give money to someone who has more money than you? That explains a lot. Unless you're talking about a general admission fee which is different. We're talking about love offerings with the implication they are struggling.
The Gosselins: That is why I went with a convention. Some have discounts, for airfare, hotel, and sometime car rental. But you do have to remember this was 6-8 years ago, when, you could get airfare for, sometimes: $162 round trip. Hotel for $89, things were cheaper back then. It also helps if you work, and have 4 weeks vacation, to be able to take a friday & a monday off, and afford it. The convention was cheaper the earlier you register. Comic-con, sells out almost from the day it goes on sale. If I had wanted to go to Comic-con, right when they put tickets on sale(usually at the end of current convention)buy the tickets and book the hotel, cause that get booked, ASAP. But for me, I have to know who is going to be there, to make it worth my trip. So to book a year in advance, does not work for me. All of the convention and appearances, I knew who was going to be there, before I booked anything. Then the celeb might cancel.
Who's the stalker! he must really get around, I thought who was on second.
I have been busy all day, so I have no idea what anyone is talking about. Just stopped by to say Mumford and Sons are on Saturday night live tonight and turret are great! Joseph Gordon-Leavitt is host, and he is funny as usual.
I see Kate and Jon as being no different then the beggars at the interstate exits or street corners. There have been news expos on how these people "beg" for money and then at the end of their "shift" they get into their fancy cars and then go home to their fancy homes. Scammers and frauds
Yes, they are professional beggars. There are "how to" websites, as well as journals of professional beggars. They can earn between $300 and $800 dollars a day.
This is why charities are required by law to make tax returns public. You may not think that the public has a right to know where their donations go but the law says otherwise.
I don't see the media interest yet on the book, or what she has done in the way of fraud. One spot today on yahoo, only speaking about the ugly tat on her ankle and how embarrassing it must be for her to have it now. Other than that, nothing.
Maybe people like being lied to and scammed. She is def one for the world history books. Her children can not be sanctioned to that house forever. She will have to let them out into the real world before too long. The twins are already behind in so much compared to their friends and peers. All that money and she can't buy a brain.
PiggyPie_ said... 85
Thanks Auntie!
Can anybody here relate to that type of nerve? I sure can't.
You're welcome PiggyPie. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
After everything she's asked/grifted/begged for over the years the electric bill story doesn't surprise me at all. Family and friends probably expected it, but neighbors? I would have liked to have seen the look on their faces when they opened that letter. Geez.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 86
Kate fans are creepier than any other fans in fandom history.
And can we forget the "New Sheriff In Town?" That one was certifiable.
"I think we have our answer. Why's on first ever since Who stole second."
Who stole second, but forgot to touch base, and Who is now Out. Why is still on first, and I Don't Know just walked, which is what all of them should be doing.
Who's been Outted? was it by a super-sleuthing sheeple? LOL
All that money and she would not even pay their water bill. Wasn't she getting the water illegaly? How can anyone defend her for that when she had the money to pay? She was in charge of the finances.
Her kids deserve so many prayers. Her lies of "she did everything for them" won't fly anymore.
@hugiegramma @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 She has in effect stolen their birthrights away from them by denying access to their relatives.
Is it known that these kids have been denied access to their relatives? They have relatives on Jon's side of the family, and I would expect that these kids see their grandmother and their uncles. In addition, I wonder if he arranges for Kevin and Jodi to see the kids, and other relatives on that side of the family. I find it difficult to believe that they see no relatives at all.
All that money and she would not even pay their water bill. Wasn't she getting the water illegaly? How can anyone defend her for that when she had the money to pay? She was in charge of the finances.
It wasn't just a matter of not paying a water bill. If I recall, it was for a water tapping fee of almost three thousand dollars, plus fees and interest. They previously had well water, and residents then faced mandatory connection to the public water lines to the house. After they received several notices, the township put a lien on the property. There were quite a few residents who put up a fuss over connecting to the public line.
I really need that Gaba Calm tonight! Going to buy some tomorrow. It looks like another one of those nights.
Oh I misss everyone I am not able to connnect when I get to myself. Not in town but am in the state working.ot is killing me to read the latest. Dwindle or someone do you have a web site with the graham tid bits of katek lying etc? Iam dying can only get connections to work now.thx if not too
With the requirement that they would accept only cash from people, no wonder Khate needed a large number laundry girls. They may be some of her most important workers. ;)
This begs the question if Jon and Kate had plenty of money then why were they taking love offerings in the first place? Why not just charge their speaking fee, which many speakers do and which I don't have an issue with, and leave it at that? Greed is why.
Why, can you give examples of people wealthier than you asking for love offerings for personal use? If that is the case I urge you to think about what you're doing and how your money could be better spent on your own family's needs and wants, or a charity in need.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 90
Whether or not they cried poor or not, the fact is that love offerings were collected. They knew that they amassed 2 million dollars in 2008. Love offerings never should have even entered the picture. That's what people with a moral conscience do...they don't ask for the collection basket to be passed, with a cash only stipulation. They thank the audience for coming, tell them that God has blessed them, and they say goodnight. End of show.
