“TLC wants us to continue to be 'normal'.... Wonder how we will explain the $2M house? :)”
11. The World According to Kate Part 1
Kate enlisted the help of state Senator Mike O’Pake to help her keep her free baby nurse. Kate also wrote letters asking for the services to continue or appealing insurance claim denials, calling the sextuplets, who were 11 months old at the time “disabled” because they could not care for themselves. Kate whines about how “i
mpossible” it is to look after all the children and complains that all the generous local volunteers are too young to be reliable or too elderly to be of real help [Admin’s note: Stereotype much, Kate?]. Even though Kate was a millionaire by the time she moved to her current home, she was still disputing or arguing over charges, including an $1800 propane bill, which she apparently brow-beated them into lowering to $1100.
A Kenny Loggins rep heard Jon singing Footloose on
the show and invited the Gosselins to a meet and greet at a Lancaster concert that could possibly be
filmed. Kate replied not only accepting, but asking for a personal, private
concert on their lawn. [Robert Hoffman said it best: Who do you think you are,
Kate? Michelle Obama?]
In an e-mail to
Jon in 2006, Kate wrote: “I'm sorry... I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
frustrated with you! I beg and plead and beg some more for you to do things
around here that I CAN'T do... and you don't do them! It is so frustrating! Why
can't you see that in order to keep our house running smoothly, you have to
help with more than just the daily stuff? Everyone would win in the end! I'd be
happy so everyone else would be happy--including yourself! Don't take the lazy
approach! I am not going away so you can either do the stuff i ask or live
miserably! You choose!”
Kate passed on
filming dinner after a visit to the NICU because Steve couldn’t be there. She
also appeared to be very jealous of the Duggars and would make jokes about
Not content to
just order off the room service menu, Kate had very specific demands for a
family stay at the Essex hotel in New York, including Kobe beef, and fruit from
Whole Foods.
Kate’s emails to Jen Stocks, shortly
before Jen left to work on the Duggars, grow increasingly snippy and demanding.
She points to production problems including “continuing oversights” and “lack
of organization” and demanded a meeting to talk about these issues. Kate
complains among other things that Jen did not provide her a shooting schedule
far enough in advance, to which Jen replied that in fact she had, the problem
was Kate hadn’t confirmed it, and that production always works around Kate’s schedule and bends over backwards to be
accommodating. Wrote Jen: “Below is the schedule for this week. As you know, I
tried many times Last week to get the plans for this week confirmed with you,
and I am still waiting on you to tell me if we can do interviews on Friday. I
emailed you this week's schedule, as it existed last week, on Thursday. And
that is when you decided that you wanted to make changes. I'm not sure when we
have ever done anything at a time that did not Suit you, you are the one who
always chooses the times, we work around your schedule, always.”
In another email
to Jen in which Kate tells her, look baby, it’s not you, Kate sort of
apologizes to her. Tellingly, Kate writes, “We appreciate having a say about
WHO comes to our house as part of the crew. We appreciate a crew without
opinions (we have discussed this before).” [Admin note: No opinions? You mean
no opinions on child abuse or child labor violations? And if Kate had no say in
who comes to her house, how can she say with any certainty that she has any
control over who is around her children, including, potentially, someone like
Bill Blankinship?]
A new producer
brought on board after Jen transferred, Jeff, wrote an email to Julie Carson
May essentially falling all over himself to help Jon and Kate make a great show
and be happy doing it and improve things from when Jen was at the helm. He asks
to set up a dinner meeting to discuss all of their concerns from before and fix
them. Apparently neither Jen nor her replacement Jeff were good enough for
Kate, as Kate replies skeptically to Julie that she doesn’t trust Jeff and
doesn’t want to do dinner until a trial month is over.
Kate writes this in response to an
article in a local Philly publication: “TLC wants us to continue to be
'normal'.... Wonder how we will explain
the $2M house? :)”
When asked via
e-mail to speak at a Triplet Convention conference in Philadelphia, Kate writes to Jon: “Blah blah
blah... No thanks.”
friend of a mother and fan of the show newly pregnant with sextuplets, reached
out for support from Kate. Kate replied to Jon, “You realize.... She's only 8
wks along.......” [Admin’s note: Sadly, Kate’s fan Courtney Tipping indeed lost
all six of her babies, apparently never having received any encouragement from
her idol Kate. Wonder if she’s still a fan?]