Certainly this would have been the honest thing to do, but as admin said, it was greed on their part. This is also seen in the cancellation of the one appearance that had already been booked, only to book another engagement at a different church on the same date. Deception? You bet. Greed? Absolutely.
Dwindle or someone do you have a web site with the graham tid bits of katek lying etc?
Who is graham?
I think sje os om stupid smart phone too,great ti bits
google gosselin book blog
ps..hate my stupid smart phone too
but it helped me read through all kinds of typos...and if not.. I blame rumspringas..lmao
anger issues kate said... 101
Then their are the fans who never get over a celeb, singer, actor, sports person, and want, need to know everything about them, to the point of no return.
Sounds like you are describing Robert Hoffman!
hummmmm...or should we day u
hi khate..worried are we?
Remember: we get what we get and we don't get upset
oh yeah
..and I agree =)
hmmm said... 123
anger issues kate said... 101
Then their are the fans who never get over a celeb, singer, actor, sports person, and want, need to know everything about them, to the point of no return.
Sounds like you are describing Robert Hoffman!
Anger said "FAN." I really don't think that profile fits Robert Hoffman at all since he is anything but a FAN!
What has happened to this blog recently? It is difficult to read, does not stay on any topic, is filled with sarcasm and unrelated comments?
I don't think it's changed. I find it easy and fun to read, I think the topic threads run smoothly and the only sarcasm we see is from sheeple, drive-bys and shit stirrers.
Those folks we ignore or agree with.
On the fourth day of Gosselin Book...the Hawaiian vow renewal sham.
Excerpt from Day 4:
So why didn’t Kate do any of the planning or scheduling of the wedding herself? After all, according to her, she’s an organized, scheduling mastermind. She loves to plan and schedule.
This ceremony was organized by Kate’s manager, along with Jen Stocks from the filming crew. Kate was merely cc’d on emails and sent a schedule and itinerary to follow. She of course, had the option of making changes, but she did nothing to plan or organize the event in any way.
For an admitted organizer and control freak, this is extremely telling behavior.
She just didn’t care enough to get involved. It was nothing more than another episode of the show and Kate Gosselin couldn’t be bothered.
Think 'Kate Plus 8 Ministries' will make it to church today?
@Choleric Keider Nope! They won't make it to church. Probably too busy making bread.
A question about the 'Love Offerings' Did they every say what they were specifically for? If they had said education, I could see how a person would be swayed to give for that. If a private college costs $35,000 a year today. Times 8 would be 1.1 million dollars for 4 years for the 8.
Barb In Nebraska said... 132
@Choleric Keider Nope! They won't make it to church. Probably too busy making bread.
A question about the 'Love Offerings' Did they every say what they were specifically for? If they had said education, I could see how a person would be swayed to give for that. If a private college costs $35,000 a year today. Times 8 would be 1.1 million dollars for 4 years for the 8.
Funny you ask :)
When the show became a bonafide hit in early 2008, the tone of the speaking engagements did change. They knew they could no longer sniffle about digging in the couch for change so the new ruse was 'college funds.' I specifically remember reading about a twins convention where J&K spoke in Boston, Aug. 2008. Many attendees reported that J&K emphasized that while the show did ease their financial strain, they STILL HAD 8 KIDS TO PUT THROUGH COLLEGE!!!!!! At that point they had to have earned their first million, yet they were encouraging other parents of multiples to get in line and buy a photo & help us put our 8 kids through college.
Deep down, the sheeple know this is deceiptful. They know it's wrong. Someone mentioned upthread that they knew someone who had given to Jim and Tammi Bakker and the person thought they were innocent. I have a distant relative who thinks the same exact thing. They think that the government prosecuted Bakker because the timeshare/amusement park scam they had going was such a good deal, the government didn't want to see Americans get to have such a good, cheap vacation. All the evidence in the world, showing him the figures that PTL oversold the timeshares to the point that no one would ever see the inside of that park, would not sway him. Because.... he didn't want to be swayed. He didn't want to accept that he'd been scammed by someone scamming in God's name. It was easier on his pride to just say the Gov't wrongly prosecuted Jim Bakker.
I think that is what the sheeple are going through now. It's much easier on their pride to attack us here and attack Robert (deflect, deflect, deflect) than admit they were scammed by Kate. What other explanation is there for people who say they have no issue with Kate being a millionaire and taking love offerings?
Readerlady & Mrs mal - pic was taken a year ago age 5 weeks on her very first day at home - pretty tramatized eh?
Mouse was a baby about an inch long and still alive so I picked it up and put outside.
Can't wait for the book. I want to see her brought down
I just had a little chuckle.... all these years that we've been discussing Kate's lies, scams, child exploitation and everything else Kate does that is morally corrupt- the sheeple always say PROOF! LINK PLASE! SOURCE! SOURCE I SAID I WAAANNNNNNT A SOOUUUURRRCE!!!!!!!!!! IWANNNALINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The implication is that if they had proof of Kate's various wrongdoings, they could be persuaded that she's one messed up, sick excuse for a human.
Very soon, an entire book is going to come out that Kate's Beverly Hills lawyers could not stop. It's going to be filled with proof and sources. Now, proof doesn't seem to be so important to them. Fickle lot, they are.
Wendie said... 126
What has happened to this blog recently? It is difficult to read, does not stay on any topic, is filled with sarcasm and unrelated comments?
You're *right* wendie.
Boy it's funny how the EXACT same comments are made over and over by drive-by's
Sheeple mentality.
@Kateplusmy8 : My 1st tweetKate, never watched your tv shows I don't watch tv, learned about you in the tabloids, they are wrong, u r nice.
Agree, agree agree wendie
(Singing) you are absolutely right, you were right all along, you are absolutely right and I was wrong....(anybody recognize this?)
The marrriage vow renewal was a huge scam, and what bothers me the most about it, is that the kids, at least M & C had to know it was a scam. Kids are quick to pick up on fighting/disharmony with their parents, and they had to know what was happening at home vs. the vow renewal was a sham. They had no choice but to go along on the trip with their parents, as it was their "job." Very telling was when Kate said Mady would be her maid of honor, and Mady clearly said she did not want to be maid of honor. Although Mady was outspoken, she was/is one smart kid, and got the fact that the whole thing was a scam, in my opinion. Why do a marriage renewal when the marriage is on the rocks? Ratings and damage control, of course. And Mady knew it. And probably resented it.
The other thing that bothers me is Kate's greed vs. gratitude attitude. With the money and freebies rolling in left and right, she had to go 18 years down the road, and discuss their "college educations." Trying to extend the grifting for 18 years, all while implying immediate needs were still not being met. If that was the case, why not focus on getting by day to day.
All I have to say at this juncture is that anyone who starts sending tapes to TLC, calling newspapers, media, etc.. before the tups were even born, clearly planned to "sell" her kids from day one. And in that respect, Kate is clearly a "mastermind." Although Jon is no innocent in the whole scam, when he said he wanted filming to end, the divide began, with the kids not having a single say in this whole matter. Kate clearly said when ANYONE no longer wants to film, we are done. This of course never occurred, as Kate clearly had no intention of ever stopping the filming, no matter what cost to her children. I find it hard to believe that all 8 children still wanted to film, but clearly Kate changed her agenda to meet her own needs. And therein lies her total and complete hypocrisy. No matter how many kids were showing signs of "wear and tear" from the family dynamics, Kate not only refused to stop filming, but used the dysfunction to justify her need to continue filming. What good parent does this?
Choleric Kreider said... 137
: ) I don't have a problem with blind celebrity worship, but when it involves 8 kids, I kinda do.... Silly me.
Yeah, Kate is right and nice! I agree.
Here's something interesting. According to Robert, by the time of the vow renewal in Aug. 2008, the marriage had been over for almost a year. Kevin and Jodi said Jon was told by Kate the marriage was over (with secret marriage contract) in fall of 2008. So according to Robert's timeline, the marriage must have been over as early as 2007.
I, of course, will be buying Robert's book if for nothing else but to validate all that has been said here on this blog. It will be interesting to see if Kate ignores this and decides to hide behind rainbows, sniffing unicorn farts or if she will use this as an opportunity to pull out her tissues for the morning talk show circuit. I,for one. Do not think she will do the latter. Kate is known for dictating what questions can be asked so she is prepared with answers. I would like nothing more than to see her challenged with tough confrontational questions so she can turn her evil eyes and snarky "I'm not going to answer that" snap at all the mean interviewers. I don't think she will take the chance because she won't be able to keep up with all the lies she has told and cover them with new lies while she is on the spot during interviews. I would LOVE to see her "friends" Joy and Whoopi have at it with her though and I think Whoopi would love to have the opportunity to do it too! This is getting good and I think our little Katie is squirming this week. I also think Robert is doing this for his wife AND for Jon!
We already know the Hawaii trip was a lie. It was surprising to learn that Gina and the boys were there also. I wonder if TLC picked up the tab for that too?
I always thought it weird that none of the immediate family would attend a vow renewal. And to make it legit, I guess Jon must have been forced to find some relatives to attend, people he had not kept in touch with many years. See, TLC would have paid the relatives expenses to fly to Hawaii but I am guessing here they declined because they knew it was a fake vow renewal or Kate simply did not include her family.
Looks like Robert will not enlighten us on Kate and Steve's relationship, but I can understand Jon jumping to the conclusion about those two with all their travelling
alone. He had probably been shut out of Kate's bed starting in 2007 and he figured she must have been getting it from someone else.