Nanna Janet |
the “tempermental (sic) ironess” Nanna Janet quit, Kate demanded production
find her another one.
to some of the stories in the tabloids, a company backed out of a $100,000
deal, which naturally ticked Kate off.
one point, forty hours of babysitting was approved by TLC for each episode. There were some disputes
over their nanny Judy’s rates when she stayed overnight. Robert Hoffman regards
Judy as the children’s best nanny, although at some point she was let go.
found it “annoying” that a fan who gave them free toys featured on an episode
of the show, also named their child Aaden. And by the way, it appears the only
way the fan knew they received the toys was they saw them show up in an
episode. Says the fan: “My wife and I were
watching the show the other day and happened to see these toys that we gave you
in the background. We were thrilled to
see that the kids received them and seemed to enjoy them.“ What, no thank you note, Kate? I guess
featuring them on the show is thank you enough these days?
12. The World According to Kate Part 2
of Kate’s journals show her daily emotions of selfishness, jealousy and greed.
When Jen Stocks gave her a $750 gift card, she felt anger because she wanted
the five year anniversary of 9-11, Kate wrote this: Monday, September 11, 2006 Today is the five
year remembrance of the Sept 11 bombings
or whatever.”
grew easily frustrated with various people, often with little to no good
explanation why, at least none that she wrote down. They include a sound
person, a kind neighbor who offered to help watch the twins, the pediatrician
(who is obnoxious and lacks intelligence), and Mady’s kindergarten teacher. She
seemed to sometimes feel that people who wanted to help just wanted the
limelight. She once said her local favorite restaurant gave her the ‘Wyomissing” attitude, and so she left.
2007, she wrote this of Joel: “Poor little Joel- he is in love with his daddy
and wants to be loved by me. I do
love him… but I hate to say that his
father like cluelessness makes me crazy!”
Kate also seemed to feel that people who did not follow her orders,
did not love her. Kate was very upset when Jon lied about buying lunch for
himself in Philadelphia, calling it the most “horrible day in history.” She
writes, “Why am I so unloved that he has to continually lie to me?”
Kate Gosselin
has stated publically that she was “very, very, over disciplined.”
Family members and other sources (according to Robert, three separate sources)
have disclosed that Kate was both physically and sexually abused as a child.
In 2009, an unnamed former staffer gave an interview to
The National Enquirer that appears to be the first mention of the physical
abuse going on in the home. The interview got a little press, then seemed to
quietly fade away.
“She dragged one of the boys into the bathroom and
spanked him five or six times with a large plastic spoon,” the staffer said. “You could hear Kate forcefully whacking the child and the child screaming at
the top of his lungs. People told me it happened more than once, but it was
off-camera because Kate didn’t want it in the show.”
The journals Robert found corroborate this brave staffer’s
story. Kate details a number of incidents from when the children were toddlers.
Collin knocked over some high chairs, so Kate spanked him very hard, whipped
him into his crib, and actually thought she might seriously injure him. She spanked
Alexis and Joel for trashing their room, and pulled Collin by his hair for eating
M&Ms. Kate said she apologized to them, feels guilty, and sees her dad in
When Aaden had a potty training accident in the dining
room, she spanked him and felt he should have been able to control himself
better. Joel was spanked for climbing out of his crib during nap time, and
further punished by being left there beyond nap time.
Mady was spanked for being “grouchy,” which made her “happy
Kate spanks the kids for various other frustrations like
getting into tissues. She once called Jon so upset with them she told him she
thought she might hurt them. She had taken to sending them to their cribs when
they were naughty where they would be “safe” from her.
Kate threatened Jon that if he ever spoke a word about
her abusing the kids, that Discovery would sue him for every cent he’d ever
make, and she’d make sure he never saw or had any contact with his children
ever again.
The same day Kate tweeted about the family weeding
outside, Robert observed Kate yelling at the children to work harder and
faster, and the children crying, while she jogged the driveway.
Robert was present to drive Jon home on that day in
August 2010 in which video showed the children wailing for their Daddy as Jon
dropped them off at the house in the big blue bus. Jon had called Robert prior
explaining that the kids were upset and didn’t want to go home, and he was an
hour late trying to get them all into the van.