Wowser said... 142
I too believe Robert is doing this for his wife. She is one of MANY who have gotten stepped on, by the powers to be, in her efforts to expose the truth, with the power machines behind the scenes.It's just not right.
I too will buy the book. And the sad part is I think all of the kids are already aware of Kate's hypocrisy as they have lived through this, with no recourse. They did and do deserve someone who has their backs. And by that, I mean, when Jon wanted to stop filming his kids, it should have stopped. As Kate clearly promised. Period. There were no restrictions on Kate getting her own gigs without the kids.
The vow renewal episodes were so blatantly false. There weren't many people in attendance, just one or two members of Jon's 'family' Kate was meeting. No one from PA. It was also clear no one's heart was in it, even the kids. They all piled their leis on Jon and Kate had to ask them to give her a couple.The vows were painful to watch. The kids were unruly and/or sullen. They had a nice trip, but the ceremony itself was ridiculous.
Those who do not follow this blog and others will be surprised that the vow renewal was a sham. It's old news to us. Robert must have copies of those emails instructing Kate about the episode.
TLC stinks said... 141
Here's something interesting. According to Robert, by the time of the vow renewal in Aug. 2008, the marriage had been over for almost a year. Kevin and Jodi said Jon was told by Kate the marriage was over (with secret marriage contract) in fall of 2008. So according to Robert's timeline, the marriage must have been over as early as 2007.
Jon is on the record saying that there was this huge house and he never lived in it. I think it's why Kate was so rabid about having her kids NEVER enter her bedroom. If the kids caught on to mommy and daddy living separately, they could blab it on camera.
Kate knew that house was hers all hers and when they bought it, she knew it was over with Jon and that he'd never live there. Only when they stupidly switch on and off for the kids when the divorce first happened.
I also believe Kate was angling to protect the monies she'd earned for years. Why else would she have set up almost a dozen different accounts?
Barb In Nebraska said... 132
A question about the 'Love Offerings' Did they every say what they were specifically for? If they had said education, I could see how a person would be swayed to give for that. If a private college costs $35,000 a year today. Times 8 would be 1.1 million dollars for 4 years for the 8.
That's exactly what they did at an event sponsored by a church. Just like Wayward described..they took a love offering for the children's college funds. My dear evangelical friend who dragged me there was going to donate. I told her she was nuts..these people are rich and she said, and I quote: "But it's for the kids". I asked her what church sponsored this and she said it was a few churches that grouped together and that's why it was in Solanco HS. I posted about it upthread somewhere amongst the off-topic, sarcastic posts. Oops, there's another sarcastic post!
TLC stinks said... 143
Playing devil's advocate- If Jon had "concerns" about a relationship with K & S, why wouldn't Kate/TLC agree to a change in bodyguards? If she wanted to "save" the marriage. Very simple solution. Not saying they had an affair, but rather a solution to his concerns. All about Kate.
@Kateplusmy8 In view of paparazzi stalkin the Royals...was glad it wasn't OUR KATE there 4the latest tabloid scandal! :) #BeWatchful
Rest easy Milo dear, rest easy. Seeing how Kate had to tweet endlessly for a week about stuffing 1,300 easter eggs, lay them all out in THE ONLY PORTION of her yard that can be viewed from the fence/street, lay a trail of bread crumbs, send engraved invitations and rig seachlights in her yard to ATTRACT ONE LONE PAP- LAST APRIL..... it is fairly safe to say Kate will not be involved in any type of scandal. That involves paps anyway ;)
Agreed, Gosselin. It was all about Kate. She blew off any concerns Jon had and probably told him to stuff it,
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 144
Wowser said... 142
I too believe Robert is doing this for his wife. She is one of MANY who have gotten stepped on, by the powers to be, in her efforts to expose the truth, with the power machines behind the scenes.It's just not right.
It's unreal that free speech/press could be shut down by Kate. By shutting her down, it allowed J+K, then Kate to continue committing fraud and robbing innocent people of their hard earned money. If the truth was heard and went mainstream, it would have protected so many people.
I also blame other media for never doing their jobs and asking the hard questions.
Maybe it's because Kate is an attractive woman, maybe it's the unfortunate fall out from Jon's really, truly immature, implulsive and stupid public behavior early in the divorce, and of course, maybe it's because almost any mom outside of Casey Anthony gets the benefit of the doubt with even just a patina of being a mother, let alone a mom of HOM's.
Tucker, I think I remember Jon saying Kate put a keyed lock on her bedroom door. He should have hired a private eye and forensic accountant on her instead of blowing money on his crap divorce attorney.
I will never understand the house purchase. They put a small amt down apparently? Was this because they were uncertain as to the future of the marriage and the show> Jon seemed to enjoy the outdoors and the dogs etc but barely had a chance to enjoy it all- just the garage apt. Why would he agree to this for a woman he 'despised?' Even if it was 'for the kids' he would know that would son change to 'all mine." The custody that followed where he would stay there during his time did not last...I never got the sense of why they moved there with the marriage already failing- Jon could care less about ratings by then- was it part of the contract- if they paid for it themselves, how could that be? I know I a m missing some point here!
wayward said... 150
@Kateplusmy8 In view of paparazzi stalkin the Royals...was glad it wasn't OUR KATE there 4the latest tabloid scandal! :) #BeWatchful
Oh dear. Scandal? This person constantly eggs Kate on to talk about herself and the kids. Kate has exposed the kids to so much danger, it's not even funny. Twitting where they are or about Easter when she gave out an engraved invitation for any pap to take photos just proves she doesn't protect them.
She loves and protects them from afar. Right.
Localyocul said... 148
Ahahahaha! I guess my Milo post was sarcastic as well, darn it! I don't want my sarcasm to contribute to the downfall of this blog that consistently gets 1,400-1,900 sediments per topic. I'd hate that ;) I'll really try to control my sarcasm and take a much more positive cue from Kate, no negativity and farting sunshine, unicorns and Skittles ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
She got a pass from the media because TLC was controlling the message. She also benefited, I agree, with Jon's behavior. Just like a black widow she spinned her web with allowing Jon freedom to do as he wished, and the dummy fell for it. This where I do not feel sorry for Jon because greed kept him from coming out and divorcing her flat ass.
RT @Ipsuel I'm so glad all the negativity blew past @Kateplusmy8 -I raised 4 children alone; I cant fathom 8 &I nvr baked my own bread;-) XO about 11 hours ago
How blind can one be? Kate is NOT raising her kids alone. Jon is their father and has his kids a whole lot. He's present in their lives.
Kate is rich. She lives in a mansion and pampers herself constantly. She never goes without. The kids do.
And, she really doesn't bake bread--a machine does that.
I don't get the worship one bit.
Wendle, I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!!!!!!
No one has been talking about gardening or recipes much or even grandchildren. All we have to keep us going are cute pet stories!
Not to worry! The Amazing Race new season starts tonight! I promise X8 that I will not spoil anything for the Left Coast of the US and Canada!
I believe the move to the larger house was for two reasons: privacy so Jon and Kate could live separately on the property and for filming because I believe TLC paid extra to use the house and grounds as a studio ( I read that the Honey Boo Boo family gets extra money for the inconvenience of filming in their home). And perhaps a third reason, Kate wanted to live like a rich woman. Bottom line was the their previous home was not spacious enough to keep Jon in a separate bedroom. I think he slept in the basement.
Thanks to TLC stinks and Tucker's Mom for providing details regarding the dates of the deception.
We all agree these kids deserved so much better. And should not have to have lived lies for the sake of their mother. Again, a sore point with me is when Jon said he wanted the kids to stop being filmed, it should have happened. That was the agreement Kate noted on film. The whole "machine" mentality of TLC makes me sick, as well as the mother of those 8 kids. Money, money, money.....
When your read stuff on Hoffman's blog like how Steve took his family to Hawaii for the vow renewal, you now know why Neild dug his claws into Kate. He saw the cash cow and hitched a ride on the gravy train.
I truly think he became Kate's confidante, her mentor/Svengali and was probably positioning himself to assumed Jon's position in the family.
Yes, I think he preyed on the family and I don't think Kate will realize this for a very long time. He's just like any other professional hanger-on-er that leaches onto a celeb so that he could live the high life, and he certainly did. First class world travel, constant vacations and many other perks.
By all accounts Steve has pulled away quite a bit. Maybe if (big if) Kate gets another show he'll come around again, but I don't see him hanging on to a coupon blogger.
RT @Ipsuel I'm so glad all the negativity blew past @Kateplusmy8 -I raised 4 children alone; I cant fathom 8 &I nvr baked my own bread;-) XO
Things like this retweet by Kate really bother me. This is really a fan who thinks that Kate is struggling just like she struggled, being a single mom. By retweeting this, Kate is blatantly misleading this woman. Kate is not a struggling single mom WOW, even bakes bread! Kate is a wealthy mom with plenty of help to take care of her kids and who has a brand new bread machine to bake the bread and the means to buy all of the required organic ingredients to bake the bread. She is no way a struggling single mom and she has no right to mislead people. This is just Kate still scamming and lying.
Regarding Milo's tweets, I don't think Milo is who she pretends to be. Her tweets do contain a lot of sarcasm and "unintentional" slights toward Kate. Passive/aggressive.
Way back among the sarcastic off topic posts, someone speculated how Ms Kreider might respond to the RH book. My guess, it will be all about Mean Ole TLC Made Me Do It! That she is just an innocent naive Christian woman who was manipulated, Poor Dear! There was a contract, they MADE her act so mean! Editing I am sure will get a big chunk of the blame.
Again, a sore point with me is when Jon said he wanted the kids to stop being filmed, it should have happened.
Me too and it makes me want to puke when I read about Eileen O'Neil saying that the family can always decide to quit. Clearly Jon was sick of filming, of being famous, being stalked and of having TLC rule what he said, did, wore etc.
I mean, it's right there on film. Jon was beyond done and did not want another season. But of course, Kate didn't care. She showed him no respect and knew she was the workhorse and had far more potential to make money on TV.
But although I think Jon's grown up a whole lot since his days partying hard in France and being an asshat, I still don't. quite. trust. him. to not allow the kids to be filmed again.
Formerly Duped said... 154
I will never understand the house purchase. They put a small amt down apparently? Was this because they were uncertain as to the future of the marriage and the show> Jon seemed to enjoy the outdoors and the dogs etc but barely had a chance to enjoy it all- just the garage apt. Why would he agree to this for a woman he 'despised?' Even if it was 'for the kids' he would know that would son change to 'all mine." The custody that followed where he would stay there during his time did not last...I never got the sense of why they moved there with the marriage already failing- Jon could care less about ratings by then- was it part of the contract- if they paid for it themselves, how could that be? I know I a m missing some point here!
All excellent questions.
I am fairly sure that the house purchase was for two reasons. 1. Kate wanted to live in a house that was representative of her importance, wealth and fame. 2. Seclusion. Getting out of the E-Town development was imperative to Kate. It's hard to weave your lies about your fairy tale life to Good Housekeeping with neighbors hearing you in the backyard screaming at your kids, reporting about what a bitch you are and telling about how the "reality show" has very little reality to it. 24 acres of fenced and electronically gated seclusion and "I don't have any neighbors" ensured a smooth return to the unwitnessed web of lies.
From what Jon and others have said about Kate telling him the marriage was over, she did this AFTER the ink was barely dry on the mortgage papers. She wanted to be in the house before she set the divorce in motion. I think she felt so invincible and bullet proof she thought she's be hot and demand forever, she didn't need to be married. They shared the house and custody time until the divorce was final. Once the house was in Kate's name alone, she appears to have forbid him from stepping on the property, even the driveway. What did she just say to that tweeter who asked for divorce advice.. "be kind and mindful of the kids" or some crap like that? Yeah.
As far as Jon agreeing to all this even though he was over the show & fame, I think he may have been scared and not sure of what he was going to do. I think he went along with the ride for lack of having a backup plan.
If Kate was an honest and good person, she would answer this struggling mom fan with honesty and tell her that she is not struggling, but feels for this mom and maybe give her encouragement. Not lie and act like she deserves this praise.
OK, dibs on when Kate's going to tweet the excuse about not going to church?
Kate got good advice about screwing over Jon from her attorneys and I bet Steve. I was also under the impression that she,alone, handled the finances so in effect Jon was like one of those wives whose husband controls everything and kicks her out with practically nothing. Talk about role reversal! Jon was immature at the time, easy target for the black widow.
I think she felt so invincible and bullet proof she thought she's be hot and demand forever, she didn't need to be married. They shared the house and custody time until the divorce was final. Once the house was in Kate's name alone, she appears to have forbid him from stepping on the property, even the driveway. What did she just say to that tweeter who asked for divorce advice.. "be kind and mindful of the kids" or some crap like that? Yeah.
Yes, make the father of your children drop the kids off at the gate. Do not under ANY circumstances allow him to get past the gate and drive up to the house so he can drop off the kids in private. Make it as public and accessible to the paps as you possibly can.
Oh, and make sure you throw in a good dose of humiliation as your ex has to look at the mansion he helped to buy from a distance and get photographed doing it.
Yeah, that's kinds and really minding the kids' best interest. If your daughter wants to hug daddy because she misses him, by all mean, make her walk down your quarter mile-long driveway to do it and be sure that that too is easily recorded by paps.
Get a good close-up of her sad face so every schoolmate can see it.
This is when sheeple don't use logic. Kate told them in a huff a few weeks ago that nothing has changed as far as custody. Well, then that would mean Jon still gets every other weekend.
Here we are two weeks ago and she's still talking about having the kids all weekend. Last weekend it was about sleeping in instead of church, this weekend it was about eating a real late dinner at 8 p.m. If everything is the "same" why does she have the kids two weekends in a row then?
What's going on here is Kate panicked when she realized people know exactly what is going on here, and now just pretends she has the kids all the time as overcompensation. Weirdo.
Forgot to add--be sure that you write and speak publicly on national TV about how each child reacted to the divorce. Talk to excess about how you childrens' father turns away opportunities to see them and emphasize how they wish they weren't at daddy's and cry to come home to you.
Tucker's Mom said... 169
So true... She would be better off tweeting when they DID attend. And without pictures...
Who does that? And why? Referring to the Christmas Eve mass which I fould highly offensive as the photos included several church members who did not consent to being photographed. She has no boundaries.
Also find it interesting that she is returning to her "religious" platform, now that the show has been cancelled? Pathetic, predictable and disrespectful.
Some of the sheeple are praising the fact that Cara got a free Lego set-saying that she's learning from her mom and is following in her footsteps.
ToysRus is having sales this week, with many items as Buy 2, Get One Free. Kate's coupon "expertise" had nothing to do with it. Yes, the sale was probably the reason they went there, but it wasn't like Kate "masterminded" how they were able to save.
I think she will just ignore any church tweet today... what's with this $90 free Lego set Cara got?
I never heard of such a deal- Lego is always expensive and you might get a tiny set free, but who knows. Teaching grifting? And if this was the best day of the kids' life, getting new toys, that also show they're really 'learning a lot' from Mommy. My kids would say that about a special visit from a relative or Christmas or an outing or when we got our dog....sure, they loved toys, but they realized other things made them happier.
Tucker's Mom said... 173
Classy. All about Kate, as usual, with no regard for her children. After all, the "victim" can always claim need. More grifting.
When will these kids ever get their much deserved privacy?
Twit: Your post wasn't up when I wrote mine! I guess Lego was included in this sale then. So she had to buy 2 $90 sets to score the free one? What 8 year old has $90 saved in pocket money?If they do, that's ridiculous- remember her CC post about teaching kids financial responsibility and getting paid for little chores? Why would Cara be the one to get a free set and would she want that?
3. Zoning. The E-town house had become a film set...commercial. The area is zoned residential.
"From what Jon and others have said about Kate telling him the marriage was over, she did this AFTER the ink was barely dry on the mortgage papers. She wanted to be in the house before she set the divorce in motion."
There were those who suspected the marriage was over before they signed the mortgage papers, when they were looking at properties. She may not have TOLD him at that point, but the rumors were flying that divorce was inevitable.
Formerly Duped said... 176
According to the ToysRus circular, the FREE item in the Buy2,Get1Free deal must be of an equal or lesser value to the lowest priced item purchased. So the other 2 items would have had to cost $90 more.
Kate said that the kids used their own money and paid for the items at the cashier themselves. Just how much cash was she carrying for this shopping expedition?
Kate said that the kids used their own money and paid for the items at the cashier themselves. Just how much cash was she carrying for this shopping expedition?
I hope we don't scrutinize Kate for this, besides the fact that she broadcasted what each kid picked out, which should not be for public consumption.
Taking all the kids to Toys R Us and having them pick out a toy is great fun for them and it does teach them about saving. Let's face it, just not grifting @Legos to freebies that miraculously show up is a positive step for the kids. Their world has been warped for so long that living like the rest of the mediocre world begins to let them know how the world really is. Mostly servant-less.
It's real and good parenting.
Kate makes it sound like Cara was helping the boys pick out Legos and just happened to see the sale sign. I'm sure there were signs all over the store. Probably the other stuff they got was also part of the Buy2Get1Free sale. But she stressed the $90 savings, of course.
I wouldn't be surprised if they used gift cards they were given or sent to them and she just made it sound like it was the kids using their own money.
That's exactly what they did at an event sponsored by a church. Just like Wayward described..they took a love offering for the children's college funds. My dear evangelical friend who dragged me there was going to donate
But there was a 529 college fund already set up. If the love offerings were for college, why not just suggest that the good people in attendance contribute to that fund online?
Sounds like Milo is looking for a scandal so she can protect and defend Kate....Poor Milo..doesn't she know that nobody gives a shit anymore....
I don't believe anything that witch says...they WERE probably gift cards. It WAS their own money...they were given to her wording...
But there was a 529 college fund already set up. If the love offerings were for college, why not just suggest that the good people in attendance contribute to that fund online?
Ha! Excellent point.
There is a tendency to develop rooted beliefs in issues or about people who we have only read about.
I don't know how someone could convince me that Casey Anthony is innocent. We believe. The opinion is difficult to give up.
Kate's fans are about to face pages of evidence that queenie is a meanie. I think some will finally relinquish their faith. Some will dig in and fight harder to delude themselves.
It is way possible that MANY of them will show up here. I plan to welcome the wobbly, shaken and uncertain. Administrator will be working overtime to handle the angry ones!
Tucker's Mom-yes, I agree that it was great for the kids to get to pick out their own toys and have the shopping experience.
The fact that Kate just had to tweet about it, just shows her trying to prove again what a wonderful mother she is by taking them there. However, I will give her credit for not including @Lego in her tweets.
I agree to some extent,Tucker's- but to tweet about Lego SO often is almost a shout-out to Lego Inc- maybe thee kids could do a commercial? last week weren't they playing all day some Lego Town game, all 8? Lego is a great company that makes products that kids use their imagination with, so no doubt they enjoy it ( without Clay , lol) I just found her tweet unnecessary in detail and amount of $ spent/saved.
could have tweeted: Kids had fun at toy store spending their pocket money.
Kate is a twit said... 189
Tucker's Mom-yes, I agree that it was great for the kids to get to pick out their own toys and have the shopping experience.
The fact that Kate just had to tweet about it, just shows her trying to prove again what a wonderful mother she is by taking them there. However, I will give her credit for not including @Lego in her tweets.
I do agree with child lessons learned in economics.
However, not sure she did not Twitter Lego privately. I think this woman has spent her life grifting, and no company is exempt when it comes grifting. Lego has been mentioned quite frequently on her show. Remember the Clay/Cara/Collin scene on the RV show? Kate NEVER EVER misses an opportunity for a freebie. The world owes her, and she is entitled, as she has 8 kids.
Wendie (127)
Why limit your comments about this blog? Why not go over to another blog that used to be fun (one now with 19 rules, and 50 comments a month) and ask the same question there? There's a 100 percent chance that your comment won't get published. Here, you can ask that question and it's not deleted. This one has smart, educated and caring people. Of course the rumspringing makes it even more fun! It's fairly easy to scroll past the comments that hold no interest.
"Sounds like Milo is looking for a scandal so she can protect and defend Kate."
In addition, Milo needs to guard and protect Kate's heart!
People have speculated that the RH book will give Kate the opportunity to go on her pity tour again on the morning shows but I don't think this is going to happen. During the last pity tour she was comfortably covered by the TLC quilt. If she were to make the rounds now she would not have the luxury of submitting the list of questions that the intrviewers have to stick to nor will she have the luxury of an earpiece to give her the answers in case she forgets one of her memorized answers. I think Kate knows this and I don't think she'll put herself through it. She will take the stance that she won't dignify all those "lies" with an answer. She'll say that those that know her know the truth. She wil be in a twitter frenzy retweeting very positive tweet sent to her and you can take it to the bank that many of those tweets will be from first time tweeters that will have only one tweet and will never tweet again..sock accounts anyone?
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 191
However, not sure she did not Twitter Lego privately
Agree. While I'm sure they do love playing with it, it was also part of their Easter baskets, birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's ( I think) photos and tweets. I think Kate would like not only free products,but maybe some commercial work for all 8 kids. I can see Cara playing occasionally with it, but by 12, you'd think she might have chosen something else at ToysR Us...or maybe she had to to get the freebie!Or maybe she chose something to her liking that Kate didn't mention plus got the freebie for the family. (which is fine)
I see that Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the Emmys this year. I'm sure that he got Kate Gosselin a starring role in the program. Being that he's such a good friend and all.....
At 12 my daughter was no longer shopping at Toys R Us. I'm not saying playing with toys at that age is bad, I'm just having a hard time buying the fact that a 12 year old girl is interested in toys. Clothes, shoes, electronics, SOCIAL MEDIA, FRIENDS, BOYS, MUSIC, maybe make up, probably gossip (think teen mags) - that is about the age it starts. Oh, and gel pens and journals! How could I forget that. I know each child develops at his or her own time, but I am
not buying into this.
I'm hanging my head in shame as I type this, but am I the only grinch here who doesn't want to stand behind a bunch of kids paying for $90 (each?) worth of merchandise? Kate made it sound like they were paying with crumpled dollar bills and change (at least that's the impression I got). I probably would have left the store if they didn't have more registers available. And yes, I have been known to give the cashier money for the person in front of me if they seem to be digging for exact chage.
NJGal51 said... 197
you are funny!! I have been known to leave if the person in front just whips out their checkbook when the cashier gives the total- they had that entire time to get that check ready!!! And who writes checks these days?? Pet peeve of mine.
At 12 my daughter was no longer shopping at Toys R Us. I'm not saying playing with toys at that age is bad, I'm just having a hard time buying the fact that a 12 year old girl is interested in toys.
The store has much more than toys. It has musical instruments, videos, computer games, electronics, sports equipment, adult puzzles and building sets...much, much more than Dancing Elmos. I don't find it difficult at all to believe that the twins wouldn't be interested in anything that the store sells.
Butterfly - the check writing is a pet peeve of mine also. It must be the fact that we've waited in one too many lines with the military because the old hurry up and wait saying is true. Another pet peeve of mine are those people at the movies in line for refreshments who don't hane their money ready when they finally get to the counter to pay! Come on folks, you've been staring at the prices for 5 minutes surely you can guess at what it s going to coat least have the wallet out!
I’m reposting this from yesterday because I don’t know if it got lost in the shuffle or there was no interest in this blatant lie by Kate from one of her tweets on July 26:
@readleelove I don't have a publicist. Never have. Not sure where you got that??!
Then Milo showed up on Twitter later and felt the need to defend Kate’s lie when someone tweeted that Kate hired Julie Carson May in 2008:
@Kateplusmy8 Just guessin here...but when I think "publicist"...I think like "press secretary"! Maybe Ms.Mays is more like manager. :)
Definite parsing of words by Milo. And we’re going to see a lot more of it after Robert’s book comes out. I don’t know if Milo is dumb or playing dumb but she’ll have her job cut out for her once the book is out. Hope she’s bulking up on those Bella Bars!
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